【Minecraft】its shipping day!【Kaela x Gura / hololive】

Video Information

So Are you like freezing i am frozen i am just You are here today you’re taking a break you’ll come spend some time with me well i guess it’s not a break because it’s still minecraft but you are here with me today i am frozen okay sure oh yeah i’m here now hi hi yeah it’s moving yay yay hi hi and hello everybody

We’re back yeah we’re back with where the quartz you got the cords you got the stuff i don’t know actually how many do you need well last time we talked you said oh i can what did you say to shelter a shelter box yeah you gave me a smoker box

Right you gave me stuff oh no this is my shulker box it’s okay just don’t give me back you don’t want it back no no no i have i have a lot of shelter box already it’s okay just take it wait I mean i can’t give it back to you it’s okay i’ll just take the courts inside no no no don’t do that don’t do that please what no i need a space oh okay i will gladly be your your trash compactor then please give me everything okay sure yes i’m really happy yeah

Very nice i’m gonna come to you where are you okay please don’t say in the nether please tell um probably i will fly to the portal uh yes or no okay okay the ship okay audio okay this yo also wondering oh yeah audio do we need to do the intro by the Oh i don’t have the specific one actually it’s just like a normal hi everyone my name is kyle kobalski the coolest blacksmith from whole if i literally generation nice to meet you all is it he part of it no of course not but it’s cute okay english myth and that’s it oh okay

Yeah i can also can i say too now of course try it oh hi hi i’ve listened to the d i forgot to tell you right here hello hello oh look i still have this that you gave me oh yeah nice and they survive on lava right yeah the

Nether right oh yeah what do you have in your head but if you go to the end and you jump into the fight it’s gone gone wait really of course what do you mean of course why wouldn’t you be wait so you can’t fight the ender dragon with nether

You can but if you jump to the forehead it’s gone like everything’s into the void it’s like gone why why about what what why yeah why why would it do that i don’t know i mean if you like um flying with elytra wanna find another elytra and then you suddenly fall into

The void it’s all gone oh you mean like if you free fall dive off yeah yeah yeah yeah oh i see oh i see i thought you no okay then um where are you going you to fight that i just i just wanted to protect you with

My oh my god thank you thank you for protecting me i will okay i will stand behind you and just watch you protect me wait wait yes okay i think i’ve done all right good good i’ve done it wow senpai no don’t please i was getting bullied by cronie

Before this i don’t i don’t need to roll right into bullying like i’m not bullying anyone here i’m just really proud of my senpai protecting me yes yes then why are you here where i don’t know how to get out this is the wrong way

What is what is that is it just a summoning room an empty room okay there’s two doors there’s two doors okay yeah so you would think that one would be the end okay one is the entrance it runs the exit right no oh no okay so okay what what we’re gonna do now

Okay i’m going to bring you to the um ah the heart and soul of hololive english minecraft are you ready i’m always ready yeah i’m so excited are you ready to witness the master craftery of course yeah i’m very excited yay oh okay yes i think it’s this way okay now i think

Okay i believe it’s this way i have a couple things i can show you that i think will be pretty cool but also there’s quite a bit of stuff you’re gonna be like oh okay this way oh so we okay we need to fly yeah okay yes we must fly

And then yeah and you’ll see us and then you’ll see hollywood and then actually irony i should where should oh i see a straight line all right okay look at all those chords oh this is quartz oh oh this is what oh this is chorus so beautiful huh isn’t it yeah oranges

I want how much quartz do you have i don’t know probably we need to count it later you’re just gonna give it to me though or are you gonna able to make me work for it somehow oh i don’t know like i mean uh do you exactly know how many do you need

All of it i love it every last drop you are willing to give me please okay okay i like to hear it let’s go okay oh here oh yeah wait you’ve never actually ever been here ever nope oh then where is the way back there’s no way back

No oh see here we actually have an entry and an exit point oh instead of the same door but that’s okay no oh wait i kind of go back that’s right i have you here forever now that was actually part of my plan what color zip ties do you want i’d have

Red and yellow uh so this is the this is the what is this the portal zone okay yes the fourth little zone mm-hmm wow flying melon oh yeah we have the giant melon farm All you can eat melon holding pirates it’s very fast oh it’s automatic yeah incredibly high check melon slice ice cream that’s delicious you see so cute melon melon and this is a this is a museum we have right next door oh oh bees bring boom the watch i haven’t

Been in here in a really long time actually i remember when they were building this though oh i actually i remember was i remember we’re figuring how to fill the fish tank with the water and the fishies and they named the fish they had like tomato and one was named pizza i think

Okay they may be dead i don’t know what they may be that i remember one of them dying i think pizza died or tomato died a pizza oh wait his corpse might be here somewhere actually so cute can i go up wait where nope where’d the watch go what oh did you

Hold on hold on hold on hold on ah did you steal that watch i’m not stealing it how to put it i don’t know how to put it back how to put it back i don’t want it okay now you’re stealing it no you no

Okay wait how do you put it back how do you put it back how do you put it back how do you put it back did you was there like a oh oh this one this one oh oh okay accidentally why did you take that i’m not taking it okay oh yeah okay

Wait that takes two movements to take both i thought you could have accidentally clicked it all right i’m gonna keep my eye on you where are you okay what do we have here the first employee of kfp okay yes well and we have flowers can i take this no no don’t take

The exhibits this is how life in history here and now your dna is all over it so i’m gonna have to go take it back to the museum staff and have them clean all the fingerprints off okay sure let’s go the blacksmith dust off of it oh yes okay

What else do we have a santa santa your place okay if i stand here then i become the santa again yeah okay santa analysis okay was i was i am i good this year yeah i will bring your gifts later you do kind of look like you could be uh

Maybe not santa claus but like uh okay like a tooth fairy of some sort oh no now you look no it’s the white and the red mrs claus mrs kowalski are you good this year are you being a good shark this year i think so do i deserve cords quartz quartz

You want this you want this no you’re pretty squishy right now oh really are you chatting with me right now are you trying to me right now no i wouldn’t do that i wouldn’t do that that would be what would what would the others think oh we have a resident enderman um uh

This is this is uh Membrane ishoni ishani together we sewed our membranes together no we killed something together and we get what memory oh yeah i see let’s kill something together then we can put it here oh yeah can we summon the uh what’s that the wither no what’s the thing with

Three let’s just kill each other then let’s go oh no no no no no i’m level 19. i do you know how long it took me to get to level 19. okay right now okay for the sake of the level 19 okay sure what level are you right now uh nine ninety no

Okay like this wow a bread and a water wow oh no what yeah oh wait wait um What you’re eating bread yes in oh god i don’t want to say that it sounds so sad for sana we eat bread for salad i don’t have any bread not to verify oh hello okay bread for you bread for you okay okay let’s eat the bread the yeast here

Run off here let’s eat the bread yes together okay why are you just watching me like that why are you touching everything wait i touch everything you know what i understand okay okay okay okay i get it i understand d-i-m-t okay oh hi what a very great museum

Oh wait this is cool this is cool actually this is you should you should sign here where are you over here oh oh i stick it all done wow what is this server i’m so serious yeah what so cute what what what okay what is that why are there so many fish

A plus japanese style called you should sign you want to sign i think i should sign but there is no side nope okay Wait wait wait do you mind if it’s brown it’s okay anything senpai is crafting for me okay okay okay i will for you i will craft anything where’s my pickaxe ah oh i know where it is okay just put it here okay uh what should i write um I got you don’t worry okay protect me Okay um are you okay does this sing yes are you good oh dang you can’t see my facial movements but i just swung around with wait so if i hit you are you gonna catch on fire uh i think so i think so can i try yeah try let’s try Yes oh i’m so sorry it’s okay actually my health is still full oh probably you need to try better than that oh you have another right early that’s why oh wait no is it mending i think so yeah yeah yeah did you take any damage from that yeah uh one and a half

Okay fight that okay thank you yeah oh look out watch out collateral damage did you wait i can’t see it’s okay i will just watch and learn from the best okay dude this sword is so cool oh no i’m sorry it’s okay it’s gone no not clear where is he it’s gone

All right i believe you are safe now okay sure thank you thank you for saving my life of course yes okay wait i wanna read the others first oh okay oh i see him oh okay i know The membrane did we kill this together nope it’s a membrane showing that you protect me you have protected me yes protective membrane we should fight something together though yeah what’s the new what’s the new minecraft the boss in the dark and it like whispers warden yeah have you done one of those yet

The warden can we find a warning yeah but uh we need to find the and we need a lot of preparation for that we need to find the what the lost city first or what i don’t know Lost city um it sounds scary uh oh phantom’s stuck what oh god there’s so many kayla hurry oh sorry I’m doing my best oh now there’s so many are you writing a paragraph what are you writing no can i can i like type it peacefully no i’m taking the waves of enemies okay okay um yeah you want some i’m so sorry i’m sorry that’s okay come here you

Didn’t like draw them out come here come here you massive chicken ah how do you get them to unstuck how did you get them on stick what what did i miss i don’t know okay probably let’s move on okay okay did you write nothing nothing you spend all that time just staring at

It yeah nothing let’s go where did you write nope nothing wait really oh yeah you haven’t known oh yeah i think wait wait what i’m adopted okay no way okay now you’re staring at the sign and i’m killing the phantom it’s like switching places right now okay everything is returning to its natural

Harmonies okay yes indeed wow since i’ve been adopted let me how do i address you now are you drowning oh my god no i’m just swimming what is this there’s a pond they built this so cute so beautiful wait what is this store about decoration wow wow yes isn’t

It and then we have and then yes yes and then and then and then wait wait we have the playground over here that they also built wow okay there’s a little entry over here by the pumpkins oh the swing the little tree swing you can sit down

And the the sand we call this a sandpit so cute yeah you can play sound here same castles and there’s this giant playground thingy this is really cute actually playground isn’t it careful that’s okay then there you go wait wait something over here this way this way this way

In service for babies uh a little bit is fine though but it’s beautiful though see colorful colorful yeah exactly oh fortune stink please put your bad fortune here oh oh well up here um kiara built this it’s a shrine okay did you bring them you being the bang bang nope oh baby

How how to do it oh i bring oh oh wait down here come get your fortune kayla here oh let’s oh i see yay i got this yeah stick a fortune okay what one is luck two is neutral big clock boom curse okay i got two neutral

No oh i need to get one what happened ah i took one really you got a one i did i also took one i got uh-huh you got um five um five um yes i got a five okay it’s okay um it’s okay i’ll be here what are you doing

Why are you punching me like that i’m gonna punch you i put the stick on the wall okay yeah you’re so lucky to get like five yeah is that is that is that what we can say i’m lucky that i got the unlucky ones yeah yeah yeah Okay then we have here we have osana’s bakery this one this one pretty bread yes i just oh i just realized that this isn’t gonna be filled with bread anymore oh i cannot take the stick okay hold on over the yellow you put this put the stick back okay

We will resupply sunny’s bakery that’s the thing though nobody makes bread like sauna makes bread sorry i don’t know oh so cute um how does this door works ah a button oh this one okay this one yes delicious pastries potato uh was that pie and a cookie a little outside area a bed

And then we have this giant sauna tower oh yeah this one yeah really pretty with shaders do you have your shaders but i think it’s prettier at night right yeah yes we’ll come back at night you can see it all lit up let’s go this way okay now i show you

Oh gosh there’s so much here there’s like so many little projects all the memories hmm hey what happened nope my bushes there’s like there’s uh oh this is my little area oh okay i built this little tiny hidey hole wow it’s like a secret face like a little grotto grove thing Yeah isn’t it pretty yeah instead i followed the tutorial though oh hi hi hi hi what are you doing all right wait where are you oh all the sheep yeah the she used to be stuck in the wall used to call him chris angel but no longer floats

What are you doing to my sheep can i get somewhere if i go up with this water um Okay okay water sheep okay okay bye-bye let’s go what else should we show you oh the onsen oh and then they built this here this little pond and then i built this little pond right next to it oh and then we have all these vending machines that amelia made this one poops out

Potato how press the button but it’s not automatic you have to push the button uh what do you mean it’s not skinned girl unfortunately we’re not that high tech so did i mean it’s manually put the baked potato or it automatically cook the potato um i believe

It only shoots it out you have to put the cooked potato inside you have to refill it yeah vending machine yeah it’s cute though okay yeah this is the the cali and inna onsen ah onsen yay what’s the beautiful view Yeah that’s that’s that’s just a statue or muna has house here uh i don’t know i’m in chat we’ll know this chat does moon have a house here i’m pretty sure muna just has a statue but i might be wrong i see no house no house just just yes okay okay

And then we have our christmas project from last year is outside of the onsen this is a snowman house it is this is also frosty There used to be so many snowmen this was uh most of council and then i don’t remember exactly who built this hello this is so cute that’s the final place there was so many i remember found about the cookie i remember there was so many snowmen here at one point oh the door

Oh the door make sure the snowman doesn’t escape i see yes okay let’s keep going i’m just standing here looking at what happened i mean oh he’s going back in okay close it okay very safe but now it’s okay i think you’re balancing out my cursed my creativity yeah

That could have been really big but this is also sana ah a greenhouse this one is connected to the tower or not i think so i believe so i actually don’t really know i’ve really been around here can i get inside oh this is like a farm ah it’s so cute

What it’s cute what is cute all of this is so cute oh no i thought you’re outside you’re outside flower farm okay yeah kinda cute oh here’s the tower yeah yes i wonder if you can go and look up wait what is this oh oh sorry i just

Peeked my mic this is the cute it’s a tongue oh big wait am i spoiling something nope no i don’t think i don’t uh i don’t think so bread dog this is like the bread the loaf yes oh you can go inside his body okay cute this is beautiful really amazing Okay what oh i don’t know i don’t know i don’t know i don’t know oh it’s just oh it’s just a way out i guess yeah oh okay okay okay i think we’re not supposed to go to the top of the tower though there’s something really something about being at the top

Of the tower might be a spoiler so i don’t i don’t know i don’t want to be the one too okay okay okay don’t do that don’t do that yeah we’re just going to look at from the outside probably and where are you by the way i don’t know where are you hi

Yeah okay this is house this is her tree house oh tree house cute cute mommy okay we should fight again let’s go senpai you can do this yay oh no why why it’s the pink okay No we don’t need to sleep it’s okay what happened okay okay i think it’s done it’s done yeah okay okay treehouse treehouse oh this is cute i haven’t been here a lot of these places i haven’t been either yet wow three house is cute we can go up again moment tree house

Amazing who’s mason wait i tried to say mason did i kill somebody important without a mermaid npc really i killed someone the zombie they said it was the mason oh he turned zombie and i killed him um really that one i’m so sorry oh you’re lost i’ve oh um i mean um

Yeah i’m i’m out of here i didn’t i didn’t need to oh i’m out it’s like small guys it starts raining oh no yeah it’s training just after you killed that wait the curse isn’t real is it like it’s just funny minecraft stick right right curse can’t possibly be real um

Okay is that really amazing i don’t know i don’t know can we check for mason where is mace amazing the last time i saw it still in the base house right not suddenly here that would be a far way to go yet yeah um it’s in base house of course yeah yeah

Probably should check later i’m anticipating don’t worry okay do you aim in minecraft you aim with the sword yeah did you swing no no no you need you need to aim it and swing it accurately yeah okay okay yes i guess we should sleep uh you can take that bed

Oh i have my own bed it’s okay oh just sleep here you’re so prepared okay i’ll sleep there oh my god i mean i guess it makes sense okay minecraft master okay no i’m not yeah what is this yes uh what is this i don’t know what is this swing swing

Swinging a shelf a floating shelf what a santa tower everybody wants us to go to santa’s tower should we or should we let council be the ones to go to san antonio what do you think i don’t know but if there’s a spoiler there i don’t think so i i mean probably

Just gonna save it for later i guess we’re saving it for later yeah i’m not ready yet so yeah she’s not ready yet i’m i’m not ready for anything we’ll see there so yeah she’s not ready chad we must be gentle with kayla am i saying your name wrong i keep

Getting nervous it looks like it says yeah actually what what how how you pronounce my name kayla right huh kayla yeah kayla right yeah it’s supposed to be kai kai kai kaila but it’s okay kayla sounds cute wait so it is wrong it’s okay it is wrong why didn’t you why did you

Yell at me to fix it no it’s okay kayla is cute so yeah it’s hard right it’s just kayla it’s okay kayla yeah carla it’s okay koala even better yeah koala i like koala okay sure just go with quality okay koala welcome to the bunkeroni oh have you been here before this one

This one is the place that i can take everything right i don’t know if i say yes cronie might beat me up but also huh is crony corny cronies bungaroni home mother wow well just about everything every resource we have wood here wow what’s your favorite type of wood i like this one Hi hello wow okay a bone ponies okay Wow amazing yes amazing yeah i think i think corny’s probably okay with us taking stuff so long as it’s we put it back replenishing what we’ve taken ouch there’s stairs right here but that’s fine ow ouch let’s see how do we get in oh the magic stairs damn

You wouldn’t happen to have a button on you would you Oh you actually have a button what what button is this oh okay wait it’s supposed to make the stairs go in and out should i press it again nope what i got this yes what is go down the stairs okay now i’m trapped forever here right this ping it’s ping

Hi hello welcome to the book hello okay a present this is the marvel of whole live ian server okay There’s so much stuff in here go berries cocoa beans cocoa beans wow everything it’s like the grocery store the supermarket yes fresh from the farm yeah it’s it’s it’s we’re connecting with nature you have to pick it and replant it yourself yeah i don’t think any of it’s automatic though it’s okay

Sometimes manual is fun of course yes yeah it’s more buttons you have to push it’s more game you have yeah click click click click yeah yeah yep yep oopsie okay one two three four five okay i think this is a way out here Yeah this has a lot of rooms too mummy has a room i think they did something huh okay there’s so much water oh yes true oh i see time is like uh you’re you have like the swimming pool or was it yeah it was here you have the pool

Yeah it’s kind of summer okay oh we should go to rainy’s fanfic room have you oh gosh there’s so much to show wait i don’t know i think the fan figure might have been made before oh wait okay storage room enchanting a chicken farm okay lots of bedrooms be careful what

Do not enter why lots of foxes oh this is cronie’s bedroom chamber this is her bedroom yeah it say do not answer you can come in i think okay sure yeah okay okay okay what is she gonna do yell at me what is this she can’t uh what what uh i don’t I don’t know what that is what is what is wow um um this is nothing this is uh oh god oh geez this is a I’m inside the panel oh this is a Diamond icy diamond i’m not gonna take it it’s fine oh there’s diamond oh what is this i’ll be honest with you i don’t know how to explain what this is but it’s top secret okay yeah top secret i don’t know why i was exposed it’s not usually supposed to be exposed like that

So i i don’t understand maybe somebody else found it in another stream and i am it’s actually i have no idea how to explain that to you other than it’s not usually open okay it’s so great it’s okay yeah it’s secret it’s secret okay guys it’s secret oh I see Okay i think that’s everything in the what would you say the portal area wow that’s kind of big it is pretty big it’s pretty scattered out though it’s not i don’t know with the id server it’s so planned out so perfectly here it’s very very spread out so you

Have to run this is snowy please did you go see the owl pantsu express and then bay has a uh uh uh a creeper farm for tnt yeah a big tall one and then i have some frogs over there and then i don’t know what that is but it looks kind of scary That’s a haunted house that i also built from a tutorial but still it’s not done yet on the inside then your chunks slowed in yeah i think so yeah okay We can take the let’s take the pan to express this way okay okay follow me okay sure oh wait we forgot one very critical thing inside the bungaroni and i need you to go read it so okay sure it’s by rainy i mentioned it and then i forgot all

About it so let’s go back into the fanfic yes what is it spicy yes spicy book okay spicy folks i hope i remember where it is hello wow i missed a lot in here oh my god is here oh nederoni oh nice yeah a nice info yeah

Yeah yeah somehow this is like very important yeah it’s it’s all right yeah yeah but this this this is important this way this come on no you can go to another layer how many hours did you spend in the nether the past like not much not much okay okay this is rainey’s ah

Oh god oh my sensor Oh okay would you care to to to oh and then cody has a route a root I need to drink Do you mind staring in this position and i’m done well an interesting novel back in the box it goes actually this is this is all these oh olly write this right or really this one is only um i don’t know where the beginning is oh this one this one starts

Oh read me before entering okay we should read this first before entry oh oh what suddenly the last page okay ah the last page is kinda yeah uh-huh i’m really shocked yeah it’s okay okay shocked i like it yeah is it trip on the very beaches wow oh fairy yes You really like to step on the berry oh yeah okay sure i think it’s because i’m bottom heavy and i just tend to slide into them and then i can’t get out okay okay okay yeah this is like really nice that’s nice i don’t know if you wanted to read them

Or if you are in the movie yeah it’s your choice okay okay i i i took this the coordinates already i can go back and enjoy to read the book here yeah later perfect perfect yeah yeah yeah i don’t know i think this is it i don’t really know

What the rest of this is it’s okay we just keep going on we go next we go to the panzer express okay the very early end okay okay let’s go oh the memories there’s so many noises in this bunker yeah Uh wait wait i need to fight the angry enderman uh wait did i do that it’s okay it’s okay i’ll be fine i’ll be fine totally i’ll be fine bye bye okay ouch andy is dead i’m sorry i’m sure he’ll respawn oh what i’m not gonna kill that zombie but

It keeps punching me like that okay let’s just be friends okay let’s just be friends stab him I can give you like uh quartz probably if you want no oh no okay i’ll take the there’s no quartz okay oh yes ouch i can show you the very beginning of my my palace is not where atlantis is playing what is my palace my quartz palace that

Is like warm up portland what do you have a palace here wow um it’s very very early still because i ran out of materials oh yeah exactly so what matters is it okay you you wouldn’t have happened to have heard of a little thing called quartz right um okay quartz yes

Of course yes okay why am i keep being hungry it’s cause all this walking and what you are hungry thousands of clips okay i really hope there’s a cart here oh dear oh dear are you okay with walking yeah i just swallowed no we can fly oh we can fly oh

Yeah okay why uh yeah okay okay let’s go let’s go this is the panzer express stop chad is saying lol because it’s not automatic excuse me it’s okay metal is fun i mean i mean you said we’re gonna fly oh yeah i’m just getting clear for a takeoff here we go oh okay

Oh i don’t worry i just i have to fly through the hole oh and then i’m okay that’s kind of scary uh i i think i’ll just walk it’s okay i’m i’m a new flight cadet it’s okay okay so um okay where are you you make it to the you go

Uh through ollie’s legs and then rainy’s legs and then okay yeah his legs and then you should find the rainbow road okay oh nice legs Ah the cabin i see yeah and there’s beds there’s probably cards here as well three bets in the bears feel free to take oh oh i see a lot of bats here yeah okay okay now rainbow room over the rainbow road at rainbow road wow man so cute oh and this

This is uh from id members they did this it’s our little piece of id ouch ouch and then you have over here kfp oh okay the giant orange building oh no chicken chicken all these kfp employees being very very hard at work oh the chicken looks very happy yes cute wow

Wow cooked chicken lots of chicken oh boy ah this is so cool a lot of chickens when the chickens cannot run away no they’re trapped here i think they’re also the source of food so i don’t really what [Laughter] well i guess we can wrap around this way

Yeah let’s wrap it this way if we go this way and we have yeah it’s house i think public property i i guess that means anybody can go there but i don’t really know and then is this rainy’s house i feel like rainy built this but i don’t know Llamas deserve to live on a room height of three meters um this is also curious okay this is kiara’s house okay yes can we get inside no i’ve never been inside i don’t think there is a door here oh for letting me use elytra wow hold the wings wow really wow hot wearings

Slime ball hmm i’ve never been in here before oh did somebody build this like oh this is crazy oh there’s a lever okay what are you doing i don’t know i’m pulling putting leather levers this is all quad this is all chords i mean why all ian members just love that quad

So much because it’s clean it’s so sweet sleek it looks so nice it’s shiny i think it’s time to build something with all the quartz i have now in my chest right now together no no okay i’m just don’t need help i can help you with that it’s okay

Hello ma’am your shulker boxes look heavy can i carry them for you ow they look heavy full of quartz oh really can i trust you for that of course oh really you can trust me with all of your heavy i mean all those hours of grinding must be

I mean your back must be you know oh i could help i i mean after you brought me to en surfer i think i have some inspirations to build something with the chords that i have now hmm really what are you going to build okay what are you going to build

No no i’m just joking okay um oh this is shorts yeah oh this is just oh the stairs is here wait wait how how to get to the stairs we couldn’t possibly use all that cords what are you going to build with all that chords it’s too much that’s too much power for

For one blacksmith to have koala what are you possibly going to build with all that chords oh really i mean i can build id plant this for myself right you wouldn’t well technically since i’m adopted i guess it would become possibly um well certainly you would need somebody

From from atlantis to oversee the operation and make sure that it’s accurate built to the location oh really i mean after this long until that you forgot all of the projects i never for i never forgot all of my projects oh yeah well that’s wait that’s not true

Hold on i can’t remember any of them right now but i could possibly show you the ones that i do remember okay sure i can’t remember wait but i mean you’re adopted to id server right now right so the atlantic can be unity surface so yeah it’s all makes sense right no

Yes yeah a one condition what is happening i know why why why are you getting inside again we’ve been here right no oh no upstairs okay why the dragon’s head is not moving because because we are caveman it’s only for decoration there is no redstone included okay

Okay time to show you all my unfinished projects that you mentioned okay thank you salt in the wound it’s fine why are you rushing like this so squishy yeah probably okay this is better okay yeah yeah yeah okay okay okay this way this is better

For you yeah yeah this is better for you yeah okay perfect i really need this yeah just all that all those hours yeah all those grinding hours in the nether yeah one two three four five one two three four five one two three four five one two three four five

One two three four five all right you see this okay what is this portal this is the portal oh this is the portal that this is the en portal okay yeah very beautiful portal yes indeed thank you thank you for showing me this like i really need this

For no reason i just really need this thank you and after seeing your guys’s portal is like it’s not even all the same block it’s there’s wool there’s what is that a blue it’s about a function now why not right now why i just want to see

Okay we’re going to do it oh okay um corporate express hi this scares me nicely this is a response uh okay what do we have here um oh cooper express one of these goes to wow and then another one of these goes somewhere i don’t know this place is

Look at all the resources that have yet to be mined Should we go all the way to i think if we go all the way to where atlantis is supposed to be there’s literally nothing there oh oh what happened wait we take this thing you need to kill it actually just kill it i’ll kill it yeah okay oh i’m scared i’m gonna die

Oh you get the little magma thingies wait what okay these look like fruit flavors oyster keto vending machine for the iron pickaxe so nice first i make copper second wow i’ll be honest i’m a little scared to travel around here it’s okay you’ll be fine oh okay let’s go

Where do you want to go i don’t know let’s just go out i got what i need okay what did you get no nothing let’s go what do you need no let’s go further in or out wait what i don’t know which which ways where do you what

What do you want to see i’ve seen enough i’ve seen enough in this place let’s go we’ll see now you don’t want to see the end yeah there why why don’t you want to see the e in in there it’s okay nothing high school why are you acting weird what happened

What do you have in your pockets do i have to take you down i have nothing i just have food food okay let’s go let’s go away i don’t know just go out and let’s continue the tour yeah okay okay wait where did you take you okay

I mean you already took something for the museum i’m not sauce okay a little little sauce okay a little tiny bit sauce okay let’s go let’s continue it’ll come out later this is inna’s house inna’s house oh this is yeah there’s a giant takutachi at the top wait where is it oh

Okay hold on hold on but i need to eat oh okay i wanna fly i wanna see oh oh yes see ah so cute okay holy moly it’s all glass okay i bet that looks really nice with the shaders What else do we have oh this is okay our stuff okay is this beautiful isn’t it okay that’s an uh that’s a farm that’s kind of it’s not automatic but it’s it’s a farm okay And then this is our wall dispenser wait i cannot pull up okay okay black yes this is kind of auto right you just have to replace the shoes yeah this is a photo i think yeah animals okay wow oh ollie’s grave ollie died here when i died here where lady died here

Over here here’s our grave okay wow And that i believe is pachamas that giant floaty thing in the sky oh which one this over here oh can we go there i don’t know i’ve never been there before okay let’s just fly oh god oh oh wait there’s stairs oh this is like bit beautiful

Wait wait which side did you go in super cool super cool really wait what is this called i don’t know there should be a sign here right wait i want to go through the stairs let’s lead here big sign no spy oh it’s so cute so is it like is it like build

A sana senpai and someone here um this is the tower of hachama hajima civilization is it i don’t know if it’s done either i’ll check my tower yeah yeah yeah this is like oh beautiful okay without shaders it will looks like oh it’s still super cool you know the shaders wow okay

How much wood is this there’s so many balls yeah that’s the question right yeah yeah yeah it’s a lot of food wowie pretty cool the real yeah it’s all wood it’s wood right hold on yeah it’s woody it’s wood yeah this is wood wow crazy i don’t know how to get down

Oh that’s cool just jump right it can it’s water right oh yeah i think i hope i’ll let you know hold on yes okay wow sweet splash and over there is nina’s would you say tori gay the tory gate which way that way behind behind the waterfall is red

Wow i think okay okay oh i don’t know if i can say that okay and then this is the build site of my yay palace Okay yay i ran out of building material but this is a general idea uh pro uh you put the signs here did i mm-hmm wait wait i didn’t put this here when did i put this here when was this put here oh i was thinking if you decide to uh

Supply me with cords i want to put like a big mural of your face inside the palace oh really but i don’t have any cords can i find that why what about that sword suddenly because i just was wondering if i could oh i could show you i actually have a

Nice hotel if you would like to stay here this is our idea really the other members that helped me with okay okay the other members that helped me with supplies for the palace and also atlantis like to stay here The roommates are very nice okay and i feed your bread you gotta fight for it though oh they’re fast you gotta be quicker than that oh they’re fastest feeding time can i go up oh yeah i don’t think i can go up um um oh careful they’re gonna start yeah they

Do this thing where they okay yeah okay sure okay i’ll try and distract him while you come up i can’t go up do you have any blocks oh babies reports oh some dirt okay yeah dirt okay i don’t have any dirt give me dirt careful they’re starting to be curious

About the outside world i have to stop uh i have oh i don’t have any dirt i have oh wait i have oh what i have one dirt block there you go okay thank you thank you for your stop saving my life oh the pain oh the pain

Oh the pain oh my god i mean you can just hand over the dirt oh it was gonna be cool or if i it would it was gonna be cool if i placed it for you but i guess i can hand it to you okay sure hurry they’re starting to learn okay okay

Nice hey where’d you get that hey what did you suddenly change your mind don’t you see we’re starving for courts here listen we’re resource starved actually okay now before you get any second ideas let’s get to you okay what deal would you like to would you like to perhaps drop off the

Courts that you perhaps possibly have decided to bring maybe possibly that you brought oh really hmm Wait um i mean i say it’s gonna be like two shulker right um hold on um who shall correct um atlanta’s number one oh i like it oh oh wait we can put here oh that’s even white wait it even matches okay okay thank you

Oh my god do you know how long this would have taken me oh my gosh okay um so i said that i will go i’ll give you like two right hey but actually i failed oh i failed to just give you two so yeah it’s

Only one you know one and a half one and a half one and a half yeah but that’s one point that’s okay oh thank you wait okay yeah what that seems unusual why what do you mean dear would you really let yourself only fulfill half a quest as you said

You said it’s i’m it’s atlantis 1.5 right yeah yeah is that anymore did i i don’t know you did sharknado six nine wait really yeah i failed i felt the i just failed the quest right i said it’s gonna be like two shelter box but yeah two and a half and an elytra

Dude you have an idea how insane that is nope just tell me if that’s not enough it’s i don’t know it’s it’s more than enough you so much thank you thank you for the tour like 11 out of 10 tour oh he want to go so soon

No i’m not gonna go i’m just saying thanks hello of course okay i’ll say because there’s more to see if you want hey oh yeah a beautiful palace out of this courts um oh yeah about the atlantis by the way um last week muna senpai said if you want

Her to help she will be gladly to help to build it yeah and anybody really wants to help is of course more than more than welcome and i guess people it’s wow it’s raining yeah it’s beautiful it’ll be cool though wow okay i’ll make sure of it i now have to build

We’ll start with the palace and then atlantis atlantis i was thinking like a bunch of really cool big big policy buildings like this and then some really big spirally tall uh pillars is like swirly world is everywhere just like atlantis was oh atlantis and then yeah lots of these

Thingies i forget what they’re called but they’re really cool because they keep you safe and all that what what is this it’s a conduit that’s what it is oh this is so cool you hear the heartbeat yeah yeah it’s like a protective eye that watches over everything

And helps you breathe and see underwater if you’re within the radius It’s very cool i see wow mandatory if you want to build in it uh under the water pray to the conduit yes the conduit eats everything so be careful okay yeah okay okay yeah yeah i get to build atlantis now and it’s all thanks to you do you realize how

Momentous this is or maybe not all of atlanta’s quite yet but i definitely will start with this palacy thingy wait maybe i could what maybe i could build a portal to atlantis so this is kind of like the atlanta’s train stop right yes you can do it and probably

I i would i’ll still grind for ned right right so there’s gonna be a lot of cards incoming i think it’s okay you can just start to build it part’s still coming it’s okay you don’t need to worry about that any any i will take all of your reports tell me

What i must give you what do you want no i mean three doors are more than enough doors yeah doors i got the doors doors doors doors yeah three doors right for the legendary doors legendary for you too yeah of course by the way i

I put the doors the three doors on my wall right now super cool oh uh-huh i remember okay wait i was trying to remember where the three doors look wait really yeah i put that traitors on the wall yeah you can see i wanna see wait next to all of your electrodes and

All your other actual like really cool loot you just put my doors yeah of course doors yeah that’s so cute you should really look at it later probably after this yeah yeah of course your concrete wow oh wait come look at this the giant eddie

Wait uh do you have a sign i want to write something here i do here how many one i have two i will give you both of them okay thank you okay let’s write something here wait what oh hold on oh boy Wait if you adopted me and moona adopted me no don’t go there does that mean technically technically i mean technically speaking um okay mother mother oh no oh no no you stealed it in stone will you help me with this this is such a big project there’s never something before places it’s okay

Please hear me we we got we got a senpai with us it’s okay everything will be fine why you are picking the signboards give me back oh sorry okay thank you Oh god i’m gonna have to study i’m gonna have to study more massive temples i don’t have the crying mindset like you okay kayla okay what no well well now that now that you’ve given me materials i have no excuse other than to finish this soon to be chris Glorious will you help me with atlantis it’s a really big project i don’t know it’s multiple buildings yes yeah it’s okay muna and me will definitely help you even i think i think all other id members will help you too it’s okay it’s okay ah it’s a big project

I’ll start can i start with the palace if i prove to you that i can build this okay sure why not it’ll be magnificent yes yeah by the way this is like a crazy crazy crazy feel if you finish this atlantis and with that floating what uh the hachama tower ah yeah

Super crazy feel would it be nice yeah especially because i don’t know when the moon rises it looks really nice if you look through the center of it i don’t know if the moon is always centered like that but it looks pretty cool Yeah it’s gonna be super cool yeah oh boy okay you have to imagine time for lots of minecraft why not right why not i mean i mean i mean at this point why not i mean there’s a lot of creepers here so i’m not gonna explain something there hey

This is so good because i i always i love building in minecraft but it’s always the running out of materials i would say yeah i know right it’s okay now you have me i’ll be real all of the the materials it’s okay just tell me okay yes yes

I will use this as inspiration this is motivation here okay okay okay now what okay now well here’s a project that i finished in one stream i think actually maybe not my stream i’m pretty sure it was one stream it could have been two oh god watch out i got this ouchie okay

Look hold on okay what where are you going i’m over here i just see zombie oh okay all right ginormous shrimp hold on oh i need to eat it wasn’t one stream okay let’s go oh what is this this is shrimp oh shrimp yeah wow shrimp did i just did you hit me

I don’t think so i didn’t it’s okay it’s good for me okay it’ll harden my shell you want to try it again no wait by the way the stream is super cute i just want to say that why man i want to build like now just reel it down right now i mean

11 hours minecraft stream is fine right build it all of a sudden i mean you know you need the blueprint first right you need to prepare a lot of things right it’s true i can’t just rebuild well i could but oh you you cannot do a free build wow wow

I could i have to look at stuff but that’s the problem though is i always end up tearing stuff down because i don’t like it so that’s the problem um why this zombie is not following you oh save me a true superhero okay giant iron man it’s tony stark times two iron man

Anyway this is the like uh this is like a fairground i think this is cali’s but then right next to it is phoenixton yeah oh and this is where all of our our our villagers live all our little i’m so distracted by the amount of courts that you’ve given me

Um all i think about is the word quartz so i was going to call these guys the village guys the village men villagers no the villagers that’s what they’re calling all these village guys they give you the stuff if you ask for it um i wanna i wanna i want to buy

Mending book oh we have to find uh sean mendes i think is his name oh okay um hold up i’m bringing my own money okay Do you love minecraft me yeah but i’m not addicted i think hi i’m kind of scared to ask how do you know if you’re addicted to a game like i don’t know [Applause] what’s like the longest game you’ve been addicted to okay um actually i used to play league for like

50 hours straight with just two hours sleep so i i i mean that’s my level of addiction wait like straight as in yeah no no breaks no no breaks uh it’s just twist two hour slip break continue again do you eat like do you have yeah in front of the pc yeah yeah

So you just eat and then yeah you eat the bathroom and then sleep two hours and then but i’m not doing it again i think so i don’t think i’m adequate enough to minecraft nope okay i finished the business okay thank you okay okay what’s wait wait wait what’s the longest

Time you’ve ever played a game straight and which game was it the record still leak i think it’s the league yeah hey okay what is this okay okay league of legends yeah 42 hours 50 hours i’m saying i made a chat i don’t think anybody has you beat 50 hours is

I think the high score no don’t do that actually just don’t do that that’s not that’s not something that you need to be proud of i think okay don’t try and beat don’t try a big koala score okay and don’t try don’t try i’m just lucky enough not to die i think

So please don’t really get a blood clot from sitting so much you do like exercises in the chair oh yeah kinda no just like stretching for like several hours right yeah you need to stretch yeah oh danger i think the longest i’ve ever played a game is like 14 hours 14 hours

Is also long enough right that’s kind of long yeah i think i had breaks though like i would go in and eat and walk around a little bit but then i go back to it so maybe what game is that what’s that yeah by daylight what you play dvd 14 hours wait

Wait do you play that by daylight um yeah um but yeah once in the collab did you like it yeah would you like it enough to play it for 14 hours what is the bad thing will happen after you play dvd after 14 hours i realize you should have installed it 13 hours

What is dvd insane 50 hours of league of legends 50 hours of legal legends yeah it does make sense justify 50 hours of leak 50 hours is more than two days wait 24 48 hours that’s two yeah yeah more than two days yeah I don’t know i have no idea where we are by the way we are here we are here we’re in the snow behind the hollow life actually this is evil it’s nice so beautiful wait i want to try without the theaters oh it’s so beautiful it’s so dangerous Wow wait this is really pretty yeah right yes yes yes This is bay’s house is it huh we are on the top of me’s house oh yeah i guess this is base house oh um how’s your japanese um i’m really bad hold on um will i die here this is like looking so fast i i

I don’t know i think i’ve blown this up before accidentally i don’t know be my guest wait did you use the player have you ever played games in other languages like japanese nope really nope i used to swatch them swap my overwatch language to japanese okay then what happened i couldn’t understand

It but boy it sounded cool oh yeah yeah yeah actually i did i i changed the voice to japanese and league yeah and it sounds cool yeah yeah exactly right i forgot it sounds like i don’t know it just sounds cool yeah So cute and they’re cute yeah it’s a baby wow baby okay what what Polar bear but uh okay mikko baby base house scary dirt hot oh he closed the door wait is this mason uh oh go back inside oh go back inside piss alive hi we thought you died how did you get him back inside what does he like bread just

hey hey oh we need a boat oh no don’t run away oh um Don’t go inside ah don’t make him he’s gonna get eaten by a polar bear oh wait there’s a boat here sorry where is he where is he where is he mason god oh i will trap him get in the shiny boat no no no no no okay hi it come here come here

Why is he not getting in the bowler thought i always get in the ball oh why there is dude why is he running so fast is this not mason no this one is not this one it’s amazing really this one i didn’t hear you fraud this is basic get in the boat

Get in the boat mason mason no no no no there’s a zombie and they’re amazing oh god oh god how do you get them in the boat please don’t go inside hey scared of that okay wait wait wait which one is mason i don’t know mason is the mason

The clothes the clothes yes yes the aprons the clothes what is that oh okay okay okay okay get him in the boat in the boat no no not you not you what oh okay oh shhhh choosing violence okay i told you i’m acting impulsively okay sure there’s nothing wrong about that yeah

Okay um um i’m gonna need you to help me what am i supposed to do destroying someone’s house really you’re doing that for real hit the boat hit the boat i’m gonna have a seat right here for a second [Applause] okay let’s finish what we start i’m sorry i needed i mean just

Hit the boat i think i’m just gonna widen this a little bit i don’t know if i can hit the boat we can push it can we no nope nope row row row it’s dirt okay we are totally destroying someone’s house right now it’s okay how do we get out of here

And then oh look at that okay oh slip just like that okay Perfect as all things should be knock him in and give him a good night pet good night i’m sorry i almost killed you boxes wow a lot of things here a lot of bowl wow wow wait why so much whose house is this this is right

Oh sorry babe by the way it’s okay though we fixed snowball we fixed it but please be cautious because mason might be incredibly low health diamond i see diamonds here oh take it let me see wow wow wow interesting interest okay okay what are you doing i don’t know i was waiting um

Anyway although i’m just gonna leave this room here you go okay okay yes what else now red construction here in the whole life side we have robocop’s house which one that one the giant battery i actually don’t know if it’s house or if it’s just a giant tree just wow okay boy

I think it is a house oh pickle pickle is here as well Where is it right here i cannot see you i see you i’m gonna come in go towards the lights towards the television okay very small torches okay okay okay pickle house uh i better not get inside i think i i have no idea Yes i don’t know oh there um i don’t know oh he’s got bunny ears oh Sky water oh are they pets hello cute little baby okay ouch oh oh okay nice aggressive so goodbye then okay bye let’s see okay oh wait it’s really cute ouch um Okay oh cute you can go inside oh Okay wow i guess not the water stops ouch wow there’s so many zombies um oh i see and then the giant battery hound to go there can we get inside fly probably yeah oh um is this a house i don’t know oh oh dear okay the door has arms oh he’s angry um

I guess it’s just because it’s really dark hello Okay what happened oh i’m almost dead oh okay almost right almost dead i’m okay oh i see okay was that a diamond story it was oh was that not supposed to do that no it’s just like a statue no no i have somebody’s I don’t think i just standing there looking at what happened oh god and the building just boom Okay i’m coming back why am i so unlucky or is it just i’m bad it might that might also be the case how am i supposed to uh i mean the The zombie is using all of the no my xp oh i’m coming oh hello ow where did you get that my corpse oh you okay um I’m processing everything right now Wait why you got a lot of things here why one shot box is not enough all right zombie Hello oh god all of your items is here thank you Thank you you’re not taking the sh the quartz right Am i never had some on me but there’s where is it the chords yeah you have one chalker for the quartz right uh where is it no no i don’t think so okay i think i left it all by the the the three plus the three and half blocks the first one

That i gave you oh no i left that i put that into uh all together already okay okay yeah yeah it’s okay okay oh thank you let’s see sharknado this one this one uh yeah let’s see this one this one where’s my the what oh the pickaxe yeah oh thank you um okay

You want these shulker boxes if you wanna just speak it it’s okay okay if you want it back let me know what kind of material is this is this nether material um you need to go to the to the end oh no yes yes okay what is this

Oh i have it i have three three that is all i have i need three more three four more at home i could go check let me check wait there are only three hmm what the what did it drop somewhere you have this yeah oh wait really Nope i think this is the third okay i’m black concrete nope that’s different one it shouldn’t be that hard to find right It should be okay blackstone is the stone from the nether by the way another looks like i’m spending quite a bit more time in minecraft that’s okay would you like to safely continue the tour we could just show we’re getting on amelia’s house if you would like okay sure sure

Where are you going oh this way towards the where i blew the hole in the battery okay coming oh wait i can show you my shark house too my very first house that i built it it’s a little bit of a mess but oh well Amelia’s house where’s the frog the frog oh it’s tadpole it’s a grow your own frog kid stuff okay oh yeah i can give this back actually i’ll keep that i’ll mend it first oh my gosh there’s so much stuff here because then we have the railway down there that goes all the way

Oh god and we have calliope’s house okay there’s so much wait this is my first house wait where are you huh hold on hold on i mean okay let’s go first house my first house was here you have how many houses well ah i don’t know i don’t think this one

Really counts as a house it’s more like a a shack what down there huh yeah yeah down here oh wow this is really this is the right way oh oh my god this isn’t right you’re not gonna believe what i found In my did you die no i’m trying you die nope nope okay okay okay what do you think okay what is this i’m exploring sup boy wow there’s a subway here e3 wow lots of railways i don’t know where anything goes okay oh where was it that i died oh god

This is the first time that we built okay i don’t remember which time that we first built but oh there wow there’s a lot of zombies back there okay yeah yeah a lot of zombies okay let’s see it’s so cute and colorful oh i see so it’s connected yes it’s all connected somehow

This is callie’s house this one yeah hi oh of course excuse me hello mr steeds okay Chicken and chicken here straight chicken okay okay okay With a really good painting the skull painting she has a dragon head too yeah dragon head everywhere ah i gotta return this too Sword okay Oh okay oh yeah do you guys have a you guys have xp farms yes yes yes so en server got xp form2 yeah why it’s not like you’re not sure about it i don’t know if it’s working at the moment i can’t remember it’s okay yes it works

I usually just go to the jp server because the jv server has ttts something etp oh yeah where’d it go oh a cake i think we built this at christmas time with the tree this was our first christmas oh so cute Who made this all of you everybody i think somebody prepared it and then we all decorated it cute yeah i i don’t know what that is the white thing oh okay it’s okay i’m fine okay what okay wow hi the memories wow wow okay and then oh god down there is my

First house well first real house down there yeah the blue one yeah the blue one oh what Wow it’s pretty cute i think It’s alright yeah it’s just storagey stuff i don’t think i have anything crazy in my boxes do i no oh do you want this i have something you want well actually maybe you don’t want this you want this what i mean where is your farm what farm the trident Tax rate speed oh there’s quartz here by the way ah where it’s your house by the way small boxes oh shoot it’s a senpai tax hmm and you never know about it wow god okay i have a lot of boxes i have a lot of storage i forget oh yeah wow

I have dreams okay i have dreams of making like a really cool storage room kind of like muna’s right But yeah but it just happened right i’m waiting for it to me to do it So much in minecraft chicken okay let’s ride in fire yeah try okay there’s a lot of signs in the en server and i like it you do like i think i need to put a lot of science and ideas at her too what are you gonna say i don’t know

I’m just feeling like super cool science everywhere here can explain yes signs everywhere it’s about memories yeah indeed memories okay okay this way over at land well whatever this is palacy palace lantis this way you have to afk at it am i going to the right way i don’t know why

Am i going the right way on that one the water do you see the giant thingy the water this one yes that’s it yeah this is our uafk ouch all right nice fk here and down there you can see the portals you see oh yeah huh okay

Is the portals that you go to to uh collect your tridents oh i i think it’s fixed eno and i fixed it because uh there was an update that broke it for a little while but we fixed it something to do with the the eggs the turtle eggs or something like that okay

Yeah let’s see Okay uh this one right and this is where they will gather oh it’s cold interesting yeah you can use it if you want if you want to try it easy peasy it did work i did get to try it this way okay sure yeah my first try then i got this way

So your first trident how how uh how was the story i think it was from this i farmed for it oh you farmed for it yeah i did this i didn’t farm enemies i farmed well this way i see hi afk and then i got one okay okay you go

Dip down in the water and then like fighting all of the mobs oh no manual no now with the drop rate what was it what is the drop right there i don’t know that’s like really really really small i don’t know right And where are you going by the way i don’t know i don’t know i don’t know okay just go straight just go just go straight come back go back uh go go uh back to the uh um did you find the tower no no um no nope nope nope where are you um

I’m going back to the farm ouch okay it hurts away for you okay where should i go where are you can you like give me the coordinates no yes okay what is it it is oh there of Seven zero nine x and negative nine eight seven okay is that y y z okay okay okay the portal oh you’re still in the portal i thought you were going that’s what you need okay okay oh okay then yeah go from here to the thingy the thingy up here oh right yeah yeah

Okay come on come on what okay that’s the thing the tower i was there before i thought you said you’re going back to the portal nope okay okay okay okay um why am i here by the way um i’m coming this is like the most perfect landing ever

This is really i don’t know how can i do this without even hurting myself uh oh yeah yeah okay do i have any no no no wait wait wait wait wait okay um i i have still touched big eggs i can i don’t know fly up are you sure

I don’t know which one is ah wait probably this one what if i fly and then i died um oh no all your juicy xp probably this way i’ll just do this for you come out this way it’s okay it’s okay i wanna okay okay okay okay i’m Putting it back with glass okay easy okay ouch okay okay and now you jump from this end and you fly straight yeah okay wait yeah i lied i lied i lied turn turn turn to the right i’m following it’s okay okay okay and now we’re back okay sure um when are you stopping

Oh okay i know the rest of the stuff i honestly don’t know lamy nami’s here i want to say this is nene but i have no idea oh okay wow it’s a giant orange this is kind of scary yeah um what will happen i don’t know yes

But other than that i think i think that’s it well fauna’s house anna’s house is by the portal though so if you wanna oh i could show you that okay okay okay we gotta go back we can fly we can fly on his lighthouse finals lighthouse oh

How do you how do you work on two hours of sleep no i i i i i i don’t how do you function though who said that though i don’t know i assume that you function you assume i did how can you video game with only two hours it’s like a nap time

Did i get the number on i don’t know i just will different i think i guess i’ve only had like three hours of sleep and i’m struggling wow what is happening hey man grill proper glue okay all right let’s go they’re fine Um okay i think i’m a lost game oh okay okay okay i go slow sorry it’s okay yeah it’s rare buy it is that rare do you know if that’s rare does the mangrove papa goolie papa glue what is that called is it red what is it papa ghoulie i don’t know i

Couldn’t read it come tell me what it is said papa don’t laugh at me help me well i’m sir i’d like to buy your entire stock of mangrove prop pagouli yeah papa papa gully by the way where are you oh i’m so sorry i went back to the uh the sale the sale

Man okay okay sure All right i see you you go very well welcome to halloween minecraft server boys oh wait oh i do have emerald i’m going to buy some this way That was saying that this guy he’s got the rare stuff this guy he’s got the actually you can kill them wait wait before you kill him i see So you’re doing business i guess i am are you gonna kill them no i’m not gonna kill do i get a stab i just want one little stab nope nope they’re running you’re gonna you’re gonna kill him and you’re gonna steal his stuff aren’t you all right

Okay oh i thought you were gonna kill him okay nope what happens if you kill them i’ve killed a lot of that in front of my house wait he’s harmless though yeah but the sound is just kind of annoying so yeah isn’t it Uh Whoa You know what i before you fly before you flew away actually i wanna say it please don’t die but i i shut my mouth to say that and then like okay okay okay okay i’m so sorry my exhaust just just hit me all of a sudden i’ve been flying this

Stuff the whole time i just do you have like the the the itch to fly through the smallest hole you can see i don’t know how did you die i tried to fly to the smallest oh oh i see i thought i could fit but i missed

I don’t know if i can do that but i mean i’m not gonna do that because of my exp exp what is that the level the dream I gotta do okay okay i won’t i won’t die again so i’ll be okay where did he go oh oh don’t tell me all gone wow wait did it go to the top i heard you laugh and i can see you silent laughing okay but where is that i don’t know

There’s no way you sucked it up that fast and put it in a box no of course not why is your inventory that large I don’t even know where she died oh oh oh it died up here sorry sorry okay just keeping you on your toes that’s all all right let’s see where where Um where probably they are eating your items wait no not like this in the tree i don’t know i’m so tired man i can’t remember anything wait okay um look for are you sure that way probably i’ll be very upset up up up i got it

You got it ah yes i’ve got the tree on the top of the tree okay yeah yes the chat’s sitting on the top of the tree yes okay all good all good really check first uh yeah i got it all okay we’re just gonna wear this though

I’m going to clip my own wings people are flying for me today okay let’s drop attack uh fauna’s house it’s like a little hobbit hole have you seen the hobbit movies um no i i’m i’m i’m really bad at movies though like i mean i never watch any movies i think why

Because yeah i use all of my times to play games oh yeah i don’t have the attention span for movies so i kind of understand oh okay i take too long right yeah i mean i i cannot just like sit down watch the movie just i don’t know i feel like

Nah that’s not kind of my thing i need to move my hands and then like you get fidgety Okay probably you want to take another sticks oh to reset yours is that how this works yeah is that how this works probably if you still got five then okay then oh what then what what the what does that mean it won’t what Stop laughing let me try that what oh no i i don’t think this is like i don’t think this is oh no no oh this is reading okay all of this is though but it’s cute return let’s laugh i know wait do you watch like television and stuff or just only game no

Only game yeah not a war that’s bad actually we need to touch the grass actually right grass is important you go outside often what Do you go outside often you can’t touch ground no okay that’s all well that’s all right that’s not all right oh okay you sure yeah I mean okay yeah which way oh this is vana’s house this one is a lighthouse as well okay then that’s probably all right yeah yeah wait is it okay Wow ah it’s so weird she’s done so much since i was last it used to be just a big empty box okay oh wait this is such a pretty view oh wow a lot of green green screen screen screens all this grass yeah beautiful wow and llamas what is this here

Okay we’re gonna go in the lighthouse let’s go leave the lighthouse oh we can yeah okay what what is that Oh okay Oh oh oh this is little tiny windows we can look out okay little baby windows it’s cute though oh it even has this little detail mm-hmm Wow how well i i know i know there is more to show you i just don’t yeah it’s so there’s so much i’m not a very good poor guy but no you’re good don’t say that no no no you’re in the dust the entire time and i don’t know where anything is okay

I built this oh which one oh this one oh okay there’s nothing inside it it’s just the outside all right like a little hobbity hole hello oh tiny house oh yeah perfect for a little short hobbit a baby little stumpy baby is there anything good

Oh thank you yeah it’s cute though i see that Is there anything that i missed that you know that you wanted to see i don’t know i have no idea actually so this is perfect yes yeah yes yes yes okay and the the don tried to take it what are the odds what are the odds that

One more is occurs it can’t possibly if if you if you got like another five probably you’re just like too lucky what if i if i’m gonna die just take it try okay oh my god Wow two negatives equal positive what did you get one did you yes you like to show everybody your one step oh yeah of course oh no oh yeah that’s one did i pass the curse to you this is not good this is literally not good um ding ding okay

Oh no after all you’ve done for me and now you leave with your toy with a a level five cursed curse um no i will not die will i die that’s impossible no i mean when’s the last time you died in minecraft have you ever died in minecraft of course yes

It’s impossible don’t worry about it okay sure oblivion okay yes a safe delivery of the goods yay yay you sound so much like cody sometimes i should say yeah sometimes yeah yeah sometimes yeah and where are we going i don’t know what do you what it’s gonna i don’t know

What do you want to do i don’t know you don’t know i don’t know you’re gonna stream more today yeah yeah i’ll show you this are you gonna play league mobile the mobile one oh Are you gonna play more minecraft yep probably probably very but not today today but i’ll still grind off stream i’ll grind almost 24 hours not really but yeah 12 hours per day probably hey Wow so yeah when will you start uh build your atlantis well now now that i now that i have the materials i’m excited i can start thinking about it again thank you again thank you so much thank you for the tour of course okay anytime okay sure you just just um

Just chat me when you want to start building the atlantis i think the big book the big one yeah up to you where you will start oh okay okay yeah but i would have would have to think a lot about that And also if you have not enough chords probably the quartz will be coming soon soon very very soon okay Okay So where is the portal by the way you want to see the door your doors your three doors why are you laughing like i mean do you know the exact way to the portal do you remember how you asked if you were going to die will i die here it is

Shoot you weren’t supposed to uh no you won’t die this is the portal are you sure about that yes is it i promise why not you just jump in first then Okay it is it is the part i promise really is it it is yeah just jump okay there’s water at the bottom see i forgot the coordinates by the way what the portal which one that one but it’s okay okay it’s okay do you know how to get wait how do we

Get back over to so cute the i d server oh yeah the museum okay if you go straight from here up yeah i think i think i know about that yeah i think i just fly this way Yeah do you want to go to see the your three doors yeah okay let’s just go then okay three doors i wanna see yes i also wanna see what else you like collected while you were oh yeah by the way um uh do you need some tools the pickaxe or whatever shuffle

I show up no i’m good really i mean i have too many are they diamond yeah you can choose can i see yes okay oh just fly ah okay okay we are going north here north north street street yay okay welcome to the house since guru senpai is still adopted and i do

Surfer nice when you get to the big clock tower which way did you turn what you just go north um okay north north go north until you see the big portal hi okay this i think i was right going this way we’ll see though ah yes

Oh wait i just want to show it people that maybe didn’t catch the live stream when you showed me this this is their portal by the way yeah decided let you guys know this is the this is the id out id portal by the way okay by the way uh

Have you seen the our arena stadium the last time the last time you came uh it was it was uh it was probably half built right yeah it was just like the base of it i think um you want to see it it’s like just fly yeah

I saw a little bit of the chunks oh oh yeah yeah if if you could show me i would love to see okay cool hold on okay that way go to the west that is so cool it’s like oh my god can we walk inside or like we enter or

Should we just fly above it no no look at the front door yeah just go you can go inside oh my That is so cool yeah this is like a traditional building of from indonesia we take the reference from it oh my god the detail wait how did you do this so fast was this who was working on this senpai senpai wow holy moly you guys are talented yeah they are talented

Hey you’re part of it too okay oh my gosh yay wow good job guys holy cow it’s so cool thank you for showing me this is so cool yeah but it’s not yet 100 so probably yeah probably you need to go back again for the final build

Okay what is that a skulk sensor what is okay okay so we’re gonna go back hold on where is wait i don’t know oh that way that way you need to go north got it are you sure that is so cool all right okay gamer house let’s see so cool okay mommy okay

The door the doors yay cute wait atlantis doors here you and the number six nine okay i have the door the atlantis door right now okay you saying those are the future doors of atlantis yeah this is like very expensive okay this is limited edition door very very limited

High demand is extremely high quality that is so cute where’d you get the melon from yeah from innocent pie that one yeah the melon the boom berry yay cute okay wait what is wait what is this i saw this too what’s this oh this is this is the broken elytra

That’s what it looks like yeah right never seen it before right yeah it’s broken it looks like lungs that were yeah someone also said that yeah yeah okay you want to take something here probably the helmet oh my god you just find these where do you get all these just take whatever Oh oh my oh i don’t need a sword because i’ve got the netherride sword wow what did you name this one wait it doesn’t have a name anymore wait do you have a huh wait i swear it doesn’t have a name anymore are you sure oh wait did you win no yeah

Give me back the sword okay okay what you wanna write what what what what is the name can you can you okay i’ll leave it to you but can you can you give me uh could you give me a name that will help inspire me to finish finish my big build okay um

Give me Build or else shark make um Do create okay okay finish okay perfect shark land is six nine thank you yeah you’re welcome and have you see any of this like i mean if you see the box here the shulker box too i need to put all of this into the barrels they’re not enough space so oh oh so

So please just take oh we have frostwalker boots wait those are cool have you used those before which one frost walker these ones you can walk on the water oh it makes an ice path underneath you as you walk oh really yeah it’s really cool then this this is yours

Oh no you can you can keep it i’ll take what i’ll take me money oh i’ll take these those are pretty nice oh wow thank you really i really can’t walk in the sea yeah you should go try it you wanna try i’m pretty sure i’m like 85 sure but it’s slowly going

Down 65 percent sure 55 sure yeah i see oh trapped okay Really cool where did you cut this your box you had them what are you sure yeah oh okay more time oh uh-huh oh i don’t know if you really need it though if you have elijah oh no that’s not true cause then you kid i don’t know they’re cool though okay

This is nice can i walk in the lava on the lava right now ah no i don’t believe that’s gonna work that way you can cover this entire thing with ice it does melt though it’ll melt when the sun comes out oh i see okay

So i cannot walk in on the water when in the morning yeah it’ll just disappear behind you whereas it’ll stay oh i see yeah okay okay then oh i see wow way cool interesting interesting minecraft What else you got i don’t know 15 something i just boots then just boots there’s birds why just boots Bane of anthropods a shove velveo Hallelujah Mindy it’s like shopping i don’t know where to put everything though wait i have one of these i mean you can take the shocker here you want to and this one you you gave me this one a lot let’s just put all this in here i’ll have to give that back Oh my wait that’s god i play this game so wrong okay why wait that one oh holy but the perfect face for me to freeze them dude how what what all your shoulder boxes Oh wow oh okay what else should i do let’s see i’ll take a shove i’ll take a shovel uh efficiency oh wait i have a shovel oh probably this one probably take this but you need the mending later I don’t know which one is better let’s just stick anything it’s okay respiration three i’ll take this one oh my goodness thank you so much i don’t want to take too much of your stuff it’s okay i mean if you take some stuff you’re like helping me a lot i need to

Put all of these things to the barrels oh wait can you quick i don’t know how to play minecraft so what are you gonna do can i help you with anything what are you trying to do diamond if you combine diamond shovel it adds the enchantment numbers right together Oh by the way do you need the mending one is there any anything that you think haven’t got demanding ah i can help you to remain ding it i have a kid at the phoenix tonight amend this guy which i mean all of your xp is gone right

The level you need level to do amending wait let me just help you oh yeah i appreciate that actually i don’t have any levels um yeah if you could can you mend this one just this one i think so okay wait what are you oh okay hey yay thank you oh my goodness Oh cobble deep slate oh my goodness oh my god oh my god all your diamond horse arms You’re an absolute beast oh my goodness um thank you okay i think i need sleep but what maybe i can see if you or muna or ollie or these two want to help or of course of course yeah just tell me when will you want to start yeah anytime anytime okay okay okay

Thank you all of your cords all over grinding and then then split you spoiling me why are you spoiling me so much thank you thank you yeah it’s okay thank you thank you i didn’t do anything but thank you you’re the one that did all the hard work

No it’s okay i i’m really happy though if i can’t help yeah yay also if you want to find a weather together let me know okay sure sure everyone uh okay Okay i need to go to bed but yeah yeah hi hi he’s going to be streaming right Yeah less than one hour i think yeah it’s a good time streaming time mm-hmm okay so yeah thank you thank you thank you everybody thank you for watching thank you for thank you thank you thank you i’ll see you guys later expect more minecraft i actually already

Have a thumbnail yeah so we’re good yay thank you Everyone yes yes yes yes okay hey you yeah do you know how to go back oh yeah yeah don’t worry about it i got it we’ll go back oh okay i got this checked out okay uh yep oh it’s raining again yeah actually it’s just a straight line from my house Okay this boat is decorated so beautifully i just realized like the ship itself ah okay i am going back okay Bye wow Ah [Applause] me ah Hey You

This video, titled ‘【Minecraft】its shipping day!【Kaela x Gura / hololive】’, was uploaded by Kaela Kovalskia Ch. hololive-ID on 2022-07-31 05:42:50. It has garnered views and [vid_likes] likes. The duration of the video is or seconds.

Collab with @Gawr Gura Ch. hololive-EN Gura POV: https://youtu.be/pPHmidTM_sE

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    Insane Farm Creates All Items in Hardcore Minecraft 1.21Video Information coucou les mu comment va 9e et dernier épisode de l’aventure hardcore 1.21 alors oui de base j’avais prévu tous épisodes mais je me suis dit autant repasser sur la grosse série avec la code Island parce que je vais clairement pas les faire ici ça sera un peu dommage parce que bah j’ai prévu d’arrêter après cet épisode mais on va quand même étudier une bonne Farme à faire avec un crafter aujourd’hui le programme est simple réaliser un maximum de défits possibles dans les commentaires et d’ailleurs là mon armée de chien commence vraiment à grandir… Read More

  • The Untold Story of Billie Goose

    The Untold Story of Billie GooseVideo Information [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] hello hello hi oh why am I like tilted beird look forward hold on I had everything set up oh Minecraft just like loaded into hi hi how’s it going how’s everyone doing hope everyone’s having a good night surprise um kind of decided last minute that I want to play some Minecraft and uh late night’s SCU yeah it’s um you know almost midnight where I’m at and Mr Goose just had to head into work so you know I’m going to be like home alone for a… Read More

  • Anarchy SMP on Anicrad Network – INSANE Chaos!

    Anarchy SMP on Anicrad Network - INSANE Chaos!Video Information This video, titled ‘Anarchy SMP – Anicrad Network’, was uploaded by theautiscoder on 2024-06-19 05:25:45. It has garnered 50 views and 4 likes. The duration of the video is 02:59:19 or 10759 seconds. This is a Public Minecraft Anarchy SMP for Java & Bedrock players. Anyone is free to join! ___________ Discord Invite: https://discord.gg/2AhqVX5cHz Server IP: play.anicrad.xyz Bedrock Port: 2716 ___________ Hashtags: #minecraft #smp #anarchy ___________ Tags: anarchy,anarchy server,anarchy base hunting,minecraft anarchy 1.18,minecraft anarchy server,minecraft no hack anarchy,anarchy smp,minecraft anarchy server ip,minecraft anarchy server ep 1,anarchy spawn,1.18 minecraft anarchy episode 1,minecraft anarchy server no hacks,horizon anarchy,rizen anarchy smp,minecraft… Read More


    LOYAL GAMER BOY HITS 2K SUBS! JOIN SMP NOW! 💥 #minecraftVideo Information This video, titled ‘😍NO VOICE STREAM |ROAD TO 2K | JOIN MY💫SMP IP PORT IN DISCORD || #minecraft’, was uploaded by LOYAL GAMER BOY on 2024-05-02 02:06:03. It has garnered 33 views and 3 likes. The duration of the video is 09:11:01 or 33061 seconds. LOYAL GAMER BOY LIKE..! SHARE…! SUBSCRIBE….! COMMENT…..! Click the 🔔 Bell Icon next to the Subscribe button IP = Loyalarmy2k.aternos.me PORT = 27831 For support UPI = 8302842234 Discord link = https://discord.gg/5Gxbbr6BtZ Instagram link = https://www.instagram.com/satyaa_aayush?igsh=MWR5MXRzNGF1NzI1MQ== For business enquiry 📧 :- [email protected] [My Computer Specs] Processor ➤ Intel(R) Core(TM) i3-7020U CPU @ 2.30GHz… Read More

  • 🔥Ultimate Castle Build in ZOMESMP Minecraft!🔥

    🔥Ultimate Castle Build in ZOMESMP Minecraft!🔥Video Information This video, titled ‘Build the Best Castle ZOMESMP Survival Minecraft’, was uploaded by RonaldPh Vlog & Stream Channel on 2024-04-19 13:12:36. It has garnered 78 views and 10 likes. The duration of the video is 02:25:05 or 8705 seconds. Subscriber Goal 3699 / 5000 Welcome to My World If You want join Discord server https://discord.gg/tBwXNEE3 #discord I’d ronaldgamingph423 #minecraft #livestream Visit YouTube Gaming Channel: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UC8jF-z4QMlnoY6UIhn09RNA Visit TikTok Channel: https://www.tiktok.com/@ronaldgamingpyt?_t=8kNLSedZYqF&_r=1 Visit Facebook Page: https://www.facebook.com/profile.php?id=100085963225078&mibextid=ZbWKwL Visit Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/rjquillo?igsh=MWducWhjdjB1Mm9udA== Join to my fb group https://www.facebook.com/groups/637249333720897/?ref=share Thank You For Watching My Precious Video Spam 💓💓💓 Thank You For Supporting My Channel Don’t… Read More

  • Stealing from Ginyu Force in Minecraft! 10K goal!

    Stealing from Ginyu Force in Minecraft! 10K goal!Video Information マイクラ豆知識2000ドキリつき最近 追加されたアイテムの豆知識を紹介実は 風力チャージにはいろんな使い方があるん だよまず適当に封印したモルモットを設置 モルモットなんそれあミスった木を 取り直していきましょうまず剣を着火して いきますそしたら風力チャージをけけに 向かって打ちましょうそうするとけが前に 押し出されて飛んでいきますこれで友達の 家を爆破してみましょうなあ自分が惨めだ とは思わんのかそれではやっていき ましょう友達に建築をしてといて建築して もらっています私に任ロ最強な家作ったる からな最強な 家 ええあ次の教える前にもう2だ見れないか もしれないから高評価で保存してあと今 心臓が動いていたらチャンネル登録 よろしくトラップドアに風力チャージを 当てると当たった分開くもっと他の豆知識 あるよって人はコメントで教えてたくさん くれば次回使います This video, titled ‘マイクラ豆知識!「ドッキリ付き!」 コメント採用するかもしれない! #マイクラ #shorts #minecraft #ゆっくり実況 #マインクラフト #youtubeshorts #まいくら’, was uploaded by ギニュー盗撮隊年内10万人目標 on 2024-06-16 06:02:16. It has garnered 10951 views and 373 likes. The duration of the video is 00:00:58 or 58 seconds. Become a member of this channel to access perks: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCUgLtpVfC7vYtdT1ljfKtGQ/join Edited by ymm4 Sound source: Override Please subscribe to my channel! You can cut out without permission “But you can add #GinyuPeepingSquad” I appreciate the promotion from my partner “OchiteruOmochi”… Read More

  • Insane Minecraft Horror Moments by Mels4k

    Insane Minecraft Horror Moments by Mels4kVideo Information а домик какой-то давай там поселился Я говорю у меня не лагает говор а у меня чу сейчас подлая когда Тото что ты хост б твою мать ты можешь литься А тыз меня [ __ ] ебаная он плавать не умеет но плавать не умеет This video, titled ‘Twitch/телега ник: Mels4k #майнкрафт #хорор #Minecraft #horror #твитчмоменты’, was uploaded by Нарезки Mels4k on 2024-01-07 12:48:56. It has garnered 2323 views and 66 likes. The duration of the video is 00:00:26 or 26 seconds. Click follow on twitch and subscribe to the tg channel 😉 Stirmy- https://www.twitch.tv/mels4k Telegram- https://t.me/Mels4k The… Read More

  • Insane Minecraft Jungle Temple Base Build!

    Insane Minecraft Jungle Temple Base Build!Video Information this is the easiest base to build because you don’t really need to build a whole lot a dirt frame with a bucket of lava and water will give you this Temple it’s not the nicest looking Temple but it doesn’t take a lot of effort to turn it into something that’s half appealing expanding this base into a mini Fortress isn’t too difficult either just use the same technique to create some temples in the corners surrounding the base you can add some details to these ones too before connecting them with a wall on the inside… Read More

  • The RAREST SCARCE in Minecraft!!

    The RAREST SCARCE in Minecraft!!Video Information This video, titled ‘SCARCE IN MINECRAFT (Minecraft Animation Parody Video)’, was uploaded by Futuristichub Archive on 2024-02-16 15:25:52. It has garnered views and [vid_likes] likes. The duration of the video is or seconds. Read More

  • GoldenSMP

    GoldenSMPGoldenSMP Semi-Vanilla Survival 1.8 – 1.20.4 [PLUGINS] Featuring in-game **Shop, Auctions, Jobs, Quests, and Clans** adding flavour but without ruining the traditional SMP experience! [COMMUNITY] We have an old community, mostly veterans who’ve made a mark on our past server. Full of lore and epic clan battles ranging for years. We also have a very active staff team participating in the survival aspect themselves! [RULES] Our rules are designed to be fun, not authoritative. We have very tolerable rules lightweight to the point of semi-anarchy standards. Griefing & stealing is allowed (to a degree), and Cheating isn’t allowed. A more… Read More

  • Project:Creators SMP {whitelist} {semi-vanilla} {hermitcraft}

    Welcome to Season 7! 16+ seasonal, vanilla 1.21 Minecraft Java server Join a drama-free community dedicated to providing an authentic survival experience inspired by Hermitcraft. Features include a Shopping District, mini games, and a protected environment against griefing/stealing. Join our discord to get whitelisted TODAY!!! https://discord.gg/cknnjeq6gP Read More

  • Minecraft Memes – Am I the Villager in this Scenario?

    Minecraft Memes - Am I the Villager in this Scenario?I guess you could say this meme was a real block-buster with a score of 48! Read More

  • Hot Minecraft Shorts: Memes & Gaming!

    Hot Minecraft Shorts: Memes & Gaming! “Why did the creeper go to therapy? Because he had too much TNTsion!” 😂 #minecraftmeme #minecraftshorts #memes #gaming Read More

  • Dukester’s Dragon Egg Heist

    Dukester's Dragon Egg Heist The Mysterious Case of the Stolen Dragon Egg in Minecraft One day in the vast world of Minecraft, a group of friends embarked on an epic adventure to defeat the Ender Dragon and claim its precious egg. Little did they know that their journey would take an unexpected turn when one of them decided to pull off a daring heist! The Quest for the Dragon Egg As the friends battled through the End, facing off against Endermen and dodging the dragon’s fiery breath, they finally emerged victorious. The Ender Dragon lay defeated, and the coveted egg was within their… Read More

【Minecraft】its shipping day!【Kaela x Gura / hololive】