1000 Players Build MASSIVE Civilization in Minecraft

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In the biggest social experiments ever done in Minecraft I scattered 1 000 people across four massive Islands to simulate a realistic civilization the players were given no help or guidance and just like in real life if you die you remain Dead Forever no now each player has the freedom to do whatever

They want to gather resources join a society become a dictator or if it comes down to it go to war with so many people on each island anything can happen but I can promise you one thing this event ended up having the most entertaining story arc I’ve

Ever seen you do not want to miss this so pick a nation to root for and enjoy the video I presents to you the 1 000 player civilization experiment don’t forget if you want to participate in these videos join my Discord server and of course subscribe to my channel

Alright everyone ready to be teleported jump if you’re ready okay here we go foreign on day one all one thousand players were teleported to their Islands each its own biome we had planes Desert Snow and jungle this is huge most players spent the first day scouting their Island

Searching for a place to settle but almost immediately we started to see people dying and oddly they were all coming from the snow Island it turned out people were freezing to death after getting stuck in powdered snow which looks exactly like regular snow but sucks you in like quicksand this guy

Trying to freeze oh no even worse for the poor people on the snow Island Trees were almost nowhere to be seen the desert island also had very few trees which players needed if they wanted to get wood but the places where players did find trees quickly became extremely valuable hot

Spots for groups to settle at and colonize look at all these people coming together Community crafting they’re making progress meanwhile the people on the Jungle Island had essentially unlimited trees and I was already thinking about other things what did you say your plan was I’m gonna take over

The world this is my right hand man Darbo hello right hand man darling while having a lot of trees did seem like an advantage at first many jungle people found the island to be difficult to Traverse given the immense amount of trees and the Hostile Mobs that would

Spawn on the surface due to lack of sunlight this fear of traveling also made it more difficult for Jungle people to talk with each other since players could only read chat messages from people 100 blocks away from them or less although frankly at least they didn’t have to see what me

And the admins were looking at lastly we get to the plains Island and boy was it different from the others it truly was just the perfect eye bond with green grass trees animals and no natural dangers Cosmic a little animal family Farm not needing to worry about dying as

Much as everyone else the people on the plains Island were among the first to start mining for resources like iron or diamonds they were also the first to build up Villages and yes to create civilizations throughout the first day you could see two main groups starting

To come together one of them a democracy led by a player named Horus Crown our aim is building the most beautiful and nicest City on the entire server and the second also a democracy led by a player named sidefall I just want to make sure nobody dies it was actually kind of odd

How similar these two civilizations were they were both located on the southern Shore they both had Democratic elections and their leaders both wanted good for their own people I just hope nothing happens to change that ish I’m gonna make an Among Us character never mind I

Hope they die soon it was the end of day one players across all four Islands logged off and made plans for the following day It was on day two when civilizations really began to thrive in the Southeast corner of the desert what used to be an empty patch of grass was turning into the desert’s largest Nation hello good sir yo what’s up ish the salt on his back you might recognize the player’s

Storming hell for my first civilization video where he led a nation called the sultanates while now the desert dictator is back with the sultanate 2.0 and this time with a population of over 100 people I want to maintain order and peace in the desert the rules as established by the sultan included where

Proper attire do not eat pork complete your mandatory work and most importantly acknowledge the sultan as the Supreme and divinely chosen leader moving on since it was still hard to get food in the dry climate the people of the sultanate focused on developing different types of food production like

Fishing in the surrounding ocean on top of this a player named drip chicken made a chicken Market although when I checked picked it out myself it turned out to be a very different type of Market welcome to Las Pollos Hermanos thank you would you like uh some totally legal sugar

Anyway we finally go back to the snow Island as I was flying around I found what I can only describe as a British shrimp is the cold climate really the best place for a shrimp I mean it depends look at my little friend over here you know wait who’s your friend underneath

Yes he’s funny he’s literally Oh he’s up here now no no my fish buddy please go back down despite the killer powdered snow and the occasional polar bear the people on the snow Island were actually doing pretty well building settlements together nobody was fighting because everyone had one common enemy the harsh climate that being said it

Turned out that all of these snow settlements might be a bit more than just little communities on day two rumor was getting out about a conspiracy that despite them all being spread out across the entire Island a lot of these snow settlements were actually all being run

By one single person whose goal was to unify the entire Snow Island under one Mighty Empire this person’s name was alanulo and he was running this entire Empire recruitment operation from an underground bunker where he thought felt he was safe for the time being essentially what he would do was hold

Beatings with people who were already leaders of their own settlements and convinced them to merge their civilizations with his Empire so they would be stronger together he would give these leaders orders to fulfill and in exchange they would be guaranteed high-ranking positions in the Empire if this Empire actually succeeds in uniting

All 300 people on the snow Island it would easily become the most powerful nation in the world in fact it would be bigger than the sultanate and the two Plains democracies combined will this ambitious plan actually succeed let’s see what happens in the following days Foreign We’ve now covered the politics of every island except for the jungle so what’s going on here well quite frankly I had no freaking idea it was chaos there were about 30 different camps and tribes spread out across the entire Island and a lot of the horned constant fights with each other

Who are the what is going on there’s a fight here here’s a tribe that imprisoned one of their own members for being quote too rich I say we tax him and then let him out of jails so overall there was chaos nobody trusted one another and to add to this

Nobody wanted to travel too far into the jungle because they were scared of Road tribes and especially hostile mobs in fact we actually had to remove Creepers on day three because they were killing too many people whoever asked now there were actually two tribes that were considered the most influential In the

Jungle the first a river-based settlement called the sea people whose leader was killed almost immediately by a random Rogue tribe the new leader yeekspeak dedicated his rule to maintaining order but also to keeping his people happy by setting up events like stand-up comedy nights I got a few

Jokes about unemployed people oh wait none of them work the second influential tribe was located in the dead center of the Jungle and it was what appeared to be a faction revolving around the worship of a player named Seth hello Mr Seth oh what’s up oh this is just creepy

You’re telling me this isn’t a personality cult not I wouldn’t say that it’s a way of life all right it’s a religion lastly as I was flying around I happened to run into this guy again I’m gonna take over the world believe it or not he had actually become the leader of

A pretty impressive settlement granted there was a lot of internal drama in his tribe can you see this uh like really cool type of thing that we’re building in yeah it looks great yeah yeah that’s right it’s really cool yeah and do you see how far I’m over there now come over here

Could you tell us what this is in short two of lasik’s tribe members built a librarian’s tower and he thought it was ugly and wanted to burn it down now when I talked to the Librarians they said wasik just doesn’t like the library because he’s illiterate as I said drama

Now the jungle wasn’t the only place having problems the plains Island was seeing both a surge in development this whole place is awesome but also a rise in tension the leader of one of the plane’s democracy’s Horace Crown had found out that the other planes Nation run by sidefall had

Reached out to the snow Island looking for potential alliances Horus Crown did not like that sidefall was reaching out to other Islands instead of reaching out to him so he quickly established his own alliance with two other plane settlements both located on the east side of the island which would

Essentially cut off sidefall’s axis to most of planes if a war were to break out we think sideful is definitely up to something and we’re planning to stop him the people living on the plains Island who had otherwise taken their peaceful lives for granted were getting very worried about a potential massive war

That would devastate their homes here in KFC we want families not war meanwhile on the desert island the Sultan’s storming hell was not happy when he discovered that a group of Mountaineers had made their home a on the mountains surrounding the sultanate so the two groups had a meeting to discuss this

Dispute over land why does the sultanate have any more right to a plot of land simply might makes rights we’re stronger so if it comes down to it made the stronger group win people in the desert were starting to get worried about storming hell’s tyrannical nature so

Some of them moves to a quickly growing Democratic Nation on the other side of the island this was theria the name derived from the Greek word for freedom I asked their elected president Sapps about the sultanate hopefully we can establish some peaceful relations for now I mean we’re in the middle of a

Desert by fight you know overall each island had its own conflict between the deserts Sultan dominance the plains is Alliance disaster the jungle’s total chaos and the snow Empire’s takeover at least one of these conflicts was bound to erupt very soon and that conflict was planes at the

Beginning of day four a propagandist told everyone that sidefall was about to attack the plane’s Island Horace Crown called a code red and everyone on planes was freaking out including these guys at the center of the Plains Island who built a Tavern on a lake I spoke with the bartender

Welcome to the tavern I hope you can enjoy a nice beer since it might be our last foreign you’re probably wondering what was sidefall actually doing well it turns out sidefall was just as confused as everyone else since he had no plans to attack anyone the propagandist had lied

I have no clue what these guys are talking about I don’t want to attack anyone I don’t want a civil war you were framed I can’t believe it so now both sides were gearing up for a war over nothing but a miscommunication and all throughout sidefall was desperately

Trying to reach out to the other planes leader saying that he didn’t want war the other leaders doubted him but they actually agreed to meet with him as long as they met on neutral ground whoever told you guys I won’t work is lying tell us the truth then while they

Talked Horus Crown secretly had undercover spies search sidefall’s entire Village but he wasn’t aware sidefall had someone else place a bunch of TNT under his village but before things went too far folks we have a peace deal S diverted after talking the leaders had made a peace treaty I actually didn’t get to see much of the meeting but here’s essentially what happened sidefall first apologized to the other planes leaders for not being open with them specifically about his relationship with the snow Island he told them he had

Only reached out to snow in hopes to get on the good side of a player named a freaking turkey who was apparently a loanulo’s second in command the planes leaders discussed their disagreements on Foreign Relations Horace Crown preferring keeping alliances within planes and sidefall believing in making

Allies on other Islands but they were able to put their differences aside they banished the propagandist from the plains Island and that’s the end the four major plains Nations created a Great Plains Alliance the plains Island went from being on the brink of War to being the most United island of all

They’re on us it wasn’t just planes toward the end of the day all four Islands were prospering from the people on snow collecting resources and building together to the people in the desert working on the Sultan’s build project which was to create a massive holy city even the

Jungle was at peace at the end of day four since the remaining jungle people were just thankful that they were still alive soon though it was the next day but before we let people back onto the server the admins and I decided to add a little something We added a fifth island in the center of the world and we didn’t tell the players that we did this we wanted to see who would discover the island how long it would take to find and then what would happen next so we started up the server and the wait began

But meanwhile we have to talk about the snow Island hello turkey hello how’s it going on day five the player a freaking turkey finally gave me a full explanation of the mysterious snow Empire which I found out was named the aculon empire still fearing for his safety the Empire’s founder olanulo gave orders

Entirely from his secret underground bunker while his second in command a freaking turkey carried out his orders and led the people on the ground you guys have settlements across the entire Island there is a lot I just know none of it was made by slaves the Empire

Relied on strict order to maintain peace it’s now 200 citizens were each assigned a daily job like building mining or fighting and whenever they were online all citizens were required to be in two Discord voice channels at once which I didn’t even know was possible also the

Aculon Empire made it a point to document everything including its list of members its hierarchies its physical landmarks but what I found most impressive was the high level operation going on in this seemingly regular building this singular building is the richest place in the entire server they called this the Quartermasters house and

It was where the aculod Empire not only collected and stored all its resources but also distributed items using a complex request system where for example a citizen asked for iron ingots and then the Quartermasters decide exactly how much iron that citizen deserves based on a detailed algorithm they developed has

Anyone tried breaking into this place uh not yet let’s just say if you tried to get in without permission you’re not gonna get a very nice welcome and I kid you not just a few minutes later this player excelius was caught trying to sneak his way in and he was sentenced

Sentenced to a public execution to be held the next day things are kind of stricter out here huh as long as they don’t take my script I’m a happy man oh man look at him the snow Island continues to be hyper Vigilant about criminals but so were other nations like

The desert sultanate which made an inescapable prison is surrounded by love or wasik’s nation in The Jungle which made a giant sand trap oh this is evil just you wait until we have a nice little deliberation with something yeah I’m gonna be put to death you know like

Even planes didn’t feel exactly safe as this self-described capitalist nation made a giant wall to protect its people we want to make sure that Communists cannot take this away from us but as I was talking to these guys I got tipped off from someone in the desert that something

About to happen uh the sultanate Arby’s on the move the sultan had sent his Elite Squad on a secret nighttime Mission their goal to find a group of people that had been rumored to want to assassinate the sultan they’re at the north side of the island now oh yeah okay

Okay let’s go let’s go according to the sultan the people hiding in this little settlement were indeed the attempted assassins and now the group had a decision to make oh we’re gonna kill this guy can we kill this guy up until now there hadn’t been any violence between desert Nations will

This be the breaking point foreign ‘s Elite Squad spent the rest of the night raiding the settlements but during their Chase of another suspected assassin they ran literally into a major dilemma well you know he is running to Syria the guy they were trying to kill was running toward the Democratic nation of theria to get Asylum there the

Sultanate is really about to roll up on Theory holy it’s because of major conflict but the souls in its Army didn’t care they barged into theria and searched every single house to find this one person who ultimately ended up getting away meanwhile the people of Syria were freaked out by the raid but

When they looked to their leader saps for guidance he was nowhere to be seen he had fled eventually the sultanate’s Army left but theria was not going to forget this laughs By attempting to blow up the quartermaster’s house zealous betrayed our people and for this he must die glory to Acura it was a busy day for a freaking turkey the execution was successful but the Empire didn’t yet have a written Constitution or a justice system so a

Freaking turkey met with a player who claimed to be a lawyer to set up a legal system you get the smaller seat unfortunately but do know it is quite important as well I’m used to cramming into tight spaces afterward a freaking turkey took his guard to Drew and

Confronted some farmers who he claimed weren’t producing enough food for the Empire I swear I will not miss any payment I have to owe you the bow please I expect five stacks of bread delivered within one to two business days even though he was away so little at times a

Day because he got things done and he was a charismatic speaker fellow citizens it is my distinct honor to pronounce Steve and pixel as husband and wife [Applause] even though he was only the second in command of the snow’s acculate Empire many people were starting to view a

Freaking turkey as a better candidate for leader than ilanulo since most people in the Empire had never even seen a lonilo given that he’s been hiding underground the entire time afraid of being assassinated in fact some of his own citizens weren’t even sure he existed while ilanulo ruled from afar

Only talking with high-ranking officials a freaking turkey was considered a man of the people someone who talks to everyone in fact a freaking turkey had gained so much notoriety that leaders of other nations were starting to reach out to him for alliances rather than to

Alanulo so as a result of all of this olanulo was starting to get a little worried turkey knows that I created this Empire and its entire political system and as long as I am alive I will be its only ruler foreign Here on the Jungle Island things haven’t slowed down one bit amidst the chaos this small group had made a monkey religion and their goal was to build the biggest tree in the entire world while everyone else is fighting and killing each other we are peacefully building by now every tribe in the

Jungle seems to have its own goal these guys building a tree this group called The Blue Cross provided food and shelter to refugees meanwhile wasek’s goal which was still to take over the world was seemingly driving him mad especially after the Librarians built a second tower you did this out of spice didn’t

You uh well no well yeah overall it seemed like there was a lot on wazek’s mind as if he was planning something something big meanwhile Seth and the Sea people were still the two biggest tribes in the jungle and both pursued very Innovative political strategies for example Seth

Got married but only so he could parade around the jungle and demand wedding gifts from everyone and you know what it freaking worked the sea people on the other hand had taken on a massive goal which was to finally end the chaos in the jungle and they did this by sending

Out stealth groups and hunting down thieves and murderers and anyone who they claimed did wrong however some of the supposed wrongdoers they killed were actually allies of Seth in response Seth demanded that the sea people stop their initiative immediately but the sea people plans to continue all of a sudden

The jungle island was on the verge of a massive war as if there wasn’t enough chaos already Laughs Wait is someone actually here I think so whoa this is crazy this is awesome in the middle on day seven a player named the Poke monkey discovered the secret fifth Island the island had a mysterious dead terrain a small pre-built Village in the center and underground it contained

Netherrite which is the strongest and rarest resource in the world now poke monkey was a part of sidefall’s nation in planes and he quickly alerted sidefall about the very strange and unexpected Discovery he just made he’s Blue Lantern so people believe him guys I’m not lying there really is an island

Two minutes later another person found the center Island the time someone from the jungle then like a domino effect more and more people started arriving typically either alone or in small groups like these guys from the desert even though they all came from different islands and Nations

Nobody was fighting in fact they seemed to be forming friendships and simply admiring this new mysterious place he’s saying this is amazing quickly word began spreading across the world that there was a fifth Island and about 30 minutes into day seven basically everyone knew it was crazy how fast

Everyone found out now some nations were hesitant about visiting believing that the island was some sort of trap while other nations like the aculod Empire sent out large exploratory groups to investigate the island so acculate is here but instead of mining for another ride they’re taking the wolf

Oh they don’t have sheep in the snow aisle that makes sense something I found interesting was that no Nation not even the snow Empire had the courage to publicly claim the center Island as part of their Nation as their territory probably because it would result in conflict with other nations

Which was my secret intention when adding the island that it would cause some type of War but it didn’t cause a war or maybe just not yet Foreign [Applause] wow you’ve really expanded your business yeah we’re doing quite well because starvation was such a big problem in the desert drip chicken had made it his life’s mission to feed the people of the desert and ever since I spoke with him on day two next to his little food stand

Los Pollos Hermanos had become a staple of the sultanate but this business would soon run into some problems see on days four and five the sultan storming hell was unsatisfied with the slow progress on his build projects the holy city so he demanded that the farmers of the sultanate stopped growing

Food and instead work on his build project and just like that the food supply going into Los Pollos Hermanos had completely stopped the restaurant suddenly had no food available to sell having no food drip chicken was instead forced to sell some questionable products and he was caught selling these

Products by either the sultan or the Sultan’s twin guards he would probably receive a life sentence in the sultanate prison meanwhile the farmers of the sultanate were unhappy since they wanted to farm not be forced to build so in a rebellious move on day five drip chicken

And the farmers secretly set up a meeting with saps the leader of theria I know you want to move to tharia but if you do the sultan will send his lead Squad to hunt you down so what do we do foreign s or something there’s about to be chaos

In the desert and saps was correct there was about to be chaos in the desert for reasons he couldn’t tell the farmers just yet but he did tell me you know who davard is yeah I think so he’s one of the twin guards right he’s about to

Leave the sultanate and join me really the two people this the sultan trust the most are his two twin guards the bro But one of them had grown tired of the authoritarian and warmongering ways of the sultan so davoret had reached out to the leader of theria and together they created the single craziest plan I have ever heard and this was it first David leaves the sultanate to join theria next

The sultan finds out about the Betrayal and sends his Elite Squad to kill David then when the Elite Squad is away hunting for David and the sultan is therefore alone dabarit will sneak back into the sultanate and kill the sultan David will then claim leadership over

The sultanates and as the new leader he will finally bring peace to the desert Deborah there is no way this works I’m chest head trust me you’ll work all right so at the end of day seven the Everett snuck out of the sultanate and headed to theria to begin the operation

While drift chicken and the farmers fled to the plains Island on their way out some of them took one final look back at their home at their restaurants knowing that they would probably never see it again knowing that the story of Los boyos Hermanos had come to an end

On day eight there was a major event on the snow Island for the first time ever Emperor ilanulo had come out from his underground bunker he had summoned the entire Snow Island to the aculon castle so he could publicly be crowned as the leader before the coronation all high-ranking

Officials were required to provide a lanilo a gift I present to you a high quality pair of Premium brand sneakers thank you Applewood I Baron Saul Goodman give you this present Lord olanulo my presence is your present after the gifts olanulo asked his second in command a freaking turkey to make a

Speech affirming olanulo’s Undisputed leadership my friends the aculon Empire is the strongest nation in the world not because of one leader but because of all of us thank you turkey at the end of the ceremony olanilo asked all of his citizens to follow him down the main path of the empire in a

Symbolic move meant to showcase the unity of the snow Island But this image of unity was only a mirage there was a lot of discontent building within the empire for many reasons people didn’t like that alanilo’s Knights were constantly bossing them around nor did the aculon builders like it when alanilo forced them to work on the aculon castle

Instead of letting them finish their own projects there was this General sense that alanilo might be overreaching with his power especially when he started spying on his own citizens to see who was criticizing his leadership see olanilo believed that in order for his citizens to have a good life they have

To live in a strong nation and the only way to maintain a strong nation was through complete Unity under a powerful and unchallenged leader this is why ilanulo was fearful about the discontent within his Nation as well as the rising popularity of his second in command a freaking turkey

Knowing that they were being spied on many of a freaking turkey supporters were becoming scared living on the snow Island afraid that they would be executed for not supporting a lotilo’s leadership so with the help of a freaking turkey plus another high-ranking official its Ender some aculon citizens organized secret

Evacuations out of the snow Island through underground tunnels some of which led to Seth’s nation in the jungle others going to side Falls nation in Planes both Seth and sidefall were very open to accepting refugees especially those who opposed alanilo someone who they believed to be a dangerous Tyrant

Also they had just found out that alanial had actually sent Spies all across the world including into their own Nations so they didn’t like him very much we’re not going back until there’s some form of democracy in snow I don’t think that’s going to happen anytime soon

Meanwhile in Plains Mr Turkey are you starting a revolution no no no I do not want a revolution I just want to make sure Alania doesn’t kill these people when are you going back to the snow Island probably tomorrow because I’m gonna try and host a meeting with

Alanila I just think he’s gone too far so while a freaking turkey stayed on the plains Island for the rest of the day Seth and sidefall created the first ever multi-island treaty this treaty not only established Seth and sidefall as allies but it also declared their nation’s

Refugee States ones that are willing to accept all people fleeing from dictatorial regimes regimes like the sultanates or the aquilon Empire as for a freaking turkey’s position in the aculon Empire he was still technically the second in command but it was only a matter of time before ilanulo finds out

About the missing citizens and then it’s very likely that turkey will be stripped of his position or be kicked out of the snow Island entirely and become a refugee he himself Yeah I don’t know if wait is that a basketball court on day eight the center Island was getting a lot of visits from Curious players and instead of fighting each other everyone was just kind of hanging out and doing their own thing what is the don’t question me later that night some adventurers

Started terraforming the dead terrain making it green this actually looks not bad these guys meanwhile made a secret underground church and they hosted many ceremonies and cultural events what type of ritual is this now I actually attended two churches on day eight the second one inside Falls Nation although

I was very disturbed by the person sitting next to me a near-death experience life began to feel more sacred only two imparts I cannot say what they are however right away to leave this world whoa what did I do you’re taking him away oh no later that night the plains Island

Received an unexpected visit from the aculon Empire’s state-sponsored journalist I’m with the news down with the new go away tabloids go away no fast news today they’re kicking out the journal so meanwhile I ran into these planes farmers who literally did nothing but plants wheat everywhere oh my God

Look at all this freaking weight now right next to the wheat field was a cookie factory in Horace crowns nation which took the wheat and made a variety of baked goods see ever since the Great Plains Alliance was signed on day four the people of plains believed their

Island to be for the most part a very safe place to live and as a result many players felt secure enough to run their own businesses there was the bakery and Outback Steakhouse boating and kayaking two KFCs and there was the most recent edition Los Pollos Hermanos

You made one in the planes biome yes expansion claiming Refugee status drip chicken in the sultanate farmers received citizenship inside Falls Nation where they were able to rebuild their famous restaurants and the people of plains welcomed the refugees with open arms the only person who wasn’t happy

Was the owner of KFC who now had competition anyway when work got out in the desert that drip chicken and the farmers had fled the salt in it as the diveritz many loyalists in the sultanate were furious with these betrayals while the souls in it was still the second

Most powerful nation in the world the first being aculon these Trails of the sultanate hurt the Sultan’s Public Image and he feared being seen as Weak by the world and by his own people so predictably the sultan sent his Elite Squad out into the desert to try to find

And kill both David and drip chicken but instead of staying home in the sultanate this time the sultan traveled with his Elite Squad this threw a wrench into davraut’s assassination plan and David had no choice but to keep hiding underground until he saw an opportunity to strike meanwhile the leader of theria

Saps was extremely worried because he knew that the fate of his nation and his people rested on this assassination attempt if it succeeds and the sultan is killed well then all is well but if it fails it will only be a matter of time before The Sultans finds out that saps

Was behind the plan and then there is no doubt that the sultan will seek revenge and absolutely oblit iterate theria killing not just saps but all his people who by the way were entirely innocent staffs purposefully didn’t tell any of his citizens that he was involved in an assassination plot because they

Definitely wouldn’t approve of something that puts them in such danger all of this tension in the desert was really starting to get to some people like this group which made a giant lava wall around their civilization they wanted nothing to do with the politics of the desert and they were rather paranoid

About everything the walls keep us safe we can’t leave the walls for long he said we’re not safe everyone inside the walls of State everyone outside is not safe they’re strangers we shouldn’t trust them oh by the way also don’t push any buttons you find in here okay I actually

Think this group was more of a cult than a civilization but still I think they had the right idea and now we go back to the jungle war I say War because both major Nations had already basically decided that they cannot coexist in the jungle Seth was

Mad at the sea people for killing many of his allies while the sea people were mad because Seth wouldn’t let them kill those who they believed to be criminals neither nation was willing to compromise on this so War seemed inevitable however because Seth had also recently formed an alliance with sidefall from

Planes a war between the two jungle nations would likely cause sidefall as well as the rest of the Plains Island to join the battle thus turning this into an actual World War so given that the stakes were so much higher now both sides agreed to have one final meeting

To maybe work things out it was wazuk who quickly offered his Nation as a good neutral location for the meeting and he was quite enthusiastic about hosting on day eight Seth and the Sea people sensed their highest ranking officials to wazek’s Nation where the meeting would take place All right Seth you’re up first I think um the sea people are killing people for a lot of irrational reasons so you know as an example right they had a five stacks of cookies taken from them that takes like three minutes to get bro and he’s like I don’t think you should

Murder someone over there we requested he’d give it back and he basically said no so he was put on Kos and we killed him so that was exactly what Seth just said I mean let me add some contacts soon the argument began to escalate and the people you attacked were direct

Allies I’m sorry but what other ways do we have to stop the chaos in the jungle they stole they deserve to be killed over it do you really want to go to war over this well if you keep killing our people then we want to stand by and

Watch all right fine to see people declare war all right let’s do it but before a fight could begin wasek yelled double now oh my God Watson had just killed seven people using his sand trap before getting away Seth and the Sea people decided to put

Their war on hold and declared a unified worldwide Manhunt for wazuk everyone was confused about why wazza did this but then I remembered something watik had told me the day before listen if the war breaks out I have a plan to stop it really how oh you’ll see my friend when

Seth and the Sea people declared war on each other wasik decided to use his sand trap and make himself the villain so that the entire jungle would make peace to unite against him therefore actually preventing a World War wasik is now hiding Underground After spending most of the previous day trying to hunt down his enemies the sultan storming hell decided to take a break from the hunt and attend a wedding hosted by a small neighboring desert Nation it was a huge honor in the desert for the sultan to visit your

Civilization so there was a lot of Buzz surrounding the Sultan’s visit and everyone in the desert knew he would be there the twin guard was also at the wedding and he was quite thankful for the break since he secretly despised having to hunt for his own brother when the sultan

Demanded the dafford be tracked down and killed zomta was horrified by this order but he kept silence fearing that he’d be next zonta could only hope that davurant was Far Away Now hiding in a place where the sultan would never find him but it turned out daver it was not far away at

All because he was on a mission he’s actually here davoren was coming to kill the sultan but he had to be sneaky because the sultan was guarded by his elite team the plan was to catch him and his team off guard since it would only take a few to kill him oh David

Holy crap oh he’s hit him so many times wait sorry is getting away the elite team is on Davern big time Oh oh he’s getting close he’s getting close oh he turned around holy crap everyone’s here this is insane Salt is on his way back home I think what is happening What oh boy angry about the death of his brother David zomped to betrayed and killed the sultan storming hell in what he called an act of Revenge all of a sudden within the span of a few minutes storming hell saps and davoret were all dead both the sultanate and theria were without a

Leader and the desert island was in a state of total confusion now because the sultanate didn’t have a solid line of succession there was a short power struggle that ended with the sultanate getting completely dissolved on day 9 the second most powerful nation in the world had fallen and most of the

Sultanate citizens ended up fleeing that being said it wasn’t totally the end some who were still loyal to the late Sultan decided to form their own militias whose only goal was to track down zamta and Avenge the sultan we are called by our divine leader to kill the dirty traitor mashallah

Theria on the other hand didn’t dissolve and instead elected a new leader a player named Joe feel who was well liked and trusted in the community still the people of theria would continue to live in a state of fear afraid they would be invaded by one of the new desert

Militias also they would never find out why their founder saps jumped off the Therian Tower which he did because of guilt after he saw Deborah die saps believed that the sultan would invade and Destroy theria and he felt too ashamed knowing that he would be responsible it was only thanks to zomta

That The Invasion didn’t happen the death of the sultan sent shock waves throughout not just the desert but the whole world many nations went on lockdown including the aculon Empire while they technically weren’t allies Emperor olanulo had always admired Sultan storming how strong authoritarian leadership so after the lockdown alanilo

Sent his diplomats to the desert to offer support to the sultanate militias at the same time on the plains Island drip chicken of Los Pollos Hermanos was watching the desert from afar and he was worried about these rumored desert militias because drip chicken was from the desert he was able to educate his

Customers and planes about the politics of the desert and after sapsa’s death he encouraged sidefall to send diplomats to theria quickly and sidefall did just that on day 9 theria officially joined Seth and all the planes nations in the refugee State contract and what originally started as a simple Refugee

Agreement between Seth and sidefall had now turned into a worldwide alliance called The Alliance of democratic nations or put simply the allies Foreign Empire continued their daily routines the highest ranking officials of the Empire gathered to discuss the new existential dilemma they were now facing the aculon Empire had always been the most powerful nation in the world and it’s still technically is but when adding together the populations of all the states in the democratic nations

Alliance it is the Allies that have more people overall this made aculon officials extremely worried they saw this as the first legitimate threat to the regime alanilo agreed with this view but at the moment his attention was on another problem entirely the problem known as a freaking turkey

A freaking turkey’s rise to popularity had always bothered alanilu but now this conflict was at an absolute breaking point because yesterday one of ilanulu’s spies caught a freaking turkey helping snow citizens flee the Empire fleeing or defecting was strictly against aculon law olani love spy also saw a freaking

Turkey hanging out with not just sidefall but nearly all the major planes leaders which made a lotilo think is a freaking turkey planning something is he secretly working with the Allies is he about to orchestrate a full-scale revolution or an invasion of the aculon Empire these were all questions that

Aladila was wrestling with and the more he thought about it the more he convinced himself that a freaking turkey was probably committing some sort of treason and needed to be stopped yesterday a freaking turkey had reached out to olanulo for a meeting and today aladilo accepted this request but with

The fear conditions one this meeting takes place at the akulon castle two turkey comes alone and three the meeting takes place not today but tomorrow because alaniola needed some extra time for his Builders to finish a certain project located on the top of the aculon castle nobody knew why or what the

Strange looking Tower was but ilanulo insisted it be completed by the time turkey shows up foreign ly going to be interesting so make sure everyone’s ready lastly later in the day olodilo sent diplomats to establish alliances with both the desert militias and with the sea people in the jungle

Alanilo appreciated the sea people’s value of order and he promised that he will help him stop the chaos in the jungle and help them catch their number one most wanted criminal wazuk the sea people accepted this Alliance but they ended up not needing accuwon’s help because later to day 9 wasic decided to

Turn himself in About to be executed a guilty conscience perhaps All right wazek I uh understand you have a prepared statement you may now read your final words yes thank you hello everyone it’s your old friend wasok in the beginning I wanted to rule the world but I’ve made some bad decisions and now it’s my time to go you killed innocence

If there’s one thing I’ve learned is that time can never be your trusted friend long live the jungle Oh shoot After deciding that being a criminal in hiding isn’t how he wanted to live wasik instead chose to face his inevitable death on his own terms and by doing so he gave the jungle one last moment of unity the conflict between the two major jungle tribes was still unresolved

Especially now that they were in opposing alliances but for this brief moment there was peace in the jungle well that was fun everyone’s coming down the tree now most Nations around the world took the end of day 9 to rest and reflect on how far they’ve come for example the

Jungle’s Blue Cross Ride celebrated becoming International with at least one charity location on each island meanwhile in the desert the two sultanate militias held a funeral for the late Sultan where they vowed to get revenge and chanted death to theria after which they proceeded to finish building the Sultan’s holy city in his

Honor theria on the other hand expanded its reach into the Arts and became the first civilization to develop music oh lastly on the plains Island businesses were booming and civilizations were thriving on day 9 the plains Island had finished the construction of the ish the international State Highway which made

Trade and transportation between the major plains Nations much faster overall the building and architecture and player creativity in Planes was simply amazing and it was all made possible by the political stability of the Plains Island many in the desert and jungle and snow looked at planes as The Shining Beacon

That they can aspire to be like one day As the end of the day approached a freak and turkey returned to the plains Tavern after spending the day traveling around the world visiting civilizations In the Jungle the deserts and of course the plains Island during many of his visits he was very surprised when he found out that most

People from these foreign Nations not only knew about him but admired him this was because rumor had spread about his Disobedience to ilanulu and as a result he had earned a worldwide reputation as the savior of refugees The Honorable Rebel the man who stood up to the emperor and everywhere a freaking turkey

Went he was welcomed with open arms by the way I think it would have been perfect for that yeah I heard there was a comedy show here you should have called me over when it came to the aculod Empire the truth was a freaking turkey had no intention of causing any

Type of Uprising or revolution in fact he was strictly against the idea knowing just how devastating a major war would be but he did want change in the Empire during his prolonged stay in Planes he had seen what freedom and democracy looked like he had come to regret his

More tyrannical actions in the early days and he now envisioned a reformed akulan Empire his new dream was to bring democracy to snow bring freedom to the people of the accuwon Empire and make the snow refugees feel safe to come back home I might just be overly optimistic but I

Think we can achieve world peace okay if a freaking turkey is able to convince alanilo to convert the Empire from a tyrannical dictatorship into a free democracy and then the aculot Empire ends up joining the Allies then World Peace wouldn’t just be a far-fetched idea for Wishful thinkers it would actually happen

With this massive goal in mind a freaking turkey prepared for tomorrow for his big meeting with alanilo remember everything we talked about we’ll be watching before a freaking turkey took off for the snow Island he had met with the four major planes leaders one last time to tell them what

He hopes to achieve in his upcoming talk with ilanulo planes leaders were pessimistic see when they heard about alanilo’s strict conditions for the meeting to take place they suspected that this was going to be the meeting where olanito removes turkey from his second in command position or Worse pots turkey in aculon’s prison

Foreign s today the plane’s leaders promised turkey that he has the full support of the Allied Nations even if they can’t attend the meeting they will be watching and will do whatever they can to help him there we go turkey is now back on the snow Island

I think he’s going to the meeting right away Thank you This is weird turkey’s been in the castle for like a few minutes now and a lot of people know where to be seen Ow he’s right here he’s on his way Here we go everyone’s here now I think everyone’s here now Knights come to the castle wow I think these are all the high-ranking officials of aculon they’re all here here all Barons Duke turkey and fellow Knights have now come together to speak with Emperor lonilo ilanulo would you

Please wait okay hold up um so before we begin sorry I sorry to interrupt um I Uh turkey can you sit on the throne for a second Uh why just just do it okay um what are we doing what is happening can I trust you turkey Yeah you like this right sitting on the throne you put me on here I I don’t know what you’re talking about in front of all these people I know that you’ve colluded with the plane’s Alliance oh that I know that you want to take over this nation take this throne for yourself what there’s nothing you can do at this point to convince me that you’re not plotting a revolution against me I thought you read it no Elon yellow yes

I’ve talked with planes I’ve also talked with desert and jungle I am a diplomat and I’ll tell you this all those people that I talked with will become our allies the moment we turn this place into an actual democracy why are you secretly leading people off my Island

Because they thought you were going to kill them and to be honest so did I So that’s the point of this meeting you want to get rid of me you know what how about I just leave and you won’t have to deal with me again I’m just gonna go okay Yeah and then you’ll come back with an army I’m sorry turkey Wow Oh wait they’re killing turkey supporters they’re hunting down his supporters as well this is crazy like that there was a Purge on the snow Island and many of turkey’s supporters were killed the few who were able to escape immediately swam to the other Islands to tell everyone

Exactly what happened and all of the night started executing Bernie Ender turkey they assassinated some of the most loved members of echelon when a freaking turkey’s death message appeared in chess people around the world were outraged and shortly after the leaders of the Allied Nation started activating their militaries putting them on standby

Turkey once visited Los Pollos Hermanos I’m giving the Army chicken for 50 off to make sure they’re ready for battle meanwhile Eladio got word that the Allies were preparing their armies so he declared a full lockdown reached out to his own allies and called them to the

Aculon castle to be ready in case the Allies declare war and sure enough when the police leaders talked with theria and Seth the votes was unanimous on day 10 the alliance of democratic nations officially declared war on the aculon empire that’s why I say I wish you luck and

Great success hopefully we all see some to sign the Constitution of the new aculon Republic the new acting on Republic that we all dream about having thank you thank you all this isn’t about us this isn’t about our lives it’s about the turkey and preventing the world of

Tyranny all the Allied Nations met up at the center Island so they could attack the snow Island together today we fight for Revenge we fight for freedom come on but little did the Allies know Eladio had set a trap the aculon builders had taken inspiration from history and

Created what they called the iron torch the most advanced defensive tower in the world complete with dangerous height sturdy walls Arrow slits and lava cover This is crazy wow they’re here Foreign Thank you Foreign [Applause] [Applause] Thank you wait how long you died Yes soon after olanulo died the aculon Empire officially surrendered you should say they surrendered kill still kill them but even though aculon surrendered the Allies didn’t stop fighting no mercy no mercy I’ll say no mercy [Applause] like that there was a Purge on the snow Island but this time it was the

Supporters of turkey doing the killing it’s just an absolute Slaughter Fest after a while the Allies had completely taken over the iron torch and all the aculod forces had either been killed or had fled the island and gone into hiding and with that the alliance of democratic nations had defeated the aculon empire Or ended and the clouds parted that the Allies were finally able to reflect on what they had done they had succeeded but they had also shown no mercy when their enemy surrendered they continued to be ruthless and thirsty for blood it was as if they had become their enemy

As the Allies each safely returned to their homes now with a clear mind many of them felt regret neither side was completely innocent and the war was complicated but at least it was over and the Allies had won Over the next few days the people of plains Feria Seth and a few smaller Nations created a world alliance with a massive Parliament building on the center Island where world leaders met to discuss the Affairs of their Nations and most importantly to keep the peace and the first order of business was

Pardoning the few living players who fought for aculon so they didn’t have to live in hiding Meanwhile the snow refugees were able to move back to the snow Island and create the new aculon Republic putting democracy in snow they also tore down the remains of the iron torch and put in its place a graveyard honoring all who died in the Battle of acuan and

Overlooking the graveyard was the man or turkey who inspired them all And so the jungle went back to hosting comedy shows the desert went back to pursuing the Arts and drift chicken went back to running After all that happened throughout the days things were finally settling down For many players the new found piece allowed for new stories to begin but for us it’s a good place to end

This video, titled ‘1000 Players Build MASSIVE Civilization in Minecraft’, was uploaded by ish on 2023-05-27 22:00:11. It has garnered 12720224 views and 555969 likes. The duration of the video is 01:13:18 or 4398 seconds.

In this video, I put 1000 Minecraft players onto 4 islands, each its own civilization. Each player had the freedom to do whatever they want, but they only had one life. Will there be democracy? Will there be war? Which nations will be triumphant? Find out now!

If you want to play in events like these, join my Discord server: https://discord.gg/state

More info: Out of 8000+ applicants, 1200 players were accepted to play in my 1000 Player Civilization Experiment (also known as “Season 2”). Before the event began, players selected which island they wanted to join—plains, desert, snow, or jungle. Each day, all players logged on at the same time, and session lasted around 1-2 hours. For the most part, players could do whatever they want, including mining for resources, running a business, becoming a leader, or fighting in war. We did set a few limitations on the players to promote a better experience, like banning random killing (RDM) as well as disabling most Minecraft enchantments. DISCLAIMER: While most of the footage and plot information in this video accurately represents what actually happened in this event/experiment, some moments have been modified, reshot, or entirely fabricated for purposes of simplification or storytelling. If you want to know EXACTLY what was real/scripted, or if you just want to learn more about how I made the video, I posted a 3-hour live stream on my “ish 2” YouTube channel explaining the specifics.

Intro – 0:00 Day 1 – 1:11 Day 2 – 4:12 Day 3 – 7:41 Day 4 – 11:53 Day 5 – 14:47 Day 6 – 19:27 Day 7 – 24:06 Day 8 – 30:05 Day 9 – 42:19 Day 10 – 57:49 Epilogue – 1:11:00

#Minecraft #Civilization

My Twitter: https://twitter.com/ish13c

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1000 Players Build MASSIVE Civilization in Minecraft