【MINECRAFT】 My tree shall blot out the sun

Video Information

Foreign Foreign Foreign foreign ER hello hello moon is rising the sun has set time to sleep on top of crony’s tower sorry I didn’t blew my stuff out of the way hello hello welcome to Minecraft Monday real it’s actually Minecraft Monday no longer Minecraft the Thursday or Wednesday my mind sounds more sensitive doesn’t

It should be the same unless it’s pointing directly at me maybe I just haven’t gotten comfy yet and sit over here it’s the same sounds to say okay good it should sound the same because I didn’t change anything It would be a little concerning if it was suddenly different um I feel like it’s been a while since we played but it hasn’t really been right I don’t remember how to build this thing maybe you change your speakers yeah why is there turtle on top of iris’s tofu Still looks like a leg week and a half I guess so I guess that’s a while I gotta fix this thing I have a plan for this I don’t know Oh oh I still can’t fly my elytra let’s just go down um I was is there an Enderman in there I think so I was thinking about going to get um more glowstone and then go fix my elytra because it’s kind of breaking let’s do that first first things first Bean

How are you guys doing kind of sleepy I don’t know I I shouldn’t because I slept all day on Saturday I should have made some tea I didn’t make any to wake me up Maybe Minecraft will wake me up all day well not really all day but I had a very lazy

Saturday you know I was I slept late and then I woke up actually I cooked something Layla I’ve been lazy with cooking like like today for example I just ate like a sandwich which is kind of lazy or I’ve been eating like way too many instant noodles

That kind of thing or like a quesadilla or like pasta with Jarred sauce but on Saturday I mean I actually cooked like noodles with tofu and veggies and it was healthy and delicious wow do I even have glowstone not that much I don’t really want to run the farm though

That’s not very much glowstone I don’t know why it doesn’t get all sorted properly is it because it’s like too fast oh you’re right I can buy it how do I keep forgetting that you can buy it I don’t remember if I have money I think I do though

I’ll bring a little money just in case um I think it’s this way funny fish farm yes I would like to heal my elytra although maybe it would get healed if I buy stuff anyway oh I still have this in my inventory this is 30 day free trial Smite sword

Do I have sweeping Edge too this one’s sweeping Edge three I use this one where’d my carrots I inventory very sick the trial is over where’s my fish where’s my bunny fish there they are welcome home my funny fish when the trial’s over yeah I better go like collect everyone’s swords

If they refuse to hand them over I’ll just have to you know take it by force wow oh I should fix this too beautiful more do you guys see I posted my schedule I’m excited we’re doing some fun streams this week I heard the pre-chat that there is a Hitman

Movie actually there’s not just one Hitman movie there’s two apparently apparently they’re not very good maybe even bad I think one had like an 18 on Rotten Tomatoes that’s the biggest Hitman fan I am certain that I will love them well I don’t know which one we’re gonna watch

We’re doing members watch along I don’t I are they there’s is the second one like a sequel to The First One zero percent story complete family that’s why I need to watch the movie you know So I can finally get the lore of him in the second one is a reboot so which one should we watch then Um my gosh I go to sleep oh there’s fish nearby let’s just go first one is way better but which one is funnier which one would be more fun to watch we could watch the first one she did not know how did I not know there are Hitman movies why did they

Make them I think all the beds have been removed how did I not know money is Hitman like that popular I don’t know like with the mainstream audience To have a movie Oh like what games have you even gotten movies there was um Mario Assassin’s Creed Resident Evil Doom has two Mortal Kombat that’s actually a lot more than I thought are any of them good who’s got glowstone you’ve got glowstone you’ve got to go so okay that’s enough for now

90 are bad I just don’t know like oh yeah let’s put this in here like what’s the audience for these movies like Gamers people who like the games but they like the games probably for like way different reasons than they like movies I shuffled the playlist can you tell I

Was waiting for the Hedgehogs but I put the playlist on shuffle I don’t know if I like it I kind of want to unshuffle it um you were too But yeah I don’t I don’t know like the movies that I like are completely different from the games I like because when I want to play a game usually I want to play a game not like watch a movie you know it’s raining it’s night time again

Mario is actually the best video game movie I did like the Mario movie say the Silent Hill one was good Is it like based on the game or is it like different in the Hitman one too I would say that we’ll find out but actually I probably won’t find out because I don’t even know what the plot of the hibbit games so how will I be

Able to tell if it’s the same or not I won’t uh maybe I should chop some wood gotta fill up the shulker box I just find it weird like I was looking at the on the movie poster for Hitman and I’m not gonna get over the fact that 47 has a different face

Did they model his in-game face after like anyone in particular or is he like an original OC do not steal The voice actor wait really Really does his his voice actor looks like that in real life really look him up I’m gonna look him up I didn’t think anyone could look like 847 in real life Agent 47 voice actor oh David Bateson kind of it’s not exactly foreign a little bit yeah he’s older age of 47 just like She kind of looks like Seth ever made not just because they’re bombed Could anyone be as bald as 47 maybe if they wax their head okay we chop criteria to play Hitman equals bald that means anyone can be 47 even I could be but even if I shaved I still wouldn’t look like Agent 47 I really wouldn’t foreign really fine you won’t grow here then that’s fine I won’t make you this why did you have to grow so many leaves I guess I should be proud of you good job look at you go you’re so not bald you will never play Agent 47 in the hidman movie

Overachiever yeah who are you trying to impress oh I’m just here to chop and reform you into a giant tree to blot out the Sun for the whole server plunge the world into a permanent night it’s like Skyrim but I didn’t actually do that in Skyrim did I

A serrano will never we will never be able to live out our peaceful Vampire Life I should learn the actual Skyrim lore have you guys seen that there’s Skyrim geoguessr and it’s the best thing ever I’m pretty sure there’s no way I can get permissions to play it but I really want to there is it’s so fun it’s actually so fun they just plop you down

At a random place in Skyrim and then you figure out where you are I played it in two of the five that they gave me were like right next to Solitude and each time I was like OMG it’s my hometown I don’t know why I feel that way of like wow

Solitude it’s like home I think a lot of people don’t like Solitude though bye I live there that’s where I live It’s funny that it can Inspire such strong feelings you like Solitude I do too It’s got everything you could want I think a lot of people don’t like the snow but that’s like all of Skyrim it’s all snowy White run all the way I could wide run but it feels kind of basic sometimes because that’s like where you start out you know Like it will never Escape its place in my brain as being like the territorial City if I do it is nice there it’s very Skyrim feels very Skyrim but I also like Winterhold because I like the college I think a lot of people hate Winterhold well it’s really not good unless you

Live in the the Mage is college I think gotta live your college life in Skyrim Riften I like Riften too likes Riften although you cannot feel like crime is about to happen at any moment but when you’re playing in spawn yeah it’s fine because you’re probably the one committing the crimes anyway

But it’s like a beautiful city it’s just everyone keeps talking about how they’re so scared all the time but I really recommend Skyrim geoguesser I wish I could play it maybe probably not I wanted to learn like the whole map of Skyrim comes Skyrim Geo guesser Queen

Because I’m really not that good at it like the ones that were not like by a major city like they just plop you down in the middle of nowhere and you’re like oh I see trees and snow or you’re like oh it’s a birch Forest

Those ones I kind of had no idea on who do you ask permissions for that that’s the that’s the thing right who do you ask permissions for oh I want to play it now right now I could just like close my eyes and then run around

Skyrim and then open my eyes and try to figure out where I am I haven’t played Skyrim in so long either I was thinking about playing it yesterday but then I wanted to do the Mario Maker level which I will finish I need to finish and then challenge people to play it

Yeah maybe I’ll finish it I don’t know um I want to stream as much as I can this week before my vacation since I’ll be gone for a while like these days or something on my bed so I don’t know if I’ll be able to finish it this week

Maybe I’ll finish it like on the plane this is not a bad idea right Gotta do something oh I I need some books to read too I want to read House of leaves finally but I kind of want to bring it on my Kindle and I already have the physical copy of House of leaves and I feel like you should read that book with the physical

Copy because it uses like interesting text formats and stuff I want to bring my Kindle just because I don’t want to carry so many books around it’s heavy yeah the typography of House of leaves I don’t know what the Kindle version is like but I don’t know it feels wasteful

To buy it again because already bought it once I do want to read it Kindle is convenient my mom bought it for me I was like not convinced by it I was like oh but I like physical books I like the smell of books and I like holding them in my hands and my mom was like um we’ll see she bought me a Kindle and now

I’m like all right I see now it’s very convenient it’s just nice to be able to like download a book it’s the same with games right because you used to have to like go to GameStop when you won in a game and buy it so sometimes you just have to wait

Until you get the chance but now if you want to play a game you can literally just buy it and download it and play it like within an hour it’s the same with books don’t have to wait for them to ship or go to a bookstore although I do love bookstores just

Oh I want to read this book download it in five minutes you wouldn’t download a book oh I would legally on my Kindle which I purchased actually I didn’t purchase which my mom purchased oh before we’ve been full You would download a lot of things like pngs of green YouTuber I would download that I might even have a whole folder foreign I’m psychic actually I already hacked onto your computer I’ve seen your browser history already too late for you Also on Thursday you may have seen in my schedule I’m gonna be moving not the creature character movement but the verb it will be collab with mume I need to unshuffle it I need to unshuffle it I need to hear the Hedgehogs wait is it too late on shuffle

It’s like messing me up now that the Hedgehogs aren’t there I thought it would be good for it to be shuffled but no what I think about your browser history though um I’ve seen Wilder honestly how will we be moving you’ll see I’ll add a movie announce it

It’s gonna be on her Channel this time and I think it will be fun excited we’re doing this week lots of streams I’m excited good send-off for vacation get to watch the funny Hitman movie what if I’m like really emotionally moved by it I have said before that I like cry at

Every movie What if it’s not even good but I’m just like oh my gosh my favorite game has a movie and I Cry the murder’s so good or maybe I’ll cry because I’ll be like this is not my age in 47. he’s different in my head they didn’t represent him properly Um I feel like I’m running out of saplings I didn’t even get a full shulker oh that’s why I’m running out of saplings crying when the Ave Maria hits true Can I play Ave Maria YouTube audio library they always copyright strike me for Ave Maria but there should be one that’s okay give me the YouTube audio I typed Ave Mario no no Ave Maria really What do we have instead of the Mamma Mia what’s this [Applause] the horse races I just looked for Maria That’s pretty good I love the YouTube audio library Kevin Mac leod I didn’t know he was in the YouTube royalty free audio library is all of his stuff here um wait I need to there is stuff deep Horrors that’s nice what if I just play Minecraft like this

It’s so ominous it feels like something bad is about to happen at any moment and I look over my trees on fire even the sound effects sound scary like this it’s getting dark pretty good horror pretty good horror music okay let’s do a few more trees oh did I put all my

Bone meal away it’s like a whole different game right now mace reminds me of penumbra I’m like weirdly nostalgic for the penumbra playthroughs I had a lot of fun with those I like penumbra it was fun fun to play and I feel kind of proud did I play them by myself

Cause I’m coward really picking up I didn’t want to scream that loud but I thought a blood curling scream would be Infinity okay that was great The whiplash what do we got in this this Library Even scarier This is tree burning music don’t say that don’t wheel it into existence this one’s called Crash and Burn foreign Forest lullabies so moody I don’t know nice though Thank you They Orient the blind Forest Oh it’s kind of nice can easily imagine yourself in a mystical magical Fort I kind of want to save this one I could use this For something oh a new lore video yeah we gotta figure that out Lore is getting too confusing What even am I embodiment of nature a druid says Yeah yeah yeah Getting FNAF levels with the lore Gaming Kieran true new channel description just dropped actually like a while ago did I talk about it in my description everyone else was changing theirs it’s succinct gaming Idol Kieran that’s me That’s all you need to know the only other thing you need to know is that you will stay in the forest forever and you will be happy because look listen to this beautiful Forest music that we have It’s just kind of sad the perfect melody for a broken heart so long my love cool but in drama um spooky I’m just on the forest playlist right now I didn’t do anything wrong I did not kidnap the sapling to take them into my Forest I didn’t I didn’t don’t take me away And then and then I do a crazy laugh like It was me I did it I did kidnap them all and you know what I turned them into trees And you know what I do with those trees You know what I do I’m waiting for it to drop it’s still building it it fizzled out it fizzled out I wasn’t ready I planned them and nurtured them until they grow into big trees and fill the atmosphere with oxygen Ha ha ha he cliffhanger the horror 90s pad oh wait this is I’ve seen this guy Brian vulgar Bulger I’m sorry I don’t know how to say his name he made some Banger royalty-free music on YouTube one of the the Legends for sure Are they here Built her by this artist the one we just listened to was by them this one I think I like Yeah this one is called First Dream Is she nice there’s some real gems in the YouTube royalty free audio library foreign people making some cinematic masterpieces It’s nice right oh my favorite sound like Hollow Knight should I play Hollow Knight maybe for a Sunday game eventually although the list of games to play on Sundays is growing longer and I need to finish BioShock 2 because this is cursed getting a little creepy little eerie Oh The mystery This is so nice listening to this kind of thing makes me want to write anybody else listen to emotional orchestral music and be like I want to write something I have some shorts I need to write and make to post while I’m gone oh this one wait we were just listening to this one were we you think 90s pad Thank you great tree cutting music it’s very Zen but it makes me just want to like listen to it and shut up am I I’m streaming I should keep talking But don’t you just want to feel the music I say as I turn the volume down it might be so loud Good music too long to It’s Zen kind of is just like meditative but I’m like too awake after I listen to the the horror one if I listen to this first I would just be completely at peace music to log and chill too orchestral beads to cut down trees in Minecraft too what’s this one a Fool’s theme Certainly not my theme then maybe yours ha ha ha ha ha ha honestly kind of another Banger song though complain about having this as their theme oy hey Sorry I feel like I’ve been really combative lately I don’t know what’s gotten into me I’m just bullying the poor saps lately maybe it’s after I got bullied in Uno need somebody to take it out on that was so fun that was really fun playing Uno oh God

I even said Lego I don’t think she’ll win me and mume well stop her we did not I was wrong nothing can stop her Fun hanging out with them I love those girls we always have a good time together Be Wicked along so well say is mysterious music please oh we’re almost full am I close to the bottom I hope so Foreshadowing where are the bodies wait what what did I say I’m just being normal aren’t I the Box what box there’s no boxes in my closet the music oddly appropriate Fox huh there’s nothing like that here you must be confused You must be getting me mixed up with someone else Excuse me he’s building huh an investigation why what what could you have to investigate um yeah you can look around a little just just hold on I need to take care of something first hey there stay right there I’ll be back oh just a second I’m just just cleaning up

One second tell the detective to please wait foreign Listen are you are you sure you want to look in here it’s really cramped you know I’m not I’m not sure you’ll even fit it’s it’s really really there’s no need for you to look around in here I promise nothing is strange That’s right leave what is this one music box this one’s also nice This one’s also mysterious foresty oh shoot I’m full I’m a fan we are at the forest I should use this music for something oh it’s very magical twinkling fairy I’m feeling inspired now but to make fantasy something fantasy shorts using this music I’m a wizard more of a witch really right or druid if we believe the lore if you believe what you’ve been told there’s like a sinister Sinister undertones it’s a bit I was quiet too quiet oddly quiet what else you got for me YouTube royalty free library this one is my favorite Is it too loud it’s so nice Earth appears foreign Just skip around in a song for fun any metal um are these the ones that have vocals though I search for metal we’ll see what the YouTube Library will provide this is a really metal oh wait wait wait wait hilarious please thank you sorry I don’t know what you could be singing about

In the YouTube royalty free library you know Foreign I don’t think they have metal this is the best they got what do we want what’s our mood today are you feeling angry bright calm dark dramatic funky happy inspirational romantic or sad all of the above funky we have the DK wrap definitely not Emotional mess here you go for you this one sounds familiar stop attacking me I’m sorry wait there’s lyrics no no no no no singing please sorry Madam I do kind of want to hear what she was singing though wait what was she singing I feel like I shouldn’t be allowed to listen to this but I am no attribution required YouTube audio library Kind of reminds me of I feel like Bond music yeah You’re karaoke that one’s gonna get sick good let her man yes but you wouldn’t get This reminds me of music it’s definitely music This won’t get DMC no it’s in the YouTube audio library As though it will get DMC it as well but it’s no attribution required in the audio library This is a long song Too four minute song Um That’s right you wouldn’t want me any less right get wild to love an emotional mess My heart’s in your hands don’t hurt me I’m scared please don’t hurt me baby it’s kind of it’s kind of going off it feels like I shouldn’t be listening to it yes it’s royalty free some people are really just offering their musical services to the YouTube royalty free audio library Oh I got glowstone It’s Jingle Bells Merry Christmas Oh one horse open sleigh over the fields we go laughing all the way bells and bobtails sing how is it going figures for eyes fun it is to ride and sing a slaying song tonight jingle bells jingle bells jingle all the way oh what fun it is to ride in the one

Horse opens today hey jingle bells jingle bells jingle all the way oh what fun it is today Jingle bells jingle all the way then it’s to ride in a one horse open sled hey jingle bells jingle bells you can go all the way is this good is this what you wanted It’s not a bad Jingle Bells remix though Yes it is it’s not what we got boom bad flick it’s kind of nice I don’t really like the the name the name makes me a little uncomfortable but But it sounds nice Persona vibes Persona and just all funky music Yes I need a plain persona it’s kind of a shame that I haven’t played it yet well I need to play persona 4. First well I don’t know maybe Persona fans will be like no you shouldn’t play Persona 4 first you should play Persona 3 first You should play 10 side I don’t know I know nothing it’s going this music’s going Yup that’s me that’s me all right Oh what’s happening oh to my branch I don’t know first I have to play the OG pong or can I play one of the remastered versions Like I know they say like the remastered versions of pong like you know take out what makes the game good but like I just have a hard time getting into the graphics the old Graphics you know Okay You’ve probably noticed that my internet has been bad lately so I’ve had great opportunities to play the the Google dinosaur no internet game I’m getting pretty good at it I’ll post my high score one day except it playing that game necessitates not having Internet so I can’t exactly post my high schoolers whoa

You’re whispering to me spooky something spooky to Funk me up is that what you said to me Um Pumpkin Hill I ain’t gonna let it get to me I’m just gonna creep down in Pumpkin Hill I got to find my lost piece I know that it’s here I can sense it in my feet the great Emerald’s power allows me to feel they should add that to the YouTube

World TV Library it’s not royalty free they would not do that it is kind of spooky is this the funkiness that you had in mind when you said that you’re in a funky mood maybe you’re thinking more funky calm I wish Funky Kong was in the Mario movie one

I don’t know about this one I’m skipping this I do like it he was in there where was he did I miss him Cranky Kong was there put the funk back on oh he made the cards oh I do have to watch it again what do we want

This one oh I thought it was from 2002 but it’s from 2022. you want some jazz genre jazz You like jazz it’s like dredge music again This is Tango Well the YouTube audio library told me that it’s Jazz so Just anything with accordions is dredgecore now Dredge though It’s nice this is nice It kind of reminds me of I don’t know if this is correct or not you know the movie Master of Disguise that was like my favorite movie as a kid I feel like that was like the first is it a good movie or is it a bad movie

I don’t know but I thought it was really funny yeah am I not turtley enough for the turtle club I want to watch it again so bad it’s good isn’t bad though or is it actually just funny is it not just a good comedy I don’t know I want to watch it again

Oh See I liked it when I was probably like eight years old so like if an eight-year-old likes your movie I mean I’m sure eight-year-old me ouch had great taste except that I definitely didn’t wait a second this is this is the royalty-free song is it not I swear this is like the royalty-free

Song that everyone listens to sound familiar maybe it’s just similar to that one it sounds like a coffee shop the people I always put in there videos Critics have called it one of the worst movies ever made Master of Disguise is it really that bad I think I should watch it again see That’s rough how can it be that bad let’s watch together we have to watch the hidman movie first they’re probably not eight years old sounds like a them problem If they’re lacking the child like imagination needed to enjoy this movie which I don’t think what’s it rated it’s like meant for adults to watch right but is it actually is it like inappropriate foreign it’s actually fine then it’s not even PG-13 wait so it is made for kids

I thought I was like so mature when I watched it so I was like I I love this movie made for adults It was it’s for kids really I thought it was for adults and I thought that I was like so mature because I I thought this adult movie was so funny what I wasn’t actually I didn’t actually have mature tastes by liking Master of Disguise in fact it’s actually

They’re judged to be one of the worst movies of all time How could this be foreign should I watch it have any of you watched it oh oh like as adults and what did you think only as a kid I would just want to see like how it holds up oh no we’re going down oh it does not hold up but the turtley

Turtley club was pretty good right that scene would still be funny today right he’s wearing the turtle the turtle outfit it’s the only good part I guess there’s probably like like a whole hour and 20 minutes of the movie that’s not the turtle club so yes it was a four out of ten joke in a one out of 10 movie Is it really that bad the old fisherman part was pretty good yeah I remember that part too vaguely I wonder watch it what’s the worst that could happen laughs Um oh should I oh oh oh oh oh oh oh ouch can I not torture you with bad movies but watching bad movies together is so fun sometimes it’s even more fun than watching good movies right I didn’t fill this part in somehow It’s happened When more Twilight we do need to watch more twilights I was thinking about Twilight not a surprise too many of you I’m sure cause I remembered that I my friend one of my best friends from like middle and high school the one who called me a betta fish that one time

We were also like into Twilight sort of ironically well for her it was ironically for me it was kind of unironically and she would like make fun of me for it but she bought me the Edward Cullen doll the Edward Cole and Barbie and then I bought her the Bella Swan

Barbie in retaliation was just remembering that those existed they’re so cursed if you wanted to like look up a picture of them hey Very cursed but it’s very funny that they existed and I guess I still have it I think it’s I don’t know my parents might have thrown it away it’s boards in their basement somewhere one of the two I don’t have it with me currently what a shame gotta go find it Curse Doll yeah it is in the Box I left it in the Box Do Not Free him from his prison Whatever you do Oh but there’s a new Barbie movie coming out I want to watch it Oh no I’m Falling Again oh no oh no we might as well ouch just go to the bottom did you just scaffolding particle effects look it’s not even damaged my armor if anything the scaffolding should watch out I have the strongest ankles known to mankind after years of abuse in Minecraft Ken is literally me I kept seeing memes on Twitter there were like she is Barbie and he’s just Ken or whatever and I didn’t know what it was but then they played the trailer at the Mario movie so I was like oh they’re making a Barbie movie that’s why everyone’s talking about Barbie I know he’s like he’s just Ken but he’s literally Ryan Gosling that’s pretty funny dick He’s literally me I’m delusional Um is that also isn’t that also an isakai anime it’s not an anime African movie like the Mario movie Barbie and Ken get isakai into the real world where everything is not pink sorry everything is anime when you live in the anime world is that what happened I don’t know the

Movie’s not out yet right or is it I don’t know so do I have a plan I climbed all the way up here but now I feel like I should go back down and look again plans are for nerds that’s right I’m not a nerd so I would never make a play okay

It’s not that bad honestly feel like it’s not that bad it could be worse it could be much worse does it look like a tree now do people believe that it’s a tree finally Um so how do I want that Branch to go um do I need to look up more pictures of trees more tree illustrations Um I’m looking okay I think we want the middle one to like mostly just go up but also split It’s like gonna go to the side a little bit this one I think mostly it goes up and it’s gonna split oh Yeah I do need to probably start worrying about the canopy soon um I want to change the music too normal this is this is the YouTube royalty free audio library can do better than this But what do we want from it too sane it’s nice it’s comfy audio stock um am I logged in I mean I can log in if I’m not stuck in the tracks no I can’t I know you like that but I can’t I’m pretty sure audio stock has Ave Maria

I know it does because I was looking it up sorry I’m I don’t know why I’m acting Coy like oh that audio stock has I know it hasn’t because I was looking it up It has remixes anyway a gorgeous accompaniment oh I forgot it’s really loud can I even make it quieter I really like all my Maria this is Who wrote this music to snipe to Schubert it’s good They might copyright claim this though even though I’m allowed to play it it’s worth it it’s worth it I’m feeling so peaceful They probably snagged the vocal versions yeah I think maybe probably Here this one was exciting though It’s still Ave Maria can you hear it It’s so loud oh it’s loud for me too it’s just gonna be loud that’s just how it’s gonna be Laughs Where We Are Oh my God it’s what you wanted right this is everything you’ve ever dreamed of Um The guitarist is way too overqualified I’m telling you talented people are offering their services just for audio stock in the YouTube Library Laughs Truly is music to snipe to I feel emotional just listening to it I’m not gonna make it through the The Hitman movie I’m gonna be an emotional mess just like that song we were listening to This is something on your workout playlist Rock remixes of classical music is that what you work out to make sense All right audio stock what else you got from me Guess what it’s all Ave Maria it will never stop being Ave Maria Your life will never be the same now truly life-changing Is it time for me to get the Ave Maria remix this playlist going um On this side Oh Listening to it now it’s just a listen along stream now just enjoy the music feel it in your soul feel the Ave Maria take you away to better times Shaking it crying right now I’m sorry I don’t mean to push so many emotions onto you right now with this music I know it can bring back painful memories for everyone My radio is my radio emotions are being felt right now good good let them flow through you I think we split this now Split it this way down the middle what do you think very therapeutic Polka Ave Maria remix on the jukebox do they have such a thing will audio stock provide today I don’t know if they have that they have this one Is sounding like church right now It’s so quiet compared to the other ones maybe it will get louder I like this one two this is nice unironically But it says pops arrange what is the pops arrange Foreign This one’s just nice it’s too nice trombone champ version Christmas with glockenspiel and marimba oh in my computer die for a second Maybe I froze I heard a sound maybe it was in my head This is too cute I kind of want to favorite it though and add it to my Christmas playlist ultimate healing Masterpiece classical we’ll see about that the ultimate healing Masterpiece classical oh I kind of want to split it here though I’m just gonna split it here because I wanted to look good This angle It’s a little uneven but that’s fine why is it so Square on the side Be less Square oh we’re out Is this really the ultimate healing masterpiece I’m not sure if this is really the ultimate healing masterpiece The ultimate Hi Kyla good morning Foreign for her netherright project it’s so cool I’m happy she’s doing it undertaking such a big challenge because if anyone can do it it’s her okay I don’t think this was truly the ultimate healing masterpiece what do we have what do you want me to look for to type into audio stock

What do we want Um Nintendo music are we gonna play with fire again oh I’m they’re giving me Disney style I’m way too scared to play anything Disney style foreign Legally distinct clothes no it’s fine it’s fine oh my God movies is sending me the Barbie movie pictures I just saw most of it when I was talking about it she’s DMV in me we’re gonna say Mario Barbie movie Barbie movie pictures let’s say Mario Barbie she is sending pics of me

Oh my God oh I said Barbie good they’re getting all mixed up in my head do we have Barbie music no no Barbie music what do we have on audio stock what do I want today what’s fun Skyrim no Skyrim I mean maybe I need to type in Japanese we got Elder Scrolls

No see you shanties that’s a good one no see Shandy how do I say do I say see Shanty in Japanese um that’s like AC shanty um I don’t know about that yeah what about pirate music rough daily life of a pirate ship crew All right Oh foreign It kind of is like daily life of a pirate crew pirate Slice of Life Ahoy Oh I love when the blocks are invisible This is not a sea shanty though it is nice pirate music but um what else we got get ready to board EDM this is just called EDM but it came up when I searched for pirate Is this really Pirates Oh it is it is pirate yo pirate EDM I didn’t know I wanted this It’s kind of great laughs this was so unexpected is it done is it over I was like okay okay don’t know why it’s labeled pirate though and then I understood five hour version pirate Orchestra Style with a story Is it too quiet is it really I thought it was really loud but I will never turn down an opportunity to make you listen to music louder Foreign It’s not just bgm right now I like the flute makes me want to go to Renaissance fair Oh Louder please This is nice Even louder come on now I know you don’t want that Foreign Come on now it’s nice though It does tell a story You can handle it okay It’s getting louder for me too We listen together Adventure awaits Foreign Usually Minecraft streams are pretty comfy I’m worried I’m damaging the sanctity of the comfy Minecraft streams for anyone who’s just trying to listen casually give me can I have medieval please no can I have Tavern please Yeah louder Some of them are louder than others just on audio stock What am I doing I’m building a tree I’m building a dang tree dangle tree somehow make it go out ye old tree You’re in business now I’m cutting it off I’m sorry how do you spell renaissance two s’s Renaissance hardcore it’s like ho ho Where’s the Renaissance It’s so anime Oh EDM Renaissance the Renaissance of EDM not my medieval renaissance fair Louder faster foreign Free library because I keep having to pick a new song every time these ones end To YouTube If nobody got me I know the YouTube audio library got me oh but I have to pick a new a new genre though for cowbell I searched for cowbell I’m kind of doubting that this is gonna have cowbell in it foreign Is there cowbell I’m so intrigued now Where’s that cowbell Real it’s real oh This kind of reminds me of like a Sonic game for some reason like I feel like they would put this into like Sonic Adventure 2. right Yeah you could see it I need to put torches in here because this is like a creeper a little creeper hole you just know they want to spawn in there a Rouge stage yes Foreign How tall do I want to make this even It does feel like just a little retro foreign I don’t know I’m getting so distracted by the music I can’t talk I can only listen now don’t play me is this gonna be another one with cowbell I was promised this was the cowbell playlist Let’s see I interesting what about the leaves I decided I’m not gonna add leaves to it does the tree really need leaves it’s like too much work this is gonna be like this forever Is that is that gonna look weird I think it will look fine I think I do have to keep going yeah it’ll just be bald tree that’s fine the Lego this is the leg it just only looks like one if you view it from this angle Cowbell it actually does have cowbell It’s right there thank you iris’s view oh my God it kind of is the perfect yeah virus of you It’s like slightly too far because the tree it’s part of the tree out of the render distance kind of Jungle mission whoa It really looks like a leg oh God Wait this is the lyrics Should I wrap over this should I use this for my Parappa parody I can’t it will be way too cringe it would be so cringe embrace the cringe that’s the point it is kind of the point what do we want medieval please Sorry fauna’s got the aux cable not let fauna have the aux cable you will regret it I am the person who always does want to be in charge of the music though I don’t know I like choosing the music and then forcing everyone to listen to it whatever I want to listen to I will pick good things I’ll be a good DJ same YouTube Maybe Everyone likes that some people don’t indecisive people don’t right Oh I requested medieval This is I’m just gonna go to sleep now You’d rather drive than choose the music I would never wish to drive if I could help it well which I can because I literally can’t drive so I will never drive well maybe someday can never say never right As I am currently though I’m not driving do you remember Bethany yeah Yeah that’s why I got my license revoked After I crashed a truck carrying caustic chemicals and Spilled it all over the road The boric acid the music I want this is a sailor song I doubt it do you have any sea shanties Foreign In the morning I don’t know how to sing along with this one It’s over put him in the breaking until he’s sober early in the morning when she Rises way hey and if she cries this way they end up she Rises early in the morning Oh And if she Rises They’re singing The morning put out the plugin what fly in the Moon [Applause] [Applause] Hear that Harmony [Applause] [Applause] Back shall we do with the truck [Applause] [Applause] This is incredible it keeps going Oh no With the drug sailor Amazing Thank you they had drunken sailor I wonder if they have any other sea shanties what other sea shanties um uh Leave Her Johnny no don’t have that one Leave Her Johnny Leave Her oh and it’s time for us to leave her Johnny neighbor Randy Randy Butternubs if I want to click on Randy Butternubs do I I mean I have to know we have to know right what is Randy Butternubs I’m afraid it’s gonna be it’s gonna be a wrap instrumental is it instrumental We might be saved it might be instrumental we have to write our own rap about Randy Butternubs on top of it Funky Kong wrote this How much taller does this part need to get thank you Am I actually gonna reach build limit Uh 240. it doesn’t grow like 360. 320 oh shoot we’re actually gonna reach building but wait wait do you think we have enough Foreign Maybe a million creepers will spawn in there that’d be fun Go have a look Wow it’s getting too tall I think wait I think it got too tall I mean I could probably just like put leaves around it and it’ll be okay but The PTM goes on all right YouTube royalty Free Library of audio what do you have for me next do we like I think we like orchestral Snow Princess Girl I’m surprised you guys remember I see girl after so long It looks a little weird tree and I haven’t decided what we should do about this part Up foreign does This part goes up does it does it need to like turn into another branch do we need more branches and if so where do we put them no sleep yet Up and out How out she was like getting dramatic workout Bell X flag Don’t worry I’m not gonna die I shouldn’t say it out with this music playing I will actually bring it into existence I’ll actually die die don’t worry about me Playing with the cosmic Fates [Applause] Don’t worry you guys I would never die I’m just having a good happy time I Wouldn’t Die don’t be so silly I would never oh how do I foreign I left my bed up there I thought I was gonna die plot armor nothing it means anything in this show anymore when your characters can survive a fall from World hides Oh did I already sleep it’s morning steaks are too low the Riders have given up Board and fight true this is some epic board and battle music right now Please cinematic Minecraft building experience Uno battle with cloney oh I would love to like DJ for like a epic Uno collab and I’m just like playing music from the royalty free library to fit the mood I would love to do that well other people are playing and I’m just sitting there listening and

Choosing the music to be appropriate yeah yeah I can swap out for Iris and all DJing Iris Iris will play That would be fun I wouldn’t do that um I think I want to work on this side over here Maybe oh no or I could fall again could also patch the holes this music’s sad or scary or both I’m thinking scary oh dang it it looks kind of cool from the inside

You’re scared to be afraid what are you afraid of I think this one needs to go out and become like a branch too I think this height is probably good too don’t worry everything is okay everything is fine um actually I’m gonna delete this I saw Ami was building this

Is that the exit or cave it’s gonna be like a jump course right something horrible has happened oh the exit is behind the tofu I like Castle Roni sure would be a shame if something happened to it I shouldn’t say that sorry this music is making me think dangerous thoughts

It’s not my fault it’s the music this is also kind of Skyrim maybe it’s Dracula oh so dramatic Feels like something sinister is afoot what’s going on Skyrim vampire DLC she’s got like that hint of Whimsy kind of like listening to orchestral music I’m learning from the Stream something about it is just fun I think Oh Wait for the car right now the YouTube royalty free audio library would never do me dirty like that they never would Alpha mission why are they all so spooky though where’s the Disney Jaws oh what does this sound like boss battle Star Wars do they have Star Wars um they do

Is this really okay it’s called Imperial forces it better not hit me with the duh that’s gizny it will yeah help us Iris your only hope what if I just look for space wait which is the one Beethoven symphony that I like not the Bethany one not Ode to Joy

Oh no is YouTube taking my stream down this is number nine uh spine for you Wait is this Ode to Joy wait this is Ode to Joy isn’t it where’s the number five that I like yeah the number five oh number five is the one I like mine is Bethany okay I’m not ready to play Bethany’s meme right now it’s not it’s not appropriate I just want to

Listen to this one I like number five imagine how crazy it would have been listening to this in the 1600s we could probably cry pee your pants didn’t exists until the 1800s I’m very bad in history you would cry and pee in your pants then if you listen to it in the 1600s Oh no I fell it’s too quiet I love when they go you’re doing that currently don’t do that and don’t tell me about it if you do Do not don’t even think about it foreign Just listening to it so my problem with with listening to Symphonies now is I had such a moment with Bethany now like I can never listen to a symphony ever again because it will never be as magical as what happened with Bethany it just won’t be so don’t expect any Bethany

Bethany level antics you just have to remember that one It’s when you try to force Recreations of it that’s how you end up with hold on I need to think of a TV series and I’m okay with absolutely dunking on as it slowly descended into worse and worse writing quality because people wanted more and more and they try to

Replicate the magic of the first few seasons Game of Thrones yeah let’s go with that one let’s pick that one let’s throw them under the bus today Every long running show everything except for Breaking Bad How do I do this I feel like I should make a big circle hello frames Literally this it just sounds so dramatic foreign so imagine that this Whoa sorry I wish I shouldn’t do that sorry sorry Shouldn’t flash lights at you go Med imagine it’s a circle like this And then this becomes the branch and it goes out like this does that make sense I’m sorry all eye users for that one Wait but shouldn’t this be like the highest point well it probably doesn’t actually matter The highest point can be like here wait but it probably needs to go up not the the branch branches again So magic goes like up and then over like this I should not have panicked because I can survive any fall That sure was a noise that was an oh that one sounded like a theremin you think they have any thereum in music for me 13 cocktails oh it’s loud Only if I buy one oh it’s suddenly raining it’s like the mood was sent by the spooky theremin song allegedly theremin song remains to be seen oh Wait is it true close and height to this one if I make it this tall Maybe foreign should I play comfier music It’s fine Feeling spooky Comfy yet haunting in the rain Ah yes another building which will will fall into my shadow no one is free no one can escape my tree it looms above all on this server I’m worried it’s gonna look too similar to this one I hear the theremin it sounds like a voice but it’s a theremin I think oh I like the theremin It’s so spooky oh I kind of wanted therapist theremin theremin streams I really want to buy a liar harp though oh okay why not both that’s true I could just collect weird musical instruments do we have a Kalimba fitting for a rainy day I look for rainy ambient whoa whoa

Maybe I should sleep but I kind of like the night rain This is nice I don’t know it kind of sounds like the royalty-free music you’d hear in like a spa ouch Ouch I’m gonna sleep foreign Oh you can’t even see it I typed it It mean calm mood No no not like this Not like this Give me give me horror laughs Did we listen to this one already a rainbow look the end of the rainbow we heard this one next song please Next piano trap Beethoven Thank you maybe the least fitting music from my stream of all time where’s the Beethoven foreign All the way up for what for Beethoven I just wanna listening to the YouTube royalty free audio library of course would stop me oh we’re falling oh there’s more are you sure this is the same Beethoven everyone knows you haven’t Beethoven doesn’t own the name Beethoven or anything

I keep doing it I can’t I cannot land there please let me out Let Me Be Free Does it look weird the change the change all right you know what audio library I think I’ve had my fill for today take me back to fake Animal Crossing please Oh so comfy now um should have made it go the other way I’m regretting my choices with this Branch now that was awesome thank you thank you to the YouTube royalty free audio library always there for me it’s fine I just feel like it’s gonna look the same as this one

It won’t work how long does it need to be If I ask you to build a branch I don’t want you to say why I want you to say how long foreign nature is healing I figured you too comfy now you’re gonna fall asleep good you should sleep after all of that whatever that even was You had a good time me too me too the YouTube Library never disappoints always has something hedgehogs please yes peace is restored nature really is healing I needed that I needed to hear the hedgehogs Ah everything is in place exactly where it should be thank goodness I placed the blocks almost perfectly in time with the music so like here oh but it kind of needs to be like this or something Maybe am I gonna make another leg what if I do that’d be horrible I can’t help it but to make legs it’s all I know in Minecraft all kierans do in Minecraft is make leg and lie yeah it’ll be Minecraft Monday actually is Minecraft Thursday liar oh going off the tracks

Stay in the shadow it’s getting thin at the end it should be fine I think power of positive thinking optimism yeah they should do that but like how thin because it is a world tree after all probably good I think this seems good New Branch I feel like I haven’t made that much

Progress today maybe I was getting too distracted by the the library yeah I will add leaves and there will be like leaves I don’t know I think it will go like out too Like there will be I think implied that there are more branches hidden inside the leaves I don’t have to build them Do I see the clip where someone replaced my ooh with the Seth Rogen lab no did someone do that I can’t believe they would do such a thing I can believe it actually because talked about it where where oh multiple Clippers did oh my God where can I view that so I

Know never to go there so I know to avoid it at all costs on YouTube where what would I put in the search terms if I if I wanted to see that so I know never to accidentally type that uh might be getting too skinny Oh too quickly yeah more like this am I out I’m out oh You can’t find it okay let’s go have a look around and then I might call it here for today and read some super chats Look it’s not a leg I mean you can kind of imagine it could be but it’s definitely not it’s another leg is not it’s not a leg this one still looks like a leg though I need to fix this My tree my tree don’t well I’ll just cover it with leaves and then I think it will be fine I don’t think it will really look like a leg anymore It’s getting there I think making progress I guess this will be the last Minecraft Monday for my vacation I mean it’s not like I’m I’m not gone forever I’ll probably come back on a Monday and I’ll probably play Minecraft so Oops we’ll continue this thing we’ll finish this thing eventually glass Minecraft Monday ever oh no just pulling your leg just pulling your leg haha you can pull on this thing I think it’s actually getting there I think it will be done one day oh shoot I have to do the roots too though I I don’t like to do the roots after what happened with the first route that I tried to make or actually the first one was fine but the second one

Turned into a laughs it kind of looks like a leg wait why should it kind of look like a leg it’s fine it’s fine it’s fun it’s fun it’s fine it’s not a leg it’s fine look how cool it looks with these three branches that are now complete And the trunk is extending let’s get in there look at it I feel like it’s actually starting to look like a tree Special ones I put the leaves on it I feel like the canopy should be huge like I don’t know though if I make it the width of this Lake it might just like a spawn a billion monsters all the time it will blott out the Sun Why do I not even like decorate the lake like put pretty glowy things in there that’s what I want right bring Darkness to the land Eternal Night for Monsters to spawn oh that scared me I thought I actually did spawn the monsters Minecart noise Look at it oops take a screenshot I actually used the screenshot I took for this thumbnail for once instead of just stealing it from the VOD It’s going It’s going I have to feel like maybe the branches should be longer I know I worry about it later we can it’s easy to make them longer I think just focus on the general shape and then worry about the rest later let me go over here It’s not a slingshot anymore that’s all we can really hope for it’s definitely not a slingshot goodbye world tree see you in two weeks That’s me beep boop beep boop beep boop a soup doesn’t burn down it’s okay I’m not I’m not psychic so my dream will not come true It was just a dream out of of my fears and anxieties not a dream of the future oh I’ve done Nature’s profit I never played as Nature’s Prophet ever I just know that everyone got annoyed at him because he will backdoor you You hate Nature’s profit foreign It must be right I’m like Teemo meepo attackies techies cause Teemo doesn’t duplicate himself into five copies right but their names are similar not the techies I remember when they added techies that’s when I played DotA I was around so old it was the best 2014 yeah

That’s exactly correct 2014 is when I played DotA stop dates he’s actually good and not as annoying anymore I just played DotA 2. Slack fun day did the Seth Rogen laugh clip it was slack fun day beloved Clipper slack fun day the Clipper who I personally commissioned to make two clip montages for my birthdays So betrayal Slack button a villain Arc as Jay tree is time now yeah I’ve seen a straight tree you do make clips now I’ve seen them I’ve seen them thank you thank you snitches get stitches I perceive yes now you will be the one to be perceived finally it’s not me anymore had enough

Yes yes you too you too thank you all my clippers I appreciate it and I’m sure everyone else appreciates it too oh this yeah why do you all have names that start with S’s what’s up with that why do you all start with this is it a conspiracy is this oh

Serious safana is for sapling oh it makes sense okay let me read the super chats from today these are hanging out thank you tomorrow’s Tuesday isn’t it I’m not streaming tomorrow how strange Everything feels weird this week I don’t know why well I do know why do I know why

It’s because I’m going on vacation and I’m still out I did three streams in one day and stayed up all night and now I’m like what where what what time is it what year is it what day is it and I’m going on vacation soon too and Cronin came to visit it’s like

Everything is wacky Wild this month of May put Planet are we on Earth I think I hope have fun thank you I’m very excited I’m so excited I’ve never been on a vacation have I I don’t I’ve actually have been on a trip with just my mom before

But it wasn’t like a vacation vacation because she was working but I went along with her but this will be like the first I think the first vacation was just the two of us I’m very excited mother-daughter vacation classic follow to the parents to their business trip have you done that too is

It not just me I thought it was kind of weird that I did that but like I was in school back then you did that too just caring for the week you should you should treat Papa Karen to something nice because he’s not going on the the girls trip maybe get him some

Some bourbon he likes bourbon Papa cured barbecue with the saplings yes yeah he can keep you guys company while I go on vacation is he vegan he is vegan so maybe not barbecue well unless you I mean he’s a great chef so he could barbecue you up some nice Beyond burgers or something Barbecue pineapple is really yummy too if you’ve never tried it really yummy Yeah some impossible burgers the death have tried it I’m so excited yeah I’m excited thanks for being patient while I get to enjoy a vacation a vacation I’ll be back and we’ll hang out again I deserve it oh thank you oh thank you oh thank you I’ll keep working hard well I’m here

So that I could feel like I deserve it everyone has been working hard though like for the concert and everything Is shaping up to be a good summer I think all right let me let me read super chats but they eat my trophies on vacation I’m gonna pack them in the suitcase it’s around the corner isn’t it it is it is it is we had Knox final helmet umtree copper

Chef Thurman Mysteries cream for advice roll step shrub Luna Hypno dark Eagle free Crouch Santo sincere Kaiju Sapphire Kevin sis viper versus a one NPC in the actor Jose High age or man sentient king shark moon pie Isaac wolf I’ll be thank you thank you for the snails please don’t plant them gonna

Plant them all gotta plant them all sapling wrap El nian thank you happy birthday it’s your friend Andrew oh and I hope he has a nice trip let’s replay a birthday song happy birthday to you happy birthday to you happy birthday dear sapling happy birthday to you happy birthday eldie and thank you we were there two messages about

Oh there are multiple super chats about the hidman movies we’re gonna watch one the one from 2007 I guess that’s funny that you turned on the TV and it was playing the Hitman movie well I just I just like who’s gonna watch The Hitman movie besides the Hitman fans

In our him I don’t know our Hitman fans like watching movies on TV hitman’s on sale today him is on sale today by the way everyone Is it it’s on sale it’s like half off it is half off oh I paid 70 for this game so you should not be like me that’s a really good deal for it half off which one all of them you get all three when you buy it now

35 for all three Hitman games not sponsored I just really love it man DLC not on sale oh how much does the DLC cost should I buy it oh my God Agent 47 is wearing like a rain jacket a rain poncho what’s he doing Why what is this even what even is the DLC and why is it so expensive I don’t know foreign Levels oh what’s in this bundle that I don’t have oh the seven deadly sins collection the access pass for him and two expansion don’t I have that and Hitman 3 Deluxe pack I don’t know what this is Deluxe suits and items oh is it just a premium content for Hitman two and three

I think hitman’s supremaconda New York and Haven island don’t I have those though I definitely have New York At least in freelancer mode I don’t know about the story oh only in freelance I don’t have it in the story oh Hitman’s half off this is your warning from me please sponsor me IO interactive I will promote your game till the end of time is one of my favorite games you’ll never sponsor me though I need to play hard to get because why would they sponsor me if I’ll just do it for free

Actually your game could be better it couldn’t really be though I can’t I don’t want to lie soon perm’s gone I would cry I would cry please don’t go take me back him man take me back I didn’t mean it I didn’t mean it please please The Duality Seven thank you have not usually I like sweet cocktails sweet drinks I wonder if I would like bitter ones I wanted to eat dark chocolate after I licked the switch cartridge it gave me a craving for dark chocolates Bishop thank you oh that’s good thank you

They’re both laughably bad at 11 out of 10 can’t wait for the watch along you don’t have to wait long Heaven thank you talk a latte thank you hey for now my birthday’s on May 9th happy early birthday or maybe it’s already your birthday depending on your time zones thanks for everything fourth

Of us was wonderful and your students ASMR have been so relaxing that it calms you down after a stressful day overall health improves so much things to you in the saplings I’m glad that my friends introduced me to you she recommended a whole life since January particularly a very comfy

Smartest and streamer had plenty of catching up to do and I want to thank the clippers for their work and the saplings for being very welcoming silence made a cookbook recently I will try it out with the Bento merch thank you fauna for being the ocean I

Can Vibe with I’m very happy to be here thank you for letting me stay here glad both of us are going on vacation next week nice enjoy your vacation yandere birthday greeting let me think how do you do yandere birthday greeting hold on I should turn on my I mean I should

I should look more yandere happy birthday you’ll be spending it with me right something like that Red words as well hold on I don’t want to stay scary no scary Can’t have the heart eyes though happy birthday to you happy birthday to you happy birthday dear sapling happy birthday to you happy birthday thank you thank you for kind words and hang in there and enjoy your trip spearhead thank you mark this kova thank you as always thank you Minecraft my

Thursday is my beloved class is good thank you yeah I need to look at the cookbook I did see it in my art tag I need to look at it I will give it a read I should make some of them the recipes my Discover thank you

Sticks thank you this is your birthday too happy birthday you want Nemo to sing for you okay here oh no my head do you like Doula Hans I have a funny story about Doula Hans that I can’t tell you asked me to tell you one day I’ll tell you one day foreign

Yeah in like 20 years when things matterless I shouldn’t just like tease you with this I’m sorry I can’t tell you my funny story Okay you want a birthday song from Nemo all right now are you ready to sing okay do your best Naboo That’s beautiful Nemo good job good job okay didn’t she do a great job proud of you namu thank you sticks really thank you so Lancelot thank you thank you pirate themed karaoke my sea shanties I need to learn them all Eric thank you Jeffers thank you okay Rose thank you Katie thank you

LDN thank you guilty for telling me no thank you for telling me about the Hitman movie it’s gonna be an amazing time what anyway right I think it’s short It’s only 92 minutes it’s super short Bishop thank you Norris thank you Tuesday for you then thank you happy birthday chronius says Havana right happy birthday to you happy birthday to you happy birthday dear sapling happy birthday to you Elios thank you another plastics oil I use this plus six I can accept thank

God thank you sleep combo thank you happy birthday for you too thank you thank you enjoy the VOD happy birthday happy birthday to you happy birthday to you happy birthday dear something happy birthday to you Alexander thank you this is such a deep question that you’re asking me foreign

To be real I’ll be real we we as fauna and saplings we cannot be friends and we shouldn’t be friends there’s a lot of reasons it is I think important for boundaries to be maintained I am here to entertain you and that is all really

And if you can have a good time here then that makes me happy that’s if I’m being really real which may be I don’t know did you want me to be real and this goes for every streamer I think I don’t know I used to really because I’ve always liked

YouTubers and stuff and I used to look at YouTubers and be like oh my God if only I could be their friend like I really wish I could be their friend that would be so cool but as I’ve gotten older I’ve realized like there’s nothing particularly like special or that amazing that makes

A YouTuber different from anyone else like a YouTuber does that just because they’re a YouTuber doesn’t mean that they’ll be a good friend to you or to anyone so the people that you know in your life your friends they can be better friends to you than any YouTuber can be and

They’re just as cool they have just as many like interesting ideas and cool traits about themselves then the YouTubers that you admire and do I think it’s easy to look at YouTubers and admire them but I promise if you look at your friends with the same lens

You’ll also see like the cool things about your friends that makes your friends special too because YouTubers are just normal people I mean I’m a curing keeper of nature but I’m pretty normal I’m not I don’t know but yeah I think I understand because I used to always

Watch YouTubers and want to be their friend I think that’s normal to some extent but it’s important to keep in mind that I’m just here to stream and hopefully entertain you or make your day better in some way and I promise it’s better that way better that way it’s better that way

You should cherish your friends in your life and I hope you can have a good time in the Southland community at least there are many people you can make friends with there what friends I’ve talked about this too it is really hard to make friends I had a period in my life

What was basically like when I went to college I didn’t know anybody and I had no friends and I like was a completion and I was very sad um after that I kind of learned that if you weren’t friends you really do have to like put yourself out of your comfort zone

And enforce yourself and it’s gonna be hard and it’s gonna be uncomfortable but it will be worth it in the end And I know you might think like it’s impossible you can’t do it but you can and you might you might face rejection as well it might fail you might try to make a friend and it might fail you might not make a friend but that doesn’t mean you shouldn’t try

Again you can keep trying and it will get easier over time too I think the best way to make friends is try to find some kind of social activity that you enjoy it’s like maybe you like like tabletop RPGs if there’s like a local board game store near you oftentimes they host ttrpg events you could try to join you could also try like local

Internet groups and see if people have similar Hobbies it doesn’t have to be like teacher pictures or board games and there could be anything like you could try I’m getting a new hobby in general is usually helpful for people like if there’s a game you’ve always

Wanted to try like maybe like a fighting game I know fighting game scenes can be pretty like robust you could try getting into that and that’s like an inherently social event you could try like sports if you like sports you could try volunteering for something like if you love animals

You could try volunteering at animal shelters and you can meet people that way or even at like zoos you can often volunteer at I think that’d be cool That’s my advice for making friends as an adult I know it’s very hard though it is very hard it is but don’t let that discourage you or stop you you can have friends There that is my my serious talk serious talk over call alive is your hobby I think you can make a lot of great friends online too doing that and definitely online friends can be great too And can help you feel not alone even if they can’t be with you in person but not streamers yeah I don’t recommend trying to befriend streamers I mean I just don’t think that’s a good idea I don’t know I just feel like that’s not gonna end well for anybody if I’m just being

Completely honest which I will be but that shouldn’t that shouldn’t make sad because like the best way to enjoy a streamer is to just watch their streams and have fun you know I’m sure you’ve heard the the saying like don’t meet your Heroes you know like I don’t think that necessarily applies to everybody but I think it’s good if you can just watch a streamer and enjoy their streams for what they are What is mean in real life I don’t think so and I think I try to be myself on stream but you know if we were friends we might we might have disagreements who knows there might be things that you would be like Like maybe the fact that I make 10 servings of Curry and you don’t eat leftovers and that is irreconcilable your cartridge won’t be safe Yeah well because I want to show you guys only the best parts of myself you know I think that’s best because I don’t want to I don’t want to bring your guys’s moons down by showing you like a non-positive side of me you know but I think for friends

It’s important to open up to your friends show them more of you if you want to be really close anyway that’s I hope that is okay I know I know don’t be sad cherish your friends because they are just as cool as streamers I promise I promise they are there’s nothing particularly special

About streamers I mean like sure like maybe you look at a streamer they’re like greatest singing But like does that make them a better friend no you know it doesn’t someone can be a great friend even if they’re not great at singing things are cooler than you I hope so I hope so Streamers what do I do so that’s like also an exception I mean obviously like streamers have friends and I’m sure sometimes people have made friends with streamers and it works out but you know you know stop being their friend immediately no no no no no no no no even Marry your streamer friend no I’m just kidding I’m just kidding anyway there’s my deep talk I answered it as honestly as I could I am happy to be here and entertain you guys and hang out and it’s fun yeah yeah exactly and I think a lot of streaming like the great part of

Streaming is like the interaction and like yeah there’s a back and forth of course which makes it great The banter the banter I always have fun to make me laugh you do you guys type funny stuff all the time I wouldn’t I think I would have a lot of harder time being like a let’s player if I have to like record videos by myself without a chat to bounce off of

Mm-hmm but you should always and I shouldn’t lecture you guys it’s important for you guys not to neglect your real lives too you know put yourself number one always I’m just some silly streamer on the internet and I will not be happy if you guys are neglecting yourselves no you must you must

Take care of yourselves it’s important all right anyway anyway that’s the the answer thank you thank you true the world tree will shroud the ground in Eternal Night I have to figure out something for that we could put cute glowing stuff what if there’s like glowing mushrooms around I love glowing mushrooms

The heart eyes maybe I should have turned the heart eyes off you’re right sending mixed messages they’re just cute they’re just cute thank you I will I will Dark Eagle free thank you yeah practice I’ll try to finish my Mario Maker level maybe like when I can

Finish it or vacation and when I come back because I don’t know if I have time to play much this week when I come back I can beat it on stream space thank you I’ve heard about this book I think I have it on my Kindle maybe I’ll finally read it

Yoy thank you serious porno thank you George thank you if I slap never put her in a Chokehold just like me do not be like me be kind to your nemu she’s not in a Chokehold look she can breathe perfectly Sean thank you hi age thank you hi I would like to

Apply for an assistant job at serious fun Evil Incorporated I meet Karen Cove for strengths and weaknesses I’m good at being bad and bad at being good thank you for this opportunity I’m looking forward to your response you’re hired now please become a tree and then let me chop you

Down and reform you into the world tree you will be part of the future Overkill thank you oh no the first song was from the Marine Corps hymn oh no bringing back memories I’m sorry Justin thank you snack thank you my evil laugh is unconvincing I just

Didn’t feel like going all out at the moment I don’t know I was feeling kind of shy am I still feeling kind of shy kind of how can I can I go all out Why am I feeling and shy about it right now Unleash the Power have confidence I’ve done crazy laughs before [Laughter] oh anyway Nick the meme Daddy thank you unexpected camel thank you you should go to sleep please sleep Evelyn thank you oh thank you Majestic bear song thank you I do hollow Knight I’ve played it a little bit I haven’t finished it though but I do want to play it I run the win thank you true Fender lives thank you Sadie thank you Chase thank you thank you Alvaro thank you around the win thank you

J-a-y thank you happy birthday to you too you want Perfect 10 cutie pie Perfect 10 cool cutie pie happy birthday to you happy birthday to you happy birthday dear sapling happy birthday to you happy birthday William thank you Cynthia thank you Albert’s good thank you luck with Luke thank you snip thank you Really There’s a band that sounds like the DK rap dredgecore is Peak it is you’re buying an accordion please do maybe I should buy one maybe I should add it to my chord of musical instruments Andrew bro happy birthday to you too happy belated birthday swimming birthdays happy birthday to you happy birthday to you happy birthday dear sapling happy birthday to you happy birthday the original myth thank you Sky’s in theaters with my uncle only movie I’ve walked out of because my

Uncle could not handle it I’m down for a re-watch is it real bad why did I like this movie so much though as a kid thank you lazy egg thank you great move thank you you wanna know more about the wild west vampire Cowboy Civil War Jasper met Allison

I don’t even remember that but I want to too Jasper and Alice well Jasper kind of scary it’s in the movie anyway that was cute though Prime Master thank you wormwood thank you proximity mine thank you and 30 thank you Jordan B thank you Arthur thank you

Jambo thank you one Joke Man thank you let’s kill him thank you when doing the final hunt you need to make sure to go for the horns pressure drops if you can get her into battle with the roofing what the hobby it makes it easier what why are you offering

These Pro tips in my chat get out of here do not spread this information you should not say that here abandoned by Foreign thank you Uncle thank you fluffy Hood thank you thank you thank you we’ll talk thank you LDN thank you thank you true true child thank you

Replace all the wood with obsidian this is not to be 2T that would take so long that would take a billion years it would look cool and it wouldn’t catch on fire afterwards but Colin thank you I wonder when thank you Bishop thank you Luca thank you

Okay naming system thank you Robert gone thank you thank you don’t Point things out or I’ll become self-conscious but thank you I’m glad you think it’s cute say thank you Sullivan’s thank you Elden thank you Fuzzy pickles thank you bride of spring I wonder if they have that do they have that in the YouTube Library Yes Stravinsky why do they all have names to sound like that Have you noticed that why are they always gotta have a name like that Cause they’re old and European no one has that name now do they maybe in Europe No ride of spring what about on audio stock Ski means son of not on audio song either we cannot listen together unfortunately that does she think you you thought said thank you karate thank you wait this is this is getting over hold on he thought Susan is getting over it much like the junkie trying to experience that first High against wanna

Seeks to match the magic of Bethany’s Majestic crash but it never comes close doesn’t benefit say that Thank you savage boys will never watched the truck simulator stream upon watching their seconds to remember this one getting a lot of your truck simulator vibes from this one Mr Delphine thank you birthday merch plushie do you mean the small plushies I think they’re still working on them the ones that we announced like a million years ago but they never went on sale it will but it will be like six months so you must be patient

Say thank you Ashley and thank you so you bought 9000 thank you music Madness Monday Tom thank you she said yes thank you super cheese thank you more of a nightmare I had fun and take a self and infuses them together to build this tree how many did it take

More we need more more also I don’t think this was a nightmare this really happened he oh you thought that you woke up from that nightmare no this is reality Ram Force thank you and doru thank you have fun this one I’m so glad you interacted with a few Hollow memes and

Swept the game in the tournament now I wonder if I can send a fan letter to you there’s a band it is not a band you can send fan letters you can send them to the the cover office on the website and I will receive them eventually

Sends them out to me every once in a while if I can I want to send one as a thank you watching your stream while teleworking always motivates me to learn English yes I won’t die until father X Noel ASMR happens she did we did talk and we do want to do

ASMR next time I’m in Japan foreign ERS but I’ll get so shy I know I get so quiet like well I’m also barely speak Japanese and I’m like trying to remember how to phrase things All I can talk about is Lego Yes Imo We could talk about these are not conversations that people actually want to have Fluent yeah I should use the translator I should yeah thank you tried good thank you favorite Sonic character I like Cream Rabbit she’s my favorite just cause she’s cute she’s very cute Cream the Rabbit she’s my favorite you like Tails I like Tails too yeah and she has her Chow

Right cheese that’s so cute if I could be a sonic character I would want to be her and have my little Chow buddy she’s so cute look at her adorable hedgehogs Yes meerkat Warrior thank you Mama thank you what is my wisdom my wisdom eat your vegetables to use my hair to make tea since I can’t use your brush’s top is no no go find your own tea I don’t think it would even taste good no no laughs But my hair is vegetables it’s not it’s literally hair it’s hair what if I told you it’s like the texture of a horse hair because I’m a Kieran and that’s similar to like a horse I have like coarse hair it’s like a horse hair even better no no

Can make a brush out of it I guess oh my gosh we’ve gone too far um I think I’ll try to do super check catch up on Friday is that optimistic though Maybe after vacation is possible it will be after vacation but I will read them But sounds good depends what I have planned for the variety I want to play ultimate gymnast Simulator for like one hour or maybe like one to two hours and I want to play Hitman The Hitman is where we run into trouble because I might just play Hitman for like

A long time and then be tired but it’s okay we could read them when I get back right because then no one will complain about more hidman more hours of Hitman before I leave but hey Papa’s Freezeria Bay is playing it I thought it seemed like a baby because it’s a Zoomer game

Logic she’s playing it yeah my Chad died for a second my internet has been so weird lately I don’t know I wonder if my router is dying if I need to replace it but I have like a nice router so I don’t know I don’t know

Oh it died for everyone oh maybe it just died for everyone How old is it it’s only like two years old maybe even less like a year and a half I don’t know it’s Young Taking 15 minutes to restart good Simon dime well it doesn’t actually take 15 minutes I don’t think it did take 15 minutes but it like takes a random amount of time to reconnect you know so I didn’t know how long it would take and I didn’t know how long it would take

Me to link get back and turn my stream on again you know so I was being I was giving myself extra time it took eight minutes that’s not that far off from 15 . Okay that is all for today tomorrow I will not be streaming I have my regular lists and stuff and I’m gonna try to make a bunch of shorts tomorrow get down to business making some shorts to put up while I’m gone hopefully um but thank you for hanging out today

Thank you thank you this is fun it’s fun listening to music playing Minecraft and then on Wednesday it’ll be ASMR and boy I posted my schedule on Twitter so you can go look at it I probably don’t need to tell you the whole schedule listening karaoke this week an archive karaoke

To send me off as the finale alright thanks for hanging out and I’ll see you next time bye bye have a good Tuesday have a good Tuesday bye bye bye bye

This video, titled ‘【MINECRAFT】 My tree shall blot out the sun’, was uploaded by Ceres Fauna Ch. hololive-EN on 2023-05-09 03:14:52. It has garnered views and [vid_likes] likes. The duration of the video is or seconds.

minecraft monday (real) ✿ Artist Credits ✿ Thumbnail: https://twitter.com/ryohakosako/status/1637926808770281472 Thank you …

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    Minecraft Unsune News 🗞️ | Crazy Funny Moments 🤣Video Information This video, titled ‘Minecraft Ke Kuch Unsune News 🗞️ | Funny News 🤣’, was uploaded by ZdravoXGaming on 2024-05-02 03:30:08. It has garnered 99 views and 8 likes. The duration of the video is 00:01:49 or 109 seconds. Minecraft Ke Kuch Unsune News 🗞️ | Funny News 🤣 Discord_https://discord.com/invite/KXhVWMhJH8 minecraft shorts minecraft shorts viral youtube shorts skibidi toilet short comedy shortsfeed funny viral shorts memes shortfeed gaming trend trending shorts trending titan cameraman respect timing asmr entertainment monster school sand art news minecraft shortsfeed skibidi funny shorts games minecraft sand art mc flame minecraft animation reel reels skibidi… Read More

  • Mind-Blowing Reveal: Crazy Encounter with SLAW!

    Mind-Blowing Reveal: Crazy Encounter with SLAW!Video Information This video, titled ‘#shorts زلمة رايح زلمة جاي 😅’, was uploaded by SLAW on 2024-06-05 20:00:42. It has garnered 52 views and 2 likes. The duration of the video is 00:00:34 or 34 seconds. تابعوني بلييييز 0 minecraft songs, 0.16 0 minecraft, 1 9 minecraft, 1 and 0 minecraft song, 1 minecraft, 1 minecraft day, 1 minecraft girl 69 minecraft girl, 1 minecraft intro, 1 minecraft juegagerman, 1 minecraft songs, 1 minecraft stampylongnose, 1 minecraft story mode, 1 minecraft vida, 1 minecraft video, 2 minecraft, 2 minecraft account giveaway, 2 minecraft accounts one email, 2 minecraft girls, 2… Read More

  • Odyssey SMP | smp | realms

    Odyssey SMP: Seeking New Members! Welcome to Odyssey SMP, a small community of friends inviting new members to join our long-term realm. Current members range from students to retirees, all 18+. Our realm values chill and relaxed gameplay with zero tolerance for griefing, hacking, cheating, stealing, or aggressive behavior. This vanilla realm includes a Creeper and Ghast block protection mod, ensuring a smooth experience for all players. Stay connected with our active Discord server and engage with our friendly and social community in-game and on Discord. If you’re seeking a welcoming and long-term community, reach out to Tiger McStanley, our… Read More

  • Minecraft Memes – Minecraft Meme: Someone had to do it

    Minecraft Memes - Minecraft Meme: Someone had to do itThat’s a pretty high score for a meme about placing blocks in a virtual world! Read More

  • Minecraft meme: Jack Bhaiya’s tough choice! 🔥😂 #minecraft #memes

    Minecraft meme: Jack Bhaiya's tough choice! 🔥😂 #minecraft #memes “Jack Bhaiya trying to choose between building a house in Minecraft or going on an adventure is like trying to choose between diamonds and dirt blocks.” Read More

  • Minecraft Mod Madness with Dziru! #4

    Minecraft Mod Madness with Dziru! #4 Minecraft Adventure with Dziru! A Fruitful Expedition In the latest episode of Minecraft with Dziru, our intrepid explorer sets out on a new adventure! While the journey may not have been long, it was certainly fruitful. Back at the home base, a new companion has joined the ranks – a trusty weapon-wielding ally. And to add to the excitement, the skilled craftsman Andrzej pays a visit to offer his services! Interactive Experience Dziru encourages viewers to engage with the content by commenting and sharing their thoughts on the gameplay. Suggestions for future games to feature on the channel are… Read More

  • Warden vs Golems: Ultimate Showdown

    Warden vs Golems: Ultimate Showdown Minecraft Warden vs Every Golem: A Clash of Titans Get ready for an epic showdown in the world of Minecraft! The Warden, a fearsome new mob introduced in the latest update, is set to face off against every type of Golem in the game. Who will emerge victorious in this ultimate battle for supremacy? The Warden: A Formidable Foe The Warden is a powerful new mob that lurks in the deepest, darkest parts of the Minecraft world. This blind creature relies on sound to detect its prey, making it a formidable opponent for any player brave enough to challenge… Read More

  • Explore a Mind-Bending Minecraft World on 3DS!

    Explore a Mind-Bending Minecraft World on 3DS!Video Information This video, titled ‘【Minecraft: New Nintendo 3DS Edition】The block game sure looks different today…【#1】’, was uploaded by Nurl Whurl on 2024-09-19 16:00:38. It has garnered 102 views and 3 likes. The duration of the video is 02:35:01 or 9301 seconds. Originally streamed on September 1, 2024 — Watch live at https://www.twitch.tv/nurlwhurl Read More

  • Terrifying Minecraft Horror Shorts: Rate 1-10

    Terrifying Minecraft Horror Shorts: Rate 1-10Video Information This video, titled ‘Rate this 1 – 10 💀⚠️ #minecraft#horror#shorts’, was uploaded by GJ GAMER on 2024-06-18 00:35:21. It has garnered 456 views and likes. The duration of the video is 00:00:06 or 6 seconds. Read More

  • Insane Minecraft Server Gameplay – Part 21 – RTX ON!

    Insane Minecraft Server Gameplay - Part 21 - RTX ON!Video Information This video, titled ‘Minecraft Servers – Gameplay Walkthrough Part 21 – RTX ON’, was uploaded by FaHaDDxHR on 2024-05-26 12:58:45. It has garnered 1272 views and 14 likes. The duration of the video is 00:10:20 or 620 seconds. Keybaord – Redragon K552 Mouse – Glorious model o – Like and sub – PayPal Support me : https://paypal.me/fahaddxhr7?country…. – Server CubeCraft Download on Google Play – https://play.google.com/store/apps/de… Download on App Store – https://itunes.apple.com/us/app/minec… ( What is Minecraft? ) Minecraft is a 2011 sandbox game developed by Mojang Studios and originally released in 2009. The game was created by Markus… Read More

  • Mind-Blowing Dimensional Travel in Minecraft!

    Mind-Blowing Dimensional Travel in Minecraft!Video Information This video, titled ‘Traveling Into A NEW DIMENSION In Modded Minecraft! (SILLY SOULS MODDED SMP #16)’, was uploaded by enduurrrVODS on 2024-04-13 10:44:13. It has garnered 77 views and 2 likes. The duration of the video is 02:01:11 or 7271 seconds. In this video the adventures on the Silly Souls Modded SMP continues with the defeat of some Minecraft Bosses and the exploration of numeral new dimensions- one of these being the Otherside, a horrifying trip into the world of sculk. The Entity SMP Finale: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=T7b6ciq_I7g ►CHECK OUT MY YOUTUBE MAIN CHANNEL! https://www.youtube.com/@enduurrr3433 ►CHECK OUT MY TWITCH! https://www.twitch.tv/enduurrr… Read More

  • Insane Minecraft PE Update: Alex Workout in NEW Faction Server | SURVIVAL

    Insane Minecraft PE Update: Alex Workout in NEW Faction Server | SURVIVALVideo Information This video, titled ‘NUEVO SERVER FACTIONS para MINECRAFT PE 1.20.51 | SURVIVAL’, was uploaded by Alex Workout on 2024-01-17 22:00:08. It has garnered 448 views and 32 likes. The duration of the video is 00:07:17 or 437 seconds. 「✨When to the description! https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCqqMu_5oE5Adusq4q9anUHw/join ▂▂▂▂▂▂▂▂▂▂▂▂▂▂▂▂▂▂▂▂▂▂▂ 📜『SERVER』📜 ➡️ MystiCraft IP: PUERTO: 25591 👾 DISCORD: https://discord.com/invite/3py85sYkmw ▂▂▂▂▂▂▂▂▂▂▂▂▂▂▂▂▂▂▂▂▂▂▂ 👑『Social Networks』👑 👥-Facebook ➜ https://bit.ly/2zNbqCP 🐦-Twitter ➜ https://bit.ly/2z9jzl7 👾 Discord ➜ https://discord.gg/pB2qPwWDTj 😍-Gamertag (MCPE) ➜ Alex Workout574 ▂▂▂▂▂▂▂▂▂▂▂▂▂▂▂▂▂▂▂▂▂▂▂ 💎DO YOU WANT ANY REVIEW/WORK?💎 Channel Promotion, Banner , Miniatures, Logo , Custom Designs, Overlay, Animated Overlay, AND MUCH MORE… ASK FOR PRICES and place… Read More

  • CRUSHING Minecraft Hardcore Faster Than IShowSpeed!

    CRUSHING Minecraft Hardcore Faster Than IShowSpeed!Video Information This video, titled ‘Beating Minecraft Hardcore In Less Time Than IShowSpeed’, was uploaded by MythicalTimmyLive on 2024-08-22 23:27:00. It has garnered 483 views and 17 likes. The duration of the video is 03:34:19 or 12859 seconds. https://twitter.com/mythical_timmy https://streamelements.com/mythicaltimlive/tip (Donate Here) https://www.instagram.com/realmythicaltimmy/ #kaicenat #mythicaltimmy #ishowspeed Read More

  • 🔥 PAROTTER JAPANESE CHALLENGE! Can you keep up? 🔥

    🔥 PAROTTER JAPANESE CHALLENGE! Can you keep up? 🔥Video Information This video, titled ‘どれだけスピードアップできる?【パロッター日本語アニメ】Study Japanese in Minecraft! @SakuraMiko’, was uploaded by パロッター日本語 | Study Japanese & English on 2024-09-06 08:00:19. It has garnered 15898 views and 743 likes. The duration of the video is 00:00:46 or 46 seconds. My music stream → https://linkco.re/3zFvc7uC My anime uses the voices of many Hololive and NIJISANJI talents. let’s check it↓😊 My anime uses the voices of many Hololive and NIJISANJI talents. Please check it out! https://www.youtube.com/@hololive https://www.youtube.com/@nijisanji Let’s Study Japanese in Minecraft! main ch↓ https://www.youtube.com/@parotter #shorts #minecraft #anime #education #language #Minecraft #Game #Education #English #Japanese #hololive #hololiveen #hololivejp Read More

  • “Shocking: I destroyed my friend’s Indian SMP in Minecraft” #gaming

    "Shocking: I destroyed my friend's Indian SMP in Minecraft" #gamingVideo Information This video, titled ‘Minecraft: Why i destroyed my friends Indian SMP? #minecraft #gaming #gamerfleet #smp’, was uploaded by garvwasthere on 2024-09-26 07:45:05. It has garnered 910 views and 17 likes. The duration of the video is 00:34:24 or 2064 seconds. This video is not scripted at all I made the owner / operator user to do it with greed and he did it and we destroyed whole smp nothing was scripted neither my friend did knew. Want more spoiler? Nah just watch the video. minecraft,minecraft mod,minecraft but,minecraft shorts,minecraft mods,minecraft seed,minecraft funny,minecraft animation,minecraft challenge,minecraft but challenge,minecraft how to,minecraft facts,minecraft… Read More

  • Insane Adventures on Isles SMP – Stinging, Temples, House Cat

    Insane Adventures on Isles SMP - Stinging, Temples, House CatVideo Information This video, titled ‘Isles SMP: Stinging, Temples, and… House Cat? (Contiued)’, was uploaded by Balancer Productions on 2024-08-30 00:40:30. It has garnered 330 views and 32 likes. The duration of the video is 02:39:16 or 9556 seconds. She is a house cat, ya gotta believe me! #minecraft #minecraftgameplay #minecraftgaming #dragon #httyd #smp Read More

  • KapiCraft – Smp

    Join Our Private Minecraft Server! We are a small and cozy server with mods, looking for active players to join us. Requirements: You must be over 18 years old You must be an active player You must enjoy building What We Offer: A free world without plugins A server with 70 building mods out of 100 A great community atmosphere Responsive server host Thank you for your interest! Join us on Discord. Read More

【MINECRAFT】 My tree shall blot out the sun