Minecraft’s Next Update ALMOST Finished! But It’s Not An End Update?

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this is an important PSA if you die near a trial chamber zombie they will pick up your stuff but they won’t drop it when you kill them luckily this one only stole my shield but you can lose diamond armor and tools like Rob Dev 8840 did okay let’s start the video the tricky trials update is incredible but there are already questions about the next update and we know that these things are planned quite far in advance but we also know that Minecraft has been doing things unconventionally for the last little while now as the last update add major features before 1.21 was not 1.20 but 1 [Music] 12080 interestingly this was called a drop and not an update but it does mean that although 1.22 is in early development right now it does mean that all of the other things that we’re expecting from the next update such as changes to the trial Chambers and the wind charge update and everything else that we know about is actually going to be for this next update 1.21.1 or 1. 21.10 and interestingly even though we’ve seen no new versions for Java since the update last week we’ve seen four separate previews for the same update on bedrock and so if you want to know the nitty-gritty of exactly what’s going to be inside of 1.20 1.10 let’s dive into what’s going to be in this drop or update today so I want to start with one of the more minor sounding ones but very important changes because they have made the heavy core now take up the full inventory SL item frame slot this is one that is so so crucial because it’s meant to be one of the most powerful and important items but previously it took up a tiny tiny tiny little space now it takes up the entire slot which doesn’t make sense thematically I guess when you look at the size of the mace by comparison but I really really like it as a way to emphasize its size and so that’s a very good change just like how it’s a very good change that drowns now spawn in rivers individually rather than in groups of two however to balance that so Rivers will be slightly less drown filled you’ll also now be able to find drowns in aquifers and dripstone caves so a little bit of balance for the surface for a little bit of damage under the ground very very interesting uh there are new game tips for swimming using the touch d-pad and running away from Hostile Mobs escaping powdered snow and using emotes which is interesting we’ve got separated block IDs which is quite important all of these blocks can now be accessed by commands in a better way this is very important the Minecraft is slowly going through and doing this if you are into the technical side of Minecraft that’s great if you’re not you might just appreciate the fact that s uh soon very very soon the loot ejected from Vault will now be dependent on level position and player seed this means that in theory in the same way that loot chests work you will be able to have a seed that has a given set of Loot and so if you were to use this exact world over and over again as I’ve actually done uh you will actually get this same set of loot from the same Vault meaning in theory after this update you’ll be able to guarantee that a given seed has a heavy core as a loot or has the wind burst enchantment which is going to be insane so this is something to watch out for if you’re someone who doesn’t mind using a given seed to get a given enchantment speaking of a given enchantment there’s meant to be a sound effect to play uh the plays when a player has already looted a particular Vault I feel like I can’t hear it maybe it’s that kind of burnout sound or maybe that’s the honestly I hear the witch so much more than I hear anything about this I recommend going visually but this is a new change by the way speaking of witches they now will drop four to eight Redstone Dust this change has already been made on Java so won’t be coming there but look at this I’m killing a witch and I just got so much Redstone from it and I’m going to kill a second one and I’m going to get so much Redstone from her I I say that I got exactly four the minimum from both but eight Redstone from witches is too really really really great in my opinion and I think that this is going to be really handy for anyone who’s trying to get their hands on a compass and so that is a change that I really appreciate them making speaking of changes I appreciate them making we mentioned that hardcore can’t come to bedrock until they fix a bunch of damage bugs and one of the most important ones sounds like it’s fixed again we’ll take some actual uh testing to be sure about but the player can no longer take damage while still in the world loading screen/ dimensioned switch screen this is huge so many times you’ll go into the nether portal and die before you even can see anything so many times you’ll load up a Minecraft world and have drowned or fallen in lava and I say so many times I I I really mean it’s like a one in every 100,000 time situation but it’s annoying that it happened and this is one of the death bugs I wanted them to fix the most because I don’t encounter the idea of placing blocks and then randomly falling in lava but I encountered this one a surprising amount and so thank you Mojang if this works I am so so happy just like how I’m happy the trail Chambers will now generate much less frequently in the deep dark I’m not actually happy about that that’s a bummer but you know isn’t a bummer petrified Oak slabs now having its own block ID but still behaving as expected here’s a really interesting one this is an oak slab that acts like it’s a stone slab but if you break it guess what you get you get an oak slab back from it it’s a very very interesting thing uh this is a technical kind of hold back from a long time ago they also changed the Rarity of these items so keep that in mind and also keep in mind that the wind charge projectiles can be summoned with the SL summon command and wind charge fired speed can increase by 50% let me see what that looks like okay so I’m holding down the button so this should be as fast as you can fire wind charges honestly not too bad right honestly not that bad at all you can now use these a little bit more as kind of like an arrow replacement if you want to but yeah this isn’t the only change they made to wind charges uh we’ll come back into more later right after we mention mob griefing because when mob griefing is disabled the breezes wind charge will no longer toggle or activate any redstone blocks so let’s turn mob griefing off and then let’s have a a breeze spawn egg have you seen the breeze spawn egg I I always forget just how weird it is like it’s so much more purple than the mob but yeah I’m going to stand in here with a breeze in here with me you know no no no no no fight me fire a wind charge at me I I dare you okay I have my regrets about trying to get those breezes to trigger those buttons just like how you might have regret about trying to attack one of your enemies but then realizing that you have friends nearby that you’re going to hurt with your mace smash attack but good news after this update that will go away when you try to attack the big mean sniffer which is obviously what we’re always trying to do you’ll no longer hurt your friends such as Harrison’s hamster or toy cat’s cat that’s right none of your pets will be taking any damage because this is an improvement that they’ve made in this update finally we have one for Bedrock that is just so so so crucial they fixed a bug to do of stairs and slabs locking in their placement but they had to unfix it because it caused another bug that bug will finally be refixed meaning when you place a long line of uh blocks in a row like this they’ll stay in the same orientation so if I want to say place upside downstairs I can do that just holding down the button so so so handy in my opinion especially for anyone using a controller I love when Minecraft manages to work out the solutions like this and this is a good sign that the game is improving as a whole however something else that is improving is the wind charge this is one of the biggest changes in this update the wind charge is going to be much more usable for the vast majority of Bedrock players who don’t use a keyboard and mouse because instead of having to crouch and get the jumping just right and all that stuff from before um after this update you can literally point it at the floor and you’ll get a decent five block High uh jump if we show right here I can jump all the way up on here and even if there’s a stairs I can jump all the way into those stairs without having to jump or do anything literally just use this on the floor and then walk forward and you can do it this is a big usability Improvement to the current system where that does next nothing and if you jump while doing this you can go even higher if I show you a good example here’s eight blocks up into the sky now I should be able to fairly easily jump all the way onto the top of this something which is really really great and one of the bigger changes that they’re making one of the other bigger changes that they’re making to come back round T it is the fact that the structure designer for the tra Chambers MOS who did a really interesting uh interview recently where he spoke about the design of the trail Chambers being uh deliberately done with these big pillars so the mobs will go both both sides of it and try to kind of cut you off he mentioned a really interesting thing at the bottom that there was a bunch of secrets in the trail Chambers I don’t believe that I found more than one or two so that is something that’s worth interesting and looking at but also he mentioned on Twitter just before 1.21 that the the structure was locked down fairly early on and so all the changes that he’s looking to make to the structure or that the team in general is I should say perhaps more broadly the changes they’re looking to make to the structure will be happening in 1.20 1.10 we don’t know the precise extent of these changes but what we do know is that there are going to be quite a few and the fact that we’ve already seen publicly that they’re changing the way vaults work be seed based uh that does give us a good clue that there’s going to be some fun new changes and maybe even some fun new secrets so before we talk about the rest of 1.20 1.10 you know future drops and maybe even 1.22 we’ve got some interesting hints which I’d like to talk about I’d like to quickly go into the rest of the news you might not have heard about so the first game that Mojang made that wasn’t Minecraft was called Scrolls and later changed its name to callers Bane and the soundtrack for that is now available if you want to listen to it also there is a new Lego Minecraft set it looks so cool it’s a crafting table but it costs $90 oh my God I can’t believe how expensive Lego got and how that’s just entirely acceptable at this point but also Minecraft have basically announced that they’re wrapping up their 15th anniversary celebrations I believe there is still more to come but they’ve did a big recap of what’s happened and they’re saying it was an unforgettable Minecraft 15 which makes me think that the 15th year anniversary is mostly over but there are some other interesting things happening behind the scenes as best I can tell but finally let’s talk about what might come in Minecraft 1.22 so obviously have to give the clarification though we’re going to enter the speculation Zone a little bit but I want to do this because after playing 1.21 genuinely something like 50 hours over the past week I’ve streamed every single day and I’ve played so much of it I really do love the trial Chambers I think they’re excellently designed but there’s also a couple of other things about this update which immediately make me think they’re doing something with this in the future whether in the next update or a couple Beyond it and one of those has to be the idea of the bad Omen I think that any future combat challenge is obviously going to use the ominous bottle which makes me think there must be another one planned because otherwise it would be weird to revamp an entire system that’s shared between two structures that don’t don’t seem to have much in common it could even be that they’re planning to revamp existing structures imagine an ominous Woodland Mansion or ominous Bastion Remnant or an ominous n city even you can do all sorts of fun things speaking of all sorts of fun things the second thing that I thought was interesting is in this update they decided to buff the Cartographer obviously he has a brand new map that he can give you and something important that you should probably know about is that you can rename these maps without having to pay at an anvil like I’ve been doing so you can type in coordinates is I think a really great example of this you can say exactly what it’s going to be called or you can just say this is a trial map and this is really handy when you put it in an item frame Pro tip for anyone out there who wants to do precisely this but also a pro tip is that yeah actually Mojang deciding to update the cartography table and the Cartographer uh has made for a fun little way to revamp an old feature wow I wonder if there is another villager type with another trading table that they could be looking to revamp a little bit in a future update nah probably not anyway I hope you all enjoyed today’s video I do want to finish with one little anecdote that I got from this comment because sucram said that Reddit comment you made is so wholesome you actually motivated me man this has never happened before and so I just wanted to share something because I saw on the Minecraft subreddit that someone randomly said I died in my world of 4 years here’s what I’m losing and they have some really impressive stuff they built in their world and I assume that it must be a hardcore death but they clarified nope I just died and didn’t want to continue anymore so I left a comment saying what I always say especially about long-term Wells which is that even if you die 95% of your effort isn’t on just because your stuff is instead death is actually an opportunity to build back your stuff again but better and interestingly a lot of people saw this and even the person who posted it did and they somehow were a subscriber to the channel so they said toy cat you have no idea how much you influenc this world I remember watching your videos back when the Xbox legy edition was still being updated your video about receiving the last achievement in game influenced me to get all the achievements in this world I may not have reached that goal because of so many updates but that didn’t stop me from trying even going on to say that they would listen to the videos while working on the world and I just thought that was a really fun coincidence but I wanted to share it because this is something I really believe in when you have a Minecraft world and you die it sucks so bad I’ve been there and it’s just terrible and you think to yourself how can I avoid this ever happening again and sometimes the instinct is by oh we’ll start a new world or we’ll turn on keep inventory and just like in the real world where when you’re hurt you just want to avoid it at all costs and you’ll do a lot of things to make that happen ultimately this will sometimes stunt your growth by not actually learning how to avoid the thing happening again you won’t actually become any stronger or wiser and even though it feels like it’s the thing that sucks most in the world you have to actually understand how to overcome it and that is the same thing with Minecraft I think that your Minecraft world survives and in the same way that no matter how bad something is most of your experience and your Humanity survives if you’re still alive you’re still able to improve and hopefully that is something that is true for your Minecraft world if you’re not permanently trapped in a Bedrock box you have the opportunity to come out of it stronger and faster and better and hopefully with the trial Chambers coming out and people dying in all sorts of ways hopefully this is a reminder of that fact thank you very much for watching today’s video I hope it taught you about what is inside of the next update for Minecraft and I hope that indeed this helps you with your Minecraft survival world that is the big thing I believe on this channel and if you would like to see more of it consider subscribing because apparently we’ve got some trial chamber secrets to dive into next with that said I hope you enjoyed cuz I’ll see you next time bye [Music]

This video, titled ‘Minecraft’s Next Update Is Almost Finished Already? (It’s Not An End Update)’, was uploaded by ibxtoycat on 2024-06-20 17:42:35. It has garnered 54766 views and 2151 likes. The duration of the video is 00:13:45 or 825 seconds.

If you liked this video, here are some others you can check out! ↓ • HUGE: This Bug Affects ALL Pre 1.21 Minecraft Worlds ↓ https://youtu.be/vGsKYDWvMy8 • How To Get Every Item In Minecraft 1.21 ↓ https://youtu.be/8etqz91SwOI • 3 Add-ons That Are PERFECT For Minecraft 1.21 ↓ https://youtu.be/hRq4b7VnmPc • I Beat Minecraft Using Every 1.21 Feature ↓ https://youtu.be/uq7VqAE8kNg • 9 LIES You’ll Be Told About Minecraft 1.21 (Mythbusters) ↓ https://youtu.be/BEtvwyWRclI

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Minecraft Bedrock is the same as Minecraft for Xbox One, Xbox Series S, Xbox Series X, PlayStation 4, PlayStation 5, Nintendo Switch, Windows 10, Windows 11, iOS/Android (Pocket Edition), and Chromebook.

This Video Was Edited By: Ash

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    GlowMc[Cracked] Welcome to GlowMC, the ultimate test of survival in the pixelated wilderness! In this daring realm, adventurers brave the unknown, navigating treacherous landscapes and cunning foes to emerge victorious. GlowMC is a realm where darkness reigns, but hope glimmers in the form of resilient players determined to thrive against all odds. Embark on a journey through an immersive world where the landscape is as unpredictable as it is breathtaking. From towering mountains to vast oceans, every corner of GlowMC offers a new challenge and a chance for triumph. But beware, for danger lurks in the shadows; hostile mobs roam… Read More

  • SteamCraft Modded SMP Whitelisted JAVA 1.20.1 18+ Economy Create Focus

    Join Our Discord Community! Are you 18+ and love Minecraft? Join us on SteamCraft where we enhance the Minecraft experience without overshadowing its core essence. Whether you’re a builder, explorer, or Redstone expert, there’s a place for you here. Be part of a community where every block placed, adventure embarked upon, and interaction matters. Make lasting friendships and see your Minecraft dreams come alive. Feel free to DM for any questions before joining! Join us now! Read More

  • Minecraft server play.rexkraft.com:29460

    Welcome to Survival Green (1.17.1)! The new and improved survival experience! We have spent far too long on developing and adjusting various areas to make the experience of the Rexkraft better for you! We have so much to offer, with some that you may already be familiar with, and some that you are not. Check out the list of new things and some adjustments we have made for Survival Green! New Features: Custom Resource Pack – Yes, you read that right! RexKraft will have it’s own resource-pack for all players to use! This extremely lightweight resource-pack is going to allow… Read More


    Crive SMP || ANARCHY/PEACE/ECONOMY# 🌟 Welcome to The Crive SMP! 🌟**Version:** Bedrock / Java 1.21 Crossplay (Newest version) **Season 2 Coming Soon! 🚀****Join the Discord Here!! https://discord.gg/uTaHDGGbE2**## Features:- 💰 **Economy Mods**: Build your empire with our robust economy system!- 🏞️ **New Biomes**: Discover amazing new vanilla biomes in the Overworld and End.- 🗣️ **Proximity Chat** (Java only): Enhance your gameplay with real-time voice chat.- 🚫 **No Elytra, No Hacking**: Enjoy fair and balanced gameplay for everyone.## Popular Plugins:- **Essentials**: All the core commands you need.- **GriefPrevention**: Protect your builds from unwanted visitors.- **LuckPerms**: Powerful permissions management.- **DiscordSRV**: Stay connected with our community on… Read More

  • Minecraft Memes – “The Ultimate Minecraft Duo”

    Minecraft Memes - "The Ultimate Minecraft Duo"It’s nice to see a creeper bringing families together instead of blowing them apart! Read More

  • Crafting Chaos: Minecraft 1.2 Encore

    Crafting Chaos: Minecraft 1.2 Encore Welcome back to the Minecraft scene, Where version 1.2.2 is now the theme. I’m here to share the latest news, In rhymes that will surely amuse. In this update, not much has changed, But my water source has been rearranged. I’ve got my lava, ready to explore, Cave systems galore, what’s in store? Stay tuned for the next episode’s delight, As we delve deeper into the Minecraft night. Thanks for watching, don’t forget to subscribe, For more Minecraft adventures, let’s vibe! Read More


    BLAZING COAL MEME “Why did the coal break up with the diamond? It just couldn’t handle the pressure!” Read More

  • Sugarcane Shenanigans: Minecraft PE 1.21

    Sugarcane Shenanigans: Minecraft PE 1.21 Minecraft Bedrock: Easy Automatic Sugarcane Farm Tutorial Introduction In the world of Minecraft, players are constantly looking for ways to optimize their gameplay and resources. One essential element in the game is sugarcane, used for various crafting recipes and as a valuable resource. In this tutorial, we will explore how to create an easy automatic sugarcane farm in Minecraft Bedrock edition. Building the Farm To start building your automatic sugarcane farm, you will need to place seven blocks in a specific configuration. Next, add a piston on top of one of the blocks, ensuring it is facing the correct… Read More

  • Secret Sabito mining exploit EXPOSED!

    Secret Sabito mining exploit EXPOSED!Video Information This video, titled ‘Hypixel Skyblock mining slander’, was uploaded by Sabito on 2024-07-06 08:38:58. It has garnered 26 views and 1 likes. The duration of the video is 00:01:25 or 85 seconds. yapping 4 algorithm dont read: Why are you reading this this Minecraft YouTube video was made on Hypixel. Hypixel is a server with lots of games, such as Bedwars, Skywars, and Minecraft’s biggest MMORPG Hypixel Skyblock. Hypixel has has a lot of notable players, such as Dream, Technoblade, and Tommyinnit. Hypixel Skyblock is Hypixel’s most popular game. Some of the popular items are the Hyperion, Necron… Read More

  • I Pranked My Friend as a Mutant Squid

    I Pranked My Friend as a Mutant SquidVideo Information the giant squid is a terrifying myth hidden in the depths of the ocean with razor sharp tee and strong tentacles it will grab you and eat you with time and I’m going to use it to scare my newbest friend Milo my dearest Bluebird I’m really beginning to think that God should have birthed you as a chicken because is so scared that Milo will only live out here in a desert when I heard that e proved that giant Squid’s existence in his last video I’ve been avoiding the ocean just to be safe do you… Read More

  • 5-year-old pro Minecraft player goes insane!

    5-year-old pro Minecraft player goes insane!Video Information 5-year-old Minecraft players be like hey guys look what I [Music] built okay ready for this amazing clutch oh he’s dream This video, titled ‘5 year old Minecraft players be like…’, was uploaded by Greens Animator on 2024-04-19 21:19:17. It has garnered 10978 views and 255 likes. The duration of the video is 00:00:19 or 19 seconds. ❤️ Please subscribe and like! ❤️ Join my discord to hang out with me! ➡️ https://discord.gg/pnyUdzf49Q ⬅️ Check my stream tab for streams on legacy where you can duel me! Watch this video next! https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=hlvP-vH4eI0&t=20s #minecraft #shorts #5yearolds #5 #genalpha #amongus… Read More

  • Spooky Halloween City Build: Trash, Kitchen, Parking + FNAF

    Spooky Halloween City Build: Trash, Kitchen, Parking + FNAFVideo Information so I just watched my previous videos like the colorless and where I started with the FNAF piz plays and gosh I honestly had a voice changer on without even knowing it it was a pure accident that thing with the voice changer I am sorry I didn’t even notice there was a voice changer like great I I think it was that right uh yeah it was fre freaking voice I used I am so so sorry I used that Voice it was so annoying for me personally and probably for a lot of you too with… Read More

  • 🔥 Herobrine X Daku Collaboration 🔥 | EPIC Minecraft Edit

    🔥 Herobrine X Daku Collaboration 🔥 | EPIC Minecraft EditVideo Information [موسيقى] [موسيقى] [موسيقى] نا [موسيقى] [موسيقى] [موسيقى] رو [موسيقى] [موسيقى] ر [موسيقى] [موسيقى] ر [موسيقى] رو This video, titled ‘Minecraft Herobrine X Daku Edit 😈 | Minecraft Daku Edit’, was uploaded by Sagar Gaming on 2024-02-11 09:33:40. It has garnered 10 views and 3 likes. The duration of the video is 00:02:14 or 134 seconds. #minecraft #animation #animatiovideo video credit ‎@SquaredMediaAnimations music credit DAKU Hello Friends Thank You For Watching This Video. Please Like & Share…!!! Comment…!! Don’t Forgot To Subscribe….!! 🔍Top searches ~ minecraft, minecraft hunger games, minecraft survival island, minecraft mods, minecraft song, minecraft style, minecraft… Read More

  • Unleash the King Demon in Minecraft! #shorts #minecraft

    Unleash the King Demon in Minecraft! #shorts #minecraftVideo Information [音楽] おいおいおい上にが関係や This video, titled ‘Minecraft oi oi oi #shorts #minecraft’, was uploaded by King Demon K.D. on 2024-07-13 08:15:18. It has garnered 13234 views and 237 likes. The duration of the video is 00:00:11 or 11 seconds. Read More

  • EPIC Inside Out 2 Minecraft Build!! 🤯 #Shorts

    EPIC Inside Out 2 Minecraft Build!! 🤯 #ShortsVideo Information C [음악] This video, titled ‘Inside Out 2 Minecraft Build Loop! 🤯 #Shorts’, was uploaded by Twi Shorts on 2024-07-14 14:00:15. It has garnered 24309 views and 1342 likes. The duration of the video is 00:00:17 or 17 seconds. Inside Out 2 Minecraft Build Loop! 🤯 #Shorts ►Subscribe! https://bit.ly/2N6xMG5 ►My Info: https://twishorts.com/ ►Merch: https://twishorts.store/ ►Socials: https://solo.to/twishorts In this video, I place amethyst blocks in sync with the theme song from Inside Out 2, which is a well known animated Disney movie. Disclaimer: I did not build the pixel art by hand. It is an image from the series… Read More

  • “ElManx_ – Sin Problemas En Minecraft Skywars PvP” #clickbait

    "ElManx_ - Sin Problemas En Minecraft Skywars PvP" #clickbaitVideo Information es como Que Que entiendas mucho lo Que te estoy diciendo no no Hay problema no Hay problema no Hay problema no This video, titled ‘No hay problema.. #minecraft #skywars #maincra #minercraft #minecraftshorts #pvp’, was uploaded by ElManx_ on 2024-01-11 00:07:57. It has garnered 30 views and 0 likes. The duration of the video is 00:00:09 or 9 seconds. Read More

  • Insane Pranks in Minecraft Short! 😱🔥

    Insane Pranks in Minecraft Short! 😱🔥Video Information This video, titled ‘Hahahaha Minecraft short #minecraft #shortvideo #shortsvideo #shortsfeed #shorts #technogamerz’, was uploaded by Mr.Ansh.YT99 on 2024-07-04 15:53:07. It has garnered 10779 views and likes. The duration of the video is 00:00:11 or 11 seconds. Hahahaha Minecraft short #minecraft #shortvideo #shortsvideo #shortsfeed #shorts #technogamerz Disclaimer – Copyright Disclaimer under Section 107 of the copyright act 1976, allowance is made for fair use for purposes such as criticism, comment, news reporting, scholarship, and research. Fair use is a use permitted by copyright statute that might otherwise be infringing. Non-profit, educational or personal use tips the balance in favour… Read More

  • Ametium

    AmetiumÊtes-vous passionné par Minecraft et souhaitez-vous contribuer à une communauté dynamique et compétitive ? Ne cherchez pas plus loin ! Amétium est à la recherche de talents comme vous pour rejoindre notre équipe de staff et participer à la construction d’une expérience de jeu exceptionnelle ! Read More