Minecraft Survival With SimpleChaosGaming, Part 5, Exploring & Achievements

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Average 20 am just like what the [ __ ] perfect type of stuff why would you say that whoops my bad she’s a star oh I think all the buildings you’re saying what the [ __ ] this stuff on YouTube it’s like cows have one video of the accuser got over 2 000 views um

Let’s just turn this up I can barely hear what’s going on well you make fun and audio sounds alright right now as soon as I started the music stopped all right I mean foreign how does one Minecraft again I can’t remember okay we still need one more lamber that

We can get actually even We did make a list of like what colors um What walls we need yeah I think it’s that many colors we need hmm by the way you’re still in your standing now screen look at that that’s changed it so I can actually hear the game I’m gonna have to remember that in the

Future we need more bones that was a good time to see how many potatoes now the game’s actually playing right I should probably check up on that for you while I it’s all set up all right well a moment I’m just looking like stun extend our farm when I can speak English fun

It’s so interacting with something oh yeah your idea is good how dare you tell your Photoshop defenseless found I have the right to sell my phone to shut up your poor phone I should report you to phones anonymous oh my God this freaking guy blame me for the lack of sanity no

No I can’t go go tomorrow okay yeah I’ll just average did it and look over a stack wow that was a really quick quick good Lord I do like tell them what about befriending the walls it can’t raise the progress over oh that’s it just have got some of them

Who did that once before defended a couple just for the sake of it oh yeah I think we did didn’t we uh yeah we died I actually got any Wheat trying to see if we have any actual gray bones kicking about wow what a sentence I’ve got three bones on me

Yeah I got three on me we might have to go skeleton hunting I was gonna be fish for a hell of a load of cats well I just I’ve got like 21 cooked cod in my inventory I thought I had to be Raw I’m pretty sure it has to be Raw uh uh

And I just cooked some food I can’t really blame you for that all right well I guess I know what I’m gonna be doing for the most part then fishing fishing and fishing yeah if we’re gonna need it for cats then yeah welcome to today’s fishing stream yeah [ __ ] [ __ ] [ __ ]

Okay so we have five llamas I think they need to grow up first I like this I really wish this fishing rod had mending and oh I mean I just fished up on the enchanted fishing rod but while some of his enchantments are good it has one little problem it’s owner

If I die or well no I mean that’s part of the problem if I die while carrying this fishing rod it will completely disappear like I won’t be able to pick it back up oh look at the C2 in lure two they’re also has cast of Vanishing

Did we find some last time with curse of Allison yeah we did I think it was armor gold armor at that I lost something could have been I don’t even know where it is I can’t remember yeah what else is there to do today right I gotta make potions today as well

I guess yeah mending one on it as well oh we found it on this one did we okay yeah oh yeah we also see that we run away screaming from okay we did it was either there or the the Diamond Hill and Fortress whatever the hell is called Diamond hoe

Well you just found one I’m cool no no I’m just asking was it a diamond Toe with the castle banish you know yes it was yeah yeah that was from the ancient city then Tim is trying to remember everything all right and I’ve fallen in love with the Sakura

Trees again with these freaking parts for the boat I love the the cherry blossom just falling down it makes a good series what the hell what now I just got an enchanted Bill power free and punch one Despicable Me night time yeah we might want to get some sleep

If I have to jump over that I’ll grab one more and I’ll be riding I’m going to bed give me a good one aha [ __ ] [ __ ] probably an achievement I do want to try and get because it’s been elusive as all hella ever since I started playing Minecraft oh God uh let’s let’s

See if we can just bring it up uh nine hearts of damage deal nine hearts of damage is a single hit that no I’m pretty sure that’s like diamond sword uh sharpness enchantment and everything and maybe like a a portion of strength Maybe I’ve just never had the chance to do it mm-hmm

Oh you you know what else we’re gonna do right oh God when it comes to clearing out that uh Fortress okay we’re exploring first yeah yeah we can go explore first but when it does come to that damn Fortress we’re gonna have to grind the withers oh God that might help yeah

That will help a mother where someone actually now that I think about it we could probably get two achievements out of it I just had a bone on top of that back decking there’s a statement I never thought I’d say out loud wow I just got another name tag God’s sake I think we’re doing all right for name tags we also need to be off starvation with rotten flesh I thought it was a beat off I think it’s like fitting up people don’t have to take that out of context Even Anyway how’s the life so make sure you get some usage out of that bottom And it’s a hundred presses per day good day baby per hour [Laughter] yeah theater We’re gonna go explore I’m probably gonna bring that that pickaxe with us with looting yeah I don’t blame you it’s a good pickaxe no he needs an extra name tattoo needs an extra name tag why does they need an extra name tag Hey look it’s Slytherin again I bet the horse [Laughter] why would you want to rename the Halls we named it after you oh she’s gonna kill me you are going to die my good friend anyway I gave her a good reason why I named after it she could be mad about it but she can’t

Kill me it was her own words [Laughter] okay I think I’ve seen how things I’ve been getting on top of that dagging yeah let’s see I got like 24 recording seven rolled salmon so far only like 20 each and it could probably take more than one

So I’ll keep fishing for a bit longer all this for a couple of cats all right did that freaking cancel out my freaking fishy wrong foreign against me oh let’s just go exploring all right I’m gonna put some of this stuff away unbelievable that was funny timing

Kind of wish there was a way you could separate the animals a bit I have more buns in this chest nice we’ve got 10 Burns so far how about four on me similar with that at least wait running in the Houser wait how many leashes do we have

I mean I know I’ve got one on me I don’t know how many of us there are though I think we need five yeah yeah if that’s achievement I can’t remember the name Oh yeah we got it we got some plenty good there was six in the chest Well it bubbles the big magic I forgotten the name of them now hmm Slightly smithing templates at least once yeah yeah there’s a few to find there’s eight of them yeah Ancient Temple uh Ocean Monuments I think I think we’ve got treasure I think we’ve got two yeah fire treasure um probably the Bastion as well we’re gonna go looking through a fair few places

For all I know they could be one in the end City definitely one revolving the lavas I can’t seem to find it Like a car and a llamas in it yeah I think it was five there it is the Caravan containing at least five llamas so I didn’t go past it I’m just assuming that he’s gonna get him all on the leash uh I’m serious sir is there enough lemons in there I think

There’s I’ve got five I think one needs to grow up we’ve got baby glamor I don’t know if it means they’ll be fully grown or not that’s all I wouldn’t grow yeah let them grow I can see these two cats down here as well There’s at least the cartoon little kitties wait get out the way got a cat I’ve got five llamas oh yeah five I mean I don’t know Yeah lead him too far they’ll just break the leads you didn’t let the baby grow up first I thought I’d give it a go uh how do I go with the leashes well that’s how My time again all right it’s got a bear to go explore the One Direction we’ve not been here well my alert box is fixed hey let’s move how you doing I hear zombie burning no no zombies here I hear someone burning no zombies here oh is your wife here

God damn it I don’t have a wife I’m doing pretty good and I’m doing pretty good guys so I don’t see why is we can’t answer that question wise is a whole different story we can’t answer that question politely well you come out as playing state of Texas for four days

Achievement that involves the the honey so that was what and there’s one with honey blocks uh one where we’ve always gotta move it with bees inside it and the smaller one yeah freebies full of honey and you use silk touch on a pickaxe so I move it three two punters with bamboo

Yeah we’re we’re chilling from our state Decay run just doing a little bit of achievement hunting on there Minecraft I’m just doing a little bit of bass paint turns as well use a campfire to collect honey from a beehive you’re using a bottle without aggravating the beans yeah

Can’t find next oil or something my underneath I believe we’ve got one on the floors we can dig out underneath it and let’s clean some bulbs let me just bring up the list oh a Minecraft achievement um what was the name of that achievement I’ll get back to you on that one sure

I’m looking for it now The Beehive basically next to our house is full Be Our Guest lovely name use the campfire to collect honey from a beehive using a bottle about aggravating the bees yeah because last time I tried to get into a bottle

Of honey from them they uh got mad at me I guess it makes sense because like smoke does be orientate them or probably how you say that word it’s orientation yeah that’s what they use IRL for like honey collected like they use smoke to get rid of the muscle but foreign

Never seen it looks like you don’t even surprised that probably because half the time I can’t tell if you’re trolling or not no I’ve just never been a big movie person never mind really I mean the last time I was excited for a movie I think it was even the last Jason

Bourne movie or the Assassin’s Creed film that was I remember going to the cinemas to see Assassin’s Creed I did it was like a birthday present for me not really yeah I admit the film what do you think of it I wouldn’t say it was a perfect film

I can see why that changed the Animus and stuff in it because having a film with a guy’s just laying there half the time would be a big office yeah I didn’t think it was that gold but it was fairly decent that’s the only time I’ve actually watched it I’ve never actually watched

It apparently we can actually crack the leads didn’t know that yeah uh it takes fourth string and a slime ball that’s one thing we’ve not really seen in this world yet slimes yeah which uh slimes are going to be needed for some of the other achievements as well

We do need to find a way I get silk touched at some point bring the other beehives over here okay well it’s great that they’re close by uh kind of need them in a different place they’re always empty because there’s no flowers around them and we put flowers around here

Go out explore fly walls and what is it Cactus awesome that we needed for dye other stuff for the wool we’re starting because it’s literally for the half an hour with this stream I’ve just been running around a second foreign looking for all like these units what can we do How’s the Llama doing a little baby oh that was great You should still have the leads on you I’ll probably chest really in it Um it’s also hard to tell which ones I’ve got leads on which I haven’t dang it go over here come on can’t tell which one haven’t I got a lead on This yeah you got them um I’ll put on a cow that’s why Okay we’ll have to build a way out for them because I’m getting so confused confused I’ll kill some cows Um I mean we can get cows let’s run can’t we yeah I’ll leave at least two cows collapse breed how are you picking up my leads all right for now I can at least see a bit better oh actually if you’ve got any Wheat on you

Uh no not only also if you get a bit of wheat it will lead to the animals away like you can take the animals through the side so I can focus on the bloody lavas I’m there okay I’ll go grab some wheat the Sheep shut up kitty Shut up chaos how’s the wife foreign I’ve been watching that on Facebook in the morning sometimes one llama I don’t have yet but it’s hard to tell which ones I’ve got one reason which I haven’t got all the ladders you’re gonna need to make a way out from the llamas In a shape a shape this one you lost one the lead broke llamas I’ve still got a sheep on a leash stop [ __ ] sit on him five lambers on leashes but the achievement’s not popping up so I don’t know what we’re supposed to do and just walk with them for a bit

Exploring it’s a little bit of Caravan I don’t get why they meet um I escaped yeah I pushed it back down What was that streaming called again I can’t remember I went past it first time so I got that going for me yeah you think maybe the Caravan containing at least five laps okay yeah that’s it does it say what to do you just say walk around with five llamas um any second last accept curious or something hey do Twilight llama [Laughter]

I need some wood he’s a what I need some wood what why do you need wood in one of my llamas that’s a bit creepy what we wanted to do to my alarm is with your wood Maybe your wife knows what you’re planting [Laughter] I was supposed to creeper pop up behind me and kill all these llamas keep them still right you’ve put a chest on them guys it’s quite cool are you not tamed I just breeded him you’re not a team spider ow

L have to help because I don’t want to kill dramas Foreign skeleton that’s what you think you mean oh God the skeleton shooting them on this side now a tough risk losing them okay so what about one llama has a chest on it the skeleton team on alarms ain’t Tamed I don’t know of hearts oh there’s a creeper behind our horses oops

Okay so they all have chests on them uh working on it working on it it’s pretty well work as two of the llamas from the actual wandering Trader no that’s how you get them hey get him to begin with I thought if it didn’t have a lead shot

I think I’ve got all five on leashes yeah I’m still nothing’s popping up Yeah but this is Minecraft the game could have the achievement might not popped up by now let’s do it later well we know you want to get the animals on one side of the thing again bring the llammers back down you still have your wheat come on llamas come on

I think they’re all down yeah there we go ow what the hell did the ground get down here call him stop doing that yeah it’s drown coming from the side it’s all off leashes oh the creeper blood the flowers They’re for the bees I know let’s just go to bloody bed

That was another traitor there I just saw two more llamas yeah he’s probably invisible right now anyway uh Tesco exploring before getting more distracted yeah I’ll pretty much just follow your lead I don’t know which direction we’ve all been yet what colors do we need for the wool Uh let me just um purple magenta red and lime green so a rose is one I found green dye to any green wall it’s lime green so we can make it with the green dye we can make it with the green dye we’re selling us

I mean yeah it’s part of it yeah the bucket of tropical fish oh he has a green dye we need let me go grab an emerald before he disappears and dies you’re not Indiana Jones over here uh green die here we go okay and then it was something it was lime die

And what’s needed to make the line die I need white I don’t want to make white dye I think that’s bone meal probably thank you but we don’t need Red Dot yeah we have white dye we have like die yeah I just made a white dive wait do we need red yeah red

Apple magenta lime green you might want in you might want to empty out your inventory so you can have it all I’ll close the wall in your inventory what is it in a chest I think the achievement is can we generally we need one blue two red dyes and the White die

Two red thighs yeah basically those two red flag Woods I can make pink but I think we need pink right now and let me get disco I don’t keep asking you what we’re talking let’s see so purple magenta red and light and green okay so I’ve got the red well I’ll just

I can make the red line green you’ve got the green dice trying to take another white purple is red and blue a magenta is too red in a blue I just want to make white dye I just made it yeah yeah bone milk makes dye have you got the the green

I just made some lime dye I got one green one left what the hell right here I got two green ones left There we go lime green blocking now you tell me how to make it it’s only if I’m blue dive blue dye uh I think one of the flowers outside that I can do that yep here we go we like three of them three I saw your breath it’s three blue dark heists

We could also use because of blue dyes so we’d rather keep the flowers I completely forgot about the lapis so there you go free blue dye well I’m making my own die now so ah I still need red you probably use uh all right I already got red do you have enough red

How many do you need I don’t know what he’s got what colors I need it it was purple I need three three bread God’s sake woman you’re so sorry for your wife God damn it I don’t have a wife I need a bad place for the stream deck I swear to

God I was your wife anyway I’m gonna kill you I can’t imagine why I just press the wrong board oh my freaking layout when I freaking move around a raccoon Lord all 16 colors pulls white backing it says gay this is gather all 16 colors give me some of the stuff in my

Inventory then actually try and put in my winter never mind he just popped up I did it I made me bloody jump all right so now you’ve got these hearing I already got it let’s go go out keep an eye out for wolves wolves I think yeah I would just focus

On walls for now a little befriend a load of wolves all right walls need bones dang it I thought about me but I don’t know all right it’s in the food chest I think got him yeah I also go Direction we’ve not been yet I mean you’ve been up to like the Sakura

Trees over there I knew you haven’t really been over that much that way so basically rather that way or that way all right because they told me you’re not prepared I know what I think I’m not fat I think you bring that pickaxe what didn’t you bring

Fair enough why as well in case we’ve got it’s easy to forget because we have it on the wall and not in the chest um since I did have a pickaxe on me it’s almost broken what else people were taking beds as well I guess we want to go to daytime

I couldn’t remember how to take the bloody app pickaxe Off the Wall there I’ll grab mine about crafting table you know my wife I feel like an idiot why do you feel like I do it this time we have silk such yeah so we can do the beehives later

Pickaxe has now got so such nice in this beehive because it’s full of fun I’ll say just put it back around the tree again all around the secretary I don’t know if I’ll get these human it needed free bees in there anyway well do you want to go get the other two bee

Hives and we’ll just put them all around this tree I can’t remember where they are there’s one over there you can see on the train there’s one right around this corner it’s one right there right there this is the one over on the tree over here because you can see the bees

This one actually has three b’s as well around it I think three b’s just went in it as well mine mine mine mine that’s a bit more around with the sacral tree never have to go to bed because it’s nicer yeah I have to move the flowers close if I’m

Pretty sure they’re fine I also say it’s probably on the same secretary you’re the man I’m glad I remembered that we had a silk such but book no I finally can actually speak properly that’s never gonna happen huh I never understand what you’re saying sometime submit to me a lot of bees

Oh I’ll have to go exploring distracted did you even pop up for you no it hasn’t yet although the game tends to be like that for me like the YouTubers does pop up for a while I mean it took it took a minute or so for the

We’ll want to pop up yeah it just popped up so let’s hope your pick text on break and then we can I can get that achievement we go back I mean this thing’s also gotten breaking too so it should last a while as well not to mention it’s the diamond pickaxe

Yeah but this is also beautiful so you’re probably gonna fall in a ladder and lose it we also need to find it a donkey or something at some point because we breed a horse and a donkey to make a mule I think I mean we have pulses so technically all

We need is the mule Dawn cake whatever we just need the Donkey so there’s any boats I’ve got a crafting table there’s lava that I go jump in it it’s your favorite thing to do not tempt me I will do it you’ll see you don’t get

The silk touch pickaxe and just so you can’t get this damn achievement me I’ll make your body great if you get it let’s try again and creative your achievements don’t work well I’ll do it I’ll do what you can do in near automata what would that be truly by achievement

That’s cheating what if you beat the games three times you get a vendor that will actually sell you achievements nice cheating that means you are a baby pony I I will leave you alone I’m baby pony well move on missed I’ll let it live should be good if I’m cooked food for a

While if I keep finding animals to kill well you can find I’ll get food you know I’ve got 35 bread dummy that’s why slithering hasn’t told me up yet the threatened to kill the horse laughs let’s try to pull on it I think it’s probably one we’ve already got I think it is

Yeah after being on this one for so long I can’t remember where we’ve been what we’ve done and whatnot other stuff we’ve done because it basically involved us screaming in Terror especially involving the Walden goddamn Warden I want to be that was fun but also really creepy

With us like the first time I’ve ever found an agency so I’ve got something case I’m starting to think we maybe should have brought a map or something honestly I I should have made this both like locator Maps this time let me attack Chief we’re gonna do at

Some point as well so we’ll go get like nine maps on the wall or something yeah and it’s gonna be a lot of adventuring and exploring I think it’d be worth it though maybe somebody we could do maybe if we can find the lectras or what the hell’s called

Yeah but we’re gonna go to the end City for them and we’ve got to find more than one kill okay not to mentioned not get pushed off into the void I just realized I’ve got a bloody sword with fire aspect I didn’t realize how they’re on me still

When we get back to base I’ll probably uh start making some of the other potions and there’s one I I don’t think we’re gonna get for a while but it would be useful eventually oh dear you you know if you don’t wait uh for some time I get the Phantoms

Yeah they dropped something called a phantom membrane and makes it in for a potion you get a potion of slow falling different doggy doggy okay I got a doggy No one here down trees yeah I think it’s random alley bones you gotta get there we go I wasn’t a baby doggy well they’re both in love with you but not me no you’re the one I gave him the bones I just currently sat down how do you make

People say you need to unsit electrical see that’s it you damn phone how dare you interrupt yeah I think I need one more dog and sit they’re gonna be sitting here forever waiting for me to come back and I never will I’ll tell you to sit and I’ll never come back

Unbelievable and now I’m streaming with this guy what on Earth is wrong with me I’ll show you with a guy that wanted me he has a wife nope nope you know get the button press on that no refuse you’re not having it so how is the life Wi-Fi chaos his wife KSS wife chaos give me a try then haha I think it’s worth making about um I kind of wish I could find a pill which is Tower that’ll be cool and one on me it’s very good right I don’t even need no styles

You a [ __ ] person you don’t pay me minus five stars if I did you not paying me that’s not gonna pay you why would I pay you you just dump me in the ocean you’re definitely not getting bloody paid in my hand run away to me

At least don’t get an exercise on like you sitting around your ass all day I believe you were in the boat back to me oh that was too good let’s go towards the icy biome um like there’s no bam or something um I mean a snow village that’ll be quite cool I found the snowboarding but yeah yeah we’re in the forest so we’re not really going to see a village in the middle of all this I think they tend to be open yeah I think this might be a Pillager Tower yeah it is noise

We actually found the project Tower I literally just saw the wood on top oh that is a lot of pillages huh I’m gonna get some dirt so we can block the door behind me when we’re inside all I hear from behind me is I’d even bring Bloody cross back

Why do they sound like Pirates Oh wow thanks for the crossbow oh wait ocean this ball of Enchanted do you have that effect on you yeah I’ve sort of kept the banner could have had it in our house how long does it take him to respawn um a little bit I think is this um what have you got

Might as well sleep up here I blocked the stairs off okay I didn’t bring your bed I had the wall I have the woods I didn’t bring a bed yeah I told you to bring up that do you ever bloody listen no this is you we’re talking about God

Know what your wife’s always hitting you with the frying pan I don’t have a wife shut up oh God always moaning what else do you want there can you blame me uh we started actually you want to go I’ll work we’ve got a little bit of a view up here

I’ll do it but I do like the viewers that the ice things over there reminded me a good time to go through all that huh he wanted to enjoy The View because there’s actually anything to find out among the ice um a few times some of these sunken ships actually spawn

There is uh you can sometimes find a village among the ice including an igloo we’re at the bottom of that Igloo is uh a villager and a zombie village traps for a brewing stand easy access easy way of getting the the uh achievement might as well go get the coal

If you’re not back with us oh I was the Pillager how about you today I just get enough colds to give us like a stack for now that’s right you tell him yeah tell him it’s a bad villager Fellowship fan villager he’s a bad oh he’s definitely a bad villager

And they’re extremely bad villager I fit my own song trying to say that what the hell you’ve not been having the best week have you no oh God now what I think it is what what oh I see it might be a shipwreck Taxi stop I feel sick damn it

No that’s a what the hell I ruined Paul yeah well there’s gonna be a shipwreck here’s the lava a load of gold yeah it usually is uh golden legend projectile protection four and breaking three pickaxe I’m breaking one and efficiency one’s got silk touch the boots I’ve got protection three as well

Of course the freaking magma blocks underneath uh I’m just getting the gold block because we might as well and just watch out with the polar bears they can get hostile well I remember the cannon will kick your ass as well so please I think you say that one’s spawned in it from

Did that Pillager Tower would it be a village nearby there usually is and consuming them seeing the the ice bio I reckon it’s a nice Village although I’m not seeing anything for miles comparison of original I think about it is there a very nice Village I think that’s nice

All the things are getting muddled I was trying to climb up one of these see if you can see anything from the top no it’s snowing yeah I see something snow okay it’s incredibly hard to jump on ice been quite a while since I lost well Rarity in this country Understatement the last time at least I had a decent amount that was when I was dealing with college foreign I think it’s called Wales because it was obviously so wet what what’s cold no reason to go out I did have some yeah well it was hard to spend with your wife

God damn it I don’t have a wife I got the button again God damn it when I found the ocean I’ve not found much else of anything I can’t control this crazy thing I don’t even know where you are I just literally saw you spit hit your left

Ah let’s do a bread on the floor we’ll try to change the camera around go what polar bears yes because we’ve got news kid uh I thought he parked laughs this Southern stop nothing look at them oh Stoke over trees yeah ah harmful snow I’m freeze it come here doggy yay hey

Now sit there forever and ever and ever and ever and ever hmm oh [ __ ] yeah I have no idea where we are well this is definitely something we’ve not been before that’s the achievement oh yeah you got the dog achievement it has two bones I really need the more bones so it’s

Taking like two or three at a time yeah yeah they will do Village I can’t wait to third person good eye this must be the village that the villagers tell us Oh God what has he seen I can’t go in oh you put the stinking of a jig bye milk of killed it yeah yeah I need I need a cow oh on a bucket hey I got the bucket too I’m currently full of water I’m looking for a cow in

The village I’ll get you some with you oh Kitty I said Hello Kitty two emeralds and a pumpkin pie pumpkins that’s super power you I also find a house with the bed even though I’ve got a bed but you know well pumpkins I needed a cow I need a cow whatever

Is the cow did I yeah he killed everybody in the entire game yeah damn it there’s no more cows anywhere in this game ever again That was freaking stupid Carson didn’t even drop a bone foreign S I can make whatever all the cows where were all the cows I told you you killed them all you’re kidding like we just found a cow you’re joking no I found a dog hey hey all my bones and didn’t love me

I found a house with maps in it three maps in it what kind of maps did I say unknown ah it’ll be normal Maps then yeah let’s go to the Village here we’re taking are they let’s make our own when we need them I guess that makes sense because there’s a

Cartography table in here yeah I probably should have had too far out away dude alt house it’s like Underground oh you’ll be happy to know I’ve not found the camera great yeah I killed them all yay happy I need the camera I need the cow I need the cow

You got to murdery when we started going out exploring I didn’t expect to find the Pillager Towers so easily not to find a village one benefit of going I think I’ve got everything on The Villages foreign Here from the village let’s cut over there Taxi not over for you I’ll leave you negative 40 000 Stars go for it fine I will you’ll be fired immediately okay we’ve gotta turn into a character can I learn I can’t wear this on my back do it and then we’re gonna drop by Look at how I’m growing the boat with a shield and sword in my house Magic Hands I’m just not skilled in your dreams what school did you in your dreams it’s time to wake up Brad also God damn it I don’t have a wife I wake up when you’ve made my wife What’s up enjoy I’m enjoying our boating holiday huh it’s quite relaxing uh this is better than being constantly frustrated by base raids and playing cards damn pearls yeah that’s just one deck I’m all up next week if we’re the stuff for the C4 we could just go in a plane playing card to

Stream Rampage yeah it’s just fighting at all and now there’s a possibility of actually having to find another character and level him up I’ll just say we need like over a thousand more parts just to make it yeah I haven’t played this boat with me golden apples

Nice nice well I was good fire charge there’s more golden armor and a golden ax the Mega Drive game not that golden ax is Yeah everything else is looking pretty far out right now let’s see if we can like see any shipwrecks or anything under the water all right you can you two can die and that one will be kept alive killed his friend and I forcing him to live oh I think it is what what

You see something out in the distance over there on the small Islands get the boat you idiot it’s right over there I’m hallucinating probably hallucinating probably hallucinating yeah it’s just it was a sheer mention of State of Decay and hallucinating dolphins you have your bucket of water on you don’t you uh yeah

Okay catch a fish oh catch a fish what was a bucket full of water I think I did it but I think I immediately Let It Go oh nah I’ve got a fish in a bucket about to wait 20 minutes what else was there um yeah help or something fun though

Uh yeah there’s something about the kelp you can I’m going through uh this is not done that yeah uh so one is um ain’t nothing but Kell I just got the fish in the bucket literally the same time uh spend the day underwater Powers with a dried kelp block

We need a fair bit of kelp and then there’s also if you feed a dolphin too yeah I forgot about that yeah wait place four sea pickles in the group I don’t know about that one I don’t even know what sea fickle is there’s a dolphin right next to you yeah

Oh I I have I have come up I am up how do you take the fish out the bucket you’ve got yeah I mean you just put it back in the water yeah if I kind of wanted to fish out with it to feed it to the dolphin

I’m gonna give you some raw card went into the water God damn it next chance you get just left trigger on the dolphin with the cut in your hand that’s why I got back in the boat so I could actually set up inventory we might need to find some dry land just

To get its daytime as well yeah I mean the bit next to us in Wisconsin I’ve got a safer idea if you get in the boat I saw my perfectly safe for us to sleep I’ll room for the night this is what we’ve been reduced to what is peaceful yeah can’t lie

All right it’s really fun and then find a hell of a lot of kelp you’ll have to kill people yeah avoiding drowns what’s it got there he is come here I think I gave him some yeah don’t die we just got rid of the beds I don’t even know where the dolphin went

Because I was waiting for you okay so we lost that dolphin we’ll find another one and I said one that’s two of them yeah anyway You Gotta Give it two you gotta give it some rock God again wait I just did hello oh is this like a underwater thing for it

Yeah I just got the instrument for it but I’m wondering there’s a we can sort of get underneath it all this is just a little underwater cave usually there’s some very treasure I’m starting to think we should have got some of those bloody uh magma blocks I got one up here

Down you stupid person so it’s definitely better treasure here because the dolphin brought us here and then we got the achievements found it treasure map that I can’t tick up oh there’s some wheat in there can you get the wheat oh I nearly died I didn’t get the treasure map did I

Ah I got knocked out the menu hang on yeah too much [ __ ] in my inventory oh just get up get up get up win the boat that’s the treasure map we’re actually pretty close by and left well if I could see the treasure map it’ll be easier it’s a pointing directions

To you it’ll be easier because I want to see where it is I don’t even know where the treasure map is now I even totally you stupid or gravel speed of my existence gravel today yeah oh let’s see how long this one takes us to fight I will say I’m happy about something

Though oh God African tough you can’t say sure I’m gonna try then no I will if you don’t shut up and behave hmm don’t let me turn this boat around [Laughter] I don’t say it’s in the water I reckon it’s in the water right like sort of right below us

We’re basically right in the middle of the X you didn’t pick up your magma block did you no it’s not one I brought with me yeah it was just there oh you need some milk there’s a cow up on the hill I already drank the milk foreign holy [ __ ] wow two music discs

It’s a [ __ ] quill so much I’ll take the iron definitely go take the music discs weights and whatever that word is got it uh hard to see I want to take that outside up and I’ll be useful in later achievement uh uh a beacon I believe it was

Uh we don’t need the leads because we now found out we can actually make them yeah once we find the slime ball that is for that we need to find a swamp I was like treasure map so easy if I I don’t know compared to the last one we were trying to get

I can now throw the map away because I don’t need it all right um from home probably miles probably miles yeah just thinking what would be a good point to start heading back because yeah absolutely miles away one spot in mind I have no spots in my inventory

I can I could always make one but I’ve thrown this bottle of enchantment next time I’m hungry I’m gonna eat this pumpkin pie ah a peaceful area where the thought it’s not even been two hours yet no we ‘ve actually gotten a fair few things out of this already I’m surprised that

Some of the achievements I mean that Panda one we’ve you marked down the coordinates of the bamboo forest didn’t you yeah we’ll always go there at some point we can probably do that on the way back to the nether fortress Maybe yeah I picked the boat yeah and I have a diamond

Yeah diamond dial that there’s a diamond in the treasure chest nice oh more of our favorite trees everybody find it I’m starting to think now we should have taken one of them leads in case we came across a donkey I haven’t two leads on me

I’ll just be a case of bringing it back somehow like I could probably make the second boat and we can push it into one of the boats so how does it destroy Paul yeah looks like it gold Block store two gold blocks on this one a load of gold load of iron nuggets

Yeah if everything I want to take the gold stuff if anything just a disenchanted for the XP hmm uh I’d like to use the meat I’ve got on me I love some cooked food on me there we go actually I might as well saw it it’s too

Risky trying to get the gold blocks right now um and plus there’s one right above here only does um I need that let’s get someone’s got a snack of Gardens and knock us into this lava there’s a creeper coming up behind you oh as soon as I say that oh there’s

Loads of skeletons over there you know I think it’s time for time yeah two two okay I’m going to this lavas we can get the gold block oh bones yeah you just gotta keep it out for your Docs yeah I don’t think I have that a team with this uh

Version I see a pumpkin gotta behave I’m not gonna go get it watch it it’s the head was awesome I’m not even gonna respond like you just did we are not playing Sleepy Hollow while watching it for that matter nice I really like that show never killed off one of the main

Characters then it became like a lot of TV shows too Unless I have a donkey here I think it’s worth maybe even taking more of a distinguishing time the beehive ah I mean we could get a proper honey where I’m going I kind of need the bees inside though but we just went inside if that one goes inside I’ll be three in

It and then I could get that achievement yeah cabbage kiss they’re in go ah you crack just drop something for me to grab I got three inventory spaces we need to put it down somewhere now we’ll just carry it I can’t remember what the achievement was

Hang on I’m gonna I’m gonna quickly look This Is What It Takes reduced to achievement hunting uh move in place of Venus with free bees inside And I wait 20 minutes for it to pop up this is the right way I’m running isn’t it We do we want to head back to base well both of our inventories are effectively full there’s the achievement nice yeah never got so many achievements in real life in one day oh that made everything laggy for a second it was 24-796 minus seven nine what was it minus seven seven miles away

And then going in the wrong direction the minus is going up not down it’s just this one there’s a village huh Village ah look at that you’ve got the boat I have one slot for me And donkeys All we need is wheat and a horse is it wheat there’s no way we can trap the donkeys um that make a boat for you we only need one really don’t we Also say we could find horses nearby we can just do it that quick lucky so I’m gonna start making over to the Village see if I can see any horses maybe they’ve got wheat yeah that’s a good call I’ll uh I’m gonna push it into a boat then and um

I’ll bring the donkey over I should have made a boat myself but yeah I got boat here oh what would it cost a lot I got a second boat just in case that easy no no no no no no no no no no no no no well I can see him

Despawned oh God no wait one’s still here oh my God I got I got a horse and a donkey over here I don’t have no word there’s a horse over here now because I just turned around what was this donkey I mean there’s a donkey over here I don’t know

What’s in the donkey over here I’ve had a donkey but I don’t even have a lead or anything I had two little horse over there not I can see I’m not scared it’s the donkey’s gonna despawn I didn’t even get a chance to get into the village

There is a horse there’s two horses I got rid of on wheat earlier yeah yeah are on me I’m coming over I’m bringing the donkey horse from my end over to the Village I’m not even in the village where are you near the village I’m trying to keep both of these things from

Despawning I try to keep both uh I think my horses just despawned yep my horse is these Bond but my donkeys still here a little while you are I’m very near the village I used the boat I’m near the village I’m just stood next to a donkey

Had a name tag that’s got a chaos Pony all right I’m at the Village I’m not I’m still there my donkey yeah I’m looking around for you you swim to the left or right I’ll just swam straight to the Village like just right from it from where we were

How can I not see you I can see the blacksmith foreign again turn around I can see you see have a donkey we’ll just need wheat yeah I got far on me uh lock them in uh let me sort of block me with I can’t wait sugarcane all the way though

I mean you just have them done with them constantly moving stop backing up you stupid horse foreign [Laughter] achievement and it’s becoming nighttime nice sleep bust sleeping on the wall of the enclosure okay so now I just need wheat on so do you I was one hell of an alarm clock oh hey we was only awake by then whatever you going uh I was having a quick look around for

Another horse is that a hot table that he spawned okay yeah I didn’t do anything they’re just ate it don’t need something for both of us do it for okay um Minecraft okay we need more wheat oh do you want to stay here and I’ll go to the Village

Yeah I got the same one that would make sense hopefully I can find some either wheat or some hay bales I think I can see hay bales already yep I can see it I think Michigan’s hay bales had a horse typical in a bloody enclosure here

All right well I I still have the leads on me so I’ll be right over there’s two donkeys in there now because the second donkey just to say hey I’m gonna willingly walk in okay I’ve got 10 bales of hay the Blackness got like a bit I’ve got some good stuff

Oh yeah I’m gonna be talking goals got another Ryan’s sword floats of iron armor which is good just mix I just realized I don’t have any boots on wow holy hell do we need to fire charge for anything um it’s not pushing thing is it I should just use this bottle of

Enchanting we thought they’d just save me a slot I think that’s a person thing I’ll say the apples no fire charger I think it’s just nothing’s on fire yeah that was instant foreign Achievement hunting for certain things but I did not expect to be getting some of these today neither was I we just happened to come across I just spotted another destroyed portal the one on top of the mountain by ancients nope it’s a different one okay hmm I’m using the cut on the cats

Okay come here kitty come here look like we told you we to dog food I’ll screw you then look over to where the heart where I think the horse and donkeys were Slytherin has been very quiet now ah he cratch inside of my mouth is another one we just got Maybe

I still got two wheat on me so near Old same okay I need to put this in yeah I’ve got nine weight on me huh all right you got the two that side I got the two this side that was the wrong button yeah I press left click and it got on it Yeah there’s golden apples I don’t have Golden Apple I’ve got two normal apples me and my apples yeah not wheat we’ve got a boat on you can’t wait let me get the boat huh there’s two golden apples of carrots dang it I fell back down again well those cameras in the village and

I’ve got gold on me can I have the boat yeah oh you freaking yeah so what really golden something what golden things do we need uh rather golden carrot or Golden Apple I’ve got two apples so shall I make them both into golden yeah it’s gonna be eight ingots wrapped

Around an apple basically I know that I’ve got four golden apples now you’ve got four it worked it was the apples yeah I’ve got two more apples if you need them yeah hey Brad oh God damn it you’ll never guess it’s raining outside and as well the achievement artificial selection

Which ones do you do I Brown House in the Donkey no actually I just clicked on two there we go the boat’s still there can’t do it because the horse is in the way [Laughter] the horse is like nope you two are not doing this yeah like really it’s raining out there now

[Laughter] there you go let this little family go for you now we don’t need them anymore do we oh look at them and no we don’t need them yeah otherwise we’ll let them go free at least doing better than I was opened up my inventory a bit more

And I just got the achievement okay can you feel I’ve got an entire stack of bread on me construct a dispenser holy fairly easy wasn’t it yeah that was an easy one to do it literally needs a bow use a hopper to move an item from a chest Minecart to a chest

Yeah that’s gonna need a bit but I am still probably got playing at home time to go home I think well we never finished exploring this Village actually you do that I want to go to that portal I found I spotted I should say so I’ve been to the blacksmith I think I

Left a little bit of iron stuff in there because my inventory was full so it was a good thing we got those iron blocks from the portal from the iron blocks the gold blocks yeah a very good thing in fact really it’s raining here now I like the sound of rain

I look even more Enchanted iron stuff a cold and shovel with fortunes three on it I’m not even sure what that’s good for to be honest I grabbed the ionometers asexual armor I’m really surprised with this session today I’ve got 12 gold and things that I’ve Enchanted on

That’s probably gonna get me a level or two maybe um level 19. I see you yeah I read the rest of the place isn’t great yeah it did look like the old piece it’s like a real small village Some bread and apples in here might as well take it I got no in the two space let’s roll back down to just I’ll say that foreign actually oh tough no I’m not playing Metal Gear right now uh right home James yeah uh uh let’s see 24 minus 796. oh okay

It’s this direction oh boy probably have that out just in case so if we find a donkey near our base you might just be worth also just have an immutable letter as well for the sake of it we have two fully trained horses hmm and we could always go ah and then try

And go back to the Fortress yeah I’m about to leave without me working my automatic yeah Yes you would don’t you dare lie I don’t know what you’re implying are you I would never abandon you in your time yes you would I would never I would never leave a friend behind wow you call me a friend you’re not right you’re an imposter what the [ __ ] is going on here

Behind that’s why I always leave you behind there’s a red I know oh we’ve been here before aren’t we yeah yeah we have I think this is what the dolphin was yeah it’s all the dolphin brawls what we’re like What two hours in now it’s been eventful oh got quite a lot of

Achievements surprisingly curious now I’ll use computer X but ah I got 69. wow the nice number you and your dirty mind aha but you work with a bunch of chefs for a year [Laughter] I’m a shitless despite this spout you got 69 yeah I have 66.

Yeah I haven’t been working on this one as much as well most of my time it’s been spelled on the Windows version so yeah it doesn’t make sense there’s a village there’s our village we’ve been to the right I don’t know actually have a quick peek yeah I can see a blacksmith

And that’s the only Village on this trip we’ve been to that had a blacksmith I think not often what I think okay yeah it’s starting to think now like we haven’t found a swamp yet and there’s something you want to try yeah yeah something I wanna

The swing I want to try uh on this version but I usually do on the Java version it’s the it’s the clay trick okay there’s diamonds I’ve definitely found proof that we’re not here tell me I want to have a look I’ve already just taken it but I’ll put them back

Bringing diamonds in there yep definite proof we’ve not been to this Village before because they would not be there hell what the actual hell that’s so good [Laughter] Oh I can’t get bit off hey I’m carrying a lot of good stuff on me right now so even I can’t hear this stuff I’ve got full iron swords I’ll get rid of my slightly damaged one because I want to get this hey we need minions three diamonds in that damn chest

This is why I look like that yeah but it’s so tricky to find sometimes shot god damn this we’re all uh freaking good luck went from freaking State the case all in Minecraft right now oh hey emeralds no I think that’s wrong I know where I like good luck went in gaming

Oh yeah yeah it went to where we built our base near the bloody endpall that’s where all our good luck went in gaming yeah you know what yeah which apparently basically didn’t laugh her ass off when she’s operates ah it’s still so hard to believe but anything else apart from the emeralds

Uh let’s find more bread in here I’m just trying to figure out what’s I can get rid of at this point uh if anywhere you were I could get the bread well I can see you I’m an idiot I can keep in on my achievements from this freaking thing as well

Oh God all right uh one two three four achievements so far I’ve gone you’ve probably got five right could you also be getting the dogs as well yeah get a good amount of cooked food I’m not gonna lie okay I just took all the iron nuggets intellectual iron ingots when I

Actually press the right bloody button um I’m also Gathering a bunch of leather I’m not I got 26 stuff but I don’t know how much it was I needed but um I’ll be a case of making a full set of leather armor and then dying it in a cauldron

I guess maybe when we have to kill the cows use the salt wouldn’t that work on that adult yeah I found everything I can back to the boat I’m at the base foreign casually walking around in the water all we need to do now is well I don’t need a little trident

Why do I need to try it that’s a Dead Island game hello that’s probably the only action [Laughter] we still got to check if that game even works you get the rubber achievement yeah I did yeah yeah the Solitude of rabbits are remembered Perth are you doing ah

Grabbing the boat straight into the water all in all it’s been quite a successful trip it hasn’t been too bad it’s actually been pretty I don’t forget something why are you trying to kill the bunnies I’m a hide rabbit food one of the potions ingredients is the rabbit paw you’ve murdered a poor

Innocent rabbit yeah good I’m proud of you [Laughter] murdered poor Thumper this was a village I know being me just the ice village it was on about the ice village the snow village that is a weird way to lay in bed you just shot me in here no bastard

Wait is this a Nickelodeon like he was on about well this is a random bit of ice no this is illegally there’s a door I don’t see any way down I have potions of slowness It’s not quite the igloo I was on about close no no I think the the igloos will be more on their own instead of in a village don’t we need to diet you said yeah so doing this and with the tunic is normally the most expensive one to make

So we have a tunic string how I do not fancy the arrow up the arms I just got hit by slowness you know what I think yeah I think it’s time for bed okay forgot there was like certain mobs in this area I’ll slow you yeah I can’t remember the name for them

Though they can they can drop their special arrows I’ve already got two uh arrows of slowness all right and then there is again with the cauldron you can put like uh ocean effects in The Cauldron I believe such as slowness point of this place yeah you’ll find a few like that yeah

You can dip the arrows into the uh The Cauldron with the potion effects and you can get those sort of potion effects from them sounds different so there’s one or two good things here for a moment it sounds like um oh there’s one of your friends hey rad what

About what I was expecting what’s that snow down in the distance almost looks like a face tell me are you gonna tell me this is a nickeloo how rapid it is if it is I don’t know how to throw a pile of snow like a face from the distance all right show off

I think it is a nickeloo it is there’s a bed and everything in it and a load of water that I can’t get rid of but I haven’t been thinking the polar bears are mad at us I thought it’d be a way down onto the carpet

Usually is I was gonna hit through the wall the polar bear’s eating me through the wall foreign guys Gotta do it yeah told you not to do it I think it would have all the water I’ve had some fortunate uh look what’s underneath it usually they will be but in this scenario oh well at least we found one I almost died that would have been bad

Yeah they almost got me too I did not feel good about killing those all of us though I’m not gonna lie well they started it I forgot how in control uncontrollable the boat is on the ice a nice smooth transition to the water he did tell you not to do it wait what

This is what happens when I don’t chat for a while I don’t know what slytherin’s referring to yeah I wasn’t talking about that I was talking to the polar bear that was coming up but I don’t know why she said that now it’s what happens when the chat’s quiet

I don’t look down is that another destroy Paul yeah chat’s been pretty quiet today oh there is oh we’re not we’re not being tortured so people probably don’t want to watch I see a Pillager Tower it’ll be the same one we found earlier I don’t know I mean we did cross the

Ice straight after the freaking villager Tower so yeah I think that’s it it was in the middle of the forest oh it’s more gold what Enchanted stuff oh wait if I gave the emeralds fine how many slots have you got none I’m looking for my immense food to see

What I can go with this is Larry annoying considering most of it’s actually pretty useful oh sorry I don’t need the potatoes on two I got the armor actually half of my inventory now he’s just Enchanted Golden’s yeah Pillager Tower oh it’s bugging me that doesn’t look like the same one

Come on then probably is but partly don’t think it is well no no until we actually go ahead and look might not actually I think it was the ice was in a different I think ice was actually a Little Closer there’s a flop there’s loads of rocks

Near it because that’s where I got some cold from yeah I think this is actually a different one now it is because it wasn’t yeah because it wasn’t surrounded by water it’s like an iron golem trapped tracked trapped scratch no the lion going trucked yeah it’s completely different one last

Two they’re just Towers after all the sounds we wanted to find one for ages and they’ll be fine too Haha you missed okay so if you find the village I can’t go into it unless we find a cow first that’s only if we kill the one with uh okay and I’ll be taking that hold up I’m Gonna Keep the leather tunic um I know I should probably do

I’m even gonna take the crossbow I have no arrows well I’m gonna take it anyway you can murder that Pillager a choice that’s what they all say wow there’s a wolf if you’ve got any bones yeah I’m working on it wow one bird villager okay which direction now

This way I think it was now I’ll just emails I didn’t rebook it there we go I’ll take my water back I thought you’re taking your wolf with you what if I hit it with a solid it will attack you what happens if you hit me I’ll attack you aha [Laughter] I played one too many times oh I’m getting triple for that please the wolf alone oh I’ve been told off I wonder why it’s not my fault the walking away I got the achievement have you befriended five of them that’s the achievement he got ow do I befriend five wolves

Gonna get told off that there you go let’s go I just got the second try then why do we need Riptide anyway well it’s one of the achievements of course I knew I was gonna get told off for that that’s why I did it so you’re a mother Master chest the

Masochist never had all of them before must have kissed I’ve heard I was not a masochist an [Laughter] to the left left a little bit though on the shore there’s a ship right in front of us just to the right and there’s a destroy portal over there he secretly likes getting solved off

No comment hmm I know I think the the riptide thing was just to help with one of the other achievements um anyway why do I not get a well done or anything for spotting all of this stuff I’m currently distracted shipwreck now I found loads of footage it’s loads of balls

What a weird day oh that’s that’s one thing we’re gonna have to do next time we go into the end oh God we’re gonna have to take empty bottles for it with us oh double God and I need the view always Oh sorry I don’t care about the apples right now so we’re going to the treasure map oh I didn’t spawn there’s a compass and stuff still in there I’ve got enough space for it hold are you kidding this literally right next to the boat Brad there’s another diamond in here

But the treasure is literally right next to get up there diamond all right I’ll take the iron because that’s what my inventory is full of yeah you could take the bottle of enchanting because as I said man’s full all right so do you want to laugh at how close this treasure is

Hell with the iron arm and we’ve got plenty iron yeah see if you believe how close it is what is what you say you’re just I told you it’s literally like right next to us it’s like somewhere here Maybe I’m gonna get flooded going there I was just gonna get bloody doing this

Do you think we should sleep before we start doing all this yeah actually things like that function about so we now have five diamonds Indian I hope sleeping on top I’m sleeping with a view if it wasn’t now you’d have said no if but it is so look she dictates it so yes

I hate what she uses what I say against me how’s the wife chaos God damn it I don’t have a wife I did that shut you up I guess sneak Infinity this could turn out to be like that last treasure we tried to fight the map that nearly killed us

What I’ve seen about the treasury there’s nobody buried under sand not the sandstone yeah it is so if you hit Sunstone you know it’s not there what um not this again It’s really hard to stop the water coming down when you keep digging when I’m putting it oh I see the map again ouch damn it he’s trying to drown us I just realized I’ve been slightly dumb again well you know how I need wood what are we next to yeah fair enough

Don’t you love being dumb sometimes great yeah I’m sure your wife loves it at the center of it seems basically where you were already dock all this a battery charger I could get this in Sea of Thieves so why is it in Minecraft she knows it torches

What’s worse is when you think you’ve caught a glimpse of a chest and it turns out you didn’t this is going to be another one that breaks us I found it are two more music discs I think we’ve got these ones don’t we really much in this one I want to treasure map back in there yeah way and Miller High pretty sure we’ve got that yeah yeah I’ll take a bottle of enchanting so all in all that really wasn’t worth

It it didn’t break us though it didn’t break us it almost did Bangkok close I mean there was a pole I found as well I didn’t say the boat no he didn’t had to walk to the pole get some more get some more gold stuff okay

We’re even gonna have time to go to the nether after us it’s because it’s still not probably not you’ll know what else I’ve just spotted or a village kill me [Laughter] I’ll say a village So Far Rock and sees one house gold horse armor and one bit of gold armor uh

I’ll get rid of their sticks and take it there’s a village what are you doing what have you found no no trident I’m gonna head towards the glitch this was like 100 pumpkins on top of that little Hilltop what the hell that is so Random Two and a half hours we’ve still not managed to get home very damn far so far it’s been worth it the game’s broken it’s floating dirt everywhere yeah that sounds about right don’t do that it hurts yeah this is a village very weird Village it’s all on a hill chat with one British

Ah it’s one of these is it I think it was okay look at the spider blacksmith as well what the [ __ ] is blacksmith what the frick with diamond horse armor in it I’m fine I can’t pick up uh so that I’m gonna take the diamond horse arm thank you I don’t know

I freaking get that llama one I think it did I didn’t get it either because we can’t figure out what it means hmm I might need something a little more I might have to make some carpets put on the llamas and then we might have to take them out somewhere

It may help if I should pay attention to the coordinates never done it has been named how much further um we’ve actually made some pretty good distance considering yes certainly more villages we spot along the way if you change your mind now we went a little too far One Direction what

Not a word out of you what you like One Direction apparently no I wasn’t gonna say anything but then you just had to keep pushing I heard you I just had a little Snicker out of you I’m a little laugh out of you I was just

Like you’re so bad so chaos has a wife and he likes One Direction because [Applause] I know that until you must definitely like One Direction no I’m not a fan oh you’re a bigger fan okay I’m not a fan not me no I didn’t say that you [ __ ] well you

Love One Direction no [Laughter] God got to question our friendship now I always question if you next time you like Justin Bieber I’m gonna give up yeah please don’t that will really want to make me throw up dude that was shot he didn’t say he didn’t like him so

I said it make me want to throw up means I absolutely hate it what the hell whoa what’s this no Catherine do I say to buy them like this before um yeah uh could call no I’ve never seen this it’s pretty yeah yeah very pretty actually are you kidding me no

Are you kidding me no are you kidding me now are you kidding me now are you kidding me another [ __ ] Village Villages are we gonna find [Laughter] this is this is Manny my apologies is this now oh no we’re gone two freaking villager Towers a meal two meals have been made shipwrecks

Treasure map which we found well two tridents and we found so many damn villages what is going on that’s fun to buy and there’s a load of obsidian I’d say that I’ve got the iron and the gold and what the actual hell is going on right now I don’t know the cartography one

Hello Brad happens to button so we’ve got a decent amount of bread and I’ve got a full stack of wheat on me still there’s a campfire if you want to Nick it there’s a few campfires and we’re good um I’ve only had some fish to feed it to the cat

It was like an auto Fisher we could get which direction now if we find any more villages pumpkin I went for that one hey well how’s it that way for wow and we I might be serious right now really oh God I think I’ve just lost out of here what have you got

Getting myself lost then right I’m behind you hey let’s talk about where until I did a circle turning on his circles like honestly yeah way for minus seven nine set I’ve still got over a thousand blocks I hate coordination I hate freaking directions I hate it all this way foreign

Myself confused with the coordinates good Lord I thought it was a bloody clue there’s no glue in it not the one with the thing underneath it no I think the igloos I’m thinking about are made with like compact ice in a sense we just wrecked someone’s home and left okay well we’ll have

Robbed for plenty of people on the way as well I think we both got that achievement now anyway what we got like turn the Villager or somewhere I’m pretty sure that was a village Urban achievement what turn the uh zombie villagers yeah we’ve both got that I just pulled out again

We got it for you in the in the last World when we first started doing the challenges I think it was even before that I think it was like Jordan’s random thing oh yeah it was just us going for the end of dragon wasn’t it that’s a good world I don’t even remember

Let us know that I got it somehow wow worlds we’ve given up on because the seed was so bad sometimes Not to go that long without playing we just decided to make a new world Hey I wonder if we died doing that almost fat yeah let’s go see if slithering just a lot of time waiting all right too far in tight Direction I’m gonna get a little bit of a headache good Lord hang on oh you saw wolves one that’s at least three you’ve done now in

This world but I do add up about doggies sell off so life is the horse is stupid yeah the horse is stubborn to be fair that’s why I named it after you yeah I’m back right what oh I was looking at my phone now I’m throwing my phone everywhere all right

I’m gonna get killed ah eventually we’ll get to that point eventually yeah Billy how’s the life God damn it I don’t have a wife oh I think we’re not doing this tomorrow all weekend at all uh probably not because I’ll be busy tomorrow good I need a break I’ll be watching wrestling tomorrow

Okay I got a DND session to finish tomorrow okay nests have a I’m looking at the five days in a row streaming good Lord and look at how to do the Caravans with the llama okay yeah I’m wondering if they need like Carpets on them this is one okay

One’s time to equip the first one with a chest by holding the chest and right clicking hold the leads and attach to the First Once the lead is attached walk over to where the second llama is nearby to Signal it to follow behind the first llama automatically

One on the lead and the others will follow it ah home sweet home I forgot there was a giant hole there but if we go all the way here only to die in that castle ah it’s good to be home ah thank God uh how do you take enchantment off of

Stuff again it’s it’s on the grindstone do we have a grindstone uh yeah weapon Smith first things first I’m putting my pickaxe back in the picture frame it’s almost golden stuff and this is not worth keeping it all on there um we’ll level up on now almost level 20.

We’ll see how much I’ll beep at the end oh boy what a day so we’re not after the never there I don’t know at this point I’m getting a little bit of a headache I’m not gonna lie I’m going to focus a bit I think we’re gonna need an another chat

Just for gold and stuff like this right here hey uh well it got me six levels good I don’t need them go back up to a full stack of gold Holy oh God we only have 12 diamonds I am more tired than I thought I would be after five days of streaming well you’re not used to it really are you I used to do it I used to do like nine hours each day for eight to nine hours each day

But after not 20 for so long it’s just like a habit in me as much anymore either that was old age that too I have grown all this since then I have four full stacks of bread we don’t need this dye anymore for anything do we no not really Uh if you got a chest what do I need to make I might need to make one Justin here And one thing I’m think I need to do once you’re in the button quills I got um There’s one you’ve got to do as well that doesn’t sound good it’s simple it’s if it’s what I think it is it’s extremely easy do you remember who you’re talking to admissions yeah it won’t be a problem man I wanted the simplest things you can do it’s like putting yourself in a furnace I can’t even find it I got me dreaming up an achievement for the big reason I’ve already got I don’t remember actually doing this before though you still got the music discs I’d put them in the chest with the wrestling music days oh no way what the hell what a stop

Let’s get spawned set again I can’t because it’s mobs outside one of them dropped a carrot Awesome peaceful it sounds different I like this one a couple like old school RPG music yeah I think I dreamed this achievement up hey look slytherin’s still here so they’re in the stubborn horse it’s like the first in his name I did I dropped this stupid achievement up I need sleep positions you’ve dreamed up I don’t

Think you need sleep you have 22 apples yeah that’s it it’s uh which means these booking calls are useless because that’s all I brought these [ __ ] things for ah you’re stuck in a half of gold you’re gonna have to change that I’m not changing my horse’s name

She’s keeping that name forever and ever and ever and ever and ever until we finish with this words no good Lord decent stash of everything hmm I’ve got nearly 25 levels okay so far has actually done pretty well no troubles no things press the screen button when I need very happy

I don’t think she likes having a horse named after her I don’t know but she said so herself she can’t kill me for it quickly just Niche than nether I’m sorry Enderman he meant to look at you like that tell him off he should have stare

Stop being a perv God I thought ks’s wife was bad oh I didn’t even look at you you stupid Enderman you deserve it how’s the wife chaos I’ve got a nice little area now for the Enderman hunt basically an exp Farm oh they can’t get in here I hope

And we should make more effective one later on you can’t get it okay who doesn’t like an exp files okay I think I’m done for today I am I’m dead on my feet pretty much yikes after the freaking past week we’ve had I’d say it’s been a pretty damn good run

Oh I’m glad they were all again next week yeah yeah you never know if you’re getting incredibly lucky we might even get stay the case in here they’re very incredibly lucky okay three of the beehives are full that one’s not how do you make a campfire again I think it’s like um logs

Three logs free sticks and uh coal no of course the one thing I think okay do we have any glass bottles what would I put on underneath one of these beehives I don’t know how to tell if it works or not what’s the scale’s gonna burn down actually

But you know where I’ve really found out is if I just do it all right pressed it and nothing came after me I’ve actually have a honey bottle yeah so it doesn’t aggrove onto me should be all right then I also got another bottle if you want to try quickly

I think I have to move the campfire though but I’ll destroy it won’t it the uh the actual things need to be full as well the two all the two on this tree are full yeah but I can’t thank you from them they’re not sweating right now are they

I don’t know that’s why I destroy this in it yeah go away Trader uh I’ll go back another one quick and put it under one of the others I’ll probably get like three or four campfires at some point I’ll put them underneath all the um

Yeah and then we can be like a guest yeah just got it yeah I had it and then we can make a honey block farm and I can do some some stupid thing with that after I’ve learned how Redstone works that is you heard it that must be a hell of a

Loud achievement probably three campfires I had to put it under each one for now these are we can also just collect it without being stung repeatedly yeah I hope lucky doesn’t have to be directly underneath it let me try on that one because I thought that’s directly

So what can actually do with a bottle of honey I mean you can drink it honey blocks on in blocks that’s all the at least that’s another achievement off the list yeah not bad today actually somebody’s achievements if I was playing on my own I don’t think I’d ever get this yeah

Awful lot of music disc on Main to go put that in my chest uh one achievement I’m probably gonna do well one thing I’m probably gonna do is I’m gonna go to where there’s a funny achievement uh and I’m probably gonna go to zero zero on the map quads

And that’s probably where I’ll start a real way oh you got like 500 meters or whatever it is I’ll probably just make different world Railways one coming coming to this place and we’ll probably have the map room there as well at zero zero that’s probably where we’ll start a whole Maps thing Anyway sorry guys but I wish I got no more energy in me I was just trying to think okay It looks like it like the five I don’t know if it counts the one that you’ve got in the lead or maybe you need one after that they all seem to be following it’s just hard to tell in this small space foreign Pops up there’s a sort of automatically start following No no if I even did it we’ll soon find out it just says once the things on it you just walk over to where the second llama is nearby to Signal it to follow that’s all it says this is what I’ve noticed is one where we need more space

Yeah it might be a case that we might have to step right the llamas from the other animals that’ll probably be our thing for next time we’re on this is just separating all the animals yeah we don’t technically need the sheets I was just in case we need a wall for the dying

Oh look at Slytherin she’s going to eat her dinner oh I’m good murdered yeah so next time we could probably separate the cows for cows yeah I am and that’ll be a sort of food and milk farm all at all I definitely call this session very successful successful section

But you were slowly dying sir five days of streaming in a row after not doing it for so long it’s probably gonna take to get back into it yeah like I I made it I can say at the very least I made it through three hours at least each each day please

Yeah but I’m I’m my head started hurt now yeah after four days of us still doing State of Decay and then there’s some successful Minecraft sessions today I’m done well I also got a DND session to start out which I am dming for oh And then I’ve got my own up my I’ve got my other dear DND session to do tomorrow along with freaking uh game development course as well to do so I am dead I’m dead on my feet I’m I’m happy I got through all of this so thanks for watching

I’ll let you take over right I think next week I think they’re depending where we are on Tuesday with State of Decay might do Minecraft on Wednesday I have like a midweek break but if we’re close yeah for like close ish to the end on Tuesday we’ll just finish up on

Wednesday There’s a dog here I say I’ll see if like if we’ve got most of the playing cards done by Tuesday if there’s like two or three left yeah Wednesday we could probably do the last few playing cards and then get the Legacy that’s on the Legacy and we get it done

Um I don’t know I think we can just spend the rest of the time going through the smaller games I’d say if if we finish it Tuesday still do this on Wednesday like maybe Thursday and Friday maybe do some of the Gears of War Maybe yeah because they’re meant to be fairly short

Against World Series is fairly short and after managing to do the first key in the wall hardcore difficulty two streams easily was it hardcore yeah we was on Hardcore I didn’t feel like alcohol I don’t think we really struggled with it did we no it was like little main sections that

Took a few attempts it was mainly the bits where we had to split up and then there was General General Ram at the end up it was a pain oh no we just didn’t know we didn’t know what we were doing yeah I think that beehive you put on that

Tree probably move it back onto this one next time like all fours on this one tree looking for a campfire underneath it and also for my OCD sake can we um thank you that could be like our little Honey Tree Honey Tree all on the Sakura trees I

Love it kind of glad the cup flies don’t set fire as well here yeah same oops come on in boy they’re coming in boy so I can kill you he knows what will happen if he comes inside [Laughter] I cannot say yeah I think next week can probably go

Back to the Nether and everything can’t we yeah get prepared fashion get prepared for the Dragon yeah which means I’m probably gonna need to make a an absolute maximum amount of fire resistance see I’m thinking with the Bastion like we might have to do what we did with the agency

Otherwise we could be literally trying to find it for our Witness you think yeah yeah okay I don’t think we would have found the agency or Heights no no we won yes it might be worth when I’ve gone that far yeah just for just for that just otherwise we’ll be probably searching forever

All right it’s time to win Brad yeah thanks for watching everybody I hope you enjoyed today’s stream ill pretty chill which let’s be fair we need it we needed it haha the freaking Save the Day but it was pretty fun we did get to see some pretty cool stuff and get some

Pretty annoying achievements and there’s still a fair few out there 70 out of 125 I’ve got 57. I need like one more wolf apparently I’ve been getting some of the others that Rad’s already got like a enter an end portal when we actually go to kill the Ender Dragon

Right I’m an idiot there’s one there’s one more we can quickly do oh God these are my extremely last one and then I’m done we’re gonna do this quickly what is it Grab two pumpkins normal pumpkins are carved one that’s calm okay so honestly we should have put space between these chests yeah it might be something worth doing a shield I was just making iron golem yeah oh God where can we put our Ryan Golem foreign the only friends on you I do not

All right yeah this is oh wait there’s some points there I don’t even know the design for that um uh I’ll show you yeah t-shape with a thing on top yeah yeah that’s just t-shape with the pumpkin on the middle middle between the head yeah the hand

Then on top of the middle block so I need another block no no I mean just a [ __ ] should be able to do it oh there we go all right I just need a pumpkin I’m not like 20 minutes for it to pop up for me I think for me

I’d say maybe next time I change one of these for a gate so we can get stuff that they kill and drop and it’s really you get that out of the way quickly because why not we have the stuff for it yeah thanks for watching Everybody Take Care we’ll catch you next time

I need coffee I really need coffee

This video, titled ‘Minecraft Survival With SimpleChaosGaming, Part 5, Exploring & Achievements’, was uploaded by RadkeGamer on 2023-08-05 10:10:37. It has garnered views and [vid_likes] likes. The duration of the video is or seconds.

Broadcasted live on Twitch — Watch live at https://www.twitch.tv/radkegamer SimpleChaosGaming Twitch: …

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    "Hot Potato: Traps to Avoid in Minecraft!" #minecraft #meme “Traps in Minecraft: the original ‘watch your step’ game since 2009. Avoiding them is a timeless struggle, just like trying to resist hitting snooze on your alarm clock every morning.” Read More

  • Muscle-Bound EFEKAN Beats Up Bad Creatures in Minecraft!

    Muscle-Bound EFEKAN Beats Up Bad Creatures in Minecraft! Minecraft: Efekan Gets Muscular and Defeats Evil Creatures!😱 In the bustling city, evil creatures have arrived with the aim of seizing a hidden laptop. However, Efekan is determined to stop these creatures. His muscles are so strong that the creatures can’t even stand against him. Popular Minecraft Videos For those who love Minecraft, check out some of the most beloved videos: EN SEVİLEN MİNECRAFT VİDEOLARI Support the Channel If you want to support the channel, consider joining: Kanal Katıl Contact Information For any inquiries, reach out via email: [email protected] Disclaimer Important: All videos are purely fictional. The characters depicted… Read More

  • Sneaky Adventures in Wind Breaker SMP

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  • Surviving 100 Days in Enshrouded – Hardcore Minecraft Youtuber!

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  • Surviving ULTRA HARD MINECRAFT without sound?! 😱 #minecraft

    Surviving ULTRA HARD MINECRAFT without sound?! 😱 #minecraftVideo Information This video, titled ‘Sobreviví en MINECRAFT ULTRA HARDCORE (Sin ESCUCHAR el Juego 😨 – El Primer CABALLO) #minecraft’, was uploaded by TheSamael on 2024-01-16 13:00:22. It has garnered 91 views and 2 likes. The duration of the video is 00:00:57 or 57 seconds. My Day 18 inside MINECRAFT HARDCORE.. No audio and some other stuff!! SUBSCRIBE, LIKE AND SHARE! 📲 SOCIAL NETWORKS 👇 – I: https://www.instagram.com/antonnyjmd/ – T: https://www.tiktok.com/@thesamaelgamer 🔨 MC: Java version 1.16.5 Read More

  • Ultimate Enchantments Hack – Beginner’s Neural AI Setup

    Ultimate Enchantments Hack - Beginner's Neural AI SetupVideo Information This video, titled ‘Hostile Neural Networks – Beginner Guide & Automation Setup | All The Mods 9’, was uploaded by EpicEnchants on 2024-03-24 19:00:07. It has garnered 35334 views and 903 likes. The duration of the video is 00:15:43 or 943 seconds. Welcome to my Minecraft All The Mods 9 Guides! 🙌 I will show you the basics of the Hostile Neural Networks Mod in Minecraft All The Mods 9. Also I will share a easy and compact system for a Hostile Neural Network Automation. Have fun! 📌 In this episode, we’ll cover: 0:00 Intro 0:45 Data Model… Read More

  • Join the Ultimate Minecraft Server & Play Mini-Games 24×7

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    🔥 SCARIEST MINECRAFT SEEDS EVER 😱 #666Video Information This video, titled ‘MINECRAFT MOST SCARY SEEDS 😱 | MINECRAFT HORROR SEED 666 | MINECRAFT HORROR |’, was uploaded by Prabhat Playz on 2024-04-25 03:41:32. It has garnered 415 views and 3 likes. The duration of the video is 00:16:47 or 1007 seconds. minecraft horror minecraft horror maps minecraft horror mods minecraft horror modpack minecraft horror games minecraft horror seeds minecraft horror maps 2 player minecraft horror texture pack minecraft horror shaders minecraft horror skins minecraft horror maps multiplayer minecraft horror maps 1.19 minecraft horror adventure maps minecraft horror adventure maps multiplayer minecraft horror addons minecraft horror art… Read More

  • Epic Animation: Baby Steve & Baby Alex’s Unbreakable Bond! 😍#minecraft

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  • “Ultimate Minecraft Showdown: Girls vs Boys” #glavstroy #minecraft

    "Ultimate Minecraft Showdown: Girls vs Boys" #glavstroy #minecraftVideo Information This video, titled ‘Girls vs Boys in minecraft… #glavstroy #minecraft #gaming’, was uploaded by Shadow Despot on 2024-05-02 16:30:18. It has garnered 10708 views and 327 likes. The duration of the video is 00:00:14 or 14 seconds. Minecraft is a sandbox video game that allows players to explore a pixelated, procedurally generated 3D world with infinite terrain. Players can discover and extract raw materials, craft tools and items, and build structures or earthworks. The game features various modes, including survival mode where players must acquire resources to build the world and maintain health, and creative mode where players… Read More

Minecraft Survival With SimpleChaosGaming, Part 5, Exploring & Achievements