Hello and welcome to my tutorial redstone basics for Minecraft I’ll show you what is redstone ore and how to use it enjoy in minecraft redstone represents a very simple and primitive form of electricity there’s no voltage or anything just illogical false analogical true or 1 and 0 we should Like to call it this way for example we have a door here would like to get open of course you can use the conventional way of just opening it but let’s let’s use a more convenient way for instance that’s a pressure plate I’m standing on it I’m activating the currents in the Redstone ore and the door opens now I’m off it closes or debts let’s use the lever I just open the door you deliver and the button each every one of this is a forum or a tool that used in circuits another thing about redstone is that There is no let’s for instance if I activate this liver you standing on a pressure plate one cancel the first one because the door represents an or gate meaning that any current going into it will activate itself any one of those three or combination like two of them or All three of them will represent the true for the door it will open so standing on one cancel it okay so now I’ll show you where to get redstone you’ll usually find it really deep and usually near diamonds or very close to lava okay so here we are you Laughing it seems like this the red for thing you need steel big dripstone won’t do it still or higher damage blue as well when you mind it to be able to this like for something the digital find it in groups or two to five so based on our Circuits are mainly f two main components two big main components redstone ore which represents wires and whatever carries them tricity and redstone torches these represent they are similar to alternators in electric circuits if you are familiar with it but you don’t have to be to understand it What they do basically is alternate the current that they’re receiving for instance this one started receiving no current so it’s on if i’ll turn it on its receiving current and turned off redstone torches have input and output as you can see that lever that supposedly delivers the current to the Torch is going into it and block that block is his third but it can be anyone in the world can be stone give me whatever and the output is going sort of out of the torch outside so here you can see since both of the or are connected To the block that supposedly output or isn’t activity because it connect to the block and not to the torch so it doesn’t matter the state of the in the output for and because of that torches can always always must always be connected to a block they can’t float so If I’m breaking that dirt block the torch calls red torches represent the very simple nor gate meaning that if it has multiple inputs if any of them or both of them is turned on the see here if any of them or both of them stand on The torch will be turned off so if this is on solving this is on itself and in both of the mounts also often in order to create redstone torch what you need to do is take some work some other things on sticks and everyone powder wants to create one torch Another thing you need to know about redstone ore is that is limited to 15 blocks you should place more than 15 blocks of or in a row it simply won’t carry out the 16th block of or won’t work into if that entire thing is true That 15 did sided 16th will be false no matter what so for instance dead currently torch is on because you’re seeming no current if I’m tearing the torch on that puck is off so it’s still representing true however this one is one book shorter so without any song It’s turned off also here you can also understand how you can bypass that limit by simply placing torches and here if I place another torch that lever currently outputs false and i’m interested in false eventually so that thing represents a bridge to bypass that 16 blocks limit during econ will Turn it on I hope you have enjoyed that the tutorial and found it useful hopefully i’ll add more of them in the future regarding more advanced examples of what you can do with it and both gates and how do how they work thank you for your time Video Information
This video, titled ‘Minecraft Tutorial – Redstone Logic: The Basics’, was uploaded by odedex on 2010-09-23 13:26:15. It has garnered 84783 views and 438 likes. The duration of the video is 00:06:37 or 397 seconds.
I created this video because it took me a while to understand how Redstone logic works, and I saw it fit to create an introducing video for it for other people that might find it confusing and not understand how it works.
This is my first live commentary video, I hope the quality is OK and sorry for bad English 🙂
If you find this kind of tutorial useful, please say so in the comment so I’ll know and create similar tutorials in the future regarding Redstone Logic Gates etc..
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