Minecraft’s Scariest Myth Trapped

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today we’ll be attempting to trap Bigfoot and going inside the forest where he hides from human eyes will we be able to trap him and what else is secretly lurking inside of this dark vast Wilderness guys guys guys come here come here come here listen all right I need your help cuz I made a terrible mistake all right I added a mod to the world it’s called The Sasquatch right it’s a monster he’s been hating every single mob here and he turns every sing more bad in the radius okay and he lives in even that deer over there bro even that deer over there bro if sasot gets near it it turns that mob terrible too okay bro are you kidding me right now what’s this in my hand Sasquatch detector no C detected so I gave you that right and that means if he’s ever close it tells you that he’s close okay I promise you I’m not lying I know it sounds like I’m lying but I promise I’m not okay believe you so it’s like Ghost Hunters but Sasquatch Hunters I see okay okay cool cool cool wait Sasquatch isn’t that like uh the the what’s that guy called the big foot bro is that guy with the big foot big yeah yeah yeah hold on all right yo boys we to flip and get tools right now cuz otherwise we’re going to die bro okay at night time we will see him okay to stick together as a team okay I promise you everyone stick close bro this deer is making so many deer noises man I’m about to kill it isn’t the whole thing everybody thinks Bigfoot’s real but he’s not real so you call me a liar are you kidding me bro everyone knows that the Bigfoot is real when I used to be like a small kid I used to go out into the forest and I saw the big fooot bro ow where did you see him I saw him in the forest and he had a big foot in Germany those Bigfoot was there yes I don’t believe you guys I think both of you guys are liars yeah why would you think I’m like he’s talking Insanity being serious being serious I’m going to get stone all right y chill I think you grabbed a walkie-talkie got an anvil and then labeled it Sasquatch detector why would I do that bro I promise you he shows up in these wall I Pro it’s this area too this area is scary that’s why I put us in a forest okay okay you have to believe me man why would I lie we’ll see we’ll see tonight I’ve never told a lie in my life Li liger and I both have full knowledge that you lie all the time yo boys I got myself some Cobblestone and I want to share it with you guys here you go 1 2 3 for you 1 2 3 for you and now let’s upgrade our tools got boom all right I’m definitely not getting the next B of stone so have your DET close yeah and just have your detector close cuz if it shows that he’s near we’re dead okay what will it show how do we know he is human listen to me listen to me if we see the Bigfoot right we just have to scream at him we just got to go like ah and maybe like a bit of a do it again that’s not so if I hear you if I so we know if he’s near if you go you go no no what’s going on are you too insane What’s Happening Here do you guys not hear my scream or like what no I don’t hear it do it again a you didn’t hear that no I can’t Donnie can you hear it no I can’t hear anything yo you’re gaslighting me you’re gaslighting me you’re gaslighting me already all right listen if I hear if I hear this then I’ll know Sasquatch is in near okay bro chill yo please the alien sound one time make the alien sound one time I didn’t hear anything that’s what that’s what always I’ll make if I if I if I see this car for this all right yo y everyone sck together bro yo put your hands in my hands what oh my God oh my God these Footprints I told you footprint oh my God that look my God wait that looks like a ter is that bigger than my foot yo that’s a huge foot bro he must be in he must be guys are gaslighting me you see I told you look does that is my foot did I do that you thought I did that my God we’re going to die we’re going to die if his foot is that big he’s at least like four blocks tall bro why did you break it now we have there’s piece over here don’t worry wait let let me smell the dirt the footprint just came off of what does it smell like big foot oh my God guys what what what is this what is that why am I lagging why am I lagging yo chill chill chill chill chill what is this can I break it there’s a backpack y yo yo yo yo lag lag help me help me oh my God oh my God it’s whenever you look at the body bro it’s whenever you look at the body I’m breaking it I’m breaking it oh yo I’m getting out of him back the backpack it’s the backpack no no no back got it l got it it’s turning night time yo chill need to make a vase please wait we don’t even have anything guys guys guys guys guys why so quick get the craft all right boom boom boom go move move someone can hop in with me if they want oh I made let’s go let’s go I got the car started bro get in get in come on Dy move move bro what was that whing did you guys hear that I told you bro listen there’s so many monsters here bro’s over L I need you to pay attention sorry sorry sorry what’s happening all right we find him we find him we trap him okay okay that’s it that’s it that’s all I want you guys to do all right Y what is that what is that I just saw something I just oh the water in the [Music] water go go he thr water at us bro oh my that looks menacing that looks menacing look at him go go go go go go is he going to hunt us okay okay okay I’m moving I’m moving chill bro he came out of nowhere jeez he’s gone stopped listen see lyx what did he say who’s lying who did you say lying that could have been know you’re not lying after we saw the footprints bro chill we’re all in the same boat that could have been anything he just did he just say that could have been anything listen we didn’t say no I I said I said we believed you from the first time we saw the footsteps what are we doing about are we trapping him what are we doing brother we are going to trap him are you not listening bro are you not listening to Donnie we need to trap him okay Linux all right and you there so what we can find are sleep dots you see that thing that you picked up pick it up let me see darts yeah Linux has a bag where’s the bag I don’t have the bag I left it oh wa it there oh you got it oh God okay oh my God but it’s broken look at a heavy bow is broken oh I didn’t oh so we need that but we need a fixed one so we need to go to the camps there’s those camps around here we need to find a fixed one get sleep dance that is a camp let’s go let’s go let’s go move move move move move Mo move move okay all right so we got to we got to get the bow and then we got to put him to sleep right y yep yep yep okay lag you so who’s going to do the heavy lifting I’ll grab him oh his foot you serenate him well we need we need him to fall asleep are you sure this is a camp oh it is it is there there’s another bro it’s it gets lagg so laggy I know I know I know oh there’s nothing in there there’s okay bre break break oh my God I don’t like the lag oh my I think it’s lagging us out because like the the the Big Foot monster doesn’t want us getting like stuff right oh he doesn’t want us yeah yeah that makes sense what why these footsteps like did he walk like this like this way and then this way what uh what guys what I just heard something I heard movement in the forest I heard a two I heard a two I just saw eyes I just saw eyes chill chill chill where where where swe over here oh my God no no that’s not him that’s the man that’s the man who that’s the man guy what where bro look oh there’s another backpack there’s another backpack yo yo yo break it break it break it I’ll break it ah it’s so lagy okay I know I know I know it’s a big foot it’s a big foot it’s a big foot you got it did we get it we got it we got it we got it nice all right let’s keep moving this way then okay but if we see him we have to run into the boats again okay okay okay no problem no problem yo stay close stay close watch out for the creeper yo creeper com out behind you Don hold your torches hold your torches I don’t have a torch do you have a torch for me oh I don’t have oh yeah I do I do do here I do oh thank you so much I appreciate that bro you’re my brother for life got you man what is this bro this is wait yo guys I see something I see something look look right over there right over there in the distance hey if you come on this tree you can see it bro oh oh I’m good I’m good I’m good brother chill over here yo over there guys there’s something over there okay we’ll follow you we’ll follow you yeah yeah just follow me just follow me just follow me that I don’t see car down right now bro hold on Yo please please okay there’s another body another body another body on me another body on me I’m coming I’m coming I got the backpack oh my God wait so lag oh I got it I got a sleep inducing Arrow I got a sleep inducing Arrow bro creeper behind you Donnie creep behind you chill chill watch out watch out just keep moving just keep moving follow me follow me wait if lier got the bow what’s this wo wo it’s lagging it’s lagging it’s lagging again watch out that means it’s good that means it’s good that means we need it is that poop bro oh my God why is it lagging so much what is that oh okay what did you just pick up big poop I knew it let me see that PO ain’t no way it’s actually poop bro I Told You You’s trying to let I can eat it no you can’t wait oh I got a boost I got a boost three absorption 2 bro what what hold on let me test it let me test it bro look he has so much Nutri in him oh my God yo if you see the poop pick it up and eat it but yo I also have a sleep inducing Arrow here look you take this cuz you have the bow right no it’s all broken all the bows are broken wait no CH your bro I saw something over there let’s go there fast come come which way which way which way this way this way this way wait so if Sasquatch poop gives you tons of like abilities do you think Sasquatch meat gives you oh my Y imagine we kill him bro we become strong cut off but hey look look this is what I saw bro what is this oh it’s a camp right has to be yeah there’s a bed in there why is that guys help me a book him don’t worry about about boys I have absorption I have like four extra Hearts I’m also going to break the backpack oh my God I can break the backpack so quick bro really yeah oh cuz I have Hast three for like 4 minutes bro all right we got to keep moving need tools guys yeah wait can we get this wait what if you add the broken heavy bow to the broken heavy bow guys get in in I think I think oh yeah maybe like get in get in watch out baby zombie baby zombie oh my God my God please boys we need data guys guys guys come here come here come here come here everyone come here every everyone together everyone together come come got an idea I got an idea just go out here first this this a good idea cuz last time went the water he appeared bro yeah but he didn’t kill us bro he was throwing things at us and I’m pretty sure if we would have hit us I’m trying to I’m trying to zoom what’s that over there what’s the red I see that I see that I saw that right over there right what is that there was like two red glowing eyes it’s gone now guys guys I found a book I found a book about about uh Bigfoot look what when it’s right over here cuz basically every time that what what yeah what did you say oh my God just read this is my first time sharing my Haunter experience with others in the book so we’ll start by talking about the most important thing you can find in this cold Woods the Sasquatch oh myoh what was that what is that it’s a drown underneath us bro it’s a baby drowned oh my God okay many Hunters stories have been this big scary creature that roams through the forest the details are different depending on who tells a story but every Hunter to one fact it’s extremely dangerous some people say that the creature is a vegetarian and won’t cause any trouble as long as you treat it with respect others say he’s praying on like humans so maybe we he’s vegetarian so we just got to like not like giveing meat yeah but last time we didn’t even fight him when he tried to kill us right we annoyed him maybe because bro we’ve been breaking his Footprints we didn’t do anything we’ve been breaking his Footprints bro yeah but why do you care about his footprints bro because he he he obviously takes care of himself that’s why nutrients it says some hunters even carry a special type of arrow that is said to be really effective against the Sasquatch but the only thing we know is that the crossbows can break easily so you should always carry with one piece of string to repair yours the most precious piece of I can give you is to stay V Vigilant at all times and not anger the Sasquatch Co just got to find string then let’s go spider of course it’s day wait wait can someone slapped on a craft table we need a sword bro yeah here yeah okay can anyone make me a stone sword somehow oh wait is this one what is this one broken I think it’s it’s intact break that no it’s not oh broken it’s did you try to combine them the two broken ones yeah try that you have you have them both no I don’t no it doesn’t work it doesn’t work you have bro I have one didn’t oh wait where’s the arrow where’s the ti Arrow I have it I gave it to you I have it I have it oh got let’s just go look for his poop before we fight him and we also need to we need to we need to like stack up on a Bigfoot poop and oh my God there’s more and the arrows oh wait is this one intact it’s so laggy when you touch them okay now you can try combine it right let me try let me try give me one I already tried it doesn’t work oh okay we just need string to repair it but where are we going to find the spider does anyone have another ax there’s there’s another Camp boyso so another arrow we got another arrow nice nice nice so laggy like oh I got another the arrow nice okay so we have like four yeah exactly so where where do we find the uh stream um can’t we can go mining oh my God oh my God oh my God oh my God oh my God oh my God oh my God oh my God oh my God I’m so sorry I’m so sorry yo Johnny run die guys guys guys guys run run I’m so sorry I’m so sorry bro I’m so sorry guys he’s right there run here run here run here get out of there Donnie Donnie’s hiding donn’s hiding Donnie oh he dug down bro I should have not taken that piece of paper you took a piece of paper yes and now I have like an engage effect do you as well no but he’s right there he’s right there he’s right there he’s right there oh wait can we maybe use these arrows and him too the bow doesn’t work yet bro he’s just looking at me he’s L just looking at me we have to get Donnie again how do we do that we got to get him out Donny watch out watch out watch out watch out Donny oh my god oh oh my God oh my God oh my God oh my God oh my God oh my God no bro we can’t get on what do we do there’s a backpack here please anything useful oh torches we got to get him man interesting wait I’ll lure the Slender Man away and you you tell Donnie to come back up Slender Man hello hey I’m over here buddy okay I’m over here buddy yep keep coming keep coming oh did it work no he’s just guarding where Donnie is oh my God bro where did Don even go now he’s down below he just went down bro what should we do wait he’s mining away he’s mining away oh that’s smart the back more Arrow I’m going to Don I’m going to Donnie what’s happening why is slend man in my face yo come over here come over here come over here come over here just run just run here here oh yeah he’s following he’s just what’s going on what is I took a piece of paper bro I took a piece of paper oh is that I want to he’s chasing us that’s why he summon Herobrine R run run or not Herobrine what am I saying oh slam the man yeah hey keep running keep running I’m sorry I’m so sorry no it’s okay it’s okay oh there’s another backpack how are you going to know it’s so laggy all right there you go at least it’s free we need to find a spider bro in a cave we can go cave you could go mining oh small sp sp sp yeah let’s go yeah let’s go please be in deep cave it is hello please stay close hold the torch on off hand guys yeah yeah we also need to make a shield ASAP okay iron we’re looking for is this I don’t know why is there purple the contron uh huh what’s called might be the Bigfoot no oh maybe let’s just grab some oh why not guys why is my screen getting blurry why is that uhoh you don’t you don’t see that no maybe Ang piece of paper I know there’s loing Angels here bro somewhere I swear oh here okay chill chill chill chill chill chill chill chill this goes I’m going to go this way oh you oh oh my God outside yeah this just outside yeah we got to find like a deeper uh entrance but bro the deeper I go the more like my screen gets messy so watch out let us try as well can you give me uh can you place on a craf table please so I can make myself a sword dude there’s nothing in here give me a sword please what do you mean uh just make me a sword oh jeez this is so annoying man all we had to do was just find him we should have killed him that first time we saw him who the we didn’t have anything what though yeah he was giant too bro yeah we just need that one yeah I you if we get that one string I feel like at that point I don’t it pick it up what’s this isord oh yeah thank you okay all right yo maybe wait it should be dark outside now no and then oh my God oh my God oh oh oh he’s still chasing us I’m so sorry guys I need milk I need milk then come this way it’s an effect to have come here come here come go go follow me follow me follow me just block get iron so I can make a bucket and then make milk so I can get rid of the effect go go through go okay just just block us off block block block us off nice smart are we just trying to find a bigger cave I don’t know first of all we need to find what the milk so you get cured by Slender Man and he doesn’t die then we need to find the um so do you have an effect right now IR string iron and string yeah I I have the effect put engaged oh and how how long is that for uh 13 hours 13 hours he’s chasing us I think it’s maybe cuz I have to find all the pages you know oh yeah you have to find the ridden logs he’s not back there anymore um no I think we lost him I hope so BR that me me come on bro please we just need string cuz the next time we see him bro we’re going to snipe him like when face clamp bro oh I’ll keep mining don’t worry about it my brother you you go do we go up uh yeah go up now take this we I think we if we get how many iron do you have I have none next zero okay we we can’t go up then maybe we find a new cave yeah but look look come here we should be able to find like an entrance to a cave in the water oh look this is where he chased us before here get in the boat oh yeah follow me follow me oh yeah I got one I got one it’s fine we just got to find like an entrance to a cave a boat with me bro I’d love to be in a boat with you bro I’d love to I’d love for all three of us to be in a boat you know we need to make a mod that allows three people in one boat that’ be F yeah bro that’s what we need for real mhm are those dead people under the water what yeah you’re right oh my God let me see right there what is that there’s a big there’s a there’s like a mansion over there you see that where right in front right in the way we’re facing oh yeah I don’t see it go go go closer I think my render distance is not I still don’t see it bro oh yeah I see it I see it should we go to that what in the world where’s Donnie he’s coming he’s coming let’s see Donnie should we go yo yo is that is that is that maybe where he lives bro no that can’t be that must be it has it has a it has a flag of Sweden on it bro that’s not the Sweden flag you think he’s Swedish it is I watched PewDiePie the flag of the flag of Sweden is Ikea I think oh we need to check like look they like blue and yellow bro what oh my God there’s a barrel oh more arrows and a bunch of wood bro and strings strings strings string yeah I completely missed it bro there was so much stuff in there string take the string bro let’s go let’s go okay let’s see if this works oh more string and more arrows and more iron and iron oh that’s a shield for everyone this place was genius repair heavy Bow’s y yo repair heavy B let’s go let’s go let’s go we need to repair them all okay here’s the plan yeah so look put iron in here we make free Shields okay smart yeah I need to get more wood uh oh wait there’s another one over there there’s another one over there bro wait wait wait hold I’m going it bro cuz I I need a bucket for milk you know yeah true I’m going to grab more wood so we can make uh Shields what were you saying Donnie what what were you saying no I was just saying why don’t you just take the from here make it these one fine yeah going to it for now I won’t make it to a chield just yet cuz if he dies then you know going to need this yeah it’s becoming night time oh dear oh my God he’s he’s found something cuz it’s lagging oh look all the mushrooms we can make mushrooms soono now wait I have some well actually not a lot I have three cooked mutton and six bread I got yeah I got six cooked mutton oh I have no more steak okay so if I shoot the repair I can shoot this now should I try to shoot you um you can’t I would wait till liger gets here okay I love how you’re happy to be you’re crazy well we got to figure out what it does cuz imagine it just like what if he can like still move but he’s blind like it’s is it impaired no sleep inducing so I should fall asleep right yeah makes the target unable to move so what would we even do if we made him unable to move we’d have to make a trap we’ have to make a trap after that yeah like if he can’t move we can make a trap around him we could put TNT below him hello yo oh my God bro that was so sketchy I found like two more of those and then I got the iron we’re about to test the sleep inducing B thingy Arrow we’re going we’re going to test it and then I also find IR iron axe and iron shovel bro wait careful all the mobs are coming now yeah block it up yeah yeah there we go boom we should be pretty safe here right yeah here we are new base our new home and now we can also like have a lookout you know like this is sick Bro how much uh do we have any wool uh no I don’t have any hey let’s let’s make I made do a bucket here so we use that can you move out the way real quick yeah oh yo guys there is actually a chest up there I didn’t know I was just breaking it to go to the roof oh oh my God yo there’s another one of those right over there bro oh my God all right I’ll go you guys wa here that noise oh where that noise where chill chill chill right there right there I saw him I saw him was right there miss I missed I missed I missed somebody shoot I don’t have I I don’t have it throw one throw one this Arrow we need Arrow give me give me give me I I need one of those oh my wait where is he where is he where is he is he on ground he’s running TR that I fell I fell I fell I fell I fell I fell I put to sleep stupid you would have died if you would have disappear disappeared there bro wait I put sleep right as he teleported away yes how do you know and now he asleep somewhere else oh my God that was terrifying no no hold on hold on someone make laders please okay I’ll do it I’ll do it I’ll do it yeah yeah make laders and then I I say we go to the other one to get the diamonds from there too bro this is huge okay all right cool cool Co I’m also going to make myself a bucket I’ll put the iron that I have in here here shields for everybody is there anything above this no break have like a lookout tower oh nice go on ler thank you thank you thank you thank you and then here y on the floor on Yo thank you so much follow the stair I’m going to go get the loot okay wait here wait here are you sure okay wait listen listen Donnie wait listen CU there’s a small one here and then if you keep going that direction there will be a bigger one okay so you you can just uh skip the small one okay I’ll try get good luck bro I’ll keep a lookout on you bro don’t worry oh my God there’s a weeping age right below you you’re lying I swear where yeah I oh I see I see it’s moving it’s moving it’s moving I’ll keep an eye on it bro don’t worry thank you than Linux do not take your eye off of that weeping angel should we see who chasing I don’t think it’s ch chasing him really or I don’t think need more at least no wait oh who’s that chasing oh who’s that chasing there’s no way we’re way close to wait look away look away oh yeah it’s chasing us oh it can’t get to us bro it’s not going to be able to navigate should I try kill it um there’s a lot of mobs down there right now yeah maybe not maybe not yeah okay kind of go at it from here oh he he found it he found the diamonds nice is he all the way over there like in the distance I see him I’ll just mine it right I saw him I saw him hear something I know I know I know I’m trying to break this broke pickax is broke do you me to come down no I think I should be fine but I am on three hearts okay I got it I got it I got it hey come up come up huh huh what does that mean what it said unlocked weeping angel identity oh yeah I got that too interesting where’s Donnie is he back yet lier what jump what nothing what is Donnie doing oh there he is he’s in the ocean he’s in the ocean [Music] Donnie Donnie wait you see that in the water over there yeah that’s Donny bro no no way over there I don’t I think your render distance too low there’s like a there’s like a village or something under the water yo you good bro I’m being chased by the Weeping Angel there one right bro what you me weeping angel whereit what oh I’m on two and a half hearts I’m on two and a half hearts bro I’m die why are you weaving oh my God what why are you what what is that what why did you say anything I saw it I just didn’t want to alarm you what is going on bro it just said unlocked Identity or something and then what what Don Donnie Don bro lot going on he killed he killed a weing angel and then it just turned into him oh no I killed one and I did I’m fine is this because of the Bigfoot maybe oh my God you look how are we supposed we have to keep an eye on you you’re not to I’m the one with things above my head look oh so wait why did you become one and I didn’t I didn’t either maybe because I did go out alone at one point and then I don’t know maybe that had something my sh screen I think on my share screen it did say um it did oh uh we’re good yeah what did it say what did it say it said unlocked identity but now we just for back bro you keep scaring me I’m sorry I’m sorry man I’m sorry okay what’s the plan we have our Shield going into the water we have iron or maybe when you drink you drink milk wait maybe mine Me Maybe mine Me Mine me okay you ready wait wait yeah yeah I don’t want to fall down though hold on yeah yeah do it now do it now all right is it working it’s doing it’s doing is it yeah the heart effect oh let’s go wait I’m back you’re fine you’re fine you’re fine you’re fine than you so much oh my God what would I do without you guys bro that sick that was sick okay so now we need to we have our iron we have iron I have diamonds I have diamonds too I have one Diamond should we maybe like tally them all together like put everything in the chest we have all the one Diamond I have a broken thingy that I need to still fixed can can someone repair it for me I don’t have one yet I don’t have any Bows Oh I I I I’ve load the string okay here we go all right dope I I also have 10 sleep inducing arrows let’s put all the arrows in and we split to three okay cool cool cool cool cool there you go here’s another one and here’s another one nice put all your arrows boys that’s all okay and then so that’s all then I got that string that’s all and then 15 five each okay five each all right let me take five 1 2 3 4 five there there we go wait you just took one all right no it’s hard to get out five we go okay Arrow just arrow take two two all right who who should take the valuables one one person should just hold them at all times okay who’s the most trustworthy I i’ I’ve been just holding stuff hold it all right all right why did nobody say me why did nobody say me bro CU you disappear sometimes and like bro like you know I’ve never disappeared that is annoying okay fine and the Sun is going up Okay cool so what’s our next objective should we go check out that underwater Village L talking we need that effect oh yeah still got the bucket i’ still got the bucket comes he’ll kill us then let me milk you you made one how it works let’s go let’s go let’s go we got we don’t got time for thisy what oh guys guys oh my God oh my God oh my God oh my God oh my God oh my God what was that what was that where is it where is it where where is it hit me get your balls ready get your BS ready I got wait why am I slowed I can’t move lier shot me wa hello oh my God oh my God oh my God my God where did he go where did he go where did he just go also I just realized you don’t have to load this boat that’s why I accidentally shot you bro I’m so sorry no you’re good bro what was that where’s Donnie did he get taken wait use the Sasquatch detector no nothing’s here I think he got taken bro he’s gone can I milk this no doesn’t work oh watch out with the skeleton bro what should we do I have bro you’re the leader bro I don’t know I mean technically right we should stay here because this is where we were last seen if it’s like one of those rules of like don’t leave where you were last seeing cuz otherwise how how in the world are they going to find you you know but we need to find you your cows otherwise we may just die yeah Don he’s saying help me bro ask him where he is where wait chat disabled youe to missing public key what bro am I getting am I getting hacked by the flipping Bigfoot bro wait what why am I only getting weird stuff I don’t know I could type okay y let’s just go find a cow bro let’s just not think about Donnie for a bit he’ll be a your dog do you want the dog I have I have seven bones oh yeah yeah yeah yeah tame him oh I’ll take you bro thank you all right love me if we find a cat I’ll take the cat nice oh let’s go what should we name him let’s call him Donnie yeah yeah yeah so nice to have you oh starting to lag there’s poop right here if you want it yeah take it take it take it you hold the valuables bro take the poop that’s the worst noise I’ve ever heard in my life where is it can I milk a deer maybe it smells horrible bro where are these cows what is that is that a beacon what there’s a redstone torch on top isn’t that Herobrine bro how does redstone inherently mean her yeah really yeah bro is it a beacon oh chest what’s in there what’s in it oh string all you bro kind of need that I’m bones take it bro where’s Donnie Donnie oh that Forest is on fire and there’s a lot of lag coming from that direction why is it on fire uh what did he say again he said half AA and he didn’t respond to where are you ask him again bro are you kidding me man why does this always have to happen I’ve never seen lightning like that before you see how many lightning bolts were hitting the all at once yeah oh get this he gave he gave actual coordinates yeah yeah all right um 336 over here and then one 61 so like this way yeah we just got to keep going this way bro it’s it’s a long way but we got to find him we’ll get there there’s no way we can do this without him bro there’s no chance I know he’s the one that knows all the facts fun facts about Bigfoot exactly how does a person even know that many facts about big isn’t that kind of weird you’re right what if he invented the big foot he might have oh I see him I see him I see him wait what that is super how did he get here so quick he was 150 blocks away oh my God finally bro what happened bro I started getting Smitten by lightning right it’s going bow my whole screen turns white I get teleported thousand of blocks away and I’m on half a heart bro what I swear to you buddy I swear why would I lie what I’ve been with you the whole time you saw the lightning hit me anyways oh my God so what happened with the loot did you guys take all the diamonds no yeah I have all the diamonds yeah he has he has him on him yo listen we need to find a cow bro we need to find something that go over here over here oh the sheep that means the cow’s going to be close right has to be oh wait I was I was collecting the the wool I okay it’s going to be like oh there’s a huge Ravine I there’s cows over here here look come oh another dog what happened to Donnie the dog oh yeah wait who’s Donnie the dog bro he died fine I’ll take this one bro when you left we found a dog and we named him Donnie cuz he was gone for one minute and you replaced me there he is that little rat it was no chill no no that’s a new one I just named him I just named him what are we naming him leave him alone bro his name is uh Linux okay what you got call dog Donny and then Linux that’s you next one going to be called lier oh my guys I’m sorry I’m lagging oh poop this poop there poop take it I got it I got it I got it poop iive experience we got two poops how have we not found a single car bro are you kidding me another poop get that poop there we go I got it wait liger there hello you know how we’re talking in game technically you can talk to the animals and you can you can get like you can almost you know like a mating call where it it calls them in is that would you say cow no wa that that’s how it works so I just got to go like moo yeah but loud obviously they have to be able to hear it all right so I think a realistic cow doesn’t go moo it just goes like like that but loud oh okay a little bit more little a little bit more all right can you stop he’s just screaming at this point stop there it is what where I saw one he’s such a liar bro you’re lying such a liar why is he gaslighting me so much today bro what is wrong with this guy there look I have boats for both of us bro chill out there is no way what wait you forgot me already bro I was gone for one minute and I got replaced and now you’re seeing both of us like I wasn’t meant to be here bro where is the cow guy he’s laughing I can hear him laughing bro there’s no cows there’s a cow over here he’s bsing bro listen him do the noise do the noise you shut up please what is that what is that that what is that did you see that what is that did you see that in your little right there right there right there Li look here let go to it where let me drive Linux you drive get out get out what’s that what is that chill chill chill CH chill chill chill chill chill chill chill chill chill chill chill I think it’s kind yo chill don’t punch it oh can you guys get in please bro Linux you are insane bro all right you take him you are I I still hear sounds it’s gone it’s gone bro oh this is thingy oh we’re fine we’re fine we need to kill that thing no we didn’t we did not need to kill it bro yeah we did it was dark it was literally just chilling there yeah so going by linux’s Logic anything that moov oh okay anything that moves and goes to us in the chat have okay okay y can I do all likea no you can’t do it no no no okay I’m sorry I’m sorry it’s more like a I don’t know how so like fluent you know it’s like the second language hello what the flip is a toilet there’s a chest here hello hello hello it’s just random stuff what oh like red stone some bones one iron Donnie Donnie guys help me what I’m getting cold cold H I’m getting cold do you want a hug I’m getting cold okay cauldon get a blanket snuggle you’re cold I’m getting C what do you want from me getting cold he’s getting cold I’m getting cold yes C cold cold cold C oh cold bro Carl Carl Carl I don’t want to speak Carl Carl who’s Carl Carl be yo how do you actually say Carl bro Carl car okay how do you say Carl Carl am I going crazy bro that’s such a hard name to say just a kill imagine imagine you go to like a farm and then go up to a cow and then it goes get the back oh look at this oh what is this what’s going on Oho it’s a train get a B but please yo please I just want to see a cow bro please I’ve been looking for a cow for like 5 years now there’s no cows here oh it’s empty I no there’s stuff up here oh oh tons of stuff empty wait what oh one of them this one is in yeah I found one too nice I didn’t find it oh yeah here Dr interesting that heard a noise yo boys it’s getting night time we still haven’t found a cow um okay well we haven’t even seen Bigfoot actually in a long time I know that’s we haven’t seen we Haven we have to use our Sasquatch detector bro we haven’t been using it yeah but this is no crypted detected yeah so once we detect it we’ll detect it Oh I thought you disappeared what yeah you disappear for a second no I think you dis disappear for no reason guys from over here yo you know what they say don’t go to unknown light sources you know what we need what what we need to Max win guys look come I need that maxen stop stop screaming M the cows have to no what we St forest fire bro no that is so not team trees yeah we’re trying to oh no we got to get inside we got to get inside oh I see something I see something over there bro N I see see that behind the tree over there yep yep yep you see that right yep yep you see him right I see him I see him oh there’s a there’s a weeping angel too bro bro BR weeping angel we got to get inside yep yep yep yep yep yep you’re right right here on the left bro it’s still just looking at us leave the man who watches then what what Ife a man just watches no that’s his name what is that come come on wait wait wait what sleeping Angels behind us still we need to just just keep running we need to go down why is it so dark I’m right behind you baby keep following keep following there’s got to be a cow bro I know bro I’ve been looking for like 5 years what happens if we see the Sasquatch should we just fight him we put him to sleep yeah bro we put him to sleep and then someone slaps him have your cryptic detector like out and then your torch cuz if it comes then we’ll know no wait for me bro nothing think we’re going to find it bro there this is so annoying man if this wasn’t P Bro we would have found like five at least what is that oh it’s dead guy is there a way to summon the I have a cow and like I pet it how do we summon how does that help us the big do we sum yeah how do we summon bigot you just got to speak your alien language like five times in a row okay win what was that it was a it was a fox sound like that it go it it went yeah wait do that noise yeah it was like a yeah or maybe it was like it more it was more High [ __ ] it was like yeah wait what what did you say again stop so everything weird man you got to win what did you say bro it like a oh spider what did you say what’s going on he said it was more like a yeah yeah bro I’m saying it was more like a was more like yeah oh what n bro that’s that’s too much yo what we oh there’s a weeping angel there’s two weeping angels on one yo watch out they they they they shred through your like pickaxe oh my my pickaxe oh my God I’m about to die I’m about to die I’m about to die I’m about to die run run run run run run this way this way Bo boat Bo boat I don’t have a boat I don’t have a boat I I make a boat yeah go boat we just keep oh okay that’s fine I’ll make a boat to to okay bro you got all right bro it doesn’t seem to work second boat here no not get in there you go you to get in go all right wait wait wait we’re making it happen boys I’ll try I’ll try get not like go please man like please get in I’m in I’m in Crouch Sunny go Crouch Sunny wait oh okay get in this boat there I’ll make a b bro you guys I got one I got one I got one I got I got here bro no what do you mean oh I guess we all get individual boats that is actually not a bad idea though cuz now we can all aim you know oh maybe maybe we should just like go along the coast and then once we see him we snipe him from the boat okay come follow that is not along the coast bro see along this Coast we could do where we got to the water we find a biome where he can’t spawn right and we’re in the when we’re in the biome right he come he gets in the forest cuz he can’t just like um he can’t just you know like just spawn in a place where you know like where he could be seen you know mhm he’s not going to spawn in the desert is he have you ever seen Bigfoot in the desert you seen Bigfoot in the Arctic that’s the yeti yeah my cousin told me about it once he said he went to like uh the Sahara Forest this uh the desert I mean and then he said he found like the footprints also what is that in the water bro over here boys oh there’s T aquam yeah this where Aquaman lives or something I don’t know all right whatever let’s remember come let’s go down where is land we are in the middle of nowhere did you bring us out here to kill us no over here there we go what’s in here some good stuff fire oh I’ll take that there’s a campsite what you say C everywhere there’s a campsite under water yeah bro have you not watched SpongeBob oh yeah you’re right hey you really want me to explain it to you like fire on the water as possible due to the oxygen in the air was sure this way this way was where we came from you want to go back to the shore bro no I’m just saying which way was it oh yeah we just got to go this way yeah we need to find somewhere cuz what biome are we in now we’re inside the yes I know where am under the water if we were Birds we would know cuz we would have like internal Compass there’s something over here what you talking about let’s go back guys there’s nothing here bro over here man what do you mean as I was saying if I was a bird I would have like an internal compass and I would know where to go you know what does that how does that help usy there’s a there’s land right here the same let’s go let’s go he’s talking about if he was a bird what is that is that a crafting table no it’s not a crating no way this where we started no no no there’s no way this is where we started bro I’m actually going to turn go bird can we please mute it is this just a single Island oh this is the scariest thing I’ve ever seen in my life it’s an island guys just won kind of Island have you have you not seen the M Beast island island video islands are beautiful what wait going crazy yo maybe we should be in the trees or something oh okay I don’t know but we got to take them out I think we hello wasn’t he just here [Music] Donnie Donnie hello he’s gone he’s gone he got to take it again bro what do you mean he’s gone hello lier what he’s gone hello bro it still says chat disabled how I don’t know where he went oh my God Dam yeah what’s up oh wait if we go like boom and then boom put johnie yeah huh what where were you what do you mean you just disappearing I Disappeared he’s trying to troll us like don’t ignore him yeah he’s trying to he was right here all the time bro oh load of cows don’t kill don’t kill him oh milk wait okay I have be engage now it’s gone oh my God oh oh my God my God slend w w WB WC WB a but yo bro Donnie was here all the time Linux I don’t know what you’re saying bro you’re tripping out bro you need to go to a therapist get get the cow inside the boat why what you killed him there’s another cow here yeah here’s one here one I’ll do it I have a light touch wait I have an idea guys what guys please wait I’m sorry I’m sorry the last one don’t like it don’t kill it oh look and then you just go into the water and then hit it no oh wow don’t hit it real America thinking huh take it from the L and then Escape yeah yeah yeah you just take from yeah resources bro it’s basically free going on me bro let’s see if the cow good oh M Let’s Hear It Let’s Hear It come on Cal talk to us make a sound that was you that wasn’t me bro what that was you all right yo we’re getting getting distracted guys we actually have to find Bigfoot by the way I know I know let back let’s go back meet us around the back yeah come on L come out front I’m trying this why am I Tokyo drifting with this this cow what did you say Tokyo Drift did you just say Tokyo Drift I’m Tokyo drifting with this this hold on hold on on hold on all right Lia so don’t don’t maybe don’t take any some random papers that you see you know maybe this time actually have a brain you know maybe I don’t know maybe you know what do you think lenux um he’s going to take a paper and we’re going to die again I like papers name our cow can I name him mhm yeah sure also where’s my dog was that wait wait wait I just saw something on my dogs have been disappearing what island there’s no Island over there there was something over there I swear bro this guy has some like render distance 50,000 bro bro has some NASA computer bro what is what do you mean l what do you see I saw a person you saw a person okay bro lost it bro lost it what island bro bro lost it Island we came from no near it like that little you see that block that’s sticking out of the out of the water oh yeah oh yeah there’s a person standing on top of it all right ly stand up we’re going to test the biggest part of baloney I’ve heard in my life we going test our bow L you ready yeah oh okay I can’t it I can kind of swim I have slowness six for 6 seconds so we literally have 6 seconds to do six seconds to kill him bro no no no listen we’re going to comp we’re going to we’re going to what we’re going to compound it right so 6 seconds from me 6 seconds from you and 6 seconds from Linux that’s like 6 Plus 6+ 6 is like 14 I think okay good all right let’s go 6 12 14 – 4 what talking about plus no 18 just ignore him L he’s gone mental lier fine guys he’s still doing the math lier y yo I’m coming I’m coming chill chill chill wait so what’s the cow’s name tell I said hi liger Donnie says hi hey hey Donnie what’s going on he said dude you’re the worst he said he hates you I hate him I hatey I I I like his uh I uh liger said that he hates you Donnie or liger Donnie said that he hates Germany tell Donnie that I I I love German people I love Germany but not where he is Germany what did you say liger I said I tell him I love England he said that he hates England he said beans and toast ew iy is he insane he clearly not right of mind if he Johny said he hates everybody that lives in Germany what is this SL completely messed up that’s just completely bro he’s lying like don’t listen to oh my dog’s back bro he was was gone for like 50 hours bro what’s the cow’s name are we leaving him here where is the oh no wait it said unlock cow identity I have no idea all right I say we call the cow call the cow what bety why are you a hold on wait what what chill cow chill what just happened to oh my God someone milk meone never getting this milk me milk me milk me throw me the bucket throw me the bucket milk me okay okay it doesn’t work no I just drank the milk for no reason oh my God what who killed byy no I hit you I you okay I wonder who killed oh oh why’ you hit me put your dog down oh I’m good I’m good I’m good I’m good yo doggy doggy chill guys I’m doing this alone chill I’m finding I’m finding SAS alone it’s fine bro don’t need these two idiots I’m right here oh sorry what lagger yeah lagger what lagger that’s a big hole whoa hold on ow ah you’re dog going to kill me oh my God I L died oh my God I died your dog’s going to kill Meo go I’m to killo I’m sorry I’m going kill L I’ll put him down myself I’m going to kill you Linux I missed every sh it said unlocked wolf identity am I wolf now no I’m not not no you’re not there you go look you see oh we can get oh we can get armor guys wait guys wait we can fight him in this hole I think this is perfect yeah but how do we sorry how do we get him okay so look we we all stand in the middle right I look this way someone looks that way so we cover like all distances and then like you know where wherever he comes from we just shoot him okay but then how do we get him to get here just make a lot of noise what makes big Bigfoot annoyed you you you you know the what he like log file right you have it yeah what makes noise it says um what was it um here it says many some people say the creature is vegetarian what who tells a story somehow is Car special we could figure out on humans I mean we we could do one side with a bunch of veggies the other side with with us it said don’t break his Footprints wait every dead body we found had what in it meat steak and oh meat meat yeah and he’s vegetarian so maybe we just eat like a bunch of meat throw it around and maybe he’ll pop up break his Footprints let’s go break his Footprints yeah yeah yeah yeah yeah that’s what we did before too okay cool cool cool cool and if he chases us down we just go back to this hole okay okay then we have like a clear line of fire bro let’s go man coming up with a sick plan loo Salon what is that no I said lo logot I I don’t even know bro give give what’s our name bro I don’t even know that’s thought we call ourselves likeo so we so we take the the we take the L from Linux right and we take the I from Don right yeah then we take the G from lier and then we take the e e from lier all right and then we take the r from oh my God they’re so cool you know niga and then we co G liger yo my liers oh no my liers oh no that what a name the I broke two Sasquatch Footprints by the way wait I haven’t broken any sorry um okay guys how much how much iron do you have I have uh one six I have eight o okay you have six Linux mhm so who wants to be who wants to be full who wants to be full iron guy I think it should be Lin okay so you want someone to die with the lion okay cool that makes sense that makes perfect sense it makes perfect sense protect prot us will protect us Linux is the most a democratic vote right now and then see who becomes president okay fine yeah whoever win Theocratic vote typ you can’t vote for yourself and on the count of the three we say who we want to vote for okay we say it out loud or type it yeah we say that out loud bro all right one two three no you can’t vote for yourself bro is a freeway vote then there’s a freeway tie wait if you vote for Li and you vote for Linux why is nobody voting for me what’s wrong with that what’s wrong with that is it cuz I’m different than you two different no one said that you literally are like what you’re human just realized I just realized he’s jealous cuz you wanted to be a bird but he’s a bird he doesn’t want you to be the second bird he doesn’t want you to take oh I was always wondering about that is is he an owl no he’s a bird genuinely hope bigfoots ease you both okay I hope one by one you guys are screaming in pain as you watch the other person get eaten by Bigfoot that is what I wish on YouTube okay chill see I’m the one that gets to make the Democratic vote I vote I made the decid vote cuz you voted Li I vot you voted Linux right so I make the the decided vote I vote for me so I’m the leader here that makes a lot of sense oh my oh let’s go where’s Donny’s oh my God that is the worst thing that you’ve ever done to me no take Diamond trash nobody wants to touch that look I can’t even pick up allergic to trash garbage bro these are rebor diamonds they’re not even real some fake VVS diamonds bro I don’t want any of that I only want real diamonds bro I only want than this guy he’s not giving diamond boots bro you how you how expensive it would be diamond boots there tell you Walker you can be shreding diamonds you can be Shing money as you’re walking okay I hope that everywhere you walk gets filled with dog dog dog bro keep saying any brother W that noise I don’t know I think that’s bigf something is very wrong hold the detector hold the detector I’m holding out oh it says run it says run he’s him shoot him him I hit him I hit him he stood still go go attack attack attack guys guys guys come here come here come come down here come oh my God I need I need diamond armor G somebody help me I oh my God he just disappeared yo you guys are a bunch of wussies we could have killed him I needed all I don’t have boots and he’s shooting at me BR he stood still and I’m getting his poop right now too bro hurry up it’s lagging so much hurry up bro man he was Stood Still guys we don’t need armor I hit him with like three bullets and I’m out of bullets okay let’s uh you need more bullets yeah need more bullets I need more bullets let’s break I think we piss him off when uh we break his uh his tracks okay this is the dumbest ever bro hav’t SE track in a good minute they’re usually at the sights oh my God oh my God oh my God oh my God the zombies are trying to kill oh I I oh wait that’s oh it’s too laggy I’m not going to break it what I know I know chill chill chill chill chill chill you think these arrows will work against oh guys watches the watch watch watch watch watch watches here I see a track I see a track I’m going to he’s at the bomb he’s at the bomb he’s on the tracks oh my God oh my God oh my God oh my God I’m so low oh my God I’m so low guys he’s down there I know I know I know what what do you want me to do oh my God please exploded there’s a creep he’s stuck in there look he’s an idiot look let me hit him with the bow I missed no don’t waste your bullets don’t waste your bullets you just use all your bullets on him yeah oh he’s going he’s okay that was terrifying um I guys BR I broke another Sasquatch thing well just keep doing it keep doing it what is that oh what is that I know something’s coming I want you guys to know if we do see SC Sasquatch it’s been a pleasure working with you guys you know something goes wrong it’s been a pleasure as well it’s been a pleasure it really has been hate you both with a passion with a burning passion all of us with our Boots the matching boots I think I love all of you guys with with I love all of you with my burning passion yeah and I hate you both I hate you both I wish there was a way I could describe my burning passion in a physical form with you guys I wish I could bond with you you can bond with him all you want he’s right there go ahead I want watch and why are you looking this way it keep saying anyway oh there this guy to stop that is something we don’t know stop just saying random nonsense lyx this is the person you trust I’m trying to help you I’m your friend here this guy is mental okay let stay away from him someone’s having a mental break we got to stay as a group bro saying nonsense L I’m the small one L he’s let’s keep going what was that light there’s a light over here go towards the light bro that’s what you’re supposed to do right you should always go towards the light Donnie Donnie Donnie what is he doing Donnie hello oh hi what are you doing what did you say Army of what I was talking to um he like so like he like when like he’s like oh my God what’s that noise anyways come on what are you making I’m coming make an armor for myself sasp detector there’s nothing here look at my armor cool what you guys got one B of armor with your diamond boots it’s actually one and a half I don’t care one half these nuts bro listen I don’t care look look what I’m rocking I’m rocking the f what’s that noise what’s what noise BR can’t even finish his sentence you’re dropping stuff okay I’m sorry I’m sorry I’m sorry I’m actually sorry I’m actually sorry I love [Music] you did you drop conon Ingot don’t want it anymore all right yo boys can we please kill how just needed to come back which don’t leave me alone don’t leave me alone guys please watch out there’s a lot of footprints break them oh there’s a villager bro I’m not seeing any Footprints I’m not seeing anything either bro oh my God Donnie did he just disappear again bro I I don’t know Donnie keep eating your meat oh my God K this oh my God oh my God sorry I didn’t know you running that way oh my God oh my God I’m on two and a half hearts I’m on two and a half hearts I know Place boat down please I don’t uh I don’t have a boat I don’t have a boat okay I’m going into the ocean yo help oh he’s theread he’s dead he’s dead he’s dead shoot him shoot him shoot him shoot him I don’t have a bullet I I shot him I shot him I shot him shoot him he’s asleep he’s asleep I shoot him I shoot him again go go go go go now’s a chance now was a chance kill him kill him kill him kill him everyone attack attack attack attack he’s getting away oh my God how is he got climbing these trees where is he oh my God I feel the flipping Le what in the world my game just flipping close oh no no now that was terrifying to play but this next world might be even scarier that’s up for you guys to decide all right Linux we are back and we’re ready to attack hold on the back rooms here we come [Music] baby help me what was that did you hear that what was that noise you heard that right someone just screamed help me liger bro help me what I heard like a what is that what is that that what is that we just started dyy Donny help help help me oh my God wait we can’t hear him bro it’s too loud oh my God bro what was that what actually was that Donnie can you hear us hello hello bro bro did you did you witness that when you joined and how how how are you even here bro like you were gone for like 2 weeks bro you told me to get off for this stupid back nonsense I didn’t expect you would join Bae I’m so glad to have you here my boy did you not see what just happened BR there was a goat chasing us I don’t even know what it was bro I had a bloody face it sound like a someone someone need my help help me Minecraft goat okay yo listen anyways yo we’re trying to go to the back rooms I think I still have some ender pearls we’re trying to go back here you go here you go Linux thank you all right let’s go to the back rooms so Donnie I know this sounds like crazy to you right but have the Ender pears to get into the back rooms and now we’re going to explore it yeah bro look I have like stuff from it I I have like a yellow memory jar uh I have like water we almond water in the in the backs the advancement it’s real almond water yeah it’s like the nutrients to keep you alive in the back they want to keep you alive as long as possible so how do I get in I want to go end put the end P oh now throw it now I don’t want to be here anymore throw it just throw it throw it we’ll come after you what y wait what I’m right here no no no no no you did it wrong what yo why is it not working wait you guys lied to me is this I swear we’re not lying bro I I don’t like this sounds bro it’s turning night time too what okay it didn’t work it lier it didn’t work bro EXC me but what do we what do we do then I don’t know okay Don you guys said that you had to way into the back rooms it was the ender pearl bro try it again wait angle it try angle it a bit so like I’ll do it like I’ll do how do like this you guys have any wood uh yeah here you go here you go go go here I got an idea take it take it dude you just kind of glitched did you just nearly no clip into the back rooms and then I need one more what okay here you go one more rud take all the wood take my wood huh then if you do this right you can here look nah N Chill yo he’s on to something bro chill yo chill you ready and then you have to go here we didn’t have to do all that last time though but I guess wait a second yeah but this is how you like no clip right throw into the corner you do this all right oh you Liars this is it it’s a joke you guys for no reason it’s getting time chill chill chill okay yo we got to move we got to move I think we got to figure out a different way to get in there don’t drink that don’t drink that we need that when we get to the back rooms did he just drink the flipping almond water we’re dead we’re going to die it’s over it’s the only almond water we have take everything and moveo please you can’t just grab almond water it only spawns in the back rooms almonds don’t come there’s that noise guys hello guys chill okay let’s just get wood we’re going to need wood get as much wood as you can Don needs a torch I don’t want to be scared please just tell me how you got in the back rooms be honest come on what what what did you say I don’t want to be scared it’s fine we’re here for you we will protect you okay uh guys I’m also running low on food um and this weird thing keeps telling me that he sees me what so there’s a goat there’s a Minecraft goat chasing you from the one how you make a trap door bro oh there we go is that what you said lier yes there is a Minecraft goat that was chasing me but hold on yo we got to glitch into the flipping back room somehow bro he look this is a good good start right punch me punch me while I’m in here okay okay wait chill CH on two hearts chill oh my God oh my God oh my God yo I need what is that yo I need food I’m going to die I’m going to die right here please give me food I’m killing those Pig here here I have a cookie have a cookie it’s not raining yeah yeah yeah that’s exactly what I need oh my God thank you so much bro we need I need a pickaxe how have I not yo Donny last time we figured out a bunch of ways to like no clip into the back why does that spider have white eyes and a white face oh yeah that happened to us last time too bro the Herobrine’s here I don’t know you think maybe all these mobs leak from the back rooms is this what this is I mean oh my God where where is that from it’s near should we maybe Stack Up should we make a base yeah yeah yeah bro it’s it’s near us me bro I don’t know what’s near but listen I don’t know running out can I have another cookie please please another C let’s just go kill the cows H there’s mobs around the place that are looking for us okay and we’re trying to find a way back into the back rooms that’s all we doing we need to make a house what I want just said they see me yeah bro we’ve been all hearing things can someone please drop me a cookie I need to regen oh my God thank you so much bro this guy’s cookie hoarding yo what cookie hoarding give me stone give me stone I’ll look after you guys it’s okay oh my God here you go I also have a level Key by the way look this is from the back rooms bro I got backs I could take us to level two have you guys been to level two with the BS I don’t know where we’ve been no we were you guys know anything about the BS also y I don’t like way your voice keeps glitching bro are you a part of the back rooms yo L do that thing that you always do please tell me that’s yo that is not normal bro no human talking about a to make that sound are you okay me Linux he just no no don’t do that again bro I should do it again but do it for like 3 seconds can you please just get rest yo I love this guy right here hold on yo we’re all going to die but at least we’re going to die together die it’s getting closer it’s getting closer guys this can we please just go into a cave yeah yeah yeah let’s go bring stuff bring stuff bring stuff come on we got to get stone we got to get I just got to get stone nice nice nice nice oh I just got Stone AG bro bro what wait did our advancement get reset wait no l i remember every time there’s a noise you guys spin around really fast I don’t know bro are you guys maybe not hearing the same sounds I’m hearing is that what’s happen I don’t know I heard a I heard to help me I swear bro I swear you guys are just trying to get me here to be scared okay Len is you lying what else do you want me bro I’ll drop you like the empty almond water I’ll drop you I dropped you a yellow memory jar bro yeah that’s vanilla Minecraft look okay give me wait we need we need Stone get who has stone I have stone I have stone I have a bunch of stone yo we figure out how to glitch bro you can no clip okay I’m ready I’m ready to no clip no clip go go go go go how do you know clip how how did you guys get originally you Ender right yeah yeah so we tried like a bunch of Methods at first and then we use the end and it were there’s a lot of things happening outside so I say we stay in here just for a little while long I said we look outside no I think no chill do not break that do do not break do not break that block don’t don’t break that don’t chill chill chill close’s getting close it’s really loud I swear I saw something you guys see that we need to glass or something yo yo yo yo you guys are lagging out are we no clipping right now bro can can someone drop me a cookie again please I’m I’m I’m two and a half hearts bro what why are you so low I only have two cookies left you took the rest of my cookies I’m so sorry bro but whatever it is it’s feeding on me all right guys I’m going to go get I’m going to go get food you guys stay in the base okay yo you guys are moving really sus bro like you’re like teleporting around bro I don’t like this no no you can’t do that only Linux can oh sorry you need do it one more [Laughter] time yo bro there’s more all right listen I’ll be back okay uh I’m going to get get food you guys okay be careful stop moving suspiciously you see that too right like it’s kind of like you have myor I I is that is this your torch do you have the other one or did I drop it to you Donnie Donnie don don oh my God I see it what see what where what do you see oh my God oh y get in get get in oh my God oh my God oh my you saw that right you saw that right was standing there it’s outside wait what do you mean it’s outside it’s right here the where is he he’s right there you see his hand where I don’t see him where I don’t like this game oh my God why did it go after me t let go leave I’m coming back he’s back he’s back hello what happened you DC did you this purpose tactical DC good good good tactical DC yo you know what happened to me I bro I placed these two blocks down and they killed me through the wall but I respawned super close and I didn’t lose any of my items bro he’s I think he’s right outside you’re listen listen guys guys guys it’s day time how’s it daytime already huh he’s gone okay guys end end oh oh okay we can get some more end pearls wait do this do this do this what what’ you say hey we got to do this there you go oh wait P him off I might to piss him off I kill him I’ll kill him I’ll kill him don’t worry don’t worry don’t worry don’t worry don’t worry I got you my boy I got you my boy I got you my boy yeah did you get it get it no we didn’t get an end Pearl oh my God all right let’s go kill these cows wait so what’s another way that we can get into the back rooms with what so backs is all about like suffocating and stuff like you noclip and when you’re no clipping you’re like suffocating in blocks that you could you can fall in gravel maybe you suffocate uh anything so when you’re I’m sure when you’re Ender pear you must have like no clipped interesting you know so what’s the method here then I don’t know but we either get we either go it’s like drowning if I suffocate yeah we’ve seen those two bro this wait wait wait guys suffocating ready oh Suffocation get in get in get in all right get in I’m on one okay well if you see us disappear then you know where we how we got in he can’t speak right now he’s oh my God what was that wait I’m I’m dring I’m dring I’m dring okay no it’s not working it is not working it is not working and I’m on one and a half hearts I’m on four here take this oh can you please give me more cookies I don’t have any more cookies it’s so loud you don’t have any more cookies I don’t I don’t okay that is very bad where did Donnie go I have no idea Donnie Donnie what is that what is that Linux it’s that thing again Linux back off slowly back off slowly oh my God oh my God oh my God oh my God where is it going where is it going where is it going where is it going what okay gone yeah yeah yeah gny bro what dude this is too scary man why where did this guy go I was there I was inside the forest and there was a goat man he was there I swear he was there I promise I saw I saw saw him we saw him so he was chasing after you then yeah he was can you give me some of that food bro yeah oh thank you so much bro you really are a kind man wait I have a golden apple too nice I’m going eat that actually maybe I should have saved that for later oh you gave it to me yeah that’s why I said you like do you have any more cookies and I said here take a golden apple I guys let’s try sand so much bro you want to try sand yeah because right how you know clip it has like a 10% chance to uh send you to the back rooms like when you’re suffocating so right if we all standed there 30% chance but it’s a bro we’ve done it already Donnie oh true we did do it already try it before and but not with me here right no no no no oh my God yo let’s just get out of here bro there’s too many sounds we got to figure out another way man okay okay the drowning didn’t work drowning didn’t work trap doors didn’t work oh you di did you die or no I died yeah I died yeah you can also it didn’t work you didn’t go to the dude where is this guy he must be close bro every time you I know I know you can hear him that means he’s close saying okay so what’s the plan we just got try different thingsit so so think about the like actual law right like the first video that was released the guy just fell backwards it like a suit he said help me I I don’t know who it is bro it was like a SE I think the guy F into like a sewer great what about door like ooh do oh that is not a bad idea Mr Linux hold on look like he’s using bra oh all right yo like this yeah am I am I glitchy am I glitching now no wait what about this ready you jump oh wait oh oh oh what did it work maybe punch me wait what if I place another door no wait what if we place a door on top of the door you crouch jump oh do that no you can’t place a door on top of a door guys what is happening here you this this doesn’t work this is just normal Minecraft you can you use doors to get up no let win I don’t think that’s a normal thing I never even knew that existed bro oh my God I’m just saying maybe if we like H oh wait I still have one end pear I didn’t even realize guys I got it I got it I got it so we get a sapling right and then we bone me it or we we just wait for it to of it we stand to where yeah exactly I have bones or a bone you have bones I have B make bone meal out of it bro ready try it try it yo everyone everyone get close get close we all have to like stand close together here you guys stand close if you guys get teleported I’ll get more okay okay oh my God yeah yeah do it do it quick quick please please please please it didn’t work I I need more bones oh my God yo take my Bon what what we can go try to find more skeletons down in the cave that’s a good idea IDE Don take this take this you need armor or no yeah take that and then take that oh yeah I’ll share with you too bro here you go my brother nice this is my my treasured Brown armor and my brown sword and my brown stick and my brown leather tunic and my brown oak planks my brown dirt and my brown steak I love Brown and my brown wooden shove take that and you will get my white iron nugget thank you thank you for the all right boys let’s move we’re fine we’re fine we’re F that just means he’s near if he comes we pounce on him this time yeah we don’t let him bu us boys yeah we do we need Shields okay we need iron let’s go get iron and bones we need iron and bones we get Shields and thingies okay yep cool cool cool sounds like a plan this guy stop saying help me where are you I know I know well I I’m going to kill him if I see him bro site guys guys beds beds and get sheep as well on the way oh yeah yeah yeah yeah we can use the beds to glitch too wait we can use the beds to glitch if we put a bed and then wake up and we’re in a small house in the nether in the ne on the bed no no no we die we die oh yeah true oh that doesn’t work I got a plan I got a plan trust me just trust so we can build a house around the person who’s sleeping so that when they wake up they get like no clipped yeah yeah yeah you know hold on y l come here y come over here yeah yeah yeah can you just wait there real quick yo I I I don’t know why but like he’s been acting kind of weird don’t you think like maybe he’s not actually done like the lag and like the like the the way he’s like disappearing like what if he’s from the back rooms bro nah I don’t think so he seems to be helping you know I know we’ve had problems in the keep an eye on him yeah but I think it’s fine keep an eye on him bro Donny this is what I’m talking about bro he just disappears come on Donnie keep on the task we got to find iron and then bones bro what do you mean keep on the task our brother just went missing he’s he’ll come back bro he does that thing where he just comes and goes I guess is this a cave entrance please be a cave entrance no this is the weird you know what I think we’re just going to have to take straight down bro look at this just looks like someone took a bite out of the land chill oh oh oh sorry oh oh my yo you knocked me back super far oh oh I gave Donnie my food too bro how much F did you give you have food I gave him two steak here like that oh thank you so much you’re real brother Donnie Donnie Donnie Donnie we can swim I have a door wait what if he made it to the back rooms bro what if he figured something out what’s around here maybe you went this direction hello me bro where did you go uh I went to kill like sheep I got wool I told you it’s weird I think we’re fine I think we’re fine I think we’re fine guys I found a village while we were gone where where this way follow me and trust me he’s being weird again he’s being weird trust me he’s being weird how would you know where a village is over here if you came from the other way exactly that’s what I’m saying doesn’t make any sense I saw it how did he see you when he went the other direction think how did you see it from this far away I just saw I I think I saw like the wooden outline off the building how did you make that J that’s what I’m saying bro he’s not human bro he’s AI like here you see that you see that house over there which house the corner where you see right there oh my he’s actually right he’s actually right I don’t see a house oh right there bro right in front of us oh I do see a house oh how did you bro what that’s some dream moves right there bro man got the dream movement hey what can I say oh my God oh my God okay he’s not even reacting to it he’s not normal anymore bro I’m telling you he’s not human he’s screaming huh did he say something what is that what this right here what is that did you place this my life what is this is this like I have to get to the background what is this wait what paper did you yeah wait I’ve never seen this place in my life paper Grim start collect page Slender Man that’s what I was about to say Remember come follow me follow me quick oh my I I don’t think I should have taken the page then because I also have I also have this Effect called engaged on me there’s another one over there yeah he on the wall what is that we need to go check it take the bed take the bed take the bed take the bed let’s go check it what if that’s how you get there yo what is that yeah yo hey Bale hey Bale maybe hey B no he he sees me he sees me too bro he’s been seeing me for a long time why is there her by villager sleeping and why is there no villagers here okay there’s a lot of villagers in here I’m taking the bed yeah yeah come come bring the bed bring the B bring bring it bring it hold on hold on hold on hold on hold on yo chill chill you guys are moving too quick for me bro trying to get some food hold on Donnie hold on hold on hold on oh yeah yeah he wants to sleep oh yeah I set my respawn Point wait what’s that oh oh close it close it place it B close it who opened it I don’t know someone broke it oh man from the fog dead oh really he can do thate sleep sleep put sleep on top of me like long bed what no I meant like go away wait actually should we go to sleep cuz then we can use the beds to we’ll do that next time we’ll do that next time we’ll just get respawn point we need him we can’t sleep without him wer oh no lier go away what get again again oh man man from the fog is here oh no he oh oh my God I was having a nice Sunday evening in my bed hi go I see him I see his name oh really oh oh my God oh my God what happened wait LX you died on my screen oh your re point was here hell I just saw ly die in chat what what just happened get get in bed oh my God I’m sleeping bro I just had to walk all the way back here what just wait it said you can’t sleep I thought we just bed yo yo yo Yoo yo yooo chill chill chill yo sleep sleep sleep it keeps breaking it keeps breaking it’s saying you can’t sleep sleep sleep sleep it works it works sleep okay where’s the bed where’s my bed one of you guys have the bed oh my God oh my I have it I have it I have it I’ll place it down here here LX move bro all right yo y yo go sleep oh my God my Lantern all right stop sleeping so loud okay all right can we just talk about what happened I got killed I to walk all the way back there back here and then I see Linux dying chat but he’s still here what is going on point here yeah I set myself P here when I oh my God okay that makes a lot of sense but yo why do I still keep all of my items that’s so weird keep inventory’s off is this world even real bro like we got out the back rooms yeah but maybe this isn’t this is more test than ever bro we got to go find all those things maybe okay so the piece of paper what was it oh yeah I I still have the piece of paper quick he found a piece of paper and he said he found what was that what I just saw something over there what Birch no he’s over there what is that look over that direction too you saying what are you saying where in this direction oh I see him I see him I see him he just disappeared he literally just disappeared that wood is all broken also our house is on fire go go go to the uh hanger whatever it’s called bro there’s another piece of paper in there what is happening right now maybe I maybe I just have to like collect this paper and then like we get teleported there is that what it is oh you collect the paper yeah I got I got two now how many do I need in Slender Man what is it again like five uh you need 10 10 that can’t be it bro there’s no way you get to the back rooms using slender yeah that’s not that’s no but slender takes people to weird places what is that oh armor nice yo can we oh my God wi eyes is that a chest why is there a chest here oh my God what yo I found 12 bone in that chest really oh yes we can do the thing now we can do the thing place a sapling down wait why else did we need to go underground we said we need to go underground for two re Shields and but look we can use the we get the iron here nice yeah yeah yeah oh is he is he insane he’s the craziest person I know that was the craziest thing ever let him out let him out oh he’s focus on me he’s focus on me so you can just do it okay I’m just going to make sure he can’t get out can this break what is that that was pretty stupid hello lager yeah that was uh oh my oh my I’m so sorry I hit you bro I’m so sorry i h bro are you okay bro came over was causing chaos what’s wrong with you I’m so sorry he did that on purpose take that and then Johny here so I have an extra one that gave me four yeah that’s fine I’ll just hold all right so now we make a shield right mhm yep I need a bit more wood does anybody need wood I have a lot of wood for you bro you can take my wood thank you you go you stop saying oh you did it again the house is on fire lagging which house you’re not lagging you’re lagging wait that’s where I just respawned from you did not respawn in that house I did oh look at it it’s on fire chill wait okay listen and now we have Shield so we can protect ourselves and we need the bone Mill wait how did I respawn there if there’s no beds what you broke the beds didn’t you yeah I’ve got them in my inventory uh okay I don’t know what’s going on oh man oh sorry there in the chest oh God so B I know I know I know okay yo hold on man we’re not well listen all we got to do is just try the saplings and then what what other you know what I mean like let’s just try the saplings got to work they have to saplings otherwise we wait for uhoh or we wait for nighttime and we try the bed one yeah yeah yeah yeah yeah yeah C this okay that sounds like a plan this cook this I’m try and get a sapling then wait cook your potatoes how many food you can cook potatoes there’s no way you’re lying yeah you can yeah you get baked potatoes what oh my this what so I’ve been munching on the RO why they give you like the same mistake bro real life yes it does what do you mean it doesn’t happen in real life I’m just taking these there’s no way we come back for him what do you eat your potatoes like I found a bro wait they going too far I eat my like potatoes bro yeah like an apple like yeah wait wait wait wait wait wait wait wait there was a letter on this in French Potato is pom the which means Apple of the ground okay that yo this guy is from the back rooms bro I’m telling you oh what do you mean you saw the letter on the there’s a letter right here I just got Grim start from the oh that was that was another page guys I didn’t get what guys what is that wait what that I swear that was not there before that was not there wait there’s more iron armor oh bro look at this chest this chest look so s look at it why is everything we found we found something before hello what bro this does not seem like a good place to be in oh my God I’m getting no no no nope nope no nope there’s another chest yo guys guys guys iron leggings iron sword here gra that yeah grab grab the stuff from it real quick and show them oon sword you want it oh my God all right yo I’m placing another sapling yo guys stand in there I’ll bom you I’ll B like look the page should I take it yeah yeah take it take it three uh nothing bro just collecting them I guess like Poké Balls yo stand in the saplings I I I’ll bomb you you okay L go go go both of you amplify the glitch effect did it work did it work you guys seem super glitch bro that has to be it that has to be it no a look at Linux bro look how no clipped he looks Linux than I think he’s just been silent am n okay imagine you would have done that as soon as like you know guys look where we are right now God look we’re we’re in somewhere where there’s like um you know the guy that like you know like was like uh the I’m going to go cook my big FS real quick one sec um yeah I’m going to I’m going to go too bro yeah I’m I’m going yeah Linux oh this the wrong house oh you want to Bak potatoes yeah they listen listen bro I’m telling you bro he’s weird bro I’m telling you bro he’s AI he’s AI believe me bro believe me he’s ai ai bro artificial intelligence CH though we’re the one coming up with the ideas he hasn’t even come up with a single idea so far of how to get in exactly so he’s trying to like keep us from there somehow I don’t know bro Donnie look he just disappeared if he has any ideas let’s see if he has any ideas oh my God bro they’re screaming close yo Donnie I me Don do you have any ideas of how to get in the back no not right now da yeah engaged to da oh there you are now he doesn’t have any ideas I don’t have any ideas to get all right I’m bum bro I don’t know what to do wait I got an idea what what you guys trust me with your life yeah come look no I really don’t but yeah how do I get this guys what what oh my God what my God who put that there I didn’t put that there was that there before we would have seen it bro are new structures appearing as we go is this like a simulation is this a real World bro the only person that could have possibly put put that there was me and it wasn’t me let’s go that just makes you sound very yeah but I said it wasn’t me very here someone take this helmet someone take this helmet oh thank you so much bro that’s actually a huge [Music] upgrade don’t CH chill don’t wor oh my God can I hold your hand yeah there’s a villager head here is it what oh oh my God there’s a lot of dead villagers bro no no oh there’s another one oh my god oh iron sword oh my God oh my God okay okay I’m breaking that says I see you where what does it say I see you oh okay oh what is that back there you guys see that yeah there’s a lot of things waa oh my oh my God and look at that out there look look at the iron ball one do we oh my bro everywhere everywhere which one do we go to I said we to iron bars follow me guys follow me follow me I know how to get the back rooms oh my God oh my God I know how to get back I know how to get the I know I know how to ow ow trust me let’s go check the port first yeah yeah yeah someone have food I can’t Sprint yeah here you go take take half the baked potatoes yo do you guys hear the the sounds like they’re kind of changing it sound like someone’s like being muffled yeah like like a sock in their mouth or something yeah guys we need to go to sleep now wait oh my wait wait I got IDE there what so guys guys guys guys guys what what what oh yo chill chill what is that chill chill chill it’s gone it’s gone it’s gone do whatever you want to do quick please I don’t want to stay here anymore so here’s the plan right we make the smallest house possible right yeah like this yeah so you guys come in yeah then we just need to make it taller wait wait jump jump jump here you go okay now we just need to make this taller like this yeah get in get okay we’re going to die bro and he this man who’s going to do it okay now jump and place the bed down what okay there you go now I I’ll place it on top oh oh ready do it again do it again you you got to place it you picked up my bed oh sorry there you go I keep jumping it says you can’t sleep it says you can’t sleep what is here nearby no bro close it close it close the door block it block it block it oh my God block it off from the top block it off from the top right now oh my God it can hit it can hit through blocks you can hit through blocks Dig Down dig down down dig oh look got it up look up I know I know I know I know I know it’s good that we dug down we would have died we would have died if we didn’t oh my God oh my God that has to be top 10 laggers coldest moments bro stop then just do this guys look over here yeah and then I place the bed down and I sleep oh it won’t let me sleep right bro it’s something stopping us it looks like his face he’s gone he’s gone he’s gone oh there we go so wait wait wait now no now wait I get out of the bed right so now cover up where I get out of bed cover up that area wait wait hold on hold on wait wait break that break that break that get rid of my bed too all right yo you ready to go into the back CR boy hold on I’m ready I’m ready I’m ready good luck um guys yeah yeah nothing happened are you are you taking damage maybe you need to take damage no yeah does anybody have like gravel or something wait let’s try again let’s try again don’t do it everywhere just do it where I’m respawning okay wait maybe we should do it with gravel like that like that oh I’m going to try to find gravel hold on yeah go for it go for it oh dude it’s cuz this guy is respawning yeah I know he’s so annoying keep at it boys I believe in you I’m a Believer Never Say Never yeah Never Say Never And I [Music] yo I can’t find gravel boys it’s like a needle in a hay stack right now uh try it now Donnie try it now cuz he he’s gone usually when there’s lightning that means he disappeared there you go no no no go go go around me around me up I make sure there’s no gaps no gaps all right there is no gaps my brother wait wait wait there is there is how where right here it’ll just it’ll just push him to the closest point all right all right Donny wait wait wait wait wait wait wait wait okay try now try did it work Donny hello are you taking damage how it didn’t work it didn’t work hey we need gravel or something bro yeah maybe gravel gravel might work find it bro try mine around the house be gravel somewhere around it’s usually like if you take damage I think right like how else would it just like it’s not a button I’m telling you bro the sand would have worked we could use sand guys with the bed you know I got one more idea I got one more idea first of all we need it to be daytime so sleep okay trust me this is my L plan and then otherwise we take your IDE I’m so sorry it’s okay go for it place it here you go time to sleep boy oh no this is this is it this is it that boy sleepover all right this is Donny’s coldest moment you ready yep yes look first we need to wait till she stop screaming yes first we need to watch get out first we need to get out of here right so how do we get down we broke down from over here okay be sure we want to go back out I got a plan I got uhoh you’re a man with a plan right here right here I swear oh oh hey oh wait I got here use this oh you are so smart but I think like a capitalist know what I’m saying he does oh yeah know what I’m saying hold on us out oh hold on hold on yeah I’ll sorry sorry sorry sorry sorry there you go my boy jump jump jump jump jump my brother jump jump jump jump jump jump jump jump jump okay what is that all right guys guys guys so do you know what dark over you know what dark oak wood is yeah yeah so if you put four of them together you get super oak tree right so dark oak saplings what did you say super oak tree yeah yeah yeah yeah yeah yeah I know what he’s talking about I know what he’s talking about okay do you have bones on you do you have bones I I have a lot of bone meal still I have like 38 okay yeah we just need the oh we need the dark oak then that’s fine exactly come I’ll show you are you guys following me do you trust me yeah yes good how many Bon we have that how many bones do we have bow Bon 30 bones what is that 38 it’s like villager heads lier oh there’s also like some weird grave thing over here oh yeah wait can we get bones from here oh oh oh I’m getting poisoned I’m getting poisoned I’m getting poison chill chill chill chill chill chill chill chill chill all right guys I got the saplings come all right oh my God where did that Enderman just come from oh I’m stuck I’m stuck lier lier I’m stuck help what’s happening help me help me help me leger’s gone lier got taken somewhere I can’t move I can’t move bro I don’t know I don’t know how did he get taken oh know I can’t move I can’t move well I know you’re just floating for me I I’m stuck Donnie what Donny what I’m stuck oh wait what what happened why did I just get teleported back to where I was like 2 minutes ago I’m [Music] confused where did everybody go hello Donnie lier they just got taken below I don’t have anything bro I don’t know I don’t know what I’m supposed to do try the gravel’s right here got to hurry bro why is that wood broken why is that sheep staring at [Music] me okay we got gravel I you do it you should place it on top right please work please work please please please please don’t kill me don’t kill me oh hello Donnie liger there’s a torch here someone’s been here liger Donnie they’re here they’re here somewhere they’re here this is one of the rooms like the the starting areas they’re here somewhere they’re here Donnie lier what was that what was that please don’t hurt me you stop following me okay I only have a little bit of food that’s a put that in my off hand cuz I get I get see a little bit more hello oh lier there’s more stuff here okay we got to watch our sanity we got to get far and then grab almond water we had it earlier in the game we need almond water because that gives us more knowledge or something I don’t know it keeps me saying oh why are there so many of you following me stop Leger Leger got him hello guys L hit me don’t no no don’t hit him don’t hit him don’t hit him okay we’re good we’re good we lose sanity and they hurt you don’t don’t do that don’t do that I know I know I know I know L does this place that kind of look different like last time it was way foggier bro this is way different I I don’t know what to do here listen listen listen listen we need a base of operations it’s right here wait wait wait remember L like last there was like this like villager spot we could go to there’s a what remember there was like this spot with like there were a bunch of villagers yeah yeah yeah yeah yeah yeah we can go there we can go there and then we got like a bunch of loot from there too it’s like a Donnie it’s like a it’s like a middle ground between like real life and in the back rooms it’s almost like a like a break room oh it’s other people who have like like oh it’s like patry or whatever what do they call it like it’s in between yeah I can’t tell who Donnie you’re the guy with the the oh I’m getting nauseous oh yeah wait wait we should we should have like uh things that differentiate each other I’ll take off my hat have the leather helmet and I I got the chill helmet cool I’m nauseous also um so how do I does anybody oh I have coconut almond water yeah just drink that yo we need to keep move did you Dr that what yeah yeah yeah yeah I dropped one of them all right we got to keep moving boys come up here up here up up here wait how can you why are you placing blocks I can place blocks oh oh I can too but you can’t break them okay I see yeah you Min don’t kill these guys don’t kill them don’t kill them don’t kill them wait really yeah they’re no no no they make you lose your sanity bro who hit it we figured that out oh I think it’s if you hit them you lose sanity yeah yeah yeah yeah yeah yeah don’t hit them don’t hit them cuz I think you lose sanity for all of us yeah oh wait but if they’re close to you they also make you lose sanity also I’m pretty low on that sanity bar yeah I need okay I don’t know help me help me help me help me oh my God I didn’t pick up the book okay come on V just fell through what just happened what just happened what just happened bro I’m naous I’m nauseous I I need Alor water you have same there’s no no no you got to find we we got to find those barrels we got to find those barrels ASAP oh my God I oh it’s gone it’s gone we got to still find them though oh my god uhoh oh there’s we find them come come come over here over here bro I’m getting no why the paintings have white eyes try to clear it wait what oh my God okay okay bro I’m about to actually I’m I’m about to actually bro boys I need guys oh I’m going to die oh I’m on half a heart just keep moving take this take this eat that got water got water oh can you drop me some can you drop me some yeah hold on hold on here let me drink my second one oh I can’t see I can’t see oh my God thank you so much thank you so much oh my God oh my God I’m about to actually puke where is it I I don’t see it Don’s Don’s chugging them you good oh oh I’m chugging them too bro I’m chugging them too I was going to die I was going to die bro I’m losing my sanity fast in here my sanity went back up after drinking the I did but it so wait oh let’s go wait I only have two as well wait list so we’re we we’re from level one to level two right so there should be like three or like five more levels what did the book say don’t have the book anymore I don’t have the book either oh yeah I have it okay wait how about it the lock door use a key boom don’t waste your keys only use one oh he used both of mine okay now we keep moving yo we should really not split up by the way he’s over here he’s over here do not split up guys another oh open it nice nice oh oh check behind the paintings yeah oh that was a waste of hello I’m in water oh crate apples golden apple and a key yeah yeah these crates are so useful bro take everything okay oh my God Linux is one of those things again the thing that smells like behind you I know I know I know I know I know I know I know I know I know we can’t kill it we can’t kill it keep running what’s this what is that what is that what is that watch out oh my God run run run run run run wait what is that on the roof Donnie come here on the Roof oh oh my God I see it I’m about to die oh my God oh my God oh my God oh my God oh my God oh my God oh my God oh my God oh my God oh my God here let’s trap it let’s trap it oh watch out oh Leger Leger you’re back guys guys oh my God oh my God my I’m going to die have listen listen if you die you respawn it’s fine if you die you respawn it’s fine you respawn in this thing we’re in an I I don’t want to die though I don’t want to die does this don’t die no we cannot kill it just leave it just leave it just keep moving I killed it you killed it I killed it it just takes like 10 crits are not normal bro yo lock door lock door lock door where where where here I’m going to open it okay let’s just keep going straight then I guess yeah oh oh no that was a painting that disappeared uh oh there’s another one of those things just keep running keep running keep moving it does a lot of damage what that damage just keep moving just keep moving I’m behind the next oh CR paper oh and food nice it’s only raw though F oh crate crate crate crate potatoes uh wait what is that wait don’t reach pipe dream did you just take it no come here come here wait don’t reach pipe dream I’m going in I’m going in yo yo yo hello hello hello hello guys the P this is level three it’s level three oh my we’ve never been here bro oh I caned territory right now all right listen guys there there’s the only three levels I know so far on the back rooms back rooms normal one where it’s all the yellow rooms and The Damp ceilings and stuff the second floor is the office rooms the ones that we just saw now this third floor is the pipe pipe dream and it’s just a straight line okay we need to pick it away and we need to stay going that way only um there’s something I spawn facing you guys see that is that bat okay let’s just run the other way let’s just ch the other other way no the other way the other way no no no right right is always right the okay right is always right yep yep yep yep I guess it doesn’t go straight you just said oh there’s something back there I didn’t even notice it at first bro straight straight straight straight early straight early come come okay okay we stick to one path okay okay okay um ooh uh oh oh okay hit it hit it hit it save me save me guys no what do you mean save you I’m I’m shielding it my Shield’s about to break okay if I hit it though I’ll hit you too it’s fine it’s fine just just hit just hit it run run back Dy run back run back I I’ll cover for you oh it’s dead we got it oh my God Linux oh my God Linux you are actually crazy you Shield if it comes yeah here lier use hold one of your memory jars cuz then you get light I don’t I don’t have them anymore bro here here take this take this you get light with it oh thank you D is just running [Music] so what is that eggs Shield bro what is that I hate the alphabet help me chill chill chill chill chill chill chill chill chill chill chill don’t move don’t move don’t move don’t move don’t move don’t just run Donny just run Donny just run I’m to get I got I’m hitting it I’m hitting it oh someone’s dead I’m hitting it too nice got it okay all right yo listen ly the memory jar you just gave me says I get minus 10 sanity per hour um are we keep going straight I defend I defend oh my God I don’t like the sound it makes bro should we just try like forcefully run through them I’m trying oh it doesn’t work it do run run run run run run run run run bro we oh God keep running L keep running where is he I don’t know just keep r three why did he keep me back just keep going keep going there’s a locked door right here Donnie really oh there is oh God D come here don’t let it in oh oh my God we might have lost lagger it’s okay he the great maybe okay remember we go right when we come out of here oh me to it got to go got to go got to go it keeps tipping us randomly look did liger make it to the next uh level this guy is bro hello hello it’s teleporting me it’s teleporting me it’s t me chill chill chill chill chill chill chill I got no bro I need I need I’m water I got it I got kill me I got one heart I’m going to die I’m going to die if water I’m back please teleport me please teleport me it’s going to teleport me oh no guys guys I found out something I I found out something bro I keep getting teleported follow me follow me okay ready 3 2 1 follow follow follow follow follow follow follow follow okay okay okay go go go go talking about the red door the locked door oh did you find one yes no I was talking about the vents the vents look oh you found the V keep running keep running get in oh my God that’s so smart get in I can’t get in I can’t get in you can you can you can you can okay I’m in I’m in I’m oh my God close it yeah yeah I’ll close it I close it okay I got it this bro what how did you even manage to find this C how you find this I don’t know I well I ran past it and I just like oh maybe it’s a going up black water I don’t know if this actually helps but it’ll give us a moment to breathe um oh guys brother uh okay where is the Red Red Door liger this way it was like a one of the pipes I don’t remember which one though cuz I got teleported around so much but we need a level key and I think that’s how we get out I have a level key okay so we just got to keep running along the pipes and look out for a red door I think there’s multiple here take this one as I’m walking backwards take that one okay in case you find it then I think when one person gets there it brings all of us oh really I think so because I got brought along with you guys so if you find it then okay cool cool cool cool cool okay does anybody have extra almond water I have I’m like really low yeah I I got two oh thank you sorry I threw my a I’m out of food though here let’s just get out of here first I’m out of food wait I think we have to turn right cuz I think we’re just going down the hall yo my sanity is going down very quickly boys uhoh guys what happens if we go insane oh no it happened to me and Linux oh my God no no no you need more here drink your almond water you gave me three take that one this looks new was it a good say that one more time liger once you’re down here was it a good idea going into the vent I mean probably not it’s I mean at least we’re not dying guys what’s that in the in where I can’t see yeah I can’t see either bro you’re blocking away um just keep going you can break out of here right no we can’t I kind of see something over there if I press F5 oh what was that I don’t know what that is it’s like dark it’s like a dark square and it’s moving what bro I’m getting I’m getting that I’m getting that phobia claustrophobia the yeah the claustrophobia yeah that’s the one next time we see a right or a left I think we just take it bro what if we are stuck in an endless Bight there’s no way what if this is the end of looni name I don’t know logog City yeah this is oh okay okay I oh you want to go into the black water are you crazy does it let you it makes you like Fast wait wait wait I got plan yeah yeah wait wait wait guys guys you come out here come out here I’m going to wait till I suffocate and you tell me if anything happen oh wait wait wait there’s a vent there’s a vent there’s a vent there’s a vent right yeah there is there is there is yo you can also jump does this make me quicker no oh that wasn’t worth a trying is that it is that it no there’s we’re getting closer for sure that is definitely a vent guys we’re out of War by the way I have two but I’m going to save them we’re getting quicker oh there’s another vent another vent another vent nice use this one get out okay all right boys just look out for the red door it will be on the left side oh my God there’s more things there’s more things I see we just run through it no no no no no no no no okay just keep running keep running keep running Red Door Red Door Red Door red door please please please nope ow should I split off ow guys I don’t want to be able to Sprint soon okay okay okay I’m going to split off then I’m going to next turn I’m going to go to like increase our CH of finding I think so cuz I think get teleported anyways yeah I have a key Don do you have a key oh my God oh my God I don’t like split split split split yeah okay here we go this is make or break cuz uh o I’m going to die it’s okay it’s okay it’s probably better to die cuz then I respawn please let me die is there any Red Doors what is that yeah I’m back I’m back okay wait oh elmond water I need that wait I just used my only key oh my god I’m an idiot are you supposed to get out bro I don’t understand Hy lier what is that it’s like a giant Steve what is that hello what the oh run I think I blocked them off I hear liger lier liger what is that what is that come here come here get in this what is that oh it’s go sucked into the thing no no go back out no no no no no no no no wait wait no over here over here we can get out look to your left oh my God okay I think Donnie made it wait Donnie made it no found a memory jar no he just found a memory jar thing bro it’s making a weird sound know but it looks like Steve okay just run just run just run okay there’s more moners ahead of us get in here keep moving okay just keep running keep running bro I can’t run anymore run run run I’m trying I’m trying oh my god there another one of those I blocked it off I blocked it off get out of my way please no Oh I thought that was something there bro I need that wait Lenn yep yep yep this one’s going to the right we just take every right we see every right we see we take it okay okay D it out of the way right oh my God just keep going right just keep going right you’re behind me right yep yep yep where did Donnie go I don’t know we all split I just pray he finds the next level bro I know oh my God I ran out of food oh please please oh lock door open it open it open it open it I don’t have my key I don’t have my oh I have two keys what am I saying get in get in kill it kill it kill it I’m trying I’m trying nice wait I have an effect it’s called wret and I has 47 seconds and I have no more almond water I don’t have any either oh wait do I no I don’t I don’t what guy teleported you oh my god what is away from me away oh my God what happens if timer goes Z wait I do have I do have almond water you have some for yourself too I have one yeah okay drink it drink it drink it bro we do not want to see that getting to zero oh my God cover that up wait how how how did that just happen I have no idea whatever bro wait maybe we kill him and he’ll drop like a key no okay don’t there is like five more of them down to flipping pipe hello what is [Music] Donnie Donnie’s here Donny’s here ler come back yo yo yo yo I’m being chased by there’s a giant Steve guy yeah I don’t know here here almond water right right here I got got guys guys there’s a key door here get get in this room oh oh oh hello oh we’re back we’re back in the over wall oh my God come go come bro wait wait wait wait wait wait wait wait someone commented last time and said that sometimes it makes a level of the real world but it’s not the real world uhoh what that’s what someone said noral how can we tell if it’s the real world or not I I don’t know I think we should do like a test where basically between like us three we just what okay you know what I’m getting now I’m not doing this anymore bro you know what nah nah oh bro like nah what just happened lagger y I’m quitting bro peace n I’m not doing this well that’s not good

This video, titled ‘I Trapped Minecraft’s Scariest Myth’, was uploaded by Lonox on 2024-03-14 03:22:29. It has garnered 75811 views and 982 likes. The duration of the video is 02:18:05 or 8285 seconds.

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    Minecraft Madness: Join OcchiRosa Live Now!Video Information This video, titled ‘🔴 Live Spietata su Minecraft con VOI!’, was uploaded by OcchiRosa on 2024-03-28 22:09:57. It has garnered 290 views and 10 likes. The duration of the video is 02:35:05 or 9305 seconds. • Discord » https://discord.gg/a53EmS8UVj • Telegram » https://t.me/OcchiRosaTG • TikTok » https://www.tiktok.com/@ocxhi • My Mood? » https://open.spotify.com/playlist/2cl24RCTTLPKSATNc7m8v2?si=be7b7e9d41584f0c ‒‒‒‒‒‒‒‒‒‒‒‒‒‒‒‒‒‒‒‒‒‒‒‒‒‒‒‒‒‒‒‒‒‒‒‒‒‒ TAGS (Ignorateli) : Minecraft ITA, BedWars ITA, CoralMC, BlodyA70, DragClick, Hypixel, dargclikc, teammlg, mlgrush, Pet, Pet Minecraft, Survival ITA, Vanilla ITA, Roleplay ITA, KitPvP ITA, KitPvp di Coralmc, BuildingMinecraft ITA, BuildButtle ITA, HyPixel ITA, CrystalPvp ITA Read More

  • ValticSMP

    ValticSMPWe are a determined LifeStealSMP Minecraft server, ready to please and offer everybody a unique experience with a wide variety of things to do within the Discord and Minecraft server. Read More

  • Simply Vanilla Semi-Anarchy 1.20 EU No Hacks No Resets

    Simply Vanilla – Anarchy with NO Hacking! We have been online since 2019 with a strong community and active players. No hacking or duping is allowed. Enjoy Vanilla world borders and accessible Nether-roof. IP: simplyvanilla.net Discord: Join our Discord Website: Visit our website Map size: 10 TB+ Watch what escaping spawn looks like: Video Link Can you do better? Join Today! – escape spawn, create your starter base, form alliances, and conquer bases! Read More

  • Crafted Survival SMP

    Crafted Survival SMPWelcome to Crafted Survival 🌍, the ultimate Minecraft SMP experience that takes the classic vanilla gameplay you love and enhances it with the features you’ve always wished Mojang would add. Immerse yourself in a vibrant community where the economy is built on the precious diamond 💎, fostering a dynamic and thriving shopping district 🏪 where players can set up shops, trade, and grow their wealth.Key Features:Shops & Shopping District 🛒: Establish your own shop or explore a bustling marketplace filled with unique player creations and rare items. Whether you’re a builder, miner, or farmer, there’s a place for you to… Read More

  • Minecraft Memes – I made custom textures to flex

    Minecraft Memes - I made custom textures to flexI guess you could say that meme is “pixel perfect!” Read More

  • Choo Choo! MK8D Tourney & More Trains in Ep. 2!

    Choo Choo! MK8D Tourney & More Trains in Ep. 2! Welcome back to Build With Me, episode two, Where we craft and create, with a special clue. More trains and a MK8D tournament in sight, For my subscribers, a gaming delight. Leave a comment, suggest what to build, I’ll pick the best, with skills fulfilled. Subscribe for more GO Transit and Minecraft fun, And Shell Shockers battles, when the day is done. In this episode, we dive into the game, Minecraft adventures, never the same. Trains chugging along, tracks laid with care, A world of creativity, beyond compare. And at the end, a surprise in store, A Mario Kart… Read More

  • Who’s the Sculkiest Mob in Minecraft?

    Who's the Sculkiest Mob in Minecraft? Well, definitely not the players who constantly scream and jump in fear every time they hear a sculk sensor go off! Read More

  • Faster Gaming’s Parkour Shenanigans

    Faster Gaming's Parkour Shenanigans Minecraft Parkour Shorts Video Ep 11: A Thrilling Adventure Embark on a thrilling journey through the world of Minecraft with Faster Gaming Plays in their latest Parkour Shorts Video Ep 11. Dive into the action-packed gameplay and witness incredible feats of skill and agility as the players navigate challenging obstacles and race against the clock. Experience the Excitement In this episode, Faster Gaming Plays showcases their mastery of parkour in Minecraft, demonstrating precision jumps, quick reflexes, and strategic thinking. Watch as they effortlessly traverse treacherous terrain, showcasing their agility and speed in a series of heart-pounding challenges. Mastering the… Read More

  • Minecraft 1.21: Xây Máy Farm Cây Đinh Ba

    Minecraft 1.21: Xây Máy Farm Cây Đinh Ba Minecraft Tutorial: Building a “Cây Đinh Ba” Farm in Minecraft 1.21 Are you ready to take your Minecraft skills to the next level? In this tutorial, we will guide you through the process of building a “Cây Đinh Ba” farm in Minecraft 1.21. Let’s dive in and explore this exciting project! Getting Started Before you begin constructing your farm, make sure you have all the necessary materials. Gather resources such as wood, stone, and redstone to ensure a smooth building process. Once you have everything you need, find a suitable location for your farm. Building the Farm Start by… Read More

  • EPIC LIVE Minecraft DARK RPG with Z3ntusBl4ck

    EPIC LIVE Minecraft DARK RPG with Z3ntusBl4ckVideo Information This video, titled ‘[LIVE] Minecraft DARK RPG mit @Z3ntusBl4ck’, was uploaded by Lord Darq on 2024-05-26 23:25:56. It has garnered views and [vid_likes] likes. The duration of the video is or seconds. Read More

  • Surviving Solo on Mysterious Island

    Surviving Solo on Mysterious IslandVideo Information This video, titled ‘Minecraft: Island Gaming’, was uploaded by Im_APerson on 2024-05-10 03:37:31. It has garnered 16 views and 2 likes. The duration of the video is 02:14:42 or 8082 seconds. Read More

  • Insane Crystal PVP Battles in Minecraft! 🤯 #Hardcordead

    Insane Crystal PVP Battles in Minecraft! 🤯 #HardcordeadVideo Information This video, titled ‘Just started Crystal PVP #minecraft #minecraftshorts #Crystal PVP’, was uploaded by Hardcordead on 2024-06-01 17:05:08. It has garnered views and [vid_likes] likes. The duration of the video is or seconds. Read More

  • 🐶First Dog Reveal + EPIC World Tours!🌍

    🐶First Dog Reveal + EPIC World Tours!🌍Video Information This video, titled ‘Minecraft SMP| GETTING MY FIRST DOG +WORLD TOURS’, was uploaded by TheKaiShow on 2024-06-08 01:56:17. It has garnered 119 views and 15 likes. The duration of the video is 04:02:39 or 14559 seconds. Girl gamer Minecraft smp world with subscribers and viewers Minecraft world tour live gameplay longplay #minecraft #minecraftlive #minecraftsmp #longplay Read More

  • Epic Minecraft Fun with Dev Bhai! #GamerFleet

    Epic Minecraft Fun with Dev Bhai! #GamerFleetVideo Information This video, titled ‘Dev bhai ke sath moye moye hogya 🤣| Epic ‎@GamerFleet  #gamerfleet #minecraft #shorts’, was uploaded by NoteMiner on 2024-05-16 05:30:03. It has garnered 37310 views and 1779 likes. The duration of the video is 00:00:32 or 32 seconds. Dev bhai ke sath moye moye hogya 🤣| Epic @GamerFleet #gamerfleet #minecraft #shorts Hello Everyone 👋… Welcome🥳 to my channel ▶️. If you liked this video then make sure to hit the like 👍 button 😁… And to watch more such contents, do subscribe to my YouTube channel ❤♾️. 📢Credits:- @GamerFleet (Anshu Bisht)❤ I DON’T OWN THE… Read More

  • Unlock Secret Minecraft Bosses & Monsters Now!

    Unlock Secret Minecraft Bosses & Monsters Now!Video Information This video, titled ’11 Boss & Monster Yang HARUS DITAMBAHKAN di Minecraft’, was uploaded by Suanglu on 2024-06-18 03:00:19. It has garnered 3939 views and 204 likes. The duration of the video is 00:12:42 or 762 seconds. 11 Bosses & Monsters That MUST BE ADDED in Minecraft 11 Bosses & Monsters That MUST BE ADDED in Minecraft Mod Link : 1 : https://www.curseforge.com/minecraft/mc-mods/bosses-of-mass-destruction 2 : https://www.curseforge.com/minecraft/mc-mods/mariums-soulslike-weaponry Subscribe Channel Suanglu : https://www.youtube.com/c/Suanglu Discord Suanglu : https://discord.gg/AsF8yahc For Business : [email protected] Buy Minecraft Server at ApexHosting : https://billing.apexminecrafthosting.com/aff.php?aff=8989 Inspiration : @DrBonksOfficial Suanglu Social Media : Instagram : https://www.instagram.com/adek.ebii/ Instagram :… Read More

  • Insane Minecraft Mini-Game with Empress Little-bit!

    Insane Minecraft Mini-Game with Empress Little-bit!Video Information This video, titled ‘WHACK-A-MOLE in MINECRAFT! (ft. @zincberg @MC_Oda @luckylane0 @impala100 #minecraft #gaming#smp’, was uploaded by Empress Little-bit on 2024-02-26 22:45:00. It has garnered 1366 views and 31 likes. The duration of the video is 00:00:15 or 15 seconds. Check out: @luckylane0 @MC_Oda @zincberg @impala100 Thank you Oda for getting this started and welcoming me into the community. I do hope I’ll be able to meet your standards within reason… Welcome to CraftWorks SMP! A wholesome family, friendly Minecraft community banded together to create great things. Check out the rest of the team! CraftWorks SMP Link: https://www.youtube.com/@CraftWorksSMP/channels Boy,… Read More

  • EPIC IzPushhhhhh in CW FLORUS – MUST SEE!

    EPIC IzPushhhhhh in CW FLORUS - MUST SEE!Video Information This video, titled ‘CW FLORUS full tf con brz’, was uploaded by IzPushhhhhh on 2024-07-14 04:57:29. It has garnered 199 views and 5 likes. The duration of the video is 00:04:58 or 298 seconds. ———————————– ⛔TAGS IGNORAR ❗⛔❌ CW MINECUB CW LOXER. CW MINECUB, LIGA MINECUB, CLAN WARS, MINECRAFT PVP, DESTRUYE EL NEXO, SERVIDOR 1.8-1.7, PVP GAPPLEADOS, ,,SHOTBOW, MinecraftHCF PLAY metiendome en bases hcf HCF ME METO EN SU BASE HCF TRAP SOTW HCF 6V2 HCF VEIL HOLY KOHI FAITHFUL VORATION HCF SHADOWPLAY TEXTURE PACK HCF FPS GODLY MOMENT FAITHFUL SOTW SOTW HCF VEIL HOLY VEAX.RIP. STAFF ME… Read More

  • INSANE Enchantment Room Build in Minecraft! #11

    INSANE Enchantment Room Build in Minecraft! #11Video Information This video, titled ‘Enchantment Room Made In Minecraft Survival Series #11’, was uploaded by Gaming Ash on 2024-05-02 06:21:35. It has garnered 316 views and 10 likes. The duration of the video is 00:20:21 or 1221 seconds. Our Minecraft Content 1. Mods/Add-ons/Map/Mc Pack 2. Minecraft Builds/Shorts/Hacks 3. Minecraft Farm’s Tutorial in Hindi 4. Survival Series/Minecraft Episodes 5. All Minecraft Version 6. Minecraft Java Edition 7. Minecraft Pocket Edition 8. Minecraft Bedrock Edition ———————————————————————– #minecraft #memes #meme #dankmemes #minecraftmemes #fortnite #funny #gaming #gamer #funnymemes #memesdaily #minecraftbuilds #lol #dank #youtube #edgymemes #anime #offensivememes #ps #tiktok #xbox #roblox #minecraftpe #minecraftbuild #edgy… Read More

  • Cobalt SMP – Cozy Active Community, Vanilla, Events, Discord, NO RESET

    If you’re looking for a 24/7 chill / private SMP Server, join Cobalt SMP! We just started the server up 3 days ago and already have a strong active community. We have spots remaining for our next batch of players. Simply comment your IGN and we will whitelist you. Plugins Include: McMMO, Land Claiming, & /sethome /home /warp /setwarp Join our Discord server: https://discord.gg/mBzTQXQmFe Read More

  • SurvivalRol

    We invite you to play Survival, create and live a pleasant experience with your friends in SurvivalRol!, we are a server dedicated to offering a pleasant environment and game time to players who like Survival, PvP among other things.Come and join the experience! Read More

  • Minecraft Memes – Minecraft Meme: So spicy!

    I guess this Minecraft meme is really mining for laughs! Read More