Minecraft Ultimate Castle Battle!

Video Information

I gather to my Minecraft’s most talented players to design and build an impenetrable forces to defend a crystal I split them into two teams and then made them battle up against each other to see whose Fortress was better Whoever has their Crystal broken first loses welcome to Minecraft castle battle meet

Team a led by none other than Master Oogway who can only be described as a jack of all trades he is one of the most successful players on my own Anarchy server with many impressive projects under his belt he has made giant world leaders towering Farms incredible builds and vast infrastructure projects pushing

The limits of vanilla Minecraft all of this is even more impressive when you realize that you get banned for a month if you die once needless to say he is incredibly talented and meet Team B led by Mastermind prison Builder and Escapist Canadian he has made some of Minecraft’s most elaborate and effective

Prisons designed to keep everything contained in the prison as secure as possible whether it’s a player or not when it comes to keeping someone out of an area Canadian is your guy I gave both teams their own world to take care and Explorer and to try out different ideas

This way they can come up with a solid battle plan to figure out what materials they will need to build a fortress which Shea will need to gather themselves later on each of the teams came up with unique different strategies if you come below their base place a boat here bed

Here and if you right click that bed and jump in the void you will respawn at the Crystal they begin developing various defenses to see what may or may not work here I was kind of demonstrating a common ender pearl defense blows you down just enough that Pro glitching

Isn’t practical meanwhile team a was working on their defense be that way oh wait oh I see that you can’t find honeycomb with any tool faster than a fist how does it know when you break a block just constantly trying to push up with the bridges to push limits so as

Soon as the block is gone it will try to push up they also worked on wall defense too I believe one minute 45 seconds around the get through which is the slowest time we’ve had so far in fact they ran various tests to see which defense was better while teammate was

Focusing on defense teamview was focusing more on offense with these crazy player cannons designed by Mastermind tcat 7. after giving you invisibility and slow falling they launch you over 100 blocks towards the enemy’s base These enlarged players into a practice course designed by Canadian these practice courses contain common defense matrixes the enemies might use allowing everyone else in the team to practice breaking through them he also made kits with various items to help them break through everything he invited me to try

It out so I did just that foreign This took me about 10 minutes but for Canadian it took him just three both teams kept working to see what was and wasn’t practical team a tried this mechanic that made blocks impossible to break but unfortunately it has its own weaknesses they came up with more and

More defense ideas and soon enough they build blueprints for their fortresses however these aren’t final that’s because they will have just three days to grind all the materials to build The Fortress in a separate World both teams will also have to share the same resource World which means we will

Undoubtedly see some conflict the final Fortress will depend on how efficient they are with Gathering the resources they need in the limited time frame so no time to waste both teams got riding they all gather the essentials as quickly as they could and then speed around going to the end right now one

Big thing was on both teams minds and control the end has a limited World border at 3 000 by 3000 so there are only so many lighters within the borders if any one team gotten elytra first they could then quickly fly around the end and find all the remaining elytros

Elijah’s will be extremely useful for the final battle and for scouting out the enemy space so Team B got to the end first but unfortunately they got unlucky and TMA found one before them which then LED them to find all the remaining electros even though the Smith teammate

Would have elytres tmb wasn’t bothered by it all that much because they had their player cannons anyways they also had another plan to scout out the enemy’s base but we’ll get to that later on so after the whole end kerfuffle team A and B ish decided to regroup often

Make a base for their operations kimay already scouted out an acacia Village earlier so they decide to make out their main base they also had a separate Spruce Village base tnb decided to make their base at the Snow Village the main goal for both teams was to gather all

The resources they need to build their fortresses quickly they each have access to a private storage receptacle allowing them to transfer materials from their current resource world to build with later on nothing put into this receptacle can be taken out of it until it’s time to build the fortresses so

They build farms and traveled around the map to collect resources to build even more Farms since they both made their bases at Villages they had plenty of villagers to trade with giving them all the best enchants within the first day what a perfectly balanced game team a

Made an Ironman sheep farm while Team B made a bamboo Farm but one of the most important materials both teams really needed is Obsidian although it is possible the farmer with cauldrons and dripstone it would be too slow to obtain the insane amount of obsidian they needed he may in particular needs over

150 000 blocks which is just impossible in three days normally but there’s one way to farm so much obsidian so quickly nothing even comes close the end platform I know what you’re thinking this really is not that much obsidian however when anything is thrown into an End Portal the end platform regenerates

So if you bait a snow golem to throw snowballs into the end with a mob like a silverfish though Snowballs will regenerate the end platform entirely if you pair that with a Wither which is the only thing in the game that can blow up obsidian it will constantly blow up the

End platform allowing an incredibly fast source of obsidian unfortunately there’s only one end platform so whoever would get a Wither first would have access to all the obsidian they would ever need so both teams tried to speedrun getting wither skulls a teammate got them all first now they had control of the edit

Platform giving them all the obsidian they will ever need and leaving Team B in the dust so right now Team B weren’t doing very swimmingly they were unable to obtain an elytra or gain control of the end platform subsequently making them spend longer to find and gather resources and

Spend more of their own time trying to get obsidian they could try to reclaim it but that would mean challenging teammate head-on who already had far better resources than them at this point so while they were already so far behind they decided to start scouring for teammates base the world Border in the

Overworld was at four thousand by four thousand which I did purposefully to force interactions the spawn distance was at about three thousand by three thousand meaning you can respawn in a majority of the area Canadian did some math and realized that if they constantly respond there was a 1 in 400

Chance of respawning in the rendered distance of their base and because team a had multiple bases and a few Farms scattered across the map it would only be a bit of time until Team B found one of those bases and ransacked it so tnb decided to delay their plans for the

Moment and focus solely on fighting teammates Outpost so while all of that was happening one BMN was traveling to a gas run he was building by flying through the nether until he found another portal which he knew nobody on his team built by by the way I just

Found a portal uh next to a fortress that’s a bunch of random Blocks place and I’m pretty sure it’s their base he was afraid it was trapped on the other side so we decided to retreat for the time being to empty his inventory of anything valuable and to make invisibility potions to investigate

Their base I’m gonna Scout their base quite funny if uh they see me but I’m not gonna try it again soon just bring up some potions this part once one pmm prepared you flew to their base on the Overworld side to avoid any possible traps on the other side of

Another portal and he began his covert mission to gather Intel Snow Village oh my God is this their base should I land I’m gonna go land on this Glacier over here with my armor in my maturity right there this whole Diamond let’s see you guys sneaky sneaky guy he has no idea I

Wonder what he’s doing here oh he’s trying to sleep I don’t know if I like I want to get closer but I don’t want to risk him seeing me what should I do should I go on the ground maybe wait I think he’s literally just sleeping right now I’m gonna Foreign Foreign [Applause] I’m definitely sure they have more I’m gonna look in their chests see what they have oh what where’s all this oh they’re fine I’m gonna take that I’m just gonna take it they’re not gonna know they more feather they have more villagers they definitely have more villagers somewhere I don’t know where

They have it I took one touch volume four rights I hope they don’t mind I’m going to say actually this is very weird I need wood I wouldn’t mind if I uh snack three logs from here I ordered this over here there’s beds here this is an iron farm but they’re water froze

There’s only the same exact as I used I assume he’s snorkeling this area Um because his invis was out one bmm decided to retreat for now he wanted to wait longer before griefing it to investigate the base when they were offline and possibly figure out their plans for their Fortress if he could figure out what kind of Defense they might be using Victory would be assured

As they can prepare specific for it but after just a few hours tmd’s response strategy yielded some results to say the least Ccat is here she cuts out her base what they’re here they’re here they’re here they’re here I’m fighting them I don’t oh do I chase them like I don’t know if I should chase them I’m gonna say five by straight I don’t know what they took they took

They took pretty much everything I think they took all of our shulker boxes time he died he died Uh he has all the shoulder boxes oh my God okay okay I’m I’m heading to you right now I killed him again yeah he said his phone here do you know where Ken is no he swam away do you know where they are were they I’m

At the base where are they I think they set their spot in the base I don’t know he came out of the wall somewhere I think you know what direction Ken went do you know what I yes I know I’m Chase I’m chasing it right now I am chasing

Him he went he went he went toward another portal I think he found another portal okay you’re gonna chase him I’m gonna go to their base okay I don’t think they found another portal there’s no blocks working in here I’m gonna give you all of her shoulder boxes of stuff really quickly

Okay I don’t know I’m not gonna be able to steal anything but um I will be able to get rid of it I thought yeah if I can I’ll help you I’ll help you he probably has a trick up his sleeve he was just in full diamond that’s all he

Wasn’t where where are you courts now Chords chords I’m at the base he’s at the base yeah they’re both here what is it he’s an iron armor though okay okay I’m on my way foreign The rest oh he’s here he’s here they’re here okay they spawned over here they spawn over here I’m gonna look for their bed you secure this stuff get what’s good burn the rest or are they spawning they’re spawning over here wait what they don’t even have a bed they’re just spawning here

Squilly squilly oh my God I knew it I knew it they’re using squilly what’s up it’s a glitch that hides your bed I’m going down to it I’m going down to it I broke it we could have spawn trapped them but I don’t think we have the materials do that all right they’re gone dude that was so smart on their part I I knew what that glitch is we gotta move though they probably spawned somewhere random so we have time to go to their

Base and explode it now come on we’re saying can we have our armor back I’m burning all their stuff in a fit of rage one bmm decided to destroy their loot although team a managed to recover some shulkers the damage was done Team B already got and sort of most of their valuable loot but let’s rewind a bit to team B’s perspective before team a found

Them at their base and see what really happened uh I don’t think they would have just casually built a sheep farm this big if their base is still nearby Yoshi MC found a sheep farm with the respawn strategy and tipped his team off about it he obviously had no gear so he wanted

To tell his teammates who had gear to investigate to see if their base was nearby that’s because one bmm was always online and nobody knew when he was AFK are actually playing ah I’m scared they’re gonna come by while I’m stuck in the sheep farm there’s a village

This one right there wait two things downstairs this is it this is it do you think this is their Village yeah oh my gosh what do we do we just slowly shift over there oh they’re enchanting okay okay okay we do that thing where we spawn the through the block uh yeah yeah

That’s right the glitch Canadian showed me earlier would be the glitch he would use to confuse team a this glitch is called squilly as it was discovered by the YouTuber named squilly you got it set a little spawn up there yeah Oh they have a chorus Fruit Farm this is absolutely their base there’s no way they would just have a course Groupon did we go down yeah we don’t see any ones What is this oh it’s a base it’s a base they’re being ancient debris wait wait shoot oh my gosh dude I’m taking all their coal yeah take it off and I’m gonna immediately deposit it where should we put the guns out here it’s permanently ours that’s full of gunpowder look at this oh

My God send it send it just deposit I don’t even care where that is perfect wait wait how much gunpowder did we need that might be enough we might not even need our own Farm oh gosh oh my gosh we found the literal jackpot we just grabbed all this stuff yeah just

Take everything grab all the smokers I mean it’s too late anyway they have all these gas tears are they cheating how stacks of course fruit then we are we’re cool two of them we are ah what the heck what the heck I look so bad why did they

Not deposit that they’ve got a stack of why are they not depositing things okay listen like this is their fault this is how many diamonds they should be depositing this this is this is like what the heck are they doing not depositing all their stuff we’re we’re criminally lucky it’s just

Not even we shouldn’t take everything I feel kind of bad Unbreaking bow we’ll take your brewing stand why not just run and dry should we kill it look at this sign look at this side here we do it Dude can we make an item for they have an item frame wait let me let me get this side pumpkin I don’t know what else we need here there’s so many potatoes we don’t even need to lose your mind yeah so we put like low in one of their chests or

Something 1bm just saw me bro run oh oh shoot he’s here run bye nerd Your filter box is back but not any of the good ones honestly should we just go back into their base I made I need some better armor so might as well they’re not in it right now where is IB C yes I know I’m Chase I’m chasing it right now do you want you want he went to order another portal man’s just letting us raid his face tomorrow I’m just gonna keep taking more stuff I’ll pick the health potions if you don’t mind do you think they know about the

Open chest command because you want to actually try getting up on them you might I don’t have anything oh there he is he just flew by he just flew by he’s running yeah you don’t want to lose your elytra there bud again frenzy see what we can salvage they

Don’t know where our bed is they’re not gonna find it don’t even fight him don’t even fight him don’t even fight him just stand here just they’re bewildered don’t mind dad Brandon from Team a actually worked with Canadian on some of his prison projects as they are both

Prison Builders hence how he knew what squilly was They broke it all right nice I’m not even mad I’m not that was great maybe you goofed Man by us we goofed weaker I think that went exactly how we expected I could ever imagine can we have our armor back I’m gonna sound bored

Yeah I’m on my way to your base no way oh no he’s going to our base this is when one BMA proceeded to go to their face and was where we left off at everything we have that’s actually good is an open shift Team B not knowing

Their base was already found was quite surprised but in the end they had the last laugh teammate was very hesitant to store anything in the swords receptacle in case he needed something but that backfired on them thankfully for them though they had their Spruce Village base which already had some farbs and

Villagers so they could reallocate easily but once one bmm inspected the damage after the raid he became so Furious he decided to go to Team B’s base yet again and this time completely destroyed anything of use to Team B so he prepared up the spruce space and

Headed out right now Canon ccat returned back to their base very confused and armorless because one DMM destroyed it all earlier which is very inconvenient when he came along again and decided to fight them both why they didn’t even break our bed I know their meds right do

You think he’s just like a creeper he flew it up or something somehow are we even sure they did this if this was them they did a super bad job job yep I found their base again I’m killing everything I’m not gonna use you anymore don’t know what that Tommy was there for

Don’t know what this is here for I don’t care he’s here he’s chasing me he’s trying to kill me I don’t know why And he just broke a bed and said that I had my sponsored I’m gonna actually double check that it’s there okay he remembered this one okay well that doesn’t stop what’s up bro Interesting bro why are you even killing me I’ve got nothing on me [Applause] well he’s like rage killing me bye I’m not even like come on come calm down Bud he’s gone I’m burning their stuff right now I’m gonna kill the villagers They had a bed here too it’s gone no they have the gas tears dude one BM continue to destroy everything in their base I was of use to Team B but the worst part for team a was the two electrons which were stolen by C cat7 they conveniently had an Ender Chest

Lying around in their base so CCAP managed to keep them in the Ender Chest axis later on along with other goodies they stole now TMD was able to travel quickly around the map like team a did the large Advantage team a had at this point had crumbled but they still had

Their Spruce space right well let’s just say that teammate could they give to real hard and nobody could have guessed how until she cat told me after the event and it is one of the most insane things I’ve ever seen in my ear so witnessing game exploits and trust me

I’ve had some experience with those ccat invited me to his Redstone world to take a look at how he did it though assuming that 1bm tried to shoot us and missed with their terrible aim all you’d have to do to catch the arrow So now it’s in stasis and it won’t despawn oh I might steal this for a lag machine so then to get it into the system you’d have to build this thing below it and then you can just drop it on and then all you have to do is just

Activate the TNT with the arrow and all of the entities will go in the opposite direction of the player I told C cat to leave his Arrow here and fly far far away from here to try tracking him myself I blew up the TNT with the arrow and went the opposite direction where

The mobs were not backed by and sure enough I found him that’s because TNT let by an arrow always knock back nearby entities in the opposite direction of the player who threw the arrow even if they move since it doesn’t even matter how far away they are it will still work

Even if they’re far out of your render distance so literally just leaving his Arrow at Team B’s base left them vulnerable for another attack I can already see the fit MC video about this and unfortunately for one bmm he happened to be at the spruce space when

They use the exploit so now that they knew where the spruce space was they decided to be a little bit more Incognito about it although they got many valuables from the initial base rate one thing they really needed was iron in order to bring a lot of lava

Into the final battle you need a lot of buckets which means a lot of iron lava is essential for defense so they decided to carry it over they attempted to make an iron farm at their base but that didn’t work however teammate happened to have a nice little iron farm sitting in

The open producing a metric buttload of iron why would they need to build a totally new iron farm if team a already had one that they can mooch off of this time around timay made sure to store all of their valuables into the storage receptacle to prevent a situation like

Last time so there wasn’t much to take from the base but the iron ccat 7 did a clever trick and rerouted The Hoppers to go into a secret chest underneath the farm when nobody was on team a online allowing him to take iron without teammate noticing iron magically

Disappearing from their chest this way they all think the farm is somehow broken but soon enough one bmm became suspicious he realized there was no iron coming out of the iron farm despite it seeming functional he also noticed the crops were missing and it was a special

Clear to him that their base was found again the funny thing was that there were signs beforehand but nobody took them seriously did anyone put a Darko plank in front of a door it was too late for them though because not only did they seal the massive

Amount of iron blocks he may already had they got even more iron from the chest underneath now they have sabotaged teammate yet again wasting more of their time one bmm being completely tired of all this decided to just fly away from the base and start a new one he was so

Tired he just let out a sigh and moved on with his life and just let Team B have the base and they had it all right they continued to actually live at the base all while team may assumed that they would leave it after being found

But no they took advantage of it oh also sea cat happened to find the gas Farm by sheer coincidence with how much they’ve been traveling across the map and stole even more gunpowder and gas tears so now team a decided to set up a villager station at a completely different

Village they set up more Farms to get more different resources like a gold farm and an ender pearl Farm they continue to grind resources like sand that they would need for the final battle for Team B just meant getting end stunned because it was cheap in the end

And it was blast resistant they found a different stronghold this time and used that to get materials but 1pmm knew a strong call to open up when he heard the sound I decided to search for it but when he went to the stronghold he found a bed he knew nobody on his team

Who placed it so he did the most logical thing he could think of which was the bad traffic a bad trap is basically a structure built around a bed designed to constantly kill the player whenever they respawn it covers the entire spawn radius of the bed and leaves a little

Hole for the player to spawn in which is filled with lava only to die again and again and again these became big on 2b2t as being bed trap makes you totally helpless the only way to get out of one is if someone else breaks it for you so

Although this isn’t practical for the long term one bmm felt like he could waste their time anyways but by some sheer coincidence Canadian happened to log on all while one bmm was working on bed trapping his bed the encounter was hilarious to say the least oh hi He’s loading in still wait yeah Okay he’s trapped no I’m on the respawn screen right now oh I can actually see what he’s doing like I can see him mining my bed is surrounded by obsidian he’s he is basically just spawn killing me probably at a rage for finding his face last night

He just said sub Canadian oh my gosh I can see him mining why is he mining how much obsidian is he putting holy crap oh can you see it He’s still going so how’s the uh legendary Canadian gonna get out of this I’m gonna ask for help Are you really surrendering back quickly bro you can’t get out of just lava I don’t have items so um I’m gonna get out of here yeah you’re good get out of here why put up sitting on the corners oh my God they don’t understand anything you

Want to mine the subsidian I mean it’s just free obsidian one bmm knew that because Team B gained a sudden interest in the end they would probably want their obsidian too TMD was scared to take obsidian earlier because team a was much further ahead of them

And now the tables have turned team a is scared of Team B now kimay wasn’t able to secure enough obsidian just yet so one bmm decided to set up granberg’s account to Crunch AFK in the end as a kind of security camera to listen to any

Footsteps and try to catch anyone in the ACT Brantford had an IRL emergency to attend to so he gave 1pm his lock and then had to drop out for the rest of the resource phase but Team B was never in the end while 1bmm was using his

Computer but it’s not like they never went to the end though because Canadian was leeching off of that too when bmm was on practically all the time but it was impossible for him to be on every waking hour of the day and when he saw

One bmm log off he had to take advantage of it oh they’re just going to notice that they’re getting a lot less obsidian than they than they expected to get you grab double chests after Double chest of obsidian and sort it into a storage receptacle if if they catch on you tell

Them that we’re not stealing it we’re just borrowing it there’s some fire oh we accidentally put it in our open chest we can’t give it back sorry since he left the farm running overnight he actually didn’t think too much about being so obsidian short so they never

Found out mostly because the farm was so fast but since Team B is designed to use less obsidian than teammates they already had enough so anyways do you remember when Team B stole all of teammates iron while team a made a totally new iron farm and prayed it

Would last long enough to get all the iron they needed well when one bmm was about to sleep he noticed something odd which was ccat 7 killing Branford who was AFK at the iron farm she may thankfully reached their goal and since they actually made sure to

Store it before it was stolen nothing was really lost one bmm was just about to sleep though so if ccat waited just a minute he might have been able to kill one bmm so the next day he decided to continue getting sand but he happened to find something weird there I mean I

Guess we do have one base yeah we do have one base that’s still out in the open if you want to find it uh there’s nothing there but you can you can you can find it oh you’re literally here right now hey what’s up funny

Enough they happen to be on a voice call what’s up Dan what’s up man you’re literally here what’s up die I wonder how he got there I actually don’t know how you got there I’m like it was luck one bmm was confused about how weird this lock was but the desert he was

Mining at and their iron farm was relatively close to the screw space which started to make them think if they really abandoned it after all Team B was very careful with their elytros or anything valuable as they didn’t want to die and lose them so they couldn’t have

Traveled far so we decided to check it out and his hunch was correct you’re here please don’t do this one bmm decided to finish the job off and get rid of them and the base I just upgraded my bow you’re dead Okay well I’m gonna burn everything now

Including the villagers the villagers of Ohio the villagers are gonna die now by the way and it’s all your fault I don’t I don’t care about them just leave us alone I have been leaving you alone you’re the ones that have been coming after me okay come on hi no

Yeah all these villagers are dead by the way why are you basing in my base like what’s your problem every time we finally become happy come and destroy everything dude listen to me you guys have rated RVs this is what three times now I have personally only

Rated your base one time and there was a very good reason it is well fun fact I’m burning all of my stuff too so you can’t help it either so 1pm briefed everything of use of the screw space stopping Team B from using it they only use basic armor because losing their diamonds

Another right meant they wouldn’t have it in the final battle Which is far more important than any drama that goes down in the resource world so after having their home destroyed yet again tnb wanted to see if teammate had an ender pearl Farm while they secured many

Resources when they rated team A’s base they never got many ender pearls which are required to make end crystals and crystals would be vital for winning the final battle so they decided to steal it from Team a because team a made a gas Farm they knew they were going to make

End crystals and to make those Team B knew that they had to have an Ender Pro Farm somewhere so versus Dan Canadian and sea cat all decided to try and totally grid scan the end but their plans are faulted win versus Dan got the achievement uh I think I know where they

Are got that uh that’s uh that’s a bit suspicious see he basically spent the whole event so far exclusively getting wood I never actually went to the end it was midnight so Team B was hoping one bmm was just AFK but unfortunately not he was going to get his revenge on them

For griefing quite literally everything the thing is if we hop in right now they might know that we’re gonna be there actually it’s totally chill it’s totally chill let’s just go he’s in the end I gotta go fast dude as far as they know only dance here

I’m not gonna get there in time I’m like super far away man I don’t see anyone okay okay okay okay go go go yeah I’m just gonna go through it oh here Hello are they gonna try to run back okay go back through go back to go back through oh man it’s okay I might die I’m gonna die anyways they’re going through it I’m just gonna kill Dan I’m sorry oh he died tonight should I go through the Gateway or

Should I fly back they might be waiting for me one bmm is a highly skilled pvpier so they couldn’t even begin to challenge him with just iron armor all right that’s fine that’s fine I got through kill cat kill cat yes okay the other one one of them went

Through one of them went through shall I just burn it they don’t have anything valuable did you die yeah you didn’t get through in time no you both died after killing two of them he decided to trap the end spawn he also reinstated bran Brit’s account in the end it’s just a pumpkin

And that turned out to be a good move that’s because it finally heard something so he decided to travel to the end and kill them oh you actually these actually are here yo what’s up there he is so when tnb saw him they knew they had to be crafty to survive

Here you get in the hole uh for what reason it’s a fun game what are you gonna do man I thought you were gonna do something it’s safe it’s all lit up CCAP wanted to trick him so he can get just a bit closer so he decided to act friendly

With him in order to lure him with his bed bombing range he could be playing like 200 egg here right now trying to bait me but I can’t tell oh not again all right you’re doing this on purpose stand in the hole laughs so demanding oh my armor no my turnability

What you guys are scheming right now there’s probably four okay your guys are trying to kill me with explosives right now I know you have TNT I’m gonna stay away from you guys I’m gonna okay listen man if you come within five blocks me I’m gonna create you

Yeah I’ll break the line okay it took some time but eventually he got fairly close it’s obsidian foreign no unfortunately his armor was too good one bmm killed the rest of them feeling totally betrayed he returned to the end Island and was tabbed out for a moment

But t-cat came back to get his revenge thankfully for him he had a totem so he didn’t die see cat and one be a man barely escaped with her life so if both teams just mentally exhausted for the last day I decided to bump the world

Border up some and let them focus on grinding whatever they were missing at this point both teams immigrated to new bases and hid them carefully teammate built it at the bottom of the cave and transported villagers into it Team B built theirs underground they spent the last day grinding materials and focusing

TV finally bit the dust and decided to make Farms to get the remaining materials like a mob farm and their own Enderman Farm as they’ve never found team Ace Farm luckily there were no more encounters for either a team and before they knew it the build phase began they

Could now access the materials they collected earlier in begin constructing their fortresses on the final battle world I decided to supply them with some extra building materials for the exterior to decorate their Fortress with just because it’s hard to convince them to get the extra materials they’ll need to

Make their Fortress look cool on such a tight schedule it doesn’t affect the defense so it’s not like it gives an unfair Advantage look I’m a YouTuber how am I supposed to commentate on two black boxes so anyways soon enough both teams got building [Applause] thank you Foreign Space a giant castle designed by Riri this space is the ultimate defensive Fortress designed to keep anything outside of it starting from the top we tried a lot of roof defenses and they were either not good enough or they were too expensive to get in survival so what we did was we

Just had it solid obsidian for about maybe 20 layers I think which takes about a minute to mine through the whole way going straight down instead of trying to uh counter it what we did was have a pearl glitch set up here where you can see through the walls and you

Can see any tunnels being mined oh my God I can see you so now the wall defense we also tried a lot of these and what we ended up going for was we wanted some combination of sand lava water and obsidian every other layer there is pure

Sand which when you mine it it will fall down and replenish the flock unless you have like a torque or something but the point of the lava and water is to kind of get rid of the Torches and then for the interior of the base we just have

Our beds here we had chests of just extra gear so that if someone died they could come back maybe restock a bit and we have soul speed on our on our boots so there was Soul Sands here going down to directly underneath the crystal this one was like kind of a mining defense

Going upwards if we go down a little more we see the cobwebs originally we wanted to do it across the entire floor however that was like way too expensive so with the cobwebs we did have we used it on the middle area and we just left

The other ones as air now if you’ve been wondering why I haven’t shown team B’s Fortress at all in this video well needless to say this one will never let you down designed by coryalis the space is undeniably the prettiest one out of the two in its own way at least

Alright so the first and most important defense is distraction we’ve pasted four massive collages of Rick astley’s face in order to deceive and distract the enemy it’ll bias just a little bit more time to get to their base after that we basically followed the same principle

That bed Wars players will use to defend their bed having the cheapest and weakest offenses on the outside and the strongest on the inside so the first defense is just solid lava if they do have fire resistance that’s fine because the next defense is an alternating pattern water and lava columns such that

If you try mining through it the water and lava will combine together it’s basically just a wall made out of cobblestone generators after that we have layers of solid obsidian and on top we have not one not two but three layers of bubble column if you end up mining

Into bubble elevators even if you have a leecher you won’t be able to fly out of it and you’ll basically be stuck bottom we have alternating layers of Cobblestone and lava so if anyone tries mining up or Pearl glitching up they’ll get stuck in these these one block tall

Spaces full of lava and of course our second most powerful defense the great stop sign we’re hoping if someone Pro glitches from below and looks down they’ll see the stop sign and Stop this is the room where the defense to get serious because the last defenses as we’ve seen in our training course you can get through in like two minutes that’s just to slow them down this is the room where we actually want to stop them so instead the next defense is

Guards we’re gonna put as many players as we can in this room who will be watching every single wall and as a bonus every single wall is made out of sand so no matter where you mine in from the players will instantly be able to see where you’re breaking in and

Hopefully kill you before you mine into the obsidian dome in the center after that uh We’ve defended the we’ve defended the crystal itself with the most expensive and most powerful defense we know depending on what tools they have you have to keep switching back and forth between two tools not only is it

Inconvenient to switch between more tools but the water sources keep regenerating water in front of you hopefully slowing you down enough that if you’re burrowed in our guards can mine back in into you and stop you now admittedly since we didn’t get a lot of obsidian the defense is probably lacking

However defense is not our main objective it’s offense because this whole game is about who can get to the other person’s Crystal faster and in that we think we have the lead because of our player cannons and it uses about 50 TNT I think why does it say Horizon

Is racist so this this cannon was designed by cat it uses about 50 TNT and all of them ceiling lunch is a player up into the air with slow falling and invisibility and then closes the hatch so the enemy can’t see where we came from oh that’s so cool yeah so just to

Make uh our guard Force even more optimized this room basically ensures that we can keep sending the guards back over and over again once you respawn from this bed you can get everything in all of these chests and then you can use this ladder right here to Pearl glitch

You just need two ender pearls and you’ll be back in the Death Pit ready to fight again also I should probably add that both teams have the exact same defense size underneath all of the decoration this will be a fair battle the final battle was now nearing and the

Players were coming on unfortunately Yoshi MC of Team B is Australian so he can come on he was busy being asleep and Riri who just forgot so I let both teams choose any one Minecraft player to participate in the final battle to sub in for them teammate

Chose none other than only a squid to participate only a squid is one of Minecraft’s best pvps there couldn’t be a better choice for them Team B enlisted ant yet another PVP or an SMP player so now after getting everyone up to speed both teams have their final preparations for battle

So now it’s actually happening the battle phase all of the time and hours put in by all the members would be put to test I also brought in deeper Trooper to help keep track of everything with me here we um okay is everyone ready yeah yeah okay three two one Yes that’s amazing that’s amazing oh here here’s the first one randburg is flying oh my God what that is those are the player cannons bro he’s soaring oh he furly pearly pearly pearly Pearl right now oh he missed he missed his end of pearl he’s doing another one

Oh he missed he missed all his pearls okay it looks like um they’re trying to penetrate the defense right now Oh my God they’re going in they’re just going ham I can’t see through all these bubbles dude no nobody’s inside of red space yet oh wait I see what I see when I see one here TP to me oh this guy right in he’s right he said he’s in the

Bubble columns they’re making they’re he’s stuck he can’t move I’m actually like genuinely not sure he’s gonna live okay and I have tracers so now I can see like which team is at which area squid is oh squid turn on invis oh shoot okay red is like above the bit

Oh oh no I think red might have discovered the cannon while all of that was happening teammate was distracting the cards on one side while master oogoy was flaking them on the other now Master Oogway snuck through their last layer of Defense what they catch on That one It’s got another Foreign Oh shoot looks like Team B lost in the end team A1 Team D might have put up a good fight and had their fair share of laughs but team eight otherwise the final one but this isn’t the end this won’t be the last video like this I’ll

Do and I need your help my next video will involve a few more people let’s just say about a thousand more and for that I need every person possible that could join and be in my upcoming video that means you I need everyone’s help

For this it will be a 10v 1000 in a similar fashion to this video so join my Discord down below if you are a talented Minecraft or and want to be a part of the 10 players fighting all 1000 join that Discord and fill out the Google

Form application I have there if you know someone that is skilled at anything in Minecraft send them this form and who knows they might get into my next video I need as many people as possible to help me with this including you my dear

Viewer I want to give a shout out to the guys that were too busy grinding tutorial the drama I covered in the video both teams would basically be nothing without them thank you all so much for watching I spent over five months on this video so if I managed to

Entertain you for like 50 minutes a five second subscription would be very awesome with skull and all it’ll probably be a minute till I can upload again but I’ll be streaming on Twitch a lot especially if you’re a fan of Geometry Dash oh and follow me on Twitter I guess see ya

This video, titled ‘Minecraft Ultimate Castle Battle!’, was uploaded by The Horizon on 2023-01-10 00:30:07. It has garnered 1572922 views and 49632 likes. The duration of the video is 00:49:40 or 2980 seconds.

Welcome to Minecraft Castle Battle, where 2 teams of Minecrafts best players have to defend a crystal with their lives in order to win! These players are masters in PVP, and Engineering. What will come out of this?


TWITTER: https://twitter.com/TheHorizon2b2t TWITCH (I’m live alot): https://www.twitch.tv/thehorizonmc Biz: [email protected] Anarchy server IP: horizonanarchy.net

Animations and thumbnail are done in Blockbuster Mod, very powerful tool.

Special thank you to w_av for doing some of these shots! I plan on hiring more people in the future to release videos more often. But every time I say I’ll upload more, I end up uploading less so no promise.

Squilly bed glitch: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=IqrQ9Xess0k&t

Music: I’m litterally on the last day of my spring break I’m completely out of time to compile that for the time being. I’ll try to do so later, though! Same with subtitles, I’ll try to get those done quickly.

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  • Experience the Evolution of Minecraft on Minewind Server!

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  • Olympian realm

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  • Fractured SMP Semi-Vanilla 1.20.4 Bedrock & Java Dynmap Discord

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  • Minecraft Memes – Real Minecraft Players vs. Fortnite Tryhards

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  • Block Buster: Tree Farm & Pillager Swarm || Minecraft One Block Gameplay

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  • “Hot diggity creeper, that’s a spicy meme!” #minecraft

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  • Join Minewind Server for Custom 3D Skins in Minecraft!

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  • Guess the Cartoon! Minecraft Animation

    Guess the Cartoon! Minecraft Animation Minecraft Content Creation: A Look into Berkant’s Channel Berkant’s Minecraft Channel Berkant is a dedicated content creator who produces Minecraft videos every two days. His channel features a variety of content, including Minecraft escapes, parodies, and more. With a mix of rich and poor elements in his videos, Berkant’s channel offers a unique perspective on the Minecraft world. Engaging with Berkant’s Channel If you want to support Berkant’s channel, you can subscribe and show your support. Don’t forget to hit the like button on his videos to show some love ❤️. New videos are uploaded every other day at… Read More

  • 💔Hunt for Leviathan Heart! | Lewis 0978 Live BloxFruit Gameplay

    💔Hunt for Leviathan Heart! | Lewis 0978 Live BloxFruit GameplayVideo Information say going live going live live we’re live what’s up chat what’s up what’s up what’s up chat what’s everyone doing hello orang what’s good bro hello K hello doy hello Zane what’s good let roll shall we hello shbs oh great no great start to the beginning all right uh well have some change hello Mar May mayor hello I just got the notification W oh yeah Zan for some we weird reason I was I was trying to type on YouTube on Google and it popped out Discord and I put why to you I don’t… Read More

Minecraft Ultimate Castle Battle!