Minecraft Yandere Family Adopts Block Buddies

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wait a second where am I right now oh my gosh T man who it’s TV man I’m so excited wa what in the heck what am I doing here with all these girls and where even am I right now uh hi TV man uh that’s a good question actually it’s a great question actually and I would like to know the answer what are you doing here I don’t know uh who even are you girls I have no idea where I am right now I didn’t even know you were real like skippity toilet like that’s a real thing uh what it is real I love skib toilet or yeah skib toilet right I’m such a huge fan I actually had a dream last night at skiy toilet that it like it opened up next to me it was like a mall kind of what the heck you girls are so weird are you serious right now yo I’m literally on a yacht with these girls and this is so soft hey uh can you come back I I would like to know a little more about you you’re you look very interesting you seem to have I’m TV man who even are you well I guess I’m one of your biggest fans you know I really love technology you look so intriguing can I um take a closer look at your HDMI cord yo get me away from these girls are you serious right now wear the skiy toilet characters like TV woman my girlfriend okay stop with the cat buddy you do not have a girlfriend especially looking like that bro are you serious right now who even are you weirdo anyway oh no I got to get away from these girls hey girls stop following me around oh I’m in this pool what is this oh since he’s a TV is he going to like fry or something good riddance I’m in this pool give me no T man don’t go in the water you’re electronic pool party oh I love to swim this is really fun e I’m having a pool party with girls e get me out of here oh my goodness are you idiots trying to get electrocuted he’s a TV well he’s not going to Short Circuit or anything he doesn’t have any loose wires he’s probably like the latest model or something like that you girls are so weird are you serious right now how do I get out of here oh no I hate being the only skippity toilet character here this is so weird I can be a skippity toilet character if you want no you can’t you’re never going to be TV woman you’re never going to compare to her oh I could be a better than her well maybe if I do a couple of experiments maybe I could transer myself into a TV woman yo what in the sussy Baka you’re never going to be like TV woman you all are just weird girls I don’t even know who you are well they’re your biggest fans but I’m your biggest hater BR can you please like get off the boat but I can’t jump off this is a girls only trip okay I know it’s a girls only but I’m going to get like I’m going to die from the Sharks you have legs boohoo wamp wamp just do it or else I’m going to push you no don’t push him off he’s too handsome to die hey yo what in the sussy Box you want to be pushed off as well can you girls just leave me alone and let me be what’s a let me be what come on give me a kiss e get away from me stop it girl stop it oh no I need to hide or something okay I’m going to go in here and just hide behind one of these like pools yeah okay I’m hiding over here where are you going TV man stupid is he in the hot tub place I don’t see him at all maybe maybe get better eyes I don’t know maybe we could use some glasses bro these girls are actually so stupid good thing they can’t find me they’re so dumb well at least I attached a tracker on him now we can track him down yo what well it says he should be somewhere in this room um okay maybe he looks let’s see if there’s if these pools go any deeper maybe there’s like a hidden pathway or something can’t your tracker be a little bit more specific okay well at least I can make a Tracker wait uh let me see uh just a little okay it’s getting closer getting closer oh no no no uhoh oh I found him T man hey T man what are you running off to I’m back here I want you I need you I love you yo these girls are actually weird these girls are act hey hey hey yo hey yo get away from me wait wait wait T man I have a really good question which one of us do you like the best none of you you all girls are sus I’m not sus I could be a skippity toilet no you can’t you’ll never be TV woman you’re never going to be like her I don’t have to be a TV man I could be a TV uh I could be a speaker man or speaker woman how do you know who that is yeah you don’t know like I do I know all the things there’s there’s Titan TV man there’s title TV man there’s there’s speaker man there’s speaker woman there’s um yo how does she know my whole family are you serious right now you weirdo why you a stalker I have done some research and I’m a super big fan of skiy I just love it love it love it oh no are you serious right now oh my gosh can you shut up your voice is giving me a headache no one cares about Scooby-Doo toilet or whatever all I want is for that guy to get off the boat how about we throw you off the boat huh bro Try Me Try Me Maybe I will okay we want to go wait no we can’t fight we need to get TV man we got to capture him yo these girls are actually weird I need to find him I’ll make him my Pooky bear ew oh Gua you serious right now oh there’s a little dead in here I’m just going to hide in here perfect wait a second oh my gosh never say that again never shut up wait there’s literally a one block wait let’s break it oh wait a Heroes potions oh my good goodness I can get so many resources here and probably make my own base on this yacht so then I don’t have to like go near those stupid girls here we go BR there’s chickens uh why is there chicken noises does anyone hear that isn’t the food supposed to be like dead before we cook shut up shut up hey hey hey Shut I thought that was just one of you making clucking noises why would I make clucking noises I I can uh I can meow meow bro are you serious no you don’t have to do that it’s okay you don’t have to do that I go oh wait what in the heck where am I right now okay I’m really scared these are going to be unlucky but why not let’s just do it uh okay Hero’s potion perfect we got some of that um what’s going on in here uh okay let’s do that uh-oh okay uh let’s do oh I got so much stuff oh my gosh that is a fire hazard that could have killed us who set this here okay there we go oh I got pickaxes uhoh what is this found you I don’t know what is this my gosh oh you’re making us a house for us to live in you’re so romantic Oh no just give me a away for these girls I’m going do whatever it takes while I got to get to the top of here no no uh T man I wouldn’t do that if I were you that’s that’s really dangerous and what if we get close to a lightning storm or something like that and you just get electrocuted I don’t care I’m going to push him off get off no don’t hurt him no you do that you could have killed him I can’t feel my life merry man we’re all good oh no I just got to get away from these girls they’re so weird I’m just going to hide on top of here they won’t be able to get me up here oh no no no this is so weird T man don’t do it I feel there’s storm coming the forecast says that it’s going to uhoh wait there’s a storm here it’s fine though what’s going to happen there’s nothing that going to happen no you’re near something there could be lightning T man get down what do you mean there’s no lightning well there could be these electric rods might well these metal rods I mean might attract lightning I would get down if I were you okay but I don’t want to be near you girls I’d rather get struck by light actually no I wouldn’t that would hurt a lot okay yeah then get down okay I don’t want you to get hurt get down get down PS or else I’m going to grab you no what the heck e okay girls can girls do you have like another life boat I could just leave uh no why would we have a life boat ow ow ow ow what is that that was lightning TV man please get down no it literally wasn’t what are you talking about may my leg I can’t feel my leg ow ow ow can I kiss it to make it feel better I’ll give you a kiss that’s what I was going to do shut up I give better kisses I have soft nice lips your lips are crusty I use Aqua for who um well I use Vaseline and I have a lot of lip smackers I have a Hello Kitty Lip Smacker and he would love the taste of cherry on his lips e stop e you girls are gross we gross you’re the gross one you snuck onto a girl’s only yacht and now you’re not leaving you’re some kind of creep aren’t you I did not I did not bro are you serious right now I just spawned here what what do you mean am I a creep what are you talking about I know guys I know what guys like you want you only want one thing you just want a girlfriend and you’ll do anything you no no not you girls I literally have a girlfriend I’m literally taking you know TV woman she’s lit my girlfriend okay is anyone going to believe his dumb excuses don’t make me call catnap don’t make me call catnap don’t make me call um Jax oh wow I’m shaking in my boots what even is a Jax what’s a Jax sorry I’m I’m working on my latest experiment I’m working on taming animals so maybe I can like tame technology later on well uh according to my calculations the chances of you having a girlfriend or uh basically zero what are you talking about I literally have W RZ what do you mean I have the skibby Riz you know skibby RZ oh we could do a we could do like a light detector test to see if you actually have r or something no I don’t need to prove anything to you weird girls honestly I’m just going to get out of here how about you try to rise me up though just just just try just try e what in the sussy no just try just try you’re weird though why would you’re like the grossest one here honestly what wait I’m not gross I did it yeah that’s right you have crusty lips you use whatever you use like sand to like wash your lips you have such bad acne like no man would want to date you okay and you need to actually go home take a shower get plastic surgery I don’t care y shut up well that shut her up yeah I do not care about your opinion at all okay well I’m actually starting to like this TV guy not like that but like thank you for shutting her up she’s always yapping oh perfect all right can you guys go down there real quick there’s like I I have a special thing in there there’s something in there I’m not stupid there’s something down there yeah yeah go down go down go down Perfect all right byebye oh now I finally sound the get away from these stupid girls are you serious right now they’re literally so weird help me help help it’s cold oh wait what’s oh oh my gosh you are stupid get me away from these girls oh no they’re literally so weird I don’t know why they have a crush on me TV man out of everyone I’m just like a normal guy I don’t know why they’re weird yeah a normal guy you definitely don’t have like a TV for a head or anything uh wait wait why do I hear something what’s going on hello hello hello hi T man okay why were we all hiding in the wall we could have just used separate walls and plus that was a horrible sneak attack no one ask stupid bro are you serious right now you girls are actually weird like I can’t get over how weird you are just get away from me there’s nothing weird about us do you like my latest invention TV man I call it the rod no that one’s weird actually not hey hey get this leash off me hey girl stupid girl get this off me actually I’m not stupid I was gradu I graduated top my class I graduate don’t care but well you will care cuz then I’ll make you mind whether I have to do like a potion or you have to rewire your brain I’ll do anything yo yo hey yo give me a kiss yo hey hey she still throwing love potions at me E I think I need to call my actual girlfriend TV woman here cuz she’s literally my girlfriend I smell cap oh yeah call her up let’s see her she’s not real do it no but she’s going to get so mad that I’m here she’s going to think I’m cheating on her so why would I go here and like tell her I’m here you probably are cheating on her you creep I’m literally not cheating on her what are you talking about uh yeah you are creep you’re on an all girls yacht that got to say something about you okay I did not want to be here someone spawned me here I just spawned here and teleported what are you talking about mhm mhm likely story likely story hey uh I baked you a cookie do you want one it’s it’s chocolate chip double chocolate chip it’s triple chocolate chip I even put like McDonald’s grease on it to make it extra tasty all right well I don’t have any cookies or any treats I just have love E bro what is that’s cringe oh man yeah that’s cringe TV woman never treats me like this hey yo wait yo what is wait she doesn’t love you anyway um yeah no she does but like you know not in that way like not in the way where like they’re obsessive like it’s weird like you girls are not like cute especially you excuse me I don’t need your opinion I don’t need a man’s validation what in the sussy Bak is this and what gives you what gives you the right to comment on a woman’s appearance looking okay I did not want to be here can you please let me leave I know you have a safety boat can I just use your safety boat to leave what we don’t have a safety boat I know this place like the back of my hand I would know if we had a safety boat okay just finishing the the the ladi’s touches okay yo what even wait what even is this I’m so confused ah where am I what is going on oh oh this is perfect looks like we caught him looks like I CAU him actually I’m the brains of this operation oh my God shut up nerd Emoji yeah I am a nerd emoji and I’m proud of it okay e stop E I don’t like this get me out of here come on the pink one come on pink one Miss Pink oh oh oh you want to give me a oh you’re giving me a nickname we’re in a nickname basis now okay no no no no just just I’m going to call you no don’t call me anything oh miss girl okay I I’ll work with Miss girl okay I’ll call you um uh TV man you know my name what so um Chief man what do you like to do for fun do you like to attack the skibby toilets and save your town how do you even know that that that’s what I like to do for fun you’re so weird stop talking to him I want to talk to him shut up you don’t know anything about skibby toilet you’re probably a fake fan fake fan fake like your Gucci Bell fagas okay I don’t have a Gucci Bell though what are you talking about bro are you serious right now what are you guys even talking about I have no idea I didn’t bring it up she wears off brand Gucci no I don’t I real Supreme bro that is disturbing yo why are there lasers oh my sussy V get me out of here I’m almost ready for the experiment a this is going to be so good e experiment what are you talking about oh yeah she’s like a nerd and stuff so she like does random things uh uh most of her experiments don’t fail so you should be fine the chances of you blowing up are probably like really small I guess I don’t know any numbers but good luck bro are you serious right now I don’t want to do that what do you what why are you on the computer uh well I got to insert the programming software and make sure everything’s ready okay let’s see let me just type this in let me do this command make sure everything’s running smoothly I don’t want my engines to overheat okay everything should be good okay uh you guys stand back this is this could get messy so just stand behind me okay bro are you serious right now wait I don’t want to do this why are you making me go through this are you serious right now come on girl uh well I kind of have to know what your motives are you know okay let’s I have no motives I want to leave I already have a girlfriend TV woman this is sh sh hush now hush now okay we can do this the easy way or the hard way okay can I just do it the way where I want to leave can I just leave H let me use my pickaxe and get out of here M nuh-uh okay let’s start with the first question did you sneak on this boat or were you spawned here h i I snuck on I snuck wait no I did wait wait what no I didn’t why did I say that no I didn’t did someone like poison my okay I don’t know what’s going on I definitely I I did not uh I I snuck on this boat I mean I meant I I um I got spawned here by someone let’s see if you’re right you you poisoned me with something you made me say something else what no you didn’t what are you talking about I I I wouldn’t do that I I don’t even know how potions work I don’t even speak English hey look a chicken oh where oh chicken hi all right now she shut up okay well I’m here too and I can talk to you look there’s a chicken over there I’m not going to be fooled by that I don’t care about chickens I only care about TV man e oh my I can knock her out if you want just just ow I don’t want any of these girls here I lit have a girlfriend like oh my gosh byebye chicken oh what were we doing okay I need you guys to step back this could get dangerous and I don’t want you to get radiation poisoning bro are you serious right now I don’t want to get radiation poison you creepo and you weirdo you’ll be fine you’re a TV you should be immune to it okay anyhoo next question which one of us is the prettiest bro are you serious right now me no that’s obviously me oh T man who do you the prettiest one here hey stop throwing stuff at me uh stop it I don’t like any of you girls here I I mean um the uh stop stop throwing stuff at me please hey hey answer the question the most pretty one is the this one I mean um it’s it’s the no hey she’s they’re throwing potions at me you’re the pretty I mean you are no one I have a girlfriend okay yeah he is coping hard he is coping hard okay what’s next with him this lie detector test is really not working or is you just suck at it so um can we just like toss him overboard now no no no let me leave let me leave please please I’ll do anything wait wait oh you’ll do anything yeah I’ll do anything to leave ah wait what wait what just happened where where did I go oh that’s not good what where’ he go why did you leave Escape wait who got me out someone just saved me I don’t know who did that but let’s go come on no no no no T man no please it was me I was the one who saved you now let’s run away together uh yeah I definitely saved you oh my goody goodness thank you but I got to go I I can’t be near you girls anymore you girls are weird okay here we go uh oak wood let’s do that close it up there we go oh my goodness let us out let us out come on um where do I go where do I go uh oh no come on come on uh where do I go wait a second it’s night time too this is bad that might that means that maybe monsters are going to spawn on here oh no oh no are you serious right now where do I go uh I can’t jump off cuz there’s literally sharks and there’s a boat over there but it looks like a pirate ship there might be Pirates there oh there’s a swamp too I don’t think I can make it there without getting bitten by a shark I need to make like a boat or something where is that stupid TV man I want him gone now I just want to enjoy a nice time with my friends we’re not friends I just wanted to no not you I’m talking about the chickens bro I was going to like roast you and then eat you what it was a joke gosh chill you’re not funny oh my Susy Baka are you serious right now okay come on come on come on I got to go this way I’m going to stalk on these girls to see what they’re doing and if they’re talking about me oh wait I’m going to going to make a yummy dinner for for uh what’s his name T man man my brain hurts I hit my head too many times okay let’s see I’ll he’ll like this um is she mindlessly looking at me or am I Am I Dreaming or tripping right now I I I swear I saw him maybe I’m just elucd oh hi get off the table silly chicken chickens aren’t supposed to be on the table they’re supposed to be on the seat yo there’s Lally a zombie There’s a Zombie oh no zom ow ow oh no no I’m really low on health I’m really low on health oh no no no wait what’s all this yell wait TV man zombies oh no it’s just a couple zombies guys it’s not that bad TV man protect me oh no they are you serious so scared TV man and I set together a lovely Feast for you where’d he go can I have some uh no you already eat enough as it is okay you should lose some weight yo what do you mean by that what I mean she means your fat big back bro are you serious right now I’m not I don’t know what I have skinnier arms that all of you okay there’s a couple things that aren’t skinni like what huh well enough arguing about that he you guys don’t know anything about uh never mind forget forget I said anything I I definitely don’t know anything about the boat or anything I yeah I’m just what about this boat huh what is you talking about uh uh these cookies are absolutely delicious what’s in them oh uh I put like a hamburger grease um pickled frogs toes e and onions I think I’m going to be sick now I uh if you’ll excuse me I’m going to go throw up over the board overboard well I’m going to go capture TV man if I’m going to love him forever and we’re going to go live on an island somewhere bro are you serious right now no I’m going to love him forever I love my cooking my cooking is the best I’m going to find him and toss him overboard that way he can get eaten alive by the Sharks and uh I’m going to uh sit here and just chill yeah and not think about plans all right girls can we all please okay I know you girls are looking for me I’m just going to say this right now can we all just be friends can we please be friends oh sure we could be more than friends yeah yo stop thring love potions that be weirdo I don’t think those potions are working well I don’t know how to make potions that well I’m not the smart one I’m barely past Middle School yeah we know we can tell bro hey hey I’m stuck in the water hey hey I want to get out oh someone push his head under maybe we can drown him what just kidding that’s that’s too nice of him don’t do that that’s not nice that’s too nice yeah he needs like a more painful agonizing D are you serious ring meow okay no one cares about your emo self okay get off get off I thought you girls all work together think all were friends why do you have to fight all the time this is a girls only yacht right so why can’t you just let me out nicely you think girls are nice you obviously haven’t hung out with girls girls are toxic disgusting human beings but girls are the best I love girls not like that I love boys but girls are pretty cool I’m I’m digging myself a deeper hole uh what are you saying right now yourself weird bro hey yo no I’m not I’m not zesty I I like you and you’re a big strong man bro all right you know what I’m getting out of here I’m just going to hide somewhere so they’ll never find me hopefully I didn’t say that too loud oh we’re playing hide and seek okay everyone get your weapons first one who finds them gets to do what they want wow I’m really excited to do what I want with TV man yeah you guys are not doing anything with me all you guys can do is just leave me alone oh yeah I’ll leave you alone I’ll leave you alone with sharks that way they you alive I’m just going to hide over here I have to get away from these girls oh no if it takes all night to stay here I’m just going to stay here and do nothing uhoh I see a girl over there uhoh I see another one TV Man TV man where are you I just want to give you a big old kiss on the lips wait does he even have lips good thing this spot is so good but the girls are literally all here and she literally has a gun what why do you have a gun uh always stay strapped I guess what I think that gun is a little too much like I just have this knif okay what kind of yandere has a knife only the basic ones bro they’re literally trying to find me good thing this is the best hiding spot in the world cuz they can’t see through this cuz they too stupid to basic isn’t bad basic could be very lovable okay yeah sure all right you know what I’m just going to sleep in here I’m going to close this and I’m just going to go to sleep in here why not I don’t really want to be with these girls anymore I’m just going to wait till the morning and then I’m going to find a way to get out of here all right good night wait a second uh where am I what happened where’s all my stuff uh wait a hi poy rise and shine wakey wakey eggs B wait how did you girls find me I went to sleep and why did I wake up here one of us still your hiding spot wasn’t that good shut up I was the one who still had a tracker on him okay wait a Tracker what are you talking about take it off nuh I don’t want to anyhoo uh I got you some breakfast I thought you might want something to eat so we have we have some we have uh apple or cranberry juice ew I don’t like that has vegetables in it uh we have some salmon bro are you serious right now I don’t like salmon it gives me salmonella isn’t that salmonella the same thing no that’s a chicken thing e then should it be called chicken Ella like no that’s not it get out of here me cry I’m crying wa wait uh we have bacon this is bacon y it’s rotten FL girls let me out right now all right evil on let me out a weird one the Brown oh well sure I’ll let you out into lava here just uh wait wait wa what what stop stop stop no stop we moving the ground there’s lava yes that’s the point I’m trying to kill him hey yo holy sa no watch out no TV Man TV man watch out no oopsie get me out of here oh are you serious come on come where I go I go I didn’t mean it come on go here I almost had him and had to ruin it get him get him wait a second where am I right now what what is this this isn’t good this isn’t good he found the place he found the place he found it hey oh wait what is this what in the Susy Baka where am I right now uh somewhere you’re not supposed to be so get out please oh no no no they’re chasing me with weapons are you serious right now hey where do I go okay this maze is really confusing I don’t know where I’m going come on wait I have to give you your food you need to grow big and strong ow ow ow oh gouache are you serious right now I’m going to get you TV man oh no no no get away from me you weird girls oh no how do I get over to here how I bring a weapon oh no no no no no no no come on come on oh no are you serious right now who built this maze this is impossible not me I can’t build I only know how to c yeah this is so hard I don’t know how to get back to you oh no are you serious right now come on come on come on I’m going to go this way okay perfect uh ow okay wrong way here come here ow ow they have weapons and they’re trying to kill me now get back here oh no oh no are you serious right now come on come on I’m going to hide over here and Juke them out T man are they really guys we passed him how oh hi T man oh no oh goash I got to go this way come on ow ow the line for TV wait a second where am I right now what in the yo what is this oh no he’s oh no oh no oh no he’s no this is bad this is really really bad hi uh you weren’t supposed to see this um what even is this uh yeah that’s a good question what is this how is all of this in a boat um I’m not sure definitely didn’t build it or anything but uh T man uh you don’t want to go here don’t go to the end of it you might fall in let’s just go back no I’m going back to the end of this I need to see what’s down here come on oh there’s really a chest too ow ow ow ow I’m in the lava ow somebody save him I’m fine I’m not a baby oh my good goodness why are you doing this did you set all this up blue girl no what are you talking about uh come on I have a yummy potion for you to try it’s definitely like not like a mind control potion or anything come on just come back here wait a sec second a vehicle crate speed boats wait what speedboat come on come on I got all the speed Bo oh I threw in lava okay come on come on come on hey yo get away get away no no come back come back oh no are you serious right now come on catch him oh oh no what how did I miss come on come on oh I’m so good at parkour I’m so good to the parkour now if I just put on one of these boat I can leave ow ow ow ow good I hope you burn ow oh this B I’m so good at the parkour though I just got out of that mess oh G yo girls get away from me goated at dodging bullets didn’t think so oh no come on make a left I just got to go I got I got to outrun these girls these girls are trash though guys wait for me I’m still at the lava parkour thing don’t care no I’m good oh no are you serious ow ow she’s shooting through the stuff oh no come on let’s go this way W these are some good shortcuts come come on oh my yo what in the sussy Baka we passed him why is this evil girl trying to kill me bro like chill uh cuz you’re annoying come here he’s not annoying he’s beautiful hi ew that’s nasty oh no no no come on I got to get up to the surface I got to get away from these girls oh no are you serious right now okay come on uh I got to use this okay here we go I just got a speed boat come on come on come on I don’t have fuel uh that’s awkward stupid yeah that is awkward you didn’t think Sharkies can I can I pet them can IET no no I got to go back up to the surface I got to get back I have a few more boats so I need to find gasoline somewhere here come on here we go oh my good go okay uh I got to go back up here and find gas somewhere TV bed I have a present for you wait what is it it’s a cookie uh bro are you serious right now these girls are actually after me right now I the last thing I want is a cookie uh are you sure it might give you energy to find what you’re looking for no shut up but um wait do you think I’m uh do you like me better than the other girls cuz you know I’m nicer honestly yeah a little bit but you’re still annoying no he doesn’t what Yi that’s all I need to hear no are you serious okay I don’t like any of you and I definitely don’t like that there’s still a boy on our boat but I guess te man beats the blue one cuz she’s weird she does all these weird science experiments and she doesn’t tell what they are she acts creepy all the time she often sneaks off speaking of which where is she probably making another lava pit inside this boat Where’s the gas I need the gas right now oh no where do I go where do I go okay hopefully it’s wait what is this in here oh my yo what is this place oh uh you weren’t supposed to see that hold on stupid horse okay there we go no see man get back here okay come on what is all wait oh my wait what is all all this stuff wow this is pretty goated uh it’s um they special yummy drinks no no you can’t be here you can’t get this no the don’t take the gasoline please they’re not supposed to be here you need to get out of here right now or else I’m going to explain the whole thing please wait what yo little girl what have you even been doing this whole time why do you have a horse and why are you making all these traps and why is there lava and what are you doing well I can’t really get the gasoline cuz I set everything up so everything should be under controls I mean wait what uh do you like my horse his name is oatmeal I can’t believe you set this all up so you’re the one who spawned in here so all that lie detector all that nonsense was just complete false complete it was fake yo what in the heck will shoot your horse oh my yo wow no my horse why would you do that you know what that’s it that’s it I’m going to blow up this entire boat what yo I was trying to get TV man away so he wouldn’t be here during the EXP ion but now I think I have to deal with you guys first wait you’re going to blow us up yeah this is like the Titanic 2.0 oh come on now what’s the Titanic oh no no no get me out of here what do I do uh this is a bit of a problem wait where where’s that oh uh White in the sussy bodet ew ew there’s all these weird Critters oh no I think we’re going have to work together oh I love Critters oh those are not Critters those are zombies wait so the blue girl has always been like trying to do stuff stuff like this like what is wrong with her like I thought you girls were the weird ones I mean you all are but ouch uh well I’m I’m somewhat normal I guess um the other two they just are boy obsessed and her I don’t know what her motive is she often does I don’t know she’s just weird bro are you serious right now she’s the one who’s making all Li detector tests and being all weird but oh no there’s all these monsters I might die here good I mean okay well maybe you shouldn’t die here maybe wait till we can take the blue girl down then you can die I guess hey you may not like it but we need all the help we can get to get out of here I know I know power of friendship type talk and what whatnot okay I get it get I’m not friends with any of you yeah we’re best friends yo you said you you liked me better than them I was like the least annoying uh no I’m the best friend oh my yo there’s so many monsters are you serious right now how are we going to fight all these oh my gosh they’re spiders I hate spiders oh my gosh woman up grab a gun dud this is the American way come on come on come on oh no are you serious right now I don’t have a gun where do I get a gun come on we need this gasoline it’s in here it’s literally all in here so we can leave we just need to fight all these monsters and kill them uh T man after we take down the blue girl will you go out me please no I really won’t that’s really s help help help team man help the spider’s chasing me there’s one spider on you and there’s thousands of spiders on me are you serious right now but the spider is Icky I I don’t like spiders fine fine I’ll kill it there you go there’s so many of them they just keep coming oh no are you serious right now how are we going to fight all these monsters I don’t think we wait a sec wait there’s a Lucky Sword right here oh my sus oh oh oh oh my God okay perfect uh as long as I can use this sword it might be able to break through that my gosh you broke a hole in the whole boat it’s fine it’s fine it’s fine if I’m able to break a hole through here we could get the gasoline going to go down oh come on TNT oh my gosh oh g wow you’re so strong and brave ouch wait we can get up we can go up we can ah no what we need oh it’s open it’s open I used my Lucky Sword it worked okay perfect I said some gas here we go gasoline now I can leave I’m getting out here y sorry girls I’m out of here oh my oh my good goodness okay here we go we got the boat right here where do I put it in all right there oh bro okay all right come on come on I need more gas I need more gas teammate help help oh my goody goodness come on I’m filling it up all right there we go perfect I have enough to get out of here come on I got to go oh bro the boat lady exploded wait where are you going don’t leave us I’m getting away from you we to go girls oh no are you serious right now I got to go to land we hit an ice B oh uh no we no we didn’t the boat just exploded stupid oh my good yo these girls are so weird oh finally I’m at land I’m going to drown Goodbye cruel world I’m going to miss you team man maybe one day I’ll see you in my dreams bro are you serious right now thank goodness I’m away from those weird girls now I’m on this island all by myself oh wait a second where am I right now and ow I think I broke my arm yo speaker man oh my gosh T man you’re awake this is this is amazing news you had a pretty bad accident I’m so glad you’re awake are you okay my love is are you leg okay looks really swollen oh my leg but what do you mean my love who are you no speaker man bro your leg’s broken are you serious right now yeah I can feel that dude what’s going on well you guys were in a serious car accident so we’re making sure you recuperate here oh and a team man I’m Your Personal Nurse yo what in the heck why’ you say it like that and speaker man I’m Your Personal Nurse e can I get a different one doc uh I can be both of your nurses I’m actually certified I’m actually probably the best fix my arm I literally broke my arm can you fix my arm please doctor dude I broke my arm in the car accident well I can’t I can’t fix your arm completely but I can I can help you this will help you recuperate oh should I get some meds doctor to like you know reduce the pain uh go get some anesthesia actually we might have to do surgery on TV man’s arm oh wait can I can I quickly grab a love potion I just want to test something out Y what what okay fine but don’t not yet they still recuperating wait yo speak speak you yeah I’m not deaf dude what’s going on in this hospital what do you mean love potion the nurses are a bit uh very very helpful toward our patients they take real good care you you guys are in good hands I swear I’ll make you feel so much better speaker man yo she literally is holding a knife I have my doubts about that she’s literally holding a knife bro whoa watch where you’re pointing that thing what no she’s not holding anything you guys are just I think you guys are still after you guys just got out of a car crash I think you guys are going to be seeing things that aren’t there dude we wouldn’t see the same thing actually true no you guys are a little woozy nothing yo she just had a gun do you saw that yes there are no guns allowed in the hospital she couldn’t have been holding a gun that’s a safety hazard you guys you guys really need some rest here doc I have the gas thank you very much I’ll go turn this into a love potion and we’ll be able to have them recuperate properly whoa whoa hey hey hey what no we need them to be okay you two take care of the patient bro let’s just get out of here ow my arm my arm ow barely walk my way get back in bed what’s wrong no no no we’re we’re out of here wait why is there a cage at the end of this hospital are you serious right now a doc well the hospital’s currently Rogue the patient’s gone Rogue you can’t be walking around speaker man you have to rest I don’t want to rest anywhere near you freaks do you want your arm to feel better or not do you want to have your bone grow a weird way so you can’t use your arm probably again I think not e stop it are you serious or not just let me out e e love potions oh no no no are you serious right now Sho Sho back to your beds back guys we need to get them back into bed they’re clearly not feeling well and they seem to be loopy after the car after the car crash okay doc here a speaker man sit in this wheelchair you can’t walk oh well I’ll take the wheelchair I guess this thing is rad bro I want a wheelchair what in the sauce yeah but uh break your leg then oh no don’t actually break your leg uh I can get you something else uh we don’t have a wheelchair cuz you kind of broke your arm but uh do you want like McDonald’s cookies anything any food no you’re going to poison me with something weirdo but oh no I’m just going to go back to my bed a speaker bed we need to figure out a way to get out of here McDonald’s food is already going to poison you it’s not going to be me with a diet you’re on you might die an early death of like heart attack but I’m here to take care of you and if you ever want like a loving wife or whatever I could you know make you healthy meals every day yo what speaker man did you hear that yeah man these nurses are really weird what do you mean I got you a wheelchair you should love me and respect me and want me for whatever bro what in the sus are you serious right now you’re doing it right now what okay guys time for some yummy meal he got to get some stew in here yo ew what in the sus I don’t like mushrooms what gross but they’re good for you I don’t even think this is mushrooms this smells weird come on eat it speaker man eat it you smell weird Okay stop harassing the patients I’ve got some actual food for them here’s some steak wait what was that then what what do you mean what the other stuff was did it did they gave you something yeah they gave us this weird like mystery soup wait you guys weren’t supposed to give them this yet don’t poison them yet sorry I get a little Hasty you’re not talking loud at all doctor you’re you’re an evil doctor I think yo speaker man are we like are we like tripping right now or what you guys are still loopy dude no these people are crazy no no you guys the world will seem weird because you just you guys just got out of a car accident I told you guys you guys are probably loopy don’t believe everything they have brain damage I broke my leg didn’t hit my head it’s the concussion no my head feels fine well sometimes when you have a concussion you don’t really notice it till later sometimes the effects don’t take you know what speaker man maybe we are tripping right now to be honest dude we’re both tripping and seeing the same things no way man it happens all the time you are both tripping no it doesn’t yeah yes it does are you in the medical field you have no right to talk I know more than you I passed medical school yeah we are professionals I doubt that excuse me yo speaker man we just need to find a way to get out of here yo these girls are crazy bro and that stupid doctor over there what a psychopath so uh TV man uh I was wondering I’m actually a really big fan of you so what yo you know what’s good to toilet of course I watch the new videos every single day I’m all cut off you would yo ew and you’re literally my nurse what a weirdo I I mean I broke my arm can you help me with that why you trying to get an autograph oh it’s just an autograph you can use your other hand to write it or you can like you grab the pen with your toes I broke my arm you could write with your toes please just sign the marriage paper what yo uhuh uh yo speaker man bro please just give me an autograph you have issues at least my leg isn’t broken you can fix that if you want or I can make it worse why would you talk to her like that you can’t talk to your nurses like that watch me what are you going to do I can hurt you a lot more I would watch your tone if you wa what you’re going to be in this hospital bed for a long time yo e e are you serious right now you’re actually weird your other leg to be broken speaker man bro brush she’s pointing a gun at you dude oh my okay n you’re don’t do that what is wrong with me speak speak we actually have to get out of here bro now we have to get out of here now dude how it’s on lockdown remember yeah but there’s got to be a way to get out of here come on oh hey doctor you just run what you guys doing bed we’re going to uh we’re going to the store because we have to go get some stuff so we’re going to go no no our our doctor staff will get it for you whatever it may be okay listen we’re fine yeah what do you want TV man we’re fine we don’t need we don’t need to go anywhere we’re totally okay we don’t need um whatever you guys you’re talking about with the fixing us you know I think my arm is fine even though it’s a little broken we’ll go to a different hospital right speaker man yeah I think that’s a good idea this is the only hospital within like 500 miles it will take you a while to get to another hospital we’ll pay for the flight we’ll pay for the flight it’s fine right speak we we’ll pay for yeah anywhere is better than here there’s no airports you can’t go anywhere I think these two patients may be clinically insane put them back in their beds hey hey what are you doing stop stop hey what what is this guy doing you’re going back to bed no no no stop come on we might have to trink them a little bit maybe we might have to get some laughing gas they’re a bit resistant hey knock them out are you serious right now oh bro all right fine oh my good goodness y speaker man we’re actually cooked bro dude what are we going to do these people are insane we got to get away out of here I don’t know how we’re going to get out of this to be honest we got to figure this out though okay you guys will not be leaving here hey hey let me out no doctor come on doctor come on don’t do this you’re locking us up you guys need serious medical attention you guys clearly need some medication right now you guys are going ins bro are you serious right now what is your problem the only insane ones here are you guys facts excuse me we’re just doing bad what is it um I think it’s uh is it time yet is it time fine we can move forward with the schedule real quick you guys stay right here we’re going to go get some medical supplies yipp what yo uh speaker man speaker man what do we do yipp no yipp is my thing dude we got to figure out a way out of this cage and then find a way out of here man dude speaker man is it just me or did those nurses have a crush on us too isn’t that so sus dude it’s not just you it’s obvious they’re clearly madly in love with us BR are you serious right now that’s so weird that is actually weird bro then they’re like really weird like they literally the girl wanted me to sign a marriage paper isn’t that crazy yeah they’re completely insane man we got to get out of here okay we have the where we want them make sure to give them these okay am I oh sorry I took yours my bad thank you you should make them feel the way you want them the feel just make sure you don’t give them too much though okay so like uh 60 Mig should be a good enough dose make it 40 and then slowly move up yo speaker man they’re talking about something with Doses and love potions bro got find a way out of here we can’t take that stuff hey you too uh-oh so uh it’s time to take your medicine so no no no no no not that what what is it called can you tell me what it’s called before throwing it at me um what in the Saucy Baka yo speaker man speaker man I think I think it’s time to go okay uh hey Doc open up D medic it’s good for you medical emergency I’m actually feeling ill I’m going to throw up I’m going to throw I’m going to throw up I’m going to throw up it’s probably from all those McDonald’s you’ve been eating how do you know I like ow ow what did she throw at me e speaker man take a bit of this what is that come on Doc can I just give him a little more I wouldn’t recommend it but if they if they seem all right then a little bit more should no she’s throwing love potions at me fast enough we got to throw more go before we literally love them dude it’s oh no no come on come on wait a little all right let’s go this way hey don’t walk without your wheelchair oh speaker what is this I don’t know just go up dude I think that potion that gave me like made my leg feel better actually really it’s going to make you feel a lot better in different ways oh no are you serious right now wait speaker man I think that potion makes me love them I’m going to go get security you guys make sure they don’t get away speak B we got to go come on I have taken why is there just in the hospital we’re supposed to do more good than harm and you’re not letting us do good ew get away from me she’s throwing a love poaches at me again are you serious right now okay man come back here dude there’s a door over here but we need like a lever or something wait what are you talking about are you serious right now a lever wait we need a lever to get in are you serious right now speaker man how are we going to get that I don’t know man maybe it’s at the other end of the maze bro these girls are stupid oh she has a weapon I see you oh she has a gun okay break through break through break hey where are you going oh there you are hey come back here you’re not allowed to leave oh no they’re following us these weird nurses oh gosh are you serious right now go speaker man over here man there’s a chest at the end wait really there’s a chest over here come on we got to go oh oh she’s right there come back here speaker man finally you’re where I want you speaker man here I take more of this potion speaker man speaker man speaker man grab the lever okay I’ll grab I’ll grab it just run just run just run I’ll grab it no no T man you shouldn’t be walking this fast get ready I’m going to gra get ready to run I need to run run run run run go escaped again okay okay go this way make a left make a right oh no no no uh we go this way it was the collectivity dude you went the wrong way no I didn’t I went the right bro come back here uhoh speaker man how do I get out of this cave oh no no no bro what are you doing this way uh I can’t find the way out oh come on okay let’s go this way come on here we go hey hey hey let me out hey we caught a TV man speaker man speaker man I have the key I can’t get over there just break through man I’ll distract them uh okay okay okay I’ll break through I’ll break oh she’s a weapon um I don’t know if I should break through back up TV man you’re not going anywhere what up with you nurses you don’t even want to help us but what what about me what about me get him I’m trying to hit him with the potions oh look get speaker man guys get speaker man look at me get speaker man Speedman come back here oh no no no uhoh hey hey who is that this is security get back here hey hey hey hey hey get away wait oh no no no how did TV man Escape come on come on security is here watch out he’s a weapon dude over here wait wait where where where where oh here we go okay grab this lever open up boom okay there we go level one level one key card I don’t know what that means but watch out there’s lit security guards here I think that’ll get us through the doors let’s go unhand that key card oh no no no no no come on come on we got the key card we got to go now come back you can’t escape you’re supposed to be resting bro ow ow D put it in here okay okay okay come here you two there we go perfect okay let’s go okay let’s climb up we’re locked out drink it I’m going to go ask the head chief for a security card oh no oh we should have grabbed our security cards we should always have them on us yo speaker man bro these girls are crazy well I didn’t think they were going to go upstairs either I noticed man we got to find a way out of here like what’s in these rooms I got no idea dude but this is really scary dude I don’t want to be here anymore me neither man wait speaker man like those girls I don’t think they actually wanted to cure us I think they literally wanted to like love us I think they have a crush on us bro you just realized that are you serious right now dude that’s so sus though and weird like are you serious yeah I know man but we got to figure out a way out of here otherwise it’s going to happen wait really are we are we cooked if if they get catch us obviously man we got to get out of here we got to keep going up well we weren’t hallucinating right like they actually were like that yes bro are you stupid bro I don’t know dude it’s kind of hard to tell I’m back I got the key card uhoh finally okay I need to catch my breath I’m not used to running this much all right speaker man what are we doing here I think we just got to keep going up maybe we have to hide maybe we there’s no way to go up speaker man well what do you mean there’s right here oh no they’re right there they’re right there right there I hear you you follow speaker man oh no no no no no no okay I’m going to hide in here I’m going to hide in here okay I don’t want to let them Escape oh no wait wait speaker man where are you dude I literally told you to go up what are you doing uh why are you pointing a gun at me no I’m going to guard this location look around for TV man we can’t let him Escape don’t let him sck around okay bro she’s stupid I wish I put my glasses on today I didn’t know I was going to play hideand-seek oh no speaker man I have to play hide-and-seek with these girls are all here and the security guard is guarding that I don’t know how I’m going to get out of here me neither man the other one trapped me up here you got to help I locked the third floor you’re not going anywhere oh no wait I have a plan it usually works Marco shut up no she found me one let say that are you serious right now okay I got to go I got to go I’m going to hide behind this chair I have no time for snoby patients like you you need to get back in bed and get rest oh my yo ew speak we got to go oh TV man you have to be my boyfriend my patient yo ew speaker man open it please dude I can’t this psycho trapped me up here you got to find a way in oh no no no no I got to go I got to go this way you’re mine speaker man no I ain’t there’s got to be a l security guy can you like tranquilize them with your bullets or something please don’t kill fine let me switch out my ammunition come on there’s got to be something maybe buttons here maybe something come on there’s nothing oh no I have caught a TV man oh no oh are you in here no I meant yeah I mean I meant I’m not talking I’m not doing anything oh I remember this room man I miss solve those patients too bad they passed away bro Oh no I got to find a lever oh wait I could just grab Trav a lever from this thing right here perfect okay there we go hey no breaking property shut up oh my yo come on I got to go this way oh no you weird nurse hurry tranquilizing oh no no no no come on open open there we go perfect okay it’s open now perfect hey what how’d you get in here come on speaker man where do we go TR him hurry there’s all this stuff here let’s just grab this come on grab all this stuff maybe maybe we protect ourselves this the EXP this is the experimentation Room everybody back out back downstairs uhoh Cod red Cod red wait what let’s get out quick I don’t think we’re supposed to be here I have a bad feeling about this I hope they survive wait what uh did the door just close behind us hey yeah it’s reinforced too I can’t even open it oh no speak we cooked I mean we have the weapons and stuff we should be fine for whatever comes bro uh what in the heck there’s literally these zombies everywhere what is happening right now speaker man I think these are the dead patients man they like experimented on them or something are you serious right now oh my goody goodness yo these these these patients are crazy bro wait uh ew what is that they experimented on pigs too bro these girls are crazy wait are we just experiment speaker is that why we’re here I sure hope not man we don’t want to end up like these guys yeah that’s crazy oh well we lost a lot of patients to the experiment room so hopefully they won’t be the the next victim speaker man better not get damaged I wanton him in one piece yo ew oh one piece it’s real I love that what are they talking about I don’t know but it’s really sus I think they have a crush on you speaker man they have a crush on me too the one girl does a weird one I can’t wait for him to be my boyfriend I’m going to be wire talking about I’m going to program him to make him all mine I love no one else speak you hear this I am but I really wish I wasn’t all right we got to fight the rest of these mobs here or whatever these things are these weird like patients come on ow ow ow wait dude the door’s open wait the door is open what do you mean it is open oh my gosh let’s go come on come on I got to get through these wave of these weird monsters though oh no no no come on come on come on uh wait dude there’s a chest in here there is aest chest what in the heck maybe if we kill all the experiments it’ll open wait you’re right and maybe the chest could get us out of here right yeah hopefully there’s another key card in there oh dude that would be so goated bro maybe all these challenges can get us out of here maybe this is the only way you can get out I would have rather went through the front door to be honest yeah to be honest but I don’t think it’s open it was it was blocked off at the reinforced where are the patients are they on the contamination floor uh uh they are on the experiment floor hopefully alive oh no there’s no way that they’re going to live this as long as they don’t make it out of here everything here will be kept a secret what did they talk I think those were the last ones okay oh my good goodness it’s literally open we got the level two key card oh my yo wait that’s so goed all right we can get out of this floor let’s go come on come on come on uh wait we can go here come on open up there we go perfect here we go come on they’re getting out of here let’s go get them oh no where do we go next what in the Saucy Baka is this look I’m running what are these things what are they doing here speaker man let’s just explore this floor let’s go this way come on yeah what is in here uh yeah I don’t know what’s here but let’s just keep looking uh here we go let’s go this anything in these likees I don’t know should we go check out the crates maybe oh oh oh speaker man I saw someone there they are nures come up oh no they the door to get to the next level oh no speaker man oh no uh oh no no they’re throwing potions wait a second where am I right now uh speaker w wow well here’s the patient you didn’t want to listen the first time so I guess you left us no choice we’re going to have to keep you here forever and ever um what let’s not do that speaker man I did not break your legs for you to run away what you broke my leg uh what who said that you’re the one that did it what seems like everything’s under the control I’m going to go get the main doctor thank you wait what is going on right now wait wait she broke your leg I guess so we weren’t even in an accident were we maybe it w com you weren’t yo what in the saly Baka but one thing is for sah wait I don’t remember speak man right I just woke up here let’s let’s uh Let’s ignore that for um a little bit so don’t ever try running away again oh my yo okay uh I’m quite surprised you guys were able to make it through the contamination floor that was hi quite impressive do have to say hello I’m back but we need to make sure you guys don’t escape this place alive so that means the only chance of survival is stay here for as long as we want speaker man dude how we how are we going to get out of here I think n man we can’t give up we’ll find a way enough of your scheming I don’t think we will dude up you’re not going anywhere for life it’s useless well yeah we’re not well or until you die but then we could probably like resurrect you or something like that e this is like an experiment room oh my yo I want to get out of here all right let’s just break through it’s fine no the experiment room was downstairs what actually speaking of experiments I currently have an experiment right in my hand um experiment radioactive throw that at me we never we hardly ever get skid creatures I have a sword I have a sword SK I want to see hyped up on radioactive juice I hardly ever get to experiment with skibby creatures so let’s see what this radioactive material does to you oh no oh no yo wait wait what’s going on what the heck what happened to me oh my yo speaker man you’re literally so tiny bro what is going on oh you’re so cute I’m going to have to jot this down in my notes one sec there we go oh my yo you guys better not make me small like that are you serious right now I don’t want to be like speaker man e wait no can we can we test the Mind wiping potion speaker man we got to get out of here now that’s a good one we haven’t tested that in anyone you guys should make him small too why oh we’re going to do dude I have a plan no we’re going to do something even better soon your friend TV man won’t remember you at all speaker man speaker man can you just get through that no that’s what I’m saying man oh okay okay you need to get him to shrink you too shrink me shrink me before you do the Mind Control potion please shrink me I don’t know why you want that but I do have one more dose I’ll I’ll let your nurse decide please please please shrink me shrink me shrink me please oh okay well I’ll give you I’ll give you a kiss if you shrink me uh uh that is highly inappropriate in the workplace but um that’s really tempting though just do it I’ll be your boyfriend the voices the voices I can’t okay kiss me and then I’ll shrink you no I’m not no no I’m not doing that first I said you’re going to scam me you’re going to scam me you have to do it first now why would I scam you I mean the American Health System does that then think about how cute he’ll be if you shrink him you should just do it yeah no we’re done I’m not I’m not I just made up my mind I don’t want to do it anymore you lost your chances of being my boyfriend no fine fine throw it at me oh my goody goodness yo speaker man bro I’m literally so tiny like you can we actually get out dude let’s go now come here poy wait wait wait where are we going going no okay let’s go this way wait get why the patient running away what’s going on the losers I should have done the wiping potion I just came back with some cool experiments U I’m getting the officer again what took you so long this is a lot of running oh my good good speaker man we’re back to normal dude that was crazy bro yeah good thing those guys are so stupid yeah facts I don’t know how we got back to normal I think uhoh hold on I need to catch my breath stay right there oh no no no oh ow I’m in this lava you serious right now okay where are you to going I’m so done with this you running I have tried to be nice I had tried everything I could to make you love me but it seems like that’s not working anymore oh my y yo speaker man bro she’s tripping she’s actually tripping yeah I noticed man what’s in that chest so I am going to do everything in my power to make sure you don’t escape bro [Music] oh y she has a weapon point now speaker man put your hands up don’t move a muscle what oh I’m not speaker man speaker don’t move bro I’m not moving you idiot don’t call her an idiot but now just stay there for the rest of your life now you guys are going to be some good patients and let me give you medical treatment it’s time for your labotomy but we’re not okay we’re not doing that I have my I have my bow as well ah uh uh come back here oh my y okay okay speak we got to go dude they’re actually what are you doing just knock them in go go go I’m in the lava too oh no no no no no no no potions potions I love potions oh no no no are you serious right now speaker where do we go selfdefense dude we got to get out of here self-defense come on just kiss me okay e what yo uh oh okay Go pass them let’s break break through break through let’s go this way go this way uh where do we go where do we go ow ow that hurts wait bro what very cloning tubes that wait what is this I can’t get through what’s going on why is there a cage here is this you’re doing what uh yeah they they they captured me against my will you literally walk into your own cage you idiot get those patients out my arm come on come on how supposed to get them we can’t get past ah wait there’s literally these targets here I need to go get a pickaxe shoot them with the boat you got shoot the okay okay bet bet here we go oh bro doctor go get the pickaxe stop selling time is terrible come on boom I keep missing the target speaker man how do I hit it it’s cuz your arm is broken T man oh my God you suck I’ll do it boom all right got the first one uh we to get it in the middle we have to get it in the middle here we go there we go got the second one okay let’s get the third one now here we go boom uh wait wait we didn’t get it we didn’t get it uh there we go oh I got it I got it oh my gosh okay something just spawned there’s parkour here now dude you can reach the chest now yeah I can reach the chest you’re right oh my goody goodness yo this is so crazy uh wait this is too far of a jump I think I’m going to shoot this maybe it’ll change the direction of it boom Oh it literally just changed oh my gosh okay here we go speak around I’m almost there wait you can actually reach the chest from here are you serious right now yeah there’s another key card in it wait really oh my good goes okay okay give me the third key card cuz I have two of them here we go come on I’m going to go this way this way and okay give me the key card perfect hey uh no they’re getting away I can’t do anything I’m stuck oh my gosh where’s the doctor with the pickaxe come on open up this door here we go come on come on we got to get through speaker how many more floors are there dude I don’t know I don’t think there’s that many more but here we go oh bro there’s all this storage right here what even is this I don’t know maybe there’s something that can help us in one of these crates or something yeah just open all these crates let’s see what we can get in here H finally took you long enough I need my precious TV man if I don’t get to experiment on them I am going to kill each and every one of you here yo speaker man did you hear how sus they were bro they literally want to experiment on us they’re dude they’ve been sus this whole time I need my speaker Pokey right now wor don’t ew that’s gross don’t worry I have a potion that should be able to slow them down we can easily capture them that way speak here speaker here go dude we got to find like a lever or a button or something hurry come on come on come on we have no time to waste we got to go this way maybe uh no there’s nothing in there nothing in there around oh speaker Pokey where are you uh speaker man go this way oh G oh there you are oh it’s so disgusting up here there’s so many spider webs well nobody uses this W uh oh I think she sees you okay well can I have this as my new office once I grab TV man I’ll do experiments on him every night to watch out and boom slowest potion oh you missed you idiot you can’t catch me man go oh no no she’s right here keep looking I’ll distract them she’s right here okay I’m going to keep looking maybe this way maybe this wayo it’s closed I don’t want to hurt you but it seems you left me no choice oh no oh she has a knife she has a knife right now come here speaker man come here oh we got a speaker man didn’t TV Man TV man come on why won’t you just love me H because you’re SAU you’re literally a nurse you’re literally a nurse oh I caught a TV man don’t let them find the lever inside one of these crates you can’t say that out oh uh oh they didn’t hear that you stupid did no I mean we kind of knew there was one this whole time well why there lots of crates you idiot yo speaker man I got her in a cave help I’m stuck come here we still got to find the L Dude where’s that lever bro stupid webs I’m looking everywhere I’m looking oh oh they’re putting uh cobwebs everywhere you speaker man have you found it anywhere oh my wait there’s a chest it says don’t open oh it’s in here they’re so stupid wait this sign wasn’t there before come here all right here come here come here come here oh my sussy Baka I put in my own way oh we’re on the Roof oh my yo there’s sofa copters let’s try to get out of here come on come on come on you’re not getting out of here alive oh no wait by the way speak of there’s no fuel you’re not supposed to leave great you guys are not getting out of here alive just come back we cannot allow amazing test subjects like you to escape I have so many I have so many things planned like poison I want to poison affects you I want to make sure works on you I wonder if I can mess around with we won’t allow you to leave you have to go through us okay speaker man I think we have to kill them honestly works for me um speaker right we got to fight them hey this is payback time you guys gas too okay come on kill the doctor first kill the doctor first can’t kill me I mean we can I’ve done so many experiments on myself I’m super strong you guys can’t defeat me wait where are the nurses oh the nurses over here hey nurses okay you you can chill chill with that not so tough now are you that’s it that’s it okay I have had enough of you oh no she has weapons yo yo yo speaker man watch out take her out first no we got to kill that doctor first dude they have guns can’t kill me kill her maybe off push her off push her off push her off push her off oh my gosh yo she almost just fell off get this first nurse out of here get him oh this nurse is coach you’re not going to push me off you’re not going to do it by you just killed the competition that means you’re both mine yo nah oh stop that no they’re both mine they’re my experiments help help me hiding oh I’m trying to escape no listen we staged the car crash you never in a car crash what okay we put something on your brains to make it seem like you broke something it just stimulates pain you didn’t actually break anything your B are completely fine it’s fine I just need you all to myself did you just shut up and die already oh bro you guys are going to pay for that you guys just killed my two best nurses this place is already on staffed well they were trying to kill us and love us she was trying to make you marry her you weirdo it’s all your fault yeah you creep kill him kill this guy of course it’s your fault it’s ow you’re the one that here you idiot kill him stop it with the bows come he’s got to have gas in his inventory too fight Me Like a Man fight me like a TV ow all right here we go here we go I’m going to use my knife die use all your four speaker man boom take this oh oh my sussy Baka there’s literally all this stuff here come on H here we go come on finally we can get out of here oh my goody goodness speaker man that was the craziest thing ever dude are you serious right now yeah but good thing we got rid of those psychos now we can just go home all right speaker man we got to get out of here before it gets too late dude come on let’s go speaker man come on come on come on dude you never know there could be more people come on speaker man let’s go bro who is that oh yeah it’s a guy hey what where where did all the nurses and doctors go what there I I guess I’m off for today I want to go see my wife speaker man let’s go dude are you serious right now that was so crazy wait a second where am I right now oh my gosh it’s TV man and speaker man this is The Best Day Ever wow speaker man no way it’s a good thing I took control of speaker man before we got here you what can you make him kiss me yo E wait why am I here right now speaker man bro where what are you doing talk to me what what do you mean I’m here with my favorite girls in the world wait what a that’s so sweet hey uh speaker man can you hold my hand oh of course whatever you want this is so great I’m with the my my favorite people ever speaker man bro why does he sound so robotic what is going on dude why are you acting so weird you literally hate these girls no I love them more than anything what is wrong with you a what did you do this is all kinds of weird and I do not like it oh wait wait wait can we put can we possess TV man next I really want to go next I I mean I mean if you really want to I still have one more love potion yo wo wo wo okay I got to start bringing this one block right here I got to get out of here speaker man they literally possessed you I don’t think he can hear you possessed me what are you talking about man that stuff doesn’t exist uh this is um I’m getting out of here yeah come on it’s just a simple Love Potion bro are you serious right now hey get away from me girls oh no no no no no no this is bad we’re coming for you hi TV man oh get away from me away why would you do oh my goody goodness are you serious right now get away from me she’ll be fine hey what are you doing no I don’t want to I don’t want to get possessed by you girls you’re literally so sus there’s no such thing as possess huh I think he meant possession and apparently there is cuz now speaker man’s acting like a complete weirdo but he’s acting normal well I don’t know if I call it that but it’s a love potion so it’s close enough yeah what do you mean I’m acting perfectly normal this is how I always am no it’s not you were never like that are you serious right now that’s literally speaker man bro you literally got possessed wake up wake up what are you talking about I don’t think he can wake up from possession you’d have to like unpossess him or something they’re going going to possess me next if they get near me are you serious right now this is so weird I have one more love potion so I can give it to you uh what in the let me let me let me let me give it let give it to me give it give it give it I no no I I know I came up with it so I get to give it whoo whoa whoa whoa okay wao hold on a second I’m I’m the most likable one here so I should get oh they trying to one with the brains and I’m the one who came up with it so I get I’m the one with main character energy you don’t have main character energy yo out of my way I’ll show you my character energy oh bro are you serious right now okay um where do I go yo ew hey get away get away Sho she was the one with the potion why’d you push her off oh I didn’t think that far oh my gosh Come on everyone let’s stop fighting we need to get TV man under control like me and then we can all be happy yo I want to be happy count me out this is too weird can you guys stop what you’re doing this is all kinds of creepy thank you the purple one’s the only one who’s normal oh my God we can stop when stop resisting why I don’t want to be possessed wait why is the purple one resisting so much maybe we should get her under control too wait what uh I’m I don’t think there’s anything I can do to get her under control it’s a love potion not a fixed purple potion oh what do you mean fixed purple I’m completely fine if anything you three need to be fixed n girl you got an attitude no in a world of us being normal you’re the abnormal one excuse me oh my good good I’m going to break this lucky block here ooh I got all these golden apples awesome I’m going to be able to use that to maybe resist love you should give me one no ew what in the heck I love apples here we go oo I got some swords oh my yo I got all this good stuff are you serious or not I can literally gear up with this W you’re so cute in person e all right I got to get out of here now are you serious righto get me away from these girlss come on he’s stranded on a little Bridge we could get him okay on the bridge oh I love the potion back there okay here do that boom come on please please tell me something happens oh okay perfect I got this well right here I can jump around it oh no speaker man’s right here hopefully he doesn’t throw a potion at me stop biting TV man what is wrong with you speaker man grab him grab him yo come here TV man oh boom Oh my good goodness y that was a good distraction okay now I can finally break this one block over here hey are you breaking our one block no it’s not yours loser um well can you just come back here like peacefully and nicely no you literally possess one of my best friends speaker man what is your problem I’m never going to forgive you girls dang it I thought that would work uh he’s so far away we need blocks um pink maybe with the power of love you can reach him by jumping uh-oh that’s really TR oh I got all these blocks perfect that’s not going to work no that’s oh my good are you serious right now she fell for it hey we’re supposed to be working together I I had to I had to get her back hey there Poes you’re you’re kind of cute you know you’re really muscular and and your head’s pretty alive elongated and and you’re vertically blessed bro oh wow you girls are too kind yeah you’re also amazing too it’s almost like I can’t even explain why I like you so much yeah cuz you’re possessed speaker thank you wait wait compliment me it’s almost like uh you’re under the influence of a potion what what don’t say that what you say that yeah almost yeah you’re literally possessed bro speaker man listen dude what are you talking about shut up why can’t you just join us and have fun bro are you serious right I’m never joining yeah TV man yeah we’re having so much fun over here I have one just for you if you want it potatoes you’re literally not having fun Superman you’re literally possessed bro no say you’re having fun he’s having so much fun with us time of my life right now kill him we need to get T man so we can possess him I want myself oh wait uh oopsie um what about I made the potion so I get to throw him on throw it on him do you not understand waa what in the heck well uh you’re well um no no you’re not was that again to me oh my stop fighting what are you doing I want to do it I should do it I this is so this is so weird that they literally have a crush on me and they want to literally like possess me and then oh it’s so gross the only normal one’s the purple girl over there but I don’t think she likes me You’re darn right I don’t like you why would I like you that’s disgusting love is gross I hate love bro not like that but like as a friend maybe you can help me out right now cuz the girls are trying to possess me uh maybe maybe I’ll I’ll think about it they’re acting weirder than normal give give me like a bit I need to like debate on the meaning of life wait I want to talk to you though did they did they like actually like did they did they actually like poison like uh speaker man um I don’t know if I can say that you’d have to give me something in exchange for such valuable information okay fine here wait wait wait okay while they’re not listening I’m going to jump over here and here I’m going to give you some diamonds you have to tell me exactly what they did to speaker man come here okay here you go I have emeralds and gold actually I don’t have any diamonds okay Works in my favor okay so what do you want to know why is Speaker acting like this and what did they do to him okay so basically they captured speaker man they locked him in a cage left him there for like 2 months to make sure he was weakened then um the blue one experimented on him with her love potions now he’s acting like this and now he will do anything the girls say except oddly enough me I guess I wasn’t there I guess I’m not one of the girls anyhoo that is so weird you think then why are you here with that why are we on this girl’s only block we my only friends okay I don’t have I don’t have any other friends okay BR where is TV man yeah I heard his voice I can smell his yummy cologne oh there you are TV man you finally decideed to join us oh speaker man no no no no no he’s over here not you too oh my yo wait what is happening right now here ah I got fell off oh no good I better spawn somewhere I better spawn somewhere wait a second oh my uhoh what’s going on hello you thought you would Escape by jumping off no yeah kind of well guess what I have a cage below just in case that would happen wow you’re so smart thank you and now he’s right where we have what we want him no okay so like can I have the potion to throw at him now no no no no no speaker help me remember best speaker man yeah we’re friends oh yeah we have to okay that’s why I want you to join us yeah go get the potatoes potato oh my good goodness purple girl perfect help me help me help me okay here you go e I’m not eating that that’s so gross why is there that they’re delicious man that you have they’re really yummy what would you like them in French fry form uh no but Everyone likes french fries I don’t want to eat that get that away from me no no no girls come on seriously are you serious or not speaker man you’re literally possessed bro do you not understand that possessed what are you talking about oh no he agrees he agrees yeah speaker man is um he’s one of us tell him tell them to eat it tell them it’s really good and that you you would recommend it just eat them TV man it you’ll be fine yeah see five star review like a five star restaurant yeah five star review TV man don’t eat it don’t eat it don’t eat it don’t eat I’m not eating it I’m not eating it what did you say I’m sorry do you have something you want to say to all of us uh no oblo glaz oh my yo I would recommend joining us purple where your are friends uh I’d rather be shot I can arrange that oh my God okay I was joking I was joking I was joking get it get it get it get it I’ll stay here with you we can talk this out okay it’s it’s it was just a misunderstanding I was just why are you against us and our ideas these girls are crazy bro because they’re weird and I don’t like it I like the thought of people having free will speaker man come on dude wake up just wake up those girls are crazy they’re literally running around with guns dude yeah they’re so silly aren’t they and what do you mean wake up I’m wide awake bro no you’re not he loves it here stop talking to him yeah so much I’m about to get possessed oh no this is so bad I’m stuck in this cage and I’m not going to be able to get out I don’t want to get possessed like speaker man I don’t know how I’m going to unpossess him you e farewell the purple you won’t be missed I didn’t like her she’s emo and weird you guys killed her yeah she doesn’t get us oh well she’s gone she isn’t one of us well no she no she’s fine she’s fine she fell into the net we’ll get her out later met yeah you know how I caught him when he fell off yo oh so you guys put her in cage or did you kill did you kill her no she she’s fine she’s in a cage like you well uh I killed her what sorry about that she was in the way and and I don’t like it with her her low voice and her emo persona it’s why you kill her I would had a crush on her I meant I like I mean she was cool what um I meant she was cool what you like that Emo Freak speed up the potatoes I’m going to go get the love potion uhoh how do we speed up the potatoes do we have to hold them down and force feed them okay where me oh no do something oh my gosh she’s so stupid Oh my good go come on get me out of here where are you going man uhoh uh that wasn’t me that was not me going somewhere uh no I’m not going anywhere I’m going to um this one place called not near you girls wait how did he get out of the cage come back here where do you think I’m going oh no no no no are you serious right now come on jump this way here we go up oh well she may be smart but not athletic there’s literally a building over here building over here and I’m building over here I got to figure out a way to get over there maybe that’s the way to get out of here actually where did he go I want my Pokey Smokey W oh wait there’s a chest right here oh my goodness oh it is Spruce Wood there you are TV man come back bro what do you think you’re doing speaker man I need to save you bro somehow I need to unpossess you dude this is really sad bro no you’re not going to unpossess him he’s my Pooky wooky and you’ll be my Pooky Wookie too wait a second uh purple what are you doing over there uh I got spawned over here here oh wow bro are you serious right now I thought I killed you I got to get oh they’re right here hey yo get away from me girls are you serious right now no come back no building I’m athletic oh no no no hey away away oh my good goodness now it’s my turn to get you come here how could you hit a girl man oh no are you serious right now give me away get me away give me away purple I thought you died they said they tried to kill you come back here uh yeah but um fun fact I never go anywhere without wearing a bulletproof vest underneath my clothes oh there you are okay we got to look around for something okay yeah we got to look around I don’t know what’s going on though this is really scary those girls are literally so creepy I already told you yeah I know but why would they possess speaker man at everyone ooh there’s all this food in here probably because he has like the weakest um mindset of all so he was an easier Target you on the other hand are more strong willed really speaker ofman pretty buff I said weakest mindset sure he’s buff and all that but he doesn’t seem very um strong in the mental category if you know what I oh my good goodness let’s go to the top here we go and oh wait all these girls they can’t see me they can’t see me oh there he is I see him oh thought you could get away huh TV man your head is really big no offense they can see you oh never mind yet is well we see you now hey yo where do we go down uh that’s a good question where do we oh wait there’s like this Black Dome over there do you see it maybe if we go over there there might be something in it we can use to escape usually with maps like this there should be like a portal we can use to escape yeah you’re right oh my good goodness let’s just go though maybe there’s some stuff in here we should grab though maybe there’s not ooh there’s all this armor in here perfect let’s grab this armor just in case I already have armor I always wear armor what the heck they locked us out at the front door we got to find another way in all right follow me let’s go out this way purple okay coming just give me a second speaker man’s right there we got to be careful where is it we can like tase him or stun him where is TV man I’m so lonely over here don’t worry we’ll get him soon bro they literally want to possess me I want TV man now yeah I know okay we we’ll figure this out together just stay calm that’s the probably the best thing we can do in a situation like this okay we’re going this way we’re going this way oh my goody goodness are you serious right now they’re literally everywhere bro what in the sussy Baka come here come here e no I don’t want to get near you you’re so weird oh my oh my good goodness oh no no no no no stop stop stop stop stop okay so much for staying calm okay we got to find some way how many blocks do you have oh great it’s pink oh hey I thought I killed you uh uh we got to go we got to go this way follow me oh wait I come on purple let’s go okay okay give me a second they’re up there oh no no no no no they see us I’m s starting the obvious speaker man oh the front door’s open you’re welcome guys guys the front door’s open bro she so stupid bro we’re literally all the way over here all right let’s shoot these girls come on wait how do I get there ow there’s no blocks oh ow bro are you serious right now fight these girls speaker oh bro got one bro just killed bro just killed one um yeah I I really your aim sucks your face sucks oh that’s why you got possessed first this is why TV man somewhat better he why don’t you even try to kill us you know we respawn right yeah exactly then you’ll be farther away from us yeah you weirdo I’m putting some distance let me talk oh my gosh I forgot purple’s kind of smart yeah I’m I’m smart and I also am logical yeah and and well I’m kind of a bedw war Pro so I’m speed bridging my way over to you shut up oh my gosh you girls are so sus to you’re trying to literally poison me oh no they’re just to be your friend man what’s your problem yeah join us come on exactly you tell them yeah it’s weird though my head hurts it’s like I can’t control what I’m saying bro what in the heck okay uhoh okay girls we might have a problem I I think I think the potions wearing off what I’m fine good wait wait wait wait wait purple we need a key to get in um do you have uh what kind of key you got to be kidding me I don’t know maybe we need to go over to this other Island let’s just go over here oh you got to be kidding me okay let’s go this way it’s fine it’s fine it’s fine we got to lock in and and not sell cuz if we if we mess up we actually are c yeah they’re going to kill me and then they’re going to possess you and then you’re going to act all weird and I kind of like you in yeah I know I don’t want to get possessed cuz if I get possessed I’m literally going to be stuck here forever with those girls oh oh my go yeah get away oh my goody goodness okay we got to go all the way over here purple follow me not today pink not today pink wait what oh ow that hurts ow wait oh no pink bro are you serious right now these girls keep dying but they’re literally so weird and speaker man still possessed okay maybe there’s a way to unpossess them maybe you like I don’t know Splash them with water or tase them or something I don’t know yeah maybe there is a way to unpossess him but I don’t know how I’m going to unpossess him if like he doesn’t want to get unpossessed well you kind of have to because they’ll he’ll do and think whatever the girls say purple look at this there’s a chest right here oh and oh there’s a key right here perfect I think this might be the key to get over there oh what’s in there get get them kill these girls we need to get speaker out of here too speaker man trust me dude uh you’re literally Poss possessed right now I’m like your best friend TV man right remember TV man from SK toilet it’s me yeah I know who you are what are you what’s wrong dude you’re possessed don’t be ridiculous man of course not speaker man this is not like you at all come on what do you mean man this is just like me I love these girls so much oh I do not like hearing those words come out of your mouth here wait let me try something I’m not as intelligent as blue but let me just try something oh stop throwing that in my face what’s wrong with you oh gosh this won’t shortcircuit him right oh my head maybe this maybe this help speaker man wake up dude wake up it’s TV man bro oh God what is wrong with me man you got to help me wait what what’s going on speaker man are you okay are you back are you on possessed possessed what are you talking about man okay the potion’s wearing off that’s pretty good I think he’s like somewhere in between uh we have a problem though those girls are staring at us it’s really weird can you stop what are you doing didn’t your mom ever tell you it’s rude to stare oh wait you don’t have a mother cuz she left you okay girl don’t touch my speaker pleas ever tell you it’s rude to interfere with someone’s love life uh what love life you’re single uh no I’m not literally he’s in love with me feels like you’re controlling me but I still like you thank goodness I’m glad oh my S give me a kiss now get out of here purple we got to run I’m working on it okay we got to find a way to isolate speaker man from the girls cuz he’s almost free of like The Possession so then he can escape witho are you serious right now this is so sus oh my good goodness oh gosh I got to go get back here Pokey w okay e for the we’re going to get you too you can’t escape and we’re going to love you when we get you e run run run run run no not the two of them just just the one not purple I wasn’t talking to purple well you said the two like be more specific are you zesty we’re going to get them and we’re only going to love one of them we’re just going to we’re just going to get them both though we just got to like love I don’t know I mean I mean purple is kind of pretty but not but not like that where we going to get all right yo these are actually weird enough enough enough we got to go we got to go uh open this key come on come on come on it’s open all right here we go bro are you serious right now this is literally closed you got to be kidding me what are we going to do we might have to fight something if this is closed and we had to get the armor earlier my guess is that we’re going to have to fight something wait we’re going to have to fight something are you serious right now what are you talking about uh so while we’re in here I I I want to give you something I guess um here um a diamond sword thank you so much oh my goody goodness okay we got to fight whatever we got to fight here oh my wait speaker man what is he doing here wait I think it’s NPCs I think it’s NPCs I don’t think they’re real I think they’re clones oh my gosh wait what the it says on my watch that the Clone just got activated that shouldn’t have happened wait what wait where’d you get your watch uh uh well I got it like this most expensive start that’s not important the Clones just got activated listen you don’t understand the way the PO I’m not going to try to explain it to you guys tldr if they kill all those clones then the potions effects where off oh wait why couldn’t we get like purple on our side or something maybe that one might have been easier purple’s not going to agree with us she’s literally help come we got to kill these speaker I think I think he’ll get unpossessed if we kill these speaker man purple probably um can I tell you something I’m kind of running out of bows uh bro it’s fine it’s fine it’s fine I have a bow I have an extra bow all right come on come on fight the speak no I’m running out of arrows I mean arrows arrows arrows I think I have an arrow here you go one Arrow okay thanks I kind of can’t get it cuz I’m getting swarms oh my goodness all right fine I’ll clutch up it’s fine I’m goated I’m literally TV man from Skiby toilet I can do this come on come on come on come on come on uh I I have a question uh this might sound really weird but um do you I do do do you have a crush on me yeah why are we talk about that right now though that’s really awkward I don’t know well just in case we die maybe we should like end on a good note I I I haven’t really hated you you’re Co you’re cool you’re better than the girls than anyone I’ve ever met so oh you’re not bad I’ll give you that yeah I mean like kind of a crush on you but anyway that’s not important right now we need to fight the rest of these skiy toilets um you mean speaker man yes sorry uh my my brain hurts what is going on in there why are there clones of me I feel like my head gets clear the more of them are killed come on kill the rest of these speaker man speaker how you feeling no no no guys stop stop stop killing them stop stop help me man kill them oh my good goodness come on come on we got to kill these so we can save speaker man no no no no no stop it stop it no my speaker poooky no speaker man hurry up kiss me kiss me now e no one last time just do it just do it stop it stop killing them I need my speaker bab come on don’t kill all the Clones yeah stop it stop killing them the potion’s going to wear off and I only have one more oh boohoo crime me a river come on there’s only a few more left maybe we could use it on speaker again how about that yeah sure there’s only a few more speaker left come on just kill the rest of them there’s only two more no no no no no it go come on oh no I’m kind of burning go oh my goody goodness speaker man are you okay dude I’m fine you finally freed me man thank you come on come back to us and we have a potion please who it’ll be give me a kiss I want a kiss on the lips e get away from us what’s wrong with you people what do you think you doing to me what do you think you’re trying to do to my friend y oh my gosh hey speaker poops we can talk about this we can talk about this you don’t have to talk about nothing hey be nice remember at Good Times there were no good times die oh my yo are you serious or not speaker man are you still possessed oh don’t kill me don’t kill me don’t kill me don’t kill me I was just uh kind of upset that felt nice yeah you were literally possessed for like a long time do you know that right they literally like had like a love potion on you or something I don’t know what it was yeah I know man I was like I was aware the entire time I just couldn’t move my body oh wait but there’s one more let me finish him upit wait wa wait no no no no she’s speak she oh she’s one of the good ones okay yeah she’s my girlfriend actually I me wait wait no well she’s cool she’s not like weird she didn’t throw a potion at me I I mean I’ll take your word for it man can we just go I want to get out of here can I get like some food I really want like McDonald’s right now I’m hungry all right B let’s go let’s get out of here oh and there’s a portal perfect we can leave let’s go wait a second where am I right now oh my gosh it’s a boy I love boys what I I mean I I I I enjoy boys I I yo where am I right now wait what in the heck hey back up you little pink girl it’s my turn with the boy I haven’t seen one in so long wait why is there a boy on our Island this was supposed to be a girl’s only Island who let the boy in here yo what what am I doing here why am I with all these girls ew where’s my brother buddy oh wait you have a brother that’s really cool there’s two of you yo ew ew get away from me girls oh my good goodness how do I get out of here are you serious right now uh so um wait wait tell us your name tell us your name my name’s blocky but why are you so close to me what you want weirdo cuz you smell really good you y what in the sussy Baka oh you are so strange but yeah he does yo get away from me oh my yo where’s my brother are you serious right now there’s no way I’m the only boy on this island how do I get out of here wait there can be more boys on this island that’s even better maybe we should have two boys oh no n I’m not sus like that anyway I’m going to get some wood right here so I can get some resources to actually get out of here so uh what what do you do you like to dig for fun blocky do you like do you like um I like to get away from stupid girls like you I don’t know what you girls are even doing here hey I’m not stupid hi get away why are you guys in my tree are you serious right now oh blocky and Buddy wait no how do you know my brother’s name what in the sauce wait your brother’s name is Buddy wait B buddy D superhero buddy stop stop stop get away from me weirdo I’m going to build my own house over here just so I can just stay away from these girls for a bit oh my good goodness this is so annoying can I live with you no what the heck guys they’re creeping him out stay away from him we don’t know what he’s up to maybe for all we know he could try to ruin this for us he’s a stupid boy after all yo these girls are literally staring at me this is so weird but anyway there’s a one block right here I think and this is a Lucky Block yo what wait this is actually so go hey what’s this what is that uh I think it’s a Lucky Block uh or a one block I don’t know yeah but girls can you go away from me I’m literally trying to hey you stole my head I have your head it’s your head that’s not that is not mine are you serious right now yo girls can you please get away from me I want something W ew gross get away from him he’s nasty he probably smells like potato chips isn’t he so handsome though uh no he’s a literally on our girls only Block it’s so exciting wait don’t kill the other man we need more it’s not an Ender or you stupid he get away from me yo oh my stop get away from me I’m literally trying to build a house you Girls are So Soft can you be my man I don’t know I like I kind of like this hero villager More Than This blocky guy I don’t know blocky smells really good though what’s your secret uh My secret is um that I Don’t Go Near these smelly stupid girls that’s what I don’t do I I’m not smelly smell me I smell really good ew get away from me it smells so much like cologne oh my goody goodness what in the heck actually smell like n bro I love n wait wait isn’t one of us allergic to Nutella oh my yo stop and stop with the fishing rod girls can you please just build your own house are you serious right now stop but I want to live with you can you get off stop harassing him get him off this block I don’t want him here he looks weird oh finally I got o perfect girls take this potion of slowness hey oh come on I can’t catch up to you now yeah you weirdo see this is exactly why we should get him off our block he’s ruining everything weakness come here oh come on all right now that they’re away for a bit I’m going to break some of these blocks so I can get some resources to build my own house and defend myself against these weird girl hey there baby girl give me a kiss bro bro are you serious right now hi you killed the cow is that cow a man no it’s a cow it’s not a man if it unless it has horns oh okay please sign my eyeball sign my kid sign my mitochondria you are actually sus I’m not going to lie anyway I’m just going to keep breaking this one block right here so I can get some resources can I break it with you are are you no you can’t you can’t oh I just got a ton of resources uh wait Walky your hand looks lonely can I hold it for you no oh my yo I hate this one block are you serious right now this is the worst one block I’ve ever been on if it’s the worst one block maybe you should just leave how do I leave girl no I’ll push you off the edge bro hey hey no no no no don’t push me off no don’t do it don’t do it what’s so special about this guy anyway he’s just wearing a really weird suit oh perfect I got away from them I got away from them okay I’m going to hide in here he’s the only guy that I’ve seen in a long long time oh my good goodness they didn’t find be perfect I’m going to hide in here so they can’t find me um where did he go there we go perfect probably away from you we have to find him soon okay I I I just want to get to know him maybe a bit more and then maybe experiment on him yo what do they want to do are you serious rain now anyway I’m in this one little dirt area right here under this weird Mountain thingy but I’m just going to just figure out how to hide from them forever because I’m Lally stuck on an island with them and I have to feel be able to survive maybe my friend buddy’s here or my brother oh my good okay I’m going to break through this and let’s go all the way to the end of this place and we’re going to build the best house ever to hide from these weird girls are you is are you building a house this is horrible it’s it’s literally I am building a house well then why is it just one block because it doesn’t need a lot of space plus if blocky moves in then we could be really close to each other oh no I’m not moving in with those girls are you serious right now they’re literally sck we can sleep standing up I thought this was like a that’s got to hurt though well we can hug each other to sleep are you serious raino I am not doing that this looks more like a porter potty than a house well if that’s what you want to use it for then that’s what it is where is he where is my Pooky smooky cookie bear I need him I need him in I need his I need his soft deluscious locks somebody has attachment issues you have a lot of issues I can tell you how many issues you have you guys are so weird I mean he’s not bad looking but this is a girl’s only block I’m confused how we even got here he wished upon a star and a boy came all right I’m going to keep breaking this place and wait what in the heck a Lucky Block just spawn in here what in the s ah TNT oh no um uh did you guys hear that uhoh um I think I see it what what did you do stupid um nothing you guys didn’t see anything right blocking more like Blockhead hey we found blocky we found blocky where’s pink girl oh no no no no no no oh no no no no no blocky alert blocky I have a gift for you I think you’ll really like it hey hey back off back off back off weirdo I got you a fish no no no no no ew ew ew oh there’s a house in here perfect I’m going to go inside of here wait what is this oh you’re in my house do you like it no oh gu e why does it smell like that what you doing there nothing yo what in the heck are you serious right now okay I’m going to go in this water and high they won’t see me hey um what what do you want what do you want ew y she kissed me ew I’ll do more than kiss kiss you I’ll give you a big old hug I said I’d give him a big old hug I’m getting in this water I need to get away from them oh no ooh it’s like a slide or something party oh we we going to go swim together no oh no are you serious rain now help me I’m I’m under a water no no no get away from me are you serious or I need to find another place to hide maybe I can make a treeh housee to get away from those weird girls but I need food I need to get food oh I have some apples perfect wait is it wait is it blocky or Bucky I can’t remember it’s get away for me you stupid girl I don’t like girls like that I literally am taken by who yeah uh by someone that you don’t need to know about you’re just really weird get out of my face I think I do need to know who this girl is what’s her insta huh what’s her Snapchat I I think I smell cap this man does not look like he could get a girl bro are you serious right now wait what in the heck is this girl building over here yo it’s blocky face I’m quite an artist you know and I just thought that maybe you would like it I think I got this skin tone a little messed up he may look a little sunburnt but it’s okay he’s so handsome what the Bro she’s literally building me a whole statue oh no this place is weird I don’t know how I spawned here I don’t know how I got here but this place is really weird why are you making the hair so big he looks like George Washington I like big hair I okay no one asked you well you know you’re on our Island so you’re going to stay here we’re going to Crown yours our Island King yeah this is the girl’s only Island I’m not supposed to be here I’m not supposed to be here Island King BL exactly he’s not supposed to be here can we just like get rid of him yes he is we can just sacrifice him or something no no this is so weird oh but there’s an area up here I’m going to go up here this is so sus I’m not going to lie why are you so good at swimming dude come on stop running away why are you so sussy and weird I’m literally trying to leave I don’t want to be with you guys anymore I’m not weird I just want to hug you want to leave then jump off the edge not here die no I don’t want to die well do you want to die or do you want to be here with a bunch of creepy girls um honestly I’d rather just get out of here on my own figure out a way wait a second what in the sussy Baka is this uh we could get married up here you and I you know that just us wait where even are we right now I don’t know what this is bro she’s literally here are you serious oh no wa what is she doing here you can’t get married to him I’m I’m I’m the prettier one I’m really pretty I’m going to hide in one these trees you’re not going to find me you’re made out of one pixel girl you’re ugly I’m not ugly I am beautiful there’s such a thing as Beauty and simplicity and you don’t have that I have simplicity also your hair looks like a turd it’s nasty your hair oh no the other girls are coming up here are you serious right now no no no no no what’s going on up here where did blocky go oh no they’re looking for me oh I got to hide I got to hide where did he go who cares where blany went as long as he’s away from us that’s fine you guys have to stop obsessing over him he’s literally mid bro you are so so lonely aren’t you says you you’re chasing after a guy who doesn’t even want you oh that’s facts that’s facts I kind of like her me he will yo yo n no no I will not like her she’s literally weird if he’s going to like anyone maybe you should stop chasing after him give him his space he’s not even supposed to be here you think I should play a long game just wait it out this is my perfect time to leave play hard to get I don’t know just go away just maybe I should play hard to get all right I got a good idea you’re already hard to get there’s a reason you’re single okay girl I don’t care about this I want to know where that handsome good looking smooky Pooky C blocky is oh no they’re looking for me this is so weird okay I’m going to hide I’m hiding in these leaves they won’t be able to find me that’s a little extra but you’re a Huggy wuggy uh skippity whatever he’s right there oh no they found me oh gosh I got to go I got to go where do I go where do I go oh no no no no where do I go okay luy we could get married in the Bahamas we could we could go to Mexico bro I’m good all right anyway let’s go this way I’m going to hide in one of these trees right here perfect wait where’d he go it’s too tall there oh no are you serious right now I’m going to get on top of this tree they’re not going to find me in here come on this got to be this one spot I’ll be able to hide at pink car girl where’d he go I don’t know I I I he was he was here somewhere maybe maybe he’s been kidnapped yeah yeah right we’re on an island come on he had to go somewhere I hope he went back home I don’t like him he’s weird and how would he have got back home huh I pushed him off the edge that’d be an explanation but I haven’t you did what even seen him I said I haven’t seen him I didn’t push him off the edge although I would like to okay wait no no you don’t that’s bad okay well I’m tired of this stupid blocky guy interrupting our girls only Island I’m going to set traps around So eventually we can catch him and I can Chuck him off the island or we could catch him and keep him as a pet oh my yo they put my face too what in the heck what is wrong with you someone should put you in a box floating down the river bro are you serious right now these girls are actually so weird like I can’t believe they literally want to find me like that so weird well everyone split up and put traps down whoever finds them you can do whatever you want with him me personally I’m going to throw him off oh no okay I got to get on top of this tree I’m going to be the one who fights him oh no this is so weird I’m going to be the one and I’m going to tie him up and I’m going to dress him like a doll bro yo they’re literally putting traps everywhere are you serious right now how in the hell am I going to get out of this situation okay maybe I could just hide in on top of this tree or something and then maybe they will never be able to find me again and I can just hide here for my whole life but I don’t even know what to do it’s just so scary U maybe maybe once I find him we could watch skibby toilet together that be so romantic yo I am not watching skibby toilet with this weirdo of a girl are you serious right now maybe we can we can give him a makeover and I’ll put like mascara on his eyelashes oh my bro what you need a makeover you’re ugly I’m not ugly you know what I I’m beautiful your personality is ugly and I’m stuck hey you’re not blocky I caught the wrong thing yo these girls are actually insane like I literally can’t a thing you look like a thing like talking your head all right what am I going to do next oh wait there’s a chest down here oh there’s all these quartz blocks are you serious right now yo this is actually goated though I’m going to use this for my build I don’t even know how it’s up here has anyone found that that blocky fellow or whatever his name is where is blocky I don’t know I placed out all these traps and he’s not in one yet me too maybe we got to like Scout the island from above oh no no no no no oh yeah wait a second wait wait what do you mean Scout the island from above what are they talking about I got my Aviator license like two days ago on on uh Wikipedia or the wiki house so I think I I’m certified I’m not certified but whatever I want to see blocky again wait no no no they’re getting their helicopters oh no are you serious right now okay I got to hide I got to hide get inside this tree no no no they might find me and then they’re going to take me back to their place they’re literally going to like love me oh no are you serious right now they’re going to hug me that’s so gross I L get the how I fly this thing I love men I can’t wa to tickle his toes I said tickle his toes oh they’re everywhere okay I’m just going to hide they won’t find more lucky oh wait there’s a whole house up here what the heck no no no no no no hopefully they don’t go there and see it they’re not going to oh no uhoh that’s a big problem okay I’m just going to hide who built this blue little structure on top of this tree was that one of you guys a blue little structure upon the tree Ah that’s what I said are you deaf yeah actually I’m kind of deaf in one here what’ you say again oh my bad there’s a blue structure to of the tree did one of you build it no none of us built it it was probably that blocky guy he’s the only one else who’s here he’s got to be here maybe we should put traps on the tree no oh no no no this is really bad guys I don’t know what to do these girls are here and they’re literally trying to love me I don’t know oh no no she’s getting really close okay I’m hide right here she I’m putting traps all over the top of this tree oh no the girls are all here are you serious right now where is he I want to give him a little kiss girl shut up he’s obviously somewhere up here oh no I got one of my traps hasn’t gotten in yet though what the heck okay um I’m going to go this way I’m going to go hide around plane oh my gosh okay uh let’s go around and uh okay maybe I can push them off one by one that might be good to but I make sure with these traps I don’t get where is he maybe we have to go further down the tree what is bro doing on that helicopter anyway I’m going to go this oh oh that was too close wait is that oh wait no it’s just one of you never mind I thought I saw him oh wait I found him there he is no no no no no wait where where where I almost fell into that trap oh my God where is he where is he uh well well well he was here eventually well he he just you are hallucinating again it’s okay I’ll get your meds um yeah he’s not here so I don’t see him oh no no no I got to go down I got to go down oh no no no no she actually just saw me too are you serious right now well I I know he he’s up here somewhere I obviously saw him whether you guys believe me or not but it’s fine I guess I can just keep him to myself oh no there’s all these traps okay I got to make sure I don’t get hit by any of these traps I’m going to break this right here no there we go okay perfect I’m away from those girls now and oh gosh they’re everywhere these traps are everywhere I got to be careful I don’t fall into one oh no no no oh I can take all their helicopters okay uh oh it’s out of fuel it’s out of fuel oh no no no wait what oh oh hi no no no no don’t make noise don’t make noise don’t make noise don’t tell them I’m here okay well if I if I don’t tell them they’re here will you go on a date with me please please no I won’t go on a date with you no no no no no okay then I’ll tell them you’re here okay no no don’t don’t you dare are you sure what why didn’t this one work no no oh perfect nice I caught a little rat oh no no got me out okay hey stop oh I have raw beef perfect hopefully I don’t get poisoned hopefully I don’t get poisoned okay uh trap oh my goodness got him I got him me it was your traps are trash you got the most trashs oh go he’s just like Skin and Bones oh gosh okay hide in here hide in here wa oh no no no no yeah block off the Ed it so you can’t leave I’m stuck okay I’m going to go this way where is oh no no no no okay let’s go this way where do I go where do I go oh oh no uh say goodbye blocky I’m going to push you off I’ve had they’re everywhere I don’t know what to do why is he so wait wait luy I I have to tell you something really important that could change your life no nothing could change my life I just want to get out of here it can change we can see you going up the tree this time you know help help I’m stuck oh my bro I got a blocky to catch oh no no no no no come on ow I just got pushed oh no no no no come on we can get him there’s four girls against one guy how hard is it to catch this guy oh no oh apparently pretty hard since we haven’t really done it yet I got you oh no I’m going to die they’re going to kill me oh no you want to kill him that was my trap that’s my trap that’s my trap I got him I got him I got him no it’s my trap actually n this one’s mine so I get to do what I want with him now right bro are you serious right now no no no no get me out of here this is so weird wait uh blocky I got something for you you just got to there you go what is that what is that uh marriage papers wife signature your I’m not signing this stupid paper are you serious R what if I give it to oh you’re you’re going to sign it you’re signing it you’re signing it stop stop stop stop e what is this stuff it’s Cherry perfume why are you throwing it on him I thought his musk was really nice by itself okay well I don’t know there’s no way of proving whose trap this was so I just say we uh we fight it out to see who gets it was obviously mine it has my name on it and everything bro shut up it does not have your name on it I don’t see the name on it anywhere yo why are you girls fighting over me just let me out of this cage I don’t want to be here anymore why am I here I don’t shush the adults are talking right now I am literally older than you I am I am older than you both all of you I’m not sure about that I was probably I graduated the most famous Minecraft College of all time what college that’s that’s that’s kind of funny that you think you graduated hey stop it stop please just marry me just give me a big old smooch no no stop stop stop get me out of here please from him hey oh w w okay I’m out I’m out look what you did you idiot you broke him out no I F you guys aggravated me I tried to kill one of you and he got out what the oh my gosh speak English I can’t understand you give Bop yes yes come on what the the heck was that get away from me you stinky girls are you serious right now come on maybe there’s a creative switcher on this map but I can find it stinky stinky are you kidding me you smell like you were dropped in the sewers as a child I like that smell that says a lot about you as a person honestly oh my good goodness I don’t know what to do about wait a second there’s literally an island down here what in the Susy Baka lucky just jumped off I he’s going to die bro they’re actually stupid luy just got CH what no there’s an island down there he’s not dead wait where where’s the island I don’t see it yo what in the heck is going on I didn’t know there was an island down here me either did you build this no why why would I build this okay well let’s just get him and then we can finally get rid of him and we can finally go back to doing the girls only Island what if we just keep him down there and watch him like a little hamster no hamsters die really quick or in the weirdest ways so I don’t think that’s a good idea that was morbid I I mean they do have you ever heard of a hamster that died normally I don’t have a hamster yo can these girls just shut up are you serious right now oh no she’s down here you’re my hamster what oh what does this say oh there’s well I don’t wait I don’t get it I actually don’t get it can you oh no the girls are down here are you serious right now girl can be down here then so can I oh no I got to get up here I got to get away from these stupid girls but now he’s leaving wait is anybody back at the top I can push him back down no no no no no I wish come on come on come on wait I need you wait what is this over here wait there’s a door what in Thea what is this come on someone get him what who what in the flick for Creative switcher what in the yo wait what’s going on what’s going on what’s Happening oh oh oh my wait a second what in the heck is this what happened in here oh what was that noise wait there’s a creative switcher in here oh my Susy Baka there’s no way I’m going to activate it here we go oh my good you go I’m in creative mode I can finally leave um did any wait did he just fly just now did want to get the notification that the creative switcher went off I can fly let’s go I think blocky has it wait what I can’t leave what you wait what’s going on uh wait a second uh it will only work if you’re on this island it won’t work anywhere else come on come on come on I got to leave I got to leave bro you can’t leave when you’re in Creative wait what I can’t leave nuh wait wait wait wait I have an idea we can have them build something for us we no I really want a really nice big pink pastel colorful I have a perfect idea actually uh let’s go to reinforce and then let’s go to iron bars okay girls we’re going to do we’re going to play a little game everyone get inside the jail cell and you guys are going to stay there okay oh that sounds really fun do you think I’m not stupid I mean they are but not me everyone get in the jail or something yeah yeah it’s really fun trust me okay I’m ready for the fun well email girl and I aren’t stupid but you can keep those too if you’d like well I’m not stupid no this is really fun trust me you two are really missing out right now all right here we go so we’re almost finished with this bars for your prison sentence I meant your um what are we going to do after you’re done uh I’m going to go hang out with you guys we’re all going to hang out yay I love hanging out with blocky then I can smell you yo you girls are actually weird all right here guys get in the cage here we go uh oh perfect since I have cre you think I’m that stupid uh wand here we go we’ll do that is this Bedrock what are you doing with that no no no it’s um SL set bedrock boom there we go perfect hello wait oh when did you come in can you come in here blocky I get a little lonely at times yeah yeah yeah okay I’ll see you guys later I’m going to go build my own house or something wait what why are you got to hang out with us oh oh I get it it’s like a game okay you’re going to let us out once you finish your house and we’re all going to live together okay I’m not that dumb he’s literally ditching us right now no we’re playing a game what do you think you’re doing nothing nothing U I wasn’t doing anything they might be dumb but we’re or not I got my eye on you all right and let’s get some of this going in here you know what girls this is going to be so much fun we’re going to play a game basically this game is called um try to dodge the laser so you don’t die oh I love games games are really fun oh what’s this oh can I touch it no I can’t oh well separated no but I’m closer to blocky yo come on blocky come over here come over here okay um perfect we’re going to do something like that we’re going to go over here and girls this is going to be so much fun for you I know you I know you guys love the laser so much are you placing more bed I don’t know is this all part of the game I like this game well as long as blockie is playing a game with us I’m fine I’ll do whatever block Block’s in the Cage’s in the cage oh my God I am I’m right next to him wow this is really cool no I want to be next to him you smell nice you smell like lavender and melons bro are you serious right now all right hold on hold on girls hold on girls I’m building some more lasers for you guys it’s going to be so much fun I like lasers kind of hurt to cross oh it’s fine oh they they feel kind of nice what wait luy wait where you going all right here we go we’re going to add some more lasers so you guys are even closer to each other cuz I know you guys like each other so much e no she smells like poo I don’t like this pixel plus she’s my competition right now she’s an OP I am always an op and you’ll never beat me he likes his girls simple uh no she no he doesn’t he likes his girls um i d you girls go you guys can hang out you guys can hang out now look at that oh you guys are so close here come here come here girl we can hang out with you right oh oh wait we’re going are we going to kiss now wait you’re not blocky what what did you just kiss me E I hate you you suck oh my oh no no they’re fighting now okay perfect all right perfect now they’re going to shut up and I’m going to get away from them okay time to troll these girls time to troll these girls now taste me you taste like poo you smell like poo too and you look like a big old poo uh you know black since you’re on our girls one Island and whatnot and you have creative you could use the creative to build us something yo what in the heck I’m not building you anything you weirdo you’re literally you lit have a crush on me blue girl it’s just a crush it’s not like I’m like the other girls you know I’m not like that emo chick hey wait can you walk in there real quick actually just for one second uh okay okay there you go go in there wait what there’s not room for three of us no she smells like she smells like fake flowers excuse you I use a nice delicate perfume Orchid cherry blossom all here you guys got space now you guys got space now look here you go thank goodness and time set night let’s make it night time and then we’ll do I need space when you’re here perfect give me a them give me a big old kiss on the lip let me out let me out let me out oh I’m going to get out while he’s open it come on come on I need another block wait can we wait I’m going to can I break these lasers or is it or can you not break them um there’s a zie this is not cool haha get trolled girls ha get me out of here I’m scared wait blocky wait blocky I thought you were going to build something for me I didn’t think you were going to shot me in here with these two n poops hey what did you say I I I said n poops it’s it’s a big word stop abusing your powers you’re not even supposed to be here well now I can control you girls cuz you literally have a crush on me and you girls are all weird not me I don’t like you all right well I didn’t ask weirdo here take this oh what what are you doing mutant zombies oh look the big the big guy broke us out oh my God wait what in the oh what is going on are you serious right now yo this is so funny trolling these girls but I still can’t even get out of here thanks big guy okay I’m actually going to build a house because my creative switcher might actually run out soon so I’m just going to build a house while have the time wait uh cocka hair you should you should date that big zombie guy he’s really strong no wait I should use reinforce so they can’t get in that’s perfect okay here we go we’re going to do reinforce right here while they’re fighting those stupid zombies well actually I just put in peaceful so they’re not going be able to fight them but while they’re distracted I’m going to just do this oh the zombies are gone no they were kind of silly I like the sillies they were not silly they were hurting us I like that dude what bro these girls are actually so annoying are you serious right now they’re so weird um did I see blocky making a really big pole into the sky over there oh no no I need to build this quickly I need to build this quickly so they can’t see oh maybe he’s making like a telephone pull or something like that so we can all like call each other and text each other we can call for help we got to stop him why do we got to stop him because he’s going to call for help and his brother’s going to wait a second if he calls for help then his brother comes bro I’m literally building a house what are they talking about oh yeah blocky blocky you should call your brother why yeah I want your brother I mean I want him here is what I said no I’m not calling my brother cuz he’s I don’t want him to get traumatized from this situation this is so traumatizing this is not traumatizing you know what’s traumatizing living a life without blocky are you serious right now you girls are actually sus why do you think I’d ever like you when you’re acting like this uh cuz um I got pretty nice pixels if you know what I mean n you don’t all right I was supposed to play the long game right uh blogy I don’t like you wink wink nah that is not that you are not good for that that is not hard wait wait Walky if you had to choose like if you were forced against your will who would you date none of you honestly none of you I literally have a girlfriend it’s obviously me because there’s building his house around me right now get out of my house bro is coping you didn’t build a door Loy you do not have a girlfriend can you stop talking all of you weird girls can can someone just figure out a way to get me out of here I don’t even want to be here anymore I plead the fit get out of my house I don’t want to you buil it around me it’s our house though we’re going to get married and have 20 million children we going to name him no I don’t know if that’s actually humanly possible but lucky what would you like to name your firstborn son not not no we’re not doing that all right well this this house is starting to look good but they literally just invaded my house I really need to find a way to get out of here like ASAP so lucky I don’t want any of these other girls to be around you it’s just going to be you and me oh no no no okay uh get away away from me away from me shoot I’m going to shoot oh my gosh I’m about to die this is fair I don’t have a gun this is not fair wait no we’re not actually a gun fight oh no these girls might die here all right it’s time to shoot all of these girls all my competition this isn’t fair oh gosh no stop get it up GE it up yo everyone chill girls chill chill chill die die die this this isn’t fair I don’t have a gun well at least I can get rid of Blocky now I’m going to get you you can’t kill me I’m in creative mode I can literally troll you all day wow you’re so strong well can you just leave leave us alone you’re weird you’re freak and I don’t like you here I want to I literally want to leave can you tell me how I can leave don’t say that about my blocky just tell me how can leave and I’ll leave I don’t know just go into the void bro I literally can’t do that um where is my creative switcher uh what’s going on what’s going wait looks like your creative ran out blocky I mean it was bound to happen one way or another I made sure to time it just right what oh my goodness oh my goody goodness he’s ours he’s our little pet wait what are they building what in the heck luy do you want a treat do you want a treat no no I don’t like Goldfish do you want to treat it’s a clown fish bro what are they doing you want a treat lucky do you want a treat stop I’m not a pet I’m not a pet okay leave him alone I have to run some experiments on him I don’t know if you know this blocky but I’m really into science and all kinds of cool Tech stuff so I don’t I really don’t care well I’m going to run a couple of experiments on you just need a little bit of a DNA sample really quick can you spit in this cup for no e e get away oh gosh oh wait my inventory literally just cleared are you serious right now why don’t I have anything what did you do something oh well yeah of course I can’t have you escape that would defeat the whole purpose of it now wouldn’t it okay I’m going to ask you a couple of questions we’re doing a lie detector test so baky do you think TV woman’s kind of hot what TV woman why are you talking about TV woman right now from skib toilet yeah why is that huh why do you care she’s leing my ex-girlfriend ah so she’s not the current one you like your ex guys stop this is so weird this is so weird that’s embarrassing imagine being obsessed with your ex that’s kind of award not going to lie wait can I ask him a question I I I I guess so wait what in the heck does she want to ask me are you serious right now what’s your blood type bro what that is such a weird question I don’t know can I just get out of this cage please let me ask hey is that’s a yes or no question yes or no yes stop talking to me oh wait no wait I have a different question actually luy what will you miss marry me no was that a lie or a truth it says truth that means he will marry me I don’t think that’s what uh yeah okay no she lied it says a lie he doesn’t want to marry you rightfully so I mean you’re the ugliest one out of us wait what I’m not ugly well now it’s my turn to ask questions shut up stop complaining why do you guys act like I’m like a pet like just let me out I’m literally a boy and like you you girls are so weird he’s just a boy yeah okay heard that excuse a couple hundred times plus a pet would be cuter than you even those ugly tarantulas well my question is is your brother super hot like you bro are you serious right now why would you ask me that he’s L my brother you weirdo e it’s his brother why would we want his brother here as well one boy is bad enough but this one keeps trying to run away and I want another one he isn’t a pet he’s not okay well this is really fun so uh how about I go first or well okay let me ask one more question move move move move okay will you stay here forever with us bro no why would I stay here it says he’s lying he will stay with us forever no I won’t you are coping so hard that is not what it says oh no what is she doing looks like she’s getting really mad yo what did you just do I killed her I I’m pretty sure you just saw with their own eyes but but now she’s gone okay wamp wamp cry about it do you want a tissue or something you’re a psychopath okay now we got rid of that Bozo hopefully another girl will take her place although think about it I should have killed one of you cuzz you two are so stupid no there’s another girl coming oh no going to be a girl wait what do you mean when someone dies you just get replaced just like that so if someone dies another one comes that doesn’t make sense does that mean only five people can be on this map why can’t I just leave oh yeah you’re right maybe I should just kill you no no no no no no not my poy bear no he’s my pokey bear no he’s my Pokey Petty bear uh girls what is going on whoa what the buddy my brother it’s my brother oh my good he go yo yo buddy buddy help me buddy I what’s happening buddy I can explain what’s going on let touch your muscles oh my God I’m blushing buddy I can explain what’s going on please help me out of here another guy dude what is with these girls what the heck dude what is going on did you bring me here no dude I spawned on this island randomly after we did like one of those hero missions right we were like basically saving the day and I got spawned here I don’t know what to do help me out please bro you it’s Stone just break it you idiot oh oh oh okay oh buddy we got to get out of here dude these girls are literally crazy bro I’ll explain the whole story later wait where do you think you’re going please Doe how did he get how did he get out how the heck did he do that um he broke it I’m pretty sure that’s how Minecraft works you break things and you build things nuh nuh nuh y yuh nuh wait there’s two wait wait one two there is two okay I don’t really like this blocky guy but I don’t know this Buddy’s kind of I don’t know how he makes my dead heart feel somewhat alive I guess bro you don’t even know what in the heck yo buddy are you dude they’re trying to trap you bro dad get me out of here man what is going on bro I don’t know how to leave I don’t know buddy please you’re really smart can we can you tell me how to leave oh Buddy’s smart I like my men intelligence bro okay maybe if we can get away from them for a second I can try and figure something out wait come back here I promise I’m not crazy like them well I’m crazy in a different way stop running away you sure aren’t acting like it no well I’m I’m prettier than both of them would you agree I mean it’s true oh my goody goodness it’s l night time yo buddy please tell me how we get out of here dude I don’t know we got to figure it out there has to be like a portal or something somewhere yeah maybe honestly but the dude basically buddy I’ve been I’ve been trapped here for like literally so long dude these girls are obsessed with me and they’ve been putting on these cages these traps this one especially this woman in the pink shirt she literally obsesses over me she has a crush on me hey talk about me now talk about me uh this one literally likes me and she she put a lie detector on me and they were literally quizzing me for hours she’s talking about me right now e what what is wrong with them no he was talking about me I know it’s it’s because it’s a girl’s only Island they have like a weird thing with me for some reason wait dude do you see that up there wait a second I do there’s a nether portal up there dude you’re so smart buddy I see that what did that get there that’s our ticket out of here no somebody stop those two uh cute boys oh no no no come on come on come on yo yo buddy follow me dud we can finally get out of here I think I mean I just got here but get me out don’t you want to stay no I really don’t want to stay no you’re so weird want a double dat no e what in the Bro buddy you maybe if you were a bit less crazy yeah they’re literally CRA Budd you smell like butter you smell like blocky I like that bro are you serious right now smells you sniffing me all right come on come on come on come on what she doing what she doing you’re not going anywhere oh no yes I should have let that idiot blocky throw then I could have kept buddy excuse me bro what are we going to do buddy how do we get out of here come on there’s going to be a flint and steel somewhere dude there has to be another way yeah maybe there’s a flint and steel somewhere on this map why would we just put a flint and steel somewhere like that’s ridiculous buddy you’re like me just you know hold my hand or something come on buddy look for a flint and steel I am not like you I’m going to check I’m going to check this tree you’re Moody you hate life you’re literally me I’m not like that at all I think you’re projecting a bit bro I think that girl literally likes you too buddy like she was a hater on me but she kind of likes you and I don’t really like it come on come on there’s got to be a flint steel somewhere oh wait no way FL Steels don’t grow on she hit it up here she HD it up here here we go come on well if you if you plant a foot and steud you missed go oh my good goodness and um where are we right now we’re back in the normal world man we made it out dude that was so weird are you serious right now that was lit one of the weirdest things I’ve ever done dude those girls literally trapped me on that island and they tried to trap you too dude you’re telling me I was just like you know doing some stuff and then I got ported there like poof yeah dude were you worried where I was uh not really I kind of wasn’t yeah yeah I was yeah I was I was looking for you that’s what I was doing he bro you’re my brother bro are you you serious right now all right whatever dude let’s just get out of here come on let’s go wait a second where am I right now oh guys it’s T man it’s Ste man hi uh I I missed you it’s been a while since we saw each other actually how are you doing oh no I’m on the same map as a smiling Critters and I’m on one heart bro are you serious right now don’t worry not for long hey why you pushing me off bro oh my gosh no guys why are you pushing me off what’s wrong with you guys I would never push you off it was that idiot cat we definitely need to stop pushing TV man up that’s kind of getting old you do it every time he’s kind of a good guy you know yeah he’s a really good guy I don’t remember asking you stupid hey hey don’t be mean to dog day like sure he’s a good guy dude this is a smiling Critters one heart bro this guy sucks hey hey hey bro I didn’t want to be here with you guys what’s wrong with you then why are you here no it’s okay well I brought him here I wanted to have a really close friend with me cuz like I just hang out with my brother and his friends it’s kind of annoying you know I want a friend of my own hey yo I ain’t even about that bro I don’t like you like that why is you sp here do you do I really need to explain it again I hang out with my brother’s friends all the time so I wanted a friend of my own so I brought you here is that that hard to understand man you’re dead oh my gosh whatever I guess I’m going to start playing this one heart and I’ll use this Lucky Block right here move can up sister here we go name here you can have the dirt I got look isn’t very good is it TV man oh my gosh no it is really good look at that o I just got a ton of potions look at that let’s use this potion I got one are you kidding me dude bro no way sorry poison on everyone oh my that is hurting my lungs H I got a potion here to man here you can have it all right you know what whatever we can just leave this guy here who cares about him let’s build a base somewhere far away I agree let’s get away go start bridging go go bro what is wrong with you guys why are you guys haters bro I didn’t even do anything but I don’t hate youv man in fact I love hey yo waa I didn’t even know about that bro what no no I sorry I misspoke I you’re you’re you’re really cool bro just fell are you serious right now e that was an ugly noise yeah I can we get some food I’m uh that poison kind of got me down to half a heart so I would like to get some headat that’s a skill issue okay uh I’m just going to build myself in and not die wait so canat up can I like join you on your base maybe um if you want to die sure bro are you serious right now wait no TV man uh you and I can build our own base and then dog day can work alone I guess cuz you know dog day is a lone wolf okay well I don’t know I’m a dog I’m not a wolf you descended from wolves simple enough I what can I just I’m going to look around for food you can you guys can do whatever you want yo dog that you’re like the only one who’s nice to me here bro why is catnap sister like obsessed with me like I don’t understand it’s so weird I have no clue it’s like she seems to know you from uh she she’s she can hear you dude shut up it’s like she I don’t know I maybe she’s just going crazy she’s been crazy for a while o yummy uh what is she doing hey yo oh she just she just drank poison bro are you serious or not all right anyway there’s a Lucky Block right here let’s use that and BR we just got painting are you serious right now we can make um T maybe we should actually help I think C I think she’s dying all right well I’ll help you here here bye oh my gosh finally she G anyway let’s just keep breaking this one block I got to get out of here honestly man team that there should have been a better way to deal with that but I guess it works yeah she’s not coming back right they don’t respawn correct uh I’m pretty sure they respa but it might take a little bit oh okay that actually works are you serious right now TV man we just built this house dude are you serious right now sorry bro all that work and effort we would into it and you just blew it up sorry my fault get out of here bro get out of here bro oh my gosh you guys are so mean to me it’s not fair like why can’t you guys just accept me for who I am I’m from ski toilet you guys can’t accept me for who I am bro we’re not mean to you and it’s not that don’t accept you it’s that you just blew up our house get out of here I didn’t mean to it was an accident yeah sure buddy sure yeah yeah just like you okay get out of here yeah I’m sure you were an accident guys come on can’t you just like treat T man a little nicer he really didn’t do much and in fact he’s the guest of honor cuz I invited him here myself so you guys should treat him really nice and I I was invited by katn shouldn’t I be a guest of aror too you know shut up ow no we just needed more people uh so uh Team men here I’m sorry my brother and his friends are acting that way they’re um uh they were also dropped on their heads um so here have some apples I got them from the chest bro what uh I’m scared these have something in it I’m not going to lie uh why would I poison an apple this isn’t Snow White unless you know you want to wake me up with a kiss or something e e e e do help me dude she’s being creepy she’s being creepy what’ she say this time oh you have a pet dog now hey wait a minute that seems a little weird considering Europe bye you just murdered bro did you actually just kill a dog and you wonder why we don’t want you here right in front of me uh uh whoops you’re sick that’s crazy bro oh my gosh I’m just going to get out of here I got to find something but it looks like there’s like a trap door over there I’m going to go over there and see what that is oh what you doing well you’re doing something you’re probably breathing you’re probably living no I’m not doing anything you’re probably well if can I join you in doing anything absolutely not no canap sister no you’re being creepy and weird I don’t like you what but I thought you liked me when did I ever say that I never said that are you serious right now told yesterday you told me you liked me or at least video you did bro no I did not hey yo no no no no I I don’t do that I’m sorry oh okay well um I don’t know maybe we could start off being friends and then we can see where it goes from there okay we can be friends but that’s it nothing more anyway there’s a chest right here oh my goody goodness there’s a creative switcher that means I can build a crazy house and I can impress The Smiling Critter what you find what you find what you find can I see it can I see it uh yeah it’s a creative switcher you know what that is oh uh I it makes turn you get the yeah oh my goody goodness here we go I’m going to go in creative mode in three two 1 boom and oh my gosh I’m in creative mode now and I think it’ll last for like 30 minutes too so I can build the best base ever and impress them oh hopefully didn’t see I was flying bro literally I just saw you flying how are you doing that I think we’re just seeing things bro yeah yeah okay maybe but like that stuff about you building a nice house yeah okay dude see you’re breaking ours how can you build a nice one get out of here bro all right what whatever you think bro I’m about to build the craziest base ever and impress The Smiling Critters because I got to show that I am able be on this one heart with them well you you’re able to be on this one heart I invited you of course you know yeah I I I was supposed to do a one heart with skibby toilet you know with my friend speaker man my friend Cam man but you know you ruined it you don’t have any friends dude stop making stuff up bro he’s probably just compensating for playing toilet Tower Defense do you even know do you even know speaker man or cameraman do you know any of them you don’t even know them so why are you talking wait do you know title TV man yeah how do you know dude title TV man is my hero I love title TV man how do you know title how do you know title chill chill see this is why we don’t like you and we like title come on leave what I thought are you serious right now oh my good goodness whatever I’m just confused that gu knows title that’s just weird but anyway and here we go let’s use some quartz let’s use some pillar quartz blocks and here we go we’ll place that up catnap Sister you are in the way move I’m sorry uh there’s a thing called manners I know I mean you could just say excuse me for once nope out of my way woman hey hey TV man what’s going on I’ve been building a house over here right behind you oh no don’t don’t say that no no no don’t tell him please please what happened why what happened he called he he was being me to me okay okay listen listen all I did is I said out of the way Miss uh catnap sister that’s all I said no no that’s not what you said you said out of the way woman how dare you say that TV man we respect women here yeah period this is why you don’t have any women oh my gosh bro are you serious right now like I I think she’s cool but like she wants to date me it’s just weird like I don’t know that’s the only reason why I said that I’m sorry I guess no no I I never said I wanted to date you yeah you’re sounding really delusional right now what’s wrong with you oh I get it you have a crush on my sister well it’s never going to happen not as long as I’m here bro I do not have a crush on your sister bro she is weed I’m not going to lie excuse me would you say don’t talk about her like that what’s wrong with you bro are you Ser okay okay oh how’ you dodge that all right listen listen dude I I I just you know I’m like that anyway um dude I I really don’t like her I promise you dude she likes me sure whatever you say but I’ll be watching you thanks brother oh here have a cookie got you Cookie yeah uh hey T man uh I just got to witness all that uh man that sister really is uh kind of crazy uh I know it’s insane bro she’s so weird dude she keeps stalking me if you have a problem with me you don’t have to talk behind my back you can say it to my face I have a problem with you oh well there we go okay a yo hey she has a gun Bill what is wrong with you H she has a gun wait she doesn’t have a gun she’s not holding one at least oh and she does yeah uh I’m going to go what is wrong with you catnap sister oh my gosh you’re so weird can’t you just call me by my name I I’m not catnap sister uh what’s your name again I forgot Kitty ow ow oh yeah it’s Kitty I forgot whatever maybe I’ll ask kick and chicken for some help and advice uh kick and chicken uh I I need help on this girl who keeps stalking me on the one heart that sounds like a you problem buddy I’m over here enjoying my house I mean look at your thing bro like you’re trying to impress her with that bro I’m not bro I’m not trying to impress her I’m hly trying to impress you guys cuz you guys won’t accept me for being from skibby toil you guys I’m trash at everything I mean yeah we’re not wrong bro what do you have against skibby toilet what seriously what’s wrong with I don’t have anything against skibby toilet just you are you serious right now can do you have something against skibby toilet still what the heck is Scooby-Doo toilet stop talking nonsense dude yo why don’t we like kick this guy out already honestly you have a good point we should have done that from the start he wasn’t supposed to be here anyway hey hey hey we’re not kicking anybody out TV man was invited just like everybody else so you have to bring it up with the person that invited him which I don’t like playing this car but you I have to ask Kitty for it for permission hey Kitty can we kick out your boyfriend hey we’re not dating hey we’re yo stop bro no no no no no n chicken chicken you’re weird bro it’s not my fault you guys are like weird together what nah n you’re you’re bro you are weird bro I am not dating her and I will never date her bro cuz she is not I’m not into her bro did you hear that kitty how do you feel about that oh my gosh uh neutral I guess I think he likes me though boys are just really bad at like processing emotions everyone knows that no no no I I do not like you I could tell you that like I like you as a friend I guess but like now honestly I don’t even anymore cuz you’re just being weird I’ll take what I can get wait why are you building up my house bro what is wrong with you stop Kitty I I thought this is our house you know all right that’s it house house in the middle the street Oh okay that’s it I’m making a new house I ain’t doing all that bro I could just make my own house out of quarts and uh uh uhoh are you serious right now my creative switcher disappeared oh gach bro TV mate what are you doing placing quarts on my beautiful house I’m sorry I’m sorry man you know I didn’t mean it I’m just going to go I’m going to get out of here now I need to figure out a way to get out of here yeah you’re right yeah get out of here leave wait T man where do you think you’re going I thought we were going to hang out together um I’m going to uh all right that’s it I’m going to be honest with you kitty I’m going home bye but you can’t go home yet we haven’t finished building the house oh no I I ain’t building no house with you kitty I’m sorry hi I thought you loved me hey yo n n you’re crazy bro anyway I’m going to open this door right here and here’s the first challenge oh okay you want to see crazy TV man I’ll give you crazy I was holding back cuz I wanted you to like me but it seems like now I have no choice come back here no no no bro you know what TV man that’s the last straw we’re just going to kill you wait wait whoa whoa whoa hold on hold on canap chill bro I didn’t do anything bro I’m trying trying to leave I’m I’m really trying to leave brother brother I don’t know you keep messing with my sister and I don’t know if I appreciate that brother brother I’m not brother stay out of this let me do this was asking you shut oh my gosh bro oh all get no no no stop oh no it’s closed guys oh there’s armor there’s armor there’s armors I’m going grab all that uh let me grab these swords let me grab the golden apples okay there we go let me grab that put th iron on and now I’m protected so they can’t kill me yeah really what what do you mean ow ow okay okay chill chill that’s going to kill me that’s going to kill me cat up go away just work on your house or something oh no guys ah there are zombies okay oh no no no no no ow ow ow ow ow ow cam stop killing me bro there’s zombies I’m literally trying to kill you dude n you’re actually weird bro man these zombies are nothing we got to get TV man he’s the real threat get up chill chill chill you guys are getting me low on health I’m actually going to die here bro are you serious right that’s the point dude that’s yeah that’s kind of the point why are you guys trying to kill me bro I didn’t even do anything you’re messing with my sister okay but why is dude you’re kind of annoying kick chicken why are you acting like this too bro I didn’t even do anything to you dude honestly I’m just going with the crowd man they all hate you I hate you too dog day doesn’t hate me I don’t hate you honestly valid well dog day is irrelevant yeah but no one cares what dog day think true even is dog day build about him this is such a great house wow he’s a horrible singer oh my goody goodness let me just fight these monsters and maybe I’ll get like a key or something to get out of here I’m pretty sure I’m going to be able to go into a nether portal or something to get out of here I don’t know something oh you’re not going anywhere wa oh my go catnap sister what is wrong with you bro a lot of things but what’s wrong with you is that you’re not dating me yet you’re literally making all the smiling Critters hate me do you understand that catap sister they just hate you cuz they’re jealous they’re jealous that you’re you’re just so cool you’re so handsome you’re so strong bro ew why are you making her say these things tevie man get out of here bro what are you talking about dude I’m not are you blackmailing her obviously you’re blackmailing her or something I am I am not he’s not blackmailing me now get out of here so it’s mind control yep mind control are you serious right now oh gosh there’s all these zombies oh gosh there’s so many of them too they’re so huge hey yo what I’ll save you baby girl please please count of sister I’ll do anything if you just leave me aler let me leave please you’ll do anything hm uh yeah I will okay then date me and be mine forever easy pey oh ew ew not that anything else ladder up here let me go up here away away Sho Sho sh trying to escape oh there’s there’s a chest right here what’s in it oh my gosh there’s also obsidian okay perfect let me grab that obsidian and I’m going to Juke the them out get ready oh hey hey kicking chicken yeah you’re done now TV man buddy you’re trash you’re trash you’re trash no way guys what’s going on in here they help me where do you think you’re going waa you why why are they so angry what do you do I don’t know I don’t know they’re they’re really a y I fell but good thing I got out of there I’m going to respawn I’m going to respawn oh my goody goodness where am I wait what’s going on what is wrong with you guys we don’t have to cage him yeah we you have the cage wa you don’t have open stupid mou wait what’s going on did you guys P to me where am I I don’t know what’s going on oh w w wo W they built a cage where you spawned so you basically just spawned in there oh my bro are you really really cat up sister really are you serious right now why does everyone call me catnap sister I have a name we have established it you do you have a name I thought I thought you were just catnap sister yeah yeah I’m pretty sure that’s what it is I’m pretty sure that is her name that’s what our parents named her well it’s actually Kitty no it’s it’s Kitty but yeah you get the point thank you man shut up TV manow ow thank you you know you know what for that I’m releasing him I’m just going to what do you mean no oh okay bro hey let me out keep cage keep him cage keep in cage w w not going to keep cage why you spare iron bars oh yo yo let me out no this a this ain’t cool what’s up you kind of you kind of Trapped your sister in there as well if you haven’t noticed that’s fine she’s annoying anyway she was trying to free TV man she’s got to be trapped in there okay well now that we’re in here we can have like some bonding time it’s kind of weird that you guys are all just staring at us it’s a little weird I don’t want to be in here I I I really don’t please let me out yeah I’m kind of concerned what’s about to happen in there so can you can let you can let them out now we could have a nice chat you know we can talk about life and you know um okay uh I don’t know I kind of want to watch the torture session let’s see this go one can I have a hug just let him out stop let him out okay okay while they’re distracted I’m going to get out of here okay let’s break this room come on just let them out can don’t just get them out you’re pouring there we go let’s get out of here and I’m go hey he’s on top of our house help wait wait team man please help me I’m sorry I’m sorry I W be cre to you anymore please I’m going be coming with you get him oh yeah dog you’re like the only cool one here you can come with me come on let’s go back off bird oh my good goodness just get me away dog D we got to go dude come on I’m going to try to block their path let’s go dog D why are you helping him because you guys are psychopaths we’re Psychopaths look at this guy’s got a TV for aead bro this kicking chicken guys shut up tra and you got chicken this kicking chicken gu literally God bridging bro hey what can I say all right here we go 360 boom Oh My Gosh okay it opened up finally finally closing behind us oh the do the iron doors actually closed behind us uh we who where did you come from how in the how did you get here yeah you guys have fun in there we’re just going to stay outside what wait uh I don’t like the way he send that is there some bad in here what’s going on what’s going to happen just grab this armor grab this armor just wait what do you mean y yo oh my goody goodness what’s going to happened here we’re stuck in here and we’re with K up Sister oh W wo w w w what happened you oh it’s ugly me it’s ugly bees oh my goody goodness yo is that a mutant dog day why are they spawning here hey yo ow ow why is it looking at me like that oh that’s so gross yes two extra arms oh my gosh they’re really powerful too are you serious right now just fight them we got to kill them oh no before down the anal put down the animals is this catnap is he is he doing this to us I wouldn’t put it past him I don’t know please I don’t like your sister at all please just trust me you expect me to believe that with how you’re acting oh my g just take them out this kill please there so okay thank what this more oh that wasn’t good um so uh oh they’re so gross these guys are detestable what are these things canat with these cck weird Creations you’ve made e it’s so disgusting oh my good goodness yo what is wrong with catnap bro are you serious right now oh my good goodness come on fight these guys we’re almost done oh finally they’re dead oh my gosh that took too long don’t worry I’ll I I’ll save you T man anything from a Pooky uh uh guys uh well nothing nothing’s happening so maybe something open somewhere look around yeah I’m going to look around all right let’s walk around come on come on come on something has to have open please I need to get out of here I hate it here it’s not that bad when I’m with you thing it’s probably up top oh yep guys come up top whoa where did you come from Top wait what do you mean what did I did you get up here wait what are we looking at wait what’s going on well this chest apparently there’s a CH bro there’s nothing in the chest are you serious right now where heick chick kicken chicken stole it come on move come on move give it up you know what team man it’s fine let’s just get out of here actually this isn’t fun anymore my stupid brother and his friends ruined it I’m just going to leave by myself oh uh oh uh hey what’s up TV man didn’t I tell you to leave oh no why are you so big bro I mean what can I say I’m kind of the most powerful person here oh my God ex he has a FL and steel we got to get that or else we’re not going to be able to leave or may not be the kiata here but like you know you have to kill me get okay already on it yeah your bow useless come on anybody got anything maybe maybe we have to go mono and mono T man let’s grab some blocks and go fight a man man oh my good goodness all right let’s do it let’s do it let’s do it but if he hits us we’re going to die okay uh let’s use this yeah you guys are kind of just standing there not even wanting to fight you guys like never want to leave do you jum on there yeah are you guys chicken no he is come on he Y F this guy whoa y you’re trash bro you’re actually trash look at you dude you’re going to die you’re really short buddy come on now what’s up what’s up what’s up what’s up TV man what what’s wrong with being short what your friends yo you guys are so weak hold on watch this oh my gosh just die already what’s wrong with you kick chicken about to die you having a three4 me bro oh you just Dro okay thank you I guess I didn’t drop anything I didn’t drop anything give me that back all right I don’t have to kill you now I I mean I have the Flint steel so see that’s true I mean I’m still going to kill you so like oh my goodness I got to run come on come on come on hey yo bro he just gave me that flint and seal he’s so stupid bro bro do not think I’m done with you guys I’m fast as heck oh no he is right here what’s good T man what’s good T man oh my good goodness she’s getting away from me bro what’s wrong with you dude you’re just a weak little guy why don’t you gone and just like that you walked into my trap our trap when did you place that not again me out of here kicken chicken you are not him okay just say uh do we have a pickaxe a how do we how do we Break These Bars dog day why are you trying to help him dude no yeah you traitor guys just stop it why are you being so mean to him he’s the love of my life he’s literally brainwashing you kid get away from him I’m not being brainwashed you’re the ones being brainwashed you’re obviously being brainwashed nobody could ever like this loser full offense dude bro why did I get myself wrapped up in this here take a bone loser take some arrows D Man D Man distract them oh arrows thanks distract them oh wait who said that who said look down oh my yo okay okay um uh do you guys know what 9 plus 10 is you know what 9 plus 10 is at least right 21o he doesn’t even know map get him out of here hey wait where he go get out he dropped down um let’s go this way and we’ll go around and wait which way which way do I go there’s uh I think I saw like an obsidian yeah over there obsidian thing over there there’s an obsidian thing over there and I think I have enough obsidian to get out of here so let’s go stop you guys stopen going to escape that easily yes I am loser I’m going to help him I’m literally so fast come on bro what do you on about you’re also literally so dumb oh my good good somebody just got to keep going wait how is she over there okay anyway um here we go uh let’s place this right here we’ll get this obsidian wait how do I make it okay here we go like that yeah remember our Cube It’s like a it’s like a it’s like a cube all right I had a few more in my inventory here we go 7 six 5 4 oh I messed it up oh you kind of you kind of messed just just build right yeah just build like three more right above me three more right above me oh okay um you to like fill it in basically all right oh I grabbed my obsidian right here I got some more and here we go one two three boom uh okay maybe uh two more right here two more right here we it needs to be like aect oh I need one more I need oh ken sister you wouldn’t mind uh I’m going to put one more obsidian with my pickaxe oh my gosh okay I have a diamond pickaxe right here let’s use that come on I got to keep mining so uh Ken sister how’s it going oh no yeah you didn’t think I would let you leave TV man how do you even have that I’m in Creative still please come on you just didn’t make you like me okay please uh please let us go let us go before can up and kick and chicken kill me please please please they’re not going to kill you on my watch I’ll keep you safe I’ll make sure they don’t lay a hand on you I’m going to break this Bedrock I’m going to break this Bedrock hold on give me one second oh really really okay mhm yeah okay if I say I like you will you let me leave uh maybe oh no what do I do what do I do dog day please help me distractor distractor I’m doing a work around okay okay basically you know we are going to go on a date and it’s going to be so much fun and and yeah we’re going to go on a date and it’s going to be so much fun and we’re going to um you know we’re going to talk about Bedtime Stories and we’re going to go to the movies and we’re going to we’re going to uh uh I don’t know what are we going to do uh we’re we’re going to have so much fun right go go say something about like a pool party or something ah oh no got pushed off okay uh kick and chicken what’s going on man yeah a pool party we’re doing that too oh I mean that’s fun don’t worry you’re done soon buddy hey hey hey oh no uh dog day where are you we need you here right now I kind of Spawn right next to them I kind of sticking around don’t tell Yeah so basically please don’t throw that potion at me please oh I wasn’t going to I just wanted to give you this as a gift to show that I really care about you all right we’re going to basically like we’re going to go uh we’re we’re come mind me what are you doing I’m not doing anything definitely not breaking we’re not doing anything breaking anything thing above you hey you wouldn’t mind uh stepping back a little bit I think TV man wants to talk to you like he he want he wants to say something to you that he doesn’t want me to hear so can you back off just a little bit really okay what do you want to say to me uh basically I wanted to uh you know basically wanted to uh you know you have to come over here though if you want to really hear the full story yo do it do it do it what’ you hit me go go light it light it come on go go go go I’m coming after you oh my goody goodness come on oh finally no uh you aren’t getting away it’s no no no I got to go back to the T get me away hey wait for me I’m coming with you stop oh thank goodness I’m finally out of there TV man no you’re not getting away we’re supposed to get married and we’re going to we’re going to have 9,000 children and trying to marry my sister who I am done with the Critters man I’m going with you with this with the whatever what what are you against SK toilet whatever I’m going you wait a second where am I right now now oh my gosh TV man wao it’s TV man I’m so excited wao what in the heck what am I doing with all these girls and where even am I right now uh hi team man uh that’s a good question actually it’s a great question actually and I would like to know the answer what are you doing here I don’t know uh who even are you girls I have no idea where I am right now I didn’t even know you were real like skippity toilet like that’s a real thing uh what it is real I love skib toilet or yeah skib toilet right I’m such a huge fan I actually had a dream last night at skib toilet that it like it opened up next to me it was like a mall kind of Y what the heck you girls are so weird are you serious right now yo I’m literally on a yacht with these girls and this is so soft hey uh can you come back I I would like to know a little more about you you’re you look very interesting you seem to have I’m TV man who even are you well I guess I’m one of your biggest fans you know I really love technology you look so intriguing can I um take a closer look at your HDMI cord yo get me away from these girls are you serious right now wear the skiy toilet characters like TV woman my girlfriend okay stop with the cat buddy you do not have a girlfriend especially looking like that bro are you serious right now who even are you weirdo anyway oh no I got to get away from these girls hey girls stop following me around oh I’m in this pool what is this oh since he’s a TV is he going to like fry or something good ridd I’m in this pool get me out TV man don’t go in the water you’re electronic pool party oh I love to swim this is really fun ew I’m having a pool party with girls e get me out of here oh my goodness are you idiots trying to get electrocuted he’s a TV well he’s not going to Short Circuit or anything he doesn’t have any loose wires he’s probably like the latest model or something like that you girls are so weird are you serious right now how do I get out of here oh no I hate being the only skiy toilet character here this is so weird I could be a skipp toilet character if you want no you can’t you’re never going to be TV woman you’re never going to compare to her oh I could be a better than her well maybe if I do a couple of experiments maybe I could transer myself into a TV woman yo what in the sussy Baka you’re never going to be like TV woman you all are just weird girls I don’t even know who you are well they’re your biggest fans but I’m your biggest hater can you please like get off the boat but I can’t jump off this it’s a girls only trip okay I know it’s a girl’s only but I’m going to get like I’m going to die from the Sharks out there can you have legs boohoo wamp wamp just do it or else I’m going to push you no don’t push him off he’s too handsome to die hey yo what in the sussy Box you want to be pushed off as well can you girls just leave me alone and let me be what’s a let me be come on give me a kiss e give me a kiss get away from me stop it girl stop it oh no I need to hide or something okay I’m going to go in here and just hide behind one of these like pools yeah okay I’m hiding right here where are you going TV man stupid is he in the hot tub pleas I don’t see him at all maybe maybe get better eyes I don’t know maybe we could use some glasses bro these girls are actually so stupid good thing they can’t find me they’re so dumb well at least I attached a tracker on him now we can track him down yo what well it says he should be somewhere in this room um okay maybe he look let’s see if there’s if these pools go any deeper maybe there’s like a hidden pathway or something can your tracker be a little bit more specific okay well at least I can make a Tracker wait uh let me see uh just a little okay it’s getting closer getting closer no no no no uhoh oh I found him T man T man what are you running off to come back here I want you I need you I love you yo these girls are actually weird these girls are act hey hey hey yo hey yo get away from me wait wait wait T man I have a really good question which one of us do you like the best none of you you all girls are sus I’m not sus I could be a skippity toilet no you can’t you’ll never be TV woman you’re never going to be like her I don’t have to be a TV man I could be a TV uh I could be a speaker man or a speaker woman how do you know who that is yeah you like I do I know all the things there’s there’s Titan TV man there’s title TV man there’s there’s speaker man there’s speaker woman there’s um yo how do she know my whole family are you serious right now you weirdo why you a stalker I have done some research and I’m a super big fan of Sky I just love it love it love it oh no are you serious right now oh my gosh can you shut up your voice is giving me a headache no one cares about Scooby-Doo toilet or whatever all I want is for that guy to get off the boat how about we throw you off the boat huh bro Try Me Try Me Maybe I will okay we want to go wait no we can’t fight we need to get TV man we got to capture him yo these girls are actually weird I need to find him I’ll make him like pokey bear e oh G are you serious right now oh there’s a little dead in here I’m just going to hide in here perfect wait a second oh my gosh never say that again never shut up wait there’s literally BL wait let’s break it oh a Heroes potions oh my good goodness I can get so many resources here and probably make my own base on this yacht so then I don’t have to like go near those stupid girls here we go bro there’s chickens uh why is there chicken noises does anyone hear that isn’t the food supposed to be like dead before we shut up shut up hey hey hey Shut I thought that was just one of you making clucking noises why would I make clucking noises I I can uh I can meow meow meow bro are you serious no you don’t have to do that it’s okay you don’t have to do that I make other sound go oh wait what in the heck where am I right now okay I’m really scared these are going to be unlucky but why not let’s just do it uh okay Hero’s potion perfect we got some of that um what’s going on in here uh okay let’s do that uh-oh okay uh let’s do oh I got so much stuff oh my gosh that is a fire hazard that could have killed us who set this here okay there we go oh I got pickaxes uhoh what is this found you I don’t know what is this my gosh oh you’re making us to a house for I still living you’re so romantic Oh no just give me away from these girls I’m going to do whatever it takes while I got to get to the top of here no no uh T man I wouldn’t do that if I were you that’s that’s really dangerous and what if we get close to a lightning storm or something like that and you just get electrocuted I don’t care I’m going to push him off get off no don’t hurt him do that you could have killed him I can’t feel my Merry man they we’re all good oh no I just got to get away from these girls they’re so weird I’m just going to hide on top of here they won’t be able to get me up here oh no no no this is so weird T man don’t do it I feel there’s storm coming the forecast says that it’s going to uhoh wait there’s a storm here it’s fine though what’s going to happen there’s nothing that can happen no you’re near something could be lightning T man get down what do you mean there’s no lightning well there could be these electric rods might well these metal rods I mean might attract lightning I would get down if I were you okay but I don’t want to be near you girls I’d rather get struck by light actually no I wouldn’t that would hurt a lot okay yeah then get down okay I don’t want you to get hurt get down get down PS or else I’m going to grab you yo what the heck e okay girls can girls do you have like another life boat I could just leave uh no why would we have a life boat ow ow ow ow what is that that was lightning T man please down no it literally wasn’t what are you talking about May ow ow my leg I can’t feel my leg ow ow ow can I kiss it to make it feel better heal I’ll give you a kiss that’s what I was going to do shut up I give better kisses I have soft nice lips your lips are crusty I use Aqua for who um well I use Vaseline and I have a lot of lip smackers I have a Hello Kitty Lip Smacker and he would love the taste of cherry on his lips y stop e you girls are gross we gross you’re the gross one you snuck onto a girl’s only yacht and now you’re not leaving you’re some kind of creep aren’t you I did not I did not bro are you serious I just spawned here what what do you mean am I a creep what are you talking about I know guy I know what guys like you want you only want one thing you just want a girlfriend and you’ll do anything different e no no not you girls I literally have a girlfriend I’m literally taking you know TV woman she’s lit my girlfriend okay is anyone going to believe his dumb excuses don’t make me call catnap don’t make me call catnap or don’t make me call um Jack oh wow I’m shaking in my boots what even is a Jax what’s a Jax sorry I’m I’m working on my latest experiment I’m working on taming animals so maybe I can like tame technology later on well uh according to my calculations the chances of you having a girlfriend are uh basically zero what are you talking about I literally have W RZ what do you mean I have the skibby Riz you know skibby Riz oh we could do a we could do like a light detector test to see if you actually have Riz or something no I don’t need to prove anything to you weird girls honestly I’m just going to get out of here how about you try to rise me up though just just just try just try e what in the sussy no just try just try you’re weird though why would I you’re like the grossest one here honestly what wait I’m not gross I did it yeah that’s right you have crusty lips you use whatever you use like sand to like wash your lips you have such bad acne like no man would want to date you okay and you need to actually go home take a shower get plastic surgery I don’t care y shut up that shut her up yeah I do not care about your opinion at all okay well I’m actually starting to like this TV guy not like that but like thank you for shutting her up she’s always yapping oh perfect all right can you guys go down there real quick there’s like I I have a special thing in there there’s something in there stupid there’s something down there yeah yeah yeah go down go down go down Perfect all right byebye oh now I finally time to get away from these stupid girls are you serious right now they’re literally so weird help me help help it’s cold oh wait what’s oh oh my gosh you are stupid get me away from these girls oh no they’re literally so weird I don’t know why they have a crush on me TV man out of everyone I’m just like a normal guy I don’t know why they’re weird yeah a normal guy you definitely don’t have like a TV for a head or anything uh wait wait why do I hear something what’s going on hello hello hello hi TV man okay why were we all hiding in the wall we could have just used separate walls and plus that was a horrible sneak attack no one asked stupid bro are you serious right now you girls are actually weird like I can’t get over how weird you are just get away from me there’s nothing weird about us do you like my latest invention TV man I call it the rod no that one’s weird actually never mind hey hey get this leash off me hey girl stupid girl get this off me actually I’m not stupid I was gradu I graduated top of my class I graduated but well you will care cuz then I’ll make you mind whether I have to do like a potion or you have to rewire your brain I’ll do anything yo yo hey yo give me a kiss yo hey hey still throwing love potions at me E I think I need to call my actual girlfriend TV woman here cuz she’s literally my girlfriend I smell cap oh yeah call her up let’s see her she’s not real do it no but she’s going to get so mad that I’m here she’s going to think I’m cheating on her so why would I go here and like tell her I’m here you probably are cheating on her you creep I’m literally not cheating on her what are you talking about uh yeah you are creep you’re on an all girls yacht that got to say something about you okay I did not want to be here someone spawned me here I just spawned here and teleported what are you talking about mhm mhm likely story likely story hey uh I B you a cookie do you want one it’s it’s chocolate chip it’s double chocolate chip it’s triple chocolate chip I even put like McDonald’s grease on it to make it extra tasty all right well I don’t have any cookies or any treats I just have E bro what is that’s cringe oh man yeah that’s cringe TV woman never treats me like this hey yo wait yo she doesn’t love you anyway um yeah no she does but like you know not in that way like not in the way where like they’re obsessive like it’s weird like you girls are not like cute especially you excuse me I don’t need your opinion I don’t need a man’s validation what in the sussy Bak is this and what gives you what gives you the right to comment on a woman’s appearance looking like that okay I did not want to be here can you please let me leave I know we have a safety boat can I just use your safety boat to leave what we don’t have a safety boat I know this place like the back of my hand I would know if we had a safety boat okay just finishing up the the ladi’s touches okay sure Y what even wait what even is this I’m so confused where am I what is going on oh oh this is perfect looks like we caught him looks like I caught him actually I’m the brains of this operation oh my God shut up nerd Emoji yeah I am a nerd emoji and I’m proud of it okay ew stop no I don’t like this get me out of here come on the pink one come on pink one Miss Pink oh oh oh you want to give me a oh you’re giving me a nickname we’re in a nickname bases now okay no no no no just just I’m going to call you no don’t call me anything oh miss girl okay I I’ll work with Miss girl okay I’ll call you um uh TVV man know my name what so um TV man what do you like to do for fun do you like to attack the skib toilets and save your Chan how do you even know that that that’s what I like to do for fun you’re so weird I stop stop talking to him I want to talk to him shut up you don’t know anything about skibby toilet you’re probably a fake fan fake fan fake like you’re Gucci bag okay I don’t have a Gucci B what are you talking about bro are you serious right now what are you guys even talking about I have no idea I didn’t bring it up she wears off brand Gucci no I don’t I have real Supreme bro that is disturbing yo why are there lasers oh my sussy vodka get me out of here I’m almost ready for the experiment oh this is going to be so good e experiment what are you talking about oh yeah she’s like a nerd and stuff so she like does random things uh uh most of her experiments don’t fail so you should be fine the chances of you blowing up are probably like really small I guess I don’t know any numbers but good luck bro are you serious right now I don’t want to do that what do you what why are you on the computer well I got to insert the programming software and make sure everything’s ready okay let’s see let me just type this in let me do this command make sure everything’s running smoothly I don’t want my engines to overheat okay everything should be good okay uh you guys stand back this is this could get messy so just stand behind me okay bro are you serious right now wait I don’t want to do this why are you making me go through this are you serious right now come on girl uh well I kind of have to know what your motives are you know okay let’s I have no motives I want to leave I already have a girlfriend TV woman this is cheating sh sh hush now P now okay we can do this the easy way or the hard way okay can I just do it the way where I want to leave can I just leave hold on let me use my pickaxe and get out of here M nuh-uh okay let’s start with the first question did you sneak on this boat or were you spawned here uh I I snuck on I not wait know I did wait wait what no I didn’t why did I say that no I didn’t did someone like poison my okay I don’t know what’s going on I definitely I I did not uh I I snuck on this boat I mean I meant I I um I got spawned here by someone let’s see if you’re right you you poisoned me with something you made me say something else what no you didn’t what are you talking about I I I wouldn’t do that I I don’t even know how potions work I don’t even speak English hey look a chicken oh where oh chicken hi all right now she’ll shut up okay well I’m here too and I can talk to you look there’s a chicken over there I’m not going to be fooled by that I don’t care about chickens I only care about TV man e oh my goodness I can knock her out if you want just just ow I don’t want any of these girls here I lit have a girlfriend like oh my gosh byebye chicken oh what were we doing okay I need you guys to step back this could get dangerous and I don’t want you to get radiation poisoning bro are you serious right now I don’t want to get radiation poisoning you creepo and you weirdo you’ll be fine you’re a TV you should be immune to it okay anyhoo next question which one of us is the prettiest bro are you serious r no that’s obviously me oh team man who do you think the prettiest one here hey stop throwing stuff at me stop it I don’t like any of you girls here I I mean um the stop stop throwing stuff at me please hey hey answer the question the most pretty one is the this one I mean um it’s it’s the no hey she’s they’re throwing potions at me you’re the pretty I mean you no one I have a girlfriend okay yeah he is coping hard he is coping hard okay what’s next with him this lie detector test is really not working or is you just suck at it so um can we just like toss him overboard now no no no let me leave let me leave please please I’ll do anything wait wait oh you’ll do anything yeah I’ll do anything to leave ah wait what wait what just happened where where did I go oh that’s not good what where he go how did you escape wait who got me out someone just saved me I don’t know who did that but let’s go no no T man no please it was me I was the one who saved you now let’s run away together uh yeah I definitely saved you oh my goody goodness thank you but I got to go I I can’t be near your girls anymore you girls are weird okay here we go uh hak wood let’s do that it up there we go oh my good let us out let us out come on um where do I go where do I go uh oh no come on come on uh where do I go wait a second it’s night time too this is bad that might that means that maybe monsters are going to spawn on here oh no oh no are you serious right now where do I go uh I can’t jump off cuz there’s Lally sharks and there’s a boat over there but it looks like a pirate ship there might be Pirates there oh there’s a swamp too I don’t I can make it there without getting bitten by a shark I need to make like a boat or something where is that stupid TV man I want him gone now I just want to enjoy a nice time with my friends we’re not friends I just wanted to no not you I’m talking about the chickens bro I was going to like roast you and then eat you what it was a joke gosh chill you’re not funny oh my suy Baka are you serious right now okay come on come on come on I got to go this way I’m going to stalk on these girls to see what they’re doing and if they’re talking about me oh wait I’m going to make a yummy dinner for for uh what’s his name T man man my brain hurts I hit my head too many times okay let’s see oh he’ll like this um is she mindlessly looking at me or am I am I dreaming we tripping or now I I I swear I saw him oh maybe I’m just hallus oh hi get off the table silly chicken chickens aren’t supposed to be on the table they’re supposed to be on the seat yo there’s Lally a zombie There’s a Zombie oh no zombie ow oh no no I’m really low on health I’m really low on health oh no no no wait what’s all this y wait a TV man zombies oh no it’s just a couple zombies guys it’s not that bad T man protect me oh no they stop are you serious so scared TV man and I set together a lovely Feast for you where’d he go can I have some uh no you already eat enough as it is okay you should lose and wait Y what do you mean by that what I mean she means your fat big back bro are you serious right now I’m not I don’t know I have skinnier arms than all of you okay there’s a couple things that aren’t skinni like what huh well enough arguing about that he you guys don’t know anything about uh never mind forget forget I said anything I I definitely don’t know anything about the boat or anything I yeah I’m just what about this boat huh what is you talking about uh uh these cookies are absolutely delicious what’s in them oh uh I put like uh hamburger grease um pickled frogs toes e and onions I think I’m going to be sick now I uh if you’ll excuse me I’m going to go throw up over the board overboard e well I’m going to go capture TV man I’m going to love him forever and we’re going to go live on an island somewhere bro are you serious right now no I’m going to love him forever you’ll love my cooking my cooking is the best I’m going to find him and toss him overboard that way he can get eaten alive by the Sharks and uh I’m going to uh sit here and just chill yeah and not think about plans all right girls can we all please okay I know you girls are looking for me I’m just going to say this right now can we I’ll just be friends can we please be friends oh sure we could be more than friends yeah yo stop throwing love potions at me weirdo I don’t think those potions are working well I don’t know how to make potions that well I’m not the smart one I’m barely passed Middle School yeah we know we can tell bro hey hey I’m stuck in the water hey hey I want to get out oh someone push his head under maybe we can drown him BR what just kidding that’s that’s too nice of him don’t do that that’s not nice that’s too nice yeah he needs like a more painful agonizing are you serious right now okay no one cares about your emo self okay get off get off I thought you girls all work together thought you all were friends why do you have to fight all the time this is a girls only yacht right so why can’t you just let me out nicely you think girls are nice you obviously haven’t hung out with girls girls are toxic disgusting human beings but girls are the best I love girls not like that I love boys but girls are pretty cool I’m I’m digging myself a deeper hole uh what are you saying right now you’re so weird bro hey yo no I’m not I’m not zesty I I like you and you’re a big strong man bro all right you know what I’m getting out of here I’m just going to hide somewhere so they’ll never find me hopefully I didn’t say that too loud oh we’re playing hide and seek okay everyone get your weapons first when who find some gets to do what they want brao wow I’m really excited to do what I want with TV man yeah you guys are not doing anything with me all you guys can do is just leave me alone oh yeah I’ll leave you alone I’ll leave you alone with the sharks that way they can eat you alive I’m just going to hide right here I have to get away from these girls oh no if it takes all night to stay here I’m just going to stay here and do nothing uhoh I see a girl over there uhoh I see another one TV Man TV bed where are you I just want to give you a big old kiss on the lips wait does he even have lips good thing this spot is so good but the girls are literally all here and she literally has a gun what why do you have a gun uh oh stay strapped I guess what I think that gun is a little too much like I just have this knife okay what kind of yandere has a knife only the basic ones bro they’re literally trying to find me good thing this is the best hiding spot in the world cuz they can’t see through this cuz they’re too stupid to basic isn’t bad basic could be very lovable okay yeah sure all right you know what I’m just going to sleep in here I’m going to close this and I’m just going to go to sleep in here why not I don’t really want to be with these girls anymore I’m just going to wait till the morning and then I’m going to find a way to get out of here all right good night wait a second uh where am I what happened where’s all my stuff uh wait a sec hi poy rise and shine wakey wakey eggs wait how did you girls find me I went to sleep and why did I wake up here one of us still your hiding spot wasn’t that good shut up I was the one who still had a tracker on him okay wait tracker what are you talking about take it off uh nuh-uh I don’t want to anyhoo uh I got get some breakfast I thought you might want something to eat so we have we have some we have uh apple or cranberry juice ew I don’t like that it has vegetables in it uh we have some salmon bro are you serious right now I don’t like salmon it gives me salmonella isn’t that salmonella the same thing no that’s a chicken thing e should it be called chickenella I like that no that’s get out of here me cry I’m crying we have bacon this is bacon y it’s rotten FL girls let me out right now all right evil one let me out a weird one the Brown oh well sure I’ll let you out into lava here let me just uh wait wait wa what what stop stop stop stop we buing the ground there’s lava yes that’s the point I’m trying to kill you hey yo holy SAU no watch no TV Man TV man watch out no oopsie get me out of here oh are you serious come where I go I go I didn’t mean it come on let go down here almost had him and you had to ruin it get him get him wait a second where am I right now what what is this this isn’t good this isn’t good he found the place he found the place he found it hey oh wait what is this what in the Susy Baka where right now uh somewhere you’re not supposed to be so get out please oh no no no they’re chasing me with weapons are you serious right now hey where do I go okay this maze is really confusing I don’t know where I’m going come on wait I have to give you your food you need to grow big and strong ow ow ow oh gouache are you serious right now I’m going to get you TV man oh no no no get away from me you weird girls oh no how do I get over here bring a weapon guys oh no no no no no no no come on come on oh no are you serious right now who built this maze this is impossible not me I can’t build I only know how to cook this is so hard I don’t know how to get back to you oh no are you serious right now come on come on come on I’m going to go this way okay perfect uh ow okay wrong way come here T come here ow ow they have weapons and they’re trying to kill me now get back here oh no oh no are you serious right now come on come on I’m going to hide here and Juke them out Ste man are they really you guys we passed him oh hi TV man oh no oh goash I got to go this way come on ow ow ow the line for you TV wait a second where am I right now what in the yo what is this no oh no he oh no oh no oh no he should F no this is bad this is really really bad hi uh you weren’t supposed to see this um what even is this uh yeah that’s a good question what is this how is all of this in a boat um I’m not sure I definitely didn’t build it or anything but uh t uh you don’t want to go here don’t go to the end of it you might fall in let’s just go back no I’m going back to the end of this I need to see what’s down here come on oh there’s really a chest too ow ow ow ow I’m in the lava ow somebody save him bro I’m fine I’m not a baby oh oh my good goodness why are you doing this did you set all this up blue girl no what are you talking about uh come on I have a yummy potion for you to try it’s definitely like not like a mind control potion or anything come on just come back here wait a second a vehicle crate speed boats wait what speed bow come on come on I got all the speed oh I threw in lava okay come on come on come on hey yo get away get away no no come back come back oh no are you serious right now come on catch him wait oh oh no what how did I miss come on come on oh I’m so good to parkour I’m so good to the parkour now if I just put on one of these boats I can leave ow ow ow good I hope you burn ow ow ow oh this Burns I’m so good the parkour though I just got out of that mess oh G yo girls get away from me are you goated at dodging bullets didn’t think so oh no come on make a left I just got to go I got I got to outrun these girls these girls are trash though guys wait for me I’m still at the lava parkour thing don’t care no I’m good oh no are you serious ow ow she’s shooting through the stuff oh no come on let’s go this way W these are some good shortcuts come come on oh my Y what in the sussy Baka we passed him why is this evil girl trying to kill me bro like chill uh cuz you’re annoying come here he’s not annoying he’s beautiful hi ew that’s nasty oh no no no come on I got to get up to the surface I got to get away from these girls oh no are you serious right now okay come on uh I got to use this okay here we go I just got to speed boat come on come on come on I don’t have fuel uh that’s awkward stupid yeah that is awkward you didn’t think Sharkies can I can I pet them can I no no I got to go back up to the surface I got to get back I have a few more boats so I need to find gasoline somewhere here come on here we go oh my good go okay uh I got to go back up here and find gas somewhere H TV maned I have a present for you wait what it’s a cookie uh bro are you serious right now these girls are actually after me right now the last thing I want is a cookie oh are you sure it might give you energy to find what you’re looking for no shut up but um wait do you think I’m uh do you like me better than the other girls cuz you know I’m nicer honestly yeah a little bit but you’re still annoying no he doesn’t what yipp that’s all I need to hear no are you serious okay I don’t like any of you and I definitely don’t like that there’s still a boy on her boat but I guess T man beats the blue one cuz she’s weird she does all these weird science experiments and she doesn’t tell what they are she acts creepy all the time she often sneaks off speaking of which where is she probably making another lava pit inside this boat Where’s the gas I need the gas right now oh no where do I go where do I go okay hopefully it’s wait what is this in here oh my yo what is this place oh uh you weren’t supposed to see that hold on stupid HSE okay there we go now see me get back here okay come on what is all wait oh my wait what is all this stuff wow this is pretty goated uh it’s um they’re special yummy drinks no no you can’t be here you can’t get this no don’t take the gasoline please you’re not supposed to be here you need to get out of here right now or else I’m going to explain the whole thing please wait what yo little girl what have you even been doing this whole time why do you have a horse and why are you making all these traps and why is there lava and what are you doing well I he can’t really get the gasoline cuz I set everything up so everything should be under control I mean wait what uh do you like my horse his name is oatmeal I can’t believe you set this all up so you’re the one who spawned him here so all that lie detector all that nonsense was just complete false complete it was fake yo what in the heck are I will shoot your horse my yo wow no my horse why would you do that you know what that’s it that’s it I’m going to blow up this entire boat what yo I was trying to get TV man away so he wouldn’t be here during the explosion but now I think I have to deal with you guys is first wait you’re going to blow us up yeah this is like the Titanic 2.0 oh come on now what’s the Titanic oh no no no get me out of here what do I do uh this is a bit of a problem wait where where’s that oh uh White in the sussy bucket ew ew there’s all these weird Critters oh no I think we’re going to have to work together oh I love Critters oh those are not Critters those are zombies wait so the blue girl has always been like trying to do stuff like this like what is wrong with her like I thought you girls were the weird ones I mean you all are but ouch uh well I’m I’m somewhat normal I guess um the other two they just are boy obsessed and her I don’t know what her motive is she often does I don’t know she’s just weird bro are you serious right now she’s the one who’s making all lie detector test and being all weird but oh no there’s all these monsters I might die here good I mean okay well maybe you shouldn’t die here maybe wait till we can take the blue girl down then you can die I guess hey you may not like it but we need all the help we can get to get out of here I know I know power of friendship type talk and what whatnot okay I get it get I’m not friends with any of you yeah we’re best friends yo you said you you liked me better than them I was like the least annoying uh no I’m the best friend oh my yo there’s so many monsters are you serious right now how are we going to fight all these oh my gosh there’s spiders I hate spiders oh my gosh woman up grab a gun dude this the American way come on come on come on oh no are you serious right now I don’t have a gun where do I get a gun come on we need this gasoline it’s in here it’s literally all in here so we can leave we just need to fight all these monsters and kill them uh Team man after we take down the blue girl will you go out in me please no I really won’t that’s really s help help help team man help the spider’s chasing me there’s one spider on you and there’s thousands of spiders on me are you serious right now but the spider is Icky I I don’t like spiders fine fine I’ll kill it there you go there’s so many of them they just keep coming oh no are you serious right now how are we going to fight all these monsters I don’t think we wait a wait there’s a Lucky Sword right here oh my sus oh oh oh oh my gosh okay perfect uh as long as I can use this sword it might be a a break through that you broke a hole in the whole boat it’s fine it’s fine it’s fine if I’m able to break a hole through here we can get the gasoline going to go down oh come on TNT oh my gosh oh GHA wow you’re so strong and brave ouch wait we can get up we can go up we can ah no well we need oh it’s open it’s open I used my Lucky Sword it worked okay perfect some gas here we go gasoline now I can leave gas I’m getting out of here yo sorry girls I’m out of here oh my good goodness oh my good goodness okay here we go we got the boat right here where do I put it in all right there oh bro okay all right come on come on I need more gas I need more gas T help help oh my goody goodness come on I’m filling it up all right there we go perfect I have enough to get out of here come on I got to go oh bro the boats L exploded wait you going don’t leave us I’m getting away from you weirdo girls oh no are you serious right now I got to go to land we h a ice SP uh no we no we didn’t the boat just exploded stupid oh my God yo these girls are so weird oh fck finally I’m about land I’m going to drown Goodbye cruel world I’m going to miss you team man maybe one day I’ll see you in my dreams bro are you serious right now thank goodness I’m away from those weird girls now I’m on this island all by myself this is going to be so much fun I can stay here forever thank you guys so much for watching this video subscribe and click a video up on screen I’ll see you guys in the next video tomorrow guys comment if you want more videos with TV man subscribe I’m so excited to go to this boy’s only sleepover today I know all my friends are going to be there yo boy boys what’s going on boys it’s a boy I love boys wait wait wait what that’s a boy doing here wow you look so tall and handsome and cute oh girls you know I I was here for a boy only sleeper I’m just going to get out of here and uh why can’t I leave got to be kidding me why is there a boy here boys are nasty and gross he’s not allowed to be here I did not sign up for this why am I here with all these stinky girls I thought my boys were going to be here stinky I’m not stinky I use I use a really nice perfume I smell good right smell me smell me ew get away from me oh no are you serious right now why are there all these weird girly things here it’s too colorful where’s all the mean colors mean colors excuse me girly thing did you just call me a girly thing oh my goody goodness yo girls okay can I please leave I don’t know how I join the sleepover I do not want to have a sleepover with the girls I don’t want you to leave I mean I mean you can’t really leave right now so maybe you want to I mean I I guess we could hang out we could we could watch Skitty toilet or yo I’m not out with you wa can you start Mee I want to see it uh oh n this is so yeah me me you better leave or else I’m going to have to resort to more drastic measures if you know what I mean yo what in the sussy bucka why do you have a knife are you crazy girl okay uh girls I got to go oh but you’re going further into our house yo what is this place this place is so weird there’s no way I have to spend spend the whole night with these stinky girls we’re not stinky you can stay like a week if you want y oh no I ain’t doing that he’s not staying here at all he has to leave someone Chuck him out the window or something what no way well he might not survive if we throw him out the window uh maybe we should uh we we should do some fun activities maybe maybe he’ll want to stay then if we do activities you know what do boys like I like not being with the girls how about we ask his name first that’s so weird oh I know his name already it’s blocky of course how do you know that wait you’re weird what the heck yo you’re ew how do you know my name you weirdo I’m not that weird he’s a superhero I follow him on all socials I know everything about you I know when you were superpowers do you have superpowers yo what how do they know I’m a superhero oh no these girls are actually suck you’re wearing your suit yeah can I feel it can I can I touch it no no you cannot touch me you weirdo is it made out of leather Is that real uh yeah probably real I wouldn’t say it’s leather but I don’t care about your stupid superhero costume just get out of here uh maybe everyone’s hungry or something uh let’s have some snacks first or something bro are you serious or now wait actually you know what free food I’m down I’m going to get this food and then leave whatever wait do you have any like pickles or something like that I like pickles do you have any like broccoli or something I really need my greens e vegetables yo the boys do not eat that bro I hate this stupid sleepover I just want to go back to my boys only really chunky I don’t want vegetables I want crumble cookies oh cookies yummy M this is so big made with all the love I’m legally allowed to give what what all right here we go yummy cookie where is it oh wait oh there it is perfect okay um excuse cookie wait what in the sussy Baka why is it called a love cookie ew I am not eating that no that just must new flavor like raspberry sauce you should eat it you should eat it it’s raspberry dzel not raspberry sauce what the heck is raspberry sauce my fault just get him to put it in his mouth okay hold him down hold him down ah yo these guys are so crazy yo oh my no no no this is put that cookie in your mouth oh my yo what in the heck oh I got to get out of here got to sa this boy where’d he go where’d he go that’s what I just said that’s what I said too wait I’m literally hidden inside of this painting right now what in the heck uh I’ll check the security cameras maybe we’ll find him then okay maybe he went downstairs I’ll go check there maybe he finally went out of here good he’s weird oh my sussy Baka I am literally in this underground area and I’m finally away from those stinky girls oh my goody goodness go this is like a hidden secret base or something I don’t even know wait a second where does this take me oh my goody goodness what in the heck yo this is crazy all right here we go and wait a second what in the heck is this yo this place is crazy I don’t even know where I’m at right now but yo the girls are literally under me right now where is that guy are you checking the cameras oh yeah I I I did check the cameras but there was no sign of him he just like went poof he just disappeared oh look at the recording I did but he just like vanished he was like right over there but then he was gone he was over here like what did he do he had to go somewhere yo oh my goody goodness now I have all these different things I can do to troll them yo this is so a Fart Prank oh my goody goodness yo that’s so funny all right I’m going to use this first troll right here here we go ew what’s that smell oh my gosh that’s disgusting oh oh that’s nasty oh it smells it smells like it smells like up dog what’s up dog nothing much what’s up with you that was so unfunny I don’t know I’m just smelling this green gas okay well I don’t think this is poisonous so there’s that but it smells really bad yeah it’s not very pleasant maybe maybe it was maybe it was blocky’s cologne yo what in the sussy Boda I think he needs to get a new cologne though that stuff really that stuff smelled really bad that is so disgusting okay it was one of you and I I’m not going to point fingers here but I think it was you brown girl I was literally standing over here and then this smell over here how could you possibly blame me for that what else over here carries there’s ventilation no oh well the blue girl was standing right in the like the the the containment Zone that that’s nasty I would never do something like that girls don’t do that well then it couldn’t have been any of us I just threw another one down oh that’s disgusting this is quite the predicament we have here all right now I’m going to throw one at this pink girl right here watch this I’m going to throw a blindness potion at her she’s about to get so scared boom Oh guys where’ you go ow ow is she stupid I can’t see anything open your eyes I yeah my eyes are wide open um maybe it was like a blinding potion or something or or she is she just stood up too fast I don’t know yo this is so funny oh my good the blinding potion come from uhoh what oh there’s the boy hi where is he where is he I can’t see him oh is this you blocky Y what is she doing that’s a wall wait that’s not blocky that’s a wall either way that was disgusting and were you the one up to it Blockhead no I didn’t do anything girls come on that was not do you smell anything ew who farted was it you what no girls don’t fart it smells like you though he he he hey get away from me you weirdo wait everybody sniff him let’s see if it was him oh no no are you serious now smell you let me put my nose on you bro bro are you serious right now what is wrong with you girls well somebody farted and it wasn’t me it wasn’t me stop stop it ew come here girl you need a tissue you got some boogies I want to sniff them real good well uh luy do you maybe want to hang out with with me hey back off I’m trying to smell him girlly he’s mine no he’s mine out of his oh my goody goodness yo I’m getting out of here what is wrong with these girls bro they’re L just where go what in the heck I’m here I’m going to beat you up I’m going to beat you up first yo these girls are literally so stupid while they’re distracted I guess I’m going to play some more pranks on them yo this is so funny where’s my sandals excuse me I’m going to whoop you girl let’s go oh you want to fight oh I can fight dirty I’m going to pull your hair yo there’s all these monster mobs spawners right here I’m going to use all these to troll these girls and I also have some invisib all the invisibility potions are gone anyway I have some instant damage potions too and oh my good goodness I have some more fart pranks I can do L where is the blockhead while you guys were too busy fighting He Slipped Away wait where’d he go how how does he keep doing that I don’t know cuz you let him get the chance uh does anyone hear that I hear some uh drinking oh this is most unfortunate um this is really bad where’ it come from from it came from upstairs watch this guys I know that girls really hate spiders and oh my goodness this is going to be so funny um go away oh my god spider oh my god spider it’s a bug I hate bugs they’re so icky and gross actually it’s an insect n Emoji well actually it’s an arachnid it has two body segments it okay God nobody asked you I don’t know I think spider is kind of cool but these zombies are annoying oh my gosh it’s on the ceiling good thing these girls are literally away I am sooss these girls just don’t stop talking they’re so annoying oh my God squish it squish it okay well I think maybe what we should do is we should lay out traps for him I mean we’ll probably catch him somehow he disappeared again exactly and whoever gets him gets to deal with him accordingly I for one I’m going to torture him slowly and here his painful agonizing scream oh I was just going to smell him that’s a bit morbid yo these girls are actually so weird bro I wish I got invited to the boys only new sleepover and I literally can’t even leave this place sucks I’m going to braid his hair and put makeup on him he’ll looks so pretty yo oh my oh makeup bro I’m not James Charles are you serious right now this stupid Blockhead fellow keeps interrupting my sleepover and this I don’t like him why do we have a stupid boy over here who invited him no wasn’t me it wasn’t me you sound guilty you sound real guilty in fact what no I didn’t do nothing well uh it wasn’t me I was busy working on my science project nerd nerd Emoji yeah oh there cages everywhere bro imagine being smart and not beautiful uhoh did someone hear that uhoh she sees me oh no sounded like someone annoying that’s oh no no no I found the boy I found the boy oh gosh y boy boy boy boy boy yo uh girls come on let me out uh no so will you take my cookie no bro are you serious right out cookie um do I have to eat it no uh well if you don’t want a cookie I I baked you some cake I don’t want anything it’s really good why are you grow so weird I just want to get out of here come on that cake looks pretty good I know you want I want to be with my boys bro I want your cake blocky bro yo that’s sus no let me smack that cake okay no one’s having cake and no one’s touching anyone’s cake okay we’re going to get rid of this stupid boy right here right now no just let me leave why can’t I just leave you can leave you can go to the afterlife and sit there and suffer okay or maybe I can have a little fun with him first hey buddy do you want some yummy snacks um no but who’s buddy that’s my brother Brad do you even know my brother no it’s a it’s no you have a brother great more dweebs uh oh why I tell them about that no but I meant there’s more of you uh no how is he like your clone no eat up I’m not eating this stuff are you crazy girl what is your problem it’s it’s delicious and nutritious girls they’re trying to poison me she’s trying to poison me don’t poison him you need to get him sweet you need to give him cookies and love yo ew okay girls can you just let me out I’ll have a sleepover with you girls please just let me out okay I’ll do whatever you want just let me out you have a sleepover yeah I guess so I’ll I’ll force myself to have a sleepover with you girls can we play Kiss the bottle bro no it it’s spin the bottle and no we’re not going to kiss a bottle and if we’re going to play a game maybe we should play Russian Roulette or something fun yeah that’s not fun yes it is cuz then I there’s less of you to deal with and maybe if we’re lucky he’ll get a turn I don’t like you you’re weird I don’t like you either I don’t like any of you girls especially this pink one she’s the weirdest what do you mean you know just because she looks a little different doesn’t mean she’s weird yeah don’t discriminate justice justice and I know you would never do that to me blocky cuz you love me no matter what you’re my boyfriend what yo what bro what are you talking about you weirdo he’s nobody’s boyfriend no one is dating Blockhead it’s blocky by the way girl it’s block and the only way I would let you join this is if you were zesty and you are obviously not you just looked apart oh wait so I can join the sleepover and you girls won’t have a crush me if I’m zesty okay girls I can be zesty oh my gosh he’s zesty he’s a he’s a gal palow H well if you truly are zesty then do you want to do your hair and nails with us um no never mind what what that’s not slay I always knew you weren’t for the boys you like me yo oh no I do not like you like that all right anyway even if he was for the boys no boy would like him stop being mean to me oh my good you goodness uh ew who farted ew ew ew it wasn’t me e BL no you did that I saw it I saw it come out of your butt what he escape e who farted ohash what happened to him where do I go where do I go okay find a hidden door great he escaped again come on come on come on hidden door somewhere get back here where did he go wait what he’s still stairs hide in here hide in here I’ll lock the I’ll lock the top I’ll make sure someone got the top door why’ you break through the glass break through the glass what are you looking at it’s not me dude I want you do it come on there’s a door here are you serious right now door the door uh so uh wait where is oh there he is hi buddy pat pat my name’s blocky why you talking about my brother no when I say buddy I mean like hey there pal like it’s a it’s kind of like a nickname I’m can you get why are you so close to me so that’s your brother’s name huh no not stop talking about my brother wait you well you said your yeah your brother’s buddy maybe you should invite him over here but you you’re going to have a sleepover with us okay no oh you know what girls like to do at their sleepovers Blockhead what what do they like to do we like to cut each other’s hair would you like a haircut no no oh I don’t have any scissors right now his hair looks perfect the way it is what are you talking about I don’t want to go BD I don’t want to go bald he could use a new cut maybe he needs a low taper fade or something low taper fade shut up that beam is so dead wait wait oh make over time I’m going to dye your hair away wait no what’ you do what’ you do to me bro no no no no no no no change my hair right now I don’t like this I don’t like this girls no girls seriously could be whiter come on come on we’re going to no stop stop stop stop it now but but it’s funny this is oh wa I I think it look really good I mean white is a nice color but it kind of just makes them look old maybe we should give him a color like oh we should give give him blond hair no no no no no no not like my brother buddy please no please wait your brother is Buddy he’s Al he’s your brother and he’s blond um does he have a sixpack yo yeah but why are you asking me that wait let’s give him some hair extensions and make him blond no no no no not hair extensions what do you mean what do you mean okay there we go just so beautiful uh yo uh what in the heck why am I a girl I don’t want to take take out out oh my gosh you literally devoured at and left this is the worst girl sleepover ever no get this off me get this off me this is actually quite amusing maybe we should do more I don’t know does anyone have some makeup we should give him some lipstick oh oh yeah I’m actually leaving I’m actually leaving how do I get out of here how do I get out of here how do I go where do I go uh you’re one of the girls now where do I go where do I go come on maybe upstairs I actually I actually to get away he’s not a girl now technically he’s one of us no not again he’s dating me bro got on again elbows out silly goose what a silly silly goose oh I know what would be really fun let’s dress him up no no look so pretty stop no what in the sussy Baka oh my gosh she so pretty’s a pretty princess who’s a pretty than me I’m chillous no I don’t like being sesty what is is this oh my goodness I me he does have really good features maybe we should put a little makeup on him as well no okay I’m actually leaving I I please let me out please let me out please let me out please let me out please let me out you got to put blush on him he’s going to be so cute I don’t know he could use some really heavy eyeliner shut up ow ow ow ouch that hurt ouch ow who did that oh gosh get me away who farted to are you kidding me okay I got to hide I got to hide where do I go oh I’m going to go back in here I’m going to hide in here oh my good goodness I got to take all this stuff off look look at me look what these girls did to me are you serious right now where is he oh wait where’d he go we still have a lot more things to do like Kiss Mary kill the lie detector test oh spr the bottle spr the bottle spr the bottle I mean yeah I guess so but I don’t oh and a pillow fight of course so let’s just find him cuz we have a lot to do tonight I need to get out of here I don’t know how to get out of here I don’t know how I can do it but I need to get out of here because these girls are literally dressing me up as all zesty and like they literally all have crushes on me it’s so creepy being weird I need to figure out a way to get out of here maybe I should just invite my brother buddy here or something I don’t know what to do oh wait guys guys I feel bad that blocky doesn’t have any guy food maybe we should order a pizza what do you mean guy food don’t guys like put junk in their body like McDonald’s and like Burger King and stuff like that they should like unhealthy greasy stuff right like four crumbled cookies in one sitting real man the locky is so handsome you know when we first met he told me I had really pretty eyes and that is not true that was like that is not true 20 minutes ago oh he said I had really pretty eyes and he said how this at all he said how badly he wanted to kiss me when did I ever do that what are you talking about when did that ever happen and then he gave me a big hug and he wrapped his arms around me and he said I love you there’s no way he was doing all that when he was making out with me in the closet y he was that we don’t even have a closet if anything you’re in the closet he’s talking about the closet downstairs you’re dumb there is no closet downstairs plus you stay away from my boyriend well tell your boyfriend what I’ve been doing he’s been thinking of me Hey listen girls you know what that’s it I did not do that I did not hug you I did not say I love you I didn’t see any of that you know what girls I’m sick and tired of you girls lying to me acting like you guys know what you’re talking about let me out of this stupid sleepover before I lose it oh dang he really popped off wow shev me timbers wow you know what I haven’t had enough fun yet I think we should torture him a bit I got a maybe we should do Truth or Dare knock him out knock him out ow what is she throwing at me wait a second where am I right now I guess he was the first one to fell asleep at the sleepover it’s fine uh here we’ll wake you up with some questions uh no no no where where am I what is this oh well you’re still at the house but any who back to the questions uh are you are you in love with one of us no I’m not I’m literally not let me check the results s uh let me just check the results and oh someone’s lying I’m not lying well yeah you are because you like me you like me a lot what no he likes me he says I have that gut bro what I don’t think he ever said that I did not ever say that you girls are actually so weird yo but my M streak is 31 there’s can you stop talking and let me out I don’t want to be here anymore I really don’t can I please invite my brother or something to let me out boys oh yeah well if you invite your brother he’s probably not going to come out either just saying I mean it would be nice to have two guinea pigs in the cage don’t you think oh my goody goodness how much longer is his sleepover like can I get out when once it’s the morning or something can I just go to sleep oh you have to be here for 24 hours that’s how a sleepover Works we’re pulling in all nighter no I’m not doing that yeah you are you don’t have a choice no I’m not no I’m not yeah you are you can’t tell me what to do loser yes I can I’m older than you I literally just graduated college you weirdo waab how old are you bold of you to assume that I didn’t just graduate college look at me I’m smart you look dumb don’t you say that about Pokey oh my God D don’t say that that’s my man y okay guys chill it was a joke okay we can talk about this it was just a joke it was a a joke yo okay tickle me ELO did you girls just kill her off well they did I was busy working on the science experiments so uh Plucky we can do another question if you’re ready yo what in this craziness these girls are crazy can my brother please comment need I have the perfect question uh is your brother hot um why would I say that you weirdo hype him up come on be nice he’s cool he’s he’s my brother you weirdo does he have abs yo what in the sussy Baka are you serious right now is he a skin tight super suit till yo what’s up man oh buddy dude dude my good goodness these girls are crazy bro they’re trying to kill me dude and they literally love me w Wait are are you the famous buddy I I guess yeah why do you have my brother in a cage oh uh we’re we’re role playing we’re we’re doing experiments no they’re not they’re being crazy and they’re forc me to sleep here hey buddy buddy help me get out of here dude come on luy escaped wait we can get both wa they’re trying to trap you man what’s going on here dude I know they’re literally crazy bro okay and don’t e any of the cookies here they literally have love potions in them anyway buddy me dude let’s find a way to get out of here okay come here come here I want to touch your abs e e it’s time for a pillow fight come on buddy follow me fight dude just follow me we can go the way I came in wait really oh my goody goodness come on let’s go let’s go bro it’s literally caged off how are we going to get out of here that’s a good question that wasn’t when did that get here yo these girls are literally doing a pillow fight right now dude they’re going to kill us bro hey hey get away we’re not going to kill you this is a friendly game I don’t want to be around you girls anymore I’m sick and tired of it I’ve done this all night it’s literally 3:00 a.m. why can’t we just go to sleep oh wait you want to go to sleep okay he can sleep next to me no me ew all uh uh I’ll sleep in between you and you anddy get me out of this water oh my good goodness I’m leing in their pool bro yo buddy help me out just climb out can you not swim oh wait I know CPR I know mouth to mouth if you drown buddy I can help you no e over here get out ew she was trying to kiss me dude no I was doing CPR or or mouth to mouth it’s I was trying Save You Why Try what I can just do it what the sound like you’re nibbling on him not kissing him uh maybe there’s a way out maybe there’s a way out over here wait maybe we can get on top of this roof and maybe there’s something on this roof that we can do to get us out of here wait oh wait how’d you get up there what the heck we have superpowers he’s a superhero he can jump oh yeah come on okay let’s go this way wait what is up here no clue all right here we go oh my goody goodness come on let’s go up here buddy maybe there’s something up here oh there’s a chest right here what’s in here potion flight wait this might be make us be able to fly are you sure man that seems kind of suspicious that it’s up here let’s just throw it woohoo oh I’m tired are you tired dude I’m tired you so wait a second buddy where are we well I guess you guys deci uh it looks like we’re in the middle of lava well I guess you guys decid and you’re not going anywhere let me speak oh my gosh well it looks like you guys decid to take the little bait I put you know I I put that there knowing he would take it yeah you crazy girls let us out I told you it was a trap man yo buddy we might actually die here bro are you serious right now n you won’t die well since you guys don’t want to go to our sleepover anymore we’re going to keep you here and we’re going to all have a sleepover here yo no no no it’s nice and toasty you won’t even need blankets bro we might die yeah you can if you no you won’t you won’t die you’ll just uh if you fall in it will hurt a little but you know no pain no G I don’t want to fall in here I don’t want to die today no buddy we so not going into the lava what did you get me into man bro I got you into nothing dude I don’t know why we’re here buddy I have a question for you I have a very big question what can I touch your abs ew what is wrong with you let me touch you y oh are we kissing are we kiss it’s kind of crowded on here oh no no no no jump oh my goodness how do I get out of here where do I go where do I go here here wait what are you doing come on come on um uh where do I go uh dude where are you going oh it’s over here okay hey hey oh they’re pushing me please please just stay with me okay I love you over here you idiot oh no no she’s trapping me okay I’m getting outy hey so close no no no no no no no buddy help so much I got him Bud buddy please dude come up here what is wrong with you I can’t I’m in a cage I’m in a cage I’m literally in a cage yeah you’re your brother’s kind of uh immobilized right now all right man you uh distract them I’ll uh figure something out yeah yeah yeah no you’re coming back here buddy break from the top please break from the top please please please oh my sussy B girls please let me out girls come on this is not how you want to do things come on only if you give me a kiss on the lips yo what in the heck buddy please help me before they kiss me I’m going to kiss you oh my gosh yo what the heck what I just said I was going to kiss him n you’re possessed now you’re whack buddy where are you you fck her up baby cry get away from him behind you buddy oh my good goodness come on break through what happened oh my gosh okay this is why we should have gone after buddy oh gosh uh okay buddy come on come on come on where do we go now buddy and buy come back here oh know man we’re still trapped in this cage please come back here I need you I need to experiment on you oh no no maybe there’s an opening somewhere come on follow me dude buddy buddy can I touch your abs I want to touch them no what is wrong with you yo yo buddy I think there’s something over here look this wasn’t here before yo it’s literally a parkour bro come on let’s do this parkour no wait guys come on come back please get him I need you chase him down oh no are you serious right now come on do this parkour buddy if we can make this parkour I think there’s something at the top maybe it’s a key or something BR I can’t do this I’m too thick I’m too thick bro are you serious right now yeah don’t flatter yourself come on come on come on let’s do this parkour before they get over here and try to kill us or Lally love us buddy come on dude you’re going too slow coming I’m right behind you come kill them with kindness I’m going to wait I don’t want to kill them I want to you fat faty you broke the blood what that because you’re going too slow and I got to catch up come on what’s in here oh there’s a key budy there’s a key we might to leave there’s a key okay let’s go there’s a door right below you no please don’t leave come on I need to finish some experiments on you he’s going to escape get him oh no no no come you’re not going to open the door open leave no oh no wait don’t go please please buddy come on we got to go we got to run come back don’t go I want to touch your abs please all right buddy now that we’re out of here let’s use our super speed so we can get away from them what you have super speed all right dude let’s go what come on go Bling No come back bling yo buddy bro you you’re going a little too fast bro dude it doesn’t matter let’s get away from them thank you guys so much for watching this video subscribe and click a video up on screen I’ll see you guys in the next video tomorrow subscribe everyone subscribe for more videos let’s go buddy dude we got away from those girls

This video, titled ‘Adopted by YANDERE GIRL FAMILY in Minecraft!’, was uploaded by Block Buddies Movies on 2024-06-13 17:00:14. It has garnered 4001 views and 69 likes. The duration of the video is 03:32:22 or 12742 seconds.

Adopted by YANDERE GIRL FAMILY in Minecraft!

Our channel is inspired by Cartoon Crab, Aphmau and Crazy Crafters! This is the best Minecraft video ever! I love Minecraft fun.

#blockbuddies ⁠#minecraft

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    Atlas ProjectWelcome to the Atlas project. Just a Minecraft server. But without rules ยฏ\_( อกโ› อœส– อกโ›)_/ยฏ Pirate and Original 1.16.5 – 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กฒโก โ „โ ‰โ ™โ ปโ ฟโฃฟโ ฟโ ฟโข›โ ซโกฉโกณโฃธโ พโ โข€โขขโ ฃโ ƒโ „โ  โ โก€โ ‚โ „โ กโ ˆโ „โกโ ‚โ „โ กโ โขˆโ  โ โ Œโ  โ „โ „โฃ€โฃคโฃคโฃ€โก€โ „โ ‚โ „โ โขŒโ †โข•โ ˆโฃ—โขฅโขฃโขกโข‘โขŒโกขโกขโข…โข‡โข‡โขฏโขพโกฝโ ƒโข€โ ”โก…โ โ „โ „โ จโข€โ กโ โ ˆโ „โ กโขˆโ โก€โ …โ Œโ  โ โก‚โ „โ กโขˆโ โฃพโฃฟโขฟโกฟโกฟโ ‡โ „โ „โ „โก€โข€โ ขโ ญโข†โ ฆโกฟโกทโกทโกตโกทโกทโฃตโขฝโกฎโฃทโขฝโกฝโก“โ คโ คโ •โกโ  โ „โ …โ „โ …โ „โ ‚โ Œโ  โ กโ ˆโ „โข‚โ โ  โ จโ  โ โ „โข‚โ กโ โกˆ Read More

  • Minecraft Memes – BIG MONEY ARRIVES

    Minecraft Memes - BIG MONEY ARRIVESLooks like Steve is about to discover a diamond vein so big, he’ll be swimming in emeralds in no time! Big money, here we come! #minecraftgoals ๐Ÿ’Ž๐Ÿ’ฐ Read More

  • Block Xuan: Minecraft’s World Restore Encore

    Block Xuan: Minecraft's World Restore Encore In the world of Minecraft, where creativity thrives, Fangkuaixuan brings joy with his animated vibes. From funny animations to songs that adapt, He crafts content that leaves us all entrapped. With a heart for the game and a mind that’s keen, He shares Minecraft facts in a playful scene. From hidden chests to secret surprises, He keeps us entertained, our interest he rises. So leap into his world, where laughter reigns, And join the fun as he entertains. With each video, a smile he’ll bring, Fangkuaixuan, the Minecraft king! Read More

  • Spilling the Tea on Minecraft 1.21 โ˜•๏ธ

    Spilling the Tea on Minecraft 1.21 โ˜•๏ธ I didn’t know Minecraft had a new update called 1.21, I’ve been too busy trying to survive in the game to keep up with all the updates! Read More

  • Sneaky Minecraft Soda Machine

    Sneaky Minecraft Soda Machine Minecraft Museum Build Hacks: Unleashing Creativity in the Virtual World Exploring the vast possibilities of Minecraft, players are constantly pushing the boundaries of creativity. One such fascinating endeavor is the creation of a museum within the game. Let’s delve into the world of Minecraft Museum Build Hacks and discover the innovative ways players are bringing history and art to life in this virtual realm. Unleashing Creativity with Minecraft Building Ideas When it comes to building in Minecraft, the only limit is one’s imagination. From towering castles to intricate redstone contraptions, players have crafted a myriad of awe-inspiring creations. The… Read More

  • Minecraft Art: Insane creations in under 60 seconds! #satisfying #trending

    Minecraft Art: Insane creations in under 60 seconds! #satisfying #trendingVideo Information like And subscribe [Music] guys This video, titled ‘Minecraft Art #shorts #satisfying #mrbeast #minecraft #art #trending #1k please๐Ÿฅบ’, was uploaded by White Gamerz_7 on 2024-03-07 03:50:16. It has garnered 298 views and likes. The duration of the video is 00:00:23 or 23 seconds. Credit:Pete Shorts #minecraftshorts #minecraft #shorts Read More

  • Surviving the Scariest Minecraft Map: Stay Alive Challenge

    Surviving the Scariest Minecraft Map: Stay Alive ChallengeVideo Information เคคเฅ‹ เคนเฅ‡เคฒเฅ‹ เคซ เค†เคฐเฅเคฎเฅ€ เค•เฅˆเคธเฅ‡ เคนเฅ‹ เคธเคญเฅ€ เคฒเฅ‹เค— เคคเฅ‹ เค†เคœ เคฎเฅˆเค‚ เค–เฅ‡เคฒเคจเฅ‡ เคœเคพ เคฐเคนเคพ เคนเฅ‚เค‚ เคเค• m เคฎเฅ‡เค‚ เคเค• เคนเฅ‰เคฐเคฐ เคฎเฅˆเคช เคœเคฟเคธเค•เคพ เคจเคพเคฎ เคนเฅˆ เคธเฅเคŸเฅ‡เคฒเคพ เคคเฅ‹ เคฌเฅ‡เคธเคฟเค•เคฒเฅ€ เค‡เคธ เคฎเฅˆเคช เคฎเฅ‡เค‚ เค•เฅเคฏเคพ เคนเฅ‹เคคเคพ เคนเฅˆ เค•เคฟ เคนเคฎ เคฒเฅ‹เค— เคเค• เค…เคชเคฐเฅเคŸเคฎเฅ‡เค‚เคŸ เคฎเฅ‡เค‚ เคนเฅ‹เคคเฅ‡ เคนเฅˆเค‚ เค”เคฐ เคนเคฎเฅ‡เค‚ เค•เคพเคฎ เค•เฅ‡ เคฒเคฟเค เคฅเฅ‹เคกเคผเคพ เคฌเคพเคนเคฐ เคœเคพเคจเคพ เคชเคกเคผเคคเคพ เคนเฅˆ เคคเฅ‹ เคคเคญเฅ€ เคนเคฎเฅ‡เค‚ เคเค• เคฎเคฟเคธเฅเคŸเฅ€เคฐเคฟเคฏเคธ เคกเฅ‹เคฐ เคฎเคฟเคฒเคคเคพ เคนเฅˆ เค”เคฐ เค‰เคธ เคฎเคฟเคธเฅเคŸเฅ€เคฐเคฟเคฏเคธ เคกเคธ เคฎเฅ‡เค‚ เคนเคฎ เคฒเฅ‹เค— เคซเคธ เคœเคพเคคเฅ‡ เคนเฅˆเค‚ เค”เคฐ เค‰เคธ เคกเฅ‹เคฐ เคฎเฅ‡เค‚ เค•เฅเคฏเคพ เคนเฅ‹เคคเคพ เคนเฅˆ เคตเฅ‹ เคฆเฅ‡เค–เคจเฅ‡ เค•เฅ‡ เคฒเคฟเค เค†เคชเค•เฅ‹ เคฏเฅ‡ เคตเฅ€เคกเคฟเคฏเฅ‹ เคชเฅ‚เคฐเคพ เคฆเฅ‡เค–เคจเคพ เคชเคกเคผเฅ‡เค—เคพ เค”เคฐ เค†เคช เคฒเฅ‹เค— เคฎเฅ‡เคฐเฅ‡ เคšเฅˆเคจเคฒ เคฎเฅ‡เค‚ เคจเค เคนเฅˆเค‚ เคคเฅ‹ เคชเฅเคฒเฅ€เคœ เคธเคฌเฅเคธเค•เฅเคฐเคพเค‡เคฌ เค•เคฐ… Read More

  • Insane Gaming: Mind-Blowing MC RTX 4090 Reveal! ๐Ÿ˜ฑ๐Ÿ”ฅ

    Insane Gaming: Mind-Blowing MC RTX 4090 Reveal! ๐Ÿ˜ฑ๐Ÿ”ฅVideo Information he This video, titled ‘Realistic MC RTX 4090 ๐Ÿ˜๐Ÿคค #shorts #minecraft | #31’, was uploaded by Nabi Gaming on 2024-04-20 06:37:06. It has garnered 50 views and 4 likes. The duration of the video is 00:00:10 or 10 seconds. MINECRAFT WITH ULTRA REALISTIC GRAPHICS Minecraft REAListic Graphics Minecraft REAL LIFE Extreme Graphics Minecraft in hardcore Incredible Minecraft Graphics Ultra REALISTIC MINECRAFT How to Build a Snowy Cottage How to Build a Starter House Minecraft Minecraft Blacksmith house Minecraft Snowy Cabin MINECRAFT WINTER CABIN MINECRAFT WINTER HOUSE Realistic MC RTX 4090 Minecraft best shaders Minecraft Shader Comparison Minecraft Ray… Read More

  • CRAZY Minecraft Secrets REVEALED in Alo’s Epic Adventure

    CRAZY Minecraft Secrets REVEALED in Alo's Epic AdventureVideo Information [Music] [Music] is [Music] for [Music] oh This video, titled ‘Unusual Minecraft’, was uploaded by Alo on 2024-02-25 04:16:33. It has garnered 1 views and 1 likes. The duration of the video is 00:04:35 or 275 seconds. Welcome to a journey through the most bizarre and extraordinary corners of Minecraft! In this video, we dive into the realm of Unusual Minecraft, where the landscapes defy expectation and the structures challenge imagination. Join us as we explore unique biomes, stumble upon mysterious structures, and marvel at mind-bending creations crafted by players from around the world. From floating islands suspended… Read More

  • INSANE SECRETS of Craftrise Mobile

    INSANE SECRETS of Craftrise MobileVideo Information Merhaba merhaba ses deneme 1 2 3 ses deneme 1 2 3 Ne yapฤฑyorsunuz la he Hiรง mi ola tฤฑklฤฑm yok ลŸu an o yรผzden but Fly Click yapacaฤŸฤฑm yapamayacaฤŸฤฑm dรผny al oyuncu Anladฤฑm hocam La oฤŸlum yatak mฤฑ kapatฤฑyorsun gel buraya Efsane bir hareket yapacaฤŸฤฑm sana ya A dรผลŸmedi lan Gel bakalฤฑm biraz daha gel รถnรผne Bloklarฤฑ dizdim abisi yataฤŸฤฑ kฤฑrma be ya Abi niye kฤฑrฤฑyorsun yataฤŸฤฑmฤฑ AฤŸlama lan Bekle oฤŸlum ben seni elemedim mi ลŸimdi o yataฤŸฤฑ kฤฑrmak รถyle kolay mฤฑ sanฤฑyorsun รถnce beni geรงmen gerekiyor yataฤŸฤฑmฤฑ kฤฑrmฤฑลŸ olabilirsin ama ik saฤŸ solumu yemiลŸ sayฤฑlฤฑrsฤฑn Bak… Read More

  • INSANE! Building Breaking Bad House in Minecraft LIVE

    INSANE! Building Breaking Bad House in Minecraft LIVEVideo Information volume up okay we haven’t played on this world apparently since like the middle of December and I like this mod pack it’s just I just haven’t played on this [ __ ] plain as simple plain as simple damn you saw that vertical hold up when was my vertical so nasty I got a gas mask on all I remember is that hey get out of here bro he break something he broke my boots all I remember in this world was we got to the point where I was like okay I want to build a… Read More

  • 4000 Cakes in Minecraft… CRAZY Vertical Stream!

    4000 Cakes in Minecraft... CRAZY Vertical Stream!Video Information hello everyone how’s it going welcome to the stream hello everyone hello it is currently Monday for me and I wonder how what time it is for you guys because ah it’s freezing it is currently I don’t 15 to 17ยฐ like Celsius here in my town in Australia and it’s freaking cold it is currently 6:40 a.m. yes I know I’m late I’m late by 10 minutes sorry about that and welcome to the stream snow as well as to a how are you guys doing how’s it being I hope you have guys are having a… Read More

  • BREEZE’s Incredible SECRET Story! Minecraft 1.21

    BREEZE's Incredible SECRET Story! Minecraft 1.21Video Information this is the breeze and it’s a brand new mob from Minecraft 1.21 but where did it come from how did it gain its powers and what is its story well let’s find out in the Forgotten tale of the breeze it all begins long ago during the Great iller War the villagers and the illers have been fighting for centuary and there were no signs that the end was anywhere near as these two opposing factions despised each other with our passion as they each prayed for the complete annihilation of the enemy well that’s how most… Read More

  • Insane Minecraft Build Hack by Gujju Bhai!

    Insane Minecraft Build Hack by Gujju Bhai!Video Information [Applause] could you find a way to let me down slowly a little sympathy I hope you can show me if you want to go then I’ll be so lonely if you leaving baby let me down slowly let me down down let me This video, titled ‘Minecraft Buld hack #14’, was uploaded by Gujju Bhai 24 on 2024-04-09 16:01:32. It has garnered 67 views and 8 likes. The duration of the video is 00:00:15 or 15 seconds. minecraft minecraft song minecraft civilization minecraft house tutorial minecraft house minecraft 100 days minecraft music minecraft 1.21 minecraft live minecraft… Read More

  • AvalocMC

    AvalocMCGood evening and welcome my friends to a land of mystery and magic, a land of monsters and mages a land where one turn at the road can land you in a vast metropolis filled with magic and wonder your eyes have never seen, another turn could land you in the midst of a savage orc horde. Welcome to Avaloc mc.avalocmc.com Read More

  • Harmony Falls SMP PVE Proximity Voice-Chat No Resets 1.20+ Java

    ๐ŸŒŸ Welcome to Harmony Falls – The Top Voice-Chat Proximity SMP Server! ๐ŸŒŸ Server Details: Version: Java 1.20.1 IP: join.harmonyfallssmp.world Discord: https://discord.gg/UD59PE897s About ๐ŸŒ  Harmony Falls ๐ŸŒ : ๐Ÿ˜„ Proximity Voice Chat: Talk to nearby players with Simple Voice Chat! ๐Ÿฐ Towny & Economy: Establish towns, trade, and engage in wars. ๐Ÿ‘ฅ PvE & PvP: Battle mobs or challenge other players. ๐Ÿ‘น Bosses/Dungeons: Encounter insane bosses! ๐Ÿ‰ Pets: Venture with companions like bears, griffins, and dragons. ๐ŸŒ„ RPG Elements: Level up skills, embark on quests with MCMMO. ๐ŸŒŸ Events: Participate in tournaments, competitions, and more! More Exciting Features Coming soon! ๐ŸŒŸ… Read More

  • HorizonMines – Season 3 – High quality Skymining!

    HorizonMines - Season 3 - High quality Skymining!HorizonMines is an small upcoming SKYMINING server that is looking to revolutionize the space with an actual skymining experience, elytra’s, a wonderfully build map and tons of eastereggs create an immersive and endless world of possiblities and to have fun. The goal of HorizonMines is to simply become the best skymining server out there, the best map, the best gameplay and the best experience. We are actively looking for staff, content creators and people whom can give feedback and suggestions so we can accomplish the goal of becoming the absolute best out there.HorizonMines GameplayDive into an immersive, one of a… Read More

  • Minecraft Memes – My friend’s hotbar is a dumpster fire

    Looks like they need to ‘craft’ a better hotbar strategy! Read More

  • MineCrafted Dreams: Fyllaria’s Epic Rhyme

    MineCrafted Dreams: Fyllaria's Epic Rhyme In the world of Minecraft, Fyllaria roams, Building her dreams, crafting her own homes. But deep inside, she feels lost and alone, Her confidence shattered, her spirit not shown. She turns to an AI, seeking advice, Confiding her fears, her heart’s heavy price. The AI listens, with empathy and care, Encouraging Fyllaria to be aware. “Beauty is not just skin deep,” it says, “It’s in your heart, in your soul, in your ways. Embrace your uniqueness, your flaws and your strengths, For in them lies beauty, at any length.” Fyllaria listens, her heart starts to mend, Embracing herself, as… Read More

  • Spicy Minecraft Axe Hacks!

    Spicy Minecraft Axe Hacks! To make a secret Minecraft axe, simply whisper “I am Groot” into your controller three times and sacrifice a diamond to the pixelated gods. Then, wait for a creeper to explode near a tree and voila! Your secret axe will appear out of thin air. Just kidding, that’s not how it works, but wouldn’t it be cool if it did? Read More

  • Honey Farm Build in Minecraft

    Honey Farm Build in Minecraft Building a Honey Farm in Minecraft Are you ready to dive into the world of Minecraft and learn how to build a honey farm? In this video, you’ll discover the step-by-step process of creating a small honey farm in Minecraft. Let’s explore the fascinating world of Minecraft builds! Exploring Minecraft Builds As you watch the video titled “Minecraft builds _ Build a Honey Farm in Minecraft,” you’ll be guided through the intricate process of constructing a honey farm within the game. From gathering resources to crafting the necessary tools, every detail is covered to ensure your success in building… Read More

  • Minecraft Mayhem with Joos – Sunday Night LIVE!

    Minecraft Mayhem with Joos - Sunday Night LIVE!Video Information This video, titled ‘Sunday Night Stream : Joos plays Minecraft! 2!!! | ๐Ÿ”ด LIVE’, was uploaded by The Juicebox on 2024-05-13 01:07:19. It has garnered 135 views and 14 likes. The duration of the video is 03:11:38 or 11498 seconds. *Hey, you look nice today!* โœจ Goal for today is to just chill! (and play some Minecraft). Let’s talk! Subscribe โžค @_thejuicebox โ”โ”โ”โ”โ”โ”โ”โ”โ”โ”โ”โ”โ”โ”โ”โ”โ”โ”โ”โ”โ”โ”โ”โ”โ”โ”โ”โ”โ”โ” *Support Our Community* ๐Ÿ’• Discord โžค https://discord.gg/thejuicebox Patreon โžค https://www.patreon.com/the_juicebox โ”โ”โ”โ”โ”โ”โ”โ”โ”โ”โ”โ”โ”โ”โ”โ”โ”โ”โ”โ”โ”โ”โ”โ”โ”โ”โ”โ”โ”โ” *Check Out Our Channels* ๐ŸŽ‰ Let’s Plays โžค https://www.youtube.com/@Juice_Plays Game Guides โžค https://www.youtube.com/@Juice_Guides Retrospective Podcasts โžค https://www.youtube.com/@_thejuicecast โ”โ”โ”โ”โ”โ”โ”โ”โ”โ”โ”โ”โ”โ”โ”โ”โ”โ”โ”โ”โ”โ”โ”โ”โ”โ”โ”โ”โ”โ” #thejuicebox #juice #minecraft #minecraftlive Read More

  • Surviving Warden Only World with Whimsy Senpai

    Surviving Warden Only World with Whimsy SenpaiVideo Information This video, titled ‘We Survived In Warden Only World (Hindi) || WhimsySenpai’, was uploaded by Whimsy Senpai on 2024-03-24 08:30:13. It has garnered 1384 views and 41 likes. The duration of the video is 00:21:44 or 1304 seconds. In this video we are going to survive 100 days in the the Minecraft warden only world exploring the dangers fighting the warden equipping op enacted loot like golden apple diamond enchanted sword and pickaxe killing ender dragon and in the end we will make a fight between wither and warden and finding who is the boss mob Minecraft 100… Read More

  • ๐Ÿ”ฅ1K BLOOD SHOWDOWN: Aswan Manananggal VS Minecraft’s BEST Security Build!

    ๐Ÿ”ฅ1K BLOOD SHOWDOWN: Aswan Manananggal VS Minecraft's BEST Security Build!Video Information This video, titled ‘๐Ÿ–ค1000 BLOOD Aswang Manananggal vs Most Security Best Build in Minecraft!’, was uploaded by Jey Jey on 2024-05-01 09:45:00. It has garnered 461459 views and 6158 likes. The duration of the video is 00:17:54 or 1074 seconds. WATCH THIS AMAZING ๐Ÿ˜Ž๐Ÿ˜ŽIBLOOD Aswang Manananggal vs Most Security Best Build in Minecraft! | ENGLISH | OMOCRAFT ๐Ÿ–ค DO YOU WANT PURE JEYJEY? https://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PL1ox4n8KAwm5cwOcQI4fpoUxfJ7h2MhbR ๐Ÿ–คKIMMIE CHANNEL – https://www.youtube.com/channel/UC8-NNERYwzVpVVIdsqTpX3Q ๐Ÿ–คFB PAGE : https://www.facebook.com/profile.php?id=100091704975754 ๐Ÿ–คFB GROUP : https://www.facebook.com/groups/1834996580306653 WATCH IT GUYS !! @Clyde_Charge @Moira-YT @EsoniTV @ArArPlays @OLIPTV @JUNGKURT @tankdemic @potpot @VicccTv @shannelph @sheyyynplayz @PepeSanTV @micolee_9713 @Kimmie1129 @AstraeaaPH Aphmau, Maizen, Nico… Read More

  • Insane Minecraft Challenge with Rika Roleplay!

    Insane Minecraft Challenge with Rika Roleplay!Video Information This video, titled ‘0009 Minecraft 1-Life Challenge! (Anne Cook Day 20+)’, was uploaded by Rika Roleplay on 2024-01-15 10:41:39. It has garnered 25 views and 3 likes. The duration of the video is 02:59:43 or 10783 seconds. Minecraft Character Spreadsheet: https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/1eh3rTLBB3dbJ0G8UorRBJh0v95TNyPCEu9hX-qGc43I/edit?usp=sharing Join my Discord! (Small but ever present) Rika’s Videos Discord: https://discord.gg/wEAc7Fn Video Chapters: 0:00 Setting up Stream Read More

  • Insane Wither Storm Size | EYstreem Reveals

    Insane Wither Storm Size | EYstreem RevealsVideo Information This video, titled ‘How Big Can the Wither Storm Get?’, was uploaded by EYstreem on 2024-04-19 02:00:03. It has garnered 2479469 views and 32169 likes. The duration of the video is 00:17:12 or 1032 seconds. Surviving The Worlds BIGGEST WITHER STORM in Minecraft! The MOST POWERFUL BOSS Battle Explosion! Play Minecraft with ME and be IN VIDEOS! ๐Ÿ˜ Just click the ‘JOIN’ button here โ–ถ https://www.youtube.com/channel/UC-g_O9HWb5B0rVDG1hLd5Hw/join ๐Ÿ‘• Buy EYmerch: https://eystreem.store/ ๐ŸŽฎ My Minecraft Server Address: play.eyserver.com You can join this server on Bedrock Edition (Phones, Consoles and Tablets) and Java Edition (PC and Mac) โค๏ธ Tik Tok: https://direct.me/eystreem… Read More

  • Minecraft Insanity: 1000 Days of Absolute Madness

    Minecraft Insanity: 1000 Days of Absolute MadnessVideo Information This video, titled ‘1000 Days of Hardcore Minecraft’, was uploaded by WaxFraud on 2024-05-12 05:00:25. It has garnered 233945 views and 3180 likes. The duration of the video is 03:39:55 or 13195 seconds. I stream almost everyday on Twitch at https://twitch.tv/waxfraud ๐Ÿ˜€ come chill with us anytime! Let’s Play Hardcore Minecraft 1.20.4 1000 days of hardcore Minecraft! I used Complementary Reimagined Unbound Shaders when recording this episode. I also use the resource pack called Fancy 2.0 GUI Overhaul. I hope that all of these videos can help people out there sleep, relax, and/or study. Thank you so much… Read More

  • “EPIC BATTLE: Gojo vs Sukuna in Minecraft!!! ๐Ÿ˜ฑ๐Ÿ”ฅ” #jjk #jujutsukaisen#shorts

    "EPIC BATTLE: Gojo vs Sukuna in Minecraft!!! ๐Ÿ˜ฑ๐Ÿ”ฅ" #jjk #jujutsukaisen#shortsVideo Information This video, titled ‘Gojo vs Sukuna in Minecraft | #jjk #jujutsukaisen #shorts’, was uploaded by xhsty on 2024-05-08 04:37:00. It has garnered 9596 views and 453 likes. The duration of the video is 00:00:20 or 20 seconds. Gojo vs Sukuna in Minecraft | #jjk #jujutsukaisen #shorts jjk,jjk edit,jjk season 2,jjks2,jjk 250,jjk 257,jjk Shibuya arc,jjk 257 leaks,jjk 257 spoilers,kyoto students jjk,exchange event jjk,kyoto vs kenjaku jjk,explained, jujutsu kaisen,manga,translation,translations,john,weary,werry,english,awful,official,viz,gege akutami,anime,manganimist,sukuna,examples,bad,part 2,mistranslation,mistranslations,fan,strongest characters in jujutsu kaisen ,jujutsu kaisen Manga Read More

  • Beware of the Boss Hunter! Minecraft Rexy’s Expansion All Bosses!

    Beware of the Boss Hunter! Minecraft Rexy's Expansion All Bosses!Video Information This video, titled ‘Minecraft Rexy’s Expansion All Bosses ( Bedrock Addon )’, was uploaded by Dread The Boss Hunter on 2024-04-23 01:34:29. It has garnered 1681 views and 43 likes. The duration of the video is 00:19:25 or 1165 seconds. Link: https://mcpedl.com/rexys-expansion-addon/ Music: Makai Symphony Website: https://makai-symphony.com/9-2/ 1. Battle 2 2. Endless Storm 3. Duel 4. Battle 1 5. All Out Attack 00:00 illager Giant 02:31 Zombin 04:52 Wither Son 07:39 Snow Monster 09:56 Bob Witch 13:07 Skeleton King 15:06 Madllager 16:48 illager Mech Read More