Minecraft Volcano Block | SURROUNDED BY LAVA! #1 [Modded Questing Survival]

Video Information

Welcome to volcano block this is a questing mod pack developed by the same developer as uh antimatter chemistry and it includes quite a few mods and a good chunk of the mods are mods that i’ve not really played with before like looking at this quest line here and especially looking at

Some of the other quest lines to come here there are quite a lot of items and blocks that i’m not too familiar with i do notice that we have integrated dynamics installed that is a mod that i’m familiar with but i have never used the uh integrated terminals which kind

Of adds like an ae2 style terminal system to integrated dynamics which i’m very interested to play around with at some point in the future but essentially the premise of this mod pack is that we start here on this pool of lava with nothing but some grass some cobblestone

A questing book and a wooden knife at our disposal and so if we check out chapter one here we have so it begins i’m stuck here with nothing but this book and this knife desperate times call for desperate measures i guess now what’s that organ called you don’t need

Again was it the appendix maybe the pancreas so i believe that what we can do here is we can right click or shift right click with the uh the wooden knife to gather ourselves a little bit of a flesh which you know is not the most ideal situation in the world but desperate

Times call for desperate measures ah okay so we can craft our flesh into bone meal perfect next we have a wooden hoo breaking grass plants not blocks will occasionally drop sticks so presumably here we want to uh take our bone meal bone meal the ground and then break this

And occasionally we’re gonna get the odd stick there we go okay that seems doable i’m assuming the recipe for a her is basically the same it’s not okay that makes a lot of sense so we can make a regular minecraft toe here with three sticks as opposed to uh the

Standard recipe of you know two sticks and uh two planks there i do also believe that we have like a pretty nifty little system in this pack that allows us to cook food or cook certain foods i should say by uh throwing them on the lava but i

Might be getting a little bit ahead of myself there for now at least let’s just try and see if we can’t get uh one more stick here i am quite hopeful that uh this should work i do also notice right out of the gate that we did get sugarcane from

Brick and grass which is uh definitely not the other standards for minecraft that’s definitely a custom recipe right there but once we have three sticks we can do something like this and hopefully that’s gonna get us oh nice we will of course go ahead and claim our meat patties and our meat kebabs

Presumably those are going to be a lot better for our health than consuming this uh this flesh here it does say not yet eaten what does it taste like i’m not gonna lie i would prefer to not eat this although uh potentially based on the name of the

Mod that we might have to eat this at some point to progress on with the mod itself uh for now though i think i will stick to the the meat kebabs and uh and the meat patties either way speedy crop growth hold down shift in brackets crouch

To accelerate the growth of crops isaac or excavation is in the plaque please use it is what somebody in the twitch chat said let me give that a test it is indeed okay so by default i believe that all excavation is set to the grave key so you hold down the key

Underneath escape and at that point you can uh if you hold it down and left click it will break everything kind of of the same type that you break so in this case you know i hold down the button and then it breaks all of the grass

There which does make our lives a whole lot easier thank you very much indeed uh for that little uh tidbit there so i assume we need to get at least one more nami seed and then we need to get one artesia seed which you can craft from

Four nomi seeds now i don’t think we actually have to hand in the seeds for this quest so i think we can first get the four seeds kind of check this off and then make the artesia seeds i think that will work of course now we’ll go ahead and break

That all at once perfect there’s that task complete and then at that point we can craft up the artesia seed and there we go that is also that quest complete unlocking is some bone meal as well as a guide to unique crops which is the uh the name of the

Mod there apparently by me on caffeine i can confirm i did not make this mod it says hello and welcome to unique crops here in this book you will find information on the various different crops and how to grow them a general rule to remember here is that

Not all crops will be grown in the same way so be sure to read up on some of them look favors the prepared or so they say additionally what they drop may have various amounts of usefulness it’s completely up to you to find out

What is good and what is not so we have two pages of seeds starting with the the normal seeds that we already have and they’re going all the way down to uh these feroxia seeds right here interesting so the normie seeds it says normalish crops they can be grown like

Any other vanilla crop aside from being one of the ingredients used to craft this book there’s nothing special about them they randomly drop vanilla crops when harvested so we need to get four baked potatoes toss the potatoes in the lava for a quick swim as i mentioned a second ago we can

Kind of cook or maybe burn our potatoes by throwing them uh into the lava i’m gonna assume that we can get potatoes from our nomi seeds which we have just handed in so we’re gonna have to get um a few more here and by hand today of

Course i mean we crafted them into our artesia seats here so let’s see if we can’t get a few more so if we give this a plant we don’t currently have any water so it might take a little while for this to grow i am holding shift here to hopefully

Accelerate the speed at which our crop grows it does appear to be working slowly but surely so once this is grown we can harvest it thankfully we do have the mod that let’s just right click towards the harvest so we’d have to break and replace which is quite nice

Uh so we’ve got two wheat and one carrot that does lead me to believe that we almost certainly should be able to get potatoes from this so i assume basically here we want to uh kind of plant almost as many of these

As we as we can let me do a quick a bit of reading here on the artesia seed these plants are pretty crafty and then the next step you need to get so in order to craft the other seeds you’ll need nine of them in a three by three square with the center

Walnut being grown at last after that it’s just a matter of dropping the desired ingredients on the top of the center plant upon which it will automatically try crafting the output once all nine plants have the ingredients they all do you put the ingredients and it doesn’t matter

Okay so we can kind of use these plants if we get nine of them as like a an introductory plant-based crafting table which is an interesting mechanic i am a little concerned right off the bat with like how much grass we have because of course ideally we want to get down as

Many of these normally seeds i think as possible to increase our you know food generation and increase the effect of our shifting here but at the same time the more that we heard the less grass we have and thus the fewer seeds we can get and the fewest sticks we can get

Going forward so i don’t really want to hurt too much of it until we have an ability like a way to get more grass or at least more dirt so there’s our first potato even though we do have these nomi seeds here which can’t give us potatoes we can also just go ahead

And plant the passa the potato seed as well and harvest that over and over again um let me check something here if i throw this carrot out into the lava it does indeed cook now getting it back is a different question that one might just be gone i think we’ve basically lost that

One it might come back to us but i think that one’s basically uh basically you know i lost cause at this point so i think we want to try and place these down maybe a little bit closer to the edge there we go okay that makes

A lot more sense you do have to be like right on the line but if you place them in just the right spot they do bake we’re also going to have that oh it’s coming back oh come on you can do it my friend you can

Do it no you’re going the wrong way that was so close i know we’re getting this back chat okay i don’t think that’s coming back just yet unfortunately we were close to a minute but it’s gone it’s gone further away that’s fine so we have the two more potatoes needed

Here let’s throw one down there and then actually let’s just throw both of them down i guess and hope that we can cook those both up there we go all right quest complete baked potatoes that gets us more bone meal and finally a crafting station here harvest the artesia plant to acquire

A crafting table oh so if we plant this grow it and then just harvest it we actually get a crafting table on top of the ability to craft with this uh with this plant as well so if we right click here okay so we can’t right-click the harvest

With this one like we can with uh with these guys but we can you know left-click break it and then actually get a crafting table and we do have the crafting station mod installed normally this item here the crafting station is part of the tinker’s construct mod and we don’t have to think

It’s construct installed unfortunately but we do have the mod like a mod dedicated to just adding the crafting station from tinker’s construct to this this mod pack basically the crafting station is a regular crafting table but you can leave your items in there and things don’t spew out all over the floor

Uh if you leave them in the crafting station you know while you walk away which is pretty neat so that gets us yet more burn meal and i do see that we’re pretty close to unlocking the ability to uh get more grass blocks here which i’m

Looking forward to so we have a drying base and the quest wants us to hand in one drying basin one oak bucket and one hair bale so the hay bale of course a bunch of hair aka wheat the drying basin is made with eight oh sorry seven

Sticks and then the oak bucket is that is three sticks as well okay that all seems very doable we are gonna have to get some more sticks here but that shouldn’t be too difficult for us and this is kind of the main reason why i’ve kept all this grass here and not really

Expanded out our our farming situation too much just yet and that is nine sticks which is more than enough here to get the basin going perfect and then we twice we currently have five weeks we are gonna have to get a little bit more going here

But i do think we can probably look at expanding out our kind of farming setup just a smidge and at this point we can probably also replace those potatoes there with yet more nami seeds because we don’t really need any more potatoes now because we’ve handed in uh that quest although i do

Assume that potatoes are probably going to be a pretty good source of food for us going forward uh while we do of course have these uh kind of two uh meat based food items over here we are going to uh consume those and run out eventually and

At that point i assume that the the baked potatoes are probably gonna be our best sauce for the future so nine weeks later and we can make our first uh hay bale here at which point that does complete at this quest and then if we want to actually make

Grass blocks we can craft i see four wheat into one grass block that is actually incredibly useful and is going to allow us to uh to expand out this platform quite quickly actually i do also see cobblestone here cobblestone might be a faster way of generating like a bigger platform for us

It does however appear that we do have to go through kind of the grass block here to get to the uh the cobblestone quest so we’ll go for this one first if we’re gonna get five grass blocks that doesn’t mean we need 20 wheat um we could probably i do notice

That we have wheat seeds i don’t know if we can craft wheat into seeds we totally can i’m thinking at this point in time it’s probably worth just getting a bunch of wheat seeds and then using all of those to really accelerate the speed at which we’re

Getting more wheat and we don’t really have to worry too much about our grass blocks now because we can obviously just get a ton of wheat and then use that to make really as many grass blocks as we like so once we have 21 wheat we can craft those at five

Grass blocks there thus completing this quest right here i’m getting some more burn meal perfect and we then do have this quest the uh planted crafting quest to get nine artesia seeds which should now be pretty dope but we do have 61 nommi seeds ready to go so we can go ahead

And grab i guess eight of these because we’d already have one of course in our inventory at which point we’ll claim our reward i assume we’re actually going to have to use it so it says refer to your unique crops guidebook entry on artesia plants if you’re interested

Or if you’re having trouble creating this seed so to make a cobblestone seed we need five grass and four normie seeds the catch of course here is that we have to craft this in the other seed crafting recipes we have to use these artesia plants so let’s go

And get rid of nine of these well then plant down eight of these seeds if i remember correctly the book did specify that the middle plant has to go down last we do of course have our bone meal here i don’t know how like if we should be using the bone meal

Like this to uh to accelerate growth when we do have the ability to uh to shift although it does definitely decrease the amount of time that we have to spend waiting for these plants to grow which is always uh always nice and we should also i guess continue to harvest all these whenever

We can because we are still going to need a ton of wheat if we want to get a reasonably sized platform at any time soon the chat does make a good point that we do have basically infinite burn meal in that we can use our knife which maybe

We can make a new one of yeah you can make a new one but we don’t need planks right now we don’t have any planks no way to make them i don’t think let me check that yeah unfortunately not i assume we will get a

Way to make these fairly soon but as for right now we do have this knife which we can use to uh to generate oh no that’s very bad okay well that’s a lesson for the future don’t break don’t use the knife so close to at the lava thankfully we do have the uh

Grave mod installed so we can come over and just uh right click there to get our stuff back uh in the future shift right click in the middle and at that point what we can do is we can craft our flesh of course into burn meal and then

We can use things like these baked potatoes here to regenerate our uh hunger thus allowing us to use the knife more often and get more more burnt meal going forward right so it looks like all of these are fully grown which is perfect so let’s put down the final one

Right here and then we’ll go ahead and burn me all that up to the full growth at which point uh if we drop on it five grass seeds and then was it four nami seeds it was so if we drop five grass seeds and four nami seeds

Those get eaten up and as a result we get a cobolonia seed nice okay so let’s go ahead and consult the guide here because as it mentioned not all crops are created equal some are made in different ways so uh caballonia is right at the bottom here

It says hardy plants they may look a little bit rocky but they can prove to be quite useful in some circumstances once fully grown you may have water on one side of the soil it is on and lava on the opposite side for free cobblestone being given out at random

So we can essentially make a cobblestone generator using this kaballonia seed here interesting we do also of course have a quest here to generate water putting hair blocks into the drying basin will yield water of course that’s why we have this guy right here so if we throw you down

We now need to get eight here we currently have sorry nine here we currently have eight so if we can just get one of these fully grown we can then craft up the the nine wheat into one hair bale we can then put that into the drying basin

Another feature of the crafting station is you can access um adjacent inventories so for example we can access the slots inside the drawing basin from over here to the point where i think we can just put this in like so we totally can you can also

Just right click it in uh if it’s not next to our crafting station i’m at which point the drawing base is then going to slowly but surely eat away at that hair bale and don’t question the science here i’m not quite sure what uh what the logic is and how we get

Water from from here but uh it should momentarily produce water at which way we can pull that out with our bucket here and then if we put that down next to the caballonia seed we should be good to go so it says there has to be water on one side of the soil

And lava on the other i think we’re going to need some more grass blocks here if we’re going to make this happen and although we might need these artesia seeds going forward i am going to go ahead and break them for now we can always replant those in the

Future um for now i do want to get like a lot more wheat so we can make more blocks here and i think we can set up a little area kind of over here where we where we can get our cobblestone generator up and running so once we have four grass blocks i’m

Kind of thinking if we do something like this where we like kind of dig out a space right here oh i would have liked to get that back but that’s fine and then we do this we are going to produce obsidian at the bottom there but that should allow us at that point

To place down our kaballonia seed right here at which point if we then move to the safe center of the island to use the knife generate some more burn meal and quickly give this a um a growth spurt i’m hopeful that that will then begin to produce cobblestone it totally does

Okay so it even looks like it benefits from kind of the growth speed i assume if we just leave that it might produce cobblestone on its own i’m being told it does produce cobblestone slowly on its own but uh oz coming over here and holding shift does accelerate the process and that’s

Giving us a ton of cobblestone so now we can expand out this platform really as much as we’d like also we can of course at this point in time also grab the water here and do something a little like that if we wanted to uh to expand out our removable movable area here

Because in general i think for the sake of efficiency we probably want to have things like our drying basin and our crafting station you know over here to kind of keep space and also i did almost lose my cobblestone seat there which was

A bit of a mistake but uh we do want to kind of move everything off the grass to free up more space for for growing seeds right um also i have ruined this a little bit now that i’ve done that because our lava is gone um however that should be a fairly

Easy thing for me to fix perfect so we now have the uh the cobblestone banker running again in a slightly different location and we also have a ton of space over here for now i will fill this in with uh with cobblestone and although we could

Dig that out for you know other purposes in the future so let’s take a quick look again in the quest book and see what is up next and in fact actually the twitch chat does make a pretty good point in that we can probably go ahead and actually the range on this

Is crazy just holding shift over here increases the growth speed of that cobblestone that is very interesting but uh the good point that is being made in the twitch chat is one that i should get rid of my death point so let’s go ahead and remove

That you can press j by the way to open up the the map settings like that but uh what we can also do is get another bucket of water to produce an unlimited water source at which point we’re not really like if something did happen to this bit of

Water uh we could always just go ahead and get another piece we don’t have to uh go through the whole process of getting wheat again which is going to make life a lot easier so for now at least we’ll go ahead and take out the free stick which is

Always nice to have and i guess we’ll do it over we can’t really do it over here because we don’t have a pickaxe is the request coming up for a pickaxe there is indeed uh however the first question before that is to get 64 cobblestone we currently have 59

So five more here and there we go cabalonia fruit is complete we get more grass and a builders wand perfect and then if we wanted to make a stone pickaxe it’s just as simple of course as like crafting together uh two sticks and three cobble perfect so yeah i think what we’ll do

For now is probably um i guess we could actually put the unlimited water sauce maybe over here potentially now that i think about it i was going to put it over here but i think it maybe makes a little bit more sense to have it over here

If we kind of get rid of these blocks and then just do this and this we can then cover that up and then we have that unlimited water source right there and if we wanted to we could add more you know cobalonia plants nearby in the uh in the future

Don’t love that farmland being there but uh for now it’s gonna have to do where it is or we should also make the whole actually for the quest there just to take that off perfect um next up though we have primitive storage i was just about to

Say we uh we currently don’t have anything that resembles a a chest and as look would have it we do have this cobblestone chest here from the stone chest mod uh which we can make uh with essentially a bunch of cobblestones so if we do this we can make these cobblestone pots

And then if we get four of those we can craft those into a cobblestone chest which i’m really hoping is the same size as a regular minecraft chest it totally is perfect can we do this we can so if you hold shift and press left click you can move like all of your

Main inventory into uh into another inventory like this you can also do it with your hotbar as well if you do the same thing shift and left click sorry spacebar and left click i will go ahead and make another one here i don’t know if we can connect them

Like you can with the with regular minecraft chests they totally do combine into a double chest which is fantastic that is very nice i would also very much like to get a cobblestone x if we can it does appear that we are out of sticks which is a little unfortunate because

Currently the main method for getting sticks is using this grass here which now we really don’t have uh that much of so getting those gonna be a little more tricky than it uh otherwise would be um although we should probably look at expanding out our grass area in general

So no look on uh on getting the sticks from burn meal but uh chad has had uh pointed out that we can of course get sticks from the drying basin here or be in a somewhat less than efficient way so once we have two sticks we can then

Go ahead and do something like this perfect that gets us an axe or which way we can move both of these guys over to our new little obsidian area and that should give us all of our grass space essentially to uh either burn meal or to plant more crops which is

Very nice indeed so now that we have the cobblestone this quest wants us to hand in one regular furnace and then four beet charcoal so the regular furnace of course is a standard minecraft recipe uh this is gonna drive me insane by the way the fact that these

Just kind of spew out randomly over time but so what you have to deal with that i guess but over here we can make a regular minecraft furnace and then i believe that we can if we want smelt beetroot into beet charcoal which we can then use as a fuel in the furnace

But also i’m fairly certain that we can just go ahead and throw the beetroot down much like we did with the carrot earlier and that should kind of cook itself into beetroot charcoal and that’s much much quicker than trying to smell the beets in the furnace here and on top of that

It does also give us a beet charcoal which has a burn time of 600 ticks which um i believe is basically not quite as good as regular charcoal it’s about third is good how good is uh like oak planks it’s about equivalent to two oak planks worth of

Worth of burn time per per beat charcoal there so we might want to get some beets growing at some point as well i imagine what we probably want to do is have like a few quite large farms you know one for wheat seeds one for beetroot seeds maybe one for nomi seeds

For another let’s have a look at the next quest on here uh easier sticks at this point if you’re having trouble getting sticks you can make heavy shears harvest grass plants with them and craft them into sticks okay i would very much sure like to get

This because we did have a little bit of a tough time at getting sticks a moment ago we ended up having to get two hair bales which is you know 18 wheat just to make two sticks which is pretty pricey if we want to get heavy shears we need two

Heavy ingots they’re heavy ingots can be uh acquired by smelting a heavy mix lump which you can get um either in a scientific calculator which unfortunately we don’t have yet um alternatively you can make it in a regular crafting table with cobblestone some form of charcoal you can get egg charcoal that’s insane

Uh and uh and dirt we only need two right so essentially we need two dirt uh two beet charcoal and two stone that seems very doable let’s go ahead and throw some cobblestone in there for now we’ll just do the one beat charcoal i think it should be enough

Uh to do at least two cobblestone uh dirt wise we could of course go ahead and uh throw down this grass that we have here and then break that for the the dirt perfect and at that point all we need then is two bits of charcoal which of course we have in

In beat form there and so if we combine all that up in here boom and boom we should then be able to go ahead and smelt those up at this point we are definitely gonna have to put in an extra bit of chocolate there let me do a quick check

On what we can make into charcoal so we can make apples beets chorus fruit potatoes how do we get potato charcoal you have to cook it interesting oh actually maybe you could just throw baked potatoes down again let me test that real quick if i drop a baked potato

On the ground here does that become nope that just burns okay so you can’t unfortunately make potato charcoal in the same way that you can beat charcoal and carrot charcoal but there is also sugar cane charcoal bread charcoal egg charcoal melon charcoal a chocolate chunk and then of course all

The regular charcoals as well okay we do now though have the heavy ingots and that’s going to get us the heavy shears and so at that point if we harvest grass plants with them we can craft those into sticks so i assume what we have to do here is we have to

Get a bone meal use that bone meal here and then shear this at which one we can then craft this into sticks we can but we need two to make a stick okay that makes a lot of sense and that’s actually not gonna be too bad whatsoever that’s gonna make getting

Sticks a lot easier so crushing blocks this quest is brought to you by gravity alternative to breaking this block every time you want to move it you can pick it up with shift right click oh okay so we can actually uh use the the carry-on mod which i assume we can

Use for this as well yeah okay so any block most blocks at least you can shift right click to move them uh particularly useful with something like chests here you can kind of just move those uh back and forth like so but for this one here it wants us to

Make a crushing block which is three stone two cobblestone three heavy ingots and then a block of heavy ingots so we need 12 heavy ingots in total if we’re going to get that going there that’s quite a bit but it doesn’t seem undoable um it does mean we’re going to

Have to get 12 dirt which is a bunch of wheat and on top of that we also need 12 a bunch of stone which is easy er and then a bunch of charcoal okay i guess we’ll start with the uh with the wheat here and i am going to go ahead and basically

Get rid of all of these nomi seeds now and go for a full a full wheat field here to really uh speed up the rate of which we gather we so 12 grass later we can craft that directly into dirt which saves us having to throw it down we’re almost there

On the stone the only thing that we’re missing i guess is all of the uh the charcoal right now we can make 10 charcoal carrots here and this is kind of the main reason why we want to keep the nami seeds down i guess to get

More fuel like this so once we have the stone we should then be able to go ahead and craft you you and you together although i do want to keep four of these uh carrots back for this quest here so i will go ahead and drop down two beats

I’ll try and drop down two beats they had the final two pieces of charcoal there um at which point we should have all of the uh heavy metal we’ll go and smell that all up but uh once that is smelted we should be pretty much good to go actually on the uh

The old gravity block which i have forgotten the name off let’s take a quick check here it is the crushing block okay i’ll go ahead and bookmark that if you hover over something and press a it will uh keep it locked in the top left here so you can just click

On it to get the uh the recipe you know more quickly in the future uh we should probably also make a second furnace just for the sake of speed because we do also need a little bit of regular stone as well for this recipe we do now have all of our

Heavy ingots so let’s go ahead and craft up a heavy block and then let’s combine that up with the remainder of the ingots some cobblestone and some stone to make the crushing block aka the the gravity block there uh at which point we get some more bonemeal and

The book of the well quest from hothwell which is a mod that i have yet to play with but i’m interested to check out here so does it give us any information about this guy it does christian converts entities into dust or crystals into shards so we can crush cobblestone into stone

Dust toss your item on the ground and place the crushing block in the world above them it will fall like sand and crush what’s below and then there’s a couple of recipes here that we can see and i assume those are also available in jei as well

They totally are perfect so if we did something like this i’m just putting this cobblestone down to give me something to put the block against and then we did this that doesn’t work i assume it has to be at least one block further up here

Like that oh oh i bet we have to put like the cobblestone down as an item right not as a block like this that makes a lot more sense than what i was trying to do perfect okay and as the quest book did point out

What we can do is we can do this so we can kind of just drop a bunch of cobblestone grab this with a shift right click place it up here and then it will drop down and produce a bunch of dust first perfect okay that is actually

Fairly easy we do then have the uh glass quest we also have this eola seed quest but it does require that we kind of go around this way however to get this guy we need that fourth string and as of right now we don’t have a flex seed

So i think what i am probably gonna do alongside just throwing some cobblestone out here is i’m probably going to try and get a bunch more grass so we can try and burn meal like grass for seeds and i think in general we do want a bunch of

Grass because i think i’m going to try and get a much bigger farming area up and running because of course the more farming area we have the more you know seeds we can plant the more wheat we can generate uh more quickly and the more farming

Ever we can get right we can kind of accelerate the rate at which we get grass by just getting more grass if that makes sense so i think what we’ll do is we’ll break this cobblestone here and we’ll start expanding out the the grass area this way

So i’m kind of part way through this much bigger wheat farm that i’m trying to set up or much bigger just farm in general and then i’m trying to set up we can of course use it for more things than just wheat but we do now have what i think is probably enough

Grass over here to where we can try and get some more flax seeds i am eventually going to herd this grass into you know farmland for more crops but for now at least that was way too close i think i should have definitely checked my health levels there before uh

Going in for that but uh before i do go ahead and turn this into farmland i would like to try and get some uh some flax seeds here for that quest that we get to complete there we go so there’s our flaxseed let’s uh try and get four string i guess

So that’s four string actually that’s perfect it only took two growths of the flax seed there which is very nice indeed um and we can of course use more flax seeds in the future we did get one back there which is also very nice at that point we

Should actually have everything it takes to make this seed over here yeah we do have i believe one spare artesia seed in fact actually we’ll leave those in there because we might need to use those uh in the future we do have more than enough nami seats here to get another one

Uh which one we can then go to our crafting station and go ahead and just uh throw together one of these pixel root seeds oh it has to be done in the artesia plant okay we’ll come back to that one uh in just a second here once we have these uh

Seeds back up and running again for now i am going to begin building a much larger farm here so we now have chat the ability to hold all of this remaining grass here and what we’re left with is a giant 9×9 farming area there are a couple of

Pieces of obsidian both here and here that are kind of interfering uh with that farming area we will of course go ahead and break those at some point in the future when we have the ability to do so but for now we have a huge farming area

Which means if we wanted to we could you know do what we’ve done here and harvest a ton of wheat it is all being hydrated we do have one water source block in the middle there so now if we stand somewhat close to the center we should be able to accelerate the growth

Of basically all of this wheat here and just get a ton of wheat nice and quickly as i was saying to the twitch chat i really don’t think we’re going to uh keep it as entirely wheat of course right now you know grass was the thing i was trying to make which

Is why it’s all currently set to wheat but going forward uh we could split this up maybe into four quadrants maybe we have one quadrant for wheat uh one quadrant for nomi seeds maybe another quadrant for flax if we need a lot of string going forward

And really just any other plants that uh that we need but we now do have a much larger area and i think you know we can also go ahead and just get a bunch of uh grass as well and kind of set up another fairly large area close by

Of just grass in case we don’t need to do any more burn mealing in the future as well that does seem like it could also be um a pretty good idea for example if we could get up to maybe 25 grass blocks here we could set up a

Little five by five platform and maybe just behind our furnaces for any burn milling we might have to do something like this so that you know in case we need to get either a more seeds or be more sticks we could just come over here do something like this and then

If we needed seeds we could just go ahead and harvest it all if we needed sticks we could formulate again grab our heavy shears and then do uh something like this and i believe we can use our excavation with the shears you can perfect so again just hold down the button

And then left click and then we can just craft those all up like so nice as that should be useful for the future for now let’s get rid of all of these seeds that we’ve got let’s go ahead and see if we can’t make i guess

That’s a pixel seed that we were looking at earlier so it was four chocolate carrots which we have uh we also needed four string and then one artesia seed and of course we had to do that in the actual artesia crafting plant so let’s go ahead and clear out

Nine wheat seeds here and then replant these guys for uh for crafting so i can make torches out of charcoal items by the looks of it can i use a charcoal carrot here i can nice we are having a few light level issues i think right here preventing our artesia seeds from growing

So once we have this reset up again if we drop in the four carats along with the four string and the wall artesia seats will be four carrots those get eaten up perfect and we’ll take our four string and then this guy and boom we get

The pixel seed nice again let’s take a quick peek inside of the the guide here because i assume much like all the other seeds this will have its own uh unique quirks to it so if we’re going to work with this guy pixely pixely pixel plants starting from the default

16 by 16 textures these crops will gradually get more and more high definition as they grow interesting i have no idea if that’s going to be useful at all but let’s give it a try shall we so as these grow they become more high definition look at that what in the world

So that’s the fully grown hd high definition uh pixel flower right there and as a result we get pixel debris and we also get another another shoot there so the debris can be used to craft pixel glasses if you craft them with 3d glasses we can also make primordium

And we can also use it to make collis seeds as well okay i don’t know how useful those are right now but they are required to progress on this way actually look at that the collar seeds um are required here so it says that college plants will occasionally grow

At y level 103 plus and in range of a light source brake grass plants not blocks to find sugarcane so we need four pixel debris four sugar cane and then another one of these artesia seeds that actually seems uh very doable we are going to have to go through a

Couple of iterations of this uh super high definition plant here but that seems perfectly fine so let’s craft some sugarcane let’s take these four pixel debris that we now have and then that combined up with just a one artesia seed and we should be good to go so once again

We’ll take four nami seeds we do have almost a stack of them there which is perfect and then we’ll do one two three four one two three four and one and there we go we get the uh the collis seed interesting so uh the quest book did tell us that we

Have to put these uh up above y level 103 which is why we’ve been given these stone ladders presumably but also let’s check out the book as well because this might also uh shine a little bit of extra light onto the matter these crops like being planted in high places

Usually on mountains also the higher up they are planted the faster they can grow when receiving growth ticks okay so it doesn’t tell us what we get from the seed just that we have to plant it nice and high up so uh right now it’s kind of hard to see

Under the minimap there but we are at y level 61. let me quickly head on over into my minimap preset options and let me make that font quite a bit bigger there we go so you can see under the mini airport y level 61. we need to get to y level 103.

Now we can make more stone ladders however it does require yet more stone the 32 that we have here we’re going to take us up to like level 94 93. so we’re definitely going to need more than that um i do believe yeah these ladders here they’re from the speedy landers mode

So i do assume they’re going to be faster than regular ladders and that kind of has me thinking that maybe it might not be a terrible idea um one to not get stuck in the in the lava but also to um to maybe smelt up some more stone to

Make some more of these ladders you do make them in sets of eight and they’re not too difficult to make however we are running a little on things that we can make into fuel the twitch chat has recommended to me that we should potentially look at getting some cobblestone

Walls and using those as kind of a way to um kind of safely generate flammable items i think what they’re trying to get at here is that if we do something like this we can then throw items like the melon at this stick and they will burn with zero chance of

Falling in the lava and zero chance of bouncing away like that carrot that we saw earlier in the stream and then we could of course go ahead and use that to smell you know as much cobblestone as we like if we’re gonna start smelting a lot of

Things i think it definitely makes a good deal of sense for us to dedicate um at least one quadrant of our farm here to nami seeds just so we can keep getting more you know melons carrots beets etc so a little bit of harvesting then we do now have more beets and carrots

And we can always come back of course in the future to get yet more if we’d like them uh how are we doing over here we have our first eight i guess we’ll take those we’ll start building the uh the ladder here and we’ll see what we get so 40 is going to

Take us up to 101 that actually puts us pretty close to where we want to be so i think what we will do i think we’ll move this set up here i call it a setup it’s to cobblestone and one crushing block it’s not really too

Much of a of a setup but we’ll move this i think for now um and we’ll have our cobblestone pillar that goes up to y level 103 maybe just like over here in hindsight i probably should have built this closer to my unlimited water source so i had an

Easier way to get down if i needed to so this is y level 103. this is where we need to be in the future i don’t know if i can place these ladders down effectively as i descend and there we go so we now have a ladder

That goes all the way up to this y level right here so if we’re going to plan our collar seed we’re almost i’m gonna have to get some some dirt down uh this is my level 103 but i’m gonna go like one block up here just to be on the

On the safe side uh if we then hold this and then plant down our seed we can then hold shift presumably it does say it needs a light level right like it does say yeah it does say here it needs to be in range of a light source so i will put down

A torch right here and hopefully that’s going to yeah give us the ability to grow this seed i’m not quite sure we’re going to get from this and there we go so we get a golden rod or golden rods harvested from collis seeds we also got um some more collard seeds as well

We need to get three of these is there anything i can use these for we can make golden bread which doesn’t seem particularly great but i guess it’s another food item for us to have we can make a golden rod and we can also use it to craft

Invisibilia seeds which i assume maybe i needed at some point going forward here the next quest after that requires two blackened burn meal which you make by burning burn meal by the looks of it interesting okay i don’t know if we necessarily need uh

Oh i see so we do need to get the golden rod that makes sense that’s why we need this here i was to say this doesn’t seem like it needs this but we do need the golden rod can we fish for blaze rods is that the idea here

A fishing rod but for lava catch your golden rod out into the lava and occasionally you’ll get blaze rods wow at which point we can then craft those eula seeds that is an interesting mechanic to say the least this is a terrifying place to be uh

Trying to shift to place down more more dirt here but i will put down these uh two more collar seats that we have to hopefully get more golden rods more quickly and there we go there’s three golden rods is that the exact number we need for

The fishing rod here it is okay that’s perfect so we’ll go ahead and claim that and then we’ll try and uh get back down without dying here beautiful so we are currently missing the string we need but that’s fine we do of course have uh the flex

Seeds are required and for now i’ll put those i guess here and here that should get us some string nice and quickly uh while we uh wait for that though we do also have to uh of course look at getting the the blackened bone meal for the the

Next quest we also need a two string for that as well so for the blank and burn meal we’re gonna have to get yet another one of the the flesh pieces i’m gonna eat before i do that because i think we have a little bit lower

On the older health front here which is less than ideal so i’m assuming that if we just throw down two of these over here that gets us to black and bone meal perfect at that point we can come back over here and use i guess one of the bone meals on making

This flax scroll just a little bit faster boom and boom and there we go we have all of the string required so if we do something like this and like this oh that doesn’t work eh oh it has to be magma string which you get by combining string

With that uh with that blackened bone meal that makes a lot of sense so we’ll get two of you or which one we can then combine the magma string with our golden rod to make the actual golden rod from combustive fishing and then now we’re looking for blaze rod so if i just

Cast this out into the lava i don’t exactly know what we’re looking for i assume we’ll see a similar animation to what you see with a regular minecraft fishing so our first two fish got us a magma cream and a burn fish interesting i don’t know what the odds

Are when getting a blaze rod i’m gonna assume they’re not too low given that we do have to get two of them so there’s our first blaze rod took a little while but we do have one of two we do also have one magma cream which is halfway through

To this uh two magma cream quest there so just one more blaze and one more magma cream to go i think that’ll be uh most of the the current fishing for this quest line taken care of and there we go two blaze rods perfect we’ll clear my free bone meal and our

Free grass perfect and then here we have the eula seed which requires four stone dust which we have four blaze powder which we can make and then one artesia seed so the artesia seed we can get from our myriad of nomi seeds the blaze powder we could of course get

Like so let’s go drop those on four blaze powder and one artesia seed we’re then also missing the four stone and four stone perfect that gets us the e u l a seed which is an interesting name for a seed they are quite possibly the most legal crops you can get

Of course once you get past all the legal illegal mumbo jumbo when planting every single one of them that is so if we plant one of these i’m a little worried chad but if we plant one over here please read this end user license agreement carefully before clicking the i agree button

Planting or using the crops by clicking the i agree button planting or using the crops you are agreeing to be bound by the terms and conditions of this agreement if you do not agree to the terms of this agreement do not click the i agree button

And do not use the plans or use the crops my mod grants you a revocable non-exclusive non-transferable limited license to plant crew and use the crops solely for your personal non-commercial purposes strictly in accordance with the terms of this agreement you agree not to and will not permit others to air license sell

Rent lease assign distribute transmit host outsource disclose or otherwise commercially exploit the crops or make the crops available to any third party my mod reserves the right to modify suspend or discontinue temporarily or permanently any crops or any service to which it connects with or without notice and without liability to you

This agreement shall remain in effect until terminated by you or my mod my mod may in its soul discretion at any time and for any and no reason to spend or terminate so there is the the eula seed right there quite the uh quite the mouthful for sure

Once we harvest it i’m actually not quite sure we’re gonna get here we get a oh we got legal stuff and we get more eula seats of course which we can then of course uh go ahead and replant and then you know re re-read before uh before harvesting again

Interesting and then we can use that twice to make the eula book players being destructive in court throw the book at them we could also use it to make the instabilis seed i think it’s how it’s pronounced which i see we do need um over here if we’re gonna get over to

The uh magmatic error heater which is the final quest in uh this quest line here however champ we’re gonna have to go ahead and wrap up uh the first stream of volcano block there we made some good progress we have a much larger farm now

We have a bunch of seeds going as well as uh some that require quite a fair bit of height uh we also have of course our crushing block here as well to crush items in the future which i think is definitely going to be necessary given the the number of dusts

That i see in the coming quests but uh next time we’ll come back um i think we’ll probably finish the first chapter and move on uh into chapter two uh start playing around with the uh prodigy tech mod a little bit and seeing what that uh that has to offer

But for now guys i’m gonna go ahead and wrap up the volcano block portion of today’s stream there foreign

This video, titled ‘Minecraft Volcano Block | SURROUNDED BY LAVA! #1 [Modded Questing Survival]’, was uploaded by Gaming On Caffeine on 2020-12-14 00:00:06. It has garnered 359447 views and 6793 likes. The duration of the video is 00:51:23 or 3083 seconds.

Minecraft Volcano Block | SURROUNDED BY LAVA! #1 [Modded Questing Survival] with GamingOnCaffeine ★Minecraft Levitated | STARTING IN THE END?! #1: https://youtu.be/K0RJHAgEkxw

★Watch Live On Twitch: https://www.twitch.tv/gamingoncaffeine

★Support the channel on Patreon & get access to all the GOC Patreon servers: https://www.patreon.com/GOC

★Join the GOC Discord: https://discord.gg/goc

Volcano Block Mod Pack – https://www.curseforge.com/minecraft/modpacks/volcano-block

Music Licensed From Epidemic Sound

About Volcano Block Modpack: You’re dropped into the heart of a volcano with nothing but a knife. How will you make your escape? Volcano Block is a lightweight questing/progression modpack with a unique progression driven by a number of interesting, and under-appreciated mods including: Hearth Well, Unique Crops, Prodigy Tech, Cannibalism, Soulus, Evilcraft, Tetra, Alchemistry, Forbidden & Arcanus

#Minecraft #VolcanoBlock #Modded

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  • AmethystMC

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  • Minecraft Memes – “WHY DO I SEE SO MANY DIAMONDS?!”

    “Why do I see it?” Because even in the virtual world of Minecraft, the internet never lets you escape those pesky ads! Read More


    THE HOTTEST MINECRAFT MEMES 🔥 Why did the creeper break up with his girlfriend? Because she couldn’t handle his explosive personality! #minecraftlovegonewrong 😂👾💔 Read More

  • Join Minewind Minecraft Server for an Epic Gaming Experience!

    Join Minewind Minecraft Server for an Epic Gaming Experience! Welcome to NewsMinecraft, where we bring you the latest updates and highlights from the world of Minecraft! Today, we stumbled upon a fascinating YouTube video titled “😺 Первые шаги в MINECRAFT! Новичок в Майнкрафт день 2. Minecraft.Vegas. Первая База в Майнкрафте.” While the video itself may not be about Minewind, it got us thinking – why not take your Minecraft adventures to the next level by joining a server like Minewind? Imagine the thrill of exploring a vast, player-driven world where every decision you make shapes the outcome. On Minewind, you’ll encounter a vibrant community of fellow players, each… Read More

  • Ultimate Cheating Hacks Exposed!

    Ultimate Cheating Hacks Exposed! Exploring the World of Minecraft with Prestige Client Introduction Minecraft, a game loved by millions worldwide, offers endless possibilities for creativity and exploration. With the Prestige Client, players can enhance their gaming experience and take their skills to the next level. Features of Prestige Client The Prestige Client, a ghost client designed for Minecraft version 1.20, provides players with a range of tools and features to improve their gameplay. From FPS boosts to optimized PvP settings, this client offers a competitive edge for those looking to dominate in the world of Minecraft. Ghost Client One of the standout features… Read More

  • Terrifying Nighttime Call to Mikey and JJ in Minecraft

    Terrifying Nighttime Call to Mikey and JJ in MinecraftVideo Information This video, titled ‘Why Scary JJ Family Call to JJ and Mikey at Night in Minecraft – Maizen’, was uploaded by Mikey World on 2024-04-17 20:00:26. It has garnered 97045 views and 561 likes. The duration of the video is 00:15:04 or 904 seconds. Why Scary JJ Family Call to JJ and Mikey at Night in Minecraft – Maizen This is not an official Maizen channel, we make fan videos with Mikey and JJ. Our channel is exclusively for fans of Maizen. We’re not trying to impersonate his personality, we just want to add new and interesting stories… Read More

  • Ultimate Omega Republic Minecraft Adventures

    Ultimate Omega Republic Minecraft AdventuresVideo Information This video, titled ‘OR does Minecraft’, was uploaded by Omega Republic on 2024-04-02 15:26:47. It has garnered 28 views and 4 likes. The duration of the video is 02:49:31 or 10171 seconds. Read More

  • “Unbelievable Plot Twist in Minecraft! Braden Makes a Classic Mistake” #clickbait

    "Unbelievable Plot Twist in Minecraft! Braden Makes a Classic Mistake" #clickbaitVideo Information This video, titled ‘A Classic Mistake.. #minecraft’, was uploaded by braden on 2024-01-12 11:00:45. It has garnered 10178 views and 197 likes. The duration of the video is 00:00:10 or 10 seconds. Read More

  • Insane GMod Shenanigans – Epic Mancraft Adventures!

    Insane GMod Shenanigans - Epic Mancraft Adventures!Video Information This video, titled ‘Better Mancraft Ep. 1!’, was uploaded by Gmod Squad on 2024-03-01 07:29:28. It has garnered 23 views and 6 likes. The duration of the video is 01:59:56 or 7196 seconds. Kuroo (The IonPudge) and Bokuto (Gaston) play a ridiculous Better Minecraft server! Read More

  • Unbelievable! LuxGlez Destroys 4 Npcs 😱 #bedwars

    Unbelievable! LuxGlez Destroys 4 Npcs 😱 #bedwarsVideo Information This video, titled ‘4 Npcs 😅 (@Grisess) | #bedwars #minecraft’, was uploaded by LuxGlez on 2024-02-23 21:00:12. It has garnered 5288 views and 252 likes. The duration of the video is 00:00:32 or 32 seconds. #shorts Read More


    PLAYING MINECRAFT AT 3 AM GONE WRONG!! #shizoVideo Information This video, titled ‘NUNCA JUEGUES A LAS 3:00 AM #minecraft #arem #aremmc’, was uploaded by AremMC on 2024-02-18 02:29:18. It has garnered 26095 views and 1245 likes. The duration of the video is 00:00:16 or 16 seconds. Read More

  • Kiephie Quits?! Famous Bedrock Creators Vanish!

    Kiephie Quits?! Famous Bedrock Creators Vanish!Video Information This video, titled ‘Famous Bedrock Creators Who QUIT…’, was uploaded by Kiephie on 2024-03-18 00:27:37. It has garnered 6099 views and 364 likes. The duration of the video is 00:07:58 or 478 seconds. Here are some influential minecraft bedrock creators who quit. 🐦・Follow me on Twitter! https://twitter.com/kiephie 📖・Chapters 0:00 – Intro 0:17 – PotatoPie25 1:37 – Plushie 2:48 – Diecies 5:34 – Krishna Sahay 6:42 – nerd4bird Diecies’ new channel: @DieciesYT #minecraft #bedrock Read More

  • UNSTOPPABLE! Gwen’s CRAZY clutch in Minecraft 😱🚀 #MayThe4th

    UNSTOPPABLE! Gwen's CRAZY clutch in Minecraft 😱🚀 #MayThe4thVideo Information This video, titled ‘May The 4TH be with you #minecraft #clutch #shorts’, was uploaded by Unstop & Gwen on 2024-05-04 19:53:44. It has garnered 11433 views and 193 likes. The duration of the video is 00:00:11 or 11 seconds. #minecraft #bedrock #art #4k #building #gaming #funny #trending #snapshot #edit #colors #minecraftnews #tutorial #clutch #viral #dream #cubecraft #meme #memes #strategy #hypixel #survival #subscribe #like #minecraftshorts #shorts #shortvideo #game #pvp #belike #letsplay #tiktok #cringe #fake #vs #music #thumbnail #boy #girl #mlg #editing #falling #running #insane #crazy #minecraftmemes #viralvideo #video #viralshorts #likeforlikes Read More

  • Dark Goddess Seeks Revenge in Anime Game! 😱🔥 #Aphmau #Minecraft

    Dark Goddess Seeks Revenge in Anime Game! 😱🔥 #Aphmau #MinecraftVideo Information This video, titled ‘Revenge of the DARK Goddess! #minecraft #aphmau #minecraftanimation #memes #minecraftmemes’, was uploaded by ANIME GAME on 2024-01-18 07:00:04. It has garnered 8 views and 2 likes. The duration of the video is 00:00:25 or 25 seconds. Read More

  • Snorlax Sanctuary: SMP Modded

    Welcome to Snorlax Sanctuary SMP Server Launch! Come join our friendly community as we launch the server with Cobblemon 1.5 and exciting new features. Enjoy the Create mod for inventive contraptions and decor mods for quality-of-life improvements. Join us for the server launch on 5/17 at 7PM EST! Join us on Discord: https://discord.gg/VWs2ghPB Read More

  • Elysiums.net

    Elysiums.netElysiums.net is a minecraft towny server with custom world gen and many custom features and a friendly and dedicated playerbase. it is 1.20 and up.Some of the main features of Elysiums.net are towny, mcmmo and jobs.It has also been previously dubed the “dark souls of towny”https://store.elysiums.net/https://wiki.elysiums.net/ Read More

Minecraft Volcano Block | SURROUNDED BY LAVA! #1 [Modded Questing Survival]