Minecraft Tutorial: How To Make A Modern Multi Storey Car Park “2019 City Tutorial”

Video Information

Hey what’s up youtube in this video i’ll be showing you how to make a modern multi-story car bar as the name would suggest this car park has multiple floors each fit with many car parking spaces a way to get up and down the floor that doesn’t involve a car it has ticket machines

Motorcycle parking spaces it even has on some levels bicycle parking spaces there is a very simple transportation system that will take you up and down every single level if you were in a car it’s incredibly well posted and laid out in such a way that you know exactly

Where to go at any one time and there are five floors in total including the roof with its own unique layout and let’s not forget these staircases which we can use to get up and down every single level once we have parked or if we are retrieving our car i

Do hope that you guys enjoyed this tutorial this is probably one of the longest tutorials that i have ever made i really hope that you guys enjoy this one the reason that i made it is because it i got so many suggestions to actually make this down below in the comments

Thank you so much to all of you that did leave this suggestion whilst this is a really long build to make it’s also really really awesome and an absolute insane build to add to your city it will certainly stand out also i did just want

To say a really big thank you to all of you that have been supporting these videos so much i really really appreciate it and i love how much love and support you guys have been showing the city related builds in particular thanks so much everybody i love you all

Very very much but with any further ado i hope you’re wearing your seatbelt i hope you’re strapped in cause this is gonna be a long one so just before we start building ladies and gentlemen here are all of the materials that we are going to need to make our multi-story

Car park please do make sure that you have access to all of those and enough of them as well you’re gonna need a lot of stuff so i want you guys to be prepared the amount of ground space required is a 35 by 35 block area i would highly recommend

Making this grid in your world if you are building in a city it will help you out very much however is not necessary if you don’t care where it goes and that’s it pause the video if you have to do make sure that you have all of those

Things make sure you’ve got enough room to make it make sure you’re ready to park your car and once you are we can begin step one car park crusaders come all the way to the front left hand corner of the grid from the front left hand corner of the grid count backwards one

Two three four now it just so happens that if you yourself have made the grid we’re both starting in the same place on top of this block place a block of quartz and go right of it by one i want you to leave a gap of four in the ground

One two three four and then on the fifth block place two more block of quartz one two i want you to place four quart slabs going right of the upper block of quartz one two three four and then two more or actually i should say just one block of

Quartz four more quart slams one two three four and then a block of quartz four more slams one two three four and then a block of quartz four more slams one two three four and here’s where it changes to block of quartz one two I want you to either leave a gap of four in the ground or dig one two three four and replace those using black concrete this is a significant part of the build right here this is the entrance to the multi story on the opposite end of your row of four

Place two block of quartz one two and then take a sideways view to everything that you have done We are now going to continue this by going right aka towards the back of the build by placing a block of quartz and then we want to do a five quart slabs one two three four five one block of quartz five slabs one two three four five and then a block of quartz

Here’s where things change a little bit we want to place a block of quartz coming inwards to the right extend to the right by five one two three four five and then place a block of quartz inwards or towards you to the right We then want to extend the block of quartz to the right by five using quartz slabs one two three four five and then place two block of quartz one two take a sideways view to what you have just made so it’s almost as if we’re looking back on ourselves

And place a block of quartz going right Dig four blocks into the ground or leave a gap of four one two three four and replace those with your rode material inside of the multi story i usually use dark grey for roads but because i use that in the construction of the build i’ve decided to make the

Actual road inside the multi story black concrete so you do you on the opposite end of the row of four we’re going to place two block of quartz one two four more quartz slabs one two three four one block of quartz four more slams one two three four one block of quartz

Four quart slams one block of quartz four quart slams one two three four and then two block of quartz four more slabs one two three four and then two block of quartz it’s easy to forget that each side is actually completely different from one another you don’t do the same on every

Single side we are now going to take a sideways view to what we have just made and we are going to begin by coming forward place a block of quartz on the ground in front of the last block you placed then place five quart slabs one two three four five

Place a block of quartz and i don’t think it would be detrimental to extend it inwards rather than diagonal and then extend across to the right by seven one two three four five six seven and then extend towards us that way we have the same thing that we have on that

Opposite side except we have the corners filled in which i’m just going to do retroactively now because i don’t think it will alter the structure of the build by doing so that’s what i was afraid of on the other side extending across from this most outward

Last block of quartz i want to place five quart slabs going right one two three four five and then place a quartz block now placed inwards i want you to place a gray concrete and extend it right to connect back to the front of the build additionally i want you to

Place a block of quartz on the outer part of the gray concrete that you just placed to make a reinforced looking corner shape additionally i want you to take all of the blocks of quartz that we have around the build and there are many of them and i want you to

Extend them one row into the build so if you go all the way around and you see that we have loads and loads and loads of blocks of quartz connected together with quartz slabs extend them all inwards this is important for the structure of the build and it’s going to help you a

Lot when we mark out key features of the build as well the end result should look like this what we also want to do from this point is we are going to extend up those quartz blocks we want to add 21 on top of every single one of them

One two three four five six seven 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 you want to add 21 on top of every quartz block only block of quartz not quartz slabs that you have all the way around the build

This is going to be a quite it’s going to be quite a time consuming process honestly it really is you don’t have to count out rows of 21 every single time no no don’t worry about that as long as you’re sure that that first row and i am hoping against

Hope that that first row was 21 and i’m not going out on a limb here then you can just go around the entire build systematically extending all of them up as high as the last you see what i did there you just extend up until it’s about as high and

Then use the previous rows to measure it up did i mention at the start of this video that this is going to be a long one this build whilst i think is very simple and easy to make is very tedious in the fact that it is long

There is a lot to do there’s lots of loads and little details there’s loads of little car parking spaces it’s quite tall there’s many flaws i hope that you guys are in this for the long run because this is in no means going to be

A slow to this is not going to be a fast tutorial i should say i almost contradicted myself this is going to be a nice long slog through the trenches of our city but i will say this this build will make an impression and a half in your city

It’s very modern it’s very big and it’s also very useful i don’t know about you guys but i myself i live in a town and we even have one of these it’s quite similar to this so if you live in a city you’re gonna find loads of these you may

Even find that you don’t only just want to build one of these whilst a lot of these do come in all sorts of different shapes and sizes and slightly different layouts quite a lot of them are actually very very similar to each other so if you did want to build multiples of

These and any big city would certainly have multiples of these then you could easily just change a little bit of color you could change the color palette we’ve went for a bit more of a modern build here haven’t we so it’s very possible that you might want to make an older looking one

I actually thought about that myself as i was building this i did consider that maybe i should make one out of more stone and grays but our city is actually somewhat modern by itself it’s actually a little bit of a mix if you look back through the city builds

Which i’m sure that you guys might have then we do actually have some nostalgic builds which have a bit more of a classic design but quite a lot of builds we have opted to go for a bit more of a modern style which is pretty cool i love modern builds anyway

I love the modern design and i don’t see why we can’t have a city that isn’t a bit of a mix as i mentioned myself i live in a bit of a town and whilst we do have especially in britain like there’s really really old buildings

Much more so than you might find in say like america you know america only goes back to what like the 1800s maybe 1700 something like that but there’s like really really old building buildings here and it’s weird to find a mix of like very very modern and very

Very old so that’s kind of the sort of style of city that you can kind of like put together with what i’m building and i don’t want to say that you know america isn’t old or anything like that i’m just saying that you know in different parts of the world like this

Really really really old stuff mixed with now seemingly like really modern things and just as i’m designing stuff it is sometimes difficult to find which i i actually want to do as i said this could easily be molded into a stone or it doesn’t even have to be stone but look could be

Like gray and gray concrete and could use i could have used some like cyan terracotta and stuff absolutely could turn this into something that is a bit older looking and that would also give a nice variation so even if you were to build this multiple times which again if

You’re building a bit big city you’re probably gonna find multiples of these i know that the city where i live must have i i don’t even know how many i have absolutely no idea so you could really build as as many as your as many as your

Fancy as many as your little thumbs would allow i know that mine are hurting right now because of all of this building but this is one of the harder things to do not hard necessarily in difficulty but it is just laying the foundation it’s not really as interesting as detailing all of the

Flaws but is 100 necessary in the full completion of our car park i should also mention when it comes to these side parts and you can see me doing this now where you have the rows of quartz that are all together these all have to be extended up

I would do it in rows like this left and right it’s probably a little bit faster than going up and down depending upon what version you’re up these parts are basically in case you’re curious these weird parts of quartz that don’t really seem to fit in anywhere

Else are where the cars go up and down so that’s why they’re enclosed because they have like literal road like going up this part actually goes down one side of the car park goes up it takes you up to all the different floors the other side takes you down

So that’s kind of like how these things work out i think i also have to extend this row inwards as well i didn’t do this earlier which is a bit of a mistake but that has to be extended inwards and i’m also going to do the same thing with this corner here

Because i just missed that off for some reason but the end result should be something that looks quite fantastic here we are that’s not too bad right that looks pretty good so you can kind of gauge how high this is it’s much higher than all of the builds surrounding us

The next thing that i want to do is i want to add the i’m going to call i’m going to sound like a robot i’m adding the human entrance so cars going that way they come out that way on the back but the human entrance as i’ll call it

Is here in the front left hand corner of the build we’re going to make this by placing on top of this the front left hand corner pillar of the car park you take the back right hand corner block and we place two grey concretes on top one two

We then extend to the right by five one two three four five and down however additionally we extend that corner block back by six one two three four five six and then we proceed to extend across and connect back to the front connect the corners down where you can

This side will quite obviously connect down like this however this corner will connect all the way down to the ground this is important we actually want to begin by once we have made this base shape of pretty much just like a big there we go of basically like a big tube

Of gray concrete we want to fill the sides in this is going to contain a staircase actually not just one it will contain many staircases these staircases will take you all the way from the bottom of the car park all the way up to the top and it will drop

You off on each individual floor as you go up i do believe that there are how many floors are there to this car park i think five including the base and the top i think i actually don’t know off the top of my head which is a bit silly i should know

But the fact of the matter is that this will drop you off absolutely anywhere you need to be and there’s quite a few car parking spaces on every single floor you’ll find that it’s it’s laid out quite nicely it’s quite easy to navigate and it’s very consistent from the bottom of the car

Park all the way up to the top the layout is similar the bottom at the bottom and the top are unique but the all of the flaws in between are actually very very similar to each other and when i say similar i mean identical because that’s the only way to make this

Thing you can’t really make a huge giant multi-story car park with all individual flaws that’d be a little bit crazy not only would it probably not work in like terms of like structuring the thing like you would you’d never be able to like recreate it it’d be so hard to make each

Individual floor although i’d feel free to try and do it if you like feel free to change everything if you do like when it comes to sealing up the front to give you a bit of context if i destroy these two blocks and place like blocker quartz here or whatever i’m

Going to place a double oak door here that’s the entrance to the car park so what i would then do is i would just build gray concrete around the doors notice that the gray concrete is sealed up in such a way that it is one row inwards

It’s all about depth that’s a lot of what where the detail comes from here it’s a lot of using some quartz slabs and using slabs in general and using depth to create a nice pleasing looking carpark once this is done we can move on to a little bit more of the structure so

That’s what we want to have so far so we have now made a way to get up and down all of the levels but i would like to add a little bit more structure before we start adding in any outer details i want you to come to

The entrance the car entrance to the car park it’s here where on the front we place the black concrete right well i want you to on the opposite side here i want you to take the bottom corner quartz block and place five quart slabs coming outwards one two three four five like that

I want you to place a block of quartz on the end of that row of five i want you to dig into the ground five blocks coming towards the back one two three four five you can even replace it with a black concrete if you

Like and then on the opposite end here i want you to place eight block of quartz coming towards the back of the car park one two three four five six seven eight i want you to then add another row of block of quartz on the inside of this

Row just to make it look a little bit chunkier I then want you to take the last two blocks on the inside of this row and extend them across to the left each by twenty one one two three four five six seven eight nine ten 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21

We are then going to double up on that row as we wanted to extend the last two blocks and then we want to extend these two blocks these last two towards us by six one two three four five six one two three four five six the end result of which should look like

This and just to point this out you should notice that on the left side these two double blocks line up with these blocks here on the back of the build the same can be said on this opposite side and you should find that the width

Of this area is equal to that of the left and right side where we have the solid rows of block of quartz what we’re now going to do is we’re going to take the double row on the left side and the double row on the right and we are going

To extend all of these blocks upwards until they are as high as all of the blocks of quartz that are up at the top of the build the reason that we are extending these rows and we may choose to later on do the same with the other rows although

It’s a little bit unlikely the reason that we are extending these rows in particular is because these will make up the way that we get up and down our car park we’re not too far off the point where we will actually be adding in these details

Once we have raised up all of these blocks of quartz that will be a lot of the structure of the carpark complete a lot of the important stuff once we have completed the important stuff we can move on to outside decoration and then we will work

Our way back in and we can work on each individual floor of the car bar this is going to be where a lot of our time is sunk into however well worth it once we eventually do get up to the end could you imagine if i made this car park bigger

If this car park was any bigger this tutorial would take like four hours that would be insane but we are only extending up the sides i want you to bear that in mind we could extend up the back row as well but the reason that we’re not extending up the

Back row is because the way that we have kind of laid out the car park and you can actually lay it out by having the back row upwards the way that we’ve laid out the car park is that it’s more so a series of pillars than walls inside

The car park you’ll be able to see that for yourself when we eventually do reach the point where we’re building it there are several modifications in fact that i will let you guys in on that you can choose to make or not make as we build the car apart

You don’t necessarily have to build things in the exact same manner that i build them in if you don’t think that it’s for the best uh it’s for the best design if you personally have a little bit of a a couple of designs design choices in mind that you think will

Improve your personal car park then you are more than welcome to make them i already suggested some color changes earlier now whilst i’m not bold enough to full-on make an entire of a car park that’s like just a different color i would absolutely urge you to if you

Wanted to do exactly that so so far you can see we’ve done a lot of structural design that’s looking quite impressive as a matter of fact now that we have indeed made all of these rows we’re going to focus on the outside the next few things that we’re doing are

Pretty much entirely only to make the car park look a little bit prettier so you may remember earlier we placed loads of quartz slabs around the base of the build i want you to place another row of quartz slabs however we’re going to mark

All of these rows out as there are a lot of them leave a gap of two entire quartz blocks above the row of quartz slabs that you have and you want to place another row of quartz slabs so you can see this is the first row you want to leave an

Entire two blocks gap if we come upwards you want to leave another entire two blocks gap but we’ve got to use this using halves so we have a half a rose gap here in this block an entire here so that’s one and a half and then we just need another half gap

And the quartz slab will be placed there now does that make sense you can see they’re the same exact gap here we just happen to have two solid hole blocks but here we have one half one half which is one and then another whole one so the gap is the same we want

To leave the same gap coming upwards and we want to place loads of quartz slabs so like above the second slab for instance we can leave two whole gaps place another slab and then we have to leave a half gap one whole block half gap place a slab

Two whole blocks place a slab half gap block half gap slab two whole blocks slab half gap slab or half gap full gap half gap slab right up at the top so you can see how that levels out all of those quartz slabs are the exact same distance away from each other it

Just so happens to pan out that the way that you’ve got to do in two whole blocks and then half half and one in the middle the importance of this is we now want to extend all of those slabs across and through the build so you want to go all the way around

Your build except for these long parts i actually don’t want them on where we have the long blocks of quartz we want to extend it all the way throughout the entire build in the exact same horizontal plane this is going to help mark out where all of the floors are so

Through here as well i’m not going to do it to where the entrance is either and then we have gotten to the front again and we’re just going to go around and around and around that’s all you have to do it’s quite a tedious thing as

Are most things when it comes to this particular build but absolutely necessary remember leave the big parts alone because it actually creates a little bit of a difference which is cool i like it when uh certain parts of the build they’re not all the exact same it’s hard to make

A build like this that isn’t like really really like samey like where it’s not just like insanely repetitive so i’ve taken details where i can and i’ve mixed things up where i can so it doesn’t just look the exact same of the entire build as a matter of fact that’s

Something that you’re going to find out when we move on to the next part after this however talking of design choices you are more than welcome to extend the quartz slabs across the parts that i don’t like so for instance we’ll be coming up to it soon you’re more than

Welcome to extend them across the quartz area you’re more than welcome to extend it across the gray concrete area i’m not but you can it also help you plan out the flaws inside of the actual like walkway although i’m i’m i’m not doing that as i mentioned i

Want things to look a specific way but if you kind of took a look at the build afterwards and you know that’s something that you might want to do after you’ve placed all of these quartz slabs you might want to just take a a nice long look and you might just be

Like hmm this would look a little bit better if you know you do something like that look a little bit better if i did this or maybe that or maybe the other so i would highly recommend that you do exactly that but as i mentioned the reason that we’re placing these

Quartz slabs not only are they good decoration and you’ll be able to see how they’re good decoration once we actually get to that point not only do they make it look a bit more car parky because i for some reason i mean when i think of car parks i have a

Very specific image in mind it’s basically like a tower kind of like this one that has just like loads and loads of floors it all looks the same kind of almost looks like a construction site but without the diggers you know uh and without the cranes and stuff so

That it’s kind of like exactly how i imagine it and that’s kind of like how i like to build builds as well i like to build them in such a way that it’s kind of like what’s the first thing that comes to mind when i think of this

And then that’s how i like to build something like what’s the stereotype when it comes to a build and that’s that’s exactly how i like to do things so like uh that’s that’s exactly what i’ve done with the car park the only difference is when i imagine a car park i actually

Kind of imagine like a grey stony one i don’t exactly imagine it in like a modern design for some reason i don’t know why maybe it’s because like the most closest one of these to me is kind of like a gray and dull and kind of old but uh

Yeah whatever kind of like comes to your mind is kind of what you should do as well so like if if you’re designing something like this and if for some reason like it has a big giant car logo on the front or something or if it’s uh

You know if it’s a slightly different structure i’m sure that you could easily alter this to make your own plans but you will find that we are almost at the top here in amongst me rambling on we have just about inadvertently reached the last rows of quartz slabs and this is going

To be quite cool to look at actually and once we have placed these quartz slabs we do have just a little bit of decoration to do with them and i’m going to show you uh what you can do to really make the car park the sides of it kind

Of like pop a little bit because the reason that we use quartz slabs at all instead of just using like four solid blocks is so that we can add some colors behind it so we can kind of like customize the color and we can take advantage of that lovely thing called depth

Which uh which we will be using throughout the entire build and we kind of have done already but yeah there we go doesn’t that look kind of impressive now that we’ve done that that looks insane i love it it kind of reminds me of like potato lattices

But yeah that’s that’s kind of like what we have that’s that’s exactly how it should look now once you have done that we now have the task of making it look a little bit better so going all the way around the base of our car park i want you to place gray

Concrete behind the quartz slabs areas so you don’t have to do it here on the internal part of the car park but like when it comes to the outsides that people are gonna see we want to have some grey concrete just behind the slabs make sure that you

Don’t cover up any of the entrances or exits or anything like that i’m sure that you wouldn’t do that by accident anyway but just to point it out like the concrete should just slot perfectly behind the slabs and you’ll see it now see now we the such a small change but

Such a big difference it really is so the next thing that we want to do ladies and gentlemen is this we want to kind of fill in the gaps a bit so how do we fill in the gaps you might be wondering to yourself well

We’re going to bump up to the next pair of quartz slabs so i want you to think of them as pairs like this is one pair and then the next set or another pair and so on and so forth i’m going to come all the way here and i want this specific pair

Of quartz slabs i want behind them gray concrete just like full on gray concrete right so the next layer up just full on gray concrete and this is actually in the middle of this is where a floor is going to be right we don’t want to cover up this double gap here

But instead above this i want to take the next level and i want to place two rows of block of quartz with then a row of gray concrete to signify that that’s the top of the floor so you can kind of see what we’ve got

Going on here we’ve got like a gap solid section of color gap solid section of color but a bit different than the previous level just so that it doesn’t look the exact same on every single level we want to do the same thing up above so

Up above here we’re gonna leave this gap and then above this we’re gonna have three solid rows of gray again like this and then we’re gonna leave a gap and then we’re gonna have the two rows of block of quartz with gray on top and the

Gray is just going to mark out where the top of the floor is just like this so you can kind of see how this is going to pan out right so obviously we have the ground floor here so that’s why we have the windowish sort of thing we have

Another floor here which is why we have the window another floor here window floor window you guys get the idea and now that we’ve done that to just one section of the car park of course we want to spread it all the way through the entire car park

Ah boy this is gonna be a long one all right let’s do it so we are going to take each one of the particular color sections and we are going to extend them through i’m going to start at the bottom here with the gray concrete i think that i’m just

Going to do it in this sort of manner here in which i kind of go back and forth and i’m just going to almost like you know how you like spread butter or something like on bread i’m gonna just going like back and forth here filling in the relevant colors now i’m only

Going to be focusing on this first half of the build right here right so that’s actually going to look quite good and just to give you a bit of an example of how that looks you can see it follows all the way through it looks really nice

We are going to be doing the same to the back but i just think it will be a bit easier if we do it like this if you work on just one row at a time focusing this much on the front of the build and then

We can go on to the back half of the build afterwards then we’re probably going to get this done a little bit faster and the fact that we’ll manage to fill in like one entire sign instead of like just going through horizontally the entire build all in one go i think that that

Will actually be quite good mentally i mean i don’t know how much building you guys have done in minecraft but if you’ve ever worked on really big long projects like these ones it’s the little things that help you get through it so if you complete a specific task that you

Are looking forward to finishing if you uh if you like do a particular floor or a level or if you fill one part in like just instead like trying to do everything at once and just focusing on little parts of each build in particular

Which is kind of how i like to build as well i kind of like to build in kind of like from one bullet point to another almost like you’re joining like uh joining lines you know how like uh like in coloring books and stuff like

How you can like join one two three four and like you make a load of lines i like to do that and then like fill it in like you know i kind of like uh i kind of like a little bit of a plan but yeah ladies and gentlemen that’s

What we have so far that’s looking pretty good isn’t it that’s really nice looking so you can see that’s entirely what we’ve done on the front that’s pretty much halfway filled in but we don’t stop there of course do we we come all the way to the back now and

We want to do the exact same thing on the back now in some ways this is a little bit harder and in other ways it’s almost a little bit easier because i think that there are less panels to fill in on the back i actually think that there’s a little bit

Fewer no there’s more no no there’s more oh well okay so the back’s actually a bit harder to fill in than than the front so on this particular occasion instead of us just like sticking to one area instead of just going to the front corner we’re

Just going to do the entire rest of it in one go so this is actually going to be a little bit trickier but really it’s just you’re following around and you’re applying the same pattern that you did to all of the other particular levels so

Uh up here we would do and you can take stock from the previous level so it’s two quarts and then it’s one gray and we want to do this going all the way through the entire level of the car park and as i mentioned before this is a huge

Part of the car park like this is a crazy big part of the car park like once this is done that’s pretty much most of the outside complete now don’t get me wrong we are going to be adding windows we will be adding in little bits of

Detail here and there like we’ll be adding um i don’t quite know what you call them you know like when you pull in somewhere like in a car and there’s like a barrier there we go there’s like a barrier on the front of the car park and also on

The back and you’ve got to like get a ticket or sometimes you’ve got to like put a ticket in and it’s always really really expensive but you pay it anyway because you you don’t really want to like park somewhere that’s cheap and free and you don’t want to risk traffic

Wardens coming and getting you well that’s kind of what we have on the front and back of here so we’re going to be adding these and i do want to mention as well i don’t think i’ve mentioned it at this point you don’t have to follow the same color

And filling in pattern that i have when it comes to each one of these individual levels of the car park you are more than welcome to use any different colors that you like you could even brighten the place up you could make it really modern you could use some really

Colorful concrete and stuff or even some more like slightly unpronounced like terracottas just so that it fades in a little bit more but you’re more than welcome to just make it all gray you’re more than welcome to make it all just like uh white concrete or even

Quartz as we’re using here you can change the color panels as i’ll call them to whatever you want really you know you’re more than welcome to absolutely do that but we’re going to be adding all of the quartz on here and we are almost at the

Top which i’m very happy about by the way very very happy about because this is like a huge part of the build done like as i said this is most of the outside it’s always so satisfying when you get to a point in the ball where it’s like ha ha

Most of that is done the last row of course is grey concrete i l i used gray concrete especially in the construction because i i just found that gray concrete on top of the quartz it kind of just helps to separate the floors a little bit better in your mind

So now we have something and it’s looking quite impressive and just make sure that we’ve done it properly all the way around it’d be so bad if we didn’t yeah there we go perfect so it’s it’s perfect all the way around there we go we’ve done it nice very very

Well done good job everybody that’s a huge part done what i am also going to do whilst we are up at the top and whilst we have been building up the top i’m going to recommend you fill the top of the tower in the gray tower with blue

Glass block because this will let some natural light into some of the staircase it’s also going to have loads of windows around the side as well i’d also recommend that you use some blue stained glass pane on top of the last row of quartz slabs

That we have up at the top of the bill this is just a little bit of a design choice this is just going to add another core up at the top of the build even if it’s just a little bit of color it just adds

Another color up at the top of the build like this and it just makes the it just makes it more interesting to look at honestly so you’ll see that that really does make quite a bit of difference as i said well done everybody now that we’ve done a huge amount of the outside

Of the build we can now happily move to the inside of the build where we are going to have so much more to do all right let’s do this so i figure we will work our way all the way from the bottom of the car park all

The way up to the top right that’s the plan anyway so come into the bottom of your car park and the first thing that we are going to do inside the car park is we are going to separate the middle of the car park where we’re going to be driving around

And where the spaces are so for instance where we have these five black concretes here i am going to extend these across all the way over to the other side so we have a five block gap between the front set of car parking spaces and the back set and that is how you’re

Able to drive into them so this is the gap this is like the lane in between the front and the back here now we have to make the car parking spaces so the car parking spaces are actually really easy to make because where you have the quartz blocks in between the gray concrete

Is where the spacers are so if you were to dig one two three four five six blocks coming outwards from every single block of quartz you’ll find that you actually have some good spacing you’ll find that you’ll be able to quite comfortably park a car on top of the bed of four

On top of the bed of four grass that’s in between or what will later be black concrete and you will be able to comfortably fit either a car or maybe even a bike or a couple of bikes in those spaces and you can see where those spaces come from

They come from the quartz pillars additionally we want to have these same spaces on the back so if you were to follow through with the white concrete towards where we have this back section here you’ll find that you have these same separations just in this little back area

So just like this right the only difference is on this side we have kind of like a pillar right here like we have a solid wall and we have the same on the opposite side too so the only difference being is these spaces are a little bit tighter on the

Left and the right for for you to get into but you can change that you’ll find that sometimes in car parks and stuff whether they be outside or inside that you’ll have spaces for specifically motorbikes to place oftentimes you’ll find them marked out a little bit with some either like yellow

Paint or maybe it’ll literally have like a picture of a bike or something inside there instead so if you wanted to you could make like these end spaces that would be tougher to get into you could make them bike specific spaces and not only is that a kind of a cool idea

Because you know practically it’s a little bit more close to what an actual car park would be like it adds a little bit of diversity to this build and speaking of diversity you’re more than welcome to on the ends of the car parking spaces you can create pillars if you like

Using your block of quartz you can create rows of free pillars coming up from the car parking spaces you could do this on both sides if you wanted to although i wouldn’t recommend doing it on both sides because again it’s all about variants so we can have

All of these pillars laid out exactly like this and that’s kind of like the long and short of how these spaces work down below you’re also more than welcome to kind of extend this block of quartz up here like one two just like this because i’m also going to place a little

Bit yellow carpet on here because this is where you drive in right and i don’t want you to be able to like straight up and just drive into the car parking spaces i like the idea that there’s a little bit of separation first so that’s why this row is here

But this is pretty much like the layout of every single level the only thing we’re missing is over here in this corner would also be a door so on every single level you’ll be able to walk out of this door like this and you’ll be able to walk straight into

Either a car parking space or you could you could even like leave this whole like you wouldn’t have to have a car parking space here necessarily um if you didn’t really want to like walk out onto it um out of this door here but you could absolutely do that or you could

Make it like kind of like a half space for like uh just like a single bike or something and then if you wanted to again this is all you know if you want to do this feel free to do this um this is like where you like a whole walking

Walking area that you could have so like that could be even perhaps for like bicycles and stuff if you wanted to attach a couple of iron bars and what have you but we’ll talk about that as things get later but that’s pretty much like the layout of most floors most floors are

Pretty much exactly like this one now you see that we’ve done this right now you can see that we’ve laid out like this bottom floor we’ve got a load of car parking spaces and stuff i want to add in the way that we get up to the next floor

So we need black concrete for this on the right side of the build where we have these two rows of quartz blocks this is how we always get up the car park the opposite side is where we always get down this always goes up that side always goes down easy to remember

So what we have to do in between these two rows of quartz here we just have to place two black concrete coming upwards diagonally from the ground because of course this is where the road is this is this is where you’re going to be driving right

So this is where the road we’re on nice flat ground here we want to have a row of two block black concrete and another row of two and another row of two and another row of two and the next row of two will be higher as well but this is where the ground

Level will be by ground level i mean this is where you will be driving around so this is where the next set of car parking spaces will be if this makes sense so the car park you’ll find that on each level you have one block

Like in front of you so you can’t like just straight up walk off of the car park you have to like it’s it’s one block higher and this is where the floors are so like the floors will be here for instance and on this next level you can

See this middle road this is where a floor will be and this middle road this is where a floor will be and it even works with the top as well this is where the floor will be up at the top just like this you can see where each

Individual floor will be it’s the same everywhere and we’re going to want to extend the way up and down we’re going to want to extend this across most of my vehicles are about four blocks thick hence the reasoning with why my roads are about four blocks thick as well

So we’re good so now you’ll be able to see as you drive in the car park you can park in this left side here on the ground floor or you can work your way up to the next floor up here and i also want to come around to the

Other side here so this side right this side here and again this is where the road will be this is where you’re going to be driving it’s right in the middle here this is where the actual road will be you’ll find that that sinks up nicely

Like if we extend from here all the way over here you’ll find that this is where the road is right it’s important to find that because this is where we start going down so on this opposite side remember always goes up always goes down so here we want to take these two blocks

Underneath the road here two two two two and then we’re in the ground it’s as easy as that so again it’s the same setup on every single level that one side always goes up one side always goes down and as a matter of fact

This is how you get out the car park too so i’m going to extend all of these black concretes across here this is the best way that i found of doing it i know that uh some other car parks have different light setups where like you have different like you have a

Way to get up and down like in the middle for instance uh but i found that it’s just easier just to have one side going up on one side going down this does mean however that to get out of the car park like let’s say you park down

Here on the ground floor you do have to go up a level to come back down to get out but i i don’t think that that’s too bad uh i’m going to re-floor the area now so okay the entire ground level i’m going to rip up the grass and i’m going

To replace it with black concrete now i don’t know whether i’m going to include me doing this on every single part of the car park because this is a long tutorial already but a lot of this tutorial is just like filling things in quite mindlessly so we’ll see how

Things go on with all of the other flaws we’ll see how long these things take as to whether or not like uh whether or not i show this on every single and part of the tutorial but this is the ground level here by the way

Is where uh i i kind of want to have like a pain machine so i’m not actually going to fill that part in just yet and i don’t really want to make the pain machines and stuff just yet either because that’s like a detail that i want to add right at the end

So i’m just going to knock out all these car parking spaces i’m going to fill them all in with black concrete i do also want to point out that you should probably put some cars and stuff in here just in case it wasn’t obvious like if

You have some car designs in mind if you have like a particular vehicle that you like to make if you have a design in mind i’d highly recommend making some and putting some in some of the spaces if they all fit i’m i think i’m actually

Gonna do a video for myself uh where i show you guys how to make a few different types of cars and stuff to fill in a city because i find that i make loads and loads of fast food restaurants and stuff i find that i make loads of different places i give them

Car parks and then there’s never anything in them because i don’t build cars really however i do have some designs that i do like to use actually so it’s it’s not as if like uh i just don’t know what to put in them i just i

Never end up petting any vehicles or or anything crazy in them at all so i i’m more than happy to if if this tutorial does well if you guys enjoy this if you think it’d be a good idea i’d be more than happy to make some cards uh more

Than happy to i have a few designs that i like to use like i have like a regular car like it’s kind of very very simple it’s like a standard car that it takes like literally two minutes to make and you can drop it into anywhere like it’s

So fast to build it’s perfect for just like simple design i have one that’s a bit more complicated it’s a bit sporty i have one that’s like almost like a four by four like uh what do you american i do you call them i don’t know

No i i guess it’s just like a bigger car i don’t know exactly what to call it it’s kind of like you know like a land rover or like you know like a range rover or something like it’s quite a a big car um yeah anyway we filled in most of the

Floor on the ground level i am also going to re-floor the floor at the back here so this is where you would get out and there’s also going to be a pain machine here as well on the ground level behind where the stairs are i have two

Pain machines almost always when you go into a car park as a matter of fact i’ve not really been in one way you don’t have to you have to pay you usually have to buy a ticket especially in a multi-story car park typically the way that the system works is that as you

Enter the car park you push the button next to the barrier it’s attached to it and it will spit out a ticket so once you have that ticket it scans your license plate or your number plate and it knows how long you’ve been there it knows when you got there and you pay

The ticket at the end once you’ve paid the ticket at the end typically speaking you don’t even have to chuck the ticket in the machine as you leave it’ll have already scanned your number plate it’ll know that you’re leaving it’ll know whether you’ve paid or not and then it actually lets you out

If you have indeed paid so that is what we’re going to be making um probably over here over there and uh on the back as well but we’ll be doing that later but ladies and gentlemen once we have re-floored the base of our car park and doesn’t that look pretty good that

Doesn’t look bad at all once we’ve re-floored the base of our car park we have to figure out where the ceiling is going to be it’s quite easy i want to have a ceiling underneath the black concrete that is going to be the next level of the car park now the ceiling sits

On the first row that we have just up above us so we’ve got this two block gap and the ceiling sits on the first row and then the road sits above it it really is as easy as that i’m using block of quartz for the ceiling now why

Am i using blocker quartz you could also use quartz slabs by the way because that would give you even a little bit more headspace anyway i’m using blocker quartz because they’re easier to place but the reason that i’m using block of quartz as a color number one for the

Reason that i’m using white is because it’s very dark in here and there’s not really a block that you can use that is any more bright than white over unless you’re using like sea lanterns or glowstone or you know unless you’re using something like that like you’re really not going to get a

Brighter material than white it contrasts really nicely like we’ve got a black floor maybe using grey whatever it is it’s probably a darker material that you’re driving on white will contrast against it so so so so well like really really well and we’re going to just apply this to

The entire ceiling at the base of our car park now the only thing that i want to do as well by the way is i want to mark out like this wall back here right this double wall i kind of want to extend this upwards

The same way that we did the pillar so i kind of want this to be as high as where the quartz block is going to be like for the ceiling so this is actually going to create a wall between the front and back of our car park like this

We’re going to create this wall and it’s going to be as high as where we’re adding the ceiling in and that’s going to kind of like seal and separate the front and the back of the car park the exit and the entrance so nobody got confused and then that way like as you

Come in like perfect we’ve just got a nice solid wall like that but what’s important is you remember the location of this wall a little bit because i want to raise up this part of the back wall like this part of the wall here like where

The car parking spaces go to i want to have a wall from here coming all the way across the back so i actually want to have a wall right here and i kind of almost sort of want to extend the wall forwards so there is in line with the quartz block

As well so now the reason that this wall exists is because not only is it providing a bit of separation as you drive in from where we have all these car parking spaces and the way that we get up and all of that but the way that we get down

We come down this way we come around and we go down like that’s how it goes you go in a loop and a loop in a loop so we’re keeping this separated so that it’s very clear where you go up and down the car park so this wall right

Here you can even make it one row higher if you like it can be one row higher than the actual uh driving around area which is where the black concrete is but now that that’s marked out we can continue to fill in the floor at the top or actually it’s

The ceiling the ceiling at the top of our ground floor i think that once we’ve got this floor done and once we’ve got the next floor done you guys will kind of like get how this place flows together so now you can see this is the base of our car park this is

An entire level done we’ll add some more details later on but pretty much marked out this is how it is all done so when we would come up to the next floor here as you can see it’s a bit of a mess but what do we want to do well first of

All we’re just going to have to add the ceiling on the back part of the car park as well we need to have the ceiling so that we can have the road just up above us so this is in the exact same place as it was on just the opposite side of the

Build there it just follows through and you don’t really have to think about it too much like it’s it’s obvious where you place it it’s obvious where you don’t place it i don’t think you’ll have too much trouble in in figuring out where the ceiling goes you might run

Into what this last little row here is a little bit tricky itself just like managing to seal up properly i hope we’ve not left any gaps we haven’t so again like this is where you would come out and you turn out there and then you’re out the car park but this this is

Floor number one if that’s the ground level i was this is floor number one so you have a couple of different options here so if you like you can just straight up fill in all of the floor with black concrete and then add car parking spaces later that might be

Something that you find easier to do i’m going to do that i think i think i’m going to add in all this black concrete here and then i’m going to figure out exactly how i kind of like want to mark things out afterwards it’s also important to remember that of

Course we have to think about how we’re going to be getting up and down from the other level so once you’ve added in all of the black concrete we will then be able to add in the road that is going to take us both up and down very very

Important indeed as a matter of fact most of the time designing this tutorial was spent figuring out exactly how the layout is actually gonna work i i spent way too much time way more time than i want to actually admit to figuring out a simple way just

To get up and down like the layout was actually like kind of kind of tricky to figure out it really was like i actually wanted a much more complicated system when all i really needed was one side goes up and one side goes down and there’s not really too much else to it

You know but uh we’re going to place loads and loads of black concrete this is going to be the entire floor and then once the floor is done we can quite easily just kind of figure out from here oh do we want to add pillars here do we

Not want that pillars here do we want to add a bike a bike area here do we want to uh kind of like expand out on where the pedestrians are going to be do we want to add a little bit of road there you know plenty of options and stuff once we have

Actually just laid out all of this road so just like this okay so now that all of this black concrete has been added i’m gonna add in the roads so this is the uppy road this one goes up it’s just rows of two diagonally coming up to the next floor

With the final row of course being higher than the last and that will be where the floor continues on to so you guys remember that right you remember that you continue expanding up the expanding of the road until literally like you come off of the block

Of quartz and then you start on to the uh the next level of your multi-story car park the roads want to be four rows wide which means that they will connect from one wall to another i didn’t really want any unnecessary space as it really is a one-way system so

That’s how you get up how do you get down well you start from this side and you get down and you can build it in the same way you can take this floor here and you can just connect it using rows of two like this up until you get to this point which

Will be just floating um just kind of like floating in the air and that’s that that’s all there is to it and then that sets you up for the next set of floors as well which is quite good so i quite like building it like this where it kind

Of like sets you up for the next one and the next one and the next one so on and so forth until we eventually reach the top i think we’ll know when we reach the top because it’s nice and bright up there so now that we have created a floor coming

Up and a floor going down all we have to do is mark out car parking spaces and again this right here this where this uh this grey concrete is this is where a door is gonna be so i’m just gonna mark that out right now i’m probably going to add a couple of

Rows of white concrete it’s probably going to change as well i’ll probably end up using like smooth stone or something um i’m just using this to mark out like where pedestrians are going to be like this is where people are gonna be walking out onto this part there’ll be a ticket

Machine here or two actually i want car parking spaces coming out from every quartz pillar and they’re about six blocks left in length like one two three four five six and i like the separation of them to be white concrete because it’s different from and i’m

Gonna turn this way so i can just copy off the previous row and the reason that i like to use white concrete in the separation rather than the quartz even though quartz is like almost like a nicer white i feel um is because it is different from the quartz like i like to

Use different materials so you can see how we’ve got the car parking spaces marked out here i want the same car parking spaces coming out from this wall and i want them the same length of the wall as well so like just on this opposite side here

I think it’s quite nice just to have a couple more spacers and again if you like you can make some of them bike spaces you can make some of them uh you know what just smaller or larger car parking spaces in general but that’s kind of like how i like to have it

I don’t mind the idea of flaring up these quartz blocks to turn them in turn it into a bit more of like a pillar as kind of like a structural thing you can even do the same thing in between where the car parking spaces are like this

Right so like this is this is where the car parking spaces are and then the ceiling would be directly above them so it almost almost looks as though it’s paramount to the car parking car the car parked structural integrity that we have these it almost looks that way

If you do choose to kind of like pillarize some of these and again there’s about three rows gap in between here and the and the top so like th the top there that is uh that’s the ceiling that’s where that will be we can install lights in there and all of that

That’s where the ceiling is going to be and then we’re going to directly put the roof on top so as long as you make sure that you don’t you know you don’t shortchange yourself and add in a ceiling that’s too low you should be all right

Uh if you want in the corner here like you can add like another bike car parking space you can add a bike car parking space uh just or a bike parking space it won’t be a bike car parking space and then people can leave like motorbikes here and kind

Of like a nice sort of like elongated car parking space uh just so that it’s just a little bit different it kind of shakes things up a bit you’re more than welcome to add pillars to this side of the car park too but i don’t like it i like it on just

One side because it shows a contrast that way now once you’ve actually done that like all you’ve got to do like this that we’ve got down we’ve got a way to get up here we’ve got our car parking spaces mapped out let’s move on to the next level it’s

Really is as easy as that so the next level i’m going to begin by extending up this back wall again here we have to extend it by two so like one two and also one two so that back wall is quite important i’m going to add the quartz roof in and

Then i’ll add all of the black concrete in so the quartz roof obviously you guys know where it is it’s a gap of free if you look at the side of your car it’s the first row of where we have the free rows of detail of paneling

As we go all the way around and this next level is going to be the last level that we have to make before we get up to the top of our car park so we have all the quartz in here we’re gonna have the quartz extended

Across here as well it’s it’s an entire roof is why it is it’s just an entire built up roof it’s all block of quartz i would urge you if you have the patience i do not i so wish i did if you have the patience use

Quartz slab you will get a little bit more out of the ceiling you really will and it might it might look a bit better as you do add the cars in as you add bikes in some cars you’re gonna find are quite big some cars may even touch the ceiling depending on

How big you build them it it really i mean in the grand scheme of things it doesn’t matter because you can’t drive them so you can just place cars specifically inside of this build that you know that are just fit for this build so i.e they’re about two maybe two and a half

Blocks with carpet at all but you’re gonna want to add maybe a little bit of variance or maybe you won’t but that’s all i’m gonna recommend if you are planning on putting loads of different styles of cars in here you might want to make the ceiling quartz

Slab but you can see another successful level complete guys were doing really well let’s move up to this level right here i think we do we have oh oh we have two we have two more levels to do before the roof oh oh wow okay so now the rope on to this level

The first thing that i’m gonna do again is i’m gonna lay the black concrete floor these levels don’t seem to be taking as long though and as you become more and more proficient at it once you do it more and more and more you’ll find that this time really does fly by

I guess i really did make a car park with five levels so again you’re more than welcome to add the lines in as you go along but i find it easiest i i like to do it this way i have no idea why i like to put the entire black concrete floor in

Then i like to add in the up and down and then i like to add in the car parking spaces once we’ve done the roof once that’s all been done we’ll work on to the way that we get up and down walking as in like we’ll add in all of the stairs

Then we’re gonna add in individual details to the each level so we’ll i’ll show you how to put the parking meters in i’ll show you where they go where you might want to do them i’ll show you the outside barriers and that’s pretty much all there is to it

After that actually i’m sounding as though like it keeps going and going and going there is an end to this build don’t worry but that’s that a lot of what you a lot of what we have to do now is just adding rows of rows and rows of black concrete and quartz block

That’s probably what we have spent most of this entire video doing actually but it’s perfectly fine i kind of want to hang in there with you guys and i want to do it with you i could easily just cut this off and say just keep doing the

Same thing over and over again i feel as though that i kind of want to chat to you guys and i kind of want to i kind of want to continue on so now that we’ve installed the entire black floor we’re going to do the up and the down again

So the up is of course on the right side and this is two rows of two or yeah okay it’s rows and rows and rows of two coming up this column here and it eventually ends up here you guys know the drill by now so it’s a

Little bit faster i guess if i tutorial it this way i’m sorry if that’s a little bit fast but on the right side where you go up it’s the same thing every time two diagonal two diagonal two diagonal you’ll eventually come off the quartz block and you will be where the new

Floor is and that’s all there is to it and that’s how you make the new floors that’s how you avoid hitting your head and stuff as you travel up and down you’re uh as you travel up and down your car park i actually wish minecraft had

Cars i know that you can mod cars and i know that you can mod bikes and uh i i’ve seen people like mod quads and stuff quad bikes it’d be pretty cool if in standard version of minecraft you could make a car that’d be pretty crazy but yeah that’s the up down

You can see that we can now get up and we now have to uh make the down part so we come to the opposite side and we pretty much it’s just in the reverse way we do the down and that that’s all there is to it like

It’s it’s just a nice flower balance between up and down i love how it marks out the next floor because that’s really really helpful too like in visualization as you kind of like building around like our wood where do we even go from here it’s like oh we obviously go there

Because that’s where the black concrete is and uh we can just kind of like uh follow our way through so all the black concrete here that’s looking pretty good but now we’re gonna drop down to this level so now that we have our opener down we’ve got all of the black concrete

I’m going to add the doorway here which will take us into this uh this stairwell that’s the word for isn’t it’s a stairwell and i might you know what i’m going to use quartz blocks for this part instead of white concrete because it’s different i’m going to use quartz blocks two rows

Of quartz block coming out this door and then i’m just gonna have like uh i’m just gonna have some yellow carpet just marked out as kind of like this is where you can park a bike i’m gonna have an equal in length car parking spot on the opposite end here

And i’m gonna have loads of car parking spots traveling across this side of the car park here and then i’m gonna have like a nice big uh motorbike area here too i might even change like where i’ve designated like a car parking space i might even put bikes as in

Bicycles that you would pedal i might add a place to put those instead although that’s that’s a little bit more uncommon but not in cities actually sometimes you do see bikes and car parks which is weird i also want to add two parking spaces inside this part here where we kind of

Have this walled off area so like one here and then one here just like that and that’s all there is to it what we can then do is add in pillars one two three blocks high one everywhere but where i want to one two three blocks that’s three blocks high we can even

Extend this corner up as well in this corner and this corner and then we can add the ceiling above it because of course the ceiling is above where we have the free block gap again if you have the time and the patience to even do some of the sealing in quartz slab you

Might find a benefit because the cars that i’m going to be making are about two and a half blocks high most of them so you’re almost going to touch the ceiling with them but again is that’s up to you but i’m going to add in the entire

Entire ceiling i kind of like doing this part first i don’t know why i kind of like doing this side first and then we can move up to the second to last level the penultimate level the penultimate when somebody says that the penultimate of something basically just means the next to last one

I did not learn that until sort of recently i thought i’d pass on the knowledge you ever hear words like when somebody says like the former and the latter of something and you’re just like yes yes i understand what you’re saying and then you’re like what does what does latter

Even mean that kind of sounds like a fish and then you’d like finally learn what something needs and then you start using it all the time that’s kind of this situation so we’ve made just about another level and again something i kind of want to point out actually i guess i haven’t pointed

It out to this point at this point because i kind of thought that the car park was big enough as it’s as it is you can extend the car park to make it taller now that we have added all of our quartz blocks by the way we’ve pretty much uh

Nailed out this uh this part of the car park yeah that’s looking pretty good um we’re of course going to work up to the next level but you have the tools to make pretty much every single level that you want you just have to keep extending the

Outsides of the car park upwards like if you wanted to make another floor i’m sure that you guys would be able to do it with quite a bit of ease oh i guess i didn’t add it down i didn’t know that ah i thought i finished the

Roof silly me but you could absolutely make another floor with ease like you could keep going and going and going i don’t know why but i like odd numbers it’s i i guess it’s just something odd about me i like odd numbers especially when it comes to building because usually

Like odd numbers are good places to like put doors in and windows and stuff and they look really nice like if you’ve got a house that’s about three blocks wide then you can put a door right in the middle same with five blocks wide or you

Can put it in one of the uh multiplications of free like it’s it’s quite easy to place stuff when you build houses and buildings in odd numbers and for whatever reason that seems to have carried over and by the way we’re on a new floor here that seems to have

Carried over with levels of flaws that’s why there’s five of them in total i think psychology eh funny thing so now that we have added the floor of course what are we gonna do we’re gonna start off by doing the same thing that we do every time which is adding in the

Black concrete the black concrete is the foundation here you might think the floor is foundation and you’re right but the black concrete is also foundation the black concrete is foundation in the fact that once we add in an entire flatbed of this it will allow us to put in what

Will be i think they’ll be the final up and down parts which is cool i quite like doing the last of things as i mentioned earlier in this tutorial it’s kind of it’s cool to have like tasks that are the last of something does that make sense

I think it does like when it’s like just like finishing a project when you finish something like let’s say that you’re writing an essay or something it’s like finishing a paragraph it’s very satisfying i really like it but once we have placed all of this black concrete we’re going to do the up

And down then we’ll pro what do we do after the up and down i think that we then add all the details and then we’ll actually add the top floor at the car park which is so crazy to think about the top floor is unique as well so we’re actually going

To have to put a little bit more work into that too the top floor is a little bit unique because of course we don’t have all of the stipulations that we do with all the other lower parts of the car park we had to keep every single floor the

Same as to keep continuity as to be able to actually create a structure in which that we can actually have like a nice functional car park but the top of the car park we can do what we want helicopters up there if we want to there’s enough room for a plane

Depending on the size of the plane of course i mean i don’t know much about planes but we’ll probably put one up there if we wanted to grand theft auto style now that we have placed all of the black concrete flooring we’re of course going to do the up and

The down i always start with up for some reason one of my favorite movies although quite sad we’re going to place rows of 2 black concrete coming up up the side of the two sandwiched together parts of quartz block until we eventually hang off and we will find

That this is the perfect position to have the next level of the floor you can see we actually already predicted this kind of like the mayans a little bit earlier predicting skills uh we want to have the entire width of the thing filled in the road wants to span the difference

Between the two rows of the quartz blocks that we have on the left and the right of us like this that’s perfect that is the final one and then we come all the way over to this side and we do the same thing so except on this side i i guess

I i can’t i’ll start from the bottom so two two two two two two is what ballerinas were and we want to just there we go we just want to add in this floor and then we’re going to span the difference that’ll be the last down part and then

I’ll celebrate by singing a lengthy song probably five to six minutes in total it’s mostly going to be humming because my voice is terrible but i’m sure that we’ll be both be able to get through it and then we can continue on in the tutorial i’m joking of course but once we have

Added in both sets of the up and down parts very very satisfying to look at you might realize that we didn’t actually carry over the block of quartz from the previous level up to this level the block of quartz being this part so we’re going to so you remember down below

If we come down here remember how we kind of extended this wall upwards yeah we kind of forgot to do that so i’m just gonna take this corner of the wall i found where it is and i’m just gonna bump this up one there we go perfect and

Now we can now we can continue on perfect we we forgot to extend the wall upwards which uh which is a bit of a shame maybe we should have just done all of that like at the start of the video but again like you guys can make this in any

Particular way that you want but i’m i’m kind of sticking to the fact of i’m making it like all of the previous levels every single one of them so that means having this separation wall here so you can come down and you can roll around i want to have a couple of car

Parking spaces in here as well and i know that i’m uh i’m kind of like uh throwing the order out of the window i guess it’s because i’ve done it so many times now and i wonder if you guys are feeling the same sort of way that now i

Can just kind of do whatever part we’re just sort of in i’m going to make the doorway here the doorway goes right here of course same place every time and then it’s you’re gonna well we’ll make that later i’m gonna have two rows of block of

Quartz just coming out in front of this particular part just so that you can put machines here and i’m gonna have like a bike parking space motorbike parking space i should say bikes and motorbikes are different there we go and then we want to have

The edge of a car parking space which is the same width as all of the yellow carpet and also incidentally the same width as the grey concrete earlier as well and we’re just going to add in these car parking spaces and we’ll be able to have a nice big jumbo space after we’ve

Placed this last one right here and then we can just have like a big jumbo space using yellow carpet which should look quite good so this is where i mean you could you could build in the yellow concrete instead of using yellow carpet depending if something’s here you could like build yellow concrete

Into the actual floor and then you can place like bikes on top but that’s kind of like up to you um guys we’ve kind of like done the second last level without even sort of trying like this is all of the detail that exists

All we now have to do is we just have to extend up this wall again i think that the wall is present on the top i actually don’t even know um do we have the wall yeah we have the wall on the top as well so like once you’ve finished this level

I’m gonna connect all of this part together here where we have this wall i’m gonna extend it up by two rows so this is to be one row the outside of it and then two rows just the outside of it like this gonna extend it up like that

And then we’re gonna add in the ceiling so you guys know where the ceiling goes one two three the fourth row is where the quartz block ceiling goes and we’re gonna we’re actually going to tackle this in the same sort of manner that we tackled all of the other sorts

Of levels because the top of the build actually isn’t insanely different than the rest of the build like the layout isn’t so different at all because we still need our up and down we still have our walking up and down part and we still have the wall so it

Actually gives us loads of structure it does just so happen that the top of the build is a lot more open and i’ve actually designed it to have lots lots more opportunity for like bikes and stuff and different sorts of vehicles up here like uh well you’ll be able to see

When we get to the point but uh you’ll be able to see that it’s a lot more open and i mean i could even make it a little bit more open than i have it and you can alter it to kind of like make it to your own specifications like if if you’re

Kind of wanting to put a tank up here kind of again kind of like grand theft auto style if you want to put like a tank or a helicopter up here just for the fun of it because that’s the kind of things we do on this channel for the for the actual

Just for the lulls of it then you could more than happy just like put straight up just put a tank up here or like like a helicopter or just a weird vehicle maybe like the batmobile in which case you’re probably going to want to mess

Around with the layout as we go up to the top but i’ll uh i’ll make suggestions on where you can make changes to that as we do actually get to the point i’m so happy that we’ve actually reached this point by the way i’m very very happy about all this so um

Yeah we don’t really have to place any more blocker quartz there because that would actually obstruct us we’re going to place block of quartz here yeah i actually thought i i got it wrong there no the block of quartz is sat perfectly underneath the black concrete thank you

Thank you math and then we can place all this here i don’t want to leave any gaps yeah we don’t have any gaps on this side at all so like if we oh and also we can have pillars here as well can’t we just kind of like hold up the car park i

Forgot about that part i mean it’s not even essential but it isn’t it kind of nice to have like one like kind of closed off kind of structural part of the car park and then kind of like just one uh like nice and open part i i

Personally think so uh and then we’re gonna just gonna add in the ceiling here all the way here here and here and also gonna add a little bit of ceiling back across here as well perfecto the greatest car park that anybody has ever seen the largest most modern probably not the

Largest most modern car park is anybody has ever built and it’s you you’re the one that’s built it let’s see here um we’ve just got a little bit more yeah it gets tricky around this part here because we kind of don’t really want to add maybe what we can do is by

The way so this is what kind of what we’re working with right now right this this is kind of what we’re working with let’s add in all of the black concrete and then we can kind of figure out what we’re going to do from here so

Let’s add in all of the black concrete for the roof and then we can figure out where car parking space is going to be and we can figure out how to deal with my tv trying to turn itself off at the most inopportune moment uh we can kind of figure out where we

Want to add in some barriers and stuff so yeah like we’re probably gonna i can already see this now this is gonna be a problem if we don’t add a wall here there needs to be a wall there that is important i want this wall to persist here

I kind of like the idea of like having maybe like a a little bit of glass in this wall sort of kinda i kind of like that and i’m i’m gonna finish adding all the black concrete i’m getting distracted here yeah i kind of like the idea of

Keeping it sort of consistent like it’s fun to have something that’s completely different all the way up at the top here but it’s kind of cool to have something that’s like you know it’s consistent throughout the entire build it’s kind of nice to see like oh this

Wall up here this also down there and down there and down there it’s like i kind of know my way around the top of here you know maybe maybe not maybe that’s just me maybe i’m just a little bit weird who knows but i’m going to continue adding on all this black concrete

And then we can figure out the layer we have to add in a door as well that’s important because we’ve got the stairwell still was quite creepy you have been in one of the stairwells like a car park or maybe like just a really tall building or something creepy

Like all of the sound carries up and down it all like whispers up and down like it’s all kind of creepy like you get like echoes and stuff and not only that like it’s usually kind of cold in them i don’t know why and also i’ve seen too many horror movies i

Also always expect something to be and i i don’t mean someone i expect some thing to be in there i have no idea why it’s horror movies i don’t i don’t know why i do it to myself i also want to close up this wall here i want to add quartz block to

This wall so kind of what we’re working with and it’s quite a fancy looking area now that i kind of take a look at this thing right this is what the top of the car park looks like i’m going to add in the same door that we’ve had on every single level that

Goes right here i don’t want to argue with that i’m going to add two rows of block of quartz in front of it because again we’ve done it on every single of a previous level it’d be a shame to change it now i also want to have the bike parking

Space despite the fact there’s loads of those up on this particular level otherwise it’d be kind of hard to park you’ll see what i mean in a bit i want to have the same spaces kind of as i have down below i kind of want it

To be laid out the same way but you will see that there’s there are a couple of parts because we don’t need the going downy bit to be above as you’ll see that there is actually quite a bit of empty space so to so to say so we have

These car parking spaces which is cool and we want the same ones uh there i got the wrong block we want the same ones here just inside of this little crevice and we want the same one here as well what do we have yeah that’s looking pretty good right so

That’s that’s really good i mean honestly this that’s enough car parking space you we don’t even have to like alter that like this is a full-on space you can get in and out of so i’m not even tempted to do that but what we could do

Is along this back wall you could have multiple like bike car bike parking spaces so maybe like one two three knock them out play some uh white concrete one two three knock it out place white concrete one two three knock it out so on and so forth have loads and loads of

Bike parking spaces up here just just cause so like here and i’m going to just place that same sort of chris cross pattern not to be confused with the wrapper jump jump around that criss-cross pattern that we have uh just pretty much everywhere uh so here

Do i do it in the next one as well no no i don’t so this is this is kind of what i have so far but uh all the stuff that i was talking about earlier where i was like oh you could uh if you wanted to you could have

Blah blah blah here and blah blah blah here like all you have to do if you want to have a massive wide open space is take out this wall like if you knocked out this wall completely you could have like just oh something really really

Massive in the middle of the top of this place like you could have something really huge that that would look absolutely insane um this back part here i kind of i don’t know what to do with this might just also be like a bike parking space maybe

Uh that that looks fine maybe even for a little bit larger bikes that looks that looks perfectly okay so ladies and gentlemen i cannot believe this we’ve made all of the flaws of our car park well done that is insane that we’ve been able to do that that is absolutely crazy

We’re not done though the next thing we have to do is we have to install stairs leading all the way up to every floor so to make the stairs all we’re really going to need let’s get rid of all these we’re going to need a bit of glass later

On we’re going to need a little bit of quartz stairs and some blocker quartz you might also find that you want to light up each level so you know get get some sort of material to light up the levels if you like let’s start from the bottom and work our way upwards so

All the way down on the ground floor i’m going to replace the grass and i’m going to replace it using block of claws additionally i’m going to replace this here all this uh white concrete block i’m going to replace this with block of quartz not only does this kind of work

Out quite nicely because it leads into the uh every floor it is also just like a better contrast material i should get my door back out i kind of didn’t really want to there we go i’m so sorry door i hope you forgive me so now that we’ve kind of like got this

Figured out we have to have stairs leading up to here it’s not too bad to do if you start in the front left corner here and you place a stair in front of you and then one coming up one coming up quartz blocking the corner and then a stair up up

You will find that it sits so wonderfully inside of the corner area to which you can then add a floor made out of quartz block and you’re just going to want to leave a shape like i think can we get up and down no so you’re going to want to leave a

Shape of a floor like this you can place a little bit of blue glass around it to stop you falling off and then you start the next floor so the stairs would be here here here in the corner block of quartz in the corner here here like a quartz

Like that right it’s repetitive it’s the same thing going out going up every time it’s a simple set of stairs to make really really easy and it actually it looks quite good i think and it contrasts against all of the other materials so you’d use some glass pane here and then you’d

Start the next set of stairs just like this so here here here here here block of quartz and then you add in the floor you know what to do you leave a free block gap here then you add in a little bit of glass

Pane and then you do it again i don’t is this the last one yes perfect this is the last set of stairs it should be quite apparent because you will be able to go no higher uh you’re not really going to reach a point in which you’re like do i do i go

Any higher or not no you’ll figure it out you’ll be able to see so we don’t actually need i could go down these levels like it’s not even that dark in here you’re more than welcome to by the way add in upside down stairs and stuff

If you want to make the stairs look a bit fancier i don’t think it impedes your ability to get up and down no it doesn’t so you’re more than welcome to do that you’re more than welcome to add lights on every single level if you want just next to the doors

If you so choose if you’re interested in kind of like keeping keeping it real uh you’re more than welcome to add like let’s say okay so let’s let’s come down here right let’s start at the bottom everything starts from the bottom and we work our way up with like smoke or fire

Or something so come all the way down to the bottom right and next to this door you might want to put like uh g floor or like you’d put floor g or something like that right then maybe you’ve got your your light next to it or above it

And then if you want to mark it out oh and by the way also if you want painting oh no next to this door floor one sounds like an elevator floor one oh my god no no no no no no no no no no no no

Uh and then okay again like you can keep going up and up and up and you can mark out all of these if you like i’ll do that at the end myself i’ll mark all of them out make sure it all looks nice and pretty and everything but that’s just

Food for four additionally is doing all the upside down quartz stairs underneath all of this like that something you might want to do so now that we’ve made the stairwell we have a whole set of stairs it takes us all the way up to the very tippety top

Of the build and it takes us all the way back down again now that we are up at the top of the build i’m actually going to show you what i want to have on every single level all right now these these are incredibly easy to make so

You know feel free to put these wherever you feel as though they might sort of fit in we need light grey concrete polished and inside item frames empty map or something that looks like paper buttons easy as that and again you can also mark out the

Floors by the way if you wanted to so like next to this site for instance like what’s this this would be grandfather so floor 4 this would be because it doesn’t include include the ground floor so this would be floor 4. if you wanted to you

Can add that to the doors and stuff um but we want to make ticket machines these ticket machines are very very simple upside down polished underside on the ground light gray concrete on top item frame in front of the gray concrete map ticket whatever in front of that

Button on the side and that’s kind of like a makeshift ticket machine leave a gap of one make two so upside down stair light gray concrete on top item frame map inside maybe a button maybe if you want to make it dead fancy add a weighted pressure plate on top oh wow

Look at that that really brings it all together so those are ticket machines you’re going to want to have those on pretty much every single level so i’m gonna do exactly that so like on this next level for instance by the way you could even include one like here if you wanted to

Uh inside of these but i i find more so that they’re not in the staircases um so again like in this sort of position light grey concrete uh nope upside down stairs upside down stairs light gray concrete’s on top item frames in front then maps or paper or whatever inside

Pressure plates on top buttons on the side ticket machines and again if you want this what would this be floor free right floor free feel free to mark it out if you want add some light do whatever you feel is right and we will have these all the way down

And i you know you’re going to want to add them on every single floor of course you’re going to want to have them like here here here here and i’m not going to mark out every single floor and stuff just for the sake of the tutorial but

That those are things that you can do if you want you can have like floor two etc etc and then we’d be down to floor one wouldn’t we yeah say floor one and then we want to have the same machines here as well but when we get to the ground

Floor things are ever so slightly different and you’re going to see why they’re different as well because the layout’s also different so it allows for it but once you kind of like work your way from the top all the way down to the bottom and again suggesting suggestions as we

Get down to the ground floor i’m going to have these ticket machines in the standard place which is right here they’re going to be made in the exact same way nothing particularly innovative about these these parts so like here as well there you go perfect we can have a

Sign there that say ground floor but i like the idea of having them here too i really like that idea also actually you know what change sometimes in car parks you have like almost like lock boxes like when i say lock boxes i mean like sometimes you can have like a place to

Store stuff sometimes or maybe this can be a place to have like bicycles instead of being a bit boring we can have like iron bars here and maybe here and that’s like what people can tether their bikes to and we’d also want to just decorate the

Top here by using a bit of quartz slab like this and maybe we can even add a little bit of quartz slab just underneath the iron bars like this and if you know how to make a bicycle i actually don’t have any bike like actual bicycles like i don’t really have a

Design in mind then you could kind of like have the bikes like left and right here kind of like chained and maybe you could even just have like a couple of item frames like where the bikes would be maybe even like uh like maybe even like right bay one

Or something like that you know just kind of like make it a little bit more detaily maybe like bay two something like that and like what what kind of sort of represents a bike i mean i guess the closest sort of thing to a bike or even like a vehicle is like

A minecart so maybe just like minecarts here like this is where you could have bicycles just on the end here maybe even like do something like this put put prep can you not on top of iron okay whatever maybe don’t put anything on top of them at all and you know it

Just kind of seems like a good idea to uh have like where you where your bike is like just kind of like pinned up here but also this this is where i actually do want a ticket machine if you come all the way to the opposite side where the exit is here

I’m going to just seal up this wall um yeah actually i’ll seal it up in the same way i’ll seal up this wall using some light gray concrete like this like coming from top to bottom and then i kind of want to have the slabs at the

Top and also the bottom as well just here and then i’m gonna have all of these materials so i want ticket machines at the end so i want ticket machines like where you get out so you’ve actually got a chance to pay for your ticket should you actually you know be able to

Should you actually have forgotten that you have to pay for your ticket like right here like you can pay for it and then you can actually like get out you know and then if you wanted to you can just mark it out like you can have like exit and stuff like if you

Want if you want to go that far and all of that and you could have the same sort of thing outside here like you could have like above this you could have like signs and you can have like um just to show that it’s not an entrance like in any

Sort of way you can have like red concrete inside of them so just to show that that’s not like an entrance you can have these signs and you can have the same on the front so like on the front you can have like item frames coming

Along the top and then you can have like green concrete blocks so you’re going to want to go lime concrete and you’re going to want to kind of like point out that hey this is how you get in and uh over here is where you like get out

You could even have like a similar sort of thing like um like here for instance like maybe you could have like this is where you get up so you’ve kind of got like a a green uh an item frame and then here is like where you get down like just a

Small detail like you could even maybe have it like to the floor to the ceiling so people kind of get that you you don’t go that way because people cars are going to be coming down and you’re probably going to get in a car crash so like here and like well you’d

Want the same sort of thing like here you kind of want the a system like this right so you’d want like item frames like and again i actually kind of like the idea of putting loads of them so like this so kind of like shows you this is up And then you don’t go that way and then you have like the same thing so this is up again these are these are details that is up to you whether you whether you add them or not like this is straight up this is have them or don’t

It’s it’s completely up to you and then actually no you do you do go down this way my bad you go down this way so you can go down that way you can go up that way but you cannot go up that way you know just kind of like show people which

Sort of way you’re going to want to be going up and down your car park now just before we uh talk about the outside of the car park i’m going to recommend a way to light up your car park so you’re going to want to probably do this on pretty much every single

Floor okay so when it comes to your car park you’re going to want to use sea lanterns and you’re also going to want to use some sneaky torches where you have the ends of the car parking spaces where you have all of these white concrete in the ceiling i would recommend that

You place some sea lanterns like this so you’re going to probably want to do that like maybe not there but you know just to keep it nice and bright that makes this area very dark though so i would recommend adding torches behind the pillars very very sneaky way of

Doing things but that way you’ve still got some of the ambience of the darkness of the car park but it you can actually see and i do that on every single level i mean the next level is obviously a little bit different in layout but it doesn’t stop you like adding one here

And it actually on this level like you can even add more of them so like is it here oh perfect so you’d add one here and then here and so on and so forth you guys get the idea right so like this is where you put them in the end of the car

Parking spaces the roof is incredibly well lit because it’s literally lit by the sun it doesn’t get too much more bright than that but you’ll be able to see the difference like you can even see from the outside looking in the difference between the lit levels and the non-lit levels i’d say

Those levels are pretty lit right am i using that right i feel old anyway what we also want to do and this is the final bit of detail like i promise guys this is the last little bit of detail that i’m going to recommend do it or don’t outside the front

Outside the entrance and outside the exit i’m going to recommend that you put a barrier so the barrier is made out of gray concrete light gray concrete and it’s made out of pretty much the same things as the ticket machine so it’s gonna be item frame empty map and you’re gonna

Have like a button except we’re also going to use a little bit of quartz slab and a little bit yellow carpet like this right so i’m going to front right hand corner here coming out the car park i’m going to place a light gray concrete gray concrete on top

Or maybe even a pressure plate on top as well maybe with item frame in front then the ticket a button to get a ticket and then i’m just going to have diagonally placed quartz slabs coming up like this so i’m going to want to place that

That there we go and then that’s kind of just like a barrier you could even use something like more striking like orange concrete or something if you wanted to and uh oh orange is that well what’s the material i’m not gonna get it what’s the name of

The material here we go you could use like cut red sandstone slab or perhaps you could even use say like red never brick slab or something like that uh you know just to kind of like if you wanted to just kind of like set the scene with it

And you can even use like a little bit yellow carpet on top of it as well just to make it obvious that it’s a barrier do the same on the opposite side too so like all the way on the opposite side here this one is not an entrance but you will

Have a barrier anyway so it’s going to be like um light gray concrete gray concrete on top item frame empty map you have no buttons on it because you can’t get in pressure plate and then like what is it it’s just like this coming across like

So and then to lift the barrier or maybe even on this particular occasion maybe you want the barrier to just like be horizontal because it’s actually closed like so like that and then you could have just like the yellow on top and then that way you’ve actually got to

Like put the you’ve got to pay for your ticket and then it lets you out so something like that look good you could even put on the inside instead but uh yeah ladies and gentlemen that’s that’s pretty much everything and the only thing that i that i would do

Is i would extend out the roads so like you can see here right so you can see this is where you drive in so you’re going to want to extend the road out a little bit like this so you’re going to want to extend this out

And you’re going to want to join it to an actual roads like this will join to an actual like outside road my roads are usually made out of gray concrete so like it will you know it’ll just join onto a road or something um this area here this is where you would

Get into the build but i’d i’d use i ca like i imagine this like being on a street or something for some reason so like you can just dig out all of this and you can place yourself if you want to or whatever material you want you can

Just play some like smooth stone in here instead you’re typically not gonna find these like standalone you’re gonna find that these are in kind of like sit built up areas so hence why it kind of just goes on to the pavement or the sidewalk or

Whatever you want to call it um when it comes to the back and all of that will be filled in with smooth smooth stone and when it comes to the back it’s the same sort of thing like uh obviously carry the road on out using your black concrete like this right

And then just smooth stone the rest of it so here and then just along the back and then that will join the another street somewhere else or maybe it’s its own little closed system in which case then it just like you’d have a road that came back and rejoined to your city so

That’s that’s kind of like how things are gonna go i’m obviously i’m gonna dig all that out i’m gonna replace that i’m gonna you know i’m gonna replace the concrete around the outside with stuff too but ladies and gentlemen like that’s that’s the car park complete

I’m so proud of you for managing to do that that is such a huge build done that’s so impressive that you’ve managed to do it so yeah ladies and gentlemen i’m just going to clean up the build a little bit i might add a little bit a

Few more details here and there but i’m going to do all of that and then we’ll come back and then that’ll be the bill complete that’s so crazy so this ladies and gentlemen is what the incredibly impressive looking multi-story car park will look like once it’s been 100

Fully completed you may have noticed and this is a design choice it’s up to you i have added windows to the front of every single one of the floors not on the sides though because that is actually where the stairs are but i’ve chosen to add some windows to the fronts i’m not

100 sure whether i like it or not so i’ll leave that up to you to decide as we come inside the car park you’ll notice that we clearly have whether we can enter this way or whether it’s an exit clearly posted above every single place you’ll find that now as we

Enter floors you’ll be able to clearly see where you have to go marked out with different colors we have loads of light everywhere it’s nice and well lit enough we have ticket machines on every single level we have every single level marked out with signs as well you’ll find this going all the

Way up the entire build if we come up to the second level as well you’ll see that we have floor one and then on the outside here floor one as well you’ll be able to see that everywhere is incredibly cleanly signposted you know exactly where to go you know exactly

Where you shouldn’t go in the car you can see that you can’t go back on yourself same with the other side as well and it’s pretty much just the exact same thing going all the way up every single level the top of the car park is no

Different as i did just feel as though that it was quite nice up here i really like the layout it’s nice and clean it mirrors a lot of the other floors as well this is what the car park should look like once it’s been 100 fully completed well that

Was a big one i do hope that you guys enjoyed this tutorial if you did please do remember to hit that like button as it really helps me and the channel out so so so so much oh wow i can’t believe that we just did that if you’re around here please consider

Subscribing and clicking the little bell next to the subscription button that’ll ensure that you get all my stuff sent directly to your sub box and if you are looking for more city related builds i am absolutely going to be making more on the channel so hang around subscribe and

You’ll be able to see every single one that i make in the future if you want to see a specific build like this one you may have seen at the start of the video the reason that i made this is because quite a few of you guys suggested that i

Do it so i couldn’t help myself i had to do it to make you guys happy i hope that you really did enjoy this one and not only that if you do want to make any of my other city related builds and oh are there a lot of them all sorts of

Different kinds check out the card system the description below and at the top of the comment section i’ll leave a comment pinned there for you we have so many different kinds of build slayers and chapman we don’t just make just one thing around here we don’t we’re not just a car park

Specialist channel we make all sorts of stuff so many things for you guys to see and make that’s a car system description below and the top of the comment section thank you so much for watching everybody i appreciate all of you so so so so much

You’ve got no idea i’ll see you guys in the next one i’m going to jump off the top of dunkin donuts now i think i need a coffee and a doughnut myself after that one i love you all very very much thank you so much for supporting the series good bye You

This video, titled ‘Minecraft Tutorial: How To Make A Modern Multi Storey Car Park “2019 City Tutorial”‘, was uploaded by TSMC – Minecraft on 2019-05-04 11:00:15. It has garnered 353488 views and 4624 likes. The duration of the video is 01:56:11 or 6971 seconds.

In this tutorial i show you how to make a Multi Storey Car Park in minecraft! for all of your city building needs! this is a great simple and easy build to add to your survival or creative city, town, or ever a village. this can be adapted from a modern car park into a more traditional style if you like as well! if you enjoy this tutorial please leave a like and maybe check out my other stuff 🙂

How To Make a CIty Playlist – https://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PLVfyBBWTXosBc2X7FdAzrdKffZoY1ZzZG

#tsmc #tsmctutorial #citytutorial

Want to Support the channel? 🙂 – https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCIui-Mt1PmcJYpoBATftj7g/join

Check out my merch 🙂 – http://tee.pub/lic/uCgw3hVWL6c Check out My Instagram! instagram.com/tsmcyt/

  • Steve’s Minecraft Mayhem: A Twisted Tale

    Steve's Minecraft Mayhem: A Twisted Tale In the world of Minecraft, where blocks reign supreme, Twisted Steve was a player, living his dream. A master of survival, crafting with ease, Exploring the depths, unlocking mysteries. But one fateful day, a darkness did loom, A sinister presence, shrouded in gloom. Twisted Steve felt a chill down his spine, As he ventured deeper, in the mines. Monsters lurked in the shadows, ready to strike, But Twisted Steve was fearless, his skills alight. With sword in hand, he battled through, Defeating each foe, his courage true. But as he delved deeper, the truth did unfold, A secret so… Read More

  • Build the Burj: Minecraft Magic, 1:1 Scale

    Build the Burj: Minecraft Magic, 1:1 Scale In the world of Minecraft, where creativity reigns, We’re rebuilding the Burj Khalifa, no time for complaints. With WorldEdit in hand, we’ll build it 1:1, Every block in place, under the virtual sun. Follow us on Instagram, for more Minecraft fun, The.minetects, where the building’s never done. With music from NCS, our soundtrack to create, As we craft and build, our imaginations take the bait. So join us in the world of blocks and pixels, Where creativity flows, like digital crystals. Rebuilding the Burj Khalifa, a monumental task, But with teamwork and rhymes, we’ll complete the task. Read More

  • Random Disaster Minecraft

    Random Disaster Minecraft Surviving Random Disasters in Minecraft Are you ready to take your Minecraft skills to the next level? Look no further than the latest challenge sweeping the Minecraft community: Random Disasters in Minecraft! In this thrilling twist on the classic game, players will face unpredictable events that will test their survival skills like never before. What to Expect From meteor showers to floods, players will need to stay on their toes as they navigate through a world filled with chaos and uncertainty. Each disaster presents a unique challenge, requiring quick thinking and strategic planning to overcome. Key Features: Unpredictable Events:… Read More


    LAVA TSUNAMI in MINECRAFT! Exploring the World of Minecraft: A Giant Lava Tsunami Emerges! Imagine a world where creativity knows no bounds, where players can build, explore, and survive in a blocky, pixelated universe. Welcome to Minecraft, a game that has captured the hearts of millions around the globe. Recently, a spectacular event unfolded in the Minecraft community – the appearance of a giant lava tsunami! Let’s dive into this extraordinary occurrence and uncover the wonders of Minecraft. The Phenomenon of the Giant Lava Tsunami In the vast and ever-changing world of Minecraft, players are constantly discovering new and unexpected events. The emergence… Read More

  • Trilleo’s Mischievous Minecraft RPG Adventure

    Trilleo's Mischievous Minecraft RPG Adventure Welcome to Treelization: A Minecraft RPG Adventure Game Embark on an exciting journey in Treelization, a Minecraft server-based RPG Adventure Game like no other. Step into a world shrouded in desert landscapes, where you will take on the role of a GEPA Member, tasked with protecting the environment and learning about the pressing crisis we face today. Exploring the World of Treelization As you traverse the vast expanse of Treelization, you will encounter non-playable characters (NPCs) who will offer you quests to complete. These challenges will not only test your skills but also educate you on environmental issues and… Read More

  • Mind-Reading Mobs in Minecraft!

    Mind-Reading Mobs in Minecraft! Minecraft Telepathy Monsters! Part 4 In the latest installment of Minecraft Telepathy Monsters, 656 members are embarking on the Telepathy challenge. This unique challenge tests the bond between players as they try to synchronize their actions in the game. The challenge involves placing the same block at the exact same time, showcasing the players’ ability to communicate and coordinate effectively. Testing Telepathic Abilities The Telepathy challenge pushes players to rely on their intuition and understanding of their partner’s actions. By attempting to place the same block simultaneously, players demonstrate their telepathic connection within the game. This challenge not only… Read More

  • Experience the Ultimate Minecraft Adventure on Minewind Server

    Experience the Ultimate Minecraft Adventure on Minewind Server Welcome to Newsminecraft.com, where we bring you the latest and greatest in the Minecraft community! Today, we stumbled upon a fantastic video titled “How To Install Shaders In Minecraft 1.21 [ TRICKY TRIALS ]” by the talented content creator FirekaroPlays. While the video itself is not about Minewind Minecraft Server, it got us thinking – why not enhance your Minecraft experience even further by joining a vibrant and exciting server like Minewind? Imagine exploring the vast and immersive world of Minecraft with stunning shaders, creating breathtaking landscapes and scenes that will leave you in awe. Minewind offers a unique… Read More

  • Ultimate Fluxxwave Pranks

    Ultimate Fluxxwave Pranks The World of Minecraft: Fluxxwave Exploring Fluxxwave in Minecraft Fluxxwave is a popular Minecraft world that has captured the attention of many players. With its unique features and exciting gameplay, Fluxxwave offers a thrilling experience for those looking to immerse themselves in the world of Minecraft. Key Features of Fluxxwave: Processor: Intel i7 4770 Graphics Card: Intel Iris Pro HD 4700 RAM: 16 GB Storage: HDD 500 GB Operating System: Windows 10 Unleashing Creativity in Fluxxwave In Fluxxwave, players have the opportunity to unleash their creativity and build magnificent structures. Whether it’s constructing elaborate castles, intricate redstone contraptions, or… Read More

  • Tiny House Build Guide | Minecraft

    Tiny House Build Guide | Minecraft The Beautiful Smallest Starter House in Minecraft Are you looking to build a functional yet compact starter house in Minecraft? Look no further! In this video, the creator showcases how to construct the beautiful smallest starter house in Minecraft. Let’s delve into the details of this impressive build. About the House The smallest starter house is not only aesthetically pleasing but also highly functional. Despite its simplicity, this house includes essential features such as a chest, a stove, storage space, a mini farm, and lighting. The best part? It only takes about 1 minute to build! Its compact size… Read More

  • MLG Minecraft Waterbucket Madness!

    MLG Minecraft Waterbucket Madness! In Minecraft, the waterbucket MLG is key, Insane moves that make us all scream with glee. Dream and TechnoGamerz, masters of the game, Their skills and tricks, they never tame. YesSmartyPie, with updates so fine, Bringing us news in every line. Subscribe to their channel, don’t miss a beat, For viral videos, they can’t be beat. Gamerfleet, with insane MLG, Their gameplay sets our hearts free. In Minecraft, the possibilities are vast, With every move, they make it last. So leap into the verse, with rhymes so bright, In Minecraft world, let your words take flight. Crafting news with… Read More

  • Core Keeper: Minecraft Clone?

    Core Keeper: Minecraft Clone? Welcome to the Enchanting World of ‘Core Keeper’ by Pugstorm Exploring the Depths of ‘Core Keeper’ Delve deep into the underground world of ‘Core Keeper’ by Pugstorm, where mysteries await at every turn. From fishing in mysterious waters to taking on challenging boss fights, this game offers a diverse range of mechanics to keep players engaged. The Aesthetic: A Visual Feast The aesthetic of ‘Core Keeper’ is a visual feast for the eyes. The pixel art style brings the underground world to life, with vibrant colors and intricate details that make exploration a delight. The Combat: Mastering the Art… Read More

  • “Richjturn’s Secret Riches in Nations & Nobles!” #Minecraft

    "Richjturn's Secret Riches in Nations & Nobles!" #MinecraftVideo Information This video, titled ‘Nations and Nobles! #minecraft #server’, was uploaded by Richjturn (aka ‘Old Man’) on 2024-06-05 17:45:57. It has garnered 170 views and 30 likes. The duration of the video is 03:15:27 or 11727 seconds. Welcome to Nations and Nobles! A bunch of YouTubers playing on a lore driven server! Family friendly and no swearing 🙂 Be sure to check out the Nations and Nobles community discord to keep up with current server activities and interact with the Nobles! https://discord.gg/WAwBFYSpdF Check out the other Nations and Nobles guys! Beardo – https://www.youtube.com/@BeardoMax like – https://www.youtube.com/@Bigbhalugaming DotJay – https://www.youtube.com/@DotJayYT… Read More

  • Minecraft Horror Pack: Louder Than Ever!

    Minecraft Horror Pack: Louder Than Ever!Video Information This video, titled ‘ANOTHER MINECRAFT HORROR PACK WARNING LOUD’, was uploaded by Ududez on 2024-05-27 02:43:59. It has garnered 15 views and 2 likes. The duration of the video is 00:53:26 or 3206 seconds. A professional mistake maker and cursed of finding diamonds…..sometimes roblox profile: https://www.roblox.com/users/1276331023/profile minecraft, minecraft hunger games, minecraft survival island, minecraft mods, minecraft song, minecraft style, minecraft xbox 360, minecraft parody, minecraft herobrine, skydoesminecraft, minecraft songs, captainsparklez, minecraft yogscast, yogscast minecraft, yogscast, minecraft skydoesminecraft, sky does minecraft, gangnam style, tobuscus minecraft, minecraft trolling, pewdiepie, smosh, tobygames minecraft, minecraft roller coaster, lets play minecraft, tobuscus, tnt… Read More

  • Ultimate Modded Minecraft Adventure! – To The Sky! 🚀

    Ultimate Modded Minecraft Adventure! - To The Sky! 🚀Video Information This video, titled ‘All The Mods 9: To The Sky! A Brand New Modded Minecraft Adventure! [ EnVtuber Live ]’, was uploaded by TheWoodsmanJack on 2024-06-04 08:51:01. It has garnered 31 views and 2 likes. The duration of the video is 03:04:43 or 11083 seconds. Hey, Jack here, and thanks for joining into my stream on YouTube or on Kick. Here’s a link to my Kick, come and join the community https://kick.com/thewoodsmanjack Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/thewoodsmanjack/# Twitter/X: https://twitter.com/TheWoodsmanJack Discord: https://discord.gg/rnFVBqjBN3 #minecraft #moddedminecraft #skyblock Read More


    INSANE MOB FARMS AND VILLAGER TRADING!Video Information This video, titled ‘🔴LIVE – MOB FARMS AND VILLAGER TRADING ON OUR MUSHROOM ISLAND – MINECRAFT WITH ITSJIRAGE!’, was uploaded by JkabaK on 2024-02-11 03:05:14. It has garnered 116 views and 14 likes. The duration of the video is 02:40:15 or 9615 seconds. 😎Community😎 Want to join the community on discord? https://discord.gg/8ArjsWQfD8 ❤️Support❤️ Want to support the stream? Completely not necessary but I appreciate anything it all goes to making stream better! Thank you! https://streamlabs.com/jkabakgaming 🤩Loyalty Store🤩 COLLECT POINTS AKA BISCUITS BY CHATTING AND HANGING OUT IN STREAM! Want to redeem those biscuits? https://streamlabs.com/jkabakgaming/home or type these: !redeem… Read More

  • Get Me to 250K Subs in Minecraft! #shorts #live

    Get Me to 250K Subs in Minecraft! #shorts #liveVideo Information This video, titled ‘Road to 250,000 Subs! Help Me Build In Minecraft! #shorts #short #live’, was uploaded by EZ Gaming on 2024-05-03 19:51:31. It has garnered 124379 views and 855 likes. The duration of the video is 06:13:41 or 22421 seconds. We’re so close to the Goal! #trending #trynottolaugh #gaming Become A Member to support the Channel and get customized perks like Priority Replies, Shout-Outs, Custom Emotes, and more: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UC_FeaWgMWngiv5zlteRSPAw/join EZ Gaming Merchandise: https://www.redbubble.com/people/ezgaming/shop Amazon Wishlist: https://www.amazon.com/hz/wishlist/ls/30FN4EVWHTP5G?ref_=wl_share Read More

  • Saucari Live – EPIC Minecraft Hive Gameplay!🔥

    Saucari Live - EPIC Minecraft Hive Gameplay!🔥Video Information This video, titled ‘Oh You Playing Minecraft Hive Part 1!💯’, was uploaded by Saucari Live on 2024-02-29 20:57:24. It has garnered 36 views and 5 likes. The duration of the video is 00:22:47 or 1367 seconds. Follow the Twitch, Tik tok and Instagram! Minecraft hive live. Ignore tags some are there to reach a broader audience hive minecraft, minecraft the hive,minecraft,hive,hive skywars,minecraft the hive,the hive minecraft,the hive,minecraft bedrock,hive bedrock,minecraft hive treasure wars,minecraft the hive treasure wars,the hive bedrock,minecraft skywars,hive treasure wars,minecraft bedrock edition,minecraft the hive skywars,the hive treasure wars,hive trapping,minecraft hive skywars,hive minecraft server,hive minecraft bedrock,minecraft server,hive minecraft… Read More

  • Ultimate Minecraft HAHAHA Madness: Hamza Craft #shorts

    Ultimate Minecraft HAHAHA Madness: Hamza Craft #shortsVideo Information This video, titled ‘Minecraft HAHAHA #shorts #x danger r’, was uploaded by hamza craft on 2024-03-21 21:37:30. It has garnered 13 views and 0 likes. The duration of the video is 00:00:09 or 9 seconds. #minecraft #gaming #shorts #minecrafttiktok keys: Minecraft,Dream SMP,Manhunt,Speedrun,Hardcore,Mods,HermitCraft,Update,Snapshot,Netherite,Caves & Cliffs,Axolotls,Warden,Build Battle,Skyblock,Hypixel,Bedwars,Parkour,Redstone Tutorial,Farming Guide,Enderman Farm,Raid Defense,Texture Packs,Shaders,RTX,Minecraft VR,Roleplay,Adventure Map,UHC,PvP,Skywars,Trolling,Noob vs Pro,Minecraft Animation,Minecraft Song,Minecraft Parody,Epic Builds,Minecraft Challenges,Minecraft But,Minecraft Logic,Minecraft Secrets. Read More

  • EPIC Minecraft Gameplay LIVE w/ MrEntari! 💥

    EPIC Minecraft Gameplay LIVE w/ MrEntari! 💥Video Information This video, titled ‘💢Minecraft – LIVE – Learning w/ the Bro @MrEntari’, was uploaded by Zhe Gaming on 2024-06-07 11:37:41. It has garnered 74 views and 10 likes. The duration of the video is 07:21:24 or 26484 seconds. ㊙Join the Club: YouTube: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCvBXBFkPoq3VrdcyIj42q8A TikTok: https://www.tiktok.com/@zhegaming._ Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/zhe._/ Discord: https://discord.gg/dqXhqaxRgu *Be Weird Get Kicked*⚽ ——————————————PC SPEC UPGRADES——————————————————- ➡ Went from a GTX 1650 to a RX 6600 ⬅ → Went from a Ryzen 5 3600 to a Ryzen 7 5800 ← If you enjoy the content be sure to LIKE, COMMENT, and SUBSCRIBE – HIT THAT NOTIFICATION BELL SO… Read More

  • Insane ASMR Gaming Updates – Fortnite, XDefiant, Marvel, Zelda LEGO & More!

    Insane ASMR Gaming Updates - Fortnite, XDefiant, Marvel, Zelda LEGO & More!Video Information This video, titled ‘ASMR Gaming News Fortnite Season 3, XDefiant, Marvel Rivals, Zelda LEGO, Minecraft + more (437)’, was uploaded by ASMR Gaming News on 2024-05-31 20:03:16. It has garnered 2755 views and 108 likes. The duration of the video is 00:18:58 or 1138 seconds. 💎 Use Fortnite Creator Code in Item Shop: asmrgaming 🍀 ASMR Lucky Girl’s Channel: https://www.youtube.com/asmrluckygirl 👍 Help the Channel on Patreon https://www.patreon.com/ASMRGaming 👕 NEW Merch https://asmr-gaming-shop.creator-spring.com/ 💰 Paypal Donations https://www.paypal.me/asmrgaming https://streamlabs.com/asmrgamingnews ➡️️🌠 🐦 Twitter https://twitter.com/ASMRGamingNews 🕹️ Twitch https://www.twitch.tv/asmrgamingnews 📸 Instagram https://www.instagram.com/asmrgamingnew/ 🎵 TikTok https://www.tiktok.com/@asmrgamingnew 🎙️ Weekly Podcast Show: Coming Soon ➡️️🎮 Add me… Read More

  • Anarchist SMP Semi-Vanilla, SMP Whitelist, Datapack, Simple Voice Chat, Java 1.20.1, 13+

    Join the Ultimate Chaos at our Anarchy Minecraft PvP Server! If you crave unbridled freedom and intense battles, this is the place for you. With no rules and no limits, you can build, destroy, and fight to your heart’s content. Our server features a unique lifesteal mechanic, adding an extra layer of strategy and intensity to your combat. Forge alliances or betray your closest friends in a world where anything goes. Whether you’re a seasoned warrior or a cunning strategist, our server offers the perfect arena for you to test your skills and unleash your creativity. Experience the raw, unfiltered… Read More

  • CosineCraft

    CosineCraft is a server that I have created to have a traditional style smp fell to it a server where anyone is welcome and can do as they please (within the range of the rules) Read More

  • Minecraft Memes – Noobs vs Pros: A Blocky Battle

    That’s a pretty high score for a meme, must have some serious crafting skills! Read More

  • Minecraft: Frogzilla vs Golem Army! #lol

    Minecraft: Frogzilla vs Golem Army! #lol The frog boss in Minecraft must be feeling pretty hoppy to take on all those golems! I guess you could say he’s really ribbiting off more than he can chew. #minecraftbossbattle #ribbitingfunny Read More

  • Ultimate Minecraft Starter House Build

    Ultimate Minecraft Starter House Build Minecraft Adventures in Truly Bedrock Embark on an exciting journey in the world of Minecraft Truly Bedrock! Join the adventure as our protagonist sets out to explore, gather materials, build a starter house, and make new friends along the way. Gathering Materials and Survival Challenges Our hero starts by gathering essential materials to survive in the vast and challenging world of Minecraft. From mining ores to chopping down trees, every resource collected is crucial for crafting tools, weapons, and shelter. However, the journey is not without its challenges. Venturing into dark caves, our protagonist faces dangerous mobs and treacherous… Read More

  • Top 5 Minecraft PE Mods

    Top 5 Minecraft PE Mods Explorando os Melhores Mods Para Minecraft PE O universo do Minecraft Bedrock Edition está repleto de aventuras e desafios, mas para os jogadores que buscam uma experiência ainda mais emocionante, os mods de sobrevivência são a escolha ideal. Vamos explorar cinco dos melhores mods que trazem novas mecânicas e emoções para o jogo. 1. True Survival – Zombie Apocalypse Descrição: Este mod transforma o mundo do Minecraft em um apocalipse zumbi, aumentando a dificuldade e a necessidade de estratégias de sobrevivência. Adição de novos tipos de zumbis com diferentes habilidades. Sistema de saúde e fome mais desafiador. Novos itens… Read More

  • 🔥Best Blaze Farm in Skyblock! Watch Now!

    🔥Best Blaze Farm in Skyblock! Watch Now!Video Information This video, titled ‘I Built The Best Blaze Farm In Minecraft Skyblock’, was uploaded by NotConner on 2024-05-23 13:00:48. It has garnered 703 views and 19 likes. The duration of the video is 00:11:09 or 669 seconds. Watch All My Minecraft Skyblock Videos Right Here → https://youtube.com/playlist?list=PL99he9m2vBqPYJxqtNJmQScpfxVka6bR7 ↓ Server Information ↓ Java IP → nc.akumamc.net Bedrock IP And Port → bedrock.akumamc.net | 19132 Website And Store → https://akumamc.net Discord Server → https://discord.gg/akumamc minecraft,minecraft skyblock,minecraft prison,skyblock minecraft,prison minecraft,minecraft skyblock server,minecraft prison server,skyblock minecraft server,prison minecraft server,skyblock,prison,skyblocky,prisons,akumamc,akumamc skyblock,akumamc prison,notconner,notconner skyblock,notconner prison ,mchub,mchub skyblock,mchub prison,mchub skyblocky,mchub prisons ,akumamc,akumamc skyblock,akumamc prison,akumamc skyblocky,akumamc… Read More

  • Surviving as Tiny Toji in Minecraft Jujutsu Kaisen

    Surviving as Tiny Toji in Minecraft Jujutsu KaisenVideo Information This video, titled ‘I Survived as TINY TOJI in Minecraft Jujutsu Kaisen!’, was uploaded by SeeKaaaahh on 2024-05-11 15:15:00. It has garnered 3446 views and 98 likes. The duration of the video is 00:11:31 or 691 seconds. I Survived as TOJI in Jujutsu Kaisen Minecraft! ▼ SOCIAL MEDIA ▼ ► SUBSCRIBE AND ENABLE NOTIFICATIONS ➜ https://bit.ly/2W9nxmz ► Twitter ➜ https://twitter.com/SeeKaaaahh ► Instagram ➜ https://www.instagram.com/seekaaaahh/ ► Twitch ➜ https://twitch.tv/SeeKaaaahh ►Join my official discord to hang out with me, play with other people in our community, and get updates! – https://discord.gg/HDSnR8P ▼ MY OTHER CHANNELS ▼ ► Roblox: @SeekBlox ►… Read More


    INSANE PVP MONTAGE: MAINCRAFTIK DESTROYER 😱🔥Video Information This video, titled ‘maincraftik | 1.20.1 pvp montage’, was uploaded by destroyer on 2024-05-28 19:13:28. It has garnered views and [vid_likes] likes. The duration of the video is or seconds. mineblaze #minecraft #montage #anarchy tags | #Slivrp #Drain #Rpdlyapvp #DrainResourcePakov #Drainresourcepacksforpvp … Read More

  • Unbelievable MINEMAN BD Minecraft in Ohio gameplay

    Unbelievable MINEMAN BD Minecraft in Ohio gameplayVideo Information This video, titled ‘Minecraft in Ohio compilation’, was uploaded by MINEMAN BD on 2024-03-15 04:00:33. It has garnered 15 views and 3 likes. The duration of the video is 00:05:57 or 357 seconds. How did you get Here? Original clip by NotSafe Song: Smoke by Cowbellcult Like and Subscribe This is not my video but i have licence to use it under creative common #ohio #minecraft #minecraftohio What Do Ohioans Do with Minecraft? You Won’t Believe It! Unbelievable Minecraft Discoveries in Ohio: You Won’t Believe What Happened Next! Unbelievable Minecraft Discoveries in Ohio! Unbelievable Minecraft Masterpieces Found in… Read More

  • Insane Glider in UWU City – DaveFromPH’s Minecraft PE Surprise

    Insane Glider in UWU City - DaveFromPH's Minecraft PE SurpriseVideo Information This video, titled ‘New Realistic FLYING GLIDER sa UWU CITY sa Minecraft PE’, was uploaded by DaveFromPH on 2024-06-14 10:20:05. It has garnered views and [vid_likes] likes. The duration of the video is or seconds. New Realistic FLYING GLIDER sa UWU CITY Minecraft 100 days Minecraft hardcore Minecraft SMP Minecraft Filipino Minecraft … Read More

  • Foxyrow9614 – Insane Monster Party Spawn!

    Foxyrow9614 - Insane Monster Party Spawn!Video Information This video, titled ‘Minecraft: when you spawn in the monster party’, was uploaded by Foxyrow9614 on 2024-03-01 13:02:45. It has garnered 474 views and 25 likes. The duration of the video is 00:00:26 or 26 seconds. This is not real and just for entertainment. Read More

  • Shocking Encounter: JJ and Mikey Attacked by POMNI in Minecraft!

    Shocking Encounter: JJ and Mikey Attacked by POMNI in Minecraft!Video Information This video, titled ‘JJ and Mikey Became Creepy POMNI and ATTACK MIKEY and JJ ! – in Minecraft Maizen’, was uploaded by Jaizen on 2024-03-04 18:00:10. It has garnered 24459 views and 171 likes. The duration of the video is 00:30:43 or 1843 seconds. JJ and Mikey Became Creepy POMNI and ATTACK MIKEY and JJ ! – in Minecraft Maizen This is not an official Maizen channel, we make fan videos with Mikey and JJ. Our channel is exclusively for fans of Maizen. We’re not trying to impersonate his personality, we just want to add new and interesting… Read More

  • Unleashing Ultimate Power LIVE! Join me now

    Unleashing Ultimate Power LIVE! Join me nowVideo Information This video, titled ‘I AM LIVE|| BECOMING OVERPOWERED’, was uploaded by CatchyGamersXD on 2024-03-14 21:52:28. It has garnered 32 views and 2 likes. The duration of the video is 00:57:12 or 3432 seconds. DISCORD-https://discord.gg/dVqCpxjS In this exciting Minecraft video, join me as I embark on a quest to become fully equipped with netherite in the Blades SMP! Follow along as I gather resources, brave treacherous caves, and face off against dangerous mobs in my mission for ultimate power! Watch as I craft and upgrade my gear to reach the pinnacle of Minecraft weaponry. Get ready for a thrilling… Read More

  • “Insane Minecraft Trick: Invisible Door Tutorial!” #minecrafttutorial #minecraftbuild

    "Insane Minecraft Trick: Invisible Door Tutorial!" #minecrafttutorial #minecraftbuildVideo Information This video, titled ‘How to make an invisible door in Minecraft #minecraft #minecraftart #minecraftbuild’, was uploaded by Bang Shubh on 2024-03-14 15:23:50. It has garnered 465 views and 21 likes. The duration of the video is 00:00:32 or 32 seconds. #minecraft #minecraftmemes #minecraftpe #minecraftonly #minecraftpc #minecrafter #minecraftmeme #minecrafters #minecraftbuilds #minecraftpocketedition #minecraftxbox #minecraftserver #minecraftbuild #minecraftart #minecraftps3 #minecraftuniverse #minecrafts #minecraftdaily #minecraftforever #minecraftskin #minecraftedit #photoseedminecraft #minecraftfx #minecraftdiaries #minecraftskins #skydoesminecraft #minecrafthouse #minecraftcake #minecraftersonly #minecraftparty #minecraftindonesia #minecraftgirl #pewdiepieminecraft #minecraft_pe #minecraftdrawing #minecraftxbox360 #minecraftsurvival #minecraftisawesome #minecrafthouses #minecraftedits #minecraft #memes #meme #dankmemes #minecraftmemes #fortnite #funny #gaming #gamer #funnymemes #memesdaily #minecraftbuilds #lol #dank #youtube #edgymemes #anime #offensivememes… Read More

  • PlayGarden

    PlayGardenThis a server where you can play Hide and Seek and other minigames. Such as Spleef, BlockParty, TNTRun! You should join our discord to be notified for any future updates! We currently have 10+ Hide and Seek maps and more on the way! Our server is a beginning server so please be nice! Dont be afraid to check out our website either! node14.consulhosting.net:24025 Read More

  • Simplex SMP 1.20.4 Semi-Vanilla No Whitelist No Resets

    💎Summer Events Happening Now!💎 Server IP – simplexmc.com Discord Link – https://discord.gg/jd68FYNs4C Features Usually 5-10 players on, more on weekends! There are no map resets but the end resets with major updates Player-run shopping district + auctions Land claiming, homes, tpa, and anti-cheat are the only notable add-ons for the server Events like weekly spleef, monthly arena matches, build comps, and seasonal event areas! Active community for eight years, many longtime players and great builds throughout the server! Read More

  • Minecraft Memes – “Check out my lit copper crib in Minecraft 🔥”

    Looks like this builder is really “copper-ing” some style points with this new house design! Read More

  • Kira Kira Itu Apa? Hot Minecraft Meme!

    Kira Kira Itu Apa? Hot Minecraft Meme! “Kira Kira Itu Apa yaa? Itu adalah ketika kamu bermain Minecraft dan tiba-tiba karakternya berkilauan seperti bintang! Wkwkwk #sparklyminecraft” Read More

Minecraft Tutorial: How To Make A Modern Multi Storey Car Park “2019 City Tutorial”