100 Days in Minecraft: Beta

Video Information

Welcome to another 100 days in Minecraft this time we’ve graduated from alpha to Beta also happy holidays I hope you are having a great holiday season we have a lot more people on the channel now than before because of the previous 100 days blowing up which is amazing so welcome

Since there are so many requests for a world tour last time I will do a world tour at the end of the video I will also put downloads to the world which also got requests many times there will be 26 versions 25 of which would be in the

Main 100 days and the 26 would be during the World Tour this took a lot of time to make so consider leaving a like or even subscribing and maybe even ringing that Bell anyway enjoy the show in beta 1.0 chest now closed when the player is

Too far or when the chest blows up leaves now naturally Decay again and eggs can be thrown with a Chance of spawning a chicken capes were introduced when hovering over an item in the inventory the name shows up on day one I craft some tools and torches and then

Went down to mine I found many oars and then proceed to go back up to process them then I organized my inventory and went through the bridge to take a look around I made some axes so I can gather wood on the next day in the meantime I

Stole the wool off their backs and killed their friend and worked on their house some more on day two I went down to the dock hopped on a boat and went to chop some trees I returned home by Night Time organized and took what I needed to

Continue the bridge I stupidly tried to build during night time from the bottom up so I continued building the top first today was coming soon so I jumped down to build the pillars but the paparazzi had different ideas on day three I continued to build the bridge supports

And path this tree was in the way so The Logical course of action was to build the roof don’t question me building internet has consistently been a bad idea because I was ambushing yet again thankfully I escaped and then waited till daytime on day four I made my

Commute to the end of the bridge and started to collect more wood which coincided with clearing out the forest that was ahead of the bridge I went back to the bridge to continue but then decided that it was a bad idea so I retreated back home to continue the top

Of the bird beta 1.0 underscore 0-1 only contained minor changes on day 5 I crafted some wood and then continued to build the bridge at both the dirt staircase down and then chopped some trees got some coal and then continue to chop more I went back home to cook my

Food and reorganize made some axes and then brought tools to the basement I changed the walls of the base to Cobblestone but daytime was coming so I went onto the bridge to make my commute on day six I wanted to farm more trees until night time then I Trek down into

My basement to finish the walls I reorganized and then made my commute to continue building the bridge on day 7 I continued to build a bridge path and supporting pillars also kill the pig by the time night arrived I made sure not to repeat mistakes and not build during

Night time I returned back home to reorganize and then went out to light the surrounding area I fended off mobs killed some helpless pigs and got some Stone to add on to the house on day 8 I killed even more trees continued on building the pillars and path while

Placing some torches to keep things lit up I went back to chop trees until Nightfall made more planks and got ambushed I built more of the walkway and then returned home to make more axes when I left my house the sun was Rising so I took a second to watch it it was

Pretty nice beta 1.0.2 only contained minor changes on day 9 I made my commute and then broke the temporary stairs I continue to chop more trees with a little between time for some building by night time I returned home to gamer axes and then went back onto the bridge I

Tried blowing more but I ended up almost saying exploded and shot by day 10 I built this single girder for a pretty long time I hit a hill and then continued somewhere then I jumped down to start the pillars but then ran out of wood so I gathered some more wood until

I turned night I continue to build pillars and at some point just decided to wait out the night in the early morning I went back down to start Gathering more wood by day 11 I continued to build a bridge more of a mix of chopping trees when I got to the

Mountain I just built more of those holders or whatever they’re called I started to walk back home while I was throwing night time I made it back home in one piece to reorganize my inventory I crafted even more axles for tomorrow geez at this point my ax kill count is

Through the roof by day 12 I took a boat and voyaged to a new area with trees and started some mass eco-terrorism in the game not in real life by night time I made my return voyage and then went down to my basement to decorate I added some

Chairs tables and started on a fireplace found out the iron bars weren’t a thing yet so when I made it I just resorted to using slabs actually I didn’t like how it looked so I changed a little bit by making it wider and adding some stairs from beta 1.1 to 1.1 underscores 001

From December 25th 2010 to the 26th players who played received a Christmas themed Cape people that played on the 31st also got a caped with a number 11 on it to celebrate the New Year the phone actually didn’t work on this version because it was missing the font

File it was fixed in 1.1 underscore 0 1 though on day 13 I organized my stuff and took a boat to top Retreat I was left stranded when it became night time but I somehow found another portion of my bridge I got home safely and brought

Some coal with me to go back onto the bridge I continued to build the holders with Mobs under me for the whole rest of the night on day 14 I built more of the bridge pillars and continued on the bridge path during the night I lit up

The bridge to avoid having mob spawn ironically I was shot off and died while trying to fight a skeleton I had to walk the entire bridge for the rest of the day and into day 15. I got my stuff and continue to build a bridge until night

Time then I made my way home to make shovels since day was in The Horizon I went out and started to dig my large amounts of sand on day 16. I continue to dig until I literally ran out of shovels and then went back to smelt down all my

Sand and make more axes I waited the whole night foreign to Glass beta 1.1 underscore 02 only contained minor changes on day 17 I took out the glass and put in the rest of the sand I made my commute to the end of the bridge and

Start to chop down trees in the forest I went back onto the bridge and finished the bridge path during the night I also started to build the wooden archways for the glass protection and started to place in the glass then a creeper trespassed onto my bridge but then

Walked off I continued to build the glass protection while getting shot many times by skeletons which heavily degraded my armor to negligible at best on day 18 I continued with the glass protection until I ran out of glass at which I went back home I made a

Bajillion shovels and dug up the whole desert until night time I went back home to stock up on some food so I Wouldn’t Die continuing the glass protection I finished this section and went on to the next I built more arches and then start to build a glass and almost got blown up

In the process I got shot again which got me pretty low hence the emergency food I put a little more on the glass and then went back home by day 19. I first threw all my stuff in the chest and then proceeded to make even more

Shovels to dig even more sand or even more glass that was a mouthful also a lot of sand while the sun was Rising I made my daily commute again to start Gathering more wood until night time I returned to the bridge and walked back home to craft more planks to smelt the

Sand in beta 1.2 cakes dispensers lapis note blocks and Sandstone were added two new tree types were added Spruce and Birch Spruce only spawns in taigas and Birch spawn along Oak and forces colored wool was reintroduced with crafting recipes items that were added include bones bone meal cocoa beans ink snacks

Charcoal dyes and sugar sheep cannot spawn naturally with a gray light gray and black coat of wool and they can also be dyed squids were also added and dropped ink sacks upon death but there was a bug that actually let you milk a squid I don’t know how skeletons now

Drop Bones and spiders can climb up walls the furnace now has a top texture and spawners show a rotating model inside reeds are not called sugarcane and workbenches are now called crafting tables all tools got an increase of durability except gold tools but they are faster than Diamond coal iron and

Diamond ore now spawn more often on day 21 I took the glass out my furnaces and then went on my way to the end of the bridge I finished up making the wooden arches and started on the glass part I then lit up the bridge after finishing

The glass I went to the next part of the bridge and started building the glass protection I built the Arches and went home because I was running out of glass I cooked the rest of my sand and by daytime I gathered my smelted glass and

Was making my commute again by day 22 I finished the glass protection with some glass left over I made a staircase down so I can have quick access to the ground I took some time to explore what was ahead and then went back by the time I

Made it back it was touring night I arrived at my home reorganized and made a bunch of pickaxes and armor and got some food then I went back onto the bridge it was a nice little walk by day 23 I made it to the end of the bridge I

Was having no success but then I found a chunk area where I could find a cave I started to probe around the area and found a small little cave I was greeted by a creeper and got some coal from it since the cave wasn’t too big I tried to

Find another one so I started mining down again with the less than welcoming greeting I swiftly dispatched the skeleton and then continue with my capitalist exploitation of the oars for the rest of the day and day 24 I mined a lot and got many resources while facing

Many foes and persevering in beta 1.2 underscore 0-1 a new painting was added but there was no texture for it on day 25 I continued and got many oars including some diamonds as well as defending myself from many mods by the middle of Day 26 I might not lost up and

Got a good number of diamonds I started mining up to get out and then Mark where I came out of I then looked around for my bridge and lo and behold there it was I just have to fjorda River and climate Mountain light work when I got home I

Reorganized my mintoy and started to process my auras and cook some food then I went down to the basement to make the fireplace bigger as more decoration I dyed some wool I made a mock bed it took me a little to figure out where to place

It but after walking back and forth from my house and basement I ended up placing it on the second floor since my oars were finished smelting I made some swords out of the iron and started to slaughter the local cattle population that’s not a cow it wasn’t all cows

Though but sheeps and pigs too you know inclusive murder on day 27 I cooked up the meat I got from last night and waited for my arm to finish smelting I made some more axes then proceeded to Traverse my bridge I made a pit stop to change the dirt into Cobblestone then I

Continued on my way to the forest in front of the bridge the fourth was at my mercy and I gave No Mercy by night time that force was decimated I went back directed a bridge and waited and I did the exact same thing on day 28. in beta

1.2 underscore zero two lapis lazuli or now drop anywhere from four to eight lapis lazuli instead of one being sacks got her name to Ink sacks and cocoa beans were renamed from cocoa beans that sounded ridiculous because it sounded like I said the same thing twice there

Was a function where if you press shift F2 you would get a TGA file that was 1.8 gigabytes big while taking it the game would freeze and experience major graphical distortions Notch confirmed that this was test code and it would be removed in later versions on day 29 I

Chopped by two trees I don’t know why then I destroyed the stairs down and continue to build a support beam or girder or whatever it is I stupidly fell down by at least I could collect the wood that dropped I went back up and continued to build the beat the bridge

Became dangerously close to the ground which will haunt me later but since it was night I went back home I reorganized and brought a ton of coal with me actually all of it I walked back until it was day 30 where I built the whole list and continue the beam then I built

The pillars until it turned nighttime I finished destroying the remnants of the stairs and placed in last pillar since I couldn’t really do much at night I just kind of sat there trying to figure out what to do I ended up just putting the top portion of the bridge up until the

Hill lastly I moved my stuff up to the end of the walkway on day 31 I finished moving up my stuff and went to kill more trees Wow since when did this become factorial I did this until I turned night at which I went back to my chest

And made most of the logs into planks and waited for the night to be over on day 32 I started to build a path all the way to the other end of the bridge I finished building the walkway and then started to build the wooden arches for future glass protection I was ambushed

By the zombie and spider and was shot by a skeleton during all of this at some point I just had enough of building and just waited for the night to go away but I did get to watch a sunrise though beta 1.3 introduced beds finally you can

Sleep away the scary night but if your surroundings were improperly lit mobs would spawn wrestling repeaters were also added so you didn’t have to use a redstone torches to extend the signal new slab types were added Cobblestone wood and sandstone a new painting was added the burning skull which is the

Same painting that previously did not have a texture Redstone does gets darker the farther it is from the source sanso non-spawn under the sand and double slabs dropped both slabs when broken sulfur was renamed to gunpowder smooth lighting was added with the help of Mr Messiah and a new chunk storm method was

Implemented which is based on the mod MC region by scavalis in World creation Now you can customize the name and create more than 5 worlds on day 33 I want to gather but Mom could keep attacking me after those were dealt with I continued to chop more treats by nighttime I

Continued to build more of the wooden arches and lighting things up at one point I was shot off the bridge and had to run for my life better walk for my life I continue to build the archers until I was done while returning home I

Was shot at a lot but none landed I made it home after a safe walk and reorganized my stuff I made a bet she bringing me on my Adventures I also made paintings because I thought it would make my basement look better and it did

Kind of spruced up the place but no time for relaxation I got to manifest destiny my way to Victory I made it to my chest to put away all my stuff and made some shovels I went down to the beach in started to harvest as much sand as

Possible by night I walked back to the bridge and made some furnaces to smelt my freshly dug sand I organized and then waited for the night to go away while walking on the bridge I stupidly and I don’t know what was going through my brain walked off in the stupidest way

Possible I made it to the beaches but caught the attention of some skeletons thankfully I invaded them and continue to drink more sand I continued to dig until night time of j35 at which I went back to my bridge and stored all the sand to chess I took out the glass in

The furnaces and somehow there was one sand left so I smelted the remaining sand then I turned the wood into planks to cook the sand I just got and then proceeded to wear the night away on Day 36 I did the exact same thing as yesterday I dug therefore I smelt

Therefore I wait but this time added even more furnaces because I was impatient beta 1.3 underscore 0-1 contained only minor changes on day 37 I did one more day of extensive sand excavation and processing before on day 38 where I started on the glass protection I finished installing the

Glass of the walls on both sides but ran out and went back to restock I went back to collect this belted glass from the furnaces and continued the place class this time on the ceiling I returned to my little Outpost and then waved the

Night away on day 39 I made my way to the end of the bridge and made a staircase down I went down to scout the area ahead I got some pumpkins and continued forwards I saw a vast body of water and had my cortisol levels rise

Then I walked back home and chopped some wood so I wouldn’t think about that blasted body of water by the time it was night I returned to the staircase and up the bridge I started to move over everything to the new end of the bridge surprisingly the hardest thing to move

Was my furnaces those suckers took forever than mine I eventually moved everything but by the time I was finished it was day 40. I went down to chop more trees to continue the bridge I returned by nighttime and put all my stuff away I tried to sleep many times

But moms kept spawning it was so easy reading so I just stopped it because I kept getting attacked these old bed mechanics are so annoying so I just waited the night to go away in beta 1.4 lock chest otherwise known as Steve Coast Supply crates were added they

Would spawn around the world and when opened there would be a GUI that had a button that would redirect to the Minecraft website they couldn’t be destroyed unless exploded sneaking on a ladder will now make the player stay in place cookies got added and replenish

Half a heart and can be sacked up to eight cocoa beans can now be found in Dungeon chess wolves are added and Could Be Tamed sheep can now spawn in pink or brown variants and spirals can no longer trample crops infrastructure for achievements and statistics have been added in the default hockey for

Inventory is now e instead of I lastly a new Mojang and Minecraft logo was added on day 41 I went down to gather more wood I had to kill off some creepers keep that in mind then I started to chop a treat and got stuck up on by a creeper

I was down to half a heart and then died from Fall damage somehow I was just on the right amount of Health to die not from the creeper but from Fall damage I spent the whole rest of the day walking back I got my stuff in the end but a

Whole day was wasted by day 42 I went back to log more and made sure that I wouldn’t die from a creeper again I got a couple stacks of logs and walked back to the bridge by night I had a creepy Crawley follow me so I had to put it

Down I put away the wood and broke the staircase I took the wood back and started to build a bridge I continued until I made it to the hill and stopped because of the risk of having mobs get on my bridge I built the holders lit the

Bridge and start to build the path on day 43 I made more planks and continued on the walkway I and one more section of the bridge before installing the pillars of the bridge after that I continued to build a bridge into the mountain by nighttime I was on guard for mobs

Especially creepers I started to install the glass protection until the next day on day 44 the glass kept being placed but mobs were all over the place and more creepers too many of them after I finished I went back to get some coat and started to mine I continued to mine

Until the end of the day and made it to the other side of the hill in beta 1.4 underscore 0-1 the lock chests were partially removed but were still obtainable through cheats and exploits and beds Now function as spawn points on day 45 I continued to dig the tunnel

Though I had to defend myself from many mobs for the rest of the day I kept playing this weird semi-tunnel Bridge section I don’t know what to call it it’s like cheese but no animals were harmed in the making I returned to my chest and put away my stuff then I

Walked back further and got some glass and then walk back to start the glass protection many mops fell through so I tried to quickly finish up the glass by day 46 I finished up digging the tunnel and change out the dirt to Cobble then I made a little port from the tunnel and

Walked around for a little next I built the bridge up until the water and started to make an intersection on the bridge while looking at the place I got the idea to make a lighthouse hence the intersection I couldn’t really continue more so I just put all my stuff into a

Chest I went back to the previous chest took some coal and walked back home by day 47 I took all the wool and roses and made a set of iron arms then I went to tax the Sheep outside my house and wool after that I traveled back to the end of

The bridge and started installed the pillars of the intersection by the time I was finished it was night so I just waited it out on day 48 I Scott around the local area to find some trees to chop I gathered some wool killed the pig

And went back to the bridge to start the bridge offshoot I finished building the top section by night and then proceeded to wait out the night beta 1.5 added saplings for Birch and Spruce trees which dropped from the respective types of leaves cobwebs are added but unobtainable until beta 1.8 new rail

Types were added detector and powered detector rails would detect when a mine cart rolls over it and outputs a redstone signal power rails would make the minecart go quicker when powered and stopped when unpowered sleeping through thunderstorms is not possible and fire spreads slower grass blocks now have

Consistent side grass colors instead of neon green pigs turn into zombie pigmen and creepers turn into charge creepers when struck by lightning Inventory management was improved with the addition of shift clicking which would bring the whole stack between inventories weather was introduced now I can hear rain without the sound slider

The alternate ladder glitch no longer works the geoli cannot be changed from small normal large and auto which today I still don’t know what it means I always guess that Min automatic on day 49 I brought some of my stuff from my past chest inserted on the lighthouse

But first I had to finish up the bridge I finished up the pillars and start to terraform the little bump I went back to get the wool and flowers and made some red wool I had to look up some reference images because I forgot what a

Lighthouse looked like I said to make a classic red white Lighthouse but since I didn’t have enough red wool I went out to gather more dye and wolf I didn’t think flowers would be hard to find but I was so wrong I was literally searching for flowers until night time at which I

Hid in a hole until morning on day 50 I made a Mad Dash for my life and did collect some flowers and wool on my way and also made some red wool I made it back to the base of the lighthouse and started to experiment and built it I

Built the first section fairly quickly but then got stuck at the second one not only did I run out of wool I reached a dilemma on how to make something square round anyway I traversed the land some more in search for more wool and Pockets

I did also get some wild game in my journey I continued to search for a dye and War until night time now return to the Outpost and continue on the lighthouse I made a couple revisions and ended up on something that didn’t look too bad then I started to install a

Wooden floor and stairs so I can go up and down on the lighthouse on day 51 I continued the stairs until I reached the top I went back down to gather more wool and died to continue the Tower of Lighthouse who knew that trying to make a lighthouse was this hard since I

Didn’t have enough wool to finish the third section I just put a little marker so I can imagine what the end result would be since animals didn’t spawn at night I just waited it out on day 52 there was a thunderstorm which confused me because of how dark it was I knew

It’d be cloudy but it was almost as dark as modern Minecraft fights I still had something to gather war with little success and almost died to his Fighters I used what little wool I had left then I went back out with a little bit more success of finding sheep I came back and

Left the lighthouse and almost finished the tower part by literally really cutting Corners to conservable I had to be really creative with these stairs to maintain Ascension honestly the lighthouse ain’t looking too bad beta 1.5 underscore 0-1 consisted mainly of minor changes on jpv3 I guided the last

Bit of wool I needed to finish up the tower then I looked up some references for the top and then just made my own I went back to get some Cobble to plant as melted some for stone I started to plant the top and continuously go back and

Forth to check whether it looked good From Below then I started to change the Cobblestone to Stone because I was satisfied with how it came out on j54 I continued to build a Top-Up at this point I was trying to get some walking space on top after that I placed a

Wooden deck so I can walk around it took a little bit of messing around but I ended up making the staircase just head up straight I marked the center and then went down and get glass I then started to install the glass window so I can see

Out of it and the light can shine through I went down to see how it looked and looked alright so I finished up the glass then I traveled all the way back home and made a diamond pickaxe and got all the glowstone I had which wasn’t

Much I was hoping that it was a 2×2 crafting recipe but internally I knew it was 3×3 since I didn’t have another portal here I traveled back to the old house where my another portal recited I continue to walk through day 55 and entered my nether portal I spent the

Rest of the day and into day 56 Gathering less than half a stack of glowstone blocks since they only dropped one dust it was nine blocks broken to one block crafted how annoying is that eventually I made the 27 blocks and walked as quick as my blocky legs can

Move back to the portal I had an epic battle of a gas which resulted in a tie I made it back to the Overland and started to travel back to the lighthouse for the rest of the day fatal 1.5 underscore zero two contained minor changes beta 1.6 introduced new foliage

Grass Ferns and dead bushes trap doors are also added although there were only wooden ones maps are also added which let the players see more of the world beds now exploding another when slepted and fire has been heavily nerfed and don’t cause extreme force fires anymore ice regenerates even when it’s not

Snowing in Kohler biomes when missing a swing the 10 tick cooldown has been removed shift clicking now also applies to crafting in bulk fun fact this is the first version of a trailer on d57 I continued to walk to the lighthouse once I made it to the lighthouse I made a place

It looked good so I smelted more Stone and started to make the root now it’s almost finished with the roof so I started to make the center light then I went back down to get more Stone finished up the roof and start to lay out the place like crazy I replaced the

Cobble under the deck for continuity six I broke the pillar and then left it floated for some reason I reorganized and cooked up some food then while eating I realized my food was broken my meat was infinite I had infinite meat I never thought how weird it was until I

Said it I then finally placed a stone slab pillar under the light in the lighthouse on day 58 I started to make a mon to gather Stone and found some diamonds in the process I went back up to make a chest to put all my stone in

And then went back to continue mining through day 59 and 60 I continued to mine for stone and found many other words in the process I ended up with almost a full double chest of stone beta 1.6.1 through beta 1.6.5 mainly consisted of minor changes on day 61 I

Opened the world and saw a surprise my stake went from infinite to 119 in a single stack that’s still a lot so I took it I made some axes and started to chop trees I across them into planks and started to smell a bunch of cobblestone after the addition of cobblestone slabs

I needed smooth Stone to make stone slime which made it a lot harder I got a couple stacks of slabs and then started to build a support beat I continued to build into day 62 until I made it to the other side I went back and all my stone

Exploded on my furnaces I picked up the mess and made some stone slabs since I was finished with the beam I started on the holders I built until the next day while lighting up the bridge on day 63 I walked back and got all my wood and

Cobble to start smelting every time I try to put stuff into furnaces they would just explode out and I would just have to feed the furnaces twice it was very repetitive and already annoying enough I made some iron pickaxes and went down to mine some more I mined out

A bunch of stone out and then went back up to start to collect my stone slowly I made some slabs and by day64 I started to build the pillars I kept building but I ran out halfway through I went back to make even more slabs and continue to

Make even more pillars placing slabs is infuriating because you’re basically placing twice as much at half the progress I kept building until night time but it still wasn’t enough I walked back all the way and are doing the same old same old smelting Cobble again on day65 I continued the bridge by mining

Because I still needed Stone can you tell that I don’t like making the stone Bridges I went back up put my son away and then went back I found some diamonds while mining a nice plus as I was almost up the stairs I saw more Stone on the

Ground what is going on here I reorganized and made some slabs to continue building the pillars I built and built and built and almost died float back I finally finished and started walking back to my outpost on day 66 I grabbed all my Cobblestone and continue to build the walkway I had six

Snacks and could barely finish one of three rows of Cobble meaning after I finished lighting the bridge I had to go back down and mine even more Stone I am a dwarf and I’m digging a hole I finished mine just to finish another row

And start on the third one by day 67 I was going to mine again but since I depleted my iron so much I had to smell more iron for more picks Diggy Diggy Hole diamonds after clocking out I finished building the bridge and went back just to put a couple things away I

Went back to the other side and waited the night until a beautiful Sun arrows on day 68 as guided around the mountain for a spot for my new base and decided that it would be a great spot for my new home I continued to look around and got

Some pumpkins on my way as well as some triggers here I found some grass which is so rare for me because I still live in Old chunks I returned to the bridge and walked back to my house by the end of the day I grabbed some armor and some

Precious materials with me can’t forget food on a trip that’s always important then I started to go back on day 69 I continued to go to my chest and organize then I walk to the end of the bridge and made stairs going down since I was done

With the stone section of the bridge I didn’t get wood I was a little late to gather Woods I had to go back but there were skeletons camping my way back either loop around them while getting shot a lot eventually I may have got to

The bridge and made a new Outpost at the new end of the bridge I waited through the night because it was too dangerous on Day 70 I walked as quick as possible through the mob so I can continue to chop more wood I trapped more trees until it turned night at which I

Returned back I made some planks and continued the bridge it went all the way until the mountain face while on the bridge I got knocked off by a skeleton and had to use my extensive food supply distribute I went back up the side Channel section then I finished the

Wooden part first until morning though I didn’t make the pillars because it was nighttime on day 71 I made iron pickaxes and started mining I scaled the mount to mark an approximate spot for the future base I’ll continue to mine afterwards until I felt like I was close enough to

The marker then I started to make an offshoot for a ladder hole I recessed it a little bit so it would be more independent from the bridge and then I dug up to see where I would end up it wasn’t too bad of a location so I lit up

The place I returned down to continue making the tunnel up and had a short break where I got some torches then I finished up the hole but it was missing ladders I went back to make ladders and then placed them in since it was still night mounts are still around and

Bugging every so often though I was trying to change the dirt into Cobble lastly I lit up the tunnel on Day 72 I started my new base construction was started for a castle of Epic Proportions or at least as epic as a beta Castle can

Be I guess I first see marked the border and started Excavating since the castle is a little bigger than the area I placed it in there was some hanging spots and I almost died while trying to Mark the Border after that I spent the rest of the day digging for Sun and

Night dry and Rain by the time of morning I made huge progress on the terraformer I continue to dig through all of j73 it took a while but not as long as I expected I built a little bit of the wall and then went back to get

Wood on day 74 I returned to the foundation and made a lot of blinks I destroyed all the tortures so I can Circle in the first floor I finished the floor and then used my leftover Cobble to start building the walls I continue until I finish the first floor walls and

Then built a marker for the rest of the floors I went down to see how it looked like and I could already imagine how it would come out I returned to the old Outpost to get whatever I need I took some random stuff like wool but food you

Always need food by the time I returned back to the castle moms had started spawning I killed them off and then start to laugh the plate so they don’t come back I continue to build the First wall until it was at the height I wanted which was apparently at the clouds since

I was on the verge of running out of Pablo I made some arm pickaxes and crashed my game what I did was I attempted to shift click an item into a chest that was full which led to a crash now I had to be careful not to overfill

A chest I encountered the skeletons so I led into the ladder hole the skeleton fell down and I just helped a little her die twice since it was already a skeleton so already died I returned to the Mine by day 75 and mine for the majority of the day then I’ll return to

The castle to continue placing the walls I reorganized and since the walls were high enough I started to place the second floor on day 76 I went down to the local Forest to log because I ran out of wood I logged until night time at which I returned to keep making the

Second floor and making sure it was lit once I was finished I started on the third floor and continued until morning on day 77 I finished up the third floor then I made the battlements and then lit up the place since the walkway from the bridge the castle has been neglected I

Thought it would be a good time to make it safer and then proceed to neglect It Again by moving items into the castle I walked back and forth and back and forth and so on destroying outposts and bringing the materials the lone chests crafting tables furnaces and even

Checking the mine shafts for items I also went back to the now old house to collect any items of importance unlike last time I didn’t move everything this took me until day 80 and still they weren’t even organized beta 1.6.6 changed the material of Glowstone from glass to Stone which makes it now

Require a pickaxe to mine redstone torches and levers cannot be placed on glowstone and they drop 2-4 does when broken instead of one crafting cost was reduced from nine does to four same change affected wool this version was also the first version to be released on

Console on day 81 I spent like half the day making a grand staircase it had four different stairs on two sides I ended up making the stairs more block-like by filling under it with wood I also planned another fireplace because I just loved him then I went up to start

Setting up the new chests first I placed the furnaces around where the chimney would be it’s just that I would never make a chimney then I placed the chest and crafting tables and made it symmetrical I spent the rest of the day and into day 82 to organize all my

Chests it was a pretty annoying ordeal I made some pings to decorate some more kind of reminiscent of the old house I started on making the fireplace and doing some fire prevention measures so it doesn’t burn down the floors I made a ladder up to the roof so I can access it

While organizing my chest I had smelted clay so now I can make bricks and use it for the fireplace then I added fire and tried to make it as realistic as possible not even a minute pass and Fire almost broke out so I use slabs to stop

It on day 83 I explored and try to find more clay I did find out that clay was extremely rare and completely disregarded I should have paid attention I did not find any clay in my Dave exploration so instead I just conserved the bricks and placed it where it looked

The best I finished up and cleaned up the place did I just wait until the next day on day 84 I grabbed a couple pickaxes and shovels and started to make a new mine I mined out for what felt like forever and then went back up to

Restock and organize I made more tools and continued to mine down more beta 1.7 introduced Pistons which is from a mod made by hippopotamus who gave code to help Jeb in implementation Brooks and Cobblestone got a texture change cobwebs require a sword or shears to break and

Drops one string also shears were added it’s required to obtain leaves and wool from sheep with dropped one to three wool there’s also coincide with the removal of sheep punching for wool punching no longer lights TNT and requires a flavor too the silverfish texture was added but currently there

Was no mob Beto 1.7 also had a trailer for it on day 85 I started to make a piston door because I was kind of sick of regular their doors a mids and pistons and other things then went down the building I was just planning to make

A 2×2 piston board first I placed the Pistons and then wired up since the castles hang over the flip side sort of I’d go through the floor it worked so I hit all the maternity and yes I know moms can log in because of my pressure plates this is probably the most fun

Thing I did all video I started to smell some sand and built the Arches on the bridge since it wasn’t too big I had enough to build the Arches but not enough glass one suction takes like a stack and a half glass which is a lot of

Glass I made a couple of shovels and stuffly gathered saying in the night it didn’t work I got recognized anyways I went back and smelted it for the rest of the day on day 86 I collected my glass and went out to put in the glass after I

Added a little Pizzazz to the mine I continued to mine the tunnel it didn’t take too long then I made some axes and went down and gathered some wood I went back to the bridge and continued to build through the night I started to build the holders but I went back

Because of the skeletons I didn’t want to die again at the end of The 100 days before the morning I tried to head out and collected wood through day 87. after that I continued the holders inside the path I finished building the path and then lit it up I continue another couple

Of sections and then start to build more wooden arches by early morning and into day 88 I started to place the pillars since it’s right next to the mountain I went to get more glass I went up to smelt it and then waited for it to be

Finished then I climbed down to finish up the glass protection beta 1.7.2 consisted mainly of minor changes on day 89 I got some tools that went down to mine I stripped mine for four days making trips back every so often to pull away my findings I found many diamonds

Through my Expedition I also found a lot of coal iron gold lapis and Redstone as well I also bind into a dungeon it had some good loot in it but nothing special all my stuff got replenished to a good level beta 1.7.3 fixed some piston duplication bushes on day 93 I organized

A little and went down to gather wood then I returned back home to smell a bunch of cobblestone this will be important later on Day 94 I went back and placed the pillars on the mount entries before the castle because I apparently forgot after that I continued

To smelt more Stone and started making spots with the towers the stone I’ve been sculpting all this time are for the tires so not yet don’t mind the flowing power spots there are completely stable a returned home after finishing the areas and cooked some food then I just

Wait through the night on day 95 I made another expedition to explore the lands I made some boats to travel faster on the water the lane is really becoming livelier with more variety I hunted some pigs on the way since the sun was starting to set I started to return back

Home I hopped on my boat and not even a second later a creeper snuck up on me and exploded at least I only lost my diamond pickaxe well actually I also lost my glitch food which might have been more of a loss I spent the rest of

The day walking back on day 96 I made a pit stop at my old house and rented the food chest and grabbed a set of armor and some other stuff I made it back home and put away all my stuff I grabbed my diamonds and made a whole set of tools

And armor it evoked the feeling of accomplishment that was different from Modern versions diamond armor is no longer hard to obtain but this was hard I processed some oars and collected my stone apologies if I missed anything in this version because beta 1.8 was a pretty big version one of the most

Controversial updates in Minecraft Beta 1.8 otherwise known as The Adventure of to introduce many major changes first and foremost the new Hunger system food now replenishes the hunger bar instead of Health most food can stock up to 64 and the Food Level goes down when an action is performed when hunger is above

90 it heals the player half a heart every 4 seconds and when it’s at zero percent the player loses half a heart every four seconds sprinting was also introduced and diminishes the hunger bar sprinting now allows the player to jump over four block gaps now previously it was two this greatly enhanced the

Gameplay since now you can Traverse quicker raw chicken restores two hunger and has a 30 chance of giving the hunger effect cooked chicken restores 6 hunger raw beef or swords three hunger cook beef restores 8 hunger and uses the old pork chop texture melons were added and slices restored to hunger they are

Harvested from melons and are used to craft melon seeds pumpkin seeds are used to grow pumpkins and can be found in Dungeon chests Ron flask restores 400 with an 80 chance of giving the hunger effect quick pork chops got texture update because of the addition of cooked

Beef mushroom stew now restores 8 hunger instead of 10 Health golden apples restore 10 hunger and gives regeneration for 30 seconds instead of 20 Health the new experience system added XP that dropped from mobs on death right now there’s not much usage to it many blocks were added stone bricks slabs and stairs

Were added with Mossy and cracked variants infested Stone was also added with variants of stone Cobble and stone bricks regular brick slabs and stairs are also added mushroom blocks both red and brown and mushroom stems were introduced and obtained from a tall mushroom tall mushrooms are grown from bone mealing mushrooms and don’t

Naturally spawn leaves Zone Decay when placed by players and shears can be used to obtain grass as well as Vines which is also added chests now have a new model and are a little bit smaller than a full block pressure plates can be placed on fences and textures for mossy

Cobblestone change glass panes and iron bars need six of the respective materials to craft and fence gates require four sticks and two planks beta 1.8 added many mobs and changed some cave spiers are smaller variants of spiders and they can give the player poison Enderman are three blocks tall

And use zombie sounds as a placeholder they can teleport around the map and are able to place and pick up blocks pre-release versions of 1.8 had entered with black particles and green eyes instead of purple eyes and portal particles when looking at their face they will start to get hostile and

Attack the player they cannot go into water otherwise they’ll start to take damage they also drop an ender pearl when killed silverfish were added with the texture that was previously added they Spawn from infested blocks and strongholds skeletons now drop arrows as well as bones since both now need to be

Charged to shoot they also applies to skeletons they also now hold full size bows instead of the item texture you cannot block with a sword and do Critical Hits which deal more damage they also change many passive mob Pig stats not protrude chickens now drop one

Chicken and cows drop one to three beef they both drop the cook variation of the meat they drop when killed the fire new bombs were introduced they include new oceans that replaced the old ocean the new oceans are now bigger deeper and the Ocean Floors composed of dirt clay and

Sand Clay is now more common Plains and deserts increase in size Extreme Hills hide a mountain Generation update attackers no longer spawn snow because of generation problems swamps were added with oak trees that spawned with vines Rivers are also added in spawn flowing through biomes the farlands were removed

As well as many other old biomes they include seasonal forces rainforests shrublands Savannahs Tundras and Ice deserts though eye scissors never spawn the old beaches and gravel beaches were also removed new structures are added mine shafts spawn underground with wooden supports and chests strewn around that contain loot Ravines were added and

Were huge crevices in the ground that had exposed ores strongholds were added and contained loot but there wasn’t any end portal room yet villagers are composed of houses but as of right now they do not have any inhabitants a new gamer was introduced creative creative mode let the player obtain most items in

The game the player can fly and cannot be killed unless they fall into the void they can also break previously unbreakable blocks like Bedrock when transitioning from night to day and day to night the light no longer updates and waves instead updating more gradually to look less harsh beta at 1.8 also added

Status effects regeneration increases Health slowly and is gone from golden apples hunger decreases the hunger bar quicker and has gone from raw flesh and raw chicken poisoning deals damage to the player every so often has gone from cave spiders the main menu background is not a panorama of a world instead of a

Dirt background these are the details for the world and where it was at beta 1.8 had a trailer as well on day 97 I fixed the lighting issues and put all my food into one stack I grabbed my stone and went down to make into stone bricks

I started to build the towers and they actually looked good there was a skeleton so I killed him a sub card duking skills but continued on the other three towers which took me most of the day by the end of the day I made some iron bars and changed the slabs to bars

And then I slept through the night on day 98 I made some boats and went on another exploration I walked on my bridge the staircase that goes down to the ground I drove for a long time while killing some animals since there’s actually a play now I can finish my

Fireplace I fill the local animal population and found a Tiger Biome I chopped a couple of trees and grabbed the sapling for safe keepings I also found some exposed Aura in the ground which I took I kept killing more animals and found a giant slab of ice and skated

On it to the other side and saw a swamp I ran around the swamp during the usual and started to head back to the base it was a rough Journeys since it was night time but I had animals company oh wait by day 99 I was close to the bridge

Because the land started to be flatter I found the bridge and walked back to my brooding Castle I cooked my food and the few iron or I got I put away my stuff and smelted my clay as well I collected some stuff and made a clock I made some

Bricks to fully convert the fireplace to bricks and also change the slabs as brick stairs I went outside to light my surroundings but I had some uninvited guests on my property I added Edge slabs on the fireplace and made a little table and couch though the couch is wooden

Then I put away my stuff and went to bed on day 100 I used the then new bow mechanics on a skeleton it felt weird even though I’ve been playing on those Mechanics for years I went back to my chest and grabbed some cacti and sugarcane for our farm I walked onto the

Bridge and jumped into the water grab some but the water was a little weird it didn’t make the block I took into a source block just lets it flowing then I made an infinite wire source and started to flatten the ground for the certain chain bar I only made a couple rows

Before I started to make the cactus farm I made sure to space the cacti so it wouldn’t destroy each other when broken I went back to the sugar cane and extended it a little for my sanity I also made all the water into sources and not flowing by night time I realized

That mobs could spawn on the tower so I lift them up and as quickly as it started it ended and now the 100 days are over but now we get to the World Tour so this will be spun to two parts a beta part and an alpha part we’re going

To debate apart first because I’m already here and it’s easier to do that instead of doing the alpha first so firstly the castle or technically the Castle’s made last but we can gloss over that basically this Castle is my new base of operations I got my chest

Furnaces and all my items in here all my good stuff and I have a lot of good stuff a full set of diamond armor and a full set of tools we got our paintings uh they’re a little bit off because of the lighting from changing versions so

Quickly and we got our fireplace it is completely fireproof I made sure got my chair I don’t know what it’s called and my table to sit here I don’t know who would sit here but whatever got my stairs and then it’s my way of exiting just through it this is my front

Entrance it’s a nice piston door that I made in 1.7 gosh sugarcane farm and a monster cactus farm and then you have a nice view over everything I keep forgetting that you can run in 1.8 now you have a great Vista a Grand Vista of all the lands below it’s just a little

Bit of old generation but you can see a little bit of grass from the newer versions and the way to go to the bridge from this Castle is through here so let’s go down to the bridge and we’ve got a nice little tunnel here so we

Don’t get shot at or exploded out or hit at during night time we go down the ladder and here at the bridge going here we’re going to the end of the bridge which there’s nothing exciting over here because it’s just a bridge now we’re gonna head over to the other parts okay

So the lighthouse is right over there and see what’s happening and we have our glowstone light which does not project light at all because if you unless unless you look up you won’t see the light although the stairs are a little cramped up here but it’s fine and then

We got a little watch out Watchtower we can walk over the bridge and the water and a little bit up here on the mountains and that’s pretty much it for the lighthouse there’s not really much over here well now it’s raining the rain is loud I don’t know why as we go down

Here I never actually finished the lighthouse because I I would love to hear you guys here uh originally I was gonna put some Stone and some staircase here but I guess I never go up to that so so that’s the lighthouse the lighthouse is nothing important nothing

Very like big or like influence of this world but it’s a nice Landmark that is a little bit different from uh the 100 days in Alpha because in Alpha I only build houses and this one I built actually a lighthouse I don’t know what I’m saying and here’s the another mine

Shaft that gets down or whatever for the stone pressure on the bridge okay okay uh uh I must run past this but this is also kind of it’s not as important as anything else but it’s just a little notable point because instead of breaking down a straight down I just

Placed the bridge directly through the tree there’s nothing special with this it’s just because I want to just dig through the tree instead of breaking it down I thought it looked better if I just made the bridge go through the tree and now we’re approaching the last Alpha

Hill so now we’re going to the alpha tour so now that we’re back in the alpha portion of the world this is a little offshoot for this house this house is like the first house but bigger version you got this bed this was made because there was no beds in Alpha obviously so

I made a representation of a bed and it just for decoration I don’t know the chest look all ugly because of lighting but my food is all or my stuff is in here I never brought over all the stuff from this house to the castle because too much stuff and honestly there’s not

Much of a point of bringing all the stuff uh out here we have a little lit portion of the area I love this area around my house I have the dock which has a couple boats in it I don’t know if there’s any both left I think there is I

Never used all the boats and I did replace some of the both I think so maybe there’s a couple of both in there it has a little Drifter and then we have this Farm uh it it’s since been trampled this zombie is stuck in this like Whirlpool water uh yeah this Farm has

Been trampled I think by spiders because I I don’t know I mean mom’s a little weird in the previous versions and in previous versions you could walk and trample your crops so I don’t know uh but that’s basically it there’s a basement I think yeah there’s a basement

To this house if you look outside from this house you can see like a hump right there I that’s because of this this staircase go inside of the the because the house is on a hill so if I put a staircase through the hill it’ll pop off

The hill it’s not the cover of it from dirt and this is the basement it is a lot smaller and it’s kind of like the first floor of the castle but a little different we got paintings and we got a fireplace and I I like making fireplaces because it’s interesting it’s nice to

Have it feels it makes it feel like cozy and like warm and stuff and then this is go down and you see the uh the mine okay so that’s that that’s this house this house is you know nothing special but it is bigger than the previous house uh

Here’s another mine shaft for the stone for the bridges and with like the weird generation of a world and like the reassignment of biomes it creates this like weird like like half iced up oceans okay so this is if I’m not mistaken the first or okay is this the first mine

Shaft on the bridge so the spine goes down it’s a little bit different it’s like a little platform offshore from the wooden bridge I already hate this you know what I basically just I guess don’t just get stoned I’m out I might have a huge room just just for stone and some

Mine shafts there’s nothing in this anymore because I took all of it out I hate I hate the Mist I hate it I hate it and now we’re heading over to the first uh tunnel and now we’re returning to the beginning the start of all of it and yeah this

Actually has wooden like fences just because I was experimenting with fences when they were added I was seeing what I could do of it it was a little weird so I just stopped it and it was too expensive to keep keep on going and this is the original house so furnaces are a

Little weird uh they place a little weird that’s why it’s just a sideways the chest there’s not many chests here and I took everything out when I moved to the second house uh there’s not much stuff going on here this is the first mine shaft if I remembered I think

There’s another one maybe but I think this is the first actual one I made this goes down I think there’s a mine I think there’s a strip mine right here a single tunnel one let’s see yeah there is one it’s it’s basically it’s one line oh no

It’s a cave oh that’s true yeah I forgot it was a cave Alpha caving was scary so let’s go out outside I mean there’s nothing special about this is an alpha terrain we have a little bit of farm uh this is the nether portal I’ll go inside

It like I guess I show like the beginning part but I’m not gonna go too far okay so we’re in another I don’t know where I went I think it was uh this location there’s nothing special in another all it had was glowstone and Pikmin another rack and so I don’t

Know their soul set in this version but yeah this is another terrain it’s a kind of Baron I’m out here because there’s gas everywhere but there was so many gas when I first entered the nether I have no idea why but I think as far as I know that is it

For the world tour um I don’t know if I’m missing anything I don’t think I am uh well everyone knows something the spawn is over there somewhere I walked over here the spawn is in that direction I don’t know where the spawn is there’s only so many things

I can remember after so long but I’ll leave the download for the worlds for all the versions of the world because I kept backups of it you guys can download it and check it out and see what happens but that is the end of the world tour

And I’ll see you later well that’s it another 100 days in Minecraft we made a lot more progress a lighthouse a castle and that damn Bridge while making a tour I realize even that was brief and then an idea popped up would you guys want me

To stream a fuller breakdown slash q a of the world I feel like I’ll be able to explain more in a stream and maybe give some behind the scenes stories I don’t know you decide I really hope you enjoyed the video and who knows maybe an epic battle with Zoo next foreign

This video, titled ‘100 Days in Minecraft: Beta’, was uploaded by jasonthesmarty on 2022-12-25 17:00:10. It has garnered 455827 views and 20457 likes. The duration of the video is 00:47:11 or 2831 seconds.

100 days in 47 minutes

Downloads ➤ Alpha Worlds ➤ https://drive.google.com/drive/folders/11-Vt6lLQeC_vgOUAZWsRihPmEua7Qyi7 Beta Worlds ➤ https://drive.google.com/drive/folders/10KmfvjSVcedCiJ99euE1sSh0T81Mu10s

Timestamps ➤ Intro: 0:00 Beta 1.0 (Day 1 – 4): 0:33 Beta 1.0_01 (Day 5 – 8): 1:43 Beta 1.0.2 (Day 9 – 12): 2:47 Beta 1.1_01 (Day 13 – 16): 3:57 Beta 1.1_02 (Day 17 – 20): 5:01 Beta 1.2 (Day 21 – 24): 6:06 Beta 1.2_01 (Day 25 – 28): 7:54 Beta 1.2_02 (Day 29 – 32): 9:03 Beta 1.3 (Day 33 – 36): 10:37 Beta 1.3_01 (Day 37 – 40): 12:33 Beta 1.4 (Day 41 – 44): 13:39 Beta 1.4_01 (Day 45 – 48): 15:23 Beta 1.5 (Day 49 – 52): 16:36 Beta 1.5_01 (Day 53 – 56): 19:06 Beta 1.6 (Day 57 – 60): 20:25 Beta 1.6.1 (Day 61 – 64): 21:44 Beta 1.6.2 (Day 65 – 68): 23:01 Beta 1.6.3 (Day 69 – 72): 24:22 Beta 1.6.4 (Day 73 – 76): 26:01 Beta 1.6.5 (Day 77 – 80): 27:22 Beta 1.6.6 (Day 81 – 84): 27:54 Beta 1.7 (Day 85 – 88): 29:27 Beta 1.7.2 (Day 89 – 92): 31:15 Beta 1.7.3 (Day 93 – 96): 31:37 Beta 1.8 (Day 97 – 100): 32:49 Beta 1.8.1 World Tour: 39:09 Outro: 46:32

Game ➤ https://www.minecraft.net/en-us Twitter ➤ https://twitter.com/jasonthesmarty

#minecraft #100days #100daysinminecraft

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    Exploring my first abandoned mine in MinecraftVideo Information This video, titled ‘ASMR Minecraft Let’s Play Finding My First Abandoned Mine’, was uploaded by Morpheus ASMR Gaming on 2024-04-21 15:11:27. It has garnered 21752 views and 823 likes. The duration of the video is 02:00:06 or 7206 seconds. ASMR Minecraft Let’s Play Finding My First Abandoned Mine You can help support this channel by subscribing. Thank you Donate via Paypal https://paypal.me/MorpheusASMR Amazon USA https://amzn.to/3V8EUmh Amazon Canada https://amzn.to/2Nbnu3m Amazon UK https://amzn.to/2EgKOtS Read More

  • 🔥 EPIC FireBall Battle – Shizo Unleashed on RuHypixel 😱 #minecraft #anarchy

    🔥 EPIC FireBall Battle - Shizo Unleashed on RuHypixel 😱 #minecraft #anarchyVideo Information This video, titled ‘FireBallFight на RuHypixel 😱 #shorts #minecraft #майнкрафт #anarchy #анархия #сервер’, was uploaded by Чиз on 2024-03-23 18:27:13. It has garnered 882 views and 15 likes. The duration of the video is 00:00:44 or 44 seconds. ̶М̶О̶Й̶ ̶С̶Е̶Р̶В̶Е̶Р̶ 🌞IP: mc.sunnybeach.fun 🪅Version: 1.16.4-1.19.4 —————————— ———— VK: https://vk.com/savchikvyacheslav DONATE: donationalerts.com/r/cheesechill —————————————– – 📫Advertising and cooperation – [email protected] Read More

  • UNBELIEVABLE: Skyrider Mod for Minecraft TADC!!

    UNBELIEVABLE: Skyrider Mod for Minecraft TADC!!Video Information This video, titled ‘Minecraft TADC Addon by @TELUR-Man’, was uploaded by Skyrider on 2024-05-13 11:05:15. It has garnered 2481 views and 22 likes. The duration of the video is 00:08:47 or 527 seconds. Please Like, share these video & subscribe my channel…! ————————————————————————————————- Minecraft, minecraft game, play Minecraft, minecraft tutorial, minecraft tips, minecraft mod, minecraft server, minecraft seed, minecraft skin, minecraft map, minecraft meme, minecraft animation, minecraft machinima, minecraft youtuber, how to play Minecraft, minecraft tips and tricks, minecraft mod tutorial, minecraft server, tutorial, minecraft survival, hardcore Minecraft, minecraft let’s play, minecraft adventure, minecraft creative, minecraft builds, minecraft… Read More

  • PandaDoxx SLAYS in Insane Minecraft PvP Edit! 🐼🔥

    PandaDoxx SLAYS in Insane Minecraft PvP Edit! 🐼🔥Video Information This video, titled ‘Smooth Part 2 🗿🤯🔥 #minecraft #pvpedit #lunarclient #pvp #shorts #trending #edit #crazy #edit #sick’, was uploaded by PandaDoxx on 2024-05-17 11:16:05. It has garnered 182 views and 16 likes. The duration of the video is 00:00:05 or 5 seconds. Pretty Cool ey? Tags: (I just copy pasted from random video lol) I’m a Minecraft PVPer and use Lunar Client because you can Boost your FPS with Lunar Client. I know how to butterfly click and how to dragclick and how to jitterclick in minecraft pvp, my butterfly can easy go up to 16 CPS. Sometimes… Read More

  • Insane Giveaway: Unlock Minecraft Marketplace Pass Now!

    Insane Giveaway: Unlock Minecraft Marketplace Pass Now!Video Information This video, titled ‘[GIVEAWAY] Minecraft Marketplace Pass!’, was uploaded by Wild Goat on 2024-04-05 14:08:03. It has garnered 176 views and 18 likes. The duration of the video is 01:50:30 or 6630 seconds. You can have an entire month FREE! I am giving away a code for a subscription to @minecraft Marketplace Pass. 🎉 General Instructions on How to Enter: 1. You need to have Minecraft Bedrock. 2. Be in the chatbox for the bot to see you when the givaway starts 3. Have a twitter or discord account so I can send you the code 4. Play… Read More

  • Insane Pixel Art Profile! Must Watch! 😮 #viralart

    Insane Pixel Art Profile! Must Watch! 😮 #viralartVideo Information This video, titled ‘Epic Profile Pixel Art 😍 (My Fan Comment) #shorts #ytshorts #viral #shortsviral #viralshorts #art’, was uploaded by Itz Warden YT on 2024-01-08 17:24:28. It has garnered 2369 views and 87 likes. The duration of the video is 00:00:20 or 20 seconds. Epic Profile Pixel Art of my fan 😍 Sub to my 2nd channel @ItzWardenYT_2.O #shorts #minecraft #video #pixelart #newvideo #epic #viral #gaming #gameplay #fan #fancomment #logo #logoart #viralvideo #art #trending #trendingshorts #subscribe #sub #like #likes #share #hypixel #itzWardenYT #ytshorts #shortsviral #viralshorts #viralvideo Read More

  • Mind-blowing Minecraft war history revealed! 😱

    Mind-blowing Minecraft war history revealed! 😱Video Information This video, titled ‘Minecraft Historical War 🤣 – Part 8 #shorts’, was uploaded by Manpixel on 2024-04-11 14:00:16. It has garnered 5766 views and 168 likes. The duration of the video is 00:00:58 or 58 seconds. I make you Laugh! 😂😭 Minecraft Content, Memes, Funny, Animation, Building… 🤔🤨 #minecraft #minecraftanimation #minecraftmemes #minecraftshorts #minecraftfunny #funny #cute #mcpe #herobrine #skibidi #skibiditoilet #minecraftohio #minecraftskibiditoilet Read More

  • INSANE Minecraft Clutch with Imagined Dragons Remix!

    INSANE Minecraft Clutch with Imagined Dragons Remix!Video Information This video, titled ‘Minecraft clutch #imaginedragons #art #song #minecraft #viral #remix #gaming #artist #minecraftbed’, was uploaded by NATION_GAMING on 2024-03-16 14:23:28. It has garnered views and [vid_likes] likes. The duration of the video is or seconds. Minecraft clutch #imaginedragons #art #song #minecraft #viral #remix #gaming #artist #minecraftbed. Read More

  • Frank_INC

    smp server survival greek and english friendly server with shop and trades frank-inc o ο καινουργιος κοσμος που εχει οπως και δηποτε την ευκερια να δοκιμασεις και να ενωθεις μαζι μας για νεες περιπετειες frank_inc.apexmc.co:25594 Read More

  • VanillaPlus – Vanilla Whitelist Dynmap

    Always Latest Version! – 1.20.4 – Bedrock Support Welcome to VanillaPlus, a whitelisted vanilla SMP community focused on pure vanilla gameplay. Join us on the latest version of Minecraft (1.20.4) for an enhanced experience with texture packs, data packs, and crafting tweaks. To join, first connect with us on Discord at https://discord.gg/uuTfJydwTs. Then, join with play.vanillaplus.uk to receive a code to DM our Discord bot. All players are welcome to join us in building, farming, and trading at spawn. We’ve recently added support for bedrock and account linking. Come join the fun on VanillaPlus! Check us out on Planet Minecraft:… Read More

  • Minecraft Memes – Minecraft Memes Nowhere Safe

    Minecraft Memes - Minecraft Memes Nowhere SafeLooks like we’ll have to start a new social media platform just for Minecraft memes! Maybe we’ll call it MineBook or CreeperGram. Read More

  • Mine, Craft, Activate: Bedrock Edition PC + Xbox Live!

    Mine, Craft, Activate: Bedrock Edition PC + Xbox Live! In the world of Minecraft, we take flight, Bedrock Edition on PC, shining bright. Activate Xbox Live, with all your might, Let the gaming adventures ignite. Download the trial, start the quest, Solve errors, be the best. Unlock the game, pass the test, Activate Xbox Live, join the rest. Testing Minecraft, see it unfold, End of the journey, stories told. For more gaming content, be bold, Subscribe, share, let the tales be retold. Read More

  • POV: The Laggy Dog I Saved in Minecraft (HILARIOUS)

    POV: The Laggy Dog I Saved in Minecraft (HILARIOUS) POV: Me trying to save the laggy dog in Minecraft but ending up accidentally punching it instead #fail #minecraftstruggles Read More

  • Discover the Thrills of Minewind Minecraft Server

    Discover the Thrills of Minewind Minecraft Server Welcome to Newsminecraft.com, where we bring you the latest and most exciting news from the world of Minecraft. Today, we want to talk to you about something truly terrifying: Siren Head. This skeletal creature has been causing quite a stir in the Minecraft community, with its chilling sounds and ominous presence in the woods. Legends say that Siren Head lures unsuspecting players with familiar noises before launching a terrifying attack. Its spiny body broadcasts a mix of distorted sounds, mimicking voices, music, and even the screams of lost victims. But fear not, brave adventurers, for there is a place… Read More

  • Beating Minecraft in One Stream?!

    Beating Minecraft in One Stream?! Conquering Minecraft in One Stream: A Legendary Feat Embark on a thrilling journey through the pixelated world of Minecraft as our fearless adventurer sets out to conquer the game in a single stream. Armed with determination and a touch of humor, this player dives headfirst into the challenge of defeating the Ender Dragon on the very same day. A Streamer’s Epic Quest Streaming live for all to witness, our intrepid hero takes on the ultimate goal of slaying the formidable Ender Dragon. With meticulous planning and quick reflexes, every move is calculated to ensure success. The excitement is palpable… Read More

  • Zombie Craft: Insane Basement Battle in Minecraft

    Zombie Craft: Insane Basement Battle in MinecraftVideo Information This video, titled ‘THE BATTLE OF BASEMENTS in MINECRAFT’, was uploaded by Zombie Craft on 2024-04-28 09:00:00. It has garnered 8221 views and 73 likes. The duration of the video is 00:27:56 or 1676 seconds. THE BATTLE OF BASEMENTS in MINECRAFT Read More

  • TacoCat’s Epic Adventure: Minecraft Hardcore #92

    TacoCat's Epic Adventure: Minecraft Hardcore #92Video Information This video, titled ‘FAR FROM HOME: MINECRAFT HARDCORE #92’, was uploaded by T a c o c a t on 2024-04-03 19:24:30. It has garnered 47 views and 7 likes. The duration of the video is 02:15:17 or 8117 seconds. Sub Plz 🙂 #minecraft #minecraftshorts #minecraftmemes #minecraftlive #minecraftsurvival #minecrafthardmode #minecraftbuilding #videogames #peesheep #lofimusic #lofihiphop #synthwave #lego #legofortnite #fortnite #betaminecraft #pokemon #shinypokemon #shinyhunting #pokemonswordshield Check out the entire lore at the Pee Sheep Wiki! – https://pee-sheep.fandom.com/wiki/Pee_Sheep_Wiki Read More

  • Insane Minecraft SMP Drama on Day 38!

    Insane Minecraft SMP Drama on Day 38!Video Information This video, titled ‘UNFILTERED SMP DAY 38 | JAVA + BEDROCK + MCPE | #shorts #publicsmp #manishunfiltered #minecraft’, was uploaded by Manish Unfiltered on 2024-05-17 14:14:58. It has garnered 399 views and likes. The duration of the video is 04:03:45 or 14625 seconds. UNFILTERED SMP DAY 38 | JAVA + BEDROCK + MCPE | #shorts #publicsmp #manishunfiltered #minecraft 😎JAVA : PUBLICSMPS01.aternos.me:50937 😎BEDROCK/PE – PUBLICSMPS01.aternos.me 😎Port: 50937 #publicsmpserverminecraftbedrockedition1 #publicsmplive #publicsmpminecraft #publicsmpserverminecraftpe #publicsmpserverminecraftbedrockeditio #publicsmpserver IN THIS LIVESTREAM I AM PLAYING MINECRAFT GAME WITH MY FRIENDS 🙂 WE ARE ENJOYING THIS GAME A LOT THATS WHY I THOUGHT I SHOULD STREAM… Read More

  • Ultimate Survival House Build in Minecraft #41

    Ultimate Survival House Build in Minecraft #41Video Information This video, titled ‘Minecraft : Buildings. Building a house for survival #41’, was uploaded by Builder on 2023-12-28 16:52:10. It has garnered 65 views and 6 likes. The duration of the video is 00:38:16 or 2296 seconds. Dear viewers and subscribers of my channel, a moment of attention! Preface: Among you – subscribers, there is a subscriber who planted the idea under the past video to build a monument to Lincoln… BUT, in this video I decided not to build this monument, because I do not want my channel to shine such a famous person like Lincoln, I… Read More

  • Haunted Minecraft House Tour! Watch the Mine Exploration

    Haunted Minecraft House Tour! Watch the Mine ExplorationVideo Information This video, titled ‘Minecraft Colorless #002 : the house has windows and the mine started’, was uploaded by Miss Halloween on 2024-01-13 21:20:56. It has garnered 171 views and 5 likes. The duration of the video is 00:26:25 or 1585 seconds. in this series there are ALMOST no colors, today we’ll start mining hehe 😀 Texture Pack: https://www.curseforge.com/minecraft/… Mods: https://essential.gg/ https://www.curseforge.com/minecraft/… https://www.curseforge.com/minecraft/… https://www.curseforge.com/minecraft/… Read More

  • B.H.L.Gaming’s CRAZY Minecraft Shorts!

    B.H.L.Gaming's CRAZY Minecraft Shorts!Video Information This video, titled ‘minecraft #shorts’, was uploaded by B.H.L.Gaming on 2024-03-09 06:13:50. It has garnered 565 views and 29 likes. The duration of the video is 00:00:43 or 43 seconds. minecraft #shorts Game  Name – @minecraft  (Bedrock Edition) Hashtags:- #short #shorts #minecraft #gaming #minecraftshorts #minecrafttrendingshorts #montero #lilnasx #shortsfeed #kingfox #story #story shorts #trendingshorts #trend #ytshorts #youtubeshorts #game #tiktokshorts #minecraftstory #gamingminecraft #minecraft Tags Herobrine😈Vs Null Vs All😏Mob Who is😱The Powerful in Minecraft villager Herobrine Vs Null Herobrine Vs Notch Herobrine Vs All Mob Herobrine Vs Steve Steve Vs Null Steve Vs All mob Steve Vs Notch Notch Vs All… Read More

  • Saving Village in Minecraft?! Watch & Learn with Mr India Gamerz!

    Saving Village in Minecraft?! Watch & Learn with Mr India Gamerz!Video Information This video, titled ‘I Save My Village 🔥@minecraft’, was uploaded by Mr India Gamerz Shorts on 2024-02-27 11:12:45. It has garnered 480 views and 21 likes. The duration of the video is 00:00:41 or 41 seconds. Hello guys it’s Minecraft player aahil and free fire player come and play with me @technogamerzofficial @ujjwal @ajjubhai @totalgaming @smartypie @gamerfleet @anshubhisht @anshuvlogs @notgamerfleet @mrindiagamerzshorts @youtube @skibiditoilet @yasrtv @bardach @hakaitv @desigamers @desivlogs @freefireofficial @illegalmoon . . . . Fans 💫 please support me we are team if you join Mig army you started the game I talk for last subscribe 😄 please… Read More

  • 24 Hour Roblox & Minecraft Stream w/ Subs until We DROP! 🚀

    24 Hour Roblox & Minecraft Stream w/ Subs until We DROP! 🚀Video Information This video, titled ‘🔴Streaming Until I pass out! Yaezer’s Live Roblox & Minecraft with Subscribers!’, was uploaded by Yaezer on 2024-05-03 20:30:31. It has garnered 1074 views and 43 likes. The duration of the video is 01:56:29 or 6989 seconds. Welcome to the ultimate late-night gaming extravaganza! Join Yaezer in an epic livestream adventure as he dives into the virtual worlds of Roblox and Minecraft, accompanied by none other than his awesome subscribers! Get ready for a night filled with laughter, thrills, and endless fun as we explore, build, and conquer together. But wait, there’s more! This isn’t… Read More


    AlfredDS & I MINECRAFT REUNION - RUN FOR YOUR LIFE!Video Information This video, titled ‘Flee For Your Life (Synthesia version) Minecraft Parody ft. Bart Baker (2012) [HD]’, was uploaded by AlfredDS & I Reunion on 2024-04-08 20:04:26. It has garnered views and [vid_likes] likes. The duration of the video is or seconds. I heard someone singing their song “Don’t Stop Me Now” by Queen or something like that, so I told Minecraft to make a Parody … Read More

  • pandemonium.games

    pandemonium.gamesComputer gaming leveraged to create spiritual growth, video entertainment, online parties/calling/chatting for self and community entertainment, self governance, self sufficiency, rites re-establishment, the general saving the world. Mini Games – Spectre & Hide and Seek – more soon. pandemonium.games Read More

  • yeCraft semi-vanilla whitelist 1.19.2 18+

    Join Our Small World Server! If you’re looking for a fun and modded Minecraft experience, look no further! Our world focuses on exploration and construction, with the addition of Create mod. There are no strict rules, just a rich world waiting to be explored. Message me if you’re over 18 and interested in joining! Read More

100 Days in Minecraft: Beta