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Foreign Thank you Foreign [Applause] oh my gosh hello hello hello hello hello hello it is it is time it is about that time it is time for the first crisis collab the internet is in a crisis and we’ve come to stop it I don’t know if that made any sense but we’re doing it it

Doesn’t matter we’re doing it I’m committed to it call us in a crisis when you need help in a crisis because um okay um yeah you got it you know you know you know you know what the deal is hello hi hello hello oh my gosh dude

Yo um I I worked on the intro a lot too that’s unfortunate ah just let me cook okay let me cook oh holy heck oh my God thank thank you thank you so much oh my gosh wow wow wow wow huh we are we are in it today hello

Hello good evening good morning good night good afternoon hi hi wow I’m actually so excited for this for this summer I I think I think I was just like oh my gosh what are we gonna do but I’m like I’m feeling so good now now that I’m like here I’m here

With my Bros my DPS and my healer like I I just I feel so energized these these guys really just make me happy I’m not gonna lie to you and the fact that I get to play Minecraft for the first time with them I don’t know if I’d play

Minecraft for the first time with anybody else I like I like love these guys so much I love these guys so much they’re so great I’m so excited I’m so excited oh my gosh wow gosh first first need you sound your glove and first first time playing Minecraft

By the way don’t tell him don’t tell him I said that don’t tell him I said that by the way keep that to yourself keep that to yourself okay but yeah first time playing Minecraft so wish wish me actual luck Minecraft hardcore is my first time

Playing I mean hey I did tell you guys that I was a bit of a gamer you know I did tell you guys I I made sure to let you know that I’m a bit of a gamer so I play everything on the hardest difficulty otherwise it doesn’t mean

Anything to me so you know you know we got this we got this we’re gonna we’re gonna kill the game it’s gonna be so easy we’re gonna do it first try it’s it’s gonna we’re gonna destroy the whole series it’s not it’s not gonna mean anything you know you know I I

Fundamentally believe in it like I’m gonna learn a lot of new things but it doesn’t matter it doesn’t matter to me um by the way thank you for the supas thank you so much for this for this for the super chats you’re way too kind thank you for the generosity holy [ __ ] Yeah the game’s not gonna take me out I will take the game out [Laughter] oh my gosh good question how can you tell a dad joke is a dad joke when it becomes apparent when it becomes a parent oh and thank you thank you sanku and oh

Luna I’m going to knock two Arts thank you so much I wait did I I didn’t I don’t have to miss those thank you wishes thank you so much for the supine I’m watching you all at different devices oh [ __ ] thank you total Crisis Support we got this we got this

Wait what’s going on oh oh the the apparent joke I was like what’s so funny why don’t you guys laugh the heart when I tell a dad joke I’m kidding you do sometimes I feel like you guys try to boost my ego a lot you think you think I can you you think

You think you’re gonna but okay if you don’t know the rules uh the way we’re doing this is Minecraft hardcore we’re jumping in uh and basically yeah it’s uh oh Ed Griffin thank you so much for the super hope you have fun in Minecraft I will do my best this I will

Do my freaking best this but you know you know we’re gonna do just fine but Minecraft hardcore collab literally when one of us dies we start the whole world over we we end we end it and then we start it over again we start the whole world over

I won’t be the first one to die though the only way I’ll die is if one of them kills me that’s the only way I’ll die that’s the only way that’s the only way so you guys you guys you guys are gonna you guys are gonna have to you’re gonna

Have to believe in me I’m gonna watch watch my back okay there are they’re already in there I gotta go in and say hi thank you thank you for the super Hermes man and thank you Ashley wait am I getting rizz it happened it starts with an H then why does mine

Start with you we’ll see we’ll see we’ll see don’t ask to doubt me hello we can switch By the way how’s their volume oh my God how loud are they can you all hear them God we have to wait for him get sticks oh I didn’t I I didn’t I didn’t play the audio oh God okay I’m I’m pretty sure I’m in I’m pretty sure I’m in yeah

Uh I have bad news for you uh it’s night time we gotta hurry like now we have to do something like now how about the introductions um uh we can do that after we built like a like a cardboard box okay um how embarrassing would it be that we

Died five minutes in okay guys introduction can wait for a bit okay how are they now just for a bit how are they now can you hear them oh my God okay wait why is the the Crouch button to shift yeah it is and and Sprint is control

Um what are these anti-fps controls this is [ __ ] guys I think we’ve made a mistake I know there’s a lot of monsters I’m I’m being careful don’t worry okay okay oh my I see creepers already yeah we’re done I mean yeah that’s that’s why let’s not let’s click around for too

Long already it’s so loud in my ears okay okay let’s let’s build like that let’s build anything right here right here right here right here it’s all good perfect now really yeah yeah okay Venta Venta yes where I’m gonna make you uh things uh so you don’t die okay

Okay if someone hits you really hard just punch them back with all of your might with this thing okay oh I have a sword now oh my gosh you have a sword now that means that you don’t die so easily uh and I’m about to give you something else okay

Okay you can mine with this rock you know things that’s quiet just don’t mind no no matter what you do don’t mind iron with this okay that’s all don’t mind iron with the sword yeah vent is quiet or should I to inventor testing testing one two three I am loud as can be

This is better so loud in my ears at least I hope I hope you guys can hear them fine now this is better oh no yeah okay I’m good hello I am powerful efficient in vitamin D deficient we got this wee ball right Benta we’re vibing we

Ball we got this we ball oh yeah this is the first time people hear this I forgot don’t know this oh yeah you already know uh what else can I make you okay well I can’t make you much now um but you guys can hear now right

You’re gonna have to get more this is still low no [ __ ] way unfortunately why is Ellie so quiet okay I’m gonna turn them up again oh my god do you see how many really what the [ __ ] do you mean that’s like really bad okay this is okay fantastic

You guys make a house as long as they’re not louder than me that’s all that matters but you can hear them fine perfect okay thank you for the feedback oh God no no we fall we ball yeah oh yeah today we’re using uh skin skin from uh nickel thank you so much

For the skin we all super kawaii oh yeah they look amazing it’s the same person that made my skin too Inventus as well thank you so much don’t be honest yeah I got you guys I’m skilled with the sword right all right all right told you

Guys I am Pro Gamer do we have any Gauntlet weapons I’ve beaten this game on the ouch hardcore he has watch out he has a shovel wait why does a zombie have a shovel action they just they do more damage if they have tools look at this I don’t trust these things

Okay that’s how we deal with the secret society true okay also guys don’t forget we don’t we don’t have food so everything’s Gucci now but yeah okay everyone yeah don’t Sprint okay so in this game with your Sprints you lose food wait really and when you yeah and when

You recover hp’s you list food as well what and of course when you don’t have any thing left well you’re losing hp’s but you should listen to the medic of the group I think he knows what he’s talking about okay okay hey I’m I’m here to listen I I

Don’t I don’t know what’s going on I haven’t played Minecraft before so yeah what is this biome though why is it so colorful it’s I forgot what this biome was called but to be honest with you yeah the colors is pretty much all there is okay this is unlucky I’ll be I’ll be

Honest with you this is not a good spawn I can’t even find Stone I’m I’m getting rid of these right now yeah in my pickaxe bro okay well let’s go okay I have a I have a house doing he’s doing it I got an achievement

I feel like I feel like a g I’m insane by the way what does a stick do can we call this a house this is a survival house I guess it’s survival for now I don’t even have enough wood oh god um I’m gonna have to go do an emergency

Oh my God there’s so much scrapers oh I just realized I’m dumb I should have gone for this really quick oh my God holy [ __ ] are you doing it you guys just don’t die okay let me ouch just allow me to we didn’t even explain how how to get gonna work

I keep pressing Crouch instead of Sprint I’m gonna die okay [Laughter] we just started I forgot how much damage skeletons do oh my gosh [Laughter] let me do that really quick oh my gosh dude I I’m a professional I would never die like that that was just really really

Unlucky oh no I was like oh Wilson is saving my ass died for me wow this is true friendship Dude any member on the behind oh my God this might take some time unfortunately so I apologize for that oh man wait so since a skeleton killed you would you

Would you say that that’s a pretty Hollow victory no comment [Laughter] I would never die like that that was a fluke yeah yeah I’m lucky I’m lucky they’re vibing we’ve all we got this chat stop saying five percent now five I thought it was 95. it is it is 95. they keep saying five by the way

It’s black screen for a reason it is very intentional to be matching with Ash data you don’t oh my gosh I would never ever lose like that I died protecting my teammate I sacrificed it no you do that you were doing that for me friendship it was for

My self-esteem I was doing it for you guys and if that’s what it takes if that’s what it takes I’ll do it okay it’s it’s ready it’s ready we can get back on all right nice I love you love to hear it yeah I I say that you were

Doing that for my for my own self-esteem like you know you you were like oh let’s go this is a great spot now everything this is great uh why is this great maybe we can do presentation over here uh yeah weekend it’s daytime too um okay guys let’s gather and and and

And tell who we are and what we do okay all right all right okay everyone in line I guess um hey guys I’m uh uh I’m I’m Yuki Wilson uh I’m the DPS of Crisis I do a lot of damage uh and uh I’ve beaten Minecraft hardcore before

I’m very gamer I never lose I always win uh and uh yeah that that’s that’s what I am about you guys and I’m not gonna let anyone die today and nothing happened earlier nothing nothing under my watch no nothing nothing happened earlier yeah okay Mr Ben tuckral uh my name is vanta

Crow bringer and uh I will make sure that everyone dies today except for myself hold on hold on what do you want hey why are you trying to be the Sheep like that because it’s it’s invading your personal space you want another critics in himself

Huh I mean oh it’s cute it’s all like blocky and shaky yeah it is so cute hold on it’s that doable oh what the [ __ ] yeah what the [ __ ] what am I witnessing hey yo this is inhumane in the form of meat no trust me there’s way worse what

Kind of game is Minecraft mind you you’ve defeated hundreds of thousands of opponents and you’re telling me you’re scared of surviving well those people were trying to kill me what did that sheep do to you it was just men what was it doing it was a spy

It was all right yeah it was about to go and give information to the enemies yes it was about to go deliver information about us we had to take it out okay Wilson and you too basalius you’re supposed to say Vlogs what is this what is this second place sometimes to say yeah

What’s up are you telling me you wouldn’t trust me really I I trust you with my life but I I don’t I don’t know I feel I feel like the Wilson I know would I don’t know I don’t know I don’t know you’re making me question things I’m wondering I’m wondering

Well we need batteries it’s good to ask you questions but don’t last too much okay all right then I’ll I’ll keep I’ll keep those things to myself what does the Sheep do for us I’m curious what what do we need from the Sheep why do we

Why did we have to murder it we can eat it we can eat it gives I should not have killed that cow I made a mistake um yeah we need wool because we need beds so we can go through the nights really fast because at night monsters

Spawn the only monster that spawns are creepers and and at the daytime I mean it’s not true but at the same time it’s true but yeah so that’s why we need to get wool like as soon as possible to make beds so we can sleep through the

Night yeah this is very important I have only one I don’t know if you guys get I have three rules I can make one bed but I’m about to make more um so you have one Visalus that means I need eight in total F4 you’re right chat when free one absolutely

Okay I got seven uh I got eight okay visit us with yours that you have I can make three beds okay good now Venta there’s a buff in this game that if we put our beds next to each other we sleep better and you get um what yeah wait sleeping with the

Homies allows us to allows us to rest better no way yeah yeah yeah yeah I’m making sense so if we put all if we put our beds together that’s what happens oh my gosh the homie buff is real it is I always feel better when I’m with you guys ah [Laughter]

Great that’s great by the way um uh do I have to help with the Sheep should I should I be should I be helping should I be should I be helping that like what am I supposed to do should be like punching things okay we need one we actually need

Only one uh Farm of animals technically two um we need chickens and cows but cows are like a lot more important chicken’s gonna help us doing some eyebrows yeah chickens for yeah for arrows yeah that’s pretty much it but uh pigs we don’t care honestly they just like honestly with you

Cows just give like more than pigs same thing for chickens so pigs are like I’m sorry Mr Chicken I’m sorry Mr Chicken parkour uh so we want chickens and we want cows those are the two ones how do you okay where’d you guys go by the way I don’t see you guys anymore

Where’s it going why is it so hard to hit okay oh my gosh what am I like the housewife like make a house now or I thought it was gonna be the miner it was harder than anything I’ve ever had to do in my life you know you can read a minor

Okay all right I’ll make the house um I can barely draw a stickman so I’ll make like a stupid cardboard house or something a box house at least something that Will Keep Us Alive wait why are you laughing why are you laughing did I say something funny Mr bringer

What do they say no what did they say I wasn’t even laughing that hard but you calling me out just made it even funnier I I can hear you I can you’re I can hear you you know like why are you pretending like I can’t hear you I’m not sure I’m

Not trying to not be hurt I was laughing because it took me like way too long to kill that [ __ ] chicken oh I missed like so many times I’m supposed to fight chickens right or I mean um no uh grab some seeds from the ground and then you can gather chickens

Together oh we can put them in an enclosure okay make some soup for you guys okay uh we uh possessed can you come back like as soon as possible to make furnaces all right happy doing that that’d be great because uh we need food like to be cooked okay okay

Uh how much do you want uh like Wayne only two stones wait what’s the green bar really what what do you mean uh we need like a lot of stone like a lot yeah yeah I mean how much uh do you want uh like two or three yeah Oh you mean furnaces okay

Yeah yeah oh my God all right I hope I hope you don’t mind it POV right not the most exciting but oh maybe you know I should do I should start making a farm that’s what I should do oh my gosh finally Humane activity

Oh I want to help I want to help I love it I’m playing Farming Simulator right now yeah let’s do it for you guys okay where are you over there oh I see Venta hey man oh damage just so why how far can you fall before you take

Damage I feel like I didn’t jump very high at all I could have survived in the fall myself be I mean doesn’t your boots do that is that what you told us I thought you didn’t have to pull this like neglect fall damage is that what

You said not in Minecraft hey I have stuff for you I mean everyone all right oh really stone tools yep hold on I’m I’m doing farming oh oh no that was vento not me I don’t know why I said that I mean I have some for you it’s there oh

You have something for me so much thank you right now oh do I how do I open up my inventory yeah oh sick oh my God what do I do with all these seeds do you need them I have did you need them yeah yeah You press q and it drops one I think if you do control Q it drops all of them I think oh wait it drops them on the floor I don’t want to that’s mean though it’s disrespectful to you if you want okay what do we need to do in my in the

Hardcore I don’t even know um so let’s get food first so we don’t die on day one it’s gonna be nighttime soon so we need to finish the house and actually like you know so I don’t um not die again and then and then uh

Well I just realized I need that wood oh um I need to make a hole so peaceful for now compared to the last one that’s crazy now that won’t last forever though let’s see let’s put that in there too oh actually ah yeah you had that in here there’s no much wood though

Every single trees oh my God pumpkin I’m gonna say I was gonna save azaleas that that sounds like a horror game don’t say that oh yeah sorry it’s getting uh it’s getting late already can you eat can you eat this get wood ASAP like right now we need to

Make beds now like now now now oh okay okay wow okay you’re really that eager to sleep next to me I mean you know I mean you know I’m not good I’m not saying I’m not eager too but you know what I’m saying shut up oh oh

There are bees there are bees do they hurt no you did not he declared war on the bees I kill them it’s okay okay okay thank you you saved my life wait wait wait Wilson come here listen come here no no I need to make beds now oh my God

I have something for you what did you do what did you what did you have for me oh my here okay these are some flowers I picked for you I can’t run anymore thank you I can decorate it like this but size do you have um one last wool I

Need your last one yeah I do I do I need to come back home guys I had to kill the bees I’m sorry it was Venta or the bees and I chose Venta I cannot read anymore oh this is bad where are you wait where are you I’m coming I will save you

I’m uh I’m coming I’m coming I’m not too far okay good I’m next to the pumpkin things they’re just creepers around I have something for you beds are ready the homie the homie beds are ready uh there’s food here the pig stole one of her beds this is your food

So take take it take good care of it oh where’s rosalius okay fantastic and the pumpkins yeah where are the pumpkins at is that yes is that what you’re talking about oh [ __ ] I didn’t see you coming oh my God that hurts wait where are you I can’t see you

Wait wait wait wait wait okay I mean it’s gonna fight monsters yeah I’m here I’m here can you see me I’m at the house now everyone everyone sleep now power nap now now power nap no don’t be following me though I’ll kill it I’ll kill it I’ll kill it don’t worry

Okay okay wait Sally before you go to bed come here really quick really quick yeah I got I picked you a flower so yeah I’ve been putting flowers down to sleep guys blush homie beds now now points right points left let’s let’s sleep next to each other tonight

It’s cold you know we don’t have walls so is that freaking big slipping on me wait he’s a friend you Reckless there you go wait is it right click did I do it right I left clicked it at least twice before I lay down I’m sorry oh

Let’s go let’s go actually survive the person survived I’m gonna die down I need you there you go right there I give you a lot of food nice yeah do sleeping do anything to our to our health does this oh it doesn’t restore our health okay no it doesn’t yeah

Then that hurts but wow it’s huge having a bed having everything for the first night let’s go and I grab more wood yeah I have some point I can’t I cannot I’m gonna make some chests oh yeah time to chop down some trees Linda I’ll be honest if there were to be

A lumberjack Among Us sorry I didn’t mean to say that um if there were a lumberjack within us I can see you being The Lumberjack really yep yeah you know I I’ve I’ve been never mind um yeah I think so too I agree why did you hesitate there I I was I I

Don’t know I was gonna say something that I realized could be easily misconstrued and like you know flowers uh do you guys have more seeds was there seeds in the in the chest I actually didn’t look properly uh you guys have seeds yeah I’ll go look for some seeds then for

Some reason I can’t Sprint I don’t know what’s wrong I’ll go around punching stuff oh is that an enemy is he a bad guy okay he doesn’t look like he’s a friend because I’m trying to get a wheat farm going so we can okay get cows should I give him a loud shot

Is it just me or is this like really loud when I do that ouch hmm oh it’s not too loud is it no it’s not too loud really how about the audio guys oh eat some fish oh we should we should make a fishing

Rod for sure oh oh can I can I just give me that oh yeah I want to die drone wait what the [ __ ] being felt tonight that should be enough okay let’s go with that it’s a little loud it’s Minecraft ASMR that’s a lot of

Food how do you eat food thank you for this yeah long press uh you hold it you hold you hold oh hold it down oh okay I was beating the ground with my chicken breast I was really confused contrary [Laughter] copyrighted I’m so low oh that’s a lot

Uh no sorry guys I forgot that’s another thing uh uh touch down right that’s down yeah that’s us yeah touchdown touchdown huh yeah I need a touchdown on like something else that I’m supposed to do dude should I be chopping down trees what what is what is my motivation in this scene

Uh uh yeah wood is always good I would say like if you could get wood that’d be great it’s always welcome fantastic I guess I’m just gonna go mining I’m mining too oh you’re money okay what can I mean um if you could get like if you could

Build an enclosure for cows and chickens that’d be fantastic that would be fantastic fantastic all right I guess I’m gonna I’m gonna go preventer getting some trees where are you all right I’m just walking around every oh my gosh I found a Forest there’s so many trees I’ve never I’ve

Never heard someone so hyped holy [ __ ] dude there’s so many trees right around there then the first caveman who went five minutes outside from his village for the first time let’s go I’m gonna have so much wood by the end of this dude my wood collection is gonna

Be like crazy you guys should be like oh my gosh vanta where’d you get all this wood and I’m gonna be like I got it from the forest store from the tree store all right what do you pay for what did you pay with in the tree store muscle muscle

Wait how did you get that wait I know how to get that I lied [Laughter] I know how to get that I know what that is listen oh what are these white trees um yeah they’re just they’re just white trees yeah it’s Birch right Birch oh yeah I forgot decoration different types

Of woods exist in the world that’s crazy yeah I can’t no I don’t know where you are I’m just gonna get trees should we get pumpkins probably not right they don’t do much I don’t know I have I’ve put two by the way can I like

I mean expect to put it on your head yeah this is called birch wood it is called Birchwood am I crazy yeah yeah it is it is I’m pretty sure I feel like yeah yeah it is called Birch oh pumpkin pie oh we can make pumpkin pie you mean the

Most delicious pie there is oh yes I actually got your pumpkin pie fan too I like sweet potato never tried sweet potato I’ve never tried it you’re missing out on life you have to try sweet potato pie you have to I made pizza I don’t know if that counts

As a pie though I gotta I just tame to be huh he’s following me the whole this is following me everywhere it’s just curious oh it’s because you’re holding a flower oh I see that’s why I was like wait how I didn’t even win I still have my flower

Of course blushies points right points left oh my God I don’t even know you can do that wait really that’s a thing in the game I didn’t even know I like it I don’t have enough wood we have we have we have chicken now they’re so cute following me around when

I’m DeForest in the forests oh it’s dark I mean I mean Visalus it’s it’s a dog eat dog world out there you know it’s it’s us for them and I guess it is to say that it’s us so I need to get wood now okay on my way yeah it’s chicken

You guys don’t like you guys like chicken yeah we love chicken yeah chicken’s great what do you prefer beef or chicken for sure chicken I love me some lean meat that’s hard that’s the hardest question I feel like I feel like for me too it’s also a chicken well I would say

Chicken is like I feel like chicken is more customizable than beef I guess you’re true but I feel like it’s awesome you could almost have it like bro why is this taking so much longer belly cookie than having you know happy like this and chicken is more you have

To cook it and yeah so as uh oh oh my beef no chicken oh my God actually I think I have to read these menus beef really yeah when if you’re going to France and you go in the restaurant restaurants you sometimes have this option oh I’d fondue yeah

I love fondue it’s really good guys oh yeah I was gonna make a sugarcane farm you need that too we need wheat towels chicken uh sugarcane uh that’s it I think do you need any work something for you yeah I need all the wood you have I’ve

Got a ton of wood for you for you oh is it like me it’s like me it’s like you it is oh yeah I’m gonna die wait am I alive where are you oh goodness oh my God I’m alone I’m a beast I’m a monster I survive I’m a survivor

Ah I was in the forest um I was in uh is there’s no map I’m in yeah I’m under I’m under the cloud it kind of looks like um the club team event I like you might as well tell me which star you’re facing right now what stars do you see in the

Sky tell me okay I’m surrounded by red flowers um there’s a lot of flowers um there’s grass um that might help a little bit and trees where are you I see clouds okay I know exactly where you are I’m coming I’m coming okay no not to [ __ ] with those anymore the

The beat the beehive so you tell me this guy has defeated like ash snipers with his bicep but he can’t [ __ ] kill at Three B’s hey hey wait wait are you here I think I think I think this is you I know this is me I

Did this oh you did that oh then I don’t know where Venta is I have no idea I went to the forest coming we need to we need to come back let’s come back are you nice oh the Birchwood right Venta do you see me um

I see what you’re talking about I see the I see the things that you’ve talked about oh God you’re gonna die out there aren’t you you gotta come here ASAP okay let’s come back he’s the Knight is coming now like now wait I’m on top of a tree right now

Okay you know what I feel like we’re going back and forth on this really descriptive like way to describe exactly where we’re at uh all right that episode I’m in a boat I’m in the water oh but you didn’t make a boat you can make a boat you can’t

Make a boat I found it I’m by the house I’m by the house I remember okay let’s go back home then you know how upset I would have been Venta if I died looking out for like looking for you [Laughter] yeah there’s monsters be careful stay group let’s take poop

Oh you have a creeper next to you yeah I know I’m careful noise wait where’d y’all go oh my don’t worry though oh let’s go I’m gamer and yeah of course yours truly I’m just that good that’s lighting oh my God I’ll be honest I don’t know oh it’s over here I think

Yeah I thought I did damage I guess not it doesn’t dude they’re gonna be so proud of me I got so much oil look at how much wood I got I didn’t do that oh my God they’re gonna be like wow homie nap okay we got this there you go

Hey hey guess we don’t do damage oh let’s go maybe we should uh secure the house better when you’re sticking yeah I agree uh if you could put like all your wooden oh you did already wow I didn’t I have I have my wood right now that’s mine that’s probably visayasan I’ll

Fortify the house don’t mind me oh I’ll make uh I’ll make a box for everyone I give you a booth power oh this thank you thank you thank you thank you visalius oh my gosh no way so I can constantly have it out

How do I do that yeah how do I do that you inventory you have something in the middle of the you know the key points The Shield The Shield logo hello hey okay look at me hey gaming I’m winning I’m sunflower this isn’t a sunflower what flower is this this is

I’m Cornflower gaming let’s go then I have a tear running down my cheek right now because I’m so proud of you thank you I I was I was I was hoping you would congratulate me I got I got a lot of wood I I told you I had a lot of wood

For you I was like what why can you say that again I had a lot of wood for you yeah sorry I don’t know why that feels that feels wrong when you say that maybe I’m gonna move my bed tonight I’m not sure no why would you do that

Oh oh my God I’m just kidding guys we’re always gonna be bed homies don’t you worry yeah I’m just kidding I’m just kidding I’m almost done making our box our wood box our wood box yeah I have a daughter there oh how do you craft stuff uh you gotta

Get a crafting table there’s a crafting table in the house you can find the green the green uh book and you can have a recipes out there nice okay so it’s so dark okay I just I just realized I locked you guys in I forgot to make a door I made it

Though I made it though oh did you oh my God yeah no Sally got us covered don’t worry um no worries don’t worry I got you guys okay so right click is basically interact that’s what I’m understanding so far Wilson yeah where’s the Dora I’m sorry I left it with a power saw

Okay you see it’s marked out with with magic marker yeah what is that what is the next subject okay right now um I’m in another furnace for chicken um right now honestly um we need to get iron ASAP is that a French thing what why what’s French thing no I’ve

Just I’ve never heard iron before I always say iron wait on iron oh that’s nice it’s iron I don’t think Visa has pronounced it weird ironing wait really iron iron it’s iron yeah he’s saying it right it’s iron I say the kind of guy that says Iran and he

Thinks he’s been I won no I don’t say iron I say iron that I hear it okay we are we are the French speakers you’re the native English speaker and we say it like a normal person and you don’t that’s that’s crazy wrong that is crazy

Is it is it because I’m the I’m I’m the single person here I’m I’m I’m technically the minority that’s wow that’s crazy that’s crazy I guess it’s majority rules out here so it’s it’s it’s iron now iron I don’t know what I’m doing it I’ve learned it

I just realized I didn’t have a shovel okay getting some iron okay I’m gonna expand the farm to be as big as possible so we don’t we never have to worry about wheat ever again all right lento’s normal no he is not you guys are saying that to make him feel better

It’s saying iron is not normal iron I run it’s iron run it’s iron yeah it makes sense yeah yeah you know yeah it totally makes sense I iron iron guys yeah it’s better well actually it’s hard to teach an old dog in New Tricks you know I’m not saying you’re

Old Venta I’m not saying you’re old I’m saying old habits die hard right wow wow that’s all I’m gonna say wow you’re wow what I’m being called right now what must be a region thing right it’s just a correct or incorrect thing it’s okay it’s okay okay he’s never been still divided

Before yeah this is the episode where we test uh our friendship right guys I guess it is where we get divided all right who’s mining right now I’m alone I’m raining right now oh I’m mining wait what are we mining iron I mean wait where where is it where is the iron

It’s Underground somewhere okay okay I gotta be careful you take fall damage so easily in this game it’s so dangerous you do be careful I know that’s used to it I guys do not get too attached to this uh Minecraft let’s play okay I’m telling you right now do not get too attached

Thank you thank you thank you crew I knew that you would believe in me I appreciate it 95 success rates what actually I never asked what is you guys’s success rate I never asked you guys Mission success 95 of the lives I’m coming across here

Yeah uh yeah same it’s also a 95. yeah yeah it is really only 95 I have a hundred I just don’t go to them I I don’t go to the missions that I don’t feel like doing so it’s a lot easier to get 100. you are lying you are lying it’s a lot

Easier to get 100 when you just I do I believe you I do not believe you what do you mean I mean the mission you don’t go you see the mission failed I I’m pretty sure I’ve seen you fail at least one mission of missing methion

What’s it called I just I just scribble my name off the board really you can just do that you can just do that you can just wait you’ve never been in trouble for doing that at Ash well I mean see honestly um they they they they wanted me really

Badly Ash wanted me really badly like like they had no choice they they they had to you know they so they have to listen to my demands honestly um but in actuality if I’m being really honest it’s more like a 50 success rate

Uh mainly because I I I I I I I I only I take I take specific care with my missions and I complete them all in one specific way so if they give me any job that requires any kind of care or special attention I usually [ __ ] it up

In some kind of way stop guys giving me a headache I can just do that and you’ll never know oh I’m gonna be they won’t have to report this to Ash no come on now don’t don’t be a party pooper don’t do that come on we still

Get the job done it’s you know we can’t get everything like perfectly done but oh no come on maybe she needs to capture the enemy yeah we like blow like three buildings up that’s fine we still got the job done you know yeah he’s always ended up in

Pieces like what the hell no cities can be rebuilt you know who cares ah this guy’s you guys are making a big deal out of this um okay I need wood iron anywhere come on Alan lucky honestly guys what um uh so while we were talking I was

Just like you know aimlessly walking around like you know how you start moving around a place when you’re like on taking a phone call um but basically you’re lost okay see I was trying to like you know put it put it lightly but yeah I guess you could

Say that if you boil it down to the basics oh God that’s it’s another episode of vento’s Lost things they put on kids like when they go outside so they all stick together like that’s like multiple colors yeah we gotta give you one of those so you never

Get lost again again okay I I don’t mind that uh okay I mean iron is in caves right so like is it is it the Greystone or is that no that’s not oh it’s dark in here never mind uh yeah you need torches okay yeah I don’t know where the hell I

Am then huh okay come here come here mumus come here nice I guess a way of knowing you are hi everyone hello it’s gonna show your uh I got lost I think I know where to go this is mine I mean yeah there’s the force uh leak

Your PC build I don’t care I just don’t want you to die again okay okay I think I know where to go it only shows your graphics card and stuff but that’s it don’t worry like your CPU and your graphics card yeah isn’t you anything

Else yeah I know I know where to go you guys put in a really easy spot to find it’s easy and you could sleep whenever I can bring a bed with me yeah and you put it down you just sleep no I have to sleep with the homies wow

That’s true I’m coming back I actually can see you guys I just saw Sally I saw Sally really yeah yeah all right hey by the way if you come in here and you’re in pain watching me this is my first time playing Minecraft give me some slack okay just pray for me pray

For my soul thank you yeah you gotta come back down there oh creeper creeper be careful what where oh wait those guys explode right yeah okay okay I run away oh yeah I like how he says it I run away as if like he’s like he’s like playing DND

And he’s telling the the DM like what he’s doing okay I run away okay fly why are you booking us like this oh no oh no oh we can’t go around the gate why not uh because that’s for mumu’s what you can’t go over a gate now okay bed

Now homie nap now now okay close the door nobody can see us sleeping together what do you mean you you you know you you wow wow you’re embarrassed to be seen with me no it’s just you know oh no people like can like you know people could like uh give us a surprises

I don’t want a creeper to get in and just blow up or anything that’d be uh where did the other Momo go oh there it is all right sometimes I don’t know why I said that twice but also rhymed uh uh I hope I hope you had a good time in Brooklyn thank you no I didn’t think so No we have cows we actually have cows that’s huge oh go wait so when do they come over there on the piece that’s really good actually having a lot of cows is really nice holy [ __ ] I’ll be honest with you guys I did not think today would start with me

Like being the farmer slash housewife slash everything I did not think I would be doing that but yeah you’re just you’re just selling yourself right now dude it’s it’s great like like you’re you’re gonna your application is gonna be fantastic like I can I can cook clean

Take care of everything at home and I can slay some Baddies some Wi-Fi profile yeah you’re looking at you repair man this is a more humane way to do things sorry you guys probably don’t know what I’m talking about I met strange people the other day uh very strange people

I hope you don’t go through what I did anyway different times okay so now we have cows we have wheat we have sugar cane uh we need do you have do you guys have iron sorry sorry Venta iron I don’t know okay okay you’re you’re you’re it’s I I yearn

Iron it’s iron iron all right all right you know what you know what you know what um I I don’t I don’t feel welcome I don’t feel welcome right now is it is it milk is it milk or milk milk or milk wait malc who’s this what the hell is that milk milk

Yeah you need some Malcolm with my cereal milk yeah what accent is that milk m-i-l-k milk am I okay milk milk no I just need some milk some milk I mean Monk milk I’m trying to continue no I say milk I’m kidding what are you doing I’m trolling

You guys know I love pretending right actually just one chicken because it can just forever give us some nice eggs chicken or the eggs what came first the chicken or the egg the chicken or the egg which one yes I’m so unlucky absolutely nothing don’t kill them oh my God what do you

Mean what kind of monster do you think I am I was just doing it because you told me to the last time wait are they attacking you no no no they’re falling because I have seeds they’re hungry oh okay so I’m like I’m like bringing them to the the the the

Enclosure so we can have the chicken farm yo that’s so cool we’re like we’re like one big happy family for now I’m so unlucky what the [ __ ] does that mean uh it takes one creeper to ruin everything that’s all I’m gonna say oh okay I thought you said it like you were gonna

Leave or something I was like what do you mean I mean anybody can leave anytime keep in mind whenever someone dies there’s like a new version of us that are created for example when I died in the old world there’s a version of you guys out there that have a dead Wilson

And you’re currently like ah oh my God I’m trying to cope with the line but you make him seem so sad oh God this lore I the lore is expanding oh God don’t worry we’re in the good timeline guys the good timeline the good timeline right right okay okay nobody nobody dies um

Nobody will die oh yeah nobody’s dying this time hearing things I gotta go do some other stuff what what what should what should I do what are we making what is our goal right now I feel like I’ve just been walking around aimlessly like we need shopping down trees I can make

Oh actually I hope you guys don’t mind if I use the strengths to make uh a fishing rod what am I doing I already have yeah no why would I be angry about that where is it coming from how do you make us I make that again um that can be some enemies

We already have a lot of enemies oh hey no it smelled the secret society over there what does this do yeah there is a Multiverse out there guys guys there’s a Multiverse out there where I have a five percent win rate huh huh a five percent wait don’t oh yeah I

Forgot it’s 95. what is this are these pumpkins wait what oh yeah everything is square in this game I forgot I was really confused for a second you are not being real right now you did not just say that I mean I guess not just not everything

Is square the flowers aren’t Square what do you mean they are the flowers are square yes they just don’t look like they are but they are why is that what all event I would be playing Minecraft and he would realize like an hour in that thing everything’s a square and a block

Hey look okay I I just I’m trying to figure out what my motivation in this scene is like what what is what are we what are we doing what are we up to right now you’re like you you got a fishing rod you’re going fishing yeah

Yeah I don’t know what the hell Sally’s doing like what is Ali up to what am I what am I doing like mining yeah you’re mining okay well if you can actually Venta don’t mind you’re gonna die um am I gonna die what I survived I’ve

Survived a b attack earlier why am I why am I dying but uh I had to bring it to you but if you almost died to bees you’re not gonna make it in the cave do it was just because I lose my frenubi I was I was like a bee killing virgin it

Caught me a break I’m new to this Venta I can okay Venta how about this come here come back to the house and your job will be defeat the cows feed the chickens and fish how about that and when it’s night time you go inside and you don’t come out

And I don’t come out what do you what do you mean do you stay inside this I’m being delicated to the role of like neat what is this I found something I found a cave but if you [ __ ] die we’re gonna lose all that progress I’m not I’m not dead I’ve

Been surviving I’ve been I’ve been roaming I’m a nomad right now I’m vibing anyway do you know where you are I know where I am I can see the house right now Over Yonder you got iron yeah and I got a cave too we can maybe explore it but kind of dangerous alone

It only took like 20 minutes I only have eight one though I guess I need to dive in though So eventually you better come back soon you know what you know what you know what I’m gonna make my own house and then I’m gonna go outside and touch grass

Would not dare breaking the homie nap code you would not dare doing that well well no no no you’re gonna take that back now like now take take it you know what you know what you know what you know what you wouldn’t dare no you’re on the no

What am I worried I’m worried for no reason you’re gonna come back crawling to me oh Wilson I’m so sorry I yeah oh don’t worry Fanta I forgive you I forgive you oh yeah you know what I’m not worried do whatever you want you know what you know you know what I I

Don’t care I don’t care all right then all right that’s crazy I’ll survive at night I’ll survive at night you know what you can take the homie pendant with you I’m not wearing any more yeah you’re breaking up with me that’s right oh what’s going on all right all

Right you’ve taken it a step too far mister Mr Wilson you already pushed me that far when you said you were not gonna do the homie nap anymore I love you don’t step into this oh so you did you change your mind didn’t you yeah of course you would all

Right all right all right you know what you know what you know what whatever whatever you’re gonna say no you’re gonna stay here I’m out I’m out did you just did you just hook me with a fishing rod if you can do that you can do it

Yeah you can do that you’re coming here you’re not leaving oh my goodness oh God damn it you actually I cannot believe oh this is the bridge hey can we ride a horse in this game there’s a sign yeah yeah can you please come back this this this

This water this water represents what we’ve got going on right now there’s a divide between us not realistic it should be mentioned instead actually mind you this is too small your only friend’s gonna be a bee they don’t even like you they try to kill you

Oh yeah yeah see like this bee isn’t trying to kill me this bee is friendly hi Mr B how are you doing can I pet the bee look at that it loves me there was hearts wait can you actually tame a bee like that I don’t know it’s not

Bothering me this bee is real nice to me well I’d left this is see nobody cares about y’all there Venta it’s only us the bee left the moment you gave it what it wanted just just give just give me just give me something to

Do you keep the be the flow a gift to you oh unbelievable Venta what and how could you what that’s true the flower that’s the flower visalia’s gift to you oh wait is that what I did when I right clicked oh I didn’t know that I gave it the flower that’s

I thought that I was just paying it come on come back let’s go home let’s go home azaleas literally some people don’t care about us clearly let’s go home wait wait [ __ ] um wait I don’t want to start this one over no we don’t want to hear it wait you

Clearly don’t care about us stay out there wait but like but like what if I die huh your decision wait how long does night last uh a while like as long as the daytime how I think you should come back I don’t care about you or anything Venta

But I I guess I don’t want you to die so I guess you can come back if you really want to look at that I don’t care about you but I just you know I I don’t want you to die I mean it’d be a shame to restart

Everything and I don’t get them that’s so awesome hmm guys now seven minutes and 30 seconds in the dead of the night ah okay never mind I’m going in the house I’m coming I’m coming I’m coming I’m coming I’m going I’m going I’m going I’m going I’m going I promise oh my gosh

What is this what is this people McNugget oh my God we gotta go we’re gonna go I’m sorry I’m sorry I’m sorry oh my God oh my gosh they’re creeper McNuggets in this game I don’t know what we think now that thing was as tall as Kyo oh my God oh my God

Oh my God it’s okay they mess with me in Minecraft okay the other day I can say that I don’t care okay all right uh do we have yeah for real now do we actually have do we actually have some iron oh yeah I have eights but that’s that’s

About all okay can you cook it all right all right on my way we need to make a creeper just next to the house guys be careful oh okay I’m gonna go kill him I’m pretty good at killing them oh where is he yeah I’ll be here on the on the tree let’s

Have an arrow oh I’m gonna kill it hold on that’s actually really bad dude do not fight the skeleton he’s gonna kill you ready yes he hurts oh boy oh my goodness oh my God I’m like oh my goodness I’m insane did you see that Dodge I didn’t I’m sorry I need you

To know I need to know if you saw it okay I’m about to teach you uh mannerisms in Minecraft 101 you’re gonna fix that what do you mean man or what fix this yep oh I Disappeared what do you mean you don’t know this is like mannerisms

And politeness in Minecraft 101 you fix the creeper holes I fixed the creeper holes but they were the ones that did it not me yep yeah because of you you know what you know what stay right there how do I fix it how do I fix it how do I

Fix it I will I will give you I will give you dirt to fix it oh okay so actually I think I have a lot of dirt actually you’re gonna take this okay and then you’re gonna fix the ground so it looks like how it looked before okay but

Not with wood though all right wait what if I don’t know how it looks before you’re you’re expecting a lot out of my memory right now I think it look like like what you think would look good then oh oh my gosh I guess the second rule will be um

All the way up what is that what’s it called I was bringing out my my inner vanta ventago I’m like an artist you know uh the hole under it I’m I’m van to go hold on uh I should do sincere uh I mean I mean you know what we can do

We can modify it a little bit like this oh I’ll be honest guys I’ll be completely honest I am mind blown that we are not dead yet I really thought like someone was gonna die are we we’ve been playing it so [ __ ] safe yeah we’re doing great yeah but we’re

Not doing much progress then yeah like like when do we fight the Ender people uh the Ender people that’s gonna be a long time from now a long time let’s start making some progress we should start forcing progress push pushing forward I’ll be honest guys if I was by

Myself right now I would have been another by now that’s all I’m gonna say maybe if you gave me some stuff to do we make it some progress right now I have a sword and a pickaxe I will make shields for everyone how about that so we need

Shields yeah chills chills are actually huge that is huge weird exactly yeah I have a I have a peace offering for you really I’m sorry I’m sorry about earlier I didn’t mean to give it away to the beach oh it’s like that right my bud

Thank you ah I’m Gonna Keep it my whole life I don’t I don’t need a shield I need a flower a flower for my heart are we out of wood already I got you thank you come here he’s doing that what’s going on what are you guys doing

Hey what are you guys doing I was I was just I was just we’re just sharing a bro hug you know yeah bro hug yeah bro hug yeah anyway you guys are doing weird things here you go both of you oh thank you I appreciate that oh I took both of them

So there you go thank you like how you equip the flower earlier yeah when you hold right click mental you’re you’re hold you’re shielding okay Shields are like really good like really good Oh I thought I broke the door when you’re scared just hold right click

Oh my gosh it’s just like Dark Souls let’s go it is literally like Dark Souls yeah sure is Radio P radio and you know what I’m Gonna Make You armor Venta because you need it you’re arming me up so that I can go on

An adventure now no I can I can be the Nomad that I was meant to be no so you don’t die the bees all right I’m setting off I’m I’m setting off my friends better you are not going over the street you’re staying in the neighborhood I don’t care

You are not allowed to leave the neighborhood you understand I’m still in the neighborhood I have a shield now oh I didn’t mean to do that we got this all right I got this I have a shield and invisible uh he’s gonna die isn’t he isn’t he what’s down there

Actually oh I should expand on this Farm wait what the did you just do a a an eating noise what is going on I don’t think so why am I jumping repeatedly and I can’t control it wait what are you holding space no what where are what are you doing for

Some reason I’m jumping like no matter what I do I just jump I can’t stop huh maybe I could look right here hmm and charcoal oh thank you there’s there’s a hole over here can I go down in oh goodness okay okay Retreat Retreat Retreat Retreats guys don’t die please I beg

Don’t die okay I mean you can’t bear in snow there’s some monsters here and there oh what’s that oh you have Auto jump on brenta oh maybe you do oh I do when I’m against the wall oh my God yeah that makes a lot more sense to be honest

Disable that it’s I never liked Auto jump okay oh poggers hey I’m getting stuff I’m doing things nice doing great it’s great I’m back here look at all this stuff I have you guys are gonna be so proud of me your pro your pro Souls like gamer

You know I’m sure I’m sure Minecraft is nothing right I’m sure Minecraft is scary I’ve never played a game where bees are terrifying Minecraft have Canon 5 of hard games not gonna lie they do it does sorry okay so that is the way to go deep in oh

Give me the egg I don’t I can’t see anything they are here for now this has gotcha oh yeah when you pick up an egg there’s gotcha so when you throw an egg on the ground there’s a chance that a chicken will spawn I probably shouldn’t go any friends

And no chicken oh wait is that what I think it is oh it’s so dark I can’t see I thought I would tell you do I have to turn up the brightness or do I have to get a torch oh is it 50 50.

Is it I have no idea yeah I have no idea either um all right let’s reorganize everything I can’t just turn off the brightness can I I’m sorry okay I gotta go back and get a torch five in the ground really at 35 I can’t see any iron I need three three strings

Huh is it three they’re talking about Minecraft stuff this is crazy okay eighth I think I think now no no don’t don’t oh wait can I make a crafting table thingy oh okay then I could make another black and shoes in the world with tabs no no please no I’m drinking coffee okay

So if you drop stuff I’m learning I’m just studying again um he’s opening up this can I make a can I make a crafting table how do I make this ever since I need four wooden blocks okay I gotta go I gotta go break down

This is so bad I feel like you’re ready I I hope it’s been there for a while wait what do I need for a long time lever a torch the case okay that’s too bad and a stick and then you save my life do I have to save my life but you

Um you would never say my life because I don’t need to be saved but of course you’ve done no of course no no no I’m not breaking that again okay what else do I need to do I gotta think so I can’t feed the cows anymore right now

This is growing this is growing okay just fish and I hope to get like a good item or something meanwhile like vento is like on an adventure where he’s not gonna die to bees and physics Um oh I could do that that’d be cute right what is Coppell used for again uh decoration and when there’s lightning against strike a Nintendo I think or something what how do I do this oh oh but it’s more like for Xbox honestly We’re Not Gonna use it but oh I

See now definitely for XP oh oh not throwing it back oh watching what how do I do it it’s not true what are you doing right now oh I keep throwing stuff away huh what’s up what yeah uh-huh are you okay yeah um what’s it called I was um I was I was

Just I was uh uh I would all right I was jamming out you know I was like um that’s about to be nighttime bad test so you might want to come back home yeah you know all right I come back we’ll make uh how about that no iron though we

Should all have a bet on us at all times so whenever like you’re far away or something you can just put the bed down and sleep oh have a bow there’s arrows in the chest right so oh my God stuff down we should also put some torches around the house so like we

Don’t go outside especially around the trees about this kid and the creepers-wise let’s do that yeah I’m coming back towards the house I I did I did some cool stuff I did some really sick stuff it was crazy why is Chad saying that wait why are you guys singing Diamond City Lights

What’s going on am I am I the only one I I think so I don’t know when y’all said 50 50 I was gonna start shooting like when you’re facing that’s what’s going on with you I want to dive into tune you guys are so stupid

I love you chat okay come come in come in guys it’s homie nap time homie nap time I’m like I’m role-playing guys I’m like uh I’m I’m ringing the bell so you guys know let’s go home and do a homie nap good night say good night now all right good night good

That’s just my knee even me yeah I don’t know why I killed a man he’s dead I hit a cow cow sound yeah I’m growing them cows you know brother sorry I’m sorry 79. okay let’s cook some copper because it gives a good XP all right copper okay

What are we doing what are we doing what are we doing what are we doing what are we doing what’s what’s what’s the new the new Journey today iron more iron more iron more iron more iron okay okay can I can I take a torch and go down

Into the cave I really want to do that you are not going without a Visalus you’re going to accompanyas right now what do you mean I was in the dark all by myself earlier you should have saw me well you wouldn’t have saw me because it

Was the dark but like I don’t care you’re gonna be holding hands in the mine I’ll be out here what farming yes that’s all right I have a mind I have a caveat I need to explore is are you are you okay with this all right okay okay I got you okay yeah

Venta you’re staying with azaleas okay okay you’re gonna you are safe with me okay I believe in you I believe you got your healer with you don’t worry yeah yeah yeah we got our we got our tank and healer Duo oh I forgot the arrows we’re

Gonna we’re gonna get to GM together we are gonna kill the game yeah it’s gonna be fighting oh you already made it oh my God wait this is sick you did everything that’s crazy I was trying to figure out how to do this how do you put down stuff after you make it

Yeah all right click when you select it after you select it yeah oh really yeah yeah oh is the game loud pick up dirt I apologize I’m scared for my life because I think all my efforts are gonna be in vain huh um I’m doing fine I was what’s it

Called something happened and they made me excited okay you can just pick it up and then it just go ahead and pick it up so yeah I honestly try it all the time okay can I do I have to break it to pick it up yeah yeah yeah

Oh my god dude this is this is crazy oh we’re gaming okay let’s go okay all the way down um okay so over here is where the the cave is oh it broke I mean I might as well break the shovel too right I’m in here yep it’s your enemy territory out in

Enemy territory you guys have torches tell me you guys nope yeah we got some so no but I’m smoking hot oh god well I told you what the [ __ ] so this is ore this is the thing you want to mine this one is charcoal so you can create torches with this

Oh no oh no what happened oh no Wilson no oh no oh no there’s angry neighbors oh no not this one yeah just report them I cannot report them oh God what do I do I can’t kill him the recipe to make torches is one charcoal

And one stick chocolate no I don’t have iron well I have a crafting table wow you don’t need it really hard yeah it’s only two slots I’m gonna have to do an emergency mine what emergency mining I have to make flint I have to make a flint and whatever to

Burn them so it doesn’t count as killing them therefore not triggering the raid oh really oh yeah you do it you do that because technically they died because of fire not because of you so that’s the stress interesting I didn’t know about this I’m gonna go really quick get iron

All right Venza it’s down here down here I can hear a lot of monsters smart I know no need to no need to uh do uh to put it down uh it’s about to be night time okay well actually it’s not night time down here it’s actually always pretty bright

When we’re down here together it’s okay I might just be in the mine forever as well I don’t have food uh okay not really are you good then should we go back okay I’ll be okay all right all right let’s go let’s go okay okay how do you light the Torches

Uh you gotta put coal on top of stick right click and put it down right click on this on the ground I will place right click on it oh oh so you can’t like carry a torch and it’s like on fire I could bury them too but oh you can’t

Carry it too I guess I can’t go against them right now they do so much oh nice I got iron um that crossbow shot does so much damage I will die oh yeah oh he’s got some iron this is iron Venta what is the multicult one

This one is uh copper oh can I not break this it’s taking forever oh my God where I do I’m there okay hey that’s her that’s her um oh [ __ ] that’s a creeper I thought he said we’re surviving I didn’t take that for a second I thought someone died oh my God wait

Where are you visalius come back come back I’m getting there I’m getting better it’s okay it’s okay not now not now all right all right okay you are a crazy dude now we’re kind of wild can I eat raw chicken is that allowed yes but it doesn’t give much you

Might as well just cook it oh okay so it doesn’t give you salmonella no no no no we can create some we could create some pretty nice okay okay now cha I make flint and steel I burned them they die they go away okay stuff

You put choco or wood and you put your thingy your raw thingy oh okay wait charcoal charcoal or wood okay so I can put charcoal and then the chicken breast yeah oh it takes time and it fills up the arrow wait this is so cool yeah yeah yeah chicken breast makes

Cooked chicken who would have thought I’m gonna get this covering stuff hey Wilson what are you up to I’m killing people whoa dude with fire remember we’re heroes don’t don’t forget that I’m killing bad guys okay there we go okay okay this uh gray orange one

The beige one is the iron this is what we want oh Wilson good Wilson I’m fine I’m fine I’m fine Wilson no Wilson I’m going back I’m going back for him who is I need assistance let’s go I’m good I’m good I’m good I I think I’m burning the house down um

How how what happened wait which way do we go this way this way I did it I did it I did I did it okay she’s good we’re good we’re excited he came to go this way too my guy is out here marching into the dark what is this oh my God

Uh we’re good I killed the bad guys and they’re not gonna come back they’re not gonna come back because they died by fire technically environment you reported our neighbors yeah where are you going we’re not very kind I don’t know I just saw this I

Don’t like them oh thank God that was I started talking okay okay I started freaking out so badly huh okay yeah XD there you go nice we’re doing great we’re doing great I think I think this is fantastic you know I feel I feel so welcome in Minecraft right now it’s

Very fantastic are you heading though I have no idea I’m trying to figure out what my motivation is outside that 95 is really showing right now I don’t know it’s more worse than to go to the cage because it’s already open you guys working we can see more easily

Oh uh I closed this way doubting Wilson how could you okay um let’s see what else can I do nice uh just more fun I’m just gonna close up the way we don’t know I can make a shovel with iron but that’s kind of a waste I feel okay is

That so stuff doesn’t follow us in case uh yeah so but just so we don’t get lost I guess is the main points okay that makes sense oh I’ll wait to eat my food my my food is like kind of full I’m gonna wait um it’s always better to have it full

Especially when you’re Mining and stuff just in case because uh oh really oh yeah my HP should be full yep yeah it’s better it’s I know it’s kind of like a waste right depending on what food you’re eating gives you more but it’s always worth having a full

Stomach always always so you can look up our more hp’s this kind of HP is at the end of the day that’s not what happened it was always one time oh my God gaming I can hear your gaming okay oh my God whenever I see you guys

Do it like whenever I see an achievement I I’m so afraid that it says blank died also it’s nighttime guys nah oh yeah then what if one of us dies that’s an achievement for the enemy I cannot give them any because they’re defeating me oh be careful please please guys

Oh my how do I do this yeah if I have a shield in my hand how do I eat you did your right like long pressed record long press it okay um are you guys gonna sleep there or should I just um there you go one we don’t have beds

Oh yeah stay in there I’ll survive I’ll survive out there I’ll try to make torches if I can improvise though I’m sorry Cole I have to take you bro I swear it I swear that iron looks so much like chicken dude you can’t tell me the iron didn’t look like

Chicken breasts I swear Wilson you’re so smart oh my God got one done here I’m too smart for this world God damn it I don’t want to go down here oh hey good job good job this is the teamwork yeah we’re killing the game right now easy easy all right okay I

Think I don’t want to go here yet Pro Gamer hey let’s see those away question to y’all question to you all right this is serious very serious question okay very serious question I need your opinion so that iron looks like chicken right foreign looking like chicken I guess it’s the same color yeah

Wait hold on hold on I think you messed that up can you please reformulate on that so I was hovering over the iron trying to eat it because I thought that it was the chicken and that’s always like every everybody everybody is like everybody’s like that’s iron you were trying to eat iron

But like don’t they look similar though like I swear they do I I swear they do Wilson I need you to say something Wilson right now you must be calling the volleyball right now you’re not you’re not seriously calling for my name right now oh my gosh I’ve been left by the wayside

Okay okay are you telling me whenever we’re gonna go get chicken together I’m gonna have to be careful that you don’t actually eat the [ __ ] iron table is that what you’re telling me right now I’m not talking about I’m talking about it oh my God I’m we’re

Jumping to so many conclusions right now we’re jumping to so many conclusions this is insane no that there’s no conclusion you just said Iron looks like chicken I was talking I was talking about the icon the icon in Minecraft I’m looking at it right now yeah it kind of

Looks it kind of looks like chicken doesn’t it nice they look very vaguely similar that’s that’s slight tinge you could totally make me think that iron looked like uncooked chicken like without without a [ __ ] doubt you totally could you could convince me you could fool me

Oh it’s super fast it’s kind of fast holy does that just help me I don’t have the flower in my hand okay guys you gotta you gotta you gotta cure I don’t know what it is but there’s something wrong with ventec really you make wonders happen

You know if only it was a sickness it has to be there’s no way it has to be I refuse to believe it’s not Bruh Bruh it looks it looks just like it you can’t tell me it isn’t it oh raw iron no it doesn’t it the iron I swear

It does raw iron looks like chicken no it does not are you tell me raw iron looks like raw chicken is that what you’re saying right now the icons yeah they look very vaguely like I was in a dark cave I was surrounded by enemies I

Had Sally next to me so I was a bit calmer than normal but overall it was a scary situation okay they cut they kind of look alike when you’re in a tense situation not iron I swear it does I swear it does you know what everybody will back me up everybody

Will back up just wait just wait just wait it’s gonna happen it’s gonna it’s gonna happen my whole shot is saying no it doesn’t what do you think guys wow mine is backing me up that’s right literally vendors probably needs a goddamn uh [ __ ] glasses prescription because I don’t

Know what they’re seeing but I can’t see it hey there’s nothing wrong with having an astigmatism okay that’s not the point though it still looks vaguely like it kind of does huh but no missalius you’re not saying that right now then you gotta back me up

I don’t know why what’s that say it kind of does it knows that I don’t think it really looked like it though you are not saying that right now look there’s no way you know what how how about we agree to disagree fine all right I don’t I don’t I don’t know

What I don’t know what conclusion that would be um okay this is the conclusion I’m getting you are very visually creative a very visually creative yep is that fair okay fine I’ll take that yeah you’re very creative yeah guys Let’s Get It On besides being the glue right now [Laughter]

This is why this is why you’re in the middle of us at all times I see oh wow I don’t think it’s Venta it’s not true it’s visalius what the [ __ ] enter in the middle of us where’s the accent they always put Venta in the middle but it’s it’s sure

Yeah I see gotta be careful there’s skeletons what the [ __ ] and spooters yeah I lost Pinta there’s there’s no way can you please not go five meters without losing this Knight I don’t know I don’t know where to go like you can you can ask anybody ask my

Chat I ask them it’s gone there’s no exit I’m trapped I’m stuck I removed every single it’s a fast that goes on and there’s always an egg oh wait where’s the money against the walls what what I love this dog too I guess all right

No way no way wait I swear I went through here yeah I was here what do you mean is it this further down no no no no exit is not this way come back come back what where’s the exit I swear I swear I’ve never been so confused in my life

These kids are like not mistake it anymore yeah because I was just here oh foreign my teammates are so talented clearly guys uh we should retake that um that survival class we took in Ash right that training clearly uh some of you guys need to redo some homework you

Know to study a little bit I mean I’m fine I know you guys are struggling so hard and people I couldn’t mean it what is that Vista Blind Visa blind blend lost something okay is that what they’re saying okay yeah that’s crazy moo moo feeding time come

Here mumus why are you not coming here how many days have I been away I run let’s go let’s earn mind you Iron Age you have so many oh we are in the Iron Age let’s go let’s go whoa wait where are you guys home

Oh my god wow this place has changed so much and I’ve since I’ve been gone yeah I torched everything so now we don’t die the moment we step over here oh wait do torches like fend off the bad guys yep as long as they’re as long as there is light there is no

Darkness Venta oh yeah but we’re the heroes of the night that’s blind date yeah we are the heroes of the night but we come from the night to save people from the night oh true cause we’re the light in the darkness oh my God that’s why we’re crisis we’re oh my God

That’s so crazy crisis in the night yeah yeah I like it uh let’s be cool all right okay oh yeah I forgot to tell you guys that I explained on stream why or our hashtag is niji Crisis and not just crisis oh yeah yeah yeah yeah I explained it

For those who don’t know I I don’t mind re-explaining again um the reason why our hashtag is niji Crisis because which which is funny because people thought our name was niji Crisis but it’s not um it’s because the actual hashtag itself is used for emergencies so we

Were like uh yeah maybe it would be bad to use that yeah you know so yeah so that’s why it’s an easy crisis let’s leave the important stuff too I just thought it was so funny everyone thought her name was niji Crisis yeah that’d be an interesting World setting again

There are infinite numbers of Yuki Wilson ventriclebringer and the size bandage out there so there’s probably one where we are called niji crisis who knows that’s so sick we have a Multiverse oh my gosh yeah I mean same thing for audience and digital right oh wait we’ve

Never talked about audience in detail on stream at least I didn’t oh yeah no you’re right yeah I’m kind of hungry uh does does anybody have some food cool I do have a lot of food come back home uh there’s a lot of food in the chest actually oh there it is

Oh okay the Christ reverse huh this is not okay I just realized I don’t have a shovel oh my it’s a mess ah dirt no Dortch what guys I feel like we’re gonna do great things are looking up for us right now right yeah food we have we have cows we have chicken

We have we have iron uh we have uh Vision we have team and team synergies we have Venta that doesn’t die to bees anymore what what nothing vibing We Vibe the inventor okay hey I’ve I’ve done I’ve done quite a bit you know how much gravel and wood I’ve gotten where are

You guys in the house I’m heading back home oh okay Um there’s an arrow in the chest if you need it did you hear that though he said he said we have vanta that means I’m an asset I could make bread but I don’t want to I would rather breed the cows oh yes yeah actually yeah we can make

Baguettes for you I never died not a single time I love it oh yeah I know some French too yeah what does that mean what does that mean um what does that mean yeah wait what did you say bonjour what does that mean um try to guess

Oh my God wait you’re so fluent already babe crazy already yeah I’m kind of a Frenchman myself super impressed right now as Venta would say crazy so that caught me off guard I don’t need a sword s suck in this game yeah I said it uh you have the ax yeah

Ax is better I mean rarely a sword is better but Ox is just better it does more damage to a singular thing do you think I don’t know if I did though I feel like they actually speak it no what event I went again yeah I’m not far

I could I can still see the house I can still see the house I swear I blinked and he’s gone and he’s crying literally all right uh I have some migrant here make Venta more armor all right so you’re not leaving this house until you’re fully geared um

I didn’t mean to do that um oh what do I need oh wait what how do I get Blackstone a what it’s just getting a careful my I think my pickaxe broke or no my Smite ax broke I can make it do you know how to make an

Uh an ax well I do but I don’t what do you mean is there more yeah sweet uh let’s go you Mama sounds like sounds like something else okay really I just don’t want Venta to die you know how much effort I put in this Farm I

Have not much effort I have never died I’ve never died I’ve never died I’m like actually I’m actually Immortal by Minecraft well I’ll I’ll have you know I’ve I’ve uh I’ve never I’ve never died either like like I I didn’t I didn’t die I didn’t die I’ve never died even those

Bees those bees got me down to a half a heart I did not really I survived I had I had a half a heart left I survived I survived it’s like it’s it’s so easy I’m I’m so I’m such a I’m such a pro I’m such a survival skills trigger done I

See yeah you know let’s go huh laughs all right what do we want now I can ride horses uh no way yeah more iron we need to be all geared I see how do I do that bam bam bam uh no chicken why this is that spin

The way like this uh you want me to change it okay if you said we can go around oh can I give him like salmon oh actually it might be bad I’ll fix it later but for now I do I guess I just put this can I yeah that’s fine

A little bit you guys have dirt oh there’s dirt here never mind I guess in the chest oh I don’t have four hours left it’s not 50 what um what is it done for the oh how do I get out I think the last thing one eighth huh it’s an eighth

Oh one on Ace tenses really oh it’s one in Sixteen oh 16 huh well I’m unlucky wait what’s the chances of getting to in a row then that’s what happened earlier right I got two in a row all right come on Ben well that was perfectly enough um

There was nowhere to get some apples from trees when you cut them down oh okay yeah when you get the leaves or just wait for them to fall oh I need another ax I’m gonna come back I need an ax I have I have an objective that I

Need to accomplish this very important it’s very important yeah I think we have iron now so you can make uh an iron ax in Iron ax yeah some iron yeah we we’re upgrading from the Stone Age after two hours don’t worry nice we’re actually getting somewhere yeah

Next thing you know we’re gonna be at that Industrial Revolution Phase I’m excited don’t push your luck now don’t don’t don’t be too confident now that’s uh I don’t think we’ll get there but what do you mean we have to be confident I’m always kind of way of doing this kind of

Stuff but I don’t think we’re gonna get further than medieval I’ll be honest with you eventually no no no we got this I believe I believe the fact that we haven’t caught anything like the Bubonic plague means that we’re already past medieval we are chilling trust me it’s

Like we we are alive we are live for now we’re gonna lock ourselves in and pretend like there’s nobody outside okay so wait yeah uh iron ax I need an app enemies that’s great um oh I have an apple pie oh thank you oh thank you so

Much oh my gosh you didn’t pick it up oh I didn’t oh okay that’s crazy nothing over here 16 grades okay what um why do we need an Apple for um what’s it called Uh there’s this there’s this there’s this there’s I I it’s a horse I want to ride a horse

You don’t have you need something to put on the horse to write it oh saddle you can’t craft it you need to find one what how do you just find a saddle just lying around yeah you can fish a lot fish okay fish is the most fishing is the most

Busted thing in this game huh I I don’t care okay you can get some crazy stuff from fishing that’s why like I Rush fishing sometimes when I when I start because I can fish like a bow with mending and look of the C3 or something

Ah okay a fishing rod sorry or a bow with infinity a bow with uh all that stuff I can fish Saddles I can I can fish like uh name tags you name it oh that’s how you got the salmon yeah I fish like that wow you can just

Hit the salmon swing around no I pray for a good fishing rod because I can fish fishing rods and it has like if it has like really good enchants on it I can start getting really really lucky and that can get really cool stuff I’m gonna see more over here that’s why

I made a fishing rod I don’t know why that squid died well that’s that was a squid okay I was gonna call it a mouth thank God you said something before I said something about that’s crazy oh what I thought free anymore Oh what now Venta a mouth

Look it looked it all that was like most of what I saw it was just weird okay let’s come back home I guess when I when I see a dog on the street I say oh my God it’s ears yeah because as ears yeah right well

Look when I when I when I when I think of calling something by not its name but rather something prominent about it when I think of a dog I would call it a bark rather than ears [ __ ] you about like like if you solve visalius like and

You didn’t know his name but you were calling him by a prominent feature of his you would call him like like bandage but technically that is his name so like All I’m gonna say is thank God you’re strong thank God thank God you’re super strong I’ve never felt such tension before in a

Video game the Blank Stare from a Minecraft’s a Minecraft character is truly something to behold oh no we do have some food um you have puffer fish yeah we can only we can make poison potions without that’s forgive his eyes oh interesting I think so uh we can make another bow

You have chicken yes you can yeah so uh give it to Venta give everything to Venta everything what do you mean everything’s gonna I should make armor what am I doing all I wanted was an ax I was just I don’t know why guys I’m so

Stupid I should have made armor like a long time ago I’m getting carried away you’re not stupid you’re not stupid you just had other priorities that’s right that’s right yes that’s for vanta thank you thank you wait did I pick it up I think you did oh thank you

I made two okay oh wait my fence that’s great why are you dropping your tools in front of the chest who oh I’m dropping because it’s kind of useless oh oh you want me to get rid of them all I gotta do is like dig a hole and then

Whatever we’ll make a trash can Trash Can yeah we can do that I’ll make one right here hey is it nice yeah it’s it’s homing up night homie nap time I don’t know what all right my spot’s in the middle uh wouldn’t it be funny if if a creeper was behind me

Right now while I’m doing this I’m throwing stuff away dang it’s just you and me right now of his eyes well done guys I’m coming for the homie nap I’m late I’m so sorry your flower in my pocket thank you penny for your thoughts a member is it called a mirror mirror or

A mirror remember oh a mirror no more penny for your thoughts what do you call that what’s that a mirror mirror mirror I need a memory I don’t know you’re typing it but that’s not helping me how to pronounce it I didn’t I didn’t get to hear I didn’t get to hear their

Thoughts a murmur wait what’s a murmur a meme or mimir I don’t know it’s like saying like how do you spell it it’s how do you spell it it’s a Mirror Mirror Mirror Mirror Mirror it’s a mamir or a murmur a meme a big meme what wait murmur

Is that how you say it I just know the word yeah it’s like to talk about like how you sleep then really yeah I don’t even know I I think that’s murmur I think I’m like almost 100 positive that it’s murmur I don’t know if I should trust the the urn guy

But I’ll Trust you for now hey I have a special dialect I was I was I was I was raised in a very special City on the outskirts of on the answers of uh skyscraper there’s nothing I can do about it weren’t you born in Diamond City Lights straight that’s where I live

That’s my current place of residence wait wait Venta you sit down stream no no oh you’re done yourself oh that’s crazy oh my God you’re telling things to civilians now they know where we are they know where Asha quarters are they’re gonna clear this that’s crazy oh my god oh gosh oh God

Um I mean uh well I I didn’t I didn’t give I didn’t give the the the the number yes true yeah but they don’t know where yeah yeah it’s it’s a mass it’s a massive Street it’s a massive massive strength it’s it’s huge it’s freaking huge oh yeah also it’s not murmur

Apparently I I I didn’t know I didn’t know what word you were talking about I was just thinking of the actual word murmur I don’t know what you were talking about what what I don’t know what what is it I don’t know how to pronounce it

Do I say uh okay visayas probably I don’t know if azalez knows but I know you probably know Venta people have been saying that I say I see cute and huge weird is that true yeah you do I think yeah cute yeah cute you do it did you

Say it in a basketball way how do you say that visalius how do you say cute say it again cute daddy does say differently than me oh no yeah yeah cute cute Wilson cute yeah just just pronounce it like you would your cue like the letter

Q cute yeah I think you’re saying it like with the actual cue later yeah you keep you cuties yeah see look you got it you you cuties I’m seeing it right cute huh what about you say huge huge huge it’s huge huge huge okay yeah you’re just like not pronouncing the H you’re

Just ignoring it the the H is a uh the H is a suggestion for you guys can you pronounce theater Peter yeah theater theater okay okay you’re actually doing pretty good I used to struggle I used to struggle with that word so badly I used to say I used to say teeter

Hey there I see yeah okay do you want to learn the hardest word to say in in French as an English speaker yes okay I will teach you the word squirrel in French okay oh I see it’s really hard to say as an English speaker hey I didn’t know squirrel in French is

You said say that one more time [Laughter] did you say that one one more time one more time really quick for me I’ll say it very slow just for you okay a cute okay yeah so you’re just making up words now I was I was trying to understand what

You were saying I was trying to understand the words whatever syllables you’re saying you’re just making up stuff picking stuff up that’s right there’s no way we’re making up words now nah we said that’s close that’s close yeah is a squirrel foreign [Laughter] what’s up with squirrels in French

Do they just not like squirrels or something if it makes you feel better I used to I used to struggle with saying squirrel in English as well let’s get it well I’m learning a lot today let’s feed them oh my God all I’m doing is farming I’m just farming I’ve been wondering

What we’re doing we got a full set armor now we should go on an adventure we have our full DPS tank and healer comp we got this yeah I should Farm more we need a lot of leather like a lot of leather how much leather do we actually need

It’s not even for me that we’re I mean sure the meat is great but it’s mostly for uh for books from the leather and chickens it’s for feathers for arrows and stuff why can’t we just write everything down in paper why do we need to bounce it in leather right there

Um because this is not a perfect world unfortunately wow SMH oh he opened away I mean you can find a village to do that you’re right I’m too lazy to go find a village I’m gonna get the last time for sure I’m way too lazy to do that

You know what I’m gonna go on an adventure I fine I can’t wait around anymore I can’t go with visalius this is Alex where are you are you in the mine yeah I’m into mine I can’t afford deep into mine though you’re deep in the mind

Yeah okay well I have a uh almost broken pickaxe and a half Broken Sword so I will come help you teach him seal in French oh yeah I should eat some food before I go in oh I’m not teaching him how to say seal in French [ __ ] it’s it’s [ __ ] oh yeah

Yeah it is it’s [ __ ] or [ __ ] you yeah a seal [ __ ] how do you spell that uh p-h-o-q-u uh p h o q u e I think [ __ ] [ __ ] [ __ ] am I right Visalus I haven’t spelled that word in so long yeah p-h-o-q-u oh okay I got it right

I mean I kind of saying I I can’t listen yeah me too I it’s it’s confusing yeah oh you’re not the only one I messed up like um eyes and E’s in English as well because of French Because in French okay Venta yeah and E is pronounced um uh uh right and then I is pronounced e yeah it’s very confusing interesting well I mean you just did change my perception of the language after you told me what squirrel was I was like how

Is it the language of love but then you told me what seal was and now I know it’s definitely the language of love it’s definitely the language of love without a doubt there’s no way you guys like Santa the [ __ ] I mean I don’t know if I feel that way but

Uh seals are cute yeah they are super cute I’m coming to help you for zombies I’m armed with my sword and my shirt okay I’m on my way I’m gonna come back wait what I was gonna help you though yeah I’m on my way I’m gonna get you I’m

Going deeper I’m going deeper into the into the thing wait where am I oh my God how far did you go um okay I’m not lost what can I do now chat as a farmer what does this sound like slash farmer and slash farmer and slash uh Inventory management guy hey hey

What do you guys thinking I can see you now oh I see you yeah well there you are but guys I’m not creative okay okay so this way this way is extending so far there’s some more I don’t have wait where’s my oh it’s right here

Yeah we can fish no yeah see look at you you all were doubting me you said I was gonna get lost I’m so sorry he’s uh how do you call this I don’t know it’s kind of a thingy I think that’s a group not a not a

Mineral a glass of light are senpai’s this is the senpies this is the Senpai it’s the senpies okay this you can use the Senpai to do enchantment with this oh sick oh my God Senpai is a kind of Opie yeah guys uh lazulite is pretty okay for

Experience but uh we gotta get obsidia to go to the nether like really fast yes I like it yeah Senpai it can connect words wow this is lapis lazulite basically all right I was going this way you can go deeper this this way okay you know what we can go here oh here Not to die see look you guys thought I was gonna get lost look at me I found Visalia and I’m going down to the cave I’m caving it up in this [ __ ] I like that yeah different they’re different rocks now what is this rock oh yeah

Oh they’re mine I better than mine over here oh be careful be careful be careful be careful be careful be careful why uh poison spiders poison yes poison spiders are really bad really really bad oh that’s a skeleton with a bow oh he can’t hit us hold your Shield up

You can’t do anything for us oh no he has no fear Oh I thought that minute was going to blow up it was just dying okay that makes a lot more sense I was genuinely afraid for my life trying oh my goodness oh be careful be careful where does he come from Don’t

You Dare die on me don’t do it that’s not happening oh there’s a skeleton oh Shams where is he oh holy [ __ ] yeah that’s what I thought yeah yeah he’s not he’s not sure you’re gonna kill us by just bombarding us like that it’s a pretty bare bone strategy

Oh God where am I going I’m gonna leave right now about to leave right now leave right now why why leave the mind right now oh okay yeah that’s a good idea actually wait I’m kidding I’m kidding okay wait no we should actually leave we should actually leave we should actually leave

Already what’s the right way oh you need to go up there okay wait up where ah come here where I am where I am oh my God come here okay okay okay this is bad this is bad I need assistance I got you I got you I’m killing is up I’m killing

A zombie I got it guys be careful this is bad are you kid are you kid okay oh my look nice oh my gosh look at me okay okay should I go I’m a Slayer oh my this is the way this is the way winter

You can you can oh there you go okay over there oh my God look at all the arrows yeah we’re kind of wild for that one oh my we survived this yeah okay I didn’t see Xbox kind of used to like uh improvising in the enemy

Territory so uh no big deal yeah like we’ve got we’ve got the best Squad there is we’ve got the best Squad we’re always ready in a crisis oh my I’m good she was there Venta I can kill people and myself on a day’s work that’s just what I do that’s just

What I do I do what I can and I can what I do even crazy this could have been didn’t couldn’t do anything my favorite thing ever is Venta saying shaking my head my head I think I think the best thing is when people are like do you realize what you

Just said and I’m like I just you just don’t say anything you just gotta move on yeah exactly that’s nice are you guys outside or are you still in the cave we are getting in the house oh okay okay I’m coming back then I was just torching around yeah I’m here wow

I’m not gonna mess with that also why did you Birch the why did you remove the skin from the tree watch out why did I remove the skin from the tree yeah you feel like an orange so like what happened was is that I I right clicked

On the tree instead of left click and then I accidentally pressed the same button like five more times so it was it was it was an accident it was a mistake how did you even go out the whole the whole way you made a hole I think in the leaves

Oh I see I’m pretty sure he did yeah he did the entire thing how did they know that it was me fitting it why did they know that it was me guys it’s it’s home why’d they jump to that conclusion I’m all right how did they know sleep time

Okay oh my what was that momentum Mission I think we’re gonna go together this time because I have nothing else to do very much all right let’s go together okay before I think we’re running out of food right oh yeah yeah uh before we go make sure

To have iron tools like make like two pickaxes what do you mean who else would do that also I think a bucket with water okay maybe you’re right I forgot this yeah because lava’s bad and you know we don’t want to lose so long okay I gotta

Make iron stuff let me do one last Farm okay okay I’m not addictive um want less all right okay I gotta make iron okay okay wait one second one second second I gotta do this and then I go to the iron iron ax and the iron pickaxe we’re gonna

Make some bread two sticks and Blackstone how the hell do I make Blackstone and then we’ll venture all right together oh my God it’s gonna be the first time I’m actually gonna go mining for real no that’s not it Go crisis it’s complete I haven’t done half

Of the of the name oh they’re already doing it almost broken already look at that we’re gaming yeah I was in a pinch I had to defend myself it’s fine it’s like one iron bar and some wood so it’s all good okay all right uh actually what am I doing again I should

Put it this way just crafting no mining exactly that’s me right now Um um I do not explain it you open the green book I don’t know explain it I got it I got it look at the state of my shield it was a good use okay oh I mean I guess I’ll put it in here actually no I’m about to grab your shield and

Combine it with my shield and now my shield has more HP yeah I can do that that’s right also I’m gonna kill some chickens uh to make arrows we don’t have we don’t want Flint do we uh we don’t have oh I should have grabbed some Flint yeah it’s okay I do

Get flint from there’s a chance that when you mine uh Flint it turns into um sorry when you mine gravel it turns into Flint so it’s always nice to have like a little stack of thank you of it and then you uh oh yeah and pick this sorry

Chicken what did you just give me oh pants oh thank God you have shoes too gosh you’re full geared oh good there’s been the the draft has been unbearable I’ve been I’ve been so cold I got you probably haven’t it’s okay don’t mind me I am doing something Humane right now

Oh wait you guys don’t know what I’m talking about I guess you’ll figure it out I can share some sounds in the farm uh it’s I’m I’m getting feathers oh there it is guys what’s heavier uh a kilogram of steel or a kilogram of fat that is which one’s heavier

Definitely a kilogram of feathers without a doubt [Laughter] one thousand percent because even though they technically weigh the same physically the weight of all of those dead birds on my heart is way too much for me to Bear far too much I’m glad some of you guys

In chat picked up on what I said I see okay do you guys have a flint or gravel oh no no no need to get some I mean take the older you’re happy with you and I guess we can craft them I didn’t even know he could have an accent like that

Chicken you guys have food like Goodwood uh good good wood what good free estate that sounded so bad okay um I’m gonna make some bread then oh yeah yeah it could be good okay how do you do the pumpkin thingy oh God we don’t have a lot uh we have one for each

Oh can I make an egg it’s like it’s like that that one animated movie where they slice the bread very thinly so much that it’s like visible through yeah well that broke hmm I’m gonna get some Piggy huh I like I need to get more uh more food no no

Don’t don’t do that inside do that in the enclosure oh wait where did they go they um there’s a chance that when you throw an egg it turns into a chicken oh really yeah yeah so it’s better to do that and enclosure so I I didn’t mean to throw it

I was trying to break it so like I was trying to make boiled eggs come on did three chickens did did three chickens just Spawn from one egg did I just see that right no way was it three or four no that’s that’s my egg I’m taking I’m taking ownership of

That that’s mine that’s my egg I found that egg that’s a gold thing no way wait is that possible free I never saw this in my whole life wait Chad is that rare can that happen it’s possible with me I have bread oh wait it’s rare

What are the odds of it being four What are the odds of that vanta out of 100. babe what the I’ve never seen that in my life we won the guts at it I’ve been playing Minecraft for over 10 years and I’ve never seen that 0.39 oh okay oh wow yo that’s crazy hey guys that 95 is really clutching

Right now that’s all I gotta say that’s all I gotta say yo you know you should just give me all the eggs from now on if I put my hands on them then they’ll be blessed my God I I’ve never seen that ever I’ve never seen two

Oh look at that so far like adorable what am I gonna do now though I don’t have any more luck left I think I used it all I mean I don’t think I wanted to use my my luck on spawning four chickens well I mean it’s okay I use mine I think

I mean unless you want to claim that then I’ll I’ll keep mine you can you can claim that that’s that’s all you that’s all you Wilson I believe in you that’s all you yourself oh gosh okay it’s time to actually start making some progress right yeah yeah let’s go

We just need food that’s all we need oh yeah that’s probably a good idea I need something I guess uh we’re headings for your diamond and get some obsidia yeah let’s get obsidia yeah all right senpai’s time yeah but we we don’t need three we need like more than three actually

Like I have a lot of trash in my inventory where’s the trash can you made I’ll show you come with me okay uh it’s this way I am here oh almost fell it’s like oh God is it here um it’s somewhere here uh oh uh oh there it is right here

Right there you just throw stuff down there hahaha um What’s considered trash uh like stool uh Stone items stone tools and no no no no visalius visalius visalius yeah did you realize he’s never gonna get out of there right what do you mean we gotta [ __ ] patches up in here holy [ __ ] oh my God he can actually get

Out never mind I underestimated you about that yo yo you’re supposed to be the medic visalius what is this what is this I’m so sorry so sorry I tend to feel by accident hahaha this is living on your own my medic just tried to murder me this is why we’re a

Team imagine I just realized I picked up all this garbage I picked up but I picked everything back up again we need to make um I need to make a lot of things um do we have uh do we still have iron do you guys have iron somewhere

Uh yeah I have five on me how much in it I need all the iron you can get because I’m gonna make us some buckets and um who can I trust here who can I trust thank you and I’m gonna make more bread some food for everyone oh keep the bone

Okay keep the bone all right the bone guys uh I’m gonna leave food in the chest do not forget to grab food from the chest okay I have to pick everything up again do not forget I put some food there you grab it you do whatever you want with it

Actually you know what take the apples too we need apples um what else can I get let’s make even more bread um more yeah bread is great I don’t know this is this is like messing up my burger yeah so much to like so many things and then we mess

With this and then we do this what is the actual objective so we can go to the nether but what do we get it for me we get we need the road yeah the blaze rod and then what do we do there ocean thingy

Um so we need blaze rods to make a blaze powder and then we mix blaze powder blaze powder with uh an ender pearl and then that makes an Eye of Ender and with the Eye of Ender it leads us to the the the Fortress or whatever the end

Fortress and you go to the end Fortress and then we’d be the energy perfect that’s so much better my inventory looks so clean so fresh and so clean clean I guess okay okay I’m all good I’m ready okay I got all the food um I’m ready oh yeah I need food come here

This is all of yours I have some more too thank you let’s go okay I’m ready now oh wait should we set up before no sleep we should sleep before we go yeah let’s go to bed all right I can get with you actually I need to grab the iron too

Good night guys good night say good night now good night good night sweet dreams don’t let the bedbugs blow okay all right okay okay oh my God I slept so well last night that was so fast I had a really I had a really rough time of getting to bed

Okay I need to make uh before we leave I need to make tools like uh have iron anymore yeah we out we are out so I’m gonna make an iron pickaxe okay I guess I’ll keep the other iron buckets what are we buckets for water yeah cause lava we have so little trick

Uh if you’re kind of falling from high places you can place it um because there’ll be water there oh yeah I’ve seen that on those crazy like uh Minecraft speedrun videos where they do that yeah I mean we shouldn’t try to do this but no no no

Don’t dare do not dare even trying it hey dude I just tried to eat iron earlier so like if you think I’m gonna try anything crazy you got another thing coming okay let’s go we can just get we can just um we can just get more iron

Over there in the mine and then I have cobblestones so we can make furnaces and we can cook more iron all right well the money is this way let’s go together come on he doesn’t know that I’m gonna try something crazy this way okay well I thought you were

Going to give him the opportunity I mean I know which we don’t know anymore Adventure let’s go I won’t actually Farm yeah all right it’s time to make some progress Industrial Revolution that’s the next step I don’t think we need the beds anymore because I mean at the grounds

Are not night or anything yeah underground is just oh you made a cute little door it’s not that we can check points you know if we die we dies there are no they’re not checkpoints um How deep did you guys go in there oh I wonder uh we went pretty deep actually

Like this Iceberg goes far It’s all right you guys said you found like uh mine shaft selfie oh yeah so music is so cute where you going I don’t know stick around okay this way okay I was admiring the scenery guys and the music this way it doesn’t get lost guys don’t take damage

Is down here and uh he’s not torched yet uh I don’t have torches I just realized you’re right oh my god let’s find coal guys if you find a saddle okay we can find some in the mine shaft mine shaft have Saddles we can find some there

Who screams like that who did that vento was it you what do you mean like that yo mines go way higher than that I don’t know about you oh I can’t believe you would be scared man come on keep it together now wow this is crazy let’s grab some we need

The headstones I don’t think so uh it’s good XP no mine in mind it’s good experience mine what Redstone oh the glowing red stuff oh you’ve been to stick with us I’m sorry oh yeah I was just telling you if you see a monster with uh purple eyes

Do not look at them do not look at him in the eyes yeah don’t look at him in the eyes he’s tall he’s like all black and super tall he has purple eyes do not look at him in the eyes is he like this one is dangerous he yeah sure he doesn’t

Like when people look at him so don’t look at him well I mean same that’s kind of relatable but like why Ouch do not hurt my friend oh guys I found lazulate let’s go were you talking about me huh no all right what are you talking about wait what are you talking about what are you talking about Venta Manta the guy the guy with purple eyes no not you

No okay come here where are you at oh oh God who’s that being attacked oh it’s me it’s me I didn’t scream like that I don’t know what happened what’s going on I’m hearing things there must be a new mob in the game or something it’s crazy

Do we need oh we don’t need copper do we uh it’s good XP but if you can throw it out like it should be your main priority I found I found one of those guys I’m talking about they’re called Enderman okay oh wait why didn’t you just say that

Because if you don’t know Minecraft but I know I I I I reference the Ender people earlier ah that’s right oh what is that that kind of weird what is this what is hitting me um be careful be careful be careful you’re falling on spikes I think is that

What I’m is that what’s happening yes be careful yeah do not jump on the spikes oh okay I look at that listen oh yeah give it there there’s some purple stuff I don’t know if you need that um it’s just for decoration as far as I’m aware so there’s gold we should grab

The two wait so there’s exp in this game I’m sorry yeah exp is great because we’re going to enchant our stuff right so it’s stronger but we need uh XP to actually enchant it yeah it costs us to go oh okay beautiful guys all right nothing this way I’m making furnaces to cook

Um some iron buckets and when you have buckets you guys won’t die iron was next to me really cool oh really where ow oh right here let’s just stick together let’s not let’s not Adventure too much I got so much iron over here we’re a team don’t forget that’s huge

This episode is a huge this place yeah this game is huge now thank you for that call out wow okay okay I should close that huh is there anything else two buckets one for you Mr Crowell go pick up some water and then you’ll

Have a bucket of water oh my and okay if you see lava use it whoa you can make uh you can make obsidia with that oh God what did I do oh my gosh oh my gosh it’s a creeper McNugget oh my gosh it’s not creeper it’s a zombie it’s a zombie McNugget

Yeah come here right behind you this is you I’m gonna go back and grab more and I’ll make myself a bucket I give you a bucket oh I should eat I already have one oh give it back then I didn’t know you didn’t give it to me

Okay you gave it to me I have two buckets now okay well you don’t need two now come on I mean you can have some leather who knows wow vento how’d your mom let you have two buckets yeah exactly come here give me give it to me

Give it to me oh oh I didn’t take any damage give me the bucket I need it did you fill it with water yet no okay you should do that oh nice here you go thank you what do I do with the water bucket now you can you can right click

It and then it does that oh it’s sick wait why are we doing this uh for lava oh that was not good so we gotta go find lava oh hey there’s some water here we go pretty close yeah it’s right over there oh I’m dumb hey can you drink lava try go ahead

No no no no let him do it let him do it I want to see him try yes well then tell you just killed the only source of light in his entire cave oh no he’s fullying Benta move oh have you never wanted to like have you never been curious about it though

A little [ __ ] like about the like about the texture like you you know you know that it’s gonna kill you you probably can’t even get close to it without catching on fire but you’ve never been curious about the texture of lava you can’t tell me that that’s not true you

Can’t tell me that that’s not the case because uh I guess okay I don’t know I don’t know what you’re talking about but do you guys have coal uh I used everything oh there you go be careful run run oh where is it where is that coming from is that fully from

The top killed oh they are falling down you’re right oh wait where are you here watch out we need to watch out for the top for now I’m just gonna use oh oh what’s that Thunder wait where’d you guys go oh you’re over there okay and I’m just gonna use my flint and

Steel to make light huh huh and it works right I got some gold now so we can make golden apples oh yeah what’s the red one the red ore that’s redstone we don’t really honestly we don’t really need it but it’s really good experience I’ll grab it oh okay guys

There’s an indicator of uh it’s so pretty awful about to happen all right guys like in the movies right like in the movies yeah Thunder is always a good indicator yeah lightning no way lightning is first Thunders after yeah oh there’s lightning and then Thunder doesn’t Thunder usually imply that

Something bad has already happened uh that we’re in bad territory too yeah we aren’t sitting in the battery well I mean how do you know that what what if it just means like Krillin is gone now and Goku’s about to go Super Saiyan who’s the acrylic Isis was the Krillin

Of Crisis well none of us are bald so hmmons of like in terms of like who not me oh no he just died from lava This Bat is wait do bats hurt you no it doesn’t they’re absolutely inoffensive they don’t know okay oh no I’ve been murdering them

That’s just cute they’re just cute yeah okay I guess I guess their purpose is like an indicator of there’s a cave or something I think which I’ll do is in a man and a man on top on top do not look at him but there’s another man on top okay okay so what

Happens when you look at them they attack you yep they attack you do they have like special powers they teleport oh they teleport that’s kind of sick they do the teleport behind you things they say they hurt like crazy yeah they do a lot of damage what you can do is

You can put the bucket of water and stay in the water because they don’t like Waters oh interesting huh what’s the war behind the Enderman I don’t know I don’t know the lore um watch out there’s enemies here there’s a kid a cave here a cave goes deeper here all right

I don’t have torch anymore uh we’ll have to should we go higher up then because we won’t find coal down here where did he say it was again right um maybe maybe you want to look at it uh I just want to see it yeah I mean I have

Wood but I don’t have no I can’t say charcoal um then let’s go higher up then chuckle over there I’m just curious I’m just fully here oh I see some hold on I’m gonna use the creeper come on yeah I know where’d they go I’m scared were they cool

Really cool I don’t think I would die from this height yeah maybe not just like your real boots boots in this game make it so that you take less damage when you fall I mean sick less damage in general but to come here where are you at where I’m

Coming yeah come towards me come towards me okay okay don’t look at him okay okay down a little bit you see that that tall black figure over there you guys see anything he’s like by the waterfall do you see him by the waterfall yeah come closer then come closer

Okay do you see him all right do you see him yeah that’s that’s the people you’re talking about the Enderman no they are dangerous wow purple eyes and they don’t like people looking at them they just like me for real for real that’s crazy can you teleport

Oh I can move so fast that it might as well be teleportation okay yeah go oh I was getting some chuckle with some gold too here oh oh watch out oh it’s it’s a uh don’t don’t spam um the sword wait if you swing the sword even if you

Don’t hit anything does it does it lose durability uh nope oh okay so you can swing it here no matter what I mean it used to be able to spam but they changed that and that was like probably the most controversial that’s suicide that’s so sick okay we

Should wait for a visit we’re by the um here I’m here okay okay let’s go what is that what did I just hear the torch a little bit okay you’ll be the torch then let’s go deeper all right um where was it what am I hearing you’re hearing things come with us hey

There’s a there’s a baby right next to you guys to your right oh there is good nice job thank you this those are sneaky okay over here over here guys okay it goes deeper over here here yeah let’s let’s go down the waterfall watch out for the spikes what did

Huh wait where did where did you go uh right here Venta oh okay I was like what I swear we’re all going this way oh God oh yeah look at us look at us look at this team I’m gonna do great how do you guys keep getting away from me

Uh you gotta keep your eyes peeled bunta always uh okay we’re going down I leave your body on me yeah yeah yeah yeah yeah yeah What you want to do what you want to do tell me tell me [Laughter] that’s so chill oh by the way I have gold should I have told you about that uh gold is pretty good that is a way of here I guess I just stick with you guys oh I’m gonna keep

This I’m just gonna do something dumb here oh my there you go I’ve been doing that for a while it’s working it’s working this is working a little bit this way is the owner’s opening Don’t lose all right all right do not go do not go out of sight but not out of your mind oh my yeah I think that’s my favorite one it’s one of my favorites too add aside but not out of your mind okay hey oh there’s a spawner there’s a

Spawner here there’s a spawner oh God what does that mean is it spider okay they cannot go they cannot go out we’re good oh no no no no no we need to kill them let’s put some torches put some torches yeah I mean I’m gonna get by you

Guys oh my gosh my aim is impeccable I’m stupid oh oh it’s golden horses all right Golden Apple yeah I’m sorry I lied to you we do have a golden apple though that’s pretty good great it looks like the music disc uh just one yeah

Let’s have like uh we can name the horse we can do that not really um also I got a bow does anybody not have a bow uh I don’t have a bow okay take this all right oh thank you do you have arrows uh I have seven arrows

Okay good hey Chad told me earlier that I can’t eat spider eye what it does afterwards okay oh my God yeah don’t do it what do you mean I was just asking I listened to them I didn’t I didn’t sound like I did it I like I did nothing nothing this way

But like you need to tell me what’s gonna happen because I need to do it for science I need to learn that’s kind of crazy glad nobody destroyed it though here you go then tell I’ll help you out okay there you go there you go here we

Go up like this I was trying to make the jump I was just mistiming it kind of hardened when it’s sewing clothes like this yeah I’ll be honest we’re doing great we’re doing really good so far um I’m proud of us I feel like I’m doing

Great that’s a nice start yeah very good yeah I feel the encouragement all right or the biggest threat we’ve faced yet uh so which way do we go now do we go this way I guess we’re going out so we can find us our way down how about do we go

Down there oh oh there’s some stuff here thank you for reminding God oh we’re going back I think yeah let’s put this back I think as there was nothing oh there’s nothing there yeah don’t go don’t go that way there’s nothing oh let’s go back for now

Yo this game is this game is so crazy this game is so cool though can’t believe I’ve been holding out on funding for for so long do you like it yeah it’s pretty sick I’m not I’m not sure if I really really like it though or if I like it because

I’m playing with you guys it’s I’ll tell you right now it’s always more fun playing with friends though of course yeah it is I believe it I really do I think we can go out from this place when they’re not hunting you down but other than that like it’s pretty fun

I think this way since pretty deep I think oh let’s wait for adventure are you struggling swimming um if you hold shift I think you can just like go prone and like when you swim this place kind of going down let’s go this way yeah I agree

You guys uh are you guys good on food yep okay yeah I have like 11 whole chicken breasts yeah yeah did you see Venta you almost you almost made it to be the number with the biggest booba I almost did Lucas Empire Beats Me by just a little bit I have to

Eat more chicken breasts she’s number two I’m so close this is not what I need okay nothing over here uh what to get rid of spider eyes don’t need that what oh this is pork chop so close yet so far oh I say we make our own paths

Wait where did where did the zazz go oh I went back as always yo pork chops should be darker what does this look like this chicken breast is light like this this looks like lightly cooked chicken breast like like this looks like chicken breast with a bit of brown on it

This is not a pork chop pork chop it should be darker oh I see your name tag this is not uh Minecraft is fooling me constantly with all these icons raw iron looks like chicken like pork chop looks like chicken everything looks like chicken I don’t like it

Okay uh stay with visalia’s Benta I’ll I’ll explore this way I’m fine I’m a big boy okay okay I’m gonna I can take care of myself I just want to see if there’s a dead end here or something okay I won’t die well this is make me mates

Seemed like the fast Meats oh my gosh together no way you’re meant to be together Wilson I missed you oh my God Venta I feel like we’ve been away for 12 years that was crazy this we’re just gonna Circle back because this is where you guys were earlier oh my uh

The cave is so huge though there must be a way down you know maybe you’re right maybe that’s true food sounds great this way is anybody here eating anything what are you all eating don’t worry I’ll take them out I need some ideas I need some

Ideas for what to eat there’s a creeper be careful that’s good grab that because we need that for enchantment too oh yeah oh my where is it coming from be careful that could have been death how is it coming from that’s just four skeletons that’s a lot of them Five Guys they’re

Kind of fighting each other oh look at me that was a little scary this way this way you look kind of promising it let’s go that way I agree yeah this way being in this area is insane this game is so crazy Diamond let’s go Diamond yo

We’re kind of crazy for that one mine it yeah do the honors oh my gosh let’s go crazy we can get the obsidian out oh my God I’m gonna clear it away I’m gonna clear you guys mine okay I’m the DPS don’t forget yeah don’t worry these diamonds are mine

Uh where’s my adventure you’re the one with the diamond as well yeah you could say I found my diamond City Lights you feel that tone Oh my God yes chain armor wait he’s dumb look at this stupid idiot oh I got that crate nice what an idiot um he couldn’t tell

Guys the cave is huge I know I got it again I know where to expect diamonds Yo No Way Guys Wilson taught me how to crit I’m doing it I’m doing so good huh what’s up Oh I thought you said you got more diamonds no oh no I was saying I got I

Got the crit I was I finally landed a crit properly oh yeah okay because I know where the cave expands oh my God I got it I got the critical though I have to two torch left it’s okay we’ll just use the flint and steel and then if you aren’t going to see

Anything be careful not there’s creepers here there’s lots of lights over here as well oh a lot of enemies oh my God oh son better run was it a villager oh bye oh my God Benta I’m gonna teach you something in Minecraft I’m like 90 sure no matter

What how good your armor is if a creeper is directly against you and blowing up it does infinite damage oh be careful wow I’m sure I could be wrong about that though the viewer is not gonna say anything anymore this is it no thank you skeleton wait the skeleton dropped

Or maybe this kid doesn’t get the creeper okay oh it’s not cat I thought it was cat cat uh there’s a music disc called cat and it’s the best music disc in the game suicide huh oh it’s not cat I don’t know what far is though it’s far good shot what

A nice music desk we can play going deep over here yeah I don’t have any uh anything this is really deep you’re right whoa wow I like your idea Let’s take a look oh never mind oh my bad I mean that’s what he said I’m gonna do it I’ll do it oh wait never mind we’re we’re we um we focus on neutrality here that’s what they said oh where’s the wait there’s a skeleton shooting oh

Mr bandage behind you behind you be careful oh what oh yeah oh boy oh boy oh that was close are you okay that was so close oh more stuff can you guys see anything no the viewers the viewers can see anything is it right um I feel like the screen that that Chad

Is seeing is a lot there’s a witch there’s a witch oh my this is there’s a witch what kind of witch although she slowed me down okay good oh good I’m level 20 witches are scary it’s all right we can see okay oh yeah I’m critting I’m critting up a storm

There’s no way we don’t find any diamond over here so huge oh nice look at us we are vibing we ball we ball no torches we have no torches I’m kind of running out of food I have a I have a lot of food still I have some okay oh be careful

Where did you where oh this guy is straight up they do a lot of damage be careful ah is there another one no yeah yeah just where oh my gosh oh my God cheerful oh my gosh these calcium Warriors are so annoying calcium Warriors calcium orange it sounds way more cool than skeletons

Oh there’s some love I think here huh yeah we can go this way we can go okay for you oh we’re doing something we’re doing something we’re yeah we’re actually not dying is that cool I see oh thank you so much is that cool I think we can go this

Way guys this way just I mean uh no cool interesting stuff guys oh the bat it’s so dark it is really dark did you turn your brightness all the way up I should I will yeah you should option I was gonna say um I think we should go back up a

Little bit because uh how do I do that bye careful be careful all right where usually around lava you can often defend some diamonds I say we try to look for a little bit more and then we leave yeah we can do that oh you guys uh I’m

Next event okay I’m just a bit down close to the lava this place is kind of looking great though I like it the Bible oh yeah I have my brightness as well in there Max okay that’s a lot better guys yeah [Laughter] let’s go Diamond let’s go another witch

I’m sorry Millie Senpai I’m sorry be careful let’s go she slowed me down again are you guys okay yeah I’m fine oh my gosh okay event to read this okay I’m scared yeah yeah okay here let’s go oh you cleared it yeah wow get the achievement get the achievement

What oh I thought oh sorry I I thought I thought it fell like in the hole or something I was gonna say I thought something terrible happened scared okay we can go around the the lava wait no I got this don’t worry what are you gonna do

What’s he gonna do what’s he gonna do don’t tell me oh what are you gonna do Benta where is Winter what are you doing I thought you could just throw water into the lava and then it would I mean yeah you can do that

Oh not into the LA oh okay not into the lava did you use your water I just I just I just threw it oh threw it in I’m out of 102. oh no did you guys manage to do that there’s more water over there I mean I used to you know to innovator

Oh I I mean I you pick it up after again that’s what I’m doing what I’m here damn yeah I mean I just wanted to have a way anyways I was so I was so excited more diamonds no way okay yeah he’s in the jackpot let’s go Never mind what the hell oh no it happened it happened okay mage hey guys you live in PCM I I don’t even hear my own PCM I don’t have any bgm playing I have only my Minecraft yeah bgm I like the Minecraft music oh those are spiders wait where are

Y’all where’d you go oh I’m I’m right next to his eyes now I know exactly where you are where you were you guys at the lava waterfall do you see it oh you’re all the way be careful you have zombie behind here there’s a zombie yeah oh I’m coming

Actually you know what oh my God look at my crits I can’t miss oh my gosh you’re doing great gamer I’m crazy I’m insane all right who is he what is his motivation is he a friend so oh be careful be careful oh God you give me a heart attack oh my

God I spent so much time celebrating I thought I thought you were right next to it I was I really thought you were gonna die I was lucky I was lucky okay I say we go back up guys I think we have uh all right we’re about to run out

Of food and we’re gonna we already are he’s running out of food I’m not running out of food uh I mean it can only last for so long right true true you guys don’t have water and I have water watch out visalius behind you yeah yeah so then

I’m gonna kill them and what’s up Mr don’t look too close be careful I missed oh I’m gonna kill the enemy okay you’re gonna kill the Enderman I’m gonna kill the enemy let’s go I’m ready wait what are you doing you’ll see it’s a strut I need some water oh it’s that’s right

Drive behind you do not hit him okay all right well there’s two there’s another one let’s go are you gonna pick it up though oh wow wait you’re actually a gamer holy heck yeah I told you you don’t believe me I mean hey I I I I have very little

Things to go off of right now okay a torch I had in my hand am I dumb wow wait that was so exciting yeah I can do that a lot uh you said there was another one where Oh I thought there was two maybe he just teleported

And I thought I saw it teleported yeah yeah I got an eye let’s go nice okay that was like one-third we’re getting there okay I say we get out now all right um watch this okay I’ll be all the way witness Wilson being very smart what let’s go okay foreign

I’m kind of tired of being underground climb up old space did brainish do anything does brightness do anything a little bit I swear the brightness helped me none not even a little bit yeah it does a little bit not much though oh hey there Mr creeper how are you doing today

I don’t Hello creeper bye creeper sheesh okay I said we claimed that waterfall I think that was visalius maybe yeah be careful the skeleton yeah climb up as fast as possible oh my God it’s so dark all right okay now we go that way follow the Torches For example over here getting the good stuff yeah okay what am I doing bats oh yeah you’re right why are you killing bats my bad what did they do to you look if you’ve played Dragon’s Dogma you’ll know why I killed bats okay oh my God that’s a whole family yeah get

In the water okay turning around the water is a kind of smart oh my God there’s more there’s more there’s more there’s more Okay okay all right yeah okay oh hi guys Army this way if you guys could finally see dang that has been underground for so long I forgot what the I forgot the concept of sunlight is the jrpg party leader all right that’d be your yeah yeah GPS that’s for you okay this way

So when when we fight do we do we do we get in the line when we fight guys we should explore this thing if you want to saddle that’s the truth here and there yeah there can be diamonds two and chests yeah let’s go for now it’s all right yeah

We’ve got we’ve got a lot of diamonds what do diamonds do again can we make better gear like the second best shouldn’t we have desert um obsidia first weekend uh we can come back later there’s a sea of obsidia yeah I guess that’s okay we’re not like let’s just get their loot

Back home and actually like upgrade Maybe yeah and then we can make a diamond pickaxe and then we can mine obsidia let’s go so which way from here okay Um okay yeah you can see your name is that where it’s through here look at us look at that we’re gonna do we’re doing great I feel so successful yeah that was actually like that wasn’t too bad yeah how productive of us we’re pretty we’re pretty we’re pretty great I

Feel like we’re pretty poggers yeah we did a lot great we are great yeah we’re a good thing they’re great we’re so crazy like imagine that who would have thunk who would have thought who would have conceived all right oh my God is that sunlight is that is that the daylight I’m seeing

Is it oh yeah it is it’s kind of getting nice oh oh yeah you’re right let’s let’s oh yes oh is it day or night um it’s it’s Adam you get the right this kind of date with the dust I’m getting 90. oh it’s rising is the sunrise oh

It’s Dawn never mind not dusk how cinematic look at it look at the sunset or the the dawn sorry the sunrise what have you all been up to while we’ve been gone they’ve been eating grass and oh that’s raining oh come on come on welcome home to some good weather what

What is this a good moment really unbelievable I have a whole stack of iron of course no that’s crisis for you okay we have a lot of things so did you grab the the horse armor did you grab it guys is it okay if I use a single

Diamond to make a music music player just one music player wait you can make music players yeah look I don’t even know what oh you’re telling me we’re mining for iron and stone and there’s a music player that exists in this world guys I don’t think we want to

Play that one anymore I don’t like that one how about we play this one this one’s cute this one is nice there’s someone that’s kind of scary yeah I didn’t like that one at all but this one’s cute I wish we had cat cat is the best one

Yeah I don’t like that music disc I think it’s a little loud though okay oh geez where is it okay it’s happening okay what is the next objective neither the nether wait we can go there now we need to get some obsidia again sounds good I’ve never heard this one shot I’ve never heard this one sorry I’m not even sleepy yeah I made sure to have some coffee before this collab that is the best I know seems like this one is new right no it’s not new it’s pretty it is pretty

Feels great oh we need that we need a diamond pickaxe guys uh how many diamonds do we have I have two in the chest wait what did you make I didn’t make anything was we might we had more diamonds than three yeah I didn’t put mine in

Oh yeah put it in put it in okay okay you can do shift click to like okay fine do you think we have it and and that’s make make a pickaxe that’s it yeah stable how much do you need for the ancient tape uh one for an enchanting

Table I think oh yes we have a nice dinner okay is it is it one um blessing too it’s I guess well even if it’s still you have enough yeah yeah it’s great I’ll put your gold in the last furnace by the way on the complete right when facing the chest okay

Well I like this song yeah he’s kind of chill I like it soon okay I guess I’m gonna make the pickaxe all right Diamond area oh never mind he doesn’t give me any achievement look at that yeah oh we can make an enchanting table now oh yeah we can

Go what are we enchanting and what are we enchanting with our tools our armor you name it oh it’s just making our stuff way better right all around nice guys I like to run I can’t believe it first try first try right guys say first now first try I can’t believe it

I mean technically we could just I don’t know cut a little buckets and create a bottle with it so we don’t have to mind every city Avid well we have the ax we have the I mean we have to pickaxe now you know what let’s breathe through it

Nice well I guess I’m gonna grab it I’m gonna grab the how much oh wait we need eight uh is it nine chat nine obsidia sorry it’s line up City I think yeah I’m gonna get those then that might be hard since there’s only three but oh yeah torches I don’t have torches

Anymore I hope I can find some shackle on the way then okay 10. I’m just saying eight uh wait where are you guys wait wait I think it’s free on the side two it’s a tube by it’s a no yo aren’t they still here how did I lose

Oh there they are right I was like walking on the top so ten yeah you just got the you cut the corners okay okay so 10. 10. wait where’s rosalius I wasn’t getting the obsidia okay I like it because there’s a there’s a there’s a sea of uh

A magma it’s not lava it’s magma right wait is it magma like when it’s uh resting and lava’s is when it’s flowing right yeah I think so I think you’re right right that’s the real like nerd Emoji terminology right oh yeah that’s magma yeah how much guys for an enchanting table

Free I think is it true oh really yeah too okay I actually finished 2012 then let’s feed the mummus wait was I jumping on them four breed now thank you for telling them anymore okay four one I got you so 14. oh not Diamond sorry if you’re talking about obsidia yeah

Yeah it’s probably four like a marked torch we’re getting down here thank you with us you put jazz on the clock in my head now no I can’t hear it dude make a diamond pickaxe and what is the diamond pickaxe do that allows us to farm stuff that’s in the nether or like

What is it um no that means it’s just for obsidian obsidia right and then yeah oh obsidia allows us to go to the nether yeah exactly that’s right I see okay I see oh my goodness you’re alone no have fun don’t worry it’s all right we’re gaming oh maybe

We’ll make an actual house and not a box that has dirt inside we’re a game all right okay we have one ender pearl we need a lot more than that whoa like a lot more City yeah because this way wait where are you visalius I mean the at the same place we were

Before I’m heading to the in the sea yeah in the mind you’re all the way down there by yourself yeah are you gonna join I mean yeah I’m just I’m just following I’m following Wilson around and I have nothing to do I don’t know I was trying to pay attention to

What you guys were saying but you guys were having you I’m the housewife Builder farmer I’m yeah not much going on in my mind we got some straight male wife material up in here can you bring me some food if you if you’re coming oh

You know what that’s a good idea uh I’m gonna get some more food before I go back down with the amount of food that I have sounds great sounds great huh I’m making sure we don’t die of hunger and that we have all the materials we need

I’ll be unfortunate yeah that would be quite unfortunate I agree I don’t want to die yeah dying hurts sense makes sense dying is not cool that would not be cash money okay is food in the chest there should be a little bit okay it’s ready if not I’m farming right now

What are puffer fish for I don’t think you can eat those but like I’m curious what they’re for do not mind for potions okay okay give azaleas to make pepper fish are just like they are like I guess yeah I don’t okay all right then I don’t think there’s any food in here

Unless I can’t see it it’s not very uh what’s what’s the saying again what’s the niji Sanji Ian I got language again all right very they talk a weird language in this world oh I I’ve never I’ve never I don’t know what they’re talking I don’t even know

What that means but not very progressed Champion yeah we came in with gaming oh that’s there’s some people then here oh interesting yeah okay I’m coming but I have no food oh wow two in a row oh my God wait two two flint in a row from gravel

Man what is up with my eyes what is up with my odds for real that’s actually crazy four chickens from one egg double feet what is that about a diamond over here you killed a skeleton that had a music disc what is that wait I’m actually cheating for real

Hmm that’s problematic no I’m not actually cheating I swear me cheat why I don’t need to yeah I mean isn’t isn’t that in your hero directives you got to secure the goods you know by any means necessary 95 percent yeah wait you wait are you all the way back

Down visalia’s oh my God I got it I gotta find it yeah oh God I should not have followed you I’m gonna get lost you got this you think so genuinely you mean that no no no no no no don’t try yeah okay okay I think uh I

Was really about to get confident myself too I was ready I was like okay all right let’s go I’m going down we love you I’m having some trouble already okay I’m heading back this is not a good place for me oh my goodness please don’t die guys you work so hard yeah

Um and I I found this well and there’s a diamond I couldn’t take it there’s too much monsters that’s crazy and uh this thing here I don’t have more food I don’t have food anymore they’re gonna start suffocating in here okay I should have come here with food because

Yeah giving me too much trouble oh oh sorry Mama I can help you this is a strategy Retreat guys strategically pushing away I believe it yeah you live to fight another day that’s right that’s right I should make I should expand this okay we are still alive oh wait that oh my God

Oh I’m waiting right here perfect ah that feels good oh I dodged this one completely enough I dodged these bullets uh what okay I did it okay we are heading back you know just needs to know how to retreat it was perfectly enough I am okay that that was super satisfying free gaming

Oh that was uh so intense okay actually I don’t know what either the crisis need to go all together that year that’s that’s crazy down here we can I’ve I’ve never been more confused in my life like like I I’ve just I’ve Just Seen I’ve just seen an Enderman for the first time

I didn’t realize they were just we can I can make bread I have a lot of bread it’s kind of insane all right we’re safe we’re safe Minecraft actually training me to be afraid of tall people get me sweating guys I’m actually starting to believe we can actually beat the game

What the [ __ ] you never believed it uh I mean yeah but okay no sorry what I meant to say was I I’m uh I’m believing even more you’re believing even more am I yeah yeah that’s what I meant to say dude I’m sorry my guy saw the light after after

We started messing with cows and chickens he was like all right this is it we can do it oh my it’s cursed the [ __ ] out of me I mean like we’re alive we have diamonds we we have I guess we can sleep now I mean I don’t

Know yeah no that’s good yeah where is the belief dude no no no no I’ll do it now do it now do it now do it now where’s the belief in ice I’m like I’m like rethinking everything now homina yeah I cannot I cannot get greedy guys I cannot good night good night

Yeah why my arm this time what do you mean I need food guys you gotta kiss the homies good night you guys like music oh yeah we love music oh sweet do you have food someone um half HP uh I will make all the bread you need thank you thank you

I’m not standing out of this place full HP thank you oh yeah I feel at home oh who stopped the music put it back now now okay just just right click it with the music desk in your hand S I didn’t I didn’t know what time I

Didn’t know what that did I was just um oh god let’s go um I can make some you know what I feel like it’s worth making some golden apples here Maybe yeah three apples honestly I feel like I’m more afraid of Wilson than I am any of the monsters in

This game from a witch oh I see I saw the videos are gonna be complicated oh yeah we need is it bars of gold Judd What do you mean oh it’s ingots oh yes I think I think that’s my bad all right let’s see if I can get some food oh I can only make two huh okay well I mean I don’t know it’s worth it nothing anymore some pics thank you thank you maybe we need to

Appreciate it but I guess I’m wrong oh yeah right I need more wood do we have wood we need more wood hahaha oh yeah we’re poor we have no wood oh my God that’s not good we’ve fallen so far my greatest enemy isn’t even the actual enemies it’s my teammates

How about I go again oh my gosh okay okay hmm I remember planting those trees you guys remember that when I planted those like what why do you skin them then that [ __ ] I thought you didn’t see that I can hear it what do you mean you can

Hear it it makes a sound yeah it does it’s like it’s hiding from me okay all right uh where are my sticks I’ve run out of sticks some we ran out of food okay we are out of wood it’s a one shot I have wood you need some more

Did I take that cable back yeah no it’s okay I can get more wood I’ll I’ll get like a lot of wood for everyone so we never run out okay well you should just take mine then because I have some okay kidding people this is for the good

You’re what usually I God I ain’t safe from anybody out here you do yeah we should make a brewing station what’s the point in skinning the woods does it actually serve any kind of like practical purpose this is foreign wait wait hold on Amanda wait are you serious I mean

Some better some some Linda yeah you’re right it is bad right it’s very bad that’s wrong no way super wrong we’re heroes that’s very wrong I don’t know I just I feel like there’s more than one way to save people but you know yeah I totally angry

Yeah yeah the different way of saying before huh yeah totally totally I am on board with everyone someone said Sally’s killed plenty you mean the the the monsters the monsters the monsters yeah it’s fine to kill monsters they’re monsters one thousand percent yeah yeah things that aren’t human yeah they you know

Well not everything that’s not human that that’s some uh you know I know I know what you’re saying yeah yeah okay okay you know just can they do explain myself just monsters and and evil things like it’s fine yeah I’m not doing this here absolutely not very bad okay man what is

That supposed to mean I’m changed I am reformed okay I have changed my ways huh I’m believing you I believe in you Wilson yeah son of will not son of will anything okay I can’t get that one all right plenty of food don’t ask me how I get it

Is that a dead beehive or are they still alive okay I’ve got so much wood you guys are gonna be so proud of me oh let’s go we need that I got a lot of wood I know so much dude I’m gonna take down that tree that you skinned earlier

I’m gonna put it out of its misery what do you mean misery it’s so pretty nope nice thing why why would you do that yep I killed it was a zombie my tree a sea zombie that had to be done I’m sorry uh right I got wood to uh

Oh he won’t [ __ ] fight this tree he won’t find this one God we are running out of space guys we gotta make more chests and reorganize everything you won’t find this one you won’t find this one that’s not how I do it I swear to it

God damn it it won’t get out now this is not my tree okay now big big enclosure nice okay super big okay you might even say should we go and uh get the obsidia so we can have the bottle in yeah just after I finish this enclosure yeah we

Can hit him up right now you have a lot of food to cook first obsidia wait is it so obsidia wait we know is it obsidian no it’s obsidia no it’s subsidian is it yeah okay yeah I’m used to like other games and like usually like it’s

Obsidian that’s that’s like the name of it obsidian is interesting no no it is obsidia Okay yeah Minecraft is a musician yeah Minecraft is just different okay yeah it is it’s a really silly game I love it a bunch of funny Minecraft what wait is it obsidian or not obsidia it’s obsidia yeah Why won’t you believe this why are you so stuck Chad says I’m being gaslit no why do you believe Chad in the first place eyes why look I I don’t know right either way but we’ll know the truth we’ll know the truth soon enough why why don’t you believe me we’re teammates hmm

Come on why not I don’t know I just I just think of like I just think of like stones and how that works like I think of like obsidian chunks you know like obsidian ore yeah that makes sense yeah yeah you know I mean it’s Minecraft I mean it’s not it

Doesn’t have to be real life because I mean yeah you know it’s just everything else is kind of followed suit so I figured that why not this as well uh this game is funny this game is kind of haha funny yeah yeah you know I get it I’m kind of a

Silly guy people have said that I’m a silly guy I understand that I I can I can relate to Minecraft I really can which I’m expanding the farm a little bit so we can like truly always have like a lot of bread sounds good oh yeah we will have mountains of bread

The crazy thing is is that I don’t believe I don’t believe anybody this is what I like but I don’t know I don’t I I genuinely don’t know so I don’t know enough about Minecraft I can’t disprove them I do want some croissant whistle whistle oh my God wait Benton you’re actually

Cracked in French why didn’t you tell us oh really I thought I told you earlier you were pretending this entire time oh we are we are the French wave yeah oh wee-wee fromage I don’t know where this whole thing is coming from any french saying this it’s the laugh oh oh

I guess it’s because it’s because in French we pronounce a lot of home like you know really yeah I think what like song or croissant foreign event Mandela effect that’s ever been spread around in the world it was never omelette it was always yeah that was that’s like the biggest

Misinformation that’s been ever spread in the world and I and I really mean it that’s crazy yeah yeah considering how many people like French yeah considering the amount of times I’ve heard people say do when it’s duh it’s the wrong terminology well ain’t that some [ __ ] [ __ ]

Is there a lot of footage of a the chest over here [Laughter] hey how would crazy Dio sound in French translate this yeah I don’t even I mean I think in French you would just say in English okay all right I was just curious I feel

Like that would be funny what about what about a French accent [Laughter] or took [Laughter] it something like that yeah oh my gosh That’s perfect oh wait should we sleep yeah we should let’s go to bed pull me up ah ah good night guys what a quick nub that was oh my God guys it’s daytime that’s crazy all right I can’t believe it’s already morning we have a lot of fun

Yeah we do it’s gonna get even bigger this is how I expand oh my gosh burning come on chicken come here chicken chicken where are we come here it’s time to do that there you go there you go oh my God let’s go everything’s so big now it sure is

We’re only doubling every time we’re not exactly where are you I mean uh whoops you’re in the what other crops okay okay what can I what can I add to this situation what can I add to this the situation yeah I’ve been I’ve been running around in circles kind of just

Talking to you guys Sam well I’ve been farming a little bit well I guess we can uh we can go get the obsidia yeah let’s get obsidian I agree yeah how do I decorate the house good deal I can make speaks I thought it was true for a second oh sorry I must

Have stuck a fork how do I do that no I’m not doing that this should be enough for me okay well what was that windows I have chronic hiccups don’t ask me why I just do just some of my you’re gonna drink some water yeah I should tray this

Is experimenting some side effects you’re right basically is like made a potion once and you made me drink it and ever since then I’ve been like this don’t ask me why but it’s just the way I would kill you one day I never drink anything visalius makes me

What do you mean why why what do you mean you don’t trust them no why not because of your hiccups I mean also I’m just stubborn and I don’t I don’t I don’t want to drink it it’s just one side effect it’s not that bad not too bad what’s what’s the what’s

The upside what’s the upside it can save your life yeah I mean she saved me I’d rather him just wrap me up you can just write you can just wrap me up you know as soon as the way of doing it I don’t need a potion I don’t need a potion

Hey I want to make Windows guys I want to spruce up our house um get sand I didn’t cook it oh POG just just grab something and then put in the uh in the furnace and boom that’s how you make sound it’s really really easy

Okay I see him oh I’m just gonna put this one here I’m sorry okay okay um grab them grab the hook logs and then you can make it yeah I’m gonna cook this copper for experience we’re not going too far we’re going uh in the place where are you now Okay whatever I get you guys ready I’m gonna make some bread some baguettes for you my friend oh okay huh oh gosh you guys can start communicating without me entirely hey hey hey what’s up can’t beat him can’t beat him join them okay Um uh I’m gonna I can’t touch your friends situations I fell and Tower I can’t yeah just okay this inventor I need to remember this okay in France you have a magical friends that can make you included in everything and you can answer at every single sentences you’re being told okay you’re saying

Wait which one it’s not wrong it means it’s not wrong or that’s not wrong oh yeah okay so you’re not saying it’s true you’re not saying you’re not saying it’s false you’re just saying Maybe and you know it kind of works for everything I love it it’s like is that so oh my

Gosh yeah yeah if you can hire me hello great hi there it’s great I hope you’re having a good day Wilson hey hey hey I don’t sound like that you do okay I do sound like that whatever whatever soda that makes me think of that one scene

What is it what is it where they were using it from as a meme from Death that it’s just like what do you what do you what do you want what do you want to drink that’s just like just laughing soda soda um do you not like soda I saw that soda okay

Um okay I need oh wait I can just cook sand all the all the weeds to breed the cows but I forgot oh you’ve been killing uh you’ve been going around killing uh pigs yeah I’ve been yes I’ve been giving them information oh my goodness come on come on I can put

That in here and that’s cool I’ve got two whole glasses [ __ ] I’ll take your Shield whoever put that there because I’m gaming I’m going crazy I’m wild yeah I have a almost a perfect also uh again this is indeed my first time oh my gosh we need torches too are we

Making charcoal okay fine I’ve got all the glasses now how do I make how do I make Windows glass panes I need 16 glasses oh my God I gotta go I gotta go get more sand yeah I need a shovel okay so when we go to the news where’s the shovel

I’ve avoided I’ve somehow avoided it all this time okay um you guys need to don’t forget only six okay where’s Santa is there standing here no we don’t have any sand yeah I need to make a shovel how do I make a shovel out of my food on my building

Blocks shovel what place is nice I need two sticks and a thingy where’s that right that’s cute animals two sticks fish This place is thriving huh that’s funny I guess I didn’t realize how weird it is that I’ve never played Minecraft before perfect oh my God oh my God what are you up to um so I wanted to make some windows so I am making a shovel right now so I can

Get more sand so I can cook some more sand and make some windows okay sounds about dead oh look at me oh snap I’m crazy I’m about to go digging oh wait do we have um do you guys have a diamond pickaxe I’m crazy oh my God I’m learning

Let’s go together you ready wait where are we going are you telling me is it obsidian is it I meant I meant to say obsidian hey hey sorry actually I’m so sorry it’s because you ‘ve seen it and I messed up I said it I said it twice I said

Obsidian two times two times think about it you made me think about it and I was like oh it is true that in real life it’s called obsidian but in this game it’s called obsidia this game is called obsidia huh that’s crazy it’s crazy how that concept works huh it does work that

Way it’s pretty crazy though isn’t it yeah it’s pretty crazy though come on okay all right then all right then you better not let me mine any obsidia better not let me find any you better not let me find any it’s obsidious when it’s multiple okay oh obsidious with an

S I see yeah did you add an apostrophe there too no no no really I would be talking about a person oh really okay okay all right then nobody’s called it nobody’s called obsidia what are you talking about um the truth is slowly being revealed I’m uncovering the truth what are you

Talking about I don’t know what you’re talking about right now hey hey guys is spreading lies chat can you confirm can anyone can anyone confirm for me you can tell me the truth I’ll believe you tell me the truth is still there again all right is it obsidious let’s go parkour doing this

Gaming I must know all right yeah I’m running right now oh okay when you jump and run you go faster oh really so let’s be doing strats use even more food now it uses food but you run like really fast oh so it’s obsidious oh zombie okay maybe I do have to believe

Them together I gotta go find this I’m gonna go find out for myself right now I’m gonna go find out if I find out that it’s obsidian I don’t know what I’m gonna do I don’t know what I’m gonna do hello Mr zombie I have no idea goodbye hmm

That was uh you know guys oh oh you did it is that the water you left last time yep that’s crazy don’t jump I almost I almost fell on the on the ground dude oh my this is crazy imagine imagine if the Run was over that way it would be so sad

What is going on is this is this is this what noctix feels like hmm I feel like I’m stuck in the abyss right now you guys are leaving me in the dark you guys are leaving me in the dark you are so stupid I cannot believe I actually uh I cannot believe it

I was actually oh wow yeah you have armor now what’s the apartment we got armor now yep it’s been long enough they started getting armor they’re all they’re all shooting at me so uh uh take them out all right okay not anymore they’re dead good job guys okay

That was a lot of arrows oh my God I got Wilson so bad oh without creeper too well I just listened to that recently I was like I was like wow oh my gosh I’m getting crit after crit they call me that they call me the headshot Bandit

I’m getting so many Christmas it’s like my middle name no they don’t call you that they call you a tyrant stop playing hey hey my the amount of titles I have only increases as time passes true but you’re most well known as a tyrant right truly true that is very true Canada

You hear the explosion and you just freaking lose it I do because I’m like oh no someone blew up or something I’m scared you know I don’t want you guys to die I don’t want to be by myself down here are you doing good oh I missed that idiot oh my God triple

Crit he actually he actually jerked me I can’t believe it wow man then they call him visalius Bandit she’s more like visalius damage oh my gosh he’s crazy he’s a beast I’m crazy he’s insane but I’m the DPS Yeah I mean I mean technically we’re all capable of DPS if you really think about it technically all classes are just DPS with with like different main objectives you know like like even though I’m a tank technically I’m still supposed to DPS that’s why I can that’s why my middle

Name can be crit I’m Vance Acro critbringer all right nice SM City I I need cover I I take a while all right I got you I got you I’m clearing more for you also don’t mind it while it’s um well it’s underwater I can’t see anything

Anymore we guys there was light oh my God hold on I got you I got you guys we’re noctix all over again I’m pretty sure when you put it on obsidia it stays on fire I think I’m not sure I don’t think it’s the city I said

What is that so I was gonna say I was gonna say yeah it is called obsidia what are you saying I wonder oh is it so sad yeah I think it is but oh you’re right oh oh we don’t see I didn’t see anymore I I guess twice in a row

We don’t have torches wait um is this it right here here this is what we’re here for yeah there you go do you see let’s go let’s go perfect you’re welcome oh wait I don’t have the right pickaxe no no I do not mind it

Do not mind it wait let me let me let me let me see this let me stand over here do not stop bro get out of his eyes this way you’re actually trolling him so hard right now come on come on just just don’t pick it up don’t pick it up why

Don’t you let me pick it up you should mine it and then let me pick it up okay you should mine it might not let me pick it up just mine and then let me pick it up just find it then let me pick it up come

On what are you so afraid of there’s I can hold it you know that’s that’s less inventory space that you have to take why don’t you let me happen oh my gosh oh my gosh whoa what did he say wow wow my own team my own team I

Thought we were in this together I thought we were special it was supposed to be a storybook picture we were in this together I thought we were a team s it seems it’s two against one what nine yes you have your game in English don’t you I would have been getting

Friends it’s I’ve been gaslate I’ve only been gaslit no you have the game in English we have to give me friends that’s why oh oh really oh really you know I’m curious what is [ __ ] tell me what did he say what did he say I have obsidian in my inventory obsidian

Uh that’s a glitch spent up I don’t know what you’re talking about it’s a glitch oh really oh really a glitch a glitch now is it a glitch now a glitch now really it it is I’m telling you what kind of a glitch is this you’ve been playing Minecraft for quite some

Time if I remember correctly 10 years was it is this a common glitch is this a comment no no no no no no no no it’s just like the it’s just like the egg that that gave birth to four chickens it’s really rare but oh really yeah

Really every car every copy of Minecraft is personalized really even the digital ones they differentiate okay I have everything we can’t go guys oh [ __ ] I didn’t mean to do that hold on oh my skeleton’s actually gonna kill me huh okay Venta yay Let’s go okay let’s get out of here for real there’s too many enemies I’m too scared be careful Shield don’t forget your Shield that’s crazy oh that’s crazy even though some some of y’all some of y’all continued the guys both of my teammates did even Iron Man yeah we

Got I never expected this expected this did this let’s go what is it what is this heart is so broken we were supposed to be in This Together We were supposed to be in this together but then so we are I thought we were a

Team I thought we were I thought we were crisis each of us making up parts of the name but apparently apparently we’re just Chris unbelievable unbelievable without all three of us we’re not crisis we’re only part of the name my heart is so broken against Chris

Uh the eighth wave of niji Sanji Ian Chris [Laughter] oh my God oh my gosh Heroes of the Chris my heart my kokoro is broken oh no no it’s not stop saying that I’m we’re telling the truth it’s called obsidia really really wait watch out there’s a there’s a tall friend over there

You know what I’m gonna look at him hold on I gotta set it up though no I’m not crazy you saw what I did last time I’m gonna look at him I forgot my water where did he go there he is coming he’s coming he’s coming he’s coming oh snap

I hate the sound he’s making come here idiot oh no pearl tried all right pretty cool we should we should check out the mine shaft next time why is that the the the mine abandoned oh yeah my shaft yeah what do I step on it I stepped on a spike

Interesting well well we got everything we needed we’re doing so great guys yeah I’m great we got our obsidian we got her obsidia huh oh is this the exit for real you go down here yeah yeah oh these events are still here huh guys why aren’t they gonna make a crisis block

Thank you thank you for being vanta crew forever have you done well gonna happen wait where’d you guys go wait I lost you guys already oh no we’re headed towards the exit oh there it is okay it’s gonna say like I got lost a little bit you can’t go anywhere else listen

I’m I’m the DPS okay I I follow you guys that’s that’s what I do yeah what am I saying I’m getting out before you guys gosh you guys are lost for real like you’re really lost okay how do I recover from this you can make

It my cow is my cheeky what are we doing here what are we even fighting for who am I to who am I to the both of you know I’ll tell you when we’re out of here I thought I thought we were something we are we are something what are you fighting for

What am I fighting for really huh I’ll tell you when we’re out of here is that this bag huh I was saying this usually dies in the anime no it’s it’s not from the anime it’s a metal gear reference I see you know what I don’t know I don’t know if I

Can trust the two of you right now why what did I do to you I’m taking oh wait I have enough I’m out of here you have enough what now I’m out of here I’m out of here what what do you have enough of I have enough wood

Oh I thought you were talking about obsidia you have five you’re you’re still sticking to it after all this after everything what did I do you know what that’s respectable that’s very respectable what what did I do where’s he on about maybe you can uh what is he on about

How do you call this I don’t know what’s his problem I’m only stating the truth how do you call the thingy that can uh damn it repair items oh um you call it uh blacksmith something oh no you call it um that we call it again what is it again

Anvil it’s an anvil yeah sorry I don’t like the blacksmith thing and then yeah you can repair stuff with that or I think we can enchant if we have a book we can use it on chat with um oh okay where’s Venta maybe I didn’t have the recipe yet oh here we go

What are you doing and it’s kind of expensive guys I don’t need you guys I don’t need you guys huh I don’t need you guys wait what do you what do you mean what do you mean there’s no there’s no eye team there’s there’s us I’m running away I’m running away

Venta we we built another portal are you gonna come back now that’s crazy we could hold hands on another together what oh okay so we don’t get lost I’m coming back huh that easy yeah of course hit me what what is this I’m not lying to you

What the [ __ ] wait what did you do how did you dude wait give that to me what did he do what wait give that to me right give that to me right now no that’s true of CDI is true together I actually don’t know what he’s

Talking about you gotta give that to me now what what did you do I I just showed him the obsidia exists no no you picked it a backup I did yeah yeah oh my God you believe us now do you believe do you trust us now what did we tell you

It’s called obsidia on this together hmm you weren’t guessing wait wait wait wait wait wait hold on hold on Fanta you didn’t trust I gave it to you I did it I did it you didn’t you didn’t trust your friends I didn’t I was I was unaware it’s okay it’s okay Vincent

And I’m a little hurt by that but I’ll forgive you I’ll forgive you if you come back are you willing to come back now yeah let’s let’s have a homie sleep together yeah let’s do yeah let’s help me sleep together Venta I could just you know go back home to to everything and

Get back on track together as a team well together we are not gonna kiss you know you know we’re not Chris we’re crisis you know I’m kind of sus that the name Cydia isn’t spelled with why and it has it’s in italics instead of instead of you know the straight letters

Come on come on listen and I’m pretty sure there’s some way to rename items but honestly I’m I’m in such gratitude and respect for the Ingenuity at display here that I’ll come back I’ll come back I’m coming back okay I’m coming back so would you agree it’s called obsidia [ __ ] no

Wait did you stop why didn’t oh oh thank thank you for letting me know the truth thank you all my vanta crew look look to reinforce this is called lazulu This is called Say it what is it called it say it what is it called [Laughter] God what a distance say it you can say it it’s called laser light yeah lots of light I told you what did I say we’ve kind of see you in the last one we do we weren’t lying to you we were only telling the truth I didn’t know this was spelled this way

Yeah me neither but uh it yeah so can we be friends again you’re right we can be we’re not Chris we’re crisis hell yeah touchdown touchdown touchdown let’s go we’re crisis [Laughter] oh my God Christ is reforming not clickbait let’s go wait wait should I get some more stuff

Do we need any other do I need better weapons that come out from the portal oh my gosh a pig man came from the portal really thank you yeah oh no he’s out there oh my gosh it’s hitting down okay oh yeah we need that we need the

Golden equipment dude oh we do need gold I can bring the gold what the hell is that another Piggy uh Zombie Pigman whoa can I kill it no no no no no no no do not do not okay no matter what you do do not do

Not kill the pig and I really mean it please do not kill this is there a lot of those oh yeah and if you attack only one every single one gonna be on your back but the whole time it’s Never Gonna Leave You Alone never ever it’s over another type of uh Piggy

And uh is that kind of consider uh considering us one of them if you have a golden piece on us I see we have to be you know a bit of an imposters I grabbed Underneath It All the ah I grabbed all of the I um gold we have all of it huh

And I’m using charcoal right now I’m spreading the coal around so we have to put on gold to be an imposter yeah we do I’ll meet you guys the easiest thing we can make is uh boots let’s make boots for everyone hi so yeah Santa Cruz is gonna be an

Imposter maybe Senpai was right maybe I am Venta Crow bringer here you go back can I get my boots I have wings is thank you thank you huh I guess I don’t need my diamond pickaxe I just leave it also uh I want to say now thank you for the generosity I’ll

Bring um very generous uh I’m trying to like it focus on the on the things for not being able one just in case I just don’t want to disrespect make sure to grab I do appreciate everything bring your diamond pickaxe it’s fine thank you so much like it’s it’s all good

Yeah what else you cannot oh yeah don’t if you ever bring a bed I don’t think you will but don’t sleep in the nether no no no yeah I’m aware I know and I appreciate that thank you this is this is this is my my stream but and then what else did you

Guys make it you’re my crew you’re my crew uh I’m gonna start throwing away you’re more than important in this in this extreme sorry you know you know the drill right oh wait I have a golden shirt okay huh I don’t need this is this better no it’s not yes okay

Okay I’m good I’m good I’m good actually before we leave uh I want can I feed them all the iron went I got it I’m taking it with us in another okay okay I need blocks out of them and I’m keeping them hey uh I have a gold chest plate

It’s kind of weaker than that yeah no it’s better you need only like one piece of armor it says um it says it has protection one and Unbreaking one on it oh then it’s fine wear it then I mean over my iron stuff uh I’m it’s gonna break fast but nah

It’s up to you really it’s up to Franco’s freaking fast it’s better armor than what you have right now but it’s gonna break really fast because gold breaks really really fast okay but I look super cool right now so that’s what I want yeah it’s some swag I don’t think about

Um I need to put some stuff in some stuff up okay what are we getting again we’re getting uh thank you so much a blaze road yeah no no we can kill some Enderman in another two it’s really easy but we can trade with pigs to get uh gold I’m sorry

With gold we can trade with piglens and then they’ll give us uh Enderman pearls before we go though I need to do something I need to do something very important yep what is he doing the windows oh you’re making windows yeah I am are you gonna make blocks are you gonna

Make them thin because you can do both uh probably then what the [ __ ] was that what what oh hey oh it’s night time it’s a zombie oh it’s oh it’s a drowned oh Venta is in kind of trouble prices to the rescue true hold on we are not dying after all this not

After all we’ve been through I refuse I refuse holy [ __ ] now homie bad homie homie nap now now all right now okay wait I got all my sayings oh my God I can’t believe you almost died right oh my God that’s crazy okay that’s crazy night time night time all right on the

Way it’s too scary in the outside world huh oh gosh okay it’s been a while yeah good night good night guys we’re gonna say good night he kissed the back of my my elbow what is wrong with you ouch okay okay do I even have a bucket

Sticks some stuff really quick I need sticks we’re sticks there’s a lot of wood you can make sticks from that yeah okay okay grab like before we leave grab um a stack of wood oh sounds about a good idea oh wait that’s what so I need six and it

Makes 16 of them oh my gosh that makes so much more sense I thought I needed 16 pieces of glass oh no no oh my gosh okay I like it I am a farmer child so should I just like break a block and then put a window on it like that

Was about rights yeah I’ve been chased by groups of dogs before pretty strong and looking pretty oh oh wait no we don’t have a saddle I could fish for a saddle until you can get a horse if you want yeah should we have some fishing panel together why are you so happy

What do you mean we have Windows we have Windows we do yeah we have Windows we’re looking so cool hey Venta I can’t really reach you but hey I swear I’m not sure it’s just really high up okay I’m not sure oh my gosh that’s crazy that’s crazy your house is so high-end

Now okay we’re gonna end up with like a tower or something oh wait actually I think this is bad feng shui you’re not supposed to put a window right by the bed oh what the hell what what oh who fished like me oh it’s you

Um this is how I use my painting just part true yeah it does pull me a little bit when you do that yeah okay this is fine we can keep the beds fine yeah let’s make some breakfast this is bandage guys dude okay I can put these

Back I’m gonna need them right now all right it’s nothing but a bandage it’s nothing for the baby absolutely this is nothing but God that what was what was that what was that one piece that one art piece it was just like first impression of Crisis this

Thing but a bandage and I’m just screaming have you guys seen that video someone made like exactly is like talking about how he loves rapping stuff it’s an animation oh yeah yeah I watched it that’s so good it’s super cute yeah I love that one yeah you guys feng shui is important

You’re not supposed you’re not supposed to put what is it you’re not supposed to put your bed by a window that’s not good I think it’s fine it’s okay we should make arrows guys we need a lot of arrows feet of your bedroom is supposed to be

Facing the exit actually I’m gonna go and oh yeah I need some gravel but This is so convenient you sleep next to your window that’s bad feng shui creeper behind me please now thank you so much I appreciate that thank you so much can you imagine that’d be the most stupid I have the most the worst way to go thank you yeah yeah

Um wait where are you guys I’m getting gravel on the river gravel in the river okay yep I need Flint to make arrows for everyone because we have a lot of feathers but we don’t have Flint so I have 35. gravel I don’t know I wrote I need more because we’re definitely

Gonna need as many arrows as we can get by the way thank you very much huh wow a lot of arrows so this might take a while but it’s definitely worth it well there’s no need to change your room because like you know interrupt you uh fishing Road oh you did thank you

Yeah I think she as well yeah it’s pretty straightforward you just you know throw it out there if you feel like something’s off in your room look up feng shui and think of it I don’t think I did that correctly how many um does it make chat when I when I have

Um how many arrows do I make with one uh feather stick and what am I what am I looking for four or six I think it’s four is it four what am I doing yeah I think it’s four it’s not one I think it’s four yeah it’s definitely not one It’s four okay thank you so much Chad oh did I just get up oh Venta you did it uh I finished come on should I build a dock well that would be kind of sick we should have a diving thing Okay jump in the water

I think you just need to dive in having doors so you can Farm faster wait what this game let’s go Oh I thought I just pulled I thought I just fished like cooked salmon I was so confused I was like what you can do that oh it all sticks

That’s not enough sticks is it oh oh my God I just realized guys you guys want to watch me die in the stupidest way possible nice actually I’m not gonna be stupid I’m actually not gonna be stupid I’m gonna do this correctly and safe um so there’s a way to get flint pretty

Fast pretty fast but is it uh really yeah look at the farm yeah ventricle bringer more like vanticrow Fisher don’t worry don’t do not visalia’s do not I am dead serious do not do that wait where are you guys do not what what happened what are you doing nothing I die

He’s actually really scared me don’t do that okay no way I’m doing that all right thank you what do you gain from this Flint oh it’s like a really fast way to get flinta I see I thought he was going to do that the thing with the the torch but

I think the torch is Oh no you’re right I should do with the torch no no I think it doesn’t give you Flint so you put a torch oh really yeah you need to actually break it with a shovel no I do it again I only got

Four out of that by the way it’s something like this yeah interesting why does this give you Flint um because gravel there’s been lint it just does it’s like a percentage of chance um oh at least so I just do that this water you can jump visas just needs

To pull me in that direction and I I have like what like two three blocks of water and I’m dead oh enemies where the neighbors oh no or did the are they the ones with the crossbows enemies yeah be careful this one is dangerous they’re they’re not nice people Venta they’re villains

Wait where we don’t want to don’t kill them don’t kill them though huh we cannot kill them we can’t we can’t kill them why not nope uh because they’ll be back with more friends uh yeah and some big fries like like a lot of friends okay but wait

Don’t we want a lot of friends no they’re not good friends they’re like the bad kind of friends they’re like the friends that would tell you that that obsidious called obsidian well they wouldn’t lie to you they’re not the good kinds of friends good friends would tell you that obsidious

Call obsidia but bad friends would say that obsidious called obsidian which is a lie I see is that okay interesting that’s the metric that we’re using to okay yeah yeah all right they’re not actual friends huh interesting I’m learning a lot today about Minecraft you sure are I’m proud

Of you Hunter all right thank you thank you I do what I can live in guidelines we don’t die yeah they call me vanticrow Immortal bringer that’s just who I am didn’t you rejected isn’t that what happens until you rejected immortality it’s a title

Oh I see I might as I might as well be immortal but I’m not actually immortal Mentos had multiple opportunities to become immortal but he rejected it each and every time Well I believe him he believes me so of course I believe him fishing is so much fun I know right I got a saddle oh no way no no way there’s horses this way no way I got a saddle God’s way no way you’re gaming I don’t have horse armor no I

Thought that somebody else grabbed it I’m pretty sure we did oh my God okay where where do I go do I need an apple still uh you don’t even need to give them anything you can just write them okay it’s it’s it’s only sleepy time guys

It’s gonna get dark out there okay okay I’m gonna go get my horse next time oh my gosh entire day just like making pillars of gravel all right we’re doing this yo guys oh do we rest okay we already did hey I need more sticks actually more sticks where is

Where is horse I remember where a horse was I know where there is it’s over the river I didn’t even more really whoa um there you go okay so I made I made a stack of 64 and 38 arrows uh 28 arrows sorry okay you need arrows Bento uh arrows yeah yeah here

Oh that’s Ben oh that’s hey buddy hey oh that’s another pharaohs sorry I forgot that dealing on a little cruise to get we can dance yeah I love our box it’s very nice that’s our are you are you with the horses over there um uh yes by the way Venta Schwarz is different

In terms of speed wait I don’t see her what am I the wrong way is this the worst I don’t see you though me don’t they went this way did he go you go that way oh they go best friend best friend let’s go now put the saddle on settle up you have

A kind of a guts have HP as well with the horses with speed and uh and uh how do I put it on right click on the horse and then you should see like uh or something yeah get on the horse and then open inventory okay yeah I open the inventory

And then oh oh oh my gosh let’s go come back we can give it a name let’s go oh my gosh yeah we got it we got a name tag we can name it let’s get it oh my gosh this is the best day ever yo Minecraft is like the best game to

Ever exist holy oh my gosh this is amazing this is great this is so great oh my god oh yeah yeah he’s looking great okay Amanda I’m gonna teach you how to name okay okay um so uh you can put them in the how about you put them in here why not

Because he’s gonna leave what wait no no How do I name it uh come with me I’ll teach you okay get off just press shift or something and then leave him in there because he’s gonna leave I’m gonna open the gate here see there’s two gates here oh I’m stuck in here right click it like a door

And then close that immediately after yep there you go okay why is that okay okay okay come here now I’m gonna give you this name tag name tags can be fished or they can be found okay okay right click on this thing the the where are you going oh okay

Right click on this thing the envelope and then put put the name tag on the first block okay and then you’ll see you can change the name come on oh yeah move type now type whatever you want whatever name you want to give it okay I’ve been seeing

I’ve been seeing Chris a lot I I think I think Chris is this this is this is gonna be a nice recovery and a representation of our of our progress in Minecraft so far we we were crisis and then we were Chris and now we’re crisis once again

So you’re naming it Chris I’m naming it Chris k-r-i-s okay and then when you’re done you grab it you grab the finished product there you go now you have it in your hands and it’s called Chris do not okay I’m serious do not right click any other animal except except the horse

Yeah don’t have it in your hand first because you might accidentally like just call it call it chicken Christmas [ __ ] it’s fine so I can kill it it’s whatever there’s too many of them okay okay Chris let’s go bring it out bring it out yeah I mean I can’t jump in

The nether I mean maybe you can let’s go can I no that’s not my idea wait I don’t see its name oh my God I guess you’re ready it’s actually really fast I wonder can I write it for a second yeah I want to see how fast it is it is

It’s like average it’s actually it’s like a little over average speed maybe it is like completely average oh wow who would have guessed that I that I’d I’d set a goal doing it in one day what’s going on oh my goodness dying oh I think I’m back they’re saying

Your stream is off they’re saying your stream died wow okay I think it’s back are you okay okay okay I don’t know I guess I was still good it was I guess it’s just a YouTube thingy oh I see it on Discord and you know okay I’ll get all good is

It is it is it back up guys do you know I think it’s back yeah there we go okay okay it’s all good now apparently okay perfect all right let’s go Sally boy is back wow this is the best day ever this is the best day ever this is fantastic oh

My God oh my God how am I supposed to match this really feel great when you have a horse and you don’t have to actually jump yeah I can jump so high not a horse though the only bad thing is that when you need to cross rivers it’s you can’t even put

Your horse in a boat oh that’s fine Chris will be okay we can survive yeah you can’t swim with the horsey there it’s so water is your only only enemy where did you go then you you like you disappeared I’m zooming I’m zoom zoom zooming

I think that the best point is like you don’t need food I need you your own food too you know running I need food that’s right kind of insane huh look at that it’s so cool you can just jump back in now you have a bunch of eggs that you need to

Destroy though okay look at that all right I need food before we go into The Nether if we’re actually gonna go in I don’t know here you go I get here’s half of actually take the whole thing come here oh okay take all of these baguettes oh here oh oh thank you

Oh wait merci there you go he’s learning yeah yeah yeah you’re welcome you’re welcome do we do um we go to the nether that’s what we do I think it’s fine if I grab the diamond pickaxe all right guys it’s fine if I take it you already have the obsidian

Yeah but it’s it’s just a good upgrade you know uh okay I don’t need the mothers anymore feathers are fine I have a stucca 64. and then I don’t need I don’t need gravel right now I do need to eat the gold arrows I was supposed to take those

From you oh yeah by the way water bucket’s useless in another so don’t use it oh okay I did the what I did something some iron again I’m I’m I’m smart here you go Venta it’s okay both of your names are v b v b b

That’s right yeah can you give me one iron we are very do you guys need iron pickaxe I have two blocks of it oh yeah I should probably get rid of these uh for some reason there you go how is your inventory yeah okay never mind all right my name is view Bilson

Perfect wait oh I’m so sorry I’m so sorry oh you can’t what’d you do where is it I didn’t mean to do that I’m so sorry where did it go you’ll have to apologize I do it all the time I don’t care oh my gosh you’re fine don’t worry I was scared

I think I’ve been used I thought they were gonna hate me or something I’m sorry Chris I’m sorry oh thank you guys wait before we go together before we go in another I could actually like we could make an enchanting table all right um we have two diamonds we have cows we

Have sugar canes we can actually make like a enchanting place let’s do it maybe maybe that’s never gonna go away sorry I just felt so bad for hitting them with eggs don’t feel bad this this is bring them to this world I take them out of this world I might bring them into

This world I take them out my man is actually playing God right now oh at least I had Chris we’re supposed to be heroes they don’t have a name it’s okay oh my God I’m not attached to them [Laughter] Chris has a name also they were like

Kind of suffocating in here there was a lot of them oh my God so now we have a lot of food that’s not also okay I can’t kill any more now oh my god wow do not kill me yay there’s no freaking way dude Wilson’s just out here like they don’t

Mean anything to me and that means they die that means they must die what’s wrong crazy them life you know you know they owe me so oh my God I don’t know what you guys are talking about bro that’s that’s not even anti-hero [ __ ] that’s she’s a pseudo villain

I’m nothing else for us guys who’s the villain how is that even close to being villain oh my gosh dude you’re gonna kill me okay I have I make books oh my gosh that a lot of people took me out with that one dude you see we have an ass oh

I don’t think so I made six bookshelves but I don’t know where to put it should we make a should we make a basement oh that’s so cute yeah it’s some decoration uh my own bed now oh wow wait I’m purple that’s so sick good night it’s good on the cheek

So we can actually have an enchanting place uh yeah or you can do an extension over here so how do we make hold on really quick so inch enchant okay do we have four obsidia I guess mine will be we do have perfectly for obsidia let’s go let’s go

Away let’s go we made it okay we actually have an enchanting table now you need to make a whole basement just for this I have an idea uh I’m gonna do something stupid but it works how about this oh wow is that a cool gear zombie guys I’m stuck in here I’m kidding

This guy is surviving look at that okay just for this I’m gonna say hi to the window event I look at the window the window we have a friend oh guys can you make lathers [Laughter] hey what’s up uh I guess you can’t make I guess

Visalus has to make one I can climb back up with water no Venta no no what don’t ruin it we can just fix it uh just just climb up here grab this and build back up okay I’ll remove it okay oh God what okay and then in here we can have a

Lot more storage and we can good okay uh we can have more storage also don’t stay away there you go wait was that the right one oh no it wasn’t uh question can can can glass function as a ceiling yeah I bet I’ll need a full one though

Only the full one what do you mean only the full one only the blocks yeah oh only the blocks gun okay never mind I was gonna do a glass ceiling it’s burning too late oh wait I can still do that I just don’t turn it into the panels oh sorry bro

Genius oh my gosh it’s gonna look so insane it’s too late is that even shot I’m Gonna Save him for a question he’s kind of already and someone being crazy I’m getting all the sand I’m getting all the sand all right whatever I’m gonna have so much sand they’re

Gonna call me the Sandman sorry sand the music is nice right I’m gonna have so much sand people are gonna get near me and they’re gonna get sand in their shoes oh yeah it’s even now I’m moving I’m going I have a goal I have an objective

I don’t know how much sand I need but I’m gonna have enough oh no that’s not good um uh okay do some all right I think I have enough okay okay uh we’ll have to uh change things a little bit uh this might be a great opportunity putting these

Down okay okay uh in instead okay okay okay here you go guys what’s going on uh nothing nothing at all nothing’s going on okay I just need to go deeper Apparently one more block down I figured it was too low that’s too much sand I see um okay okay

Don’t worry we we got this okay that’s fine we need more cold I need more cool bookshelves down and then we’ll have okay okay and then it’s gonna be very cool where do we get coal where do I get more coal do you need a ladder I need more

Coal yeah please if you could I need more coal where’s Santa when you need him I’m stuck down here Santa come out come out wherever you are basement I’ve been a bad boy and I need some coal please get me out of here it’s uh should I just replace we just

Started July he’s not coming anytime soon damn it whatever yeah how about that that’s better be careful guys I’m changing the floor From Below oh my I just have to wait I have to be more patient just just a little bit I have to be more patient just a little bit

You finally don’t have that I need cold dirt floor anymore I need patience really like this kinda it’s got more wood oh cute you put a trap door thank you appreciate that God see you I’m impatient I’m sorry okay oh my goodness I’m fixing it I’m

Fixing it you guys don’t have to worry about it oh I actually opened the chest I’m cooking I’m cooking I’m cooking is thinking very nice try not it’s this it’s looking really scuffed but it’s working okay okay there you go kinda kinda uh okay what’s a million okay okay one more below

Here it is okay so we can start like actually removing this dirt that no more dirt okay okay it’s not the crap thing okay hold on guys we’ll need to replace this he’s cooking oh that’s okay I’m cooking I’m building I’m Bob the freaking Builder let’s go because right now we’re floating

Oh should I use my ax there you go oh that’s way faster oh my God oh this place is a lot better now I love butter oh everybody’s working on it has okay okay oh [ __ ] what happened to this I can’t waste those I can’t make mistakes

Uh let’s play some tunes I can make no mistakes yeah they’re floating for now I’ll I’ll fix mine or all of us I mean we we can’t respawn anyway so yeah really good okay okay ow where’s my glass where’s the rest of my glasses this is our sweet home it’s looking pretty good

Okay I need some more oh mercy I mean more glass oh I didn’t mean to do that okay yeah okay do we still have a ladder nope yes I do I just didn’t see it I knew I’m using up all the coal duh okay great okay oh thank you thank you

For reminding me okay now I can do this for now uh three okay okay the whole stack can cook together it’s so spacious now okay what meat why are you are you already playing a hot color what are you talking about oh are they too close oh thank you for

Thank you so much for the super I’m glad there’s a way yeah thank you oh that’s a lot of steak yeah thank you for telling me that oh my gosh I ruined it so now I lost I lost books by doing that oh well we’ll fix it yeah

We’ll get some new ones okay yeah is that the dirt chest picture okay we’ll take this trash put this here What happened to the oh I have it my bad okay four five six seven eight five ten is he eleven twelve thirteen fourteen fifteen sixteen Seventeen okay 18 19 20. what’s

Up what are you up to uh I’m I’m uh you could say um building a glass house You are truly doing it guys I can’t believe where have you been we’ve been that’s great I can’t talk anymore okay um I meant to say we’re doing so well oh my gosh okay where’s more coal how do I get more coal um you mine it or you make charcoal okay

You make charcoal uh you uh you take logs specifically logs right when you cut trees down yeah and then you put the logs in the furnace oh I see you burned the logs and it becomes charcoal that’s right that’s right uh honestly with you uh I’ve been doing

I’ve been making charcoal instead of uh coal like recently in Minecraft yeah I mean we couldn’t find any anyway yeah no it’s really hard to find coal now in the game oh oh I’m learning I’m learning I’m crazy you’re crazy I’m crazy Tayo how many do I need one two three four

Five six seven eight nine ten eleven twelve thirteen fourteen oh I need three more I mean three more oh my gosh three more I’m crazy I’m crazy I killed all the memos and there’s no more Momos we need more leather he was playing a hardcore we are chilling

Yeah actually this is feeling pretty but watch it another though never mind and another is gonna actually sleep in the bed I don’t know okay okay okay okay okay okay wait what are you so hyped about I’m hyped about this our ceiling oh the ceiling oh yeah made out of glass

Oh it takes nothing to make it so excited okay okay everything’s a thrill apparently oh um I’m farming oh God I can’t go there I gotta no Wilson why ah you ruined it oh is that a I thought it was an Enderman for a second oh

If I see two if I see purple I think it’s either Venta or an Enderman it’s one or the other I see okay mumus okay later nope we don’t know like a lot more we are gaming we’re we’re a glass ceiling gaming baby oh my gosh we’re insane we’re so crazy

This is the best one yet oh my gosh oh my gosh wow wow I Am So Satisfied right now that’s exd time exactly I’m So Satisfied I’m So Satisfied all right wow that’s great now wow wow let me see it from below let me see it from below we are doing well

Oh my God you guys look we can come and count stars together what what we’re having our homie nap time we can start gays good in Star gaze we’re crazy oh my gosh wow sounds familiar I don’t know why okay oh my God we can let’s go damn I cannot look up

I need to put stuff in the in this thing hold on okay night time oh my gosh how many stars do you think there are out there in the world gosh like oh 10. I think at least two at least two I think I just yeah um sounds about rights I thought At least two right shots oh this is the enchantment table okay cool dude look at a little pad I love like a decent house now that’s so cool we are so sick we have something and and you made a path too yeah oh it’s so

Cute what we have a ow we have a path oh my gosh wow it’s a little pop to the river that’s so sick we’re Farmers Everything is awesome everything is so cool when you’re part of a team oh my God I know right everything is so great

Thank you I did the ceiling thank you for all the help we freaking did it dude we freaking did it we’re so insane we’re crazy you don’t get me wow wow not bad hey really yeah you know what’s funny you guys what’s that I’ll say this before I’m

More like talking to the chat if anything but um before we started chewing we were like okay how long were we gonna play and we were like oh maybe three hours we’re like yeah three hours sounds about right like we don’t want to push results too hard

And then here we are and it’s like wow didn’t think uh didn’t think we’d go that far dude we’re just having fun I didn’t know I’d have so much fun playing freaking Minecraft this game is lit you did oh yeah this game is great just damn it’s so fast ninja server should be

Uh be kept away from you now I want to go just don’t go I want to go don’t go in there you went there recent rain I I wish I didn’t but what must be a great place yeah I guess you guys can go figure it out on your own

All I’m gonna say is I wish you good luck really intriguing interesting this is way better than the niji server yeah hahaha dude wow wow I just wow wow I can see so clearly now the rain is gone wait I’m Wilson what am I saying

I don’t know why I said that that was strange yes Wilson son of will that’s me I am Wilson okay we can put all this stuff back specifically I’m Wilson III oh by the way I have like 29 steaks uh should I be should I be uh divvying these out

Oh you can keep them okay I think the way it’s useful yeah sticks are always useful always always huh okay I like it oh you guys you guys cannot breed yet we gotta read one we are having something I’m not talking to you Benta bro oh

Yeah why why would I be talking to you about breeding I don’t know you said you guys can’t breathe breed yet I was just like I mean what are we what are we breathing what are you saying you’re so silly oh what are we doing I don’t know we can go to another

Just a shame I can’t I can’t make these cows breathe right now we need more cows yeah I kind of flag this map now I feel attached like if we if we were to die and have to reset the map I would be sad I would be sad now I would be very

Sad too um okay how much food we have a lot of food I can just put this in here I guess we’re ready for another I have all the food I need uh yeah I have food I have good food uh I don’t have a lot of weapons but I

Guess that’s okay uh craft some crafts craft some more I can give you iron if you need it okay sounds good to me if you kind of familiar like I actually want to keep this in here I have I have one iron ingot oh thank you you’re welcome I have all the iron

We need let’s go put all this stuff in here uh yeah this is not the niji en server no this is a our own separate thing yeah oh I can cook that actually let me cook 30. uh yeah you should like iron like our iron armor is worth in my PIN yeah I

Think too hold on I give me more books fiction one throwing one hey what does a hoe do uh performing so far wait did I just ask that like hose don’t exist it’s like there’s some tool that is that’s exclusive you’re a funny man ventriclebringer did you know that laughs [Laughter]

You are pretty funny yeah we need uh we need a lazy light down here actually I could make a whole chest for that hey look we’ve been here a while okay I’m a bit beat up right now my brain’s a bit beat up I guess I mean

It’s only purpose is to be here excuse me you know what you actually said that very well where oh wait I forgot that’s French isn’t it yeah it is French dude I just say that so normally now I forgot that it was French what did you say excuse me excuse me that’s okay

Okay holy heck dude oh I’m breaking two protection tubes very nice okay nice I have stone one it’s pretty interesting huh what are we doing right now is that is that the Vocaloid connessor is that Mr Eveland oh thank you Ike thank you so much welcome guys

Hi everyone thank you so much for the raid Mr Eveland welcome everyone welcome I saw you Mysteryland okay so much I’m evolving it might be coming French is this is this the result of having two two French wave mates who would have guessed oh there you go sorry about that I’m becoming French

So much hi guys for those who don’t know uh I am uh Yuki wasn’t from crisis we’re doing a Minecraft hardcore run together uh all three of us no so if I were actually like doing really really good wait that actually works um and we’re doing like so good friends

Bringer French bringer I’m the I’m the only one that’s not French so it’s like I brought it’s like I brought them with me I went to Chrome French fringer that’s it’s perfect fiction one I guess so amazing oh my god that actually works maybe French people are real dude messes

Are Gamers yeah we are I mean can everybody play Minecraft like this um I don’t know this is my first day you’re doing great that’s right this is venta’s first time playing Minecraft I’m a first timer baby somewhat someone called me venticro French Springer French Springer and it’s just like that

Actually kind of works I brought you two he’s infected already no I’m here now I’m here the French are real yeah we’re growing on you it seems yeah you need to start teaching me French words just give me give me like give me like little language lessons

Every every now and then it’s perfect first Master the word squirrel and then you’re good to go you think that says you’re about to sit before yeah yeah yeah it’s not wrong oh so if if you ever get like a French person talking to you and you don’t know

What they’re saying just say that okay yeah it’ll work trust me it’ll work okay I’m ready to go to the nether actually guys I just need to put this away really quick I’m ready too I am ready I need to put this hey at least I’m not pronouncing iron iron

That’s how you that’s how you know that they haven’t had they don’t they don’t have that kind of a grasp on me they don’t have that type of grass just yet to go they’re getting there but it’s not it’s not there yet it’s not there yet we

Got to stay positive I gotta stay strong my crew oh I gotta enchant my armor okay yep how it works okay it is so first you can grab some Lobster’s lights oh I have this chest are you breaking are you two and you keep your armor

First oh oh I did it yeah oh yeah I got Smite one and Unbreaking one that’s kind of sick on what on your side on my swords yeah there’s some the zombie and the skeleton I think yeah I think so too oh okay here oh yeah it has a protection

Grab all the lazulite you can and then you can try again oh okay yeah do your armor first and then like and then your tools maybe I would say like it’s it’s more important you’re supposed to use multiple okay yeah yeah should I should I try any oh wait it

Says wait what how many should I use protection is really good uh you want to focus on protection for your armor for sure projectile protection that’s not very good yeah it says I can get Unbreaking I’m breaking’s good go for that maybe you’re also there’s a chance that you’ll

Get more than just that does that make sense it’s really gotcha it’s really what you think is better Yuki okay um Yuki Projectile protection Unbreaking and thorns okay so then when when someone hits you they get damaged too oh I’m only level 12. what level are y’all what the [ __ ] yeah I’ve been I’ve been farming yeah I’ve been farming I still have 50 uh 15 level I can get a little bit of

Things per year that’s crazy bro that’s really crazy I really just been out here struggling Insane we’ve been gaming slaying some monsters Like you guys remember he keeps playing what was that me saying and keep on slaying I will never forget that okay so I gotta kill more stuff you guys gotta let me take the lead I can I can use my level for you if you want to understand more

What else I don’t really have much else to enchant and keep on slaying I mean I guess I can enchant the rest of my armor but like yeah you should have a kind of every single of your armor and chance okay all these chocolates oh it is oh okay

Expensive oh okay I need to make more iron than my pants oh you know I should do I should enchant my bow what am I doing huh out of the bow I should be oh I should definitely be doing that power too uh but do we have we still have lazulite

Yeah we have blocks on the top as well I see so I should probably wear this iron now instead of that one ah power one I mean okay nice very nice okay all right I was hoping for something else wait what is awesome sorry what what is aqua affinity sorry

Uh you can mine faster I think in the water is that it or do you breathe more I can’t remember Chad which one is it does it tell me what it is I think it’s mining is it mining underwater yeah oh it might you might underwater faster okay yeah something like that wow

So I’m kind of crazy it’s mine faster oh okay okay hmm breathe the breathing one is better is it respiration it’s kind of kind of nice I mean yeah I’m good I’m gonna be rocking the bow for sure yeah sharpness but we don’t want to attack the opposite of this black skeleton

All the withered skeletons you’re right you are right I’m just gonna get the sharpness time oh I have a looting one as well okay I’m ready when you guys are let’s go all right it’s time to go into The Nether and undermine their plans all right it’s about time to go we’re

Geared up we got food we got we got tools we got everything Chris can’t come with us but that’s okay uh yeah you do a good boat I have a boat too snug back what is that punch is bad it’s just so when you melee with

The bow it does damage but it’s so bad really it’s so interesting yeah it’s the worst one crazy uh you can have a crossbow but I feel like personally I feel like the enchants on the crossbow are pretty bad if I need more sticks and string okay all right

How do I make sticks again with wood stupid um two wood vertical well I need to bring more wood with me actually I need to cut some wood um you can just grab wood in here and this chest right here and then you can just is it the oak planks or the oak

Logs same uh take the planks links is better but you can take the logs if you want to it’s the same thing okay uh uh yield that’s a good idea thank you that’s a really good idea actually oh yeah I’ll bring a pretty good photo Shield my shield is almost broken

Oh God how do you make that again it’s like that I’ll bring two Shields how about that is that good idea Bros when you jump you’re kind of yeah you bounce when you jump you’re kind of bouncing when you’re actually laying down come on Mr bringer oh are you pushing me

That’s a fishing rod that’s not the right thing don’t get on top of me like that no you’re crushing my kneecaps I was so sorry about that I thought you were the medic of the group I can fix you afterwards sure what I mean like I need my knees I

Run really fast you know you’re right you’re right so what are you guys saying come just come to bed it’s uh it’s homie it’s homie nap time okay we good night Give me like a really wet kiss on the forehead man that’s crazy I’m being denied I’m being denied you invaded me okay we can I’m ready now oh you should probably enchant your bow event uh before we leave oh okay yeah that’s a good idea thank you thank you for this I do

Appreciate that thank you so much I’m glad I can make you smile you can bounce on the bed let’s go let’s go yeah oh we’re like oh okay wait does putting more lazilite lapis you need more uh holy wow I thought that it was actually called lazulite I hate

Blocks I didn’t even look at the actual name I thought it was called lazulite I’ve been gassing so hard I thought this was the truth that’s insane I should be here um we’re just putting in just putting in more lapis lazuli gets you a better chance of getting Buffs does it improve

Your chances okay guys I’m gonna wait outside actually we might does using more help like if I use three on here is that a good idea like not for light but to remember where we where we came from oh my gosh I need more EXP I didn’t know yeah yeah okay

I couldn’t enchant my bow I need more levels I know that you I know that you were spending I don’t know we were spending exp I I can Enchanted for you I’m level 15. okay give it to me on lunch at it that I have good RNG okay good gotcha

Luck let’s go okay this might be your end I’m telling you so let’s take a picture we might die no he’s he’s right we might no no no this is free this is what you call free real estate okay you got power too you’re actually kind of lucky

My bow is what is my bow my bow is power one yours is power two here you go this is your bow okay thank you very much more damage basically yeah of course yeah I say we take a picture in front of the the portal let’s go okay okay

Everyone like line up and look up and then to press F5 okay on my way on my way oh I was thinking oh if you press it again yeah can I play like this all the time yeah but it’s not good Jay waiting for visalius sick of my buddies Venta Crow and visalius

Okay you guys ready make sure to like And subscribe at the end of the video and leave a comment all right okay now chat you take the picture I believe in your chat you took the picture one more time oh okay you took the screenshot okay yeah all the screenshots

You guys ready oh I didn’t get a screenshot oh ready well we don’t need to Chad did it for us oh okay oh I didn’t know that was how that worked well I mean I figured they could we could do both but okay you guys ready

All right we ball all right ready to go together let’s go together crisis touchdown that’s down oh we’re supposed to sit in it oh boy oh my god oh no oh my goodness this is pretty bad um oh wow I can’t even see the bottom it’s crazy yeah let’s don’t look down don’t

Look down no matter what don’t don’t don’t jump in there beta if you don’t shift okay you don’t fall okay this is really important than another you don’t fall from a block as long as you’ll shift okay oh okay fantastic this is very important than another okay also

Don’t kill those guys no matter what you do do not attack them do not touch them okay do not attack them you see those guys so these guys are another type of Piggy and if you don’t have any golden item on you they cannot be like oh they can Attack One of Us

Okay so all right then don’t don’t hit them either we can trade gold with them to give us like cool items but for now we don’t care okay let’s look at the Fortress first also these give good XP if you need to level up fast mind this this is very good

You can use them to make potions or something but we don’t care we just like the Xbox can I mine it with an iron pickaxe yeah yeah um where should we be heading to you I say that way but that’s Basalt though this one is pretty trippy oh what are

You doing what is he doing what is he doing what he’s doing oh you scared me oh sometimes they attack you for no reason I’ll do say yeah sometimes they’re a little be careful also Venta you mind Netherrack super fast right Netherrack is the the thing or the stuff we’re

Walking on yeah interests be careful goodness why oh like accidentally hitting an enemy no not just that but we like you could mine under you by accident and fall in the lava and die I see I see no it’s slime Andrew don’t mind slime

Oh no you get mine gold mine goal is oh no no you can’t no either right away okay not in front of them not in front of them they’re going to attack Hogs because we’re stealing their goals I see okay parkour parkour do parkour parkour run oh you got it let’s go I’m

Insane parkour you’re right let’s let’s meet up with visalius over here all right let’s get this bread okay this is basalt we don’t we don’t like Basalt because Basalt is bad yeah um I say we go around Basalt all right okay I got nothing from this

Uh yeah I say we go around this way because Basalt is really bad there’s nothing oh yeah yeah good idea okay let’s do it then just as hard be careful this is this is not good hold on hold on here you go I was like I don’t think that’s a chance

I want to take also really quick sorry I’m just gonna do this really quick okay okay okay okay just to like yeah I’m gonna leave some some dirt behind to remember okay okay guys good all right let’s go this way then okay let’s get this bread this is come here

You can use a mushroom too this way you can make some mushroom soup too follow me everyone I will be your nether guide all right okay I am familiar with this place okay we’re gonna go around the basalt over here yep okay oh you scared me yeah that’s kind

Of zombies huh yeah they are this way is that a forest biome it is oh already wait that’s a fortune that’s not the Fortress but it’s a Bastion bastions are pretty good what is that oh what is that oh Fashions are full of uh Pigmen and

Then we can trade gold with the Pikmin I see and then we can get ender pearls and then with ender pearls we can uh it’s yeah it’s to beat the game down there you don’t have a little we don’t have a lot of gold though I can

Mine this right This Is Not Gold yeah this is another quartz you just give a lot of XP oh my God bro watch where you’re [ __ ] going dude I know right what are you even doing here oh this guy can you go somewhere thank you oh gosh oh when you’re done come

Here that’s some dangerous thing done yeah you see those big like Hogs they’re not friendly hey hey there oh my God oh my God that was so lucky oh my God holy hey dude why come with us you see those you see those hoglings down there

Oh yes they’re big Hogs do you see them yeah yeah don’t uh they are they are not friendly kill them all right hold your Shield okay if they attack you because they push you in the air okay they’re pretty strong maybe get them I don’t know if we can

Oh there’s no chest over there is it safe oh as long as you don’t see you open it open it you’re fine you’re fine go go guest I killed it okay Blackstone obsidian chain well nothing too much wait what did you say Blackstone that’s crazy how that works hmm yeah yeah

It’s okay it’s all right okay guys okay yeah we’re gonna dope we’re gonna go down you guys heard that right you guys [ __ ] heard that didn’t you you heard that yeah right now I’m stupid hey guys I know I know who you are how about this way I know who they are come

With me oh has made the advancement oh the achievement okay that’s huge wait wait I’ve that’s rare it has to be rare okay this run is crazy look at us remember when we were like remember you guys were like oh we’re gonna die we’re gonna die We’re Not Gonna Die We’re Not

Gonna Die maybe you’re right okay everyone I’m making a staircase those smoglings don’t like us keep that in mind okay we might have to jump down what happens if we hit if we kill the hoglinks like will everything else attack us if we kill them no that’s fine the big the big

The biggest the other burning it’s whatever that’s good they don’t like us okay they just don’t like us all right oh my is that kind of close though yeah a little mouth um okay um in the settings uh gameplay yeah something like that I’m gonna turn Sally I thought you’re pushing me off

I was like what that’s that’s scary oh my also chest here yeah don’t open it don’t open it oh my gosh dude wow because if you open this okay we’re gonna be very angry because what if we just block the wall off then they can’t see us we can do that yeah that’s

Right we can also do that let’s do that then yeah let’s do that that’s a great idea nothing bad will happen oh that hurts holy no I need assistance oh no no no no no no no no no yeah no no [ __ ] what the hell oh my God so far

I shouldn’t have said anything I jinxed it I jinxed it it’s my fault it’s my fault wow no I can’t believe it what the hell oh no ah this this guy’s just too short of me my house with a glass ceiling no Chris no Chris is forever going to wait for us

What am I gonna do without Chris I’m not gonna have him in the next world oh my goodness oh no he was so comfy we’re not doing faster we were gaming oh my God this is a disaster this is crazy what is this where is this thingy like this guy just

One shot at me half of my HP then I use my shield and in one shot you break through my shield and kill me at the same time what the hell that’s so painful dude Chris was like oh no he’ll be back they’ll be back home

I’m just gonna wait they’ll be back oh eventually we never came back well thank you thank you so much it’s crazy wasn’t the first to die yeah I guess there’s some positives in this situation hey oh my gosh was it the person but we lost Chris we lost Chris I’ll be

Honest in our glass ceiling house okay no unfortunate dude uh how how is this how is it so strong though I I swear why did it attack us oh wait there’s a difference why is that I didn’t know about the new is it because of what it was um of what

It was wearing it’s wearing like black right now oh yeah she was kind of wearing a black clothing oh they hit everyone oh you’re right that’s a great suggestion which thank you oh my God that’s a perfect decision I’ve never seen that so what exactly happened yeah yeah so I

Did not know this I had no idea only in passions they’re specific there’s black uh wearing like piglings that no matter what they will attack you no that was a thing huh true interesting doesn’t tell us this we didn’t know this information yeah until team should uh step up their game huh

Is that what if you kill a brute do they all like do they all like go after you or or is it is it okay to kill them only yeah that’s a good question maybe you should just read I should just have piled up getting some Heights they all get mad oh

My God that’s that’s how rare are they hard one the memories will stay with us that is ah okay okay I’m glad we took some screenshots all right well I’m gonna go back to the turkey scheme yeah GG y’all GG guys seriously oh my God okay I’ll go back as well

All right then that’s crazy that was fun guys actually so much fun holy heck wow all right I’m glad my first time in Minecraft was with y’all I’m so glad it’s fun it was it was a blast it was very great very great we should play Minecraft again together

Of course we should we should do a Revenge as well yeah we shouldn’t you should definitely do a Revenge that’d be fun yeah come back we gotta come back we shoot them we’re coming back we’re getting our [ __ ] Revenge I’m bringing back Chris Chris will survive in the next life

I’ll never forget you Chris you’re my first I’ll get it maybe we should have brought Chris along actually insane dude oh boy oh well I’ll do my I’ll do the Oscar for now thank you guys so much yeah it was it was really fun yeah all right I’ll

Talk to you all shortly all right all right thank you guys as you said all right thank you all so much holy heck first crisis collab Minecraft hardcore my first time I had a blast I had a blast I had so much fun dude I didn’t know I’d like Minecraft so much I

Mean I didn’t think it was a bad game or anything but gosh it really opened my eyes I you know I was I was skeptical about it because I didn’t think you know I was I was like well I don’t know how fun I’ll find the game I was questioning it

Wilson suggested it but I was like I’ve just never played Minecraft so I have no idea you know but oh man I gotta explore the niji server now I have to that’s def that’s definitely something I have to do without a freaking doubt we have to

Oh my oh my gosh that was so much fun I enjoyed the hell out of myself we gotta do that we gotta do that oh my goodness I love it I love it okay I’m so happy oh my gosh wow literally my brothers literally my freaking brothers that’s a crisis to me

I’m like wow I like I can’t even think about it I always I always I always get worried about stuff like that but like gosh these guys really are like oh gosh oh they are my people oh Waylon thank you so much for the super truly my brothers

Truly my brother so yeah we gotta explore the niji Sanji Minecraft server we gotta oh Karis thank you so much I’m so glad I’m so glad you enjoyed it I enjoyed my I quite enjoyed myself I quite enjoyed myself wait I just realized the different colored hearts

That’s you guys are doing oh it’s so I apologize if I’m not pronouncing your name correctly I apologize if I can’t but thank you so much thank you so much for the soup I appreciate it and thank you for all the supers today I apologize

I couldn’t read them all but it means a lot thank you so much thank you so much for all the generosity and the support seriously y’all are wild I’m glad I’m glad you enjoyed yourselves and I definitely enjoyed myself so oh man thank you thank you thank you

Okay thank you for the soup as well thank you so much huh that’s crazy I’m glad I’m so glad yeah Minecraft is definitely going to be something I I would like I would like to say again thank you oh huh interesting huh huh okay I guess we just do that then oh Joanna

Thank you so much for the super as well oh is it you’re that’s crazy I think I’m playing double bg2 I’m so sorry about that thank you for letting me know um I yes I’m not sure if it’ll be next week exactly because I already do have

Some some things in mind for next week but I definitely would like to go back into Minecraft and hit the knee GN server at some point that does sound like a lot of fun I didn’t know I’d love Minecraft this much thank you Nikki for the superpot kashu thank you thank you

Thank you thank you thank you I appreciate it oh Ray thank you thank you so much we got it next time we got it next time for sure we got it next time for sure I’m not sure when we’ll be able to again uh but I yeah I really want to I was

Probably the most skeptical one about the Minecraft collab because I again I’ve never played it but now that I’ve played it I’ve got some experience I want to do it again without it now Chris will forever live in our hearts he will thank you Shadow cut thank you thank you

All so much but okay I guess I guess we just yeah I guess we just Vibe I’m not sure what’s going on right now uh in terms of like who who is there to wait I’m not sure if I’m allowed to but yeah thank you Lazarus thank you so much

I thank you for the super y’all have a good one y’all have a good one it’s been an absolute blast Mystic thank you too dizzy thank you too Nico J thank you thank you thank you thank you guys for the supas ggs ggs I feel like there’s so much more to

Explore in Minecraft too there’s a lot there’s quite a bit thank you for watching the collab and enjoying it um for those that had multiple povs up I hope you enjoyed every single one it was it was really a lot of fun thank you thank you so much

Um I apologize I cannot read your name but thank you so much for the Supa I believe that’s Japanese so I’ll say arigato but okay we will stop here thank you so much thank you so much uh also for the future um I did say that I was going to do the

Um what’s it called stream after this the um uh the Super Chat reading stream after this but the stream ended up going on a lot longer than I actually anticipated so I think I’m actually just gonna rest try to get some decent sleep tonight uh

And I would like to do the super chat reading tomorrow alongside uh a game like dimethia I I wanted to I wanted to jump into diameteria because I I kind of screwed up and I wasn’t I if you saw my community post I wasn’t really able to

Do the marshmallow stream so we’ll have we’ll have to push that back to next week I I do apologize uh thank you so much for understanding though I I appreciate all the support um yeah I just just things I need to I need to get used to into the swing of

Things of being in in uh in niji but uh it’s been great so yes so tomorrow Super Chat reading and dimesia thank you guys so much please take care of yourselves have a great day morning evening uh afternoon take care I will see you guys later uh invite later I mean tomorrow

Hopefully Twitter’s back up hopefully Twitter is working again it’s probably not though since nobody’s talked about it unless it is no it’s not All right bye start zero thank you so much I’m glad you had fun thank you okay we’re stopping here all right Super Chat reading tomorrow um Super Chat reading tomorrow we ball out we go kind of crazy we’re insane we will avenge Chris we will return we will return to Minecraft at

Some point all right see y’all later nice little bye bye

This video, titled ‘[MINECRAFT] WHAT IS GOING ON (First time) – FIRST KRISIS COLLAB [NIJISANJI EN | Vantacrow Bringer]’, was uploaded by Vantacrow Bringer 【NIJISANJI EN】 on 2023-07-02 06:00:33. It has garnered 83307 views and 5401 likes. The duration of the video is 05:19:07 or 19147 seconds.

I’ve never played Minecraft in my LIFE please help me

【Krisis POV】 ✦ Vezalius Bandage POV: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=JZJELF69M3A ✧ Yu Q. Wilson POV: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=MEGV860b8os


【StreamLabs Donations】


The unstoppable tyrant of Krisis is here!


【Chat Rules】 ・Don’t spam or troll. ・Don’t bring up other streamers unless I mention them first. ・Try to keep the comments relevant to the stream. ・Refrain from chatting with others viewers. ・Please get along with each others and use block if needed. ・Let’s have a good time together! ・Please do not backseat unless I explicitly ask for it!


[Socials] ・https://twitter.com/Tyrant_Vanta

【Hashtags】 ・GENERAL: #VantacrowBringer ・LIVE: #VantaHours ・SFW ART: #Vantalism ・NSFW ART: #Vantasize ・FAN NAME: #Vantacrew ・MEMES: #Vantalarious ・Thumbnails: #Thumbringer ・Assets: #Vantararious ・Clips: # Vantaflix ・Fanfiction: #Vanfiction ・GROUP: #NIJIKrisis ⭒━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━⭒ 【KRISIS】 ★ Vesalius Bandage https://twitter.com/VezaliusBandage @VezaliusBandage

☆ VantacrowBringer https://twitter.com/Tyrant_Vanta @VantacrowBringer

★ Yu Q. Wilson https://twitter.com/YuQWilson @YuQ.Wilson ⭒━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━⭒[Official Nijisanji NIJISANJI Sites]・Website: https://www.nijisanji.jp/en ・ANYCOLOR: https://www.anycolor.co.jp/en ・Twitter: https://twitter.com/NIJISANJI_World ・YouTube (EN): / @nijisanji_en ・Twitch: https://www.twitch.tv/nijisanji_en

▽ Guidance for minors https://www.anycolor.co.jp/notice-for



・Thumbnail Art: https://twitter.com/Pani_caw ・Intro BGM – Blasting Zone ・BGM – Stay on your mind (https://www.youtube.com/@khaim) ・Starting Soon Screen Animation – https://twitter.com/Alchiet ・Overlay & Logo: https://twitter.com/p_a_r_a_l_l_e_l

  • Roblox Death Ball: IanBox’s Masterful Gameplay

    Roblox Death Ball: IanBox's Masterful Gameplay Minecraft Madness: A Tale of Adventure and Survival The Beginning of an Epic Journey In the vast world of Minecraft, two brothers, Ian and Ethan, embark on a thrilling adventure filled with challenges and excitement. As they navigate through the game, they encounter various obstacles and foes, showcasing their skills and teamwork. A Battle for Survival Facing off against formidable opponents, the brothers demonstrate their prowess in combat, strategizing and fighting to emerge victorious. With each encounter, they showcase their determination and resilience, never backing down from a challenge. Building a Fortress In their quest for survival, Ian and… Read More

  • Exposed: Minecraft Myths & Tricks Pt. 3

    Exposed: Minecraft Myths & Tricks Pt. 3 The Ultimate Guide to Minecraft Myths and Tricks Part 3 Exploring the World of Minecraft Myths As the popular game Minecraft continues to captivate players worldwide, myths and tricks have become an integral part of the gaming experience. In this third installment of the series, players are taken on a journey to uncover some of the most intriguing myths and tricks within the game. Unveiling Hidden Secrets One of the most exciting aspects of Minecraft is the discovery of hidden secrets scattered throughout the game world. From hidden treasure chests to mysterious structures, players are constantly on the lookout… Read More

  • Childhood Anime Fans in Minecraft

    Childhood Anime Fans in Minecraft Minecraft: Exploring the World of Blocks Step into the pixelated world of Minecraft, where creativity knows no bounds and adventures await at every turn. Join 方块轩, a renowned creator in the Minecraft community, as he brings laughter and joy through his original animations and content. Discovering the Minecraft Universe 方块轩’s channel is dedicated to providing child-friendly content, ensuring a safe and enjoyable experience for all viewers. With a focus on humor and entertainment, his videos showcase the endless possibilities within the Minecraft universe. From Funny Animations to Educational Series Whether you’re in the mood for a good laugh with… Read More

  • Join Minewind Minecraft Server for Epic Castle Builds!

    Join Minewind Minecraft Server for Epic Castle Builds! Welcome to Newsminecraft.com, where we bring you the latest updates and trends in the Minecraft community! Today, we stumbled upon a fascinating YouTube video titled “I MADE ULTIMATE THRONE IN MY CASTLE | (Don’t Miss) |MINECRAFT GAMEPLAY #18.” While the video itself may not be about Minewind Minecraft Server, it got us thinking – what if you could showcase your creativity and build the ultimate throne not just in your castle, but in a whole new world? Imagine a place where you can unleash your imagination, collaborate with other players, and create something truly unique. That’s where Minewind Minecraft… Read More

  • Discover the Excitement of Minewind Minecraft Server!

    Discover the Excitement of Minewind Minecraft Server! Are you a fan of Minecraft and looking for a new server to join? Look no further than Minewind! With an exciting and dynamic gameplay experience, Minewind offers a unique twist on the classic Minecraft experience. Imagine exploring a vast world filled with challenges, adventures, and opportunities to connect with other players. Whether you’re a seasoned Minecraft veteran or just starting out, Minewind has something for everyone. Join us at Minewind today and embark on an epic journey unlike any other. Who knows what adventures await you in this thrilling Minecraft server? The possibilities are endless! To join Minewind,… Read More

  • Crafting a Portal to Free Palestine in Minecraft

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  • Crafting a Grindstone in Minecraft

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  • Automagic: Industrial Foregoing’s Machine Melodic

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  • Join Minewind: The Ultimate Minecraft Server Experience

    Join Minewind: The Ultimate Minecraft Server Experience Welcome to NewsMinecraft.com, where we bring you the latest updates and tips for your Minecraft adventures! Today, we stumbled upon a fascinating video titled “How to Get MACE in Minecraft 1.21 Update (Tricky Trials)” by The Aether Gamer. The video showcases the new mace weapon added in the latest Minecraft update, found in trial chambers. If you’re intrigued by the idea of obtaining this elusive mace and delving into new challenges, then Minewind Minecraft Server is the perfect place for you to test your skills. With a vibrant community and exciting gameplay features, Minewind offers a unique multiplayer experience… Read More

  • Experience the Ultimate Fusion on Minewind Minecraft Server!

    Experience the Ultimate Fusion on Minewind Minecraft Server! Welcome to NewsMinecraft.com! Are you a fan of creative fusions like the ones featured in the YouTube video “¿Como se vería TOM y MINECRAFT Fusionados? 😱 Dibujando Fusiones”? If so, then you’ll love the unique and exciting world of Minewind Minecraft Server. Immerse yourself in a community where creativity knows no bounds and where you can bring your wildest fusions to life in a virtual world like no other. With a diverse range of players and endless possibilities for exploration and creation, Minewind offers an experience unlike any other Minecraft server. Join us today at YT.MINEWIND.NET and unleash your… Read More

  • Unbelievable! Bobby & Max DESTROY Minecraft Myths!

    Unbelievable! Bobby & Max DESTROY Minecraft Myths!Video Information im Jahr 2010 veröffentlichten die Entwickler die erste Version von Minecraft Hardcore seitdem haben die Spieler jede Regel von Hardcore gebrochen indem sie Totems verwendet automatisierte Farmen gebaut und sogar Glitches ausgenutzt haben es gibt nur eine Regel die von Anfang an gleich geblieben ist wenn du stirbst wirst du nie wiederbelebt aber was wäre wenn jemand dieses Gesetz brechen würde das ist der Mythos von Player 13 und an der Stelle erstmal vielen Dank an opera GX die das Video unterstützen denn wir benutzen jetzt den neuen Gaming Browser Opera GX der ist extra für uns richtige… Read More

  • Unbelievable Minecraft Vanilla+ Gameplay by Ursa UMi Ch.

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  • SHOCKING: Hood Baby Goes Crazy on NYPD

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  • JustAxstler’s EPIC Bedwars RAGE QUIT?! 😱 #minecraft

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  • Minecraft’s Secret Meme Revealed! Watch Now! #shorts

    Minecraft's Secret Meme Revealed! Watch Now! #shortsVideo Information This video, titled ‘Historical minecraft meme #shorts #shortsfeed #youtubeshorts #ytshorts #minecraft’, was uploaded by Break Gamerzz on 2024-05-29 06:27:14. It has garnered 701 views and 31 likes. The duration of the video is 00:00:08 or 8 seconds. Historical minecraft myth #shorts #shortsfeed #youtubeshorts #ytshorts #minecraft @Reedop_Gaming Subscribed Minecraft Top 100+ ‘Ulta Super MORE TNTs’ 😱🤯 #minecraft leaked Concrete mega tnt in minecraft 1.21 !! 😱😍 #shorts #minecraft #minecraftmegatnt 1M Dislike 8,435 Share Description leaked Concrete mega tnt in minecraft 1.21 !! 😱😍 #shorts #minecraft #minecraftmegatnt Reedop Gaming 1M Likes 20,209,364 Views Feb 24 2024 Share with your friends🙏… Read More

  • Free Will

    Free WillClan SMP with a limited world border. Has a focus on pvp and is very competitive, with clans tryign to eliminate each other at every step. Free_Will_PVP.hosting.ethera.net Read More

  • 💎 ChillZone SMP Semi-Vanilla 1.20.4 Community HermitCraft Inspired Whitelist Claims Dynmap Player Shops

    Apply Here ChillZone is a newly releasing Semi-Vanilla server dedicated to providing a great vanilla experience with small enhancements for multiplayer. Community input is valued, and all players have a say in server decisions. Quick Links Website Dynmap Gallery Player Statistics Our Values Community – All player suggestions are considered, and decisions are transparent. Welcoming – A diverse and inclusive environment for all players. Stability – Top-quality hardware ensures a stable experience. Updates – Regular updates keep the experience fresh. Some of Our Features – User-friendly claims plugin for land protection – Vanilla Tweaks like Armor Stands and Mob Heads… Read More

  • Levelup MC

    Levelup MC🌟 Welcome to LevelUp MC, where survival gets an upgrade! 🚀 Join our cracked-friendly server and dive into the ultimate multiplayer experience.Since our launch in September 2020, we’ve been on a mission to redefine survival gameplay. Enjoy a vanilla-esque feel with a twist of excitement thanks to our carefully curated plugins.Discover thrilling features like:⚔️ Custom Enchants🏝️ Land Claiming▶️ Player Warps🐶 Companions👨‍💼 Jobs🐣 Upgradeable Spawners🌎 Resource GalaxyWhether you’re a lone wolf, a team player, or a social butterfly, there’s endless adventure waiting for you on LevelUp MC. Join now and level up your Minecraft journey! Read More

  • Minecraft Memes – Trapdoor Shenanigans

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  • Strong Allies for Herobrine: Minecraft’s Mightiest Fight

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  • “Minefart: The Explosive Edition” 😂 #minecraft #memes

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  • Join Minewind Minecraft Server for Epic Survival Adventures!

    Join Minewind Minecraft Server for Epic Survival Adventures! Welcome to NewsMinecraft.com! Are you a fan of epic adventures, survival tips, and building tutorials in Minecraft? If so, you’re in the right place! Today, we stumbled upon a fantastic YouTube video showcasing the creation of iron armor and a wheat farm in Minecraft. The dedication and creativity displayed in the video are truly inspiring. As you watch the player craft their iron armor piece by piece and set up a sustainable wheat farm, you can’t help but feel the urge to dive into your own Minecraft world and embark on similar adventures. The possibilities in Minecraft are truly… Read More

  • Minecraft 1.21 Pre-release 2 News

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  • Medieval Minecraft Madness: Lindough’s Epic 200 Day Survival Story (FULL MOVIE)

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  • I Cheated in Minecraft Build Battle

    I Cheated in Minecraft Build BattleVideo Information my robot Guido challenged me to a build battle where the winner gets 10,000 diamonds but what he doesn’t know is that I can use the slash myth command so the scariest myths in Minecraft can help me win those 10,000 diamonds are going to be mine the theme for your first build is house good luck Steve yeah yeah whatever Guido he doesn’t even realize that he’s the one that will be needing luck because I prepared a little something earlier under this x here I’ve hidden myself the blood Summoner this is the first step on… Read More

  • Insane Vanilla Minecraft Chaos with Crowd Control

    Insane Vanilla Minecraft Chaos with Crowd ControlVideo Information This video, titled ‘Hardcore Vanilla Minecraft w/ Crowd Control | Part 01’, was uploaded by MattMightCraft on 2024-03-28 07:00:18. It has garnered views and [vid_likes] likes. The duration of the video is or seconds. Thank you for subscribing and liking the video! Without you, the streams and videos would not be possible! Thank you for doing … Read More

  • Insane Hardcore Minecraft Builds: 5 Powerful Beacons

    Insane Hardcore Minecraft Builds: 5 Powerful BeaconsVideo Information ah Jesus Christ so many problems today oh my God headphones decided they were just they didn’t know they didn’t know my computer anymore they’re like I don’t [ __ ] know you and then I had to come in and mediate like bro y’all have known each other for a while man chill chill [ __ ] out oh I need music give me music or give me death I got to work on getting all these skulls and then maybe a better entrance to the farm maybe try to figure that out why am I hear… Read More


    ULTIMATE GAMER JOURNEY: RODE TO 10K SUBS - Minecraft PAKKOUR BedrockVideo Information This video, titled ‘RODE TO 10K SUBS Play Minecraft PAKKOUR Bedrock’, was uploaded by MR GAMER 2.O on 2024-03-17 15:14:25. It has garnered 8 views and 0 likes. The duration of the video is 00:04:33 or 273 seconds. Minecraft Minecraft Pe 1.20 Survival Series Minecraft pocket edition Survival Series Minecraft Pe 1.20 Survival Series In Hindi Tags & Keywords🔖:- minecraft minecraft survival minecraft survival series minecraft survival series in hindi minecraft best survival series minecraft lets play minecraft 100 days minecraft pe minecraft hardcore minecraft pe survival minecraft pocket edition survival series mcpe in hindi minecraft hindi minecraft… Read More

  • Dino Pranks Friend as CAT in Minecraft!

    Dino Pranks Friend as CAT in Minecraft!Video Information my friend flaky is currently trying to beat Minecraft but little does he know that I installed a super secret morph mod which lets me morph into all different kinds of creatures and check this out guys by the end of this video I am even going to transform into a freaking lion but now let’s see what Floy is up to okay there we go hey little kitty are you hungry you got to be well fed because we’re going on a big adventure today okay you know what I’m going to get you some food and… Read More

  • Insane ROBLOX Gameplay! Join Rayo ProGamer LIVE!

    Insane ROBLOX Gameplay! Join Rayo ProGamer LIVE!Video Information Hola buenas buenas Cómo estamos chicos listos para el roblox la gente qui roblox y roblox les voy a dar a ver chatos listos vamos a empezar Ya ya este ya acepté a todos los que me agregaron eh a pato y alguno que otro por ahí así que atentos para empezar el primer mapa que vamos a jugar primer juego Qué es Hola hola pequeño masi Hola jl cómo estás Qué tal hermano Todo bien puse el speech pero no saluda No sé por qué A ver vamos a ver actualizando Hola Nova pura mojarra Dale Nova… Read More

  • Schockierende Minecraft PVP Challenge Online! #Malganzehrlich

    Schockierende Minecraft PVP Challenge Online! #MalganzehrlichVideo Information Freunde neben highpixel g HD und R piixels gibt’s noch viele unbekannte skywars Server und genau so einen testen wir heute wir haben das ganze schon mal gemacht allerdings mit badws und das war sehr sehr unterhaltsam deswegen machen wir das ganze heute noch mal aber mit skywars okay fre jetzt ma duels diger die Runde beginnt ich bin allein oh oha okay ich ich ich mach das was du machst okay ich helfe dir ich helfe dir nice haben wir haben wir pass auf oben oben da kommt jemand okay haben wir ey wir schaffen das okay… Read More

  • Shrek Craft: MAIZEN’s 100 CRAZY Minecraft Dates!

    Shrek Craft: MAIZEN's 100 CRAZY Minecraft Dates!Video Information Mas and they are leaving so it’s time to start now you have to go to this house I hope you can handle it and this is my H hundredth row I am very happy finally I was able to complete the task M and we have arrived and now you can meet your fans I hope you have good dates it’s time to start wait Mikey I’m just a little worried and I want to calm down before meeting them can you hear that it’s me I’ll be the first and then you will don’t even think… Read More

  • Infinity Isles SMP 1.20.4 Java Semi-Vanilla 18+ Whitelist Dynmap LGBTQ+ Friendly

    Welcome to Infinity Isles! Are you ready for your new Minecraft adventure? Whether you’re an explorer, master builder, or redstone genius, our server has something for everyone. Join our young and growing community today! What we offer: Java server hosted on the east coast Whitelisted for players 18+ Mostly vanilla gameplay with quality-of-life enhancements Engaging features like Dynmap and frequent End resets Head Database for donators & supporters Join our vibrant community: Experience our warm and inclusive environment where diversity is celebrated. From the bustling Shopping District to mutual support and camaraderie, there’s always something exciting happening on Infinity Isles…. Read More

  • Minecraft Memes – “Real Minecraft Gamers Don’t Sleep”

    Well, looks like this meme is starting from ground zero! Read More

  • Minecraft Farewell: Slick’s Moving Day!

    Minecraft Farewell: Slick's Moving Day! In AquaVerse City, Slick’s birthday was grand, But his friends’ pranks got out of hand. They blew up his house, not once but twice, Leaving poor Slick feeling not so nice. But wait, a surprise was in store, A cake house as big as a door. Forgiveness and laughter filled the air, As Slick’s friends showed how much they care. So let’s toast to Slick, our Minecraft star, With a cake as big as a car. Happy Birthday, Slick, may your year be bright, Filled with joy, laughter, and gaming delight! Read More

  • Minecraft Meme: Creeper Edition BOOM!

    Minecraft Meme: Creeper Edition BOOM! “Why did the creeper break up with his girlfriend? Because she couldn’t handle his explosive personality!” #minecraftlove #relationshipgoals #boom Read More

  • Join Minewind Minecraft Server for Endless Fun!

    Join Minewind Minecraft Server for Endless Fun! Welcome to Newsminecraft.com! Are you a fan of viral videos, trending topics, and all things popular on the internet? If so, you’ll love the excitement and buzz surrounding Minewind Minecraft Server. With a vibrant community of players from all around the world, Minewind offers a unique and thrilling gaming experience that will keep you coming back for more. Imagine diving into a virtual world where creativity knows no bounds, where you can build, explore, and conquer alongside fellow gamers who share your passion for adventure. Whether you’re a seasoned Minecraft pro or just starting out, Minewind has something for… Read More

  • Ultimate Minecraft Server Guide

    Ultimate Minecraft Server Guide The Top 3 Best Minecraft Servers You Must Try Are you tired of playing alone or looking to make new friends online? In this video, three servers are highlighted for you to play with your friends or make new ones. Let’s dive into the details of these exciting Minecraft servers: Pika Network Pika Network is known as the best international server with a variety of modes to choose from. Whether you enjoy Kit PvP, Skyblock, or Survival, this server has something for everyone. With thousands of players online, it’s a great place to test your skills and have fun… Read More

  • Unbelievable 4ChanChan Player Review

    Unbelievable 4ChanChan Player ReviewVideo Information what up y’all so I’ve been trying to look around for like a new person to look at their profile and then it instantly hit me I’m like wait benett Arthur why haven’t I thought of that it f you have 20 cents in your bank balance Benn it how the [ __ ] do you not have Eman 9 and you had 3,2 runs how do you not have a subset duplex one ter chance three nothing not even like five star are you trying to battle Joey LMAO worse Warden helmet so we got refrigerate one… Read More

  • Trapped by Doves!

    Trapped by Doves!Video Information nej nej jag got TR This video, titled ‘They Trapped Me!?’, was uploaded by Doveular on 2024-02-15 11:55:00. It has garnered 8678 views and 206 likes. The duration of the video is 00:00:10 or 10 seconds. Minecraft Nextbots Mod! #minecraft #gaming #trending #mc #funny Read More