Minecraft Story Mode Season 2 | Episode 2

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Greetings tiny people I am the admin sorry that was probably really loud to your pathetic tiny ears I’m not scared right now I wish this Jesse the golden Bearer going on where did it come from whatever your beef is with me leave my town out of it they didn’t do anything wrong it’s hard to hear You oh boy admin have you ever heard of such a thing Jessie what’s going on here that’s all Rob is suspicious isn’t it no kidding I don’t like it no sir I do not like it uh everyone everyone I there’s nothing to worry about the giant prismarine Colossus and iron gonna

Work this out and everything can get back to normal I swear okay so an admin a huge Colossus in our door I’m all right with not freaking out yet you’re going to fix this right Jesse you won’t let it destroy Beacon town will you oh I’m sure Jesse must have

Thought of something if this is about the structure block then I’ll just give it back sure hope you’re right do not test my patience guess you should get up there Gauntlet Bearer clay coming your way thanks Nell perfect ah there you are Jesse I loved what you did with the weather storm awesome stuff this is going to be perfect Why yes thanks for noticing seriously you’re a natural that’s why I left you the gauntlet left it turned you down to the Sea Temple test begins it is time you fight Me Champion unless you’d like to see that happen to your entire town who knows what I’ll do next please okay I get it now you are totally cuckoo hold on aha fighting in broad daylight is boring let’s add some drama oh he’s powerful oh so much for them just you and me champion

Don’t let them down [Applause] This reminds me of uh no actually it doesn’t this is pretty bad all the swords in Beacon Town won’t be enough to take this monstrosity down who needs swords when you have the structure block buy me time I’m gonna plant some Arrow towers that should make tall dark and ugly regrets smashing my

Town no one’s a better distraction than me go for it hey monster let’s say that to my face and I’ll show you who’s lying you are making do not get in my threatening range foreign Where’s the structure block s Won’t save you Jesse not from me thank you okay this is a little intense but I guess a giant Colossus did follow me home Jesse so far So annoying A design on the back of his head I’ve seen it before prismarine soldiers back at the sea Temple had the same symbol there we are all right Evan you wanna fight you’ve got one here I am Hey rock face eat this Good to see you too quick version the admin he like built the world or something uh okay are you all right I mean he really had you up there Lucas save my life thank you of course I always wanted to ride into battle Sure hope you got an idea here just bought him back of his head I’m hoping might be the key to defeating him sounds like I better keep him distracted there thanks Lucas be careful Come now Jesse all this stalling is just making me angrier hey lockhead you want Jesse you need to go through me first and I don’t think you stand a chance oh please all these interruptions are becoming annoying that ends now yeah [Applause] [Applause] not in there I knew you’d come eventually you don’t know anything about me where are you hey oh I’m sorry if No you’re gonna wish you hadn’t done that admin laughs oh boy I really think you can receive to see me Jesse I don’t think I know Coincidence Well Champion that was really something stay behind me Stampy yeah please text me oh man these are going to keep coming in until we get the sun back up any idea how do you use it Thank goodness Foreign Still works man this thing could be super dangerous how sure are you that this admin guy is gone make a compelling Point Lucas my hand is still trapped in this freaky gauntlet yeah not to be a warrior but he might not be as dead as we hope I’m worried enough

For both of us someone should keep an eye on this thing yeah I can take First Watch actually I’ll volunteer I want to help Jesse I’d say we both do it but one of us should really get started on the repairs it’s a nice gesture but maybe

You should just let me handle it look I promise then the minute I see anything out of the ordinary I’m coming to get you as fast as my hustle sticks will carry me my uh my legs come on Jesse I can do this I know you didn’t think I was ready to

Watch a whole town but I can watch a clock I don’t know buddy pretty dangerous clock all right radar I officially bequeath on you the title of clock Master thank you Jesse I solemnly promise to uphold the duties of cockmaster and to only use my powers for good what yeah good that’s good

So what are you going to do now I figured I’d start with Reuben’s Memorial got pretty trashed oh man oh that’s terrible I’m so sorry an admin just no respect it’ll be all right damage isn’t too terrible that’s a really good outlook and um when I asked you what you’re gonna do I

Was actually talking about that glove of yours cause I gotta tell you Jesse this whole admin thing it’s well it’s very you I guess is what I’m saying well I know you say you’re trying to settle down and run Beacon town but seems like you can’t quit that life you know

I mean you don’t exactly see Axel and Olivia getting mixed up and stuff like this I don’t care if that life keeps trying to drag me back I like Beacon town I like helping people that’s great then I mean the people clearly love you I uh

I didn’t say any of that stuff to be mean I’ve had a ton of Adventures and I just want you to be happy and that’s what that little pig wanted for all of us now go rebuild his Monument I promise Stampy and Stacy I’d help them get their houses fixed up sounds good

I’ll see you later Lucas Okay let’s see what we can do for you buddy Thank you Foreign There now that is a monument fit for Reuben I know I never met Robin Reuben oh right righteous oh by the way Petra was looking for you before over that away thanks now oh come on you remember twisting death Cavern you couldn’t even look at a bat

For months right oh oh yes they all just start to blur together after a while hey guys Petra around heard she was looking for me oh uh yeah um helping nurm get some stuff I think dude she should be back in a second oh amazing work fighting that admin fellow

By the way just stunning yeah I would have thought you’d been doing it your whole life it was Artful can I say she’s lucky I guess hmm if there’s one thing I’ve learned about lucky people there’s always more to it than just luck got that on a sign back at the shop

It’s a little sad that the legendary Jack the the iron sword of Muji lake has been reduced to some what tour guide Voss that’s why I think this adventure to twisting death Cavern is just what you need to be sure but you should continue to keep they’re just talking

About every Sunday far off uh yeah yeah agreed love theoretical conversations okay yes it’s quite ah yes okay fine we have a new adventure planned hang on hang on I missed that last part if we take that road it goes through a swamp and a Mesa biome hmm

Okay okay then it’s settled the earlier we leave the better wait you’re leaving with these guys uh yeah and that’s uh yeah that’s why we were um being weird before and uh you know talking about uh you know bus possible stuff were you even gonna tell me or

Were you just gonna sneak off of course I was gonna tell you I was just working up to it slowly Jesse I promise I can explain I just whoa wait what it’s impossible this isn’t a snow biome The one and only I had so much fun during our last little battle super epic just couldn’t stay away wait you’re the admin oh that giant prismarine Colossus just a construct rolled it up for the occasion pretty fun right I just thought it’d be a little bit easier to talk like this

I was kind of cuddly right fighting a giant statue in the middle of town oh okay yeah that was kind of cool Darcy I knew you’d know what I was talking about see you four went into my temple back out alive here Heroes yep you’re perfect for my Creations perfect

Where are you going with this got a new challenge for you trust me you’re gonna love it That’s a diamond class wave of Doom and destruction headed right for Town pretty good right I’m working on that one I know you have your plans or whatever but leave my people out of it they’re innocent oh innocent or incentive I don’t know it seems like they’ve got you pretty motivated him

Your town will be trapped in Eternal snowy night forever played by deadly waves of mobs until you recapture that clock which is where I’m glad you asked it’s at the tippy top of my awesome fantastic super deadly icy Palace of Despair it’s simple just follow the path

You can’t miss it well that sounds needlessly dangerous oh it is I mean I don’t want to brag but it is like really hard you’re putting innocent people in danger just for your games yeah well technically you’re the one putting them in danger if you don’t go

After the clock so why are you doing this what do you want from us why why well because it’s fun obviously and this is gonna be epic You think you’ve got it all figured out don’t you and Beacon Town’s new neighbors until you take care of that clock remember find the clock save the town bye-bye now we need to protect the people run hide everyone [Applause] [Applause] Yeah yeah I’ve got a bad feeling more will be on the way soon guys hey Jessie I am so sorry I was standing guard watching it so close everybody just disappeared I know now that situation is just going to get worse until we get it back yeah from his icy

Palace of Despair or whatever wherever you’re going I’m coming to I was given the title and the power of clockmaster if it’s to keep Beacon Town safe I’ll do anything really just do me a favor and try to stay out of danger okay okay I’ll try not to be a burden

All right everyone we’ve got a clock to find can’t let you come along on this one old friend hmm I promise I will come back hmm I just protect the town while we’re gone all right is that thing gone yeah for now I mean block this up after we leave would you

On it yes we will defend Beacon town with our very lives We’re all counting on you I wish I knew more about whatever their Quest is Oh stay close I don’t mean to sound suspicious but do we really think the admin is going to keep his word about this clock yeah I don’t exactly get a trustworthy vibe off of him I’m gonna really let us fix things yeah well Color Me skeptical [Laughter] I see uh can we um Talk

I’ll just walk a little more over here oh all right uh me me too about that trip with Jack I promise it’s not like it seems it’s just a little trip a little time away from Beacon town to I don’t know find myself you didn’t invite me you

Didn’t even tell me until I caught you I I thought you would be busy with all the rebuilding and everything I I really am sorry that it happened this way I was just so excited to be hanging out with real hardcore adventurers again especially because I was worried that you that you didn’t need me anymore of course I need that’s ridiculous see this is why it would have been so

Much easier if you hadn’t found out like this you it’s just so different when we first became friends everything’s changed Lucas Axel Olivia they all changed too they found what made them happy their thing but me I still haven’t found mine do you know how hard that is

Your thing is that you help your friends you’re the best friend I’ve ever had Petra ah I guess and I feel the same way about you of course Luna is that a scarf on that llama huh I think she ran away again uh excuse me speaking for the group

You guys know a llama where’d she come from this is Luna she’s kind of cute right we returned her to her owner Stella she is cute isn’t she everyone get away from my llama no Jesse my rival should have known I would find you here hush I’m talking

Stella listen I don’t know what you think you’re doing here but you should get home it’s dangerous trying to hog all this yourself I see your game okay okay what is going on here Lucas this is Stella the leader of champion City is Jack Voss and radar

Jock was it as in the legendary champion so what exactly are you doing here Stella my beautiful city is currently covered in a hideous coat of snow that’s what I came out to investigate and surprise surprise it’s you if you’re smart you’ll undo whatever it is you did and put things right again

Just wow Can’t believe you’re all alone I thought you had people to do things like this for you huh that’s what you think but when Champion city is threatened I am not going to refuse the call I believe we have it well covered Miss we’re on our way to find a mighty

Adversary and set things right all right let’s say I believe you I suppose I’ll just have to find a way to fix it it’s my world too after all you’ll see I’ll fix it all on my own I don’t need any of you losers Wow the Moon is stuck okay that’s freaky so Stella who we’re saying I was saying that maybe I’ll stick around for a bit just to keep an eye on you uh I know you said my thing was helping my friends but I want the record to show

She is not my friend just FYI foreign You okay radar yes yes totally fine guys we need to keep an eye I’m kind of speech man and it’s all ice you holding up okay not gonna have another episode no no no I’m not I’m uh I’m taking my fear my anger my rage my fear and uh converting them into pure awesomeness uh good good hey found the clock

Oh perfect but how are we gonna get up there well the admin mentioned challenges I’m guessing there’s gonna be like obstacles or something when we get wait do I have this right are you telling me that this admin is so powerful he built all of this instantly you sound almost jealous almost of

Course I’m jealous of power like that power is how the world is run little man it’s what people respect what they listen to yeah I’m actually jealous too can you imagine being able to build something like that just like that oh look at us maybe we’re not so different after all ugh

Stella you’ll never change oh oh thought I recognized you you’re the quitter who used to work on my inventory management team wait wait do you two know each other yeah I yeah used to live in Champion City what I don’t know what he told you to get on

This little team but I don’t think he even knows how to use a sword no you don’t know anything Stella so zip it how do you put up with that little voice of his Jesse I know I never could not everyone needs to know how to swing a

Sword Stella radar has a lot of his own skills yeah thanks Jesse I can’t wait to see him I’ll call you if the admin needs to file anything come along Luna thanks Jesse I appreciate that I’m not the person she thinks I am anymore changed

And I can prove it I can I can be different braver as far as I’m concerned radar you don’t need to change you can just be you see and that’s what makes you one million times the leader she’ll ever be once you look at that haven’t seen anything that grand since

The last time I visited the overcompensating Builders of igesh no kidding oh boy my favorite mystery lovers okay what’s going on everyone please please gather round yeah don’t be shy here we go again oh look how many of you there are lovely that your choice a company yeah I

Don’t know I mean this place is really for the best of the best not how do I say this losers Mr admin Mighty sir I’m Stella founder of champion City maybe you’ve heard of me no never it’s actually perfect Champion I can see you all have dreams of greatness it’s very cute

This construct before you it’s meant to see who’s worthy of that greatness separate the strong from the weak so we’ll see how your little companions do hey I am totally stoked are we really sure what we’re getting ourselves into come now don’t be that way this this is all for you

New creatures of my own design as well as mining fatigue at every turn wouldn’t one you’re cheating of course I don’t like rule Breakers it’s simple you all want to get to that clock but only the best of the best get to partner up with me in the future

But that could be you put this place up just for you Miss pretty well I was gonna say pretty cool but with the whole ice Motif that just seems like I was going for a lame puns anyway people’s lives are at stake here can’t say I care for your attitude but that’s fine

You’ll figure it out soon enough thank you [Applause] nice landing ah it’s nothing it’s just my perfect reflexes and photographic muscle memory well that’s it then the way you shut yes now I suppose the only way out is through yeah and smashing that clock well we’re not all going to be smashing the clock say what now you heard the

Admin he only wants the best of the best and that’s going to be me oh you’ve got to be kidding sorry handsome might as well quit now wait but what about your people Champion City you’re totally selling them out what do you think small if I’m working with the

Admin I’ll be able to help Champion City even more I help Wow it’s it’s amazing you’re his little buddy Jesse you know anything about this partnership he’s offering imagine everything you could create everything you could do with that that can we even be certain he’s telling the truth just saw how chummy you two were come on Luna enough of these losers

We’ve got treasure to find Treasure sniffing llama yeah tell your friends or llama what hey don’t treat Luna like that she obviously hates it I think I know my darling Luna a little better than you do let’s go Luna well that is certainly a woman who knows what she wants you kidding she’s nuts

No one knows better than me that the admins traps and constructions mean business you’ve got to point there old friend I don’t want to see anyone else get hurt yes damn it’s like the admin said and not everyone here might be up for the task yeah I mean no offense by it just

Stating facts all in this together all right no one’s getting left behind here ah fine but if something happens to them that’s on you not me try and scope space out I’m I’m gonna go talk to them well I have never been so offended not in my whole life yeah that wasn’t the

Coolest wasn’t the coolest oh no misfiling your acacia wood during material organization week is it the coolest that was that was a stripe too far but just because I’m not some sword swinging Meathead they think they could just walk all over me excuse me radar

They think they they look at me and my well my skinny little arms and they think they know me sorry I had to get that off my chest I need you to remember that out there the world is stuck in Eternal Night and a lot of scared people back in

Beacon Town who are counting on us you’re right we were talking and decided that it would be best for everyone if radar stays here with Lucas while we go get the clock that’s it Luna darling later losers we’re wasting time wait the admin built this whole place to eliminate people right trick them

Sure it looks like Luna found something but that’s just what the admin wants us to think you you saw the llama Jesse you’re coming right we could really use a hand over here I’m going with them be safe okay okay Nice let’s ride whoa look at this place Thank you oh skip this oh wow okay all right okay Thank you where did that strange woman and her llama go no idea I wanted to see if it really had the treasure sniffing power she said it did guess we got a little separated during that crazy roller coaster ride this place is nuts yeah no kidding I’m not

Complaining about last time with Stella but I hope that we can find radar and Lucas again after we get the clock anything can happen to them they’re not exactly the most warriors-ish if you know what I mean that’s why we need to hurry we’ve got to

Get the clock and then find them before anything bad happens I like this plan I vote we’d do it well I’m just psyched to have you with us Jesse just like old times right well I’m guessing none of your old times had you up against a villain as powerful as the admin though

Guy is crazy powerful and just plain crazy no kidding he puts any of our old foes to shame we’ve been through much worse than this and you know what it still feels good to be back in the proverbial saddle heck yeah out of that yeah feels like the sea Temple all over again

I was feeling that too don’t like it I don’t like anything this guy builds everything’s decorated with Dread and garnished with doom hey guys remember the Colossus we beat that we can do this too yeah good point there Jesse we’ll be fine Jack I hope

Oh it is great to see you in here you’re my favorite group true story and I just know you’re gonna demolish this room it’s simple all you need to do is find your way out so we have to escape the room I guess you could put it that way

You won’t get any hints from me though I’m sure you understand right real heroes live for surprises unexpected dangers I don’t need your hints this game will be over before it even gets started see now that’s the kind of behavior I like to see in a champion confident cool Under Pressure oh you’ll

Go far all right it’s time to get this proverbial party started I am very excited to see how you do don’t worry they’re right there now will you be able to get them back out is the question and just can’t stop putting me in cages can you oh you you are a riot

Really farewell now and uh good luck okay Escape time To build Thank you What you got back there I think it’s supposed to be a cobweb but half the blocks are missing this clay should fill up the spots in the floor all right hold on foreign Man now I just wish Lucas was with us too bummer that radar was being so uh with come on you think we can move this along into wasting I mean like literally that clock is still up there Jack I know he almost tense but that attitude of yours isn’t

Helping come on you’re the one you don’t fine fine I mean I almost have this thing figured out it’s all in the planning I just uh gotta plan a little more Yeah what is it I don’t got all day foreign what is your problem right now nothing nothing bugs me just waiting for you to figure this out that’s all You okay well every time I approach the ice I get cursed some kind of mining fatigue I think no I suppose this contraption holds some kind of Clue any thoughts on how to get through the ice You see I have a torch Ah that’s so simple why didn’t I think of that and it worked Here you go Jesse this should help that torch very impressive bit of thinking almost annoyed I didn’t think of it myself That looks as perfect as a creepy statue can get way to go Jesse I knew you’d figure it out ah yeah you did all right of course um I had it figured out right from when we all walked into the room but uh good job

But it’s nice to see a newbie at work though you got chops give you that we’ve never seen anything like this Jack there’s no way you could have known the answer please I the puzzel Builders of Winding Ridge had puzzles like this all over the place shouldn’t walk through a door without

Building a statue right Foss you know it’s funny but I don’t seem to remember that particular Adventure uh guys Everyone run Another puzzle oh Jesse we’ll hold them up get that door open on it circuit again oh who would fill a chest with spider eyes my God can it get us out of here glass wood slabs another quartz sounds like the recipe for a daylight sensor those only work if they’re sunlight let’s see

So the door knees it was for a daylight sensor I totally know how to use one of those give it here are you sure yeah of course completely I uh just need a sec to put the uh words together get us out of here Jack we’ll be through this room in a single

Wag of a sheep’s fluffy tail what I Know let me down We are leaving Jack come on Oh man Jack Voss I let you down buddy again we could have helped him you could have saved him Now he’ll be trapped trapped in the cold obsidian cultures of the admin Jack you gotta believe me it was impossible to save him sure maybe no I just can’t believe I lost him again Jack calm down Lucas radar Lucas where’s radar the room it was too much for us

I mean there were arrows and snowballs flying everywhere Jesse I did the best I could but [Applause] No no no no no no no one deserves this not even Stella she might be a bit stuck up and she doesn’t really treat anyone that nicely but radar needs us tell has been totally impossible but that doesn’t mean we shouldn’t help her uh you have a point

Okay no no no no no no no this is all wrong people wrong you’re not supposed to help each other the losers are supposed to lose but this guy there is no way he would have made it out if you weren’t giving him the intellectual assist you should have just cut him

Loose jettison that baggage I’m seeing someone like you held back by that oh painful I don’t get you admin if you didn’t want people to succeed then why build this place at all get it I’m trying to separate the diamonds from the gravel here rubbish gets dumped

Fine you convince me it’s not often I give Second Chances but one condition though hey oh man not good no not good no let’s see how our bucko does on his own eh what do you think the chances are without just you Whoa we gotta help him Loading lava that’s just that’s crazy Asked all that cacti there’s a door go for the door he’s not gonna make it we can’t just stand here Jesse here we go Oh crap Jack the door what where there oh I I’m not gonna make it grab on to me how do you do that photographic muscle memory yes this is impossible the admin told us to go through his stupid challenge but maybe we can find another way did anyone

Or luna that llama can get to the other side of the wall so can we anyone got anything to make a pickaxe I have some sticks three diamonds that sounds like a diamond pickaxe to me Foreign Yes Tubes they’re going up and our friends went up and that’s where we’re headed to uh hate to point out the obvious but we can’t climb oh no Foreign like really really mad yeah no no kidding get to the clock right so get into the clock still winning technically Hey look Jesse I don’t see fast though hold tight we’re coming to save you you better keep my llama safe especially from those especially from one of the advents freaky mobs oh Luna ah man I hate those icy Fender creepers you and me you and me both that’s your all right sweetie oh man that looked like it hurt I thought you were really in trouble one minute you were going through the air tonight is coming from a guy trapped in ice okay

It wasn’t the last of the Ender Creeper things still can’t see Voss divide and conquer here people go for the clock one of you come with me and Lucas to rescue the others Petra I believe in you go for the clock Jack you come with us okay okay hey be careful right I

Luna sweetie Luna Jesse coming to my rescue I’m just so glad you’re okay I was worried yes you and me both ah Jesse better hustle got some real nasty customers coming our way okay I got a feeling they won’t be gone for long Jesse hello Stella I could have

Found that clock obviously but there was some signage that was very confusing and well I you know wound up here I kept hoping the admin would drop by so I could explain the confusion but when we do talk you better believe that he’s gonna realize I am the perfect friend

And partner for him it will be divine with any idea what you’re dealing with dudes jealousy I’m detecting no it’s really not fine enough Chit Chat how about you get me on out of here really wait what huh yikes Jesse wouldn’t leave me of course okay fine just don’t

Make me right no you would our Fates are intertwined after all who are either of us without the other ow L support Petra come on guys let’s go give her a hand oh now let’s get to that clock Amazing foreign I guess I did oh awesome job I’m so proud of you brushing logs not to interrupt all the celebrating but escaping I can’t leave without Foss go ahead guys we’ll catch up just hurry okay I don’t like worrying about you what’s your angle waiting around for the admin

Don’t worry Jack I’m gonna help you me too thank you well this is a little disappointing pause oh I tried I really really did I how did you get here boss oh Jesse Jesse Jesse Jesse I just don’t understand him letting your friends go Jack was supposed to prove himself but you just

Just coddled him every step of the way losers are supposed to lose Jessie boss friend what are you doing hang on I’ve heard that before of course you have I’ve been saying it the whole time not this body of course but what haven’t you figured it out yet you don’t Is the admin oh you are a smart cookie Jessie of course I am fast the whole time no not the whole time you nitwit the real verse would never have survived in my seat Temple that long I am disappointed Jesse you obviously just don’t have what it takes to really be my

Friend my partner Such a Pity such a waste I just can’t believe it you tricked us you seriously think that’s the way to make friends oh come on it was kind of exciting right sort of a surprise reveal uh excuse me Mr admin sir I just wanted to say that I would love

To be your partner but you lost technically yes but unlike them I actually appreciate what you’re offering you don’t say Stella I don’t know what your plan is here but it’s going to backfire backfire Jesse sweetie I’m telling the truth Jesse I really appreciate you saving me

Love you mean it but you obviously don’t understand the magnitude of what this this Paragon is offering huh I do Stella was it yes sir see she may not have the skills but that is a terrific attitude your attitude on the other hand oh well there’s nothing that hurts more than broken hopes

I made this for you just for you and how do you repay me you cheated how could you do this to me hey we did exactly what you said didn’t we we got your stupid clock nah nope you were more interested in saving those loser friends of yours but practically

Negates all of the other stuff I gave you so many chances It has all been twice no no you might not be worthy quickly Petra here was the winner oh don’t get me wrong there are quite a few floors we’ll have to work through but we’ll get there in time no no no no no no no Trump where did she go

Don’t even worry about it it’s not for a loser like you to worry about where the cool people go Petra oh no like I said not for you guys to worry about only loser I see here is what what done letting you make me feel bad I

Prefer to feel good and I’m gonna feel real good when I said you two to a place where you’ll never see the light of day ever again you must be a special class of trouble to end up here the admin well this is where he sends

The people who he has special plans for you may have noticed it’s not a very nice place and the people well they’re not very nice either hahaha

This video, titled ‘Minecraft Story Mode Season 2 | Episode 2’, was uploaded by LucasDotje on 2023-03-23 12:55:00. It has garnered 10193 views and 128 likes. The duration of the video is 01:11:14 or 4274 seconds.

The Game Is Created By Mojang Studios And Telltale Games, And The Music Is Made By Antimo And Welles Mojang Studios : https://www.minecraft.net/ Telltale Games : https://telltale.com/ The Music Is Made By Antimo And Welles : https://linktr.ee/antimowelles

The Wither Storm Is A Dangerous Creature That Destroys The World. It’s Created By 3 Wither Skulls And Soul Sand+Command Block. When Created, The Wither Storm Will Pick Up Blocks And Eat It, It Will Become Bigger And Bigger Until It’s Going To Destroy The World, Phase 4 Has 3 Heads With 3 Tractor Beams That Can Pick Up Mobs And Players And It Has 5-8 Tentacles That Can Attack Players And Destroy Whole Buildings. And To Kill It Use A Super Powerful Bomb (Here’s A Example https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=VJS43wcyEsA)

But It’s Not Over Yet… When You Come Closer It Comes Back Alive And Has 9 Heads!?? And To Kill It Go Inside The Wither Storm And Find The Command Block!?!?… (Here’s Another Example : https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=8TsHutr2cRs) (Also I Gave CWSM New Textures : https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=n89DeDj48js)

Texture Pack : https://www.curseforge.com/minecraft/texture-packs/lucasdotjes-story-mode-storm

Texture Pack For 1.12.2 : https://www.curseforge.com/minecraft/texture-packs/lucasdotjes-story-mode-storm-1-12-2

Definitely Don’t Miss These Epic Videos :

Wither Storm Vs A Nuclear Bomb!?!?: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=rPN68DA5LUw

The Wither Storm In HARDCORE!??!?!?: https://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PL5zNHJuMgV_ztQFaOu8rp6txi1Y_UsL6t

Play As The Wither Storm!?!? https://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PL5zNHJuMgV_yAXRE0TZQv6JwYvjn52jp3

Cracker’s Wither Storm Mod | The Upside Down : https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=LZLQBWEkX4o

The Wither Storm VS A City : https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=w0zK6irSxcM&t

Escaping The Wither Storm In Minecraft? https://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PL5zNHJuMgV_yeH69P2ppLpJ-8SQHu3hRN

LucasDotje : https://www.youtube.com/@LucasDotje Lucas Dotje Live https://www.youtube.com/@LucasDotjeLive Octoling Lucas Dotje : https://www.youtube.com/@OctolingLucasDotje

  • Minecraft Mini Game Madness

    Minecraft Mini Game Madness Minecraft Mini Games: A Fun and Challenging Experience Embark on a thrilling journey through the world of Minecraft with a variety of mini games that offer excitement and challenges for players of all skill levels. From parkour to Bed Wars, there’s something for everyone to enjoy in this popular sandbox game. Parkour: A Test of Skill and Precision One of the most beloved mini games in Minecraft is parkour, where players must navigate through intricate obstacle courses with speed and agility. While some may find it easy, mastering parkour requires a combination of timing, coordination, and practice. With a… Read More

  • Dangerous Block in Minecraft Skyblock Survival!

    Dangerous Block in Minecraft Skyblock Survival! Minecraft: The Forbidden Block in Skyblock Survival Have you ever felt cursed? In the world of Minecraft, our protagonist finds themselves on a cursed block in a survival challenge. This block must not be touched, for it harbors terrifying creatures. The Challenge Our brave player, known as Asu, embarks on a journey to survive on a single block in the sky. However, there is a catch – one block on this tiny island must not be disturbed. The consequences of breaking this rule are dire, as it unleashes horrifying entities. The Unveiling Asu delves into the challenge, showcasing their… Read More

  • Mining in a Terrifying Minecraft #3

    Mining in a Terrifying Minecraft #3 Minecraft Adventures: Episode 3 – Minerando em um Minecraft de Terror Join the thrilling Minecraft adventure in the third episode of the series, where our protagonist continues to explore the mysterious world filled with surprises and dangers. From planting seeds to encountering strange sounds and discovering hidden caves, this episode is packed with excitement and suspense. Planting and Exploring The episode kicks off with our protagonist planting seeds in the vast Minecraft world. As they navigate through the terrain, strange sounds startle them, adding an eerie atmosphere to the gameplay. Determined to uncover the source of the mysterious noises,… Read More

  • 15 Years of Minecraft Madness!

    15 Years of Minecraft Madness! Minecraft: Celebrating 15 Years with a Special Anniversary Map! As Minecraft enthusiasts around the world celebrate the game’s 15th anniversary, a special multiplayer map has been released to mark this milestone. The map offers a unique opportunity for players to explore and engage with the iconic world of Minecraft in a new and exciting way. What to Expect on the 15 Year Anniversary Map The anniversary map is a multiplayer experience that invites players to immerse themselves in a world filled with surprises and challenges. While the map does not focus on achievements, it provides a rich environment for… Read More

  • Crafting a Portal to My Own World – Minecraft

    Crafting a Portal to My Own World - Minecraft Minecraft: Creating the Akudav Exe Portal Join UzeMing in the world of Minecraft as he embarks on a new adventure to create the Akudav Exe Portal. This portal, inspired by the YouTuber Akudab, promises excitement and challenges for all players. Materials Needed To create the Akudav Exe Portal, UzeMing gathers the main materials of obsidian, flint, and steel. Additionally, he prepares white walls and Redstone blocks as supplementary materials for the portal’s construction. Portal Creation With the materials in hand, UzeMing begins constructing the portal with a size of 4×5. Using Redstone blocks in the corners and white walls… Read More

  • Join Minewind: The Ultimate Minecraft Server Experience

    Join Minewind: The Ultimate Minecraft Server Experience Welcome Minecraft enthusiasts! Are you looking to enhance your gaming experience on Minecraft Pocket Edition? Look no further! While the video above may not be directly related to Minewind server, we have a fantastic suggestion for you. Join the Minewind Minecraft Server today and immerse yourself in a thrilling and dynamic gameplay experience. With a vibrant community of players from around the world, there’s never a dull moment on Minewind. Whether you’re a seasoned player or just starting out, Minewind offers a unique and exciting environment for all. The possibilities are endless as you explore, build, and conquer in… Read More

  • Outsmarting Thieves in Minecraft!

    Outsmarting Thieves in Minecraft! Minecraft Community Server: Join the Adventure! Calling all Bedrock players! Today marks the launch of a new Community Server hosted by @goutshiblack. The server is running on version 1.20.81, and all players are invited to join in on the fun. How to Join: Join the Discord server: Discord Link Accept the rules of the server. Read and accept the server information. Enter your in-game name in the server registration. Once a green checkmark appears, you’re whitelisted and ready to start playing. Get ready for an exciting adventure filled with building, exploring, and collaborating with other players. Don’t miss out… Read More

  • Lost in the Blocks: The Hunt for the Vanishing Head

    Lost in the Blocks: The Hunt for the Vanishing Head In this Minecraft SMP, a head is rare, Impossible to find, causing quite a scare. But fear not, for I’ll guide you through, With rhymes and jokes, just for you. Join me on Discord, Instagram, and YouTube, For more Minecraft fun, all brand new. I’ll share the latest news and updates, In rhymes and jokes, no need for debates. So subscribe and stay tuned for more, Minecraft adventures galore. Thanks for watching, see you next time, In the world of Minecraft, where we always rhyme. Read More

  • MLG Minecraft Race

    MLG Minecraft Race Minecraft MLG Yarışması: A Thrilling Adventure in the Minecraft Universe Step into the exciting world of Minecraft with COOLMAN’s MLG Yarışması! This thrilling competition brings together players from all over to showcase their skills and creativity in the beloved sandbox game. What is MLG Yarışması? MLG Yarışması is a competitive event within Minecraft where players compete in various challenges, showcasing their mastery of the game’s mechanics and their ability to think on their feet. From building intricate structures to surviving intense battles, participants must demonstrate their prowess in all aspects of Minecraft gameplay. Key Features of MLG Yarışması: Challenge… Read More

  • Asan Gamerz: Insane Minecraft Trap for Friends! #shorts

    Asan Gamerz: Insane Minecraft Trap for Friends! #shortsVideo Information This video, titled ‘How to Trap Friend in Minecraft||#shorts #minecraft’, was uploaded by Asan Gamerz on 2024-01-14 05:20:57. It has garnered views and [vid_likes] likes. The duration of the video is or seconds. How to Trap Friend in Minecraft||#shorts #minecraft. Read More

  • Insane Minecraft Shaders Gameplay with Creeperr

    Insane Minecraft Shaders Gameplay with CreeperrVideo Information This video, titled ‘When You Try To Run Minecraft Shaders’, was uploaded by Creeperr on 2024-06-06 00:08:20. It has garnered 22 views and 0 likes. The duration of the video is 00:02:02 or 122 seconds. Read More

  • Take on the Savage Viper Challenge – Join Us!

    Take on the Savage Viper Challenge - Join Us!Video Information This video, titled ‘Minecraft Multiplayer w/ Friends (Play with Us!) Java 1.20.6 & Bedrock (Console, Phone, PC) #2’, was uploaded by Savage Viper on 2024-06-03 04:04:38. It has garnered 220 views and 16 likes. The duration of the video is 06:03:46 or 21826 seconds. Join the Discord: https://discord.com/invite/Uk2CS6DSvT Minecraft Server IP: MC.SavageViper.com ( Port on all Devices: 25565 Server supports all versions of MC: Java, Bedrock (Console, Phone &, PC) Read More

  • Revealing shocking secrets live with FriendsWithMatt

    Revealing shocking secrets live with FriendsWithMattVideo Information This video, titled ‘I’m replying to live chat’, was uploaded by FriendsWithMatt on 2024-06-01 16:16:40. It has garnered 81 views and 5 likes. The duration of the video is 02:41:16 or 9676 seconds. Minecraft Got 3 minutes to spare? Please consider giving $2 to support this channel Paypal = mattbrodersen777 Venmo = FriendsWithMatt Cash App = FriendsWithMatt Zelle = [email protected] WHAT IS MINECRAFT? An introduction to a blocky sandbox game. Minecraft is a game made up of blocks, creatures, and community. You can survive the night or build a work of art – the choice is all yours…. Read More

  • What if Minecraft Had Realistic Physics?!

    What if Minecraft Had Realistic Physics?!Video Information This video, titled ‘What If Minecraft Have Physics?’, was uploaded by Anamous on 2024-05-31 07:39:48. It has garnered 187 views and 2 likes. The duration of the video is 00:03:19 or 199 seconds. #minecraft #gaming #comedy #trending #viral _________________________…………………… ______________________ Ladies & Gentlemens If You Like This Video Then Please Click The Like Button & yes! Also Subscribe This Channel! ❤❤ …. Love You Friends….❤❤ minecraft realistic minecraft but minecraft physics minecraft with different minecraft mods #shorts #minecraft memes meme #funny minecraft real physics with different minecraft wifi realism funny minecraft minecraft survival 100 days minecraft memes minecraft… Read More

  • Insane Sugar Cane Farm Build in Minecraft EP11!

    Insane Sugar Cane Farm Build in Minecraft EP11!Video Information hey guys and welcome back to another episode of our let’s play World here with funky J 13 thank you guys so much for the support on the last episode where we built this creeper form uh it was a really fun episode and I really appreciate all the kind comments you guys left on that episode U and this creeper Farm has been doing really well for us and it made me want to build a sugar cane Farm next we get a bunch of paper for things like rockets and bookshelves and stuff like that we… Read More

  • Unbelievable! Minecraft Hardcore Sickness – Drop Surprise!

    Unbelievable! Minecraft Hardcore Sickness - Drop Surprise!Video Information This video, titled ‘[!DROPS ON] Minecraft Hardcore stále nemocný | Sub = Minecraft item | !drops’, was uploaded by S1n1ster_ on 2024-05-20 19:41:55. It has garnered 61 views and 5 likes. The duration of the video is 02:04:16 or 7456 seconds. https://streamelements.com/s1n1ster_/tip – here you can give me money for cigarettes and technology Read More

  • Craft2

    Craft2Craft2 is a Minecraft network with forums and an enhanced survival experience. Be a part of your choice of Kingdom, and create a nation that is managed and ruled by you. Explore all the new structures and biomes to see, enchant your items with all our custom enchantments, and complete quests. Build with our custom blocks and decorations for your own town! craft2.net Read More

  • Harmony Reloaded – Vanilla

    Harmony Survival Minecraft Server IP: harmonyreloaded.minecraft.best Discord: Join our Discord community Looking for a true vanilla gameplay experience without all the added plugins and restrictions? Harmony Reloaded is the server for you. Join us and rediscover the simplicity and magic of real vanilla gameplay. Originally started as a MCPE server in July 2015, Harmony Reloaded aims to recreate the essence of Minecraft before it became cluttered with plugins and pay-to-win mechanics. Join us and create your own adventures in a welcoming community where exploration, creativity, and friendship thrive. Features: True vanilla gameplay Active and growing community Clean and easily readable… Read More

  • Minecraft Memes – Wood Tier Sucks!

    Minecraft Memes - Wood Tier Sucks!Wow, looks like this meme really knocked it out of the park with that wood tier list. It must be made of premium oak humor! Read More

  • Crafted Empire: Minecraft Music Disc Encore

    Crafted Empire: Minecraft Music Disc Encore In the land of Minecraft, a tale unfolds, Of friendship, power, and secrets untold. Ruber and Violaceus, vanished without a trace, Leaving behind a mysterious space. A messenger arrives, with an invitation grand, To Civitas Occidentis, ruled by Venalis’ hand. The group agrees to come, to the city so vast, Where a new ruler awaits, their future cast. Ruber, now in charge, welcomes with pride, To Novum Imperium, where secrets reside. In the chamber, leaders gather, a sight to behold, As Viridis questions, how power was sold. Ruber’s answer simple, yet bold and cold, “Gold buys all, even stories… Read More

  • Spicy Minecraft Maizen Meme Madness

    Spicy Minecraft Maizen Meme Madness Why did the creeper go to therapy? Because it had too much TNTsion! #minecraftmemes #maizen #memes Read More

  • Rainbow Beacon Madness

    Rainbow Beacon Madness Minecraft’s LARGEST Automatic Rainbow Beacon Welcome back to the channel! Today, we’re diving into the world of Minecraft once again, exploring the fascinating realm of beacons. If you’ve been following along, you’ll know that this marks the fifth installment of beacon-related projects on this channel. But fear not, this time we’re taking things to a whole new level! Designing the Ultimate Beacon Display After realizing the limitations of previous designs, our Minecraft enthusiast set out to create a larger, more intricate beacon display. With 12 beacons surrounding an empty 3 by 3 center, the new layout promised to be… Read More

  • From Bottlequeen to Shaman in Minecraft!

    From Bottlequeen to Shaman in Minecraft!Video Information [Música] C [Música] [Música] C [Música] h ah [Música] [Música] [Música] [Música] [Música] C [Música] [Música] [Música] Boa noite pessoal sejam muito bem-vindos ao bar da C como é que vocês estão oi cuquito oi CRZ Oi seres Oi chque oi tio Gran oi oi sejam muito bem-vindos a b pessoal como é que vocês estão hoje [Música] nessa eu não sei que dia hoje não segunda-feira hoje é segunda mesmo hoje é segunda E aí pessoal como que vocês estão como é que tá sendo segund de vocês boa noite V Boa noite e a vocês estão… Read More

  • Haunted Encounter: The Mysterious Caller

    Haunted Encounter: The Mysterious CallerVideo Information do not try to call her my friends and I decided to chant Bloody Mary three times in front of the bathroom mirror at first we laughed but then the air got really cold and the lights started flickering I saw her a ghostly woman with empty eyes and blood dripping from her mouth I couldn’t move as she reached out and touched my cheek she whispered you’re mine now and then the mirror shattered she disappeared but the next day I had scratches on my face every night since I feel her cold breath on my neck… Read More

  • Insane Minecraft Survival: Sky Block Lucky Block!

    Insane Minecraft Survival: Sky Block Lucky Block!Video Information yo Halo guys welcome back to my channel Shark 999 dan kali ini gua akan mencoba bermain Luky block tapi versi Sky block ya guys huh jadi ini map ini BAP syariknya download itu ya E di mcpdl ya ya pokoknya namanya lcky block l Tulislah ya dan ya pokoknya Ya pokoknya begitulah guys ya Oke tapi sebelum kalian nonton video ini alangkah baiknya kalian klik Tom like Kom dan subscribe karena subscribe itu halal dan jangan lupa like sebanyak mungkin agar Babang syarik rajin mengupload dan jangan lupa komen jika ingin mengatakan sesuatu asal jangan toxik ya… Read More

  • Insane Minecraft stream with insane viewers! 🔥

    Insane Minecraft stream with insane viewers! 🔥Video Information [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] hi guys welcome to the stream haven’t done a Minecraft stream in a long time it feels like but we will have other people be joining us shortly too so if you’re already friends with me then you can just join if you’re not then I need to know your username so you can join us all right so I forget what the last thing I was doing here was I working on this working on this this is supposed to be lany’s throne room in the… Read More

  • Intense Dragon Gaming – Epic Smooth Texture Pack in Minecraft! #minecraft #smooth

    Intense Dragon Gaming - Epic Smooth Texture Pack in Minecraft!  #minecraft #smoothVideo Information This video, titled ‘smooth minecraft texture pack #minecraft #smooth’, was uploaded by Dramatic Dragon gaming 1 on 2024-01-10 17:55:13. It has garnered views and [vid_likes] likes. The duration of the video is or seconds. Minecraft texture pack Subscribe Minecraft PvP Minecraft build Minecraft bedwars Minecraft Lifestealsmp Minecraft bedrock … Read More

  • Rare Halloween Moon Crab Meme Update – Cobblemon Season 2

    Rare Halloween Moon Crab Meme Update - Cobblemon Season 2Video Information well how there YouTube we’re playing a little bit of that mythical cobon SMP we’re on the meme update which means like uh all sorts of goofy skins on characters let’s get into this let’s get into this let’s get into this silly little wild little stream of ours H nothing around spawn let’s reload just to make sure we fix our audio back in baby we’re rolling with it I’m telling you that much greets all smile greets all smile it’s Halloween Moon oh no I appear to have lost more letters H awesome hello doing talk… Read More

  • Minecraft INSANE CUBE Adventure!!

    Minecraft INSANE CUBE Adventure!!Video Information now I’m on stream yep I’m live today is Minecraft day it’s been a while since the last time that I played Minecraft even L the the jav Edition so today I’m going to be so oh [ __ ] I’m going to see what’s new in Minecraft see last last time that I played survival was like 1.8 I think yeah I’m here in Minecraft just let me let me see something H it still sounds veryy very loud maybe now yeah okay single player oh oh preparing for recreation this is this is new one whoa… Read More


    EPIC BIRTHDAY SURPRISE: OMEGA Guardian Farm Build!Video Information all [Music] [Music] oh thank goodness I finally found you I’ve searched for so long and traveled so far just to see you my friend Henry sent me Oh Henry I know Henry very well yes very good friend of mine uh-huh he said you might be able to tell me more about the mythical prismarine and something about temples oh yes I know where the temples are they are very dangerous though they are guarded by water monsters could you possibly show me where they are if you have any of the green stuff I could uh… Read More

  • “Crazy Gaming Trick: Writing Dhairya in Minecraft!” #gamingtrick #minecraft #clickbait

    "Crazy Gaming Trick: Writing Dhairya in Minecraft!" #gamingtrick #minecraft #clickbaitVideo Information This video, titled ‘Writing Dhairya in Minecraft || #games #gaming #viral #shortvideo #shorts #viralvideo #minecraft’, was uploaded by Double Gaming on 2024-06-04 06:20:10. It has garnered 174 views and 7 likes. The duration of the video is 00:01:00 or 60 seconds. Comment Your Name Like , Share And Subscribe Credits :- Music – Book The Rental Wit It – RAGE #gaming ,#viral ,#games ,#shorts ,#shortvideo ,#minecraft ,#doublegaming ,#viralvideo ,#short Read More

  • PyonMC Network

    PyonMC NetworkWhat Awaits You? – Claiming your base territory and share with other players or Build awe-inspiring structures that’ll make even the Ender Dragon jealous! – Skill up your ability to gain extra bonus or even extra skil – Make new friends, form alliances, and join epic quests! pyonmc.my.id Read More

  • MinedHype SMP – Long-Term – GriefPrevention – Player Stats – Shopping District – Bedrock & Java – 1.20.6

    Connect to Server IP: Server IP: play.minedhype.com Website: https://minedhype.com Location: Las Vegas, Nevada (US WEST) Server hosted by PUBCS.com Java Version: 1.20.6 Bedrock Version: 1.20.80 – 1.21.0 Build Gallery: View 1776 pictures of our SMP Server Details: Public Survival Server (No P2W): Over 4 years old, with 15,900+ unique players Mostly vanilla, grief protection, no whitelist, no pay-2-win, & no economy plugin Bedrock & Java Cross-Play Claimed Overworld & Nether, never reset World border, spawn, and player locations are random Use /rtp to teleport, /home to set your location Grief allowed in unclaimed areas, protected by CoreProtect Public shopping district,… Read More

  • Minecraft Memes – Bed is for losers

    Minecraft Memes - Bed is for losersI guess you could say this meme is bed-der than most! Read More

  • Minecraft Logic: Crazy, Insane, Insanely Fun!

    Minecraft Logic: Crazy, Insane, Insanely Fun! In the world of Minecraft, where creativity reigns, Players build and explore, using blocks to gain. From mining for diamonds to battling mobs, Every adventure is filled with thrills and sobs. But sometimes the logic can be quite absurd, Like pigs flying high or villagers trading with a bird. Players bend the rules, creating their own fun, In a world where imagination can never be outdone. So embrace the craziness, let your creativity soar, In Minecraft, there’s always something new in store. From redstone contraptions to epic builds so grand, The possibilities are endless in this blocky land. Read More

  • Hotter than a lava pit: Minecraft meme

    Hotter than a lava pit: Minecraft meme When you accidentally dig straight down in Minecraft and find yourself in a deep pit of regret and lava, but hey, at least you found some diamonds on the way down! #minecraftshorts #oops #lessonlearned Read More

  • Crafting a Portal to Lloyd the Lion in Minecraft

    Crafting a Portal to Lloyd the Lion in Minecraft Minecraft: Creating the Portal for Lloyd the Lion (Indigo Park) Introduction In the world of Minecraft, players often embark on exciting adventures to create unique portals to explore different realms. One such portal is dedicated to Lloyd the Lion in the Indigo Park game. Let’s delve into the process of creating this fascinating portal and uncover the mysteries it holds. Portal Creation Process To create the portal for Lloyd the Lion, players will need obsidian as the main material along with additional materials like brown wool and yellow wool. The portal is constructed in a 4×5 size with a… Read More

  • Discover the Ultimate Minecraft Experience on Minewind Server

    Discover the Ultimate Minecraft Experience on Minewind Server Welcome, gamers! Have you ever wanted to experience a unique Minecraft challenge that will test your skills and creativity? Look no further than Minewind Minecraft Server. With an IP address of YT.MINEWIND.NET, this server offers a one-of-a-kind gaming experience that will keep you coming back for more. Just like in the video “How to Play ONE CHUNK in Minecraft PE || ONE CHUNK,” where players are challenged to survive and thrive in a limited space, Minewind Server provides a similar concept. With a dedicated community and exciting gameplay features, you’ll find yourself immersed in a world of adventure and… Read More

Minecraft Story Mode Season 2 | Episode 2