23 Ways to Steal Your Friend’s Stuff in Minecraft

Video Information

– [Narrator] 23 ways to steal your friends’ stuff in Minecraft. Getting resources in Minecraft is a tough business. So if you’re tired of filling in your chest by yourself, here’s some ways to piggyback off your friends’ hard work. And hey, according to YouTube, only 2% of people have subscribed to the channel

Using their left hand. And I think that’s unfair. So if you’re also tired of right-hand supremacy, then take the challenge and poke your left hand on that red sub button below. It’s free and it helps out a ton. Number one, when it comes to stealing items,

We never want to do anything too obvious. And with that, it means we should take just what we need and not get too greedy or greedier, at least. And I think the system does the trick. See, let’s say your friend has a high powered mob farm up and running,

But all we need to do is just poach some gunpowder for our fireworks. Well, to be more discreet a sorting system like this helps us out. Since they’ll still have the illusion of big returns yet we can sneakily scrape together the profits that we need.

And as long as they’re satisfied with the bones and flesh, our machinations should go undetected. Number two, I don’t think I’m breaking any new ground by saying that netherite tools are a high value item. But, getting a set of our own requires a lot of time and a lot of luck.

So it would be a shame if your friend’s spare set just sat there collecting dust when we could use it instead. And to fix that, we have a pretty cheap solution. As you’ll notice, enchanted stone tools look virtually indistinguishable from a netherite set.

Meaning if we were to make some decoys and swap them in, preferably named the same way as the previous pickax, then as long as they don’t have advanced tool tips enabled, this facade should last long enough for us to trade out what we need. Number three, having a fully powered beacon

Is a big flex and one entirely made of netherite is another level. But, if your friend manages to secure one of these before you did, it’s not worth letting them keep that kind of treasure. So in that case, we can devalue their greatest asset without them even noticing.

See, since the beacon has so many layers, we have free rein to hollow out the inner most blocks and then cover up the shell just to leave them in the dark. Or if you’re worried about any suspicion that might come when they’re haste two drops down to a haste one,

Then just fill in the middle blocks with something less valuable, like iron and they’ll be none the wiser. Number four, casinos don’t have a great reputation, but despite that people still go back to them every single day. So to teach your friend about the dangers of gambling,

Let’s offer something of a paid education. See, it’s not our fault if they opt in to play in our sleazy game. I mean, it does offer a great prize in all, but well, the think they have a chance, the truth is that the machine is only designed to give back lesser rewards

With nothing great in the rotation. And as long as they don’t check out the Redstone behind the curtain, this is sure to be a valuable lesson for them to learn or at least it will be valuable to us. Number five, when we talk about resources, we’re usually picturing things like valuable minerals

Or maybe common building blocks, but folks that’s only scratching the surface. And if you want to get the best of your friends on the server every little bit counts. So if they’re foolish enough to leave enchanted items in a chest just standing there, whether at a farm or not,

Then why not take them out and put them through a grindstone instead. That way we profit off the extra bits VXP, while they get left in the dust. I mean, it’s something small enough where people won’t care in the moment, but once we jump ahead to having a fully enchanted suit for ourselves,

Then they’ll realize their mistake. Number six, at some point, I’m sure you’ve seen one of these chests. The type of folks just dump any and all of their enchanted books in with reckless abandon. And while it’s disorganized, that’s a fact that we can use to our advantage. See from this zoomed out view,

All enchantment books look the same, meaning unless you hover over it, you can’t tell the difference between an efficiency II and an efficiency 2,735. So to play this prank, we’ll just be swapping out their high value books for level one enchant instead. And as long as they don’t have a resource pack

To visualize which is which we should get by scot-free. Number seven, ask any fishermen bait works wonders. But today, instead of baiting guppies, we’ll be trapping our friends instead. So why not leave your friend a gift in the chest like this? Now what it is isn’t important, but the key here

Is to make it look as legitimate as possible down to the heartfelt message on the sign. Since the truth is that that sign covers up the red pixels of a trap chest. And then once they open it up, our trap gets put into motion.

See, then the TNT under our sand or gravel ignites, breaks the signs that support us, and then let them fall into the abyss. And at that point, their items are as good as gone. Number eight, building up an animal farm is a lengthy process and it’s an investment that usually pays off,

But to keep those dividends from ending up in your neighbor’s pockets, then a vindicator might be your best pick. Now like this, they aren’t as interested in the pigs as they are with us. But add on a Johnny name tag and now they’ll chop up just about anything in sight.

Meaning if we place one of these inside the fence and make it invisible, your friend will have no idea how they’re losing all their mops. At least, they’ll have no idea until they step inside to check it out. And from there we can successfully steal their stuff

And their food stuffs to make sure you stay on top. Number nine, now if we’re being honest, taking the stuff out of their chest is not the difficult part, but hiding those items once you get them is a bit trickier. So to make sure we get away with our findings,

It’s worth your while to take a trip up to the stars. See, chest and shoulder boxes are rendered as entities. Meaning if we play some of these up past the clouds next to build height, they won’t be rendered from the ground below. Giving us a pretty foolproof vault.

Just make sure your friend doesn’t follow you up that way. Otherwise, our stolen stuff might end up in the wrong hands or would it be the right hands. Honestly, I don’t know. Number 10, the best way to pull off something evil is to pretend it’s a good deed.

I mean, even the Greeks knew that was a good idea. So to use our form of a Trojan horse, we’ll need to secure a creeper companion. From there, lead her towards your friend’s chest, have it explode, and then when you offer to help put the items back,

Simply pinch the ones you’d like to keep. I mean, they’ll be caught in such a frenzy that they likely won’t notice a few items gone missing, especially if the creeper having to explode a tower of chest like this one. So it’s a win-win. We seem like a good friend,

All the while we pull off our heist. Number 11, if you’ve ever taken the time to build a big project in survival, then you’re well aware that certain blocks are a pain to collect in bulk. And that’s usually why things like courts and prismarine

Are tough to justify when you’re not in creative mode. So until you get some crazy farm to automate the resources, why don’t we just fuel up for your friends foundation? I mean, using those blocks on the floor seems like a waste, especially since they could be using half slabs instead.

So for that matter, what if we gutted parts of their builds and replaced it for cheaper variants, that way both of us get to use these blocks in our builds and they won’t even notice. Number 12, Redstone is a real resource to have in your survival world.

And while it allows us to make a bunch of great things, those things also come with a bunch of mining to do. So to save yourself from another trip down to the caves then why don’t we stick to the service level solution, literally. That is if your friend already has a Redstone build

Then that’s a solid supply of dust and repeaters just lying around, waiting to be grabbed. Or if you want a nicer way to steal then figuring out a way to make the Redstone compact that still leaves it up and running can let us shave the extras off the top

And keep them satisfied as well. Number 13, sometimes you got to spend a little to make a lot and this is one of those cases. Now say you were to purchase or acquire a second account. Well, tell the server owner, you’ll be inviting a friend of yours to join, get them white listed,

And then once you’re on a plane as the new account, simply ask the more experienced players on the server for help and handouts. Odds are that they’ll give you just tools and resources for free. All of which is worthwhile. And after you milk that pity, stash it into chest,

And then gives some excuse why the new account had to stop playing, letting us get back on our main account and take our newly found gifts for us. Number 14, I think we all know that one friend whose chest looked like a Jackson Pollock painting,

And truly finding anything in this mess is a real challenge. So I think it’s our duty to help them out of their disorganized nightmare. But of course we won’t be doing it for free. So when you pop over to rearrange their things, simply take items out of the rotation while you do.

And while I wouldn’t recommend doing anything drastic, like taking all of their valuables, I think nabbing a few items from their stack here and there should be plenty discreet. And then since they were so unorganized from the beginning, they probably didn’t even realize they had those items to begin with.

Let alone know that they were stolen. Number 15, I’d venture that in most people’s worlds, horses don’t get a lot of use. Well, what they lack as a form of travel, especially when compared to the elytra they more than make up for as a status symbol.

And that’s even more true when they’re fitted with a rare piece of horse armor. So to take your friends prize steed down a peg, we might need to fill in a facade. By using dyed leather horse armor we can get pretty close to the iron and gold variants that they’re used to.

And if you want to be extra dubious then it is always possible to swap out their horse for one that has the same pattern. And that way we can steal both their stats and their status. Number 16, camouflage is a time-honored tactic. I mean, why else would chameleons exist? It’s basic science folks.

So if you don’t have the resources yet for an invisibility potion, this could be the time for some lizard brain ingenuity. And the execution is surprisingly simple. All we need to do is swap out our skin for one of the may camouflage ones you can find online, preferably one that actually blends in

With our base and doesn’t stick out and then we can sneak behind them while they’re inside to loot the goods. Is it ridiculous? Yeah, absolutely. Well, it worked for technoblade, so that’s enough proof for me. Just please hold the sneak key while you do it. Number 17, villager trading is a lucrative concept

And more often than not the person who gets the best trades, winds up being the richest on the server. So to stop your friend from getting decked out amending enchanted armor, we’ll need to use a doppelganger of our own. No offense to them, but the villagers all look a like.

A bold statement, I know. Meaning, we could change out their librarian for one that looks the exact same and play it off pretty easily. And hey, we could even claim that there was a glitch to the server’s data that caused it to reset, which might be cruel,

But don’t worry we’ve got our own trades to worry about now. Number 18, running a successful shop in the server is quite literally a tough business and it can be particularly difficult if your friends already have what you’re selling. So to make our fireworks business into a necessity,

We need to sabotage their farms. And luckily there’s some sneaky ways to do just that. First, let’s take away their gum powder. By putting slabs on the floor of the creeper farm, we can make sure that no more of the mobs spawn. And then from there, the sugarcane is equally easy to break,

Just play some string on top and we’ll have a nearly invisible way to keep their crops from growing, which from there they’ll have no way to get their ingredients and we can ride their bad luck, right to the bank. Number 19, going AFK is a pretty common hack by this point.

So common in fact that I bet that many of your servers have some kind of lazy someone on at all times. And while that’s great for them, it can be somewhat frustrating for the rest of us, especially if we need 100% sleep percentage to pass the night.

So to get back to that selfish someone, we can nab their profits for ourselves. And the best part is that stealing from an AFK player is just as easy as it sounds. And while I suppose you could kill them for some more free goodies, even just robbing the return chest

From the farm that they’re hanging out at should be more than enough. And it’s a fair trade off for what they’ve done to us. Number 20, most of the time, when you get rich enough to have stacks and stacks of value blocks, you’re not examining them too closely

Because let’s face it, you’re rich. You don’t need to. So if you know someone who’s reached that upper echelon of wealth, we may need to turn their ignorance into our bliss. And doing so is as simple as an anvil and some decoys. Since if we take something like yellow concrete powder

And rename it to a block of gold then even if you hover over it, it’s hard to notice for a quick check. And as long as we don’t leave any of the legitimate ones to compare and contrast this subtle swap out should confuse them at the crafting grid.

Number 21, if you’ve been playing Minecraft for a while then the changes to origin 1.17 definitely takes some time to get used to. And I’ll still find my friends smelt in their silk touch doors instead of using fortune, which is unfortunate, but it gives us a golden opportunity.

See, if you were to grab your friends’ collected oars, whether out of a super smelter or a chest in the mines then we can choose to use our fortune on it for better yields. And after that simply smelt the ones that they would have gotten anyway, meaning if they’re expecting a one-to-one return

On their iron, they’ll get as much, but that’ll allow us take the extras for profit. Number 22, clearly hoppers are great assets for getting stuff out of containers. But, while they’re effective, they’re not always discreet. And that can cause a big problem for a sneaky operation.

So to fix that and stay in the shadows, we’ll need some different options. Now, maybe that’s putting a hopper under a furnace or a barrel instead of a chest so that they can’t see the pixels around the edge. Or perhaps you change out their chest for trapped ones

So they can’t see any items getting sucked down when they open it, but it will all funnel out the same when they close it. And really either of those options will put us leaps and bounds ahead of the regular crux. Number 23, if you’re feeling guilty about stealing your friend’s stuff,

It might put you at ease to see just how little they’ll notice it when it’s gone. Case in point, sneak a barrel block behind their chest like so. If you tuck it just right, it’s barely noticeable, while we can still reach around the edges to use it as usual.

Then subtly move the items from the chest back to the barrel behind it. And then if you come back later and see that the stuff’s still there then I take that as a good sign that it’s probably nothing they’ll miss or at the very least it’s not urgent.

And that proof of concept might be enough to put your mind at ease. And with that folks please don’t get banned and have a good one, all right.

This video, titled ’23 Ways to Steal Your Friend’s Stuff in Minecraft’, was uploaded by Skip the Tutorial on 2021-12-20 16:33:46. It has garnered 5552825 views and 202234 likes. The duration of the video is 00:11:17 or 677 seconds.

23 of the best ways to steal your friend’s stuff in Minecraft! Use these to steal your friend’s items on the SMP

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Edited by Jeenneette Wolfe and Yashtin Rivera Footage collected by Frankie Mundo, Jordan Cross, Jeenneette Wolfe, and Yashtin Rivera —— The map used in parts of this video is a modified version of the world download in GeminiTay’s survival let’s play series, which you can watch from the beginning here: https://youtu.be/cAvlj5jJlUg —— Texture Pack: Vanilla Tweaks https://vanillatweaks.net/picker/resource-packs/ —— Some music used in this video is courtesy of Mewmore. Make sure to follow their tracks at https://www.youtube.com/user/Mewmore —— Portions of this video are copyrighted and owned by Nintendo, and their use is allowed by the Nintendo Game Content Guidelines for Online Video & Image Sharing Platforms (https://www.nintendo.co.jp/networkservice_guideline/en/index.html?n). All other original content, unless expressly noted otherwise, is ©2021, by the Skip the Tutorial creator, all rights reserved. —— Other Credits: I Must Win MrBeast’s $10,000 Refrigerator https://youtu.be/61PVs2N61H0

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    Ultimate TNT Cannon Ship Tutorial Welcome to the Modern Beta Battle Ship Tutorial! Are you ready to dive into the world of Minecraft battleships and TNT cannons? Whether you’re a seasoned player or a newbie looking to up your game, this tutorial is a must-watch before you step foot on the battlefield. Let’s explore the exciting features and events that await you on the server! Server ID: play.modernbeta.org Before you embark on your Minecraft battleship adventure, make sure to join the server at play.modernbeta.org. This is where the action happens, and where you’ll find fellow players ready to engage in epic battles and build… Read More

  • Ultimate Minecraft Transformation with Create Mod!

    Ultimate Minecraft Transformation with Create Mod!Video Information This video, titled ‘I Started the World I Always Wanted with Minecraft Create Mod and Ars Nouveau!’, was uploaded by Throlash on 2024-09-08 14:00:07. It has garnered 23441 views and 755 likes. The duration of the video is 00:39:36 or 2376 seconds. Welcome to Season 2 of my Create Mod series with Ars Nouveau – Minecraft Create: Nations! 👉 Subscribe for more of this series! https://www.youtube.com/@Throlash?sub_confirmation=1 In this series we’ll be building a beautiful world, with big and small nations plopped all over the place, each with their own lore and purpose! I’m combining the automation a movement… Read More

  • Breaking the Law: Minecraft Pranks on Girls

    Breaking the Law: Minecraft Pranks on GirlsVideo Information This video, titled ‘Doing illegal things to women (in Minecraft).’, was uploaded by Wrld on 2024-02-14 22:43:26. It has garnered views and [vid_likes] likes. The duration of the video is or seconds. In this video I attempt to get a girlfriend in Minecraft because I can’t get one in real life. I have felt alone for years happy Valentines … Read More

  • “Watch Scar Get Wrecked on 6b6t in Seconds!” #minecraft #clickbait

    "Watch Scar Get Wrecked on 6b6t in Seconds!" #minecraft #clickbaitVideo Information This video, titled ‘Scar Gets Destroyed in 6b6t (2 logs) #minecraft #anarchy #cpvp #hypixel #6b6t #anarchy1’, was uploaded by MUDL on 2024-09-27 02:00:20. It has garnered 674 views and 13 likes. The duration of the video is 00:00:45 or 45 seconds. Tesseract- https://discord.gg/tesseract Anarchy Free Kits- https://discord.gg/freekits Get 6b6t tier tested- https://discord.gg/j4PyA3DaDJ tags – Minecrafe Anarchy Tags Minecraft Anarchy Anarchy Server Minecraft Chaos No Rules Minecraft Minecraft PvP Minecraft Base Building Minecraft Griefing Minecraft Raiding Anarchy Survival Anarchy Factions Anarchy Minecraft Server Minecraft Hacked Client Minecraft Exploits Minecraft Anarchy Tips Anarchy Minecraft Hacks Minecraft Free-for-All Minecraft Wild West… Read More

  • 🔥 INSANE ChaosKraft 2 Gameplay – EP21: Gheilath

    🔥 INSANE ChaosKraft 2 Gameplay - EP21: GheilathVideo Information This video, titled ‘ChaosKraft 2: Lands Of Legend (CTM Map) – Episode 21: Gheilath’, was uploaded by Anistuffs – The Indian Let’s Player on 2024-03-11 12:31:01. It has garnered 6 views and 0 likes. The duration of the video is 02:11:41 or 7901 seconds. 🔻Open video description for more information🔻 ChaosKraft 2: Lands Of Legend is a large open world CTM map for Minecraft 1.15.2, made by Lylac, the mapmaker formerly known as BenplayerX, as the second entry in their CTM series ChaosKraft. Check out the map: https://ctmrepository.com/index.php?action=viewMap&id=229 Minecraft is a sandbox videogame developed by Mojang that lets… Read More

  • 🔥 NEW Minecraft SMP Server IP! Join now! 🚀

    🔥 NEW Minecraft SMP Server IP! Join now! 🚀Video Information This video, titled ‘Minecraft new public smp ip port 🥶| 1.20 minecraft server | 24/7 online | public smp | @Not_Barkeep’, was uploaded by Bar_keep_brO 0.2 on 2024-03-18 09:30:07. It has garnered 1751 views and 80 likes. The duration of the video is 00:07:02 or 422 seconds. minecraft brand new public smp || for java + poket + pojav || 1.19+ free to join || 24/7 online minecraft free public SMP || for java + pe + pojav || 1.19+ 24/7 || free Best smp server mcpe 💗 1.20+ Survival Smp java + mcpe 24/7 ✅ free to… Read More

  • EPIC Advancement Hunt in Inselphia – LIVE🔴

    EPIC Advancement Hunt in Inselphia - LIVE🔴Video Information This video, titled ‘Minecraft Advancement Hunt – EP10 | (LIVE🔴)’, was uploaded by Inselphia on 2024-07-26 20:53:31. It has garnered 50 views and 4 likes. The duration of the video is 04:04:16 or 14656 seconds. Welcome to the tenth episode of the advancement series! Today, we’ll be trying to get even more advancements so make sure to come join and have some fun!!! LINKS: Check out the whole list of advancements I have to complete and make suggestions for ones I should complete (may be outdated) – https://blazeandcaves-advancements.fandom.com/wiki/Advancement_Categories Read More


    CALLI IN DANGER! WHO'S BEHIND HER? 😱Video Information This video, titled ‘CALLI THERE’S SOMEONE BEHIND YOU 【Hololive EN】’, was uploaded by Zuzu Ch. on 2024-06-16 18:39:04. It has garnered 44218 views and 2500 likes. The duration of the video is 00:01:44 or 104 seconds. Don’t forget to subscribe 🗿 My Twitter: https://twitter.com/ZuzuYTClips – Source – 【HOLOMYTH MINECRAFT】5 refined ladies 1 block! (part 1) https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=sNCxF3lLjAs – Gawr Gura Ch. hololive-EN @GawrGura Takanashi Kiara Ch. hololive-EN @TakanashiKiara Watson Amelia Ch. hololive-EN @WatsonAmelia Ninomae Ina’nis Ch. hololive-EN @NinomaeInanis Mori Calliope Ch. hololive-EN @MoriCalliope Nanashi Mumei Ch. hololive-EN @NanashiMumei Ceres Fauna Ch. hololive-EN @CeresFauna Hakos Baelz Ch. hololive-EN @HakosBaelz Ouro… Read More

  • INSANE Minecraft Hole Survival with Maizem!

    INSANE Minecraft Hole Survival with Maizem!Video Information This video, titled ‘JJ And Mikey Survive INSIDE HOLE In Minecraft – Maizen’, was uploaded by Maizem on 2024-06-01 13:01:01. It has garnered 1412 views and 15 likes. The duration of the video is 00:40:16 or 2416 seconds. JJ And Mikey Survive INSIDE HOLE In Minecraft – Maizen This is not an official Maizen channel, we make fan videos with JJ and Mikey. Our channel is exclusively for fans of Maizen. We are not trying to impersonate his personality, we just want to add new and interesting stories to his characters. We hope you enjoy our videos. Have… Read More

  • “Fairy Craft: Ultimate Mob vs Dropbear Battle!” #minecraft

    "Fairy Craft: Ultimate Mob vs Dropbear Battle!" #minecraftVideo Information This video, titled ‘The Minecraft all mobs vs dropbear fight finally revealed #minecraft #viral’, was uploaded by Fairy Craft on 2024-10-01 22:30:09. It has garnered 200 views and likes. The duration of the video is 00:02:39 or 159 seconds. The Minecraft all mobs vs dropbear fight finally revealed #minecraft #viral minecraft, minecraft 100 days, mimecraf, minecraft minecraft, minecraft house tutorial, minecraft jj and mikey, minecraft song, minecraft video, minecraft game, minecraft techno gamerz, minecraft cartoon, mincraft mob vote 2023, minecraft mob battle, minecraft mob vote, minecraft mob farm, mimecraft mob vote 2023 winner, minecraft mob mod, minecraft mob… Read More


    Welcome to our SMP Server! If you are 18+ and enjoy being active, we invite you to join our LGBTQ-friendly and welcoming community! Our server features: Homes/waypoints/Claims New biomes New dungeons Shops/Currency Pets/Plushies New decoration blocks Pokémon Holiday Events Events Requirements to join: Must be over 18 Must have discord and join our server Must be active If you are interested, please fill out the google form here. Read More

  • Minecraft Memes – Minecraft community torn apart!

    Minecraft Memes - Minecraft community torn apart!Looks like Minecraft players are more split than the blocks they’re building with! Read More

  • Mine Me Sanpai SMP Part 3: Minecraft Mayhem Unleashed!

    Mine Me Sanpai SMP Part 3: Minecraft Mayhem Unleashed! In the world of Minecraft, where blocks reign supreme, We dive into adventures, like a wild dream. Sanpai SMP, part three in the mix, With twists and turns, and surprises to fix. Join us on Discord, for chats and fun, Instagram for updates, when the day is done. Promotions and collabs, email us quick, For partnerships and projects, let’s make it click. Telegram for more, from the Bad Ultimate Boys, YouTube channels for shorts, with gaming joys. Viral trends and videos, we’re on the rise, Minecraft peeks and updates, a pleasant surprise. Chapati and Hindustani gamers, in the mix,… Read More

  • Hot Minecraft Memes: The Joy of Every Player! 🔥😂

    Hot Minecraft Memes: The Joy of Every Player! 🔥😂 When you finally find diamonds in Minecraft and your happiness level goes from 0 to 100 real quick! 😂💎 #minecraftgoals #diamondsareagirlsbestfriend #gamerlife Read More

  • Aldatılma Hikayesi: Minecraft Skyblock

    Aldatılma Hikayesi: Minecraft Skyblock Welcome to AsenaCraft – A Tale of Betrayal in Minecraft Skyblock AsenaCraft is a vibrant Minecraft server that offers a unique Skyblock experience to players. With a dedicated community and exciting gameplay features, AsenaCraft has become a popular destination for Minecraft enthusiasts. What is Minecraft Skyblock? Minecraft Skyblock is a popular game mode where players start on a small island floating in the sky. The goal is to expand the island, gather resources, and complete challenges to thrive in this challenging environment. Features of AsenaCraft Skyblock Server At AsenaCraft, players can enjoy a variety of features tailored to enhance… Read More

  • Unbelievable Potions Menu Revealed in Astreterre!

    Unbelievable Potions Menu Revealed in Astreterre!Video Information This video, titled ‘Astreterre // Récap’ #114 – Menu des potions !’, was uploaded by OraNN on 2024-09-04 13:00:44. It has garnered 50 views and 6 likes. The duration of the video is 00:02:48 or 168 seconds. Astreterre // Recap’ #114 – Potions menu! #gamedev #Minecraft #godot #GodotEngine Short video summary of what we did during the last streams! spell icons mod: Electroblob’s Wizardry ••► Join me on the new Astreterre Discord: https://discord.gg/pAgT5QyBBN Trello to track upcoming releases: https://trello.com/b/tK3H818b/astreterre ••► All my networks: https://linktr.ee/OraNN ••► Twitch : https://www.twitch.tv/orann_ ••► Follow me on Twitter: https://twitter.com/_OraNN_ The playlist randomly contains… Read More

  • Encounter with a Panda in Minecraft!

    Encounter with a Panda in Minecraft!Video Information This video, titled ‘AKU BERTEMU DENGAN PANDA DI MINECRAFT! – Minecraft Indonesia #3’, was uploaded by TheCozyTea on 2024-04-11 09:30:03. It has garnered 370 views and 20 likes. The duration of the video is 00:34:31 or 2071 seconds. Hello everyone, welcome to the TheCozyTea channel. In this Minecraft gameplay, I went on an adventure far from my house and met a panda! Indie horror game playlist https://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PLmuUimiCf2KjlyCRIe5MqjOFNwovtvZQD You can support this channel to grow further via: Subscribe: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UC9kRFe8pkMsbjvOnqVZXctA?sub_confirmation=1 Saweria: https://saweria.co/thecozytea Discord: Wait for 20 thousand subscribers first, hehe. Don’t forget to like, comment and subscribe because that is… Read More

  • Philippines’ Top Minecraft Server! PM for Facebook Group

    Philippines' Top Minecraft Server! PM for Facebook GroupVideo Information This video, titled ‘best Minecraft server in the Philippines PM:Navulia Frostine in the Facebook open the link pls’, was uploaded by John_bryle_gamer on 2024-06-12 14:16:15. It has garnered 7 views and 1 likes. The duration of the video is 00:11:41 or 701 seconds. server RULE 🔰 POLY KIMCHIS SEASON 1 🔰 is now Looking for Active Players! ✨ 🎗 SERVER RULES 🎗 ✅ ALLOWED ✅ ✅ Java / Bedrock ✅ Teams (Maximum of 3 to 5 Members) ✅ Trade ✅ Farms (Any farms) ✅ Building Multiple Bases ✅ Building Shop (Located at Shopping District with Admins Permission) ✅… Read More

  • BlitzKreke’s Insane Minecraft SMP Adventure!

    BlitzKreke's Insane Minecraft SMP Adventure!Video Information This video, titled ‘Minecraft SMP Maybe – A new beginning’, was uploaded by BlitzKreke on 2024-09-01 04:18:34. It has garnered 64 views and 3 likes. The duration of the video is 04:37:37 or 16657 seconds. Discord – https://discord.gg/DwtHNBt Read More

23 Ways to Steal Your Friend’s Stuff in Minecraft