200 Days – [Hardcore Minecraft]

Video Information

What’s going on minecraft fans luke the notable here in this video i’ll be surviving 200 days in hardcore minecraft the first hundred days can be watched here just click the card on screen but now it’s time for day 101 so here we are back to the only reality that matters in

Day 101 the entire compounds the same from the first 100 days complete with creeper collection but of course in these 100 days we’re gonna have to get right to work we have some serious objectives i really didn’t ask too much of myself on the first 100 days the only

Objective was to not die but now with most of my infrastructure set up it’s pretty easy to survive so i’m setting my sights a little bit higher mark my words by the end of this 200 days the ender dragon will be killed and i will have beaten minecraft but until then we gotta

Do some farming well farming mining exploring killing tons of stuff it’s gonna be a great hundred days and here it looks like day 101 is just about over very productive but still a lot more to do day 102 began with the clearing of more land i need to make tons of space

For a farm using only carrots i can employ this entire town for their entire life they’re not very smart i have the carrots so i make the laws i worked all day again only 98 more days until my date with the ender dragon sorry still working on the farm but if anything it

Should show you how important it is however no farm is complete without a wall to surround it yep i’m gonna build a giant wall again i honestly think it’s one of the only reasons i’m still alive i doubt this one will have three different layers but one good stone one

Is all you need for now the villagers are safe inside of the well but i’ll never feel safe until i have a completed wall so i went to bed early again but day 104 were back at it building the most important structure in my entire town i think i’ve survived so long

Because i try to take those extra safety steps like wall building sure it might take a while but once this wall is set up i’ll feel a lot better hanging out in this town and this time at night instead of sleeping i just stood perfectly still

In one spot so my crops could grow i am dead set on finishing this wall before i do anything else i’m gonna spend a lot of time in this town can’t have creepers creeping up on me construction was going pretty good until i ran into this hilly

Portion of the villager town i’ll get through it but it was definitely easier to build walls on flat land and again i chewed up all of day 105 just constructing my wall time well spent it’s a little better but you can tell there’s tons of dark spots throughout

This entire town still pretty dangerous but you know these crops are looking mighty scrumptious day 106 i heard some nagging zombies underneath the town so i figured i’d go check it out there’s basically a small cave system underneath this town and that allows zombies to spawn i guess in theory they don’t

Really hurt anyone but i should probably get rid of these mobs anyway like my frog from second grade i’ll cover it with dirt and pretend it doesn’t exist and then there was nothing else better to do so i just worked on some more wall by this point i’d say about 70 of it’s

Done so zombies can still get in but they can only come in from one angle so it’s pretty easy to defend and for day 107 i could show you another full day of wall construction but i doubt you want to see that by this point so we can skip

To the sunset and the completed wall but the real test will be at night i’m looking for any dark spots and i’m going to fill them with light but i’m pretty good at building walls and securing areas so i really didn’t run into any problems tonight no mob spawns in the

Town this time so in the morning of day 108 i figured there’s nothing better to do than farm eventually i’ll be able to sell my crops to these villagers but i’ve never done this before and i really don’t know how the whole system works so this is gonna take a little bit of

Figuring out but until then nothing will go to waste i’ll just stockpile my crops in this chest i also need a couple more things back at the main camp so i’m gonna take my horse road home and now stocked up on supplies i left at night

To make it back to the villagers it’s heavily night time but thanks to my wall i can work on my subordinates in peace i know for an absolute fact that there’s probably a better way to do this but i don’t know how to do that so my way’s

Gonna have to work and now it’s technically the next day but i was so focused on getting these villagers to work that i actually forgot to stop the recording so we’ll just say day 108 was an extra long day whatever now it’s day 109 and i’m just trying to get these

Villagers to go in these huts that they’ll stay in their entire lives so far with my menial knowledge of villager occupations i was able to get a master farmer and a tool smith but remember i don’t know much about the villagers these green ones are actually called

Nitwits and can’t learn a profession so i wasted my time on him however i wasted no time at night doing one final check to make sure that everything is covered by light and hey the crops are looking scrumptious again so on the morning of day 110 i went straight to my favorite

Thing farming but i won’t be selling them this time i’ll be reinvesting to make the farm even larger and after 10 days this village is really starting to come together look how comfy that guy looks hey it’s day one one one i don’t know why i’m excited but i am though

Pretty much immediately i went back to the main camp i gotta grab a few more things one of them was wool and even though my sheep farm is in violation of several health codes it still produces i needed the wool to make beds to make a villager spawner which of course i’ve

Never made before it pretty much chewed up the entire day and it never worked awesome and it’s not like i didn’t try here’s day 112. i read all of google i even gave them food they never spawned looking back i’m almost certain it’s because the room they’re in is too small

Whatever if you’re not gonna breed for me i guess you’ll be imprisoned there for eternity these villagers weren’t a complete waste though i was able to get a tool smith to master and he’ll sell me a diamond pickaxe for 23 emeralds so now thanks to my investments i can basically

Turn carrots into diamonds and with how big my farm is over here that pretty much means i have unlimited diamonds sort of and now on day 113 i’m going into the nether gotta keep you on your toes i really haven’t done anything in the nether since the first time i came

Here and that was pretty brief but if i’m gonna beat the game i have to explore the nether even though i don’t want to even though i’m in the nether i’m gonna try to make this as safe as possible though i’m not gonna cut any corners it might take a little bit of

Effort but i feel the best way to travel through the nether is tunneling and if i place cobblestone along the floor of the tunnel nothing should spawn in here i hope your days can get a little weird down in the nether but now it’s day 114

In the real world and it took a while but by day 115 i found what i was looking for the nether fortress i amishly stepped inside and even found some diamond horse armor but while getting a lay of the land i was attacked by a wither skeleton i bonked him with

My shovel and ran away and i didn’t stop running until i made it home now it’s day 116 at least i think and i’m gonna redo my nether portal i didn’t change that much but i figured a portal to the underworld should have some style but

It’ll be a little bit before we go back into the nether it’s a very dangerous place and i want to make sure i’m prepared so i went back to the village and started construction on my diamond mine i wanted to keep the exterior simple so it would blend in with the

Villagers and i think i did an okay job this is the part where most youtubers would have three episodes of their minecraft series dedicated to mining but i can just snap it away aren’t you glad you’re watching the best minecraft series on youtube i am i constructed

This mine to find diamonds and i won’t stop until i have enough for some diamond armor and so far it was going pretty good by the end of day 118 i had 14 diamonds you know i don’t normally like to mine with a diamond pickaxe but because i can buy them from villagers

This time i’m going with it then finally on day 120 with this massive chunk of diamonds i should have enough for some diamond armor i’m also incredibly lucky none fell in this lava not bad only took me about three days and i’ve got full diamond armor i don’t have enough

Experience to enchant the full set but at this point i’m just looking for one of these items to have some sort of fire protection so now with some flame resistant boots i’m back in the nether one of the first things i did when i got back to the nether fortress is i

Installed this iron golem i’m not really sure how helpful he’ll be but it’s good peace of mind i also lucked out and found netherwort and soul sand both very useful items but i’m primarily down here because i have to kill blazes that’s what these creatures are and somehow i

Really don’t even know how i got this lucky i found an entire blaze spawn this is likely the most dangerous situation i’ve been in in this entire series great i really took my time with this thing in my wildest dreams i’d love to have an efficient blaze farm but i know i’m not

Good enough for that understand that i’m not really sure what i’m doing but i also have really good diamond enchanted anti-fire armor so these things can’t really hurt me it took some serious elbow grease to build this thing but once it was done i had a nice enclosure

With the blaze spawn the final product isn’t very complicated you can see it’s made of mostly dirt but it does work somehow that all just went perfectly according to plan when i emerged from the nether it was night time so i guess we’re just going to call this whole

Thing day 125. now those blazes drop blaze rods which are turned into blaze powder and then when added with an ender pearl make an eye of ender which is part of the end game the eye of ender will help you find the end fortress which is

Where you have to go to beat the ender dragon and beat the game however i almost immediately lost one of my eye vendor and burned down this forest and anger don’t worry there’s about a million more steps to beat minecraft and somehow chickens is part of it i’m not

Sure how but it took me 126 days to spawn an iron golem in my compound there was also one of these traveling traders who showed up and he was going to sell nautilus shells i know they’re important for something too bad i left all my money in the diamond mine gotta go grab

That i didn’t want to miss out on this trailer so i went right back and he was still there using a heart of the sea and nautilus shells i was able to make a conduit i’m not really sure what it’s for but i know it’s important for now

We’re just gonna throw it in the treasure chest though and maybe come back to it if we get to 300 days you know one thing i’ve never really been proud of is my horse road i know it’s a horse road but it should look a little

Nice come on and while i’ve never really had any problems with it it’s only a matter of time before creeper creeps his way on it so i’m installing some safety features yeah who knows maybe with enough work this won’t just be a horse road it could be a people road i worked

All day on this side of the road and at night i added more lights to my main compound you can never have enough day 128 i’m out here laboring cleaning up the hilly portion of my horse road i know in the past i’ve said it’s not about vanity but it’s totally all about

Vanity at night i ran into an enderman which is convenient because they drop ender pearls and i need those to beat the game but you can drop one i’m gonna sleep with the villagers for tonight and then in the morning i’ll work on the horse road from this side the villager

Side of the road is just way worse mostly due to lack of public funding i’m pretty sure i also built a good portion of it at night frantically so that’s never good kind of like that old birch road i spent 20 days on and never use i’m gonna have this thing carved through

The swamp and by night time i wasn’t near done but at least i can dismantle this old ugly piece of road i’ll have to do a little bit of work here on day 130 but you can obviously tell that this road is much better already yeah the

Bridge is done but it definitely doesn’t look good on the other side i guess we can skip to the night time of day 131 where it still looks pretty meh i don’t know there’s a lot of work to do here by day 132 i got the road to a point where

It was pretty safe but i started to run out of walls so i guess i’ll work on the mountain portion of the road then this is easily the most hazardous section i’ve lost a horse here i kind of installed a big dirt net under the bridge so if i fall i’ll hit this

Instead of the ground and i don’t really have too many plans for up on top of the mountain but i definitely want to put some more lights up here so skeletons don’t spawn anymore i worked until the sun came up i’m sort of getting tired of

It and i wasn’t recording but now i have a cat so there’s that you didn’t really miss out on much i pretty much just finished up the horse road now i’m gonna start another project right near the villager town it shouldn’t take too long that is if this cat wasn’t following me

I’m gonna handle this man i decided to be nice to the little guy and give him his own house that’s more than a lot of the villagers in this town and i worked on my mystery construction until night time so i should probably go home i don’t really know why i’m pretending

This is some secret i’m just building a simple watchtower near the village i was hoping that during the night time i’d be able to use this thing to fight enderman the plan didn’t really work but at least i have an amazing view of the village and way way out there in the distance

That might be another villager town and even though my excitement was at an all-time high before we do anything we have to watch the sunrise it wasn’t even really that far of a walk to get to this town nice the first thing i noticed is that this village is doing great they

Even have children whoa so the first thing i did and the first thing you should always do is lock all of these men in their houses immediately it’s as easy as ringing the bell and then once the villagers go inside their houses you lock them in there forever and it was a

Long day but i know all of these villagers are important i actually care about their lives but as you can tell on the morning of day 136 it’s obviously pretty dangerous over here so we’re gonna have to do some wall building thing is my inventory’s kind of packed

Right now and i don’t really have a main camp over here so i’m gonna have to go back and get some supplies but i don’t have to worry about these villagers because they’re all imprisoned for eternity and this is just perfect my stonks the dividends so before we head

Out on day 137 i’m gonna turn these carrots into emeralds and i’m really hoping with this clean slate town i’ll be able to do a little bit more with some of the villager professions one of the things i definitely need is a cleric and i happen to have two of them if you

Level them up high enough you can buy ender pearls from them so there’s no need to kill endermen nice the cleric’s really the only one i care about but i also happen to have a bunch of blank villagers as well so i can get tons of different professions yeah we’ve opened

Up another can of hard labor on ourselves but you know give us maybe 10 days and this thing should look great step one is create a farm if i don’t have any food then i can’t tax my citizens this farm i wanted to not only be functional but also look a little

Nice and have a little bit of an automated feature as well but i don’t know how it’s already dark i got like nothing done today though i wasted no time on day 139 this farm is really starting to come together i said i wanted some automated features in this

Farm as well it’s not going to be too complicated or anything but you’ll see however before i could finish it my eternal clock the sun told me to go to bed very early on day 140 i was able to finish up the farm and i was even able

To finish up the conveyor belt running underneath it now when i harvest these crops any that fall in the water on either side will be delivered to one simple spot underground and all without redstone we’re also going to change up our wall building technique i’ve got so

Much dark wood over here i might as well make fences it got dark but now it’s the next day that’s generally how it tends to work luckily for me this town is pretty flat so i was able to lay down a ton of fences in no time and just like

That i’m about ten thousand percent more at ease it’s still a lot of area though despite it being pretty flat so this might take another day yup just had to throw a couple more touches on the wall in day 142. this town really has seen far less bloodshed than the other one it

Might actually turn out to be a good community i think when this is all said and done i’ll probably build a proper house here but i don’t really have time for that right now but my hard work’s paying off already my economy is booming i even persuaded this cleric to sell me

Some ender pearls which is really the whole reason i came here then at night on my way back to the first villager town i upgraded my horse my other horse was terrible but i didn’t realize until i rode this pixelated steed and by the morning of day 143 i had basically made

It back to the main camp i’m mostly just here to check on my pumpkins i had never grown them before also gotta breed the chickens all ten thousand of them i asked tors nelbaton if they wanted anything they said they were good all i did literally all i did day 144 was farm

I have so much farmland it literally takes that long however my hard work paid off the very next day i had 45 emeralds and went on a shopping spree at the cleric now that i have 12 eye vendors i should be able to find the end

Fortress but the sun isn’t that high in the sky so i should probably try tomorrow and that’s exactly what i did in day 146 i rode out into the great unknown looking for the end i found another town in a spruce forest and quickly stole all of their property i

Rode all day and didn’t find anything it was dumb of me to think this was going to be easy and since i can’t sleep i just packed up in a tiny little shack and stood there all night like a normal person and on day 147 thanks to my eye

Of ender i was right above the ender portal i’m about 2 000 blocks from the main camp so i decided to make my own little dirt shack over here until i found the end i’ve got to dig through an entire mountain though so this is going to be a little difficult technically

Early on day 148 i found the end portal and the first step was to build a convenient ladder right to it it took all day but now i can go straight from my dirt shack to the end and now i’m home huh i used my compass and wasn’t

Recording anyway now i know exactly where the end of the game is so i can truly focus on preparing for the ender dragon i’ve never killed the dragon before especially on hardcore so i’m gonna grab everything i could possibly need for this fight the chickens were for feathers this gravel is for flint

There’s so many different things it’s gonna take a while yeah it’s gonna take a while but it’s also gonna require some serious resources so on day 150 i went back to farming i feel like that’s pretty much all i do and then right before bed i gave my horse a golden

Carrot for no reason at all i will be moving between these two towns though so on day 151 i constructed a tunnel and horse road between the two it really didn’t take that long basically about half a day and i was done the whole road is essentially three arches very simple

Only for a horse maybe for a guy in daytime if i forgot something and at night i burned down the forest to make room for my road i’m sure the local townspeople won’t mind the next morning i discovered a large cave right next to the horse road i didn’t explore it or

Anything just covered it up like all my problems yeah i essentially spent the entire day fixing little problems that no one would notice but me also my cleric isn’t selling meander pearls and i have no idea why i’m not an expert at this stuff whatever i’ll figure it out

Tomorrow tonight i’m sleeping in the castle hey look at me clearing trees again on day 153 that must mean i’m up to something it is another road there are many like it but this one will definitely be the longest for now i did the math and if i extend this road 2 000

Blocks in one direction it will lead exactly to where my ender portal is i’m setting up a hard supply line for not only the ender dragon but also all the things that come after the ender dragon if you guys want to see 300 days and i

Know you probably do this road has to exist and you know it’s going to take a little bit but honestly it might be the most important thing i’ve built this entire series don’t worry the plan isn’t to have one long section of road that would obviously just take tons of

Materials it’s kind of gonna be in little strips this is probably the most designed section of it i was just lucky to have this tree there this is a road that probably will never look nice and i’m okay with that i just love the idea that i could maybe one day cleanly go

From my main compound like the starting one all the way to the end easily by a road but i almost immediately ran into the problem of mountains and in my opinion i think in this scenario it’s a little bit easier to just tunnel on through so yeah we just added more work

But like i said earlier this tunnel is probably the most important work of my entire life minecraft or otherwise and hey it may have been a tiny bit faster if i did this whole thing across flat ground but honestly the tunnel’s probably a little safer but i may have

To start sleeping inside of the tunnel now running back home took quite a while day 157 is mostly what you see here just mining away at some rock if anything it made the construction process a little mindless which is good when you’re going 2 000 blocks now the absolute best

Feeling was when i got a big chunk of dirt and i could just zap right through with my enchanted diamond shovel you gotta find some way to entertain yourself when all you do is mine oh yeah i don’t know about you guys but i sleep great in this drafty tunnel the only

Rare thing i ever ended up finding to break up the monotony was coal and i’m telling you they felt like diamonds and by the end of day 160 i had broken through to a swamp so no more tunneling at least for now oh no we’re not done

Yet there’s still about 700 blocks to go again the plans for this road we’re gonna change on the fly i didn’t really know exactly what torino is gonna be crossing right now we’re going over a swamp though i did get a ton done today as you can see this road is pretty long

Now i only had to place one block at a time yeah that was nice while it lasted but now we’re back to a hilly region the end portals in a mountain remember i am getting really close though that narrow dangerous section over the water really helped though if my math is correct on

The morning of day 163 i was right by the end portal i mean gotta build a bridge over this ravine first but i’m almost there hey look just as i remember it the terrible little dirt shack but before i do anything i want to finish up

That little last section right up to the shack and that’s it i’ve connected my main compound that i spawned at for day one all the way to a shack in the end portal i’ve come a long way in 163 days day 164 i took the road back and even

Just to get to that second villager town it still takes over half a day but now i can run supplies safely between my main compound and the end portal so i can set myself up for the ender dragon and what comes after it speaking of supplies now

It’s time to do my favorite thing no actually the favorite thing happened on day 165 i spent most of the day looking up what i needed to kill the ender dragon so i had to go to bed early alright i have a confession i’ve played minecraft for like 10 years and i’ve

Never brewed a potion never not once you can generally find some helpful tips on youtube if you can get past the terrible dubstep intros i don’t want to explain it because i still don’t totally understand it and i’ll probably have to look it up again when i have to make

More potions but i was able to learn the brewing process and by the end of the day had upgraded potions of slow falling i also set aside a designated chest for everything i’m going to take into the end portal i’m going to go as full kit

As possible i was just busy all day learning new things time got away from me and i had to go to bed then on day 167 i wasted no time and took my horse road back to the second far villager town oh and i farmed along the way gotta

Pay my mortgage the cleric still isn’t selling meander pearls i have no idea why i even moved him into my own house i thought maybe he was feuding with the other guy well listen buddy we’re gonna figure this one out the easy way or the

Starvy way day 168 is mostly going to be about preparation tomorrow’s a big one i mostly just worked on some of the other villagers here i’m leveling up the butcher i really wasn’t sure what the villagers were going to give me at max level but in my experience if you get

Them to master there’s always something that’s worth your while i also started then completed construction of a large l right outside the town the cleric still wasn’t selling me anything but i went to bed excited because now it’s day 169 and to start it off i decided i was going to

Ride my see-through horse oh it’s very slow almost like it’s the ghost of my first horse alright now you know what i’ll really be doing i also had to brew a second diamond sword yeah that’s right two diamond swords i need one with sharpness my current one has smite and

That won’t help me with the ender dragon though i got a little greedy and as soon as i saw looting 2 i clicked and chant this thing won’t help me for the ender dragon but it’s still a useful sword i gotta go to bed early though i gotta

Check on my cleric in the morning i miss him it took a very long time to get back to l-town i hope you all know i paid for that see-through horse joke hey what do you know doing absolutely nothing didn’t fix a thing so most of the footage is me

Just standing still while i look up what is wrong with you it’s probably because the brewing stand wasn’t on the floor but then when i tried to move it he got out this is just becoming a day all right hopefully that works i won’t know until tomorrow i’m getting very close to

Killing him village security gave me this diamond sword and told me to use it on anyone that looks suspicious i basically just bummed around in the town a little bit until my cleric would sell me some ender pearls nice i fixed him and by the end of the day i was going

Back into the nether woohoo i needed more blaze rods luckily i built a blaze spawner it’s not the most efficient and it’s a little bit dangerous but like i said earlier i’ve got pretty good armor for this maybe one day if i get some talent i can turn this into a proper

Blaze farm but for now i’m just slapping these guys with my diamond sword until they die i mean even if you look at my health i’m not taking that much damage and by the end of what my soul perceived as day 172 i had 24 blaze rods and

That’s enough for me the next day day 173 i worked on getting some flint to make some arrows my ancestors recommend about four stacks and i was also able to get that diamond sword with sharpness which will really help for the ender dragon it’s not perfect fire doesn’t

Help me at all but it’s fine i did quite a few chores on day 174 it’s fine i don’t even really mind i also noticed that my master level cleric would give me one emerald for eight glass bottles and that’s a pretty good deal for this trade the math works out that eight

Blocks of sand equals one emerald and that’s insane i told you about these master level villagers they can turn some serious profits it’s just nice to be able to work on multiple money-making methods throughout the day you know while i’m farming up this sand i’m making money but my crops are also

Growing which makes me more money and i never thought digging up some sand with a shovel could get complicated but you know by the end of day 175 i had pretty much mastered it oh yeah you feel that blood in your nose that’s the smell of

Industry i got a little supply hungry on day 176 but i was finding a good amount of clay which i can use to make some dandy looking brick and of course the sand turns a massive profit so i’m going for that too i’m gonna use this sand to

Get emeralds from the cleric and eventually follow the entire town then the real profits begin by the end of the day i couldn’t even sell all the glass bottles that i made i netted 12 emeralds and then he ran out of stock i already

Had a lot of money but on day 177 i farmed and made even more i mean i need a lot of money though there’s a lot of villagers that i haven’t even begun to upgrade like this weaponsmith but the newly installed fletcher might just be

The best one yet he can sell me arrows bows all kinds of stuff you know for a couple emeralds he got me almost three stacks of arrows and saved a lot of chickens lives the rest of the day was just spent looking at the weird stuff some of these villagers want like dried

Kelp blocks huh day 178 i noticed my butcher wanted some mutton and i happened to know a whole family of mutton i had quite a lot of sheep though if you’ll believe it this is the flock after i killed 64 of them i think i might have killed too many cows though

Whoops after that excruciatingly painful day i went to bed early but didn’t sleep at all because of the nightmares my end game chest is definitely starting to look good though on day 179 however i’m a little addicted to these villagers so i got a little sidetracked i got my

Shepherd to master which is pretty useless he just sells you paintings but that’s not terrible i guess didn’t really do anything else oh and a zombie got in i’m not sure how but he’s dead now i know i already said i got my shepherd to master but i have this other

Shepherd that i’m trying to rebrand it took a long time but at least i locked him in which is pretty much the hardest part yeah it was already night by the time i put down his brand new stone cutter oh and zombies are still getting in why sometimes this works right away

Sometimes it takes a while and sometimes it doesn’t work at all whatever i had a little bit of fun on day 181 i had 24 paintings and created my national museum of art i’m also going to expand that l i know i called it l town in passing

Earlier but that wasn’t official what’s better than an l you ask huh maybe an ltn not that huh the morning of day 182 i started by cleaning up the front entrance to this town remember kids care about your appearance everyone cares what you look like there was also a

Small hill in front of the ltn that i deleted to make the view better there was quite a lot of sand at the front entrance and that’s actually profitable for me so i replaced it with dirt sure it’s not perfect but it looks a bit nicer and it’s definitely safer i was

Proud of all the improvements i made it definitely looks better especially at night so i just stood on top of this hay bale and clonked zombies all night after a quick morning of farming and consumerism on day 183 i went back to the first villager town you know that

Town that was pretty cool but then i forgot about it completely when i found a cooler town there is one good thing about this town i’ve got a toolsmith that i leveled up to master so i can buy diamond tools from him yeah but then later i almost totally lit my house on

Fire which would have been bad it’s made of mostly wood that was pretty much all i wanted to do that day but i ended up getting a pretty nice shot of this town’s skyline day 184 i realized there’s no way these townsfolk will recognize my greatness unless i build a

Throne you might be sitting there at home thinking that i’m just stalling fighting the ender dragon and you’re right but at least i’m being creative about it sorry local businesses looks like your land belongs to me now like any good throne of an oppressor this one

Needs to have fire you know if that doesn’t hold up my authority i don’t know what will oh and you’ve got to know it’s really really comfy yeah even from over here i feel very oppressed you know what’s weird day 185 i realized one of my blank villagers became a stone mason

Whatever this works i guess i wanted one because they’ll sell you fancy stone like these bricks or chiseled stuff yeah i’m so rich i went all the way from novice to master in one day and he’ll sell me blocks of polished quartz so i

Can get real fancy so at night i left on the long road to my end shack to polish it up a little bit this area is pretty embarrassing all there is is a dirt shack and a ladder all the way to the end i really like using bricks so you

Have to understand i was having a ton of fun with this i go through those pillars to get to the end it looks pretty cool right i don’t know i think it is i also carved out a pretty uninteresting basement this is where i’ll make room

For some storage and maybe a bed and by the end of the day it was mostly done but i still got a few more things to do i dismantled the good old dirt shack on day 187 it served us well and we will always remember him and then the rest of

The day was just spent making the end shack look nicer and i think i did a pretty good job fire always helps then by the end of the day we had a respectable base that looked nice and had a bed in the basement which is all i

Really need but i still need a few more things before i fight the ender dragon and one is iron diamonds would help too honestly i didn’t really find much like two iron definitely no diamonds a lot of coal though i’ll be sleeping here for the night but i’ll definitely have to

Get back to my diamond mine well i guess chicken the ravine won’t hurt i was very careful mostly just tunneled through the side of the ravine and used math to find the iron i’m gonna raise an army of iron golems to fight the ender dragon so i’m

Gonna need this iron it really wasn’t that dangerous especially since it was the daytime and my smite sword makes these zombies die in one hit i left with a ton of daylight and 56 irons so it was totally worth my time all right it’s the last 10 days we’re fighting the ender

Boy on day 200 so let’s settle our fares you can tell i got right to mining still gotta find that iron maybe some diamonds too i happen to have a villager that’ll buy my smooth stone so i’m actually profiting the whole time i’m mining down here and i’ve got a fortune pickaxe

Which can multiply my diamonds so i got a ton pretty fast by the end of the day i had 32 diamonds but it didn’t feel like i had nearly as much iron now i’m back in the main camp consolidating some of my rarest items into stuff that’ll

Help me fight the ender dragon this is the first time i’d ever built an ender chest you can’t even really use them unless you have a silk touch pickaxe like my boy tim here it’s essentially an extended inventory that you can use in emergencies so this is gonna be perfect

For the ender dragon the rest of the day i just got organized with how i keep my chest it took a while the entirety of day 192 was spent brewing potions i filled up my ender chest with all the potions i was going to take so now i got

To make duplicates it took all day but i also messed around a little i made a water breathing potion here anyway i’m going back to vt1 at night yeah for day 193 this is pretty much the only frame i have to show you and you know it was a

Good one the next day i found a real skeleton spawner though this is awesome i can convert this i even took the time to open up my ender chest grab my silk touch pickaxe tim and mine the spawner but it didn’t work i was so sad then day

195 i pretty much just got lost in a cave but at least there were resources down there i’ve got a surplus on diamonds redstone pretty much everything i need but iron is so scarce right now i don’t know how i know i said i was lost

But i just waited until the sun was high in the sky and then followed my compass home ha ha i knew this bridge would have a point one day i spent the rest of the night frantically rummaging through all my treasures i’m spending day 196 trying to get the absolute perfect enchants i’m

Trying to get a hold of some anti-fall damage boots my forefathers have highly recommended them i’m sorry chickens i’m just gonna need a little more xp well i didn’t get the perfect enchantment but i got protection three which will help at least a little i also would have really

Liked an infinity bow that’s another enchantment but i guess four stacks of arrows will work just as good hey and look at me i’m taking my horse road as a people road good thing i put in those safety features day 197 i spent all day moving mountains of stone between the

Villagers i was getting so rich i had to put a sizeable amount of my money in blocks this village probably no it definitely saved me i don’t know what i would do without this village no way i’d be this prepped for the ender fight it’s not over yet though i feel i’ve only

Scratched the surface this world is pretty massive i kind of just loitered around the town all day looking for little things i needed to fix i really care about this place but as you can tell i’m getting my inventory pretty cleaned out it’s almost time i purposely

Set aside day 199 to be all about prep i wanted to make sure i got this right so i took a full day i checked and then double checked and then checked a third time just to make sure i had everything i needed and i’m just gonna freeze frame

It here this is everything i’m taking in my inventory and my ender chest on top i was pretty certain i didn’t forget a single thing and by the end of day 199 i’m ready at least ready as i’ll ever be and i woke up early on day 200 and

Checked my inventory for the tenth time it was definitely a lot of work to get here i mean you just watched it but when that end portal opened up it was all worth it though when i tried to get a closer look i accidentally fell in judge

Me if you will but i’m going with the very simple strategy of putting a pumpkin on my head i’ll show you why in a sec i know it’s a little hard to see but there are a bunch of enderman in the ender dragon fight and if i looked at

Any of them without this pumpkin mask they’d attack me the pumpkin head allows me to disregard the enderman and worry most about the ender dragon first step is destroying the crystals on top of these obsidian pylons and you always want to start with the two that have iron cages of course it’s pretty

Dangerous to go up this high but because you have that potion of slow falling once you destroy that thing you can just jump off the rest of the crystals can be easily handled with an arrow shot if you’re good i brought extra ender pearls because you can teleport with them and

With the potion of slow falling there’s really no chance of death but honestly they weren’t that easy to use anyway once you destroy all that stuff he’ll land in the middle and this is where the easiest part of the fight comes along all you gotta do is go behind him and

Hit his tail repeatedly it’s really not hard you can also shoot him in the air which was pretty easy this game is for children just always remember to redose on your potion of slow falling here for about 20 seconds i wasn’t covered but that doesn’t matter as now i’ve

Successfully killed the ender dragon it really wasn’t that hard i definitely had enough gear for it if i died it would have been over so i had to put every little bit of focus into this fight and it turned down perfectly i went from level 29 to level 69 and got myself a

Dragon egg it was definitely a good day but you see that thing in the distance there that’s what we’re doing next so make sure you subscribe so you don’t miss the next one and as always stay notable

This video, titled ‘200 Days – [Hardcore Minecraft]’, was uploaded by Luke TheNotable on 2019-11-02 17:30:32. It has garnered 26597610 views and 587225 likes. The duration of the video is 00:30:02 or 1802 seconds.

This video is intended for audiences 13+ years old for the following reasons Fantasy Violence Violent References Suggestive Themes Crude Humor

Minecraft Hardcore Mode is the HARDEST version of Minecraft without a doubt. Creepers spawn more often. Skeleton arrows do more damage. And Zombies can call upon the horde. Most notably of all though, if you die in Hardcore Minecraft, you die forever. Your world is deleted. *Minecraft theme plays at MAX VOLUME

-The intro of this video was removed to protect against fraudulent copyright claims regarding Minecraft music. I apologize for the inconvenience.

Follow me on Twitter!! – https://twitter.com/LukeTheNotable

Thumbnail Art – Maeder (Commissions OPEN) https://twitter.com/itsmaeder

Editor – Tors https://twitter.com/TorsThe New T-Shirts HERE –

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  • Charged Creeper SMP, Cross-Play, McMMO, Dungeons, Mob Arenas, Custom Enchants, Shops, Pinata Party, Crates

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  • Minecraft Memes – Lebonbon strikes again!

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  • Ultimate Portal Prank in Minecraft

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200 Days – [Hardcore Minecraft]