Video Information

Snow where we’re live screw you we’re live already yes we are yes we’re live we’re live we’re live we’re currently we’re live right now we’re live right now it’s sent out the stream announcement where we’re live we’re live we’re already live We can’t stop it now it’s this documented on the Wi-Fi

It’s documented it’s it’s not going to be gone it’s not gone it’s stuck okay it’s stuck there you see it’s stuck it’s not it’s not it’s not disappearing it’s stuck there it’s kind of just stuck it’s it’s kind of like some messed up version it’s my microphone even the Right microphone

I should probably make sure first I think it’s my webcam bike I should sit in my Rift yeah it’s on my way I’m like let me set it all to my Rift I don’t think people can hear you actually oh no they can hear you on the collab

Cam actually wait no they can what the hell where’s my output audio there’s my audio output I found my audio output I’ve now made it so my people can hear you people can now hear you I see your collab cam pretty Ponders if you’re asking me

We’ve got a viewer who is this viewer is that you are you viewing me right now who who is this who is bro who is bro all right I’m gonna go into the VR I need to polish my thing Monday Left Me Broken I find it funny how I just look like Batman right now because I’ve got a suit on in the dark Monday Left Me Broken [Laughter] foreign cam oh what yeah don’t do that uh that’s not great Monday they left me broken egg egg egg egg egg egg egg

What is happening my egg give me my egg weeping angels I wonder wait wait wait wait wait wait wait wait wait ah how do I even how do I throw an egg how do I throw the egg oh God bro uh how how eggs I can’t throw the egg at the Drone

I’m gonna die the power of the egg compels you what what is going on my my game what what is happening no my egg I’m endangered I died because I couldn’t throw the egg no no yeah yeah Da da I’m gonna load in a bunch of chunks and like your computer Diamonds what huh I just saw through the ground and I saw diamonds what the hell is this I found Herobrine I found Herobrine I found Herobrine look at this I found Herobrine I found Herobrine I found Herobrine look Herobrine how do I break I die to a weeping angel

I probably shouldn’t wear a suit you know like that’s probably not the greatest idea because it’s not easy to move in the suit I’ll tell you that much it’s not easy I’m gonna I’m gonna go ahead and take the suit off I have to use my webcam to see how to

Take the suit off it stuck to me help help help help the suit has stuck to me help dear God genuinely the suit just tried to kill me I’ve got a twitch viewer I’ve got a twitch for you hello twitch viewer how are you doing uh twitch viewer how you doing how are

You doing twitch viewer how are you now you’re doing Twitter how how are you doing by the way your webcam is like silly because like you know it’s it’s kind of like it’s kind of like It’s Monday it’s Monday yeah Monday Left Me Broken hello I was one in the name of Daniel is this how do I use my things oh God Oh like it’s not cool it’s not cool enough to stay like I’m just it’s really cool when flying it’s cooler to play like this that was really this is really cool if I touch one of these trees I’m likely going to die I mean there’s a wire stuck to me

Am I even looking the right way there’s my setup your mama this is a stick up no way where I need to find a I need to find one of them like Warden caves to fly through in this with VR that would be really sick

Actually you want to be even more fun of action but what did I do to you imagine wait wait wait imagine flowing through like the nether or the end of this imagine hiding from the wall in the VR that’d be that’d be horrifice I don’t really get scared the only time I’ve

Really got scared is most like unexpected jump scares most of the time I do expect it though yeah like I don’t I’ve seen from my fanatic VR stream I did VR stream I did I only jumped like three times in that like almost one or two

Hours well I found a cave let’s go this is gonna be terrifying to fly through why what’s wrong with that Okay whoa oh my God oh my God he’s got the skills with that word this is literally like they’ve got this oh my God what the what the oh die okay how what if I didn’t go wait why why is no one like if you watching me speak in the chat right now

No one’s watching you I’m literally the only view speaking to chat right now you just you there’s a creeper that happened there how do I place things I need to figure out how to use things well yeah I was trying to but like uh options controls keybinds uh what let me craft

Let’s make some kind of Arrow there’s a stone what was that okay what I have to use that that’s weird that might actually be a wet willy and like why is that like place place please please how do I place no place please place what yes place please

What the hell what are my cabins what is this what are my freaking keyboards bro s what are my keyboards bro what is this what cool I love Minecraft one of my freaking keybones what is this that’s not the right thing sir nice to that otherwise I don’t I don’t I have limited

Controls there like come on man what so now yes why can’t that be a button why ever yeah but I’m trying to but it’s not it doesn’t count those buttons as a button why is that a button but then that one isn’t yeah so then like why what figure it out bro oh

Okay that works okay good I figured something out we’re evolving we’re evolving we’re evolving here you know we’re evolving that’s happening right now we’re evolving keybinds I figured out how to crouch what I’m trying to figure out is how to place a block they could but I’m trying to figure out

How to place a block like how to place one not like scroll through my menu a [ __ ] what so that’s that now can I get a death chord soon okay so now like what how do I place get let me place let me place this allow me to place you please

I figured it out but it’s my jump button what why is it I figure it out why is that my jump button and why is my jumper to no longer work what what what did I do what did I do what why is it so blurry no no because that’s not correct

What’s the hand movement how do I recreate that how do I how do I how do I recreate the hand movement require to place things where’s my shirt it looks like right here wait break come on now break yes break I think I have to break things all right away place

I have to actually touch stuff to break it like I you want and I’m three blocks tall with the origins mod so I can’t break things underneath me this is not good can you please give me one of them origin orbs please no no genuinely I need one does this work

I can’t play the game if I don’t have that thing oh I fell over I mean I’m you I think what you why am I large why am I larger help And they still can’t reach I’m Too Tall I’m too tall for this the games this game’s discriminating against me because I’m tall this is unfair this is just this is unfair kind of holding you probably no I still can’t reach the floor why why can’t I why could I still not

Reach the floor underneath me don’t you have a button that does the thing that those things I do but then I it’s really confusing right because I only have like three buttons that actually work on my controllers who do you expect me to do that hmm

And now how do you expect I do such things hmm Be better okay that works okay so now everything you want the scallop s no why does this not count as like a controller how do I get it to pick up as a controller does Minecraft not know I’m using VR I’m getting Discord notifications what on Earth what is this

I want the scallop this is not scalloping I don’t understand how to scallop this do you know how to scan up this because I don’t I’ve got a YouTube I’ve got a YouTube viewer look at that YouTube YouTube go up over here so how how do I do this

How do I figure out how to place things and use and do What I did not mean to click that so I don’t want to do that every time I need to kind of oh wait that’s how I do that let’s go I figured out Scooby dooby doo Scooby Dooby Doo I figured it out I’ve done it it’s the button it’s like the joystick button

Oh man it’s no way back in the mine has the hardest left but don’t die die die die die die die die die die die oh yeah oh God and like Retreats into the Seas the seven of them perhaps eight if I’m including the other one

I’ve run out of hunger and I’m above the ocean what why foreign this is so unfair like bro honestly what on Earth what the can you please give me one of those origin orbs because this origin is like it makes me lose hunger very quick and I

Need more than three hunger points to fly and I’m stuck in the ocean right now How do I use it yeah uh what the shop was literally dying what the [ __ ] no it’s not you’re lying you’re lying to me no you’re lying to me right now how dare you don’t say that that’s not very nice that is not a lie I’ve seen that

Wait a minute isn’t that like what is this oh that’s like the other thing where is the thing that does Wing what is Wing surely that means fly right wing has to mean like does we not mean flight power fly okay Elijah apparently I don’t know what I’m not sure what my

Scanner a what what is this what is this what is this that doesn’t seem the greatest huh hmm this is scallop this is scan up I’ll tell you this is this is scallop actually this is fly foreign no no this can’t be true no no I don’t agree with this

Mothling wants a little muffling silly Philly hmm hmm okay oh that’s not great uh huh I’m dead I forgot that happens respawn respawn it’s not respawning me I can’t there we go yay and what is this what is this what this is not what this is get what

Oh I spawned in the nether would you look at that is that your guy I’m gonna be on a different Journey during this and that’s really cool I like this this is cool no no I like this I’m able to have a very more difficult game experience me yeah oh I like

Oh I don’t take fire damage that’s really cool huh what are they oh yeah we got like upgraded Netherlands stuff don’t we I’ve got to figure out nanoseconds so the softball wouldn’t [ __ ] kill itself I’m gonna figure this out which button is G but I just like chilling in the lava for

A minute I’m just gonna chill there for a minute I don’t like you I [ __ ] weeping angel guy killed yourself why is all my origin stuff yes uh do this with this why is that not a button okay do that with that okay now according to my calculations why

Why won’t that do Allah hello hello Among Us oh yeah that’s because that’s my place duh of course it’s my place why did I not expect this I should have expected that um what ah is that okay I just got blind oh can I just talk I teleport you to me real quick just so we can uh I want to go into a cave together I can’t figure out oh that’s my that’s why I’m blind there’s a weeping angel in front of me

Actually yes how are they in the nether that ain’t Fair Imagine Dragons well I didn’t know they blinded you I think it’s because of someone else over here I saw something I saw something like glowing the Weeping Angel’s still following me but yeah I saw something like wearing oh

God oh God it doesn’t it doesn’t affect me if I look at them in VR I have to look at them like by turning what what is that what am I taking damage from I wish the blaze it’s the blaze of course uh security I just coughed really loud I probably woke everyone up uh I did not know they could do that what happened uh they basically I can Juke them out in the lava but like it was chasing me but if I turn around in VR what’s my hands are on like

Facing somewhere else I have to look at them with my hands to make them stop I have to like point my hands at them that’s not cool I probably shouldn’t have coughed there no I still can’t figure out how to make this work do you want me to teleport you to me

Just so we can like you know because the Network’s kind of silly nah okay man what okay so now what okay well I’m dead oh then don’t die why it’s not this is like not that’s just like not gaming why can’t I do the uh I can’t up

Mom I can’t do the app why can’t I do I can’t do the up I can I can I can’t do the art you know what can you give me can you give me another original I prefer the other one because I could actually use Yeah because like the the way I can actually use but this one does not have the abilities on the VR well those game yes yes I am streaming y-e-s yes uh-huh I’m streaming yes I am for what happened is it it’s not hot take off the goddamn hoodie

Where is he flying where the hell he’s flying he’s flying the pigment is flying towards me with rockets yeah I found like some really cool nether castle what what what what what what what what what this white sweeping angels in here no it’s not it’s not called a fortress it’s it’s

Like a mod it’s a module nerd I know what a [ __ ] Fortress looks like this is not a fortress another Fortress it’s like a red thing this is not a fortress this is black are you okay Hello what do you not hear the other person in the VC no what okay what oh my God oh I can heal now hello oh God safe support what is this a deep slate go no why is that another what I can’t hear what you’re saying fix your mic

Tamper do you know what you’re saying I’m I’m not gonna do it he’s talking about the cutlery I think why not disconnect Ed huh I’m Gonna Leave the collab cam it’s lagging out my game too much wait what did you say I’m leaving collab cam it lagged too

Much why did why are you like after you left the cloud cam can I just hit you like 10 times louder let me mess with my strawberries I have an iPhone what the iPhone more like p-pone they’re not fun yo mama not funny Boy lad do you want a better microphone I think so yes I’m starting the among the silverbacker um bananas I bet you’ll sleep foreign it was me Batman it was me the Joker what what do you mean what do you mean no why do we do available no no no I’m fine

What do you mean by that’s racist no I’m saying no no what is some person step down that’s literally the scallop Ed um whoa that’s cool yeah yeah all right well where’s all the cool stuff in this model yeah oh god What the hell why are they like it why are they laggy die die die oh I could be dead I could be dead right now I could be dead uh uh yeah I think I’m dead because of lag only temper imagine lagging shut up am I alive

The Salvo might be a little back thank you also oh walk through disconnected again what is happening what it what is this what what am I doing I don’t know what am I doing with my life what is this I’m listening to a you’re not doing anything I’m listening to a very low

Microphone person my VC talking about Whoppers and I’m listening to you try and fix the server I might be dead so I’m not sure Isn’t nice it is that right is it is yeah so you’re telling me to shut up how about I serve a mute you well you know he’s he’s telling me to shut up that’s not very cool is it that’s not right it’s just the scallop you know foreign This is not among us oh who is the profile picture is kind of sassy it’s Among Us start the server start the starters Hey what do you mean by that what do you mean by that what’s that supposed to mean hey what’s that supposed to mean huh what what’s that supposed to mean huh what’s that supposed to mean what’s that supposed to mean what Shut up bye I’m Gonna Shine you gotta thank you I’m getting disco notifications what is what what you know what I have a way to get us I have a way to get three more viewers right now I’m gonna do it I’m gonna give myself three more viewers right now

This very moment I know how is tamper different that’s kind of mid that’s ready-made I love you 2 A.M time zone I’m trying to uh I’m trying to get people I’m trying to get them you know I’m trying to I’m trying to catch them on the stream my discord’s not loading why is my Discord yeah that’s how you do it that’s how it’s done

What happened I told people to watch me live if they’re hot now logically they should join oh no no no Scallop where where’s the scallop what how do I find a scallop is there oh no or not everybody hello yes hello hello I’d like to file a report for Thumper for being not nice foreign I should be flying right now but I’m not why aren’t this loading load yeah I’m breaking the floor load oh God there’s people in here die stay back when I break into the house of a family of four stay back stay back stay away no stay away I need to try and

Quit them in VR quitting PVP prints in Virtual in reality like physically jump no no okay I died physically dump I can’t do my stuff though and I’ve got a god Apple better why am I still not recharging my stuff what temper fix your server bro why is

My stuff not why is my stuff not recharging why can’t I fly I’ll steal a shoe why is the Origins mods not letting me is your oranges mod skill recharging as your origin is more skill were charging what you know the skill yeah they should not they should be but

It’s not for me um no genuinely no genuinely it’s not what the hell is that I think this calls for a relog I think this calls for a relog ah you can’t do that that’s cheating chief yeah what Yeah Oh I know what it was it’s because I left because I was disconnected whilst I was flying that’s what it is that’s why that’s well I mean I’m having a few common issues with your game you know your server I’m having a few issues I’m having no problem so just kill

The skill do you see my stream this should not be happening um actually it’s actually a new Minecraft mechanic I don’t want to achieve there we go it fixed it’s good crumbling away oh my God no way yeah yeah don’t mind if I do I don’t mind if I do

I don’t mind if I do yeah oh oh oh oh oh Hey look at this what are you doing oh wow portal I have a full well I I have I have a shield a diamond so I mean not a diamond sword Island sword pickaxe and Axion play crumbling away yeah um oh that’s a creeper hello creeper nice

To meet you I’m gonna just get on by ouch hey don’t do that that’s cheating stop that Silly and the passion play crumbling away yeah I’m your source of self-destruction hey dude you’re gonna copy my [ __ ] dumbass and the passion plan crumbling away um wow this is the thing about that weeping angel got me last time I’m not happy what is this hey what are you are you Herobrine

It’s Herobrine oh my God what why is the tree like the floor no stop being the floor you tree what is a purple ore what’s purple ore what is that why is that creepers that’s the dawn China that’s the John China or John David what what am I on about oh God

Uh what’s over there I’m not sure I’m gonna go in there I can’t get in there oh no uh oh God panic panic oh God oh God what where am I what um hi guys I’m back what the [ __ ] is going on I was in a cave right a weeping angel appeared

Behind me I turned around and saw it then I was on the surface in a snow biome foreign it doesn’t make sense to me either don’t worry oh that’s not even silver lag at this point what is that how how that is not funny dude I found a beach

What the [ __ ] I found a ship a ship land what the [ __ ] up screenshot and wow wow wow wow wow wow wow wow wow wow wow wow wow and I can no longer fly you dance too and Passion Play crumbling away hey stupid what coming away and Passion Play crumbling away I’m your

Source of self-destruction oh I’m intrigued I can’t wait can I me when I’m intrigued three four five oh I can well we should look at that that’s pretty goofy I can what happened I can fix a ruined portal oh hey [ __ ] um um um what I don’t like this [ __ ] sister

Why did I wait there’s a weeping angels teleport you maybe Angel just jumpscare me and now I’m I’m in a completely different spot yeah I think that’s what happened to me then break already man you’re gonna watch your mouth how long does it take to break with an

Iron pickaxe the crying obsidian but they’re not that long um it takes a while man yeah I’ve realized the things yeah there we go yes where’s my obsidian this is my inventory if and then give that now I need to make sure not to mess this up I understood stop that

You mean stop that yes yes yes yes yes yes yes yes yes yes yes yes yes yes yes yes yes yes yes yes yes yes yes yes yes yes yes yes yes yes yes yes yes yes we did it huh of course oh no no green no green uh uh um and the

Passion play a crumbling away oh gosh yeah I’m your source of self-destruction let’s go this is the plan I was looking for I’m glad I could find it with my only push of life left in me where are the things hello things hello hello things toodaloo where are you hello hello oh God

Uh oh no I don’t like that it’s it’s the thing it’s the scary what did you just teleport to me yeah hey that’s cheating that’s cheating oh fine I’ll just kill myself then uh oh gulp rewind for like five seconds and Passion Play crumbling away I’m your source of self-destruction

How are you doing this stop how are you doing this okay I’m scared you oh God no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no how are you going this quick what how

You can’t be doing this oh God oh God you’re spamming telephone commands you’re spamming your teleports oh God this is terrifying Shut up I’m literally God look at this [ __ ] okay well I’m going down oh stop doing that going under hey hey stop that oh yeah [ __ ] stop it yeah what happened oh Yeah Bugger lion iron oh my God it’s iron I finally found I found I found the iron

I get it yet I gotta get it iron okay where are you and where are you and I don’t trust you I don’t trust you I don’t trust you I was right not to trust you I dug to the sun before you got anything on me no actually

And Passion Play crumbling away yeah I’m your source of self-destruction and in the Passion Play crumbling away yeah it’s the awesome self-destruction what am I digging to what is this Where am I going Nick why so would you call it people who dig up oh well no I call them dwarves because I am a dwarf and I’m digging a hole Diggy Diggy Hole does that mean you’re short [ __ ] short ass loser get [ __ ] stupid I’m literally taller than you

My game’s not working too great did she got no proof that you’re telling me I mean I do I actually do have proof my proof is well and a passion play crumbling away self-destruction what what are you okay are you all right oh I found bedrock and I’m stuck uh uh

I’m just gonna go ahead and like you know I’m gonna go ahead and end My Passion Play I just added my passion play oh [ __ ] why have I still not got viewers where are they why have I got Discord notifications now why is no one watching me I’ve sent them things

Hey watch me hey hey that’s not fair watch me what what is going on where are you what where are you you Lindsay whimsical hey stop that what hey hey something stop it oh cool and the fashion play rumbling away I’m your source of self-destruction and a passion play crumbling away uh me

Awesome structure foreign oh my God and the fashion play crumbling away yeah I’m your source of selfish structure and what school there was coke under the house don’t you see don’t you see right underneath me now there’s skunk under there do the floor bro you see right down here

Right down there you see it’s right down here you [ __ ] you want to drowned anyways no it wouldn’t consider the following okay I’m faster I’m stronger I’m better no you’re not you’re during creative mode no I’m not yes you are my origin lets me not drown that’s like

My whole thing no because you’re not allowed to chase me like that you’re teleporting stop it oh no no no no I’m just moving really fast no no I’m just like really really hot so I can’t be seen okay well that I can agree with that’s what I thought I’m fast though

Okay I’m dead well no I wouldn’t if I had a if I had a if I had breath what yo oh my God oh my God oh my God that was [ __ ] killed for where’s that noise what the [ __ ] huh which noise um it’s like me and your mom but like

Not is it like Blitzkrieg oh I’m a calico Metallica I love my oh [ __ ] stupid I hate if I become small you can’t you can’t hear me see that’s what I thought oh that’s a cave spider spawner that’s water oh I’m even people in now what the [ __ ] is going on

I keep falling deep under this [ __ ] cave I I cloned my feather client blightness thing on so now I can [ __ ] oh [ __ ] now I can see where I’m going no who in your mom hello I’m under the hello I’m under the water please help hello dude what

My game is actually end up Passion Play crumbling away exactly look at my source of self-destruction or whatever the [ __ ] they said in the Metallica event hmm is your mind yeah probably [ __ ] imagine creeper what if they blow up YouTube just [ __ ] Metallica by Metallica 40 Metallica along the answer

Did you say 40 metallic no pretty Metallica talking about CS go 1v1 what the [ __ ] damn I’m skeleton two one I mean at least that skeleton one was gonna win that’s a game spider get out of my walls now wait why didn’t the game spider poison me damn that’s actually no

It’s actually my source of selfish oh that’s such a cave spider I thought I saw Halo and not bad nowaday no trash missed oh trash trash trash juked get on your knees I mean what if you say so it’s my stream public stream public and what’s the issue why is no one here

Is that true yes [ __ ] bro this is action I swear like I’m going to break my money excuse me hey oh that’s my torches on losing durability at all is that normal porches my tools my tools on using I’m losing any German yeah yeah no no that’s part of one of

The mugs because personally I think doorbelly’s a really gum thing it is quite annoying yes it is not even a lamou man I love going down a long straight narrow hallway oh that’s a creeper I mean like describe that Hawaii again shut up Meg describe the whole way again

Why just describe the whole way again it’s like it’s like oh it’s like a very very small hallway like I could barely fit in it I don’t know because like describe it the way you described it before well that’s what I said it’s like it’s like kind of

I mean you haven’t seen it but you could proof okay whatever fortnite spaniel wouldn’t approve I don’t think I say that now no more caves spiders that’s stupid [ __ ] baby zombie trapped in the [ __ ] white stuff what the scallop um what the uh Put the diamonds at what is that sound what sound I don’t hear no sound oh silly little yeah I mean obviously you’re not who I am but I keep hearing a funky silly monkey sound I don’t play it sounds like metallical probably I don’t know I haven’t seen the movie and Passion Play

I probably should watch the Metallica movie yeah we should watch it together no because I don’t like you that’s not very nice that’s not what you said that’s not what you said last night I didn’t even talk last night yes we did I mean you were a bit drunk so you’re gonna

Oh I know I got killed by a black man what [ __ ] I have to go back and kill that black guy what stop saying that no man it’s a black Slender Man what do you mean what what do you mean what do you mean what do you mean this black Slenderman no

That’s not in Minecraft oh man we got the black guy stand still let’s go oh black I think of any of his balls end of Passion Play crumbling away I am your source of self you know what I wanna crumble away oh I should have got off another cage spider hits me I’m

Actually Gonna Come becomes a cave spider hits you oh no I was gonna no not like on the spider I mean real real bro that’s it blocked I mean but that would do me a favor to be honest what like do you know the amount of times you’ve almost got me canceled because

You say words wait like stop you’ve called me a channel strike before you’ve genuinely got me a channel strike before how do you know with me how do you know because it was on the video that was the only other person in it was you and it was removed for hate speech

And the segment of the video was just you talking yeah freedom of speech these days bro I should Channel strike your mom no do you know do you know actually just um don’t you earn money from YouTube yeah then why am I streaming I’m not you I don’t feel like it

But you make money you could turn that into a job yeah I don’t care I’ve made I I don’t know I got my mind I don’t really need much more you need a bit more than that I don’t know I mean I’ve made like 115 at least you could make a jump out of this you could help your family no I hate my family kill yourself we actually don’t yeah your father’s really cool what you’ll find that’s really cool what your father’s really cool what what’s going on

What what diamonds diamonds diamonds diamonds diamonds oh my God I found diamonds oh my God diamonds diamonds How much did you find three ah and Passion Play crumbling away I am your source of self-destruction that is actually racist against people who don’t have diamonds I can’t believe you what canceled but people with them isn’t a race oh she’s saying they’re not real people now no no no no no no

Hey hey how come you’ve said the end World on almost every one of my streams what one like literally five less than five minutes ago less than five minutes ago you said half of it less than five minutes ago sauce I I can send you a lot of different sources including my own

Okay I’m okay I can’t believe you had a source this is actually this is actually the end of society oh I’ve already said like five minutes to make it though and I probably would need like some kind of computer with me or perhaps like you know just a really cool book

Magazine sort of what I’m gonna just some images to stop to get me going level I cannot click the book and a passion play crumbling away is it on YouTube it’s one of my YouTube yeah I don’t know this is the end wait what does DN mean do not I don’t I think

Someone in my chat just said like you buy what do you mean what what huh what have I got two twitch viewers who are my two twitch viewers why are people only joining the stream now what the squiggle actually I’m probably gonna get off what did you play Ultra kill someone well can

You put your screen on the thing could you leave the server running maybe I’m just gone I’m just gonna can you leave the server running oh I don’t think I can wait why literally why can’t you leave the server running Mom I’m Gonna Leave it running okay all

Right Noob and that’s not very nice don’t say that uh I’m gonna lick your IP address and Passion Play crumbling away I’m your source of self-destruction you know what I’m going to do yeah I know what I’m gonna do I’m gonna try and like bow bow I’m not sure what I’m doing uh oh that’s what I’m doing isn’t it I’m streaming uh It’s like what the scallop so according to my calculations according to my calculations personally me personally wait what the scallop hello hello hello hello hello hello What what what what why why not work huh why like yeah but why though it’s telling me I’m still streaming on YouTube but no one’s watched YouTube for a while why and then like let me check my question this is honestly end of Passion Play crumbling away I’m your source of self-destruction

And Passion Play crumbling away now I’m your source of self-destruction what the hell my discord’s bugging out not everyone offline have I gone past my friend’s sleep schedules I’m like on this stream alone Mr Beast yeah so what the dawn huh okay I don’t get this hmm like channel on Twitch hello hello

Can you I’m watching your stream all right that’s cool are you on Twitch or on YouTube uh twitch epic you’ve got less stream delay I I made an account that is game yeah gaming indeed indeed yes Minecraft VR there’s still a few seconds in delay but

It’s okay it’s a lot it’s a lot better than YouTube this is honestly like Minecraft if it was Minecraft though like genuinely literally I honestly Wonder Minecraft how it feels to do Minecraft what you are three blocks tall yeah this Origins mod but what did I just take

Damage to what was that a gravel nah there’s no gravel there yeah there is no look behind you yeah there’s there’s no gravel that’s all the way over there that is gravel yeah that’s all the way over there I couldn’t have took damage to that no but oh see

I don’t think it’s just gonna hit me through the hallway I don’t think that’s how it works it must have been a spooky ghost my my brain is not working anymore yeah not surprised it happens when you watch my streams hmm there’s gravel that’s kind of hug me chat I do not know

How to chat basically like if you unful screen it if you’ve got it in full screen there’s like a thing on the right side of your screen that you can chat in named it’s called chat you can click on like type to chat or something yeah there’s literally nothing well

There should be are you sure you’re logged into an account um or I really don’t see it I mean I only see like my recommended I mean are you on my stream yeah I am let me figure this out then uh so yeah like on your recommended that’s

On the right side of your screen there should be like a little like expand the icon on the right side of your screen and that’s how you get the chat up oh oh there it is yeah gaming what is I just took damage again want to scan up

That is gravel right there but I don’t know how it can hit you maybe this is like maybe this is temper using a command or something hmm this is Minecraft this is Minecraft if Minecraft was Minecraft during Minecraft of approximately the Minecraft time period Minecraft gaming this is Minecraft during the

Minecraft Minecraft gaming I might I might buy Minecraft you should you can get like a bunch of really cool mods for it which is what I’ve got I can like fly around and stuff and it’s really cool if you get a VR headset get like I mean you could get

Like a quest or a rift or something but I recommend you get like a PC VR because like that just plugs into your computer using HDMI and USB and like you’re basically just able to like install mods and stuff it’s really cool like you can do this with a nautilus

Right I mean with an Oculus Quest that’s a bit different because that’s basically a separate device you can get like a cable to link it up to a PC and stuff but with the options yeah and everything and with oculus rift it’s basically just

PC VR and it’s like this what I use and it’s like it’s all right the sensors are pretty messy but if you have a large enough play space and it’s really good is it cheaper I mean it’s older so it kind of depends where you get it from because like the

Oculus Quest that can be pretty expensive if you get like brand new obviously from the Oculus store yeah I think the rift’s probably like around that and maybe like it’s probably around like the same ish price but you could probably get the rift cheaper because it’s like over 10 years old I think

Hmm yeah it’s really cool really cool most things do have like support for it as well because it’s like really old you know most things have support for the older ones there’s a message on my arm saying little dose boy that’s pretty cool yeah so I I I’d like to agree Tom

Push is probably using commands right now but that’s pretty cool yeah this is honestly Minecraft yeah Minecrafting now what are your opinions on Minecraft my opinion on Minecraft is Minecraft good opinion how about Minecraft times Roblox oh that that could be good oh amethyst yeah logically there should be a cave like

Really close somewhere near here there should this is honestly like Minecraft yeah Minecraft gaming Minecraft in real life Minecraft in real life but in VR I actually had an idea for like a really cool VR headset type of thing at one point so imagine this like basically just

Glasses like actual like glasses that you wear but like only one of the glasses things are in VR and it’s like you can still see through it in the real world but you’ve just basically got like augmented reality so you can like have tabs open

In real life just like off the side of your eye or something uh that could exist yeah but I reckon it already does somewhere but like it would be really cool to just have it so like you’ve got glasses but like you can just see everything online and in the real world

So then you can just go outside whilst playing Among Us oh no so then imagine like Among Us imagine someone like rages at their game just whilst they’re in like a restaurant or something where just like you know imagine they just sat down wearing some glasses and they’re just saying oh my

God how how you’re hacking just sat down staring at like their food or something what the [ __ ] are you doing mate yeah my game keeps glitching out I don’t know what it is it’s probably something with the Minecraft I see that I see it there

We go I just can’t have to hold a position of the game for like a few seconds to get it to load yeah because of the chunks something like this probably just like I don’t think it’s a chunks I think it’s some kind of issue on my end

Oh just like the mods and issue or something mods I mean yeah probably something to do with the PowerHouse some of the mods aren’t compatible with each other also the VR mod isn’t really optimized the best Peter Griffin no no I’ll ask you to Griffin oh

Wait I can go back and see it if I can I mean there isn’t like a twitch board somewhere if I ear something sus happening I have all the time to clip it game because of the delay yeah the big five seconds delay at least it’s not 30 seconds like YouTube yeah

YouTube is the worst with like delay and [ __ ] I think kick is pretty good with it like it’s basically instantaneous like chat I know that much but I’m not sure I actual stream yeah hmm but yeah I’m probably not going to move to kick entirely until I get banned off

Of like all other platforms yeah honestly this is gaming gaming moment Mr Beast gaming Mr Beast I wonder if I didn’t know you were that’s rich Mr Beast Mr Beast Mr feastable yes Mr Carl uh Burger Carl Jacobs Burger gave people irritable bowel syndrome hmm Carl Jacobs Burger give people food poisoning

How do you feel about this oh me when the Carl Jacobs Burger oil what a brick what on Earth is this how do I get down I I I don’t know what it it must be a mod or something okay I think it’s his temper’s thing ah yeah twitch brick knockback level 255.

What on breaking 50 it’s a break it doesn’t break it’s probably one of your friends yeah it’s temporary I don’t know how he just dropped that that’s because my inventories follow something I think it just slash gave it to me but that’s really cool like knock back 255. I think

He’s watching the stream right now yeah probably considering he’s in chat I think so yes yes game the top 10 Game Grumps hmm this is honestly like game game when’s the last time you’ve played a game did you drop your diamond no that’s a warped plank oh oh looked like

I mean not really but all right how much diamonds do you have uh I got three of them it’s a bit blurry but I got three yeah tree yeah that’s nice at least I saw when you get though when you did get those buttons mine diamonds in real life but I wasn’t

There when he said the N word oh yeah he says it all the time it really annoys me oh you’re almost at surface not really I’ve still got like 50 odd blocks to go yeah oh he’s gonna give you everything what is that monkeys knockback level 255 and shorten this 255

On feet on the boot I on on the leather boots really on boots letter boot that’s just kind of useless because it’s on my boots I have to hold the boots and hit people with them how can you do this in the VR I mean technically yes it’s just my mind

It’s basically basically the VR is just Minecraft but like 10 times difficult yeah still kind of easy not really Minecraft isn’t the okay difficulty except in VR is in like the near impossible because she’s like you’ve only got like you’ve only got like three buttons that you can actually use

Did you just I was in pain and Agony no it wasn’t pain in agony I don’t know who it was but yeah I think I have my theories wait I’m I’m gonna put my my theory I need to see people on the server hello Thumper hello I know you can hear

Me because you’re on the chat it’s Thumper is it really I thought it was going to be elongated cheese no it’s Thumper I know it’s you he joined again Thumper in real life yes gaming when the tumper doesn’t pump any longer gaming this is Thumper in 2025. yeah he’s just moaning

I mean I’m not I’m not gonna complain you know I’m not gonna complain okay I think he’s dying probably exactly oh yeah he’s Gonna Get You Banned if he continues doing too much [ __ ] I mean like he’s already got me a channel strike before so I wouldn’t be surprised

If Pampers the reason I get by hand yeah I mean if I do I’ll just move to kick hey stop that he’s doing how Among Us people have the rights that’s all I’m gonna say what I’m Among Us don’t have any rights hey that’s not very nice that that is not nice

I just died luckily keep inventories on wait I’m gonna follow you on Twitch cheers uh follow Game Grumps wait I’m gonna watch you on YouTube and twitch to see the difference it’s pretty bad uh wait I need to open this this Minecraft VR Minecraft and with the dawn uh thank you

Oh the difference is like 10 seconds yeah it’s really pretty bad very extremely bad honestly this is Mr Beast at least you gotta what one more viewer look at my look at the twitch I got I mean a really cool cave a very cool diamond cave I saw Diamond another one yeah there’s

Quite a few another one I’m just gonna stick in the air and heal for a bit this isn’t the easiest thing to do as well hey wait wait wait why oh wait wait wait that’s not command Compass just typing in track game will keep inventory false

Whilst I’m low to try and trick me hmm I see it yeah Temple I know you didn’t actually turn it off foreign boots apparently tamper did so you know I’m not gonna complaining until we actually you know he might actually turn it off if I complain so I’m gonna go ahead and

Not complain oh I’m gonna die that’s not great there’s literally no exits of the cave at all uh this is gonna be a really tricky move I just try and exit the way I came in yeah but at least you will know where it is so you can have three diamonds oh oh

Wow ah lava indeed oh I died God damn it uh I’m I’m waiting for the moment oh you did yeah this is gaming gaming what this is gaming if gaming was gaming in gaming wait you got another viewer on Twitch yeah that happens sometimes it’s called being a streamer

This is gaming if gaming gaming gaming this is Game Grumps oh Game Grumps this is top 10 games yeah that’s a pretty good game yeah I agree you know what I think would be really funny what what if president of America Joe Biden just joined this Discord right now and

Said hey I’m Joe Biden and then left them you would get a lot of views it would be very funny if Joe Biden from Joe Biden said hey I’m Joe Barden and then Joe pardoned away yeah you you would be popular if that happened but yeah I’d probably scream at first because I

Don’t know I felt like he’s gonna sniff my hair oh no and that’s something I don’t really want Joe Budden if you’re watching this please don’t sniff my hair if that other view I just got right now is Joe Biden please don’t sniff my hair sniffing Joe Biden Biden Joe Biden Joe Biden

This is Joe Biden in 2023 Joe Biden you’re now dead yeah but I’m flying and it’s Minecraft bad idea kiddo when you’re trying to fly but you know you can’t when you fly but you can’t because you fly when you fly when you do when you

Fly when you do when you number fly you officially broke my brain hey tamper stop that oh what the what the number but Humper he’s alive everyone gangster till tumper replaces the tea with a c now he’s [ __ ] dying everyone gangster so tumper replaces this replaces the T with a C no Are you all right are you drunk I think Trump has been kidnapped yeah tumper scream suddenly if you’ve been kidnapped it’s not screaming I’ll take that as a no oh no oh no it’s become a demon it’s a full moon get back He’s trying to start his car get back hey wait wait I’m not contagious at 5am oh that’s why drinking me at 5am I mean that happened yesterday with me and Tom to be honest wait what I I I won’t dump a wheel shut up I won’t

Okay he’s hiding his gay power yeah it needs to be suppressed it’s too strong the force is strong with you young one yeah I just saw that my mic is extremely shitty I know it’s all right it’s better than someone who joins us stream sometimes yours is very good mine

Is uh very shitty mine’s a VR microphone it can’t be that good it is better than mine I won’t lie I wouldn’t say so you you you should you haven’t heard my real life voice well I mean there’s someone who joins the stream sometimes it’s got a very very bad microphone

Probably like Thumper or something no no no no someone else it’s lava oh wait I’m I’m gonna try to find them on chat game he’s not online dream invader see I see that I see that what would you do if Game Grumps just walked in your home oh I don’t know

I I don’t know what to do what do you do if Game Grumps walked into your home and said hey it’s me Game Grumps from Game Grumps uh uh you you broke my brain again you’re welcome welcome to my streams that happens all the time okay you see like sometimes what would

You do if like when you got when you couldn’t get and until you do at the end of the week but only if you could do it on like seven days of the week but then you couldn’t on like the ninth day of the week as you see the day before the 13th

Of the day of the week then you wouldn’t be able to wait they wouldn’t be able to reach the end of The Edge because the edge of their world would actually happen at 9 and 9 30 p.m at the seventh day of the month

Of the year of the month of the day of the year Tumblr just shut down the server according to me and my calculations which I’ve just crashed uh Thumper is a temper is actually temper from Tampa and Tampa and Tampa and how everyone addictions from Tampa tamper Temper Temper you’re welcome oh

What do you mean yeah what about a Tom person need to start on the server again where’s the thumb plug on let’s use the mating call s I think you’re sucking on something you shouldn’t be sucking on like what you know what I I I’m not gonna say it for your twitch but yeah whatever you say it can’t be anything worse than Thomas already said before it starts with a P plutonium of course not C followed by a o

Followed by another C and you know the rest coconut okay c-o-c-k Coke talk how dare you over there I can say a lot worse than that temporary hands yeah I won’t do it because I’m not I’m not that guy because you’re not sampa yeah I’m not gonna say the n-word or

Something like that because that’s one of the worst yeah Compass just gone offline as the server crashes that’s not a good sign that isn’t that isn’t I’m gonna try some I’m gonna I’m gonna try some now I wonder if I could perhaps go on to one of these

One of these things these bizarre places what is this what is this what does this exist Does this is this real is this real I’m not sure ah I can’t see I’ve compliant oh why is my Minecraft on my arm hey what is that anyway wait wait what that’s my Minecraft on my

Arm like Minecraft get off my arm Minecraft Minecraft is stuck on his arm Minecraft why are you on my arm get off me on Minecraft moment Minecraft moment what the Minecraft what the Minecraft what what what what what what do you mean what do you mean I can’t play this Minecraft oh

Oh you can what the hell what is that what huh what what who is that who is that who is that boom this dream is dying hey guys the streamers die okay it’s okay okay now what look I don’t think anyone else was in VR this is really cool they’re gonna see me

In VR and they’re gonna be like he’s in VR no no no watch this weather people stay still um look that person right there does not have any idea what’s going on neither does this person see it’s an NPC no it’s a player see see that’s see that’s here

That’s a player yeah that’s a player see player player player delay delay what what the what the what on Earth I don’t think they can see on VR what I just fell over on something but what is that thing do you see that the flying yeah flying fish why I don’t know

Thank you and what am I doing here I don’t know you joined it now I mean okay now I mean now I mean like now now I mean no no I mean now now hear me out right now hear me out right now hear me out on this one

Now hear me out on this one okay now hear me out now just imagine right now just think about this let’s and I just like imagine it right and I’m just like imagine if that was like imagine about it right imagine like what no no I no I mean like

No no I mean like yeah I just imagine just imagine just imagine this just imagine this POV here just like you know just imagine just imagine this you know just like imagine just think about that for a moment now just think about this I’m probably gonna stop watching I can see why right

You’ve got to hear me out on that one like you you gotta you’ve got to hear me out on that one yeah like you can understand it’s understandable I keep falling over I’m not good at standing up I probably shouldn’t continue to continuously do VR streams all the time

How do I speak to you your voice is in your head ah get away from me I don’t like you ah holy [ __ ] it must be the shittiest Mike ever Thumper yeah Temple your service shut down [ __ ] Tampa your server’s gone yeah what huh oh your computer crashed yes

But that is honestly not end of Passion Play your computer went kaboom foreign I need to gain stability in my movements I mean I have been streaming for a few hours bearing in mind I mean probably about an hour maybe I’m not sure how I’ve been streaming for yeah almost two

Hours so that’s my might be why I’m not walking the best oh yeah some Perfection microphone and then start the server I’m gonna have a drink I should probably sit down as well Perfection there and then start the server I’m gonna sit down I think what foreign what what the John

Why am I hearing myself uh it’s Mike yeah dying I’m hearing you I’m hearing myself on your mic are you all right what microphone are you using you’re stupid are you using a correct microphone put myself on your mic are you all right what microphone are you using I was why

Can I hear myself stop that are you using a code what microphone are you using I was why can I hear myself stop there Using I was where can I hear myself stop there Mike are you alive why can’t I hear myself stop there are you usually oh God why is it duplicated for so long yeah duplication No not squid game No no squid Game Stop it game No squid game no no squid game oh I’m going AFK for a bit oh good for good Escape whilst you still can yeah I’m escaping Escape please well she still can well she still have the chance where can I deafen myself What are you up to are you gonna restart the server no it hasn’t it foreign [Applause] this is not scallop what are you currently doing what is that noise gaming what are you currently doing we order the second hold on a second what is that what is that by the way

What are you doing Get to explain what you’re doing right now time to please fix your microphone I am back yes stop eating fix your mic [Laughter] yeah please [Laughter] microphone this is a pain to hear this is painful stop this is pain I’m in constant pain and this is not helping

I know you are I know you are wait voice mod oh God don’t usually make a bit of my bad microphone as well please mod oh God not the scallops not not the scanner come on squid game it’s not a squid game squid games over it’s ended gone it is I is my

Bike working yeah your microphone is working it’s their voice mod no wait let me get a voice mod Voice model is it working now no why is it why why it’s just not did you switch your Discord thing to voice mode virtual audio device now what um oh I did Mr Beast oh God he’s gonna go get more chips oh no how could this be this is not scallop

Where’s the scholar s this is not scallop and how was your microphone got worse it is what Mr Beast six thousand Is it better I mean it’s just it’s just a mic I don’t think you can get much better yeah okay your microphone is actually really good but Thumpers isn’t I’ll tell you that much it’s just not at all no you don’t oh stand up now let me make sure I’m actually in front

Of the thing right in front of the thing might end the thing yeah I’m in this thing okay oh God so I fell a what’s that noise yeah what’s that supposed to be away oh wait wait wait wait wait what the hell what is that [Applause] foreign wait your SpongeBob no we cannot

You’re a doodoo Bob your doodle bob you’re DoodleBob right now your doodle bob [Applause] wait wait wait say it say that say holy moly like that one meme follow me [Applause] [Laughter] Are you okay foreign [Applause] Foreign Are you SpongeBob wait tamper are you SpongeBob oh mama Brew is SpongeBob bro is SpongeBob I’m flying backwards you know how it is I’m flying backwards in reverse and the trunks aren’t loading I’m about to hit something oh and I was as well [Applause] what is this Send some proof you need to have a lot of fun Thumper you have AIDS Did bro just say okay yeah eight you’re a SpongeBob so it doesn’t matter that you have AIDS If it is it’s not it’s just it’s just his webcam mate that’s what makes it funnier it’s the worst this one makes it funnier good airplane Hello Brian I just want to say that’s not even me doing any commands Herobrine and that is genuinely just like I just saw a Herobrine I know I saw it but like I just I just want you to know that I literally was not me just so you know

End of passion clay fumbling away I am your source of self-destruction [Laughter] what’s dripping Wait Thumper who are you again are you SpongeBob Wait temper you SpongeBob are you SpongeBob are you SpongeBob because he was breaking my ears I’ll take that as a yes you are SpongeBob I don’t know what you’re saying speak clearer Speak clearance the microphone Speed clearance of the microphone please [Applause] White tumpa Have you got a one-way ticket to manipulation station Right now flying remember Or I am all right it’s gonna be better way better I call them all there for a Lambo there is gone again why did I disconnect from the server your server disconnected me Thumper all right on the Jeep Foreign The rituals Anyway starting to get chaotic that happens every stream it’s just that when people aren’t there for it um right now put in the work put in the hours and take what’s hours diamonds I see a diamond diamond Minecraft Minecraft Minecraft Minecraft Minecraft Minecraft Minecraft Minecraft Minecraft Minecraft You died by diamond mine mine Minecraft mine mine Minecraft Mine mine Minecraft Mine mine Minecraft mine mine Minecraft Foreign You are better downtown [Applause] Better my brother foreign Whatever Minecraft be careful I haven’t checked my DMs in a while I should probably do that Hey that’s not okay I ain’t got a one-way ticket to manipulation station oh nice [Applause] Minecraft Minecraft Minecraft Minecraft mine mine Minecraft Mine mine Minecraft wow My mind Minecraft mine mine Minecraft what no let’s go Minecraft oh Minecraft Minecraft What what the hell what the hell is that thing what that was like a creepy Crawley all right then okay well I just died my Minecraft Minecraft Minecraft Mine mine Minecraft mine mine Minecraft Foreign [Applause] Oh yeah bro your server is not very good foreign like a million chunks at the same time stupid Santa the same time in the same time at the same time at the same time at the same time It’s the same time at the same time in the same time wow um What if Among Us have balls they do I’ve seen a video trust me [Applause] Same Trunks and the same chunks the same chunks and the same chunks soundtracks in the same time and the same trunks in the same time the same chunks at the same time same chunks at the same time the same chunks at the same time and same trunks at the same time the same

Chunks and the same time same challenge in the same time in the same chunks in the same time in the same jumps in same time in the same chunks in the same time same jokes in the same time yeah sand chunks in the same time same

Chance I mean I can hear you I can make other words you’re saying it’s a bit echoed percent chunks at the same time same chunks at the same times same chunks at the same time same chunks in the same time same chunks on the same time

Same trunks at the same time the same shots [Applause] yeah yeah At the same time same trunks at the same time same trunks at the same time Yeah same trunks at the same time because there’s nothing it’s just an island LED spawn that way it’s a mount see Insurance the same time same chunks at the same time same chunks at the same time same chance at the same time same trunks at the same time same chunks with

The same time change chunks at the same time same trunks with the same time yeah that happens when the chunks don’t load you can see uh where are the caves yeah that happens when the trunks aren’t loaded the greatest yeah that’s kind of cool it’s also not very cool when the

Server doesn’t work hey game after would you want to play a little undertale perhaps probably not on this stream multiplayer modded I don’t know that was a thing yeah it is all right then wait I’m just gonna check if it works because I need to check and everything

Because you move files of a game that isn’t supposed to go on files with another game but I still do it so it’s Remote Play and I install a mod so First Step the temperature is broken yet again damn okay it works it works I could just stop streaming soon to be

Honest because like I’ve been going for like almost two and a half hours that’s a bit yeah that’s a while we could get you some content because I I wanted to suffer something with you you see my thing is right I undertale my save was at Sand

So yeah the thing is like we’re streaming with streaming you kind of have like uh entertainment energy bar and mine is very increased but when you’ve been in VR basically having a screen attached to you for like over three hours because I was I was playing in VR like a long time

Before the stream started painful so like it really hurts to do this for a long time so you should take a break or something I’m gonna DM from tumper what is this Russian man discovers grenade draw the temperature send me Gore what is this

What is that I can’t see it jar the C jar sure what foreign oh that’s nice not really yeah he’s gonna explode Ukraine probably yeah reckon what I’m gonna do is I’m just literally gonna like not do anything just you know leave the stream running for an extra like two minutes

So then it just kind of expands the stream out for an extra like you know two and a half hours so then people actually think it’s two and a half hours when a reality is not yeah what’s on your face oh yeah that’s just my hair

Oh it sticks to my face when I’ve been in VR and sweating for a fair while damn yeah that happens okay sweating yeah especially with the fact on how with the VR there’s no fans in it so it’s just like a warm battery type thing stucks your face

They in the newest models they should add like fans it would be a great idea also for the I mean it would be pretty loud Oculus it’ll be pretty loud uh it depends it depends I mean they probably have like fans on the quest but like the fence yeah like the reason why

There’s no fans on this because basically this is just a monitor it basically has like it’s mostly software this is just like a monitor with the question oh that’s basically just an entire device hmm so I’d expect the quest to have fans yeah it it should game gaming gaming Game grumps’s Father revealed

No way okay the undertale is ready I mean I’ll end streaming like two minutes maybe because it’s like you know sometimes my stream does weird things with ending it so I need to expand out for a little bit longer than usual yeah to be sure yeah because sometimes

It like cuts off halfway through sentence or whatever when I’m saying goodbye I don’t like that the best so I just kind of sit there just staring not speaking but at the end of most of my streams just like some YouTubers and twitch streamers to be sure game gaming

You know I’ll probably end the stream in a minute now that it’s reached two and a half hours before I do the few seconds you were staring into my soul I’m just gonna do the thing where I stare yeah do it stare into my soul foreign

This video, titled ‘minecraft vr’, was uploaded by Loldogeboi on 2023-08-05 15:13:02. It has garnered 49 views and 3 likes. The duration of the video is 02:30:43 or 9043 seconds.

minecraft vr left me broken

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    Funky Minecraft Trading Minecraft Villager Trading System Minecraft, a popular sandbox game, offers players a variety of activities to engage in, including trading with villagers. This feature adds depth to the gameplay, allowing players to exchange resources and items with NPC villagers for valuable goods. Let’s explore the intricacies of the trading system in Minecraft. How Villager Trading Works In Minecraft, players can interact with villagers to initiate trades. Villagers offer a selection of items in exchange for emeralds, the game’s currency. Players can also sell items to villagers in return for emeralds. Each villager has a specific set of trades based… Read More

  • Mushroom Madness: A Secretly Giant Surprise!

    Mushroom Madness: A Secretly Giant Surprise! In the world of Minecraft, a giant mushroom grew, Secretly raised by a player, a sight so new. With zombies and plants, a battle ensued, In the realm of gaming, where fun is pursued. Subscribe to Z_Phragmites for more gaming delight, Updates on Plants vs Zombies, a thrilling sight. With each video, a new adventure takes flight, In the world of gaming, where dreams ignite. Read More

  • Ultimate Minecraft Flag Challenge

    Ultimate Minecraft Flag Challenge The Ultimate Minecraft Flag Challenge 🚩 Welcome to the Ultimate Minecraft Flag Challenge! In this thrilling episode, we dive into the colorful world of Minecraft to put our creativity and skills to the test. Join us as we embark on an exciting journey to recreate the flags of various countries, including the United States, Mexico, Germany, India, and Turkey, all within the blocky universe of Minecraft! What to Expect: Epic Builds: Watch as we transform simple blocks into stunning flag representations that reflect the colors and symbols of each nation. From the iconic stars and stripes of the USA… Read More

  • Surviving Hell Rock: Minecraft Series 1.21

    Surviving Hell Rock: Minecraft Series 1.21 Welcome to Minecraft 1.21 Episode 1: A New Adventure Begins! Step into the blocky world of Minecraft as a new survival series unfolds in the latest update, version 1.21. Join our protagonist as they navigate through the vast landscapes, mine resources, build shelters, and fend off dangerous creatures. Let’s dive into the exciting journey that awaits in this episode! Exploring the Unknown As our character spawns into the world, they are greeted by endless possibilities and challenges. From lush forests to towering mountains, every corner of the map holds secrets waiting to be discovered. The exploration begins as they… Read More

  • Survival 1.8.7: Episode 3 – TLR’s Minecraft Rhyme Time

    Survival 1.8.7: Episode 3 - TLR's Minecraft Rhyme Time In the Nether, we ventured, flames all around, With potions in hand, we explored, spellbound. Blazes and ghasts, oh what a fright, But we pressed on, with all our might. Mining for quartz, and gathering glowstone, Our adventure in the Nether, not done alone. Dodging lava, and avoiding the heat, Our survival skills, truly elite. Back in the Overworld, we crafted and built, Our base taking shape, our creativity spilt. From mining to farming, our skills on display, In Minecraft Survival, we’ll always find a way. So join us next time, for more fun and delight, In the world… Read More

  • INSANE! Opening 50 BlockBande Boxes on Craftmir

    INSANE! Opening 50 BlockBande Boxes on CraftmirVideo Information This video, titled ‘ich ÖFFNE 50 KISTEN auf BlockBande Minecraft’, was uploaded by Craftmir on 2024-05-10 13:00:43. It has garnered 11136 views and 559 likes. The duration of the video is 00:23:33 or 1413 seconds. we play on LIKE & SUBSCRIBE if you want to see more! If you want to play along: ►Main channel: @Amir1107 ►Become a channel member: ►Twitch: ►Discord: ►Instagram: ►Twitter: Production Music courtesy of Epidemic Sound: Read More

  • Becoming Herobrine Prank on Friend | Minecraft #shorts

    Becoming Herobrine Prank on Friend | Minecraft #shortsVideo Information This video, titled ‘I Trolled My Friend And He Become Herobrine #minecraft #shorts’, was uploaded by I Am Alpha on 2024-06-14 12:41:00. It has garnered 12226 views and likes. The duration of the video is 00:00:53 or 53 seconds. Hello Guyz I AM Gaming Content Creator Please Hit Subscribe Tags Ignore minecraft shorts,minecraft,minecraft animation,shorts,shorts minecraft,minecraft but,minecraft memes,minecraft funny,minecraft tiktok,minecraft short,minecraft sad story,funny minecraft shorts,minecraft meme shorts,minecraft types shorts,minecraft challenges,funny minecraft,help shorts,minecraft parody,youtube shorts,minecraft pe,help herobrine shorts,minecraft meme,alan becker shorts,minecraft life story,old minecraft shorts Read More

  • Phoenix-Network

    Phoenix-NetworkPhoenix Network Prison | Skyblock | MiniGames| BoxPvP Phoenix Network focuses mainly on custom and unique experiences. Join today to see what the hype is all about! IP: Phoenix-Network.Net Read More

  • KrustyKraft SMP Realm – Realms, 18+, Whitelist

    Welcome to KrustyKraft SMP! If you’re 18+ with a functioning microphone and past builds to showcase, we invite you to join our Minecraft Bedrock Community. Our realm is active, friendly, and inclusive with Vanilla gameplay and quality of life addons. We use Discord for communication and hold events and projects to keep things exciting. Apply to be part of our community today! DM me for the Discord Link! 🙂 Read More

  • Minecraft Memes – “Blocky Boss: Movie Character Codebreak”

    Why did the creeper go to therapy? Because it had a lot of explosive emotions to work through! Read More

  • Minecraft TNT Disaster v267: Explosive Comedy!

    Minecraft TNT Disaster v267: Explosive Comedy! When you accidentally blow up your entire Minecraft world with TNT and suddenly realize maybe you should have stuck to building houses instead of conducting explosive experiments. #minecraftfail #oops Read More

  • 25 Epic Minecraft Mountain Seeds!

    25 Epic Minecraft Mountain Seeds! Exploring the Top 25 Best New Minecraft Mountain Seeds Embark on a thrilling adventure in the world of Minecraft with the top 25 best new mountain seeds for version 1.21. These seeds offer breathtaking landscapes, challenging terrains, and endless possibilities for survival, exploration, and base building. Whether you’re a seasoned player or a newcomer to the game, these seeds will surely captivate your imagination and keep you entertained for hours on end. Discovering the Mountain Seeds From the towering cliffs to the lush valleys, each seed on this list promises a unique and exciting experience. Here are some highlights… Read More

  • Unbelievable ROBLOX SHREDDER by OmzCrew!

    Unbelievable ROBLOX SHREDDER by OmzCrew!Video Information This video, titled ‘ROBLOX SHREDDER!’, was uploaded by OmzCrew on 2024-08-14 01:27:08. It has garnered 189206 views and 2886 likes. The duration of the video is 02:48:33 or 10113 seconds. Today Omz Crystal Luke Alexa Roxy Lily and Heather are playing roblox shredder! #roblox #omz #minecraft #minecraftmod Read More

  • Sweaky The John Mod: Terrifying Remake

    Sweaky The John Mod: Terrifying RemakeVideo Information This video, titled ‘The John Mod got a HORRIFYING Remake…’, was uploaded by Sweaky on 2024-09-24 01:05:37. It has garnered 2440 views and 94 likes. The duration of the video is 00:12:00 or 720 seconds. Video concept: #minecraft #john #minecrafthorror #cavedweller #manfromthefog #mickeymouse #analoghorror _________________________________________________________________________ JOIN DISORD—- SUBSCRIBE OR I TAKE YOUR DOG ╔═╦╗╔╦╗╔═╦═╦╦╦╦╗╔═╗ ║╚╣║║║╚╣╚╣╔╣╔╣║╚╣═╣ ╠╗║╚╝║║╠╗║╚╣║║║║║═╣ ╚═╩══╩═╩═╩═╩╝╚╩═╩═╝ _________________________________________________________________________ who im recording with: @KingArthurYouTube thumbnail made by: ME Mod linked below: _________________________________________________________________________ Check out Viewstats! – follow all of these or i will kick you • tik tok – • Instagram – _______________________________________________________________________ #minecraft… Read More


    EPIC NEW SURVIVAL SMP LIVE!! 😱🔥 #shortsVideo Information This video, titled ‘PLAY NEW SURVIVAL SMP LIVE || MINECRAFT LIVE || @realcoolx #shorts’, was uploaded by CoolX Gaming on 2024-08-21 04:45:56. It has garnered 3867 views and 122 likes. The duration of the video is 02:53:08 or 10388 seconds. #minecraft #minecraftserver #buildsmp #shorts #shortslive #shortsfeed #subscribe #coolxgaming #realcoolx #Minecraft #minecraftbut #minecraftshorts #shorts Play Minecraft with ME and be IN VIDEOS! 😝 Just click the ‘JOIN’ button here ▶ 🎮 My Minecraft Server Address: – You can join this server on Bedrock Edition (Phones, Consoles and Tablets) and Java Edition (PC and Mac) 📷 Instagram:… 🎮 Discord… Read More

  • Outrageous BMX Bedfight With My Bro!

    Outrageous BMX Bedfight With My Bro!Video Information This video, titled ‘Epic Bedfight With My Brother’, was uploaded by BMX Rowdy Gaming on 2024-04-21 11:00:27. It has garnered 13 views and 2 likes. The duration of the video is 00:00:46 or 46 seconds. #shorts #minecraft #bmxrowdy #trending #trendingshorts #trendingvideo #video . . . . . Links 🔗🔗🖇:- . . . . . Discord link:- . . . . . Follow on Instagram:- . . . . . Subscribe The Channel and like The video plz.😘😘🥰😍🙂🙃 Title ;- Minecraft Trap Hacks That Will Blow Your Mind in Seconds #shorts #minecraft Minecraft Build Hacks That… Read More

  • Insane PvP – Backwards Keyboard Challenge! #shorts #minecraft

    Insane PvP - Backwards Keyboard Challenge! #shorts #minecraftVideo Information This video, titled ‘PvPing With A BACKWARDS KEYBOARD on PvP Legacy! #shorts #minecraft #pvplegacy’, was uploaded by Proficy on 2024-04-25 09:56:39. It has garnered 519 views and 10 likes. The duration of the video is 00:00:43 or 43 seconds. i had to change my keybinds for this… I STREAM ALMOST DAILY ON TWITCH: Discord (with mods and texutre pack): #shorts #short minecraft pvp,minecraft,minecraft hardcore,pvp,minecraft shorts,minecraft but,minecraft pvp tips,#minecraft,minecraft challenge,minecraft mod,minecraft funny,minecraft manhunt,minecraft pvp guide,minecraft 1.9 pvp,minecraft smp,crystal pvp,how to pvp in minecraft,minecraft crystal pvp,camman18 minecraft,minecraft speedrun,minecraft speedrunner,minecraft but challenge,minecraft 1.19,minecraft update,minecraft but i cant touch grass… Read More

  • REAL Scary Minecraft Experiments

    REAL Scary Minecraft ExperimentsVideo Information This video, titled ‘Testing Scary Minecraft Experiments That Are Actually Real’, was uploaded by EYstreem on 2024-08-28 02:00:16. It has garnered 1342675 views and 21978 likes. The duration of the video is 00:21:51 or 1311 seconds. Uncovering TERRIFYING Minecraft Mysteries that are actually real including the WHITE ENDERMAN and WHITE ROSE… Play Minecraft with ME and be IN VIDEOS! 😝 Just click the ‘JOIN’ button here ▶ 👕 Buy EYmerch: 🎮 My Minecraft Server Address: You can join this server on Bedrock Edition (Phones, Consoles and Tablets) and Java Edition (PC and Mac) ❤️ Tik… Read More

  • Surviving Deadly Ocean: PLAZA vs. SHARKS… #minecraft

    Surviving Deadly Ocean: PLAZA vs. SHARKS... #minecraftVideo Information This video, titled ‘Escaping an Ocean Full of DEATH… #minecraft’, was uploaded by Plaza on 2024-01-08 14:00:40. It has garnered 996184 views and 30352 likes. The duration of the video is 00:01:00 or 60 seconds. Plaza does another Minecraft challenge, a Minecraft, But challenge, but not Minecraft, But You Can’t Touch Grass, Minecraft But You Can’t Touch The Color Blue, Minecraft, But You Can’t Touch Sand, Minecraft But You Can’t Touch The Color Green, or any of his other Minecraft 1.19 challenges in 2023! Today Plaza plays not Minecraft, But Water Rises or Minecraft, But Lava Rises, Minecraft… Read More

  • Experience the Ultimate Minecraft Shovel Skins with Nova Gaming!

    Experience the Ultimate Minecraft Shovel Skins with Nova Gaming!Video Information This video, titled ‘Minecraft”Shovel Skins”#imaginedragons #song #artist #minecraft #viral #herobrine’, was uploaded by NOVA GAMING on 2024-08-13 01:30:31. It has garnered 14514 views and 269 likes. The duration of the video is 00:00:11 or 11 seconds. Minecraft”Shovel Skins”#imaginedragons #song #artist #minecraft #viral #herobrine #herobrine#minecraft #vs #smp mrbeast vs herobrine whow will win #skin #morphe #viral #steve #Minecraft #MrBeast #Herobrine #Gaming #GamerLife #VirtualBattle #creativestrategy #CommunitySupport #EpicClash #PixelatedWorld #OnlineGaming #BuildBattle #LegendVsReality Minecraft showdown MrBeast vs Herobrine Gaming legends clash Creative strategy Community-driven gameplay Minecraft battle Virtual world conflict Epic gaming duel Supernatural powers Gaming mythology Strategy and innovation Minecraft creativit Read More

  • Minecraft’s Mind-Blowing New Update – Watch Now!

    Minecraft's Mind-Blowing New Update - Watch Now!Video Information This video, titled ‘Minecraft’s Next Update Is Already Full of New Features’, was uploaded by wattles on 2024-06-18 17:57:40. It has garnered 108661 views and 3915 likes. The duration of the video is 00:14:08 or 848 seconds. Minecraft 1.21.1 and Minecraft 1.21.10 are already getting loaded up with new changes to Minecraft Tricky Trials and more! Today we take a look at the new minecraft updates that have (mostly) happened after the release of 1.21! 📷 instagram 💗 patreon 🐤 twitter 📖 reddit 👕 my shop ☺ SOME PLAYLISTS ☺ Minecraft Guide… Read More

  • Greystone MS Prison

    Greystone MS Prison* Greystone MSP * – Custom enchants,prison,no op classic prison server, community, voting, parkour, dungeons, custom mobs join Come join and give it a go were trying to build a big community here! Read More

  • NormalSMP – smp

    IP = Dive into a true survival experience with a twist! NormalSMP is a community-focused Minecraft server where players of all skill levels can enjoy a balanced, engaging survival world. Why Choose NormalSMP? Community-Driven: Join a friendly, active community that values teamwork, creativity, and fair play. Land Claims: Protect your creations with our land claim system to keep them safe. Balanced Economy: Earn, trade, and spend in our player-driven economy. Donator Ranks: Support the server and unlock exclusive perks with four unique ranks. Read More

  • Minecraft Memes – Steve, the Minecraft Chad

    Minecraft Memes - Steve, the Minecraft ChadLooks like Steve is really owning his identity crisis in Minecraft! Read More

  • Reverse Reversal: Efe and Esra’s Muscular Universe!

    Reverse Reversal: Efe and Esra's Muscular Universe! In the world of Minecraft, a tale to be told, Of Efekan and Esra, their story unfolds. A twist of fate, everything reversed, Mucular they became, their adventure dispersed. With a laugh and a grin, they faced the unknown, In this pixelated world, their skills were shown. Building and crafting, their talents on display, In this virtual realm, they found their own way. So join in the fun, subscribe and stay tuned, For more Minecraft adventures, under the moon. Kare Kafa’s channel, a place to be, For gaming and laughter, for all to see. Read More

  • “Top 10 Minecraft Traps That Will Make You Sizzle!” #shorts #minecraft #memes

    "Top 10 Minecraft Traps That Will Make You Sizzle!" #shorts #minecraft #memes “Who knew that falling into a pit of lava was actually a surprise party in disguise? Thanks, Minecraft!” Read More

  • Transforming Minecraft into Black Myth Wukong

    Transforming Minecraft into Black Myth Wukong Transforming Minecraft into Black Myth: Wukong with Forge (1.20.1) Are you ready for a wild ride in Minecraft? Look no further than this Mod Pack that promises to take your gaming experience to the next level. If you’re intrigued, drop a comment below to let us know! About the Mod Pack: This Mod Pack is designed to immerse you in the world of Black Myth: Wukong within the Minecraft universe. Get ready for an adventure like never before! For more updates and sneak peeks, check out their Instagram here. Download the Mod Pack here and get ready to dive… Read More

  • Ultimate Build Battle Challenge: Chat Controls My Every Move

    Ultimate Build Battle Challenge: Chat Controls My Every MoveVideo Information This video, titled ‘Build Battle, but Chat Controls me’, was uploaded by switzknight on 2024-09-14 06:39:12. It has garnered 54 views and 3 likes. The duration of the video is 00:59:00 or 3540 seconds. This was Fun Join the Discord #minecraft #buildbattle #hypixel Read More

  • My One Block Map RUINED by Enderman!

    My One Block Map RUINED by Enderman!Video Information This video, titled ‘Enderman’s Destroyed my one block map’, was uploaded by AKTI GAMER on 2024-09-23 12:15:39. It has garnered 432 views and 2 likes. The duration of the video is 00:00:42 or 42 seconds. #minecraftmeme #minecraftshorts #minecraft #minecraftbutimineablockeveryday minecraft, minecraft videos, minecraft house tutorial, minecraft 100 days, minecraft game, minecraft house, minecraft hardcore, minecraft civilization, minecraft horror, minecraft new update, minecraft movie, minecraft story mode, minecraft apk download, minecraft apk, minecraft arg, minecraft aphmau, minecraft animation, minecraft asmr, minecraft ambience, minecraft april fools 2024, minecraft addons, minecraft april fools, a minecraft song, a minecraft house, a minecraft… Read More

  • Insane GameSphere Trick Shots! Watch now #trending

    Insane GameSphere Trick Shots! Watch now #trendingVideo Information This video, titled ‘Dop2:throw the ball into the basket #trending #dop2 #dop2solutions #dop2level1 #shorts #shortsvideo’, was uploaded by GameSphere on 2024-09-06 13:20:25. It has garnered 1704 views and 24 likes. The duration of the video is 00:00:09 or 9 seconds. I found most🤯 rarest block in creative mod …. …. …. …. #trending #minecraftgameplay #rarestbuild #minecraft #minecraftvideos #minecraftgaming …. …. …. …. minecraft minecraft challenge minecraft 100 days challenge minecraft but challenge minecraft hardcore 100 days challenge minecraft 365 days minecraft 100 days minecraft hardcore 100 days hardcore minecraft 100 days minecraft i survived 100 days 365 days… Read More

  • Ep.8: Insane Loot & Epic Builds – Minecraft Survival

    Ep.8: Insane Loot & Epic Builds – Minecraft SurvivalVideo Information This video, titled ‘Minecraft Survival – S2E8 – “Looting 20 End Cities + Building A Super Smelting Room + Potion Room”‘, was uploaded by JzayIsLost on 2024-01-14 01:00:13. It has garnered 12 views and 1 likes. The duration of the video is 00:17:45 or 1065 seconds. Instagram: Twitter: TikTok: Twitch: 2nd Channel: Shorts Channel: Discord: Cashapp:$JzayIsLost Paypal: Streamlabs: Snapchat: josecarrasco121 Business Email: [email protected] #jzayislost Read More

  • Unlock secrets on Rank SMP – New #1 Minecraft Server!

    Unlock secrets on Rank SMP - New #1 Minecraft Server!Video Information This video, titled ‘Minecraft’s Next Big Server! | Rank SMP’, was uploaded by Rank SMP on 2024-09-01 19:10:20. It has garnered 111 views and 5 likes. The duration of the video is 00:00:20 or 20 seconds. JOIN RIGHT NEOW (link in comments for now) #strengthsmp #lifestealsmp #clownpierce Words for the algorithm, ignore. Like ParrotX2 videos and the LifeSteal SMP, a Minecraft Server Not like Dream SMP or Tommyinnit or Technoblade or any other Dream SMP members. This SMP is like LifeStealSMP and OneTrySMP, this is the hardest Minecraft Sever ever! and it is also a lore-based server in… Read More

  • Shocking MOMO Calls JJ & Mikey in Minecraft!

    Shocking MOMO Calls JJ & Mikey in Minecraft!Video Information This video, titled ‘How Scary MOMO Called JJ and Mikey at Night in Minecraft ? – Maizen’, was uploaded by JJ & Mikey World on 2024-05-14 20:00:27. It has garnered 18253 views and 84 likes. The duration of the video is 00:30:01 or 1801 seconds. How Scary MOMO Called JJ and Mikey at Night in Minecraft ? – Maizen This is not an official Maizen channel, we make fan videos with JJ and Mikey. Our channel is exclusively for fans of Maizen. We are not trying to impersonate his personality, we just want to add new and interesting… Read More

  • LIVE NOW: xRohat’s EPIC Minecraft Stream!

    LIVE NOW: xRohat's EPIC Minecraft Stream!Video Information This video, titled ‘🔴 xRohat [Minecraft] Livestream vom 12.1.2024 [Part 8]’, was uploaded by xRohat – VODs on 2024-01-16 19:00:00. It has garnered 346 views and likes. The duration of the video is 00:59:58 or 3598 seconds. 『📅』Livestream Replay (VOD) by xRohat 『🎬』Rohat’s Social Media: ▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬SOCIALS▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬ YouTube ► Highlights ► VODs ► Instagram ► Discord ► Twitter ► TikTok ► ▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬SOCIALS▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬ 『📂』Information about the VOD – If a part is cut and/or has no sound, it is because Rohat has something to do with copyright music in the heard background. We… Read More

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