Minecraft Story Mode S1: EP 1 – Mind-Blowing Plot Twist!

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hey guys Mar here welcome to Minecraft story mode I don’t know why six to seven years ago I did season 2 and not season 1 but this time I’m here to do season 1 for yall since I know this game is no more because tto games is gone and uh now maang or Microsoft has t me up with Netflix to make something else entirely so thought I’d replay this add it to the list of videos I should have done before season 2 so here we go I’m only going to do episode one tonight CU I think that’s all I have time for the order of the stone this game serious adapts to the choices you make the story is tailored by how you play Nothing built can last forever and every Legend no matter how great Fades with time I love this game with each passing year more and more details are lost until All That Remains are myths Hal truths to put it simply lies and yet in all the known universe between here and the farlands The Legend of the order of the stone endures on a bridged as self-evident fact indeed it is only a troubled land land that has need for Heroes and ours was fortunate to have so long ago four Heroes such as these Gabriel the warrior before whose sword all combatants would tremble elegard the Redstone engineer whose machines would spark an era of invention Magnus the RO who would Channel his destructive creativity for the benefit of all and saurin the architect builder of Worlds and leader of the order of the stone see these four friends together would give so much to gain their rightful place as po Heroes their greatest Quest would take them on a dangerous journey to fight a mysterious creature known as the Ender Dragon in the end the order of the stone emerged Victorious and the dragon Was Defeated their story complete they slipped away into the pages of Legend but when one story ends another one begins I hope the new uh you rather fight chicken siiz zombies or 10 zombie siiz chickens yeah just to be clear you wouldn’t have any weapons or armor so you’d have to fight them with your hands i’ have to go with the giant chickens not because I want to or because I think it would be easy but because they would be an Abomination imagine their giant feet like I said an Abomination so I’ve got a daylight sensor on the roof mhm and if I did this right these lamps should turn on once it gets darker mhm I didn’t want to just leave Reuben here with nothing while we’re at the building competition he’s coming with us really what kind of question is that of course he is okay I’m not saying he shouldn’t come play with my n Warrior controller but don’t you think it’s a little weird that you take him with you everywhere you go no he kind of makes us look like I don’t know amateurs Reuben’s my best friend I thought I was your best friend both of you are I didn’t mean anything by it I’m glad he’s coming I just don’t want to give people one more reason to call us losers I’m getting tired of it I’m tired of being a laughing stock who cares what other people think I know I’m just it wears you down you say you’re not a loser Olivia so win okay fine it’s also funny who does you hear that who does his voice is uh Kevin James best friend on uh King of Queens anybody’s ever watched that oh man you guys totally freaked out that was awesome Axel what’s the matter with you great now I’m going to smell like a pig in endercon I thought we were buddies cool mask it is isn’t it yeah very convincing the look on your faces did you bring the fireworks of course I did I even brought something for the little guy nice you brought Reuben the disguise um we’re going going to a convention somebody’s got to wear a costume he looks awesome it only took me like a million hours to build it all right all right you definitely brought the fireworks right yes I’m ready waiting on you guys if he was really your best friend you wouldn’t let him go outside dressed like that the only thing more dangerous than putting a costume on a pig is trying to take it off hurry up and grab your stuff we’ll meet you downstairs okay okay oh yeah this is so smooth on the controller m h flint and steel not too shabby Gabriel the warrior you think we’ll ever get that famous it’s not impossible maybe I’ll get famous for my sweet poster collection Shear is definitely taking these never know what I might need to Shear some sheep one of these days we’re going to win the endercon building competition and when we do people will look at us and say Hey There Goes Jesse and Reuben winners of the endercon building competition you really should change the name I got this stand as a gift but don’t have any armor to put on it maybe [Music] someday give me a dragon roar Reuben that’ll do Reuben that’ll do I think that was it that’s everything let’s roll yeah dude roll let’s go I heard a pretty juicy rumor about the building competition but you guys have to promise not to say anything okay also it’s in two parts each part more exciting than the last spit it out Axel part one the special guest that this year’s anacon is none other than Gabriel the warrior him freaking self wa what’s part two part two according to my sources the winner of the building competition’s going to get to meet him it doesn’t mean anything if we lose but if we win oh man this would make up for all the losing I wish they were all going to be there does nothing please you you have to meet all the members of the super secret super legendary order of the stone I wasn’t saying it wasn’t I was just saying that would be cool too I feel like if I had more time I would said something source of yours make posters for a living huh I was going to choose the other one about meeting him but you yeah my uh Source uh doesn’t exist you guys are my only friends guys let’s stay focused we have a competition to win we never win and this year we’ve got Reuben with us we basically have no chance Anything Can Happen Olivia yeah then why have we lost nine of these in a row you can’t no you can’t look at this as a whole the odds are refreshed each time the time will show up now you’re being realistic wait a minute wait a minute we’re thinking about this all wrong the point of the building competition isn’t just to build something we have to do something to get notied by the judges okay then so how do we do this we don’t just build something functional we build something something fun after we finish the fireworks machine like we planned then we build something cool on top of it you might be on to something if we want to get a reaction out of the judges you build something scary so I say we build a creeper wouldn’t an Enderman be better I’m more scared of Ender than creepers oh here’s another Choice both have their moment creep scary then again you scared the crap out of us with a creeper today all right let’s build the creeper you’re going with Axel’s idea what’s wrong with with my idea remember in my free time what I chose it is cool option is I think this is the first time we’ve decided on something before getting to the competition think we’ve got everything we need it wouldn’t hurt to grab a little more let’s get to grabbing then we’re so prepared we can’t lose cannot bring it in Dare to prepare on three no no no no preparing is daring no that’s that’s the same thing forget it uh Team on three one two three team prepare prepare [Music] w [Music] stop wearing his custom oh I guess we took it off to help collect we know what we’re building we’ve got all the stuff for it we are so ready this year it’s going to be different I’m not just ready to build don’t know why I never recorded myself nice Pig losers oh great there’s Lucas in the ocelots the Rivalry continues man they’ve got matching leather jackets and everything cool well well well if it isn’t the order of the losers great the fail squad’s here Lucas get a load of these losers let’s go guys name please Axel and uh how do you do no your team name team name team name team name we are not ready for this uh let’s see order the pig dead end so much for losing anonymously the the dead Enders whoa sounds like a name for pirates it’s cool that one sounds dead Enders you guys are in Booth five H nope I don’t think there’s anything else to do except for look except looking at all the other booths is that a freaking Beacon they have a freaking Beacon freaking Beacon freaking Beacon that’s stained glass they aren’t just building a beacon they’re building a rainbow Beacon we’re going to lose what are you worried about we’ve got this who are we kidding we’ve got nothing we’ve got a mascot we should probably stop staring at them look it’s the order of the losers again good one Gil we’re just looking there’ll be plenty of time for you all to look at it after it wins and gets shown at endercon you’re being unpleasant maybe not all of you endercon doesn’t allow outside food or drink I’m talking about your pig you’re saying he’s food shut up what’s that Jesse said shut up do you need to hear it again man I think any more time us the choice know maybe stop wasting your time Aiden we’ve got work to do you’re lucky I’m busy hey Jesse guys hey pet how’s the bill going only time will tell but we’re optimistic hey Petra I forgot to thank you for that nether star hey Lucas not a problem you help these tools for the right price I’ll help anyone if you need anything you know where to find me none of us know where to find you exactly no hard feelings guys if you’re cool with Petra you’re cool with us so why don’t we just forget about all this and you know make this about how cool our builds are May the best team win careful what you wish for we’ll see about that ladies and gentlemen welcome to the endercon building competition nice to winners of this will have their build featured at end the winners will also meet in person Gabriel the [Applause] warrior a whoa handshake we don’t have a handshake we’ll just make one up we’ll call it the uh the warrior Whip and just like that I’m nervous again don’t talk like that we can do this just stick to the plan and everything will be F nobody was going to remember that this year the dead Enders can’t lose let’s do it building starts now oh no a fireworks dispenser I’m so scared you worry about your build and we’ll worry about ours [Music] put a little more on the outside then it’ll look a little more like a creeper now the Moment of Truth here goes nothing oh man that looks so cool we’ll win this for sure sure the creeper was definitely the right way to go guys people are looking at us good bu man what oh way it’s just a bunch of died woles whoops oh no Reuben’s on fire Reuben no come back it was Aiden that the lava’s getting closer ruin the build Reuben’s going to get lost we’ve got to do something but our build is about to go up in flames you guys stay and save the build on it we’ve got it cover Jesse be careful yeah we’ll meet up with you at endercon yeah there we go Reuben where are you just give me an oink if you can hear me just oink if you can hear me you must have run by here it doesn’t look like this fire will spread I bet Reuben started this mhm Reuben are you in there [Music] stupid Pig maybe he’s this way I think he was this way even though this has been almost 7 years ago since I played this I think I’ve had the right it’s getting scary out [Music] here reuben Reuben oh no you in there buddy oh jeez please don’t be toasted Reuben let stop not stamp come on get the right words Reuben is that you I don’t think he was in here I don’t know why I just went in the cave for yeah [Music] Reuben there you are oh I’m so happy to see you wow that’s a lot of Base from zombies voices Reuben run I think I think we’re good I think we made it [Music] back get back stay behind me I got you let have got good reaction time and that goes my sword stupid wooden sword tatch the grass on fire just under them I know it’s bad I’ll think of something you’re going to have to make a run for it okay I’ll meet you back in town I promise get out of here now it’s an aggressive spider get off [Music] me come on let’s get out of the open mhm I want to show you something not that this isn’t a really cool dimly lit tunnel but how far away is this thing you want to show me careful Jesse you don’t want to get a reputation as a whip this isn’t my first time in a cave Petra yeah but have you ever seen a Wither Skull whoa fresh from the nether you’re the first person I’ve showed it to so you’d better appreciate this you risked your life for that Dusty old skull no I risk my life for the thing I’m going to exchange for that Dusty old skull there’s this guy I’m meeting up with an endercon he’s going to trade me a diamond for it being the resident go-getter pays off every once in a while literally why didn’t he just go get the skull himself he’s not the kind of guy who has time to do something like that what kind of guy is he then the kind who understands the value of hard work wow wow what in a single day you went to the nether you killed a wither skeleton I mean I did build a super cool statue but still it’s pretty sweet being you huh you know you could come with me I mean if you’re too nervous I totally get it but I wouldn’t mind a little backup you want me to come with you consider it my talking a whole lot guys I’ll consider it whatever you want me to consider it as long as I get to come you just keep a crafting table down here comes in handy since that wooden sword of yours got busted you’re giving me a new one even better you can make your own one stick plus two stones equals one sord just grab what you need oh okay thanks hey is all this stuff yours no we’re just stealing from whoever was dumb enough to leave this here of course it’s mine just making sure oh here we go Jack the world the audio C itself off just place the pieces on the table let me guess it’s going to have me do that instead of going come on Jesse we don’t have all night yeah mine I guess it will have me do that it’s like this is your first time crafting or something I thought I had to move it never mind see isn’t it better when you make it yourself check it out endon’s all lit up I can’t believe it we won Axel was right everyone loves a creeper good for you Jesse it’s about time we beat Lucas and his gang of jerks what kind of stupid name is the ocelots anyway you know Lucas may be kind of arrogant but he has come through for me in tricky situations you might want to get to know him just in case he’s good at building that’s for sure I know he is it’s always useful to have a guy like that around no matter what you might think of him personally yeah you might be right I’m just saying if you run into him at endercon try talking to him I don’t need a lecture on the power of collaboration Petra how about a lecture on the power of my fists is short like come on let’s hurry remember what anderon was like before it was cool remember what we were like before we were cool some of us will never be cool haha creepers [Music] crap this doesn’t look good the way they made the mouths and the eyes of the creepers just don’t look well there’s only one way off this bridge no this looks kind of off whatever we do we do it together the only way off this bridge is through them I hope I don’t die too many of them I don’t want to die well probably should have jumped in the first place my bad T games presents in association with mus Minecraft story mode that’s fun T story [Music] [Music] just punched a bat oh he belly flopped Burns it burns don’t you know you dive into the water you don’t land on top of it pull yourself together and follow me that was funny just let me know if you see Reuben anywhere he’s got to be here somewhere I hope you’re right so when we’re making the deal I need you to let me do the talking okay I just don’t want anything to screw this up sure I’ll let you handle it and if you want to be really useful try to look intimidating like this I’m less scared of you than scared for you Jesse and Petra hey you all know Petra my new super close friend we’re super close now we ran into each other while I was looking for Reuben couldn’t find him huh he’ll turn up sooner or later I just know it I saw him but before I knew what was happening we were under attack by a zombie horde I told him to run it was for his own good what were you doing in the woods Petra nothing just drawn by the sound of Jesse’s high-pitched screams I would have been spider bait if she hadn’t found me sorry we didn’t come with you Jesse but hey we won looks like abandoning friends in their time of need paid off yet again if I didn’t know any better I’d think that creeper was really going to explode we did okay didn’t we I still wish I’d gotten that part in the back to look better I could have fit more fireworks in there somewhere I’m proud of you guys ah shs don’t make me blush seriously don’t hey Jesse it’s time to go see about that thing oh right the thing subtle yeah as a punch to the face Axel and I were going to head to endercon anyway see you in there I heard somebody saying there’s free cake by the map Booth hurry we’re supposed to meet in the alley over there dark dark very dark in here that’s weird he said the dark creepy alley close to the gates he’s not here maybe he’s late are you sure this is the dark creepy alley he meant hm I was okay new plan you stay here just in case this is the spotty meant and I’ll look around I guess I could have heard him wrong then again I’ve never gotten a Meetup spot wrong before something about this feels off to me all of my secret deals feel off that’s why I usually keep them a secret I’ll be back before you know it if he shows up while I’m gone just stall for me and just who are you oh it’s uh’s I’m waiting the name’s Jesse what’s it to you I’m supposed to meet with Petra not whatever you’re supposed to be give me one good reason why I shouldn’t walk out of here right now the world is wrong with this mouth glitching well I’m a very busy man you’re the guy who needed a with skull right not so loud you idiot too many people know my business already do you have the skull well you do or you don’t you better not be toying with me Petra has it she be back any minute now well as long as she’s bringing it I suppose it wouldn’t kill me to wait a minute longer uh well Ivor oh here she is sorry I’m late but good things are worth waiting for I’ve got what you ask for if you have what you promised us you didn’t say anything about an us when we first met and I don’t like surprises if these are the sorts of people you associate with perhaps we should call the whole thing off my friend is fine right Jesse there’s no problem here let’s not be too hasty okay this is just a little misunderstanding I’m cool if he’s cool it’s settled then you’re both cool proceed then I’ll take that diamond now take it you’ve earned it uh this isn’t a diamond no it’s lapis of all the dirty underhanded tricks to pull I can’t believe that guy got one over on me let’s go after him I’m either getting that diamond or I’m getting my skull back you you’ll make him pay right right come on mhm do you see him anywhere we lost him then we’ll just have to find him again go there he is Gabriel Gabriel step aside pleas I have just one question hold all your questions until after the keynote the keynote sold out with all your questions anyway what’s up what’s up nothing what’s up with you nothing what’s up with you I just said nothing hey uh congrats on the win I mean I still think our Beacon was amazing but you guys did a pretty good job too I mean I thought the whole monster theme was plenty cool but fireworks too your beacon wasn’t too shabby you don’t have to do that okay you got ni One fair and square hey you didn’t happen to see a creepy guy with long hair and a beard roaming around did you I don’t think so why he kind of scammed Petra out of a diamond earlier everyone knows you don’t mess with Petra not if you know what’s good for you I’ll keep an eye out okay thanks I appreciate it so uh we’re cool yeah we’re cool cool cool cool beans kolama see you later Lucas yeah beans God I’m it sounded funny nothing starts the party off right like a great DJ thought you could just wiggle right out of that trap didn’t you well wiggle is as much as you want you’re not going anywhere Axel listen up any chance you’ve seen a creepy looking beardy guy anywhere no Petra told me what happened I’m keeping an eye out for him okay so I got a little distracted it’s just this machine presses all my buttons unnecessarily complicated and mean to birds for no reason it’s just when something like this calls you got to answer but I swear as soon as the demonstration is over we really need your help Axel if we don’t find this guy soon we might never find him I was looking I just got distracted have you seen Reuben I was hoping he might have made it to town while I was distracted haven’t seen hide nor hair but I’m sure he’s fine he’s a tough little ham hide nor hair interesting Axel all right all right I’ll look after I watch one more chicken get owned pretty sure putting a button on top of I see you now weirdo don’t think that was him well if it isn’t team trash bag how’s your stupid Pig I hear intense heat causes brain damage and I’m busy right now man what busy trying to get a life I’m busy trying to find some friends hey and great we kind of lost him yeah it’s not him hey what do you think you’re what do you think you’re doing oh I’m sorry get away from me I said I was sorry Reuben is that you get your pork chops here Fresh Off The Bow nothing sticks to your ribs quite like a juicy pork chop mm- that’s reuben reuben what’s a big idea I’m trying to run a business here that’s my pig oh really well I found him out in the woods so I think that makes him my pig a name tag not the fattest pig I’ve ever seen but he should cook up real nice anyway he’s not food once I butcher the thing we can all have a piece I like the Jaa myself just a fancy word for che cheeks oh come on I might be amenable to some kind of trade not that you look like you got much of value I got to get some kind of return on my investment well all I’ve got is this sword oh that’s very nice with this I could cut my butcher in time in half nice doing business with you come on Reuben I’m sorry Reuben I never should have let you run off in the woods ah there it goes remember that thing I had to go do with Petra long story short we met up with this guy he cheated me and Petra on a deal now we’re trying to track him down you in oh I’m in all right mhm any sign of him I thought I saw him earlier but it was just a false alarm wait there he is looks like he’s heading towards the hall we’re going to have to get past that Usher to follow him let’s go so yeah hey what would it take to get us inside tonight uh tickets a dumb jocky that was a good one you should laugh this might sound crazy but we’re actually on an important Mission I’ll hope your mission came with tickets to the show cuz I mean otherwise otherwise like you know Chien chicken chicken chicken it’s gone you’re totally fine you’re totally cool D we have to do something like what been sold out for ages I could bust right through I just need a little windup room we need a distract a lot of chickens running around might be a distraction sh sh get out of here Usher is afraid of chickens what would you say if I told you I want to break this guy’s Chicken Machine to create the mother of all distractions but you have to break that pain of glass how are you going to reach it let’s look around there has to be something we can do [Music] H I bet I could reach that glass with a slime block oh hey we meet again one slime block please we don’t give out slime blocks here just slime balls we’ve got a limited Supply today and we’re only giving out two per customer you could craft your own slime block if you had nine slime balls GH whatever round of slime balls for everyone please didn’t have time to choose wait this is only eight slime balls we need one more to make a block okay we need to find another way to get some more slime and quick on it it’s okay we need one more um there hey uh Lucas can you do me a favor anything’s possible I need slime balls I swear I have a really good explanation whatever you guys are doing Count Me In thanks Lucas told you he was useful a man this guy isn’t actually cool is he remains to be seen it’s craft in time so you guys been building together long you’ve got good chemistry are you jealous I’m just saying I think it’s cool you have a team that works so well together you’re totally jealous how’s it should have kind of listened to the rest of one slime block gross I’ll take that right there it’s all you Jesse give me a boost whoa whoa whoa I think I got it my Pou Tre my precious p tree keep your eyes closed they pack Rock now’s our chance hey no chickening out of that one H I don’t think I’ve talked aot yet I just where’d he go there through that door what do we do once we catch him there are a million ways to play this what if we have to but considering this isn’t my fight I’ll follow your lead whatever we have to you’re way more intense than I gave you credit for Jesse you ready ready whatever we have to you see anything he must have gone out another way what is all like used to be the basement weird place to have a hideout I bet you anything I’ll find my Withers skull here and if we find anything else cool to steal along the way so be it right Axel that’s not what we’re here to do I did say we should do whatever we have to and if this guy’s not around what we have to do is steal I don’t want to stoop to his level but isn’t that the best way to get back at him let’s focus on finding the skull not stealing nobody ever lets me have any fun we let you hang out with us the faster we find what we’re looking for the faster we can get the heck out of here mostly stuff about Brewing H that’s snow would definitely like that oh hello too heavy too soft but super flashy yeah I don’t think this guy does much fighting hey you still have that one stone sword right nah I had to give it to some jerkwad butcher to save Reuben’s life jeez oh well I guess that was a pretty good cause here now that’s two you owe me thanks again you’re welcome don’t lose that one okay sorry Arrow this doesn’t feel right oh there we go find anything I want to steal that and that I just want to touch that ooh take a look at this you’re not going to believe me but I swear I had a dream about this I don’t believe you okay potion I know this is a big step but come on Axel make yourself useful go find that skull I am uh nope you’re literally doing the exact opposite of what I just asked you to do there’s no way he won’t notice his fancy potion is missing a good thief always covers his tracks fixed it oh yeah The Perfect Crime H Secret Door command block what the hell is all this stuff I forgot the B of C it was everywhere in the nether what about that block in the middle I’ve never seen one of these before I wonder if I just take a closer look do you feel that it’s almost pulsing maybe it’s some kind of machine if it is it’s not like any machine I’ve ever seen don’t forget what we’re here for find that skull so good news weird news I found the skull but the hell why’d I risk my neck for that skull if he’s got two of them already he was in such a hurry to get it too there’s got to be something bigger going on here something we just don’t see we need to get out of here whatever this guy is doing I don’t want to be around when he gets back if he’s doing something Shady we need to figure out what and why Soul Sand plus three wither skulls that’s the recipe for a Wither but a Wither that’s one of the worst monsters there is we came down here to find the skull well we found it maybe we should just grab it and get out of here while we still can guys scatter mhm [Music] don’t you recognize me oh wait surprised to see me no that’s not good thought you were rid of me didn’t you that’s better mhm mhm what was that who’s there uhuh hey you what are you doing here what did you see leave him alone yeah back off pal you two did you follow me here you thought you could just screw us over and get away with it didn’t you we here to prove you wrong what are you going to do about it I have what I want and you have exactly what you earned now get out before I put you out we know what you’re doing down here Soul Sand and three wither skulls you’re building a Wither huh smarter than you look hey nobody talks to my friends like that now shut your mouth or else enough you’ve wasted too much of my time already where’d he go if you won’t leave of your own valtion I’ll happily remove you [Music] myself show our friends the door will you mhm ises it down there they go down mhm oh man this is so exciting it sure is and now for the first time ever here at endercon we are very proud to present the one y Gabriel Gabriel please love you please thank you are you with me everybody okay um guys where’s Lucas I thought he was right behind me well if he’s not here the only place he could be is he’s still down there ior’s got an iron golem and all the ingredients to build a Wither down there if he were to unleash it in this crowd of people we have to act fast it just so happens that The Greatest Warrior of all time is in the building we should ask Gabriel for help this is the smartest way to help Lucas he’s tough I just hope he’s tough enough to hold out a little bit longer going after after Lucas by myself by yourself are you sure Jesse mhm yeah the rest of you go get Gabriel we’re on it Jesse we’ll figure out a way to warn Gabriel and then we’ll meet you back here let’s crash this party be back as soon as I can be careful is and I here goes nothing just have to believe where’s Lucas at Lucas can you hear me even though I’m whispering Jesse is that you Whispering super loudly Lucas over here oops I almost messed that one up hey you okay I’ve been worse well I can’t say this is the best spot I’ve ever been in I’m going to go in Swinging with what don’t take this the wrong way but don’t do that just just don’t just just don’t he says now Lucas run come on [Music] left mhm nice one Reuben okay Jesse come on let’s go thanks for coming back for me I didn’t know if anybody was going to no man Left Behind that’s my motto guess I owe you one [Music] mhm where are the others dude I don’t know how I can be any clear weird guy doing weird stuff freaky with the sight of strange why won’t you listen to me what do you want me to do tell you surade style I promise you that’s the last thing I want you to do forwards six sybles sounds like smer in theith next wait just I have a question for you excuse me sir you’ll have to wait your turn just tell me first do you really believe anyone can be great with enough hard work yes was that where I went wrong I simply didn’t work hard enough iore is that really you how dare you interrupt like this how do you know who he is H I don’t know if I ever really knew him but what I did know I didn’t like the feeling is entirely Mutual why don’t you tell them the real story Gabriel I see time has made you bitter and it’s made you an even bigger fool now these people were promised greatness and I’m ready to deliver I’m sorry this is how they had to learn the truth Gabriel you have to stop him nothing built can last forever Gabriel I no not just a normal weather creater attack mhm we just looking everyone stay home this foul Beast is no match for me preacher attack what have you done Gabriel no stay away it’s after me not you uh-oh look at him the mighty Gabriel looks like true greatness is out of his W he may not be able to defeat this creature but I can creater Retreat you were saying Creer Retreat Retreat I said Retreat Ivor what are you doing oh no need to be alarmed my friend I have an Elixir that will destroy this creature that potion is that uhoh uh what impossible it should have worked I took such care the potion Axel you’ve got to throw the real potion but finder keepers you thieves you’re ruining everything axel so come on Jesse throw it oh no it’s protecting itself without the command block exposed the potion is useless it wasn’t supposed to happen like this I you coward come back here Jesse help me thank you Ivor was right about one thing I can’t defeat that thing not on my own everyone’s running away except for you will you help me I must get to the temple but what needs to happen next I can’t do alone of course mhm follow me [Music] [Music] out of my way chickens pretty sure this is end of episode wait hey I’m up here somebody help me guys on the Slime BL okay Lucas holy crap oh man if I was still in that basement I thanks for coming back for me Jesse I wouldn’t be here without you [Music] Jesse wait wait we have to stay together Jesse help me come on I can’t hold on come [Music] on do we still have everyone we must set out for my Fortress you’ll be better protected there thanks for that just now yeah well now we’re even incoming C what should I call that custom [Applause] Stay Together everyone we’ll be safe as soon as we get to my [Music] temple everyone keep going we’ll meet up on the other side [Music] the temple is just up ahead follow me [Music] sh hurry inside the temple the inner chamber is built entirely of obsidian we should be Untouchable in there unless it’s the Deep SL hurry if you can get through the portal you’ll be safe Uh something’s not right here it’s not lit everyone get in [Music] now Gabriel no no come on thank you there are so many of them I I can’t save them all I can’t stop this by myself we need to find the others others sain’s been missing for years but the others you must seek them out take this ambulet and guard it with your life you can do this what why me I believe in you take the amulet take it through the portal and then a you two go through the portal and meet up with the others stay here and do whatever I can go on Jesse go get through that portal now I’m coming with you no you’re not the gang needs you Jesse go through the portal if anything happens I’ll meet you guys at the temple [Music] [Applause] Lucas oh no thanks Jesse Gabriel’s still up there Jesse go no [Music] dang it there’s no way you could have gotten that in time thought I had the trigger but I guess not darn where’s Petra we did everything we could what are you saying Jesse what is he talking about because it doesn’t sound why don’t you tell them Lucas I got scared just for a second you got scared that’s not the choice I meant to do it wasn’t my fault you got scared and it’s not your fault back off Axel we got to go back no we just have to wait think about what you’re walking into there’s nothing you can do you’ll just end up getting yourself killed you don’t know that you don’t know hey there she is I think it was I for maybe come on yep you [Music] again well guess there’s no more nether portal didn’t remember that ivore you ruined everything don’t pretend you don’t know Thief you took my most valuable potion and what should have been my moment of Triumph I probably should have said more needless violence it solves nothing learn the lesson now or you’ll share Gabriel’s fate there’s nothing left up there nothing but that wither storm why are we wasting time talking to this jerk we have to go and get Petra the girl I saw her while I was running through the portal I passed her she was running in the opposite direction such bravery of course there’s a fine line between bravery and stupidity and your friend has crossed it she’s going to make it you’re concerned about your friend it’s admirable you’re all going to be dead very soon we’ll see about that you don’t even realize you’re in danger right now so are you through that tunnel is a network of Minecarts built by the order of the stone it’s your only way out we should go that way time’s wasting let’s go what about you what about me how will you get out of here I’ll use my imagination not a gas what was that I would wish you good luck but luck won’t carry you through the nether you have my sympathies and invisibility let’s get out of here run yay there’s the old zombie pig I missed those guys this must be what iore was talking about I want to put the old zombie pigman back back in the everybody hold on a lot better than the new St h wow the nether yeah that is a lot of lava and fire and other things that could burn you to death oh no oh that’s a drop that is very very much a drop talking about new guys what drop oh crap you weren’t kidding here we go here might as well have fun that’s oh no watch it okay so I’m not the only one seeing that we’re running out of track right no good Jesse that’s switch now do it oh arms don’t fail me now what ow I thought something bad was going to happen there but I guess everything’s going to be wa no oh man uh Axel Olivia [Music] Reuben hang on Reuben okay Reuben okay Reuben remember how I said everything was going to be just fine before I know I was wrong then but I have a very good feeling about whoa duck h ah darn it what one hit wow well gaster officially crossed off my D list done with gas never need to see them oh crap well this is bad this is bad this is bad [Music] is H is everyone okay I mean I’m not dead I guess that’s pretty good ditto ditto the not dead I just can’t believe that Petra comes down here all the time this place is awful your throat’s going to be sore later Axel why I’m just saying wasn’t that you doing all that screaming before sounded like you were really shredding your larynx we were just lucky to make it out alive that’s more than most people could say their bones are probably still sizzling away in that lava down there wow morbid that is not what I was trying to say sorry trying to trying to add a good reaction not that one can you throw up like inside your body uh-huh I know because I just did about five times wow look at this place all these tracks converge at this point you could probably get anywhere in the world from here there’s the portal this is what Gabriel was talking about that’s our way out it must lead back to the surface the surface is also where that creature is he’s right we have no idea what we’re walking into it could be dangerous thanks for being so brave Axel all right I’m going to go I’m going I’m going right now like right right now I’ll go first that’s not what I was saying I’m going well if you absolutely insist well see you guys on the other side I guess be careful thanks Jesse somebody going to come through there no never mind okay not what I was expecting oh man that was close there was a zombie oh is it dead dead I mean you know dead dead yeah H where are we in the dark in the middle of nowhere maybe we should bed down for the night it’s dangerous to be out when it’s just dark I thought we were headed toward a temple we’re looking for a giant building it should be pretty obvious I’ve said no ior said well then maybe this is the temp I’m being sarcastic Axel come on the order wouldn’t build all that track for nothing it’s got to be here somewhere M yeah that’s what I was thinking uh I was agreeing with you so I don’t know what you’re talking about we have to build uh uh shelter shelter I was going to say shelter I say we build a treeh house that’ll take forever and we’ll be exposed while we do it we just need a quick and dirty Hut look whatever it is we got to do it fast yeah tree house will take too long what in a hut we won’t know what’s coming until it’s knocking on our door let’s build a Hut it won’t take as long it’s not that’s it Olivia Jesse made the call we should get started mhm yeah just do like what I always do make a house out of dir all that work then we’re still eye level with monsters that are trying to kill us it’s done it’s over we aren’t talking about it anymore we could have maybe done like a multi-level thing but that’s too late now I mean it’s it’s cool mhm let’s keep it together guys oh man what what I’m going to tell you something you have to promise not to freak out what is it I have cookies one for me one for Olivia one for Jesse thanks Axel and one for Reuben sorry Lucas I only have four oh no it’s it’s all right I’m not that hungry anyway now nice thing to do would be to give it to somebody else take it Lucas no no I I I can’t do that I insist thank you Jesse that was for you Jesse not him he gave it to me I have the choice of choosing who I what I want to do with it if you had to which would you rather fight 100 chicken siiz zombies or 10 zombie sized chickens Choose Wisely uh that’s a good one let me think how can you guys joke at a time like this Petra is still out there she’s all by herself there’s nothing funny about that can’t just mope got to keep our spirit tie no we should be moping that’s exactly what we should be doing Axel I’m right right maybe but she’s going to be fine what makes you think that she has to be mhm fine then uh we should get some rest we got to start looking for this Temple as early as we can now my guess is if we start at the portal and kind of split up oh what are you doing did I do something to you i’ really like to know because you keep getting on my case for what seems like no reason he’s just trying to help see I’m sorry Jesse I’m not going to sit here and listen to this guy telling us what’s what I’m just trying to get ready for tomorrow you’re the only one wearing that stupid jacket don’t tell us what to do take that back can’t wouldn’t you know what I get to wear this jacket because I know how to build but that doesn’t mean I don’t know how to break things your threats don’t scare me we know how you really are Jesse your friend is way out of line I wasn’t going to bring it up but I can only take so much let’s just drop it don’t be like that Jesse just drop it haven’t you done enough damage for one day Petra might be dead because of you you’re taking this too far Axel I don’t have to take this listen why don’t I just leave and let you guys hash this out you can’t leave it’s dangerous out there I can take care of myself it’s what Axel wants right let him leave if he wants to leave you’re not going anywhere but Jesse that’s enough we’re all on the same team now he’s staying SI chickens that’s what I would fight why is that because I’m starving thanks for keeping me around Jesse yeah maybe had a little more rain on there to make it look a little more Minecraft like but I guess that’s fine I don’t remember how long I’ll type but I’m pretty sure they’ll forgive each other sorry about all that business last night honestly I’m just I’m more embarrassed than anything else hey there’s something over that way what is it some kind of building I think let’s get a closer look what are we waiting for let’s go mhm what is this place that’s what we’re trying to figure out it’s the Temple of the order of the stone Lucas are you sure he’s right look holy crap do you think they’re in there let’s go in and find out no let’s just all be careful okay if you spot anything call it out we don’t have a lot of time isn’t it weird how dispensers are carved to look like spooky little faces what do you dispense little guy I get the feeling that we don’t really want to find out get behind me [Music] what that that’s probably not a good thing oh come on dispenser bases I thought we were friends run oh dang it no wonder everything was getting red on here we’re trapped we activated the dispensers with that pressure plate if we can figure out a way to trigger it again I bet that’ll shut them off there’s a crafting table maybe we can make something useful out of what we don’t have anything all of our tools and materials are back home all right everyone empty your pockets Pock ET let’s see what we’ve got to work with I have a few sticks left over from building the shelter last night I’ve got some flint and a piece of string all I have are some chicken feathers I picked up after that chicken machine exploded let’s see I’ve got some flint and steel a sword oh and some string from a spider that I fought string sticks flint and Feathers B I’m going to guess uh let’s just try that may he a bow and arrow this would be my only guess I I think I actually remember playing this before let’s do this all right the dead Ender’s luck is changing the the dead Enders this must be their enchantment room doesn’t this look like ivor’s creepy basement what if it is find anything useful not sure about useful but definitely interesting there is a lot of history in this room [Music] mhm the battle was fierce but the order of the stone emerged triumphant saving the land and ensuring that peace and prosperity would reain forever well not exactly forever these five members five friends five give so much to gain their rightful place as five Heroes they would author their own end they would slay a dragon Ivor was a member of the order of the stone the stories never mentioned him this is so crazy there must be a reason he’s never been mentioned maybe he was different back then maybe they kicked him out man I can’t believe you punched a member of the order of the stone this is so crazy the order might not be what we thought they were but Petra is still out there that monster is still out there Jesse’s right we need to focus on what we came here to do where do these stairs go I completely forgot about that only one way to find out yep go up I hope it’s episode one will soon now this is cool wow what happened to the walls more like what happened to this whole place this must have been where they met so where are they then Gabriel said that once we find the temple The Amulet would lead us to the order of the stone well what are you waiting for pull it out then is something supposed to happen well that was a let down there’s got to be something we’re missing look around and see if you can find anything the giant map what you looking at nothing whatever Axel I was just trying to figure out where Peter might be I mean I know knows she’s going to be fine but I was just curious we’re going to find her find anything interesting in that book The only thing I found so far is that the amulet was used to track the positions of the members of the order and does it mention how it’s less Technical and well more historical it’s the same is the amulet hey Reuben find any clues we’re in the temple of the order of the stone the order’s actual Temple who’ have thought it huh a bunch of small Towners like us wrapped up in an adventure like this yeah it’s pretty insane hope we all come out the other side in one piece it’s a map of the entire world mhm this is way nicer than the one at endercon [Music] [Music] dang it uh-huh H that didn’t make difference darn it mhm ah wait did this thing show me before put in this not to help out come on [Music] uh-huh oh darn [Music] it darn it this one ah wow it’s absolutely incredible how did they build this wow okay now I’m impressed this looks like some sort of tracking system it’s the order it’s showing where they are right now look we don’t know enough about how this thing works maybe the amulet only tracks them when they’re on the surface or maybe it doesn’t work when they’re in the nether we have to go off what we do know there are only two lights on that map if there are only two Heroes left that we know what we need to do Petra’s relying on us that wither storm is still out there we know that Gabriel was trying to tell us something we’ve got to find the order of the stone but there are only two whites there are only two members of the order left he said saurin was missing that leaves Magnus or elegard let’s head out I’m not going with you guys I have to stay here if I know Petra she’s probably doing everything she can to find this place she she still out there she has to be just stay safe okay if there’s even a small chance she’s alive I have to stay go get help I’m going to focus on making this place safe before nightfall this Temple is pretty big though if we’re going to have a chance of fortifying it I’m going to need some help if uh maybe one of you guys can hang back with me sounds like Olivia will have you totally covered while me and Jesse are out finding Magnus finding Magnus you really think that’s how it’s going to go we need elegard she’s the world’s greatest engineer she’ll figure out a way to stop that thing I we’re trying to destroy it and when it comes to destruction Magnus is the master you’re smart person Jesse obviously the smart thing to do is to go get Magnus I I think Axel meant elard there Jesse I went after elard before last time Olivia you and I are going to elegard awesome Axel you stay here with Lucas and get the place ready for when Petra shows up what with that guy I’m right here come on Axel for Petra’s sake fine I’ll do to be go end of episode one it’s been about an hour and a half not that I wanted to end yet but you know guys uhoh please hurry ah yes okay I was wondering Jesse and Olivia return to the nether intent on finding eligard the Redstone engineer and find themselves in a place of mechanical Marvels Redstone Rarities amazing machine limited only by the imagination of their brilliant Creator while the great storm grows consuming everything in its wake time is running out for our Intrepid Heroes hero Intrepid Heroes uh-huh going to say I didn’t know I was going to have the statistics and all that stuff I guess it’s not since T talk games doesn’t exist anymore okay well thank you all so much for watching episode one of micro Sero with me if you like the video go ahead and hit like button down below let me know you guys want to see a video like this more often and after that go ahead and hit the Subscribe button and then the Bell icon and then hit all after you the Bell icon that way you guys keep notif when I do upload a video or do a live stream so as always guys thanks so much for watching my video byebye [Music]

This video, titled ‘Minecraft Story Mode: Season 1 – Episode 1’, was uploaded by Mariojacob7red on 2024-06-22 17:30:02. It has garnered 803 views and 14 likes. The duration of the video is 01:37:25 or 5845 seconds.

Hey guys! Welcome to Minecraft Story Mode: Season 1 – Episode 1!

I originally made videos on Minecraft Story Mode Season 2 7 years ago, but I never realized that I never made any videos on Season 1. I’m aware that this is an older series, but I want to make videos on Season 1 and play through Season 2 again before the new Minecraft Netflix series comes later this year.

I hope you all still enjoy the video regardless! 😀

►Minecraft Story Mode: Season 1 – Episode 2 – https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=g130wDWKUDo

►Follow me! X – Mariojacob7red – https://www.twitter.com/Mariojacob7red

Music: Creator: Insaneintherainmusic Song: Mario Galaxy: Rosalina’s Comet Observatory Lo-fi Hip Hop || insaneintherainmusic (feat. DJ Cutman) Link: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=hSXGRZ0lcj4

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    "LIVE Valorant with Insane Indian Player!" #valorantindiaVideo Information [संगीत] आ [संगीत] हे हे [संगीत] [संगीत] हेलो हेलो गाइ वेलकम बैक एवरीवन टू अनदर स्ट्रीम ऑफ वलरेंट और आज अपन वापस से वलरेंट में आ चुके बहुत टाइम बाद आई मीन आई गेस हो गया रहेगा एक महीना लोर को लेके तो आज अपन खेलने वाले वापस से रं वालर में हम मचाएंगे कमाएंगे और थोड़ा बहुत रैंक पुश करेंगे क्योंकि अभी फिलहाल लटू है ट्राई करूंगा प्लट वन जाने का उसके बाद ट्राई करेंगे डायमंड वन उसके बाद ट्राई करेंगे एेंट वन वैसे अपना गोल है एेंट वन बत होप से हो जाए आई गेस आई… Read More

  • LamboShiv – INSANE Minecraft TikTok HACK! 😱🔥 #shorts

    LamboShiv - INSANE Minecraft TikTok HACK! 😱🔥 #shortsVideo Information [संगीत] तो गाइस दोबारा से आ चुके है अपने यहां पर m की [संगीत] बोट कहां लगा भाई तो चलो लग गया भाई मेरे को लगा कि यार काम ही नहीं करेगा भाई तो बोट तो लग चुका है तो इसको यहां पर अब बारी है इसके अंदर ले जाने की अगर मैं यहां पर एंड में गया तो ये वाला This video, titled ‘THIS MINECRAFT TIK TOK HACK BLOW YOUR MIND 😱😱 #minecraftshorts’, was uploaded by LamboShiv on 2024-04-07 03:06:23. It has garnered 5213 views and 219 likes. The duration of the video is 00:00:54 or 54… Read More

  • “Insane UHC Minecraft anime – You won’t believe what happens!” #clickbait

    "Insane UHC Minecraft anime - You won't believe what happens!" #clickbaitVideo Information je suis là je su là c’est poli ah de grille MGA frérotin je suis forme adulte là what the fuck This video, titled ‘Pov : Le mec ne veut pas drop #minecraft #anime #uhc #bleach #bleachuhc #gaming #clips’, was uploaded by walkinou on 2024-06-12 13:00:29. It has garnered 878 views and 33 likes. The duration of the video is 00:00:49 or 49 seconds. Read More

  • 100 Days Surviving Parasite Apocalypse in Minecraft

    100 Days Surviving Parasite Apocalypse in MinecraftVideo Information verschiedene Ressourcen die ich nutzen könnte ich habe meine Waffe nachgeladen und mich darauf vorbereitet falls es innen Parasiten geben würde und mann ich habe voll ins Schwarze getroffen Alter das war ein Dungeon und es gab auch Parasiten ich musste sie bekämpfen denn wenn ich sie nicht bekämpfen würde würden sie versuchen mich anzugreifen und ich würde eliminiert werden This video, titled ‘Ich überlebte 100 Tage in einer PARASITEN-APOKALYPSE in Minecraft Hardcore’, was uploaded by GEPIXELT on 2024-05-28 22:00:33. It has garnered 0 views and 0 likes. The duration of the video is 00:00:21 or 21 seconds…. Read More

  • SHOCKING Trick! EASY Way to Get OptiFine 2024 – Download Now!

    SHOCKING Trick! EASY Way to Get OptiFine 2024 - Download Now!Video Information hello everyone, welcome back to another episode of tech it simple. in today’s video, I’m going to show you how to download optifine on your device. optifine is a free videogame utility software, that enables you to run Minecraft much faster. it is a popular optimization mod. this program supports hd textures, and various configuration options so you can customize your game the way you want. go to your web browser, and in the search box type in optifine download. click on the very first search result, and you can choose to show all the versions by clicking… Read More

  • 🌋MagmaCraft Season 2! Vanilla SMP HermitCraft VoiceChat

    Looking for New Members! If you’re eager to play Minecraft 1.21 with an active community, join MagmaCraft SMP! We offer a fun and interactive experience with optional voice chat. Who are we? MagmaCraft SMP is a fresh server looking for new players. Season 2 has just started, so now is the perfect time to join our community! How to join? Simply click 👍 to join our Discord server and fill out a quick application. We’re excited to welcome new faces! What we offer: Fun, active, and friendly community 24/7 Minecraft Server with lots of RAM Voice chat for a more… Read More

  • Minecraft Memes – Is this dank moss?

    Minecraft Memes - Is this dank moss?I guess they finally found the elusive moss block in Minecraft! No wonder it’s got such a high score, it’s a rare find! Read More

  • Mob Mastery: Minecraft 1.21 | Allay Away in Style!

    Mob Mastery: Minecraft 1.21 | Allay Away in Style! Yo, Blockheads, it’s yo boy yo plays on the scene, Diving deep into Minecraft’s new Allay machine. No need to tame, just befriend with a gift, Watch them collect items, give your gameplay a lift. Find them in cages at Pillager outposts and Mansions, Free them, befriend them, no need for expansions. Hold out an item, let them take the bait, They’ll collect more of the same, no need to wait. But remember, their radius is small, Only 32 blocks, don’t expect them to haul. They’ll collect dropped items, not ores in the ground, But with their help, your… Read More

  • Hotter than a lava pit: Minecraft’s Tallest Cobblestone Tower

    Hotter than a lava pit: Minecraft's Tallest Cobblestone Tower When you spend hours building the biggest cobblestone tower in Minecraft, only for a creeper to come along and blow it up in seconds. #minecraftproblems #creepersgonnacreep Read More

  • Naruto Portal in Minecraft 2024

    Naruto Portal in Minecraft 2024 Minecraft: Creating the Naruto Portal in 2024 Exploring the world of Minecraft is always an adventure, especially when players like UzeMing take it to the next level. In a recent video, UzeMing embarked on a journey to create a portal inspired by the popular anime character Naruto in the year 2024. Building the Portal UzeMing started by gathering materials like Flint and Steel, along with additional items like orange and black walls. With a 4×5 size in mind, the portal began to take shape. The intricate design showcased UzeMing’s creativity and attention to detail. Entering the Portal As the… Read More

  • 11 Must-Know Tips for Returning to Minecraft

    11 Must-Know Tips for Returning to Minecraft Important Things To Know If You Just Returned To Minecraft Minecraft, a game that constantly evolves with new updates, can be overwhelming for players returning after a hiatus. Here are 11 important things to know if you’ve just come back to Minecraft: Diamond Armor Without Diamonds Did you know that you can obtain a full set of enchanted diamond armor without mining a single diamond? The key lies in the armorer Villager, who, when leveled up, can sell you enchanted diamond armor at a reasonable price. Gear up quickly with this trick! Optimize Crop Farms When it comes to… Read More

  • Delving into the Abyssal Chasm in Minecraft!

    Delving into the Abyssal Chasm in Minecraft!Video Information This video, titled ‘Minecraft Cave Story – Episode 3 – Abyssal Chasm [EN]’, was uploaded by Nico Nirva on 2024-04-04 22:05:25. It has garnered 21 views and 0 likes. The duration of the video is 00:15:45 or 945 seconds. [Twitch] https://www.twitch.tv/niconirva [My Twitter] https://twitter.com/NicodeNirva [Music from Youtube Audio] Bug Catching – Emily A. Sprague Shadowing – Corbyn Kites Two of Us – Saidbysed …And Ragnarok Online – 49 – Watery Grave #NicoNirva #Minecraft Read More

  • Terrifying Cave Mod Adventure

    Terrifying Cave Mod AdventureVideo Information capítulo 2 de este mod del cave Horror Story Okay señores bienvenidos al capítulo número dos esta vez estamos donde lo habíamos dejado Señora Vaca usted no va a ingresar ahí sí sí lo sé estamos en el capítulo número dos en el cual vamos a intentar sobrevivir ya que como les dije estábamos en modo difícil y Bueno hay muchas cosas por hacer de momento que esto marcadores no me interesa bueno de momento Entonces vamos a estar haciendo una mina Mena Porque necesitamos recursos pero también necesitamos hacernos un huertito creoo que no Ah no s… Read More

  • INSANE Minecraft Realistic Memes ft. Lava, Water, Slime!

    INSANE Minecraft Realistic Memes ft. Lava, Water, Slime!Video Information This video, titled ‘Minecraft realistic wait what meme, Lava, Water, Slime #337’, was uploaded by moosh – Minecraft memes on 2024-04-30 06:26:30. It has garnered 2008 views and 18 likes. The duration of the video is 00:55:11 or 3311 seconds. do not forget to subscribe and press like! #minecraft #meme #memes Read More

  • INSANE!! Automating Entire Andesite Age in Minecraft!

    INSANE!! Automating Entire Andesite Age in Minecraft!Video Information last episode we went ahead and summoned the Jojo and made a fast andesite Farm producing many different resources ready for Automation and this time we’re going to be building quite possibly the biggest Factory I’ve ever made and automating the entire and asai age of create mostly I’m probably going to forget a few things and in between episodes I have been a busy busy boy as you can see the most obvious thing uh we have another giant custom tree which is looking wonderful and I’ve been hard at work expanding the decorations around our world… Read More


    "INSANE REASONS TO JOIN MY VIRAL MINECRAFT SERVER!" #games #dutch #smpVideo Information alle Minecraft servers zijn natuurlijk niet volledig uniek maar toch willen we jullie een paar redenen geven om onze server wel te joinen onze server is lang in development geweest en alle functies werken nu dus het is goed speelbaar Ook hebben wij speciale features leaderboards en natuurlijk Kermit op span ook krijgen wij binnenkort een nieuw seizoen en een hele grote zomerupdate Laten we daar even induiken binnenkort krijgen wij een nieuw seizoen waar alles reset maar er ook heel veel nieuwe dingen komen en hoe je op de hoogte blijft van alle updates en de leaks… Read More

  • Unbelievable: Getting Stronger Every 3 Minutes in Kimetsu No Yaiba in Minecraft! ‹ Ine ›

    Unbelievable: Getting Stronger Every 3 Minutes in Kimetsu No Yaiba in Minecraft! ‹ Ine ›Video Information hoje aqui no Minecraft a cada 3 minutos vamos Opa conseguir aspirações mais fortes Ah cara aliás eu tô com um pouco de dor de cabeça então mano Ah Espero que isso não atrapalhe o meu desempenho porque eu não quero perder essa série aqui para quem não tá ligado a gente tem várias portas de cores né branca como dá para ver azul e a preta e bom atrás de cada uma dessas portas tem um poder diferente do juts kaisen e esse poder ele vai ficando mais poderoso a cada TR minutos e assim você tem… Read More

  • Minecraft Story Mode S1: EP 1 – Mind-Blowing Plot Twist!

    Minecraft Story Mode S1: EP 1 - Mind-Blowing Plot Twist!Video Information hey guys Mar here welcome to Minecraft story mode I don’t know why six to seven years ago I did season 2 and not season 1 but this time I’m here to do season 1 for yall since I know this game is no more because tto games is gone and uh now maang or Microsoft has t me up with Netflix to make something else entirely so thought I’d replay this add it to the list of videos I should have done before season 2 so here we go I’m only going to do episode one tonight… Read More

  • SHOCKING: Why you should never underestimate wood!

    SHOCKING: Why you should never underestimate wood!Video Information parce que en gros il a dit [ __ ] sur Oui écoute on va voir ça on vair ça jeoupe la comm pas je rej dans le [Musique] à pas il y a pas de qui t’a dit qu’ prison il y avait PASF tinquiète une BD où se trouve vasy dis qu’on a fa continue à parler tu vas je va les [Musique] baisere la [Musique] Ve [Musique] pour nuag bloqu dans le mirage 4 service pas SOS a que moi qui peut me servir je vend pas la mort faudrait [ __ ] Servier les… Read More

  • Ultimate Herobrine vs Baldi’s Basics 2 Showdown!

    Ultimate Herobrine vs Baldi's Basics 2 Showdown!Video Information hey everyone Baldi still thinks he has a chance against me so let’s show him that I’m still the most powerful and evil being in Minecraft by hitting that like button did you hit it good now let’s get [Music] him if I were you I’d start running you know normally I would think that that was a good idea but you still have one more question left to complete the first not book I don’t want to play your stupid game Baldi I want to kill you plain and simple oh wow you’re really evil aren’t you… Read More

  • Vonix Network

    Vonix NetworkA survival and creative velocity minecraft sever with several plugins including Slimefun Iron Elevators and more, you can check out the website for feature list! We aim to create a memorable and fun experience for you and your friends play.vonix.network Read More

  • TownThrive SMP – Whitelisted, Towny, Voice Chat, Movecraft

    IP: play.townthrive.xyz (whitelisted) Discord: ~https://discord.gg/GF7t8s5NJV~ Server Information: 24/7 runtime, hosted in Florida Average of 20-30 players throughout the day List of Plugins & Significant Features: Towny Squaremap Geyser (Bedrock Crossplay Compatibility) Movecraft Cannons FlagWar Brewery Simple Voice Chat Compatibility No Economy Plugin No (/tpa), (/home), (/back) No P2W features No End Crystals Read More

  • DarkWater SMP Hardcore Lifesteal (VoiceChat) (GriefPrevention) (Cross-Play) 24/7

    Dark Water Junior High School 24/7Very simple basic SMP with added plugins for added difficulty for Minecraft latest version.Plugins list:GriefPrevention VictoriesJunior High School LifestealHarderMobsAntiCheatSimple VoiceChatHow To PlayPlayers are encouraged to work together and or build/survive their nations and towns to their will. Everytime you die you will lose a heart and after you lose all you will perish. PVP is enabled and so is voicechat. All players have equal commands and permissions and there are no ranks. If you die you may be revived with a revive beacon or you may simply craft more hearts to survive. There are no… Read More