100 Days – [Minecraft End]

Video Information

All right here we are day one gonna show you how to set this challenge up you can do it on vanilla minecraft pause the game open it to lan and allow cheats wow look at me cheating on day one what a role model you can probably already

Guess that you’ll make yourself an end portal in creative mode and then go through and that’ll transport you to the end specifically the ender dragon island so now i’m in the end in hardcore minecraft with nothing but my fist it’s time to get punching as you can imagine

Starting at the ender dragon fight with literally nothing is obviously going to be very difficult how difficult well i think it might actually be impossible there’s no way to leave the island without killing the dragon and with nothing yeah i think yeah it’s impossible you can punch endermen and

They can drop ender pearls but those really aren’t gonna help you so yeah my first couple attempts trying this i failed so this is how i would actually recommend doing this challenge once you get yourself to the end teleport yourself to the outer end islands go about a thousand blocks away from center

You can use my coordinates if you want and now you can switch yourself back to survival mode so now i’m on my own in the end and these early days are going to be very critical first thing i did is punch down this chorus plant which drops

Chorus fruit and this will be my only food source for the next hundred days what’s nice about chorus fruit in the end is it’s pretty much everywhere and it’s plantable so i have an unlimited supply of course there’s a drawback though every time you eat korres fruit you’re randomly teleported it’s also

About as nutritious as gas station food but sometimes you gotta do what you gotta do there’s also the end stone to deal with it’s what the entire end is made out of end stone is breakable by hand but it takes a long time and the blocks don’t drop but you can build some

Simple structures this took a while but now i have a nice hole for punching enderman i’m mostly doing this because i like how it feels to end sentient life with my bare hands but as an added bonus i get ender pearls early on these will be the only way i can travel between

Islands is i don’t have any blocks to make bridges at this point i could survive 100 days easy just eat coarse fruit don’t look at any endermen i’d be fine but i am notable and want to do much more but that’s going to be tough if i keep whiffing my ender pearl throws

This is not good it took me way too long to get back up remember i have hardly any blocks to place but now i’m already out of ender pearls so it looks like tomorrow’s gonna be filled with more violence however tomorrow is a relative term there’s no day night cycle in the

End so on what i think is day two i made another hole for killing enderman so that’s what i did killed enderman would you like to see the footage it’s kind of sad and not really their pixels pro tip if you jump hit crits and makes it a little

Easier though it does take more food i continued farming into day three i don’t have to stop to do this every other day punch hit well strike knock thump black pound pumble jab slam smash hook suck plug fifth all right now i’ve got 16 ender pearls and i’m back on the road

Well not really a road more of a general direction into the void it’s really not that dangerous out here as long as you follow certain rules like don’t look at the enderman living down here is definitely going to take some getting used to i mean every time i eat i

Teleport but speaking to you as the guy that’s already lived for 100 days and knows how this video ends you’ll be surprised at just how much you can do down here but like i said the early days are easily the most critical if i even look at an enderman i’m probably going

To end up dead here’s an example on another playthrough i was farming chorus flower when i punched an enderman it didn’t last much longer than that so i’m gonna keep my head down stay on my grind you know but look at that the grind has

Paid off with not one but two end cities there’s a ton of loot in there an elytra maybe a pickaxe my whole life’s about to change trouble is these things are dangerous with full gear and i’m in the nude what helps when i do crazy challenges in minecraft is i try to

Remind myself that this game is for children the lower part of the cities are pretty chill there are enemies but you can avoid them very easily and this will give me a chance to get my first placeable block end rods on the first two levels without any incident i was

Able to grab eight of them and from here my strategy’s pretty simple i’m gonna try to get lucky with a chorus fruit teleport but on my first one i was not most players go up the middle but to me that means certain death luckily i got

Lucky nice chorus so i picked up those end rods and now i have 12 but as you can see i still have to go pretty high up i still have five ender pearls and even though this one transported me into the wall i’m still okay so this is how

I’m going to use those end rods as bridging to get around the outside of the structure where it’s safe and no they won’t go to waste i’ll pick him up as i go along now i’m in a good position to make an ender pearl throw to the loot

But i’m very nervous i made the throw my heart stopped three times all right the loot’s right under me but i gotta be careful cause i can’t heal without teleporting myself away luckily i can punch right through these walls like dad when he’s angry and in my first chest i

Found gold which is totally useless i have nothing to craft with good news is there’s two chests and in that second one i found a diamond helmet all right i’m slightly less vulnerable now but i’m still fairly useless so i didn’t go on to the end ship and get an elytra i

Teleported to the ground i need to heal remember there were two end cities over here so i’m gonna go through the second one on day seven unfortunately i used all but one of my ender pearls just getting here but i’m still confident i can get to the top this one should be a

Bit easier now i have 27 end rods and just got a lucky chorus i mean you can bridge like this with just two end rods and i’ve got 27 of them i should be fine all right i think i should be able to make this shot i hope i make this shot i

Did it only one ender pearl believe in yourself kings checking out my first bit of loot here and got a diamond chest plate with pretty much perfect enchantments and in chest number two i found myself a diamond sword i was happy sure i still can’t mine but now

Now i can kill in order to get myself back i need some more ender pearls so i punched myself a new hole and i wrote this down this is true my infant daughter had a nasty poo so i had to go but now with the diamond sword farming

Up ender pearl should take no time at all lacerate knife hack split dash dice swipe wound tear didn’t take long and i had myself 16. that end ship is going down alright pretty much same plan as before i’m going to try my best to get lucky with some chorus with my diamond

Armor i can definitely take a lot more punishment but i’m nowhere near invincible but i do have a diamond sword so with enough time and patience i could clear the whole end city that’s a big emphasis on patience healing takes a while when you’re using chorus but i

Assure you slowly and steadily i will prevail by day 11 most of the bottom part of the structure was cleared out so i could move about it freely violence is the answer and now i think i can make my way over the end ship relatively safely

I bridged out with my rods as far as i could without the shulkers on the ship seeing me and after taking about a day to line up this ender pearl shot my feet were on the ship on the end ship were some potions of healing which i took

It’s nice to be able to heal without teleporting so now there’s just one shulker between me and the elytra and i don’t know why i took so much time after taking out that shulker the first chest had diamonds and a shovel which is ultimately useless but just two out of

Pickaxe and legs that is a serious upgrade forget the elytra i could mine i just hope you all understand what a massive increase this is to my quality of life oh and you gotta know i’d never forget the dragon head on the front of

The ship well that was a good day and i ended it with a little elytra flight test how fun i wasted no time it’s back to business i’m out on the road again and look at that i almost instantly got another end city there was a pretty huge

Gap but now that’s no problem because i can bridge i can’t wait to take out this end city it’s gonna be easy with all these blocks i can mine i’m still gonna be careful yeah miles more powerful than when i started but this is still the end

And i still could die gotta say though building right up to the treasure is a lot better than trying to get lucky with course i didn’t get much in the two chests at the top of this end city nothing really upgraded me just some spare parts i guess at least i’m high up

Now and can continue my journey with the power of flight still mostly walking but every now and then i can fly hey got myself another one that was quick no n ship on this one but there’s always loot in the top so i’m sure i’ll get

Something got to the top hearts were a bit low but i have a health potion in case of emergency there was only one chest up here but it had a silk touch pickaxe and looting three sword now what i should have done is used my new silk

Touch pickaxe to grab the ender chest in there but it was brand new and i just forgot i also had my sights on more loot there should be two more chests in here nothing too crazy a lot of useless diamonds actually if you’re wondering when it’ll ever be enough it won’t so

I’m just going to keep going for loot i’m kind of running low on pearls now i could probably keep going but i want to test out that looting three sword gotta say it was nice not having to punch a hole for enderman killing for once oh sword’s amazing it’s gonna save so much

Time this one enderman dropped three pearls so now i’m full on pearls again that took hardly any time so i’m gonna work on a new transport method i’m just gonna pill her up to max height and fly gonna see how far i can go yeah sure

This uses up my elytra but it beats walking and i have hoped that i’ll find another one look at that i found another two right next to each other both with shims i’m just gonna go one at a time with all my gear looting these things ain’t too bad nothing too notable though

I did get a third diamond pickaxe so i’m less worried about losing them in the end ship i found two diamond plates neither was better than the one i have and i would have seriously considered wearing this chest plate if it wasn’t cursed i lined up the obsidian in the

End ship by the way i don’t know what i’m gonna use it for it’s a nice pretty black color i guess it was a big day and i get to do it all again tomorrow to loot that other end city i started by mining this still feels like a luxury to

Me mining all this end stone will never get boring right oh yeah a lot of loot in there this one’s gonna take a bit there were quite a few shulkers on the outside of this end city so it made getting around a little tough can’t trust them don’t want

To risk it so i’m killing them all for my safety got my dirty little hands on some loot day 18 sharpness 3 sword with mending not bad i also got myself a fresh pair of diamond boots and more pickaxes but as you can tell i’m getting

A little full on loot i’m just gonna get that end ship and then i’ll deal with my inventory problem wow that was easy maybe it’s because i can literally fly now oh yeah found a pretty much perfect chest plate it’s missing thorns three but otherwise perfect also got some

Boots with feather falling four i’ve been looking for those i’m bursting no free inventory i’ve gotta figure out something here i’ve been homeless for three weeks now this seems like a good place as any to set up shop at least i’ll have a spot to put some of my more

Worthless items like diamonds i had to do a lot of clearing today to make the ground level and this is pretty much all i can use to build my house when i’m done with this house i’ll have a roof over my head and maybe some storage but

I also want it to have some other functions it’s got to be 100 enderman proof the ceiling’s going to be a bit low i’ll be scraping but at least i won’t get diddled yes it is a nice house enjoy it while you can vermin here day 21 i’ll show you another function of

This house that’s pretty nice course fruit teleports you eight blocks away and my house is designed so if you stand in the center and eat some you’ll never teleport outside of it nothing stops you from teleporting on the roof but i’m in the end working with what i have give me

A break now one of the big reasons i put my house here are those two end cities that’ll give me some more blocks for building because while yes my house is incredibly safe it’s also very very ugly like my 2000 days world men really be living like this and see no problem with

It day 22 i started on yet another contraption that will make my life so much easier it’s just an enderman killing gazebo beats building a hole and i think it’s more efficient way more efficient especially with my looting three sword that i dropped on the ground

There i have a lot of mending armor and if it ever gets close to breaking i can come here and fix it for free thrifty saving frugal sensible oh no i agree no minecraft house is complete without some form of monster farm day 23 i mind all

Day not off camera no this is hundred days we like to do things a little bit differently here and now with my pockets full of more end stone it’s time to show you what it was all for i’m building a stairway not to heaven no that doesn’t

Exist by the end of this video i want to get back to the ender dragon and kill it and this road will take me there i’ll also hopefully find some more end cities along the way because nothing can stop my insatiable greed i got it up to max

Build height by the end of the day and marveled in my glorious creation and now i’m flying in the opposite direction i’m going to build in to loot more efficiently you can get very far in the end with just a pickaxe and an elytra it feels a little stone age but it does

Work very well yeah look at that took about a day found myself a big end city you know how this goes step one is make a very ugly pillar that i never have to see again because i don’t live around here step two is fly on top of

Everything you are a champion no upgrades in the end ship found a better pick i guess i did have another opportunity to farm up an ender chest with my silk touch pickaxe and just didn’t don’t know why i really don’t know i specifically farmed the glass with my silk touch pickaxe it wouldn’t

Have taken too much more time to farm up the ender chest still got a lot of loot in there my inventory is already looking pretty suss you know i could really use an ender chest to store all of this end stone my inventory fills up so quickly uh mining

Took pretty much all of day 27 but now it’s time to leave huh why aren’t i flying i should be flying well that’s why i always fly with my ender balls out yeah worst part about that wasn’t the near-death experience it was wasting all of this end stone well i guess it’s back

To labor all right gonna build myself back up day 20. oh you know what i should put this on now so i don’t forget yeah that’s a good idea good news finally flying again and found a small end city nearby there wasn’t really anything in it and then

When i jumped off the top of it i again forgot my elytra thankfully i’m a pro gamer and was able to make the switch and not die however during that switch i dropped my perfect plate body and wasn’t able to find it luckily i’m recording just watched the footage back and found

It i understand that might have been a little interesting to watch but i really hope i don’t do it again for my own safety you know i really hate quake pro but i gotta say it’s nice for finding n cities still nothing in this one that upgraded me that must mean i’m getting

Fairly strong seriously though i need an ender chest i’m bursting with loot and thousands of blocks away from home loot wasn’t great again best part about the chests in this end city were the chests themselves i can’t make them oh yes yet another example of me passing up a

Perfectly good enter chest when i had my silk touch pickaxe out in my inventory maybe soon i’ll get some sense but not today more travel and more cities day 31 and luckily i was able to fly right to the top of the end ship i found more

Items none of them upgraded me but at least i got another elytra most of today was spent mining up obsidian but now i’ve got 64. day 32 i found a nice diamond shovel with mending but again shovels are useless still took it i’m not finding new gear because i’m getting

Pretty strong there’s no way i would have lived in this situation on day one i think i’d stop if i found a full set of perfect diamond armor that’s not too much to ask is it i might stop before honestly this quake pros giving me diarrhea Found this end city looted it nothing was good found out something kind of helpful day 34 did you know you could combine the lychees in your inventory to fix them overworld normies are definitely gonna cringe at me using that method today was a fairly long day where

I didn’t find anything not even an end city pretty bad for my morale so i’ve decided on day 35 that it’s time to go back home i’m only 16 000 blocks away i’m gonna be taking a slightly different path home so i might find some more loot

Along the way this definitely helped my apathy what does apathy mean the six-year-old asked his mother well it’s how i feel about your dad his mother replied this took me a very long time but i finally got the brains to start using my ender chest the extra inventory

Is very nice but i’d kill a baby villager for a shulker box i’d kill a baby villager for almost any reason to be honest sorry sorry i just keep catching myself reminiscing about the joys of the overworld i gotta stay positive you know what the overworld

Doesn’t have a large black void that i could easily fall in at any time and die losing all my progress lifeless void lifeless void hey an end city time to get my hopes up for no reason oh it’s a great day found some diamonds that i can’t make anything

With some horse armor for the horse that i don’t own super good day i’m the first person to do a hundred days in the end unmodded and i can definitely see why i’m certified insane nah i ain’t insane i’m notable day 39 i started to run low

On ender pearls had a full stack within a few minutes thanks to my looting three sword then i found another end city i’m sure there’s nothing inside what i want to know is why do these end cities have been seeds in the chests there’s no dirt

I can’t plant them they just mock me found some mending diamond boots they’re pretty trash otherwise but at least they have mending i really gotta get home i’m not sure how much fruitless exploring i can take at least i’m fairly well armed now when i started this any one of those

Endermen could easily kill me if i just looked at him but now i’d probably clap them a lot of foot travel today just got lucky with the islands and didn’t feel like mining had to mine day 42 i figured i was one good elytra fly away from home

Unfortunately i came in a little short didn’t die just wanted to get a good look at the staircase from above it is really nice to be home my inventory’s been so cluttered for just way too long i finally got a chance to put stuff away

I’m still not a fan of the look but i have more than half the days left eventually i’ll make it look nice at least as nice as i can in the end i needed some end stone day 43 and after spending some time mining up my lawn i

Got a better idea there ain’t too much in my house might as well put a mine in it no house is complete without a mine and i have an end stone mine it’s the only thing i can’t mine you know in 10 years when mojang updates minecraft to

Have trees and different oars in the end i’m gonna look back at this gameplay and just remember how much fun i had yeah i’m really starting to question my life choices after spending two days mining end stone there’s worse jobs out there i used to work at mcdonald’s yeah i was a

Busy mcdonald’s too and i was in the back flipping burgers my forearms still had burns but hey as an unskilled 17 year old i’m surprised anyone hired me thanks mcdonald’s so now with my racks on racks of end stone i’m building a road to the ender dragon i figured

Building it high up would be safer than down low because at least if i fall off now i could fly away with my elytra i can also appreciate the look of it it’s quite magnificent just a straight line into the void as you can probably guess

I’m going to need quite a lot of end stone to build a road all the way back to the ender dragon so it’s back to the mine uh let’s see what can i say to make this interesting uh my mining i could tell it ah there’s not really any good jokes uh

Oh my mic’s on well worst part about this bridge is if i get hungry on top i can’t eat any chorus because it’ll teleport me to the bottom so maybe i should have made it low i do want to point out i found a way to build this

Bridge with one hand what i did with the other hand scrolled memes worst part is i thought i would find more end cities and i still have like 3 000 more blocks to go hey there’s an end city took me a while to notice because the memes must have been

Fire sure i can’t eat up there but at least if i find an end city i can pretty much clear it immediately hey you got something useful some feather falling four diamond boots no mending though so they’re not perfect i also got two more ender chests thankfully i actually

Picked them up now i have an idea and like most of my ideas in this play through it’s gonna involve mining end stone yeah we’ll talk about it tomorrow today was just mining i’m gonna connect a staircase to my road from this end city as a little pit stop so now i won’t

Have to go all the way home if i want to mine more end stone which i’m gonna have to do no i didn’t get it to line up perfectly but i got pretty close i think that’s good the youtube comments might have me for this one but i’m pretty sure

An iron helmet with protection 4 is better than a diamond helmet with no protection but i wouldn’t know i’m not a nerd no i’m an end stone miner and my children will be end stone miners and their children will be end stone miners and their children will be horribly

Disabled from all the inbreeding i would skip it but i gotta make my daytime quota so i’m just gonna hold you here for a little longer and yep there we go i love my road something about it it’s so so unsettling at the end of that day when i went to

Stop the recording i bumped my keyboard and fell off i noticed didn’t die but it’s a little inconvenient day 53 i had to mine more end stone but you can’t see the footage because i’m selling it as an nft but now full of endstone it’s time

To build my road into the voidiest part of the void oh if i fall off i’m dead but you know there’s more time in the video so you probably know that doesn’t happen after going for a pretty long while sometime on day 55 i could see the ender dragon island oh there’s the

Dragon i see ya just as my road got to the edge of the island my lights went out not sure what this is but i don’t want to test it i’m definitely going to need a safe way to get down there and i think i have a pretty good idea i

Dropped the end island 100 times and this is what happened i instantly dug underground how smart of me here’s the plan i think a staircase would be a bit too dangerous and also hard to build with the dragon so i’m going straight up to be honest construction was pretty

Easy most of the time the dragon was caught up on my road i don’t have enough ladders so i have to either mine or place blocks to get up and down but at least it’s safe and i can mine and at the bottom of course i’ve got a little

End stone mine so i’m never in any danger and hey my armor isn’t perfect but it does have a good amount of enchantment so even if i get hit with some dragonfire it doesn’t do too much damage oh 100 i wasted a perfectly good potion of healing to bundle up some of

That gamer girl coffee breath i’m also trying to be a little efficient about my end stone mining i’m mining out tunnels around all of the obelisks then i mined out around the bedrock in the center don’t know what i’m going to use this for but it could be useful i made the

Bunker a little homier today and yeah in the end a chest and two end rods are home after many many many blocks day 59 i finally got to the top i did not mean for it to be one off and i kind of hate myself that it is after completing the

Structure instead of mining my way down i used chorus fruit which was just dumb i got down quick but it’s gonna make it more difficult to leave oh well there’s a lot more work to do down here in the bunker primarily tunnels normally i’d shoot a bow at the end crystals on top

Of the obelisks to kill the dragon but i can’t do that because i don’t have a bow by this point i doubt you’re surprised that anything in this video isn’t complicated oh and yes i have gotten used to the dragon constantly roaring above my head now i’ve got an

Underground tunnel to every single obelisk on the island it’s time to get working now i’m on my way to get me some end crystals i’m gonna build right up and give him a firm poke it’s not a 100 safe i can get hit but again i’ve got

Decent armor didn’t take too long and i built up to the first crystal but i was a little afraid to smack it i really don’t want to die especially this far in so i’m going to test smacking this in creative mode first i made an exact

Replica of my gear and armor guys i knew i probably would be fine but i still wanted to test it this is very important and i was okay alright back to reality in the longest ender dragon fight ever on youtube but hey you’re sticking with me still watching good for you i do

Wonder how many people try these challenges that i do there was no mods anyone could do this if you just own minecraft i challenge you right now try living in the end you don’t even have to record it oh you could that’d be cool too i’m still out at day 64. i was

Really trying to be back home by day 69. it’s not that the crystals are hard to destroy it’s just that i have to mine tons of end stone to tunnel up to them i’m making pretty good progress but as the amount of crystals goes down the amount the ender dragon harasses me goes

Up it made getting the last few ones a bit difficult but i have enough patience to outlast this stupid computer and on day 66 i got the last one now the dragon can’t heal there’s still a lot of work to kill it but step one is done so the

Only way i can do damage to the dragon is with my sword so i have to wait for it to land in the middle but i want to build a bit of a shelter because especially with all of the endermen this is going to be one of the most dangerous

Parts of the video luckily for most of this early construction the dragon was stuck on my road at max height it didn’t take long and now i have an area i can kind of hide out in in the center i’m safe from enderman and dragonfire and it

All connects to my original bunker which is even safer i should be okay here so day 68 i waited wanted to see if the dragon would come down on its own free will and it didn’t the thing did come down a few times but mostly got stuck up

On my road i’m probably gonna have to fix that but if you remember back when i used chorus fruit to get down going up is gonna be real tough i wanted to be home by day 69 but instead i’m tearing down my glorious road every block hurt

Wow it’s kind of crazy how much i changed that end island just a few days ago it was normal now well now it’s not i was getting kind of low on food and figured now is a good time as any to go back home i don’t have my dragon killing

Gear i’m not sure if my contraptions are gonna work and you know it’s been a while since i’ve been home i got back day 70 and noticed you can’t really see my house from above i gotta fix that and after cleaning out my inventory i’m gonna start on that tomorrow but first

I’ve gotta fix up my armor so some endermen are gonna die and when i say some enderman i really mean entire generations oh it’s horribly inefficient a lot of pain but at least i have clean armor now that that’s out of the way it’s time to pretty up my home it

Definitely needs it one thing i can do today that’ll really help is windows can’t make panes and i can only use purple glass but you know this works i guess i also did some landscaping a lot of the great around the house was pretty messed up now here’s some renault that

I’ve wanted to do for a very long time i’m going to try to make the ceiling slabs this should buy me a little more head room to make the whole house a lot more livable but should keep the enderman out as well oh i definitely don’t have enough slabs but i can always

Get more from those two end cities i live right next to well this is weird day 73 is on creative mode in a whole new world how jarring this is the day where i got some different shots of the end i don’t normally record it but not

Much happens in the end so figured i would this time i also took some different concept poses for the thumbnail you don’t normally get to see this stuff i thought it might be cool yep use this shot for the trailer and intro because a wide shot of the

Landscape i’m living in is pretty much all i can think of to do anyway back to the end i’m gonna grab some slabs from this city because i can’t make them myself i keep thinking how different this challenge would be if you gave me a single oak sapling and some dirt i could

Grow trees have wood to craft make tools oh well i will say these challenges give me a much greater appreciation for minecraft’s overworld once you’ve had to do it like this doing it normal is quite nice like i really wish i could just make some slabs here there’s plenty of

Purpur but instead i feel like a crackhead going through this whole thing grabbing every little slab i can at least i’m strong enough where death isn’t really a possibility anymore at least here i could always eat chorus to teleport away took two days went through this whole end city and only got about

100 slabs and i just know it’s not gonna be enough even knowing that i wouldn’t complete my project today i still put up the slabs i wanted to see it i got about half of the slabs in and i gotta say that extra half block makes a big

Difference the house doesn’t have a door and i’m not sure if i can make a door i tried with the banner and that’s not a door i guess i don’t really need a door but famously i have said if it has a door it’s home well maybe i’ll think of

Something but until then i’m gonna get more slabs from the smaller end city what the heck i left the chests up here those are valuable that’s about it nothing really happened like i said i’m strong putting in the new ceiling on day 78 and was a few slabs short i’m gonna

Improvise a bit change up the center design of the house i replaced the slabs in the center with obsidian and now there’s a hole so if you ever get teleported to the roof you can come back in oh yeah tons of more space with this new ceiling i can breathe but my floor

Is still end stone and that’s pretty gross and no time like the present placing those ceiling slabs didn’t take too long here’s my final design and what i went with if you don’t like it make sure to comment down below and i’ll make sure not to read it don’t get me wrong i

Still love reading comments it’s just most of you are pretty unoriginal and just quote me you see it yep they’re doing it right now quoting me in the comments section on my own video wow what is this monstrosity a chorus root farm that’s pretty much useless useless

Yes kind of pretty yeah debatable i do promise this will be useful day 80 i’m changing up my storage wow that’s messy i’m not really changing them i’m kind of just pushing them to the corner more neatly i also put up some flower planters with the only flowers i have i

Like them then i tried making a door with iron trap doors it didn’t work yeah a little trim on there it’s still looking pretty good even if it doesn’t have a front door i can’t believe it’s been 81 days and i still don’t have a wall this is upsetting not as upsetting

As the very faint hiss the last 10 days have i tried to clean it up in post and thought about not mentioning it maybe some of you would have thought it was just part of the end noises anyway this is my design for the wall endermen can

Yes definitely get in but it does slow them down i fought some enderman day 82 to prove myself as you can see when they teleport they have to go all the way around my wall i also think it has a nice open feel and it’s definitely not

Too much for this simple build but now i have a wall and a wall is peace of mind i did some more polishing on the outside day 83 i love this chorus fruit entryway got some chorus fruit on the side of the house too it’s a great decoration for

The end i’m still working on the outside polishing up little things that no one would notice but me bro where’d he get a torch he never talked about the torch he’s definitely cheating he went creative i suck then did some deforestation to clear the land for something i’m building tomorrow it’s me

I’m building a monument to myself for i am so notable wow pixel art’s real easy when you only have two colors i have three colors if i make it a little goth of course you can look out the eyes that’s a staple of my monuments and after exhausting pretty much every block

Of purpur that i had the monument was finished day 86. i started this playthrough with nothing and now i’ve erected a monument to myself i’ve come a long way i guess you always start with nothing in a minecraft world but starting in the end with nothing that’s

Advanced day 87 some public works going on want to put a bridge here so i don’t have to waste pearls i put up two bridges today simple design it was really just an excuse to get a view of my land’s oh so short skyline i know what you’re thinking and yes i am

Definitely just stalling the enderdragon fight because i’m not sure if i’m going to live that one so i cleared out some weeds day 88 that’s pretty productive no no no these chorus flowers are super important i need them for another build that’s totally useless here it is the

Useless build well i guess it made me happy but that doesn’t really make it useful can you guess what it is just by looking at it i doubt it i’m far more creative than you yeah how many failed trademarks do you have cause i’ve got two it’s a chorus fruit farm they don’t

Grow they just kind of look nice more of a bank really now i love the farm but it definitely needs a better entrance this was the old mine one i can build a staircase i’m a competent adult finally found a place for those excess steel

Bars i don’t have a mine anymore but i can always make another one i like this staircase good day alright i’m finally done with my procrastibation it’s time to fight the dragon i don’t know what i was thinking but i ate on the bridge that was not a notable move so i finally

Got there day 93 i hope this goes well oh no it went very bad my first test in the bunker i got launched into the sky thankfully i had my ender pearls so i was okay after that i ran home i forgot my feather falling boots kind of

Embarrassing because my road is so long it took all of day 94 to get back hmm okay for real this time i’m fighting the dragon not gonna run away i am a champion it’s really not a hard fight i’m mostly just waiting for the thing to

Come down so i can get a few slashes in very slow though i mean we’re talking multiple days i was fighting this thing it’s not that hard though even the dragon’s launch attack which i was most worried about is pretty easily counterable with a chorus fruit 100 i’d

Totally rather fight the dragon with feather falling potions good armor a bow i forgot bows exist i’m fairly certain and a little bit embarrassed by this that most of the damage was actually from my thorns 2 chest plate i think it was just me getting used to the bunker

But i’m not speed running here i’d rather be safe yeah you want to know how long this fight took i set up agriculture sometimes my sword just did nothing and i don’t know why that’s probably why this fight took so long then i got a little carried away and

Almost took out the dragon on day 99. yeah now it’s day 100 totally naturally for the final time the dragon landed and i can’t tell you how good it felt to get that killed all the work all the suffering all the loneliness it’s over i’ve completed the challenge the end is

Conquered if you’d like to see me keep going on this play through stop those hopes right now because there’s no way i’ll ever play this again i joked about that with the nether but i mean it this time i’m done no more so if you want to

Check out my house and stuff feel free i’ve got a link in the description java only at least for now i hope you enjoyed watching and if you didn’t well it’s not like you can un-watch this video but i thank you either way stay notable see you in the next one

This video, titled ‘100 Days – [Minecraft End]’, was uploaded by Luke TheNotable on 2021-07-03 17:00:13. It has garnered 13041999 views and 351959 likes. The duration of the video is 00:29:42 or 1782 seconds.

Minecraft’s End is not a very habitable dimension. But in this video, I, Luke TheNotable will survive in the End for 100 Days. It’ll be difficult, but hey, that’s what I get for starting at the end. Enjoy! Make sure to subscribe!

World Download Link – If you download please subscribe as payment 😀 https://www.mediafire.com/file/i2lw5qm7qa36796/100_Days_-_%255BThe_End%255D.rar/file

-The intro of this video was removed to protect against fraudulent copyright claims regarding Minecraft music. I apologize for the inconvenience.

Follow me on Twitter!! – https://twitter.com/LukeTheNotable

Thumbnail Art – Maeder https://twitter.com/itsmaeder

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  • HypnosMC

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  • Ultimate Minecraft Mob Transformations

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  • Maizen’s 3D House INSIDE Mikey’s HAND?! (Minecraft)

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  • EPIC Minecraft Showdown: JJ vs Mikey vs Iron Golem vs Wither TNT!

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  • EPIC Arceus FF gaming LIVE NOW + Minecraft survival island!

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  • Fearful Rolfeey Fights Back in Bakwan: Ep. 25 Minecraft Roleplay

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  • Unlocking Herobrine’s Secret Powers! 😈 #Minecraft

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  • Insane r/TraumatizeThemBack Prank by Vincey

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  • Ultimate TerraFirmaAdventure Build with HaYaRy & ProSha!

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  • Insane LastPlayer Ritual with Titanium Dice Watermelon

    Insane LastPlayer Ritual with Titanium Dice WatermelonVideo Information This video, titled ‘SonOyuncu Titanyum Zar Karpuz oynatıyorum (BOL ÇEKİLİŞLİ)’, was uploaded by EarlNub on 2024-07-09 10:50:14. It has garnered 99 views and 4 likes. The duration of the video is 01:42:10 or 6130 seconds. minecraft endoyuncu skyblock, minecraft endoyuncu cheat, minecraft endoyuncu hack, minecraft endoyuncu survival, minecraft endoyuncu ip, minecraft endoyuncu bedwars, minecraft endoyuncu macro, minecraft endoyuncu reach, how to cheat in minecraft endoyuncu 2019, minecraft endgame settings, playing with minecraft endoyuncu friends, minecraft endoyuncu does not open, yasintnc texture pack, minecraft endoyuncu arena pvp, minecraft endoyuncu fps increase, minecraft endoyuncu ip address, minecraft endoyuncu fps increase… Read More

  • INSANE Minecraft Avesham Village Song 🤣

    INSANE Minecraft Avesham Village Song 🤣Video Information This video, titled ‘Minecraft villeger avesham song 🤣 #song #avesham #minecraft #malayalam #funny #viralshorts’, was uploaded by ZAIN GAMING on 2024-07-12 04:33:06. It has garnered views and [vid_likes] likes. The duration of the video is or seconds. how to viral short video on youtube,shorts video viral kaise hoga,how to viral short video,shorts,shorts video,viral shorts video … Read More

  • ModArchy

    ModArchyWelcome to ModArchy! ModArchy is a heavily modded FULL ANARCHY server hosted on an EX series server from ApexHosting. Some of the most notable mods are Ice and Fire, Born In Chaos, Aether, Twilight Forest, Sky Villages, and MANY more. A still somewhat vanilla feel, but with a heavy dose of chaotic and goofy changes to the experience. Easy download instructions and modpack can be found in the discord. The server is still very new and open to suggestions for config changes and mod additions/removals. Please report any crashes/bugs to me in the discord! For new players, I recommend making… Read More

  • Akoot&Co Semi-Vanilla 1.21.1 Discord Events Building-Focused

    Welcome to Akoot & Co Join our crossplay server for a classic Minecraft experience. Our semi-vanilla community offers a fresh world with quality-of-life enhancements for the ultimate gameplay. Features Discord Server (Discord + Minecraft integration) World Map (dynmap) Bedrock support (Geyser) Unlimited Homes No pesky land claims (Honor system + rollbacks) KeepInventory (Optional per player!) Timed Ranks/Custom Titles Text Formatting (+Gradients!) Brewery (no game-breaking items) Big boy ram and big boy processor (minimal lag) Delight in unlimited homes, a grief-free environment, and integrated Discord chat. Explore our world map online and enjoy the game for free. Join a community that… Read More

  • ☆ ʟᴛᴏᴡɴʏ Δ Tekblok

    How to connect and play on this server? You must have the game version 1.21 installed. How to check? At startup, the game version will be displayed on the right, at the bottom. If it is a different version, you should change the current profile (left, bottom) and select version 1.21 Click the PLAY button, wait for the Minecraft game to load. Choose: Multiplayer Click the button “Direct connect”, or if you want to keep the server in its list, press the button “Add server” In the field “Server address” write: mc.craftlime.net (GL HF) Read More

  • Minecraft Memes – Steve’s Secret Hideout

    Minecraft Memes - Steve's Secret HideoutSteve’s hiding place is so good, even the Ender Dragon can’t find him! Read More

  • Crafty Clues: Level 2 Unveiled | Minecraft Egg Wars

    Crafty Clues: Level 2 Unveiled | Minecraft Egg Wars Welcome, gamers, to Egg Wars Level 2, Where secrets and strategies will be unveiled for you. Pedro and Ali, ready to dominate the game, With tips and tricks that will bring you fame. Eggshells cracking, alliances forming, In this virtual world, where battles are swarming. Pedro Castillo, the master of the craft, With skills so sharp, his opponents are daft. Ali Deniz Senpotuk, a force to be reckoned with, In Egg Wars, his strategies always a hit. Together they conquer, with teamwork and might, In this game of survival, where day turns to night. So grab your eggs, and… Read More

100 Days – [Minecraft End]