Minnesota Nice Guys: Epic Minecraft Shenanigans (Part 7)

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Oh little dang me missed you you have one viral you have one viral video and you’re acting up yep yep he thinks he owns the place now we’ll kill him mhm they’ll run you over again it’s good content okay got my chat set up I’m good to go

This door was just open yeah me too all right where the [ __ ] by the way Sam unless um a tree has like a torch or something on it or like anything you planted I’m kind of assuming the trees back here for like wood growing purposes yeah I mean uh my intention was

To plant them and then if we need to break them down we can replant them yeah cuz it is annoying to have to run down to the forest to get that yeah I know that’s why I put them here like they’re decorative sure but like I I want I

Wanted here them close by so oh [ __ ] nice yeah cuz I I have learned that trees grow remarkably quick MH much quicker than I thought yeah again we just got to make sure we replant them the only ones I would say let’s not cut down or the jungle wood cuz I’ve got the

Cocoa seeds growing on those oh yeah I’m I’m really going just for the regular oak logs yeah that’s what I figured a she’s not a jungle woman Sam no I’m refined oh I wonder how long like how many days Molly would survive on like an episode of

Survivor oh my god well she sounds super excited about it so I think we should just throw her no I’m running from from the danger you sounded that that like that little German kid that was really excited to get cola and drink you guys yippe yeah I’d say let’s just grab Molly and

Throw her in the woods and and just see how she does’ be pretty funny yeah sign her up with be grills oh yeah there you go got a bunch of cooked food here oh I should probably go put a bunch of stuff back at the house just in case decided just go on

Adventure with a bunch of [ __ ] that I shouldn’t you know it happens Jesus there’s a lot of Enchanted stuff all right there’s that stupid Diamond horse armor on yeah we got a lot of crap laying around for sure it’s night should we sleep we can might as I can never remember which

Bed I take it doesn’t matter right in the middle yeah I know oh and now I’m inside the world yeah yeah it scared the crap out of me the first time that happened Yeah well yeah it happened to me too and I was just like what the f it

Does kind of feel like you’ve ascended to like heaven yeah like you’re just gone y as well I see what what Nummies we have is a creeper in a suit impaling efficiency I got in my tumy did you hear what I said with a birthday had on yeah

Yeah I heard you I heard you I just chose to ignore Sonic Frontiers yesterday oh God don’t remind me of the birth they hat I don’t know why it defaulted to that I mean I get sure there is a reason but still I might have honestly accidentally turned it on but I don’t

Know oh either way it was kind of weird damn it God damn it yeah God damn God damn it’s [ __ ] waly cheep and hav changed the skin again he’s going to keep changing it all day that’s his brand it’s Buffalo Bill oh God I see this is the edible food chest

Got it okay I need to get my levels up so I can enchant [ __ ] and nobody better [ __ ] kill me this time you we’re okay with you with dying so that’s at that time yes but I’m just prefacing it now please none of that I want to enchant

Things nobody will nobody’s going to kill you Molly now I really want to do it I know seriously now I want now I want to kill you I want her to get to like top level top tier level and I just [ __ ] kill her like did you max out

That enchantment area yet shut up oh I hit you with an egg it’s an egg it’s an egg chill out why you hit me with the yolks why you hitting boo I need why you teasing boo I need to make a sign why you jerk it off um I

Think we already have sign somewhere give it to me woman so over here will on in front of the entrance um oh guess we don’t I thought I made some I’m sure you did at some point but you probably used them all or is in the chat that got eight and like

Yeah I feel like we had a lot of arrows in there too yeah we probably [ __ ] did honestly cuz now we have like no arrows at all need make ender chests I’m going to end your chest oh D that’s kind of gross yeah yeah no foreplay just do it

I’m all about the foreplay man give him a pearl chest plate oh god what the [ __ ] hey Mr gas oh my God he’s making eye contact with me through the wall Mr gas Mr gas who let you down let why are there like three slimes here what the [ __ ] oh my God the Boys Are Back Sam yeah are they they’re coming oh God yeah Sam if you’re looking

For a fortress I think the thing was keep that xaxis positive yeah was the thing no yeah it’s not even that I’m looking for a fortress I’m I’m just killing mobs right now looking for a real man ow yeah did I just fall for sure now you don’t want them

Pigmen got them score crew dicks pigment sork crew oh my God cork screw cork screw you bet cork screw scor sork crew scor crew scor crew just randomly walking through the woods and there’s an experienced thing in the water no yeah I believe it you don’t know where that thing’s

Been man whatever it’s in my inventory now Mr P Mr P who let you down let let you down let you down why are there so many slimes in this hole holy [ __ ] oh bad there it’s there’s a lot of them they’re everywhere is that Will’s hole those

Slimes yeah no is it in like the the our tunnel area yeah yeah dude they they just spawn there constantly you can say I tried making like a cobblestone wall to try and like block them a little bit but like it is it is hell oh my God ah

Oh oh I’m getting fck that’s what the nether is man well yeah but oh my God uhoh this isn’t good uhoh this isn’t good uhoh uhoh uhoh uh oh skos yeah literally uh oh robber oh my God okay all right we’re safe in this corner I’m just going to let my health

Come back back why am I sprinting so fast did you take a potion are you high no just started going real fast all a sudden are you coked out right now Evan no maybe I just turned into Sonic holy [ __ ] that is you have Co how much how how much like

NyQuil have you taken today I Tak I didn’t take any Nyle can you play King Cameron no sorry buddy we’re just we’re just chilling with our friends if we get bigger one day and actually get PCS it’ be kind of fun to open up a server I won’t deny that but it’s time

And resources we don’t got right Now should have brought a [ __ ] shovel with me why am I doing this it’s okay well so Maya’s got you making doing a task for her kinda okay what the fu that is deep holy [ __ ] that’s God damn that is something it’s more like I’m building something really dumb and worthless

But well it’s okay what is she just wants you to build it for her sure for the funny yeah he’s building a monument literally I know what he’s building she probably does cuz she probably asked Molly to build it too no I’m not gonna that’s just you bud okay

Well it’s fine Evan will appreciate it oh is a giant penis yeah it might be a giant penis and another type of genitalia oh Giant and a giant vagina that one’s going to be really hard though you’re real [ __ ] you’re really [ __ ] up there yep you made Evan’s day will maybe I should

I don’t know if I’m coming back trying to figure out like the best way to do This oh Mr P Mr P Mr P let you Down I need you to know I just got a notification from Tinder after that conversation oh really these are out of control looking looking looking foress I guess when I say you’re just really [ __ ] there Tinder wants to insert itself yeah Tinder Tinder knew what’s up

Man yo found a nice little chunk of iron here how am I going to get down you know have the questions for later all right I got to [ __ ] hang on I need to open something quick sure All right tight tight yeah tight tight we are still on the hunt for iron right like that’s the just Perpetual uh I mean yeah we’re always going to need iron yeah I agree if nothing else to get the nice iron pickaxes the [ __ ] is this ow that is the saddest [ __ ] thing

I’ve ever made in my entire Life it’s okay well Size Doesn’t Matter K her it’s not even about that it’s literally I [ __ ] up like the design of it need more dirt oh no yeah I know I know cat I’m getting out of [Applause] here okay so I need positive AIS or X you said x axis has to

Be positive right yeah I believe that is the the thing okay so I need to head in this direction well where we started is a positive x axis so I need to like keep going south from here but I’m going to I’m going to go get a pickaxe first damn it all Right if people want to sleep I can build a hole and lie in it I should bring a bed with me while I’m down here um I’m coming upstairs uh let me know when you’re ready to sleep because I’m just going to have to throw down a bed and pray for

The best I’ll be in the nether so I won’t need to sleep just give me like two seconds here cuz I’m going to get a pickaxe out of the yeah that is thing oh here’s my bed yay or I guess I need to make one okay if you guys can sleep I

Can sleep I’m at the house I might fall off my bed and get hurt oh boy I really need to make this like abundantly clear that it’s here yeah yeah I need to I need to make pickax oh here’s all the signs that I [ __ ] made oh they were just buried in your

Mind well no I left them probably so that I wouldn’t get lost in my mind that will did you call Molly a stupid [ __ ] idiot no I was I was ding to a burning zombie I was D to a burning zombie I thought you I thought you

Really went there man dude I I thought yeah I thought he was like pissed like I thought he was just ra it was just go no sorry me too my bad no it’s okay it was funny made my day yeah it’s always a good day when we’re making fun of Molly why did you make like you you did like a goat bleeding noise yeah um will what that [ __ ] rainbow Mist Arc is the the most worthless Arc known to man I told you it’s filler you needed to skip it I I have like if you’re talking about one

Piece I don’t even know what the [ __ ] you’re talking about exactly will didn’t watch it either I didn’t watch any of the filler skip all the [ __ ] filler except except G you can watch G8 if you want that one’s good but yeah Evan Evan is watching like uhoh four connection quality only

Broadcasting mic audio uh oh spaghetti I look more like I made a cross I’m on Sky now that’s what I’m on was good wow you’ve actually gone pretty [ __ ] far now hey some drunk some drunk man told me I needed to um finish out finish the

Arc I was on yeah you did yeah he count so I did that in a weekend okay hang on did you did you enjoy it that’s the most important part yeah I’m gonna stop my couldn’t convince me less I I was trying to find my cat to feed my

Cat yes I did um that freaking that freaking rainbow Miss Thing I fell asleep in every damn episode of it I don’t have a list of the filler thing literally no still no idea what you’re talking about so I sent you a filler list though Evan you did after I watched

That I did now yeah I didn’t know you were going to watch the filler I thought I assumed you a list up no I told you I should watch it as one pace but I was just watching it normal yeah but one pace isn’t finished though so just watch

The well I don’t know if it’s finished it might be finished now I don’t know but oh finished is is relative well yeah but I mean I don’t think they’re caught up in the anime yeah yeah okay fair enough yeah I will say one past did cut some

Things I’m just like why I got to do that and so I kind of stopped using it well yeah that’s my thing is like I I’m scared they’re going to oh oh sorry uh lava man oh my God lava came from my nuts oh burn burn the hair right off

Yeah singed the pubes for sure I’m done with that you gave up on Maya’s request oh God no I I made a penis it’s it’s whatever Len I wasn’t excited about making the penis I wanted to try my hand at the vjj v j oh sure hello Rachel I have a

Funnier idea to do with that anyways okay you do you K what the plan brother oh my God almost died you do pube you I I will do pube me a version of himself like I I really couldn’t understand what you said there so I had a

Stroke think you did too Evan you okay man I heard you do CU you I’m like yep you got it I think I just I think I just the pube took over the Pu the pube the power of the pube took over huh pube the

Pube oh I will say man it feels really good to give these [ __ ] back a piece of their own a taste of their medicine sh skeletons yeah yeah [ __ ] these guys yeah skeletons suck yeah [ __ ] those [ __ ] those guys moms they’re they’re the scariest ones like honestly

Well yeah cuz they’ll [ __ ] you the spider jockeys are worse than them okay yeah but spider Jo joies also have skeletons on them yes okay all right they relatively rare compared to regular skeletons if we’re talking just basic [ __ ] enemies I think skeletons are the scariest n baby

Zombies they’re pretty SC too they are kind of scary I won’t deny that I I I I am more scared of fighting them cuz they’re harder to [ __ ] hit their is what they [ __ ] are yeah that’s true what I do Hopefully I don’t get killed by lava you good man yeah traumatized but good all right dust your nuts off and keep going dust my nuts off yes I’m on it I just destroyed it oh my God oh my God okay all right let’s keep going this way oh [ __ ] that could have

Been oh right over my head no no no no no okay all right we need to take a different approach here take the scoop method I’m going to build a wall hi slime I guess I guess I guess I guess the Trump method the Trump method that’s right build a wall that’s

Right I really need to start like oh my God this is Terror okay okay cat let’s agree to never walk in front of me when I’m cutting down something that video uh did really well people were very excited to see a yeah SAM running over my cat yep yep

They were they were hyped about it they loved it yeah sure [ __ ] it you good yeah sure [ __ ] it yeah yeah yeah yeah sorry you good man he’s he’s in his own World okay all right there we go oh my God okay oh [ __ ] me [ __ ] me okay oh did I get the yeah I did I got the I got the lava block okay cool sick we love that we love to hear it hell yeah okay all right that’s closed off

Uh-oh no no no no not again o o that’s a cool little Waterfall oh God damn it the music is oh my God who just broke my ankle okay all right oh [ __ ] [ __ ] my [ __ ] okay what the [ __ ] what did I get hit by

Just now yeah there we go are you in crisis a bit yeah I’ve like completely ruined my plan here cuz I [ __ ] up the lava blocks um go change to the brown pants if you’re in crisis yeah I really need to Rachel asked if this was Lego

Fortnite yes yes 100% yeah you know it oh okay all right we’re going to take a different route here I need to make more arrows I’m going to start destroying more Flint [ __ ] whatever okay gravel there’s no there’s no good way to do this this bridge is oxidizing

Weirdly yeah I know it cuz if they’re touching it takes a long time and I also took an axe to Parts but they were oxidizing so ah gotta all right if you hit it with an axe it clears it out yeah clears it out yeah oh my [ __ ] God you okay there

Boy I can’t just freaking glitch through some leaves and jump scared me why leave me alone leave me alone no leave me alone slime no we’re not doing this you stay down there I’m gon build a wall between us bless you oh [ __ ] get get off of

Me oh God damn my ear itches God you [ __ ] jump high ow go away God okay this is bad o okay okay okay all right all right there we go there we go all right I got a little a little safety Cavern nice good

Job yeah good job man go away no I don’t want you you’re not loved you’re not loved wow oh my God Chunk oh oh my God yeah are you good oh my God what the [ __ ] I think I just saw two skeletons [ __ ] did you now they were inside each other no they were inside of each other and then all of a sudden they just when I started looking at them they ran

Away from each other so I think I walked up on something they didn’t want you to know man they didn’t want an audience that’s my man bro you ruined it you ruined their Mojo haa loser losers you can’t get up here can’t get me now oh come with me now I’m take you

Down sticks there we go now now we’re now we’re talking now we’re glocking oh uhoh uhoh uhoh my god oh are you well yep yep yep everything’s good everything’s all good sounds great everything’s all good I just got to keep that’s that’s great keep my Fortress up

Look at all this gold I don’t need um oh my God oh my God no soliciting all right slowly but surely they can’t get to me except eventually we’re going to build to a space where they can get to me and that’s going to be a problem [ __ ] off Sam I

Believe yeah I I mean it’ll work out it’ll all work out in the end I just believe Okay have you guys heard recently about uh Godzilla 98 and Roland’s emer’s original design was to make him sexy of course oh that’s what’s up it’s like how Evan was talking about how feraligator was thick yesterday in chat yeah he dude his old Sprites got cakes

Bro I can’t help it it’s just a thing yeah yep yep we all know we all know you want to [ __ ] the big blue alligator it’s okay well if he didn’t look it up that’s you he’s been working on his glutes man he wants me to look but yeah it’s weird

Cuz like the the head of of Zilla was the same but like it had like a manlike body arms and legs I thought you were going to say they had anime tits no it’s more like if Godzilla was a twink oh god oh what the [ __ ] oh you mean oh Godzilla oh

Twink Oh Daddy that’s what I mean Daddy that does not go hand in hand and you know it or should I say hey man or should I say Gaddy Gaddy oh yeah yeah there you go Gaddy say now I’m the old man I don’t get what he’s saying Godzilla daddy bro yeah yeah

Oh what am I trying to do my brain is shut down I’m going to go chop wood we need to chop wood desperately yeah there some trees on the back that this is about to be my end uh oh come on little guy swim oh my

Ass you okay there buddy yep nope just gas shot me while I was building a bridge it was scary yeah but we’re good we made it oh no if the gas can blow this up that might be a problem uh oh did he go holla be in your ass he Hollow

Backed at me yeah ain’t no holl back girl if you would just back that thing up he wouldn’t have to come after you back girl he was looking so oh please for the love of God tell me my cat did not sit somewhere [ __ ] might have sat somewhere

Son of a [ __ ] my brother in Christ you told him to sit well if I did then our viral sensation is gone we’re lost yeah I think uh I think I’ll live personally my keyboard skills [ __ ] suck okay we know that damn I’m stealing one of your

Shovels doesn’t change son of a [ __ ] I told you before I took it that’s fine that’s fine I have four I have four Obby you have four shovels [ __ ] I can’t talk right now you can talk no I need to know I want to

Hear this I do I have four shovels on me right now he’s got four shovels okay oh my God I don’t even know where either of you two are I don’t know where I am either and there’s a spider jockey and a creeper blew up on me because my cat’s

Gone and life’s just going bad nothing’s really good right now I’m sorry oh my God have you thought about using crystals yeah I got some up my ass right now but they’re not working oh have you thought about downloading Opera GX to help you solve your problem the latest

New OS system I don’t [ __ ] know I was just that’s that’ll be really cool once we get sponsored someday yeah that would be neat it’s not actually a sponsor people but hey oper GX if you ever want to sponsor us hit us up we you sponsor others you [ __ ] losers sponsor us I

Will I I will play 4,000 hours of Rage Shadow Legends if that means they sponsor us I don’t care I played rage Shadow Legends before I know it’s not the worst game out there I mean yeah it’s fine I need ladders uh oh here oh wait no those are rail

Tracks well I got sticks so I think I can build some yeah just use those as ladders Sam oh yeah yeah yeah put the rails down use them as layers mhm for sure uh I’m trying to remember there might be some sticks in the in the chest

By the front door where we kept the arrows and stuff I got them oh no oh me oh my oh dear Oh Long Johnson Oh Long Johnson oh man that brought back a [ __ ] oh God I just want to shut this [ __ ] door there okay here we go got me four

Flint are you doing the the um Farm thing that I set up or yes is it working it got me four Flint you answer me I mean you got to do it multiple times four more Flint than you had before it is it is yeah do have to do it

Multiple times it’s not going to get you a bunch in one go right yes thanks appreciate it it it works out over time oh my God so much iron it does look at all this nice iron why why slime why all right that is oh why are you guys everywhere like all

Over the place noise just an evil these wolves are just [ __ ] up these sheep all right well we’re going to solve the problem I created earlier oh my God why is there a gas in here will you know the place you know the place where the slimes are spawning

Yeah it’s just a gas fully in there yeah gas now gas now oh my God this we picked I’m sorry I put the portal in the worst spot possible I guess so I don’t I don’t know I don’t know it’s terrible this is hell but like also I don’t know if any

Place would be better really you know what I mean yeah I I don’t know I feel like our nether world’s kind of [ __ ] like yeah there’s something about it andan I guess it’s just the fear of the nether at the end of the day just

Is oh [ __ ] I just bled myself out there we go I fix it oh I broke one of my you guys hear about the L the L I cannot speak the bin Laden the bin Laden the bin Benin Osama bin bin the first guy to kill me in a

Call of Duty I’ll never forget it oh [ __ ] you slime um but um in the in the hit game lethal company out right now um is uh there’s a bunch of mods for it now and someone added a haptic feedback mod to it oh god um but in the

Description of it it goes uh connects to your butt plug so every time you die oh my God you get a little vibrate oh and in the video downlo has 28,000 downloads already oh my God about be 28,000 in one yeah to be download openly admitting you have a butt

Plug that’s fine I’m just asking I’m going to get I’m going to get one just for that game I’m I’m I’m of all people not really allowed to judge people but and to cart right now have fun Evan Evan is getting that butt blood right now [Applause]

Our front yard is going to kind of look like a checker board just so people know okay why well because I’m doing the gravel thing but I didn’t want to make a big [ __ ] Tower so I’m just doing it on the ground and every now and then

When I hit the ground it it takes out the dirt and not the gravel okay then thought you’re making a giant chest board or something good time with it I mean I don’t it’s I don’t know it doesn’t make a difference whether or not I build a tower or not I guess not

No it doesn’t I guess not oh get over it I will good man shovels do not last long Jesus Christ what’s up Dolphins I now Evan I Now understand why you have four shovels yeah oh yeah if I’m doing anything I I get multiple shovels for sure and they break like [ __ ]

Yeah they used to be better but they’re they’re just complete garbage yeah especially golden items like they break so quickly those things are worthless honestly yeah unless you find one of them Enchanted gold things it’s like not even worth it like legitimately yep see oh don’t even you [ __ ] well yes you can

Take all those shovels cuz I got got a plenty on me right now I might take at least one more so thank you yeah at lantis what the hell kind a trophy is that I found Atlantis apparently I miss Star Wars when I can save scum that was pretty nice I found hard

As [ __ ] what I found an underwater ruin oo neat I still have no idea where you are why is there a slime up here that was close I’m really far I’m really far away on purpose good go Adventure um hello Mr Gast you want to talk about this

Buddy fre Sam that’s okay Free Falling the only talking I want is ruining your life I mean basically yeah that about sums it up he’s he’s mouth a gape screaming at me but he’s not uh not attacking he wants you to know he can at

Any time but he’s not going to yeah and then he missed that’s just a warning shot it is not easy hitting back them Fireballs either okay message received sir get out of his territory I’m trying don’t come back I would love to not be in his territory stop breaking

All my [ __ ] you dick don’t come back without don’t come back without proper tribute oh my God he’s camping what a what a [ __ ] [ __ ] he [ __ ] acting like some 5y old in fortnite yeah yeah he really is like fine [ __ ] you I don’t want to deal

With you anyway damn that was some dodging Dodge moves bro good job s was it now good job Evan I’m taking a boat I’m going away and and my cat is dead somewhere I don’t know where she died you’re singing her Praises at the start of the video just let her die somewhere

Yeah it’s cuz I had to swim away from like five zombies yeah you could kill five zombies well one of them had full armor so okay I wasn’t feeling it all righty it was it wasn’t the mood will no that’s fine I get it oh I had hadn’t gotten any glow stone

Yet that was a [ __ ] Reverb toilet flush what the hell you good man I guess I am I don’t know someone relieved themselves not me but someone in the nether with you yeah someone someone relieved themselves in the nether while I was here well you know if

It’s liquid or any of any kind it’s just going to dry up in the nether so oh gross so I guess if you’re going to take a piss it’s just going to be Vaper that means if he had like liquid diarrhea then it would just yuck

Yuck oh tell that gas to go clean himself up clean yourself up clean yourself up you little [ __ ] listen you [ __ ] gas get out of where I am and go clean yourself up yeah damn right we talk [ __ ] about him enough he’ll just he’ll be self-conscious and leave he’ll start crying yeah they’re

Already depressed just a just just give them the push they need yeah they really are depressed cuz they they drop tears hang on Sam I got you hey gas by Sam go kill yourself God Jesus Christ this poor thing we got we got to get that picture of old man with lightning

Eyes now oh God like all those low tier God memes yep yep EV Evan’s about to get based watch out everyone okay well there’s a lot of lava here uhoh this a shipwreck yep they right there I guess I got to come up for yo bro you know how there’s like the nether

Portals that are above ground yeah this thing is underwater damn been to the year 3000 but just change but we live underwater oh oh oh uhoh [ __ ] this thing just [ __ ] started pulling me to the oh what the [ __ ] these currents were like yanking me down to the

Bottom Yeah man they wanted you to come with them hey screw you I’m not interested K did you bring a bed with you I did but I am in Open Water you’re fine I was just asking if you need me to sleep I can get to land but right now I was getting

[ __ ] up by that stupid thing it’s no big deal to me it is no big deal oh [ __ ] okay all right yo yo dude that’s a beacon Danny Phantom he was just 14 when his parents what’s a beacon again I’ve heard don’t you need to kill a Wither to

Get a beacon don’t you no I found one oh okay Jesus Christ M just spawned right in front of my [ __ ] face right right in front of your very eyes right in front of your face ah yes [ __ ] how does that sound dangerous I knew it okay okay all right we’re we’re

Making things happen we oh no oh no oh poopies all right did you spawn at the house [ __ ] where are you yeah that sounds like you spawned at the house no I’m at the Village oh oh okay well uh good luck buddy it’s okay we’ve all been there oh horse come here

Let’s see if I can carve a path around the casts I no longer hear them oh my God why get off that roof you son of a [ __ ] skeleton pot shot you holy oh just a zombie staring at me from a roof no that is a

Drop oh [ __ ] gas right there let it out Davey I cat’s dead all my stuff’s gone I didn’t realize you were doing this inside I wasn’t I was doing it outside and then it became nighttime and these last 12 blocks of gravel will not turn finally this has to be the most

Thrilling gameplay anyone could ever watch um you could come with me to hit up that Pillager place you really want to go at night that seems like the worst case scenario I suppose we when when it’s when it’s daytime go do that sure right now I’m just uh clearing out

A cave seeing what I can get I Have Nothing to Lose I’ll come with you okay I I uh I [ __ ] up but I fixed it it’s okay everything’s fine I I’m good I’m good did you drop a little bit let’s just say I accidentally carved out a hole and then

Walked forward and fell through said hole almost into an entire pit of mobs but I managed to get out before any of them saw me so you good man I’m good give a little spooky there well know I thought you picked up a bunch of the gravel I put down but you’re fine

Oh okay well hello gold yeah it’s weird how like gold just kind of sits in some of the Netherrack I know the little gold nuggets little gold nuggets oh well since the three of us are here we might as well oh wait Molly went down in her little hole well no I

Have a bed down here let’s sleep yeah I can sleep Evan where are you okay yeah I can come up and then we can go uh and also I did pick up four gravel my bad bro no you’re fine it’s not a big deal the only thing is the

Pillager the Pillager Tower is all the way over at the snow house so we would want to take the mine carts there there’s another Pillager Tower too on the opposite direction past the it’s past the raid Village it’s probably a little closer um okay hold on I’m coming it

Doesn’t really matter we go to it’s a tower though right it’s not the village the big tower yes okay um hold on let me Gear Up don’t need that I don’t need that what do you even get out of Pillager places oh you can get some good [ __ ] all

Right yeah they got the uh the Pillager Towers have chests um in them so yeah I guess I don’t need pickaxe but still make one hold on I’m coming I’m coming I’m just need make something just need to make something take your time it’s startled yeah startled yeah she opened a chest above

My head and it startled me oh see signs going here my sticks going in here um okay we got any more arrows up there uh I got Flint I have a I can throw you 29 cuz I’m keeping a full stack for myself oh I have a full stack I’m fine

Then okay I just because I don’t have my infino right now it’s just like as much as I can have it’s nice but if you got sticks we have 19 feathers and 58 Flint so you could probably make quite a few okay um I think I’ll be okay for now

Where are you guys uh I’m in the barn we have a barn the room where all the animals are gotcha but I will uh yeah let’s make as many arrows as we can how many I I could use a full stack all right B H we need sticks for comea

Com you come and go um ma’am I’m coming in coming in hot yes okay hang on I’m not ready yet to come in hot I guess I prematurely came in hot all right there you go pick that up off the ground did did I receive something that

Off the ground you filthy come over by come over by me I’m behind you hold on oh wow only 19 feathers makes [ __ ] 72 arrows nice you want an extra you want an extra couple here I already have two stacks dude I saw it Evan I see them [Laughter]

Don’t say it out loud will that’s our go are you serious what are you kidding me what what Molly just walked right by Evan’s kind gifts he was giving to her oh thank you oh my gosh I put I put half of the six I just

Made out of the ground for her to pick up she said oh we need sticks for that Sheed by them three times I made sticks I’m he was giving you more sticks he was being nice I I put them back but but we have them for later now you know what

I’m putting in the evil music the evil music that’s yes that’s it that’s what you get for making will upset like this oh God it’s raining out God that is evil let me let me finish crafting up some stuff so I’m just going in with swords and armor and then I’m [ __ ] off

So I plan to do if you will allow we [ __ ] SM a what pardon her plan is to Smite them snipe like a snip oh snipe them oh snipe them all right enough of that enough of this [ __ ] music yeah that was that was like hurting my ears it’s evil yeah it

Was the worst music I could have gotten yeah it’s not a great one I just found it in one of like the mob spawner chests right yeah I remember when you found it I just it’s just so so horrid I don’t know myy materials all right well I know which

Chest to take everything from yeah we have our last diamond pick in there so we need a backup [ __ ] you’re not getting your present tomorrow oh damn withholding the present God damn she doesn’t even know what to say she’s speechless her mic’s [ __ ] up yeah you’re not [ __ ] answering me you

[ __ ] your mic’s been [ __ ] up wait we can’t hear you no you just answered me though cuz it didn’t sound great all we heard was now all I heard was now yeah you know what you what are you trying to say you know you cut out like like at the the

First word and the last word cuts out whatever dude are we going to go pillage or what not sure I’m fine let’s go a she gave yeah I’m I’m ready you ready it’s it’s I heard that perfectly clear and then and then just you know you know what guys I’ll come pillage

With you yeah [ __ ] it let’s do it let’s make come on man let me put my let me just randomly put my [ __ ] away in a chest that I’m going to forget about later yeah and then Molly’s going to rearrange it yep and then I’m going to

Get upset even though it’s my fault you can use my blood lust chest that doesn’t usually get touched if you need to Sam all right I’m coming where where did you guys go we’re we’re in the back um by uh like just like watt like straight back from the island or from our

House like if we’re if we’re going towards the village that has been constantly raided does that make more sense yes um we can hold up and wait for you yeah I’ll wait we can stop right here yeah we’re yeah we’re still on our Island we’re just in the back I’m at

177 65 negative 16ga 681 177 yeah okay 177 670 wait 1 177 or 100 and then 77 176 yeah okay and then negative 683 yeah 680 you know what give me one second all right just weering away in the rain yep we we we’ll be pruny okay I think I see

Now you good now you’re still you’re still cutting out listen my wired mic has the same issue you’re up there yeah I’m I I went up here to give you a marker thank you I’m sorry I fixed your mic before you tell me what to do I think she told

You to use your cervix I think she did too hey stop stop shaking your head let’s go better get used to using emotes Molly yep I love just hearing her cries all you know you are on a computer you could like if worst comes to worst you could use

Chat but I’m too lazy for that man that’s you sounded so clear that was that was the clearest I’ve ever heard you there a creeper blue up there how did you get so far ahead of me what the [ __ ] I just swam forward all right let’s wait for

Evan I regret this already I was making so much progress no I’m kidding you holding the stick in while you swim holding a what how you hold the like if you like Sprint in the water you swim faster right oh yeah you do yeah yeah yeah yeah oh yeah you didn’t know

That Evan oh oh Gangam Style I’m actually swimming in the water right now oh God how far we going dude just just going going going yeah we’re we’re going it’s not it’s really not that far okay is it we hit this land uh a little past it why was I getting

Hit know a couple times maybe I was drowning and I wasn’t paying attention oh yeah you probably were you you probably were if if you’re not jumping enough I’ve yeah I was going to say I’ve noticed when you when you’re doing the fast swim it still keeps you in like the

Underwater State even if you’re above water which is really annoying actually but yeah but I get it yeah you see it right that’s a Pillager Tower it’s night time it’s night time it’s night time well [ __ ] I don’t have a bed on me uh we

Can just dig a hole and have a little like slumber party that’s true want to do that here let’s take a hole let’s let’s perform a seance in a hole I’m digging a hole right now I I want to be in the same hole okay we’ll come here oh

My God that’s lava Evan where the [ __ ] are you Evan over here look forward no get you know what die a [ __ ] a I’m looking forward all right guys come to the get in the hole with Sam get in the hole hole get in my hole get in

My hole yes sir yes sir everybody get in do you see us that’s my bad bro sorry to get your hole quicker all right hey guysbody in the hole we’re all in the hole in the hole the safety hole group mining I don’t have a PIX I need eat some cod okay

I didn’t bring a pickaxe with me oh that’s fine we don’t really need one I’m just doing this to kill time unless we really all just want to sit in a hole together yeah let’s oh I’m sorry I’m sorry that was me that was me I was

In you too close it’s okay it’s okay all let’s let’s let’s sit here and discuss Evan’s current state of One Piece how where is he he’s in Sky skypia what how how far into skypia are you where are you you still on G or are you in skypia actually we’re we’re in skypia

Um the guy who was old God just fought the other guy Jing Guy and um what episode am I on I can tell you Chopper calls for help Chopper the whistle yeah and it was after he got there D that has to be sorry oh I I’m on episode 165 I’m trying

To make like a proper staircase I’m on G city of gold in the sky that’s what it is okay um uh but uh Chopper calling in gonef Fall might be one of the funniest [ __ ] scenes in all of one that’s so funny just the moment there’s danger

Just slowmo cuts to him blowing the second he is scared and it is the funniest thing yep y yep it has all these flashbacks like don’t use it and then he’s like yep nope [ __ ] that yeah it cost them like a million dollars to use it yeah I hear

Squeaking oh you’re just going on a little journey you got some bats down there bro this is what I did before when I didn’t bring a bed those couple of times I just started making little mini mines oh yeah there’s bat down here I found some copper is there a

Bat well no there it isn’t down here sorry but I hear it there must be a cave adjacent to us I definitely heard a bat yeah either of you any of you have one of them night day dials on you nope nope I was just going to break

Oh I was just going to break the hole when we found a little cave oh there’s a bunch of iron back here will yeah holy [ __ ] you something yeah we found we hit we hit a little cave I don’t have any mining tools on me there a nice little

Pocket if you need some like it’s not great but it’s something this go this goes further down yeah where are you guys oh [ __ ] I’m going to sit here and break this one block for 20 minutes Sam I said I have a pickaxe if you want it

Oh I found grass I think you got talked over Molly I’m right behind you I’m right here okay hold on a there you go thanks bro I think yeah I think I accidentally interrupted you with coughing that’s my bad no you’re good you’re good more iron there’s grass hey there’s a

Flower what the hell that’s a hello bats hello bats which means that it goes to the outside so we should probably stay away from it hello zombie you okay yeah there’s some coal oh God what’s up bro oh this does lead to the outside how you living hey

That’s fine yeah it is fine Molly this Molly there’s like five bats by me she doesn’t care they’re bats you can’t do anything with bats you can make stuff out of their poop that’s true as doct The Good Old doct Stone told us for told [ __ ] do oh sorry I really

Thought you were going to say like do little stop it I’m getting the iron oh my God this was a mistake none of us should all be mining together it’s fine yeah okay I will not walk in front of you I hear a zombie yeah I’m killing him good

Job trying can almost oh my God there’s a whole Cavern here there’s a whole Cavern here guys yeah I feel like I’ve been down here well you didn’t do a very good job of lighting it up this is definitely me there’s more iron yeah there is but there’s also a lot of

Enemies so give us a second yeah we got to oh [ __ ] there’s a oh my god oh I’m getting [ __ ] Molly you got a bunch of stuff Molly what stop running forward [ __ ] [ __ ] [ __ ] [ __ ] [ __ ] idiot help yeah I got you we got you oh I [ __ ] knew

It sorry Sam that was me that’s okay I’m coming back guys I’m coming as long as you know where to go I I kind of do know where to go yeah oh what the hell oh baby zombie with armor oh my God you okay oh my God

I’m I’m scared I’m just scared okay that’s all okay we’re good I’m not going to touch you stuff Molly night thank you yeah nighttime is not fun out here not fun at all no nighttime is uh pretty awful this is what happens when we wait for our friends this is what happens when

We’re good and nice people oh hey stop raining you would have been alive if you didn’t just run ahead trying to put down torches just telling me well you know it was a calculated gamble that I lost it wasn’t even a gamble you just shouldn’t have done It I got I actually am not going to be able to find you guys because the hole is covered up oh yeah got some let me go I can go up and unbury the hole if you want I don’t worry about it I’ll find it I mean it wouldn’t be that

Hard hard to find it or hard to unbury it uh no uh hard for you to go up there and just show her the way back yeah it’s literally right here [ __ ] where did you come from you know what though it works out because I can see daylight is coming um

Sam yes sir do you want all this iron oh no it’s fine I was I was grab I was just saying I was grabbing that iron when you were smacking me earlier oh I just can’t see your legs with your skin that’s what it was okay oh hey there’s an iron pocket we

Missed up here nice did you get the iron pocket that I put a torch down on yes yay that was like the first thing I did after you died oh thank you I knew I could there you go Sam I gave you the iron just so you can consolidate it oh

Sure did I pick it up where did it go it should I gave it was 11 that I threw at you so I’m pretty sure you picked it up at one point okay I don’t know how much I had so uh Molly I’ve unburied the hole

Thank you it is daytime so I see y’all can come out if you want but I figure you want hey combat how you doing buddy good to see again I mean we can uh well we should probably do the Pillager thing hello is who on fire I see you

Guys Forest on fire oh God can you find are you able to find your way down there Molly you can see Will’s name from here yep I’m good and a zombie just fell from the heavens what the [ __ ] damn bro Evan you see this [ __ ] though the forest is on fire like look

At that must been like there must have been a mob that was on fire in the forest maybe oh or light here or lightning struck lava here oh yeah remember when I said that oh [ __ ] that’s lava well I know but yeah they could had a spark

From it that happens sometimes yeah I suppose sometimes sometimes lava be that way just keep going forward Evan you see the you see the Pillager Tower in the do you have food on you uh I had food on me I go get your food when you get your stuff

Back well I’m here sir hello hello hello you need any food B you died right there I don’t have your stuff turn around oh you I thought you said you grab my stuff no I said I’m going to leave it there until you come back all right sorry I called you

Ba I meant to say bra it’s okay I’ll call you B I guess then a somebody took my pickaxe hey did you know I got a black bed on that was me I have it okay that’s fine all give me one second I would be more sad you

Say I said I got a black yeah right here in my head oh nice good job Oh Black Betty Oh Black Betty okay all right I think we got everything out of here we should go co be um I’m going to take that XP oh wait

Let me kill these guys that was some good try not to it was that was a good little uh good little Expedition well we got a amount iron from that I I mean it just happened to work out hey I’m giving you a credit how much iron did you get I got

42 I have 36 God damn that’s like the most be found in a we yeah we have like I found some four stacks of iron ingots back at the place playing fortnite how’s our Christmas our Christmas was good mine was small but nice how about yours combat yeah mine was good too Molly

Let’s go yeah good except for getting Co there’s good [ __ ] around here dude there’s mushrooms no well no there was literal XP over here that nobody had taken I’m so sorry I left it there for you oh thank you he’s lying well well will

Didn’t seem to notice it so I I I wanted to grab that I was busy killing things oh I found a family of chickens Sam did you where are you need the feathers oh hey there’s a wolf here I’m over by the P I’m going about a little

Too close to the Pillager stuff Sam says hey there’s a wolf here has flashbacks yeah I I gave him a bone he’s M now oh there’s a fairy here nice Evan I legitimately don’t know where you went I was looking away for a minute hey you got combat nice congrats

Will here nice congrats man I’m a little jealous not going to lie that’s awesome I fell in a hole oh she’s [ __ ] playing fortnite to get the turtle skin are we [ __ ] for real right now [ __ ] what May’s playing fortnite to get the [ __ ] Turtle

Skins this son of a [ __ ] where are you stole my pickaxe I really don’t Evan where are you I’m over by the Pillager bu why did you go there without us cuz I saw the fairy that fairy has my pickaxe you see him okay we’ll kill the

Fairy okay guys please watch I’m trying to going to try to watch out not F sorry oh [ __ ] oh [ __ ] my wolf is trying to attack you oh my God no no no no no no no no no no hang on hang on hang on hang

On I got I think I I think I got this it’s all going to hell it’s all going to hell yep nope I think I got this I think I got this there wolf wolf has changed targets he’s going after the Pillager sorry got be good all right I see those

Bastards are on top of the tower oh I’m sorry Sam four I was I SW swung right through you because there was a Pillager there and I just thought you another Pillager so are we supposed to kill the fairies or not no they’re friendly oh

Okay I’m you guys I got the I’ve killed the guy with the banner okay okay don’t touch him oh here’s another one coming up on the rear don’t you think about it [ __ ] all right I killed that Pillager Evan that’s me I’m just loading do we have to kill their Golem

I don’t think so they have two Golems if we do no they’re chill they’re chill yeah they’re hanging out they don’t care I’m breaking into the tower nothing in this cage there should be some good [ __ ] in there yeah I’ve never been in the Pillager Tower I guess I co I need

To break it oh I almost shot you I’m going I got two iron ingots I’m climbing to the top is there anyone else in there or did we kill them all I think we got them all I I shot him we started shooting from the top so I think we got

Them all yeah EV Evan and I are up here right now there’s no one did you what’s in the chest anything good two iron ingots iron ingots and dark oak logs is that the fairy that took your uh Pi your pickaxe mhm yeah is he following me around no he just has your

Pickaxe give item with L to yeah I think I accidentally did that so he didn’t take it I gave it to him I’m I’m trying to give him a flower but he won’t take it that’s because that’s because he likes my pickaxe better there he is he’s

Right by he’s right by Molly don’t shoot him give me that back no too late it’s his now he’s been enslaved for like the past like 13 days he earned this all right see you later oh God shoot him I’m not I’m just looking at him with a crossbow oh there’s nothing underneath

The tower yeah but we did it we did it it’s kind of neat it’s kind of neat we did something as a [ __ ] team for once we did very disgruntled team we did where did my Pillager Banner go I picked one up he is following me he likes me come on get

Over son of a [ __ ] did any one of you end up getting the bad omen cuz uh you can drink milk for that um I when I killed the one with the banner I uh it uh it put a skull and crossbones over my screen but I don’t I don’t I’m not

Affected by anything right oh wait no I see it I see it on my on the on the top right of my screen will is this with M you into at one point or aim on you went into one point yeah oh why didn’t you not light

Up the Place why you know light up cuz sometimes I’m exploring and I’m not looking to go fully into a cave all right well I’m going to go back and drink some milk then I guess okay wait do it to it anybody want to come with me to the

Other Pillager Tower yeah let’s do it I’m with you all right come on I’m walking that way so I might as well just come with you guys once we’re good well we’re going to need at least two mine carts then cuz it’s all the way over

Where am I going like hard to make yeah that fairy that fairy is my friend now I’m pretty yeah he’s with you I’m pretty sure there’s a couple on the rail anyway thing with the skull will make it if you go on a village it’ll start a raid right that makes

Sense yeah that happened a long long time ago and I didn’t uh I did not understand that at first that Village destroyed now it’s gone yeah it’s it’s been raided for for 3 months or however long we’ve playing this I think actually since the first like part it was the first stream

Yeah that it happened cuz have we been in this one it’s literally The Village we’re talking about this one oh everyone dead yeah that’s what we were just talking come on Cherry yeah it’s raid mobs remaining one yeah it’s still going Was getting really intense all of a sudden did you get did you get lost Molly maybe oh yes I did get lost oh God how I I remember the coordinates it’s 3575 you guys are on your out yeah I’m already by pretty much at the house yep that’s fine yeah that’s weird there’s much of XP in this hole oh that is a state oh yeah I knew what you make combat don’t worry about it I ain’t going to make fun of you for

Typos unless it’s a funny typo he only does that to his friends I don’t think do I we’ve all done it to each other it’s true yeah no you don’t usually make fun of typos I try not to there’s that’s like a pet peeve to me because of

Something I I I have I have senses going off it may be related to someone I know yeah maybe just in particular someone yeah it’s just annoying when trying to make a point and then instead of commenting on your point they make fun of something you miswrote so it’s just kind

Of kind of bothersome oh thanks combat I didn’t even build this house it was all Maya and then it was Molly well I’m sorry that I interrupted you I’m not worried about that oh there’s a villager in here he’s alive you grow up in my household everybody interrupted

Everybody and that’s why I have a bad habit of it I interrupt people a lot I don’t like it it just happens I did not mean to put that in there did not mean to put that in there oh I got to break the got do the iron yeah go [ __ ] yourself

Creeper yeah that was a pretty good Hall of iron I got some coal too yeah oh I do not appreciate that why do I have a boat I don’t know did you pick one up when you were fighting uh maybe it’s not my boat or is it my boat it is my boat

Never mind I just haven’t used it for a while no that’s fair that was me being it’s it’s your safety boat that you forgot about boat if if ever I feel like just like going off a little Adventure yep you now thing about I don’t know if

I want to go to this other Pillager Tower cuz the last time I was by that [ __ ] snow mountain it was the scariest thing that has ever happened to me oh you just go around it it was so scary Molly um ma’am yeah what are the coordinates again I believe it’s

3575 well all right I’m the middle coordinates don’t matter because it’s about that’s elevation I think I think we’ve lost them forever are you guys talking about the coordinates back to the house yeah no what is it yeah oh yeah she was cuz I’m almost at the house now okay all right

Okay I was ready for Sam and I to just carry this for the rest of our lives carry what nothing nothing the responsibility of you too Carrie on my wayward son she got me she got me where I was going towards be peace you do love that

Song Oh yay I got a little fairy for a mine cart yeah cuz you freed it I think we have M mine carts already I just wish it wouldn’t have stolen my pickaxe but that’s my fault I don’t know let me take the track and find out uh I know we have

At least two bye yeah there’s for sure two on the track but I just don’t know oh no here here they all are here they all are how many are there uh there were three lined up here okay I will make one more then okay oh there’s a zombie after me this [ __ ]

Sucks does it a little yeah I’m sorry run run run run run run run as fast as you can you can’t stop me I’m the Asian woman are you putting your other mine cart down I was just going to do it once you all went oh okay bye

Bye well I’m Stu in the house I’m going to do it during the day last thing I need to do is gang banged there you are you old son of a [ __ ] I’m going to try to round them what the [ __ ] oh my God what is this thing

Are you okay no guys I think the the bed demons are here we haven’t been sleeping uh yeah I’ve been sleeping you definitely haven’t do they do they only show up when one person hasn’t been sleeping like will they has to be a certain amount of days I thought I thought it

Was none of us were sleeping okay holy [ __ ] oh my God that was so [ __ ] scary oh yeah sucks sucks don’t it oh it swooped down at me like Moth Man yeah that happened to me like one time and I also got really freaked out by it

I I didn’t even I I didn’t even like hear it or like I I didn’t even see it I just heard the and then I saw it out of the corner of my eye and it flew away oh my God my heart what the [ __ ] Mama Mia what was

That is that the fairy yeah the a little I don’t like that Molly what are you doing I am trying to get back to the house without dying okay all right sounds great got to put a bell on you thank you fairy that was funny good good job what should I name

What should I name the fairy um TW twinkle he he okay twinkle hehe that’s going to the name EV gives him that’s going to do or he he twinkle he twinkle twey twinky oh God damn itwi bird I read a fairy once but I didn’t give it anything so maybe that’s why it

Didn’t follow me that’s probably why I didn’t follow you yeah I think it’s because Evan accidentally gave it his pickaxe oh if he didn’t give it a diamond pickaxe that we could never get back unless we killed the yeah yeah that’s true unless that thing comes with

You and whatever item you give it it then acts as like also then it would be helpful yeah cuz like if you gave that [ __ ] like an enchanted bow or whatever it could [ __ ] some [ __ ] up hey they can breed with themselves so can most people

No solo Evan Evan Evan hard cuts the fairy breeding so it’s asexual budding that it does got it yeah you have to like ding a bell and it’ll do it we have Bell where is this it sounds like it’s in the enchanting room I’m not going to lie no

Not not a bell sorry I mean um amethyst the purple stuff it makes all right I take it we’re not sleeping doesn’t seem like it I was going to but no one else was sleeping so we were three of us were sleeping you never got

In the bed I did get in the bed I was the first in the bed no one was getting in no you weren’t yes I was no yeah that’s I’m in bed Evan is in bed Sam you’re in bed yep well I already left the [ __ ] Village so boohoo oh my God

Molly you’re such a [ __ ] brat why didn’t you grab the bed that you slept it in the Village think about it oh my goodness that’s fine just go about your activities I I would love to not have ghouls fly at me though yep that was my

That yes I don’t think I can name this thing come here you little [ __ ] I oh it’s up there don’t oh God how did you do that I got distracted I swear to God I can play this game onehanded can you get the [ __ ] off of

That ceiling no it wants to be free all right I need to drink some milk or something let me name you drink oh my gosh look at it name uh give me a second I need to find an empty bucket you can just empty one out I know well I

Mean not many places you can just pour lava um you can pour it into the water oh yeah big true big true big true what’s up man how you liking that pickaxe all I didn’t mean to go this way oh this sucks mine stop me twe

He that’s Peak right there yeah it’s twe he he inspired by Michael Jackson twe he t t this Farm is M the little thing is still here with the pickaxe yeah it’s Evan’s pet now that’s my guy that’s Evan’s dude for life it name is twe he

Okay all right are we going to the secondary peler Tower yes um I just dropped off two mine carts let me go get in the third one and proceed and you guys can follow me with the other two okay I’ll let you know when I’m in there okay

Come sail away come sail away come sail away with me what is that oh yeah there is kind the hole up there that’s a good ass looking hole good ass hole V well I think if you get in that second one it won’t move until the first one does are we going I’m

Here okay oh card oh bye let’s go let’s go guys let’s go let’s go oh it’s fun seeing all behind me oh yeah cool yeah look at all your look at all your hard work Sam that’s right your dog is trying so desperately to keep up and I know teleporting

Forward I’m going to lose him like Evan lost his cat I just got his but hole in my face did you hell yeah good shot man that’s what’s up yeah you’re really that’s a little scary Evan excited butle it’s nice we don’t have to hold forward

In this thing either we can just oh yes we can just sit here I don’t know where am I I don’t know where my little aloy is she’s gone she’s gone dog’s not going to drown is it oh God I ran your dog over my bad bro no

The the only time the cat or the dogs ever drown as if they’re trapped under something I really should have brought a shovel it’ll be fine cuz the snow is scary Molly well you don’t need I I guess shovels might be best for snow but yeah

Whenever that happens to me I just dig for my life oh little sea turtle we should kill it corpse to Maya when she returns yeah that’s true we should do that I don’t think I’ve killed a turtle yet in this game I think I did did once on accident

There’s like a dolphin doing like donuts in the water what the [ __ ] yeah I see that he’s following us that might be the dolphin I tamed actually hey there’s an atilus shell over there oh there is what the [ __ ] yeah always weird to me when I see random [ __ ] just like floating there

But I didn’t kill it cuz something burned to death which is weird in the water but or a dolphin killed it dragged it underwater and yeah and de had its way y woo Sam yes you’re a real G for this well thanks the pathing was built by Maya but

Yeah and she made the house of snowy death but the railroad is nice at least she dead with that scary hallway I like that house uhoh oh just get out just get out just get out Bail bail out bail out I got out I [ __ ] told you I [ __ ] told you uh oh

Okay it’s okay they they don’t go far when they’re empty they’re down the hill we’ll have our way back oh I see that me out good luck I like how Molly’s the oh [ __ ] good yeah I’m good where are we going okay come long boys where yeah where are you oh [ __ ] my

[ __ ] God damn it yep I’m stuck yep I’m out I’m out I made it I just trust me going to take the path that will avoid all the [ __ ] snow all yeah the path of least resistance yeah something like that the path of least [ __ ] yep I

Believe it was around here cuz I was like oh my God oh my I almost dropped 3,000 ft oh there’s a fox a a he’s holding a rabbit skin in his mou yeah it’s tight bro is it tight sorry I got distracted looking at the fox I’m coming easy there that’s where it

Starts next thing you knowen have to go up I was just checking my surroundings okay is it over here I think it’s over here I know where mine was I only saw it once great black okay yeah this isn’t the one I was thinking of there there is

Another one over the hill where Maya built that house too and through the woods not going to lie Sam that might be what Molly’s thinking of oh it might I guess maybe it is she’s just going the long way I don’t know maybe I don’t want

To go through the [ __ ] snow I I mean I never really sank when I was doing it well same not L us are like you well if we go this way will we loop back around I think I see it it was on this chunk of

Land trees yeah I think it’s this way I see a village yeah there is a village but I think what up it might be past the village then Evan where are you cuz it was when I was trying to back to that Village that I saw it okay oh I see you

Now oh [ __ ] I knew you wer going to make that jump I [ __ ] knew It oh I need to make a new helmet my helmet broke oh yeah I think it is I think you’re right Molly I think it is past the village we’re going to have to dig another hole and go mining is it all the way over

There I don’t know I’m going to run to the village and see what’s up oh hi yeah that could be a new Village I’m run to the Village be I know I haven’t checked out that Village I’m pretty sure yeah I mean we might as well go there yeah we

Could it we could get some yeah cuz I’ll have beds there also true I have a bed on me at all times I do too but I’m just talking about for the people that don’t the only reason I didn’t is cuz I was in the nether sorry I just need need for my

Own clarification Molly were you talking to an animal or me when I said what are you a good boy I didn’t ask are you a good boy no no she said aren’t you a good boy no I didn’t ask I said you oh you’re a good boy because um you brought terrifying

Question yeah all right that’s all I need don’t know does that make you feel better or worse no it’s fine that’s fine that was to you will okay this is not the village that I was at this is a different one because it was like up

Kind of ways that is a [ __ ] hole or it was like more elevated I suppose yeah there’s a lot of like C Caverns to hell here of carrots got to be careful lot of kwis I don’t think any of us have I feel like here there’s paper there’s a

Compass oh there’s a bunch of potatoes and some bread there a small pee pee Okay evan all right pardon me farmer yeah pardon me farmer excuse me Farmer Ted gu sleeping it is almost time I stole a bed you guys we’re good good job yeah there’s a couple beds in the

Village holy CRA what happened here oh God child here uh there a chemistry set hello Cat what the freck this guy is just laying on the ground I’ve never seen that before he just gave up he’s tired he’s got a concussion okay he got up let’s all go

Sleep all right yep I’m in sleep sorry sorry villager child let me kick you out of bed yeah get out of there kid he’s just staring sadly over at me too okay oh God why was my bed glowing green sorry kiddo oh no no he’s being attacked by a baby

Zombie that’s [ __ ] up on leave him alone leave him alone get get over here you [ __ ] M help me kill this thing he’s an [ __ ] oh my God okay we saved the child child I’m so sorry good job this Village kind of didn’t have anything no

There was really much here you bullied a child who got who got bullied by a baby zombie yeah there was a lot there was a lot going on I don’t damn bro all right well I’m going to trade some wheat for an emerald yay nice oh what’s that over

There where are you go to it um across the ocean there’s a tall thing which I think is Another Broken ender portal so oh yeah let’s go to it I’m going to get it I’m going to get the goods guys now if I shoot you in the back of the head

And I steal it how dare you oh things are spicy yeah know every time I see something kind of tall but thin it’s like I’m pretty sure it’s some one of those uh broken Prett sure it’s me tall thin okay make sure we look nice and thin damn there’s a lot of

Donkey what’s up dony I’m surprised you didn’t say there’s a lot of ass I got to give you props to that one get out of here yeah I hear you guys this is mine this is mine are you fighting someone or you telling that to us I’m telling that to

You guys okay yeah look at all these I feel like I’ve helped you quite a bit so I don’t think you get to say that to me I want you to know um I don’t care uh I was just about to say I got a bunch of golden tools that will break

Into seconds sick okay but they’re mine totally worth it well what direction do we want to go to try and find that Pillager Tower oh I know hold on just get give me a sec to grab this gold okay the useless useless gold hey I will take it

Man oh my God why did you turn into a banjo he’s trying to do Bad Moon Rising again y y yep Bad Moon Rising okay let’s see if I regret this bad you just said that was about okay guys yep um I think I know where to go okay she again

This was further out this is not the village I was in okay all right you you are you are the Frodo and we are the other the other Gremlins just following you along I don’t get that reference but good for you I you know I don’t really

Know Lord of the Rings that well either so there you go I would like to say though I think collectively Sam and I or Sam why is gamji cuz we’re doing a lot of carrying um I mean my name is Sam so I probably should have the T all right you’re the

Sam and I’m the wise there we go there we go uh I I may be missing from the group are you feeling okay buddy no like I don’t know where you are are you by the V back toward the village I am in the village okay all right we

Are also back in the village now so yeah let’s just let’s swoop into the village where you are hello I can’t even see your name I’m just picking some carrots uh Evan over here to your left well now behind you Molly you didn’t run ahead without us right I’m

Just going to stand here until you find me well you can you should be able to see I see I’m I’m right by Molly okay that’s fine you guys okay good there we go Sam where you at I’m here okay okay oh God let me just Traverse the cavern

Here sorry I found you I found you will you I’m surprised you can’t just float over it bud you legitimately feels like you should be able to float over that n he’s just got invisible legs yep I’m just invisible yeah trust me I found that out earlier he did he

Smacked my ass I I didn’t know where I was I just was swinging yeah that’s true your ass was where I was swinging I got bucked off by a horse I’m F Well you sounded so defeated I’m sorry yeah the horse bucked me off we came from the cherry trees

Right no we came no we came from this no we can’t came from across the lake yeah we [ __ ] hell um man now I see why she writes down the coordinates she’s like the Zoro of the group shut up damn that is pit that is a [ __ ]

Pit it is a pit there’s there’s a m shaft down there oh is there yeah you want to stop and exp there’s a wood platform I can see it we we should I mean it’s down there it’s down there it is down there I do like I do like Robin so much

More than Nami that’s funny cuz Molly really likes tunami I like I like Nami later but so wait you want to go down here yeah oh we we can I was just pointing it out yeah let’s do it here I built a path where are you I don’t even know

Where you are you see me climbing down the waterfall oh yeah here I’ll come back up just uh oh over there I see come over come over here to the lake oh just literally go through the water that’s yeah just ride the waterfall down and oh you made a waterfall ni Ride the

Lightning baby that’s TI as hell oh god oh [Laughter] well I couldn’t see cuz cuz it’s fine I just need to sit down and heal for a second is there a fairy up your ass again huh I have food if anyone needs some I ask if there’s a fairy up your ass

Again nope not this time not this time sounds sounds great Evan do you oh you got you rode the waterfall down okay now we just got to remember where that waterfall is so we can get back up I feel like this will be one of the easier times yeah it’s

True but yeah look at that [ __ ] oh my God look at the zombie Cong line down there [ __ ] like what the [ __ ] they’re all running away cuz I’m smacking them bunch of [ __ ] there we go they’re dead yeah well you’re going to have to be in charge of torch placement I do not

Have any I got I have 44 on me okay 46 I’m coming guys I wrote down the coordinates for the waterfall sure that works it’s fine hello zombie come here you little [ __ ] see you later mhm okay all right uh there’s nothing here oh you guys just did that that makes

Sense yeah it looks like it’s sucks ass yeah that’s really sad I guess that’s what happens when it’s randomly generated you just get diamond oh diamond oh get the diamond get the diamond holy [ __ ] that is a lot of lava good eye mly good eye yay a single Diamond I makes sense dig

In here and see if we can find any yeah it wouldn’t hurt I suppose but I don’t see no it’s not going any further back well we can try going down yeah I mean we got all this water going directly back up so we know we’re going to find our

Way oh my God this goes on for a while yeah yeah there’s iron oh yeah definitely be um I do have to be res I do have to reserve my pickaxe it’s almost dead that’s fine well if if you run out just let us know and we can get get stuff for you Okay oh what a waste on my pickaxe red nice I hate it every time I like step I always like double torch a spot yeah I saw I saw it happen I’ve been there too though well it’s a dead end with lava it just ends okay well it’s pretty much a

Dead end no diamonds no not that I can tell well I mean we got some iron so that’s good I got 11 how much did you guys get I have 12 I just got I don’t I don’t even want to talk about what I

Got I got a rock hold on a sec guys hold on I feel like I see something up here that might be a Vine though I can’t tell Vine yeah mine’s dead well oh yeah this is a dead end no diamond oh yeah these are just mes well

[ __ ] all right fine well let’s leave it was worth a lot look we got some good iron yeah we got a couple things resources that was NE we explored together good iron mhm only got a singular Diamond W we can make make that we can use that to make a

Second no God a juke box feels like just the worst use don’t you want to play two songs at the same time no we could do uh oh wait there’s more iron under here cool I already made a juke box with an with a diamond it’s okay I said we can

Make another one yeah wants to play two songs at the same time it’s night again that we might just want to stay here and and sleep real quick do you guys have beds I have a bed I I didn’t take one of the village beds with me but I can just

Run back there quick it’s not that far oh there’s some more Iron and then I’ll just bring one with me next time I thought we were going to be at the Pillager Tower and then done but we’ve gone on we’ve gone on quite a journey hey guys come up here hold on oh okay I’m coming you find like a extension of the cave kind

Of and a bit more of the shaft oh there we go oh God God damn it oh more iron up here guys oh thanks I was just okay okay nice guys iron over here oh it like continues downward kind of ooh I found a chest

With a bunch of well okay it’s just coal pumpkin seeds name tag rails the coal I am taking the coal I’m taking everything that’s in it as well oh oh you know I was curious but I didn’t want to go through the effort um the the lava that was in the way of

The bridge it cut off the M shaft oh [ __ ] there’s a baby I’m going to die I’m going to die I’m going to die I’m going to die I’m going to die Jesus Christ that sucked not now come back and find you guys I kind

Of went on my own here I’m still on the shaft just a little little lower I don’t know how to put it oh oh my God zombie hello there we go okay I’m with you problem solved oh thank you I found iron and I was like grabbing

It quick Sam stay back okay okay you need my help no it was a creeper I got him okay iron wow this is a lot of iron holy crap really is hell yeah nice Jesus Christ evil ass cave noises yeah all right nothing I went

From 11 to 25 yeah I got n oh I have oh that’s my chcken I have 34 you okay Evan one moment okay good luck good luck Soldier God speed King God yes I am I’m kind of above you guys in the same M shaft yeah

Okay uh just so you guys know I’m taking I’m trying going to try to take the rails from this place that’s fine okay yeah I’ve been taking the rails too yay hell yeah I haven’t I’m sorry samon I’m right behind you so okay

Oh God I am going to get so lost in here yeah it happens get rid of the that’s why I wrote down the coordinates so our thing out yeah that’s probably good call uh oh there’s an above us Sam okay sweet oh my God hello what the [ __ ] that’s all

Me I take these tracks oh you good yeah yeah yeah yeah yeah okay all right yo [ __ ] oh my God sorry I just found an iron pickaxe in the chest [ __ ] god you’re good it’s a whole it’s a whole like above cave system oh my God okay Jesus Christ

Yeah it was like right above where we were okay I found more iron me too just wondering does anyone have an extra pickaxe I can use when mine breaks I do not have an extra one is yours about to break yeah uh yeah I got that one I just

Picked up could I have it h you got to get to where I am I just saw you oh and it broke hold on hold on where oh oh my God will I’m okay hi hi it doesn’t go much farther up there yeah I kind of figured as much I

Just wanted to grab the I’m just grabbing the coal cuz might as well iron yeah I’ve been grabbing it just fall down the hole you were in oh Evan hey yo what’s up please and thank you thank you teammates if you come this way there’s a

Huge Bridge Okay uh I was I just need to grab some more lapis Liz that I lost more at dead end not this way sweet well should we go find should we go find the other two yeah it’s amazing because M just like they just keep

[ __ ] going they really do I see your names I see that is the hard part about M shaft yeah Molly is the farthest out from us right now not by much turn o oh this is big there’s some coal I want to go there is so much in here I heard a

Zombie I heard a zomo all right let’s go help Molly okay oh I see you EV you’re in this weird little space yeah if you want these seeds you can take it I am not worried about seeds but thank you yeah there’s more parts of the M shaft

Over there there’s like a whole cave over yeah I see that Jesus Christ yeah what the hell God damn more iron Yay yay oh there’s water beneath us so it’s okay guys tting there for us what the [ __ ] good I got sucked like underneath the water oh my God I did two did you guys hit a current maybe I don’t know it like took me I didn’t like it there’s

Glow squids in here did you tell it hey no uh did I tell the current no no I didn’t didn’t think about it I was too scared it too big and too strong I was intimidated hey no curret not right now it’s not a good time for

Me all right I have 21 torches left okay I built a way back up will oh you’re already up okay I’m oh oh God if he cover me for a sec I’m going to run to the bathroom really quick yeah I’ll be right by you okay hey there you are I’m going to

Put myself in a corner all right I’ll be right back all right Evan Molly you guys take care of soon you’re not going to take care of him all I trust you two to be able to protect a single person oh that’s that’s not a good idea

Well it’s my idea to make Evan you good to watch or no um I lost Sam no he’s right here is it wa wait wait wait stop me I can’t see you I just saw him I’m just going to walk away I lost I’m [ __ ] coming back God

Too oh we’re so bad friends you really are ooh more things oh there’s a penis in there where Molly you’re by Sam aren’t you I was for two seconds and I I got him I found him I got him I I mean if it helps I found an

Enchanted book yeah that’s great did I just hear a [ __ ] witch what’s that it’s copper I don’t care about copper there I was going to block samon with blocks so that nothing could get to them but then I lost them what the [ __ ] I keep hearing like little giggling

Is my fairy somewhere around no it’s got to be like there’s a witch in the walls [ __ ] somewhere all right whoever shot me go screw yourself I didn’t shoot oh my I know it wasn’t you it wasn’t me no it was a skeleton no no one was around me ooh more

Iron we’re doing really good guys yeah we should we should mine together more often yeah it’s fun well it’s also just easier to cover oh what the oh you bastard yep that’s why I was getting shot by two well I know I was trying to

Find him and he was blending in with the Shadows [ __ ] Sneaky Snake sorry that was a little loud well but it need to be said Sneaky Snake Sam come back I’m sick of watching you just put blocks in front of them so nothing can get to him no cuz now in my

Looks I’m something will spawn in the darkness of the blocks and start killing him oh here’s the lap oh no no WR wrong here we go nice leather you got I needed space just go just keep going just get get keep going you little fairy put some shoes on get your fairy ass

Moving okay you doing good Molly proud of you thank you Molly you’re on an adventure with us you you this never would have happened when you first started oh for sure I would have said [ __ ] that [ __ ] on out we are on a group Adventure this is a time

To be alive Evan why are you talking like a like a youth Minister listen and then the power of Christ came down and I don’t know [ __ ] it found more iron iron is life got a need a good source of Iron oh there’s one one right there itsy bitsy rail right there oh little baby zombie [ __ ] looking at me the wrong way way more iron whoa it is amazing the stuff you miss what you doing Evan uh throwing stuff at you why I don’t know I have my own inventory so me

Back thank you what oh welcome back Evan was just throwing [ __ ] at me is there a [ __ ] where’s a [ __ ] treasure there’s a chest around here good I’m throwing [ __ ] I don’t want in this there okay I can make some torches using the wood in here and then taking the coal I

Got oh so I can actually be what oh no it’s a skeleton trying to [ __ ] with me Molly’s bitching your favorite word it’s fun to say it is pretty fun to say that it is okay all right what else do we have to explore I’m over here exploring more

Yeah okay it’s kind of the dark part yeah yeah but there’s good stuff in here okay can you guys see my yeah I see where you’re at I’m coming down cool oh [ __ ] okay good did you hear me completely missed the water s i i i [Applause]

Did Will are you okay yeah I’m fine I was I uh I jumped into a little puddle I found and there’s a creeper in a wall and started ping at me and just what time to be alive it was a lot bad day bad day yeah hi zombie oh my

Lant you right there got a little SP by that scared by the one scared by the one zombie Sam I’m going to get this iron okay I’m getting this other iron I just wanted to let you know so we’re not smacking each other hose squid guys be careful that’s that’s going towards like

A little darker with a bunch of [ __ ] in it okay I’m Not Afraid Sam’s here with MEK thanks I guess he’s my Beacon of Hope glad glad to know he’s my little ball of hope there’s an Enderman in this cave I don’t okay that that’s I guys

What the [ __ ] is that purple [ __ ] purple [ __ ] is it amethyst what do you know up here up here oh that’s oh yeah that’s amethyst oh okay want that hell yeah a spy glass with that do we need a diamond pickaxe to get it or

Or I think a regular iron would do it it might a a non iron would even maybe do it Sam you get you guys get up here it’s fun to be in here okay hang on hang on I got zombies on my ass now I’m coming I’m

Coming what’s up big boy just listen to it just walk around this is how you can find more of the fairies watch out Molly there’s a zombie on your ass thank you yeah you can break this yeah this is break I’m coming up I’m coming up God this is aesthetically

Pleasing this is a good purple isn’t it cool help you guys get it yeah this a greaty man thanks buddy y this was a good one yeah they’re supposed to be kind of like geod where they’re like in its own little cave of its own yeah I

Can see that yeah yeah might as well just get all of it yeah there’s really no point in leaving any of it it doesn’t grow or anything right oop sorry I broke the torch you’re fine hey this has been better than going to that Pillager

Stuff yeah I mean we can do both we can we just have to find our way out oh [ __ ] you end get out of here oh I saw the purple oh he’s looking in the at him no he’s right by Sam I was warning Sam he’s

In the shame shame Corner are you okay well will he’s right behind you he’s trying to get you to look at him lesson we’re not interested seriously all right I’m just hitting the the stuff down and it might fall on one of you just just so you know

Like oh no this is Kell site oh [ __ ] oh she died God [ __ ] I was trying to bury the Enderman I don’t know where you died at I’m I’m right by you guys with the G hold on I’m I’m coming you guys the right last jump is what killed

Me oh I see your stuff I see your stuff I’m getting really freaked don’t worry about it there’s too much yeah I I was trying to bury him but it was not working he keeps getting in a spot where like I am like seeing him barely out of

The corner of my eye and I don’t like it I he’s he’s getting close to me I I hate this I I I have I have a plan I have a plan wait hang on I think he [ __ ] himself oh oh [ __ ] oh [ __ ] he’s yelling

At me yep he’s yelling at me where is he I’m in I’m in a corner guys I think he’s dying I think he is did he touch did he touch that water I think he died super hard he I think he like fell the world you suck that was [ __ ] so

Scary yeah dude we we could just like hear him screaming for like a minute straight oh my God all right BR bed for you Sam oh thank you you’re the only one who doesn’t have one right yeah I didn’t bring one I I I didn’t think think again

I thought we were going to go to the Pillager thing yeah no no that’s fine I just I grabbed one since I was there no that works Molly did you need one of us to grab your stuff or want us to no well if you have room I don’t want it to

Despawn I will I will try I will at least grab what it allows me to grab yeah [ __ ] I’m at the very least get my weapons and of course the iron I’ll I’ll get the other half I can’t remember where the uh where’s the cave cuz we

Stopped and went back oh I am also packed now yeah [ __ ] oh my God hello yeah careful up there that’s like that weird Arena I was telling you about yeah I know but this is where she died so that’s where I’m like trying to like

Make room yeah I can like get rid of seed really need any of the seeds yeah just get again only the good stuff yeah right I’m going to try to get the arrows there we go get rid of that oh there’s Diamond there I found your Enderman is he attacking you you found

The Enderman no he’s down right by the water that’s why he’s getting damaged oh okay there we go I saved the diamond oh God I don’t know where the [ __ ] to Go there’s the it’s when you enter and go lower when you see the the the original wooden dock of the M shaft right you have to go up a little bit and then to the left okay well Molly we we got all your she died again uh don’t worry I only had

A bed on me we we all got we got all the good stuff so okay um did you finish did you finish um well actually we can sleep that will help me you you want have my bed right yeah I have your bed yeah so

I’ll just put down a bed and we can sleep and then that’ll help me get to the cave quicker okay yeah um did you finish exploring the whole place cuz that was the last section I was going to I mean I think we got quite a bit out of

Here if we wanted to just head out now hold my hand Sam Hold Your Hand okay come here oh sorry bab I me it just tamped you a little too hard no you didn’t hit me I didn’t do any damage all right that’s good that means that’s a good T

Yeah I mean most important one of you guys has my bow yes I have your bow thank you boy oh [ __ ] that Ender’s over there yes ignore him we should leave we should unless like I I I think we got quite a hall let’s head back

Let’s uh yeah yeah let’s get out yeah we got to ride the water [ __ ] this [ __ ] we out here oh God damn it Evan where are you I see you I see you yeah I may have acally kept hitting like every single little hole in walls going up that water I think

Not this way this is where I always struggle yeah trying to find like our way back yeah all right that is also a dead end you need my coordinates it’s all through water we kept using water to go further down you guys right no I yes

But it’s it’s uh mainly just finding our way through the M shaft oh over here okay I see I see and then cuz didn’t we this was this this way no it was it’s this way cuz I know that but did we fall from somewhere Dam we had the same idea water

All the way Molly that doesn’t help me cuz you’re not here so stop saying water all the way water all the way no okay um h this way oh oh hey I found more iron yeah me [Laughter] too don’t get too don’t get too silly buddy excuse me who are you you

Okay yeah just a weird looking zombie okay W get too silly soon really I need to try and reverse engineer the way in which we got here oh okay there was this guys I think I found it okay I found another part of the M shaft again

Okay oh my God okay really down there Sam ouch yeah it just it just LED back to it did a l Okay evan over here I’m coming and then Sam do you see our names I do I’m coming you might as well just like start digging up towards us

Oh wait now I lost your Nam where did you go are you crouching no oh i’ like had you and no you’re gone are we too close oh there I see you now I see you now hold up yeah we’re like directly above you okay there you go yeah hang on oh that’s

Dark oh that is dark a perfect black roast coffee there we go I’m here are you kidding me this PO is in my way all right we’re just doing that all right hi I’m here oh [ __ ] that pole all right I think mostly Straight Ahead okay I think yeah

Well that’s another dark part of the tunnel but also not that dark yeah Jesus [ __ ] Christ oh God it keeps going all right oh [ __ ] I’m stuck in a spider web are you okay oh yeah I’m fine it’s just it’s just annoying I found so many [ __ ]

Rails yeah I’m finding do you guys have space for like ingots I got it I made some space okay oh was it’s good I grabb one well gra one it’s fine uh IES actually yeah that’s a smart call C what is walking towards me it’s a zombie I found more iron

Got you thank you thank you berries that sound very appropriate that’s my bad bro Evan I’m going to try not to hit you good I didn’t all right it’s okay I understand the situation back there not this way okay it’s not this way either let’s go [ __ ] okay uh there’s light this way

Though so where we’re at right now if we go up is where the waterfall is actually oh yeah oh [ __ ] I just found another part of the mine again oh I need to heal oh there’s will hi hi I think this is where I fell from it is not it is not

No yeah oh [ __ ] we did find a waterfall back here I don’t know if it’s the waterfall we need to go to but yeah I remember passing that it just didn’t look familiar it might help us get up thck get back up somewhere though that is some evil

Noise yeah I heard like a roar oh this is where we were I see the Tor do you see the Torches up there yeah yeah yeah this is it yeah there’s a SN [ __ ] it [ __ ] it [ __ ] it I don’t feel like going up that [ __ ] thing are you just digging your way

Out uh not entirely there we go we found it or at least we found a way out I don’t know if this is necessarily a way out a way out I think this is right near the original entrance oh y this is it this is it we found I

Found it right behind turn around will the waterfall right here is how we got down right hello cows all right well it worked out yep sure did you sure I told I told you you were right by the coordinates I wrote down yeah no I believed you it was just

Scary okay I don’t uh I don’t even know what time of day it is it’s day technically you’re fine yeah should we try to go back home and drop off all the [ __ ] we got yes absolutely yeah cuz like at this point I I don’t want to raid a Pillager

Tower with how much we don’t even yeah we don’t even have to go home home we can just go back to the snow house that’s true we could go to we could go to Maya’s Place yeah you’re right you’re right yeah I’m trying to watch for where you

Guys are going to come out cu I still have no idea where the [ __ ] that cave was we’re already out [ __ ] oh yeah yeah we got out we we have left the area you should we’re headed we’re headed towards the house I would have given you the I would have

Given you the coordinates that I had written down oh yeah I yeah you should have given her yeah you should have given her the coordinates oops she didn’t ask she didn’t ask that’s okay it’s on me too it’s all right no yeah no no yeah I’m not pointing fingers at

Anyone I’m just okay where where it’s an after the fact we all thought we all should have thought of it um over where I’m at that’s where the house is okay or the direction of the house I don’t know where you are I don’t know where you are Sam uh straight go oh

God wait I saw you guys I don’t know who you are oh I see him now it’s literally straight oh there you are yeah yeah yeah it’s just straight ahead oh God will they’re not following you I’m so scared just go straight across I I see Will

Okay oh I see simmer down there peanut yeah peanut gallery oh peut Gallery yeah you’re bringing some real water all the way energy SA D I don’t know what that means me Either oh I now it’s snowing same you’re bringing some real direct to Home Video energy you know that what does that [ __ ] mean water all the way is what Molly was saying to us when your last of that gave oh oh gota I think I see the general direction

Of the house I don’t know I yeah I think we’re there what the [ __ ] oh [ __ ] mly what you landed right on top of me while breaking your legs it just freaked me out did you go across the snow cuz I refused to do that yeah I’m refusing to

Do that too yeah it was working a little bit but not worth it to me you can run across the snow you cannot jump across it I’m trying to find I I guess we’re I’m not quite at the house yet yeah yeah you guys are closer yeah the well where the mine cart

Is it’s like the back of the house but it’s still an entrance right [ __ ] off you little piece of [ __ ] back there yeah I just had a disagreement with one of our neighbors but he [ __ ] off okay okay here’s the here’s the rails guys okay do you want the

Coordinates yeah we’re at 870 and – 640 okay ignore the middle number okay I’m in the house okay oh and that’s a dead end I went to the front door me as well ohu bch oh why would you do that cuz it was warm well was cold can I have my stuff

Back oh no thank you hang on Evan Evan’s getting his dick sucked spider shocky spider shocky just keep running just keep running all right so here’s the here’s the gold pickaxe shovel [ __ ] [ __ ] um uh I’m trying to think oh here’s your Shield thank you oh yeah yeah yeah where’s your

Pickaxe it was this one here’s your pickaxe thank you thank uh is hello your bow I stole your iron but I don’t think that bad that’s okay yeah I was going to say yeah the resources I was just going to keep lady and gentlemen are we in a spot

Where we can sleep before I get [ __ ] yes I can yeah okay because my ass is lubed I’m about to get [ __ ] I can sleep we’re all in beds we’re all beds I’m going I’m going to shore now you went onto a boat to run away

From them I went into the water so that the spider jockey was not following me anymore gotcha I mean a boat is usually pretty safe honestly no I believe it I believe it oh my God all right I’m going to head back to the house okay that’s

Fair oh okay I thought I was making a mistake I did not come sail away come sail away come sail away with me wo God for the amount of stuff that I was getting [ __ ] up by in this little area it looks so peaceful in the day

Right hey when you guys go on a road trip is not even like a road trip just if you like Drive far away and come back in the same day right yeah does the trip back always feel faster than the trip going yep I guess in the numerous times I

Drove to duth yes every time the Fells faster I wonder why that is I don’t know I believe it might be because when you’re leaving it feels like the full full Journey but when you’re coming back once you start like hitting familiar places you already feel like you’re M

Even though there’s still distance to go see see see once that’s Molly smart overe explaining knowledge that I appreciated yeah oh my God what was that I don’t know no I don’t have my sword oh well smack the [ __ ] out of something oh uh oh I have your sword that’s okay is

It just an iron sword yeah it’s just a iron sword there’s I I have your iron sword sorry it kind of Blended in with my screen also Sam your dog is just sitting on the rails oh yeah there he is hey this up me by also Molly I forgot to

Give you your golden axe back but oh that’s fine Golden Axe I figured you didn’t really need it yeah it’s an old it’s an old Konami game Capcom Capcom yeah capcom’s like made that announcement that they’re like either making sequels or remakes or something of a bunch of like their old

Classics like Jet Set Radio and Crazy Taxi yeah that’s cool stuff like that so I’m curious now they just need to figure out beautiful Joe and how they can do that’d be so cool yeah I’d love to play Beautiful Joe me too I loved that game it was pretty

Cool God damn it I’m like trying so hard to get up but I can’t from this stupid position dog no did you do BR did you see him get taken away I I I saw him go away a little bit the Evans fairy just scared the [ __ ] out of [Laughter]

Me oh my God I hear it hi fairy bye fairy it just went outside all right we got to make a r when we empty out the lava buckets we got to refill the lava buckets that’s fine yeah sir I concur I don’t think it’s even a

Matter of filling them up up it’s just like if you um use them and then they run out you you gra you the stuff is still there but so is the empty bucket you know yes precisely yeah definitely PL of iron oh I might have let’s see uh I don’t know what

Chest to put the aim of this stuff in I put it in the chest with all the blocks in it downstairs downstairs that’s what I right God damn we got a lot of iron yeah we did it oh my God civilization yeah that’s saw Molly that’s how you know you’re in

Civilization You See Me You See Molly that’s the way what are you doing over here um I’m grabbing this coal here doting oh that’s that’s great well thank you thank you I’m just glad I didn’t get I’m glad I didn’t get killed yeah oh yeah that sucks

H I don’t know Molly what do you what do you know about getting killed uh not much you know CU you know it never happens to me that spider that spider Jacky was really coming for me yeah you know I think despite a couple of the same person’s deaths we’ve done pretty good

Today shut despite one person just dying only one person repeatedly over and over again Molly I’m putting I think an that is yours and uh and your iron sword in the Mory box oh thank you oh yeah I’ll put your golden ax in there too join just yeah

Just just forget join buddy apologies we’re just playing with our friends okay all right now that we are out of danger my body has realized how badly I have to pee so I will return um is that something to me specifically or no no no you go okay all right that’s

Why I didn’t that’s why I didn’t finish cuz I want will to go Molly when you’re done grabbing that yeah I’m going need you to guide me to the rails or else I’m gonna be lost forever if you can see the front of the house if you just go right it’s the

Rails I don’t see the front of the house I’m by you hold on hold on um he’s helpless just helping I’m helping I’m helping hold on got to get up there first come along Lost Child I shall guide you come on don’t make me throw this C at you H

Then you’ll lose your way to get back home o got Him so this is the front of the house I tried to nod my head at you but I just shook it in a circle yeah and then here’s the rails okay all right let’s check on the farm animals I want to see how they’re doing got dumbass

Trades oh my God there’s so many Chickens all right I’m going to see if I no oh my God you okay EV no sorry about that um I tried to get in on mine cart and I just pushed it away Oh that’s okay usually it solves itself yeah I mean there is one in the house if you want it or if you need one yeah they on their own it’s just going to be slow because this stupid empty one is ahead of my one that I’m in

Oh okay okay I’ve taken out all the Chickens did you leave any alive no I no no no sorry I I didn’t mean I’ve taken out all the extra I Tak all the every single one all of them chicken genocide you took them out yep they’re gone he saw me in a suit as a chicken

And he just killed every other one yep I got real mad real mad oh my God the Poppin wow okay that mountain was just coming in and out uhoh poor connection quality broadcasting only mic audio again uhoh what the hell you good man apparently not my connection is is

Poor so um I was supposed to have a new TV cuz my you know how my TV keeps turning off so my new TV We were supposed to bring it and put it in on Wednesday of course [ __ ] that way test positive for covid mhm oh and

Thursday my TV [ __ ] was turning off and on constantly I had to unplug it for 30 minutes to reset it it was like the most annoying thing I’m like oh yeah of course when I [ __ ] have Co and it’s this damn thing Yeah also I tried to play Lords of Fallen I I want have the skill level to play that game if you want to borrow it and play it on stream I have a copy of it you can borrow it okay fair enough I don’t have the skill level or the patience for

It it’s neat it’s really cool but it’s like a Souls light game I can’t I go do it oh yeah H hindsight is 2020 guys uh I really should have asked you to leave find a little bit of that iron so I can make a sword oh damn and I got eight on

Me sorry my bad no worries no wor say that’s why I said hindsight is 2020 man yeah the are you at the snow I fixed it are you at the snowy home girl I am but it’s fine it’s fine I I turned around I’m coming back oh thank oh you’re so

Nice yeah I’m just inside the house right now well better have dinner ready when I get there who Whoa oh my sorry I felt like I was being too nice you have to by being a douchebag I need I need I need I need to be an [ __ ] all right I know it’s not done but it still baffles me how Maya decided to set up the general um layout of this

House yeah it was scarier when I first got there yeah like a little dungeon well it’s it’s a little bit of a maze like I have gotten lost in here before hey it’s just for mining purposes she’s going to make it a real house eventually oh my gosh what she

Says well she would ever get her booty on to play Minecraft maybe yeah she always misses out yeah she keeps missing out what the [ __ ] was that sound oh screw you [ __ ] you’re good there sorry I had a I had a lot of disagreement out there don’t go out

There I had a disagreement oh oh no he’s coming he’s coming in I’m King with carrot now bit SpaghettiOs H he opened the door somehow I don’t know how that’s the worst man oh thank you thanks for the oh my God all right all right peace out oh hang on

Girl Scout I got one more for you all right you did me a solid this this will not be forgotten oh it’s not working peace out Girl Scout Z baby I’m coming home okay it says I’m live on Twitch um do you need me to double check there

Buddy yeah can you double check I’m yeah says it’s working yeah I just got the notification mobile dashboard yeah you live I see my screen yeah yeah I see you placing down torches in the house the quality on the stream is very Pixy but yeah I don’t know what

What’s going on with that what the [ __ ] back see this two stupid things from where I built them there you go I post it in chat oh Sam Sam’s stream crashed and he had to Rego on it and people are like it’s not live and I’m like no it is I promise

Yeah oh oh my God will I [ __ ] see them too what the hell you can see them clearly can’t you uh-huh yeah yeah that’s you should go up to the uh to the to the taco and read the sign okay I will will every once in a while I look

At your character and it kind of looks like you got a comb over I need to change my hair like actually cuz it’s not the right hair you guys want to sleep you’re like yeah I can sleep okay I’m glad that worked Evan are you sleeping um I’m in the middle of the

Rail yeah you came back to give me iron so I don’t think I’m going to be able to sorry I’m going to sit coily in this bed and until you get here yeah me too I’m I’m going to wait till you come in and cuddle I’m currently tra traveling

Backwards so I’m trying to WR long of a rail oh Sam you had the same idea as man was about to get up right next now I’m in Earth sorry what Evan there is a loose mine cart in the middle of it that I’m having to push ahead of me oh just get

Out and break it and and put it in your inventory or that too oh haven’t didn’t think of that I didn’t and now I’m a little upset I’m the moment in the moment all he could do is hit it you know none of us have been making very good uh thought thoughts and

Decisions tonight yeah not a lot of critical thinking hey man I got Co I have an excuse no no no I’m I’m saying but but it’s like none of us gring very well I probably would make that decision with or without Co that deflecting a little

Bit but at least I don’t have the most deaths Today hey I I’m I’m trying to be more bold not not oh God you’re dog oh oh yeah he’s in the on the oh yeah he [ __ ] [ __ ] blocked me a I just have a little bunny rabbit watching me try to sleep the [ __ ] out of

The way dog staring at the Earth right now funny just staring at me no I’ll show you something to stare at in a second God I God that was rancid Evan all right get in bed there we go I want to I want to go look at Will’s penis oh hey yeah let’s

Go bro uh Samy and I cuddling together made me think of that story of when Simon Peg and his um his buddy the big guy and uh and Sh oh what the [ __ ] what there’s a flaming zombie in our house thanks EV um when uh when they were starting out

Being actors and trying to make it big and how they rented this like shitty apartment together and they had like nothing except one mattress that they laid on the floor like one twin-sized mattress mhm and they tried like every which way to to sleep in the bed

Together to make it not gay as possible like like back to back you you know like just like facing opposite D like whatever right and then and then they just said [ __ ] it and started cuddling and they were like it’s the best sleep either of us has ever had

It’s just it’s just just cud like just giving in and cuddling together two big men cuddling you know that’s the way to do it damn we got some good iron yeah we it’s it’s stacked noise like that’s that’s the most iron we’ve ever had yeah did you keep the rails that I got

Yay oh yeah we got we have more than enough rails for like whatever our next Endeavor is I’m going to stare at the sign let everyone get a good look at it and then I’m walking away that’s beautiful too man that is a that is a shaft right

There it dude I I was like sitting there and multiple times I was like I need to rebuild this cuz like if I if I built it with like three spaces instead of two I would have been able to like fill it out better yeah but it was just like no [ __ ]

It I’m done yeah I put in too much time everyone knows what the dick looks like three three sheep just spawned inside of each other what the [ __ ] kind of going in on my turf man um Evan yes what’s up goat [ __ ] what does that

Mean um I’m sorry to say this but I say it for the content so you know how you came back to give me that iron well when I was on my way out I found uh nine nuggets of iron oh my God I thought she was going to ask you

To bring her more honestly no oh was that why you sigh like like oh my God I I don’t know I don’t know I need to do I know listen I’m just over it I’m over you and I’m still over you butterf sorry what Sam I’m not over you I’m over it the

Situation I would never be over you okay oh oh thanks baby all right time to grab all the pickaxes I made um all this Cobblestone what do I need to make a all right I’m going the ne again actually Jes don’t you need um copper for that like the one thing you actually

Need copper for yeah yeah we got plenty of copper it’s in the I think it’s in the chest by the uh it’s it’s it’s upstairs next to the to the burners yeah all right I need one can I break down these blocks of amethyst into I really hate how I come

Out of the nether or come the nether there’s two amethyst shards in those uh if you need I’m in need I’m in need of one more I think you can can you make them from the amethyst blocks we got that’s what I’m trying to see am I doing I just need

Wood okay is this the first time I’ve cut down a birch bark tree are you serious I know there’s been a couple weird things like that for me too where I’m like really I never did this yeah it’s like oh you broke a piece of dirt you got a new recipe what congrat

Congratulations congratulations con oh I’m I’m I’m still sad we couldn’t get twink Godzilla yeah no thinking about it we got to we got to pray for twink Godzilla in the future you know that’s the next step you know we got we got Shin Godzilla and now we need twink Godzilla yeah hello

Dog that was a lot bark let’s get the [ __ ] out of me not going to lie did it no my dog barking some other dog it might be your dog did you leave a dog just like by uh by a crafting table at any point I don’t know

Maybe just looking at me all no cuz dogs have collar around them right yeah yes it’s not a dog just a wolf just a wolf oh is there a different no dogs are wolves yeah I don’t think I can sorry that’s fine man just immediately a [ __ ] magma slime like why they

Suck [ __ ] suck okay well don’t see I still don’t see a castle anywhere Castle in the Sky yeah I still need to see the boy in the Heron just cuz I want to hear Robert patson’s weird Gremlin old man voice that should be enough wood to do us for

Now we’ve been lacking on making sure we’re we’re up on PL oh this is cool yeah what I made a spy glass they’re really cool oh nice God excuse me Molly you sneezing uh no oh your tweaking yeah I think it needs a bump hey people does somebody else want

A spy glass cuz I have two um I’m in the nether right now I would like to look into one at some point I think I think you should just put in a chest for now I think the spy glass would actually come in handy for

The nether cuz you can like like look out from it and be like Oh over there over there over there mhm we have you can make multiples so if you put one in my you cut out again Molly you want to see what it does at least she wants one

In her snatch or something I don’t know uh yeah give me just a second Evan I’m making wood all right hand it to me and then come upstairs to Molly’s Overlook oh that would be the best way to use it yeah yeah yeah yeah yeah then

You can look out there look wherever you want and then right click when you have it in the inventory oh that is neat damn that really Zooms in oh my God I I zoomed in on your vagina oh I was seeing it yeah you really can

Godamn to I I just zoomed in on that oh look at that structure I was like damn Evan stop looking at Will’s [ __ ] that’s my bad BR mean to mean to do you that way will I made it gaping yeah I just zoomed in I said oh that’s a really

Interesting I gave it a Big [Laughter] C just a full lake of lava going on for Miles no these are cool 11 thank you yeah oh my God I can’t believe that came out of my M oh [ __ ] I just zoomed it on your but zoom in on your

CLA that’s good man I miss EV where should I put this I put it in my blood last chest your your what the chest that’s is ground oh my blood L chest blood L chest gotta oh oh my God that was oh jesuso fny it was funny but you love to R

Up or perspective and three four stacks of gravel yeah Molly I I heard four perspective stacks of gravel and yeah I’ve heard four stacks of gravel and that’s all I’m sorry sorry I got yeah you’re you’re cutting out real bad I’m sorry I’m so sorry I know it’s frustrating yeah

Lot of technical difficulties today oh my [ __ ] my dick Jesus Christ that’s not the thing to zoom in on my bad my bad Kevin what did you look at like his horse [ __ ] or something I just zoomed right out of his ass oh Jesus all right guys there’s a bunch of

Sticks and wood blocks and the chest right by the front door the the weapons and tools ones just cuz oh and a and a stack of torches if anyone wants those [ __ ] off little slime he said [ __ ] off too man the butter I think you know for Christmas I

Should have got molly a Pro Gamer headset you’re right what a missed opportunity no it it it hadn’t ever been an issue until literally today yeah like right now and she just snorted like a little piggy at me I heard it she went oh [ __ ] oh God okay is your throat okay Molly

Don’t ask her questions I know I’m sorry I keep hearing like a coming out of her and I’m like I know I heard the and then and then you said is your throat okay and she went that was it it was like she was getting ready to train she did the I I

I going Molly Molly said I’m fine and text chat Molly I’m sorry I love you Molly you’re my favorite thanks for thanks for hanging out with us have so much cooked salmon one chicken oh there we go give me that taking the pork taking the pork

Chop where is Minecraft going to add A1 Sauce God damn it I demand A1 WR a strongly worded letter oh Molly wants to sleep yes ma’am I am in the nether so all right yeah you don’t count just make sure you don’t have the demons come and

Get you cuz you don’t want to sleep oh yeah hopefully not are you choking I you’re typing now have you tried like unplugging and plugging your mic back in I’m sure you have I’m just asking you know what I’m just going to leave that there that’ll be funny okay [ __ ] off

Yippee call want the minec wait minec who did what Ian wonder you can used by a Sweet Child um I’m just trying to figure out where to put this Redstone Dust oh [ __ ] there’s an Ender over there cuz I’m about to go on a journey

And it can’t I guess whatever [ __ ] it it can come with me oh he’s seen me oh my God hello Matthew Joe how are you oh [ __ ] I had a plan and my brain farted and now I don’t know what to do oh yikes I know yeah that’s the worst

It’s the worst when you just rip a fat one I had a whole plan sorry whole plan and my brain lost a wrinkle okay can you join sorry nope no joining not to be mean we’re just playing with our friends apologies okay let’s here oh my

God oh I know I know it’s a frowny face I’m sorry I’m sure you’re amazing bye-bye I need to stop just zooming in on the animal I know what my plan was uhoh I know what my plan was what was your plan I need to make myself new armor is

That okay that’s good if I take a stack iron and make some armor ahead I think we’re really short on iron so yeah I know but I think this will be a good cause I it’ll be a really good cause hey uh well yeah did you take an axe to my bridge

Maybe okay not supposed to um let’s just try not to do that going forward okay cuz I want it to turn teal okay I appreciate you you’re a good person I know that going forward now no I just thought I was also wondering why the oxidization was like

Not happening at all and I was like oh okay I I was running across it when I was getting wood and then I realized I had an axe on me and then the my my my Curious nature took over and I wanted to

Do it no that’s okay I did I did it to it earlier too so now now I established it gotcha gotcha it’s very tempting thing to do with an axe in your hand I understand I like the noise it made yeah that copper on a bridge like that on the planks is

Like aesthetically pleasing if you throw water on it will it like oxidize faster or anything like that uh no you just have to what you have to do is set up like a farm to turn it into the teal thing and if they’re like not touching each

Other it does faster but it that’s a pain in the ass and I don’t really feel like doing that and it would take up a lot of space and not really be worth it that was a mistake right makes sense okay all right so I got the wood

Oh somebody did not hit block right there ladder to haveen oh I did not okay okay whoever broke wood over here I’m upset whoever broke wind over here broke wind somebody broke some trees and didn’t break them all the way down I’m just just upset okay it’s right by the rail say

St I wonder if it was just a creeper exploded no because I see blocks placed out like somebody tried to fix it but they never finished the job oh and there still is just really nothing for Miles mil um sir yeah are you in a spot that is easy for me to

Get to in the nether very except I’m getting trapped by slimes right now oh my God [ __ ] off yeah no I made a direct path to where I’m at okay um I have a question for you okay if I go back and get spy glass

Do you want me to bring you the spy glass sure and if that sounded condescending it did not mean to no it sounded like you were planning on bringing me one a poisonous potato yeah don’t eat that eat it well or or do I don’t really

Care but get some milk if you’re going to do it fruit I I think it’s poisonous um actually I think it gives you pretty good health but it might poison oh hey um did you did you come to the nether Evan well I’m going back to the house right

Now sir oh okay oh let you know when I’m in Bound I’m coming back so I can guide you yes sir sounds great oh all right buddy all right I was going through the portal but I probably should come out go back into the portal I don’t know

Hello what’s up man here me no here wait wait to me oh okay okay that that twerks just try it out here before you go in there oh hello just don’t don’t look directly to the Wells of V like I did it’s pretty funny it’s pretty

Clear oh my God yeah you do get a clear look at the the badge oh my God look at that look at that long dick too Jesus all right excuse me I like how Evan’s just looking looking over there he just loves looking at the shaft yep I need know for my future

Works okay I’ve been painting it this whole time in real life oh okay okay well I can attempt to try to find a castle from where I am but I don’t know how much luck I’m going to have I there is nothing is that going to be more helpful

To you to have that thingy though it might I I don’t I really don’t know like I just feel like I should have seen something by now anyway you know but it’s like it’s not good vibes love bro yeah hey with watermelons do all you need to do is Harvest them and they’ll

Regrow um yes yes as long as the stems are still there yep yeah that really uh me doesn’t really oh I’m just killing time oh I am sweating a lot oh how sweaty are you change my shirt oh [ __ ] oh my God yeah [ __ ] Co

Bro the he’s got the co sweats I got the co sweats Luffy Luffy and the weird thing is I is I’ve done having a fever today but that’s good yeah that is good okay that is ridiculous what oh I just zoomed in on this floating pie Watermelon On The

Ground I zoomed in on the mag my slime nice who you go look at it yeah was right there’s just nothing out there God Sam I’m coming in you’re going to come to the nether I’m coming I’m coming I’m coming on you make sure you’re ready make sure make sure you’re lubed did

Ready oh okay all right I mean there is a promising path above where I am so maybe if I build a bridge upward might came back fast oh wait no that’s what I’m wait what’s that oh wait is that a oh oh I almost got

Knocked into the lava oh my God okay I got to get around okay all right all right all right all right I hear that gas outside of this tunnel [ __ ] [ __ ] off yeah it’s scary oh my God the [ __ ] is coming I don’t know if you you’re going to go the

Right way oh [ __ ] I don’t know if you’re going to go the right way there’s two ways to go one way if you’re going up not going up a wood ladder then that’s the wrong way yeah I went into a wide open space okay maybe I should look out this wide open

Space with my viewfinder and see if I see a Fortress Yeah you could oh my God you spy glass excuse me sorry for fine you finders the the name of the the little red thing that you you sp I see a thing that’s surrounded by yeah what’s this thing that’s surrounded by torches

Molly did you want to sleep uh I can try hold on I’m not it’s okay if you cannot I heard you clearly by the way yeah I was going to say your mic audio you’re good now clear is a Chris spring morning mhm uh I stop saying I’m so much

See creeper see that [ __ ] over there see that [ __ ] right there Sam yes come to the opening with me buddy all right it’s going to be a minute yep I’m going to go back into safety oh there’s a witch I don’t want any of that please a witch a witch a witch a

[ __ ] a witch a witch a big white [ __ ] remember an Epic movie where they called the White Witch the white [ __ ] and everyone laughed and clapped and Sh that was so funny I wonder why those movies stopped getting made after that movie they didn’t do Master movie came

Out after Epic movie yeah but that like Epic movie was the turn turning point was in like like that was the actual like turning point in quality of those [ __ ] films yes like yeah cuz I feel like when disaster movie came out that like that was the first like people were

Eye rolling and it’s cuz they were thinking about [ __ ] how terrible Epic movie was like people went to see epie oh [ __ ] I was trying to find you I can sleep okay I’m coming ow it’s just the two of us we don’t have to worry I’m going in the

Space okay I’m good now I see him I’m burning I’m burning I’m burning for you oh my God you okay yeah I just uh walked out of the tunnel and came face to face with a Ghast with a gas oh my God I think oh I

Think I know what Evan’s about to show me Will and it’s your doorway you made oh might as well go into The Nether oh wait when I’m staying in the normal you’re going into The Nether right now Missy yeah join us in the nether Molly join us in the

Nether am I doing I can just plenty of watermelon and [ __ ] yep there’s the other bridge I built yeah you did a damn good job with that bridge yeah I’m just trying to see what Evan was there’s flame up there if if Evan W if the first time

Going into The Nether it’s not the goddamn Doorway to the right buddy okay all right well you got to come back and show me what you’re talking about move your head out of my way this big thing this big thing that’s got bridge to it

Oh does that lead to does that lead to the Fortress BL that might be it we can go up there and check it out where are you guys we’re in the tunnel where you built that doorway but you see what I’m saying you remember I see yeah I see it I see

It yeah let’s let’s try going up there cuz there’s the mushrooms that are in fortresses up there and there’s a bunch of Glowstone which are also by fortresses no we we sorry oh you’re good yeah we’ve been to the fortresses before but you know this might have been a

Bridge that will and I built to get across at one point it’s not impossible now that I’m over here it does not yeah no okay there’s also going there’s also a gas about to eat your ass so be careful oh I don’t see it I saw him watching you there are a lot

Of Pigmen around here which makes me think maybe we’re more close but I don’t know Sam you have been doing good work down here I don’t think that’s the right blocks yeah did you break did you break it is it like and also I don’t think P Pigman

Don’t live in the in the fortresses in the fortresses okay yeah I don’t know then yeah I think the block is a darker solid like kind of brick block yeah it looks like a brick kind of it’s angular I think I think I might be getting close to one on my on

The other side I’m working on I’ll come over with you I went up the ladder and went all the way to the other side yeah yeah I’ve been building I’m now in a magma Arena right now yep that’s that’s where I stopped to come see Evan boers I know they suck oh [ __ ] your little doorway is like the perfect height for them not to be able to get up here yep yep that’s why I built that way Evan did you find the ladder oh my God there’s [ __ ] so many of them clapping about little [ __ ] hit me ah [ __ ] little [ __ ] Flappy

[ __ ] e don’t moan in my ear like that oh that’s why [ __ ] oh God I come over and I hear it hello I’m behind you hello I think it’s great to see you hello I should have brought materials with me or something I didn’t think about it it’s all good I have

Plenty you go oh Sam I’m sorry I’m so sorry I did the same thing Evan I was seeing underneath your legs oh my God I’m sorry I won’t touch you stuff I’m going to switch models yes sir my that be the worst idea I do apologize though I’m sorry no

It’s okay I lost all my XP though so I’m a little sad about that I’m sorry it wasn’t on purpose no I know I’m just we should be we should make an XP farm somewhere yeah we could do that I don’t know how any of that works

So I leave that in your hands yep that’s a lot of work right now listen Evan I want you to be as stressed out as possible while making the XP for [ __ ] what it’s me yeah you just killed Sam accidentally don’t be a dick about it Evan don’t pick up Sam

Stuff God okay I got to I know I saw I saw that it like literally flew everywhere okay oh okay I think I got oh I’m getting [ __ ] up oh my God oh my God oh my God where’s the hole oh [ __ ] and then [ __ ] went into the lava

Evan did you put a block over the entrance no I just walked out to try to egg roll that’s all I did okay can you guys just pick up my stuff cuz I’m going to get [ __ ] [ __ ] every time I go out there Haven you got

It I think I got most of the important stuff yeah two things fell in lava I don’t know what oh Evan I can look out there if you want just back up EV Evan you got one behind you [ __ ] that was not me I know it’s okay would you like me to

Get your stuff yes do what you can yeah I will give me a second I might be joining you guys in just a second Jesus s [ __ ] Christ this place is Hell yeah all right I’m behind you okay well yours and a stuff is sprun about on the

Floor on the side careful God damn it I got some things I didn’t get any food though [ __ ] that’s what I really need hang on I can try and get you some I just stand behind watch out yeah yeah nope that’s not happening I have two hearts yeah just here here here here

Here God damn it okay then I can run out and as soon as my hearts go up [ __ ] a you little [ __ ] B I can’t kill this one [ __ ] slime that’s in the Corner See you got a big one coming after you yep I see it it’s okay all right I’m coming back in okay all right I’m backing out oh my God oh my God there’s a slim in my way oh my God okay okay God damn it okay everything’s in the tunnel at

Everything is in the tunnel yes I am sorry it’s okay I was aiming at it and then you came down and then I turned and you killed it and then you moved real fast yeah I know it’s just it’s a series of really unfortunate events yeah I

Think you just got to be careful with that Arrow I I know Okay what the [ __ ] I just want to stop hearing the flapping I think they just infinitely spawn that’s why that’s why I just build been building the bridges honestly oh I I get that they hit so hard for slimes that is not fair yeah they’re tough okay let’s see what I am missing

Um most of my di my stone pickaxes are gone I guess I don’t remember how many I had my diamond sword’s gone I’m sorry um I have some busted iron armor on me what the [ __ ] oh my god oh no I did it again I did it again I hate my life I

Was just trying to double check if things were out there and then there was a wall built over the entrance [Applause] no [Applause] use this s cross ah okay I mean all the stuff is to the left there Evan but I would really watch your ass

So um I did not grab bring very much stuff this time um are the spy glasses gone or n um I I don’t have a spy glass on me I had one of the spy glasses but I now it’s not in my other inventory so I don’t know

Okay yeah funny thing is I’m still back at the other place mhm um I got feel sick of the snow so I just decided to dig through the mountain yeah oh yeah that’s like you know 90° from where the house is is MHM right in front of the Pillager place oh

Nice like there it wa all right yeah yeah spy glasses are gone but I got I got everything else so let me just get in this [ __ ] house all right okay there all Right yeah Bub’s gone too [ __ ] all right Of diamonds down there Yeah oh [ __ ] hell all right I’m going to go back to the house and reorganize the supplies here oh you got kicked out yeah oh weird that’s weird oh that is not right I try inviting you or somebody I not to come back for their stuff

Jeez you no that’s not you what the [ __ ] I accidentally invited the wrong person that’s awkward uhoh hopefully I don’t join that’s Okay it’ll be fine out it’s only a little awkward some Rand is going to join our Game okay okay they’re all spawning in now they’re all spawning in oh my God okay I was wondering what was happening oh Johson oh my god there I found two more amethyst sharp not where the other with the shards were nice well that works out all right let’s go reorganize everything f it Sam that’s another yes just step behind you the goods are there oh thank you yes sir

All the joy of life is sucked out when we’re in the nether yeah the way the nether is now you really got to freaking gear up to go into there hey Sam yeah Maya is asking you why you have messaged her sister to join Minecraft oh

My god oh that was who that was oops I couldn’t remember who that I I tell just tell her I did it on accident yeah and I’m getting the [ __ ] poor connection quality again broadcasting only mic Audio Oh weird all right I’m ending my broadcast again Evan you don’t have access to the

Twitch account right oh my God how do I drop everything one one moment sir okay and you said I don’t have access to the twitch yes I do remember that’s where I started oh you do okay you want to just stream your end cuz my mine keeps [ __ ] out and I don’t know

What’s going on yeah a moment I’m just going to combine them in a video later I’m GNA leave cuz I’m A Hazard what part are we on Sir uh you don’t have to put a part I’ll fix it later we’re it’s just it’s just Minecraft yeah on Twitch Aries when when

It goes to you when it goes to Youtube it’ll be aart I almost put greed Minecraft with friends greed craft oh no my bad bro oh my god um Sam yes sir so um um never mind off stream my bad okay ominous it’s about it’s about Boulders gate

Stuff oh that the fact that you’ve been playing on your own cuz taught you the other day I have not been playing on my own I’ve been doing builds so like I’ve just been doing aesthetic stuff for build stuff to see how they looked so I know what race I want to

Play well Evan I’m going to be honest with you whatever it is I’m going to I want to wait till the day we play it no it’s not about the game it’s about streaming that’s why I said off of oh okay I see that’s why I said off off stream

Okay is literally behind the scenes streaming stuff right oh we can put it on our patreon watch Evans play gameplay watch the behind the scenes of getting [ __ ] set up play a [Laughter] game for everyone 30 minutes no we do not have a patreon do not try to go looking for

It um also do not make it I don’t think anyone can make our own patreon yeah well I mean I guess they wanted to pretend to do it I guess yeah oh realiz I been like lunging my neck forward this whole time and I finally

Like relaxed it oh yeah and it’s like oh yeah there we go that’s the muscle relaxing there it is there it is baby I need to go Harvest I think these are technically your [ __ ] what are they uh iron armor and iron boots but they’re kind of near death oh yeah they

Are man that makes me sad cuz I have leather boots I wish I had leather or like a leather helmet or something sorry Molly hot and even though my like f my man yeah that [Laughter] sucks let me mad Li what you just said

Out of what I think I got from that is I I think you somehow like leather helmet reminded you of cooking something in your microwave and when you were putting something in your microwave the bowl got really hot but the food got really cold and you just want wanted to tell us that

That’s what I got out of what you just said cuz I could have sworn I heard something about a microwave I think she was worried about so many stuff she just randomly found I almost die I almost die oh I’m sorry Molly oh I’m sorry okay listen Pig I can’t kill you

Right now I only got an ass Molly do you have like a work headset you could like plug in your in your phone or something she doesn’t use a headset for work well come on some people do I don’t know like for meetings and [ __ ] I don’t know

Yeah n I’m picking up what you were throwing down thank you yeah that one I got molly I got you on that one thank you [ __ ] that came through hey she need to be a no she’s thankful spitting on the ox cour and putting it back in maybe it’ll like It what the [ __ ] my God this guy’s getting ril bro getting like Rick Ross over there boy what the hell I don’t know I think I had a stroke I I think you did too Rick Ross Rick Ross Rick Ross Rick James Rick Jones the character oh yeah that guy he’s now a

Bomb yeah they keep changing what he is yeah cuz he was Abomination but the good version of him yeah oh [ __ ] okay you guys aren’t there what you want to sleep oh yeah we’re we’re we’re all here now yeah we’re all we’re all home yeah thank you thank you yeah we’re all

Home do you have a bed though no I’m coming I’m coming pass by bridge I’m com coming home it’s all good I’m just asking it’s okay we’ll live we’ll live MH me and Sam canel properly cuddle cuz he’s not just a giant weird puffball yeah you know you just shove it

Up yeah that was for you well it was your anal bead yeah I really don’t care for squid people so hey man don’t know what these do I do I’ve heard about tentacles that suction so hard they rip your skin off so I don’t really like the thought of that

No I’ll I’ll be wor you’re really talking some forl it’ll only be a little bit of chafing will don’t worry oh also I’m pretty sure Molly said she can’t sleep just put some KY Jelly on each sucker I heard yep I heard oh hey Evan since you’re done with

Alabaster what do you think of Viv oh bie yeah forget pretty forgettable no I I said B this man went eh oh viie I said I said who it sounded like you went eh I said who oh oh that was funny I’m I’m becoming suspicious of I’ve been watching the

Show I feel like he put it on fell asleep while it was on and as claimed to have watched it viie is the princess from alabasta I know who she is all right thank you got the Wikipedia page I get it kind of think she is like similar

Enough to Nami where it’s a forgettable character for me so it doesn’t really hold a l of waight for me fair enough fair enough I liked it I would have liked to see her stay with them enough and maybe it would have been more memorable but not really with like how it was

Right especially because Robin comes along around the same time and I like her more at this point yeah Robin Robin is a great character I love her she gets she gets better and better as the time goes on yeah o I’m sorry I just decided I need aot about it okay

Nice what was that sound what was what sound I heard somebody sound like somebody’s crying oh mic gas oh yeah might heard Molly it’s Molly Molly’s crying Molly cry CU her mic’s not working she hasn’t explained any of her troubleshooting so I don’t know if she’s

Just been dealing with it or if she’s tried anything sleep sleep damn you all right I’m fine I’m bed Evan get into bed all right Molly get in the [ __ ] bed Sam’s in the nether yep it’s not my fault oh I can’t sleep now she can’t sleep now but sleep damn

It h two out of three players well I know most she did it she did it I’m proud of you Molly you know it’s not fair though that we’re condescending to her and she can’t respond I know but that makes it funnier she’s going to burn something

Down in the game I hate you or make a giant smoke signal and and and just screw our lives up love don’t give her don’t give her ideas that you don’t understand this woman is evil at heart and she giggles she yeah exactly cuz she knows she knows she’s evil true

Ow [ __ ] you slime it’s true is she changes her changes her skin that’s when we know she’s up to something uh that’s just you my man shut up don’t make me come don’t make me come and push you into one of those Lava Pits I would love to see how that turned out

Good what the [ __ ] don’t know shouldn’t you be shouldn’t you be dying who are you talking to the skeleton that was shooting me as soon as I walked out the house well if he’s in shade he’s fine he ain’t anymore he’s dead oh job Evan got him Evan got silly

They got serious Molly go wake your mom up and go ask her to buy you a new headset right now I drive you to Target mom can you take me to get a new Headset Molly Molly what the [ __ ] are you doing is Target even open right now no think got to go to a 24-hour Walmart those don’t exist anymore got to go to a 24 McDonald and steal one of the the drive steal one of the drivethru headsets are there there

Walgreens they still 24 hours yeah some of them yeah the one I used to work at is not anymore probably cuz all the night staff people are [ __ ] lunatics yeah there’s this one kid that they got onto the night shift he was like 19 a bit older than me at the time

Mhm and they got him on the night shift he got employee of the month like the month beforehand everyone loved him and um and then he got on the night shift and then one of my managers like 2 weeks later goes well I’m going to show you

Something but you can’t oh no you can’t tell anyone about this I’m like okay this is not an NDA thing this is just you know at work um and she brings me in and she shows me the the the downstairs break room camera mhm and it was the guy you know

That everyone loves y uh High out of his mind staring daggers at the camera and he took his Employee of the Month uh certificate thing took out his lighter and said set it on fire and just stared at the camera until like the fire

Got to his hand and then he blew it out that’s so scary yeah so anyways he was fired uh yeah the employee of the Monta unemployed we like there there were like a few employees at that Walgreens that like did a couple a few illegal things yeah uh cuz there was this

There’s this other guy that like he was like a Kennedy like senior or something yeah and um everyone’s like oh I love this kid just great just amazing super nice whatever um and then him and one of the the managers that trained me in got both got fired because the manager was buying

The kid alcohol for parties no oh God and then that happened and then like a year later we had this other woman who became a manager or you know whatever and um her uh her boyfriend was one of the employees oh God that’s never good yeah

So as it would turn out they stole like $30,000 worth of stuff from our basement storage oh my God god like people are dumb asses I don’t know what happened I don’t know if Chargers weren’t put forth cuz I saw them like 3 months later come in and

Buy something from the store like what no yeah like straight up I don’t know what happened I don’t know what deal got made dude I knew someone that got fired from a job for doing that and I never saw them again yeah never I thought you were about to say he was a

Kennedy assassin or something there he was he was in the grassy D the grassy no oh I found another maybe I’ll travel out and go get more terra cotta again I need a cow there’s many cows back at the farm Molly there’s a bunch of cows

Yeah at the barn mhm I just killed about five cows hello guests okay we can talk about this she’s typing again yeah that’s okay fine I’m coming back I’m coming back have you been at the other house the whole time I’m going to guess yes Sam yeah I’m

Guessing that too I’m going my [ __ ] yes when I almost di when I almost died oh okay you good man yeah no I’m fine I’m just uh yeah I just had a gas blow my [ __ ] up um sir so I’m going to ask you this as a

Friend have you slept lately so you don’t get the demons I have not didn’t you sleep oh wait you didn’t yeah so uh oh probably should be a goal you do in the next night time I might be I might be sleeping soon but not not in

The way I want to like permanently yeah I’m sorry no it’s cool I we wish you could come and help you but every time there’s more than one of us in there it’s just oh yeah it’s chaos no no can I have your Play Station when you

Die yeah will yeah no I’ll just give my PlayStation to my dad and then you guys can play with him when I die that’d be aome y he’s gonna he’s gonna he’s gonna be hos in the server yeah which one of you guys want to play Godzilla save the Earth I’ll [ __ ] kill

You your dad wouldn’t swear like that no he wouldn’t oh my God you got any games on your Phone gam I’m I’m so glad like my cousins were like that and now they’re all past the point where they’re like that and it’s like thank God and you went no and you punched them in the nose every time it’s always so scary when a younger child like reaches out for your phone

And goes I want to play games on it and it’s like No don’t touch my phone there’s like an 80% chance you will be sick after the encounter like actually yeah exactly cuz they will rub their snot all over the [ __ ] phone it’s so nasty clean your

Phone uh yeah I will but it’s but you you can’t just do it when they hand it back to you don’t make Molly talk clearly to you like that again she came back in to say clean your phone and then pieced back out all right I am temporarily giving up on the

Nether oh oh good you got armor L you’re inside of me and I wasn’t I didn’t wasn’t ready for it okay we need more paper cuz don’t know if if if we make these bookshelves higher can’t we upgrade even more levels yes 15 the max don’t we

Have uh I I do not believe we’re at Max Miss Molly all right let me um confirm I count of 12 are there some in the corner though oh yeah that’s true if there’s two in the corner that would make 14 let me recount 15 bookshelves will max out your enchanting

Table uh we have 14 holy [ __ ] the dog is still on the mine cart Yeah that poor dog yeah 14 so we need one more bookshelf y cuz the highest level um enchantment is a level 31 we can only do 28 right at the moment right that makes

Sense all right that’s some good stuff yeah it’s good day unknown map there good old day a day so yes Molly you’re right no ours is not maxed out all right night time has coming all right Sam yo where you asleep there big fella I sure am all right sounds great oh

No oh God I got in bed with Will and then he coughed on me immediately oh uhoh super spreader yep he gave me the vid you’re getting small box dude dude sometimes I swear I’m a super spreader cuz like that day that I thought I had Co I was

Like I was like okay but but a little more stuffed up you know than usual and like I but I took like three covid tests and all of them were negative I took them different days spread out over time whatever but like a whole bunch of

People at work got Co and I still haven’t gotten it I’ve test it again just to be safe and it’s like nope don’t have it I don’t know I don’t get it did you hear about this time around me getting Co and finding out about

It you I don’t think you told me the story of you getting it so you just said you got it I’m at work and I was like a little bit before work I’m like Oh my throat’s a little scr I’m going to test to see if I have Co didn’t didn’t before

Work right 8:30 came around I go to my BS I go I got to go home sick went home dying yeah tested at 9:00 went home had like 10 and something degree fever and at 9:00 tested positive for Co okay so I definitely had Co at work but it is what it

Is it is what it is there’s a piece of paper no never mind I’m sorry disregard let’s find three sugar can got it losing my mind wondering why I put that in losing my mind oh there’s a bookshelf in my in my chest will oh is that the the Forgotten one we never

Placed probably I probably counted and knew that we were missing one and made it and put it by well go ahead and put it down yep at least it’s done now we know I’m sorry I didn’t mean to make you have a reaction like that sir no it’s okay so

Hey guys what’s your favorite band and why is it Buck Cherry I don’t even know who that is yeah yeah I’ve seen him live you have oh no I was at a Sammy Hager concert to see rival sons and I saw them like they were part of that at the State

Fair gotcha gotcha makes sense someone die why is there just a bunch of dirt by a [Laughter] chest we’re just getting laugh or no a answers all right I saw the person throw that out the ground I got she says I got rid of it she didn’t

Want it she was done with the dirt oh pigs Le potatoes too I didn’t know that oh wellow learned something new there’s only three of you so you don’t get to breed today sorry wow that’s a little judge Bal he’ll get some he’ll get his eventually oh jeez

He’ll get some when I want yeah when I when I want him to get some he’ll get I’m ready he’ll get some okay yep all right I breed the chickens I’m going to breed the Cows um is there a place where we want these feathers at um I’ll take them Molly will take them I guess where you at girl up here up on the second level fck it oh let’s not stand by that waterfall all right cuz that’s a good way to have me throw the waterf

Waterfall Well where did you put all the wood we you got it’s in the tools chest next to the door Molly see you want to try out this spy glass oh I already know how to use it all right sure sure thank you I didn’t mean to do that I want you to

Know that when you were talking to me I just zoomed in on you thinking that I could hear you better that way with my spy glass that’s some old man logic that that is that is the oldest of man logic yeah but it happened it does it does happen it’s

Like putting up one of those old those things to my ear the monogram things to hear better like old cartoons why you say s was say turn the volume down I can’t see you none of those eggs produce chickens that makes me a little sad that chicken tried to make a break for

It and then you broke it was like he was like yeah like nine yard sprinting to the to the [ __ ] gate as I was leaving and then I closed it on him and he got a little sad I like that we can look down The Longest Mile the youngest Longest Yard that was

The longest yard that’s the movie that’s a football movie right it’s a football movie and what’s funny is that it’s a remake by Adam yeah there’s two different yeah he had a period of time where he did that cuz it was the same thing with um Mr

Deeds that was another remake movie yeah yeah yeah yeah yeah yeah Bert Reynolds is in the original one yeah mhm yeah I remember I remember someone did a comparison of the two or whatever but yeah no they’re good it’s a good movie yeah it’s they’re enjoyable mhm I

Wonder if uh Big Daddy was also a remake large father back in the day large father my [ __ ] fairy scared me now it’s so cool how we can you can stand on the tower and look look out at the village and see it it’s really nice

Isn’t it yep then and then you look down on it and real realize the horrors that are happening in that Village cuz that’s the one that’s being pillaged right now yep here we go I think this tree will finally find its pieace I’m deforesting our backyard that’s fine just make sure you

Replant everything yeah I’m not I’m not getting like the like the trees with like the cocoa on them yeah I know they’re just jungle trees but still leave the Coco trees yeah yeah but yeah everything else is free game just again replant it so we can get more wood later yep yep

Yep already on it go chase that was a that was a very disgusted look I just gave those sheep they came over this Ridge as I’m walking towards them and I shook my head and walked away sad poor sheep they’re just trying to live their lives yeah but they’re

Sheep they think they think the same [ __ ] as those liberals Sam can’t trust them look at those damn gray sheeps Evan I love seeing your fairy follow behind you yeah you finally found me again this [ __ ] give me back that pickaxe it’s never going to happen dude you you

You made your own bed now I in it I think it’s really defensive when his stuff gets taken mhm we have more than enough iron Let It Be Free it it be free yeah it’s fine honestly again you it probably would have been better I I guess I don’t

Know what fairies do but it might have been better to give them a better pickaxe but I don’t know I think they just carry that around because they can carry it around okay yeah I tried flopping items but didn’t work maybe if you give it like a

Sword or something it can do attacks but I don’t think so yeah there we go all right plenty of planks again but um amethyst is how you get them to breed right well we got plenty of that you’re fairy snort this now [ __ ] yourself no go go reproduce with

Yourself oh my God oh my God it’s almost night time what’s up man we need way more chickens working on it good job Molly oh I hit the baby cow oh I hit two baby cows with eggs what a Vindicator yeah I was uh I went to the

Raid and I was fighting oh is that that big thing mhm got you no oh no it’s a guy it’s just a guy with an axe oh yeah that guy’s a threat I hate him yeah I got surrounded by threat they’re Evan they’re scary full suit of armor they they they

Like feel like they almost one shot you like yeah I’m going to run back and get my stuff oh unless yall are going to sleep now do you want help I could use help but can we sleep first it easier yeah yeah yeah sleep quick thank you I got you I’m in the

Middle yay I’m in the mle all right I’m going back to the Village the one way always happens right yeah sounds good buddy okay yep meet you there Cowboy sounds good got Pony up there we you go would you be okay if if I separated the uh animals into quadrants sure well

Sure you can do that just just be careful with Kevin that’s my only role yeah the sheep and pigs and the chicken just because it’s busy in here I got you yeah I was thinking about expanding it but I don’t want to break the glass yeah

That’s what I had a feeling cuz the thing is um when it it’s just it’s easier when they’re like you know the right sections you know yeah no I get it yeah when I first built it I was kind of just thinking we’d have a couple and that was it yeah

But yeah I didn’t catch any of that one Molly hey eat this block black of cheese I’m trying to get my fairy to breede oh maybe it likes the shards yeah definitely cuz he he didn’t care about the blocks oh God they’re all surrounding my stuff oh [ __ ] where are

They Sam watch yourself yep yep I got it I got it I think I got everything no wait I didn’t get my sword uhoh uhoh are you okay no I’m dead oh oh [ __ ] yikes where is that guy damn my aim is sucking it up right now I’m coming back I

Figured I just need to I didn’t get my sword I don’t know where that is oh I found your sword is it just an iron sword yeah yeah it’s something special I found it it’s literally just floating around sounds good I’ll be there soon

Yeah yeah I’m I I picked up like my glob of stuff but I think I walked past the sword and didn’t no I’m I’m I’m like right next to it okay I’m coming can I see my dick from here NOP oh God another is [ __ ] yeah they just keep happening I I heard the horn oh God they’re going to start coming at me oh [ __ ] yeah I literally don’t know how to end it I’m like just outside of range of them okay I’m coming so an unknown unnamed coworker of

Mine said to somebody when they’re doing um working one of the exits which is the really boring thing to do he said I’m going to be the next run Jeremy and I’m going to call myself the horde of Africa I was like oh no I was like bro I was

Like bro you realize that Ron Jeremy is about to go to prison for a long time this is prior to him being convicted he said fine without the without the allegations oh my God okay I got everything yeah let’s leave yeah I got a to of undying a totem of undying oh that’s

Yeah that’s what that’s good nice okay oh I think if you keep that on you if you if like if you were to die it’ll break and then stop you from dying yeah I can’t remember how many uses it’s got but yes that is essentially what it does yeah okay

It’s at all times I’ll just keep it D be you H can you like throw it in your Shield pocket so it like doesn’t take a room probably not maybe oh I can I can I was going to say I think you can yep I’m holding

It I’m holding it there’s just a wood axe here is it from that guy that tried to kill Sam I no that guy had a iron ax there’s also sticks and wool here I got a new recipe for some reason what the hell happened here Molly did you [ __ ]

Die no oh it’s just a wood axe did Evan did you die I haven’t used wood AES for a long time that would have been despawned by now well now I’m scared there it’s just a villager it’s hero big deal it’s herob what a terrible name I

Know got off man oh I forgot how to swim there it is there’s Will’s penis it’s beautiful please stop saying that h l no I will never put his [ __ ] away right now someone needs to look at my penis cuz I can’t haven’t seen that [ __ ] for 20

Years his [ __ ] is standing loud and proud dude like nothing we can do about it you’re right man I put in way more effort in the vagina you did you did but the [ __ ] is so simple you can’t help but acknowledge it sorry no Molly Molly yeah Molly proud of you okay

Thanks she’s so mad really annoyed with you I know oh my God now the P are out not my fault get in here get [ __ ] in I’m sorry that was definitely my fault get me your bigs okay three emeralds by the way do we have a lot of eggs guys or at

Least we did I earlier threw down a bunch and got a bunch of chicks out of it but that was at like the start of the stream we have three eggs do you want me to throw them I don’t oh did you take my gate oh oh did I here Hold On by

Accident oh [ __ ] all the pigs are out here get them in do you have oh don’t worry about it yet just yet I I need to get another gate it’s okay well I have the gate right here okay if you I can throw it to you

Yeah otherwise I was just going to put it down where you needed it it’s not that I needed it down there I want the pigs over there first right can you take this potato and L them yeah to me Sam did you craft table on you in this fence right no not

Currently yeah just get them in there why do I have this you’re good now thanks yep and a wooden pickaxe I wonder if I got it from killing the Pillager guys I’m sorry but we’re going to need to get rid of the grass otherwise they’re going to keep

Going over that’s fine it was just a nice little aesthetic I was doing sorry okay but you’re also going to want to block up the wood down there there cuz uh yeah yeah that’s okay the chickens will slide through the waterfall you heard me say it was my

Fault that the pigs are there cuz I have carrots that I’ve been eating I just happened to have it out cuz I was eating no yeah oh that’s thing sheep just went over well near anything right now ah there I broke all the leaves so they can’t get out thank you

Oh let me just finish blocking this up I just watched you kill that cow yeah I’m going to need to call them so that they stop getting mixed okay we got ni okay come on not you cow you come through there we go emu U Emeral Emerald Emeral okay we’re doing this

Why did those guys give me sugar what the hell what are you giggling about I my fairy was watching me to the point where he just ran straight into a freaking tree while he was watching me he was just really happy to be with you

Man I guess so so much that he wants to just run into a tree well because he has to watch me I’m so sorry it’s okay I know is it do better a little just do better next time I don’t think I can sorry little sorry sorry to hear That we should some Parkour maps what you guys are aware that if give chickens to adults oh yeah yeah I knew that yes ma’am you just smack them with more seeds and they sprout like trees y ow I quickly get chickens Molly is my dog still on the rail yes probably I’m going

To go get him go get him Samuel I’m going to get my boy also I’m going to American Sniper you while you’re riding down there okay do it hang on make sure you make sure you CH your enter JFK I don’t even know if you

Can oh broke my M my mine cart did I hit your M no you did yeah you did you broke the mine cart I hit the mine cart yep y damn that that was pretty close I was all the way up the hill still y [ __ ] golden zombie I see you

[ __ ] that armor didn’t protect you or [ __ ] oh American Sniper the movie everyone loved but they couldn’t afford a real baby nope that baby cracked still cracks me up to this day my God you Okay well he’s dead I guess oh no I muted I muted that was a coughing okay I take a sip I went down the wrong pipe oh I’m sorry what am I dying from what the [ __ ] I was drowning even though I was out of the water what the [ __ ] was that

I don’t know so I get for [ __ ] jumping off the rail so I’m not in Sam’s way what the [ __ ] I’m back you were in my way I was walking on the rails that’s how I know your dog was on there and so I jumped off into the water and then I was

Drowning when I was out of the water I see you I see you maybe a ghost got you yeah they’re fairies following you fair trying to kill you take over your body I guess so started by taking your pickaxe now he’s GNA take your life I want your

Oh God I see my dog moving around there he goes he’s going on the mine cart Mari you’re doing a good job mostly I’m trying to get up to level 30 so I can get the enchantment that I want I wish I could give you my

Experi actually so so you guys can you hear me okay yes yes ma’am well when you guys really couldn’t understand me and I stopped and I just gave up um I took down a Pillager um Tower oh you did yeah yeah the one that we were trying to find yeah um and one

Of the things I got in there is a is a um Bott enchanting and that will give me levels oh nice don’t know and we’ll see do you have to like drink it no you just break it and it creates experience that you use I guess oh all right yeah I’m getting feeding

The chickens we need arrows yeah no we desperately need arrows we I mean I have a stack on me but haven’t kind of keeping myself loaded I I have some on me too yeah I I do have some as time has gone on we have all learned that arrows are your best friend

In the this game y yeah they’re useful Molly do you want a full set of armor um or do you want to be able to be a be a fairy oh no it doesn’t matter I mean I guess it would help maybe not die as much it would definitely help you not

Die as much it makes more of a difference than you realize when you have like an actual full set okay cuz things that like if like tough things that would kill you in like two hits will kill you in like five hits instead noce everything in the nether hits real

[ __ ] hard you want to make me one I’ll take it yeah I’ll do that I can do that all right um open uh what are what are your boots at um what do you mean at uh if you like look at your character and like the green bar at the bottom of

Them hold on you’re good almost full okay yeah the reason I needed milk earlier was because I had the ah yeah that makes sense so yeah escaping the consequences of my actions you said you had the you said you had the omen on you Molly hold still okay after you’re done with the

Chickens oh okay come along yeah I gave the chickens we really want yeah they make them make them breed yeah I mean animals is like the easiest way to get XP pretty quickly oh yeah especially when you got big farms yeah either that or just uh mining

Nether port standing but I’m not [ __ ] going or setting up an XP XP grinder I suppose but that kind of T that’s a I I really don’t know how to do that how do you use an animal a nickname you have to get a name tag

Name tag and then go to the Anvil put in the Anvil write the name up at the top and then use your level to do that H okay I need to go back to the house then cuz this house doesn’t have an anvil yep

Sorry mate I got my dog can we have a name tag do you have a name tag on you we have like 20 name tags oh yeah no I’ve got I’ve got the name tags with me I just want needed to find my dog so I

Could give it to him but then okay but then uh I forgot about the Anvil part so I got to go back yeah hindsight is if you would have just asked me ahead of time I could have told you okay you don’t have you didn’t have to turn into a prick over it

Jesus oh my God zombie zombie water bottle where are these oh puffer fish why are puffer fish in our like rare gems chest um ask Evan what there’s puffer fish and with like the lapis ly and Redstone that’s for um that’s for potion stuff cuz the potion stuff is down there no got

You no oh Molly yes thank you there you go well I Decked Out hell yeah oh things almost went horribly wrong I’m proud of you Samuel thanks you’re welcome Don’t make me say it again okay doggo I’m not touching my controller you my character is moving slightly to the

Right uhoh uh oh that’s a creeper leave me alone and it’s fixed oh no no no no no no no uh oh Creeper we should have we should have mineart Anvil at the other house too yeah we didn’t I don’t think we we should have one yeah but we don’t we don’t have one currently but I need to go back and get the iron to to get it

Yeah say we have plenty of iron to do it now I think when originally when she was making that we did not yeah we definitely didn’t before but yeah now that we now that we have a lot of iron let’s do it to it Baby okay oh yes that was Co have any of us gone super Far West we’ve gone north and south and east which one is West again is that when the sun sets Forward okay so when the sun like where the other house yeah where the other house is where the other house is I don’t think we’ve gone further west beyond that Village we found today I started going that way earlier and that’s where I got to my to my temple

Thing gotcha and died when I was trying to get that Beacon gotcha got yeah I’ve gone I’ve gotone pretty far east but I should go back there will you and I should go on another adventure you want to go now I’ll go with you you’ll go with us let’s do it

Yeah let’s get some Molly you want some McDonald’s on our way back towards towards where I died thanks okay Molly doesn’t believe in Happy Meals so Molly doesn’t believe in happy Evan your fairy is in the mine cart that’s his life though did you rename them wait the

Fairy item to Al that’s what it says no that [ __ ] he’s an Al is what they’re really called they’re not fairies oh okay yeah I got you I got you well all you folks got a boat uh yes sir yes sir will sir uh yeah hang

On and a bed sure you all have beds yes Captain mhm captain my captain captain captain oh [ __ ] know right there yeah that was just a good burp it’s one of them man burps oh no that would be all 18 of them hell no wait all 18 of what

The name tags oh iying I was trying I was trying to do like a name of one and it was about to do all 18 as this dumb name I was about to do I can’t wait my God it’s it’s really stupid I can’t wait enchantment cost one okay all right got it

Now I’m going to put all these back bring this name tag with me I’m going to grab a bed there might be an extra bed in Molly’s chest honestly um I’ll just I’ll just steal one of the ones here Mr will yes I’m on the other side of my bridge

Waiting oh okay I will be there shortly all right I wanted to see the name of the dog I got to find my dog now I don’t he followed me mostly all the way back but I don’t know where he went now hang I

Did see a mine cart leave I was I was going to say let me make sure he’s not in he would have gone all the way back to the house would he he went back to his natural habitat the mine cart can you whistle or something he’s not in

There no they just teleport to you that’s why Evan cat is lost to time oh God all right all right well I’m I’m good now do we oh right we need boats I grab a boat um I may need another boat okay I think there’s a couple extra

In the chests there’s a pig in the mine cart before I before I undo this will come do this for the content come see what I did for the content please okay I’m coming you can break it but yeah oh my God I forgot we had an abyss there oh

You were on a boat oh let’s just get out of it and beat it up now get out of the boat now beat it up he wants to live there keep smacking it keep smacking it there you got a boat they used to break aart when you did that they I

Think they still do every now and then it’s more of a random chance thing though but yeah I I wanted you to get a better angle of it then be sitting in it yeah I was kind of curious I was looking for I did move down this a little bit

With it but I was like this not going to work just to move down here you guys going on a little boys Adventure yeah you don’t want to a adventure if you want yeah you just going to explore I’m we are heading stew West and just

West where where are you guys still at the bridge yeah okay I’m coming we’re west of baby that’s a great Landmark to use before we go on our journey the the [ __ ] we can look at the [ __ ] and the vagina while we leave the [ __ ] and vagina Bridge that’s what it’s

Called sorry what what were you saying Molly uh thanks but I think I’ll hold down the fort got to do a little little uh farming Little M digging all right sounds good girl L and that but you guys good good luck soldiers thank have a great time get too close to me that

Ass cockt Point hell yeah bro C Point yeah y that makes sense I like it I like it it’s all coming together yeah if we wanted to Tak the mine carts but it’s more adventurous if we walk I was going to ask if we wanted to take him

But yeah there’s no danger in that Sam yeah we’re LS and Clark right now oh there’s another wolf but I don’t have any bones on me and their third buddy Jeb Jeb I’m following Captain will Jeb Bush Jeb Bush I I love that video that implies Jeb Bush punched a child

Oh sorry I didn’t mean to enter you like that ask first man I’m good with it but just ask know sometimes I just want to Dive Right In you just want to like put your hands together and like like sers Dive Right into his [ __ ] like a [ __ ] SW dive just Swan Dive Into into his gaping butthole Swan Dive to the best night of your life turtle turtle get in the water get in the water eat it in the water you [ __ ] loser eat it oh my God seven of them popped out did you see that [ __ ]

Yeah I saw that what the [ __ ] wild very I heard what you said man all right let’s ride boys let’s ride like look at you guys but I can’t turn around in the boat I’ll just trust that you got hey there’s your dog oh my god there he

Is doggy you want to like stop to get him he he’ll come to me I think all right man I think yeah he knows when to come Maybe not maybe maybe I don’t know stop we could we can stop man I really think he’s just wait is he gone did he

Disappear I can’t like crank myself around he’s not on that part of the bridge anymore oh there he is there he is there he’s he’s in the he’s in the water come on buddy get on the boat I know they can do it let’s go you can’t Crank That Soldier Boy

Soldier boy up in a hole all right I’m done qu that why me wall why me qu that boy a supery you double entered me that time yeah me on man oh no what are you a white woman what what almost almost crashed because of [Laughter] you

All right get the peanut butter Sam oh stop it stop it where where we going will I’m following you I don’t know I feel like we should just I’m going to climb the mountain I’m going to climb the mountain okay all right let’s make sure we take our boats with us all right

Doggy break boat should have brought an axe all right we might we might have to dig a hidey hole and sleep on up yeah maybe Evan you good back there yeah my Bool wasn’t breaking okay got to smack the [ __ ] out of it son yeah I just Whi my axe

Out I Whi my axe back and forth I whip my ass back it’s beautiful boys look at their Sunset yep soon this too romantic we got to learn how to talk to women guys well we had one woman we talked to but she didn’t want to come with us so

It’s kind of I know she abandoned us H yeah you guys are never going to talk to a woman okay are you implying you’re not a woman Molly all right no she’s the man it’s it’s it’s complicated she’s the baby she’s she she’s she identifies as a baby that’s concerning Gaga a little

Bit guys we should join a parkour server oh fck no [ __ ] terrible at it be so bad I can’t even stay on that damn rail walking on it [ __ ] all right we should probably build a hole and sleep is your dog’s name Flamingo it’s it’s Flo thank you from Pokemon

Yep I’m in my little my little cubby all right Evan guys I’m sleeping I’m being attacked Molly can you sleep please sleep quickly I’m coming I’m coming I’m for going to die thank you B thank you you’re the best Queen oh I’m inside the world again

Nice boys that was a dangerous night I’m glad we made it that was actually like one of our smoothest nights I think we’ve ever had I was looking at a creeper across the river and I was scared of the that could have happened yeah it was I was kind of

Biased cuz I was in my little hidey-hole in the open air yeah but I couldn’t see anything so it looked safe to me oh oh yeah well you need to get ahead of me buddy not really I’m fine why I see Cherry cuz we’re kind of glitching into

Each other so oh sorry that’s okay I just want to give you the RightWay if you need it no that’s good know prioritize me do we want to go straight forward or do we want to go to the cherry blossoms as long as we generally head in this direction it’s fine so yeah

We can go check out the cherry blossoms okay so I was in the boat in that River that’s to our right going this way so if you keep going straight we’ll run into where my underground Temple was yeah your items are still there no this is way more than five minutes

Ago yeah that was like start of stream almost no I know oh yeah I like your thinking well but no no way man yeah that’s fair I’m a little too much of an optimist yeah Peak optimism will will is in the name baby dogs CH

Dogs it’s kind of weird cuz it’s a lot of like open plane so far yeah yeah nothing too spectacular there’s a lot of flowers up here it is pretty oh my God your your your dog was air walking yeah airud why you looking why you looking Sam what’s your dog’s name

Flo Flo from pokemono all right that’s his full name Flo from Pokemon from Flo from Pokemon yeah kico Vision oh like someone like try to bring back kico Vision yeah I think so guys I think I see oh there’s a pag Tower or a Pillager Tower yeah Pillager Tower we can do that

That is a big [ __ ] be let’s go get it yeah that bee was up in me was up in you everything’s up in you today Evan no I said up in here up in air oh up in here up in here up in here opener um what’ you say

Sir uh if we put beds down and we like click on them like we’re going to sleep that sets a spawn point right I believe so correct as long as you don’t break the bed right yeah that might not be bad idea I going to do that like right

Outside of the Pillager Tower yeah that’s what I was going to do yeah this little Cavern or below us yeah put it there go all right respawn Point set there all right let’s let’s do it or are you still sitting yours well there I got mine okay all right all

Right let’s go and then we just got to remember to go back and get them get ours and not get super excited by our completely awesome victory that we’re going to have over these loses yeah yeah definitely hey what’s up [ __ ] nice there’s another fairy there

Is God Sam we both this oh [ __ ] we both missed I’m sorry yeah we got to be careful running in front of each other yeah I’m going to go set the fairies free yeah do it give it an item if you want oh there’s a couple fairies there’s

A bunch of fairies there is yeah there is I need to retreat where the [ __ ] are you EV I’m going to give this one a I ran back because I have a heart and a half a health I I’m surprised you ran in so hard I don’t have bow I haven’t had

Oh oh no my my my sword holy [ __ ] oh [ __ ] oh [ __ ] oh [ __ ] one some fence oh sorry will hang on sorry yeah okay you’re okay okay all right I’m coming all right it’s okay there were there’s more of them than I thought but I feel like

We got most of them wow there’s a lot of fairies yeah they’re all following you yeah I gave them a bunch of dumb items I hope that doesn’t like screw me over later but we’ll see I guess we’ll find out oh I’m inside we will oh my God oh

My God I heard that that scared the [ __ ] out of me yeah what did you hit a trip chest no there’s a creeper in the [ __ ] creep yeah damn man I need to make a tactical treat heal okay what the that was Evan the fairies keep on giggling I’m following will up these

Stairs and he keeps placing a block down so I can’t keep going up the stairs that is oh my God hello oh my god oh there’s so many up up there oh is that what that noise is oh I got I got to get some milk oh I picked up the Pillager Banner

Oh no oh no I I got killed by a Pillager in the top part oh [ __ ] oh [ __ ] dog help me out oh oh Sam I might have hit you and I think you dog’s after me uhoh I’m sorry I don’t know what I can do that’s okay I

Think I think I can’t oh oh it is definitely oh [ __ ] gone is it done chasing me I think it might be Evan I picked up all your stuff good good call on the the respawn Point Sam yeah that was a good idea what is

This what the [ __ ] is that I just did a I just summoned a horn or I played a horn yeah I don’t know what that did but here you go EV scary as [ __ ] I’m trying to I’m throwing all your stuff by the way uh let’s avoid doing that cuz that

Calls in their big beast thing oh does it uh oh okay I didn’t know well let’s see if it spawned anymore oh there’s even more fairies oh is there get them I think I saw one Evan you had quite a few axes there’s a bunch of items over there shovel

Axe do you guys say that sorry hang on trying to get Evan all this stuff back right I assume you had these sticks cuz I don’t think I did I don’t know oh what the hell oh no you guys see all those items over there floating what just happened I don’t the

Fairy just gave me a bunch of sticks I think he’s picking up my stuff and giving it back to you oh God buddy will will where where are you with the I’m up top do you guys not see anything over here no I see stuff floating like a

Bunch of iron swords and a oh that’s my [ __ ] oh that’s all yeah that’s all your stuff Evan go get it you have backups of so much [ __ ] yeah I did I had had four four four all right well I got everything out of the chest it was kind of a lame Hall

To be honest yeah aside from the fairies I guess yeah all right I got to get these fairies I’m coming I’m a coming all right I also get give them fence posts Sweet let’s go we got an army now play for 100 days I just got a trophy oh God

Damn damn bro all right well should we keep heading Wast yeah let’s make sure we go get our beds oh yeah I got to go dump some stuff mhm I got to go dump some stuff into this chest though all right do it to it man dump whatever you don’t need yep

Sam yes sir uh you have a bunch of my carrots oh sorry I’ll give it back to you hang on it’s good thing that I looked because I don’t have any food and I was about to jump off this Tower just straight up thinking I had

Food gotcha yeah no I’ve I I’ve got it I’ll uh bring it to you I’m trying to remember where our beds are I’m I’m over by them right now now do you see me no okay go back to the Pillager Tower okay and then I will find it out to

You I’m by the Pillager Tower okay um so I’m jumping I guess you still can’t see me let me come over to the Pillager Tower oh I you know what I went the wrong way I went the wrong way I’m right here I see you I I see you yeah they’re

Over here we might just want to try to sleep if we yeah might not be a bad idea having you with us yeah that was right by you m on I’m ready okay where come all right I in bed there so many there we go don’t ever put a block between our

Beds again all right I’m going to take the bed yeah me too all right bet on BET on me all right let’s go um my carrots oh yeah your carrots yes yes you can bet on me here you go getting bad on me that’s not the SL so you can put the

Blame on me yeah there’s that one too blame people real problem um I keep saying a tf2 AI version of that with all the all the classes singing it oh my God it’s surprisingly really good I’m I’m sure it is it depends some people put in the

Effort to like make the AI sound like it’s actually singing and some people just kind of type in the word and it just sh the real uhhuh that is the tallest birch tree I’ve ever done seen pry tall pretty tall I’m Still In Awe by that guy who

Who uh did the AI um it wasn’t even Ai No he he spliced lion together from uh from the merchant guy from from the Zelda CDI game and he had him read the entire Bible that’s [ __ ] crazy that that that guy that guy’s actually like insane

Gentlemen you got to slow up a little bit so I can figure out where you are oh sorry okay we’re Dee in front of yeah we’re we’re right here but yeah that guy’s nuts yeah I I can’t imagine just being that dedicated M I can’t tell which are my fairies and

Which are your fairies they’re just cross poting yep I wish they were different colors I like the way you said that I I just want them to be like the M&M Sam oh okay okay you want a purple one that’s Str yeah yeah yeah yeah again they never confirm that the

Purple M trans that is a I don’t think it is that was entirely made up by us entirely made up by us I wish I could give them a new item sorry Sam I kind of just Barrel through you it’s okay who just oh that’s you I

Blew the horn Scar the [ __ ] out of me you think somebody took a [ __ ] on stream we’re on the move so I’m not really worried about it move summoned by we still haven’t been attacked by whatever monster Maya says is lurking in the world I I know I told

I told her too that we uh we were in the mines and she’s like that’s where it is and then we never saw it nope I call [ __ ] I think she’s yeah I think she’s gaslighting us EV you good uh I will be in a second but

Currently no what is that why are you lagging so far behind um I didn’t fall into a hole we’ll just turn around and jump out of it that way instead of trying to climb out of Here he’s doing it my way and by me my way I mean his way hi fairy a you’re so cute my Way that thing is going to get us killed at some point that is that is the war of the world’s noise that is what that [ __ ] is yep that’s what those [ __ ] alien tripods sound like yep I’m having a lot of fun blowing it I bet you are I bet you would

I hope we find a jungle or something soon be nice have the biome to change yeah we we haven’t run into a different biome in quite a bit sound like a mushroom Island yeah even the snowy biome that like we built the new house in yeah is is still only

Like that one mountain and that’s it’s really small if we go north there’s the whole glacial area but oh yeah yeah well there yeah there was a glacial area I was in was in the East too yeah there there also a Pillager there’s also a Pillager Tower there is there not

Well we found oh no not here sorry in the in the place I was in oh there’s there’s a birch area that’s not really that different though oh yeah it is all Birch mhm it’s all Birch God damn it don’t put the blame on me don’t put the blame on

Me I should have taken damage from going down that so fast oh you didn’t it’s all that matters I did at the very end but not very much that counts as didn’t to me yeah you’re K [ __ ] ain’t nothing to me man uh no fairy don’t leave me behind you good

Man the did the Fairy like turn around giggle at you and fly away at top speed man well there’s waterfall over there yeah we’re in kind of like a mountain range now yeah or like a hill hilly H why is that mountain like flat on the top of it I

Don’t know it’s kind of weird looking it’s a snow top wow oh my God your dog just barked heavy like he has hair on his chest yeah he’s telling you to get moving man he just dropped his balls just dropped live on live on stream oh I’m stuck I’m stuck well yeah all

Right yeah just getting over that mountain to see longer planes of grass just yeah I don’t know made you a little sad it’s it’s pretty and sad at the same time mhm I know hang on let me see something quick before we move further sure this might crash the game I don’t

Know uhoh oh fantastic just cuz every time I go into settings it crashes the game stop barking oh can I not what are we trying to do oh nothing I was just going to pull something else up but I guess not okay never mind well we traveled fairly far we’re already atga

3,000 yeah we’re going plac we’re we’re at where we got lost we are we are now we have coordinates on so we’ll be fine we’re in the back then we had coordinates yeah we just got lost we just got lost like a bunch of fools are you still coming the way I’m

Going uh where did you go cuz we stopped for a second I’m right across look yeah I see you behind I see you I see you oh okay yeah no we’re going straight I think I see a jungle in the distance you that might be a jungle

Hang on let me come over to you where you guys are oh stay over there we we’ll wait for you I’ll wait for you I won’t why she fall in that hole Evan there you go I built you way up oh is that too high my

Bad now you got to way up he’s not talking so he’s looking down at you he’s looking up at you I was going to go bury in that hole cuz you asked me why I fell in there what the oh my EV don’t fall in that hole Yeah that’s Cavern you know

I’m going to but no I see what you’re talking about it’s a it’s quite a big hole a little hard to fall into yeah Molly how you doing go away a storm coughing up a storm what Farming Farming up a storm good job nice Dance I’m lost go forward straight

Look at the sun keep walking towards the Sun oh I see you I see you put a [ __ ] Bell on you ow ow sorry I thought you were well oh [ __ ] now my dog’s attacking you just let it happen all right all right we’re good guys want to sleep quick before mob

Starts I was going to build a hole to sleep but then Evan jumped into it and I gave up Molly get in the bed my is too far away good job Molly proud of you there we go yay we did it [ __ ] Evan oh my God EV Evan fight

Back and run away run away Evan oh my God why are there so many and now I’ve got an omen on me this [ __ ] [ __ ] ass skeleton yeah I watched that happen well you all the way you’re back at spawn aren’t you no I’m right here no he’s right he didn’t put

Down his bed oh my God thank God he clutched it he clutched it good job good thing he was getting attacked yeah oh Sam you and your little little autism helmet please don’t blow that when I’m getting my stuff DIY don’t just just do me a favor man he’s been through enough trauma

Today the alen go away after time or do I really need milk um if you die they do great takes time and I don’t quite remember what’s bad about them but I’m it’s if I go into a village it’ll start a raid oh so if we find any Villages I will

Have to just stay out of the corner of it Evan and I also both have banners so oh well none of us can go to a village yep Sam I almost like just started killing your dog for no reason like monkey brain kicked in and I almost just started swinging careful careful all

Right where are you I I’m reorganizing good job dog you put the flame on me put theame on me yeah some of myself fell in that Cavern but then it’s gone forever now there’s a shop right here oh and there’s just some dirt some Joe Dirt and another shovel down

There yeah I I don’t think I lost two much don’t don’t don’t think you done did there we good to go you should grab your bed got your bed yeah all right let’s move forward the time even is it it is 11:37 yeah buddy yeah bitty yeah B yeah bitty yeah

Booty Ooty booty your dog swimming through the ground yeah man tight bro I’m Walking on Air who he’s a ground swimmer and an air Walker get your heart out Ang we attive 4,000 yeah we are we’re farther farther west than we’ve ever been ooh guys I see some like pine trees

In the distance oh yeah yeah keep going that’s real Sury bro keep going forward from where we’re at I’m going I’m going oh yeah oh that is something that I lost both my boat and my spy glass oh no oh do you want to go back oh wait I have your

Boat you you have this boat did I pick up your spy glass I bet I picked up your spy glass I definitely don’t have your spy glass though I I I think I picked it up because I did not I don’t think I had one before that works

Out I’m pretty sure I put mine in the chest back at back at Home that was brutal I got splattered on my face as I ran by yeah yeah at some point we’re going to need to eat so that’s why I like we’ll need more food I guess I I have 32 cooked salmon on me nice yeah I have

Quite a bit of food but yeah I have 32 carrots you need meat yeah I’ll just turn orange Evan’s a vegan he I went vegetarian on this on this trip oh that’s how Steve Jobs died and only for this trip yeah it was a little [ __ ]

Up okay all right so we found like a little Evergreen yeah this is nice play the band yeah oh God I’m going to climb on top of the mountain all right gonna go up the mount I’m coming with you I’m gonna touch the butt holy [ __ ] that is a huge pine tree biome

Over there like big boys yeah it’s a big one to a little cave thing hello what is this I found like a little like Cobblestone cross oh God uhoh the Crusaders are coming I found a little cave too mossy cobblestone it’s not going anywhere mossy cobblestone can sometimes lead to like a

Temple but I don’t I don’t know it does in this biome yeah I don’t want to like keep digging down yeah is that just a stray dog or do you have two dogs now oh I I got two baby where are you guys uh I found this

Cavern that had really nothing in it but you know okay we’re never going to find each other again yeah I kind of lost where you were I’m at the top of yeah sorry sorry well we lost you I’m not surprised you lost me Haven God damn a lot of mossy cobblestone in this

Area hav you keeping up with me yeah Keeping Up with the Kardashians I really don’t know what’s your coordinates four oh sorry – 4,462 on 98 on 78 78 Mhm oh I found the Cobblestone cross oh I see you guys now we call it the cross there’s a bunch of mossy cobblestone in this part yeah I see that I picked a little bit up me too it’s kind of neat it’s aesthetically kind of neat but mhm hello

Sir glad we’re reunited yep me too reunited and it’s kind of mid Hey listen Kim I’m not talking to you I’m talking to will what the [ __ ] what he said Keeping Up with the Kardashians I I brought that up like 10 minutes ago that was like that was when

We were climbing up here two minutes ago man whatever um I found a pit of Hell I just accidentally put my bed down in it that’s that’s what I liked I like to do that a lot too yeah bet put my bed put my bed in a pit of Hell yeah oh also

I’m pretty sure one of your fairies made some made one of these foliage things grow in right in front of me yeah probably damn I’ve lost TR of you again okay stay where you are I know how to get out okay I’m gra Sam’s in Hell well

We need need to let him learn for himself Sam’s in front I need I need to learn my lesson this is a neat little biome it is you know it’s kind it’s a change of pace from what we’ve seen yeah it’s like still a forest but a different Forest you know it’s our

Forest yeah yeah this is our forest this is the man’s Forest the man’s Forest this is where Jack Link’s beef jerky gets made this is where Sasquatch has his jerky Factory yep damn fck Paul [ __ ] babe oh [ __ ] yeah oh no that’s why the cross is here there was no one else his

Size that’s true yeah he would not have like a king kong penis he would be he would have a he would have a dis proportionate to his size that pig was over there peeping on us good I caught him in by a scope son of a [ __ ] Molly how do you feel about

Sleeping again I can sleep okay we might as [ __ ] well yeah let’s do it excuse me throwing my bed down on the cross Molly Hur we’re going to die I’m kidding no we’re good nothing’s really come out yet thankfully no all right sweet adventures reignited let’s

Go we are fuel you got a GG Give me fuel give me fire give me you good man yeah right it’s a bit of a cavern that is a pretty [ __ ] big oh my God look at that [ __ ] yeah it’s GL Vine yeah let’s go down there I want to

Look let’s do it oh it’s it’s the glow fruit it’s the fruit oh yeah okay oh yeah yeah yeah yeah yeah oh this is different okay well that one fell into the abyss this isn’t dirt this is like moss covered rock no it’s a bush I just picked up a bush yeah flowering

Aelia oh oh this is a neat little biome yeah it’s pretty this is cozy is what this is it’s cozy mhm this is where the good feel oh we can we can escape from that way y yeah it goes out this way yeah I wonder if we can Farm these

Things yeah I wonder I feel I got I got seed so that’s just gross yeah yeah this is moss it’s all Moss I got glowberries with mending stuff Mo you can put moss on The Mending stuff and it mends it okay interesting what are these

Oh well I got some aelia bushes I got some coar so this different color dirt is coarse dirt oh that makes sense yeah the greenish color one so I don’t think you can like do any like crops and stuff on it okay that would make sense cuz if this is this would

Technically be a colder biome so stuff wouldn’t grow in it right is that okay let me see what I can get rid of here what is that a big drip Leaf big drip Leaf yeah that’s that’s something I just picked up nice y Z you have dirt on

You uh yes oh ean’s making a staircase he did the smart thing yeah he he is I made my own path of breaking down and then building up yeah you got you got a staircase out of their out of that was a cross between we said boy

And bra at the same time so I said bra Red Rider three Red Rider three red oh hey a fox the guy there’s a there’s a divot so uh watch your asses is this is is glowberries is that how we tame foxes right well I’d rather you

Watch by oh uh I think so I did it he’s got hearts on him you got a fox friend yeah I don’t know if he’ll follow me but I gave him a glow Berry and he got hearts on him all right yeah he’s yours now where’d you guys go we’re

Right in front of you oh hi there okay it’s like losing your mom at the grocery store mom come pick me up my mom my mom would [ __ ] with me with that sometimes she would she would like purposely disappear she she she thought it was the funniest [ __ ]

Ever that was only mainly that was when I was a teenager not when I was like five but when I was five she liked to just away from me you good okay so be careful okay I see I see that be really careful actually God damn you me to bust

Out that shovel and get down there no I’m going this way I’m going this way yeah I’m with you I’m with you that was scary that was really close to being really funny yeah yeah you almost had an incident yep and I would have you guys

Would have gotten all my stuff and I definitely would have wouldn’t have made the effort to come back and find you guys yeah yeah there is another Cavern there’s a dog down there [ __ ] hi wolf oh oh no Evan we’re not going that way yes sir where are you guys we’re

We’re we’re up a little higher where there’s like a bit of a chunk Evan Evan EV Evan Evan Evan Evan oh God creeper all right got it worked out that was scary worked out that was quite terrifying you okay what the [ __ ] did I

Just get hit I I don’t I did not hit you I promise like maybe the way you jumped like it registered a weird Landing yeah yeah your dogs your dogs aren’t attacking either us so definitely we didn’t hit you yeah yeah true up here oh way up we

Go I did I did too it took me three jumps to go over a one block jump yep thank you I’m glad we could bond over that well I see a snow I see a patch of snow there’s definitely you good will I’m fine yeah oh yeah you’re you’re you

Were right in me I didn’t know you were with us oh yeah sir no problem that’s okay I’m with sometimes you’re just in your homie sometimes you’re inside your bro you know tucking in the homies good night mhm boop boop boop not building the staircase thanks you’re welcome oh well

Guys do you like Pirates of the Caribbean Sam do you not have a shovel buddy no I don’t bring one with me bye Evan doing what will did do you oh my God it is just ocean for Miles yep we got a little army yep my my my

Small army right behind me toy shoulders I love Small Soldiers oh my God where well I made it up we’re just kind of forward see over here that ahead yeah you hear me say yeah yes okay I’m over here down below stop it okay I guess it’s boat time huh yeah no

Other no other way did what the [ __ ] just happened did you guys just throw something no whoa EV why is my dog attacking you I don’t know EV run did you throw a snowball at Sam I think I might accidentally hit Sam with a snowball I watch oh my God

All right I’m getting in the boat some logical deductions there yeah one of my dogs got in with you will yay I was wondering if one of them would do it yeah is it the one that wants to attack Evan maybe oh one of my fairies

Is sitting in mine a that’s so cute it is all right I guess we uh go forward yep I guess so you’re at negative 5,300 God sorry the the motion blur is making me sick yeah the boat can get kind of hard there’s a Temple over there if I

Can see it yeah I see it too I don’t want to go towards that though yeah I feel well there’s already an island Insight oh yep damn we’re at like negative we’re coming up on 6,000 BR yep yeah we should cruise the Seas for a bit till we see

Like unless we get a cold stop here guess we’ll find out we sure will we should cruise what if we get into dude this is an extreme Hills biome yeah that’s this is nuts oh my that’s really cool actually [ __ ] yeah oh yeah this is definitely Extreme Hills

Damn Jesus I was going to say we’re either going to run into like something like super crazy like Extreme Hills or we’re going to run into like the ice Iceberg ones yeah I know there’s a full like Canyon which have the pinguins and stuff on them yeah godamn flowing throwing down

Hold holy [ __ ] this is awesome this goes on hang on there’s some like red [ __ ] over here red [ __ ] I’m coming oh yeah what is that I see that oh it’s a it’s the nether portal it’s a unbuilt nether portal oh okay neat it’s like higher up though yeah there’s like

Some gentlem yeah yes so there are other gentlemen below us that have Trident so we may not want to be in boats right now uh just come around the corner of the red and then there’s a spot you can you can stop at yeah we can do uh got some

Apples got some obsidian got some magma Charges oh an enchanted Apple did you get hit by the did you step on the lava oh I might have stepped on the lava brick yeah all right some kind of neat stuff but nothing particularly special yeah um do we want to take this time to sleep

Before we have to deal with the Trident boys yeah I think that’ be a good call yeah I’m in a bed hang on mol all I heard out of you was I’m there we go already bed good job yeah she was in a bed before any of us

Were [ __ ] she heard she heard she heard a sleep and she was on it yep she was ready to go all right gentlemen yes ma’am are you attached to any of the enchantments on the fish no no on my fishing po no it’s one on a majority it’s like you

Know and one of the things is that you can disenchant things and get XP that way um the only thing that I’m attached to is my named fishing pole that’s in my chest okay no else will where are you okay cool thank you I grab I grabbed

Your boat I’m going to get oh thank you hang on hang on guys okay sounds good oh while we’re hanging on I’m going to run to the bathroom Sam your your dog is in my boat and I can’t pick up my boat so I’ll hit your

Dog no here you can just hit it hit the boat yeah I don’t want to a your your old duck so okay but I’ll be right I’ll be right back you guys go ahead and explore quick oh what I was just going to say it’s uh

It’s midnight we just want to call it for tonight and continue exploring next time oh yeah we could Molly are you okay with that uh give me one more day okay okay one more full day one more yeah have 24 more hours gam playay guys hey G before we kick off we should

Set our spawn points just so it doesn’t [ __ ] around all I’ll do it right here oh true yeah spawn point I found some surface iron that’s pretty cool I saw that oh my God ah you okay yep NOP I’m good I’m good things worked out nice I got scared cuz my

Fairy got set on fire I I heard that oh no I saw you going oh no and then it was like flaming making such sad little like whimpers oh I found one iron Sam are you going to go do something no it’s cool I’ll just wait till we’re oh

Okay all right extreme mountain climbing or something I really got you Evan no I almost SW I was trying to hit one block of wood that was in front of me and will came Spring by and I almost took a anle I like didn’t even

See I that sometimes I don’t know how I had the reaction time to not hit you but I sto you’ll put in the reaction time not to hit me but when it comes to Sam mly you’re just full gun ho they’re dead yeah yeah he’s ready to go especially with the Snowballs diving

Board yeah I just throw snowballs at mall you haven’t ever done anything to hurt Molly it’s okay yall just yall got to be careful now cuz I have my dogss yeah that’s also true EV is down that’s so pretty that’s that me not much yourself bro is that that Shield I

Gave you a long time ago yep that’s nice bro it’s still pretty pretty healthy mainly because I keep forgetting to crouch to use it yeah and and it’s nice but it’s also like you move so slow when you’re crouching that it’s like I just I need

To get closer to the enemy and hit them now have you seen any of those mountain goats will uh no not yet I saw a sheep yeah the mountain goats are in the snow biome oh those things freaking those fre jump like four blocks high damn makes sense though for goats for

Goatsy yeah I saw something by the house what’ you say sam I said I lost for a second you yeah I haven’t moved that far away from them yeah I know I found them I found there’s a full snow biome over there or what looks like one

Yeah what’ you say EV I’m going to get I’m going to get my spy glass out look at this waterfall there’s a lot this this is an interesting little canyon I don’t know where Sam is though I’m back by our beds oh Dad we lost oh

My God there’s iron on the side of that cliffway over there go get it hell no I think I see it actually there is one Mossy oh mossy cobblestone brick in the middle of it stuff over there that makes me think that there’s a fortress behind it

Oh any fortresses I thought that was just a another world another thing oh no there’s uh jungle temples and sand temples oh okay mhm these extreme biomes or yeah Extreme Hills are good to have like resources spawn like on the surface yeah other than diamond diamond doesn’t never SP that makes sense it

Should sure what kind of [ __ ] [ __ ] is that well I’m sorry don’t make the game mechanics you should be sorry glad you’re sorry thanks for being it you should just watch tone sometimes that’s okay there’s so much [ __ ] skeletons and [ __ ] down here dang this thing has like a lens flare on

It and everything can I do it I don’t know what are you trying to do to it makes me sad every time your mic cuts out you’re causing Sam depression Molly you are oh right there I was like I was like in this little Cavern beneath our beds

And I was like fighting skeletons and zombies and The Shield’s neat cuz I’ve I’ve realized that when if a skeleton shoots it at you the arrow Ricochet is off the shield and hits them back oh nice um and I I pissed off a zombie cuz the

Arrow bounced off and the zombie got mad at the skeleton and went after it Sam come up to where I am okay give me a sec I’m cooking some meat quick well well you can too you you can be included in this too sorry I didn’t mean to oh thanks man I appreciate

It I didn’t mean to be a lead a statue this structure right over there it kind of looks like an elephant and a manate crossed together oh I’m looking at your screen on stream and I agree I’m I coming I’m a come on well then when you zoom in on it it does

Not I don’t know where you are anymore you’re at the top of the hill where are you he’s um closer to our beds oh I think you walked by me to be honest oh yeah I see you now we were before let me have purple eyes man don’t ask

Questions oh that thing yeah it does look like an elephant in Mana too it looks like uh the the elephant rock that inspired zo in one piece oh Evan what would you do if I just pushed you off the cliff it was it I wasn’t going to do it

But it was an intrusive thought what would you do if I had an own rection while reenacting that scene from Lion [Laughter] King oh my God there go the Snowballs okay I watch them all smack I’m close but I don’t think it’s going to happen so we can call it thank you

For waiting for me it’s okay no problem we try next time I’ll get that super sweet pickaxe with Fortune sweet sounds good yep okay all righton I’m going to save and quit all right about five

This video, titled ‘Minecraft with Friends (Part 7) (Will)’, was uploaded by Minnesota Nice Guys on 2023-12-31 06:22:04. It has garnered 48 views and 2 likes. The duration of the video is 05:33:28 or 20008 seconds.

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    Oops! 3 Years in Minecraft Survival World Welcome Back to the Minecraft Survival World! After a three-year hiatus, our Minecraft enthusiast is back with an exciting update on their survival world. Let’s dive into the latest developments and changes that have taken place in this virtual realm. Mod Showcase: Enhancing the Gameplay The addition of mods has brought a whole new level of excitement to the gameplay. With enhanced features and functionalities, the player’s experience has been taken to a whole new level. From new tools to unique creatures, mods have truly transformed the world. Resource Pack Showcase: Aesthetics Matter Resource packs play a crucial role… Read More

  • DemonjoeTV Reveals Ultimate Bedrock Website! ๐Ÿ˜ฑ #minecraft

    DemonjoeTV Reveals Ultimate Bedrock Website! ๐Ÿ˜ฑ #minecraftVideo Information This video, titled ‘Minecraft Bedrock’s Most Useful Website! #minecraft’, was uploaded by demonjoeTV on 2024-08-10 18:51:37. It has garnered 331447 views and 28640 likes. The duration of the video is 00:01:00 or 60 seconds. ๐Ÿ”” ๐—ฆ๐—จ๐—•๐—ฆ๐—–๐—ฅ๐—œ๐—•๐—˜ ๐—™๐—ข๐—ฅ ๐— ๐—ข๐—ฅ๐—˜! https://bedrocktweaks.net (copy and paste the link if you can’t click it!) #Minecraft #MinecraftBedrock #minecraftmods Business email โ–บ [email protected] ๐—œ๐—ณ ๐˜†๐—ผ๐˜‚’๐—ฟ๐—ฒ ๐—ฟ๐—ฒ๐—ฎ๐—ฑ๐—ถ๐—ป๐—ด ๐˜๐—ต๐—ถ๐˜€, ๐—œ ๐—น๐—ผ๐˜ƒ๐—ฒ ๐˜†๐—ผ๐˜‚ ๐Ÿ™‚ Read More

  • Epic Shark-Infested Minecraft Seeds

    Epic Shark-Infested Minecraft SeedsVideo Information This video, titled ‘Scary Minecraft Seeds That’ll Haunt You Forever…’, was uploaded by Shark on 2024-08-31 19:00:05. It has garnered 99948 views and 3632 likes. The duration of the video is 01:01:45 or 3705 seconds. Scary Minecraft Seeds That’ll Haunt You Forever… BECOME A MEMBER TODAY! https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCQVwQQvz8O_0aeFDBVcdhpg/join Merch – https://www.09sharkboy.com Subscribe! – http://bit.ly/1GtTBWj Join My Discord – https://discord.gg/shark My Socials Twitter – @09sharkboy Snapchat – TheLifeOfShark Instagram – @09sharkboy Facebook – https://www.facebook.com/SharkMerch Additional music provided by Epidemic Sound Click here for a free trial! ๐Ÿก† https://www.epidemicsound.com/referral/tutm3h/ #Minecraft Read More

  • EPIC Minecraft Ocean Adventure – Find Extreme Hills Biome!

    EPIC Minecraft Ocean Adventure - Find Extreme Hills Biome!Video Information This video, titled ‘Minecraft v1.1 Long Play E200 (R35) – Ocean Survey for the Extreme Hills Biome southeast of Sandy’, was uploaded by sealchan1 on 2024-05-10 05:51:46. It has garnered 1 views and 0 likes. The duration of the video is 01:01:22 or 3682 seconds. The nearly landlocked Extreme Hills biome has connections to many Waterways that interconnect back to the Western Sea (maybe this is what I should call the original Ocean I spawned by). I also find a new Ocean which is reachable across a Swamplands to the south from the Western Sea. In this series… Read More

  • Insane Minecraft Build Hack Prank!! ๐Ÿ˜ฑ Watch Now ๐Ÿ”ฅ

    Insane Minecraft Build Hack Prank!! ๐Ÿ˜ฑ Watch Now ๐Ÿ”ฅVideo Information This video, titled ‘MINECRAFT BUILD HACK TROLL FACE ๐Ÿ˜ˆ EDIT โœ…||AxySpy||#shorts #mcpe #viral’, was uploaded by Axy Spy on 2024-08-10 06:38:34. It has garnered 10371 views and 292 likes. The duration of the video is 00:00:20 or 20 seconds. MINECRAFT BUILD HACK TROLL FACE ๐Ÿ˜ˆ EDIT โœ… ๐ŸŒŸSocial Media๐ŸŒŸ ๐Ÿ“ท Instagram: https://opener.one/insta/ezbpl3 Hey Everyone It’s AxySpy And Welcome To AxySpy YouTube Channel. On This Channel You Will Get To See Minecraft Related Content.This Channel Will Entertain You Completely. In Future You Will Also Get To See Other Content On This Channel. I Work Very Hard To Make Videos… Read More

  • Insane Spider Boss Battle in Public SMP!

    Insane Spider Boss Battle in Public SMP!Video Information This video, titled ‘Minecraft Live ๐Ÿ”ด Public SMP | Java + Pe | Cracked’, was uploaded by Wild Spider on 2024-08-23 15:44:06. It has garnered 6 views and 0 likes. The duration of the video is 00:02:41 or 161 seconds. IP:- Make Sure to Subscribe ๐Ÿ™‚ Java IP – sanemc.mc-game.xyz Pocket IP – Port – 3262 Dyn IP – if non of that work discord – https://discord.gg/insane-94995089200… TAGS USED : ——————————————————– minecraft live with subscribers, minecraft live with subscribers pe, minecraft live with subscribers bedwars, playing live with subscribers minecraft minecraft 24/7 server free, aternos minecraft… Read More

  • Birthday Chaos: Summarizing Every Shizo Clickbait!

    Birthday Chaos: Summarizing Every Shizo Clickbait!Video Information This video, titled ‘Summarizing Every Chaos for my Birthday!’, was uploaded by ssChaos on 2024-07-29 15:00:08. It has garnered 62 views and 9 likes. The duration of the video is 00:38:37 or 2317 seconds. I’ve told some amazing stories over the past 3 years, let’s talk about them and this crazy game called Minecraft CHAPTERS 0:00 Intro explanation 2:42 My first ever world 4:04 Maniac SMP – Sara Chaos 9:25 No Signal SMP – Apeiron Chaos 10:48 Craft SMP – Mary and Reeds Chaos 13:11 “Voldemort” SMP – Ceci Chaos plus Charlemagne 16:36 Rulers Royale SMP – Reiner… Read More

  • Sword4000’s Insane Minecraft Hide or Hunt with Dog1234!

    Sword4000's Insane Minecraft Hide or Hunt with Dog1234!Video Information This video, titled ‘I played In Sword4000s Minecraft Hide or Hunt!’, was uploaded by Dog1234 on 2024-05-24 19:35:55. It has garnered 9495 views and 424 likes. The duration of the video is 00:23:59 or 1439 seconds. I played in Sword4000s Hide Or Hunt Event with the goal of being the last team standing and building the ultimate secret base and hunting down other players bases. Join My Discord: https://discord.com/invite/TEKyN485eQ ——————————————————————————————————- Huge Thank you to Sword4000 for Hosting this event and be sure to Subscribe to both of his channels! His Main Channel: https://www.youtube.com/@UCqt4mmAqLmH-AwXz31URJsw His 2nd Channel: https://www.youtube.com/@UCkc2HMr92d89WP6tPFf1DWA ——————————————————————————————————-… Read More

  • CatNap vs Monster in Epic Roblox Battle! #Shorts

    CatNap vs Monster in Epic Roblox Battle! #ShortsVideo Information This video, titled ‘CanNap team battle Monster #CatNap #robloxmemes #roblox #trending #shorts’, was uploaded by PurrBlox on 2024-09-08 14:00:16. It has garnered views and [vid_likes] likes. The duration of the video is or seconds. shorts #minecraft #minecraftshorts. Read More

  • Unbelievable Revenge in Minecraft! ๐Ÿ‘ฟ #viralshort

    Unbelievable Revenge in Minecraft! ๐Ÿ‘ฟ #viralshortVideo Information This video, titled ‘Revenge ๐Ÿ˜ˆ #shorts #viralshort #youtubeshort #minecraft’, was uploaded by WHRI_GAMING_1100 on 2024-03-03 09:49:09. It has garnered views and [vid_likes] likes. The duration of the video is or seconds. Revenge #shorts #viralshort #youtubeshort #minecraft Minecraft Minecraft Revenge Minecraft Story. Read More

  • WawaNet

    WawaNetWawaNet is a server with many things combined into one. Our server has: SMP, RPG, Exploration, Custom Generated Structures, Adventure, Custom Bosses, Minigames, PVP Game Modes, In-game Economy, Grinding Systems, and Custom Armor/Tools. Join our server today! at: Java: IP: wawamc.net Bedrock: IP: play.wawamc.net Port: 25570 wawamc.net Read More

  • AussieSMP SMP Australian Whitelist 1.21+ Java Bedrock Discord Livestreams

    AussieSMP Server Welcome to AussieSMP Server IP: mc.aus.gg Location: Sydney, Australia Discord: Join our Discord Apply: Apply here About AussieSMP The AussieSMP is an Australian hosted Survival server with a small community of players from around the world. The server is whitelist-based so you need to apply to join. We offer a mostly vanilla gameplay experience with some quality of life features. Features The server is running the latest version of Minecraft Minimal modifications to Vanilla mechanics Player created shops for trading Teleport commands for easy navigation Land-claiming system for protection Multiple worlds with no reset plans Part of a… Read More

  • MINECRAFT: The Lava Hot Meme!

    MINECRAFT: The Lava Hot Meme! Why did the creeper break up with his girlfriend? Because she kept blowing up his phone! #minecraftmeme #relationshipproblems Read More

  • OG Fortnite Return: Opening Battle Pass!

    OG Fortnite Return: Opening Battle Pass! Exploring the World of Minecraft Embark on a journey through the vast and creative world of Minecraft, where players can unleash their imagination and build anything their hearts desire. From crafting tools to surviving the night, Minecraft offers endless possibilities for players of all ages. Building and Crafting In Minecraft, players can gather resources such as wood, stone, and minerals to craft tools, weapons, and structures. Whether it’s a cozy cottage or a towering castle, the only limit is your creativity. With a variety of blocks to choose from, players can design intricate buildings and landscapes that reflect their… Read More

  • EPIC Twist in Minecraft ATM 9 #11!

    EPIC Twist in Minecraft ATM 9 #11!Video Information This video, titled ‘[Minecraft ATM 9 #11] But What If They Weren’t The Final Preparations’, was uploaded by ๆฐทไธŠ็ซœไบŒCh Hikami Ryuji Channel on 2024-09-26 03:18:23. It has garnered 27 views and 4 likes. The duration of the video is 02:44:55 or 9895 seconds. Stream Rules: -Don’t bring any sensitive topics like politcs, religion etc. -Be kind a respectiful to everyone -Don’t mention other vtubers unless it’s relevant to the current topic -Don’t spam -Don’t self promote -Don’t give any advices on the game being played unless asked Read More

  • Undercover Chatting in Minecraft!

    Undercover Chatting in Minecraft!Video Information This video, titled ‘ใ€Minecraftใ€‘Let’s explore! Chatting in disguise ๐Ÿ‘๏ธ’, was uploaded by Yomi Gardenia Ch. on 2024-08-23 00:28:02. It has garnered 214 views and 37 likes. The duration of the video is 05:10:00 or 18600 seconds. ๐Ÿ‘ป Yo-hooo! Hello! ๐ŸŒผ๐Ÿ‘ป I am Yomi, ghost VTuber streaming from beyond the grave! Today, let’s walk around and see pretty places in Minecraft! I’m Yomi, ghost VTuber streaming from beyond! Today, let’s walk around Minecraft and see beautiful places! ๐ŸŒผ Minecraft is a game by Mojang. https://www.minecraft.net/ ๐ŸŒผ Texture pack: Mizuno’s 16 Craft https://mizunomcmemo.blogspot.com/2023/06/mizunos-16-craft-java-edition-120.html โœฟ โœฟ โœฟ ๐Ÿ‘ป Twitter โ†’ https://twitter.com/yomigardenia… Read More

  • INSANE Minecraft world tour by coleisprettygreat

    INSANE Minecraft world tour by coleisprettygreatVideo Information This video, titled ‘Minecraft world showcase’, was uploaded by coleisprettygreat on 2024-09-07 03:06:37. It has garnered 10455 views and 1192 likes. The duration of the video is 00:22:52 or 1372 seconds. interior decoration still on point Read More

  • Minecraft Franรงais Twitch Epic Action! LIVE AATROX SLAYERS, Revs & Eman Predictions + More! Subscribe now!

    Minecraft Franรงais Twitch Epic Action! LIVE AATROX SLAYERS, Revs & Eman Predictions + More! Subscribe now!Video Information This video, titled ‘[FR] LIVE AATROX SLAYERS, Revs, Eman Predictions & + !! !subgoal !stuff !hy | Minecraft Highlights!’, was uploaded by minecraft franรงais twitch highlights on 2024-02-11 13:09:06. It has garnered 36 views and 2 likes. The duration of the video is 00:06:17 or 377 seconds. Stream highlights posted daily. Please like and subscribe for more content! What was your favorite clip? Let us know in the comments below! If you own the content in this video and want to be excluded from this and future videos please contact us: https://bit.ly/3gCy2Ml PATREON ———————————————— https://www.patreon.com/dailytwitchhighlights894/membership As you may… Read More

  • Join Skeleton for Minecraft lifesteal smp ๐Ÿ”ฅ๐Ÿ’€ Now live!

    Join Skeleton for Minecraft lifesteal smp ๐Ÿ”ฅ๐Ÿ’€ Now live!Video Information This video, titled ‘๐Ÿ”ฅNew Start of Minecraft Lifesteal smp ( public smp) | Join now’, was uploaded by skeleton is live on 2024-02-26 16:04:40. It has garnered 182 views and 12 likes. The duration of the video is 00:19:37 or 1177 seconds. #velorentlive #velorant Hello, Cool Gamers I am Skeleton, and I welcome you all to our fun spot. So, Today I am going to plat Valorantt. it will be adventurous and exciting. You all can join us to play. Thank you, I hope you all have enjoyed this stream so don’t forget to like it, comment, and… Read More