Minecraft’s New SUMMER EVENT is Here!

Video Information

Minecraft has launched a new summer event and it’s free but it is going away shortly something you’ll probably know because the Minecraft menu screen actually has a giant red box letting you know about that from a person with a camel and sniffer head but why is all of

This happening what is the deal with the promotion and why should you care let’s leap legs first into this little event so this is the third event ever it’s also the shortest and it’s interesting because it follows on the heels of two very different events what is this one

Gonna be like let’s find out it’s a little bit weird to join the world and not physically exist ah but there I am welcome to the tales and trails event that is the name of the update everyone at the Mojang team says at the reverse way round but it’s definitely that way

Around and now I’ve got the cherry wood t-shirt that’s all you have to do if you just like extrinsic rewards you can leave right now and you’ve got the marketplace okay and then you’ve got the ability to go buy more things if you want on top of that but yeah the fact is

You have access to a brand new t-shirt that you only get from this event so so it’s worth doing just for that but oh my God look at that they’ve got a Fairground ride that’s just sniffers and camels and there’s so much more going on here let’s give it a quick explore it

Clearly is very clearly themed on the sniffer vs camel thing so let’s make sure we let our thoughts be known Kinsley I would like to get a sniffer balloon thank you very much this is a very much essential part of the process of being around her and what the heck am

I looking at what does that guy have a backpack that is floating what what is that I have to go find one now I where do you get that oh chat is currently disabled well that was a good try you know I I could follow

My Ram for long enough and hopes he hope he goes back but I think well I’ll actually do oh we can we can actually get look at that I gotta sniff a hat on can we pick up other things I can pick up a little Crown oh that’s fun so you

Can actually collect every single one of the you know okay I guess I’m on a quest to get every single mask now let’s do it oh cute they also have sniffer pops wonderful it’s a sniffer snout popsicle oh eating that was incredibly weird but yeah let’s take a bunch of these I think

I could do of some okay you get you’re only allowed one at a time I’ll go in my merch pile I found myself at a place that claims to be self-service but this person is not myself I’m starting to feel like I’m lied to you know the idea

Of self-service is always a great one but whenever there’s a person there just like staring at you it’s like I think we missed the point of that so there is a lot of interesting uh different mini items they put here but what is the point of this Summer Event why am I here

Well to tell you simply uh this is meant to be a theme park themed around 1.20 a tales and trails update theme park if you will and the idea is by doing this event it’s a good opportunity for people to play around and look at some of the

New features in a way they might not have already again there’s something very different about seeing and experiencing some cherry trees versus just having looked at a trailer and so the same is true for every single feature here with the you know the fun little just little twist there being

That yeah it’s a theme park where you can get mob balloons if you really want them to so I’m gonna go and check out every little ride around here because I mean it might be fun enough just to ride on a carousel it’s definitely not fun honestly in real life I’m surprised how

Enjoyable these things can be but in Minecraft I’m just kind of staring at ice cat and Alan Bros over there so instead we’re gonna go to the lost world and check out every attraction this place has to offer oh there’s a camel Cannon over there but anyway weird food

Questions aside what was the point of the Minecraft Summer Event I mean they’ve only done free Bedrock events like us now and the past two were to promote various Minecraft things the first one was to promote the mob vote and the second one was to promote Minecraft Legends which you know I have

To say not going too well it’s a real tragedy the game’s pretty good but if you look at it’s just if you look at the graph of its success it’s just a flat line at this point Minecraft Legends has some issues and you know that’s kind of

Sad but what doesn’t have issues is the tales and trails update a lot of people are playing this but Mojang probably figures that given how good these updates are for the sales of the game it is something they want to make sure that they promote heavily and so giving

People an opportunity to go into a world and actually look at stuff is pretty fun but it’s not just looking at stuff it’s also a theme park and I’m guessing on top of being a theme park it has some Parkour because every event so far has so there are attractions called things

Like mob head Mania which is interesting but then just over here you can see that there is in fact a parkour and so we’re gonna do all of them right now okay this one is called a medium parkour shouldn’t be that hard though right okay there’s a

Lot happening I I kind of like this I always think it’s such a small thing to put campfires under lava and again seeing Maps like this that are free and just accessible you can hang out your friends can be a good bit of inspiration in this particular case it’s a good

Inspiration for 1.20 look at all the fun ways you can use new blocks although these are reinforced deep slaves from before but there we go I fell wait what did I fall wait did you see that in snap I feel like I didn’t for I feel like I finished

The parkour are you meant to avoid the gold block at all costs nope okay well you know what first parkour pretty fine this is the second Parkour in a Cherry Grove biome it’s also medium you know are they all going to be medium I feel like mediums are really easy difficulty

To rate things just to be like you know it’s not impossibly hard and it’s not impossibly easy um you know you ever play a brand new game and it’s just that it’s an easy default difficulty right I bet 90 of Minecraft players play medium because even though easy is easy are they you

Know like small amounts it’s like don’t really know why and hard sounds harder even though it’s by a very tiny amount and it just sounds like a lot more work so there we go second parkour done and then I think I’ve just found the third parkour and this beautiful desert that

We have right here and this one is easy okay so it’s easy medium medium feel like there’s a little bit of uh you know if you have a difficulty level that starts easy and ends at medium then do you have a difficulty level Maybe not maybe there is a hard one found

Somewhere else around here four parkours it’s possible anyway yeah the uh this this is a really fun way to like look around a hub world and it’s one of those really casual just you can zone out activities which is why I always like it

As a first place to go you get a decent look around the world but then also you okay well this is the exact opposite this is a maze that is hiding his part okay I like that as an idea you gotta also and there’s a secret in here so

Yeah these worlds are really fun ideas in my opinion I I always love the idea of being able to like yeah it’s basically a server being put on by Mojang and if it’s good then it allows oh there’s this that guy’s coming from the wrong way that’s a bad sign for me

Finding the exit this way um but if this is good then this is really great promotion for something that is coming out am I going back the way I came in or am I out now I genuinely have no way of knowing okay this is this is actually a fun concept

Like a maze is a nice little twist on parkour I’m back in here but from a different angle so now I’m gonna go back over here come out via this but then take a different turn this time I think that’s gotta be it I made a mistake last

Time I turned left when I should have gone right this is clearly the exit because it’s a stronghold which is the end off the puzzle no it’s not okay this is the end and then this is the other end of the end and then once you get to the

End of the end and you go through the city you’ve realized you made a mistake oh no that’s oh there we go yeah that was it oh that was fun huh so yeah I um I I really enjoy um also is this another oh these are secrets so you have to discover little

Secrets you do little trails and you can do little mini games so there’s a giant hot air balloon I don’t know how that could be a game but I guess I’ll get in it oh okay so you can get in a hot air balloon and you can look at the world

From above kind of nice it’s got a decent Sky Box it’s got you know decent enough builds they’re all collected together it’s a you know again if nothing else it’s some interesting inspiration of things being actually built in Minecraft that you can see and physically explore some people get

Inspiration from videos but when it comes to building like I’m never I’m not really a big video person like I can’t look at something and think I want to make that I when you see something you’re like oh I could do that but different you know maybe you could make

A little stand out of bamboo blocks but instead of wait what is this how Okay they’ve used custom textures there but um usually I love uh seeing stuff and being like yeah you could do that for fun although again if you look up there they’ve used weird Cherry blocks maybe

Defeating the point of that a little bit but yeah you can see also there’s like some fun mini games so this is called rivercraft races how do we do it I’m guessing we ride a boat down the river yeah let’s do it I am ready to play oh

Yeah look at me oh this is so weird I’m moving around my head but I’m my camera is stuck over here anyways let’s just hope that someone comes and joins me oh I think they have I think we’ve got a race going let’s do this am I the best River craft racer

Maybe maybe not so I don’t know if I want to get all of the cherry blossoms I’m just gonna kind of guess that I do and we’re gonna do this in third person for slightly easier boat maneuvering oh it’s not boat maneuvering it’s raft maneuvering of course river raft racing

So obviously I have no skills with the new rock It’s So wildly different to the uh boat that I just I have no idea how to use this but uh otherwise it’s a uh it’s it’s a fun little idea I I really do like these a

Lot of people look at them and go well I’m right in here and it’s okay there’s not too much to it but I love the idea of having some just small reward for popping in it makes you know reasons to check into Minecraft somewhat regularly and I like that they do build whole

Worlds that do take some effort from people who are talented that you can actually look around yourself I really like that personally I think uh there’s something about that that’s real great and um I think we’ve actually finished it what oh no there’s multiple apps I’m

Not gonna be able to do another one oh no the time was all that mattered why why did the why did the blossoms exist then are the blossoms just there to slow you down I really want to know anyway let’s let’s watch a couple of other

People go up as I say the overall um you’re not actually should we go check out another ride we’ve gone down one of them we can’t say we’ve gone to a theme park with one ride although we can watch how people get absolutely wrecked there so let’s go to the ride that is

Putting the mob balloon in the pen I’m surprised that actually worked that is a nice detail let’s go to a different food stand in case they’ve got different food options they do not I already have those I already have those already I already have it all there was one food

Store in the beginning that had it all and now I’m just finding fewer options that’s the worst you ever have that in real life I I have it all the time I guess now it is time to do mop head Mania I have no idea what that oh you’ve

Got to memorize a note block Melody that gets longer that actually sounds really fun okay so it’s it’s like Simon says but it’s this so let’s do this so every round we get a different noise so this round is Dragon zombie I memorize that and we’re gonna keep on going endlessly Maybe

Dragon zombie creeper I like memorization games a little bit it’s a good way to test your memory Dragon zombie creeper dragon piglet Dragon zombie creeper dragon Eggland that’s pretty fun huh okay so now we’re gonna have eight to remember which is already gonna get tricky so this that

That that that that that that more Dragon oh gosh okay it’s three in a row that’s nice and easy I can remember that Dragon zombie creeper dragon piglet zombie skeleton dragon piglet ah four in a row even easier okay this is happening for me I think okay Dragon figlin that that that

Oh ten in a row now okay I think I got it no it’s 11 rounds okay this might just go on as long as you have skill I like that idea oh God 12 rounds I don’t I don’t know this many things at once Dragon zombie creeper dragon pickling zombie skeleton dragon pickling

Zombie piglet Dragon oh God just lots of rounds to go through I have no doubt that I am going to forget this round there’s there’s already too much happening okay we got the four in a row then the zombie then the pig length and that and then the creeper and then a

Skeleton if this isn’t the last round I’m just I’m just over oh man I have such a bad memory it is one of my like weakest traits it’s something I really want to improve upon to be totally honest of you but doing it with Minecraft heads is

Just breaking myself but I think we can do it so it’s back to zombie back to piglin over the dragon over the creeper over the skeleton I’ve got the last one it’s gonna be Dragon again yes it is why are there so many dragons you can’t you

Can’t make me do this I just don’t know anymore so the fun thing is is it looks like I’m taking up the mini game for everyone else while I’m playing this so if I just get good enough I can deprive other people of playing the game so you

Know if you think about it that way I basically have to keep on going I have to believe in myself for the right to deprive other people to believe in me okay uh I don’t know what comes at the end it’s a dragon and then it could creeper no oh

Okay so I think that would go on for as long as you like I would love to hear in the comments if you played this yourself what’s the highest you’ve gotten I mean I guess you know take a take a screenshot or send it to me actually that’s probably easier uh you know

Slightly slightly trickier to fake but not by lunch I’d love to see uh more than I would believe song going like yeah I got 27 but if you want to type in the comments that you’ve got 27 I’d have to believe you I am legally obliged and

So yeah I think uh overall this is an incredibly interesting uh little little thing you know it exists for two and a half days which is incredibly low oh we found a third uh secret animal it exists for two and a half days which is a

Little bit low to be totally fair to it but uh you know like I think the overall also there’s a sniffer we can totally discover all the secrets right I mean how could we leave the map without discovering all the secrets would be would be silly to do that so we’re not

Gonna go up this waterfall it’s a fake waterfall um we all going to go around here somewhere um but yeah the I I think the idea of having maps that the whole Community has a little time to play is something that is really important I think back in the

Day with the 4J Master packs and the forger even the new tutorial World um like having just something that everyone is experiencing simultaneously is a really cool thing uh even though it’s sometimes also well I don’t know if I found this part for earlier there’s a

Lot of them around the map I think um obviously uh like having some benefits a company makes sense like if you need to promote hey we’ve got an update out that’s fine everyone cares about the update already uh and you know if they don’t then by some miracle they’re being

Reached by this then that is good news if more people start playing Minecraft Bedrock that’s great news hopefully more people stop you know downloading the game or you know whatever metric that is they care about but I I just think it is absolutely a good thing uh when there is

Free content added to the game even when it’s through the form for limited time event it’s a fun little thing to do uh Minecraft themselves don’t even build the world they hire are teams in this case I’ve heard it was the hive maybe a

Bit no matter who it was it’s the hire a Marketplace team they pay them a fair rate just to have it and so everyone’s kind of a winner the people who build the map are happy building something that everyone gets to see uh everyone gets to see some pretty decent things

Made by Builders there’s a camel racing minigame too oh desert Dash um and uh you know I’m happy because I get to experience uh some some new stuff and have some fun with it but let me know what you think in the comments down below sorry if this video has been

Slightly laggy I reinstalled windows and now it just uh it hasn’t crashed my PC yet but there is this little weird delay every now and then do you see that hopefully it hasn’t been noticeable in this video if it has then I apologize and if it hasn’t then pretend I said

Nothing because I’ll see you in the next one which will be seat Sunday tomorrow if I’m not mistaken and a live stream going for all of the trims later today oh and if you enjoyed looking around builds physically and you get more from that than videos you might want to check

Out the let’s play World available on the market Marketplace you just have to type in toy cat and then you can find it it’s right there and you get free updates including the 1.0 wow it’s broken I wonder why it’s broken huh um but if you want you get free updates for

The rest of time wow it’s rated quite well too that must mean it’s good or that people who like it but people who download it like it if nothing else but if you want to check out the iconic let’s play World itself you can do that man there’s some cool projects like I

Love seeing these images of it anyway if you want to look around the world you can totally do that this image will have to change in the next update because there’s the banner over there so that’ll be fun but anyway yeah thank you for watching hope you all enjoyed and I’ll

See you tomorrow go hello wait I’ll see you later today for live stream goodbye

This video, titled ‘Minecraft’s New SUMMER EVENT is Here!’, was uploaded by ibxtoycat on 2023-06-24 17:40:34. It has garnered views and [vid_likes] likes. The duration of the video is or seconds.

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    Craft a Magic Stone with CaptainSparklez | ATM9 Ep 6Video Information This video, titled ‘Just Craft A Philosopher’s Stone | ATM9 Skyblock Ep. 6’, was uploaded by CaptainSparklez 2 on 2024-06-06 00:00:28. It has garnered 57153 views and 1879 likes. The duration of the video is 01:26:28 or 5188 seconds. Today we play a Minecraft modpack called All The Mods 9 To The Sky which is a lot of words I can’t put in every title but we must make the star. Thanks to Apex Hosting for sponsoring! Use code “CaptainSparklez” to get 25% off your own server’s first month: https://apexhost.gg/CaptainSparklez ATM9 To The Sky Playlist: https://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PLli4oThJ08ZyAkQ-C3xpHWICvUUIPBuXe My Links:… Read More

  • Insane Boss Battle & Ancient Hunt in Minecraft Dungeons! 🔥

    Insane Boss Battle & Ancient Hunt in Minecraft Dungeons! 🔥Video Information This video, titled ‘🔴BOSS MODE & ANCIENT HUNT Max Apocalypse Plus Gameplay in Minecraft Dungeons (Livestream)’, was uploaded by Corredor-RH on 2024-04-08 18:30:50. It has garnered 186 views and 13 likes. The duration of the video is 01:01:19 or 3679 seconds. 🔴BOSS MODE & ANCIENT HUNT Max Apocalypse Plus Gameplay in Minecraft Dungeons (Livestream) First Time playing minecraft So please Help And dont Forget to Like And Subscribe. Minecraft Live Stream Minecraft Live Live Minecraft Minecraft Wither Fight Minecraft #minecraft​ #meme​ #memes #minecraftstream​​ #minecraftlive​​ #monsterschool​​ #minecraft​​ #animation​​ #школамонстров​​ #монстршкола​​ #майнкрафтстрим Tages:minecraft dungeons,minecraft dungeons gameplay,minecraft,minecraft dungeons review,minecraft dungeons walkthrough,minecraft… Read More

  • Insane Pixel Art in Minecraft | Viral Trending Profile Pic!

    Insane Pixel Art in Minecraft | Viral Trending Profile Pic!Video Information This video, titled ‘Making my subscriber profile photo pixel art | #viral #shorts #minecraft #pixelart #trending’, was uploaded by Omkar on 2024-04-08 01:30:20. It has garnered views and [vid_likes] likes. The duration of the video is or seconds. Making my subscriber profile photo pixel art | #viral #shorts #minecraft #pixelart #trending Ненужные теги: xxxtentacion, empire, … Read More

  • SpiralGN

    SpiralGNWelcome to SpiralGN, the ultimate destination for players seeking the thrill of Minecraft’s Op Gens experience! In the vast and ever-evolving world of Minecraft, SpiralGN stands out as a server dedicated to taking resource generation to a whole new level. At SpiralGN, we’ve crafted a unique and engaging Minecraft experience that centers around the art of overpowered generators (Op Gens). Whether you’re a seasoned Minecraft veteran or a newcomer to the blocky realm, our server offers something for everyone. spiralgn.net Read More

  • Modern Anarchy – Anarchy 1.20.4 Java

    Welcome to Modern Anarchy – A Dedicated Community of Anarchy Enthusiasts! Server IP: modern-anarchy.org Anarchy at Its Finest with a Dedicated Community: Hack like a pro, build empires, survive the chaos. No bans ever – only mutes for hate speech, hard slurs, or chat spam. Forge Your Path in a Pure Vanilla World: Experience the true essence of Minecraft with no vanilla altering plugins or meddling admins. Reach your potential in this survival wasteland with no resets ever. World Exploration Extravaganza: Discover a vast 3×3 million block world border. Respawn within 500 blocks of 0 0, allowing you to redefine… Read More

  • Minecraft Memes – Not Today, Block!

    That meme must be too busy racking up points to deal with your shenanigans! Read More

  • Unleashing Glid: Twitch Streamer’s Epic Minecraft Adventure

    Unleashing Glid: Twitch Streamer's Epic Minecraft AdventureVideo Information This video, titled ‘Подписывайтесь на твич #necoyume #Глид #Glidingtheo #minecraft #twitch #stream #майншилд #mineshield’, was uploaded by Глид DOP on 2024-06-21 19:56:08. It has garnered 314 views and 6 likes. The duration of the video is 00:01:00 or 60 seconds. @GlidingtheoW https://www.twitch.tv/glidingtheow Read More

  • Phone to Bedrock: Top Minecraft Servers Unlocked!

    Phone to Bedrock: Top Minecraft Servers Unlocked! In the world of Minecraft, where blocks come alive, We dive into servers, where adventures thrive. From phone to bedrock, the best ones we seek, With Ali Mpe as our guide, we’re never meek. Join the channel, for gifts and for fun, With updates and news, we’re never done. From Java to Bedrock, the comparison is clear, With Bedwars and Hardcore, we have no fear. 100 days of Minecraft, a challenge so grand, But with Ali Mpe, we’ll make a stand. Minecraft but… the possibilities are vast, With tutorials and SMP, the fun will last. So come along, to… Read More

  • 🔥 Herobrank’s Hot Mess 😂 #minecraftmemes

    🔥 Herobrank's Hot Mess 😂 #minecraftmemes When you accidentally unleash Herobrank in your Minecraft world and suddenly your peaceful village turns into chaos… #oops #shouldhavereadthemanual Read More

  • Surviving 100 Days on a Deserted VOLCANO Island in Minecraft Hardcore

    Surviving 100 Days on a Deserted VOLCANO Island in Minecraft Hardcore Minecraft Hardcore: Surviving 100 Days on a Deserted VOLCANO Island Embark on an epic journey in Minecraft Hardcore as Orhan attempts to survive 100 days on a deserted VOLCANO island. Will he conquer the challenges that lie ahead? Let’s dive into the thrilling adventure! Exploring the Volcano Island Orhan finds himself stranded on a volcanic island, surrounded by molten lava and treacherous terrain. As he navigates the rugged landscape, he must gather resources, build shelter, and fend off hostile mobs to survive. Challenges and Obstacles Surviving on a volcano island presents unique challenges. Orhan must brave the scorching heat,… Read More

  • Join Minewind Minecraft Server for the Ultimate Gaming Experience

    Join Minewind Minecraft Server for the Ultimate Gaming Experience Welcome, Minecraft enthusiasts! Have you heard about the exciting new show premiering on June 30th called Last Month in the Worlds of Minecraft? It’s a fantastic opportunity to dive into the diverse and creative Minecraft communities around the world. While you’re eagerly awaiting the premiere, why not join the vibrant and dynamic Minewind Minecraft Server? Immerse yourself in a world where creativity knows no bounds and the possibilities are endless. Join us at Minewind and connect with fellow Minecraft fans from all walks of life. Explore unique builds, engage in thrilling gameplay, and unleash your imagination like never before…. Read More

  • Villager Parkour Challenge

    Villager Parkour Challenge The Ultimate Minecraft Iron Farm: A Fully Automatic Marvel Farm Details Farm Performance: The Minecraft iron farm showcased in this video boasts an impressive output of +300 to +350 iron per hour, making it a highly efficient setup for players looking to stock up on this valuable resource. Farm Mode: Operating in a fully automatic mode, this iron farm eliminates the need for constant player intervention, allowing for a seamless and hassle-free iron production process. Versions: Compatible with Minecraft versions ranging from 1.16 to the latest 1.21 update, including all intermediate versions such as 1.19.1, 1.19.2, 1.19.3, and 1.19.4,… Read More

  • Unbelievable: This Book Turned Me Into a Wizard!

    Unbelievable: This Book Turned Me Into a Wizard!Video Information This video, titled ‘buku ini membuatku menjadi ahli sihir’, was uploaded by Nante on 2024-05-20 03:00:01. It has garnered views and [vid_likes] likes. The duration of the video is or seconds. addon https://www.9minecraft.net/earth-magic-addon-mcpe/ #indonesia #minecraft #minecraftindonesia #shorts. Read More

  • Insane Poppy Playtime Chapter 3 Minecraft Pe Map

    Insane Poppy Playtime Chapter 3 Minecraft Pe MapVideo Information This video, titled ‘Poppy Playtime Chapter 3 Map For Minecraft Pe 1.20+…’, was uploaded by Gaming World on 2024-05-01 18:12:42. It has garnered views and [vid_likes] likes. The duration of the video is or seconds. Poppy Playtime Chapter 3 Map For Minecraft Pe 1.20+… In This Video I Am Giving You A Poppy Playtime Chapter 3 Playable Map … Read More

  • Insane LIVE Survival Gaming! SUB GOAL: 600 #minecraft

    Insane LIVE Survival Gaming! SUB GOAL: 600 #minecraftVideo Information This video, titled ‘survival LIVE !!!! SUB GOAL :600… #minecraft #live #bedwarsmalaalam’, was uploaded by SG GAMER 3.0 on 2024-04-15 15:26:06. It has garnered 100 views and 12 likes. The duration of the video is 02:06:34 or 7594 seconds. DISCORD: https://discord.gg/krbX9JpXCA https://discord.gg/8WGzdxn5 : k4f mcslp.pika.host My s1 lets play world play list : https://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PLroOC4vwIkQ4YCpVHHVwb_S4n6Kr1V9qr My letsplay series season 2 play list : https://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PLroOC4vwIkQ4FcN6HoqbDZjN51pn8vHgR @MrBeastGaming @Sudhy @Firetekzteepori @MrKidPinky #minecraft #bedwars #live #stream #gaming #epic #clutchplays #intensebattles #strategy #community #fun #entertainment #anarchy #arjunmp #arjunmpanarchy #bedwars #bedwarsmoments #bedwarsmalaalam #minecraftlive #minecraftlivestream #malayalam #malayalamgaminglive #malayalamgamingcommunity #k4f #dribbles #pikaminecraft #k4f #K4FMINECRAFT Read More

  • INSANE Minecraft Luxury Mini Home Tour!! 🤯

    INSANE Minecraft Luxury Mini Home Tour!! 🤯Video Information This video, titled ‘”Minecraft Luxury Mini Home Tour: Live Exploration!”‘, was uploaded by Flax army on 2023-12-19 07:20:56. It has garnered views and [vid_likes] likes. The duration of the video is or seconds. “Embark on an extraordinary journey as we delve into the intricate details of a meticulously crafted Minecraft luxury house in this … Read More


    MINECRAFT SECRET HACKS! SNAP - 🤑👍 #shortsVideo Information This video, titled ‘🤑👍#minecraft #minecraftshorts #shorts’, was uploaded by SNAP on 2024-05-21 13:30:29. It has garnered views and [vid_likes] likes. The duration of the video is or seconds. Tags (ignorar): #minecraftpvp #texturepack #minecraftbedrock #minecraft #lol #mcpe #memes #pvp #bestplayer #combo … Read More

  • Insane Devil Herobrine Kills Wither in Minecraft! #SSK Gaming

    Insane Devil Herobrine Kills Wither in Minecraft! #SSK GamingVideo Information This video, titled ‘devil herobrine kill wither #ssk gaming #minecraft #youtube short #viral’, was uploaded by ssk gamer 1302 on 2024-06-22 04:44:36. It has garnered 1147 views and 16 likes. The duration of the video is 00:00:21 or 21 seconds. Read More

Minecraft’s New SUMMER EVENT is Here!