【 Minecraft 】death and no fps【 MyHolo TV 】

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Ah Actually i need to go pee so i’m gonna be right back uh it’s gonna be probably take a while because i uh it’s a long p a long piece it’s a long piece i’m gonna be right back okay goodbye I mean i don’t meeting sorry not p i don’t i know meeting okay Do Ah Do Um From my holo tv and welcome to my stream um i hope you guys have been having i have been doing well hello dark anime hello community hello abyss And hello um i think that’s it hello staff welcome staff say hello backstaff i will fire you say hello backstaff staff i say hello back staff say hello hello say hello stuff hello hello [Laughter] i hope you guys have been doing well um i have to cook school in five minutes so

I can’t stay but have an ice cream everyone okay it’s fine chad leona thank you you’re threatening no no no i was being calm and collected so today um Why is there two of them thank you for the video and you got again um today we are going to um play minecraft uh modded minecraft um hello trueheart hello jj uh a few words before we will begin if you are if you are before we begin

A good news i’ve already told people of other people that but as it turns out minecraft sucks which means that oh welcome to the uh uh no wait what what was that sentence oh you’ve been parents did jj good job um welcome minecraft sucks so uh terrible

Optimization uh i have a good computer but apparently modded minecraft cannot um run on my computer which means that i have five fps i have five fps um unless i look down okay so when i look down i have like 101 120 fps which means that we we have we have uh two

Possibilities okay so either um we can we can look around us okay and we can see the world okay but it’s 5 fps or we do a playthrough of me just looking at my feet but it’s 100 120 fps of my feet moving so it’s like actually super smooth like a super

Smooth playthrough of my of just my feet moving so we have we have either uh again um 5vpso looking at the world of one or two f to a piece of my feet um do not complain because um do not complain because i have tried and uh

Uh bring i have tried and like increased the fpss i was like at two or three fps before but then i decreased everything and i got up to a five fps so so fireface is the best i could do um also i’ve been parented i’ve heard i’ve i’ve implemented something a bit fun

Something a bit fun you’ll see you’ll see uh it’s it’s kind of fun um if you guys make me cringe if you guys make me cringe i can just go like this there you go anyways uh let’s go to the game right away um let me see if i can there you go

What what happened to the game ah there you go let me just do something real quick um cringe challenge exactly um well let me you know what let’s let’s um let’s uh make it so that we don’t like so i’m going to close everything i’m going to

Close discord i’m going to close steam no not steam whips i’m going to close this this this okay i’m going to close everything and see how it goes what the heck is what the heck is like the thing in front of me what track is this wait what what is this

Oh okay nevermind there you go so up create new world we’re gonna uh death we’re gonna death okay survival and we’re gonna have cheats on and this on um okay okay let’s have for the seed for the seed i’m gonna go all right there you go and then oops

Death okay and then create new world okay my bad eyesight can barely see what you’re trying to show us it’s fine no it’s just this and just like [Laughter] okay um what you’re streaming i didn’t check the schedule it’s fine when you small can’t even see it my

Glasses okay let me try to um uh increase it then it’s gonna take a while uh let’s enjoy our moment together oh uh i haven’t told ceo yet but i have a project that i i really really grand use a huge project in the work um it’s gonna be great maybe

If i’m fast enough and if i’m not too lazy maybe it’s gonna come towards it’s gonna be there towards like uh uh the end of january or something um it’s gonna be huge it’s gonna be huge why is the sound section why is this sound solo hello huh it’s gonna be huge

Okay uh let me just video settings and then up there you go it’s a big pity project exactly it’s gonna be huge um uh i don’t wanna spoil so i’m not gonna say anything about it oh oh that was loud oh that was loud wait it’s going to be a huge project it’s

Going to be like the be the biggest project you’ve ever seen on on on youtube.tv on youtube.com okay and you’ve never seen a project that good um i’m kidding it’s gonna be it’s gonna it’s gonna suck but it’s gonna be fun it’s gonna be fun

Big project if you find your dad no not yet it’s going to be huge okay let me just uh up up up up up okay see we have some fps’s if i look like down here there you go so look down here there you go

Okay i managed to up the fps by like putting like a render distance of like six five six like if i put it at like eight it’s gonna suck but let’s put it at five six let’s put that six let’s let’s not be a project that will change the laws of youtubing no

There’s going to be a big a good project uh what collab with every viewpoint that exists no because i don’t feel like which will like okay so uh is mod in minecraft which means that mud in minecraft means that um it’s a minecraft different from many

Others i’ve never i mean i’ve played a bit of uh our aircraft i don’t know how it works so if i remember correctly it’s not you have to do stuff with this right something like this okay i need a guide i need some kind of guide uh

Don’t look down i might die from motion sickness you don’t want me to look down or you want me to look down oh my god it’s huge a makkah it looks kind of dumb too oh such it oh my god it’s huge you’re huge can i mount you let me knock you

Oh okay so again i i don’t remember how how this works how do i get because if i remember correctly i can’t like just i can’t just break wood right yeah i can’t break with so i have to like what i have to do i’m so confused oops uh

Okay don’t even know that this is about this system every part of everybody here did it oh no i don’t wanna oh yes okay good maybe find gravel first i have to find gravel first gravel uh okay gravel gravel i mean no like pvr i really die for merchants it’s fine

I’m late hi guys hello uh yeah thank you for the redeem and you got nothing because we can’t see it wait why can’t you not sit why can’t we not sit um there’s an issue with this wait oh yeah well you haven’t tested this before we’ve tested this before what the heck

We have tested this before it it used to work what the heck is happening um someone got someone gets canned because of it up up up someone got scammed ah i i have reverb on why is no one telling me this this stuff why is no one telling me i have reverb on

Uh does it work i think it works okay i didn’t hear reverb okay it’s fine i know i’m alone in this world anyway i don’t expect anything anything from from people you know that’s how that’s how you don’t get disappointed you just don’t expect anything that’s also how you how you

How you stay single for your entire life just look at me oh my god it’s huge it’s huge river was subtle okay i need to find gravel first let me see i need to find gravel first i really like the sound design Yes sokoda no look at that look at look how crisp the sound is look look how crisp it is oh listen to it it’s it’s crisp it’s so crisp look listen to the listen to the steps it’s crisp i’ve been watching a lot of uncle roger lately i’ve i i think i’m

I’m sorry because usually when i watch a comedian i really like or like a streamer or comedian really like i start to like um copy not copy but like i guess copy like i start to like kind of mimic their um their sense of humor that’s that’s how

Basically i’ve come i’ve come to be basically it’s like i’m basically like a mix and an agglomeration of like a hundred different people i’ve really oh my god it’s huge uh i really uh i really liked so i think i think i’ve said this before

But yeah i’m like a mix of like every people i find funny in my life um my sense of humor at least so i’m sorry if i if i like start to make a very racist asian accent sometimes and i start to talk like i’m converter about uh washing your vice it’s huge

Just uh just a heads up adapt to their mannerism um it’s more than adapting it’s like it’s more than adapting it’s like um it’s like they kind of taking uh so i’m not stealing their jokes but i’m kind of stealing i’m not stealing that it’s huge oh it’s ugly too

Uh it’s not about uh stealing their jokes but like kind of stealing their sense of humor and like making a mix out of it and then becoming uh uh and then making a new thing out of it but before i can make a new thing about

It i’ll have to like i always like start to um it’s huge oh my god no i said you’re huge oh thank god can you call can we call you uncle leon you can you can call me uncle leon if you want look i found gravel um

How do i get up there oh very happy right now but where are we happy right now okay let me see um did i get anything my my body is uh my body is asian so i’m not racist by doing this i’m just i mean i’m just going back to the roots

Is what i’m doing i’m essentially just going back to the roots so it’s not racist if anything i am honoring my ancestors by um uh copying their accent you know it’s like getting back to the roots that i think is good yeah it’s good because i’m ash [Laughter] uncle

Going back to okay what do i do with this oh i think i i like have to better question what the heck is this quests what claim yes oh wait there’s a questing oh oh claim what did i get oh okay so it’s not just like okay i said this is huh

That’s new is it new embrace your ancestors roots thank you uncle leon very happy again going back to the roots not racist just going back to the roots um okay so open oh okay oh have you seen my skin put my skin right okay so if i put what did that

Is it just a hat press none to open the hat inventory sneak using the setting mode to the same hey hey i’m so confused use none why would i use none hot inventory what i’m so confused you lost your father your last father gonna be proud thank you

Skin very cute thank you uh hoodie actually one of my colleagues um i triple that what i guess this it’s another hat well it’s just hats it sucks okay so um theme over world oh i can just change it well i kind of like uh kind of like there you go so

Let’s see here quest quest notifications of i kind of want the the quest on here and then um zoom to fit no claim all nope and i like not um there you go so that’s a that’s a bloody hat right it’s your skin’s eye bleeding no it’s it was

The hat okay i hit my funny funny looking stone on another bigger stone and it broke shocking i know so i have to hit this hit this no why is it not working okay i think i think it’s just it’s it’s not it’s not for me oh my god that scared the crap

Out of me thank you for Ah watching takes a screenshot okay um okay so maybe if i do this aha no what do i do it says like two can can’t wait for leon to post cooking video wait do i not eh eh yeah hi maybe if i put it here and then i think yeah nope hi yeah

What do i do i’m already i’m already lost uh yeah there’s no way this doesn’t work right yeah right click i’m right clicking right now oh oh yeah i had to write why why does it work why does it work on freaking smooth stone but it doesn’t work on freaking cobblestone

Hi hi yeah okay quite complete butter fingers okay so now i need what what’s happening to my vision oh oh i need to i need to drink i know about this i need i need to drink up there you go okay uh real life craft is harder than normal

Yeah it is apparently way harder what is this a golden nymph oh fancy thank you okay so now i have to [ __ ] um okay surely those are not um mean like those are not aggressive right oh my god oh that was super aggressive i lied oh stop oh oh stop oh no

Oh i’m gonna die oh wait don’t don’t don’t drop me don’t drop me wait don’t die don’t die don’t die don’t die okay go a bit to the left right to the right no no the right yeah you can do it okay um okay good thank you Ah there you go thank you for the super chat roses are heavy red slimes are blue here’s a blue chat for you oh thank you for the super chat those are mean i remember those three tents transported the bird tamer yeah that’s what they call me the bird thing okay so okay

You know what let’s reset okay now that i know how it works let’s reset you go let’s reset did i lose my did i lose my hat sniff up took another screenshot okay um now that i know how it works oh it’s so cute it’s so cute look at scared

Thank you for the reading and you got i close my eyes while playing seriously okay so you guys tell me where okay um Oh i leveled up nice oh maybe i should wait before i um wait uh slash game rule let it keep inventory true okay let’s just do this first okay yes tell me left or right okay just tell me left or right hello yeah you guys are here am i alone left right

I’ll go right Okay i’m like a blind man i have to hit stuff okay so i’m on grass right now i’m on grass right now i missed on grass okay i’m still on grass right now okay i can’t there’s still there’s just stuff in front of me because it’s like okay we’re good we’re good

Aha a tree which means that if i go up uh somewhere around here there should be ah there you go it just you just gotta use this sound when you don’t when you’re blind i don’t know why i’m giving advices of being like for people that are blind they’re probably like

Very offending right now i’m sorry um okay so oops did i do something okay it’s fine okay let’s stop here okay good oh i got six sticks okay now we now we have to find a uh now we have to find uh so our objective is to complete this quest book basically

So oh see it’s nice wait that’s going to be cute well it’s going to be super cute wait wait wait guys it’s going to be super cute it’s so cute so cute okay sorry um let me see here i need to find a what i need to find

Oh wait this is wood right can i just take this wood should be believe exactly i can just take this right it’s going to take a while but i feel like oh no never mind okay uh let me find try to find let me try to find some

There should be some gravel here this is where gravel ouch okay gravel gravel let me try to find some gravel um what’s the mission of this game uh we’re gonna try and complete the quests um let me try to find some gravel let me

Try let me try let me try to find some gravel um some uh grav yes gravel um they go oh look at this we found flint how fortunate okay now we go to the beta quest let me go back here okay and then we go back how fortunate

The heck is wrong with my okay huh how fortunate of us to find to find some fleet flint lying on the ground huh right just just just flint lying on the ground here um okay homo habilis as is the age old man question how can i

Make this stick even point here so flint knife i can do this with a stick and a flinch hard so i’m taking your stick and i’m taking your flinch and i make they lied to me oh no no no because i have to like do this first wait

Like it’s this let’s kiss this song because i have to find oh there you go here i have to go here and then um i just need to do this right what do i need to like i’m so confused What a coincidence thank you ah thank you for the video okay uh up clean charts let’s go how fortunate to have found so many flinch fights here too oh This was such a peaceful um oh wait i get my inventory how fortunate uh what hello what why why what’s happening hello why is this world against what why ah a dragon can i touch you that just plain piece can i just plain okay there’s there’s nothing it should be fine

Let’s hide here i’m scared okay uh let’s try to do it to make a thin snipe there you go so with the flint knife what the heck is all of this i’m so confused pets oh i can have spats summoning elements okay okay so with this i have this completed big brain

Massive five head that’s me that’s it that’s just me let me just put it on since oh that’s disgusting okay let’s just keep the cute little hat here playing p street you’re leon you’re playing r aircraft there’s no piss i thought i thought i could have some peace you know

I look away for a moment but that happened i died four times okay let me see um so after doing this i can get uh back in my days we used to have to cut down the grass with nice and we were better for it okay so

With this i can cut this to get the fiber i remember correct okay there you go there you go and then up there you go up up up okay loud monday i feel like it’s it’s a bit cold it’s a bit colder oh can i like uh

Also i don’t know why i don’t respawn at the same point as before geniusbb thank you that’s what they called me in uh in high school they called me the they didn’t call me actually i was pretty alone um they they would just like say hey

That’s it that’s basically it oh a house is it a it looks like a house ah what why why oh again i’m freezing to death maybe if i go to the maybe maybe if i go to the sand i’m on the sand technically it’s hot i’m not

I’m am i gonna die like this i’m not gonna die but by your rules there you go i’m going to die by them rules um we are your friends now baby thank you hello hello ikea i’m going to die again oh what is this a village i’m saved thank god okay

Okay we still need to do those quests though so oh we’re saved thank god wood okay let me take some mood there you go this game is easy oh my god this can be so easy look at this oh my god such an easy game i’ve never played i’ve never played a game

Easier than this oh oh oh there you go been oh well been a while leon how are you doing right now you’re winning yes i am waiting first try exactly first try pretty terrible game actually way point huh azak sorry mid wait why did i come in like this huh this is mine

Wait this is mine don’t hurt me this is mine thank you oh cool let’s look at the quests uh our aircraft is easy this is leon’s last words before race quitting no no no no it’s a very easy game uh let’s see is it the rock no so tying the nut

Wait you thought i meant marriage kind of cringe pro unless i have no idea why it’s trying to be funny uh so with three plant fiber i can make a a plain string okay and then with um plant string i can make vegan wool okay i can either make vegan

Wool or i can make uh let me see here i can make flint touch it with a stick and then string so if i go like this and then like this and then like this i made a flint hatchet technology why is plant string kind of feels like feels illegal to me

I don’t feel like i have the same mind okay so let me see do i even get any do i even get anything from this or do i just like yeah i literally just get like what do i even get from this do i even get xp or something can i

Claim all there you go um so with this i get this and with this i get paper and paper is two birch root like this this is paper technology technology and now i have paper what do i do with paper okay let’s make a chest i know how to make a chest okay

So i did this okay let’s let’s try to find a house first let’s kill like let’s take your house let’s let let’s let’s like choose a house and then live in it let’s steal someone’s house is what i’m saying oh wait that looks like a nice house

Maybe we can we can steal this one oh it looks like a pain to get in maybe maybe not right now you write a wheel on it i see oh yes okay oh what is this donk why don’t you do this okay um let’s see what the thunk

I have no idea what this is okay um here that goes here and then let me try to make a um okay good good good this is this is this this game is pretty easy i thought when i played when i started playing this game people told me that it would be like

A super hard uh super hardcore game but it’s pretty easy right now it looks easy at least like i’m not struggling at all and i haven’t been like um it’s just been a smooth ride it has just been a smooth ride like from from start to finish just just smooth right um up

Okay now let me try to find a house to live in let’s try to find the biggest house i only deserve the biggest house thank you for watching I’m one of you guys huh huh what is life huh baby don’t hurt me huh hi everybody hello good night everything is easy in the beginning just like real life is it oh maybe this thing eh surely there’s a logic behind it right oh oh well this game is easy

Look at this okay i’m gonna i’m just gonna leave here okay can i just leave here look at this easy game my god what what surely there’s like do it one nothing two nothing three nothing so this nothing this nothing uh this no there’s nothing there’s nothing there’s

Nothing there’s nothing okay so there’s absolutely no logic behind it um idiom is going to die so i can feel it no no no let me see this this this looks nice but this doesn’t feel majestic and i want something that is much that is majestic if you know what i mean

I feel like i deserve my just majesticism majestic stuff um that’s so cute look at this look at this little farm okay maybe i can try to go in here question mark what is there anything here it doesn’t feel majestic either what feels majestic what what screams leon is what i’m

Asking rubbing simulator isn’t that what organs are just rubbing simulator what what screams leon i feel like this i still feel like this screams me you know it’s so majestic it’s kind of safe too look at this this this is me this is just this is just me look at this it’s beautiful

Um it’s fabulous oh my god there’s so many people in here sorry What the heck it’s empty too oh look at this it’s empty you can just live in here there like anyone here no okay i can just leave here okay let’s just leave here let me take grab this okay let’s just put everything down here there you go

Let’s just leave here there you go as i’ve said this game is pretty easy i don’t know why why people were saying that it was a pretty difficult game looks easy feels easy leon is a new disney princess thank you just need to find a uh water that reflects that uh

Reflects my face and then i can start singing about life okay i am dying but that’s something maybe if i’m good close to the torch nope okay still die um let me see here i recall there is slime processing adventure time this slime process in adventure time is not um the greatest uh

That’s not the greatest slime um it’s pretty ugly to be honest not saying that if you’re ugly you’re not worth anything but as a princess i feel like you know it’s kind of sad if you are why is what is that what is all that noise what i think it’s all that nice

Can i even leave in here anyways um fitting for the king of slaves yes looks pretty good okay let me check my quests okay so i’m in homo abilis and now i need to do i’ve completed this okay let me just know what that is this left right what

Can go what what what i guess this left right and then what okay um and what what is this okay oh i’m so confused okay so i’ve done everything right what what is all that noise what’s happening um okay and then let me put it here and let me make a um

What do i need to make how old are you i am very old i’m four thousand years like four i don’t i don’t know my lord sorry you can check out my wiki page tiny head head to toe that looks very disgusting okay um this is all good matchbox like the cars what

So paper and then spruce slabs makes uh how do i make paper again okay so paper and then slabs like this makes a matchbox and if i use the magic okay okay let me see we can take some of the walls here and make something mm-hmm okay let me see what’s happening here

You guys are you guys doing okay oh i can just show it a bit here there you go you don’t need those bits another words do a cooked mushroom i’ll take this i’ll take this too you don’t need this you don’t need this you do not need this okay just there you go

So this is their house right my house now how do i unlock it don’t look at each other like it’s the last time you see each other how do i unlock the goddamn chest tell me you saw what i did to your freaking friends now tell me how unlikely they

Unlocked your kids tell me how they get to test oh it’s so fast oops can i unlock the chest chestnut oh no can i just drink the water here is it safe um are you english i’m not english i’m french i’m french korean Nothing gets camp canida oh what the what is this oh it’s just a red bed let me just sleep maybe it’ll help okay good okay let me before i die let me just sleep in here okay let’s put our bed here let’s put a bit here there you go

Yeah did it get my uh spawn point i hope it did okay um let me try to eat this oh this was a mistake ah okay good this is great experience great experience i love it f conilla f candidate indeed can i i should be able to do this right no this no

I should be able to eat the mushrooms at least right oh there i just eat the mushrooms hmm there you go if it’s [ __ ] black what oh if only i had like torches um uh torch torches uh if only i had torches uh lying around somewhere ah funny i had

Torches lying around some if only i had torches what torches are there you go torches look at this what a coincidence i needed i just found torches yeah i found torches lying on the ground what a coincidence truly the work of some kind of a higher spirit

Of some kind of a higher power that just wanted me to succeed i kind of i respect that um by chuckle why what happened my condition is uncertain because i’m not at home today gonna look lyric and catch up in the archive later bye-bye yeah i feel like this there’s stuff

And i kind of don’t like it oh i’m gonna die oh yeah okay let’s let’s just wait let’s just do this chocolate is delicious it is chocolate’s very delicious okay good good um why am i dying why am i dying why am i dying oh water water water water water water water water

Oh thank god um oh what is this oh okay i think oh what is this nothing okay you can just open this up there you go this game is pretty easy again i don’t know why people are complaining about the the difficulty of this game it looks pretty easy um

Let’s open this up and then make a way make way there you go let’s make like a little path for later purposes there you go up up up up up up up uh up nope up okay let’s make it a pad for the later places thank you for the video um

I can see i need very is that bad i didn’t i if there’s anything i didn’t i didn’t ask them to come okay it’s by their own um evolution okay um i didn’t do anything i’m innocent uh i am in nowhere associated with the riri and the ida

If they did anything it’s uh it’s not on me let’s get i can just okay oh yeah feels like there’s like a lot of monsters here what the what is this okay good um then i can open up this thing okay sounds like a very bad zombie villager

I knew that was a bad idea oh my i’m gonna die okay i’m good i’m good i’m good oh no oh oh oh there’s so many of them oh my god that was a terrible idea this house oh um oh my god wait what hello oh please tell me i’ve reset please tell

Me my what take that trouble what the heck is happening why is freaking lightning what the heck is happening um random noises there please tell me please tell me got my uh spawn point please let me get my point point is point point no i lost everything and i’m underwater i lost everything

I just i just lost everything i just i thought that i thought i i thought i clicked on the on the thing i thought i thought by clicking on the thing i would get my things back ah why is this world why is this worth so cruel i just i just want it

Okay huh looks like a nice place maybe i can live here oh how about we leave oh oh nice oh that’s the entrance okay so if i go to the entrance and go to the right wait there’s everything already already prepared for me thank you for the team and you go

Slime head good job look at this uh maybe i’m not gonna do that because last time i died and i lost everything so i’m gonna only sleep at night but that’s dumb though can i not like put my sleep point and it’s locked thank you for the video

I gotta go bye bye bye bye okay um there’s something here let’s stop here okay nope nothing here so maybe there is something in here in here nope from here ah there you go wooden dagger and with pickaxe maybe there’s something in here oh i knew i’m a genius

Or i’m not oh yes i am a genius uh evasion and then flare gun shine a light okay um strings i we like strings in here golden peda armor bread how about we just like die continuously and just try to find a good place to stay

I just die and then i just try to find a good place to stay i gotta go bye-bye bye-bye thank you passing by so i go here like there’s nothing here so i just die again oh i’m alive so i go so so so yeah i go here there you go and then

And then oh what is this i want to go there oh looks nice okay we can go there and try to find what’s uh what’s in there i don’t want to know what that sound was i don’t know what that sound was please don’t oh thank god okay what is this

Is this it’s just literally just a huh can you speak japanese as well oh no sorry sorry i can’t speak japanese i mean i can understand japanese i can speak a little like uh and you get it like uh Like uh like uh let’s just die with japanese exactly what’s your friend’s name what friend i don’t have any friends master says game is easier than [ __ ] no so it’s easy but i want i want to make it easier sexy japanese voice thank you i’m assuming you are japanese though

So hello if you want to teach me japanese words i am here for it i thought slides for your friends oh yeah yeah you sure sure sure no doubt you guys are my friends i’m so mad i i i what do i get why is it so

Fast maybe if i don’t look at it it won’t attack me help help i’m gonna die tarantula hi dion hello stella it’s been a while what no oh it actually sound sounds like stella too wait it sounds like stella right what what what were the chances of like

Finding someone that sounds like stella exactly when she comes yeah it does right still like cam coming why do i always respond in water can i just like die and respond in like proper i’m from japan so please remember this word for your fan huh oh shitty it means hip oh shitty means

Hip are you sure oh [ __ ] i feel like that’s a lie like it’s a big lie can someone google it does oh shitty means hip why would you teach me how to say hip i’m so confused um why are you teaching me how to say hip hip or butt oh it does ah I really like how also they put like super fancy uh parenthesis between oshiri to make it like look super fancy is master eko tensai you could call me a tencent if you oh oh that’s that looks like somewhere i could live what why hello what hello what’s happening hmm there you go

It does really look it sounds like sounds like stella it’s kind of surprising you are a tensai thank you but i’m not a ten side you know you know who’s to be out inside hello i’m a lady you’re very late but it’s fine you are never late for uh for a stream

Unless you you can’t catch it then you are late but as long as the stream didn’t hasn’t ended then yeah you know who’s the real tensai the real tensei is wait oops the real tent size are the ones that drink orange juice with milk and that’s dip their chicken in orange juice

That’s the real thing size i don’t know oh i didn’t know my voice on it that tip uh you’re very cute thank you um orange chicken orange juice and chicken just dip some oranges oranges in uh in chicken i love mixing both and the next day i’ll

Go to the hospital no no i meant cooked actually of course i’m in cooked chicken okay don’t trust the heck is this oh okay i’m good no no no no no no i’m fat i’m fat i’m fat okay i’m good let’s just sleep in here and then there’s a chinese dish mandarin or

Orange and milk orange and milk is very good there’s a chinese dish mandarin orange chicken or something yeah and if you put chicken like if you dip chicken in like oranges it’s very good too gold i have no idea what it does but it’s pretty fun um okay let’s try to

Yeah let me just check something do they hurt us is my question okay they do okay they do just i just wanted to check okay um so they do hurt us which means that it’s not a good place for us to stay but it is a good place to find a

Waypoint and then waypoint gives us and the waypoint gives us something to yeah nothing beats nutella crab stick on nothing beats like nutella crapstick is like one of my favorites um one of my favorite things ever so of course nothing beats like okay uh let me find a waypoint but it’s

Not the way there should be a waypoint somewhere around here if we follow the the road van gold rion uh do you know pokemon unite uh i don’t know pokemon united it’s very fun um unfortunately uh i don’t think we can play it yet because it’s pokemon and i don’t think we are

Allowed to stream any pokemon yet because we haven’t uh we haven’t gotten uh we didn’t get the permission um from uh nintendo to stream uh nintendo games and especially pokemon games so when you see like hololive play those games because they already had got the permission i think but we still need

We still need it to to stream the game because we don’t know why we don’t want to get sued right we don’t we don’t want to get sued up which makes sense foreign Give me a number between one and fifteen and then uh something to uh dm we tempt him exactly that’s the tough toughest situation yeah yeah are you learning uh japanese huh are you learning japanese is that is that uh are you learning english like is that why you are watching english youtubers huh

What happens if you hit the dinosaurs i feel like it’s pretty obvious what happens if i hit the tennis i feel like you know what’s gonna happen you just want me to die nine and you like chaz okay let me see who’s the nine um let me see so um

Let me check i’m not dead okay one two three four five six seven eight nine it’s oh it’s not very interesting i mean it is interesting these patterns are um uh our um uh how do you say this um graphic designer hmm why did i die there you go okay now

Where am i come back come back so so come back to me what’s your favorite dessert my favorite dessert is uh strawberry shortcake my soul has left my body wait um Ah pain pain i can speak easy english for daily conversation but the reason why i’m watching you is you’re you’re cute and you posted about video that you called me people on discord oh that one i remember am i dead why am i dead oh is it not plugged in properly

Why did i die let me try something how about i do this oh nope terrible idea terrible idea i regret everything i’ve done and i’ve done a strawberry shortcake fewer normal pig for once it’s my favorite dessert but pranks gone bad let me see if i can do something about

It okay let’s play the game oh meanwhile we’ll be missed am i gonna be missed though i feel like a lot of people are gonna be happy about it um okay good should be it should be good now i hope so i hope so okay let me see

Can i not be in freaking water can i like play the game properly oh my god my eyes are so big wait why why is this why is this happening what the heck is happening to me hello can my soul come back to my body what okay

Can i what what what what’s happening why is my soul outside of my body um so my okay so my apple thing is connected right and then this is connected and then this is connected aha and this is connected aha my soul came back okay good i died

Hello hello how did i call you t t is it i’m gonna die if i stay here okay let’s have to find a good place you know let’s just find a nice place to live weep baby like this is nice place but i think i’m gonna die such an easy game to play

Um You are back yes i am back did you say this in japan japanese how do you say this in japanese again um uh i’m a weeb i know i’m a web i know um something like this the name of this video okay isn’t okay from the other party

I thought i thought like you say and then the other person says um the other person uh says okay where the heck am i uh what what what are those random ass locations hey welcome back it’s okay well you always die so i’m gonna i’m i’m trying to find

A good place to stay in um but the issue is that there is no good place to stay uh also i’m trying to find okay there’s a village i’m trying to find a waypoint as well which is kind of hard Let me try to find a yes i see you sounds like a very bad idea let’s go here um are we playing oh you were replying to me okay i thought you were telling me what to do what to say sorry i’m swear i’m gonna find a good place guys just

Great great um great content by the way i feel like um i’m making great content here oh oh did i come back to the to the village oh wait did i come back to the village please tell me i came back to the village okay it’s a different village but it’s so good

Okay sounds like looks like a good village okay i think i think we find oh and look at this this is great and this is where we’ll stay just this year um why the heck is the there you go and then up up up and then up here is like stuff

And then okay this doesn’t seem like a good way to stay okay let’s try to find something else actually it doesn’t look like something uh so let’s take this let’s let’s steal their food first okay make sure you set response point this time yeah last time i thought i did like

I like specifically clicked on the things there’s nothing here a diamond skirt what i wanna i wanna wear a skirt um i don’t wear a skirt oh never mind okay um i just just keep it for now up let’s just keep it for now and then um

Let’s try to go up here and find other stuff it’s a grave Ah Baby isn’t looking for place leave he’s looking for a place to rob yes you have to be a certain level to where to wear diamond armor oh yeah i didn’t know about that okay um let’s try let’s try this again then the skirt might look good on you i know right um

Uh okay dark name okay okay i’m kind of scared so i’m gonna try to find the house i want a nice house though this doesn’t look like a nice okay fine let’s just what level are you right now because diamond requires a different level i’m level zero because i died like a

Thousand times ah right is it how you check how do you check g k h w oh you check like this thank you for the i will ignore everyone i only speak to you for um two minutes uh only for one minute sorry foreign talk well hi please don’t die okay i’m not

Do you mean in-game or do you mean in real life because in game it and get me will happen a lot in real life uh actually i’ve had covet so i don’t know how what my uh future holds but i’ll try and do my best Foreign uh how do i how do i get back i just wanna wait give lia experience chart 64. okay because most one okay okay let’s do one just give me one just give me one thank you that doesn’t drive experience what no it’s not it’s not this i don’t need this

I need like um experience um bottle there it goes 64. i can take this may officially may your future be healthy and bright praying for your healthy recovery thank you okay time has now passed it is time for me to break yes hello have you ever had a crush on your

Girlfriend at school have you ever had a crush on your girlfriend at school uh i’ve had crushes yes uh and yes i have that i have i’ve had crush on girl on my girlfriends unfortunately i hope if you go out with someone uh you have a crush if you have at least a

Crush on it like if you if you if you’re with someone i i hope you have at least a crush on them um oh my god they’re still here they’re looking at me they’re all looking at me he has no gf pain yes but i have no gf but

I did have gf’s okay i i did have gfc in at least high school um and i can tell you that if i’m with them i mean if if you’re with someone i hope you you have a crush on them at least at the very least um

So what you’re telling me is that if i do this and i just increase like this then i can oh like this okay and then i can do defense and then increase like this oh uncle leon very like this um uh did i just stab at you wait hold up that

They’ve been waiting for you yes uh how it feels to be a normie what do you mean a normie i’m not a normal i’m literally a victor i cannot be less normal than that i’m actually weird though i’m like i’m like so outside of

The box i don’t even see the box the box the dot the box the boxes are freaking it’s a thing dot to me it’s so freaking far away i’m so outside the box i’m i’m like like the other side of an army i didn’t got no gf now but he has us

Lives that’s true why have gf when you have slaves exactly how do you long time to see why are you cheating i’m not cheating you’re chilling with your very cool weirdo i mean if you’re if you’re a victor you’re clearly not an army friend your different someone got it

Wait someone actually got the friend’s reference let me see i was like uh i was like like if you if you heard what i said it was like um uh hesitating if i should do it or not because i felt like there was a reference only i could get so i was like

Maybe i shouldn’t say it because it’s gonna be very just embarrassing if i if i if i say it anyone understand it but i i was right to believe in my slaves oh let me see so wooden daggers in this video okay okay let me try to i don’t need this okay um

I’ll try to okay let’s request let’s request one more abilities so we don’t pick which gives nothing okay let’s skip this and then this second dress um put here there you go there you go Uh I said it with you please he said win who okay uh let’s see so i cannot i see i can’t use my stuff but i feel like i can just rush into my home and then try to get my my stuff let me just try to eat first give me this melon melon Foreign When life gives you lemon you seal it and eat it exactly are they all dead but they’re all dead they despond which means which means for us that we can uh grab our torches which are here and then try to thank you for the video i’m just like up up

And just lighten up the place because we need this up finally some some nice place to leave like we can finally um play the game now um you can try and play the game up up up and then up and then last one should go here here huh

When life gives you lemon you squeeze them to life’s eyes and that’s a very uh that’s a very uh nice um it’s a very nice quote i think i’ll use it as a very very nice quote i like it Thank you for watching Wow what’s your name my name is biryan i can roll my arm i’m very good at rolling my arse they called me in school they used to call me the one that knows how to roll his arm leon i’m so sorry i’m late it’s fine thank you passing by russian let me see

Let me maybe make some a little weapon here just just a basic weapon just just like a sword or something so that we don’t die right what how do you make it how do you make a i don’t know thanks for the purr sorry for tricking

You the pearl oh my god i got tricked i got tricked them people called you many names is cool yes well i didn’t say it was i mean it was mostly self-proclaimed blood but but it was still it was mostly self-proclaimed self-claimed but um it was still something people people were very um

Yeah it was still something like it’s like it’s like self just yeah it was yeah anyways um up let me go here and uh i don’t need this okay how about roulette how about roulette uh that i can’t roll my r uh yeah i feel like it’s a pretty useless skill unless

You want to um and then you want to speak a language but other than that it’s pretty really useless uh hello i am new to you to your channel oh wait some someone is new here good yeah slides let’s try to be uh serious then uh welcome to my channel

And uh thank you for passing by 16 fps yes as you can see on the top left this is clearly 16 ps welcome to new people um for new people here uh i have fun little redeems uh interactive readings so what you can do is just watch the

Stream okay you just have to watch the stream and then by watching the stream you earn points and then you can use those points to or to redeem a gacha a free getcha so if you gone in the description you can click on it on the streamlab link and it’s completely free

You just click on the stream lab link uh and then you can redeem like a bunk or a uh a uh a gacha that will give you a random reward i am new yesterday actually oh welcome let me see let me take this and then let’s try to go and kill some stuff

I’m new you’re not you don’t don’t try to get my my attention by saying you’re new we all know you okay let’s see if i gave you a korean tongue two so would you do it i can try but it’s gonna be hard you get points if you watch the

Whole stream no no you get points so every five minutes you get like uh 20 points i think every five minutes so you only need to click on the link uh in the description uh that says streamlabs cloud but like there’s a link like uh free interactive

Reading and then you click on it and then you link your account with the streamlabs and then you can you just have to watch the stream and then every five minutes you get points and then after that you can read them uh the catcher or the bonk

Or the bomb but talking about bonk we’re talking about bonk there you go so if you hit my slime with a randomly placed bunk because there’s a randomly placed bonk then you get into the frame of frame like like nasa here i think someone else got it but i forgot to so anyways

Let’s let’s do the quest okay i saw it yeah i lost 6k points are you funny i am not funny i am like the unfunniest person you’ve ever met the only reason i got into my holo tv is because i could do monkey noises that’s it that’s literally the only

Reason i got into my own tv just into the company just the monkey noises let me see here vegan wool okay so vegan wall i can try to do um so it’s this right no is it this no oh yeah it’s this again let me try and um

Make both from this one two three four there you go oh that looks that was close yes a super monkey that’s that’s what they used to call me in high school the the the the monkey [Laughter] okay uh so quest we have the quest ah here we made the vegan wall and now

Camping at night or can i put my next so um you can either make this one or this one okay so let’s try and make uh actually i can just grab this bit right there you go and now i’ve completed this quest okay there you go

Uh he’s also satis yes i’m a sadistic clown and sadist i’m watching in 144p right now let’s go it’s fine it’s minecraft you don’t need to you don’t need anything uh thunk what the heck is a tonk let me see here i’m so freaking hyped for the for the

Project like i’m actually hyped like i used to like i was kind of getting bored i mean not of you guys of course i was i was never excited about you guys so i can’t get bored right but i i but i i was getting bored of um

Of kind of like uh just streaming and so with with the project i’m i’m working on i’m gonna be working on it’s gonna be i feel like it’s gonna be great because it’s gonna be something i usually like to do in general so yeah clown

Um so i got this now i can make a up sleeping bag up camping there you go and now i can also make okay that’s good and now is it a rock or stone so with four rocks i might call i make coils do i have four bucks four rocks um

Excited in what way in all the way possible no please don’t be too honest i’m always too honest that’s that’s what you signed up for by coming in this stream you’ve stand up for uh getting roasted getting hit by truth and then uh that’s it basically just why

Are you here why are you even here you’re just here to get roasted and get like freaking uh hit with truth you made a noise just now and it it what leon is brutally honest and that’s why we love him exactly that’s why i love myself i’m a terrible human being

I’m a very terrible human being um claim okay Wait can i have a beard for the first time in my life oh oh a yellow beard never mind you know one thing i really can’t stand up thank you for the redeem and you got slime head again okay know what one thing i really hate about

This body in general is that i cannot grow hairs like i’ve actually tried really hard like i’ve oh good job so i’ve tried to like i’ve i’m kind of ashamed to say it but i’ve i’ve like googled how to when i was younger i googled how to like grow hair

And like i tried to massage like my arms and like my my chest and stuff to make hairs grow because i wanted to have hairs i like my my cheeks and stuff because apparently if you massage your the the the your massage stuff it makes like enables

Stuff in your in your skin and then you get um hairs grow faster and better so i used and i used to put also like um a mixture of like um honey and vinegar because apparently playing onion and vinegar um are you playing minecraft i am i’m actually what do we do what

We’re doing right now is like following the quests here so uh i’m busy going here and like here and quests and then for example the green is what i’ve completed and then this is what i’ve not completed yet and that’s what i’m going to be doing so

A mixture of like vinegar and honey and i tried to like put it on like rub it in and like kind of massage it you know and is that a myth it didn’t work okay i’m still hairless i’m still very hairless i i wish i had like some hairs i unfortunately the jeans

Unfortunately the jeans made it so that i couldn’t grow any hairs so um yeah let me see what else do i need to do um so i’ve made a stone tic tacs now i need a dirty diggy mold so stone how do i get stoned uh get rock

Make two smash tone get [ __ ] the cycle continues madness so maybe by just um breaking this honey so sticky yeah that’s why it’s like vinegar and like a little bit of honey and then you rub you rub it i i trim my beard every two weeks you don’t have you don’t have to

Freaking to why why would you do this to me i i’ve opened up my heart to you telling you that i’ve i’ve have trouble growing hairs and that it kind of bummed me out and the only thing you can tell me is that oh i bring i dream my my vietnamese

Tourists good for you okay maybe not all of us are born equally and that’s fine i’m talking to myself right now but yeah uh hairless that’s okay i i guess it’s okay for some people that i when i was younger i actually really wanted to grow

Hairs like i really hoped i could curl hairs it was like kind of a a thing uh so it’s kind of a good thing but you know it’s not you cannot get everything in life what you learn kind of what you learn you know okay i hate my beard and it’s messy whenever

I eat what don’t treat like throw it out lightly just like shave it’s okay to be hairless because it’s getting popular it’s this day is it getting popular being hairless i don’t feel like it is anyways i don’t really care about what’s popular i just wanted hairs i just wanted hairs man

Okay um can i get uh up how do i get sticks okay let’s just take this and take this and maybe make like this thing here and i feel like we don’t need this we do need this like this this this this we don’t need i

Cannot need this let’s still make a um stone pickaxe so by that i’m going to do this i’m so good at this game i got it i’m a pro up like this and then make a new thing here up like this and then here i have no idea what i’m doing it looks

Like i know what i’m doing i have no idea what i’m doing a flint knife here some food okay cool stream thank you uh ichi ichi isn’t leon what’s itchy leon me turning to monkey for hairs yeah i think i think that’s that’s why i

Didn’t get any hairs like god saw me and he was like okay the only thing that he’ll get from his ancestors and my ancestors i mean like uh monkeys he the only thing i get is the monkey voice he’s he will not get the the hairs which because

Mind you the the hair we have on our uh chest and and um and uh and arms are useless those are merely just um uh kind of like old jeans of like uh when we were monkeys right so god saw me and he was like okay maybe don’t give him hairs you know

Let’s try something else maybe give him the monkey voice that’s basically what happened so now i can do a really good monkey express uh impression which is like um the the the the gene i got from from the the all the the old days the the the prehistoric days um

You guys got hairs and i got the monkey voice it’s just different i’m just a different breed is what i’m saying basically hey yo hello chucky it’s first time youtuber respond to me you’re the best leon am i uh let’s try to find a uh surely this here did you say vestige

Is vestige an english word or is it just a french word it feels like an english word i mean it feels like an english word that was stolen from french it feels like a word that english people would steal for for themselves misty monkey voice is a pottery yes okay there’s nothing here

Vestige is also english stunning by french i knew it i got it when you’re french you can just know those stuff i’m french right i can just snow like it’s it smelled it’s it smelled like a word that would be stoned by english people when you when you’re in

French and you know english you just know those type of things like you just my god just find your own words why would you why would you use french words i’m kidding monkey voice is a part of him yes don’t hit me you offer friends from france that’s cool yes i am

There’s blue water bottle here what five five five five five every man have monkey party exactly like did you know you still have you still had like oh oh my god why did i kiss this oh help me i don’t want to die i’m too young oh my god okay i’m good

As i was saying um uh you you do know like we in in our body we have like vestiges of of like our or our past uh ancestors which were like monkeys and stuff right because you still have like a muscle in your butt and like like

I mean it’s like like a vest like um uh a part of the muscle that was used for uh not not muscle but like a bone thing that was used for your uh tail so that’s kind of how you know um thank you for everything um I only talk to you for one minute yes i will ignore everyone and we just talk to you for one minute how are you ida how you doing aydah are you enjoying the stream are you enjoying yourself help me big white dude oh my god that’s the first time an asian

Person has said that’s not the first time an asian person has said this to a big white dude always enjoying the stream thank you are you hyped for um for the secret project the secret project when the secret project releases i hope you guys will be ready to like

Promote the [ __ ] out of it what i cause that sound uh would you do a korean tongue twister yeah i said i did say uh i would try to do a green tongue twister if you if you give it to him i i can try it yeah just give it to me

Are you korean aydah or you you just are you just uh a koreaboo no kidding let me see here i feel like everything is good i just need to sleep okay I’m learning korean oh we can learn together i’m also really really learning actually korean because i knew korean before i just forgot about it how are you learning korean do you have like a uh teacher or is it just like is it just like just just like you know just you learn But uh okay it’s been one minute i think okay let me catch up damn that scared me out of nowhere me too i mean no that didn’t scare me i was perfectly fine uh this is not minecraft then what game is this it is minecraft it’s just called uh mudded minecraft so

Modern minecraft is basically um minecraft but there are mods and much uh mods basically like um wait i’m gonna die mud basically um mods uh adds admobs and other features uh on top of the base game that is minecraft that’s what mods are um so height for the big project yes ha

What animal do you like i really like um all type of animals really i’m pretty what is this oh it’s a thing that makes makes us crash um uh of course uh leon should learn english more that is true this man speaks the truth what is this um

This game is also cool it is minecraft it’s just called like it’s just mod in minecraft but it is minecraft essentially like it’s minecraft we just added features side to step side is different sided slipper okay i did say sidestep but i took every shot here’s the tongue twister okay wait

That’s very long that’s way too long uh I made it i did it super fast too i did it super fast too you’re doing great sweetie thank you what is this place it’s just like he’s singing i mean tongue twisters essentially is just essentially singing um wait did i okay thank god i thought i lost myself huh

Making my way downtown walking fast i am new but i’m i’m joining this room a lot i’m glad you are i’m coming what at least he tried i what do you mean at least he tried i tried and succeeded you did great bb thank you it feels like a scene yes

You did your best why does it sound like you why does it sound like you you talking like someone that didn’t made it i i read it i made it i read it and read it super fast okay quests um Cooking made easy can fire and can very speed so i need um rock cobblestone and then i need cobblestone first hmm don’t be lucky and i lost every time let me do i’m good i’m good do it again no no no no i’m not gonna do it again i

I’ve proven to you already that i could do it why would i do it why would i do it again it’s not it’s not that i don’t want to it’s not that i don’t i can’t it’s just that i don’t i feel like i’ve proven myself i don’t need to prove myself more

To you guys i’ve done it i already done it okay and i don’t like i don’t need to i i’m i i did i i did it okay okay why do we need iron ingot for everything oh hi yeah your great lives are proud thank you making my way downtown walking fast Close your eyes close your eyes guys close your eyes close your eyes um close your eyes close your eyes close your eyes close your eyes close your eyes okay close your eyes okay oh my god look at this you can open on your eyes you can open that look at this

64 block of iron just laying down here it was just it was i was just like walking then i i just saw the 64 64 block of iron like exactly a stack of iron just block of iron just laying like on the floor look at this oh how lucky are we now

What a nice mud how lucky are we to like find sticks a stack of um up there you go there you go hey okay flexing the richness i’m just lucky play exactly i look you i like your way to i find a 64 block of iron just laying like on the floor like

I i just i’m just baffled i’m baffled i feel like you can tell by the tone of my voice that i’m very surprised that i found the 64 block of irons oh my god in my laying down um very surprised thank you for the video i play with my pinkies

Has anyone ever liked you no i’m i’m a very lonely person okay i play with my pinky’s confused okay confused up up okay and it’s gonna be very interesting up up oops oh this is great this is fun i’m having so much fun right now you may you may have noticed this

Sarcasm in my voice that was um completely wanted i am very being very sarcastic right now i am not having fun i am not having fun okay good and then if i guess that correctly up let’s take this we like you dion thank you to be honest i didn’t close my eyes why

You anyways up up and then up yeah oh and then i feel like it there you go oh fancy look at this okay so we’ve made this and now a bounty of will bounty sometimes those lazy villagers post bounties on the town bounty board for things they want retrieved or hunted

Down at least the payment makes up for their ridiculous requests right click on the bounty button with the finished bounty to redeem it i think i’ve seen their bounties here around here this looks more real it does to them they on the side right yeah you did you wrote it right good job

You see there are there are some fluent people here some brilliant french people here because i’m confused there cause i know water i need water i’m dying i’m dying i need water um where’s the bounty thing you’re new here aren’t you stop freaking what are you doing to me hello

What is he doing to me leave me alone what are you doing leave me alone ah oh this feels like an oh anime convention no what is oh wait is it because i have oh okay it’s because i had like melon in my hand where’s the where’s the watermelon okay let me see

Uh okay slate piranha come up come come back level no why is this diamond spear and quartz chops skeleton skills rim crafting rune diamond katana slate piranha of rue kills archaeological i’m so confused mermaid piranhas late but i guess late slate oh it’s just random slate and seven

Piranhas i don’t think i’ll take this one aha i just need to take it okay now i can just leave it here melon uh what’s this that’s that thing is very adorable i don’t even know what it is what are you talking about he wants that melon

I feel like you you wanted it you wanted to make it sound dirty and you succeeded and i felt very uncomfortable thank you exactly speaking of water remember to drink some uh in real life as well yes thank you uh bobby pinlock how do i make those so we stick

Okay it’s a pin lock okay so i just need i just need sticks for this wait that’s easy then i can just um go there neighbors so nosy playing loud music at 11 pm just just knock at their door and tell them to stop huh if i remember correctly there’s like

Stuff in here right there and now can i try okay if my guess is correct i shouldn’t be able to do anything with this because it might be too low level i might be too live to live you’re very cute thank you i’m sure you’re very cute as well eat your neighbor yes

Uh mud uh mud yeah there’s there’s like there’s like muds and stuff in here i don’t know if that’s what you meant huh um is that not fine where is the what was the thing where was the thing yet oh you got the three i just read the chat

Working my way downtown walking fast oh wait a mini game well that’s so cool how do i how do i play how do i play okay what what what what um oh wait this is so cool i want to play more wait uh up up up up up give me more okay uh

What is this ugly shader i don’t know i don’t i i don’t go i don’t go my way and dm you and ask you what is that ugly place every day lily senpai you don’t have to say stuff i’m kidding everybody listen to hello listen bye

Yeah it’s pretty good right it’s like uh why it’s not working okay good no okay and then this one why is it i’m so confused wait let me close your eyes close your eyes close your eyes guys close your eyes um uh huh close your eyes huh close your eyes close your eyes

Okay good i hereby renounce every future collab with you oh oh no what am i gonna do i’m i won’t be able to to collab with the listen bye anymore i’m i’m so sad right now oh no i feel i feel sad okay uh it’s probably this one nope oh my god

Thank you thank you better slime head okay let me just um do this real quick yeah i still have no idea how this works why why how does it work how does this work how does how does it work how no okay here here here okay now here here here here here okay

Here okay do i have to remember the order no way i have to remember the order seriously no there must be a better way no way i have to remember just the order uh oh my god my brain my brain okay okay um no then this one then this one and this one

And this one and this one then this then this one then this this one then this one then this one and this one then this one and this this one and this no this one and this one then uh this one i know this one and this one and this one

And this one then this one and this one and this one then this so so hard this is so hard for no reason at all this is so unless unnecessarily hard so you’re gonna be mad i think you have to unlock them all without making a mistake yeah yeah

Very super confused i think you just have to remember the order yeah so unnecessarily hard i mean i guess it was a diamond one wait for it wait for it wait for it wait for it wait all of this just for certain arrows oh that’s actually also at least like this

On regular arrows all of this just for 13 arrows i could have crafted those arrows with all the sticks i used for this i used like 13 000 sticks for this i could have used those sticks to make arrows what the heck is wrong with this game if it’s a

Freaking diamond lock give me something good um okay i’m good great game great game um you can put coding what what a good loot thank you i’m gonna ignore all the sarcasm and try to to trick myself into thinking i got this that you know what let’s let’s

Let’s trick my mind into thinking i got this wait let’s let’s redo this just just for the clips okay just for the clips and uh and and my sanity okay hmm look at this guys we got a diamond skirt unlucky and two diamonds and a freaking used iron sword touchy patchy

I can’t believe we’re [ __ ] we got oh my god wait that’s so that’s actually so good i did we didn’t have any diamonds i think holy shock yeah yeah i don’t i don’t think we had we had any diamonds right i’m kind of glad i’m so lucky you’re making me cry

That’s so good yeah i hit the jackpots i mean oh wait no but that’s my chest i’m dumb that’s why i just i was gonna be like okay i i i misread it’s actually five diamonds [Laughter] it’s my chest okay okay um what else do we need to do

Because we are laughing we’re laughing and we we’re getting like super good loot but we haven’t we’re not done yet with stuff um iron sew so this is like sticks inside snow so this is sticks and um like this right yes i need one more and then i have an iron so

Which i can use to i don’t need the requirement for this item why would you make me why would you make me perhaps something because this is the beginner thing right this is like second thing why would you make me cry something i cannot use why do i need i need eight

I’ll just i’ll just put it here i have no idea why would i’m going to bed bye-bye thank you for passing by i missed the reveal we can do the the reveal again if you want okay let’s let’s wait here um okay what i’m kinda getting uh

Kind of getting tired of this game i’m wondering if uh luna is here maybe we can play with luna a bit maybe we can play with luna a bit let me see if she’s here pop pop pop magnets oh you guys want to hear something okay this stays between us okay

This stays between us you you didn’t hear it from me okay this actually stays between us close your ears you don’t we don’t talk about this okay we don’t talk about this okay um up okay let me just put it like this okay i need to go and sleep so i’ll play some

More it’s fine thank you passing by okay we don’t talk about this okay it’s gonna be really quick and don’t talk we we don’t talk about broon let’s just okay let’s let’s uh yeah this this is a very secret thing okay we do we do not like everything that you’re gonna hear today

It’s not uh wait no it might actually oh yeah my son is here i cannot make uh my manager is here i can’t i can’t rip if the sun wasn’t here i could but susan is here rip rip see you later bye bye thank you passing by okay let me save and quit

Um i’ll make you listen to it when the manager san is not here when i know my nigerian is not here i’ll make you listen to it uh keyboard asymmetry thank you i am confused uh so i was gonna uh the thing is i wanted to

Make you i wanted to give you a little thing of me singing but i can’t give it to you because it’s kind of like uh kind of like a secret thing and i could have made you listen to the thing if tisan was in here but fertility is here so

Sneak peek teaser unfortunately i can’t um okay let’s oh sorry surely you won’t notice anything you know it’s it’s like it’s like kind of you know it’s like kind of it’s it’s like you know it’s no spurs today yeah itself it’s unfortunate but Can’t really do anything about that uh thank you for the video and you got i only talked to you for one minute so i will ignore everyone and just talk to you for one minute uh let me just up up up uh we shall wait

I mean i’m gonna wait wait i’m gonna see if son is still here this sun this sun i’m gonna show my pp i don’t know what you guys talking about i i said so what i say is that i want to uh give you guys a little sneak peek or something but um

Since my manager is here because i’m in the company oh i can not me right no no tisan is uh my manager basically i’m gonna show my pp i’m gonna do it this one right about now i’m showing my pp if you’re not coming show us don’t say show us

I don’t think it’s wrong with you this isn’t illegal right no no no no show the pp he’s showing it i’m not trying it i’m not trying it okay i guess tisan is not here uh if this sun is not here because i guess it’s just a little sneak peak okay

That’s a little just just a tip okay just a tip hopefully i’m not gonna get copier striked wait no not the tip of the peepee okay just i i meant i i i i won’t okay anyways that’s what you get that’s so good um i’m sure that’s what you meant hey

That’s that’s what uh that’s what i meant no uh it’s not mixed yet there’s nothing it’s just uh just a recording um but yeah exactly huh guys remember what do you mean pippi remember sounds great though it’s gonna it’s it’s like gonna sound better when it’s gonna be

Like tuned and timed and mixed it’s gonna be gonna do a lot especially the tuning because i need a lot of tuning because my scene is very blue the messing is very lame um Anyways anyways someone please animated leon trying to open a chest for an hour please don’t [Laughter] nothing happened nothing happened guys oh my god that scared the crap out of me oh oh i cannot i cannot put anything guys if i uh if i graduate tomorrow i’m sorry um

I’m sorry for everything i’ve done and i would like to uh to tell you guys that i i’ve i’ve had fun with you guys oh it was fun well while it lasted um thank you so much for uh for everything um it was go white listed hello hello beauty thank you talking

I’ll be recording the moment like i am what are you a mum type person i really like your mom type of person good luck leon thank you um you can catch me on in my future life goodbye goodbye oh i’m gonna join your server um a few moments um Goodbye are you leaving goodbye uh let’s try too good to get to the one hour mark and build a a poop but i feel like i know that um luna really likes poop so let’s try to make a poop for her we all love liam thank you what what is luna doing

One two three four five six seven eight nine and then up and up maybe let’s do like this there you go my poop no maybe maybe like this huh me like this there you go [Laughter] right yeah oh okay oh this is urdufi yes hello you know you know why like viron message me and say like huh can i can i have yourself i want other thing instead [Laughter] he just don’t like luna being too noisy it is pretty lazy here i am it is pretty late

Let me have you stream in the background i can share my screen it’s fine oh okay isn’t this nice isn’t this nice when you don’t have a a doll fin talking next to your ear guys isn’t this you please respect luna as well i don’t mean i i respect linda very much

He’s like a very close friend a light oh really no i didn’t [Laughter] oh my god someone in the stream said luffy i love you more than very wow look at that exactly why can i not see my okay peace and quiet oh my god i mean yeah i kind of admitted

What did you say nothing sorry i love luna she’s she’s great um did you just call me mommy no no luna is great just that you know sometimes sometimes you want sometimes you want chocolate and sometimes you want caramel caramel right right but from what i know you never want luna yeah

Because i don’t like caramel i don’t like caramel so okay okay you make a fair point you make a bad point hmm like this am i doing it right [Laughter] wow i actually actually don’t why why is it like that it’s like a you know like a paper paper poop exactly paper wow

What do you mean it’s just that sometimes you you like you want chocolate and sometimes you want uh you like uh you want caramel or like uh right it’s just that in my case in my case i don’t like caramel and i only like chocolate so that’s basically it’s not that you know

I i i like tonight i just you know you you literally just told me you lied you told me this no no no i can’t i like luna she’s just she’s uh interesting she’s interesting look beautiful it doesn’t even have any shade of it you should pick like some dark color

Something like lighter color no just a poop why do you put like super hard stuff why why did the person eat like no that it’s not that the person that eats it like it pooped like five years ago last time he prefers five years ago yeah you have to know poop doesn’t look

Like it doesn’t have the same color everywhere it does for me maybe i’m too healthy maybe oh maybe you’re the one that’s unhealthy maybe you should put more if your poop has like dark super uh no no no no if you if your poof has like super

Hard stuff a part like this maybe you should like oh you know no you just do it to me did you just shoot me look at the color of your poo it’s not even dark i’ll send you a picture it’s not it’s like pretty smooth in terms of color

So that’s that’s the impression you want to give okay fine yeah i don’t i i don’t mind though and i still have pretty good impression like other other than you’re building a poop right now what they do because you don’t like it because you don’t like uh luna too as well i i

We both love luna is what i meant i’m freaking eating right now oops sorry but but still look at look at the color of the poop that you’re building right now it’s not in dark color like we’re pleased which means you’re not healthy you’re not healthy but this poop is very

Healthy what do you mean i’ve never seen a healthier poop you have to be concerned if if the poop shaped like this oh my god i’m so healthy [Laughter] i i i do you even i’ll show you a picture okay i i dare you i dare you i dare you i

Will do it luna has to answer she pooping anyway so we can we can sink we can sink our poop luna has to answer one day when uh when she’s in the toilets i think she promised me this so i have to and and you’re gonna send and you’re

Gonna send you yeah yeah yeah while she she she’s coming so it’s like kind of sinking or uh or it’s like you know how girls sing their menstruation we’ll we’ll sink our pooping time wait [Laughter] oh what would you want me to call you then babe [Laughter] It’s kind of cringe actually no way uh just baby like luna just be a better version of luna how about you just it’s just a better version of luna just call me baby but like with that voice you know like bibi [Laughter] i suggest that you two it’s like someone said you

No baby like like my like oh everyone calls me bibi everyone yeah you sure pretty much everyone it’s either ryan or bb you choose ryan ryan do you prefer ryan you have moyo video i’ll never get one what you see is what you get yeah just being better luna

Did you know that luna actually know what’s happened she just didn’t talk You kind of share the same thing the same brain oh that’s that explains a lot if like if like if like luna shares a brain with someone and like there’s like two people showing one brain and that explains a lot about you never see the chat is saying they

Never call you baby real knee oh and because oh yeah i kind of i would sound like cringing at first but i kind of accepted it that’s true yeah at some point i just would you ever accept that if you not called that real me uh [Laughter] really

Look at look at what is this impression towards you is it like accurate it’s not accurate i call you either d on a bb2 penis why i’ll just right click just right here right click yeah no no no no you can’t oh you have yeah your hands has to be empty oh okay

You know why i want to learn how to ride a horse in real life no that sounds like a turbine oh no yeah because i want to know how to write on you what the heck what the heck hello what what is happening here [Laughter] you haven’t oh you didn’t know about me

Yeah invited yeah i don’t know but if you olivia i think you really need the boyfriend you really need to get laid i think it’s something it’s like her floating brace is active yeah i don’t know about that that that uh help me i’m lost so i don’t know how to play

I do what i do not i see oh there you go imagine a collab with urufi uh how she called again uh rogue sorry i didn’t forget about her name rogue and horry at the same time and now thank you for the regime timed out ready to come out i’m too lazy to

Turn me out but know that i am thinking about it very hard look i made a oh wait let me see really never full of chat did i not i did i do what do you mean do you have a sister yes my sister of heart is uh leah uh luna slash

He said he said wrong children you need help they say they say you need help is it uh wait i think they said you i think they met you they clearly meant you i do think you need help thank you for the super chat time head time to tell her you’re on

Thin eyes since they start with the rogue you know wait who started why what did you do what did you do what did i do what do you do we just talk and we eat if we eat we eat the cursed food together wait with uderfee or luna

Luffy and rogue eat together when luna and when on the same stream where where um lily and luna eat the christmas really yeah at the end of it um yeah we just kind of taste it and yeah we kind of regret it and yeah wait yeah it’s like two clashing forests

Of flirting what did you flirt with each other or did you just like And the script is kind of interesting i say interesting i see i’m literally not helping yeah yeah just make a poop i don’t want to make a poop for lulu so you don’t like luna that’s what i thought i don’t know i i i love luna but i don’t

Want to make a pool for her why it really happened i just want to see how you put the how you build the pool yeah yeah look wait that’s just me it’s just beautiful that’s just oh no that’s just me [Laughter] saying that like it’s a baby poop instead of baby poop yeah

Oh incredible poop thank you in the same room with me again you’re very cute thank you oh you’re talking about the no i think i think it’s you they’re saying about the poop that you built just now i guess you know what this um slime poo yeah it’s cute keep it

It looks terrible [Laughter] it does need some shading build poop edition yeah it does need something i would do this for you what does this look like you know oh my god why are you destroying me you don’t make it look like me don’t think you look like me

What the heck is wrong with you you’ll just be a cameraman and you’re saying it like i i uh like i wouldn’t mind i wouldn’t mind being a cameraman you know just watching you three is like enough you shouldn’t stop me you you don’t know you look cute right

That’s why i’m keeping you here nice hey why are you doing that that would be even harder if you were if you didn’t have a luna’s body unfortunately that wouldn’t be hot if that would have been hot what you just said if you didn’t have less body like because this this like

This smile here it gives me nightmares it’s what i see in my nightmares it’s what i’ve seen in my nightmares now i realize i’m not looking up why am i laughing hello okay okay oh no now that i realize oh yeah actually i didn’t fit that well with luna’s face yeah whatever

I mean it’s because i’ve heard a lot of luna from from that face so that’s why leon ptsd exactly uh is it me or bibi’s voice is a bit different than usual oh you mean usual like from like before the stream or usual like from usual usual is my voice different yeah slaves

Now isn’t it that different right yeah that’s life yeah yes queen did it see here i have this i haven’t give up on this stop don’t make it look like me it looks normal to me see it’s just just keep it wait hold it hold it let’s keep this

You can join the senpai if you want then we are in the call the we are in the normal call i mean no the rogue can draw no operator chan can join rogue or operator can draw i guess i haven’t met operator yeah i haven’t she isn’t real she is real to me

If she is real to me then she is real if she is rude to at least one person she’s real are you trying to make a face of it yeah look it’s so cute she’s real she’s real that caught it hard i don’t know but we have uh we have the here

This is the other i realized servers service ips in the chat now oh yeah oh yeah Okay kind of reminds me of a digimon oh yeah it does like the baby version of digimons it does it does you’re still destroying that yeah let’s let’s build something like here how about we build a poop here oh i can’t where are you sorry i can’t

See okay let’s build first let me just um open up this is it looks pretty cute though the door they just built in front of the house look at that there you go what literally just built yeah you can you can uh delete it later what is it

Leon audrey says she wants to learn how to sing not luna ah wait did i say that the only is chat person if i get i think that’s why you guys like me it’s because i’m not a victor i’m just as simple as you guys and i’ll just assume that like

By by whatever luck but whatever god intervention got into got into a company but i’m basically just a base a normal dude with a with an anime face that seems for other youtubers i’m just a chat a chat guy i’m just chat um hello i’m back welcome back leaving the chat stream exactly

And if i could do it then you can do it too because i was just a chatter i was just a slime chatter what did you miss um he beautiful you don’t see it i can’t show you yeah you’re dumb i knew i knew that you were that there was something

Wrong that’s why like you’re sharing just one brain like there’s two people sharing one brain of course there’s gonna be some some stuff missing [Laughter] i mean yeah kind of yeah can help the brain is the same i’m still no sense of direction do you have a

Sister uh again i don’t have a sister the only uh sister i have in uh at heart is uh leah luna slash uh it’s been short but goodbye both of you goodbye bye everyone’s gonna that’s going to sleep you know you can just uh put my stream

In the background while you sleep you know like a little background okay i have a weird really weird kink it’s not a kink like a really weird like it makes me feel good when people sleep um using my voice it’s not is it a kink is it considered a kink

I don’t know but like it makes me feel happy oh then you might as well just stream until like four more hours later until everyone’s asleep now because before you do usually it’s not good for you actually it’s like it’s not good for people to like uh uh sleep with uh stuff

All right yeah what are those it’s a compliment basically i think it’s different word but i get what you mean yeah it’s like a wholesome kink let’s call it the wholesome king what kind of wholesome king do you have one more what oh god did you just

I can’t even ask you to come over woof grass asmr here what kind of what kind of uh wholesome uh kings do you guys have lunatic kind of uh do you have a wholesome kink yeah like my wholesome thing is like uh knowing that people uh fall asleep by hearing my voice

While listening to my voice on my streams that’s that’s wholesome okay um yeah it’s like it’s like like a sexual one well it’s what i mean i say so kink there you go that’s even a thing okay My god let’s dm each other after this and let’s talk about that about what you are thinking after that okay uh i’m sorry don’t worry oh and say so you guys don’t have uh say so kings like just like liking stuff without any weird stuff calling you a good girl saying that

They’re probably that’s a lie that’s a lie because you’re acts of service you’re not worth the conflict affirmation that’s a big fat lie you’re a bad girl i’m disappointed in you oh you don’t you’re not joining really it’s not centered oh my god oh no oh my god maybe you can

Maybe oh my god maybe you can just add one more layer outside here oh my god i’m not doing things hello there you go what is that working my mouse yeah change to one door yeah that’s what i did is the affirmation is the second second love language

Yeah but why isn’t your uh wholesome if it’s your second your first one should be extra service right why isn’t your first one like oh my biggest kink is uh my biggest uh seiso kink is when uh someone did the dishes for me i like it when when someone’s taking out

The trash from you oh that’s good i love it that makes me feel things i mean i don’t know i don’t know about accessories that looks like a penis let’s not do that um we don’t i don’t know about accept service kind of love language

But uh i am i’m definitely more on like physical touch kind of so yeah no it’s like i don’t say so king so like what i said you know because it’s nothing sexual just something like uh can i cute and you like that makes you go doki particularly lucky yeah

Actually yeah i guess yeah cuddling it’s terrible i hate it watching over lollies says [ __ ] what what watching over lolly what i questioned it what do you mean by that When people come with my cooking is my sister kingdom i said like a thing you would do for someone then what about the thing you would do for someone because my second question was someone sleeping when i talk to them i get like like something that is something i do for them right

But there was nothing did you do for someone do you have something i i might be really awkward i guess why i would i would like to see if someone else always said it back no but i meant like if like it was someone something you you would do for someone

What would i do what did i do what would i do you’re talking for this one to see yeah yeah either talking or singing stuff or stuff like this like i seen and then they just fall asleep it’s like you say something i i kind of like to

Yeah yeah putting people to sleep is fine for me yeah like you know like while you’re petting and yeah yeah i might do that i mean like cooking people food and receiving compliment from that yeah yeah i guess it works i think that that does work when people like my seeing your

Voice acting since i’m aspiring to be a voice actor correct artist oh i see jail is just a room sentence is just time police is just human nothing can stop you what what are you okay dark anime what’s happening uh oh because of the lowly thing okay uh

Jail is a room yeah beautiful beautiful ah dear very sassy yes very sassy hmm bold move from the see you later bye bye bold move from the from d8 that uh wants to get banned from every single 42 ad your eyebrow yeah isn’t it look cuter yeah it does oh no

Oh it’s a smart face it’s angry oh no no hungry very small like small one yeah it does look cuter with the without it uh is becoming a house husband a good kink oh yes it is it is um that’s normal normal to love lolis let’s not go into this area

Okay let’s see it’s pretty pretty nice i like i like this book i like this purpose i wanna i wanna make hand a what i wanna make hand you like on stoneman you have like brunch hand yeah a hand like like your hand yeah your hand

Hen for the poop like you decorate the hand oh no you decorate the poop like you decorate a snowman a hand why your hand on the poop i’m so confused isn’t it look cute though no a hand on a poop yeah no you you can’t put the fishing rod

Can’t even put a stick on the pool why why would you want free cigar proof i’m so confused right now because i want to decorate it like a snowman like i told you oh i like with arms and stuff yeah yeah yeah correct correct well now they’ll get me you know the

Fishing rod with carrots would look nice if i can put it there but it’s it’s i can’t do it i don’t know why something like this did you finish why do if you must share this embryonic i don’t know who are you into digimon i love you already i love digimon um

I love cigarettes i asked about hugs leon oh i see like a stick handy that’s so cute like a little hand and then you can do that to the other way though um one two three i asked luna if she could come over uh to friends to make like offline content

And stuff and she said no because she doesn’t like me she said yeah yeah i can you know we’re not doing that what do you what do you do what do we do what is yeah may i know what did you ask me i was like okay i’ll come victor let’s make

Coffee content and she was like no you know we’re not that close yet i don’t want to have anything to do with it definitely basic stuff that you would use as you’d say usually should i ask luna to be here because i didn’t know what really

Happened here oh it’s cute oh my god it’s cute now i started to work as [ __ ] snowman yeah the poop got a trident coming out of it no it’s a hand huh can can you make the poop wear like like a christmas christmas hat isn’t this already a christmas hat yeah

Maybe you can change the color let me see so red maybe red and white yeah red and white i’m gonna make the top one white hold on let’s go wait what time is it there oh what time is it it’s 12. it doesn’t really matter it’s weekend anyway oh that’s not white sorry

[Laughter] the red nosed poop tear has a very orange nose that’s pro proof all right bye bye everyone bye bye thank you passing by hello pancake is pancakey that’s a bloody poop huh ah now that if you have beauties higher i can add teeth on it no do you not have tea sure

Huh it’s gonna it’s gonna look cuter with uh oh sorry yeah the news is carrot this carrot is so cute yeah hey um where can i please if there’s a door in the middle do you have christmas already over no christmas is over when i say it’s over

I don’t want christmas to end i didn’t even get any gifts nice again would that would have been nice if you didn’t have uh luna’s face i’m sorry like let’s face it like actually giving you ptsd i can’t i can like just don’t look at my face something to you though

Just don’t look it’s still looking like every day is christmas even it’s okay yes it looks antique it does uh standing here i realize you’re just like me trying to make history my brain right now what uh hello mikasa ackerman is this the real mikasa aquarium i care man okay um

My connection was going in and out so what did i miss this time ah nothing much we’re still beating a poop someone ate a carrot and pooper carrot yes is that mikasa is that b me casa okay now peppa will be questioning that statement leon what looks like diglett

Your face looks like diglett don’t insult my poop uh my poop house hey i am mikasa hello where is eden what are you doing what are you doing to me the teeth is too coming out but it looks stupid right now right it’s cute it’s cute it’s cute cute it’s so so

Oh oh you know what wait i want to show you this i can i can build a dog doc you don’t like duck yeah yeah that’s pablo first we talk about the gemini pokemon well digimon is a bigger pokemon got that spongebob tooth exactly exactly i’m gonna build a beauty duck for you

A duck yeah yeah i’m gonna beat a dog a dog or a duck duck oh i’m gonna beat you with a dog right at the side of the pool i guess let me show you guys how to make a uh a uh how do you say this a plus ah

Take this and then you take like doors Again what what’s with all those climates evie come over come over oh my goodness that’s so cute how do you how do you learn to make it it’s a cute right oops oh no his head and you just destroy it i give it for you oops okay

Um it is um yellow glass yellow glass paint um some this is not the wrong it’s a wrong button you should use the black one it’s not a chicken it’s a dog it’s a good chicken i like it if you want it to be chicken it’s gonna

Be white i can make one for you white floss someone say try to make luna i somewhat feel like you would say like i am the thing i view is that’s true i would have said that see what’s that oh wait is that oh my god it looked like a stove here

What is this thing it’s a dispenser let’s yeah black one here wow wow it gives oh wait is it a dispenser it is it you should put it in there wow i know you’re not the dispenser then maybe it’s dropper than anything no it’s a dispenser that you need

Oh because it’s super hot with my shaders okay there you go so it takes this input oops a luna in a doggo form you don’t realize this is luna lula silver right yeah it is i forgot how to do it it’s fine let’s just forget about it

Oh what are you making ryan i don’t remember do you remember what you’re trying to do i’m going to timestamp to rewatch the archive like the other stream i haven’t gotten to timezone yet thank you for your effort wait that’s a duck there’s a dog and there’s a chicken with chicken

How can make you look more like a chicken can i add something on top of it coral i can’t add coral right anyway why is it kissing because i wanted to i even asked so cute if you want to make it more romantic you can have some you know candle um candlelight yes

Oh no i put too much i remember correctly it’s like something like this and then you should do this why isn’t it putting the other way what if we were chicken and our big touch kissed maybe two kids anyway what sorry maybe a drop ah flinch maybe i need a drop

Chip name of chicken and dog do you want to give them a name no you’re good at giving me a minute let’s call them oh dion yeah no baby what is this it’s on fire why i don’t know if i did why is it on fire that is annoying

I just try to light up the candle you have to hit the candles what is this oh what is this oh i’ve never seen this block before is it the new the new blocks i want to show you something you want to see you want to see

What if you were chickens in a big touchdown oh yeah oh my god wait look look at this yeah i’m looking what i want to burn the flood oh let’s destroy luna how do you want to destroy it is that a firework oops redstone repeater uh

Let’s destroy this is so hot a fire started yes that’s what i intended to do and he just destroyed he just he just put out all the fire i just want to say like huh look at this this how how how kitty it is right now between you and me and he just

Anyway hmm is that gonna burn oh my god is it gonna bone off this please please do nothing please don’t destroy the poop it’s too cute to be destroyed we can just put like gently here all right let’s see wow oh it is i thought it was just a flat

World it’s actually just a hmm it’s so deep the heck why is it so dip that’s what he said anyway incredible i remember i used to know how to do stuff yes i forgot what you want to do here i wanted to make like a casino thing

And i remember i i remember i found a way to make it so that you can you could have like randomized stuff i guess i don’t know how to make it okay let’s uh fix this before uh luna comes back why are you trying to fix this

The new update goes to y minus 64. i set it up to be deep the classic flat is boring nice um digging down help me okay i mean you can just leave it like that i guess it actually doesn’t matter i can just go here get me see

All right all right i’ll help you guys oh nice oh very nice oops okay i think you didn’t see it so you didn’t see that guys if you just feel like the surface if she ever dig it down she’s gonna fall exactly it’s very good for right away

Which is why we’re doing this hello there hello a coral p reef kit oh hello i didn’t see that yeah don’t yeah i will only do this so thanks though you have grass asymmetry today oh wait i think ceo is waiting for me because i have a meeting

You have a meeting yeah with ceo yeah i’m gonna pitch my thing uh my secret project oh there you go yeah i’m probably making him wait very waiting for me to end my stream i forgot about that yes [Laughter] did he forget anything again no it’s not that i forgot

I had it in a like my mind like i had like like you know i had it like i knew i had i had something i just didn’t know what it was so technically i didn’t forget are you gonna change the the great work you’re saying that you’re dealing with the secret thing

Very secret thing yeah looking good foreign uh it’s not my fault i’m just a bad employee never never um when you say this never uh uh employ me hmm second or third really what you forgot that much of me oh yeah i think it’s my third right now because i i forgot two

Meetings with the sun while he was waiting for me and uh you can just oh yeah i forgot about that we can just do this like slash feel And then space and then leon’s flame i can’t you can’t unknown or incomplete command like this did i type it wrongly slash op rayon oh there’s a star in front of it are we rescheduling this sun i was gonna end are we scheduling huh yeah like this wait

Why why is it not working because no no no lose lose the the star oh there you go oh yeah you can do something like this so if you go here okay so here i’m gonna point here and then this i’m gonna go here okay can you see me

Where are you and then i could feel um here and then here oops and then there you go see that’s what you can do so you can feel stuff like this sun hello tison died my manager i mean even if tison not dead yet i guess popeye’s gonna be bad he sleeps yeah

Your game mode has been updated to survival mode why why did you make it survival mode hello you know what yeah um roofie time out timeout no please i beg you i beg you i pick she want to come back no i paid yeah why why why did i do what

What do you mean what’d i do [Laughter] no no no no no she doesn’t have to say them enough it’s fine we’re fine right okay fine can she like check dms i can’t i’m working it’s very hard work but this is really cute though let me try to build something in the poop

The poop is looking so cute you’re talented they call me the poop builder oh what’s what’s this where am i what okay let’s just stay here um why why why would you even hmm no because i’m working that’s why i can’t oh let me see why would you place me in here hello

Divi hello okay yeah okay oh my god we’re gonna play your game what you can do that voice yeah you don’t know so have you seen so what have you seen so have you seen so like the movie so oh the saw yeah so yeah so we’re gonna play a game um

You is below you is love the only way you can get out all right it’s like going through the lava going through the lava yes yes do you realize i don’t even anything with me i’m gonna die goodbye world so we saw every so all of them

Yeah i can’t survive yes actually you can’t survive wait let me teach can you can you try to send me back in there all right let me let me know if you want like a secret base let me show you something please i’m sorry wait let me um hey let me show you

What is this thing oh this is my grief fine this here there you go this here there you go something like this okay then you can find it oops no i’m i’m here i’m in here oops here here and here you can put water here this is pretty

Basic this is pretty basic stuff pretty much i think everyone in chat should know about it but since you haven’t played for a long time and then you can hello i’m just thinking yeah you know if you put it here it doesn’t go here i can go here so what you can do

Okay is put another layer here oops here here okay and then put lava here okay why would you put lava oops oh oh i’m on fire this is making a trap no no it is a secret base so you make a secret base like the most basic secret place and then when you’re

Um ah is it is it that one that you when you i’m going to lava i don’t die yeah oh you know you know about that one yeah but i don’t know how to build that move move luffy is hot now what do you mean i’m

Hot all the time no just don’t look at just don’t look at luna’s face then i’m hot exactly oh my god yeah and then now if you uh break this i thought i fall oh my oh okay they survived and that’s the most basic like keep this here

Like when i’m bored i can just go over and over again you have a very uh it’s very easy to please you hey i’m bored let’s let’s go down the lava okay okay there’s another one a bit more complicated if your voice is so sexy but

When i see let’s face it anymore exactly that’s what i feel that was the obvious voice And that there’s like a more sophisticated double check is it because you’re a moderator right now i can’t even go up oh sorry there you go thank you for the regime and you got oh what oh my god okay please i all right okay another one is a bit a little bit more

Complicated so um yeah i mean i i tried i tried this one i don’t know i don’t know if many people know of this but it’s pretty pretty fun either way Oh wait i know something i know something you can’t you can view what is that thing called again oh do you really not wanna do you really gonna reschedule your meeting yeah yeah because i went to sleep oh okay sure you did um i learned something the other day

I know something where is it again where where is the load um yeah luna didn’t note on doing that thing but i don’t remember where she wrote it oh here it is here it is and emerald does that play this thing yeah it looks super nice it does but i’m confused as to

Why we do anything with emeralds let’s also want to sleep yeah i mean it’s getting it’s getting like getting late yeah yeah what time is it there it’s like pretty early it’s like pretty early so this is a basic thing like i did it really quickly i’m going now bye-bye

Mikasa thank you for see bye a pretty basic thing where are you oh hold on hold on um oh my god oh oh my right okay okay around here okay so not enough of people know this but you can uh when um the the ancient enchantment table i’m talking to chat too

Is actually and like there’s an empty space in like it’s actually like a semi block which means that if you can put something in it so if i put this in it it opens wow but basically it can like you can use like uh those things that are called hoppers and uh

Get the item from underneath it just automatically will be there yeah and then did i just destroy something yeah you did this is the basic one but after that you should like put like uh stuff like like this i want to try to try oh what’s this

Okay so i just put whatever i want in the middle hey put like whatever you want in the middle so i chew it in no because you have to have a hopper uh yeah because the hopper yeah this thing so the hopper here this one oh okay okay catches the item

Redstone genius yes yes son oh yes and it’s been a while i see i see that you’ve changed your profile picture how do you put a walker on it uh you just put the hopper behind it below it basically oh below it okay hi um it’s not new nights it’s it’s roofie

It’s easy only especially here because we can ask for it yes i did yeah i don’t want to if yes hi everyone so why are you laughing at me mia navi don’t do that i mean i i may sound smarter but we share the same brain i i can’t i can’t help with

That does that say what thing um that’s leading to somewhere what this thing is how are you doing and then now look like i’m sorry so this is pretty basic right now come here so this is completely hidden right and if i put something like uh click here the display here

So if i put like this block here so if i put something in here and this book disappears and then uh if you do it well then you can have two blocks and if you have two blocks then um it can be a door and then you can like have a secret

Passage somewhere gets the item and then it puts it into the last thing and this is a comparator and the comparator takes input from uh storage and makes it as an output to this repeater here that amplifies it and repeats the signal and the signals here with this inverse it

Closes this torch that’s usually uh light up lit up and it starts to split up here usually it leads up this wire here this resonator here that goes here and then this one here um power is this thing which is a piston piston i want to try this yeah it’s

Pretty simple after that it’s like basic uh basic basic uh stone uh basic uh doors basic doors you can find those on in the internet on internet after that it’s like basically just building a door um three by three door every door you want just build a door

And it should work pretty pretty pretty okay um that’s pretty fun to make and if you’re too lazy i understand like 50 percent too complicated who would you breathe yes every time um when luna is with virion you can see the difference in brain it seems good with me it’s just a scene

A nice video a surprise it can be surprising this morning nothing never okay sometimes wait if you’re saying this i’m getting luna out um okay poof king that’s me huh what what do you say i’m smile what do you say i’m good at tell me tell me tell me

Kitty hello thank you for watching this stream oh that was nice oh it’s been three hours and 30 minutes actually so thank you guys for watching um let’s find uh today one no i mean tell me Well that was fun that was fun i was pretty i don’t even notice but i was pretty tired this whole stream i hope it was still kind of entertaining but uh thank you guys for watching was it was fun um i tried my best to um be somewhat useful but

Oh wait oh my god guys oh it guys i found something do you do you remember this wait wait do you remember this oh my god it’s been a while um i don’t know if there’s any ogs here but um You guys remember this for those i don’t know what this is this was like uh my second voice teaser um it’s on twitter we um before our debut um we made voice teasers and this this was my second voice dessert and i found it like on my in my files in my folders

While um looking through looking through them um yeah yeah i got it Bringing back memories bringing actually brings back memories my god Anyways bye Me Well wait before we go i just wanna i’m proud of this before we go look at this i trapped her she’ll never know how to get out like she’ll try to go up and then anyway sorry um goodbye it’s just it’s just fun i’m a funny guy okay

Don’t forget to subscribe and don’t forget to leave a comment and like the video too oh [ __ ] she’s in the she’s in the chat oh wait i mean uh Me Uh yeah uh i think i i did i say don’t forget to subscribe don’t forget to leave a like and don’t forget to leave a comment um actually let’s do something for for all the for all the ogs that stay here for all the for all the real viewers that i say here

How about you leave a comment and you try to guess what it is what what what this big project is and if you guessed correctly like precisely correctly then ah let me think about it then you might be able to participate in this big project i’m not going to say anymore but you

Might be able to participate in the project just leave leave in the comments what you think the project is okay bye bye i love you guys Now i said might but it’s a figure of pitch you will eventually uh bye-bye might because i also have to ask ceo but he’ll probably say yes because he said he said yes to ladies and by calling other people and like doing other stuff with people so it should be fine with me

Doing some stuff with viewers like if it’s like a one-time thing yeah yeah Me So Sleep well

This video, titled ‘【 Minecraft 】death and no fps【 MyHolo TV 】’, was uploaded by Virion Kisei Ch. 寄星 ビリオン【MyHolo TV】 on 2022-01-14 17:09:36. It has garnered 1639 views and 135 likes. The duration of the video is 03:43:15 or 13395 seconds.

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Hi Virion Kisei (or Rion), slime vtuber of MonstarZ from Myholo TV here, thanks for watching ! English / French is OK, I’m still relearning Korean so please bare with me !

Some rules to follow :

1. Be nice and patient to other viewers. 2. If you see spam or trolling, don’t respond. Just block, report, and ignore. 3. Don’t talk about me or my stream in other streamers’ chat wihtout their permission.

Bonjuuur ! Merci de regarder mon streaaam ! Anglais / Français OK, Je suis encore en train de réapprendre le coréen donc soyez patient avec moi haha !

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🎵 【Hashtag】 🎵 Game : #minecraft Live : #Ri_ON Meme/Art : #RionGallery FanName : #Slives

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⚡ MonstarZ ⚡

▼Liliana Vampaia▼ Youtube: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCHz3PeU1RRcY9vJDSqsigIA Twitter: https://twitter.com/lilianavampaia

▼Athelia Hiroyuki▼ Youtube: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCptFEtQFy6u0_hReq9i8DCQ Twitter: https://twitter.com/AtheliaHiroyuki

▼Lunaris Urufi▼ Youtube: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCf5X1k-R3Vk-2OYYKraJ7dQ Twitter: https://twitter.com/LunarisUrufi

▼HØRI 07▼ Youtube: https://www.youtube.com/c/HRI07 Twitter: https://twitter.com/HO07RI

【Official MyHolo TV】 Website: https://www.myholotv.com/ Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/myholotv/ Twitter: https://twitter.com/myholotv

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💧 【Credits】💧

Character Design Artist : URASHIMA (https://twitter.com/URASHIMA_ZZZ) Live2D : @Momoiro Kohi Ch. 桃色こひ Overlay/design : @HSaraiyoh

使用BGM □DOVA-SYNDROME   HP:https://dova-s.jp/ License : https://dova-s.jp/_contents/license/

Start BGM : いちごショートケーキ @ フリーBGM DOVA-SYNDROME  [楽曲詳細情報・ダウンロード / information&download]  https://dova-s.jp/bgm/play14824.html  [作曲者情報 / Composer]  https://dova-s.jp/_contents/author/profile278.html

General BGM : いつものカフェで待ち合わせ @ フリーBGM DOVA-SYNDROME  [楽曲詳細情報・ダウンロード / information&download]  https://dova-s.jp/bgm/play15177.html  [作曲者情報 / Composer]  https://dova-s.jp/_contents/author/profile287.html

Ending BGM : Rainy Blue @ フリーBGM DOVA-SYNDROME  [楽曲詳細情報・フリー(mp3)ダウンロード / information & free(mp3) download]  https://dova-s.jp/bgm/play14778.html  [作曲者情報 / Composer]  https://dova-s.jp/_contents/author/profile164.html

RPS BGM : ちょっとトボける @ フリーBGM DOVA-SYNDROME OFFICIAL [楽曲詳細情報・フリー(mp3)ダウンロード / information & free(mp3) download]  https://dova-s.jp/bgm/play15317.html [作曲者情報 / Composer] https://dova-s.jp/_contents/author/profile036.html #Vtuber #ENVtuber #VTubeStudio

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  • Dronio’s EPIC Minecraft English Lessons! Sign up NOW

    Dronio's EPIC Minecraft English Lessons! Sign up NOWVideo Information This video, titled ‘Изучаем Английский с Дронио и Майнкрафт Запишитесь на бесплатное пробное занятие по ссылке’, was uploaded by Дронио on 2024-01-17 21:45:00. It has garnered 747 views and 83 likes. The duration of the video is 00:00:33 or 33 seconds. “Learn English with Minecraft Sign up for a free trial lesson at the link” #shorts #minecraft #майнкрафт Sign up for a free trial English lesson in Minecraft with your parents, here is the link: ➜ https://clck.ru/37cpim Our social network https://dronio24.com ➜ https://dronio24.com SUBSCRIPTION MOTION GRAPHICS FOR VIDEO DESIGN ➜ https://clck.ru/37hFR8 Digital Art Monetization https://displate.com/acr/wine-empire?art=5b9d0b5248011 DOWNLOAD THIS VIDEO… Read More

  • Ultimate Minecraft Brick House: Insane Build Hacks by Rafli Nagara17

    Ultimate Minecraft Brick House: Insane Build Hacks by Rafli Nagara17Video Information This video, titled ‘Selesaikan Rumah Bata Minecraft Survival’, was uploaded by Rafli Nagara17 on 2024-06-02 14:36:27. It has garnered 7957 views and 147 likes. The duration of the video is 02:13:17 or 7997 seconds. Join Membersip Nase : https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCCu11GsbDeSftT5b1AqL7rw/join skin minecraft: https://drive.google.com/file/d/1_UHQ06CBhlsT7icJ7zs0ca53xxPb1LoJ/view?usp=sharing Donate saweria: https://saweria.co/RafliNagaraa17 socialBuzz : https://sociabuzz.com/rafli-adytian_-/donate cara register minecraft: https://youtu.be/x5NNMS9b8kA Social media🌎 Subscribe : https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCCu11GsbDeSftT5b1AqL7rw instagram : https://www.instagram.com/rafli_nagara17/ tik tok : https://www.tiktok.com/@raflinagara17 Discord : https://discord.gg/wRan8ZxpPK Nightdbot !discord !ig !donate !info !kodiam !mentionname hi hello Minecraft Survival Playlist: https://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PLM5DczGW60oIaCzJmajQz7zr7f4mRcXc5 Medieval Music – Cobblestone Village https://youtu.be/PlPZAHsGqOg?si=poiAN5XphqRC_nBn 🎞T a g Minecraft survival series indonesia Minecraft map showcase indonesia Minecraft… Read More

  • Beefton’s Insane Hive Livestream | Join Now!

    Beefton's Insane Hive Livestream | Join Now!Video Information This video, titled ‘The Hive Live | Playing With Viewers | Open Parties | Minecraft’, was uploaded by Beefton on 2024-07-03 10:26:04. It has garnered 62 views and 5 likes. The duration of the video is 01:48:10 or 6490 seconds. hi i uh i uh yeah tags VVVV #hivelive #live #minecraftlive #hivelive #hivebedrock #mcpe #minecraftpe #minecraftbedrock #hivebedrock #mcpelive #hivepvp #minecraftpvp #hivepvp hive pack folder,pack folder mcpe,cranexe pack folder,minecraft hive pack folder,mcpe pack folder,hive pack folder 16x,hive pack folder mcpe,best the hive texture packs,hive texture pack,pack folder hive,levitating,hive montage,pack folder,pvp texture pack mcpe,best pvp texture pack bedrock,best pvp texture… Read More

  • Shad LOCKED ON ANIME FIGHTER in Minecraft!

    Shad LOCKED ON ANIME FIGHTER in Minecraft!Video Information This video, titled ‘LOCKED ON ONE ANIME FIGHTER FANGIRL ONLY CHUNK as a NINJA in Minecraft!’, was uploaded by Shad on 2024-04-28 17:00:19. It has garnered 88571 views and 1260 likes. The duration of the video is 00:21:34 or 1294 seconds. Today, Shad is LOCKED ON ONE ANIME FANGIRL ONLY CHUNK as a NINJA in Minecraft!! Will Shad be able to take out the anime fighter fangirls? Watch to find out! This video was inspired by Cash Nico Maizen Kory Koryin Omz Dash AyoDenTV Aphmau Friend Wally Techycraft Andycraft Noah & more! #minecraft #minecraftmods #Shad Read More

  • UNBELIEVABLE: Starting A World in Minecraft

    UNBELIEVABLE: Starting A World in MinecraftVideo Information This video, titled ‘Starting A New World | Minecraft’, was uploaded by VensHandle on 2024-03-05 12:44:42. It has garnered views and [vid_likes] likes. The duration of the video is or seconds. The Discord: https://discord.gg/bq7D23bdES Twitter: venhandle TikTok: VensHandle Cashapp: VensHandle (Cat PFP) … Read More

  • The Lush Sanctuary

    The Lush SanctuaryThe Lush Sanctuary supports older versions and newer versions of minecraft with crossplay enabled. our server supports lgbtq+ community play.thelushsanctuary.com Read More

  • Trading Post Modded Whitelist

    ABOUT THE TRADING POST Originally launched in September of 2022, The Trading Post was created to coincide with Kevin’s new online persona of “The Wandering Trader.” The Minecraft server aims to bring together a community of builders, redstoners, and more. It is open to the public but still maintains a close-knit feel from Kevin’s streaming origins. Come join us at www.thetradingpost.live! Read More

  • All The Mods 9 To The Skys 1.0.7

    Want to join a consistently updated modded Minecraft server with no whitelist? Look no further than the All the Mods 9 to the Sky server! We have a great community of players, and we’re always looking for more people to join us. Come play and enjoy your time! Read More

  • Minecraft Memes – Undertale meets Minecraft madness

    Minecraft Memes - Undertale meets Minecraft madnessIf Undertale had Minecraft logic, breaking blocks would only anger the villagers and cause them to attack you with flowers instead of swords. Read More

  • Breaking News: x59 Glam Fails on Minewind

    Breaking News: x59 Glam Fails on MinewindVideo Information This video, titled ‘/glam STILL doesn’t work on minewind.’, was uploaded by x59 on 2024-07-06 09:27:38. It has garnered 6 views and 0 likes. The duration of the video is 00:00:15 or 15 seconds. Fix it already please Read More

  • Crafting Chaos: Day 44 of Wood Challenge Madness

    Crafting Chaos: Day 44 of Wood Challenge Madness In the world of Minecraft, day 44 is here, Wood challenge 365, no need for fear. The seed is 5723307720831805568, Join the channel, become a creator’s mate. In the Irish lands, prophecies unfold, Enigmatic characters, stories untold. Greetings to TikTok, @kazzu_026, @tomas_deja_de_leerelmapa, let the rhymes mix. On Twitch and TikTok, the Irish gamer shines, Crafting Minecraft news with rhymes that align. Join the Discord, join the fun, In the world of gaming, we’ve only just begun. Read More

  • Minecraft Meme: Spicy Edition 🔥

    Minecraft Meme: Spicy Edition 🔥 “Why did the creeper break up with his girlfriend? Because she couldn’t handle his explosive personality!” #minecraftmeme #relationshipdrama 😂🎮 Read More

  • Minecraft Prank: Morphing Mod Madness

    Minecraft Prank: Morphing Mod Madness Minecraft Speedrun Race with a Twist! Jet and his friend Fred are gearing up for an epic Minecraft Speedrun Race. Little does Fred know, Jet has a sneaky plan up his sleeve – he’s using the Morphing Mod to gain an advantage! The Morphing Mod: A Game-Changer The Morphing Mod in Minecraft allows players to transform into different creatures, giving them unique abilities and advantages. Jet’s decision to use this mod adds an exciting twist to the traditional speedrun race. Will Fred Discover Jet’s Secret? As the race progresses, Fred starts to notice Jet’s unusual behavior and suspects that… Read More

  • Minecraft’s Epic Amusement Park Build

    Minecraft's Epic Amusement Park Build The Deadliest Ferris Wheel in Minecraft Building a Deadly Carnival In the world of Minecraft, where creativity knows no bounds, one player decided to take things up a notch by creating the deadliest Ferris wheel ever seen. The goal? To challenge server mates to ride for their lives or face certain death. Creating the Ferris Wheel The player, armed with a vision and a knack for redstone contraptions, set out to build a fully automated Ferris wheel. By utilizing flying machine technology, inspired by Il mango’s design, they were able to construct a working Ferris wheel that players could… Read More

  • Terrifying Minecraft Prank on Friend! (Tagalog)

    Terrifying Minecraft Prank on Friend! (Tagalog)Video Information This video, titled ‘Using Scary Builds to fool My Friend in Minecraft! (Tagalog)’, was uploaded by CeeGeeGaming on 2024-06-13 10:02:03. It has garnered 61551 views and 1931 likes. The duration of the video is 00:31:15 or 1875 seconds. MINECRAFT:Using Scary Builds to fool My Friend in Minecraft! (Tagalog) Today, Yasi informed CeeGee about the controversial Dump site that has been talk of the town lately because of the fear it may contaminate the water system and may cause the spreading or viruses and toxins among the nearby villages. Since based on the forecast, there will be an expected… Read More

  • Prison Escape Challenge: NOOB vs PRO feat. Maizen & Mikey

    Prison Escape Challenge: NOOB vs PRO feat. Maizen & MikeyVideo Information This video, titled ‘NOOB vs PRO: Prison Escape Challenge in Minecraft – Maizen’, was uploaded by Maizen & Mikey | Friends on 2024-05-28 07:50:40. It has garnered views and [vid_likes] likes. The duration of the video is or seconds. We have a competition again! Today we will find out which of us is the better prison builder! After construction, we have a … Read More

  • Bowser’s Car in Minecraft?!! | NICO2DSCRAFT Shorts

    Bowser's Car in Minecraft?!! | NICO2DSCRAFT ShortsVideo Information 我的车不再有用了。你对他做了什么? 我只在上面放了一点熔岩,但 你为什么要这么做呢?因为它看起来 很漂亮。你疯了。就像我的 车加了熔岩后看起来会更好一样。 This video, titled ‘EL CARRO DE BOWSER PERO EN MINECRAFT | Shorts’, was uploaded by NICO2DSCRAFT on 2024-06-06 20:30:01. It has garnered 10794 views and 411 likes. The duration of the video is 00:00:11 or 11 seconds. EL CARRO DE BOWSER PERO EN MINECRAFT | Shorts #minecraft #minecraftjavaedition #minecraftbedrock #nico2ds #Nico2dscraft Read More

  • 🔥ULTIMATE Nether Minecraft conquest!🔥

    🔥ULTIMATE Nether Minecraft conquest!🔥Video Information huh [Music] [Music] okay oh no [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] no yeah This video, titled ‘Conquering the Nether dimension in Minecraft #shorts’, was uploaded by 👇TAP THE LINK👇 on 2024-03-13 05:41:12. It has garnered 0 views and 0 likes. The duration of the video is 00:01:01 or 61 seconds. Read More


    🤑 SENORGIRAFFE: INSANE QUICK RICHES SOTW (OP) 🤑Video Information yo what is up guys my name is Senor giraffe and we are here again for a brand new prison series on giraffe. lucky. net now this is the third season on minlucky and they have added quite a few things one of the biggest things is payout so I know a lot of you guys when you grinded did want to possibly get rewarded and they’ve added that if we type SL lb or leaderboards you will see they have highest ranks top blocks mind top tokens top gems top rubies all this stuff right here and… Read More

【  Minecraft  】death and no fps【 MyHolo TV 】