100+ Minecraft Building Tips and Tricks!

Video Information

Hello everybody my name is marlo and in this video i’m going to be sharing with you 100 building tips and tricks in minecraft that i have learnt over my many years of playing this game all of which are ranging in difficulty some perfect for a beginner and others that

Some of you more advanced players may never have heard of until now but before we begin i should say that i am making this video in celebration of the fact that we have just hit 100 000 subscribers on the channel which is amazing so thank you so much to each and

Every one of you it is really really appreciated and of course if you’re new around here please feel free to answer that number by subscribing down below it doesn’t cost you a thing and i would be really happy to welcome your board and without further ado here is number one

Of 100 which is a little known trick when it comes to using path blocks they are an entire pixel shorter than a full block so when you use your shovel to make a path block you can actually see under the block it is next to meaning if

You have some wood for example you’ll be able to see the dirt underneath it replacing that dirt with another wood block just makes it look a little bit neater if you place three fences between two wall blocks you’ll get this cool arch shape i especially like using this

For bridges i’m not a big fan of empty space when it comes to building so i have a rule where if there’s an area three by three blocks or more all consisting of the same blocks i need to place something there whether it’s a shelf a lighting fixture or even just a

Painting it’s gonna make your bill feel a whole lot less open and empty which usually in my opinion is a good thing here’s one most of you probably know but for those who don’t you can place stairs upside down meaning your roof for example can go from looking like this to

This much better isn’t it that’s not the only thing stairs can do though depending on how you place them and the rotation of the stairs next to them you can curve them so to speak which looks great on the corner for build like this one it’s a lot less rigid and you just

Get a bit of a smoother line around some of my favorite blocks for building are the utility and villager profession blocks they have some not so obvious textures for example the bottom of a smithing table looks like this and you could use it in a ceiling maybe if you

Place the composter in a wall the side texture works very well with a lot of wood types and the blast furnace has a great top texture too perfect for a factory floor and there are many many more but one i would like to highlight is the barrel definitely one of my

Favorite blocks they have a wonderful side texture which i use quite a lot for adding detail to my wooden pillows in a build plus their underside texture is one of the best in the game and because it’s a barrel and the rotation can be changed it means you can showcase this

In the floor wall or ceiling another block that is great for floors is the beehive they are very similar to oak planks and certainly for more refined in my opinion of course a honey farm would probably be necessary for this one the mechanics of wars was recently changed

In 1.16 so that if you place them down with nothing in front or behind them they would completely smoothen out so when you use this in a side of a build they kind of act as vertical slabs and it’s just a great way for adding in a

Small amount of depth real quickly i would just like to say that if you are enjoying the video please consider clicking the like button this has taken a long time to make so the support would be greatly appreciated thank you very much if you use some trapdoors to

Surround the bottom block of a corner pillar it can make it seem more sturdy and structurally sound plus it’s an added bit of detail that usually looks pretty good another use of trapdoors is that they are great for roof outlines in particular spruce and dark oak by adding

Them next to your slabs and stairs you can get a much more gradual slope to your roof even on a smaller scale speaking of roofs if you want to make a rundown and dilapidated build you can mix in some different slabs and stairs to your roof to portray that idea simply

By switching them around and rotating some of the stairs you can pretty much mess the roof up making it look as though there are some missing pieces or just general holes in the roof this also works well for everyone else of course but i think especially so for a roof

Another trick for making a ruined build is to add some greenery vines and leaves that sort of thing however when adding in those leaves try to place them down in a way that makes sense instead of making a big clump like this or just adding in one sporadically throughout

The build trying to think how they would grow they’d probably stay pretty well connected and end up drooping over the edge of the build for example basically don’t just spam them everywhere trying to think about it a little bit one of my favorite detail blocks is the flower pot

Obviously it’s great for its intended use of displaying flowers but i also like to use it just as an added bit of detail like on the top of a fence here or around the corners of a wall campfires are the perfect block to use as a chimney stick it on top of some

Blocks shooting out of a roof cover it with trap doors and boom you’ve got yourself a smoking chimney what you can then do is connect that chimney to a fireplace on the inside now you’ve got somewhere that smoke is supposedly coming from if you want to make a carpet

For a floor try using a mix of carpet blocks as well as ordinary wall blocks mixing these two together and adding that very small amount of depth makes the carpet seem a lot more shaggy shall we say if you have an empty space on the floor of your house you can actually add

In a carpet or a rug may be a better term this fills the gap nicely and should be a lovely addition to your home try experimenting with different patterns and carpet colors see what you can come up with we spoke earlier about the hidden textures of some of the

Profession blocks and one that’s probably worth going over is the loom and in particularly the side texture mix it in with some bookshelves and you’ve now got some empty bookshelves once again coming back to the uses of slabs and stairs and probably not for the last

Time either if you’re making a wall out of something that has slab and stair variants you can place them into your wall and get some windows of varying sizes you can also do this and then put a block behind that wall to give you a nice accent color like i’ve done here

With the deep slate and amethyst an extremely helpful tip for building which i’m sure you would have heard mentioned before is adding in texture to your build this can make them look so much more interesting take this flat stone brick wall for example just by mixing in

Some other stone types it already looks a whole lot better an upgrade on the idea of adding in texture is adding in a gradient to your build b double o is a master of this and i’d highly recommend checking out some of his stuff if you

Want to learn a bit more but the premise is you find a group of blocks that together create a gradient starting off darker and getting lighter vice versa you then use these blocks in your build to turn that entire thing into a gradient itself this is especially useful in larger builds maybe not

Something to bother with if you’re working on a smaller scale if you want to improve the look of your window try adding in some trapdoors next to them to pose as shutters spruce trap doors are usually the best option for this in my opinion you don’t always have to place

Them on the side however you could do something like this by adding it above a window with an open fence gate just below something a bit different and may work better depending on the size and location of the window itself we’re going to stick with the trapdoor steam

Here they are a great block for added bits of detail to a build they don’t necessarily have to always serve as something functional perhaps place them in a pattern or just to cover up another block for no other reason than it looks cool they are a fantastic shelf block to

Display some items on and you can also use them next to stairs in order to create an archway campfires can be extinguished by right-clicking them with a shovel which actually leads them to be very helpful in all types of building but a specific detail i like to use them

For is to make a small stack of logs simply by placing some oak logs down next to each other and then some extinguished campfires on top and around them it looks as though you’ve got some different pieces of lumber all stacked up in a pile another great use of the

Campfire is for displaying food you can actually cook up to four pieces of food on them and if you extinguish them before they finish cooking this time using a splash water bottle this is what the end result looks like which is pretty cool and those food items will

Actually stay there until you break the campfire one of my go-to decorations for the exterior of a house is flower beds all you’ve got to do is surround some coarse dirt with trap doors place some flowers on top and voila and on the flip side one of my go-to decorations for the

Interior of a house is by using scaffolding to make a small table they are also fantastic for making some chair designs too i love to use stripped oak logs as a flooring block because you can change the rotation of them it means you can create some pretty cool patterns

Plus the texture itself isn’t too in your face so it’s actually quite subtle now i’m not really sure how to explain what these are called decorative window pieces i suppose i don’t know but i have these around my windows all the time simply to make them look a little bit

More interesting maybe you have a higher up window how about hanging one of these down with some chains attached to them and just hanging things from chains in general can look pretty sweet a simple way to improve the look of your doors is to add in an awning maybe that’s what

The decorative window pieces should be called regardless just by using four fences and three slabs at a very basic level you can make your doorway look even better if you’re not a fan of the awning idea then a super easy way to make your doorway look fancier is to

Place it on the back of a block instead of the front this way you can add in a small amount of depth to the door and it’s not just flat to the surface of the blocks i’ve got a few more door tips for you here the next one is to try using

Some stairs around the doorway like i’ve done here that way once again we’re adding in a small amount of depth and just generally making it look more interesting i really like using chiseled blocks too in my doorways just by placing them in the corner that way it’s

Something similar but also a little bit different so it stands out perhaps you’re building something slightly more modern a great idea for a doorway is glass panes by adding them in like i’ve done here with this build you can create the illusion of double doors that would

Then swing open and shut of course it’s not very practical as glass panes do not possess that mechanic but if you’re not really worried about having a functional door go right ahead with this one here is my last door trick and that is to place trapdoors next to your actual door

To make a much larger door this is especially great for castles and like most things works best with spruce once again using spruce trap doors you can make a neat looking wall divider to separate different parts of a room if you want to make your bed look a bit

More interesting you can design a frame around it or at least at the head of the bed you can just be careful not to completely surround it otherwise you’re not going to be able to respawn there maybe that’s a bit much or you don’t have room for something like that what

You can do is very simply add some signs around your bed to enclose yourself in and give it some sort of railing speaking of which placing down some backwards lecterns makes for a cool railing design banners make for a great addition to your bathroom and or kitchen

As they kind of look like towels you can even place them so half the banner is missing under the floor to make it a smaller towel if you place down four snow layers put an armor stand with a helmet on top and piston push a block into it from above you can nicely

Display that helmet as a decoration there are a ton of uses for armor stands and i’ve actually made a separate video showcasing some of these ideas hopefully i’ll remember to put it in the cards or in the description so you can check it out if you’d like to buttons are a

Wonderful block when it comes to adding in detail something i find myself doing quite a bit is placing a button down with an item frame over it i’m not exactly sure what it’s meant to be but i’m a big fan of how it looks if you happen to have some horizontal logs in

Your build try sticking a button at the end of it whether it’s the same wood type or something different it’s just to add a bit of extra detail that can improve the look of the overall build specifically stone buttons are great to pose as pebbles in a pathway for example

Another detail you can add to your pathways is by using slabs and stairs to create some diverts making their own seem more worn and walked on this next tip is something that can be applied to most types of natural building in minecraft and we briefly touched on it

Earlier which was to try and build realistically meaning whatever it is you’re making think how it would look if this were the real world take pathways again as an example you would want to have most of the blocks and texture in the middle of the pathway as that’s

Where most people would be walking in the center not right on the edge however you would maybe want the edge to slowly transition outwards and be mixing with the dirt beside the path and this nicely leads me on to my next point which is the idea of transitional blocks we’ve

Obviously spoken about doing this for pathways but there’s other situations too where this could be helpful say you’re building a barn or a stable the inside is man-made out of wood the outside just grass or dirt instead of having a solid line as a cut-off point try transitioning the two blocks to show

How the outside has been traced inside and there’s no longer that definitive line of course you could use transitions in your building in other cases it’s a little bit like the gradient i mentioned earlier in the video you just have to find some blocks to help you bridge from one to the other

Open or even close fence skates can look like some nice added support to a beam for example if you put something like a fern bamboo or dead bush inside of a flower pot and then put some leaves above it you can make yourself a large indoor plant and if you have fences in

Your build like this one does here maybe stick a wall block at the bottom of it giving it the look of extra support due to the fact a wall is a bit wider than a fence there are tons of different blocks and items that emit particles which can

Be awesome for animating a build one of my favorites is to add fire under a block to create a smoldering sensation there’s actually a fantastic video i watched a few years ago showcasing some of the uses of particles in survival minecraft and i’ll do my best once again

To remember it in the cards but if not check the description down below and it should be listed there somewhere when making custom trees try mixing up the leaf types and creating your own species of tree another custom tree tip is when making smaller trees use fences instead

Of full log blocks sometimes the full logs are just a bit too chunky a very simple addition you can add to your builds is to put some stairs above and or below your windows this just adds once again as i’ve mentioned many times in this video a tiny amount of depth and

It just looks slightly better than using full blocks all of the time if you want to make them look even better you can try adding in even more depth i do this by placing the window and the block surrounding it back by an entire block and then adding some extra bits of

Detail to almost slope your way back out to the rest of the wall the utility blocks are always helpful to have on hand in survival but they don’t always look the best just grouped together ready to use so what i like to do sometimes is display them in a way that

Makes sense take my anvil and stone cutter for example i’ve got them blocked off mostly using iron bars so you don’t accidentally walk right over the spinning blade or bump into the heavy piece of metal sometimes that’s not the easiest thing to incorporate into a

Build though and in that case i like to just cover them up turn them into a table and it can still be flipped up and easily accessed for all of you non-java players unfortunately this next trick is not for you placing ladders on trap doors for whatever reason it’s not a

Feature in any other version i don’t know why because it’s awesome and allows you to make some really cool vertical ladders without having to use full blocks a very old school building trick here place rails over some laid down logs to look like lumber being held in

Place if you’re making a pond or a lake you could maybe add in some rock protrusions coming out of the ground using slabs stairs and walls perhaps you could also build a custom stream leading to this body of water if you want to make it a bit narrower at points you can

Use waterlogged stairs a pretty well-known trick but certainly a helpful one is that string can halt the growth of things such as sugarcane vines or bamboo as well as many more so if you want to stop your vines from spreading like wildfire or just to have some

Different heights in your reeds you can put some near enough invisible string over the top of it and it will stop it from growing another great use for string is to hold up carpet blocks this is especially useful if you’re building some sort of canopy maybe a market stool

Or an umbrella table perhaps place a tripwire hook at the end of a barrel and you’ve got yourself a tap that’s something you would maybe add to a brewery or a winery in my winery i have a mix of oak planks as well as crimson

Planks on the floor this is to create a wine stained floor as though there have been some spillages over time another great addition to a winery would be a barrel for grape treading by surrounding some netherwork blocks with trapdoors you can make a large barrel filled with

Grapes that could be used to create wine the old-fashioned way by stepping on them perhaps you could build some super simple cart designs to carry all of that wine around or whatever else you’re looking to transport when making roofs experiment with some slabs and stairs at the end point to create some fancy

Looking finials you can make some really cool shapes just by changing the direction or rotation of the blocks there are a lot of small detail blocks that may not be so obvious at first such as sea pickles or turtle eggs although they’re not the easiest to get a hold of

They do look really cool when on display of course you can use your imagination to decide on what they actually are if you’re building somewhere with lots of sand and you want to add a bit of texture to the floor potentially for a pathway you can use the hidden sandstone

Block which is actually just an upside down sandstone stair and it’s the only way to get this specific texture in the floor paintings only come in certain sizes but what if you had a section of wood cover that doesn’t have a painting to fit well what i like to do is add in

Multiple right next to each other to create this smorgasbord of artwork if you want to have a lantern placed on a wall but there’s nothing to hang it from i’d recommend placing a fence with a chain and then a lantern hanging down from below it’s probably wise to incorporate a crafting bench somewhere

In your build especially if you’re in survival and if you can’t find a spot for it but your ceiling is made out of oak then you can actually place the crafting table in the ceiling and it will look just like another oak plank from below as they share the same bottom

Texture when building a tower if you want to have a really pointy roof instead of just going straight up with the same block try making a gradual decrease in width i do this by starting with a full block surrounded with trap doors then just a regular block followed

By a wall then a fence and lastly something smaller like an iron bar or lightning rod if you’re building a dock and you have some log pillars going into the water for support beams you can use a darker log when in the water to make it seem as though it’s wet if you’re

Building in a snowy biome i’d suggest making a snow farm so you can get some full snow blocks as you can see certain blocks cause no layers to disappear and then show the normal block underneath it if you then change that for a snow block it’s gonna look a whole lot better

Extended pistons make for a cool table design to make a chair place down a stair with signs trap doors or even item frames on the side of them to serve as an arm rest unfortunately you cannot sit down in that but if you would like to

You can piston push a stair into a minecart and then hop in and out of your seat when building stairs up to another level try adding in some sort of railing so you won’t be able to fall back down whether it’s fences walls trap doors or even anvils see what works for your

Build did you know you can craft log blocks that don’t have this texture by making a 2×2 in the crafting table you can get yourself three of these they’re just a log block with the same texture on all six sides basically and they certainly have their uses building large

Custom trees is definitely one of them but also if you’re using logs in a wall and you have some glass in that wall you probably don’t want this texture on shell instead the side texture would most likely look a bit better here is the last trapdoor tip and yes i know

There have been quite a few i love trap doors so much so i’ve made an entire video about them before and why i think they’re the best i’ll link that somewhere too if anyone is interested but the tip is very simply you can double up on trapdoors to make a thicker

Trapdoor this is especially useful alongside other blocks of the same wood type you can create a display case by pushing some glass blocks into an arm stand using a piston i’ve spoken about this quite a bit in the past and you’re probably very aware if you’ve watched my

Tutorials before but when it comes to building a house i have a specific order i usually like to go in i will start with the corner blocks and walls and get a good idea of the size and shape of the build i then bring the corner blocks up to the

Height i want the roof to start at and begin work on the outline of it then fill it in most of the time with a different block and after that i will go around and build my walls and pick out spots for windows and doorways and at this point i

Have the base build but it’s lacking detail so now is where i go around adding in lots of things i previously mentioned in this video as for the interior i also have a system for that and it’s very similar i start by smoothing out the ceiling and the

Walls and then i will add in my floor now i have a nice looking home but an empty one at that so same as what i did for the exterior i go around and add in all of the details and items of furniture sometimes there’ll be a little

Bit more planning involved but that really is the simplified idea and i personally think it works very well if you have a staircase made of oak blocks it could be very nice to add in some bookshelves below it because bookshelves are oat colored aside from the books

Themselves of course it means they blend very well with the oak blocks when making a map display put some sort of lighting behind the item frames you’re going to be able to see your maps a whole lot easier that way when it comes to building fences for an animal pen as

An example don’t just use fences every now and again place in a full block to break up the repetition a little bit a slab or something may be needed on top so nothing can jump in or out you can use strip logs of the same wood type in

A roof outline instead of full planks having layers of glass with an air block in between each of them allows you to create a really cool fog effect the deeper you go the more convincing it is having some white stained glass and glass panes at the bottom of the

Waterfall can resemble a splash and the mist that you would see if you’re looking to spruce up your surroundings without having to do any actual landscaping or terraforming i would suggest bone mill place a bunch of this on your grass and it will sprout lots of tall grass and plenty of flowers however

It’s usually a bit much so you may have to go around afterwards and break some of what has been grown the last tip i’m gonna give you guys is probably the most helpful thing you can do to improve your building if you don’t do this and you

Find yourself struggling to come up with builds that you’re happy with please take my advice here and that is to use creative mode and no i don’t mean change your game mode in your survival world spawning in lots of different items that would be cheating i mean get yourself a separate creative

World where you can practice your building if you’re trying to do everything in the shackles of survival minecraft you are going to feel so free once you can try out in creative mode you have access to all of the items in the game meaning you can experiment with

What looks good and what doesn’t you can also fly so building itself is easier plus you don’t have to gather resources or spend ages tearing down a build if you don’t like it you just move somewhere else and try again building in minecraft isn’t something you suddenly

Get good at after watching one video of a guy on youtube telling you 100 tips and tricks i’m sorry if you thought that was going to be the outcome of this video no it’s something that takes time you pick up ideas from people along the way and you also find things out yourself

It’s not a popular saying for no reason practice makes perfect and even then perfect is what you make of it building is an entirely subjective part of the game there are no good builds and there are no bad builds the only thing that matters is if you like it not

Anybody else just you so build whatever you want take on my ideas if they’re helpful but at the end of the day if you’re happy with the outcome of something you’ve created and you’ve had fun whilst making it then you’ve done very well and that i think is the beauty

Of minecraft so there we go everybody that was probably over 100 building tips and tricks with what i think is a very important message at the end so i really hope this helped you out thank you so much for watching and once again a massive thank you for 100 000

Subscribers i’m kind of struggling to wrap my head around that idea but nonetheless i’m happy to be here and ever so grateful for your support thank you and i will see you in the next video bye for now

This video, titled ‘100+ Minecraft Building Tips and Tricks!’, was uploaded by ItsMarloe on 2021-11-03 16:00:06. It has garnered views and [vid_likes] likes. The duration of the video is or seconds.

In this video I will be sharing 100 building tips and tricks I have learned over my many years of playing Minecraft! Ranging all the …

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    CALLI IN DANGER! WHO'S BEHIND HER? 😱Video Information This video, titled ‘CALLI THERE’S SOMEONE BEHIND YOU 【Hololive EN】’, was uploaded by Zuzu Ch. on 2024-06-16 18:39:04. It has garnered 44218 views and 2500 likes. The duration of the video is 00:01:44 or 104 seconds. Don’t forget to subscribe 🗿 My Twitter: https://twitter.com/ZuzuYTClips – Source – 【HOLOMYTH MINECRAFT】5 refined ladies 1 block! (part 1) https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=sNCxF3lLjAs – Gawr Gura Ch. hololive-EN @GawrGura Takanashi Kiara Ch. hololive-EN @TakanashiKiara Watson Amelia Ch. hololive-EN @WatsonAmelia Ninomae Ina’nis Ch. hololive-EN @NinomaeInanis Mori Calliope Ch. hololive-EN @MoriCalliope Nanashi Mumei Ch. hololive-EN @NanashiMumei Ceres Fauna Ch. hololive-EN @CeresFauna Hakos Baelz Ch. hololive-EN @HakosBaelz Ouro… Read More

  • INSANE Minecraft Hole Survival with Maizem!

    INSANE Minecraft Hole Survival with Maizem!Video Information This video, titled ‘JJ And Mikey Survive INSIDE HOLE In Minecraft – Maizen’, was uploaded by Maizem on 2024-06-01 13:01:01. It has garnered 1412 views and 15 likes. The duration of the video is 00:40:16 or 2416 seconds. JJ And Mikey Survive INSIDE HOLE In Minecraft – Maizen This is not an official Maizen channel, we make fan videos with JJ and Mikey. Our channel is exclusively for fans of Maizen. We are not trying to impersonate his personality, we just want to add new and interesting stories to his characters. We hope you enjoy our videos. Have… Read More

  • “Fairy Craft: Ultimate Mob vs Dropbear Battle!” #minecraft

    "Fairy Craft: Ultimate Mob vs Dropbear Battle!" #minecraftVideo Information This video, titled ‘The Minecraft all mobs vs dropbear fight finally revealed #minecraft #viral’, was uploaded by Fairy Craft on 2024-10-01 22:30:09. It has garnered 200 views and likes. The duration of the video is 00:02:39 or 159 seconds. The Minecraft all mobs vs dropbear fight finally revealed #minecraft #viral minecraft, minecraft 100 days, mimecraf, minecraft minecraft, minecraft house tutorial, minecraft jj and mikey, minecraft song, minecraft video, minecraft game, minecraft techno gamerz, minecraft cartoon, mincraft mob vote 2023, minecraft mob battle, minecraft mob vote, minecraft mob farm, mimecraft mob vote 2023 winner, minecraft mob mod, minecraft mob… Read More


    Welcome to our SMP Server! If you are 18+ and enjoy being active, we invite you to join our LGBTQ-friendly and welcoming community! Our server features: Homes/waypoints/Claims New biomes New dungeons Shops/Currency Pets/Plushies New decoration blocks Pokémon Holiday Events Events Requirements to join: Must be over 18 Must have discord and join our server Must be active If you are interested, please fill out the google form here. Read More

  • Minecraft Memes – Minecraft community torn apart!

    Minecraft Memes - Minecraft community torn apart!Looks like Minecraft players are more split than the blocks they’re building with! Read More

  • Mine Me Sanpai SMP Part 3: Minecraft Mayhem Unleashed!

    Mine Me Sanpai SMP Part 3: Minecraft Mayhem Unleashed! In the world of Minecraft, where blocks reign supreme, We dive into adventures, like a wild dream. Sanpai SMP, part three in the mix, With twists and turns, and surprises to fix. Join us on Discord, for chats and fun, Instagram for updates, when the day is done. Promotions and collabs, email us quick, For partnerships and projects, let’s make it click. Telegram for more, from the Bad Ultimate Boys, YouTube channels for shorts, with gaming joys. Viral trends and videos, we’re on the rise, Minecraft peeks and updates, a pleasant surprise. Chapati and Hindustani gamers, in the mix,… Read More

  • Hot Minecraft Memes: The Joy of Every Player! 🔥😂

    Hot Minecraft Memes: The Joy of Every Player! 🔥😂 When you finally find diamonds in Minecraft and your happiness level goes from 0 to 100 real quick! 😂💎 #minecraftgoals #diamondsareagirlsbestfriend #gamerlife Read More

  • Norik’s Wild Minecraft Hardcore Adventure

    Norik's Wild Minecraft Hardcore Adventure The Exciting World of Minecraft Hardcore Survival Embark on a thrilling journey into the world of Minecraft Hardcore Survival with Norik as your guide. Witness the challenges, triumphs, and close calls as they navigate through this unforgiving game mode. Day 1: The Beginning As Norik spawns into the world, the adventure begins. With no prior knowledge of what lies ahead, they start exploring, gathering resources, and building shelter to survive the first night. Day 2: Progress and Exploration On the second day, Norik delves deeper into the world, uncovering hidden treasures, encountering hostile mobs, and expanding their base. Each… Read More

  • Aldatılma Hikayesi: Minecraft Skyblock

    Aldatılma Hikayesi: Minecraft Skyblock Welcome to AsenaCraft – A Tale of Betrayal in Minecraft Skyblock AsenaCraft is a vibrant Minecraft server that offers a unique Skyblock experience to players. With a dedicated community and exciting gameplay features, AsenaCraft has become a popular destination for Minecraft enthusiasts. What is Minecraft Skyblock? Minecraft Skyblock is a popular game mode where players start on a small island floating in the sky. The goal is to expand the island, gather resources, and complete challenges to thrive in this challenging environment. Features of AsenaCraft Skyblock Server At AsenaCraft, players can enjoy a variety of features tailored to enhance… Read More

  • Unbelievable Potions Menu Revealed in Astreterre!

    Unbelievable Potions Menu Revealed in Astreterre!Video Information This video, titled ‘Astreterre // Récap’ #114 – Menu des potions !’, was uploaded by OraNN on 2024-09-04 13:00:44. It has garnered 50 views and 6 likes. The duration of the video is 00:02:48 or 168 seconds. Astreterre // Recap’ #114 – Potions menu! #gamedev #Minecraft #godot #GodotEngine Short video summary of what we did during the last streams! spell icons mod: Electroblob’s Wizardry ••► Join me on the new Astreterre Discord: https://discord.gg/pAgT5QyBBN Trello to track upcoming releases: https://trello.com/b/tK3H818b/astreterre ••► All my networks: https://linktr.ee/OraNN ••► Twitch : https://www.twitch.tv/orann_ ••► Follow me on Twitter: https://twitter.com/_OraNN_ The playlist randomly contains… Read More

  • Encounter with a Panda in Minecraft!

    Encounter with a Panda in Minecraft!Video Information This video, titled ‘AKU BERTEMU DENGAN PANDA DI MINECRAFT! – Minecraft Indonesia #3’, was uploaded by TheCozyTea on 2024-04-11 09:30:03. It has garnered 370 views and 20 likes. The duration of the video is 00:34:31 or 2071 seconds. Hello everyone, welcome to the TheCozyTea channel. In this Minecraft gameplay, I went on an adventure far from my house and met a panda! Indie horror game playlist https://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PLmuUimiCf2KjlyCRIe5MqjOFNwovtvZQD You can support this channel to grow further via: Subscribe: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UC9kRFe8pkMsbjvOnqVZXctA?sub_confirmation=1 Saweria: https://saweria.co/thecozytea Discord: Wait for 20 thousand subscribers first, hehe. Don’t forget to like, comment and subscribe because that is… Read More

  • Philippines’ Top Minecraft Server! PM for Facebook Group

    Philippines' Top Minecraft Server! PM for Facebook GroupVideo Information This video, titled ‘best Minecraft server in the Philippines PM:Navulia Frostine in the Facebook open the link pls’, was uploaded by John_bryle_gamer on 2024-06-12 14:16:15. It has garnered 7 views and 1 likes. The duration of the video is 00:11:41 or 701 seconds. server RULE 🔰 POLY KIMCHIS SEASON 1 🔰 is now Looking for Active Players! ✨ 🎗 SERVER RULES 🎗 ✅ ALLOWED ✅ ✅ Java / Bedrock ✅ Teams (Maximum of 3 to 5 Members) ✅ Trade ✅ Farms (Any farms) ✅ Building Multiple Bases ✅ Building Shop (Located at Shopping District with Admins Permission) ✅… Read More

  • BlitzKreke’s Insane Minecraft SMP Adventure!

    BlitzKreke's Insane Minecraft SMP Adventure!Video Information This video, titled ‘Minecraft SMP Maybe – A new beginning’, was uploaded by BlitzKreke on 2024-09-01 04:18:34. It has garnered 64 views and 3 likes. The duration of the video is 04:37:37 or 16657 seconds. Discord – https://discord.gg/DwtHNBt Read More

  • The ULTIMATE Minecraft Modpack Madness LIVE!

    The ULTIMATE Minecraft Modpack Madness LIVE!Video Information This video, titled ‘All the Mods 10! #4 | A Minecraft MEGA Modpack | LIVE |’, was uploaded by WoltyBird on 2024-09-30 19:06:47. It has garnered 25 views and 1 likes. The duration of the video is 01:41:32 or 6092 seconds. All the Mods 10! #3 | A Minecraft MEGA Modpack 💀💀Subscribe💀💀: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UC5W3Q4hFPbdBExLmStMPyqQ?%20sub_confirmation=1 🔵🔵Discord🔵🔵 https://discord.gg/vYM4egV 🔴🔴Reddit🔴🔴 https://www.reddit.com/r/WoltyBird/ 🟢🟢Shockbyte server Hosting🟢🟢 https://shockbyte.com/billing/aff.php?aff=6336 💵💵MAYBE DONATE IDK https://streamelements.com/woltybird-7274/tip 💵💵 Other Videos You Might Like: -~-~~-~~~-~~-~–~-~~-~~~-~~-~–~-~~-~~~-~~-~–~-~~-~~~-~~-~–~-~~-~~~-~ Forcing People to Live in Garbage!?! – Cities: Skylines https://youtu.be/JNkNnIq9Zsw -~-~~-~~~-~~-~–~-~~-~~~-~~-~–~-~~-~~~-~~-~–~-~~-~~~-~~-~–~-~~-~~~-~ I Kidnapped EVERYONE?! – The Sims 4 Challenge https://youtu.be/djM7uM0Rfws -~-~~-~~~-~~-~–~-~~-~~~-~~-~–~-~~-~~~-~~-~–~-~~-~~~-~~-~–~-~~-~~~-~ why minecraft best video geam:… Read More

  • Seth8011’s Insane Minecraft Trial Chambers!

    Seth8011's Insane Minecraft Trial Chambers!Video Information This video, titled ‘Minecraft Trial Chambers *CHALLENGE*’, was uploaded by Seth8011 on 2024-08-04 20:40:02. It has garnered 215 views and 9 likes. The duration of the video is 02:31:28 or 9088 seconds. What happens if you did the Minecraft Trial Chambers as a TRUE CHALLENGE? Join this channel to get access to perks: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCTureWKrRr7-9kgocmIcTYw/join Discord: https://discord.gg/KYUqRsJj8p 💥Socials💥 TikTok: https://www.tiktok.com/@seth8011?lang=en Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/seth.hansonn/ #minecraft #terraria #seth8011 #live Read More

  • Nether Madness! Day 4 MYTH 1BLOCK MINECRAFT

    Nether Madness! Day 4 MYTH 1BLOCK MINECRAFTVideo Information This video, titled ‘【MYTH 1BLOCK MINECRAFT】Day 4, into the Nether!!!!!! #MythOneBlock’, was uploaded by Takanashi Kiara Ch. hololive-EN on 2024-06-18 02:36:59. It has garnered 152770 views and 11665 likes. The duration of the video is 05:15:13 or 18913 seconds. all of myth will be here!! @NinomaeInanis @MoriCalliope @WatsonAmelia @GawrGura 👑 stream my new song, CHIMERA! 👑 https://cover.lnk.to/CHIMERA 👀 Takanashi Kiara 1st Album “Point of View” 👀 Streaming: https://cover.lnk.to/PointofView ========================= 🏵️[Twitter] 🏵️ https://twitter.com/takanashikiara 🏵️[Hashtags] 🏵️ #kfp #キアライブ#hololiveenglish #holomyth #takanashikiara FANART #KFPicasso ========================= [Viewer Rules] Thank you for watching my stream! To help everyone enjoy the stream more, please follow… Read More

  • Nico survives 100 DAYS on mysterious OP BLOCK!

    Nico survives 100 DAYS on mysterious OP BLOCK!Video Information This video, titled ‘100 DAYS on ONE OP BLOCK in Minecraft!’, was uploaded by Nico on 2024-09-20 03:00:17. It has garnered 290205 views and 4576 likes. The duration of the video is 00:21:24 or 1284 seconds. Cash & Nico Merch! https://cashandnico.com/ Today, Nico and his friends spend 100 DAYS on ONE OP BLOCK in Minecraft! An evil wizard scams Nico and his friends! How many levels will Nico be able to complete in the wizards tests?! Watch to find out! #Minecraft #MinecraftMod #Nico #NicoAndCash Read More

  • DJ Waley Babu Minecraft Song – INCREDIBLE!

    DJ Waley Babu Minecraft Song - INCREDIBLE!Video Information This video, titled ‘#status #minecraft #song 💃🏻💃🏻💃🏻💞💞dj waley babu Mera gana chala de💃🏻💃🏻❤️💃🏻💞💞#badshah’, was uploaded by Olly2373 on 2024-07-13 03:24:46. It has garnered 240 views and 10 likes. The duration of the video is 00:00:16 or 16 seconds. Read More

  • Virtual HQ – Semi-Vanilla Java

    Server Information: Server Name: Virtual Headquarters IP Address: vhq.falixsrv.me Welcome Minecraft Enthusiasts! Welcome to Virtual Headquarters, a community-driven Minecraft server for players of all ages. Whether you’re a builder, adventurer, or looking to hang out with friends, there’s something for everyone! Features: Survival Mode: Gather resources, build your base, and survive! Custom Plugins: Enhance your gameplay experience with unique features. Community: Join a friendly community to make friends, collaborate on builds, and go on quests together! How to Join: Have the latest Minecraft version. Add the server IP: vhq.falixsrv.me Get whitelisted when joining. We look forward to seeing you in… Read More

  • Minecraft Memes – Mastering the Craft: Still Not Good, But Better

    Well, I guess even in the meme world, some things just barely pass as “better”! Read More

  • Undead Love: Mutant Villager Meets Zombie Girl

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  • Minecraft Meme: Spicy Edition 🔥

    Minecraft Meme: Spicy Edition 🔥 “When you spend hours building an epic castle in Minecraft, only to realize you forgot to put a door on it. Who needs enemies when you sabotage yourself like that?” 😂 #minecraftstruggles #minecraftfail #minecraftprobs” Read More

  • Risky Business in Minecraft’s Dangerous Dunes

    Risky Business in Minecraft's Dangerous Dunes Minecraft: Rush of Kings Episode 6 – Dangerous Dunes Introduction In the sixth episode of Rush of Kings Minecraft, players are taken on a thrilling journey through the treacherous terrain of Dangerous Dunes. The episode features gameplay with ScrumpeyB0ttle, WaterB0ttle, and Thekillerkreeper as they navigate challenges and obstacles in this original board game recreated in Minecraft. Gameplay Highlights The episode kicks off with a captivating cutscene setting the stage for the adventure ahead. As the game progresses, players take turns strategically maneuvering through the game board, each facing unique challenges and opportunities. From ScrumpeyB0ttle’s decisive moves to WaterB0ttle’s calculated… Read More

  • Recreating Epic Minecraft Manhunt Moments

    Recreating Epic Minecraft Manhunt Moments The Ultimate Minecraft Skills Challenge: Learning 24 Skills in 24 Hours! Mastering God-Level Skills in Minecraft In a thrilling challenge, a Minecraft enthusiast embarked on a quest to learn 24 incredible skills in just 24 hours. From mastering the art of god bridging to executing speed telly bridging, the journey was filled with adrenaline-pumping moments. The player also delved into the intricacies of PvP combat, honing skills like timing clicks, ladder clutching, and running on lava using boats, reminiscent of Dream’s iconic moves. Pushing the Limits: 100 Impossible Minecraft Bedrock Skills Not one to shy away from a challenge,… Read More

  • 1000 DAYS as a KNIGHT in Minecraft: HARDCORE Madness!

    1000 DAYS as a KNIGHT in Minecraft: HARDCORE Madness!Video Information This video, titled ‘I Survived 1000 DAYS as a KNIGHT in Minecraft HARDCORE! – Mythical Adventures Compilation’, was uploaded by Zozo on 2024-10-01 01:15:00. It has garnered 7990 views and 107 likes. The duration of the video is 03:25:03 or 12303 seconds. I Survived 100 DAYS as a KNIGHT in Minecraft HARDCORE! Today, I’ll be trying to save the princess while trying to get to the top level of this SECRET BASE. As ZOZO, the Minecraft hero my goal is to save all the people, animals and creature I can find while defeating my enemies. During my quest,… Read More

  • Unhinged SMP Art Tuber Shenanigans

    Unhinged SMP Art Tuber ShenanigansVideo Information This video, titled ‘Art Tuber SMP Shenanigans (Live #9)’, was uploaded by Adrotic on 2024-09-14 01:37:23. It has garnered 202 views and 20 likes. The duration of the video is 03:38:00 or 13080 seconds. Art Tuber SMP is a Minecraft Server where everyone is an artist content creator!! #ArtTuberSMP #minecraft Read More


    ULTIMATE MINECRAFT REALM - JOIN OUR LAZY ADVENTUREVideo Information This video, titled ‘🔴 MINECRAFT | NEW START | JOIN OUR BEDROCK REALM🔴’, was uploaded by Lazy on 2024-07-06 10:47:54. It has garnered 179 views and 20 likes. The duration of the video is 01:41:43 or 6103 seconds. Today I will be playing Minecraft! Feel free to join the bedrock realm and the discord! — JOIN THE DISCORD — Discord Server: – https://discord.gg/BGpyeV3vFR — CODE TO JOIN REALM — Realm Code: By4vxuw58BA Lets see if I can get 700 subs by the end of this livestream!!! Day 31 of Daily Livestream!!!! Read More

  • EPIC SKY ISLAND CHALLENGE – Day 100 in Minecraft!

    EPIC SKY ISLAND CHALLENGE - Day 100 in Minecraft!Video Information This video, titled ‘100 hari Minecraft sky island part 2’, was uploaded by DPG_78 on 2024-02-03 06:51:27. It has garnered 341 views and 4 likes. The duration of the video is 00:05:52 or 352 seconds. 100 days of Minecraft sky island part 2 is my struggle to survive for 100 days in Minecraft sky island with the sky island version error 422 #minecraft#skyislands#100daysinminecraft Read More

  • Insane Minecraft PvP – 金錠GT gets 10 EPIC kills

    Insane Minecraft PvP - 金錠GT gets 10 EPIC killsVideo Information This video, titled ‘Minecraft PvP 10 kills’, was uploaded by 金錠GT on 2024-02-19 09:17:18. It has garnered 37 views and 2 likes. The duration of the video is 00:08:14 or 494 seconds. ║║║║║═╣ ╚═╩══╩═╩═╩═╩╝╚╩═╩═╝ Server: zeqa Read More

100+ Minecraft Building Tips and Tricks!