๐Ÿ”ดHypixel Skyblock But If I Die I DELETE THE PROFILE – Hardcore Ironman [Day 6]

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Thank you Thank you How’s it going no tricky it’s never the whole five minutes but I like to put that up while I’m getting things set up on my end Now we doing today rainbow and rookie welcome back To another episode of cork plays Dead game this week on such an episode it’s Guy pixel High block Oh that’s good stuff don’t ever do that anyway What are we going to start with today how about minions oh should have gone to this one first uh yeah hyper furnace recipe unlocked now if I can just remember what a hyper furnace does we’ll be all set I think that’s the one where you put

Items in coal and it just like insta smelts the whole stack doesn’t it oh yeah look at all that chicken at least I got chicken just instantly upgrade you right now Beauty I guess we can do cows too while I get my uh hey Enchanted raw beef nice making some progress thank you

I’m gonna take out all my raw beef because I think I can still upgrade a couple of these cow minions with normal raw beef right or just this one twice that works too I guess it’s worth doing but there’s my slash death count there’s zero deaths

I don’t know how but we’re still in this we are still going now there is something that I do want to test that I believe it was Roman told me about yesterday because someone splashed a whole bunch of XP levels on me I’m gonna try something

By the way just kind of goes without saying but please do not attempt to assist the character in any way shape or form by which I mean this right here anyway what they had said was if I open this click on super pairs click on the beginner experiment then alt f4

It should remove the XP without actually giving me any rewards so let’s verify that we are at 25 831 alt f4 and we’re gonna see what happens In like 45 seconds because Minecraft things foreign Running a NASA supercomputer here while you’re waiting though you could always I don’t know like the Stream So let’s see what we’re at first things first we are at okay it did not give me any enchanting XP it appears to have did it even take any XP from here I don’t even I didn’t well the chat what was what was my enchanting level at the bottom there the

214 was it 214 like two or three minutes ago you guys can can scrub backwards through the Stream I I can’t really and it did put it on cooldown so I can’t even do this now it’s at least something 239 okay so I I was able to lose 25 enchanting levels

But the pain on the Dick of it is I can only do that once so what we’ll do tomorrow or the next stream if I’m still alive is we’ll do the super pairs experiment and just ignore it for right now because it’s only 25 levels ago and

We’ll try and unlock the next tier of it or or the the side experiment there or something just so we can push more of our XP levels out like that’ll be the way to go now of all the options that I’ve got I’m thinking the sensible move here is to go

To the Dwarven mines and as usual see if we can get our commissions done it’s not looking super promising because the last time I remember being in there I had still obviously a hundred goblins to kill actually while I’m here I’m gonna grab some arrows

But I had 99 of the hundred goblins left because oh wait no I guess I’d have 98 now if I have to kill a hundred golden goblins it’s gonna be rough also this is the one multi-purchase in the game that I can find that you can’t right click to

Select 64. not sure what happened with the coating on that one but just Skyblock things anyway foreign I should be about 50 of the way through a double powder event minor commission thing Who is here well as far as I can tell it’s IQ Doug welcome to the chat oh you know just trying to stay alive so far we’ve gotten our minions today and I am just uh oh it’s a two times powder event but it’s only for four

Minutes Uh crap crap crap what do I do okay I’ve got 60 percent do I just go for The Puzzler if I go for The Puzzler and it says that it’s on cooldown I won’t probably have enough time to mine it manually so I’m just I’m just thinking I oh Jesus I

Don’t know I’m gonna I’m gonna go for it I have to kill a hundred goblins however golden goblins do count so that’s something the problem is because I’m not allowed to die and goblins will 100 of the time one shot my character with the amount of stats that I’ve got

So far it does pose a little bit of a problem son of a that’s really really bad I now don’t think I’m gonna have enough time for this double powder event to be able to figure this out but uh we’ll see how it goes yep a little hardcore Iron

Man cannot die if I die delete the profile technically not a game mode that exists but by God I’ll make it exist alright so we are at 62 percent on this Commission which is not great given the amount of time that I’ve got which is why I use my

Right click ability and came over here where there’s a lot of blue wool because the blue wool gives more powder than anything else but it does take a lot longer so I think I could be wrong but I think mining these green ones when I don’t have my right click ability up is

Gonna be the fastest option and then mining these when I right click is going to be the best option could be wrong though but yeah I’m on a little bit of a time crunch right this second wolf and after that I’ll kind of show you what the hell

I’m talking about if you’re curious you can do slash death count in this server and it just so happens that I’ve got zero deaths you asked that already IQ Doug if you’re not sure about who’s chatting simply go into the top left corner if it says top chat click on the little arrow

And set it to live chat to be honest bit of a PSA for any live stream that you’re in if you’re in top chat you are missing random messages okay we’re at 82 percent with two minutes left this is looking possible but maybe not super promising 45 seconds on the right click cooldown

Wait wasn’t it 60 seconds to start with did they make it a minute and a half what the hell’s happening there oh no can’t mind that right now titanium doesn’t give you mithril powder How much is this per go of it’s only like 1.1 percent Chet what do you think can we do this another oh yeah we’re at 91 never mind you use mods or clients absolutely not if you want to you go right ahead but the entire point of this character is

For it to be as difficult as possible and having a mod spoon feed me content and do a bunch of it for me just seems completely counter-intuitive to me the only modifications to the game that I’m using right now are OptiFine and a texture pack and there we have it

Two times mithril powder minor event I’m gonna hit these real quick and then go turn in my commission super happy to have that done but a little bit worried about what I might end up with as my next Commission yeah Captain keep in mind as well I’ve

Got a rock pet because that’s really all I’ve got access to right now as far as mining pets so I can’t even like get an XP boost or something like that this is my pickaxe right now I don’t even have mining fortune on it yet um there’s no reason for me to upgrade

That though because the amount of resources that it costs oh is not really worth it Um I don’t know how strong a star Sentry is so chat I have a question do we risk this because I just got star Sentry puncher Goblin Slayer and that is that is as bricked as bricked can be so I did say that I would apply one enchantment and uh

There’s my death count by the way zero I did say I would apply one enchantment per day until I was out of XP levels so I I guess it’s gonna be growth five on the boots how you doing IDK welcome back we are in danger No star sentries need five hits to kill but I don’t need to kill them see the commission is called star Sentry puncher and that means all I have to do is hit them 10 times maybe they do have to be hit 10 times to kill I don’t know I

Think it’s five doesn’t matter all I have to do is actually successfully hit them 10 times without dying but the problem is I don’t have very good stats if I had like Star Sentry Slayer if that was a real commission which thank Christ it isn’t Danger we’d be in a lot more trouble but uh I don’t know maybe I can do this I have 500 defense with the two pieces of glazeight that I’ve got that enchantment just put me up to about four and a half hundred HP what do you think Chet did we just go

For it Keep in mind if I die the profile gets deleted and I’m probably done with Skyblock again for another year at that point also weird this two times better man’s eight minutes long I guess there was another one oh right I can’t jump down here because I’ll die from Fall damage I always

Forget about that um So don’t die well it’s easier said than donutricky because all the things that I need to do are dangerous it poses a little bit of a problem why do you do this challenge why not just normal you will definitely die at some point you just answered the entire question

Also because do you have any idea how bored I am of playing normal Skyblock that’s my non-ironment profile that’s my main Iron Man profile P.S have a look at the gear that that one’s wearing there’s a there’s a reason that I’m having to find like uh you know new challenges and New pieces of content to do so I’m gonna try something really foolish I gotta see just how much damn oh no I

Guess I’m not I was gonna say I’m going to see how much damage my bow does but I don’t know if there’s going to be any goblins spawned here because that guy just ran through and killed them uh where is my bow oh it’s on my on my Hopper a little further

I I don’t know how much damage I’m doing but I’m hitting them okay I mean what am I planning on doing with my maiden the same thing I’ve been doing with my maiden since I stopped playing it leaving it to rot what do you mean and if you ask for free stuff without

Typing in exclamation mark rules and reading the rule about asking for free stuff you’re getting timed out okay we can actually get a little bit closer here um I need a safe vantage point for goblins and I think this is about all I’ve got how do you get to the Dwarven mines are

You mining level 12 yet Well this looks good don’t move come on yeah buddy all right we can actually kill goblins which as bad as this is this is at least safe I’m kind of stunned though this is working um don’t go in there come on can’t tell if I’m there we go

Sorry one sec this is a really awkward shot to make uh uh so yeah shriki if you’re level 12 mining then you’ll need some items and you can either go to the very bottom of the deep caverns and talk to an NPC there named Reese r-h-y-s

Or I can just tell you what those items are and you can buy them off the bazaar or something your choice God damn this is harder than I thought it would be at least it’s really all I care about because this feels safer than star Sentry

Puncher but I’d be here all goddamn day if I actually tried to do this why am I not hitting them come on so close I really really don’t like that they removed aiming right now you want to know by yourself gotcha Come on it’s got to be like one hit away from dying what why can’t I hit you okay well I just saw my arrow fall when it did that so I’m not really sure what happened I’m gonna unsummon The Rock pet because I think it might be getting in my way perhaps

Yeah I think that’s exactly what was happening because that Arrow just hit so that or there’s something in the way that’s just sort of floating right about here which is a little awkward hmm so keep in mind though shriki has never played This Server before and isn’t

Really a Minecraft player so baby steps on that one and they also just said that they didn’t want to know they wanted to find out themselves so Come on where’s The Sweet Spot a little higher I think all right come on hit that Goblin I mean I’ve killed five of them so far so I think this is probably the wrong choice I’m gonna go and try and do star Century puncher instead All right unfortunately though I will need to shift into a different Dwarven mines Lobby I think or I could just mine here and wait until they’re star sentries but It’s always one of those right when you need them you’re not gonna get them do you not get annoyed about how dark it is in there no of course not fulbright’s a mod you haven’t seemed to get it yet so we’ll explain this again guys if I

Haven’t earned it I don’t get to have it you didn’t earn Fulbright you just turned it on there are things in the game that provide you with Fulbright that you have the opportunity to earn those things are the mushroom talisman as well as uh God potion without those two things if you have

Fulbright you didn’t earn it you don’t deserve it you shouldn’t have it oh Beauty Cliffside veins on our way and that’s the entire Mantra of this character if I haven’t earned it I shouldn’t have it I’ll keep saying that again and again and again now I realize there’s a oh I’m going the

Wrong way I realize there’s a raffle about to start but and unless it’s on my way then we’re just gonna kind of ignore that because this is potentially Gonna Get Us killed uh what’s in the Royal Palace I mean uh uh I need it but I don’t need it that badly

The rules are if this number is ever greater than zero I delete the profile as far as I understand dungeon count dungeon deaths do not increment that number should be right over here somewhere yeah okay chat cross your fingers rub your toes and kiss my ass goodbye because this is

Probably going to get me killed if I can just lure one of them maybe I can piss it off with an arrow no it’s looking at me come on what are they not oh Jesus they are okay that’s way less damage than I thought it would do okay this is doable this is

Totally doable it’s a little scary but it’s doable as long as they don’t get swarmed we should be okay oh okay I did not like that at all but we’re done I really thought that was gonna hit me harder than that I thought I was gonna

Do at least 50 percent of my health but I think this I think the only thing that saved us is our two pieces of glazeight okay that was way more stressful than I needed today but that is commission number two of the day done okay golden goblins layer is

Actually good that’s we’ve I thought it was bad initially it’s actually pretty good I can I’m I’m okay with that let’s put it that way also because of where I’m going there’s a chance that I might be able to participate in the raffle real quick yeah I stubbed my toe and my character

Got sepsis so I’m dead now I tried this once and died from a silverfish well that’s why you don’t ever mine End Stone and until you get a stonk come on crowder get with the program all right there I’ve got my my tickets in that’s all I needed to put in I think

But you know what there’s so many of them down here maybe I’ll just make an effort holy Jesus okay there that’s good enough what are we at three three percent two percent something like that all right so to spawn a golden goblin oh a spider has done silverfish Jesus

Yeah I’ve been a little afraid of the spider’s done so far I’m gonna be honest all right so to spawn a golden goblin here’s what we’re doing I’m just gonna mine Cobblestone the exact way that I’m doing right now I’m actually going to speed boost myself and then hit shift

Um that one ticket that I put in just gave me 68 out of the mountain XP 13 000 mining XP and 850 mithril powder which I now realize I needed to put in 50 tickets to get the full amount I didn’t realize that was the case until now

Because usually it would give me 80 a thousand and fifteen thousand so okay my bad it’s fine so yeah golden goblin Slayer 100 totally doable can do no problem this is in my opinion the best way to spawn a golden goblin because every time that you break the second layer here

Like the first one where it creates um Cobblestone like that doesn’t but the second one has the potential to spawn a golden goblin so it’s not amazing I guess but it is what it is I can break these about 10 times faster than I can break any other kind of ore in here

I can just hold down two buttons and above all else I need so much so goddamn much um Cobblestone you don’t even want to know you don’t I don’t think people that are not an Iron Man appreciate just what a grind getting enough cobblestone on an Iron Man is

So think about it like this for just a second just in case you you’re really that curious you know how all of your minions you probably want to have a super compactor and you can have I think someone said 31 but let’s be realistic and call it 30 minion slots Each of those super compactors takes seven whole goddamn stacks of Enchanted cobblestone so One Enchanted Cobblestone is a hundred a stack is 64. a super compactor is seven stacks and I need 30 of those Redstone is not worse to get redstone I’m just gonna plop down a couple of

Minions and walk the hell away from that fully intend on having like three to five Redstone Minions on the go at all times so 210 Stacks so napkin math that’s 1300 Enchanted Cobble so what’s 1300 times 160 that’s like around 170 000 give or take a very

Napkin math on that so it won’t be super right but around 170 000 individual cobblestone and that’s not including getting your your personal compactor or any other stuff that you might want Cobblestone for which granted there isn’t a lot but there is some I had Enchanted Cobble in there

So I’m going to store my arrows and then continue on am I fast enough at mining didn’t know so the problem is as I say the first layer doesn’t actually have the potential to spawn a golden goblin so we’re kind of stuck with this speed right now okay my napkin half

A million off 2.15 million couple to get 30. 2.25 to get the 30 Arsenal compactor and you kind of get an appreciation for how this isn’t actually a total waste of my time right now I mean it’s definitely a little bit of a waste of time but I’m not going to build

A cobblestone generator on my Island and if I’m going to keep getting golden goblin commissions this is the easiest way to do them it does pose One Singular challenge though which did occur on the very first golden goblin that I spawned those bastards can jump off of the bridge

What does Iron Man mean if you go under Skyblock menu profile management and I can’t right now but create a new profile when you create a new profile you have the option of special game modes an Iron Man character has no ability to trade with other players in any way shape or form

As tricks in the chat pointed out that means no using the auction house no using the bazaar no trading other players none of it I could party with other players theoretically they could do things like I could spawn a Slayer boss and they could kill it for me

Which I expect will happen anyway because people just attack each other’s Slayer bosses and that’s that’s just a fact of life I’m not gonna I’m gonna try not to get too pissy about that as long as no one from the stream is like following me around killing all my bosses

It’s uh it’s a pretty big challenge but the thing of it oh shriki this server has been up for a few years now it came out around 2020 2021 I think it was mid-2020 and at some point the economy has started to slip into a state of decay Most MMORPGs It suffers from a lot of inflation now the buying power of your coins has gone down and down and down as the server has been up longer primarily because a lot of the updates have added different ways that you can end up getting a lot more coins

Generated out of thin air now if you’re getting an item and you trade that item for another player for an amount of money or you sell that item for an amount of money in game that’s not generating coins that’s just moving them from one player to another and a matter

Of fact because of the tax system it actually removes some from the uh from the game the problem though is gemstone Mining and the new farming update as well they aren’t just transitioning items from player to player and removing coins from the economy how you doing Pig

They are you sell the item to an NPC it creates new coins and the amount of new coins that it’s created has caused an amount of inflation where um I like to to use booster cookies as an example as something to pin inflation to when I started in January of 2021 a

Booster cookie was between 900 000 coins and 1.1 million hey chat who can tell me the price of a booster cookie today because I can’t actually technically look we just need a golden goblin game come on they’re like seven mil yeah I’ve heard that they were as high as 7.5

I’ve heard that they’ve been as low as around five and a half but uh yeah there’s somewhere in that range so if we average that out say they’re six and a half mil that means that the value of your coins the buying power of your coins has gone

From them being one mil to being six and a half mil it means that it’s gone down by six and a half times to put that into context think about what you can go to the store right now and buy for ten dollars maybe a bag of chips and a two liter

Bottle of Coke maybe a sandwich I don’t know maybe you can buy like a McDonald’s meal or something whatever you can buy for ten dollars think about that really Envision it in your head you know get a get a good mental image and a good grasp of it

Now imagine that two years from now that ten dollar item is 65 dollars that’s how much the economy is inflated so far in two years in this game yeah Jerry’s Workshop scares the hell out of me and I’m not gonna be doing that well actually no so hmm

That’s just like the teleport right yeah so the season of the Jerry event scares the hell out of me and I won’t be doing that Jerry’s Workshop I’m actually probably gonna go there as soon as I get my next Commission because it’ll be open for quite a long time

I played fortnite one time on stream and one time for the 10 000 sub special that I since privated it is extraordinarily unlikely that he knows me from fortnite possible though I mean I get recognized in the strangest places are shriki the current uh top strangest place that

I’ve been recognized in my uh in my latest last couple of months I mean tell them to join the stream and come chat if he wants to tricky anyway the weirdest place that I’ve been recognized lately I use a program called DaVinci Resolve for all my video editing and there’s a

Discord server you know DaVinci Resolve Discord server it’s their official Discord and I like to go in there and talk to other editors and other people that are using the software to try and figure out some things to try and troubleshoot Etc recognized as the guy with the Hypixel

Skyblock mining guide in that in that goddamn server of all places and I’m still super confused about it I forgot I could use my right click and run forwards this is better how you doing golden uh you missed me take a bit of a chance and go after a slightly annoying Commission

We managed to do star Sentry puncher Our current commissions are goblin Slayer and golden goblin Slayer and I did actually kill five goblins but it’s it’s not good if the aiming enchantment still existed it’d be great but because it doesn’t it’s not great yeah the mining guide is strangely the best video that I put out performance wise

Not really surprised by that you know what I’m moving so slow I can probably get away with two rows maybe now yeah whatever oh okay I hit him it doesn’t matter if it gets away now and jumps to its death I’ve hit him so even if it falls to its

Death we’re good but there we go that was what I was trying to do that whole time that I’ve been mining Kabul for anyone curious it’s the best enchantment Eve but All right and oh actually not as devastating as it could have been so that’s not Goblin Raid Slayer which would have been a kick in the dick don’t get me wrong but uh that’s actually not too bad it’s more complicated than I’m willing to talk about right now Peggy send me a

Damn on Discord if you’re that interested okay so what we’re gonna do here is we’re going to basically wait and see what the next event is in the Dwarven mines and if it’s a Goblin Raid we’re gonna see what we can do because to participate in a Goblin Raid

All I’ve got to successfully do is I’ve got to basically shoot a goblin or a automaton or something from a distance and get some amount of kill count in it and then hope that the lobby has enough people in it it doesn’t right now crap 13.

Um in order to finish the Goblin Raid so in order to try and make sure that we actually get this done I can from a long enough distance golden um in order to make sure that we get this done I’m going to hop lobbies a couple of times because this one’s down

To 11 players and that is not enough for them to finish a Goblin Raid generally speaking a lot of people just went to the season of the Jerry so it is what it is so there was the raffle event not too long ago but a little while ago so there

Should be a Goblin Raid or a better together or a wind Compass whatever the hell it’s called or some kind of event anytime now so I’ll just hang out over here where there’s lots of gray blocks and get to mining whoops You know I’ve got 7 000 powder I guess I could use some of it Do I have any more tokens where do I see those yeah um I guess I’m gonna go into daily powder but there’s no reason for me to put any points into it so I’m just going to focus mining speed I think yeah that’s better hello what are you working on right now

I’m hopeful that there’ll be a Goblin Raid for the next event here as if there is I should be able to do it with a artisanal short bow from a safe distance all I’ve really got to do is be able to hit an automaton and if I can do that we’re all set

Assuming that Lobby finishes The Raid now once I’ve done that I’ll have four commissions done here and we can move on to something a little bit different and I’m probably gonna go to the season of the Jerry next uh what happened to you playing Fall Guys well Keegan the problem with fall guys

Is that it’s been so horribly mismanaged by the company that there isn’t really a whole lot of people still playing it and oh of course now we’re gonna get golden goblins is that how it is game you’re gonna start giving me stuff I don’t need just willy-nilly like that huh God damn

It’s almost insulting Anyway the problem with uh with that server or with that game rather is that they had this opportunity they had this huge huge splink of players and then they started screwing it up they did things like removing all but seven of the custom game modes and when

They did that everyone kind of thought okay well they’ll fix it soon it took them several months and then when they did fix it they released some new content but it wasn’t very good it was that like satellite scramble stuff it was okay but most of

The game modes were not well well liked like the one where you were at a factory and had to jump on buttons no one liked that basically no one in my chat enjoyed that game so we ended up playing things like extreme mode and um I can’t remember the names of the

Game modes right now off the top of my head but we ended up playing a couple of game modes that people enjoyed more that had been out for a little longer well the last time that I streamed it they had essentially removed every game mode that people enjoyed

Extremes was gone uh you could no longer do Isaiah tricks you could no longer do um oh what was that uh jungle jumble and instead of jungle jumble you had the option of directly choosing the one with the the rhinoceroses the Rhino whatever the hell it was called

The problem though was that with jungle jumble if you started it with 60 players there was a chance that you’d end up with 60 players against three rhinos and it was actually super fun but the default just select the Rhino game mode maxed out at either 25 or 30 or something

So it kind of took a lot of the fun out of it because you couldn’t get into certain game modes with as many players as he used to be able to and this can be shown by if you go into Google Trends type in oh it’s a double powder event

Damn it type in uh Fall Guys and look at the giant bump when they hit free and then notice that currently they have less traffic now than they did before the game went free when it actually still cost money so I do intend on coming back to

Skyblock or a Skyblock sorry Fall Guys but I had said originally that I won’t come back until they release the level editor they’ve been teasing that damn level editor since last summer but somebody told me that it should be out end of April so we’ll see when it comes to fortnite I stopped

Playing fortnite fairly early on because I don’t like that their creator program requires me to put in like full name address credit card details photo ID whole bunch of just to get into the Creator program I don’t care if I make money through the Creator program I

Just wanted the ability to create custom apps and play them with viewers but to do that you have to be in the Epic Creator program which requires all this so yeah not gonna do that Everybody’s a somebody for someone anyway because we’ve kind of I mean we got three done at least that’s not terrible I’m gonna jump back to my Island I’m gonna store what I need to store and actually since I’m here I’ll grab the resources from a couple of Minions that fill up fairly quickly

And yes I’m using an oak minion what’s the what’s the expression don’t at me there is a lot of method to the madness on the oak minion So uh by the way oh shriki I don’t know what the requirements to get into it are but I’m going to go into an area that only unlocks I think about every three and a half days and I would advise that you do as well because you can get some

Pretty good resources out of it and it’s kind of fun so Hypixel Skyblock has kind of seasonal events And the wintertime slash Christmas one is called the season of the Jerry a second here and the Rio carpentry level 8 ice so to get to the season of the Jerry usually they’re whatever this is it’s not the season of the jury is that the event or is no sorry welcome to Jerry’s

Workshop you can see that there’s a gift on the ground and when I right click it giant Sparks come flying out of it it’s a pretty good time you can talk to Saint Jerry here and he’ll tell you that you can find up to 20 presents and then come back to him

Now you can go through all this manually if you want to look through all the buildings find all the presents like that but I’m not gonna do that I’m gonna grab a couple along the way here but I’m gonna I’m gonna do something else first

And I’m going to be tearing my hair out shortly so if you want to see that stick around and maybe hit that like button if you got nothing else to do oh did they finally put this in because this has been content That was supposed

To be added in for ever actually it was supposed to be added in ever since the start of the server and I just kind of didn’t bother with it I don’t know what they did but it’s good that it exists now I’m a little afraid to go anywhere new because

I don’t want to accidentally die I will not be warping anyone to my Lobby for any reason anyway if you come up here and talk to Gulliver he’s like hey a bunch of gibberish you can go and do this race you have no idea what a frustration this

Race is if the lobby is lagging and this one seems like it’s lagging a bit so I’m gonna hit F5 so I can see myself a little better I’m gonna wait until he’s a little further ahead of me and him well I trust you to a certain point I

Don’t trust anyone a hundred percent anyway hit spacebar to go up and welcome to chicken rings oh I hit nothing and I’m not okay that’s fine I got disqualified from nothing it’s always a good time in chicken rings it’s pretty normal so you’ve got to do a couple of rounds

Of chicken rings if you want all the rewards from it Going into the new areas something yeah well not interested Sherry’s showroom okay didn’t know that was technically an area but what I want from chicken rings is the accessory okay so I did that in 28 seconds that was that was supposed to end there so now I talked to this guy he talks

About a red gift but this reward has been broken forever you notice how I don’t have a red gift and it just you know said objective complete talk to Gulliver reward red gift do you see one because I don’t anyway it is looking dumb but uh

Yeah you don’t you don’t even know yet oh good great good good good times had by all any time now game we’re gonna go he does 360. no chicken I came my game just broke too okay well we’ll try disconnecting and reconnecting if you’re new to Hypixel Skyblock sometimes there are problems

And other times you’re not playing server went down okay well we’ll give it a minute foreign you’ve got no excuse not to hit that button that I want you to push great timing Robin welcome to Hypixel Skyblock just broke nothing out of the ordinary there is there let’s try it again

Okay we’re back or oh okay we might not be entirely back oh oh this this ain’t looking too good uh it works is a funny way of describing what I’m seeing I wouldn’t fully agree uh uh let’s try going to Skyblock Okay so far so good and can I teleport through this now jet how do I teleport to Jerry’s Workshop is there not a button here anymore Because there used to be a button either here or right here what do they do where’s my button Fast travel did they put the button in the warps menu is that what you’re telling me Private Island Skyblock Hub dungeon spawn Garden warp to Jerry’s Workshop I hate it thanks oh right then let’s go ahead and climb that mountain back up to Gulliver keeping in mind I have no ability to

Jump more than one block high at a time that’s this isn’t I’m not just doing this for my health I really can’t get up here better uh oh shriki go to the hub once you’ve teleported into the Hub turn completely around and talked to the Jerry that’s standing under the giant tree He should teleport you here You may have to go through Jerry the first time to unlock the teleport to it I’m not entirely sure and you can go here for the entire month of December and Skyblock which each day is 20 minutes and the month I think is 30 days long so do math I don’t know

It’s like eight hours or something oh Jesus okay well Gotta Love leg oh good I missed um I’ve I’ve played video games before sure have Okay what the did I actually break it again what’s going on here there we go oh this is this is not gonna be good It may be a little hard to tell but my God the lag on this is I just landed the chicken and it didn’t kill me so that should give you an idea of how the lag was that that little bastard took a full step uh Uh I think it’s like 8.66 or something isn’t it I don’t know it doesn’t matter it’s it’s a long it’s a good long time I have no idea of whether or not this is gonna even count because like I have no idea if these rings are counting or

What’s happening I’m just trying my best what’s your guild the one-eyed monsters why do you ask okay I made it in 49 seconds I made it uh he gives me a gift Compass so this is actually the only thing that I really wanted from this and this gift Compass

If I hold it in my hand shows me the location of the nearest present so you can use that to to get gifts a whole lot easier actually I think I need to talk to them one more time The Guild is for regulars and you haven’t been here long enough is the the

Short and the long of it there’s also not a whole lot of people in it not a whole lot of activity and I keep Guild chat turned off for the most part so not not a great deal of Point enjoying it if you want to join a community

Outside of the stream I would advise joining the Discord instead oh Jesus okay okay we’re good uh oh shrika you’ve been around for quite a good long time you established the oshriki road and fall guys I mean yeah you’re good to have somebody in chat can tell them

How to join the guild because I actually don’t know what the command is I think it’s like slash join Guild or maybe there’s a space in it I don’t even know yeah golden just joined the Jill he’s hey golden how long you been around now like two and a half years

In two years something like that Thank you okay oh I think I went over it no it counted somehow okay Oh God so I forgot about something um if somebody spawns a sea creature here it can hit you while you’re doing chicken rings and I will almost assuredly get one shot you crashed your porch did you see me crash my chicken I was 10 feet in the goddamned air

What the hell are you talking about Gulliver also why won’t you talk to me son of a that was the last ring too why is Aiken soft in your Discord because he’s my nephew welcome to the stream I guess welcome Piggy uh some of the regulars in my chat maybe

I want to answer that one because I can answer it real yes totally true but then you’ve got to choose whether or not you believe me as opposed to strangers in my chat so I’ll leave that one up to like golden or Triple E in the chat if he wants to

Answer that one for you I don’t think that ring counted I have no idea we’re still going so maybe it did uh I’m just gonna try for it I just I don’t even know uh okay I kind of feel like I landed on that one and bounced but I’ll take it

Okay we got 10 seconds to make it through three more Rings one six seconds two I think we have this as long as it doesn’t screw me again uh why are we I was at 22 out of 22 what happened water is Akins off my nephew um what the just happened chat

I’ll do it again but like you actually got the red gift okay maybe and I could be wrong about this but maybe the red gift is a once per profile or not profile sorry once per account the same way that the first booster cookie that you claim is

Because there is a booster cookie that you can claim once but you can only claim it one time per per account not per profile so I cannot claim it on this guy because I claimed it like two years ago on a different one okay 12. if you’re wondering where I’m

Seeing this number by the way if you look by the two little like hunger icons on my on my hot bar there on the top right it says jump in green and gray sometimes and there’s an impossible to read sky blue 17 out of 22 there 18. 19. okay that counted 20. 21.

Okay so why is it foreign what the is happening right now I’ve done it where’s my reward why can I not get the frozen chicken talisman like can they go one God damn update without breaking their game I guess I just don’t get it then because I’ve now

Completed this two maybe three times successfully I went through all of the Hoops tricks you can actually okay I will do it again just to spite you and you see where my Mana is right here you’ll see that when I start doing this it’ll start counting Rings watch the

Goddamn ring count because it was at 22 or 22 and then disappeared and then the timer just kept going until it was done so Boop I’m not interested in your advice because I just succeeded in doing it twice in a row this is a broken piece of the game and I will show it again know the third green one I was at 22 of 22. look at watch back into the stream or watch what I do

Right now because I’m about to lose my temper count one come along with me if you’d like chat too 3 out of 22. 4. five six seven eight nine ten eleven Oleg 12. 13. 14. 15. 16. 17. 18. 19. 19 of 22 20 21 22.

So if I’m at 22 of 22 why are there more Rings ahead that’s not how that’s supposed to work I’m now at 23 of 22. and I guess we’ll talk to this guy oh I see I was .562 seconds above that you’re not right the game is coded wrong

You’re correct in the assumption that that’s how you have to do it but the game is in fact coded wrong because that would require 23 of 22. now you might be thinking to yourself well maybe the green ones don’t count they sure as goddamn do welcome to reasons cork stopped playing the server

Also I’ll note I’ve done the frozen chicken Talisman on about seven different profiles and I’ve never had to go through a 23rd ring it’s always finished as soon as you get through that 20 second ring so somebody told me in the chat a few minutes ago that they had remodeled the Jerry’s Workshop Apparently they changed this foreign Ers if that didn’t count I’m going to be real pissed give me the frozen chicken so I can beat you to death with it there we go oh did they actually add a reward for the fourth one or is this still just gonna be nothing Because last time I did this there was no reward for the fourth one it just simply existed so I’ll give it a shot The only reason I’ve even given this a try is because I really like this song the music is motivating me Jingle Bus oh that’s how you get Jingle Bells okay those are completely worthless to me so even if I get them they’re just gonna go into storage for like a year actually they’re just fully useless to me the only use that they have is floor 7. as far as I know at least

And that’s not going to apply to me because I’m going to be doing floor 7 100 solo so I don’t need to worry about aggro Because I’ve got to try and get through this nonsense I don’t know where they go from here so I’m gonna have to kind of pay a little more attention and and or guess Really hope that counted I don’t think it did no For the 1 millionth time if this number is ever above zero profile is deleted any follow-up questions I don’t know what to tell you I will try this one final time foreign Cut all my Corners as sharp as I can here but the only reason I’m even trying this now is because I kind of forgot that I actually should be doing the museum on this character I’ve never done the museum on any profile and I maintain that it’s a stupid feature that I

Shouldn’t have to do but if they’ve tied it to Skyblock XP they’ve kind of tied my hems so really hope that counted I don’t know if it did looks like it might have yeah it did You cannot combat log if you log out during combat your character stays there and dies if I’m wrong about that then it doesn’t matter because I won’t be doing it anyway Water you should probably already have realized that any kind of cheese like that is going to be fully disallowed on this profile all right I missed one of the Rings so it doesn’t matter I give up that’s some stupid ass content for an item I don’t need anyway

Let’s go ahead and deal with the gift compass This will answer your question as to whether I’m listening and I’ll talk to you in five minutes Good life lesson don’t annoy cork while he’s already annoyed I don’t know why it didn’t jump There it is there anything up here something this way but I think it’s that one that it’s pointing me to Okay jump key is really not wanting to work a lot here Think there’s any more that are up top here so we can probably head down just trying to point inside somewhere don’t really know A little confused here because I I thought I got this one already Water I’m like foraging 10 and I’m already bored of it where the hell is this present it’s not down here By the way for anyone curious you cannot use a present on an Iron Man the only way for me to utilize presents is to find them myself and then use them on others stuck maybe I missed it on a subtot where the F oh God that Blended in way too much And I’m just gonna kind of run around for a little bit and find presents because trying to use this thing as a pain in the nuts You can give them presents as of the update not if I don’t open them you can’t Also that’s a really bad update that’s that’s just flat out a bad update that allows you to profile boost in Iron Man and the entire point of an Iron Man is not to be able to be benefited by other players so great job Skyblock you don’t even know what your game modes mean

Not a surprise just a bit of a disappointment Where is this trying to point me to first of all surrounding up here yep I’m thinking this one’s probably inside the house but I see one over here that I might be able to get to Oh almost fell anyway I’m just kind of running around to try and see if there’s any other ones oh get out of the stuck on top of buildings that I can actually reach I don’t think I can get on top of either of those without any kind of movement skills though

So that could pose a bit of a problem oh foreign Fury don’t use a shadow Fury would be my advice but um what is better Shadow Fury all in one or not I mean if you’re but you didn’t really tell me what the other option is you just said all for one or nothing so Given the options yeah all for One’s Gonna be better God damn it I really hate that they put in so many half slabs here because it looks great for decoration but if you run over a half slab and then try to jump you just don’t jump I’ve already got that one so I’m not really sure where this is pointing me to Pretty sure I’ve already got that one let’s see I should have done that a little bit differently whoops so a kind of frustrating thing about this character is that I just won’t have movement skill movement items for like a really long time because trying to kill enough spiders for

Enough collection for the um the grappling hook is just kind of foolish I guess I didn’t have that one I know that that’s what they mean but if that’s what they mean then they need to say it Is there anything in the bank oh yeah there it is do I need the third reward so the second rewards the wishing Compass that’s good enough the third reward is an accessory and all it does is gives you plus one speed but it is an accessory and accessories are a little bit complicated

Than it used to be but they kind of are now in the olden days you would get accessories and then you would apply reforges to those accessories and he would get the stats from those reforges and it all just kind of made sense Hypixel added something that I’ve yet to

See a single streamer actually pronounce right called thalmaturgy and thalmaturgy basically amounts to you get accessories you put them in your accessory bag and once you’ve got accessories in your accessory bag it gives you a stat I think it’s Mana or something I don’t know what the hell they’ve called it

Doesn’t matter anyway it gives you a stat that okay this must be inside the house I guess it gives you a stat that you can use to attune to a certain type of stats like there are sort of reforges that you can attune it to it’s it’s kind of dumb to be honest

Was the entrance to this building oh it doesn’t have an entrance okay what am I missing There we go it’s my favorite math operator probably Terry man operates math like no other okay so it’s right there but for whatever reason I’m having a case of the dumbs here and can’t seem to find it okay so it is directly below this right here what the hell

They put it in a hole that’s not fair I’m really hoping there isn’t one on top of Frosty but there’s often one on top of Frosty there’s gonna be some loud background noise for a bit so I’m going to mute my microphone foreign all right so it’s directly above me also while I’m in here I should point

Something out this is the best fishing rod that you can possibly get for fishing level 10. so if you have 40 000 coins you should absolutely buy that I don’t really know if I’m gonna be able to get on top of this house I don’t see

Any viable way that I can do so but I’ll give it a shot I guess Well never mind I’m better than I thought all right so there should be one over here yeah there it is and they’ve definitely remodeled this area because it used to be a just giant F off-sized snowman right there so I’m not really sure what happened with that

Anyway you notice that I’ve got all the different presents now I’ve got 20 of them this is mainly for you shriki once you’ve got 20 talk to Saint Jerry over here you’ll be like oh you did it you found the gifts good job and he’ll give you a green one

Now if you’re wondering about these gifts you just walk up to people and just start right clicking on them and this guy looks like a non so we’ll we’ll just use a whole bunch on him It’s Gonna Keep spam clicking them one more and then a green one there we go

If he doesn’t open them in time then it just puts them back into your inventory and there we go so I’ve now got 42 000 coins so I actually do have enough to do this now So let’s see what we got oh we ended up he didn’t open the Buddy you gotta open them all including the green one there we go okay and that gave me Alchemy level 2 apparently and fishing level one all right anyway it doesn’t matter so we got fishing XP boost potion

Looting four might be useful later I’m gonna throw these away to be honest uh ice Rune battle disc farming XP boost and fishing XP boost so let’s go ahead and dump some of this off the edge of the island there’s a 24 minute boost so I guess I’ll keep the level twos See you later tricks I did read what you said IQ and have I checked out the glacier cave I’m afraid of it because I don’t know what’s in it and I don’t want to accidentally die water I trust you not to me is there anything that could kill me in there

I don’t know I don’t answer personal questions on screaming on screen on stream IQ alright I will go to the glacier cave on water’s suggestion then I walked past it I wasn’t really sure what it was I ignored it uh I I would appreciate some degree of

Direction is there an NPC somewhere is there oh here we are thank you keep an eye out I see all sorts of treasure in these walls throughout the day so you literally just walk around and mine ice of course I answer on Discord but I never checked Discord while I’m Live use

Some common sense man The ice for awards I mean am I doing it right this seems this seems right is this right I guess you gotta run around a bit you mine the ice you mind the okay so I only mine the ice with gifts inside is that the joke like doing this is useless

Oh I broke a light oh wow you can actually break the lights okay that’s not good um this is terrible I’ve yet to find a single gift I I don’t see any I haven’t even seen one yet let’s put it that way Is this one you found ice bait Glacial fragment a small piece of giant Glacier doesn’t all right let’s view the recipes glacial ring grants 10 mining whiz mining wisdom is it XP I guess on the Jerry’s Workshop and an artifact and the great the glacial Scythe now require oh you sons of okay

Fine I guess but just uh that’s that’s not real good um I take it they did not have the common sense to instance them so if one spawns and someone Minds it it’s gone for everyone Thank you so I mean Hmm Helena all right um no it isn’t they are instanced oh okay I’ll see if I can find any proof of that if I can watch somebody mine one that I can see then we’ll know for sure you want to tell me what’s going on here

Okay I just didn’t have the right angle yeah they’re not instanced I just watched this guy oh okay I guess they are well I’ll I’ll concede that I was wrong that’s fair but totally fine with that actually pretty happy about it thank you So I expect that there’s probably some mod that basically oh wait packed ice did that give me ice collection doesn’t look like it did okay that’s that’s not good um one of the things that I need to do while I’m here is I need to find

Or I need to mine sorry some ice and I might go do that right now to be honest okay I I feel like this is kind of stupid but I just I just went from I’ve never mind I used to have ice collection level five okay never we got it we’re all set apparently getting an enchanted ice just yep never mind then guess we’ll just do this for a while as I was starting to say I imagine that

There’s probably some mod that that like gives you locational information for where all these are or something but I’m I’m kind of fine with this That cracked me up okay I imagine uh snow minions are now basically worthless or have they somehow retained their price Foreign okay so it seems to me like everything spawns in the same places over and over again Snow minions never got worse but their value has dropped well I didn’t think snow minions got worse I’m just saying that if this exists and I mean I’ve already got three green one red and nine white presents just from derping around a little bit and enchant ice

Oh my God okay so how much was it for the I don’t even wanna say anything here but like if I get three stacks of Enchanted ice then all I realistically need is the stack of 64 hunks of blue ice from fishing and I can get a hilariously good weapon for this character

Any tips on the third race try to hit the tops of the um of the uh the smoke rings and as you do it over and over again they’re going to spawn in the same place so try to kind of remember the pattern or like where there’s big turns and stuff like that

And try to make very sharp turns that’s about all I can advise you oh it’s okay never mind I’m not even remotely close then in that case uh hmm had my hopes up there a little bit too much either way it’s not like I’d be able to

Get the the hunks of blue ice without absolutely getting annihilated by the sea creatures that would spawn doing it so that’s fine but I might as well try and get as much um what are they called glacial fragments as I can reasonably get here right

I don’t know I don’t know what I’m doing given that this is a event that only happens every few days and it just so happened to coincide with when the stream is I guess this is what we’re doing today but uh it does feel a little a little strange

Not uh not a super big fan if I’m being honest I like that there’s a new piece of content I just don’t like the new content because most of my time has been spent wandering around looking for excuse me looking for little chunks of stuff Frozen in the ice which it’s weird it’s one of those like

If you told me about this content it doesn’t sound too bad but actually trying to do it for more than about five minutes feels pretty bad oh I’m also not seeing anything what’s what’s a whole lap game I’m gonna sip my coffee and wait for the respawn I guess

Oh shriki I have lost my temper at chicken rings more than any other piece of content in the game for what it’s worth Nutcrackers would destroy immediately oh yeah sorry I know what you’re talking about now I forgot that I was talking about fishing uh sea creatures up during this event and it was like what but no I’m I’m with you now sorry had a little moment well I’m back now

There was a new ice fishing update oh what do they change I’m guessing they just added more sea creatures were different I guess I guess this is it if I just have my mind at all do these not respawn what’s what’s going on here like I’m I assumed they respawn but I can’t

Find anything now so I’ve kind of I’m uh chat they do every 10 well I can’t find even one of them right now so if they respawn every 10 seconds and their instance to my character where the hell are they yeah water I’m kind of terrified of all fishing spots right now so

The did it break is that maybe the case I’m gonna try a new Lobby I think it stops producing items for a while and you come back later huh Maybe but let’s go see if it’s just broken somebody in the chat earlier on tried to tell me that I can get a hundred presents an hour here and uh no no you can’t notify notify mine 10 of them and then it just stops forever oh I saw that give item please

There we go pack dice What the hell thank you okay so it definitely was an instance thing they respawn in 10 seconds while mine weren’t I’m just mining where people have been because I’ve just come to the realization that the spawn points don’t actually change and there’s nothing randomized about it at all so you can just follow people around and mine the areas that are already like mined like this and there’s a fairly High chance you’re

Gonna get something They do change this one’s spawned here four times maybe some are randomized this one spun here like five times maybe some are randomized but so far I’ve not seen any evidence that that’s the case Enchanted packed ice just put me from level five to level seven let’s go

Almost Max the ice collection oh that’s too good that’s actually too good I think it goes to like level 10 Jokes Aside excuse me oh level 11. oh God I need 500 000 for the glacial site oh okay I’m even less close to it than I thought it was uh okay He’s got two from that one for some reason Is there a thing here I can’t tell I’m also a little annoyed at this because like there’s clearly an item here and it took that long to get the green gift so like why they could have made it so that you just when you mine a specific block that has an item in it you get the item but instead

You have to have a goddamned epileptic seizure there we go to be able to get it sometimes not really thrilled the problem though is that they’ve locked accessories and the glacial Scythe Behind These so um kind of just gonna have to do it isn’t the Frozen Scythe enough enough what do

You mean Roman I don’t understand what you just said to me So you don’t get a Talisman well maybe you get a Talisman on the walls but the um the Talisman that I’ve found so far is from crafting glacial fragments into a glacial ring which is 20 of them and then that upgrades into a glacial artifact for another 20 of them so essentially

You need 40 of them but then they added 40 to the facial Scythe requirements so I need 80 of these goddamn things to be able to say I don’t need to do this content again and like what is the purpose for this what why have I got a mine at 1700 times sometimes

All right whatever it’s good enough is there something there oh no hell if I know I just saw the what appeared to be the Frozen Scythe oh it’s the glacial scythe I guess I did I didn’t even look at it what does it do 120 damage 30 in five seconds slow

AOE attack though good point though water I I didn’t realize those are different so for anyone curious what I was mixing it up with was this right here which is wait this is the glacial scythe look in the middle of the oh fish all right we’re gonna be here a while The sad thing is I would rather have that upgrade than either of these accessories so wait does this only apply so I’m very confused about this thing it grants me mining wisdom on the Jerry’s Workshop but oh this actually is giving me a very tiny amount of mining XP to do this

Is it giving me mining XP to just do this no even if it was a hundred percent more mining XP it would still be quite literally nothing so I just don’t really get it you know of all the stats that they could have given with it

Like they could have made it so you don’t slip on ice they they could have made it so that it gave you a relevant bonus of any sort but it gives me extra mining XP in an area that I basically don’t get mining XP in I just don’t understand

And congratulations on shriki you did it If you just walk up to someone and start spam left clicking them on the present you’ll find pretty much anyone will uh will accept them from you Sell them on the bazaar if you don’t want to open them but I mean you earned them you might as well open them Hmm having a bit of a problem with the amount of inventory space this is taking up so I’ll keep these for right now I guess I’m keeping ice bait chat is packed ice useful for anything I don’t remember it being useful for anything And I don’t think you can turn pack dice into Enchanted packed ice because I think you have to do ice into Enchanted ice into Enchanted packed ice so packed ice is just the hills at four packed ice can I really don’t think it can be Maybe I’m Wrong so enchanted ice recipe ice

So I mean unless they made it so that if I do this then it actually works what the hell is the recipe for is it that or something oh all right I’ll take it didn’t know you could do that I just thought it was a kind of a useless item I feel like at some point it was a useless item I don’t think that you could craft pack Dyson to Enchanted ice a year ago or maybe I just wasn’t trying hard enough I really don’t know I remember getting a lot of it fishing at the at the pond trying to get Yeti pets but I always just threw it away I like that they put a light behind a piece of ice so like great work guys definitely one of those things where I’m kind of regretting not doing mushroom collection because if I had the mushroom Talisman this would be a lot less of a pain Um Well we have 13 out of 80 of the items that I would need to never have to do this again so at least we have made some progress I can’t pretend like we haven’t Foreign how do I get ice uh well you could go to where I am and just do what I’m doing because I’ve got an ice collection one to seven so far from two drops but other than that you would take a silk touch pickaxe and you would go to the Jerry’s Pond and

Just mine the ice on top of it that gives you ice collection Uh it’s a replenish book even worth it anymore since the garden update yes it absolutely is so keep in mind the garden update it allows you to Auto Craft Gardens but they’re still inefficient Gardens or I should say Farms the most efficient way to do Farms is always going to be

Vertical farms and you can build vertical Farms there it’s just you would have to manually build them Now Skype Hypixel decided to kind of have a bit of a derp moment and I’m going to teleport out back in because there doesn’t seem to be anything going on again but uh basically

The garden update allows you to get a more farming Fortune there than if you had to build them on your island in the first place so if you build vertical Farms they’re Best of Both Worlds and if you do that then yeah you’re gonna have to use replenish to replant

Them anyway as far as quick crafting goes I have said this before but the the sort of Mantra of this character is if I haven’t personally earned it I don’t have access to it full stop now quick crafting yeah I don’t really like that you have to pay

For it if I’m being completely honest with you and it’s especially compounded by the fact that I never bought any of my ranks my chat over the two years that I stream this bought me VIP Plus or MVPs or MVP Plus so technically I never actually unlocked quick crafting for myself I never

Actually earned that for myself now to be honest the bigger reason that I’m not using it is so that people ask that exact question why aren’t you using quick crafting because it just forced you to ask a question that you otherwise wouldn’t have asked in the chat and stimulated a conversation

What do you do with North Stars I have one of them apparently and I haven’t got a goddamn clue how do you have eight of them where did you get yours ashriki oh wait you just did a bunch of presents never mind uh by staff

How many North Stars is it and should I should I be doing that was it good where do I get it I’m always open to trying weapons I’ve never heard of before Oh that was weird I broke this got green gift and then broke it again and got diced because it respawned in the same place all right that’s weird you could spend them on Wares at the Christmas update but I think that’s passed I don’t know what that means but I’m

Assuming that it’s probably going to be in this uh shop right here And I am completely wrong moving on maybe you [Applause] yeah I got nothing it’s the building next to the Jerry guy uh assuming that you mean the one that I was looking at over here Maybe no go to the NPC in the village and he sells a bunch of stuff for North

Uh which NPC can I get a name Frosty Maybe across from the bank well he’s gonna give me a gun here in a second so I gotta just wait foreign there is a event that happens here and if you look on the calendar it happens for three days in game right

Then so it’ll be in six and a half hours but you use the gun that this guy gives you to shoot snowballs at uh at enemies it’s interesting you should probably go pick up the the snow Blaster and put it somewhere is importium all right see what you got Well uh only sold in December so I would actually have to wait until next December to get any of this I guess but they have white white gift Talisman grants five percent coins and XP rewards from Gifts Green gift Talisman which requires the previous and gives ten

Percent blue is 60 and 15 then purple and Golds uh you can get a reindeer oh I can get this now you can get some stuff now um you just can’t get the Talisman so the reindeer pet gives me Health sea creature chants and fishing speed gains double pet XP for some reason

Gives fishing speed and secret 10 sea creature chants while on Jerry’s Workshop God damn uh gifts during the attack event that’s that’s actually pretty good we got a snow cloak allows the wearer to shoot unlimited snowballs while using the Frosty the Snow cannon with the set okay that’s actually pretty good

Snow belt snow gloves and snow necklace an ice minion level 12 requiring level 11 which is how you upgrade that and a snow minion so you guys said there was a staff I’m not seeing a staff anywhere Somebody said that there was some kind of a staff or was I was that part of a different conversation or something is the staff only in the shop in December because there’s items in the shop that I can only buy in December it would be kind of goofy if they only put

That item into the okay well IQ Doug oh he said stuff and it was a typo I gotcha I was just thinking like hey a weapon that I could use usually those are over tuned and broken when they put them into the game let’s talk but no foreign

But yeah a reindeer pet would be nice no idea how many North Stars I’m gonna end up with but We’ll see not uh not seeing a whole lot of items respawning though To be honest I just want the glacial fragments it’s the only thing that I really care about from here the gifts I can get later on doesn’t really matter I guess it would be nice to have the accessories like the the belts and the cloak and stuff because

That would just give me Permanent speed bonuses as long as they’re on and movement speed is kind of important what are North Stars used for we just talked about that there’s an NPC in this area here in the uh the Jerry’s Workshop area I mean who sells you certain items only in

December and other items year-round including a reindeer pet and some accessories or it’s not accessories sorry some like whatever you would call them the items that are equipped in like the cloak and ring slots and stuff and belts uh oh shriki you should put it in the

Bank because if you die you’ll drop half of it having said that you’ll probably want to spend 40 000 coins on the winter rod as far as fishing rods go it’s it’s just really goddamn good for a level 10 fishing rod if you’re not going to be doing much in

The way of fishing you can buy one off the auction house later on and maybe buy some armor instead I don’t know what glazeight armor is is currently going for but I will say that it is extremely good extremely cheap newer player armor so my vote would probably be glazeight

And then save for a Raiders ax for a weapon it’ll run you about probably double what you’ve got right now or you could go totally in other directions um oshriki is basically brand new to the entire concept of the server I don’t think he’s really even played

Too much in the way Minecraft before so treat him good uh where is the bank well there’s one in the hub there’s one in Jerry’s Workshop it’s usually for some reason has like kind of a v-shaped opening I don’t really know how to explain it um if you just warped into Jerry’s

Workshop and you’re facing towards the volcano it’s on the right side the opposite side NPC that sold stuff for Star North Stars is Thank you To be honest Hyperion is insanely easy to get for anyone that’s not on Iron Man like let’s compare the difference right also I guess you can get a glacial Talisman as a drop here because I just did not know do I need that to yeah okay so I need

That to make the glacial ring okay that makes sense Foreign Anyway let’s compare right if you want to get a billion coins on a new player or a new character you can either do the garden update until you’ve got your money or you can just do a whole lot of Mining and one way or another it’s not that big of a deal

Right if you’re mining it’s about a 200 hour grind to be able to get to like 20 25 million an hour and it could be a little shorter than that but I’m I’m kind of averaging for sort of newer players or people that aren’t doing it perfectly or efficiently 200 hours is a lot but you’re making coins through that process you’re upgrading gear through that process you’re getting levels all that kind of good stuff and once you’re there you’re making about 25 million coins an hour so four hours for a hundred mil 40 hours for a billion coins that means that

You’re only realistically looking at about 250 hours of grinding mining to have a near infinite money source do you know how much of a pain in the ass it is for an Iron Man to get a Hyperion I mean some of you do some of some of you are already aware

But to do that you’ve got to grind all the way through dungeons once you’ve got to level floor seven you’ve got to find a party that’s willing to take an iron man that has crappy Gear with them because you won’t have a Hyperion and most floor 7 parties kind of expect you to

And then on top of that you’ve got to not only get a 1 in 1100 drop chance from an S Plus chest meaning you aren’t able to really die or screw up too much during the dungeon you’ve also gotta get three different Scrolls that I believe are a one in 250

Drop chance from that same chest you’ve got to get I can’t remember I think it’s 24 of the Wither catalysts um which are from that same chest you’ve gotta you’ve gotta get a bunch of other stuff and all of these things cost coins like the the handle alone is 35 million coins

Unless you do it during a certain mirror and in that case it’s I think 28. oh the scrolls are one in a thousand my mistake and you need to get one of each of them so yeah that sucks Okay so I should feel pretty good that I actually got two Scrolls while while doing floor seven on my main character way back when like I got the same one twice to be honest Was the uh the one that deals with teleporting I can’t remember what it’s called come on give thing please there we go well this is compelling wait there’s a dungeon RNG meter and oh shriki I’m just going to show you because if you’re having that much

Trouble with it then it’s not that big of a deal for me to just run out there so when you first warp into Jerry’s Workshop you’ll be standing here follow this and the bank always has gold right at the top of the entryway to it

Like this and as I say they for some reason almost always have a diagonal entryway like this there’s the bank Okay Well we’re coming up on a quarter of the way done actually this is this is not really going that bad I guess it’s a little boring and kind of stupid but I mean we’re getting there and I’m getting lots and lots of ice bait which I have no use for Now we’re doing so far 45 23 and two Foreign You set the RNG meter to something and it increases that you can set the RNG meter Okay so what you’re telling me is as an Iron Man character I can set the RNG meter to the necron handle and eventually I will get the necron handle So how does that work though do I have to do I still have to S Plus floor seven or could I theoretically get like a couple thousand a runs and it would just build up the XP for it okay so you need 270 plus score okay strange but okay

Come on game I can see it give it to me there we go Don’t know why it does that so I just need more mining speed or something well golden that just went from I have to ask Plus several thousand runs to I have to ask plus several thousand runs and I 100 will definitely get it am I going to tune it to the Scrolls

That is so that’s actually kind of just made it go from pretty much impossible to actually pretty doable just a sensible little grind boom or sorry uh water you should you should think about that though how am I going to get a Saving Grace when I can’t actually fight

Enderman unless I spawn them on my Island and given that this content right here only happens every few days I need to do this now if I don’t do this now then the next time I log in it’s not going to be here so I’m going to stay here and do this

Until either the stream ends or I get 80 of these which would mean that I never have to do this content again Okay water I appreciate that you haven’t necessarily been in a lot of the streams but congratulations you’ve caught up to everyone else you know what I mean like that’s that’s that item is the only reason that this character can even exist in the first place or the only

Reason I’m willing to try this character so we’re we’ve long since established it I’ve had somebody test it to make sure that it doesn’t do something stupid like just consume the item and prevent you from dying from one hit and leave you standing there uh We’ve Theory crafted certain things

That it’ll be more useful for them not apparently it teleports you directly to your Island when you die which is actually helpful but so there are certain pieces of content that you would think yeah I can just go and do that that I’m not willing to deal

With it a Saving Grace such as entering the crystal Hollows yeah no problem cast hopefully some of it was helpful as I say I I just haven’t done dungeons in a long time so hopefully uh hopefully some of what I told you was useful if you don’t mind me asking what pet did

You end up going with Wither Skeleton or blue whale also I’m not seeing any respawns anymore so I guess I have to just teleport out and back in when this happens chat for anyone that does this content with any degree of regularity or has done this little mini game more

Than I have is it normal that items just kind of stop respawning like this Because there was a lot more stuff in the walls when I came into this instance and now there’s really not there’s like one or two that are still respawning and I think that’s it Keep breaking the icy why would I do that you’re telling me to do this does this somehow cause more stuff to spawn is that where you’re getting at It resets the oh my God I’m really not happy that I’m pretty sure you’re right right now But I’ll try doing a full loop like this and we’ll see if that maybe fixes things This would be so much less annoying if it at least like gave me some ice for this All right so we’ve pretty much done a full round of the um the enclosure here breaking everything once we’ve gotten to the other side where the path goes up on the right side we’ll uh reassess and see if this actually worked or if it makes more

Sense to just warp out and work back in see you later I can put silk touch it gives you ice I don’t know if it will I don’t think this counts but then again to be honest do I really want it filling my inventory with that much garbage ice so All right let’s see if boom was right let’s see if we end up finding any more stuff Well so far boom I’m liking my method better which is teleport out teleport in and not have to I didn’t even move the mouse that time I just stood there breaking it having a little seizure I think Lobby hopping is probably the way to go here because yeah I’m still not really seeing a whole lot I’m not gonna move the mouse I’m just gonna hold it down okay so it really just sometimes makes you break the ice 40 or 50 times that’s really weird Are you on 1.8.9 maybe that’s relative to the issue I I don’t know I just don’t know I am that I I don’t know what to tell you Is there a warp command for Jerry’s Island if they put it into the warps there should be there’s not okay nice Casta it’s a good way to go all parties benefit from a tank a lot more than they benefit from a Healer the explosion from Mount Jerry forced

Long-loss items to resurface in the glacial cave what the hell does that mean what chat so I mean there’s there’s more here now was that like an indication that Moore has started to spawn Should I buy a pet or the winter Rod well the winter Rod is 40k and the pet costs uh North Stars so up to you if it was up to me and I’m playing an Iron Man so don’t do what I do necessarily I would buy the reindeer pet

It’s probably the first thing that I’m gonna get I was I’m finding it a little bit weird that sometimes when I mine things I get two or even three items like that time I got a white gift and then a green gift I thought there might have been an item there still didn’t look like there was anyway

I’ve gotten as much as three items from the same spot before so I I’m not sure if they’re just instantly respawning in the same spot just by happenstance or what the hell is happening Thank you oh if you’re talking about the bee pet um it’s not really a good pet if you want my advice if you’re going to buy a pet buy something off the auction house uh let’s see what’s a good starter pet honestly Wither Skeleton might not even

Be that bad just to get a little bit of damage going but I imagine you can’t afford that yet um chat what’s a super cheap early game Pet that no shariki could buy yep it’s basically just good to have for collection of pets essentially I mean the only pets I’ve got right now

Are the elephant pet and The Rock pet so I I can’t really talk too much oh that’s a good point um oh shriki my advice would be to do exactly what Walter just said and go on to the auction house and buy yourself a common tier Rarity or if you can afford

One an uncommon tier Rarity Griffin pet the way the pets work depending on their Rarity they require more XP so a common pet is going to level way faster than like uh you know an epic pad or a legendary tier pet however no matter what pet you get

It still is gonna like what tier of a pet you get it’s still gonna have the exact same base stats per level so um the reason I point that out is I’ve got a rock pet that’s common at a rock pet that’s uncommon because you get free rock bets from mining

And this one has 126 defense that it gives me if this one was level 63 it would give me the exact same amount of Defense however higher tier pets also get different like skills and different abilities on them every other tier gives you a new ability and every other other tier gives you

Um like a stronger ability so In the case of something like the um the tiger pet it gives you a little bit of ferocity which as a percent chance that when you attack once it’ll actually hit twice instead of once and if you had a level 100 say uncommon one it would give you a certain amount

Of ferocity but if you had a level 100 epic one it would give you a lot more and I’m using that as an example but I don’t actually remember if the uncommon one gets the ferocity perk but it’s not really my point what should I buy with 100K if you can

Afford it common Griffin pet absolutely 100 the best way to go it gives you a crit damage bonus it gives you magic fines you can upgrade it later if you want to using Griffin stones that you can buy off the auction house or bizarre or something like that

I would strongly advise against buying a rock pet because you do get them for free but that’s up to you ‘ll get a rock pet when you’ve mined I think 2500 oars and then the upgraded Rarity version at 7 500 and then etc etc etc from there

Griffin’s really good it gives a combat stats it gives you magic find I think it might even give you a little bit of movement speed when it’s leveled up I can’t remember it’s it’s honestly a solid Choice all around not sure what a common Griffin would cost though

I don’t think you’ll be able to afford an uncommon Griffin but a common Griffin should be like under 50K they come into the game when there’s a specific mayor that um I want to say his name Diana was that right and while Diana’s Mary you can buy them

From her for 25 000 coins so what some people will do is buy a crap ton of Griffin pets from her wait a little while and when Diana hasn’t been there for a little while post some to the auction house for a higher price to try

And make a bit of a profit oh it’s 35k by mistake that’s a terrible idea Piggy that’s honestly probably one of the worst money makers I’ve ever heard for a for an Iron Man because then you lose your rock pets you kidding me It’s not like you can get more of them there’s a griffin for 80k 80k is basically nothing so if that’s what it costs that’s what it costs and I would get it however I will say make sure that along the sort of Bottom bar and the interface in the auction

House that you set I think it’s on the right side there’ll be one that says bin only which is buy it now you have the option of looking at bids buy it now’s or both don’t even don’t even bother with bids just set it to buy it now and assume

That whatever the Buy It Now price is is the price of Whatever item you’re trying to buy it’ll save you a lot of headache in the future unfortunately there are a lot of not overly bright people that will sit there and try and snipe bids to make 5K

There’s also a fairly large amount of people that run Auction House sniping Bots so I’ve had very little positive experiences with trying to use the bid system because of that it also means you have to wait a while for your items so that’s what I’m thinking chickens and I

Would even take it a step further and that by the end of this character assuming that I haven’t died once I’ve got all my other pets upgraded at cat and I don’t really have anything else to do with my coins I want all of my rock pets and all of my Dolphins to

Be legendary just because I can foreign looks like we’ve just about exhausted this Lobby we’re up to 25 out of the 80 of these items that I’ll need so I’d love to tell you it’s going pretty good but uh it’s going it’s just it’s not so good

Oh kept walking right past that didn’t I though I buy The Vault if you’re at the bank I have never once put an item in the vault I have no idea what it’s for however if you’re in the hub actually a freaky there is something I should point

Out to when you first warp into the Hub if you go straight forwards there’s a building that is I believe the community Hub or the community shop or whatever it is if you go into there and talk to the NPC immediately to your left once you’ve entered

There’s a section in her menus for account and profile upgrades I strongly strongly advise you to start some of those because it’s the only way to get the five minion slots from there you can increase the size of your Islands by a little bit from there for free

There’s a whole bunch of other useful upgrades but they take real time you still aren’t Skyblock level three really I thought you would be by now okay fair enough when you get around to it then or when you are the appropriate level definitely do that and if something says it costs gems just

Ignore it that’s the cash up currency 10xp away nice where was this guy jumping to is there something up here what in the is glowy Chum bait 25 fishing speed 3C creature chance adds two Chums dropped on sea creatures fished with this bait what I’ve apparently missed a fair bit of

Updates in this game because I haven’t got a goddamn clue what it’s talking about about that one very strange I can see it okay there we go I mean you might as well tell me about it because I’m not going to be fishing on this character for a pretty intense amount of time so sure the hell is Chum I know what Chum is in reality it’s like chopped up fish and blood and stuff that

You put in the water to attract sharks have no idea what it is in the context of this server Foreign to fill a bucket to get items like fishing poles and trinkets like belts Not gonna lie that’s a little disappointing I thought it was going to be something to do with sharks but all right so oh shriki the problem with the Dave stories is that thanks to covet I am just a complete agoraphobic shut-in at this point and I don’t go anywhere and I

Don’t see anyone and I don’t hang out with people in reality at all if I didn’t walk my dog I’d never leave my house so all of the Dave stories that you were familiar with hearing there hasn’t been a new Dave story in over five years

So at this point I’ve kind of told them all and forgotten a lot of them I um I kind of realized that I started streaming on Twitch five years ago in April and I started streaming on Twitch because I stopped going out places because of things like covid and

Everything else just sort of changing the dynamic of my social life from it exists too it doesn’t work has no interest in being on the stream in any capacity so I respect her privacy by not telling you stories about her generally thank you not finding a whole lot of items

That is annoyed with it as I am I’m pretty sure your correct boom that you just have to break a whole bunch of ice if there’s nothing spawning and that seemingly resets it somehow because now all of a sudden there’s a whole bunch of stuff spawning Oh weird

I mean you have some I legitimately don’t I I don’t think you understand how limited my social life is everyone who I work with I work with online um everyone who I used to play music with I I literally haven’t talked to a single one of them in four years

The last real-life friend that I had I haven’t texted and or haven’t received a text back from I should say in probably about seven years give or take um I I can go on if you want but when I say I’m an agoraphobic shut-in that doesn’t actually go out or

See anyone for any reason I quite literally I’m being very literal about that the uh the only recent people that I’ve seen in reality are my grandmother’s case manager to try and sort out some family Managed Care stuff for some uh you know some like PSW stuff

So pretty much I hang out with you guys on stream and that’s that’s my social life hi I’m cork you know shouldn’t shouldn’t be exactly anything revolutionary or new to anyone that’s been here for a while wouldn’t necessarily recommend it but as somebody who’s basically lost any

Semblance of a social life it’s kind of nice to be able to stream and hang out and chat with people you’re playing a video game relaxing I’ve gotten a couple of red gifts lately we’re actually up to four of those so that’s going pretty good yes

But yeah that’s uh that’s kind of why I like fall guys because there was just a huge influx of people here that’s why I started streaming Skyblock because it had a community is it normally have efficiency twice on a hoe I would think not but I don’t know

What kind of mods or or anything like that that you’re using golden so I don’t know maybe are they different levels uh would I like to share what with yoshriki excuse me if you’re talking about the presents I suppose I could but I’ll wait until I’m done mining those so

This is something that I’ve never really understood about Skyblock right you’re not allowed to profile boost But I could buy a hundred red presents and use them all on oshriki any different from profile boosting if he gets a couple of the one million coin drops from them side note oh my God if I get a snowman pet I’m gonna be so happy I’m almost assuredly not given that it’s

A pretty rare drop from a pretty rare rare um rare present but man that’d be nice I’d rather have that than a million coins from it and that’s for sure It’d be kind of nice to get the snowsuit as well actually Foreign Discord you got me curious enough gold let me have a look-see blessed Cactus knife with efficiency 5 and efficiency five yes that’s normal I don’t know why but the same thing happens with uh everything you see how my pickaxe has efficiency five at the top but then says efficiency five

Increases how quickly your tool breaks blocks I don’t know why they did that I don’t know what they broke that caused that but that is something that happens Oh I’ve gotten a Snowman from a red gift but I can’t remember if it was on an Iron Man character a normal character I think I bought a stack of red gifts and just gave them out one stream and ended up getting a snowman if memory serves

I wanted to see if they were profitable or not well they’re not if you’re just buying them off the bazaar and using them but maybe they are now actually because there’s so many more of them in the economy hard to say Well who else is sick of this content We’re at 29 out of 80 though and to be realistic if I get 40 that’s enough that I can make the the um the talisman or I could hang on to 40 in case I ever get the glacial scythe and then get 40 later for the Talisman but that seems dumb

I don’t know I don’t know what do I do chat I’ll give you three options option one we stay here for the rest of the stream I mine here until I have as many as I get we won’t have enough time to get 80 no matter what but I’ll at least get

Closer than I am right now option two we mine here until we get 40. that way I should be able to upgrade the Talisman that I got or the accessory sorry that I got all the way up to the top tier option three we walk away right now and do something else

What are we doing so shriki well that’s a really good thing I would strongly strongly advise against using your booster cookie until you’re ready to utilize it correctly and fishing is not on the table at all chickens that won’t be for a long time not until I get um Saving Grace the

Reason I say not to use that right now is that it will start a timer immediately when you use it and that timer will last for four days whether you are playing or not so if you were to use it and then take a break and then come back it’ll still

That timer will still keep ticking down so don’t use it until you’ve got enough time to actually make effective use of it the other thing I would advise is don’t use it until you can afford to purchase one God potion off of the auction Hall I

Have no idea what they cost now I would guess about a million coins the reason for that is that one of the biggest benefits of a booster cookie is that when you have one active and you die you do not lose your potion effects if you use a god potion without a

Booster cookie active and die you will lose all of your potion effects and all the whatever amount you spent on it just write down the also I’m going with what piggy suggested there oh shriki if you would be so kind as to visit my Island I assume that I

Can use gifts on people on my Island actually matter of fact um you know uh oh shrika what’s your username or just add me as a friend whichever way you want to go about that I thought it was nine one of these do I need it’s a 12 ask for it

I’m assuming that’s you there we go I’ll teleport you into a Lobby in a minute let me just go get a clean one okay go ahead and follow me and give me one second to clean out my inventory a little bit better than it is and then we’ll start

I guess those can go in there all right Louis Chum bait and that looks good where did I put that’s fine whatever all right ready so right click on all the presents foreign how many coins do you think we’re gonna end up with at the end of this I’m thinking 500 000.

I’m hopeful anyway also I’ve now got a tier one snow minion so shriki you just made 500k maybe a mill I don’t know what snow minions are worth but if you can find someone to sell it to it’s worth a good bit problem is actually selling it

You guys do realize I’ve got a whole bunch of green and red presents too right we’re up to Alchemy level five nice I guess I just don’t need to fish because there’s fishing level four um that’s kind of neat it’s actually a massive detriment because it means that I’m gonna have to

Deal with fishing at a higher level to try and unlock the fishing minion but that’s uh that is what it is uh a green where are my green presents are there all right so we have 57 greens now greens are better quality than white I’m just gonna quickly take a look

Through my uh my items here and throw away any potions they’re level ones because I just don’t care God damn it they’re coming back into my inventory All right round two oh you’re too close to the NPC over here please Do you need a minute to empty your inventory are you doing okay Good all right Thank you we got another Snowman in nice all right ready for the four good ones we could potentially get a million coins from this so I hope as as much as you as you can let’s see what we get so we got XP boost 3 20K 500 enchanting XP and uh

Just right click on this open space there if it okay I don’t know skyblock’s doing a thing just Spam right click on that There we go and 500 farming XP not bad 337 000 coins that’s uh I think that’s all my gifts yeah so that got us two snow minions as I mentioned snow minions are I think worth about 500k give or take if you can sell them to other players but

The unfortunate thing is that you have to stand in a hub and like tell people that you’re selling them to be able to sell them you can’t just put them on the bazaar or something like that that’ll just be too easy so I mean basically just made oshriki a million point three

That’s not too bad anyway I am just gonna go ahead and throw away anything I don’t need here oh enchanting boost three not bad um level twos I’ll hang on to set everything yeah so I don’t really care about the the um the battle disc oh I have one more green gift whoops

Just uh go ahead and use that on whoever’s running okay it ran away from free money that’s fine now okay you God damn it you trying to there Jesus anyway we now have 64 North Stars let’s see if we can afford anything that we actually want

I mean chat do I get the reindeer pet or do I get all of this this would be that’s that’s a lot that’s that’s that’s a lot I don’t have anything for those slots right now so that’d be 40 health 16 speed and 40 intelligence that I otherwise wouldn’t have

But otherwise I could get a pet but I’m never really not really going to use the pet a lot I hate myself for doing this but I’m I’m gonna go with snow cloak snow belt snow gloves snow necklace I think it’s the right choice I um how do I equip them

Click on them no right click didn’t do anything Skyblock menu uh gonna need a little more help than that click on them while holding All right that does it wait a minute could I reforge these yeah I would probably buy one of each of those sure why not you’d also get the reindeer if you think you want it okay you can’t reforge them that’s fine um but an extra 16 movement speed it’s

Not too bad honestly I apparently got where all forms yeah so we had an achievement for that not bad not bad not bad not bad what’s this can even decorate my Island a little bit because why the hell not um I am in fact going to not do that at

All and oh God I left a death hole um that’s that could be a problem in the future I need to be a little cautious about that it’s just fix that anyway I’m gonna put them in my little secret stash of holiday items here Nutcracker some winter discs uh Grinch minion skin

I’m gonna use sure whatever tell holiday tree fine you know what stuff from Christmas presents is now going in here that’ll do decorate the Wasteland exactly oh Jesus okay oh oops I should have put the compass on there this bothers me a lot more than it probably should so I’m just gonna

It’s gonna not die to that it’s just giving me a real bad feeling you know okay so fishing rod we can just kind of stuff that in here for right now that’ll be fine um I think I’m just gonna throw away all my ice bait because honestly you can buy it really cheap

It’s not especially useful for me for now or for a long time so I think we’re just gonna do that we’ll deal with this later uh I don’t need the egg what else do we need to put in here I should probably keep looting four just

For whenever I have something to put it on um yeah that looks good just gonna grab this minions Cobblestone since it’s probably just about full foreign foreign So the Grinch minion skin can just go on this guy I guess Good enough all right let’s go ahead and empty out the minion since we’re here anyway sorry about that Skyblock I was just a little busy playing you oh hello damn it there we go Okay we’re getting some good progress made towards a lot of things that are a giant pain in the ass so I think we’re doing pretty good honestly it was a bit of a Sidetrack today to do what we did but at the same time we made a lot of money doing it

And got a lot of experience and skills that I otherwise wouldn’t have had for a while also shriki you’re probably high uh Skyblock level three since we just got you a whole bunch of X being enchanting and fishing and Alchemy and stuff Nice so now you can do the community shop is this just do I do I not have the recipe for enchanted feathers is that what’s happening right now okay Not what I expected but okay This is going to require enchanted Redstone yeah can I make enchanted Redstone looks like it foreign Let’s see how far off from the Agronomy sack are we actually I need Enchanted leather for it and we’re I mean bad 48 times 5 is the same as 50 times 5 minus 10. so 490 or I’m having an aneurysm that’s wrong entirely never mind what I just said

Why are you guys multiplying 48 and 45 and stuff Where wait was I right I don’t even know doesn’t matter um oh I should check on my garden a little bit Puzzler has arrived on your garden interesting didn’t know that could happen this guy wants Enchanted carrots Triangle food uh okay he wants 48 Enchanted carrots hmm how much is the next plot four compost and it’s I think four thousand per you know I could probably unlock the next plot We no longer have any money issues when it comes to um you know anything so I guess that’s where we’re at we’ll put our farming outfit on equip the pet that we were incredibly lucky to end up getting and do this in a way that’s so

Inefficient that it hurts me to my core nice the garden leveled up and I can now have a third visitor foreign Cork could you make your own Farms on the farming plot yes you can I don’t have the patience Builders wand or willingness to do it but you absolutely can modify them however you want you can just chop them right down to uh to bedrock and then from there on you can make make vertical Farms if you want to or do whatever you need

Welcome to the stream of mud elephant leveled up the main reason I haven’t though is because I don’t have the basket of seeds yet and probably won’t for quite a while and without the basket of seeds it’s just so much more convenient to let it just plant on its own

I mean chickens I’ve seen the Farms that you’ve built in the past so I don’t think I need to tell you foreign What pet are you using right now and what level and Rarity is it Potato Milestone nice please I’ll do one more inventory and see how much that actually gets me for compost because I don’t want to have to farm too much here I really don’t like farming without the personal compactor and to be honest that’ll be enough uh I’m lost I’m lost where am I going

There it is so yeah with the with the most recent upgrade I’ve now got 279 movement speed at most so I’m I’m kind of zooming for someone who doesn’t have a buff cookie active or a godpot I’m liking this so inserted bulk crops I have that’s all that it was it’s like three

Thousand good God okay potatoes are terrible I didn’t I didn’t realize they were going to be that terrible I’m just really quickly going to farm a couple inventories of them so that I can replant them automatically and wheat was so much better comparatively I know that there’s probably lots of

Information on the wiki but if I wanted to read the wiki I wouldn’t play the game know what I mean I’d much rather bother people in the chat and ask them oh missed one thank you oh these aren’t actually fully grown oops oh well still got me a decent amount anyway I don’t know if there’s an automatic build of sugar cane I assume so but they also made the basket of seeds work on sugar cane so keep that in mind I think they did at least I’m like 90 on that one they also made it work on cocoa beans

But I’ve never tried it and I have no idea how that would work so use with caution yeah sugarcane’s an option looks like you just have to have whoops not carrots have to have uh had some at some point Seeds are the best for the composter that’s weird that’s also the stupidest thing that I could possibly Farm just in the I don’t mean it’s a stupid suggestion I mean it’s stupid the way that it works in the game because seeds and wheat are going to be

Two different items that take up my inventory so it means twice as much Inventory management which is just jesta just a joy so yeah I think the garden content realistically is just going to be kind of not for me until I get to the point where I’ve got the personal compactor

And it’s not like it’s that far away I’ve got one of the seven stacks of Enchanted Cobble so far more of this did I not plant that’s not bad I can live with that see I’m pretty much just taking a break from the garden content until I get to

That point and I won’t get to that point for a little while because well just is what it is now I believe I still have one daily commission that I could do in the Dwarven mines I don’t know what do I what do I even do here

I should probably go to the Dwarven mines and start trying to work on either the other two pieces of my glacite or something in there because having higher uh just more mining more better let’s put it that way Thank you the other way I actually can’t remember if I did three or four commissions today I think I only did three and then the last one oh I remember why I only did three now So chat here are the worst two commissions that I could possibly have actually second worst on Goblin Raid but goblin Slayer and Goblin Raid I did finish star puncher I just about shot myself and ended up at half Health but we did finish it But now I need to wait until a Goblin Raid happens stand at a safe vantage point and manage to hit an automaton with an arrow Oh beautiful okay so I finally have enough mining speed to where I can actually just mine and run at the same time on this it’s been a long time coming and I need to use the minor outfit so that I’ve got haste too while I’m mining

But uh it’s missing a couple but that’s fine can I add any mining speed here what are we at 1600 and it’s 2700 nope and how about if I Sprint uh sprinting misses a lot of them but if I do this and then Sprint I should hit them all Uh no Iron Man has nothing to do with the god Splash Market the thing that brought that back was bingo Which honestly is one of the biggest oversights they could have possibly had in that you can just Splash someone with all the potions on a bingo profile and then they’re basically crazily overpowered compared to everyone else in my opinion it’s really dumb but nobody asked for my opinion so

Doesn’t one of the NPCs God Splash for you on Bingo it didn’t the last time I played it but I only ever played the first two rounds of bingo so uh here’s how I intend on doing oh come on here’s how I intend on doing Goblin Slayer

If he doesn’t run into the goddamn lava oh come on this is impossible there we go it runs like so much so much faster than it needs to anyway that actually does count for goblins layers so I’m gonna just kill 90 more golden goblins that’s fine totally Sound Idea right chat All right Matter of fact how far off from being able to craft pets are we oh we’re close we’re real close oh it’s based off Bingo rank okay I mean it’s good that they added that in because without that everyone that had been given a good Splash just had a hilarious

Um benefit compared to anyone else or a hilarious Advantage is the word I’m looking for but I mean it would have been better if they had just made you make your own damn potions instead of make that whole section of content irrelevant but what do you do

Now I consider Bingo to just be dead content on release so I have no real interest in it Foreign per inventory this isn’t going to take that long right I only need six stacks which is 512 plus 64 which is 576. oh God so I need to do what I just did more times than I want to say out loud yeah I don’t know I just I don’t know

The problem is I want more of a challenge but the main player base for this game is like four years old so they just want more and now gimme so what I want out of this server is not what is good for the server and I can accept that

But it is a little annoying uh that’s not mine oh that one is though dude this one’s mine don’t be dumb there we go see we’re already up to 11 on Goblin Slayer this will be fine this this will this will be fine right see I think you guys think I was kidding

What I said I’m probably actually just gonna do goblin Slayer from Golden goblins but uh some of you know that I’m not the problem is to be able to fight goblins I’m gonna need that Saving Grace and to get that Saving Grace I’m gonna need a super compactor for some of my

Minions to be able to start producing more resources and to get that super compactor you’re pretty much doing what what I’m doing right now I actually did try that a little bit water I was able to kill five of them but the problem is because I don’t have

The quiver it used about a stack of arrows to be able to kill five of them foreign s going so what I’m doing right now is actually kind of the thing that I have to do so let’s talk about chicken minions for a second here

When I do get another 150 or so chicken raw chicken collection I will be able to craft the egg that I need to be able to craft and that will allow me to give that to my chicken minions so that that chicken minion then produces eggs the problem is

The eggs take up a lot of space and because of that that minion is going to be full very quickly and the only solution to that is to give it a super compactor and the way to get a super compactor is to get seven goddamn stacks of Enchanted Cobblestone so

Unfortunately this is just kind of a thing I’m gonna have to do and the first Super compactor that I get is absolutely going to go to my Cobblestone minions so that it can then produce Enchanted Cobblestone when I’m offline kind of explaining it while you’re asking so a lot of different reasons though

The reason I’m doing it right here is because I can spawn golden goblins I have Goblin Slayer as one of my commissions so I need to kill another 89 goblins golden goblins count towards that so getting two birds stoned at once plus it’s another 200 mithril powder

Every time I kill one so it’s you know it’s not literally nothing but it’s not far off Not really sure what this person is doing but there’s a nun that keeps getting killed over and over and over again by ghosts three times in my chat here alone and somebody’s asking them to stop I wonder what they’re actually doing It’s annoying when I farm here in someone’s Soul whip spams Foreign for fighting ghosts anyway No wait what does that do Not useful That’s kind of what I thought it was going to be was like a single hit item like a Daedalus ax but most useless old web yeah fair enough I feel like to be able to use a Daedalus ax you’ve got to get a lot closer which

Is kind of a problem with ghosts so you would need to have some kind of like pretty decent stats is there a kind of wood that I should my yeah they’re basically all the same so ashriki I don’t think anyone that’s ever played This Server for more than five minutes

Is gonna disagree with this but foraging is garbage and the only wood that’s at all useful to you for foraging is probably going to be Oak so that you can get minion chests minion uh minion storage but at the same time you could just buy those off the

Auction house if you really wanted to if you want to go for more XP then if you go onto the park islands and chop down dark oak they spawn in bigger trees um there’s there’s more of it basically but the only thing that has any kind of

A useful kind of collection item is uh minion storages from Oak The Acacia candle from The Acacia collection and the jungle Ax from the jungle wood collection you could also I guess say that the wood pet from Spruce collection is is sort of useful

I mean it’s a really good pet but at the same time if you’re not an Iron Man you’d be better off just doing anything else and buying it so water the problem with Acacia is it’s actually the most expensive wood right now so it has the most competition believe it or not

When I was trying to unlock the acacia candle there was like three and four people going after Acacia at a time on pretty much every I kept having to swap parts I’m I’m gonna be honest I was kind of shocked uh ocelots from the wood collection I was talking about the wolf from the spruce collection foreign and the reason I discount the ocelot is that the monkey pets better I’ve also got one stack of cobblestone

And a chest on my Island so we’re not totally totally screwed here People that want to level foraging go with dark oak newer players who think that they can make some amount of money from forage and go with acacia which is just dumb you could spend 10 minutes in the garden and make more than you can make in a day chopping acacia

Uh growth armor for Mastiff I guess it has some use pretty much just campfire badge isn’t it does anyone use Master Farmer for like anything other than the campfire badge I actually don’t know What’s the best way to level up enchanting uh well what’s your current enchanting level because that’s gonna change my answer That people actually use it for wolves there I figured people just use like shadow assassin necron something that has good combat stats for like damage I wouldn’t expect them to use Mastiff I guess he could but uh echoblago if you’re under level 10 enchanting just keep getting these levels keep using them to apply whatever enchants you want to to your armor to your weapons to whatever you got sure why he was on fire probably a good idea to set up an enchanting table on

Your Island in order to do that nice another golden goblin if you’re over level 10 which you are if you’re level 26 then the meta at that point is to do your experimentation table every day I don’t advocate for the use of mods but if you want to use mods there are

Experimentation solver mods built into I want to say not enough updates but that is pretty much it just experimentation table every day if you have um extra bits and extra enchanting levels then you can do it up to three times a day I think water ain’t nobody got time for that

Will it auto solve no but it will tell you where to click anything that automatically clicks for you is bannable but it’ll just basically show you where the next click is or in the case of the one where there’s numbers it’ll just show you where the numbers are

In the case of the pattern one it’ll highlight the next place you need to click So you still do have to manually do it and you can screw it up but I mean if your memory sucks it’s a way to go it is a main damage set with Shaman sword something I’ve never actually tried okay not sure what that is on Iron Man

Because of all the health from Crypt okay interesting interesting how you doing Yusuf welcome to the Stream We’re up to 12 out of 100 goblins killed really wish I didn’t get Goblin Slayer well Mark we need Super compactors for our minions we especially need the first Super compactor so that we can slap it on either the Redstone Minion or the Cobblestone minion so that this is less

Of a problem in the future and we’re up to a little over two stacks of Enchanted Cobble so far So it is what it is you know you play in Iron Man You’re Gonna mine some cobblestone By the way don’t forget to hit that like button tell YouTube I’m doing something right even if I’m not I tried out some new content today mark the Jerry’s Workshop area is currently open for anyone that didn’t notice it’s uh it’s ongoing right now and I tried that thing where you go in

There and don’t jump off be nice there we go I tried that thing where you go in there and mine the ice that has stuff stuck in it gotta tell you not a not a real big fan but I did get 30 out of the 80 of the um

Things that I forget the name of Enchanted Frozen chunks of whatever the hell they are the things that you use to upgrade the accessory that you get from the wall Enchanted glacial something those things yeah I got to uh I got I got one of those and went from never having any ice

Collection the level five in the collection and one drop so I think we’re level seven or maybe level eight now that content is garbage like it is genuinely content in every feasible and measurable way foreign that’s doing Cobblestone grinding right now I have the base Talisman I got it from

The walls and I have 30 of the 40 items that I’ll need upper mines okay it’s too far away I’m not gonna bother I have 30 of the 40 items that I’ll need to upgrade the Talisman fully and then I’ll need 40 more to be able to upgrade the

The Frozen slice into the glacial scythe I didn’t tell you skytillas I told you not enough updates I have no idea what skytills has or doesn’t have as the only mod that I ever used for this server is not enough updates having said that if you’re insistent on

Using mods as Mark pointed out I don’t use them so I’m I’m not super well versed on them chat will probably be able to help the reason that he says not a good place to ask those because basically I am opposed to using mods on most of my characters this community has a

Incredible amount of shitty people in it that will do things like try and steal your information by giving you a remote access Trojan or just infecting your computer with something else just to be an ass so generally speaking I don’t advocate for third-party mods for that reason

But beyond that this character is an Iron Man and I feel like I’m making a hardcore Iron Man I’m making the the game harder and harder for myself so I just don’t see a point in using any mods why would I make it easier for myself if I’m trying to make it harder

For myself so for that reason I haven’t used any Skyblock mods other than not enough updates and I haven’t used not enough updates in over a year so kind of the worst person in the community to ask when it comes to what mods you should use what mods are safe

What mods do what that kind of thing what I will say about the artifact is I don’t understand why it gives the bonuses that it gives it doesn’t make any goddamn sense to me it gives you extra mining XP that only works while you’re in the um the Jerry’s

Workshop area but the ice that you mine is 0.6 XP a piece like even if I had the maxed out artifact or whatever it ends up upgrading into I would be getting less XP for ice than I’m currently getting from cobblestone makes no sense like they they could have made it something like

You don’t slide on Ice anymore or like anything useful basically but oh well what do you do is there a way to get dirt yes um there’s a couple ways to get dirt how much do you need is the real question because the easy way to get or to place

Sorry to place dirt if you’re trying to build on your island with dirt for some reason is to buy an infinite dirt one and to use that because it allows you to place dirt I think 10 blocks away from you instead of the default five and it converts one coin into one dirt

Block every time you right click if you just need like a stack of it or something then as they pointed out you can buy it from the Builder exactly water and that’s exactly why I don’t advocate for using third-party tools aside from that it also completely cheapens the experience of the game

A lot of people will say well it’s quality of life upgrades they’re just Quality of Life mods no no they’re not if they do something for you if they allow you to do something that you wouldn’t be able to do without the mod or if they allow you to do something

Without having to think they’re no longer Quality of Life mods they’re doing content for you and if you’re not doing the content and you’re gaining the rewards from it you don’t deserve those rewards why would you But as I’ve mentioned before unfortunately the community is on average extremely young and immature and is sort of of that like gimme gimme mind now mindset without any care for what the effects long term of that are actually going to be so it is what it is Uh gifts do give mining XP them maybe that’s the reason for what what are you talking about I’m at a loop here mark oh I see what you’re saying because yeah no I I’m back with it now really wish I could shoot these with arrows But I’ve got a good Strat now why are you not using quickcraft to make you ask that question and it worked didn’t it Sure golden some features are but I’m talking about things like puzzle solvers or waypoints or secret finders and dungeons I’m talking about things like the solvers for the uh the experimentation table etc etc Thank you by the way Chad I I wasn’t gonna do it but did I mention it’s my birthday today I mean it’s not but did I mention it Got one [Laughter] uh I’ve been called a bully in a while feels good what you thought the stream was For Your Entertainment no you’re here for my entertainment It’s happened before gold as I’ve said before though I stream every year on my birthday I make sure that I do and I make that same joke on my actual genuine birthday every year so one day of the year that I do that you’re gonna be all pissy and be like no

It’s not you’re lying it’s not your birthday and you’re gonna say that to me on my actual birthday just some food for thought When’s your birthday well it’s either today or it’s not that kind of narrows it down right why would I use quickcraft once I have a personal compactor I’ll never need to do it manually again anyway except for like the first time to make the item But yeah no I I did the whole mine um ice out of the walls and nonsense I got like two stacks of white gifts a stack of green gifts and four red gifts and I’ve got 330 7 000 coins on the bank now because of it so I’ve already opened a few

How you doing work been a little while oh another golden goblin We’ll get this Goblin Slayer commission done one way or another God damn it these are the only goblins I can actually kill I’m a simple man if you think I’m kidding that’s number 17. Good and for what it’s worth about you saying that it hurts your eyes to see me manually crafting uh we’re up to carpentry nine so far without using that so this isn’t exactly new I think we’re around halfway done with our first super compactor grind well not really but you know what I mean halfway down the Cobblestone part would you believe this isn’t actually the bigger problem of the two items that I’m gonna need for it So while a lot of people are going to tell me well but you can you can mine redstone in the Dwarven mines what’s the problem problem is I don’t have any way to jump more than one block High So that means unless there’s Redstone that I can access without jumping to it well Can’t mine it Jump boost potion sure I think there might be a rabbit hat isn’t there there’s something in the rabbit collection I’m pretty sure Actually considered doing this uh is it raw rabbit Wait the rabbit set is that good for farming it gets about 70 farming Fortune from wearing the rabbit set huh that’s weird for some reason I thought the rabbit hat was from that collection not from the carrot King don’t mind me I would have to use the rabbit potion

Instead or the jump potion or whatever either way yeah that maybe is an option wait a minute isn’t there an NPC where I can buy ender pearls from or is it in the end Because if it’s in the end Island as well no thank you So Silent under pearls I thought there was an NPC in the hub that sold ender pearls for some reason is that just not a thing I need to check the Hub after this inventory foreign Thank you Foreign talking to the new chat uh well that channel doesn’t exist anymore chickens so no currently editing for three other people’s channels and starting a new one of my own DM me on Discord if you want the answer to that chickens it’s not really appropriate for the Stream foreign

There absolutely is I forget what the name of it is it’s that thing that you find in Ocean Monuments in normal Minecraft it’s got like one eye might be called a watcher chat uh to help what’s the enchanting pet that gives you more enchanting XP the hell is it called Guardian thank you

Yeah the guardian pet if it’s at least epic Rarity and level 100 will give you an extra 15 multiplicative um enchanting XP it’s the same as any of the other skill XP pets like an epic or above rabbit is for farming XP an epic or above

Um is it the silverfish I want to say is for mining XP you can call it wisdom all you want but they just changed the name of it it’s it’s 15 mining XP oh they made it 30 percent for Christ’s sakes they really just can’t make one good

Change to the server can they if it’s 30 additive then that’s that’s dog compared to 15 multiplicative before it’s still something I guess but because of the way that Buffs stack in this and because of the way XP Buffs stack in this that’s actually a massive Nerf compared

To what it used to be foreign all right so yes or no are there ender pearls in the shop in the hub Thank you so and again apparently they’ve changed some dumb but if you look at the perks of the pet like the the skills that the pet has one of them should say something about enchanting wisdom which they’ve changed percent bonuses to be wisdom now like farming wisdom gives you more

Farming XP enchanting wisdom gives you more enchanting XP so if it says something about enchanting wisdom then that’s the that’s the stat you’re looking for abilities that’s the word it was failing to remember there Jesus somebody in the chat with in the local chat with 3 700 deaths thank you you don’t need it to be level 100 but it gains an effect per level so level 100 is 15 level 50 is 7.5 but never mind any of that because I have no goddamn clue how

It scales now because they changed it Do I have to ban the words Cooking Channel or do I have to keep saying DM me if you want the answer to that it’s not appropriate for the Stream Because this is literally the fourth time in the last 20 minutes that I’ve said that maybe the third well we got uh mining 20. nice All right we got a two times powder event I’m gonna fill up my inventory this time see if it will let me do The Puzzler I’m not really sure if it’ll let me do that or if it’s reset yet and if it won’t I’m going to go and dump

All this crap into the uh end of the bank there we go Well golden because they don’t actually care about my content they just see me when I’m live I’m just kidding I have no idea no come back tomorrow Okay that’s kind of what I thought Yusuf it’s generally my experience that when Mark tells me something it isn’t accurate and uh enchanting 27 nice congratulations so here’s what we’re at so far for uh our Enchanted Cobblestone that’s you know it’s something it’s like two and a

Half stacks I think I actually have a little bit more in here do I foreign yeah that’s much better I was gonna say that doesn’t sound right that’s not enough there we go that’s better That’s a little bit better we only need two stacks and 24 so 128 132 40 152. out of 512 we’re out of whatever the hell amount that it is 512 minus 64. That’s not too bad it’s not too good but it’s not too bad also the next time that I loot a chicken minion we’re gonna get something new Wrong thing All right chat are you ready for a giant massive leap forwards in progress for the Iron Man character It didn’t give it to me I thought that would have been enough apparently the oh 30 one more damn it all right next stream’s problem um huh I was so sure that was gonna be enough [Laughter] uh that’s disappointing um okay well I did say these streams are not going to last more than three hours with a little bit of extra leeway on the um on the weekends hello cork how goes the Sky Block so good that I’m actually just about to end the Stream

Great timing jellyfish no it’s going all right I’m playing a uh Iron Man character and I’m trying to keep my death count on zero and so far it’s still there and uh you know we live to stream another day so we’ll see you tomorrow if I’m live tomorrow catch you then foreign Foreign S are long sings a song of a different time that used to be Soon my game will close then I’ll have to go it is time that Lucy has to be I’ll See You in My Stream hold you in my streams someone clicked me out of their feet now they’ll wash until their eyes bleed use that could be mine new Subs all the time

If they like my stream tonight I’ll see you in my streams brother Thank you

This video, titled ‘🔴Hypixel Skyblock But If I Die I DELETE THE PROFILE – Hardcore Ironman [Day 6]’, was uploaded by Corklops on 2023-04-19 04:51:24. It has garnered 179 views and 21 likes. The duration of the video is 03:31:44 or 12704 seconds.

I’m live streaming Minecraft’s biggest server, Hypixel Skyblock.

This profile is a Hardcore Ironman – All the fun of a normal Ironman, but If my death count ever gets higher than 0, I delete the profile!

How far will I get before I fall off my island, or get smooshed by a Tribe Member in the Crystal Hollows? Come along and find out!

~~ Join My Discord: https://discord.gg/34NPe62yMF ~~

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  • ๐Ÿ”ฅMinecraft Java Gameplay – MUST SUBSCRIBE NOW๐Ÿ”ฅ

    ๐Ÿ”ฅMinecraft Java Gameplay - MUST SUBSCRIBE NOW๐Ÿ”ฅVideo Information This video, titled ‘๐Ÿ”ดPLAYING JAVA MINECRAFT๐Ÿ”ด NO SUB=GAY’, was uploaded by tootie1x on 2024-07-19 17:52:37. It has garnered 838 views and 27 likes. The duration of the video is 01:59:50 or 7190 seconds. I LOOK AT CHAT…. COME TUNE IN ITS FUNNY AND FUN #RAGE #chainedtogether #fortnite #clix #MINECRAFT #DONALDTRUMP Read More

  • President Gaming, Sister Vina, & Teguh Sugi – Watch Football in Minecraft Indo Rewind 2023!

    President Gaming, Sister Vina, & Teguh Sugi - Watch Football in Minecraft Indo Rewind 2023!Video Information This video, titled ‘AKU, KAK VINA DAN TEGUH SUGIANTO IKUT NONTON SEPAK BOLA DI REWIND MINECRAFT INDONESIA 2023 INI !!!’, was uploaded by Presiden Gaming on 2024-03-02 03:00:05. It has garnered 15185 views and 787 likes. The duration of the video is 00:25:48 or 1548 seconds. ME, SISTER VINA AND TEGUH SUGIANTO WATCH FOOTBALL IN THIS MINECRAFT INDONESIA REWIND 2023!!! MINECRAFT INDONESIA Rewind Video Link:https://youtu.be/4TUfcR9PySE Join as Team President: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCvkoNv4XZWcoLmOsvQYuYPQ/join Help Donate For Channel Progress:https://saweria.co/evansugiantoyt Come on Subscribe/Subscribe for Free: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCvkoNv4XZWcoLmOsvQYuYPQ?sub_confirmation=1 Follow Instagram: @evansugianto_yt Also watch other interesting videos on: Unique Minecraft: https://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PLz5VIf90xKQMu9bQ5wdWgKnGY_usx8NXw Minecraft Walkthrough: https://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PLz5VIf90xKQMrqf0wFPJE4IMrvWDzEOAk Music By:… Read More


    โ—๏ธJOIN NOW TO BE ON THE MINECRAFT PYRAMID!๐Ÿ”ฅVideo Information This video, titled ‘SUB AND GET YOUR NAME ON PYRAMID IN MINECRAFT SMP – 23 DAYS LEFT #minecraft #minecraftshorts’, was uploaded by Voldimort Gaming on 2024-06-12 08:21:48. It has garnered 9255 views and likes. The duration of the video is 00:00:19 or 19 seconds. Enjoy the Gameplay ________________________________________________________________________________ Join this channel to get access to perks: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCP2it_eZNCr_IIn0N2QMB2A/join Buy my merchendise : https://voldimort-gaming.myspreadshop.com/ _____________________________________________________________________________________________ My setup specs :- https://www.amazon.in/hz/wishlist/ls/2A4BCO0DPRPNG?ref_=wl_share ________________________________________________________________________________ Spotify playlist : https://open.spotify.com/playlist/7MrHK3CDjSDgKROX21dACV?si=28fcad928ad84e06 Instagram https://www.instagram.com/i_krishnamehra04/ Team Discord https://discord.gg/ku7sSvCUtv My Discord https://discord.gg/Pu6X42uk3J Facebook https://www.facebook.com/profile.php?id=100087456668011 ________________________________________________________________________________ Related Topics : Read More

  • EPIC Ender Dragon Showdown in Monster School!

    EPIC Ender Dragon Showdown in Monster School!Video Information This video, titled ‘Monster School : Zombie Angel and Devil Love Competition – Minecraft Animation’, was uploaded by Ender Dragon on 2024-03-25 13:30:09. It has garnered 18 views and 4 likes. The duration of the video is 00:01:00 or 60 seconds. Read More

  • Insane Galaxy Shell Parkour with Gorilla Tag!

    Insane Galaxy Shell Parkour with Gorilla Tag!Video Information This video, titled ‘Gorilla Tag Added Minecraft Parkour?’, was uploaded by Galaxy_Shell on 2024-07-09 16:15:02. It has garnered 703 views and 15 likes. The duration of the video is 00:05:32 or 332 seconds. #gtagghost #gorillatag #gorillatagupdate #gorillatag #gtagghost #gtag #gorillatag #gtagghost #gtag #gorillatag #gtagghost #gorillatagupdate #gorillatag #gtagghost #gorillatagupdate #gorillatag #gtagghost #gorillatagupdate #gorillatag #bubblesvr #gorillatagupdate #gorillatag #gtag #vr #gorillatag #gtag #vr #gorillatag #gtag #vr #gorillatag #gtag #vr #gorillatag #gtag #vr ——————————— HOPE YOU ENJOYED THIS GORILLA TAG VIDEO, IT WAS SO FUN!ย  ——————————— #gorillatag #gtag #vr #gtagghost #gorillatag #gorillatagupdate #gorillatag #oculus #vr #gorillatagupdate #update #gtagghost #bubblesvr #new #gorillatag #oculus… Read More

  • Ant Farm Manhunt: Speedrunner Tackles Hunters!

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  • INSANE Minecraft journey PART 133 – YOU WON’T BELIEVE what happens!!

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  • Faded Moon SMP โœจ Vanilla SMP Hermit-like 1.21

    Welcome to Faded Moon Minecraft Server! Faded Moon is a mainly vanilla Minecraft server with some added features. Our goal is to expand our community and make friends with everyone! Join our 13+ Discord server for more information: https://discord.gg/3HhT84jbqZ We hope to play with you soon!โœจ Read More

  • Pixel Paladins

    This is a test server for development purposes only. Please do not join at this time. We are currently testing new features and improvements. Thank you for your understanding Read More

  • Minecraft Memes – Anvil Snipes President Steve!

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  • Enchanting Day 25: Minecraft’s S-Tier Delight

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  • “Escaping Traps: Minecraft Edition” ๐Ÿ”ฅ๐Ÿ˜‚ #minecraft #meme

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  • Football Stars’ Wives Battle in Minecraft!

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  • Insane Minecraft Auto-Farm in 100 seconds! #epic

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  • Tiny Monster Transformation – Minecraft Animation

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  • Insane Adventure at 2b2t Spawn!

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  • EYstreem Unravels Terrifying Minecraft Giant Myths!

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  • Insane Lifesteal SMP on Free Minecraft Server!

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  • UNBELIEVABLE! Gingershadow MERGES BEAST AGITO + NEW CURSE SPIRITS! Minecraft Jujutsu Kaisen Mod

    UNBELIEVABLE! Gingershadow MERGES BEAST AGITO + NEW CURSE SPIRITS! Minecraft Jujutsu Kaisen ModVideo Information This video, titled ‘MERGED BEAST AGITO, TONS OF NEW CURSE SPIRITS, OUTFITS & MORE! Minecraft Jujutsu Kaisen Mod Review’, was uploaded by The True Gingershadow on 2024-02-17 21:00:27. It has garnered 17280 views and 558 likes. The duration of the video is 00:23:13 or 1393 seconds. Minecraft Jujutsu Kaisen Mod (v28) – https://www.curseforge.com/minecraft/mc-mods/sorceryfight STREAM – https://www.twitch.tv/thetruegingy DISCORD – https://discord.gg/4fW99jk BECOME A MEMBER HERE – https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCV-wFS-noHcYZM19K4XQaDA/join GingyGames Channel – https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCXnhKpFkChk31SJlw4A1biw MERGED BEAST AGITO, TONS OF NEW CURSE SPIRITS, OUTFITS & MORE! Minecraft Jujutsu Kaisen Mod Review #JujutsuKaisen #Minecraft #ModReview Also big thanks and shout out to our ANBU members… Read More

  • INSANE Minecraft Adventure with Viewers! Can we hit 14k?

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  • Famine: Torture Replaces Education by Val

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  • ๐Ÿ”ฅEPIC SPEED RUN with fans in Minecraft ft. ANSHUL GMR ๐Ÿš€

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  • DreamLife Network

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  • Scoop O’ Vanilla SMP

    Welcome to the Bedrock Survival Realm We are an active daily realm looking for new players to join our community. If you are chill and enjoy playing in a survival world without cheats, then this is the place for you. Our rules are simple: be kind, no griefing or stealing, and no hacking. We have loot and villagers selling diamond/iron armor to take care of you. Join our Discord to become part of our nice little community. Message me for more information or add my Discord: xx.dmf Join our Discord server here Read More

  • Minecraft Memes – “Yo, is this real tho?”

    Looks like this meme is a 21 out of 10 according to the meme judges! Read More

  • Orso Roars in 2024: A Presidential Encore

    Orso Roars in 2024: A Presidential Encore In 2024, Offroad Simulator Online takes the stage, Minecraft meets off-road, it’s all the rage. Join the adventure, feel the thrill, With friends by your side, you’ll never sit still. What is ORSO, you may ask? A game of exploration, a challenging task. To play in 2024, follow the guide, Navigate the terrain, let your skills collide. ORSO YouTubers, they lead the way, Showing off tricks, making your day. Watch and learn, then take the wheel, In this virtual world, where anything is real. Results are in, the verdict is clear, Offroad Simulator Online, a game to hold dear…. Read More

  • “Is it a steak or not?” ๐Ÿ”ฅ๐Ÿคฃ #minecraftmeme

    "Is it a steak or not?" ๐Ÿ”ฅ๐Ÿคฃ #minecraftmeme “Serรก um bife? Claro que nรฃo, รฉ sรณ mais um bloco de pedra no Minecraft. Mas se quiser tentar comรช-lo, boa sorte com isso!” ๐Ÿ˜‚ #minecraftlogic #donteattherocks #minecraftmeme Read More

  • Unpredictable Minecraft Every 5 Minutes

    Unpredictable Minecraft Every 5 Minutes Minecraft: A Game of Endless Possibilities With its ever-evolving world and limitless creativity, Minecraft continues to captivate players of all ages. Every five minutes, the game transforms into a new, random adventure, offering a fresh experience each time you log in. Exploring the Vast World of Minecraft In Minecraft, players find themselves in a blocky, pixelated world where they can build, explore, and survive. From constructing elaborate structures to battling dangerous creatures, the possibilities are endless. The game’s randomly generated landscapes ensure that no two experiences are alike, keeping players engaged and excited. Building and Crafting One of the… Read More

๐Ÿ”ดHypixel Skyblock But If I Die I DELETE THE PROFILE – Hardcore Ironman [Day 6]