Minecraft Superflat Insanity! Join my Viewers!

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We are live welcome back to super flat it’s been a little while it’s been a a good while since I’ve streamed this uh okay we can sleep yeah there’s still thousands of mobs everywhere at night but good thing we can sleep uh oh yeah oh yeah lots of Things oh zombie villager no was this a zombie SE just a lot of zombies like a lot of zombies okay so today I I think I want to like go around and like just kind of clean up some stuff you know it’s the server is kind

Of messy there’s a bunch of just random blocks flying around and I feel like we could um tear down some of these villager houses that are like like that one right there that has its Corners ripped off of it and whatever ever um why can’t I zoom in or oh oh okay there

We go I got the the gamma on but I can’t I can’t zoom in what oh no not that it’s it’s been a while since I’ve used this instance of Minecraft um I’ve been uh been playing rlcraft and console edition is my main source of Minecraft

Over the past few weeks so yeah I got to get got to get used to this I haven’t played on this in a while um if I can go to key bins Uh toggle Zoom see what else is seeve uh uh control no uh we’ll save that as slat No period or comma there we go that’ll work now now I can zoom in yeah there we go okay has some overlapping buttons there but we’re good now okay so um yeah just like cleaning

Up a bunch of stuff like lighting up the village just making it so that it looks nicer you know so that’s my that’s my main goal for today all right so let’s start by like tearing down some of these houses cuz we could always we could always rebuild you know hello

Um hello backer welcome to stream welcome on in everybody all right so tow very notable okay so this house okay so someone claimed this house so I’m not going to tear this one down but um like this house right here and like this horse pin like there’s just there’s just a bunch

Of junk all over this this Village and we got to clean it up so I’m going to tear this house down oh my inventory is full let me go dump off all this netherite just throw it in there I guess that’ll work I don’t remember if this was what I

Was going to be doing last time but it’s what we’re doing today I probably had something else planned and didn’t get around to it but what whatever yeah I don’t have any playlists going on today we got the Minecraft music rolling feel like that’ll be

Good cuz I don’t want to get copyright I got a copyright claim the last stream cuz apparently a no copyright Minecraft uh lowii playlist had copyrighted songs in it so you know what we’re not doing that again I mean it’s not as it’s not like a copyright strike or anything but you

Know I I get Less ad Revenue so yeah thankfully C418 is pretty cool about his music licensing and usage so thanks Daniel Probably be burning this it’d be much more efficient you just get a flint and steel and just oh I have a flint and steel too oh so it’s just made to be yeah get out of here yeah we’ll burn that we’ll burn that controlled fire I’m on fire now okay um okay

Uh like like this random dirt structure over here and these random dirt piles like these don’t need to be here so I’m on cleanup duty today that community service have been banished to do community service like a bunch of Creeper holes and stuff out here you got to clean it

All up and these towers for people to escape stuff like stop making messes it doesn’t look nice looks like a trash town why is there a bat there H like I get it it’s super flab we got limited resources and stuff but we could at least clean up after

Ourselves not have it look like a giant mess like all these holes and pits over here ah does not look nice this Farm is basically broken I’m going to patch it Up all right I just uh let’s just do this instead so now we can have yeah we can have mobs spawn in these um little holes down here and we don’t have to fill it up all the way but I’m out of dirt so yeah can’t do

That I need some dirt where can I get some dirt I think I have a giant chest full of dirt over here uh nope I got Netherrack a smithing table like like this house too like this has just been destroyed by creepers and so you know what we’re just

Going to we’re going to fill this one up with water this what I was doing over there and so I’m going to continue that trend all right there we go another thing oh no we got fill up this layer never mind they we not we’re not we’re not done Yet all right there we go got that filled up and we got like 2,000 more creeper things to fill up lovely okay that’s fill up this is notot over here know I think like once I’m done like getting some stuff cleaned up around here I’m going to going to make a

Going to make a house cuz I don’t have a house and the server owner has to have an impressive house that’s just just part of a Minecraft server it’s just just what’s supposed to happen you know all right bunch of lakes dirt farm sign got blown

Up all right um don’t need a random Oh I thought that was like a h like a a vertical slab for a second kind of confused me but got random dirt uh Cobblestone here no random wooden blocks get out of here this how wait where’s the Villager bre

Okay wait what oh I thought I thought something happened to it for a second we’re good like this this random trees like this I mean I guess yeah I was burning them down but it’s just random and no I don’t like that stop get out of

Here oh now these guys are going to be pushing me all around come come on get it get it get it there we Go Okay this house can go away No anyone claim this house uh this villager did but this villager’s opinion doesn’t matter so yeah your house is getting burned down sorry no why are you doing that to my house no wait a second okay it’s clear okay just making sure it’s not going to burn down the Villager

Breer all right let’s continue filling up these creeper holes All right F her Up get out of here these guys are so annoying okay yeah thank you thank you for the assistance Mr Golem oh oh now you’re going to get in my way okay hey you’re helpful at first now you’re just Annoying all right there’s so many H so much stuff to clean up I’m like the only adult in the server got to clean up after everyone else’s messes although this hole is deliberate cuz that’s the the gravel hole so we’ll leave that there H All Right okay now got all these creeper holes filled up uh there’s still some more I should probably sleep there a bunch of uh like just Rand other random stuff like oh this didn’t get didn’t get burned down all the way lovely jubly um yeah let’s let’s just break the rest of

It is my mic on let some me check okay yeah one of my biggest fears whenever I’m stream just where’s their a what my biggest oh oh it’s a bit too loud yeah I should probably I we turn it down a little bit just a little bit uh back to Minecraft there we

Go baby villager where is that zombie sound coming from sound like over there okay he’s better not be in here this is the safe haven z z z you know why are Z’s like associated with sleeping I never never get that like that doesn’t make sense it’s not

Like when you’re sleeping you go like z z like you don’t you don’t make that sound so why are Z’s associated with sleep I don’t know kind of weird oh no ah come on need to go on like a wither skeleton slaughtering spree and just get a bunch of

Coal so I can not die or place Tor place a bunch of torches everywhere so we can light up this place so thousands of zombies and creepers don’t spawn every night all right let’s keep filling it up ah I would join if I’m at a pool right

Now in a different area away without playing Java or Bedrock on PC well enjoy your time swimming but I appreciate you coming in and checking out the Stream recraft hope you’re doing well this evening a good swim sounds fun asz you know it’s winter time right now so our

Pools closed so I cannot swim the cover is on it and it’d be much too cold cuz we don’t have a heater so but I have experienced swimming in the winter time a few times at a friend’s house whe Heat and it’s it’s kind of fun cuz it’s like

Really cold on the outside but you’re in the water and it’s fine so yeah get out of Here go go go get go yeah can’t get me can’t get me oh get out of here okay now that’s filled up let’s go and fill up these or I guess no we don’t fill up this one cuz this is the this the cobblestone generator so we got to cover this one

Up what why are there so many slimes can there there be an explanation for this many slimes oh I forgot yeah I am building a house yeah I got that dirt column thing I forgot never mind I’ve already started building house that that’s what I was

Doing last time oh now I remember yeah it’s been a long time die die die die die I need more dirt dirt dirt dirt dirt dirt dirt dirt dirt oh yeah this isn’t rlcraft you don’t get experience from mining crops but at least there’s no plant monsters that come out and try and get you whenever you mine potatoes all right where this where this random block

Here hey villager want some potatoes actually no I’m going to give it to these guys take the potatoes Villages thank you gamer get out of my way More random pillars burn down these trees burn oh no they’re going to I don’t have a spruce sapling oh there we go got one okay so now we can have spruce trees whenever we want actually I’m going to take that rotten flesh so I can trade with that bam spruce

Tree stop I’m going to turn slime spawning off here this this is getting ridiculous oh pop po po pop oh two more do Moss get out of here wait wait where the go get out of my space go okay time to fill up another Lake lovely Jubly Uh I got to block this off oh I’m a block short let’s get that okay now we’re good now we can continue and fill this all up get out of my way like they’re they they help yeah but then they’re getting in your way the Golems H annoying get him get

Him hello your everyday quad robis welcome to the stream hope you’re doing well this evening if you’d like to join on the server the server address is in the description you also need to tell me your Minecraft username so I can add you to the white list so basically what I’m doing today

Is um like kind of cleaning up around our base here it’s it’s kind of getting messy like there’s random blocks everywhere there’s a bunch of Creeper explosions so yeah it’s just kind that’s just kind of like what we’re doing what we’re doing today that’s what the plan is Cool very cool world that I can see yes thank you we’ve been a bunch of bunch of people have joined in and contributed and played around had some fun so yeah now I’m just kind of like just kind of spruing things up around here here

Making it look nicer want to kind of add some like sort of builds oh no I knew that was going to happen oh the trees is burning down oh well glad I got an extra Spruce sapling she I thinking like building like some paths maybe a like a Marketplace sort of

Thing like different shops like make a little town you know and like make it habitable for villagers and stuff cuz like I’ve never usually whenever I play Minecraft I never build things I’m usually more of an adventurer type of person and so I think I’m going to try and Building

Things this time around cuz i’ haven’t really done it before but we don’t really have too many resources so got to work with what we’ve got probably start farming spruce trees but that one’s currently burning down so I can’t really do that all right yeah there’s a bunch of more

Creeper holes over here but I’m going to chop this tree down before it burns all the way NOP okay let’s put out some of the Fires all right now they’re at the top we can just chop the whole thing down oh so more fire no no get out of here oh I’m on fire so because I’m going to take my le for now maybe I’ll see you later next stream though all right thanks for the

Subscription I appreciate that uh enjoy the rest of your evening thank you we’ll see you around next time if you’re able to play next time I’m streaming thanks so much of course thank you yours too all all right see you oh there’s a zombie oh lovely

Oh my axe is almost broken oh there it goes oh and that’s a witch okay let’s let’s go and sleep Left the door open it’s not a good idea but whatever and it’s morning Nice I need a new axe I only have four emeralds I think that’s enough though me go see the weapons guy Oh yeah no no just get just get some iron from the iron farm cuz it’s been running a lot uh here we are oh yeah the fullest this thing has been in a long time get a bunch of iron excuse me get out of Here all right is this guy is still alive over here oh he is oh and this guy is too you sell axes he does not that weapon Smith guy I think I have one of those somewhere I think he’s in here no where’s a tool Smith maybe you’ll trade come on see

It come on diamond axe oh an iron ax oh efficiency yes sir all right let’s go you just stuck on the door sapling oh yeah that’s nice extra efficiency all right we got 60 Spruce logs if I can get some more more saplings out of this thing

Three okay I need one more for the big boy tree oh there there’s one conveniently located right over here where I wanted to plant it pop there we go all right d Where’s My Water there it Is All right now I did a good chunk of cleaning there’s still a little bit of stuff but I think we’re good for the most part so let me just get this real quick some Cobble too I have any have any Cobble in my inventory uh not a lot or not

Enough okay let’s just we just mine until we get two stacks two stacks should be enough key word being should Be Exciting game play right here state-ofthe-art all moments and gamings all all you know whatever advances led to this one moment mining stacks of Cobblestone oh I don’t have boots oh well guess I’ll go barefoot everywhere we like I usually do in real life except what’s ironic is my Minecraft character doesn’t have boots but I’m wearing boots right now in real life it’s so I guess that’s where the boots went how much we at oh we’re

Done yeah stop ride when we’re done what do you know let’s get one more one more stack then we should be good yeah so like I got a few plans for the like some of the houses and buildings I want to build and have like it’s going to be like a spruce Village

Vibe girl little brother intrusion um we’re back so like have like a spruce Village Vibe going on that’s kind of what I’m going to Build almost for our last stack here I feel like like Spruce Wood it’s the nicest looking wood in the game it’s like the perfect tone of Darkness the log like I think like Everyone likes Spruce Wood right and like Spruce Wood plus Cobblestone is an unbeatable combo all right one

Two 64 there we go we’re good all right we’re back okay so 60 logs is good I feel like what I should do is like map out a frame I’m going to build it right here with this pen is so this is getting torn down oh I can have like a little balcony

Thing going over the water here oh I just got this a good idea okay so delete these poppies right okay so thinking have like a a shape like this no that’s not long enough okay two two more blocks have a shape like this yeah yeah this will work okay and

We have that this will be like a little patio thing and then it’ll lead to the inside which kind of looks like this have a pillar going up from there pillars on all the corners Spruce pillars okay so oh whoops oops oopsies all right that looks good

Now we can I want this to be two stories so like another ring of cobblestone I feel like like matching the base down there yeah I feel like this is good and then yeah just go straight back um yeah yeah say looks good then we have like a second story and went out

So let me uh my inventory is full of a bunch of junk me put this right here so the villagers can start trading again uh the weapon Smith guy throw away all of this slime okay now what to do um Spruce planks yes that’s what I was going to

Do then we can come back in here and add Windows as necessary but let’s just plank it up H blocked let me sleep so there’s not like zombies everywhere oh and creepers as well yep all right sleeping all right morning time let’s continue building this little structure here okay

So did the floor be Cobblestone or Spruce feel like it should be Cobble yeah yeah cobblestone H and we’re going to have a second story going up I need staircases ah inventory is getting cluttered I don’t want to throw the coal out but whatever all right

Let’s get let’s get some stairs going I already have stairs let’s use let’s use Spruce keep it keep it in theme all right do a should it be on the back wall or No it should be right here like This like that like something like that yeah that’s good okay um now we can oh that’s the the do that there we go now I can raise these up one two three like the thing with the spruce houses is they feel very compact so that’s kind of like what I’m going for

Here nice compact little house I’m almost out of logs already you got to be kidding me hi sorry for my bad English y noo engl see this house is kind of like mirrored on both sides welcome to the stream Jason Herold hope you’re doing well this evening good

Sir I got chop down more trees thankfully this one’s fully grown all right it should be high Enough oh okay this is good now we can chop chop chop chop away Welcome in hello hello what’s the worst is when you forget a log at the top of these tall trees and you got to go back all the way up to to get it this it’s a long way up when they’re this big there we go get all the spruce saplings oh hello there

Okay come on drop Down come on come on come on oh I’m almost to level 30 I see one more sapling come on hurry up and despawn I’m back welcome back back hope you’re doing well back m M look how high up the clouds are you little village number four come on why aren’t they dropping any

Saplings I do not understand where are the saplings oh they’re all up there we got to wait for that one leaf to despawn where are those sticks now those are sticks so why are there like zero saplings coming down from this tree oh I accidentally hit the sensitivity

Button on my mouse one two three there we go okay the sticks fell no more leaves all right I guess we’re just going to have to do this individually don’t get a don’t get a Mega tiger tree this kind of looks ugly but whatever whatever looks better than a a dirt Hut

Got to look at the bright side maybe once we add like details and windows and things it look better yeah and this this is why I don’t build I’m not very good at it don’t build that often okay Uh let’s add a floor down here wait that’s not going to work uh that’s good yeah it’s going to be a a tight squeeze two blocks that’s what I’m going for a compact feeling yeah nice all right let’s uh popop Torch all right yeah we should be good up here we need another torch though do that okay so now we can start with the roof and we can put some beds in here too I want probably will make it like a nice little villager house house h house cannot

Speak okay um a bunch of staircases like a bunch of them wait no not that Many do a roof like this like two staircase blocks upwards oof rip I don’t know if I should fill them in on the corners or not feel like that kind of ruins what I’m going for so I’m not going to do that to make it trying to

Look blocky so yeah we’re not going to not going to go in the corners what lag oh Oh by myself bur but on the second layer we can do it like This right maybe we could play no I could put solid blocks in this part yes that looks better looks more consistent although that would probably need a slab or another you know another another one of these yeah that looks better or could just leave it blank no

Cuz let’s do slabs let’s do a slab let’s see how this looks that looks better yeah slab is is the way to go that can stay a block though that can yeah that’ll work that will kind of work Oh that needs to be a slab oh we had just the right amount of slabs look at that all right no wrong Block M Okay um h i could do like a cobblestone ring across the top let’s see how this looks it’s pretty good I say it’s decent looking let me look at the roof from around the edges yeah yeah I’d say that’s good it just need some like need some windows and things but

Yeah that’s pretty good if I do herban on my server what yeah sleep let’s do that that’ be smart wait where’s the where’s the villager V villager where are you what are you doing up here this is not safe did not certify this go back Down yeah there you go back down where you belong probably remove that then there we go pop [Applause] pop forgot the villagers were able to go up Vines weird thing they can do okay let’s get some Cobble stairs have a little front porch area beautiful gorgeous I’m like a like a hardcore Minecrafter now I got a a mega base on day one I’m so good finishing

Touches oh yeah look look how fancy I am putting trap doors on the base so fancy honestly that Cobblestone ring is kind of ugly I’ll probably replace that with with trap doors yeah let’s just get a let’s get a bunch of trap doors going I’m going to need

Them 20 that’s probably not going to be enough Cobblestone base looks good but yeah that ring that I thought would look good does not really look good so we’re going to cover it up with trapo doors oh falling down oh I need more lovely lovely J how many how many two

Okay that should be fine There we go now that looks better welome to my starter base in Minecraft hardcore starter base all Right All right oh I need to plug this up wondering Trader wandering Trader what do you have nothing nothing good I will take this and this though cuz I don’t think we can get these and a mushroom no we can get those in the nether never mind you’re

Useless yeah spit at the Villager what happens spit at this guy see what happens you’re in for it Now wonder if I can get returned to Sender I should give you return to Cinder if you do that like hit a llama spit back of the Llama that just be so impressive to do that like why why would they not have that she say like a little Easter egg you know I’m going to move some of those beds up Here like two beds up here crafting table in the corner furnace just for good measure and now home now I’m also going to put a smithing table in here just to make it more villager oh no not that that more villager friendly well there we Go h stop spitting at me trying to get it so like the Golem can come over here get out of the the water yeah there you go hey spit me I Dare You There we go I’d say pretty good pretty good looking if I do say myself so myself

Which I am saying so myself I just need some windows let go get some glass from The Villages I would like to acquire some glass thank you I’m going to leave them as leave it as blocks cuz I think it looks nicer like that pains are overrated

Yeah that looks that looks better than block than pains at least for this kind of build a window oh not right there right here who wouldn’t want some natural light while you’re sleeping you know and one right here there we go yeah overall pretty pretty snazzy house I think I think it

Look I think it turned out pretty good now just build some more some more of these yeah pretty good it’s the perfect size too it’s not too big not too small I’m proud of that house no okay now what was I running over here to do I don’t remember oh Well this tree is ready for us to chop down lovely Jly I can just get another sapling I can make a mega Tree aha there we go Mega Tiger that was a waste of a carrot L now to I need it that’d be pretty gross all right let’s get a let’s little smaller thing going um where to put it where to build this right here this is the place break that facing the street bop bop

Bop oh we have some mossy cobblestone extra fancy smancy extra FY I’m going to have to get rid of this though bop bop bop so I think the roof on this one going to have like a slanted roof not a circular one like that we going to have the roof come up like a oh knock my mic come up like a

Triangle feel like that’d be cool Let’s this one I’m going of the floor of planks just to save Cobblestone I guess and just spice it up yeah this one kind of looks like a like a PLS village house like one of the ones is like this so stairs I need stairs and I need a crafting table and I

Need to sleep so let’s sleep sleep first Oh NOP give me give me give me the stair give me the stairs stairs go There Okay bop bop Bop Oh you know what I just got another idea what if we go up another layer and have like a little lookout tower up top here that’d be cool okay yeah let’s do that let’s do this break a little hole there we have a ladder come up to like this second part

Yeah my best idea all night have like a second house coming out on top of the first house this going to look so dumb but we’re going to do it ah the tree is ready oh man I love Minecraft what’s up Gamers welcome to the stream drop dead red hope

You’re doing well this evening if you’d like to join these server addresses are in the in the description I was about to say opinion that that would not make much sense but in the description there’s a server addresses and oh no my water no

No ah and you also need to tell me your Minecraft um gamer tag gamer ID username whatever so I can add you to the white List multiplayer doesn’t work classic Bedrock Edition classic Bedrock you could be using Java if you want Java or Bedrock works for this but Bedrock on mobile or PC specifically cuz you can’t play on consoles for whatever reason you can’t have custom servers when you’re playing on Console Bedrock which is just

Stupid probably some like thing with like they don’t want like hacks or whatever on like they don’t they don’t want like a server to be used as a tool to Homebrew or hack the system that you’re playing Bedrock on but that that’s probably it’s probably how that’s

Probably why they don’t allow for custom servers that’s guess I have but who knows why just keep chopping down trees so yeah today what we were doing Drop Dead we were I was kind of cleaning up around the base you know making it look a little nicer kind of adding a few

Buildings filling up creeper holes stuff like that and oh my thing just broke um let’s just craft a crafting table here cuz I’m too lazy to go get another one Yeah like we’re building building things I’m currently working on some like Spruce looking houses cuz I feel like Spruce looks nice this world of green so yeah doing that and just chilling and having a good time playing Minecraft whoever wants to join can join in but

Perfectly fine if you just sit back and chill and watch with me so yeah well that’s a lot of saplings I’m going to plant another mega tree here and start growing some closer to where I’m working so I don’t have to run all the way over here just to get a few

Trees so there we go oh this does Look oh I’m so dumb no I need to Center if I if I Center it it’ look it’ look better let’s do that these need to be moved to here There we Go oh break this one one two three I think if you give your Microsoft ID I can join if you add me uh no cuz the server is whitelist so even if he friended me on like game bar or whatever it still wouldn’t still wouldn’t work oh that needs to be a

That like you just tell me like your in-game username and then I can add you to the the white list oh yeah nice little lookout tower up here kind of cool be a Window Okay some more stairs oh wish it was like a wood cutter thing so like you could get a direct one to one or wooden stairs like it came with stone stairs and stuff might look really ugly but you know what we’re going to find out I’m kind of experimenting here this one giant

Experiment but let’s see see how it looks oh I’m out of planks look at that a perfect 64 okay uh 3 2 1 uh that didn’t look too bad I definitely need to like add depth to that no no cuz I feel like the lack

Of depth is kind of intentional on it so yeah I’d say that looks pretty good no no yeah I’m going to add going to add depth to it an extra layer of stairs that’ll make it look nicer except I’m kind of out of stairs it’s not good but let’s do

That we make some more right here all right um oh not not not out of logs where the there we go 41 that should be good on just the right amount of planks too I put my username in chat it’s not it’s not appearing so uh what I can do is just

Whitelist off it’s like let me know when you’re ready to join and then I’ll just I’ll turn the white list off then you can join actually I’m just going to turn off now so now you should be able to join and once you’re in I’ll add you to

The white list and then I’ll turn it off don’t want a bunch of randos coming on again like or the first time we played trying to join from Bedrock so yeah Bedrock is very buggy and and I don’t play it anymore now it is I just play console edition and Java

Edition I don’t I don’t touch Bedrock much except I started a world one time just like re-experience it and I quit cuz I started it when the school year started and so that was like the worst time to do it so yeah there we go oh yeah much better much better like that

It kind of looks like a a house kind looks like a house grew into this house like a like it extended up better rock is console no Legacy console edition is console they are they are different different versions of the game There we go I need Ladders oh my goodness why do things keep blowing up there we go I can put like a something up here windows and maybe a crafting table or two like a maybe a bed yeah I’ll put a bed up here that would be nice you know what I’ll put a bed inside

No I’m not going to put a bed down there I’ll just put one up here uh that that’ll do I like make like little apartments here and there you know spruce up the village Spruce I’m so Funny make one of these Sleep all right so that is a I say that’s pretty good let’s let me go get some windows from the librarian over here All right uh you’re not the guy you’re the guy let me level him up while I’m here oh and I guess I’m up to level 30 now lovely now you trade name tags Yay H I’m in all right uh I don’t see you I guess you might uh might be joining in via the Lobby if you’re in the main lobby then you can do slash jooin good games smpp the games spell with a z it kicked you what did it say did it say like Whit list not enabled or something like that Or why is this house filled with slime what was the message you gave You can’t accept turns in the agre wow dang well uh I don’t I don’t know what to do about that um that’s rough yeah sorry I don’t know any way I can help you with terms and agre remans oh feather falling you say h [Applause] Um now what to do oh hello Enderman guess I could go trade with the Villagers yeah what do I do to Ty okay so I’ll just I’ll just type it in chat I’ll type it so you can copy and paste it or whatever okay so slash join Dot There we go that’s what you do to join FL jooin good games SMP one word did I put a space in between games and SMP I think there might be but oh there there you are hello Bedrock player and a Java player in the same world future all right so let me white list add white list on there we go hello

There how does this Bedrock thing work do I look like a Steve skin to you or do I have my skin cuz you have a Steve skin on my screen there’s probably like some cross compatibility things that going on I guess like delet or defaults your skin to a to a Steve or

Something that’s expensive I’m a Steve you are not okay so I got my regular skin cool he we don’t have an enchantment T we still don’t have an enchantment table my custom skin won’t load yeah it’s probably CU like so this so basically This Server is a is a Java and

Bedrock server so I’m playing on Java right now and you’re on Bedrock so like people from both versions can join and that’s probably why like custom skins and whatever don’t load cuz Java can’t do things like that at least not without mods hello villager what oh there we go yeah

Yes give me the Money money Money come on Restock oh that tree regrew I’m kind of done with building now like after I build a few things in this game I’m always like pooped out like nah I don’t want to build anymore I want to go do something and you know what I want to do

I want to go in the Nether and try and find some diamonds cuz we need diamonds we and get an enchantment table that’s that’s my that’s my goal right now is to get an enchantment Table we can get the bookshelves from The Librarians but we need actual diamonds themselves so I’m going to go to the Nether and look for Some hope I don’t die ha 32 Levels oh no oh no oh no oh no what what hey get out of here Bozo Elbo I’m going to say I’ll go to a wall and just start strip mining until I find like another Fortress cuz this Fortress here doesn’t have a doesn’t have any loot in it loot

Chest so I’m just going to dig until I find like a Bastion or something else like that so yeah you can like run around do whatever you want just don’t grief don’t like steal from chest whatever you can build houses I don’t care just like use common sense and be courteous of others

Pretty much all the server rules oh almost just fell off if only this were Bedrock Edition and I could Bridge forward I guess you could do that but I can’t because I’m on Java I can join with my Bedrock account oof I’m not seeing any structures m okay

Oh I’m out of blocks I got some black stone okay I don’t see anything feel like over there would be the best bet cuz I don’t know if Bastion I don’t think they spawn in the basalt biomes let’s get some more blocks B Ah I suck at Minecraft what version are youing are you playing on a PC or a or a phone cuz yeah that’d be pretty hard if you’re playing on a phone oh there’s magma on my Play wait how are you playing on your PlayStation I didn’t know you could had have custom servers

On consoles I didn’t know that on Console Bedrock well I guess I learned something new today I know you can’t do that on the on the switch I don’t think you can do it on Xbox but yeah I guess you can on Playstation have you ever played the

PlayStation 4 edition of Minecraft it’s separate from Bedrock technically a different version of the game but it’s got like under the logo it says PlayStation 4 edition that is the console edition I was talking about earlier a different version of Minecraft that is much older than bedrock oh there’s a

Guest there’s a big delay in chat isz the stream yeah it gets laggy like that sometimes Oh that’s the gas right there good thing he didn’t see me Oh there’s so many of them up There I keep missing yeah yeah despawn oh yeah what’s this that oh it’s got power on it yeah one shot of gas all right bop bop bop bop get out of here boo we’re using stairs and now then we got a nice little nice little staircase okay continue this straight Line sweet dreams nighty Night where’s the surface oh there we go what he’s not even rendered in this isn’t fair oh was that a fortress I know it’s the fog oh mama oh what a shot come on oh now you despawn okay oh no he’s not despawn he just not loading In out here Bozo see we have an iron farm on the other side of the town if you want to like oh that’s a Bastion over there nice so there’s an iron farm on one side of the town if you want to take from the chest to get up to iron armor quickly

Then yeah you can use that this is a community Farm anyone can take from it oh lovely a lot of Health that’s a lot of damage all right we just need to get some diamonds hopefully this Bastion will have some imine I find netherite before I get diamond honestly that’ probably

Happen just make make a little Trail marker here uh Uh whoop okay so actually since I have gold on me I’m going to make some gold boots so the piggy boys don’t get mad at me golden kicks there we go Uh be able to go from over here it looks like there’s an opening just got to watch out for the brutes what’s up all right here we go careful sneak in get in get the diamonds get out we just need two diamonds oh that’s a lot of pigs okay

Um oh that’s a brute that’s a brute right there there that’s a brute mate okay is not not very good let’s see if I can hit Him oh oh okay okay okay uh okay we’re completely enclosed he can’t get to us yeah I’m probably going to to oh three of them right here we got a piglin oh five of what what all the brutes right here got a little pig farm right here get out of here h

Okay we should be able to stack straight up right here and we should be safe CU yeah they can’t get oh oh big chest right here okay so we cleared out a lot of the brutes I don’t know how many brutes spawn per Bastion but we cleared out most of them

Or a good chunk of them at least oh that’s a lot of loot that’s a lot of stuff is that that a snorting template yeah armor trim okay there’s the obsidian gilded Black Stone take some arrows Pig step hey more Guild of Blackstone a gold block more obsidian I could just build another

Portal out here and a diamond shovel nice a bunch of other stuff iron oh we found netherite yeah we found netherite before what did I say we’d find netherite before we find diamonds get all these Goods see I don’t think there will be any more like good treasure in here I

Think this is the the top of the top of the top the the best stuff right here so yeah no diamonds that’s sad but we did get Pig step which is nice you know what I’m just going to return home with all this loot that’s a pretty good haul so yeah let’s just

Let’s go back home find diamonds some other day but overall said this say this is good I’m going to go had some fun though have a great rest of your night SL day an evening for me so thanks for being here I appreciate you sticking around watching the stream just hanging out um

Yeah thanks for watching hope you have a great rest of your day slash evening yourself see you drop dead h yeah it’s the right way all right we’re going going the right way lovely lovely jubly ooh that’s a that’s a steep Gap right there okay right down here and we take

This path all the way back home oh unless I die okay um steady steady do M steady do steady steady steady okay run run run run run run run run just don’t stop don’t stop and we’ll be good what would be really annoying is if gas like

Aimed in front of you like anticipated where you’d go that that’d be the worst anyways we made it back for the most part we still got to get to the portal which shouldn’t be too bad keyword being shouldn’t oh I say that and then I fall in lava

Okay thankfully it wasn’t like a deep pit or anything it’s just oh no no no no no no oh soon as I speak up something something bad happens we get in a a dire situation here as soon as I say something nothing new around here okay uh no the firing at me

Literally INF figuratively oh oh it’s a skeleton no the wither skeletons I’m not prepared to fight them oh only have seven carrots left noise Bo Know okay you know what let’s let’s just fight this guy see if we can get his skull no but I will take the coal this coal Rhymes a skull all oh my my my legs my legs broke ah Where do I go where where’s the exit forget hello how yall doing H how much health do you have he get out of here uh oh that way that’s where we need to go okay Um get to the cave oh we did it back home in the middle of the field oh that’s a lot of zombies that’s a a lot of that’s a lot of Zambos that’s a lot of damage oh run run I’m going to die I’m going to die I’m going to

Die don’t do go go oh so many mobs out there so many I’m going to sleepo okay there’s so much stuff but now it’s all burning now we’re all safe safe in sound and we came back with a bunch of good loot so that’s good let me just dump this all in here

And those probably going to get stolen but you know what Whatever now now I got two Diamond shovels all right um I’d say with that experience getting back from the Bastion I’d say we we did some good progress today built a built a few houses looted a Bastion uh kind of cleaned up around the village yeah we did got some good

Progress done so you know thanks for watching subscribe like do whatever you want to do I don’t know thanks for watching appreciate everyone who played uh drop dead leave a like everyone thanks for watching I’ll see you all next time goodbye h

This video, titled ‘Minecraft Superflat with Viewers! (part #10)’, was uploaded by Good Gamez on 2023-12-21 17:15:35. It has garnered 29 views and 5 likes. The duration of the video is 01:51:46 or 6706 seconds.

Time for some more Superflat Survival! The server addresses are: GoodGamezSMP.minehut.gg (java) and GoodGamezSMP.bedrock.minehut.gg (bedrock). (Any game version past 1.20 will work) You will also need to put your Minecraft username in the YouTube chat so that I can whitelist you. Happy mining!

#Minecraft #MinecraftSuperflat #Minecraftwithviewers

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    Looks like even Minecraft mobs have better manners than some people on the internet. Read More

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  • Choose the Wrong House, Face Death! – Minecraft

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  • Project Nebula SMP Java 1.20.4 Age 18+ Whitelist LGBTQ+ Hermitcraft-like Friendly Community 5+ Years!

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    How to connect and play on this server? You must have the game version 1.20 installed. How to check? At startup, the game version will be displayed on the right, at the bottom. If it is a different version, you should change the current profile (left, bottom) and select version 1.20 Click the PLAY button, wait for the Minecraft game to load. Choose: Multiplayer Click the button “Direct connect”, or if you want to keep the server in its list, press the button “Add server” In the field “Server address” write: play.chickencraft.nl (GL HF) Read More

  • WyrdCraft | Witchery+

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  • Intense Water Drinker – Pick Your Language!

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  • “INSANE double TNT run! Must watch!!” #minecraft #gaming

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  • Discover mind-bending secrets in Universe Land: The Beneath

    Discover mind-bending secrets in Universe Land: The BeneathVideo Information and already people are breaking out of bounds too oh really well I’ll meet you in a in game because I just started streaming all righty see you in a sec well well well well well what do we have here [Music] man I really hope my mic is picking up this stuff because if not that it’s going to be uh dumb that is going to be really dumb man I guess it is because I just checked and I heard myself that’s crazy what other Discord server ah yes the beneath one because I’m Bene thing… Read More

  • “Shocking Villager IQ Experiment in Minecraft!” #clickbait

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  • “AZEN: The Ultimate TikTok Hack Exposed!😱” #clickbait

    "AZEN: The Ultimate TikTok Hack Exposed!😱" #clickbaitVideo Information सो गाइ आज मैं आपको एक ऐसा खतरनाक [संगीत] हां तो यार इसी बात पे अनेन चैनल को सब्सक्राइब कर देना क्योंकि ये चैनल अच्छा है This video, titled ‘THE MOST USELESS AND POPULAR TIKTOK HACK💀😂#azen #minecraft #shorts’, was uploaded by AZEN on 2024-05-04 16:29:04. It has garnered 419 views and 18 likes. The duration of the video is 00:00:35 or 35 seconds. AZEN,AZEN,Azen,minecraft shorts,minecraft,shorts,minecraft short,minecraft short video,minecraft but,minecraft memes,minecraft tiktok,minecraft mod,short,youtube shorts,minecraft speedrun,minecraft #shorts,twi shorts,minecraft challenge,funny minecraft memes,minecraft but challenge,minecraft manhunt,beating minecraft,minecraft speedrunner,camman18 minecraft,minecraft 1.17,minecraft funny,camman18 shorts,minecraft seed,minecraft animation MINECRAFT FURNITURE MOD 🤯 REAL GAMING SET UP… Read More

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    INSANE MINECRAFT CAVE REACTION!! #shorts #minecraftVideo Information This video, titled ‘When We Are Entering in cave For First Time #shorts #minecraft’, was uploaded by MINECRAFT_OX on 2024-03-26 00:00:26. It has garnered views and [vid_likes] likes. The duration of the video is or seconds. minecraft shorts minecraft animation Steve and alex 12345678910 minecraft minecraft wave mod cameraman bebek kwek kwek … Read More