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Hello everybody and welcome to uh I mean I guess it’s an episode of creative above and beyond I don’t know it’s a half episode or something like that I don’t know I don’t know if we call it something different when the full Trio is not here but Peter is still road

Tripping um but Zen will also not be available for a it’s just an overlap of of gunness that’s happening around the water holidays I don’t know what that is but anyway that’s happening so we thought we’d squeeze one more episode in before a a break for a bit um of course

This server is brought to you by our sponsor Apex hosting and if you use our codes in the description of the stream of the YouTube video you can get your own server at 25% off your first month and maybe play some create Arcane engineering or um you know whatever else

Vanilla other mod packs so check them out thanks to them for sponsoring I um saw you were a busy boy working on making my stuff better between episodes yeah I mean well I I would like to clarify the phrasing there I I feel like I feel like some some clarification

There I I don’t think I better implies that it was problematic I increased its capacity so is is that better is it not like I just I just made it bigger not better ah okay so bigger isn’t better well in this case it was but I it’s difficult to say that without while

Still being you know neutral uh-huh I uh understood yeah yeah so uh I just we we you’re you for some reason I can’t even can’t remember why right now but it will come to me at some point uh we needed more Source we were running we were running a

Little on Source okay it does it does go into the time in the bottles yeah your time in the bottle yeah like and so um I came down and I was just kind of like oh I can you know move Shuffle this around and at first I like just added I saw

That you know we were waiting for blls return so I kind of add increased the capacity there and then eventually I just ended up realizing like I can literally using your build just add a second uh Lane and and double the output and and just have it going around and it

Seems to be stopped and broken for some reason it’s stuck at the moment yeah but but if we ignore that part it’s working great so what’s uh what’s going on here man oh the oh the too many bows it yeah you you overb you overb the system I

Bowled it over there it goes all right I actually I actually had that issue with uh when I when I overloaded glass jars in the time in a bottle production for the pixies that also you can back it up so it’s same same sort of thing when you

Loop and bowls Loop and jars yada yada I see you increase the production over here Happ what happened and why is because I had it running with both lanes but now where there we don’t have enough Mage Bloom sorber smoothie right now which is our you know like as soon as

You you increase capacity something else becomes the low part right so right yeah um and so that made it so that only one lane was working and because only one lane was was working it couldn’t hold as many bowls and and smoothie pieces as it had in within it so that’s where that

Went aide it’s not there’s nothing more generating here though so is it just do we need to plant more stuff up top probably like I feel like up top like your your field has slowly been like I don’t know whether it has kind of like been trampled it’s very strange trampled

Down to very little of of crop you know it is um yeah yeah it’s a little it’s a little it looks like certainly I haven’t touched anything up there at all you did you did so anyway uh yeah and then I I redid the uh corundum a little bit cuz that

Was falling behind um and just again just increased capacity the and and what you had with the uh uh Minecart worked great with the tools that we had at the time no I understand belts are are a probably a better way to to go about doing things especially if you’re

Increasing the the capacity so yeah so um and know and I just noticed that there was quite a bit that was getting that the mine cart was missing because it couldn’t drop everything off and the hopper stuff so I was like this way we we just keep it moving kind of moving

And grooving so using fans I’m able to kind of just have quite a bit going so yeah I again uh and then I then I OA compliance your uh your saw and then what is this for this must be just some individual did I make this I must have

Made this you made this this is not me I made that I I forgot that I made that yeah yeah I was like I do not know what that is I cannot explain um but I will show you that you you did do a little

Tweak to the top which I’m I’m a little curious what’s going on because I did see there’s a surplus of stuff was it just that oh I see it’s this one is empty so we have a lot of the Mage Bloom but the source berries appear to be not

So much kind of not Happ happening um but you changed this cuz it was previously dropping down but now you made it be like a pushy pulley sort of thing and it’s just like it just moves a little bit faster and it just picks stuff up it’s just it’s not there’s no

There’s no issue no problems everything’s good yeah so why are the source berries I I feel like this field could probably be imp improved slightly it might be room for for expansion here let me just some uh Source berries let’s plant a couple more of those to keep the

Party rocking and and rolling here maybe that that can you know improve I I do think I had more Source berries at one point I think you just got trampled I think it’s just eventually like just whether mobs or whatever people R like just slowly over time that Field’s just

Taking a beating yeah it always surprises me how damaged and entropy can really take its to but but I did see we have 3,000 time in a bottles which is I think actually far more than we ever are going to need for any of the time machine stuff and so as such though

Probably worth unlocking oh that needs to be completed there to unlock that a bit never mind not going to unlock the A2 chapter yet however I can hit the check box here which completes chapter M3 and brings us in to chapter M4 which I have heard is a

Delight hey so we need to make the hesus forge so we’ll be able to make an Unbreaking knife for the for the source production good good yeah I I wasn’t able to find an Unbreaking knife is there one no cuz you have to get the Eternal Stella and then you apply that

And then oh right right right right right it’s like you can’t look up sharpness 4 and find a sword with it on nji it’s like you got to just enchant it so that’s what the Stella does um I feel like this isn’t applying very well okay where where does one even uh begin

Here this chapter heavily relies on Hostile Mobs being summoned this means that by Nature this Factory will only work with a player nearby to prevent mobs from despawning and isn’t automatable in peaceful mode okay that’s that’s an uh oh moment a little bit little bit of an O that’s

An uh oh moment right there the heck this is weird time Crystal fragment and then inter oh wow I don’t know it doesn’t feel completely like it’s just well it’s a good thing you increase the source production because as it would appear um we have to use it again here

Yeah I uh I’m just just trying to you know good looking out kind of you know just trying honestly I spent a lot of time uh just kind of focusing on some quality of life stuff that I’ve been wanting um interestingly a lot of it was

Me trying to wanting to get to where I have like casings automatic automatically grabbable but uh like the stury casings and and and machines and stuff but um I never really quite made it that far I did get it to where we we have just refilling barrels and tanks so that’s easier

Um but uh and I also got oil oh yeah let me let me see where you’re at over at uh your system over here what’s new little I got a little I got a little bit of oil processing going on let’s see oh are you wait is the oil

Processing back uh at the main base it’s in the one chunk it’s in the one okay I am over there okay we got a lot of piping going very cool okay oh yeah yeah so it’s basically just is it is the same panata craft and you’re just eting it

Out into big big tanks so you have two uh pneumatic crafts going so yeah one one does oil to like basically uh like heavy oil light oil and refined oil and then the refined oil goes into like LPG and uh kerosene and gasoline and Diesel

And those so I was I I I did find uh you can actually uh sell a lot of that to amadron so I just tested and I was like I I I got like 70 eals just selling some of it off to see if that

That would work but yeah it uh so I just basically set up a refining you know and Distilling area um and that’s all that’s going on over here nothing too fantastic where does that bring you to in chapter 3 like one and a half blocks in

Um it’s uh it’s the refined fuel so it’s um early it’s basically past the just past the crude oil bucket got it oh so it’s it’s in between the crude oil and the sulfur yeah okay I mean and I’ll be able to use a lot of

These for other things too but uh but you are going to have a lot of it and that’s what matters yeah I mean I’m I’m building to scale or or you know a larger scale so trying to make sure that uh capacity is not a problem with the

Production you’re starting off as like Exxon before you move into any further processing the uh I think the I think the base the other train station’s called the Exon valos but yes yes it is yeah yeah yeah that’s that’s the not so good part of yeah yeah y MH yeah yeah no

Spills yet though huh oh no actually I did spill I had a I was like the the first time I was setting up I was like a just role playing as anyway it’s fine um so yeah I uh just just you again there’s nothing terribly it it’s a lot of piping

But there’s nothing complex about it it’s just tanks and pipes and the the refinery Towers is there anything I could assist with such that like cuz obviously I am further ahead here right and so before we get like two Lop well no it’s just by virtue of apparently the

Magic is a quicker thing to process so you know four is pretty tough though I don’t know maybe this will be the opportunity you’re going to just whiz by me and I should get as much of a head start as I I can sure I guess yeah if if

I can be of no service then I will go there’s several checks that I think you need to do in M2 um before you you really go on um and and and so that you can clear that one off huh I feel like it’s important for you to acknowledge

Those What in in uh the magic 2 chapter what do you mean you’re you’re you haven’t completed it I’m I’m saying I think that you should be the one to complete that I’m loved I accept the chapter seems simple I embrace that although simple it needs a lot of

Infrastructure I will be wealthy with Source gems I a sane individual I’m not crazy crazy I was crazy once but not now there you go no I did it don’t you feel better I really I needed those positive affirmations in uh chapter 3 but but sure well there’s there’s the thing is

Is there’s something missing in chapter 3 now we got to figure out what that is oh it looks like the god of crusham wheel isn’t done oh you need to click yes wait where over on the left side oh yeah I need to get yes and then also I

Need to put a god Dam well no there’s probably a spec in the system somewhere so this is we’re just going to do some Quest collection today we’re just going to try to put off as much as possible jumping into chapter 4 well I mean I

Mean no I I like I was just saying like if you’re going to if you’re going to move on to chapter 4 then finish chapter 2 and chapter 3 first I’m just is so right I have a spec does that count clean up after yourself you know hey

Chapter complete now chapter 4 is officially open to you it is dunzo hey you know what what if ah freck wait okay do we have a lot of Fortune cuz Pete is the only one who has the abil we have no fortune no God damn he’s the only one

Who can buy it I guess you could say this is unfortunate a cuz I was thinking like we might actually get some really big packages from the redemptions and it’s just I love a big package yeah uhhuh that’s awesome to hear uh about oh wait oh wait wait wait Fortune oh wait

No there are Fortune there’s four there’s for forun how fortunate it’s probably because yeah without Pete how could we be fortunate in any meaningful capacity here we go here we go here we go okay legendaries and that’s some big doners that we’ve just pulled all right speaking of big pack Engineers

Brass lot of Engineers brass train casing legendary bags why didn’t I get any radiant PS dude I didn’t get any radiance which seems kind of frecked up oh I saw you added another automation system for the like copper casings or something like that uh barrels and tanks

Yes copper casing we’ve always had wait I just got an eternal screwdriver and an eternal saw I don’t know why I just got those but uh now you have them wait do we already have both of those I think so I don’t have any more radiant bags dang

It um yeah I definitely I mean I I know we have at least we have the Eternal screw saw for one yeah we have the Eternal saw and the Eternal screwdriver is no no you don’t all right I have saved the day boys hang on hang on hang

On hang on hang on I just swapped it I just swapped it okay but look inside the yeah well I don’t know what that is it was there waiting to for the for the other ones to be consumed and then for it to drop that’s how that was set up

Yeah well I don’t know all I know is I just was helpful I was just helpful so I don’t know what to helpful I appreciate your your your help was appreciated thank you I try my darnest um okay hey are I wonder if we’re doing better with the source

Berries now that they should hopefully be growing planted a few so oh I’ve just I’ve just heard some things yeah okay things are actually happening now this is brilliant big news oh things are happening cuz we do need actually I should probably just plant actually well

No Mage Bloom is good but I should plant more Source berries even than we currently have because never mind they’re all run out okay that’s a good idea I’m over here with them in my hand planting them okay cool cuz we are going to need more source for chapter 4 you

Know what I might do though I think what’s that I’ll begin by doing the hesus forge because okay if we can get things that are Unbreaking that seems useful at the moment does it not yeah no I I I like to not be broken I mean well depends but uh in general

Okay Aran chisel polished diorites boy oh boy so this actually does require the floor the floor not must be made of floor I uh I ended up downloading a copy and uh putting it on my local so I could puts around with stuff and uh finally

Was like oh I can just do a fill and put down a floor instead of having to like dry it and work around all this gravel downloading oh you like downloaded this world yeah got it yep I downloaded this world okay so like you give me a bucket

Can I just give you a bucket you give me a bucket and then we say ah bucket all right I’m making the Percy Jackson Forge right now it’s going to be so cool and wow we’re doing wait are we going to do lethal crowd control tomorrow uh I don’t know if we’re doing

Crowd control but it’s certainly lethal okay I just like I I mean the CRA control is is is in Early Access I wasn’t sure if that’s what I think everybody has to do you know sign up and and get the pro if they want to do oh we

Would all have to pay for the thing yeah it’s in early it’s in Early Access right now so God it and we’re all very cheap Um is that chiseled Arcane chiseled no dude there’s so many different like darkstone variations I don’t know how one keeps track of them all there is a lot of dark stone or Arcane dark stone uh variations oh my God okay so how many of those did I need

I wish it would just give me a list of like exactly what is necessary um AR old freck Stone which one oh it’s that one just nickel guys it’s going to take me a very long time just to like my sword is blocks that I need to get here but that

Was like nine of them I think or something like that I don’t know where to build this though cuz I’ve got to build it in a place where it’s not going to interfere with other things but also link into our chapter so I have to visualize where this chapter is going to

Play out before it’s built Zen is handing me things what a guy okay so is this all um uh are those chiseled or are those polished they must be polished right I’m pretty sure those balls away should I do it in the sky very high what a

Guy well are you saying like is that actually a thing that you guys know like it should be in the sky it’s going to be helpful or is is this just you know you kind of spit balling or something like that in the sky like in RN to our nickel

Or to our um um how hard do you think it’ be for us to kill wither at our current gearing levels not when you’re willing to unmute and talk to not difficult not difficult um we do have to automate wither killing in chapter M4 so uh yeah it’s pretty pretty fun pretty

Cool pretty cool I swear I unmuted and then it God dang it anyway what I was saying is we have to automate with they’re killing an M4 so oh yeah it’s uh it’s it’s a good time I I I just I just would really like to get a beacon or two up so

I can continue flying over that area um yeah I mean we could definitely do that without too much issues I do not think it would be much of a too much an issue okay oh God I got to make nine more of these dongers holy freck nine dongers to rule them all yeah

Yeah nine dongers to find can you believe that that came out 22 years ago what’s wrong with what’s wrong with time man don’t take me down this road H it’s so much more painful for me than you you’re just basically like I’m going to make you hurt you Dro of my inventory

I’m going to hurt you 22 that is one that doesn’t feel like 22 years ago yeah yeah that’s true um you know it’s you know what’s weird to me and this is I mean it’s weird to think of me but it’s like but uh like Elijah Wood’s like in mid 40s

Now like that’s just to picture is you know I mean yeah but also like he was really young then like what have I accomplished in in life you know I mean I think that you’ve got some things going for you that you should probably you know credit yourself with yeah but I

Wasn’t like I wasn’t the lead guy in you know Lord of the Rings man it’s true you weren’t how you’re you’re basically much like the rest of us you are a failure to your family and friends I guess that’s all they wanted for me to be was a lead and Lord of the

Rings okay that’s all they wanted for me and I couldn’t I couldn’t give it to them couldn’t deliver okay I would have been I would have been a great Hobbit I would have been a great Hobbit come on guys you still are a great Hobbit let’s currently in the process still

Living as a great Hobbit um yeah no it uh I that is that is weird to think about from that that far and honestly I okay that guy a little Grim in my mind but I was like I’m kind of surprised that em M’s still with us to

Be honest like he’s he’s up there these days but I’m glad don’t get me wrong but you know sometimes a little surprising what did I need gold for I needed gold oh did I not need any of those pedestals oh oh I needed oh I just you

Need any of those pedestals oh okay so what is that just one two three four 7 by seven with threes I’m going to honest I’m just going to build this kind of close by and then afterwards I’ll probably have to build like another one in the

Sky but it’ll be easy enough to to do probably maybe oh yeah but yeah you wanted to kill a Wither so why don’t we take care of that yeah it’s not like critical it’s just would be convenient at some point you know do you have the stuff have you got the goods

No oh with skulls oh we don’t have wither skulls well that’s unfortunate well yeah we we don’t we don’t have skeleton skulls either we actually have the the Wither ribs do we have the ability to craft them yes we do I see oh wait NE NE rotic

Bones so if we get some necrotic bones we can combine it with the things that I make in chapter 2 and um or chapter one yeah chapter one and then be good to go all right well I’ll uh go poke around in the nether for a minute and see what I can

Find all right let’s build we will build the first heest Forge where where shall I build hephestus Forge number one skis it’s very difficult to decide you might consider moving it outwards from where you’re having frame problems although I guess you were saying your your frames are doing

Better um yeah they do seem to be doing better since I uh acquired a lack of vsync so inter I just where okay so our Beacon is located ated there I would like to do it within the confines of the beacon so maybe I’ll just actually you know what I’m going

Clear out a little Hillside area over here you know let me clear a little Hillside area I’m going to do that I don’t know if you know this but the Wither my absolute favorite biome I love it every time I get to come here you don’t know what sorry I couldn’t

Hear a word over the block breaking I was just saying the uh I I was sarcastically saying how much I enjoy the ne oh yeah there was the there was a song once that somebody made that was uh called screw the nether mhm have you ever heard that song I have not but

I feel like listen to it yeah we I I I have similar feelings about the nether at times uhhuh you could make that your theme s you could karoke to that could I yeah well thank you for for allowing me to do that I appreciate you well I’m

Just saying like it’s it’s probably you know yogs cast and in the little wood they would probably be you know chill with that gotcha he doesn’t sound impressed guys I I I’m just I’m trying to to think through my neing ways while also pondering how I’m going to handle this

New found Fame that will come from screw the nether covers songs uhhuh I mean it is a pretty big step in your career to yeah to do this although let’s be honest just let’s be honest he was going to go he was going to go with his

Deprecation thing I was going to say that it doesn’t take a whole lot for it to be a pretty big step in my career I think you don’t need to self-deprecate mate cuz you could could be not a Lord of the Rings uh lead like

Me I I it it actually turns out I also am not a Lord of the Rings lead are you sure yeah yeah yeah H oh bar are you doing um elytra stuff with that mod rather than having remove that from the config yes yes I still use that mod okay huh he’s

Crazy I mean I I stuck The Landing cool impressive okay so now I need to see where the freak are the Thing Once I build this for the first time I’m going to be so good at it okay so it’s in the middle there of each one okay okay oh

God there was a middle one did I freak this up I hope I did not freck this up what did you freck no we’re good why must you freck I didn’t freck I can’t how can he freck I didn’t I didn’t we’re good we’re good this is like the test trial run for

When I have to make another one of these and it’s it’ll be significantly easier cuz all have already done it okay great I found nothing and I’m over it uh you’re not happy about the nether turn it’s a delight every day oh Mund bitter that’s that’s right Mund Mund bitter Mund

Bitter M bitter hard know all right here we go we’re what whoa we have a face Heist all right that is a crazy looking thing right there so how do I get an eternal Stella X petrified those aren’t easy to oh God come by okay so is that are those

On pedestals it must be pedestal required Forge level one required pedestal darkstone pedestal so do we do just put six of those down I guess I can put more but okay hopefully that will work so have we found any netherite anywhere cuz I have the one ancient debris that I found we haven’t

Found any netherite hm do I wait until I’ve automated it or do I go and try to manually find a netherite right here right now uh I went and looked in the nether just now and came back and was like I don’t want to go in the nether anymore

Oh there are yeah we could go back we could look for a Bastion that’s super true you know I’ll look for a Bastion I’ll see if maybe the treasure in there is good and also hopefully not die sounds amazing or I could that’s true I could h i could hammer it could

Do I mean if you want you can go you you can take Bera I know you seem to avoid Bera but bera’s made for the nether how did Bertha not find any ancient debris she found one I told you one how because the nether sucks uh how do I just like take

Bera um first you got to get she she’s uh she ain’t ficky but you need to know what you’re doing with her a little bit okay I feel like I can’t just you know pick Bertha up and put her over there what do you mean

You uh here let me just go ahead what the pick Bera up and uh what the fre how did you do this where did you want Bertha in the nether wait does bera have her own like mine cart tracks and stuff too um for the most part you need one to

Put like one or two to put down although you can just put it down and pull it out of her inventory but oh does Bertha like pick it up and then put it like step by oh it’s like a caterpillar kind of thing yeah what happens if Bertha digs into a

Lava lake then it will uh burn up her mine cart and the rest of her just sits there um and then I got to go that’s a slight Hazard I got to go do a slight a rescue a rescue uh thing uhhuh well well I mean it really it’s like by the time

You see you see the lava I actually if you’re paying attention you can pretty easily pick her up before the lava hits her oh am I am I monitoring Bertha I’m like standing by while Bera is birthing I mean you don’t just send a machine out

Into the middle of nowhere like you got to you’re it’s not it’s not like an autonomous machine I’ve got to figure out where the proper birthing location is what is this oh that’s the train Port got it are you under the lava with the train no okay I’m oh over here how about

Over colum right here over here how about this um and we can cuz we want to be like low I hope that it works in biomes that are not just vanilla biomes that’s the only thing I don’t know if anybody has it’s it’s plowed through mini a no no no what

I me I’m wondering about the ancient debris generation I don’t know if it has to be vanilla biomes only see where did you go cuz this may just be it just really looks kind of baren down here um yeah that was where I was like paranoid with the whole thing it’s just

That it was like uh there’s so many biomes in here with all the edits and stuff okay wait wait wait there is NE there is we’ve run into Netherrack over here okay bira may be viable for birthing over here hold on let me just I’m just going to check this

Area and make sure I don’t run into a lava lake like I can kind of scope right I can scope and then you scoping I thought it said wailing girth for a second is the name of the biome H the it’s GTH only the Gir here we go here we go

Here we go this is it this is it I kind of see you but I think you’re above me oh you’re on the other side of the I’m I’m just down a little little Tunnell tube here yeah I know I could go bed mining but it’s less fun than putting birth to

Use big girtha big girtha yep see now you’re getting into the spirit sir M okay no interest in you come on over I I’m I’m over here where are you I’m where my head is on the map you went I came over to you and now

You’re all way back where I was I know because I’m I was underground I went back up to the entrance to the underground thing unless you want to just dig straight down to me well I I mean I depends on what why you’re at I

Was at 40 I am at 40 at the moment I was at y equal 13 in the underground area just just come just come over here man I’m coming do you not have an Electra I I do I don’t have any uh fireworks oh my balls what about

Them guys he’ll be here at a moment I’ll be here in a moment okay I’m on my way who hey there he is look look I’m here I’m down here ow yeah uh where’s down oh there you are hi just seeing you fly around in spirals like I don’t know

Where I’m going okay so down here okay oh look at this did you make this yeah it’s pretty quick to mine yeah it’s not that impressive okay so right here uh all right well we got to uh we got to clear a little space for it okay

Got it she’s got that booty you know yeah big girtha she uh she got what you got it’s going to be so fun when this is actually still a modded biome that doesn’t do ancient debris and we just go through thousands and thousands of blocks and get

Nothing well aren’t you just a ray of freaking Sunshine right now we’re in the nether there is no sunshine when she’s gone but when big girtha is here there might be some sunshine let’s go okay okay yeah I’m trying to figure out with all 8 million blocks in my

Inventory um ain’t that the problem with this you’re always full oh Cobalt yeah dude we need some Cobalt for sure oh maybe big girtha will find Cobalt that’s the hope as well that’s why that was her original purpose oh was it okay failed horribly at it all right so Boop and uh

Then all right she derailed but that’s kind of common on like get started it’s it’s it’s difficult to get her going Dam it let me uh what if I grab this and do that and do this this and then put it so that now I have two cuz I only had one

Initially maybe that’ll help get her going come on okay okay nope well no cuz we did the listen it’s it’s a process we’re trying to give Bertha to girtha she’s uh she’s she’s there oh my God the blocks Jord you don’t understand BL I’ll pick up I’ll pick them up I’ll

Pick them up the blocks I’m vacuuming I’m I’m hoovering up thank you all right come on Bera they call me a damn Hoover not to be confused with the Hoover Damn it’s going she’s going let’s go she’s okay okay okay no she’s it every time it like gives me pause I’m

Like oh is it okay and then and then oh wow we can access the Bro oh these are oh god oh jeez we need to yeah they’re plenty full we need to eat and delete um actually what I used what I did was uh there’s a Cobalt oh I can’t do it

Okay um so we’re the clean up crew following behind I made it so that if you uh if I if if she stops ancient deis there you go look right off the bat I found it by accidentally vein mining perfect couldn’t ask her more oh

God oh God I’m going to pick that up wait no you threw it in front of the Cobalt man look I’m on birth of dy over here okay yeah uh Bertha did not find the ancient debris sadly and did she stop where we oh yeah she’s not even full what happened to

Bertha oh she got she found an oh so we know when Bera stops balls I keepo when Bera stops balls we know when Bera stops that it’s because she ran into an ancient debris that’s convenient I think I think she can eventually break break it I think it just didn’t like it takes

Like it’s like a breaking obsidian kind of it’s it’s a it’s a slow Pro procus oh that’s cool I can just sit here and get pulled along well I mean if you want you can like yeah that’s you’re just going to dig the nether R while you’re there yeah

I used to just ride along and then just like throw stuff out as I was going and then it turned out she doesn’t go fast enough for you to not pick 90% back up but still the thought was there why am I retrieving the stuff grael oh I freaking keep mining

The wrong thing no that was good look you got the Cobalt well no I didn’t get the Cobalt not yet you revealed the Cobalt oh we’re Bera needs a filtration system well actually if you look she’s got a butt and she she’s she set to poop uh NE blue

Netherrack but you can to poop other Netherrack and then she just blees it behind like a little rabbit dropping and it’s kind of funny can we set her to just not eject uh Cobalt SL ancient debris uh probably I’d have to go and build a filter but yes you could make

That that is doable that gravel I like to keep because uh if you encounter a lava pit that that’s nice to be able to drop gravel into had the gra I mean just I’m just bring bring back but the all the other stuff yeah like it’s like

Whatever well the final chest is now filling up so um says you I’ve been dropping stuff all along the front chest is empty thank you oh we’ve hit uh We’ve hit uh modded I don’t know mother of truck dude we only found around two ancient debris

Yeah I guess that’s true I guess that’s true you know you just you just pick Bera up and you you point her in a new direction see I think instead of automating style like instead of automating netherite in chapter M4 let’s just let’s just chill with Bera for a few

Years I mean you know someone is just just run just run with ber let’s see actually wait wait wait wait holy freck dude if we can get one netherite though um then we can make the Eternal Stella apply it to a pickaxe and we can go Vin

Mine all day long here and we don’t even need Bera we just go and freaking vein mine everything that is actually crazy bro actually crazy that’ll be hug crazy huge crazy no you can’t apply it to a hammer guys it’s it’s a vanilla enchant that doesn’t go Tinkers

It’s not something we can Tinker with oh that’s so many things she needs to poo scoria Cobblestone there’s too much okay so one one more one more though wait wait wait it might be Cobalt she’s on Cobalt she’s oh dang it but one more and and we will be able to do it

Cuz there’s one ancient debris back in the system and then we will have a nether rights you have a mus Bera go B bira big okay there’s got to be another one man there’s got to be another one can I switch the Poo to something

Else uh not easily I can’t just c on it you can try but you’ll just place a block because oh it’s an entity at the moment yeah we have to we have to turn it into blocks basically disassemble it got it otherwise I’d have been all over

That oh my God B come we we’ve cleared most of it I know we’ve done like a lot of stuff and there’s still no more this is frecked why is it that half of the nether or the ancient debris that I have found is that I accidentally vein mined

Well then start accidentally vein mining let’s go yeah I’m going to break my pickaxe though which will not be ideal what is more ideal your pickaxe or netherite well I need my pickaxe to apply the Unbreaking per the unbreakable to so uh both kind of so is Bera going to get fricked here

There’s one yo let’s go bir us rcks but we did it um that’s enough we can do that that that might do the trick though oh my god dude this is crazy uh we should put some torches around here so we can easily find bera’s gira’s birthplace

I suppose we could also Waypoint it perhaps might not be the worst idea in the world add way it is actually the worst idea in the world okay time to go go ow so do you have any fun holiday time activities that are planned in your absence

Did I plan for act the way you phrased that was very strange uh am I planning on doing anything while I’m gone correct it’s like do you have anything planned in your abs like did I set up fun activities that I will not be here

For like no Pap did you did you leave any activities behind that I can do while you’re gone it kind of It kind of came across like that I was like uh I mean I feel like you’re old enough you can find your own entertainment but I don’t think so yeah um I

Uh I I Were One my dad doesn’t know I’m coming so you know that’ll be kind of um but uh yeah I had a I had a call with my mom and uh she called me the other day and she was like so you still

Coming I was like uh or she’s like are you coming uh and I was like yeah we already talked about this and she’s like oh well I understand that’ll be all right you know we under we we get it and I was like oh that’s in the room I see

Doing a little deception 100 right now I don’t know if I would have actually picked up on that immediately and I might have just been like what are you talk what’s wrong you 100% would not is there something wrong with the connection I I uh I I’ve I I’ve been

Around you long enough to know that that’s one that probably would have gone over your head but I was I was pretty quick on on the uptake so I was like oh okay this is what we’re doing um but uh yeah so just to just see family I haven’t been back

For a year you know so hang out and uh make we’re we’re going to do uh we don’t we don’t really do like Christmas like I mean my niece has some kids and and you know they’re young enough that they do the present and everything but most of

Us are just adults wait your niece has you’re a grandpa Zine that’s not a Grandpa that’s an it’s a great uncle or something like that it’s I think cuz I was my uncle and then great uncle yeah I’m great uncle not grandpa I mean that’s basically the same thing though

Except for the difference in what it means and what it is yes but great uncle is on the same tier as Grandpa it’s true go ahead I know I know you’re dying to make your comments go ahead I’m waiting no no no everyone’s just saying I’m waiting

Grunkle grun see see I knew that was in there I knew you were like trying to hold it back and you just like I was like no no I’ve given you enough grief you can you can lay this out on me he’s a star grle yeah well and it’s uh her oldest just

Turned five I think so it’s it’s been it’s been a little while too okay um but uh but mostly we just get together and we do like a prime rib dinner every year and you know thing spend a little time is that a homemade or is that like you

Have a steakhouse that you hit up no no no homemade my dad’s uh my dad’s a pretty good cook okay I am I am not my dad is dude you know who’s not either me uh really I know it comes as a surprise to everybody but really you don’t say I

Know it’s kind of shocking actually um I can I can cook steaks I just don’t you know it’s it’s really what it comes down to is it’s like I I certainly have I know know how and and but I just typically end up not getting

Around to it I cooked a steak once and I didn’t die uh so yeah it’s that’s certainly a achievement to comment on thank you thank you very much um all right so I need five more drill heads for Bera for one wait what the that’s not what I’m looking for

Oh oh I need or how do I make oral happen I feel like we’ve done that before we’ve talked yeah but like how do I introduce that into the ballpark like can I just get a bucket and put it on or math um oh like I make an oblisk and let

The obisk just poo it out okay yeah there’s there was something about it has passive AO generation or something like that right okay I need um Arcane blockies for that good think I have many many many extras oh I need two I see I can uh fetch that no

Problemo I can’t wait to have to automate this later that’s going to be Fun dude I can’t believe I I got back on the server though today and it was still working that’s that’s crazy to me like I know conceptually it should be there’s not a reason why it shouldn’t but still there’s something that just I expect it’s got to it’s got to break I I

Understand the skepticism all too well I I I get it I understand and and um yeah I I also although typically for me it’s I get on the server and it’s not so it’s like Oh I thought it might work this time but no it didn’t um so you know

Sometimes the house just burns down it happens not sure I’m comfortable with how Blas you said that but you’re you’re right what what just I don’t know man sometimes the house just burns what can I say like y well no I was talking about the the place that did

Burn oh yeah yeah yeah the the the the blacksmith yeah yeah people were commenting they were like I like how they started out like we’re going to be aesthetic and each episode they get further further away from it and you know each further from what’s the saying or

Something like that yeah from our our uh values and what we stand for and into the inevitable inevitable despair of uh the our turgid existence yeah or I might be thinking about something else wait they said I need a ritual Hammer there is no such thing as a ritual

Hammer it’s just regular Hammer but you’re like oh unless it’s like a blacksmith gavl gavl actually yo yo yo yo yo yo okay okay though uh it is it is like I’ve think I’ve got the necessary ingredients I just don’t know to make it do

Things but I have the stuff it is the gavel ah I see I needed to make it the G available fuel can I just make any kind of gabble any kind of gabble don’t have any clay balls my balls are not clay that is silk touch isn’t it y okay

It’s okay so I can run this with Lia and that’s best each one only has three uses well if they all only have three uses why would I do the super duper High tier one oh 15 oh 60 it says how many remaining uses got it okay fine I did

Diamond I feel like there was a safety upgrade that kept everything from blowing up ibe was a security upgrade why did I do that okay are you ready wait wait wait wait I gotta I got to do the old screeny weeny here this is very important

What well before I do this I got to do a screeny weeny because this is very thumbnail what are you I don’t even know what you’re screeny weaning the the hephestus oh I didn’t know this was over here so you know yeah check it out you’re blocking my

Netherite thanks for farting on it and christening that’s pretty cool that’s pretty cool okay cool look at those obelisks yeah okay here we go it’s yeah oh my God watch out watch out I’m screenshotting the process I’m screenshotting the processing wow how long does it take they just kind

Of keep peeing on it like you make yourself a little a little Cella pee Fountain oh wait netherite can be pondered oh my God taming the source Crystal oh this is cray cray really want to take one of these off ped that’s really temp oh oh no okay when is it

Done maybe it just runs this is it yeah how long take this is what you have it doesn’t give any indication of the oh the Ariel going up yeah no it’s oh oh there it is it happened you did it you got an eternal spell okay so the

Cool part about this I believe is if I do a right click it will heal everything in do a right click well no so if I do a right click it’ll heal everything in my inventory up to full then um I believe even if it still only has one durability

And I’ve used it twice I can still use it to Unbreak something um I think wait why is it uh how do I unbreakable IFI Unbreak break my heart I thought we could thought we could do this love me again oh it’s in a smithing table H okay Smite dear SM

No wait what how do I apply this guys how do I make the it’s got to be unenchanted oh that’s ball oh right I remember it’s conflicting with like mending and stuff and things I forgot about that is it conflicting with unbre probably is oh that’s ballsy all right that doesn’t work yeah

Okay okay so we have to apply efficiency 5 after I guess um let see love I need sticks okay so yeah just a efficiency and Fortune I guess would be the way to go so do you work or is it still it’s smithing table still isn’t it okay there it is eternal diamond

Pickaxe wow it’s like got his own name and everything okay so let’s do a let’s do clicky poo here click yeah okay sick it unfortunately does not regenerate at my um my hammer but it is regenerating everything else let’s go Zen is there anything vanilla that you would like to have healed

Um nothing that is popping to mind at the moment oh okay I’m sorry okay sick oh yeah I need Vin mine on it too that’s so true all right well in that case I guess I will just do the application and um we will be good

AG oh wait it’s not done yet it’s not done yet almost there almost there perfect okay all right we’ve got an eternal diamond pickaxe now I need to apply things to it do we have efficiency five tells me what the security upgrade does which I think it keeps things from

Blowing up but I’d like a little confirmation there where is do we have another oh wait we don’t actually have vein mining do we there’s a freaking oh no that’s not great it’s not Nut Butter oh we I just remembered I got vein mining separately didn’t I oh boy

Um all right our pressure is going up thunder pressure well I guess anyway we should do this regardless we need that need the fluid mixer right that was man how am I is do we have a quick way of getting a lot of like levels and

Stuff no no no I oh man getting levels is obnoxious okay cool cool well I would love quicker ways to get levels I could in in theory just try to get a oh wait did someone say that villagers do not show um uh what what Whatchamacallit vein Miner

Aren’t vein mining villagers like uh they don’t exist or something like that this is your story man I’m just I could swear somebody said something about that I don’t recall so yeah I can’t remember if I ever saw well let’s see we have any more villagers who are cyclable going Little Pete cycling

Mission no Pete it’s not the where is he gone man he’s such us he’s just he’s such an integral part of the group now I know this because everybody in the comments is talking about how they they don’t enjoy it without Pete here I know

Dude I know like I get it I’m the same way have we oh we do we do have a a villager who has not been assigned yet I just want to see if Vin mine actually does exist or not hello buddy hello hello it is great to see you here on this

Day I do wish we could cycle gter so I’m supposed to make invar slurry I don’t know what I’m making this for and I don’t know how much I need to make like just for invar is there can’t I get an inv just alloying check the villagers we already

Have guys I’m pretty sure if we had an uh vein Miner like they’d be there’d be some in the system I don’t think Pete would have just acquired vein Miner and then not done anything with [Applause] it that’s both kind and mean because it’s like you have high expectations of

Him but you’re also like putting a lot of pressure on him you know he wouldn’t just do that but he wouldn’t cuz I just I mean if he chose to that would be be his choice and I respect it uhhuh that’s super true that’s super

True that’s super true no no no no no oh I thought I ballsed it no no no no no no no no no no no wrong thing all right and it’s going to be it’s going to be cycl well we have um received information on hashtag whether or not

This enchantment can be offered by vill for trade is villager trade equals false so no you can’t get it from villagers it’s humongous humongous balls have just occurred on this day oh only the biggest of balls really can you move I’m sorry so um I’ve just wasted a few

Minutes of good good time that could have been used in other ways my time my there is no more valuable resource in this world than time and that is why a Time in a Bottle is such a valuable valuable thing so I frecked myself I have frecked

Myself what what have you done patcraft lets you pull enchantments supposedly well I guess what I just need to do is I need to cycle I need to cycle some stuff so I can see vain Miner also this pack makes the enchantment very underscore rare so it’s hard to get

Where are are you reading this from somewhere you you I’m reading this from uh the the source of all knowledge in my chat Mr Norton uh produces tag filters which can be used in logistics and drone item for advanced matching on item tags that is a

Lot of information I don’t know what it means so I’m moving on that’s very unfortunate situation that we are currently in so apparently there is a way to pull Enchanted things though with uh pneumatic crap sa that’s what I was glancing at but then I didn’t know what

I was seeing and so I got confused and frightened and ran away yeah I honestly have uh zero zero clue but I’m going to still run back into the nether really quickly with my unbreakable even if it doesn’t have balls what just happened where did that oh there it is I mean

There’s nothing wrong with not having balls um even if it doesn’t have uh a vein mining I’m just going to see how it works and see what happens because with efficiency 5 it should still be able to make some pretty meaningful uh processs ow

Ow oh God it’s going to take me so long to get down here my God there’s a whole Logistics system actually putting putting Unbreaking on unbreakable on a wand is kind of a cool idea um anyway let’s see I mean I’m not going to lie it would be a lot faster if

I had Vin mine on this but also it’s like you can kind of you can kind of do some diage a hammer no you see the problem with the hammer is it’s Tinker construct ow Frick or are there other types of hammers no it’s all Tinkers it’s all

Tinies Tinkers all the way down mhm well we’ll have to worry about getting Unbreaking some other way not Unbreaking bin Miner same thing it’s the same except for the differences all right hey well I mean at least we did get the forge going which is very cool

And then I’m going to have to figure out how to begin with a sheap there four chapter 4 I have I mean I’ve such things have been done today for me I I built a compressor and put fluid in it that’s pretty cool that’s it’s pretty much it it’s

Pretty much all we got done you also made big Bera do we we we we poked bir it around a little bit you know we did some birthing I thought that was uh fully thoroughly pretty awesome and stuff um you hadn’t had a chance to

Really see Bera before I had not had a chance but now you have uh W that’s really sad I have to crush an amethyst column huh am I supposed to I how I put this back I empty end this Crush an amethyst Golem that’s it’s heartbreaking really yeah so

Amethyst Golem how do I make one of them obtain by performing the ritual of Awakening near budding and so I have to like perform a ritual get this little Golem me bro and then crush him and yikes and yikers uh so I have to do this near I

Have to do this way underground actually at a geode it sounds like cuz I’m not aware of any other way to get butting amethyst can you pour water on amethyst and create budding amethyst or anything like that nope there is no Ponder there is no recipes no nothing shenanigans no

Shenanigans no there is no shenanigans that have taken place here shenan free over here don’t have any andesite on me are you kidding me so this is kind of tricky like I I got to figure out the best location to do a Geo well I would recommend doing it where

You can find a GE it’s a good idea I’ll think about that um would you like to um wind things down perhaps as we have reached our outage designated time mhm I would love to Oh you mean that uh we want to thank our sponsor inviting the server we’ve

Been playing on today for today’s episode Apex hosting uh be sure to check out the link in our description you can save 25% off in your first month helps SPS what we do appreciate that uh to you and thank you to them for sponsoring uh as always you can see as it happens

Twitch.tv/ Captain Sparkles and twitch.tv/ come and see all the the the chicanery that gets on that does not make it into the episodes and then if you have enjoyed the episode please consider that like button if you haven’t already I hope you’ll consider subscribing turning on notifications

Those fun things as well leave a comment let us know what your favorite part of the chicanery is or really whatever else you want to say um anything for you before we go no I think that’s it it’ll be a little time until the next Trio

Episode but um have a good one until then all right bye guys farewell

This video, titled ‘Minecraft: Create Arcane Engineering Ep. 21’, was uploaded by CaptainSparklez 2 on 2023-12-24 18:00:08. It has garnered 10273 views and 533 likes. The duration of the video is 01:11:17 or 4277 seconds.

In Create Arcane Engineering, we must build a factory to “master the arcane”. That’s the description it is very cryptic. Thanks to Apex Hosting for sponsoring this series! Use code “CaptainSparklez” to get 25% off your own server’s first month: https://apexhost.gg/CaptainSparklez Series Playlist: https://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PLli4oThJ08ZzrPi-5Kf0j9e6qskwQ8X9-

X33N: https://www.twitch.tv/x33n Pete: https://www.twitch.tv/petezahhutt

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    EPIC BIRTHDAY PARTY ENDING IN A SHIZO MINECRAFT CASTLE!Video Information どうじゃろ草くくおはようございます 誕生日おめでとうございますしりパパ いらっしゃい来てくれてありがとう誕生日 おめでとう ありがとうありがとうござい ますちょうどぐらい出てきたいい感じに なったわ ちょっとわあ12時間お城出来上がりまし た完成でございます どう みんな噴水付きた時によく使われるコップ そう なん噴水作る時に使われるコップてあ草が あるとなんかいい感じに見える からえんではないでしょうかおやちん いくらおやちんは え1 ヶ月 うヶ月250万でよろしくお願いします なぜ200なんか草がやだこここっち側草 がなんかもう美味しげっ てるなぜ250万かと言うと250万あれ ばなんと なく幸せに なれ慣れそうだから です ガラス草美味しいああ もう美味しぎり すぎ何が何やらわからない美味しぎりすぎ て [音楽] ねえ牛が返事してくれ たよしおらいいやなんでやいい やん内装は内そうですけどねがはは がはははがははは めっちゃ伸びてる伸びすぎなよね蔦 が 賃貸賃貸ですよこちらこちらのお家賃貸に なっておりまし て素敵なお城が出来上がりましたもりお めもりおハモりねむるちゃんいらっしゃい 来てくれてありがとうおハモにおメモも ありがとう ありがとう [音楽] ありがとうお城の案内が始まるお城1回 建てとなっておりましてこちらのお 城1回にしかいけないんですよねすげえ 作り終わってよお 城いい感じにできた大人のホテルって言わ れたみんなになんでやなんでやねん全然 大人のホテルちゃう やろ 近くで見るとこんな感じ とよしよし よし いやよく頑張りました と52分ですねそろそろ締めに入り ましょうか55分でちょっとアーカイブが 切れてしまいますの で皆様ついに12時間でござい ます いや誕生日一瞬で終わったね早かったね みんなお祝いしてくれてありがとう ね今年も今年 は言ったけどこの配信を始める前に言った けど今年はマイクラのをちょっと多めにし ていこう配信していこうかなと思っている のでマイクラが好きな人初めてマイクラ メモのマイクラを見る 人よかったらチャンネル登録してください さんよろしくお願いし ます1泊250万です横か後ろに パーキング違う違う ないおかげで作業も終わりました半分お えらいさ産業じゃない作業半分終わって 素晴らしいみんなも朝までね見てくれた方 ありがとうそして寝おちしている方 ゆっっくり休むんよでいっぱい寝る よメモはこれ から寝ようと思います一旦寝てから Twitterのねおめでとうお誕生日お めでとうリプにお返事をしたいと思います の でまだコメントしてないよ違う違う違う リプしてないよっていう方はしといて くださいよろしくお願いしますではではで はではではではではでは 次は日本の風景そうだね次は日本のお城を 作ろうかなと思い ます星星いりさんかな来てくれて ありがとうす最後に30秒秒だけえメモ お誕生日グッズを出したのでよかったら メンモのXを見て配信に配信じゃない グッズも買ってくれると嬉しいですブース ですよろしくお願いしますでは今日も配信 来てくれてありがとうございました誕生日 おめでいっぱいありがとうではあつまにゃ… Read More

  • Insane 40M Budget Build DESTROYS LastPlayer in Watermelon Flower Showdown!

    Insane 40M Budget Build DESTROYS LastPlayer in Watermelon Flower Showdown!Video Information This video, titled ‘SonOyuncu Titanyum Karpuz Çiçek Bütçe 40M !ÇEKİLİŞ’, was uploaded by HzLowlers on 2024-02-21 04:39:45. It has garnered 3 views and 0 likes. The duration of the video is 00:05:40 or 340 seconds. rozzy pvp rozzy titanium rozzy titanium pvp rozzy duel rozzy open space rozzy titanium duel minecraft sonoyuncu skyblock, minecraft sonoyuncu cheat, minecraft sonoyuncu hack, minecraft sonoyuncu survival, minecraft sonoyuncu ip, minecraft sonoyuncu bedwars, minecraft sonoyuncu macro, minecraft sonoyuncu reach, minecraft sonoyuncu cheat how to do 2019, minecraft endgame settings, playing with a friend in minecraft endgame, minecraft endgame does not open, yasintnc texture… Read More

  • Unbelievable Herobrine Beat Remix by DAKU-6969

    Unbelievable Herobrine Beat Remix by DAKU-6969Video Information tu es dit aime-moi prends-moi dans tes bras et je n’ai plus personne ne laisse pas ton odeur impréger mes draps et si tu m’abandones je suis pas celle que tu crois aucun cabron ne m’a touché à part toi cavaliero personne ne m’a touch la cocaïne la cocaïne ma FEM je suis une [Musique] clandestineine la cocaïne la cocaïne ma FEM je suis une clandestine une clandestine la cocaïne cocaï ma FEM je suis une clandestine une clandestine am am This video, titled ‘#minecraft #music #beats #herobrine #alx #song #bass #instrumental #beat #remix #comedy #lol’, was uploaded… Read More

  • Underworld Survival

    Underworld SurvivalDeutscher Minecraft Server von dem Discord Server Underworld, wir spielen lediglich aus Spaß auf diesem, jedoch könnt ihr unseren Discord Server, sowie Minecraft Server unterstützen, indem ihr diese aktiv besucht/nutzt. Wir haben etliche Plugins auf dem Server installiert, die das Spiel Geschehen um einiges besser machen, die meisten Befehle und Aktionen sind derzeit noch auf englisch, dies wird aber nach und nach ins deutsche übersetzt. Read More

  • Perfectum SMP | Hermitcraft-style | Java 1.20.1 | LGBTQ+ Friendly | PG-13 | Whitelist | Community | BlueMap

    Welcome to the Perfectum SMP Welcome to the Perfectum SMP, a semi-vanilla survival server designed for an authentic and enjoyable gaming experience. Our goal is to create a transparent and welcoming community. We’ve selected plugins that enhance performance, reduce lag, and maintain vanilla gameplay as you explore with others. What you can expect: A dedicated team of moderators ensuring a seamless gaming experience. A server seed selected for its stunning landscapes and exploration potential. A simple Discord-based application process for quick access. A suggestion channel with upvotes and downvotes to make sure every voice is heard. A friendly and inclusive… Read More

  • Dutchy Middle School

    JOBS/DRUGS/SURVIVAL/DUTCH/ECONOMYPLASMOVOICE IS MANDATORY!Come join us now and we will have a great time.Every job has its own function as it should be! Read More

  • Minecraft Memes – “When you add shields to classic battle”

    Minecraft Memes - "When you add shields to classic battle"When you try to block out the haters but they just keep coming at you like a creeper in broad daylight. Read More

  • Minecraft meme #bootyshorts

    Minecraft meme #bootyshorts “Why did the creeper go to therapy? Because it had too much TNTsion!” Read More

  • Discover Endless Adventures on Minewind Minecraft Server

    Discover Endless Adventures on Minewind Minecraft Server Welcome to NewsMinecraft.com! Are you a fan of Minecraft and always looking for new and exciting servers to join? Well, we have just the server for you – Minewind! While watching the latest video on 5 Minute Solution Channel about how to find the End Portal in Minecraft, it got us thinking about the endless possibilities and adventures that await you on Minewind Minecraft Server. With a vibrant community, unique gameplay features, and constant updates, Minewind offers an immersive and thrilling Minecraft experience like no other. Imagine embarking on a quest to find the End Portal with fellow players,… Read More

  • 🔥UNLOCK Nether Secrets 🌋Minecraft Academy 1.20

    🔥UNLOCK Nether Secrets 🌋Minecraft Academy 1.20Video Information [Musique] salutations les gentlem on se retrouve pour l’académie Minecraft en multijoueur enfin pas encore tout à fait en multijoueur ça sera à partir de la leçon 11 qu’on sera en multijoueur et on est à la leçon 9 et oui déjà quand même la leçon 9 alors pour ceux qui parce que j’ai beaucoup de lapse de temps entre deux épisodes de cette série donc peut-être vous n’avez-vous pas compris le concept de l’Académie l’Académie c’est simple on essaie d’apprendre à jouer à Minecraft ensemble donc j’essaie de passer toutes les étapes les unes après les autres… Read More

  • EPIC Minecraft Pickaxe Hunt for Diamonds!

    EPIC Minecraft Pickaxe Hunt for Diamonds!Video Information are you asleep wake up wake up [Music] JJ who’s yelling Mikey is that you I’ve been standing here for an hour what took you so long to sleep sorry I’ve been playing games all night shall we go of course I’ve waited too long to just give up where are we going now we’re going to compete in the same pageant what what contest you mean the one you told me about mhm I don’t know Mikey I don’t really like the man but if we can do that we get all the diamonds we can dig… Read More

  • UNBELIEVABLE: Extreme gamer builds EPIC house in Minecraft

    UNBELIEVABLE: Extreme gamer builds EPIC house in MinecraftVideo Information This video, titled ‘I make a house in the Minecraft survival series part 2’, was uploaded by extreme gamer on 2024-05-08 11:15:37. It has garnered views and [vid_likes] likes. The duration of the video is or seconds. Read More

  • Save Earth by Planting Trees in Minecraft! 🌍🌵| #shorts #aphmau

    Save Earth by Planting Trees in Minecraft! 🌍🌵| #shorts #aphmauVideo Information This video, titled ‘Minecraft But, Plant 🌵 TREES Save Earth 🌍 | #shorts #minecraft #aphmau’, was uploaded by Irtaza Mc on 2023-12-07 01:57:28. It has garnered views and [vid_likes] likes. The duration of the video is or seconds. Title: “Minecraft Tree-Planting Challenge! Save the Earth & Build Your World ” Description: Welcome to the ultimate … Read More

  • ROYAL HATES Doordash?! 💥 MINECRAFT EP. 4

    ROYAL HATES Doordash?! 💥 MINECRAFT EP. 4Video Information hey guys uh Royal here and welcome back to more Royal plays Minecraft uh in this episode I’m going to be finishing up house re Renovations and just talking about stuff that interests me so you know standard fair and oh I have enough diamonds to actually make a full suit of armor WoW that uh that’s crazy so I guess a good place to start for topics is first of all shadow of the UR tree finally got a Gameplay trailer and a release date comes out June 20th and I’m really excited I loved Elden ring… Read More

  • HEROBRINE vs MONSTER in Wild Minecraft Battle🔥🤯🔫 #shizo #epic

    HEROBRINE vs MONSTER in Wild Minecraft Battle🔥🤯🔫 #shizo #epicVideo Information This video, titled ‘HELP❤HEROBRINE Vs MONSTER Gegagedigedagedago Nugget Ft. Nikado Avocado🔥🤯 #minecraft #memes #shorts’, was uploaded by LORD STARMrGODSE ANIMAT!ON on 2024-04-04 12:40:44. It has garnered views and [vid_likes] likes. The duration of the video is or seconds. Read More

  • 💧 INSANE Aqua Thoughts?? Hololive Minecraft Event AFTERMATH! 💧

    💧 INSANE Aqua Thoughts?? Hololive Minecraft Event AFTERMATH! 💧Video Information いい良かった楽しかった色々あったなマジ で色々あったなまさかなんか個人的に1番 びっくりなのはまこんなにまペコちゃんと 近しく慣れた こと仲良くなれたことはなんか結構私の中 ではうんびっくりだなそれこそさあのカエ とかさ全然マイクラねフロサバでなんか 一緒にあのインしてるタイミング一緒の ことは結構あったんだけどそう全然あの家 が遠いからさ関わることなかったんだけど 最終日にねあの闇の取引で見ること見て 関わることができたり何何なんだってちら れたくなかったららなんかちょうだいて 言って [拍手] [音楽] seeSKY 空が怒ってるんだって あオオオオオウ フレフレフレフレンドオオフレンドイエス イエス熱がすごいだって熱がすげえ よありがとう にゃペコちゃん本物のアスナ見つけちゃっ た [音楽] なまさかペコちゃんが本物のアナだった なんてお This video, titled ‘Aqua Thought on the Hololive Minecraft Hardcore, Post Event…..’, was uploaded by Noises V on 2024-05-20 16:00:10. It has garnered 35274 views and 2164 likes. The duration of the video is 00:02:07 or 127 seconds. She finally found her Real Asuna Please support them by Like and Subscribe also watch their stream here: Minato Aqua https://www.youtube.com/@MinatoAqua #7[Minecraft]Hololive Server Hardcore Minecraft! Defeat the Wither!!![Minato Aqua/Hololive] https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=iOFLSxRDReE #8[Minecraft]Hololive Server Hardcore… Read More

  • 🔥EPIC Minecraft Live Cracked SMP – Join Now! #live

    🔥EPIC Minecraft Live Cracked SMP - Join Now! #liveVideo Information [संगीत] [संगीत] फ [संगीत] तो यो यो यो सो वेलकम बैक गाइस टू अनदर लाइव स्ट्रीम और एक बारी फिर से सभी का स्वागत है हमारी लाइव स्ट्रीम में तो कैसे हो यार सभी लोग वेलकम बैक अगेन ऑन एन हैप्पी सैटरडे गाइस और क्या हाल चाल और आज गाइस डैडी बियर डे है तो गाइस मेरी तरफ से आप सभी को तात्या बिच्छू गिफ्ट है ठीक है तात्या बिच्छू आएगा चाकू लेके जो मैंने थंबनेल में भी लगाया है तो तात्या बिच्छू का इंतजार करना तुम्हारे घर प पहुंच जाएगा तुम्हारे घर तुमको डराने के लिए ठीक… Read More

  • Dream collab gone wrong? See what happens

    Dream collab gone wrong? See what happensVideo Information play Yo like bro give him a trim bro give him a face my just whenever I shoot D and D just know my RO like yo stop Belling my phone man yo Mr D This video, titled ‘Minecraft Cinematic OG Collab “LSW” – Nemzzz’, was uploaded by Loqalz on 2024-04-24 08:45:41. It has garnered 36 views and 5 likes. The duration of the video is 00:00:23 or 23 seconds. Editing Software: After Effects 2022 Finally doing some Minecraft again 🙂 ————————————————————————————————————————– All parts: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=020fDGJjX_4 Collab with: @Minaxos_vfx Game: Minecraft Song: Nemzzz – LSW ————————————————————————————————————————– ————————————————————————————————————————– 0:00 Minaxos… Read More

  • TheModderOne

    TheModderOneMinecraft Server By VihaanTheModder ft.Zombie Apocalypse. Registration Open. Visit Discord For Application Form game1.falixserver.net:23404 Read More

  • ExeosCraft SMP McMMO Friendly Economy Pets 1.20.4

    Explore ExeosCraft: No-Reset, No-Grief, LGBTQIA+ SMP Tired of servers with strange rules and pay-to-win schemes? Welcome to ExeosCraft, where we prioritize your experience. All generated money goes to charity. 🌟 Why Choose Us? Stability: Our server has been lag-free since June 2020, with a massive map that will never reset. Zero Pay-To-Win: Fairness for all players is guaranteed. Giving Back: Donations support charities and giveaways. Inclusivity: ExeosCraft is a safe space for ALL players, with zero tolerance for hate speech. Custom Plugins: Enhance your vanilla experience with our unique plugins. Cross-Platform: Enjoy features tailored for both Java and Bedrock players…. Read More

  • Minecraft Memes – “Sky-high perspective: killer views”

    Well, at least this meme is getting better views than my Minecraft house ever did! Read More

  • Minecraft Mystery: Spot the Diff, Aha Moment! #shorts

    Minecraft Mystery: Spot the Diff, Aha Moment! #shorts In the world of Minecraft, a quiz awaits, Spot the difference, can you see the changes, mate? One place will transform, can you spot the shift? Aha moment awaits, a brain training gift. If you’re up for the challenge, give it a try, Watch closely, observe, let your keen eye fly. Minecraft mysteries, waiting to be found, In every pixel, a new world to astound. So dive into the game, with rhymes in tow, Explore the blocks, let your creativity flow. Minecraft magic, in every detail, Spot the difference, and you shall prevail. Read More

  • Hot Potato Minecraft Meme – MaizenMinecraft Animation #minecraft #memes #minecraftanimation #funny

    Hot Potato Minecraft Meme - MaizenMinecraft Animation #minecraft #memes #minecraftanimation #funny Why did the GeGaGeDiGeDaGeDaGo meme go to therapy? Because it had too many layers to peel back! Read More

  • Fruit Power vs. Underwater Dragon in Minecraft

    Fruit Power vs. Underwater Dragon in Minecraft Explorando o Poder das Frutas no Minecraft: Encontro com um Dragão Subaquático A equipe apaixonada por jogos do canal Mundo dos Jogos está sempre em busca de novas aventuras e desafios no universo do Minecraft. Recentemente, eles se depararam com um cenário intrigante: um dragão subaquático. Mas antes de enfrentá-lo, decidiram testar o poder de uma fruta misteriosa que encontraram em sua jornada. Descobrindo Novos Poderes Em meio a um ambiente que parecia uma prisão, os jogadores encontraram a fruta e decidiram experimentá-la. Com um simples toque, perceberam que ela lhes concedia habilidades especiais, como velocidade aumentada e resistência… Read More