30 Mysterious Giant Creatures Caught on Tape

Video Information

Hey welcome to a new video the earth on which we live has existed for a very long time and used to be inhabited by giant animals the fact that we still have a lot of places to explore could suggest that there still might be creatures out there that we haven’t seen

Before and maybe still exist we’ll leave it up to you whether you believe these creatures exist or not are you new to this channel make sure to subscribe and hit the notification Bell and before we start also like the video number 30. in March 2016 a YouTube user called pen

Plate uploaded a video of a mysterious creature in the English River the Thames when he took a ride in the Emirates Airline Cable Car overlooking the city he suddenly saw something moving in the water he quickly grabbed his mobile phone and started filming it unfortunately there’s not much to see

But the far distance shows that it could have been a large creature since then people on the internet are trying to figure out what it was some think it was just a whale or a submarine but others say it might be the Loch Ness monster this would mean it swam from Scotland to

English Waters I however no one is talking about the fact that the creature has some sort of spines on his back unfortunately we only see it for a moment and it disappears into the water pretty quickly what do you think it was number 29 the following video was

Uploaded to the YouTube channel video news viral in May of 2014. if we were to believe the title the United States Army Air Force is fighting a giant alien monster in the desert of Durango New Mexico and the United States the video starts with two American soldiers watching the alien-like monster being

Destroyed by an incoming military plane according to many people the creature looks like some kind of jellyfish While others say they’re just testing new technology according to the original uploader the video was initially removed from YouTube so he thinks it was a secret operation in which an alien made

The deserts of New Mexico unsafe and the American Air Force was ordered to destroy it unfortunately this is the only information available number 28. in this video uploaded in July of 2008 we see a strange monster or animal that I have never seen before according to the man who had filmed it

This would have been a Hodag a Hodag is known in American folklore as a carnivorous Beast with spines on its back this monster is said to have been first discovered in 1893 and the wooded areas of Rhinelander a town in the American state of Wisconsin the Beast

Had the head of a frog the face of an elephant and huge claws like a dinosaur and a long tail and spines on its back it would have taken the group of local people hours to catch it the photo with the story was even reported in a

Newspaper the Hodag could be as long as six feet two inches or two meters and had a terrible dirty smell According to some people it would still wander around in the Deep Woods number 27 the following footage is said to have been filmed in November of 2016.

We see a giant creature moving in the sky above Beijing China according to the original uploader section 51 this event has been suppressed by the Chinese authorities no media Outlet was allowed to talk about it and even the international news didn’t pick it up the giant creature doesn’t seem to be

Aggressive but Chinese researchers think it might be of extraterrestrial origin according to these researchers extraterrestrials would use part of China as their base looking at the footage we see multiple military helicopters circling around the giant thing what do you think this could have been it’s quite possible this is a

Digital animation created to scare people but what if it was an alien threat number 26 the next creature on this list is siren head a humanoid creature with a strange appearance and two speakers on his head from which sounds can come out the creatures become especially popular in the last few

Months with several people who have seen the creature all over the world if you hear this sound of siren head you better run away in some cases the sound is so loud that it can damage your hearing so siren head can be very dangerous because in addition to the sound it produces to

The speakers on its head it can also camouflage itself and mimic sounds in order to lure its prey in March of 2020 a siren head had been cited in Australia take a look foreign looks pretty creepy but the movement of his arms and legs is a bit jerky maybe

The creature had trouble with his legs who knows the man who managed to capture it wouldn’t believe it either and ran off quickly after shooting the footage number 25. in this video we see a giant spider like alien climbing a building somewhere in the southwest of Russia the

Man woke up in the early morning and when he looked out the window he saw something walking around in the bushes below him and this is what he captured a huge arachnid monster with four long legs when the video was uploaded for the first time many viewers were scared and

Thought this might be an invasion by giant spiders by the way this is not the only time something like this was caught on camera in the following video we see a spider or stick-like creature climbing a building somewhere near the Russian Capital Moscow people who commented think this would be Slenderman opinions

Are divided about this although some people believe these creatures really exist others think it was created using digital animation number 24. now it’s common knowledge that unidentified flying objects are regularly observed in the sky many observations later turn out to be natural phenomena but a small percentage of this remains inexplicable in the

Following video supposedly made in 2016 we see a man looking out his window of the airplane during his flight to Zambia he sees something in the distance and decides to grab his mobile to film it at one point it even seems to come closer and we can see that it’s a giant

Alien-like creature I have no idea what this could have been but it seems to come from another world but of course it could have been a fake what do you think let me know in the comments number 23 in the following video we see a giant creature that people believe to

Be a Godzilla kind of dinosaur or a monster with three spines on its back there’s a big chance that it’s fake but I couldn’t find the original video so this is all we’ve got the godzilla-like monster seems to have been caught on camera in a remote area

But I have no idea exactly where if this had been real then probably a lot more people would have seen it because I don’t think it’s hard to spot the creature do you think Godzilla is real or does he only exist in movies number 22 the next photo is said to have

Been taken in December 1942 by the crew of the American Air Force during a RAV 300 reconnaissance fight this photo would be the legendary Norwegian mountain troll who one day was taking a walk through the foggy woods hoping no one would notice him if we look at the history of Mythology different cultures

Tell us that gigantic Giants used to exist even the Christian Bible makes references to Giants so who knows these Giants may have existed in the past but if they still exist they probably don’t otherwise we would have found them a long time ago so this photo from 1942

Might come from an old movie and could possibly be fake the story that was made up around it does make you think number 21 I came across the following video several times while doing research on giant creatures According to some people this would be the Cthulhu creature a giant creature that lived in

The great oceans millions of years ago so this 2017 video could prove that Cthulhu still exists but imagine that you see such a gigantic creature appearing in the ocean then you would be shocked I think many more news outlets would have been written about this if this creature had been real or maybe

They wouldn’t number 20. the lagar flag worm is a mythical creature with a snake-like appearance that several people say lives in Iceland’s Lake lagar flag according to Legends this creature was first seen in the year 1345. local people called the creature the Icelandic Loch Ness monster and although some believe it

Existed others thought it was just a myth that is until a man in 2012 managed to capture something on camera that had many similarities to the lagar flag worm some people were skeptical of the video footage but they couldn’t explain what else it had been according to experts

Who studied the video footage the snake-like monster would be about 39 feet or 12 meters long but there are claims that say the lagar flag worm can grow up to 195 feet or 60 meters long Skeptics say it might be a fishing net but the way the creature moved looked

Pretty real and realistic in my opinion number 19. the following video of a huge creature walking under a waterfall is said to have been shot somewhere in the mountainous area in Indonesia several articles say this is a possible Bigfoot sighting Bigfoot as you might have heard

Is a giant ape that could walk upright and inhabited the American and Canadian Force some researchers think it’s long been extinct while there are those who believe Bigfoot is still alive unfortunately the video footage is unclear but according to some experts the video footage would not have been

Tampered with it’s thought that the creature has a length of over eight feet or 2.5 meters and that it might be living there in the dense forest but it has never been observed again until today so what do you think we saw here walking on camera let me know in the comments

Number 18. a resident of the city of Santa Fe in Argentina came across a gigantic creature in 2018 which was described as half-man half-dog according to the story the creature was said to be roaming the streets when it encountered two other dogs however the creature was

Said to have been too strong and the two dogs lost the confrontation the man was still able to quickly take a picture of the creature before he eventually disappeared and was never seen again according to experts who studied the photo the enormous creature would have been over six feet two inches or 2.1

Meters long other people thought it might be a camel there were also those who said that this could possibly have been a mythical creature called the chupacabra what would you do if you encountered such a creature I think I would run away as fast as I could

Number 17. the following video I came across of a strange flying creature said to have been recorded in Shanghai the largest city in China it appears that some sort of interview is going on for a local news station at one point a creature flies by in the background and

When the interviewer sees it he yells what is that the two people turn around but too late because the creature’s already gone some people in the comments compared the creature to a zerg a fictional character from the computer game Starcraft this Zerg was also reportedly captured on camera by a dash

Cam of a car at night in a forest it could be that this is a digital animation created by a computer but what if these people actually captured a strange looking creature in the sky that would be pretty terrifying number 16. when I was looking for giant creatures that have been captured on

Camera I came across this picture of a creature that looks like Godzilla Godzilla is a dinosaur-like monster that appears in many movies and TV series so could this creature also exist in real life according to the following video a man supposedly captured a Godzilla on camera in an unknown City in Spain the

Man was relaxing in his vacation home when he saw a gigantic creature walking towards the ocean now I can already see what you’re thinking this is fake right probably yes however in Japanese folklore this monster is called a Gojira which is known to raise cities like

Tokyo and Osaka to the ground with this man of captured Godzilla on camera in real life I’ll leave it to you whether you believe it or not number 15. Slenderman is a character who originated on an internet Forum in 2009 as a creepypasta he’s known to have long

Arms and legs and likes to watch people especially children since then multiple sightings of the Slenderman have occurred causing people to doubt whether he even existed in real life in the following video a British YouTuber tells us that he bought a new bike and wanted

To try it out after a while we see a tall figure in the background through the field which looks very much like Slenderman a car driving by also saw the long figure and warned the boy that something or someone was watching him at that point the figure had already

Disappeared but when the boy later watched the video footage again he was shocked could this be proof that Slenderman actually exists in real life what do you think let me know in the comments number 14. the ningin is said to be an underwater creature that can reach

Lengths of 65 feet to 100 feet or 20 to 30 meters and lives in the Antarctic oceans according to Old stories this creature is said to have been observed several times by crew members of research ships although there’s no evidence that it really exists it might be possible after all the entire

Continent of Antarctica has not yet been fully discovered so who knows the Neen Gan is a Japanese word for human and it comes from modern Japanese folklore there are several photos of the creature circulating the internet including one from Google Maps that assumes this is the name again but there’s also a video

Circulating that is from the Year 2006 that makes people believe the creature really exists Skeptics Say the video is fake or that the neengan is more likely a white whale or some other unknown ocean monster unfortunately to this day it remains a mystery whether the nin actually exists or not

Number 13. the following video is said to be from the year 2013 and was shot somewhere in Russia unfortunately there’s little information about this event but as you can see a card is driving through the city until out of nowhere the road in front of it breaks

Open and what happens next is pretty creepy suddenly an unknown creature with gigantic Wings emerge from the ground According to some people this creature looks like Muto a giant monster first seen in a 2014 Godzilla movie other people think that the video is real but that the creature was animated by a

Computer what I noticed is that two people on the left side of the road look startled which makes it quite believable of course it could also be that this clip is from a movie but I couldn’t find anything about that and unfortunately this is the only information I can give

You so you can decide for yourself whether you think this video is real or not number 12. in 2019 during a storm in South Haven a place in the U.S state of Michigan a man named Tim Wenzel noticed a large mysterious creature appearing to be swimming against the side of the pier

Unfortunately the video footage isn’t clear but according to several people this could be Bessie Bessie is a snake-like sea monster of about 40 feet or 12 meters long that was first sighted in Michigan in the year 1793. since then there have been several sightings in the

Area in which people claim to have seen a giant sea monster so they think that this mysterious creature in the video is a relative of Bessie other people say it’s more like a sturgeon fish however they can’t grow that big so it remains a mystery to what exactly this creature is

But I think it’s becoming clear that there are still large sea creatures lurking in our Waters number 11. the following video of a giant spider creature was reportedly captured on camera in 2010 in ragoznika a municipality in Croatia in the video we are told that it had possibly been a

Spider experiment or that the radiation in the water caused the spider to grow so large when the giant spider came out from behind the hill many people ran away in fear even all the animals in the area began to flee the government made an emergency notification and said that

The people should leave their homes as soon as possible however some fishermen had become angry because they were fishing and the spider had caused the fish to swim away even the Army arrived but could not do anything because the spider was too big although some people in the comments say that the spider

Could be real others think that the spider was animated with a computer number 10. in this video the guys from the YouTube channel DX Army finds siren head in the evening near a stream called Ten yard Creek in the American state of Arkansas according to the stories siren

Head was observed here several times by different people what makes this observation credible is that they encountered siren head when they were live streaming the boys have walked very deep into the forest and at one point seemed to be a bit lost and if the Dark Forest isn’t scary enough they suddenly

Run into siren head and just after that their live stream seems to fall out in this case siren head seems to be a lot smaller but it’s still pretty creepy that they encountered him in the forest at night because it’s a live stream could this possibly be a real siren head

Sighting what do you think let me know in the comments number nine a group of tourists were on a trip in the waters of Alaska when a glacier suddenly collapsed to their surprise a sea dragon with seven black fins surfaced moments later what they immediately wondered was if this was a

Legendary Loch Ness monster unfortunately to this day it’s unclear what we’re seeing here in this video but some people claim that it must have been a number of large sturgeons swimming after one another sturgeons are fish that have been around since the time of the dinosaurs and the white sturgeon is

Even the largest freshwater fish in North America but what if it was in fact a giant sea dragon it could well be because only a few percent of the Earth’s water is completely explored so there’s certainly sea creatures swimming around that we’ve never seen before number eight somewhere in the vast cave

System of Northern Chile just west of the Atacama Desert the locals are telling stories about a legendary alien creature according to the story The Creature can turn to a huge dog when he leaves the cave but when it re-enters the cave it immediately transforms into an alien-like monster a group of

Explorers including Igor Korean flew where the cave is located and they claim to a film the legendary creature people in the comments were quick to criticize and not everyone believed the video was real they think it was probably staged and that the monster is a man with a

Costume the strange thing about this story is that just west of the cave in the Atacama Desert someone once discovered a small mummified alien but again the experts deny that this was an alien number seven SlenderMan was actually just a character created in 2009 for a photo contest he

Was depicted as a thin extremely tall humanoid figure with long limbs wearing a black suit Slenderman would love to stalk his victims usually children before taking them now some people believe that Slenderman was based on a character in real life consequently several videos are circulating in which

He was captured on camera in real life this includes a video of a father playing with his children on a playground when he accidentally caught Slenderman on camera this of course shocked them immediately I have no idea if this video is real or not but the

Creepy thing is that this was not the first time Slenderman has been seen at that playground number six a troll is a mythical creature originally from northern Europe but in Norse mythology they talk about giant trolls who could eat people now it’s unclear if trolls actually exist

But if the following video is to be believed someone managed to capture a troll on camera normally trolls live in remote places near rocks mountains or caves in addition they always look ugly but they are very strong unfortunately we don’t know what happened after the troll ran towards the camera but let’s

Hope it was a person in a costume or that the video was created with digital animation because if I encountered a troll in real life I would definitely run away as fast as I can number five King Kong is a giant ape who is said to live on an island along with other

Prehistoric animals including dinosaurs you’ve probably seen a movie featuring King Kong but if the following video is to be believed they would have captured this giant ape on camera in its symbol in real life we can see a couple taking a selfie together when the Monstrous monkey appeared behind a tower when this

Happens everyone naturally begins to run and scream the monkey is also said to have been captured on several security cameras where you can see him walking through the city some people in the comments suggest that the monkey is very well animated but some wonder why people

Are running away then if it’s fake what do you think could King Kong really exist number four in the following video we see a reporter giving an interview on live television unfortunately there’s little information about this video but it’s said to have been shot somewhere near a forest in

South America at first glance you probably won’t notice anything but if you look closely you will see that a strange creature can be seen behind the woman many people argued and thought that it might be a gibbon a primate species with incredibly long arms that allow them to swing easily from tree to

Tree others say that it’s an alien or that a creature has been manipulated with digital animation but if the video is to be believed this creature was captured on live television what on Earth could this creature be if you think you know let me know in the comments

Number three in this video we see a gigantic creature that was captured on camera somewhere in the Philippines it was allegedly filmed by a group of men who were relaxing on the coast when they suddenly saw this creature walk by we couldn’t find the original video so I

Have no idea if this is real or not all that we can see is that it’s a full moon and there are a number of boats in the water most likely this giant creature isn’t real but if it is that I don’t understand why the people are filming

And not running away could such creatures really live in the Philippines I have no idea but what is certain is that new creatures are discovered every year so who knows what creatures live on our Earth that we don’t know about yet number two one day residents of the town of ciudad

Valles in Mexico were startled by a large sound coming from a nearby mountain when they went outside to see where the sound was coming from they claimed to have seen a strange giant creature among the trees one of the residents says that her husband and child were outside when they heard an

Explosive sound coming from the Mountainside they initially thought it was a landslide and tried to look further but to their shock and amazement a giant figure appeared at the top of the mountain they took a picture of it a police investigation revealed that the story told by the resident to match what

Other people saw the gigantic creature caused a lot of fear and panic among the residents as they had never seen anything like it before some people think it could be a megatherium an extinct giant ground sloth that once inhabited Southern Bolivia number one in the following video we see a YouTuber

From Saudi Arabia called x71n who heard strange sounds coming from the forest in November of 2019. he decided to take a look and at some point he arrives at a fence with gauze in front of it and a sign saying it’s forbidden to enter although it was pitch dark he climbed

Over the fence and after walking for a while he saw a giant siren head in the distance because siren had used his Sirens he managed to lure the man towards him however the man was smart enough to hide and siren head did not succeed in finding the man in the

Description of the video the man says he wants to go back to the place again to see what else is going on in that area however I couldn’t find any other videos so he was probably too scared to return to the place do you believe that these creatures

Exist and have you ever encountered a strange creature yourself let me know in the comments if you liked the video give it a thumbs up if you want to see more videos we’ve made click one on the screen or take a look at the channel thanks for watching and see you next time

This video, titled ’30 Mysterious Giant Creatures Caught on Tape’, was uploaded by The Feathered Friend on 2023-06-11 15:15:00. It has garnered views and [vid_likes] likes. The duration of the video is or seconds.

In this video we look at giant mysterious creatures that were caught on tape by a camera. While they might seem like pure fantasy, …

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    G-Block SurvivalG-Block Survival | Casual Survival Reimagined | 1.20! Welcome to one of the most casual enhanced survival servers for Minecraft Java edition ever synthesized! Our mission: What originally began as a private multiplayer server amongst a group of friends evolved into what we now know as G-Block Survival. Our server’s goal is to improve on what Minecraft already has to offer by including versatile, innovative features into the game that upgrade the vanilla SMP experience while also staying true to the true style of Minecraft survival. Grab your pickaxe, gear up with your friends, and let the adventure unfold! Join… Read More

  • Createville Server Modded SMP Greylist 15+ 1.19.2

    Welcome to Createville Server! Looking for a friendly server to play with others? Createville is a safe and friendly community of players who come together to build trains, sell items, collaborate on projects, and more. Join us for: Shops and custom currency Trains, Cars, Airplanes Create and its addons Organized community area A sprinkle of magic In-game voice chat To join, install the modpack and get whitelisted: Pack: Createville Modpack Discord: Createville Discord Read More

  • CivEarth v5

    CivEarth v5CivEarth is a 1:500 Earth map Minecraft server that is on its 5th version! Join a diverse community and a mature and helpful staff. We have many unique plugins for you to enjoy with a range of Towny based plugins such as Towny Resources and Siegewar with other fun plugins including , MCMMO, a digital economy, auctions, PvP Duels, fishing, quests, vehicles, realms and dungeons and much more!We are available on Java at: towny.CivEarth.net. You can now join with bedrock! towny.civearth.net, port:19132. We hope to see you around! Read More

  • Minecraft Memes – Freakager Strikes Back: I Needed Those!

    Looks like someone’s inventory just got freakaged! Read More

  • Hardcore Minecraft Mini Mansion Madness!

    Hardcore Minecraft Mini Mansion Madness! In the world of Minecraft, where creativity reigns, Hanzi builds a mini mansion, where adventure sustains. Collaborating with hanzishanzi, the duo shines, Crafting hardcore Minecraft, with twists and turns in lines. Subscribe for more hardcore Minecraft, the journey unfolds, With challenges and triumphs, their story told. From building to surviving, every moment a thrill, In the world of blocks and pixels, where dreams fulfill. So leap into the verse, where Minecraft comes alive, With hanzishanzi leading the way, let the story thrive. In every rhyme and rhythm, the adventure sings, As the mini mansion stands tall, a testament to… Read More

  • Steve in Minecraft VS Real Life: The Ultimate Battle of Survival 🔥😂 #shorts

    Steve in Minecraft VS Real Life: The Ultimate Battle of Survival 🔥😂 #shorts Steve in Minecraft be like: “I can build a house, fight zombies, and mine for diamonds all in one day!” Meanwhile, in real life, I struggle to even get out of bed in the morning. #minecraftvsreallife #struggleisreal Read More

  • Ultimate Spooky & Weird Minecraft Mob

    Ultimate Spooky & Weird Minecraft Mob Minecraft’s Most Terrifying and Bizarre Mob When it comes to the world of Minecraft, players are no strangers to encountering a wide array of mobs, from the friendly villagers to the menacing creepers. However, there is one mob that stands out as both terrifying and bizarre, sending shivers down the spines of even the most seasoned players. The Enderman: A Mysterious and Menacing Mob Enter the Enderman, a tall, dark, and mysterious mob that roams the End dimension. With its eerie purple eyes and ability to teleport at will, the Enderman strikes fear into the hearts of players who… Read More

  • Join Minewind: Enhance Your Minecraft Experience

    Join Minewind: Enhance Your Minecraft Experience Welcome to NewsMinecraft.com! Are you a fan of Minecraft and looking for a new server to join? Look no further than Minewind! With an exciting and vibrant community, Minewind offers a unique gaming experience that you won’t find anywhere else. But why should you join Minewind, you ask? Well, imagine a world where you can unleash your creativity, build epic structures, and embark on thrilling adventures with other players. That’s exactly what Minewind has to offer! Whether you’re a seasoned Minecraft pro or just starting out, Minewind welcomes players of all skill levels. With a variety of game modes… Read More

  • Minecraft Bible: Armor of God

    Minecraft Bible: Armor of God The Armor of God Explained in Minecraft When it comes to understanding the concept of the Armor of God, what better way to explain it than through the world of Minecraft? In this unique interpretation, players can visualize the spiritual armor described in Ephesians 6 in a whole new light. Putting on the Full Armor In Minecraft, players are constantly faced with challenges and enemies that they must overcome. Just like in the Bible, where believers are encouraged to put on the full Armor of God to stand against the schemes of the devil, Minecraft players must equip themselves… Read More

  • Unbelievable! Nikki Rei is an idol in Minecraft!

    Unbelievable! Nikki Rei is an idol in Minecraft!Video Information This video, titled ‘…in Minecraft’, was uploaded by Nikki Rei Ch. idol-EN on 2024-04-01 22:00:32. It has garnered 6242 views and 976 likes. The duration of the video is 07:34:36 or 27276 seconds. #NikkiRei #Vtuber #VtuberEN #IdolEN #idolGenesis If you enjoyed watching, don’t be a tool, like and comment or i’ll use you. Join Nikki’s workshop to get access to perks: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCBnmfjpmhGxao6v54fIIMUA/join 🧰🗜️🦾⚙️🔨🔧🔩🪛 ⚙️ Tips: https://streamelements.com/nikkirei/tip ⚙️ How to make Jane read your tip msg? https://tts.monster/yt/ucbnmfjpmhgxao6v54fiimua ⚙️ Idol online shop https://shop.idol-company.com/ ⚙️ My Twitta: https://twitter.com/nikki_rei_idol ⚙️Roast my marshmallow, I won’t be mad: https://marshmallow-qa.com/nikki_rei_idol 🧰🗜️🦾⚙️🔨🔧🔩🪛 Tags: ⚙️ Gen: #idolGenesis… Read More

  • SUPii GAMING: Brother vs Brother Survival Challenge

    SUPii GAMING: Brother vs Brother Survival ChallengeVideo Information This video, titled ‘Epic Minecraft Survival Challenge with Brother 😁’, was uploaded by SUPII GAMING on 2024-03-21 12:00:18. It has garnered views and [vid_likes] likes. The duration of the video is or seconds. MINECRAFT PE Dual Survival Series in Hindi Ep 1 | Iron Armor. #mcpe #minecraft100days #minecrafters #minecraftpe … Read More

  • Insane fireball battle in Minecraft bedwars!!

    Insane fireball battle in Minecraft bedwars!!Video Information This video, titled ‘fireball fight #minecraft #shorts #minemen #bedwars #hypixel’, was uploaded by miwc on 2024-03-03 19:08:52. It has garnered views and [vid_likes] likes. The duration of the video is or seconds. bedwars play,good montages,bedwars,bedwars videos,bedwars extensions,hypixel montage,sammygreen montage,block clutch … Read More


    KILLING MR. WOLF IN MINECRAFT?! 😱Video Information [Music] [Music] [Music] this is a certified fo classic oh oh This video, titled ‘logic minecraft’, was uploaded by MR Wolf on 2024-05-28 10:32:04. It has garnered 12358 views and 337 likes. The duration of the video is 00:00:35 or 35 seconds. Read More


    SECRET HACKS IN MINECRAFT SERVER! 7 Golden AppleVideo Information हर हर महादेव सो गाइस आज हम वापस आ चुके हैं अपने प्यारे मिस्टर गेमर टी सर्वर में और इस मिस्टर गेमर टी के सर्वर में आज हम खेलने वाले हैं वापस से द बेड वर्स पिछली बार तो गा हम बेड वर्स खेलने आए थे बट हमारे साथ पता है गाइस क्या हुआ बेड वर्स फुल था या तो मैं नहीं खेल पाया था पर आज हम खेलने वाले हैं बेड वर्स सो अभी जल्दी से चलते हैं सो लेट्स बिगन गा भाई पिछली बार की तरह बस वो ना हो भाई ओके लेट्स गो गा चार… Read More

  • Outrageous: You Won’t Believe What Big Brother Black Did! 😱 #shorts

    Outrageous: You Won't Believe What Big Brother Black Did! 😱 #shortsVideo Information lần ra khơi bắt tương chuyền Sau khi vua hải tặc đô la Mỹ Mỹ qua đời Kho báo của vua hải tặc vẫn còn ngoài biển xa biết bao nhiêu người khao khát danh vọng và tiền bạc đã cùng nhau răng buồm ra biển đó cũng là mở đầu của kỳ Nguyên Hải Tặc mới nhưng trong số đó một thiếu niên ảnh Dũng với ý chí bất diệt đã trở thành tân Tứ hoàng của thế giới là người tạo ra trật tự mới anh ta tên là đại ca đen ha ha ta là… Read More

  • Losing my mind in intense Minecraft battles on Hypixel!!

    Losing my mind in intense Minecraft battles on Hypixel!!Video Information This video, titled ‘🔴 Epic Minecraft Bedwars And Skywars On Hypixel!’, was uploaded by Slipses on 2024-04-29 21:14:56. It has garnered 14 views and 2 likes. The duration of the video is 00:16:09 or 969 seconds. #hungergames #lunarclient #prison #minecraft #hypixel #bedwars #skywars #lunarclient #budgetpc #lowendpc #lowendpcgaming #skyblock #pvp #prisons #bedrock #bedrockedition #gaming #hungergames (120 FPS) How To Rod Pvp On A Potato | (Smooth 😍) #pvp #lowendpc #shorts #minecraft #pvp #bedwars #skywars #smp #tryhard #gaming #prison #skyblock #roblox #shorts,#bedwars,#roblox,#skyblocks,minecraft,badlion,#badlion,bedwars,skywars,skyblock,pvpv,pvp,#pvp,1v1,roblox,op prisons,op prisons server,op prisons minecraft,op prisons bedrock,skyward,skywars roblox,skywars minecraft,hypixel skyblock playthrough,hypixel garden,hypixel duels,bedwars live🔴 now,bedwars minecraft,bedwars roblox,op prison… Read More

  • Minecraft AI Glitch DESTROYS Me!

    Minecraft AI Glitch DESTROYS Me!Video Information hey guys wiing here welcome to Minecraft with our AI bot why did you leave for like two seconds what what was that all about uh I have no idea uh well anyway that’s so Random I I okay um here it is here’s our lovely AI it’s uh we got vivv in our Viv my AI in Minecraft here it is pretty cool huh it just left the game we joined the game uh just uh we don’t need to figure out why that happened probably crashed two seconds ago and I didn’t even realize but yeah… Read More

  • 🔥Epic RTP Command in Minecraft! Only Commands!🔥

    🔥Epic RTP Command in Minecraft! Only Commands!🔥Video Information den armboss platziert ihr einfach dann nehmt ihr euch das Namenschild und nennt das dann den RTP dann müsst ihr einfach den platzieren und den Halt den entsprechend RTP nennen wenn ihr das gemacht hab kommen wir auch schon zum ersten command und zwar/ff Typ minecraftarmor Name RTP invisible 2 255 tRUE wenn ich den Schalter nämlich umlege seht ihr dass die Arm unsichtbar werden weil wenn die sichtbar sind das wollen wir ja natürlich nicht wir wollen halt dass die in wie gesagt dann unsichtbar sind dafür ist halt schon mal der erste command da kommen wir… Read More

  • Placeofwar

    PlaceofwarAn amazing war server with 15 guns and many maps. Recently created (Please install CIT to have unique guns models) play.placeofwar.com Read More

  • Fractured SMP – Semi-Vanilla 1.20.4 – Bedrock & Java – Dynmap – Discord

    Introducing Fractured SMP Experience a newly released semi-vanilla server with enhanced multiplayer features. With over a year of community hosting experience, we offer a well-developed server experience. Links Website: Visit Here Discord: Join Now Dynmap: View Here What We Offer Community: Player-driven with transparency and input from all members. Welcoming: Creating an inclusive and diverse community. Stability: Using top-of-the-line, dedicated hardware for a stable experience. Some Of Our Features Claims Plugin for land protection and sharing. Dynmap for real-time world viewing. DiscordSRV for in-game communication. Random Teleport for quick travel. Player Shops for trading. Basic Rules We enforce a mature… Read More

  • Minecraft Memes – “HeroPrime’s Epic Minecraft Adventure”

    That’s a pretty impressive score for a Minecraft meme, I wonder if it’s in the Hall of Fame yet? Read More

  • Mutant Souka Showdown: Minecraft’s Secure Base Battle!

    Mutant Souka Showdown: Minecraft's Secure Base Battle! In the world of Minecraft, a battle did unfold, Between Dark Souka and a mutant so bold. With knives in hand and teeth so sharp, The mutant sought to tear the town apart. But Souka and friends were not afraid, They built a base, strong and well-made. With obsidian walls and lava all around, They stood their ground, ready to astound. But the mutant was cunning, he had a plan, He spawned zombies and baby zombies, a dangerous clan. But Souka and team fought with all their might, They took down the mutant, winning the fight. In the end,… Read More

  • Minecraft MEME (Part 3) Spicy AF 🔥

    Minecraft MEME (Part 3) Spicy AF 🔥 When you accidentally eat a golden apple in Minecraft and realize you just wasted your precious loot on a snack. #minecraftproblems #hangryminecraftplayer Read More

  • Discover the Ultimate Minecraft Experience at Minewind Server

    Discover the Ultimate Minecraft Experience at Minewind Server Are you tired of the same old Minecraft servers? Looking for a fresh and exciting place to unleash your creativity and have some fun? Look no further than Minewind! With a unique and engaging gameplay experience, Minewind offers a dynamic environment where you can explore, build, and interact with other players from around the world. Whether you’re a seasoned Minecraft pro or just starting out, Minewind has something for everyone. Join us at Minewind today and embark on an adventure like no other. The possibilities are endless, and the only limit is your imagination. Connect to Minewind server at… Read More

30 Mysterious Giant Creatures Caught on Tape