Minecraft’s Natural Disaster Mod Is Stupidly Funny

Video Information

We added the natural disaster mod to minecraft this made the game so much funnier certainly surprising boys we’re almost at 5 million subscribers so thank you so much most new viewers find my videos annoying so if you enjoy any part of this video then please do subscribe

I would really appreciate it thank you all again and enjoy this video okay you ready jesus christ oh Um a disaster is gonna strike us wilbur feels like a disaster well well it’s just it’s fitting it out okay can we board as a shelter please you know i’m self-conscious of rain well we could just do with at least a little area does he not know it’s pissing it down

With the rain he’s turned into a cow he’s further along phil i’m really bad with rain i’m i’m you know i’m raynophobic i see rain and i can’t stop insulting it well bury you are you okay i’m thinking about you okay i’m thinking about everything me and mule are gonna do together

Okay okay okay all right okay let’s build as well as a house together no that’s i want to live with actually i don’t want to live with the mule man i’ll live with you do you think you could just go check on wilbur’s being a bit weird I don’t want to leave this place stop i’ll stay in here fellas the wind’s clearing up let’s go out and breathe wilbur and turbo do you want to come explore with us i’m not allowed to leave actually will but you you can stay here will but you

Can actually stay here if you no no i’m coming with you no no you don’t you don’t have to can i come no okay phil i think we’ll be fine by ourselves yeah i think we’ll be okay i think we’ll explore this world by ourselves guys it looks like we’re trapped in here

With mule boy and the old man hey phil what’s it like being the biggest porridge fan in the world i don’t even like porridge that much i haven’t had it in years my wife make me porridge in the morning and she made me pour it in the evening but not in the afternoon

Hello friend you can come outside now that was the test you can’t come outside i was testing you you failed the test now i have to it’s try dark in it just me and mule it’s so clear and lovely and i’m just i’m just completely trapped in here with this

I feel like i’m slowly losing my mind phil phil can you you keep mining phil we’ll go and just see what they’re up to okay how is it big guy it’s good it’s good i uh oh it started raining again how did you know it’s raining turbo

No no no no i did i can hear it good because if i were if i were to see you outside of your prison tubbo no what the [ __ ] is going on with you dude hello i’m coming inside you’re coming in oh wow you bet it’s so nice in here let

There be like oh my wow it’s windy it’s windy guys guys it’s literally please please come here he’s screaming tubber i am screaming because if you see it outside can we please work together here with it guys just watch just watch watch his mouth it’s his mouth

Oh my god guys there’s a bit of a disaster going on this is worse than this is worse than every tragedy ever please can you come outside why would i come outside if we’re all together we’ll be better we’re better as a pack like penguins

You want to be a penguin with me don’t eat penguins mate for life i don’t want to be wilber’s mate for life but you said we were penguins i don’t think you quite know what mate means to her in the context of penguins i’m just going to go speak to wilbur hey

Guys hey hey what’s up down here i’ve just been thinking about oh my god wilbur are you guys okay we’re fine hey we are fine if you don’t go away we’re gonna start spite dying you need iron jack just get it out of the house oh thank you phil what’s your

Opinion on um prunes prunes i hear you guys love them you guys okay sorry next time there’s an event after it’s gone i’m gonna put you straight into the [ __ ] sun jack jack he’s getting angry he told me if i didn’t go away they’d start spite dying i don’t know what that means

[Applause] don’t look in there my friend don’t go to the mule bits shop it’s some horrific [ __ ] in there he’s coming no he’s coming back over to me what’s he doing hey what do i play anything to do with your mule business i have a plan come to the home come to the

Home i’m under it i’m at the home right now come on come upstairs he struggles with the stairs and he struggles with his words all right [ __ ] you guys you’re not getting any of this no no no phil please please please it’s fine tommy we’ll inherit it one day

One day soon in the next week or so we should probably build you a grave actually just what with the what with the current state of the world and the you know there you go like gravy like what you put on your sunday dinner i’m gonna go talk to [ __ ] will okay

Wait wait listen to me i’ve got us all this all right i’ve got us all something special if things get risky out there just put this on and it’ll all be good all right let’s go let’s go Hey guys hey guys please you already said you really said you want the mules random phil you [ __ ] no i don’t wanna Okay okay i can’t see [ __ ] but it’s okay we are child protection services i actually need food i’m on one heart i don’t have any no i’m gonna take him out i’m gonna be the po-po wilbur wilbur i’ve saw what is this operation of yours then hey

I can hear cries from behind you i can hear cries wilbur i can eat the cries of a distorted child i um um wait jack i have an idea i named this one what the [ __ ] is this this is the swap [ __ ] this is the swap

Ah okay man down man down my a am i can we can we we need to we need to speak to the child in the basement wilbur wilbur you know what to tell them right yeah you just go and speak to wilbur and phil i’ll just go speak to turbo turbo

Are you okay that’s really really unsure answer is this your what is this my home are you okay my What did you sell for that mule bits anything else going on in the uh in the mule bits business what’s that for okay about the environment okay i’ll give you this whip all right this was bestowed upon me from my great great great grandfather who stood right there

Just so you know whip him if you if he ever goes too far all right okay go go go go go go go go go am i being detained i don’t even know well i just might be entertained i don’t know how is he in charge right now get out get out okay

You know we’re getting out of here we’re getting out of here phil phil give him some give him some life advice he’s full of it he’s full of a life advice walk with me phil walk with me okay when i started mule bits i had one goal in mind

To sell bits of mule to the world right right we’re living through the worst meteorological disasters the world has seen in many years and i thought my mule bits could help improve this world you know bring it all up to scratch you could say i like to

Think i was on the right page phil i know we haven’t spoken much but i want to truly say this as long as nothing bad happens in the next three seconds we will be best friends forever Oh well that’s certainly surprising oh my god well there goes my there goes tub What’s this this is beautiful and pvp why did you do that i need to get out of here what’s happened to my business my house my business my home He’s a witch in the tornado oh wait guys guys i’m [ __ ] flying i found you jack mate phil phil what are your last words you’re gonna die from the shock oh i’m totally fine what do you mean no no you’re not you’re not phil your heart’s gonna fail

To keep checking your blood pressure monitor i had one simple dream oh i’m falling i’m falling back down manifold Tell my wife i cheated on her several times over back to back back to back it was a horrible night and i don’t regret it tommy where are you tell me the car [Applause] manifold phil i didn’t have insurance phil it’s okay we can rebuild still i’m uninsured no no no phil you don’t understand you don’t understand phil you don’t understand they’re going to investigate the property and they’re going to find so many drugs i thought the drugs were a secret

They’re going to come and they’re going to do they’re going to do a reimbursement evaluation on the property and they’re going to find so much oh my god why have you broken open my mouth crates what is that oh sorry i didn’t what is that oh are they underground good question

Phil i don’t know what to think look at the crates I’m going to be serving quite a long time in prison over the next following months especially child labor like jesus wilbur turbo this storm’s only getting worse would you like to move in with us the only rule is no cigarettes and no [ __ ] well i think we’re out of the equation okay though

You can do them outside yeah child labor is more than fine in fact you know what we encourage it no they that’s no we don’t we don’t hello we got like okay uh wilbur what’s what’s what’s happened to you this is our house wilbur knock on my door

Hello how can i help uh i’m this is how you’re my you live with me sorry is this are you trying to sell me something no this is my home okay thank you uh not interested no money no danello i don’t speak that guys we’ve been kicked out

We’ve been evicted and and we have 21 minutes i have nothing jack but think about we have the power of friendship hey that’s not worth much to me okay you literally you literally you were on about five seconds ago no no it’s not my system i did a lot of yoga

All right okay well okay can someone who who’s the biggest man here me you you’re not i’m incredibly incredibly tall and muscular and i scream testosterone okay hey you’ve convinced me can you please come and help me we need to move in boys if there’s one language i can speak it’s uh wilbur

We need Can at least one of us move in with you what with the storm coming that one the police officer can i move in please this group can stay tommy go make yourself a new house goodbye i said you need to do more yoga what the [ __ ]

Okay no no it’s fine it’s fine i’m i’m desensitized to it i’ll make a tree house i’ll make a tree house and i’ll ask women to come over [Applause] Oh my god this is like back at school when i bullied people but this time i’m getting bullied okay you know what no worries no no no i have something up my sleeve oh yeah me and my lady i’ll guess i’ll put a rooftop over our heads

Bertrhood hope you’re okay baby hey hey tobo eat this eat this it’ll help you with the withdrawals i actually will be eating that and crunching get a roof over her head first i always prioritize the lady in the relationship he started speaking about some movie

About meth and i got really tired of it are you coming to move in with me and hot [ __ ] sexy ass hot lady she’s hot you know oh my if i saw her if i saw her i would literally i would subscribe to her ass right now literally if i watched her youtube

Channel jack i would i would smash the subscribe button look at this mess look at everything look at this look tommy’s making himself a girlfriend and everything i say we kill them do you think those are minecraft you did invent this game yeah you did you actually did

He left he’s gone oh my gosh guys they’re gonna kill us what i doubt they would i doubt they would why do you think they plot to kill us what do they have against hot women huh because they literally said let’s make a plot to kill them you need a place of worship

Maybe how about this if there is a god which i assure you there’s not he’s given me nothing but pain and hardship right so i want to say god if you are there and you do love me smite those three in the next five seconds

Oh god it’s a lie religion is fake tobo yeah whoa whoa this must be god his plan like from that he’s talking he’s talking what’s he saying what’s he saying what’s he saying he says he wants cobble stairs he says he wants cobble stairs okay guys we have 12 minutes until the disaster

Him guys guys you’re acting insane right now it’s going to come and kill us it’s the storm you’ve got to come and get in our house think of think of your whip oh no he’s too far gone he’s too far gone Safe to save ourselves sacrifice him holy [ __ ] he’s got a jack you idiot you stupid [ __ ] listen to me i’m on the monument you’re going to you’re just going to die if you stay out here you know what fellas let’s start beating them let’s tell them we’re the coppers let’s go

Okay no no listen to me we have enough time we whip them we whip them and then we and then we and then we take them home believe me believe me i’ve done this before but not in this context oh god they’re coming it’s a sign

Listen i’m going to whip you unless you come with oh oh wait wait wait no wait no no come with us wait tomorrow it’s not too late for you oh no no jack jack with him weapon tommy please say nothing’s gonna happen just whatever you do

Hang on to your whips and hang on to your wives when you’re up so high you realize how insignificant everything was before when i looked down on the shrine i see how insignificant it was what the [ __ ] i just got hit by a bush okay i’m struggling through it i need to

Get home and see my wife my hot sexy [ __ ] girlfriend one last time it’s 25 seconds what happens what happens in 25 seconds i assume it all goes it all goes downhill very quickly for us come on boys she’s not my wife she’s my girlfriend i don’t believe in marriage

Bill i bet you have so many regrets what are you doing i’m saying goodbye to her i’m oh no what the [ __ ] is that bill said you know minecraft did you code this nope do not climb it do not climb it don’t get away from there just get away from that

It’s a sign wilbur do you not see wilbur at the sign oh my god i found the picture hell wilbur wait wait wait jack jack this is a volcano oh my god this is worse than any wives i’ve ever met well but well for everything you said was true

The pit to hell is true he isn’t real i was wrong when i was up in the sky i saw how small and insignificant you’re not even that hot there is no mule tubbo no this was a mistake is rising up from see police it’s rising it was protected chill jack run

Jump at me in the eyes and do not break my gaze okay kali mark okay i’ve got ladders i’ve got oh my god [Laughter] let’s just make a shelter okay no no no no hollow this out let’s just get a shout out phil hey can you give me a

Shovel can you give me a shovel i don’t have any wood phil can you drop us some wood please or shovel anything i don’t have any wood i’m trying to get food there’s nothing alive everything’s dead tommy well i think we’re okay everything’s [ __ ] dead Failed Ladies and gentlemen you still have your chance to sign up Jack jack bill we gotta go i can barely run like my old legs oh hello there friends how’s it going it’s me your old pal will be sued i’m just a little tornado wilber okay guys guys we’ve got to get in the house i’ve been thinking a lot about about

Radishes and i’ve decided that they are not very good let me in where’s jack i saw a sheep His brain’s been hit by the lava oh i think okay guys we should probably oh [ __ ] everything’s on fire the water stream let’s get the points in the water oh no where am i going now on the ground tommy’s girlfriend she’s put makeup on going on what’s going on where’s my tree

House oh wait jack the block’s still there her head is still there we need to rescue her come on boys oh who runs the world girls girls oh my god girl i miss you i miss you so much let me take your head wait we’re all safe phil we’re all safe

She’s gonna be okay the creeper killed her creeper you died sorry i get exploded a lot these days guys guys i have a horde of girls following me help me they’re doing low with me this is a meteor strike this isn’t too bad from the boy admit like this doesn’t

Seem very i think we can survive this where do you get that knowledge from i was just saying if you look up if this is the meteor strike that’s inbound then i mean let’s find a mule What is it with you you mules and anuses wilbur

This video, titled ‘Minecraft’s Natural Disaster Mod Is Stupidly Funny’, was uploaded by TommyInnit on 2021-01-15 21:30:27. It has garnered 26182559 views and 1014697 likes. The duration of the video is 00:23:53 or 1433 seconds.

STREAMING ON THE DREAM SMP SOMETIMES – https://www.twitch.tv/tommyinnit

Edited by Tommy + Huge Man Editor Yahi ( @Yahiamice )

@WilburPlays @ph1lza @JackManifoldTV @Tubbo

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Today Me, Wilbur Soot, Tubbo, Jack Manifold & Philza Minecraft install the Natural Disaster Mod in Minecraft 1.16.4! Even though I had a Minecraft War with Dream on the Dream Team SMP Minecraft Server today Tubbo went crazy and he is just hilarious and we had lots of laughs. This was so fun, awesome, poggers and cool! This Minecraft Mod uses Natural Disasters which make the game so fun and cool but not Colorblind like GeorgeNotFound – thank god! I Love Minecraft fun. This video was inspired by Slimecicle who did another video first on this and it was very funny & poggers!

The Funniest Minecraft Video Ever with New Funny Mods makes Minecraft 1.16.4 even funnier & hilarious! It is lots of fun and laughs 🙂

Not Minecraft, But Water Rises or Minecraft, But Lava Rises, or any other but challenge like that. This is a speed run / speed runner of Minecraft against a killer / assassin but it is me and my good friends playing the NEW FUNNIEST MINECRAFT MOD EVER!!! POG CHAMP!!!

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    INSANE MINECRAFT CRAFTING on INGITOR SMP!! 🤯🔥 #minecraft #smpVideo Information hey besties how are we doing I can’t lie I have been looking forward to stream like I just have so much fun streaming and I was looking forward to this uh oh I still need a there we go we got the map open that there I’m going to get that there okay now we’re organized and ready to go Charlotte oh my goodness you’re so early today hello how are you doing how is your day going welcome Charlotte welcome okay apparently dippy and Blacky are in a group yes hello Hi how are you I’m… Read More

  • Royal Asylum

    Royal AsylumThe time has come to flee your war torn country and begin your new life as a prisoner of war at the Royal Asylum in the Lost Kingdom! Start as a peasant and mine,chop, and fight for your life to rankup and achieve Noble status through the kingdom. This is a prison experience like no other. We are a Semi-OP RPG Prison server! Rankup by completing quests, mining, and fighting for your life today! LINKS Discord: https://discord.gg/bFRgSKa Forums: https://royalasylummc.enjin.com/ mc.royalasylum.net Read More

  • CozyCraving Vanilla – No Whitelist – No Grief – Survival

    Welcome to Cozy Craving Survival Server! If you’re looking for an unwhitelisted survival server with a fantastic community, you’ve come to the right place. Our server features a plugin that can rollback griefing and looting, giving you peace of mind while you play. The server will never be reset and will grow over time. Connect to our server at: play.cozycraving.com Read More

  • Enceladus NO

    Enceladus NOEnceladus N.U / Saturn Survival (2015-2018)Here you will find a thrilling survival gameplay experience with a friendly economy tuned for fairness in our server. We are grindy/farming based and simply land claim survival. Our brand theme is a hysterical space-medieval with mystery. Use /warp shop to work your way up the economy leaderboard or thrash the PvP monuments with your friends. It is what you make of it here and you can find other various unique beauties in our palace. The snail lords are coming – bring your talents alive and find what’s notable about your creativity! We are simplistic… Read More

  • Minecraft Memes – “Spicy Chest Looting”

    Minecraft Memes - "Spicy Chest Looting"Well, at least this meme scored higher than my chances of surviving a creeper explosion in Minecraft! Read More

  • Crafty Seeds: Minecraft 1.20.5 Survival Island Top 20!

    Crafty Seeds: Minecraft 1.20.5 Survival Island Top 20! In the world of Minecraft, where seeds are sown, I bring you the top 20, all freshly grown. From Stony Edge Island to Lush Cliffs and Icebergs, Each seed is unique, with its own special perks. Cliff Village Island, perched high above, A village on cliffs, a sight to behold and love. Igloo Island, with secrets below, A hidden basement, where zombies may show. Small Forest Island, a cozy retreat, With trees and turtles, a peaceful seat. Flower Islands, a colorful pair, Sunflowers and blooms, a vibrant affair. Witch Hut Island, where magic resides, A cauldron bubbling, where spells… Read More

  • Minecraft trading: Villager hustle 😂🔥 #memes

    Minecraft trading: Villager hustle 😂🔥 #memes “When you accidentally trade your diamond sword for a stack of dirt in Minecraft, and suddenly realize you’ve made a grave mistake. RIP to your hopes of defeating the Ender Dragon with a pile of dirt.” Read More

  • Join Minewind Server for Endless Minecraft Adventures!

    Join Minewind Server for Endless Minecraft Adventures! Welcome to NewsMinecraft.com, where we bring you the latest updates and tips for all things Minecraft! Today, we stumbled upon a fascinating YouTube video titled “INFINITE FUEL IN MINECRAFT | HOW TO MAKE INFINITE FUEL SOURCE IN MINECRAFT” by Viper_Playzz. While the video may not be directly related to Minewind Minecraft Server, it got us thinking about the endless possibilities and creativity that Minecraft has to offer. Imagine a world where you can explore, build, and survive in a community of like-minded players. That’s exactly what you’ll find on Minewind Minecraft Server. With a vast open world, unique gameplay… Read More

  • Insane Minecraft Build Tricks!

    Insane Minecraft Build Tricks! Unlock Your Creative Potential with Minecraft Crazy Build Hacks! Are you ready to revolutionize your Minecraft builds? 🌟 Whether you’re a seasoned architect or just starting out, this video is a goldmine of game-changing build hacks that will take your creations to the next level! 💡🔨 Discover Innovative Building Techniques Get ready to explore a world of secret tricks and creative strategies that will make your Minecraft world truly unique. From hidden passages to jaw-dropping landscapes, these hacks will inspire and transform the way you approach building in Minecraft. Unleash Your Imagination With these innovative building techniques at your… Read More

  • Insane Challenge: 100 Days in Hardcore Minecraft Mods!

    Insane Challenge: 100 Days in Hardcore Minecraft Mods!Video Information hello everyone and welcome to the channel in this video I’m going to be surviving all the mods 9 in hardcore please sit back and enjoy watching me try to Rack my brain around as much of this pack as I possibly can in 100 days what’s going on everybody Welcome to uh 100 days in all the mods 9 what I’m picking up right now is Fluffy seeds they actually when you plant them and grow them they grow uh fluff which gives you uh string three of them make a fluffy string and then you can… Read More

  • Ultimate Modpack Reveal & Beach Building in Minecraft

    Ultimate Modpack Reveal & Beach Building in MinecraftVideo Information e e is that there there we go now my microphone is actually plugged in oh it’s black screen though hold on where is it where is the the stupid pack okay open it no stay stay in the basement stay in the basement you don’t get any food tonight maybe if you worked harder in the sweat shop You’ get P you get you get to eat I’m GNA sneeze I’m gonna sneeze oh my I’m going to sneeze so much okay I’m rolling over plug it in really fast I was stuck in traffic my bad… Read More

  • Bizzie Survives Alone – Insane Minecraft Challenge

    Bizzie Survives Alone - Insane Minecraft ChallengeVideo Information I have already survived 30 days on this island but all of that progress is nothing compared to what you’re about to see in this video Welcome to Minecraft hardcore 100 days on a deserted island when I had started I had absolutely nothing and I can only use what’s provided by this island and nothing more so I’m hoping and praying that there’s diamonds down here because I still only have stone tools after some digging I found them and while I’m this deep I’m going to go ahead and find a lava pool because I told… Read More

  • Satisfying Parkour & Pixel Art – PPL Request 3,125

    Satisfying Parkour & Pixel Art - PPL Request 3,125Video Information This video, titled ‘Satisfying Minecraft Profile Pixel Art ( PPL Request YT ) Part 3,125December 14, 2023’, was uploaded by Relaxing Minecraft Parkour on 2023-12-14 09:15:46. It has garnered 2758 views and 200 likes. The duration of the video is 00:01:01 or 61 seconds. Satisfying Minecraft Profile Pixel Art ( PPL Request YT ) Part 3,125 #minecraftpe #algorithm #artist you can get your short request video and post on your youtube channel mentioned me. if you also want to make your profiAle, just comment and then like the video. Please be patient if it takes a long time… Read More

  • 🌟 Join the 24/7 Minecraft Adventure NOW! 🔥🚀

    🌟 Join the 24/7 Minecraft Adventure NOW! 🔥🚀Video Information This video, titled ‘”🚀 Minecraft Public SMP: Join the 24/7 Adventure NOW! 🔥🌐 #MINECRAFTLIVE #SMP’, was uploaded by ChillMode Gaming on 2024-03-06 07:07:00. It has garnered views and [vid_likes] likes. The duration of the video is or seconds. Dive into the ultimate Minecraft adventure on our Public SMP – Join 24/7 and experience the excitement NOW! Highlights: … Read More

  • Insane Minecraft Surprise! Don’t Blink… #shorts

    Insane Minecraft Surprise! Don't Blink... #shortsVideo Information to hit the road and laugh but something told me that it wouldn’t last had to switch up look at things different see the bigger picture those were the days hard work forever P now I see you in a better place how we about everything I would do you was standing there by my side and now you going to be with me for the last ride been a long day without you and I’ll tell you all about it when I see you again I see you again we’ve come a long way from where we… Read More

  • “Exploring Florist’s Island – EPIC Minecraft Seed Reaction!” #minecraft #seeds

    "Exploring Florist's Island - EPIC Minecraft Seed Reaction!" #minecraft #seedsVideo Information welcome to reaction seeds let’s go do you like the charer B I was given this seed for Bedrock Edition I leave it right here on the screen let’s go okay we stay in wow in water okay more water and we have in the spon a cherry be wow it’s a is land and we have a small beom of snow ah for me this is the have more Iceland and we have a more bioms oh a village it’s more along of the spoon I like this seed because we have more more Iceland and we… Read More

  • Betrayal in Minecraft Minigames – EVIELUTION!! 🤯 #shocking #drama

    Betrayal in Minecraft Minigames - EVIELUTION!! 🤯 #shocking #dramaVideo Information everybody’s [Music] crazy eeve you were just standing there nobody was touching you I had to do something wa why did you do this to me I I could have stayed on and you hit me up this is a competition there’s no friends This video, titled ‘Minecraft BETRAYAL!!! #minecraft #minecraftminigames’, was uploaded by evielution on 2024-04-04 02:57:08. It has garnered 423 views and 3 likes. The duration of the video is 00:00:18 or 18 seconds. He’ll never forgive me… #minecraftbuildbattle #minecraftminigames #hypixel #gaming #minecraft Read More

  • “💩 PooKRi is Back! Minecraft Survival 2024 Day 3 LIVE 🔥” #clickbait

    "💩 PooKRi is Back! Minecraft Survival 2024 Day 3 LIVE 🔥" #clickbaitVideo Information This video, titled ‘MINECRAFT THE NEW BEGINNING IN SURVIVAL SERIES DAY 3 2024#gaming #live #minecraft’, was uploaded by PooKRi is Live on 2024-01-14 19:10:32. It has garnered 94 views and 21 likes. The duration of the video is 05:25:23 or 19523 seconds. #valorant #valorantindia Hello everyone 🌹 welcome to the ಕನ್ನಡ ಗೇಮಿಂಗ್ಚಾ ಚಾನಲ್KANNADA GAMING CHANNEL Do like share subscribe and support Kannada channel 🌹 🌹 Let’s do fun 🙌and enjoy the stream 🌹 ❤️ 🌹 🥈 Second Channel Link -https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCzNuY5-nYHVa5eylh32RI4g Join Discord:- https://discord.gg/sdX7HzT6 ———————————————————————————————————————————————— DONATION 💰💸 (Gpay and Phone pay) ✅Rules of chat 🧑‍⚖️ NO spam,self promotion or… Read More

  • Breakfast Club

    Breakfast ClubBreakfast club – Minecraft survivalists Features: > Free for all. > Keep inventory is on. > mob griefing is off. > 15 current active players > Java 1.15.2 Breakfast Club is a friendly discord society committed to civility, compassion, and making a difference in the world. We host regular Minecraft get-togethers, movie nights, chess tournaments, and more. Join our community and meet people from around the world! breakfast.apexmc.co Read More

Minecraft’s Natural Disaster Mod Is Stupidly Funny