Minecraft Vault Hunters: EPIC New Location REVEALED!

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A Finish him go Yeah N finish her Go [Applause] fatality Yeah Hello everybody what’s up how we doing today hope everybody’s having a really good day brings music down a little bit yeah it’s pretty good welcome welcome one and all to another stream of Vault hunters and we’re going to have a good time moldy ask would you prefer more

Views on YouTube or twitch I I don’t care just watch watch wherever you want to watch it doesn’t matter it does not matter Stargate said we can start now I’ve arrived that’s the only reason I saw I like I read that and I was like a

All right I’m going hit to go live button now like we’re going to get started oops uh let’s just hop into game um so I tried to do just a tiniest bit of playing last night it really was a tiny bit um and one of the things I

Was going to do is get some slime so we could um what was the Slime for that oh um the grabby thing for the backpacks and um yeah so I flew out to a swamp and I didn’t have a lot of time and it and and it was a new moon like

There is there was no moon so I couldn’t get any slimes there um so we’re we’re going to end up going back once we have like a maybe a couple night cycles I guess and we at least have like a half moon just so get some kind of slime

Spawn redeem vanilla with controller blindfolded no oh yeah oh um I think there’s a lot of potatoes in here to pick up do a little Harvest action um I’m trying to like keep the trades going just so always have like a at least a little bit of supply of emeralds um so we

Can like oh hello so when needed um we can enchant um there he go there he is hello sir put redeem Bedrock never PR’s Vault level 20 he’s a big boy now yeah we’re going to do our first post2 Vault today um very anxious to hop in and do

It I think we’ll be fine um I’m curious I don’t know if you know this or not PDF um and in the high in the later level vaults do the mobs like ever at some point get more defense so like you hit them for less or it’s

Just like maybe their health scales up or something I was just curious how it works cuz um that guy we raided out to yesterday who I’m not familiar with I don’t remember his name um I was watching him and like he was hitting as hard as I hit for

Now and he was in like level 50 vaults so I don’t know if maybe he just wasn’t running a very like offensive build maybe or something I don’t know man the chest monster over here has been slowly growing has it not they yeah I know they get tougher

But I’m just wondering like does are I was trying to figure out if maybe he’s hitting for as much as I hit from because they have like a resistance or something that I don’t know about um we still have an expertise point to spend and I don’t know what I want to

Spend it on um oh I forget how do you um there’s like a more like something else that you get that’s a little bit more rare or whatever that refunds your expertise points right like they can be refunded but they’re not easy to refund in Mass right yeah Jeweler is always good but

I’m just wondering like is there anything else here like I’m just like what’s going to help me run vaults faster legendary modifier like plus 2% is not that big of a deal neuralizer yeah and that thing’s not easy to get right hasely has a chance of not losing

Durability on gear and tools when getting hit or using them bartering gain a cost reduction items sold in shopping pedestals inside of Vault we haven’t run into those yet I’m sure those would be a bigger thing later gain a chance to not consume crafting potential when reforging gear

And Artis station interesting think you after level 50 okay so like anything I pick now I’m stuck with for a while um I know iscal went pretty heavy and two Bounty Hunter reive value vanilla experience orbs no that doesn’t seem like that big of a deal gain a chance to have the alter

Roll lucky when crafting a crystal lowering the cost of the crystal by 90% yeah see I don’t understand yeah I’m thinking maybe we start to take Bounty Hunter I think this is the way to go we’re do it cuz yeah I I think we can find some pretty good things in the

Um in the bounty board our um our chest monster here is starting to get a little out of control the two active bounties are strong after level three yeah I yeah I can see that like to get the most out of Vault running it feels like uh being able to

Run multiple bounties is going to be a good idea right now I have kill entity which is pretty easy here’s another kill entity I don’t know what this thing is it looks pretty good but like 16 chromatic steel ingots I saw this I was like that’s pretty solid especially at this level

I don’t know what the soul Flames are but I’m assuming they’re probably pretty valuable too um let’s see um also I kind of want to start thinking about some like potential like builds but I don’t know what I want to do and how I want to do them and what’s

How what’s to what scale I want to do them um I wonder if we should make a hammer too I make a hammer chromatic iron ingots Driftwood Vault bronze that’s that’s pretty cheap or maybe you know what we’ll wait until we get to this oh no that’s level

Wait oh we did unlock our next level of tools well maybe we’ll make this nine chromatic steel ingots 36 woic UT totic Mass the heck what’s the benefit out of these higher tier tools I’m assuming it’s just durability and speed kind of like anything else we’re going to have to do that pretty

Soon uh also need to keep a look at this thing it’s just got pretty like garbage right now does have a magnet I should probably Harvest that oh um I forget when we scooped up the animals we had to craft a thing we scooped them up in didn’t

We I was thinking it might be a good idea to like grab some of the rare animals too cuz you need them for some of these uh vaults right yeah let’s actually even do this we’ll start we’ll start the stream with this let’s um let’s get

Everything we need to to run a vault so whenever we go to run it like we’re ready 21 apples holy crap cocoa bean seeds seriously I think I have I I’m pretty sure I picked up uh some cocoa seeds is that what that is yeah cocoa

Beans also don’t know that I have 21 apples either I mean easy enough to get we just we could just fortun some oak leaves or whatever there’s eight uh looks like we’re going on a little hunt animal jar okay I know I picked up cocoa seeds or cocoa

Beans I think I remember getting it from a vault actually beetroot seeds there it is nope that’s flax seeds filter coconut I know I picked it up I know for a fact I did you trade apples with farmer villager that’s true I know I picked up cocoa seeds

Cocoa beans I don’t know why I keep calling them seeds but I’m going to keep doing it coconut seedling I don’t know what happened to it no clue uh so we’re going to need to find a jungle start search uh 904 that’s not bad it’s like that

Way wait what are we doing hey what’s up yeah they’re pretty nice again like why is something like this not in like normal Minecraft it would be such a good and valuable tool for people what was that Benny with the follows up Benny B in the Jets uh I think we’re going to

Sleep cuz again I do think that um I think I need to wait another moon cycle or two let me see what the Moon looks Like um we you need some apples can I trade can I buy apples from this dude yet I can so we can do that that’s not that big of a deal I probably should do it right now well we got some hamic and sleeping bag you can reset day and night

Cycle oh I forg I know I saw somebody use a hammock before I forgot about that being a thing oops I didn’t mean to do that yeah see it’s just a partial Moon let’s see how to make a hammock I I have a sleeping bag somewhere

Hammock huh oh do you need like a research or something for that oh no here it is string string wool stick okay that’s easy enough Shing string wool stick uh don’t I have like white wool in here somewhere oh no I actually have string already I didn’t need to do that

There’s white wool there’s scks cool so I have a hammock um and I don’t know where my sleeping bag is we’ll just make a new one cool so like now I can go I can like hang up his hammock somewhere flax seeds how does it

Work must hang it on a pair of rope and nail wait what rope and nail rope and nail okay okay so how does that work you have to like put this on a tree or something like some wood how does it work not enough space like this still not enough space wow oh

Whoops there it goes so you can sleep in this and sleep away today and that changes it to nighttime and you can sleep at this to sleep away the night and make a day time and you could do these things to combine together to get it to like a

Full moon cycle and I can go get my um I go get my slimes uh swamp start search hey mow keep that set up in a swamp I mean we just keep a hero fly out there I’m new to Minecraft so sure about 20 years since he started

His Bedrock tutorials I’m still watching those awesome yeah the Bedrock gu stuff is really solid definitely go through and watch it all okay so that’s like a half moon so like we can sleep do you have a knowledge star not right now do not have one right now um we need

Some uh what is it knowledge Essence is kind of the thing I’m short on I don’t know where that comes from is that maybe the um the living chest oh I did find this out I’m sure I’m sure almost all you guys know this but I did I was trying to

Look up the living chest thing and I clicked on the living chest here was it right click yeah it shows you like all the stuff you can get I didn’t know that no knowledge Essence there I wonder if I go to knowledge Essence I right click this

No doesn’t tell me where to get it um ornate chest maybe no U what’s the other one if it comes from but if it comes from living chest how come when I look here oh there it is I just didn’t see it I just didn’t see it okay this will be a 3/4 Moon like I imagine eventually like what you would like to do is have like a back or a sack or backpack or whatever double pouch whatever it is for each of the um different chests and then have like a what do they call like a bounty one or whatever or just

Have like a junk one I don’t know all right this should be a 3/4 Moon let’s check it out it’s a long time minnow it’s a long time my friend this poor guy I can’t I can’t be I can’t stand a look at him this way I really can’t here buddy I got

You yep that’s 3/4 Moon okay Violet 5 months let’s go started playing Java last night still hate can’t use game controller when I get new laptop later this year I plan to get into modlay thanks PR oh awesome I hope you have fun like I have

Been all right so we will sleep the day away and it will head out I think yep that direction you see our compass and we’ll get to the swamp that I was at and we’ll have a full moon we should be able to kill numerous slimes and we’ll come

Backer 9 months let’s go thanks Roger now guys we pick up a 100 new members today it’s been a long time since we’ve had any amount of new members but if we get a 100 somehow um we will extend the stream longer into the evening slash

Tonight like you guys might get a bonus nighttime stream of Vault hunters from me yeah the fact that you just don’t need Rockets is honestly kind of nice I’m not going to lie I love look at this area can we just stop and like look at this real quick I really can’t we’ll

Look at it on the way back it’s such a cool little like volcanic looking Dome it almost makes me want to like base there maybe we even will I don’t know pop a face punch okay here we go you see I kind of got started here witch

And yeah I guess I’ll just kill stuff until we see some slimes I mean we could always like maybe pillar up kind of high or something oh there’s a big slime All right here we go that’s a good start all right I’m just going to like just do some running around and just do some killing we probably like generally use some of these drops anyways oh ooh big slimes oh piler with the raid of was it

12 dude thanks for the raid man I appreciate it how’s it going what were you playing what were you doing let me know everybody give P old piler let’s go twitch raid love the support man thank you so much I appreciate it old MC player Oh

Old MC player I read your name wrong I’m I am like actively killing slimes so I hopefully I’m excused I’m an old MC player too you see all the gray in the beard it’s there I have I have my Evidence um I I haven’t seen yet play Minecraft uh what were we what what kind of Minecraft were we playing vanilla J Bedrock Java modded if if modded what kind of mod give me all the info Vanilla Java awesome man well thanks for hopping I do appreciate

It um we are playing some Vault Hunters right now um I am typically a uh Minecraft Bedrock Edition YouTuber um I have a Chan at 100,000 subscribers we do tutorials and and the Minecraft Bedrock guide there but um I’ve just be become kind of bored with vanilla Minecraft after like seven years

Or so of playing it so I decided for the first time to venture out the Java Edition and um we started with the Vault Hunter MOD so if anybody that came over is interested in the vault Hunter play I’ve been I’ve put in like all like maybe 30

Something hours in the last week and the Vault hunters and there’s going to be a lot more coming including a YouTube series I’m going to be starting as well I I don’t know why I just killed him crap I don’t know why or how I got myself in that predicament but I

Did I’mma leave all right see you later dude thanks for hopping in mod pack whatever same thing you say mod people know what you mean all right I think um after killing this slime we’re we’re good to just hop out of here oh there’s another one I can’t stop now all

Right okay all right now I think we leave think yep home is back this way I did not say mob pack although we were just fighting a pack of mobs golden Ducks uh Kel sapnap Team Wolf just miss Pebbles storm ow and old player also I thank everybody

For the follows I really do appreciate it thank you so much oh look at this area hold on let’s um we need to take a gander here look at this this thing is really cool this would honestly be a really cool place to do a

Base to like set up the alter like right there all right AFK for lunch now dude I hear you man when I finish streaming I always hop off right away too thanks for sending your people over I appreciate it hope you have a good lunch think are what do you guys

Think I mean I don’t know I want to tackle moving like literally right now but like this could be really cool a really cool spot to move to and then be like still do like a in like Mountain type Vault like something like this little area right here looks like it’d

Be really cool cool to like lead up to the Vault we could have the vter like right there in the center and then around it assuming we continue this world long enough that I don’t get totally engrossed by the multiplayer World um like we could have like a build

Like different builds so like different um uh of the like tools and stuff The Works the work tables workstations all right let’s uh let’s hop off let’s fly out hey hazy how’s it going thanks for joining Lush Caldera base like a good spot it it’s a really

Cool location it would require a lot of moving of things how do you fly um I have the dash ability and uh we craft it in elytra we could even like take take our villagers with us I I like I’m really like the sound of

This more and more um okay we got a bunch of slime um I need to reset this thing for uh jungle start search um that’s going to actually take us back out this direction let’s go do it right now that’s one fast elytra I mean you can do the same thing

With Rockets or even a um Trident of course but yeah I mean elra can get going pretty quick but I see a storm out thanks for hanging out for a little bit I appreciate it thanks for the follow as well okay here’s the jungle we could um we could get some

Jungle wood while we’re here oh well okay let’s get plenty of coco beans if I can easily find Them oh okay um I guess taking some bamboo probably be a good idea as well am I just like blind here’s some don’t forget jungle saplings true I mean it’s not that it’s that hard to come back but yeah having some saplings would be good uh there’s a tree we chopped

Down think we probably pick some up there um Jungle saplings yep we’re good oh look you can replant I I didn’t really need to do that Welcome to the Jungle we’re all funing Games all right I think this will be good I’m kind of excited about moving bases now like we may we may tackle that and make a chest monster over there oh ow hurt a little bit we could uh make a bunch of Shuler boxes we unlock drawers you could sort

Of set up new storage system and new spot then Shuler everything over everything over but I don’t know how far away we are from that and like I’m I don’t know why like I’m really excited about the prospect of this new base location that

Just like it just kind of hit us all of a sudden what was that Chris thanks for the follow dude these jungle chests look kind of cool oh prow you’re thinking about moving you know it’ be a really good idea to make a bigger chest monster before you

Move that’d be a great idea prow you should do that oh I should okay sure thing I’ll do it um all right Let’s do let’s make a bunch of chests we’re going to make some Shuler boxes I think we’re going to do this I really do um we

Need torches too a lot of torches cuz I want to cut I want to cut down all the trees I want to cut down all the trees and I want to torch it up to make it safe scar junor over here oh dude don’t don’t put that on

Me I’m like 1% of a scar 1% and that’s that’s giving myself some credit that I don’t deserve don’t cut down all the trees Captain Planet will be mad at you that’s funny it makes me think like I really wish this is a stupid wish but

It’s it’s a wish of mine nonetheless I would love to see like a good a good liveaction Captain Planet movie I think that could be pretty cool and honest and obviously like pretty relevant for the times in in certain ways anyway I there’s no way I only have give

Me that back 32 Shuler shells no Way let’s look through again oh I have 32 Shuler shells okay whatav I can’t that I hate that I can’t I can’t split this pack how do I split the pack like this it’s so dumb okay all right here’s how we do this why isn’t um options uh controls keep ons where’s pick

Block it is middle button why doesn’t it do it can you not pick block uh shulkers in Java cuz you can do it on bedrock um as long as they’re empty um well let’s do this let’s find oh there’s more Shuler shells okay cool we

We have a lot um I want to oh we could do it with all this Oak I want a lot of torches try to make an Ender Chest um I mean I don’t I don’t have I don’t have an ender pearl it’s not a big deal I think we’ll be

Able to fit everything in here without like too much issue um here we’ll throw these extra ones in here for now I was going to reserve the slots there make it easier to move everything um it’s about turn night time oh what do I do there this is fun it’s like [Applause] coloring

[Applause] okay welcome all viewers don’t forget to like And subscribe for more proud content yes do it also if you’re on the YouTube side um there’s a there’s a handful of you guys that haven’t hit the like button if you could help out by clicking that like button could have veined my

All those chest yeah but you know what well I didn’t want to okay made a conscious decision to not do it okay oh um we have whatever the heck’s in here I don’t know if we need it what’s in here whatever we’ll take it why because we can

Oops did not mean to do that here’s going to be the hard part is carrying all this stuff back now I’m not going to load it all up yet but we are going to get prepared for it Okay oh cool charcoal charcoal charcoal um actually let’s put that in here and what was that Minotaur at the F get the members everybody give minitar let’s go thanks minnow um I do want to I do need to bring the sleeping bag with me and then let’s bring the chest with

Us um we’ll put these in here I don’t need those I don’t need this either um we’ll set this back to swamp who got those memberships congratulations to uh Murph is Randall Nation DED double Deo and kaln you guys all got memberships on minnow also with those memberships comes a boost in Channel

Points oops I clicked on something what did I do okay Channel points have been increased by 20% oh yeah I do need to pack my villagers away this is True yeah I’ll I’ll probably bring all but maybe like two of the villagers but uh we’re not there yet we’re not there yet I want to get here and I want to chop down all the trees in the in the Big Bowl are you moving yeah Kaden we’re going to move

Dude you’re about to see the spot right now here it is not this not this hold on here’s the location this is such a cool little area oh wait is this uh water oh cool it’s even got like a little like water area close by um this area is actually quite

Interesting I thought this was all trees it’s not trees not fullsize trees anyways Spot is going to be so cool I’m pretty excited about it what is [Applause] this um I I won’t need uh to collect leaves again for uh putting into the uh vter [Applause] all I should probably stop using this I mean we can make a new one we need new tools anyway so Whatever there’s no mending not I on a vault tools I can put it on like a like I could go and get like a hoe and put mending on a hoe it would probably be the smart thing to do but I was going to make a new sickle anyways because we have access to new um to new tier Vault gear

Man can we just I’m going to probably have to do it anyways cuz look we’ve done less than half um I do have a hoe yeah we might do that for our next tier of uh gear here PDF um there’s the hoe emeralds Vault enchanter put efficiency on it um Unbreaking on it

Oops and then mending on it dang it I did it again um I guess we’ll put fortune on it for now to and then we can oh I left it in there uh take it out put it in her off hand there we go nice and full bring XP bottles

Yeah we have a lot I thought we had a lot of bottles somewhere oh here’s 64 more we’ll bring that silk touch for leaves we I mean I literally just picked up a crap ton Le have almost whole chest full already all right let’s do

It oh man like this just makes it so much easier the whole vein mining thing thing if you told me okay prow you can choose between having mending in the game and vein Miner but you can’t have both I would give up mending and a heartbeat I really

Would maybe give me the enchanting system that’s in here too yeah I doubt it ever happens though PDF because isn’t like one of their supposed pillars of the game one block at a time they don’t want you to like mine any more than one block at a time or something

Dumb V mana and enchantment um no it I guess like it could be implemented as that if you wanted it to but no it’s more like a like a like a skill or ability at least in Vault Hunters um I have to hold a button to

Activate it so like I can decide to not Vin mine if I want to but I can also hold the button down and Vin mine maybe mod devs should make vein Mining and mending mutually exclusive no you can like I have vein I can vein mine and um and have

Mending it’s just uh you can’t you can’t do mending on vault Tools in this game because they don’t want to make Vault tools too overpowered they want you to have to like actually go through them and there’s like things stuff you can get in the vaults to make tools last longer

FR what’s up dude I’m watching the durability don’t worry all right let’s um let’s mend it up um I’m going to go grab something real quick I’ll be be right back m Y War He he Che he hey guys sorry about that you know no big deal we just had a a pre-teen temper tantrum happen sure those of you that have that have kids at that age or have you know what I just went through uh okay we miss you I miss you guys too

Oh what I just what I don’t know what I just put out there proud through a temp for got it okay that’s just I’m knocking out some like moss blocks under ground have four Vault levels after completing two vaults yeah it seems like in earlier vaults like getting Vault levels I

Think I don’t know I guess it’s fine I was going to say I feel like it’s too fast just by a little bit because in a way you kind of want to stay in a lower level vaults a little bit longer because of the grace period you’re just kind of like you’re you’re

Just figuring out how things work and how to do things but I understand that like once you get into like the later Vault levels like they progress really slow just like any game like this like the the um the higher level you get like the lower the slower that you level you

Know we’re we’re almost done now I need to decide how to spin points yeah so I would just say it it feels like the talent points the ability and talent points you get these relatively frequently the regret orbs relatively frequently to where like if if you feel

The need like hey like I want to resp a bunch of things or like I want to resp something for a big project and then like spec back or something like that you could do it it’s the um it’s the expertise points that you can’t so easily swap around

Um looks like it’s about to Change what where’s my oh it’s in my inventory okay yeah hey kayin how’s it going yeah I’m we’re um I I saw a place that inspired me to make a base so impulsively so we have uh cleared the area out largely and we’re going to make this into a cool base

Area come on I want to sleep sleep sleep sleep sleep sleep sleep sleep sleep sleep sleep sleep SLE sleep s sleep what kind of style are we going with I don’t know um whatever I make whatever I make is going to be the style at first jumbled mess probably come on dude

I want to knock out a lot of this grass too oh here’s a bunch of leaves sleeping bag let you sleep without resetting spawn yeah it’s pretty nice o look a little cave here what stop making me think I’m taking damage oh man we’re getting dangerously

Low um oh let’s run back over to our chest here where is our chest there it is Betty D thanks for the follow um you can also Vin M punch the uh the grass and stuff too which is what we’re going to do right now oops I wasn’t hitting the right

Button I want to get most of it out way yeah sleeping bag that’s another thing it’d be really nice to have in vanilla Minecraft the way to set to reset the day without changing your spawn like why is that not a thing like it would make it makes total sense for

That to be a thing but it’s not a lot of quality life stuff that would be fantastic for vanilla yeah there is and it it it does kind of make you wonder like why don’t they do a lot of it cuz some like there’s definitely like some things that would probably be

Pretty like difficult for them to achieve at a large the large scale that is Minecraft for like all the different systems in the game and all the different control functionality that people need and all of that like I don’t want to undersell the fact that like some of these things are actually kind

Of hard to do um and a lot harder than what people think they are to do but on the flip side of that a lot of things would be fairly easy to do if they decided they wanted to such as the sleeping bag Mojang wouldn’t own it so they

Wouldn’t want to use it um I don’t know man that sound that doesn’t sound right to me like can you really own a sleeping bag to the point where like you could like Mojang would ever have to worry about potentially adding it into the game due

To some fear of like copyright or just like the look of copying what a mod did I don’t I don’t know man I don’t think so at some point you’re hurting yourself by not doing it more so than you’re helping yourself from what you think is

A reason like like what what happen from from actually doing it I guess okay we’re pretty close to done with this uh we’re going to go through and like knock out all of the uh the little pieces of wood that remain this is Microsoft we’re talking about eh I don’t I don’t

I don’t believe that has much to do with it one bad thing about using a paxel for stuff like this is like I’m I’m accidentally like doing a lot of dirt happy to shoot themselves in the foot rather than give someone else credit for something yeah I don’t know

Man it it it it just kind of seems like they’re not really in touch with the the fan base anymore and they’re more focused on delivering a marketable update every 12 months like that’s their focus marketable update every 12 months all these little like trees is kind of funny I don’t know PDF I’ve seen the Microsoft CEO give lots of other folks credit I think it’s more what prow is saying about losing focus on what made the game great in the first place um I I think it’s I think I think that part

Of it is a lot more of like holding on to this nostalgic idea of Minecraft being this overly simplified game when the times and the ways that we’re they were talking about being good of changing Minecraft have have changed a bit like for example this pillar of one

Block at a time right since that was a pillar of Minecraft forever ago and they they’ve stated a while back that like hey like this is how we see Minecraft like this is how the game has to be like we we we will only ever do

One block at a time cuz that’s our philosophy it’s our one of our guiding principles rather than at some point kind of reevaluate that and think hey like maybe there’s sometimes when more than one block at a time is okay right like they could they could they could say that and then

Change their stance on it right and say hey like yeah it made it kind of made sense at the time but like things have changed a little bit and like we’ve seen some things that players really like about modded Minecraft and we have some like vanilla Minecraft ways of doing those things

Right vein Miner could be an enchantment or vin Miner could be some some I don’t know a special tool could do it or something like that right and then they could implement it in their way that they think would be best but then but that would break their

One block at a time philosophy and they’re not willing to go back on something that they said because there’s going to be some portion of the player base that will then come a small portion mind you but a portion that will then come and say my those Minecraft’s changed man

It’s gone downhill they used to say one block at a time and now they’re like they’re going back on the stuff they say we can’t believe anything they say anymore because they went back on the one block at a time thing and they’re so afraid of that happening that like they would rather

Stick with a stance that’s not the greatest stance and or isn’t relevant today as opposed to make a change I like the Lego fortnite setup too thoughts on that game feelings um I mean I think what Lego fortnite does works well for Lego fortnite um I don’t know that you need

To have Minecraft go that route per se um I don’t need to go that far up these uh Hills um I don’t know like Lego fortnite for those that haven’t seen it or played it like you place down whole entire like wall segments at a time as opposed to a

Block at a time like Minecraft is um and I don’t know I would I wouldn’t be I wouldn’t be ready to change Minecraft that much um but I think mining mining more than a block at a time to where you can get like get yourself more to that

Building stage sooner I think that’s a good idea or yeah or maybe like vain Miner is not like a cannot somebody said it earlier I think it’s Papa Snuffy some I don’t remember who said it somebody said it earlier maybe maybe vein Miner can’t be used along with

Mending so like if you want to do vein mining really fast like guess what you’re going to have to eventually deal with a tool that’s going to break and you’re not going to have it anymore what was that Mr lynchin with the hydrate oh that actually reminds me I need to

Shrink this down so I can see those better I mean how many years have we been asking for more crops yeah and like that’s another one it’s kind of simple right this another issue of theirs they they feel the need to overdevelop things I think or overthink things like they

Act like us wanting more crops means that those new crops they add in the game or maybe it’s new animals or whatever they have to have like this host of unique um features about them right oh well every crop has to have a unique drop with a unique mechanic um that’s

Different than the things that we have now and like I don’t think players care that much there’s going to be again there’s going to be some that do that are going to cry about like oh why this is dumb I could just eat potatoes why do

I want this um but most players like if they were just like hey like we’re going to add in 10 new crops in the game we’re going to add in corn and rice and like whatever right like they list off like 10 new crops 97% of players or more are going to be

Like oh cool like we can we can make all these new crops now this is fun like that’s going to look so great and then like 1% of the players are going to be like they’re going to cry about it and then they’re so worried about that 1%

They’re not going to do it do anything all right I think this is looking pretty solid oh there’s an e and flow to it just because it’s tapered off lately doesn’t mean Minecraft is dead oh that’s that’s a for sure thing cuz Minecraft definitely has

Had its ups and downs over the year and I would say there’s no doubt I don’t think there’s much denying that they are in a downturn right now um but yeah like they could definitely turn things around pretty quickly if they they if they try to like Minecraft

Is this game to where unless they have a downturn for far too long like a really long time then hold on let’s uh create Waypoint new home confirm oh let’s make it red cuz Red’s my color um where’s the old home there it is um they could turn it around but they

Also shouldn’t be so comfy as to think that Minecraft can’t die because I mean Java like Java modded will always be a possibility but if they don’t do enough to the game over a long enough period of time you you will see a significant decrease in the amount of people playing

The base game which is most people right it’ll always just because it it just because the Java Edition can be modded it’ll always have that modded community no matter what like there will always be a big community of modded players um but you could still effectively kill the game by not

Bringing in any new players and not retaining um a large majority of players that are here here look how how many content creators have turned on moded recently see this is a symptom of several poor updates yeah and you almost wonder if like maybe they’re noticing that I mean you would

Hope that they are um yeah I don’t know I don’t know what to say about it but yeah you’re seeing a lot of people go to modded I mean I’m probably the last person a lot of people thought would would go to modded um

Um it’s the same with a lot of uh other games some people like mods and CC and some don’t Yeah Okay let’s take all of these oh and let’s take our torches plus YouTube in general has seen a change in how viewers are ingesting content there are so many choices nowadays if viewership is stretched thin um it is but like Minecraft has held a top spot for YouTube content

For like almost like a probably almost a full decade now maybe they’ve been overthrown like a year here and there once or twice but like Minecraft has has solidly held that top spot for such a long time and I would think that they’re probably starting to lose a lot of that

Because there’s not a lot of new things to search right like it’s one of the reasons why my um my tutorials for Bedrock Edition aren’t really doing so hot anymore nothing new has really happened in the game in years so like I can make a tutorial it’s it’s

Just a excuse the saying a different way to skin the cat like all I’m doing is I’m doing the same thing that people have been doing in a slightly different way that maybe offers some different choice or more fun or better rates or something right like there’s something

Slightly different about it but at the end of of the day an iron farm is an iron farm you know what I mean so a lot of people don’t need a different kind of iron farm it just they already made their iron farm they don’t need another one there’s

Nothing compelling about the new iron farm it’s not it’s not 10 times faster or something you know what I mean uh where’s I know I brought more charcoal here’s some regular coal there we go hello was YC d t TV mean I have no clue what you’re talking about I must missed

Something all right let’s um we’re I mean we’re just going to be torch spam for a little while I think oh you know what I I I need it’s a mod right one of those um like Mega torches I wonder how big of an area those things Cover I missed a lot of these uh tree trunks look at all these things I missed 64 block radius so I’d probably need like maybe like 10 of those things here and isn’t that a mod that was like a mod right production no where was it um I don’t see

It I thought it was maybe in here I don’t remember where it was and Q okay torch master Grant trans un like torch Master very small but useful mod that allows you to craft torches and lamps that can block both hostile and passive mobs spawning

In an area of 64 blocks around it this cannot be used in the vault to prevent mobs from spawning okay cool that’s pretty neat um unfortunately I’m not going to be able to use it now but maybe something we do for like decorative P purposes

Later I I only used an elytra for the first time last year and I’ve been playing since 2011 yeah and that’s another thing like I kind of like that you can craft an elytra here like I and and this coming for me like I’ve never had a problem

Going and getting an elytra from the end like it’s not that big of a deal to me but like you lock those things behind the end to try to force people to go to the end to get them but really all you do is you gatekeep those things behind

The end for people just like cat there that like either never bothered to go didn’t know it existed for a long period of time or maybe found the challenge too difficult to go get it so now there’s this huge percentage of people that didn’t get to play or don’t

Play with a a thing that actually makes the game a lot more fun to play and I think having like a a decent enough challenging way but not something that restricts too much way to get some of these things in vanilla Minecraft in the Overworld is probably overall to net good idea

Okay we’ made one full circle the biggest portion of the circle except for when we start doing the hillside which we are going to do but I would just like to have this big area mostly spawn proof so like we don’t have to like worry too much about the nighttime I might still

Still sleep away the night anyways but if I I’m caving or I don’t I don’t want to come back to like 10 billion mobs up here uh corporate please don’t be weird in chat dude I am super excited about this base area any top game is huge Target for the outrage

Streamers oh yeah for sure we have some caves around here might be fun to go explore some of them okay well we got more than enough torches around here I do want to get a lot of this Hillside what are you planning to build I don’t know I just know this is going

To be our base area I have some ideas floating around my head I’m not sharing them quite yet uh where did my sleeping bag go all right I think the plan now is we light up the whole Rim here and we work our way down and then from that point I think we

Could call this thing pretty well spawn proofed I know I’m placing these way more frequently than I need to but I’d rather have them more frequently than not frequently enough and and we got plenty of Torches proba you like xqc and have a amount of empty fast food bags behind beside your desk no dude I keep I keep my room nice and clean and I’m definitely nothing like xqc I can’t I can’t stand him he’s very fake and honestly a pretty what seemingly a pretty trash person

He’s one of those that like being like becoming a big streamer kind of went to his head have you even run a vault yet uh during the stream no we have not I mean we kind of like found a project and then it consumed us I think star Stargate means in this

Stream hob holes around the outside I was thinking you’re um you’re unveiling some of my like early early thoughts about this area um I was definitely thinking that this would have like numerous paths that lead to tunnels around the outside like in different little zones for different

Things for those that have followed me for a really long time like way back in my truly Bedrock days you would know that I I actually rather oh we made it um quite enjoy um interior building much more so than I do exterior building so like Building inside of like

Caves and stuff like that actually suits me very well I feel a little bit more comfortable with that type of building I feel like I do it a bit better is it in the middle of the night for you aggro yep Agro you’re going to you’re going to

Hurt yourself if you try to make sense of aggro schedule because I feel like it changes like every day there’s no Rhyme or Reason to it it just kind of it exists in like this like weird Purgatory State little room for the vault portal what I was thinking is the Vault portal

Would go smack in the middle it’s going to be like the central thing of this whole base area I like the idea of it being like the central focal point we may even have to like maybe build like a a temporary coolish looking portal and then like maybe we upgrade it

Later like make it like super duper cool oops double torch PDF was right oh did you say that I didn’t see it is aggros run Purgatory though huh oh okay uh let’s kind of work our way down a little bit this is this is a pretty big uh torch job to

Do elevator M to get up to the tower I mean I don’t I don’t have I don’t have in my head any kind of plan for like a large huge Tower not to say that it couldn’t happen but I don’t I don’t have one envisioned

Yet I do see what you guys are saying like it could definitely make sense to do here oh hello I’ll take you okay let’s uh let’s curve in a little bit more all the way to the planet’s core of course let me work our way back up here a little

Bit we’ll have to like actually let Nightfall set in I think to figure out everywhere that we haven’t torched good looks like a torching nightmare I mean so far it is yeah I’ve been meaning to um watch more of iscal catch some of his streams I like watching streams it’s

Just like I haven’t been into watching Minecraft content in any way shape or form for years but I have I I have started watching um iscal uh version three or update 3 whatever he whatever it’s officially called Vault Hunter series which has been fun and um I did watch his first ever

Vault Hunter series I don’t think I thought I watched all the way through like I watched a decent amount of it and it seemed kind of cool and it always kept Vault hunches like in the back of my head oh there’s a torch right there I think like somebody said it’s sc’s

Like on vacation right now or something one thing that I would like to do hopefully I can get this done I don’t even know I don’t even know like if it’s something that can happen for me but um I would love to get put on the official

Like list on their Discord that they have for uh uh Vault Hunters um where they like send out they’ll send out like notifications like live notifications and video notifications stuff I’ve noticed some like non- hermit members on there like um chosen architect I think was on there there’s a few others

Too I don’t know if it’s I don’t know I don’t know how you get the special privilege of getting it yeah he’s taking a break for the holiday it’s good idea cuz he he spend a lot of time doing this yeah getting on getting on that list I

Think would be pretty cool obviously it’d be really good and big for the channel might actually bring in some new eyeballs although hopefully we’ll have some videos that do that too a chosen we’re in the original series oh okay so that would make sense and probably mean that it’s it’s probably

Not going to be something I can pull off because you have to have been in the vault Hunter series like the actual like SNP um I think we’re switch back to vanilla Minecraft textures for a little bit this could be way easier to tell torch lighting you definitely see where we

Have some more work to do oh wow look at that actually gets really dark in these spots I feel like Bedrock Edition is not like that like I don’t recall that level of Darkness Showing a light level of blocks would be a huge help but I mean even like with the way Minecraft is now like requiring like any light touching a block makes it unspawnable it it makes it not that bad to do like in this like vanilla way and then at some point we’ll we’ll

Reach a point where like we’ll look for Mob Spawns hello darkness my old friend yeah like all of this Oh that’s a sheep I was like oh my God here comes our first mob attack was waiting to get like ninja creeper PR’s going to blow up in the end I don’t want to get blown up I think we’re doing pretty good though thing I hate about decorating an smpp

For the holidays is taking it down after I did too much Xmas decorations yeah I hear you that’s why you should like you just build like in a separate area and you can leave it up can’t believe you haven’t had any mobs yet oh dude why would you jinx it

Like that cuz I was thinking it but I didn’t want to say it because that’s just bringing on some like bad mojo that I don’t want right now think thep decorating thing was why we always did districts on the member servers yeah you can leave it up it’s getting

There whoa let’s not let’s not do that thank you kind of see like a nice string right here two hours later two oh more than two hours my Friend take that coal uh I like how the shield will block even stuff like fall damage it’s so funny aren’t the redeems very slow I mean they’re they’re usually going to be delayed by about 5 seconds or that’s how long they should be delayed because the stream is delayed

By that much to run the quality setting that I run H but having all this done is going to make this place like super nice to build in and do stuff in it’s a lot of upfront leg work it is but one of those things that’ll be like totally worth it in the end I think uh we’re yeah we’re getting

Pretty close to hitting daytime and I’m not going to be able to tell where to put stuff so we’ll probably like transfer some more things over uh maybe our vault inventory or maybe we’ll like dig a place for the new Vault right because the actual like where we store our

Stuff is going to go somewhere different and we’re going to dig a place right into or right into the size side of like one of these mountains or caves or whatever just like we did um in the original base cuz I like that idea get like one more good look here

Okay um that’s a good start all right let’s uh let’s go get some more stuff why does that feel like it’s really high up in the air should it be like down at the ground oh nope it’s just up a hill okay preparation is half the work so if

You can prepare properly then the construction becomes much easier and straightforward yes this is true what do I still have going through here bunch of logs this is not enough for all this 2 4 6 8 10 12 yeah are you going to take the villagers with

You yeah I’ll take I’ll take quite a few of them um I’m scared to do it [Applause] okay that’s all that doesn’t feel right I maybe maybe things just kind of compress down a little bit more interesting I have less than I thought did use the filtered insert too late for that and

Backpack oh a lot of our stuff went into the backpack that actually makes a lot of sense now that’s a good thing I mean I guess we just carry it over there like that right no need to to I was going to like take it out and

Put it in those but like why would I do that I just keep it on me um no let’s not do those we don’t need that okay um okay a dragon head Relic fragment oh okay okay next no God stop it oh God please no no no no um sure

Probably you haven’t had a technical difficulty lately oh why would you why would you put that bad mojo on me why you you’ve basically just doomed me okay believe this is like remnants of the past same thing with our portal there in this little area we’ll leave these as

Remnants of the past as well oh I do need to take those oh wait how do I um how do I scoop them back up oh wait do I have any more any of these that are empty these three are like fairly empty um I need need more space okay I think that

Works this is still going um just so we can establish a village let’s take this bed hey you oh where’s my Farmer and where’s my other farmer I have three four five six that should be good I feel like he’s going to be lonely by himself here you have a

Friend oh no there’s a couple villagers over here give me him back hey ragar yeah dude we decided to move have only been live for two hours already holy crap um I don’t he I I guess he wasn’t connected to his workstation I don’t know

Um let’s do oh I found my other sleeping bag it seems uh I’m going to I’m going to keep two two dudes in here for safekeeping a lot of the stuff I have in my inventory right now a lot of these Shuler boxes are Vault

Stuff and I feel like I’m going to want My Vault like this feels like a good cardinal direction to go in you know what I mean like it’s going to be like right in there so I think what we do set down a lot of this stuff here go to sleep um sleeping

Bag all right perfect we’ll worry about the perimeter lighting a little bit later um I’m going to take like I’m I really have a case in the munchies right now kind of hungry um I’m going to take like a really short break just go grab a quick

Bite to eat when we get back we’re going to dig Into oh are they just not loaded was it this way we’re going to dig into that wall right there to make our new Vault entrance nuggies no not nuggies I will be back in a few e for e you for watch out l watch out listen all right guys thanks for waiting

Okay now that we’re back let’s let’s figure out a few things let’s figure out a few things um do I do I want to like very quickly here get out of temporary storage I feel like I do um let’s make let’s make a new chest monster somewhere until we until we

Figure out what we’re going to actually do maybe I’ll make it over here so it’s close Clos since it’s temporary especially over here so it’s closer to where we’re going to be going into the Vault um oh man I God I can’t stand Java Edition sometimes okay

So we’ll grab all of her things here did I get it all I did I would suggest digging out your hole and building your chest monster inside no cuz we’re going to have two different chest monsters we’re going to have our vault stuff chest monster and then we’re going to have our like

Generic storage chest monster um and then eventually and the somewhat near future we will actually like come up with something to handle those um man I wish there was an easy way to just like break these and just like get all the stuff out looks like we can just

Like drag each one of them just let the items kind of float around and as long as we do them all less than 5 minutes which shouldn’t be much of a problem it’s not like they’ll like despawn or anything and then while we’re doing things here we can kind of sort of

Organize a little bit like I can do like ability type blocks in a row right like this I can do other type like stuff from blocks here Sky Stone uh we could do let’s say like items over here uh we could do let’s do like crop type things over

Here uh is that where yeah here um we’ll do like Foods here food based items we’ll do like ores and special things here I like the way this is going like we’re getting like semi-organized by doing this very semi but semi nonetheless um or I guess I’m I’m probably going to need

Something for like miscellaneous things like whatever this tin is whatever this ashes it’s raw tin um a carpet Soul beads a lot of this stuff is like stuff we started the world with can we get through all that less than 5 minutes yeah we will I think we’re

Making good we’re making good time on it here maybe no I think we’re I think we’re okay um there’s still a lot there okay let’s do this yeah that’s that’s still a lot oh man there we go okay now we’ll just like pick out like all the blocks Um wow that uh that filled that up pretty quick didn’t it uh won building blocks over there we go all right um grassy naturey things plants basically anything could be planted or was planted and that all goes here um let’s do all like ores slash valuable things I always put slime in

That category I don’t know why um I don’t want I don’t need to do these like these like unique ores like I don’t know what they’re good for Cole always put in that category there’s some diamonds all right um equipment equipment equipment shears what is that Sky Stone chest I

Don’t know what that is equipment equipment okay all that can go into here uh Mob drops mob drops mob drops mob drops feathers spider eyes we’ll put cobwebs in that why not okay uh Mob drops can go here I think no yeah we’ll put mob drops here you guys stop being so

Weird okay okay um okay miscellaneous ability blocks I don’t have only a couple things really fall in that category okay um all right we need to sleep oh I don’t know where my things what let oh wait where did the other villagers go they left Phantom membranes and MOB drops good call good

Call wait never pad zero wait how does I thought I thought I was supposed to just turn it on oh and that makes it kind of hard okay um let me condense down what I have okay uh Nether wart we could put in with the those things um red

Stone can go in here for now sticks Signs probably you should have kept the villagers in your inventory put them into a chest I mean we still have two in a chest we can give them potatoes or something make them breed up it’s not a big deal like villagers are so easy to get oh

Torches I’ll put a lot of those like this up here this up here um ability block ability block uh torches uh Phantom Rin food valuables um okay we’re getting pretty close arrows arrows put those like here maybe um like miscellaneous or type things that I don’t know what the heck to do

With those things can go like to you let a um sure here seems like a good spot I might be walking back to the Village I came from cuz you didn’t take the beds and job blocks I guess I figured they would just stay here because it’s established as a new

Village uh let’s pull these as like miscellaneous Decor oh here’s my chest piece I don’t know what this is need to research oh I can’t use it oh fine it’ll go up here for now um this needs to stay on us raw lead food mushroom sleeping bag living chest Scroll another mushroom thingy Anvil okay I think we’re about done Yeah okay so that leads us to our next task that wasn’t too bad and now we’re like quasi organized it’s it’s a organized chest monster now I want to dig into the side of here okay I don’t want to use up too much of my my paxel one two

3 that should be deep enough in well let me get some torches it’s like one of these top ones right this this is going to be our eventual Vault this is where like we’re going to set up our storage for all of our vault items that we

Get oh what was that okay and we’re going to go over let’s see 1 2 3 4 one 2 3 4 we’ll make a decent size room here that’s probably too big we’ll see how it goes one two three one two three oh man the insta mine is so

Nice because of the extra haste that we have that magnanimous mom what’s up magnanimous one two 3 one two 3 okay [Applause] Okay cool so we’ll like set up like an actual like cool looking floor in here sometime in the future I’m just trying like I’m going for functionality right now

Um I think this I think this area needs to be a little bit deeper I C another two something like this will probably work oh too bad you’re level 21 no chance to go run a vault for pretty blocks what do you mean I mean you could you can run a

Vault for the purpose of getting blocks anytime if you want to um you just have to make sure you complete your objective okay now I think we need like a bit of a ceiling a higher ceiling I think this is the way to do it

Oh man imagine being able to do this in vanilla freaking Minecraft can you imagine think about it real quick did you think about it yet I’m really wearing down my paxel which I don’t like but I think I think we’re done with like the bulk of the

Mining okay let’s um let’s Square the room off the hole I dug would have been so much easier to dig out I think like generally speaking this is going to be how big our our actual Vault room is when we make this a proper Vault room it could get a little bigger we

Have to see like what what like my ultimate like storage based needs are um but but this is pretty good oops I have a lava Falling on My Head oh not this high up okay now I just need to smooth out the ceiling a little bit We’ve uh we’ve already worn down my paxel I think we could do an uh uh repair on it though yeah I think that’s what does yellow mean I think we could do a repair on it I don’t think I’ve repaired it before we yeah Right All right almost done whoa let’s not do that not cool all right oh one little spot Agro that was you why would you do [Applause] that there we go trying to participate uh we don’t really need that level of participation there sir look he w’t me to sleep he’s so depressed

All right now I need a bunch of chests for in there um I don’t think I had like extra chest per se so we’re just going to have to take some wood here make ourselves a little crafting table and probably going to need more than this okay that should do the

Trick and uh for now we’ll just set up a little chest monster over here come on Java Edition okay so that’ll be for all of our goodies did those villagers despawn hard to believe they pathf finded their way home I think they pathf finded their way home you know they’re Java Edition villagers so they are like a little bit more sophisticated a little bit smarter than a Bedrock Edition villagers

I need more chests um do do I need more chests I think I need a few more chests this will do the trick um because I want to have some chests for like my extra valuable stuff that’s going to go over here it’s a long way yeah well they

Remembered Bedrock villagers used to do that um this should be good all right um look at all that Cobble I got if that’s the case then wouldn’t they pathfind ourselves to an unloaded chunk yeah they would again they used to do that on Bedrock condition too they probably still

Do I’m saying used to as if like they would have stopped yeah that’s what I was thinking aggro we could do that I’m kind of I’m I’m not that I need the villagers so much more that I’m curious to see if that’s what happened to them I it be what straight this way

Right although who knows what kind of like trap they could have got themselves in not seeing them they could have also gotten themselves killed they wouldn’t have made it further than this cuzz I mean I can load a decent ways but not that far it’s also possible we could be missing

Them I don’t know it’s not a big deal this is why I set to aside just in case something like this happened um okay let’s uh let’s take in all of these shulkers now set up in here okay first things first though uh let’s get all of this extra stuff out of

There um maybe we’ll like somewhat have like very slightly organized so when we like shift click stuff out it can kind of go towards like the same areas um oops that mean to do that who it once you have the villager mod unlocked you only need one to breed

I’m not even going to ask how that works not even going to ask how that works okay I think that’s all my 1024 Stacks except for the vault Cobblestone okay now got wait this is good okay like the fact that you can like shift click stuff into spots for the up and

Down arrow and it’ll like group it’ll send only like items I’m I’m going to kind of take advantage of that oh no Vault Essence is is more valuable not building drawers we will but we’re in the process of moving and since I’m unpacking anyways and I don’t know how soon we’ll get the

Vault um the drawers I want to I’m I just want to unpack in a manner that is um organized carbon anything else in here super valuable well not super valuable but I guess like I’ll do that that that oh no that’s not where I wanted us to go

Here okay uh Vault SC grap can go Vault nuggets can go regret nuggets can go topaz shards sure that can go Vault diamonds goes in the special area Okay should that be good for that um we’re going to have like our valuables stuff over here uh we’ll pull Essence and diamonds into

One uh we’ll pull all of our gems what’s the Vault Apple do it’s just crafting ingredient okay okay all of our gems opal counts as a gem I have more silver there all our gems will go here um here we’ll put we’ll put the knowledge Essence in here

Too I know the laramar is a gym but I I wanted to oh no we did that in the right spot okay cool uh here let’s just pull the rest of everything out H um things I know I’m going to move cuz I have a spot for somewhere else we’re going put

Here oh let’s sleep laramar sounds like some type of kitchen flooring to me laminate got some lamb in a kitchen flooring how I skip a whole chest that’s Weird um we’ll put Overworld stuff there that we get so wait what oh there we go so all of this stuff lar sounds like someone from the NBA that’s Lamar um I guess we could put like our lemons here our burger buns like our food based items let’s put Scrolls

Here oh we call these Sandy Rocks and wooden chunks oh I probably didn’t have room for these things oh yeah okay so like now I need to do is shift click this stuff up get those chests out of here oh that’s full uh the stuff I know that’s Vault goodies more chests gems okay uh we’ll move our vault

Goodies over I got some like other like miscellaneous like Overworld stuff needs to go back out there we’ll move that last I guess um let’s get all of our stations all set up um this is going to be a temporary home for them I think um eventually

We’re going to figure out where we want to put these to maybe like different I don’t know like these could be good reasons to make like little like little like caves for like the different tool sets but then like I’m going to have to do so much move like running around just to

Get to them we’ll set them up back here for now dragon fight win I mean is there is there actually a point to fighting a dragon hold on do we need a point I mean there’s so many other like new things to do in experience it it makes the dragon seem unappealing boom Boom what is that feed Kitty treats is she in here she is all right hold on she has awoken from her Slumber I can’t believe you guys made me wake her up me can you talk what you going to say huh what you going to say she’s so

Confused there she you go that made it all worth it right there eat up stormy yummy yummy yummy K Kack once you unlock way stones you don’t need to beat the dragon to go back and forth from the end oh all right you got it all storm yeah this this whole unpacking

Thing is taking way longer than packing did um but we’re getting there we’re getting there uh what is this raw magnetite we put those up there we need new coin chest and a new overgrown chest apparently that’s how packing unpacking works well duh doesn’t mean I have to like it

Um treats need to Go here too apparently wait oh there we go treats wait did I fill that is now okay um Gemstones it’s a bomb 37° Fahrenheit it’s pretty chilly here today too I had to go out run some errands earlier today that’s why stream started late again um chromatic oh chromatic iron o knowledge Shard uh knowledge Shard can go here chromatic iron maybe I want that

Here oh what’s this oh our vault alter our vter our vter goes out here like roughly Center I feel like I do want it to be like exactly center with this this feels fairly good okay some point we’ll get some like real organization to that might want to keep the chromatic

Ingots with the chipped Vault Rock um we have a lot of chipped Vault Rock here and I just love how fast you can flip through chests on Java that part of really nice um I’ll look for all the empties oh there’s more gems you have no need to bother you

Could just make a quick stack of Vault rocks yeah this is true too I have a lot of stuff to make a lot of Vault rocks um chromatic iron all right let’s see we’re starting to wear we’re starting to wear down these are mostly just like regular

Blocks so proud made a stack of them now they’d all be level 21 no matter if his level went up no that’s not what he means he means making the um uh the Vault the the bigger one where where is it whatever it is the big one why don’t I have

It yeah the rock not the crystal like full size Vault Rock um okay this seems to be like extra gear I just noticed I keep flying out there to sleep when I can just put down sleeping bag no doesn’t p F cuz I’ve made a bunch

Of them at a time and I keep running them it does not it’s only when you convert it into the crystal that it does um okay one thing I want to do I don’t know how many of these I need something under okay uh what else we got what else we got

Wooden chest Scrolls I have a decent amount of those let’s take these focuses out uh I don’t dude I don’t even remember where all these things are anymore I don’t know I don’t remember which one does what this is where the focuses go uh I think this Mo of clarity will go

Out so much stuff man look more Chests um this is garbage this is garbage this is garbage this is garbage uh garbage garbage garbage garbage this augments got to move somewhere we’ll take all of these things um some valuable things in here oh no over here I really want to get to running a vault

Like that’s what we’re going to do to second we finish this there’s probably run a couple run a few if we can oh we also probably have quests to do too oh look level 20 changes oh I get a knowledge star all right we’ll do we’ll we’ll claim that in a

Second we’ll claim that here in a few moments uh Vite Ingot I don’t remember what uses that I’m going throw it in here for now there raw magnetite isn’t that that’s not a vault thing is it it is okay um Gems going to throw the refined carbon in here whoa whoa that this not the place for that stop not the place for that at all uh misl these valuable things I don’t know what some of the stuff is like I don’t know what an eternal soul

Is I don’t know what an augment is oh that changes the Vault okay we’ll put that in here for now Ash overgrown gold nugget I don’t know what blank seals are wait what is this chromatic nugget Ash did I put Ash somewhere soot I don’t know what the difference

Between soot and Ash is I don’t even know if it’s a vault item okay these are like vanilla things yeah let’s get rid of this this this is a whole bunch of vanilla stuff mostly vanilla things anyway some of the stuff is like I need it to um I’ve been using it

As ingredients for making the Vault oh here’s the Vault rocks that’ll go out there so is just decorative okay let me pull that out almost done um these are like the the like some of the special things hold on let’s see what all we have here um random special things go in

Here so augment we’ll put our our living chests in there our wooden chests in there for now um orb of regret blank seal ornate chest scroll void upgrade gems go in here our relics go in there our mod box can go here blank seals can crafting and seals

Which you apply to a crystal to modify okay that’s kind of what I thought it was okay this is important this this cage dust I think this is all normal Overworld stuff here not seeing anything there that looks important I guess we’ll pull the netherite scrap out we’re keeping that

In here the flasks I think we’re kind of keeping those in here too there’s blank seals okay woohoo we’re almost done what’s cage dust these are like garbage like decorative things those look kind of cool all right cool we’re we’re pretty much all done in there

Oops you can compress a lot of the Vault stuff down like Vault bronze and silver yeah yeah yeah I know I know and what we’re going to do is eventually we’re going to get to the uh drawers and make compacting drawers for some of that stuff so that’s why I’m not doing it

Right now because I just kind of figure I’m I’m just doubling I’m I’m doing work that I’m just going to have stuff do later although if like I actually start running out of space over there I I’ll do it manually if like the need arises or I just always throw in more chests

Cuz again we’re going to we’re going to do drawers at some point to handle all of that stuff um oh crap what needs to go down here this I need some like space holders down here um here let’s do this let make life a little bit easier this and this can go here

Bra do you know that the drawers have their own upgrades yes I do I literally just had a couple of them oh here we can we can actually put these in place Y Oops okay uh that’s not true there’s Christmas in July Stargate I expected more out of you let just change the stream title I know we’re about to start running some vaults uh we do need to make our we need to make our new Vter and um also uh can I keep gliding long enough to use my thing again yeah okay we’re Good I will probably have a different title for the video though when we put this in video form um like when it posts probably be something like um new base H this or something um can we can we sleep away the bad weather in a hammock we can that’s

Funny oh can I get a bed all right uh next I think we’ll we’ll just peel up all of our ters cuz we will need to replant and we’ll do the same thing with all of our [Applause] wheat oh we need to bring these [Applause] too

Um I can’t I can’t shift click them I need the I need the animal bottle thing I’m guessing this thing’s still rolling break the base I’m scared they’re still in the bottles oh so if I break so if I break it I’ll get it back they won’t like run away from me I

Need I need to like bring all this stuff too get a bottle and a base back okay uh what have to come back once you do unlock drawers you’ll need a drawer upgrade and the drawer upgrade recommend is the unlimited drawers space upgrade and I’ll have a huge amount of dwar space

Um I have to take a look at them I’m pretty that’s probably going to be extremely expensive all right Kack that’s cool that’s good to know oh ow um let’s set this down Vault Stone polished Vault stone that is um we have some charcoal we got some foods I could put in

Here oops more blocks uh we’ll have to get a cool little cauldron setup going somewhere put that up here with this for now I think 10 ingot we’ll put those in here block of iron there’s no recipe to make the creative storage upgrade huh I don’t know what you’re talking about

Oops I mean to do that okay um for now crops the upgrade it gives unlimited room oh okay wait let me I don’t just case I need it all these are empty right I am getting hungry for some dinner but that’s to last about another 40 minutes or So okay got all those take your block sir can I pick these back up or no yeah I can at least uneaten ones oh I accidentally like broke broke some of those oopsie I think we’re good running EV Vault needs up some eat up some of that

Time I yeah I think I think we’re good how do I oh there he goes let’s go oh I have stuff down there I don’t think uh three Shuler boxes is enough to to bring it all it’ll get most of it though oh no yeah it’ll be enough okay

A I wanted to try to fly up some of that left one hammock nail in the post okay I’ll go get it just don’t forget your Sher boxes need to get there’s one we on Java where you can double click a held item and it will

Transfer all of that type over I think yes something weird like that probably like a shift or control click or something I never really think of those cuz I’m just not used to it all right well we spent uh almost 4 hours where’s my timer at three

And a half hours moving bases probably actually 3 hours um well worth it I think though in the end n you did not like that he doesn’t even realize it came from me oh yes he does bye almost one shot Iron Golem though that’s kind of cool I had to do it

I’m a Bedrock player and it takes me a while to get used to those Java shortcuts then I go back to bedrock for family play and end up missing loads of these Java niceties yeah dude first three Farms recal Bedrock Bedrock iron villager trading something for food

I don’t know where I’m going to set these guys up I guess for now look at your little baby cow uh night time time got to get a damage up 200 so you can one shot the warden that’d be funny okay was it like this there’s a rope in na maybe it needs

To be one closer there we go four blocks hey Kaden yeah dude we’re still going oh copper copper copper oh um chest food Okay is there a red is there Redstone or need for it in this version yeah yeah there’s still Redstone in a need for it but there’s not as much of a need for as complex redstone contraptions if you don’t want to from what I’ve gathered okay um we’ll probably here I’ll set up

A uh double chest here wo we’re not done yet I’m just Stretching how long you been live for um a little over three and a half hours oh what’ I hit okay oh we forgot to turn our shaders back on There Goes My flame frame rate down to tubes um okay now I think is a good time to figure out our

Portal which actually maybe I want the portal more centered here Something like that and then we um bring this back a little bit am I still on line yeah something like right here well a long time I had to figure out how to gift v-bucks to my son without taking from my v-bucks we don’t have access to a store before 700 p.m. oh

W I’m considering getting a computer mostly just for Java slod Minecraft it’s good choice so we’ll have our alter here here um I just want to get like a decent floor set up for it I don’t need to go crazy with the building yet something it would be a

Good Vault alter floor oh you know what we should do before we do that where here it is lava buckets um where did my uh point of dripstone go fast way to search there’s dripstone there it is oh uh let me find glass um let’s find a good place to put

This like this is going to kind of be our temporary like base is like area Um try like do a little carve in here like this how’s the move going it’s mostly done so one two four okay so we have something like this one lava bucket uh now I can’t see okay it’s one lava bucket two lava Bucket soz I want to be able to get smelting going ASAP um and then how about we leave that There and then we’ll get like a little four furnace smelter setup [Applause] going oh um do I I don’t even know where I put my oh I left the furnaces is over there four furnaces which would have chest over top of them and chest there we now I’ve got it up against a

Tile slate wall with a polished deep slate floor and alter in a little Hut made of the plated blocks in the vault next to it that’s cool it’s cool setup where did all my chests go I had a bunch oh they’re in my inventory good job prow way to go dude

Something like that uh we need 1 2 3 4 5 6 seven eight Hoppers I forget how to make hoppers there we go all right it’s a it’s a good little like beginning setup good little temporary thing we got going on here um we do also need uh probably two more buckets

Uh three more I do need a total of four buckets over here um we know what else we need here too that we don’t have an infinite water source we’ll uh we’ll roll on out here and get one all right this is starting to feel like home oh look we have some

Lava number three um we need to get our crops going somewhere and I don’t know I mean I guess over here is a decent spot for that this is this whole area is pretty flat eventually we may rip it out though I want to take a look from above

Here I like the Waypoint markers yeah they make life very easy do they Not hm eventually maybe that’s where we like make a farm is like inside of the side of the mountain somewhere I don’t know is there is there like a more modded um method to making uh Farms that I don’t know about like crop farms let’s cover this big hole over w

The villager mod has Farmers so is that that’s what one of these this easy villagers yeah okay that’s [Applause] Cool smack me pretty good all right that takes care of [Applause] that few little holes over here and a little bit right there cool botney pots create monothermal expansion easy village mod I was about to eat when I do this uh Mob drops this go with mob drops okay I can feed the

Chickens um where is my oh my almost dead hoe um we can M this up real quick not Ming as fast I thought it would um but I guess that’ll be good enough I don’t want to waste all of them just in case I need them for

Something uh okay let’s bring some water in let’s get a maybe like a 4X six going maybe so let’s see 1 2 3 4 five 2 three four five 6 7 8 nine one 2 three four five 6 7 8 nine One 2 3 four five 6 78 and nine one 2 3 four five 6 7 8 and nine okay this how big I want it that should be fine you do TV very well I I I’m not honestly I’m like I I don’t know I’m not a huge

Taco Bell fan the only thing I get there is like the most childish thing that anybody could possibly get from there um which is oh we have to ho all this up um a chicken quesadilla 1 2 3 4 1 2 3 4 1 2 3 4 one two 3 4

Okay let’s bring some more dirt over here would have been a cheese roll up wait that’s a thing not that I’m interested cheick in Casey is a safe Zone it is I I actually I really like their um the like the nacho fries the like they got

Like the the seasoning on it those really [Applause] good okay all right now now I think we’re good let’s get our crops going almost I didn’t put on breaking on this right yeah oh I was hoping you could like vein mine putting down farmland it did not work Out I don’t like these zombie sounds right underneath me what you guys are so crazy I feel like this is one small thing that Bedrock does faster is tilling up Farmland feel like a Bedrock you could just kind of like Sweep with it and it just does it all like instantly

I need to come over here and add slabs oh I was like oh my God it’s prob twitch chat hey tofu yeah dude I see you over there bro I got both chats up can you do a torch under slab then water log slab for light

Penetration um yeah you could I don’t I feel like the light’s not going to penetrate as good though it’s already it’s already under oh no actually you can’t do that you could do that on Bedrock you can’t do it on Java because uh light does not go through

Slabs on Java addition like it does on Bedrock so there you go um I need good something good to uh to slab you see Java sucks down with Java Edition there you go that’s it guys bedrocks better cuz you can CH land faster all you need to know um I need to get some of this out of the way that way there’s no way for um anything to come and like break these that should be good two blocks all the way

Around cool okay uh let’s plant potatoes carrots and wheat ISE um carrots let me make like a little border here one two three 4 let’s do it this way one two three four okay so everything on this side of be carrots once they grow then from here one two three 4 all this will be potatoes man these crops place down slow too there it goes it’s a little bit

Better yeah this will be a good way to come through Harvest we’ll get like maybe a couple Farmers over here um I have to make it so they can’t get through the workstation so they can’t like uh uh what you call it uh bone meal or uh compost our our crops

I feel like I should probably get some beetroot going too because I think sometimes that’s like a portal uh recipe uh cocoa beans beetroot seeds there we go perfect oh man right back and now the recipes can start to ask for much more of the items yeah yeah

So like having a way to get all that stuff will be good um I need to do sugar cane as well but I know I’m not I know for a fact I don’t want to like overcrowd this area inside so I think a sugarcan is Will to

Go outside maybe it’ll just go over here for now if I have a good spot otherwise maybe we’ll just make a good spot yeah cuz uh this isn’t too bad something like this so in the short term this will be how we get our sugar cane who did that

All right I think this will be good enough I think it should load from the base too I think we’re close enough to make it load oh it’s right by La a bunch of lava it’s kind of weird the first of The Hobbit Hole Farms I mean we haven’t really dug a hobbit

Hole yet except for our our vault area so we don’t have a real first of Hobbit Hole Farms hello uh do we have lava here yet nope okay um next thing how does one make a composter we need two of them I guess really we probably only need one no we

Want two I want two villagers over there composters all Labs okay I couldn’t remember if it had any solid blocks in it what is this so I should like be able to B put one like here put one over here let’s make sure our farm actually

Has good lighting around oh I guess it’s probably it’s pretty good okay All right Jacob yeah I do have I have some flax uh we might we might plant that a little later um I need to make some beds but before I do that this is what I want I Think there we go Perfecto let’s get some uh Village population Going Where you going he’s actually trying to leave why doesn’t he want to stay Why won’t he link up with the Bed I don’t understand I’m confused look there he goes running away Destroy his old workstation I mean shouldn’t he just realize that he can’t get to it and this guy this one dude that I brought where’d he go wait where did he go I had this dude over here for the longest time where did he go the away

Too give them a few C the yeah I’m going leave them there for a little bit if they turn to Farmers I know I’m good oh here he is okay cool we have a nice little smelter setup going okay um I wanted a good a good block for

Down there and I think I was just going to use um Stone um not just like uh what you call it um stone bricks at least for now although I say that and then I see something like Cobble deep slate it just makes me think did you do any trades with the Villagers

Prow no uh I don’t I don’t think I’ve traded with these guys yeah he’s never even traded with he’s not yeah no they’re good oops use stone make a stone cutter yeah I know I need to I guess we’ll make one I remember how to make it I think you need

Like iron or something iron and stone easy Enough aren’t there like a wall tile vertical slab interesting oops I not mean to drop that um okay I wanted to see something else too I think what kind of things can I cut Blackstone into oo this is kind of cool railing Blackstone wall Blackstone railing gate modern Blackstone wall

See what this looks like looks kind of cool all right those chests that I had and then I put away where did I put them is that all of them I don’t know I’m I’m going to decorate that in some way at some point all right uh I’m going to go check

Out really quick see what’s for dinner I don’t know if twice cooking something or if I’m throwing some chicken nuggies or what um so let me go see what the deal is um I will BRB w He Yeah Okay thanks for waiting there Guys okay um let’s continue on I wonder if part of the problem is like I have those beds over here and these beds over here does it does it not want to count them as the same Village what if I like more string the beds along put another one

Here maybe it’ll like connect these two areas together or something I don’t know Go destroy the other beds and workstations but I don’t want to do that here let me try this watch this let me pick this dude up okay oh if I set him over here does he link

Up or does he run nope look he runs he’s going wait no looks like he’s staying so now I pick you up bring you over here are you following me is it because of the cauldrons wait till night see where you try to sleep we can force that yeah looks working this way

Over interesting yep he came all the way over Here I break this now break this now and break this if I put one like on this side of the village like here where you going to going to go no he’s going back to this cuz he knows this is a village oh well uh that’s something I’ll figure out

Soon no oh maybe it’s the fact that he sees this workstation so he wants to become part of this Village CU of these and probably eventually that Too okay where is he going he’s chasing me doesn’t want to link with it let’s uh let’s try to just take him over here where is he going okay I don’t know why I stuck as a leather Worker um we oh we got particles there is this dude is he leaving where are you going look he’s going get over here is he leaving too no bro oh look farmer yeah look he’s like whatever dude I’m out again he’s not been traded with I don’t understand why he’s why

He’s acting this way where are you going I think he’s just wandering around maybe look where are you going nice to see Java villagers are just as broken as Bedrock they’re definitely acting that way you guys can just sit and think about your actions for a little bit I

Think inside the cave no I haven’t been I haven’t even been inside any of the caves watching this makes me feel like Bedrock is the starter version of Minecraft I mean it can definitely feel that way for sure oh uh let me clear this filter might need to fence off those

Caves the villagers going to try to wander into them well I mean they’re only trying to wander into them cuz they’re not linked up properly so I I need them to I don’t know they’re going to sit over there they’re going to think about their actions for a little while

Okay and then we’ll try to we’ll see if they like decide to link up at some point properly uh throw this in here okay so this is our vault setup right now where did I put all my Vault stuff like where is my Vault rocks here they

Are don’t try the most obvious thing I don’t want to go over there and destroy everything that’s just the village is like my little Keepsake area I don’t want to go like tear everything up I want them to just be smarter cocoa beans um okay we got to get a little

Cocoa bean Farm going a little manual cocoa bean Farm I guess like all of our all of our farmy stuff will just go over here for now okay sit in the corner and think about what you’ve done that doesn’t even work for kids do you really think it’s going to work for villagers

Yes okay and over here anything I have to I have to use I’m just going to keep it over there oh the apples oh the app apples hey uh so do you want to like give me some apples or something oh you just want to keep bone mealing

Crap I need a potato carrot would be Perfect there we go oh wait wait wait where’s my hoe that’s why Jimmy turn whoa hey whoa whoa whoa whoa whoa we don’t just bring up Jimmy like that no no no no no carrots going pretty quick here all right I’m I’m thinking my lunch my

Dinner is probably done so I am going to go eat give me like 10 to 15 I’ll be back and we’re going to really get the same crank in we’re going to run a vault too And Begin Now Go E He You’re Up Here Go Let’s It Go So long Bowser Y Okie dokie my Money So long Bower Yaho press start to play Yaho Mama Mia 5 4 3 2 2 1 ready Go prepare yourself piece of Cake 5 4 3 2 1 it’s show time Now you can’t Play play time’s over Yes is that all Oh yeah Listen Down H Hello hello mate’s we’re back let me turn that music down yeah there we go okay things that we’re going to do um all right let’s grab our iron and our Stone we can put that in here we still have the apples I did put fortune on the hoe um wait

Stone iron iron we have so little of um that that oh look we have potatoes we could trade with this dude here where’ he go there he is why isn’t he why isn’t he leveling why does he not go past uh novice oh there he goes okay oh

Ha uh just a quick one prow I went to play a sound before you went to eat and the system charged me but never played the sound I’m oh the BM TI okay uh aggro will probably have to fix that uh let’s sleep what’s for dinner oh I already ate

It um I add some chicken nugs some nugget nugget um guys this will be our first post 20 vault that we do what do I need to fix um supposedly Justin nator didn’t get points for um redeeming a sound effect earlier so yeah I think we’re going to

Do this like the elytra is going to come off oh uh hold on hold on hold on hold on hold on hold on hold on fun fact prows approximately 37% chicken nuggies I can’t uh I can’t argue your math there okay uh we need uh something to pillar slm Mark

With I don’t know Justin oh um uh we need a thing we need a uh button uh it wasn’t it was just through streamlabs that does not look very good I know iscal puts his on the top but I kind of like seeing a little diamondy thing up

There stay Frost thanks for the follow dude oh that looks good oh uh Shuler boxes Shuler boxes this is empty right it is I feel like three shulker boxes is enough for now we’ll see if we need more than that um oh I need more food prct going in as well

Um don’t really have much do I we’ll take some pork chops I guess all right guys this is the first big boy Vault that we have done oh I have a question um I’ve seen iscal like be able to tell what modifiers a dungeon has on it how do you tell that

Oh well what are those things up in the top what are those things I’m confused the scavenger Vault oh so I just have to hope to find those things okay my other question how does this scy know what the um with the modifiers on a volar can’t see through overlay but

Should show chest type that those things come from I do see living and then one’s like some Flames I’m guessing that’s like killing mobs the ones that were Nate I think press T okay then what comes up the chat and the modifiers so I don’t see anything here so are there not any

Modifiers yeah you don’t always get modifiers okay all right let’s do it um it’s been a while since I’ve run a vault this one will probably be a little slow oh wait wait wait so wait how do I get out so wait I only succeed if I find the things right and

If I don’t find the things then I have to come back to the Vault entrance is that is that basically how it works hey Mega fars how’s it going dude I’m going to turn shaders off oh um this hold on I’m trying to see what you guys

Say uh can either Exit or if you find all the things you turn them into the green table I’m assuming that’s just a thing that appears okay oh man that actually hurts ow ow I put my chest piece on it that was still hurting a lot

Yeah they do hit hard all of a sudden um that’s going to definitely have to make me like rethink some skill points and what I do I would have thought thought well I don’t know I do have some kind of weak armor that need to upgrade which will probably help out quite a

Bit why home going to miss you run into this Vault unfortunately need to take talk with her because my car needs another freak oh my gosh aggro dude okay how easily can I get up there I don’t know if I can Dash up there or not we came from that side right I’m

Just not going to take things too quickly and uh we’ll focus on Survival here okay what is this room this room is nothing oh there’s the green thing Okay that all I hear a guy somewhere hello maybe what does this do item Rarity for 1 minute okay ah why is he a different color oh [Applause] hello anything else through here no oh mea shark what’s up dude we’re we’re running Vault the first one I did

A big base uh move earlier I forgot to mark This uh that leads nowhere looks like this way up who’s that guy okay oh he couldn’t do anything to me I don’t like this this hello where is he oh he’s inside uhoh okay guess that’s good like I said we’re taking this one nice and slow guys nice and slow

Wonder what’s up here that thing looks kind of cool ow man some of these guys hit dude holy crap I see magnanimous that has nothing oh hello I’m assuming Mr colored skeleton guy is uh Stronger uh where are we now oh hello who’s this guy the fact that he spawns alone makes

Me think he’s probably really strong oh 15 minutes yeah oh oh Crap okay hello gladly take your fancy room oh wow um I don’t think there’s any way I’m G to like actually finish this place though I haven’t even gotten the first thing keep out needed scavenger items did I even see any did I even have any this and this

I think I did the bottom didn’t I oh if I did I’d miss these oh I do this okay I did all that water creeper prows old friend listen bro we don’t bring up the water creepers we don’t talk about them okay North uh 12 minutes left I can see we’re going

To have to just go return to the portal oh [Applause] what happens if you don’t make it back to the portal in time you die die if you die after level 20 which we are you lose all of your stuff um if if you play in uh normal

Mode if you play in casual mode you you get to keep your stuff I think that’s how it works I get everything here I think so nope uh 10 minutes left okay I think we’re good um okay I got two cages one jar and one drowned hide and we have 9 minutes to

Go not looking too good did do the bottom the lower yet I don’t remember if I did whoa he had a mean face what is is that what is that somebody tell me what that is somebody tell me what that thing [Applause] is dungeon door I’m scared should I be

Afraid I don’t I don’t I have8 minutes left oh wait what do you do you just give it the things Okay we don’t have a lot of time you can leave dungeon if it’s too tough I just don’t have time and I was hoping to complete this one reason why I’m not jumping all over it and I don’t want to get lost I don’t I’m not I’m not

Like down with taking too many risks my first level 20 D plus dungeon or drown hide yeah you’re screwed yeah it’s not there’s not even like drown here oh I do not want to just fall down there holy crap how did he spawn right beside me I’m so far away from it

Give me away give me away give me away give me away I don’t know what it is how do you like level 20 volts no the answer is just no crap Where that spawning at stop [Applause] oh my God I hear more spawning jeez Louise holy freaking crap time I know I I know I’ve I’ve got my eye on it woo ow ow ow my paxel is almost broke too all right uh I think we start headed

Back and we’ll loot an adjacent room to the exit oh look I got more of those jars South all right we’ll make it back with plenty of time and probably even get to touch like one more room dude tan that’s weird blurp still not working for you like it works I

Haven’t seen anybody else that it doesn’t work for sucks I couldn’t find all the stuff like did I just get screwed with like being in a desert themed area and having a drown hide reward thing oh well I guess it said living chests so I just didn’t find a lot of living chests

Here um this might be the last one that’s yep that’s the portal okay so we got two minutes yeah I know they’re his favorite but like what was I supposed to do here oh crap nothing here back up I’m not seeing anything here either Hunter no what is this

Room time all right I see board room again oh that was not a good one at all that was a pretty bad Vault for me all right let’s um sit down our shulker here and take off our backpack um let’s get rid of all of the rotten purple mob Essence what is

That oh scavenger item interesting magnetite VA Cobble Pottery Shard another scavenger item so wait can I just like keep these and then like if I have a scavenger thing and I if I go in and have a scavenger I can like submit these ones that I already have Catalyst

Fragment oh it becomes rotten okay what are these cat what is a catalyst fragment for soul diffuser okay I have more here don’t I zombie arm zombie brain so basically I got a whole bunch of all this other stuff and I just got like really bad luck with the zombie

With the uh drown one is what you’re telling me okay some Vault themes you’ll find certain chests more frequently desert one seems like wooden is most prevalent and living can be tough to find I mean I guess that makes sense like thematically we don’t have a lot of ores Here Focus focus wait have burger patties up here rpdf oh that’s a bounty Pearl uh knowledge Essence silver where are those little pink Apple things at I have those somewhere here there they are might as well see you Michael some garbage boots um well the boots I have now are three armor this is

Seven uh 2% movement speed boost okay increased attack damage not as high as what I have now but not terrible empty prefix and 19% Mana regen these aren’t that bad CL reward there um I forget where I add W enchanter where do it’s this thing isn’t it Artisan station and then I

Can toss these in here where where where are all my focuses I don’t remember where I put all the focuses whoa holy crap a Wandering elephant okay oh here they are focus focus focus focus and Bounty Pearls Um Range trap disarming Thorns damage shocking healing efficiency can we use to modify VY add a new random modifier so I would I think I would want to do this oh and then it takes copper and the plating stuff this so can I do it okay add a new random

Modifier so it’ll add a a prefix knockback resist I could I could roll this but I like the attack damage and the Mana regen so I guess I’ll probably keep it and then we’ll we need to enchant it now bottle o enchanting is this guy going to like attack

Me dude Terin I haven’t I haven’t like oh look they’re not um what are you going to do where you going to go he’s going to link up with one of those as long as he stays I’m fine with it you really you really can’t get past

That okay I think I think I trust him to stay um wait wait wait wait oh yeah I need uh emys I only have two uh where’s my hoe oh I don’t have my elytra [Applause] okay I think we’re all good there um carrots yeah dude I’m having a ton of fun with

This mod pack where’s Farmer John at hey Farmer John oh man we need melons I mean uh pumpkins grab a hey it’s not a bad idea um so we need Fe feather falling on those boots was the main thing here oh did I leave them in here I

Did feather falling okay we need some more emeralds I guess like one thing I should work on doing too is like when I bring back all this random stuff so PDF said this stuff is good for something I remember what he Said we’ll put it all in there okay he’s running away I wasn’t sure if he would attack me or run see eventually I need to get these guys to um oh so wait can I like bury this and he’ll stay linked oh I guess he will because he’s um cuz he’s locked

In oh seriously dude okay Soul diffuser yeah I have no clue what that is um all right we need to do a repair on our paxel I I remember you make the repair thing with this I don’t I don’t have I don’t have any uh don’t have a crafting table in

Here yeah he’s wanding Trader on top of an elephant it looks like he trades all the same stuff can I ride the elephant oh look Crimson mosquito larvae maggots emu can’t ride him oh I got to put that rotten book Away um I guess we’ll just keep a stack of wood in

Here um what’s the I wonder what the I can’t remember what the repair thing is cost is called oh here it is repair core volite ingots extraordinary panite and Vault Essence I have some of this stuff okay Vault Essence plenty of that okay there we go and then you take it to an Anvil no I can’t repair it I must have already repaired this once crap or you can’t repair these oh man look yeah I must have repaired it once already oh dude I got to make a new paxel so um if the tool station tool station

Okay oh but no I got to check out all my gems first or not gems but my whatever they are this where I’m putting like other miscellaneous like valuable things right I’m getting all the stuff out cuz we’re going to have to use up a decent amount of inventory space here

Okay so we need like axing shoveling we need like all of the good stuff at the smallest size so this one has axing and picking and item Rarity and durability this is pretty good so that means we can make a shovel and we’re done with that um wooden affinity shoveling axing

Gilded coin Affinity axing wait I need what wooden affinity and I need speeds here’s a wooden Affinity pretty small size these are all individual ones hold on item quantity oh man now I need speeds mining speed mining speed mining speed and all these other ones I think are just singles 12 wooden

Affinity I’m looking at the size for those that don’t know item quantity 14 size please don’t do that I think I can’t I can’t do it okay 25 33 33 I need to shrink those U where which is the jewel cutting station this oh man it costs gold doesn’t

It me no likey oh I have a lot of gold um and then it Was this stuff next who has a larger capacity uh wait where’ it Go cutting station I still want to try to cut these down this is it 33 now uh 33 now 32 it did almost nothing 33 now 29 25 21 Daredevil um okay so now what do I need to

Make what do we have this had so we need to make a shovel a shovel is going to take 36 Driftwood chromatic steal ingots v brogs w Mass okay Driftwood bronze what is a woed mass is that just like the the the second level gem perfect how do you make this a perfect

Woer died surrounded by Vault Essence okay look at me be self-sufficient guys wait did I say a perfect oh okay I need to do all that Vault bronze 81 two wed died masks um there okay we got It shovel right a picking yeah Okay now what’s the station where you combine oh I don’t I don’t remember I remember what it looks like where is it this so I put this guy here I load up all these I still have 34 capacity left I’ll have only nine mining speed between

These that’s that’s not right oh 14.2% increased mining speed item quantity item Rarity plus durability which is not bad is there is there nothing else that would go good on this just to be a hundo gilded Affinity I don’t really care about the Affinity axing item quantity item quantity okay

These are shoveling axing picking coin Affinity living Affinity I don’t care about the affinities hammer size we not oh I think I heard Hammer size is pretty rare Hydro void I don’t know what that does pulverizing smelting I don’t really care about vanilla immortality I know just makes it last

Longer without breaking when you use it as a vanilla tool that one’s 10 size that one’s 14 size that one’s 12 size you think I should use those oh I’m too short on capacity I try to cut this down is that you think sweet okay well

Maybe I’ll just save the space on here for some more speed later on all right let’s do It um now we um now we really need some Emys now we really need some serious emies I also need to get some pumpkins going come here Dude okay it gets me two upgrades two enchantments um here I still have my Vault boots there so I would need let’s see Unbreaking Fortune hey cool prow still alive how did the first vult go um we unfortunately didn’t like we didn’t complete the objective because the

Objective on it was kind of ridiculous and odds were stacked against me um but we we survived we didn’t die we got our way out I get some of these like stair blocks and stuff like that out of here no I didn’t lose anything um our

Paxel did almost did come close to dying so right now we’re working on replacing it oh really is that all the currs oh nice little cocoa bean Farm oh the the villagers are they they fixed themselves it’s like you guys said they wouldn’t they did all right this elephant he’s got to

Go sorry there buddy it had to happen yeah dude it’s a trading elephant duh know anything about this game Aggro um can I get one of these guys look where did all of his health go oh no I don’t I’ve I’ve lost track there there’s one there’s the other okay um I want to see if I can get if I can get them to can you go become a farmer please

Become a farmer I want to have you trade me wheat and beetroot yeah yay farmer hey there we go where’d he go you trade me wheat and beetroot there we go okay now I need you guys just Go there we go oh um I did not want want to pick this stupid stuff up from that Trader ow that hurt Vault enchanter put this back on there let’s add on efficiency take that off put the boots on Adam breaking all right we’re starting to look

Good oh we get two repairs on this paxel that’s good so this one should last us a decent a decent amount of time oh you know what I forgot so that this one right here wasn’t filled in um we probably should cover that maybe breed a couple new what couple

More um villagers we will yeah I think having a few more new villagers around wouldn’t be a bad idea here dude you want some food yeah you got it there you go good job buddy dude having a little roll button on these guys is is like really awesome

All right I think we’re oh where’s he going he better not be trying to leave is he there’s no way I’m watching he is look he’s trying he’s trying to bail I think no oh they’re breeding I need more beds what how would they breede if I don’t have any more beds over

Here you guys come back over here find a private place that’s pretty funny okay now you can do it right here in front of everybody hey there they go why is he sleeping guess it’s about to turn night time hey baby villager God Java villagers look so

Weird why did they lay just to the side of the bed that’s kind of weird he’s in the middle is there a bell Old Village I think Java Bell matters for Village Center probably does but it’s okay I think there is one we’ll probably go get it at some point but it’s not

Something I’m uh like especially concerned with right now one unspent skill point um yeah I mean we’re going have to definitely pay attention to like what’s going to help us survive better what’s ice armor encase yourself in a barrier Frost chilling any mod that hits you for a duration of time while

Active gives you an ore of entropy slowing down mobs and a radius around you while active or of movement speed affecting you and other players within range okay I just kind of checking out those things see what they’re about at all the building you’ve done Hey listen listen listen Linda we have

Made ourselves a brand new home and building is actually going to start fairly soon [Applause] oops oh uh uh be seeds yes guess this mod is for a different kind of game um I don’t think there’s anything else I like have like a like a big need to enchant right now breaking

Respiration feather falling Unbreaking oh I guess I should put dep Strider on these two right there we go I mean the thing about automated Farms is like with the mods they’re kind of already automated like this is like here’s a thing just for like farming mobs I have 314 chickens here 98 cows

161 pigs and 55 sheep and actually I do have looting on this right yeah I need some more pork chops so like at this point let’s just kind of recap where we are and what we did during this 6 hours of streaming uh we decided to move bases we

Moved everything from our other base over to here we got some infrastructure basic so no new Farms what’s the point um there there’ll still be some some new ways to make some new Farms but we’ll we’ll be at that point later we got some infrastructure set up we have

Uh crops growing we have villagers over here we can trade with uh we have uh cocoa beans going we have our vault area set up down there uh we organized our chest there and there we have our lava farm and our little miniature smelter um and we ran a vault oh you

Know what else I wanted to do maybe we could do this real quick I wonder to have um like a little walkway come through here like so and then I don’t know what I want here I want something maybe like a a white block like a quartz or something to like surround this

I don’t think I have any white blocks right now wool dad and Dave thanks for the follow dude I like the tiniest bit of Calite I just wanted some I wanted some like major contrast to go around the um the portal there so we’ll have to we’ll have to like I guess pay attention to get some calite or something the next time we have a chance or are there any diorite veins close

By how much you guys love di right this new fortnite update what’s up Dad I don’t have any torches well I say that I have I have literally a torch I can’t see anything where all my torches at there we go I want I wanted to get this

Look wanted to get this look in um yeah my magnet is on oh man this isn’t even like a big area oh crap what just happened I fell with a bunch of gravel okay this server private or public oh no this is a this is just my personal

World uh I’m going to be running a members only World um for uh Vault Hunters which is what we’re playing here um in the near future very near future what is all this this doesn’t really lead anywhere this this cave is a disappointment didn’t we have like another cave that went somewhere

Up there maybe some terracotta your skeleton I know where he is oh hello ow yeah was hop it’s it weird I was just hoping to find a little bit of diorite is that too much to ask said no one ever I like diorite I think diorite is a great looking block oh hello

Can he not oh Hello di forms below 30 oh does it I don’t I really don’t even know or below 70 you said so could be right down here nope no uh ran out of tunnel all right let’s just get out of here we’ll have to find some next

Time all right guys um I think at this point I’m I’m ready to call it we’ve had about 6 hours um the kids have their first day back at school tomorrow um so I want to see what my daughter’s doing make sure I have time to put them to

Sleep and everything my son might want to play around a fornite or something too so I’ll uh obviously spend a little bit of time uh with him as well uh we’ll dump all of these things in there for smelting no kids going back already arst don’t go back till Tuesday oh wow

Um yeah ours had what two about two full weeks two full weeks short stream I guess yeah a short just short 6 hour stream um so let’s uh let’s rate out to somebody we have 28 people on Twitch if you guys on Twitch would hang out for just a little bit um we

Will uh send you out and I’ll do the same for YouTube uh let’s see who is available to rate out on YouTube uh nobody I really recognize and I’m sure if I type in Minecraft yeah it’s like these like weird the weird streams like the fake streams those seem to be largely back again okay um but we can find somebody rate out too on Twitch so my twitch peeps hang on just a second my twitch peep uh let’s search for Vault hunters

Minecraft we usually find somebody playing Vault Hunters to send out to oh man there’s nobody live playing Vault Hunters right now uh looks like mold’s live we’ll send you guys out to moldi then since I don’t have anybody playing Vault Hunter to send out to uh mold’s

One of our community members so I’ll get you guys out to her I appreciate everybody for hanging out SL raid moldy Maple muffin did that get it right yeah I did okay cool so I’ll send you guys all out to her thanks for hanging out and I will see you guys again

Tomorrow bye for now go

This video, titled ‘Moving To An AWESOME New Location! | Minecraft Vault Hunters Stream 7’, was uploaded by Prowl8413 on 2024-01-04 03:15:49. It has garnered 1125 views and 118 likes. The duration of the video is 06:09:02 or 22142 seconds.

Join me as I learn Vault Hunters, and modded Java Minecraft more generally!

Vault Hunters 1.18 is a modpack currently in Open ALPHA. It is unique in that it focuses on action rpg style gameplay as well as all the classic Minecraft elements, with over 2.1 billion different chestplates, swords, idols and more, the pack features a never-before-seen depth!

#minecraft #vaulthunters #moddedminecraft

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    INSANE 12 HOUR HAT STREAM!Video Information This video, titled ‘THE 12 HOUR STREAM’, was uploaded by the top of the hat on 2024-05-12 16:18:32. It has garnered 222 views and 12 likes. The duration of the video is 11:55:01 or 42901 seconds. #minecraft #minecraftnether #netherite #minecraftnetherite #creativity#mcc #mccisland Top Hat goes live for 12 hours. I am extremely sad. anyways we’re going to play a ton of games, like MCC ISLAND or my NEW MINECRAFT SERVER so come join have some fun or eat popcorn. we also might join the community discord stage, you’re welcome to join. Link to join discord https://discord.gg/HymSZRpQ MUSIC IN… Read More

  • Minecraft Economy Simulation with 300 Players

    Minecraft Economy Simulation with 300 PlayersVideo Information This video, titled ‘300 Players Simulate WORLD ECONOMY in Minecraft’, was uploaded by Skipolo on 2024-06-01 22:45:06. It has garnered 352895 views and 10916 likes. The duration of the video is 00:42:23 or 2543 seconds. I put 300 Minecraft players in a single world and gave them a standardized currency to simulate economic civilization. Every player had the freedom to do whatever they wanted, but if they died they would be dead forever. This experiment was run to test how money would influence Minecraft civilization – would they use it to build world trade, or would they fight… Read More

  • Unbelievable! Вольт’s EPIC Gaming Adventures ⚡️

    Unbelievable! Вольт's EPIC Gaming Adventures ⚡️Video Information This video, titled ‘🔴 ИГРОВОЙ и не только СТРИМ 🔴Code & Minecraft & Valorant & GTA’, was uploaded by Вольт on 2024-06-25 06:35:21. It has garnered 14 views and 4 likes. The duration of the video is 00:40:39 or 2439 seconds. [💰] DONUT: https://www.donationalerts.com/r/v0ltmx [❤️] IP: PLAY.ASTRIXMC.NET [🌎] MY CART: https://t.me/v0lt1k [👾] TG Server: https://t.me/playastrix ✔️ Mynecraft is good))) #Anarchy #Family #Minecraft #evil 🔴 Stremi Necft survival, funtime server, minecraft funtime, minecraft, pioneer, pioneer funtime, mystical chest, minecraft survival, funtime server, minecraft funtime, griefer show, vulture, funtime anarchy, holyworld anarchy, raid, mob farm, mystic, funtime minecraft, fan time,… Read More

  • Insane Noobbridge Build – MUST SEE!! #NOOBSCOPLIVE

    Insane Noobbridge Build - MUST SEE!! #NOOBSCOPLIVEVideo Information This video, titled ‘Building a huge bridge in minecraft bedrock #NOOBSCOPLIVE #minecraft #minecraftdispensor’, was uploaded by Noobscop Live on 2024-01-05 16:50:32. It has garnered 16 views and 6 likes. The duration of the video is 00:03:50 or 230 seconds. (ROAD TO 3K SUBSCRIBER) 🔰DON’T FORGET TO SUBSCRIBE 🔰LIKE – COMMENT – SHARE 🔰PRESS THE BELL ICON 🔔 🔰FOLLOW ME ON INSTAGRAM 🔰FOLLOW ME ON TIKTOK ──── Follow On Social Media ──── Instagram:- https://instagram.com/noobscop_live Facebook:- https://www.facebook.com/noobscop/ tiktok :- https://www.tiktok.com/@noobacoplive discord:- https://discord.gg/KcbJEbueEa ──────────────────────── OVERVIEW OF MINECRAFT: Welcome to [NOOBSCOP LIVE]where we bring you exciting live streams of Minecraft! Join us… Read More

  • Insane PVP Battle: Blqzee Destroys @sharpnessyt #shorts #minecraft

    Insane PVP Battle: Blqzee Destroys @sharpnessyt #shorts #minecraftVideo Information This video, titled ‘I beat @sharpnessyt HT3 vs LT2 #shorts #minecraft #pvp #sharpness #tierlist’, was uploaded by Blqzee on 2024-03-02 17:30:40. It has garnered 3714 views and 115 likes. The duration of the video is 00:00:16 or 16 seconds. #sharpness #skibiditoilet #skibidi #dafugboom he best pvper, minecraft pvp, minecraft shorts, Spreen, SpreenDMC, SMP, Hardcore SMP, Lifesteal SMP, Minecraft Evento, minecraft server, Texture Pack, Los mejores Texture Packs 1.9, Texture Pack Folder 1.9, ArcherSquid Bqnnyy Ceeew Coldi CuartetoDeNos Drrew ExtrobIT Flowtives Frxnkey GodHimself Hybroz Innaplicable ItzRealMe Juan_Clean Katerzs LoCr Lurrn Monkss Nextie Novi Ozaura SeaHqwk SmiGuy Stumpie SuchSkills_Mx TikiGamesTV… Read More

  • Miko vs Tiko: Ultimate Dragon Battle in Minecraft!

    Miko vs Tiko: Ultimate Dragon Battle in Minecraft!Video Information This video, titled ‘Mikey Poor vs JJ Rich SKY Dragon HEAD BASE BATTLE in Minecraft (Maizen)’, was uploaded by Miko and Tiko on 2024-04-12 15:39:46. It has garnered 154024 views and 942 likes. The duration of the video is 00:08:28 or 508 seconds. Read More


    🔥EPIC MINECRAFT WAR CIVILIZATION w/ VIEWERS!🔥JOIN NOW! 🚀🎮Video Information This video, titled ‘Minecraft war civilization with viewers on a realmrealm on the road to 2k subs’, was uploaded by timer Team on 2024-02-26 02:24:18. It has garnered 68 views and 4 likes. The duration of the video is 03:14:52 or 11692 seconds. Hi welcome to my Channel my name is timer team you can sub to me if you want I go live everyday I play Minecraft for fun I am trying to get up to 5k subs 100 ✅️ 500✅️ 800✅️ 1k✅️ 1.15k✅️ 2k🚫 5k 🚫 10k🚫 100k🚫 1m🚫 You’re my Channel all your guys support… Read More

  • Deadly Mutant Enderman vs OP Cave Bosses!!

    Deadly Mutant Enderman vs OP Cave Bosses!!Video Information This video, titled ‘Oberon.vs.3 Alex Cave Bosses (#minecraft #battle #minecraftpe)’, was uploaded by Unigue Mutant Enderman on 2024-04-20 20:02:04. It has garnered 107 views and 4 likes. The duration of the video is 00:07:10 or 430 seconds. Read More

  • Unbelievable Karate Dance – Must Watch Now! #viral

    Unbelievable Karate Dance - Must Watch Now! #viralVideo Information This video, titled ‘Bhartiye Sanskriyik Dance performance #youtube #shorts #trending #minecraft #viral #karate #virul’, was uploaded by Karate and Fun on 2024-04-16 08:31:31. It has garnered 194 views and 16 likes. The duration of the video is 00:00:16 or 16 seconds. Bhartiye Sanskriyik Dance performance #youtube #shorts #trending #minecraft #viral #karate #virul #fitness #yt #karatekid #fighting #videos #kickboxing #mma #wushu #boxing #taekwondo #wrestling #muaythai #judokarate #motivation #school #bharat #culture #jujitsu #dance #judo #tranding #viralshorts #ytshorts #trendingshorts #youtuber #ytstudio Read More

  • Astraley Network

    Astraley NetworkUna pequeña comunidad de minecraft, que solo quiere mejorar y mejorar cada día, para que así ¡Ustedes se diviertan! astraley.com:25583 Read More

  • TechNut Semi-Vanilla Technical Builders needed whitelist long-term 1.20.4

    What Is Technut? Technut is a Minecraft server for players experienced in building and technical aspects of the game. We have high standards for projects and accomplishments. Our server is very community-based with huge projects and events where everyone plays a significant role. We are a Whitelist-only server, fostering a positive and creative, close-knit community. We focus on Vanilla gameplay but introduce 1.21 Experimental items and carpet mod for quality of life. When did the server start/reset? Technut opened on 20th March 2024! What type of players are we looking for? We seek players with high motivation and dedication for… Read More

  • Minecraft Memes – Canman18: The King of Minecraft

    Minecraft Memes - Canman18: The King of MinecraftWell, looks like Canman18 is keeping score in the Minecraft meme game! Watch out, he’s serious about his meme ratings. Read More

  • Unleashing Wind Charge in Minecraft 1.21!

    Unleashing Wind Charge in Minecraft 1.21!Video Information This video, titled ‘New item Wind Charge in Minecraft 1.21! 🍃’, was uploaded by DoubleSquare Gaming on 2024-06-21 16:37:48. It has garnered 447 views and 11 likes. The duration of the video is 00:00:10 or 10 seconds. Wind charge in Minecraft 1.21! Read More

  • eu com 10 anos achando que era o Herobrine #cruzlol

    eu com 10 anos achando que era o Herobrine #cruzlol “Eu com 10 anos achando uma cruz no Minecraft: ‘Será que o Herobrine tá tentando me converter?’” 😂 #minecraft #memes Read More

  • Crafty Minecraft 1.21.x Modding Update

    Crafty Minecraft 1.21.x Modding Update Welcome to Minecraft 1.21 Update! Minecraft enthusiasts, rejoice! The highly anticipated Minecraft 1.21 update is finally here, and with it comes a host of exciting new features and changes. One of the most significant updates is the overhaul of how Identifiers are defined, bringing a fresh perspective to the game’s mechanics. Additionally, enchanting has undergone substantial modifications, adding a new layer of depth to gameplay. Understanding Minecraft Update With the release of Minecraft 1.21, players are eager to delve into the world of Fabric modding. The Fabric mod loader has been updated to accommodate the latest version, offering developers… Read More