Minecraft Xbox – Halloween Texture Pack – Quick Build

Video Information

Hello this is stampy and welcome to a minecraft let’s play video today i am bringing you a very spooky uh quick build contest i am here against eyeballistic squid but it’s no normal eyeballistic squid as you can see it is a rather terrifying frankenstein eyeballistic squid and if you think

That’s scary wait till you see what i look are you ready for it are you ready i am scary clown stampy cat for this video and yeah that’s because there’s a brand new texture pack uh that just got released uh for the xbox edition uh of minecraft um as you’re watching this

Video it probably came out today uh unless you’re watching it late or possibly early um but yeah it’s added a whole load of new textures to uh pretty much every single thing in the game and down here uh ank has been a trooper and uh he’s gone and placed uh one over i

Think pretty much every single different type of block so this is a quick overview of all of the things that we’re going to be building with and look at that oh what’s that there’s like a a wood which has just got like an eye in

The tree i think what type of wood is that um yeah i need to i need to do a bit of research because i’ve not decided what it is i’m going to be building yet uh jungle wood now jungle wood looks the same is it jungle wood or is it like

Maybe on like a different side of it i don’t know what type of wood that is that that’s probably birch isn’t it that looks like birch um hmm i’m gonna have to oh there we go oh it’s green wall that’s not even a type of wood it’s just green wool how random

Anyway a lot of the wood looks quite the same but yeah everything looks totally awesome you can see that the the water is now purple this is actually ice and the lava is green and so what we’re gonna do is we both got uh 20 minutes uh in order to

Build whatever we want uh which is sort of halloween or at least spooky themed and i’ve got a bit of an idea but i’m not entirely sure but yeah i talk about that in a minute and look at all the animals as well look look at the sheep

Look at this sheep with all the some like all of it’s this wool sheared off it’s like a little frankenstein one like now if i get a sheep which hasn’t had its sheep sheared it looks like uh like mummified uh where’s sheep uh there we go sheep here that’s what the sheep

Normally look like then you shear them and then they end up looking like that they’re kind of like a christmas present or something and so yeah it’s going to be very difficult because there’s a whole load of blocks which i have never built out of uh so yeah it’s going to be very

Challenging but hopefully it’s going to be a good way to show off all of the different blocks in the texture pack so uh yeah you’ll be able to decide uh whether you want to use it and here we go we can see a massive uh scary-faced creeper here which i believe ain’t built

And uh ank is gonna be the judge uh but he’s not gonna be the person deciding who wins or not and we’re actually going to decide ourselves and here we go we’re ready red orange and green i’m going to start the timer on my phone as well and

We are off we have 20 seconds uh 20 minutes uh starting now and what i decided to build uh was a haunted uh forest uh because the last time i did a quick build to show off a texture pack and look at that can you see the moon in

The distance it’s like a skull and it kind of looks better when it’s going up because it’s sort of upside down as it goes down but it still looks pretty awesome and sorry mummified sheep i suppose they don’t mind because they’re already dead yeah anyway oh yeah i’m

Gonna build a haunted forest as like a theme park ride because when we did the uh the quick build for the plastic texture pack uh i only built a doll’s house which was cool i was kind of happy with what i built and i managed to draw with squid uh but

Unfortunately i was pretty much only using like a few blocks like it was a whole load of pink and purple and white wool and not much else and so what i’m going to try and do is my little uh sneaky challenge to myself is to try and

Use as many different blocks as i can and so as i said it’s going to be like a little roller coaster ride so there’s going to be what can i build what would be in a spooky for us well a lot of trees a lot of trees with eyes in the

Bark which is why i was so interested in that earlier and i’ve got to have a church in there like all very mini small stuff so a very small church and a mini grain graveyard and there could be like a witch’s house and then i don’t know

Maybe like a big tree you can go inside and all sort of haunted stuff in there and what else would be in there i could build like some fake ghosts and stuff but the reason i wanted to do that was because i can absolutely fill it full of

Loads of different mobs uh because all of the uh the different googlies and like the uh the animals all look completely different i can fill it full of loads of stuff like that and maybe build like a wall or a fence or something around the outside so they

Can’t escape so as you’re riding around there’s going to be all of these mobs around and probably getting in the way of the minecart trap but oh well i’ll deal with that when it comes up so and what i’m going to do at first is just go

And cover the entire ground uh with dirt and let me just make sure that is done yeah there we go grass block and then that way i can go and just plant a load of trees and so once i’ve got all the um the grass down all i need to do is put

Down a tree and then use bone meal and then it will grow instantly so that way i can have like a rather basic looking forest almost immediately but i’m a little bit worried because uh yes squid seems to be he seems to be determined to win today normally and we both spend a

Little bit of time trying to decide what we’re gonna build before we start but uh yeah he’s gone straight away and he seems to be building uh something rather large and all i’ve done so far is destroy the floor which is taking absolutely ages i can see anki coming to

Say hello why don’t you help me hank i know it’s cheating but you can see what i’m trying to do please help me delete the floor it’s annoying because i know i probably don’t need to delete all the floor so i’m probably going to build

Over quite a lot of it but i always like just to just to have all the grass down at the start just to make it easy and i’m a little bit worried that i should have maybe not done this because it is taking absolutely ages and this is still

Me uh just destroying the stone can you see that in the background i’d only get too close i don’t want to waste time but you see that massive frankenstein that’s actually an iron golem as if you spawn an iron golem they’re just like a big massive frankenstein walking around and

I’ve not done a uh a snow golem yet so i’m not sure what they look like and the npc villagers they look really awesome as well so i might maybe make an mpc villager maybe look like an evil witch or wizard or something inside of a

Little hut anyway there we go i’ve got rid of all of the stone on the floor i’m gonna have a quick swiftness potion just to get my energy up and let’s go and start placing all of the grass this shouldn’t take too long and then because

I’m building a forest and i can use lots of um saplings and bone meals and stuff i i shouldn’t take uh too long building the main forest and uh because i’m building lots of little things like it doesn’t really matter if i run out of time halfway through building something

Because like it’s not like i’m gonna have one big massive thing which is like not finished and look at squid go what he’s built already looks awesome because the way we’re doing this is the way we did it last time and we’re actually going to vote on each other’s and we

Both just said we’re going to put our hands on our heart and be totally honest and uh there’s three different categories that we’re going to use to vote each other and i think it’s build quality uh originality and scale so i want to build as big as i can i might

Maybe lose on that one originality yeah i’m probably not going to get many points on that and so i really want to go for build quality here and make everything look good i think squid’s certainly going for scale i don’t know about originality because um i don’t

Know uh yeah what he’s building yet but yeah i guess we’re we’re going to find out soon enough and the grass looks a bit boring to be honest i was expecting in this texture packet to be covered in slime or something ridiculous like that because there’s so many like awesome

Textures and like because i’ve never built out of any of them i think the the toughest thing is just going to be deciding what what texture do i want to build in but i’ve very almost completely filled all of this in so i think the first thing i’m going to build is the

Church just because that’s probably going to be the biggest thing so i can build that and see how much room it’s going to take up and then yeah worry about adding everything else and then if i got time at the end i had a little mine cut track just sort of weaving in

And out because that really doesn’t take long and i think just adding the interactive side of making it like a ghost train just makes it that bit cooler but it really doesn’t take that long at all and i’m quite good with uh building minecarts and stuff because

I’ve done it quite a lot so i should be able to do it uh very quickly so yeah i want to place this i just need to decide uh what to build my church out of because i mean the obvious thing would be like cobblestone or stone bricks but

In this texture pack there might be like loads of different like extra spooky materials i could use i love the torches as well i love the green torches look really good right here we go grass is done let’s start building properly so we got that’s cobblestone

I could use is there anything else good where’s stone brown oh it’s all like blue stone bricks i don’t really like that i prefer the the normal cobble uh then i could use normal stone as well which is kind of got like little skeletons on it i think that’s only the really good

Of a good stoney sort of material there is so i guess it’s going to be a rather boring uh cobblestone church but it doesn’t matter it’s going to be very small and i’m going to build it very quickly so it’ll be about uh this length and this sheep is really annoying me

I’m saying about adding all of the animals in i’ve only got one in and it’s already driving me crazy i see yeah i literally mean the church is going to be uh about this big that i should even be too big i might make it just a little

Bit smaller just because i want to try and pack as many different features in here as i can so as many different tiny buildings so yeah this is going to be my church here and i have no idea how i’m going to do this i guess i can have a double doorway

At the front about here no i’m going to have a single doorway because it doesn’t quite line up right and it can kind of go and like sort of triangle up like this i guess uh if i just build a box and then just build sloping uh like roofs going into

The middle and uh yeah well like the thing i’m really looking forward to is doing all of the uh the trees and stuff just because uh in that way i can add all of that the the spooky eyes and i don’t know if there’s just a lot of

Blocks that kind of look like normal blocks but they just sort of got something very slightly different with them and that’s all the stuff that i’m looking forward to playing with so let’s go and see what i can do for the roof i don’t want to use stone uh birch looks

Quite cool um i think i might go for all look at sandstone let’s just check this one out um yeah i’ll use this just because it’s a little bit different it’s probably not the uh the best thing to use for this but yeah as it is slightly

Different i’m gonna go use this i probably should have used some sort of dark wood maybe like might have looked better but as i said my own little mini challenge for myself is to try and use as many different blocks as i can i could actually add a little uh tower in

The back i could do if i got time but i’m very worried i’m going to spend my entire time just building uh this one tiny little church and have no time to build anything actually good i’ve got uh 12 minutes and 30 seconds left so i’m

Not far off having spent exactly half of my time just building this one little tiny church and doing the floor so i definitely don’t want that to be the case it doesn’t look very good does it right i’m gonna do the uh the cross on the top and let’s try and find something

Different to build that out of i could use uh i use i use just stone bricks might look quite cool if i just go and do this on the top like this and so yeah i’m just going to go completely crazy and it’s all going to be all random

Different like blocks of all different colors and stuff but oh yeah hopefully that’s all going to end up looking okay and oh look at that i’ve actually tried out the windows i’m going to add some windows to the church and yeah it’s all looking rather weird for now so uh what

I’m going to start doing now is some of the graveyard and i want to see if there’s other stuff i can use for the ground right if i do a few gravestones first i guess and i can do them by if i put down signs and then i can just do

Something in the ground uh maybe wooden stuff maybe i’m trying to pick a good blockade like there’s so many blocks it’s just it’s kind of overwhelming for what you want to actually use okay maybe you soul sand might look quite cool if i go and do

Like two bits of soul sand and then do like a sign like that and that could kind of be like the uh the different graves i don’t have time to actually uh write anything on the signs for now i’m just going to plonk them down i don’t

Know maybe if i have like extra spare time at the end i could go back and try and add some other stuff so let’s go and put that down there and then i go and do another one uh over here i guess and then there we go there’s my beautiful

Church at that looks awful so far right i really need to step my game up from the rest now let’s go put some windows down because oh yeah i can kind of copy squid and his windows look quite good so i was pretty gonna add windows anyway

It’s not like uh he he had the the he was like the first person to decide to add windows and yeah i should probably do the um do the inside of the church because i know he’s gonna go and look inside it’s just so weird when you’re

Building and you know the person judging is the person who’s like you’re against it’s weird to think like what would squid like maybe i should go and put some cake in i’ve not actually looked at cake yet i actually have no idea what um kate’s gonna look like in this texture

Pack i should maybe have this as the uh the spooky church of cake maybe actually saying that i know in the uh some of the other texture packs kate was just like made to look like something completely different so i definitely want to go and investigate that and i want to use lava

As well i want to try if i can to use lava at some point just because it’s so bright green it just looks awesome and let me just very quickly show you what it looks like seeing as i am making this video to show off the texture pack right

Here we go this is what lava looks like look at that it looks awesome doesn’t it it’s so cool like it doesn’t look like lava it looks like i don’t know some sort of fiery acid or something uh whatever it looks kind of dangerous i think it it looks

Like it sort of tinted the color of this floor and made it all greeny right here we go this is the inside of my rather vibrant looking church looks like a nightclub or something doesn’t look like a church at all right let’s go and let’s go have it

Completely crazy and have some of these i think these are never brick seats so these can be the uh the pews the whole way up we’re just going to do these the whole way along here hopefully i’m going to get good points for detail because i

Am bothering uh to do all of the the interiors and stuff and if i get rid of these here i can do an altar at the end up here which i try and use something different uh if i use i could use one of these spooky i use

This i use pink wall apparently and apparently this is pink walls so this can be uh the altar at the end here and if i just do a half slab or anything and plonk it down there there we go at least i’m doing a good job of keeping up my my

Goal of trying to use as many different materials as i can so i’m going to go and put a few torches around the outside and then let’s go and rush and go and start trying to build something else so another thing that i wanted to do

Actually no or one other thing i need to do which is something that looks really cool i’m not showing you yet is doors doors look really cool and it’s quite a normal boring thing but yeah check out the wooden doors how cool is that that

Just sort of makes it like a proper big massive demonic church doesn’t it and i’m going to put a window pane there and a window pane there i’ve only got eight minutes left right okay let’s go and start doing the uh the witch’s cabin then shall we so i could maybe use some

Of that spooky word and that pink wool wood and then maybe some uh what am i doing i’m switching all over the place here oh yeah so that type of wood and oh this one here and then come on think fast think fast whichever

Type of word i just go for a boring old spruce wood and try and build uh like a witch’s hut over here somewhere i really need to get the um i think i really do need to get that mine cart trap built because i think uh in terms of just what

I’ve built there’s no way i’m going to win i’ve just completely run out of time way too fast and i’m pretty building this in a really boring way by just having them next to each other i think i have the the front of it maybe to this

Side just to make it look a little bit different and let’s try and let’s try and jazz this up a little bit then shall we actually that doesn’t really look like wood does it i could maybe have just a few eyes all over the place like

I think i’m going to do my normal tactic and just get something built and then if i got time going out all of the the other spooky like details and stuff afterwards because yeah otherwise i’m going to get absolutely nothing finished and i haven’t looked at what squid’s

Built in a while and but yeah he does really seem to be absolutely on fire today i’m building like crazy so yeah i reckon i’m going to lose this i’m calling it now i think that i’m going to lose this but it doesn’t matter i’m here

To try and show off as many blocks as i can and try and do it in an entertaining way so if i succeed in doing that then i’m going to count this as a victory and i think i might go for let’s try and just pick a different type of block

Shall we um i can’t really have glass there’s not that much i could build out let’s use bricks and i’ve not used brick i can have a brick roof so what’s brick here is that it there no is that it down here there we go i can go and have a brick

Roof and i’m going to do it kind of like my toy town toy shop uh if you’ve seen that it kind of all just uh slopes up to like the top like this and i think that’s quite a cool design then i can do

A uh i can do a chimney coming out of it and i can see what um spider webs look like actually i could maybe uh try and use them as smoke and i’ve only got six minutes left this is supposed to be a spooky forest train ride adventure and

All i’ve done is built a very small church that’s all it is that’s all it is i think that if the ground was grass to begin with and then yeah i could have been away i could have done it but because i voluntarily i decided to cover

The entire floor of grass at the beginning i think i just wasted a whole load of time so i’m dealing with it i made a bad mistake i didn’t do my priorities right like i should have just built the church and built this and then after i’d built that gone through and

Filled all of the gaps with grass because as i said i’m building over a lot of the grass and having to change it again it’s a very inefficient way of building so yeah if you do lots of quick builds and you want some tips learn from my mistakes and yeah don’t waste time

Covering a load of blocks that you don’t need to cover anyway i am actually finally making some relatively decent progress and i’ve almost got this house done so i’m going to do the last bit of slanted roof this way then i think i’m going to go back this way here and then

Go and build it back down the other side here and i’ve been very boring by building something very similar to what i’ve built in my own world but uh yeah i’m under pressure i need to i need to build things that i know about and i’ve

Managed to just about get this done and as soon as i’ve only got five minutes left i might actually uh before doing the interior actually what i could do is i could just put like an iron door on the front and just make it so he can’t

Go in here actually no i want him to be able to go in there i want to win on detail so i’m going to have to build on the inside as well so i’m just going to do some whatever block this is just on the floor all the way around here and

Got so dark and i’m going to put some some torture down actually should i do some glowstone i wonder what glowstone is um i don’t kind of remember where it is like if i was better at knowing where things were i’d be able to find them was

That glowstone never act soul sand uh that looks like it there we go i can have some glowstone i can have this uh along the the top up here i guess i just have some glowstone along there oh there we go that looks pretty awesome actually

I could just have like all eyes on the ceiling that just looks really spooky i do like the glowstone i can maybe try and have like a fire or something and i don’t know whether fire spread is on or not because i could accidentally burn down the entire hut which wouldn’t be

Very good but yeah anyway was i going to do the floor i think i was just going to do wood and what i want to do is actually put up a few of the paintings because with these texture packs they always add a whole load of different

Paintings so i would like to try some of those out and see what they look and then yeah once i’ve done this i’m then going to go straight and uh place trees all over the place uh start spawning in as many mobs as i can and hopefully uh

Get some sort of minecart track done just so i can even though i didn’t finish it try and show off what it was i was trying to build and i think i’m going to use an iron door for this one just to make it slightly different and

Oh no it’s just started raining i suppose it’s quite fitting as we are in this spooky texture package spooky rainy dark knight it is and where are where are doors here we go look at the iron doors oh you can kind of see through them that’s pretty awesome and i think

I’m just going to go and do a a lever on it which should be round here and i’m guessing the levers look pretty boring i’m guessing they look pretty familiar yep it’s just it’s just like a normal leather slightly more purple spooky purple right let’s go put down a few paintings

Then shall we so these are the paintings and let’s see what these look like oh it’s slenderman that’s pretty awesome a very weird version is that like e.t i think there’s a wolf there i think frankenstein is like a mirror squid can look in that oh and that’s like the ring

Girl these are awesome i really love the uh the item frames there we go that’s sort of livened this whole place up a bit and i’m gonna try and very quickly plonk down uh some sort of table let’s try and use another block if i can let’s use

Whatever this is here this can be my table there we go this can just be in the middle there and is there anything else spooky maybe a cauldron i could plonk down in the corner just to make it look like a witch’s place put a cauldron

Down there and a furnace maybe might be quite cool where’s the furnace there we go and i put a furnace on the other side down there there we go this is my this is my witch’s house here and right let’s go and start putting down as whole load

Of trees if i can then so where are saplings they’re going to be round here uh jungle tree birch tree spruce and oak and then i need to go grab some bone meal which i believe is this there we go there’s some bone meal i love the dyes the dyes are like uh

Just like colored dye in cauldrons looks really awesome so let’s just go and put down as many of these all over the place as i can i think is this the jungle tree you tell the jungle trees because they’re going to go massive there you go

These are the jungle trees i put one big jungle tree right here in the middle which should go really high oh awesome i’m gonna do another one over here look at the rain i just realized the rain is purple how amazing is that can i fit a jungle tree down there will

That grow no i guess that one won’t grow i want to put down another jungle tree that’ll just make the the whole place look bigger so quite an easy way to sort of uh just cheat and make everything look larger by just doing this uh right

Anyway let’s go and try and uh spookify this place if i can a bit more then uh there we go i’ve got it looks a bit more like a forest now can maybe put a few more things down put one there and uh

One there i guess um i need to do a part of some sort i reckon going through it uh what can i use to do a path what does clay look like there we go this can be this can be my uh spooky looking path

And i just try and do this uh sort of randomly going all over the place it can sort of lead to the uh lead to the shop to be honest uh i don’t think i’m gonna have time to do my a little minecart track which is a shame because i really

Wanted to do that just because i thought it would be a bit more exciting and something for uh squid to ride on but it doesn’t matter i just do like a a little weird clay path and the clay does look quite cool it’s a bit more uh spooky

Than the standard gray clay and yeah i’m gonna do another park here leading towards the church if i just go along like this and it can meet up in the middle over here and i need more scary things i need all my mobs and stuff i

Need to uh put all of them in so and let me go and just grab as many spawn eggs as i can i can spawn uh villager ocelot mushroomless i’m kind of curious just to to see what all of these look like i’ve seen some of them just sort of

Randomly like wandering around but i’ve not had a good look at all of them yet so there’s a few skeletons oh look at the pigs they look amazing i’m gonna put some of these down some sheep i think they are some weird oh i don’t like the

Ocelots they’re kind of scary uh some mushrooms um what are they um i don’t know what are those supposed to be oh walls of their walls oh my god look at the chickens this is actually a little bit scary right let’s go put them down there and

If i go into here i might go and try and build a snow golem in here i’ve literally got 40 seconds left i think i have lost this but no worries i have had fun hopefully you’ve had fun as well watching uh right where’s snow where’s snow where’s snow where snow is this

Snow right snow and then i need pumpkins pumpkins should be easy to find oh god they’re rather terrifying aren’t they let’s go and put down a snow golem in here and trap him in there and then if i can i’m going to very quickly uh build

An iron golem in here i am against the club oh there’s a lot of people in here already right iron golem iron golem i’m gollum uh where’s iron where’s iron was i and i’m completely against the clock here iron iron iron and there we go i’ve got what i need boom boom boom

Boom final block oh no i did it wrong i did it wrong final block going down now there we go i’ve got an iron golem in there look at it look at the frankenstein wandering around ryan if i can maybe put some torches around the

Place oh no that’s it that is time that is time gone right there’s angst telling me i know i know time is up i haven’t got very scary music do i put my time up oh squid i think squid’s still trying to build he’s cheating remember that squid

Cheated i look at screw look at what i built and then look at what squid built there’s like no competition mine’s way better the only joking let’s go and have a look around at each other’s right before i go and look at squids i’m going to show off mine properly i know you

Just saw me build it but this is kind of the view he’s going to get so he’s going to wonder here and he’s going to be like what’s this what is this monstrosity it looks like some sort of dessert not a church anyway yeah they’ve got all of my

Frankenstein’s and that in here and here’s my witch’s house oh let’s shut it as my witch escaped oh no my witch has escaped oh that’s no good oh well my witch is going and wandering somewhere around here and look at the cows they’re like devil cows

I love this texture pack so much like it’s only going to be good at halloween but it is still uh yeah it’s pretty good isn’t it anyway let’s go see what squid built it’s like a i guess it’s like some sort of massive haunted mansion let’s go and have a look inside

Oh he’s done a lot of detail he has spent a lot of time adding things in here look at that look at the ghostly creeper uh so we got um a picture up there i guess it’s gonna be like a big massive haunted house maybe it is supposed to be

Like some sort of ghost house there’s a dispenser there which is supposed to dispense a uh an enderman but uh because we’re in peaceful it won’t actually spawn in i think he put down a sign to explain um invite okay i think he wants to invite

Me to the party but uh before that i’m gonna go and have a look around and then we’re gonna have to um oh yeah we’re gonna have to do each other’s scores uh like there seems to be a lot of dispensers to like dispense enderman and

Stuff but uh sadly it won’t work on peaceful and hello did you see that frankenstein sheep there just hopping up on the windowsill see you later buddy and here we got the uh the television now over in this direction uh more dispensers i guess this is supposed to

Be like i don’t know maybe you’re supposed to have to go through and battle them i do think it is like uh some sort of haunted house or some sort and oh yeah i forgot about the chimney i forgot about doing the chimney and the cobwebs the cobwebs do look pretty

Awesome don’t they and uh through here we’ve got some more purple rain coming down is that a bed that is that’s a bit oh it’s a coffin i wish i knew that i’d have put them all over the church if i knew that um and i wish i spent like an

Hour just looking through all of the blocks before i started building like there’s so many things i’ll do different if i started now uh compared to uh when i did start i said yeah let me go over and uh get a big overview of everything that squid built and let’s go and give

Him uh his scores so as i said we got uh originality build quality and scale so uh i think originality um i mean it’s relatively original like i’m not entirely sure what it’s supposed to be oh oh squid shaking his head at me no what’s going on okay what i’m gonna very

Quickly do is i’m gonna join the party with squid uh find out what he wants to say to me and uh yeah then i’ll cut back in the video and uh carry on okay welcome back um i spoke to squid and uh he basically wanted to explain

What his map was and uh he said it’s basically like a slenderman map but of course it wouldn’t have worked because we’re in peaceful mode and uh because apparently uh the new enderman skin uh looks like slenderman and there we go i can see one of them wandering around

There so apparently i need to go in here and i need to try and get i think it’s eight pages which is uh eight maps and whoa there we go there’s one slenderman coming through the door already right okay let’s go in here what’s going on here i thought everyone was fighting

Each other then okay so i need to get the pages uh is this a page or is that just a painting i think that’s just a painting i think it’s like maps and items oh here we go this is what i need to get there we go i got one there’s

Slenderman there’s slenderman there behind me right one down uh two down i can see why the uh the dispensers are there right next to where you gonna go get the pages one two three uh anymore any more roundtable i think it’s like the the witches uh their faces

They’re the pages go in here one two three uh four and there’s another slender man i think this would make the game slenderman that bit more scary of those loads of them so one two three was that five i’ve got i think uh six and another one i could probably be

More careful to avoid standing on the pressure power so that wouldn’t be any more fun anyway there we go i believe i’ve got uh all of the pages that are in the map and i’m not sure how to look at the map yet uh looks kind of awesome like see the

The way the the edges of the maps are so yeah this is what the game’s supposed to be so you go around trying to collect all of the pages while there’s uh sort of enderman wandering all over the house and let’s look at one let’s look at one

Of them in the face and see what it does it’s just like it’s weird it’s just like proper slenderman clothes and just the big massive white head which just looks rather weird they are kind of scary though they are slightly terrifying and so yeah all i need to do now is i’m

Going to go and switch back into um uh creative and then we’re going to go and place down the sides actually we might as well do it here and we might as well go and just do it in survival if i go here and just grab some signs here and

Uh throw some to squid i can just steal them from my graveyard for now it doesn’t really matter and yeah then we can just go and do the scores that way and there’s plenty of wood around here and we probably don’t need to go and switch back into survival so where’s

Squidward there we go if i go throw him three signs is he is he going to be bothered is it is he going to realize what i’m trying to say to him all right if i get his attention one no squid you’re gonna look one two three there we

Go and all i need to do is get enough wood to make one more sign and yeah then we can go and just give each other uh our scores now and it does make a bit more sense now oh here we go he’s got loads of signs on him anyway sorted

Right let’s go and write them down here it’s weird i kept i kept thinking i’m gonna fall into the water but this is just the the eyes here okay originality uh build quality and scale i think the originality score has just shot up because i didn’t know it was supposed to

Be slenderman and seen as deva only just added that texture pack uh he’s probably the first person to ever uh make a slenderman map with the proper slenderman skin so i think for originality i’m gonna give him way up uh an eight i was probably going to give

Him a six or a seven before but yeah i think an eight is pretty good uh build quality and it’s all built really well but he didn’t finish it i think the uh the fact that he’s got no roof uh probably brings the uh the build quality down a little

Bit so i give him a seven still because everything is built fine and he did definitely make good use of the uh the new textures and everything and uh scale uh the scale is really good the scale is absolutely massive i think it’s not as big as what he built last time but

That’s because he added more detail so i think for scale i’m gonna go and i’m gonna give him an eight i probably gotta give him uh more than whatever he’s giving me so does that look fair to you like i want to be honest about this i

Want to be completely fair and uh like objective like ignoring the fact that i am against him and i think that that’s probably about right originality eight build quality seven uh scale eight so that’s what 16 17 18 19 21 to 23 so a grand total score of 23 points so yeah

All i need to do now is wait for uh him to finish scoring me and then we’re gonna see who’s the winner i’m guessing i’m guessing that he’s gonna win to be honest i think that once again he probably does deserve to win but then again it all is uh determined on just

How generous he’s feeling today so are you ready has he done the votes are you all good all right let’s go let’s go and switch let’s go and see uh each other person’s score so uh 23 to bill oh he’s one he’s one he has one already i got uh

Was that 12 um 15 16 17 89 like 21 or something i am very bad about it doesn’t matter i know that he’s one he is he is the grand victor and look at the sun there look what the sun looks like it’s got like

Bats in it and stuff uh so yeah squid managed to win let’s go from a rose then look at the lovely jubly love love petals oh did you see that did you see what the the yellow one looks like it’s got like a skull on it it’s rather

Terrifying anyway squid come here and collect your roses you uh definitely did deserve to win but anyway as i said uh this texture pack uh should uh fingers crossed determined uh depending on when i upload this video it should be out now i want to give a big thank you to 4j

Because they actually uh said oh wow they actually sent a code for the uh the texture uh pack so we could got it a little bit of a day early which is how we’re able to make this video so uh big thank you to 4j and uh thank you for

Always supporting the xbox youtube community a big thank you to squid for being such an amazing opponent and of course a big thank you to you uh for watching my video and hopefully i’ll see you in the next one bye

This video, titled ‘Minecraft Xbox – Halloween Texture Pack – Quick Build’, was uploaded by stampylonghead on 2013-10-25 15:00:04. It has garnered 5131563 views and 17795 likes. The duration of the video is 00:31:04 or 1864 seconds.

Welcome to a special quick build against Ballistic Squid. We have 20 minutes to build anything spooky while using the new Halloween texture pack.

Squid’s Channel – http://www.youtube.com/iBallisticSquid

Twitter – @stampylongnose

Facebook – www.facebook.com/stampylongnose

My shop – http://stampy.spreadshirt.co.uk/

Email – [email protected]

  • Join Minewind Minecraft Server for the Ultimate Survival Challenge!

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  • Wisteria Fields – modded, whitelist

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  • MadCraft

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  • Minecraft Memes – I summon free Minecraft Minecoins on ๐Ÿ’ฅ

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  • Surviving Beta 1.7.3: Crafting the Perfect Start

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  • Crafting in Minecraft: The Hot Mess Chronicles

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  • Crafting Chaos with SweatyMop

    Crafting Chaos with SweatyMop Welcome to Sweaty’s Craft: EP 1 – Let’s Begin! Minecraft enthusiasts, get ready to embark on an exciting journey with Sweaty’s Craft! In this first episode, players will dive into the world of Minecraft survival and witness the adventures that await. Let’s explore the key features and elements that make this gameplay experience truly unique. Immersive Gameplay With Sweaty’s Craft, players are immersed in a world where creativity and survival skills are put to the test. From gathering resources to building shelters and exploring vast landscapes, every moment in Minecraft is filled with excitement and challenges. The game’s open-world… Read More

  • Discover the Top 10 Reasons to Join Minewind Minecraft Server

    Discover the Top 10 Reasons to Join Minewind Minecraft Server Welcome to NewsMinecraft.com, where we bring you the latest updates and trends in the world of Minecraft! Today, we want to talk about the top 10 highlights of the recent Minecraft 1.20.5 update. But before we dive into that, have you ever thought about exploring new Minecraft servers to enhance your gaming experience? While watching a YouTube video about Minecraft updates, you might have come across the idea of joining different servers to meet new players, engage in exciting challenges, and discover unique gameplay features. One server that stands out among the rest is Minewind. Minewind offers a thrilling… Read More

  • Herobrine’s Creepy Minecraft Encounter

    Herobrine's Creepy Minecraft Encounter The Terrifying World of Minecraft Mods Exploring the vast world of Minecraft can be an exhilarating experience, but for those brave enough to delve into the realm of mods, a whole new level of terror awaits. One such mod that has been sending shivers down players’ spines is the terrifying horror mod that introduces Herobrine and the Cave Dweller. Herobrine: The Mysterious Entity Herobrine is a legendary figure in the Minecraft community, often described as a ghostly presence that haunts players in the game. With his glowing white eyes and eerie demeanor, encountering Herobrine can send chills down even… Read More

  • Unearthing Secret Minecraft Magic Mods!

    Unearthing Secret Minecraft Magic Mods!Video Information This video, titled ‘Exploring The Wonderful World Of Minecraft Magic Mods’, was uploaded by anlog on 2024-04-24 01:26:51. It has garnered 1619 views and 103 likes. The duration of the video is 00:15:31 or 931 seconds. Thank You For Watching! Second Scripted Video, Hope Ive Improved Some!! Outro Song https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=hGDdl33N9Oc&ab_channel=Cartmemes Screen Recorder https://obsproject.com/ Video Editor https://www.vegascreativesoftware.com Music Used: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=yuySSmW5cfo https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=qHo4lfcMt1o https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ONbX9QCL36k https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=JLAVnDI03To https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=z2BGTcKITaQ https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=RN5EqlWzH_Y https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=atgjKEgSqSU https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=PdSb-x49Nac Sources: https://www.minecraftforum.net/forums/mapping-and-modding-java-edition/minecraft-mods/1274297-1-6-6-crystals-that-grow-in-light-powerful-magic https://www.planetminecraft.com/mod/wizardcraft-120414/ https://legacy.curseforge.com/minecraft/mc-mods/mantle https://tvtropes.org/pmwiki/pmwiki.php/VideoGame/Thaumcraft#:~:text=Thaumcraft’s%20name%20and%20fame%20were,expanding%20on%20in-world%20structures. https://www.minecraftforum.net/forums/mapping-and-modding-java-edition/minecraft-mods/1279034-1-2-5-thaumcraft-2-1-6d-outdated https://www.minecraftforum.net/forums/mapping-and-modding-java-edition/minecraft-mods/1286036-ars-magica-v5-52-014-updated-august-2-1-5-2 https://www.minecraftforum.net/forums/mapping-and-modding-java-edition/minecraft-mods/1287110-xenos-reliquary-v1-0-6d https://www.reddit.com/r/feedthebeast/comments/dbwhzf/lets_talk_about_electrobobs_wizardry/ https://www.minecraftforum.net/forums/mapping-and-modding-java-edition/minecraft-mods/1290532-1-10-2-1-9-4-blood-magic-v2-1-0-65-updated-sept https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Ars_Magica (yes i do not care that imma just cite wikipedia) https://www.reddit.com/r/botania/ https://mcgeneral.fandom.com/wiki/Botania https://web.archive.org/web/20120129031445/http://www.minecraftforum.net/topic/364525-110-equivalent-exchange-v616/ https://forums.technicpack.net/topic/46359-please-add-a-magic-mod/ Videos Used https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=B_14UuARmIs https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=gcf9FM4TbN4 https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=m465HXRvoiI https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=4Z_jRem510g https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=7XkMcuIEw2s… Read More

  • Minecraft Mods to Haunt Your Dreams

    Minecraft Mods to Haunt Your DreamsVideo Information This video, titled ‘These mods are TERRIFYING.. #cavedweller#minecraft #minecrafthorror #mcyt #minecrafthorror’, was uploaded by tacoz on 2024-03-17 17:00:50. It has garnered 2512 views and 78 likes. The duration of the video is 00:00:31 or 31 seconds. Me and @kohexx made a youtube video and this is just a clip from that video. Full video https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=3ZvS7PpNgoU&t=3s IGNORE TAGS ———————————————————— #minecrafthorror #minecraftmystery #minecraftmods #minecraft100days #nightmare #minecrafthorror #cavesandcliffs #fyp #youtube #minecraftsurvival #horrorgaming #minecraft #epic #minecraft #cavedweller #themanfromthefog #fromthefog #herobrine #horror #horrorcraft #creepy #scary #mods #modpack #memes #epic #minecraft #minecrafthorror #minecraftmystery #minecraftmods #minecraft100days #cavedweller #minecraft #cavedweller #themanfromthefog #fromthefog #herobrine #horror #horrorcraft #creepy… Read More


    "JOINING DEADLIST SMP, EPIC SWORD ACTION! #viral" #minecraftVideo Information This video, titled ‘i joined this deadlist SMP Sword SMP #minecraft #viral’, was uploaded by FivemateYT on 2024-03-21 12:35:51. It has garnered 24 views and 2 likes. The duration of the video is 00:02:31 or 151 seconds. Read More

Minecraft Xbox – Halloween Texture Pack – Quick Build