Minecraft – Ultimate Castle Survival Base Tutorial (How to Build)

Video Information

Hello everybody my name is marlo and in this video i’m gonna show you how to build an ultimate castle survival base this formidable fortress has just about everything you could need to survive in minecraft there is a central storage room complete with a bed and some other utility blocks

In the courtyard we have a couple of animal pens and crop gardens and in the four corner towers we have an enchanting setup some furnaces for smelting a brewing area plus nether portal and lastly a spare room that can lead to possible expansion and of course it’s very safe from mobs

You’re gonna be nice and secure inside of the space this is usually the part of my tutorials where i go through the materials list with you all but there are actually too many items for this build to do that so instead i have written it all out in the description

Every single item we are going to be using to make this castle is listed down below i have rounded some of the main building blocks up to the nearest full half or quarter sack just so you don’t run out of resources whilst constructing this first things first you need to find a

Location to build this in the size of the castle is roughly 31 by 31 blocks but you can see and count the exact layout here and what we need to do is place an outward facing stone brick stair on the eight orange blocks in the four corners and all of the others

Can become full stone brick blocks that gap at the bottom as you may have guessed is the entrance to the castle now that you’ve got your location picked and your castle shape is all laid out and ready to go we’re gonna start work on the towers

Here and we’re just gonna pick one of them it doesn’t matter which one because they’re all identical and we’re gonna start off by placing some blocks on top of these four corners right here so on top of one of them we want to go up by one two three

Four five six seven eight and nine and then you can do that three more times and once you’ve got that done we can then come to the two stairs that we already have placed down and on top of them we want two iron bars and then two

Full blocks and then one two and three iron bars and then just another stone brick on top of it and we of course can do that round here as well so two iron bars two stone bricks three iron bars and then another one on top and basically either side of those iron

Bars we place down we want to bring these four blocks up by a total of eight so there’s one two three four five six seven and eight level with the top stone brick now we can come around to the other two sides that are going to be connected to

The walls and what we want to do on top of these two blocks is bring them up by eight once again just so they’re level with the blocks we’ve already placed down making sure those corner ones are just an extra block above them on this

Top block we want to have a full block with an upside down stone brick stair below it then leave a gap of three and just place in another block here these are going to serve as entrances to our walkways on top of and inside of the wall

And as you may have guessed do the same for this side too now that we have all of the walls to our tower laid out we’re gonna come to this block here on top of the line of three on all four sides and place in a slab

With a chisel stone brick on top of it with a stair on top of that one we then want to have two upside down stairs either side with a full block on top of them and on top of the four blocks we’re gonna have two slabs we can of course do this

Four more times Once you’ve got that done we can then come to one of the four corners of our tower here so just beside this largest pillar and either side of it we’re gonna have two chiseled stone bricks with two stone brick walls on top of it and then one two

Three four five six and seven spruce fences on top of both of those with another stone brick wall on top and then two stone brick stairs facing outwards like so and then you can copy that three more times i’m gonna be saying that a lot in this tutorial now we’re ready to step

Inside and actually head up to the top of the tower so i’m gonna get you to place some ladders on this corner block right here the one that is facing in towards the castle and just bring those ladders all the way up to the very top of this pillar right here

So that’s 20 ladders in total and then once you’re up here on top we want to start off by one of these chiseled blocks just next to the block beside it and basically have a line of slabs going all the way across from one side to the other

Same again over here to make a plus shape and then we’re going to have one two three and then four more in the center here and then we can switch over to some stone brick stairs and on the ones just next to the ladder we’re simply just gonna place two stairs like that

But on the other four corners or three corners i should say we’re gonna place a stair and then bend one round to the side so it should curve round slightly just like that so same again for this one over here and then finally this corner as well

And once you’ve got all of those placed down the final thing to do up here is to grab some lanterns one can go on top of the ladder block and the other can go on the opposite side over here this will stop mob spawning on top of

Your tower the final thing we’re gonna do with the towers for now is just hop down onto this ladder here and crouch so that you don’t fall down any further and then get out your stone brick slabs and we’re gonna place one two three four five and six underneath

All of those blocks that we have from the floor above and then finally what you can do is have another slab here in the center with a chain and a lantern hanging down from below so the ceiling should look like this and now what you can do

Is copy what we’ve done here for this tower three more times for the other three towers Sometime later you should have all four towers built up ready to go we’re now gonna start work on the walls beginning with the entrance wall over here which is slightly different to the other three but it’s the same sort of pattern so it should be easy enough but we’re gonna

Grab some stone brick slabs and on this outer wall here so not this one the one that’s on the outer of the castle we’re gonna place in a slab next to the tower then a full block then a slab full block slab and full block

Just like that and then on top of all of those we’re gonna have two full blocks just like so leaving us with some windows here which are actually eye height so you can see out of them pretty nicely which i think is pretty cool but then we’re going to come back around

To the front here and then one block above all of the slabs we’re going to place in an upside down stair just like so and on top of that we can have a four stone brick and then in between all of those four bricks we can have an upside down stair once again

And on top of all of the four blocks we’re gonna have ourself a slab so that right there is the wall pattern super duper simple you can then copy that round to this side as well and also round to the back two here with one slight change for the back

We’re not actually gonna have the windows so you basically just want to bring this up to be four high with only four blocks so you should be left with this and now what we’re gonna do before we start work on the entrance itself is just copy this wall pattern

Round to the other three sides so it should look exactly the same but obviously with this middle bit filled in and not left open for the entrance it should meet up quite nicely in the middle as you’ll see when you build it there we go all four walls are now built

Up with the exception of the entrance over here which will start in just a second but just make sure your walls are looking the same as mine are here which they most likely are so let’s head back round to the front and start on the entrance way to the

Castle here so we’re going to grab some stone bricks and place four on these spots right here and then underneath them we’re gonna have some stone brick walls just like so three underneath all of those with two more in the center here just to connect them up like that and

Now we’re going to copy over this top section of the wall just across to the middle so we’re gonna have a full block then a stair full block stair and full block with slabs on top of all of those and then upside down stairs just like that and of course real quickly we’ll

Just copy it around to the back here as well and then what we can actually do is just replace this middle block with a chiseled stone brick around the front and the back as well next up we can actually go ahead and break the two stairs underneath those chisel blocks and in replace

Of them we’re gonna have a stone brick stair next to that full block upside down same again that side with a slab in the center and of course just do the same over on this side too and then we can come back to the front here and just above these two walls in

The middle we’re gonna have one two and three four blocks just like that on either side with three more in the center here we can then grab two stone brick stairs and have them upside down in those two top corners and then finally we need to seal off the entrance here making sure

Only players can get through and we’re just gonna have three fence gates like that the final thing to do with the walls here is to make this top bit look a little bit nicer you are actually going to be able to access this and walk along it so we need

To make it look a little bit prettier and the first thing we’re going to do is fill in this middle section here with stone bricks of course you’re doing this with all four walls the middle section of the front was slightly filled in but obviously you just gotta go all the way across

With the other three so once you have a nice flat platform here we’re gonna line the two sides with spruce slabs and then we’re gonna line the center here with spruce trap doors just make sure these are all facing the same way and you don’t have the

Occasional one facing the side like that otherwise it kind of ruins the look a little bit so make sure they’re all in a straight line and then when you get to the tower here providing you’ve done that for the other three sides we basically just want to have two slabs coming outwards

And then one next to the ladders here this way you can actually reach from wall to wall by going through the tower itself there is actually one final thing we have to do with the walls here and that’s to come to the very center of the mall and just break out this three

By three area and have a slab in the middle with two upside down stairs either side just to make this archway into the wall itself which once again you are going to be able to traverse through to go room to room i’ve already done it with the other two sides as well

So now we’re gonna start laying out the courtyard and the animal and crop farms so we’re gonna start off with some spruce fences here on the back wall i’m gonna have a fence then a fence gate then another fence with a barrel just like that then we’re gonna have one two three and

Four fences with another barrel here and then another four fences just like that with a final barrel and then another fence gates then a fence then another fence here and we just want to put a spruce trap door on top of all of those barrels

We can then copy that round to all four corners it is slightly different at the front here but i’ll show you what’s different afterwards So at the front next to the entrance here it looks like this we have a gap in the wall which you can actually fit through so it would be fine but it doesn’t look particularly great so all we’re gonna do is simply move these blocks back by one

So the barrel will go here fence gate in the middle two fences either side and then replace the spruce trap door on top and one thing i’ll quickly mention with the spruce trap doors try and make sure they’re facing all the same way so basically go around and making sure

You’re facing the same direction place them all down just so you don’t get an odd one on the side like that just keeps with the consistency and makes it look that little bit nicer and yes by the way these barrels are meant to be functional you can store some items inside of them

Possibly some hoes or some wheat to breed your animals that sort of thing plus they’re a very nice decorative block but now we need to just grab some strip spruce logs and underneath all of these fences and fence gates we just want some horizontal logs going all the way across

Just make sure you’re actually doing it only underneath the gate and leaving these blocks in the pen open as grass or whatever block you have we may have to replace it with grass afterwards if you’re not building in a biome like i am here so if you are building in a biome that

Doesn’t already have grass on the floor go ahead and fill all of these in with grass blocks or dirt would actually be fine unless you’re planning on having some sheep in the animal pens which are going this side opposite to the entrance they of course need grass to replenish their wall but

We’re going to be focusing on the crop farms to start off with here which are on the side next to the entrance here and what we basically want to do underneath all of these barrels here just break away the block underneath them and replace it with a water source and

Then cover the front of it back up like so and as you can see here that nicely hydrates all of the land in here ready to have some crops planted on them but before we plant any crops we need to do something about this line of pixels

Next to the farmland here now obviously mine is quite bright and vibrant because it’s concrete but i think it’s still going to look a little bit better if you just replace all of these with stone bricks there we go only a tiny little detail but i do think it definitely helps

Now you can go ahead and pick whichever seeds you would like to plant in them i personally am going to do wheat seeds so i can breed the cows and sheep that we’re going to be having in those pens over there and also baked potatoes or normal potatoes

So we can bake them and give ourselves a bit of a food source and of course at some point or another you can fill these two pens up with some animals of your choosing i’d recommend sheep so you can get access to wall and cows you can get access to leather

But really it’s entirely up to you next up we’re gonna start work on the storage room which i guess would be the keep of the castle here and what we need to do is have a strip spruce log one block away diagonally from this middle barrel here on

All four of those corners so we should end up with a square that has seven blocks in between each of these pillars and those all need to be brought up for five more blocks for a total of six so there’s one two and three four five and six

And then what we want to do is just connect them horizontally at the top with a line of logs going all the way across from one side to the other then we can go ahead and grab some stone brick slabs and place two on these top pillars here and then have a

Stair on top of it on both sides and then basically just staircase our way up until these two eventually meet in the middle so we’re having a regular stair with an upside down one coming off the back and eventually as i said they should come together at the top here

Where you can just have a single upside down stair in the middle so you should have this shape the roof outline which then can be copied around to the other three sides as for filling in the rest of the roof we’re gonna have a spruce trap door on

Top of all of these upside down stone brick stairs with four spruce slabs coming into the center leaving us with a single block in the very middle which can become another slab so we should have a plus shape looking like this and then we can move over and grab our spruce planks

And basically we just want to have these next to all of these stairs just like so and then you can connect them in the middle so i have one here two here and then three on the top level so it should look like this round the front

And then we can grab some spruce slabs and in the center of all of these levels we just want to have one of them tucked into the corner like so with the exception of this top one which is going to be a spruce trap door so that’s how one corner of this roof

Looks you can then well i probably didn’t even need to say it but just in case you’re a bit confused copy it round to the other three sides as well so that is the roof all done it should be looking like this from the top and like

This from underneath which we will come inside here and make it look a little bit better in just a little bit but we gotta work on the outside some more first of all and the very first thing we’re gonna do here is actually grab some spruce fences and we want to have

One placed on each of these corner blocks half a block under that slab with a chain underneath and then underneath that we’re going to have a lantern just to provide some light so we want to do this for all four corners once you’ve got all of these placed down

We then want to step inside the building here and just place down one two and three strip spruce logs just like that in the very center and then from this middle block here we want to bring it out on all four sides by six blocks so one two three four five and six

Just so it pokes out by a single block here and at the end of that we won’t have an oak button covering up the front with a chain and another lantern hanging down from below and then as i said you can do that for the other three sides

So once again if we just step inside here and look at the ceiling we should have this plus shape with the strip spruce log and now what we’re gonna do is come to the entrance way here and look up at this archway at the front of our central house

And what we’re gonna do is just come up here probably with some scaffolding if you’re in survival and put a spruce plank on those two corner blocks with two strip spruce logs either side of it and then have three core starts in the center and cover that up with spruce trap doors

This will become a flower bed so go ahead and place three different flowers on top of the coarse dirt but on the back of those blocks we’re gonna have three upside down oak blocks or oak stairs i should say with two oak planks either side of it

And a spruce fence in the middle just like that and then very finally we can head around to the front again here and have another upside down stone brick stair just like that to complete this little arch section what you can do then is copy this around to the back of the build

Just like i’ve done here but the other two sides are going to be slightly different but those are the same as each other so i’ll show you how to do one of them we need to start off with an oak plank here in the corner just like we did

Before with the spruce plank and then once again two stripped spruce logs beside it with two more in the middle here we then want to have an oak plank at the top on those two spots with an oak stair at the bottom here followed by an oak trap door as some windows

And very finally just an oak fence gate opened up looking as though it’s holding up that pillar with our lantern on so this can be copied round to this side as well once you got it copied around onto the other side we can then do the underside of what

We’ve just built here so on the left and the right not the front and the back we’re gonna start off with a line of strip spruce logs just to make these two sections on either side where we can have some upside down stone brick stairs and then we’re

Basically going to make a line of stone brick walls going all the way around leaving three blocks in the middle to have some iron bars and as you can see with the new wall mechanics that smooths out very nicely adding that little bit of depth to the build and as

You may have guessed you can copy it around to the other side too i wonder how many times i’ve said something like that in this video around the back of the build here we’re gonna have a line of strip spruce logs one block away from the outer pillar

Here so it leaves us with a gap of one then a gap of three then another gap of one in the gap of three we’re going to do exactly the same as what we’ve done on those two sides so the upside down stairs along the bottom

With the walls and the iron bars to make a window as for the single sections here we’re gonna start off with a chiseled stone brick with a stone brick stair on top of it an upside down one underneath that log and then two spruce fences

In the middle here and you can do the same for this side as well as for the side round the front here just as you walk through the castle entrance way we’re going to start off with a chiseled stone brick on the bottom block next to those pillars and on the top one

In the corner we can have an upside down stone brick stair underneath that stair we’re gonna have three full blocks connecting to the chiseled and then five more across the top like so and finally two upside down stone brick stairs to make a nice little arc shape and now

We can grab our spruce planks and just next to the chisel block one in diagonally we’re gonna have a line of four spruce planks going all the way up three across the top with two spruce stairs just like that to make another arc shape and then we can actually

Snag a spruce slab from up the top there and just place another one in the center here to make a slightly smaller arch with a lantern can go in the center there to provide a little bit of extra light as well so now we’re ready to head inside of

This building and work on the interior and the first thing we’re gonna do is actually break those two spruce planks on the bottom and replace it with an upside down spruce stair so we can see half of the block here and then we basically just want to get

Rid of all of the blocks that are on the floor grass or stone whatever it may be in a square around the edge of the build and fill it all in with some oak planks of course you could use oak slabs if you want to save on some resources

But then we can go ahead and get rid of the rest of the blocks in the middle here and grab some strip spruce logs and on the corner blocks we’re going to place four in each of them facing upright and then to connect them all in the middle we’re gonna have some horizontally

Touching from one to the other so we should be looking like this for right now where the floor is concerned in the center here we’re gonna have some barrels but we’re actually gonna place them in upside down so what we need to do is just dig down by a couple of blocks here

And then hop into this little area place them all upside down of course you have to crouch if you’re trying to place one on another barrel and it may be wise to fill all of this in just to stop mob spawning but as you can see that is

The underside of the barrel texture which i think looks really nice and of course is still accessible now we need to do something about this ceiling because it doesn’t look great it’s a big old mess at the moment so we’re gonna grab some oak planks and place one

In all of the four corners here just above the strip spruce log we’re also gonna have a slab underneath all of those and then we wanna come to the side here where we already have the stairs placed in and just expand them outwards by one block either side

And then we’re also gonna have an extra block next to those o planks on the other two sides leaving three blocks in the middle which we will place something on a little bit later but just underneath looking at the strip spruce log we want to have three spruce trap doors again

Just make sure you can actually place a block on top of them and they’re not up like that otherwise you cannot place the block on the two sides where we have these two oak trap doors we’re going to start off by placing in two spruce planks just like that in this

Block next to the trapdoor we’re going to have an upside down spruce stair facing into it and then above the trapdoors we’re going to have two more upside down stairs so it should be looking like this and then just to the side of those that we’ve already placed down another two

Upside down stairs and then finally just underneath those spruce trap doors we’re gonna place in two slabs so it should be looking like this which then you of course as i’ve done here nearly there we go you can copy it around to the other side too

So that should be what the ceiling is looking like at the moment and then once you’ve got that done you can actually come to this center block here in the middle place a fence underneath it with a chain and then a lantern and very finally just next to that block

We’re gonna have four spruce slabs like so next up we’re gonna grab a crafting table and put it in the center here just underneath these iron bars and then either side next to the strip spruce logs we’re gonna have a stone cutter and ender chest and as for adding in all of

Our chests for storage we’re basically gonna have two double chests next to all of these items here so two next to the stone cutter two next to the crafting bench and two next to the end of chest and we’re actually going to bring them up so that they’re one two three

Four and five blocks high but of course if you don’t need quite that much storage you can maybe just do them by one two or possibly three but i’ve given you enough items in the materials list to go all the way up to five blocks and of course

If you like to label your storage you can go ahead and place some item frames on the front of all of these chests i’ve just gone and placed them next to the center block here so it’s nice and symmetrical but next up just on all of these four

Corners we’re gonna place a barrel with a spruce pressure plate on top of them that’s simply just to give you a little bit of extra storage and will also stop mob spawning in the corners it would be really bad to have a creeper blurp in your storage

Room and then lastly what we’re gonna do in here is actually just go up to these spruce trap doors that we placed down earlier and three of these we’re gonna have a blast furnace smoker and regular furnace of course we’re gonna have the furnace room in one of the towers

But this is always just quite handy to have on hand next to all of your items and on the other side we’re gonna have a loom cartography table and smithing table the cartography table is directional so you may find it’s actually better to place it over the other side so it’s

Not just a blank block and you instead get a little bit of color i’m actually going to do that there is actually one last thing to do with this before we can call it quits which is to place in our bed and it’s going to be going up here on this block

But we need to expand this a little bit because it’s not quite large enough so we’re going to have a slab in the center with two upside down stairs either side and then next to those stairs we’re going to have three ladders so that you can actually climb up to the

Top here and the bed is going to be going in the center just like that and then if we just hop up on the foot of the bed and face either side and place in a spruce trap door so you should be able to see it’s in line

With the stair and then we’re going to have two trapdoors on the front of those trap doors with one more in front of the bed go ahead and flick all of those up and as you can see it makes a nice little area where you can sleep the night away and

One final finishing detail if you would like to just add a clock in an item frame above the bed there are just a couple of things left for us to do before we can start work on the individual towers and one of them is to add some more lanterns

Around here because it is awfully dark and the first one is going to be going underneath this chisel stone block just beside the entrance way here and then for all of the corners what we’re actually going to do is just hop up on this barrel and then the two stairs that are nearest

To the spruce fences so not these down here one across we’re going gonna have some lanterns with some chains just above them hanging down of course we can do this for all four corners and that should provide a nice amount of light to all of the outside area

And now we can start placing some in the tunnels themself so the first one is going to go in the very center here and these are just lanterns not the chains as well otherwise you won’t be able to fit through so just the lantern in the center and

Then the other two are going to go on the very end block here and of course another one over here and once again we can do the same for all of the other tunnels you may be wondering what to do with this tunnel because it obviously only leads halfway before hitting the entrance

We’re still going to have the lantern on this block right here but as you can see this is actually a seven light level and this doesn’t look particularly good so basically all we’re gonna do is cover up and that will solve the problem of mobs

Being able to spawn and also get rid of that ugly looking wall so you can do that for the other side too of course once you’ve got your lanterns down the next thing to do is to make the floor look a little bit nicer and simply all we’re going to be

Doing is getting rid of all of these grass blocks here so in all of the tunnels in all of the towers and in all of the outside area we’re going to be replacing it with oak planks or oak slabs again as i said earlier if you want to save on resources

But before you start placing them down we’re going to go ahead and get rid of these three blocks underneath the fence gates as well as the two underneath the walls and just line them with spruce stripped logs going across like that and now you can go ahead get rid of all

The blocks on the floor and replace them with the oak planks so there we go the floor is nicely laid out with our oak planks we’re now ready to start working on the individual towers here where we’re going to be having our enchanting room smelting room brewing room with nether portal

And a spare room for expansion and displaying some armor stands so it doesn’t matter which of the towers you pick for which room it is entirely up to you so the first room we’re gonna do is the enchanting area so go ahead and pick whichever one you would like that to be

And in the corner here in between these two iron bars we’re gonna go ahead and break this bottom block and replace it with a bookshelf we can then have two either side of it with three more here in an l shape so we’ve got this at the moment

And then we’re going to have two more here for a total of 15 which will give us 30 levels on the actual table here and then just in front of the iron bars we can have our anvil and our grindstone and then on top of all of the bookshelves

Just to make it look a little bit better and to stop mob spawning we’re going to cover up with some oak planks simple as that enchanting room done the next room is the furnace room and i’ve just headed down the corridor to actually build this and we’re going

To start off by having a smoker underneath the iron bar with a blast furnace either side of it and then lastly two more smokers on those two blocks and then we can grab our regular furnaces and we’re gonna have two furnaces on top of all of the ones we already have placed down

With the exception of the smokers next to the iron bars as i would like to leave them open for some windows the next room is gonna be for our brewing and we’re gonna start off by having four barrels placed down either side of the iron bars here and on

Top of all of those we can have four brewing stands on one of them we’re gonna have our cauldron but this doesn’t actually serve that well as a water source it’s better to just have an infinite one down below so we’re gonna dig down three blocks like i’ve

Just done there and replace all of the blocks on the wall with some of our stone bricks just like that and then some oak planks on the floor like so and then you can place one water source here and another one here and this you can infinitely pick up we

Are still going to place our cauldron down mainly for looks but as you can see we can just fill that up and then if i just grab an empty water bucket here you should still be able to reach underneath the cauldron and then fill it up whenever needs be the other gap in

Between the barrels is going to be for our nether portal so we’re going to start off with a spruce trap door on this block and flip it upwards so we can actually access down here and dig down at five blocks and then we’re gonna break these five

Blocks here and turn them into stone bricks and we can actually go ahead and place a ladder on all of those so you can get back out of this shoot but we’re also going to dig down on this block one two and three and just have an upside down barrel here

Just as some storage for everything that you could need before you go into the nether maybe some fire resistance potions for example but then we’re gonna go ahead and get rid of these blocks on the two sides and turn them all into oak planks just like so and then we’re gonna dig

Out a three by three area and this is where our nether portal is gonna go so we can go ahead and line all three sides with obsidian just like this and then the back we should probably make look quite nice as well so we’ll have a chisel stone brick in the middle

And then just regular stone bricks all around it and then finally the last thing it to do of course is to light the portal itself for the last room here we’re going to start off with a spruce trap door underneath the two iron bars go ahead and flick them up and then

Either side of it we can have a strip spruce log facing upwards and then just beside those we’re gonna have two single chests and then we can place in our armor stands but instead of having them facing forward one very tiny thing you can do to make

This look a little bit better is just place some diagonals so face the corner of the block here and then place the armor stand itself and of course you’re gonna need some armor to go on display here what you choose is entirely up to you two sets of netherite with a light trap

May be a little bit pricey for some survival players but now you need to figure out how and if you want to expand your castle base here so what i’d recommend doing depending on what type of expansion you’re looking to make if you need to go really far down i’d

Recommend using some bubble elevators using the soul sand to very easily chuck you back up to the surface here but if it’s only a little bit weights down maybe a ladder is a better option if you’re looking for ideas of what type of expansion you can make and you’re not

Really sure what to do i’d maybe recommend having this lead to an underground mine shaft where you can go digging for diamonds and if that is the case bubble elevators are probably the way forward since you’re going down to basically bedrock but this section of the build

Really is entirely up to you so that everybody is the survival castle base all done with the exception of one final task which i will tell you now is pretty time consuming but i would say it’s worth it basically we’re going to be adding in some texture to our castle here

To make the general structure look a bit more interesting and a whole lot less plain than what it is right now so the blocks we’re going to be using to add texture to our castle here are crack stone bricks cobblestone and the sight and regular stone

And the way we’re going to be placing them down is basically just sporadically every now and again i’m thinking maybe i’m going to use the cobble and the cracked a little bit more than the stone and the underside so those will probably end up being a little bit more frequent and of course

Don’t forget to do it for the walls and the stairs as well as well as the inside a little bit if you want to for this middle section but something you can do real quick that i’ll mention here is with the cobblestone add it in every now and

Again as though it’s kind of like had this crack in the wall so keeping them partially connected in somewhat of a line it kind of looks like a split or a fracture in the solid stone obviously mixing in the texture when you do that sort of thing

But there’s just a little bit of a texture tip if you want to take it once you’ve got all of your texture added in that is the castle survival base all done i really hope you guys did enjoy this video and it helped you out of course if you’re choosing to build

This in your own survival world let me know down in the comments and maybe even send me some pictures over on twitter or in my discord server both of those links are down in the description but thank you guys ever so much for watching again i really hope it helped you out

And i will see you next time bye for now

This video, titled ‘Minecraft – Ultimate Castle Survival Base Tutorial (How to Build)’, was uploaded by ItsMarloe on 2021-04-07 15:00:13. It has garnered 506142 views and 14433 likes. The duration of the video is 00:35:02 or 2102 seconds.

How to build a survival castle with everything you need in Minecraft! This fortified fortress build comes with all you could possibly want as a survival player – storage room, sleep arrangements, furnaces for smelting, a brewing room, animal pens, crop farms, enchanting setup, a nether portal and even room for expansion!


My Links:

Twitch – https://www.twitch.tv/marloe_

Second Channel – https://www.youtube.com/itsmarloe2

Discord – https://discord.gg/TpJAe2K

Twitter – https://twitter.com/itsmarloe

Instagram – https://www.instagram.com/itsmarloe/


Materials List –

Stone: • 19 stacks stone bricks • 7 stacks stone brick stairs • 4 stacks stone brick slabs • 2 stacks stone brick walls • 1 stack chiselled stone bricks • 5 stacks cobblestone • 5 stacks cracked stone bricks • 5 stacks stone • 5 stacks andesite

Wood: • 3 stacks + 16 stripped spruce logs • 1 stack + 16 spruce planks • 20 spruce stairs • 3 stacks + 32 spruce slabs • 2 stacks spruce trapdoors • 4 stacks + 48 spruce fences • 11 spruce fence gates • 4 spruce pressure plates • 7 stacks oak planks • 16 oak stairs • 10 oak slabs • 4 oak trapdoors • 2 oak fence gates • 4 oak buttons

Miscellaneous: • 2 stacks ladders • 1 stacks iron bars • 48 lanterns • 32 chains • 6 coarse dirt • 6 flowers • 1 stack + 4 seeds • 31 item frames • 1 clock • 4 armour stands • 4 sets of armour

Interior Items: • 62 chests • 30 barrels • 12 obsidian • 13 furnaces • 5 blast furnaces • 5 smokers • 4 brewing stands • 15 bookshelves • 1 enchanting table • 1 anvil • 1 grindstone • 1 crafting table • 1 cartography table • 1 smithing table • 1 loom • 1 stonecutter • 1 ender chest • 1 cauldron • 1 bed

Extras: • water bucket • scaffolding • flint and steel • hoe • 2 types of animal

Music: https://c418.bandcamp.com/

Shaders: https://bitslablab.com/

The resource pack used in this video is my own custom one! It is only available for my YouTube members and Twitch subscribers. Click the join button to find out more!

Timestamps: 00:00 – Intro + Materials List 01:04 – Castle Wall + Towers 10:48 – Animal & Crop Farms 14:22 – Storage Room Exterior 21:19 – Storage Room Interior 26:39 – Courtyard Additions 28:42 – Tower Interiors 33:23 – Adding Texture + Outro

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  • MineRealm SMP Semi-Vanilla – Public 1.19-1.20.6 21+ Staff Legit Custom Plugins

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Minecraft – Ultimate Castle Survival Base Tutorial (How to Build)