[MINECRAFT]Early Bird Get The Work Done!! #kfp #Kia Live

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Foreign Assistant Thank you That’s junkers though she’s also here cat party Foreign Thank you Thank you Thank you the moment the moment I switched screens without even saying anything it’s movie immediately left [Laughter] how does she know but by the latest once I started talking she would have loved like chunkers did um I mean at least I got some cuddles in during the loading screen okay I am

Why is Kiana’s not so [ __ ] tired why is she why is she sounding okay well I woke up an hour ago at 12 and already had breakfast yeah wow no no Red Bulls involved no no no no yeah wow impressive right well thank you so responsible oh I mean I was

Contemplating moving the stream a little bit but only because of some over over stepped deadlines but I thought oh well these couple hours they make no difference anymore I’ll just I’ll just do it after Minecraft before the karaoke stream uh surely that will be fine yeah

Yeah I didn’t want you guys to be like why did she move the stream Sasuke she didn’t wake up in time I knew it even though that’s not the reason well well I wouldn’t have minded one or two more hours of sleep why are you doing

My n a people you guys love me too much you guys just love me so much what the what the hell what time is it over there oh my voice is a little bit raspy but still uh and I need to fix this uh six seven four but four is what EST

No PST right PST is always earlier than EST the really [ __ ] early ones why is it so early for everybody where are my sea viewers I’m doing this for you Korea 8pm nice see people like you today I had not Australia 9pm nice there you go there we go wait now

Okay can I do a poll because this is appalling appalling appalling where the [ __ ] are you uh n a or dead area uh uh you’re Europe or that area or NCAA uh to pan Korea because if it turns out that it’s mostly an a then even though it’s like [ __ ] 6am

For you and I will be laughing or like more like questioning my decisions where are my SCA viewers oh oh oh oh oh oh oh oh oh oh oh okay okay here we go that is interesting it’s like 50 50 50 but not really because it’s free options so that is um

Not 40 45 more like three point 33 points something yeah yeah right [Laughter] I even knew there was a point there okay I see I’m not that stupid as you think I am oh what the lava doing hello welcome and hey bros but look there’s wait 27 out of the currently voted 1700.

How much is that or it’s rising though it’s still do be rising and the 27 States stays the same how much is that what 270 wait we had 100 1 800 now though voted okay so like maybe 300 people are here at at least 500

Are here right now at four to six a.m oh we’re at 2 000 votes like 500 people I hear and woke up for me or are still up for me at four to six A.M why why do you love me so much Love finds a way oh romantic well it’s good that you guys are here because well if lbs decides to show my Minecraft screen now that I tapped back in would you like to do that would you would you would you like to do that would you maybe consider consider it would you maybe

Want to do that yeah you you wanna you wanna show when I’m up to OBS you captured it just fine before the Stream uh Minecraft it’s always like this with Minecraft somehow it doesn’t wanna oh wait ah okay here we go it has a different window now there we go so it’s

Good at you guys are here because I am alone I am the only one oh nazica No one’s yeah this is the classic MC experience for me for me personally oh wait we need bgm we need everything I don’t hear [ __ ] I was gonna fix that uh it is like 8 P.M in Japan now but I guess today no one’s playing Minecraft [Laughter]

I missed you boss haven’t you in a while missed your voice and streams why haven’t you tuned in in a while because you’re like the third option in the poll also but I am happy to see that it’s like pretty pretty even I mean obviously there’s more um sea

Etc reviews right now because it’s a better time glad they are here uh what was I gonna do oh yeah I’m mute the desktop audio there we go yeah yeah some obviously it’s a weekday uh it’s 1 p.m in Austria right now so a lot of Europeans are probably working right now

How do we find the exit ah I remember the beetle is somewhere over there somewhere over there uh hi Panda wow what a nice small home I was gonna say nice because it’s nicely decorated but for panda this looks like animal abuse um anyway reporting from France oh hello welcome

Rare stream time yeah it’s it’s only because this week if you have looked at my stream schedule um I I am not around Friday Saturday Sunday I have a long weekend um and so I thought I need to make up for the lack of streams at the end of the

Week by squeezing in more during the week and uh uh I have found it and so I’ll now we have other Sumo sound in Minecraft I think I’ll fix it in a moment hopefully and and yeah so today we have two streams um I’m literally like using every moment

To do work before I leave work for the weekend behind BJ I’m kind of loud okay really yeah I feel like I got one guide where am I where am I he’s over here what are they called again Ninja I don’t know what they’re called Out still really oh my head hurts oh okay I lowered it even more now it’s really [ __ ] cool and quiet though ah foreign I will not play in silence I mean I generally I feel like you know if you watch a streamer for hours and hours and

Hours I feel like if you’re that type of viewer then I totally understand if you would want to play your own bgm and not Bend to my wishes um okay can you double I’m so sad I’m not a ball what would you be what what else is

There are you are you in the Antarctica or so what what what else is there we’re back to the um topic of continents oh well Africa for me is Europe or that area because you guys are like down down there oh yeah I can’t I can’t ride every country down there

Continents if I were to try to write every continent down then it would uh be known that I have troubles writing all the continents down so I was purposefully trying to not do that is there a Bed somewhere here just being honest with you guys

No no I mean I know I know them all yeah but you know I mean I’ve even been to Africa yeah okay why is there no sound let me fix it really quick there’s no Minecraft sound oh the Onsen has a bed no no um Minecraft every time I have my game capture

Plugged in I this has been an issue I’ve had like four or forever so I think I fixed it now um you know when you open your sound settings and it opens this new window and it’s like output input Etc and then an output you can choose the

The Source right and um it always automatically goes back to Elgato sound capture which makes no sense and then I have to switch it in order for myself to even hear something I switch it for example to like Michael XLR music output and then it often fixes it but it will

Still default back to Elgato sound capture like in the drop down menu even though I just clicked something else and then and then for Minecrafters now I had to go to the extended sound options to another separate window scroll down to Minecraft and then select music output for that one specifically for it

To be heard yeah it’s been forever like this stupid stupid stupid sound capture freaking Elgato what the hell why why don’t you do this to me why makes no sense um we gotta sleep they said that Onsen has uh huh Yum Yum Yum Yum yeah it’s a pain to deal with that oopsie

Where are we doing so I think I remember it’s like up there and then left I think right that’s the first time I see it Tower lit up at night wow that’s really cool especially what was that sound it’s a monster especially what was I gonna say oh yeah with my

With my beautiful filters here’s a band yay soup I think I went to the top before I remember something like that let’s take a little silk um good morning soak hey are you oh no never mind you don’t want to play with me either um

Wow what a view this isn’t so bad if I would just look at this this looks like we could maybe be the Japan’s River Maybe This view looks actually decently impressive 4 a.m good morning why are you away surprised at me streaming makes no sense why are you awake I should be asking you um for me it’s like 1pm 20. um yeah we were told you would stream I asked you woke up just from me thank

You thank you thank you thank you I don’t even really know what we’ll be doing guys [Laughter] nobody’s here and that’s okay you know I mean I’m used to that I I it’s basically a Gamble for me to play Minecraft and one cannot always have such Pleasant experiences and last time because then

It would just take away from how special that was right and I do like I don’t know playing along because I’m used to it Minecraft is fun alone as well apparently my mom who was sick of Minecraft for a while she started playing again too after being inspired

I didn’t see that last time what the hell I was probably busy looking at something else that’s amazing it’s moving or was it really not there last time I was online that seems weird because it’s been 2023 for a while build cave pin on Instagram this is the thing I don’t really like

Building things worst case yes we can try we can try that the worst case but I already built a kfp in the old Japan server and yeah I’m not really Focus can I say hi to my frogs wanna say hi to my wrongs remember when I built

This when I went out to get some frogs and then I found them pretty quickly but I built them this nice little something showcase and building this was relatively fun because it was small and easy and I could just be creative with the indoor decoration I liked that um

Now first of all I’m just gonna go home and to you know uh put down all my things and then we’re gonna think about what to do yeah Minecraft has frogs now so happy Oh yeah yeah I was saying anyway yeah yeah she’s playing again uh I mean there’s not much more to that it’s just a fact she’s playing Minecraft again it’s nice Saturday I managed to reignite her passion for it isn’t it isn’t that nice what has she been up to um I forgot she

Told me but I forgot I’m sorry hi Mommy she’s probably watching see something else she’s been up to though not not uh concerning Minecraft though my mommy you know she lives in the middle of nowhere right now like literally like it’s it’s literally in the middle of nowhere for a while you know

And Um yeah she doesn’t have always access to the best uh or like even decent food things yeah uh so she was apparently really really craving noodles good decent noodles and I I didn’t know that she told that to my sister um but because of that my sister gifted her um

A noodle making machine and my mom really excitedly yesterday posted a picture of her first noodles and it looks incredible I’m actually like tempted to get a noodle machine for myself but I already have so many kitchen machines and many of them I don’t even use [Laughter]

But yeah now my mommy because she she wanted to eat noodles and she can’t really get good quality noodles where she’s at interestingly she now can make herself noodles all the time noodle stream yeah a little machine for nothing hey let’s not bring that up again my shortcomings

Why must you always bring it up huh where are I’m just trying to sort things in right now just give me give me a moment this will take a long time what am I doing I don’t know man I should I should really like organize maybe we could make it into a really

Boring organization stream like actually you know like like some other members do it impressively with everything properly organized sorting stream yeah that would be the most boring [ __ ] ever for you guys I think wouldn’t it whoa food fun for Mama doing no one deserves lacks of lack of tasty food

Oh well now she got the noodle machine though and yeah the noodles look really good but I guess could have just done the thing that I saw in the YouTube shorts probably taken from Tick Tock that I told you about where you basically just take okay I guess she doesn’t even have

Access to that but you basically you take you take normal dried noodles yeah that you cook in the hot water and then you crush them up in a mixer until they’re like sand and then you throw in two eggs and then you knead it until it becomes something like a dough and then

And then you cook it and it looks disgusting and it’s really unnecessary it’s just a stupid YouTube short AKA tick tock really stupid really stupid so stupid I’m not serious when I’m saying you should be doing that no no no no no hmm yeah this place is a mess

I don’t know where I’m putting things makes no sense makes absolutely no sense here’s some press Marine do I have no other prismarine shards anywhere oh there’s a crystals well well well okay let me put let me put this in here and oh this in here and this one is so full

Oh I can like literally throw this away let’s throw let’s throw this [ __ ] away like who needs this like uh what everything I don’t use all these iron things why do I have all these iron Things No One Cares I’ll at least get rid of the ones that are

Not not and durable anymore like what what when no when will I ever use that makes no sense um a silk touch golden hole okay I will keep you my beautiful pack more beautiful isn’t that didn’t I put yeah I put never right on this one sexy very sexy

No one needs iron chest plates no one needs that this one never I never fish though oh this one’s decent okay Shovel I’m gonna put the shovels shovel shovel shovel shovel right okay too many shovels too many shovels throw away Dead bow Dead bow this one yeah that’s what I was gonna do uh ah this one you mean I didn’t see that one let’s get rid of the crossbows

Don’t need to crossbones do I need this I mean it’s just cool to have it Fancy Fancy Fancy Weapons I mean if you could melt it back into gold that would be nice but you can’t as far as I know unless eventually there will be an update that makes you able to do that or at the moment it’s not possible hmm wow I’m sorting amazing we should like put these two

Together we should make an anvil because I have no more anvil see no more Advil and will do cool eh It becomes a nugget okay not even worth it I don’t care it is noticeable though whoa whoa Throw it all the way into the ocean guys don’t do this in real life don’t throw your iron swords and your crossbows and you all definitely have into the ocean so carelessly like me don’t do it don’t do it don’t do it Okay sleepy time kilo to toss away yeah but only if you have it in your in your uh oh wait only if you have it in your shortcut bar down there no yay Pro car batteries and stuff no yesterday I watched this um video from terzo if hermit crabs are

Op or something like that and yes they they’re not OP but they’re like pretty cool right so then if at some point they brought up that sometimes they because there’s so much trash in the ocean sometimes they use like um bottle caps and stuff as they’re as their new homes which are

Kind of superior to their shells surprisingly I would have thought that maybe a bottle cap is more sturdy than like a tiny little shell Discord what what I mean if that was real Discord wouldn’t there be another sign next to the next to it what why is somebody role-playing as Discord

Discord why are you awake um do I have more gunpowder somewhere we should we should Farm gunpowder is there uh any gunpowder Farm somewhere guys because I want to make fireworks thank you let’s clean this out put it elsewhere Discord forgot he’s on Main yeah oh Bae has one base I I remember

That one AFK Farm that one wasn’t really efficient was it but but okay okay I remember when I was using it it wasn’t the most efficient one uh and this is good this girl’s there okay so we want gun powder where do I put these books let me put them

Down here and let me bring oh where was that mending book here a fortune I’m gonna bring it downstairs maybe I should extend my downstairs this by the way ah I didn’t even build this remember hookah Papa built this secret downstairs I’ve been using it since

Okay Papa yeah this is really old like people don’t probably don’t even know like who built this because I often go down here on stream but then you know you don’t know the backstory y’all know the backstory mmm no I need to sort it all out it makes me angry

Okay books go here how about that oh my God oh my God oh my God What a mess I wish I could duplicate my body and then go to the afq4 I have key AFK Farm while also being here should I should I throw this away projectile error oh it even says what you need huh no wait there’s Ed there’s a aerosol

Mounted on this one is that what it means because this one doesn’t have it in the icon Discord what the [ __ ] the [ __ ] Discord if it’s really you you gotta ride in the chat because then you have the actual Mark maybe maybe for super chats it gets rid of that

Let me get rid of these look why can’t we still not make like useful crossbows yeah I mean does anyone I guess I would give it like cool enchantments like we give to the bows maybe then oh let me add that fortune free hmm if I combine these will this one get Fortune

Free if I like repair this one with this one will it get Fortune free yes oh really but is it expensive Maybe crossbow that shoots fireworks destroying what you can do that no way what you can do what what that’s cool that is cool that is hype what oh shines are here hmm Just trying to sort this [ __ ] out now sorry guys this is now a really boring stream I’m sorry I’m sorry but other people other people do this in their Minecraft streams right this is this is just maybe it’s just boring for me but it’s not really boring for other people

Maybe this is just you know normal for some people is it okay it’s relaxing okay I mean a lot of you guys are probably very tired right not me not me okay Emma rounds I need another box for my precious things um there’s not enough space here but I also

Should be sorting things out like I’m doing now Um I haven’t slept on you you could sleep now but you choose to watch me um I’m not feeling well so this is perfect right now okay there’s a game called unpacking it’s literally about the awareness I know I know I know I know that’s why I I

Haven’t been playing it ever because it’s just not tickling my fancy you know um I was gonna throw this one into I had like this box right yeah with some of these bottles Um oh I saw this somewhere else Nope I saw this here Oh I almost throw away all the useless weapons again yeah I I didn’t I wasn’t watching Cali play it but I I heard of what happened no I heard of what happened and that’s why I think I dreamed about cobbled the following night oh I keep checking check engine

Let’s let’s not do that all the time okay Oh I can do this ah now I get it thank you I don’t even have to click on it okay Okay uh Okay She was yeah I know I know because I I was reading the whole thing like I offered her account because Cali’s wasn’t like usable yet in the new server or like in not even it’s not really only the new server but on a solo trip this fall so this is an

Appreciation post for your past gym and 101 streams I’ve got six months to and become fluent at cursing When I visit Germany and Austria it will be useful right um didn’t only teach cursing in my German 101 streams I especially I especially tried to give you guys

Useful knowledge so I do I do not like how you were wrongly advertising my German streams no no no no no me not like no no no no no no no no it’s wrong wrong wrong I’ll just keep this one in here food for the food God or chest

That was the most useful part don’t no no that is not true no no do not do not do not do not it’s not true that ain’t true I shared good phrases for using them in uh when you’re like a tourist especially For Tourists um it’s really old though so

You get you you could you guys sorry my my help my my my I still need to get used to speaking today um when you also call me that often don’t you so come on Um then it’s in flashbang ah she will be forgiven oh I saw this somewhere else I think no maybe I didn’t I know I brought it over there ah but I don’t I think I feel like I don’t want it there what what do you use this for

What do you even use this for you sound so natural like an Austrian do you have tips on learning wait are you serious I am Austrian I am indeed Austrian okay I had to make anvil and will iron iron block okay I have iron somewhere where did I put the iron

Where did I put the iron I have iron I know it what’s with all the empty chocolate chests huh Where’d I put the iron uh I saw it somewhere I thought it was Swedish I wish being Swedish kind of seems cool to me certain countries just I don’t know give me that vibe

How’s Phoenix soon I don’t know no idea I haven’t been there in ages maybe we should check iron block iron block of iron why did you not come up when I look for iron block eh was it free I think it was free and well there we go

Wonderful we got an anvil again I like the sound it makes okay so we make this and we make this all but I need what what why why not it doesn’t tell me I need a certain level wouldn’t it tell me can I just not combine this and you should be hearing it

Oh the success would be gone really and compatible oh no oh no what if I do reverse okay cost six but gets rid of the silk touch um no we don’t then you’re not getting one guy well how can I trust anyone anymore huh supposed to okay here we go how about this

Now I think I mean it’s hard to make sounds right now um I don’t know how to make sounds fixed do you hear it okay okay um can I hmm oh this one’s pretty good and I didn’t even give it a name huh can I combine one of uh yeah

Can I combine this one or this one or or this one with this one crazy I’m gone okay wait there you go I’m a genius both mending can go together either way wait what’s this these and have not bending okay maybe this this Um oh wow 17 for that one but it becomes wow yeah it becomes better 70 okay okay okay okay how about we go get infinite levels at phono’s place eventually today but not right away Let’s put away the things I don’t need oh I don’t care both both good swords Okay but these and put away my ball one of my balls oh these ones I should oh wait can I combine ooh protection two and Protection One boots that are almost dying can I combine these hey let’s go and then becomes Protection free wow this one needs another three okay but

Then it would be fixed sounds good sounds like a good deal for me Um okay okay okay okay okay okay okay okay okay and my my iron let’s make here you are now the iron chest congratulations I’m so happy for you sleepy time what a deal what a steal um I saw somebody mentioned in a chat a couple minutes ago

Um but yes I have an announcement to make uh additionally to my already stressful week schedule that maybe doesn’t look stressful to you but it is for me um is this direction right based uh Farm so this one isn’t like where you know the Onsen is more or less that way yes

Oh wait a second we’re so high in the morning exactly oh [Laughter] near bunkeroni I don’t remember where bunker run is see out of respect I’m blocking out all information on bunkeroni is it not like near the ah oh thank God there’s water here it was somewhere I think where it was

Kind of cold basically okay good um all right I will walk certain amount what was I saying oh yeah so uh this is it wasn’t on my schedule because I literally this came in like what are you doing has something in its mouth two days ago two days ago guys

I was asked to do this so um I was like okay uh maybe in in this one time slots okay uh squeezing it in because apparently it’s either this weekend or never so on my first day night but Friday morning jst 6 A.M We’ll be streaming on crony Channel is that isn’t that why wouldn’t you like question why why is it on chrono’s Channel yeah it’s on her schedule right yeah yeah so yeah have some ideas right yeah so it’s like you know like pecula did the stream with Marine Senpai on Modern Senpai Channel

To announce that Malin Senpai is on Valkyrie connect to upcoming and uh uh yeah I saw the illustration for that yum I didn’t feel two days ago when I was asked to do this I didn’t even know that crony was gonna you know you know you know I don’t

Want to say it I don’t want to say it because I’m scared but you know I mean you know I mean that’s you just yeah one plus one um I didn’t even know I didn’t even know even though but yeah um very cool somewhere here

And I will be there to I guess just comment so I don’t know why I am there but I will just uh this is it right I will just oh God um do my thing you know that I do at sponsor streams uh somebody already asked that lumus I think I did

I was like I guess not since it got like finished cancel finished it on their own right anyway uh how does this work again there’s a chest here right oh okay but I will AFK here now because last time I said I would I don’t think I did it for long

I mean I’m not gonna be really Advocate um I don’t really want to escape what two Fork I one don’t enter not inside fog what oh that’s okay Frog who the [ __ ] wrote this Gouda oh snowy and cute they’re green it sounds like good out right now to me

Judging by how she talked yesterday or generally does okay okay not surprised yeah okay so let’s wait a little bit only a little bit not forever um should I go all over but then up there it probably doesn’t consider me to be down here anymore does it is this really working though

Oh I mean up on the Santa Tower this one this one This one at that up there is the FK spot oh oh okay okay Up there okay yeah so uh thankfully it will only be a short stream but 11 p.m my time first day I will there’s no bed up here I will be uh on crony’s channel for I guess a little recap and looking at crony’s uh Valkyrie connect design I suppose

Judging by what marine and pecora did now that is a really short stream that is shorter than short in my terms will you be awake for it stop I feel so bad about that one but I wanna tell crony do not worry because this is for

Me 11 p.m after another stream of mine so I have no chance but no choice but to be awake um I have no choice I will be awake and afterwards I will I will be gone for the weekend but this way this way you now have five streams of me

In this very empty week which is just a normal week now it’s just a normal week now like it’s just like squeezed all into like four days or free Tuesday free days five streams Street squeezed into uh three days um have a great weekend Canada thank you oh man it’s so empty

Uh almost like fighting extra tomato on your burger exactly um you give us so much streams even when you’re busy I try because otherwise you chickens crying I want you to I want you to I want you to cry for me maybe I should practice my Korean skills

Up here while I’m here I mean what else useful can I do I hate this I hate this cry I was a joke short week yeah no empty week um Oh I could do my deadlines but then because then otherwise I say I will do it and then I don’t do it and then I don’t know I’m scared don’t kill me that probably didn’t even spawn a single gunpowder didn’t it oh it brought me two well okay I will I will

Are you also like considered to be afking like is it working when you were like in this screen Because then I would I could do it before my you know until my karaoke stream for real for real for real food it does okay okay okay because it’s awkward I don’t know we’re already not doing any anything significant in this stream we shouldn’t make it any worse should we

Am I the only en member streaming right now probably right oh my God such a European you’ll welcome Europeans you’re welcome oh wait no wait some some like uh Bales or Iris could in theory be streaming because it’s their Prime Time right they could be streaming but I am nonetheless the only one

Okay I’m gonna go to um fanas uh fancy fish farm that wasn’t the name Shaggy face on the membership sounds very German here from latam just watching with the breakfast good morning thank you why is the weather so shitty and I always think it’s night time when the

Weather is like this but apparently it’s not why do I always walk this path because I’m too lazy to find the Minecarts shade it looks so good yeah it does I mean in water and then in the never it’s kind of nah need to turn it off often this is so cool cool

That’s like legit cool I love that oh now now this gotta be night time right you can’t tell me this is not night time Oh am I running right now yeah okay Muna looks scary yeah this is scary this zombie is scary no Wally today to stand by my side and show me things I mean I’ve already been shown everything but holy That was so sweet of her I see now it’s night yeah yeah Could he cry where are the ID members where’s Kyla um it’s okay guys I’m used to it I’m not sad or anything I’m used to being alone foreign Let’s go to fauna’s fancy fish farm Kyla just trained for almost 10 hours eh is she done with her with her doctor’s thingy sadly Molin Owen wow so many rails what about cards oh there’s a card I’m impressed nature was the other way shorter is this way shorter by any chance

Is that when they made this other one no okay Ever since maybe you’ve always been my number one OC thank you Kelly I’m happy to hear that thank you Kayla Farms 200 ancient debris uh wait ow 200. did she use the same way of farming that I did because I didn’t get 200 out of that I

Mean but if she did that for 10 hours okay okay same way TNT damn Alex I do not know what you’re talking about why are you hey wait which direction ah this way right let’s go Kyla was alone for nine hours so you can too believe we’ll see oh

It’s just lonely oh [ __ ] ass it’s just a lonely day for Minecraft I guess if you play Then You’re Gonna Be Alone it seems all these [ __ ] Minecarts from recently uh this way but I want to put it here let’s go um wait wait wait wait wait no no no no no

No no no no no no no no no no no that let’s not make this worse than it already is okay I stand here then it can’t go through me right okay there we go it didn’t even have enough power to go up the stairs eh even though I started

Like quite far away I don’t understand normal day in EN server yeah yeah wait last time I ran after one but I’m not the only one who you know had this happen to them being left behind by their Minecart is the stairs they block the cards

Come with me yeah this one at least okay that’s where it stops but the other one went ahead man what if I just walk why don’t we just walk there it there it is oh it stopped again ah the rails need some maintenance yeah who do they call Ghostbusters probably not

What do I call them hasn’t played Minecraft in a long time huh I felt like she doesn’t like it though we played in so long what do we do to get Ahmed to play Minecraft again I’m missing C is not working I meant playing don’t lie to me I know

It wasn’t her it was Cali [Applause] I know oh no I’m like generally asking what do we do to get armor to play if we’ve come so far that even Cali plays Minecraft again then it’s it’s not too far off I will keep these Minecarts now and then put

Them on the other side it’s not too far off to think that the Army would play again make her a must don’t we already have moms they’re already Moss I think there is also I still have no fireworks I need to find a boat is there any boats here why

Is there no boats in the boat PL a oh sure are you any boats in here oh what is that what is that I thought I could open it oh nope no boat that’s a fishing course but I mean it has this thing it looks like there would be maybe a boat but

Food is where are they docked I mean somebody has to bring them back right when they go out there I guess did we fly no we we came back wait the boat and Something In The Water ah fish I found the boat let’s go ah I just want to get some levels so

That I I won’t be held back by what I want to do because I don’t have the levels there it is really some impressive things in Minecraft I feel like when she finally follows the type when she gets into something she like gets really passionate about it huh is that not so

Am I wrong about singing and that’s just because of the filter you do be like that okay okay there we go I’m right I’m correct not wrong kiwan was never wrong she did sweet ones I saw like uh well she hasn’t done that in a while though right she attempted speed once before

Um the only game that ever made me want to attempt the speed run honestly is Tunic I will never forget tunic like a long lost lover ah the passion that we exuded the many romantic nights we spent together ah I will never forget I love I love tunic so much [Laughter]

The nights the days the hours we spent I will never forget never never never all right here we go I just want the levels I don’t want to mend anything in particular hi let’s sweep ow ow very hurtful what the [ __ ] their dead bodies come towards me aren’t you supposed to get healed

I thought this there’s some kind of like function that heals you here too oh well no need I’ll just eat my chicken kfp for the win can’t see the best very very many nutrients many vitamins in my chicken you ask me which one well obviously vitamin C

Change armor my armor rubber no it’s fine it’s fine don’t scare me they all have mending oh they actually really all have bending that’s okay don’t scare me oh why last time I feel like they didn’t do this much damage to me oh my God I’m Legit gonna die she Coco

Let’s play it okay Oh they’re gone where the fishes I’m killing them too fast I guess oh but they do respawn really fast it’s really impressive it’s really impressive Minecraft stream idea suggestions tutorials walks along yeah why would I do a tutorial is popular private World Redstone study what never roof hub for answer what what are these ideas are you trolling me

Yeah and the father asked many times we are not allowed on the roof nothing I was interested but I saw the conversations we’re not supposed we’re not allowed to go up there mulfana is the only one asking though I think I don’t know what did Paula want to do

Like some Farms or so I wonder what what it is that’s so fascinating up there Kyla asked to they allowed it now are you sure I’m [ __ ] scary there we go ah scary a gold Farm oh is that what you can do up there

Can you not make a gold Farm like in a normal environment It’s hard to see wow level 14. let’s go only allowed to go not build now ah okay okay maybe she could do like uh I have an idea for a gold farm for her without making a gold Farm there she could ask for like 10 Gold Blocks or so or one or

Five I don’t know in exchange for as a payment in exchange for a tour up there because like I’m Legit curious like as if I’m a tourist I want to be I want to be toured I’ve never seen this magical mystical place I am curious that way she can make gold

Up there and over the never ceiling can I get a croissant for my birthday hello yo I I wrote We I chatted with gura again yesterday I’m having like I think the more more communication was gooder than anyone else right now definitely more than Denmark And blessed by the cat shark shark cat she have a stroke she’s fine I think I think what how high do I want to get guys what are these weird funky reflections how about 50. oh do you guys know when chocolate what was that level what was the highest level she got

It was choco Sensei right she was like endlessly leveling and we got much higher hi 700 plus this is farming levels but for what what was the purpose I’m over 50 now hmm let me clean this really quickly up from all the fishies no no that’s nice okay

Today what do they bring where does it go ah is this what they dropped all that praise Marine oh that’s really it like some fishes and some prismarines that’s it lamb why don’t they have out [ __ ] was that how did they hurt me how did you guys Did you curse me your thing they shoot lasers I was up too high oh what is it open up there probably has to be what the [ __ ] Skittle okay okay all right all right enough levels let’s go oh the weapon let’s bring the weapon back eye I hate I hate this

I hate going up this these thingies yeah don’t worry I don’t worry don’t worry I’ll bring it back I’m not trying to steal it so many beautiful stars wow Dana look look at the stars you can press space and you won’t have to look straight up I think oh oh

Yeah I’m pressing space Oh I don’t have to look up but then at least I know when I’m there it’s kind of weird to look elsewhere flop flop flop funny fishy flaps well oh oh there we go where did where do you put it look here funny fish Falcon has been returned

Now where to go oh that’s so hard to see and home is oh somewhere there wait no no no no no no no no this way this way I think home is where Chihuahua is right ah there we go Should check out ee too what’s EE h what’s ee now don’t use ee that’s rafana gets all the emeralds her raid Farm it’s hard to choose weather operated by fauna only okay it’s okay too dangerous really okay I don’t really it’s okay I don’t really need emeralds right now

Plenty Amber roses at home too and if I want emeralds I just give them iron or something or bread or whatever because I got Phoenix then okay I have my own Emerald Farm AKA phoenixson it’s not natural I want to live life naturally she’s got like 1K oh

One cave yeah okay good to know but right now I don’t really need emeralds I think go go here we go here we go here we go while I’m spawning and dying shortly after in lava is not natural you’re asking that as if you’re thinking it’s I mean you you’re asking that ironically

Aren’t you I know that I can say frail you the little chicken mine can’t be Buzz doesn’t like farming nature built factories how ironic [Laughter] hmm is it yeah yeah yeah I mean the whole nature building Automatic Farms to exploit everything yeah that is ironic you won’t die from falling into lava the

Heat will roast you before you reach it reach what are you talking real life we’re talking real life right why are you even telling me that that’s just the nature things wow I’m not so impressed by that one instant very hot well I would assume so that reminds me for something yesterday

I tweeted something did you guys get my joke I think uh Nina Nina wrote to me I think something like you’re a machine like in a positive way because I guess I I I did something yeah and I replied with a near automata give from the like leader of machines or whatever

And I don’t think you guys really understood what I was getting at because no one really replied like oh damn koala smart it’s my choice of gifts it’s pronounced give oh really I knew it was from there but I didn’t get it ah see that’s why I’m explaining it to

You guys now chicken Minds once again failing us I’ve been avoiding spoilers sorry oh I mean I was just looking for generally like machine gifts and I don’t know I felt like that one also looked looked pretty fitting to the purpose Jazz what’s up thank you damn Jeff you’re always sending those

Stickers why why why don’t you don’t you have anything to say to me prob I guess not I guess not all right I’m back with 54 levels of only leveling was this easy and MMORPGs man which brings me to another point hmm tends to finish so many games

It has come to my attention that kfp uh has made a list about the games that I finished and the games I didn’t finish um which is cool and all to see you know but I do not think that World of Warcraft a game that I have played on stream you

Know for a little bit of fun uh belongs to the unfinished games section I don’t agree with that because uh and everyone G the way you consider it finished eventually that is just your personal opinion World of Warcraft isn’t really like you know you can’t finish it there’s always

Something to do in an MMORPG in theory you can always like raid and stuff yeah your animal refugees are finished when you think they’re finished so I call openly publicly for a removal of World of Warcraft from my unfinished game section because it is ruining my beautiful ratio I want it changed

Otherwise I’m throwing you into the usual room do not do not Justice there’s already so many other games in the unfinished section that made me really wonder am I really the game finisher but all these games like I never I play those games not planning to

Finish them and you guys know that too oh No I give you permission to consider thank you here a world of Walker player says I have permission to finish to say it’s finished I mean there’s a chance I’ll play it again but but what was I gonna do but for you know I just feel generally like

It shouldn’t be in that section it makes no sense mending no wait which ones was I gonna put together which ones man let’s let’s mend these ones as well if I have some diamonds I just need diamonds right I need more diamonds is there a diamond farm somewhere is that something

It doesn’t exists whoa No Um it’s emotion you don’t even know what you’re talking about that’s why you’re asking now Evie thank you I take my thank you back Kyla no no you cannot Farm uh yeah it’s called Kaila you mean just requesting her that is the farm uh hey we could uh go mine for some

Diamonds I wouldn’t mind that um fortunately so can I which one can I combine these already have three so I can’t huh this one’s better oh um this is a decent ax not the best one it’s a decent one now I’m out of diamonds do I really have no more diamonds Let me check you can get diamond tools for emeralds which are formal formable though yeah true put some more diamonds down here yeah those might be all of my diamonds okay oh Make a list for Kyla no I feel bad like no no no no no no no no no you can’t do that Wait all my levels damn they go away quickly huh this one should we name this one too this one’s pretty decent too isn’t it oh pretty decent too two two I have caps lock on that seems above average shovel that’s a good name too this one’s not worth it

But I’m doing it anyway because I got those diamonds okay here we go oh can I this one I can wait this one has bending why would I repair it with why did I repair any of my mending things with diamonds yeah why I don’t understand I don’t I don’t

Understand either I don’t understand but I mean now I don’t know well excuse me okay I I get it now I I noticed eventually but hey look at this looks nice doesn’t it like all these repaired things doesn’t look nice to you I think it looks very nice I’ll keep um

Which one is this one oh thank you coming okay I keep um ah the pickle ax oh this one has silk touch me yeah no need no need this one could use another enchantment should we enchant it with what what do I have this one has efficiency too and mending right now let’s enchant it make it special

What should we give it I have I’ve got some books these all have silk touch so we could give it silk touch I guess or so then I have a second or even a third one these are all like attack ones I guess oh I’m breaking you know silk touch I guess

Efficiency five and silk touch all right what how do you do this again I need like one of those book thingies right what can you do can you I forgot can you do it hahaha like this oh yeah you can ah okay and silk touch hey now it’s more useful

Hi recipes diamonds bro you still on bed yeah okay that’s totally fine I will go get us some diamonds now I will go digging why not don’t have anything else to do I’m breaking free hmm what but now it already has free enchantments I can’t add anything I think let me

Can we can I put the prismarine shards together into like blocks or so it should work where’s Marine yeah oh all right that’s it wow you don’t get it no I still have some more don’t get much on this do you and what about these 50 45 ones

And what do you do with these ones the crystals lanterns oh what oh God damn it that’s what you you use them for only that um let me put press Marine stuff in here okay and I was going to throw away and yeah okay

Okay okay here we go here we go I wanna go dig I want to go dig sorry I just threw that puffer fish not even into the water I am I am ruthless should we just dig like sex like somewhere here or somewhere specific I wonder I’ll just dig oh ah wait no no wait before we do that I want to make some uh fireworks need some paper from my paper Farm yeah I make some useful things too that people don’t know about who don’t even know I think a lot of people don’t know about

This Farm but like we don’t have enough paper Farm on the Ian server Dooley name the farm it’s a paper Farm mama told him yeah I made it with my mom don’t discredit me what the hell okay this is the this this should be the

Paper one okay but no I guess not I’ll make I’ll make um this one into the paper box okay I’ll wait a couple fireworks now I know there’s like different levels right but people usually always just made the basic one right the basic one’s fine right thank you invisible loner I agree yeah

Yeah yeah yeah the second one you made doesn’t work that’s okay that’s okay poor Iris then lost off stream how do you know that even though it’s uh off stream is it going better for flying ah so the others uh because you can use the use them for the

Not for the bow for the other weapon thingy are they more useful for that interesting she tweeted it but she wasn’t when did when that happens it wasn’t even online what did she just tweet that now if not then that wasn’t relevant and then you it was really

Really not relevant to put that into my chat but okay um um okay I’m I will put my thingy my hot wings here And I don’t need this many fireworks to go digging let’s go digging where do we go dig not right here I would say oh greetings from work thank you hello how’s work going let’s go digging most exciting thing to do in Minecraft mining literally maybe I should bring my elytra

I won’t bring my Elantra I have a backup anyway yay hold on I’ll bring some more food too oh no I have plenty okay I will fly somewhere um choose a Direction guys tell me North north south East West which one and chest hmm right behind the chest I place it I

Place it on the the other server actually I should bring um should bring this one hello East and well why are you guys not giving the same answer yeah yeah no north south sweet Is West Western East wait that doesn’t work that with this self right okay let’s go south kind of a boring Direction guys not gonna lie okay oh God what what how there you go I think I’m self now take off shield no it’s okay

I mean I guess you know I would see more oh whoa why am I upside down I don’t wanna dig in a snow region I don’t know why but I don’t like it Karaoke stream in seven and a half hours right I I guess we’ll dig and um I guess maybe after that it’s just over my my least it’s okay guys you can say it honestly my least exciting Minecraft stream to date it’s okay sometimes you know some days

Are just like this you know you can’t can’t help it and it’ll be like that it will be like that I’m all right with that okay but we’ll read super chats a little bit I think I can afford to do that I think time wise I think we’re good You guys get the coordinates of home I will land right here because I see something interesting wow not you not you not you which one was the second one okay well doesn’t have to be exciting every time thank you very reassuring I appreciate that hmm otherwise the here it is one

Ah two three four five six seven eight nine hmm Let’s get some more than oh like why why is it visitable why such a thing visitable anyway how did she chain her Warden in a way that it can be visited so weird obsidian beautiful obsidian obsidian I forgot it’s the only way wait no obsidian was when you when you pour

Water over lava right then you can make obsidian just trying to remind myself how you make it I don’t remember well is that more obsidian yeah but the crying one cannot be recreated right only spawns naturally or can you make crying obsidian yourself again from training with Pikmin oh ah

Piglets right now okay well I wouldn’t count that but foreign get that one too and the gold plug did I get it gold uh another one here gosh I should put the pies please don’t tell me to bring a bed another an amateur guys [ __ ] it’s so dark now you did did you

Really yeah look at these disgusting tools like what who gives a [ __ ] Should we fly north again huh oh man I forgot like all these important things um we came from South so we would fly north right oh man I can’t believe it I got bamboozled so stay in fire no but for real I need torches though at least at least torches

What’s the next big Minecraft update next interesting thing What’s that is that EEE how did I accidentally find it let me sleep here and look at them emeralds foreign what new bamboo wood bamboo blocks oh cool okay that’s some cool stuff and when is that coming let’s say something no no where is the number one oh there’s some Gunpowder too

Oh oh is that what I dropped wow oh there’s not a thousand emeralds I’m impressed Kiana again hole was it pillagers did you clean it out oh wait a boat wait not my boat where’s home North Yeah yeah I can imagine she must have needed some for with a fight did you bring movie home not yet I kind of was like thinking of doing it though this stream that’s why I put mummy in the thumbnail from the really doesn’t have anything to do with the stream right now

Sorry about that I didn’t know what to put in the Frontline because I didn’t know what to do but I can bring mommy home any anytime one question though that I was curious about um that Tower is not villager made is it uh well I wanted to ask uh so they pick

Up blocks that like the block that you give them they will try to find more of that right but uh does it it doesn’t have to be like mined right so if it’s like a stone block will they just take it from a mountain or so

And bring it to you or does it have to be mine and you know like like dropped on the on the ground I feel like I feel like I’m lost only if it’s loose on the world it really so that’s weird though like how does that help

I only pick uh I guess it but also only what I give them right Southwest okay thank you oh thank you thank you for the coordinates two eight two eight two how didn’t I fly in Just One Direction it’s a bit of a gimmick okay bring your things to a designated spot um

Well now I’m home yay Well but then I thought then they’re not as useful as I thought they would be because well then you actually have to like you know I guess mine something but then when if you’re there to mine it then you’re there to pick it up as well um yeah they’re just cute

Yeah I was wondering why would they bring something so like relatively helpful overpowered helpful but I guess it wasn’t that helpful after all okay and then they’re really just cute okay yeah I know nakama is useless just cute where are the Torches there’s some there’s not many if I want a lot of uh here’s some more if I want a lot of diamonds and that’s not much but okay can we make more what do you need again

Not cold was it it wasn’t cold was it and sticks no it is coal Coal and sticks I’ll try to make a couple more uh uh didn’t I put sticks in here did I not ah there I did and cold cold I just raised the part in

Charmed where coal shows up and oh man when I was younger watching Charmed as a young teenager more like a child oh I had a crush on coal but honestly who didn’t have a crush on coal he’s very crushable first crush I I wasn’t saying My First

Crush also didn’t he have like a demon form that’s really creepy but yeah I think that maybe changed my mind a little bit but yeah he’s before he you know shows his true form and I don’t care what spoilers right now because this show is from a million

Years ago and you guys are not going to watch it anyway are you if you haven’t watched it yet it’s so tacky it’s such a tacky show but the second and third season are already less tacky than the first season so it gets it’s got it gets better don’t worry but yeah coal

He’s he’s so he’s pretty handsome he is pretty handsome something about you know guys in suits that’s just it’s just it just works I don’t know why it works so well or should I put the coal why should I put you coal hmm yeah I’ll put you there okay

Chicken’s trying to spit themselves into a suit this instance since they’re fancy they are suits suits very good the last thing we want now is about where is where did this bed go I think it’s never been I’ll take okay now we can go Johnny maybe not the same place but

I’ll see what I can do YouTube dropped before you said it eh YouTube you’re good you ever wants to show Lucifer I think you like the main character there uh no I don’t think I did I think I’ve like heard of it before thank you being a suit no David Tennant in the

Suit yes why why why do you think you don’t look good in suit I think everybody looks good in a suit women too like damn business baby why am I running out of fireworks already okay I’ll go somewhere like here close by it might be icy but oh well mmm

Yeah okay okay okay I’ll take that I’ll take that okay this is approximately where I will be digging I think oh let me make oh here screenshot coordinates I will dig should we dig down because there where are diamonds again like six seven something like that was the magical number

Let me start down here then we are at uh uh 30 no 60 free okay we have to go down quite a bit we might meet water I hope not should we do just one path two is nicer but we should just do one path otherwise man I’m gonna get spammed with stones

Foreign It changed that much wasn’t it actually like six before something like that is that water no interesting I’m bad at this I guess I forgot how to do this here okay okay good uh I should put in my second hand the Torches eh I remember the strategy

It depends if this is a new chunk or not oh oh it probably isn’t it’s pretty close to our headquarters I feel like somebody must have flown by here before right is that a little Kev Kev spooky spooky spooky spooky spooky spooky spooky spooky I don’t like it

Hmm did I bring two shulkers what why is this shocker still of me eh I’m confused no I don’t like no no scare me scary scary I’m not as efficient as I used to be I think but oh well I get diamonds probably barely we should

Uh wasn’t there a thing a term called strip mining is that where you make one long path and then make the path to the side well here my knowledge It’s All Coming Back I’m not as bird-brained as you thought I was I am I remember why is this here that’s

Bad right it wasn’t that bad it’s usually a sign of water No it’s okay okay if you say so so what should we talk about guys is there something you want to talk about I already mentioned the crony thing I I wonder what her first thought was when when she was told hey crony we want you to do this sponsored stream um with Kiana

Ever since that happened I feel um very awkward towards crony I’m scared wait what’s that the sponsored thingy that we did before was that that was that was before uh we went to Osaka to the Universal Studios right that was before right what you fed her turkey exactly yeah yeah

Everything was normal then she treated me fine normally so you would think I don’t have to be so concerned but I I got uh flashbacks you know when I read that and I wonder she probably doesn’t feel so happy about oh what the [ __ ] what the [ __ ] you you you

Otherwise they’re selfish you’re like f-tier you’re literally ft here why are you here they spawn here why hello are we 20. does that mean there’s an End Portal nearby she probably doesn’t think about it at all maybe not generally but when we’re reminded of a sponsorship stream maybe then she

She thought about it I feel like she may have thought about it I don’t know I thought about it that is my possibly my most shameful moment in my almost three years of home alive But don’t worry I will be there I will be awake because it’s 11 pm for me I’m always awake at 11 PM don’t worry Macaroni call me chronini recently I feel like I get along with everyone pretty well uh hey we’re at five now so should I go further there was this this one what was it what’s it called Deep slate what does that mean doesn’t that mean it’s a new chunk actually if there’s deep slate

Optimal Laughs oh I have a happy day out tomorrow and one year anniversary it hit Diablo four stream oh yeah I wonder what she thinks about the new Diablo she probably didn’t try it loud [ __ ] she might remind you five times on that ah no worries no worries crony I’m I’m

Around I’m around so minus 50 minus 60 might be good okay okay so since it has deep slate that means it’s a new chunk that means that now diamonds are at -15 okay okay foreign s would also have also have the diamond layers around level eight oh okay

Hey Ultimo you’re still following up okay let me read that another time but for now happy birthday happy birthday to you happy birthday happy birthday oh you know what I thought of um to talk about Ina’s new outfit I haven’t mentioned it yet Ina’s new outfit you know

When I first thought I think Ina showed me like personally a long time ago I think it was still at the non-movable stage just just the artwork I think and I thought it was very cute but is it just me like her ears immediately made me think she looks like Shrek now

I was like you know those are Shrek ears and she’s like no no no no no what are you talking about what is that what’s up no I’m in a cave I don’t want to be in a cave no I hate this it’s so dark oh no

Can’t unsee it now you mean the flaps yeah I can’t unsee why did you not see it yet eh how did I mention it did you not did you not how is it not obvious to you now until now yeah well then you cursed us Kiana don’t blame me

How do I do this Well that’s good but I don’t think I can do that forever uh it’s really low maybe I should just change direction but this looks pretty big um right how about I go now I’ll go I’ll go straight for a while thank you I guess and then down again Yeah yeah but anyway really cute pretty simple but like obviously very very usable on streams her new outfit and then she has like a controller and stuff I was thinking you know you know asking for something like that it just takes up a lot of like resources if I ask for a

Controller and then I would probably have to give up on for example and a new hairstyle like an extra hairstyle and then I’d always prefer to have a second hairstyle over a controller which I can just put a PNG on top of myself I I think so for me the priorities are elsewhere

Hmm even though it’s nice it would be nice to have it as an asset like an actual properly attached but now that we can attach pngs to ourselves anyway it doesn’t look so bad I think I mean this one I can’t attach because it’s a gif honestly need to ask them to

Um make it possible to attach gifts GIFs that would be very desirable ideal the hair better choice Ryan I think so too don’t need the controller hand a different hairstyle gives so much more variety and cute right Mr chicken pad give oh which one this one like some of my assets I just

Haven’t been using because I don’t I can’t find them anymore you guys are welcome to remind me of certain assets if you want me to use them again like like the cat pad thing one that there was an animated one like anime cat patting one that I don’t know where that one went

I need to put them into my resources folder but back then I didn’t have a resources folder yet now I do there’s one from JT and one from Jolly yeah yeah I think so too anyway I’m glad you guys agree with my values nothing though against uh you know like for her

Why not if she’s happy with just one hairstyle good for her I I wouldn’t be but her she Can we get much shorter then she would be bald probably we are at -17 and there’s some gold here finally something come here hey yo give me the there we go ball is okay too I guess yeah yeah I mean yeah in real life yeah but that’s a YouTuber

I know I don’t know but I feel like if I said Okay I want my hairstyle to be bald at least that wouldn’t take up resources because they surely a bald head under my head somewhere so what would they have to do nothing nothing dangerous dangerous

So I could get a free bald wait wait free so even if I don’t want it just as a joke couldn’t I say hey can you give me a bold option fun I should be asking us she uses her her bald asset a lot but that makes it more

Funnier I think the fact that it’s just a scuffed PNG on top of her makes it funnier right what no not again it doesn’t look so low though ah matakayo um both girls are unironically cute in real life you mean yeah yeah actually I’ve seen some extremely cute bald girls

The one from dances and Dragons was really cute bold as well Should I go down I’m scared I gotta bring back fighter Wawa here we go I’ll go down I’m going down um maybe I could place my bed before I go down there we go okay okay I’m going down but I have no water so I will have to survive the jump which I

Think it doesn’t look too tall so we’re probably okay better with Elijah so you fall slow but I want to be protected immediately against whatever is down there Um okay how do you like quickly uh switch something out How does that work again if you put it like in your hot barfingy shift click use your blocks of bread I can’t live I don’t know how to do it it’s like there’s nothing to build it onto highlight and right click what um whatever I [ __ ] said [ __ ] scared I’m gonna

Die I’m gonna die how to fight how to fight I know how to fight I know how to fight I know how to fight I know how to fight I know how to fight thank you [Laughter] uh uh they’re not coming for me that was the only one at the moment

Where was the snow falling I did it wrong I think I did it wrong uh where’s my sword what the [ __ ] okay okay chill everybody see a lot of enemies what’s that looks shiny what is that it must be Lava there because it’s also shiny What doing wait okay why am I incapable of running why am I incapable of running I am too stupid I always panic in these situations wonderful good shot Chihuahua so proud of myself all right this is a big looking cave probably connected to uh oh God panic panic probably connected

To the the other entrance that I saw and then I was trying to avoid it I guess I can’t you little [ __ ] let’s try to get this one too from a distance ah oh my God see if he’s not moving I can like really uh guess correctly why is he going away I’m

Here so where to shoot okay more more oh he’s got an enchanted book I see a diamond I feel like these these torches lights this place up like barely only barely nice nice nice nice oh yeah apparently according to Kyle carrots compilation I barely hits the um wither I I think that is not true I I am I’m saying don’t believe this slanderous accusation but

Um well Um I think maybe you didn’t see much like physical damage but I definitely did a lot of mental damage to the Wither by especially after he was dead by telling him how how weak he was and and you know I mean I mean he was just I would have had 100

More hits in if he didn’t die so quickly emotional damage yeah I I don’t know how to shoot with zoom oh hi hi we don’t want to shoot at the Enderman how high to shoot with zoom there we go I there we go beautiful snipe all right all right all right here is

One Diamond our first diamond and whatever that is what is that glow Legion lichen that’s it wow impressive where are we now and minus ah minus 45. oh this is where we wanted to go oh so basically they just help they’re just helping me do some strip mining here huh

No I have places on the other side I was just thinking is that where I was before and I was like nope nope nope nope nope minus 41. if I go lower than minus 50 are the chances for diamonds much lower is it really good to stay around -50

30 day free trial so is that is that what I’m using right now don’t strip while mining who’s on what are you talking about what’s with your imagination that really concerns me I don’t know what you’re seeing but I think I am fully clothed below below -50 is better -58 is best below

Wait oh you’re right oh wait I got confused um I need to go lower than this not higher I thought it was too low because logic I guess confused did I just shoot the that was on purpose I totally shot that bat on purpose okay I will go a little bit deeper then

Oh I hear lava though No oh a little lava pool um very cozy oh yeah we’re at -53 let’s just go this way away from the lava don’t just close that off I guess am I running out of torches this level is fine okay okay then I’m just gonna go straight now I think

53 or maybe one more careful maybe we’ll just stay here that’s just let’s just stay here and be very careful there seems to be a lot of lava around I don’t know can you build stairs to where your bed is oh oh I probably should but it’s okay

I lit it up really well so I feel confident enough where are the diamonds where are they did they make them even rarer than before it be a pain in the ass that song is that all cap where’s that okay up huh here’s a little a little taste for

Everybody who can’t come to uh uh the karaoke stream tonight let me try let’s try while I’m digging princesses ah there it is I’ll just work lyrics here oh and then on it needs to load every song though it’s pretty slow 45 48 49 40. it takes a long

Time I wonder if I loaded one spill it afterwards not have to load it again hopefully 52 53 54 55 67 60 percent why are you looking for diamonds again that’s because I thought I had no diamonds so why not get some diamonds there’s nothing else to do [Laughter] okay we’ll tell you

Oh it’s supposedly starting but I don’t hear it uh I should hear no it loads again oh but it looks much faster Here but whatever it doesn’t matter How the lyrics coming in this makes no sense I don’t I don’t know Foreign I forgot their name they’re so shitty I forgot their name In a wrong order Foreign foreign [Applause] Canada Some money A festival where the lyrics Up and down down I haven’t found a single one but you are here with me so I won it doesn’t matter as long kfb is here with me yeah didn’t find the single one um I tried to summon them with a song where are the diamonds hello what a joke what a joke this should have been the moment the very moment to bring me all the diamonds I want to go lower there’s so much lava okay probably I’ve I’ve made so many

Directions I probably won’t even know which one’s the right one to go home okay I hear I hear it I think but I also sensed the diamonds 56.50 you guys said 58 is the best okay I’m trying I’m trying but we gotta be like extremely careful do we have another Diamond song yeah

Was there like an AKB song something like that they probably don’t have that in here though yet it’s a pretty good good song actually I actually like that one a lot I don’t like many nkb songs but that one I like and I don’t have it right now ah the micro song

Diamond City Lights that’s that’s a Diamond song I guess yeah Diamonds by Rihanna I can’t sing that one now I could sing it in the I mean I can sing it because I don’t give a [ __ ] but um where are we oh 50 oh that’s too high here 58 okay

Okay here we go I guess let’s just go straight for now until we meet the Fateful lava uh what was it shine bright like a diamond shine bright like a diamond shine bright like a diamond You will die you will die we’re like diamonds in the skies I don’t know The lyrics at all the diamonds in the sky right away foreign Diamonds in the sky how do I oh so alive we’re beautiful like diamonds in the sky wow wow Beautiful like diamonds in the sky Beautiful diamonds in the sky no the vibe will be fine trust me it didn’t even sound like song anyways Diamond City Lights lyrics ah beautiful down there I opened up memories I found something that I could live for curtain shove as you opened my eyes and life came rushing inside

Behind my heart’s encrypt and keep it so low listen and you might hear a Melody your fire sparked the passion keep that keeps burning magic that helps me to believe all the colors of the nine and the way they help you hide I’m learning what it’s like to love and

Be alive oh there will always be a tomorrow never have to be alone Diamond City Lights [Laughter] what’s inside another love I feel by your side the coding these emotions you’re the ocean I wanna dive into tonight don’t cry look in my eyes and you might find a shimmering light

We’ll guide you to the where but what where was I oh now let me guide you that was a bit different let’s go to the place no no no I skipped I was right it was fine when Rey Skies they take the colors away far away I’ll paint the rainbow days and days Where just just like the uh Magic uh that you always said with me left right right maybe now you need to believe that there will be diamonds as the hands of time progress it’s so easy to forget the miracle that helped you bring me to life oh there will always be a tomorrow

Will never have to be alone gold City Lights illuminate what’s inside and all the love I feel by your side the coding these emotions you’re on the ocean I wanna dive until tonight rainbow colored Skies invite us to the garage and no Time Won’t Wait cause it only leaves

Behind don’t cry look in my eyes and you might find a shimmering light now let me guide you for your time In that very moment you know what the [ __ ] popped up on my screen right in front of me in front of my Minecraft screen windsip reminder to maybe buy a subscription [Laughter] [ __ ] you and there’s the [ __ ] diamonds I’m going back now I don’t care anymore give me my torches you don’t

Deserve torches you don’t deserve them I am so cheap I will take my torches back no that’s right let’s go to the place let’s go to the place let’s go to the place where our happiness won’t fade away if you could only see Everything we could be a diamond City Lights emotions you’re the ocean I wanna dive into tonight rainbow colored Skies take a ride I know time won’t wake up it only leaves behind don’t cry look at my eyes on you might find a shimmering light which way foreign check first

Oh oh this way yeah yeah Diamond lights Rainbow Skies in the night there’s no need to hide the joy in your eyes fills me with life so let it shine yeah I sang the whole thing oh I’m already back though oh at this place at least you got any more diamonds here hmm

Very disappointing I I got one diamond on all of that baby I should just ask Kyla but no imagine Kyla going for all the suffering just got me diamonds man no that’s not fair that’s not fair in what world is that fair um so where’s my here

All right it’s time to go back I can stream endlessly today I have some things to do yeah Tony eyes imagine lava being on over there imagine imagine I have a scent by card on her yeah but let’s be real I don’t even need diamonds that uh like originally or so Um thank you for the diamond cut out the preview I do want to sing the AKB song at some point so it’s really pretty and it’s a famous sound so there’s probably an instrumental that I can use just not in the application that we have now not yet

Surely joy sound has it in theory I just need to get it I’m taking all of these back are they going into my inventory I had to go into my right hand left hand bed huh I mean at least I would spawn somewhere if I die on the way back I’m okay with

The bed being there is any downside to the bed being here are you feeling lonely these days I mean I was like you know joking a little bit about that a couple moments ago but no I think you know there were sometimes um like especially I think last year

Where it felt very lonely like well IRL and and in I’m gonna be honest and Holo too but it really only takes like you know like that that much dream where somebody joins me for a little bit that’s all it takes down it’s going down

No it what where where am I right how do I go back I don’t understand anymore be going up yeah yeah and then like and then recently good at writing so much to me you know it just feels it feels nice to to know that I exist yeah

So recently you know I’ve been feeling really oopsie really good I’m good I’m good yeah I’ll let you know it exists thank you and you guys always do you guys are what keeps me going even in the darker days anytime soon be patient there’s there’s really so many whole life members uh I can’t like constantly collab with everyone all the

Time I think I prefer just um doing uh an off collab of Coronado and did I tell you I have plans to go to Japan uh and honestly time passes by so fast that it will be sooner than later probably no yeah I told you guys in June I’ll be going to Japan

And I hope I can like make it so that I have uh like a place where I can stream well again like last time because I don’t want it to be any different for you guys besides the streaming times of course uh North 720 Pizza true true what’s that tough what the [ __ ] is tough guess I’ll keep it because I don’t think I have much of tough will you be there for your birthday when’s my birthday uh for my birthday maybe not um I’m still like I still don’t know

They still haven’t given me a date on when I can do my birthday thingy um I was hoping to combine it but Um questionable God shitty weather to be flying I think for now I’m going into the right direction yeah yeah so I doubt I doubt that it will be on time my birthday sadly so what else will I be doing on my birthday I I probably will just do like

A call in Collins are really fun too anyway um Colin and you know merch announcements stuff like that I’m already home I’m already on Mozart yeah I wouldn’t I didn’t go so far because I just wanted to not use too many fireworks well then I shall take the train

Yeah the usual b-day stuff the usual birthday stuff that you do when you don’t have 3D yet in the whole life a 2d stream weird to tell because I do have Freddy I wonder I wonder going on there how come I feel like I’m back in 2021 or 2022 for that matter

No wait no no 2022 but I did I did get myself with my own power and determination of early birthday I did I did I did that it’s a 2021 flashback yeah 3D Collins at least you’ll get it later on just not on birthday um I I really want a date though that

Would be nice so I can plan you know I want to plan I have the thing is like I wanted you know that I want to do an album right so I’ve been planning to if things would be on time to on my birthday uh concert not release the album but like tease

One or two songs on it but if the birthday like with the choreo that’s why I’m actually already getting choreo made right now what if um my birthday is like two months after the album release or so well I guess then I can use the plants but then I feel like I I

Would have to do more of my album songs oh man it is just you know difficult to plan anything at all now Chihuahua album let’s go but yeah I’m working on that behind the scenes and another thing that’s been constantly worked on behind the scenes is my new OP oh wasn’t

That the Phoenix Sun accent that wasn’t right new outfit I’m extended I it’s it’s in the late stage of being finished now no no animation yet just the artwork um late stage now so maybe if we’re lucky end of May we could have it done um I have brought back an incredible

Impressive amount of one diamond and I have practically achieved nothing in the Stream one time Diamond maybe the real diamonds was the well let me see the conversation we made along the way um not really not really not really um oh you know where we’ll go now while I read some super chats

I will go to base AFK form yeah yeah cause I’m I follow my word yeah I’m a I’m a phoenix of my word if not anything no no it’s not your conversation skills it’s mine I mean today I mean my conversation skills never lack never yeah I mean

Nothing special today thanks for the EU friendly stream uh you’re welcome I’m just sorry that I can’t give you guys anything really exciting today but no you probably fine you’re fine because uh 10 P.M Austrian time you’re getting a karaoke yeah so what and that’s not too late

The real sad Bros are the sea and Asia Bros who for them it will be like four five six A.M sorry foreign When will you rebroadcast sometime next week uh at like 8 9 10 pm GST or so you played Minecraft you mind you you you you you what does it say you crafted I think it’s a success yeah yeah I guess so which means I finished Minecraft didn’t I I did the things I

Think I you should put Minecraft in my finished games list now I mined and I crafted I did the thing that is in the title I mean yeah wait is Minecraft in the finished game list anyway because I did see the credits before is it is it is it better be

It better be it is okay okay otherwise I would have been mad all right let me put girl Minecraft aside yeah I’ll just be waiting here for as long as I can but this is not there’s no roof here right if I stay here forever wouldn’t I like be attacked by those flying

Thingies that’s kind of dangerous I gotta keep an eye out the Phantom so shouldn’t there be a bed up here really should have brought a bed I should can I add a roof because I don’t mind like staying here for hours even when I’m like literally AFK Thank you okay I’ll add a roof um can I hmm I’m going to add it on the top line but I guess we’ll add here it doesn’t affect the farm right so I can remove it afterwards if need be don’t fall into that hole there we go now I’m protected hey

Remember to torch the roof top I might do okay okay can do candle can do oh scary perfect How many there you go that’s enough right okay I’m floating I’m floating I’m falling yay Free Falling isn’t there a song like that Let’s see how many there are now nine wow nine nine nine nine very good very good all right here we go now I’m free all right if you guys are not sure yet if you want to go to my karaoke later telling you you should I want to sing that song but

The lyrics worry me but uh I do want to sing it That one song Oh yeah uh once again what’s it again I forgot Best Buy in Ian is the Phoenix obviously hey not chicken attack yeah cut my lap into pieces this is my last resort the vacation with what was the word don’t give a [ __ ] if I cut my own what

If I cut myself what what was that suffocation is defecation a word [Laughter] what wasn’t that uh Right yeah excuse me English not my first language okay here we go no no we have a streak of sending chickens away these days huh Okay chat where are you why are you not here chat owner I refreshed you let me do this what Sean are you good over here boss here here we’re standing right here eh sit down are you standing why is it not showing so weird don’t change this

There we go just change to size and suddenly it works but 10 pixel I just changed it by 10 pixels okay so the other day we finished super chats from the Fire Emblem last Fire Emblem stream And today let’s see where we have to continue thank you guys for watching though if you guys are leaving and I’m staying for the Super Chat reading thank you very much for being here today I’ll see you again soon hopefully maybe later in the karaoke stream or maybe tomorrow when we play whatever

Well no one no no no no Staying for the tune what’s the bad background music tune what um Why are thumbnails called thumbnail to do with the nail on my thumb oh I like Angel’s boy so I stay thank you thank you sometimes sometimes I wonder if anyone likes my voice at all but it’s nice to hear there’s some I do really Really you do really thank you oh thank you thank you Thank you I like your chicken voices too guys oh thank you just a red string you simpleton thank you I agree Wow that hurts me common Bridal um okay I will move on ignore that because pain is nothing to gain from pain nope ah Lulu hi Lolo thank you for the rest of the hotel wow I love you too thank you one guys no no not necessarily oh well stop stop it guys stop

Exhale thank you love you as a person thank you I mean you know I appreciate when at least someone doesn’t let something like that stop themselves from watching me that’s nice okay here we go Jacob 47 gym choice driving to Mexico whoa hello foreign have to notify me of username changes

You remember that but your change isn’t even that like misleading I I recognize you guys I sent super yeah you did yeah yeah yeah uh a blue one you don’t remember oh you guys don’t remember when you do this wait I like this one I’m a pamelo which

I guess by the context means your Kyla’s fan you can request a lot of things to Kyla it just means more Minecraft streams we love Minecraft don’t worry help us uh oh are you guys suffering too many Minecraft streams oh they’ll start again and yet you’re watching another another

Minecraft stream from someone else Not enough Minecraft it’s not a complaint probably no I love them are the little penguins is that the like Indonesian word for penguin thank you Corral Gall no one asked no what does it mean then what does that mean why are you laughing translate to hammer guy or just try oh

Indonesian word for penguin is Kyla The mirror out now this is a real album back to horror I mean family friendly games today’s game is darkest dungeon do I even need to look this one up it feels like it feels like it’s just gonna be a horror game oh yeah that is pretty dark it’s pretty

Dark it’s not it’s not a horror game it seems It’s a challenging Gothic roguelike turned based turn-based RPG about the psychological stresses of adventuring no thank you I must reject surely this was Mira L as well right face tangible no no no it’s too dark it’s great but very difficult

You guys should play it not me Mr casberg Hotline Miami I’m open to that one fancy thank you uh did I say hello as Sadie versus I wanna play um Dark Cloud play Dark Cloud but where how that’s not random it comes from The Dark One

Yeah ah thank you at least there’s some people who know it it is on PS4 was it always on PS4 because I yeah I played it when it was on the PS2 probably oh on PS4 oh oh is it a remaster or just a port I had that one yeah yeah I like remember nothing barely anything from it but you know it’s never one of those nostalgic things to me hmm I see I see I see I see it time to learn the new film system Pink bacon United by the way guys you know what I made yesterday I was lucky one of my recipes was indeed a short one I made a burrito and I made plenty so I can eat uh after this stream and then after the karaoke stream as well yeah burrito this time this time

Definitely better burrito than last time last time uh the burrito that I made with hello was a chorizo burrito and it was good but like I made it so that it was constantly falling apart I didn’t know how to fold it this time I folded it correctly and this time was

Not no chorizo it was um just minced meat and the beans and onions it was supposed to be a quick recipe so there’s like not much more except salad salad with like a lemon uh what was that milk buttermilk lemon dressing or something like that And yeah and and so I put that in and the the rest yeah was just that um no cheese actually interesting just realized there was no cheese oh because it wasn’t part of the recipe it was fine the way it was though it was really yummy surprised that you don’t

Think chorizer is too spicy for you I probably had like a not so spicy one surely there’s more spicy ones mine didn’t really seem very spicy you put so many food tweets on Twitter maybe you should consider making a cookbook of all the foods you make as

Birthday merch yeah but no I see sometimes people suggesting that but all my recipes are from hello so they’re not my own recipes I can’t just take the recipes and put them in my birthday merch I can’t do that yeah I would sue me now I have to try every kind of tacos

Yeah I never had actual tacos before I think still but yeah burrito was really good I was really happy I had that yesterday gonna eat the rest today probably gonna finish and then yeah tomorrow I gotta cook again no I mean surely you can’t have copyright on food recipes but if I put

Like 50 hello fresh recipes in in one book salad as my own merch I mean I think add one oh add one ingredient recipe in line nah come on that would be so shitty nah I can’t do that no no no I already know what I’m doing for for um birthday merchandise actually

About Anniversary merchandise though and I think I also know at least one item and I I would love to spoil but maybe I shouldn’t spoil everything so yeah you’re allowed solo anniversary emergency yeah I asked for it I I said last year I already said hey can we have

Link solo merchandise maybe next year or least um maybe maybe that will be like at least one group item as well who knows but we’re also having uh solos um they’re gonna be a little bit close together though because birthday is on July and anniversary is September but I’m

Gonna make it stuff that’s worth it to get oh and on the other side I actually uh turned down the opportunity to make merchandise for my new outfit seemingly it has become a trend recently with Cali and Ina doing it and some others too probably

And I thought about it and I thought no I I could but I said no I don’t wanna because first of all I can’t really think of anything that has to do with the outfits that would work as merchandise besides an acryl stand it was a little bit considering it because

It would be cool with this kind of outfit I think but I thought like why I I don’t want to like you know I know there’s some fans who like just will buy anything and I I appreciate the support but I don’t want to make you guys feel like you need to

Buy it let’s save the money I said instead um they tell me how you don’t have to make merchandise for your new outfit uh there’s like if I don’t do this then I can have something else instead like for example I could do another whole talk Anniversary merchandise or I could do

Thanksgiving or something like that you know I can do something else instead and I feel like then if it’s for something else I’ll probably feel more inspired and motivated to do something than forcefully making something for my um for my new outfit yeah yeah whole talk Max would feel fitting I did

That last year yeah maybe I can do a resale of my last year who’ll talk merchandise for the next anniversary hmm oh yeah I just felt like it’s not necessary and I don’t I don’t need to Overkill with merchandise right yeah I’d love a new backpack oh really you guys want backpacks

A Carefree backpack maybe for anniversary then but you’d probably wanted to not look like too obvious like with my face all over it right I could I could make it a little bit more decent looking yeah subtle looking backpack not sure if it would be good quality though I can’t promise like insane

Quality like a like a Gucci bag it’s just a logo and an inside like a cute Kotori pattern lining yeah should we have a bright orange though probably not there’s already so much bright orange maybe maybe it’s just the logo and then the main color could be black

Yeah and then with some orange accents like the zippers could be orange and yeah the inside would be just a turquoise Kotori lining Or maybe I wonder if there could be two options color options I wonder if they would do that I’m actually down with that a black is just a easy easy okay I finished reading these I think did I I finished with I am a chi right ayamati I am okay next is passport this one did you finish every last time yes I did

Yeah now you make me doubt myself but I think I’m pretty sure I did wait wait wait wait I I was actually asked they were like Chihuahua answer us please please tell us what you want for Anniversary merchandise tell us I should write it down really quickly anniversary merch there we go

Okay okay uh number one um I want I won’t say what that one was the second one is um uh rucksack hook sack in did you know in Japanese the word for backpack they use the German word as a base they say they don’t say ryukusaku but they say which is from ruksak

It’s interesting sometimes they go for German words rather than English words to to borrow them not understand is different is like a specific type of you know for the elementary elementary school students it’s a very specific one specific shape like yeah too um we say it looks like in the UK really we

Use the word really why why really uh kfp design a simple design backpack and I can do one more Ayah I should I should have one thing that has like an illustration as a key visual so you know like the like the blankets that had the key visual all over it

What should the BAM No thank you a tower I’m doing that for my birthday um you’re doing a towel for my birthday um uh oh battery power bank oh interesting well normally I like to have like an overall theme you know so like you know previously it was like cozy at home and

Kitchen stuff and all that but this doesn’t really seem to have a theme we could have something that makes sense with the backpack um something that makes sense with the backpack and has a big illustration on it um I mean it doesn’t have to be a big item though wallet

A water bottle I have a bottle for my pretty phone cover but phone cover are not Universal umbrella is probably not allowed laptop sleeve I like the idea but not everyone would like be able to use it Pencil box pencil box cute Kfb notebook oh I like that too but just the cover is the is the illustration and the inside is like just normal Pages maybe with a little Kotori on the edges or so a planner yeah even a note uh book or like a one of those planner thingies

With like a little calendar inside as well or so just a small one I guess it could be good for illustration one maybe a notebook planner okay Maybe okay and maybe we can make it a set with a pen I feel like they would allow me to

Do that with a pen as a set because I want to make a pen because I’ve been looking at this this susama pen that I have and and it has like you know a floaty thing is inside the pen it’s like a chair you know the chair

Inside and it moves if you tilt the the pen yeah and there’s like some sparkly stuff inside as well that moves around too finally we can take actual notes when we need to remind you of something The chair and the cat the cat also like it’s like the the in the pan it’s like on the left side is the cat on the right side is the the chair and if you move it around it looks like the chair is chasing the cat

Hmm smart so we could have little kfb chickens in the pan Maybe um moving around wouldn’t that be cute and some eggs eggs and chickens that’ll be cute I watched suzuma yeah yeah I did in like January with uh coyote and Canada senpai we went to see the movie there because I

Wasn’t sure when I would ever be able to watch it and I was really curious hmm the idea of a set of notebook with a pen all right super chats Turkish monkey shouldn’t take a 47 metric sauce Ben Ben madly thank you oh thanks and

Welcome with me to my first review I had to answer the call for more European kfp love from the UK again yo wait are you answering you know are you from are you from neuro are you here now Ben if that was your first student you could have come from neuro

I wonder you’re probably not here now you better come again that better not have been your first and last stream I need more European viewers please yeah you know they’re always welcome but you said UK yeah so what so what Oh a bit too early for him I had to probably yeah yeah well if you’re watching the VOD thank you very much for joining kfp hmm are you at work though oh thank you hello how’s work doing how’s work you can’t represent hello you’re reporting in hello

Girls yeah I saw I saw the poll already in the beginning of the stream that you guys were very present even though it’s a weekday thank you for being here work is good because while I is here love love love love uh love you thank you soon Apex

Up X anina for the red super chat hi this is my first time watching Kiana’s live streaming not a clip video I feel great to finally be able to send Super Chat thank you for always telling me interesting shows Yeah thank you so much I’m glad you were able to watch the stream for once probably not here now I assume but thank you nonetheless I appreciate it very much what’s your first language German I hope to see you again Kfp I have been absent in recent times however last week I’ve been thrown into the usual room for the first time in a long time I noticed kfp is not as rebellious as they used to be what they tend to do to you guys in my absence is Carefree brainwashed

Well you’re asking them what they did in your absence the real question is what did you do in your absence that’s the first question you will need to answer before asking any questions here at all what did you do where are you bellstar um I don’t see you here to answer my question

Sauce Oh hold a talk with downstar not quite whole talk yet don’t move her vision is based on movement no it’s not cool rights of free donation oh Oh not interesting yeah looking for the top thank you soon um if we’re telling them would you like to swap outfits like you wear hers and she wears yours hard mode besides Cali only swapping outfits that means that it would have to like fit my hair color and all that and Why didn’t

Senpai probably would work with my hair color any of her outfits really but I would probably go for the hey the one with the zipper oh yeah and I do love like mummy’s casual and I would like to see myself in crony’s casual as well and and all of Amy’s

Outfits I want to try her kimono I think color wise it would fit really well because she has like this yellow with some orange in it and I love Amy’s fancy outfit and casual outfit I love them all just have to make them fit to my body if

You just put my head on top of her proportion wise it’s not gonna look so good I think but The fish on my head uh I love that gimmick so much yeah I’m so short I want a cool or Korean pop star Kia outfit a cool or Korean pop star hmm foreign outfits are usually always so intricate like this one’s the new one’s pretty simple in theory

Did you see the cool illustration on her t-shirt I’m on it too hey Mama Told me selling the T-shirt as merchandise for her new outfit merchandise or is she selling her slippers oh so She didn’t say she will she hinted at it oh why is it not right when she shows the that’s weird okay she heavily implied okay cool that’s a nice t-shirt I would want that if it was the T-shirt it could be the the slippers too though because she has cute slippers too and

Then it would be Cali slippers me slipper uh you know slippers I did not I did slippers before then there’s almost all miff slippers just need Amber to sell some slippers I’m gouda to sell some slippers Okay let’s go uh where was I um Brandon thanks for the pinky ethical dilemma both cats are meowing for you to come play with them but ah I think I read this one but they’re in separate rooms when they’re watching so they will know if you choose the other cat what do

You do and I think I said John Chris because chunkers gets jealous I think a little bit or mine she doesn’t really show it but I feel like she she’s sad yeah Jacob 47 Alexander thank you and darling dream of Duncan looking for the top donation big wait darling dreamer asks for big

Twin turkey Wawa please I already did twin tails for my kimono I really like the kimono hair maybe I could like ask to have it implemented in another outfit in the future but when I when you ask something like that it always takes so much time and

Blah blah if I were to put the twin Tails onto another outfit which one would you guys like to see it with which one would you think it would fit because I only have so much extra stuff for this casual one so maybe it shouldn’t be this one but um

I would say they’re not necessarily fits any nah maybe maybe the dandel I guess default I can’t add it to default not really allowed Twin Tails let’s go yeah maybe deandel but I feel like style wise it doesn’t quite fit with the dandel these braids that I have would work with the dandel actually and all the Twin Towers I love them but like style wise they don’t match with the fancy dress I would say

And with my new one that you don’t know yet Maybe Maybe I’m not sure I’m not sure about that I would have to see it to judge it too bad I need oh I need to whatever I do for my next outfit I need to do something that fits with the twin tails

And I think if I do the favorite night thing I think the twin Tails would fit with it everything that could work yeah hey hey right yeah yeah a great great yes yes yes Public comment on that nice oh ah because you want to talk about it but it was Members Only I guess out I’ll do that for my next next outfit but don’t worry it will take forever I want to do a fever night inspired outfit spoiler alert spoilering is really hard just because I

Needed your guys’s opinion to decide we have so many outfits at this point that I feel like I have to really think it through when I decide another one Mama Looney winning I would yeah I would probably just send all the mamaloni art as a reference to hookah Papa and ask him to draw something like that FIFA night almost at 1 million views it has been like that for a while thank you guys for trying

Listen to favorite night after this will you and we get to 1 million uh where was I um uh I think oh yeah looking for the top thanks Mr Ken’s big stand kitchen and Ben Matt madeley medley thank you thank you again oh he says he’s now a loyal kid of being

Employed really oh then why are you not here just kidding just kidding simply thanks for the pinky your art is so much better than you give it credit for your Cali painting looks absolutely amazing you might think that your style is too old but retro is so in right now

Thank you for the stream it looks great yeah but that’s like different you know me also wanting to do fever and I like what is it 70s 80s workout attire um for an outfit yeah okay that’s because it’s [ __ ] cute but that old is different from my art style old I

Think in my opinion oh well it is is that 80s your artist is cute okay chill too I don’t want to be 90s dojo whatever whatever whatever don’t even let’s not even get into it uh by the way the other day I after we did the fifth simulator I couldn’t hold

Myself back I I had so much fun with it that I continued to play a little bit afterwards I just went back to those houses and I did a couple of requests of destroying things I didn’t want to like do too much but I played a little bit without you yeah I

Just had so much fun with fifth simulator you just do it why because I had just ended the Stream and I don’t know just wanted to play a bit more a little bit more promise the story with Vinnie uh no I don’t think so not really um playing it tomorrow yeah probably I

Think I’m feeling Thief Simulator more for tomorrow than passport two probably still on deciding it though oh anyway from appreciate your your sweet words very much I still want to improve my art style don’t change it but I’m glad you like it Flappy boy thank you for the red super chat and

Your art no wait not that I knew anything about drawing but I’m fascinated by your process this has probably been explained already in the past before I joined care of people did you receive formal training well I am more of an auto Didact deduct what why didn’t you pursue drawing further okay

Okay here we go again uh story time now I was always very much into art since I was a child because my mom was also into art and she gave me like supplies and stuff and I got like a cheap tiny drawing tablet very early on as well um

And yeah so I did digital art and and non-digital art traditional art from very early days and my mom always like was very supportive of it and um so in when it came to school I actually like in June or hi first I was also hoping to

Focus on languages so I tried to get into no wait first no I went into I went to a language school for like one or two years or so but then Latin was [ __ ] me over so I left that school and changed to a normal one but then

Eventually so I demoted Myself by going to a shitty school after that but then I promoted myself again with my hard work and my skills and abilities because I signed up for art school for high school and um yeah I had to do like a like a test like a uh basically audition

For the school and not yo like back then when you get into that school it’s like a huge thing like getting into that school is like only the cool and and skilled people get into that school that was the reputation it was like in my city this school had like the best

Reputation especially like the specific um branch that I got into and wanted to get into um because it also had like different branches like technical branches which weren’t that I feel like the artistic one was more pretty more you know impressive but they were all very cool the school in general

Was really cool because it was also really modern you know it was a cool school you don’t just get in there in Austria generally there’s no school fees um there’s I think I have never heard of a private school here before but they probably exist but they nobody goes

There I guess because you don’t need that we don’t need it we have cool schools where you don’t have to pay for it but this one at least you don’t have to pay to get into it but you have to be you know skilled to get into it which if

You think about it is better anyway it’s not paid to win it’s just be good to win so yeah um I got in and I remember my excitement because for junior high school before going to the language school I first attempted to get into what kind of school was that it was

Another special school where you had to audition and they would look if you are valuable enough good enough to join the school um it was a gymnasium that goes through Junior High to high school both of it um because we have both like some only

Go to end of junior high and some are until the end for eight years but this one was I think kind of music focused I think it was a music school and I really wanted to go there because even though I never had the chance to play anything besides the

Basic flute that you learn in elementary um because we just didn’t have the money in my family to get me any other instruments or lessons for it for that matter yeah recorder gang which really is nothing to flex about so basically I think they only took people who already had some instrument skill

That’s not recorder at least [ __ ] Guitar Man but I didn’t even have that that was probably my downfall I felt very um very what’s the word I just looking at what the other um contestants had to offer I felt very outskilled uh yeah but I was hoping that I could

Learn an instrument at this music school but no I was inferior so I was rejected by that and I remember like I was so devastated when I got my rejection my mom was with me and I I was crying I felt not good enough yeah into a different pretty good school that

That language school was also very very what Prestige had a good good reputation to but then I failed with Latin [ __ ] Latin after one and a half years or so so in the middle of the year I changed school and when you do it like in the middle of the

Year there were just not many options so I had to go to a pretty shitty School where I was like like even more of an outsider than ever oh I hated it but at least I had like two friends or so I think even though I was like the weird one

And the nerdy one I think they had like the the other students had even though they didn’t really like me because I wasn’t one of the cool ones in their opinion I think maybe I was like respected nonetheless a little bit in a weird way um and then and then

Because they you know always treated me so like an outsider I felt even prouder when you know at the end where everybody was like uh like trying to find a job and most of them most of them instead of going to high school went on to get a job like

You know one of those like training thingies it’s pretty common in Austria you then you don’t go to high school and just do that instead because you will also end up getting like some kind of certificate at the end apprenticeship yeah and then you know at the end of the year

You know they’re like all right let’s see where you guys are all going and I eventually I get my acceptance letter from this super cool art school and I flexed it and I felt like they were all like yo damn damn this girl she’s going to this like super cool

Awesome school that everybody knows hey yeah I may have been like d demoted once from good school to bad school but then I promoted myself to go to a really cool school again now it’s amazing for a while but unfortunately uh I would say the art school didn’t

Really help me much with my personal art goals because I was hoping to draw like anime style stuff I was always just doodling that in between the things that we were actually supposed to do but then unfortunately in art school art isn’t all that matters and after like two years or so math

It was always [ __ ] me over but it really [ __ ] me over at that point and I couldn’t I couldn’t go to that school anymore but at the same time I had this offer to go to Japan so I went to Japan instead and that was like such a risky thing

And my mom also wasn’t sure what to make of it and what would come out of it but I was like well what do I have to lose what do I have to lose at this point like man I I can’t continue going to my dream School

[ __ ] sucks I feel like a failure so let’s go to Japan I went to Japan I did my thing there for a while and then that all fell apart eventually after two or three years or so I’m telling my life story now that fell apart unfortunately not really my fault

Though and so I had to go back to Austria I was [ __ ] depressed and I had nothing I had no home I had no friends I had no job I had no school I had nothing I had no money I had no furniture nothing and I had to build everything up from zero

Got myself a shitty apartment really quickly got myself an apprenticeship really fast in in the hotel they accepted me immediately because of my language skills at least that was the lowest point yeah one of the lowest points in my life but I worked myself back up and I did

This shitty apprenticeship where you earned basically nothing for three years lived in my own apartment and yeah worked really hard to make a living without much support you know or from no support no financial support from anything only the things that I did gave me financial support yeah and then and then

I was still I was still under 20 I’m still under 20 now but but yeah I was under 20. hmm and other dad and I finished the apprenticeship and then then I said [ __ ] this city I’m out of here then I moved I continued to work a little bit long in

Between that was actually after I finished the apprenticeship that’s when I I think that’s when I um that’s when I auditioned for uh Lufthansa got accepted by Lufthansa thought that this was finally me promoting myself again in life starting this cool new chapter moving to Germany already found an apartment I think and

Was gonna start working in Germany for Lufthansa as a flight attendant and then shortly before my training would start I got the result from my health uh check and told I failed yeah and then I was like well [ __ ] [ __ ] [ __ ] okay I guess whatever [ __ ] it

Sad I really liked the idea of doing that but okay who knows maybe I dodged a bullet because um I know that flight attendants the turnover rate is really high because it’s um it’s very challenging very hard on your body not even saying I dodged a bullet because of the sea thing just

Because that still was a couple years before that but you know just generally like health-wise it’s not a good job and and it’s really [ __ ] toxic the work environment is super toxic from what I hear from many other flight attendants terrible it’s horrible but it would have still been cool to

Have the experience at least for a while you know it would have been cool because I saw it as a chance to go back to Japan every once in a while uh oh also I said okay I guess I’ll continue working in a hotel and then I I

You know I moved City and I started from scratch again I had to live with a roommate for many years because first of a really shitty roommate then with a nice roommate because I had to save money didn’t earn much didn’t want to go full time because

I still wanted to do other things so I did only part-time while while still doing other things did that for a while was quite fun and then I was like I saw and then I saw oh oh Japan now has working holiday not anymore for six months for austrians but

No finally they also have a contract for one year and I was like this is my chance working holiday you cannot do forever you only until a certain age you’re allowed to do a working holiday once in a lifetime so I was like you

Know what I’ll do it now I’ll do it now because I’m sick of this boring life anyway and now I’ll take this chance to go to Japan for for 12 months because there’s so many things I still wanted to do in Japan last time I lived there

That I couldn’t accomplish and I felt like it always I always left this book open in the middle of a chapter and I finished I didn’t finish writing it and I wanted to finish writing it even if I changed Direction a little bit still doesn’t matter I need to finish this

Book of my life so I said [ __ ] it I’m going I left everything behind again including my cats went to Japan and the moment I arrived in Japan the sea thing hit Japan thus ruining my once in a lifetime chance of finishing this chapter and hindering all of my opportunities and

Things that I wanted to do in Japan during that time this was another really low point I got really depressed again spent all day in bed in in the dark in my tiny ass one room apartment in Japan watching pekora senpai and then whole life came by and I audition for all alive

And and I made it and I mean that is totally also not the direction I wanted to take originally that I was hoping for but definitely changed my life for the better um and now we’re here back in Austria but very happy about being in Austria content yeah

So that’s my life story I don’t know why we did this whole life story somebody just asked about my background of Art um orange and starry in a compact form there you go Big Lord dump yeah because context exactly can you repeat it at all you better watch the bot if you just came in and want to hear the whole story you better watch the [ __ ] VOD oh yeah this made me cry so moving really well I didn’t try to make it sound

Emotional but yeah I I’ve been through many ups and downs in my life many times where I felt like you know I wasn’t worth [ __ ] and I would never accomplish anything because again and again no matter how hard I tried I always put the most into it but no matter what

Things just wouldn’t go the way I wanted it to I was hoping it would but everyone’s in a while life would throw me like a little piece of Hope again like a cool school that I could go to but then I would fail it again you know

And okay well next thing let’s start working at Lufthansa okay okay okay heads up I’m like excited for that oh no can’t do it after all okay okay let’s let’s go to live whatever let’s just not think about let’s go to a different city and start life from the scratch again

Okay okay here comes Japan my once in a lifetime chance of a wrecking holiday let’s go let’s go let’s go I’m Gonna Leave live the life that I wanted to live and then let’s see thing uh so many and then the first time I lived in Japan also like I worked so

[ __ ] hard but uh it was destroyed by things that are out of my power so man I wouldn’t know what to do if I were you to be honest boss yeah I like to say that I’m really good at like standing up again once something

Got me down but I I’m not gonna lie like at that point in my working holiday stay in Japan I I lost hope and I lost confidence in me being able to get up again I thought it was over like there was no light at the end of the tunnel

It was just everything was negative everything was depressing everything was [ __ ] uh I’m so glad I tried to audition for whole life I could have just been pessimistic and say nah I’m not gonna make it anyway and not even try and I did because one thing I know is when I auditioned for

Something I usually make it even if it seems pretty unlikely I mean the music school was just because I didn’t play an instrument and okay I mean you know but I managed to get into art school I managed to get into Lufthansa I managed to get into many other things that

Seemed highly unlikely yeah um never had trouble finding a job you know quickly got my apprenticeship faster than anything Eurovision next ah Eurovision is the one thing that ruins my my success rate yeah but gotta keep keep on moving forward exactly so I hope you guys can now that I’ve

Repeated my life story even if you knew it already I hope that can motivate you guys um foreign I just failed my life chance test so it’s very inspiring oh there might be a difference life chance test equal to it that you maybe don’t consider like me I didn’t when I was just watching pekoras Empire I didn’t consider really that you know I would make this my main job

But but now this is what I’ve been doing for two and a half years and it’s been it’s been life-changing thank you long time no see thank you hey yeah man maybe maybe all the ups and downs you know they’re they were all necessary to eventually lead to this moment you know

To Japan for the first time I already spoke pretty good Japanese so I I couldn’t necessarily say that I wouldn’t have picked up that skill if it wasn’t for me failing Art School or leaving art school but if I wouldn’t have left art school and finished it properly

Yeah yeah things would have been very different I think um still had an interest in Japan and so on and so eventually maybe I would have tried to do the working holiday nonetheless But with different a different drive to it I think um don’t make that stupid joke do you think you’d be an art hipster no I feel like if I would have finished that art school to be honest I might as well just finished any kind of normal high school because

I feel like it wouldn’t have really helped me much in life it’s being specifically art related I was like what can you even do with that what can you do like digital art and all of that like the thing that I wanted to be you can do that completely unrelated

To going to an art school you don’t need that you just need to be good at your craft you know like get as good as Ina or so and then it should work out because and and all of that really is just practice you don’t need to go to the art school

You just need to try really hard for a long time to to get a certain um to make a name for yourself as an artist which is difficult yes but the art school won’t help you with that how yeah right how what no there’s no

How to it no if you want to get good at Art you just draw every day that’s it um anyway now just do it no art art is the one thing where one of the few things in life where you really don’t need a talent you can create your talent a talent would

Maybe help if you have a natural talent for it but honestly it’s really just a bad practice so practice and then you have the skill and then you what you really need then maybe is a little bit of luck to get a name for yourself to get out there and then

To get the good jobs that you want um so that’s what I wanted to do and could have done but yeah kind of like that with music yeah I suppose so more or less yeah a lot more more luck necessary with music than with art I think I think there’s like a million musicians and bands out there that make really good music and will never make as much money from it as like I know Beyonce or so or Paramore or whoever never just because they don’t get the chance for it um feeling okay after that walk from Emily

Lane yeah yeah I’m fine I’m you know as I said just during the Minecraft stream too I’m feeling pretty content content right now I’m okay I’m okay I mean there’s there’s constantly also some negative things in my life negative influences but um this this time we spent together makes up for it mm-hmm and so generally it’s overpowering it and I feel I feel good right now Stop being sappy and all that but God’s sake uh we we dig so deep deep deep talk we would dig it so deep that we almost fell into lava guys but still no diamonds maybe the diamonds is the tears that we cried along the way they’re just as sparkly ah

Whereas minus five thousands yeah I am frog on toast um plans no ideas yes We hit bedrock let’s stop digging now where was I anyway I have Flappy boys thank you for the red super chat mwah let’s leave it at that shall we miss visit Super Snake Mario dance Flappy boy here laughs oopsie I tangented too much waiting for that kiss forever he fell asleep by the end of my story Asks for art background gets life story instead well I mean I mean the context since I’m getting a lot of complaints about a lot of chickens pooping everywhere and our entire need of diapers help there you go there you go see here’s someone with with older sanity to themselves I don’t know what to do they don’t really agree with me they don’t they’re really really rebellious about the diaper I’m sorry Poncho we’ll have to teach them just how to go to the toilet normally Yeah let’s teach him in the usual room I think that will help you need excuse me lunch box why do I laughs if you really think it’s the solution I’ll wear one but are you actually okay with changing all of our diapers all the time For some chickens their job will be diaper Changers you know surely someone will do it That this one’s over took longer than it needed to be because I am tangent Queen Here’s my marvelous thumbnail for the Widow fight a hit let’s go Joe Jacob Duncan Stratus fighting for the pinky intention is my birthday tomorrow and this is my second year sending a birthday superchat oh oh thank you just want to thank you for always being amazing I’m happy to call

You one of my Aussies one of them huh okay I wish for uh all I wish was hopefully you can maybe sing me Happy Birthday I will I will I will Hey happy birthday to you happy birthday to your shoes It’s your second birthday Happy birthday to you happy birthday happy birthday in your shoes [Applause] Cause I’m a phoenix So what we learn from that is that there is one another one or see that you should have and that is yeah happy birthday Strat is fun are you here stratisfy while you’re watching someone else’s dream huh I mean I think the best argument really

Is that I am a phoenix I’ll be I can I can be there forever for you so your other oceans are they Eternal like me hmm if they are okay I’ll think of another argument but at the moment I’m feeling pretty confident about that one

So you know you don’t seem to be here but I help you pick this one up in the VOD thank you so much Literally half of myth is Immortal yeah but who knows who knows who your ooshies are satisfy who knows I don’t know you’re not telling me you’re welcome to tell me though they might just be gone this is two or three days later just kidding uh Sammy but or same budget a hole anole What I understood they might just be going on a vacation or something I don’t know Bob Duncan them you know I was almost worried because I was late but then I remember who these girls are I got here almost like 40 minutes late still haven’t started yeah still preparing but

You should be thankful because if we were already completely prepared by the start of the stream then the stream would have been five minutes long because then we would have slayed the river immediately and then that’s it so it was good that there was a lot of preparation hmm Yeah on time if that is true we even started on time Jacob 47.00 and Jacob thanks for the pinky I like how before Jacob’s Super Chat is cyrex saying River you will whoever whoever you already or not here it comes that’s before the fight at 1 hour 20 and at one hour 23

Jacob sends a Super Chat saying congratulations So anti-climatic man thanks Jacob maybe another cold thanks for the pinky too good job now find the Bedrock version of the Wither if you want a challenge oh is it very different Bedrock version how is it well how is it different Java is much different than the weather in Bedrock more harder why does he just have more HP or it spawns Weber skeletons to help it and why does it why why is Java often so different why did I do that just make it the same it’s weird thank you

More experience summons and that would have been way more interesting I would have been fine for me fine in my book Java was the OG version Oh Bedrock is the one that is really different oh so they saw the Java with her and they were like well that’s [ __ ] let’s make it more difficult okay I appreciate that but I will not play Bedrock just for that um we should have different stages to the

Fight yeah it would be cool if the weather changes up and gets like bigger and more heads or whatever More scary maybe easier for children for Java I feel like more children would play Bedrock for some reason of this image that they do Oh it doesn’t work with mods or privateers oh really um sorry thank you for the pinky most epic battle I’ve ever seen especially a fight with the whole truly glorious yeah I was like panicking for a moment when I fell into somewhere because I thought it was important no I was more

Panicking because at that point I saw oh he’s going down fast and I wanted to do some more damage before he dies while I’m stuck in the hole yeah um I was really I don’t know if you can say it was 10 out of 10 cyric you you are

Very ironic in that one aren’t you thank God Ena pulled Acro yeah I’m surprised she survived so long did he never like hit her properly how did she survive so long it was constantly aggroating on a huh She kept eating the carrots damn but like when you eat you get slower and all that so she still managed to run away so well good job oh without that if somebody else would have accidentally aggroaded like me I don’t know if it would have gone so well

Because I was panicking about eating the carrots when I tried thank God it wasn’t necessary most of the time uh yeah Dodge buff Excel region the whole time anyway anyway anyway uh the Diamond Double Jones and amancy that’s it So now it’s five hours I think I’ll take a break now eat something and then um practice some songs I also gotta do my a couple of deadline recordings I’ll do that before I eat I think no I guess it’s already past midnight in Japan I think so I should do it now Okay thank you guys for watching I’ll see you later in the car okay uh you’re welcome to send me suggestions I guess on Twitter I’m already doing my best to learn songs uh the Korean ones so I don’t promise I can like learn a lot of new songs English ones but no

Feel free to send me recommendations for songs that you think I know maybe okay there is no karaoke waiting room yet that’s another thing I have to do it’s in five hours so see you then in the German Wednesday I’ll feed us then thank you for watching Um Oh thank you for 20 memberships alrighty are there even 29 members in here huh you guys are getting access to the wonderful upcoming members only wallpaper it’s gonna be hmm so good keep an eye open for that first of May bye bye See you later Thank you foreign Foreign Foreign Foreign

This video, titled ‘【MINECRAFT】Early Bird Get The Work Done!! #kfp #キアライブ’, was uploaded by Takanashi Kiara Ch. hololive-EN on 2023-04-26 15:42:19. It has garnered 64267 views and 8023 likes. The duration of the video is 04:11:51 or 15111 seconds.

stream my new song! ☯Takanashi Kiara – DO U☯ MV: https://youtu.be/QI96hnhcr2E STREAM:https://cover.lnk.to/DOU

💃 Takanashi Kiara – Fever Night 💃 MV: https://youtu.be/SF4rteXN57w Streaming: https://cover.lnk.to/FeverNight

✨ Takanashi Kiara – SPARKS ✨ MV: https://youtu.be/Lq9eqHDKJPE Streaming: https://kiara.streamlink.to/SPARKS

💖 Takanashi Kiara – Heart Challenger 💖 MV: https://youtu.be/KpSLiHAYe7k Streaming: https://kiara.streamlink.to/HeartChallenger

🔥 Takanashi Kiara – HINOTORI 🔥 MV: https://youtu.be/eDfMDkgheQY Streaming: https://kiara.streamlink.to/hinotori

🏵️[Twitter] 🏵️ https://twitter.com/takanashikiara

🏵️[Hashtags] 🏵️ #kfp #キアライブ#hololiveenglish #holomyth #takanashikiara FANART #KFPicasso

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Shaders: Sildur https://sildurs-shaders.github.io/


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    Block Battle: JAVA vs LEGO in Minecraft In the world of Minecraft, where creativity thrives, I bring you the news in rhythm and vibes. From JAVA to LEGO, the battle is real, In the virtual world, where players can feel. Subscribe to my channel, hit like and comment, For more Minecraft updates, I’m always content. With scenes from creators like Axol and more, I craft unique content, never a bore. Fair Use guidelines, I follow with care, Creating new videos, a process I share. It takes time and effort, about six hours, To bring you content, with creative powers. So join me in Minecraft, where memes… Read More

  • MINECRAFT: The Lava Hot Meme!

    MINECRAFT: The Lava Hot Meme! Why did the creeper break up with his girlfriend? Because she kept blowing up his phone! #minecraftmeme #relationshipproblems Read More

  • EPIC Twist in Minecraft ATM 9 #11!

    EPIC Twist in Minecraft ATM 9 #11!Video Information This video, titled ‘[Minecraft ATM 9 #11] But What If They Weren’t The Final Preparations’, was uploaded by 氷上竜二Ch Hikami Ryuji Channel on 2024-09-26 03:18:23. It has garnered 27 views and 4 likes. The duration of the video is 02:44:55 or 9895 seconds. Stream Rules: -Don’t bring any sensitive topics like politcs, religion etc. -Be kind a respectiful to everyone -Don’t mention other vtubers unless it’s relevant to the current topic -Don’t spam -Don’t self promote -Don’t give any advices on the game being played unless asked Read More

  • Undercover Chatting in Minecraft!

    Undercover Chatting in Minecraft!Video Information This video, titled ‘【Minecraft】Let’s explore! Chatting in disguise 👁️’, was uploaded by Yomi Gardenia Ch. on 2024-08-23 00:28:02. It has garnered 214 views and 37 likes. The duration of the video is 05:10:00 or 18600 seconds. 👻 Yo-hooo! Hello! 🌼👻 I am Yomi, ghost VTuber streaming from beyond the grave! Today, let’s walk around and see pretty places in Minecraft! I’m Yomi, ghost VTuber streaming from beyond! Today, let’s walk around Minecraft and see beautiful places! 🌼 Minecraft is a game by Mojang. https://www.minecraft.net/ 🌼 Texture pack: Mizuno’s 16 Craft https://mizunomcmemo.blogspot.com/2023/06/mizunos-16-craft-java-edition-120.html ✿ ✿ ✿ 👻 Twitter → https://twitter.com/yomigardenia… Read More

  • INSANE Minecraft world tour by coleisprettygreat

    INSANE Minecraft world tour by coleisprettygreatVideo Information This video, titled ‘Minecraft world showcase’, was uploaded by coleisprettygreat on 2024-09-07 03:06:37. It has garnered 10455 views and 1192 likes. The duration of the video is 00:22:52 or 1372 seconds. interior decoration still on point Read More

  • Minecraft Français Twitch Epic Action! LIVE AATROX SLAYERS, Revs & Eman Predictions + More! Subscribe now!

    Minecraft Français Twitch Epic Action! LIVE AATROX SLAYERS, Revs & Eman Predictions + More! Subscribe now!Video Information This video, titled ‘[FR] LIVE AATROX SLAYERS, Revs, Eman Predictions & + !! !subgoal !stuff !hy | Minecraft Highlights!’, was uploaded by minecraft français twitch highlights on 2024-02-11 13:09:06. It has garnered 36 views and 2 likes. The duration of the video is 00:06:17 or 377 seconds. Stream highlights posted daily. Please like and subscribe for more content! What was your favorite clip? Let us know in the comments below! If you own the content in this video and want to be excluded from this and future videos please contact us: https://bit.ly/3gCy2Ml PATREON ———————————————— https://www.patreon.com/dailytwitchhighlights894/membership As you may… Read More

  • Join Skeleton for Minecraft lifesteal smp 🔥💀 Now live!

    Join Skeleton for Minecraft lifesteal smp 🔥💀 Now live!Video Information This video, titled ‘🔥New Start of Minecraft Lifesteal smp ( public smp) | Join now’, was uploaded by skeleton is live on 2024-02-26 16:04:40. It has garnered 182 views and 12 likes. The duration of the video is 00:19:37 or 1177 seconds. #velorentlive #velorant Hello, Cool Gamers I am Skeleton, and I welcome you all to our fun spot. So, Today I am going to plat Valorantt. it will be adventurous and exciting. You all can join us to play. Thank you, I hope you all have enjoyed this stream so don’t forget to like it, comment, and… Read More

  • Unbelievable find: JJ and Mikey discover hidden treasures in village! – Minecraft

    Unbelievable find: JJ and Mikey discover hidden treasures in village! - MinecraftVideo Information This video, titled ‘How Mikey and JJ Found TREASURES Under VILLAGE ? – Minecraft (Maizen)’, was uploaded by JJ MAIZEN & Mikey on 2024-06-21 17:00:27. It has garnered 10554 views and 51 likes. The duration of the video is 01:06:21 or 3981 seconds. How Mikey and JJ Found TREASURES Under VILLAGE ? – Minecraft (Maizen) This is not an official Maizen channel, we make fan videos with Mikey and JJ. Our channel is exclusively for fans of Maizen. We’re not trying to impersonate his personality, we just want to add new and interesting stories to his characters. We… Read More

  • Dungeon Time in Minecraft Bedrock 1.21 – Insane Treasure Hunt

    Dungeon Time in Minecraft Bedrock 1.21 - Insane Treasure HuntVideo Information This video, titled ‘Cool Looking Dungeon Time! | Minecraft Bedrock Guide 1.21’, was uploaded by Prowl8413 on 2024-07-26 02:31:55. It has garnered 3832 views and 248 likes. The duration of the video is 03:59:01 or 14341 seconds. Become a YouTube Member and join my community server! Our servers are sponsored by Sparked Host and are always very active, with events every month. Minecraft Bedrock Guide 1.21 is a Guide based Lets Play series. In this world I progress through the game, and will guide you on everything from the basics of gameplay, up through more difficult to understand… Read More

  • Unlock the Secrets to Trymacs’ Success NOW

    Unlock the Secrets to Trymacs' Success NOWVideo Information This video, titled ‘HILFE FÜR TRYMACS ist DA! | Minecraft Elements 2 Deutsch Folge 33’, was uploaded by Varietytime on 2024-08-24 16:00:14. It has garnered 416 views and 7 likes. The duration of the video is 01:59:56 or 7196 seconds. Welcome to the Minecraft project Elements 2 in German. Help for Trymacs is here! Have fun with the video! Participant: https://tinyurl.com/Teilnehmer-Elements-2 ✘ The best streaming products: https://elgato.sjv.io/R5QN0R ✘ The best gaming boosters at LevlUp: http://levlup.de/?ref=gtime ✘ Cheap servers: https://goo.gl/RhEDU1 👾: https://www.twitch.tv/gtimetv 📸: https://www.instagram.com/bildertime/ 🕊️: https://twitter.com/GamersTimeTV 🎬(Main): https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCMa7ctywc_TEKI_lKlpS-YA Discord: https://discord.gg/gtimetv ▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬ ★ Music ★ Here you can always find… Read More

  • Insane Minecraft Tap Trick Goes Viral!

    Insane Minecraft Tap Trick Goes Viral!Video Information This video, titled ‘Minecraft decorative tap#shortvideo#subscribe#like#minecraft#trending#song’, was uploaded by THARA GAMING on 2024-04-17 05:31:48. It has garnered 156 views and likes. The duration of the video is 00:00:26 or 26 seconds. Read More

  • Monarchia

    MonarchiaWelcome to Monarchia, a Towny Minecraft server with a closed gold economy and tons of awesome features! Whether you’re into epic land and sea battles with Siege and Movecraft, intense duels with cool kits, or riding into combat on your trusty horse, we’ve got you covered. You can also explore the world with BlueMap, brew some virtual drinks with our alcohol plugin, and dive into so much more. There’s always something exciting happening on Monarchia—come join the adventure! join.monarchia.fun Read More

  • LeafXP-TerraFirmaGreg modded SMP

    Welcome to our Discord community! We are a small community running several game servers. Recently, we opened a TFG modpack server and are looking for active players! TerraFirmaGreg is a Forge modpack that adds realism and challenge to Minecraft gameplay by including TerraFirmaCraft and GregTech mods. Learn more about the modpack here. The server is online 24/7 and includes a mod for region protection (1 player can private 50 chunks). Join us at https://ds.leafxp.net Read More

  • Minecraft Memes – Crafty Crafting: 5 Sizzling Minecraft Hacks

    Minecraft Memes - Crafty Crafting: 5 Sizzling Minecraft HacksWhy did the creeper go to therapy? Because it had too much TNTsion! Read More

  • Flight Fiasco: Dreamcraft #4 Takes Off, Chaos Unleashed!

    Flight Fiasco: Dreamcraft #4 Takes Off, Chaos Unleashed! In Dreamcraft #4, we finally take flight, But the topic’s gone wild, it’s out of sight! Minecraft news, with a twist of fun, Updates and changes, we’ve only just begun. Join the adventure, with Mustafa in tow, Crafting and building, with each new show. Stay tuned for more, as we soar and we dive, In the world of Minecraft, where dreams come alive. Read More

  • Minecraft World gets blown up by TNT! 🔥

    Minecraft World gets blown up by TNT! 🔥 When you accidentally set off the wrong TNT in Minecraft and suddenly your world looks like a fireworks show gone wrong. #oops #minecraftfail 🎆🔥 Read More

  • Minecraft: Back to Basics

    Minecraft: Back to Basics Exploring the Vanilla Minecraft Experience Today, Minecraft enthusiasts are embarking on a journey back to the roots of the game – the vanilla experience in a fresh, untouched world. The decision to start anew stems from the frustration and longing for the simplicity of the game without the added complexities of mods like Vein Miner. Embracing the Pure Essence of Minecraft Returning to the vanilla version of Minecraft allows players to rediscover the core elements that make the game so captivating. Without the crutch of mods, every block mined, every structure built, and every adventure embarked upon feels more… Read More

  • Unbelievable NEW Monuments in Modded Minecraft!!

    Unbelievable NEW Monuments in Modded Minecraft!!Video Information This video, titled ‘Modded Minecraft JAVA [Fabric Edition] – New Monuments – Episode 2’, was uploaded by MoltenmapG on 2024-09-23 06:27:09. It has garnered 142 views and 12 likes. The duration of the video is 01:34:02 or 5642 seconds. JOIN OUR DISCORD SERVER: https://discord.gg/jvFK9dRZU5 Read More

  • Minecraft’s Next Level Textures: Dr. Bonks Edition

    Minecraft's Next Level Textures: Dr. Bonks EditionVideo Information This video, titled ’35 Textures That Would Make Minecraft Better!’, was uploaded by Dr. Bonks on 2024-08-16 20:00:07. It has garnered 212932 views and 3122 likes. The duration of the video is 00:22:45 or 1365 seconds. Thank you for watching: 35 Textures That Would Make Minecraft Better! Make sure to like and subscribe! Resource Packs: https://www.planetminecraft.com/texture-pack/better-banner-pattern-items/ https://modrinth.com/resourcepack/animated-ore https://www.planetminecraft.com/texture-pack/powder-snow-warnings/ https://www.curseforge.com/minecraft/texture-packs/player-utilities https://www.curseforge.com/minecraft/texture-packs/watch-of-undying https://modrinth.com/resourcepack/low-shield-pack https://modrinth.com/resourcepack/enchantment-modifiers https://www.curseforge.com/minecraft/texture-packs/blues-better-monsters https://www.curseforge.com/minecraft/texture-packs/torrezx-sniffer-tools https://www.curseforge.com/minecraft/texture-packs/porkier-piglins-x-fresh-animations https://www.curseforge.com/minecraft/texture-packs/porkier-piglins https://modrinth.com/resourcepack/fairy-allays https://www.planetminecraft.com/mob-skin/mossy-warden-6348709/ https://www.planetminecraft.com/mob-skin/mossy-axolotl-6349698/ https://www.planetminecraft.com/mob-skin/mossy-villager/ https://www.planetminecraft.com/texture-pack/caladbolg-cit-1-19-moltenoni-weapon-texture-pack/ https://www.curseforge.com/minecraft/texture-packs/shrimps-distinct-potions https://www.curseforge.com/minecraft/texture-packs/splendous-sniffers https://www.planetminecraft.com/texture-pack/formidable-frogs/ https://www.planetminecraft.com/texture-pack/better-3d-craft-definitive-edition/ https://www.planetminecraft.com/texture-pack/better-animals-definitive-edition/ https://www.planetminecraft.com/texture-pack/shulker-gift-boxes-2/ https://www.planetminecraft.com/texture-pack/hexabiome-premium-1-16-1-21/ https://www.planetminecraft.com/texture-pack/notlives-s-customizable-statues-1-16/ https://www.curseforge.com/minecraft/texture-packs/enhanced-boss-bars https://www.curseforge.com/minecraft/texture-packs/arachnophobia https://www.curseforge.com/minecraft/texture-packs/the-great-shrimpsby https://www.planetminecraft.com/texture-pack/erstwhile-cit/ https://www.planetminecraft.com/texture-pack/boo-phantom/ https://modrinth.com/resourcepack/bontiful-crops https://modrinth.com/resourcepack/animated-items https://modrinth.com/resourcepack/agamyst-re https://www.planetminecraft.com/texture-pack/platypus-optifine-h5-pre4/ https://www.curseforge.com/minecraft/texture-packs/bees-reimagined https://www.planetminecraft.com/texture-pack/beebav-dragon/ https://www.planetminecraft.com/texture-pack/beebav-optifine/ https://www.planetminecraft.com/texture-pack/fake-portal-1-16-1-20-2/ https://www.planetminecraft.com/texture-pack/reverse-world-1-16-1-20-2/ https://www.curseforge.com/minecraft/texture-packs/cat-creepers https://www.planetminecraft.com/texture-pack/pets-5644493/ https://www.planetminecraft.com/texture-pack/understandable-potions/ https://www.curseforge.com/minecraft/texture-packs/ghosts https://www.curseforge.com/minecraft/texture-packs/angry-dragons… Read More

  • Insane Gamer vs Smart Zombies: Epic Minecraft Telugu Survival

    Insane Gamer vs Smart Zombies: Epic Minecraft Telugu SurvivalVideo Information This video, titled ‘Over Smart Zombies: Survival Challenge in Minecraft Telugu | GMK GAMER’, was uploaded by GMK GAMER on 2024-05-11 03:30:07. It has garnered 18448 views and 1213 likes. The duration of the video is 00:16:13 or 973 seconds. ✔ Follow Me On Insta : https://www.instagram.com/gmk_gamer_yt/ ✔Join My discord : https://discord.gg/CVTvac7 gmkgamer minecraft gmkgamer minecraft telugu Telugu Minecraft https://youtu.be/nbIjkzikVvM?si=J-mnwXha-Lm93M6P https://www.planetminecraft.com/data-pack/smart-zombie-ai/ _______________________________________________________ My PC Specs : Monitor – Asus 27 inch 144hz 2k Processor – AMD Ryzen 7 5800x Graphic card – NVIDIA RTX 3080Ti Motherboard – Gigabyte B550 Aorus Pro Ac RAM – 32GB (16+16) Corsair Vengeance… Read More

  • Unleash Chaos: Instant Sensor Nuke in Minecraft

    Unleash Chaos: Instant Sensor Nuke in MinecraftVideo Information This video, titled ‘How To Make Sensor Nuke in Minecraft (Easy)’, was uploaded by Quick Fix on 2024-03-15 13:00:33. It has garnered 12 views and 0 likes. The duration of the video is 00:01:06 or 66 seconds. How To Make Sensor Nuke in Minecraft (Easy) In this video I will show you how to make a working nuke in minecraft also how to make a nuke in minecraft pocket edition. Watch video till the end and learn how to make a nuke in minecraft no mods and how to make a nuke in minecraft. Create a Sensor Nuke… Read More

  • Insane Physics in Minecraft?! You won’t believe it! #minecraft

    Insane Physics in Minecraft?! You won't believe it! #minecraftVideo Information This video, titled ‘Minecraft, de van fizika #minecraft #minecraftmemes #minecraftmoment #shorts #vicces #kovix’, was uploaded by kovix on 2024-07-22 11:43:07. It has garnered 106890 views and 4197 likes. The duration of the video is 00:00:31 or 31 seconds. Minecraft but with physics #minecraft #minecraftmemes #minecraftmoment #shorts #funny #kovix inspiration: https://www.youtube.com/@notvixios The server was provided by Woodcraft 💙 this is a minecraft smp, which is an abbreviation of survival multiplayer, this is a server where there is no bedwars minecraft game in Hungarian, I am Hun Hungarian, so this is mc in Hungarian, mc Hun, Hungarian server woodcraft is… Read More

  • Uncover Ultimate Arceus Location! Goodbye Pokemon! 😮

    Uncover Ultimate Arceus Location! Goodbye Pokemon! 😮Video Information This video, titled ‘MINECRAFT PIXELMON SIÊU CẤP *TẬP CUỐI | LỘC CHINH PHỤC ARCEUS TỐI THƯỢNG VÀ CHIA TAY TẤT CẢ POKEMON❗’, was uploaded by Lộc Zutaki on 2024-08-19 02:00:13. It has garnered 447526 views and 10839 likes. The duration of the video is 00:53:50 or 3230 seconds. ✔️MINECRAFT PIXELMON SUPERIOR *FINAL EPISODE | LOC CONQUERS THE SUPREME ARCEUS AND SAY GOODBYE TO ALL POKEMON❗ 📺Hello everyone, I’m Loc and I’m just a new Youtuber so I hope you can guide me and help me enthusiastically. 💒If you like the video, don’t hesitate to click the like button… Read More

  • Josh goes CRAZY playing God of War LIVE!

    Josh goes CRAZY playing God of War LIVE!Video Information This video, titled ‘PLAYING GOD OF WAR FOR THE FIRST TIME!!! (and minecraft later) *LIVE*’, was uploaded by Josh Bad on 2024-05-23 08:15:58. It has garnered 95 views and 7 likes. The duration of the video is 05:08:34 or 18514 seconds. https://discord.gg/cm2ZkkPS kick.com/joshbad twitch.tv/JoshxBad Read More

  • Surviving 2.5 Days in Hardcore Minecraft – FULL MOVIE

    Surviving 2.5 Days in Hardcore Minecraft - FULL MOVIEVideo Information This video, titled ‘I Survived 2.5 Days In Hardcore Minecraft [FULL MOVIE]’, was uploaded by Sunny on 2024-09-01 21:30:04. It has garnered views and [vid_likes] likes. The duration of the video is or seconds. Okay bro. It’s time to be serious na. Im back now- Like im really back i have said it before but i mean it now. Yall ready for this grind … Read More

  • Furious Fortune: Ultimate Ender Dragon Battle! Who will win? #minecraft

    Furious Fortune: Ultimate Ender Dragon Battle! Who will win? #minecraftVideo Information This video, titled ‘Ender Dragon vs Minecraft mobs(CRAZY BATTLE)[Find the stronger] #minecraft #shorts #furiousfortune’, was uploaded by Furious Fortune on 2024-05-31 13:37:53. It has garnered views and [vid_likes] likes. The duration of the video is or seconds. Ender Dragon vs Minecraft mobs(CRAZY BATTLE)[Find the stronger] #minecraft #furiousfortune #shorts #battle *Disclaimer:* The … Read More

  • OniMc

    OniMcWhat is OniMC? OniMC is more than just another Minecraft server, it’s the start of a dynamic gaming network. We’re launching with the BoxPvP game mode, but that’s only the beginning. Our vision is to create a diverse network of game modes, ensuring there’s something for everyone. Why Play on OniMC? Early Access: Be among the first to experience OniMC by applying for early access. Help shape the server and contribute to its development before the official release. Community-Led Content: Your voice matters! We actively listen to feedback from our community to enhance and refine the server. Network Expansion: OniMC… Read More

  • Flare SMP – Semi-Vanilla SMP – whitelist

    Join a Relaxed Long Term Community! About Us: The Flare Community and its Flare SMP were founded on April 14, 2023, by Antimony_Sb and a creative director. The server offers a relaxed semi-vanilla experience in a mature environment without a planned end. What Sets Us Apart from Vanilla? We offer unique features such as Dynmap, Bolt, mcMMO, GSit, FlareDeathMessages, Pets, Cosmetics, Decorations, and more. We are an international community with English as the primary language. We have a summer event starting soon and are developing a second server named “Flare Adventures” inspired by MMORPG games. Feel free to drop by… Read More

  • Minecraft Memes – MADE THE ATHER: THE MOVIE

    Minecraft Memes - MADE THE ATHER: THE MOVIELooks like someone needs to pass Minecraft spelling class before they start making movies. Read More

[MINECRAFT]Early Bird Get The Work Done!! #kfp #Kia Live