$1 vs $1,000,000 Minecraft Hotel Build Battle!

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Nico I’m out your dorm doing the Cookie Dance you know what time it is what it’s cooking that’s what I’m saying it’s cookie time that’s why I’d be doing the Cookie Dance freaky freaking excited I can’t believe Zoe gives it to us for free every single Friday I know it’s with a friend’s

Discount yes hello Zoe we are here for our free cookies what sorry guys no cookies today what’s why well I’m about to go to a hotel well I just saw a cook in your hand can I just have that one nope that one’s mine today just turned from the best day into the

Yeah why are you going to a hotel anyways I gotta see my parents and it’s too far to Vacation what your parents are staying in a hotel yeah where I haven’t even seen one nearby yo yo yo it’s hump day Shady you kind of just interrupted my sentence right there oh

Sorry could you go outside and then come back in once I finish my sentence yeah anyways as I was saying I’ve never stayed in a hotel before there’s like none of them near here yo yo yo it’s hump day oh there we go that was much better timing Shady all right sweet

Anyway what are you guys talking about we’re talking about this hotel that Zoe’s going to yeah since there’s no hotels in square City I gotta go far away with my parents seriously why is there no hotels in the Square City I don’t know but the person in charge of

That is Mark yeah matter of fact you guys should probably go talk to Mark about that stuff yeah true Shady come with us all right I will I wonder if we can get Mark to build us one here that would be so awesome I know we need one

Around here if not we’re gonna have to start staying in his office building yeah true all right let’s go up come on floor five oh gosh oh gosh uh Zoey how did you get up before us I use the window what how did you do that I just did this hey yeah

Yeah oh my gosh she’ll make her way back up all right someone knocking his door first I’m not knocking on it I’m not doing it either mark hey hey I’m on the phone can you guys wait a second oh uh yeah I guess we can all right anyways I

Was saying I’d like two Cinnabons with extra glaze hey we don’t care about your extra glaze right now we have something to ask you seriously dude all right you know what uh Jennifer I’ll make the order later just keep me on file all right what is it cash what do you want

We just wanted to ask why there’s no hotels in the Square City and why you haven’t built one yet well do you think I’m made of money oh wait I am uh that doesn’t really answer our questions yeah that gives us no information Mark the reason we don’t have a hotel is because

We don’t have any Builders here for it okay nobody’s willing to build something that big well I’m sure you could find some people I mean I’m sure we’d be willing to help right guys yeah I would that’d be awesome yeah we all would seriously maybe I could let you guys

Actually build one for me but we have to go through a trial first oh yeah we could definitely go through a trial just to prove that we’re all good right guys yes definitely fine yeah okay then follow me guys I’ll take you to the spot where I train all my builders good let’s

Go build a hotel all right and here we are wait where are we what is this place Mark well this is just one of the plots one of you guys are going to be building on this is the hundred dollar plot wait what a hundred dollars seriously why

Would we only get a hundred dollars to build well I need to test your skills on how much you can do with such little resources we could barely use it usually we just use a creative Circle to start building and then we building creative well that’s not how real life

Works buddy you’re all going to be building in survival today wait what seriously oh nah how are we gonna get all of our blocks uh like I said you’re gonna use your money to buy the blocks got it so pure cash you get one thousand dollars oh wait what one thousand and uh

Here Nico you’ll get uh a hundred thousand one hundred thousand that’s all Zoe you’ll get one million dollars what what Shady you’ll get ten thousand dollars and uh I’m sorry Mia but you’re getting one hundred dollars wait why do I 100 which means Mia you stay here and the rest follow me

Oh I can’t wait to see what my plot like yeah all right cash here is your one thousand dollar plot oh this looks way better than what MIA had yup just wait until you see the other ones all right the rest of you follow me wait I want to see

The other ones duh you’ll see it during the judging rounds all right well I guess I’ll see you guys later see you later cash how am I supposed to build this plot with only a thousand dollars I wonder what I could even buy with this

Stuff uh and where do I even buy it from well cash you’re gonna buy it all for me wait what you’re here yep I took everyone to their plot so it’s time to start building everyone has five minutes oh okay well um shouldn’t you have like a little spot for yourself to stand

While I build oh yeah um I’ll build myself a little house over here ah this is perfect wait release Mark that’s what you’re gonna build yup it’s got a lot of shade anyways get to building oh okay uh a thousand dollars to build a hotel

Let’s see excuse me Mark can I buy um something that makes me fly maybe Oh you mean a flight feather yeah that thing costs a hundred dollars wait seriously okay fine you know what that’s okay just give it to me okay here you go boom flight feather let’s go okay this is

Gonna be so useful because now I can fly but um now I kind of need blocks to start so how much money am I at Mark you’re at nine hundred dollars okay let’s see how much would a few stacks of gray concrete cost that’s gonna cost

About 50 bucks oh okay just give me like three or four Stacks then okay a but just realize you’re down to 850 dollars now oh yeah that’s fine that’s fine thank you here we go now I can start building with this stuff I’m gonna start by making it a really large Square so

Let’s start on this block go all the way around here and once I get this Square made then that will be the basis for this entire build oh geez wait I misplaced the blocked Mark how much does a diamond pickaxe cost 50 bucks cash oh

Okay fine give it to me okay but you’re down to eight hundred dollars okay that’s fine I don’t care this pickaxe gonna be super useful I just locked back Mark you gotta fix your plots dude that’s not my fault all right anyways let’s finish building this square and um

Wait a second Mark how much does a magic wand cost those things cost a thousand dollars so you’ll definitely not be able to afford it sorry cash but seriously yup okay you know what fine maybe I’ll just buy it in another round okay now that we’re done with this Square I could

Finally start building the hotel so I’m just gonna build this up super high like this oh gosh I’m starting to run out of stacks this is so not good if I have to buy more Stacks this is gonna be super bad anyways let’s build it up like this

Oh and that one’s little high I gotta connect it on all four sides hey Mark how much does a few stacks of glass panes cost those cost about a hundred dollars wait what why is that so expensive because Glass isn’t made very easily you know that okay fine I’ll buy

That in a second are you also keeping track of how much money I have yup you’re down to 800 remember cash oh yeah I remember okay time to just keep building this thing good thing I bought this pickaxe too it was a worthy investment because now I can break any

Excess blocks that I accidentally built connect this all the way down and perfect okay that looks really good now uh Mark I’ll buy those glass panes now okay you’re down to 700 though so you better use those wisely wait Mark can I actually exchange these for a black

Stained glass yeah but you gotta return all of those glass panes okay fine here uh I’ll return all of them there you go hey wait I think I accidentally threw some blocks of you can I have those back yeah sure I guess just remember you’re down to seven hundred dollars okay thank

You all right time to start building this thing now I’m gonna have to figure out a strategic way to build all of these things hmm let’s see I think I can use this to make a cool design let’s just build this across every single which way like this and we’ll make it go

Up every level wait let’s see I don’t know if this looks as good as I want you know what I changed my mind I’m gonna make these three blocks tall one sec you have two minutes left cash wait what seriously yup you better get to it oh

Okay I’m going I’m going just wait okay let’s start these three blocks out from now on here three blocks just like that let’s go all the way around here hey can I get a Time extension by any chance no everyone has the same five minutes all right you’re not getting any special

Treatment just because you have a thousand bucks oh okay fine fine geez hey um while I’m building the rest of this can you get some quartz blocks ready for me quartz is expensive you know that stuff costs 150 bucks what it costs that much money for just quartz

Yeah we had to get it from the nether okay fine you know what give it to me all right fine but you’re down to 550 bucks all right that’s fine I don’t even care okay let me just build the rest of this just like this and oops I keep best

Placing blocks everywhere this is so not good I need to make sure to break these so it doesn’t look scuffed okay there we go now I gotta start placing the glass I’ll take those quartz blocks now Mark all right here you go your balance is

550 better use it wisely Bud yep I will all right and before we place these course blocks I gotta place all this glass in so I’m gonna start making a little indents like this Yep this is perfect time to build these all the way across oh my gosh this is eating up all

My time having to build all of these things Mark you think you can help me out with some of this stuff cash you know I’m not here to help you I’m here to judge you yeah but this is actually super hard I didn’t think this would be

So time consuming well that’s not my problem now I’m gonna play some video games on my phone ah okay you know what whatever I don’t even need your help I don’t care gosh what do I even need Mark for I could just build all this myself

And there we go this looks amazing so far but now I actually need to place the glass in which is probably going to be the most time consuming part I hope I have enough time for the inside of this house gosh I gotta go quickly on this

Luckily these are super easy to place though I could just place them all around the edges like this boom let’s go bottom wall is already done and here we go and I’m done let’s go this looks so good now let me describe my pickaxe and make the little entrance right here and

Mark I need ladders and and decorations so just get a bunch of that stuff up okay well how much money do you want to spend on the decorations uh you can just use the rest of the money I don’t care okay I gotta go quick oh and also give

Me a shovel oh okay but it’s gonna take out of your decorations oh yeah that’s fine uh okay that’s good enough let me just use the shovel to dig out all this grass how much time do I have left you have 30 seconds cash seriously oh gosh

Okay I gotta go quick I gotta go really quick take out all this stuff right here Mark is it possible to get doors maybe nope you’ve already used all your budget Bud oh gosh okay you know what I don’t need doors for a hotel this will just be

A walk-in hotel or something yeah I think that’s what they call it okay I need to stop yapping I need to start building okay there we go there’s all the floor built in and now I need to start placing all this stuff in gosh it’s gonna take so long okay and that’s

Good enough perfect Mark you got those ladders oh yeah I forgot you gave them to me right here never mind okay time to start building these ladders up to the second and third floor just like this and now we actually have to start building these floors out there’s only

Gonna be two floors to this thing because um this is a one thousand dollar Hotel so you can’t expect everything to be in here okay I’m not made of of money like Marcus or time speaking of which I think I have an idea for whenever I get

The next round I hope I get like a million dollars to build my plot there or something okay let’s just keep building out this floor real quick almost done hey cash your time’s up bud Mark I’m almost done please uh just give me one singular time extension or

Something okay you know what nobody else has done anyways so I’ll give you a two minute extension and that’s it okay you know what that’s actually perfect I could use a two minute extension thank you yeah no problem I’m gonna go check on the others for now okay well I’ll see

You soon Mark okay this gives me exactly enough time to build the rest of my hotel I just gotta fill in some spaces and then decorate it and then I’m good and Mark gave me a ton of decorations and stuff to build inside so this is gonna be perfect okay you know what

Since I don’t have much time left I think I’m just gonna split this into two so let’s have a line going down the middle just like this and I’m gonna separate them with white concrete of course oh gosh this is actually a really narrow hallway but it’ll work for now

And now let’s build this up a ton just like this perfect go all the way down the line of course and now we gotta play some doors somewhere hmm okay you know what uh Place one door right here and then the other door right here boom and

Boom now we gotta line these places with carpet oh gosh this is a really narrow room now I think about it uh it’s okay I can make it work bed here bed here white concrete around and then carpet going like this perfect I’ll just do the same

With the other side cash I’m on my way back you know you only have 20 seconds left and this time no extensions oh okay Mark I’m pretty much done um I just need to add one more thing I almost forgot I need to add a receptionist area okay you

Know what it’ll be right here but wait I don’t even have a receptionist uh 10 seconds cash nine eight Mark get over here you’re gonna be my receptionist five four three two one and you’re done oh okay I’m pretty happy with mine yeah this looks okay but we’re going over to

The first plot so come on oh okay all right and here we are at the 100 plot which I believe Mia built whoa what you built this with a hundred dollars Mia this looks so cool turns out orange concrete is cheap oh seriously it was

Like five dollars a stack so I just had to make it all out of orange concrete I like the checkerboard pattern wait is there really just one room here I can only afford so much where’s everyone else gonna stay for a hundred dollars this is all right but uh yeah this kind

Of stinks like poo poo dollars I I’m almost in the negative oh jeez well uh Mia you could have done better all right that’s all I’m saying maybe instead of that checkerboard pattern you could have bought some glass I know it was all Stone yeah no whatever

I’m giving this a rating of a four out of ten uh man that’s not bad for a hundred dollars I’m surprised you didn’t get lower yeah anyways now we’re moving on to the one thousand dollar build oh that’s mine all right and here we are yup guys this is

My build what is this as you can see it looks like a very modern oh that’s just a mark sitting spot Oh I thought it was a toilet no no it’s not and here’s the receptionist area whoa can I be the receptionist uh if you want

To I kind of tried making Mark and oh okay you both could be receptionist but come up here to the rooms okay these rooms are very narrow cash yeah I know but they’re still usable C but there’s no desks and there’s no place to poop oh

Well I forgot about that I didn’t know places needed bathrooms obviously they need bathrooms okay you know what is this the end of the build yeah it pretty much is as you guys could see I didn’t have much time and the exterior took the most amount of time oh wait how could

You fly well I bought a flight feather oh you didn’t tell me there was one of those you didn’t ask fair play uh Mia it was definitely out of your budget anyway it’s a hundred bucks yeah it was oh man anyways this build is very simple and

There’s not really much to do so it’s getting a five out of 10. what but it looks amazing yeah but I’m a man who believes in practicality so 5 out of 10 Final Answer let’s move on to the ten thousand dollar bill fine let’s go all

Right here we are this is uh Shady’s Motel Six whoa wait he even has a sign for it um how come it’s half broken because they’re usually half broken it looks a little run down in here yeah this does look like an average Motel Holy Spirit wait there’s a kitchen I

Wonder if I can get breakfast here in the morning I like this this is good this actually is pretty good yeah but I think me as a 100 interior is better not gonna lie what seriously yep well this one actually has security and no places to walk in from well very good

Architecture uh is this a communal bathroom yeah it’s only 15 a night so they have to share ew I don’t want to share a bathroom that’s gross don’t worry there’s a janitor that works here yeah but that’s not enough okay you know what whatever it’s fine let’s just

Forget about the fact that I’m gonna have to see someone while I’m trying to use the bathroom the rooms look pretty nice this looks like a break area nope this is another room this this is the most expensive room because it’s two beds oh and it comes with cookies and uh

Dung what is that that’s coffee silly oh okay this is a very good interior thanks Mark all right are we done looking at this one what do you rate it well obviously for the budget this is pretty good and it matches an average Motel so

I’m gonna give it a seven out of ten seriously let’s go how does he get a better score than all of us shady didn’t really really good because it’s just better all right we’re moving on to a hundred thousand dollars now come on let’s go let’s go all right here’s the one

Hundred thousand dollar plot whoa yeah about survival it’s called a Nico hotel and whoa there’s even an elevator here and receptionists it’s actually concierge oh concierge they do a lot more and what’s up here is this an elevator wait this is just ladders it’s not even an elevator I ran out of budget

Okay the course was expensive what the heck oh and these rooms are open wait these toilets are out in the open oh gosh oh my God we ran into budget to place the walls in why are the walls just completely open like that Nico you could

Have at least covered it don’t judge but you’re not ready to see the pool the pool okay where is that Nico the roof is leaking it’s going breathe this is terrible Rico this is the pool yes this is more like a drown box yeah what the heck

Let me out let me out whoa oh gosh you’re all crowning the ladder guys go one at a time what is going oh my gosh you guys really do not know how to use a ladder do you you’re all trying to get out oh my gosh whoa the roof is leaking Nico

I’m heavily disappointed you had a hundred thousand dollars and this is what you built uh what do you mean the groups have walls oh don’t look at that one oh my gosh Nico there’s holes in the roof I apologize but this build is getting a three out of ten are you

Kidding me what kind of a pool experience was that a unique one yeah whatever we’re moving on to the million dollar build let’s go let’s go all right here’s the million dollar bill whoa you put Tire thing very nice interior reminds me of something a little familiar but that’s

Okay I have no idea what you’re talking about let’s go through the elevator all right this is floor number three what is this area oh my gosh this is so cool and it’s actually functional yeah you don’t drown in this one oh gosh hey ya very user

Friendly this would make me a lot of money Zoe thank you all right now show us some of the rooms okay the rooms are just this way okay let’s go it’s on the second floor Zoe this is awesome the picture is and check out the room whoa

This is so cool got your gaming PC you’ve got your bed you got this awesome view oh my goodness this is so awesome I think you’re making your toilet Sierra hey what are you doing Nico what are you doing uh plastic toilets you’re gonna depreciate the property anyways this is

A very good build Zoe I think I’m gonna give it a nine out of 10. really yeah just remove the pink walls and replace it with like gray or something or black what’s wrong with these all right let’s go come on guys we’re going to round two

None of these hotels were good enough what what what okay fine let’s go wait where’s Shady yeah he’s probably in the Disco he’s in the Disco Shady why are you up here and what even is this place this is like the dance room or something

I feel like I want to sing this is awesome guys we don’t have time for this we’re moving on to round two no come on let’s go Shady let’s go all right now it’s time for round two so cash you’re getting one million dollars for your

Build oh my gosh let’s go MIA you’re getting 100 000. Pico you’re getting ten thousand oh man Shady you’re getting 1 000 and Zoe are getting a hundred all right guys follow me this one is Shady’s plot so the rest of you come with me all right let’s go all right

Cash here’s your one million dollar plot so get to work whoa I can’t believe I have this most oh people uh why is there stuff all over the ground sorry somebody forgot to clean up her stuff on the ground but you can get to work I’ll

Clean all this up okay cool hey Mark so how much was the uh wand again oh the wand it actually went up in price since you’re so rich we’re inflating it to a thousand dollars okay you know what fine it’s whatever I have a million anyways

Give it to me all right fine and why don’t you just buy some of the more op packages like what there’s more op packages yeah there’s five minute creative package where you get creative for five minutes wait seriously how much is that oh well it’s a hundred thousand

Dollars okay you know what that’s totally worth it I’ll take it I’ll actually take two of them okay here let me just get it out here you go two creative packages you’re now down to 799 000 cash oh okay you know what that’s fine uh I better get to work how do I

Use one of these things oh boom I think I just used one Perfect all right I’m gonna go stand over here while you build so uh just holler if you need anything perfect and I have the perfect plan for this build I don’t even need to use my

Million dollars because what if I just use this one and I copy one of these builds I know it might be cheating but it could be worth it because Mark wouldn’t even know the difference and he’s gonna give me like the best score let’s see which one of these do I want

To copy oh this one looks pretty big but I think that might not even fit in the plot do I risk it do I risk it no you know what I’m just gonna copy and paste this one over here let’s go over here to slash position one and then go all the

Way over here and set this as position two and now if I go over here and I copy this I could go paste it on this area so let’s just stand right here make sure nobody’s looking hey uh Mark yeah what I’m kind of sleeping here with my eyes

Open wait really yeah okay never mind then you can go back to sleep okay yeah whatever okay this is perfect now that he’s asleep I can go over here and I can just do slash paste and this should spawn the entirety of the hotel oh my

Gosh did Mark see that I need to go check on him okay perfect he’s asleep yes and now that this hotel’s built I need to actually build an inside because nobody’s gonna believe that this is real so let’s go in here and let’s break open

This little area oh gosh this is uh kind of hard to build in it’s literally filled with entire stuff okay you know what I’m gonna have to clear up this entire spot one sec all right now that the spot’s cleared out I need to actually make it look like a real hotel

Because it just looks like a big empty Warehouse box so I definitely need to change the floor here this is so not good but I don’t really know what to make the floor so let’s think what Block in here looks really good oh stone slabs look really good okay you know what

We’re just gonna set this to smooth Stone if I don’t like it I’ll change it boom there we go looks much better and now we need to create a little lobby area let me just block off this part this is not supposed to be an entrance people are gonna get confused by this

Build if there’s a bunch of spots to go in from so we just need to all funnel it down to one entrance only there we go here’s our entrance now let’s also decorate this a little bit I’m gonna get some quartz from my inventory like this

And then just build it around all the way here just like that at and perfect okay the entrance is done now we need a carpet that leads them to the front desk so we’re gonna make it a red carpet because obviously rich people love red carpets they basically go crazy over

These things so we’re gonna leave it all the way here just like this and we also got to make it pretty thick so we’re just gonna extend this by one on each side perfect this is looking so good so far now I think every Rich hotel has a

Fountain in it so I’m gonna build a fountain right here I’m just gonna start with quartz blocks like this and I think this is what a lot of rich people like I’m not really sure anymore there we go this looks good enough honestly let me get some slabs for my inventory and

Place it around like this and let’s also place it around just like this with of course a water bucket on top just like that boom and how does that Fountain be looking yes it looks amazing and it actually looks really natural speaking of natural I’m gonna add some bushes

That line the side like this hold on there we go leaves number one and leaves number two boom and we’ll make this Too Tall actually this looks so bougie yes but wait I just realized we’re still missing the front desk oh geez this receptionist desk has to be huge so

We’re gonna make it two looks tall and go around like this make a little stop right here and then go like this but then last but not least we’re gonna make you go around one more time like this so now there’s a bunch of areas for them to

Go into wow this is looking great cash how did you build all of this oh uh don’t worry about it Mark just go back to your nap wait what yep just over here thank you okay and now that this is done we gotta build a big sign just so people

Know what this is for so we’re gonna start right here and build a huge H just like this now let’s build an e right here an L just like this and then a p like that boom so now it says help if you need help you could just go right

There boom and now we just need a staircase that actually goes up to the hotel rooms so I’m gonna build that real quick and now I can just do the finishing touches on this and the staircase should be completely finished now yes cash you have 20 seconds left oh

Well uh it’s okay because my build’s already done and we’re good okay perfect well I’m gonna take you out of creative then wait what uh hey uh can I at least have a flight feather please well uh I guess you still have like 500 000 in

Your account so yeah I’m here okay cool anyways time’s up we’re going to build number one let’s go all right I’m following you mark all right here we are this should be Zoe’s build on a hundred dollars hey mine was better why is it made out of dirt

Or may not have used all my budget for this did you just dig it are there a bunch of Kombucha monkeys oh that has to be a safety hazard what the heck capuchin monkeys are not safe for a hotel Zoe what is this they’re all over the bed Zoe this place

Is getting a one out of ten nobody’s ever staying here Zoe anyways these could be anything they’re just really oh geez all right and here we are at the one thousand dollar build which was built by Shady it’s called the Dung Hotel built by Yours Truly the hobo Shady why did you build this um I kind of paid the hobo by budget to

Build something there’s just toilets in here it smells disgusting in there oh my God but you know there’s no capuchin monkeys they’re just flies and flies aren’t that bad I guess what I would never stay at a hotel like this yeah well you’ll have to deal

With it okay this build is getting a three out of ten yeah that was expected I think it looks good but anyways we’re going on to the ten thousand dollar build now let’s go let’s go and here we are who built this again Nico yeah this is my trampoline house very good yeah

This looks amazing Nico and what this is a trampoline the trampolines are hard to get on so you gotta time it correctly I think you put the pressure plate to the wrong spot guys move on for a second I got this ah I did it yep but there’s

Only one room in this hotel because this is a luxury hotel wait seriously yep who would ever stay in a place like this me oh yeah well there’s no way to get down yeah they’re eggs like this apple yeah mark this is awesome what do you mean no this

Is totally not good we are not gonna get approved by any Organization for this wait what why just because it looks good I’m giving it a 5 out of 10 but that’s all you’re getting Nico uh what happened why did it just turn to TNT I have no

Idea actually we should leave this is a safety hazard all right and last but not least we have the 100 000 Bill uh Mark you know we still have my build left oh yeah anyways this was built by Mia whoa this looks so cool thank you I worked hard and we have

Elevators this is actually a super nice Lobby holy smokes a working elevator that’s sick yeah wow very good interior design here I like how there’s pizzas for us I like that too I love pizzas and there’s even Shades I don’t want people to see me yeah sorry the windows are

Pretty big anyways this took a lot of time I guess Mia how much did you spend on this uh I may or may not have went over the budget what seriously I’m sorry I wanted it to look great how would you even go over the budget Mia how much did

You spend uh like a hundred and twenty thousand what I just charged it to your card Mark so you’re saying you don’t listen to instructions huh there’s a hotel built you know I was gonna give this a 9 out of ten but you just got bumped down to an eight you know what

I’ll take an eight uh yeah that’s still a pretty good score all right let’s now move on to the million dollar build I’m expect acting big things cash let’s go you guys are gonna love it all right and here we are at the one million dollar

Build built by cash yep guys look as you can see it’s ginormous this is insane how did you even do this uh well it was super easy I just used my million dollars and I built really fast but anyways come up here this is the staircase and then uh the help desk over

Here and there’s also a fountain that rich people love this thing is huge yeah cash you care to explain these bedrooms um that’s because I ran out of time but it’s okay you can just sleep here and then come enjoy the fountain down here what you know what I’m not even gonna

Ask anyways uh Mark what do you think of my build well it’s definitely the biggest build here and the exterior is ginormous we could easily work on the interior to make it better yeah that’s what I’m saying so it’s good right yeah it’s definitely good so what did we rate

It I’m gonna give it a one out of ten yeah let’s go wait what a one out of ten well uh if you look across from you you could see the exact build that he copied you copied what I didn’t copy anything hey yo this is plagiarism and I’m calling the

Police cash wait Mark please I’ll delete the build and I’ll get out of your hair if you just don’t do that all right you know what fine just get out of here sketch okay fine geez guys let’s just go home I don’t think we’re gonna be able

To help him build the hotel yeah let’s go I’m glad we’re finally back but it kind of sucks that we’re not getting a hotel I know right where’s my family gonna say I guess it was still fun building it who said you guys aren’t getting a hotel wait what look at our

Newest addition to square City the dong Hotel what that’s nasty if you want to watch more videos from us then click on your screen right now and also don’t forget to subscribe subscribe bye guys I

This video, titled ‘$1 vs $1,000,000 Minecraft Hotel Build Battle!’, was uploaded by Cash on 2023-08-18 15:00:41. It has garnered 845764 views and 10423 likes. The duration of the video is 00:28:33 or 1713 seconds.

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#Minecraft #MinecraftMod #Cash #NicoAndCash

  • Real Life Minecraft Shenanigans

    Real Life Minecraft Shenanigans The Exciting World of Minecraft Unleashed by Unspeakable Exploring Minecraft Characters in Real Life Unspeakable, a popular gaming channel, recently delved into the world of Minecraft characters in real life. The channel brought a Minecraft Wither to life, showcasing the magic of the game beyond the screen. Building Secret Rooms and Unveiling Minecraft Mysteries In their latest video, Unspeakable delves into the realm of Minecraft secret rooms. The channel showcases the art of building secret rooms in Minecraft, adding an element of mystery and excitement to the gameplay. Unspeakable’s Unique Approach to Minecraft Unspeakable’s videos offer a fresh perspective… Read More

  • Farm Charm: Minecraft’s Villager Construction

    Farm Charm: Minecraft's Villager Construction In the world of Minecraft, where blocks are the key, We build and we craft, for all to see. Villager farms, a crucial part, To trade and to thrive, with a beating heart. Gather the villagers, in their little huts, Trading their goods, no ifs or buts. Carrots and wheat, emeralds in hand, A thriving economy, across the land. But beware of the zombies, lurking near, Protect your villagers, hold them dear. Build walls and traps, keep them safe, In this world of blocks, where dangers chafe. So construct your farm, with care and with skill, In the world… Read More

  • Health Drops Every Minute Challenge

    Health Drops Every Minute Challenge Minecraft But Your Health DROPS Every Minute Embark on a thrilling adventure in the world of Minecraft where your health drops every minute! Dive into the action-packed gameplay filled with challenges and excitement as you navigate through this unique twist on the classic Minecraft experience. Survival Mode with a Twist In this version of Minecraft, players must constantly monitor their health as it decreases every minute. This adds an extra layer of difficulty to the game, requiring strategic planning and quick thinking to stay alive. Will you be able to survive in this challenging environment? Explore New Strategies With… Read More

  • Tiny Tots Mod: Baby Boom in Minecraft 1.21

    Tiny Tots Mod: Baby Boom in Minecraft 1.21 In Minecraft Bedrock 1.21, babies take the stage, Transform into a baby, unleash your inner rage. With new potions and skins, a miniature delight, Add this addon to your game, make your gameplay bright. Kick and Discord, the social networks to find, Stay updated on Minecraft, expand your mind. Donations welcome, support the creator’s craft, Join the adventure, let your inner child laugh. Whether a veteran or a beginner new, This video’s for you, with babies in view. Like, subscribe, and ring the bell, For more gaming content, all is well. Transform into a baby, in Minecraft’s domain, With… Read More

  • Ultimate Survival Raid Farm

    Ultimate Survival Raid Farm Minecraft Raid Farm: Conquer the Challenges in Your Survival World Embark on an epic journey in your Minecraft survival world with the efficient and easy Raid Farm. This innovative feature allows players to take on challenging boss battles, achieve gaming milestones, and collect rare items. Join the community on Discord to share tips, strategies, and celebrate your Minecraft achievements. Conquering Boss Battles With the Raid Farm, players can test their skills in intense boss battles. Defeat waves of enemies, strategize your attacks, and emerge victorious in epic showdowns. The thrill of overcoming these challenges adds a new level of… Read More

  • Creating El Gran Maja Portal – Minecraft PE

    Creating El Gran Maja Portal - Minecraft PE The Mysterious El Gran Maja in Minecraft PE Exploring the depths of Minecraft PE, players may stumble upon the enigmatic creature known as El Gran Maja. This hypothetical sea monster, possibly inspired by the Bloop phenomenon, stands out for its immense size compared to other underwater creatures. With razor-sharp teeth and a slightly recessed mouth, El Gran Maja is a sight to behold in the vast oceanic world of Minecraft. Unraveling the Mystery of El Gran Maja El Gran Maja’s presence adds a thrilling element to the underwater exploration in Minecraft PE. Its imposing figure and unique features make… Read More

  • String Sling: Minecraft Farming Fun (No Mods, Duplication Done!)

    String Sling: Minecraft Farming Fun (No Mods, Duplication Done!) In Minecraft, a string farm, no mod in sight, A duplication glitch, shining so bright. Infinite string, easy to obtain, No need for resources, just follow the game. Watch the tutorial, learn the trick, Crafting in Minecraft, feeling so slick. Follow Ahsan, on TikTok and more, For gaming tips, he’s got the score. String for days, in your inventory, Thanks to this glitch, now ain’t that a story. So leap into the verse, with beats that sing, In Minecraft world, let your creativity spring. Read More

  • Creating Amy Rose Portal in Minecraft PE

    Creating Amy Rose Portal in Minecraft PE Minecraft: Creating the Amy Rose The Hedgehog Portal in Minecraft PE Embark on an exciting Minecraft adventure by creating the Amy Rose The Hedgehog portal in Minecraft PE. Dive into the world of Mobian landak perempuan, Amy Rose, from the Sonic the Hedgehog series by Sega. Discover the vibrant world of Minecraft with a touch of Sonic’s universe. Exploring Amy Rose The Hedgehog Amy Rose is a pink Mobian hedgehog with green eyes, known for her iconic red halter-top dress, white gloves with gold bracelets, and red and white shoes. She brings a unique charm to the Minecraft universe,… Read More

  • Golem Showdown: Super Warden vs Every Golem

    Golem Showdown: Super Warden vs Every Golem Minecraft: Super Warden VS Every Golem Welcome to the world of Minecraft, where players can unleash their creativity and embark on exciting adventures. In this epic showdown titled “Super Warden VS Every Golem,” players are in for a thrilling battle that will keep them on the edge of their seats. The Super Warden The Super Warden is a formidable opponent, known for its immense strength and powerful attacks. Players will need to strategize and use all their skills to defeat this mighty foe. With its imposing presence, the Super Warden is sure to provide a challenging and exhilarating gaming… Read More

  • Crafting Chaos: Surviving Minecraft’s Wastelands!

    Crafting Chaos: Surviving Minecraft's Wastelands! In the wastelands of Minecraft, we find our tale, A mysterious world, where gods set the sail. Nick and Jaden, stranded in this land, Unaware of the gods’ intentional hand. A Minecraft movie, dropped with a bang, Part 2 coming soon, the fans’ hearts sang. The gods’ storyline, a new approach to see, Nick and Jaden, crafting their destiny. Nico cooking on them Wish Master lines, Bringing the heat, with his rhymes divine. Join the Discord, for laughs and fun, Twitch, TikTok, Instagram, Twitter, all in one. Subscribe, like, and adopt a puppy too, Support NickLomo, for more tales… Read More

  • Exposed: Shizo’s Epic Minecraft Live! Don’t spam chat!

    Exposed: Shizo's Epic Minecraft Live! Don't spam chat!Video Information This video, titled ‘Minecraft Live! Don’t spam my chat please!!’, was uploaded by Simply on 2024-08-05 07:17:22. It has garnered 42153 views and 375 likes. The duration of the video is 02:33:06 or 9186 seconds. Read More

  • Bluey Play – Princess vs Zombie in Super Secure Mansion

    Bluey Play - Princess vs Zombie in Super Secure MansionVideo Information This video, titled ‘Princess Bingo Most Secure House vs Zombie Bluey in Minecraft’, was uploaded by Bluey Play on 2024-05-04 09:00:35. It has garnered 9510 views and 71 likes. The duration of the video is 01:01:48 or 3708 seconds. Princess Bingo Most Secure House in Minecraft vs Zombie Bluey in Minecraft, Bandit Heeler and Chilli Heeler heir own Minecraft server and playing. Cartoons play this is an entertainment channel where characters from different cartoons and popular games play different games, SUBSCRIBE! Disclaimer: All voices are completely AI Generated Read More

  • Unbelievable Minecraft Roblox Remix by Muhammed_TV

    Unbelievable Minecraft Roblox Remix by Muhammed_TVVideo Information This video, titled ‘#minecraft #music #robloxedit #edit #remix’, was uploaded by Muhammed_TV on 2024-07-26 10:57:59. It has garnered 43 views and 6 likes. The duration of the video is 00:00:24 or 24 seconds. Read More

  • GodCity

    GodCityServer Network: Versão 1.20.3 até 1.21 – Survival – Claim – Painel de jogador – Mobs costumados – Eventos – Farms – Factions – Brevemente Entra no discord e começa a jogar agora. play.godcity.pt Read More

  • MINEBLAZE // 「 Hack any cases /free (1.8-1.21) // take your HELICOPTER 」

    How to connect and play on this server? You must have the game version 1.20 installed. How to check? At startup, the game version will be displayed on the right, at the bottom. If it is a different version, you should change the current profile (left, bottom) and select version 1.20 Click the PLAY button, wait for the Minecraft game to load. Choose: Multiplayer Click the button “Direct connect”, or if you want to keep the server in its list, press the button “Add server” In the field “Server address” write: mineblaze.net (GL HF) Read More

  • Old Minecraft Oceans Be Like: A Splash of Nostalgia

    Old Minecraft Oceans Be Like: A Splash of Nostalgia In the old Minecraft days, oceans were vast, Traveling through them was quite a task. From Beta 1.8 to 1.6.4, Hours spent sailing, exploring galore. But now in the game, oceans are smaller, No more endless seas, just a quick hauler. Nostalgia hits hard for the old Minecraft ways, But change is inevitable, in Minecraft’s maze. So here’s to the oceans, both old and new, In Minecraft’s world, there’s always something to pursue. Subscribe for more content, filled with delight, And keep on gaming, day and night! Read More

  • Minecraft Youtubers Pixelart: Hot Mess! 🔥

    Minecraft Youtubers Pixelart: Hot Mess! 🔥 Why do Minecraft Youtubers make such great pixel art? Because they’re experts at crafting! Read More

  • EPIC Minecraft Bedwars ft. LORD VADER838N

    EPIC Minecraft Bedwars ft. LORD VADER838NVideo Information This video, titled ‘Minecraft bedwars with friend’, was uploaded by lord_vader838n on 2024-10-16 19:18:08. It has garnered 49 views and 7 likes. The duration of the video is 02:43:50 or 9830 seconds. #funny #gaming #lethalcompanygameplay #horrorgaming #scary #scarygaming #spookygaming #spooky #minecraft #minecraftgameplay #funny #minecraftgaming #memes #luckblock #minecraftvideos #gaming Read More

  • Sibling Showdown: Passing Controller to Older Bro

    Sibling Showdown: Passing Controller to Older BroVideo Information This video, titled ‘passing the controller to your older brother #shorts #minecraft #pvp’, was uploaded by AshVault on 2024-05-18 15:18:30. It has garnered 524 views and 10 likes. The duration of the video is 00:00:24 or 24 seconds. Click “Show More” discord: https://discord.gg/tmQhfBuskq projects: – Disc SMP – Undertale: Into the Dark – Next video 😉 Discord Info: Just a community to relax with 🙂 although mostly chaotic at times, I keep updates on projects and videos on the discord so feel free to join! Basic info: Hey I’m Ashvault, I mostly upload Minecraft content but I enjoy… Read More

  • Epic Fail: Battling Ender Dragon in Unbearable Survival Challenge! | Ep 19

    Epic Fail: Battling Ender Dragon in Unbearable Survival Challenge! | Ep 19Video Information This video, titled ‘Tidak Santuy Minecraft Survival | Mencoba Mengalahkan Ender Dragon! | Eps 19’, was uploaded by 10th Wonder on 2024-08-08 15:32:02. It has garnered 178 views and 15 likes. The duration of the video is 02:05:33 or 7533 seconds. Hello Broski! I make and edit all videos and thumbnails myself. I hope you like the video, if you have any requests or feedback about my next video, you can comment below. And if you enjoy the video, please like, comment, share and subscribe to help grow my channel! I use a Lenovo Ideapad Gaming 3 to… Read More

  • JOIN US to slay the Ender dragon!

    JOIN US to slay the Ender dragon!Video Information This video, titled ‘We kill the Ender dragon, TOGETHER!!!’, was uploaded by KareAkern on 2024-08-04 06:15:47. It has garnered 96 views and 4 likes. The duration of the video is 03:03:18 or 10998 seconds. The magnificent masters of the KareAkern Minecraft server have gathered us all to kill the ender dragon! This will be a fight to remember, and it won’t be like a classical dragon fight, Easyidle has some surprises for us! There are more things going on in this stream, apparently a statue shall be revealed as well. I can’t wait! Want to join the server,… Read More

  • Insane Hack: Download Texture Packs in LocoCraft!

    Insane Hack: Download Texture Packs in LocoCraft!Video Information This video, titled ‘Como descargar texture packs en Minecraft java’, was uploaded by LocoCraft on 2024-07-09 05:36:31. It has garnered 139 views and 3 likes. The duration of the video is 00:05:14 or 314 seconds. How to download texture packs in Minecraft java Likes goal: 3 The video on how to download mods in Java is on my channel and there is also the version for bedrock pages to download resourpacks: planet minecraft: https://www.planetminecraft.com/texture-packs/ forge:https://www.curseforge.com/minecraft/search?class=texture-packs&page=1&pageSize=20&sortType=1 Read More

  • Corgiguy2022 builds EPIC mansion- LIVE! 😱🏰🔥

    Corgiguy2022 builds EPIC mansion- LIVE! 😱🏰🔥Video Information This video, titled ‘LIVE: building a mansion on a minecraft server | chill | building | minecraft |’, was uploaded by Corgiguy2022 on 2024-09-07 15:03:47. It has garnered 585 views and 22 likes. The duration of the video is 01:11:43 or 4303 seconds. Read More

  • Forbidden Love: My Strange Obsession with Rice Girl 😍🍚

    Forbidden Love: My Strange Obsession with Rice Girl 😍🍚Video Information This video, titled ‘Girl rizz 😂😍’, was uploaded by Nanshata on 2024-06-18 14:57:33. It has garnered 94 views and 2 likes. The duration of the video is 00:00:17 or 17 seconds. asmr family guy shorts fortnite mrbeast skibidi toilet south park mukbang fnaf minecraft parents be like i put a roof over your head sml try not to laugh coryxkenshin dillon brooks donkey kong family guy funny moments family guy shorts gold asmr good movie greatsword india jack black jeffy joe rogan joey diaz lil wayne meme memes phonk pizza tower scream meme ssundee there’s a spitter in… Read More

  • Insane Minecraft Tips – Ultimate Minecraft Guide

    Insane Minecraft Tips - Ultimate Minecraft GuideVideo Information This video, titled ‘Hino do Minecraft Center’, was uploaded by Tps do Rafael do Minecraft on 2024-04-08 17:11:16. It has garnered views and [vid_likes] likes. The duration of the video is or seconds. Read More

  • Insane collaboration brings epic Minecraft album

    Insane collaboration brings epic Minecraft albumVideo Information This video, titled ‘@Ksenonmusic @mpapkaa @bemon_ #music #album #minecraft #2d #3d #but #dota2 #ep #gameplay’, was uploaded by 🔷Doublea06🔷 on 2024-03-01 06:43:32. It has garnered views and [vid_likes] likes. The duration of the video is or seconds. music #album #minecraft #2d #3d #but #dota2 #ep #gameplay #games #ksenon #memes #3000$ #remix #song #ukerstream … Read More

  • FaberNetworkMC

    FaberNetworkMCMinecraft towny with dungeons, quests, PVP, events, and hundreds of custom items whilst preserving the vanilla style. Integrated leveling system with mobs/bosses and custom loot that becomes stronger as you progress. Dungeons and adventures with different difficulties.No limit on progression. Economy takes an important role in the server – Grow your empire by working jobs, trades with other players and even selling towns.Own custom pets with custom coded abilities. Custom boss/mob models for a fresh feel. play.fabernetworkmc.net Read More

  • Hot Minecraft Memes: The Blocky Burn Edition

    Hot Minecraft Memes: The Blocky Burn Edition Why did the creeper go to therapy? Because it had too much TNTsion! #minecraftmemes #boom #creepertherapy Read More

  • Experience Thrilling Parkour Challenges on Minewind Server!

    Experience Thrilling Parkour Challenges on Minewind Server! Welcome to NewsMinecraft.com, where we bring you the latest and greatest in the world of Minecraft! Today, we want to talk to you about the exciting world of parkour in Minecraft. If you’re a fan of parkour, you’ve probably seen videos like the one from Faster Gaming Plays, where players tackle challenging parkour courses in the game. But what if we told you that there’s a whole new level of parkour waiting for you on Minewind Minecraft Server? That’s right – Minewind offers a unique parkour biome that will put your skills to the test like never before. With… Read More

  • Sneaky CN Tower Build in Minecraft Toronto!

    Sneaky CN Tower Build in Minecraft Toronto! The CN Tower Rises in Minecraft Toronto Server Excitement is in the air as the Minecraft Building Toronto Project announces the construction of the iconic CN Tower in the virtual world. This monumental build is set to captivate players and visitors alike with its impressive scale and attention to detail. Witness the Marvel On Monday, players will have the opportunity to watch as the CN Tower takes shape, rising majestically against the digital skyline. The intricate design and precision of the build are sure to leave spectators in awe, showcasing the creativity and talent of the Minecraft community. Join… Read More

  • Unbelievable Win in Spellbound Caves | Must Watch!

    Unbelievable Win in Spellbound Caves | Must Watch!Video Information This video, titled ‘Super Hostile: Spellbound Caves | Victory Monument’, was uploaded by gameBlend on 2024-10-18 20:00:11. It has garnered 11 views and 3 likes. The duration of the video is 00:37:49 or 2269 seconds. Join me as I play through Super Hostile: Spellbound Caves!!! Spellbound Caves is a survival Minecraft “CTM” map where our goal is complete the Victory Monument by collecting wool blocks from massive dungeons. This map was released by the legendary Vechs for Minecraft version 1.2.5, so that is the version we will be playing in. Please make sure to LIKE and SUBSCRIBE to… Read More

  • Henry’s Ultimate Bedrock Cheat Client

    Henry's Ultimate Bedrock Cheat ClientVideo Information This video, titled ‘Best Minecraft Bedrock Cheat Client | Scald Client’, was uploaded by Henry Time on 2024-10-01 11:27:27. It has garnered views and [vid_likes] likes. The duration of the video is or seconds. CHECK OUT COMMENT SECTION SCALD CLIENT WEBSITE AND DISCORD! Scald Client – Usable on any Server/Realms Like … Read More

  • Unbelievable OP Loot from Mob in Minecraft! #ytshorts #SHORTSFEED

    Unbelievable OP Loot from Mob in Minecraft! #ytshorts #SHORTSFEEDVideo Information This video, titled ‘Minecraft But Mob Gives OP loot#shorts #ytshorts #SHORTSFEED #Minecraft #friendshipday’, was uploaded by RAFEDO YT on 2024-08-07 18:30:11. It has garnered 984 views and likes. The duration of the video is 00:00:59 or 59 seconds. Video made by:@rafedoyt8087 Minecraft gamerz Shorts proboiz proboiz 95 Skibidi toilet dream boy Minecraft video Techno gamerz Minecraft aayu and pihu show animal song Anime Bike rider dafuq boom gamerfleet herobrine iron man minecraft game not your type short video yas smarty pie cameraman gta v Horror video minecraft 100 days minecraft cartoon minecraft hardcore ytshorts SHORTSFEED Read More

  • Mind-blowing revelations in Rifter Archive after 15 years | Minecraft

    Mind-blowing revelations in Rifter Archive after 15 years | MinecraftVideo Information This video, titled ’15 years later | Minecraft’, was uploaded by Rifter Archive on 2024-10-15 18:00:06. It has garnered 1303 views and 50 likes. The duration of the video is 00:07:41 or 461 seconds. Minecraft was key to my life as a gamer and creator. Come with me for my thoughts on the current landscape for me with this beloved game. Read More

  • 🎮Minecraft POOLROOMS are HAUNTED?!👻 | U_Pablo_U

    🎮Minecraft POOLROOMS are HAUNTED?!👻 | U_Pablo_UVideo Information This video, titled ‘the Minecraft POOLROOMS are TERRIFYING |Minecraft Poolrooms’, was uploaded by U_Pablo_U on 2024-09-13 19:34:52. It has garnered 4559 views and 241 likes. The duration of the video is 00:25:02 or 1502 seconds. Swayle’s channel: https://www.youtube.com/@UCS3Iac7JbyHzuXmYj34weRw Swayle’s video: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=2O8DvIKCJ0w&t=334s ————————————————————————————————————————- Time stamps: 00:22 gameplay start 00:57 exploration start 24:38 exploration end 24:39 outro ————————————————————————————————————————- Hello everyone, in this video I will be exploring the minecraft poolrooms, if you wanna see more don’t forget to like and subscribe! ————————————————————————————————————————- A lil about me: Hi I make minecraft horror mod related content that people can watch and enjoy…. Read More

  • Get ready for an EPIC Kai x Speed Minecraft Marathon!

    Get ready for an EPIC Kai x Speed Minecraft Marathon!Video Information This video, titled ‘Kai x Speed Minecraft Marathon’, was uploaded by Okayleb_tt on 2024-08-21 02:40:09. It has garnered views and [vid_likes] likes. The duration of the video is or seconds. i still read the chat my mic js off ask me sum ill unmute Support the stream: … Read More

  • Unbelievable Sacrifice in Minecraft! 🌟 #viral

    Unbelievable Sacrifice in Minecraft! 🌟 #viralVideo Information This video, titled ‘A Great Sacrifice 🥀 #shorts #minecraft #viral #shortsviral #trending #youtubeshorts #ytshorts’, was uploaded by BeastBoy BAJWA on 2024-09-22 07:51:45. It has garnered 15 views and 8 likes. The duration of the video is 00:00:17 or 17 seconds. #minecraft #minecraftmemes #minecraftpe #minecraftonly #minecraftpc #minecrafter #minecraftmeme #minecrafters #minecraftbuilds #minecraftpocketedition #minecraftxbox #minecraftserver #minecraftbuild #minecraftart #minecraftps3 #minecraftuniverse #minecrafts #minecraftdaily #minecraftforever #minecraftskin #minecraftedit #photoseedminecraft #minecraftfx #minecraftdiaries #minecraftskins #skydoesminecraft #minecrafthouse #minecraftcake #minecraftersonly #minecraftparty #minecraftindonesia #minecraftgirl #pewdiepieminecraft #minecraft_pe #minecraftdrawing #minecraftxbox360 #minecraftsurvival #minecraftisawesome #minecrafthousesshorts #short #shortvideo #shortsvideo #shortsfeed #shortsviral #shortsyoutube #minecraft #minecraftbuilding #minecraftpe #minecraftshorts #minecraftmemes #minecraftanimation #minecraftlive #minecraftsurvival #minecraftvideos #myth #challeng #challenges #myths… Read More

  • Insane Minecraft comeback after long hiatus!

    Insane Minecraft comeback after long hiatus!Video Information This video, titled ‘After a long time MINECRAFT!!’, was uploaded by xom gaming on 2024-05-07 07:44:47. It has garnered 8 views and 5 likes. The duration of the video is 00:01:11 or 71 seconds. Get ready to BLOCK and CRAFT! It’s Minecraft Live time! Join us for a block-tastic blowout filled with exciting announcements, upcoming features, and the Minecraft community you love. Tune in to see what’s next for the world of Minecraft! Don’t miss out on: Exclusive reveals of new content and features! Live Q&A with the Mojang developers! Epic community creations and builds! Let’s build the… Read More

  • Herobrine Saves Steve?! 😲 Minecraft Retro MC

    Herobrine Saves Steve?! 😲 Minecraft Retro MCVideo Information This video, titled ‘Can Herobrine Helps To Steve ?😲💀#shorts #minecraft’, was uploaded by Retro MC on 2024-04-16 12:18:01. It has garnered 26136 views and likes. The duration of the video is 00:00:54 or 54 seconds. Hello, How Are You My Favorite Friends. I Hope You Like This Video and Also Subscribe Me. This Type Of Video Takes More Time. Your 1 like and Subscribe Motivate Me To Make Another. Thanks For Watching. About The Video – Can Herobrine Helps To Steve Again?😲💀#shorts #minecraft Hashtags – #shorts #minecraft #gaming #herobrine #minecraftshorts #montero #minecraftmusic #music #gamingvideos About Game 🚀 -… Read More

$1 vs $1,000,000 Minecraft Hotel Build Battle!