Minecraft YOUTUBER DOUBLE HEALTH UHC – #1 (Ultra Hard Core) w/PrestonPlayz & Lachlan

Video Information

Ladies and gentlemen welcome to another season of UHD today I’m here joined with book why do we shut off on the ocean is the snow will I ever good we’re fine we’re fine we’re in the land it’s totally cool oh my god anybody UHC and fresh can we pick this team no

Way lucky oh yeah yeah no actually fun story about the team’s before we get into them if you guys are excited for another season of UHD hit the like button down below wok and unfortunately was in transit so you couldn’t participate in the last season but this

Season is a little different so as you can see we have double HP so this is a double HP themed UHD yeah so instead of the normal ten hearts we have 20 hearts each and okay there are supply drops kind of like in Hunger Games that fall

From the sky and you want to go there and once you get one of them there’s either items or clues to items within the UHD map so it’s pretty cool but yeah anyways funny story behind the teams lock I’ll go ahead let you tell it was

Pretty freakin funny but if you guys are excited for the ccbhc with your boy lock and oppressed an aka less than hit the like button down below a lot gonna explain what just happened why run what happened we’re wearing special Apple Apple Apple gaming applegate why are we

On an island into his London when heaven is like going up and down it’s going down downwards and upwards and I don’t removing her but yeah so pretty much they seriously said yeah we’re doing you HCL’s like sick fans like all those teams I’m like great okay uh I need a

Teammate and then president like alright I’ll be your teammate if you beat me and dice and I got a nothing and he got a five it was a bad is a bad roll boys is a bastard Preston Preston’s whole like u HC is based on the fact that he lost a dice roll

So yeah well I I vouch that I would do whatever its needed to help us win I pressed and what I want to do is no wasting time yeah come on Reza season is a sea temple down there I’ll be careful because I remember do we can Allah just

Know we’ve let you get this daughter on over karna oka we know we can’t and your boy I think your boy strawberry jam ray knows about it so make some boats do we need some boats yeah like me I’m gonna make three boats like legit three boats cuz you never yeah

So make your boats and I’m breaking the bench I’m breaking bench god I’m about to gonna vote so we don’t wanna hit that sea temple just there no no cold and stuff you’d only hit that temple a to us yeah that’s too risky dude it’s literally I mean

I guess we could technically build down but now here yellow boat walk with me let’s get out of here dude I just don’t feel like we smart about it we could work something out of that boss or no sighs deal with it you know 101 of that you know the unfortunate thing Lachlan

Is that I’m right next to rob in the recording studio offices with Rob was like what he’s lurking what do you put this ear to like honest honorable that is bad alexandrite that would be so bad about old another CEO nuts and oh another one

Dude I think there’s a lot but I don’t really care okay we got to just keep on adventuring at least we’re not wasting our hunger this way we have no food I really hope I’m thank you for the hope other people’s oh ooh let land holy land oh we found America we’re Christian

Angelonia for temples or any of that or just wanna go straight down digging now no you should no no come on trust me trust me oh there’s rabbits here this food so yeah all walking let your boat break oh you’re gonna go to brick big on

Your boat to go bye bye oh it’s tactical I want sticks yeah dude this is sick this is lit come come come come look all right and we want to look for villages like what I want to do them I’d remember all this thumbs-up we kind

Of do a little bit more exploring you know yeah well I say we get food right now okay I’m gonna put down a bench I’m always there you have the bench laughing yeah you have the bench lock and put it down real quick because you should definitely oh yeah this of course we’re

Gonna we should get early boughs early boats that’s the advantage right here lemur okay yeah yeah feathergaming got that got the chicken help me I’ll make I’ll make the crappy pickaxe so that we get stone there isn’t PvP in the first episode correct yeah yeah I get the crap

In between please yeah I get all these Jake oh dude yeah oh I think is a game right here Lachlan there’s a cave right here all right there’s no cave cave it’s not it’s not oh whoa whoa wait wait wait oh oh there’s a cave down okay we have a

Cable careful walking yeah do kill these chickens dude if these are Bangor chickens what shall we start cranking my a pickaxe though honestly I do got one I got one I got one here let me make you I’m gonna give you a stone now you don’t the waste in a view yeah horizontal

Right that all right though Oh God I really want to take fall damage here yeah I’ve always somebody there so many aesthetic blitz oh I mean skinny’s nearby ship ship ship ship ship right in front of us right in front of me like right in ball you’re right your Irish we

Don’t we don’t want yeah we don’t run out she’s gonna out of range guys gone under range I think was running the other way okay yeah here okay uh am I good yeah okay lock here make a pickaxe and once you do I get some stone for me that’s really

You like we want to secure this cave we don’t want them to know that we’re here I’m actually get some what’s up dude yes I’m gonna get dirt I’m gonna get dirt oh wait they’re still back in Rangers go back and measure microchip ship ship ship ship ship ship all right

Yeah all right wait let me just check what he go these shipped out of range just keep checking range now yeah I know I always ship Louis ship okay but dude this is actually epic that we ran in terms early on like yeah I kind I kind

Of raised the don’t what is there lyza yeah plays I’ll be gone to the gun okay they’re gone I think they’re gone yeah camo I’m going for some more chickens I remember not that sprint as much how much Stern do you want me to none stop get enough frigates tone swords for both

Of us and pickaxes Oh Judy I do those chickens go wait I think I might have found a ravine Laughlin I think I found a ravine yeah say that cave but there’s yeah we’re in a ravine all boys all the noise yeah oh wait oh it’s a week is

This a ravine IRS’s well it’s oh yeah dude I see I already see iron in here Oh jackpot Duda I’m bringing the track a little bit of crop table and dude this is so hype last season of UHD lock and I’d even find any chickens now we’ve got

Chickens Gail oh this is so sick Cedric buddy’s not really good one thing would you be laughing you missed another cave no I never do that I didn’t miss a deed there’s just so much right never mrs. K never miss Kay’s one thing we’re gonna need Lachlan Jacqueline Jacqueline is

This is really nice that we have like infinite chicken and stuff as a blocker but we do need to find Cal’s eventually you know I mean yeah yeah right now game is all right so we’re gonna go in there now and yeah yeah I think we’ve got enough

Chickens I got like 17 pieces of meat on me okay for the slab right there – feathers um oh there’s a man over there yeah they came watch out for okay lock I need to make a furnace and a half I’m at half hunger okay no a lot of em I got

You I said the price the price was back very skeptical it was like walk alone you’re not exactly the greatest of mine chrome not is that gonna words I wasn’t playing you the greatest but I was just like I got the ping like I should be

Doing a literal world we’re all you me and Rob right now it’s his tape internet connection so we all get one of these guys zeroes we go god no no blizzards same as cooking the chicks oh wow took chickens cooked boss but yeah it’s instant no November it’s clean cut it’s

Cut clean UHC remember that so everything everything everything is instant everything is instant like boom all the chickens are smell too decaf oh yes that’s six so now when we get iron Lachlan um can i my kind of pickaxe uh my sort or do you do not have oh yeah yeah gotcha

Ankle oh and then your sword as well ankle okay and I robbed her a fire start Lachlan rocked a fire style furnace already down okay but this the bad thing is locking I don’t think this this ravine K thing leads anything oh wait never mind lying lying I’m always buying

Careful get oh my god it leads to a fudge you look at the ravine down there oh there’s a skeleton Archer how much coal do we need probably not as risky dude this is risky though oh there’s iron right here yeah get the are dude with smell to pickaxe oh yeah yeah oh

There’s a lot of iron here hell yeah come here babe this traffic come over here I have your bay but that’s that’s right come over and submitted to produce matter dude do you want to go for the picker we don’t need to pick just yet so we find gold

Because let’s save it wait would you wait what you will star here dude um what you got I don’t know where you are oh I should go over there yes there’s a massive cave below us but we need to find a much safer inch oh eight iron we

Have enough for a chest plate I would rate a chest plate yeah I write it alright alright it off here you can have the first chest light lock actually I’m gonna be the adventurous one so I’ll take the chest plate cuz I know what this cave is and I don’t either as that

Oh there’s a scaly belly down there yeah yeah that’s what I’m saying so that’s why we got to do this we get to be do you want to try and like start a tunnel down here like yeah I’m making actual quick so we can get this bench up faster

Take out a piece of iron please nice nice honest thing you see over there Lachlan we’re gonna need uh torches torch this is gonna be one of them oh yes I didn’t make any I got I got a little bit ah yeah I got a little bit I

Got like I already Nicola me here I’m smelting these aren’t I yeah just say over there I like you this is so nice we need to get spiders ASAP I reckon if we have bows have me run into people like they’re not gonna fudge with us or we

Still forward Kingdom be fobbed is about sixteen torches probably will actually put some more of those let’s lit olsat rulers gonna have this cave lit oh my gosh this cave I got six piece of iron should I work on like a little helmet Oh God

Oh my gosh creeper press to do it in place get her go doo-doo-doo-doo I got him you have no idea I was just mining through exploit oh my god this game is so full of creepers oh I’ve got more access to the ravine now um oh god yeah careful careful ocular creepers fudging

Everywhere how much got blown up okay I just killed three creepers dude this is pretty here it isn’t me it’s always it’s always lit in here there’s no dart oh my god skeleton who looks go o guy got shot chick halfway to have a heart fine doing boys [ __ ] come back dude

This cave system digs yeah this cave system actually makes no sense dude actually I got a bridge to some iron but I’m scared watch this I simply go down that first cave we found Laughlin I said we’re over here come over here oh that nook what what’s that what’s up what’s

Up what I just need to get come over here I need your assistance careful I’ll come yet oh I’ll try to get this iron of you risky oh there’s a witch down there hmm I’m gonna build a bridge and get over it all right here yeah but here’s this Yeley

Way away away aware he’s on the side [ __ ] and see those couples that I blocked him up you see oh yeah don’t come my god this is visit that for reasons for a reason we need this all right I got my chest plate no I’m saying

I can’t believe we’re done yeah I do decay don’t forget we do have double heart so whenever we go to kill somebody we’ve hit him double as much pretty much oh dude there’s so many mobs I went down into a small little cave freaking three creepers a skeleton like be very careful

About this season I’m very scared or it didn’t season barely start what you are also we need to get a water bucket so we can well I see I’m glad to get absolute Ellie’s a little wood yeah I’ve got enough iron she’s always working remember la can always shift pretty much

Always shift yeah that’s a big role at find role I’m gonna go ahead and get a water bucket only one yeah uh yeah I think we should get armor before a water bucket or anything I’m getting one I’m anyone because we’re gonna go underground now cuz the Sun is going

Down as a down right now it’s it’s gonna go back so we go back to that original cave and since we stay fleep the ravine flip the ravine or though I say good I say keep the ravine I say keep the ravine I’m such that play myself there’s

That which the Preston I’m you told me not to play myself like what are you going really going about to get water I played myself I don’t think that’s a good idea log good I’m coming back inside I just hate Sun is going down Suns going down Suns going down run money I’m

Inside I’m inside right now dude I’m inside your Getti good we had to be careful because the end of first episode is like we had 10 minutes remember we’re gonna play aggressive the season lock and I did chat about that we wanted to play aggressive the season as much as we

Want to win is that you chomping that’s you chomping okay yeah yeah how much ah dirt if like any noise oh you need to turn your noise I did I’m sure my boys up my boys my boys I know yeah I’m trying turn players up to full 100%

Yeah yeah good caught up with sand dude all right yeah yeah anyways walking and I rather than wanting to win this season which we obviously do what we’re gonna try obviously first yeah yeah but we really want this to mainly be like a very fun action-packed season for you

Guys for me that’s like that’s like more important than winning yeah absolutely absolutely yeah hi intense interactions with players yes we won’t even want to kill people we want to kill me like that let that’s like a real shake like a strip mine kind of meta here well no we

Can’t strip my remember that’s illegal I’ve got a chest plate and a water bucket oh it’s a minimal okay yeah yes you catch this isn’t strip mining no this is called stair casing like this is mine Oh Jensen take damage yeah yeah but so what this is right now I know there’s

Like a cave right here I saw it when I was up there okay I want to see where went to there was a cave and led this way maybe I didn’t go far down enough I’m just wanting a call for now I’d be more calling a little bit I can’t i’m

Seeing this which right now has got me literally scared Oh walking into my ear I got it’s like the cave system I want to go into is like right here because like look what we’re doing Charlie likes more oh I see what you’re trying to aim yeah yeah there was there’s like a

Little ledge over here that could be leading into some good stuff definitely definitely want to keep almost this way there it is this is mad iron sauce over there and I should get like an armpit going honey with the stone picks actually like it’s hurting me yeah

That’s really no god there’s a skeleton down there nope nope nope nope no skeletons y’all mug we need to make some more torches I mean right now I can’t see my is your lighting broken I have full brought Oh cuz I changed my gamma right Craig I checked you check you

Tortured re told ya i’ve got i’ve got towards but my gamma Lachlan is i have it jacked up right now and config so I can’t tell I can’t tell like how dark it is I’m just gonna go and torch this place so that nothing is foam behind ya right that

I got only : here I got four more iron okay can we smelt that Nicole hey uh do you really want to pick it you only get armor first I’m really gonna pick okay okay okay I’m just checking alright so there’s that backwards cabin over there lots of iron really doll

That’s Kelly – shoot me try this here for now just apples let’s go AC camouflage Kelly right there yeah crap this is locking this girl T she’s locked on you oh yeah back up back up yeah he’s taking ticket to break that one you can look to me rest in rest

Right there fudge that that was battable alright very bearable honestly I’ve hit on I don’t like that’s what I’m saying – that’s right I just do not like who I see iron right there how many blocks down you reckon that is locking okay I’m gonna unzip you see that I

Write down looking at it like there’s there’s this one and one below oh yes I’m gonna mine down to it let me know if I’m lined up with it and how far need to go down alright so I’m at my line in front of it right now

Uh no you need to come out you should be you’ll be undying all afternoon is that good okay I’m bad so I’m just gonna I’m gonna go I’m gonna do a staircase down okay yeah just do a seconds down yeah I’m gonna work on some other kind of staircase across actually

Just like yeah cuz mining down is actually scared I don’t write it and don’t generate it yeah I don’t write it at all okay let me know if I’m still going down if I’m still going down the right way Lachlan let me check and accepted I’m septic yeah you’re really

Close really cause you’re on the level you seem to break more to the side the ravine okay right into it how about how many how close to that which by the way just try to pitch isn’t anyone nearby okay I see I’m here well you’re too high

You’re too high you’re too high what is it drug you above me you’re okay so the iron use your arm directly blue you look outside this door aren’t I saw where’s the other one was the other one the other ones above you um I’ll get this iron first and I’ll get

That our next yeah yeah I’m gonna try and get into this kind of thing because I think there’s only one piece of vine I will freakin oh my gosh yeah I would be happy with one piece peas it’s literally it’s literally one piece all by Pachi gosh I don’t wanna use echolocation to

Find a zombie echolocation who don’t think that works that way luckily not to do bad location or you’re not a zoo bad Lachlan I’m not a zoo bad but they want to be why don’t you something like it was right next to me cuz you ever sounds

Probably super loud oh no I have to make another pickaxe I was like Bailey in the iron okay I should not be mining upwards it’s gonna get me killed fast okay yeah compasses do not do anything good thing to know a good thing to know glad you’re that now rather than later

Yeah la can I think I can’t think we lost with this ravine this is like the most like really any like this ravine area mall rates are too high yeah but I see skeletons everywhere but iron is also a everywhere signore we wanted to get off the HP though I feel

Like we could take yeah but we wanted to get we wanted to get full iron objectives to get full iron in the first episode and then go hamtaro but yeah how can we go ahead and taro endures oh my god there’s a zombie oh god just got hit with I lost two hearts

On that Oh cuz it’s nice Oh skelux I just hit him off the edge of it aw dude scale Tom bees are dropping in boys I got him I killed ass Kelly so don’t go back up to a respond that’s right I went and I took a to go zombie hit to the

Face that was freaking ah ah only one I’m mining all their crosses ravine to get another piece of iron okay so more pieces of I got two more pieces of iron now yeah I’m gonna use f5 murder see what we’re dealing with all islami well this is Kelton right there yeah I’ll be

Careful they’re everywhere then they’re literally I’m gonna get more into the cave and they can be realized to the words that I’ve already think it’s too hard the damage I need a Golden Apple to regen this is bullsh real oh dude all right

I know it’s I just my bad is I I can hear your mining actually oh my god there’s a shock there’s so much iron right there I want to go there so bad we really need snowballs and something something that we can like hit the zombies into yeah yeah no I broke into

The right place to just not want to clean off here a little pipsqueaks ooh back I say I’m right behind you I’m gonna I got a good iron source on this little anchor over here yeah I’m coming I feel like a plan I go go all right

Please be 1/8 vain looks like at least one of eight oh no my locker I’m gonna block you up cuz I just don’t feel say and I said there was a there’s a skeleton right above a spa is it really yeah yeah I have five moves I’m

Trying to look for right above me Kazuto okay yeah yeah I say we get that photo there’s a zombie on here get out I don’t know I got him up he was standing on top of a 5min right here and see what we’re dealing with yeah till the skeleton I can actually

Get that skill be careful lock and it’s still pitch-black outside as well very careful I’m gonna mess that scaler much much much wiser it was her phone aside I got eight more iron to smell ha do you have yeah let’s just get armorless you okay come here locking turn around I’ll

Throw your furnace there’s on the ground I think is one of you hide you okay let’s fight well I’ll take this one you want this one yeah no you actually take a lie take one oh yeah good good good good all rights put distinct down and I

Closed it a wish oh my god I can see to which now fudge dad fire okay I’m gone for another leggings thing that’s what I hate about the witches because they could splash you through things yeah not true I’m gonna keep running this ravine because I use another iron

Resource up the road yeah there is we need it we need a head upstairs as soon as it’s daytime they’ll we need it if we’re gonna play aggressive it’s as soon as episode to start I don’t know if anyone else playing aggressively no that’s fine though you’re just because

Look there’s 30 players in a really small area so all we have to do is look down okay and then people could be upstairs because people are gonna go up on daytime remember they’re gonna go up and try to get food so we won’t try to

Get as much iron as we can get iron swords and right now I’ve got enough for two iron swords okay I’ve got seven more iron coming back which oh I’ve got I’ve got everything but the the helmet and the boots I’ve got boots now oh yeah I think I get

A lot of iron it’s kind of risky but I think I can do this without taking any damage we do need the iron gaming yeah I know I know I got I got Oh on I’m gonna look for more on the ravine but looks like a run of this Lily but I’m building

I’m building a roof for myself you didn’t get that one ravine of diamond did you I’m on I mean I wish yeah fam sign me up for the diamond ravine sign me up for Ben diamond reveal when did blues okay but I’ve been here there’s a coal above me Oh

This iron next to me perfect yeah I do I’ve got some iron too if I can if we get as Oliver beams are oh dude I might actually get full iron here there’s so much this is pretty sick ethics cropping tables well that is an issue somebody’s hacking do some with budget agate

Hackers a good budget budget dude only go ahead wait up wait up here’s that piece of you took my furnace that new you little jag it’s just up there I know it’s alright don’t be a 1 by W one vein oh you guess what he did not want Lane

Oh come on dude I was really I was really hope it was really like some eight name oh I think my found your vein yes I got legs I got legs now I got legs yeah I’ve got the full set I’ve got the full set nice

I’m out to have the full set I appreciate I go I can uh I think I might do away with that I think I should be able to Skelly’s on the edge well run lock and run that no dunno where I hit him right off I killed okay so we enter

That Barry put up that look just like save me a couple huh I’m telling you the barriers hype like I use it all the time back in Age 3m alright here we go and this which is just so close like I hate it so much

All right all right we need you to come back up we’ve got one minute to get to the top yeah wait wait a lock of my way I’m like almost done so how much iron do you have right now I just need two more and then I’ll have a sword and a full

Set of a bowline I’m I need to all got one of my iron from the lava great stupid lava oh do have so much iron of your locker come over here and it’s like a really big open part of the ravine this is actually the lit as fudge you’ll

See I built like a perfect old sky thing over there my 35 I max out on resources over here yeah I’ve got I’ve got 12 iron on top of me right now oh and there’s plenty more over here – coming yeah be very careful though should we get you’re gonna stay yeah you

Like to sellouts that littered yeah like this up real quick just so we can make sure we see everything yeah and boom buy make your iron sword what do you mean – make it give me make you wonder you make it you make it okay there you go

Helmets boots oh we should really – you’re episode one is uh not yet but sort of time will wrap so up timely yeah really nearly coming to wrap I uh we should definitely get some she’s definitely avoiding steel by the way I could be right down there yeah look at

Here look look at all the irony of it okay they’re zombies here there’s a zombie here I’ll take him out he’s a little bigger yeah watch my back Oh watch out zombies coming down from the ground yeah yeah and episode gonna get five four three two one ladies and

Gentlemen that’s gonna be the end of the first episode eh see check back in two days for the next episode

This video, titled ‘Minecraft YOUTUBER DOUBLE HEALTH UHC – #1 (Ultra Hard Core) w/PrestonPlayz & Lachlan’, was uploaded by Preston on 2016-01-24 20:30:01. It has garnered 1354321 views and 26500 likes. The duration of the video is 00:21:26 or 1286 seconds.

Hit “LIKE” for more MINECRAFT UHC! 😀 ● Next episode (COME BACK IN A COUPLE DAYS!) ● Click to never miss a video – http://bitly.com/PrestonPlayz —————————————————————————————— FOLLOW ME HERE! ● Instagram – https://instagram.com/realtbnrfrags ● Twitter – https://twitter.com/tbnrfrags ● Snapchat – Snapchat Name ‘PrestoSnaps’ —————————————————————————————— Subscribe to my other channel! ● http://www.youtube.com/TBNRfrags —————————————————————————————— HOSTS: Preston: https://www.youtube.com/PrestonPlayz Rob: https://www.youtube.com/MrWoofless


Preston: https://www.youtube.com/PrestonPlayz Lachlan: http://youtube.com/Lachlan

Vick: https://www.youtube.com/Vikkstar123HD Rob: https://www.youtube.com/MrWoofless

Jerome: http://youtube.com/JeromeASF go down: http://youtube.com/TheBajanCanadian

Brayden: https://www.youtube.com/TheCampingRusher Mark: https://www.youtube.com/DfieldMark

Bee: https://www.youtube.com/HeyImBee Straub: https://www.youtube.com/StrauberryJam

Fin – https://www.youtube.com/fingames UnFuggettable – https://youtube.com/channel/UC-vlWJoHuVKm51TEfPDik8A

Sean: https://www.youtube.com/Grapeapplesauce Ant: https://www.youtube.com/CreeperFarts

Dylan: https://www.youtube.com/TheHyperCraftt Nathan: https://www.youtube.com/NoBoomGaming

Grasses: https://www.youtube.com/Graser10 Kiingtong: https://www.youtube.com/Kiingtong

Cool: https://www.youtube.com/Huahwi123 PrivateFearless – https://youtube.com/PrivateFearless

Brandon: https://www.youtube.com/PeteZahHutt Kara: https://www.youtube.com/ItsPwincessly

Choco: https://www.youtube.com/KwehCraft Ashley: https://www.youtube.com/AshleyMarieeGaming

Joe: http://youtube.com/TofuuGaming Poke: https://www.youtube.com/Pokediger1

Mat: https://www.youtube.com/c/mathewnoochm Erin: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCyYukkVgPjmSQuaDAFlk7dw

Justin: https://www.youtube.com/c/AciDicBliTzz Kenny: https://www.youtube.com/KenWorthGaming —————————————————————————————— MUSIC – Monstercat Release: TwoThirds – Skywards ● Listen here: https://youtu.be/Yb5Nu6FkSVg ● Support on Beatport: http://btprt.dj/WjU2qC ● Support on Bandcamp: http://bit.ly/VMFaij

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  • Join Minewind Minecraft Server for Fun and Adventure!

    Join Minewind Minecraft Server for Fun and Adventure! Welcome to Newsminecraft.com, where we bring you the latest updates and trends in the world of Minecraft. Today, we want to talk to you about the exciting and vibrant community over at Minewind Minecraft Server. While watching the latest YouTube video by Sara Gull, you may have noticed the energy and creativity that Minecraft brings to the table. Just like Sara Gull’s channel is all about life refreshment and benefiting others, Minewind Minecraft Server offers a similar experience. With a focus on fun and community, Minewind is the perfect place to unleash your creativity, build amazing structures, and connect… Read More

  • EPIC SURVIVAL CHAOS! Minecraft Turkish – Part 14

    EPIC SURVIVAL CHAOS! Minecraft Turkish - Part 14 Minecraft Just Survival Türkçe – Bölüm 14: Tuhaf Olaylarla Dolu Macera! Merhaba Minecraft hayranları! Bahayo ve LoSerhat kardeşler, Minecraft Just Survival serilerinin 14. bölümünde yine tuhaf olaylarla karşı karşıya kaldılar. Bu heyecan dolu macerada neler yaşandığını merak ediyorsanız, videoyu izlemeye devam edin! Tuhaf Olaylar ve Heyecan Verici Anlar Bahayo ve LoSerhat, Minecraft dünyasında karşılarına çıkan zorluklarla başa çıkmaya çalışırken, beklenmedik olaylarla da karşılaşıyorlar. Yaratıklar, tuzaklar ve sürprizlerle dolu bu macerada hayatta kalmak için ellerinden geleni yapıyorlar. Destek Olmayı Unutmayın! Videoyu izledikten sonra Bahayo ve LoSerhat’a destek olmayı unutmayın. Onların maceralarını takip etmek ve yeni videolarını kaçırmamak için YouTube kanallarını… Read More

  • Join Minewind Minecraft Server for Endless Fun!

    Join Minewind Minecraft Server for Endless Fun! Welcome to Newsminecraft.com, where we bring you the latest updates and trends in the Minecraft community! Today, we stumbled upon a hilarious video titled “😂Coal Iron Gold Lapis Diamond Emerald” that has been making waves on YouTube. While the video may not be directly related to Minewind Minecraft Server, it got us thinking – why not join a server that offers endless possibilities and excitement? Minewind Minecraft Server, with the IP YT.MINEWIND.NET, is a vibrant and dynamic community where players can unleash their creativity, embark on thrilling adventures, and forge new friendships. Whether you’re a seasoned player or just… Read More

  • Villager Trading Hall in 1 Block! Minecraft Gameplay

    Villager Trading Hall in 1 Block! Minecraft Gameplay Minecraft One Block Gameplay: Creating a Villagers Trading Hall Join Devil369 Gaming on an exciting Minecraft journey as they delve into the world of creating a Villagers Trading Hall in Minecraft One Block gameplay. This engaging video showcases the intricate process of setting up a trading hall within the game. Exploring Minecraft One Block In this gameplay video, Devil369 Gaming takes viewers through the fascinating world of Minecraft One Block. This unique game mode challenges players to survive and thrive on a single block, presenting a fresh and exciting twist to the traditional Minecraft experience. Building a Villagers Trading… Read More

  • Master Minecraft Thumbnail Text Tricks!

    Master Minecraft Thumbnail Text Tricks! The World of Minecraft Thumbnails: A Creative Guide Exploring the Minecraft Thumbnail Text In the vast world of Minecraft content creation, crafting eye-catching thumbnails is essential. Learn how to create professional-level text for your Minecraft thumbnails with ease. Big YouTubers like Blaze MG, Yupp Rikshu, Beat Playz, and Rosy Gamerz have mastered this art, and now you can too. Emulating Your Favorite YouTubers Many aspiring content creators dream of emulating the success of Beat Playz, Rosy Gamerz, Vuykplayz, and others. By following their lead in creating engaging Minecraft thumbnails, you can attract a larger audience and stand out in… Read More

  • Why Minecraft Fails!

    Why Minecraft Fails! Exploring the World of Minecraft: A Spanish Server Adventure Step into the exciting world of Minecraft on a Spanish server that promises endless fun and camaraderie. With a dedicated team of staff, including Helpers, Mods, Admins, and owners, this server is constantly updated to provide the best gaming experience. Whether you’re looking for like-minded players or have questions, you can easily connect through their Discord channel and open a ticket for assistance. The server is compatible with version 1.20 and has recently introduced the Sinnoh region for exploration. Join the Community Discover a vibrant community of players who share… Read More

  • Insane Minecraft Server Gameplay! Join N21 NOW!

    Insane Minecraft Server Gameplay! Join N21 NOW!Video Information [संगीत] कर दिया देखता जल्दी कीजिए चालू कीजिए स्म लगा के सो जाएंगे दिया चालू कीजिए जल्दी चालू कीजिए कर [संगीत] दिया [संगीत] i [संगीत] [संगीत] वड क्या खबर अरे यार नास भाई य लोग फसा दे रहे मैं कैसे खेल यार हेलो कैसे खेल या यह खेल रहे जो उमी और ये लोग कुछ नहीं बस एगजाम था आज बताओ ना यार लटका दिया हा कैसे खेलू उसम देखो तुमको एकय आएगा बलू टीम और रेड टीम का एक नोटिफिकेशन आएगा इन गेम चट में आया हां हां हां किसी एक टीम में सेट करो गया गया… Read More

  • REAL LIFE SCARY SHREK BUILDS in Minecraft! – Parody Story

    REAL LIFE SCARY SHREK BUILDS in Minecraft! - Parody StoryVideo Information I suggest building monsters and shooting them yes Mikey good idea I think we should build creepers they are coming towards us need to hide I don’t want them to kill us where are they coming from it’s a good weather today I need to go for a walk hey hi Mikey let’s go for a walk it’s finally warm outside something can be done yes Mason let’s have a great time I suggest building monsters and shooting them let’s train yes Mikey good idea I think we should build creepers they are the scariest so it will… Read More

  • INSANE Minecraft live stream with fans!!

    INSANE Minecraft live stream with fans!!Video Information [Music] [Music] e that [Music] [Music] h Huh [Music] [Music] [Music] h [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] huh [Music] [Music] h [Music] [Music] h [Music] [Music] h [Music] [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] right a e oh for for for e for e [Music] you want to play Minecraft with your friends in 2024 there are tons of different ways to do it including playing player server High pixel you can double. net then when you click done it will pop up here after a few seconds and Minecraft together for example control your like that making your own… Read More

  • Unbelievable 5G Minecraft Hack Goes Viral 🔥🎮 #GamingTrends

    Unbelievable 5G Minecraft Hack Goes Viral 🔥🎮 #GamingTrendsVideo Information ‏ag [موسيقى] v This video, titled ‘Minecraft viral tik tok hack🔥||#gaming #minecraft #viral’, was uploaded by 5g gamer on 2024-02-20 15:51:47. It has garnered 8157 views and likes. The duration of the video is 00:00:13 or 13 seconds. Minecraft TIK TOK BILD HACK 😈#shorts I am a Minecraft video creator My YouTube channel name is BignnerYT so, Please check My channel if You like then subscribe minecraft 100 days, minecraft video, minecraft minecraft, minecraft house, minecraft game, minecraft techno gamerz, minecraft shorts, minecraft cartoon, minecraft song, minecraft house tutorialminecraft pocket edition survival series, minecraft pocket edition download, minecraft… Read More

  • UNBELIEVABLE TNT in Minecraft!! 😱🔥 @ProBoiz95

    UNBELIEVABLE TNT in Minecraft!! 😱🔥 @ProBoiz95Video Information तो गाइस मैं सोच रहा था बहुत दिन से मैंने कुछ धासू कुछ कुछ हट के कुछ नेक्स्ट लेवल मैंने कुछ अभी तक किया नहीं है तो मैं आज आप लोगों के लिए लेकर आ चुका हूं कुछ ऐसे टी एनटी और कैनन चस्ट को देखने के बाद आप लोग के रोंग खड़ हो जाएंगे य देख फायर क्रैकर्स और भी बहुत कुछ है तो सबसे पहला हमारे पास ये क्या है रॉकेट लांचर इसको हम ट्राई करेंगे कहां ट्राई करें मुझे कुछ ध्यान नहीं आ रहा किसके घर प करू मैं किसके घर पर करू इस वाले… Read More

  • Unearthed

    UnearthedWelcome to Unearthed, a friendly environment to make friends and have some fun in Minecraft! This server is for people to enjoy building, exploring, optional PvP, and more, all while meeting new people without the worry of griefing or harassment in their Minecraft experience. We have the classic look and feel of a vanilla server, but we have carefully selected certain plugins and datapacks which take nothing away from the core game play and instead only boost fun and security to our players. Every plugin (and datapack) we have is there to help us make sure you have an enjoyable… Read More

  • New Beginnings Modded Factions Roleplay Whitelist NaEast 1.20.1 +18

    Dimensional Adventures Modpack Ever dreamed of building your own kingdom, braving monster-infested dungeons, or becoming a master of the arcane? The Dimensional Adventures modpack lets you do it all! Features: Forge a realm! Band together with friends and establish your own epic kingdom or cozy village. Delve into the depths! Explore sprawling dungeons, unearth hidden treasures, and conquer the darkness! Embrace the Machine Age! Build a wondrous steampunk paradise filled with innovative contraptions. Unleash your inner magic! Master the arcane arts with a variety of exciting magic mods. The possibilities are endless! To make your adventure even smoother, extra quality-of-life… Read More

  • DeathReaper

    DeathReaper🎮 Welcome to play.DeathReaper.org! 🎮🌟 Your Gateway to Adventure! 🌟Join our vibrant community for an unforgettable Minecraft experience featuring a dynamic blend of our popular games: Op Factions and Survival⚔️ Op Factions: Conquer the realm of factions! Build your forces, seize territories, and clash with rivals in a quest for dominance. With robust economies and unique features, Op Factions delivers endless gameplay excitement.Why Join Us?🌟 Engaging Community: Join a friendly and active community of players from around the world. Our Discord server is bustling with activity, providing real-time communication, event announcements, and community discussions.🎉 Exciting Events: Participate in regular events,… Read More

  • Minecraft Memes – Melon Madness Highway

    Minecraft Memes - Melon Madness HighwayWhy did the watermelon cross the road? To get to the juicy side of the highway! Read More

  • Cheaters Beware: Player Burned in Minecraft Check!

    Cheaters Beware: Player Burned in Minecraft Check! In the world of Minecraft, cheats are a sin, But some players just can’t help but give in. They burned a player with cheats, what a shame, But justice was served, they got banned from the game. The server admin caught them in the act, Flying around, breaking the pact. They were building a beautiful home, But cheating in Minecraft, they should’ve known. The admin called them out, asked for an explanation, But the player refused, faced with termination. They were banned from the server, a fitting end, Cheating in Minecraft, they couldn’t defend. So remember, dear players, play… Read More

  • Spicy Minecraft Exposé: The Ultimate Gaming Meme

    Spicy Minecraft Exposé: The Ultimate Gaming Meme “Why did the creeper go to therapy? Because it had too much TNTsion!” #minecrafttherapy #creeperproblems #gamerjokes Read More

  • Ultimate Minecraft Power Punch!

    Ultimate Minecraft Power Punch! Minecraft: The Journey – Exploring Bow Enchantments In the latest episode of Minecraft: The Journey, bugmancx delves into the world of bow enchantments. From Power to Flame, Punch, and Infinity, the new enchantments offer exciting possibilities for survival in the game. Power V, Flame I, Punch II, and Infinity I Bugmancx crafts multiple bows and heads to the enchanting table to discover the enchantments awaiting him. With Power V, Flame I, Punch II, and Infinity I, he creates the ultimate bow for his adventures. The combination of these enchantments provides him with a powerful weapon to combat the mobs… Read More

  • Join Minewind Minecraft Server for the Ultimate Gaming Experience

    Join Minewind Minecraft Server for the Ultimate Gaming Experience Welcome to Minewind Minecraft Server! Looking for a new and exciting Minecraft experience? Look no further! Minewind offers a unique and engaging gameplay environment that will keep you coming back for more. Just like the “Important Button” map, Minewind features a variety of challenges and adventures for players of all skill levels. With different biomes to explore and conquer, you’ll never run out of things to do on our server. Whether you’re a seasoned Minecraft pro or just starting out, Minewind has something for everyone. Our server is designed to be both challenging and accessible, ensuring that you’ll always… Read More

  • Building My Own Kingdom in Minecraft 👑

    Building My Own Kingdom in Minecraft 👑 Minecraft Server Promotion: Build Your Own Kingdom! 👑 Are you ready to embark on a new adventure in the world of Minecraft? Join the exciting server where you can create your own kingdom and rule over your domain! Explore new lands, gather resources, and build magnificent structures to establish your reign. Server Details: 🌐 Server IP: play.ronemacraft.com 1.16.5-1.17 📢 Server Discord: discord.gg/skyblocktc Features: 🏝️ Skyblock: Test your survival skills on a floating island and thrive in a challenging environment. ⚔️ Survival: Brave the wilderness, fend off monsters, and build a thriving community with fellow players. 🏘️ Towny: Join forces… Read More

  • EPIC Mage Tower Transformation! Watch me decorate outer walls!

    EPIC Mage Tower Transformation! Watch me decorate outer walls!Video Information This video, titled ’24MAR24. Mage Tower Décor. Work on Outer Walls’, was uploaded by swpatterson on 2024-03-25 02:36:25. It has garnered 3 views and 0 likes. The duration of the video is 02:05:27 or 7527 seconds. mc.hydalehollow.com MineCraft Java 1.20.1 SMP — Watch live at https://www.twitch.tv/swpatterson69 Read More

  • Exploring Haunted House Challenge

    Exploring Haunted House ChallengeVideo Information This video, titled ‘Pomni Masuk Rumah Hantu ‼️#shorts #skibiditoilet #pomni #minecraft #dafugboom’, was uploaded by VelynsTV on 2024-03-21 11:01:00. It has garnered views and [vid_likes] likes. The duration of the video is or seconds. Read More

  • SECRET Shadow Minecraft Server REVEALED LIVE | Join Now!

    SECRET Shadow Minecraft Server REVEALED LIVE | Join Now!Video Information This video, titled ‘Minecraft Server Live | JAVA | Public SMP’, was uploaded by Shadow on 2024-04-22 05:57:15. It has garnered views and [vid_likes] likes. The duration of the video is or seconds. JAVA + CRACKED ALLOWED Version 1.8 – 1.20.4 The server will never close as it’s been made to stay 24h/24 online until at … Read More

  • ULTIMATE Minecraft Boss Battle! – Insane Wadan Adventure!

    ULTIMATE Minecraft Boss Battle! - Insane Wadan Adventure!Video Information [موسيقى] [تصفيق] [موسيقى] [تصفيق] ‏e This video, titled ‘#minecraft #wadan’, was uploaded by s,k, boos on 2024-02-15 13:41:19. It has garnered 20 views and 1 likes. The duration of the video is 00:00:16 or 16 seconds. Read More


    💥ULTIMATE HER0BRINE PANAMA CHALLENGE🔥 | VIRAL SHORT VIDEOVideo Information This video, titled ‘HEROBRINE PANAMA EDIT | #shorts #viral #minecraft #subscribe #youtubeshorts #herobrine #shortvideo||’, was uploaded by XTREME GAMINGz 888 on 2023-12-29 02:30:17. It has garnered 2619 views and likes. The duration of the video is 00:00:14 or 14 seconds. HEROBRINE PANAMA EDIT | #shorts #viral #minecraft #subscribe #youtubeshorts #herobrine #shortvideo|| Minecraft Minecraft viral video Minecraft viral short Herobrine Minecraft creative gameplay Minecraft skibidi toilet herobrine herobrine herobrine minecraft herobrine of minecraft minecraft and herobrine minecraft herobrine minecraft minecraft minecraft herobrine herobrine minecraft herobrine mod herobrine minecraft mod herobrine animation herobrine minecraft animation herobrine in real life mc… Read More

  • 🔞LIVE🔞Minecraft smp group with ericwolfblood

    🔞LIVE🔞Minecraft smp group with ericwolfbloodVideo Information I was like you know what I thought these were these bues I thought I thought the little SCI were building here yeah the SC no that’s Noah the Kevin those um scientist miners guys they’re they’re gone dude they they went somewhere I haven’t seen them since it’s been like a day dude not really dude what you’re talking I saw it they glitched my world you know why you know why every time I it wouldn’t it was just um Sunset it wouldn’t stop going on Sunset yeah cuz I had sunset on I had sunset… Read More

  • 🔥 INSANE Breezily Bridge in Bedwars! Get Your Name on Screen! 👀 | Minecraft Bedwars 🚀

    🔥 INSANE Breezily Bridge in Bedwars! Get Your Name on Screen! 👀 | Minecraft Bedwars 🚀Video Information This video, titled ‘Breezily Bridge Yaparak Bedwars Oynuyoruz!! Abone Ol Ekranda İsmin Çıksın | Minecraft Bedwars’, was uploaded by xMaiya on 2024-02-19 17:51:39. It has garnered views and [vid_likes] likes. The duration of the video is or seconds. If you would like to donate; https://www.bynogame.com/tr/destekle/xmaiya ⭐️Discord: https://bit.ly/3wrwNGY ⭐️İnstagram: … Read More

  • Insane Minecraft Igloo Tutorial 🔥 #Shorts

    Insane Minecraft Igloo Tutorial 🔥 #ShortsVideo Information This video, titled ‘Minecraft Igloo Tutorial #minecraft #shorts’, was uploaded by shorts for Minecraft on 2024-03-28 00:47:39. It has garnered 0 views and 0 likes. The duration of the video is 00:00:09 or 9 seconds. Read More

  • Minecraft Parody Revenge – BPM off by 1!

    Minecraft Parody Revenge - BPM off by 1!Video Information [Music] creeper oh man so we back in the mind got our pickaxe swinging from side to side side side to side the Tas a grueling one hope to find some diamonds tonight night night diamonds tonight heads up you hear a sound turn around and W up total shock feels your body oh no it’s you again I can never forget those eyes eyes eyes eyes eyes cuz baby tonight the creepers trying to steal all my stuff again cuz baby tonight grab your big shovel and B again again and run run until it’s done done… Read More

  • One Piece | Adventures At Sea | Modded

    One Piece | Adventures At Sea | ModdedOne Piece: Adventures at Sea is the premier Minecraft One Piece Server! Join today and travel through a custom storyline while exploring over 20 islands all set in the One Piece Universe. Defeat over 40 bosses while training to become stronger, obtain devil fruits, start or join a crew and dominate the world. Each island has tons of things and places to explore! Build your ship and set sail! Join now and set your mark on the Great Pirate Era! Steps: 1. Download the Technic Launcher. 2. Once you open Technic Launcher search ‘One Piece Adventures At Sea’ or http://api.technicpack.net/modpack/one-piece-adventures-at-sea… Read More

  • Terra Nova SMP 18+ JAVA Whitelist Community Driven A lot more!

    Welcome to Terra Nova 🏰 Embark on a journey to a vibrant Minecraft server where medieval tales and modern adventures intertwine. Join our community of mature, friendly souls united by a love for the game and each other. Features of Terra Nova: Diamonds 💎: Drive an immersive, player-driven economy with over 15 thriving player-operated stores 🏪 Weekly Events 🎉: From parkour challenges 🏃‍♂️ to PvP tournaments ⚔️, fostering camaraderie and competitive spirit BlueMap 🗺️: Explore our world and admire fellow adventurers’ creations here About Terra Nova: Terra Nova is a 18+ community focused on kindness, maturity, and a passion for… Read More

  • Craftmine 1.20.4

    Craftmine 1.20.4Community driven Survival server Join us to unleash your creativity with little to no limitations and small additions to the classical vanilla experience (Skills, warps, villager shops, etc). Read More

  • Minecraft Memes – Real Scorching Minecraft Memes

    Well, I guess we can officially call this meme a high scorer in the world of internet humor! Read More

  • Crafty Survival: Minecraft House Tutorial Ideas

    Crafty Survival: Minecraft House Tutorial Ideas In the world of Minecraft, a wooden house we’ll build, With walls and a roof, our creativity fulfilled. From the intro to the equipment, every step we’ll show, In this tutorial easy, our building skills will glow. With Minecraft Game, we upload videos every day, From house builds to survival, in our own unique way. Join us on Instagram and YouTube, for more fun, As we craft and create, until the day is done. So subscribe to our channel, for more Minecraft delight, And let’s build together, under the gaming spotlight. With love and passion, we’ll continue to play,… Read More

  • MINECRAFT HOT MESS #minecraft #meme

    MINECRAFT HOT MESS #minecraft #meme When you spend hours building an epic castle in Minecraft, only to realize it’s just a pixelated illusion of productivity in your real life. #minecraftillusion #gamerproblems Read More

  • Uncover the Hidden Thrills of Minewind Minecraft Server!

    Uncover the Hidden Thrills of Minewind Minecraft Server! Welcome to NewsMinecraft.com! Are you a fan of thrilling Minecraft adventures? Do you enjoy exploring new mods and experiencing heart-pounding gameplay? If so, you need to check out Minewind Minecraft Server. With an IP address of YT.MINEWIND.NET, Minewind offers a unique and exciting gaming experience that will keep you on the edge of your seat. Imagine delving into a world filled with mystery and danger, just like the YouTuber in the video “I NEVER Knew It Was There !!! #Minecraft #mod #modded #new #gaming #funny #scary #stalked.” With a variety of mods and gameplay options, Minewind provides endless opportunities… Read More

Minecraft YOUTUBER DOUBLE HEALTH UHC – #1 (Ultra Hard Core) w/PrestonPlayz & Lachlan