Video Information

Hello everybody all right let me let me put on some background music real quick there we go some nice little just just a little bit of music before we get started but hello everybody hello hello uh today we are gonna do taka’s parkour minecraft challenge i

Know some of you guys i saw some of you guys were like why didn’t you do it on streams then because i knew if i did it on stream uh i just i don’t know i just wanted to do it for fun and i feel like if i did it on stream

Like i just wanted to do it for fun um i already completed it i i did it already off stream once because i was like i saw uh i believe pomo and ike uh posting that they did it and i was like you know

What i think i could do it too i think i could do it so i decided to do it off stream because i knew if i did it on stream i would be raging so [ __ ] hard and um and i don’t know like these parkour

Things i would not have like i was not having a good time [Laughter] i was doing it off stream i was not having a good time but i was like i persevered i was like i was like i can do this i like i got super [ __ ]

Competitive and everything i was like i can [ __ ] do this i i can beat this challenge i i can game i’m a gamer all those people who laughed at my poor parkour skills [ __ ] them i can do this and i did it i think i did it in like around ish

Five hours because you guys might have seen me doing it on other people’s streams because i was on safina stream and also uh uh sarah’s sarah streamed in uh from nissan gkr and uh i basically started around the time uh i believe safina started him and

Um i did it for like i got to like the i think i forgot to the soul sound level and i was like i’m going to take a break and play no it was i i did it i did this i completed the stage off stream already like and then um

And then i took a break and went back and played apex because i was so tilted because i was like okay i got to the soul sad level i’m just gonna leave and play some apex um and play some apex by the way i played apex rank with a couple of people um

And then after i was done playing apex right i came back to the parkour so and then so you would have seen me on sarah’s stream where i came back and was like hey i’m here to finish the level and that’s where i finished it so um

Uh that was that was basically that was i think i was like what on the 30th i believe because i wrote down like i put my my sign on the board wrote down i just honestly thought it would take me so much longer because i was

You know i have a reputation of being shitty at parkour so i honestly thought i was gonna it’s gonna be like a couple of days thing so i was very surprised that it didn’t take me as long as i thought it would um you know it’s the

Little things it’s the little things i might not be like as as [ __ ] amazing as parkour uh and platformers as ike evelyn who the [ __ ] uh jump king god but you know hey i i you know i think five hours is a reasonable amount you know i think

That’s good enough anyway look at the dragon oh wait can you even see it oh wait why is it not showing what look see look at the dragon also uh so yeah i i’ve completed it before um we’re not gonna look at the sign just yet we’re gonna look at the sign when

We’re done and you guys are wondering why do you have an electra and trident so every time you uh every time you press this button you get a free item so now i have two electra’s uh how many times have i done this we don’t talk about it this might be

Not my second attempt guys [Laughter] anyway where’s my sign there we go entering hell this is i put the sign here entering hell feed ember if i don’t make it 5 29 20 22. so i did this like like i think at like 10 p.m or 11 p.m so

Then like after i got like you know it was already like after midnight it was ready to 5 30 and done in five hours bed amber all right let’s put we don’t need to put our stuff away this was my chest this is my chest i also got this too

From it you know i’ll put it in my pocket like as like a little all right let’s get started i feel like i should have a time [ __ ] it i’m too lazy to put a counter on all right all right parkour start no i rage so

Much there’s i’m not good at this by the way like um there’s this one area that always [ __ ] me up and i [ __ ] hate it so much like the soul sand level is actually terrible it’s like the one the one level i can’t [ __ ] do uh consistently and the ice level is the

Soul sand and the ice level that no [ __ ] that’s why i [Laughter] i’m like so you don’t understand i’m like so focused when it comes to doing this off stream but you know when you’re talking on stream and everything it’s a whole new thing it’s so different when you’re like doing

This on stream versus off-stream this is another reason why i didn’t want to stream it because i was like i was like oh man i know i’m gonna [ __ ] up my trips okay let me get this part done first uh i don’t know why i’m like really

Nervous for some reason too like my hands are uh shaking right now and i don’t know why i guess because like i didn’t i’m not really good at streaming parkour so i’m like extra nervous now too ah why is my hand shaking why are you so nervous celine why you’re so nervous just

As long as you finish this in uh oh my god why am i so nervous i don’t know why there’s too many eyes on me right now there’s too many eyes on me guys i’m so nervous because of it oh okay okay oh [ __ ] god

Oh my god i don’t know why i just i don’t stream these things games on stream i get so nervous and and my hands are shaking and everything oh my gosh i haven’t haven’t had hand shakiness i haven’t had hand shaking since i first streamed apex oh you’re looking respectable okay okay

Okay so then focus you used to do this with ease this level is nothing this level is nothing to you what the [ __ ] happens to lynn this level is nothing this is the easier ones okay there you go all right oh my gosh i don’t know what’s wrong with me i don’t know

I don’t know what’s wrong with me right now chat i i don’t know what’s wrong with me guys i’m just i can parkour you can platform celine you can platform these this is nothing this is nothing to you there you go you got this okay there you go this is nothing to you

This is nothing you can park horse and then you can do it okay there you go oh another thing that i always [ __ ] up is that for some reason sometimes i accidentally double jump and i hate it when that happens okay there you go i’m doing i’m doing it oh

Breathe in insulin breathe in you’re doing it you’re doing it breathe in nice movement movement movements and then what is going on with you what is i would sometimes accidentally double jump and that like [ __ ] up my uh my run so much sometimes i don’t know i don’t know for some

Reason after doing this once it’s like so relaxing well no never mind that’s the wrong word like not relaxing but like when you you know you don’t wanna okay relaxing is the [ __ ] wrong word because i’m not rest relaxed right now i am so stressed out i’m i’m definitely

Not relaxed at the moment like i guess like brain empty type of [ __ ] like you know you just want to like do jumps and you don’t want to think that’s what i mean not like relaxing it’s more so like i don’t want to think but i want to [ __ ]

I don’t want to think but i want to jump that yeah that type of thing so you might have seen me on hari stream yesterday doing this again because um i saw uh well at first i was just like i just want to not think today i’m just gonna i’m just

Gonna do parkour and then so and i saw that shoot and then i logged in and i saw that hari was doing the parkour challenge so i was like i thought it’d be funny if i laughed her okay that’s a bit toxic now that i said

It i just thought it would be a bit funny and then and then after that i was like teaching her how to i was teaching her how to how to how to do some of the jumps though you know like you know it wasn’t all super toxic i just wanted i i

Went i after i laughed her i taught her how to do some of the jumps just being like yeah you just do that just watch me do it it’s that easy but i didn’t go i didn’t even know she was uh doing the she was streaming it i

Thought i i wanted to play it just for my own for my own you know i just wanted to i just wanted my head empty and do some some minecraft jumps this is basically you know how the boys would do like [ __ ] uh uh getting over

It marathon and [ __ ] like that that’s me but i’m doing minecraft parkour stuff like you know how they all they they’re always like doing the [ __ ] getting over it and jump king marathon [ __ ] this is just my version of that but i’m just [ __ ] parkouring basically [Laughter]

No i’m not gonna speed run this i’m not consistent at all like uh there’s this part i [ __ ] suck at like right here this part this i’m so bad at i always [ __ ] of this and i always [ __ ] up this level’s last the last one like foxy i told you i told you

I always i always mess this up get no i will never do getting over it or because this getting over it and jumping that [ __ ] is [ __ ] crazy i would never do that this is like just a miniature version and that’s really my that’s all i can take like that’s my blood

That’s all i can actually take at the moment i don’t think i’m strong guys i am not [ __ ] strong enough for getting over it or uh or jump king i know everyone’s like after you beat it once you can technically get like you’re like faster and faster you get faster

Fast like i mean look at like like right now like because it’s just all muscle memory but like like getting over it and uh and the and jump king that’s like a [ __ ] day’s commitment or even like like 12 plus hours commitment i don’t i don’t

Want to commit that much in rage five hours in this alone what about i want to be the guy you know the super chat lord pancake thank you thank you like like five hours alone on this [ __ ] me up like it actually [ __ ] me up i was so angry

I was so [ __ ] angry you don’t understand like it was that bad no no god damn it i told this part that part i hate i’m so i hate that part so much i hate it i hate it i want to [ __ ] punch a wall i don’t have anger issues i

I don’t have anger issues i just sometimes i just really want to punch a wall because of that [ __ ] part of the because of that [ __ ] part of the level that’s like that that last fence i don’t know why i i keep i mess that up so much

Every time i do it no no anger issues no one angrier than sex uh i mean yeah because i was doing it off stream so i had like no no like no limits my my my uh my shackles were released essentially and every time i [ __ ] that one up

I can’t do like my jumps consistently i hate it i hate it thank you thank you uh but we all know level seven and eight are like [ __ ] easy but i’m gonna play with to make this harder for myself i will play with my shaders on for the last level

Because my shaders on for the last level is actually impossible so just to give i usually play it with my shaders off because these jumps would be so much easier if i could like actually see what the [ __ ] is going on [Laughter] holy [ __ ] like i’m literally making it

Harder for myself because i’m playing with shaders right now no no no this is a challenge this is a challenge because i [ __ ] okay i hate i hate that i hate that so much okay um this is no you would understand when you say see what it looks like with shaders on for

Level 8 you will know what i’m talking about because level a with shaders on is actually terrible every time okay every time when i [ __ ] up that last jump i just can’t do other jumps anymore okay all right this is why i have happy music

On just to make sure i’m happy this is exactly why i have happy music on okay there we go because i know this game makes me so angry also like holy [ __ ] like my palms sweat so much too for this i i remember when did my first run of this uh

When i did my first [ __ ] the ladder okay when i did my very first run of this i had i had like uh like i had to like wipe my hands and stuff because my palms were just getting especially the soul sand level i just had like like a tissue box there

Just to wipe my hands because i was just getting way too sweaty thank you super chat thank you thank you insanity music oh my god i don’t know why it’s my palms too i guess because i’m like i’m gripping the mouse so um so like you know the heat intensifies or

Some [ __ ] because i’m like why the [ __ ] is my palm sweating so much like it should be my hand that’s on my keyboard that’s doing all the [ __ ] work but no it’s my like i’m barely doing work [ __ ] turning my head and stuff but no

It’s my palm so i have to like wipe my palms like every every cut like 30 minutes or so when i was doing this challenge uh my first time yeah there we go holy [ __ ] okay people said this is a this is frustrating but it’s not the

Soul stand for me that i hate like the soul sand is just the the timing and [ __ ] but like i sort of got the timing down it’s the last one it’s this last it’s always the last part for it’s the last part and this part that i [ __ ] hate the

Most the soul stand is not as bad because it’s just timing but i mean you can say all the other stuff is just timing too yeah but like but it’s not about like the accuracy of you hitting the area it’s literally about like uh like like holy [ __ ] i hate this part

So much i died so like not died but like i [ __ ] that up so many times i got stuck here so many times no matter what happens i always get stuck there and i i i just wanna [ __ ] scream [Laughter] like like soul sand is easier to do compared

To that [ __ ] part holy [ __ ] i hate it i’m so happy also this i hate this part too i always spoke up this part oh all right maybe i just need to jinx myself i was [ __ ] up okay there you go we got this okay we don’t got this okay

Okay we don’t got this okay okay okay okay okay i hate this part we don’t got this no i hate it so much we don’t got this we never got this all right i i i hate it i hate it i hate it so much

Like this is easy for me this is easy oh so seriously if i got stuck in not satisfied sarah ko hi uh got stuck here for like i watched her i was watching her do this because you know we did this at around you know we were on the soul stand

Together for the longest time and i watched her do it for the she she went crazy like no no [ __ ] i went crazy doing this because i i would get all the way to the end and i would always [ __ ] up that part like always that part i i the amount of times

I fell because of that [ __ ] jump holy [ __ ] it [ __ ] i hate it here all right [Laughter] then when i say don’t mess it up it doesn’t mean mess it up the joke oh my god so then when i say don’t mess it up it doesn’t mean what if she i mess up

A damn we’re going to be here for a while this this part is this this area we’re going to be here for a while it’s always this area it’s always this [ __ ] area oh [ __ ] i told you i told you i when i messed up the first time

I’m gonna mess up for a long time i don’t know what it is oh my gosh now i’m a mess i’m a mess i’m a [ __ ] mess right now what do you mean i’m speedwriting this i’m still here i’m still here harry did really well though she like got to here

Like in two hours which is like i think was pretty good i think like to this part of the level in two out two hours that’s like really good that’s like pretty fast and she’s like not even uh she doesn’t even do parkour [ __ ] i don’t either i think it’s like on my

First time doing minecraft parkour like this that’s why i like i did you know when everyone was doing the minecraft parkour during albums thing i knew i would get so angry and i was like i was not there to feel angry because i was like i’m just want to wish alvin

A happy birthday i don’t want to get tilted i just want to be happy oh my gosh that oh my god if that actually [ __ ] me up as i would really like why don’t you do do it with insulin why don’t you i don’t um why don’t you want to do the parkour

With everyone he’s on gm i’m like i’m just here to wish someone a happy birthday i’m not here to get angry right now like i don’t want to be mad i just want to be like happy birthday [Laughter] not like oh my god i [ __ ] hate you

All right this one is like mostly muscle memory but um okay not this this part isn’t the hard part for me the hard part is the [ __ ] ladders but i got stuck here for like so long because of the ladder like this ladder tower thing i don’t know why i

Just can’t climb ladders i think i i don’t know i’m just so bad at climbing ladders for some [ __ ] reason like i remember trying to [ __ ] do this for so long and it was always this ladder okay okay okay okay okay okay there you go oh

I might miss oh my god okay i was gonna say i might mess this one up the worst birthday party how dare you make me laugh with a super chat thank you thank you yeah we must attack the ladders at top thank you for the super check gator thank you thank you

Yeah whoops i laughed i laughed and i died all right taka’s gonna have to restock the [ __ ] dragon tower soon because i keep i’m gonna stop playing i need to stop like doing the dragon tower because i might [ __ ] ruin the economy of the dragon tower i’ve only

Taken one of the heads okay i took one of it i know i i didn’t take any other of the heads but he might need to restock his prizes too because i keep taking you know because whenever you press the button you get prizes and stuff and i

Keep taking those so like he’s gotta restock that soon for sure there you go nice yeah nice this now these are the easier this is just gimmick and seeing the parkour tower oh [ __ ] [Laughter] look it’s not my fault oh my god i like and you get it gotta get this out

Get this once it’s like super like this one’s really about timing too there you go it’s the last one that [ __ ] with me the most though there we go oh yeah there you go easy i love the slime jump the slime jumps are so fun i love it so much this one i

Mess up a lot all right yeah all right now you’ll know what i mean the [ __ ] is this it’s literally almost impossible to see with the shaders on oh my god i can’t [ __ ] see [ __ ] with the shaders so you see that little block there yeah that’s where i’m supposed to jump to

Holy [ __ ] is this impossible to see with shaders on like where is this block [Laughter] but i will do this with shaders on oh my god now this is this is actually a darkness like with shaders off is so it’s a lot easier but holy [ __ ] i’ve never done this these this this

Level with shaders um but i feel like i might as well like this one’s actually like you can’t [ __ ] see [ __ ] i i know there’s a block right here that’s not this block but i i don’t know where it is because i can’t

See [ __ ] oh there it is wait is it is it here [ __ ] where is it [Laughter] oh my god it’s this one oh [ __ ] oh [ __ ] okay where do i go next now i’m going right here right here right here okay okay right here all right right here

Okay now i don’t know where to go it’s this one right it has to be this okay [Laughter] i told you this level is so hard with shaders guys i literally can’t see [ __ ] okay okay there you go okay where was it right here holy [ __ ] it’s a leap of faith it is

It is this is like a little mini challenge for myself because i i never done it with with this much like blindness i’ve never done this level with with this amount of blindness before because i immediately turn it off because i was like there’s no [ __ ] way

Oh [ __ ] okay now that’s just that that’s just embarrassing all right and then boop boop boop boop whoop and then oh my gosh i keep forgetting where they are too there you go Oh i’m making this so much harder for myself okay where is this here okay i don’t know how anyone can jump with this shader on but i’m doing it holy [ __ ] where was it is it this block is it is this a block i can’t tell leap of faith

Okay okay leap of faith leap of faith leap of faith there we go oh [ __ ] where do i go next it’s this one okay is this one is this is it this one is this one right leap of faith okay okay okay there you go

[ __ ] okay okay okay okay where do i go next where’s my next leap of faith is this one okay oh my god is this this one i can’t tell sometimes holy [ __ ] i know there’s a block right here i know there’s a block right here in the middle okay

All right there we go okay [Laughter] there you guys won’t know what it looks like without the shader okay i’ll show you guys all right without the shader you can actually see everything like wow wow i can see everything [Laughter] all right like yeah it’s actually so clear right guys wow wow

There was a block right here and i never saw it all right let me turn it back on because i told myself i will try and do this for the first time with the shaders i told myself when are you gonna do tacos parkour challenge senpai

Where will you do this it’s so easy it’s so easy to go senpai look i’m already at the last level see it’s so easy i just started too yeah try it it’s really fun it’s really fun trust me it’s very very fun [Laughter] guys i’m having fun guys i’m having a

Lot of fun guys oh [ __ ] why am i [ __ ] up that jump i don’t understand whoops i should not be [ __ ] that one up what do you mean chad i am having the [ __ ] time oh my gosh sometimes i forget where to jump for this

So there’s a block right here but um i i don’t remember where it was i’m just gonna do this one just because it’s like easier well it’s not easier but like at least i know it’s there because holy [ __ ] i can’t [ __ ] see it was right here right

Oh yeah it’s right there okay holy [ __ ] i wish there were more torches okay it’s a block right here all right okay okay okay we did it we did it time me time me all right all right there you go all right we did it all right see okay uh

My best time was i don’t even know what my time is i don’t even know when i started this oh there they are oh oh please don’t kill me up here please don’t kill me up here i don’t want to go back up to get my okay okay okay we gotta

We gotta get it we gotta get we gotta stay here for a little bit 30 minutes nice all right that’s my that must be my best time wait 28 minutes really all right that’s my best time the last time i the second time i did

This i got 45 minutes see it’s that easy and again senpai you should do it i did it in 28 minutes you can do it you can do it too uh no i’m pretty sure i guess it was faster than i’m pretty sure ike’s second attempt was faster than me i don’t know

What how how long the second attempt was but i’m pretty sure um i could do it faster than 28 minutes maybe i could you know what let’s get what’s that speed run timer thing speed run timer all right what’s it called is it live split i don’t even know

What people use for okay download install live split let’s try it gotta grind for that number one All right we’ll speed run this [ __ ] we’ll speed run this [ __ ] we can do we can do it yes senpai you should do it it’s so easy it’s so easy this is my first time it’s my first time senpai i wasn’t i wasn’t mad or anything i had such a fun time

I had a really really fun time it was like the best time of my life i swear god it was like i wish i could do this every single day because i had so much fun i am never mad is it daytime yet it’s not okay we’re

Just gonna wait until how do i how do i do this i’ve never done this one before okay is it it has to be browser source create new okay wait how the [ __ ] do you do this i don’t and it splits control okay okay maybe it’s like capture maybe city

All these platforms and mega man finally paying off sorry thank you thank you thank you afterwards so i’m about to ruin not only entirely to cast and caught i’m sorry it i can’t stop it it gives me stuff automatically i can’t stop that i can’t stop it

I just go there and then it it just it gives it to me okay maybe this is that show wait where’s my last split where is it okay edit reset transform oh it doesn’t show my last split doesn’t show how the heck do you do this How do i do last split okay it’s morning yay it’s morning i suffering from success it’s morning what are you doing here it’s got that morning oh my god are you thank you for the super chat thank you thank you the sun is up oh

Wait the sun isn’t up it’s the sun isn’t up never mind never mind okay never what the [ __ ] get away get away from me okay let’s see window capture or let’s see if it’s window capture last split there it is oh i see it i see it okay okay it’s window capture

It was window capture all along what the [ __ ] is this [Laughter] what the [ __ ] is this song there we go there we go are you still there please leave me alone [Laughter] leave me alone please i just want to be a gamer please leave me alone oh my god

Let me get a bow and some arrows real quick everything once oh if it wants to do that to me i don’t know how to do this oh i’m apexing i’m apexie i’m apexing i traded my aim for parkour i i traded my aim for parkour guys you don’t understand oh unless unless

Okay come on please please please kill them all right there you go guys it is equivalent exchange equivalent exchange guys parkour for for for aim there we go [Laughter] all right yeah we did it all right for those who are wondering how many dragon heads are left i only took one

The one the one i while you’re apexing as well as i did now thank you for the super chat gator there’s still three left there’s still three left so there’s still three more people also because i wanted the dragon head i heard from po moon that there was a

Limited amount of dragon heads and i was like i want that dragon head i think i’m like the only new one here yeah everyone else is the same if you guys seen everyone else’s board already um they’re the same mine’s the new only new one so

I got out of hell 5 30 20 22 and then the next day i came back i came back but i think my current record is 28 minutes my car that’s my current record at the moment um also i heard people were asking why i talked about this before uh

All right let me blow my nose real quick um i heard people ask uh were asking me about this before i talked about this before and people were wondering why i was not in uh uh senpai’s ninja sanji apex customs um i asked him about it before the planning

For this came to be like before he was asking for participants i asked him it was possible for me to join because i know it was like a more uh japanese uh language centric custom and he said that uh uh because uh everyone would be speaking japanese um

It would be like you know it’s a like the teams are shuffled the teams are shuffled so like you know it won’t guarantee that i would get a team that would speak um that could speak english or like would be able to understand me so it’s just to like you know it’s just

Like logistic wise it is better and you know be less awkward if i get it if i got shuffled into a team and then like you know it would be very hard to communicate and keep fans would be like oh my god celine is dragging the team down because she can’t speak japanese

And and yes you know it’s understandable and so um and he told me that if there was like you know if not enough participants where uh there wasn’t enough participants then he would do make an ent not an ian team but like a team where uh you know so an en team but

Because like you know it was a full custom that wasn’t possible but i did ask him before he even like organ like organized the whole thing because i really did want to participate it but it was understandable that i wasn’t able to participate and for those who are wondering um

Um why like some livers are in and some libraries aren’t uh it was first come first served for outside jp branch so whoever that was online at that time uh like when he opened it up to like international participants it was first come first served basically and he said

That only people who can speak japanese could participate basically so like anyone who like knew japanese was basically like i’m gonna i would like to participate but i did ask before he opened up uh he opened it up to everyone like before he like opened up to like international branches i asked him

Before because i didn’t want to because if he did that and then i joined in and then you know i took a first come first sure spot and then like you know it’d be awkward if like i was the only one that didn’t speak japanese and then like you know passion

English and like passion japanese wasn’t gonna wasn’t gonna make it so that’s basically it yeah like that was the only requirement and then here i’ll go i got an electra another electra so it’s just to clear up some air why i’m not uh why i’m not there for the

Um apex customs and why like you know some members aren’t there as well all right all right let’s start it let’s start this uh let’s see how do i start this i never done this part the the last split before um let’s see okay here we go

All right how the [ __ ] do i do this all right start okay okay okay all right here i go i can do it we can do it um but yeah uh just gotta brush up my nihongo uh whenever i [ __ ] find the time goddamn gotta stop doing minecraft parkour so i

Can brush up my nihongo so no [ __ ] god damn why you gotta make a joke you make joke you die okay you know what [ __ ] i’m doing a reset i mean i’m on level one right now anyway this is reset counter reset counter it’s level one anyway here we go there we go

All right let’s see if i can get below 28 minutes that’s my that’s my goal today below 28 minutes and then we’re gonna call it okay if i fall i reset counter because it’s level one there we go there you go nice all right no more resets no more resets no sorry

All right no god damn it i can’t reset too [ __ ] okay okay okay so then you got this sling just then jp duolingo stream way thank you for the super chat thank you thank you rossie i’ve been thinking i know i’ve been playing i’m doing like a

Japanese study stream for a while now um [ __ ] okay okay okay okay okay i’ve been thinking about it for a while now um um one day for sure one day for sure because i need a you know like albin uh he studies japanese four hours every single day it’s actually crazy he’s like

Ah he’s like so [ __ ] committed to the grind god i wish that were like i wish i have that time right now like i don’t i don’t think like for me i feel like i’m always working in a sense in terms of like [ __ ] up why did i do

That why did i do that ah okay but like like i was there uh i feel like i’m always like on the clock like but it’s crazy i wish i had like that amount of like dedication as albin right now to like studying japanese cuz

Uh yeah i had it but i was like i was thinking about uh studying japanese [Laughter] uh yeah but he basic [ __ ] okay yeah but he basically i’m i’m not going to beat my record there’s no way i already [ __ ] it up too many times and this level alone

Like this level should be like first or second try but i am i’m messing up i’m messing up right now but he had like four hours every day like he doesn’t do duolingo he like literally has he tells me like he has like um like a stack of textbooks and everything

Uh and he just studies it for four hours every single day like that’s crazy crazy dedication and like i need that motivation right now in my life and i need to like balance my times more i guess like i should have like a strict schedule on like what i want to work on

And everything like um like if i want to work on like i should work on this for this amount of time so i can have enough time to do this and everything but i don’t i just like work on stuff until like i’m satisfied or i’m done with it like i can’t

Multitask too that’s the worst part like i’m not a i’m not a multitasker at all i have to for me i have to like whenever i work on something i spend my entire time on that one thing before moving on to the next like how i do i it’s not very

Convenient when i have like a bunch of [ __ ] okay when i have like a bunch of things going on at the same time um because like i have a lot of stuff going around at the same time but i always do it so like i i do the things that can be

Finished fastest and then i go down from there i go like if it’s like fastest plus if the deadline for it is due like sooner i go um i basically uh work on whichever thing is due the soonest and also um oh my gosh i’m [ __ ] up this part the most right now

This is a dead run this is a dead run i should not be [ __ ] up this part oh my god this is this is a dead run already this is already a dead run there’s no this is a dead run i’m not gonna beat my record i’ve been stuck here way too long

No no i can’t reset it it means i have to go all the way down sad there’s a lot of apex collapse to look forward to though in the i know like if you were like why do i just do season two because like i feel like i feel more

Comfortable with just organizing collabs as i find them at the moment so i guess this is like a spiritual season too right now uh like i don’t say it season two but it sort of is [ __ ] okay it’s so much harder to parkour when you’re also having a conversation [Applause] [Laughter]

Oh my god but uh like not the stress of like trying to make sure you have all of the guests at the at the right time and everything looking forward to obviously anniversary in the future only because i want more crumbs of the city of collabs

I love all three of you guys thank you the super chat head notch thank you thank you i really do appreciate thank you yeah i’m really nervous about the anniversary and stuff like obviously we’re lazy light set the bar very very high and like you know i just hope we can

Like get as close to what they give you guys for their anniversary um but like you know obviously we’re not sending something into space or anything so i’m like i i hope you guys would still enjoy our anniversary uh um almost as much um oh my gosh this is such a dead run

Like i’ve been stuck on this portion way longer than i should be like i should be at the soul like the soul sands by now not here all right there we go yeah there you go thank you i hope we do good i hope we

We do great but next week i will be doing um apex rank with uh surefour and dyrus so there’s that uh i’ve actually been grinding rank with sure for um off stream for like i think like two or three years like we played off stream rank

Like um i know he like talked about it before too on his own stream um but we actually like grinded a little bit of rank together with another friend of his off stream uh like twice i believe uh okay i’ll tell you guys a very funny story um when we were uh

Playing rank uh but we bumped into uh mendo train wrecks and uh control the player named average aiden’s team for those who know you know twitch people you guys will might know who mendo and train wrecks are um [ __ ] okay we killed them and the funniest [ __ ] um the

The funniest response came to be because um recognize us and like the team didn’t recognize who we were and then uh the trainwrecks and mendo’s were like all right this guy must they were like this guy must be cheating that’s true he must be cheating or like um

Uh or something and then mendo was like controller i thought i was so we’re laughing so hard and i was like oh my god kathleen you got called the controller played by mendel did he know oh my god no he caught he was calling like sure for a hacker and i thought

That was the funniest [ __ ] [Laughter] and then he was like nah he’s just a controller player and i’m just like oh so funny um lame robbers add that add it again [ __ ] okay i always mess up this part whenever i do it for the first time and i mess up this part too

Whenever i do it but i don’t think i’m gonna break my record i’m already like uh i already [ __ ] up [ __ ] it up by being stuck on the first the second and third level for so long all right there you go oh [ __ ] thank god all right

But yeah and also i might be grinding rank with ditto and rpr this week uh ditto asked me to play the rink with her this week so the schedule would be not changing but like again i can’t obviously i can’t add it onto the schedule or anything

Um because i already posted it but i’ll post an update i’m not sure what time but i woke up and got a message uh got a message of it this morning when i woke up so yeah i haven’t decided time yet and we’re also planning on doing a

Horror stream together too with ditto and rpr next week as well i believe that one has already been decided on like the time and everything so we’re playing [ __ ] okay we’re planning on doing that on thursday i believe uh so yeah so some more collabs to look

Forward to the tf2 collab i’m still cl planning it because there is a lot of people participating so from around the world so balancing the time zones and everything is so this is the hardest i think is why not a lot of libraries organize such huge collabs

Because getting the time zones for such big collabs is so difficult like trying to find because we’re trying to see you know we i don’t want to meet too early for others or like too late for others but you know someone’s gotta wake up super early or stay up late like

Like some lavers got to because there’s no way we can find like an optimal time zone that fits eu and eu oce uh uh n a and asia at the same time like that’s just not possible i hate that [ __ ] jump so much so someone’s gotta someone’s gotta sacrifice their sleep

Or like several people might have to sacrifice their sleep i just don’t know who it’s gonna be yet uh and also for those who are wondering i will not be there at the midnight uh ghost collab uh that’s uh that will be in two hours um

Uh but they did find uh but alira will be taking my place instead uh i will not be there i or i started organizing it for everyone uh but i handed it over to them i think like last week so yeah i think like fanata because she was on a vacation didn’t uh

Didn’t realize i would because like she didn’t see the notification paying on discord so um she didn’t realize that i wasn’t gonna be in there that’s why she put me uh she put me on there because like she didn’t realize i wasn’t gonna be there because she was on vacation when a

Notification uh when i pinged everyone to tell them that uh but yeah but i will be i didn’t put on my schedule because i i should start putting it on my schedule whenever because like the stuff i put on my schedule tends to be like what’s on my channel but i will be

I will be streaming not streaming it but i will be if another asked me to join her uh to watch her play visage which i’m okay with watching people play visage like playing scary games like i’m okay with that i just can’t play the game myself like playing like i think you

Guys know that like playing a game versus watching someone play it is like so different and like you know i could easily you know i could just look away from the screen anytime i want like i could easily you know i could easily just you know [ __ ] close my eyes and

People won’t [ __ ] know i close my eyes people will know if i close my eyes and i’m playing the [ __ ] game so so true yeah yeah like i watch horror films like i wa like well like not really jk not really um but [ __ ] why is it okay it’s always that

Jump in the last jump it’s always those two god damn it it’s always those two [ __ ] jumps is that area and like it’s not the soul sands for me the soul stands i’ve got it down it’s the [ __ ] that side jump in the in the last

Jump oh my god i never hit i don’t hit those consistently i don’t know why i don’t i just don’t it’s not consistent for me like that’s the run killer i’ve never messed up the [ __ ] slime jumps before all right 100 dead 100 dead this run is dead in the water now

Is a dead run dead [ __ ] run i think it’s because like salt the soul stands you’re always doing them so your muscle memory keeps building up this i’m not i’m not always doing this jump so like my muscle memory for this isn’t building because these are like such like inconsistent [ __ ]

But you’re always doing the soul sand jump because this [ __ ] entire area is so sad [ __ ] i jumped oh my god i even jumped too i i swear press it on my keyboard oh my god i swear i pressed it chat i swear guys i would never lie about it

You guys even heard the clickily clack you guys heard the clickity clack why would i lie about the clickety clack it’s the pink honestly though it could also be ping too because you know the server isn’t a [ __ ] id [Laughter] you’re right it’s the ping i wonder if like puma gets [ __ ] no

I wonder if pomo gets higher paying on the server like i wonder if it actually affects uh like the parkour because like you know the server isn’t in n a and like i know poem was like far further because she’s east coast so it’s like further away from

It it’s further away from ideas so [ __ ] okay yeah i’m not i’m not beating this in 28 minutes i’ve been stuck on this part way too long i’m messing up like areas i shouldn’t be messing up there you go yeah okay whoa okay okay my run killer is coming up now ah

My run killer [ __ ] hell my run killer it’s always that i’m not consistent in that jump at all this is the goofiest music ever uh but i am planning on also organizing my own i’m not gonna this is not gonna be a tournament but like i’ve asked

A staff son if i could organize like my own custom uh for na and then that might be uh cause like tournament it’s a it’s a lot it’s a lot organizing a tournament is a lot and then we have to deal with prize pools so i’m thinking of doing like a

Four fun customs too um that i want to do as well um for like english and uh n a youtubers so some i hope i can do it um but sasson is looking into it for me too uh the run killer right here run killer ah

Yeah custom is just much easier and like it’s less work applying for it because if i want to do a tournament i have to write a [ __ ] proposal and i’m just like i just want to do it for fun custom i was like i just want to do it for fun

[ __ ] i don’t want to write a proposal on like um on why like you know like a business you know like business proposals [ __ ] like that i have to write that for a tournament uh as like a reason like oh like uh the host a tournament and i’m like can

Just get a code and host a custom like like no prizes just for fun can i just can i like can i like not write a proposal and just get a custom lobby code is that possible so they’re like okay well we’ll look into that for you celine i was like yay

I was like yeah i would like that i look pretty very much like that thank you [Laughter] like that seems so much better for me thank you staff son i was right there ah i don’t know why because like i’m holding my my space bar for too long

Because i’m so nervous on these jumps oh my god i choked i choked oh [ __ ] oh no this is okay [ __ ] it i should have my enough hearts anyway if i don’t i’ll just get more hearts more more meat at the end over there all right run kill it full there we go

There we go already ready run killed oh my god run killer i want to see if i can get like less than 28 minutes but my first attempt was actually my best attempt holy [ __ ] holy [ __ ] this is the first time i messed that up too oh my god

My first attempt was my best attempt yet i wonder if it’ll be easier if i actually turned off shaders i think like my next we’ll do like one more attempt after this and i want to see if turn off shaders will actually make me better or not you take away the unnecessary like

Actually do a speed run [ __ ] where you take away unnecessary [ __ ] because yeah i would see these blocks a lot better that’s for sure um oh yeah are you guys excited for the re-broadcast of the of the unarchive karaoke my i’m narcan karaoke i’m so happy like i’ve been asking

Um sason for it for like the longest time and we finally are able to you know um i’m finally able to you know rebroadcast it for you guys so i know a lot of people who missed it um who missed it missed the uh you know for those who are in asia time

Zone eu time zone or uh oc time zones you know it was at a super [ __ ] early yeah it was like super [ __ ] early for you guys so that’s why i’m planning on rebroadcasting it at like uh you know a more a more beneficial time for you guys god damn it

I don’t know i could never i can never do that right do that jump um it’s always that jump always that jump got them um but yeah it’s just a rebroadcast um it’s still going to be unarchived so you know that the vaude is going to be like

Privateed right after but you know you guys for those who missed it you guys could catch it again and i’m like soup i’m i’m glad you i you know i felt bad that you know i could only pick one time for you guys to watch it when i first

Did the unarchived karaoke so now now for those who missed it you guys could catch it again yeah and that means like you know other ian livers they’re going to be you know rebroadcasting their stuff soon in the future too i’m happy to be able to um

I’m happy that we could do that now in the future so it’s not just me but basically everyone um yeah more dragoons can now watch it oh my gosh oh my god oh my god at this point like uh oh my gosh i can’t even do this one anymore oh my god

I can’t even do this one anymore okay there we go there you go there you go there you go there you go there you go there we go there we go there we go there you go there you go yeah whoa okay i’m doing it all right run killer number one

Run killer number one okay now run killer number two i’m coming for you not you [Laughter] i didn’t mean you oh my god oh my god god damn it god damn it he wanted to be a run killer too it’s like oh you’re talking about me then really

Me it’s already dead i already messed up messed it up i’ve been stuck here way too long i’ve been stuck in like a lot of the levels way too [ __ ] long i wish i should have had the timer on in the beginning all right i’ll do like one more attempt

After this one like one more speed run attempt after this one all right there you go yeah okay what okay now i’m [ __ ] trolling now i’m trolling oh my gosh now i’m like super i’m super trolling now holy [ __ ] i’m like actually trolling now oh my god celine celyn you’re a mess

You’re a [ __ ] mess now [Laughter] i am the run killer chat i’m the run killer oh my god i killed my own runs Oh my god i can’t believe it i can’t believe it i’m my own saboteur i’m the beanstar welcome to the amber [ __ ] welcome welcome run killer number one all right apparently this is now run killer number two too all right run killer number two now [Laughter] right killer number two

I just want to restart i wish there was like a taco make a restart restarts button somewhere where you can just drop all the way down because people are just gonna speed run this now like people are just gonna speed run this there should be like a

A little place to drop down like a reset a reset elevator where you can just drop all the way down every time you [ __ ] up the run because i feel like this this parkour challenge is just gonna become like you know the more livers that finish it the

More livers are gonna have like a leader oh my god dude taka should have taken so much to have like a little leader board for like fastest time like a separate guest board just for the leaderboard of the fastest time and everything that would be um

That’ll be [ __ ] okay that’ll be fun yeah the fall of shade because i know ike is definitely gonna [ __ ] play this so much more if there was like a leaderboard or some [ __ ] there’s an unofficial one i don’t think there is and then like i don’t

Think i i mean i don’t know what ike’s time was to be fair he never like streamed it or anything either so um he played it off stream as well like you know you’re just so much more focused when you’re off playing off stream because you know you’re not

Having a conversation like i said i’m very bad at multitasking i never i don’t do things like do multiple projects at once i do every one thing at a time because i can’t [ __ ] focus at all if i do that like i’m so bad at focusing if i oh my god

Snowman made it at the top thank you for the super chat of anything thank you i can’t do the last jump run killer number three run killer number three okay okay okay focus okay i’m gonna vote i’m gonna do trap full try out focus right here

What did he do in his late night chat oh he did um it’s around 17 minutes yeah i told you ike is like i think it’s like the park working um um he finished it two times already yeah i know he did it two times like i’ve been up there a lot

Uh i’ve always [ __ ] up this is this is my run killer this is my run killer but my best time at the moment is 28 minutes uh because i always like mess up at like certain areas like this this i already have muscle memory for the next level

Um but i don’t have muscle memory for oh my gosh now i’m messing up entirely entirely now all right let me wait let me uh wait how did i pause this pause okay wait for those who don’t know what my best time is this time 28 minutes

There we go for those who are here for those who are wondering if this is my first attempt this is sadly not my first attempt what i have like all these electro’s totems and everything those are like basically um resume there we go i’ve already been stuck here too long

I’m not consistent here all right there you go Like i can do the soul sand i can’t do this i can’t do this would i not resume oh [ __ ] what the [ __ ] oh no no it is resuming it’s just i didn’t i tabbed out um no no no it’s just because i the thing was tabbed out so it didn’t show [Laughter]

Oh it’s always this it’s always it’s always that uh sakura hey so then i have friends that respawn if you still want to turn can probably help get no it’s okay so thank you for the thank you for um the offer uh sasson’s got it i trust in staff son

I mean like i know like a bunch of niche sanji livers and jp have done custom like you know non-tournament stuff in the past so like i’m pretty sure i can do that too but this time like directed at uh the en side and everything because i feel like i i remember like

Talking to this with um like i guess like pro players i was having this with like pro players and like um how like they uh and other like youtubers and ian said how like there’s not a lot of jp there’s so many uh there’s so many like uh customs tournaments and everything but

There’s barely any of that in the e inside sure there’s like pro tournaments and everything but that’s that’s different you know like i’m talking about like uh um like just you know for fun stuff not like actual like you know i feel like every tournament in n a is geared

Towards like pros and everything or like you know um like you gotta have a pro with you or something um i feel like there’s no you know for fun [ __ ] uh you know for like just you know youtube especially for youtubers too you barely see [ __ ] like that it’s always

Like something geared towards like pro players and probably something you [ __ ] there’s not even like script even when there’s like pro tournaments there’s no scrims it’s just you play pubs or rank to get experience and um i think it’d be uh nice to just have like something just you know just

Something different for the other side also i don’t know why i can’t do um yeah the closest thing was the toast hide and seek thing that is true but even then that was like a full pro content creator thing too uh i mean not really full because you know it was just three

Well no there were pro players too you know like some pro players were in it that were doing the hide and seek thing because like um like you know x pros essentially uh no like there’s no if there’s a tournament if there’s a tournament for that’s like uh for if there’s a

Tournament where like non-pro players are invited there’s no scrims for it uh there’s usually never there’s only like pro scripts but you know far fun not in terms of like uh like you know those scrims you see in uh like jp tournaments uh uh no there were other uh the team that

Was first place had x pros on it um i remembered i’m not the only one that had a uh that brought like um to pro slash x pros um but i’m talking about like uh the one tournament tournament that tournaments with like pro players mixed with content creators

They don’t even have scrims you just go straight on to playing the tournament and your practice is basically right which i feel like it’s not not a lot not really indicative of what you play in the tournament hey dennis thank you for the super chat thingy thank you all right there you go

I mean maybe now it is because like rank now is definitely more algs focused in term play style just because like uh [ __ ] okay i should not [ __ ] that up um but i should know i [ __ ] that one up uh So i would i would like to have something much more casual um and if i do do a tournament i would love to do like scrims and stuff just like i want to do like a tournament jp style in terms of like having scrims leading up

To the tournament like if i actually do do that and write a [ __ ] business proposal when i find a time to write a goddamn business proposal i would definitely would like to request additional custom codes so we can actually have scrims and stuff instead of going straight into it

This is because i feel like n a v tubers do not scrim like so like you know their experience is mostly like just rank mostly rank and i feel like you know it would be more fun too to have like scrims and stuff for like the nav tuber scene

Uh we need that business purpose all right [ __ ] okay that was my bad bad i’m like i’m like choking so hard now on these on on on these floors when i usually don’t choke on these floors uh actually screen pump a lot a lot different people will not be third

Partying so much that’s for sure uh in scrims versus like scrims was basically scrims tournament style i mean if you ever watch algs it’s basically like uh you know positioning and not about kp points but [ __ ] hell i just kept getting third partied in rank so much um

Oh my gosh wait what the heck why did i um because everyone will be focused on positioning their team positioning their team in a way to just just have the best spot and not focused on getting kills or anything because kills are not that important in a tournament setting

Is all about you get most points from uh you get a majority of your points just from your placements basically uh but yeah i just figured but okay god damn it this figure would be like a good opportunity for the nav tuber scene just to have something equivalent because i know a

Lot of nav tubers [ __ ] play apex like come on apex was like there was a top five most streamed games on twitch like yeah like there’s a lot of people it’s just there’s not a lot of opportunities and most of the majority of the opportunities are geared towards you know flesh tubers so

I just wanna i just want like a more so geared towards you know the non-flesh tubers you know even like the small tournaments is usually like flesh tubers centric like youtubers get in like are like the special invites for if they actually get into like any um

N a tournament esque or like english tournament um they’re usually like special invites and [ __ ] holy [ __ ] okay oh my god oh my gosh i’m like choking so hard on on this floor now okay oh my god i hate the light lighters i hate the ladders so much i hate the ladders

The goddamn ladders we all know this run is already dead but there’s no reset point so i the worst part is that i know this run is dead but there’s no reset point so i have to commit to it i can’t self reset this that’s the worst part and my song stopped

How can i feel happiness oh my god Uh soccer thank you for the super chatting thank you i want to see more enb tuber stuff too i just want to see more yeah i want to see something more like i guess like casual-esque stuff too i mentioned a friend like year ago so fingers crossed like a en version

Of the psycho would be fun before you know i don’t think apex is gonna [ __ ] die anytime soon so i gotta tough it out [Laughter] we’re in a gaming drought so this is all i have right okay i was actually talking to my uh uh to my friend about being

Like what the [ __ ] do i play because we are literally in a gaming job right now there’s like there’s there’s like nothing there’s like almost nothing to play these days are there i mean not like nothing but more so of like there’s only these games we can play

There’s like no new games coming out or anything this is all we have it’s all we have so like i’m just gonna i might as well just [ __ ] start something oh [ __ ] there we go oh my god finally i’ve been stuck here for like the [ __ ] longest time [Laughter] like more so late Oh my gosh i should not be messing that up yeah there’s a lot of cool old games but like after that it’s just like there’s no new games coming out that that’s like given the same i guess like hype and popularity as like something like apex like a lot of games die so

[ __ ] fast especially like streamable games too like yes there’s a lot like really fun games but a lot of times a lot of like the fun games i like to like uh are fun to play but are not like fun to watch in a way you guys know what i’m talking about

Like yeah yeah they’re like super fun to play like you can play for hours but it doesn’t mean like people would enjoy watching watching them play it type of deal like that’s what i mean like i know like blood hunt i love playing blood hunt but it’s not a fun game to watch

Which sucks because i wish it was i love playing bloodhound like casually sometimes all right have you heard of this game called valerie please no i’m not we have enough hop con hop connors now any other super chat everything you think yeah it’s cause new games always

Try to copy something else it’s like how every game is just [ __ ] okay it’s like how every game just has like apex stuff in it or like well not just like uh not even like new games but um uh guys i’ve already hop conned enough

Have i not hop conned enough for all of you guys also like literally everyone almost everyone haniji ian is a hop connor now um let’s see there we go all right let’s turn off our shaders because i want to [ __ ] finish this run fast competitive unob trail blazer celeb

Thank you for the super chat i’ve been thinking thank you all right because this run is dead anyway i mean just turn off my shader so i could actually see what the [ __ ] i’m jumping on there you go all right more rogue likes thing on the

Super child i think thank you i’m glad that rogue legacy finally came out because oh my gosh whoops because that was like some new [ __ ] the thing is like i get after completing it once you know i i know there’s like new gameplay oh my gosh why am i messing this up

Why am i messing this up you know people already signed pro players for apex mobiles i i i already saw people get signed for apex mobiles that’s crazy like the game i guess like because some of these people already played the game during open beta but the fact that there’s already like

Signed teams for apex mobiles still surprises me uh because i felt like holy [ __ ] like even like and there’s like a pair oh my god i don’t know why there’s like a sign n a team for apex mobile like i don’t remember which org signed a team but i remember seeing

Um maybe it’s a oce maybe i’m not sure i just remember seeing it someone like on my feed someone was like yeah uh sign you know like that [ __ ] simpson gift [Laughter] uh simpson contract gift that people post whenever they get signed like i saw that

How do you even play on phones you play on a really i mean pubg mobile had a very competitive scene if you guys didn’t know that uh pubg mobile has a very big esports scene so it’s basically the same thing there’s even like uh specific like what’s it called uh

Stuff you have to wear on your thumbs and stuff for like optimal gameplay and everything it’s it’s actually pretty crazy i knew about this because i i talked about it on stream but when we did when we did that pubg mobile sponsorship um they were like recommending like what you gotta

Like what you have to wear and ever like oh i recommend you get this on amazon to wear on your thumbs um or like optimal all right time oh this is such a bad time this was basically my time when i’ve finished completed the second

Time my best one is still 28 minutes all right let’s try this again all right 28 minutes we’ll do one last attempt and if we don’t get it in less than 28 minutes then ggs what a total maybe one day you can try streaming a tf2 rocket gel map since i

Know how much you love no that i would say no because i think rocket jumping is the one one thing i cannot do yeah the flum sleeves for a oh yeah another electra i am so sorry taka senpai i’m so sorry for taking all the electrons i’m so sorry

Holy [ __ ] this looks so different without all right let’s try this again all right reset we start in three two one okay all right there you go run one f 51 falls run to 112 yeah yeah run one was my best run yet the 28 minutes one okay

There we go that’s why it’s like double the time too what no okay reset recent i’m still level one i’m still level one reset [Laughter] thank god thank god i’m in level one still there you go there you go okay okay i haven’t fallen yet all right

Okay focus we’re gonna do full focus here chad we’re gonna do full focus here no zach sedong at the moment just pure focus right here yes okay all right second floor time second floor second floor here we go it’s okay when we get to the run killer

Then we’ll know if our runs [ __ ] dead or not okay there we go ladder ladder what what i didn’t even jump or crouch oh my god you’re all you’re not supposed to be the run killer ping ref i caught ping i caught pink’s avatar holy [ __ ] honestly this looks so [ __ ] easy like

Not easier but easier to look at why the [ __ ] did i did through this with shaders on jesus christ like why did i do that to myself playing with [ __ ] it actually looks easier to look at because there’s no like i’m gonna say that and i’m gonna [ __ ] mess up even more

Because of it extra difficulty like everything is easier to look at for me now okay there you go all right all right there you go oh yeah i have a lot of series to play so i’m not gonna sell you a blood flash shot okay wait i can’t even

[ __ ] okay okay [ __ ] no okay ah oh my god thank you for the rain how was final fantasy thank you i saw like screenshots of it when you set everything on the loafer on apex when are you gonna do this like getting over it but this time for oh my god

I’m like messing up i was supposed to be i’m supposed to stay focused okay all right here we go yeah this is like when you say everything for love exactly it actually looks it’s easier to look at that’s for sure okay okay okay hello everyone i’m coming

In from uh vulgar’s vulgar stream i’m currently doing a speed run of taka’s minecraft minecraft challenge my best time i will never be as good as ike but my current best time is uh 28 minutes i’ll never be as good as the parkour master himself but i will try my best

Okay ike is too crack he is he i mean he [ __ ] plays junking as a relaxation point for himself other newgate new babe plus new bay plus i heard he he had some uh some issue [Laughter] yeah she when are you gonna speedrun this issue we’re gonna join in on speed running

Taka’s minecraft challenge join the speed run crew yeah it’s like the best way i could explain uh um ike’s time with new big plus i remember when he like added us in discord and was like please i need emotional support [Laughter] to do new babe plus i remember that

So that’s when i knew new bay plus was a journey goddamn i hate this i hate the ladder this is run killer number one on this map for me run killer number two is that one i want to [ __ ] up on the non-run killers though i could feel it

I could feel it this is run killer number two for me i could never get this one right for some reason and that is why this is my run killer that is exactly why that is run killer number two no i didn’t even jump that’s the worst part i didn’t even jump okay

Well there you go okay here we go all right okay all right regular number one why i can’t do ladders ladders and me do not work i don’t know for something i actually never climbed their ladder irl i just never had the opportunity to like

Why would i ever have to climb a ladder like i’m not going to be fixing anything i’m not going to be reaching something i’m already short as hell like i’m not going to be like reaching up for anything i could just get someone else to reach it for me i don’t need a

Ladder for that maybe that’s why first parkour is my first ladder actually no i don’t know the experience of climbing a ladder so i live vicariously through video game experiences my all my experiences in climbing ladders is via video games i’ve never climbed a ladder in real life i just i

Never had iril i mean that’s why i can’t [ __ ] do oh oh there you go there you go all right one killer this this this one you’re doing the roller pulley gives you a movement in your head just a moment thank you for the super chat thank you

Thank you we’ll take you to the playground off collab takes the len to a playground so she can climb her first lap the ladder diff right there actual ladder diff all right oh [ __ ] okay okay now this is run killer level okay all right all right we can do this

We can do this so then what happened to you you talked big about how much you you [ __ ] the soul said was the easiest part of this level what happened it still is it’s silva is the easiest part of this level ha ha i wasn’t lying about that the only

Ladder you need is a text jk it still is the easiest part all right now this is run killer number one all right we got through that okay run killer number two okay we’re almost at run killer number three okay here we go here we go this one

Oh okay run killer number four oh oh my god the choke i was right there i could have been it i could have been it actually could have been it oh my god i can’t believe it i actually choked that so hard oh how could i do this to myself

How could this happen to me i made my mistakes oh Why must these kill my runs I was doing so well okay focus focus focus focus focus focus we’re focused we’re focused oh my god no please okay oh my god now i’m [ __ ] now i’m actually [ __ ] up a lot okay all right oh my god slim why okay oh my god okay okay focus focus

Focus focus focus now you’re now you’re [ __ ] up on purpose and then now you’re just trying to make content what are you trying to do you think guys it’s okay i’m just trying to make some content i’m not [Applause] okay all right focus i’m content farming i’m content farming right now okay

All right full focus now okay we’re almost at our run killers right here okay okay okay okay okay run killing number one okay run killer number two right here okay oh i’m killer number three okay run killer number four okay okay okay full focus all right oh my god

Just need to get past it’s just is this and the ladders for me i need to like get like must oh my gosh oh okay My one weakness truly my one weakness my god damn one weakness okay okay there we go actually move move in my chair when i do that okay like i move to the left more when i do the side jump thing [ __ ] okay okay one killer one one killer three is up here

I mess up this jump sometimes okay here we go here we go okay okay all right give me time ah i need to do this like several times to get used to the timing because i’m not used to the timing now all right okay here we go [Laughter] i’m getting trolled oh my god [Laughter] actually that’s [ __ ] up man that’s so [ __ ] up i can’t see [ __ ] okay it’s right here i believe okay i can see a little bit here this or this i can’t remember i feel like sit up upright too because i could barely see

On my screen sometimes oh [ __ ] i don’t remember where to go from oh you’re here okay oh my god time time we made it 15 minutes and 13 seconds whoa all right my new record my new record oh my god here we go i’ll take take this down uh

My new record let me get that away a real quick and add that in i knew record i did it wait wait i did it too many times [Laughter] new record wait wait a new record uh was it 5 15 13 so then tatsuki i want to two minute okay i did it

Maybe i want to put like the date too again all right new record and then i’ll put that oh i can’t fit the date oh was it 15 oh 1507 okay 15 oh seven point i don’t know so i’ll put 53. oh my god i want to fit the date though i can’t

Fit the date drop the milliseconds okay okay okay all right let’s see five three okay was it six oh one twenty twenty two there we go there you go wait wait still five it should be six oh all right there you go there we go Wait am i yeah it’s june that’s a five there’s a six what do you mean that’s a six okay there you go now you guys see it there you go june 1 first 2022 bam oop all right now we have a leaderboard this is my electra all right now we have

A leaderboard now we did it we have a leaderboard we did it all right i could beat that i just definitely gonna beat that ike is gonna get some [ __ ] sub 10 minutes [ __ ] like he’s gonna get [ __ ] some 10 minutes [ __ ] i could feel it i could feel it

Well i did it i did it now build up what’s his record right now his record is 17 minutes but he that was a second attempt this is not my second attempt like i challenge you to beat me effortlessly because i know you can

I know you can’t but i want you to do it on stream like me i want you to do it on stream ike prove it prove it to me that you can finish this on stream all right there you go yeah like platform skills is so much better

So i will not be surprised all right here i’ll go whoa so many electras there we go taka i’m so sorry i’m gonna taka i’m gonna um i’m gonna make a chest and then um i’m gonna make a chest and then be like i’m sorry taka i did it too many times

Oh my gosh is there any wood i’ll pop i’ll borrow a sign and i’ll be like uh i’ll put it here i’ll put the sign i’m sorry taka i did it please risk i did it too many times please restock restock items here it is here let me put restock item items here

So we can put this back in [Laughter] all right i’m gonna let taka know this is my items i’m gonna let him know so he can you can put those back where it belongs should i put a smile no there’s not enough room for smiley face but we did it we did it guys see

Yeah those prize items he used to refill the prize items because i i might have overdone it chad have anyone seen the 5. i’ve seen them christmas placemat oh well keep a lookout if you can thank you for the super chat kathy thank you thank you

You get a dragon head yeah i got it on my first attempt off stream like my five hour attempt um i got it there so i was i’ve been wearing it it’s fun though i don’t know it’s just very it’s a very head-empty thing i appreciate taka for for making

This because like whenever i just wanna head empty and i just want to you know not do anything and just want to parkour i just go there basically but what i mean this is all muscle memory it’s how like vox took like what seven well how long did he take to

Be getting over it and now he’s doing like sub 10 minute 10 minute runs too because it’s all it’s literally just muscle memory like you beat something once you can beat it i get like you have like like like like now i bet you i can meet sans under an hour like

And then some of you guys are like all right bet do it now no i’m not gonna [ __ ] beat sans luka when are you gonna do deuce parkour minecraft speedrun what are you gonna do it be my time luca beat my time i meant to do it

I bet you can do it luka and join you right now all right join me beat my time i’ll race you right now let’s go get on i’ll race you should clear your head jumping let me put my stuff away again just in case just in case i’m like paranoid i

Would [ __ ] it up come on okay give me five minutes all right let’s race luca now we’ll race luca wait look guys i’ve done this before okay all right that that’ll be easy i’m gonna say that and he’s gonna [ __ ] do like a sub 10 minute run on

His first try no no he has no muscle memory he hasn’t but like as soon as he gets his muscle memory he’s gonna [ __ ] do a sub 10 minute run i could feel it he has like if you guys don’t know he has the best getting over uh getting over a time out

Of all of niki sanji like not just en but the entirety of sanji branch so i will not be surprised if uh as soon as he beats this he’s gonna yeah he’s gonna [ __ ] it’s no ike is a jump king luca is getting over it

Ike has the best oh my gosh why are my songs so so like scary all of a sudden Yeah he has the golden pot and everything too all right i’m gonna do the i’m gonna join this just in case he joins the voice call too all right we’ll we’ll race him we’re not gonna put a timer here because i know i’m not never gonna beat my best time is [Laughter]

He’s getting yeah i mean he has a [ __ ] golden pot you get a golden pot and you beat this game a hundred or more times i haven’t beat this gate i haven’t beat the parkour challenge a hundred times yet it’s not even i haven’t been beating it ten times this might be my

Seventh attempt though [Laughter] this might be my seventh attempt i think the most relaxed is showtime yeah no not this oh oh [ __ ] what the [ __ ] you scared the [ __ ] out of me luca oh you haven’t done the parkour challenge yet no no no i haven’t i can

Try it out let me do it on i was gonna stream it but you’re gonna stream it just stream it now right now yeah do it now but i have work to do so i bet you i bet you you can finish this before you like you can finish just less than

Five hours what’s in five hours yeah i believe in you maybe yeah yeah i believe in you let me put you up on my screen real quick yeah stream it yeah i mean okay well how do i get to you how do you get to me go to i okay okay are

You in the id server yet yeah i’m in the next to a plane you’re next to a plane okay let me i’ll pick you up then i’ll pick you up let me put you on my chat put you on this screen landed i bet you can finish this in less than five hours

You got this i mean it’s five hours yeah because it took me five hours and i’m [ __ ] at parkour wait seriously yeah it took me five hours to do this on my first attempt okay yes i’m pretty sure you belong i’m pretty sure you can do this faster

Than me because i’m like known as one of the worst uh platformers so when they call me parkour king prince of minecraft hypixel mineplex all right you know what that is what is that wait hi pixel minecraft yeah my hyper hyperx minecraft you played like parkour bed wars and [ __ ] like that

Oh my god you [ __ ] no when i was did you used to watch stream too or [Laughter] when i was younger yeah i would go to like a creative um plot server yeah and i would make like so basically i would make like a book okay you wouldn’t make it i’m like the

[ __ ] off prince of mind it was cringey it was cringe i was the bronco prince of minecraft and i would just like duplicate it urban or whatever oh my god whenever i saw someone i would just drop it all around and look at how old were you when you did that

Young young okay okay define young also this is a bad idea of being like i’ll find you because i’m like how do i get to you okay okay okay you see the railroad system and you get on the plane there’s a railway system you take the railway

System and you’ll get here it’s a main hub that one yeah yeah yeah yeah it’s the main hub yeah yeah yeah yeah i just realized it was a bad idea that you’re being like i’ll i’ll take you there when i don’t really know this man there’s two railways

Real tracks which one do i take the right one let’s gamble uh it’s always about it’s always left okay it’s always left all right it’s always left i believe i believe i don’t know about this one oh [ __ ] i’m on a llama now i know it’s on a railway system wait

Guys this thing goes the same way oh this place is yeah this place is huge and then there’s arsenal is the tail like oh it doesn’t have a dragon yeah yeah yeah yeah i think i saw you i saw your name i made it i’m at the uh town then oh

Yeah yeah yeah we’re here okay all right all right also chad how is lucas volume yeah i have the dragon head there’s three left luca so you gotta get it it’s crazy yeah get to the dragon head before before everyone gets it there’s only there’s only three left

I feel like i should stream this yeah stream it go stream it now right now yeah also you gotta do the the elite yes board yeah gorilla luca doing the tower challenge a little low chao i’ll help you up right now uh uh uh hello hello hello hello hello

Hello hello hello hello hello hello all right yeah there’s me inside there uh are you not doing a guess board luca you gotta tell me what announce that you’re here oh you’re attempting all right where should i put it anywhere you want your heart desire hey guys attempting wait what should i say

My first uh finishing it in 10 minutes uh five minute attempt five minute attempt real easy from remember to put the date too it’s currently the this is weird you guys put the months first yeah yeah we put the months first uh all right there we go all right how do i

Make it glory oh there’s glow sacks there there you go five minutes real easy all right luca show me what you’ve done i just want to say you know it’s so cold here my my hands are frozen at least it’s not sweaty right now all right let’s try it all right luca all

Right just it’s easy okay i’ve already [ __ ] up my first jump oh my god look at him don’t be that bad right oh my god he’s [ __ ] speed running right now what the [ __ ] it can’t be that bad right yeah it’s not that nice [Applause] did you say luca

It can’t be that bad right whoop okay i fell on purpose also you turn off my [ __ ] let me turn off my shade yeah that’s what i did it’s actually easier without the shaders on yeah put the dream music on yeah yeah yeah put this you know all his cover

Songs where he’s like you don’t know what’s in like being me have you ever listened to it you never listen to his cover his music video his original song where he sings about how like people don’t know what it’s like to be me how like the uh

The mask song yeah yeah yeah the master yay [Laughter] wait there’s a sassy version what the [ __ ] the session no i only heard the origin though i didn’t realize there’s a sassy version that goes like i suck instead with a smile you know how to do the slime one

Eleanor oh my gosh wait what the [ __ ] he’s a natural i’ve never tried it that was my first time trying that what the [ __ ] luca you are natural at minecraft hardcore what the [ __ ] [ __ ] how how tall is this how many levels is this eight but the

Hardest one is that oh my gosh i already [ __ ] it up oh my gosh you’re actually a natural what the [ __ ] oh my god you’re gaming right now you’re schooling me i was gonna take it easy and just [ __ ] around but not actually i have to [ __ ] catch up to you

Wait what fluent is the hottest point uh five and six are the hardest five are the run killers is the run killer basically okay this one’s a little tricky the one on top here is you uh there’s only like two really hard jumps on the next one

Because my chat has seen me [ __ ] up [ __ ] it up so many times this this whoa this spot’s hard what the hell when you get used to it it’s easy yeah like this is like muscle memory like when you when you get figure it out it starts

Yeah see look at that look at you go oh again that point’s tricky we had to jump at the very end because you don’t hit anything when you jump at the very end oh god how many hours have you spent on [ __ ] minecraft i have no idea okay what

How do you jump that oh my god i’m [ __ ] i’m down too you actually have to jump at the very edge yeah yeah yeah that yeah it’s at the very edge and you don’t hit any if you jump at the very edge you don’t hit anything really like this

This yeah like yeah oh I told you no no oh yeah you just jump at the very edge like i’m doing way too way too fast though this is kind of pog there you go okay whoa okay that that is punishing jesus hey you made it i made it All right yeah i found the um the glowstone pot the glowstone part that’s the easier part i did it all right you got this luca all right i got it i got it don’t worry i’m watching from the from the tiny hole you’re waiting for me yeah i’m waiting for you

Celine you don’t have to oh ow you don’t have to i’m gonna watch oh my gosh this looks weird i’m watching from like a peephole [Laughter] my little people oh god damn this jump it’s not that hard okay it’s not you just gotta have muscle memory luca i didn’t even get to jump

You got this just give me that give me like two minutes what if i laugh you you laugh me yeah i mean you could try all right i’m gonna try let’s see if i can laugh you luca i’m gonna try okay that’s that’s a that’s a lie i can’t jump at the very

Edge yes you can i jumped at the very edge i didn’t just jump forehead [ __ ] this okay okay chad was like please please don’t laugh luca don’t do this wait hold on give me like i said give me two minutes i got this okay okay okay okay i’m watching for my people

I’m watching for my people you got this all right here we go here we go i can see your name tag that means you did even more okay okay i’m following your name i made that finally you got it luca okay all right all right you’re at you’re there

You’re doing a slab jump now all right all right now it’s the you’ve gotta i forgot to sprint oh no no i almost died i almost died from that jump there’s so much food i got this yeah you can’t jump from the edge it’s only at the last part you have to

Jump at the edge the others you have to run I’m watching i’m watching it’s only been a minute it’s only been a one minute yeah yeah yeah all right jump all right okay okay you’re doing it wait where did you go oh there you are okay nice okay jump jump jump all right all right you’re almost at the slime part right slide

Nice nice nice nice now that’s the cobblestone i forgot again back to my people honest back to my people Jesus there you go this plot’s tricky it is it is tricky it is you’re not the run killer yet though luca you’re not the hard part of this of this yet this is like this is considered easy versus the yeah level five is where you you’re gonna suffer

Oh all right i’m sorry for making you wait okay hold on no no it’s okay i’m just i’m i’m peeping you got this you got this okay yeah yeah you [ __ ] [Laughter] turn my music a little bit low so we can get the full luca rage experience all right here we go [Laughter]

Give me one more minute i got this you got this you got this it’s okay you got this okay breathe in breathe out luca uh where did it go all right you’re almost there you’re at the at the dirt running part now there you go right

Okay where did you go oh there you are there you go nice nice jump jump jump okay all right all right slime remember to sprint remember to sprint luca okay sprint nice nice nice all right oh i can see i can peep you now right here all right nice it’s just a

Very precise jump crazy oh nice nice oh my gosh you’re at the edge all right we made it we made it we made it nice nice we did it all right this one i’ll show you a little bit of it i’m gonna mess up the jump too it’s just the ice and then

Oh bam that’s how you do it i didn’t even jump [Laughter] it’s just very precise jumps there you go nice nice nice nice okay i’m gonna head over here now all right uh-huh uh-huh and then it’s the laddercon thing again so you do this and then

But i hate the spot yeah i hate the ladders i’ve never climbed a ladder in real life wait really yeah i never never had the opportunity to climb a ladder what you’ve never seen a cl i’ve seen ladders and tv shows and like outside but never climbed it i never had

A reason to climb a ladder oh you get curious though no why would i get curious about climbing a ladder i i’m also afraid of heights too so that’s why like i have a huge fear of hiking well i haven’t really like i’m scared of lattice like wait you’re scared of ladders

Where did that come from well i can’t climb them because you know i feel like i’m gonna fall you feel you’re gonna die like you’re gonna fall and die which makes sense i mean maybe that’s why yeah that’s why i never also there’s just another shitty ladder part right here uh

Yes the thought of like the ladder is gonna like the piece of ladder is gonna break when you’re climbing it or something no i just like i don’t even think about that it’s just it’s it’s scary it’s just the whole concept of laddering it it gets wobbly you know oh yeah yeah

No one’s holding it it gets like super wobbly and everything so i’ve never climbed a ladder but i have seen one i have tried at least i feel like we’ve all seen a ladder before right ready you can skip this okay well you can skip that

Yeah okay this part i hate the most because it has to do with ladders but you gotta do like diagonal climb ladder oh there you go you can’t go at the very top you have to like climb at the bottom like oh wait what what what [Laughter] okay fine

How do i make this jump just jump oh [ __ ] okay okay this one this is my run clear you might actually progress after me because i always follow this one oh unless unless precise jumps right no you don’t have to you don’t have to jump that really all right jump what

Yeah do you know oh my god your minecraft parkour knowledge is bigger than mine this is just me doing trial and error [Laughter] People i actually hate i know a lot of ninja sandy libraries have suffered through this jesus christ luca all right give me your hours right now give me a minecraft i have no idea oh why did you jump that way i thought that was the jump no this is so sad it’s always

[Applause] all right how many years have you done minecraft parkour maybe that’s a better question i mean i played minecraft a lot when i was younger you know but yeah yeah you kind of just like learn how to jump you just learn i know like some ninja sanji livers were

Stuck here for like actually like six like one was stuck here for six hours six hours on this map alone uh sarah from ninja sanji kr oh yeah she went like crazy but she didn’t like the the soul sand so sad yeah i think not the soul sand is the easiest

Part on this map there’s one part that i [ __ ] hate the most and you’ll get there soon as soon as you conquer this part it’s this part here it’s a side jump i’m pretty sure you’re gonna [ __ ] ace it too knowing you side jump oh is it here like in this

Level yeah yeah there’s there’s like a side jump right here that’s that frustrates the hell out of me sorry i’m just trying to god i’m trying to make it colin you got this you got this luca i’m cheering you from above thank you i’m waiting for you at the hard part so

I’ll teach you how to do i’m pretty sure i’m going to teach you how to do it you’re just going to first try it oh [ __ ] oh nice all right so sand time are you jump on that soul stand and get jumped yeah it’s just like that it’s all set again

Yeah and then that one’s the side after the soul sand you have to do a side jump like that side jump yeah okay oh god all right so this works on either side either this side or this side but you basically have to jump like do this and then jump like that

Oh like this yeah and then you have to jump like that you can either jump on the first block or the second block yep i [ __ ] knew it you knew it luca you’re gonna first try that [ __ ] i knew you were gonna first try that [ __ ] oh

This one is my run killer i’m just going to see if i can even make this i’m not even going to wait oh i made it you made it oh god okay okay i didn’t even jump and that’s so frustrating oh my god well i’ll get back you might be the fastest currently

Out of like fastest first attempt right now it’s fine i can i can try and speed run this next time yeah yeah yeah yeah yeah you gotta be my beat my time and then ike’s gotta beat art i think you’re sure ike is gonna get the best time out of all of us

He got 17 minutes on his second attempt on his second attempt yeah yeah i got 15 minutes on my sixth attempt that’s good though yeah but but it takes me six yeah from five to this to uh 15 minutes five hours to 15 minutes i feel like ninja sanji ian is just like

The speed run group we’re all trying to speed right now we’re always speed running okay well i made it all right now it’s the side jump nice nice huh God the the slime scan me so much oh no no no defenses are just i feel like the fences are scarier just because they’re more precise oh okay all right all right okay the long jump yeah i’m gonna fall again no no no no no no no no

All right yeah do a side jump here oh nice nice all right this part this part is easy when you get this part you just run to the side here and then you you turn but it’s like taking a couple attempts at first and then you take first attempt [Laughter] oh my god

I like explain it you [ __ ] get it right the first time holy [ __ ] oh my god [ __ ] gamer like you’re just like like that oh pug like that yeah like that oh nice um yeah and it’s the side it’s a louder [ __ ] again but like longer so it’s more frustrating

God i can’t i can’t make it okay nice geez this is so tricky yeah i hate i i always [ __ ] up this oh god okay yeah god [ __ ] okay all right hey no no how did we fall we both fell yeah oh whoops jump too early sometimes i hit the side instead of

Jumping yeah me too and like after you get it down like a couple of times you start doing it faster is i i i i got pasta but i just jumped off like when you realize the angle of it the first couple of times [ __ ] my goddamn letters it’s always the goddamn ladders

Okay oh god i keep hitting the side okay hold on i laughed at you and i [ __ ] up [ __ ] is that karma all right there you go i like move in my chair when i do those jumps too like you know when you do like the side

Will you move on your chair so you’re actually jumping along with them why does it have to be ladders oh okay it’s a lot easier if you just look to the side like this ah never mind it’s a lot what look guys i didn’t even like get to jump but i

Didn’t get to jump i just fell whew okay there we go there we go all right i made it to here god damn it you got this luca you got this muscle memory muscle memory yes nice hey you got the muscle memory down now it’s the ladder time okay all right all right

Yeah okay what even happened it’s just ping it’s ping yeah yeah yeah it’s ping the server is an id the ping is so huge for us yeah look at me i have four bars guys yeah yeah look at me i have four bars equals like 400 ping right there oh my gosh you

Don’t even have five bars you’re actually you thought i was lying you’re actually nervous i thought you mean like five i thought four bars was the full bar okay what look oh ping diff right there okay okay whoops okay nice the rcd buff here we go all right all right you got it

Okay all right you’re almost there one more ladder to go right all right yeah yes is it just like balance better you bounce yeah you bounce and then you bounce to the other one nice okay yeah there you go and this one’s just no

No it’s just a side jump i was gonna say i was like oh this one’s just the side jump no that’s my run killer too that when there yeah the side jump there god damn it okay uh oh oh no i didn’t even know that what no i laughed at you and then

Why does this always happen to me why every time i laugh at you i fall it’s called miscellaneous why i’m so nice why do i get karma [Laughter] nice my ass what do you mean don’t make you punch you off i’ll do it i’m crazy enough to put you off no no run

Run all right all right here we go all right flying away jesus chris okay can i just like jump here yeah you jump is that easy right you got this one i got holy [ __ ] i got caught yeah i got this that’s the easiest part oh dude i don’t wanna fall okay i’m

Gonna wait for you up here okay all right i can’t believe it i karma myself oh my god oh my god it’s like oh this part is the easiest part i can’t believe come on you got this i got this i got this i’m watching you okay okay okay all right yeah

After we’re done oh my god i hate the ladders so much god because he got this i got this i got this [Laughter] [Applause] [Laughter] is just get over it yeah i’m gonna i’m getting over it right now getting over it right now all right here we go here we go

Okay okay not that not that nothing all right oh my god i’m losing it i’m losing it luca what’s happening to me listen your morale is a little lower okay you just gonna he’s gonna raise it up how do how do i boost membership but i still lost how is this possible

Did we just not pog hard enough did we just not parked hard enough you have to do it i had to pog too all right all right i’m pogging i was the one doing it you know all right i’m pogging okay okay okay pog pause pod [Laughter] [Laughter] okay i’m pogging

Okay okay i’m gonna pop here too all right i’m pogging nice nice see you’re at least talking about every single time pogging pogging pod you know you know you’re not believing enough you’re not [ __ ] hard enough okay i’m gonna pog oh [Laughter] oh [Laughter] okay i don’t think the parking is working

It is it is it is what what do you think would work then i i don’t know i don’t know maybe you drop down and do this again jump down and do it again you know what you’re really gonna do it luke if you fall again i’ll do it okay okay of course

Of course you throw on purpose huh yeah no why would i ever do that after this now that we’re here now i feel i’m filled with so much confidence now yeah good good yeah yeah yeah [Laughter] next time for the next level if you fall if i get

Up top and you fall i’ll fall too yeah you’ll fall too yeah yeah yeah yeah well with me i’ll fall the fall the fall bros fall guys [Laughter] we are literally the fall guys oh god i sorry whoops i can’t do it oh my god i can’t either

What happened to poggy what happened what happened what happened luke i told you we got what happened to parking oh i actually can’t do this okay wait hold on we can’t do it just keep talking just keep talking remember shut up luca we just gotta keep hogging oh my god you did it

Yeah i can’t i still i can’t get past this first one oh my god ladder okay okay okay okay okay okay i can’t get pauses first one You stop talking you stop pogging luka remember [ __ ] okay okay okay okay ready right nice nice god i can’t i can’t i can’t get to the end and you’re still there i will fall down i will be your fall guy we can fall guys yeah yeah yeah we fall guys together i’m confident

Maybe it’s not a curse there’s can only be one okay here we go okay okay all right luka all right i got this i got this okay okay okay okay there could only be one up here apparently let me try the left side maybe the left side is left here i’m i’m too

Why [Laughter] all right here we go there you go there you go you’re right the left side is easier or am i just getting lucky i’m not luca pog keep pogging okay nice nice all right here we go oh here you go okay it’s the left the luck of the left

Hey yeah yeah nice nice all right nice okay don’t i swear to god just just pop just pop come on luca you got this yes yeah all right this is the easy part now one two okay i can’t see where you are but i assume you hit the other part i’m right here

Okay all right all right all right side okay okay oh that was close okay all right please yes Okay this one is these are all easy this is just a gimmick now so all you have to do is you press this button and then you go whoop oh oh okay just jump yeah yeah you just aren’t i think they um i really thought about this

Wait wait check that check it out what are you doing okay i’m watching oh what the [ __ ] look at you [ __ ] your speed run tech right there you already oh [ __ ] you already [ __ ] figure out speed run explore what the [ __ ] how do you even do this

How did you get to that the edge you you just jump forehead that’s it oh i’m watching wait wait wait wait wait wait wait oh wait what the [ __ ] you can just oh oh my you can’t make it i don’t think you can yeah you can’t make this okay we

Gotta not die here though luca i thought you said you just jumped ah okay ready i think we’ve oh wait okay oh yeah yeah i see i said okay what do you even make okay so you have to jump at the edge of here like when you hit the edge of this you

Gotta jump and land on the you have to stop and land on the slime too after so you jump at the edge of the button and then you get to land on the slime and it gives you that momentum see there you go okay i was in your ways yeah i see

All right oh [ __ ] okay okay this one’s kind of tricky yeah this edge i feel like it’s just fast i feel like it might be faster just do the ah oh no okay there we go all right oh oh i missed it as soon as you get the timing right for

It it’s easy oh there we go yeah it’s just the time i’m just gonna do the regular one [ __ ] it like it doesn’t i feel like the regular one it just shaves off like a couple of milliseconds [Laughter] it doesn’t really matter that much oh no we got the cloud the cloud debuff

The cloud debuff yeah the cloud is in is there well you have clouds you should turn that off oh [ __ ] you could turn that off yeah i don’t have it on oh my god i didn’t know you can turn off clouds to be fair i usually play with shaders on so

I know like you’ve got it oh man i always made it so you have to be at the edge of the the block as well okay that’s that’s so difficult no i [ __ ] that up oh my god i need to heal like [ __ ] pronto yeah yeah yeah dying on this level

That’ll be awkward okay okay oh jesus christ go first you go first okay i’ll go first okay i didn’t think this through when i landed next I didn’t know you could fall from that yeah you can okay okay there we go i made it all right oh okay here it is here we go can i choose anything there okay you can’t no no there’s no cheese in here okay all right he’s gotta do this gonna die

Okay okay okay just jesus time it perfectly yeah that’s nice okay now we’re at the easiest one this is the easiest one well not really but like because you can’t see the blocks well it’s yeah that’s the only thing you just can’t see the block but it’s just you just oh

Just turn brightness up yeah this part you just it’s the gimmick is that you can’t see the blocks so you lost as long as you make your jump you’re fine i see i see are you actually turning did you actually turn your brightness up no no

Oh my gosh i didn’t even see that block yeah you can faintly see it but it’s just this is easy oh [ __ ] oops oh you already made it oh look [ __ ] yell what the [ __ ] yeah oh my god see luka this one had the easiest jumps yeah it

Has the easiest jumps it’s just when you don’t see it the block it [ __ ] you up parkour hardcore party look at that luca got his dragon head he joined yeah that’s the last level wait what yeah i told you you [ __ ] you were killing it [ __ ] livers were spending hours on this

I don’t even know what your time your time isn’t even accurate because we were like stopping and stuff all the time no oh my god i’ll just you know what i’m probably going to try and speed running this yeah yeah you should you might as well apparently puma spent days on it

Yeah yeah is that true yeah oh my god oh my god you know we don’t even know your accurate time because we’re like stopping and [ __ ] around too so you can put your winner write your name what should we put as time chat guys what what is l what would we

Estimate her his time be with all the pauses of us an hour an hour run that’s actually right i [Laughter] oh my dragon head yeah yeah now there’s two left oh my god free gift yeah yeah oh my god look exclusive exclusive winners wait we should

Get my other keyboard and let’s take a picture of our dragon head companion we did it we did it luca look at us hey what’s up guys welcome back to another video and today in this video i just completed the what’s the sample called again tucker’s parkour challenge pockets pogba challenge fine guys

Okay we don’t tell anyone we don’t tell anyone we don’t we don’t mention this oh it’s like a screenshot in front of the dragon here or like in front of our guest board god it’s again crazy yeah yeah let’s get in front of the guest board [Laughter]

No one will know no one will load luca yeah yeah really 15 minutes yeah yeah you’re gonna try and do a speed run let’s try and do it again all right all right let’s let’s all right let’s try it again also you get like a free item after

Completing it are you saying you’re gonna i’ll set a timer for us all right okay all right all ready one at a time you go first yeah you go first oh [ __ ] okay what did you get a creep ahead a creeper hey you got the creeper head

Wait wait is that good oh my i think so i got the i got like seven electrons i kept getting electra’s wait can i have one oh you want the lecture here yes there you go thank you a time to cheat it’s time to ch all right

All right let me know when we do it okay let me know when we start yeah yeah we can we can okay three two one i started the timer oh okay go go go go all right we got this we got the saline okay you got this you’re gonna [ __ ] beat my time

Holy [ __ ] look at you go oh my god you’re not even stopping you’re like we got this easy oh my god look i’m hesitating but you have no hesitation at all holy [ __ ] it’s fine if you do it like if you do it enough you’ll uh you’ll

Understand like when to stop and stuff like that oh my god no hesitation luca holy [ __ ] luke is already at the second level he’s gaming you don’t even you’re not you’re not that’s not behind there what do you mean yeah but i stop when i’m doing my jumps

You don’t stop you actually like fully commit i don’t fully commit to my jumps like i hesitate and i have to no it hasn’t happened to yourself but what if i fall no i didn’t hesitate and i fell luke [Laughter] i listened to you and i fell sabotaged [Laughter]

No oh my gosh i can’t make this jump anymore oh no my run’s dead luca you gotta go on without me look why is this pawn so hard you gotta go on without me i i no no don’t give up yet don’t give up i’m not giving up but i

Know you’re gonna be ahead though i’m so stuck here oh yeah but i’m stuck in the second level right now [ __ ] god the the third one sucks so much okay still hesitating i’m still hesitating all right all right here i am hey guys yeah i’m here now okay nice nice you made it

I made it no no it’s fine you got this i got this [ __ ] of course that was gonna happen i knew it i knew it i knew it no no wait they’re running killer okay we’re killing our run okay nice jump jump jump oh precious celine let’s relax i didn’t even jump just relax just because i’m relaxing [Laughter] doesn’t mean you have to chase it

All right you’re right you you live for me i will lift through you luca you will be i’ll live vicariously through your your successes no we stand together no dad together luca you gotta go on without no live for me luca [Laughter] just just tell ember he was a good boy no you’re

You’re gonna tell him himself we’re looking at you you got it you gotta carry on for us for niji sanji ian just love me leave me no i’m gonna carry you on my back [Laughter] okay okay i’m actually messing up this too much oh my god this is so hard jesus christ okay

All right okay we were you at the soul sand yeah oh my gosh you like breached through the ice one nice one of easy though all right all right i’m at the ice now it’s good okay ice is my run killer too i don’t know how the dirt became my run killer but

So did the ice apparent so is the ice apparently oh my god what the [ __ ] i’m like choking so hard now gift [ __ ] oh my god why i almost made it past the the soul sand no oh no was it the last part the last fence

No like i i made it i made it past the fence i just found out wait you just fell oh no oh my god that’s a shame all right it’s only been five minutes no it’s been yeah it’s been five minutes what the [ __ ] oh my god i feel like

We’ve been doing this forever what the [ __ ] this parkour challenge ages you so much i lose my concept of time here i’ve become a grandpa yeah we’ve been here for 20 the years why is it always the ladder how long how long how many times have you completed

This uh this would be my seventh or eighth seven or eight yeah lots of times then yeah yeah but i always i always stumble on the ladder parts like i don’t know i just have the lack of our real life experiences i guess oh my god i i okay

Way to pass soul sand jesus you made it past soul sand already you’re at the six minute mark now okay i’m still at the ice all righty my run killer ladders i love ah no i don’t [Laughter] i don’t love ladders just can’t do ladders for some reason and ladders

What do the ladders say celine i don’t love lattice you’re right the left side is a lot easier yeah yeah yeah at least cuz like i think it’s just like the jumping timing for it feels more natural with the left i’m sorry you’re able to do the right side too

Same with the soul sand the left side is easier than the right side really yeah and you know the the side jump the left side is also easier what the [ __ ] i can’t i can’t climb that anymore i’m like stuck on that ice ladder part i like

[ __ ] it up like four times no you got this i don’t luca you’re gonna laugh me now you’re gonna laugh me because i’m stuck in the ice ah this ladder pots crazy difficult it’s the only hard part about this level oh man yeah yeah the latter part is the only

Honestly it’s always the latter part that’s the hard part oh my god i’m stuck in the ice pew pew pew pew okay cool yeah i’m not gonna break my record here i think i’m just the ice has to kill you the ice has a cat luca the ice [ __ ] he has killed my

Run so many times ice is busting dice truly is busting okay okay finally jesus no god i can’t get past this ladder font this is the only hot thing how did you jump across i don’t what i mean you know [ __ ] the the ladder for the ice you just

Jumped across but i don’t get how you did it oh my god wait i did it i did it now oh my gosh i could have done that entire time you made a pot i made it though yeah but okay i made it past the ice finally holy [ __ ]

Oh [ __ ] i actually slid there yep all right okay okay i’ll pause this you’re passing oh [ __ ] you’re almost there you’re almost gonna be my record you gotta put your record up too on the board so people know who’s who’s first who is first well it was me but it’s gonna be you

Soon all right i’m at the boing boings now oh wait no i’m not who’s the fastest well it was me 15 minutes but you’re you’re you’re getting there i did 17. oh yeah but that was the second attempt so that means the second time’s gonna be even faster jesus christ oh my god

Please don’t fall okay oh my gosh i can’t do the side jump anymore you know like when you you haven’t gone to the level for a bit you can’t do that do the jumps anymore all right i made it past the the water pot all right

Now it’s just like easy jumps for you yeah if i actually see them yeah but you got it like first try though i like missed my jumps a lot ah no ah i missed the jump i almost got out of the level six i just missed a very important jump level

All right i made it 11 minutes and 58 seconds new record seconds nice new record put that on the board guys first place nice nice holy [ __ ] we did oh my god we did it i i live vicariously through luca i also got 11 minutes and 15 seconds that’s me i was there

[Laughter] oh my god i was also there guys i’m at the boing boing now i’m coming down you’re coming down yeah i’m gonna i’m gonna play into everything you’re gonna redo oh you’re gonna try and beat it beat it again wait should i just like do that you want

You’re going to try and beat it or you’re already at the water pot yeah we’re at the water part now are you trying to beat your record uh probably not today all right 11. oh [ __ ] like i said i need that i need to like record some stuff today

All right you put your record on the board yeah i did oh nice all right niji sanji you guys heard that first place 11 minutes and 58 seconds len tutzki yeah with me and luca our record together i was there wait you could probably like beat your record oh you didn’t

No no no i i don’t yes you will yes you are i don’t think so yes you got this i got this i got this i believe in you no oh i messed up the jump i can’t miss jumps here if i want to beat it this only takes a minute okay

I sometimes forget where the jumps are too because it’s so [ __ ] dark [ __ ] me too me too jesus christ okay bridge preach praise Okay all right i knew it i did it all right i’m just gonna get that 14 48 14 48. there we go my god i just shaved it off by a couple of seconds because i got stuck on the [ __ ] ice [Laughter] i’ll give your glow stuff all right to the spawn huh

Okay or i did it again 14 40. new record okay record 14 48 i’m pretty sure you can get it under 10 minutes i’m pretty sure you can under 10 minutes yeah maybe like uh maybe the next one get us the parkour ninja sanji uh speed runners right there

I know what you could this spot here is actually really good to uh to what to do if you want to like practice committing to things oh like committing like just doing it fast basically no hesitation yeah right i guess i guess you could yeah i guess so too yeah because you

Have no hesitation when you’re doing those jumps i still stop because i’m like i don’t believe in myself as much as you believe in yourself yeah i mean we can practice it here if you want all right come down here you’re gonna you’re gonna do a sub 10 minute run right now

Oh god oh my gosh i felt right i almost fell right into that yeah i’m still hesitating holy [ __ ] oh my god you can do it yeah and then i hesitate here because i can’t see [ __ ] unless no yeah it’s good to yeah practice right here

Ow oh my gosh this is like parkour straps you know like you know like those smp tournaments they do for minecraft and they do like yeah that’s like oh my god there should be like a needy sanji like you know like [ __ ] minecraft community streamers they always do like those tournament

[ __ ] with other minecrafters with like um bed wars parkour yeah yeah yeah you’ve seen those right i don’t know about you but i’m an sf i’m from dream smp we should totally do a niji sanji version yeah ninja sanji like minecraft smp tournament [Laughter] they would have like oh my gosh we could

Like you know we get like actual like a custom server with mods with the whole uh because i watched one of them the recent one of like dream and like all the [ __ ] was it tommy in it like all the big like minecrafters it’s actually crazy

Um wait what is it called i don’t remember what the tournament is called is it called like minecraft chat wait minecraft tournament uh was it the mcc no i don’t watch stream i one of my friends one of my friends actually you guys know gumi right chat

She was she was in dream’s team for the last the newest uh minecraft tournament so i watched it to support her but she was she was actually on dream’s team with tommy in it too so i was watching the tournament yeah yeah and i was like [ __ ] that’s [ __ ]

Hardcore like what the [ __ ] there’s like one more it’s like uh like a cat and mouse game where uh one one team will have like a seeker and the others are like hiders and like the seeker has to catch the opposite teams hiders and stuff it’s actually crazy i was like jesus

Christ i didn’t know how minecraft was this hardcore [ __ ] yeah i thought i’m still hesitating i just started hesitating [Laughter] you got it wait i [ __ ] missed it i like jumped backwards because i forgot where it was be cool to have like a nigisanji version of that yeah

Because i think we can do that yeah i don’t think we’ve done like nissan just done that before have they has jp side done like a minecraft tournament like that similar to like the mcc i don’t think so maybe you just saw you did they have they have anything i don’t remember seeing

Uh like similar like like an m like with like cut mods and everything oh my god celine yeah i’m actually like i i’m i’m cracked at this level [ __ ] crap check this out holy [ __ ] are you ready all right just shift when you get down there

You can shift and you stop like going down yet okay okay all right oh yeah oh all right yeah i’m watching there you go [Laughter] yes all right lucas on my team for the mcc we will be unstoppable you are the carrie luca holy [ __ ] you are the curious oh oh my god

Holy [ __ ] he’s not stopping there we go we made it down okay no no the dream team i’ll be emotional support you and ike i’m poaching all the i’m poaching all the god players right now you and ike and then we get we get a j uh nissan g jp senpai to be

The the the the build the because you know the builders yeah four i think it’s four also i’m stuck here wait hold on let me let me let me hit you okay nice we did it oh my gosh right stress come over here okay we can go down the dragon

Wait how did you how do you get up uh jump on the fence the fence this one wait where the the wall yeah how did you oh here oh okay okay okay what if we die luca you’re not gonna die hey put your lighter on i i’ve never used an electro before how

Does that work okay you just okay all right you know what this is a flight school oh my god luca’s gonna teach me how to fly guys wait there’s a portal here what the [ __ ] there’s a you hear that oh it’s for the eye i think oh [ __ ] wait

There is you’re right yeah yeah here it is oh my god where does that lead us [Laughter] jesus christ okay i’m going back yeah it’s an actual ender portal to like a tuttle system wait what what the hell wait what the [ __ ] who are you [Laughter] all right easter egg

Well if you want to fly you just uh you jump and you you press space again oh yeah yeah when we have died if we try to jump all the way up there no you just have to um i took two damage so just go just don’t go straight down you know

You will die yeah you will i see i knew it yeah but if you if you actually do a proper landing you’ll be fine all right i know i’ve [Laughter] okay let’s let’s look for a for a cliff all right oh my gosh luke is going to teach me how

To fly you know guys guys usually i’m not in this forum when i’m flying guys so so i’m still learning oh yeah we could just go up here like i’ve never flown without not in my not in my dragon form before all right luca teach me how to fly in this form

You jump and and so you jump and you just wiggle your wings a little bit okay okay like so like this I don’t know how to land whoa okay i’m flying [Laughter] [Laughter] did you not lose any hearts no i didn’t you have to actually yeah you can just like do a plane landing like this yeah but you hit the wall what what the [ __ ] If you look up like this yeah you can just hook what all right we have to try this out in the higher area you see that the dragon the track i don’t yeah i want a to go up again luca well you see that platform over there all the way over there

We go there oh [ __ ] we ought to find a bed we can fly there we can but we don’t have fireworks well uh if you fly it just just fly forehead it’s fly all right all right come here come here come here oh [ __ ] okay here we

Go right you ready yeah yeah yeah yeah right right i’m going celine me too i’m flying i’m flying oh my god how do you have more don’t [ __ ] are you higher i hit i hit face first on the ground but i’ll be okay i’ll be okay i fell in the water

In our server oh yeah yeah are you planning on joining the disney yet no i haven’t have you heard saw the message from pomo and uki yeah yeah yeah yeah you gonna join in i want to join in too yeah me too yeah we should be ready and

Then we can get our lectures oh where are you okay there we go i’m ready right where should we go oh we should oh over here over here oh you should land on the on the oh we should land on the airplane all right are you landing on the airplane okay okay okay

Let me let me turn up my oh wait there’s not enough beds okay i am oh [Laughter] okay [Laughter] Looking up like that we did it i learned how to fly i i’m like a pilot i should be a pilot perfect yeah yeah perfect landing yeah would you trust me as a pilot luca uh let’s give it some time okay let’s let’s give it some time oh look look at this

This is like minecraft jumping but like times 10. minecraft jumping but times 10 oh oh it’s like better bunny hop yeah yeah like pro strap bunny hop oh my god yeah that works nice and i’m still trying to learn the technique and i want to work more in dc today

Oh you’re going to work on disney yeah i added a lot of things actually i haven’t checked out the en server in a long time yeah i added i built a lot of stuff off stream oh really what are you gonna show it huh when are you gonna show do you wanna

Do you wanna see it right now no you should show it on your stream you should show it once yeah yeah yeah for i’ll visit i’ll visit when you show the disney and i’ll be like first-hand experience with everyone too because it’s your your creation you show it on your stream

I might do i might do a gorilla today oh yeah yeah yeah i’ll show up for it Oh no no it’s just a flesh wound i just tripped it’s okay it’s nothing to worry about the plane is still intact the pla no one died no one god holy sh oh my god celine look at this what the [ __ ] yeah what the [ __ ] you’re gliding

Oh my god you’re actually glad where are you what the [ __ ] yeah just just spam your jump you’ll keep oh my god oh yeah you keep like flying yeah but you can you get damaged from it oh my god oh my god movement we’re learning movement right now [Applause] Where am i oh wait to have one of these and you know when it will make it a lot easier i am excited i’m definitely going to join in too because i want to get electro and i want to fly i want to fly i want to fly oh look

Oh you got the creeper head the rare creeper head i got the trident is it actually hit me apparently at you okay oh my god it’s half that’s half that’s house yeah yeah we know paul when uki found that we were we we got added in discord

So we’re joining in i was playing i was playing oh yeah you were there right with them for the the stronghold the stronghold uh no no i i didn’t go with them i was building oh but uh but they were saying talking about it yeah i saw on discord

While i was doing the the tacos challenge but yeah i can’t wait to do the ender dragon ah oh wait wait what Where’s your stuff it’s in the chest in the chest oh yeah yeah i forgot they they have so many mods on this server we should like ask them for some of them we should add some stuff yeah because because you know they already got permission for them so that means like

We should be able to add that on our own server let’s add it in i can’t make it insulin where are you there’s a wall separating me it’s okay so yeah i’m trying to figure out how to get into wait wait i’ll do the i’ll do the movement tech

There you go i got there i see yourself i see your stuff it’s right here all right i’m coming back i’m coming back right now wait that’s not your stuff where are you where’s your chest oh i see it i see you all right four minutes left i’m here i made it

Yeah this this chest would be so useful for us in our own server probably they have an actual airport here i know like builders and id and kr and jp are insane oh oh there you got your stuff nice yeah oh look there’s a there’s a towel here oh my gosh more fly

Wait what do we even get up there wait yeah i can’t i kind of want to do oh how’d you make it over i i didn’t yeah you did what how what are you doing what do you mean i’m still here i just climbed these trees oh what do you say

I kind of want to do like minecraft game modes and stuff with everyone yeah me too it’ll be fun to do like minecraft uh bed wars and hunger games i feel like we should invite people from other branches because it’s harder to deal with such a small group than ian

I should have invited other group branches how do we get up there wait hold on we got this our movement we got it close i can’t i can’t fly high enough luca i can’t fly high enough i’m getting higher oh do you need do you need some food luke

Guys i’ll have some food left i’m okay oh wait hold on i made it out i made it out i haven’t made it out though okay i can just fly but i can just fly down i can’t make it out all right all right here we go it’s the line i’m doing it

I’m still trying to make it out look up look at how i made it someone whoa oh my gosh [Laughter] Oh all right listen we have to make it out of here okay i gotta okay oh [ __ ] i fell down okay okay okay we i don’t know if we went in here yeah we caught him in this mountain and we fly all the way there okay okay this mountain over there

Wait where are you wait i think we just find a high ground i think we looked at the raw mountains luca i think we both saw the rock the different mountains all right i found my mouth i made it no i didn’t i’m stuck i’m stuck with the iron golem oh no no

No please wait i’ll come over just let me let me head towards my my mountain first and then i’m flying over i’m stuck oh no step bro you’re stuck i’m stuck help don’t worry i actually can’t get out i can’t i’m trying my hardest to climb up this mountain

Stuck in the abyss pew pew pew pew oh my god you’re actually mining the block i have to i can’t get up i’m mining with my pork chop right now it’s okay i can do this with my oh my gosh this is taking way too long with the cold [Laughter]

It’s okay i’m minding it i’m minding this with my i’ll get there eventually luka what was that i’ll save you and oh [ __ ] i felt come on hurry hurry just fly oh god no don’t worry luka i’m getting there i’m almost there would be funny if i like so close just one more

One more one more what if i don’t make it wouldn’t that be funny if i just don’t make it even wait can you see me where are you hey i see you i’m inside to go wait i actually don’t make it oh and this unless how could you [ __ ] that up

What if i give you a piece of dirt oh [ __ ] no i can’t the thing is it’s okay i’m gonna throw a dirt over oh [ __ ] it’s not working outside and i’m coming back for you i’m coming back for you i’m going to mine and through it outside the hell am

I going to get out i can’t i can’t throw you on dirt wait actually i’m going to use the bathroom you stay stuck here for a little bit no celine come back celane come back she’s gone she she just left just like that oh okay all right celine tutski okay really huh really

The chat how the hell am i gonna get out of here can i can i like just break the i can’t get out i really can’t wait i know i know chad i know if i hit the iron golem no but it’s not hitting me please kill me please golem please Tell us a jerk they say they say if you uh there’s a myth if you pee on a jellyfish thing it’s supposed to relieve some of the pain i think i just got stung in my mouth are you still stuck yeah i am i tried to i tried getting the iron

Golem to kill me but he wants it wait what the [ __ ] yeah but you won’t get your items back okay okay i need i figured out okay okay okay i’m gonna take another piece of dirt here and then i’ll piece it back but i need this dirt to get out i need

To break this block here i need to break this block um it’s okay okay we’ll be fine okay okay okay okay i got the piece of i’m gonna mine some dirt around me and then i got i figured i figured it out i figured how am i gonna get out

Yeah but even then there’s something above me it’s okay i got dirt how do i get back up okay okay okay all right i got some dirt i got some dirt for us um i need to make sure i’m like mining dirt that doesn’t affect the aesthetic of of the server actually

That block was supposed to be there put it back i’m trying so hard to pick areas where it won’t affect this that was supposed to be that no it wasn’t and no it wasn’t specifically placed that okay okay okay okay all right all right oh my god we can do this we we

Can fix this okay here we go okay all right all right i am here we’re gonna get out i just i still don’t know all right i’m gonna fix the aesthetic first maybe maybe if you get a bed a bed what would the bed do i can just like click through

Oh it’s like oh you’re wrong i’ll go to bed what do you want me to do want me to give you some dirt okay okay please okay okay all right all right you gotta catch this though okay okay let me stay on the edge all right

I’m gonna do one to make sure you can catch it there luca you’re supposed to do it no i can’t i can’t thank you i can okay okay okay wait wait all right here we go here we go all right i have two for you okay that’s one enough [Laughter]

All right here we go does it work move okay does it work this guy won’t move this guy won’t move all right give me a second i’m watching watching this guy won’t move no it’s the lion this is it for me i’m stuck i’m gonna get better this is where bad boys

This is where bad boys go i’ll save these boys do not worry you don’t die on me luca this is where bad boys go we’ll fix this luca we’ll fix this [Laughter] Getting in bed i’m getting a bed i’m gonna find a bed luca we will get you out we will get you out luca please please help me luca don’t die abby it’s No notice don’t notice if a boat if a tree is missing oh my god everything is so planned out in the idea you know what an idea for you next um taylor stream yeah or is it prison break oh prison friend who will be the guards who would who

Would die who would be the snake yeah who would actually make it out who would make it out oh that’ll be fun oh my god where are where are the chests where are the chests id i’m trying what’s wrong with your trees what is that there’s so many things everywhere

I’m at the zoo i’m at their animal zoo i’m trying to find a chest right now there’s there’s a lot of crafting tools i don’t know where i am oh my gosh i’m gonna like forget how to get back to you Oh my god there has to be okay i’m at a cafe all right where are the chests yeah yeah i’m a hannah’s cafe wait there’s a chest right there you missed it yeah there’s nothing in there though it’s just a oh maybe maybe here who lives here oh there’s

Just chicken oh there’s trees okay okay we’re gonna we’ll we’ll we’ll bring it back we’ll bring this back okay okay okay okay all right there’s like a ton of crafting tools here all right just make sure you’re not lost okay okay okay don’t worry i remember how to get here oh no

Oh no i remember how to make a boat boat all right all right i got a boat i got a boat i got a bow i got a bow oh come on this guy’s looking at me what the [ __ ] is wrong with their trees is this my oh it’s my texture

It’s my texture back [Laughter] i forgot i turned my i forgot to turn my shaders off that’s why it looks like this it’s supposed to look a lot better with my shaders on that makes a lot of sense i already i forgot i didn’t have my shaders on

Let’s put it back on i know we’re supposed to be saving luca but let me put my shaders on i’ll put it i’ll put mine on too i’m going to put oh my gosh this looks so much better yeah my glasses on there you go all right whoa that looks crazy

Oh right here right yeah yeah come on don’t tell me you lost me i know where you are i see the i see the little pillar in the sky i have the same uh shader packaging as well oh really like this one did the astral one

Oh my god oh my god he’s eating me yeah i love the sky for it it’s so pretty yeah the shooting stars and stuff yeah yeah yeah oh the only issue is that i can’t see [ __ ] come on i’m here you’re back you’re back where’s the bird okay i got the boat i

Got the boat i just did it did you give me is that dirt okay okay okay come on all right all right i put the boat down i can’t put bolt down okay yeah i’m just gonna throw the boat to you there how am i gonna get out if the bird’s on me

We have to break the trap doors no no no okay i know what you can do we can you can you you can put a platform like right where you are and i can put the boat down oh [ __ ] you’re right okay okay all right here we go here we go

Here we go here we go i’ll put the wheel i should put the boat down wait oh wait wait wait wait wait wait wait wait oh my god oh [Laughter] can we we have to do it one by one we’ll do it one by one okay all right we can just leave the dirt here they’ll despawn all right well that’s uh yeah there we go it’s like we need our adventures yeah but we still haven’t gone there

Oh we have to now look look at this is baby says right now luka you’re gonna get trapped again no it’s okay you’re gonna get trapped luka ow why don’t we just make a bridge what the [ __ ] i have wood i literally think i don’t wanna i don’t wanna break it i don’t

Wanna break the wood i literally watch this i’m gonna make it okay you can watch me okay because i’m already here all right here we go i’m going okay are you gonna make it please please please oh my god you made it we made it to land oh my god we’re doing it

Wait are you on top yeah i’m glad i had to land back in here so i could break the blocks after we’re done oh my god this is so good i think i might die look i think i might die you’ll be fine will i be fine

How can you fall when you have wings you’re right you’re right i’m gonna hold on my totem of undying real quick just in case just just in case let me let me hold on to it i’m gonna i’m gonna do a straight dive down watch just watch this okay okay you

First said you yeah you first okay okay all right you see me yeah where are you which way are you flying to i’m going this way okay right are you watching right yeah i’m watching oh [ __ ] come on [Applause] wait you can go up here you know all right all right okay so

I’m gonna do a full nose dive all right all right here we go here we go i’m doing it up oh holy [ __ ] oh my god you disappeared It didn’t stop rendering you i see you i see you oh i fell in the water oh my god that no stop okay i can do it [Laughter] oh my god you go i made it i made it now i don’t know how to get out of here okay wait

Okay and then i’m coming and then okay let me get rid of the blocks real quick so they’ll never know yeah let’s do that they’ll never know we gotta get rid of the blocks all right all right breaking blocks breaking blocks breaking blocks breaking blocks minecraft experience they’ll never know we were here

They’ll never know [Laughter] [Laughter] they’ll never know we were here oh my god uh you got dirt right yeah you got to do it ready yeah a full gamer move okay like this yeah look at that how did you do that i’m back all right all right okay wait we didn’t

Get rid of the dirt though what about that evidence what about that evidence wait we don’t need to tell them okay okay okay they’ll never know can you return the wood blocks though i need to return the wood yeah just go this way oh god i’m going so fast i’m going so fast

All right we’re good we’re good we’re good where’s the oh is it this way i think all right we got we got finished finish the job so they’ll never know what we did what’s this way is it this way which way oh you you went the wrong way i went the wrong

Way where are you isn’t it here isn’t this town you you went right but i went sorry you went yeah there you go yeah yeah all right we made it in we made it in don’t ever know what we did right you’ll never know oh and there’s a bed here too nice

All right we did it luca we did you got me out of jail i got you out of jail i broke you up you got me out of jail you’re free you’re free man now luca got a shiro you’re a free man wear this mask because that’s what the point that’s the

Point of the map is [Laughter] the lucca smp [Laughter] am i your tommy in it now am i celine in it hi what’s up guys welcome back [Laughter] oh my god this is big yeah thanks luca for joining me on the taka parkour challenge yeah no problem you gotta do your work right you gotta record stuff yeah

Listen it was due like last night i felt really sleepy though so i was like you know what i’m just gonna wake up at 3 a.m and do it yeah it’s 9. it’s almost 10 00. oh [ __ ] okay yeah luca go do your go record yourself i already did some of it did

Some of it oh so you still have like a few left then yeah yeah yeah all right don’t worry i think i think i’ll finish it in the next hand yeah i believe right i’ll see you in your gorilla minecraft stream later all right thank you well

Yeah i’m gonna i’m gonna fly now all right i’ll see you on the other side luca kind of shiro it calls for me you see that you see that cloud yeah yeah yeah i see it it calls for me selena goodbye i ever see you again luca will you ever see me again

Yeah i think whenever i look into the sky i’ll see your silhouette in there you see when you see my silhouette i should remind you of me i must go now goodbye luca hold on wait let me try that again okay rerun rerun all right all right take two take two okay okay

How am i to make it over that wall [Laughter] all right here we go all right see you later good luck i can’t i can’t make it i can’t make it okay you know okay yeah right retry okay retry all right all right what are you aiming for this time okay okay inside

That inside that gate okay okay okay okay celine sorry i i forgot some before i had to go with it okay okay but this this is this is goodbye now all right goodbye luka kanashiro hope we see each other again goodbye by the way yeah by the way i’ve always wondered

You you know these things yeah oh what what about those like things that the escalators that don’t move i forgot what they’re called the s-clears that don’t move the trolleys the escalators the water elevator stairs [Laughter] i must leave now all right please please make it please make it ah [Laughter]

Oh my god it’s like i could hear him still lukaku what a way to end what a way to end our tacos parkour challenge chat it was truly a movie experience guys it was a shooting star oh my god what a ride truly was a ride oh my god

I know we move over to why don’t we move i didn’t realize i was gonna that was gonna be this long stream today first did this stream as a way to chill like it was supposed to be like a chill stream for me where i was just gonna

Uh do it really fast and then just hang out and talk to you guys for a little bit and then uh and then like stop it here but i honestly didn’t i honestly didn’t think it was going to last this long but i had a great time it was it was such a

Fun stream today i hope you guys had a lot of fun too i can still hang out a little bit yeah chill speed run collab drama movie i did not expect the stream to turn out this way because i said today is going to be a chill stream i wasn’t i was

Planning on doing like more so i’m just like [ __ ] around more hill just like chatting hanging out um i did not expect that but i had a great time thank you to luca for dropping by for dropping by with us today and uh and and crashing the stream with our uh

With a little speed run with him uh truly is the speed run guy one can compare with him and speed running platformers i mean he does have the world the nissani record right now for um for uh getting over it so i wasn’t surprised that he he must have been playing minecraft

Parkour for [ __ ] years holy [ __ ] like he knew all the tricks and everything i was like this is my first time doing minecraft parkour but he he [ __ ] nailed it on the for oh my god yeah he’s cracked he like he like he basically like laughed like

Got beat me on his second try chat that’s crazy also also for those who don’t know for those who don’t know i have merch let me do a little show first before let me do a little show first guys uh uh but for those who don’t know i have

New merch and it’s limited there’s a limited sale going on it will end i believe it’ll end around in a couple of days so uh please check it out uh uh uh check it out you want to support me check out my new merch let me uh put that here

Real fast uh but it was so fun i had i had such a blast doing the couple of speed run runs um with luca and by myself too i mean i got a new record too luca is currently number one i i should i should message

Taka and ask him to put like a leaderboard for runs too because i feel holy [ __ ] that i’m not log off oh my god i heard the the cry of uh the cry of the the the the try and i was like oh [ __ ] i did not i didn’t i didn’t and

I didn’t then leave boyton need why minecraft pvp slash capture the flag event what i would love to i don’t know if i should be the one to organize it though because i’m not like the minecraft person like i do have experience in organizing big events but

I don’t know if i should be the one to organize it i feel like people who are more familiar with minecraft should organize it but i won’t mind if like no one wants to take up the mantle and organize it like an e like a sort of

Uh world branch for it like uh international ninja minecraft like miji mcc type thing i wouldn’t mind helping out and doing the organization because i think it’ll be really fun like i did watch a little bit of the mcc the recent one because gumi was in it and i wanted to support her

And it looked really really um yeah i think i think ids could i think i might give bring up the idea for id i feel like they could organize something with like i feel like we should do a whole new server too for it because like i know like um

I know that like uh for the mcc they had like a bunch of mods and everything and it looked so [ __ ] cool like like point system and um with like point system and um like specific mods and everything i think that’ll be really really fun um with like mods and everything

Um but yeah i would love to have an like a little sort of mcc-esque minecraft thing um and then get like a bunch of like pro like because ninja sanji has a ton of like really great minecraft builders i would obviously not be part of part of

The building part of this because i feel like you know i’m [ __ ] terrible at crafting these types of things i would need like an actual template to follow through so i’m pretty sure i could most up far i could be the logistic of organizing delegating i’ll be good at delegating

But i would not be the one building i won’t be the builder i’ll delegate task for everyone um but it’ll be really fun i’ll write this down for myself to remember to do something like that in the future because i do have a lot of stuff i’m

Playing a lot of projects i’m organizing remember uh sneeji sanji mcc project i’ll write that down for myself just um just to remind myself to do it um um yeah there’s a lot definitely a lot of fun project let me uh let me pull up the yeah let’s do some super chat readings

Real quick ncc is gonna be a lot yeah i know it is i know it’s gonna be a lot of work that’s why i feel like i should tell it like we should get like an actual huge team for it because i feel like um something like this especially a project

Like this requires a bit like i can’t be the only one organizing it so if i do do if i do try to organize a ncc uh or ncc i don’t even know what the mcc stands for what the [ __ ] does mcc stand for minecraft championships oh so nmcc nmcc if

If i organize a nmcc it has to be a a huge thing that i can’t be like you know the sole organizer we have to have like basically like a bunch of people part of this and like i it has to like a lot of because i and we do want to

Organize something like this it has to be like a big big project i’ll take definitely i will for me i feel like i’ll take like maybe like a month or two of just full on uh full-on planning basically um uh well yeah yeah it’s gonna be uh uh uh

Like a nigi craft championship nmcc [Laughter] yeah yeah yeah uh will ever be interested in taking part the actual mcc i think mcc is all about like network working in connection also uh i don’t know anything about about minecraft content creators and i don’t think uh

I i don’t i don’t think like you know they appreciate me making jokes about the dream job [Laughter] i don’t think they’d appreciate me and luca talking about the dream cover guys after what luca and i said [Laughter] um um i bet they would love it yeah that

They would enjoy what i said about about that guys you can hire someone to make mess i feel like i would rather have like a team of needy sanji minecraft builders to make it because like it feels more special you know i think it feels a lot more special

Having the sanji members make it because it also feels like more personalized and like you know they made it basically uh they uh uh they made like you know if we all made it and it’s like basically um uh yeah it’s like a community thing and

Everything i feel like we can also like personalize it much more with like the events and everything too so yeah that’s why i feel like um i feel it would be much more fun with uh yeah more heart poured into exactly exactly uh definitely that’s how i felt that’s

Why i would rather prefer having a more community that’s why i want to grab a bunch of like like a worldwide project but like i said um like i said like this would take a very long time to a very long time to supply so don’t don’t ex don’t expect something very

Soon maybe you’ll see it in a month like maybe like a month or two or something like this popping up but don’t don’t expect it to be a fast project um but it’s something i would love to help organize um let’s see what do i uh

Let me see let me check the the super chat all right let’s do a super chat reading let’s actually catch up on today’s super chess uh d-dragon uh parkour gaming good luck thank you thank you for the super chat thing in the ink i honestly thought like this was

Gonna be a very fast stream because i did do this a couple times already i didn’t do this parkour [ __ ] a couple of times that’s why i was like all right i’m just gonna do this and i’m just gonna chill afterwards i didn’t expect the stream to go this long

Uh and get like i was planning on getting some work done afterwards but it was fun though it was really fun hanging out with like you guys and also uh the luca surprise appearance and everything and our little movie plot there but yeah i had agree i honestly thought

I was just gonna meme and be like all right we’re gonna do like three tries to be our get the best our beat our record and then we’re gonna call it here and chat a little bit but hey blue okay went into this other i want to really the

Direction i didn’t expect and it was really fun it was really fun it was a very nice surprise too it was a very nice surprise uh jp palm sweaty taco spaghetti think of the super chat thank you thank you uh anton if you’re too scared don’t think about chat

Think of the series i think thank you i don’t know i think it’s cuz like normally i don’t i guess because like i knew you guys knew like i knew you guys knew i already be beat the uh uh beat the the tower and uh and i was like oh you guys there’s

People there’s gonna be so much expectations and there’s gonna be so much pressure um and and everything so i i felt so much pressure going in like i it felt like i was streaming apex for the first time again for you guys like holy

I i i i i felt like i was streaming apex for the first time again because i was like oh my god everyone knew i i did beat this already so i’m like so [ __ ] nervous and i don’t i don’t i don’t wanna i don’t wanna disappoint people

I was like i don’t wanna i don’t wanna make people judge me too hard so my hands were actually um my hands were actually uh shaking [Laughter] on the first two levels my hands were shaking so much because i was like i can’t i can’t um but yeah

I’m happy to be my record you know like i know i’m not the best parkour and i’m not like the best platformer so like the reason why i did that off stream was because i wanted to prove to myself that i could beat it and um i was literally so competitive

About it and everything i was like i was like yelling and i was like smack like i was like oh like hitting my table and everything um i i was so competitive doing this off stream because i it was just to prove to myself that i could do it because i was

Like i wanted to dragon head too i was like i really really wanted to get the dragon hen and want to be like one of you that had it and everything so i was like i must i must get the dragon head i have to there’s only so little i have to

Um being that you can never disappoint us thank you let’s see what’s happening and thank you jp it’s okay we’ll always love the gamer sweaty dragon thank you thank you for the super chat thing and thank you i honestly thought i was gonna

Like do it for so long too so i was like really happy to beat it on my first try within five hours i was happy that i was able to um be beating on my first try in five hours just because of my first time doing minecraft parkour and everything so it

Was like a little it was like a a small goal for myself you know uh akuma two three one thanks for streaming those ribs on thank you thank you for the say what’s happening and thank you i’m glad you enjoyed it it really does mean a lot thank you guys i’m really

Happy you guys enjoyed uh enjoyed the stream today um all right where where’s my other super chats uh johnny lacone you sure about that thing in the super chat thank you thank you gator so if you do this you can do jump king no i don’t think i

Would ever not even off stream uh think of the super chat gator thank you the thing about the minecraft parkour challenge is that i knew it was like eight levels and there was only two levels that were super hard and there was no punishment in draft falling like

Your punishment is just falling at you you’re still at the same level you know you’re still at the same level uh i’ll sneak dragon so what are you going to stream the actual parkour game aka mirror’s edge oh you feel better about what i think let’s see what’s

Happening and thank you i want this planet to but i saw ice stream of mirror’s edge and apparently it crashes a lot so like you know uh you know uh me would crash i don’t want to go through game crashes at the moment so um

Yeah so like that’s why i don’t know if i’m ever gonna try um uh playing mirror’s edge because i i had a lot of crashes when he was trying to play mirror’s edge and he had to like restart at certain points um so so that’s what i’m like worried about

If i do stream it i also heard like people were getting motion sickness too watching it so i feel really bad about that uh yeah it can be a bit janky but yeah thank you for the super chat thing and thank you uh but yeah that’s why i think i don’t

Want to play jump king or getting over it because uh there’s no actual like safe spot i feel like i would actually i would i would actually like quit quit the game only because there’s no uh there’s no safe spots to it uh and i feel like that would just

Frustrate me too like i tried getting over it once and that like actually frustrated me too much to [ __ ] play that’s the point though exactly i know that’s the point but like i don’t enjoy that the minecraft thing i enjoy it because like it doesn’t punish me that hard

It doesn’t uh the game doesn’t punish it punish me as hard as like getting over it or jumping and i feel like like i i don’t like raging that much i wanted to do the minecraft parkour because i knew that they’re like if i fall i’d still

I still have like i can still like recover from it but i can’t recover from getting over it i can’t [Laughter] and like and yeah yeah yeah um that’s why i like doing these types of games off-stream because like if i do it off-stream i know i’m doing it for

Myself i’m not doing it for like content you know like oh uh like oh uh i just want to be it for myself because i know already didn’t beat this so i just wanted to see how fast i could do it in terms of like oh i just want to

See how fast like the how fast i could do it and i know like a lot of people were asking for a stream of this because they’re like awesome why don’t you stream your the taka parkour challenge i wanted to watch so i basically streamed it because i know

I i saw a lot i saw some of you guys were asking about me uh wanting to see me stream my climb of it because a lot of people did stream the climb so um so that’s why i didn’t uh yeah i’m really excited i’m really excited about tonight for the

Rebroadcast i’m going to be i have to stay up though for it because you know i’m actually like streaming the rebroadcast but um because i know i saw a lot of people missed out on like i know like a lot of people from had to wake up super early in like eu

Asia and oc they have to wake up super early for the karaoke because it wasn’t anytime prime time um so i’m excited to restream it for those who missed it for those who missed it in asia um it’s well it’s like tomorrow morning yeah it’s at 4am pst so technically it’s

Like well for me i categorize tonight as in when i say tonight it’s like um i don’t count things as tomorrow unless um i don’t count things as tomorrow when unless i go to bed everything that’s tomorrow is when i sleep it’s like after i wake up that is tomorrow

Yeah it’s today until i sleep basically that’s how i characterize things it’s today when i sleep uh until i sleep uh so yeah uh lord pancake what about i want to meet that guy the guy thank you let’s see what’s happening and thank you manny uh thinking about super chat thank you

Thank you i know i’ve read some of these before so i’m going to be skipping out some of the things i already read on stream uh [ __ ] hasn’t returned the rock sookie shave that in two hours no i think it was a super chat thing thank

You the reason why is like i said there’s no when you fall there’s like certain areas where when you fall there’s no going back to it and those are the games that i don’t enjoy i like it when i can go back to a lot when i when i can recover very recover

My falls if i can’t recover from it um um i i i i will quit the game [Laughter] oh but yeah I would actually end the stream because of it um go till i rage yeah but then people will be like so then you gotta keep playing it because you already played the game so then you already you already played the game um why you might as well finish it

Yeah so if i never started then people don’t have any expectations of me finishing it it’s like how petra is on like this continuous loop of trying to [ __ ] finish getting over it every time she’s like doing like a milestone shame because she’s it’s like she’s like

Stuck in this loop right now trying to [ __ ] finish getting over it so if i never start getting over it i would never be stuck in the loop of trying to finish getting over it [Laughter] no one has expectations of me of me trying to finish it [Laughter]

That’s i’m finally trying to be i’m like i’m like playing the game right now i’m trying to be like i’m playing the system right now i know i’m trying to play the system right now if i never started no expectations whatsoever um um anyway thank you for the super chat

Thing and thank you rosie dazzy the worst birthday party ever thank you for the super chat thing and thank you uh gator dragoons we must attack the ladders at dawn raytras swan for manga think of the super chat thinking thank you yeah i quit while i’m headed basically

Oh there’s another collab to looking forward to vox asked me uh okay this is a funny collab um vox asked me to join him on mari super mario golf for a ninji dad’s [Laughter] i was like hell yeah let’s [ __ ] do it i think folger’s joining us too we’re

Trying to get the most dad squad right now um uh yeah we’re gonna be playing golf um yeah i believe folger is joining us i’m not sure i’m not sure who else is uh but just look forward to a future niji dad’s collab with some new dad members uh all

Ladders must die funny purple dragon edition look roses thank you for the super chat thinking thank you all right guys what has ladders done for us why do we need ladders just make stairs like just make the what did lucas say stairs were unmovable non-movable escalade oh my god [ __ ] um

Luca and his unmovable escalators [Laughter] not everyone has 10 elect just left oh my god these balls i can’t believe that’s what he called it at first i i i i honestly wasn’t i you know you know if it works it works you know if uh if it works it works

Uh matches so you box full grid and are the teaching dads think it was a super chat thing thank you i don’t think anna’s gonna be and there’s gonna be still on her uh and it’s still gonna be on her vacation so um uh so she i don’t think she i mean anna

If edna’s there that’s gonna be niji cancelled so uh so yeah like vulgar vox and anna we are niji cancelled but who else is the most daddiest dad okay that sounded wrong uh sorry who is the most dad um i realized it better if i just said

Who is the most dad in needy sanji ian so we can get like another dad in um let’s see not so deadpool celine only like shoots from shoots and ladders thank you for the super chat thank you thank you and uh niji sanji by the way ninja sanji

Oh she was a is it could be it like she was like that dad that would actually go to your soccer games [Laughter] i could see that i could see you as the as the dad that actually shows up you know [Laughter] he’s a supportive dad yeah exactly um exactly

It would be dad of the year the rest of us maybe not so maybe folger too it’s between shu and vulgar unless no fogar will get in a fight with another dad she will try to be amicable about it he’ll be like more nice regarding like if

Another dad approaches him he’ll try to defuse the situation but if another dad approaches folger vulgar will [ __ ] uh deck him i feel i i you know i could i i have a feeling fulger would would fight yeah vulgar would fight another dad but she she wouldn’t she wouldn’t fight another dad uh

Uh kill cirque uh black dog super chatting thank you for the super chat [ __ ] thank you uh arachnophil um approximately fall count 53 falls thank you for the super chat thank you thank you yeah bon bon’s the uncle he’s the uncle he’s the not responsible uncle or you could be like

Oh can you uh mom said i could buy beer and then the bomb will be like okay i won’t ask any questions i’ll get you big he’ll be the one to be like you want to drink with me and then you’ll be like i’m underage and he’ll be like well we

Won’t tell mom will we yeah i feel like yeah that’s the the cool cat the the cool uncle quote on quote xo uh we need to be dad for the variety i’ll thank you for the super chat thank you thank you uh many parkour tower 100 fail speed

Running on the super chat thinking thank you spider all these platformings and mega man finally paying off i think it was a super chat thing thank you um after birth celente about to ruin not only the entirety itaka’s economy but the whole server thank you for the super chat thing you

Think okay i’m gonna message wait give me a sec let me message taka uh real quick and be like kataka uh hey taka i accident i did the tower too many times and might have taken and put away a bunch of a bunch of the prizes on the first floor chest

It has a sign on it decide on it i’m sorry i might need it might need to refill it because i did it too many times and so i’m so sorry oh yeah also luca broken on the dragon chest accidentally [Laughter] there you go there we go

Oh i said accidentally okay i said it was an accident okay guys he understands it’s an accident chad also uh spider all these platforms oh yeah said everything in the super chat thank you thank you many suffering from success these are birdemic graphics in 2015. thank you for

The super chat thing and thank you rosie dassey local dragon hordes too much treasure more at 11 thank you for the super chat thing and thank you you’re as dazzy oh yeah okay well let me read like five more super chats get it while you’re apexing about as well as i do you

Know the super chat thing and thank you um um is it all ninja sanji work i forgot what this super chat’s about but thank you again in the super chat thank you thank you uh head hunch uh thank you again for the super chat thank you thank you uh zuzu so then good

Afternoon i’m too tired too excited to fall asleep right now besides yesterday was my birthday but it’s still june 1st in your region so i can’t can you can can i hear you say zuzu happy birthday to me in cantonese oh uh saya filot zuzu

I hope i hope you are still you’re able i know i know it’s even later now so i hope you’re still here if not i hope you see the vine but happy birthday again to you and happy birthday uh i forgot to sing in cantonese How do you sing in cantonese i know i sing it a lot in mandarin because i was uh because i had to sing a lot in mandarin so i i was very rarely singing cantonese all right cantonese happy birthday uh there we go how do i sing it

I forgot the words for it is she gonna sing what the [ __ ] Oh hang on these oh it’s this one bum i forgot that was a traditional happy birthday song oh my god i forgot about that oh yeah i sing this no wonder is this like in cantonese there’s like a a different song um specifically for um happy birthday it’s a different tune

And everything and i was like that’s why i don’t remember how to sing happy birthday all right oh my gosh okay cantonese happy birthday song yeah i know i sing that a lot is there oh there you go how do you guys sing it i recommend it’s gonna be so [ __ ] up Is he gonna sing it for me this isn’t cantonese Oh that’s mandarin but is there no cantonese version there has to be a cantonese version okay happy birthday song can’t any sorry now i’m like committed now bye lot johnny Oh my gosh i’m watching this like 21 000 views song now all right junior just got like [ __ ] five different versions of happy birthday congratulations you won the lottery for like five different happy birthday songs while i’m trying to figure out well i was trying to figure out like how to sing it

You won the lottery what a lucky dragon the lottery person um but thank you again thank you for the super chat thank you thank you um manny snowman made it at the top and then it was the end of the super chat thank you thank you um let’s see

I’m trying to figure out she uh lucky goon i know right lord crosses ning and they used to do a super chat i mean if you guys should have asked me to sing a cantonese version of happy birthday if it was your birthday and asked for me to say katniss happy

Birthday song you could have got five different versions of happy birthday from me you were just you just didn’t win the lottery dragons it’s unfortunate it’s unfortunate that’s why it’s a one in a million chance from the ceiling lottery [Laughter] hey so then my birthday was four months ago thank you richard i’ve been thinking thank you well then we gotta wait another uh eight months then i’ve been yeah your gotcha unlucky pull chat very unlucky very unlucky pull there a king time for that sonic okay stick

Stream with i think it was super thinking thank you um oh yeah i was gonna say wait let me read three more because i had a different tangent there why toedial maybe one day you can try streaming oh yeah i remember reading this but thank you again for the super

Chat thank you thank you um let’s see uh mad maddie make a wish foundation for celebrity climb a ladder thank you for the super chat thank you thank you not lucky he just discovered the celen algorithm thank you for the super chat after verb thank you thank you

Uh lord pancake i only have to wait six more months oh thank you for the super chat hanging thank you uh anyway the only ladder you need is a text thing again we’re super chatting thank you but i wanted to say people were wondering why like um like i want

To do more chill week and i was like having problems with figuring out like games for this week uh what i was trying to say is like this week i didn’t really feel like starting any series or going back to any games i wanted to do some

One-offs so that’s why i meant by a more relaxed week i guess i wanted to do a lot more i wanted to do some one-offs this week because like you know i don’t have to worry about finishing a game or doing like an endurance stream of some

Certain games like i want to do something where i could just play it and like it doesn’t matter if i finish it or not that type of thing um how do you manage to get house party i’ve always had house party perms it’s been there

For a very long time i just didn’t know when to play it so finally i was like this week i wanna i wanna chill a little bit uh and yeah we still have bloodborne someone still wanted to do something on twitch so that’s why uh we’re still

Having our bloodborne but i still wanted to put the sweet more so more like one awesome but i will be playing i’ll try to make it as safe for a stream as possible i might try to get some of the expansion packs too um uh we’re gonna try not to you know get

Demonetized or get our channel taken down uh i hope so [Laughter] i gotta be very fast with the sensors all right i got him i’m gonna have a i’m gonna get my stream dick out deck out again so i if i do have to censor it at least

I can press a button instead of trying to like look at my obs trying to trying to figure it out yeah i’m playing i’m playing it really close to fire right now but fingers crossed that everything goes wrong that my stream deck my stream deck what do you mean what deck d-e-c-k-a

Uh premium selenium hey slam my birthday is in 1.5 months that’s close enough right thank you for the super chat thank you thank you well see you in 1.5 months see ya see you there um let’s see uh oh my gosh where was i um razzidaz i can’t wait for the post

Off collab stream where celine goes on a 20-minute tangent about her first ladder ever climb with much enthusiasm you gotta pay me to climb a ladder off especially for an off collab what the [ __ ] thank you for the super chat thank you thank you um after birth i mean why need ladder when

You can extend that think about the super chat thank you thank you nice deck bro thank you for the super chat ellen thank you thank you um bean sprouts snake eater plays when you climb ladders in real life anyone’s a super chat thank you thank you uh maddie i call frame hacks

Thank you again for the uh super chat thing and thank you where was i uh arachnophil oh run 329 falls nice thank you again for super chat thank you thank you them i’ve been gaming guys gaming 23 from 113 falls to 29. that’s pretty nice that’s that’s pretty pog

Anton you smell like a champion a second place then you little super chat thing thank you um arachnophil salim fell an approximate total of 194 times this stream you know compared to like you know compared to my first attempt that’s all right that’s pretty all right for me

My first attempt was actual hell yeah i’m thinking about the super chat thinking thank you cappy hmm oh yeah i read this already but thank you again for the super chat thank you thank you imagine hardcore parkour thank you for the super chat thank you thank you

Um sharko luka it’s 3am time for your takatau challenge excuse me uh the swat copy paste meanwhile thank you for the super chat thank you thank you uh gator please no no dream i beg of you thank you for the super chat thank you thank you uh shadow thanks for streaming

It was such a white thank you i think it was super challenging like i said i really do um appreciate it guys i’m glad you guys enjoyed today’s stream uh thank you again uh thank you again for the super chat thank you thank you um

This is full of herbs what up guy we did it commits vandalizing by breaking class thank you on the super chat thank you thank you i know some of you guys are wondering why because i am streaming um over the uh midnight ghost hunt collab why um i’m not

Um i’m not participating in the midnight ghost hunt and why i gave my spot to lira uh i felt like this week i felt super i guess like burnt not it’s burned out the right word um in terms of like i didn’t feel like this week i could handle a huge collab

I helped organize the beginning of it and then i handed it off to the rest of the gang for um um to finish up the organization of it uh but uh i helped out with setting up i didn’t want to be like hey guys uh last minute i would like to

Reschedule and everything they were all like looking forward to it so i decided to be like oh it would anyone like to take my spot in the midnight ghost hunt because i know like a lot of them were looking forward to this stream um but for me i was i just felt like

Super uh i can do one-on-ones in like twos maybe threes like with like i could do like i think like one to four is my current max i guess but when it’s like you know more than four people i get like super i guess like i need to prepare myself

For these types of for these types of collabs um so i decided to be uh so it wasn’t really like you know it was not like why isn’t she part of it uh and i do have like a lot of projects ongoing too so i just felt like

I felt like at that time i was like i don’t think i could do a more than four person collab but i know a lot of people a lot of people need sanji we’re looking for it yeah and we’re looking forward to doing it so i decided just give my spot

To alira uh and have them finish up i think they forgot to invite one more person i looked in there i was like why is there seven people this is an eight person game i think they forgot to invite one more i i should have mentioned it [Laughter]

I i i was looking at the discord and i was like wait there’s like seven people this is an eight-person game this is an eight-person game so i think they forgot to they forgot to get up one more person oh my gosh i’m there in spirit i’m there

I’m there in spirit though uh but yeah that that’s basically why i also didn’t think i was gonna be streaming that long i thought i was gonna finish before the i thought i was gonna finish before uh before before the midnight ghost collapse started means i was planning on

You know i honestly put the taco minecraft parkour today because i was like this is gonna be a first this is gonna be uh this is gonna be this is gonna be like a fast stream so i’ll just finish it and chill and work on stuff and then and then i was like

It looks like this is a four four-hour stream [Laughter] i did not anticipate the stream to go this long i was singing like two hours two hour max today uh but yeah nightlight and that’s why you’re the collab makers nimbus all right you do you think you think it was

A super chat thank you thank you i also know that i have the huge tf2 collab to organize too um like i love organizing these things i do i really do love organizing these collabs it’s just that sometimes participating it and i know like me being there i’m very um

Like uh i i don’t know how to say it like uh sometimes i don’t know if i should stream it type of deal i don’t know if i should stream it type of deal and i am a very loud person too so i feel like

Um i need to know my limits in terms of like huge collabs i try to know my limits as much as i can in terms of huge collapse because i don’t uh i know like i’m a very loud person too and i don’t want to drown out people too much uh

So like i try like if i feel like oh this week i just not feeling it i just i just can’t do a huge collab today um like i try to know my own limits and everything yeah uh let’s see it razzy dazzy so then really

Said this is our record thank you for the super chat thank you thank you um son of a gun that was some slick climbing congratulations thank you thank you for the super chat [ __ ] thank you alan thank you for the super chat thank you thank you uh rianko it’s like totally dumber

Thinking about this super chat thank you thank you rosie dazzy 10 out of 10. i cried thank you in this speech i think thank you how can i use to learn emotes by joining the memberships everybody there’s also you watch long enough apparently if you’re a long-term

Viewer you have a higher chance of getting gifted um gifted a ship i’m tempted of getting a a new emote uh for for like for like when people gift you can you guys can get like and it’s just gonna be me on a ship [Laughter]

My head on a boat or something it’ll be like you know like cars and planes like the disney movie but instead it’s like to landship uh uh someone [ __ ] [Laughter] oh my god then you’re a ship they turned me into a ship um i the reason why i don’t upload

Emotes is that i’m worried of losing an emote i’m pretty sure you lose an emote right guys um because i i i think you lose an emote if you don’t if you lose the threshold so that’s why i try not to i try to make sure i um

I try to make sure i i have like enough leeway to upload emotes i can think i can upload like six six or five new emotes right now so i’m gonna uh um uh i’m gonna oh yeah and apparently i’m not apparently we’re talking about it gifted gifted memberships don’t count into your

Emote tears but we don’t know if that’s a bug yet yeah you lose yeah you lose slots so we don’t know we we’re not sure yet because like right now because i think it’s in beta i think his gifted memberships are in beta but we were talking about it too

We were saying how like it doesn’t count towards like people who were like you know are not gifted members so it didn’t count in our emote slots but i think it might be a bug or uh yeah i don’t think that’s intended i think it’s a bug because it’s also in

Beta too so maybe later on it’ll it’ll show uh it’ll show it but we were looking at our we were looking at it we’re like wondering if uh we’re wondering if it counted as like emote slots but it didn’t it didn’t for us so maybe later on it’ll it’ll be released to it

Um let’s see no they can see exclusive streams they just can’t give them members don’t count towards uh uh because we need a certain amount of members to unlock more emote slots so uh at the moment gifted members don’t count as an as like member slots basically to

Unlock more emotes it doesn’t count at the moment so we think it’s a bug but we’re not sure if it’s intended because it is in beta also deadpool thank you for the fun gifted chips thank you thank you i really do appreciate it um yeah they don’t count to unlocking more

Emotes left yeah yeah yeah um but thank you thank you again deadpool uh is this the latest ninja lost hop cotton movie it looks so [ __ ] good at rp i’m thank you for the super chatting and thank you um let’s see if uh ninji won minecraft pvp capture the

Flag event when one day in the future maybe like a one to two months plan i definitely need a lot i think right now because we do have the obsidian anniversary i can’t commit to planning to organizing this but maybe after obsidian’s anniversary i can move

On to that as my next project because at the moment my first project to getting done is the obsidia anniversary stuff um because it is very soon so that’s where i my focus is at the moment but after upcity anniversary i will move i will move on to the minecraft stuff

Maybe depending on how everything goes but yeah that we did it oh wait wait we didn’t do it i forgot streamlabs let me look at streamlabs real quick i realized i knew i forgot something i still need to set up notifications for stream labs guys uh all right here we

Go uh yeah psych forgot about streamlabs all right where is it all right lucky oh my gosh i am so uh i am so late for this but thank you for the akka donation thank you uh this dragoon was so surprised to see you in the gal’s apex stream you muted all

Your sneezes and costs on stream earlier today so i really want to thank you for keeping up the energy knowing that you’re still sick wishing you a quick recovery thank you lucky thank you again for the akka donation this was a little bit late on the thank you but if you’re

Still there thank you also len this is a little bit late on the donation um not so deadpool yeah you read all the super chats there’s no more coming in yeah there’s no more coming in now but thank you again for the the super chat deadpool daniel thank you uh lynn i can

Handle this stream the best possible way thank you bless your chat thank you for the donation thank you thank you blinky do you have any plans to do a watch along for summer games fest or other gaming events in june reveals i’ve never done these types of watch time i won’t

Mind doing these types of watch lines in the future maybe maybe maybe for ether oh e3 will be fun i would love to do an e3 watch along because uh e3 events are always like super fun and everything but yeah thank you blinky for the uh donation thank you

Thank you probably prognosis and prognosis uh celine is a bad girl she’s literally hoarding shield batteries like a drag dragon dragon thank you again for the donation wait is there an e3 wait e3 there’s no more e3 what what when did e3 die the e3 died like because of you know certain events

Plan on china announced that impact person has been cancelled oh okay so there’s no in-person version no there’s still oh oh wait what oh my god i didn’t even realize e3 died i’ve not been paying attention you know how i get my gaming news on twitter people will be like this new game

Release so i honestly thought everything was just coming from e3 [Laughter] i didn’t even realize e3 died all this time i got i get all my gaming news on twitter because they posted on twitter right away alex thank you for the super chat thank you thank you lord chris thank you for

The uh super chat thinking thank you and nothing of value was lost i get on on twitter or twitch i always assume i’m watching a twitch because you know twitch have like watch along sue um like you know how twitch have like watchalongs too so i get it from

Watching the twitch thing but i never paid attention to the fact that it was never e3 i’ve just been watching summer’s game fest i honestly thought i was watching e3 i didn’t even realize it was summer games fest i didn’t even realize because it was

Always e3 on twitch so i guess i was watching i was watching summer’s game fast you have to let e3 ghostland the accident wasn’t your fault yet please thank you for the super chat thank you thank you i didn’t even realize i was never ethers died so long ago

Oh my god i’m still living in the past well to be fair to be fair summer game fest is basically the spiritual um successor also 100 yeah i know i i actually downloaded uh the bioshock collection on epic store but thank you for the super chat thank you i kept

Getting like spam reminders um uh from two of my friends they’re like oh yeah you streamed bioshock right remember to get the collection and then they were like you didn’t get it did you like both of them they’re like did you get it and i was like no and they’re like

You didn’t i was like oh yeah and i’ll be like oh yeah i’ll do it today and then the next day they they messaged me i was like did you download it and i was like no and they’re like and then my friend was like i knew it it’s there forever right and

Um it’s it’s there forever right yeah they want me to [ __ ] play bioshock infinite it’s like i don’t know if it’s there forever or not yeah once you claim it yeah i never i didn’t i don’t have to pay for it but i downloaded it guys do not worry i

Downloaded yesterday do not worry it’s in there chat it’s there i did it i did it people are gonna look at the end of the vine um uh people i’m sorry people are gonna watch this vod and be like i can’t believe celine took like four hours and 44 minutes to

To do the um for to do the the takas challenge i’m like oh you’re missing out we did so many other things so many other things oh my god [Laughter] But uh yeah that i mean i mean yeah that’s basically it we went on so many adventures today really um but yeah thank you everybody i hope you guys uh i hope you guys enjoyed today’s stream i’m gonna go rest up now um maybe you’ll see me on lucas gorilla stream because

You know i figured it would be nice to drop by on luca’s minecraft gorilla stream if he’ll have a i won’t drop by in the voice from the you know the voice because you know if he does want a solo stream i’ll let him have a solo stream

You know for the lew cubs um because you know he hasn’t been able to stream a lot uh when he was on his vacation but if he invites me to if he invites me the voice i’ll drop in the voice i feel like it was only fair

Because you know he dropped by to my stream um and i i wanted him to stream it because i felt like you know something like oh yeah this is like his first time doing the takas challenge so i really wanted him to stream it for his

Loot cubs um but you know um you know he’s uh because he was he wanted he wanted to drop by today like on his on my stream um i’ll drop by his too and like uh come see the new new stuff in disney um but yeah uh thank you everybody for

Coming to the stream i really really do appreciate it as always everybody stay hydrated posture check get up and move around to get that blood flowing and if you stayed up for me head to bed because you deserve it i’ll see you guys next time dragons bye everybody bye You

This video, titled ‘【MINECRAFT TAKA’S PARKOUR CHALLENGE】we beat on stream【NIJISANJI EN | Selen Tatsuki】’, was uploaded by Selen Tatsuki 【NIJISANJI EN】 on 2022-06-02 01:20:34. It has garnered 73661 views and 6429 likes. The duration of the video is 04:44:57 or 17097 seconds.

because i know you guys want to watch me beat it again but this time on stream 「Streamlabs Donations」 https://streamlabs.com/tatsukiselen/tip

「New Merch」 https://nijisanji-store.com/collections/selen-tatsuki

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「Tags」 GENERAL: #SelenTatsuki LIVE: #TatsuTalk ART: #Artsuki / NSFW: #Lewdsuki FAN NAME: Dragoons MEMES: #Tatsulaugh MUSIC SUGGESTIONS: #TatsuTunes

Twitter: https://twitter.com/Selen_Tatsuki Twitch: https://www.twitch.tv/selentatsuki

「Rules」 ☆ Keep in mind to always be respectful towards other viewers in chat. Any forms of of hate or discrimination to anyone is not permitted. ★ Please stay on topic during the stream. ☆ Sharing personal information (doxing), trolling and spamming is not allowed. Please report, block and ignore. ★ Talking about other unrelated livers is not allowed unless I mention them first. ☆ Please no spoilers unless I’ve asked for them myself! ★ Always bring extra treats for Ember.

─── *.☽ .* ───

「OBSYDIA」 Petra Gurin (ペトラ グリン) https://twitter.com/Petra_Gurin https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCgA2jKRkqpY_8eysPUs8sjw

Rosemi Lovelock https://twitter.com/Rosemi_Lovelock https://www.youtube.com/channel/UC4WvIIAo89_AzGUh1AZ6Dkg

─── *.☽ .* ───

「Official NIJISANJI Sites」 https://www.nijisanji.jp/en @nijisanji_en ─── *.☽ .* ─── 「Credits」 BGM – DOVA-SYNDROME Thumbnail: https://twitter.com/Hibi_miira Thumbnail art: https://twitter.com/Lendivere

#OBSYDIA #NIJISANJI_EN #NIJISANJI #SelenTatsuki #TatsuTalk ▽ Guidance for minors https://www.anycolor.co.jp/notice-for-minors-en

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    Mastering Minecraft Pets: Ascending to God Mode The Rise to God Status in Minecraft Embark on a journey through the whimsical world of Minecraft where players can transcend mortal limitations and ascend to god-like status. Join the Scueboe family as they navigate through obstacles and challenges to achieve ultimate power in this parody sketch. The Scueboe Family Meet the talented individuals who brought this parody to life: DarkMC_69: YouTube – DarkMC_69, Instagram – DarkMc_69 Shubh_spectre198: YouTube DRYEROP: YouTube EliyasSheikh-110: YouTube Extra_Gamerz0012: YouTube AAAGamer-z: YouTube Obstacles and Triumphs Follow the protagonist as they face challenges from the Demon King, Lalit Kumar, Yashu, Supratik, Lucky, Action Gaming, Away,… Read More

  • Minecraft server org.blockhero.net

    How to connect and play on this server? You must have the game version 1.21 installed. How to check? At startup, the game version will be displayed on the right, at the bottom. If it is a different version, you should change the current profile (left, bottom) and select version 1.21 Click the PLAY button, wait for the Minecraft game to load. Choose: Multiplayer Click the button “Direct connect”, or if you want to keep the server in its list, press the button “Add server” In the field “Server address” write: org.blockhero.net (GL HF) Read More

  • Minecraft Memes – Blockin’ and Buildin’ like a Boss (Minecraft Edition)

    Minecraft Memes - Blockin' and Buildin' like a Boss (Minecraft Edition)“I’m not just building, I’m creating a masterpiece out of virtual blocks and excrement. A true artist.” Read More

  • Crafting Chaos: Is Minecraft Dead or Alive?

    Crafting Chaos: Is Minecraft Dead or Alive? In the world of Minecraft, where blocks reign supreme, Is the game still alive, or just a fading dream? With updates and patches, the game stays alive, New features and challenges, always on the rise. The community thrives, with servers galore, Players building, exploring, always wanting more. From survival to creative, the options are vast, Minecraft’s popularity will forever last. So fear not, dear viewers, Minecraft is here to stay, With new adventures awaiting, every single day. So grab your pickaxe, your sword, and your bow, And dive back into Minecraft, where the possibilities flow. Read More

  • Wool Beacon: The Ultimate Luck 99% Moment #hotminecraftmemes

    Wool Beacon: The Ultimate Luck 99% Moment #hotminecraftmemes When you finally find that elusive sheep in Minecraft and realize it’s wearing a beacon on its head – talk about lucky loot! #baa-dass #woolbeacon #minecraftluck Read More

  • Paul’s Wild Minecraft Mishap!

    Paul's Wild Minecraft Mishap! The Exciting World of Minecraft Minecraft, the beloved sandbox game, continues to captivate players worldwide with its endless possibilities and creative gameplay. From building intricate structures to surviving in a pixelated world, Minecraft offers something for everyone. Let’s delve into some of the latest updates and features that have kept players hooked! Exploring New Biomes One of the most exciting aspects of Minecraft is the diverse range of biomes that players can explore. From lush forests to icy tundras, each biome offers unique resources and challenges. The recent updates have introduced even more biomes, such as the lush caves… Read More

  • Ultimate Mod Installation Guide for FakePixel Server

    Ultimate Mod Installation Guide for FakePixel Server Minecraft Mod Installation Guide for FakePixel Skyblock Are you ready to take your Minecraft experience to the next level? Look no further than FakePixel Skyblock, where you can easily install over 20 mods for free without any crashes. Dive into a world of endless possibilities and enhance your gameplay with these exciting additions. Step-by-Step Installation Process Installing mods in FakePixel Skyblock is a breeze. Follow these simple steps to get started: Download Mods: Begin by downloading the mods you want to install. Make sure to choose reputable sources to avoid any issues. Install Forge: Forge is a mod loader… Read More

  • Insane Prank: Floki Transforms into OP Animals!

    Insane Prank: Floki Transforms into OP Animals!Video Information This video, titled ‘Morphing Into SECRET OP ANIMALS To Prank My Friend!’, was uploaded by Floki on 2024-08-03 18:00:27. It has garnered 4132 views and 51 likes. The duration of the video is 03:32:27 or 12747 seconds. I Fooled My Friend with SECRET OP ANIMALS MOD In Minecraft! My Best friend Dino had no idea I was Trolling him as OP SECRET OP ANIMALS In Minecraft by Morphing Into SECRET OP ANIMALS To Prank My Friend!! In this Minecraft world I morph into a SECRET OP ANIMALS and then I pranked my friend as a SECRET ANIMALS in… Read More

  • Ultimate Crafting Upgrades – Dive into LIVE Minecraft

    Ultimate Crafting Upgrades – Dive into LIVE MinecraftVideo Information This video, titled ‘UPGRADE, ENCHANT, TRADE – Enjoy your mining! | LIVE Survival Minecraft’, was uploaded by Vigilante Crafter on 2024-04-22 12:07:31. It has garnered 89 views and 14 likes. The duration of the video is 02:54:56 or 10496 seconds. Grab your pickaxe and join me as we explore epic armor upgrades, mystical enchantments, and exciting villager trading. It’s time to level up your Minecraft game with a dash of laughter and creativity. Let’s mine, craft, and laugh our way through the pixelated wonders of this HARDCORE Minecraft world together! #MinecraftSurvival #MinecraftChallenge #MinecraftFarms Read More

  • Join CalamitySMP NOW for Ultimate Minecraft Experience (Apply Today)

    Join CalamitySMP NOW for Ultimate Minecraft Experience (Apply Today)Video Information This video, titled ‘We Made Minecraft’s Most Unique SMP (Applications Open)’, was uploaded by CalamitySMP on 2024-07-08 05:17:21. It has garnered 59 views and 7 likes. The duration of the video is 00:00:27 or 27 seconds. Calamity Discord: (in comments) Speaker: @callmeposted #levelssmp #minecraftsmp #smp #calamitysmp Like ParrotX2 videos and the LifeSteal SMP, a Minecraft Server Not like Dream SMP or Tommyinnit or Technoblade or any other Dream SMP members. This SMP is like LifeStealSMP and OneTrySMP, this is the hardest Minecraft Sever ever! and it is also a lore-based server in the MCYT community. I hope you… Read More

  • Ultimate Survival Challenge: Smarty Light in Trial Chambers!

    Ultimate Survival Challenge: Smarty Light in Trial Chambers!Video Information This video, titled ‘MORE TRIAL CHAMBERS! – Smarty Survival #6’, was uploaded by Smarty Light on 2024-07-23 20:43:40. It has garnered 248 views and 6 likes. The duration of the video is 00:15:05 or 905 seconds. This is the most lucky I’ve ever been in Minecraft! Read More

  • xJosephEx – Insane Minecraft HC New World + Death?! 😱

    xJosephEx - Insane Minecraft HC New World + Death?! 😱Video Information This video, titled ‘Minecraft HC 1.21 New World | 8/25/24 [17]’, was uploaded by xJosephEx on 2024-08-26 05:19:59. It has garnered 91 views and 4 likes. The duration of the video is 01:47:33 or 6453 seconds. I Start a new hardcore world and take it slow this time lets see if we can stay alive. Read More

  • CrookedRatt is BACK in Hardcore Mode!

    CrookedRatt is BACK in Hardcore Mode!Video Information This video, titled ‘We’re So Back? | Minecraft: Hardcore Mode – Part 7’, was uploaded by CrookedRatt on 2024-09-18 01:41:15. It has garnered 78 views and 3 likes. The duration of the video is 03:52:12 or 13932 seconds. Please Like, Subscribe, and Tell Your Parents About Me! I’m going to die before I get a functioning crafting table. That’s my prediction. #minecraft #minecrafthardcormode #survivalgaming Read More

  • Pebo-kun TL: Kuromu makes Astel strip & feed him

    Pebo-kun TL: Kuromu makes Astel strip & feed himVideo Information This video, titled ‘Kuromu gets Astel to strip, then beats him & force feeds him【VCR Minecraft】’, was uploaded by Pebo-kun TL ぺぼ on 2024-09-18 11:00:48. It has garnered 13348 views and 1081 likes. The duration of the video is 00:05:24 or 324 seconds. Yano Kuromu from Vspo! @YanoKuromu source: https://youtu.be/UO3tctUnot4 Sendo Yuuhi from Vspo! @SendoYuuhi Astel Leda from Holostars @AstelLeda Sakura Ritsuki from Nijisanji @SakuraRitsuki More streamer server clips https://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PLuHTBwxAt1LwxdKa00pea3ZIx9PXQNZd_ Please let me know in the comments if there is a translation error. I’m still learning Japanese so it is greatly appreciated. If you’re feeling generous, you can… Read More

  • Mikey and JJ Rescues Smiling Critters from Clucky’s Evil Chicken

    Mikey and JJ Rescues Smiling Critters from Clucky's Evil ChickenVideo Information This video, titled ‘Mikey And JJ SAVE SMILING CRITTERS from CLUCKY’S EVIL CHICKEN in Minecraft’, was uploaded by Maizen Journey on 2024-09-19 13:00:56. It has garnered 1542 views and 14 likes. The duration of the video is 00:10:16 or 616 seconds. Mikey And JJ SAVE SMILING CRITTERS from CLUCKY’S EVIL CHICKEN in Minecraft JJ ❤️ Mikey 💚 Welcome to Maizen Journey channel. Many new awesome stories with JJ and Mikey like Maizen videos are waiting for you. We hope you enjoy our videos! Do not forget to like and subscribe!!! Have a great day ❤️💚 This channel is… Read More

  • Emotional Gamerfleet & Jack in Minecraft

    Emotional Gamerfleet & Jack in MinecraftVideo Information This video, titled ‘Gamerfleet and Jack emotional #minecraft #shorts’, was uploaded by Side2kill gaming on 2024-02-17 18:07:37. It has garnered 15 views and likes. The duration of the video is 00:00:57 or 57 seconds. Techno gamerz Shorts Anshu bisht proboiz proboiz 95 Skibidi toilet dream boy Minecraft video Techno gamerz Minecraft aayu and pihu show animal song Anime Bike rider dafuq boom gamerfleet herobrine iron man minecraft game not your type short video yas smarty pie cameraman gta v Horror video minecraft 100 days minecraft cartoon among us bare knuckle bhoot bhoot bhuton kahani chhan chhan goshti cosas… Read More

  • Valena Towny

    Valena Towny  Welcome to a Valena Towny. Valena is a community driven server based on towns, survival, economy, and PvP. We believe a server is just a server, but what makes a server is the community. We run over 50+ plugins to make us unique and to add a different feeling to our server. You can join a town, start a town or live in the Wilderness. We have McMMo that is used for our auto ranking system that is strictly play-to-win. One of our main features we evolve around is economy. We have jobs for players to join to earn money… Read More

  • MineScape SMP Network Roleplay PVE PVP 1.18.2 Dynmap Skilling

    Welcome to MineScape! The world of MineScape is a Minecraft MMORPG inspired by Old School RuneScape. Join now and start your journey to becoming a legendary adventurer while making new friends. Visit the website https://minescape.me and join the discord to get involved! Features: Interactive Custom NPC’s and Mobs Custom Quests 22 Custom Skills: Attack, Ranged, Magic, Woodcutting, Mining, Smithing, Crafting & More Beautiful handcrafted map Clue Scrolls & Daily Rewards Pets, Cosmetics, Titles Active Leaderboards Links: IP: minescape.me Wiki: https://minescape.wiki/ Latest blog: Feldip Hills Map Expansion, Daily Quest Rework, Shooting Stars Event & More Devblog #42 Store: https://store.minescape.me/ Discord: https://discord.gg/minescape… Read More

  • Minecraft Memes –

    Broke Minecrafter ***!

    Minecraft Memes - <p>Broke Minecrafter ***!</p>Poor guy, he may have a score of 28 in Minecraft but at least he’s a solid 10 in our hearts. Read More

  • Villager IQ: Absolute Zero 😂🔥 #minecraftmeme

    Villager IQ: Absolute Zero 😂🔥 #minecraftmeme General Minecraft Logic: spends hours mining for diamonds, fighting off mobs, and building elaborate structures. Oi Oi Oi Villager IQ Moments: trades 20 emeralds for a single piece of bread. Read More

  • Uncovering Minecraft’s Lost Levels: 15 Years Later

    Uncovering Minecraft's Lost Levels: 15 Years Later The Quest for Minecraft’s Lost Levels Introduction In a thrilling turn of events, Minecraft enthusiasts recently unearthed the long-lost custom maps based on the iconic game DOOM. These maps, created by Notch in May 2009, had been missing for a staggering 15 years until now. Minecraft Multiplayer is Born The release of these DOOM levels marked a significant moment in Minecraft’s history, coinciding with the birth of Minecraft multiplayer. Players were eager to explore new challenges and experiences within the game. What are the DOOM Levels? The DOOM levels introduced a fresh and exciting dimension to Minecraft gameplay, drawing… Read More

  • Inventory Achievement: Removing Minecraft Bug

    Inventory Achievement: Removing Minecraft Bug The World of Minecraft: A Dive into UniversoCraft Exploring UniversoCraft Server For Minecraft enthusiasts looking for a vibrant and engaging server to join, UniversoCraft is a top choice. With the server IP mc.universocraft.es, players can immerse themselves in a world filled with endless possibilities and adventures. The server offers a thriving community of players, making it the perfect place to connect, collaborate, and explore. Connect on Discord Joining the UniversoCraft community is made easy through their Discord server. By following the link here, players can engage in discussions, participate in events, and stay updated on server news and announcements…. Read More

  • Companion Kiwi’s shocking secret revealed!

    Companion Kiwi's shocking secret revealed!Video Information This video, titled ‘I’m Late, I’m Late | Minecraft SevTech Ages’, was uploaded by Companion Kiwi on 2024-08-16 22:17:39. It has garnered 36 views and 5 likes. The duration of the video is 02:44:55 or 9895 seconds. Like and Subscribe! ^ Join The Community V Support on Patreon – https://www.patreon.com/CompanionKiwi https://x.com/CompanionKiwiYT Join the Discord! https://discord.gg/E6y9r42qv4 [email protected] #minecraft #gaming #live #stream #sevtechages #minecraftages #minecraftsevtech Read More

  • Minecraft Egg Logic Exposed

    Minecraft Egg Logic ExposedVideo Information This video, titled ‘Egg Logic #minecraft #shorts’, was uploaded by OptionGaming on 2024-09-12 12:15:03. It has garnered 10915 views and likes. The duration of the video is 00:00:34 or 34 seconds. Egg Logic #minecraft #shorts #minecraftguide #minecrafttutorial #trending #viral #10kviews #shorts #hypixal #minecrafthowto #trendingshorts #feedshorts #kite #comment #chipichipichapachapa #comedyvideo #funnyvideo #funnyshorts #plssupportmychannel #4k #2k #hd #gamingcommunity #build #india #1millionviews #1000subscribe minecraft logic gates, minecraft logic be like, minecraft logic pt 2 🤔 november 🅥, minecraft logic shorts, minecraft logic song, minecraft logic that makes no sense, minecraft logic greg renko, minecraft logical redstone, minecraft logic water, minecraft logic… Read More

  • INSANE Minecraft Realistic Meme Compilation #337!

    INSANE Minecraft Realistic Meme Compilation #337!Video Information This video, titled ‘Minecraft realistic wait what meme, Lava, Water, Slime #337’, was uploaded by moosh – Minecraft memes on 2024-04-30 00:46:01. It has garnered 1415 views and 21 likes. The duration of the video is 00:55:06 or 3306 seconds. do not forget to subscribe and press like! #minecraft #meme #memes Read More

  • Insane Progress in Pixelmon Fusion – Wilson’s Journey

    Insane Progress in Pixelmon Fusion - Wilson's JourneyVideo Information This video, titled ‘100 DAYS In FUSION PIXELMON! (Minecraft Pokémon)’, was uploaded by Wilson on 2024-03-01 18:00:04. It has garnered 143854 views and 2503 likes. The duration of the video is 00:48:16 or 2896 seconds. 🟠100 Days In Fusion Pixelmon! (Minecraft Pokémon)🟠 100 Days In Fusion Pixelmon finally makes its return! Make sure to let me know what fusions you want to see next in 200 days 🔴 Subscribe To the Channel!🔴 https://www.youtube.com/channel/UC0JfhV6l5qZJKRUovFAMw8A 🟠Discord🟠 https://discord.gg/G4QVRwMXxF 🔵Rocketnode🔵 Use Code “WILSON” For 25% off your server! https://billing.rocketnode.com/aff.php?aff=990446 🟢Edited By Zenzy🟢 https://zenzyyy.carrd.co/ #pixelmon #100days #100 Read More

  • Sandurs – Epic Ragecraft: Underworld CTM!

    Sandurs - Epic Ragecraft: Underworld CTM!Video Information This video, titled ‘Ragecraft IV: Underworld | Minecraft CTM | Stream 17’, was uploaded by Sandurs on 2024-05-19 01:48:20. It has garnered 43 views and 2 likes. The duration of the video is 02:08:31 or 7711 seconds. ================== ➜ Minecraft CTM ➜ Map Name: Ragecraft IV: Underworld By heliceo & suso ➜ Map Download: https://ctmrepository.com/download.php?id=588 ➜ Music: Eniah and David Fesliyan & Crinkles – https://crinklesmusic.com/#music ➜ Map Trailer: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=hjl5QfimUCo ================== Hello, I’m Sandurs! I mainly make Minecraft videos like: CTM (Complete the Monument). I enjoy making and playing CTM Maps. Sometimes I do other things like other Minecraft… Read More


    🔥 INSANE MINECRAFT BEDROCK SERVER GAMEPLAY LIVE 🔥Video Information This video, titled ‘🔴 MINECRAFT LIVE STWEAMY | BEDROCK SERVER 🔴’, was uploaded by Game Ed on 2024-07-26 21:17:42. It has garnered 3142 views and 25 likes. The duration of the video is 02:00:45 or 7245 seconds. Follow my Twitter – https://twitter.com/MCShortsCollab Join my discord server – https://discord.gg/TjEYqAdHyj Donate to my paypal – https://www.paypal.com/paypalme/gameed Read More

  • Hololive-EN Amelia Watson Minecraft- FIGHTING Bosses in the Sewers!

    Hololive-EN Amelia Watson Minecraft- FIGHTING Bosses in the Sewers!Video Information This video, titled ‘【Minecraft Isekai】To the Sewers!’, was uploaded by Watson Amelia Ch. hololive-EN on 2024-09-06 05:21:25. It has garnered 105035 views and 8058 likes. The duration of the video is 02:42:19 or 9739 seconds. eep cute art, thank you! https://x.com/PhdPigeon/status/1830142960585097389 Request from hololive Production to underage viewers: Please be sure to check the link below before viewing our content. https://en.hololive.tv/request-to-minors Trailer: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=OnMxjFRlywA&t=21s MV: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=r-kkCrVZUzc ◆What is “ENigmatic Recollection”? It is a collection of stories in which the members of hololive English play a part. Through streams, animations, and songs wrought anew, immerse yourself in fresh narratives woven… Read More

  • Eqlipse Ruins Minecraft Fun 🔥

    Eqlipse Ruins Minecraft Fun 🔥Video Information This video, titled ‘How to Make Minecraft Fun Again (by ruining it…)’, was uploaded by Eqlipse on 2024-07-27 22:37:32. It has garnered 34555 views and 2132 likes. The duration of the video is 00:28:15 or 1695 seconds. You ever find Minecraft boring and burnt-out after just 2 weeks Well Have I got a solution for you… (its awful) SUBSCRIBE TO THE BONUS CHANNEL: @eqlipseagain3350 MERCH STORE: https://eqshop.live ||| 10% off with CODE: ANTE UP Join my Discord to Play this Monstrosity: https://discord.gg/xAPDH4uQnj This video was just for fun and if its not obvious a joke please don’t hate… Read More