Video Information

Day But you won’t ever let it go Give it away Years You then you were there When you knew that you would Faster and faster Faster and faster Up there yet this time it goes faster and faster This time my mind went It goes faster and faster It goes faster and faster [Applause] uh test test test okay that’s weird i don’t know why i didn’t really show my voice uh okay hi guys hi everybody Yo what’s up guys oh my god you know i’m uh oh before we get into it hold on wait i think i don’t know if there was like a prediction for it also thank you for the level 5 hype train thank you so much for all the love and support guys thanks for

Level five thank you thank you um i am wearing socks today yeah if anybody was wondering i’m wearing socks right now so yeah that’s the uh that’s what it that’s what it’d be that’s will be for today yeah hi guys good morning or uh good evening wherever you are right now

I missed you you know sorry about uh all the stuff yesterday but um yeah so today is a lot it’s going to be more of a just shelter chills out relaxes and talks and vibes out with the uh the guilty stay i don’t really want to uh you know use my throat

Too much or like i don’t i don’t want to like scream too much is the thing and i doubt we will since uh i decided to restrict myself to creative mode and we’re going to be doing some building i’m just gonna relax follow some build videos and then

We can just uh talk about some stuff do some q a maybe and then uh maybe i’ll sing a few songs along the way too if i feel like it so yeah today’s meant to just be a very uh laid back type of morning so nothing too

Much going on and i hope you uh don’t mind that and some it’s not every day like you know not every day that i want to scream and cry and like mold over like you know every little thing so yeah just a good vibe say only only good

Vibes not to say like my throat is badge or like not to say like my throat is uh hurting or anything like that it’s not it’s not i just wanted to um you know have a relaxing stream more than anything today since uh i don’t know i haven’t played minecraft

In a little bit and uh i didn’t really feel like adventuring too much since i’ve already done a lot so i thought you know what might as well do some building but building is so limiting when you don’t have all the materials but that’s why i uh like doing it in creative mode

And i don’t really have the brain cells right now to uh think about i really think about um what i want to build so that’s why i’m gonna be following some uh build videos today and just trying to sit back and see what see what happens i don’t know

I’m i’ve found a few things i want to try building and uh just adding to the uh the village that um i made so yeah good morning good morning guys yo yo yo what’s up hi everybody welcome i hope you don’t hear the uh what’s it there’s a

Lawnmower outside and that’s my neighbor he’s he’s mowing the lawn again so uh yeah i hope it’s not too out of the way or like two in your face also thank you for all the resubs and all the new subs recently guys thank you so much thank you thank you

On this is the subs goal say out of a hundred okay good do i keep having to check it just in case like i keep thinking it doesn’t say out of 100 but it does say out of 100 today cool cool okay uh also um there’s people that gave me

Donors before the stream uh thank you for the big donald um uwq thank you for the donor too and charlie thank you for the tunnel as uh well if you are tired just take a break i will take a break soon um for people that don’t know i’m gonna be going on vacation

A few days um starting on saturday so uh after the stream on tomorrow i’m gonna be uh away from away from home for a little bit so because i haven’t really taken a proper vacation in a while haven’t i thought about them like when was the last time i

Took a proper break right and you know here’s the thing when it comes to streaming is that when you’re a content creator you essentially um are working almost all the time whether that be like by uh coordinating with other projects and talking with people and you know

Signing contracts or deals or like uh you know thinking about stuff to do the next day and thinking about what to do for other platforms so it’s uh it’s a lot busier than some people might think but i still love it a lot it’s a lot of

Fun i never want to make it feel like a job right and to be fair it still hasn’t felt like a job more than something i’m very passionate about so that’s a good thing right i want to i want that feeling to last as

Long as i can but back to what i was talking about um i dude what was i talking about oh my god i just lost my train of thought dude it’s like 9am i just woke up like not too long ago what was i talking about again vacation oh yeah right

So like yeah um i don’t know when the last time i took a proper break was because like i’m usually always in work mode right people that know me like especially my friends know like i’m a i have a bad case of workaholicism or whatever it is

So it’s hard for me to like put down like like put away emails and messages and like you know to just do a little bit of work because it’s like if you want to uh get into my brain a little bit it’s like okay i do uh i do what

The stream one day and then after that you might think i relax all day but no it’s kind of like i do want to relax but then i end up responding to like other messages coordinating with projects and stuff and then it just leads to more of

That and it’s just like you know you’re juggling this and that and this and that and this and that so i just really want to uh i just really want to take some time and go somewhere else like get out of my uh get out my hometown and uh do something that

I want to do with my friends which is just not look at uh you know not stream for a bit and focus on myself and focus on you know what’s it enjoying my time away from the computer and i will miss you guys a lot like i

Really love the guildies so much like dude i am definitely gonna miss everybody while i’m gone for a bit and uh the thing is i’m only gonna be gone for about how many days i’m gonna be gone until uh the sixth which is tuesday so i’ll be back on like wednesday maybe

I’ll be back on tuesday who knows but yeah it’s gonna be labor day weekend for the people in uh the us so i don’t know if labor day is also outside the us but yeah so it’s gonna be like three or four day break which not might seem like a lot to you

Guys but it is actually quite a lot for somebody like me usually only one day of rest gets to get to me like a good recharge so uh i don’t know how like three days the rest is gonna do it’s gonna like be really nice to uh take that time off

Only four days a lot of people said that yeah they’re like what shelter you’re only going i thought you’re gonna do it for a week i’m like nope i kind of just want to relax for i don’t know about four days and then i’ll be back uh on the grind yeah

Because i gotta prepare for our uh our year anniversary we have um you know we’re going to be celebrating our vtuber anniversary on october 2nd and i want to do something cool for that so i want to do a pancake cartoon for that i think yeah

I think that’d be kind of fun right have a little celebration do some uh hang out with the guildies and like draw some i don’t know maybe i like i could like draw um you guys and like some of my friends too but pnk cart yeah that’d be really nice all right

And cam street yep with the camera with the camera so that’ll probably be on the second of october i think that’d be a nice idea to you know just have a nice celebration doing something kind of silly right and i’ve never done pancake art before

So it’s going to be my first time uh ever doing something like that i’m talking for a lot let me switch over to minecraft So uh yeah i haven’t really gotten the chance to do much in minecraft in a little while oh wait i’m set uh sunset what does it look like at sunset yeah it looks a little bit prettier but um was i talking about i wanted to uh Wait i have shaders on right these are shaders right i have shaders on okay cool for some reason i wasn’t like uh i wasn’t used to this for some i don’t know like yeah these are shaders okay cool but i wanted to take a vacation so i can just

Not think about doing work for a little bit and hopefully when i come back i’ll feel a lot more refreshed and energized Oh my god my cats are going at it again like my minecraft cats i mean i don’t have uh i don’t have cats in my actual house i wish i did but yeah maybe one day my mom will let me get a cat or like when i

Move out and i’ll eventually like have enough to uh you know on some on some cats and take care of them properly very pretty yeah this is my this is my little village to be fair i did follow a lot of build videos and like take inspiration from other people too so

It’s not it’s not all original it’s derivative but i still think like i try to make it look as pretty as possible all the torches around the place are just to like you know hide or like deal with the fact that there are monsters like mobs constantly

Spawning so yeah that’s why you see a lot of torches everywhere So yeah um i don’t know what i’m gonna build first also oh yeah i want to talk about this but uh i have i put i have a new uh i have a new skin somebody on twitter um made me a new uh skin for a shopko to have it like updated to

My current uh new outfit i think it’s kind of cute so yeah i don’t have my i have i’m barefoot though so i mean that’s another thing but those [ __ ] barefoot in this saw in the skin yeah feet he’s got feet out he’s got his feet he’s out show toes the show toes

Only a real adventurer would know but yeah i mean it doesn’t matter too much since i’m in creative mode right also sorry about like if my voice sounds a little bit rough right now since i did just wake up recently so it’s kind of like ah

I don’t i don’t like it sounding like that all the time because you know i just woke up man this is gotta get it warmed up a little bit i didn’t get a chance to do any of my vocal warm-ups yet so i’m still kind of

Waking up and my my throat is still kind of waking up right now too so yeah it’s gonna be a little bit sorry if it bothers anybody i don’t know what i’m gonna build first um let me look up a build video actually and see what i can build for uh

The server today i think i might uh i might do that water house i saw earlier so i didn’t want to say like i’m very happy by the fact that uh i managed to what’s it me and a friend managed to uh fix a few issues

With the uh the computer so for people that don’t know i had i was ha i had a uh quite a few problems when it came to uh my computer right like yesterday you could tell how uh laggy it was and it wasn’t fun to uh deal with but i mean

We kind of got by it because of how like what’s the word because of how i had the contents of the stream we were drunk as hell yeah i was a drunk boy yesterday and um it didn’t really uh bother other people too much which was nice yeah it was it

Was really nice so hold on give me a second but um what i ended up doing for people that are wondering like what happened is that yesterday was uh we had some massive lag problems concerning like my computer right and uh we had no idea what the problem was

Might have been a hardware shoe but here’s the thing i reinstalled i reinstalled windows 10 and all the problems seem to have uh gone away like yeah all the problems were gone i don’t think i need this right now and everything worked properly like everything started started working properly

After i uh reinstalled it so i’m very happy about that there’s no lag onto your stream right you don’t notice any lag right everything’s okay like i’m moving fluidly i’m moving fine you can tell like i’m uh i’m a taijobi is yeah nice so yeah i uh

I’m very happy we figured that out because it was wearing me to like no end the entire time i completely thought that it was going to be scuffed forever and there’s no way to like is the block noise and loud enough by the way i want to make it so like you

Guys can hear the block noises yeah okay that sounds cool are you a furry wow what a bold question from the start uh i mean i respect it the the culture i mean just because i have dog ears does not mean i’m a furry right

Like you can have dog ears you can have cat ears you can have uh your ears or bare ears and not be a furry right but i mean like you can be a furry and also like have like nekomimi ears right so it’s not mutually exclusive it can be like you know

One or the other or you can be both so i don’t think it means are you you’re our dog i’m not a dog one two three four five six seven eight nine ten 13. i wonder if this is big enough actually hold on one two three

One two three four five six seven eight nine 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 9 30 31 32 33 34 35 getting too close oh yeah that might be a little too close uh If i move it out a little bit more i don’t want it to be too close to the uh to the tory gate though that’s a thing like this much out i don’t know like i wanted to be out of the out into the water a little bit more okay and so

It’ll be a lot better you know what you guys know what my favorite vlog noises are it’s like the amethyst and the bone block like those are like they sound so nice when you break them It sounds so like satisfying when you uh when you break them like they did a really good job with making the uh the block sound effects really mesmerizing if that makes any sense um for selling the blocks okay so this one should be thirteen one two three four five six

Seven eight nine ten eleven twelve thirteen one two one two three one two three four four is it four one two three four one two three four one two three four five six seven eight nine ten eleven twelve thirteen fourteen fifteen sixteen seventeen eighteen nineteen twenty

And one twenty two twenty 2 3 24 25 26 78 9 30 31 32 33 34 35 okay that feels a lot better i think cool one two three one two three four five six seven eight nine ten one solve for 13. okay looking good yeah we’re counting we’re

Counting quite a bit right bruh all right by the way um yeah since it’s gonna be a q a stream i want to warm up like maybe i’ll do some singing after like an hour or something if i feel like it but like right now yeah i’m just building answering some questions

You guys have any uh have any questions yeah you wanna see my tadpoles where are they where are my tadpoles actually they turn into frogs yeah and i just like leash them that they can stay here at breakfast yeah yeah i did i had a uh i had a sandwich

I had a breakfast sandwich Yeah doing well since i’ve uh taken care of or you guys have seen the frogs right how long my vacation be um like i said only about uh three to four days about four days yeah do i do skincare of course i do yeah i love skincare a lot dude i

Feel like i take i’m very big on like skin health and like just taking care of yourself right there’s like you guys want to know something because i i don’t i’m not afraid to be open about this but dude my like self-hygiene routine when i was younger used to be so bad like

I remember when i was like what back in middle school or something like that i did not take proper care of my body like um like say joke about it all you want but uh i used to like take a shower like maybe once every other day

Right which is okay but like sometimes those showers would just be me washing my hair right and that’s it like just flopping my head under the shout onto the water and just like washing my hair right cause like here’s the thing i didn’t have a uh i didn’t have

Time when i was younger to like because i always woke up at like 6 a.m for school right and uh waking up that early in the morning like having little time to like eat breakfast and getting to the bus and stuff i’m just like i sacrifice my time

In the shower just gotta rush right and maximize the amount of time i sleep because like back then i used to stay up really late to hang out with my friends from uh from online right i used to have a lot of online friends uh i mean i still do

What am i talking about but um shelbal didn’t have many uh didn’t have many school friends at the time because uh i moved to a new school right i was like i moved from what catholic school to uh i moved from catholic school to like a

Public school and far away from like my old school so doing that i lost all of like my other friends and like i had to make new friends and it’s hard to make new friends but they were they’re all really nice eventually i did like when

We got to high school but it was like i got to uh public school or did the transfer when i was going from seventh grade to eighth grade so uh yeah it was hard but uh eventually like i had some pretty cool people that i could call like my friends back then They’re really nice yeah all them were really nice i think like uh so like i said my hygiene routine used to be not as good i did brush my teeth often which was like good but um ever since then like i did realize like oh my god why do

I have all these pimples and stuff right because i’m trouble i used to have like you know acne and stuff like i feel like every kid did or almost every kid did but then eventually like i took a lot better care of my skin like much more like cognizant of like showering and

Like bathing myself like of course that was like what only a few years after right and like for for the past few years like it’s been the same schedule like i do skin care i like to uh you know i’m very big on it i use my cleansers i use my

Exfoliators chemical exfoliators and toners i have some like hydrating serums i use sometimes but not all the time it’s more like to help like my skin maintain moisture better and also like retinol i use retinol sometimes too because it’s it’s good for i could go on a tangent about skin care

Bro like really i honestly could but it’s important if i feel like i feel like more people should uh you know take the time to really take care of your your body and your skin right i feel like um you know i i think i mentioned this a

While back but joel paul didn’t used to love himself as much as he does now i love myself a lot by the way like i’m like my favorite person in the world is that sound narcissistic i don’t know but uh that journey to self-love took a while right so

I’m just very proud of the progress i made Yeah let me get this out on one two three four five six seven eight nine ten eleven twelve thirteen fourteen fifteen sixteen seventeen eighteen nineteen twenty one twenty two twenty three twenty four twenty five six twenty seven twenty eight twenty nine thirty three one three two three

Three three four thirty five three 35 36 37 okay 37 did i have braces oh yeah i had braces my teeth are uh i’d say my teeth are very straight right now as opposed to me bad joke but yeah my teeth are uh pretty well kept i go to the dentist like what

Every year every six months i don’t know do i go every six yeah i go every six months to the dentist right to make sure like they uh they’re in good health there’s no cavities i have not had a cavity since i was like nine years old

And ever since like again i was like very anal about taking care of my teeth i think it’s because like i remember seeing so many horror stories or something about like bad teeth and like my my grandpa and my uncles they didn’t really take proper care of their uh their teeth and stuff

So i think um young shelton got scared by that because you know how asian parents like to fear monger a lot right i think we all know that anybody that has an asian fear and it’s like oh look at look at your your auntie look at your uncle you see that

You don’t want to be like that or you will die they’ll they take it to such extremes it’s like oh god okay i’ll do that it’s not it’s not that bad like they they just like scare you into doing it because like you know parents parents do that [ __ ] bro all the time

But uh yeah i uh the reason why i took proper care of my teeth a lot was because like um my uncle was like he was a smoker he smoked a lot right and uh i mean he’s not here anymore because he did like pass away from you know being in

Being a smoker but uh yeah that’s like one of those like reinforcements for me to never smoke and always take care of my teeth and such so it’s like yeah i’m very uh i’m very well aware about wanting to take care of my body and taking care of my health

Add to a long answer to somebody that just asked me about skin care yeah i do take care of my myself and i take care of my skin i do like i’m very big on self-care and self-hygiene so much so that you know i recently bought a uh a thing

At the recommendation of a friend i bought something called like ball cleanser yeah it’s like ball cleanser and bald deodorant or whatever right it’s like okay like i didn’t even know that was a thing i tried it i’m like okay cool wow didn’t know there was like specific products made for this so

Yeah it’s a thing it’s a thing it’s like it’s like manscaped or whatever right yeah i’ll go huh come on bro hey hey remember how you guys were teaching me about tampons and and like pads and [ __ ] or whatever they’re called like maybe it’s time i teach you a little bit about

A little bit about men’s hygiene yes a ball deodorant it smells pretty good oh by the way thank you so much to everyone for teaching me about tampons and like how they’re not for the kitchen like i will never forget that i feel so uh embarrassed by the fact that

I thought it was for the kitchen and it haunts me to this day because it’s like all the women in the world that find out about that video will never let me live it down right even if i make more friends in the future and they find out about

That i’m gonna get clowned on it’s like it’s on it’s in the internet for forever and i can’t do anything about it that’s okay that’s okay but yeah Any other so i have body hair uh a bit of a personal i i don’t think i don’t i don’t mind answering that um i have very little i think it’s just like you know asians asians don’t really have much body here no not really very simple question no i don’t

What sports did i play um i mean i used to play uh i used to swim a lot i feel like if i swim now and i just know how to like swim comfortably but i don’t really like uh swim often anymore i don’t really go to the pool a

Lot i kind of want to again not gonna lie damn i haven’t gone to the beach at all this summer i just realized yeah you guys may realize i haven’t really gone to the beach at all this entire uh this entire time oops that’s all i forgot to hide chat my bad

We don’t get spooked by anybody joining yeah i need to go to the beach sometime again do i paint my nails no not yet i don’t know when i’m gonna paint my nails maybe i should do that on stream i don’t know how to paint my own nails

It’s more like uh i have somebody else paint it for me but i feel like i would [ __ ] up and accidentally like paint over i don’t know is that a good idea purple paints his nails ugh i don’t know it sounds like a struggle like i probably [ __ ] up

Do i wear makeup no i don’t i don’t really like wearing makeup i were at one time and it made me uh i wear it one time like years ago because like you know i let my uh some of my friends like play with the makeup play with makeup on my face right

I’m like sure go ahead i don’t mind right and then like a few hours later my skin had a bad reaction to it i was like nope no thank you honestly i i feel like the most i would do if i were to ever wear makeup it’s just like concealer

Right and that’s pretty much it i don’t know i mean maybe one day i’ll i’ll like uh you know wear makeup again i like know what works for my face i don’t know why uh maybe it was just the one time because i remember it was like when i was traveling

And uh my friend wanted to put makeup on my face right but it was really hot and like i was super sweaty during our like you know stay there so i’m guessing what happened was because like i’m not used to the heat there and i’m not used to the

Humidity and like the lack of water was what contributed to me like having like that like breakout in my skin but you know that was a while back went all back have i had an emo face i haven’t tried eyeliner wow um i feel like i’ve ah honestly

Dude i don’t think i’ve ever had an emo phase before like i think about it but it’s like no i’ve never like been like god i hate life oh my g i put my black eyeliner and nail polish ugh yeah my room dad understand life is suffering that like all that

[ __ ] i don’t i never had that no i was uh i was always like damn i love i love living yeah and um what else i mean never really word eyeliner or any of that stuff no not not something that i can see myself doing often but who knows

My maybe my opinion will change in the future right i’m very open to trying out new things so that’s why i’m like not opposed to it i’m never opposed the idea of trying out new things i think that’s one thing like i really i’m really proud of myself is that i feel like

To a degree i can be very open-minded about trying out new things right and hearing about new opinions and ideas and stuff but unfortunately uh the internet being the internet you’re gonna meet people that are like a brick wall and like a bag of rocks and they’re not even worth your time so

Thinks uh i think open-mindedness is very sexy it’s a very attractive trait people that uh are very close-minded are gonna find out one day the hard way that they’re gonna lose out on so many so many friends and like important people in their lives if they continue to think that way

Maybe i’m rambling on that philosophy but yeah that’s just my that’s my thoughts i don’t know sorry hold on have i ever confessed to someone i um i’ve had crushes have i told people like how i felt about them yeah i mean i have but have i gone anywhere event no not really

It’s just more like uh i’m like oh by the way i used to be into you i’m like oh cool yeah and then and we’re chill that’s it and then they they’re like happy that they’re i was comfortable enough to tell them right so

I feel like i have more more i have like friend crushes more than i do uh i have friend crushes more than i do like romantic crushes like i don’t know i’m very happy being single The thought of a relationship can be taxing sometimes because like i’m a believer of like loving yourself more and like when you uh eventually date another person like i don’t think i think it’s like coming together and sharing like sharing something special like you can’t help

I don’t know if i don’t know if it’s right to say this but like i don’t know if it’s possible like help somebody love themselves i think yeah you can i think to a certain extent you can help somebody love themselves more but like making them realize how

Awesome they are but i don’t think that’s like a good reason to be in a relationship i don’t know i don’t know i’m too young dude i don’t want to give like the wrong opinions i’m scared whenever i talk about this because i’m like oh god what if i say the wrong

Thing and people take it like you know as like actual good advice i’m like dude i’m i’m not an expert at this this is just like my thoughts coming out of nowhere right you guys i hopefully you guys know that it’s just like these are my thoughts i’m i’m young

Though and i don’t know what the [ __ ] you know i i still know like i there’s a lot of things i don’t understand and i’m still learning but yeah but i mean like if you want to you do it who am i to tell somebody to like not

Get in a relationship like before whatever it’s like you do you it’s your life man like okay you’re responsible for your own life go ahead you know as long as you’re not hurting anybody else then you do your life how you want to as long as you’re just you know

Staying in your own lane okay i got the like foundation of it still and i have to like go to uh how many blocks out is that one two three four five six seven eight nine ten let’s go ten out so i use perfume uh no i don’t use perfume i use cologne

One two three four five wait hold on one two three four five six seven eight nine ten okay one two three four five six seven eight nine ten boys smell no i uh i use cologne there’s cologne sometimes yeah that’s it three four five six seven eight nine seven

My hair length i mean it’s it’s uh i mean what do you guys see right now do you see this yeah that’s pretty much the same same length right now i need to get a haircut i was thinking about getting a perm honestly um

I want to get a wave perm i think i talked about this a little bit ago but uh yeah it’s been on my mind for a while since uh my friend recommended like hey you should try and get yourself a perm and see how that goes i’m like okay

If you pay for it i think they actually will like it’s like i’ve never gotten a perm before i don’t like super curly hair i just want to try like you know a wave perm and see how that goes one two three four five six seven eight nine seven One two three four five six seven eight nine ten how old did i know about myself oh dude i’m yeah i’m comfortable talking about that i mean i’m gl i’m very glad that i have parents that are super supportive of like you know Of like what i want to do with my life and like how i am i’m it’s not like i i fully recognize how lucky i am to have like supportive parents like that but um i think i found out i think i’ve known since like kindergarten like when i was a kid

Because uh i used to have this friend i used to have this friend back in kindergarten who i like loved hanging out with right and i was like damn i really like hanging out with you right and you make my heart feel like very happy and as a kid you don’t really understand

Why that is and it’s just like hmm it’s just like it was there like i knew i loved hanging out with him a lot and i always wanted to be around him right it made me happy right and i didn’t know it was like oh hey you’re also into into guys shuttle

I mean i like girls too because i’ve had i’ve had the same feelings for like a girl in the past when i was like a lot younger like what middle like element elementary school yeah but i think that’s when i first kind of knew was when i uh

I felt feelings for like one of my best friends i just liked talking to him i liked hanging out with him i always wanted to be around him having his company felt really nice i always like wanted to talk to him like almost every day yeah that was like back in kindergarten

Though i don’t know what he’s up to i was like oh man long long time ago i mean i say that but then it’s like oh my god is it really that long ago or some people like i don’t know maybe if you’re like 50 years old maybe it’s not like long ago

Is different for you versus like long ago for me okay did i do this sorry i think i did imagine he watches my content wouldn’t that be wild yeah dude do you ever think about that like you have a friend from that long ago and then

You end up meeting them again under like the wildest circumstances like i could not imagine the people that i grew up with and never really talked to watch my content like who knows right maybe they do maybe they also became weebs and like also watch uh Youtubers right now who knows who the [ __ ] knows bro anything’s possible yeah okay this looks correct so far ugh how would i describe my style of clothing um how would i describe my style clothing uh i mean i love turtlenecks a lot but uh recently since i’ve been like home most

Of the time and i mean i only really dress up whenever i go out with friends but like i like layers right i like that’s why i like uh fall and winter a lot because i’m a fan of like applying a good amount of clothing layers make yourself look really

Pop out like an undershirt of like a cardigan or like a a good like jacket and like plus you know other stuff it’s just and then with summer it’s hard because it’s like i can only wear like one layer and stuff i’m not the most fashionable

Person let’s say that i’m not like very i don’t have an eye for fashion too much but um i don’t know maybe one day i can like get better at that i drink water ever been in a fight yeah i have i have been in a fight before

It was a long time ago um what is that who are you What was that i was like is that a dolphin huh somebody came to stalk us yeah somebody in the server came to say hi I don’t know who that was but all right did i win what dude this was back in elementary school like i talked about this before but um oh my god shoutout you gotta get into a fight when you’re in elementary school cancelled No uh it ended up in a stalemate because a teacher came by and said no and you you can’t do that right um i ended up uh i ended up what I think i was like we ended up hurting each other quite a bit let’s say that like it was only a few punches but it was only it started off as a joke because we usually just like to be cringe and and talk about our like favorite shows and anime i’m like

I’m gonna power up and [ __ ] you up demons something like that i don’t know something chewy or whatever right role play it’s like children like to pretend it’s like playing pretend right come on don’t let me don’t make me talk about it dude it’s so cringe ah i’m not gonna

Talk too much about it but yeah when i was a kid i used to be quite chewy and uh took a little too far well my friend took it a little too far and uh whatever happened afterwards happened and that’s it man that’s all i’m gonna say

After that we thought we we like we it’s not like we hated each other it’s like damn we realized how stupid we were okay so i need stripped dark oak log and red sierra cutter or red concrete red concrete um sure let’s see that Huh okay i think i see what this person’s doing like right here right here right here and right there i think we’re saying like a foundation for the pillars Mbti i s i heard a god i thought i answered this already um Uh my mvti is enfj well to be fair i haven’t taken it in a while so that could have changed who knows yeah en fj I haven’t taken a long time but um i don’t know if that what that says i have moisturize guys it’s literally that easy what you just bro i use my hands a lot for a lot of different things right like i go to the gym quite often but

So you have to use you know just moisturize okay that’s all i gotta say is just moisturize do you want like an easy answer for like skin health i don’t know one two three one two three one oh dear lag a bit is everything okay lag

That’s okay it’s i think it’s fine now yeah it’s just stabilizing i think like uh and you just refresh and then you’ll be okay yeah sorry about that not sure why that happened what’s my dream job this literally what i’m doing right now with you guys come here that’s literally my dream

I’m living my dream job bro what i’m doing that right now what like no cap no cap on a stack it’s one doing right now with everybody my love language i thought i’ve answered this before too okay i think i’ve answered many of these before in other streams onions or crows what

Onions or crows what does that mean like am i scared of i’m not scared of crows and uh i like onions a lot and i don’t think crows are very tasty so i’m glad to go with onions like i’m a i’m a big fan of uh you know i’m a big fan of

Onions i like caramelized onions i like onion rings like fried onions i liked blooming onions why is this person here get out get out you’re disturbing the peace Kaka all right they are ruining my vibes not really yeah i like i like onions a lot i don’t know why there’s so many like people that are picky eaters and that’s okay that’s okay right i really think like people should eat their vegetables more

Too i’m a big fan of vegetables and it’s tasting good i will literally slash kill them right now where are you don’t test me i will do it i have the power don’t test me if you’re listening right now i will i will hit the kill switch and you

Probably won’t like that because you know why you’ll end up losing all your precious experience points and all your items too in the water so imagine how much of a pain it’ll be to collect all your resources again after just coming by to do a little bit of a troll on old

School here right is it really worth it huh do you think it’s really worth it okay what kind of coffee do i like i like uh cold brew i like cold brew and uh iced coffee is pretty nice uh almond milk i do like almond milk

I don’t really drink an oat milk too i like oat milk a lot but i don’t drink uh i don’t really drink coffee too often if i do drink coffee it’s mostly gonna be like as a treat like the vietnamese coffee is pretty pog bro

Like that a lot wait why is this look so weird huh well that’s why Yeah i like vietnamese coffee um because like hey my dad my dad loves it i tried it was it like it’s good i think it’s because of like the uh the sweet and condensed milk yeah it’s probably a big reason as well it’s really strong yeah

I like ice hockey yeah not really no i like air hockey i like puck the one that you play at arcades i should try egg coffee i heard about egg coffee um i’ve seen videos about it but never had the chance to really try it what’s my favorite potato related food guildies

You got because you guys are potatoes too no um i think my dude honestly it’s probably just french fries i love french fries a lot nothing beats a good crispy french fry probably from mcdonald’s because i’m uh i’m a big mcdonald’s fries shrimp but i feel like curly fries are also really

Nice dude a lot of people need to get on the curly fry game again it is so much fun it’s delicious they’re great yeah like curly fries man there’s so much fun to be had with a curly fry bro right one two three four five one musical instruments Knots not really um i’ve always wanted to learn violin i don’t know if in the future i’ll take some time to like properly learn an instrument like that I really want to learn yeah i really want to learn the violin and uh because i it’s always been a beautiful instrument in my opinion like ever for as long as i can remember i’ve always liked saw this sounds weird but young shoto used to be like a a really big studio

Like damn bro he’s a nerd he was a nerd and uh i i was like i liked listening to classical music a lot when i was a kid too so and then like it’s weird because like you had young scholtel listening to stuff like rap and

Eminem when he was like super small and then like listening to like bach and vivaldi or whatever So yeah that was um cause i grew up i grew up with like a very like my cousins had very distinct tastes scientists were only before I tried uh mexican food before yeah i like mexican food a lot i really enjoy mexican food but i love vietnamese food a lot too i think asian food just like i really i don’t know i really like um hawaiian i really like sushi vietnamese a lot of different chinese dishes

And then like korean the only like thing korean that i eat usually is like bulgogi and uh like gays like cinta boutique and uh um pretty much it i don’t know i like the i like kimchi stew it’s pretty good too but i feel like i do enjoy i love vietnamese

Food a lot man i just i just gotta say that dude because because like you know your boy the boy grew up on that on that [ __ ] so like i uh i’m very i’m very biased when it comes to when it comes to that

Like i love my i love my bun mies i love uh uh i love Um four i think it’s four four tall filipino food i have not tried many filipino food yet because um i uh i mean i’ve tried a few but like there’s not like good filipino restaurants around me Like the only thing i could know to try is like jolly bee and there’s like no jolly bee anywhere around me i like thai food yeah thai food’s great like like thai curries are pretty um yummy i tried adobo no never tried adobo i feel like uh there’s a

There’s a dish a vietnamese dish that’s very similar to adobo it’s like uh it’s like this pork belly pork belly and like eggs and like you know and like this uh soy sauce based thingy i forgot what’s called it feels similar to adobo though when i’ve if

I’ve seen like pictures so that’s all that’s like you know childhood comfort food that my parents made a lot okay so far so good we got the foundation okay dude honestly adding a house to the water is a pretty big brain idea so it gives like more

Life outside here as well i don’t know what this oh oh right i don’t know who made that but yeah that makes it feel like more much more cool okay i think i know what to do next I’ve been to japan no i think i’m planning to go there sometime soon it’s just really hard to travel in general right now because like i know like japan bro you’re bored like the i really want to go there but they have not been allowing tourists and because

Of like you know covet and all that stuff and it’s really hard to travel there at the moment like because of like all the travel restrictions and stuff right there’s a lot of travel restrictions in right now because of that but yeah especially in japan from what i’m aware of

I want to travel with a group though yeah i want to travel with a group of people i don’t wanna go alone bro i don’t wanna travel by myself to a new country i gotta have people with me i gotta have my friends i gotta have my homies come by you know

I don’t i don’t really want to go by myself So yeah i had to bring people that can help me since i don’t know japanese it’s more like survival okay let’s see what i need now acacia log smooth sandstone smooth sandstone Acacia trap door alright yeah coverage is really bad like the cases have been high but i know that’s why like japan’s economy has been like kind of tanking right now because like there’s not a lot worse coming in and stuff and it’s like tourism is like a

Big part of like you know japan’s economy right so the yen has been kind of smudge sag right now yeah i wanna i wanna travel more or friends traveling by myself does not sound like i if i wanna travel i wanna travel with people and make memories with other people you know

Yeah i want to go to china i want to go to china too in the philippines i would love to travel there so i can eat all your delicious food like that’s the biggest reason for me to travel it’s like dude i just want to eat all your food give me

Give me your food it looks so tasty Peach mango pie yeah man australia dude i saw a video recently about australia and like how barren it actually is compared to like a small portion like there’s like that’s part of australia that’s like populated and like the rest of it is like you know so empty

And it’s really crazy to think about that because it’s like that continent is like pretty big but like the rest of it is just like nobody lives there it’s only like this one area this concentrated area right and then the rest of it is like barely anyone populates it so it’s like huh

Yeah it’s mostly like deserts right um opinions on tattoos uh i’ve always thought about it um i don’t know if i’ve ever if i’ll ever get a tattoo but i’ve thought about it before yeah Because like it’s almost permanent right unless like you get surgery or something like that so i don’t know i don’t know man Like thinking about it hmm yeah thinking about it i’m not too sure like what kind of tattoo i would even get in the first place the piercings uh nah i mean i want to pierce my ears soon like one of my ears like my ears are clean they’re not pierced yet but i

Would like to wear uh earrings i’d like to wear earrings a lot yeah i’m gonna get pierced sometime soon i can have it Do i have any advice for You guys want some uh some vitsuber advice or streamer advice well here you go i think this is the most important thing let me drink my tea because i’m gonna talk for a while on this i i believe that anybody anybody can uh be a content creator if they want to right but

Give it a try first like you want to give this a try because it’s like it’s an expensive uh hobby or like investment since like you know as for like any if you want to be a streamer too since you want to buy like the necessities for like a good setup

And all that but especially with v2 it can be expensive so i’d say make sure you know you like it before you uh before you spend a lot of money on it okay be be wise with your money when you uh if you want to become a vtuber because

There’s so many cases where i’ve seen people uh debut there’s so many people that say you as a youtuber and then find out like huh they know nothing or like they don’t really understand the culture or like they don’t uh they realize it’s not for them right

And then they just wasted a lot of money on like something that they could have figured out if they just decided to stream or the content creation it’s like hey give it a try and see what you think right before you uh end up

Using a lot of your uh money on it but and that’s the thing like you can totally do what i’m doing right now with uh without spending money on like overlays and backgrounds and stuff just do it just literally just quite literally just do it and make

Content okay and see if it’s fun for you and see if you like it and you know if it’s for you then hey then maybe you can make that investment right That’s like a big piece of advice for people that want to get into it i think for me at least i kind of want to get rid of this like sea turtle farm because whoever made this has not been on in forever What do you guys think should i release the sea turtles is it time for the turtles hell yeah okay be free look at him go look at him go you’re free now free freedom you don’t have to be chained to the to the laws of society go go Hello go oh wait there’s still more in here there’s so many sea turtles oh my god what is this overpopulation there’s so many man why why yeah yeah who did this to you huh who’s responsible get out of here go get out of here get get out

Yeah there’s gonna be so many sea turtles in like the nearby village now because of this why what do you mean why free the turtles save the turtles you guys remember that era of people like a couple years ago they’re like i never understood what caused that

Like what was that about what what did that mean what does that mean huh this go girls what the [ __ ] is a visco what was that oh i’m sorry yeah what is a visco huh is that like uh is that like an ill like should you get that checked out by a doctor

It’s an app oh it’s an app okay wait it was an app i never knew about that app what it was an app oh it’s a photo app what how was it what what about visco made people go huh what’s the reasoning it’s for filters oh oh you know sometimes i forget like

That should exist i should i should use more like photo apps for like food pictures or something like that honestly okay you’re free now by the way go you can get out of here it’s for the aesthetics oh okay yeah i totally understand what that means what am i building uh i’m building

Something over there but i’m first and foremost freeing the turtles but this is kind of like building asmr right you guys get to hear all the all the funny block noises i’ll do it i’ll do it slowly oh yeah look at that yeah break that block yeah

You want me to open my drawing commissions honestly if you’re talking seriously i don’t think i will like i’m still learning bro i don’t uh i don’t think i’m ever gonna be like that type of person that says art commissions i just want to learn for fun art is hard

I’ve learned i’ve learned from you guys i’ve learned from the internet art is it ain’t easy it ain’t easy man layers ugh layers oh oh my god that scared the hell out of me what was that what was that did somebody opened an ender portal or something was that a portal

Hello hello please refrain from opening portals to other dimensions while i am vibing out on the server everybody that’s here right now or i will uh i will be very sad war craft yeah that was wither wither yeah hold on let me adjust the uh is that ambient noises i don’t

Know put blocks to 100. Somebody summoned the wither oh wow what a that sounds like a lot of fun no the turtles got on the boats you’re not supposed to be on the boat get out of here no how did i get him out of the boat okay okay go get out of here

Leave my boats alone okay go be fat and cute somewhere else oh they better not get into my little house here they better not okay i was spooky that’s really spooky oh it’s like a love boat that’s kind of cheesy my iced coffee my iced coffee is melting okay hmm

Did you guys hear that wait what was that noise is that just me what what was that available i don’t know what that was okay there’s a lot of weird noises happenings all of a sudden although doesn’t know how to feel about it that’s okay it was like a one or something

It’s not like a duck yeah it kind of it almost sounded like a duck are there ducks in minecraft is that a thing are there ducks in minecraft i don’t think so right they don’t have ducks damn they got some ducks into this game ducks are so cute

They are so cute and so delicious and so fluffy like they’re like one of the best birds out there because they’re adorable they taste delicious their eggs are delicious too it’s like there’s so much delicious foods you can make with duck meat and i love roasted

Duck a lot too roast the duck is it’s so good dare i say orgasmic like is a very delicious meat i think sense though i saw this video about somebody making like duck egg yolk pasta and it looked really good it was a while back though it’s weird my tastes and videos like

Range from game videos to like food videos to like random like documentaries about like how somebody was like living underneath another minecraft player’s house or like living under a person in russ’s house or like it’s weird like my recommended page is like full of the most random things bro don’t eat ducks

I will continue to eat more ducks Guys i’m a i’m a carnivore i love eating meats i love meat so much you can’t just tell me hey no don’t eat ducks duck meat is so good what Also thank you for the ah and you’re a little five five train by the way i’m so happy nothing’s lagging now that means i can play my games guys the past few days have been so sad for me because i have not been able to play a game properly outside of stream like

Once i ended stream you know i did i just sat there did work and complained about why my computer wasn’t working and tried to fix it the entire time so have i really gotten like some good gamer hours out while i was like relaxing no i haven’t cause my computer was stupid

I was like [ __ ] you shuttle we’re gonna find a new reason for you to to struggle and not be able to have fun every single day and like the past couple of days have been rough because like i tried opening up like cults of the lamb and other

Games and it’s just like laggy laggy laggy but well i have my cooking stream when will i have my cooking stream i think i’ll probably have it uh sometime next month i want to try i want to think about what i want to cook like what do i want to cook bro huh

I don’t know what i want to make and i think about the meal i want to make for you guys i could bake some dude i gotta make like a full course meal i gotta make an appetizer for you i had to make an entree and that’s make a dessert all in

One stream does that sound like something i can do like in a few hours i don’t know so okay entree would be a good entree like uh uh that’s a good hunche cook a duck oh no god you’re asking me to cook like a very difficult meat what

I’d rather cook a steak than a duck bro sounds hard a salad a soup maybe like french onion soup as an as an appetizer an entree it could be like a uh I don’t know steak noodles and then dessert maybe it can be uh i’m just kidding no no no no i’ll probably make like uh some type of baked i’ll bake something yeah i might try and bake something or make a crepe oh wait crepes sound really good

I could do some crepes right yeah you guys like crepes i like crepes a lot smooth sandstone whoa what is this person doing okay i guess i need slabs that’s weird okay let me try this see four and then do that there’s something like gargling underneath me i don’t know what happened

That’s weird what’s what’s underneath spring rolls i love spring rolls a lot yeah it was really good also uh mary thank you for the raid welcome welcome readers what’s up how’s it going how’s it going man how’s it going bros bromies brosidon broseph bro regard what’s up guys welcome i’m uh i’m just

Playing minecraft right now what languages do i know i don’t know english that’s an interesting design but okay i’ll i’ll leave it be i don’t know if i had to like do that for all these windows but okay It’s a design these houses are for sale by the way for people that want to live in this uh area of my village you gotta you gotta give me like a proper trade you are in the server yeah for at least so people are in the server

How do you join the server uh you have to be a subscriber and like be a member of the discord i believe and then like a few other things but only like only cool people can join the discord server Trade your life for a house no no no don’t do that don’t do that okay this is such a weird little weird little design but i mean i dig it it’s just i’m not used to it yet you stretch real fast it looks like among us how huh in what way

I think i think you’re just you have some sort of dude our generation is ruined among us has ruined our generation like it’s ruined me too we will not hear the words among us or sassy in the in the correct context ever again it’s it’s really we’re like that’s it man

One game has accessories like [ __ ] us all over i don’t know that’s a good thing also thank you for all the gift subs ah thank you guys for the gift subs i was watching the stream vod from yesterday and like i just remembered like how i remember how uh i ended up i

I was very drunk Was very drunk and i’m like wow that’s what seven shots of vodka can do to you right yeah very uh i ended up um just being really cringe and weird end up being very cringe in my opinion but some people thought it was cute i don’t know how you thought that was cute

Thank you for the 50 thank you thank you so much thank you thank you thank you so far so good everything’s looking great right but i’m always cringe you’re mean now whenever i did this right is it like supposed to be like mirrored on the other side seal unless there’s like a

Different design um still like anime yeah i like anime i’m somewhat of an anime watcher myself i don’t know why i talked in a british accent there for a second i can do a pr dude i feel like i’m proud of my british accent like honestly i

Feel proud of how much i developed it over time like you think i’m joking or you think it’s weird but and you think you can’t take it seriously but come on guys you gotta admit like i got i got a lot better i got so much better i like doing that accent

It’s not cringe it’s not weird i think uh when i do i when i have that like uh you know one shot um in z stream with my friends i i feel like i i really played into my character a lot better okay maybe not right now but because

Like i’m a little i’m i haven’t prepared my throat or anything but come on i’m i feel like i’m pretty okay no i mean there’s room for improvement yeah but i’m very good don’t be mean oh mister’s ruining ruining me no he’s not no he’s not

See when i do stuff like that that’s why you guys can’t take it seriously so i’m kind of just playing myself when i do that but for real like when i get into a serious like role play moments with like dmz then that’s when yeah i can not totally

You’ll probably feel more confident in my abilities Okay i hope this is right same thing over here oh no it’s supposed to be mirrored oops oops my bad okay let me redo that That’s supposed to like look like the other side and fix that easy fix not not a problem beautiful beautiful wait that looks weird why does that look weird huh huh what what what but uh uh like that oh like that okay okay awesome awesome okay i didn’t [ __ ] up wow good job shelton

Thank you schultball you’re so smart and sexy and beautiful shelter imagine i’m just kidding like okay i know i’m so invested in my build all of a sudden now i’m like down this is looking pretty good looking pretty damn good man i’m very happy god i love minecraft i love minecraft so much

Minecraft is always a good game to play no matter what i don’t know what anybody tells you like you’re having a bad day you just want to get online with your friends and just you just want to go home and play some minecraft that’s all what we really want to do

Like you might go out to a party one day right with some friends and you’re like it doesn’t feel the same but in reality you just want to go home get online and frolic amongst the cubes with your homies right there’s just some days like that yeah

Thank you for the five tier ones thank you i’m trying to get better at seeing that by the way like during streams but some streams i really can’t like uh be quick with uh you know thanking people for the donors and like subs and stuff but i think streams like this it’s easier

Since i’m just building and vibing out yeah there’s not much going on right now we are relaxing and having a great time together we’re holding hands we’re all holding hands maybe giving a little kiss on the cheek respectively and with consent so whoever wishes but yeah just uh just a chill stream showing

What minecraft here wait i forgot the sandstone at the bottom Okay can i sing in a high note um can i do it today i don’t think so ah Dude it’s like 10 a.m come on yeah broke i don’t know how high i can go right now because my voice is not lubricated enough to do it but i can go kind of kind of light i want to it just depends on like again that’s just falsetto Train honk shut up man i don’t know what my highest note is i have to like i actually have to like warm up my my voice if i want to figure that out man because like right now it’s i don’t know Hmm okay yeah it’s all supposed to look the same on this side as well so i’m doing the right thing i thought i wasn’t doing the right thing for a second but no everything’s looking pretty good it’s looking pretty good i’d say wow look at the progress right Call me a goose wow you’re mean you’re actually so mean how’s it feel huh does it feel being a bully [ __ ] bully Hmm okay thanks let’s replicate that on this side as well all right copy that and now And then i have to uh slide up there okay okay okay okay okay understands i i i understand yeah yeah yeah yeah yeah yeah yeah yeah yeah yeah good job good boy good boy good boy why’d i say that what the [ __ ] man why did i say that i don’t know

There’s a lot of things that things that come out of my mouth that are very questionable sometimes but hey the fact that you’re all still here and uh dealing with it i said a lot about you too but hey that’s my guildies that’s my guildies yeah somehow okay

And the other side too and then we should be good we should be good on here if if unless like i didn’t look too far ahead into what the build is supposed to look like then this is correct it should be correct I’m glad you’re enjoying the vibes yeah today’s just simply vibes that is all that’s all i want to do just sit back and relax and play some minecraft and have a nice little chat have a nice little chat with everybody okay I stretch real quick oh okay stream is lagging oh lag i don’t think there’s a lag is there i mean the bit rate might have like uh took a tiny hit but i hope that’s okay should be okay it keeps going down it keeps going down for some reason hold up hold on

Don’t back up okay you better keep going back up or i will cry i will cry i will cry you better not you better stop better stop obs it’s blurry now yeah it seems a bit uh blurry it’s uh yeah hold on hold on let’s let’s roll let’s chill out for a

Moment and see what happens because uh i don’t know why it did that but it might just be a twitch thing it might be an obs thing or it might be a a me thing like internet but i’m gonna sit back and analyze it for a little bit longer and see what happens

I think it’s internet actually i’m kind of curious let me do a quick internet let me do a quick internet speed test and see uh what’s wrong if it’s me or not oh it might be what internet why are you why are you being cringe right now my upload is like only 300.

No it’s not my internet wait it’s not it’s actually not my internet oh no way yeah it’s um i think it might just be uh obs or twitch yeah sorry about that guys i’ve i’ve heard like twitch has been having like a lot of problems lately

With uh you know with their servers so unfortunately like maybe the server i’m currently on is being affected by that so yeah there might be minor issues here and there hopefully it doesn’t like uh affects the experience too much it’s archaic slobs planks not any planks planks stairs

Slab okay i do need a slob and a fence gate landscape servers in general like all the twitch servers yeah i think like all the twitch servers are like going through it right now so i’d be right I always like you when you play minecraft and you look at the sky it’s like wow this is minecraft but it’s the shaders that i’m using right now so that’s why it’s like you know it looks pretty also i have frozen time for the purposes of our little minecraft building date so

So that’s why the sky isn’t like changing much and it also helps with building steel so it doesn’t like so it’s not like night time and i can’t like tell the colors apart because that would kind of suck everything is like uh stagnant in time at the moment clouds aren’t block shaped they’re

Usually block shaped but it’s because i have a uh i have a shaders on to help make it look uh pretty ever since i’ve gotten shaders from minecraft i cannot go back to regular looking minecraft it’s actually a problem like i can’t it’s not the same man once you’ve experienced shaders

You just you can’t go back everything looks so pretty and it’s like it makes it look so so awesome man i think there’s a stalker nearby i thought he saw somebody i think we’re currently being stalked guys somebody is watching us amongst the trees i think you saw that right Right hit the kill switch they’re among us they’re they’re among us they’re they’re they’re goose goose duck among us sassy right now yeah i really want to try that game out goose goose duck looks pretty funny right it’s like it’s like another uh it’s another traitor type game or like

Lying game dude games where you get to like gaslight and not feel bad about it afterwards or nice like like among us right or if you’ve ever played like uh one night’s ultimate werewolf that’s also another one i’ve played before or mafia right mafia is another one

Mafia is like the most popular or most like well-known traitor type game or like liar game game of deception that’s what’s called yeah the deception game I should play google’s couscous yeah i want to play goose goose ducks on time with friends if i get the uh the opportunity to i will also i think my bitrate is also back properly can i drive yeah i can drive okay so um yeah people were asking if i uh

Liked it yeah i do um jolto does have his driver’s license i do have a car i do enjoy driving i like driving people places still it’s like uh it’s nice to you know have somebody rely on me like that does that sound does that sound like i

Don’t know i like i like having people rely on me in that sense for like hey me drive you somewhere i got you i got i can be like a safe transport and like i don’t know it’s just nice it’s just really nice to me and so right people around

Okay so there’s two between all right two two two and then one here and two there okay i think that’s how the layout’s supposed to be gta you want to play gta sometime ah i’ve considered trying out gta rp before but i don’t know like how good i would be at it

Like a lot of my friends have done gta rp before I think you guys know them like uh but if it’s not dnd i don’t know i kind of i kind of feel awkward like for some reason i can i can role play super well when it comes to dnd maybe it’s not maybe it’s similar right rp’s rp so i don’t know Going to do a favorite tension characters wait mods why’d you delete that Uh favorite genshin character i don’t know let me think about that right now i think like i love the animo elements a lot the animal characters are really awesome and uh sino i think cyno has quickly become like my favorite right now like right now he’s my most favorite he’s awesome dude

He looks awesome everything he does is awesome his designs awesome yeah i like him chi-chi you guys are opening up a fresh wound right there not it’s it hasn’t even been like a week so far since we’ve ah you really wanna you really wanna do that huh you wanna go there and hurt

Me hurt me like that bring up uh what never should have happened my pain and suffering to bring you joy to bring she who should not be named i really don’t like i don’t she’s an okay healer so at least there’s that right right yeah yeah

It could have been anybody else but the fact that i got got him like seven times throughout the course of my it’s just sad man it’s just so sad oh [ __ ] yeah unfortunately i do have c6 and i don’t uh i didn’t ask for it but the the the fate

Gods were decided that hey i need a little another extra treat in my life and no i didn’t want that i really didn’t and now it’s just like mocking me it’s there now mocking me in my face sadness and despair nothing but sadness and despair was my most played game on stream uh

What is it minecraft maybe dude honestly i feel like my yeah my most played game on on stream is minecraft also thank you for the subs guys thank you valorance and minecraft yeah valerian too yeah valerie minecraft because i i used to play la minecraft um you’re like a year ago till

On stream as well league of legends we don’t talk about that uh we don’t talk about that Yeah i used to be it used to be a thing but not anymore well i play final fantasy 14 on stream sometime i have uh thought about it like i know who here plays ff who here enjoys final fantasy 14. i don’t know if i would play it on my on

This channel or not i enjoy i the thing is i’ve talked about this before but i really enjoy playing final fantasy on my own time in private because it helps me escape into another world where i can just be myself and not think about anything else

If i were to do a stream of final fantasy 14 right like i i would want to be like focused on chat as well right so it’d be like hard to fully immerse myself into like a whole new world like of eorzea and stuff i’m playing like what my bunny boys and my

In my uh elf boy as well like i have two uh two characters i play one is uh based off a short ball and the other is based off of like my dmz character i don’t know maybe you guys have ran into them sometime but i play on uh i play on primal

And i play on the aether as well so you can find my character you can find shoto on uh on ether because i played with uh i played with fuchsia in millie and the and some other uh neezy people but i haven’t played it on that account

As much and uh my main account is on primal in the lamia and i’m uh i’m an elven dude named aravian gallon yeah oh hey i mean if you find me then you find me but uh i don’t think i’ll be ever i don’t think i’m gonna stream it anytime soon yeah

Not sure if i will i prefer to uh i just prefer to play on my own time mm-hmm ellison it’s called ellison right not elf oops yeah it’s been dude it’s been a bit since i played i know the new patch drops and everything too so evan saw it touched it

In a while because i’ve been like so busy with everything else yeah if you got any other questions by all means go ahead and ask don’t stream it yeah probably not the most i’d probably ever do is just screen share and the discord if i ever feel like it

Pasta what’s my favorite comfort food in pasta i uh i really love um carbonara a lot like carbonara and uh comfort food the sushi count as a uh as a comfort food i don’t know if sushi counts but i like sushi a lot it’s um it’s one of my favorites ever Favorite league of legends character wow uh fairly legends character i don’t know man i don’t know if i even have a favorite i really like uh i do like playing vein riven not riven really anymore i do like uh aphelios i like samira aphelios and samira are pretty cool and um who else Set i like sets that’s pretty cool dude set um He is damn bro goddamn mine as hell Good design yeah legend of zelda i used to play a lot of um Who remembers spirit tracks legends of zelda spirit tracks was my most played game ever is back on the nintendo ds uh i like 100 percented that game in every single way i think i 100 did it twice because of how much i loved it i love spirit tracks so much yeah

I came uh something special i used to play a lot of ds games back then too yeah including spirit trucks and ah dude those are nice times i remember the days or it’s just like summer time and don’t have to worry about school and studying just vibed out of my cousins and played

A lot of video games like mario kart on the ds and uh legend of zelda and uh what else as i play i played a lot of xbox games still and pokemon yeah a lot of pokemon favorite dressing what’s my favorite dressing what i like i like uh i don’t know

Balsamic vinaigrette is pretty nice oh favorite dress what my favorite dress i don’t wear dresses i’ve thought about cross-dressing before like i said like i thought about uh you know because it seems like a fun idea i always wanted to try cosplay so might as well give into my more

I want it’s more like i want to try it out right like it’s like i see people love it as a hobby so much and i’m just like damn maybe i can get into it as a hobby too and uh you know so you can cosplay your favorite characters i can cosplay

You know my ocs or whatever too so yeah made dress yeah There’s a lot of cool things like um i know one of my friends is into like uh what’s it what’s the genre again it’s like lolita style of um dressing up too i like that that’s a genre as well right what’s what’s that was that

A good yeah i’m i’m not like i’m not too knowledgeable about it but i know he like he like uh cross-dresses often and that’s like one thing he likes a lot lolita fashion yeah I don’t know what mine would be gothic yeah honestly though it’s just it sounds like some it’s just like hey i’ll give it a shot maybe and see if i like it or not that’s all i can promise I like i like my it’s a fun idea but like i do like my boy fashion But i’m also not afraid to try out you know other forms of clothing because it’s like hey it’s meant for anybody right to wear so why not i’ll try it out and see if i like it because who knows i might i might like awaken something in myself right

Who’s that weirdo there’s that [ __ ] weirdo over there i saw you i’ll hit the kill button i swear i swear look at the kill button i have the power to i don’t want to be mean you saw that right we both guys we all saw that everybody saw that over there

Kind of creepy yeah kind of creepy kind of weird yeah who is that who the [ __ ] man or a movie go closer um i don’t know i don’t know and maybe we can uh maybe i’ll do something later i don’t know yeah if that answers your question properly about like what kind of

If i ever want to try it out yeah i do want to try it out sometime i don’t think i’m confident right now but i have a lot of talented friends who are very uh into you know into dressing up that kind of way and so i’m interested the interest is there yeah

Sorry bl um not as much as like somebody like uki would honestly i don’t really read it no i just like i forgot one hold on let me go back and check oh there it is yeah i don’t really read it man i mean once in a while sure like once in a

While i might like find one i’m just like oh this is so cute sure let’s read it if i’m feeling like fluffy and soft and like what right if i’m feeling the the [ __ ] ooze or whatever sure why not man right yeah like hey i don’t know like not that i’m saying

Like i won’t read it but if i’m in the right mood i would but when is the right mood yeah yeah do i like angst do i like angst you say huh i wonder hm let me think about my lore think about all the lore videos i’ve done so far do

I like angst hmm You could say i’m a bit of a [ __ ] for angst yeah a little bit of a [ __ ] for angst in a way but yeah i do i do enjoy my inks guys yeah i like it a lot i’m a big enjoyer of it i uh there are times where i really like

Reading like good stories or mangas or whatever or like i want something to [ __ ] me up emotionally like that in like a good story right and um One that i wanted to try reading at the recommendation of like a chat like you guys and a friend is called oyasumi punpun right and i heard that one was like really depressing i’m like am i am i mentally prepared to deal with whatever the hell that has to offer to me right

I heard it was uh i heard it was i heard it’s sad is it really sad like will that [ __ ] me off i’m pretty sure it will [ __ ] me up right it’s really sad you cried a given feel like given to hmm okay okay cool yeah it seems like

There’s a general consensus about it banana fish i’ve watched the anime for it i i cried i can’t i don’t know what it’s like that that one actually made me [ __ ] cry i don’t like to remember it too much man it’s so sad i’m not gonna say anything

But like for people that are uh have watched it before you know it’s it’s it ah it was like a few years ago when i started it man and like the music still gets me but my heart my heart hurts every time man okay that’s done i got like the uh

I got the base of um these i like the main buildings right now what’s now what do i do let’s see what else does i want me to add violet’s evergarden well that regards another one dude i feel like i can i can talk about this because it’s like been out for a

While and it’s a popular show but i remember watching violet evergarden and there’s that one episode with like the girl growing up right and you see the time skip and it’s like that one was so sad i cried so much when i watch that you know the episode right that one that

One hit me emotionally in a way that i don’t think i could i could have like i recovered for like a for like a solid week i was like man the power dude the power of good storytelling and animation and music is not one to be [ __ ] with because it will

It’ll mess you up man it will definitely mess you up that was a good episode spy family no not really a sad no but another good one has anybody ever uh watched zankyo no terror sankyo no terror also was another show that made me really sad like there are certain shows that

Carry the elements of like grimness and uh like the vibes are so dark that just like it’s constant throughout the entire show and uh zankye on the terror is like one that i go back to often because it’s like it’s it hits me man uh the music’s really good too yeah

There’s like a song that’s like in the icelandic language i thought was real nice from it i uh i really enjoyed that anime man good music good story a little underrated in my opinion i don’t know i feel like it was a bit underrated at the time maybe more people

Are finding out like it’s pretty damn good the protagonists deserve better oh yeah they did but that’s what made it a good story right the everything that happened is what made it a good story you’re lying april yeah that’s another good one i remember i was like really sad by the

Ending seal but um i don’t know maybe it was like the over hype of it i remember like clearly i can’t whenever i hear claire de lune from anything i just think about your lie in april now ain’t by the same like i hear claire de lune play i’m just like

Oh man ah it’s a it’s a good it’s a good show though yeah um sad as hell again i haven’t watched a good dude you guys just reminded me i have not watched a good like sad anime in a while and i feel like that’s what i want to do

I want to be emotionally damaged by a good show again it’s been a while since i have i wonder why i should watch uh i haven’t watched many shows in a while i haven’t had the time to dude all i’ve been watching recently is like uh overlord and uh what else Is that it yeah there’s only been i’ve only been watching overlord for some reason like just catching up on like what’s been going on and stuff it’s a very like it’s isaikai genre is very like mcdonald’s to me it’s like you know it’s [ __ ] sometimes but you just

Can’t help it come back for more and that’s how it is for me when i watch isaiakai anime like i enjoy i enjoy the fan it’s it’s fun it’s fun man okay enjoy having my fun especially what since he’s a villain like you you reincarnate into the world as a as an

Evil as a villain right rather than like some type of overpowered protagonist very good Sama right yeah that’s the entire show just ein sama good show though yeah i like season one was still my favorite for overlord people that don’t uh for people that know that is and i have seen like the show buried sales i’ve never watched fairy tales i’ve never watched uh

Brotherhood yet still i need to i think that’s next on my list is i need to see what brotherhood is about and i need to see what hunter hunter is about it’s just a matter of finding time it’s like dude um i think that’s something i want to complain about it’s like

I feel like a lot of us are fi are having like less time to like watch anime these days it’s so much easier to just read the manga now because like it’s hard to just sit down and watch like a whole series like we used to because like back then

I found myself having a lot more time to watch my favorite shows or like catch up on like a series that i really enjoy but nowadays it’s like damn i’m so busy with like all these other things it’s like hard to like dedicate time to just sit

Down and like mindlessly watch a good anime like a show that i want to watch like with stranger things like dude i only just started watching it recently i’m like damn bro i’m i’m still struggling to find time right to watch these kinds of things like huh And like some people are not that very patient to like you know continue an anime like and i understand see like bro if you tell me to watch one piece i probably can’t i don’t know who who’s a one piece fan in the chat right now maybe you guys like one Piece like yeah i feel like a lot of people do so i’m sorry man i just i promise it gets good by episode 200 filter do you know how stupid that sounds i know right but it’s like such a time commitment bro it’s such a time commitment i know i’m

Pretty sure it’s good bro but i feel like if i’m gonna do anything regarding one piece i just gotta read it i just have to read it and i love adventure stories a lot so if it’s like as good of an adventure story as people

Make it out to be that i’m pretty sure i would [ __ ] love one piece so i just again i gotta find the time too my only regret with that series is like i remember it was like airing on tsunami when i was a kid like you know how on

Cartoon network you would have like tsunami on after hours right and then we play you play on tsunami or anybody that knows what that is Okay i think i did this right hold on hold on i’m trying to like make sure i understand what this person’s going for ah okay okay all right i see i see what they’re trying to do you want to kiss mwah and chat’s sounding a lot like uh right now

I mean i say is that you give me kiss give me kiss if i’m not making fun of him too much i like bullying man i bully my friends a lot that’s how you know i’ve gotten comfortable with you and like love you a lot it’s like once you get to that part

Where i i like bully you right well first not for everybody but like some people it’s like that that phase is um is how i show like i care about you a lot and it’s like you know damn why am i talking about my feelings and everything dude is this supposed to

Be a minecraft stream oh wait what i’m just going back to playing minecraft talk to me talk about my feelings ah hold on So i don’t know how to get rid of that part on the bottom do you not like to bully your friends like in a loving way in a loving in a loving way no yeah no yeah there was a part of the vod yesterday i remember i was like oh i’ll

Give i’ll give a kiss if you give me like three dollars or whatever i’m like i didn’t even remember saying that and then like i’m like oops i i forgot to give some kisses and like okay i hope that compensates for a few of them

Am i bad man i didn’t know i didn’t know i didn’t know when you’re when you’re drunk you tend to forget like what you’re doing you tend to forget like uh you know what you’re doing in the very in the very moment is all that’s all i’m saying man that’s all i’m saying

And i uh forgot about a lot of things yesterday like there was a joke i made on uh on stream that i thought i was so [ __ ] stupid for it was like i was trying to say why was six afraid of seven right but i didn’t

Make the joke in that way you know what i said i was like why was ten afraid of nine because seven eight nine and i was like wait no that’s not right and then i said something else i don’t remember but it was even more wrong so Embarrassing myself a lot more than usual lately oops i only know i realize it i have to watch the vods after i uh you know after i do a stream like that after i drink because i need to know like all right what did i do this time

What cringe [ __ ] did i say and uh honestly not too bad not too much crin stuck cringe stuff Sarah oh yeah right sarah don’t don’t get me started bro that’s such a good video it’s such a good video man i’ve been so i cannot stop laughing thinking about it it’s so funny the kayak is sinking we need to like rebirth that video and bring it back to popularity again like

That is a gem as a gem of the internet that should not be lost you’re like time i hope the stream is uh kind of relaxing today again like i know i’m not talking too much about like or like i’m not too what’s it loud or whatever

Because like i just want to vibe i don’t want to like raise my voice in any single way i don’t like you know bully anybody even though i’m i’m holding it back i’m holding back the need to like make fun of somebody especially you guys so hey be proud of me i have

Self-control Oh my coffee i’m so happy that my computer works uh properly again by the way like dude i’m so i’m so glad that’s not lagging anymore i’m so happy it’s like working properly for once right in a while yeah because yesterday it was like so bad but like

After like fixing the issues um recently like oh finally i don’t want to worry shuttle doesn’t have to worry about any more issues with the stream or like you know so that’s why um the week i come back next week i will be uh playing more blair witch

And probably do another drunk stream yeah i want to do more uh i want to do more blair witch and continue the game it seemed pretty fun like honestly didn’t you guys enjoy it like besides like my drunkenness i i genuinely enjoyed it because of like dog yo bullet man my boy bullet

I love you bullet bullet he’s a good boy bullet yeah you are now bullet’s a good dog i think bullet like having a game like that Is so nice because it’s like damn bro i don’t think i’ve played a game with like dog mechanics before it’s so fun like having having dog mechanics The fact that you can reprimand him and then just like pet him like sit boy sit good boy it’s so nice and he just like rolls around and whines if he wants his attention ah man it’s adorable my god bullet is so cute man I play crossfire i don’t know what that is i don’t know i don’t i do not play that yeah you guys want to see more of my my village oh yeah i could show it off really quickly before i continue building feast your eyes on an unfinished village

Over here everything across the river is not mine that is like everybody else’s but everything on this side of the river is choppo’s territory it’s beautiful you’re beautiful you’re breathtaking you’re breathtaking you’re all breathtaking no i didn’t get a hangover I drank a lot of water um during the stream yesterday so i did not end up having any type of uh yeah i didn’t end up having any type of uh issues when i woke up okay so it looks like i have to what’s next on the build

I have to go around okay i’m gonna play blair witch drunk again of course i am yeah yeah i want to play the game drunk again scrutinized i think we’re done with scrutinized i don’t think i’m playing that game ever again on stream that is unless like in the near future like i

Want to do like a replay but nah anytime soon probably not no whatever i do if i got a big donation um be thankful as hell as usual i mean you don’t have to okay yeah i feel like people like i remember seeing people that donated like talk about their like

Occupations and stuff i’m like hey man i know how hard it is like depending on what kind of work life you’re you’re dealing with and like everything that’s going on so remember to just think about yourself when you donate to the stream okay i would rather you save your money and

Use it for yourself or something important then like just giving it to like me out of nowhere like prioritize yourself okay it’s nice it’s nice to donate like i get it right but sometimes you all worry me sometimes the people worry me a lot but

I know it’s just like a form of love so i mean thank you thank you for the love till i like appreciate it son just hey just promise me when you guys donate and stuff that you’re doing it because you can afford to right that’s all i can ask is like

As long as long as i know you can afford to do what you’re doing then okay it’ll make me happy now be responsible and the sun is so pretty in the in the mountains over there i like it a lot now that everything’s coming together slowly i don’t know if i’ll change

There’s a squid octopus octopussy inside my uh my house oh no get out of here weirdo i might change some things later like the uh i don’t know like the outline of the um of the house if i feel like it changed what I feel like i’m a bad influence not everybody is saying octopussy i mean it’s nothing new i’ve said it before on stream many times it’s just too easy it’s too easy bro there’s so much there’s so much octopus around okay everything is looking so nice i’m so happy oh my god

It looks so good doesn’t it i’m glad we got rid of that like turtle area too i don’t know what the purpose of that was maybe just to like get more turtle eggs or something so but hey they’re free now because that person is not like taking

Care of those turtles in like what over a year that thing has been there for forever so okay do you ever want to like meet i mean yeah off collabs sound really nice but just like meeting my friends in real life too like that’s also really

Nice like just it doesn’t even have to be a collab just hanging out with my people like people that i’ve met from online and they’re like important part of my life it’s really nice it’s really it’s really nice This is it’s a different experience like you know just going out to like what disney world or something with somebody that you uh care about a lot it could be anything though i just said disney world because i was like oh disney i’ve never been to disney before

So one day i really want to go ah man ah you guys made me sad i want to go to disney so bad now frick ah maybe one day it’s all expensive yeah i know but sometime in the future right okay am i feeling up to a song now can i even

Sing any songs hold on Yeah i don’t know can i sing any songs bro let me see ah yeah see if my throat is uh is good Yeah what kind of song should i sing yeah just keep this in mind by the way guys my throat i have not any time i do a karaoke stream or like plans to sing on stream i usually have warmed up my throat uh beforehand so like

If you keep that in mind i uh it’s not gonna be as great as usual okay that’s fine that’s fine that’s fine okay i’m not doing wrap again let’s see what do i want to try give me a second uh hold on okay my microphone i don’t have my microphone right now

I didn’t activate it for the stream how does this go again Says how to be brave how can i love when i’m afraid to fall watching you stand alone all of my town suddenly goes away somehow One step closer how my tacos i have died every day waiting for you darling don’t be afraid i have loved you for a thousand years i love you for a thousand more I think that’s how it goes right i haven’t sung this song in such a long time oh my god still beauty and all she is i will be brave i will not let anything take away what’s standing in front of me every breath every hour has come to this

Yeah i think that’s how the song goes oh my god it popped up you know why i clicked this song it popped up on my recommended i’m just like sure why not it’s a good little warm-up What’s what’s the song name it’s a thousand years right dude this is such a how old is this song anyways when it come out 2011 what the [ __ ] this shit’s 2011 huh wow oh my god 2011 that that was like over a decade ago huh i think this was like recent

Okay maybe i could do uh the underlines again let me see dandelions one more time dandelions i’m a little rusty this morning so i’m sorry again everybody Maybe it’s the way you say my name maybe it’s the way you play your game but it’s so good i’ve never known anybody like you but it’s so good i’ve never dreamed of nobody like you and i’ve heard of all that that comes once in a lifetime

And i’m pretty sure that you are that love of mine cause i’m in the fields of dandelions wishing on everyone that you’ll I feel okay when i see your smile smile washing on dandelions all the time praying to god that one day you’ll be mine washing on dandelions all of the time all the time i think that you are the one for me cause it gets so hard to

Breathe when you’re looking at me i’ve never felt so alive and free when you’re looking at me i’ve never felt so happy and i heard of a love that comes once in a lifetime and i’m pretty sure that you are that love of mine cause i’m in my field of tender lines

Wishing on everyone that you’ll be mine Mine and i see forever in your eyes i feel okay when i see your smile smile wishing on dandelions all of the time praying to god that one day you’ll be mine washing on dandelions all at the time all of the time dandelion into the wind you go

Won’t you let my darling know it’s underlined into the wind you go won’t you let my darling know that i’m in the field wishing on everyone that you’ll be mine Mine and i see forever in your eyes i feel okay when i see you smile Smile wishing on dandelions all of the time praying to god that one day you’ll be mine washing on dandelions all of the time all the time i’m in the fields at dandelions wishing on everyone that you’ll be mine Mine I love that song what a great song man i don’t know i’m so addicted to it lately um what i do next it feels so weird singing when you haven’t done like at least for me it feels so weird because i haven’t done any like vocal

Warm-ups at all so it’s kind of like odd since it’s not like i feel that comfortable but i don’t know the fact that i can do this with you guys means a lot like usually i’m very sensitive about just doing a random karaoke even when i know like it’s not

Going to be perfect but i don’t know like again i’m comfortable and i have you guys to thank for that so appreciate it man i don’t know if that’s sappy or whatever but Uh I could never find the right way to tell you have you noticed i’ve been gone Cause i left behind the home that you made me but i will carry it alone and it’s a long way forward so trust in me i’ll give them shelter like you’ve done for me and i know i’m not alone you’ll be watching over us until you’re gone um Foreign When i’m older i’ll be silent beside you I know words won’t be enough And they won’t need to know the names or our faces they will carry on for us and it’s a long way forward so trust in me i’ll give them shelter like you’ve done for me and i know i’m not alone you’ll be watching over us until you’re gone um Uh It’s a long way forward trust in me i’ll give them shelter like you’ve done for me and i know i’m not alone you’ll be watching over us until you’re gone um Um Okay i think that’s pretty much it for that one what do i also want to tell Also bring an old one out because why not stay with me no yeah deep coma deep come on oh dude did you ever hear that i wanted to like re-sing deep coma in the future like i don’t know if i like maybe i won’t redo it i don’t know In the future it’s been a while since i sing it i don’t think i’ve found it on a uh a full cover of it before Oh you know what i could oh should i do toxic i haven’t done toxin in a while can i even candle toxic right now toxic britney spears yo toxic wow yeah i like toxic a lot man i feel like i see this so often but like at the same

Time it feels like i haven’t done this one in a while yeah bro toxic Okay i gotta remember baby can’t you see i’m calling but i don’t brought about a pound Too high i can’t calm down losing my head spinning round and round okay my voice nobody might not be super warmed up for it but we’re going to do it anyways because i want to try it Baby can’t you see i’m calling a guy like you should wear a warning it’s dangerous i’m falling There’s no escape i can’t wait i need a hit baby give me yeah you think you’re us i’m loving it Too high i can’t calm down losing my head spinning rounds and rounds Do you feel me now with the taste of your lips i’m on the right you’re toxic i’m slipping under a taste of a poison paradise i’m addicted to you Don’t you know that you’re toxic It’s getting late to give you up i took a sip from my devil’s cup slowly it’s taken over me Too high i can’t come down listen my head spinning round and round do you feel me now with the taste of your lips i’m on a ride you’re toxic i’m slipping under the taste of a porcelain paradise i’m addicted to you don’t you know that you’re toxic

I mean i love what you’re doing don’t you know that you’re toxic yeah i love what you’re doing don’t you know that you’re toxic Say stop your lips i’m on a ride you’re toxic i’m slipping under the taste of a poison paradise i’m addicted to you don’t you know that you’re toxic Boy i love what you’re doing don’t you know that you’re toxic And then i love what you don’t don’t you know that you’re talking Yeah i love what you’re doing don’t you know that you’re talking a girl i love what you’re doing don’t you know that you’re toxic yeah i love what you’re doing sometimes you know that you’re toxic Okay wow that was uh that’s what i haven’t done in a bit yeah a little scuff but that’s the beauty of it right nothing’s perfect i think that’s that’s why i like doing karaokes a lot okay Okay back to the game oh boy wow yeah i gotta drink more water oh boy one more one more what are you even saying what i even sing one of these days yeah i thought i talked to all you guys i wanted to like the whole uh

A whole disney thing or is it called i let’s do that what’s it called a disney karaoke day i probably really have to delete the vod though for that one because i don’t want disney to come after my butt because it’s really risky doing disney karaoke’s right

Like yeah it is not to be uh [ __ ] with look at this stuff isn’t it neat wouldn’t you think my collection’s completes wouldn’t you think i’m the girl the girl who has everything look at this trove treasures unsold how many wonders can one cavern holds look around here you’d think

Sure she’s got everything i’ve got gadgets and gizmos a plenty i’ve got koozitz and what’s it’s galore you got thingamabobs i’ve got 20. but who cares no big deal i want more i wanna be where the people are i wanna see wanna see em dancing walking around on those what do you call

Em oh feet [Laughter] oh my god bruh bruh right isn’t it isn’t it good up where are they how’d it go again [ __ ] i forgot the lyrics up where they walk up where they run up where they stay all day in the sun wandering free i wish i could be part of that worlds

Up where they’ve all covered they run over they stay all day in the sun wandering free wish i could be part of that world the feet man you’re hell yell defeat right i’m flying yeah i’m flying bro i’m flying i put my knife away oh where’s my knife knife no more okay

It’s a good song right [ __ ] maybe i do want to do another maybe i do want to do another song oh [ __ ] what’s happening man oh let me see where is that what’s that song called again [ __ ] it’s from hercules hercules song uh yeah how’d it go again

If there’s a press for run judgments i guess i’ve already won that’s my face is looking very lewd oops i didn’t mean to press that button hold on yeah i didn’t i don’t know why that why it was activated sorry about that that must have been really awkward

Yeah why do i impress that’s my bad my bad okay let me let me uh sing this one if there’s a price for rotten judgments i guess i’ve already won that no man is worth the aggravation that’s ancient history been there done that who do you think you’re kidding

Here’s the earth in heaven so you try to keep it hunting honey we can see right through you girls can’t conceal it we know how you feel and who you think enough oh no chance no way i won’t say it no no give on your side i won’t deny it oh

It’s too cliche i won’t say i’m in love i thought my heart had learned its lesson it feels so good when you start out my head is screaming get a grip boy unless you’re dying to cry your heart out who you are how you feeling baby you can’t deny and han

Hit the ceiling face it like a grown-up when you gonna own up that you got god got it bad hello no chance no way i won’t say you no no give up giving check the grin you’re in love the scene won’t play i won’t say i’m in love

You’re way off base i won’t say it get off my case i won’t say it boy don’t be proud it’s okay you’re in love oh hello At least out loud i won’t say i’m in love ah [Laughter] boy don’t be proud it’s okay you’re in love A good song that’s a good one okay back to what i was doing which is building in minecraft okay back to minecraft oh my god why am i just out here being this is not supposed to be a karaoke stream okay hold on let me actually check uh

Sweater real fast oh my god dude my my entire room is getting so hot because of like the uh the hotted the heated air like from my computer like at this point it’s just like it’s actually a mini heater playing in my uh what’s it it’s a mini heater playing uh like

Activated right next to me and on the ac i don’t want to turn on the ac because if i turn on the ac bro then this is gonna be loud and oopsy doopsy it’s not gonna be fun to listen to when i uh i just continue building and all that so

I don’t want to turn it on if i turn it on then it’s gonna get loud i don’t want to be loud one more no no one more i think that’s it i don’t want to overdo it when you when i sing and i like you know stream my voice when

I haven’t done like a proper vocal warm-up it’s not like uh it’s not very safe i don’t want to i don’t like uh push it too much you know yeah you know i mean you know what i mean bro hmm okay do you guys like um by the way if you

Have any other uh questions you can feel free to ask because i think at this point i’m just down to do some like chill q a while we uh continue building So i have abs oh i used to i mean i kind of do still Vtuber crush like a friend crush yeah um what’s my gym routine i uh i um my gym routine it varies since i worked out a different muscle per day but other than like standard you know just like working out different muscle groups per day uh i usually do like

Sometimes i want to do the elliptical sometimes i do jumping like high intensity cardio like uh jump rope or like i uh you know do like uh what’s it called i don’t know what the workout is called but it’s like when you like shuffle left to right

On and like you shift your weight on both legs from one leg to another a ae yeah do you really want me to be gushy about it okay here’s why here’s why i not to say like i don’t feel comfortable around all my friends of course i do

Because they’re my friends but like i really do enjoy my time with shu like i really enjoy hanging out with him a lot like same thing i missed i feel like this is in the same category as just like do i feel so comfortable with them like to like the highest degree

It’s like bro they’re just so relaxing to talk to i just nerding out whenever i don’t know it’s it’s hard to describe uh it’s hard to describe really i think it’s the fact that um i feel like there’s a certain emotion or feeling i get of comfortness whenever i hang out

With uh those kind those people like i feel um like it’s hard to put into words because it’s like it’s not easy to exactly put like how i feel but it’s just like a nice sense of comfort yeah a nice good nice sense of comfort that’s like

You know not not too easy to attain for me since like honestly it’s um i don’t let people into my heart too easily like i am friendly but like to get to that level of like trust it takes uh you know it takes a lot and a person’s character and dictate

Really dictate whether i let them into my my heart or not you know now we’ve all been through like hardships in the past so like unfortunately like you know everyone has their own stories about why they don’t let some people in as easily as others but uh i i usually i

Tend to keep um i think people like at a distance and so like i know i can trust them that’s like i’m just being honest there yeah you feel me right you guys understand what i’m trying to say in terms of that yeah it’s not easy it’s not easy but i’m

Glad like you’ll understand where i’m coming from from that I’m glad i’m very glad that okay i do uh i do like it when people can i do like mature people like as much as like we can be immature as we want but like when it comes down to it like you can tell who’s like mature about certain things and situations like

I don’t know there’s only so much i can tolerate when it comes to like when it comes to immaturity i guess like it’s a it’s another like trait i’d say or like i really do appreciate in people having uh that mental maturity is nice and being what being holding yourself

Responsible or something i don’t know i’m rambling at this point why are you rambling i’m just so focused on the build yeah my zodiac leo i’m leo yeah the boy’s a leo because i was born on july 24th so yeah that’s still that’s leo season the big cat yeah

I’m not really big on austral uh astrology but i have friends who do like zero dude oh my god right i want to get a tarot card reading for fun i forgot about that yeah usually it’s like i know it’s like not everybody buys into it but it’s nice

To try out because it’s uh it feels like it’s good advice i don’t know doing it it feels like somebody’s giving you just some good advice for your life at the moment and i like that why i enjoy uh sometimes When i got jealous of bullet yeah i was jealous of bullet because if it was like oh he’s best dog and i’m not gonna say it i’m not gonna say it but you know what i’m trying to say speaking of dog ears are coming off because it’s been three hours i gave you

Guys like three hours free of doggo ears so hey man it’s uh it’s up to you now to to get them to put them back on if you have the points that is Okay remember to stretch by the way it’s good stretch ah please stretch your bodies but your bodies do not shrimp Oh oh my god my spine cracks like a like a bag of potato chips Wow the toggles are so expensive oh yeah yeah man toggles are super duper expensive because like uh there’s a lot of people now and if i had it cheap then guess what everybody would be spamming it right everybody everybody would be spamming the toggles like there’s no end

And then you just see my you would see something like this okay okay look look at this look at this Like this yeah you just see this all the time like that’s all that would happen And i don’t think that’s uh i don’t think that’s a good thing all right you know what i mean yeah it would just like go everywhere everything would freak out okay well somebody somebody is uh is a in a rich oil prince in the chat so i

Mean they they provide the dog ears back oh yeah wow wow my guy really has so many mana fruits to just like dump on everybody huh huh the top one percent guildies yeah eat the rich time to eat them yeah it’s time to eat the eat the other rich guilty yeah get

Over here oh no okay also thank you for the don’t know thank you for the tunnel hello i need to stand up real quick bro is getting so hot in my room who would have thought playing minecraft who would have thought playing minecraft with shaders by the way

Would make my computer overheat like this man well it’s not overheating it’s doing its job it’s keeping the heat out but it’s heavy because it’s like it’s it’s shaders right so oh oh let me let me just fan myself oh boy yeah i also have another stream later

Today oh my god right i have to go live in like seven hours from now let’s play uh multiverses with uh saikuno buddha and bell yeah we got another stream later ah i hope you guys come by for it ah thank you for the fifty dollars thank you for the donation thank you I think at this point hold on i think i know the solution shirt just comes off we just take our shirt off that’s that’s much better all right oh my god that feels so much better yeah dude it was getting so stuffy it’s like i’m pretty sure it’s like 30

Degrees in my room right now Man i can’t believe it’s been like three hours so far and this is all we’ve progressed on right oh my my tongue my tongue oops sorry Sorry i didn’t even notice it it was like sticking out it’s like when cats uh my [ __ ] cats like just randomly stick their tongue out why do they do that by the way why are cats so weird they’re such weird little dudes like why the hell are you sticking your tongue out for

No reason why are you so weird i will unmod you right now i’ll do it on mod hold on wait i spelled it wrong what the [ __ ] okay you’re lucky i can’t spell otherwise you have been unmodded right there thank you for the 30 thank you for the donation thank you thank you

I’m not weird i mean i am weird right there’s there’s nothing wrong with being weird guys There’s nothing wrong with being weird come on drift dark wood we’re stripped dark wood here it is like we’re all a little weird we’re all a little weird we’re all a little degenerate none of us are perfect guys come on i think we all know this already

Right it doesn’t have to be said also can i not put this down vertically because what oh hold on i i think i selected the wrong one there we go dude nobody is i nobody is perfectly safe so whoever says that is a liar man the people that say like hey yo

They have a problem with you being like unsay cell are the same people who are probably like you know degenerate about another thing so like you know you’re kind of a hypocrite buddy i i just wish more people be honest with themselves just hey dude if you’re degenerate about just that’s okay that’s

Fine you want to suck up them suck on some man tits go ahead like i don’t care like be honest with yourself don’t [ __ ] lie right just own it why are you lying why do you have a need to like you know act like you’re better in that sense

Like i know for there i mean there are like there are um what people who generally don’t have attraction it’s like it’s a whole spectrum of things like i know there are ace people who you know are still thirsty but there’s some ace people that aren’t thirsty but whatever

You are just hey list your own just be honest okay you know what you are like you know just own it just own it man hope that made sense just be yourself yeah I’m trying to think one two three one two three okay so it’s three out from the middle i put one down in the middle and it’s three out that’s the middle right yeah one two three one two three I’m not ace though yeah no but like i’m just saying like there are ace people Um not be who we are man be who you are nobody i think i think a lot of people are rushing things a little too much too like hey hey man i see you out there like trying to figure out everything in your goddamn life like way too soon and you

Think like life won’t wait up for you because i mean you’re right like life doesn’t wait but at the same time like you can take your time like you don’t have to have everything figured out like by the time you’re 20 years old right i feel like uh that’s such a stupid mindset

Where people are like hey you gotta know what job you’re gonna do you gotta know what your career path is you gotta know what house you wanna buy you gotta know like where you wanna live you gotta know how many children you wanna have you gotta know like if you

Wanna take care of your parents you gotta know like what you wanna invest in it’s just so stupid like please like take your time all right don’t rush it otherwise you’re gonna like get bald and old and like lose all your hair and get mad by the time you’re like what 22 or

Something it’s not worth it man it’s really not worth it just take your time and take things at your own pace everybody takes things at their own pace and uh so i think we should be a little bit more patient with everybody else like i’m i’m very patient when it comes to people

There’s a commission i’m waiting on that’s it’s taken nine months and uh they finally replied to me and they said they’re gonna do it i’m not gonna name any names but like hey i gotta got an update on that nine months waiting for an art commission man can you imagine that yeah but

Again i’m patient you’re already losing your hair l I don’t know i don’t want to say that i don’t know how it works exactly like i’m thinking about how uh what’s it don’t like we take after our grandparents traits i don’t know how like genetics works are there any like nerds in the chat that know how genetics

Work like do we take it after our grandparents more than like our own parents is that how that works or no it depends really it’s it’s a percentage it depends oh my god everyone’s saying it depends i don’t know what the truth has been um our parents are a carrier yeah i know

That but like i don’t know there’s like there’s like more to it than just that so that’s why i’m asking about it i just remember like genetics i learned i learned something it skips a generation sometimes yeah because i’m like thinking about like am i gonna have

Hair like my my grandfather or like hair like my dad or what’s up with that like i don’t know man and i think it’s uh i think my i will not bald so that’s that’s that at least i won’t bald when i grow older thank god man

I’ll i’ll have a full head of hair by the time i’m like what seventy jottle not bulge yeah no bulge And my dad’s not bald my mom’s not bald like my old man is getting pretty uh up there but like hey he’s not he’s not bald man right i’m bald shoto no no i don’t wanna be bald i like my hair man i want to dye it sometime soon too

I want to have some like dark purples in there or like make it look like galaxy hair dude that looks every time i see like people with long hair get like galaxy themed hair i’m like damn i want to do that to my hair too

But i want to keep it like you know medium length and then like do something cool with that Ah ah i want to do it so bad i’m talented if your dad’s bald you’re bald okay thank god my dad’s not bald you have purple hair because of me oh really you dyed your hair purple because of me damn that’s sweet i’m thinking about trying out so i want

To try different things out with hairstyle like like i said the perm idea from earlier and the uh and designing it another color yeah man okay let’s see i also cover this up with the stairs yes i do okay i forgot to check this chord oh god let me check discord uh

Yeah yeah give me a second give me a second ah i forgot i forgot i sent this let me send this let me send this let me send that i had to send uh references to uh somebody real fast might be okay i was so late on replying to that oh my

God i feel bad oopsies like two hours late i didn’t look at discord i don’t know why i didn’t have discord open on the side usually i do but then i guess i have like the i have the build video up damn i’m stupid you want pink shot though back pink haired

That was only during like springtime right i think her chopper was kind of cute it was adorable but he comes like once every year it’s like christmas yeah like the easter bunny and christmas he only comes by once a year guys i’m glad you’re having a good time

Great night or a good morning right now it’s morning for me so The house is looking pretty pog dude look at that look at that house nice nice sew like that i should do it like that Silver hair white hair schopel um nah i don’t know dan i look like it’s annie phantom if i do that Yeah one of my many like when i was a child like childhood uh crushes that’s another thing one the person that was asking me how i knew like if i was like into other guys not just girls but other guys when i was younger cartoon crushes our thing yeah i had

Cartoon crushes man when i was like what old [ __ ] seven eight come on we all did right bill had cartoon crushes man it’s normal never feel bad okay look at that look at that now i just gotta do more of this i think there’s probably gonna be a tree in the middle

Probably and like other stuff oh my goodness jade from victorious oh my god kakashi you had a crush on peter parker master There are no accidents okay good for you man why why the turtle why the old turtle man huh um monkey monkey monkey oh my god dude oh bro and now i’m thinking about since you mentioned kakashi i’m thinking about all the good like teachers of anime like

Kakashi jiraiya gerard was such a good teacher uh he was one of my favorites man i i missed jaraya nothing will ever hit the same one you know uh you guys know what i’m talking about i miss jaraya [ __ ] culture now now the amount of people

Spamming gojol tells me like damn i know i know exactly how uh how [ __ ] zoomer you are my god i said jariah and nobody’s like some people are like who jariah who is that is that sauce no it’s a everybody’s like who come on also i don’t know why there’s [ __ ]

Skeletons inside my house get get out of here get out get out of here you’re not welcome i don’t want to be like uh i don’t end up accidentally playing this for like hours on end so like that’s like keep looking at the clock to make sure like i don’t like overdo it Dude bro oh gee naruto was so cool guys uh there’s there’s something different about when you’re a kid and you’re watching og naruto for the first time and you see like rock lee come out and like [ __ ] up uh gutta right and and you see like nedji like doing his like um

Try again it’s triagram move whatever like 64 palms and then like sing like naruto learned their asengan that was that was like damn that was cool come on something hit different about that because it’s like the show is dark right the show got dark real fast up over like sometimes like

I remember the cursed forest ark and i was like oh my god that’s that is crazy oh yeah um i don’t know i saw that when i was younger it’s like jesus this goes hard it was really hard so early too damn why am i such a nerd for naruto man

Why’d i like naruto so much okay outside is looking good inside’s lit up so that there’s no monster spawning The shikamaru that fight uh shikamaru had with uh what’s it with 1010 her i think her name was 10 10 right yeah and uh he like you know was giga braining everything and i thought that was really cool because like as a kid you’re like damn he’s he’s like smart and [ __ ] wow

My puny brain could not understand like the 3d chess that they were playing but uh you know when they were explaining like oh yeah of course all he could have done not too yeah me too man oh i need acacia i think i still need acacia um drop

Doors for this because i’m using chains wait that’s a nice sound hold up i didn’t realize how how lovely of a sound that was i mean it’s just chains ao flush emoji now i’m gonna put these in like every corner to like light it up a little bit better

Tamari it was tamari right that’s your name oh my god it’s been a while i’m so sorry tamari yeah not ten sentences the weapons user with the with a giant scroll yeah and she summoned weapons no actually yeah tensing didn’t really italy co-written written the girls a lot

Better i think that upsets me like that’s the one thing that i got like sad about is like they did not write their uh woman character very well they code’s done a better job with sakura and like everybody else like you know what i mean Okay looks good everything looking good i don’t know if that was supposed to be like on every side or not but i did it anyways Okay i think everything i think it looks okay let me see real fast oh oh oh oh oh we’re getting so we’re getting even more outlines okay i need redstone redstone red sandstone red sandstone walls i need uh what else acacia fence and red terracotta i sound like bob

We’re gonna add some we’re gonna add some uh red terracotta to this we’ll add a little happy fence to that as well for fun why not right add a little bit of midnight black to this teal you know i mean like i don’t know bob

Bob ross is still fun i love bob ross happy little trees like how he says hoyt white’s clouds i mean you guys are gonna see me i think i’m i’m pretty confident in the idea like i want to do the uh and the bob ross stream it sounds like such a fun idea

Oh oh wait did i [ __ ] up did i [ __ ] anything up hold up hold up let me see let me see something Please tell me please tell me i did uh uh huh oh no oh no oh no pause champ pause jump is that how it’s supposed to look hold up oh no no no no no no no no it’s supposed to be uh oh man that that made me panic so really quickly

Okay that looks better all right that looks better yeah that’s how it’s supposed to be that’s how it’s supposed to be okay thank god thank god thank god and then oh i was supposed to do this with the uh okay oh i i understand now yeah yeah right yeah okay [ __ ] up okay

I’m fine oops i’m gonna put another one right here same same type of design i just realized i had to piss like i need to go pee in a moment like not right now but it’s like creeping up does that make sense it’s like hmm do i have to piss i think so

Soon Like it’s uh the bar is about to load up the the fill bar is reaching its maximum capacity yeah also uh thank you for the 20 thank you for the donation thank you Okay let me put this one thing last thing here and then we go p okay okay all right okay okay cool cool cool it’s looking good it’s looking real good all right give me a second i i need to go use the bathroom real fast so uh keep yourselves entertained um don’t

Mess with my model too much maybe i could bring him up a little bit more while i’m gone more tits i don’t know okay brb Do So Do i don’t know what are you guys doing what are you guys doing did you behave sure you guys behaving stop no i’m back huh or vivo oh my god you’re spamming me you’re spamming the um the email while i was gone all right all right sir okay give me a second sorry

Yeah give me one moment i need to quickly reply to like a couple people if that’s okay i just noticed like i did not look at i did not look at my Messages didn’t you reply to your messages you dummy to reply to your messages what the [ __ ] hello stupid Did i wash my hands i always wash my hands huh at this point i feel like you guys asked that question to like to mock me of course i wash my hands do it oh i’m still big oops sorry Yeah always wash your hands when you go to the bathroom i’m a very uh i’m very like conscious about hand cleanliness because it’s like you use your hands for almost everything so like you’re touching a lot of things too so so i’ll make sure like you don’t spread germs all around

All right by the way uh if you guys have any more questions feel free to ask i am i’m open to more questions if you wanna as long as i haven’t answered it already all right yeah a texture pack it’s just silver’s shaders there’s no texture pack it’s just a shaders

Well i bring back sound alerts uh i thought about it um i think i will uh not today though but yeah i think it might be a good idea for certain streams like only have it activated for certain uh streams in the future not like every single one

Am i such i’m very i don’t know like i’m a very affectionate person like i’m very uh physical touch is nice i think physical touch is like a nice love language but at the same time i think my primary one is like quality time like we’ve i’ve done the test before

I’ve done the test before yeah i’m pretty sure and uh quality time and uh just you know talking with talking with people it’s it all hits it all makes me happy okay But like again my primary ones it’s like showing like hey spending time with somebody you care about and showing like you care about them right and that that’s like oh it’s a love languages test if you’ve taken it before if you’re wondering what that was about

Also thank you for the 20 thank you crave affection i know some people don’t like it they like the idea of it but they don’t actually enjoy having a physical touch right i don’t know how accurate i am with that but i have heard i have heard stuff i i do enjoy

I’ve heard him my oc yeah projects onto it with my oc’s or whatever yeah that’s as much as i can do i don’t really uh i mean i hug my homies i hook my friends right you guys do that right just hug your friends give them some give them some love be

Like hey bro here give me a hug please yeah i think nothing wrong with that i think with uh guys it’s harder sometimes because it’s like uh i know a lot of them aren’t like openly affectionate and stuff so yeah If you if you know what i mean chibi model chibi model i don’t think also what the hell just happened there i don’t think i’m gonna get maybe 3d maybe a 3d chibi model but i don’t think i’m gonna do a yeah i don’t think i’m gonna do a um model that’s

Gb live 2d no like a tv 3d one sounds really funny for like uh vr purposes right now that that sounds fun that sounds really fun Hmm is this a deez nuts joke were you trying to plan here huh i saw somebody ask what no i’m not even gonna reply that it’s it’s like you gives off like hey guys what’s cracking he gives all those vibes still cracking these nuts yeah vr chat

I’ve always wanted to try it um i’ve not uh gotten the stuff for it yet like i think i need to get a 3d gear like a um not like a 3d what was it called like a uh vr headset and stuff yeah also needs a vr headset so

I want to do that oh wait i have red terracotta here Uh oh wait did i not make it big enough Wait a second excuse me ah oh i don’t think i made it big enough oh oops i got the i got the dimensions wrong that’s okay easy fix for some goddamn reason i thought i had the right number of yeah that’s okay see my hand looks so cool hold on wait

Can i just look at that real quick one more time i love i love how people design ah whoever the person that made this model thank you so much even gave him like the red earring on the side seal thank you for giving me a bare feet version

As well that’s that’s super cute i love them a lot okay that’s more like it but i don’t know i have to change this over here do i have any uh book preferences book preferences uh what what does that mean like what kind of books do i like to read well um

I don’t know what kind of books do i like to read actually i mean i haven’t read i haven’t read many books in a while let’s just say that i do like reading i used to like reading so much dude oh my god what happened ah shelton used to love reading and then

All of a sudden he stops uh i mean i still have books and stuff and i read like what i read manga often but like the last time i read an actual book wow damn you’re making me feel cringe now How are you making me feel cringe sir what yeah reading books are good yeah i mean i don’t like the people that are like uh oh yeah some of us like to read in this house why would you be using the internet all the time looking at your

Goddamn phones and all that like no i’m i’m not about uh i’m not about that like if you like reading okay good for you man you like reading that’s okay cool just don’t like rub it in everybody’s faces you know what i mean okay cool damn bro you’re so cool you

Know how you like how to you know how to read yeah me too One two three one three one two three four five and this is also four Have ever had a first kiss no i have not i have not had my first kiss ever yeah and that’s by choice like i solely could have i feel like but um it’s like something sacred and special i’ve not had my first kiss now guys why do you think my rice purity

Scores so high huh cap what do you mean cap no life for real You gotta gotta save it yes i’m saving it does i want to when will i have summer clothes uh if you’re talking i don’t know how about you um next year yeah how about you how about you um keep your eyes out for next year yeah maybe maybe third outfit coming eyes emoji

Yeah maybe i mean i’m not gonna keep the same outfit forever like i wanna i wanna get multiple outfits guys like i’m not the type to uh just stick on i that’s the beauty like i can change my outfit like i want it i want to change my outfit often like

And have fun with like different designs right i mean they’ll always be og shelton but sometimes you want to mix it up and get a new idea and i have i have many ideas like changing hairstyle like can you see me with another hairstyle huh are you ever thought about that

Like i wanna i think i wanna just like try a new hairstyle too no no well what happened to the time wait what oh it’s dark all of a sudden white why is it why did it turn dark i thought i thought i changed it to like it can’t turn dark oh

It’s pretty yeah it’s a lot prettier at night time to be fair i like it a lot as you guys get to see the uh the lanterns the sky lanterns a lot better and like the lights from the houses shine out a little bit more long hair of ponytail you

You want me to have a ponytail Oh it’s back i feel like that’s just an excuse to like want to have something to pull on maybe that’s just me but that was like my first thought oh my god I’m so bad am i wrong for saying that i don’t know i mean i mean you’d be surprised that i’m i’m pretty sure people were thinking about that you know yeah i wouldn’t doubt it i would not doubt it at all god i love just there’s some there’s something so

Satisfying about just like building in minecraft it feels so nice like this is honest to god it’s super relaxing it’s a deal like good vibes maybe i need dark oak fence yeah that’s better good color contrast like to looks luke’s hair hmm have i ever been recognized through my voice in public no

Never never i don’t think it’s that easy to like recognize somebody purely by their voice unless you’re like you know morgan freeman or something like somebody with a very distinguishable voice right right like yeah Um Why people talk about bald shelter and like what shoe hair huh why those hairstyles specifically this is the ponytail really just long hair i don’t know i don’t really see myself with long hair yeah long hair isn’t really uh i like i like it but i like um

I like ponytails like you know yeah like what do lucas which only has what ether has like those are pretty nice but i’m not sure if i see myself having that kind of uh like just long and out type of hairstyle like just down here is my my hair’s down and stuff like

Yeah that’s uh hmm It’s something i’m very unsure about at the moment but i mean yeah who knows right forehead right hold on you guys have never seen my forehead oh my god just lift it up right and there’s a there’s a little like uh what would be behind my forehead what do

You think are the secrets like just hiding back there kind of secrets am i hiding a bald spot you’re mean you’re no a third eye a zit no bro i have not had acne in like over a year okay there’s no way you know what contributes a lot to acne

Though like honestly stress like stress really does like contribute so much to having uh it’s having acne man Like more so than you think and i feel like i haven’t been like super duper stressed like well recently the only thing that was like kind of stressful is like debut prep but other than that no no it’s uh not been super pressed by anything so i’m happy about that because i’m not

I’m not like uh having to worry about a multitude of other responsibilities that i’ve had before which is a good thing good thing for me my skin is flawless i don’t know about that no not everybody’s skin is flawless but it’s just like you can have healthy skin like taking

Good care of your skin and still bright like you’re still gonna be flaws like you’re gonna see stuff and like you know not every skin is just like porcelain and [ __ ] you know so there’s always gonna be like you know imperfections and like you know maybe beauty marks or like

You know some acne scars or whatever that are still healing like many tiny things like that and you’ll see texture on your face too it’s normal know you might not see it often because people have like a lot of uh you know makeup and concealer all helps with that so yeah

But like having good healthy skin is what i i care about a lot not so much like having super duper clear perfect skin like which is doesn’t seem very realistic i don’t know do i do face masks oh like once a week maybe i don’t know like

When i feel like it but it’s mostly like i don’t really do a mask i do like i don’t really do mask is masks a good idea do you guys recommend masks i do masks what’s the opinion on that because like i never really knew once the week is okay okay yeah that’s

What i’ve been doing like i don’t know if like you were talking about like often i was like what is this something i didn’t know about people did it more than once a week okay that makes sense i mean if it if uh it makes sense i have sleeping masks like not like

Well i have a product that i applied to my face that’s kind of like a mask right well it’s it’s labeled as a mask it’s like it’s like a cream right and then you just put it on your face and it’s like labeled as a mask but i don’t have like

The ones where you like it’s like in a literal mask do you know what i’m talking about i don’t know if people know i’m talking about yeah a sleeping mask that’s why that’s what i use like clay no no no it’s actually just like a uh a cream like an actual cream

I don’t i don’t really use sheet masks is that what they’re called sheet masks let me see i don’t know i don’t really use those i only really use the um yeah the cream ones ever i i was thinking about this but now that’s how i brought it up i’m like

Lasik is that something that it’s normal right people get lasik all the time huh is lasik normal like it actually it like helps fix it right it corrects your vision yeah for eyes i know that’s for eyes yeah but it’s a surgery it’s like laser surgery

For eyes to like you know correct the um the curvature of your eyes so that you can see 50 50 vision and all that some doctors don’t recommend it some doctors some doctors also still believe in lobotomies so i mean that’s another thing and those are like no out of practice

So i don’t know i’m near-sighted yeah i am nearsighted so uh i have a what’s it called how do i put this yeah so um my vision is not that bad but i do have trouble seeing stuff from far away sometimes celia no not astigmatism i don’t have that no

Apple does not have astigmatism i wear contacts no i don’t wear contacts i like wearing my glasses like right now i’m not wearing glasses but like if i were in a let’s say i’m in some place it’s like a movie theater let’s say i’m

In a movie theater or like i’m in like a lecture hall then i might wear glasses right it’s like okay i need to put in some like glasses i so wear it sometimes i wear it sometimes yeah like but not all the time okay this air is looking good dude it’s

Looking pretty flushed out right damn i just gotta think of a way to like let boats on top of this or like you know actually make it look realistic and and draw supporting pillars underneath bro there’s so many turtles all the turtles are still here okay I need to stretch one more time i feel so relaxed right now that’s good this was a good stream this is a really good stream i don’t know if i want to continue though i do have another stream later like literally have another stream

In six hours from now so i don’t know if i want to like overdo it today because um if i end up overdoing it then i’m gonna get up i’m gonna get super tired yeah because we have to do our sponsored stream segments at a uh what time

Starting at seven o’clock okay so what i learned is that i have to go live at um i have to go live one hour before the sponsored stream with uh saikuno ban buddha so i don’t know what exactly i’ll do before then i’ll just go live maybe we

Can uh just chat and chill for a little bit until like the stream actually starts and see what happens right yeah we’re gonna have or maybe some gantry i don’t know i’ll do something i’ll do something we’ll have like an hour to like vibe out and then after that we’ll play

Multiverses with the with the crew and after that veg then i have a stream tomorrow morning with mista and that’s gonna be my last stream of the week so yeah my mortuary’s assistant collab with mister will be the final one that we have that’s the plan ah

Yeah i need to go get some rest like lay down for a little bit and uh what else i need to uh get myself lunch too dude we’ve been playing minecraft for four hours how i don’t understand how time passes by this fast when we play when we play

Games like this dude i don’t get it okay i’m gonna hop off now but i hope you guys have a good night hold on wait let me go back to the bedroom you forgetting that about the uh the sensor screen sometimes okay Yeah thank you for coming by everybody i’m gonna read through some of the uh donations really quickly before i hop off before i forget as well okay let’s start from the bottom under lock thank you for the 100 bitties bro thank you so much uh

Monica thank you for the 500 bits too um ivy loves thank you for the 200 bits mia thank you for the bits too rachel thank you for the zone all bro you missed the big promotion for drunk short those kisses three dollars each side can i get it today i’m so sorry i

Did not see this earlier but thank you brad thank you for the donation little funko thank you for the donation too if i travel will you share photos of us i think i would yeah i would probably post on twitter but i’d probably share it like after

I’ve been to the area so like people can’t like look for me and be weird so yeah oh thank you for the bits as well um well thank you for all the bits uh and uh thank you for the five tier ones um zipa dings thank you for the don’t

Know uh latin spice thank you for the bits as well um flower crown boy thank you for the bits too banyu thank you for the donation thank you so much uh zoe thank you for the two tier ones attitude thank you for the dono your art is very beautiful by

The way thank you um count von thank you for the bits drawing for the bits too and max thank you for the bits joellen thank you for the bits density thank you for the 10 gift subs uh cali thank you for the 100 bits as well

Uh vol thank you for the five tier ones essay thank you for the donation to you have a good rest during the holidays have fun and give yourself a vacation for your body and mind oh [ __ ] yeah i need to do that i actually might go swimming during my vacation sale

Maggie thank you for the bits uh skyrapunk thank you for the five tier ones too and uh let’s see hells thank you for the three tier ones hello thank you so much um guru thank you for the donation yeah you said yesterday you would watch kung fu pianos with guilds do you

Remember this i didn’t say i was going to watch it you know the day of i said i was going to watch it sometime with the guildies but yeah i will i that’s going to happen but it’s not going to happen today or tomorrow or yesterday because i didn’t

Give a specific time yet uh cola thank you for the dono uh mizu thank you for the zono 2 good luck of uni and that’s easy thank you for the don’t know as well thank you so much uh density thank you for the five tier ones kelly thank you for the

1000 bits it’s nc thank you for the five tier ones flower crown thank you for the bit sweet sweet thank you for the bits uh ace thank you for the 500 bits thank you for the two tier ones inkblot thank you for the bits too puff thank

You for the zono as well cinco thank you for the domino kagami thank you for the tell no uh tian thank you for the no Too lorraine thank you for the deal notes too have a good sleep okay so go thank you for the don’t know how sure fonts ah shirvan thank you for the telnet as well uh lois thank you for the tell no as well um i say thank you for the tell no no

It’s almost thank you for the donuts hill and uh pancakes thank you for the donald dude i should have read these i i while i was uh someone’s here yeah pancakes no it’s easy oh my god everyone’s realizing i did not i did not uh you know um give

Me give my my fear of the deal i’m sorry i didn’t remember i was drunk also sinister thank you for the five tier ones i’ll fool you thank you for the donut too elizabeth thank you for the bits thumbelina thank you for the bits ass salia nora thank you for the

Bits too um alcohol thank you for the bits i’ll show thank you for the bits and tofu thank you for the bits as well okay ah thank you for coming by everybody have a good night and i will see you in six hours from now exactly i’ll be going

Live again in six hours okay so i’ll see you guys soon i’m so sorry about uh so sorry about like uh you know um having to end it right now if i didn’t have a stream later i would have like kept building but i need to limit myself before i get super tired

Out and it’ll be fun too i get to play um a fighting game with my friends so i’m excited it’s gonna be the first time i play with buddha and um i’ve already played with saikuna in battle before so yeah meeting a new friend we’ll see how it is right

Bye guys have a good night take care bye Fine except they’re stabbing paint up in my chest and upstairs i’m done but now you’re done My nose please

This video, titled ‘【9/01/2022】LET’S BUILD! COMFY MINECRAFT ASMR【Shoto】’, was uploaded by Shoto’s Twitch VODs on 2022-09-01 23:01:27. It has garnered 38721 views and 2142 likes. The duration of the video is 04:07:00 or 14820 seconds.

#Shoto #Shxtou #ENVTuber #vtuber

Broadcasted on [9/01/2022] — https://www.twitch.tv/shxtou Games: Minecraft

Note: Some audio may have been muted by Twitch for copyrighted music.

————————————————- Thumbnail Credits: https://twitter.com/ParasiticBun ————————————————-

▬ Contents of this video ▬

0:00 – Stream Starts 5:45 – Chill Talk Starts 14:30 – Gameplay Starts 4:30:00 – After Stream Talk


🗡️HASHTAGS🗡️ Clips Tag: #shxtou Meme Tag: #shomega Art Tag: #ArtoftheRogue NSFW Tag: #ShonlyFans Fan Name – Guildies Oshi Mark: 🗡️

————————————————- 🗡️ MY SOCIALS 🗡️

Twitter: https://twitter.com/shxtou TikTok: https://www.tiktok.com/@shxtou Main YouTube: https://youtube.com/c/ShoutoYT Twitch: https://www.twitch.tv/shxtou


🗡️ JOIN THE GUILD 🗡️ Discord: https://discord.gg/shoto


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  • 1300+ Iron Per Hour in Minecraft 1.21+

    1300+ Iron Per Hour in Minecraft 1.21+ Minecraft Iron Farm Tutorial: A Game-Changing Innovation Are you ready to revolutionize your Minecraft gameplay with an incredible iron farm that produces over 1300 iron per hour? Look no further! In this easy-to-follow tutorial, you’ll discover the secrets to constructing a highly efficient iron farm that will elevate your resource-gathering capabilities to new heights. Building the Ultimate Iron Farm With this step-by-step guide, you can create a fully automatic iron farm that works seamlessly in Minecraft versions 1.16 through 1.21. Whether you’re playing on Java Edition or exploring the possibilities on Bedrock Edition, this farm is designed to meet… Read More


    EXPLOSIVE MINECRAFT DEATHS?! Hardcore Part 2Video Information This video, titled ‘Minecraft bedrock Hardcore Part 2 | VTuberEN Live Stream’, was uploaded by r322c gaming on 2024-07-27 03:16:17. It has garnered 158 views and 10 likes. The duration of the video is 03:22:51 or 12171 seconds. #Minecraft #MinecraftLive #MinecraftStream #MinecraftGaming Today I am To make new Serious one my live streams With Minecraft Hardcore By collecting all Rare items Like armor shrimps music disk And other cool material So come join for the fun And I hope you all enjoy the life My Twitch https://www.twitch.tv/r322c_ My discord https://discord.gg/TQe5FBRP My Twitter https://x.com/r322c Support the OtterFox https://streamlabs.com/r322cgaming/tip #MinecraftHardcore… Read More

  • Horror Toilet in Minecraft: Part 3

    Horror Toilet in Minecraft: Part 3Video Information This video, titled ‘i Found Horror SKIBIDI TOILET 😱 in Minecraft | ( Part-3 ) |’, was uploaded by RICH GAMERZ on 2024-02-17 06:19:23. It has garnered 297867 views and 1361 likes. The duration of the video is 00:10:37 or 637 seconds. i Found Horror SKIBIDI TOILET 😱 in Minecraft | ( Part-3 ) | minecraft horror myths ny gamer minecraft horror myths in hindi minecraft scary myths minecraft scary myths that are actually real Tags – minecraft horror techno gamerz minecraft horror minecraft minecraft horror video techno gamer minecraft techno gamerz horror games minecraft bhoot techno gamer… Read More

  • INSANE Minecraft Tutorial for Ultimate Zombie Survival!

    INSANE Minecraft Tutorial for Ultimate Zombie Survival!Video Information This video, titled ‘#minecraft #tutorial #minecraftshorts #survival #letsplay #gaming #zombie #videogames’, was uploaded by Evie on 2024-04-29 12:56:32. It has garnered 418 views and 9 likes. The duration of the video is 00:00:32 or 32 seconds. Read More

  • Unbelievable: Chris999’s Latest Updates Will Blow Your Mind!

    Unbelievable: Chris999's Latest Updates Will Blow Your Mind!Video Information This video, titled ‘The Mace, New Banner Patterns, Armor Trims And More’, was uploaded by ThisisChris999 on 2024-03-14 18:03:43. It has garnered 477 views and 17 likes. The duration of the video is 00:09:09 or 549 seconds. Hello and welcome to my channel. Here is where I do a variety of different things in Minecraft. Today, I share a new preview and what’s inside. #Minecraft Changelog: https://feedback.minecraft.net/hc/en-us/articles/24981522422669-Minecraft-Beta-Preview-1-20-80-22 Twitter X: https://twitter.com/RealThisisChris Discord: https://discord.gg/qtqVhTR Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/thisischris999/ Read More

  • ¡El mod que te hará temblar! 😱 #minecraftbedrock

    ¡El mod que te hará temblar! 😱 #minecraftbedrockVideo Information This video, titled ‘Serie Survival con el mod experiment 8 💀 links en los comentarios #minecraft #minecraftbedrock’, was uploaded by ★El Isaí シ on 2024-08-17 16:34:43. It has garnered 686 views and likes. The duration of the video is 00:01:00 or 60 seconds. Read More

  • Unbelievable: I BUILT a Dragon Base in Minecraft!

    Unbelievable: I BUILT a Dragon Base in Minecraft!Video Information This video, titled ‘I BUILT a Dragon’s Secret Base in Minecraft! (Tagalog)’, was uploaded by Clyde Charge on 2024-10-05 10:00:22. It has garnered 9400 views and 476 likes. The duration of the video is 00:14:06 or 846 seconds. I BUILT a Dragon’s Secret Base in Minecraft! (Tagalog) Maizen, Nico and Cash Parody! Like and SUBSCRIBE Thank you!! Panuorin nyo din sila: Pepesan TV, Habitat Gaming,SheyyynPlayz, Ar Ar Plays, Olip TV, Clyde Charge, Esoni TV, Tankdemic, JUNGKurt_, Jey Jey, Moira YT, Micolee_, Shannel PH, Viccc TV, Astraeaa PH, Azen Gaming, Mizumi, Kimmie Like, Share and Subscribe! FACEBOOK PAGE: https://www.facebook.com/ClydeCharge/… Read More

  • INSANE Minecraft Pixel Art Survival Challenge!!

    INSANE Minecraft Pixel Art Survival Challenge!!Video Information This video, titled ‘#minecraftpixelart #minecraftsurvival #minecraft #shorts #minecraftanimation #minecraftmemes #ftypシ’, was uploaded by conmc on 2024-08-05 12:05:39. It has garnered views and [vid_likes] likes. The duration of the video is or seconds. minecraft, minecraft, minecraft hunger games, minecraft survival island, minecraft mods, minecraft song, minecraft style, minecraft … Read More

  • EPIC FAIL? Nooobi takes on LaComida Hardcore world!

    EPIC FAIL? Nooobi takes on LaComida Hardcore world!Video Information This video, titled ‘🔴 Playing on the LaComida Hardcore world (i hope i dont die)’, was uploaded by Nooobi on 2024-06-11 00:39:17. It has garnered 99 views and 3 likes. The duration of the video is 07:09:57 or 25797 seconds. hello? Twitter: https://twitter.com/nooobbii Ignore tags- #Bedwars #Minecraft #Hypixel hypixel bedwars, keyboard asmr, keyboard and mouse sounds bedwars, keyboard and mouse, minecraft bedwars, bedwars keyboard and mouse sounds, mouse and keyboard sounds, keyboard and mouse sounds minecraft, keyboard and mouse asmr, mouse n keyboard sounds, keyboard + mouse sounds asmr, minecraft mouse n keyboard sounds, keyboard and mouse sounds… Read More

  • “EPIC MINECRAFT SOLO LEVELING MOD 😱” #minecraft #shorts

    "EPIC MINECRAFT SOLO LEVELING MOD 😱" #minecraft #shortsVideo Information This video, titled ‘Minecrft Solo leveling Mcpe Mod 🤯 (Download) #minecraft #shorts #sololeveling’, was uploaded by FUNNYFACE😖GAMING on 2024-04-19 18:21:09. It has garnered 841 views and likes. The duration of the video is 00:00:21 or 21 seconds. Minecrft Solo leveling Mod 🤯 #minecraft #shorts #sololeveling Related Topic : Minecraft solo leveling mod Minecraft soloviner Minecraft solo leveling Minecraft solo winner Minecraft solo house Minecraft soloviner xd Minecraft solo survival Minecraft solo Mcpe solo leveling mod bedrock Minecraft 1.19 addon Download Skyrim Solo Leveling mod Stats addon mcpe Solo leveling Minecraft server Tensura addon MCPE mcpe solo leveling solo… Read More

  • WestLeaf Economy SMP Economy NEW! Quarries & Hopper Automation Expansion Custom Storage Claims Jobs

    Welcome to WestLeaf Economy 💸 Custom Items / Ores & Tools, Sell ANY Item, Custom Terrain, Automation, Jobs, Skill Levels, Claims, Chest Selling, Random Teleport, Vein Mining & More! Established in 2022, WestLeaf offers a modded economy experience in a vanilla setting. Enhance your gameplay with automated processes, trade unique minerals and tools, explore custom caves for special crafting options, and engage in combat with levelled mobs. Our server features: Custom Tools Custom Textures New Ores Custom Terrain Generation Skill Levels Quarries Claims Vein Miner Vote Rewards EULA FRIENDLY, NO PAY TO WIN! Join us at: IP: play.westleaf.net Discord: https://discord.gg/Ze9THErzuj… Read More