Minecraft with a Twist: Watch MimkageArts Chill

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Where is in Minecraft coming up oh there we go hello everybody I’m getting everything a set up for a our Minecraft time don’t mind me I am a mess like always get pop out chat again because I want that and I got to get this stream posted wonder where the other two

Are well they’ll come in eventually Where’s link there you go oh there you guys are was I muted why muted good question also I saw you online earlier yeah I jumped down for a little bit as as I was waiting for my laundry and stuff to be done hi good to see you

Guys yep am I cutting out a lot or am I just crazy uh kind of little bit this is annoying okay I’m working on the library for the village anyways yeah we’re streaming right now let me get pop up CH chat so I can keep an eye on everything there we

Go so have you guys been uh vibing not going to elaborate just just vibing okay okay close my oh I forgot to tell you Checkers but I found a woodland mansion pretty close to spawn Tower I haven’t explored it yet I was thinking maybe we could all do that together

I we can always say no i’ be I’d be down yeah I was searching for dark oak earlier and I was exploring behind Swan Tower cuz I haven’t really looked back there yet and I just stumbled across a woodland Mansion so I’m like o it’s turning dark sleep or no

Sleep uh no sleep you left it on Peaceful by the way did I no oh were you in here by yourself earlier yeah mob spawns are a little bit weird when you’re on on here by yourself me and death both noticed it when you’re alone it’s much more tame when there’s more

People on then they just spawn like crazy yeah thing earlier when I was on I was waiting for anything to spawn I was just wandering around in the dark and nothing would spawn no the the Ser right now is on hard I tell you that much it

It is just when you’re by yourself nothing really spawns it’s really weird but this I did test it the spawn uh spawners that I have they still work yep so the game is spawning mobs but for some reason it’s not spawning them in the Overworld the same thing happens in

Another by the way so I’m not sure how to fix that yeah that’s a weird bu I don’t know what happened there there’s not supposed to be any bugs not playing on snapshots which we can by the way they allow snapshots on a why am I in the [ __ ] mob farm I

Already have over 100 exp oh do you want to make a bunch of books for me hi now if you look at the stream I have 103 exp uh that is that is all because I was sitting down here for a while killed the MS did

That again and then I went to go check all my super smelters and I forgot that I had smelted a [ __ ] ton of Cobble so I took the experience out and it shot me up 203 muddy stop scratching the door what do you want oh she’s not in my room

Right now need to go grab her she’s trying to get in hold up mama I know I know I’m sorry let me get to my house I guess this is give me a chance to actually check to make sure everything’s correct yeah it’s on surv on hard

Difficulty if you don’t believe me look at my stream I believe you it’s just that’s weird why doing oh know I’ll be right oh wait there we go I think I found the problem we’ll see if it worked goodbye game yeah give it a second it’s going to

Kick you both out so I can reset I’ll be right back how dare you okay I’ve reintroduced the demons oh hi hi guys uh I’m talking to chat uh we’re I’m doing pretty good I mean I’m alive Clover seems to be doing well as a yach and I still have to finish Dragon

Cuz that one’s I think a bit more popular but I haven’t finished it yet because Zelda is a bit detailed as a dragon thankfully I only have to draw her once and just put people on her back what you mean the second famous hero link as a

Dragon you all know the main character is named Zelda n if you guys if you haven’t played tears of the kingdom it kind of doesn’t make sense but once you do you’re like oh I guess Zelda’s a dragon now cool y they’re really dragging out the plot

Of the story if you’re asking me the story was the story is kind of man I’m not goingon to lie to you but the fun the game’s fun it’s a fun game but the story is pretty um you know what what would have been a lot of fun what when they had

Those flashbacks you’d be able to play as Zelda during those times yeah I wish they did that there’s never been a game where you get to play as Zelda which I find hilarious because it’s her namesake on the [ __ ] game yeah so easy brownie points woman a

Powerful woman do you get to play a video game no dude it would have been brownie points because Zelda’s in the past she got she time travel to the past so it’s a completely different world than what we’re playing in so you get it would have been just so interesting

Basically seeing that world at its prime before all this stuff happened even then that’s probably one of the few you you know how people have been complaining that Zelda is more of a linear game and they kind of got rid of that with breath of the wild they could have had Best of

Both Worlds have link be the wild boy who goes everywhere and have Zelda follow an actual story yeah but no we can’t have nice things apparently never we can just know what we want I haven’t actually technically finish the game yet I was going to draw

The Dark Dragon 2 but I have no idea what the [ __ ] he looks like and I don’t want to spoil myself even more than I have well I already knew Zelda was a dragon I already saw the memory and everything and pull a sword out of her

Hair I thought you were going to say out of her ass and I was about to get very concerned I mean you can shoot her in the ass to get a scale yeah very valuable thing to have you can do that with all the dragons honestly so I turned on mobs I did

Everything I’m not sure why nothing’s spawning but the farm is working so the they’re supposed to be spawning oh I hear peaceful the Farms do not work I hear a spider I think the spawns are working again I’m in a cave let me check they should be spawning on a

Certain part of my bridge if that is the case I heard a spider oh I see skeletons I see everything Yep they’re spawning now cool I fixed the problem are you implying that I could have been a game with a link yeah that would be a really good

Game to play honestly I I get why they don’t do it because they want you to always play as the ambiguous link cuz then you can self- project your character onto him but some people like their characters with personality and this Zelda had a lot of Personality uh

I’m nowhere near my bed yeah neither am I okay daytime and the thing is you can there’s plenty of games where you can play as a character with a personality it’s it does fantastic as long as they do it right and there are games where you can play as multiple characters

Yeah because of my brain the only example that comes to mind right now is Sonic even though that’s endgame [ __ ] but still a lot of games that let you play as multiple characters so would not be a novel concept to pitch that as an idea ye where the hell is this the two

Characters wouldn’t really interfere with each other at all because of the of the time skip e ones in the past and then you don’t play her anymore once she becomes a dragon yeah would you know sad to think all she had to do was eat a

Rock that’s how you become a dragon you eat a rock boy if that was the case I would have been a dragon years ago eat Rock I’ve eaten plenty of rocks when I was younger I know that feeling anyway where the hell did I put this stupid so I

Found a spawner down here earlier and I didn’t get the loot because I had in full inventory and now I can’t [ __ ] find it oh yeah damn I mean that’s kind of why I clear out areas underneath where I’m at because it’s so hard to find stuff sometimes I’ll find it eventually must

Be a good rock candy huh yeah guess so okay any so uh Galahad just got the [ __ ] beaten out of him yep by gr and he’s got his lawyer lamb Rock back arguing for his release I mean it’s working hey look when you have a man whose entire entire personality involves

Going bending around the rules he gets very good at arguing his points he do he do it’s kind of true imagine that burn it’s like you guys are punishing him for not being able to take down that which none of us were able to do the same so I don’t think he should

Be punished for that and then they have that [ __ ] I swear to God I’m going to kill you for being right it’s like you guys hate me but you know I’m right they’re just so sick of his Antics they don’t know what to do with him either though because he doesn’t break any

Rules yeah why you booing I’m right they can’t punish him because he’s correct but at the same time he’s being a little [ __ ] also I lost my ha CU I like fell off well you know it’s like um the best type of correct is being technically correct he’s not even technically correct he’s

Just correct a shoot I already have that ah hold up zombie I’m being murdered oh no the murder no no murder no murder today go away girls I swear to God if you start this song and dance when in the middle of stream what do you want why you

Barking I think they hear you guys not muddy being a little it’s both of them they’re being [ __ ] no being a little [ __ ] that’s what she’s being what do you want nobody’s why am I giving everybody the wrong one like I’m giving everybody but Checker’s haste right now there you go

Thank you to be fair I’m in the middle of a cave and I panicked murder say what you will but he earned his married to be a knight and he read he read all the books he knows everything you need to know about being a knight it’s just that he takes

Advantage of that knowledge way you do it though it’s just what he does that a lot of just don’t like I mean what are they going to do about it a little Playboy he likes to sleep around a good bunch and um you know how religious they’re used to be

Back then and they’re just going to be a little bit of a [ __ ] about it you can technically do it they’re just being annoying oh G hates it he makes him feel like an idiot hates the most lambro just kind of puts up with it because he knows that

He’s a valuable asset to their group he’s like you know what I don’t like what you do at all but same time we need the extra man power so I’m just going to deal with it lamrock is a bit of an interesting case because unlike the others he was born full commoner and

Raised FK commoner he got to be a knight with by pure Merit it was just skill that got him up there because two of them um two of them are not witches the other three are which is personal gahad and L Le wites but lamrock and get Wayne or not Wayne

Was I want to say he’s from a noble family probably he is that’s why he can’t just [ __ ] whoever he wants and why he gets pissy at lamrock who can yeah he’s just projecting um but because of that he just kind of like shoved the whole oh you can’t do X Y and

Z because I can’t and Gala had belied him like a little goall you know lamb Rock’s here reading all the [ __ ] books like H you’re full of [ __ ] you can’t do that the rest of us can because we’re not Nobles like you stinky little [ __ ] that’s the only problem he has

Which is very funny yeah salty little bastard yeah he’s just salty he’s just angry he that’s for the others they just don’t know how to handle his uh I guess Behavior well not going lamb Rock be a bit of a little [ __ ] but they kind of just deal with it they’re like

It’s not harmful it’s just annoying B now imagine that hit to the to the ego where L’s like none of us were able to find and kill the stupid witch how do you expect him to do it by himself I mean they ain’t wrong yeah he ain’t

Wrong hey look he’s trying to bail his buddy out okay if you need to get out of prison get Le rock yeah he’s your lawyer buddy he’s the one that you call when you’re in deep [ __ ] I go [ __ ] L Ro you know there’s no rule

Against not being able to marry a witch it’s just that they’re legal so most people assume you can’t marry it but no one specified it in the word of law you know it all technicality it is perfectly legal and if you do marry her then she becomes a minor Noble therefore

She technically is above all of them yeah I say technically because she is a princess of a Sovereign Nation that technically doesn’t exist anymore but her title’s still there they don’t know that though because she does not want to be reminded yeah but if you just go for

That where it’s like she’s a minor Noble therefore you you’d have to actually try her in in the court of law and it’s like will you stop that they’re going to give her a chance mainly because she’s only been good and as far as they know wild witches are vicious creatures and she

Has no vicious jeans in her body there’s not a vicious butat her body except for when she bites you God damn she does not let go it’s okay it’s only it’s only in bed that she doesn’t let go they haven’t gotten to that point yet okay when they do Galahad can attest

That she does not let go she lets go what she wants to let go she she got a fire scrip like a crocodile did not let go I’m also getting cold so one moment but yeah we’re at that interesting point he has a broken leg right now I’m not sure how we’re going

To fix that problem where the [ __ ] is this cave with the Spawner in it I know it’s in here I I was around here somewhere I’m going to pull a cheatsy cuz I know I I know that it’s here trying to find exactly where though is it over

Here no I been letting that up enough I know I’m being a little dirty cheater I’m kind of watching your stream just cheely if I can spot where my system starts not infinite just give it to me for 100 seconds all right just so I can see where the

[ __ ] this is not the one but I found another one they’re all super clustered together in this on this map is this it I know it’s like it’s weird that I found five just right next to me oh was no that’s not good I’m trying to find where the [ __ ]

Flippity I think I found the route I used I think this is the route I used so just go from here kind of frightening that you can’t really see that giant think I got it out from your stream I’m pretty good distance away I think this is correct

Okay I thought you were close by like if you can’t see it and you’re like right next to me that is kind of scary just how this hole this whole are is my mother ordered pizza yum it’s Domino’s I mean I wish I could eat pizza I had Domino’s a while ago it’s

Not as as bad as it used to be it’s not great it’s just not good I mean pizza’s pizza right I still find it weird that they cut their Pizza like a [ __ ] grid yeah I think you’re thinking no that’s what they do here I’m not sure if they do that for

All their pizzas or just like the thin crust pizza they do not do that over here that is a novelty killing a bunch of spiders oh y cool okay there we go oh I had a thought so for galahad’s leg are they just going to like I imagine they have

Like a room where they just have a bunch of loot that they found from raing witch Huts they have no idea what 90% of it does I mean they could ask Connie I mean yeah but right now he doesn’t want to be anywhere near them why would I tell you you tried

Killing me yesterday oh poor Connie gway almost broke her arm oh honey so because G did not break her arm because Galahad stopped her Galahad got his leg broken yeah to be fair GNE wasn’t trying to break their bones was not you did not me to yeah but when you have the [ __ ]

Grip of a [ __ ] alligator jaw everybody’s just alligators tonight I see how it is yeah I mean if you really want to make it seem bad Connie has a bruise there now oh don’t worry uh Gad is covered in them I know they’re going to try and find a way

To fix him though I that I not going to Le him like that they kind of need him it’s kind of important they got a murderous witch on loose like at this point they might mention how G is basically doing the job for this trick oh my God just make him

[ __ ] douche bag ever cuz he is he saw what he thought was a witch’s Mark and he [ __ ] went after Connie didn’t even confirm by checking the hand again just grabbed hero just grabbed her and was about to go well I’m going to be down here for a

While trying to find this stupid spawner cuz I think I’m in the right cave I don’t know where this thing is so I’m just going to be wandering around as soon as you’re ready I’m just busy grinding out levels to make make books and enchant armor and whatnot so

Oh yeah we’re going to tackle what do you guys want to do first the Woodland Mansion or the nether cuz the I did look it up the Fortress actually isn’t too far from the house I mean from the portal that me death have my two okay what about you death what do

You want to do the Mansion or the nether I’m good with either one honestly if we want to hit the the Mansion first I’m good for that so okay all right we’ll do the Mansion then now I got to find my way out of here hey

You want to know something the sad what so I was minding my own business and downstairs just doing my own thing but then I start hearing the squid games uh funny sound thing I don’t know what it’s called just start playing from upstairs and I’m just like why is my mother watching

This why have you become this whiches not all witches get their power from satanic sources well yeah and the world of uh see there’s a distinction between witches and because witches are just people they can be good or evil just like you know regular ass people yeah but there is a subass of

Witch that’s particularly dangerous and usually the most vicious we call them vexes they’re bches whose Powers have turned them into a curse a living curse basically but all all witches get their magic basically from chaos in in this world so yeah I can’t believe how lost I

Am this is what I get for vearing off the path okay well we got a little bit of time I got to enchant some books too while I’m at it to get rid of all these experience points oh here we go I found a way out I’ll look for that spawner later

When I enchantments are just escaping me it’s so annoying I was like oh Unbreaking yeah I’ll give you all the Unbreaking all my stuff has maxed out I’m breaking without even me trying I’m so annoyed about that me I’m trying to find I know I found the [ __ ] spawner over there

Earlier for the life me I cannot find it again and it’s starting to annoy me um but putting that aside cin in the woods was a fantastic movie cin in the woods sexy wies I mean Connie’s technically a sexy witch yeah but they had like ugly witches sexy

Witches and then just all sorts of Cryptids and unde it was it was a marvelous film and it did what it wanted to do very well yeah how it works in uh the world we have right now is that Witch is just look like regular mobians which is why people are scared

Of them because it’s hard to tell the difference between the two so if one decides to attack you would never know remove your remove your feet uh remove your socks why I need to tell if they’re clothing or not do you have a feet F or

Something no how you can mostly tell cuz not all witches have them it’s by hand markings they have little hand markings but not all of them have it like Lancelot and Dr frond they don’t have markings on their hands so they can blend in pretty easily con has them which you know [ __ ]

Sucks the Raven was tragically cursed by a force outside of this universe now the sad thing about becoming a Vex well you first become one by snapping like you mentally break that’s how you turn into one in the first place and once you reach that point you

Can’t really turn back because your body starts killing itself with the curse that it has So eventually any every single Vex that exists will just die their body can’t really sustain the curse so yeah they’re very vicious and dangerous creatures and most normal witches are scared of

Them as you can imagine they’re very um vicious creatures I guess it’d be the equivalent of a zombie in human for in in terms of humans except they have some intelligence that’s makes them even more scarier yeah they retain their intelligence it’s just all to accomplish their malice oh hello buddy are you

Exploring the new real estate yeah you you you want to stay up here actually looked up the um the history of zombies and modern Cinemas and whatnot and and what our idea of a zombie is actually a very modern thing like we’re talking early 1990s ye is all all zombies from older Cinema

Were actually very they kept their intelligence and everything and it was very hard to tell them apart from normal people yeah that’s kind of where I got the idea for the Vex where by all intents and purposes they can act and blend in as normal people people which is why they’re so

Scary like one moment you’re talking to a guy and the next they [ __ ] shank you that warning okay lost ah cool that’s delightful we love it when that Happ all righty so is everybody ready oh I need to enchant some books first I started going back to

Build this library now no not right now I was going to ask when you guys are ready but I realized that I’m not ready yet so yeah we’re waiting for you Mimi I just got all my and now I’m just building a bridge I’m building a library for the

Villagers because that’s the only way we can really get the good stuff AK mending Ming and whatnot yeah mending me the top one if you guys have any like spare coal you want to like just give out I have plenty of it just come oh you’re far away I guess I’ll I

Got like two stacks of coal so I don’t have a lot oh that’s right you’re far away okay well well you didn’t catch the second part of that sentence so I guess I there’s a second part of that sentence I said I guess I’ll just teleport to

You oh death interrupted me so I guess he didn’t hear me accusing me of being mean you’re so mean how dare you you’re a vicious creature you bite your boyfriend I see it see I do that oh by the way uh death did you know that the ocean you’re over

Is actually a warm ocean I is that why it’s so colorful yeah I want to go to the archaeology spots where that drown city was and I managed to find two sniffer eggs nice so now I got sniffers let me see myates are sniffy sne I haven’t hatched them yet because I

Want to put make their pen and everything before I put them down let me just get my coordinates so I can teleport back there we go I’ll just have to go back the old fashioned way which is fine you can take put on your cordinates and I can just teleport you oh hi

Oh thank you you wanted right yes I just wasn’t expecting a a delivery from the gods hi how’s it going I found all that naturally by the way oh my God I have like five times that amount by now but I’m just mining around the mountains

J and we got so many caves around our areas that’s why I’m like yeah I had like a stack and a half of diamonds that I just compressed down 20 blocks it’s it’s no big deal said to finally make some of it into armor I imagine your

Area is actually more stable than ours everything around here is just what [ __ ] janky as [ __ ] it is very janky I you guys me all us because we’re closer to spawn so everything around here is hella janky oh I don’t know what happened but the

[ __ ] the map shat on itself and we have so many weird things I keep forgetting to enchant my books where the [ __ ] did I put my books how dare you if you need some books I got like a full stack of books yeah you stole most of

Mine well and then I also came in and made a bunch with um with your uh sugar cane had I know you’re little thief I am show you the bridge I’m making that’s what like if you if you need books just come down I got them it’s okay I can make

More I’ll check it out in a bit Checkers that you should have told told me when I was there cuz now I got something on my brain to do I kind of forgot I have so much sugarcane it’s not even funny at this point anyways yeah that machine constantly runs So

Eventually we’ll be playing like 300 hours and then that chest will be full I know I’m getting a lot today you’re fine me how I like that song a lot playing in the background in Cabin in the Woods I actually haven’t seen Cabin in the Woods that might be our

Like Halloween movie or something it’s a good it’s a fun one I I enjoyed it thoroughly I’m not usually a huge hor buff I’m a big ass [ __ ] see it’s not really a horror movie girls I’m sorry if you hear my dogs barking they’re being little [ __ ] got Thorns efficiency piercing channeling Quick

Charge aqua affinity o a decent one oh wait oh yeah that’s multiple okay that’s weird Smite that’ll be useful for later sharpness flame for a bow so I guess you can put that on your bow death oh flame Infinity yep I’ve also got Infinity on my bow protection

Protection I need to start organizing these by uh book types I still have so many experience points holy [ __ ] this is what I get for hoarding all my [ __ ] for so much so long I take swipping Edge looting to either I dropped some lapis or someone’s in my

House are you in my house death maybe think I wouldn’t notice I started off by throwing a bunch of books in your inventory and then threw the lapis in I already had so many books in my inventory i l count I’ll organize these later for now I’m just putting them on these bookshelfs

Look nice yeah dude I wish they had like a mod pack that just makes varieties of blocks so they kind of look different they all look the same and it’s kind of Samy welcome back do you have to have like a protection for book I need to take all actually I

Should probably make a chest and put these in here there yeah that’s what I’ve been doing I’ve been I made a chest and I’ve been slowly combining books until Max enchantments and I threw them in a different into a different chest anyways what happened Checkers uh she got the worst type of

Pizza that’s fun fun Hawaiian no it just tastes bad I should just throw away this curse of unbinding thing it’s useless but it’s funny on an enchantment book Put on try and put all my sword punch power power respiration punch fire protection Smite that sword protection flame Infinity that’s for bows

Bow bow I should probably get my bow before you run off yep punch yall are getting ready I’m just enchanting books and organizing them oh [ __ ] out just I don’t have silk touch finally something decent and knockback on the same book what a interesting combination yeah I got a couple of books

For it’s like protection and piercing on the same book and it’s like okay okay I guess if you ever want to check out which books we have we can just peek in this chest cuz we have so many it’s not even funny at this point you would think 100 exp would get

You quite a few books actually doesn’t get you that much that’s upet and very hard to get good Enchantment books from enchanting tables it’s quite it’s just a crap shop basically hence why I’m making the library from our villager Traders just dropping everything in that’s every single book we have almost

Enough to fill a chest well you guys can go ahead and get ready I’m pretty happy with the stuff I have now I mean it’s not like the rits but it’s better than nothing I need to make myself a new Shield oh [ __ ] [ __ ] what was that

Uh somebody just did something and I wasn’t paying attention I’m sorry what happened I think it was to subscribe I need to put the alert bot above everything else reminds me I need to also make a new Shield because mine’s pretty much dead yeah I need to make

Myself a new Shield I’m not sure what happened if somebody did something I am sorry I wasn’t paying attention I’m not used to things happening when I’m not paying looking at my chat I’ll just combine it I think I can get Unbreaking on my shield I know remember if they still have

That I want to say yes I can check real quick how make a shield again uh five wood and one iron I am one other there’s fifth piece of wood let’s see if I just have breaking in general what dehydrated I drink AUA yeah I gra Gatorade fine okay I

Got okay you can I put Unbreaking on my shield I’m be working on that Library just let me know when you guys are ready to take on that Mansion I mean I just need to empty my stuff and item situ you might want to make a full

Diamond armor because this place is not easy to take on no I already have wor okay and one piece of wood short are you kidding me hi me this is hi Rosie it’s been a while it’s good to see you in my Chat uh just to clarify I actually cameoed her character uh the Shad Amy comic I was working on with saki for a bit oh yeah yeah she that character that Amy runs past on the street and waves hello to nice oh what was that one character’s name

That we made where she was just so happy to see the world and she the dog one poppy yes I love her so much Poppy the puppy where she’s just a dog that can talk yeah just a dog and I was like you shouldn’t treat her that way she’s like what do you

Mean you see her make the puppy dog eyes when she wants a certain food it’s like no puppy down like she’s a person don’t talk to her like that it’s like trust me she has a very dog brain yep brain is very dog that brain is dogging now much Bow Wow half the

Half the tennis balls in the leg they’re her fault yep and yeah when she gives when she um goes and delivers food she’ll just sit up well just sit there at people’s table just begging for food yeah we’re just waiting on death then okay you want to see that Bri yeah just

Give me a second I’m in the middle of trying to build up these towers for this Library I would have been ready but I end up being one one piece of wood short for making a shield that’s that’s I I’m not that interested in I’ll be honest with you I’m not too

Interested in poppy playtime doesn’t really catch my attention attention the kind of ruined my well I find it interesting for what they’re trying to do with it but I don’t play it or anything because my eyes are so screwed up I can’t actually see what’s going on half the time

So the only thing I really know about it is that it features this circus girl and there’s a Waring amount of porn of her that I don’t want to see on Twitter like I’m pretty sure this character is a minor so uh I’m not 100% sure I didn’t play the game but alarm

Bells there we go oh daytime not yet oh not I didn’t know it was night time you didn’t see the okay it must have came up when I was looking through my chest so I didn’t see it well I guess now that we’re on VC I

Guess I can ask you very quick so in this scenario do you want them to ask gahad to bring her back to the castle instead of just trying to haunt her down Connie I mean they have ask because I’m prettyy sure they put together that those to have something going on really Mr

Skeleton really yes really right outside my base everybody knows except for [ __ ] Lancelot and gives you that cat side eye get your coordinates first so I can teleport you back no fine now you can walk back then I want you to come to me first and yeah Infinity means I only

Need one arrow in my inventory for it just to work right yeah okay it has to be on your bow though not just the book just to clarify yeah I got I got a fully maxed out bow cool Oh no I got kicked out person I think it looks very nice

Yes it looks good yes I did does it matter no it looks nice grab coordinates so you can bring me back here let me get by your house and I’ll just take a picture of it on my phone that’s how I do things I used to do I used to do screenshots

But I lost I lost the folder that they went into and I don’t know where they go now KY I see the kitty there I got a picture I’m going to teleport myself back to where I was and then I’ll teleport you to me took me a little bit of thinking

Um are you when you were talking about like the clown lady are you talking like the digital circus instead of poppy play time oh poppy play is I think maybe poy play time doesn’t have a um a clown I was confused there just trying just going through then I don’t know then I

Don’t know what the [ __ ] that is it might be om yeah she’s pomy well then I don’t know what the [ __ ] you’re talking about girls I swear to God oh they’re upset because my sister took them a bath okay see I have a horse so I can hopefully keep up with you guys

This time where are you Checkers where didd you go why it was funny oh yeah it’s very funny ha all right you guys ready because I’m be setting out that way can I check my for a minute tex I’ll make it quick we go girls what do you want there’s no one

Here there’s no one here why are you guys barking at little Chi was all right let’s keep going then kiss the Hedgehog I’m good have to go around I like how you’re walking towards your own thing not following me the person who knows where it is well you pointed that way so I

Thought we had to go that way we are we’re taking the land area instead of having to go through the water oh well death I guess you’re going around for no reason just watch out for any pit holes yeah I covered that I covered that mostly up

For a reason so we so people didn’t actually jump into it uh well I think you need to do a better job I did good enough for what I had oh by the way here’s the library I’m working on like it I love how fancy this is then you see

Like the two little houses I made well it’s supposed to be a big Grand Library yeah is it going to have multiple floors or just one probably going to have two floors I don’t know what the top one’s going to be cuz the bottom one’s mostly going to be uh for trading

Books oh yeah there’s the dark oak just over there wow see I like how I was searching over there for ice and then there’s [ __ ] Mountain over here with ice on it yeah go so far out of your way only to notice um I really should have checked back

Here but now I have I know that this stuff is here okay is a ravine right there we’re going to have to go down and back up so I’m not sure if your horse can handle this death but we can try just be slow I was looking to see if there’s any way

To I’m going to hurt myself you can just jump into the water I know I’m being extra besides now we got to wake our way back up which is going to be a pain uh death you might want to just looking at I’m Gonna Leave My Horse

There’s no way I can teleport you to me if you want but I’m not sure if your horse teleports with you so well time to test that out right now I doubt it I doubt his horse will teleport with me time to test it you never know game surprises us sometimes

I forgot to make a bridge back here I just kind of weed all my way down uh we lost track of death oh no he’s behind the tree let’s try and teleport you to me death if we can’t then I guess your horse is going to wait

There yeah the issue is I can’t get my horse up it only jumps one block it does not jump to n no your horse does not come with you yeah it’s just stuck up there now don’t worry it’s going to be in the same place when we come back so I

Don’t know that thing loves to wander and just jump off cliffs it’s very dumb well it won’t jump if it thinks it’s going to get fall damage so we’re fine welcome to the dark oak that I found they have self-preservation thankfully does it always work nope but you

Know 99% of the time it works I’m trying to like guess where you’re going which is a bad idea because you’re going to get lost in here especially with all these dense leaves what why you going on the trees easier cuz then I can actually see where the Woodland Mansion

Is because I don’t have its exact coordinates just a general direction because I’m dummy damn it that’s what I do got to get down from the tree no I don’t that’s a lie did someone fall no don’t ask me how I found this I was wandering and I just stumbled across the

Thing I mean why do you think I found the desert because I was wondering parkour skills yay yeah my my my horse would not have made it it is it cannot jump withth anything it’s very Speedy but that’s it all right I think we’re pretty close by

To it by now let me go ahead and jump up here get a good Vantage Point did anybody bring torches to light up the Mansion I have 14 I have 15 uh you see it now Checkers and I see you death where are you death where are you oh there you are

Can you see the Mansion now oh yeah I misclicked my jump so it didn’t activate and I almost hit the ground oh this this water Affinity is so nice I know so much faster trust me I know I have death Strider on my boots so that helps a

Lot do I or yeah I got death Strider as well all right we’ll meet by the front of the Mansion so we we can all see it pink sheep wild pink sheep my God yeah I did not no I didn’t I did not see him here before so I guess he’s

New we’re gonna put you in a hole watch out there’s a cave there yeah there’s caves everywhere around where we’re at all right he’s in the hole of a bottom of sea anyways uh where’s the entrance it’s over here it’s up your [ __ ] but but up but hole

I have not seen your keys but if you’re asking me Checkers don’t be over zealous hey that’s why I wanted to I’m trying to he it’s on hard mode remember man you [ __ ] smacked me okay so I need to make more torches I’m going to step outside for a

Second I’ll um just very gently go up because I got my bow with me be careful creeper creepers do spawn in here yeah there’s also a lot of oh my God there’s so many oh wait I only got 190 I’m not seeing any zombies oh we even got a villager zombie that’s

Fun oh fire aspect I forgot it’s a double-edged sword no stop burning stop burning me there we go I’ll just use my axe that’s more reliable I found a damaged Anvil this mission is already worth it be turning soon so that’s not good I’ll just make a

Day I’m not going to waste our time with that also don’t be afraid to break down walls cuz they have hidden rooms in here oh like that yep any good loot no good loot yeah take the chests yeah so if you see like walls like this just break them

Open cuz sometimes you’ll find something behind them hey tree I hear you buddy where are you he’s coming oh there’s Creeper Creeper two Creepers nice to nice go oh damn yeah my bow does a ton of damage when I’m able to hit so okay while you guys are doing that

I’m going to light up this area a little bit I’m running low on torches cuz I’m a dummy and forgot to bring more coal you know I’m surprised how much stuff actually spawns in here oh we’re good found mushrooms and a chest so chest with nothing in it of

Course cheers are you just making them explode no they they exploded on their own buddy these chests don’t tend to have anything in them Bunch empty chests yeah I will take them for my amassing horde of chests also I see a blue flower up here so you

Guys can take that it’s from the swamp biome nice looks like there’s two in there all right you guys there’s another one up here gra it with flower pot there we go oh hello creeper Checkers don’t get in front of me like that if I hit you that’s not my fault

You delery jumped in front of me girl yeah I don’t sometimes and I mid attack and I’ll slice you oh more flowers just give it give me all these pots please I want them okay that’s that’s the chest room o room full of creepies yay need my bow it’s

Okay yeah it’s a good bow and then we got an Enderman who’s friendly so we can leave him alone I will not shoot the Enderman he is my friend he P he P pays me he’s fine he pays you rent in dirt Blocks he’s better than Dave yeah well grass blocks even more

Valuable so I will forever burn Dave I think this back into okay hello skeleton nothing back there nothing back than yours you will lose this fight yeah this is just the um back end of the thing I think so I see Enderman FR it’ be nice if you don’t

Get near me while I’m trying to okay more flowers the best decision of my life life just making this bow though I can’t shoot all right well I hear more stuff upstairs so I guess we’re going up there just give me a second because I am tired of not having enough

Torches this place seems more light up more lit up than I remember they usually they it’s they’re pretty lit up it’s just the actual rooms that are dark which makes it funny that so many mobs actually spawn in the hallway all right I love how yall are

Just ditching me thank you we’re just walking we’re not we’re not running or anything oh hold up I need to grab more these did you already go upstairs Checkers yeah who’s the one who was talking about us leaving them behind pay back and I didn’t even go that

Far I’m right behind you hey Mr zombie yeah you di in one hit oh I hear baby oh I could have brought my silk touch and books I didn’t bring my silk touch either so all right didn’t think about it till later oh babies you found baby children children I’m

Coming Hellie no no come out of the room please got him I’m trying not to shoot you by accident or stab you by accident more books you might want to take a moment to recover Checkers oh I found the way to the third floor so we’re not going to go up there

Yet this is a three floor Mansion which means we’re not going to have a good time I am almost out of torches I can give you more just give me a second to light up this area I found aate yay doesn’t the Woodland Mansion have a specific template that’s probably on the third

Floor no I already grabbed it ah well there’s a third floor so we’ll probably find more all let’s explore the other side oh I gone on the other side but I’ll like collecting all the pots yeah it’s for the um uh it’s for the village so we can

Have like little extra details and whatnot your village what do you mean I’m using it for my own house that’s why we’re grabbing the the pots all right hi hi yeah I didn’t fully explore them there’s like one more room I didn’t check out yet is fully black so

Ah I hear a Skelly friend in here oh spider hi spider see him Mr spider come over here I I still find it very interesting that the beds in here aren’t actually beds they’re just wall oh did you find friend yep I found all of them they’re

All dead though now so no you forgot one oh it’s okay he’s dead I love this SP it it just one shots everything all right oh there’s another Vex armor trim piece cool well now it’s time for us to check the third floor where you guys we’re on the other

Side just we’re heading back over to the staircase or I am at least we’ll meet there and then hit the third floor cuz that’s where we’re going to have the nasty [ __ ] oh yeah oh yeah I better heal up then because I haven’t healed at all

Yeah I have so much carpet thanks to all that [ __ ] killing yeah justpet okay we ready you good death y um I’m almost done healing so fully filling up my saturation then we’ll be off so right we’re on the third floor prepare for bastards looks like just books over here and

Stuff W just another map room basically I don’t see any bastards oh cat quick get inside his brain there’s nothing in his head where’s the stupid guy even the [ __ ] head here doesn’t have anything in it I think the spawn wonky yeah it’s like half a

Face well I guess that means we’re going to have to do raids to get like totems of un dying but at least we got the armor trim yeah oh I see the problem come over here where are you okay oh it’s spawn in a mountain yep that’s

Why if I was going to say if like you looked up at the ceiling and the second floor you can see that there was um some stuff coming through I want check the outside just in case we have like a hidden room or something yeah I doubt it too we would

Have heard the uh the bastard it’s okay we’ll set up a raid for later but we do have uh everything we need to raid the um nether fortress yep do you guys want to do that too while we’re at it we can just stop by the house and

Re just Dro stuff off because my inventory is full now so well you guys found the armor trim so you guys get to keep those I’ll just get mine at another Woodland Mansion I mean youc so yeah successfully raided very easy actually I was very surprising especially with three players generally

These places are even more of a pain than they normally are yeah head back the way we came your dog keeps bothering you tarious my dogs I have two in here but it’s okay they’re parchy wallets and they’re blood their names are silver and muddy yeah my mud bears and my Silver

Nugget sil’s the little [ __ ] yeah her name does not come from Sonic okay we named her because he thought it’d be funny she’s silver and she’s small it’s like how blue got his name from his eyes no people coming from the from the outer Lane passing Checkers

Underwater I think you guys should be able to find your way home easily so I’m just gonna ditch you no don’t I will get lost I can just teleport you to me besides I’ll probably have to grab your horse on the way back too yeah I

Mean I need my horse it it’s my um it’s my wheelchair didn’t know you needed a wheelchair yet I’m actually I’m slowly getting there it’s rather upsetting actually welcome congratulations yep I see you you have gold boots or is that the other I do not have gold boots I am full

Diamond oh that’s probably death that you’re saying yeah I was getting all ready for the um for the nether raid so these boots are all set up for that and then we decide to go for the Mansion so well we I still need to make a gold

Player boots too so yeah these are like almost fully Enchanted boots so all right it’s a race let’s see who gets back to the library fastest uh you will because I am lost now I do have to stop to get yours I got it mostly back up the side of the cliff

So it will only jump like one block though it’s fairly annoying it’s like useless for that so you so bad horse I tried to not knock you off you fell off on your are you talking to death or me death okay I tried to knock him off the tree

That only did so much because I did jump off following I got feather following on my equipment too so it doesn’t do a whole lot to me I see your horse oh I see him I see me you’ll never get me alive oh God why

Are you trying to set set me on fire Jesus you hit me I think it’s only fair considering running any fire uh ohow why is this place so tall I’m just diging my way up I’m done with this it’s faster to dig than it is

To try to climb it uh I don’t see your horse dead so you’re going to have to grab them on the way back that’s what I’m afraid of I’m afraid it probably just jumped down somewhere still he’s still up there I can see him cuz I’m trying to make it back I’m

Trying to get back to the house before it gets too dark so I can teleport both of you to me oh you know what [ __ ] it there we’re good I’m almost up the side of the cliff so all right I gave you guys daytime so we don’t have to

Panic okay a horse has been captured no Mr Speedy I think I think it’s safe to say I won so look behind you I’m at the library now love amig bye hi I’m in his face now we it does honestly just feel like to me like I’m running like on half compared to

Everybody else you’re you’re all just so quick compared to me I need to teach you how to jump run my dude if you ever if you ever visit me in person I know how to jump gun in person it’s called skipping you enjoy the life back here give him back his horse Checkers

That’s like stealing a wheelchair from a person who needs one I smacked him with my bow that was funny you’re mean I’ll smack you on my bow next we’ll figure out which one hurts more I’m going to just sit here and do some work I need to fully unload

Because I’m full now of everything so I think he miss oh I didn’t bother taking a shot yet I okay I just don’t hit the horse yeah I shot between its eyes well between its ears I’m fine hit him right between the eyes hit him between the

Eyes I take the horse into The Nether I’m sure it’ll be fine I hit you with it I didn’t shoot you with it I’ll keep the carpet in here might see I couldn’t tell the difference because my armor has like full protection on it too can have a stack of

Wood bring Stone and get uh Diamond not mean uh gold boots Checker do you want me to I can teleport I can teleport you back to your home I got to use the bathroom real quick anyway so I’m going to do that uh what your coordinates dude if you do I’m going to

Just make you walk home Checkers I will make you walk home I’m not g to actually put you in there I call [ __ ] trash drawer where’d you go I need a new trash drawer oh yes there you are you will all go in there you’ve been exiled hopefully I teleported you to the

Right place you did okay oh I have two music two music discs I’m going to go to my home real quick I’m going to quickly use a bathroom so I’m going to log off for a sec and then we can go ahead and get this game

Started oh this also gives us a chance to make a portal to your place I need to do math though to figure out where to build it so you don’t have to we don’t have to keep teleporting around to get to each other’s places okay now I will

Grab how many stacks of Cobble do you think we need uh three that’s so much I would guess I’ll grab five just in case I’m not short on any of those at all so I got like 10 chest of Cobble I’m fine I got too much Cobble I’ve been smelting it

Honestly I would do that but I don’t have like an auto smelter yet so I don’t either I’ve been just kind of doing it the normal oldfashioned way see I’m lazy though I want to be able to leave it let it be and then just

You and then when I need XP I’ll just go over here and then boom 100 levels you isue can you tell that I’ve been hanging around people that are closer to my age because I think you can not gonna lie where the [ __ ] did I there tags and dirt

So Random chicken I have horse that I need to mount at some point I need to get more horses I got like six Saddles now I can use I got like five yeah and I have like eight leads now because I keep killing the merchants when they don’t got good deals so

Rude hey me was the one that taught me that one so ni mean don’t make it l mean still mean we need to go deeper oh there is a lot of enemies over here I will start clearing some of that out okay the gas just

Down oh and yeah we’re there is a lot of um death zombie piglin so you definitely want want your armor as well as normal piglin hanging around here no zombies don’t give a [ __ ] it’s the normal ones that you want to for there’s also a lot of normal ones

Around here too including a couple babies so you defin want to the babies don’t care either it’s the adults there are so many Endermen that are just hanging around my house can you like can you like not I get it you like your dirt but like

Bro that’s a okay all right I guess there’s just three there’s just three chilling about okay you’re G sure I’m not going crazy there’s a Crimson Forest on one side and then the one with the blue trees on the other that’s really convenient actually as well as just a um let’s not

Charge into the Crimson one as well as a soul sand one just on the other side so that’s where all the skeletons were coming from they like to come from there I love this bow yeah but that means you can’t have mending on it

So I don’t care I can I got so many bows we can just throw another bow into it and I’m fine still all right time for me to get my horse I’d rather take a boat that has Unbreaking three and takes forever to actually break and can one shot almost

Anything I want than having mending right now I’m very happy with it you’re a stubborn one there you go oh you’re slow I felt faster take out some of these fires that are right next to the portal so you guys don’t catch fire immediately that’d be appreciated that also feels extremely

Slow well not extremely just slow I’m back sorry that took me a secondome back I decided to peek my head through the portal and there was a PR gas just looking at me so you’re telling me wearing for a fun time a damn it oh I

I took care of him this bow makes it very easy you just one shot him with his bow I should probably make myself a bow I’m go ahead and grab one from the skeleton spawner we have way too many anyways yeah none of them are enchanted

Though but I know I could just enchant it I have books oh that’s great okay well it’s going to turn dark while I’m on the horse that’s that’s fun okay the sun’s going down I can turn it I can turn it daytime if I really have

To yeah you do that just let me know if you guys Panic let yous are being too all right I’m GNA go ahead and go oh I haven’t shown the stream my my mob spawner so two of the spawners are actually very close together so here’s a a skeleton

Spawner so skeleton Farm then you look over here and you got spiders they’re so close together that if you stand between them in the right spot you can actually get them to spawn at the same time so you get double the EXP and then we have my Crusher for

Spiders and for skeletons isn’t that fun I’m going through your enchanted books right now just trying to find the stuff for the bow don’t take all the bow stuff please I need them oh my Bow’s already maxed out I’m just looking through for you real

Quick I was going to get power maxed out and then flame and infinity yep I think you’re good I’m almost to my house power five and then punch two is pretty nice honestly I’m home there’s a power three I hurt my legs all right I’m gonna go ahead take a

Nappy nap and then punch two leave oh there’s another punch through right there here I’ll just throw them over into your inventory you can just leave them in the chest and I would grab them yeah well I was hoping it’ be a little bit quicker if I was sorting

Through those for you I’ll put back the EXT the copies so I have Infinity power five Flame punch two okay these will do as for the shoes I’ll just enchant those on the regular table protection that’s all I need temporarily change my shoes put this the sawado kid

One I haven’t P peaked in there much I feel kind of awkward in there I’m not going to lie to you don’t ask me why I don’t know why my brain just like well I have enough experience points to oh no I won’t I guess you guys are going to be

Able to chill for a minute cuz I need to go sit by the XP farm for a bit oh there is the mob grinder is Mob Grinder more active when there’s more people there or I have no idea I haven’t tried it oh hello creeper I snuck past him I’m I’m

Assuming you didn’t have as much luck yeah he started coming at you then he looked right at me um it’s okay yeah I’m bringing him out towards the water so when I shoot him he doesn’t blow up immediately thank you yes follow me towards the water my friend follow me

Into the water it won’t take long maybe like 10ish minutes and then we can go ahead and go no I’m out of drinks no well that’s a lie I still have water I just ran out of my Sprite Zero no my life juice fake sugar the I don’t know waiting for

Sponge also death I have try to find ways to keep the spider spawner from clogging up unfortunately there doesn’t seem to be much of a way so we’re just going to have to deal with it is less than it used to be but it’s not perfect

And we’ll go with more with it being less clogged than it has been I’m we’re fine with that yeah because it has chains we can walk into it and unclog it if we have to I’ll just sit right here with you so I’ll sit next to spider you next to

Skeleton yep cool Hoppity hoppity hop I have nine nine points so I need 14 to enchant the the bow fully so I don’t I’m it won’t take much any anyway while we’re waiting what do you guys want to talk about I mean I did go to the mall yesterday oh yeah how was

That um it was interesting because as you know uh first we went to a art institute which wait an art an art institute or the Art Institute first we went to the Minneapolis Institute of Art okay okay we’re fine so I went there uh saw a lot of naked people in paintings and

Sculptures so a lot of a lot of dicks and boobs just kind of hanging about yeah sounds about right yeah but remember it’s okay to bring your kids to those because it is Parts it is there were so many kids there were so many [ __ ] kids there was this one

Kid that’s asking why are we here and then the parents like well to look at Art and they’re like why and it’s like it’s art oh yeah let’s totally take our kid to a gallery where you can see actual realistic penises but have a panic attack of a trans person who’s fully

Dressed says hi yep hooray welcome to life yep I see spider FR and it’s kind of encouraged by the um the art gallery because they have a little kids area so yeah it’s kind of just encouraged to bring see it just funed me the double standards where it’s like oh yes let’s

Go look at these basically Anatomy anatomically correct um pictures and and whatnot uh statues of people being completely nude but oh my God your kid found a pornographic piece when you were young of a character whatever oh by the way if if you ever come down here

Checkers or death we should check out the Bodies exhibit in the eluxur that’ be pretty cool I think I seen it when I was when I was going to SEMA about six years ago I think they updated it since then they added some weird [ __ ] [ __ ] in

There or we can go to shark grief which is there’s always something to do in Vegas it’s an aquarium in the MGM they have a c little dragon there oh nice I forget if they still have their shark I would hope not sharks have a very hard time living in those environment

Yeah I’m aware but they have jellyfish which is very nice jellyish a moon jellyfish you know you’re getting je when when it hurts to play um video games too long where’s the where’s the potions of harming that I put down here you know every time you say that

I’m just going to start playing a ringtone on my phone oh spider jockey oh no okay we’re fine the spider’s killing it Y how ironic what happened is that it ended up going and climbing up the wall so the the skeleton got stuck in the ceiling

Wonderful got to love when a plan comes together yes die you stupid things okay there we go I like the uh XP crush crush that I have but it Cycles through so if you don’t turn it off it’ll just keep cycling all right death work we’re good

We have more than enough I have more than enough exp to do what I need to do something no myk my uh my ankles um hands get all stiff so I have to crack them oh he got loud bones yeah I do very loud bones sometimes if you listen carefully

You can hear it play spooky scary skeletons yep you got to listen very carefully or you might or you just might mistake for a ratchet it’s it’s one of the two are you start hearing like the Bone music that people make when they [ __ ] use it like a xylophone

Yep if you might also mistake me just for the skeleton sound effect in this game so so many things go man why are you so much all righty so I got 20 levels I’m going to go ahead and enchant this bow and then I will be ready to go My other way now I need a single Arrow which I forgot to bring with me but I’m pretty sure I have that somewhere in my chest see I I can just go grab one for you real quick so you don’t have to run all the way

Down it’s okay I had some in my chest here I found one putting haste on me in a minute did you lose okay no can you do that in a minute okay audience tell this one has been a minute listen I wanted to get the otherwise you guys waiting

Forever I could have just teleported you to me but okay but I have to drop my stuff off you know I just realized I could have just teleported you back to me or back to your house cuz I have the coordinates anyways uh graft Stone

Oh yeah yeah yeah C I got like I got five thing five stacks of cobblestone so I’ll bring Cobble deep slate cuz that’s what I have more of I got Cobble ready okay I brought about three stacks that should be good to at least build like an emergency Shield right are we all

Ready I don’t have gold I don’t have gold I just realized I forgot about that all right choose the the shoes or the helmet those are the cheapest options actually helmet my all right just tell me when you’re ready drink some water while I’m waiting it’s good and bad because

Of what everybody in chat still alive got my helmet uh I don’t know if anybody still in chat it’s pretty quiet right now but anyways I had a was going to say something but I forgot okay ready yep all right let’s go through all right I wanted

Toch death where are you oh cool I just making sure there was no more gas disappearing hi hi he just ran up right on me U all right uh let me go ahead and relocate where that nether fortress was cuz I completely forgot hey buddy how you doing stop

Pushing me or I will actually stab you okay so we’re heading this way first then that way so about this way okay there’s a gas to our left I should probably get the coordinates for the portal really quick before we go anywhere can I shoot it if you want to

Shoot the gas go ahead nice oh that’s loud fun you just got have a picture of the coordinates for the uh portal so we don’t get lost CU Les we check all right so we’re just going to keep heading in that general direction over there I killed

It cool just make sure you don’t hit any of the pigl in there chill with us right now now hi oh that is a hole and this is why I said to bring Cobble you want me to build sure we can keep the gas off your ass didn’t you want some glowstone death

There’s plenty of that tier two I’ll grab some later it’s not a high priority right now okay so right now we’re in the waste so we’re going to be seeing a lot of guest here go let’s go I want to get some note go ahead just

Like let us know so we can stop for a bit I’m getting some right now okay now how do we get down there there’s sney your way no no no no no no that’s a bad idea do not down oh that’s a bad idea actually you go that way why you leaving

Me we’re not gas gas gas gas we’re going to have to retreat a little bit oh it despawned what the hell no it went down I think I think it legit despawned I just saw a poof out of existence despawned I just pop out of existence all right I think let’s see

This way is probably better because we can jump down from any ledge we make uh we’re over here Checkers all right I’m going and you proceed to we’re looking for a safer way to get across we weren’t going to leave without you effici I’m not gonna lie I’m bigest fan

Of the shields I’m sorry I just I hate the shields why are you building two at the same time he’s being weird is I don’t want to slip to fall that’s a very real thing for me okay then Crouch then you won’t fall unless you jump but then that’s on keep going now

You would say that but you know how many times I fell off my stupid ship I mean okay you’re good you’re over right it’s a way to get back m all right he interesting the ne this we got a really weird spot that’s very magical oh hi too close to

The go I didn’t want to accidentally shoot that guy yeah that would have been bad guest here y all righty we want to keep please yeah we’ll stick around just be careful not to grab any gold or else these guys will be up your ass I guess I can get some gas practice

While I’m at it oh gun right through it what no that sucks ah oh you little bastard it keeps going further and further away it’s smart afraid of us card that’s why it’s smart they’re learning made a big hole that’s impressive yeah These Guys these guys make a a big impression let me

Live got him haha [ __ ] oh where’s another one where is another one R running running he’s running he’s running was one going after your ass oh there it is it fired at me once and then it [ __ ] off got it I guess grab any gas tis while you

Can when they’re happening cuz you know all right I believe it’s so far away believe this way is the best way are you good on the reps Checkers you want to move on pretty happy yeah we can always get more it’s not like we’re going to be on shorted short on

It that was those were words that I made oh I’ll stay here I didn’t know you guys were behind me well we were trying to find you and you just were gone and I like to wander well you’re trying to wander with us and you’re just not telling us where

You’re going I was busy taking care of the gas ask them I’m like wait where where’ me go me shall we where the go ah damn it so dark in the nether I was trying to you can boost up your lighting oh I got it up to Max thank God blue warp Forest

Only Enderman spawn there so if you guys want to get some end pearls no they’re my friends well we need to get them for the end anyways need their balls here hold up let me check something real quick okay we went plenty in this direction we got to go that way now that

Way so in the thing okay so we’re going to go through the blue Forest anyways don’t fall down here do not fall down here do not fall down here what did you check G are you alive okay fine you would have sign the message tell me that I’m being pran

About making bridges that are too thick well she she fell by herself did you just jump off the edge kind of you silly sausage but see that’s what I like I’m parid I don’t want to fall all right we’re up here you see us can see can you move

Sir sir can you like not all right so try and keep your gaze towards the ground a little bit has holes I know but unless you want the Inman to be filling those holes you better keep your eyes down to the ground hot what I’m I’m gonna just not comment

I’ve seen a lot of weird [ __ ] okay uh I’m just going to dig through this Netherrack because [ __ ] it any gra well we’re near I guess I’ll do you know where we are you passed you went right past where we are Checkers we’re back up here just to

Start drilling a hole here we’ll start making a hole here because it’s in this direction I panicked I panicked I panicked closer to it thanks for that man thanks that I didn’t show you closer I actually jumped back sorry I’ll just teleport you back to me

When you get back uh I got to see the replay of that in the Stream thanks want to try going up here for I can see do you want me just you want me just to teleport you back up to me no I’m salty do you want me to teleport you

Fact it there it’s okay I covered the the lava block you you mean I did no I did cuz you left it flowing I I I was closing it and then you pushed me towards it o look gold in a tunnel I like how we’re digging two

Separate tunnels oh wow this just leads straight out into a ravine over here how about you do one side and I do the other side how about that I mean whatever you want to do oh yeah the haste is gone you want to give me my haste back Mr murderer I will

[ __ ] kill you again I think we actually went a little bit too past it so we’re going to have to backtrack a tiny bit back in that direction it’s okay we need to go till 224 so once we reach 224 we’re done oh we went that we went past we

Went past we went past we’re going in the wrong direction I realized all right me back towards the beginning of your tunnels cuz we have to go in the other direction cuz I’m a dummy and didn’t notice the negative I mean it’s not negative you could have killed yourself

By accident I already knew how far the jop was we were just here okay this way my memory sucks okay careful careful Careful I should probably not fall as often I have gold boots and these things are going to break if I keep doing that that’s what I wanted to put Max St protection on mine so it lasts a little bit as well as Max out like Unbreaking where’s going the other

Towards this direction over here cuz I we went in the wrong way okay secret tunnel secret one side you do the other and I’ll do the roof that’s not necessary well clob now we keep going I know I saw I saw all right we’re going to Tunnel across I mean Bridge

Across I guess we’ll double up if you hear gas run yeah I’ll see if I can shoot them before they cause trouble I wonder who’s the best Brier to be fair you started before I did I’m better I’m not seeing any gas or anything we’re safe for the meantime I’m

Seeing a Giant floating island which is fun it’s okay have Fireproof well fire resistance on my armor we were prepared okay just gotta wait for me to stop burning uhoh right in the middle of me eating oh barely missed our Bridge oh we can get the guest here

Barely spawned in and I was waiting for him to try to get away from the lava so I had a chance all right let me see where we are coordinates wise all right we’re heading in the right direction we got to keep going you’re going the right way you

Have the glow stone up here yeah let’s Harvest some glow stone I’ll you get that one I’ll get this one over here I didn’t I don’t have my uh silk touch so I’m just going to get the powder for now which I need for potion making anyways hello friend I wonder if Fortune

Affects this I don’t know actually I know Fortune effects got Max Fortune pickaxe so let’s see what happens well I’m already trying it out it doesn’t look like it does oh that’s a shame so I’ll switch back to using my fist I mean a pickax does help make it

Go faster it’s about the same speed I as more or less I just tried it whoa the fist is way faster than the pickaxe yeah with with your fist is like it’s just an instant break with a pickaxe you have to wait a little bit I mean I got like almost three

Stacks I want to try and get uh this group of it over here and then we’ll move on it’s useful for potion making which is usually what I get these for anyways I’ll good on the start zombifying and curing villagers to make their trades better they super nerfed it by the way

Now they they don’t continuously drop their prices they only do it once oh so you can’t like spend one Emerald for everything yeah unfortunately but you can’t double up by getting the hero of the village buff uh we’ll leave those two up there they’re not worth

It all right let’s continue on o we’re W we’re in a Soul Sand biome now yep so we need um because we have such a hard time finding any skeletons and bones hold up let me we finish burning man I take a minute okay there

We go it takes a minute to stop burning here all right we got we got the shoes we’re fine just watch out for Skelly boys all right we’re heading the right way oh you got to love the actual Soul Sand I guess if you want to make blue

Fire you can grab some of this Soul soil on I love how you guys built up and then I just dug it’s kind of like what we’re doing right now but at least there’s a consistent bridge this is so fly by as you guys came up here so much blue oh wait guys

Look down over here oh there’s a bridge over there well I guess we’re here then let’s see if we can find an easier way in I can see a bridge over there maybe it goes all the way through yeah I don’t like how the Soul Sand makes a sound when you break

It it does just break one um my sounds mut sry Sor I’m sorry I’m sorry I’m sorry it makes a little like sigh sound whenever you break it like there’s a something inside it oh oh it’s s S I know but it’s still freaking still

Creepy there so we can make our way back there we go Checkers you made it yay oh hello Wither Skeleton how you doing buddy you where’ you go there you aream got him oh it just instant kill with with a bow okay now for the Wither Skeleton oh there’s a blaze thingy there

We can get rods right away have all right let me put some torches down yeah I I wonder if it’s if the wither skeletons will spawn more commonly in this biome I don’t know I’ve seen one appear so ow ow ow ow ow ow ow ow ow ow

Ow all right hold up I need a second I got I got blazed it’s okay I’m I’ve killed three of them that were sitting over over there so want to go grabb the rods quickly or yeah we’ll go grab the rods even if you light it it’s not going

To slow down the spawn this spawner is weird that way oh it doesn’t do that yeah we do want the rods so it slows down the spawn a little bit oh I did not appeared right next to me um run there we go ah [ __ ] okay I got two rods now

I actually try to quit that just be careful we shouldn’t be coming clumping around like that guys we might accidentally hit each other we’ll come back to this let’s try and find the actual Fortress proper I’ll Place torches on the left side so we know where we

Are so uh this is the area we saw earlier H hopefully this isn’t a weird hopefully this isn’t a weird spawn Fortress I think it is it’s looking like it is well at least we got a blaze spawner with nothing else one no chests oh I found I found steps down further oh

Okay oh there ow I was going to shoot it but okay it’s only like one shot with a bow so there’s a spa over there there spawner I see wither skeletons in that direction death be careful yeah oh he just despawned um okay well oh well yeah

I was hoping I could try to get a couple heads or something I love how you guys just keep going in another Direction and I don’t even notice and then I go wait where did the other two go all right I don’t see the main

Fortress you might have to go down a bit more oh careful careful Careful okay two are dead no heads what might need to use the Looting swords for them you can still get them without looting swords yeah it just makes it so much easier there’s sadly down there all right let’s backtrack over here oh the pig the zombie pigman are

Just gathering over there they’re just chilling oh I look you found it nice oh I was going the right way the first time oh that’s lovely are you serious does just end let’s see if we can find Pigman I see we can find another one this is such

A weird Fort this map is weird in general yeah the whole seed is just messy it’s weird it’s greater do you guys mind if I go into spectator real quick just to check out how this Fortress Is laid out so we’re not just running around like turkeys can

We just see I want to see oh end right here all right we’re all in spectator all right let’s see how [ __ ] this thing is really [ __ ] what the hell oh there’s another um blaz spawner so I don’t see any main Fortress so I guess we don’t have

One yeah I guess I got [ __ ] up during the generation like everything else in this wonky ass map there might be another one if I do find another one I’ll let you guys know because this one is disappointing there’s not even any chests here yeah that’s what really pissed me

I really wanted the trim all right we’ll go me uh not sure if you guys can see my user but there’s a bridge that’s sticking out in the Soul Sand can you guys come here so I can put us back in survival there no that’s check window where are you’re heading in the

Right direction yeah I just don’t see your name at all over here okay stay there stay there I see you guys I see you guys stay there yeah I see me behind you I think oh there you are okay Bel low to the ground yeah we are we are not to

There you go like that okay I guess we’re going to be collecting blaze rods from here that’s mostly what we’re going to do hello blaz speaking of you missed oh that means we don’t get any [ __ ] warts either damn it we can’t make potions yet mhm oh there’s a Magma Cube okay you’re

Dead you’re dead get back here you I just realized there’s another guy there oh yeah I see him take care of I don’t think I can jump back up here all right make sure you check the loot to see fire we need to get ourselves I’m upset that just charcoal and um bone

Right there so I’m upset spaghetti because now we can’t oh oh goodbye yeah let’s snipe that bro do you want want to take off the Torches so they spawn more or you want to just keep them still for now I guess that answer is that yep I’ve seen another spawner around here though

So there is another one I’m going to go try to find it oh dead burning I probably want a more contained one anyway yeah probably yeah probably better idea to get a more contained one I think there’s one I know we saw one it’s downstairs then there’s an easy way downstairs this

Way where’s that spawner I’ve already got like three um blaze rods so I don’t know how many more we want you found it all right be careful because I’m gonna be shooting bow bows and arrows because they killed them faster I’m gonna come over here also check behind this thing cuz I

Like to spawn in there too oh I guess you’ll collect some of the blaze rods Checkers while we go ahead and kill them we’ll split them up later there’s a hole there I know there’s a hole I figured it out a little bit too late a hole in the bottom of the

Sea why does my brain always default to that song I love if we just kind of like locked eyes it’s like they can see their fate and then they just stare at you they just look at me like one day I’ll turn this one into a farm oh this is

Slow maybe because there oh hi so weird that they’re not like imune to um fire attacks no I’m telling you that a lot of mobs in the nether aren’t actually immune to fire or lava it’s incredibly weird you think they would have like some sort of resistance but my bow just one shots

Them and it’s got the fire aspects and stuff rude thank you for almost shooting me in the face yeah I I was trying not to shoot you nice did I hit you you’re ran in front of me so all right I’ll stay back let’s get rid of these

Two just to give it more flat area to spawn it’s dead my computer de saidd asked me about sticky keys because I was crouching so long I guess mine stop asking a while ago yeah and you think that would have been a thing I guess now it’s a good time as

Any need to eat my Reese’s buttercups ree get him up getat him up get them up oh two ni you can grab the other one checkers or death whoever too late so how many do you want to collect well I have eight so far I’d like to get

At least 10 I got four so 10 each sounds good for me it’s faster if I it’ll be faster if I use my looting sword so sir Checkers move please yeah uh we got sweeping Edge and so it would do a lot of damage to whatever’s close

I yeah because using our swords will just make this process go by faster our bows are good for killing not good for drops three hits that time wow that was a stubborn one yeah all right I got got 13 how many do you guys have I still only have four okay so we

Need I all right I have 16 I think we’re good I got six oh yeah we’re good we got two extra let’s get out of here let’s go zooming my shoulders are really starting to hurt all right so what I can do to make our lives easier is that I can teleport to

Our portal and then teleport you guys to me sound good I want to not not take the whole Adventure again hold up let me pull up my camera because that’s where this thing is I’ll just keep an eye out in case anything decides to come running us I

Guess yeah I prefer not to be shank while I’m trying to get us home yeah here here I have a I have a good solution for that more thing about the blaze is they decid to come running down there and shooting at us so okay then I have a solution for

That that was too well timed I’m [ __ ] with you okay got to say that was kind of mean well it was too perfectly timed it’s not my fault there we go oh there we go back home we go I’ll start walking home by my myself you don’t

Get jokes on you I’m still sitting in the portal so darn it all right let’s go split up the loot let’s go to my house and split up uh at least the rods that’s all we got what a disappointing trip both the mansion and the Nether Fortress Yeah it’s like what the

Hell I gotch all right let’s drop all of our bods in here each one of us gets 10 oh we got a little uh then if you want extra grab extra right so I guess I’m left with 11 yep great cool what’s this what’s what downstair oh it’s just

A little my smelter area I haven’t finished down here yet if you ever need steak I have hella steak I got 11 steak I’ve been living off 30 steak this entire time in here in this chest here I have more than that that’s not all my steak that’s my cooked

Steak Yeah there is like a full chest of just raw steak they have a little like room in here just yeah it’s my it’s my observation room so I can look outside yeah table I will I will don’t judge my Decor judges Decor oh burn your house

Down don’t go looking at my stuff here that is just aone structure uh let’s see I I’m going to go back to the Nether and see if I can find another Fortress that I’m just going to do the locator if you want you can go in with

Me but I’m just going to do the locator and move in different directions to see if maybe I can find another one sure sure sure sure where’s my trash can oh I forgot to bring my stone happy me oh they Chang it so that when you

Stand at a portal still you don’t get the funny whoosh whoosh yeah okay so we went that way I think so let’s go this way horse where’ my horse go actually I parked him up by my by my cave but now he’s ran off somewhere

Again did you plug it no you didn’t you just listen I tried yeah I know I know I saw all right let me try here yep there’s another one this one’s a new one you want to go in spectator and see it might as well I’m gonna go into mine first

Because I can’t just do one two at a time I can just teleport to there we could like do sightseeing I suppose we’re going to have our coordinate thingies on then we have to go this we’re going back this way go towards our portal let me just take a quick peek at

It real quick we’re going to 800 and6 5 six okay so basically the same direction we were heading before but back towards that tunnel are you close to me there you are I see your name I like that you can see your name now do you know how to go fast

Do you know how to go faster I do okay cool okay we keep going until we hit 800 so oh God you [ __ ] yed out of there I thought you said I thought you said you knew how to go fast know how to go fast but that means I lose you quite quickly

There I can t tort you to me whenever we uh get separated okay so we are we went past a little bit let’s go back tiny into negative 800 we go this way are you can you still see me let me going this way until we hit negative

600 it has to be a different one because it’s in the opposite direction but here’s something that makes that’s weird about this area I don’t see it this is where it says it was oh that’s a about Bedrock let’s try going down it’s supposed to be here a little bit more of this

Way that’s really weird I’m GNA try something real quick just give me a second this map is so wonky what the hell is happening oh I found it I found it I found it I found it you found it where further like from the thing that’s

Weird I don’t know why I didn’t but I did find it here I’ll teleport to you then it’s a better looking yeah it looks like it’s a lot better so I guess we’ll save this one for next time to explore unless you want to try and explore it now

Death I mean we can just let’s just take a look see to make sure it’s not just like a little tiny thing yeah maybe check that real quick before we come running in oh here’s the entrance let’s see what this looks like there’s actually an interior to this one so yeah it looks

Good here checkers can you can you come in front of where the entrance to the uh actual Fortress Is I’ll put us back in survival here I’ll pop in another real quick yeah I’ll I’ll just teleport you to me all right here just stay still I’ll teleport you to

Me all right tell me when you’re ready to teleport death I’m in the nether I’m ready there you go this one’s in a bass salt too so it’s got some interesting blocks all right wow now I’m going to keep putting the Torches to the left of me so

If you want to find your way back out follow them when they’re going right side warts yay I’m taking the sand too yeah take take it all Blaze Blaze not up there down BL oh behind okay all right that’s explore floor by floor got

Him I don’t got any um blocks maybe as I thought we were done you’re good oh with with with with with yep don’t do you need help death I’m good Checkers he’s barely tou me yeah he’s stuck skish you [ __ ] get some light in here so what I usually do while I’m

Exploring these things is that I’ll run around and just kind of put like two blocks above me blocks of B me like creates an escape careful Checkers why do you think I’m back oh God I’m about to die run run run run run run run oh he’s just right there hi buddy

See this is why I do this so yeah good strategy right I mean I’ve known about it forever I didn’t have any time oops can’t really go past that oh it’s fine it’s just an emergency measure because we die pretty easily to this did you open that

Already oh no but there is a template and horse armor we might as well split up because then we’ll it’s going to be yeah anywhere that feel a little unfair to death because you know yeah but then you guys take all the treasure I didn’t get anything from Las

Go run run run run run run run run run run run run run got it diamond oh my God come in what do you want get back in there okay my S all right did you guys grab all the treasure that’s a lie this one still has his treasure in

It break the block I can just break it and take it all okay my inventory is pretty much empty we’ll split the loot once we get back to the Overworld all right so I think we explored this floor pretty thoroughly oh I can just hear hella enemies

What upstairs okay it’s okay got him oh there’s more there’s a lot of blazes right there oh death get out of the way yeah I need to run remember we’re on hard mode what where we said that before the stream started yeah oh there’s a magma cube out here

Too they just split up into smaller ones I’m getting [ __ ] destroyed all right I do not shoot the zombie this is a fun time with fun friends did you come from oh he must just spawned up here okay okay okay okay oh where did the come from oh

No death I’ll teleport you back to me here in a minute me just take care of this weather skeleton and everything here that wants to murder us holy [ __ ] as barely killed the skeleton other was only another one yeah there’s another one wandering back and forth yeah this is what happens when

Um when a person that can’t hardly see anything when it when it’s dark tries to play in the nether you’re fine just stay put I can teleport you back to me no I think we’re in the clear okay that’s a safety major there we go let me get these rods I hear more

Bones there’s there I know I don’t look over there too there’s a basically Wither Skeleton proving the entire Place death did you wander off on your own just over here I am going to try and kill these wither skeletons we want the heads right yeah there’s a skeleton there’s

Two skeletons down there oh hello hello Magma Cream Magma Cream you mean magma Magma Cream I mean Cube BL I want the Magma Cream yeah you want the cream oh yeah of course I want the cream the cream of the crop the cream of absolution oh no spr

Stop I mean silver opposed to it well I think I found a good place place we ever want to try to farm for for skulls so yeah we just got to findly out the bridges a little bit and then we have basically an infinite place to do

This all right I’m getting I got seven things at cream so we can make fire resistance potions next time it come in here and there’s nothing down here oops I got diamonds for all three of us awesome I got a skull o congrats death lucky

You yeah just had to shoot him then I I chopped him so I win dyamond I just break the chests and entirely yeah it’s just quicker I’m running out of torches so we got to figure out another way to keep track of this place here I’ve only got like one

Torch so that works cool all right go back the way we came I guess go this which way right he there so many oh hi oh Careful yeah this seems like a good place to farm them I thought you just got hit I was going to have a heart attack there we got ourselves a little protective square right give it a second to recover a little bit it’s not like I got

It only took like a heart away from me as all so that’s why I was so confused I’m like what got me oh the other side still has its warts I can fix that downstairs more downstairs well that’s a pretty sizable Fortress good because the last one we got was dog [ __ ]

Yep where’s downstairs over here oh that’s okay glitches got I love them in here oh this is not part of the main Fortress though this is hallways oh there’s over there long hallway I think we’re is that just a spawner over there it kind of look I don’t know how they’re

Clustered yeah yeah there’s a blaze spawner over here yeah this is just the Halls this is not more Fortress let’s go back inside maybe we go find a bit more I don’t think there anym it doesn’t hard to take another PE it isn’t hard to take another peie besides we might get more

Skeletons we need three skulls to make a Wither yep two large magma cubes just spawn thing oh where the hell is yeah I told him to come back and he did not I think I went the wrong way y just to teleport you to me I I found the way

And all right let’s do one more quick sweep over the area and then we’ll head home and split the loop oh wait death come here what where’ you go come here back to the room that you were in with us before you just disappeared wait you guys said one more

Sweep so I was getting ready for one more sweep okay hold on here oh Diamond diam I you like I said I guess I’ll make a shovel out of it we’ll set the loop proper once we get back to the Overworld yeah out of all right I don’t see any more

Skeletons so I guess I’ll have to set this up this I can set up the closer one to spawn just skeletons if that’s all we really want it’s actually better because it’s a smaller area to work with so the spawns will be condensed all right well looks like we got everything

We want to get from here here you guys ready to H home there’s two wither skeletons sitting over there on the roof so I can get them I can see your username so where oh I’ll try and get them from the balcony oh they ran

Away I was thinking if I could at least hit each of them one time with a bow I could I got one my looting sword yeah okay there’s another one death be careful coming towards you yeah I know got him cool yep and I about fall into a thing lava where are you

Here they gave us a little thing to get in here without getting followed or or that that’s also an option you can just use this oh nice what what happened whoever at fighting when I need to be I was hoping to try to get another skull because there’s another Wither

Skeleton well let’s head back home we’ll come back and try and get more later at least from the smaller Fortress just make sure you keep an eye out for any more stinkers unless you guys want to explore the bridges a b and see if we can find any

There me too the bridges lets us um figure out what whether that’s what Blaze Spawners we have yeah mushroom left side oh there’s some guys hi guys uh get out of the way back up back I made a safe area you just fell off the bridge

Got lure them yeah I was hoping you wouldn’t just fall off the bridge death I made a little safe area back up come on okay don’t don’t shoot him again just hit him with the sword now nothing looks like there’s another Blaze spawner over there I see a I see a

Wither skeleton over there oh there we go oh [ __ ] [ __ ] [ __ ] [ __ ] [ __ ] I just blaze fire no cuz I’m really low on health I didn’t realize how low I was oh my God I got sniped ow ow ow ow ow ow why am I a little bit I’m

Burning us it was a blaze that’s above barely barely I have to be careful CU there’s a Wither up there too oh I think I shot him up actually yeah he’s not all right let me just kill this guy and then we’ll go all right I’ll teleport see if I can teleport

All okay there is no um spawner over here it’s just a lot of blazes for some weird reason somehow they missed you know I can just give me a second I’m trying to get the coordinates really quick goodbye and back home we go we’ll go inside my house and split the loot real

Quick hello zombie back to the reality we go yay protective Square yep the protective Square you kind of need that one fighting a bunch of Wither uh let me find another chest to stuff this all in all right this chest here is empty we’ll just put all the stuff that we got in

Here I did find a find the template so I feel like that I feel like I earned that yeah okay I’ll let you guys just leave me like a saddle saddle and gas tiers and potion stuff that’s all I really care about I’m keeping one of my gas I guess I’ll take a

Diamond sure I’ll make have the Soul Sand take these gas tiar anybody want the Magma Cream well you’re talking about how you needed it for your Burns I mean I will say Gad and silver have very potent cream that’s all I’m want to say about that all right I’m pretty happy with

What I got I guess for the if you guys leave the gold stuff I can smelt it down into nuggets later only gold I need is my shoes so all right you get the juice from the rest that’s Checkers I’m happy with what I got basically done too yeah yeah he left a

Bit to go I do have two smithing templates and two uh no Coastal and a dune if you guys want to make copies of it I’m not sure I forgot how to make copies I got my Wither Skull I’m very happy with life so make sure to make

Copies all right yeah just make sure to make a copy of it and put it back later I got a coastal trim and also the Vex trim so all right I’m assuming you guys don’t want any of these gold things I’m going to go smell them down I should probably go hatch my

Sniffer eggs make an enclosure for them I’ve been wanting the sniffers I wish the flowers they they dug up were more useful you’re just kind of used for dye the torch flower doesn’t even glow I wonder what it is with mulang and not making things glow recently like you

Got the glow squid which doesn’t emit any light you have the [ __ ] torch flower that doesn’t emit any light you know they don’t want to mess with spawning or anything like that can you send me home okay give me a second walk home give me a second finished my little check the

Loots when you’re busy throwing stuff in the smelter also check like the loot stuff for the skeletons because I left a bunch of stuff in there too okay you got you’re you’re good cheers y thank you okay well I am going to go ahead and start making my potion stuff I’m

Probably going to make it down in the in the spawn Chambers anyway so we can make potions of harming and healing for the Farms I got everything I need Bo boom boom well since we raided a fortress and a mansion I think that’s pretty good for

This stream we can hang out until the oh it’s already almost 8 o’cl yeah it’s getting late yeah do you guys want to call it here in a bit yeah I think so at least stream wires you can keep playing if you want but I I’m going to jump off so I can

Actually you know eat dinner I’m hungry I want food I don’t think Hot Cheetos and Reese’s Cups counts as food no it totally does hel all right here’s a deal I’ll stay I’ll keep streaming till 8:30 sound good it is 7:55 so about another 30 minutes another half hour not bad not

Bad gives me more time to work on this Library anyways library and only the villagers with the best trades are going to go inside it yep only the Smart Ones Will Survive I’ll probably make other large workhouses like this but for now we just need mending books let me get my

Dark oh yeah I died I don’t have my anymore whatever I just realized I have un there you go everybody should have their haste back now I just melt all the blocks in front of me well I did give you guys 15 instead of the regular 10 so it wouldn’t give me

The message oh we can’t de play that you know what I can do I can apply my [ __ ] foot up your ass game that’s after hours fine that’s the stuff you see on my not safe for work patreon yeah y patreon you have a patreon I do but I never post anything on

It I’ve been meaning to but let’s just say that my I have my Seasons where I just don’t want to do [ __ ] and okay I think I’m like the only person on your patreon probably right now yeah I I’m planning to fix that but I need to get

Myself back into a Mojo or else I’ll just post what I’m planning to do is I’m making like months worth of content in advance and then I’ll just post things on a schedule so I don’t have to worry about it for a while that’s the way to do

It so technically speaking I am working on seashells and I am working on sako’s comic very slowly I’m not saying like I’m putting a lot of progress into it but I am working on it and it is eventually going to go on my patreon I’m so excited for the bird just

To be the [ __ ] out of the Hedgehogs the the birdies the smoker bird and the [ __ ] ancient lady yeah you used to be such a happy child what happened life experience bam a lot of it you need a vacation why don’t you stay here for a few

Days looks over at the two new recruits I think I will also we need somebody who can fly to bring supplies yep I’m G to go ahead and seal you up working in the rain I’ll get it next time we’re on here I found those uh in another second

Ship that that’s actually surprisingly close to your ship yeah I seen like a couple of sunken ships out there and tobly um drown City but I wasn’t sure oh there’s a few yeah I’m surprised you haven’t been Trident been you know TI Trident launched off your boat with how many

There are in your area um you have I tried mightily trust me there’s a few times where that where that boat had a lot of trident sticking out of [Laughter] it well I guess the hall the hall held and it’s it’s a strong boat we fine it is night time and I’m exposed

I’m going to go to sleep can you can one of you log get off get out of my bed [ __ ] villager stole my bed to there we go hey you can be pissy all he wants I’m the one who my bed I’m the one

That put it down I don’t want to hear no lip when I make I still want to make an animatic for that song too that’s feels like it’s a really good song it’s such a pretty song it’s great plus the more I listen to it the more I realize it fits our

Bird mom way too well yeah there’s quite a few songs where I’m like oh this is a great song than moral lless like oh it’s pretty much a song for one of my Characters no it just says more about you than it does about yeah it’s said says we’re depressed old people yep we’re old cranky people don’t try and make yourself Remember laughs and depression well it’s even worse that day was we’re plan on getting a cute picture of Ravine when he was a child and he’s just so happy yeah he’s hanging out with old burn mom yep I do need to sketch that still I got it I haven’t

Forgotten all I know is that I have a little silly goofball that has been just [ __ ] CED up on caffeine and yeah death saw him yep little spark I had her change the [ __ ] splotches and the stripes like 20 times yep I heard oh did she mention how much she

Was getting annoyed by the changes yeah well not annoyed more so like I can’t see this [ __ ] legs so I don’t know what the [ __ ] she’s talking about that’s why I tried to like explain it wa it justt going and it kept going and it kept going and I’m like God damn

It to be fair it was like [ __ ] I was tired my brain was when I get tired I get CR cranky apparently most people that way dude I don’t know why you’re hanging around here there is literally nothing here there’s like a guy here who’s ready for

Opening day he’s just living in the library already I know there is a there is a slime chunk here because I am seeing right now five different slimes that that just spawned so I need to figure that out at some point yeah need more dark

Oak you know my dude I guessing I should take off my equipment because it doesn’t do anything for me I should name you he’ll be the first even though he if he has shitty trades I’ll still let him stay here I like his enthusiasm he just here to be here he’s

Just happy to be of service and he has good trades even better always love that we love a good villager with some Personality yeah I need to come up with a name for you what should I name what de Duke what that’s Duke I I don’t know I

Don’t know how Shadow would feel about you having a son be a simpleton villager he’s just living the life man he’s just enjoying life you know I just realized I drew both their kids as babies but Maria’s like three years old when Duke’s born so might need to adjust that a little

Bit I no she’s actually around four years old when he’s born because she spent that one year you know kind of stuck in a wrong World well not a year but a good amount of time we need to draw the apocalypse bringer just being so happy to be on robot

Island ah yes little Moon yes I’m still trying to figure out what the [ __ ] his powers is I I was originally going to have it that he can temporarily stop time through his own eyes so it looks like he’s going super fast he’s really just stopping his perception of time for a few

Seconds he’s going fly mode basically so one minute he’ll be sitting there and then he’ll be [ __ ] across the room like how did you do that he’s like you guys just stopped moving it happens all the time oh no yeah Ste that’s how he takes things from ts’s

Lab to build his own scrap Bots yes but when they find out they just find it Charming so they let it slide no no no no no you need to teach him young I made a friend his name is toaster yes but you shouldn’t steal things makes sad face IUN I was going

To I was going to give them back what tear toaster apart for for his trouble toaster was made out of junkyard parts okay I just borrowed the tools oh by the way guys you want know something that’s funny what so I asked NES who made spark and then you just straight up said

With a straight ass face did not hesitate oh probably you and I’m like I mean is he incorrect I guess I’m the only [ __ ] one with a vagina in this relationship if you gave birth to a [ __ ] Hedgehog I’d be concerned not going on he’s talking about the shadow that I

Tend to throw around I know Shadow I know I’m just making a point that I’d be very concerned dude I and also generally when somebody asks like so who do you think make made this character they’re generally asking that to see if you would recognize that somebody that you’d make something like that

So it has now becoming become a running joke that I won birth that thing how I don’t know just did one day I guess and uh you made a child it worked on one person that person thought I was being dead ass and like [ __ ] am I

G so close to having a full stack of iron now imagine having a full stack of yeah almost a full stack of iron blocks all right me it couldn’t be me either the the hoarder you know no couldn’t be me well I was talking more so about

Myself it’s not like we’re hoarders or anything right M only in video games yep that is true only in video games I mean in The Fallout Universe I am awful don’t worry silver knows Mimi is over here dragging herself across the ground with a bunch of

Aluminum cans in her Pockets oh no do you think if uh what if Mimi from like your regular story played Fallout do you think she’d just be hogging every single item she sees she would if she thinks it’s useful she will keep it has to remind her like buddy if you

Keep doing this you’re going to way too much and then you can’t get that far like it’s okay I got I got strong back I can still fast travel I can walk it I’m fine right this this aluminum can is going to let let me make those mods to my power

Armor to be fair aluminum gets super hard to find in the game after a while aluminum is like the most valuable thing in the game so so excuse me for dragging half the amount of [ __ ] aluminum cans in this building in my pocket all right oh man that’d be just popped in my

Head but he should be more worried about the fact that she just kind of runs in the battle without thinking but you know yeah he covers her ass for it he wishes that there was such thing as Fallout multiplayer so he keep from dying every five minutes he sees that she finds it

Amazing how she dies in the game sometimes she’s like oh I didn’t know you could die from falling too fast yeah to be fair in like um especially Fallout 4 it becomes very easy very quickly even on the hardest difficulty so oh yeah dude they have a survival

Mode now where you actually have to eat drink sleep and take medicine for when you get Ty typhoid Feer fever or whatever oh finally harder difficulty yep there’s no fast travel either so you got to like walk everywhere unless you get like the Brotherhood hood or The Institute behind you cuz they have

Teleporting so you know there’s inconvenience for a very short period of time because you meet the Brotherhood pretty quickly yeah fortunately the Minutemen don’t have tanks to roll around in that’s unfortunate sorry Preston too many missions I can’t join you anymore sorry Preston this is the

Hardcore game oh not want to walk no I no I have to race this skele the skeleton this villager to my bed give me a minute I can’t get there very fast log off I’m exposed fine okay there we go you can come back in this building is actually coming

Along pretty good for something I’m freehanding I do Wonder like if Moon does have like just that heightened perception where he’s pretty much almost like moving that quickly how freaked out would he be by Ravine when they decide to spar or something he just uses his teleporting

Like wait you were right there where’d You Go I mean it would confuse Moon he’s not a fighter first of all he’s a tech boy I can just see him like watching maybe like Ravine and Shadow sparring and then just like wait wait wait what you were just right there

Huh he just do a cute little dog thing and tilt his head to the side that bird ain’t natural we know honey we know can I learn how to teleport no sad sck goat noises not yet okay kid first off you need to you need to be a best friend of a dead

Bird uh no we’re not doing this n we’re not doing this oh what the hell it would be after that timeline so I think someone would appreciate his kids being able to teleport away yeah no not really don’t teleport away when I’m talking to you Shadow has that problem already and

He’s already seen it in Maria they don’t need that too thankfully Duke’s more calm and doesn’t teleport every 10 feet good thing that the kids don’t have um Ravine version of teleportation because it could actually be quite deadly to the user if they’re not careful Bo Minecraft music do it in short burst

Because it consumes a lot of energy if you try to teleport to that City it will probably actually just straight up kill you when you come out on the other side I mean it’s fine as long as they don’t become friends with an old bird mom as long as you don’t become friends

With with an undead bird you should be fine yeah crazy bird lady who lives on an island yep m who lives who lives on an island far in the East I don’t know she’s always talking about the apocalypse a conspiracy theorist mom 100% a conspiracy theorist but

That’s because she lived through it she knows it’s not a conspiracy if it actually happened yeah now shut the [ __ ] up andac to everybody else but for her she over here like then now shut the [ __ ] up and listen to my story yep okay I’m sorry I’m sorry ma’am oh

Water what are you doing near this death I find it funny that uh we had to get a new character for silver thing one more time I find it funny that we had to get a new character for the fall thing for silver I’m confused what you mean my brain is having error

Message uh so you know how heally character oh yeah because that silver hasn’t gone back in time yet and I doubt he actually will because then that means he’ll lose his me me besides everything’s already [ __ ] up they’re trying to fix it slowly I mean it could be worse there’s

Actually you know Commerce and people can live in cities and stuff there’s life it’s a solid five out of 10 and you know everything used to be covered in nuclear fire but that’s calm down yeah yeah great woohoo it’s okay people can still have babies somehow despite radiation being literally

Everywhere don’t question accept nothing some rataway can’t fix is the true wonder drug of the world stim packs and don’t ask oh no that’s uh that’s jet that’s jet rataway is made out of 200y old blood and in glowing fungus that’s kind of glowing fungus that often grows where you would find corpses

So it’s always so funny to me that’s Lov you look up the lore of Jet and you’re like oh they made this during the apocalypse then you go into a freshly sealed like Vault or something they have jet there like wait a minute yeah but that’s just RNG thing unfortunately

Yeah I know but it’s still funny if you actually think about it it is okay I think we’re good there I keep hurting myself because I’m a dummy she’s a little silly that’s all there’s this one person in the server that has been making like a sonado kid and everybody has fallen in

Love with the the kid they made including myself because for some reason they made him just very pretty for no [ __ ] no [ __ ] reason they just made him really pretty I’m like why you do this oh it’s a Yuki character timate life form perfect genetics what that means I guess add

Some cobal blue oh you don’t yeah you’re not an anime fan never mind just give me an idea of what you’re trying to say Yuki a person who’s made very beautiful for no specific reason but it often gets them in trouble because people like them too much yep

Well the thing is is that whenever people mention I think it’s just the art style I do think it’s just that I do need to make adult versions of Maria and Duke at some point Duke looks so [ __ ] handsome I bet when he’s older oh yeah he grows out

His quills he he’d actually do the whole ponytail thing oo and we’ve seen how well that looks Bo with ponytails need to be a common thing come on now guys throw your hair tie it back hey Shang where’s a ponytail we Are you must be S as the coursing river be a man with all the strength of a tyon yep I forget the rest of the song but you know what I mean Myst as mysterious as the Dark Side of the Moon You’ never watched Mulan I have okay okay but no I think

We’re about ready to sit somebody down like bro how did you miss that one it was made when you were a child and it’s also like one of the best Disney movies ever oh no I agree on that um I didn’t I’m not gonna lie it took me a while to

Rewatch it after my first time watching it because I was super little when I watched it it took a while yeah top Disney movies for me we got Mulan of course lone stitch love lone and Stitch that was a fantastic one and although it’s Pixar not Disney they [ __ ] own them I

Love Wall-E so much that that movie has a special place in my heart yeah movie that is not made by Disney but actually made by a bunch of X animators for Disney I really love um castone dance I really I love that one it’s great no you want you want to talk about

A good [ __ ] movie The Prince of Egypt yeah that’s just a masterpiece in art and design that movie is so [ __ ] good have you ever seen that one Checkers it’s one that a lot of people haven’t seen go it’s a religious movie so well not really religious it’s just a

Well-written movie yeah I know but one you people like well it has all this stuff to it so it’s clearly religious see it’s based off the story of Moses right but they don’t really show it as a story of God or religion it’s just a story that they adapted

Which is why it’s so good two brothers duking it out you know how it goes two brother there is one who has a you know a crisis of conscience and the other who doesn’t change so will you please let my people go I’m familiar with the story

But I guess I know what we’re doing yep down to a chair it’s a good movie it’s an amazing movie okay you’re going to love it if you don’t like it then I’ll draw you some sexy Shadow I have a feeling I might not like

It as much as you want me to like it well you don’t have to adore it just a good movie I’m fun thing to watch well this library is coming up pretty good actually problem a lot of like parts of it that movie is not actually a Comon

They added some characters for comedy like the whole Hunchback of NRA situation where they shouldn’t be there not that not just that cuz you I watch a lot of videos on movies and animation and that one is often brought up so I already seen a lot of scenes from that

Just in general not just the funny like scenes I would even call them funny they’re more annoying than funny yeah it’s like will you just get out of here I want to watch I want to get back to the main story please let me get my point okay yeah I get your

Point I mean it would be something fun to do together but if you don’t want it I’m not going to force you my point is is that I don’t know if you want to make that b because I have a feeling I’m G to at least feel neutral like oh yeah the

Visual is really good but that’s I’m really not into stories like that okay so Mimi do you want to watch um some movies well hey look he’s down to watch whatever I recommend to him yeah I mean I’m down to watch I’m just letting you

Know you might not want to make that bet dude I draw worse than sexy Shadow I mean I’m aware I’m just saying you probably don’t want to draw it since you’re already busy with other stuff that’s what I got to say to you BL anyways so yes okay no no I’m willing to

Draw it I got time this week I just got to do death thing and one commission and the three Yates and the Yates take about maybe an hour if I’m doing them fast and three if I’m doing them slow or three if uh the person keeps telling you actually can you change this

Can you change this can you change this to be fair that only took me about an hour total I just stopped I don’t count time where I’m not drawing and also to be fair if if the customer is annoying enough you can fire them I wasn’t trying to be annoying I

Just wanted to make sure it was accurate I know I’m just say like you can you can skip that that’s f it was noticeable to me and it would have bugged me I know I know I don’t like me I don’t mind making changes I was just

Tired EP Mei is not nice me me I’ll be honest I was barely functioning cuz when I get tired my brain is like barely working it starts to slow down my functionality was at an alltime low that’s why I felt so sad when I had

To say I’m sorry we’re GNA have to move it to tomorrow I can’t think at all that’s all I got to say to you anyways I no longer Andy I am just thirsty what is wrong with me today why am I drinking so much water I don’t know shifting I literally gone through

Like two gallons of water today wow I’ve gone through like three or four my 64 o dog so I don’t know what’s up with me all I knows I’m a thirsty thirsty gal let’s see how this looks else toate your thirst maybe I mean sadly I’m not there but sad

Aom I take birth control or I mean the condom is still there if they want to use it but I take birth control so I’m not too worried about it how come for like hormonal stuff or yeah just to balance out my hormones a little bit I’m perfectly functional but my body

Sometimes decides you know what we’re not going to produce [ __ ] this month like ah fun yeah that’s not really I don’t know why it decides to do that all I know is that it only behaves when I’m taking pills probably a hormonal thing but nothing they can’t find what it is so

Cuz I don’t have PC or anything the only thing they can say is like ah you were born a little bit Manish I’m like oh that’s nice thanks for telling me man that really helps my see see it’s funny because I find well like two years ago I finally got a got a

Blood test done and turns out I am more like I got like barely test barely any testosterone in my system it’s funny little bit fem yeah well actually very feminite it’s not a bad thing it just means I got to take pills to make my body

Behave and for me that’s why I have such long Gorgeous Hair whereas all the other guys in my family all have like no hair anymore Lucky Bastard anyways yeah I have a feeling that I have too much of the uh that I feel like I have to much of that

CU there are there’s hair that grow in places that normally wouldn’t on a woman but it does on a man and I’m like why why why does it why why why I hate in that situation you should probably check to make sure you don’t have PCOS it’s pretty common in Mexican

Ladies my sister has it my mom has it so that would make sense it was kind of funny because it’s like here’s what the normal male of your age and your height should have for testosterone levels here’s where you’re actually at it was like 200 below the average like okay interesting

Delightful maybe they’re saying it was like around 300 is normal and I’m sitting and I’m just cruising at like 100 for testosterone levels dude at least your doctor didn’t say that you were a [ __ ] Manish they called me Manish I’m like that’s nice or it’s like yeah you’re you’re femish

I’m like finally yes I villager you’re going to fall to your death and when you do I’m going to laugh at you damn good boy he got down I think got off got off the ledge yeah Vick he had a death wish yeah oh no never mind he’s still up here

The thing about life I mean bro you do you all I’m saying is that that’s probably not the best idea he don’t care bro he just wants to live his dream I mean if his dream is to go skydiving he’s very close to achieving it I guess now I don’t know what the

Deal is like well would doctor well I know what the deal is they just want to try to get you as many prescriptions as as possible undering their name so can so then they can get a kick back on commissions they can be mean sometimes all the doctors I’ve been to

Are kind of mean that’s no good thankfully I have some good ones now but yeah like every time I go in they’re like hey do you want any painkillers or hey so you notice that your heart rate’s really low you need you need not like you should

Have it’s like no you need it or else you need you need uppers and stuff like that and your Sy like no I’m perfectly fine not needing a bunch of uppers in my system and after that blood test immediately they’re like we need to we need to punch pump you full of

Testosterone now I’m like no no we really don’t I’m good thanks I’m functioning perfectly fine as I am I don’t need all that I don’t need to take 20 different pills a day that you all so desperately want to get me most the mine our mood stabilizers

Which do work so I’m I’m perfectly content yeah and maybe if I wasn’t as active as I am I think about taking uppers for my heart rate because it’s sitting around 50 like all the time for my heart rate and that’s that gives you a higher chance of

Um of like heart diseases and stuff but as long as you’re physical you don’t need to worry about it and what do I do for a living it comes with a side effect of probably dying that doesn’t sound good death yeah but they’re like you could

Take this or you know go and work out two hours a day I’m like like we’ll probably give it to you anyways like guys I work 10 hours a day a very physical job I do not need this I’m fine okay oh it’s already been 30 minutes I’m

Going to finish adding this dark oak trim and then I’m going to jump off because there’s some things I need to get done today fun and things I want to get done today but we’ll see if that happens major reasons why I don’t want to take

That type of stuff is because one of the major things that says in the bottle is do not operate heavy equipment and do not stand up or sit down too fast or else you could get lighthead and pass out and all this like I don’t think I want any of that

Understandable all right Checkers you’ve been watching the stream right what do you think of this is the design I got going I like it it’s turning dark I know I’m G jump off now all right well thanks for joining me guys it’s been fun same for the

Chat so yeah I’ll talk to you guys later or you know text if you want to I’ll be around for a couple more hours bye bye

This video, titled ‘Minecraft and Chill’, was uploaded by MimkageArts on 2024-02-26 04:45:19. It has garnered 42 views and 2 likes. The duration of the video is 03:02:13 or 10933 seconds.

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  • Prismarine Nations – Factions SMP Worldbuilding Towny

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  • WaddleWorld

    WaddleWorldAhoy, mateys! Welcome to our swashbucklin’ Minecraft server, where the spirit of adventure and the thrill of survival meet the high seas! This be a survival multiplayer server with a hearty pirate theme, perfect for all ye landlubbers and seasoned sailors alike!Embark on epic quests and build yer fortune with our robust economy system. Trade with fellow pirates, plunder resources, and rise to riches as ye carve out yer legacy on the server. There be no end to the adventures ye can have!Join in on our grand events, where the fun never stops! Test yer skills in build-offs, where only… Read More

  • Minecraft Memes – “Just one more block, I swear!”

    “Just one more block turns into just one more hour of playing Minecraft” Read More

  • Mine Rich, Jail Poor: Arasinho’s Minecraft Misadventures #2

    Mine Rich, Jail Poor: Arasinho's Minecraft Misadventures #2 Oh, what a twist in this tale, a story of theft and jail, But truth prevailed, justice didn’t fail. Aras, innocent and true, proved his case through and through, Saved by a chef, a hero in blue. In the end, justice served, Aras’ name preserved, A lesson learned, a story observed. So let’s bid farewell, with a rhyme to tell, Minecraft adventures, we’ll continue to excel. Read More

  • “Is this the Eiffel Tower in Minecraft?” 🔥😂 #minecraft #memes

    "Is this the Eiffel Tower in Minecraft?" 🔥😂 #minecraft #memes Yes, it’s the iconic “I spent 10 hours building this in Minecraft instead of studying for my exam” building. We’ve all been there. #priorities #minecraftprocrastination Read More

  • Minecraft Mayhem: Defeating Toxic Team

    Minecraft Mayhem: Defeating Toxic Team Welcome to HeroMC.net: Defeating Toxicity in Minecraft Welcome to Tarn The Depths, a channel dedicated to entertaining Minecraft content! In a recent video, the channel’s creator delves into the world of HeroMC.net, a Minecraft server facing a significant issue with toxicity. Join the adventure as the creator and their team work alongside the server admins to tackle this challenge head-on. Unveiling the Problem HeroMC.net is a bustling Minecraft server filled with players from all walks of life. However, like any online community, it is not immune to toxicity. The creator and their teammates find themselves at the forefront of… Read More

  • Dark forces unleashed in Horror Minecraft🔮

    Dark forces unleashed in Horror Minecraft🔮Video Information probably oh there’s a furnace right here oh what the LI get in the water get in the water get in here oh my God look at this Liz oo wow okay let’s go loot other building all right taking in the view that’s true oops Moises oh my God are they M they’re multiplying they possessed Liz get them all wait don’t kill them they’re just multip playing oh my Lord oh wait Liz free food if we kill them all oh my God oh my God you oh little Liz is afraid of hero oh my… Read More

  • Surviving The Wendigo | Minecraft Horror

    Surviving The Wendigo | Minecraft HorrorVideo Information [Music] NOP no forget the house I don’t care I don’t care forget the house nope he can you can break it all you want I do welcome back to the channel today we are looking at another mod this one is called Whispers of the wendigo made by MSD I will link their channel in the description and also the mod itself will be in the description now I saw the trailer for this I don’t know much about it I just know it looks scary and there’s a wind to go that is about all I… Read More

  • NEW! Insane Minecraft Elytra Launcher Build Hack

    NEW! Insane Minecraft Elytra Launcher Build HackVideo Information This video, titled ‘MINECRAFT BUILD HACKS : ELYTRA LAUNCHER’, was uploaded by 𝗜 𝗝𝗢𝗗 on 2024-03-08 06:30:06. It has garnered 10299 views and 260 likes. The duration of the video is 00:00:48 or 48 seconds. Version – 1.20.1 Shaders – Complementary shaders Texture pack – Prime’s Hd Thank you for watching! If you enjoyed my video, please leave a like and subscribe💖 ̶S̶p̶e̶c̶i̶a̶l ̶t̶h̶a̶n̶k̶s ̶̶̶t̶̶̶o ̶a̶l̶l ̶o̶f ̶o̶u̶r ̶̶m̶̶e̶̶m̶̶b̶̶e̶̶r̶̶s ̶i̶n ̶o̶u̶r ̶m̶c ̶f̶a̶m̶i̶l̶y🔥 𝙏𝙝𝙖𝙣𝙠𝙨 𝙛𝙤𝙧 𝙨𝙪𝙥𝙥𝙤𝙧𝙩𝙞𝙣𝙜 𝙢𝙚 ✨ 𝙎𝙤𝙘𝙞𝙖𝙡 𝙢𝙚𝙙𝙞𝙖 – https://www.instagram.com/farxx.in?igsh=aWd1a2gzenBrZncw #Minecraft #MinecraftBuilds #minecrafttutorial tags minecraft minecraft hunger games minecraft survival island minecraft mods minecraft song minecraft… Read More

  • Insane Minecraft & Pokémon Haul by Steph Myers 😱

    Insane Minecraft & Pokémon Haul by Steph Myers 😱Video Information hey guys and welcome back to another video so today I’m going to be doing kind of a little short video for you guys so I have these cute little shorts that I got and they are like Minecraft and Pokémon themed and they are just absolutely adorable I’m not an avid watcher of either of those I know Minecraft is not La show but I know Pokemon is so I’m not like crazy into either of those things but I absolutely love the shorts and I do play Minecraft sometimes so it’s like it’s okay guys I… Read More

  • 🔥EXPLOSIVE💥Texture Pack for Minecraft 1.20 Bedrock by SrTheKing🔥

    🔥EXPLOSIVE💥Texture Pack for Minecraft 1.20 Bedrock by SrTheKing🔥Video Information estás cansado de las mismas texturas aburridas de siempre y quieres tener un Minecraft épico que no de lag Y que además pueda correr en el Minecraft original sin nada de de Minecraft patet hoy conocerás un recopilado con las texturas más épicas de Minecraft B estas texturas funcionarán en cualquier versión de Minecraft 1.20 estarán actualizadas y además dejaré muchas sorpresas del marketplace para que no tenga necesidad de gastar tus minecoins en texturas te recuerdo que aquí hay texturas que no encontrarás en ningún otro canal mejor comen emos de una vez Mr kirp 8x esa… Read More

  • Unleash the Monster Pig: Build a Zoonomaly Portal in Minecraft PE

    Unleash the Monster Pig: Build a Zoonomaly Portal in Minecraft PEVideo Information This video, titled ‘How To Make A Portal To The ZOONOMALY MONSTER PIG Dimension in Minecraft PE’, was uploaded by Sploodie on 2024-04-02 15:00:11. It has garnered 11527 views and 51 likes. The duration of the video is 00:03:20 or 200 seconds. How To Make A Portal To The ZOONOMALY MONSTER PIG Dimension in Minecraft PE minecraft,mcpe,minecraft pe,minecraft pocket edition,minecraft bedrock edition,minecraft be,mcbe,minecraft portal,minecraft dimension,portal,dimension,zoonomaly,zoonomaly minecraft,zoonomaly mcpe,zoonomaly minecraft pe,zoonomaly addon,zoonomaly mod,zoonomaly mcpe addon,zoonomaly minecraft mod,zoonomaly portal minecraft,minecraft zoonomaly,mcpe zoonomaly,mcpe zoonomaly addon,zoonomaly mcpe mod,monster koala,monster koala mcpe,monster koala addon Read More

  • INSANE GOAL: getting full diamond in Minecraft Hardcore #1

    INSANE GOAL: getting full diamond in Minecraft Hardcore #1Video Information [Music] hello oh wait I just realized why there is no life chat H why there is no live chat hello welcome back everyone long time no see we are back to the solo Hardcore [Music] Minecraft yay Boomie thank you Satria thank you thank you hello hello welcome welcome back long time no see yay let’s go make full armor set yeah I going to be having a full diamond Set uh and all of the diamond tools because I don’t want to be staying in the iron right right right right right right right right right… Read More

  • Unleash the Power of Litematica! Ultimate Guide in Hindi

    Unleash the Power of Litematica! Ultimate Guide in HindiVideo Information गाइस तो स्वागत है आपका एक और नई वीडियो में जिसमें मैं आज आपको बताने वाला हूं लाइट मेटका का यूज कैसे करना है आपको लाइट मेटका गाइस एक मोड है जो आपको होलोग्राम या ब्लूप्रिंट देता है किसी भी स्ट्रक्चर या कोई भी आप जैसे बिल्ड बना रहे होते हो जैसे काफी बड़ा-बड़ा बिल्ड बनाना है उसको सही से कैसे बनाना है तो बिल्ड बनाने के लिए आपको इस लाइट मेटका मोड का यूज करना पड़ेगा ये बहुत ही मतलब फायदेमंद मोड है आपके लिए चाहे आप कोई सा भी बिल्ड बनाते हो उसके लिए परफेक्ट बिल्ड… Read More

  • Mind-Blowing Micah Odor Liam Recital 2024 Surprise!

    Mind-Blowing Micah Odor Liam Recital 2024 Surprise!Video Information This video, titled ‘Liam Recital 2024’, was uploaded by Micah Odor on 2024-04-15 15:53:00. It has garnered 84 views and 2 likes. The duration of the video is 00:02:33 or 153 seconds. PigStep A piano cover Of a dubstep song Found on a digital version Of a vinyl album In MineCraft. Read More


    MHA WORLDServidor de Minecraft My Hero Academia (Boku No Hero) El mejor servidor de BNHA para Minecraft, con addons, quirks, eventos semanales y todo lo que quieras encontrar. Toda información en discord. Te esperamos mhaworld.vultam.host Read More

  • LuxorMC: Semi-vanilla SMP, Active Hermitcraft-like server, Dynmap, whitelisted, Java 1.20.2+, Community events & Projects, Mature Community.

    Welcome to LuxorMC! Hello All!, Welcome to LuxorMC we are a relatively new network with many different game modes and more to come. We are an active community looking for new members to join us on our adventures. Game modes: Whitelisted SMP Hermitcraft style (More Info Below) Mass Survival (Public) Skyblock (Public) Prisons (Coming Soon) HCF (Coming Soon) PVP (Coming Soon) LuxorMC Whitelisted SMP: Discord: https://discord.gg/luxormc LuxorMC Whitelisted SMP is a Hermitcraft like Minecraft server experience with our own twist. Our community is focused on skilled and dedicated players who push the limits of survival Minecraft. Server Features: Proximity Chat… Read More

  • Minecraft Memes – Minecraft Update Tier List (pls don’t rage)

    Minecraft Memes - Minecraft Update Tier List (pls don't rage)Well, at least this meme is safe from being killed in the update tier list! It’s a solid 0, living its meme life in peace. Read More


    EU E MEU AMIGO NO MINECRAFT FAZENDO CHURRASCO DE OVELHAS “EU e meu amigo no Minecraft lá de ovelhar… espero que ele não me confunda com uma ovelha e tente me tosquiar!” 😂🐑 #minecraft #minecraftmemes Read More

  • Join Minewind Minecraft Server for 200 IQ Gameplay!

    Join Minewind Minecraft Server for 200 IQ Gameplay! Welcome to Newsminecraft.com, where we bring you the latest and greatest in the world of Minecraft! Today, we stumbled upon a fascinating YouTube video titled “Minecraft: -100 IQ vs 200 IQ.” In this epic showdown, two players with vastly different approaches to the game go head-to-head in a battle of wits and skill. While watching the video, we couldn’t help but think about the diverse and exciting community over at Minewind Minecraft Server. Just like the players in the video, Minewind attracts individuals with a wide range of playing styles and strategies. Whether you consider yourself a quick-thinking 100… Read More

  • Top Moments in Animation vs. Minecraft

    Top Moments in Animation vs. Minecraft Minecraft Adventures with Animation vs. Minecraft Exploring New Episodes Join Animation vs. Minecraft for 60 minutes of thrilling adventures in their latest episodes. From facing off against dragons to navigating through challenging landscapes, there’s never a dull moment in the world of Minecraft. Exciting Moments Experience the adrenaline rush as the characters dive into action-packed scenarios. From intense battles to unexpected discoveries, each moment is filled with suspense and excitement. Voices by Dippidd Listen to the talented voice acting by Dippidd, bringing the characters to life with their unique personalities and emotions. Each voice adds depth and authenticity to… Read More

  • INSANE CHALLENGE: Collecting 64 of EVERY item in Mokezi!!!

    INSANE CHALLENGE: Collecting 64 of EVERY item in Mokezi!!!Video Information no way no way it’s me Moy Minecraft I’m Minecrafting actually not I I immediately logged on to the server and then it was it was dark and and scary outside and there was a creeper so I ran in to this uh circus Festival I don’t know freak you I don’t know what these are called met 64 meta 64 with the scallop meta 64 where is meta 64 meta 64 hi meta 64 you are not talking it was it was it just so silly so absolutely it was very funny Mo in Minecraft yeah there’s… Read More

  • Testing Insane Minecraft Tiktok Hack!

    Testing Insane Minecraft Tiktok Hack!Video Information secret chest bed in Minecraft love baby we buil this house on memories take my picture now search This video, titled ‘Testing Unbelievable Minecraft Tiktok Hack That Will Work🤯#shorts #ytshorts #minecraft #viral’, was uploaded by Khati Gamerz on 2024-02-26 02:30:01. It has garnered 8301 views and likes. The duration of the video is 00:00:20 or 20 seconds. Testing Unbelievable Minecraft Tiktok Hack That Will Work🤯#shorts #ytshorts #minecraft #viral Minecraft Viral TikTok Hack #hindi #hackminecraft #minecraft #hacks #minecraft #minecraftmeme #minecraftshorts #minecraftanimation Minecraft NORMAL vs REALISTIC 🤯 minecraft shorts, minecraft but , minecraft memes , minecraft trends , satisfying minecraft… Read More

  • Insane Minecraft Pixel Art Masterpiece – EPIC Build!

    Insane Minecraft Pixel Art Masterpiece - EPIC Build!Video Information aku viral karena menangis bukan kepengin jadi artis aku memang tak manis tapi ku tak egois Aku tidak romantis tapi banyak yang terhipnosis di jalanan ada lampu kerajaan ada ratu di kuburan ada hantu di hatiku ada kamu pusing pusing tujuh keliling jika ada lampu jangan cari lilin jika ada aku kau jangan This video, titled ‘Minecraft pixel art 9* #minecraftbuilding#minecraft#minecraftpixelart’, was uploaded by HAAs on 2024-04-29 01:01:55. It has garnered 9088 views and 305 likes. The duration of the video is 00:00:27 or 27 seconds. jangan lupa like share dan subscribe👍👍 #fypyoutube #minecraft #minecraftshorts #minecraftmemes #minecraftbuilding #fyp… Read More

  • Shocking Karma Strikes in Hilarious Short Clip!

    Shocking Karma Strikes in Hilarious Short Clip!Video Information [Music] she This video, titled ‘That’s 🤣 called Karma #shorts #real #karma’, was uploaded by Mr Thunder9 on 2023-12-04 04:00:22. It has garnered 12293 views and 223 likes. The duration of the video is 00:00:22 or 22 seconds. That’s 🤣 called Karma #shorts #minecraft #gamerfleet #technogamerz #carryislive #dream #mcstan #instagram #reels #facebook #youtube #youtubeindonesia #greatyoutube #build #artwork #cool #trending #world #minecraftshorts #minecraftanimetion #pvp minecraft gaming gamer minecraft videos techno gamerz sourav joshi vlogs minecraft smp smp mr indian hacker yes smarty pie mythpat Wait for It Paise Ye Konsa Desh Hai Asa Dost Sabko Mile Ye Kya Hua… Read More

  • “Mind-Blowing Bedwars: Wiktor’s Unbelievable Luck!” #minecraft #hypixel #pvp

    "Mind-Blowing Bedwars: Wiktor's Unbelievable Luck!" #minecraft #hypixel #pvpVideo Information certified This video, titled ‘What are the chances? #minecraft #hypixal #bedwars #hypixel #bedwarsissofun #minemen #pvp #gaming’, was uploaded by Wiktor on 2024-03-16 14:00:22. It has garnered 617 views and 15 likes. The duration of the video is 00:00:09 or 9 seconds. Minecraft Bedwars is a fast-paced multiplayer mini-game where teams compete to be the last ones standing. In this game, players are divided into teams and spawn on individual islands with a bed. The objective is to protect your bed while attempting to destroy the beds of other teams. Once a team’s bed is destroyed, they can no… Read More

  • The ULTIMATE Battle: JJ and Mikey vs SCARY VENOM in Minecraft!

    The ULTIMATE Battle: JJ and Mikey vs SCARY VENOM in Minecraft!Video Information huh hold up something’s wrong with the village The Village it’s been wrecked it’s all messed up what what happened here huh uh how wait Mikey what about the villagers let’s check to see if they’re safe yeah where is everyone oh hold on huh no one’s here or anywhere no way what happened like how what did this let’s check on the chief great let’s go Farms are all ruined huh huh there’s no one here either why the chief’s gone what happened huh how and why where is everyone let’s go back home Mikey is our… Read More


    EPIC BIRTHDAY PARTY ENDING IN A SHIZO MINECRAFT CASTLE!Video Information どうじゃろ草くくおはようございます 誕生日おめでとうございますしりパパ いらっしゃい来てくれてありがとう誕生日 おめでとう ありがとうありがとうござい ますちょうどぐらい出てきたいい感じに なったわ ちょっとわあ12時間お城出来上がりまし た完成でございます どう みんな噴水付きた時によく使われるコップ そう なん噴水作る時に使われるコップてあ草が あるとなんかいい感じに見える からえんではないでしょうかおやちん いくらおやちんは え1 ヶ月 うヶ月250万でよろしくお願いします なぜ200なんか草がやだこここっち側草 がなんかもう美味しげっ てるなぜ250万かと言うと250万あれ ばなんと なく幸せに なれ慣れそうだから です ガラス草美味しいああ もう美味しぎり すぎ何が何やらわからない美味しぎりすぎ て [音楽] ねえ牛が返事してくれ たよしおらいいやなんでやいい やん内装は内そうですけどねがはは がはははがははは めっちゃ伸びてる伸びすぎなよね蔦 が 賃貸賃貸ですよこちらこちらのお家賃貸に なっておりまし て素敵なお城が出来上がりましたもりお めもりおハモりねむるちゃんいらっしゃい 来てくれてありがとうおハモにおメモも ありがとう ありがとう [音楽] ありがとうお城の案内が始まるお城1回 建てとなっておりましてこちらのお 城1回にしかいけないんですよねすげえ 作り終わってよお 城いい感じにできた大人のホテルって言わ れたみんなになんでやなんでやねん全然 大人のホテルちゃう やろ 近くで見るとこんな感じ とよしよし よし いやよく頑張りました と52分ですねそろそろ締めに入り ましょうか55分でちょっとアーカイブが 切れてしまいますの で皆様ついに12時間でござい ます いや誕生日一瞬で終わったね早かったね みんなお祝いしてくれてありがとう ね今年も今年 は言ったけどこの配信を始める前に言った けど今年はマイクラのをちょっと多めにし ていこう配信していこうかなと思っている のでマイクラが好きな人初めてマイクラ メモのマイクラを見る 人よかったらチャンネル登録してください さんよろしくお願いし ます1泊250万です横か後ろに パーキング違う違う ないおかげで作業も終わりました半分お えらいさ産業じゃない作業半分終わって 素晴らしいみんなも朝までね見てくれた方 ありがとうそして寝おちしている方 ゆっっくり休むんよでいっぱい寝る よメモはこれ から寝ようと思います一旦寝てから Twitterのねおめでとうお誕生日お めでとうリプにお返事をしたいと思います の でまだコメントしてないよ違う違う違う リプしてないよっていう方はしといて くださいよろしくお願いしますではではで はではではではではでは 次は日本の風景そうだね次は日本のお城を 作ろうかなと思い ます星星いりさんかな来てくれて ありがとうす最後に30秒秒だけえメモ お誕生日グッズを出したのでよかったら メンモのXを見て配信に配信じゃない グッズも買ってくれると嬉しいですブース ですよろしくお願いしますでは今日も配信 来てくれてありがとうございました誕生日 おめでいっぱいありがとうではあつまにゃ… Read More