What’s the rarest rarest block in Minecraft now apparently I call a lot of things the rarest but of those what is the actual rarest well I think it stems from a glitch in 1.16 spawners Can Only Hold zombie skeletons and spiders and cave spiders and blazes and silverfish And magma cubes dang there’s a lot of spawners but there’s not a naturally spawning Pig spawner unless you’re in 1.16 because if a badlands M shaft spawned close to the surface and next to an ocean a buried treasure could generate where a cave spider spawner should be creating this monstrosity of Five pig spawners in Survival Minecraft Video Information
This video, titled ‘the RAREST rarest block in minecraft.’, was uploaded by camman18 on 2023-10-24 15:00:08. It has garnered 1436034 views and 202540 likes. The duration of the video is 00:00:44 or 44 seconds.
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