200 Things Old Players Know About Minecraft

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200 things veteran players know about Minecraft like And subscribe if you want to see more anyways let’s go back in the earlier days of Minecraft sugarcane was originally called Reeds now if you remember when it was called reads then you’re definitely a veteran player because sugarcane was called this over

12 years ago so we all know that pink sheep are a rare find in Minecraft but we’re still familiar with how they look however if you played Minecraft in the olden days then you’ll definitely remember when the pink sheep had a much lighter shade of pink for their wool

Looking back at them they honestly look kind of strange compared to the vibrant pink sheep we have now but yeah if you’re a veteran player you’ll probably remember these if you played Minecraft in the alpha or beta days then most of you likely built your base within a

Mountain or a cave this was due to Minecraft not having many blocks yet so players had two choices they could either build the same blocky ugly wooden house that looked the same as m every other blocky wooden house or they could build a lovely Mountain Base that Blended in beautifully with the beta

Terrain did you build a wooden house or a Mountain Base let me know in the comments back in the earlier days of Minecraft boats in the alpha and beta days were terrible but also amazing at the same time this was because Boats were used as the fastest way to travel

In Minecraft Beta this was done by placing a bunch of boats on their own blocks next to each other forming what was called a boat bridge at the time you could then travel by sitting in a boat and right-clicking on the other boats as you progressed across the bridge so yeah

If you remember this extremely fast way to travel in a boat then you are a veteran player if you played Minecraft in version beta 1.8 then you might remember when every block in the game had messed up inventory textures this was because the lighting effects on all

The block textures were missing so every block basically had no shading which looked absolutely be terrible but yeah if you remember this then you’re definitely a veteran player or we’re both just weird because let’s be real hardly anyone noticed this oh my god do you guys remember back to a time where

Minecraft worlds only took like one to two seconds to create man that was a beautiful time because nowadays in Minecraft worlds take like 10 years to create I mean I get there’s a lot of features in the game now but I just think back to Beta and how quickly a

World would create boy oh boy did I take this for granted because it just takes forever now I still love your Minecraft don’t worry do you guys remember when chests in the game would only face the worst Direction when they were placed by the player because I do man was it so

Annoying because the only way players could fix this back in the day was by creating a double chest or placing the single chest against a wall but yeah if you remember the chest always facing the same way then you’re definitely a veteran player I’m sure a lot of you

Minecraft veterans remember exploring a cave in the bay today is and hearing this sound or this sound or even this sound Man the cave sounds are definitely one of the creepiest things about Minecraft but there was something even scarier about hearing these cave sounds in an empty isolating alpha or beta version if you’re a Minecraft veteran then you’ll definitely know what I’m talking about because Alpha and beta were scary man oh

My god do you guys remember the free version of Minecraft classic that you could play on the Minecraft website this was awesome man it was a great way for players who couldn’t afford Minecraft to try out the basic building aspect of the game or you know you could have been one

Of those players that just cracked Minecraft back then but yeah if you remember being able to play Minecraft Classic on the website then you’re definitely a veteran player do you guys remember back to a time where passive mobs would constantly spawn in your Minecraft world even after you’ve

Generated the nearby chunks in Minecraft today once a passive mob spawns within a specific chunk no more animals will be able to spawn within that chunk this leads to a lot of dead air areas in your world that won’t be able to spawn any new animals which can be kind of

Annoying this is why passive mobs in Alpha and beta would always be spawning because there was no cap on how many passive mobs could spawn within a chunk so yeah if you remember this then you’re definitely a veteran player back in the earlier days of Minecraft players were

Able to open and close doors by punching them whereas in Minecraft today punching a door does well nothing if you opened a door by punching it then you are a veteran player at one point in Minecraft water was a bit dangerous this was because players could take damage and

Die if the water was only one block high now if you want one of those players that died in water back in the day let me know in the comments because I know how it feels creepers in Minecraft used to be a lot scarier this was because

When they were about to explode they would do this weird thing where they would strafe towards the player and then explode which was just terrifying in Minecraft today when creepers explode they just sort of stand there and accept their fate so yeah if you remember the old creeper movement then you are a

Minecraft veteran if you guys remember when the Ender Dragon health bar said boss Health instead of Ender Dragon then you have been playing Minecraft for a long long time if you played Minecraft in the alpha and beta days then you will remember how useless the nether was I’m

Not joking all you could do was collect glowstone get shot by ghosts collect more glowstone and then get shot by more casts there were no Nether fortresses no Blazers no wither skeletons no piglens I think you get the point it was just boring do you guys remember when you

Could switch your tools while breaking a block to save on durability because I do for example you could be breaking some stone with your diamond pick and quickly switch to the wooden pick to save durability on your diamond one it probably wasn’t that efficient but it

Was just a cool thing to do I guess if you remember when skeletons held their bows like this then you are an old school player I mean it’s no wonder skeletons had Terror horrible aim back in the day they’re not even holding the bow properly back in the earlier days of

Minecraft villagers had a chance to generate with this iconic blacksmith structure these were awesome as they were the only structure in a village to contain a chest and sometimes the loot was just insane as you’d find things such as diamonds or obsidian so yeah if you remember these blacksmith structures

Then you are a veteran player if you played Minecraft in the alpha days of the game then you’ll definitely remember when smooth stone slabs were crafted by using three Cobblestone it definitely didn’t make sense but hey a lot of things didn’t make sense in Alpha so

Let’s move on if you were a Minecraft player in the alpha and beta days you will definitely know the pain of your Farms constantly being destroyed by mobs this was because even if you just walked over a farm it would get destroyed and it was so annoying man another thing

About farms in Alpha and most of beta that was pretty lame is that fence gates didn’t exist this meant if you were to place fences around your farm the only way to safely get in and out was by placing a door and I have to say it

Looked very ugly and I’m sure some of you remember this if you played Minecraft in Alpha and most of beta then you might remember when the fishing rod texture when casted looked identical to the stick texture I mean just look at this it’s literally just a stick with a

Fishing line attached to it it looked so weird man if you played Minecraft when version beta 1.8 was released then you will definitely remember how a hype to the community was when the Enderman was first added I mean seriously the first time you accidentally looked at an Enderman and had them randomly teleport

Next to you it was just terrifying man no one really expected it speaking of the Enderman when it was first announced to be added someone made a fan made video of it and if you’re a veteran player you might remember it take a look foreign I remember this video scaring me so much when I first watched it man if you’ve been playing Minecraft long enough you will know the pain of loading up an old world that you made in let’s say 2013 and seeing your pet dogs just waiting there for your return Minecraft dogs

Really are the most loyal pets you could ever have I’m sorry I ever left man anyways moving on the yellow flower I know some of you remember this and if you do remember it you’ll know this flower and the rose were the only two flowers to decorate your house back in

The day that’s right players had to work with what they had back then we couldn’t really decorate with much if you remember when gunpowder was called sulfur then congratulations you are one of the veteran players of the Minecraft Community one thing that makes me really nostalgic about old versions of

Minecraft is when the menu screen used to say mods and texture packs I don’t know it’s a weird thing to point out but I think it’s something only a veteran player can really appreciate texture packs look cool man do you guys remember when the Minecraft music Sig would

Continue to play when you saved and quit to the title screen because I do nowadays in Minecraft if a song is playing and you pause the game or change your game mode the music just stops playing which I’m not really a fan of I don’t know it was just noise to quit out

Of your world and still have a relaxing C418 song playing in the background If you recognize this screenshot then you are a veteran player that’s right this is the Minecraft screenshot that started all the rumors and fan theories of Herobrine is this screenshot real I guess we’ll never know do you guys remember the seed worst seed ever despite its name it was an amazing

Minecraft seed in the beta days that spawned the player next to an exposed dungeon followed by a cave system that contained a lot of diamonds now it was a very popular seed among the community at the time and if you remember it then you’re definitely a veteran player if

You played Minecraft in the alpha days then you might remember when the sun used to rise in the north and set in the South whereas in Minecraft today and in real life it rises in the East and sets in the west four words the temple of notch if you remember this awesome map

Then you are a Minecraft veteran take a look foreign if you played Minecraft when dogs were first added then you might remember when they were able to attack and kill you in peaceful mode that’s right guys peaceful mode wasn’t so peaceful for us veteran players but we deserved it if we

Attacked a wolf anyway so who really cares back in the earlier days of Minecraft when you died in your world the death screen would say game over instead of you died I guess the game saying you died is a lot more fitting for when a stupid creeper blows you up

Because yes Minecraft you’re right I did die I died a little inside anyways moving on speaking of the game over screen do you guys remember when the school number would say and e0 because I do literally no one knew what it meant back in the day so it was just sort of

There but yeah if you remember it then you’re definitely a veteran player if you guys remember when you could milk squids with a bucket in the early beta days of Minecraft then you are a veteran player because this feature wasn’t around for very long but when it was in

The game it was kind of weird but kind Nicole I guess the old zombie villager texture I know some of you remember this and if you do remember it then you my friend are a Minecraft veteran back in the earlier days of Minecraft there used

To be no hunger bar in the game which meant players regenerated their hearts by just simply eating food it was a lot simpler back then and if you remember this then you are a veteran player at one point in Minecraft bows were quite overpowered because you could shoot them

Ridiculously fast and spam click arrows it was insane one thing I especially remember in the old days of Minecraft is when food didn’t stuck it was one of the most annoying things in the game I would remember having a full inventory of raw pork chops and it was just so annoying

If you remember this door sound you are a veteran Minecraft player foreign so much man do you remember when birch trees and Spruce trees would just give you Oak planks it was really strange do you guys remember the old boats because I do they were absolutely terrible to

Control would break all the time and were just really really slow another feature I remember in the old days of Minecraft is that you could simply just punch a sheep and it would drop wall nope you didn’t have to use shears or anything like that you could just punch

It and it would drop wall it was ridiculous do you guys remember before version beta 1.8 when you could toggle your render distance and fog by pressing the F key on your keyboard I was quite annoyed when they got rid of it to be honest because I found it quite useful

As my PC back then was terrible oh my god do you guys remember in Minecraft when fences didn’t connect to solid blocks because I do and it was very frustrating another thing that was really annoying about fences is that they used to be a full block making walking around them just really tedious

And annoying I don’t think you even need to be an old-school Minecraft player to remember this and that is the old hurt sound I’m sure all of you watching this video remember this take a listen it still makes me so sad to this day that they even removed this so I loved

It so much if you remember this Cobblestone texture then you are an old school Minecraft player because it was either loved or hated by the community I remember back to the time when mossy cobblestone was one of the rarest blocks in the game as it didn’t have a crafting

Recipe and could only be obtained from dungeons which were really hard to come by do you guys remember when sprinting was not in Minecraft that’s right before the beta 1.8 update sprinting was not in the game which meant getting from point A to point B in your Minecraft world

Took a lot longer and it was a lot more painful oh my god do you guys remember that feature in Minecraft where when you slept in a bed there was a chance for either a zombie or a skeleton to wake you up as you tried to sleep and they

Would begin to attack you I don’t know if it was an annoying feature or a cool feature I really can’t decide do you guys remember when you could press the F3 key on your keyboard and it would show The Entity numbers of mobs meaning you could essentially cheat to find cave

Systems if you remember the old creative mode inventory when it was just a list of all of the items in the game instead of having tabs for specific items then you are a Minecraft veteran I remember this old Grant mode inventory and it was really annoying to navigate through I

Really prefer the new one do you guys remember back to a time where pigs were the only animal in Minecraft that would drop food sheep cows and chickens didn’t drop any food which was kind of frustrating to be honest and it made finding food quite difficult I’m sure a

Lot of you old school players will remember when the chest was a full ball look and looks like this and the fact that it didn’t have an open and closing animation chests were a lot more simple back in the day do you guys remember when mobs weren’t as smart and they

Couldn’t walk around walls for example this basically meant that creepers would just jump scare you when you would walk past the wall and it was terrifying oh creepers would also do this thing where they would just stare at you from outside through your glass window in

Your house and it scared me so much man they look so creepy speaking of creepers once again if you remember the old explosion sound then you are a Minecraft veteran take a listen one old feature that I’m sure a lot of old school players will remember is that

You couldn’t Place double chests next to each other which was just so annoying you would lay out your house in this really good way you’d want to place two double chests and it just wouldn’t let you it was just so frustrating man you know how with every Minecraft update

That comes out now there is a new background on the title screen to match the update theme well in the old versions of Minecraft this wasn’t a thing you just had a dirt background on the title screen and it makes me nostalgic every time I see it another

Thing I remember about the title screen of Minecraft is when the Minecraft logo was different do you remember when the logo is just made out of what looks to be the Cobblestone texture because I do and I thought it looks kind of cool to be honest you are definitely a Minecraft

Veteran if you remember the feature of climbing up ladders with a one block gap between each ladder it kind of meant that you could save quite a few ladders with this trick but they eventually removed this feature if you remember this feature in Minecraft then you are

An old school player and that feature is when the lighting would change in stages when it was getting dark and oh my God it looked so scary just gradually watching the light change do you guys remember the old crafting recipe for fences because I still do it to this day

So in Minecraft today fences are crafted with two sticks and four planks but in older versions of Minecraft they were crafted with six sticks but I still do this crafting recipe to this day I just can’t get out of my head I always get the recipe wrong when trying to craft

Fences you know how in Minecraft where if you press F5 twice on your keyboard you can see the front facing part of your skin it’s a really cool feature well in the old versions of Minecraft you can do this you can only press F5 once and see the back of your skin which

Was really depressing to be honest because I wanted to see what my skin looked like in full form but I couldn’t do you guys remember when you could only have five Minecraft worlds it really meant that you had to make each World count because there were only five World

Slots this is the rose flower it was one of my favorite flowers in Minecraft and they removed it and replaced it with the poppy why couldn’t we have just had both of them I will be angry about this for probably the rest of my life yes I am

That sad before creative mode and commands were even a thing in Minecraft players back in the day had to rely on mods such as single player commands and too many items which allowed you to spawn in items and fly around and things like that things you could do in

Minecraft today but you couldn’t back then without the use of mods do you guys remember back to a simpler time when beds were not in Minecraft because I do back in the alpha versions of the game beds did not exist which meant you had to sort of wait out the night cycle

Making surviving in your world just a lot more challenging if you played Minecraft in the alpha days of the game then you’ll probably remember that the inventory key used to be I instead of E I hear that some people still use I as their inventory key today because

There’s so used to it me personally I use e the old gravel texture I know some of you remember it for some reason back in the earlier days of Minecraft zombies dropped feathers I’m sure some of you remember this and it was just a little bit weird to be honest I remember going

Out to kill zombies for feathers just so I could make arrows oh my God I’m sure a lot of you Minecraft veterans will remember the world generation of the alpha and beta days of Minecraft it looked absolutely insane some of the mountainous terrain you would get was

Just it was mind-blowing just just look at it if you remember watching The Yogscast original Survival series then you are a Minecraft veteran take a look hooray Minecraft we’ve created a new server and we’re gonna show people how to play Minecraft how to survive the first night time it’s terribly snowy

Whatever happened here this game is beautiful it is made by single man yeah uh so this is it this is the game Us in the dark oh it brings back so many memories man if you thought Max enchanting at 30 levels costs a lot in Minecraft then think again because when

The enchanting was first added Max enchanting on tools and armor cost 50 levels which was insane on top of that before the feature of having to use lapis to enchant was added enchanting tools or armor at level 30 would take all of your XP for that one tool instead

Of taking three levels which was just insane you would spend so long grinding for those levels just to use it on one item another enchanting feature that old school players will remember is that you couldn’t see what enchantment you were going to get at all in Minecraft today

You get shown one of the possible enchantments you will get on an item but in older versions of Minecraft you had to just risk it and see what you would get which was just oh my God it was so frustrating I remember a time where you could activate an ignite TNT by just

Simply punching it with your hand you didn’t need flint and steel at all which was pretty awesome not gonna lie if you remember the infamous Minecraft seed Glacier then you are a Minecraft veteran it was basically a seed in the beta days of Minecraft that just gave you this

Awe-inspiring World Generation it looks absolutely fantastic just look at it you should honestly go back to Beta 1.7.3 and try out this seed because seriously you will be blown away at how amazing it looks in Minecraft today we have these things called advancements where you basically complete little tasks in

Minecraft but do you guys remember when achievements were in the game they were very similar to enchantments but they were just a little bit different and I will always remember these before beta 1.8 when the hunger bar was added into Minecraft there was no eating animation

In the game so when you would consume a cooked pork chop you’d simply just right click on it and boom it would be gone there would be no on the item it would just it would just disappear when you’d right click on it if you played Minecraft Alpha before

Biomes were added into the game then you will remember when Minecraft worlds looked like this there was just one type of grass and it was this really bright green looking grass and I have to say it made your Minecraft worlds look very bright but very unique do you guys

Remember this when you or your friend died in Minecraft their body would just disappear and die instead of having a death animation which uh looked a bit weird not gonna lie do you remember when Village structures were added in beta 1.8 but no villagers were added to spawn

Yet making the village itself very creepy and sort of empty I remember playing the game and just encountering a village but there was just there was just nothing there it was just really weird to be around it oh my God another thing I remember is when mining the

Crafting table and the furnace took absolutely ages you could use an ax on a crafting table it would still take forever use a diamond pick on a furnace this it would still take forever you probably don’t even need to be a Minecraft veteran to remember this but

Do you remember when you could spam click your sword I’m sure a lot of you do and a lot of people got mad when this was changed were you guys one of them let me know in the comments below I’m sure some of you remember back to a time

Where fire in Minecraft used to spread insanely fast so if you started a fire in your world it was going to be very devastating you are indeed a Minecraft veteran if you remember when you could block with your sword instead of blocking with your Shield back in the

Earlier days of Minecraft items such as stairs fences pressure plates cacti and other blocks looked absolutely huge when thrown on the ground I mean just look at them I’m sure some of you remember this bug it looked so funny and if you do remember it then you are a Minecraft

Veteran do you guys remember when caves in Minecraft were only made out of stone you wouldn’t find blocks up such as Granite diorite or andesite blending in with the stone you’d only find Stone which made the caves look a lot more simple back then in the alpha and beta

Days of Minecraft the zombie pigmen used to drop a cooked pork chop upon death making them one of the strongest food sources in Minecraft and if you remember this then you are a Minecraft veteran the old lava texture I know some of you remember this and if you do remember

This texture then you are a Minecraft veteran if you were one of those Minecraft players a few years back that made your house out of diamond blocks in creative mode then you are a Minecraft veteran I just remember a lot of people doing that back in the day were you one

Of them let me know in the comments do you guys remember back to a time when there was only one type of wooden plank in the game and that wooden plank was the oak plank there was no Birch plank jungle plank called Spruce plank or anything like that it was just Oak

Planks and if you remember this then you you are a Minecraft veteran you are definitely a Minecraft veteran if you remember this and that is when you would come across these massive holes in your Minecraft world which are otherwise known as chunk errors and they’d look

Like this oh my God if you played Minecraft in the alpha days of the game then you will remember how annoying this was and that was when leaves didn’t Decay after you broke a tree it was so frustrating you know you’d just be chopping down a bunch of trees in your

World and then you’d notice that all the leaves from that tree aren’t disappearing because they wouldn’t Decay unless you manually broke them yourself back in the earlier days of Minecraft there was a time where the infamous enchanted golden apple had a crafting recipe that’s right the enchanted golden

Apple or the Notch Apple could be crafted with eight gold blocks and one apple which some considered to be quite overpowered due to the effects of the Apple giving the player this resulted in the crafting recipe for the enchanted gold an apple to be removed in the 1.9

Combat update in 2015. you can still find enchanted golden apples in your Minecraft world but they are extremely rare and can only be found in structures such as Dungeons and mine shafts but with all that said if you remember the crafting recipe for the Notch Apple then

You are a Minecraft veteran oh my god do you guys remember when creative mode was first added in beta 1.8 and mobs could attack you it was the most annoying thing ever I’d be building my house in creative mode you know peacefully and a creeper would just come up to me and

Blow it up do you guys remember when you couldn’t toggle your brightness in Minecraft because I do this resulted in cave systems back in the day being extremely hard to see in if you didn’t have any torches you were not able to see anything in caves nowadays in

Minecraft you could literally have your brightness on full and explore a cave and sort of see without even having a torch it’s kind of crazy do you guys remember back to a time when you would find a Dungeons generated on the surface in your Minecraft world because I do

You’d just be walking around in a desert biome minding your own business and suddenly you’d come across this big square hole with either an exposed dungeon in it or a dungeon that’s just covered in some sand and would require you to dig it out I also remember the

Spawner and the two chests having a sand block on top of them making you know exactly where they were when clearing out the dungeon I remember back to a time when cookies were one of the hardest foods to obtain in Minecraft and I will tell you why so cookies in

Minecraft are crafted with wheat and cocoa beans but cocoa beans in the beta days of Minecraft could only be found in Dungeon chests that’s right you couldn’t find them any other way making them extremely hard to find it wasn’t until version release 1.3 where cocoapods were added to spawn on jungle trees making

Cocoa beans a bit easier to find and cookies a bit easier to craft but yeah if you remember how rare cookies were in the beta days of Minecraft then you are a Minecraft veteran in the beta days of Minecraft bone meal was extremely overpowered as using it on trees or

Wheat farms for example would grow them instantly instead of growing it in stages this resulted in bone meal being significantly nerfed in version 1.5 as you now have to grow the tree for example in stages but yeah if you remember the old bone meal where it

Instantly grew a tree then you are a Minecraft veteran at one point in Minecraft’s development there was a bug that existed in the game where wooden slabs could only be broken if they were broken by a pickaxe that’s right Axis didn’t work you couldn’t use your fist

Or anything you had to use a pickaxe and it was very strange and if you remember this then you are a Minecraft veteran this next feature is going to sound really random but if you remember when the Villager had the testificate name tag above their head when they were

First added into the game then you are a Minecraft veteran because they were added all the way back in beta 1.9 in 2011 which was a really long time ago so yeah if you remember this feature then you are an old school player do you guys remember back to a time when finding

Diamonds in Minecraft was considered to be the end game as there wasn’t really much to do after finding them but that’s right we are talking back to a time when there wasn’t enchanting for your tools and there wasn’t any abandoned mine shafts to explore and there even wasn’t

The Ender Dragon to fight all you could really do was go mining to find diamonds or build it was very simple back then but it was very beautiful I might be one of the only players that remembers this but do you guys remember when the stars that appear at night in Minecraft looked

Different in the old versions of Minecraft so here is how the stars look in the old versions of Minecraft and as you can see they are absolutely massive compared to how the stars look today because the stars in Minecraft today look a bit more realistic and slightly

Smaller and a bit brighter but yeah if you remember this then you are a Minecraft veteran do you guys remember back to a simpler time when there wasn’t a recipe book in Minecraft to help you craft items in the game because I do I remember not knowing how to craft

Something and it really bothered me that I had to just Google it because you didn’t get any help in the game you had to figure out how to craft things for yourself and I kind of liked that challenge to be honest creative mode was added into Minecraft in version beta 1.8

In 2011. in beta 1.8 when you made a creative world you would always spawn with a bunch of blocks in your Hotbar which I found kind of annoying to be honest because I’d always just swap them out for different items now if you remember this then you are a Minecraft

Veteran oh my god do you guys remember back to a time when the max build height in Minecraft was 128 blocks because I do I remember building up to the build height back in the day and seeing the clouds being level with me which was really weird now

The build height in Minecraft is 256 so it’s double what it was back in the day I might be the only one who remembers this but do you guys remember in the old versions of Minecraft more specifically Alpha and beta when the animals would just jump around a lot more I don’t know

What it was you’d just be seeing a sheep for example just jumping all over the place that’s all they do they just jump around until you killed them I guess you will only remember this if you are a Minecraft veteran and that is when the texture for the stake in Minecraft today

Originally belonged to the cooked pork chop for the pig in the earlier days of Minecraft that’s right guys before beta 1.8 the pig was the only animal that dropped meat which meant they used this texture for the cooked pork chop and when the cow was given a food drop they

Got the texture instead and the pig got a new cooked pork chop texture which of course looks like this if you remember this Minecraft launcher or this Minecraft launcher or this Minecraft launcher then congratulations because you are a Minecraft veteran do you guys remember back to a time when the

Crafting table wasn’t actually called the crafting table in Minecraft nope instead it was actually called the workbench and if you remember this then you are a Minecraft veteran back in the earlier days of Minecraft in the alpha and beta days of the game swords in Minecraft used to be a lot more powerful

A Diamond Sword for example in Alpha and beta used to deal five hearts of damage to enemies meaning you could kill a creeper in just two hits which was pretty overpowered however in the beta one point 9 update enchanting was added into the game which meant sword damage

Had to be reduced meaning a diamond sword’s damage went from five hearts of damage to three and a half hearts of damage you know how in Minecraft today golden apples are crafted by using gold ingots well it wasn’t always crafted this way but that’s where guys back in

The earlier days of Minecraft golden apples were crafted with eight gold nuggets and one apple instead of eight gold ingots and one apple and if you remember this then you are a Minecraft veteran if you played Minecraft in the alpha and beta stages of the game then

You will remember a very annoying bug when you destroyed stairs so in Alpha and beta destroying a wooden stair or a cobblestone stair wouldn’t actually give you the stare back when you broke it nope instead of getting the stare back all you would get is one of the blocks

You use to create that stair so if I destroyed a wooden stair I’d only get one wooden plank back and I was just like alright thanks for that most villagers that you come across in in Minecraft today we’ll probably have these grass Pathways that look like this

However if you played Minecraft a few years ago you will probably remember that the villages were made out of gravel wood Pathways instead of grass Pathways and the gravel Pathways looked like this but yeah if you remember the gravel paths in villages then you are a Minecraft veteran which one do you

Prefer grass or gravel let me know in the comments do you guys remember when the texture for wooden stairs and Cobblestone stairs in the inventory looks like this what on Earth is this it that they don’t even look like stairs anyways moving on do you guys remember

Back to a time when you couldn’t shift-click items when transporting them from your inventory into a chest because I do for example if you wanted to move your diamonds wood and food over to a chest you just have to slowly drag them over to the chest which took a very long

Time but that’s just how things were back then it was much more simple now nowadays in Minecraft you can just simply shift-click any item you want and it will instantly move over to the chest and I love this feature so much I’m so glad they added it into the game but

Back in the earlier days of Minecraft the desert temple used to be made out of wool instead of terracotta and if you remember this then you are a Minecraft veteran the reason why I remember it so well is that I would always take the wall from the desert temple so I could

Make a bed on my first night if you played Minecraft Creative Mode when it was first added in version beta 1.8 then you might be aware of a bug that existed at the time where you could hit Mobs with your sword from a very long distance I mean look I’m killing all of

These mobs from so far away how is this even possible but yeah if you remember this weird little bug then you are a Minecraft veteran if you played Minecraft in versions 1.7 and 1.8 then you might remember the super secret settings button that could be found in

The options menu now the super secret settings when clicked would switch between a bunch of different Shader effects which looked very very cool in my opinion and I was very sad when they removed this feature to be honest if you played Minecraft before the addition of corner stairs and upside down stairs

Then you are a Minecraft veteran you know you’d be building your wooden house in Minecraft and you could only play stairs in one type of way making your builds look a lot more simple back in the day and I’m sure a lot of you remember this but then inversion release

1.2 and 1.3 you could now play stairs upside down and connect them on Corners adding a lot more detail to your Minecraft Builds if you remember this Mojang logo or this Mojang logo or this Mojang logo then congratulations because you are a Minecraft veteran this next

One goes out to my old school Minecraft Alpha players and that is back to a time when cacti was slightly more realistic as when you went to break the cacti you would actually take half a heart of damage as you can see which was uh kind

Of cool to be honest I mean it makes sense when you go to punch some cacti it’s gonna hurt you do you guys remember back to a time when you would craft a cake in Minecraft and it would take your buckets as well I mean what’s this

Rubbish I go to create a cake and it just it takes my buckets as well what’s up with that I’m supposed to get them back do you guys remember back to a time when there was a secret crafting recipe to craft chain armor in Minecraft because I do so prior to the Minecraft

1.8 update the player could spawn in fire by using commands and they could use that fire to craft chain armor as you can see I remember being amazed when I discovered this but yeah they removed the ability to spawn in fire blocks in 1.8 so you can no longer craft chain

Armor but yeah it was such a cool little thing back in the day I’m sure a lot of you are going to remember this one because it was so frustrating do you guys remember when you started drowning underwater that you would actually pull you down as you were drowning so it

Would be so hard to swim back up and it would just pretty much kill you it was so oh my God it was so annoying I literally I’m getting bad memories of this just thinking about it I died so many times if you played Minecraft multiplayer in the earlier days of

Minecraft with your friends then you might remember when you encountered a dungeon that the spawner would always have a pig inside of it instead of the corresponding mob it was supposed to spawn so say for example you found a zombie spawner it would just have a pig

Inside of it instead which was very strange I think we can all agree but when you could block with your sword that crouching and blocking with a sword to another player was just a sign of peace and that you didn’t want to attack or anything like that it was it was just

A sign of being nice and I really really missed doing this on servers man I’m not sure if anyone’s going to remember remember this one but do you guys remember the seed dossier it was a Minecraft seed between versions 1.2 to 1.6 that would spawn you next to a

Village and an exposed stronghold it was a very unique seed you would just have this single end portal room on the water it was like nothing anyone had ever seen before it was so cool man this next one is so nostalgic to me and if you remember it then you are a Minecraft

Veteran and that is the old water sound the old sound when you would Splash around in the water or land in the water or anything like that take a listen [Applause] thank you you know how in Minecraft today you have to type the command game mode creative

To go into creative mode or weather rain to Make It Rain well originally you only had to type game mode 1 to go into creative and this weird command known as toggle downfall to Make It Rain those were definitely very old school commands and if you remember them then you are a

Minecraft veteran Minecraft has definitely come a long way in terms of lighting as we have these really beautiful looking lanterns now and I love them a lot with that said do you guys remember back to a time when villagers had these really budget looking lamps that were made out of

Fences wool and torches because I do I mean yeah I could see what they were going for to make a lamp I mean lanterns didn’t exist back then but uh they didn’t look very good to be honest I will give credit where it is due however

That was the closest you were gonna get to a lamp to be honest anyways moving on I might be one of the only ones who remembers this feature but do you guys remember when and desert biomes would have these little Lakes inside of them because I do it didn’t really make sense

But I’d always find a bunch of little Lakes inside the desert biome in Minecraft today a desert biome has virtually no water but back then you’d find loads of these little Lakes oh my god do you guys remember back to a time when skeletons had absolutely terrible

Aim with their bow and arrow because I do I mean seriously look at this about 90 of this skeleton’s arrows aren’t going anywhere near me his aim is uh it’s it’s uh not so great I mean skeletons in Minecraft today are absolutely ridiculous they pretty much have Aimbot to be honest but uh

Skeletons back in the alpha and beta days that they weren’t very good I’m one of those people in Minecraft who love to tame a bunch of wolves and give them different name tags and different color colors however back in the earlier days of Minecraft you couldn’t have different

Color colors or name tags which meant you would have a bunch of tamed wolves that would all have a red collar and I’m sure a lot of you remember this if you guys remember the old sounds for when you shot a bow and when an arrow landed somewhere then you are a Minecraft

Veteran take a listen oh

This video, titled ‘200 Things Old Players Know About Minecraft’, was uploaded by iDeactivateMC on 2022-12-03 00:55:40. It has garnered 1111208 views and 26808 likes. The duration of the video is 00:42:58 or 2578 seconds.

200 things only Minecraft veterans know! Today I bring you 200 things old players know about Minecraft. 200 features that veteran players remember were updated, changed or removed but these updates will give you nostalgia! How many of the 200 things did you know and remember when playing Minecraft? Leave a “LIKE” Rating if you enjoy and “COMMENT” if you found this video nostalgic! Thanks for watching and have a nice day! 😀

#minecraft #things #updates #veteran #players

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  • Minecraft Memes – “Minecraft Genius: Pro Moves”

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  • “Hot Minecraft Moments: Lava, Laughs, and Loot!” 🔥😂 #minecraftmemes

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  • Craziest Minecraft Coaster Ever! #Trending

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  • MCTown SMP Survival Custom Pack Gear Slimefun NO Whitelist NO Resets 1.20+

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  • ╸╸╸╸╸╸╸╸╸╸╸╸╸╸╸╸ « I-Pixelmon » ╸╸╸╸╸╸╸╸╸╸╸╸╸╸╸╸ Install Pixelmon | Tinyurl.com/InstallPixel

    How to connect and play on this server? You must have the game version 1.20.4 installed. How to check? At startup, the game version will be displayed on the right, at the bottom. If it is a different version, you should change the current profile (left, bottom) and select version 1.20.4 Click the PLAY button, wait for the Minecraft game to load. Choose: Multiplayer Click the button “Direct connect”, or if you want to keep the server in its list, press the button “Add server” In the field “Server address” write: i-pixelmon.com (GL HF) Read More

  • Minecraft Memes – Creepers be like…

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  • Hot Minecraft Memes: Laugh or Creeper will explode!

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  • Duck Afraid of Camping?! *Scary*

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  • Discover the Thrill of Finding Diamonds on Minewind Server

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  • Insane Minecraft Build Trick!

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  • TOP 78 Minecraft Mobs RANKED! 😮

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  • Retro Minecraft Madness with Waltzy Odzy

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  • 🔥 EPIC Minecraft Youtubers Tierlist #shorts ⚔️

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  • INSANE Enderman Farming Trick in ALD CRAFT!

    INSANE Enderman Farming Trick in ALD CRAFT!Video Information [Música] boa tamos junto rapaziada mais um tutorial segundo est aí Vamos ensinar hoje como é que faz uma Farm de Enderman mano então seguinte a gente tá aqui no D do mundo super plano mas é o d padrão Aí da plataforma de vocês n Mano vocês puxa no mínimo no mínimo uns uns dois Peg se você tiver no Survival Mano uns três pack de bloco Mano dá 128 não não não que seja bloco pode ser pode ser lem pode ser folha é melhor que seja folha gente melhor que seja folha porque pelo menos… Read More

  • “Insane Skibidi Toilet Mod Update – Minecraft 19.1!” #minecraft #skibiditoiletminecraft #mcpe

    "Insane Skibidi Toilet Mod Update - Minecraft 19.1!" #minecraft #skibiditoiletminecraft #mcpeVideo Information [Müzik] yes This video, titled ‘skibidi toilet mod for Minecraft by telur-man update 19.1 #minecraft #skibiditoiletminecraft #mcpe’, was uploaded by Dark Mods official on 2024-02-29 01:36:37. It has garnered 9593 views and 342 likes. The duration of the video is 00:00:15 or 15 seconds. Read More

  • Insane Minecraft Fnaf Roleplay: Hiding and Seeking Backwards!

    Insane Minecraft Fnaf Roleplay: Hiding and Seeking Backwards!Video Information ah what a brand new day is today going to be wait what the what are you doing over here I thought you were over there whatever oh hello foxy oh gosh I don’t want to tell why the hell are you freaking out well to be fair you don’t usually have someone just in the room in the morning saying hi foxy well I’m changing it up today I have a test for you good it let you in no I let myself in ahh okay I’m the security guard so I have keys to pretty much… Read More

  • Blondie0815 FLIPS OUT over LAVA in Minecraft! 🔥😱 #shorts

    Blondie0815 FLIPS OUT over LAVA in Minecraft! 🔥😱 #shortsVideo Information ‏wahrscheinlich schon ja oh gott das war jetzt irgendwie suboptimal This video, titled ‘Angst vor Lava? 🔥😵 #shorts #minecraft #clips’, was uploaded by blondie0815 | Gaming, Streams & Highlights on 2024-02-29 17:16:54. It has garnered 1026 views and 26 likes. The duration of the video is 00:00:10 or 10 seconds. ✨More information here!✨ Do you like the stream and want to be there live? Check out twitch.tv/blondie0815 💜 Stream schedule can be found at: https://www.twitch.tv/blondie0815/schedule 📆 ❤️Check out my other projects: https://linktr.ee/blondie0815 Here are the most important ones: 📺 Check out my stream! https://www.twitch.tv/blondie0815​​​​ 💜Join the Discord server… Read More

  • Unlocking 4.7M Users in SONOYUNCU Database

    Unlocking 4.7M Users in SONOYUNCU DatabaseVideo Information güzel uzakt tatlım Seni de üzer Hayat bir satranç yaklaş marş en iyi silahtır kalaş seninkisi sosyalizm değil hardcore fetişizm Bob marle satan gibisin hastalara ihanet edin ekmeği yedin ama Hiyanet edin Benjamin fıraka Liyakat metni eden kovulan en büyük aşar kim bunu küvet dinlesin yanındaki aşağılık tavşan Tim ortak yok gaz müziği bu sanki Arjantin planları Vur kır karanlıkta hır Gür gır gırı çalıştır çekemem iş Durdur planları Vur kır karanlıkta hır Gür gır gırı çalıştır çekemem miş Durdur Burak sende sırıtır uçuyoruz pır pır pır pır pır pır pır pır uçuyoruz pır pır pır pır pır… Read More

  • NEW! Insane SWARAJ hack taking over minicraft! #shorts

    NEW! Insane SWARAJ hack taking over minicraft! #shortsVideo Information This video, titled ‘minicraft most trending hack in pocket edition#shorts#minicraft’, was uploaded by NRX SWARAJ on 2024-03-28 09:54:30. It has garnered 628 views and 32 likes. The duration of the video is 00:00:17 or 17 seconds. minicraft most trending hack in pocket edition#shorts#minicraft minecraft,minecraft build hacks,minecraft building hacks,water,minecraft hacks,water park,minecraft tiktok hacks,minecraft viral hacks,minecraft animation,mincraft,minecraft building,minecraft but,minecraft water park,1.20 minecraft hacks,hacks,minecraft summer build hacks,minecraft redstone hacks,minecraft water park build hacks,minecraft tiktok hacks 1.20,minecraft noob vs pro,lomby minecraft,minecraft build tutorial,minecraft shorts,hacker Read More

200 Things Old Players Know About Minecraft