Minecraft – Storytelling Through Minecraft

Video Information

And uh i also did a minor music video yeah this guy animated the miner so yeah if you’ve seen that this is the creative power behind the animation that is the miner thank you and so yeah thank you and uh i’m pretty sure uh all of my

Animations have a little bit of story to them and i’m going to talk about how stories are very important to any sort of any sort of video that you’re making and animation is pretty hard to do and if it doesn’t have a good story there’s no point in making it

But i have done some silly animations just to have you guys entertained i like that flintstones one you did yeah that flintstones one was awesome he recreated the entire flintstones uh intro that was fred flintstone getting off work sliding down the dinosaur his neck was all blocky and he

Was sliding down that thing it was definitely one of my favorites actually that’s how i found that’s how i heard of you and found you oh wow that’s crazy because that was my first video uploaded ever and i think youtube couldn’t take it you know because it claimed my

Channel so i had to take it down so i had to take it down so that was my let’s not go down that dark that is copyright please all right so you want to get into it yeah let’s get into it so we’re going to explore one of the sections of

Storytelling through minecraft and that’s role plays everybody’s aware of it and these guys did my nights at freddy and i’m gonna ask them how are you guys all right so again you know hey caveman here whatever uh we’re going to talk to you guys about

Role plays now how many of you guys have watched the role play series and it’s like one of your favorite things you watch yeah all right what kind of favorite ones do you like we got some my nights at freddy’s actually while we’re talking uh we’ll

Play this in the background for those of you guys who don’t know what’s going on uh so if someone could be yeah there we go cool so we’ve got this is just there’s no audio obviously but this kind of shows you uh a little bit of the work so a role play

Is when you yourself like instead of being the entertainer caveman films right you are the character in the show it’s kind of like playing an actor um and actually a lot of things like tv programs do we do uh we come with scripts we come up with scenarios we have to

Cast actors to act as the body characters in it that’s really difficult to do in minecraft sometimes by the way i mean when you need six additional people to all coordinate yeah because you have to be in like a skype call with them and it’s really cool and everyone’s

Awesome but you know they’re they’ve got their own things too so for instance you might be ready to record the next episode of my nights at freddy’s and then your friend of vorn uh he’s just kind of like well i’m british you know so it’s like eight in the in the morning

For me while you guys are recording here i’m gonna have to go to bed rojo oh yeah yeah when it comes to storytelling through minecraft sometimes we have to work with friends who are all over the globe so when we decide we want to record it like midnight which is totally

Normal for us all 5 a.m for them over there so maybe not the most convenient yeah so you gotta really coordinate with people so what we’re going to do is uh how do you guys think we come up with a role play just answer scream out what do you think

You dream oh that’s a good idea yeah you know what we’ve actually have had a few dreams where like we take a nap google docs i’m actually going to go over that yeah there you go lots of google docs lots of google repeat yourself uploading yeah um

Yes so we should probably talk about like you know the inception of just how i guess with my nights at freddy’s we you know came up with the idea how we decided to diverge and make our own universe there yeah and really how to make it believable and just something

You got to get a little closer to mike man okay but yeah just you know how we made that story as believable and just as enjoyable as we felt like it could be yeah so uh personally me i value guys i know you guys aren’t stupid we don’t

Pander to you guys we know that you guys can handle you know a coherent story uh now i’m i’m going to probably shoot myself in the foot there are some minecraft role play channels out there that aren’t minecraft role plays have you ever guys seen like um five nights at freddy’s babies

You ever seen anyone do anything like that and while the people that do that they’re they’re they’re good people but they those aren’t role plays okay those are putting on a baby suit and talking in a really high-pitched voice for about 20 minutes and that that’s not a role play

A role play is trying to be a character in a situation or scenario and that’s it so first things first uh we do in fact have to write a script uh every episode is scripted do you guys have any questions on how we do that process yeah we will take questions later uh

Yeah so um actually yes uh for the most part i write the majority of the scripts for five nights at freddy’s um we we tend to take a lot of time uh for instance pixelmon lapis episode six if you guys know that is 20 pages long with over 12 characters with voice dialogue

And depending on who the actor is that can be very easy or very hard to get a hold of said dialogue you got a question i think i can that’s that’s probably a good question that kind of throws yeah because we all get different okay so if we want to go

Through the process of really writing a good script just making sure that you get that right at least the way that myself and dan do it is we try and start off with rather than just asking what’s going to happen epi episode to episode we try and think of a main key point

Like what’s going to happen throughout the entire series because we don’t want to get to a point with any one of our episodes where we’re like oh man we left this weird plot hole and we just have no idea how we’re going to get through this

We want to know the story beginning to end before we even ask anyone for like you know uh maps being made um you know even voice actors voice actors or anything like that what we do is at least you know with myself and caveman films here we

You know write up a google doc where we have all of the initial ideas for each episode written down and then from there we sort of have a separate google doc for the actual like primary event so it goes from like almost having like a

Title or a main point to make which he would with each episode to then we get into more details like what’s the more specific things that happens to each character like for example i mean um we knew that in uh we knew for example at the beginning of this episode of my

Nights at freddy’s factory that we were going to be introduced to the factory because it was a new job for us so then it came down to boiling down the question okay who’s going to do that obviously someone who probably works at the factory and then what kind of

Personality do they have so it’s starting with your main point and then boiling down how each character works from there and making sure you have everything written down even like to the exact points we want to hit so while at least with our role plays we don’t

Script out the entire thing we script out all the points that we want to hit what you know like to make sure that we check out our computer panels like those are explained while that much is scripted what is actually said is mostly improvised at least

So the jokes that happen in there or something scary that happens it’s all all right when you’re playing it we we find a really good joke of one take and then we have to do the take over and we can’t recreate the joke it’s not funny the second time around so there’s

There’s actually quite a lot of bloopers and stuff that we have on the cutting room floor um another thing i’d like to go into detail is is that yeah for instance uh my knights of freddie is totally ad-lib there’s other uh role plays that are actually more of a

Machinima do you guys know of a youtuber named afmal all right well her uh role plays are actually more of a machinima uh so a machinima is more like this at the beginning it’s it’s like a cinematic you know it’s not from the character’s point of view it’s not gameplay it’s an actual

You know kind of like a tv show don’t you think her shows are like tv shows kind of that’s kind of what we’re trying very well made that’s what a minecraft role play should be she does a great job i could pat her on the back all day long but um what i’d

Like to say is that it’s a really really cool media i love being able to use minecraft as a medium to tell stories do you guys have any ideas for your own role plays you should do them you should get your friends oh we got one right in the audience right there

Oh here’s a microphone so you can actually be heard so i had an idea for a story uh it’s called also known as the story of jeffrey and uh the main character is a uh extreme patriot and because of that the character is down the storyline supposed to cause a war between

Its civilization and uh another one which is kind of like the major civilization and then throughout that story there’s going to be them intermixing in the conflicts and that’s basically what i have so far very cool that’s really sounds like you’re coming you’re coming out together that’s more

Of a more mature like storyline i like that what about that guy with his hand up right there how long does it usually take you to write a script for your minecraft role plays oh that’s a good question so uh depends on the role play changes over

Time it’s much longer with every single episode for instance i’m actually working on a secret series uh that i i’ve kind of named it already it’s going to be a very long time before if it does come out but uh let’s just say it took me a week to write the first

Episode and there’s 13 episodes but sometimes it can take like one day or maybe even two hours i think a good way to really explain that if we want to talk about specifically with my nights at freddy’s just because that’s the kind of the key example we’re going at cause

We made that uh as far as the original series was concerned there were five just distinct nights in that and you know because we were sort of new to the process we were you know going about it much quicker the first step you know the my nights at freddy’s season one series

For example maybe we it would take us like maybe one or two skype sessions to really you know flush out the details we wanted to hit when it came to my nights at freddy’s uh season two here it was two very long skype sessions per episode where everyone involved was looking at a

Google doc at the same time and you know any ideas that we had we would write them down then we would flush them out talk about the order that we were going to go in what key points you know like what what’s the what’s the primary sort

Of conflict of the episode because you know to tell any good story it’s like you do need like you need a starting point what conflict is going to happen how are they going to resolve that so it sometimes did take a while to come up with the concrete answer for that but we

Managed to do it every time we think and then if you script every single line uh yeah that takes a very long time yeah especially with some of our longer machinima segments because those are 100 scripted yeah uh how about you and the green creeper hoodie yeah yeah you you’re right there uh

Hang on a second some someone’s someone with a mic is coming to you yeah hold on here you go there’s like three green creeper hoodies i’ll give you that you probably bought that uh here um who who voiced the the um purple guy from the mnaf series that was actually

Me i had a really cheap little five dollar toy megaphone and brought a speaker to the microphone like this one is left and that was it basically and then i pitched it down a little bit did some uh audio trickery to it and it sounds pretty scary don’t you think

Yeah whenever whenever i visit dan’s house i use it and like one day we’re going to kill the battery just because of how much we just mess around with that thing i’m surprised that things like that it’s got three settings and one of them is straight up ronaldo yeah

This is ronaldo um let’s see uh you over there yeah uh uh oh he’s uh third one yeah third one in uh a little bit further right there yeah right there right there you can stand up yeah if you want to stand up that might be easier so could

You do it with like scripting voice lines with npcs and minecraft so it would be a playable role play uh yeah with voiceover that would be very i think like we might saw it would be a lot of work but it might be possible with mods too if you wanted something to

Be like playable unless like we use something like a replay mod or something and actually no remember i i just recently did a video that literally recreated minecraft story mode chapter 2 in regular minecraft so you have the technology and the latest versions of minecraft yeah it’s it’s pretty nuts yeah and i

Also saw the opening ceremony they showed the add-on where you could add your own skin to the creeper and i am so yeah i’m excited i was looking forward to the new features of you know minecraft 1.1 and every update with all the platforms around

Yeah they feel like they have a lot in store for them i’m excited for that too all right well you know what i think we’ve mostly covered everything about role plays if you guys have any more questions we’ll save that for the end of the panel yeah so let’s go talk to these

Guys about music videos all right all right you want to lead off yeah so uh we have a video that’s coming out tomorrow in case you didn’t know and um this is our third video that we’ve done together um taylor myself uh nick was involved with the first one and um

Creating the story can be challenging uh when you’ve got one person that lives in the north of the united states and one that lives in the middle uh and so it’s very important and we both are i think big believers in meeting together and and just sitting

Down and with a dry erase board just what do we want to tell you know and for the gentleman uh that was asking you know where do you get your ideas from me personally i just watch a lot of cartoons i know it sounds silly um you

Can probably tell just about what i’m wearing basically but i watch you know i watch i sometimes i watch them some it’s not something that i watch all the time but like you know things like power rangers transformers uh looney tunes warner brothers all that kind of stuff really like

It it gives you an idea to just kind of take and then maybe change and then make it your own kind of thing and so those that’s where i get my ideas and i’m sure everybody else has their own different inspiration and then we we basically sit down and we say okay well

What do we want to tell in this story you know with the minor we told the story well you know of the guy who just he he is out there and and he goes through his own struggle and you know at the end i guess i don’t want to spoil it too

Much for those who may not have seen right um and then the second one you know it’s about a guy who meets a girl and then they work together and then this third one you know you’ll have to see it tomorrow but yeah we are very excited about this story and and

You know if you guys really like it then we’ll continue to do it because so far it’s been received so well and that means a lot to me it means a lot to him because we do put a lot of hours tons of hours into these projects and it’s great

To see it you know get so many positive comments and and people speculating things that were we sometimes i know when we released uh uh through the night we’re like huh i guess that that that could work you know we’re sitting here we’re seeing all these comments oh yeah so yeah maybe the

The ender dragon means this or well why isn’t the girl you know this and that it’s always great when people speculate things it means that people are getting really engaged in it yeah so uh you know we work we work together quite a bit and we do sit down and we

Figure out you know what kind of story do we want to tell we start by drawing out major events that we want to make sure we cover in this story somehow some way yeah we usually have a whiteboard like it’s actually so it is really critically important at least for us

When we’re developing a story with so much depth to sit down and talk about it because when you’re talking over skype talking over the internet or something there’s there’s a million different distractions five key strokes away so it’s not it’s not really a viable option

So uh at least when me and pedro wrote the music videos uh either i visited his house or he visited my house and we sat down away from the computer with a white board writing down exactly how you know like again we had sort of a base idea

For the story then what’s all the points we’re going to touch on there’s various you know choruses and verses which usually last for about 13 14 seconds and we wanted to be sure that we touched on a certain amount of information within that block of time and as as we’re

Writing the story we want to we want to make sure that the verses help tell the story um you know the chorus is usually that one repeated idea that gets said over and over again it’s that it’s that part that you end up humming or whistling at the end of watching any of

The videos uh but the verses you know as we start brainstorming what events we start saying okay well we want to make sure we address that in the verse because i feel like you know we’re not just going to slap any old song underneath of a great story and then

Just hope for the best the the story and the song were written to go hand in hand and then the beautiful thing about the music is that it ends up working out for anything you know uh it has a very generic message but it also has specific points throughout the story

That help anchor the story to the um to the song so yeah that’s beautiful because music is like the language i mean even if you have a different language speaking to anybody but everybody understands music and that’s the easiest way to convey your story yeah i like listening to my

Animes music all that japanese music japanese but uh soundtrack and music in the background is just that’s the perfect example of telling a good story without any dialogues that’s what i do with my animations i think that’s what i wanted to transition over to so i did ruse which was basically a silent

Film kind of thing i don’t know if i can show you guys maybe i can go for it yeah yeah go for it yeah yeah yeah i mean i think it’s on the drive so i i actually wanted to show it i don’t know if you guys seen him oh yeah

Yeah look at this prepared over here he’s not just using youtube i don’t know if they were going to have wi-fi so i was like yeah let’s let’s oh yeah okay to pause it and then have the audio go up so that people can actually see it

Because this isn’t too long of a oh i think you you would have the audio on the camera okay i didn’t meet the computer you muted the computer for the my nights background so let’s take a break and watch a video okay all right so here is

Ruse by nicknickim tv and it’s a really good animation so check it out and it’s a good story too yeah yeah i’m not sure oh oh doesn’t look like it’s plugged in yeah it doesn’t seem like we have something audio is that the owner yeah

Where does that plug in too this is a microsoft this is what i mean when like you know when opening ceremony happened and we had we literally just walked up here we had no idea where anything was yes we are but i think we got got it

Can’t see you guys oh okay so turn on yeah they’ll turn it up from there oh there where did you find that score kevin mccloy kevin incompetent nice okay check it out little uh love story there yeah love story romantic love seriously love is like the easiest subject to tell tell

A story on not maybe maybe so where did you get the inspiration for that story actually this was really funny because this was i i was just browsing through like free music to use on youtube and kevin mccloy hello how do you pronounce it he’s like the greatest guy ever who

Gives out music for free which you can use on youtube and we’re thankful for him because i think every youtuber i know you once or twice at least has used his music and i was hearing through this track and i just let let the whole thing play

And that kind of inspired me this story oh sorry so that kind of inspired me the story of this little little love story and i was like this is kind of cool i really didn’t want to find voice actors or do voice and it’s always limiting the joke if i do if you

Kind of do a joke in animation it’s kind of limited to the viewers like only english people who are like english-speaking people who they will they will only understand the joke or you know some other countries they probably never speak i mean there are so many non-english speaker minecrafters that do

Not really understand the gigs gags but this one was like silent film you know it’s very easy to understand and i wanted to make this especially for my non-minecrafter friends because they were like what is minecraft we don’t even know so this this video turned out

To be really well because if i tell people what i do what the hell what do you mean minecraft what does that even mean so they have no idea so i have to show them this video and this is so easy that anybody can understand oh he got tricked the only

Thing i have to explain to any non minecrafter person is that the bread is not poop and those green things are zombies and they get the whole story then yeah so that’s the only two things i have to tell them who is who’s never played minecraft i just want to say like from

That video a detail i never noticed before i would love it if i could parkour off of a fused piece of tnt yeah that would be the best just throwing that out there yeah that was pretty good minecraft 1.12 please yeah really i don’t so you can right now

No you can’t no no because when it’s just an entity you can’t step onto it you’re right yeah you’re right that would be amazing that would be a good time parker we have a question over there with the blue shirt oh yeah the question was what tools do i use

That’s the most asked question also so this one i used 3ds max and then uh before that now i move to maya so it doesn’t really matter what software you can use cinema 4d2 any 3d software that has a good rendering capability and your computer can handle

It actually i’m pretty sure that sorry i didn’t mean to bug you but uh you know that opening animation that you saw on uh on the minecraft minecon stage you remember that with the the two presenters that was that was done by blue monkey right so blue monkey he uses

Doesn’t he use cinema 4d yeah he used a cinema 4d what was that yeah which was that blue monkey or was that um element animation oh no element animation he uses maya i was confused yeah that now so that uh yeah that was that was not poop that was pretty yeah

Everybody keeps asking me that but yeah cinema 4d uh my maya and blender are blender is free so i would suggest if you guys want to get into animating uh usually definitely a good start okay there’s a little gentleman over there yeah okay question a few more so i guess

It’s all right so it’s like uh two quick questions um i work in toothpaste for blue monkey so i wanted to touch up on with you uh what’s your reason for using uh 3ds max and not c4d when c4d there’s like student versions as well that’s free oh

It’s it wasn’t like specific i just started using it when i was uh because i saw at first i saw uh someone use it and do minecraft animation and it was the fastest way at the time because i i’ve never used cinema 4d and i learned 3ds max and maya

So i went back to revise it and i was like minecraft seems like a good project and a place where i can tell my stories through like everybody else is trying to do and i was like this is great i’m a film student i should try and tell some

Stories because lots of stories i’ve seen are way better than any film student i went with minecraft is kind of infinite in that way yeah it really is but i mean sure it’s a creative exploration and building game but beyond that it’s whatever you wanted to be

Especially an animation where you can do anything yeah exactly um and my last this is more of a okay subscribe to fuse it on youtube f-u-c-e-i-t search it up wow wow now he’s running he’s booking he’s getting out of here he knows he’s in trouble oh man

Someone has a question here yeah all right then sorry fro all right front seat wait until the mic arrives to you so say is that together and doing the scripts on a google doc but when when you actually write the scripts and you think about the story

How much of that process is actual visualizing what you’re going to show on okay so if we want to go into really big detail uh for instance uh i i do script writing a lot when you write a script you first obviously you have the overall art this

Is for any media for like tv for movies for anything you want there is an arc to the whole story and you kind of write it out and you’re like this episode is this this episode is that and then when you go into that episode you’re like okay in

This episode we have this character this character this character they’re going to these scenes so they’re going to like for instance they’re going to an alleyway they’re going to a school all that kind of stuff and when you’re writing the script for the scene you know at the top it’s like

Scene alleyway uh they the character exits the door does you know does a backflip and goes and then he talks yeah i mean at this point it’s like evolved from just kind of improv writing to you you’re using very specialized scripting software yeah i’m using script tools and

Stuff like that like um there’s a program that’s called celtics that is literally an industry standard uh and it’s like script writing it’s actually not free it has a free trial but then it’s crucial adobe story i think is a free program yeah i mean it doesn’t matter you can use like a

Notepad as long as you know as long as you have a good space as long as you can envision the format in your head and you can share that with anyone else that needs to see the storyboard then pretty much make sure make sure you have a big example yeah

So obviously this is q a time now so i’m sorry um you could use uh sorry um you know how you couldn’t stand on entities you could do um shulkers because you can stand on jokers you could use um like fused tnt and sorry uh

And you could like stand on the tnt and then you could do parkour i feel like we need some kind of redstone expert to make that parkour map where it’s nothing but parkouring on fuse tnt yeah now you can just change the texture of uh it’s probably good yeah make him blow up

Like another another question yeah the black shirt um do you have any assets that you look at or uh anything that you look at before you make an animation oh that’s a pretty good one an animation or a role play or just both answers um just both answers okay well

Yeah no as long as it looks very i i try not to make something that is entirely different looking than minecraft like how they how they do it in the mods speaking to them i try to like use the items like i’ve done the research sorry so i’ve done the recent animation

Which is very silly there’s a skeleton character of mine that creates a car and it’s totally built out of all the items in minecraft and they i just combined them because i’ve seen many people like especially the command block people on youtube they are creating so many amazing things with just the items

They just prop them the way they just set them up in a way that it looks like it resembles like a laptop or a car you know so there what i did was i used watermelon half of watermelon and another half watermelon and i made a wheel

Out of that and then the pistons and like the everything else is just pretty much and the the texture which has like no no texture you know like stop sign kind of thing so that’s like the steering wheel the sticks are just basically sticks going through the tires so i try

To use more and more of the minecraft item so it naturally looks minecrafty before i was trying to do other stuff make them blocky like make a telephone which is blocky but then i i kind of i got inspired by these command block creators who are amazing

And they create so many good stuff so creating tent out of those uh banners that’s that was a really cool idea yeah and you just gotta look around for inspiration and then once you start making them and it’s easier to do it in a 3d software because you can place it

However you want then minecraft actual modding and actually doing command block and having them rotate oh my god i can only imagine the pain that they go through so i was like hey i just have these in virtual software that i can just rotate and do

It so pretty much if the asset doesn’t exist you might look at minecraft’s uh resources to just be like how can i make that what would work for the style of this video like how can i make that happen especially in your case because you can literally just combine yeah i

Have a created with you know a glowstone block oh you have a super torch yeah all the items in minecraft are created recently i went through this and i just created every single item that you could have in your inventory in a 3d model so what i do is i

Pull them up and i just start ma kit bashing it’s called kit bashing in 3d terms because you all you do is like get all the free items from the internet and start kit bashing and create like a gun or a transformer or whatever yeah but that’s the same

Technique i applied to like minecraft to make models and it looks great very cool how about this guy in the middle no way the tool in the right hand side sorry okay yeah have them go first yep over there okay okay i have a question um

So like for like animators do you have any like tips and like getting like like projects and like like animation-wise like big projects like how do you get into that like would you like make a demo reel or something or like yeah yeah demo reel demo reel

Would be good um making a portfolio uh this is just from a general standpoint it’s for any kind of medium you’re trying to get big projects from making a demo reel is always a good idea making a portfolio so you actually have work to show people

Um and if your work’s good enough they will just uh let you you know do it yeah so that was a i just pulled it up if you can see it on the screen one of the examples of what’s the most amazing thing i’ve ever done that is really cool

I’m not going to lie that’s pretty hardcore so what are those cauldrons right in the back so they’re like exhaust pretty much look at that and the melons are like higher than he has a piece of improvised is crazy actually i think it runs better than my car probably

Oh yeah the barrier okay now i can visually see now you can see how i kick back the zombie is just like oh my god a good point that i actually wanted to make is that when story’s hailing in minecraft this is a big one or anything

No idea is a bad idea write them all down you never know what idea that you thought was terrible yesterday it’s like wait i can modify that to be that idea so if you’re ever making any stories in anything brainstorm everything you can think of literally everything get a

Notebook sit down write down get your favorite music to focus with just and write everything down you never know what idea is going to be brilliant when you look back at it a week later your first draft may not be your final draft but it could be the first draft to

Something else in the future yeah and i i think uh taylor and i can attest to this when we’re working on the music video you know we’re like well what kind of what kind of song are we going to do and he’s like i don’t know

And then he’s like he’s like well what do you think i’m like i don’t know either so we just kind of started listening and stuff and he’s like okay how about something with this and this and i was like okay so i would send him samples of just random

Instrumentals oh you know and he would listen to them he’s like okay instrumental one i like this i’m not a fan of that i like this don’t worry about that one well you know and so like i’m looking back on that stuff now i think we’re looking at them

Maybe two weeks ago i think before yeah and and then i was listening to like one of the very very first drafts of a song that i sent him and it was like one that we immediately just kind of said i don’t think this is the one well i’m

Listening to it now and i’m just like well it might not have been the one then but i’m pretty sure it’s going to be the one for something new and very very soon so i’m excited to take something that was basically a six second scratch of just randomness

And taking that and then evolving it into a full song which is what we do with all of our music videos yeah so never never just like just because you know x or y person didn’t like it it’s not a reason for you to just say delete just put it somewhere you know

That’s file management is it’s very important especially you know when you’re writing scripts or or when you’re putting ideas together whether it’s on a notebook whether it’s on a folder try to keep it all together so you can have a point of reference and go back to how how do you

Keep track of all the music because you know sound is and music is always important to me in any and it’s like for me i if i find a good soundtrack i just like leave it in a folder thinking like this must be something that i can use in

The future and for you i can only imagine since you do music all day it’s like oh god how much can you store in your head like how are you well you know it’s funny i save a lot of stuff um on my on my computer i have a hard drive i

Have a second hard drive just for for client work you know whether it’s uh taylor or or anybody else and so in there i keep i name everything based on what i think it sounds like you know i think there’s a song in there called giraffe i don’t know what giraffes even

Sound like i’m sorry wait until minecraft releases giraffes but so like so i you know like like nick says you know when you work all day your ears just get so place and then even things that that other people might think are good you you’ve been working

And listening to it over and over again the years just like yeah it sounds okay with all of the music videos yeah i’m like is anyone even gonna like this and then everyone does and like oh okay well i’ve been listening to it for four months straight yeah basically like

Every other day every day from beginning to end and so it can get a little bit uh difficult but yeah keeping track of everything i think um and even sometimes this is something that i just started doing now whenever i’m working on a mix you know like i

Would send him a mix and he would say okay i like this maybe less less less uh less drums okay cool so i’ll send him that and what i’m doing now is i’m dating it so that i know okay i sent taylor on the 22nd of this of this month

I sent him this so if he says hey what was that thing you sent me on the 22nd i can easily look back and rep and pull up that reference file so it’s a lot of file management but as long as you’ve got a good system

You’ll be able to go back through and and find what you need and just as far as music videos are concerned i think with each project that we’ve done including this new one there’s been somewhere from the first sample that i get sent to the last one it’s usually about 12

Revisions or something like that something like i think yeah the minor was like seven or eight through the night was 10. starless knight was like i think 12 to 14 or something like that yeah really really tiny things making sure we get it just right and that’s just like

That’s after we picked a song any preliminary stuff we’ve got tons of samples of all kinds of random cookie stuff that doesn’t even make sense i even remember like i won’t go into detail but there was a song you sent me i won’t go name it or anything but

There’s a song you sent me before we started working on starlast night right and after we finished our last night i went back to that because the demo that you sent me and i’m like let’s have that one like be the next because at the time i didn’t think it

Would work and now i’m just like it’s stuck in my head every day so i know it’s gotta be the one i think so it’s got to have a good hook and and so this is one that i was doing before taylor approached me to work on a third

Song and and um so i just threw it at him because i like you know i’ve known him for a long time and and one of the things that i like about him is that you know we have a very honest relationship if he doesn’t like something that i do

He tells me so he’s not just going to sugarcoat it and if there’s something that he does that he does that i don’t like i tell him to whether he listens to me or not it’s up to him but all right all right so how about this uh let’s do

Question time because i see a lot of guys let’s make a line up yeah we got it that way we can management so we got tinder let’s just have everyone line up extend to the center so yeah stand up and center like right now that has questions get in line yeah let’s see

We can sort of raise your hand and you know your hands getting tired we don’t want that so perfect if we can keep the questions short and and quick that would be amazing so we can get through everybody perfect all right perfect is there is there any sort

Of a way that you could use gameplay and record it to do story mode for people that aren’t familiar with maya of course yeah yeah yeah that’s actually that’s why that’s what role plays are that’s right how do you how do you record that so usually pretty much you so you’d have

To have more than one person for the most part unless you have a mod that’s like custom npcs that lets you make fake people if you’re really good when they’re like like two versions of minecraft or have a friend or something um there are mods that exist all over the place that can

Assist with like camera movement a good thing if you really just don’t want to download anything is enable the cinematic camera in minecraft set it to a key and that instead of your you know being the mouse being really weird it’s one fluid movement movement you can move around spectator mode has made

Everything way easier so i mean the big key thing if you want to tell a story within the game itself is get some friends who are willing to act for you um or again if you have a second computer that can help as well some kid made like a whole movie 45

Minute movie uh what was it well i was gonna say uh very early on before all these mods really picked up uh me and a good friend of mine variety we used to make machinimas and a lot of those machinimas actually i think three or four of those were the

Official minecraft trailer for the longest time because it was all made within the game no mods no crap nothing you know that was just you just raised your eyes straight machine so i would body act for him and he would record using you know recording capturing software which you can just youtube

Uh recording capturing software so any recording caption software yeah yeah but yeah you’re basically recording someone i recommend obs right now obs studio it’s free it’s amazing you can set it up to do really high quality let’s try we’re gonna have to go a little bit if you want to direct it

Direct your questions let’s let’s cut the line right right there the uh the at the last girl so we don’t get any more yeah yeah we’re at about 11. no no you can you can get back in line you can’t go i wasn’t saying you leave i’m saying

Nobody passed that and while you’re asking questions directed at one of us so you think which one of us can answer the question best that way we’re not trying to talk over each other and all that kind of stuff get to it quick all right cool all right i have two

Questions one for all of you and the other for and all right so make it super quick let’s do the one for him okay okay because can you do asmr i’m not sure you know i’m actually not sure what that acronym is no uh asmr is the weird sound thing

Where you’re like you whisper in the air and you and all that kind of stuff it’s it’s really weird i think he needs to youtube what it is but yeah i know i i honestly i’m not sure what that is all right so ask the other question then

Hearing stuff it’s like you made me curious i’m going to look it up what’s the question for everybody then let’s do it all right um in blender i have minecraft rigs but i don’t know how to animate them uh there’s like joints there’s joints and keyframes you have to

Move the joint and then keyframe it and then it moves the joint during the time of the keyframe what i would do is look up some tutorials on keyframe animation and just figure out you know do the basic stuff get a character to slide from one point to another and then

Figure out how to move their legs figure out how their body needs to bob and whatnot figure out how a natural arm movement is going to look one big mistake i see a lot of people make is they always have the knees way way forward that’s not how you do a walk

Cycle in minecraft but yeah look up tutorials youtube is your friend is your best friend in that regard there you practice the walk cycle and then you should be good yeah i know how to make objects like just slide forward all right thank you buddy thanks for your question ten minutes

We got a rapid fire i just wanna say i’m a big fan of caveman films and aunt venom oh thank you buddy and i was one and i have an idea for a role play and i’ve been oh sure can you can you tell him afterwards yeah but

It’s a i’ve been developing it and i’ve been writing the key points of the script and very good but i don’t i have a bunch of friends that’s okay yeah go ahead go ahead and tell us we’re going to be here i just want to know how do you decide

Which person plays which parts oh that’s a good point uh just whoever you feel fits the role the best really you’re the director right gut feeling if you if you have a specific friend who you know is like the really really attentive maybe put them in the most important role slot

And have them do that one over and over again yep we have one friend who we know always does the most amazing important role i actually said his name will be there i’m horn yep thank you no problem all right have a good day hey there hi i have two questions sure

Um firstly how long does it take to like develop a concept for a video until you actually start making it oh that depends uh sometimes they can take less than a day and sometimes they can take weeks or even months yeah i mean as far as role plays are concerned any individual

Episode could take one like full day and then uh storyboarding like an entire series could take you know a few days and for animations i think just like one day animation to make it a month yeah animations take months to make it brutal yeah all right thank you

Also what software would you recommend if you’re just starting off uh animating or doing one a blender i’d say blender it’s free everything else is really exciting before it is like the appliance yep thank you okay this one is for ant and cave do you guys enjoy making role plays i

Love it i love it i love it especially when we get down to the point of recording because that’s when like the action’s really happening and it’s when everything is coming together i really do love and love doing it especially just how much you know we really we at

Least i feel we respect the medium yeah we don’t talk down to you guys we don’t ours is based on the five nights at freddy’s universe we try and like make a legitimate diversion to that yeah and i think that we’ve done a good job with

That at least the best job we can do yeah we really do enjoy doing it yeah i love i love doing role plays what i don’t love is that everyone else loves it and then when i’m really late on releasing one they’re like where is it

Where is it i’m like i’m trying so hard but other than that yeah no i love it it’s it’s what i started doing youtube in the first place really so yeah that’s i guess that’s the answer thanks all right from here one question a piece we need to go lightning round

Seven minutes yep okay um i have a question for all of you okay okay um how do you keep your motivation up even uh in current projects and even uh new projects that you’re not sure how people think of them you just have to love them

You know you gotta love your life you have to love doing it that that’s pretty much it i think what motivates you guys yeah you guys are our motivation you guys comments and likes and shares and all that kind of stuff man that that means a lot knowing that people are a

Lot of times my question is for all of you okay on average when you record a video how many times will you just look at it and then say it’s horrible and you have to redo the entire thing honestly not that often like we have a

Few takes but what happens is we usually catch ourselves during the take so we’ll be like oh yeah so we have like 50 takes we’re like hey guys okay that one’s screwed we’re doing like a a one length recession for like mine nights at freddy’s um usually it takes

Anywhere i mean we’ve one-shot them before but it takes anywhere from maybe five to ten times we had an eight-hour time it took eight hours for one episode before yeah yeah so i mean it can really vary for daily videos usually it’s really quick yeah really cool yeah but

For me i recently started doing horror maps and man that is i stay out of it i don’t even have it spoil me because the jump scares are the best and i just they are so natural in one take boom yep i’m i’m good i do not want to play it again

Okay thank you cool lightning round hello um i like all of you guys thank you we love you i was wondering if you can sign my post yeah we’ll be back we’ll be doing signings after the panel so like if you just stick around and find and hound us as

Soon as we walk off stage thank you oh hello hi there what’s uh this is for anthem and what’s your favorite type of animation is it like drama or love or is it like comedy i mean i’m personally a fan of all kinds of animations really it boils down to

Which one tells the best story and for me personally i’m a big fan of uh animations that have like some random twist that you never see coming there’s like three tweets there’s like three or four of them in the new music video but uh yeah just whichever ones tell the

Best story personally i am a pretty big fan of like either comedy or ones that tell a really serious story okay maybe not like maybe not horror that was a lovely question though thank you thank you yeah good question um i have a question for all of you okay and

How do you react to hate comments and things like things like that basically you got to ignore them i mean there’s haters and trolls on the internet no matter what you do uh so you just gotta you gotta look at it know that for every hater there’s a

Person that loves what you do no there another thing is that there are so many other supporters that will bury you down if somebody’s hating you it’s just the best there’s help and there’s also like motivation at the same time so you can’t really get down by haters anyway and

They’re not really bad comments they’re sometimes criticism which are good and we have to read them sorry and then yeah go ahead no the best answer that i have is know which ones are purely hate because you really do have to ignore those know which ones are trying to

Leave constructive feedback because some people might leave something that looks hateful but really is constructive like oh the way you did that maybe you know some this this thing was really quite rude maybe there maybe that’s not a great comment but maybe they’re telling you something constructive but just raw

Hate you have to ignore them there’s no other way about it okay thanks no problem no problem dude okay this is for anyone who wants to answer them what’s your favorite part of the whole creative process of making a story or a role play oh when it’s done

Everything’s the end part yeah when everything is done and you’ve got a finished product those likes start coming in imagination i’m gonna punch when those lights are coming in he’s a rocky balboa most rewarding part is when you upload the month-long animation the hard work that

You did and then everybody loves it and they they tell you to watch more like what are you doing to do the next part and then then you’re like oh i just i i probably say the same thing um the the final phase when you guys get to

See it and not because we’re done or not because i’m done with it but because i want to show you i want to see what you guys right now we got to see that’s what it all comes down to all right two and a half minutes thank you so much all right

We got how many four more people cool keemstar is the greatest youtuber of all time oh that is that is one opinion i’m gonna say caveman films is the greatest filmmaker of all time don’t don’t no keemstar doesn’t produce films go ahead oh wow wait what’s up hey look hey he’s a keemstar

What’s that oh my gosh all right this goes to um all of you but specifically to caveman and aunt or aunt and pedro um if you come into a creative conflict with another person and like the other person that you are collaborating with how do you come to resolve that conflict

Usually you look for a compromise or something like that right i don’t think it depends what that are we that’s actually good if you’re coming in a good thing to talk about would be like some of the story elements we had to cut out i guess of some of our music videos

Like when we’re trying to figure out some of the stories on on some of these videos i’m like oh what about what about of like you know he falls in the hole and then skeleton this and he’s like he’s like nah you have to be able to

Take it you know i understand when he even if he’s just like snapping to it and saying nah i don’t take it personally because he’s he’s reacting to the idea he’s not reacting towards right like oh no that you know that doesn’t feel right that’s not how the story

Should be and he’ll say it like that but and and if you don’t know him you’ll you might take it like that and if i react to a thing he said that’s the same thing like you said you’ve had some brilliant moments too right and but you know not every

Idea that we come up with during the brainstorming process is like spot on but you have to be able like like like dan said you have to be able to uh find a middle ground or just kind of take yourself out of that equation and say which idea is better

And and as much as you want to say well my idea is better sometimes his idea actually makes more sense than the one i originally came up with so it’s a lot of compromise but you have to be able to be analytical as far as you know what’s going to be the best

Result for that video also before you start the project that’s important so you know the person also helps yeah yeah so it’s always good to like if you’re starting a big project it’s not good to start with something who are gonna have so much creative difference than you then it’s pointless

To like you’re just gonna keep getting into conflict so it’s better to have someone who will help your vision instead of like they have some different idea and you have some different ideas so it’s always better to talk at first and see what’s going on and if we are on

The same page and then and we both know that you know we’re looking for each other’s interests we want that video to be they want to want you know at the end of the day even if he thinks his idea might be good i and i

Really really don’t think so i will try to persuade him into maybe looking at it from a different angle and see if he’ll come to the yeah and vice versa thank you all right thank you thank you by the way i love that she’s cosplaying as me my character yeah she is dressed

As aunt venom guys that was crazy um i just want to say all of you are great content creators and very creative um i actually had questions but they already and but most of the q and a i just want to give one advice about asmr

If you watch one video you’ll be totally addicted to any tapping on a microphone or scratching beers i gotta say i disagree with that i’ve watched a few and i was not impressed i guess from a like recording engineer standpoint i’m just like stop stop stop

Tapping on the mic that’s stupid i guess that’s how i think about it why are you whispering turn it up turn your microphone up you have to whisper into it just turn the volume up that’s like my analytical way of approaching that but okay cool thanks man yeah all

Right last question do you think it’s better to make your own music or to find it on the internet it depends it really depends sometimes you’ll find something that’s really magical but other times it does need a special touch uh knowing good places to find music is a really

Good way to go about that and compensator is good free sound audio audio jungle has really decent like cheap music that you can license for a one-time use like 12 bucks audio micro has the same audio microphone but i would say i would say kevin stuff

Is is really easy to use know your categories you know if you can listen for hours or if they have a friend that can make the music then you’re just in luck like yeah and also you could ever have cuz we have pedro here yeah anything anytime we need

Sorry uh and also there’s the youtube audio library which is completely free yeah you can download it right off of youtube a lot of good songs on there they’re all really free which is a major thing thousands of them yeah there is that’s what i do so that’s a comment

So just listen to as much music as you can if you’re not finding one you’re convinced of at least find the songs that are in store what you’re after as possible and then if you know someone who can make music like go to them and

Be like okay i’m not liking this but i’m loving this is there anything you can do or maybe they’ll know something else that you can find as well cool thank you so much for coming you guys are amazing pictures i guess yeah so we’ll go over like to that way and if

You guys want like us to sign anything we’ll be right there see you outside and i hope you all enjoy minecon my name is ant venom and i bid you all farewell thanks so much for watching attending yeah bye guys shout out to the audio video crew thank

You guys yeah you guys did a great job thank you to the men in the back never forget

This video, titled ‘Storytelling Through Minecraft’, was uploaded by Minecraft on 2016-10-26 17:00:01. It has garnered 16157 views and 376 likes. The duration of the video is 00:55:41 or 3341 seconds.

How to tell exciting stories by using Minecraft as a platform, may it be through Minecraft Animations, Machinimas, Custom Role plays or Gameplay Maps such as Adventure, Horror or Puzzles.

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    Escape the Madness: Hardcore Minecraft Stream with SubsVideo Information так всем привет всем ку чуть-чуть Стрим под задержался Ну надеюсь ничего страшного так вот всё я уж думал ты не будешь стримить буду стримить я просто чу под задержался под задержался на часик О привет Настя Да бля Ну с кем не бывает Извините пожалуйста не повтори В следующий раз буду предупреждать что там чуть-чуть подольше Я думал там даже получаса не замт но ладно всё можно мне чат открыть как-нибудь на телефоне всё равно нь о о гомон Кул Привет самый стабильный он на каждом стриме абсолютно А я ты мой менеджер тебе можно Art Is… Read More

  • EXTREME DANGER in Alcudia Games!! Minecraft Trails Panic!😱

    EXTREME DANGER in Alcudia Games!! Minecraft Trails Panic!😱Video Information me voy a arriesgar a tapar estas porquerías está dando buen de miedo Yo no le quería robar nada solamente su inocencia vamos su inocencia 17 wardens me estoy arriesgando demasiado probablemente Sí vale la pena arriesgarme tanto probablemente no pero el que no arriesga no gana No ahora sí ya valió esto ya se fue a la gente ayuda por favor salí corriendo más rápido que el reyo mqueen Ay mi corazoncito Ay sí da mucho miedo ese infeliz y This video, titled ‘¡Mucho peligro! ¡Extremo! en cortos 1.20 #23 parte 2 #minecraft #minecrafttrails’, was uploaded by… Read More

  • 🔥 Pakistan’s Mini Gamers Take Over Minecraft #Shorts 🎮

    🔥 Pakistan's Mini Gamers Take Over Minecraft #Shorts 🎮Video Information This video, titled ‘Minecraft # Shorts’, was uploaded by Mini Gamers 🇵🇰 on 2024-01-04 19:02:15. It has garnered 1008 views and 18 likes. The duration of the video is 00:00:21 or 21 seconds. Read More

  • OMG! Le Feu Brûle Tout?! Blackiat Funny Minecraft Moments

    OMG! Le Feu Brûle Tout?! Blackiat Funny Minecraft MomentsVideo Information j’ai failli jeter les débris antiques dans la lave après tu vas me dire ça crame pas mais mais toi tu crames quand tu vas les récupérer non speedrun lav pour bah c’est déjà fait This video, titled ‘Le FEU Ça BRULE, MERDE ! #minecraft #funnymoments #funnyvideo #humour #français’, was uploaded by Blackiat on 2024-04-06 11:45:00. It has garnered 10295 views and 544 likes. The duration of the video is 00:00:11 or 11 seconds. Read More

  • Zombie Craft: Secret Tunnel Survival Challenge!

    Zombie Craft: Secret Tunnel Survival Challenge!Video Information today we’ll look at closed tunnels with some interesting new characters hey guys you have a zombie with you I’ve got a very interesting video here today it’s going to be guys look at all the cool interesting characters this is Chloe from ladybug Lady B next we have a rainbow friend suddenly turning black and white here we have the character catnap from poppy Pam’s last installment so here we have Patrick and a white colored Silver Sonic like this very interesting and cool characters I don’t even know who to go to I guess we’ll just… Read More


    EXCLUSIVE MINECRAFT LIVE CHAT & PLAYVideo Information [Music] e [Music] welcome back everyone we are playing Minecraft today uh I apologize about yesterday because I had not SED the stream yesterday I was so tired uh I was just getting things set up before I do anything so if you make sure to like And subscribe make sure on now hope you guys enjoyed to like And subscribe and I am with Ninja I don’t know if he’s in the call still let’s [Music] see where did Ninja Go go oh he’s still down here he’s still down here I’m going to be doing a… Read More

  • Unveiling Minecraft’s Rotten Meat Secret!

    Unveiling Minecraft's Rotten Meat Secret!Video Information la carne podrida tiene algunos usos secretos que poca gente sabe primero es una fuente de comida y a pesar de que te da el efecto de hambre simplemente puedes beber leche para quitártelo además Los Lobos son completamente inmunes a este efecto Así que con la carne podrida podrás curarlos pero no solo eso ya que si alimentas a sus bebés con esto acelerará su crecimiento en un 10% y lo mejor de todo es que algunos Aldeanos podrán intercambiar te esmeraldas por carne podrida Y si los conviertes en zombie y luego los curas te darán… Read More

  • Epic Gamers Find Secret Room! 😮 #minecraft

    Epic Gamers Find Secret Room! 😮 #minecraftVideo Information [Music] oh there’s a creeper right up there um who could fall on us at any point oh he’s looking at me wait that creeper is like pervy amounts of staring o love that look up yeah back back back This video, titled ‘Animated scene from Mining in the Attic #minecraft #gaming #minecraftanimation’, was uploaded by Gamers in the Attic on 2024-01-11 17:42:04. It has garnered 1644 views and 52 likes. The duration of the video is 00:00:17 or 17 seconds. New Streams Twice a Week! Mining in the Attic Series: https://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PLaJNpK6gU9p9pyDV93YfH6mxN4PSVoNEQ PATREON: https://www.patreon.com/gamersintheattic MERCH: https://www.gamersintheattic.com/all-merch Twitch: https://www.twitch.tv/gamers_inthe_attic… Read More

  • MageMC

    MageMCWij zijn een gezellige, maar toch erg goed georganiseerde Server. We hebben verschillende gamemodes zoals Survival & Skyblock. Onze community is erg gezellig en verwelkomen graag nieuwe spelers voor onze server, want hoe meer spelers er zijn hoe gezelliger het is natuurlijk. Daarom hopen wij jou ook online te zien op MageMC! – Skyblock – Survival – Wie is de mol play.magemc.nl Read More

  • Blue Heaven SMP 1.20.4 McMMO Economy Jobs Hard Ranks 18+ Fresh Server West Coast

    Blue Heaven SMP Welcome to Blue Heaven SMP, a brand new server with a dynamic economy and quality-of-life plugins. Join our small friendly community and explore all the features we have to offer. Server Details: IP: Plugins Include: AuctionHouse BetterRTP Chests++ DynamicShop mcMMO MobsToEggs PlayerWarp QuickShop Rankup ResourceWorld SimpleSpawners UltimateTimber Read More

  • Minecraft Memes – The Legend of Sand Steve

    Well, it looks like this meme is really making a splash with a score of 17! Sand-credible! Read More

  • FuwaMoco: Monster Huntin’ Madness!

    FuwaMoco: Monster Huntin' Madness! In the world of Minecraft, they venture and explore, FuwaMoco, the Monster Hunters, seeking much more. With punches and crafting, they face every fright, In a land of blocks, where day turns to night. Fuwa and Moco, a dynamic duo in play, Facing monsters and challenges, come what may. With laughter and screams, they navigate the land, Crafting tables and recipes, all in their hand. But danger lurks, as monsters attack, Will they survive, or face a setback? With teamwork and courage, they fight through the fear, In the world of Minecraft, where legends appear. So join FuwaMoco on… Read More

  • “Forest Dog Fails at Minecraft” 🔥😂 #MemeMadness

    "Forest Dog Fails at Minecraft" 🔥😂 #MemeMadness “Looks like this forest dog took a wrong turn at the crafting table and ended up in the wrong game! Maybe he’s trying to mine for bones instead of diamonds.” #lostpuppy #minecraftfail 😂🌲🐶💎 Read More

  • 2B2T Survival Guide: Mastering the Chaos

    2B2T Survival Guide: Mastering the Chaos The Survival Saga on 2b2t: A Journey Through Chaos Exploring the Anarchy of 2b2t 2b2t stands as the oldest Anarchy server in Minecraft, boasting 14 years of player activity. The server’s spawn region has transformed into a chaotic wasteland, stretching for thousands of blocks in every direction. With no rules in place, players on 2b2t often utilize hack clients and exploits to gain an edge over others. A Day in the Life on 2b2t On the 16th of March 2024, a brave soul ventured into the depths of 2b2t. Immediately met with a horde of zombies, the journey began… Read More

  • Join Minewind Server for Ultimate Minecraft Survival Experience

    Join Minewind Server for Ultimate Minecraft Survival Experience Welcome to the world of Minecraft, where creativity knows no bounds! If you’re looking to join a vibrant and exciting Minecraft community, look no further than Minewind server. With endless possibilities for building, exploring, and surviving, Minewind is the perfect place to unleash your imagination. Just like in the YouTube video where you can learn how to build a beautiful wooden house, Minewind offers a similar experience but on a much grander scale. Whether you’re into building intricate structures, surviving in challenging environments, or simply connecting with fellow gamers, Minewind has something for everyone. So why wait? Join us… Read More

  • Minecraft Retro Survival: Lunar Lander Villager Breeder

    Minecraft Retro Survival: Lunar Lander Villager Breeder The Lunar Lander Villager Breeder – Minecraft Retro Survival 5 Building the Lunar Lander Villager Breeder In this Minecraft adventure, the player embarks on a mission to construct a Lunar Lander Villager Breeder. The journey is filled with challenges, excitement, and a touch of frustration. From gathering resources to facing off against mobs, every step is a test of skill and determination. Resource Collection and Setbacks The player starts by mining for iron and encounters a rare iron vein, leading to a frantic battle with zombies to retrieve lost items. A stroke of luck reveals a Skelly spawner and… Read More

  • Sekigema Ch. 💎 Mineral VTuber – EPIC Off Camera Grinding in MINECRAFT!

    Sekigema Ch. 💎 Mineral VTuber - EPIC Off Camera Grinding in MINECRAFT!Video Information [Music] o [Music] he n [Music] [Applause] [Music] o [Applause] [Music] oh [Music] hi hi yeah um Minecraft that game block game that Wacky Block game yeah that that one that people keep playing y y OMG Twitchy hi yeah the the wacky silly block game that people have uh been streaming uh and I haven’t been streaming it at all so as you can see uh I have no home uh just a giant flat area I did um a little grinding off camera little and I um I did something funny I did something funny I… Read More

  • Insane TNT Run Challenge!

    Insane TNT Run Challenge!Video Information what H [Music] okay This video, titled ‘TNT RUN 🧨😮 #youtube #youtubeshorts #minecraft #herobrinesmp #gaming’, was uploaded by ANKIT GAMING on 2024-02-26 09:30:11. It has garnered 11677 views and likes. The duration of the video is 00:00:18 or 18 seconds. minecraft house tutorialTNT RUN 🧨😮 #youtube #youtubeshorts #minecraft #herobrinesmp #gaming minecraft music minecraft godzilla minecraft house minecraft song minecraft civilization minecraft videos minecraft jj and mikey minecraft godzilla dlc minecraft aphmau minecraft animation minecraft asmr minecraft ambience minecraft armadillo minecraft armor trims minecraft animation movie minecraft arg minecraft ancient city a minecraft song a minecraft house a minecraft… Read More

  • “Minecraft Ignitor DESTROYS All Mobs – EPIC Battle!” #minecraft

    "Minecraft Ignitor DESTROYS All Mobs - EPIC Battle!" #minecraftVideo Information he pow pow ah ow [Music] h ow h h [Music] a come yes [Music] [Music] yeah This video, titled ‘minecraft ignitor vs all mob fight||minecraft mob battle||#minecraft’, was uploaded by George XT on 2024-04-05 18:38:53. It has garnered 299 views and 5 likes. The duration of the video is 00:04:13 or 253 seconds. minecraft ignitor vs all mob fight||minecraft mob battle||#minecraft minecraft song pewdiepie minecraft minecraft parody minecraft music dantdm minecraft minecraft song minecraft gameplay minecraft survival minecraft mods minecraft house tutorial minecraft soundtrack ssundee minecraft prestonplayz minecraft epic minecraft battles revenge minecraft sideman minecraft minecraft 建築… Read More

  • “Mystery Mansion Build for Dog in Minecraft” 🏠🐕 #shortsminecraft

    "Mystery Mansion Build for Dog in Minecraft" 🏠🐕 #shortsminecraftVideo Information [Music] I night [Music] [Music] Shin call your you look right through me you’re the reason that I just can’t concentrate a This video, titled ‘A House for my dog 🐕 😶 #shortsminecraft #minecraft’, was uploaded by HEADSHAKE GAMING on 2024-01-03 14:19:11. It has garnered 6726 views and 195 likes. The duration of the video is 00:00:25 or 25 seconds. Read More

  • 🔴LIVE Triple Minecraft, Unite, Fortnite Stream! Shizo twist 🔥

    🔴LIVE Triple Minecraft, Unite, Fortnite Stream! Shizo twist 🔥Video Information hi everyone it’s me it’s me you guys I’m trying to find a song Hold on um relaxing Pokemon music let’s see let’s see let’s see what we want to listen to I’m not late I’m streaming I’m literally on time be quiet anyways uh I’m launching Minecraft right now it’ll be up in a second I need to grab my phone stand so I can open chat and read it real quick okay we got it place it down open chat Minecraft is opening guys don’t even worry see there’s Minecraft so as you can see we… Read More