100 Days – [Minecraft with Tors]

Video Information

What’s going on minecraft fans my name is luke denotable and i’m the taurus and in this video we’re gonna be surviving 100 days in minecraft together i’ve never really played minecraft before but i guarantee you by the end of these hundred days she’ll have killed the enderdragon really oh yeah it’s gonna be

Quite a long journey to get there though so let’s just get in to day number one so here we are day number one loading into a random minecraft world oh and there’s the tours i’m so excited we gotta get to work quick though night’s coming fast and we don’t want to end up

Dead on day one you know it wasn’t a bad spawn point we were right next to the ocean which is always nice we decided to skip the dirt shack phase and went straight to wood with two people construction was a little bit easier and we made a pretty big house for day one

And by the night time i even found some of my favorite flowers we did pretty good for day one stone tools in a house that isn’t made out of dirt i guess there’s nothing to do but stand here and wait till morning day two i started construction on a mine shack it’s not

Much but this is minecraft you gotta mine and i spent the day collecting flowers and then getting completely lost while trying to use the coordinate system i fell in a hole i really don’t need this right now it’s so dark she made it back home but we should really

Start investing in some composites but that’s gonna take some mining and day three i did nothing but it nothing fancy just some simple strip mining looking for the good stuff tors was doing some unpaid roofing all day in the hot sun so i figured the least i could do was hook

Her up with some nice new shiny iron armor it’s so shiny i love it sweetie day four taurus was gonna do more roofing it’s a pretty big job but not before watching me heroically take down a creeper after that i went back in the mine i’m trying to find some diamonds

For my lady i didn’t find diamonds but i did find an abandoned mine shaft which i couldn’t pass up if you’re not careful in these things you can get creeped on but i was very careful and you know i found a lot of good stuff down here for

Day four we’re doing fantastic and the roof’s looking pretty good too day five i set up a farm if we keep eating all the local animals they’ll go extinct soon it’s just a bread farm but nothing’s wrong with bread right yeah that was pretty much it most of the date

Was spent punching grass yeah but it’s gonna take a few days for that bread to grow so sorry pigs i don’t wanna do this good news is i had enough iron for shears so i didn’t have to kill the sheep for its wool but i did anyway

Sorry sheep i have a family to feed while exploring i found a nearby desert temple shouldn’t be too hard to go through this thing of all the structures you can find in minecraft these ones are probably the easiest and they have some pretty good loot too and i know this tnt

Will come in handy eventually while i’m also setting up a wall day six was pretty productive tors was even more busy on day six standing perfectly still in the house contemplating life i said earlier we have good access to the ocean so bright and early on day seven i went

Out exploring again the ocean’s a great place to find loot it’s pretty much everywhere here i found coal in a buried treasure map the map pointed to a spot right nearby so i wasted no time and went straight to it and with just a little bit of digging i found the buried

Treasure and it had some diamonds kind of cool to think that the first diamonds i found in this playthrough weren’t mined conflict-free hey would you look at that another desert temple i’m gonna roll here after adding this tnt to our collection we’ll have some serious firepower but i gotta say the best part

Of the day was riding back home into a nice sunset and look at that tors was right where i left her day eight we started construction on some proper storage it’s one of the most important things in a minecraft world well obviously it’s nowhere near as important

As landscaping but it’s up there i’m taking this storage idea from my 1000 days playthrough i basically just put blocks of whatever i’m storing behind the chest it looks nice at night towards and i finished up the roof and attic where we’d be sleeping ironically though

It took all night so by the time we got finished we couldn’t even sleep up there yeah by day 9 the house is really starting to look like something we’ve still got a dirt floor but you know we’re getting there but most of day nine was just spent moving our items from the

House to the main storage it takes a while but as you can see halfway through i got a little bit distracted by all this brit well at least now we won’t have to kill the innocent to feed ourselves anymore and i’m gonna try to cut down on the monster population by

Torching the place up you get a light and you get a light and you’re gonna light yes and i’ve been waiting for this i’m so excited finally we get to sleep together in the same bed wow that’s a lot of achievements but it’s back to work on day 10. i’ll be expanding the

Farm we’ll be eating good hey for once i’m actually doing some work mining for diamonds you want diamonds ladies you gotta work for them but i mined all the way to bedrock like a real man day 11 it’s finally time to get rid of that dirt floor again having two people

Working on this stuff makes it a lot easier twice as easy actually and before we knew it we had a nice granite floor a little bit better than dirt and the rest of the day we were mining away i didn’t find any diamonds taurus found some but wasn’t recording funny thing is though

Day 12 i wasn’t recording so we only have taurus footage too bad it’s just a two-minute clip of her sitting in the house doing nothing average day i got lots to think about day 13 i made a diamond pickaxe for the good of the realm that’s because i used it to mine

Up some obsidian and with that obsidian made a portal to the underworld and went to hell and while luke was in hell i was in the mine for about two days he would come by every now and then to drop off pickaxes and supplies thanks honey then

I got to make my first diamond sword gotta stay strapped i started off day 14 by setting up a sugarcane farm we don’t really need it right now but eventually we will and honestly i always forget to set these things up until it’s too late later i ventured out looking for cows

But honestly i think we murdered them all in the first week tour spent the day setting up hedges and they look really really nice day 15 we both went back out looking for animals bread’s good but sometimes you need some meat i was able to find two cows in a nearby swamp but

Trying to get these things back to base is gonna be quite the adventure while luke found the cows i found the chickens but now it’s dark we’re separated and i’m totally lost if you look closely behind the chickens you might notice all those monsters trying to kill me i

Wanted to help but i had my own problems getting these things to go over water is not easy but i really didn’t want tours to die over chickens so while she got him home i guarded her i would have happily died for these chickens run just

Run no the chickens but i got him the next day when the sun was out and i got the cows too it definitely wasn’t easy but we got him but hey bonus points we also got some sheep and then started breeding them we realized the chickens

Had no place to live so we quickly made a little chicken coop we almost died over these things so it’s important the farm’s getting pretty big by this point we definitely have enough to feed ourselves but maybe one day we can turn these crops into profits and the entire

Area is really starting to come together we’ve got diorite roads hedges and tons of flowers i might have gone overboard on the flowers though taurus definitely doesn’t like the placement of the nether portal we’re gonna do a little bit of exploring on day 17 trying to find a

Village though of course whenever we saw some loot we stopped along the way the ocean’s full of it hey get out of my boat hippie the best time to find a village is at night up some place high like a mountain villages have lights in them and at night it’s a little easier

To spot them from far away this town’s a little small but we can work with it it’s not too far from our house so like any good landlord we immediately started locking these people inside of their own houses oh and we might have also stolen all of their things but don’t worry

About that doors and i didn’t have beds so we just commandeered one of the villagers houses and stayed in it all night well renovating this town is gonna take quite a lot of work but i guarantee you by the end of this series it’ll be beautiful well that’s assuming we can

Keep all of the creepers at bay it’s not a huge town four or five houses one farm that’s about all we have though all progress stopped immediately when i spotted a cat tours really wanted one what do you mean one i want them all the

Only reason i wanted to find a town was to find cats i’m putting this cat in the back of my boat and i’m taking him home you can stay there that way you can look out the window the town we were just at is very close by so on day 19 i went

Into the nether to build another portal transport system it’s pretty simple one block in the nether equals eight blocks in the overworld so if i go through this portal i’ll arrive right in the town so now if we ever want to come to the town

We don’t have to go across the ocean how nice but today i was nowhere near done with the nether i’m still out here exploring and would you look at that i got incredibly lucky and found another fortress it even had a blaze spawn this is probably the luckiest i’ve ever been

In any minecraft playthrough ever until my sword broke that’s fine i ran back home it wasn’t too far but by day 20 i was back in the nether with a diamond sword ready to kill some blaze and while my hubby was in hell i was tending the chickens taurus wasn’t recording on day

21 but that’s fine because it was pretty much just a day filled with chores as you can see i did a lot of farming again we have more than enough to feed ourselves at this point and with the new village we found we can start making

Some profits but again yeah that was uh pretty much it just a whole day of farming very fun and i’ve got even more farming on day 22. the land around us is pretty flat so it’s pretty easy to expand the farm i started construction on my beach house i’ll get one one way

Or another at night i moved the nether portal like i said my wife didn’t like how it looked happy wife happy life day 23 we decided to put the tnt to good use this hill is blocking the view of torza’s beach house i don’t have a lot of experience with minecraft and even

Less with redstone so this is going to be an explosive introduction i mean it probably wouldn’t have taken all that long to do this manually but it’s a little more fun with tnt sorry about destroying your home turtle i’m still expanding the farm on day 24 this footage was recorded before the trade

War at night i worked on separating the cows from the sheep i could feel the gang wars about to start i also cleared out some skeletons from torza’s dark island she should really put some torches on this thing you mind your own business sometime around day 20 we

Ordered a pizza and by day 25 it got here so while i was standing perfectly still in minecraft i was eating pizza in real life that’s free crop growth that’s all i’m saying we’re still farming in day 26 though this is a hundred percent for profit i’ve already got 64 bread in

My inventory and after a short trip through the nether i was back in the village selling my crops to the farmer every 20 wheat turns out to be one emerald and then i sell those emeralds to the cleric to try to level him up eventually if i level him up high enough

He might sell me ender pearls and then we can beat the game easily of course there’s still a lot to do on that front but we also have more than 70 days left anything could happen first thing i did on day 27 was go over to the cleric and

Sell them all of my gold this leveled him up to expert and i was able to purchase an ender pearl we’ll definitely need more eye vendors before we can beat the game especially since the first one i used exploded but at least now we have the ability to purchase eye vendors and

We have a general direction of the end and i’m still working on my beach bungalow on day 28 i finally put the finishing touches on my estate it’s not the best but it’s mine and no boys allowed unfortunately my view is still impeded by the further hill if you were

Wondering i was slaving away all day under the house making a basement eventually we’ll put an enchanting table down here now i’m going back to obama then i killed this innocent trader for his leads i do it every time later i donated a flower to taurus to warm up the new

Land i also wanted to surprise her with a new sword it has smite 3 and knockback 2 but when i went to give it to her she was already asleep day 30 she got her hands on the sword and tested it out on me what i thought you were a creeper she

Wasn’t recording for day 30 but we did the same thing clearing that far island to make sure her beach paradise had a good view day 30 when another traitor showed up i guess he didn’t hear what happened to the first guy i tried to capture one of his llamas but he kept

Spitting at me probably because i killed his father the llama did nothing to taurus it was only mad at me i could have been your new dad but i guess it has to be this way i mind at night and found diamonds whoever said you shouldn’t do this while luke was working

Hard in the mine i began a sculpture i don’t know what it is but it’s art you don’t have to get it i was still mining well into day 32. and i was still working on my modern masterpiece but by time i got kicked out of our school and

Went exploring i found an ocean monument while exploring and i only knew that cause luke told me who needs an ocean monument the real treasure i found were sunflowers oh no i’m allergic to bees still sailing the open oceans on day 33 yarg i even found some spruce trees it’s

Always good to have a variety of wood i found some good loot all around it was a good day i was on fire for most of day 33 but it was for a good cause as you can see by day 34 the enchanting room is starting to come together but i have to

Kill a lot more cows we had to have a little alone time and decided to fish together on tours’s private island this is about as close as holding her hand as i could get to in minecraft day 35 i farmed all day because that’s how long

It takes and i spent all day 35 giving these chickens my seed day 36 was tors’s first time in the nether she wasn’t recording though sorry we were in the nether so we could go over to the village it’s time to fix this place up and step one as always is building a

Wall the town’s got a lot of hills so it’s not going to be the easiest wall to construct but the wall will help a lot it’s definitely not perfect there’s a lot of spots where mobs can get in but at this point it’s still a good deterrent i’m telling you this village

Ain’t much right now but give us a couple weeks it’ll be beautiful we both got up bright and early on day 37 we gotta keep working on this town thanks to some earlier creeper attacks there’s a good portion of the town that’s still considered a disaster zone even the iron

Golem was off having a smoke break so we had to drag him back in we have plans to eventually build a bigger house amongst the villagers but for now we’re just commandeering one of these old houses it’s a little tight but i think i’d call it cozy right day 38 we’re finally

Growing something other than bread today we have some carrots most of the job in this village is cosmetic we were just leveling out the ground it’s very hilly and by night time i started construction on a tunnel that will connect to my big industrial farm so on the other end of

This tunnel is a big open field and i’m going to fill it with farmland we want the town to look nice and with how big i want to make this farm it could be an eyesore so i spent all day laying my seed and breaking hoes this is only the

Beginning please honey taking all my seed i’m still working on the thick farm in day 40. recording this it seems like that’s all i do again we can feed ourselves fine this is all just for frivolous profits while my husband the monsanto of minecraft was working on his

Farm i was working on my superior fair trade organic farm sure it’s not massive but it’s made with love oh look some totally fully grown crops don’t mind if i do i don’t know what else to tell you guys this farm is already pretty massive

But it’s only going to get bigger if we want to make this a bustling town we need some sort of foundation to build it on and this farm is just that so i farmed through the night and only had to stop to kill the occasional skeleton

Torah studied the side of this wall all day very helpful all right all right this is the last day i’m going to be working on the farm i promise pretty soon i’ll be working on something more interesting like mining we can just skip to the end of the day look at all that

That’s a lot of farmland it’s gonna take a few days for that massive farm to produce so on day 43 we decided to just mine we were looking at that cave and feeling pretty brave despite all of the creepers by the time i got back up towards was already hard at work paving

The roads i told you it’s gonna look nice oh and this is also the first time she laid eyes on my glorious farm somehow it’s wildly more beautiful at night again the big farm is connected to the town by the tunnel and on day 44 i installed some safety features as you

Can see here i know it’s just cobblestone but i think it fits that industrial theme and while luke was using his cobblestone i was using granite because i have taste if he’s not gonna make it look nice i will but at least he spends his time making enchanted diamond pickaxes for me oh

This is so awesome i can never go back we also started clearing out some land for a house we’ll have in town sleeping in this tiny shack is getting a bit old though it’s still cozy i’m laying down some more cobblestone in day 46 we’re gonna breed some villagers again with

The cobblestone i learned how to do this in my 1 000 days playthrough and it’s invaluable to have tons of villagers but it is a big job even by night time we weren’t even close to being done day 47 i was installing a cobblestone path through the nether for safety but fill

In some lava well that’s what you get for using cobblestone that was okay i had plenty of bread most of the day was spent on the abduction track it’s a key part of any villager breeder hope you enjoyed your life farmer because your sovereignty is about to end we were both

Just working on the villager breeder on day 48 functionally it only has to be a large box that the villagers are stuck in and can’t escape from but we decided to put a little flair into it you know increase their quality of life then again one look at the number of beds

That’s in this thing and you can’t really expect much quality of life day 49 the villager breeder will work it’s functional it’s not very pretty at this point but it’ll work get in the bucket farmer you’re going to a better place sorry he’s doing this to you i can’t

Stop him you too stone mason your time has come getting villagers in the breeder can be a tricky process but by the end of the day i got all three of them in there however before i can make some children i’ve got to do some farming it took all day but there’s a

Lot of farmland i pretty much expected this i was farming well into the night and must have zoned out or something because this creeper walked right up to me and exploded i was fine but my farm on day 51 luke and i started our big happy family all you gotta do to make

The villagers breed is give them food because everyone likes reproducing on a full stomach once the breeders set up you can pretty much just give them their privacy they’ll work it out on their own we did chores during the daytime and by the end the villagers already produced

Another child it gets very out of control very quickly day 52 began with me stalking cats he took five of my fish he was a stubborn little kitty oh i’ve only just started my collection later that day i spotted the cat too and made sure to tie it up for her thanks honey

Cats are the best presents my collection of cats is coming along nicely now kiss as i said it gets very out of control very quickly they’ve been in here like two days there’s like seven children oh yeah and they all work for me some of them already have jobs but ultimately

We’re gonna build them all each individual huts for their own job like on day 54 we made a shepherd and if we have a big enough sheep farm he could be pretty profitable so i made a sheep farm it looks small now but i guarantee it it’ll get real inhumane real fast the

Shepherd buys brown and black wool so after borrowing the organs of some nearby squid i was able to have two black sheep and hopefully someday soon we’ll have a lot lot more oh and i left torres alone for like five minutes and she’s already got a brood of these cats

These villagers are becoming a bit much and i’m really not sure when it’s gonna stop we figured we’d give him some more time to breed it might be a few more days before we’ve maxed out that villager breeder besides there’s plenty to do like breeding sheep day 56 i

Expanded the sheep pen it’s a lot bigger than the sheep that are in there but i’m telling you i’m gonna fill this thing to the brim sleep sleep my children day 57 we both did chores during the day but at night i constructed a little passage for the

Villagers it’s almost time to put them in their new homes yeah and that was pretty much all that happened i mean would you want to see the footage of me farming didn’t think so day 58’s a big day though and not just because it was marked by a creeper explosion yeah i

Realized this dirt passage was totally dumb and a waste of time now it’s a big day because this is the first day we started building villager huts eventually all the villagers in this town will live in huts similar to this instead of being crammed in that

Villager breeder and by the end of the night we got the first one in there a shepherd he’ll buy tons of wool well i was working until the next morning but sometimes it could be tough to get these guys exactly where you want them day 59

We’re still making huts and as you can tell we’re cramming them in there all right which one of you is gonna be the lucky villager one of them’s gonna be a butcher he’s not very profitable at the start but if you can get him to master he’ll buy sweet berries for insane

Profits these are some long-term investments we also set up a cleric we’re gonna buy ender pearls from him and if we ever get a ton of glass bottles we can sell for profit and if he would just listen we also got a farmer but he was being a little difficult for

The time being the farmers how will make most of our money thanks to our massive farms if only we could sell cats for emeralds we’d make a fortune don’t even think about it by this point we have all the villagers we really need so it’s just time to work on some money-making

Methods like the sheep after that i set up a pig pen near the big farm i’m telling you right now it ends tragically i also had some bee trouble i’ll come back later to imprison them i’m just glad i installed these safety features if i didn’t this creeper explosion would

Have been a lot worse taurus wasn’t recording on day 60 she spent most of the day installing flowers sorry i wasn’t recording for the first part of day 61 but now we have a b i’m a terrible beekeeper though my strategy involves getting them angry at me so

They chase me and then leading them when they’re not it works i know for a fact there’s a more efficient way to do this but for now it’s fine while luke was busy with his bees i was just trying to get my cat out of hell he was very

Stubborn i guess he’s living here now enjoy your life cat day 62 is another big day there’s quite a lot of abduction to do this one had dreams of being a farmer but i assure you he’ll be a leather worker leather worker’s another villager that isn’t too profitable but

Eventually you can buy saddles from him which are helpful oh and it’s been a few days since i’ve shown you the sheep they’re getting pretty bad but it’s going to get worse not much happened on day 63 biggest thing we did was set up another hut for a fisherman in the

Future i was planning on getting one in there that night but had a disagreement with an iron golem and he bought me and that guy would have easily killed me towards was already asleep it just was a good time to go to bed 64 is a big day

Though we’re finally building a proper house we won’t be sleeping in that shack any longer well maybe for a few more nights it’s not going to be too magnificent we want it to kind of blend into the villager aesthetic but anything’s better than that shack oh and

As you can see we got rid of that diorite floor pretty quickly with spruce instead it looks nice i even built the fireplace to give it a nice homey feel though it is going to be a lot of work with expanding the house we also have to

Expand this wall obviously the house is coming together it’s still about 30 dirt but despite that it looks good the biggest reason we’re doing this though is storage we were only working with about one or two chests before this but with this we’ll be able to build a whole

Storage room and we finally found a place where that diorita look nice in the basement you know it doesn’t look too bad for two days of work we’re proud of it and it’s really gonna increase our efficiency we’ll be able to store so much more stuff even our dirt we still

Gotta expand this storage room of course doesn’t have every item in it but you gotta know that this right here helps a ton the rest of the day we did some more chores it’s been a while the farming didn’t stop you guys know how much farmland we have however at the end of

The day this is all gonna turn into some really nice profits and combine the crops with the sheep we’re gonna be rich yeah essentially it took all night just to breed and shear these sheep which is an indication that i’m getting to the limit yep i was right we’ve got

Sheep-related problems they’ve already outgrown their massive pen sheep recharge their wool by eating grass and there isn’t enough grass to go around so most of them are starving oh no but that’s not gonna stop me from breeding more though even with the pen expansion they almost instantly ate all of the

Grass available so i made a little area where none of the sheep can go to and hopefully this will help to keep the grass stunks up ah how’d you get in here taurus was in the mine all day i just dropped by to say hi day 69 was wet as

You can see by the rain and you know i figured this was as good a day as ever to breed my malnourished sheep the grass injector seems to sorta work later on i tried to expand the grass injector but it was pretty tough because there’s just

So many sheep well after quite a lot of bloodshed today this grass injector should keep my wall numbers up and while he was taking care of the sheep i was just minding my own business day 70 i made a fletcher for the village he thinks he’s a farmer but he’ll come

Around eventually and of course i was still mining i had a cat bodyguard so he was keeping most of the creepers away i had my cat with me but he became a little [ __ ] he couldn’t keep all the creepers away and when this one blew up

I was propelled into the lava he and i both deserve to die the fire is an accurate representation of how i felt at this moment hey uh are you okay no don’t worry we can rebuild her we have the technology and the emeralds we don’t have too many diamonds but we have

Enough to get her back a diamond sword and pickaxe which was what she had before and she promptly broke it in on some innocent cows i have nothing this is your fault cows day 72 we both went back into the mine and this time we brought several more cats i found

Diamonds she found diamonds we both avoided lava it was a good day together we found about 30 diamonds even though some of them did get swallowed up by some lava i guess minecraft felt like it owed us something if our luck keeps up eventually we can get some diamond armor

And we were actually driven towards that goal on day 73 as well so we kept mining i didn’t find any diamonds plenty of coal and iron killed a lot of stuff too but no diamonds don’t worry honey i found enough diamonds for the both of us

18 to be exact so day 74 we had enough for two full sets of diamond armor i didn’t have enough levels to enchant every piece but a little bit of fire protection will help if there’s any other lava incidents too soon i gave tours as much enchanted stuff as i could

It’ll help a lot minecraft can be pretty dangerous and i think with two full sets of diamond armor we’ll sleep pretty soundly so now on day 75 we’re back and better than ever covered in diamonds but i’m going to be chopping down every tree in existence at least in the surrounding

Area taurus was chopping too but she wasn’t recording oh and if you cared the sheeps are doing well you can tell by listening to the thunderous buying if you’re wondering why i cut down all those trees i was using the wood to make oak boats i can sell them to the

Fishermen for one emerald a piece it’s pretty good money just another money-making method you can throw on top of sheeping and farming and all the other stuff day 76 we’re getting ready for a great journey the goal of these first hundred days was to kill the ender

Dragon by day 100 but before we can do that we need to find the end and before we can do that we need to venture out so we’ll just skip to the good stuff on day 77 when we’re looking for the end again we’re real lucky we have the nearby

Ocean and we’re real lucky that the end is pointed in that direction most of the travel is gonna be across open sea there was also a little desert travel but not much we were pretty lucky by nightfall of day 77 we were right above where the

End portal was and it really didn’t even take that long just a little bit of digging and we found the end portal i deserved to put in the under eyes it was my first time and like most people we just stood there and stared at the

Beauty of the ender portal day 78 i was lucky enough to find some cats on our travels now i have to get these kitties home unfortunately we don’t have enough boats for all of you well that went a little better than we thought we honestly didn’t expect to find the end

So quickly but it’s time to go back home and prepare now we’re back in the hood on day 79 just chilling no actually i’m trying to get this librarian villager to sell me mending books oh and wow he’s already doing it that was quick so i instantly spent my entire life savings

On mending books and then i went to the sheep to make more money to buy more mending books if you don’t know about mending it’s an awesome enchantment those mending books are expensive though and we can only make so much money selling boats produce and wool well

That’s where this stone mason will come in eventually we can sell him rocks as far as other stuff going on on day 80 i was working on this storage trying to make it look a little nicer and expanding it ah taurus was working on a bedroom it’s been almost 20 days and we

Haven’t slept in this thing day 81 i installed an auto furnace next to the stone mason it’ll make auto smooth stone for basically auto emeralds and i was still working on the bedroom oh yeah i definitely approve of this day 82 we were both working on the bedroom remodel

We’re gonna both have to sleep here i’m personally a fan of the recessed bookshelves in the bedroom they’re a nice touch and after a day of complete and total vanity we had a nice bedroom fit for two people with diamond armor but day 83 we’re back to making profits

Off the backs of the week that night i was just lighting up the sheep pen when there was an unexplained explosion when i turned around i just saw a hole filled with wool and mutton the tragedy only got worse because i had to kill the survivors i wasted no time i’m still

Shearing those sheep on day 84 and then at night i went into the nether to maybe try to find some netherwart so i spent all of day 85 trying to find nether wart which can only be found in nether fortresses it took all day but i found

Enough to make a sizable farm and all of the potions we’ll ever need i got insanely lost but mine quartz to stay calm back in reality you know doing whatever picking these for tours later it’s a secret but then she watched the video so also decided to reinvest the

Enchanting room into the villager house and then i put mending on my stuff so they’ll live forever day 87 i mansplained enchanting to taurus yeah he was so helpful i was mining doing pretty well actually but i had a bad day i was taken down i had to sing a sad song just

To turn it around i wasn’t there the moment she needed me most i got most of her stuff oh her helmet no we’ll rebuild her in the morning we’re just gonna go watch some netflix and chill oh well back to mining and you know tors will probably feel better after she does some

Mining day 89 we’re carving out some space for a potion making room it’s nothing complicated let’s go to the next thing i got a toolsmith to expert and he’ll now sell me diamond hoes how useful there was some mining and i shot at these phantoms i need their sweet juicy meat

Gonna cook them up with some nether wart and make a nice potion i spent most of day 90 crafting the purest slow falling potion on the block on for the record i have no idea where we got that cactus from kind of like the horses i don’t

Talk about and now we’re taking the toolsmith against his will and i spent the night placing down some torches and getting bit by phantoms we’re still just working hard on day 91 as you can tell by this mountain of oak yachts i’ve been in the mine since i died and i’m

Probably not coming out yeah but that’s a good thing i just used every bit of our gold to make some golden apples and after exhausting all the money-making methods i just went back into the mine with tours it’s a good place to get some xp for more enchantments and we’re still

Mining on day 92 but this is minecraft so probably will be a lot of mining by this point we had so many diamonds we were able to waste 18 of them on two diamond blocks for the storage room even if taurus falls in lava a third time she

Won’t even feel it day 93 i was just mining it’s all my damage psyche will allow me to do and i’m back to abducting villagers the fun never stops made this one into a weaponsmith eventually he’ll sell us diamond swords and maybe diamond axes i’m not sure other than that just

More than usual selling off my boat stocks to the fishermen oh and there was also a little renovation in the storage room can’t have that ceiling being dirt or is it still mining on day 94. i think i’m gonna call someone soon i made this nice sword for her with pretty much

Every enchantment plus mending hopefully that makes her feel better i was also able to make her an infinity bow i’ve never even had one of these things day 95 i finally emerged from the mine i had enough levels to enchant and my scars were finally healed i enchanted my

Diamond armor and then of course went straight back to mining i got the weapons myth to master and he’ll sell us diamond swords and axes i was right and combined with the tool smith we can buy every single type of diamond tool now though eventually i’d like to be able to

Purchase some diamond armor so i’m laying down some more abduction track and i got straight to kidnapping at the start of day 96. he was a difficult one from the moment i gave him freedom he escaped honestly at this point there’s so many villagers in this breeder it’s

Easier to just grab another one i spent blocks of emeralds leveling him up buying chain mail and then just throwing it on the ground but yes even at only expert level he’ll sell me diamond feather falling boots that’s awesome i of course went all the way to master on

The same day and as you can see i can purchase a full set of diamond armor from him now so now thanks to all of the work we’ve done in this village we can turn things like wool produce and even stone to diamonds and once taurus heard

The good news she came up from the mine and started shearing alright day 97 is going to be our last day in town last chance to check everything make sure we’re prepared for the ender dragon fight last chance to enchant your pants tour is better do it now this is pretty

Much everything we’re bringing standard ender dragon materials like potions of slow falling golden apples chickens and pumpkins alright today’s the day at least the day we got to get there taurus gave me a corn flour for good luck and i’ll hold it in my left hand the entire

Time if you remember the end portal wasn’t that far away to begin with and now we’ve got its coordinates so we can pretty much just bee-line right to it yep it was still daylight out by the time we got to our massive hole from before we planned on having extra time

Out here we’re going to build a little infrastructure around the portal instead of having to dig down every time we built the ladder all the way up to the surface and then we built a little shack over the ladder so the end portal is marked and easy to get to any much but

You know it was keeping us safe and made from whatever we could carry with us we emerged from the shack at sunrise on day 99 for one more day of exploring we’re gonna bring home some of these savannah trees there was also a nearby desert temple which we explored nothing amazing

Unless you like bones and rotten flesh and then our last step was this nearby savannah village i think i like the look of the villagers here the best and torres even made it home with a new orange cat i wish i could take him home but now we’re watching the sun rise on

Day 100. our pumpkin masks are on and we’re ready to fight the ender dragon we couldn’t decide who was going to go in first so we just went in together if well prepared fighting the enderdragon can be pretty easy but it was especially easy having another person help working

Together we were able to handle the different phases of the enderdragon fight exceptionally well especially since the thing was distracted between the two of us you can tell the ender dragon fight was not a fight designed to be done by two people it was very easy taurus and i breezed through the ender

Dragon fight with no incidents we never even came close to dying i’ve never killed the ender dragon before but with my hubby doing all the work it was easy if this was the almighty ender dragon the wither is gonna be a piece of cake of course we’d never forget to grab the

Dragon egg it’s our property and after that we jumped back into the end portal and watched the credits roll and that’s it 100 days of minecraft with the tours it was quite a lot of fun i wasn’t sure if i was gonna like minecraft going into

This but now i love it and if you loved this video and would like to see us go to 200 days make sure you hit that like button we came a long way in these 100 days but minecraft is a massive game and there’s so much more to do so again if

You want to see 200 days make sure to hit that like button thank you all for watching please stay notable and we’ll see you in the next video

This video, titled ‘100 Days – [Minecraft with Tors]’, was uploaded by Luke TheNotable on 2020-02-22 18:28:33. It has garnered 56765251 views and 854071 likes. The duration of the video is 00:30:02 or 1802 seconds.

This video is intended for audiences 13+ years old for the following reasons Fantasy Violence Violent References Suggestive Themes Crude Humor

Minecraft is a great game to play with friends. So this time I decided to play Minecraft with my best friend, Tors. We survived Minecraft for 100 Days with the goal of killing the Ender Dragon, and by the end of the video, I guarantee you’ll experience the fun we had.

-The intro and outro of this video were removed to protect against fraudulent copyright claims regarding Minecraft music. I apologize for the inconvenience.

Follow me on Twitter!! – https://twitter.com/LukeTheNotable

Thumbnail Art – Maeder https://twitter.com/itsmaeder

Tors https://twitter.com/TorsThe

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  • rice cake

    rice cake欢迎来到糕点服!这是一个创新和充满乐趣的《我的世界》无规则生电服务器,让你能够在无限创造的世界中探索创造。在这里,你可以尽情发挥想象力,体验红石科技带来的乐趣和挑战。 特色功能: 无限自由创造:在糕点服中,没有限制和规则约束。你可以自由建造、采集和探索。创造你自己的梦想之城或想象不同的红石装置,将创意发挥到极限。 经济体系:糕点服还通过引入一个经济体系增添了更多的挑战和互动。你可以收集和出售资源,参与市场交易,建立经济帝国。 社区互动:我们拥有一个友好而活跃的社区,与其他玩家分享你的创造,并参与社区活动和竞赛。与全球玩家一起探索和合作,构建令人惊叹的项目。 优化的服务器性能:我们致力于确保服务器的稳定性和流畅性,以提供良好的游戏体验。拥有强大的服务器和专业的技术团队,我们将确保你在服务器中有最佳的游戏体验。 加入糕点服,探索创新的红石技术和无限的创造力!从最简单的红石装置到复杂的自动化系统,你可以打造自己的想法,并与其他玩家分享。无论你是红石技术的专家还是pvp大佬,都能在这里找到乐趣和挑战。加入我们的社区,一起开启全新的服务器冒险旅程吧! kook频道:https://kook.top/50DQC9 discord暂无 另外我们的服务器是互通服可以使用基岩版客户端游玩只需要把端口改成48888即可(基岩版最新版同步速度很慢) 另外我们的网易服务器也在调试阶段很快就会上线! 欢迎游玩 new42499704.cn:55555 Read More

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  • 1997 The Cube Minecraft Adventure Server

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  • Minecraft Memes – Block-breaking blunder!

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  • Insane Water Tricks in Minecraft

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  • Minecraft Meme: Creeper Hotline Bling

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  • 50 Best Minecraft Seeds for Building 1.21

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  • Uncover the Secret Tunnel in Zombie Craft!

    Uncover the Secret Tunnel in Zombie Craft!Video Information This video, titled ‘CHOOSE A STRANGE TUNNEL IN MINECRAFT’, was uploaded by Zombie Craft on 2024-05-23 11:00:11. It has garnered 501 views and 5 likes. The duration of the video is 00:34:49 or 2089 seconds. CHOOSE A STRANGE TUNNEL IN MINECRAFT Read More

  • Sly Water Gun Prank Goes Viral

    Sly Water Gun Prank Goes ViralVideo Information This video, titled ‘अमायरा ने मारी पिचकारी 🧟‍♀️👹#viral #youtubeshorts’, was uploaded by Mind Roar on 2024-03-25 15:30:04. It has garnered 14235 views and 158 likes. The duration of the video is 00:00:12 or 12 seconds. animation 🧟‍♀️🙀#viral #bhoot #youtubeshorts #movie cartoon funny anime shorts cute adorable vtuber minecraft sankat mochan vlog majewali kahani majedar kahani game minecraft maizen sisters maizen zenichi mikey maizen jj viral minecraft minecraft anime story mikey ghost clean scary myghostfriend cute movie/anime fyp dsand #shorts entertainment like movie anime susie bob spooky animated likes girl game caine skibidi toilet skibidi toilets jax and pomni… Read More

  • Insane Minecraft Chair Hack! 🔥 #shorts

    Insane Minecraft Chair Hack! 🔥 #shortsVideo Information This video, titled ‘”Minecraft’s CRAZIEST REALISTIC CHAIR Hack! #shorts”‘, was uploaded by MHDGamingK on 2024-05-01 11:10:50. It has garnered 430 views and 19 likes. The duration of the video is 00:01:00 or 60 seconds. Read More

  • Terrifying Modpack in Minecraft?! 2 Crazy Players React!

    Terrifying Modpack in Minecraft?! 2 Crazy Players React!Video Information This video, titled ‘The Scariest Minecraft Modpack Played by 2 Goofy Goobers’, was uploaded by Taz_ on 2024-03-20 20:00:17. It has garnered 77 views and 9 likes. The duration of the video is 00:25:56 or 1556 seconds. Me and my good friend @Min1bin play the horror modpack “Fear Nightfall” we got pretty silly with it so I hope you enjoy. Discord: https://discord.gg/gc25Nyyvwp Twitch: https://twitch.tv/tazgirl_ Modpack download: https://www.curseforge.com/minecraft/modpacks/fear-nightfall Don’t scroll any further it’s just algo spam: Me and My best friend Minbin played a mod that’s really funny and hilarious. It makes Minecraft really challenging and hard which made… Read More

  • Dronio’s EPIC Minecraft English Lessons! Sign up NOW

    Dronio's EPIC Minecraft English Lessons! Sign up NOWVideo Information This video, titled ‘Изучаем Английский с Дронио и Майнкрафт Запишитесь на бесплатное пробное занятие по ссылке’, was uploaded by Дронио on 2024-01-17 21:45:00. It has garnered 747 views and 83 likes. The duration of the video is 00:00:33 or 33 seconds. “Learn English with Minecraft Sign up for a free trial lesson at the link” #shorts #minecraft #майнкрафт Sign up for a free trial English lesson in Minecraft with your parents, here is the link: ➜ https://clck.ru/37cpim Our social network https://dronio24.com ➜ https://dronio24.com SUBSCRIPTION MOTION GRAPHICS FOR VIDEO DESIGN ➜ https://clck.ru/37hFR8 Digital Art Monetization https://displate.com/acr/wine-empire?art=5b9d0b5248011 DOWNLOAD THIS VIDEO… Read More

  • Ultimate Minecraft Brick House: Insane Build Hacks by Rafli Nagara17

    Ultimate Minecraft Brick House: Insane Build Hacks by Rafli Nagara17Video Information This video, titled ‘Selesaikan Rumah Bata Minecraft Survival’, was uploaded by Rafli Nagara17 on 2024-06-02 14:36:27. It has garnered 7957 views and 147 likes. The duration of the video is 02:13:17 or 7997 seconds. Join Membersip Nase : https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCCu11GsbDeSftT5b1AqL7rw/join skin minecraft: https://drive.google.com/file/d/1_UHQ06CBhlsT7icJ7zs0ca53xxPb1LoJ/view?usp=sharing Donate saweria: https://saweria.co/RafliNagaraa17 socialBuzz : https://sociabuzz.com/rafli-adytian_-/donate cara register minecraft: https://youtu.be/x5NNMS9b8kA Social media🌎 Subscribe : https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCCu11GsbDeSftT5b1AqL7rw instagram : https://www.instagram.com/rafli_nagara17/ tik tok : https://www.tiktok.com/@raflinagara17 Discord : https://discord.gg/wRan8ZxpPK Nightdbot !discord !ig !donate !info !kodiam !mentionname hi hello Minecraft Survival Playlist: https://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PLM5DczGW60oIaCzJmajQz7zr7f4mRcXc5 Medieval Music – Cobblestone Village https://youtu.be/PlPZAHsGqOg?si=poiAN5XphqRC_nBn 🎞T a g Minecraft survival series indonesia Minecraft map showcase indonesia Minecraft… Read More

100 Days – [Minecraft with Tors]