1000 days building a city in Hardcore Minecraft – FULL MOVIE!

Video Information

I survived 4 000 days in Hardcore Minecraft and in that time we’ve accomplished a lot I never expected to survive 400 Days let alone 4 000 this movie is a compilation of all our progress over the last 1000 days moving to a brand new area and the start of our

Mega city which is also our industrial district and of course we also explore all of the new 1.20 features so grab a cup of sit back relax and enjoy the movie or just leave it on in the background as you build your own projects as it really does help the

Channel and who knows maybe you’ll get inspired too over the last 3000 days we’ve built a couple of pretty cool areas we’ve got a nice village island type thing we’ve got our tiny Epic Garden but now it’s time to start something brand new and I have alluded to this in previous episodes but

What we’re going to be doing is essentially making a giant industrial area that’s also going to be some kind of a modern city of some kind and that’s all going to take place on This Island right here so I guess we need to head over there first we’re currently here

But what I need to do is clear all of the trees these islands are absolutely covered in trees so first things first let’s head over there with our ax and a whole bunch of shulker boxes and I guess we’re going to restock our wood supplies too and once we’ve done that we’ll go

Into a little bit more detail about what our plans are what we’re going to be building over there I’m stuck in my lift there we go and we may even get to start some builds today as well who knows so this is our Island this is where we’re

Going to be building however I do need to clear the trees and we’re gonna have to do loads of terraforming as well just before we can even start building so I’m starting to think that maybe this episode is going to be a whole lot of terraforming maybe not that much Bill after all And about three hours later we finally have a completely clear couple of islands and that gives us a much better idea of the space and the terrain we’re working with although we are going to be making some adjustments to the terrain certain bits like this you know we’re

Going to smooth out we’re going to get rid of some of these holes and so on but before we do that I do actually want to link this up via the Nether and I think the first area we’re probably going to be building is actually over here in the

Savannah bit but uh yeah we’ll get to that build shortly first up let’s just dump down a nether portal it doesn’t need to be too precise at the moment let’s just stick it up here then we’re going to light this portal and then we’re just gonna go to the nether I

Think so we’re gonna fly all the way back to our tiny Epic Garden and then we’re gonna get this portal connected up and that should make things a lot easier because I think after that as much as I really know I need to do terraforming over there I think we’re actually just

Gonna do a little bit of terraforming over here primarily to get rid of that hole and we’re going to do our first first little build here which is pretty much the only build over here that’s not going to have a farm inside it but we’ll come back to that shortly first off

Let’s go get connected thankfully it’s not too far only about 150 blocks or so let’s see how we get on so it looks like this is the spot so let’s just Jam a portal in here and I’m actually gonna dig out the back there as well because I

Think it might be worth linking up to our sort of main portal I’m reluctant to use the word Hub but uh where are sort of starter Island Porter is I’m struggling to use my words apparently let’s try that again so the Portal’s in it’s in the right place and if we dig

Out this way it should link us back to our starter Island there we go that was much better but first up let’s just check that this Link’s to the right place wish me luck well it certainly does but it’s also night time so we should probably leave straight away

Again for now we don’t have any torches over here whatsoever so I think for now I’m just gonna take out the rest behind the portal as well see if we can’t get this linked up to the starter Islands well it’s a bit of a shoddy link up but

It’ll do for now however if we go out here and just follow these lanterns this will actually take us to the tunnel entrance which is yeah ideal but once again we don’t really have the time to do anything in the nether just now we’ll get to that some point in future and the

Reason we don’t have a proper nether Hub or anything up till now is basically down to indecisiveness I can’t decide exactly what I actually want to do with another Hub I’ve got quite a few ideas and I think they could all work quite well but some of them involve basically

Building on the nether roof and not really building down here at all others just they’re gonna take a lot of work and YouTube and the nether are not the best of friends because of YouTube compression so yeah still still undecided at the moment but we’ll get there eventually but for now we’ve got

More important things to do like making a start over here and the first thing I need to do really well at least now we’ve got rid of the trees is probably just fly a bit further away so we can de-spawn those mobs we don’t need those lurking around but I think what we’re

Going to do is just terraform this area a little bit make it a little bit more usable and we’re gonna get our first build down here which is actually going to be something we can use for storage for while we’re over here building because of course we do have our map

Storage Center which is all well and good but we still need some localized storage especially considering the size of this project and how long we’re going to be building over here and I’ve got a couple of ideas of what we might do for that but for now let’s just get this

Area tied it up a little bit let’s get rid of this massive hole and well generally just make it a little bit nicer to build on it’s a bit all over the place really at the moment isn’t it But it’s not perfect but it’s good enough for now we will of course integrate all of this into the rest of the build as we go but for now we just wanted this small flat area over here because it’s time for us to start our first build and because we’re going to

Be building a city let’s jump into free cam and take a look this area is absolutely massive we’re gonna be having big skyscrapers everywhere we’re gonna have urban districts we might even have some suburbs and things who knows it kind of depends how big I end up making

Some of these some of these Farms I guess let’s not worry about the Farms now because what we need is an area over here where we can store everything and because we’re building a city I think it makes perfect sense to have some kind of a construction yard and treat that as

Our sort of temporary storage area type thing for why we’re actually building over here so what we’re going to be doing is building a few shipping containers and maybe even some construction equipment as well but first up let’s just try and get some shipping containers down and see if we can’t sort

Out some storage somewhere to sleep and probably somewhere to put the portal as well so I think I want to put this first one right at the back here so let’s just get some feet down and figure out how big it’s gonna be I guess so I think size wise that should just

About do the trick let’s just get the rest of this built up and see how we’re looking on the grand scale of things I guess so I think I’m happy with the size and shape of this thing we just need to figure out a way to actually get inside

And I want to have some kind of gangway I think some kind of metal type of platform that leads into it I think that’s going to be kind of building Society the seal we can pull off here shall we so first up let’s just try dumping some iron railings on here and

See how that looks maybe we can put a and a site wall in there as a support okay that doesn’t look too bad it looks a little bit feeble around here though so maybe we need to reinforce this there we go I think that’ll do the job we can

Get to it from both sides and we’ll make it look a little bit fancier and so on and get some texture on and some other bits around to sort of blend it in a bit better but I think for the shape and size that should work quite nicely I’ve

Also added a couple of fake doors on the entrance here but on the inside we have lots and lots of space and I think what we’re probably gonna do is move the portal over to here because well it’s just dangerous up there isn’t it if it gets dark there’s going to be creepers

In there and all sorts but we’ll also get a couple of workstations in here and also a bedroom of some coins we’ve got somewhere to rest our weary head after a long day’s work but before we get to all of that I think I do actually want to

Lay out where I want the storage container to be as well which I think might actually be an angle over here potentially should we do an angled storage room I mean we could put an angled storage room in a storage crate but it certainly wouldn’t be the first time we’ve done

Something like that because on Legacy we did actually have well a very similar storage crate to that one as well actually thinking about it but we had a couple of storage crates as our main base so I guess we could just take a leaf out of that book and build a small

Storage unit over here it did work quite well after all question is do I want to do another green container or do I want to swap it out for a different color I think I think maybe we’ll make this one green as well and then if we add any more for

Any particular reason which we may or may not be doing then we can do those in a different color yeah let’s do this one green as well so this one’s going to be a bit trickier to work out so let’s lay out roughly where we want it first we

Can raise it up off the ground afterwards I guess but I think that’s probably going to be big enough it’s going to be a little bit bigger than that than that container but that should do the trick how much bigger than that container is it ah that’ll be fine it won’t stand out

Too much so I guess we need to work out where the feet are gonna go which will probably be here and now let’s get this container built up we will remove that bottom layer of green concrete afterwards for now let’s just get it built all right well that’s coming along

Nicely I think we’re going to put a doorway here we just got to once again build another platform out the front we’ll follow the same style but it’s on an angle so yep this could be interesting there we go that’s the slightly bigger one in place as well I

Think the stairs are going to work nicely we can easily get up and into storage although obviously at the moment it is not storage it’s just a big empty container as is this one here so I guess we need to make them look nice maybe get

Them into the landscape and blend it in a little bit better certainly need to do lots of terraforming around the outside and of course we need to make these look a bit old and knackered because currently they’re just a little bit shiny and new and that’ll never do the

Question is where do I even begin geez so I’ve just added a little bit of a roof on these things partly to spawn proof them but also just to give it a bit of variation and to be honest I think she looks a lot better than I expected although I’ve just left

Floating blocks everywhere let’s go pick those up shall we so next up let’s see what we can do to make these things look a little bit older I think texturing is going to be in order what do we got so to mix this up we have some green

Terracotta we have Moss blocks we have green wool we have the green concrete powder and we have some lime terracotta and I guess the green concrete probably fits in somewhere around here and that’s what we’ve built the majority of it out of so this is what we’re going to be

Using to try and mix it up we’re gonna have some darker patches down the bottom we might even have some bits from the top there to make it look like it’s all been raining and drizzling down and it’s getting really dark is it raining no it’s getting dark and maybe it’s raining

As well who knows there we go that’s better right so where do we want to start if these are the darker ones I feel like we want to have some of these maybe at the top let’s just do a little experiment on this corner shall we so

What I’ve established is I can get away with making stuff lighter but darker is just not really working out too well so I need to see if we can find something that’s gonna go well with the green terracotta there or yeah that is green terracotta isn’t it

Um I wonder so what I’m wondering is if we go into storage let’s go have a look at our blocks over here I’m wondering if potentially we could use kelp blocks although they do have that white line on them that could be quite annoying but other than that I don’t think there’s

Really anything that’s green or even slightly I mean we could we’re going to get away with that we try some cyan terracotta I don’t think that’s going to work though but there’s not really much else here we can try and use that would be fairly dark all the other green

Blocks are just way too bright even even the copper it’s uh yeah the cyan is not gonna work either what other choices are there potentially um nothing I don’t think there’s anything is there I mean Mossy cobble’s gonna be too light as well melons are going to be no good whatsoever okay

Let’s try it out with a few of these kelp blocks I mean worst case scenario we could be a little bit sneaky and potentially put that vanilla Twix thing on that actually removes the string from round kelp blocks I don’t know is that cheesy maybe maybe not

Maybe I mean it is a texture change but it’s only a slight texture change it’s nothing major I mean some people play with different Bedrock textures and all sorts right am I just trying to justify removing the string from the Kelp blocks all right so I’m not really feeling I

Mean the darkness is nice but those lines that is absolutely awful let’s see what it looks like without them so without them I do actually quite like it but the problem is is it too dark now is it 2.1 so let me uh let me see I mean

Even breaking up some of those lines yeah I don’t think this is gonna work plus it does feel a bit cheeky using that resource pack so yeah I think we’re just gonna have to stick with what we’ve got and try and work something out geez anyway enough waffle about this let’s

See what I can come up with and hopefully when I bring you back in these are going to be looking a little bit better all right so I think that’s working and once we get all the detail on the outside and so on I think that should actually come off quite well I’ve

Also included a little bit of the cyan terracotta and I think that quite works it looks like it’s been patched up and repaired at some point I do quite like the way that has come out however we need to get lots of detailing on these bits and hopefully once we do that and

Get some foliage around and sort out the terrain this should all look quite nice just bear with me I’m sure it’s gonna look fine when we’re done even if it does look a bit janky right now foreign The first container I think it’s looking pretty good I might have embedded it a little bit too much in the landscape considering it’s supposed to be a portable building but I think it works quite well we might strip it back a little bit as we go on it depends

Because we do have other things to put in here we don’t want it to be over detailed but we’ll see how we get on it is of course still empty and we may or may not have had a visitor at some point but we don’t need to discuss that we

Will sort out the interior afterwards but first I think I want to sort out this container as well and just see how they look together as a pair thank you Well I think they’re looking pretty good don’t you I do need a little bit more of this glow like him though I didn’t have any to actually put on this one so I think something else we might actually do is try and squeeze some kind of glow

Like and farm in there but first things first we need to do a few things one is move the portal but do I want to do a little bit more with the landscape first hmm I think maybe I do you know and I think what I want to do is try and get

Up some kind of a retaining wall obviously we have the one here that’s sort of holding back the land but I want to actually sort of Encompass the sort of industrial area itself I guess and maybe even Mark out where the road’s gonna go that’s going to sort of pass in

Front of it all right well that’s looking a bit more like a construction yard instead of just a couple of containers although it’s probably maybe potentially a bit small we might have to expand it a little bit I don’t I don’t really know although I suppose we’ve got plenty of space over

Here for some construction vehicles but we’ll get to that later for now I think what I want to do is sort out the Interiors of these buildings so this one over here what I need to do is actually move the portal it’s really not in a

Composition up there at all and I think what I want to do is actually just put it on this back wall here and I should have some obsidian with me excellent I reckon we can probably get away with just sort of putting it in the gaps in

The walls here and because we’ve got a roof we should be able to take those out as well look at this marvelous and there’s no reason not to take out the floor as well I guess so uh yeah beautiful I think I’m going to be sensible and Destroy This portal first

Because they’re close which means they’re probably going to link to the same one in the nether and there’s not gonna be any other portals around here so in theory I shouldn’t need to move the one nether side but I guess this is the only way to find out well let’s hope

For the best Okay it definitely came out in the same portal geez right let’s get rid of all these at least they’re not creepers I guess it could be worse and it brings them back to the right place too excellent so let’s have a think about this interior shall we I basically

Need a few things in here so I think I’m just gonna have to have a little Potter around for a while and see what I can actually come up with in here to fit I’ll bring it back in once it looks good a short while later and I think we’re

Actually done so we have our portal over here on this side on this side here we have just a little bedroom with our bed looking lovely and in the middle here we have our glow like and farm which if I click that and just stand here I can get

Loads and loads of like glow like and nice and quickly which is brilliant because we’ve also been using that a bit on the outside because it helps to break up the textures out here just a little bit I’ve also sorted out the storage room over here so I haven’t actually

Figured out where everything’s gonna go yet we do need a few more frames for some of these boxes as well but there’s plenty of room in here so when we’re actually over here building building our big towers and building up our city we can actually just have this as somewhere

To store things and work from although I imagine we’re going to be going back to our Mega storage quite regularly as well because well we’re going to be using a lot of stuff this is just for the stuff that’s kind of left over I guess and

Lastly I’ve also just put a little bit more foliage around the sort of yard area here as I say we will build some construction vehicles over there but I think that’s going to have to be next episode and lastly I also stuck a couple of those cheeky little pine trees at the

Back there just because it was looking a little bit flat on the skyline but I think that’s a really good start for this area we’ve cleared it all out we’ve got lots of terraforming to do of course and we’ve got a base of operations we can probably do with a couple more trees

And a couple less gaps in the top of that one let me quickly fix that there we go that’s looking better marvelous so next episode we’ll probably do a little bit more work on this yard we’re going to sort out some construction vehicles for over here I’ve just got to figure

Out how to actually build them first so I expect I’m gonna be messing around in Creative for a little while if you have enjoyed this video and want to know what this world is all about then do check out out the video on screen now and I’ll

See you in the next one bye bye now last episode we did forested an entire Island and in fact we deforested the one next door as well in preparation for our next Mega build which is going to be an industrial area City Metropolis type thing and then we came over here and

Created I don’t know a staging area as I would call it a base of operations but essentially somewhere for us to store bits and Bobs and work from while we plan out our city however this side of the yard is looking a little bit empty so today we’re going to try and build

Some construction vehicles maybe even get a few other bits and Bobs around the yard maybe maybe some generators and some floodlights or something I don’t really know but either way we need to fill up this side of the yard and just complete this build and then after that

Maybe we can even start planning out some roads around the city and planning where some of the other builds are going to go who knows I guess it depends how long it takes to do these vehicles and things so I have been playing around a little bit in Creative I’ve got a few

Ideas of how I can do a few little bits and bobs and I’ve got a rough idea of how we’re gonna put some kind of big mechanical Digger type thing here as well in fact I think that’s what we might build first because at least with

That I have planned a decent amount of it so I kind of know what I’m doing prove it so if we start at the back here that’s going to enable me to work out how much space we’re actually working with so let’s try and get some tracks down first

And I think if we alternate stairs and slabs that’s going to give us quite a nice track feel and then if we alternate that over here maybe not quite like that in fact I’m going to flip these stairs around and then I should be able to do

This with the top yeah look at that lovely so if we alternate on the top as well that is a big old track but that should do the trick nicely and we’ll put another one just on the other side here so we’ve got the tracks in what I need

To do now is connect them however we also don’t want the tracks to be see-through so I think we’re just going to use some black stone on the back of these and then what I want to do is connect these up so do we just want to

Do half slabs maybe I think half slabs are gonna look a bit better in fact let’s do double half slabs like that I think and then we’ll have this raised platform in the middle and do the same at the back just kind of connect that up I guess and then somewhere around the

Middle here that’s where we’re actually going to connect the cab because the Cab’s going to be able to do a full 360 on top of this so I guess it can only really be attached at one point I think what I’m going to do is give these

Tracks a little bit more shape so maybe if we put some of these on top that’s going to make it look a little bit thicker in the middle yeah I think that looks good maybe one more at the back here so next up we’re going to start on the cab and we’re just

Going to get a bunch of yellow blocks in to begin with and then we’re just gonna shape out the driver’s cab okay it’s taking shape next up let’s get the Digger arm in place let’s just go up like this for a while and then back down

On this side maybe at a steeper angle two at a time yeah I think it’s scale wise that looks about right now let’s get the scoop on oh yes look at that scoop love it right so now we’ve got all the basic bits in and the basic shape we

Need to make it look nice so I’m going to spend a bit of time messing around and texturing so let’s see what we can do this could be a tough one I’m used to making houses foreign Well I’m not gonna lie I did actually go back to creative for about another hour to put all the detail on before I tried it in here because it was just a bit overwhelming if I’m perfectly honest I had no idea what I needed to bring from

Storage but look at that thing doesn’t that look gorgeous it’s a little bit knackered a little bit repaired but well that’s pretty much how we build everything these days isn’t it but if we actually go into free cam and have a look you can see what a difference that

Makes to the construction yard already but as that was such a big job I think the next thing I want to do is maybe just try and get some generators of some kind down I’ve got a few Red Blocks with me I’ve got some other bits and Bobs

Let’s see what we can pull off so I think it’s going to make sense to have one kind of here to light up this path so we’ll make some kind of platform here give it like an air vent and maybe a maybe an observer just for a bit of

Detail we’ll use some red terracotta there and I think I actually want this to be a functioning floodlight so if we grab one of those and stick one of them on top then let’s cover that up with a mangrove trapdoor excellent then maybe just extend the front out here to give

It some legs to sit on and then maybe a couple of signs on the back as well just to cover that up a little bit a couple of frames down the bottom to make it look a little bit like Wills I guess maybe does that work I don’t know might

Be clutching a straws a little bit here now in theory if we set that to that one to night mode at night that should come on and light up this area that’d be nice wouldn’t it and then we’ll just take a hugeable what’s it down there and give

It a couple of clicks cover up the top of that with a pressure plate for no reason and then I guess we just need to make the pole that we’re going to put the lights on and I think we want to use some of these fences how high up do we

Want to go though I mean we want to be higher than the storage units but not too high that it looks silly uh I think that probably looks about right maybe one more for good measure and then we’ll put lights on either side stick some more Daylight sensors on top and

Actually turn them to nights and I think I maybe want to cover up the size of these maybe we can grab some trapdoors well that’s actually come out a lot better than I expected I actually really quite like that that’s why cool and now the sun’s going down as well the lights

Have come on and even the light at the bottom has lit up quite nicely as well which actually gives it a circle of light around the base just like a real floodlight but yep I’m definitely sold on that so I think we might get another one of those down somewhere probably

Sort of over that edge here somewhere maybe but it’s a bit dark and scary at the moment so we’ll do that in the morning there we go there’s the second one in this place is really starting to come alive loving it it’s nice it’s finally got some height variation going

On as well so what’s next I wonder do we do something small we probably put like a small something maybe a forklift or something over here and I think over here I want to put either a bulldozer or a steamroller or something like that to sort of accompany the big beast deal

We’ve got here but in fact I think I’m gonna do the forklift first because I don’t think I’m quite ready to face another big one yet because I haven’t worn out how to do either of these things well let’s grab some bits and try and design a forklift I guess so yeah I

Think this is where I’m definitely gonna put the forklift and if it isn’t obvious enough that’s clearly the wheels look we’re in Minecraft what am I to do so let’s see if we can’t make some kind of forklift I guess we need a platform here first let’s try some of these then we’ll

Have Forks in the front here and I guess probably probably here would make more sense we’ll have this as like the little Runner type thing that the forks run up and down I think that’s gonna work and now we need to make some kind of a cab

Type thing and I guess it’s gonna have like a small engine on the back and then a driving bit at the front let’s see what we can do maybe maybe something a bit like that there and then maybe for the engine we’ll just use furnace and I suppose

I guess that kind of works as rear lights doesn’t it then maybe a bit more of an engine type thing there see in front I guess we’re gonna need some kind of roof or cover on this guy aren’t we uh let’s try maybe just some fences and

Then a basic square roof let’s see if this works all right that’s actually coming out quite well that is not too bad then let’s get some more detaily bits on here so maybe a sign there and maybe a little one to cover up some of

That vent as well ladder on the side so we can get in amazing you can actually drive it and I guess as usual we should have a couple of little hugema Watts it’s scattered about maybe we can do one of these the torch Fact let’s do that upside down that might look a bit better and stick one of them on top marvelous so I guess we need some kind of controls and well we’ve been using these so far so let’s stick one of them in the front and maybe a couple of levers either side maybe

That’ll work oh I’m loving this little thing it’s coming together nicely amazing maybe for a few final details a chain and I guess a grindstone usually links up quite well at the bottom of chains doesn’t it let’s try one of those and get that jammed in there it doesn’t

Quite connect but it’s good enough I think and then let’s sort out these wheels okay I think that looks pretty good I like that I actually like that probably more than I should however should we actually put something on the front of it as well so it’s actually carrying

Something although what could we possibly make it carry wait I guess for now maybe just a couple of logs we can mess with that in future but I’ll just I think I’m gonna cover up this front bit here I’m not entirely sure but that’s working for me yep that was

The one the logs make all the difference excellent stuff so we have our big digger we have our forklift I guess I guess we really need to build something else big there now don’t we ah right okay okay balled over Steamroller I mean the bulldozer might

Be a little bit easier maybe we should maybe we should go for the bulldozer I mean Steamroller has a big round thing at the front and Minecraft and round aren’t the best of friends so yeah I think we’re gonna try a bulldozer Oh yes look at that thing what a beast oh I’m so pleased with how that came out I think you probably saw that as a time lapse though because I was waffling a lot while I was building that and it’s probably not very interesting and when

We have a Look From a Distance look at that that is looking so much more like a construction yard I am so pleased with that that is amazing in fact if we just stand there and have a look down yep I’m pleased with that we could do a

Little bit more with the ground we can probably do with putting a few more bits and Bobs around I mean I don’t know maybe like a skip or something here potentially another generator over this corner as well I don’t know maybe at the back who knows but if you’ve got any

Ideas what else we can put in this to make it look a bit more like a construction yard I mean I think we’ve done pretty well so far but anything else we can add to bring a little bit more live to it do let me know I’d love

To hear what you think but it’s all the little details on these things that I really like such as just using the glow frames as the headlights I think works really well all these line bars connecting things and just a mesh of random blocks pretty much for each of

The engine blocks but I think they do work really well so with the yard looking pretty good we can actually probably maybe start on the city planning however there is actually one more thing I want to do to prep before we actually get to this because it’s

Something I’m lacking and you can tell as I’m walking backwards and folds here what that is Swift snake but the problem is there’s only one way to get Swift sneak and that involves going to an ancient city and we’ve just not done that yet not not intentionally not done

It we’ve just it just hasn’t come up okay it just hasn’t come up it’s not that I’m scared or anything definitely not you know me I’m brave as anything but with the amount of skyscrapers and crouching and building we’re going to be doing I think we’re definitely gonna

Need Swift sneaks so well geez here we go I guess we’re gonna go find one and to be honest I’m fairly sure there’s probably one somewhere near my Matchbox space because well there’s just lots and lots of mountains there and apparently ancient cities can actually spawn under mountains or at least that’s where

They’re most likely or something like that I don’t really know but let’s go do this and if we survive we can come back and maybe add something else around here potentially I really think I don’t want to put a skip in that corner but we’ll worry about that later for now death or

Preferably not but we’ll see so I think I’ve got everything I need I’ve got a whole bunch of totems I’ve got some night vision potions I’ve got my home I’ve got some wool and I’ve also got some storage boxes and even more wool and night vision just in case we’re down

There longer than I hope to be however we haven’t actually found a city yet so I think what I’m gonna do is check underneath these mountains and I’ve got a little bit of a mine down here I know for a fact there is actually some deep

Dark down here so I don’t see why there wouldn’t also be an ancient city you know that’s the Hope anyway so what I think I’m actually going to do is just break out the back here we don’t actually have a mine or anything in this

Area yet so I think I’m just gonna make one here and we’re just going to start digging and hope for the best well we found a bunch of deep dark but I cannot find a city so I think what we’re going to do is turn around and maybe try in a

Different direction but yeah lots and lots of the dark no City whatsoever this area was so dark without night vision I had to actually drink one just to see what I was dealing with okay I think we just set off a sensor is there something nearby okay um

Right does that mean there’s a city over there or is that just just noise do we just go for it and then the Runaway I don’t really know the timings on this thing isn’t it like 10 minutes and you but you can only have three warnings um this is concerning

Okay well that’s the second scream up there’s definitely a city there okay right we’ve done it again that’s two does that mean we’re only allowed one more and then a warden comes that’s concerning I’ll be lying if I said my Palms weren’t extremely sweaty right now so because we’ve set off the screeches

Twice and we haven’t even made it into the city yet I’m a little bit reluctant to to go in that’s definitely a city though isn’t it because there’s a lantern there but I don’t really want to set off the third one I really don’t want a

Warden straight off the bat I think I’m gonna play it safe I’m gonna be look okay I’m scared I never claimed to be brave so I might just stand here for 10 minutes and um uh yeah just wait for that timer to run down I mean we want to

Go in with a clean slate at least surely 10 minutes or so later and hopefully the timer has run down and I’m hoping this is going to be a bit safer for us now because there was loads of stuff at the entrance which has me mildly concerned

Yeah look at this look look at this look at all these screamers jeez no wonder I was in trouble straight off the bat um I should probably actually back off and drink one of my potions shouldn’t I right that’s better we should be able to see let’s try that again look at this

Place though how cool does that look there’s the Gateway but there’s a chest right there maybe we should go for that one first so what I want to do is try and block off at least some of these we’ve got loads of wool with us so

Hopefully that won’t be too much of an issue right let’s see how well we did at blocking off the sound for this first chest okay not bad and we’ve got some Swift sneak one as well and a regen potion that could come in handy I don’t really need any of this other rubbish

Though all right that wasn’t so bad maybe we need these are scared after all let’s go find some more chests shall we I mean I can see chests over there there’s the main gate isn’t there a chest in front of the main gate isn’t that thing and it looks like there’s

Probably a chest over there so let’s go check out that bit oh jeez it happened it happened oh look at that hoe this is terrifying I think that probably just counts as a first one again though so in theory we’re okay my night visions run out oh geez myself another thing

Right we’ve got more wool let’s go back in we didn’t let the timer run down this time though so we’re on our last Screech so yeah hopefully this will be okay is there is that like a chest area there do you have a quick look over there just in

Case we do set off the last one at least we won’t have to run as far okay there is definitely a chest there and of course there’s a screecher as well right well there’s something setting them off and it’s not me oh okay that’s just mildly terrifying but

The bat doesn’t seem to be causing any problems after increasing my heart rate which is definitely a problem uh right there’s another chest up there let’s go for that one this one is a big concern either way we should certainly do what we can let’s give it a go oh God I’m off

Nope oh I just want my Swift snake why can’t I have my Swift snake what in the that was disgusting was that him leaving I think we might be good to go back out there now though should we have a little sneaky peek and hope for the best nope

He’s back he’s definitely back run away run away it’s definitely not safe jeez Oh my days I I just I just I don’t even know what to do anymore I think I’m just gonna sit and drink my tea to calm my nerves and definitely leave it for a lot

Longer this time because this is this is just crazy I only seem to be getting away with setting off one tracker and then it’s coming back so yeah we’re just we’re just gonna hide I don’t even know why it went off that time surely we were on wool what Set It Off

That is definitely the sound of him going back underground that is disgusting right Third Time Lucky we’re down to our last two potions of night vision we came in with six so hopefully this time we’ll actually leave with something useful and preferably without summoning another Warden as well still

No Swift snake dang it let’s keep going that’s not good oh actually spawned one as well what I think I’ve just spawned two Oh my days I think I’ve just spawned two wardens do you think if I wait here long enough I’ll hear the sound where they like away

Well there’s one there he is uh he’s miles away he won’t find us over here oh okay I think that was actually him going away right there [Applause] nope switch sneak one’s fine it’s absolutely fine for now I think we’ve just looted that entire city and it only had one swift sneak one book which was awful and you know the worst thing is it means we’re gonna have to do all this again on

The next episode just so we can actually find a book dang it last episode we built a fleet of vehicles and completed our construction yards to act as our base of operations for our new Mega city project this episode we’re going to be mapping out some roads building some

Farms but first off I need to get rid of this hill or at least flatten it a little bit more thank you There we go that’s better we’ve flattened the top of that off absolutely wonderful so the main aim for today is to build ourselves a farm and of course disguise it as something that will fit in with this city and maybe even upgrade our Swift snake because although I’ve

Got Swift sneak one it doesn’t really feel that different I think we’re gonna have to go back to another ancient city but we’ll deal with that later first up what I want to do is map out some of the roads we’ve got going on here and figure

Out how we’re going to lay out certain parts of the city because if we look from above in fact I probably would be better off in free cam instead of flying around so we can actually have a proper look there we go that’s better so if we

Have a look at this we’ve actually got two different islands and we’re gonna need to put some kind of Road Network across these islands that works with the city and has all the buildings in and I’m thinking like a main sort of circular route with lots of streets that

Come off it’s going to be the best port of cool and that means that this bit here is pretty much going to be on a main road which means it needs to be a big road and that’s what we’re going to be working on today we’re going to throw

Get some Road in we’re probably even gonna map out a little bit it’s gonna be Bridges going across here at some point in future but that’s a way off yet but I think getting a main road in down here is going to be good and I was going to

Do the main road as five wide and five wide so it’s you know quite a wide Road here but when you actually fly back on the grand scale of things I don’t think that’s going to be wide enough for a main road so we’re actually gonna make

This a little bit bigger and we’re gonna have each side of the road seven blocks wide and that’s how wide the main Road’s gonna be that’s gonna sort of as I say a loop around the whole city so I’m gonna get started here we’re gonna be using

Deep slate Cobble as the sort of main block for the road but we also need to make sure we get all the gutters and curves and things in as well before we get all these down and before we can even do that I need to actually dig out

Where the road’s going to be so I I guess digging is where it begins isn’t it [Applause] Well I’ve got the first little bit of the road in as you can see that’s going to be the sort of General size for the road that’s going to kind of Loop Round the island and this bit here is actually going to go into a bridge and go across

So I’ve not lowered it down to follow the terrain on this side however over here I have lowered it down and it’s going to kind of swoop down to the coast over this side and then Loop Round over here that’s if it even does a full loop

I might actually do it as just a big sort of u-shape who knows but for now what we’ve got is a big area here where we can build and a big path a big road that needs a bit of texture and I need to go get myself a bit more diorite as

Well just to sort of Mark out some more Road markings on this smaller road but progress is being made I’ll do whoever needs to change this bit over here somewhere I need to put in an entrance onto the building that’s going to be over here because well we can’t have a

Construction yard without actually having something being constructed so that’s what this area here is going to be this is going to be the building site itself so we’ve got our yard over there this will be our site and the very first Farm is going to be going over here as

Well but first I think I’m gonna get this road looking a bit better but what I’m going to do to get some detail into this road is essentially put some sort of Darker patches in as if there’s been like oil spills and things like that and we’re gonna try something like this so

We’ll start with a few of those then around that Blackstone we’ll put some of this black stone and then we’ll put some of the darker deep slate hopefully this is gonna look okay I don’t know how it’s gonna look up close but at least from a distance it should look good right but

We’ll mix in a few different bits of the deep slate around here we’ll try the basal I think the basalt should work quite well maybe if we get a piece like that so that puts a bit of a stain on the road uh let’s see how that looks

From a distance it should look all right well if I tell you what it might be a little bit too dark in the middle there hmm I wonder so let’s maybe try it without the pure black stone and have a look at that yeah I think that works a

Lot better for me I definitely prefer that although I think I want it to be a lot smaller I like the tone and the coloration but let’s see if we can just shrink this down a little bit so the dark patch is just a few blocks on the

Side of the road as opposed to taking over the whole Road like it is at the moment yeah there we go that’s much better excellent so we’re gonna have a few patches like that scattered around and the other thing we’re gonna do is just mix in some of the different types

Of deep slate so we’re going to have like a few sort of lighter patches here and there as well and that should hopefully just help break up the road a little bit let’s see what happens right that’s looking pretty good I think that’s come along well we’ve got these

Little mud tracks that going between the two sites because well all the heavy machinery is going to be leaving them we’ve got some damaged bits of Road and overall I don’t think we’ve gone too over the top I think that should work quite nicely just a few patches here

Around the building sites and the road would probably be a bit cleaner as we get further away from this area but for this I think it works well and that puts us in a good position to start the build over here where we’re gonna be making

Tree farm and I know we already have a tree farm but that farm only does Mangrove and as much as we love Mangrove it’s definitely time to switch it up a little bit and get a versatile Tree Farm in here that can actually deal with a whole lot more things I can’t even

Remember the list of things it can do because it’s not even just trees in fact that list is probably up on screen for you now so as you can see it’s going to be a very very useful Farm it’s by enxo4 and I’m gonna go get all the bits and

Bobs I need to get that built up and I’ll build that up in a very quick time lapse and then just explain how it works but if you do want to know how to build the farm yourself I highly recommend checking out enxo4’s video which I’ll link in the description All right And just like that the farm is complete look at that it’s such a simple thing I absolutely love it and if we flick this lever here things should start exploding hopefully hopefully in the right place here it comes look at that beautiful get that turned off for now that is

Extremely Loud so this Farm is actually really good for lots of things so we can actually get all of these different types of wood although we can do oak we’re actually better off using Azalea and not actually doing Oak whatsoever because we get the same wood type and

These ones just work with the farm a little bit better but we can also collect red mushrooms brown mushrooms not the blocks sadly just the actual mushrooms themselves but we can also get Warped and Crimson stem as well all we have to do is swap out this block here

But the way this works is quite simple it’s with magic you you liar you know me and Redstone but what I do know is it has a couple of different settings because when you’re putting things like the Warped fungus or the brown mushrooms and jungle trees I think what we need to

Do is actually come here and flick this lever here and what that will do is every other block it will actually or every other TNT I should say it will move it over by a block and it just helps to get rid of more of the tree but

We only need to flick that lever if we’re doing jungle or the giant fungus things or brown mushrooms and when we do those three things we also need to flip this lever up as well because that changes the timing so they sort of explode at different heights so to run

The farm I won’t turn it on just yet I’ll do that in a moment I’ll explain things first but to run the farm what we do is we stand up against this chain here and we have what do we do so if we put Spruce in our offhand and bone meal

In our main hand let’s just grab some from here we can just stand here hold right click and that will grow the trees and basically that’s all we do when the TNT explodes everything gets collected goes underneath there and it actually comes up by water tube here and this

Bubble later what it does is you’re supposed to make sure that your inventory is full of all the things you don’t want like that for example and then any saplings will go directly into my off hand just picked up through the carpet and everything else just goes

Into storage over here although we are actually going to change the way things are stored but for now this will be fine and we’ve also added a couple of the upgrades which are these two machines here and these just keep us fully supplied so if we turn this on this will

Start spitting out bone Mill and we can’t currently pick that up but as soon as we are full this pressure plate here will turn it off but when we can pick it up it will just continue just a bit out and that keeps us full on by mail as

Well and this side does exactly the same thing but for the fungus so with that being said I think we’re about ready to turn the farm on so let’s do that and watch it blow up this tree look at that perfect so if we just stand

Here and do this as you can see my saplings and bone meal are refilling as we go which keeps us fully stocked the whole time we’re here and everything is getting collected down here in these chests and look at that we’re getting a whole bunch of spruce already the

Important thing to remember though is I must turn it off before I leave the area because if I leave this on when I leave the area then I think bad things happen and we don’t want bad things to happen so now we know the farm works the question is

How do we hide a farm like this so we have hidden an enxo4 Farm before that we were a bit stumped with at first which was our Guardian Farm in fact you’re probably seeing that on screen now and I reckon we can hide this one as well

Because this is a construction site and what is tall and thin and that kind of a shape it’s clearly gonna have to be a crane of some kind and I reckon we can probably pull it off although that’s that’s gonna be quite awkward with those

Bits there let’s see what we can do so this thing is gonna need to be a lot taller than it currently is because I don’t think there’s any way I can kind of fit that inside the arm of a crane it’s just too tall there’s about 10

Blocks in height there and that’s gonna make it a really weird Stumpy Little Crane so that means this is gonna have to be the cargo inside something that the crane is carrying and that means this thing is going to be massive oh dear oh dear oh dear well I think it

Needs to be about that big which is which is really really quite big but then if we’re standing down here on the road kind of with everything else I think scale wise it is actually okay are you the only issue we’ve got is that the thing it’s holding is actually really

Close to the beam here but I mean planes do that though they move stuff in and out right sure it’d be fine but what I need to do now is start trying to figure out the details so this whole top bar here we need to put a counterweight on the back

We need to have ropes that connect to whatever we build here which I mean we could just do shipping containers again I think that’s probably going to work quite well and we need to of course put some support and some bass at the bottom here as well as make it all look cool

And then of course we need to find a way to hide this as well that’s going to be interesting so we’re making some progress down the bottom here I’ve managed to work out the sort of shape of the stand here I haven’t actually pushed it out into this area here because I

Think I have an idea for this but we’ll come back to that later however the rest of it I’ve just got these little platforms that go up I think they work quite well and if we take to the air we can see they’ve got all the bars around

Them and so on as well however we have a glaring problem and that is a lack of a control cab and that’s what I think we’re gonna put on this side here let’s see if we can work something out for that it’s probably gonna be fairly

Similar to one of these I guess got the cab in place and I think that’s working quite well and it is actually fully accessible as well because you can of course climb up the scaffolding that goes up the center of the town hour and

Then when we get to the top here we have a button which enables us to get straight into the cabin we’ve got all the controls as expected as well and to be honest we’ve got quite a good view as well so once the city’s built up this

Will be a lovely viewpoint but now we need to sort out this top area here and I think I’ve got an idea of how we can do this we’re going to be utilizing a bit more scaffolding I think I think I’ve got the top section done we just

Need to get in all of the cabling and of course we need to hide these things down here and then of course we need to add some texture as well and hide the bottom tray but I think next up I’m probably going to see if we can hide these I feel

Like that’s probably the next best thing to do and I think shipping containers is going to be the way to go but we’re not going to make them green this time we’re definitely going to mix that up well the containers are done and I’ve also

Managed to get all of the chains in so everything sort of has the pulley system and I’ve done a little bit of texturing on the yellow Tower itself and with that I think the crane itself is actually done but in classic beard Stone fashion I also got a little bit carried away

With the building and I’ve kind of marked out the rest of the construction zone because we going to be having a building or at least a series of buildings being built over here this is all going to be a construction site because there’s quite a few Farms that

We want to hide in this area but I’ve also managed to sort out the collection system here and we’ve just got a big pile of dirt at the bottom of the crane and to make that make a little bit more sense I think we’re gonna have to add

Like a dump truck or something as if it’s dumping off the dirt over here luckily we don’t have site safety inspections but I’m well tough with how that crane has come out the question is does it still work hopefully it does I’ve moved all the levers they’re still

Here and they’re kind of hidden I’ve put up some signs so I know what swats hopefully the TNT will still come through just fine and hopefully it won’t lock this dirt either okay that’s looking good I think I think we’re good that’s quite possibly the strangest disguise I’ll ever put on a

Farm but even now we’re still not completely done because there’s one more problem to solve and that of course is the storage which currently is being piped out and it just basically comes up here so anything that goes into the pool over here for example some coarse dirts

It’ll follow the route it’ll pass off any saplings and so on how it should but then it’s all going to arrive over here and that means we need to put some storage over this side and I think something like this is going to work an absolute treat look at this so we’ve

Brought another one of the generators over of course because we are going to need lighting over here and we’ve got a big empty storage container here because I think at some point in future what I might do is actually have it so it automatically bone Mills certain items

That come out of the dropping thing so we’ll just put them through that sort some stuff out and only get the drops we want over here but this is the main storage container so it’s well it’s an orange one This Time It’s Different and that one’s gray see look we’re mixing it

Up a little bit but this is literally just a wall of China yes and as you can see I’ve been running the farm a little bit just to make sure everything’s working fine and well I’m happy to say it is and this area is actually starting

To look pretty cool now well this corner of the area I should say about with the Big Crane and the storage this Farm is now complete but there’s one more thing I want to do because we’ve got this big pile of dirt here and I’ve just destroyed some grass but don’t worry

About that but we’ve got this great big pile of dirt and I think it makes sense to have some kind of a dump truck over here kind of working with it I guess and there we go we have a dump truck kind of the dump truck’s really hard to do it

Turns out but I think that looks pretty good it ties in nicely we’ve got some little tracks of where it’s driving about as well but I don’t want to go too much over this way because as I say I do have plans for over there or well I say

Plans they’re very loose plans but I think we are actually done look at that thing wonderful and the best thing about it is it’s a working tree farm and I couldn’t be happier Savvy that’s what we’ve got time for I’ll see you on the next one but bye now last episode we

Expanded our construction area so we’re gonna install a tree farm and then we hit that inside a giant crane with the addition of a few little storage crates and a dumpster truck we finished off that corner of the yard but today we’ve got a whole lot more to be doing because

I want to try and get this area finished or at least much further along than it is now you may notice there’s a little bit more going on in this area as well I have actually extended the roads in between episodes I had a couple of days where I didn’t really feel like

Recording because I was basically handing in my laptop at work and making the whole redundancy Thing official but the good news is that means I am now as of today a full-time content creator look at this look at us huh who would have thought not me but enough about

That what are we going to be doing over here so we have a tree farm this is great but it takes a lot of bone Mill to feed it so a bone meal Farm might be quite good but the other thing is this isn’t just for trees this also does

Nether fungal things what are they called warped and Crimson fungus I think that’s what they called one minute I need to I need to hide my armor I can’t get used to this there we go that’s much better you can see me now so what we’re

Going to do I think is put in a nether walk Farm little nether fungus Farm type thing so that way we can actually collect all the fungus we need and then use that to stock up over there and I guess as a side effect of that we’re

Gonna get lots of stuff we can bow meal as well but then it’s also going to take bone meal to run so yeah it’s probably just gonna mean we’re definitely gonna need a bone Mill Farm if we’ve got two things over here that need it but anyway

What’s the plan over here so we have a bit of a construction site here but currently there is nothing being constructed so I think what I want to do is lay out the foundations of a building where a building’s going to go here we might even have it sort of Park

Constructed and so on and then I think we’re gonna hide the farm underneath it because below here there’s actually loads of space because I’ve just sort of gone over this I guess with some cool stuff look if we dig down in fact that was a really poor place to look but I

Assure you there is space down here look uh okay it’s a bit further back than I thought and not as much space as I thought oh and that sounds like the bad things here as well let’s just leave this area but the point remains we’re gonna stick a farm under needs so first

Things first let’s lay out a foundation and make a start on this building But it’s looking a little bit funky right now but I think I’ve worked out a shape we’re going to go with we’ve got some sort of main beams here so they’re going to be stretching up and then we’ve got some smaller bits that are going to be sort of you know single maybe

Two-story bits that sort of stick off the side of the building and then I put in a bit here that’s at an angle I don’t know if we’ll keep that or not but we’ll see so the next step is to actually build up the framework here so I’m going

To be using lots and lots of light gray concrete and I should have a bunch over here so let’s grab some more of this and get rid of our Stone so let’s spend a bit of time and build up this framework although of course it’s not going to be

A completed framework because well it’s a building that’s under construction if it was complete it wouldn’t be under construction would it Thank you foreign Well that’s looking pretty good I think we might actually be done at least for now but I’m very pleased with how this has come out we’ve got some of the main structure going up we’ve got some of the rendering happening on the outside but this is specifically because it has

Occurred to me although we’re building a farm underground we’re probably going to want storage up here so I’m hoping I can turn this into a little storage area for the farm below and then up here we’ve got some floors marked down we’ve got piles of materials there will be a lot

More detail going in up here but I just I needed a break from it I’ve placed a lot of concrete this morning but I do like the effect of the floors being built the planks that the workers are using to get around in the meantime as well also works pretty good and the

Exposed steel beams that go in between all the concrete that’s being constructed I think having those there really adds to it as well but we’ve still got lots more to do in and around this area to make it look a lot more like an active building site however for

Now I think what I’m going to do is go down here and kind of dig my way over to this side I guess and we’re gonna dig out a great big hole and then we’re gonna build our farm a hole has been dark and now it’s time to actually build

The farm so the Warped fungus Farm we’re actually going to be building well I say walked fungus it can be used for Crimson as well it’s actually by n Collier on YouTube I will link to that in the description and it actually makes use of a slightly different mechanic because

Most Farms actually sort of flush out and they have a pause but we can take advantage of a very special property of the mud block here so there’s a couple of things we need to know the first one is that if we bone meal some nylium here

It will actually spread and grow things on the mud blocks as well which is great it’ll actually do that with sort of any blocks you can place these on so you could use grass and dirt and so on but there’s a very specific reason we want

To use mud and that is because the mud blocks themselves are actually one pixel shorter although visually they are full size blocks so if you put them next to another block they are full size if we drop something on it it’ll actually get picked up by the hopper underneath

Because the hitbox sits just below so that means instead of having a flushing farm and one that leads to pause every now and then to wash everything away we can just instantly collect all the drops and then do what we will with them after that so I’m gonna build up this Farm as

I say if you do want to build this Farm yourself then do check out the tutorial by n Collier I don’t know if I’m saying that right or not apologies if not but it’s a fairly straightforward Farm to build so I’m going to crack on and get this done Thank you oh my words look at this thing go what am I going to do with all that let’s just turn that off for now okay well that’s just crazy that thing was running for like 30 seconds so I would explain how it all works but

As usual it’s magic magic I’ll leave the intelligent Redstone stuff to the intelligent Redstone people I think but the important thing is it works we follow the tutorial and it’s a wonderful thing I love it so now I need to solve the problem of storage and I think what

I want to do is actually put some item sorters down here we’ll separate out the Crimson fungus from the warp fungus and send them up and everything else will probably just send into compost but we’re gonna need a little bit more space so I guess I’m back to digging and a

Short while later I think we’re actually done so we’ve got a few item sorters there that’s going to sort out the bits that we want to keep and then they get shot into these droppers they get fired I’ve actually linked this up to this machine here so they’re just constantly

Firing if the machine is running and then that all gets sent up this bubble Vader which will go to storage at the top which we haven’t done yet then all the bits we don’t keep come along here and they just go round and round in a circle here getting picked up by about

14 composters I think I’ve got here so hopefully that’ll be enough to keep up but that will also give us a bit of extra bone meal down the bottom there so if we just turn this on we should see it start running look at this beautiful and just so we don’t accidentally pick

Anything up we’ll jump into free cam but you can see here all the mushrooms are getting picked up all the fungus things at the different points and everything else goes through here and it’s getting bone milled look at those things go but now though we’ve still got a little bit

More work to do so I want to put this switch up to the top so I want to be able to turn it on and off from at the top there I also want to be able to refill the bone Mill from at the top and

Of course we need to make sure we get the storage in so well I guess we’re going top side a short while later on I think we’re done with our storage so as you can see there is a bubble Vader behind there and that will feed into

These two chests here which I will collect all the fungus and we can also drop off bowmill in here and that will feed down into the machine which is lovely but not only that we can also turn it on and off from here as well and you can hear it going absolutely crazy

Down there and instantly as well you can see all of the fungus coming in which is excellent stuff so the last thing to do is just to pretty much block off this Corridor because we don’t actually need to come down here everything is automated now so what we’ll probably do

Is just kind of block it off and put a little door down here I think and then we can actually sort out the rest of the surface area because we’ve got lots of space to work with and lots of things to do so I’ve blocked up the end of that

Corridor with just a nice simple door and added a few lights but that brings me on to the next problem we have here which is a severe lack of lighting anywhere around here so I need to come up with some kind of designs that are

Going to look like work lamps I guess so we can actually light up this build otherwise we’re gonna have huge problems with Mobs and that’s definitely something we don’t want so I wonder let’s see what we can do we should probably stick one in this corner to

Begin with shouldn’t we so I guess we kind of want miniature versions of the generators we’ve built over there I wonder how these are gonna work so maybe we could try with some of these let’s have a little play around well it’s fairly basic but to be honest I actually

Quite like it I think that looks like a little work lamp and once we have a few scattered about especially if we actually vary up the design a bit we can have some taller ones we can have some smaller probably even have some with

Just one light on and so on I think that could well work so let’s get some of these scattered about and see how it looks and hopefully we’ll have enough to actually light up the whole area here as well the lighting problem has now been sold

We have this type of generator here we have a singular one over this side that’s kind of the same as that I guess we’ve also got these tiny little ones here which I’ve scattered about here and there and if we go upstairs we’ve even got a four-way one look at that but I

Think that really does actually help with the sort of well bringing a little bit of life to the construction yard so now instead of just an empty building it’s an empty building that looks like people might actually be working on it although it’s missing some workbenches

And some other clutter so I think I’m going to spend a bit of time pottering around probably going to stick a forklift in down here as well maybe get some piles of other sort of construction materials around I don’t really know but I’m gonna put her around I’m going to

Try and make this place look as Lively as possible maybe we could even dig a hole at the back here and get another Digger in I don’t know first things first I’m going to use the things in my hot bar to try and make some workbenches let’s see where we go from there Oh Progress is being made we’ve got a lovely little forklift over here and I even added some Poopers but not the greatest in the world but they kind of fit with the scale and from a distance I think they work really well just don’t get too close to them because they

Probably smell as well look at all that Mucky Mucky ground but besides that I’ve also added some workbenches we’ve got a couple of mine carts just sort of laying around and I have actually managed to sort of piston push a wall into this one because it makes it look like it’s

Carrying something quite like that it’s like a weird little trolley but we’ve also got stacks of goods laying around we’ve got more different styles of workbenches we’ve got cups and things everywhere just to make it look like it is a site that’s being worked and that

Carries on up to the top floor as well just with bits scattered around and I think with that the actual construction building constructiony bit is done however we’ve still got lots of work to do around the outside we need to sort out the rest of these foundations and I

Think I have decided I do want to put another Digger in we’re going to see if we can make a smaller Digger though because we’ve got a giant one over there I think a small one here digging a little hole might look quite good maybe even a hole that’s got some water pipes

Or something going into it who knows and then of course we’ve got all the space over here as well where I might Park one or two more machines but we also need lots and lots of materials I think there’s gonna be big piles of materials over here possibly even some stacks of

Panels that would be used for the rendering on the side of the building we might be able to get some of those sorts of things around here as well and then we need to make this look a little bit more road-like to differentiate it from

The rest of the ground it’s a lot still to do and I think I’m going to start over the back there with the Digger and then work my way around this way and see how we get up Thank you Thank you I absolutely love this building site it’s coming along so well however we still need to sort out around the back here and we need to get some more of these generated lights in because it’s a little bit dark out the front here We’ve done it I think the construction yard is actually complete and I love it I think it’s come out really well even these little cones out the front here just to block off this bit because it’s a very busy heavily used road by construction traffic we can’t have it

Open to the public but let’s have a little look at some of the details we’ve added here there’s a couple of spare parts for the Digger here and there’s actually some scattered around elsewhere as well and I think that’s just a nice little detail there always on building

Sites and then of course we’ve got our skips we’ve got some additional poor to lose we’ve got our lighting and I’ve also added these kind of safety fences and a little slash of these over here for storage as well and then as we get closer to the building I’ve added lots

Of other things so we’ve got some of these panels here that would be lifted up by the crane and put in place and one of my favorite things is actually this little trench here just because I think it works really well it looks like there’s some pipes and stuff going in

And of course we’ve got the little platforms that get people across and then besides that we’ve got other things scattered about so once again there’s more of those sort of spare parts for the Digger we’ve got more lighting we’ve got some tubes that are going in underground as well and of course we

Have our small Digger at the back here which I think came out really well despite the fact I did actually put this bit on the front the wrong way round twice not just once but twice but this little Digger’s working away with the big pipes that are being scattered

Around over here as well and getting these installed for all of the water circulation and so on and then this of course links all the way background to the start but I really do like the small details that are in here even little things like this where the Earth is

Lighter and if you actually look at this from a distance let’s jump into free cam the idea is it kind of shows where it’s already been dug up and pipe has already been laid and I’ve actually done a similar thing from this trench as well

For all the power cables but I think I mean maybe it could do with one or two more Vehicles sort of on this road here but overall I am so pleased with how this area has come out I think it looks absolutely awesome we just need to

Actually sort out the outside we need to figure out the rest of the roads and get all these connected up and of course we need to scatter some foliage on the edge here and get this looking nice too so with this area being done once we get

The roads in we will actually be able to start adding additional buildings and farms and so on but that’s something we’re going to be tackling in the next episode thanks for watching and I’ll see you on the next one bye-bye now last episode we did this this that this this

And that that’s left us with a whole lot of safety issues around our construction site so today we’re gonna try and fix that or at least let people know that there are some safety issues and that means for the first time ever I think I’m actually going to do some map odds

I’ve never done map art before and I think it’s going to be a lot of fun because what I want to do is get up a few or maybe sort of one or two I guess it kind of depends how long they take but I do want to get up a couple of

Warning signs and construction site signs and things like that just to really pull the last this area together the good news is the map Arts I’m doing is going to use pretty basic colors so I can do the whole thing with wool the bad news is I don’t really have much wool

Now we do have a sheep farm or wool farm sheep farm wolf Farm what do you call it do you call it sheep farm or a wool Farm I’m gonna quickly go ask on YouTube and see what you think foreign of you say wool farm so I guess we’ll go

With wool Farm although I hate saying the word wool must be something to do with my accent but either way we do have a wool Farm but the problem is it’s a very small one we only have one of each sheep and well there’s no white wall

Whatsoever because I’ve used it and the other colors I’m going to need such as red yeah we’ve got some yellow yeah I haven’t really got any of that either but you see the problem we just don’t have enough wool and to make a basic map

Arts you need 250 stacks of of stuff to fill the entire map and that’s about 10 shulker boxes so we definitely have a problem here and one we’re going to solve which hopefully means eventually we can get this map art done so let’s head back to the construction site and

Discuss how we’re gonna fix this oh yes and while I think of it look at this I’ve actually moved up to the nether roof because later this week I will be releasing a world download on patreon so I kind of wanted to make it a little bit

Easier for people to get around so look at this look I’ve labeled everything there’s little wool paths through go to all the different areas of the world besides that it’s much easier for me to get around so we’re gonna build a wool farm and what we’re gonna do is build

That over here so you might notice I’ve done a little bit more prep work I’ve got some more roads in we’ve got like a little side road here which is actually going to be going sort of down the side of some buildings and then we’ll put

Some parking out the back maybe but our water Farm is going to go here and this is kind of going to be the storefront for it I guess we’ll probably turn it into a clothes shop or something like that that kind of makes sense for a

Sheep farm but unlike the last wool farm this one is going to be a mega wool Farm it’s it’s gonna be huge so the last Farm had 16 sheep in total which was one sheep of each color and this time I think what we’re gonna do is have 16

Sheep of each color so yeah this could be quite a big building but I’ve been collecting lots and lots of resources look at all this cyan terracotta we’ve also got lots of glass and other bits and Bobs and look I’ve been using the tree farm and it’s absolutely wonderful

By the way for the uh nether fungus stuff we did last episode but hopefully this should be everything we need to at least make a start on this so I think what I’m gonna do is just kind of get at the foundation of the building in and

Plan out how big this thing needs to be in order to house as many sheep as we want to house in here this is going to be crazy All right no more block placing already we’ve already stopped so I’ve started planning out where things I I think need to go I’m just kind of winging it really but I think I want the first pod to be there and then we’re gonna have a row of

Eight going that way and then we’ll have another eight on the opposite side going that way and that’s gonna be one floor the problem is we’ve got 16 different colored sheep this building really is going to be huge so I think what we might actually do is

Maybe work out this first layer of sheep farm see how big it is and then figure out how to wrap a building around it after that’s probably the best solution because if I sit here and try to count things well bad things are probably gonna happen so let’s spend a bit of

Time working out this first floor and we’ll go from there I guess Because I think I’ve worked out at least half of a floor so we’ve just got normal sort of sheepy things here we’ll put a sheep in there when it eats it’ll get automatically shared but I’ve also linked it up to a dropper here but I

Need to go get a little bit of redstone just so we can make that Auto fire when it’s got stuff in it but not only that if we go around the back here I’ll set it up so we can put in a water channel so the hope is that we’re just gonna be

Able to chuck shears in at one point and then they’ll just go around the system and fill in wherever they’re needed that means we’ll be able to refill it without having to sneak around the back and do it all manually so the next thing to do

Is to mirror this over this side so I think I’ve now got this side worked out however we now need to basically do this again next to it for the secondary color otherwise we’re going to have a 16 story building and that might be a little bit

Too much so uh what do we do next do we do this bit next or do we work out how we’re gonna stack them I think I’m gonna focus on the stacking first just because I want to know how much kind of ceiling space I guess we’re gonna have in here thank you [Applause] I’ve added in the other half of the floor minus the wool of course we are actually missing that but I think that’s going to be the size of the building this thing is going to be huge because what we have to bear in mind of course

Is this is just two different colors of wool and we’re determined to have 16 so I’m gonna see how I get on because this is also going to take a lot of resources what we might have to do for now is sort of half and half it so we actually just

Have eight of each color of sheep but before we go too far with the floors I think I want to sort out the building at the bottom here and start building the external part of this we know how big each floor is going to be now so there’s

No reason why we can’t actually build up the outside and then put the sheep farms in afterwards I also need to go and add some sheep as well and get them breeding because we’re going to need a lot for this Thank you Foreign Making some really good progress at least on the outside of the building we’ve got eight floors in now and I quite like the design I think something like that’s going to work of course there will be extra details and other things going on but the color palette

Looks lovely we’ve also got a slightly different facade for the bottom level because this is of course going to be a shop and of course we have a bajillion shape which we will get up in the farm but for now we’ve got another seven floors of actual sheep farms to put in

This could take a while Well it’s now Wednesday that previous clip was actually recorded on Monday evening so you can guess what I did yesterday I basically sat inside that building and I built all of the farms and not only that we’ve managed to get all of the sheep in place as well look

At this colorful base but every single floor is now fully inhabited we’ve got shares absolutely everywhere to the point where I’ve basically used up all of my iron I I’ve got about three sacks of iron blocks left so I think an iron farm is going to be on the list for next

Episode but the good news is this thing is working and it is absolutely pumping out the wool in fact I’ve had to add these temporary Stacks in here for now just to actually collect everything but not only that I’ve also been sorting it into shulkers so as you can see we’ve

Just got absolutely loads of the stuff coming through what I need to do now is sort out a proper sorting system and I think we’re going to use shulker loaders and kind of I don’t know maybe integrate this into the some kind of shop down the

Bottom here I did mention we were going to make a clothes shop of some kind I still think that’s the best call but we should probably have a wall at the back here where everything gets stored and it’s looking like I’m gonna need to go back to storage to get some more

Resources so we can actually make these shulker loaders I just don’t have what I need anymore so I decided not to go and show colodas in the end because I think a wall of Chess is actually gonna look better at the back of the shop here and

As you can see I’ve kind of prepped the area ready to do the interior we’ve got our lovely ultimate there on the ceiling I should fix that but we’ve got these tubes so you can see all the wool coming down and you can see how what happened

If the farm is just because there’s always stuff falling it’s lovely but even though the Farms up and running we’ve still got a lot of work to do on this building however I need a break from this area I’ve been over here for about three days now and I need a bit of

A switch up so what we’re going to do is actually make a start on this map art and the first thing to do for that is to find somewhere to build it and I think we’re going to do it on a nice open ocean somewhere maybe we should have a

Look around and if I remember correctly if we go over to our village here and then fly directly east we should hit a nice large patch of ocean which should be plenty of space to make a map while at the same time being fairly out of the

Way of the rest of our world okay I think we’ve made it to the ocean I want to use there’s plenty of space here so hopefully we should be able to find a patch in the middle here where it’s just ocean and that will enable us to

Actually make our map area so we’ve got 100 Ocean map perfect so what we want to do is go find the edge and now we’re right in the corner let’s stick on our chunk borders and we can see where the edge of the map is right here so let’s

Get some blocks down so here we’re just outside the map and if we put some blocks down here this should show up inside the map look at that perfect so what I want to do now is go all around the outside side of these chunks like this it’s actually an eight chunk by

Eight chunk area for a basic map so this is gonna be a big old Square As the outline done it’s quite a big area isn’t it but this should be absolutely perfect for our needs and what I need to do now is give ourselves a platform to work on and I think the easiest way for me to do that is to utilize lava because we can pour that

And that’s just going to turn everything beneath it to Stone however it’s quite slow so we’ve got lots and lots of buckets of lava It turns out doing it like this takes for absolutely ever so what we’re actually going to do is uh place it manually I think we’ve got lots and lots of stone anyway so we might as well use it because yeah this is uh very very slow Thank you Oh my days that took absolutely forever but look we have a big gray map which means we’ve actually got a canvas we can work on now so I guess we should go grab some wool and hopefully we’ll have enough wool to actually do what we need

To do in here my clicking finger hurts Foreign Oh my words two hours later and I think I’m actually done these things take forever but look at that beautiful and if we have a look at the actual map itself look at that we’ve got a floating bit here as well let’s get rid of that

Spot let’s go take a look at the actual map yes that is amazing that’s gonna look so cool on our construction site that’s that’s very cool I love that awesome problem is I do want to have more than one different type of sign and that means we need to make another one

Of these or potentially reuse the one we’ve got here hmm maybe just reusing this is a good idea can’t we lock the map somehow is that is that something we need a cartography table for let’s go and investigate so if we grab ourselves one

Of these and I think is it a pane of glass I think we need to mix with it let’s have a look so I think we need these and let’s try putting these in the table is that what locks it it is look at that and now we have a locked map

Which means if we change it back at the other area it shouldn’t change this one and I think I want to quickly duplicate this as well but I need to do that on a crafting table and the question is if I duplicate them well these ones also be

Locked yes they are it says locked on the uh ID tag brilliant so I think we should take this back with us and let’s head back over there and make a few changes to the map and just see if it changes it should be locked it says it’s

Locked so I imagine it’s going to work just fine well I’ve just washed away a small part of the map and it doesn’t seem to have changed anything or updated which means the lock has definitely worked so onwards let’s make our second map shall we Thank you foreign Ly I may have got a little bit carried away there but it turns out map out is really fun but it’s also incredibly time consuming it’s now Thursday afternoon I’ve spent almost two days doing these I don’t they look beautiful look at these this is amazing so basically we’re going

To be able to use these all over our construction site and maybe even elsewhere throughout the city as we go along but I absolutely love these things and I think it’s about time we go hang some of these up don’t you right it’s finally time this is what the last few

Days have been building up to slapping some signs down on our construction site it’s been almost 200 in-game days to actually build this wall farm and to do the maps over the last four or five days of my life so hopefully this works and looks really good but we’ll see right

Enough chat let’s get this down I think the first one should probably go here and in fact we should probably have a couple here we want to have let me see construction traffic yep definitely wants to go that way and of course we want this one here they’re not all the

Ways access oh that looks so-called already and let’s put one of those on this side as well so one of those oh I love this already this is so cool and I guess we probably want to make sure people are wearing hard hats in this

Area as well so I’m just going to run around and put signs where I think they’re going to be appropriate for example I think having something on the edge here would be quite good as well got to keep safety helmets on around the uh crane it is dangerous after all

That’s definitely going to save you from that and I think I’m done we’ve got a few signs up and around and they make so much difference look at all these little road signs and the entrance signs as well they work so cool I really really like them especially just stuck on the

Side of the skip here as well oh it was definitely worth the time and effort I think but I’ve tried not to go too overboard despite how much I do like them I’ve just got them in a few places where I think it makes sense like

There’s one here by the sort of digger over this side as well for example and we’ve also got a couple on the outsides for example here just so when you’re looking at the building site there’s some stuff to see on the side as well and of course I’ve got the diversions in

And the road closed signs over this side so we still need to sort out the storefront over here and complete the rest of the building but I think I’m gonna save that for the next episode I’m knackered see you on the next one bye now last episode we spent a ridiculous

Amount of time cramming 256 sheep into tiny one by one cubes so we can Farm them for their wool and all of this was so we can create some giant map out to really bring some life to our construction sites and to be honest I think it really worked I absolutely love

This area one thing I don’t love however is this bit over here because it’s not finished we’ve still got a huge amount of work to do on the outside of the building and of course we need to sort out the interior down here as well so I

Do have a plan for this outside bit here and I think the first thing we’re going to do is just crack on and get that done because once this fits in hopefully that’s going to help me design the interior a little bit easier so to get

This done I’m gonna need a bunch of orange wool some N Rods and a bunch of smooth quartz and a little bit of glass for the windows just to get started that’s the glass in let’s create an entrance down here shall we I think just some stairs like that and maybe raised

Up and I think we’re going to sink this back a little bit further here as well so maybe let’s bring the entrance back a little bit here actually I think I might make this a little bit wider there we go something like that for the doors I

Think works quite nicely but let’s see if we can shape these windows a bit better shall we so maybe take out these bits here and get some leaves in down the front with a few of these signs I think that’s working okay at least for

Now we might switch that up in a little bit but I think we do want to get a splash of orange down here and to be honest I think I’m going to replace that gray bit there with some orange wool as well in fact let’s get this bit replaced

Now and get some color on the front here and we’ll stick some end rods in that first bit there as well well that is bright we’ll see how we get on with the orange but we might change that to some Acacia just because it’s a little bit

Duller but we’ll see it will get broken up once we get the shop name in of course but we’ll come back to that shortly for now I think I want to do some blinds so at the top here you can see we’ve got these blinds as if all the

Individual apartment owners have sort of lowered them to different levels and so on and I want to kind of carry that on down here as well however the color theme down here is a bit different we’re actually using orange we’re going to be using Acacia so I’m gonna see if we can

Do the same thing down here with these and hopefully that’ll look quite good in fact we might need to get some kind of a canopy over these windows as well all right I think that’s looking quite good and once we get some window displays in as well that’s really going to tie it

Together however I do need to sort out this separator line here that’s really bugging me and I think I’ve got an idea for that so we’re going to add some cool stairs along this bit here some slabs on top oh yes that works a treat marvelous

So now we need to add some lettering of some kind so what shall we do here love it I think that’s gonna work nicely okay so definitely nothing to do with uh any brand that may or may not be in existence this is completely unique and original however I think what I’m gonna

Do is actually move this door back a little bit because I think we can make a nicer entrance if we maybe made it just a tad bigger here yeah there we go that’s much better I much prefer that I think I may also want to separate out

The window display areas here so we can give them sort of their own backgrounds their own little themes in the windows I think that could work quite nicely however I think that means I’m going to go get myself a little bit more cyan terracotta because I’m basically out of

The stuff now but yes I think self-contained window boxes like that instead of just looking directly into the shop is going to work a bit better for us and look a little bit more fancy which is kind of what we’re going for here I guess yep I think blocking off

Those windows was definitely the right cool that looks really good and when we get some window displays in there as well that’s really going to bring it to life however we still have a whole bunch of things we want to do on the outside here we need to get some flowers and

Foliage and stuff in the front of these and of course we need to finish off the front here as well I think we need some lighting out here well I am being incredibly indecisive I’ve tried a bunch of different things here to see what works and I think in terms of actually

Holding things on I think the uh Acacia here that’s what it’s called I think the acacia fences work better than the levers because the leaders are kind of clashing with the top of the canopies there I don’t think the end rods here particularly work they just I don’t know

They just don’t feel right for me so I don’t think I’m gonna go with that and hanging pots do I like these or do I like these I’m not entirely sure I think I think I might go with these pots here just because the pot color there is

Still kind of In theme with the acacia but doesn’t clash with the bottom bushes like this one here does so well I guess I’ve talked myself into a decision there haven’t I so let’s get rid of this and these other ones we’re not going to be

Using I think what we’ll do is we’ll put the flower pot ones in between the windows and then we’ll have lights on the outside ones I think that’s going to work best for us I think I might actually raise these middle ones here up a little bit higher as well oh yes that

Really works I really do like that okay cool so the next thing I want to do is actually sort out the path out the front here I know we still of course need to do the windows and all the bits in there which we will get to but this path here

Just feels a little bit too thin so I think what I’m going to do is maybe put a little bit of a kink in the road there and just bring this path out another couple of blocks I’ve got the road reshaped I think that gives us much more space on the path here which is obviously a lot nicer and I’ve put in a few little details I’ve started adding in some straight lamps I think this is the kind of style we’re

Going to use in this area and the best thing is they do actually have a daylight sensor on top there so they will actually come on at night as well so I think for now we’re pretty much done on the ground floor of the building here as well we will get some vehicles

On this road soon too but we won’t worry about that just now for now I think I don’t actually want to sort out the rest of the building because yes we’ve only sorted out the ground floor here and that means I need well I need some glass

To fill in that hole there for a start but what I also need to do is get some foliage I need a selection of flowers and bushes and leaves and things like that that I can apply to the outside of this building and the good news is 1.20

Is now out and I have just updated my world and you’ll be pleased to know we have a lovely cherry awesome biome not too far from art Village you know that random Village that was built and had absolutely zero purpose whatsoever well now this Village’s purpose is to act as

The gateway to the Cherry Blossom biome look at this this thing is absolutely massive the best thing is we get to take lots and lots of the flowers and things we get to use the leaves and of course we get to use the wood but look at the

Size of this thing it’s massive it has a really nice Coastline here too hmm anyway we’re not here to get distracted we’re just here to steal some wood and some saplings and some of these pretty pretty flowers on the floor we’ve got some leaves some saplings and a bunch of

The floor flowers so let’s see what else we can get I believe there’s actually a flower biome over this way somewhere there’s a bit of a meadow here actually let’s grab a few of these I’ve now got a huge selection of plants and foliage items that I can use in these window

Boxes but I’m gonna make sure I don’t go too crazy I don’t want to put something on every space I don’t want them to look too overcrowded so let’s just scatter some about and hopefully we can get the balance right to make this look good but

Not like a flower shop in its own right I’m thinking about it something else I might do is quickly grab myself a little bit of clay and make some plant pots and maybe even some of those new ones that have been added in 120 because I think

They could look quite cool on some of the windowsills up there I think to make these big clay pots we do oh look it’s right there it is just that okay fantastic so should we get a few of those they oh they don’t stack that’s awkward

Let’s take a couple for now and see how they look because it might look rubbish anyway so I think if we do that and then stick a plant pot on top we can then stick something in it uh what should we go with let’s go with the cherry blossom

So there’s a bit of a problem in the the flower pots rendering but the big pots don’t so I guess we won’t be using those on there that’s a shame so for now we’ll just stick with the occasional small flower pot that’s not a problem there we

Go I don’t think it needs much more than that and if we just quickly jump into free cam and have a look yeah I think that works nicely and what we’ll do while we’re here is actually just put in a few Flowers and Things in these little

Flower beds there we go just like that adds a little bit of color out the front here as well and I think that means we’re done on the front at least for that note we’ve got a hole in the window there we go that’s better the

Window is fixed so as I was about to say I think we’re actually done out the front here now for the front of the building but we still need to work out the sides I potentially want to put in some more windows on this side here as

Well and we do have one major problem in that we can’t actually get upstairs at the moment there’s not actually a way to get up there either through this floor here or even a little hidden bit out the back but I think what I might do if we

Punch a hole somewhere around here what I think we might do is actually make a doorway on this corner and have that so it sort of goes up into the farm above because we should be able to sneak around I think you know maybe if we put

A Stairway that sort of spirals up then at least we can get up there possibly even putting a little Corridor around the side but either way we need to get up there one way or another and I think this is going to be the best way to do

It that does mean I need to move all this stuff first because this is just in the way I’ve now solved the access to upstairs problem we’ve just got a small doorway here and this will give us access to the back of the Sorting areas

There and if we go up here it will give us access to the top level of the Sorting areas so this is just for access to the back of the farm however what I’ve also done is sorted out access via the front so you can actually get up to

The top where the actual sheep live I guess so I’ve changed the entrance here slightly we’re just going to have a small display window there and I’ve blocked off these walls on the back and this bit here is actually going to be where we can throw the shears to

Actually refill the farm but what I’ve done is I’ve added in some stairs around here and if we walk around here still needs a bit of decoration but you can see what we’re going for I guess we’ve got kind of a couple of little display areas there but this gives us access to

The top area and I’ve also cut out a load of Windows on the side of the building so if we fly away and have a look at that you can see it just gives a little bit more detail in this area here and that brings me on to our next task I

Do actually need to get the rest of the outside of the building finished so that’s pretty much just getting these windows in and of course sorting the roof area and maybe even getting one or two air conditioning units on the outside of the building here too Foreign Short while later on the exterior of the building is complete I’ve left this wall blank of course because it will be having a neighbor at some point so it’s pointless putting any detail on there however on the roof and on this side I’ve kept it light I just wanted to add

A little bit but not too much however there’s a big old space there so we might add a billboard or something in future but for now I think what we need to do is actually start sorting out the interior here this is supposed to be a clothes shop currently it just looks

Like a warehouse foreign idea here of something I want to try out for this clothes shop and I have no idea if it’s going to work or not however these things here kind of look a little bit like drawers and I think I want to take advantage of that so let’s get some

Of these on the front here I’m gonna have to think of something to do for lighting in here as well I haven’t actually solved that one yet and then we’ll just fill in this back bit here with some Oak planks for now actually I’ve got a better idea I think I know

How I can sneak some lighting in here so if we maybe grab those and I’m gonna need some kind of Lights thankfully we have all the shroom lights over here so let’s just grab a bunch of these and I think it is if we stick a whole load of

These down the back here in fact I’m actually going to lower them down a block and then that way I can just use trapdoors at the back here okay perfect that’s well lit up now look at that beautiful so what I’m hoping I can do I

Don’t know if this is going to work but I want to make something that looks a little bit like sort of clothes racks so we want some stuff hanging up let’s grab some banners here I’ve got some already prepped but hopefully if we just sort of

Stack these on top of each other like that and kind of create a wall along here that should look quite good maybe potentially let’s get this ball finished and see what it looks like well I think it’s a good start but we’ve got a long way to go before this looks anything

Like a closed shop so I think the next thing I want to do is maybe work out some sort of central table type things that we can maybe put some armor stands on potentially have sort of frames with some clothes in or something like that I

Don’t know let’s have a look so this is the stand design I decided to go with we’ve got beehives on the bottom just with some frames and some Banners To indicate the kind of color that this stand is all about and of course an armor stand in the middle and we do have

A light underneath that trapdoor too but as usual I also got a bit carried away and I’ve completed the rest of the store as well but it’s just a combination of these stands here and the ones we did at the start the last thing I actually need

To do is put in the bubble Vader here for the shears and maybe get a little bit more leather to fill up the rest of these frames and some of these armor stands that just don’t have bits on them we’ve also sorted out the window display

Here although once again I still need a little bit more leather and I’ve had a little play around with the window displays out the front and although they look cool I think we can actually make them look a little bit cooler because well this is 120 after all and yes I’ve

Had to turn off my invisible armor pack as well which is a shame because I I don’t like being seen with armor but for this stall to work really kind of can’t have that pack on can we but we have updated this world and that means we can

Make really fancy armors as well if we get ourselves some armor Trims and from what I understand there’s 16 or so different armor Trims and you can get them from lots and lots of different places in the world and we’re gonna go for a search and just grab some of the

Easier ones for now I think eventually of course we do want to get them all but for now I just want a couple to mix up some of this storefront because I think that’s going to be the finishing touch it needs but to be honest I think it’s

Looking pretty good already so before we embark on our search we’re just gonna head back to storage and grab a few bits and Bobs we’re probably going to need and one of those things is the archeology brush which I have no idea how to make a stick a piece of copper

And a feather should be easy enough and there we go one archeology brush and we’re gonna stick on braking on that as well because that just seems like a good idea now we have a glowing brush marvelous I’m also going to need a bed maybe a few shulkers who knows in fact

We’ll just store them in the ender chest and we’ll take this with us make sure we’ve got a good stock of rockets and we’ll also take some obsidian and a flint and still because it has occurred to me if we have a look at our map we

Have loaded in a huge area of this world and we’re gonna have to go outside this area if we actually want to find some of this stuff so I think what I might do is just fly a thousand blocks or so in the nether create a new portal and hope for

The best but at least that way we’ll be in fresh new chunks right let’s see what we get oh don’t listen to Spruce Forest okay oh look at that right next to a Pillager Tower amazing uh let’s quickly go to bed first so this could well be a

Fruitful start for us I believe the one we can get from here is Sentry let’s have a little look shall we hopefully we get one straight off the bat that would be nice won’t it oh no oh no we do we do look at that oh

We actually got two of them I can’t believe that literally first box random ports that’s amazing doesn’t seem to be any pillagers around it oh no there they are they’re all down there hey fellas yeah sorry I’ve already stolen your loot thank you so I think what we want to be

Looking for are shipwrecks and there seems to be one there in the ice so let’s have a look over there and no we do have a treasure map though okay so Captain’s cabin I think would be over this way in fact um and I don’t think we’ve got one no we

Seem to be missing the back of the boat here so no joy on that one oh well onwards here’s another shipwreck let’s have a look in here nope and another treasure map but no trim right so for the easy ones we want to be searching for deserts and jungles

I believe and the Shipwreck of course because the coastal tied one whatever it is that should be fairly easy as well oh hello this place is worth exploring as well I believe is there any suspicious gravel this looks suspicious is that is that a piece of coal that is

Not what we’re after oh looks like we’ve got a shirt oh and another one that was fairly successful we managed to get six shirts all together from that little Temple although I swear now I know that suspicious gravel exists every single piece of gravel looks suspicious let’s

Check out this shipwreck or survey says nope ah I’ll take the diamond decided we’re gonna stop digging those because we’re just getting shirts from them and you can’t actually get armor Trims and that’s what we’re after at the moment so let’s focus on finding some trail ruins

Or something else we need we need we need a desert that would be nice oh look a cherry blossom thank you Thank you [Applause] [Applause] well we’ve finally made it back to our clothes shop that was quite the journey but we have managed to get that is the wrong box there we go but we have managed to get lots and lots of shelves which wasn’t even what we were going for but I just

Couldn’t help myself that archeology thing very addictive but we’ve also managed to get a bunch of these armor trims which I believe we can duplicate if we mix diamonds and certain other blocks with them we did also manage to get two sniffer eggs as well but we’ll

Save those for a future episode for now let’s head back to main storage I guess and see if we can duplicate some of these up and actually make some fancy armor sets I think I have everything we’re going to need in order to duplicate these templates so for each

One what we actually need is a number of diamonds and then a block of one type or another depending on what the actual template is and I think I have everything that we’re going to need so first thing I want to do is actually make sure I have at least five of every

Single one of these templates so for example the shaper armor trim here takes a terracotta and seven diamonds and then we’ll get an additional one and as I said we do actually want quite a few of these so let’s make sure we’ve got a

Bunch there we go so we now have nine of each template and what I want to do is make sure I can keep one of these off to the side so I don’t use it and that means we can make two sets of each of the other armors and that’s what all

This lovely leather is for and now we move on to this box let’s choose some colors shall we I think that’s a nice selection of colors to be starting with so now to do some trims and for that we’re going to need all these things as well because we’re going to want to

Experiment with all the different colors so these items here are all of the different variations of things you can use to add a trim to the armor apart from netherite because I’m not netherite rich so we won’t be doing that let’s try coasts let’s go with this one and I

Think it gives us a preview doesn’t it okay so that’s copper that’s purple okay so it seems to be this sort of thin band that’s going around the side let’s maybe try with the top first this might look a bit better oh I quite like the gold I

Think the gold and the blue looks good yeah let’s go with this first set of armor is the blue Coast armor let’s have a look oh that actually looks well cool I really like that let’s make more foreign Left but that’s not enough to make that many more sets so I think I’m gonna stop there and that’s probably more than enough for our displays anyway and these are looking amazing they’re really gonna add to the store and in particular I really like this color combo I think

That works really well and strangely enough the other blue one as well with the diamond oh that just looks lovely let’s go get these in some window displays shall we well I have to say that was definitely worth the effort look at these windows now they look so

Cool these are amazing although what this does tell me is that I need to get some more because we don’t quite have enough to fill all of the windows but it just oh it brings so much life to it I love it I also want to do some of

Those in here as well and it’d be good to get some around the rest of the shop but as I say the problem is I don’t really have that many diamonds uh I suppose at least I do have the armor now because of all the stuff I’ve just taken

Down but yeah I I need a lot more diamonds in order to duplicate more armor trims so I guess that’s gonna have to wait till next episode but I hope you have enjoyed it and I’ll see you on the next one bye bye now I’m in love with this shop

Last episode was all about clothes color and completing our first skyscraper with style when we focused our energies on finishing up the wool farm and the shop downstairs which you folks seem to love just as much as I do so thanks for all the lovely comments let’s just not talk

About the lack of a cashier right now I do have plans to add something in but for reasons that will become clear in a few weeks I need to wait oh don’t you love a good mystery this episode is all about cars camels and kiss ing the third thing starting to see

That’s relevant okay we have done a whole lot of building lately even between episodes I made another road sign look so today I want to slow things down a bit and take some time to explore the new updates I mean we’ll likely still do some building too after all I

Do have plans I I just can’t help myself I’ve spent a whole bunch of time in Creative coming up with some ideas for vehicles and motorbikes and mini buses and all sorts and we’re going to get a couple of those into the city today but

First we have a job to do because last episode we found these our first sniffer eggs and I’m gonna get these guys hatched so we can start breeding them but it’s gonna be a really slow process eventually I do want to make a farm for all the torch flower seeds and those

Sorts of things but we need to get that thing started and for that we’re gonna need lots more sniffers than two and that means we need to do some breeding first with that being said the amount of time these things take mean we should probably actually build this over here

Under the city and I say under the city because if we look under this platform here look at this we have a little bit of a mob farm but we have lots and lots of space where we can hide a little sniffer farm and I think this should

Work just fine as long as we clear out all the unfriendly locals first let’s quickly do that so something like that should do for our wonderful wonderful sniffers and now we want the eggs so these things take 20 minutes to hatch however if you actually put them on Moss then I believe they

Hatch a lot quicker I think maybe 10 minutes so what we’re gonna do is put down a bunch of moss here I mean I know we’ve only got two eggs for now but hopefully we’ll have more soon and by soon I mean in a matter of hours these

Things are so slow and I believe we just do that look at the sparkle Sparkle oh isn’t that wonderful so that’s the sniffer side sorted now I guess we need to figure out a collection system of sorts so my thinking is something like this should work if we bring a couple of

Alleys down here and we give one each of the two different seeds I think there’s like torch flowers and and the other one I can’t remember what the other one is to be honest but if we give those seeds to the LA’s they should come over here

And drop off this and I’m hoping that they’ll still do it even if we’ve muted it um I think that still works I just need one more thing hello G your time has come and we’ll bring a friend to let’s get these two to their new home they’ve

Both arrived safely and now we just need to wait for the sniffers to hatch and it looks like they’ve started cracking already I think I’m just going to stand here and watch them for a bit Oh my days look at them cute and they’ve got cute little floppy ears oh these things are amazing although I’m not sure if the baby ones actually dig for things but they seem to be sniffing I guess we’re just gonna stand here and watch these for a little while now

I don’t know if you ever watch paint dry but that’s a bit what this is like only cuter He’s done it he’s done it we’ve just got our first seed what did we get we got a picture pod so if we give this to this guy oh there’s already one there as well so now in theory you should go drop that off over here and and then we’re gonna get collected

Oh look at that amazing stuff so I don’t know how often these things actually dig up seeds but we need to keep an eye out because we also need a torch flower and as soon as we get a torch flower we can give it to this guy and then once we get

To torture I don’t think do they do they eat the pods do they breed if they ate the pods I don’t know we’ll try that once we’ve got a couple but I do know that they definitely breed if we give them torch flower seeds and that’s what

We need at the moment so I guess we’re still gonna be standing here for a bit longer foreign again hopefully we can get some no no it’s the same thing again I just need some Palisades please for one of you although I guess if we’ve got two of

These now does that mean we can see if they actually eat these and if that makes them breed let’s give it a go no they don’t I don’t think so dang it come on come on come on really are you kidding me they’re just trolling me now

No another another one of those really really right it’s not new now buddy get your head out of the wall you need to get to work gone it better be torch flower come on Torch flower I hate my life Oh my days I think he’s actually done it finally have some torch flour there you go buddy you are now employed as well oh God that feels so good however now we need at least another two of those so we can get our first egg we are gonna be

Here a long long time we now have our two torch flower seeds and we actually have eight of the pitcher pods so well I guess these are definitely a lot rarer but this does mean we can do do this and this and that should give us another egg

And there it is okay so let’s go plant this one and then at least that’ll give us a 50 increase in well not torch flower production it’s probably just be more of those pods doesn’t it well it’s taken a while but we’ve suddenly made a good start look at all

These sniffers so I think we have about 12 or 13 in here they’ve been producing seeds for a couple of hours I left it all AFK whilst I went out with the wife and then came back and got them to produce some eggs for us which has been

Absolutely wonderful in fact I think it might be time to try and get a few more because as I say this isn’t where we want the final Farm to be we do want to make sure we’re moving it somewhere a bit more useful but at least for now

This is a great way to get the eggs up and running we are going to keep an eye on this while we make progress our next project we’ll pop down here every now and then just to feed them some torch flower seeds but they do take a while to

Build up they are definitely less common than the other pods that’s certainly a good start before we go exploring however I think I do want to get a couple of vehicles added in here so that means I need to go grab the bits and Bobs I need first I think I’ve got

Everything I need to make a start on these vehicles and I do want to put the first one down right outside the superfly shop so left or right side left or right side well we’re in the UK so obviously the left side right I’m know this is going to upset some people so

The first thing I want to do is to build a motorbike and I’ve got a design I came up with in Creative which I think works quite well so we’ll just do this get rid of that bit and the key to this design is this bit here which is the hopper

Mine cart not a hopper Minecart a furnace minecart on a powered Rail and if I nudge that down just a tiny bit um maybe up a little bit more but you can match this into the right position then it works quite well yeah I think about there looks good although it has

Just occurred to me I need to put the handlebars on first so let’s get those in place and we need to make sure they’re actually facing the right way there we go so where’s the furnace Minecart we’ll put that in here trapdoor on top of that one and another trap door

On top of there and then we’ll just put a little minecart on the back here so it’s got like a little storage box type thing on the back of the bike and look at that I think that works really well the only question is do I put do I put

Things like this on the wheels as well to add a bit more or do we prefer it without that hmm I’m not entirely sure I think I might put them on for now but let me know in the comments what you think does it look better with or without these but

The design is as simple as that and it gives us a nice little motorbike and hopefully if we go a little bit further away yeah that works a treat for the next one we’re going to do something a little bit different we’re gonna stick a

Car in and I think we’re gonna have it going in this direction and we don’t want it to be blocking too much of this so maybe maybe around here somewhere or leave three blocks in the middle and that’s the size we’re going for so we’re going to stick in a bunch of behind

Trapdoors and on the off chance you couldn’t tell by my inventory this is going to be made of Mangrove wood so let’s just get this blocked out we’ll stick a loom at the front to act as some kind of a grill and we’ll stick a furnace in there because that will help

With the interior a little bit and I think I’m going to swap out a couple of these bits here as well just to make the car look a little bit old and you know me I’ll have to texture everything and then some stairs at the back here with a

Little bit of glass in front just like that and then let’s take some slabs on the top a couple of trap doors in the front there and let’s stick some of these on the side as well with some little side windows I’ve got to get the headlights in looking good and we’ll

Have a little number plate as well and same on this side and let’s get some back lights in as well did I bring the redstone blocks I did well I think I’m actually going to swap out that block there for a slab because that should make the number plate look like it’s

Attached a little bit better yeah much better and we’ll do the same at the front here which probably write something on these shouldn’t we and we can’t forget the side mirrors let’s get those on a couple of signs just to make the door areas look different

I think we’re going to keep it simple and just use buttons on the wheels on this one so it looks pretty big up close but then well this is Minecraft we’re kind of limited let’s have a look see what it looks like from a distance and

Hopefully it works with the scale of the rest of the city yeah that’s gonna look fine isn’t it yeah I definitely think we can get away with that size wise I think that works well which tells me the only thing out of scale here is not the city it’s

Actually me I think I want to put in one more vehicle today on this side we won’t deal with this side just yet we’ll wait until we actually know what’s sort of going on around here because this is quite likely to change I think this is

Where we’re going to put the mini bus it’s a little bit bigger than the car it’s a bit wider as well of course but then it’s a bus not a car so that’s to be expected and once again I think I’m just going to use the iron trap doors

Here as a base because they do work well and then we’ll just build up the sides here in fact we’ll put a different thing at the back there I think and if we use some stairs here like that we’ll get some lovely Little Wheel arches a couple

Of blast furnaces in front there and similar at the back but I just want that sort of metallic panel and I think that works really well and then we’ll get the number plate in do we do we want to do it sort of double wide it probably does look a bit better

Doesn’t it in fact on this side I don’t think we can do the wheel arch in the same way because we do of course need to have an entrance of some sort so if we put the entrance here and then build up the sides then we’ll

Get the glass in the front like this we’ll put a stair in there and then we’ll go along and I think the windows are going to be too wide on this one actually the front one’s going to be three and this one here is going to be

Two and we’ll leave a window space at the back of the bus as well and get the rest of this built up I think those windows can all be too although I’ll tell you what they do actually need to be a little bit higher so let’s raise

That up and same on this side and then we’ll swap out a couple of these blocks just for some normal chords instead of smooth gotta mix it up a little bit we’ll get some glass in we might as well quickly sort out the back lights while we’re here as well there we

Go lots of lights for the bus stick these ones on the front and a license plate stick a door in and then we’re going to use slabs for the roof around here although being a smelly bus it’s gonna need some ventilation so we’re actually going to put in a little bit of a

Different roof on that side there and same across here with a couple more blast furnaces there we go so we’ll quickly get the rest of this roof finished in stick a destination sign at the top and we’re almost there but there’s one thing this is missing it is a bus after all so

What it needs is a whole bunch of adverts just like that plastered down the side of the bus same on the back and on this side just trying to get a little bit of variation here there we go then we need some finishing touches such as Wing mirrors and it could probably do

With an interior but this is something I didn’t actually work out in Creative so I guess we’re going to be winging this so being a bus it’ll probably have quite garage seats wouldn’t it maybe these Mangrove stairs would work well yep that’s suitably awful and I think

With that our minibus May well be done and once again scale wise I think that works well if you compare it with the machinery and things like that there’s a little mini bus that should be about right and with that I think that’ll do for vehicles for today we will hopefully

Be adding lots more throughout the city as we go I’ve got lots more designs already sorted out but for now I really want to go and do some adventuring as I say 120 is out we’ve got lots of exploring to do and if I’m honest I

Haven’t seen a camel yet and at the start of the episode I did promise you camels we’ve got a clear inventory a bunch of rockets some slightly damaged elytra so let’s quickly get those fixed and then let’s go on a mission and see if we can’t find ourselves a camel there

We go wings are looking healthier let’s go so while we look for a desert we need to go find some chunks we’ve not loaded before and I think this direction is going to work quite well for us let’s head south and while we search for a desert let’s talk about all things 120

Because yes we’re gonna go find a camel but that’s not all this journey is about because there’s also loads of armor trims there’s Pottery shirts there’s all the new bamboo blocks there’s cherry blossom stuff as well as chiseled bookshelves jukebox mob heads and of course these things which I’ve got

Absolutely no interest in whatsoever right now and what I want to do over the next hour or so is try and find as many of these things as possible in fact this might help yes this notion Monument that has an armor Trim in it I think let’s

Have a quick peek shall we although it appears I forgot to bring my TNT with me so let’s quickly head back and grab that shall we yunk well I have no idea where the ocean Monument went I cannot find it for the life of me so we’re just gonna

Keep exploring and hope we can find a desert but at least if we do come across another ocean Monument we’re prepared I guess I think that’s quite possibly the smallest Cherry biome I’ve ever seen But the sun’s going down on the first day and we haven’t found a single thing yet

There’s no sign of a desert I cannot find any more Ocean Monuments it’s just not gonna be our day is it and now we’re creeper I just want to sleep leave me alone I was a poor effort beard Stone poor effort well there’s a Pillager Tower here although we already have the ward

Armor trim but there’s no harm in having another Peak oh another horn will take that even though it’s so 119. oh and another Tower some bottles of enchanting which to be honest I might need for my wings at this rate let’s console our failures so far with a little bit of

Archeology we still need at least one of the pottery shirts from here and who knows maybe we’ll get lucky oh there we go is this the one we need though well we got two shirts out of that and we do have our shirt box and that’s a new one

That one is not so that was I think in fact the last one we were missing from those little underwater temples and we’ve already got all the war motion ones as well so we don’t need to worry about those things anymore but I’d really love to find a desert well

They’re in the jungle temple here we already have the armor trims from this area but there’s no harm in grabbing a few more I guess if they’re available which they most certainly are oh and two more beautiful but sadly that makes no difference to our overall collection of

Smithing templates but maybe a sneaky desert would come on look this is a jungle there’s got to be a desert nearby surely plus I’ve used up half me wings so far well no deserts but we found another ocean Monument so let’s quickly go over here we’ve got some potions to

Take that should make this much easier although we do need to take our armor off so we’ll just drink these grab some TNT and get this done hopefully we’ll get our armor templates from here so we’re gonna blast our way in nice and easily let’s just surround this with a

Bit of slime and stick one of them on top there he is our first victim oh did we get it doesn’t look like we did sad times so let’s try this side nope still no joy from that fella let’s try the last one foreign times it’s not our day today well I guess

There’s nothing for us to do but to continue to try and find this dang camel I mean we need a desert first it’s really not my day today so let’s just do a quick Montage of the rest of my failures I guess Hold the Montage this is something we need we’ve not actually raided a mansion yet at all and there is an armor Trim in there we could potentially get our hands on I guess we’re switching this from a failure Montage to a mansion raid let’s see how we get on all right let’s do

This thank you um we haven’t even seen an enemy yet and and we’ve just found of X armor trim I guess we can get on with the real Mission then we’ll come back and clear this another day another one for the collection though excellent let’s get back to the Montage of failure Oh we’ve got it amazing Oh it’s a camel finally we found a camel oh this has taken so long oh look at him sitting down as well oh he is amazing these little fluffy is oh I need to take him home with me although we’re about 7 000 blocks out so not sure that’s gonna

Happen but let’s give him a little ride for now easy does it oh how cool is this oh he’s got his little bum wiggle as well and his little Tails going oh this is so cool they’re not bad for Speed either oh yeah and they don’t jump they

Do like a dash don’t they oh this is very cool I really want to take him home but it’s so far and I haven’t brought portal stuff with me there’s no way this Cube fan is not going to end up back at my base one way or another but the

Coordinates noted and we’ll be back for you but while we’re in the desert area I want to have a fly around see if there is much more desert because we’re still missing a few Pottery shards we can get from a at the Wells and we’re still missing actually another one from the

Pyramids as well well that probably wasn’t the most successful Scavenging trip ever but we did manage to to get ourselves a couple of new armor trims which we’re going to be testing out in a moment in fact we managed to get 10 of the June ones in the end which is crazy

And we’ve done pretty well on our Pottery Shard collection as well we’ve got all the desert temple ones we’ve got all the warm and cold ocean ones we’ve got one out of the two well ones we just need all the trail ruins but I had absolutely no joy locating another one

Of them that was really hard to find and I have no idea what I’ve done with the shards from the one we actually excavated in a previous episode I’ve no idea where they’ve gone first things first though we did locate a camel but we’ve left them in the middle of the

Wilderness so I think we’re gonna go get him and we need to give him a name as well at some point so if you’ve got any ideas of what we should call the camel to let me know in the comments and we’ll get that named up next episode but I

Think I’m gonna be taking with me a little bit of this one of these and in fact maybe I should heal up my wings first otherwise this is not gonna go well I’ve decided for now I’m going to keep the camel over here in the church just because it’s somewhere safe and I know that he can get out of this portal I think I need to make a bigger portal somewhere if I’m gonna move him and

Ideally I would like to put him in the city well we haven’t really got anywhere to put him for now nope don’t go back through that don’t nope none of that right yep let’s uh let’s maybe block this off just so the camel can’t get back through so now he’s safe there’s

One last thing to do and that is go make up these new armor trims get them added to the clothes shop and of course check on our sniffers well they’re all looking pretty good I particularly like this June one here that looks very very fancy

The Vex ones look okay I guess but yeah the June one very cool these need to be on display in Superfly Yep they’re looking very cool job well done I’d say and I’m pleased to say we’ve got a reasonable amount of sniffer eggs and torch flower seeds as well so we should

Be able to make a proper Farm soon and while I remember one more thing we can do is of course that certain mob heads we can now put on top of note blocks and then they do that when you tap them which is very very cool and very very

Loud don’t panic I did make some chiseled bookshelves too see I didn’t forget last episode we brought up a bunch of the cutest new mobs in Minecraft just look at these fellas and this is all in preparation for a proper sniffer farm at some time in the future

And look at this we have 38 sliffer eggs so far so we’re doing well on that front but we won’t be playing with the sniffers today because what I want to do is extend this block here and we do actually want to get another building on

The side and that means we need to do a little bit of landscaping before we can get started but not only that I want to build the building out of primarily granites and we’re also going to be using quartz but the problem is I have a surprisingly small amount of granite and

I’m probably going to need about 10 boxes and well that’s just clearly not going to cut it now it is possible to craft Granite but the problem with that is you need loads and loads of nether courts which is something else I don’t have loads of and well I suppose I’ve

Got a bunch of dye right and that means I guess we’re starting off the day with a bit of a montage we’ll do some Landscaping we’ll collect some granites and then we’re gonna have a wonderful time building a new building which is going to house a bamboo file because of

Course 120 has brought bamboo blocks with it I think it’s only fair that we have the ability to craft them not that we have anywhere to store them yet but we’ll solve that another day for now I’m gonna grab a bunch of pickaxes my beacon and I should probably actually go and

Get some iron to build a bacon base with and we’re gonna head to the mines in our starting Island and see if we can find ourselves some granite foreign Just over an hour and a whole lot of pickaxe durability later we’ve actually got a bunch of granite we have just over six boxes here that last one’s only about half full and I don’t know if that’s going to be enough but I’m hoping it will I think I might also take this

Polished stuff as well this is probably going to come in handy but that’s not all we need we also need a bunch of Courts and to be honest I don’t know how much we’ve got um not not enough yeah that’s probably not enough but we can solve that with

Some villager trading not a problem let’s just buy a bunch more and I guess we can fix our pickaxes up as well while we’re here but we got everything mended and we’ve got a whole bunch of Courts as well so I’d say that was a success however we still need some jungle wood

And we don’t really have much here which means I guess we’re gonna go use our tree farm for a bit more than enough jungle wood for today but the next thing is to clear some space for building because we need to extend this road which means I probably

Should have actually brought some deep slate and Samantha site with me so I guess we’re gonna have to go get some of that and then we’re going to Mark out the plot for this build and then from there I guess we’re gonna try and work everything else out I’ve really planned

This one much beyond the color palette Well I reckon this could work what I intend on doing is actually having the building stick out further than the one that’s here and it’s going to be sat on pillars we’ve still got a nice wide path it’s going to kind of overhang at the

Top here with a lovely quartz bit at the bottom which I think is going to be some kind of a calf I don’t really know yet and I have no idea what to do with this side of it yet either but we’ll probably put another shop of some kind in for now

What I think I want to do is just try and get this building in I’ve got an idea of how I want it to look let’s see if we can pull it off Thank you well would you look at that monstrosity I think this is going to work I really do like the shape of the building I think the palette works well and just the subtle details on the windows but most importantly we have this lovely area down the bottom here which I think

Is going to work very well for a calf we’ll probably have a pedestrianized bits out here and that means we can have some tables and seating in that out the front as well but anyway enough about that we’ll get to this bit later for now

What I want to do is get a flooring you may notice we’re actually missing the back wall there and that’s partly because I realized we didn’t really need it but mostly because I knew I was going to run out of granite but before we go any further with the structure of the

Building itself I think what I want to do is just get a floor in at this level here and start working out the bamboo farm and for that I’m Gonna Keep it fairly basic we’re just going to use observers and pistons and a little bit

Of mud and some Hoppers and it should be fairly straightforward but the problem with that is I don’t think I have exactly what I need which means we’re heading back to storage to do some more Scavenging so we can pull together although before we do that we’re

Actually going to go over to our world spawn because obviously we’ve moved away from our starter Island we’re suffering for iron quite a little bit so what I did was I went over to World spawn and I did build an iron farm and my hope is that has actually been running for the

Last episode or so of recording and that should hopefully mean we’ve got loads of iron well I can see a Golem burning so that’s a good sign well we’ve got a good few chests of iron and some poppies as well so that shouldn’t be too bad let’s

Just quickly stick these in for the bone meal but if we quickly get all this turned into blocks hopefully it’s going to be enough for today’s project well that should be more than enough iron but I have just used my last rocket so let’s hope we can glide our way home and then

We need to head off to storage we need to collect all the other bits and Bobs and I guess I’ll see you back over at the city once we’ve got everything together all right turns out I do still have a bunch of rockets in my hot bar

After all didn’t even notice I think I have everything I need for a very simple but incredibly large bamboo Farm but first we need a platform to build it on so let’s get this flooring up the top here oh geez if I can learn to fly and I

Think we’re just gonna go for a simple jungle wood plank floor for now there we go we have a massive platform going to be working on and I think we’re just going to start building up these Farms they should be fairly straightforward to do I’m just deciding which way I want

Them to face I think I’m gonna do them lengthways like this and let’s just crack on and get these done as I say they’re fairly straightforward Farms the first thing we need to do is just put in a whole line of Hoppers and then we’re

Going to use mud on top of those because as we know from our fungus Farm Hoppers can pick up stuff that lands on mud blocks and it means we don’t have to worry about Minecart Hoppers and those sorts of things and if we put a roadblocks along there and do the same

Thing on the other side I’ve made a right mess of this there we go something like that and then we just stick a whole bunch of pistons on this side and once again same on the other and we need a block for the Redstone to sit on so what

I think I’m going to do is just use the white wool here although that’s going to be quite bright on the outside hmm yeah I think I’m going to use the Terracotta instead just so it Blends in a bit better we don’t want this thing sticking

Out like a sore thumb after all and then we just need observers pointing inwards with redstone on the back and that is pretty much the farm like I said very basic I would however prefer it if all the the bamboo didn’t Escape when it got broken however so what we’re gonna do is

Actually encase all this a little bit in fact if we utilize a bit of glass we might even be able to make this look nice and then we’re just going to dump a bunch of lights on top so that the bamboo can grow nice and quickly let’s

Tidy up the front of this bit a little bit as well although there’s not really much we can do I suppose we can do a little bit maybe some jungle stairs in front of the chest for now I haven’t quite figured out what we’re going to do

For storage for now we’ll just collect it in individual chests but we do of course need to link all that together as well but we’ll wait until we’ve got all the farms in first and in fact I should probably plant some bamboo otherwise this thing isn’t going to produce

Anything beautiful first module is done and it’s already well wow this thing’s great it’s already firing look at that beautiful so once these have started growing properly we will of course get a little bit of loss just because bamboo will land on the stalks that are already

There but with the amount we’re going to be getting I don’t think a little loss is going to bother us too much in fact I think I’m actually going to change the outside of this I think green might look a bit nicer so now we’ve got one module

In what we can actually do is share the same strip of redstone that we’ve actually got here and we can put another one directly on the back at least that’s my plan I’m sure it’ll work out fine when I was getting a bit dark isn’t it I

Should probably go to bed and now I’m well rested let’s get a whole bunch more of these modules in time lapse we’ve made some really good progress but I appear to have run out of pistons and that means I’m also going to run out of everything else because I kind of made

The same amount of everything um yeah we need a bunch more but we do have an entire floor now of bamboo farms they are kicking out the bamboo look at this marvelous and I do want to do this floor as well and then we need to figure

Out the storage and I think it’s safe to say we’re going to be needing shulker loaders for this one once it’s done we’ll never have to use real wood for chest and Hoppers again we can just use bamboo instead well that’s quite enough of that whistling dude and I think we’re just

About done here we’ve got eight of these modules set up now we have four on this floor and of course four on the floor below and then we’ve got loads and loads of space above which to be honest I don’t really have any plans for us we

Might have to come up with something at some point just so it doesn’t look weird when you look in the windows but now these farms are in we can focus on the ground floor we do of course still need to sort out the storage we have eight individual double chests at the moment

But as you can see they’re going to be filling up fairly quickly so we definitely are going to need a lot more storage which we will put down here and then we also need to design the floor down here which as I say I think is

Going to be a calf of some kind we’re going to try and utilize some of the bamboo blocks we may even use some of the new chiseled bookshelves as well I don’t really know I haven’t done a single bit of planning for this and we’re just going to wing it and see what

We can come up with but I think the very first thing I need to do is try and get a floor in here and actually see what we’re working with and some better walls to hide all the granite will be good too in fact before we go and do I’m gonna

Quickly grab a whole bunch of bamboo I’m going to make up some of the blocks and see what we can do to actually integrate some of these into the build because I have absolutely no idea what these look like really so we can get blocks of bamboo marvelous we can get bamboo

Planks and then all the usual things that you’d expect bamboo raft as well let’s have a look at the doors and trap doors oh and it looks like we have bamboo Mosaic as well which is made from slabs right okay well it looks like we’ve got quite the selection of bamboo

Blocks here actually there’s like a stripped version of the sort of main block I guess and then you’ve got the normal planks you’ve got these Mosaic ones and I really actually quite like the fence posts as well it’s the simple things and of course we have chiseled bookshelves which have a very cool

Pattern on these sort of the back sides the top and everything so yeah let’s have a little play around and see what we can do in here to make use of some of these I think we might be on to something here I’m not 100 sold yet but

I’m liking the combination so we’ve actually got green terracotta at the back here I wanted to have a completely different section for kind of where the storage is we might make it look a little bit like a sort of a book Nook I guess for the calf and yeah most of that

Space behind the wall there is probably going to be for the shulker loaders and I’ve used a combination of green concrete the greenish bamboo blocks as well as some of the fences and posts and things just to kind of try and create some interest on this back wall because

This is where the main count is going to be as you can probably tell from what I’ve done on the floor here so here I’ve just used mainly Oak and some of the new bookshelves just to kind of line the main walkway and then we’re gonna have

Seating in these areas over here and we’re probably gonna have to bust a door out the back here as well at some point I’ve also made use of some of the bamboo hanging signs here they actually create like a solid barrier and I think to be

They look quite nice and with the small hint of green in they’re a nice tie in between the Oak and the bamboo green blocks here but now I’ve got to figure out the rest of the interior Foreign quite nicely although we do still need to sort out the back but we’ll get to that in a minute so what I’ve done here is I’ve just used the scaffolding as the tables I’ve tried to bring the bamboo theme into the actual Cafe itself and of

Course using things like the plant pots and there will be some sea pickles I just haven’t gone to got any yet just little things like that on the table bring it to life I’ve also got my little sandwich cabinet here I want to go bake

A cake and stick that on the edge here and these sort of crisp bins I guess so you know where you grab the bags of Chris from when you’re picking up your meal deal look at this it’s all in here and I particularly like the roof as well

I’ve just used some dog Oak fence and I’ve mixed up the lights a little bit and outside we’ve also got the Alfresco area as well and it’s under a bit of shelter because I’m assuming this is in the UK and it’s probably going to be raining so that’s going to be helpful

But now it’s time to sort out the storage before we can do the top level here and for that we’re going to put in a shulker loader and I think our best bet if I can get the uh janky stairs there our best bet is probably to put a

Shulker loader under here so I’m in this corner this side then we can just feed everything down into it the question is can I remember how to build a shulker loader so I think this is where we’re gonna have the collection chests for the shulkers which means we’re gonna need to

Feed everything into here and this is gonna be the starting point for our shulker loader let’s see if we can remember how to do this so I think we do something like that with a comparator and we’ll stick a thing there in fact that’s not gonna work we need a little

Bit more space so let’s move this back by a block there we go because then we’ve got the two bits of redstone dust there and if I remember correctly we need observers in next so we do an observer like that we do an observer like that temporary block there because

That’s where the shulkers are going to be and that’s where we’re going to load up the shulkers so this is looking right so far but here comes the bit that I always get wrong so we need a combination of like droppers and dispensers and all sorts around this bit

I think it’s a dispenser that way then a dropper that way and then we’ll stick a hopper on the back this is where we’re gonna load in the empty shulker boxes in fact we’ll pull that back by another one because we need to put a sticky piston

There I think that’s in the right place then we have another Observer there and in fact I’ve done this all a little bit wrong again let me quickly just move these we don’t need these like this at all it was actually right the first time around I just used the wrong blocks so

If we do that that and put the hopper back in and then we’ll put the comparator on the hopper I think that’s how it’s supposed to be and then once again we’ll put the dispenser there put the dropper there hopper in the back of that sticky piston on top of that Hopper

And then we put another Observer looking into that one and I think I think that’s the whole thing I think we’ll do a quick test though we’ve got plenty of shulkers out here so that shouldn’t be a problem I’m gonna put the almost full shulker box in there

And I’m gonna put an empty one in there as if it had come through the feed pipe then when I put this one down this one should break straight away then this one should load up with what’s in there once it’s full it should break and then we

Should end up with an empty one if it all goes to plan but well we’ll see no it’s already broken because I’ve forgotten to put my redstone torch on classic beardy we’ve also forgotten to replace the Observer here so that was just never gonna work really was it

Let’s be honest so let’s get that in let’s stick our redstone torch on the side of that and we’ll try that test again hopefully it’ll work this time oh wait a minute I just quickly reset this first because I’ve just added the torch Oh my days right now it should work this

Time let’s give it another test I put the full one in first I got broken straight away now that one should be getting filled up with the stuff from there that seems to be the case excellent signs are looking good so far and there we go just as that emptied it

Broke we’ve got the fresh one there and the full one has gone into there perfect so this thing’s gonna work an absolute treat we just need to link it up to everything else and of course we need to make it look good an hour or so later

And we are finished and this place is looking awesome I love how it’s come out I’ve even managed to get the cakes in look but at the back here I’ve had great success hiding things away we’ve got like a little sort of reading Library type Nook we’ve got some paintings

Hanging up we’ve even got flower pots but most importantly all of our bamboo comes into these two chests and as you can see it’s working a treat we’ve already got five shulker boxes of bamboo just in the hour or so I’ve been standing here doing this and if we go

Upstairs I’ve not really done anything up here apart from put somewhere where we can actually load some shulkers and well a whole bunch of shulkers of course we can just make the chests out of the bamboo that comes out of this so it should be fairly easy to keep restocking

I just need to sort out the rest of this bit I’ve got a little bit of tidying to do on the upstairs above that downstairs that’s looking amazing it actually really pleased with how it’s come out and in particular I do actually like these living walls we’ve got the the

Side here I think that’s what they’re called so you know got all the foliage in there as well I’ve tried to bring the bamboo feel kind of down here and the outside in so to speak sound like a proper interior designer but I also brought the inside out with this deck

Here which I think works really well and on this wall here I’ve just got some air conditioning units some kind of industrially bits going on and this wall I’ve just not done anything with because let’s be honest we’re gonna be sticking out of the building here so there’s no

Need and with that there’s just one thing left to do and it’s not over here last episode we got ourselves a camel and I asked you all for names of what we should call him and there were lots and lots of suggestions for Humphrey there were quite a few suggestions for Carl as

Well for some reason and some of the suggestions I shall not be repeating on a family-friendly Channel You Know Who You Are the one name that did stand and out was Larry long legs what an amazing name and that actually came from Mrs B I swear

It’s not favoritism it was just the best name but I’m not gonna call a camel with one hump Humphrey doesn’t make sense but don’t you panic there’s still a whole Army of sniffers we’re gonna be naming later on I hope you have enjoyed today’s episode and I’ll see you on the next one

Bye-bye now my hardcore world is fast approaching 4 000 days old and in that time we’ve built small we’ve built big and we’ve even built small but big and today we take on our single biggest build yet and it’s gonna be a monster but before we get to any of that however

Last episode I asked for suggestions of what to name our brand new bamboo themed calf or Cafe as some of you wanted to point out in the comments and we’ve had some very interesting suggestions but one in particular I liked especially as it tied in with the pun approach of the

Real businesses we seem to be taking is star blocks which was suggested by kaput which hopefully I’ve said correctly another suggestion I did actually really like was the hard block Cafe which I think just fits really well but we’ll probably put that somewhere else in the

City I also did a quick Google and managed to find these which I think work really well they look a little bit like these the whole box banners so I think we’ll get a few of those up and around the area in fact I think they work a bit

Better down the bottom there and they work particularly well here on the outdoor dining bit that’s very cool and we’ll get one in behind the counter here as well look at that beautiful in fact let’s raise that up by block and I think we can say the cap is finally done now

Star blocks is open for business although it has no staff yet but once again I do have a plan for that I’m just still waiting for something but when it gets here it’s going to be wonderful so on to the task at hand we need a massive

Massive plot for this build and I think I’ve selected one if we quickly land here what we’re gonna do is build in this area here and that does mean we’re actually going to be cutting out a chunk of the river I do want to put in some

Kind of a canal or something instead of having a river just because the scale of the city I think the river is just going to take up a little bit too much in the form that it is so we will be covering up the majority of this River we might

Leave this Bay here but all of this here will be going for now though we just need to sort out this area here which means I’ve got a lot of landscaping to do I need to bring the ground up level with path and well we’re just gonna need

A massive area for this our best crack on really and stop talking time lapse time Well we don’t need quite this much space for today’s build I may have got a little bit carried away trying to blend it in over this way but I haven’t blended it in in this direction whatsoever because we need to actually get a rodent across the front here we’re

Going to have the entrance to the building around here somewhere as well so my next step is basically to Mark out where the building’s going to go and try and connect it up to the main road as usual though I didn’t bring the beep slate or the Anderson with me so back

Home we go foreign We’ve got the roads in we’ve got the plot all laid out and this should work an absolute treat and I know it looks like a very weird shape but I promise you it will all make sense by the end of the episode but not only have we created

All of this up here we’ve also created a mob farm even scar would be proud of down here in fact if I turn on the gamma we can see just how bad the situation is there is stuff everywhere so I’m gonna need to get some torches down there but

That’s not the only problem we have because well the problems with doing a massive build like this is they take a massive amount of resources a massive amount of resources I don’t really have now the core of the build is going to be made of white concrete and over the last

Couple of weeks I have actually been collecting some sand and things like that but we still don’t really have anywhere near enough and I still need to convert it all to actual concrete most of it’s still in powdered form at the moment so we’ve got about six shulkers

Of white concrete that we need to get converted but that’s just the start of our problems we also need a whole bunch of lime terracotta we’re going to need about a box of spruce which means we’re gonna need to farm over there and dig up more of the Mesa but the biggest problem

Is tinted glass I need a lot of tinted glass and I I don’t just mean a little bit I mean a lot and I have been digging up my geodes over the last few weeks we’ve managed to collect a bunch of amethyst but once again it’s still

Nowhere near enough and just when you thought that was the end of my problems there’s one more and that’s actually to do with the location I’ve chosen here because if we jump into free cam and have a little zoom out look at the color of the grass here we’ve got such a mix

Of grass I wanted to have some nice Lush Gardens in here and what do we got we got half Savannah we’ve got half River we’ve got a bit more Savannah over there and I don’t even know what that is but it’s looking a bit like camouflage down

There at the moment so what we’re going to need to do is probably just get a whole bunch of moss and actually just use moss and probably some green concrete and stuff like that as well and get some grass in here in our own way so I’m gonna need even more salmon gravel

For that as well we really have got our work cut out for us so much so that I’m not even gonna deal with the underground mob farm we have down here at the moment we’ll come back and sort that out later for now we need to go gather some

Resources for like a week so this is the list of all the things that we need and I think I have a plan so what we’re going to do is we’re going to blow up the desert we’re gonna get sand we’re gonna steal some terracotta on the way

Then we’re gonna return home and dig up the geodes both under my starter Island and the ones we know of under our main storage we’ll then convert the white concrete above the geode so that they can grow again and then we can Harvest them once more we’ll then go to the city

Light up the mob farm to get health and safety off our backs and then we’ll dig up some nearby geodes while they regrow will harvest azalea leaves on the surface and collect Spruce Wood from the tree farm well likely didn’t realize we still need a buttload more sand and of

Course geodes for amethyst shards so we can make more tinted glass to apply more of the desert we’re hang around some geodes until we have everything we need and at some point we’ll probably remember we need to get some Moss from the Moss farm at least that one’s simple

And I’m happy to report the plan I came up with this morning worked although it is now 7pm and this has literally taken me all day because we really did have to get a whole lot of amethyst shards we’ve used a good couple of boxes but we’ve

Ended up with a little bit more than this but there should hopefully be enough for this build we’ve also got a buttload of white concrete we’ve got all the leafy bits that we’re going to need we’ve got the flowery leaves as well we’ve got some lime terracotta we’ve got

Spruce so yeah I think we’ve got everything we’re going to need but before we actually get started on the building I really want to sort out these Gardens so I do have some green concrete powder and some Moss blocks and I want to try something out and that is to see

If we can put stripes in the sort of lawn out here I guess the garden so I’m just going to do a couple of sections and we’ll see how that looks and see if we’re actually going to carry that on throughout the whole thing but it looks

Pretty good from up here but I wonder maybe we should try Moss carpets instead so let’s just slap down a bunch of these yep I think that’s the one I think that’s what we’re gonna go with we can finally get rid of this horrible Brown Savannah grass that we’ve been dealing with ugh

Thank you Well that’s looking so much better already the grass really does make a difference when it’s like this although it appears I’ve missed a little bit of the carpet here so we best get that put in but this definitely looks a lot better than the weird brownie horrible

Savannah grass we had before but I still feel like it needs a little bit more of an edge so I’m wondering can we try maybe using some leaves although those leaves okay that’s going to bring the horrible nasty brownness back that’s why we got azalea leaves in the first place

Beardy so let’s try that again with these because these ones hold their color that’s exactly what we want okay I’m just gonna sort of wrap this section here see how it looks and we might well run with this I really like that I think that’s going to work very well it’s

Going to separate the grass bits from the path and it’s going to give us a little bit more leeway when we’re actually walking on here I think it’s going to work better from this side walking alongside this definitely feels a lot better than walking alongside this

Okay looking good so what I actually did in the end was I just focused on the outer border I decided it actually looks a little bit better when it’s like that as opposed to it covers every single little bit of the edging and yeah I think that works really well but enough

Procrastinating I think it’s time we make a start on the actual building at least it’s gonna look a bit nicer around here as we do so geez Right Where Do We Begin so as you can probably gather I do have a bit of a plan for this I’ve been messing around

In Creative which is sort of where we’ve come up with the shape and how this is going to work but that doesn’t mean it’s going to be easy because I I’m not 100 happy with what I’ve got in Creative but it’s definitely a good starting point so I

Think what I’m going to do is kind of focus on this bottom level first so that’s going to be the entrance the bits out the front I guess kind of the thing that’s going to make it all look a little bit fancy and then we’ll see if

We can work out the bits going around the outside so let’s start placing a few blocks and see how we get on wish me luck so let’s start by Framing out the doorway we’re gonna have a nice big grand entrance in here and it’s going to

Be set back a little bit as well so maybe let’s come back a few blocks I reckon that’s a good size for a big old grand entrance and we want to get a bit of color into the front of this building as well and that’s where the lime

Terracotta is going to come in we have a big old strip of this running up the building yep that should work nicely however it has occurred to me I also actually need a bit of iron for this build and I didn’t bring any over here

With me so I think we’re gonna go check out our spawn iron farm again and see what we can black well I gotta say having this farm at spawn has been an absolute godsend in it works so well oh I love it you never have to worry about

Iron again I should probably put in a filter for these poppies though right that’s the iron sorted back to work so the reason I wanted the iron is actually to break up these columns here because these are going to be rising up the whole front of the building here and

Just to give it a little bit of a break every now and then I think these iron trap doors are going to work quite nicely yeah that should work so I also need to get some stairs into the front of this building of course so that should be fairly straightforwards and now we’re

Going to sort out these side bits here so I’m gonna do something a little bit different let me get some more concrete that would be helpful and what I want to do is put in like an angled living wall I guess on the front of this build

Because I think that’s going to really help and overall I do want this whole build to look very like green and bright and Airy and that means there’s going to be lots and lots of leaves and flowers and things like that so how are we gonna

Do this maybe just up at an angle like this is going to be our Best Bets so I think that’s right but I might actually go a couple of blocks taller and let’s bring up the rest of this middle bit here as well just we’ve got a better

Reference points yeah that’s a better height much better so let’s just get this back a bit here filled in looking good okay now let’s try and get the living wool part of this in so we’re going to do similar to what we did in the calf we’re gonna do a checkerboard

Of fences and fence gates something like that which looks a little bit messy at the moment I’ll be perfectly honest but now we’re going to punch out load of bits we’re going to get lots of leaves in here so let’s grab our ax and well basically we’re just going to mix this

Up a little bit and make it look like a nice big green wall of foliage so we’ll just punch out some random patches to begin with get the occasional flowering Azalea in as well and then what we’ll do in some places as well we’ll just stick

It directly on the front of the fences just to give it a bit more depth and hopefully once we’ve done this whole wall that’s going to work quite nicely something a little bit like that and I actually really like that I think that’s going to work well however we now need

To mirror this on this side and I want to pull up the rest of the central bit see if we can get that Blended in a bit better as well yep I think that’s really going to work quite well especially once we get the rest of the building in

Around it because there’s going to be a lot more white and other sort of bits and Bobs going on around here that will essentially make this not be the entire building which it currently is to be honest I’ve also sorted out the windows they’re going to be generally quite

Bushy there’s gonna be lots going on on and I’ve had to do something a bit weird with the glass here because I wanted to get some depth to it but at the same time I did want to make sure that it was dark on the inside of this building no

Apparent reason so what I’ve actually done is I do have the tinted glass behind and then I’ve just used light gray glass in front and well that gives us a lovely sort of 3d effect but still lets the tinted glass do its thing but now we’re figuring out the entrance way

We’ve got a lot more to be getting on with so I think I’m going to work out the rest of the shape down the bottom here as I say it’s going to be a little bit weird this building it kind of has layers I’ve got a bad feeling about this

But let’s see if we can’t work out the next few little bits and I’m gonna try and get this kind of bottom level in and hopefully from there you can see where we’re going with this building Thank you well I only had to rebuild one wall at the back there but I think I’ve got the first spiral in but now what we want to do is actually get the next one in so what we’re going to do is go back in a few blocks we’re going to start another

Spiral which is going to go up to a point and that’s going to Loop all the way up we’re actually going to have sort of a green grassy sort of area once again I’m gonna have to use Moss because we are in a Savannah and then this is

Going to have leaves and things as well and it’s going to kind of carry the gardens all the way up and round to the top of the building at least that’s the plan so let’s see if we can work out where this next spiral needs to go this could be difficult oh Foreign spiral is in and the building’s rarely starting to take shape once we get all the leaves and things on this bit that wraps all the way around you’ll notice we’ve also got the moss in now but once we get all the leaves on that that’s

Really gonna give it a nice pop of color and it’s going to break up all of the whiteness but I think that’s looking very cool so far but I guess the next thing we need to do is work out the hardest bit so this is going to be the

Central tower I guess there won’t be another Spiral but we do need to sort of finish off this one so there’s gonna be a bit more Moss here there’s gonna be more leaves more gardens going up and round but we need to get a cylinder in

The middle so let’s see if we can work that out although I really should fix my wings first this is not going to end well otherwise especially if I haven’t got my totem Thank you And I think I have finally placed my last leaf look at that thing I absolutely love it but I am tired it has been a very long day in fact this is the third day that I’ve been working on this episode and this is the result of all

That work and to be honest I think it looks awesome and if we jump into free cam we can have a proper look at it as well see how it fits into the city as it currently stands of course there’s gonna be other skyscrapers behind it so it’s

Going to fit in nicely I’ll just look at that thing what a monster it’s looking a little bit more plain round the back however so I might end up putting some windows in these bits here or I don’t know maybe we could put like entrance to an underground car park or something

Around the back that could be quite cool and of course we need to sort out the interior because we’ve got so much space in here and there is of course a purpose for me building this I didn’t just build a giant building for fun although to be

Honest it was quite a lot of fun as well but I assure you it does have a purpose but we’re gonna have to discover that on the next episode I’m afraid if you’ve made it this far and you have enjoyed the episode please do consider subscribing and I’ll see you on the next

One bye now way back at the start of this season we built this which may look like a Tavern with a hot air balloon but it’s actually a tiny mob farm and an AFK platform and this thing has served us well I don’t think it’s about time for

An upgrade I mean don’t get me wrong it works but it’s just four small platforms and a bunch of spiders that often get stuck I’ll just crawl back out of the hole you’re supposed to die down there fella so you see the problem it’s just not great and an inefficient mob farm

Means it takes a lot longer to get the resources you need and well I’ve been selling a lot of the zombie flesh for emeralds and I’ve also been of course using the gunpowder for Rocket so yeah we definitely need this and the bones come in very handy as well but I don’t

Want to be standing AFK at mob Farms all my life so instead what we’re going to do is build a giant mob farm just the one and one that once I have carry out for half an hour or so I probably won’t need to AFK again for months so what

We’re going to do of course is to build a mob farm and most of you did of course guess that’s what this was for but then you know I used tinted glass on all the windows so of course it’s going to be a mob farm but for that we’ve got a lot of

Work to do one thing I didn’t consider was that when I was lighting up the grass outside the the lights have obviously come on on the inside as well so the first thing we need to do is to get all this covered up to make it

Perfectly dark in here we need to jam a mob farm in the top and of course we need to build a collection system and the entrance Lobby to this wonderful building and then we’ve got the gardens we’ve got to build some kind of an AFK platform and black blah blah but the

Main problem is we’ve only got about nine hours to do this today so let’s see how far we can get thankfully there’ll be a lot less resource gathering this time around because it’s all fairly basic stuff but I still do need a few things so let’s head to storage and grab

What we need so we’ll grab a box of stone and a box of Cobble and a box of andesite oh oh maybe not okay maybe we’ll just go grab some andesite problem solved this will be no wrong box there we go problem solved that’ll be more than enough uh we also need some

Mossy Cobble we’ll take some of that we need some coats but as usual we don’t really have enough so I guess we’re gonna go see our villagers again and this is why I need the zombie flesh it all gets converted into quartz or Redstone Sports has been acquired and

We’re gonna need a bunch of redstone components and some campfires a little bit of glass a bunch of moss and some bone blocks I think that should be just about it tell a lie we also need some white concrete obviously more white concrete but considering we had seven

Boxes this is all we’ve got left hopefully it’ll be enough though oh and sea lanterns we need to see lanterns too jeez we’ll get there eventually I promise third time’s the charm let’s head back to the big city shall we and we’ve finally made it back so let’s make

A start on this thing I think the first thing I want to do is not cover up those lights I think we’ll do that when we actually build the mob farm but I want to start at the bottom and work my way up I have an idea in my head of what I

Want to do down here it’s fairly simple and if we look at the building it’s clearly some kind of Mega Corporation building right I mean it’s this is clearly clearly some high-tech company or something like that so we’re probably gonna get a sign on the lawn mate maybe

Maybe some of those big white signs I don’t know but for the downstairs we want to carry on with this hole bringing the outside in theme that we’ve got going on here lots of foliage and we’re gonna have lots of green areas in here we might even have a statue in the

Middle here if I can actually pull it off and then we’ll have some storage hidden around the back and probably just a big reception desk in the middle I don’t think it needs more than that and I haven’t made a decision on the ceiling yet I am tempted just to actually use

Some more of the tinted glass and have it so you can look up into the mob farm but I don’t know I guess we’ll see how the bottom turns out first I think the first thing I want to do is actually my out the size of this room so how are we

Gonna do this I think my best it’s just to start placing blocks and we kind of want to mirror what we’ve got going on up there I guess Circle wise so let’s see if we can get that onto the floor so this circle should now mirror roughly

What we’ve got going on up there and it leaves a space in the walls to put the storage and so on so let’s see I guess we should probably just build these walls up a little bit before we go any further as expected I didn’t have enough

White concrete to get all the way up to where I need to which means we need to go get some more white concrete I was hoping to avoid resource Gathering as much as possible today after last episode but well when you need something you need something so off we go it

Should be fairly straightforward though because thankfully we still have a bunch of sand left over from last episode we just need a whole lot of gravel so I’m gonna head out here to our sign making district and hopefully we can find a nice little bit of the ocean we can rip

Up because there are basically no Gravelly mountains on this world I swear this looks like a nice spot let’s steal all the gravel now let’s get all this converted to White concrete powder and hopefully two boxes will be enough to finish off what we need although now I

Need to go convert all this and for that we’re going to use our handy little concrete converter although this thing could probably do with an upgrade we’re going to need something much bigger in future I think maybe we’ll have to utilize some TNT today I don’t know

After converting seven boxes of it this thing’s driving me mad Foreign so that is all of the concrete converted so let’s go get the rest of this interior wall up the interior wall is done although it’s a little dark there we go look now you can see the whole thing and there’s nowhere for the mobs to spawn which is the most important

Thing but now we need to get the floor in and start working out the rest of this and we didn’t even use all of our concrete look at that so I think to start with on the floor what we’re going to do is a checker pattern of quartz

Slabs and smooth cut slabs which should give us a nice subtle effect if we have a little look on top there yeah I think that’s going to work nicely and I’m also going to wall off a section because we kind of want to have some raised flower

Beds on the side as I say we are kind of bringing nature inside in this building so something like that maybe and I guess that’s going to save me having to do all of the floor which is great because I don’t want to use up that much quartz if

I’m honest I think at this point I might actually lower it down a little bit I think it’d be quite nice to sort of sink down maybe we’ll see how that looks we’re gonna have another raised bit here because as I say we didn’t want to put a

Statue in and I think this is going to be the place for it so let’s see if we can build a small Circle here I think something like that should do the trick and what I want to do for the lighting is I’m going to line the edges here with

Some sea lanterns I think that’s going to give us plenty of lighting in here and then we’re going to stick some carpet on that and I think I might just do the carpet in Gray or something let’s go grab some from Superfly still love this place I wonder how it’s doing is it

Filled up yet do I need to upgrade storage or is it all dirt oh my okay it’s quite full but hopefully the shares are breaking by now but there should be plenty enough wall for this world let’s go get some of this uh did I

Even pick up the right one I think I picked up light gray I think I want to use normal gray instead of light gray maybe let’s take a little bit of both and see how we get on so that’s the normal gray and that’s the light gray hmm

Oh it’s a tough one actually I think I’m gonna go with the light gray for now because we’re gonna have quite a lot of green up here as well oh I really don’t know I might just leave it half and half an hour we’ll decide that later yep I

Think I’m definitely gonna go with the light gray on looking at it all this one’s just a little bit too overpowering with the normal gray but I think that’s quite a nice shape to be working with so next up let’s get some moss in shall we we can’t use grass obviously because

Well Savannah monkey looking grass we don’t need that and it’s a bit dark over here so I think what we’ll do is hide a few sea lanterns under some carpets we want to keep the whole room nice and bright down here after all and then

We’ll do the same on this side and we’re gonna fill in the Statue base as well because I think the statue is actually also going to sit on grass although apparently I didn’t actually bring enough Moss with me classic I’m only like six bits short there we go that

Should be enough and perfect and I guess while I’ve got the bone Mill we could probably sort out this bit so I don’t want to do anything too fancy around here I’m thinking maybe just like a couple of couple of little indoor trees I think the azaleas are going to work

Well because well they’re just nice looking trees aren’t they there’s a lot of grass coming out here geez but I reckon if we get a few of these trees up this could actually work out quite nicely well it’s looking pretty good but I think this one here might be a little

Bit too big I don’t like the way it’s reaching over this side here so let’s remove this one that’s better we’ve got a much clearer view to the center now and I’ve actually done the same on this side as well so we’ve got a few trees on

Both sides and I think maybe if we add in a few flowers and things like that this could look quite nice and that will give it a little bit more color but we don’t have any flowers with us right now so we’ll have to come back to that next

Up I think what I want to do is actually get a block color on this back wall here and build our statue I think for our block color we want to get a bit of brightness in there so well we’ll try the lime green we might end up using

Normal green though let’s take a little bit of that as well way too much rubbish in my inventory these days so the question is bright green or normal green and I do think the bright green might end up being a little bit too bright so maybe we should just use the dark green

Which actually Blends in quite nicely with that as well or an even better idea maybe we should use lime terracotta because that’s what we’ve got on the outside of the build as well and it kind of ties it in a bit better although I don’t have any with me right now so

Let’s go grab some I’ve got the lime wall in I brought back a bit of spruce as well because I think that helps to break it up a little bit although it is very dark at the top here and I’m just adding a couple of other Spruce pillars

Around just to break up the whiteness of these walls a little bit I’m putting carpet on top of course so things can’t spawn for now well those beams seem to do the job they definitely helped break it up a little bit now I need to figure

Out the actual statue that I want to put here so because this is going to be a mob farm I think we should definitely represent that inside and potentially outside in the gardens as well but we’ll get to that later and what I want to do

Is stick in a statue and I’m wondering if we can possibly squeeze in a creeper stature of some kind here so I’ve got a bunch of stone let’s see if we can block something out and then maybe we can mix up some textures on it a little bit

Later but the main thing with creepers is the feet so something like this maybe maybe we can push it back a block so creepers have four feet like that and then I guess we can just sort of build up the body here question is how high up

Do we go how’s that going to look I’d say that’s about right maybe even a block Too Tall so let’s start getting the head on this thing so if we bring this out I’m just gonna block out a cube for now for the head we can put all the

Detailing bits on after but his head may be a little bit too big but I think that’s just comical enough to work now let’s try and get a face on it so if we dig out some blocks here for a mouth let’s just make sure she can actually

Get some back blocks in there as well and how do we want to do this maybe maybe in fact if we take out all of these blocks we can use slabs to shape the mouth maybe something like that I think that’s about the right shape although I think I’m going to bring that

Down a block just so we’ve got a little bit more space for the eyes and things yeah that should work better eyes are simple enough just poke them out so let’s jump back and take a look oh he’s got a soul patch at the moment let’s go let’s get rid of that that’s

Not supposed to be there there we go so that is actually looking really good I actually really like that probably more than I should but I don’t like the fact that it’s all just solid Stone the question is do we use things like Mossy Cobble and Moss and a bit of andesite to

Break it up maybe make it look like a little bit more of an artifact or a relic or do we make it look like a shiny brand new Statue and use polished andesite and things like that I’m thinking maybe to keep in theme with the

Rest of this place maybe we should go a little bit more wild I mean I’m basically building a forest indoors at this point I might as well run with it so let’s get some bone Mill down around here oh oh is messed up his fate yeah we

Don’t we don’t want that I know we said we wanted to make him look a little bit more naturey but we don’t want him actually made of moss or do no we don’t no we definitely don’t we’ll get in the grass in there definitely solidifies my decision let’s get some Mossy Cobble

Let’s go to bed so as I was saying let’s get some Mossy Cobble and some Andy sight and see how we got Andy site is Anderson not Andy’s site it’s nothing to do with Andy I think that was definitely the right call that actually looks very

Very nice I like that but it’s a little bit dark up there and I’ve got an idea I don’t want to put sea lanterns in his eyes I think they’re going to be a little bit too bright but there is something else I think could be useful

And hopefully I could be able to get some around here somewhere let’s quickly make a bit of space in our inventory first though we are full up on stuff and things so let’s see if we can find any we need to find a ravine or something

Like that because we need a couple of magma blocks I think that’s what’s going to sort us out that looks like a ravine let’s have a look down there there we go perfect we just need a couple of these so let’s just punch these out out and replacing with some magma cubes and

Hopefully well I can already sense it that’s gonna look cool yep that was the one look at that oh that is so awesome I love it oh we’ve still got some work to do this doesn’t really look like a welcome lobby at the moment so what I’m

Thinking we might do is put in like a reception desk in this sort of area maybe a little bit of seating on either side and then it may look a little bit more like a company welcoming kind of that’s not very welcoming at all is it

It’s fine it’s a mob farm and now it’s a slightly more welcoming mob farm I’ve just put in a couple of little sofas using some mud brick stairs we’ve got some of these new pots and some Blossom things going on some little flowers and a very basic reception desk which is

Obviously gonna look a lot more alive once we get someone in here behind it but once again I’m still kind of waiting for something before we can populate this city I’ve also added a couple of cherry blossom trees onto the side just to give it a little bit more of a burst

Of color and of course the bonus is we do get these particle effects as well which is cool I like those however while working on this it did occur to me that his mouth looks just a tattoo smalls so I think we’re going to go up there and

See if we can make his mouth just about half a slab bigger that should be fairly easy if we take out that that and that and then put that one back up there that should just about do it yeah that looks much better much more creepery that’s

Definitely a word so I guess with the lobby pretty much done the besides maybe a little bit of lighting at the top there we now need to work on the mob farm and the first thing I need to do for that is some maths don’t we all just

Love maths I need to work out where the Kill Chamber is going to be how many blocks above the mob farm is going to start and then how many blocks above the building itself our AFK platform is going to be and we’re going to need to

Hide that that’s gonna be fun so this spot right here is the center of the entire building so we’re gonna start counting up from here and I think to make my life a little bit easier we’re going to turn the gamma on just so we can actually see what we’re doing in

Here and that’s going to make it much more interesting for you guys as well you don’t want to see me pottering around in the dark so this block here is going to be where they land and die they’re going to be landing on a whole bunch of fires I’m going to use Sea

Lanterns to break up where the key points are and I’m going to use planks to count up so we need to go up 24 blocks from here because we want to make sure they die when they fall so let’s make it 25 just to make sure and that

Goes right there so this is going to be where the big hole is that they all fall down and that’s going to leave us hopefully plenty of space for a mob farm up here so our first dispenser and our first floor is going to be here so we’ll

Just put in a little marker and then we’re going to try and squeeze in as many floors as we can so let’s I I mean do we want to do that with dispensers straight away no it’s fine we’ll just mark it out with this for now so we can

See how many floors we’re going to have so that’s floor two so it looks like we’re going to be able to get in 10 maybe 11 floors this is the 11th floor but I do also need to leave space for Redstone but in theory I think we can probably

Yeah that’s fine we can get 11 floors in and now here comes the maths part so I need to take the Y level of where they’re going to die which is here and what we want to make sure we’re doing is cutting out as much of the stuff around

Here as possible there’s a reason why this thing has a massive Garden out the front is to make sure there’s not going to be any other buildings intruding within our spawn sphere because we need to make sure we keep this bit loaded so that things can die and then all their

Bits and Bobs can be collected so that tells me I need to be at wide 225 or maybe we can drop that a couple of blocks lower so maybe y22 when we go outside which puts us about that high above the building and that’s where we

Need to have our AFK platform this is going to be interesting and just so we don’t accidentally capture a bit of a crane or anything within our spawn sphere I think what I want to do is maybe head off this way a few blocks I think we can probably get away with that

So this here I’ve decided is going to be our AFK platform and that should keep the farm loaded we can always sort of lower it down a few blocks if we need to but that should be about right we’ll use this for testing so now we’ve done the

Maths we can do the build so let’s jump back inside and start placing some blocks so the first thing I want to do is come up here and put in the catchment tray because we need to make sure that this thing is going to be big enough and

Is going to work so we want to get a five in the middle just there’s plenty of space for everything to fall down without the spiders clogging up the Machinery so I think I’ve got the water platform in I’m just going to put in the first spawn platform and make sure that

The water platform is actually big enough which hopefully it is because I’ve run out of space in my building and yeah it looks like we’re gonna have plenty of space not a problem right so I think I’m gonna get some water in on this bit next just to make sure that

That’s definitely going to work and all flow in the right direction then we’ll start building up the actual platforms now our next task is to get all of the floors in and they’re fairly straightforward they all have the same format we just need to make sure we get

Rid of these so we put a dispenser in the floor pointing upwards and an observer on the ceiling pointing downwards and that’s all we need all the way up with a gap in between and something else I’m going to do is grab a buttload of torches because I want to

Make sure I’m lighting this thing up as I go because although it looks light it’s it’s actually like this up here at the moment it’s basically pitch black so yeah I do need to make sure that I’m uh I’m lighting this up otherwise it’s going to start sporting mobs when we

Really don’t want them because then I’ll die we’ve made it to the top and we’ve got a little bit for our Redstone but I don’t want to put that in just yet because as I say I have built mob Farms before and I don’t want everything to

Fire and wash away my torches just yet we certainly don’t want anything spawning in here yet because we haven’t built the kill platform yet so let’s quickly get on that now and thankfully this is gonna be pretty simple so we’re just going to create a grid of Hoppers

And we’re going to make sure they’re all pointing into these three blocks here for reasons which will become clear shortly and by the way if you do want to build this Farm yourself it is a nembon farm I think I’ve built it pretty much exactly as he did I do highly recommend

Checking out his tutorials as I say it’s an absolutely fantastic Farm it will give you everything you need okay looking good that should kill all the things I don’t know not too concerned about actually collecting the drops properly right now I just want to make sure it’s working so we’re going to get

Some Redstone and make sure we can turn it on and off as well actually I think that’s going to be quite helpful so I think I’ve got the clock set up correctly and if I flick this lever that should make everything flush hopefully yep look at that it’s Flushing

And hopefully it should loop around and then it should pull all the buckets back in again yes look at that question is has it affected all of them oh yes that looks good excellent stuff right okay so let’s go to the FK platform and see if this thing’s actually gonna work although there’s

Probably horrible stuff up there at the moment I don’t think I put a torch on it gonna make sure I don’t get attacked by Phantoms while I’m up here as well so let’s have a little look inside the farm if it’s doing its thing well stuff is

Definitely spawning this is good oh lots of stuff now the question is do they go into the Kill Chamber or do they despawn before they get there no looks like they’re all getting in there oh hello I saw you you landed on the side okay

Does that mean that I need to maybe make this platform a little bit bigger I’m gonna watch it for a couple of minutes and just run this test and we’ll see how big we need to make it but look at all those mobs well I’ve watched about

Another 10 waves of mobs come down and nothing landed on the side apart from a spider who instantly died so I’m not too concerned about that I don’t think that’s going to be a problem and that means this Farm is now working so at that done time is running low for me to

Record and edit this episode I am edited up to this point at the moment and we don’t have long left so what I want to do is maybe get the storage system in I do like the fact that we can look up there and actually see it all working so

I think I am going to keep the roof open but I might put in a layer of glass for protection and also if we turn the lights out you can’t actually see up there anyway uh it’s only when I’ve got the camera on I can see but it allows me

To check what’s going on up there I guess so the next thing I want to do is to sort out storage and everything’s pumping over this way I think I’m gonna have it go into some droppers dispense into water streams and then go into some shulker loaders which we’re gonna put on

The other side of this wall all here which means we need to create ourselves a nice doorway that should be fine look at that and we’ve got loads of space back here we don’t want to keep everything from the mob farm for example I really don’t care about string so

We’re just going to have four shocker loaders I think in here and collect the most important things to us you’ve seen me build those in a previous episode so I’m just going to get them done and I’ll bring you back in once it’s all looking nice a short while later I think we’re

Actually done we just managed to squeeze it in in time and there is a reason why I was actually on a time limit for today’s episode and if we press F3 this is why we are now on day 399 and I wanted to make sure I finished

The episode on day four thousand but I haven’t got long of this day left so I should quickly show you around so in here we now have our storage it is all being sorted out and packed into shulkers so we’re just feeding it off

The farm at the top there and if we go around the back here we can just see we’ve got a row of shulker loaders and then we’ve got our filters at the top and things just go around and get sorted out the things we’re not collecting basically they just despawn that’s fine

But that does mean that we don’t miss any pickups if we suddenly get a load of something and the hopper can’t pick it all up at once and we’re gonna be storing the full shulkers in here we have gunpowder string rotten flesh and Bones I did decide to actually keep the

String in the end and we’ve got an extra one on the end here should one of these fill up and then we have an area at the side here where we can throw empty shulkers in they just go up into the system to make sure there’s always

Things there for it and any excess ones would come down here plus we’ve got loads of extra shells as well just so we can make more when we need them but I’ve also got a bit of a confession to make because well we have an AFK spot here as

Well and I had to make that look nice so we now have a helicopter flying above our base with of course a landing pad as well and if we actually stand on the crane we might be able to get a better look at this nope can’t really see it

From here at all so let’s jump into free cam and if we have a little look here I think the scale works well the helicopter is kind of one of those big corporate ones I didn’t try putting Runners on the bottom but it looked absolutely ridiculous but yeah nice

Simple helicopter I think it works well and those of you who have been around the channel for a while you actually recognize that as the same helicopter that was parked on top of my roof in season three of Trudy Bedrock it’s pretty much exactly the same helicopter

And we’ve got a nice little entrance here as well so we can get in safely we have a bed so we can sleep if it’s dark when we want to leave but I think this is a nice way to spend my AFK time with the sun going down I’ve got a few

Minutes to get home and unload my boxes before day 4000 and that’s where we’ll be starting next episode day four thousand I can’t believe it thanks for watching and I’ll see you on the next one bye now

This video, titled ‘1000 days building a city in Hardcore Minecraft – FULL MOVIE!’, was uploaded by Mr Beardstone on 2023-07-12 20:52:37. It has garnered 52109 views and 671 likes. The duration of the video is 02:59:02 or 10742 seconds.

I spent 1000 days building a city in Hardcore Minecraft – but there’s still a LONG way to go! Join us on this 3 hour marathon of my last ten episodes – exploring new 1.20 features, hiding farms in crazy structures and getting to grips with creating modern construction vehicles in minecraft.

I did chapters and everything… Enjoy!

Chapters: 00:00:00 – Intro 00:00:31 – 35: Starting the mega city 00:18:06 – 36: Construction vehicles 00:36:04 – 37: Tree farm in a crane 00:50:48 – 38: Fungus Farm 01:06:41 – 39: Mega sheep farm 01:23:04 – 40: Clothes Shop 01:43:20 – 41: Exploring 1.20 in hardcore 02:03:46 – 42: Bamboo farm & city cafe 02:20:56 – 43: Biggest building yet! 02:37:05 – 44: Mob Farm ———-

#minecraft #hardcore #1.20 #letsplay #fullmovie #100days #1000days #4000days

  • Confronting the Ultimate Liar

    Confronting the Ultimate Liar The Epic Showdown: @prasadlegents vs @Channel_Hacked532 Prepare for the ultimate battle in the world of Minecraft! @prasadlegents and @Channel_Hacked532 are about to face off in a showdown that will go down in history. Get ready to witness the clash of two titans as they fight for supremacy in the virtual realm. The Betrayal It all started with a simple disagreement over resources, but it quickly escalated into a full-blown feud. @prasadlegents and @Channel_Hacked532 were once allies, but now they find themselves on opposite sides of the battlefield. The betrayal runs deep, and neither player is willing to back down…. Read More

  • Block Boyfriend Quest: Minecraft Love X-Factor

    Block Boyfriend Quest: Minecraft Love X-Factor In the world of Minecraft, a qualified boyfriend is rare, One who faces fear with his girlfriend, showing he cares. Exploring a haunted map, with weapons in hand, Protecting her, making her feel grand. But alas, in a room filled with loot, The girlfriend gets scared, giving him the boot. He tries to save her, but she pushes him away, Breaking up, with nothing left to say. In the classroom, the teacher plays a game, Students try to avoid homework, it’s all the same. From sneaky reports to skipping class, The teacher catches them, they can’t surpass. But in… Read More

  • Explosive Encounter | Monster Marauder Pt. 11

    Explosive Encounter | Monster Marauder Pt. 11 A Thrilling Mystery Unfolds in Pendragon | Monster Marauder Part 11 Breaking news has hit the EcoSMP Minecraft Towny survival server as a loud boom echoed through Pendragon overnight. A local resident managed to capture a video showing a shadowy figure, believed to be the infamous Monster Marauder, followed by a massive explosion. Local authorities have swiftly responded to the scene, but the mystery only deepens as brave adventurers are already on their way, convinced that this event is the next clue in the hunt for the stolen treasures. The Adventurers’ Quest It’s been an intense journey for the… Read More

  • 3D Minecraft Thumbnail: Banaye Swag Wala | Hindi Mein

    3D Minecraft Thumbnail: Banaye Swag Wala | Hindi Mein In the world of Minecraft, where creativity thrives, I bring you news in rhymes, keeping it alive. Creating 3D thumbnails, a work of art, Capturing attention right from the start. With a laptop in hand and IQOO 7 Legend by my side, I craft thumbnails with passion, taking it in stride. From gameplay recordings to headphones that sing, Every detail matters, every little thing. So join me on this journey, let’s dive right in, Creating thumbnails that make you grin. With Minecraft as our canvas, the possibilities are vast, Let’s make magic together, let’s have a blast. So hit… Read More

  • Sneaky Minecraft Hardcore Final Boss Fight!

    Sneaky Minecraft Hardcore Final Boss Fight! Exploring the Epic Boss Fight in Minecraft Hardcore Season Finale! Introduction In the thrilling conclusion of Minecraft Hardcore Season 2, players are faced with an epic boss fight that will test their skills and teamwork. The stakes are high as they navigate through challenges and obstacles to emerge victorious. Agalarla Hardcore Season 2 Map The journey begins with the Agalarla Hardcore Season 2 map, a meticulously crafted world filled with surprises and dangers at every turn. Players must strategize and work together to survive and thrive in this unforgiving environment. Key Players – Guapoins(Kadir): A seasoned Minecraft player who… Read More

  • Python’s Hidden Gem: Jessica Tegner’s Tech Tale

    Python's Hidden Gem: Jessica Tegner's Tech Tale In the world of Python, a hidden figure shines bright, Jessica Tegner’s story, a beacon of light. From Minecraft modding to Python maintainer, Her journey in tech, a true entertainer. Playing games led her to code and create, Even with vision loss, she doesn’t hesitate. Maintaining Pypandoc, a Python gem, Her superpower? Reading twice as fast as them. Accessibility in tech, a cause she champions, Making tools more inclusive, breaking down the barriers. Speaking at conferences, sharing her insight, On AI, ChatGPT, and coding with might. Minecraft, a game that’s truly accessible, An example for all, truly commendable. Traveling,… Read More

  • Mastering the Art of Base Building – Minecraft Server Prep

    Mastering the Art of Base Building - Minecraft Server Prep Minecraft Adventure: Building the Biggest Base! Rediscovering the Legendary Game Sensei, a dedicated Minecraft enthusiast since his elementary school days, has reignited his passion for this legendary game. Now, he embarks on a new adventure in the pixelated world of Minecraft. Live Series: Crafting the Ultimate Base Join Sensei and his clan members in an epic quest to build the Biggest Base! The excitement is palpable as they strategize and work together to create a masterpiece that will stand the test of time. Stay tuned for the thrilling episodes to come. Preparation is Key Before diving into the construction… Read More

  • Bedwars Showdown: Taking on the #1 Player

    Bedwars Showdown: Taking on the #1 Player Fighting the #1 Minecraft Bedwars Player Introduction In a thrilling Minecraft challenge on Hypixel’s BedWars, our protagonist takes on the daunting task of beating every single Ranked Bedwars level. Following a previous video where they played 100 games of Ranked Bedwars, this new adventure escalates to facing off against Dewier, the best-ranked BedWars player of all time. Can they emerge victorious against all odds? Watch the video to find out! Exploring Hypixel BedWars Tier Testing Embarking on a journey through the world of Hypixel BedWars tier testing, our protagonist undergoes rigorous challenges against players of varying skill levels. From… Read More

  • Ultimate Minecraft Memes Compilation!

    Ultimate Minecraft Memes Compilation! Minecraft: A Collection of Hot Memes at Block Pavilion Welcome to Block Pavilion, the channel dedicated to providing child-friendly content while avoiding any elements that could potentially harm their health and safety. Hello everyone, I’m Block Pavilion, a creator in the world of Minecraft. I make funny and humorous Minecraft animations to spread joy. This channel is the only official channel of Block Pavilion. Any videos related to me on other channels are pirated content and have not been authorized. Every day, a new exciting original video is released, so remember to subscribe if you enjoy the content! Let’s… Read More

  • Farmville on Steroids: Minecraft Episode 58

    Farmville on Steroids: Minecraft Episode 58 Exploring Our Own Farmer’s Life – Minecraft Episode 58 in German: With Shader, Mods Embark on a journey through vast landscapes and endless possibilities as we delve into a beautiful Minecraft world in Survival Mode in the latest episode. Let’s see where our adventures take us. Why You Should Tune In: Learn Something New: Whether you’re a beginner or a seasoned player, valuable tips and tricks await you. Engage with a Great Community: Connect with fellow Minecraft enthusiasts in the comments section. Experience Stunning Graphics: Immerse yourself in the visual splendor of Minecraft with shaders. Don’t miss out on… Read More

  • Uncover Insane Minecraft Builds & Tricks with EFECTUS!

    Uncover Insane Minecraft Builds & Tricks with EFECTUS!Video Information This video, titled ‘TOP 8+ Viral Builds & Tricks! [Minecraft]’, was uploaded by EFECTUS : let’s explore gaming on 2024-03-14 03:48:07. It has garnered 396 views and likes. The duration of the video is 00:08:11 or 491 seconds. #minecraft #minecraftbuilds #viral #builds #minecraft #minecraftbuilds #redstone #builds #redstone #builds #minecraft #minecraftbuilds TOP 8+ Viral Builds & Tricks! [Minecraft] Minecraft: 8+ Viral Build Hacks and Tricks you should build in your Minecraft World! Today, in this Video I will Show you the 8+ Best Viral Build Hacks and Creations to have some fun in Minecraft! This video will help you… Read More

  • Deadly Mob Showdown: Skeleton vs All! 👀 #MinecraftMadness

    Deadly Mob Showdown: Skeleton vs All! 👀 #MinecraftMadnessVideo Information he [Music] [Music] ah [Music] he he ow ow ow ow owow [Music] h oh [Music] he [Applause] [Music] ah a yeah yeah This video, titled ‘minecraft skeleton vs all mob fight|minecraft mob battle|#minecraft’, was uploaded by Utos Craft on 2024-03-25 22:06:48. It has garnered 10981 views and 156 likes. The duration of the video is 00:06:32 or 392 seconds. minecraft skeleton vs all mob fight|minecraft mob battle|#minecraft minecraft minecraft song pewdiepie minecraft minecraft parody minecraft music dantdm minecraft minecraft song minecraft gameplay minecraft survival minecraft mods minecraft house tutorial minecraft soundtrack ssundee minecraft prestonplayz minecraft epic minecraft… Read More

  • Truelanders SMP Realms

    Join My 10 Player Realm! Looking for players to join my 10 player realm where we will build a shopping district, farms, and bases. Seeking active players who can participate daily and take the world seriously by building automatic farms and useful shops. No bullying, harassment, or griefing allowed. Bedrock only server, compatible with PS4/5, Nintendo, iOS, android, or PC with bedrock installed. Interested? Let me know! Read More

  • Minecraft Memes – “The Ultimate Minecraft Trolling Trap”

    This meme is the perfect trap for those creepers who think they can sneak up on you while you’re busy mining diamonds. Just set up a fake “Free Diamonds” sign and watch them fall for it every time! Read More

  • Minecraft’s Rainbow Tower: Climbing Challenge!

    Minecraft's Rainbow Tower: Climbing Challenge! In the Aquaverse, we faced the Rainbow Tower Challenge, Ten floors of obstacles, each one a new balance. From hidden buttons to arrow puzzles galore, We conquered them all, with laughter and more. Squidward needed protection, zombies at his door, We shot them down, protecting him for sure. In the maze of paintings, we found our way, Navigating through, not a moment to delay. Riding Striders, battling Skeletons in the lava’s glow, Teamwork prevailed, our victory did show. But our reward was TNT, not what we expected, Blowing up the tower, our exit perfected. So thank you for watching,… Read More


    ALL TNT'S COMBINED = BOOMTASTIC! #minecraft When you combine all the TNT in Minecraft, you don’t just blow up your house, you blow up the entire server! Good luck explaining that to the admin. #minecraftproblems Read More

  • LEGO Minecraft Pirate Ship Build & Review

    LEGO Minecraft Pirate Ship Build & Review LEGO Minecraft 2024 The Pirate Ship Voyage 21259 Complete Build & Review Introduction In the world of LEGO Minecraft, adventure awaits with the Pirate Ship Voyage set, number 21259. This set, provided by the LEGO Group for early review, promises a fun and engaging building experience for fans of both LEGO and Minecraft. Build Preview The set contains 166 bricks of various colors, shapes, and sizes, including two minifigures. Players can construct a small beach with a dock, a llama, a squid, and of course, a pirate ship using the bricks provided. The parts are conveniently grouped into three… Read More

  • EPIC Minecraft Amethyst Find!!! 😱

    EPIC Minecraft Amethyst Find!!! 😱Video Information el puesto más bajo de esta tierlist se lo lleva la amatista este mineral es una perdida de tiempo en todo tipo de aspectos su dificultad de obtención es ridículamente alta Ya que la única forma de obtenerla en grandes cantidades es en las geodas de amatista las cuales quizás nunca veas en una partida normal y tampoco es que haga falta eso que ni hemos hablado de que solo sirve para cuatro crafteos que no cubren ninguna necesidad jugad mejor no sigamos perdiendo el tiempo y continuemos con el siguiente puesto This video, titled ‘Minerales de Minecraft… Read More

  • Dreadful Uncle: Minecraft Horror in Hindi

    Dreadful Uncle: Minecraft Horror in HindiVideo Information This video, titled ‘CREEPY UNCLE — PART-3– MINECRAFT HORROR STORY IN HINDI #viral #trending #youtubevideos #mincraft’, was uploaded by Evil gaming on 2024-03-25 11:00:59. It has garnered views and [vid_likes] likes. The duration of the video is or seconds. credit-chill Tushar mincraft haunted car, minecraft haunted carnival, minecraft haunted cartoon, minecraft haunted car part 5, … Read More

  • Minecraft Stoneopolis | EPIC Modded Questing!

    Minecraft Stoneopolis | EPIC Modded Questing!Video Information Isaac welcome back to what could potentially be the final episode of stone opis we’re here Isaac in the updated base and have a look Isaac in the ultimate crafting table in all of its Glory keep looking in there Isaac cuz I am about to shatter your hopes and dreams and I’m going to take everything out taking everything out it’s going it’s going no oh my God it’s doing a little dance in here why is it doing a dance that’s a good question no one knows just take all the items out Nick it’s part… Read More


    ULTIMATE MINECRAFT SAIYAN TRANSFORMATION?! 🐉 #1Video Information aujourd’hui non seulement on va jouer au meilleur mode Minecraft de tous les temps ce n’est pas une blague je le pense réellement mais en plus de ça je l’ai déjà fait donc oui je recommence une série maisou mais tuas dit que tu ferais plus de séries je sais je j’ai je sais je j’étais nostalgieque donc le mode dragon block on commence en choisissant notre race donc on va faire bah semi Sayen je pense comme ça je pourrais choisir la couleur de mes cheveux je fais toujours la même chose et ça risque pas de… Read More

  • CRAZY Cactus Cheats Exposed in Minecraft! | Antimen Ep. 2

    CRAZY Cactus Cheats Exposed in Minecraft! | Antimen Ep. 2Video Information This video, titled ‘КАКТУС С ЧИТАМИ |6СЕРИЯ|Part 2|Анимация майнкрафт’, was uploaded by Antimen on 2024-04-13 19:49:19. It has garnered 140 views and 12 likes. The duration of the video is 00:01:07 or 67 seconds. #mincraft #minecraft #animation Discord group (yes we are alive :)) https://discord.com/invite/eJdGPWYs Теги(не читай 😑) minecraft, minecraft but, minecraft mod, camman18, minecraft challenge, minecraft speedrun, camman18 minecraft, minecraft but challenge, minecraft but i cant touch grass, camman18 shorts, minecraft facts, minecraft speedrunner, minecraft manhunt, minecraft but you cant touch the color, minecraft update, canman, camman, minecraft seed, minecraft rarest, minecraft how to, whats the rarest,… Read More

  • EXHIBIT A IS BACK! Join now for Modded Minecraft fun! 😱

    EXHIBIT A IS BACK! Join now for Modded Minecraft fun! 😱Video Information e e e e e hello can everyone hear me mic check actually it’s a 30 second delay isn’t it I’m GNA have to wait 30 seconds to see any responses in chat I think um in the event that you actually can hear and see me right now hello everyone okay good good everyone can can hear me hell yeah all right so um it has been about 3 years give or take since my last stream um and it’s going to take I’m going to have to get back into the swing of things because uh… Read More

  • Ultimate showdown: The deadliest fight in Minecraft Battle Royale!

    Ultimate showdown: The deadliest fight in Minecraft Battle Royale!Video Information today 100 players were dropped into a giant Minecraft Hunger Games Arena each with the goal to be the last player alive will I be able to out survive all 100 other players and survive until the end well I was about to find out as I joined the Hunger Games I’m just going to run straight away from mid three two one let’s go oh my God that was quick don’t start punching me do not start punching me only two pieces you kidding me is that enough for a sword it is that is enough for… Read More

  • 💎🌳 Unlock the SECRET to the Diamond Tree in Minecraft! #sensaiyt

    💎🌳 Unlock the SECRET to the Diamond Tree in Minecraft! #sensaiytVideo Information This video, titled ‘Building a Custom Diamond Tree in Minecraft! 💎🌳#minecraft #shorts’, was uploaded by Sensai Yt on 2024-06-09 12:00:13. It has garnered 1041 views and 26 likes. The duration of the video is 00:00:16 or 16 seconds. Building a Custom Diamond Tree in Minecraft! 💎🌳 Description: Welcome to our Minecraft adventure! In today’s video, we’re diving into the world of custom builds with a spectacular Diamond Tree. Watch as we gather resources, design, and construct this dazzling masterpiece. In This Video: Resource Gathering: Find out the best strategies for collecting diamonds and other essential materials. Tree Design:… Read More

  • Insane Minecraft Starter House Build! #1 Sky Thug Extra

    Insane Minecraft Starter House Build! #1 Sky Thug ExtraVideo Information This video, titled ‘Making A Stater House In Minecraft Part – 1 || Minecraft Survival Series || #1 || Sky Thug Extra’, was uploaded by Sky Thug Extra on 2024-03-05 14:13:37. It has garnered views and [vid_likes] likes. The duration of the video is or seconds. Hello friends, my name is Sky and Everyone is Welcome to My channel, Video and Description. You will get All Gaming Related … Read More

  • AthenaMC

    AthenaMCThe best non Pay-To-Win Skyblock server out there.! – Island Top payouts! – F2W! – Custom experience – Seasson 1 release join now athenamc.my.pebble.host! Read More

  • Mildew RP – Semi-Vanilla 1.20.4 Java Roleplay Discord 18+ Whitelist

    “The sky is far from a limit. So why don’t we paint the stars?” Mildew RP is a new Minecraft roleplay server based on existing Minecraft lore with a unique twist. Choose from eight species to create your character, each with different mobs to inspire you. Your builds are not limited by any specific time period, so let your imagination run wild! What we offer: A Safe Space: Zero tolerance for harassment. A World You Help Shape: Mold the world as your character wakes up with no memory. Squaremap: No risk of getting lost. Friendly and Active Staff: Quick help… Read More

  • [Minewarcraft] PvE & PvP Open World (NEW GAMEMODE!)

    [Minewarcraft] PvE & PvP Open World (NEW GAMEMODE!)Minewarcraft, an MMORPG created by the American company NCN Entertainment and released on November 14, 2017 & released as Minewarcraft: Herosane’s Wrath in 2020 is a brand new expansion of minewarcraft. Set in the fictional town, interact with nonreal players—called nonplayer characters (NPCs)—and other real-world players (PCs). Various quests, battles, and missions are completed alone or in guilds, and the rewards for success include gold, weapons, and valuable items, which are used to improve one’s character. Characters advance by killing other creatures to earn experience. Once enough experience is acquired, the character gains a level, which increases the character’s powers. Read More

  • Minecraft Memes – Minecraft: the rise and fall of a legend

    “I guess you could say watching Minecraft videos has turned into a real ‘block’ party now.” Read More

  • Spicy Minecraft Texture Pack #hot #lol

    Spicy Minecraft Texture Pack #hot #lol Why did the Minecraft player bring a pillow to the game? To add some texture to their sleep! #MinecraftHumor #PillowTexture Read More

  • Minecraft Guide for Beginners: Biomes, Coordinates, Structures, Exploration

    Minecraft Guide for Beginners: Biomes, Coordinates, Structures, Exploration Exploring Minecraft: Biomes, Coordinates, Structures, and More! Welcome to a beginner’s guide to Minecraft! In this video, Vice Craft introduces viewers to some key elements of the game, including biomes, coordinates, structures, and exploration. These aspects are all interconnected, allowing players to navigate the vast world of Minecraft with ease. While this guide may not cover every detail, it serves as a helpful starting point for new players looking to expand their knowledge of the game. Understanding Coordinates in Minecraft Coordinates play a crucial role in helping players navigate the world of Minecraft. By pressing the F3 key, players… Read More

  • UNBELIEVABLE: I Built a REAL CANNON in Minecraft! 😱

    UNBELIEVABLE: I Built a REAL CANNON in Minecraft! 😱Video Information Freunde herzlich willkommen auf meinem kleinen Schiff in Cre life 5 wir sind endlich da wir haben schon ein bisschen gespielt ihr seht schon ein bisschen stuff hinter mir wir haben nämlich am Samstag live auf einer Messe create life 5 gestartet es war sehr sehr white das hat aber sehr sehr gekracht deswegen seht ihr jetzt mal ganz kurz ein paar Zusammenschnitte von dem ersten Tag ich sitze gerade einfach auf so Ries g Kaktus ich weiß nicht ob ich Euch das hier zeigen kann warte ich guck mal hier kommt gleich keine Burg ne do wir… Read More

  • Surviving Day 29: Haunted Mine Exploration

    Surviving Day 29: Haunted Mine ExplorationVideo Information previously on Surviving 100 nights of Minecraft he I think we found something we definitely did what is it though I think it’s a m shaft how do you know see it is it’s a m shaft we found an abandoned M shaft dude people actually get but what’s down here Evan I don’t know um maybe we should go back Evan bro whoa what happened I I have no idea man wait there’s something there’s something behind you what what’s that noise it was a zombie I think what’s going on where are we at I don’t… Read More

  • Ultimate Crystal PvP Gameplay on 2b2t Server!

    Ultimate Crystal PvP Gameplay on 2b2t Server!Video Information This video, titled ‘2b2t Crystal PvP (King POV)’, was uploaded by Spikestinger on 2024-05-08 01:19:50. It has garnered 1834 views and 38 likes. The duration of the video is 00:01:06 or 66 seconds. #2b2t #crystalpvp #minecraft one Thumbnail by @hazel2b2t servers: 2b2t.org, 2b2tpvp.net, strict.2b2tpvp.net, 0b0t.org, 8b8t.me, alacity.net tags: (not stolen.) tags: 2b2t crystal pvp montage montage, Owning spawn on 2b2t.org, 2b2t, 2b2t cpvp, crystal pvp, 2b2t crystal pvp, futureclient, future, babytron, montage2b2t, babytron music, spikestinger, 2b2t,5b5t,9b9t,eliteanarchy,fitmc,minecraft,crystal pvp, cpvp, montage, tutorial, crystal pvp tutorial, how to crystal pvp,future client, 2b2tpvp,how to pvp,minecraft pvp,pvp tutorial,anarchy,minecraft anarchy,fitmc tuffty anarchy,salc1,2b2t pvp,2b2t meta,2b2t… Read More

  • Insane Minecraft Trending Shorts in My One Block World! #cotugaming77

    Insane Minecraft Trending Shorts in My One Block World! #cotugaming77Video Information हेलो गाइस तो हमस आ चुके अपने सर्वाइवल वर्ल्ड में वन ब्लॉक सर्वाइवल वर्ल्ड में और देखो मैंने यय बनाया है इसमें डुबकी लगा के आता हूं जल्दी से और फिर जल्दी से आपको कुछ और भी दिखाता हूं जल्दी से यह देखो यह य माइनिंग करता हूं माइनिंग करके दिखाता हूं यह वन ब्लॉक है हमारा और आगे देखो मैंने इतना बड़ा एरिया कब्जी में ले रखा है अपने क्या आपने इतना बड़ाया कब्जे में लिया कभी न बलक के अंदर और इसके लिए कास लेता हूं भा ये स्लाइम बहुत उरला है इसके दोनों अंडे निकाल… Read More

  • Insane Farming and Epic Dungeons in Minecraft!

    Insane Farming and Epic Dungeons in Minecraft!Video Information wait no are we back [Music] all right are we good now we all good I’m sorry I don’t know what happened with my internet I’m so sorry sorry for having to make you guys watch ads I don’t know what happened this is like the first time my internet has ever cut out I don’t think I’ve ever had my internet cut out like that before figet it with a cannonball what what oh my God [ __ ] you guys are some goobers bro I have a cannonball that I Spit on my desk I um… Read More

  • END RAIDING on Minecraft – PinQuazaVGC SMP

    END RAIDING on Minecraft - PinQuazaVGC SMPVideo Information H what she person purple hair they better than no headphone yeah someone steals them oh hey you’re actually live now yeah I know I know what why didn’t you tell me uh didn’t want to interrupt whatever you’re talking about we are live let me let me get my phone out so I actually read chat that’s I’m also had another viewer who I just had to relaunch OBS that was a problem oh are you oh yeah yeah why is it is it my God John hold on let me let me mute the stream hey… Read More

1000 days building a city in Hardcore Minecraft – FULL MOVIE!