【MINECRAFT】creating holo fight club

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Thank you Thank you You’re going to hear some sounds oh oh whoa whoa whoa why’d the mic go down so low you’re gonna hear some sounds it’s because I’m figuring out where I am just just wait a minute getting to the location because I’m using my account now so just a sec Thank you foreign Foreign Foreign Foreign Foreign Thank you Foreign I was saved by a guardian angel there was a guardian angel that came to save me I should fix it okay hi guys sorry for the wait I wanted to make sure that we that we got there is it is it better now I think I should be more

Did I get caffeine I did I should be much more hearable now put it back to okay Praise Jesus Praise Jesus everything’s gonna be okay I promise everything’s gonna be just fine we have things to do today and I have my caffeine and um I spent all morning trying to

Figure out why OptiFine isn’t working on my computer and I just can’t figure it out so that’s fine we’re just gonna rock it classic style um and that’s okay that’s just fine okay here we go so weird story I found someone’s stuff just randomly when I was in the JP

Server so I’m holding on to it and I’m gonna put it in a box I think yeah I’m gonna I’m gonna throw it in a box but I gotta find my little Hideout first and I I have the chords don’t worry I took a little a little picture it’s like I got him

I got him worry not I know I know they’re here they’re where’s the where’s the picture where I know it’s here I took a picture of it where huh where is it Where it’s in my I’m looking in my recent pictures I do remember you doing this see I did did I delete there’s no way I deleted it Well I guess it’s great to start over oh well you need to sleep sometimes I’m okay that’s okay I mean to be honest I did pick a place without a lot of thought so what if we just picked a different direction Neo Neo from The Matrix I kind

Of like that that’s a good sign that’s something good that I can look for immediately 50 diamonds holy yeah these aren’t mine these aren’t mine so I’m not going to use them so this area actually looks pretty Barren I kind of like that I feel

Like this is where we can set up camp because there’s really nothing going on here it’s kind of Behind These trees there’s seriously nothing happening it’s just like a big Blank Spot so why don’t we just do it here is this still ama’s account nope it’s me F5

There I am I’m sure if this is Maury Calliope real because I can’t secure my old account so yeah this area should work um but I do want to make a chest really quick so I can store this person’s items I feel really bad using these so I’m not gonna do it

I’m gonna Forge everything myself that’s just how we do it that’s how we do it in Mori world nice Elijah is there a lighter in their holy [ __ ] wait does anyone know who this belongs to maybe I can give it to them they have a shulker box too It just says USANA eritora look at the head well the head is is Murasaki on Senpai but you can wear anyone’s head shulker is a chest you can carry yeah what if I just went ahead and put everything in here for them let me just put all their stuff in here

Actually I am going to steal your torches sorry those and these steaks are from Ena so they’re mine all right there we go but I am stealing your torches sorry about that part of USA can now no no no no I haven’t been formally inducted all right

So this is belonging to whoever got all their stuff lost Pickaxe had toa’s name oh Sama ah foreign all right I’m gonna do some some shopping around it but then this says uh uru [Laughter] they had 50 diamonds all right don’t worry I’m gonna build my house around this so we can keep it safe um and don’t worry when it becomes night

Time we’ll get we’ll get some shelter I really need to make some shelter pretty soon this tree is in my way in the way of my Fight Club so I’m just going to kind of trim it a little bit um yeah so we’ll just we’ll keep it

From there dang I wish those were my stuff yeah sorry Iris I gotta I’m gonna protect my Senpai stuff with my life and I’m gonna shop around a little bit I’m gonna take a screenshot of everything and be like hey is this yours is this yours on Discord and trying to figure

Out if it’s their stuff Apple nice Iris Iris thanks for thanks for watching I’m getting into the Minecraft pool again I’m letting myself be free there you go that’s one tree down now we can replant some trees where I want them um be fairly safe around here if not I’ll

Just run to the main area but I really think with all these torches it ought to be okay now all of the wood around here has to be mine why not join us I don’t know if I ever might be busy so no worries no worries besides the fight Club is

Something that mori’s got to build more stuff but I’m happy to work with friends I’m happy to invite the friends to work on it with me it’s just Mori is spearheading the project yep and I’m gonna make myself a nice humble little home it won’t be super fancy or anything

Especially not in the beginning but I think if I can just focus on like two things at a time it might be good well there goes there goes fbk um my chat settings are messed up for whatever reason the game thinks that I’m a little child

Um so I’m I am sitting in the VC and I did tell everybody hey I’m here if anyone wants to play but I don’t think a ton of people are on I think it’s really only fbk and I think she might be busy with her own stuff which is all right because

Guess what you guys I’ve got a lot of collabs planned and some JP collabs too for collab week and hopefully by then you know the internet dude will have come and gone and replaced the Box I think it really is the the modem that is being problematic right now so

Collab weak hype and I have yeah some some JPS that I’m going to collab with so get excited for it communication cycle no communication didn’t she this practice yeah all this has to go but I’m gonna maybe plant like a little Forest barrier around my area because I am

Forest Mori Mori of the forest do that I wonder if I could make an ax now actually actually haha funny Oh I see gotcha hold on let me remember all the everything all the things I felt like ah I remember this now we can make the crafting table okay so I’m gonna put this right next to the special box over here I got sticks to this special box that I’m protecting

That is nice that there are free items I appreciate that I’d like to try to do it on my own but if Bush comes to shove then no worries Oak planks some Spruce planks here we go now I’d like to make a wooden ax I’ll start with some wooden stuff just in case a wooden sword a wooden shovel for dirt a wooden pickaxe I don’t need a hoe no hose for me not interested that’s not what it meant to do There’s a way to hotkey it into my inventory I’m pretty sure that there is all right I wonder which button it is shift puts it into the crafting I feel like I sound like my whenever I play Minecraft I feel like I sound like my mom it’s okay though

I love this area it was just waiting for me we’re gonna make a ton of planks I’m gonna set up shop again here we’ll finish the tree out of my way away I get some saplings I think despite the fact that we’re making a Fight Club I think that this

Will probably be a very laid backstream which is good considering you know me and my friends are all about to go on a road trip but it’s just it’s to celebrate a good friend getting married I’m so happy for her it’s really excited that’s why I went out of my way to buy

Stuff that I don’t usually wear I just want to make her happy it’s all about her happiness this weekend fight Clubhouse indeed and I’m gonna have you know boxes people can put their stuff in and the rule is you just go in there no weapons nothing

And I just I want people to punch each other to the death that’s uh that’s the point of it so oh yeah these leaves go away if the whole trunk is gone yes we should be able to oh my God I will fight you I’m cool with getting some bones correct okay great

I think that might be good um I’m gonna fight this guy because I can it might be good I’m a bit close I don’t know how effective my wooden sword is I’m really I’m really bargaining with God right now oh my God nope nope nope nope nope nope

No no no no no no no no no no no no no nope not not when I’m about to make my Fight Club spawn point okay so maybe wooden sword isn’t the best right now that’s okay death avoided just don’t be a dumbass more you just don’t for two seconds

Just don’t be a dumbass it’s not that difficult Maui it really isn’t it all right fine hold on all right got it understand can’t do it that way well now it’s there we go I’ve got lots and lots of wood now and some sticks and I can plant some trees

But I want to get that guy you can plant a lot of trees actually start off with I just make a little fake stairway I need to do some terraforming first this should be good and then I can definitely hit this guy from up here great all right time to go away tree

We can just build another ax the flattening exactly it’s the flattening welcome to Mori world now let’s see again I was thinking this area right but what I think we need to do is going to flatten everything here with my shovel and I will replace the Torches once everything is nice and flat

I am going to need to get some Stones so we will be mining as well thank you for streaming Cali you’re welcome let’s relax I know this is a much better time for JP very early in the morning for me but I’m hyped up I’ve got my coffee I’m all good

Now I think that the main area for the Fight Club gonna be oh wow yeah those run out quick this area but then oh What on earth oh my god let’s not [ __ ] with that right now uh good to know that that’s there but that’s not where my

Fight Club is going to be um for me grass will grow on this build it down there um let’s wait until I’m a little more well equipped to fight then maybe we can think about expanding but for now build up this little area now I believe

We have some torches I ought to put down just in case Oh out of dirt really okay let’s keep shoveling wooden shovel really doesn’t last a long time huh might be better if I had a stone shovel just for now while we’re getting off our feet oh that’s an interesting thing that I did I left click instead I’ll pick a place to mine

I’d prefer not to cross over where I choose to mine with the fight club though if at all possible but let me just yeah terraforming first just a bit maybe stone tools really would be better but let me just use up the wooden ones that I have

I’ll probably end up putting some Stones underneath these guys okay just doing some flashing oh there it goes all right let’s I really think I want to make a stone one so see if we can kind of get underground a bit and I’m gonna go ahead and just burrow into the side so

Let’s see actually let’s go a bit deeper sora’s Guild is the white and brown you know actually for the sake of saving time maybe we will go ahead and grab some things if it really is all right hold on this is bothering me over there if it really is okay to take them

I know some people mentioned that you know I guess it is a kind of a part of Minecraft right and being in a Minecraft graph server to help each other I guess which creeper yeah here A Ben I know yeah people are super helpful which is very nice kind of the pixel art cute looks good this is mikko’s house so I guess but this building should be this building is made by saurus Empire it’s okay to do your own stuff too

Yeah maybe like a nice balance would be good whoa what’s in here maybe they’re still building iron farm right where you were oh iron farm wait how do I get out of here [ __ ] hang on no I remember I’m not a dumbass it’s over here nothing yet I’ll go up pretty

I think that this stuff belongs to people but it’s by mikko’s near the drop Laughs it’s a trap don’t open what’s in here uh so this is Senpai is here don’t want to mess with that really don’t want to mess with that I will stay far away from there Kyla’s Gray Building also has tons of supplies oh is that um there are a couple gray buildings I

Wonder is this it we’re actually going to be collabing together in Minecraft uh next week Otto smelter oh okay yeah that works what’s in here whoa that’s crazy what’s going on in there cool exit is this way but you can see what’s happening that’s kind of cool

This must be her place that’s wow lava Farm put a lot of work into this welcome to Kyle lava 69 Temple nice let’s freaking go wakuaku coaster 69 start here very safe I believe it coaster 69 review inside Ellie did so I delivered it upstairs one more time Cleo When you guys I respawn here request booth number three Quest booth number two can you request things that’s kind of cool whoa look at all fish that’s amazing oh she plays this game a lot huh I’m such a freeloader stuff written here in the books thank you for coming and requesting

English version when you visit a Templar Shrine you throw a coin to pray for your wish to come true same goes for this Temple here instead of coins you can put the voluntary items you have to exchange in a barrel then you can request the items you need

How it works put your offerings into the barrel the number of items can be any all is acceptable write your item request in the book in the barrel can be anything except netherite please write the amount to when you’re finished writing please put the book in the

Barrel come back one to three days see if your wish comes true if your wish comes true after a maximum of five days your items will be in the chests that’s so cute what the heck and she just does it for fun that’s awesome very cool free items go up take free

I look free let’s only take what we really need though ooh well let’s see I think I have a good amount of food how about glass glass might be good especially for um The Fight Club okay red stained glass stained glass pain would be good okay I’ll take those a billion hours of Minecraft work that’s crazy there’s also a lot of dirt how about Stone oh my God I think we should use Blackstone oh and deep slate would be good too we’re probably going to need a lot of black stone but I don’t want to take too much

All right I’ll take that amount and then regular Stone I’ll probably take quite a bit of that because it seems like there’s a lot here Blackstone looks so cool yeah I feel like that’ll look great for the fight club it’s fine she Minds constantly really that’s awesome she’s really into this game

So cool wow I have a lot of respect for people that put a bunch of hours into Minecraft sea pickle kelp cute stuff here prismarine Shard oh the stuff you get in the nether this could be a fun wall as well she must be in the nether a lot huh she’s an NPC

She has a house in the ID server huh pretty cool I love these logs these are cool all right I’ve taken quite a few things so let me see what do I really want to do here I think I’ve got what I want for now

With stone you can do a lot of things um oh wow there’s so much stuff oh these are empty but cool Emerald I’m just here looting the place no I’m not it’s not true I took a decent amount of things oh cute look at that little angel dude

Whoa how do you get that that’s pretty neat can I go down let’s see Oh cute other side maybe not this side Jump to the beds oh nice that’s pretty cool oh sorry oops let’s go emergency supplies go up take free A bunch of science well let’s see what we have here oh sorry I didn’t mean it sorry oh my God what is happening here What is going on Well how about this I’ll leave a wooden pickaxe on breaking three these are all Enchanted what a legend I kind of feel I’m kind of like we’re gonna be playing together she’s on a different level but I’m not gonna be nervous let me just take um I’ll take this one and then

I guess I could use some armor it seems like there’s a lot here do have no armor right now she gives away Elijah’s wife this has a curse on it protection so pretty and purple sorry sorry sorry this one’s frostwalker depth Strider feather falling feather falling is really good I remember

Let’s do feather falling okay oh they have shields too Shield might be good I’ve heard some of you guys mention that I should hold a shield I’m not really much of a shield holder aka the reason why I don’t really play a ton of Dark Souls silk touch I’ll take this one

Shields are great against bow skeletons that’s a really good point I was getting my ass whooped by them before all right and we’ll take a sword oh sharpness this was eight attack I won’t take the diamond but it seems like the attack is sweeping Edge three I’ll just take this one with the

Sharpness and I shall leave my wooden sword here cool okay Dark Souls is about rolling oh yeah well I guess if I play it that way bye I need to leave a thanks Well thank you for glow ink and storage this is reward and return box it’s really quick I’ll come get the dirt in a second I would never just leave dirt in the box that doesn’t seem right Or helping when you start my line craft Journey Mori there we go Now let’s look for the Neo sign to get back Hello Kitty yay yeah of the dirt I never leave dirt thanks for helping me here’s some dirt I’m sorry please let me in yeah I’m very sorry about the dirt real sorry no way yes way it’s the movie Life

Oh many kitty cats there’s so many she would never not me not Molly no no no Neo and then this is my area over here I’ve staked out some land it’s not extremely far away um I’m gonna do a lot of advanced terraforming over here you guys see by Advanced I mean

I don’t know what I mean I don’t oh sorry that’s not what I meant to do I just want to make everything nice and flat I need to set some parameters you know so waterfalls and triple biomes uh I was just thinking dirt everywhere to flatten the land the way that I want

Oh my tummy’s growling no I have strawberries here I love strawberries they’re my favorite just chill quick eat it snack because they’re not bad for you either but I need to okay so what we’ll aim to do um what we aim to do is have this area oh my Lord

There’s a lot going on down here oh my goodness she’s given me too powerful of a weapon I don’t know Okay Jesus shovel strong all right well I think this will make things go pretty quick Um [Applause] I’m now learning that there’s a whole world underneath this area I really didn’t want that for my bike club but that’s okay we’ll start off making this just a place for Maury and then we’ll put the Fight Club close by could be an underground Fight Club

That is true make a good point I really dream it and believe it wow this thing just kind of mows everything down like an advanced lawnmower wow all right um if I flatten everything the way that I want start figuring out how I want to do this

Mows the lawn and the ground beneath it classic Mori classic and um where can I kind of fix this thing up I know it has Unbreaking but I feel like I can repair this shovel I wonder if I can do it in an anvil I’m trying to remember such a speed

What if we built the fight club underneath here I will put the Torches back don’t worry iron anvil or mending you can but not really oh Anvil with iron I see okay okay let me kind of shape things now torches torches torches there’s a lot of dirt around here which

Is good for me because I want to use it to reform some things right okay George’s torches a lot of exp for repairing oh yeah you get a lot of the expert it costs a lot of EXP the cost might be kinda costs a lot of exp I think I remember that actually

Sorry for the humming noise garbage truck is here picking out the trash okay get rid of all this dirt all the dirt beautiful view though I will say it’d be nice to try an Onsen again at some point but again one thing at a time I feel like where I fall short with

Minecraft is well a few things but definitely my brain gets too many ideas and I want to do too many things so I try and not do that my little plot of land is gonna be right here and I worked on it together but I feel

Like all Inna had all the best ideas but she’s a very experienced player so oh yeah we’re gonna play together too Okay She’ll be fun oh I should create the nezumi scheme house you mean the skull cool my own little penthouse shaping it like a skull would be pretty sweet Okay we’re getting closer to how I want it here Okay Nice flat area I’m Gonna Fill in this area a bit foreign put it away it can be very relaxing sometimes yeah when I play Minecraft I sometimes I think to myself I wish I was more of the chill side for streaming but I’m gonna get a little high strung

Sometimes so I guess it depends on the game I’m playing that is also very true only one in the world right now which is great news because that means we can sleep here thank you I’ll make some real stairs I gotta get a stone cutter can also become a game instantly

Game game right you put torches to be extra safe especially around this crate it’s got one of my Senpai stuff in it I think where we’re going to end up building the Flight Club is underneath those trees unless there’s something already there in which case we will not carving out the world

How big will it be I don’t know yet haven’t decided I’ll just have to feel it out you know maybe that’s another thing maybe I’m feeling things out a little too much all right now or shall I put this dirt oh yeah that looks a lot cleaner and I’ll make stone steps ASMR so nice do do Kie dokie now oh this place is a bit Actually it’s got a whole idea Changed my mind I got a full idea all right We’ll have the entrance be here This is smooth and satisfying thank you Kelly you’re welcome I’m glad that is the goal can’t be extremely energetic at least we can have some chill mining times together Any more dirt oh hello yeah I figured you would be around here I figured you guys to come around okay here we go rotten flesh that I don’t need I can’t really explain why it is that I choose to put certain dirt blocks around here to terraform I guess my my brain is just trying to make sense of what kind of shape this place is gonna have oh even if I’m not extremely Advanced or anything like that in Minecraft maybe

Maybe there are people that like to watch those that are new if so I hope that you can enjoy this I personally feel very chill so just gotta go with the flow there’s still so much I’m learning so foreign I think I should just be nicer to myself with this game

Best kind of street is a stream to fall asleep to I’m JS Teague good night I hope you have sweet dreams Oh this is my favorite track on this little Minecraft video thank you for the stairs we’ll figure those out There’s a lovely Garden up there there’s something like cathartic about it this track all right really starting to take shape over here excellent hold on strawberry consumption time my stomach is growling too much Big Stretch nice job okay coffee oh it’s that time maybe the staircase will be well I don’t

Want it to be right there because there’s a little garden let’s focus on this area for now oh one out of two players sleeping Foreign Very nice of this bed to just be right here lucky lucky Oh maybe they got out well maybe the staircase will be around here don’t cut her form that air so this is the entrance right here start digging first I wonder if I should make a stone cutter There we go I need iron surely we’ll find iron when we get Down a whole little workstation set up over there maybe that’s where I’ll end up building my house time to get Underground well there is an iron farm um I can go there to maybe make things a bit easier a bit quicker you’re close to your house though

I like this area being close to my house and the one that runs this joint I’m gonna need to make some chests let’s make some chests aha this chest is going to hold all these blocks all the stone blocks that we’re going to be using to build

The building blocks of the fight club and also the glass I suppose we’ll be cutting the stone as well put my wood in there too okay we’re also going to need Stone now let’s make a furnace to have here all my tools are right here let me put something more worthy underneath these

There we go let’s go grab some of the iron okay if the iron is free for everyone then I’ll go grab some pretty fast I do think I want it to be right here it’s really you’re busting it down really quick Maury conditioning it envisioning it before me seeing it yay

That’s where it’ll be it was nice and even here okay now iron farm I do wonder where that is um iron farm near Miko house oh I remember where Miko house is some up there here’s Miko house oh wow Miko house and Fight Club are neighbors or they’re going to be neighbors one

Dark oak thing oh oh I see I see I see okay where the where the Golem is right someone’s working on a big project in there in there okay I wonder who made this Put the flower inside bone meal take free oh my God there’s so many all right hold on sorry yeah

Oh my God it just doesn’t stop really so much all right let me get the flower let me take the flowers out and put them put them away I’ll do my part to help I take all of them I mean I guess it it just keeps it just keeps being more and more

I’m doing my part I can’t refill when it’s full true all right we have an iron exchange Emerald go to Canada and you can get emeralds eh go to the kind of the shop gosh they made so much cool stuff ah they’re so cool is this where you can do that

Use emeralds to get diamond tools and armor open is it here oh upstairs Green Cloud thingy Oh the floating place one ah I see Here let me just carefully step down just very very carefully again Kind of the simp I put all this together oh hello okay I get emerald for eyes okay he doesn’t have any more and I can get diamond stuff what a deal how about you oh that’s how you get the other stuff diamond stuff give me more of these I have 24 emeralds now

What a deal I’m living with I’m living amongst Minecraft God incredible good things on sale stranger let’s see the emeralds let me see what I wanted A diamond sword it’s a nice sword well it’s good to know that it’s here dressing sword for a villager is that old stranger I’ll take that diamond sword and I’ll hold on to these just to hold on to my I need to replant these trees that’s for you it’s a little gift

Come on you don’t want it you want your gift all right [ __ ] I mean sorry a simple drop what is oh my God that’s that’s you’re telling me Store that in my special box for me all right let me see the exit so I think that was at the end where’s that How do we get back down see you again exit is beside the entrance oh oh see you again I see hey that’s convenient sleeping through this night coffee good morning okay we have iron now so that’s great news which means we can make my stone cutter get to work

Oh what’s going on here I don’t like the way this looks see that’s my problem I don’t like the way this looks over here it’s okay I’m trying not to mess with this area right now laughs let me make another chest I can’t I need I need more wood my wood is in here chest I kind of want to make two chests for now okay this chest is going to be Iron chest okay probably should also have a chest for provisions take the shield off your arm oh it’s off see one second

I want another chest for food good I guess I can’t put it there I wanted to kind of put it on top but okay we can do half and half I’m fine with that okay now make my stone cutter I need stone stone iron I have iron but

Let me grab the stones really quick uh Stone yay Crouch to place chess in difficult places oh yeah does that really work okay now we can cut stones are you currently the only player in the server I think I am I’m pretty sure I think fbk might be here but

She’s doing some other stuff okay so stairs stairway stone bricks these are cool yeah make a bunch of those first let’s focus on the stairwell which is over here clean very clean foreign going to be multiple floors um I think it’s really just the underground but it’s got to be flattened

That feels nice then I’ll put the rest down here we are reforming the land I’ll take this we must be flatter all right now all these stairs are ready to go now we’ll also of course need to use these stairs for the actual interior of the club oh yeah totally forgot we’re about

Um actually I can make an iron pickaxe look at that so I already have a dummy it’s okay I already have a special one but just in case it is good to have you know okay where are my torches I feel like I hear noises foreign it’s very strange

It’s like digging a bit lower is it under someone’s house uh possibly it’s under a bunch of trees yeah someone’s getting to work ah we have so many stones we can cut you have to make this fight club deep within the crust of the Earth that’s the sound of inevitability

I’m sure it’ll be fine I’m pretty strong I’ve got some good equipment too thanks to my Senpai and cute kohai who are super good at Minecraft someday I can be too health bar on the shovel will turn red before it breaks let’s try and fix it hold do a hole

And I want to put lanterns lanterns are way cooler now that we have a ton of iron I can make a bunch of lanterns but I gotta make torches too oh Foreign I guess I can probably make one huh you see what it requires it requires a little rainy it’s very calming showing off I’m building it in the new server make an iron block first okay I have iron block oh new recipes unlocked one iron in every slot

Three blocks you need three blocks okie dokie I’ve got three you can type and search for Anvil yeah I tried that up here oh there I unlocked this recipe okay it’s great news Yay okay yay uh-oh bgm’s loud I pull down I wonder why my mic is so low that’s so weird oh wait hold on I think I know why oh sleeping it does tend to swell oh Lord okay that should be much better unevenly mixed yeah I can tell but that’s all right

Oh well okay nice much better now we’ve repaired the shovel that’s good news all nice and repaired now let’s keep doing our digging making a sick stairway okay we’re gonna need to make it even deeper from here let me use the good one exp has gotten through fights yes to fight some dudes

Oh boy yeah I’ll put some real stairs down shortly oh mining too that’s good I’ll be doing a lot of that that’s for sure okay now for the stairs that I want to do and it will be much deeper don’t you worry but let me go and figure out

What I want to do here um let me get this black stone oh cool I like these stairs There’s an exview Farm in the server too that doesn’t surprise me one bit all right now I have to dig a bit deeper here no I can’t control Z I can’t control Z in Minecraft Oh well I had one wish for Minecraft it would be to let me control Z just digital art things yeah I guess so huh Ctrl Z life IRL oh I feel that especially playing jump King for example mistakes were made lad’s mistakes were really really made

Now it’s extra ASMR because I have my my typewriter keyboard I’m using oh cool great we can make more torches for my lanterns even better the coal is here I’ve been a naughty girl and Santa has delivered Some Coal into my life let me grab it I get some exp from Cole

Nice little coal deposit let me grab a torch for now I’m gonna light the way for more coal but I will be filling this area in of course I grabbed my coal fill it right back in give me that this bad boy is about to break there he goes

I’ll just use this guy from here on out and if I need to repair him I’ll repair him and we filled these in so monsters don’t spawn there okay level three is probably okay for a repair that’s good good news good news I guess I can put a name on this pickaxe too

Because I’m going to be using it a lot I hope you find some diamonds too that would be pretty cool very deep in the crust of the earth loops the hollow Fight Club where cute girls throw fists and that’s it it’s a simple concept gotta make more

And as for the outer part I’m definitely gonna have to put some Stone I’ll probably just do stone for the the outer part there I think I’ll have enough Blackstone but you know what we also have this what if we switched it up a little bit that might be kind of cool

Like cobblestone in here regular Stone my money’s on Cali well try not to disappoint oh you can’t with interesting I can’t make stone out of this it’s so sad because it’s so pretty oh well it was the last of the last of my black stone I have deep

Slate tiles which are not the same but maybe we’ll make it red have you tried Dead Island too haven’t checked it out I’ve seen others talk about it though have you guys checked it out you need to smelt the Netherrack oh okay cool I can do that I think

Wonder how much deeper will go haven’t decided yet I think it’ll just feel right you know you’ll know when you get there yeah I think so too and we could be getting there very quick a trusty pickaxe I’ve really taken a shine to this oh is that sand

Oh no I knew that would happen why’d I do it gravel excuse me it’s pretty easy to bust oh torch thank you when the stairs run out we should be good oh but what about bleachers maybe we’ll just have to be have them be regular Stone Big Stretch Rachel

Well the bgm didn’t stop looping it just got super quiet yeah it’s not a very balanced track okay oh looks like something was popping off in this area kind of I don’t think it’ll lead to a cave but it better not lead to a cave pretty I love this Stone personally foreign

Orange makes me think of Chihuahua those are definitely Wawa colors Really maybe I’ll mine some That was a weird noise I want this I want all this stuff oh that was weird that was really spooky that made me feel strange do you guys see that I just saw the world it’s copper the void okay that was extra spooky I hear a little noise it’s like a bird

Oh night time I hear a lot of like Mo are you gonna do strive again yes just waiting till I get back in Japan now that my Mane is back technically Oh what a deal the copper will turn from Orange to Green is that another thing I can smelt I wonder oh it’s working what does it make is it gonna be green oh this one’s actual copper color a lot of copper I got quite a bit huh let me see

What does this make Oh another brick cool okay okay well we’ll do the copper smelting shortly for now Some Cobblestone away we’ll cut some more Stone it doesn’t turn green over time in Minecraft you can make lightning rods or copper bricks not much else Senpai Cute she wanted to see what I was doing I think I’m sure she is exploring too my friend best friend I wish I had chat on thinks I’m a child this game until next time Next time we’ll definitely say hello I logged in a bit earlier and talked to Mio senpai on Amazon account she was like hello and I was like immediately no BS it’s Mori She was like I thought so I guess the news has spread out oh there’s a little hole in there the news has spread that I’m um is Alter Ego I’m other honest there’s an imposter Among Us ha ha I think we’ll dig just a bit deeper just a little bit

Not too much deeper oh it kind of filled this area anyway but that’s okay I guess we really are just digging in this area regardless so nope but okay okay I think this is good foreign yeah perfect where we can’t see the light No there’s dirt what’s the dirt doing down here they’re doing regardless this is where we’re gonna be foreign Whoa hello oh my God what is that it all right I’m gonna cover that up pretend I didn’t see nothing and we’ll build in this direction everything the light touches gee thanks Dad you’re just seeing through blocks I see it’s a glitch in The Matrix but that’s there okay

Not much light down here though I’ll fix that Well for now I’m just trying to get the basis figured out People oh torch back torch torch torch here we go build this way around we’ll dig this way the room’s gonna be pretty big so we got a lot of work to do foreign don’t talk about it don’t worry I plan on having the rules on boards as you walk down the stairs

In English and Japanese I’m going to look up the Japanese subtitles of the movie they’ll get it surely those that have seen the film oh cool time cool time need more cold smells more Netherrack I feel like that’s a really ASMR word wouldn’t you say Netherrack um Foreign I assume your Fight Club allows shirts no swimsuits Gotta Wear a swimsuit you’re out I’ll fix this bad boy shortly I used to speak in my language look the rules they aren’t mine I literally didn’t make the rules here we’re going to make it a bit wider

So let’s dig this way and figure out the width where the main room will be I wonder maybe I should have them turn actually yeah let’s do that I just really don’t like the noises I’m hearing just really not a big fan of them it’ll get wide

Don’t worry I’ll make sure I heal it before anything gets crazy I’m keeping my eye on it a close eye I’ll probably also want to increase the height width will be pretty big how long will it be oh more coal cool give me that or hear noises oh monsters

That’s all right if everybody has to hear some monster noises I think it adds to the Ambiance you know like crowd cheers all right let’s go fix this bad boy after I put up some stairs I can’t believe the twist or it turns out Mori was Cali the whole time I know

Sue still haunts me to this day Foreign I’m not in JP I’m in the joint server I’m gonna do maybe I can do some really cool art up here like a cool emblem oh Mas Mm-hmm if you use a water bottle on dirt you get mud ooh that’s that’d be a good floor for fights store won’t let me put all three limited items in my cart what the heck I’m going to talk to someone about that that’s no good but I like the idea about

The the mud floor great idea just gotta find some water bottles right now Please no please oh gosh oh right now from here hey more void is that just what I do do I just attract the void I wonder if it’s a me thing I’m sure that the others have found many places like this we dog too deep we didn’t we barely dug Gosh this gets the job done so quick I’m gonna have a lot of torches left so I want to create more foreign Foreign Maybe some higher ceilings we’ll focus on that a bit later filled with the bog no wrong game no bogs here you’re in the wrong stream bog posters get in the right stream okay a lot of torches so let’s go create some more shall we and put away some of these blocks okay

Send lots of cobblestone hopefully we can make something soon all right I think I can actually I can make torches here fact maybe not hold on let me figure out what I’m doing wrong campfire’s kind of fun maybe I’m spelling your own Fireplace do I not have the recipe for it it should be cool plus a stick right that’s what I thought 20 of those should do the trick for now lots of lots of another brick now um let’s see I’d like to smelt some more I didn’t have the recipe

Interesting I don’t have a lot of recipes starting totally fresh it would seem well we starting fresh okay here we go higher ceiling this area maybe it’ll be a bit higher oh The noises I’m hearing in there I’m gonna pass on that coal over there for now but I’ll remember that it’s there oh my Lord oh that’s right you were digging for this goal that I will be taking Very nice All right oh God you stand by us here I wonder if it’s if she’ll put on a little Iris disguise that was so cute that Iris chose to steal her identity for a little bit just like I chose to steal almonds I mean wasn’t really stealing she did lend it to me but

I like to pretend that I’m a little I’m a little kusadaki sometimes even though I can’t be not with this chest I can’t be there’s a world where I am one though Somewhere Out There there’s a box full of player heads yeah they told us about that I think I might partake

It’s a mindset um I’m not an F wording brat I’m an F wording adult s it’s got to be much bigger than this though that’s all right though we’ve got a nice start let’s dig deeper it’s more torches cozy Minecraft stream just chill Honestly kind of nice Even more coal yummy Kind of a really nice way to start my morning I feel very relaxed Foreign The Cali postcard ah I hope it made him happy Good friend I want a nice big area where we can do anything but most especially fight it’s the uh that’s the main appeal it is a club you know for fighting a Chad friend we have to dig deeper it almost feels like painting with this pickaxe just with my mouse

Because all I have to do is kind of hold down the button and there we go Bingo Banger Bongo Bongo a large bedroom slash Hospital there will be beds of course so that respawns can happen uh-oh we sleeping Probably should create a closer bed and bring it it’s not mine not mine someone else might need that I haven’t done any research for designs just yet because I thought that I’d like to make something just my own first and then maybe get into more advanced stuff you know

Yeah just the basics first who do you want the challenge haven’t decided yet maybe caught on this Empire we can box good however I do need this this coal cheeky little coal deposit heal my I wonder if I even have enough though Well I’m basically done getting the main room if we need to make more rooms in the future of course we can well maybe we’ll find more coal let me see maybe for now let’s just go ahead and make I can do that oh boy we got a lot of cobblestone let’s see Yeah the Birch planks totally forgot about those foreign That’s all it takes now we got a bunch of sticks and I’ll create an iron pickaxe for myself I’ll make a couple just while this one is healing and to make sure I don’t accidentally use it I’ll drop it off in here just kind of becoming an everything box that’s fine

You’re gonna get some of those in life if everything boxes oh I get it it’s the way you make stone we’re almost done with this we take a little coffee sip next we will create Stone messy boxes are a big part of game culture LOL I guess it happens huh

You gotta craft the bricks into blocks just takes four in a square okay sounds good bricks into blocks okay so why do 14 do a 64. drop some of this colon here okay I can do that Nether Bricks 31. cool yeah that’ll look really pretty I think we still have a lot more

Netherrack here which I’d like to make into more bricks nice okay now then We’re making Stone for the time being what did I want to do I was gonna start laying the foundation I do think I have some Stone already actually that we can cut That and I’ll trade it out for this here cobblestone I’ll cut these Here we go what kind of blocks do I want to make um maybe for a kind of bleacher-esque now of course these are important imagination imagination might be cool to like do a little border that looks like that mostly we’re gonna need these stone walls okay now let’s get started replacing the

Walls it’s going to take a while I think but it’ll be worth if I could just play the foundation yeah that looks good this will take a bit but we have a bit so you know no worries I forgot how powerful this shovel is so powerful

Okay hold on let me put some dirt back in here so no one spawns no bad guys spawn no bad guys allowed oh Bad Dudes no green guys no green guys I’m not letting any green Guys near Kobo ever again forget it Down I love you it’s so powerful foreign with all these stones might as well make the whole outside kind of stone again You know Senpai is here thank you this might be a bit tough but I think I have an idea We need to replace all of this anyway so I’m gonna need to make lanterns too thank you Foreign Little by little hey you guys Let me make lanterns really quick I definitely don’t think I have the recipe oh I need iron nuggets oh I can make those I think just like this there we go I made a bunch of nuggets there we go 15. 15 lanterns mmm nuggets don’t get me thinking about nuggets I actually haven’t had nuggets in a long time

I’ll be quick this time I’m going ladies I’m going hungry I’ve got strawberries I’m fine Foreign Foreign gotta get more ah there it is like that What’s up oh this is the one that swells Foreign okay good thing that we stopped right about here that is definitely someone’s [ __ ] all good no prob Perfect Placement Build a little stairway here Oh my gosh oh good no well actually that could be kind of nice yeah not bad not bad I just like when things look consistent you know have you been sleeping Better or Worse from the jet lag hard to say I’m not really sure how much my sleeping

Patterns have been affected per se but I guess I’m just so used to traveling by now that I don’t really notice much of a difference oh that’s right we had lanterns I almost forgot yeah looking good good Very Metal yeah cool all right fake stairs actually use dirt I’m playing the block game alone [ __ ] yeah a lot more chill than I thought it would be I’m having a good time it’s been a while huh really long while nice nice nice nice to a little entrance you missed a spot at the corner oh yeah it’s very hard to see All right at least we got it in nice now I’m gonna take a little break from that and start working on the flooring so I think I want to go with well for the most part basic Stone but then in special areas we’ll use some of like the nether brick

That would be good you can use slab to save Stone oh yeah that is true that’s all right I’ll just use the bricks the stone bricks thank you this is fun I feel like I can kind of just let my mind wander too you know carpet oh carpet could be kind of nice

Just lay the foundation high class full brick establishment I just like having everything in Brick first that I can change later you know you know it like keeps my mind clear it’s hard to explain my brain is very strange it works in such an odd way

I don’t really get it myself to be honest oh it’s like I need things to look a certain way to like really get it oh yeah there’s this one I think that’s an actual stone though sand ooh Flint nice foreign I keep thinking about my mind keeps wandering back to

This cover that I’m going to release should I get the okay I tweeted about it earlier but it’s the first time that I’ve like done English lyrics like transliteration in a long time but I guess I’m worried because it’s like a song that I think a

Lot of people are gonna cover in English and I’m like how many ways can you say like one thing differently I feel like that worry is that’s been worrying me a lot recently yeah like everybody’s everybody’s rushing to be the first I can’t do that I have to be really thorough

I also have to get the okay from company but I want it to be really good so I’m taking my time on it you know but I guess I just worry because even though I’ve I’ve written it I feel like I because it’s going to be so much later

Released than like everybody else that I think is gonna give it a try um I’m just worried that someone’s going to be like hey you phrased things too similar to how I did and I’m like I don’t want to deal with that Deal with that it’s annoying to deal with but just so you guys know when it comes to like transliteration I always give credit for the translation that I get it from but all the the lyrics themselves are I come up with them myself so

I did it early on I did it is complete but I know I just I just get worried it’s the internet you know these days you never know someone’s gonna come at you like hey this no please up early I promise I really am you’re the source you did it without copy I’m sure everyone’s rational on the internet now foreign what’s going on just so you guys know I did it myself I guess that’s what’s important to me is that you guys know hi oh that’s pretty a coral block what’s this blue ice oh drip leaf those things

You know sweat you’re doing great movie I hope you guys will like it I worked really really really really hard on it okay oh hey toy ski let’s freaking go congrats what the heck life is trending upwards for you damn good news vitoski thanks for sharing that with me and everyone

Glad you could chill with us mm-hmm whoa I kind of want this outside area to have stuff and drip stone look cool in the fight club I was kind of thinking that as well so I have a couple emeralds to trade or this drip Stone yeah I got ten pointed drip stones

What are we gonna do with them I wonder we do with them with them we’ll put them where they look cool Nice oh it’s looking really formal I like it and then oh that’s where we’ll put the Deep slate yeah yeah yeah yeah Oh oh hello oh are you okay whoa there buddy control your animal control your animals sir I’m gonna have to ask you to control it Watch yourself buddy good let’s get back down here Foreign I’ll look for some around here as we refill the wall don’t do I am gonna need more of it what are you doing building a Fight Club you come down here and we punch each other it’s gonna be sick I really really need coal I know where it is

Oh you know what I was gonna do though actually yeah what I was gonna do for half the wall just for design purposes check this out I like that it’s pretty neat right I like it too keeps it fresh you know in this Palace of stone gotta keep it fresh

So we’ve got half the wall kind of looking like this Stone up here very cool all right back to the flooring for now lots of great Cobblestone we can turn into real Stone if we can smelt it at least it doesn’t take a lot of coal

To get a bunch of bricks out of it that’s the good news oh hey I think I have enough to repair my pickaxe now just enough EXP from of course mining coal who would have thought if you use a silk touch pick it’s all regular Stone really it’s huge

I feel like I may have seen a silk touch pickaxe in the free tool area but I just didn’t want to take it I didn’t want to take it here I’ll keep using this one for now just for the time being you can use a bucket of lava instead of

Coal oh we need to find lava I found it pretty easy last time it’s not like it’s rare or anything but you have to dig a bit Nina also threw a bucket at me I don’t really know what she wanted me to do with that but cool out of regular Stone

Let’s go and repair some things too hey dude can you stay away from my Fight Club okay foreign we’re still making lots and lots of stone that’s right I’m taking this what was I gonna do oh yeah repairing the pickaxe I put it away to keep it safe

Oh my iron I turned into nuggets so let me grab another thing let me put the Nuggets away it’s the stone cutter okay there we go I’ll use this up before we go back to that one Stone make stone bricks make many stone bricks there we go

And then I’ll go ahead and arrange the dirt too for where the fights are gonna happen we’re gonna need to put a little fence around it this is where we brawl and ball okay let’s Temple for free lava it’s got a nice oh Don’t be that [ __ ] my legs are getting knocked out she had a lava Farm it’s pretty cool I’ll consider it once I run out of coal you can get around that by transferring enchantments to a new pick boy I wonder why it keeps getting more and more expensive

Then I guess I should be kind of careful with it that does sound like a good way to solve it Probably the updates huh let’s see I see Put a little gravel around one you know actually we’re gonna put the bleachers here so I’m kind of like there we go we don’t need to put stones back there Foreign good evening how are you Yeah bleach oh that’s a strange place to put a Stairway my boy why would you put that there strange Yeah here we go right now Let’s get this Arena popping off The largest but that’s okay it’ll be cozy and cut throat Nice and cozy little battle arena So we can put down some Stone This is where we throw down Only the coziest Will Survive so sit down shut up and watch the fights cool give me Yeah that should be a good size and for dirt hi Maureen chat welcome welcome it’s really coming together now have a little fence around it too might not be completely accurate to the movie but that’s okay you need to do things in our own special way here too you know

We’ll make it nice and muddy when I use mud blocks oh we’re planning to turn them into mud blocks I just need to figure out how to do it I wonder if a bucket of water would work because I’m not really sure where to get like straight up a water bottle unless

There’s a vending machine that sells them or something like that which is odd but I would believe it here I believe some girl made it I’m gonna get chains to hang those lanterns from eventually you can make water bottles with the glass ooh Craft glass like a bucket three glass bottles in a v-shape just three water bottles Three glass in a V okay oh out of stone I think I’ll need to cut more let’s focus on trying to get this turned into mud I wonder if it’ll always stay as mud I hope so his nose is so big okay glass what if it’s red stained glass

I don’t think that’ll work That’s The Irregular glass huh Let me go back to the temple then Uh let’s see it’s kind of hard to miss I remember oh there it is it’s over there Now look at that big sculpture behind it And there’s a lava Farm here too oh was up here I’m not here there we go Hey Okay Glass glass glass glass glass we have glass bottle but I want to make a water bottle need to eat oh I forgot I forgot to eat it’s just like real life eat this

Now the glass is upside down how devilish glass bottle is what you want it’s already in here we already have five I just want the glass bottle now let’s see okay now how to fill glass bottle oh come back where’d it go I think that worked get through it come

Back no please I’m sorry come back to me why can’t I pick it up oh I have no room it came something else hold on water bottle I have too much [ __ ] hold on maybe I can put some stuff oh wait so don’t litter hang on

I can’t eat it okay stay there stay there stay there let me put some stuff in the free box Here you can have some wood and the saplings too much [ __ ] oh boy hey good thing I’m at a bed I saw okay get my weed seeds because I don’t Litter I now I have a water bottle I can get a couple water bottles Oh no oh they have to be separate I get it foreign I can’t just plant these anywhere huh it will despawn after five minutes anyway oh okay well that’s good news oh yeah my shield right let me go grab that water bottle I changed my mind I would like it back I think I got it Yep three water bottles I’ll go back for lava a little bit later just a little bit later I’ll be going back I do see there’s a roller coaster we got to give that a try definitely today Oh oh this is what I saw before I think what the heck something going on down here well did you get stuck down here buddy Someone was digging jump I’m stuck there we go hello Callie hello working on the Fight Club it’s coming together all right foreign does it take a while I wonder oh the air conditioning came on is it mud it does not spread that sucks that sucks so bad

Well looks like we’re gonna be making quite a few trips but at least now I have um the foresight to put some things away it’s mud it’d be faster to make a water source how does one make a water source I wonder let’s see What are we cooking we have stone let’s make some more I’m gonna cut the stone a bunch more of these now we have a grand total of 10. which is I guess enough two buckets with water and make water don’t even need an infinite water for bottles they don’t consume water

Make a two by two hole and put buckets of water in opposite corners oh I see I think I get it where’s the bucket I had I could have sworn I was given a bucket well maybe I can make one I’ll make one okay no not like that hold on

My brain is melting excuse me [ __ ] it let me put these water bottles away just for now okie dokie now let’s see I’m just gonna go borrow some water from someone ‘s borrowing it really nothing much to it just borrowing some water place is crazy absolute insanity of course I’ll give it back

I’m going to get some water I’m going to get some water I mean it’s raining I wish I could just hold it up to the sky and be like water can you please what a great place I just borrow and then I bring back after I make infinite water source

Unless it’s already infinite I don’t know it didn’t look like the level changed you can feel a cauldron with water like that oh it is infinite of course I should have guessed I should have guessed that she definitely would have made it well I should have guessed as much

Well I’ll make a little infinite water source too I’m gonna put it right over here because this is kind of my place right I might be using it in other projects so I’d like to have it that’s not what I need to do right there let’s make it look nice though you know

Got the stone for it so my job well actually I want to use this is there it for now fill in this hole it’s one deep Now let’s see I think the others will just be Stone I need to use more of these stones my infinite water source okay here it is here’s the place where it’s going to be I used another brick to make it look like blood would that actually work that seems fake nah

With shaders Maybe maybe for the lava might look like Kool-Aid okay infinite does a water bucket work I defeated two by two okay just kidding just kidding laughs I see so we do need water bottles all right hey no worries I’ll make it work okay give me these and these and I

Should have enough leave Okay fill the water bottles put stuff up here so that perhaps I can put the bottles there we go let’s go legs getting extra strong it is indeed a learning process that’s for sure well it may take a minute I’m glad that it’ll be real mud you know me happy

Oh people may be going to sleep pretty soon foreign Oh there’s only two people here mud wrestling real mud just like Grandma used to make I need to make a trash can too you’re not going to bed oh Yogi I’m fine with that I’m fine with no bed the merchant he’s really into this place you want to sell popcorn here buddy

You type zzz and chat to tell others to sleep uh yeah but I can’t use the chat right now something I’ll have to fix later because uh the Microsoft situation is yucky very yucky I brought the Bob to Minecraft you got it yep child account come on I’m not that childlike

I’m gonna have childlike moments but just another day in a book getting carded by Microsoft how embarrassing oh is this the bug it might as well be maybe we should just make the bog in Minecraft or just make just make a jump King an actual jump king course I wonder how that’d go

Considering you really can’t jump super well this game Shrek’s womb maybe the idea is figuring out the proper course to jump We’re almost done well I wouldn’t say almost but we’re making progress parkour course that sounds super fun so many things I want to try out over time I feel like I got a lot done today oh bedtime good time for bonzos okay I’m on my way

And I have to eat I really have to eat hungry hungry hungry what do I have to eat a steak one whole steak and I think there’s an apple if it really gets rough there’s some mutton that belongs to my Senpai who dropped all their things I may need to eat that

But it’s the it’s the rare stuff that I’ll really hold on to for them the objective was to start the Fight Club Fight Club is nearly done well there are quite a few improvements I still need to make and you know you know things I need to clear

Completely get the walls all to be the same Etc but I would say that the the base for it is really quite solid you know then of course I’ll need to build my home close by which I actually want to look up some kind of design I think and try and do

I think I think I think I think I can’t wait to see what this place looks like once I get back to my place and put on some OptiFine Gary s kiwawa used a guide for her house you can do the same I think I will yeah I want something super cool and

Special Cali’s Tavern ooh a little bar I can’t get too many ideas one thing at a time but this will be a nice little Maurice plot where I can put a bunch of different things maybe there is a Tavern across from the wait no ah the tavern it should have there’s already some

Stuff on top of this but I was gonna say wait hold on I have an idea why not put the tavern on top of the Fight Club but I think the way we’ll have to do it is have the tavern built around here because you know there’s stuff right

Here right have the tavern built around here and then have go into the basement but first we need to build the Fight Club but also bar Mori so it’s like a secret entrance yeah exactly it doesn’t need to be directly on top of there we go

On top of the Fight Club right it can just be um I mean because it’s underground anyway that’s the main point but maybe the tavern is around here right so I build it from here and then it goes this way and then it goes back here

Yeah yeah let me make a fence so I can at least just you know block it out I’ll do it with Cobblestone because I have a [ __ ] ton of cobblestone too much cobblestone okay A bunch of wall pieces so I can have it there oh stack all these now okay those water bottles away we’re done with them so actually I want it to be just making a little construction site to replace that nice little construction site I can’t quite jump over it that’s okay

Though let’s go up here there perfect oh hey you probably can’t leave huh you can stick around with me what is OSHA I probably should put up a sign I don’t know what OSHA is All right I’m gonna make a door No Escape occupational safety and health administration okay that makes a bunch of sense now might make fence of some sort a fenced door stone brick wall Cobblestone wall defense but a gate I’d like to make a gate if I could get Birch fence gate right click for

More oh I see I need wood okay got it excuse me I’m pretty sure I have I think I gave away all my wood excuse foreign love that typewriter keyboard it’s pretty fun glad you guys like it too Oh Late night JP’s getting on Have I set up the new pc yet nope that’s my mission for when I get back I need to turn them into place gotcha just make a bunch of this 36 should be enough now we can make a gate this is where the tavern’s gonna be now let me make a sign that explains what’s going on under construction one sec let me turn this off really quick

Because if I pull up my JP keyboard they always say that I need to hide I need to hide the um the screen all right let’s see under construction in Japanese interesting but okay it’s because like different suggestions show up I guess it’s kind of like the Nintendo Sony

Issue where like when you’re typing something in sometimes it’ll suggest things Etc I’m just gonna copy paste it actually That works Yeah now everybody knows it’s mauri’s Tavern is the beginning now for the fence I think for the what is it I actually want to use the nether brick I’m gonna need some regular bricks as well though that’s fine let me smelt some more Stone okay okay now we need more Netherrack

Comfy Cali stream love to see you play Minecraft again oh yeah the bone Bros Adventure brought me to your channel back in 2021 and so to your music and whole alive always kicks off the Nostalgia for me so I wish you have a good time ah what a sweet memory

Those were really good times we made some crazy stuff it was fun Foreign tell the other JPS that I think the stuff belongs to about the stuff I found a little bit later I’ll take a screenshot and send it to them because they’re uh I feel like a detective solving a mystery I really think that it’s it’s uh senpai’s stuff but I just don’t know where she got this this Watson oh milk bucket I really think it’s to us and buy stuff though so Sheriff is on the case don’t you guys worry we’ll figure it out and we’ll return their things let’s make so we have 12 fence pieces right now and we’ll be making more I think everyone’s gonna go to sleep shortly though so they don’t wanna in which case that’s fine that’s fine

Oh I see so I guess if you if you can’t sleep you can also just leave the game disconnect and come back it’s kind of nice oh yeah oh there’s a fence we have to abide by the fence laws now we were smelting oh hey I got exp from that Kind of bricks I wonder I clicked the wrong print box Growing Pains still there hey Maury had a weird dream recently where you were asked to make a one-piece opening but they just wanted a JP version of the four kids rap and it became your most popular song just wanted you to know

That’s beautiful that’s a beautiful dream Hey I’d be honored I kind of I like that Hey hit me up dreaming don’t give it up Luffy don’t give it up Zorro don’t give it up now man give it up give it up give it up give it up give it up give and pay money for that here’s How The Story Goes we find out about the

Treasure in the grand Lines no doubt the pirate whose eye is on and he’ll sing I’ll be king of the Pirates I’m gonna be king classic his name’s Zorro just like us MRI Is not shy know that song Too Well offense is getting there wait if I need to replace the bricks at the bottom if that’ll be bad for the fence I thought okay we’re fine we’re safe we’re safe we are safe well for the time being just throw these bad boys down here

That’s good news usab doing that Marksman thing sanji’s cooking banger I love how iconic that became am I right you guys all right the quite a bit of stone Actually you know it is kind of an interesting idea to raise this but we kind of already made mud so I wonder maybe something kind of like this what if I put water around it wouldn’t that be wacky we might need to push this wall back a bit like a moat yeah exactly

I probably need to push these back a bit oh whoops I see over here over here we’re gonna need to push back but I like that idea but we will need like a little Bridge right here I think intestines get in from there we’ll push this back just just it I

Should get these stairs though so it’ll be fine no problem set a precedent for where these new stairs are gonna be so the wall is going to officially be there and we basically just move it back just just a little bit lava or water lava kind of sounds fun I’m not gonna lie

I need more walk-in space just enough walking space is fine push back this way too wait no the stairs will be here never mind Yeah it’s gonna be flaming hot in here flaming filet mignon throw down pipe it’d be cool I need to turn these walls behind into proper stone walls which is okay because I needed to do that anyway that was on my task list in the first place so kind of dark back here Laughs okay yep just like that this stream is making homework bearable do your best maybe your best to get that a okay foreign Now basically we’re just going to inlay Stone here to look nice oh wait you’re gonna use these these these these foreign for the bottom part and since no one’s gonna see what’s behind I can pretty much put whatever block I want down here which might help conserve Stone foreign like that

Wait I’m literally about to destroy that cover it up at least oh Maui for now throw that bad boy there let’s get these stairs popping off over here nice great extra walking space afternoon Cali hope your day is going well pretty good certainly would help conserve Stone

I’ll just pick these back up I said I’ll just pick these back up give me thank you lay down this Cobblestone back here so that we can conserve Doing great thank you I feel really proud of this Feel like we’re getting work done you know you do need to go ahead and fill this upper bit oh we’ll do the ceiling last anyways oh gosh let’s just make sure no monsters can spawn anywhere first then edit hmm what’s the best way for mori’s brain to do this that would be bad

So from here we’re just going to turn the wall into proper Stone basically ah this one will be we’ll have maybe one row one row of this so then where isn’t it just hold on just a minute here This wall also needs to be pushed back Doing great Sheriff howdy howdy just laid back mining today before I head off for a little bit I’ll be missing you guys though it’s been really fun streaming pretty much every day with you guys been a really good time I’ll miss y’all but I’ll be back for even more fun okay

I can still hear her voice just don’t go all sapling on me okay do it You know I’m joking I’m joking saplings I’m joking saplings you guys are great you know I’m just joshing you I’m Josh I miss moey where’s Molly [ __ ] why do you keep doing that sorry I gotta yell at myself for a minute there So the regular Stone goes up here though tedious it is fun Foreign Almost completely done fixing the back wall would be in line with the design now oh boy Darkness hello darkness my old friend stop doing that cobblestone alrighty here we go back wall complete yeah that looks good okay now replacing Stones back here wait actually we don’t need that here that’s a waste

But cobblestone it’s going to be covered up anyway by stairs or rather benches bleachers if you will looks very fancy yeah thanks that is the design I can’t wait to get some differing lengths of chain so we can hang lanterns and be all spooky and mysterious okay Here’s the track I like a lot again we’ll start off with just focusing down here welcome to the Thunder Dome what if we made a Mountaintop if we made a whole Mountain real mountain top some soul lanterns yeah blue flame maybe I’ll mix blue

As well that could be cool I know I made some when I was doing the Onsen project so surely I can make some more I don’t think they were that difficult so much give me like Thank you Make my voice swell too oh wait a minute that would be a waste of stone to put here so get rid of it and then we’ll put Cobblestone down for this back wall Another has some cool sci-fi music I haven’t listened to the nether track in a while kind of forget what it sounds like I know it’s very different though definitely not in for a chill time there Stressful stressful for me I’d way rather go with somebody the voice crack I’ve been having a lot of voice cracks lately So we’ve got base and then let me see if I can make some more fences oh night time didn’t even realize how are my bricks doing we’re gonna need to start making more blocks I feel well let me see let me see if I can put it up

And there will be a lot of Bloodshed in that ring you know it deadbeat that’s the aim but the good news is you can always spawn back I guess we’ll make a nice bed for them yeah welcome to the Thunderdome I’m gonna put some lanterns on top yeah yeah whoops let’s freaking go

I might want to push this wall back a little bit later but for now not bad well it may look uneven I really think it looks nice it doesn’t need to be even this is a perfect perfectly sized area for fighting I’m happy with it honestly I actually think it looks better like

This instead of everything being completely symmetrical I’ll add some more fun stuff some secret rooms Etc I’ll probably put lava in here but yeah I think that I’m gonna stop here for today and go read supers from the last couple of streams so um anyway I am your boy thanks for

Hanging out with me today this is a very fun very chill Minecraft stream with you guys thank you so much for spending time with me I hope you guys all take care of yourselves um and I will be heading off for a quick vacation um but yeah

Thanks so much you guys I will have a good time I’ll catch you on the flip side okay everyone take care bye-bye you guys those of you heading out peace later Foreign Foreign Foreign foreign hi guys I’m back hello hello ready to read some supers don’t you dare come back from vacation early rest fully oh don’t worry there will be no streams while I’m with the ladies except for the rebroadcast and that’s that’s really no problem to do so so don’t worry about it

Hello welcome back Cali we’re starting off with today’s Minecraft supas Let’s Do It because I gotta run off to go meet the ladies a big UPS to a knit Fawn three thank you very much a big UPS to nine cats thank you VOD gang for tonight have fun with Minecraft gumbot the internet

Fingers crossed we make it through the supas a big UPS to Marcus menises first rule of Holo Fight Club tell everyone about new Underworld order Blu-ray second rule of Hall of Fight Club cars are allowed As Weapons totally not to my advantage man imagine if Minecraft did have cars wouldn’t that be insane

I think that it would get like even crazier than it already is Bachelorette party’s normally that long oh it’s just a little bit of a trip my friends like to do tiny trips you know but it’s not it’s not too long just a couple days Minecart

A big UPS to vampiric otaku thank you thank you draconic Insight Big Ups jpr snsr And berserking The astartes Chapel Lane a big UPS to you lyrics cave Keys deadbeat lizard thank you draconic Insight message from marms just wanted to say thanks reaps for helping me deal

With the insomnia that has decided to start during important events thank you’re welcome good luck sleeping melatonin helps if it doesn’t um maybe drink some warm water that used to help me drinking warm water or like chamomile tea Etc just try to clear your mind and not

Do any Electronics like um an hour before bed a big of the sun getting I remember the sound of your voice burning quietly in my heart A big upset LC Le fan thank you saw the Maureen Android tweet from good smile looks so dang amazing I’m definitely getting one I didn’t know that came out already I gotta retweet that a Big Ups 2 Barney Ward thank you knowing you love the show too I just finished girl and

Lagon recently one of the best animes I’ve seen the animation the story it’s also beautiful and the messages and morals are told really well row row Fight the Power yeah that’ll never change as my favorite anime of all time so I’m glad you liked it too Barney I still re-watch it

Sometimes and I drag my friends in to watch it with me and they all say that they really enjoy it I don’t know it really kind of changed my life that show so let’s go a big up stew Willie Chan thank you thank you Barney Ward again

Simon’s best boy Yoko best girl to see you share the same taste as me a Big Ups Too spam Sam thank you too and thank you a big UPS too this guy yeah a lot of the other Holo mems MC streams are super cracked with a bunch of upgraded stuff

But it’s kind of nice to see a pure vanilla MC stream from Dad gambate thank you this guy I’ll try to get better over time but I think it’ll be nice to kind of start from nothing with you guys so a big UPS too thank you very much for letting me know

About the iron farm thank you nicodam a big UPS to Lauren nut thanks a lot for popping by to say hello thank you to Rocket as well smooth and satisfying thank you Cali thank you very much to Juan C can’t wait to see how the fight club turns out ooh desert bio making

Western town that sounds awesome then I can truly reign as the sheriff a big UPS too enjoy craft thank you to doctor video game the same Vibe as hachima Minecraft a Big Ups 2 dead pirate thank you very much do you girls have World editor other plug-in things installed in your world

And server I don’t know they keep some of that kind of hush hush so I really can’t answer but thanks for joining recently a Big Ups Too Nagi thank you very much all the birds cute they flew over oh do you let them fly around that’s so sweet hope you don’t have any

Cats t713 Thank You Brutus salad a big up to insufficiently Anonymous thank you mamoru kusanagi thank you Ian way as well replace the middle set of steps with nether brick stairs to look like a red carpet I think we might just add carpet in general at a certain point a big of

Stien way thank you a big UPS to Dio Brando during the tournament Arc I hope Cali transforms gets special skin made of Fight Club skin a big upsuit Tommy XX thank you very much to hate every a Big Ups 2 Millennial chicken thank you thank you love these chilled vibeful

Completion completionly peaceful Kino streams just puts one’s anxiety to bed for a short while thanks Cali you’re welcome Millennial chicken rest well thank you to Julius Topps your voice feels very calming thanks for the chill morning stream Cali you’re welcome have a fantastic day all right a Big Ups Too

Nick sdv thank you and a Big Ups 2 V toy ski who left a lovely message letting us know that life is on the up and up hi Cali the yearly bonus just came in so I’m here to drop off your share oh you shouldn’t have I survived two rounds of furloughs plus

Layoffs oh my gosh now I get to fly to visit a customer site in Germany on the company’s dime life is trending upwards for me thanks for being there when it wasn’t you’re welcome vitoski even from now on gambate and if things ever do get rough and if

Life is on the the low and low remember when it was on the up and up things change over time you know your fingers crossed for you thanks a lot a big UPS to Rainmaker thank you the Cali seal I do like that but it is the hollow Flight Club however a calicia

Might be a fun future project gotta get a little Minecraft notebook oh Big Ups Too neck Nexus cat thank you very much for you lava yeah Kyle is such a champ a Big Ups Too hops thank you a big UPS to morning blade thanks a lot a

Big us to Soma a big UPS to kumakuma channel thank you very much your Minecraft stream is so relaxing compared to back then I really love this wish someone will accompany you next time we’ll see I mean we’re definitely I’m gonna be playing with Ina and Kyla so

That’s going to be interesting those two are definitely cracked so I’m wondering what kind of Adventure we might go on might choose something like a bit higher level to make with those guys we’ll see um but yeah I feel a lot more laid back in general about streaming these days so

Maybe that’s made some kind of difference a big UPS to voice of Silence thank you very much of Big Ups Too thanks a lot the Big Ups Too Mickey thank you you should explain what four kids was to the JP members I think it’d get a good conversation about

Localization going I’m sure I’ll explain it at some point during the next Japanese chatting stream thank you to Maxwell the first a big obstetriconic Insight thank you a big just a donger bread thanks Maury have fun with the ladies thank you very much to Untitled one for the Rose thank you

Insufficiently Anonymous who says oats Cali Abigail thank you to somber apoc a lovely start to the day hope it wakes you up just fine and in a good mood a videos to jprs NSR thanks for the stream so cozy thank you so much GPR Sinister that was lots of fun

I had a really good time uh before we get to unarchived karaoke we have a little unboxing I want to do the jump King ones because I did not finish reading those we’ll go ahead and start from there shall we well thank you everybody who left me

Some love during the Minecraft stream I appreciate you guys very very much thank you thank you hope that you’ll show up for the next one to see the completion of the Fight Club now we’ve got jump King first of all a bunch of big upses too L5 Guardian who

Is here to leave some shout outs for friends as per the usual in the typical chad-like fashion L5 Guardian says didn’t realize we were back in the Bog means I got a VOD to watch before this stream got a shout out for a more recent addition to our deadbeat fam DV she is

Such a sweetheart and a little a meme Lord and a goober wow both of those things sounds like material for for short happy to have her with us what a Chad ah all five Guardian thank you very much for giving a shout out to Divi glad to

Have you here Divi damn you L5 you can’t escape that dude is everywhere with the shout outs oh very kind thank you all five Guardian a big UPS to unknit Fawn three thank you to Untitled one and a big UPS to hood the bog what the [ __ ] is bogacy

I don’t know the bog I know just about as much as you do we’ve also got a big sorry I keep getting that a big UPS from L5 Guardian yet again shouting out some more fun friends this one is for alt for altine a Shadow versus connoisseur first

Of all little apologies to to altine for not really being back into shadowverse but I’ve had a lot of fun with it what a real chill guy and a cool dude he brings in the Good Vibes wherever he goes and it’s always a privilege to be around him

Hope he continues to have a good time being a deadbeat and happy to call him friend thank you so much altine thank you for being a deadbeat hope you guys are having lots of fun hope you found some deadbeats to play shadowverse with mm-hmm Big Ups thank you so much L5 Guardian

Once again and we’ve got a continuation from L5 Guardian a he for Autumn gotcha and this is for the lovely artist Autumn song he has absolutely gorgeous pencil work and have a soft spot for that form of artwork hope he can continue to improve his craft and create incredible

Masterpieces his art of you and ama’s attire is stunning Cali I actually think I remember seeing that on Twitter cool yeah yeah I remember that that’s immediately what I thought of when you mentioned pencilwork cool where’s my Minecraft music why is it so low I can’t hear [ __ ]

Oh there I can hear it a bit better now anyway thank you so much L5 Guardian two times for giving a shout out for Autumn thank you so much for for sharing your love with your friends and also uh for for super chatting as well and supporting me

With it I don’t know it’s like it’s like a double double supportive thing hard to explain two birds with one stone I don’t know I just think it’s really cool of you I think that’s really neat thank you so much L5 Guardian as always we dead beats love you thanks a lot

We’ve also got a big Ups Too vampirico Taco thank you to Shadow pencil and thank you donger bread yeah funny you say that we uh we ended up somewhere interesting at the end of this one it doesn’t feel like a waste though because we still had a lot of fun conversations

A big UPS to hild thank you to draconic Insight good luck you can do this bring home the babe maybe next stream a big UPS to jprs NSR thank you to ljon91 a Big Ups 2 while Luigi cubed thank you you ever you ever think ghost babe and

Ghost cat have met before I wonder I mean if the ghost babe likes cats then surely she’s met ghost cat a big UPS to V faction thank you Flora Jean our jump Empress returns for a whole new adventure to collect another set of princesses coming her way hopefully fingers crossed

A big UPS is spank kfp and Heim who says meow thank you Spanky Big Ups to Millennial chicken of pickups too Ricky t713 follow lyopy a Big Ups 2 eating Mike Tyson’s ass who says gotta love watching Cali give her fix of jump King

LOL glad you had a fun time Mike Tyson a Big Ups 2 2 powered thank you a big UPS to V faction thank you very much Brutus salad trust nobody not even yourself hurts sometimes a big UPS to Hayden Sanders thank you future Mori when you check this VOD

Please be kind to this Maury she’s truly trying even while injured a big upster road Forks you thank you future Mori please help Maury you know since you got ghost babe and all a pickups to random person 2021 a Big Ups 2 cougars 48. thank you to the wizard ninja of Big Ups

2 Slade thank you winter mute a big UPS to berserking the estartes chaplain thank you Road forksu giving 15. I see because internet cut out a big of a donger bread thank you that was the activation noise that shuts off the net thank you jprs NSR perfect time to make

Some coffee Mr Veg says I just got here have some internet funds thank you spank kfp and high bedtime for Spanky again thanks for all that quality time with the cast today they will be rescued soon indeed hope you had a nice rest we’ve got a big UPS to Winter mute times two

For the cute kitty cat stickers thank you very much Wings CV thank you to lambeard and a big UPS to Tony Powers thank you very much and thank you skelum what’s up I miss the cats go back to them well we skipped the cats we went we went much

Further than the cats a big UPS to Marco thank you a big UPS to frickle Frick thank you to Marco again Big Ups Jacob langlit thank you Johan and a big UPS to Josh just join the stream late and proud of you for finally Escaping The Bog ah

That hurts to read right now but thank you nonetheless a Big Ups 2 madly a big UPS do match thank you very much and a big UPS to cam Scott thank you thank you a big up suit koyuki thank you to Rainmaker thank you Cali but your

Babe is in another Castle the faction says hi Clippers yeah that was pretty pretty yikes people have choked worse than that but that was a pretty bad joke a big UPS to V faction thank you very kindly a big UPS to pk5 ire thank you to

Sombra Pock that hurt me a little to see I admit yeah imagine how I feel a somber puck a big up sadonger bread thank you to eljohn91 thank you Black Mage 666 and thank you to cam Scott 501 thank you Nightcore reality and a big up to Jay

Koon thank you very much had to take a week off work for mental health reasons no joke watching you play Jump King the last couple days has been really helpful no bad news no life nonsense just a reap around request for babe thank you anytime Jay [ __ ] welcome this is your

Place to get away relax just hang out you know it only hurt a lot indeed thank you Wing CV thank you you mirix kif he’s deadbeat lizard and a big UPS to Marco thank you to wintermute and Marco again a big UPS to nine cats thank you thank

You a big UPS to Alex aguili and Wing CV again thank you to berserking the estartes Chapel Lane thank you to Monty a big UPS to kikito Alexa Play My Way by Frank Sinatra a big up suit the Bogger Reaper maybe just a quick visit to the bog you know

Just for the good old times a Big Ups 2 tzk thank you to eljohn91 and it big UPS to Wings CV thank you Cam Scott 501 thank you Flora Jean oh boy the music’s getting loud again hold on a second sorry Uh c-wing CV Camp Scott 501 Flora Jean thank you to Sandy Starr thank you V faction thank you Avenged me love you Dad a big UPS to adrian24 ug thank you to the bog hey Callie got that baby oh oh enough out of you

A big UPS to Sean R thank you thank you to the wizard ninja a big UPS to Sam for a park again this just seems so terribly familiar a big UPS to adejovi thank you to comment man a big UPS to Javier Rodriguez thank you asthoff thank you to

The wizard ninja thank you Waluigi cubed as well thank you to digi Rogue and a big UPS to General froggy a big UPS to Marcus Meneses well voted his dang it what shitty timing huh thank you jprs NSR the deadbeats have collectively counted up to 500 while waiting please

Give head Pat’s thankies here you go hope that works a Big Ups 2 core of a din thank you very much a big UPS to Mr Veg that jump scared me welcome back thank you to Nine Cats and jpr snsr oh boy 3 A.M Moe is

Back thank you very much Moon Joe makes to the deadbeats that were there till the end and everyone who gave memberships while waiting we held the line I love you all glad to see you’re back Cali thank you so much Moon Joe and a big UPS to Ahmed Lila thank you thank

You stop having such perfect comedic timing your ISP can’t take it a big UPS to Star Creator thank you a big UPS to nicodem thanks a lot I was struggling with a boss for the entire time you were gone finally managed to beat it when you came back hopefully

This works both ways maybe for the next stream we’ll see a pickups to donger bread thank you a big UPS to unknit font three thank you to the bog hey a big UPS to V faction the bog is just one giant letterbox yup for all the cats in the

Cat room thank you to Untitled one for the rose a big UPS to jprs NSR it’s bog to babe next time I believe thanks for the stream rest well I feel like with this DLC it kind of has to be you know nothing can be done about it a big UPS

To pretty’s rock thank you very much let’s go nighty night night night nighty night nights oh good one Leone um let’s see so we’ve got a couple more to read we’ve got the unboxing the holy grail and then we have the karaoke so um in the event that the internet does

Cut I probably will need to run actually let me make a quick I need to I need to call a car and there aren’t many oh there’s there’s the phone there aren’t many around here so I need a call um in the event that was weird sorry about that my headphones got really

Close to the microphone um anyway I’m just gonna give a quick call just a sec and then I will read as much as I can okay But uh yeah gotta make sure I arrive on time um but in the event that the internet does cut I think I probably will not return so please do not feel like you have to wait for me um in that event let’s see Okay okay this might work all right in that case I’ll keep reading we’ve got a big UPS too zekinator seven seven thank you very much for two two red bricks that’s another red brick for zekinator seven seven don’t mind the first akaspa why don’t you want me to kill you please don’t

Please don’t kill me I’m not ready to rest I see why roses are red this deadbeat is dead for laughing at Cali saying her fingers are sasu wedge that was kind of SNS for pointing that out now I cannot unsee it peace I gotta head out please don’t

Kill me I am not ready to rest what oh the gloves are just too big my fingers are not fat they are not silence boy the canader I’ll beat you up of course I was the one to point it out but still how dare you nonetheless what a giga Chad sending another

Another just just to repeat the [ __ ] did you send it too early what’s going on there thank you thank you but also [ __ ] you you rock Z canader and well in the tundra a big UPS to unknit font times too thank you a big UPS to Michael Coronet thank you

Untitled one and a big UPS to V faction somebody Once Sold me a Blu-ray starring Maury she or she wore backwards cap on her head she had her sausage gloves on but they made her even more pond so I ignored it and bought two more Blu-rays instead well done

That’s pretty good to be faction I like that thanks for the multiple purchases you can always give it to a friend thank you Marcus Meneses ticket for the rebroadcast hope you enjoy it when you see it and thank you again Marcus Meneses transparent silk cloth thingamabob fell

On my head it won’t come off like a veil or something congrats on the veil let’s go Marcus Manassas congrats on the long time of being a member and thank you again Marcus Meneses a big UPS to a sauce a sauce thank you assassin sauce again what is your name

Again what is your quest assassin sauce again thank you how much does it cost to pre-order Maury calliope’s 2022 solo live new Underworld order Blu-ray disc release well if it’s less than a Honda and the shipping’s great pickups too basote thank you very much congrats to you as well on Veil Hood

Let’s go basote I think it’s to prevent skeleton abduction or keep your thoughts out of government reach I don’t know could be both that’s just what Mori membership provides a big obstetriconic Insight thank you donger bread and thank you jprs NSR I see you are a collector I’m sure you

Will be pleased with the unboxing a big UPS to Waluigi cubed thank you Anonymous gamer thank you very much for berserking a big UPS to Brutus salad thank you very much to Jacob langland thank you to might guy one seven a big UPS to Rocket thank you bought a limited edition let’s

Go rocket thank you heck yeah a big UPS to Untitled one and thank you jprs NSR Big Ups to you thank you so much you guys wow you guys are absolute sweethearts well I do have to run um I’ll take care of the unarchived karaoke supas at the same time with the

Rebroadcast supas um so yeah got some knocked out and we’ll definitely have a super chat reading stream next week to knock even more out because we’ve been we’ve been making some good progress on these uh your boys got a dash um but this was really fun thank you

Guys so much for hanging out with me playing some Minecraft everyone was very patient and sweet um and cool and I’m just very I feel very thankful so um yeah I’m really glad for you guys thanks a lot um you guys take care of yourselves okay

Then go enjoy your Stacy time will do bye you guys I’m gonna go with Stacy for a while peace out goodbye goodbye I’m changing the thumb there it goes goodbye make it big again it’s going to get large well

This video, titled ‘【MINECRAFT】creating holo fight club’, was uploaded by Mori Calliope Ch. hololive-EN on 2023-04-27 17:59:44. It has garnered views and [vid_likes] likes. The duration of the video is or seconds.

blu ray: https://lnk.to/MC_NUO Sinderella Vinyl Release (international) https://shop.moricalliopeofficial.com/products/sinderella-lp

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    Zombie Craze: 100 Days of Minecraft Mayhem In the world of Minecraft, a tale unfolds, 100 days of survival, the story it holds. Zombies aplenty, a true apocalypse, Our hero must fight, with no time to miss. Crafting and building, with blocks in hand, Facing each challenge, across the land. The player rig, the camping rig too, Assets and maps, all tried and true. With music to set the scene just right, Hero in Peril, a thrilling sight. Disconcerned by Kevin MacLeod’s hand, Adding depth to the story, oh so grand. So join us now, in this Minecraft quest, 100 days of survival, put to the… Read More

  • Minecraft Memes – Lukewarm mob voting experience

    Minecraft Memes - Lukewarm mob voting experienceLooks like this meme got voted off the island by the mobs! Read More

  • Debt to Duo: Dave’s SMP Woe!

    Debt to Duo: Dave's SMP Woe! In the world of Minecraft, where blocks reign supreme, Dave made a mistake, it may sound like a dream. But in Duo SMP, where teamwork is key, One wrong move can lead to a catastrophe. The viewers all gasped, as Dave’s error was shown, But Kroberto kept calm, in a rhyming tone. He described the mishap with humor and wit, Turning a blunder into a viral hit. So if you’re a fan of Minecraft and fun, Check out Kroberto’s stream, where the rhymes never shun. Subscribe, like, and follow along with the crew, For more epic moments and rhymes… Read More

  • “Hot Minecraft Logic: Troll Face Edition” 😂🔥 #tiktokviral

    "Hot Minecraft Logic: Troll Face Edition" 😂🔥 #tiktokviral “Why do we spend hours building elaborate structures in Minecraft, only to panic and run away from a single creeper? Logic at its finest.” 😂🤷‍♂️ #minecraftlogic #trollface Read More

  • Experience Thrilling Adventures on Minewind Minecraft Server!

    Experience Thrilling Adventures on Minewind Minecraft Server! Welcome to NewsMinecraft.com! Are you a fan of the latest Minecraft updates and features? If so, you need to check out Minewind Minecraft Server. With its unique gameplay and community-driven environment, Minewind offers an exciting and immersive experience for players of all levels. One of the reasons why you should join Minewind is the constant innovation and updates that keep the gameplay fresh and exciting. Just like the new cave sounds in Minecraft that are both scary and thrilling, Minewind is always introducing new elements to keep players engaged and entertained. Whether you’re a seasoned Minecraft player or just… Read More

  • Minecraft Skinwalker Sound Effects

    Minecraft Skinwalker Sound Effects Minecraft: The Skinwalker – Unleashing Terrifying Sound Effects Within the vast and immersive world of Minecraft, a new mod has emerged to send shivers down players’ spines. The Skinwalker mod, created by the talented @masoniscool864, introduces a chilling atmosphere with its spine-tingling sound effects and eerie encounters. Exploring the Depths of Fear As players venture into the dark woods, they may encounter mysterious entities like the Man from the Fog, the Cavedweller, and the Goatman. Each of these creatures brings a unique sense of dread, amplified by the haunting sound effects that accompany their presence. The Man from the… Read More

  • 300 Days in Minecraft Mod – Journey to the Moon in Pure Insanity

    300 Days in Minecraft Mod - Journey to the Moon in Pure InsanityVideo Information This video, titled ‘I spent 300 Days to get to THE MOON In Minecraft Create Mod’, was uploaded by Dejojotheawsome on 2024-05-27 19:00:31. It has garnered 21381 views and 541 likes. The duration of the video is 03:24:55 or 12295 seconds. Discord: https://discord.gg/dejojotheawsome Modpack download: https://www.curseforge.com/minecraft/modpacks/create-mekanized Strap in for 300 days of Create Mod engineering and utter shenanigans as Dejojotheawsome begins his journey to conquer space itself in Create Mod! In this pack you’ll witness factories rise from the ground, vast exploration, and eventually space travel on a beautiful rocket ship! Get ready for my first 300 days… Read More

  • Haunted Minecraft Lady Jumpscare!

    Haunted Minecraft Lady Jumpscare!Video Information This video, titled ‘MINECRAFT DEMON LADY JUMPSCARE 😭#minecraft #fivenight #gaming #horrorgaming #scary #minecraftmeme’, was uploaded by Oldgamerj300 on 2024-05-01 05:35:49. It has garnered 11314 views and 253 likes. The duration of the video is 00:00:17 or 17 seconds. Read More

  • “Insane Gamer Block Craft – Ultra Realistic Minecraft!” #shorts

    "Insane Gamer Block Craft - Ultra Realistic Minecraft!" #shortsVideo Information This video, titled ‘Realistic minecraft #shorts #blast #water’, was uploaded by Gamer Block Craft on 2024-05-06 16:35:36. It has garnered 2 views and 0 likes. The duration of the video is 00:00:35 or 35 seconds. Read More

  • Adopt Mikey the Enderman MIND in Minecraft – SHOCKING!

    Adopt Mikey the Enderman MIND in Minecraft - SHOCKING!Video Information This video, titled ‘JJ Control Enderman MIND to ADOPT Mikey in Minecraft (Maizen)’, was uploaded by Mikey Spikey on 2024-02-14 15:00:23. It has garnered 594232 views and 3231 likes. The duration of the video is 00:15:47 or 947 seconds. JJ Control Enderman MIND to ADOPT Mikey in Minecraft (Maizen) This video is an unofficial work and is neither created nor approved by Maizen Sisters. Maizen – @maizenofficial Thanks for watching, I hope you will enjoy my videos! Read More

  • Ultimate Minecraft Goal! Donate Rp. 40,000 = End Game!

    Ultimate Minecraft Goal! Donate Rp. 40,000 = End Game!Video Information This video, titled ‘Live: Setiap Donasi Rp40.000 = TAMATIN Minecraft 1 Kali… (hari 4)’, was uploaded by Clementdav on 2024-03-30 12:20:07. It has garnered 15017 views and 758 likes. The duration of the video is 03:27:12 or 12432 seconds. Livestream Minecraft Indonesia: Every donation = Speedrun TAMATIN Minecraft… Every donation of IDR 40,000 = I have to speedrun TAMATIN Minecraft random seeds (don’t use seeds) and can reset. 🙏 Donate: https://sociabuzz.com/clementdav/donate Minimum IDR 40,000 ONLY FOR THIS LIVE, Text to Speech, Can GIF & Media Share Note: 1. You can also donate in multiples of 40k, for example… Read More

  • Fenwo’s Final Console Stream – Unleash the Mystical Hive

    Fenwo's Final Console Stream - Unleash the Mystical HiveVideo Information This video, titled ‘A Mystical Hive Live (Last Console Stream)’, was uploaded by Fenwo on 2024-05-19 22:11:33. It has garnered 1133 views and 83 likes. The duration of the video is 02:26:06 or 8766 seconds. Minecraft hive or zeqa or cubecraft live stream NEW STICKERS Pack is my classic mash I have a video on it Read More

  • Mind-Blowing Collab: Fubuki Introduces Haato to Minecraft!

    Mind-Blowing Collab: Fubuki Introduces Haato to Minecraft!Video Information This video, titled ‘Haato’s First Exposure To Minecraft [Fubuki POV] (Part 1/3)’, was uploaded by StrawHaaton on 2024-03-19 04:00:34. It has garnered 53 views and 4 likes. The duration of the video is 00:27:16 or 1636 seconds. HAACHAMA Ch: Heart of Akai: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UC1CfXB_kRs3C-zaeTG3oGyg Fubuki Ch. Shirakami Fubuki: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCdn5BQ06XqgXoAxIhbqw5Rg Source: Haato & Fubuki_Let’s make diamond blocks together in Minecraft! [Privated] 11 July 2018 ID: 64H0-5Ag96M Haato’s (edited) POV is still public! https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=aekF1SisPQA Thank you for watching and sorry for not knowing Japanese. If you want to use this clip and upload it on your own channel with translations, PLEASE… Read More

  • “OMG! Herobine sighted in Minecraft!! 🤯” #viral #shorts #trending

    "OMG! Herobine sighted in Minecraft!! 🤯" #viral #shorts #trendingVideo Information This video, titled ‘Herobine spotted In Minecraft!😶🥶 #trending #viral #shorts #short #minecraft #comedy #funny #memes’, was uploaded by Azeem boyy on 2024-01-07 04:45:48. It has garnered 5021 views and 207 likes. The duration of the video is 00:00:57 or 57 seconds. Herobrine Spotted!🥶😨😱 #shorts #short #viral #minecraft #herobrine #trending #minecraftshorts #minecraftmemes #minecraftpe @Bebu @minecraft Tags used 👇🏻 minecraft, techno gamerz camera man Minecraft video Minecraft herobrine 1. Crafting 2. Redstone 3. Mods 4. Biomes 5. Enchanting 6. Exploration 7. Villagers 8. Nether 9. Ender Dragon 10. Adventure Maps1. Survival 2. Creative 3. Redstone 4. PvP (Player vs Player)… Read More

  • DJ dk’s Malibu Love Song – Subscribe Now!

    DJ dk's Malibu Love Song - Subscribe Now!Video Information This video, titled ‘#bhojpuri #pleasesubscribe #malibu #shortvideo #bhojpuri_status #minecraft #dj #ginfizz #song #new’, was uploaded by Love you DJ dk on 2024-02-19 04:03:38. It has garnered views and [vid_likes] likes. The duration of the video is or seconds. Read More

  • HowlSteal

    HowlStealThere are many lifesteal servers, but there is only one Lifesteal, and howlsteal.xyz is where you will find it! We strive to be the best available public lifesteal server there is and we are constantly innovating and adding new features, hosting events and giveaways, and listening to our community. howlsteal.xyz Read More

  • Broomstix SMP Creative Semi-Vanilla 1.20.4 Claims Classic Bedrock-Java FlyOnSundays DynMap CustomEnchants PetTeleport

    Server Information: Java & Bedrock IP: play.broomstix.net Default ports Discord server (w/ voice channels): Join our Discord server Online In-game map: Check out our online map Features: Backwards compatibility with latest Minecraft version Cross-play between Bedrock and Java (No Java account required) Hard difficulty Custom enchantments Teleport mobs with a lead Free fly in the overworld every Sunday Land claiming with ProtectionStones Bartering economy system No griefing Exclusive main PvP arena with keep inventory Random teleportation in the overworld and nether In-game private messaging and player teleportation options Minecraft-Discord integration for community interaction Responsive staff Voting ranks and rewards Server… Read More

  • tedsstr

    asdasdasdasdas das as asdas das das asd asd asd asd asd asd asd asd asd asd asd asd asd asd asd asd asd asd asd asd asd asd asd asd asd asd asd asd asd asd asd asd asd asd asd asd asd asd asd asd asd asd asd asd asd asd asd asd asd a das asd das as asd asd asd asd asd asd asd asd asd asd ad s asd ads ads asd asd asd asd asd da s das ads asd das da ads da ads ad a ds ads ad s ad ads Read More

  • Minecraft Memes – Me after a cave bender!

    Minecraft Memes - Me after a cave bender!Me after leaving the cave: “I may have left the cave, but the cave never truly leaves me. It’s like a permanent echo chamber in my soul, reminding me of all the times I got lost and panicked in the darkness.” Read More

  • Cube Xuan: MC Players Unleash Fifth Personality!

    Cube Xuan: MC Players Unleash Fifth Personality! In the world of Minecraft, where creativity thrives, Players explore, build, and survive. But when they venture into the realm of Identity V, The fifth personality adds a new level of glee. With fans urging me to give it a try, I jump in, ready to soar and fly. Choosing the cheerleader, a popular pick, I motivate him with passive skills, quick and slick. As the heartbeat pounds, I encourage him on, Stacking up his strength, until the fear is gone. But when he falls, I boost him up high, With 28 layers of health, he’s ready to defy…. Read More

  • Hot diggity dog, it’s a Minecraft meme!

    Hot diggity dog, it's a Minecraft meme! “Why did the creeper break up with his girlfriend? Because she kept blowing up at him!” #minecraft #minecraftmeme Read More

  • Join Minewind: Where Minecraft Artistry and Community Thrive

    Join Minewind: Where Minecraft Artistry and Community Thrive Welcome to NewsMinecraft.com, where we bring you the latest and most exciting updates from the world of Minecraft! Today, we want to talk to you about the art of storytelling in Minecraft and how it can bring people together in a fun and engaging way. Have you ever watched a hilarious Minecraft video like the one titled “Minecraft: 吹牛也是一门“艺术”,直男千万别和女生讲道理【我的世界方块轩】” and wished you could be a part of that creative and entertaining community? Well, now you can! Join us on Minewind, a vibrant and dynamic Minecraft server where players from all over the world come together to build, explore, and… Read More

  • Mastering the WOLF SHELTER in Minecraft 1.20.6!

    Mastering the WOLF SHELTER in Minecraft 1.20.6! The Optimistic Gamer’s Wolf Shelter Tutorial for Minecraft 1.20.6 Welcome to another exciting build tutorial by The Optimistic Gamer! Today, we will be constructing the Dog House from the Optimistic Survival series. This build has been highly requested, and we are thrilled to guide you through creating a wolf-themed shelter to protect your furry friends. Let’s dive right in! Materials and Foundation To start, gather your Dark Oak Logs and place them strategically to form the structure’s base. Create a sturdy foundation by placing the logs in a specific pattern, leaving gaps for windows and doors. Utilize stone bricks… Read More

  • Shocking Raizen Encounter with Monster JJ DogDay!

    Shocking Raizen Encounter with Monster JJ DogDay!Video Information I didn’t realize there would be so much interesting stuff in the lab trash yeah these are all old grw inventions it’s pretty cool that we came here yes there is why didn’t he tell us about his dump before I want to take something home well let’s keep [Music] moving wa no Mikey are you okay how did you get in there I don’t know this must be an old underground dump it’s so high up up here let’s go see what’s up there there’s something down there wao ah wo who’s that I don’t know some… Read More

  • Rare Minecraft PSX Footage Uncovered

    Rare Minecraft PSX Footage UncoveredVideo Information so before we start today uh I actually have to talk to you guys about something uh this is probably the most interesting bit of information I’ve received since I’ve started the channel and [Music] um yeah I think it would be safe to say that this is uh very very interesting to say the least so as some of you know I was supposed to upload this video yesterday but I ended up being busy turns out being busy was actually a blessing in disguise because I got an interesting email yesterday so let’s pull it up… Read More

  • Dangerous Secret Revealed About Minecraft Players! 😱

    Dangerous Secret Revealed About Minecraft Players! 😱Video Information This video, titled ‘2 Types Of Minnecraft Players😏 | #minecraft #minecraftshorts #shorts’, was uploaded by Muqeeth-BG on 2024-05-08 16:42:00. It has garnered 21 views and likes. The duration of the video is 00:00:09 or 9 seconds. 2 Types Of Minnecraft Players😏 | #minecraft #minecraftmemes #shorts . . Hey There, Iam Muqeeth I upload Minecraft And BlockmanGO Contents. Hope U enjoy my videos and content . . . #minecraft #minecraftshorts #minecraftmemes types of minecraft minecraft types shorts,minecraft,types of minecraft players which minecraft player are you? minecraft shorts minecraft memes minecraft funny minecraft tiktok minecraft meme shorts funny minecraft shorts… Read More

  • 🏠 Blockitecture Revealed: EPIC Modern House Tutorial #2

    🏠 Blockitecture Revealed: EPIC Modern House Tutorial #2Video Information Minecraft Simple house tutorial! This video, titled ‘Minecraft Tutorial: Ultimate Modern House #2 🏠’, was uploaded by Blockitecture on 2024-05-29 16:05:37. It has garnered 41 views and 12 likes. The duration of the video is 00:21:35 or 1295 seconds. Welcome to my Minecraft creation – a stunning modern house! Join me as I take you on a tour of this sleek architectural masterpiece. From the spacious living area with floor-to-ceiling windows to the luxurious master suite and outdoor entertainment area, this house has it all. Whether you’re a Minecraft enthusiast or simply love beautiful designs, this is one… Read More

  • EPIC Minecraft 1.20.4 LONGPLAY – EmilyTheDemon Unleashed! 🔥

    EPIC Minecraft 1.20.4 LONGPLAY - EmilyTheDemon Unleashed! 🔥Video Information This video, titled ‘Honey Honey – Minecraft 1.20.4 Relaxing Modded Longplay (No Commentary) – Ep 27’, was uploaded by EmilyTheDemon on 2024-03-14 21:00:26. It has garnered 63 views and 0 likes. The duration of the video is 02:52:56 or 10376 seconds. Built another side for the honey farm for bottled honey, bred up a few nests in case anyone needs one, and went exploring for some warm ocean treasure. Playing on Minecraft 1.20.4 Java for Mac (M1 mini) ||Graphics Mods|| Iris: curseforge.com/minecraft/mc-mods/irisshaders Complementary Shaders: curseforge.com/minecraft/customization/complementary-shaders Texture Packs from https://vanillatweaks.net/ [Feel free to reach out if you’re interested in… Read More

  • Unleashing Evil in Minecraft Hive with Saucari

    Unleashing Evil in Minecraft Hive with SaucariVideo Information I actually didn’t mean to go live oh shoot uh embarrassing I mean [ __ ] my shit’s not charged bro this is this is this is uh this is embarrassing uh it’s going to take a minute to set up [ __ ] [ __ ] [ __ ] [ __ ] what’s this [ __ ] are we locked in and step this way and step this way and step this way I’m not signed in bro why am I not signed in hello tilt who the [ __ ] is bro I’m not emo tilt… Read More

  • Shark calls Ruze NORMAL then CHAOS ENSUES!

    Shark calls Ruze NORMAL then CHAOS ENSUES!Video Information oh I wonder if you could do DEET slate brick walls that’d be cool actually question what is the mage of D can you get the [ __ ] out of my way dude the mage of Doom is a character that inherently creates and or manipulates Doom which is hard to explain in a way that makes sense but basically a few minutes later I keep calling you the normal one in my head and then I remember the homestuck thing okay let’s uh let’s let’s really like break us down a little bit put us in… Read More

【MINECRAFT】creating holo fight club