【MINECRAFT】underground bunker time!! (open vc)

Video Information

Foreign Foreign Foreign Foreign Foreign Foreign Foreign Foreign Foreign Thank you Foreign Foreign Foreign Foreign [Laughter] Hi everyone sorry for the wait it was a very slow morning a very slow morning and I’ve been writing a gazillion lyrics but that’s okay because it’s part of it’s part of the part of the job it’s it’s not that bad it’s not all bad hi good morning good morning

Oh yeah I just remembered I kind of have to hide the the screen well I probably don’t have to but I just look I like to be safe I like to be safe so just a moment if you don’t mind I’m just gonna multiplayer oh there are two people in here

Now remember guys we don’t want to force anyone to play okay just so we’re on the same page why is it not picking up the hello okay Ella is here yeah hold on what on Earth is going on here come on game you know I’m playing you

Crony says oh wow it’s the actual real whole life more calliope that it is in the flesh Hi a classic oh man you’re right it’s caught in 3K I wonder what those guys are up to I was really planning to mostly huh are my shaders on it doesn’t feel like they are maybe they are I’m just too used to them yes clouds look shaded

But like a little different than I’m used to maybe I’m just too used to it now I bet if I turn them off I’d be like oh Be like what is this oh yeah we should go ahead and take a look again at what we were doing over here just so we get a refresher for everybody who has not yet seen what we’re up to over here I heard that 1.20 has like some

Brand new changes and stuff like that which is kind of cool I haven’t really gotten a chance to look up what those are though could be fun to explore this is my home for now it’s not perfect yet but we’re working on it here’s the entryway whoa didn’t see that hello

Hey I want that hey those are goodies right there back to work on the Doomsday bunker it’s just the Maui house that’s all it just looks like a doomsday bunker but but it is not I’ll see what they’re up to in a minute oh I hear dudes where is my stone cutter

There it is we’re cut in stone today boys can you please be silent Crony is lost Kyle is probably grinding crony’s lost how’d she do that I would time go ahead and get herself lost boy um I really wanted to actually play um Guilty Gear today but there were some permission issues so it’s gonna have to be maybe the 20 24th I’m thinking we’ll see

So I thought all right Minecraft is good too we gotta cook more Stone damn it actually you can lose time all right deadbeat I bet you think you’re pretty clever for that one and and you are that was pretty good oh keep an eye out oh this world doesn’t have bunkeroni does it

That’s in the original en world yeah at least I think I really need to build a roof on this thing I really really need to build a roof on this thing figure out how to do carpet not yet crony has a castle here okay well you know Castle bunker both equally very

Good very strong things um maybe we can grab some wood not here time for a bit of chopping oh but I’ve got lots of cobblestone to put away for now toss the Flint in there too and the raw iron what is this it’s making the ground look odd not leveled properly

Gosh I really love all of that down there the water with all the lights under it oh back to the chopping block it’s getting kind of dark already but I’m I’m trying to do I’m trying to do work here come on I just got started come on game

But yeah I’ve got another recording today and the lyrics are mostly done but there are some things that I’m not happy with that I want to fix so this might be more on the chill side to conserve brain power because mental energy is a it’s a real

Thing I always just thought it was a myth right I was like oh haha nice figure of speech but like that’s not real I was wrong okay oh boy hello oh hello hello I can’t see [ __ ] actually we might be in trouble use Netherrack I don’t care just get out

That’s right no panicking so dark so freaking dark see no more Panic Mori no more panicking Mori will you try to fix them when you go to record is it easier for you I’m thinking on the way maybe oh one out of two players sleeping but we’ll see brain get tired

Um but I have I have had situations where I had to change lyrics in the booth um especially so like the last the last recording that I did right I think I was playing Minecraft before the other recording um I had to change quite a few lyrics

Because the producer kind of decided on the fly like I would like to change the melody the melody to be like this and if the melody sounds like that then these lyrics don’t work or hey can you remove some words from here um which is great but

When it’s on the Fly I have a bit of trouble surprised you didn’t use the off day yesterday to do it as a workaholic I had recordings other recordings motion capture recordings that took all day um so yeah there were a lot of changes I had to do on the Fly which was

Uh difficult especially because there are sometimes they’re they’re just Melodies that are easy to put Japanese lyrics to and extremely difficult to put English lyrics to and that was the problem that I encountered and I don’t really know if we solved it or not so um

I think it’s a really good song but there are a lot of things I’m extremely worried about and I’m trying not to worry too much because everybody there said oh this is amazing this is one of the best songs you’ve ever made Etc but then I don’t know I’m just kind of sitting

There thinking like yeah but it like could have been so much better you know and like because the song itself is a really good song made by a really really competent person who’s been making music for a really really long time it’s like I want it

I want it to be really really good I want it to be the best song it can be but I don’t think I could make it the best song it could be I’m just hoping it’ll end up like an end of a life situation where I’m like man this sucks

Let me scrap it but it’s actually good and I’m just lying to myself and gaslighting myself to think that it’s a bad song is there anything else you can do now I mean I asked for another chance to maybe try to record again but I said it might be difficult because schedule was

Just tough but I want to believe maybe I can retry some things Gaslight ah it happens sometimes I’m just gonna try not to psych myself out over it as much you know because sometimes I just psych myself out I’m not saying every song I make is good but sometimes the ones that

Are the best or the ones that like I feel the weirdest or the the weirdest about so I’m hoping that it’s just that this song is a joke song is Amazing this was the throwaway it’s amazing actually six does not have any joke songs on it intriguingly enough

I aimed to be as unannoying as possible what I mean by that is I don’t know I know I know playful can be fun but I feel like I’ve already done enough of that for now what does that mean wow who are you I don’t know it’s hard to explain

Exactly what I mean I don’t think I’ll ever quite be able to explain 100 but you are really good at joke songs too I think it depends on the joke song I think there are times there are times when I can be and then there are times where I am at

The hogayi which means you shouldn’t where are my cooked rocks oh we’re not done with them yet if soul food is a joke song that I’m a clown oh that’s not I mean that one’s fine I don’t know it’s oh okay I don’t know I’m still trying to figure everything out

Being a songwriter is difficult but I write out my own lyrics so there’s that I should be proud of myself for that I know but for whatever reason I can’t help but just be weird about it I gotta stop that because these days I do a lot of really

In-depth analysis of like other people’s lyrics and whatnot and a lot of them are written by like professional lyricists and whatnot um and I want to be that level too but I don’t know if I can right now because I lack experience um so yeah

But I guess I should take some pride in the fact that I make them myself I just want them to be good you know I could just leave it to someone else maybe that would solve a lot of my doubts but then I feel like it wouldn’t be the same

You know nobody can really write and share with others how they see the world like you can about your own self I’m also trying to figure out how to be relatable without being too vague I don’t want to write songs that only I can relate to when I listen to them

However if you want to create a song that every single person can relate to you run the risk of your lyrics becoming extremely vague and I don’t want that either that is also not very good it’s all a perfect balance you gotta find I’m glad that you guys like what I do

I’d like to make it better though otherwise there’s no real point in continuing on right if you just are content with what you do so it’s not really a bad thing don’t worry about it I guarantee that someone will relate no matter how specific hmm I mean I’m inclined to agree but

Where’s my Netherrack You have to make lyrics that are relatable to you and hope that others find them relatable too yeah you’re right I’m gonna go chop some more wood we’ll do some work on the house some work on the tavern and then figure out what kind of may we explore whatever the

Hell that is I don’t know I like exploring well anyway thanks for hearing me out you guys as I ramble just wanted to talk a bit about what I’m going through there I guess whoa someone did some digging whoa What’s this getting sidetracked someone was on a mission down here foreign love hearing you talk thanks I guess it’s better than not talking let’s Snoop this goes pretty deep we must go deeper how deep down can you go whoa dang really it keeps going I’m just curious I just want to see

I want to get to the bottom I love stories that go deep which is maybe why I like oh nothing really else down here made an abyss oh ah Bedrock we went pretty deep though what is the purpose of this place made nipples makes me feel so stressed I know

I like it though there’s something about it I feel like if I want more materials to make something really interesting whoa went that way huh I’m gonna need to do some traveling a diamond strip mine I think please make some stairs not my mind not my problem laughs

Not my mind not my problem I’m not gonna waste stairs on somebody else’s mind are you kidding me not my circus not my monkeys oh no hold on okay well I mean I guess it doesn’t show anything I’m just making sure these are the names I gave them so it

Doesn’t show anything actually but join server I guess it’s fine sport sport yeah servers whitelisted anyway that’s a really good point yeah that’s what caused me being unable to get in for a while smart thinking hello seems silly to not have a whitelisted system a whitelisting system you know

Are you gonna be playing Final Fantasy yes yes I am yes I am going to be playing Final Fantasy 16 oh I’m so excited we got the okay for it yes I am I am going to be playing it I wanted to play the demo so bad let me see where in my calendar I put it I wanted to play the demo so bad and I was just waiting for perms and they’re like oh yeah we got it for the whole game and anyone in Holo can play it so yeah

Oh boy um when did I put it down for because now it’s asking me to log into the uh oh hang on let me send a little message real quick let me send a little message to make sure all right fixed sorry too many games I want to play I’m like

Did I request Guilty Gear and Final Fantasy the same day yeah it’s another situation where um playing Final Fantasy 16 is going to be pretty similar to Guilty Gear and that I need to request very early in advance so yeah that’s all right though because your boy is on it

You know it might be kind of cool a treehouse I know that fauna has her treat but has she considered making a tree house I feel like that would be very fauna core mume has one oh that also makes sense yeah I guess she would live in the world tree huh we may had one in the en server I see uh-huh speaking of fun and don’t tell her I’m I’m chopping down all these trees and not

Replanting them we’re just we’re on a mission we’re in a rush that’s all that’s the excuse that’s the excuse but we actually need all this stuff for the sauna oh oh no how does she get herself into these situations I wonder chopping all the saplings sorry not sorry

I like this sheep that’s just chilling outside my own personal little watch on my senpai it’s good sheep record scratch yup that’s me oh my stone is probably cooked and I can go cook more I really need to bring um the oven over here don’t I have an oven

I could have sworn I did I think I put it away into the stone block either way I’m gonna go grab what I have there and move operations over here Nice Stone all right let’s go grab some is that a rage quit Kyla you good I believe in you all right I’ll set up the oven over here so we don’t have to keep going back and forth Did you already invite them to VC I invited everyone I tagged them I tagged everybody but if people if people want to focus on their own stuff it is what it is but fingers crossed I spread the message everywhere okay now let’s see put the oven maybe oh

We don’t want anything to spawn in there so give me just a moment there are some cobbly stones in there you know what I’m kind of curious though part of me wants to know if I did have a little hole here if at some point something would spawn in it You love the house well thank you very kindly the house loves you Maybe if houses could have feelings I don’t know maybe the house grows a spirit of its own I’ve seen one or two movies with that premise actually let’s use this and then put it here now we’re cooking

Okay cook some more Stone please time to put some Stone down cool Stone Castle stone is just kind of the easiest I feel I have kind of an idea of what I want to do with some of my lanterns so in this room over here that is mine

Um I kind of want to have some stuff in the wall where it’s like you kind of burrow in and there’s a lantern deep inside right like it’s right over there because of that we kind of need to turn the stone walls around it into regular Stone Maybe should be Netherrack instead

Yeah that’s a better idea all right some dirt from the nether don’t worry I’m cooking I have an idea it’s gonna look cool you’ll see or it won’t and then we just cut our losses and these will be Stone Maybe these will be the color of the wall

Which is I wanted it to be black polished black stone bricks we’re gonna need a lot more black stone though so I need to figure out where we get that do you guys know where we get Blackstone mining another awesome That’s great news let’s see one two three four anyway Let me show you the idea I had This is what I was thinking we do Yeah yeah that’s cool and I just have these in my wall Yup that looks sick I don’t know you guys that looks pretty cool All right well if we have to go to the nether then we have to go to the nether that’s just how it goes sometimes you have to go dangerous places to make your dreams come true I know I know that oh sure do oh boy another trip Hui getting philosophical here

Welcome to the Mori stream now actually I think the next Lantern I want to put will be here here I can’t be there are you here here okay that’s fine it’ll be here we’re also gonna need some more Netherrack anyway so it was an unavoidable trip in the first place foreign Nice and morbid what if you use real fire instead now lanterns are way cooler I’m a big Lantern fan you see they just look good hold on a little Discord check one sec Okay well still no one really able to jump in but that’s okay surely the alerts are out uh oh really need to make a bed though in all honesty with you guys really really need to do that oh that’s a bit troubling no no needs to be Netherrack oh

We can make the wall red there’s nothing we can’t do there are no adjustments that can’t be made maybe here too yeah look like that yeah and then we’ll do some here why not set the bed down right there have a big carpet skull painting it’s all coming together

The blood of the villagers what no of course not I would never dream never dream of that my nice guy yay but then this wall is gonna maybe have to be so this one will be red and this one will be black I see all right game that’s fine hey

Look no problem here I’m gonna turn you into a torch um can’t make more of these that’s okay I need iron more iron iron nuggets in particular which I have I have them I have them yes yeah oh hey how’s the stone cooking going I need more wood okay

No problem we’ll work on the sauna later it’s the iron tendes set the outside Netherrack on fire how does one do that how do you set it on fire I’m curious flint and steel I have Flint don’t think I have steel oh Lord I want to be sent by you good

Still use the will of God Flint plus iron okay Flint plus iron I have Flint it’s in the other box I may jump water May jump scare oh something all right that was spooky oh Senpai why do you frighten me Aisha Elisha well thank you kindly

It’s a nice thing to say but where’s my Flint did I not put it in there there it is don’t be silly Maury ironwa flint and steel I made it now what now burn the Forest right click with it to set fires cool it won’t actually burn anything right

Because the last thing I want to do is endanger these beautiful trees well let’s pray shall we yes be careful Netherrack Fire won’t spread okay um that’s not what I wanted to do here’s my aim that bad okay um gotta remove the lantern oh cool and that burns forever oh yeah

That’s pretty cool like the Gates of Hell welcome that is pretty awesome I will say that is pretty cool I like it now it’s a hazard for anyone walking off my garage they better be careful and respect my property are you in need of any dirt I need dirt I’m good

Trade for a hug a monster I’m gonna trade for a hug yeah she might not be interested in my trash can but that’s okay it was just an offer can I have your dirt then oh oh whoopsies scared me Jesus let’s get the [ __ ] out of me anyway

Do you want anything returned like food yeah I like munchies she almost deleted the surf ER anyone have the server IP no and even if they do you can’t enter I will guide her from Kanata shop laughs Wait the dirt that I have foreign is it really enough though why did she want to trade me dirt or was it maybe I misread she needs the dirt she’s the one who needs it is it that she just doesn’t have a fast shovel there’s dirt everywhere she’s terraforming okay

She’s a dirt dealer carving up the whole Mountain over here all right hey I can do that Dirty Deeds Done Dirt Cheap silence that’s a dirty deal now she must be terraforming I don’t know what else you’d be doing to need all that dirt what’s fine grass grows back so

I’m just helping gather dirt roll um God I hate AC DC what do they do to you we weren’t even talking about AC DC oh well actually never mind we kinda almost were oh well what all right geez I’m sure they have no problem with you

I’m sure they have no qualms with you I get it though I get where that came from but there’s just no need to take out your anger over AC DC and my chat I feel like kind of thinking about the recording today I feel like a lot of the songs on

G-goke6 are kind of depresso espresso very depressed though espresso part of me feels kind of bad but at the same time it’ll be like I’ll be in the best mood ever and I’ll just be like today all right finish the song let’s read the lyrics and then I look at the lyrics and

My eyes just get wide I’m like all right whoa more are you good more espresso less depresso can’t promise oh it makes you feel better I think so I think a lot of times there are emotions hiding within that we just don’t really like Express all the time

But it doesn’t mean that they’re like debilitating or anything at least not in an immediate sense so what I say is just kind of don’t really worry about it just let me cook I think turning negative emotions into something amazing like music right is a good thing that you should do

Forget about it I love these night Ambiance sounds from the Minecraft music I’m listening to well it’s daytime that’s my favorite hey maybe we build something here I don’t know but let me finish my other two projects first put terraform around my place foreign can go here

Get in dirt for cronia dirt dealer ooh new recipe hey already just from that huh yeah I want the way to my house to be pretty clear have some grass grow here a little stairwell so right now it looks kind of sad kind of hard to find too

You prefer espresso without sugar TBH yeah I feel like it makes it taste worse oh she found me hold on crony I’m gathering the dirt take more of it she seems very happy let’s see now I’m Gucci thanks though enjoy your Tara Foreman My house okay well that’s not what I missed it come hahaha foreign this is big room garage Wowie IDK with this Romance crony room have fun what are you building foreign I’ll come visit sometime good luck I’m excited for my roast chicken let’s see what do we make

These are the two fastest fingers in the west not wrong I think my Lantern real quick yes I can still make many many lanterns how many 18. I want this to be a big house of lanterns because I like them so much let’s see the bottom part there red mm-hmm

Yay so this is the this is the deal this is kind of what it what it looks like slowly but surely we’re making good progress looking good thanks wait I still have lots of Netherrack hold on let’s use it up and then we go to the nether how about that

And then I don’t know maybe we tour the server again because that was really having a lot of fun with the with the server tour that we did last time I’d love to keep exploring maybe go visit fauna’s tree I want to go have fun with other people’s stuff too no wait wait

Boy so lanterns they’re cool too but they don’t fit my warm Vibe do you feel me boop boop Boop give me those Cobblestone rocks or they’ll float there forever well do you think they’ll despawn you think this will be a spawn there we go let’s go okay

I’m so excited to play Final Fantasy 16. I hear it’s really good has anyone here gotten a chance to play it and what do you think I know it just came out actually hold on not yet another time haven’t been keeping up with it looks pretty cool it’s out on Friday

Demo is amazing wait it came out yeah 22nd well 22nd I’m in Japan so maybe people haven’t really gotten a chance to play it yet but I’m excited oh See maybe these columns should be a different color maybe red out in Australia no PS5 okay well that’s understandable they’re really really hard to get a hold of hold on I have some stuff that you might like oh she better not be messing with me chroni I’m in front of your house

I guess I can’t light it on fire too bad This deep slate OMG yay thank you we can use this there’s so much of it hang on this is great thank you I’ll let you know how how how did she find all of that oh she’s gone okay should I leave the game too foreign she went to the nether oh thanks again

Can I do a deep slate can I cook it can I cut it no but it is cool and it looks good filled with it hold on it doesn’t seem like I can cut it you just need to be above it oh okay you need cobbled deep slate

Oh take it to the crafting table oh you mean like this Doesn’t seem to let me return the slab mind them normally oh you need to destroy it interesting okay learning something new It is different eh cool um okay that’s about all we can do deep slate is a good floor yeah yeah we’re definitely gonna do that cool let me throw some things away let me toss some things out a rock and stone and four of them for making brick cool

Oh maybe I should ask for more oops oh well this will be the cutting ground because there’s tons of room now let’s see what I want to throw away Tony don’t need no need I need to need no nuggets to put them away more you could use them

Again on a waste of iron waste of iron Mori don’t you dare enough okay let’s make some Cobble deep slate here it is so we need to lay out the Deep slate and then cut it up kind of takes a while all my experience from last time has

Gone too which kind of sucks And now we dig too bad I wish I could use the Maui Pig ice Oh well I thought that we got exp from cooking do we not let’s cook Oh it makes something what does it make Deep sleep never mind never mind never mind [Applause] beautiful beautiful [Laughter] damn it ah young grasshopper still much to learn all right what about regular deep slate no okay guess I’ll die deep slate tiles see that’s what I want to make as the Deep slate tiles rip Maui much to learn young grasshopper

My boat’s still here get out of the way you’re annoying okay get a stone cutter I have a stone cutter it doesn’t work Unless it’s cobbled right the tiles you make in the stone cutter oh yeah I mean of course I’ll use that no prob no prob why would you ever cook it Because then it just looks like this so ugly kind of uggles hey can be pretty therapeutic though the stones in my house are made with love and also help from crony I’m really building my own house it’s late deep slate the bricks and tiles for deep slate are really good I know right

That’s what we need to compose a lot of the House of especially the flooring but I want to make some carpet as well I hear that you can make carpet in this game yes you can terracotta stuff looks cool need wool for carpet I know where to find some

I actually have uh black wool but I wanted to use that for bed if I could make one it’s gonna be a large one Louie has the wolf arm that’s pretty close remember to Shear the sheep for maximum yield oh instead of Killing It In Cold Blood right

Understandable we’ll need to create some shears but I think it should be easy Cobble deep slate and deep slate look very very similar all right we’re almost done with this first round sheers are just two iron ingots is that how you used to harvest the wool murdering the Sheep yes

Yes that was how I did it it’s gonna get dark soon it’s the fun way is there a different way to say ingot come on now don’t do this to me chat ingot the project tiles come on stop stop that Mm-hmm now that I’m thinking about it crony’s building a huge castle she comes to my house and she’s like what you build and I’m like little house oh that crony’s nice though I’m sure she thought nothing of it but me I’m embarrassed what you making a big ass Castle how

About you oh you know a house she liked the Vibes you should check it out later anyway she prefers the bunker you have to start somewhere true enough it’s a good point I wonder what Kyle is up to seemed like she was getting exploded a bit earlier differences crony has played hundreds of

Hours of the block game okay also very true I mean I feel like I’ve played quite a few hours too it’s just my brain works slower with games like this right there’s so many things you have to know and remember but I do my brain does remember quite a few things

Just not a lot of them you haven’t played anywhere near as much true I guess that is true it just takes some time Kyla has moved a mountain I mean in Minecraft you can right you could literally move mountains all right now then stone cutter ah I moved it no not the hiccups Okay pretty I don’t even know what I want to choose polished deep slate polished deep slate slab ah Oh my gosh deep sleep bricks chiseled deep slate I want to look at all of them deep slate tiles deep slate bricks polish deep slate I’m going to look at all of these and compare them see how I feel Now come here All right this is polished deep slate Looks like nice flooring Maybe keep slight tiles well I kind of like this one more than this one chiseled kind of looks like it has a face on it I think I like the tiles best the Deep slate bricks oh they’re much bigger but the tiles look good maybe for floor

Just about to say it as a face all right we’re gonna make the tiles and for the walls we’ll do bricks Maybe let’s do some more tiles and then bricks Cool Let’s see Deep sleep tiles piles looks good A color that isn’t Stone foreign it is nicer if the walls and and flooring are different color right probably preferable now we’re in business how to start somewhere maybe not much is happening but I hope it’s still relaxing for you guys somehow oh no Stone it’s great I’m chilling it’s great news Now this floor rules oh later Yeah look at how good that looks Hiata so goth so good right black flooring is so modern and mature hmm I also really like this song too oh sorry why am I apologizing to the lantern maybe I’ll want to change the color though behind those lanterns to be a darker color like oh no I need this freaking boat

Like check this out seems even more mysterious here have this one hang like the other perfect just like that I love seeing you let your creativity flow in this game thanks it’s very relaxing having a good time it’s better to just do things and explore ideas at your own

Pace instead of worrying so much about getting them done fast I don’t want to feel rushed not me no rushies not here no rushies here but yeah I’m glad I decided to play Minecraft again give it another try it’s been fun so far granted I still haven’t quite finished any projects yet

That’s okay okay we’ll get there maybe more is just mellowed out over time maybe that’s all It’s gotta be it I would say you have [Applause] I’d still like to get one more hour of sleep in these days but I think I’ve crammed my schedule a bit too much

It uh it happens it happens to me oh hmm oh Ara what’s going on play we’re fine I got in that was weird why’d you tell me I couldn’t get back in clearly I could get back in maybe the ceiling should be black too all black not all black the walls will

Be Stone you know maybe we put this one over here for symmetry reasons there we go now we make the ceiling black um we’ll use bricks though to keep it spicy you know just a little different black floor hides the stains yeah especially blood we can maybe add some chains to the

Lanterns a little bit later that could be fun a fun look this is another song I like a lot a mild spice just a little bit How many blood stains will the bunker Mori get bunker morier I wonder if this home will continue to expand in its own way maybe we add more houses and more stairwells maybe we discover a cave take it over and renovate it possibilities are endless Hmm look at that ah over here whoops and it sure does take a lot of time to like actually renovate every single wall and floor somewhere there’s no quick easy fill button you know but there’s something about that that kind of makes it special I don’t know oh eyelash eyelash eyelash eyelash

Please leave my eyeball please I sure nope nope it’s it’s still in there it’s still in there please exit my eyeball get some water I got my water bottle with me I think I think it’s gone either that or it went behind my eyeball which hey not my problem anymore

I think the ceiling’s just about finished here if we can just hang this cool all right love what’s going on so far thank you it’s a little avant-garde but I like it little stone brick kneaded up here oh the living room is almost complete in terms of wall and flooring

Which is Big because that means we can furnish it does Minecraft have sofas I feel like I’ve never seen somebody’s house with a sofa in it which is strange because you would think that Minecraft would come up with like maybe more furniture options you can build one

You can make a fake one and not real ones Minecraft what am I supposed to sit on in my house you can make a fake one With signs and carpet interesting I’ll see if I can find a tutorial oh add a stone ah right at the 11th Hour we’re so close let’s see have we cooked any more Stone by chance no no uh we haven’t or it’s not here hey wood all right fine game whatever you say

There are Furniture blueprints everyone has used for like 12 years nice I mean I guess it does encourage creativity that is true enough there’s my stone You can use a bucket of lava oh to cook things really now hey a lava bucket will cook a whole stack in a furnace that’s awesome actually hold on off I go to the lava Farm off I go it’ll consume the bucket though okie dokie that’s the main use of the lava Farm

Very smart hi please let me in thank you please let me in thank you oh my God there’s literally there’s so many jeez she worked so hard on this it consumes only the lava okay you get the empty bucket then I will return that to Kyla’s lava Farm for sure do Nice wait they said it’ll burn a whole stack right hopefully that works what was I looking for 64 steaks is a lot of steaks more than a stack 100 items oh nice well that’s good news um let’s see I don’t know I’m going to use that so it kind of didn’t like

Now then are we cooking or are we cooking I really need to stop cooking over here I need to go cook over there but that’s okay because guess what I’ve got Cobblestone and lava that I can take over there I really want to go check that out we’ll do a little more work and then we’ll go on our tour wow it is dark here how did they allow this surely I did not take all of the Torches around here there’s no way I don’t think I did no no I didn’t do

Go go cut stone make bricks only four no okay that’s what I thought see that didn’t seem right to me in I go now then we’re very close to completion here living room complete at least in terms of like setup right all done yay

Now and here I was just gonna jump up a little bit to light some things on fire I put the stone and flint and steel away okay just make another one just make another one there we go to do my bedroom how much is rent for that room

You gotta sign a bunch of waivers to make sure you don’t burn the place down so probably pretty expensive honestly hmm another rack my polished black stone which I still want to use I feel like we’ve already come too far to change it to something else

Even if we changed it to deep sleep nah the red accents are needed very very necessary and we will run out of netherx so give me that these shirt will you spawn well laughs put mob heads in the holes now there’s an idea wait no not sport what the hell no sport

Come on go to sleep I have to make a bed that’s our that’s our quest for today make a bed why don’t you make a bed taking my sweet time no sport only death three wool three wood borrow a bed maybe we go to the wool Farm you good no crony don’t sweat

It’s jokes All fine this sounds like an Earthbound track foreign I really like it Or I can see it sounds like one it right I thought the same thing For this side we’ve got black stained glass instead Nice touch thanks I like it too Boop boop Boop oh gotta get behind the fire Roasty toasty probably gonna have to turn up the AC quite a bit though that’s okay we do what we can for style points oh that’s some lost Netherrack And Voila no Nar Actually laughs okay okay okay okay okay okay okay okay okay okay okay a nice touch indeed I like it it’s popping maybe Stone floor for here as you think of that by making a mistake sometimes happy accidents can turn into really good things We’ll make a bed we’ll finish off as much of this room as we can without having to go to the nether to get the polished black stone bricks how deep into The Nether is Blackstone because if it’s real deep you might want to take a friend with me in the future instead

It’s random awesome happy little accidents yep I learned that from Sensei Ross sensei it’s a biome you gotta find gotta prep well for that Journey going straight into the butthole of danger so we gotta be careful yep why are you acting so surprised what that’s where we’re going

What are the cats doing out there oh just kidding it’s not it’s not the cats it’s the helpers I just remembered I just remembered it’s helper day sorry cats it wasn’t you I’m sorry I kept hearing like little noises the cats gotta check out which is nice because I have no time to

Clean my house no time I hate it I want to but the time just isn’t there so in order to go into The Nether you need at least one gold item right like you need to be wearing like a golden Helmet or something to that effect

Is what is what I’ve heard you need a golden something Yes and Louis Vuitton if you want to avoid the pigland fights I see I wonder what it is about the gold that makes them not want to attack you like wouldn’t they want some of that gold like ooh mine let me kill this human is what I would think but I don’t know They’re just they’re jealous they appreciate the drip culture could be maybe it’s a culture thing People who wear gold are like Warriors or something like that esteemed Warriors that you shouldn’t mess with they’re not robbers yeah I guess they’re just little pig dudes they’re just trying to live their best lives the little ones are so cute And I’m officially out of the polished Blackstone I still have quite a bit of Netherrack though which is good do do it’s coming together slowly but surely but yeah we’ll need some more of that you get exp for killing the little ones but they don’t fight back Jesus that’s dark yeah the let’s work on the floor a little bit

More to the best of our ability with what we have now That’s dark We need to make a bed really really really need to bake a bed I feel like everything super useful has already been kind of created right like I know a lot of we got the lava Farm now we’ve got a wool Farm which is pretty awesome yeah make a bed where did I put the black wool ah 35 black wool

And I don’t think it was sticks I’m pretty sure it was planks wasn’t it I’m not certain bed okay well clearly I need to go to a crafting table oh my bed right click for more gray I want black there we go there’s one two because it’s got to be a large one

Right Right the answer is right yes correct just in time for night Duh wait a minute No the Symmetry is off well looks like it’s gonna have to be uh a California king I’ll make one more time for triple bed Yes we saw now we’ve done it lads an actual place to sleep it’s regal as [ __ ] yeah with a big skeleton painting over it or something like that And a carpet now it’s home you say but I actually need to fill in that hole in the ground in order to feel complete or I’m gonna lose my mind up in here pop in here oh we’re still cooking aren’t we you can keep cooking if you want okay

Now the stone oh gotta cut it cut the stone oh we had four all along ah let’s just ignore that fact and go ahead and place the stone shall we and then maybe we go on some Adventures Uh actually hold on I can finish the floor And I need to save this like orange wood for the sauna actually well now that I have it in my hands why don’t we just quickly go lay the foundation Looking good have I seen the new Sakura wood I have it looks really cool hold on if we actually want to make this right this wall is going to end up being wood that’s fine that is not a problem and we’ll make some little stairs that can be seats

And we’ll bear it will Burrow under it to light campfires that will have smoke come up and have a cauldron in there too you missed one spot on the floor oh God Nar all right I’ll go fix it later God Nar is my favorite thing these days I can’t help it oh whoopsies I know I shouldn’t use a pickaxe but I’m gonna use a pickaxe because I’m too lazy to pull up my shovel okay no not shovel X dumbass Dumas It’s looking good looking very sauna like let’s go let’s go it might be a bit cramped but that’s okay these aren’t meant to be big gotta watch out for this pickaxe too it’s gonna die walls complete Maybe we can light the nether act on fire in there that could be kind of sick just saying the possibilities are endless how about a cauldron silence yeah cause sometimes you do see that oh Lord when you go to Asana right why can’t all of you sleep other than

Leaving the server and letting one of you sleep because sometimes people aren’t near a bed so in that case you want to be as respectful as possible and get out of there real quick so that everybody can get to daytime yep at least that’s how I understand it

Do I have any tips for starting a channel well I was I was very lucky and joined whole alive so I don’t really know if I can tell you how to go from the start so I guess that’s not totally true I have done some things from the start um

Just be patient tell everybody that you know use a lot of hashtags in the beginning I know maybe some people think it seems silly at the start but when you’re really starting out you kind of need that exposure I guess it depends on what kind of Channel

You’re making too because if you want to do music I recommend covering a lot of popular songs first and then you’d pull the old bait and switch and what I mean by that is you then make original music after you’ve gotten an audience that likes you for your covers so

Gotta widen the net precisely yep just how it goes yeah that looks legit well actually it would look more legit though if we just deepened the cave by one more not the KF the sauna my brain is losing it so like that that deep in oh no no not that wall

No shame in that I mean that’s what a lot of us did as artists in the beginning to Garner a following that Lexus for our original art right draw a ton of fan art first and then you say hey here are my original characters and some people stick around because they like that

I don’t think there’s any shame in that at all it’s really hard to just sit there and expect an audience to gather you really can’t it’s also a way to practice and get better yeah precisely foreign Don’t worry I’m keeping an eye on the pickaxe it’ll be fine Oops all right now I can set the cauldron where I want it to that looks good now we got to get the ceiling maybe there’s a different pickaxe I can use Cali Minecraft whoa yeah tools here’s a golden one this one seems nice I’ll put these bad

Boys away until I can fix them you need to go hit up the PPP you need to get that experience Farm fun fact content creation is hard hmm no doubt about that yay I thought I have a sauna in my house I can’t put it up there yet

Gotta get rid of these guys first We’ve got tons of Netherrack it’ll be fine I say no I’d rather not use the wood though to fill the hole we’ll hang some lanterns from the ceiling as well Big Lantern Aesthetics I like it Well here is also kind of cool in the corners then it gets a bit hard to move around doesn’t it we’ll need one more now we gotta make stairs we must make stairs I’m pretty sure I still have these logs yeah coming together there we go kind of need more than that though

Hmm let’s try this much 16 and see how that fares for us oh that’s not what I meant to do stop that no oh that’s too bad oh well no yeah we did it next we’ll probably need to Burrow under and make a campfire right underneath this so yeah

And I guess we need a wooden door can’t craft the door just here though need to use a table I guess everybody’s working through the night and we have made plenty Okay Oh wow it really does look like a Asana now and then we’ll have the big bath in here it’ll be perfect hope crony’s okay let’s go put some things away before we go explore wood and fabric goes in here she’s not oh she might need some help mentally oh no

Oh crony yeah we’ll have this be this second brick storing area does she need more dirt I have dirt uh dirt I do have I’m worried hope she’ll be okay out there that’s wool okay I want to put that in this one along with wood All right Explorer time foreign we lost track of time see any other tools I might need I wonder sword of course well let’s see what else Compass just in case and a bed should take a bed with me let me make um an emergency one we’ll have it be pink yay now then

Explorer time hmm actually oh it’s raining ah I need the nuggets we’re going exploring old-fashioned old-fashioned exploring with a lantern now first order of business I want to see what that is shall we go oh those are just trees I thought it was like somebody had made a village down

There let me see what this is while we’re at it someone’s building a glass house whose idea was this nice Lookout Snoop I Snoop boom holy potatoes I dropped my Lantern where oh can I pick it up without hurting the glass underneath it okay we’re good we’re good we’re good

We’re good no problem there was no need to worry are you busy exploring oh whoops all caps do you want to check out my place yeah where is it sorry caps lock sorry caps lock sorry welcome to Castle Roni I want to go to Castle Roney I’ll show you

Be right there coming to pick me up ew yucky There’s a Zombie over there back away stay away from me in my home oh follow me up here Willie you definitely wouldn’t do that right not up to my house right buenos dias oh they can jump you want some

Whoa whoa whoa whoa hello hi hey I’m cool with getting your exp though yeah exp I need that wait oh he pick up his own Friends rotten flesh Da d d hey sorry jump scare hi hey I’m ready for adventure yeah I was gonna I was gonna leave like soon afterwards while I was working on my place and I think I think it’s coming along now I want to see your project let me see your project

Yeah I’m working on a castle and everything cool where’s your castle at yeah I’ll pick you up give me a second cool I’m just hanging out here I slayed some zombies which is pretty sick just getting some experience I’m ready for exploring I heard that you’re losing your mind me yeah

I mean do I sound like I’m losing my mind though you sound pretty calm and collected to me but I don’t know right I don’t know I mean you sound good just you know I’m just worried people were saying you’re a little you’re a little you’re losing it over

There hopefully it’s not too difficult of a task eh no I’m good you’re good you’re you’re hanging in there yeah it’s just that the castle is a little too difficult to to make it’s it’s a pretty large scale project oh hey there you are hey what’s up he’s doing some terraforming you know

Um thanks it’s going very slowly but it’s happening so you know it’s very atmospheric like I I like the backdrop and then yeah the soccer trees I specifically chose the sakura trees here yeah well I mean I didn’t plant them but you know I chose this spot because the

Sakura looked pretty so I mean yeah yes it sets some mood like there’s a nice little contrast between the fire and the um yeah yeah yep fires a hell right below the cherry blossoms I’m hoping these trees grow like more and more so that like they spread out everywhere and

It’s just these like spooky fires underneath them and just it’s very aesthetic it’s my aesthetic if you ask me so yeah you can probably replace them with like uh like the blue fire later on oh yeah soul flame that could be pretty cool blue and

Pink is nice like you and me like you and me acroni yeah my hair is Sakura petal colored anyway so I feel like it’s it’s a good spot for me and I have my little lava little lava carpet right here leads into my house I thought I was gonna die like

For the first few seconds yeah it’s a nice little visual trick show me where your Castle is oh yeah okay okay let’s go I’m hype you’re back in the Minecraft grind are you now just a little bit just from time to time nothing too crazy yeah

You seems like you’re back on it I know see I didn’t think that I would ever come back to Minecraft but you know what it’s not so bad it’s not so bad it’s not so bad if you have a project that you’re working on yeah exactly instead of just kind of aimlessly

Not doing anything but you know what I actually also like exploring people’s stuff so oh people’s projects and whatnot yeah mine’s still kind of isolated oh but cool cool yeah you see you said it’s large scale how large scale we talking uh it’s like it’s like a 20-parter oh Jesus Christ

How many rooms are in it if I can ask um there is no room actually no rooms yeah not not yet Carla you want to join us oh yeah that’s not Kyla okay never mind never mind very convincing though ah I can see that well okay when this when

The Castle’s done how many rooms do you plan for it to have uh honestly I haven’t thought that far but maybe there will be a throne room and every you see that castle over there that’s uh that’s my place I see fauna’s tree and then where is it

Wait where’d you go I’m still up on the hill here come come over here let me see what do we have here oh you have a boat that goes oh yeah yeah you can you can you can get on Oh yay yes please Ferry me across when

When I can get it there we go okay yay yay I don’t know how she made that that is that is yeah that is like large scale I don’t know did she stream all of that too I can’t even imagine oh the castle oh that’s the life tree oh that’s that’s fondestry

That yeah that’s like I don’t know how she does it wow it’s kind of wacky let’s see all right so your Castle is up here yeah oh this is every Monday oh my God Minecraft Mondays ah nice okay up to the castle we got there yeah hi pipe

All right why do you need so much dirt oh so that you know I can have a platform and everything oh okay so it’s not a Dirt cast so it’s not like a sand castle right oh yeah it’s like a stone brick castle Yeah whoa wow yeah it’s only the beginning though

What is how what you laid down like all these like specific bricks and stuff like that to make it look just like a castle there’s you yeah Courtyard what the hell this is insane I don’t know how you’re gonna finish this I have no idea either I mean that

Looks really cool right there with the flag on it and then let’s go up whoa how wait how many streams did you do this in um like three three streams or something dang that’s wild are you gonna have like a dungeon and stuff like that

A dungeon oh yeah yeah I’m gonna have a dungeon actually if you come down here yeah oh hold on a sec oh wait yeah careful I’ll be careful yeah if you want some cats you know you can you can just get a stray cat uh-huh and

Yeah and then you can just like read it and yeah cool you can breed the cats in this game that’s cool yeah the baby cute this one looks like my real cat dude oh yeah same color eyes and fur and everything so cute it’s nodding too oh that’s so adorable

God I love cats I love Minecraft cats I love real cats cool what what’s in here oh all your stuff yeah I guess it requires a lot of materials huh uh not that many materials mostly Stone right lots of stone and you have to make really specific shaped bricks huh

Wow that’s crazy I don’t know how you’re live right now but hell yeah that’s cool oh yeah my old stuff is in here potato oh this one is like um you can just like put your chest like like items here and yeah and just like wherever yeah the the nether the nether

Chest is everybody’s got their own right that’s like always whenever you hit another chest it’s your stuff cool this place is really cool crony yeah there’s a dungeon uh right that way on the other side of the door oh yeah nice oh my God why it’s you can I move oh okay

Whoo down we go well let’s go let’s go oh my Lord that is a really deep dungeon don’t go don’t go don’t go all the way in that’s uh it’s way too far oh really yeah it’s it’s a little it takes about five minutes to get to

The end of it why did you make all of that uh just so that I can get diamonds honestly I kind of like the underground so it’s not a prison oh yeah it’s not a prison I’ve already like done that in the other server so oh yeah five minutes

What do you use the diamonds for I like armor nice equipment oh yeah the armory in this Castle must be pretty sick cool I want to see a cool Armory you should make one of those I should yeah and like a sick throne room and these are these The Gallows

Oh I know they’re not this is just a cute Blaze to stick I’ve said that maybe twice while playing recently I just have a morbid yeah dude yeah oh God I’m sorry I just there’s something about it that looks Gallo like I just if you if you

Don’t look at like the The Greenery and you just look like it looks like literally we’re all about to gather for a hanging I’m sorry you know it’s just this time with my girl right here and we just look up at the night sky and stuff oh you

Finally got a girlfriend I’m proud of you crony yeah I got a lot of girlfriends yeah here and there wow and spend lots of time with them that’s great I’m glad you’re mentally well crony you seem to be doing well yeah my girl is over there too at the window

Over there oh wow she’s looking down at you yeah wow you’ve got so many they they seem to really love you I have I have like a few more to go and then there’s one at the entrance too if you’re interested oh yeah sure I’ll come

Take a look yeah she’s like the Helm of the castle oh yeah like over there at the top oh wow very nice yeah kind of looking over standing guard there’s a little secret one over here yeah she’s pretty nice nice oh my Lord how do you make those uh those heads by chance

Oh oh hey let me show you I thought I thought you wouldn’t be interested at all oh no I I you are I definitely am yeah I get that guy you suck haha anyway yeah you’re interested oh [ __ ] oh no my mic oh no I mean I guess it could have been much

Worse but damn it oh my crony your crony though yeah that’s that hurts someone’s girlfriend I always hurts to lose a girlfriend sorry about that no I can I’ll put her back together don’t worry about it okay well at least the Castle’s safe no no no no It doesn’t matter it’s like a girl is dead at least you’ve got your priorities straight an arrow in your head you good no nothing hurts more than losing my girlfriend anyway so sorry for your losses yeah it happens let’s see if we can’t get you maybe another one as well where

We’re going now yeah I’ll probably get like three more oh good great idea all right let’s see well let’s go back down then yeah I lost my Lantern that’s right wandering the darkness With You Is Fun okay are you all right let’s go back off we go

Pretty wow that tree is something all right yeah that tree is ginormous can you go inside of it and like climb up it uh honestly I haven’t tried because I was already pretty busy with my project hey you gotta get out yeah oh okay Lucy doodle there we go

Oh sure takes a lot of jumping why am I yeah oopsies there’s spooky guys around here okay anyway yeah they have those damn it well as long as no more creepers no more creepers please I can’t I can’t yay now we’re back okay so we just go to the center where the

Beetle is oh the beetle yeah yeah yeah yeah and then there’s like a giant wooden house let me remember where the beetle is um oh there it is I see it giant wooden house eh okay yeah and then up the stairs you’ll be able to find uh all the heads Oh there are lots of soccer around here too pretty yeah I’d like to have some sakuras too if I find it yeah I got a plant like a gazillion of them all right wooden house wooden house I think I see it’s like on the left side hmm

I need to grab some cronies too so nice are you here um I’m just not sure hold on sleeping let me just yeah let me just disconnect yeah next to the portals they say okay next to the portals I’m I’m looking other side okay are you at the portal

Um I’m by the beetle looking for a wooden house oh I see I think I see it oh yeah it’s this one cool time for head s will roll see uh members whoa everyone’s in here oh I’m in here there’s 63 of my head what the heck

I want to put everyone’s head in my bedroom is that weird it’s probably fine I think it’s a nice collection yeah I just want one you know no don’t take all of fauna’s heads I just want one of her head is there a button I have to hold is it

Control click oh so like you left click and then right click left click right click left click oh wait hold on left click right click oh I see cool everyone’s head will be mine I don’t have room because uh oh yeah my crony no that’s okay I will take one of your

Heads as well so I too may have a crony girlfriend yeah you should you should make your own girlfriend too yeah that’s what I’m gonna do mine yeah just make an armor stand and you can just uh make your ideal girlfriend cool yourself yeah that sounds fun yeah oh man

Cool where would I put all the heads hmm wow interesting interesting house with that well I can’t wait to go lay these out I know me too thanks for showing me your Castle yeah of course man every time heck yeah that was really cool I hope yeah I hope you’ll invite me back

When it’s like fully done oh yeah for sure like I’ll check it out I’ll make more girlfriends in the meantime yeah good luck with your girlfriend making yeah I wish you the best thank you I think good luck out there I’m gonna do some exploring okay I’m gonna finish up my uh dead

Girlfriend cool I’m gonna sign off but yeah thank you for coming thanks for helping me out with all the different stuff like giving me food and the Deep slate which I’m now obsessed with so thank you oh I have more if you need it so yeah

Let me know thanks a lot okay crony enjoy the rest of your stream bye here to this place the zombies house on his new pad yeah I think I saw a video of her working on this she was like flying around and stuff and making things for it what an interesting home

Very tall oh wow water cool oh this is really neat actually wow beautiful waterfall she renovated it this week oh she’s making lots of progress on it well now the question is how do I get out of here I guess I just let it happen uh-oh well that’s okay it could have

Been worse could have been worse oh fine oh what’s over here then we can go check out the tree the Tree of Life there’s a really modern looking house over there with this Zoo construction planned site made now recruiting whoo already getting cement some aminals in here this is cool looks nice

House modern one is Louie’s house Zoo oh man I bet that’s going to be huge okay house very modern this looks like the type of house or mansion that you’d see in like a magazine where it’s like 50 most expensive modern homes owned by billionaires or something like that whoa pretty ah

We should do something like this too with water and lights it looks so fancy what the heck just open oh all of Louie’s pets I’m telling you man this is a Billionaire’s house fridge fake fridge pretty cool look at these Sleek countertops we’re cooking what’s cooking good looking Louie has

The fanciest home I can see that what are these what are these candles cool looking fireplace we should make a fireplace too because we have these black panes right we can do some campfires I want a lot of candles in my house too yeah we can make a cool fireplace like

This but maybe not this modern looking and fancy ah see this is what we need for my home don’t tell her I’m taking a bath in her bath the nature wow big sofas little nature area so modern I want to go upstairs what’s upstairs transparent bathroom oh Shield your eyes deadbeat

Those are couches best you can get really oh like this I see it’s Wool Wool and then are these like slabs I see I can make a black couch or a red couch maybe hmm now how to get upstairs surely there must be a stairwell slabs are awesome

This works there’s more I knew it balcony it’s so extra but I love it we got like a little Library popping off little tashokon enchant so many items in big shulker boxes fancy wow I hope she’s okay with me snooping see this is how okay this is how my bed needs to look

I gotta put these kind of like slab tiles down and have it like raised out like this and then fire or something like that these different potions cool best bed ever canopy bed now this is Louie’s house I love the The Vines hanging down too oh hey dude what’s up Kojima oh

I see the Mind If I Do thanks I just wanted it kozima is God look at this shag carpet what a smart idea that is fantastic I love that maybe I can use my two red glass blocks as like a red Center table she went all out I know right what is

This is this something from the ocean it’s dead coral smart whoa big Aquarium and a very cool Lounge Coral fans eh so I’m gonna play records wow she went all out cool balcony too for inviting guests to chill wow pretty oh and some wooden style couches I see they use

Oh signs I could write some graffiti on here you sure those aren’t Gallows shut up silence no but she really did go all out I bet I can make some cool couches too though Hmm wow wait I’m fine just a small fall from the Upper Floor glass tables cool house And I went light oh llamas and then also she’s got a wool Farm apparently didn’t know about that look at how big that house is I don’t know if we can make mine quite as fancy but that’s okay I feel a bit more confident about it I’m hungry

It’s the building next to the house over here or it’s one of these definitely bamboo Farm wool factory whoa any kind of wool you can imagine maybe some red give me a sheer Here you are and I will take red there’s an underground part too oh my God hey guys what’s going on is this the the hopper I’ve heard about Fair trade it’s a lot of watermaze wow I have a lot of black wool um I might want to make a gray couch so let me make another sheer whoa Pink Carpet this is where the carpet comes in I need to be thinking about carpet as well so let me leave a couple

If I only take 15 I don’t know I don’t know what a fair trade is for a couple shears just take as much as you need for one I hope it’s okay all right well let’s see we need red carpet for sure is not happy with it well okay then I’ll grab

Black well I already have black maybe some white light gray is good well maybe not like Gray maybe White it’s a wool Farm they’re pumping it out for nothing okay true red and white carpets maybe some dark gray okay all right I will use all of these pink I don’t like pink

Whoa pretty I mean I like pink for me but I don’t like what the [ __ ] that’s it it’s never she built this dude a whole house whatever this block is I really like it cute pink what do these guys do that’s the Sakura wood oh ah that’s amazing all right well

And Sakura trees are really cool but I just aren’t they rare they sniff if I chop any soccer trees I want to find them out in the wild for now so pretty oh this must have taken so much work you’d have to go pretty far they didn’t

Exist when the server started I see this is just pure amazingness wow imagine falling asleep underneath this I wish I could grow trees Underground damn it so pretty you can what we got buried in petals you can you just need room really just need enough clearance you can grow trees underground but what

About sunlight do trees in Minecraft just not need sunlight that seems odd but okay has a lab cool looks fancy look at the trees no Cali Minecraft logic well maybe we try and and grow some trees Underground but I’ll need to make the appropriate preparations first service filled with Sakura um

They’ve really been putting in work you can use bone dust to make them grow instantly you think that seems kind of crazy underground sakura trees underground home yep bone meal time to kill some skeletons I mean deadbeats chill oh no not Warden I don’t know who that is

I’m sorry to hear that Kyla what if we grew trees here in the tavern and I built around them and Warden of time oh no Sakura Tavern no Kaila she was too young okay that could be a cool project I like that idea let’s go work on some furnishing no Lori’s place now couch see not there not there then looks mysterious but comfy yep like me it’s a perfect match that could work foreign Couch then Actually hold on Actually let’s put myth in one wall oh you just put them in like that huh sorry to break your head Wawa I’m gonna put this under it no like so dude this isn’t messed up this is normal this feels morally wrong what do you mean there’s nothing wrong with this come on now

You’re lying to yourself nothing wrong here yay my friends are here And Council no wrong one I saw my friends are here Let’s see oh okay let’s see Look whoa Kind of turned a little bit but that’s okay Look at what crony’s done no flame crony don’t blame crony it’s fine it’s fun maybe we’ll have two other heads over here oh And me me and crony chronichiwa and then we’ll do this the Halloween Council of heads will decide your fate Da I love mommy no I thought for sure I’d put mermaid down all right that’s fine we put mume here her head Blends into the rest of the blocks Foreign what’s wrong stop s okay what I meant to do is place it here but I guess it doesn’t want me to do that why ever not I want to trap them no surface to place it on oh I see it’s like that oh well before I

Waste any more give it up Mori Give It Up okay now it’s not quite what I want I think I’ll need to put like tiles or something see I have an idea yeah slab slab slab through some slabs rock and stone maybe these Nether Bricks can work here are the ideas I have

Or this let’s try both and see how they look like for example here no I know I know you want me to use an ax I know game yeah fits in with the grit but then it matches with the walls too much it’s fine use Birch for now either that or

Carpet I kind of want to make carpet white carpet anyway but I don’t think this will quite look how I want it to just check I guess yeah that’s uh does not look like a fun couch that is a floor couch right there all right let’s see

Bridge for now we’ll do quartz later now then Let’s try the Nether Bricks oh very Regal yeah maybe we can place some cool stuff here and there I like it looks nice now how about a red carpet is what I’m thinking oh um toss that out for a sec let’s see how this looks yeah that looks good maybe a bit bigger

Maybe a bit bigger Nice it’s a good looking bedroom so far it’s the walls are incomplete but that’s okay it’s quite the room Maury I know right the walls aren’t done yet but that’s okay the bed looks awesome imagine sleeping in that every night cozy maybe a bit bigger no I’m happy with this

Voila but not done yet not done quite yet maybe a white carpet for this area Maybe trying to determine the perfect size Not sure yet my tummy is growling something fierce Rumble Rumble and Whether this or this haven’t decided which though I’d like to try red first not that Tom Tom grumbly I’ll be fine yeah why would you uh it can’t be sat on top of the carpet that sucks but I get it Thank you one more Yeah you know not bad I can put a wool block under the glass now that is using your head deadbeat that is using your head wish I knew how to do that there’s a Minecraft brain right there Oh You’ll figure it out someday oh we’ll see we’ll see now where where is the flooring okay it’s right there and I don’t have room okay please please let me pick up no oh God okay fix your inventory quick could be Swift okie dokie just like that bingo bingo Bongo cool

Work is getting done it’s cozy you know I don’t hate it I don’t hate it That dirt out of my face miscellaneous items in here Rocking Stone oh boy a sonically Charged tree what is she doing Kyle what’s going on I’d buy a house like that IRL cool chill little underground bunker pre-furnished and everything hmm Laughs now let’s go figure out what that is because I need to figure out what this is I have to I have to know Cool let’s go let’s go let’s go that’s a farm what kind of farm oh well did we climb this ladder I wonder Why this goes up a ways Thrill doesn’t seem like it’s gonna stop anytime soon Don’t fall Wow straight into the sun don’t look burn your eyes what a thrill I stay here and then if you fall I realized that did whoever build this like purposefully build it to the limit of Minecraft height Mighty Sun ladder it’s okay I’ve got one of these little totem guys don’t go to light oh wow the clouds now what is it again hold shift tap shift

It’s above the clouds it’s literally they made it so that it’s actually just above the clouds there’s an even higher why would you do cool this doesn’t feel safe Ancient Aliens lunatic would go that high someone decided they wanted to build real high up I can’t even see the ground anymore

It’s a mob farm huh why do you have to make it like that to make sure that when they drop they die Maybe wow yeah that’s definitely death if you fall technical reasons uh of course oh prevent them from spawning underground gotcha well do I think there’s much I can do here

If you land on water you’ll be fine yeah let’s go I’ll climb the ladder let me go free me okay well this doesn’t bode well don’t worry you have a totem I know but I don’t want to waste it I don’t want to waste that told um

If you ever see land day I can write on that cloud Maybe I’m climbing right I’m not falling I’m climbing you’re good climbing with stuff falling with style thank you can turn around oh that’s a lot easier than I thought okay I was really freaking out there for a

Second now don’t touch anything leave it to me turn around every now and then I get a little bit nervous and I dream of something Wild so these are connected somehow I wonder why they need this big tall thing Um what is that I don’t know I don’t think we can climb it though sadly it just looks really cool water elevator I don’t think so but it would be cool to go up a water elevator that had oh Sorry anyway wow cool that was cool that was really cool to watch what they got here what are they working on I love these frog lights we need to figure out where to find these because I actually want to use a bunch of these but I gotta figure out where to find

Them per lesson looks really cool uh here ‘s a farm a trident farm this is the Trident Farm there’s a farm in the nether oh that’s pretty cool that you can Farm them in the first place it’s right through the nether gate we should go grab some of those next time

How do you go down great question well we have to make another trip anyway so I’m sure that we’ll find it whoa wish I understood what the [ __ ] this it’s like a jump King mission Trident Farm but where are the tridents there’s smoking hot babe at the top only There’s a hot babe there a minute ago 360 flip tridents would be in the chest you would think right but there are none I’m sure there’s some reason there’s one bottom right too oh gotta put an elephant up there now I think it’s broken maybe broken that’s

Too bad I’d love to get down any water around here foreign because I want to go there next jump hold shift to look over the edge okay well I guess In fairness we could take the plunge oh I hear people dying cool well I guess if we just make sure that

We really fall in the water whoa they’re really dying in there oh is that the guy okay sorry sorry I won’t I won’t hit it again I won’t hit it again I would drowned how’d they get him up here you lit experience did he give an item open okay oh I’m crouched duh

No I didn’t like go shift I wonder how they get him up here sometimes they drop tridents yeah cool all right well let’s aim for this way oh God Maybe from here I lived I survived and I want to go see what that is the ship and she sticks The Landing fuel yeah that was a close one but we did it da goodbye cool Tower goodbye cool Trident Farm that there’s a life that lived igami Sensei calliope ship time

Looks like there’s a proper way down too you think it’s all Kaya’s Brink love looking at people’s loot whoa Beam me up Scotty I hear enemy noises we can lay this lazuli oh hello is this PPP part two oh that’s bad it’s a bad thing right that is that a bad you’re safe okay this actually works experience They can’t see from the glass that’s huge and I can just get all the experience points uh don’t hit the glass dummy Mikko XP farm so it’s not so it’s not a spaceship it’s an XP farm cool I appreciate it whoa look at all these things bones

Think I can take some to make some bone meal don’t mind if I take your bones I’m just gonna take some bones should be fine if it’s not fine though I apologize whoa there’s so much stuff whoa that’s really cool glow glowstone dust look at all these things

Let’s have some bones of ours place that beats yay I can repair my stuff oh Mind If I Do Okay oh just let me have some bones also in case I want to train some dogs whoa Foreign The Sword in the chest is for killing and getting more loot use the sword inside for a better drop thank you okay whoa that seemed really helpful just have to return it when you’re done no worries do do yay fireworks and TNT good stuff I think we’ve got enough exp to repair

The stuff I want to repair now that’s good news you can’t repair the Maui shovel now okay you can AFK here off stream that’s awesome what do they do they usually perish from falling I guess I just feel bad if I if I didn’t sleep right because what if others come in and

Play and I can’t sleep maybe just gotta let people know they Stack Up oh a big group will gather and you get Hella X EXP oh cool well we show an auto click to make it faster auto click my inventory is full I guess I can leave some presents behind it instead oopsies

I think a lot of people’s inventories get full here huh whoa whoa whoa whoa using the wrong item I think I’m done for today anyway let me just oh it’s constantly refilling huh excuse me I switched for these totem punch there’s so many of them I can’t help I

Can’t help it I can’t help but hit him all right now go down oh whoa whoa whoa oh my God what how on this planet Earth did that happen that was scary don’t forget to return the sword I did I put it back spawned in the water elevator awesome is

There a way back down okay or do I just you know pray hey there’s water though it’s smart they built it above water so I can just drop down me do a flip pretty tree house is that mummez Soros she’s been building a lot too huh that’s crazy thank you um

Let me figure out where my place is again let’s get back to civilization real quick that was fun though I’m just gonna repair my stuff and then I’ll read super chats and then I have to head out because I’ve got recording to do yeah got some good stuff done today yay

Now how the hell do we get up there the tummy is really rumbling chop it later still not even close get yourself a snack didn’t really think that one through um don’t fall now foreign it’s really really gotta be like this the game’s like no Mori no you’re not

Allowed to go do the things you need to do oh that’s pretty whoa Senpai made some beautiful things look at this look at how romantic mushroom cows do they drop like mushroom steaks No okay well that’s too bad what’s the point then milk them for soup that’s so weird you can milk them from mushroom soup oh my gosh what the [ __ ] Minecraft what the hell that doesn’t sound sanitary Something special right there I see that’s where I am Okay now then my stuff my tools Moi shovel and Maui pick eggs we need iron I have iron Now the show will yeah all fixed my prized possessions time to go this is fun thanks for hanging out with me today I’ll see you guys soon all right um unsure about tomorrow because I actually think I’m busy from morning to night with mocap and very stuff we will see

Though I want to try and squeeze one in I want to try and squeeze one in so we’ll see if not um business as usual afterward so I’m your Maury bye everybody heading out thanks for playing Minecraft with me today it was chill bye everybody bye Foreign Foreign foreign Thanks for being patient with me you guys shall I begin reading welcome back thank you very much for the warm welcome back okay Idina site today ma yay are you all relaxed now a little bit I know these days recently I’ve been getting kind of nervous before going to record

Plus I’m still a little fuzzy on the lyrics so yeah it’s a little nerve-wracking but that’s okay I’ll read some supers and go finish things up hopefully the biggest on knit fund three assassin sauce jprs NSR thank you to draconic Insight hope you and the kitties are doing well thank you to

Mamoru kusanagi Big Ups do you still accept letters of course as long as you send them to cover they send them to me probably only once every like six months or so I gather all of them but yeah of course I do if you would like

A Big Ups 2 school girls thank you very much for the Super Chat thank you to vampiric otaku and a Big Ups 2 thank you very much as someone that spent his fair share of time writing lyrics for very different bands and situations as long as you write and perform something you like

If it is heartfelt from your point of view and experience of the world it’ll resonate with people just keep doing what you do Maury thank you very much I’ll try to keep that in mind and stop worrying so much about making sure everything is really like deep and

Profound or like the word play is always a hundred percent like really cool or whatever like if you if you dwell on that stuff it can take you forever to write a song and it might not even really come out that great it might be kind of heavy-handed

But anyway I’ll just yeah I’ll try to I’ll try to keep it together thank you a big UPS to y c k n o three and a Big Ups 2 x Ward five five five thank you thank you did you see everhood 2 was announced I’m very very excited

To go look at the announcement because I actually keep forgetting to look it up but I I need to go look it up after this thank you and a biggest Decay walk what’s going on wasn’t the end of a life an extremely specific song about your own experience in a specific corner of

The underground I think that kind of depth gets at emotions that us humans can relate to with our own different specifics that is a good point I feel like a lot of people can relate to having a really deep sense of nostalgia for a time in their life so even though

It was a bit specific I guess that makes sense you guys were still able to understand it so okay I’ll try to just take a deep breath and write something um write something for me that is decently relatable I guess anything from the Nintendo showcase catch your eye Mario RPG remake looks

Really good Big Ups to Yen way thank you very much um that’s actually that’s a pretty it’s a pretty good name idea but no I didn’t think of that that’s okay though that’s fine that you are smart you are smart thank you very much to megumi carrot thank you

Very much love hearing you talk about your music and the process behind it huge fan of your music your songs mean a ton to me thank you so much megumi thank you very much for the kind words hope you can drop by to hear me speak

Here and there a little bit more on music because we’re gonna have one such of those streams after the the next song comes out it’s a big one it’s a really big one I’m nervous about it but I hope you guys like it a big UPS to Ultimate we have a

Trash what’s going on thank you so much Big Ups 2 Hats thank you to berserking sorry berserk night Dead or Alive Big Ups to you let’s go to La got my streaming ticket for connect the world enjoy watching it’s almost time it really creeped up on us huh the biggest

Suiso and thank you to mixed by 23. thank you thank you a big UPS to Lo-Fi Senpai and a big up to spank kfp and Heim I prefer my espresso without sugar thank you blood donation post boy have you got Street Fighter six no I have I think iris is

Playing it right now actually I haven’t though but I’ve heard it’s really fun maybe I’ll give it a try a big up to Super Eon thank you very much um the Big Ups to remyo thank you thank you me and a friend are going to make a

Collab post about you and Kobo hope you like it when I post love you Cali who is it fan art or something that sounds fun I think it’s the shade in times two thank you and a big up to Sombra Puck thank you V faction and thank you to

Kuro cat a big UPS to Kenshin 491 and a big UPS to V faction R.I.P Oro crony bars V faction bars thanks for the super a big up to song a Big Ups Too for the red brick what’s up man him sang Thank you so much for the big support

During this stream Cali glad that crony can join you and have some fun her castle looks amazing and your house too by the way would you kindly read the following with your best Dio impression I’m not good at pretending to be Dio Cali with this red brick I give you I

Rejected my financial stability for this month all right It was me Ah Kelly with this red brick I give you I rejected my financial stability for this month nailed it [Laughter] Calvin Calvin on the set sorry to disappoint but I’m saying this is a difficult request just a tall order for me a Big Ups 2 hike and thank you very much

To syr thank you your music was what got me into both YouTubers and rap music and just wanted to show my appreciation I’m glad to hear that you’re enjoying both of those things keep enjoying them please do so thank you a big episode thank you arnofo Mendes thank you to

Berserking the astartes Chapel Lane and jpr sent us our lots of progress today your Bunker’s looking so fancy thank you very much donger bread and draconic insight as well as pk5 ire thanks for the chill build stream good luck recording thank you to Untitled one for the rose and thank you inuhoshi I

Remember watching you build the Log Cabin back then and I thought you have a really good eye for building and that still holds true happy to see you have fun with the game now yeah it’s a good time now that I’ve kind of relaxed a little bit

A Big Ups Too see a soul thank you very much thank you for the stream very nice very cool me and my Bros were watching the Minecraft stream now I’m asleep you sure know how to how to entertain kawiope I’m glad that you and your Bros had a good

Time get some good sleep out there catch some solid Z’s young thank you and a big UPS to Nick sdb good luck on the recording Reef excited for the EP I’m sure it’s gonna turn out amazing we believe in your boss thank you I’ll give it my all

Some growls in there some anger but I’m good don’t worry I’m good no matter what you hear I’m good laughs I guess I gotta run off now rage take care of yourselves everyone thanks for hanging out with me today I’ll see you very soon uh in the

Meantime if I don’t end up streaming tomorrow enjoy the vods and then look forward to Guilty Gear and Final Fantasy 16. see you guys around goodbye peace of pizza Thank you I have a picture

This video, titled ‘【MINECRAFT】underground bunker time!! (open vc)’, was uploaded by Mori Calliope Ch. hololive-EN on 2023-06-22 05:53:08. It has garnered 79739 views and 7683 likes. The duration of the video is 03:38:26 or 13106 seconds.

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    "🔥 Ultimate Minecraft House Design by Gaming King! 🔥" #minecraft #gamingVideo Information This video, titled ‘Minecraft morden house design #minecraft #trending #gaming #shorts’, was uploaded by Gaming-king👑 on 2024-07-27 12:03:35. It has garnered 420 views and 7 likes. The duration of the video is 00:00:25 or 25 seconds. Minecraft morden house design #minecraft #trending #gaming #shorts Read More

  • EPIC Minecraft School SMP Season 6 Live Stream! #24

    EPIC Minecraft School SMP Season 6 Live Stream! #24Video Information This video, titled ‘Minecraft School SMP Season 6 Live #24#shots #minecraft #shabirzzgamer #livestream #live #shabirzz’, was uploaded by Shabirzz gamer on 2024-09-11 16:33:00. It has garnered 1055 views and 10 likes. The duration of the video is 00:50:14 or 3014 seconds. IP. umar123.aternos.me:60680 descord link https://discord.gg/CUcT3v9M Minecraft School SMP Season 6 Live #24#shots #minecraft #shabirzzgamer #livestream #live #shabirzz 💕💕😍😍 Minecraft Live is an annual online event hosted by Mojang Studios, designed to showcase major updates, features, and upcoming content for Minecraft. The event is packed with exciting reveals, including the announcement of new game mechanics, mobs, biomes, and… Read More

  • Unboxing Devil Fruit in Minecraft One Piece Mod!

    Unboxing Devil Fruit in Minecraft One Piece Mod!Video Information This video, titled ‘DEVIL FRUIT UNBOXING! Minecraft One Piece Mod Episode 13’, was uploaded by The True Gingershadow on 2024-08-08 22:00:14. It has garnered 3231 views and 228 likes. The duration of the video is 00:50:34 or 3034 seconds. Minecraft Naruto Mod Review (Narutoto Mod) – https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=cbx05etE90g MiraiGaming (Brother’s Channel) – https://www.youtube.com/@miraigaming5644 STREAM – https://www.twitch.tv/thetruegingy DISCORD – https://discord.gg/4fW99jk BECOME A MEMBER HERE – https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCV-wFS-noHcYZM19K4XQaDA/join GingyVODs Channel – https://www.youtube.com/@TheTrueGingyVODs DEVIL FRUIT UNBOXING! Minecraft One Piece Mod Episode 13 #OnePiece #Minecraft #OnePieceMod Also big thanks and shout out to our ANBU members of the channel MonsterQ Series Playlists RWBY Students… Read More


    INSANE TRAIN MINECRAFT COLLAB - MUST SEE!Video Information This video, titled ‘train austria collab minecraft’, was uploaded by Hàng Mang on 2024-03-18 05:02:45. It has garnered views and [vid_likes] likes. The duration of the video is or seconds. Boy 6 DB7 Boy 32 DB 5 Boy 5 Train Boy 9 DB OBB 1016 Boy 77. Read More

  • Insane hack: Craft a chair in MINECRAFT!

    Insane hack: Craft a chair in MINECRAFT!Video Information This video, titled ‘how to make chair in MINECRAFT .#minecraft #shorts #viral’, was uploaded by AB Gamer on 2024-05-02 09:15:03. It has garnered views and [vid_likes] likes. The duration of the video is or seconds. how to make chair in Minecraft. Minecraft meh op furniture kese bananeh.#minecraft #shorts #viral about by video yeh video real … Read More

  • Uncover the Hidden Minecraft Moye Moye Technique! 😮🎮

    Uncover the Hidden Minecraft Moye Moye Technique! 😮🎮Video Information This video, titled ‘The secret Minecraft moye moye technique😎 funny moments 😍’, was uploaded by A_R gaming on 2024-03-07 07:46:50. It has garnered views and [vid_likes] likes. The duration of the video is or seconds. minecraft The secret Minecraft moye moye technique funny moments shorts #minecraft minecraft shorts #minecraftshorts … Read More

  • RulerCraft: The World Is Yours 1.20.2-1.21.1 – SMP, Factions, Roleplay, Towny, Earth, Perks, Religions, Cultures, Dungeons, Java, Bedrock

    RulerCraft: The World Is Yours What RulerCraft offers: Earth: Full scale world of Earth with all continents, ores and different biomes. Towny: Can start your own towns and nations or you can join another town or nation. Cultures & Religions: Custom set of cultures and religions to choose from for your towns. Economy: Dynamic and fair economy: automatic price changes and trading ships scattered around Earth. Perks: 54 different perks and bonuses to choose from, including Flying in Towns, Custom Warp, Personal Hologram, and more! Senate: Players vote on new features, staff promotions, ban appeals and more. Good community: Toxic… Read More

  • Minecraft Memes – 2012: The Movie that Minecraft Deserved

    Minecraft Memes - 2012: The Movie that Minecraft DeservedIn 2012, the Minecraft movie would have just been two hours of watching someone build a dirt house and get chased by creepers. And honestly, we would have paid to see it. Read More

  • Crafty Artemia: Ship of Robbers in Minecraft

    Crafty Artemia: Ship of Robbers in Minecraft Artemia and I, on a mission so bold, Investigating robbers on a ship, we’re told. In Minecraft, a mod brings the challenge near, Illager Warship, danger lurking, so clear. On RuTube, Zen, and Twitch, we share our quest, With Discord and Viber, we aim to impress. Join us on this journey, filled with thrill, As we uncover secrets, with skills and skill. Stay tuned for more, on this gaming ride, With ClaDiamond leading, we won’t hide. Minecraft adventures, in rhymes we’ll bring, For all our viewers, let the fun ring! Read More

  • Minecraft Logic: Villagers be like “Trade or Die” 😂

    Minecraft Logic: Villagers be like "Trade or Die" 😂 When you spend hours building a house in Minecraft, only for a creeper to blow it up in seconds. Minecraft logic: spend hours creating, seconds destroying. Read More

  • Diving into the Depths of Scary Minecraft Mods Again!

    Diving into the Depths of Scary Minecraft Mods Again! Exploring Terrifying Minecraft Mods: A Deep Dive into the Depths of the Internet Welcome to Profly’s channel! In this video, we delve into the realm of unknown, terrifying modifications for the game Minecraft. Profly has curated 7 distinct mods to uncover their quality and why they lurk at the bottom of the ratings list. So, sit back, brew a cup of tea, and enjoy the video! Mod Showcase: Here’s a breakdown of the spine-chilling mods featured in the video: The Fake Player Starting off the journey into horror mods, The Fake Player introduces a sense of unease and mystery…. Read More

  • 👻Black Magic! Ninja Gaming 9018 Subscribe Now!

    👻Black Magic! Ninja Gaming 9018 Subscribe Now!Video Information This video, titled ‘👻black magic please subscribe like for more videos#minecraft #YouTube short 🥺’, was uploaded by #Ninja gaming 9018#FF on 2024-08-28 13:10:11. It has garnered 513 views and 9 likes. The duration of the video is 00:00:25 or 25 seconds. Read More

  • Ninja Showdown: Mikey vs JJ in Minecraft

    Ninja Showdown: Mikey vs JJ in MinecraftVideo Information This video, titled ‘Mikey vs JJ : NOOB vs PRO Ninja Student Survival Battle in Minecraft – Maizen’, was uploaded by Mikey World on 2024-08-23 21:00:32. It has garnered 102182 views and 899 likes. The duration of the video is 00:16:54 or 1014 seconds. Mikey vs JJ : NOOB vs PRO Ninja Student Survival Battle in Minecraft – Maizen This is not an official Maizen channel, we make fan videos with Mikey and JJ. Our channel is exclusively for fans of Maizen. We’re not trying to impersonate his personality, we just want to add new and interesting stories… Read More

  • INSANE IRON LUCK?! Minecraft Hardcore S2 #4

    INSANE IRON LUCK?! Minecraft Hardcore S2 #4Video Information This video, titled ‘ZO VROEG AL ZO VEEL IRON!! – MINECRAFT HARDCORE SURVIVAL S2 #4’, was uploaded by TorpedoTobi41 on 2024-05-06 13:00:24. It has garnered 2 views and 1 likes. The duration of the video is 00:43:09 or 2589 seconds. Waddup males and welcome to this new Minecraft Hardcore episode in which we don’t achieve anything, but that shouldn’t spoil the fun, right??? Read More

  • Insane Minecraft House Build 🔥Gyan Warrior vs TechnoGamerzOfficial

    Insane Minecraft House Build 🔥Gyan Warrior vs TechnoGamerzOfficialVideo Information This video, titled ‘Epic🌟 Minecraft House Build with TechnoGamerzOfficial #1’, was uploaded by Gyan warrior on 2024-04-09 04:54:15. It has garnered views and [vid_likes] likes. The duration of the video is or seconds. Constructing a luxurious house in Minecraft minecraft school hidden minecraft worlds techno gamerz minecraft mod xnestorio … Read More


    xMagicyMC EXPOSED - CRAZY SECRETS REVEALED 👀Video Information This video, titled ‘True right? 🙄👀’, was uploaded by xMagicyMC on 2024-03-05 13:27:34. It has garnered 5284 views and 120 likes. The duration of the video is 00:00:21 or 21 seconds. Java: play.oreo.gg Bedrock: play.oreo.gg Port: 19132 #minecraftserver #minecraft #minecraftsmp #minecraftsmpservers #publicminecraftserver #minecrafthardcore #survivalminecraftserver #minecraftshorts #minecraftsmp #smpserver #lifestealsmp #minecraftearth #minecraftshorts #minecraftmeme #minecraftsmp #minecraft #lifestealsmp #smp #minecraftserver #minecraftsurvival #dreamsmp #minecrafthardcore #minecraftlifestealsmp #minecraftserver #server #minecraftsmpservers #publicserver #publicminecraftserver #schoolminecraftserver #survivalminecraftserver #servers #minecraftshorts, minecraft server,this minecraft smp wants me dead,school minecraft server,this player,it took months to kill this player,smartest player,if you see this player,on this smp,if you see this player log off… Read More

【MINECRAFT】underground bunker time!! (open vc)