100 Days of Hardcore Minecraft But It’s a Modded Space World

Video Information

Space the final frontier These Are the Voyages of the Starship Altera its 100-day mission to explore Brave New worlds to seek out new life and new civilizations to boldly go where no Minecrafter has gone before we’re gonna do this thing for real oh we’re not I got the suit and everything

But this one was a real blast so if you enjoyed it and want to remember it I released a limited edition set of merch which you can get right now on my website it’ll be available for 30 days and then they are gone forever but let’s explore the Galaxy starting right now

Day one and just like the time between the first flight and the moon landing was only about 60 years we have to start with the basics it’s punching trees making a few bits of wooden tools and looking off in the distance seeing a bunch of people armed with crossbows who

Will shoot me at a moment’s notice I quickly looted the Pillager boat before dying before this challenge even started now is not the time oh they’re still following me with that I ran far enough away that I wasn’t being followed digging down to get myself Cobblestone for Cobblestone tools and then not

Learning my lesson and immediately running back to grab even more out of the barrels next to that base there were some Iron Pants there which would help me stay alive and with an action hand I was able to clear this thing bad Omen on

Day one oh boy here we go I showed them who the Pillager is now before running off making sure no step on snack and finding another nearby boat with some new friends to share it with penguins oh my goodness look at you you’re so adored you want a cookie here take a cookie

Oh I followed the map for a little while before giving up on that grabbing any sugar cane I could find on the ground killing spiders for string creepers for gunpowder and running away from whatever the heck of this zombie is but one sheep murder later I had all the resources I

Needed for a bed and a quick nap out on the ice the next morning I went back to where it spawn and thought I could use that Pillager boat as a potential base location but pillagers continuously spawn there so that’s a no-go I found a nearby Island just the smallest patch of

Dirt surrounded by ice and figured it’s the North Pole I’m Gonna Be Santa in space from here I did a little bit of the initial base things throwing down a bed crafting table chest making a very rudimentary farm and starting to level out the ground a little bit so I’ll have

The space I need before I forgot about it though I followed the treasure map over where some Pirates had left some booty grabbing just enough iron to really get me started allowing me to skip a lot of the very very early game so after a quick nap we’re in on it an

Iron pickaxe in my hand it’s time to start mine it downward and I did in a very basic staircase until I initially cracked through some ice finding a cave right underneath and this had a lot of useful stuff and a sight comes to mind for the create mod the verdonite because

It will look cool if that’s what it’s actually called I forget a whole bunch more iron and some coal for smelting a little trip up the water stream and I’m back on the surface with more than what I need I set the iron to smelt made a

Whole bunch of andesite alloy and we’re getting into this pretty quickly day four I took a lot of the coal that I had and just torched the island now I want to avoid mob spawns in this space and doing it right now before I’m investing that coal in something else that is a

Long-term win from there I started on the very beginnings of the create mod and the first thing is a water wheel this will provide you with just enough energy and torque so that you could start on your first machine and I love to call it the bonking machine but it’s

A metal press but it looks like andesite casings have been changed so I made myself a quick pair of boots ran over over and chopped down a bunch of spruce trees getting the saplings bringing them back stripping a log and then right clicking it with the andesite alloy oh

That is uh that’s definitely new the next day I used that to craft the mechanical press and bonk with the iron being pressed into plates I use that to build up a fan and then an encased fan which I could use to blow through fire or lava to smelt things without having

To worry about fuel fuel is going to be very important to get to space I crafted up a shield and a stone cutter looking at the immense amount of additional decorative blocks that I had through the create mod and the next day I was down into the mines their skeletons were the

Main things that I was afraid were gonna kill me and of course I found a mine shaft so I’m very worried about poison spiders and now you see why I’m afraid of poison spiders that was too close for comfort but never let it be said that I learned my lesson I went

Back to break the cave spider spawner grabbing a few bits of zinc immediately close by and checking around this mine shaft for anything that might be useful there was a chest that had my first diamond ever in it which was nice but I’m still crafting any iron that I can

See I’m gonna need a whole lot of this to convert into steel to build up into Rockets to be able to travel space I mined until I had no more food left in my inventory once skeleton started falling from the ceiling that’s a signal

To go upstairs and go to bed day seven I have two things that I need they both start with L and they are lava and leather thankfully I had a mini map and I remembered where a lava pool was so I went over grabbing a bucket of that

Running until I started to hit the edge of the Frozen biome that I had spawned in and seeing a few cows wandering around who were more than willing to volunteer as tribute on my way back I forgot that I had bad Omen oh no oh I

Didn’t mean to do that I’m so sorry nope this is this is not my problem problem oh no well I’ve doomed that Village to die a horrible horrible death look there’s no way to get to space if you don’t sacrifice a few villagers to I is that

How the phrase goes I’m not 100 certain either way they’ll be fine I’m gonna go home and sleep the next morning I set up a few very fireproof wooden trap doors and the lava in front of the fan blowing my horn while converting a whole lot of

Iron into steel this allowed me to craft the add Astra manual and here we go yes oh now we can actually get started I have a lot of things I want to accomplish in this hundred days including escaping the solar system but that all starts with

One small step getting to the moon will be my first interplanetary travel but before we go up we’re gonna have to go down I headed back down into the mines going all the way down to the Deep slate level looking for diamonds that could help me craft better armor and tools and

Any iron that I could find that I can convert into even more steel while I was at it I was grabbing all of these different decorative blocks this is limestone and it will come into something very very nice but I headed back up to the surface on day 9 to re-up

On food and Bank all of the supplies that I had gathered and I started looking into how expensive these recipes are and the answer is very very expensive the most high-tech crafting table ever conceived in Minecraft let’s put it right here for right now okay

Okay uh uh rocket oh that’s a lot of Steel that is a lot of Steel okay that’s gonna take uh a lot more effort than I’d originally thought oh boy I’m gonna need to figure out ways to get a lot of those resources relatively easily but before I do that I need to

Worry about my terrestrial base first I did a little bit of cleaning up on the mountain just grabbing resources to build out a base and looking at the Aurora just pulled my gaze star side I’m gonna want to go exploring soon the next morning I’m looking through all of the

Mods trying to figure out how I can get iron I was wondering if there’s a way with create to get better than normal drops but that wasn’t looking promising I did a little bit of work on all of the farms and then started leveling out the

Ground so I could build a house or a base or just not fall in a pit full of ice and started mocking up a floor for what would become Lassa the lagundo Aeronautics in space Association maybe Lassa would be better you’ll know which one I picked because that’s the one on

The T-shirt spent a little bit of time doing decorating on pathing since I was out of limestone and setting an entrance for the mines just small details to make this place look a little bit more worthwhile I’m going to be going to space I can’t do it from just the middle

Of a field there has to be something that looks legit here so the next morning I’m finishing up on the floor and making a staircase down into the mine shaft down in the mines out I’m grabbing just blocks for cosmetic reasons tough and Limestone are two of

My main things that I can find but I also need to grab a whole bunch of redstone which I need for some of the components I’m picking up any obsidian that I could find with an unenchanted pick which is obnoxiously long and I headed back up to the surface

Realizing that mining is just not gonna cut it I’m gonna need a more efficient way to get iron and I can think of one but I’m gonna have to move fast to do it I headed over towards the village that was currently Under Siege from a raid

Mind you finding any villager who would be silly enough to jump into a boat paddling them along on the dirt until I hit the ice and kicked on the boosters oh my goodness I am so fast and just like any challenge in modern video games

You can’t just do it once you have to do it three times to show that you really understand how it works so villager number two was brought over in the ice in the evening of day 12 with a little nap in the middle of the lake while I spent time grabbing villager number

Three on day 13 ice voting my way over until they fell off way too early it took a decent bit of effort to get them back into the boat but eventually they were back home and I ran over to grab what was villager number two who arrived

Third and don’t overthink it it’ll hurt your brain from there I was visited by a traveling salesman who wasn’t selling me Rockets So they donated a few leads but I don’t know how well leads are gonna help in space that’s that was a really weird contribution I’m not gonna lie but I

Started crafting up a couple composters before building up the very beginnings of an iron farm on day 14. now I’ll leave a link to this tutorial down in the description it’s something that I have in my hardcore world that I built in my spawn chunks it will not just make

Unlimited iron but it makes enough iron and that’s all we really need we need enough and since I’m always going to be here and it’s always going to be loaded this thing is going to be pretty efficient I waited for it to be Night by just doing a couple odds and end chores

Around the base before breaking the villagers out of the boats hoping that they will pathfind up towards the beds up the Cobblestone staircase and jump in willingly and I gotta be honest I don’t know why people complain about moving villagers I don’t know why I complain because sometimes sometimes you just get

Lucky oh my goodness that was so easy that genuinely went so well and it turned out finding villagers was the easy part the hard part was going to be finding a zombie all I found was skeletons who were breaking my shield with their bow and arrow and that was

Enough to just make me go to sleep and worry about it tomorrow the next day I spent a little bit of time building up the last little bit of the infrastructure on the upper platform an area where Golems will be able to spawn and be instantly carted to their death

In lava but the thing is you need money to make money in this one and I’d converted all of my iron into steel which I started crafting into several of the components and putting them into the NASA workbench where I can just hold them here these particles looking really

Great when the sun set that day I ran over eventually finding a zombie who was willing to pick up a golden chest plate and a pair of golden pants and a treasure map so they became a pirate and then they sunk underwater and then they really became a pirate oh now you’re shiny

That’s gonna be very interesting in the farm come on my shiny friend with the absolute most dashing daring zombie ever to be put inside of a mob farm I contemplated the content play I’m absolutely gonna have to deck them out in full gold aren’t they this feels like a requirement but the

Thing I really needed to do here was to get that zombie up into their position up in the farm on top of the piston and that proved to be tricky they were faster than I thought able to knock me off of this and almost killing themselves with the fall but thankfully

On attempt number two with a little bit of fishing rod coaxing they fell right into place the next morning I quickly booked it all the way over towards that lava pool grabbing a singular bucket and running immediately back home throwing down a whole bunch of fireproof wooden

Signs and realizing that I had done it wrong so building it up and doing it a second time using those signs to enclose a singular block of lava which would be used to kill any Golems who spawned inside if they spawned inside some of them decided to spawn on the ground in

The water now this is insanely risky I’ve died to Golems before just check out their most recent scenario but I stood on top of the ice and used every single Arrow I had to eliminate this one and once that was out of the way all I had to do was wait yes

We will power our trip to space on the backs of hundreds of deaths but we shall go to space my first few pieces of iron were invested back into another Hopper to make the farm actually work and sort everything down to the chest and then the next was crafting up an iron chest

Plate so I’d be able to you know survive my way into space from there I made an iron hell and planted the pumpkin seeds that all eventually grow into pumpkin so I can use them at some point and it turns out my spawn proofing wasn’t super

Spawn proofed day 18 I covered the top of that Iceberg entirely in buttons so no Iron Golems would spawn over there on the ice push the Golem into the water and then spent a few minutes bowing them down once again coming to within like two or three arrows of running out and

Then having to kill myself on the Golem and that would have been bad half a stack of iron was waiting for me in the chest while I had done that though and that is the kind of rates we need to reliably build up a space program from

There I blasted the iron into convert it into steel smash a lot of it with the Press right now having to switch my machine between one and the other since one water wheel isn’t strong enough to support both I crafted up the rocket fins and started looking into what it

Would take to build out oxygen tanks and a spacesuit so I didn’t you know freeze to death on the moon but there’s a whole other set of machines I need to build and I’m too tired for that right now so on day 19 we actually got into it first

Thing I did was craft up an oxygen compressor which would allow me to take oxygen and fill tanks with it so I could breathe I then crafted a few of the tanks themselves set up an infinite water source here and I thought it would

Pull in but no I had to manually fill it with buckets and it turns out it also needs power who knew the machine would require electricity so I built a cold generator really quick throwing a decent bit of coal in there and seeing a whole one oxygen shoved into a tank and it

Turns out each bucket of water is only about 25 milliliters of oxygen so I spent quite a significant amount of time just manually pumping buckets of water into this oxygen generator just enough to fill one or two tanks while that process took most of the day I grabbed

All of the iron from the farm blasted it into steel and on the morning of day 20 now that I can breathe we need to figure out how to make a rocket go up that’s going to take a fuel Refinery which would convert crude oil into Rocket Fuel

I built one of those up putting it next to the coal generator on the other side and went over to the nearby geyser of oil bucketing up crude oil throwing it into the refinery and watching it as it got converted into Rocket Fuel this is

What makes rocket go up but I don’t only need enough fuel for rocket to go up I also need fuel for rocket to come back or else this is gonna be a very short video building out an oxygen gear and taking all of this melted steel wool and

Everything I had crafted to make myself a spacesuit the most random of requirements I need specifically or orange stained glass meaning somewhere in this Frozen hellscape I need to find one yellow flower Hey space is specific okay space has very specific expectations and requirements and sometimes you need a dandelion before

You can achieve orbit that’s just how lasso works the next morning I was trying to figure out a more efficient way to store Rocket Fuel than in my pockets something tells me that wasn’t a great idea so I tried making a couple create fluid tanks and some pipes but

That didn’t work you can’t put stuff in there manually you have to do it through machines that I don’t have yet I voted on the ice as fast as I could past the raid Village out to where the area started to Green up a little bit spending way longer than any of these

Cuts would give you any idea was at all possible until I eventually found my way towards a stone Castle ruin these flowers will let me go to space stopping to admire the sights on my way back seeing any life was wonderful considering I’m stuck in the Frozen

Wasteland I voted past the village still under siege making my way and crafting some orange dye and the last component of my spacesuit my helmet the next day I grabbed all of the components out of the chest donned my armor and yes I am into space I spent a good chunk of the

Remainder of the day just pumping more water into this thing to get enough oxygen and using the press to make steel and iron plates which I was able to craft into two launch pads I’ll need one for each end of the trip I smelted and pressed a little bit more steel together

To craft up the engine the final component of the spaceship itself having to make up some more oxygen tanks to craft into steel tanks which I could then put in and complete my rocket oh boy it explodes [Laughter] I’m just carrying a rocket over my head okay so I can just

Oop put that down right there there’s the inventory okay great so we need oxygen and Fuel and a landing pad in this thing or else we’re gonna end up stranded on the moon which would probably be you know kind of a bad thing I feel about the

Rocket with three buckets of Rocket Fuel having inside additional oxygen tanks a landing pad and the three buckets of fuel I would need to return home I quickly checked the seat making sure not to launch and double checked everything in the manual that I would need before

Heading off to space I don’t want to get stranded there and reading the manual when it comes to is probably a good idea but before I can go to space the only torches that will remain lit are soul torches so I’m gonna have to go to the nether first so I ice

Boated my way over to a lava pool throwing down a bucket of water to make a whole bunch of obsidian and one eternity later had a full Portal’s worth of obsidian blocks and a couple spares to make myself an enchanting table a little later on with that I nitro’d my

Way back and the following morning it’s time to create a portal to go to hell in a space World okay I’m using a Nether Mod which makes it a whole lot more interesting but a whole lot more messy unfortunately I spent a little bit of time exploring the general area dealing

With a couple different biomes including this main one that is mainly on fire another one that is these really cool pink and red trees that give a very neon red wood I love the look of it but in just digging around and trying to find a

Way out of this area I did find this obsidian glass which looks very very cool but takes a very long time to mine and gives very little actual idea on the progress but the pains are probably going to come in handy for something I’d be willing to bet their blast resistant

I crafted up all the torches on the morning of day 25 but there’s one last thing that I need before I can really go to another planet I headed over to the raid Village to grab a little bit of wool running back before getting jump scared by a Tanisha creeper

Okay are you friendly your enemy I’m gonna google this because they’re just they’re chilling I need to check this out okay so as long as I don’t hurt them hey we’re friends we’re friends as long as long as I don’t hit them their friend we’re friends

So I could just let them chill genuinely makes me so nervous I’m not gonna lie that’s so anxiety-inducing I quickly dyed up the wall and crafted a flag because you know I have to put my face on a planet if I’m gonna land on it that’s just tradition but with

Everything on my checklist complete launch preparations done I jumped in and hit the big red button oh oh seven six five four three two one oh this looks so cool We’re going to space now while it would be insanely cool to fly from one planet to another there is this loading screen right here and with a tier one rocket all I can really do is get to earth and its Moon there’s also the option for a space station and that

Is definitely on my to-do list for this hundred days I am going to want that but I clicked into the moon and started my descent you have to hold your thrusters so you don’t crash and burn directly into the ground but that was thankfully quite easy to do and I landed and looked

Out at a much more active landscape than I was expecting okay they look not friendly and that looks interesting so we’re gonna go over there there you go oh that’s a big jump oh that’s a big jump oh that’s so cool I think this is what I need I think this

Is the dash I know it’s it’s jeez I found moon cheese oh my goodness okay I was about to say are you friendly or not you are definitely not friendly they shoot ice at you okay that was a lot the first thing I wanted to visit was this little glass

Dome here it tunneled downwards in a bunker looking structure into what was actually a lunarian city now inside the chests was Dash which is the main thing I actually hear on the moon for but these act as villagers and they have these lit up columns and all of these

Different plating very space looking stuff as it started to get a little bit later and it was dark upstairs I tried to sleep in this world but it doesn’t Advance the day turns out that only works if you sleep on Earth so any day in space is going to be a whole lot

Longer I spent the remainder of the time exploring the village and I was very glad that I did finding a whole bunch of emeralds and diamonds which are gonna come in handy so I sat down the rocket here just outside of the village fueling it and preparing it for for relaunch and

Threw down my flag the moon now belonged to me I was the first person to ever make it here with the village explored I ran off the next day towards a couple other structures that I saw there’s this pit that led to a spiral staircase that

Turned out to be a large dungeon complex filled with the corrupted lunarians that were shooting Ice Crystals at me there was also chests with a ton of loot the very first one I opened had half a dozen diamonds gold Dash and cheese inside but there’s a ton of spawners here and I

Find myself in each room running in breaking all of the spawners kicking myself for not remembering to bring a bow and a sufficient amount of arrows and then leaving heading up to the surface to find a lighthouse structure it’s the best thing I can call it with a

Bunch more lunarians standing inside I traded with the first one which was a bad trade grabbing a whole bunch of moonstone bricks before finding lunarian Librarians say that three times fast on the second floor selling a whole bunch of different enchanted books but the most interesting thing was the chest on

The very top level a whole bunch of Dash a whole bunch of cheese bread coal and other supplies and while that was useful I was still looking for a bit more so I decided to go caving now I’m mainly looking for dash but I don’t know what

The ore looks like the blue ore is ice crystals which will come in very handy later but are kind of useless now and this orange ore is the dash that I actually am looking for but having fully exhausted all of the oxygen tanks that I brought with me to space I’m starting to

Think that maybe I should head home sooner rather than later so I mined up to the surface and ignited the rocket three two one away oh this is so cool Landing back on Earth I was quite a ways away from lasso headquarters so I ran back took a quick

Nap dropped everything out of my pockets ran back to where the rocket was picked that up I seriously do not want that to respawn returned back to base and started crafting up supplies for my return trip right away I need more Soul torches more fuel I started carving up

All of the pumpkins for jack-o-lanterns making a couple snow blocks and then building myself a snowman using a shovel with f3t to just mine until that broke to make myself a whole bunch of snow blocks which I was going to use for construction it was about now that I

Realized how much I had been scammed with the moon brick trade smelting up a lot of the Moon Cobblestone into Moonstone and then putting that into the stone cutter to figure out Moonstone bricks were just too carvings away but with all of that done it’s time to build

Headquarters we’ve made it off the planet we need a building to operate out of I’m going for a very modern design for this very rough angles 9 degrees very boxy shape and a very clean pristine white set of walls I’m using a lot of the Moon brick to give myself

Context and the Redwood from the nether to get a very big color pop in a few different places but I set up a small workstation on the lower level with some trapdoors to build shelves building out a frame of the overall space reclaiming the area in front to use those blocks as

In the interior floor and putting up the purple obsidian paint which I immediately started to regret not gonna lie the colorization was just a little bit too far off I moved all of the add Astra machine blocks including my rocket workbench inside I should be working indoors if I’m making rockets and spent

The time moving all of the supplies from the chests outside to a little mini storage area inside of the base proper but I’m closing up the walls using slabs to finish up the ceiling hoping that the whole thing would be spawn proof and I went back to the nether to get more of

That obsidian glass because I misread my notes and I don’t actually realize that the purple window goes on a red black and white building are a bad color palette Choice until after this mining Expedition instead spending all of the moon sand that I had collected which blasts into glass relatively painlessly

Using some red dye to make windows that will match the floors and using that even though I don’t have a connected textures mod installed yet to build out some nice red glass windows theming is now on point with a proper base on earth now established it’s back to the Moon to

Head back to that dungeon to get myself more Dash and I forgot to put my spacesuit on so I was freezing to death as soon as I spawned in the rocket I brought myself a Fletching cable that I used to convert one of the lunarians into a Fletcher who I could buy arrows

From but I checked everybody for trades there was nothing immediately apparent other than the arrows that I had brought eventually I’m gonna trade with the lunarians instead of villagers just because I think it’s cooler but time for fighting I dug my way into a much later room in the overall dungeon having to

Deal with multiple different spawners and this this is kind of frantic I’m breaking spawners where I can but the jumps are just a little bit impossible so I’m having to do this in multiple different takes after each room is clear I loot the chests which are mainly filled with ice enchanted books and

Cheese but there’s a whole bunch of Dash in here which honestly is the main thing I’m on the moon for I do run out of food insanely quickly for the amount of damage that I’m taking eating golden apples while having to run into a room break three spawners run back out kill

Everything run back in break more spawners loot the chests inside and there were multiple of these rooms and I started getting a little too comfortable foreign so when I dropped down to the next level and saw more mobs I nuked my way right out of there and headed through another

Section of the dungeon there are more spawners over here but they hadn’t been active from having been in my radius I did make my way into a large room filled with Desh ore which is a huge come up I checked all the barrels which were unfortunately empty but the chests

Thankfully had even more Dash inside but there’s even terrestrial loot here as well I don’t think I’ve mined any emeralds and I’ve had well over a stack at this point I did find at the very end of the dungeon a tree inside a tinted glass window which honestly that’s just

Kind of cool there was more layers of this whole dungeon underneath but I’m out of supplies again both in oxygen armor durability and food so I went back to the lighthouse grabbing a brewing stand from there I saved people on all planets from drugs before returning back

To the Village grabbing all of their books and a few more lighted columns trading ice crystals into the weaponsmith for Emerald because I didn’t know their true value just yet honestly I got scammed right there I just didn’t realize it for quite a while so on day

34 while I was starting to do trading I realized that I didn’t need to why am I doing this I have 41 levels I don’t need to do this and my inventory is so full yeah I should just go let’s just go back to Earth and I can just

Enchant because I have oh more than enough books yeah we have everything we need all right to Earth we go back home with 41 levels on my person I took the rocket back to Earth having over a stack of Dash combined between smelted and raw honestly that feels

Pretty good even though it probably barely scratches the surface of what I need I used a few of the slabs that I grabbed from the village to finally complete the roof banking all of the lunar supplies in an entirely separate chest and then looking over what I had

Oh we have a bunch of work to do I need to get my gear Enchanted I need to build an enchanting station I need to install connected textures oh my goodness that window looks awful but that is a Tamar problem because it’s two in the morning

And I have work so uh bye but I never leave whenever I make an intro so I made myself an enchanting table before actually going to bed day 35 I already have all of the books from the lunarians I just needed wood to be able to convert

Them into more bookshelves I set up a level 30 enchanting station and my very first row was efficiency 4 on an ax which would at least make chopping more trees a lot faster from there I started getting some basic enchants on my spacesuit I’m taking way too much damage

And those ice blasts will kill me if I’m not careful I did a mix of protection and projectile protection before blast smelting and then pressing most of the dash that I had collected using those plates I figured out what it would take to craft a solar panel and thankfully I

Had a bunch of blue glass laying around so I stuck one onto the side of the house while figuring out what it would take to make a dash tier 2 rocket this would be enough to get me to Mars and the next potential tech level of this

Tree but it basically costs exactly as much as the previous ship just in dash instead of Steel and you can’t make a dash Farm but I started crafting the parts I’m going to need I need to convert iron into plates into bars and I converted a whole bunch of Dash into

Blocks right now just to prevent me from using it on anything else so I would keep myself honest in building the rocket I’m about halfway there with the tanks in the block one or two more trips is all it’s gonna take Day 36 I’m taking some of the oil and throwing that into

The refinery to make a whole bunch of rocket fuel so I could make my way to the moon and back and then it’s a whole lot of fish murder Hey look an astronaut’s gotta eat the next morning though it’s time to head back to the Moon once I set up and refuel the rocket at the Village Landing site I ran over towards the dungeon entrance picking up from where I had left off clearing a whole bunch of

Corridors and fighting the corrupted lunarians this time with fully repaired and Enchanted armor that makes a huge difference and the loot is worth the extra trip a bunch of enchanted books the cheese the gold but the dash the piles of Dash anytime I see this room

With the ore it just feels wonderful now me being protected doesn’t mean it was any less dangerous there’s still a chance of death here if I’m not careful so I’m clearing each room methodically breaking all of the spawners I can possibly find and picking up a whole

Bunch of this dish plating so I don’t need to convert any of the dash that I could actually use in building and crafting into structural blocks I can just use these as I’m starting to clear it the final couple rooms I’m finding golden apples all whole bunch of ice

Iron cheese in all of the chests I’m feeling like yeah I’ve gotten everything there is to get from this structure so I headed back over towards the village grabbing a little bit of the steel plating here for exactly the same reason as I don’t want to use my own steel

Finding a few more resources in a couple chests that I had missed the first time around day 38 I’d run over to another Village I’d seen in the distance this one had Rocket Fuel and other parts just sitting in the ground which makes me think that you could probably start on

The moon and survive given if you could breathe I traded with a Fletcher that was here to re-up on all of my arrows and then continued exploring the moon’s surface finding and dropping into another dungeon about the halfway point of it finding another Dash loot room

Almost right away but as I started to drop down to another level I realized I need a quick inventory check my armor was almost broken so I lagged it back to base oh no oh oh I’m almost I’m almost dead okay we have to go now I don’t know if

There’s natural Decay on this armor or it’s just from all the damage that I’ve taken so I jumped into the rocket and headed to Earth immediately once back in a safe atmosphere I assessed the damage and yeah this was rough I checked out my manual trying to see if there’s a better

Spacesuit and there is one but it’s gonna require me getting all the way up to netherite and calorite as well and that means I’m gonna have to go to Mars turns out this mods progression works pretty solidly so I crafted all of the dash that I had up to complete the tier

2 rocket oh no I was muted I had an involuntary excitable sound of oh oh that looks so cool I mean we never need to take the tier one anymore because the tier 2 can just go to the moon but that that looks so cool having

Them in like Fleet formation with me now discovering true interplanetary travel I figured I should invent a backpack I’ve had this in the mod pack since the beginning and just forgot to craft one this is gonna make looting a whole lot easier but before I can rush to Mars I

Really need to make sure that I’m prepared and have everything that I need to conquer the red planet first thing I did was fully repair my spacesuit with a whole bunch of Steel then I thought I should automate my oxygen collection I can create a water pump which will pump

Water into the oxygen compressor and it turns out it’s not even super expensive I crafted that up right away set it up it pulled power just fine but when I went to pipe the water I realized I was out of coal for the generator so I ran

Down into the cage grabbing a whole bunch of coal while fighting zombies then came back upstairs and found it in the furnace oh of course I did the only problem is the water pump doesn’t support or doesn’t respect waterlugged blocks and it deleted the stairs flooding my house

Almost instantly I know I want to keep the NASA workbench inside but it turns out my power generation is gonna have to live out here in the dirt I set that all up but it’s nighttime so the solar panel isn’t really doing much so I’m gonna

Look like a total fool here for just a little while and I know if I had just crafted up a wrench it would be better but I forgot that wrenches existed until like day 80 and even then I needed to fix the recipe for them to actually be

Craftable so go leave a comment on how silly I was on day 41 when I just don’t know what I’m doing struggled with this for half the day until a friend came to help yeah I don’t get it either oh oh oh it’s doing something this is just passively generating oxygen

Now with one of my major needs now sorted the ability to breathe that’s kind of useful I converted a bunch more of the crude oil into Rocket Fuel fueling up the tier 2 rocket and grabbing all the iron from the farm just so there’s no risk of overflow stocking

My rocket and my backpack I can just carry rocket fuel in a backpack okay but I figured before I go to the red planet I should probably check back in with the red Dimension I needed to come back here for Soul Sand so I can make more Soul torches but I

Cranked my render distance all the way up to 64 chunks and eventually saw a nether fortress on the mini map I set a waypoint over in that direction and started digging and navigating through the nether terrain trying to get towards a place where I can get potions turns

Out knowing exactly where you need to go makes it really easy to find a fortress so I was able to get my way there eventually bowing down the wither skeletons in the distance jumping in grabbing one Blaze inside of a blaze burner so I can do some things with

Mixing later and killing the rest for their rods I set up a safe little space that no way their skeletons could come in and I was just attacking blaze rods at their ankles even though they don’t actually have ankles with blaze rods now in my pocket the next thing was Nether

Warts but and I can’t believe that this has happened to me again The Fortress looped it back on itself cutting off the ends side it’s all exterior meaning that there is no netherwort Garden in this structure at all that is another problem that I’m gonna have to solve on another

Day for now I figured like traveling to another planet to escape my worries so on day 43 off buy one from the proper answer it’s time to head to Mars oh Mars I want to get a space station before we’re all done but let’s land oh shoot shoot shoot Okay as soon as I touched down on the red planet I put the launch pad right here I don’t want to have to go keep running like I do every time that I come back from the Moon and I immediately saw a temple structure off in the distance

Running towards it I dug up and jumped onto the roof getting an Infinity book and diamonds on one side and a block of austrium on the other this is the next tier of metal that I need for a tier 3 rocket and the netherite spacesuit so this feels huge guarding this Temple was

A single green creature and I didn’t know if it’d be Friend or Foe so I just decided to shoot it but surprisingly enough the surface of Mars is far more sparse than that of the Moon there’s a lot more structures with the lunarians and here you either have the Red Sands a

Polar cap area and the occasional Boulders of a completely different Rock I headed down into the caves finding another of those red lizard creatures who did come to try to Nom on me so they are most likely not friendly I checked the menu able to figure out how much

Austrium I would need it’s the same amount of blocks and tanks and engines as every other rocket so that’s about two stacks right there and about another 20 to support the spacesuit so this is going to be a big investment we’re gonna be here a while so the very few

Structures showing any promise I jumped down in the next crack cave I could find finding a couple ore sitting right here it seems pretty rare unlike the lizards oh they’re just spawning in no it just keeps spawning more and more game game why but as I’m ending each day and

Taking my notes so I can actually do the voiceover I just pillow it up onto a poll and waited for the sun to rise but it turns out there’s even more uses for Austria one of them being an Energizer which we would need for a couple different purposes and basically acts as

A giant battery so add a couple more blocks to the total as I ran over the Sandy surface of the planet on day 44 I found a massive exposed cave system and the lower gravity while it wouldn’t kill me I still needed to be careful when

Dropping down here you know what else I need to be careful of dropping my bow accidentally eating it down in the cave well now we definitely need to go down I throw blocks every four or five blocks down and I’m just taking the tiniest bit of fall damage so that’s probably safe I

Picked that back up and started mining up all of the ice crystals I was Finding down here and more austrium eventually seeing lava the cave systems here are much more massive and overall ores feel a lot more plentiful they’re also very easy to spot even though they’re not glowing with complementary shaders which

Is what I use for every one of these videos I always get comments on those I love to see it ask away but as I started hitting the ends of the final branches of this part of the kid system I just pillared straight up utilized that lower

Gravity to be able to mine a tube right up to the surface running along in the dark of night munching on moon cheese finding another one of those temples so I had another Austrian block and some emeralds and Ice I kept running through the night into day 45 finding another

One of the temples so that’s three free blocks right there and I also ran out of arrows finding out these lizards hit pretty hard three hearts of damage with a bunch of protection on board that’s no joke but I’m below 50 on my oxygen all my tanks are expired and it’s time to

Head back to earth oh I just realized I forgot a flag I didn’t even claim this planet as my own my face doesn’t exist anywhere on it this is horrible how can I forget that back to Earth so we can make a flag so we can take over this

Planet properly I returned back to Earth activating my thrusters right outside of lasso headquarters throwing the rocket back down on the launch pad immediately the fleet must stand prepared to go at any moment from there I dumped my inventory into the chests I really should have added a better storage

System to this mod pack and smelt it up all of the austrium I had getting a couple blocks and three quarters of a stack with the blaze burner crafted I spent a little bit of time making gears going into day 46 where I have the Press

Crushing all of the iron into plates and I’m looking for all of the potential ways to get wool I did a quick little bit of decorating at the house before ice boating my way over to the raid Village and it looks like the raid might have actually passed now and everyone

Got to survive that feels like a win all around I grabbed all of the wool they had both in building and on sheep form before ice boating back traveling just about as fast as the rocket actually does by the end of the day though I had completely forgotten about flags and

Instead crafted up a bunch of sales so I could start powering some new create machines day 47 I started working on getting a windmill set up and I found a problem uh uh okay the mods are broken what do I do I think I know what I can do stand by

Problem solved don’t worry about what was done okay sometimes when I make these packs I have a little bit of a problem and I will fix it in the mod pack that you all will be able to download on curse Forge link will be down in the description and that will

All be sorted cool we can get the video going again with the create wrench now in my inventory I can actually do and understand how these machines are supposed to be working around and I configured the windmill so that it would actually turn then I found out that I

Had crafted the wrong thing so I crafted a windmill bearing instead of a mechanical bearing and all I had to do was click it and it worked well that’s a whole lot of complicated mess there for no reason I threw on a bunch more sales in a weird kind of futuristic looking

Shape just anything random I could think of and I don’t know it kind of reminds me of a space invader is this just me I I don’t know I set up an initial wood column around it next day though I remembered I’m building a space organization not a windmill that’s

Making bread so I did a little bit of time upgrading that to make sure it looked absolutely proper for the theme switching out all the wood for steel and dash plating even if it just happens to be a bunch of pieces of cloth that go I can’t believe I made that sound and

I’m gonna put that on the internet to be out there for forever hi future me Yep this is where it all went wrong from there I crafted up the mixer rip 2 probably the best streaming site ever running down to grab a little bit more into sight so I can make more insight

Alloys or I could actually craft the head of it and then plugging it into the gear system now with the blaze burner underneath the Basin underneath the mixer and okay fine we’ll use wood for the floor that works but I blasted up some more of the copper combined that

With the zinc and I got brass I’ve been to another planet and I’ve just now unlocked the medal of brass Minecraft gets weird when you think about it too hard but while I’m researching being able to make dough I’m also researching rockets that can send me to even further

Planets it’s a weird combination I know the next day I started stripping and chopping down a bunch of different trees converting those into brass casings which would be the first component of the next tier of overall things I could build in the create mod for from there I

Did a quick pop over to the nether mining into a wall and Excavating until I find a little bit of quartz which I took a little bit of sandpaper and some Redstone mixing that together and it always looks like I’m eating this it is such a weird animation but I polished

That having to craft up a couple different redstone blocks and actually having to go back underground and do a little bit of quick caving running from glowing block to glowing block to get all of the Redstone that I would need for this stage day 50 we’re munching on

Some more shiny Red Rocks setting up a couple different Nixie tubes and building a few automated Crafters this is actually the only way which we can build crushing Wheels which you can use to grind down Netherrack into something that we can eventually turn into gunpowder and a whole bunch of other

Cases it’s actually really useful I ran out of andesite to Iran underground grabbing a little bit more of that converting that into alloy hooked it into the gears and watched it go yes yes oh come on oh I wanted to assemble in the Middle look makers of this mod I love you I

Love this but let it assemble in the middle instead of making it have to come to an edge like this that’s disappointing once I converted the automated crafting grid to work in the entirely less satisfying bottom center position I had two crafting Wheels ready

To go so I started hooking it them up to the water wheel and well it doesn’t work I’m gonna have to go bigger but if I’m gonna go big I might as well make it look good we’re over the halfway point this should be looking like a space station even if we’re using

Wooden gears I I don’t know okay this is strange but I set up a nice steel plating in case area with two water wheels Each of which was only supporting a single crushing wheel and they are spinning it looks like it might be working I’m not 100 certain I spent a

Little bit more time later that day working with all of the different gears and gear shafts surrounding the actual windmill trying to get the Press hooked up in here so that way I can use that to Bonk more plates into iron sheets from here I’m just trying to make sure that

The grindstones are running a little bit faster they need to be moving at a good clip to actually work in any reasonable Pace it was raining and dark and I was tired so I did take a quick nap returning back to it the next day setting up funnels on the top and bottom

Throwing a whole bunch of Netherrack in and getting Netherrack right back out so I’m thinking maybe I need to enhance all the gears so they’re moving a lot faster so I worked on the back and the back of this suddenly became very messy very quickly whereas several different two to

One conversions all hooked up to a singular gearbox which instead of working on the water wheels I hooked into the windmill this would allow us to have a very high stress ratio but get a lot of speed from the different two to one conversions but in order to make

This not look completely awful we’re gonna need a little bit of kelp to make a belt to allow us to transfer that rotational force over a very long distance and I won’t lie I spent all of day 53 and I do mean legitimately all of day 53 just sailing along the rivers

Running along any sort of green land I could find until after the midpoint of the day I finally found an ocean with some kelp I mean look at the mini map here look how far I went that’s ridiculous I did start running back home and it was getting pretty late as I was

Doing it I ran across a ruined area with a pig and a single Fletcher villager who had a whole bunch of Wheat and potatoes and carrots which I quickly stole coming across a nearby vanilla Village which had a weystone sitting inside yep that’s mine now I took a quick nap in the bed

And continued running back towards my house on day 54. getting to the ice where I could eat myself across and quickly boat my way to Victory banking all of the resources that I had collected along my way and cooking up a bunch of the kelp into dried kelp so I

Could set up a belt which allowed me to transfer Force very quickly from there I struggled a little bit with the gears on the back but once everything was hooked up now these are moving at a good clip and I threw in a stack of Netherrack quickly getting a stack of Cinder dust

Out underneath I set up a funnel thinking it would filter directly into the chest but instead it was pulling the Netherrack before it actually ground down so I had to get rid of that and eventually we had the dust coming in yes okay okay progress we’re making progress

Oh that little sound Was Fear these Yeti creepers yeah they jump scare me for the entire playthrough but it’s time to get back to space this is gonna create 100 days after all even though it kind of partially is it did help a lot in getting to the anyway I spent a little

Bit of time on day 55 working on some major upgrades to my space infrastructure first things first I crafted up all of the diamond blocks instead of researching an Energizer I’m not quite there yet need a little bit more but I did make myself another oxygen loader a few extra tanks and use

That to build an oxygen compressor and use that combined with some Dash plates to build myself an oxygen distributor this on the moon with a little bit of water and a pump underneath it could allow me to make an enclosed breathable atmosphere and a permanent moon base no

Need to come back here whenever I happen to just run out of Tanks to chunk down but that’s gonna take a bit of work to set up and you will see on the other end a bit of frustration with now this actually requires power but I crafted up

Another Dash engine which allowed me to craft a Rover I got so excited I forgot how to talk oh I have a car oh this is gonna be fun oh yeah this is gonna be fun but even though it’s running in space it needs oil because America I guess so I grabbed

A lot of that throwing it into the fuel Refinery and getting that converted into jet fuel which is also rover fuel from there I moved and renamed the way Stone crafted up some energy cables and a new solar panel which I would take to the Moon to hopefully be enough to power

This oxygen distributor so I can make a base day 57 I spent a little bit of time reconnecting the fan to the gears on the back of the overall blasting chamber so I could Mass smelt ore so that’s definitely going to come in handy using

It to smelt a whole bunch of moon sand into glass which I could then use to be able to build my facility on the moon I’m gonna wanna look at space right from there I made a whole bunch of limestone bricks to the floor would match my

Facility here on Earth crafting up and enchanting a new bow getting powerful which will definitely help with some of the com about making some blocks of iron and an anvil which allow me to combine that with my existing Infinity book so I’m never going to run out of arrows

Again but I spent the rest of the day just packing my bags if I want to make a self-sustaining base on the moon I’m going to need oxygen I’m going to need a tree grass some ability to grow crops and all of that is now just sitting in

My backpack because on day 58 we launched heading back to the Moon in a hope to take over a new planet now um ah if uh if I had a nickel for every time I forgot to put on my chest plate and almost died when uh landing on a new

Planet I’d have maybe four nickels I think this is only the second one you’ll see but don’t worry I do make this mistake again but thankfully I was able to get to it quickly enough that I didn’t die landing on this overlooking Ridge I figured it probably makes the

Most sense to build our base here and not have to worry about traveling to it the design I’m going for is kind of gonna look like the top half of a conduit this is my space station and journey and Waypoint out into the greater universe so it kind of fits I’m

Using the steel and dash plates for a lot of the infrastructure and glass to make the whole thing look as seamless as possible with connected textures this looks great some extra create gears that I had just help occupy a wall which is a very nice decorative item and some of

Those fancier lights mean a hanging lantern from the middle is just not good enough and there I set up all of the add Astra blocks I don’t have any way to power them just yet and the sun is down so there’s no way I’m going to be able

To get to it but this place is coming along I ran over towards the village ripping up the flag that I had planted there knowing that I’m going to want to take that to where my base is but I need a few more things and they happen to

Have them here so I demolished a few internal walls getting more dish plating stone brick and trying to sleep remembering that sleep doesn’t Advance the day on the Moon by the time the sun had risen naturally I had what looked like a pretty decent start for a base

This might be a little bit big for a single oxygen distributor we’ll see we’ll figure it out but I hooked up the solar panel and got it started now it needed a little bit of oxygen to kick start it and my whole thought was I had to have water pumping into the

Compressor it needed a little bit of oxygen to get started so when I threw a tank in I got excited yes yes oh it’s working okay it’s not gonna be working for super long and it works I was able to take my chest plate off and not die

And with moving the flag and getting the Rover set up and fueled my ability to travel on the lunar surface has been greatly multiplied from here I spent a little bit of time using those lunar bricks and a little bit of sand to just make the walkway from the launch pad to

The base a little bit less perilous but that was feeling like a really great milestone okay we don’t have everything we need we need to head back to Earth and get oxygen and more building supplies but the moon base the moon base is starting to get together one quick

Rocket trip to my Frozen part of the little globe or cube that is Minecraft’s Earth and I’m realizing another problem coming up we are starting to run out of oil so we probably need to start working on an Energizer and cryo fuel which works on nice and we have a lot of ice

To work with here and that’s a concern maybe not an immediate one because I am a relatively close towards a cryo freezer but a few wandering Traders coming by and uh donating some supplies definitely made me feel like it was something that I needed to keep in mind

But I have to use what I have refining a few more buckets of oil enough for a rocket launch back to Earth with the supplies that I need in hand and a spare set to get me back to the Overworld from there I used a little bit of moon sand

That I had and built up the launch pad fighting off a few mobs that had congregated around my base and now it’s time to Rover foreign this is so cool I was able to cover an insane amount of distance finding the top of another exposed lunar Village and all of the lunarians were

Just gathered in this one corner it was kind of creepy but inside was a whole bunch more dish which is a definite bonus some Rocket Fuel just sitting out in the ground and a whole bunch more iron and other resources all of this helped immensely but the more

Interesting thing is that it intersected with the lunar dungeon there was Dash just sitting here and a ton of mobs but now I have protection I have an upgraded bow so I’m feeling a little bit safer that was until I found a giant room filled with dozens of spawners oh geez

Okay hold on that’s a that’s a big that’s a problem yeah that room is honestly pretty terrifying but it is the quote-unquote final boss room or final Gauntlet of this dungeon and it’s a problem because my gear while being better are upgraded isn’t exactly in the

Best shape I opened my inventory and saw that my helmet was very close to Breaking only about 27 damage which I could get pretty quickly if I’m not careful so I bowed down any lunarians that were targeting me digging my way up to the surface the next day and running

To the Rover and immediately running back to the base from there since I didn’t want to risk damage but I wanted to get this working before leaving I needed to figure out how to set up the actual oxygen supply here on the moon I have all three machines they’re all

Piped together everything should be working and when I stick in the oxygen yeah it’s working just fine except it kind of always runs out it doesn’t seem like the water is making it from the pump to the compressor to the distributor and the water freezes whenever the oxygen environment fails so

I need to manually kick start it with another tank and breaking the ice every time I get it wrong everything’s there everything’s powered it should be working it should be connected I even watched as soon as both of the right machines hit 100 power the pump was charged and the compressor was

Immediately fully loaded but I don’t know it’s just not working so I’m starting to run out of the ability to breathe so I headed back over to the Overworld dealing with some Interlopers on the launch pad refilled all of my oxygen tanks here on Earth took a quick

Nap and repaired my gear first thing on day 62. now this isn’t the most efficient but with a little bit of luck I’m going to be replacing this Gear with a much more durable armor set at some point in time in the future that will last me for the rest of this playthrough

With the additional diamonds that I had collected from the dungeons on the moon combined with all of the austrium that I still had from my last trip to Mars I was able to finally build the Energizer hooking that up to my solar panels and trying to figure out how exactly it

Worked I plugged it in and it got connected but there’s no GUI there’s no way to see if it’s charged or not so while I’m waiting for that to get figured out I grabbed up a few more buckets of the very sparse remaining oil that I had setting that to refine while

I took a quick nap both in and out of game the next day with a clear head and being less tired I finally figured out how the Energizer works there’s a little gauge on the side that tells you how charged it is and if you break it and

Pick it up you can see the overall capacity oh that is that is nice so with that figured out I blasted a whole bunch more steel into iron converting that into plates just so we have the resources that we need and it’s off to the moon and Once on This Rock turns out

Playing Minecraft tired makes you pretty stupid because you don’t need the oxygen compressor you just need the water pumped directly into the distributor and then it just works I’m actually watching the oxygen increase on this thing as water gets pumped into it my problem now

Is going to be power because with just a single angular solar panel I’m not reserving enough overall power capacity to power this machine through the night meaning that it will fail and require a manual reboot in the morning because there wouldn’t be water right there so it’s good to know that I’m making

Progress even if sometimes I can be a little stupid I started building a secondary chamber on the right of the base that I’m thinking I’d eventually keep a tree inside you know just so it looks like I actually colonized this planet but then the whole system kind of

Failed again and this time it failed during the day which makes me think that the power output isn’t enough even when I hooked in a second solar panel it doesn’t look like it’s going to be enough I’d actually get to the point near the end of the day of the greatest

Console that is or ever was and both of the machines were about half a lot on power half full on oxygen it looked like it was going to work but then as the sunset and time ran out eventually the system just ran out of juice so I’m

Gonna need a lot more solar panels or some way to store that power over a longer amount of time and you’re thinking it’s that Energizer you’re absolutely right but I need that one on Earth for a very specific purpose that we’ll get to later so I’m gonna need a

Whole bunch more diamonds in Austria so I headed back over to that dungeon that I had just left before because my armor was damaged hoping to get a lot of treasure inside to allow me to build a second I started clearing out the earlier chambers that only had a few

Spawners in them and with fully repaired gear being in protection armor I’m feeling relatively safe I need to be careful if I take too much damage I will eventually bite the dust but for right now I’m doing okay all the chests mainly had the ice shards some emeralds I did

Find a first and then a second room that was just filled with raw Dash ore a little bit later which is definitely good and then I returned to the giant room filled with spawners with a globe on the other end and I wanted that Globe for just a really silly reasons so I

Started digging through up and over the ceiling of the room bowing down to fight any mobs here and there and just trying to see where I was and those space starfish could hit me and even in full protection four I still took four Hearts worth of damage they are no joke I need

To be careful here but eventually I was able to kill all the mobs on this side of the door slowly building my way down in blocks and sealing off the entrance I had locked down the treasure room oh okay oh oh goodness this is dope not bad globe is this just Dash

Oh my goodness that’s a ton of Dash with me being able to successfully conquer the first of these two Mega challenge rooms now I need the strategy for taking on the next I blocked off the entrance dug a tunnel around the overall perimeter of the next one seeing that

There were chests along the midpoint so I lowered myself to that level being able to grab the books from inside the chest from inside the wall I have the longest arms ever but I made my way around to the globe treasure room on this one looting all of the chests

Getting more of basically everything I need except diamonds I found practically none of those but I am set on dash through what I think is the remainder of the playthrough from there I jumped in the Rover drove back towards the base and through a bunch of the things that I

Needed but I didn’t need on earth into the chests here this is going to be my forward operating base for the moon and the moon seems like the best place for looting right now so I left one of the trophies here to commemorate my victory jumped in the rocket blasting myself off

And Landing back on Earth where I could breathe safely now knowing what I needed to do to get ready for the next big stage I will get to that tomorrow on the day that is due to Galactic Conquest I had quite a few different chores I needed to accomplish the globe went up

The Energizer was empty for some completely unknown reason and the dash was blasted with lava and pressed into plates which would allow me to make a wrench but a different wrench this one worked on all of the Ad Astra blocks and makes a whole lot of things a whole lot

Easier if however many of you were screaming at me in the comments to make a wrench to fight with his pump 30 days ago I apologize you can now say on day 66 you were finally satisfied that I figured out what I was doing but despite the orders from the emperor I basically

Spent this day just getting things ready and figuring out what my next step of the journey would be where the two-thirds of the way point through this adventure and I still have two maybe three planets that I would love to visit and the next day we’re making a major

Step towards that as I made a little bit more steel and then checked and saw that I had just enough osmium to make the cryo freezer which is a much more efficient way of fueling my Rockets this is gonna take a while to charge but we can now set this

And it’s gonna take a while but we can make some cryo fuel but while that charged I said a bunch of other tasks to run Iron and Steel plates being smashed all sorts of resources that I could get ready for the next tier of My overall accomplishments and have the supplies on

Hand that I could build a space station I was just starting to feel like everything fell into place when I let that despawn oh that was so dumb okay my own stupidity aside I said a bunch of Dash plates to get smushed this time watching them like a hawk and then went

To enchant my new diamond pickaxe which I think you could say I got kind of Lucky with but from there I headed off to the nether Excavating my way through the walls following a similar path to what I had done the previous time making my way to the bridge that connected to

The nether fortress and here’s where my recording bugged out a little bit and you bet I’m gonna use this for more than one shot I need it for the tax write-off but quick recap of exactly what went down the Fortress was once again cut off so there was no interior however with

Create you can take Netherwood blocks like the ones I found right here and throw them into crushing Wheels breaking them down into nether warts on about a 10 chance I broke down 34 blocks of the stuff and got three it’s not much but it’s enough where I

Can get started so I planted that down and then took the cryo fuel over towards the boat that I had been at all the way back on day one and dumped liquid nitrogen on pillagers it kills them but it is way more dangerous than using a

Lava bucket so I almost froze myself to death too and while I was paused and tried to catch my breath I noticed the recording had broken so back to the block he made on a haha funny number I need some supplies so I headed south out

Of the Frozen area of the world and into the greenery from here I’m exploring around mainly following rivers and just trying to find some mushrooms I’m pretty sure I had seen a few at a few of the structures that had generated but all I found instead was this massive meteor of

Crying obsidian and obsidian and gilded Blackstone and some voice in the back of my head was telling me that this is probably extremely important but I couldn’t really hear it or understand it I don’t know something about that was weird let me know in the comments

That feels weird I don’t know there was a lot of cold blocks around it so that felt useful I grabbed all of those but I don’t know something about being here felt weird so I’m I’m glad the Ravine cut it in half or else that could have been potentially really really strange I

Continued heading south finding another waste Stone which would definitely come in handy I had one at the base so I could get home relatively quickly and nearby was a walnut tree now I don’t know if you know but I actually did woodworking IRL and I loved working with

Walnut it always smelled really nice when you cut it it super ridiculous tangent but you know that’s a bad thing for me on Day 70 we’re continuing to run through and I found another set of ruins in which was a bunch of moss blocks which would come in handy it’s the first

I’d seen that at all and maybe it could help me turn another planet green but there was no mushrooms there I continued continued along that way finding yet another meteorite this one had punched its way down into a riverbed causing a massive crater and I just started

Digging inside it was made out of solid coal which felt nice and then there’s a chest inside with a bunch of treasure now I understand that that’s there for gameplay reasons but the idea of there being a chest in the middle of any meteor just is funny for me I don’t know

Why but I dedicated two days to this search at this point and where I thought I had seen mushrooms in the past it turns out I had been mistaken so I plopped down the way Stone and returned back home it cost me a level but it

Saved me a whole bunch of time from there I dropped off all of the meteorite Treasure Chest items into the chest took a quick nap and then thought you know I can get started with the potion crafting even if I can’t get it all the way out

To harming potions it could at least help a little bit so I brewed up some healing potions in the mixer before heading out again thinking wait maybe I had seen the mushrooms in the chests over at the Pillager boat so I went over there and relooted all of them there’s a

Ton of fish a ton of other supplies but nope not that there was a lava pool nearby and I thought you know let me just try the nether at this point to get home a little faster and sometimes you can find brown mushrooms in the nether which would be good and I’m talking

About mushrooms instead of the forest fire that I’m starting because if I acknowledge it then I’m culpable for it and Smokey the Bear will come after and Hunt me down once in a place that was much more attuned to Fire and much more comfortable with it I continued

Searching around thinking that all these different bushes and plants that I had found something must give me a mushroom right and then I saw some mushrooms hanging on the wall being out on a bridge in open nether like this does kind of scare me Netherrack is extremely

Blast weak but I broke a few of the wall mushrooms and you’re able to craft those into regular brown mushrooms which is everything that I could ever need I continued running along the nether eventually finding my way towards my portal back at my home base escaping

Just in time for nap time and now we’re in business day 72. I’m crafting up some create fluid pipes and some copper casings which is a new addition that’s kind of neat but I really apologize in me failing magnificently in getting these pipes together I’m pretty sure

Sierra was going nuts watching me fail I did eventually get the pump set up and the depot and the spout and what’s I had everything to make some harming potions which I threw into the mixer I grabbed the cinder flower and combined the two of all the things in create this is one

Of my favorite being able to make gunpowder passively from Netherrack probably the best thing in all of the create mod I love it but now that I’m actually using this for the things that are more than one step I kind of should see what’s going on so I set another

Piece of specialized armor crafting up some engineering goggles and then taking a look at a few netherworts in the debug screen to just see that it’s gonna be a while but I can make more of this and I only have about half a dozen TNT so no netherite mining just yet that’s because

I need sand lots and lots of sand I spent a good portion of the morning mining up several stacks of sand combining that with the gunpowder to get a whole 18 TNT it’ll have to do I hit it over to the Nether and just started digging down trying to find out where

Would be a good place to be able to get down to ancient debris level several of these spots were all capped out and you weren’t able to actually get down underneath the Lava Lake but eventually eventually I was able to find a singular place where I was by one block it able

To actually dig my way down I set up a large tunnel and then boom Now I was lucky right off the bat with a few pieces of ancient debris immediately and within a few minutes of actually starting on the task I had four pieces in my inventory that felt good going into day 74 I’m just blasting away at levels 14 15 and 16 strip mining

Everything since I don’t have TNT and if you just watched the scenario a couple weeks ago you recognize this and if you haven’t go check it out we did The Purge it was a lot of fun you know what else I’ve been doing a lot of recently

Blasting my way through the Galaxy is a space wizard with a bunch of magic fighting a bunch of triangles yeah I’ve been playing a lot of Destiny 2 and the timing of that has not been lost on me whatsoever as I’m playing a space game while also playing Space Games in

Minecraft and I don’t know that’s that’s fun for me that’s been a thing for me but once I returned back to the Overworld making sure to save all of the Netherrack as it could eventually turn into gunpowder God I love create I saw the world’s most unique Enderman wait friend friends

Have you missed a memo about something you’re supposed to be have you are you okay I found the one Enderman who can shower what shocking reality’s starting to break a little bit should I be concerned about this I should probably be concerned about this but I made a new diamond pickaxe and

Finding a few more pieces of ancient debris as I continued mining around I mine for the remainder of day 74 and the entire durability of a brand new enchanted diamond pickaxe which got me up to 11 which isn’t enough I’m gonna have to do this some more day 75 I

Crushed all of the Netherrack blasted some more steel which I used to repair my spacesuit fully and I used a few of the diamonds that I had and I used my last two diamonds to repair my pickaxe up to mostly full durability I know this is inefficient but I really need more

Ancient debris if I’m gonna progress at all something else I’m gonna need is a couple different enchants in books and you know what just because the only mod pack we can do it let’s go trade on the moon and it’s good to see that when I come here and the solar panels are

Charging in the middle of the day the oxygen situation is working now if we can just figure out a way to make it work overnight this lunar base is good to go but I ran from there over towards the lunar Village barricading myself into a room with a few of the lunarians

To see if they’re willing to teach me the Magics that I want to know and I would say every word for their goofier look their Megamind appearance they’re absolutely massive brains you would think that they would be smarter but they’re just as dumb as regular villagers and it took half the day to

Get any trade that was useful the first of which was protection 5 for 25 emeralds which is honestly a pretty good price so I’m happy with that I continued rolling with the second villager that I had trapped in this room with me getting mending for 22 and that is a majority of

The books I need to feel really safe that is literally everything I’ve earned in this entire run so very worth it chill there for ever with my enchanting needs sorted I ran back towards the conduit doing a little bit of checking on the solar panels and seeing that they were potentially

Charging each other so I reconnoited the cables to pull power from underneath so they wouldn’t accept a charge only distribute it and maybe this is what I need to get it to work overnight at this point all the machines are charged there was a bit of a leak so I needed to plug

That up and as it got towards the night things were not looking promising so I jumped in the rocket and returned back home the Energizer now was halfway up it was marked as yellow which feels really good I don’t know why but that one textured ticking got me excited but I

Only had time for a couple enchants before bed and getting that pickaxe to have mending on it was my number one priority that’s because on day 77 we need to go mining I’ve been in this iron armor basically for an overwhelming majority of this playthrough which is

Why you’ve seen me take so much damage and I need a whole bunch of diamonds I’m already focused on getting the debris but I’m realizing now I don’t have the diamond armor set to actually upgrade behind it so I spent a good chunk of the day starting with strip mining and then

When I dug into a cave eventually doing some caving finding whatever diamonds I could I did end up fighting a witch and things almost went very badly Once my health had fully recovered though and keeping the golden apples on my Hopper because I exhausted all of my other food as I always do in these playthroughs I continued mining around for more Diamond finding a dungeon on the tail end of day 77 a zombie spawner

With other side inside if you know me you know why that’s potentially a very bad Omen and yep day 78 I found a mud shaft I built my way up to take out the spider spawner and things got tense again foreign covered up I’m mining up all gold and

Diamonds that I could find and Fortune is making this a heck of a lot easier but you know what else makes it easier being able to mine underwater I reminded from my piglet self and my friend Switchback mango that mining in flooded caves yields a much higher Diamond

Result and I’m wearing a spacesuit that will give me oxygen underwater so I could be under here for days at a time and that worked extremely well getting me up to 24 diamonds which I was able to then mine my way up to the surface and

Swim my way back home arriving just as the sun crested over the hill on day 79 and I celebrated by immediately crafting a full set of diamond armor from there I made a few golden apples just to restock on my supplies and checked on potential extra ways to get spider eyes I’d gotten

Extremely unlucky in that mine shaft I harvested up all of the melons checked and plucked a few of the netherwort getting a few of those with some healing potions to convert some more Cinder flower into more gunpowder it’s day 80 and it’s time for my first multi-planetary voyage we’re going to

Grab the last bit of oil which reinforces the need for more cryofuel we’re gonna fly to the moon kill any corrupted luminarians we could find grab all of the ice shards we can and grab the Rover using the refined fuel on that but not here on the moon no we’re taking

It to Mars blasting off from one non-earth planet to another non-earth planet feels like a huge accomplishment a major next step in my journey and it was just kind of a blip we have so much more work we have to do because we have terrain we need to cover and I fueled up

The Rover and drove all the way through to 80 and into the night finding more of these small little I don’t know what to call them Temple structures that had blocks of austrium inside I only need a bit more austrium to fully complete the tier 3 rocket which is what I need to

Head to my next set of planets but Mars is the only place we can find that I drove the Rover until it was completely out of fuel running from there and being very careful not to step into the insanely overpopulated caves underground here but as the sun rose on day 81 it

Was time to put the music on get grinding and get mining foreign That I could find any of the ice shards I did actually surface relatively close to another Temple which I looted to the chest and got the block for a couple enchanted books not bad you know what is bad these lizard things but as I ran back towards the rocket as the sun was

Setting on my third consecutive day on Mars I’m used on the beauty of this mod pack space is so pretty genuinely I think this is one of the prettiest mod packs I’ve ever made except for you know the little demon things which are trying to eat me not

Wanting to get munched on at all and realizing that I would never build as big of a base here as I currently have on the moon I just set down a bunch of Soul torches to light the general landing area a illusion of a safe haven rocketed my way back towards Earth

Dropping down the rocket back on the launch pad and dropping myself in the bed for rest the next day to complete my transformation into Matt Damon I turn myself into a potato farmer except I farmed these on Earth instead of Mars but you get it you gotta just go with me

Here I had oxygen compressing taters and Austrian cooking in different places make sure you don’t mix that it’s not the right kind of spicy before I headed into The Nether to collect the remaining ancient debris that I needed I need 12 but I’d really be happier if I had some

Extras for a sword and a pickaxe upgrade that would be great so I spent quite a bit of time mining but with mending on my pickaxe I can just mine courts to repair it meaning that there’s no upper bound I’m not leaving until I’m done I did inadvertently get the oh shiny

Advancement I have no idea how that had popped up but after a few more minutes I had the five ancient debris that I needed to complete the full set so I returned to the Overworld throwing all of the netherracking to The Crusher and the next morning blasting the ancient

Debris into netherite scrap but it turns out I was actually short on gold so a quick trip down through the staircase that I never finished into the mines using Fortune to grab a whole bunch of gold blasting that and then crafting up the netherite ingots that I would need

From there I spent the time to check on the enchants for all of the diamond armor since Diamond enchants better than netherrite but nothing is great so I just upgraded it all from there I threw protection 4 on all of the pieces made the final Austrian plate and was able to

Build out a new spacesuit Lagoon dough can into space lagundo can go to new planets now oh my God I look so awesome look at me look at me I look so cool the next day though I didn’t want to ignore my history so I made a quick armor stand and threw the

Spacesuit onto it and that’s looking pretty nice from there I collected all of the steel that I had to build out the fins the different cages and bars the things that I need for the tier 3 rocket and while the plates are bonking and the fuel is fueling I have the engine

Completely set and good to go but of all things I was short on copper I needed to make a lightning rod with the nose cone complete I’m now a block and a half about two blocks short of completing this thing so I’m gonna have to fuel up

The tier 2 and head back to Mars but I’ll do that tomorrow I landed on Mars on day 85 and the thought process is let me use the Rover to get well that sucks so I started running around and trying to find Austrian in the distance I found a cave which I was

Able to jump down to a massive underground cave system I only need 19 Austrian but I’m also grabbing any of the ice shards that I can because that’s a really efficient fuel source I also found some diamonds and other materials here in the Martian Rock which I didn’t

Know were here okay there’s resources to be gained I took advantage of the lower gravity mining my way up to the surface near the end of the day and realistically I had over a stack of austrium I had a bunch of diamonds and Ice I had everything I needed so I

Jumped in the rocket blasted off and land back on Earth on day 86. and that’s when I remembered some of the extra features of this suit oh I’m fireproof in this suit that’s convenient what kind of makes sense if it would be enough to let me go to

Mercury I guess a little bit of lava not a huge deal with all of the Austrian fully smelted I threw a block in place and then had to make a few more plates to complete both of the Austrian tanks which completed the tier 3 rocket with every rocket I pick up this gets

More and more ridiculous look at that where we’ve started and now the big boy where we’re going next while the ice shards I had collected on Mars were being turned into more fuel for a trip and the return I spent some time just throwing some leaves down around the base wanting to

Decorate a little bit more around lasso headquarters I’ve been so focused on the stars that I was kind of neglecting my house but not wanting to waste any time having just returned to Earth this same day I blasted off again this time around my target was a brand new location Venus

And while I might not found the Vault of Glass there was a lot of lava and basalt in every direction thankfully I’m fireproof now so that doesn’t matter whatsoever but I don’t want my ship to fall in the lava because I’m pretty sure it would explode I spent a little bit of

Time making a very rudimentary launch pad from what I could find around here before picking a direction and heading off there were sulfurous creepers in the distance where the explosion isn’t the risk it’s the fact that they eat your oxygen when you get too close to them

But this basically looks like the worst most awful horrible part of a Basalt Delta and y’all know that’s my favorite biome in existence so when I eventually escaped the rocks and made my way into a desert seeing these massive City structures in the distance I’m feeling

Excited there’s gonna be a lot of loot here there’s also an alien version of a not quite piglet that we’ll get mad at you when you look in all of the chests so I’m being very careful exploring all of their chests from on the roof where

They can’t shoot me while I steal their stuff that thievery continued into the next day and I’m not sure if days are of differently on Venus I’m just going by what I see in the F3 screen but I have to say the loot was kind of underwhelming Emerald’s diamonds gold I

Had all of this right now and climbing up what I can only assume was like a satellite tower or something like that really only yielded the same it’s not until I saw this massive crater right near the cities with two blocks of this red ore embedded in the side and I

Figured that’s what I was here for I bridged it down to them mining up calorie right the first of the tier 4 medals that I would be acquiring I continued around the caves searching for this and this is my ultimate goal on this planet with it I can build a hyper

Powerful jet suit as well as a rocket strong enough to escape the Galaxy and these cave systems look really dope I continue mining into day 89 just getting as much of the calorite as I can trying kind of to do this in a single run even though I know it’s not super practical

When you get deeper into Venus there’s these Rhino things with a single eye and I was not about to risk how hard they would hit me despite being in full protection for netherite but once it got closer to the end of the day I have over two stacks of calorite in my inventory

And I’m starting to run a little low on food having only rotten flesh and golden apples and you’re probably seeing a trend I can travel Dimensions I can travel planets I forget to stop at a grocery store so I started digging up to the surface having some lava run in

Which panicked me at first until I remembered I’m Fireproof so I swam up that and returned back to the surface running over the Giga Chad of Basalt Deltas before getting to my rocket on day 90 and blasting off time to go home it’s time to go home oh

This place is cool but oh it’s also terrifying once I landed back on the Overworld Landing a rocket on top of a rocket there’s clearly no danger there I blasted up the Cala right having what I thought was everything I needed to be completely done with a tier 4 rocket I

Threw a bunch of blocks into the crafter smashed a bunch of it into plates and then was checking the netherwort carefully looking for what was tier three when finally filling out that crop as they took a quick nap in the middle of my rocket construction I figured well

I have the rocket pretty much done I quickly craft up my jet suit the final spacesuit upgrade oh yes I am Iron Man oh this is gonna be so cool old one side once I charge it but as I crafted up the calorite engine I had a realization

You are kidding me I am one short I am one calorite shorts how did I let this happen I just I missed did the math that’s that’s crazy that’s wild from there I struggled because I knew the Energizer would charge the jet suit but I couldn’t figure out how and then I

Broke it and replaced it and it bugged out and was empty you know whenever people make an argument about why does modernity have so much more than vanilla because of things like that that’s charging now that’s gonna take like a full day to charge because that had 200

000 in it right and it completely bugged no that’s why we allow mods to just get away with stuff like that and we love them for it to end the day off though I quickly upgraded my traveler’s backpack for nothing more than cosmetic reasons so and more accurately look the part on

My spacesuit day 92 I lied to you throughout the whole video prepared to cancel me I actually finished the staircase I want to make sure that before I leave this galaxy I’m Gonna Leave This World in a pretty good place so I went down and got a lot of the

Venetian Cobblestone and smelted that into smooth Venetian Stone using a lot of the steel plating and some torches and I’m making sure that this is going to look good that continued into day 93 where with a full steel plate roof and coverings yes now you can go down into

The mines and it looks like it actually should all of that time was spent while the jet suit was charging and it was completely full I rubbed it off the Energizer and my mic was muted which is why you don’t hear me giggling like an

Idiot as I flew around like Iron Man and oh my God this is so cool the only problem is it overrides your normal jump so it is a little unwieldy to work with but I filled up a few buckets of the cryofuel took a quick nap and the next

Day took a quick little jaunt over towards Venus and this was a lot more fun to explore oh this is so cool this is genuinely so cool this is full-on creative flight oh my God I have to be careful about the power consumption on this thing because it

Actually does chew through the power at a somewhat decent rate but I quickly flew down being very careful about my descent because I’m still taking fall damage so this jetpack could still potentially be the death of me but I saw a vein of calorite in the ceiling of one

Of the mine shafts hovered my way over and broke four or five blocks getting about a dozen so that worked perfectly from there I flew over towards the cities wanting to see what was on the very top of that Tower and the chest was hella underwhelming but when I popped

Over to the cities themselves I realized there’s just ancient debris just kind of sitting there for the taking and that immediately sparked my desire to fly from Venetian City to Venetian City or would it be venusian City I’m not sure grabbing all of their ancient debris I

Did that throughout the entire day and as the sun started to set on Venus I flew back to the rocket blasting off to return to Earth where I blasted up a bunch of the calorite and since the Rocket Jump is getting a little concerning I used all of that engine

Debris to make a spare netherite chest piece which I turned into a spare netherrite space suit so this way I could fly or not depending on if I wanted to I built up a better rocket launch platform for the tier 4 rocket because while this is a part of the

Fleet I want it to look extremely distinct and special this is the Opus of all space flight in this mod pack and the next day with the tank in it was done here we go That’s here for rocket I gotta put this here oh look at it see this looks beefy but this this will take me outside of the solar system this can take me anywhere I want to go but before we leave like fully leave leave we have two things we want to do

I really want to make a space station and I really want to go fly on the moon oh yeah this just suit is really fun but something tells me flying in even lower gravity is gonna be even more fun so I filled up the tier 4 rocket and blasted

Off into space remembering to put my chest plate on this time from there I selected the space station in orbit of Earth so that way it would be built here and a predefined space station structure build was generated you land on the roof and you have a cool little space that

You can call your own the idea would be to expand and compound upon this build your own massive structure this is just here to get you started to give you something to land on in what is space in every direction I flew around for a little bit just looking at it and this

Is so cool you would be wrong to mistake me for just being in creative mode but the flight is wonderful what would be cool is if we would have brought the supplies to really build this out and properly you know make a space station but we’ve done it this is a

Massive accomplishment and I feel great I love this we can you never know maybe we do 200 days maybe we do this in creative mode later on a second video on my second Channel who knows but I threw the rocket down in what is the launch bay The

Landing Bay of this space just so I would safely land on the launch pad whenever I would return from there I blasted off and returned to the moon landing just a little ways off and surrounded by lunarians but I am far less concerned with their ice blasts

Than I was in the past I spent a little bit of time completing at least the potential frame for what that side section could have been and then flew around on the moon giggling the entire way oh we are so fast As I headed off in the distance Over the Horizon I found another dungeon one that generated almost entirely above ground somehow it looked very strange to see this having only dug my way in but I was very easily able to land on what was basically the final room of the dungeon

Blocking it off grabbing another Globe a whole bunch more Dash and other Treasures from the chests this makes up for the dash that I lost all the way back like 50 days ago I spent a little bit of time breaking spawners and just fighting the different runarians that

Were around here grabbing Dash from all of the treasure rooms that I could identify and just having a little bit of fun with it I am basically death destroyer of worlds and I did find a painting in the end to commemorate that oh that looks so cool look at this

This is a beautiful little Cube beautiful little conduit to space just kind of chilling here on the moon this feels really good with my final Journey on the Moon complete I rocketed my way back towards Earth landing on the launch pad and resetting my rocket on

Its proper platform from there I set the chest plate to re-energize and today was a little bit of house cleaning and proper maintenance of the space I laid out all of my treasures before me for any future Space Adventures to use for their own benefit this world is

Available for download on patreon if you want to get it from there I did a little bit of work on all the paths and just the small details the fine grain that I never do in these worlds because I’m so busy making it to day 100 and surviving

And thriving on day 99 I popped down the globe and a bunch of item frames with unique items and trinkets from around the world my first pickaxe the first shell that I had found the first of the nether plants which led me from better nether my first space helmet and so much

More from there I flew around the world finding another Village and grabbing their waist on just so I could have one in my back pocket landing on top of a massive ice Spike you know I was gonna do a whole frozen world but after how icy this one was uh

I don’t know it feels like it would be redundant I’m gonna have to wait a while I flew through caves and over oceans and I don’t even want to think what was going through this random fishing villager’s mind as Iron Man basically plunked down onto his boat stole his

Fishing rod through one cast immediately captured a puffer fish arguably the worst fish and then blasted off without saying a word I returned back to my base just as the sun had set and on the morning of day 100 it was time to leave the Galaxy

Here we go thank you everyone let us now go and leave this galaxy behind blasting off I escaped the reach of soul went far beyond our galaxy into deep space to a brand new planet and a new adventure I hope you all enjoyed the video my

Patrons are on screen if you want to join them get this map download link is in the description take care of yourselves be good to each other bye

This video, titled ‘100 Days of Hardcore Minecraft But It’s a Modded Space World’, was uploaded by Legundo on 2023-04-15 15:00:37. It has garnered 955432 views and 24731 likes. The duration of the video is 01:40:36 or 6036 seconds.

I Survived 100 Days in Hardcore Minecraft in SPACE…Here’s What Happened.

Get ready for an epic adventure as I take on the ultimate Minecraft challenge – surviving 100 days in space!! In this thrilling video, I’m going to show you how I managed to survive in the vast, unexplored universe, filled with danger and unknown threats. With limited resources and hostile mobs around every corner, moonrock, and cavern, this challenge is not for the faint of heart. Join me as I try to stay alive, build a base, and explore the galaxy! Will I be able to make it to the end of this incredible journey? Tune in to find out in I Survived 100 Days In Minecraft In a Modded Space World!

Check out the Latest Scenario video with @ForgeLabs here: https://youtu.be/Bd3YGI1Ep7g

🌟Become a Patron to help me make awesome content -and to get this world download! https://patreon.com/Legundo

Shop the LASO Limited Collection: https://legundo.com/product-category/collections/laso-limited-edition-collection/

Get the Modpack on Curseforge https://www.curseforge.com/minecraft/modpacks/ad-altera-a-space-adventure

Join this channel to get access to perks: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UC8hNLyX7ZIj59YZET9blxpw/join

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#hardcoreminecraft #minecraft #100Days #moddedminecraft

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    Crafting a Hilarious Minecraft Music Disc The Gold Rush in Locus Aurea Gold Mining Commences In a surprising turn of events, gold mining in the Locus Aurea kicked off just a day after the Union’s establishment. Ten miners from each of the nine cities were dispatched to accelerate the excavation of the gold cave. Under the guidance of Ruber, the miners were directed to the exact location of the cave, a secret known only to a few. Conflict Erupts As the mining operations unfolded, tensions rose when Viridis, alongside the leaders of Forte Eterna and Oriente, decided to launch an attack on the Union army… Read More

  • Sneaky Minecraft Crystal Caves Adventure

    Sneaky Minecraft Crystal Caves Adventure Minecraft 1.21.1 Shorts: A Fun and Entertaining Look at Minecraft Are you tired of sitting in biology class? Well, in the world of Minecraft, things are a bit different! Join the adventure as you explore the exciting world of Minecraft shorts on this channel. From funny skits to entertaining gameplay, there’s something for everyone to enjoy. Exploring Minecraft Shorts Get ready to dive into the world of Minecraft like never before. These shorts offer a unique and entertaining look at the game, showcasing funny moments and creative storytelling. Whether you’re a seasoned player or new to the game, these… Read More

  • INSANE LIBRARY BUILD in Creeper SMP! | Minecraft EP3

    INSANE LIBRARY BUILD in Creeper SMP! | Minecraft EP3Video Information This video, titled ‘We Made Library in Creeper SMP | Minecraft Creeper SMP EP = 3’, was uploaded by BEDCRAFT GAMING on 2024-09-01 13:27:10. It has garnered 344 views and likes. The duration of the video is 00:09:40 or 580 seconds. We Made Library in Creeper SMP | Minecraft Creeper SMP EP = 3 Thanks for Watching #minecraft #herobrine #minecraftpe Your Queries creeper smp is creeper aw man copyrighted a minecraft creeper in real life a creeper in real life a creeper song dream smp crafts is minecraft creeper copyrighted creeper school i am creeper lifesteal smp intro… Read More

  • Fakepixel SMP with Oye Raghu 22 ji

    Fakepixel SMP with Oye Raghu 22 jiVideo Information This video, titled ‘Play Fakepixel SMP | 💲Free SMP Promotion | Playing With Subscribers📍| #minecraft #hindilivestream’, was uploaded by Oye Raghu 22 ji on 2024-08-29 22:59:15. It has garnered 97 views and 8 likes. The duration of the video is 01:30:03 or 5403 seconds. 🚀 LIVE SERVER SHOWCASE: Discover the Ultimate Gaming Experience! 🚀 🎉 Welcome to our exclusive livestream event! 🎉 We’re thrilled to have you join us as we dive into the incredible world of our cutting-edge servers. Whether you’re a seasoned gamer, a server administrator, or just curious about what makes our servers stand out,… Read More

  • Dunners Duke: Hunting for Meteor & Rusherhack

    Dunners Duke: Hunting for Meteor & RusherhackVideo Information This video, titled ‘Minecraft Surviving 2b2t Anarchy Server. Trail Hunting for Base, Stash. Meteor & Rusherhack’, was uploaded by Dunners Duke on 2024-07-26 05:30:06. It has garnered 129 views and 2 likes. The duration of the video is 01:14:21 or 4461 seconds. 2b2t (2builders2tools) Welcome to 2b2t, the oldest anarchy server in Minecraft. Established in December 2010, 2. With no rules, and no boundaries, Hack cheat steal, players are free to explore, build, and survive in a world. As of October 2023, 2b2t is over 28,300 gigabytes in size and has had more than 821,220 unique player 2b2t… Read More

  • 100 Days as Shark in Minecraft?! Insane Survival Story!

    100 Days as Shark in Minecraft?! Insane Survival Story!Video Information This video, titled ‘I Survived 100 Days as an ELEMENTAL SHARK in HARDCORE Minecraft’, was uploaded by Fozo on 2024-03-23 14:00:38. It has garnered 2641527 views and 24323 likes. The duration of the video is 00:46:08 or 2768 seconds. Today I had to survive 100 days in Minecraft as an Elemental Shark! I had to save Minecraft’s ocean from the ender leader, Terminis! Will I be strong enough to defeat him? Make sure you watch until the end to see what happens! Read More


    M3rc - INSANE MINING UPDATE REACTION!!! 🔥Video Information This video, titled ‘NEW MINING UPDATE W OR L | Hypixel Skyblock’, was uploaded by M3rc on 2024-09-25 05:33:46. It has garnered 171 views and 4 likes. The duration of the video is 01:55:33 or 6933 seconds. Lets Grind out this New Mining Update! And Get Some Growth on this Profile | Hypixel Skyblock | Minecraft | mods | Gaming Read More

  • Insane Minecraft Mod: Only 1% of the World Left!

    Insane Minecraft Mod: Only 1% of the World Left!Video Information This video, titled ‘Hardcore Minecraft but 99% of the World is Deleted’, was uploaded by RocketF on 2024-04-05 19:00:30. It has garnered 1151 views and 34 likes. The duration of the video is 00:15:54 or 954 seconds. I try to beat SKYGRID on HARDCORE! Playing SKYGRID Minecraft! I hope you enjoyed. Please like and subscribe! SkyGrid Download: https://www.planetminecraft.com/project/skygrid-minecraft-1-20/ RocketF – Hardcore Minecraft but 99% of the World is Deleted Previous Video: https://youtu.be/Dg3mnrH9cUQ?si=NlXpHC3ehwsPBb7p MINECRAFT VIDEO: https://youtu.be/jvHi2iAcG3k?si=MZr7FGDnZTeEQ4ey #minecraft #minecraftharcore #minecraftbut #minecraft100days Read More

  • 🚀 Turbo Gamers Mine – Watch the Chota Bheem Trend Explode #shorts

    🚀 Turbo Gamers Mine - Watch the Chota Bheem Trend Explode #shortsVideo Information This video, titled ‘poipoipoi❌ Chota bheem✔️ new trande #shorts #minecraft #viral #tranding’, was uploaded by Turbo Gamers mine on 2024-08-16 13:00:50. It has garnered 5369 views and 276 likes. The duration of the video is 00:00:18 or 18 seconds. poipoipoi❌ Chota bheem✔️ new trande #shorts #minecraft #viral #tranding Tags:- minecraft poi poi poi, minecraft poi poi poi mod, minecraft poison horror map part 2, poison map for mcpe, poi poi poi shorts, r minecraft, potion counter mcpe, poi poi poi popoi poi po pi minecraft, poi poi poi po pi trend minecraft, poi poi poi meme minecraft, poi… Read More


    UNLOCK VIP FOR FREE on MANOV FACTIONS SERVER 🚀🔥 MineCraftVideo Information This video, titled ‘🔥 SERVIDOR DE FACTIONS VIP FREE – MINECRAFT’, was uploaded by MANOV GAME on 2024-07-06 17:07:03. It has garnered views and [vid_likes] likes. The duration of the video is or seconds. ஜ۩۞۩ஜ▭▭▭▭▭▭▭▭▭▭▭▭▭ ········· READ THE VIDEO DESCRIPTION… Read More

  • Minecraft Movie Rips Apart BrokeN Bois Podcast

    Minecraft Movie Rips Apart BrokeN Bois PodcastVideo Information This video, titled ‘BrokeN Bois ep. 184 | MiNecraft Movie’, was uploaded by BrokeN Bois Podcast on 2024-09-09 17:00:00. It has garnered 7 views and 1 likes. The duration of the video is 01:13:15 or 4395 seconds. Sit back as Mike and Colin relax and talk about whatever is on their minds, usually leading back to music in some way or another! This week, Colin and Mike discuss the Minecraft Movie teaser, the Linkin Park return, and other news from throughout the week. Links to Song of Week playlists: Mike’s Playlist: https://open.spotify.com/playlist/2qHnCpMr9EFV8LpDxl2ALz?si=Papz11C4Q5CwKuKbcNc6FA Colin’s Playlist: https://open.spotify.com/playlist/2OqA9mgAaFd3Coi3HjYvAE?si=Y-ipjPLOQh2eF20nsHk21w Combined Playlist: https://open.spotify.com/playlist/64NaXkzBSNjMCYNKKW07yX?si=Ytqa2q5kTPa6NytTG9k6WA… Read More

  • SwipeSMP – smp Mostly-Vanilla 1.21 Whitelist

    Welcome to our SMP Server! If you would like to be part of our growing community and help us with builds and shops on our mostly-vanilla 1.21 server, feel free to join us on Discord! My Discord: ihben Server Discord: Join Here Read More

  • Minecraft Memes – Crafting Catastrophe

    Minecraft Memes - Crafting CatastropheWell, I guess you could say it’s not just a meme, it’s a high-scoring tragedy in the world of Minecraft humor. Read More

  • Desert PvP: The DreadMinecrafter Masters Series

    Desert PvP: The DreadMinecrafter Masters SeriesVideo Information This video, titled ‘PVP MASTERS SERIES: XV941 OF NRVA -AKA- DESERT PVP’, was uploaded by THE DREADMINECRAFTER on 2024-10-05 01:01:04. It has garnered 4 views and likes. The duration of the video is 00:03:46 or 226 seconds. PVP MASTERS SERIES: XV941 OF NRVA -AKA- DESERT PVP https://minewind.com YT.Minewind.com … YT.Minewind.com. DREADMINECRAFTER VIDS EVERY NOW AND THEN ….. Read More

  • Girls vs. Boys in Minecraft: Battle of the Blocks! 🔥

    Girls vs. Boys in Minecraft: Battle of the Blocks! 🔥 Why do girls always build cute little houses with flower gardens in Minecraft, while boys just dig straight down and end up in a pit of lava? 🤣 #genderdifferences #minecraftstruggles #boysvsgirls Read More

  • Iron Farm Madness: 1300/hr!

    Iron Farm Madness: 1300/hr! New IRON Farm In Minecraft – A Must-Have Addition to Your Survival World! Looking to boost your iron production in Minecraft? Look no further than this new iron farm design that promises an impressive yield of 1300 iron per hour! This fully automatic farm is not only efficient but also easy to build, taking under 15 minutes to complete. Whether you’re playing on Java Edition or Bedrock Edition, this farm is a game-changer for your survival world or server. Farm Details Farm Performance: +400 to +450 iron per hour Farm Mode: Fully Automatic Versions: 1.16 – 1.21 Platforms: Java… Read More

  • 🦖 Jurassic Fossils Madness in Shizaradise! Ep. 18

    🦖 Jurassic Fossils Madness in Shizaradise! Ep. 18Video Information This video, titled ‘Minecraft Modded SMP2 Ep. 18 | 1.12.2 | Obtaining jurassic fossils’, was uploaded by Sharadise on 2024-05-15 16:25:51. It has garnered 27 views and 2 likes. The duration of the video is 02:06:10 or 7570 seconds. Yay for the Prehistoric Nature mod! This is an archived ‘Minecraft: Prehistoric Nature & Thaumcraft’ modded SMP stream. It was streamed live over on twitch: https://www.twitch.tv/sharadise Featuring: CangoFango, Emichu, Willys1961, mr_w_l, Albastru916 & RealHansWasser Cango’s POV: helping with organism pronunciations. Mod list: https://www.sharadise.com/streaming/Sharadise%20-%20Prehistoric%20Nature%20and%20Thaumcraft%20mod%20list.pdf Game: https://www.minecraft.net/en-us/store/minecraft-java-edition Seed (1.12.2): I have no idea actually, I may update this later. In case… Read More

  • Trapped by Scary New Monsters – Minecraft Maizen

    Trapped by Scary New Monsters - Minecraft MaizenVideo Information This video, titled ‘How JJ got Trapped by the Scary New Monsters from DIGITAL CIRCUS Minecraft Maizen JJ and Mikey’, was uploaded by JJ And Mikey Best on 2024-05-08 21:45:00. It has garnered 16586 views and 74 likes. The duration of the video is 00:24:24 or 1464 seconds. How JJ got Trapped by the Scary New Monsters from DIGITAL CIRCUS Minecraft Maizen JJ and Mikey This video is an unofficial work and is neither created or approved by Maizen Sisters. Maizen Original Channel – https://www.youtube.com/@maizenofficial Maizen and Mikey, also known as JJ and Mikey in the Minecraft community,… Read More

  • INSANE Minecraft Caps Compilation!

    INSANE Minecraft Caps Compilation!Video Information This video, titled ‘minecraft caps derlemesi part 1’, was uploaded by Minecraft capsleri on 2024-06-13 18:57:27. It has garnered 33 views and 4 likes. The duration of the video is 00:01:13 or 73 seconds. Minecraft, Minecraft capsleri, Caps, Minecraft capsleri global, Minecraft capsleri resmi, crystal pvp, crystal pvp montage, crystal, pvp, cpvp, pvp crystal, 2b2t crystal pvp, crystal pvp, how to crystalpvp, crystalpvp crystal pvp,crystal pvp montage,crystal,pvp,pvp crystal,2b2t crystal pvp,crystal pvp 2b2t,minecraft crystal pvp,minecraft end crystal pvp,2b2t pvp,2b2t pvp montage,2b2t crystal,2b2t – spawn pvp,2bpvp,2b2t 00 pvp,pvp montage,crystalpvp,0b0t pvp,crystalpvp.cc,2b2t 32k pvp,anarchy pvp,2b2t pvpbot,2b2tpvp,2bpvp.net,2b2tpvpbot,2b2tpvp.net,pve,list,best,meta,minecraft anarchy,blast,salc1,2b2t how to get started,wurst +2,how… Read More

  • LHxNinja DESTROYS in EPIC Minecraft PvP

    LHxNinja DESTROYS in EPIC Minecraft PvPVideo Information This video, titled ‘Minecraft PE PvP Compilation’, was uploaded by LHxNinja on 2024-01-13 16:07:17. It has garnered 52 views and 6 likes. The duration of the video is 00:02:23 or 143 seconds. Totally random Video Was ABIT lazy on the editing but hopefully this one does good! I won’t be posting for a while Since I’ve got School But I will be active on Discord So be sure to drop by(check community post) Yes, there is a big spoiler in this really short video As My Best Friend And I are Working On The First Official Project TFNAFMP-… Read More

  • EPIC Adventure: SPIDER PIT in Isle of Oblivion Minecraft Map!

    EPIC Adventure: SPIDER PIT in Isle of Oblivion Minecraft Map!Video Information This video, titled ‘INTO THE SPIDER PIT FOR THE LIGHT BLUE WOOL!!!: Isle Of Oblivion Minecraft Map!’, was uploaded by Dahl Dantill on 2024-04-04 14:00:16. It has garnered 46 views and 2 likes. The duration of the video is 00:29:34 or 1774 seconds. Weclome to Isle Oblivion, A Minecraft CTM map in Minecraft version 1.20.1 I try to survive, gather resources and build epic things. #Minecraft #Hypermine #HypermineSMP Hope you enjoy it and if you do “SKELP” that like button Check it out here :- https://minecraft.net/en-us/ Minecraft is a sandbox construction game created by Mojang AB founder Markus… Read More

  • Enchanted Tree House in the Twilight Forest ✨🌲 A Fairycore Minecraft Adventure! Ep 23 💖

    Enchanted Tree House in the Twilight Forest ✨🌲 A Fairycore Minecraft Adventure! Ep 23 💖Video Information This video, titled ‘Twilight Forest Tree House! ♡ Fairycore Minecraft Let’s Play ✩⋆ Ep 23 ✮⊹♡’, was uploaded by Luvstar on 2024-02-04 18:08:00. It has garnered 8466 views and 430 likes. The duration of the video is 01:37:20 or 5840 seconds. 🌈Become a Channel Member for exclusive posts, early access videos, BTS, exclusive chats, discounts on stickers, and more: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCCcRwVLEk-0ouoHIKUjKQqg/join hey everyone my name is luvstar! welcome to my fairycore-themed relaxing modded let’s play! this series will include episodes of me living as a mage elf and exploring and transforming a beautiful fantasy minecraft world. i chose the… Read More

  • EPIC Minecraft Golem Fail! 😂 #gamerzfleet #survival

    EPIC Minecraft Golem Fail! 😂 #gamerzfleet #survivalVideo Information This video, titled ‘Minecraft golem funny short #minecraft #gamerzfleet #survival #technogamerz #gamerzfleet #lilyville’, was uploaded by ProWinx425 on 2024-10-01 07:48:24. It has garnered 3886 views and likes. The duration of the video is 00:00:17 or 17 seconds. minecraft parkour gameplay, minecraft 100 days, minecraft video, minecraft minecraft, minecraft game, minecraft house, minecraft cartoon, minecraft luna mod, minecraft techno gamerz, minecraft parkour, minecraft song, minecraft aphmau, minecraft animation, minecraft apk download, minecraft apk, minecraft animation tutorial, minecraft anshu bisht, minecraft animation movie, minecraft automatic door, minecraft adventures, minecraft animation video, a minecraft video, a minecraft house, a minecraft server… Read More

  • Minecraft Unsune News 🗞️ | Crazy Funny Moments 🤣

    Minecraft Unsune News 🗞️ | Crazy Funny Moments 🤣Video Information This video, titled ‘Minecraft Ke Kuch Unsune News 🗞️ | Funny News 🤣’, was uploaded by ZdravoXGaming on 2024-05-02 03:30:08. It has garnered 99 views and 8 likes. The duration of the video is 00:01:49 or 109 seconds. Minecraft Ke Kuch Unsune News 🗞️ | Funny News 🤣 Discord_https://discord.com/invite/KXhVWMhJH8 minecraft shorts minecraft shorts viral youtube shorts skibidi toilet short comedy shortsfeed funny viral shorts memes shortfeed gaming trend trending shorts trending titan cameraman respect timing asmr entertainment monster school sand art news minecraft shortsfeed skibidi funny shorts games minecraft sand art mc flame minecraft animation reel reels skibidi… Read More

  • Mind-Blowing Reveal: Crazy Encounter with SLAW!

    Mind-Blowing Reveal: Crazy Encounter with SLAW!Video Information This video, titled ‘#shorts زلمة رايح زلمة جاي 😅’, was uploaded by SLAW on 2024-06-05 20:00:42. It has garnered 52 views and 2 likes. The duration of the video is 00:00:34 or 34 seconds. تابعوني بلييييز 0 minecraft songs, 0.16 0 minecraft, 1 9 minecraft, 1 and 0 minecraft song, 1 minecraft, 1 minecraft day, 1 minecraft girl 69 minecraft girl, 1 minecraft intro, 1 minecraft juegagerman, 1 minecraft songs, 1 minecraft stampylongnose, 1 minecraft story mode, 1 minecraft vida, 1 minecraft video, 2 minecraft, 2 minecraft account giveaway, 2 minecraft accounts one email, 2 minecraft girls, 2… Read More

  • Odyssey SMP | smp | realms

    Odyssey SMP: Seeking New Members! Welcome to Odyssey SMP, a small community of friends inviting new members to join our long-term realm. Current members range from students to retirees, all 18+. Our realm values chill and relaxed gameplay with zero tolerance for griefing, hacking, cheating, stealing, or aggressive behavior. This vanilla realm includes a Creeper and Ghast block protection mod, ensuring a smooth experience for all players. Stay connected with our active Discord server and engage with our friendly and social community in-game and on Discord. If you’re seeking a welcoming and long-term community, reach out to Tiger McStanley, our… Read More

  • Minecraft Memes – Minecraft Meme: Someone had to do it

    Minecraft Memes - Minecraft Meme: Someone had to do itThat’s a pretty high score for a meme about placing blocks in a virtual world! Read More

  • Sleeping in Minecraft, Version 1.5 to 1.6: Dreaming of Change

    Sleeping in Minecraft, Version 1.5 to 1.6: Dreaming of Change In version 1.5, I built my dream alive, But when I slept, the game took a dive. Version 1.6, a whole new mix, Caught me off guard with its tricks. Waking up in 1.7, everything seemed fine, Until a twist appeared, like a sign. Nader and Belize Rod, a quest so grand, Finding the village, with tools in hand. Version 1.8, not much work to do, But in 1.7, the adventure grew. Like and subscribe, show some love, Supporting me from high above. If you spot an error, don’t be shy, Let me know, so I can rectify. Thanks… Read More

  • Minecraft meme: Jack Bhaiya’s tough choice! 🔥😂 #minecraft #memes

    Minecraft meme: Jack Bhaiya's tough choice! 🔥😂 #minecraft #memes “Jack Bhaiya trying to choose between building a house in Minecraft or going on an adventure is like trying to choose between diamonds and dirt blocks.” Read More

100 Days of Hardcore Minecraft But It’s a Modded Space World