5 Most Extreme Minecraft PRISON ESCAPES!

Video Information

You’re watching the five most insane minecraft present escapes on youtube and once you’ve finished watching all of them let me know down below in the comments which was the most extreme check it out guys this is newborn two three four’s house and i’ve been told by a reliable source

He’s got a new secret house that we are going to prank we just have to find out how to get inside of it and then we are good to go oh what is this a lever to his new secret house yes please wait wait the the doors behind me just slammed shut

Wait a second what is happening no no no no no no wait a second hold on i know where we are we’re in a prison what is new one two three four doing on the other side of this prison cell well well well who do we have here oh pristin

It looks like you fell right into my trap don’t you dare try to call me dumb at this moment in time newb1234 audience i cannot believe we fell for this bait i’m actually very disappointed in myself right now i finally can get back at you

For all of the pranks you have done to me i don’t think you’re gonna get away with this look at this guys he even has noob prison guards that look identical to him how did he hire these people and their buff hold on sorry we’re missing out on a lot

Of important information from the noob if you have noticed you are locked in one of my super secure prison cells yeah noob i kind of realized i’m in a prison cell by looking at these iron bars you pleb you will not be able to hold me forever

What this noob does not realize is i am a master escapist i’ve escaped from more prisons in minecraft than probably any other youtuber on the planet i’m a professional okay don’t ask me why i always end up getting in prison because i don’t even understand why

Oh yeah keep walking away look at this guy he’s trying to be fancy get out of here dude get out of here get out of here with your backwards crouch walking you just ran into a wall you big dummy if there’s one thing i know about prisons in minecraft the

People who put you here always leave some way to get out and judging by this painting i bet there’s a way to walk completely through it i just have to make sure that the guards are not noticing me hold on yes if we’re over here like this there’s no

Way they can pay attention to us come on i know it’s here somewhere come on yes let’s go i told you noob you wouldn’t be able to keep me here forever unless did he mean to put this here does he want me to find this chest with the

Prison key inside of it am i being set up again no no no no the noob is not that intelligent guys come on wait the key doesn’t fit inside of the lock are you kidding me this has got to be some kind of sick prank there could be something back here

That we just didn’t notice oh a hidden stone button you hear the prison cellador creek open let’s okay how are we supposed to get past these guards though there are now i don’t know if you guys can see this there are prison guards above me and below me patrolling the cell how are

We supposed to escape the biggest question i have is how do these guards not notice my door wide open they don’t even press the lever to shut the door that’s how you know these are newbie prison guards okay if we can just manage to escape we’ve got cameras over here so we’ve got

To be extra extra careful when sneaking out ladies and gentlemen do me a favor leave a like on this video so we can escape the noobs prison we just barely managed to get away from both security guards let’s go oh no oh guys there’s a prison card one of the noobs are

He’s coming right for me we gotta go oh okay we’re good oh he was so close to finding me there looks like there’s no guards no security cameras in here so we should be good for the time being what is this monstrosity i’ve never seen something like this before this looks

Like okay that’s gotta be a ventilation system i bet we can parkour up there wait a second we’ve got a lock chest over here audience that means something is inside of there that is not supposed to be let’s loot all these chests let’s see if we can

Find something that will get us up to the vents yes we found a chest we’ve got a noob one two three four portrait okay we’ve got a oh a key ring with a bunch of prison keys noob one two three fours notes what ah okay that i don’t even i’m throwing this away

Nobody wants to see that picture ladies and gentlemen recent improvements have been made to the ventilation system the worker did a good job but left his screwdriver behind i put it away dude it’s hard to read the text can you guys follow along if you guys are having difficulty

Reading let’s get some fire emojis in the comments right now i put it away near the vent if anyone needs to use it which means it’s probably in that lock chest that we found earlier bingo noob one two three four second no wait that’s not the screwdriver wait where is

The screwdriver we’re looking for something totally different right now but the second note says to whoever is looking for the screwdriver i don’t know where it is in him come on dude girlfriend girlfriend1234 was here and i had to show off my cool new screwdriver to her

She really liked it so i let her have it for a while to color papers with how do you color papers with a screwdriver i don’t think that is humanly or physically possible wait wait wait wait hold on i saw this colorful thing over here is this it oh bingo baby the screwdriver

Now can we okay but can this open this oh oh a little bit of a quad jump action right there you loosen the first screw using oh come on yes what did we tell the noob at the beginning of this video he cannot hold us back we are going to find a way

To escape this prison if it’s the last thing we do i will not be imprisoned by my wife my best friend but especially not by noob1234 or his girlfriend audience do me a huge favor while we’re looking for the exit take the device you’re watching this

Video on turn it like this make that red subscribe button gray and enable those bell notifications so we can escape from this noob prison oh what is this a staircase wait a second okay do we want to press this lever i’m gonna do it because i love you guys

Yes wait what oh okay that was so weird oh no there’s more dude this ventilation system is massive i’ve never seen something like this before in minecraft it’s absolutely huge come on oh oh wait what is this oh yes okay do we want to drop down here yes we

Do but i do need to get a drink of coffee preston needs energy while he’s inside of prison we drop down the vent and there’s a problem we have a prison guard he’s watching the footage of the prison cell live right now i wonder if we could put him to sleep

I’ve heard if you right click a noob he will be put to sleep yeah i found this on twitter yes wait a second i see noob one two three four wait can we switch cameras how do we get to a different camera okay no there whoa look what we just

Found i switched to a new security camera and i see escape elevator we need to keep this area in mind and write down the coordinates where is the noob what is this this looks like i think this is like a prison library or something that’s our cell where we started

Finally we found the noob’s office hold on hold on we can even see what he’s typing good thing i just updated my office security system to use key cards i have to remember i kept spares in my computer room and library what does that even mean

Wait the library we just saw on the footage and my new secret wall code is super secure no one will be able to crack it hey noob why don’t you just do me a favor why don’t you just go ahead and type it to me huh especially not my dumb prisoner

Is he talking about me you want to have a fish spy bro just kidding i won’t have a fist fight with you because i’m a christian wait oh no i was not paying attention as to what codes he just pressed i didn’t even notice the buttons on the

Wall we are going to have to try to guess the combination in his office if we want to crack this thing i’m pretty sure if we turn off all the levers it’ll disable the security footage so they won’t be able to notice me while i’m inside of the prison oh cctv

Has been disabled let’s go that’s exactly what we wanted i am hiding inside of doors right now so the prison guards don’t notice me audience take a look at this those doors right between those chests is where the noob’s office is i wonder if we can make it come on

Wait entry denied green and red key cards needed where am i supposed to get those key cards oh dude this is bad okay i’m stuck inside of these doors prison guards are all around me what do we do yes we finally found the computer room okay shut the doors

I don’t see any guards oh my goodness there are so many chests inside of here how long is this going to take me somebody get your phone out put a timer on right now how long is it going to take preston to find this key card oh not very long

Who put stuff behind paintings these days i’ve been in enough prisons and puzzle maps inside of minecraft to know to always check any kind of painting in minecraft because there’s almost always something behind it how did i just fall in the lava i am so embarrassed that you guys had to see that

Wait what is this noob crypter a specialized tool that gets into noob os computers the noob crypto device a specialized noob tool that gets into noob operating system computers why am i still on fire come on fire you you got to stop bullying me right now all right this is getting ridiculous

Thank you so much i don’t understand how i still take fire damage when i got turned into this lava character i was promised by the scientists who did it that i would never take fire damage again yet i still continue to take fire damage on a regular basis and it really frustrates me

Low power flip the lever to cycle what flip it a few more times okay stand on the pressure plate got you i’m standing on the pressure plate stay there i don’t like that this computer is telling me what to do whoa what is happening come stand here

Okay uh spin around three times one two three jump twice spin 180 push button dude why am i being told what to do by this dad gum computer there are you happy are you not good are you seriously not gonna work for me after all that work you just put me through

Thank you noob os wait did you guys notice the version was nice little i saw that nice little detail there noob okay insert the noob crypto device what noob1234’s computer sucked you inside what i want to know since when is there parkour inside of somebody’s computer i have

Seen a lot of things inside of people’s computers but i have never seen parkour okay can we make this oh of course we can make this jump press that’s a big jump though do me a quick favor audience if you want to get your comments featured

And read here on the screen make sure you make it within the first hour of a brand new video being posted and you will have a chance to have your comments featured what is inside of this chest the green key card a green key card belonging to the noob one two three four

Whoa and just like that we were teleported outside of his computer that was insanity now that we have the green card we need to get the red card which is inside of the library we are making plays today ladies and gentlemen um okay it’s against the ten

Commandments in the bible to lie but also i don’t wanna go back to prison but i also don’t wanna lie what do we do all right you know what we’re just gonna be honest i am preston place hear me roar aren’t you supposed to be in your cell

Uh no noob one two three four let me out to stretch my legs okay that was a lie um well i mean technically the noob left the key for us and then we used the key to get outside and then stretch our legs so am i really lying yeah it’s a

Loophole all right i’m like a lawyer right now but warden said you can’t ever leave your cell well why did he leave me a key to stretch my legs then you ever think about that i don’t didn’t know we could let out prisoners well i mean

He let me out and here we are oh well if the warden said it was okay then it’s fine oh thank you god you are the best prison guard we have a problem the prison guard even though he’s nice and he’s not gonna throw his back in a cell

He did say you can continue walking around but i can’t stay inside the library which is really unfortunate because that’s where the red key is and that’s what we need to get inside of the noob’s office so we’re gonna have to improvise i need to find a security guard outfit so i can

Blend in with the noobs and i don’t have to keep having conversations with them that make my brain want to rot we have found the storage room i just need to make sure to the right are we clear i do see a guard over there and

Then to my left i see two other guards there’s definitely a guard coming right to us okay three two one go go go go go let’s go as fast as we can all right inside the storage room i am guaranteeing you there’s got to be left over security outfits i found some blue

Dye which as we know most security uniforms are blue wait a second a crafting recipe which gives us the noob blue is that a trademark color i didn’t even know new blue was a specific type of blue i knew that there was noob and there’s blue but i don’t think

There is technically a new blue i’m just going to keep my mouse shut and try to find these items so we can make this i suppose we’ve got nothing to lose by trying to craft this recipe i have no idea if this is going to work and we got the

Noob blue potion a blue potion patented by newborn 234 are you sure you want to touch it if i drink this do i turn into a noob no do we really want to do this if there was any other opportunity to get out of this prison without drinking this i would

But we don’t have another choice promise me something audience you will still love me even when i look like a noob i’m trying to get the potion there’s nothing we can do oh my gosh wait we don’t look like a noob we are in the security outfit but we are not a

Noob oh thank you jesus why did i not turn into a noob i will never know maybe it’s just because i have too much pro dna in my body the world may never know dude check this out this outfit works perfectly guards are now just walking past me

They’re not stopping me for questions they literally think i’m a security guard even though i look nothing like them other than my pants and my shirt and of course i got this fancy badge over here on my shirt we’ve made it back to the library now we can finally get

The red key card i believe it’s inside of this chest oh no there’s a code we need something in the bookshelves if you need a code i always right click bookshelves and eventually you find something that will help you crack the code nailed it we have a book with library secrets

Due to some recent events i have decided to lock up my key card the secret code has been put into to books on the shelves don’t forget the secret phrase noob blue i’ve searched most of these bookshelves but apparently there are still books inside of these wait is it these

What the number eight has appeared on my screen i almost said the letter eight that would have been so embarrassing six what does this mean eight six four oh wait wait wait hold on hold on so if we’re gonna get this code we should probably start from like a

To z we can’t start from z to a that’d be working backwards one two three don’t say the next one’s for of course it’s four one two three four the code the entire time was one two three four we spent all this time trying to crack this overly complicated code

And it’s literally one two three four by the way never make that your password or your pen for your phone don’t even make it your birthday don’t make it your dad’s birthday make it something unique because otherwise there’s gonna be a bad person that is going to enter one two three four

Potentially on your device and they’re gonna get in like it’s nobody’s business the moment we’ve all been waiting for ladies and gentlemen the noob one two three four office finally we can open the door now there was something i vaguely remember the noob saying after he pressed the code he said in

Is for noob i don’t think it’s on the iphone but have you guys seen those patterns where you like you swipe in a pattern and it unlocks the phone what if this one is like this i’m gonna try the in come on come on oh no that did not work um

Maybe we pressed the wrong wait a second come on i know it’s in it’s gotta be and maybe i’m just pushing it in wrong come on come on yes oh baby let’s go this is what the noob has in his office some levers and some paintings really is

This all that’s back here i don’t even know what to okay what whoa okay we’ve got a weird hidden room behind the spider painting pig i know you have something for us i heard a dinging sound effect so i flipped one of the levers and it made a ding are there more dings

To go around whoa dude hold on the spider painting just had blocks open up this room was not here before wait a second emergency escape lever do not pull we’re pulling it let’s go we’re getting out of this prison baby oh no oh no the emergency alarm’s been activated

Not only is it terrifying but it’s letting every guard know that a prisoner has escaped no they’re panicking they’re panicking hold on they’re looking for me do they know i’m camouflaged as a guard though ah wait a second i see nub1234’s name tag do not come inside of here let me escape

Maybe they won’t notice it’s me hold on they have no idea it’s me okay we’re getting out of this place i remember from the cctv footage that the escape elevator should be this way if i’m not mistaken this has got to be it yes the escape elevator no no no

No no what how did he just do this you really caused quite a stir there how did you guys just now notice it’s me now what are you going to do i’m going to escape let me inside of the elevator there is nowhere else to run dude this

Is starting to feel like the beginning of a horror movie oh yes yes i can’t believe he opened up the gate you big pleb let’s get out of here guys go go go come on elevator yes best prisoner hello i am not your prisoner i am your father just wait till i tell

Your mother she is going to lose her chicken nuggets and you are going to be in a world of pain you are mine haha nosey okay he’s literally ignoring my threats this is the problem with being an ultimate prankster as a dad the apple doesn’t fall far from the tree

And my son is like 10 times better at me when it comes to pranks and trolls than i ever was this has become quite the predicament don’t take this the wrong way audience but i’ve been in prison more times than you can count not in real life but inside of minecraft

And i always know that there is a way to get outside of your prison cell plus my son’s like five years old or whatever no way he can build a prison cell that can hold his 25 year old dad okay oh we got parkour baby let me show you

What i’m made of son check it out yeah oh my door’s open oh okay it’s a challenge so we have to get through the parkour before the door shuts oh let me tell you something baby preston you’re on i was about to say who’s your daddy

And then i realized i’m like i’m i’m literally his daddy okay yes we have escaped from this little best prisoner cell wait what are the other prison cells say wait there are no other prisoners in the cell except for me he built all of these prison cells for just me

I i can’t tell if i’m honored as his dad or very very depressed and kind of sad i am currently on my way to the food court this prison is so big i think we just randomly bumped into the food court look at the tiny little guards why is that guard named rich

It’s clearly a girl all right you know what don’t ask questions you don’t want to know the answer to baby that’s just how it works shake and bake look at all these cute tiny workers though they’re like old babies oh wait hold on one of them’s talking

Where’s james james is talking to me where that james you can’t even see over the counter buddy howdy sir welcome to baby preston’s prison lunch haul what will you have today we have chocolate lollipops or maybe cookies i will take cookies my good sir audience if you haven’t already go and

Smack that like button down below not just for me but also for your boy diglett how did james know we wanted to escape he told me i should forget about escaping well first of all james i asked for cookies not candy you can’t tell me what to do i’m also

Old enough to be your dad okay seymour do you know how to get out of here i heard on the grapevine that you’re trying to take a walk i can get you out but first i need you to obtain 10 cookies for me he’s trying to make a deal he wants

10 cookies for information i already asked that guy james over at the counter for cookies and he didn’t even get one cookie listen here james i need cookies i feel like james is not respecting his elder right now he goes oh cookies are five coins you’ll need to earn some money

Jimbo the guard can take you well i don’t know if i want jimbo the guard to take me what does jimbo’s guard look like speaking of which where is this why is this guard jimbo once again it’s a girl i just i don’t why why is this currently

Happening to me diglett how do you feel about this nonsense no diglett i’m not giving you ten cookies as well i have to go give them their seymour over here sir this is the toy factory wait a second am i at a toy factory because i’ve gotta do some hard labor

Is that how you make coins inside of prison what is this the boss baby hey you maybe you could help me out i don’t know if i want to help you out here chief i’m just looking for some coins i’ll make it worth your while oh some babies

Broke my machine fix it and i’ll give you ten coins i need five levers on the green blocks and two pressure plates on the orange okay deal sounds easy as heck bruh i’m about to become rich all right ten coins ten cookies where do i get the pressure place i have

Not been given wait where do i get the pressure plates and where do i get the levers so he said we need to put pressure plates on the orange and then levers go on the green but i have lily been given no items not only does he expect me to do

The labor he expects me to find the parts inside of this giant toy factory okay one lever has been found we need what do we need five levers oh that’s the second one all right we’re actually not doing as bad as i thought we would do

Third lever has been found okay two more levers two pressure plates how hard can it be wait can i can i steal this i i don’t know if i was supposed to break that one but we totally just did wait where are the pressure plates we have yet to find

One single pressure plate oh wait a second i found it i’ve got five levers now wait sweet we’ve gotten five levers seriously where are the pressure plates diglett i need you to use your beautiful beady eyes to find these pressure plates are they in these barrels up here i love me some bear

Rules oh yes there was one inside of here actually though okay audience diglett may or may not be a low-key high-key genius right now all right now we’ve got we’ve got to think like a pressure plate if we were the second to last pressure plate where would we be hiding are you kidding

Me literally right in front how did i not see that sooner maybe i don’t deserve the 10 coins and maybe i also don’t deserve to escape okay pressure plates on the orange levers go on the green how you like that boss baby i think we’ve got to power the machine

Turning the machine on ladies and gentlemen fix the toy machine good work yo real talk though for all the work we just did is it really worth 10 coins could we maybe barter for 2015 can i get any more oh he’s giving me a secret if you’re looking for more coins

I’ve heard of a secret stash near the courtyard okay you know what he’s not gonna give us the extra coins we wanted but this does suffice temporarily i may or may not have found the courtyard big boss baby was talking about wait wait baby leah ash

What are you doing inside of here wait baby unspeakable oh okay am i seeing things i’m gonna close my eyes and reopen them and these are gonna be disappearing because this is clearly a dream okay they’re not disappearing hi welcome to the courtyard what are you doing out here i’m looking

For a secret stash by the way why are you here why are there baby versions of other youtubers this is starting to really creep me out right now maybe look in the pond i saw baby preston swim down there thank you leah ash i’m going to pet her on the head um

I don’t i don’t know if this is petting or punching wait there’s even a baby jelly yo okay today cannot get any more weird let’s go check the bottom of the pond where is the pond is this the pond or is this the pond right here oh

I see a secret all yes vera dance the secret stat wait remember coins on top of tree do not forget i just learned to write and this is my not used vin to get to top okay great so my son clearly is uh five years old because it looks like he

Hasn’t even passed third grade english yet and his grammar oh don’t even get me started on my son’s grammar it is an abomination right now so how do we get up on top of this tree so i’m starting to think these have got to be the events he was talking about

Inside of the note hey audience i need you all to do me a very supreme solid favor if you have not already i know you guys have literally heard me say this probably a bajillion times but for the people who are not subscribed take the device you watch this video on

Turn it like this unless you are watching on your computer xbox playstation but just make the red subscribe button gray that’s the most important part and enable the bell notifications because if you don’t i will be forced to drop diglett but nobody wants to see that right i

Mean come on he’s so cute we’ve got some parkour going to the top of this tree over here oh this is not the easiest parkour either i like it i like a challenge audience if something in life is too easy it’s usually not worth it or it is a trap

Now where are we supposed to go oh there’s a ladder dude i was about to try to go the other way i would have been in for a world of pain i do see a chest right there on top of the tree so far away dude i want to know who stashes money

This far away because like this is really really dangerous Wow okay i actually took two hearts of damage right there i wasn’t even sure if i was gonna make it i almost called unspeakable gaming and said please tell my mom i love her if i don’t make this jump but thankfully the lord was good

And i made the jump now okay can i just get to the top of this tree already yo i feel like i’ve been literally climbing to the top of the street half of this youtube video 15 golden coins literally how much we were asking from the boss baby this is

Perfect whoa whoa whoa hold on there’s an argument right now inside of the food hall seymour chris calm down you’re supposed to be calm are you ready for the coin drop wait a second hold on somebody’s dropping coins i want some point give me some coins baby preston give me coins son

He’s baiting us oh oh we just got one oh got two got three give me some more give me some more dad gummy he’s not dropping anymore did i get all three of them yeah that’s right i’m rich you like me now seymour the ash is chilling over here next to

The prison mine she says hi again look at this she’s talking about the ladders that are going down what is down there it’s the mines i lost my rabbit down there can you help him find his way back please i’m gonna go down here because i

Am trying to be a nice human being diglett sit up straight posture is everything oh she be coming around the mountain when she comes i where is this pet rabbit pet rabbit i’m looking for you right now hey i found the rabbit yo yo rabbit no no come here

Yes yes oh my gosh this is the slowest rabbit i’ve ever seen in the entire world i thought rabbits were supposed to be speedy listen guys while the rabbit is doing that don’t forget if you guys get to one of the new videos in the first 60 minutes you have a

Chance to have your comments featured right here below so get to a brand new video as quickly as possible if you want to get your comments featured yes we have given you your rabbit back leah now i do expect a very small reward okay so baby leah ash just ran right

She’s running away without the pet rabbit we just saved what about fluffles oh wait baby preston announcement system there has been a diglett hidden away good luck finding it big prize diglett where is your brother hiding inside of this prison tell me i don’t know how big the reward is for

Finding this diglett but all i know is i’m gonna find it maybe it’s inside of one of the chests that we found earlier is it in that chest hold up foam baby wait it’s not in there but i did get a lollipop chocolate bar and hard candy Take that james you wanted coins for cookies and i just jacked your candy guys if my son has imprisoned you in his prison i apologize on his behalf okay clearly he has just not been disciplined enough by his mom aka brianna she’s been letting him run a little bit

Too loose lately is he up the tree okay why would diglett be inside of a tree that makes no sense diglett is a ground pokemon if he’s in this tree i’m gonna be kind of upset he’s spaghetti because he really should be in the ground and not inside of a tree

Oh my goodness why is there so much parkour inside of prison oh my gosh i have been stuck inside of this prison for far too long starting to low key lose my mind yes wait it’s a diglett toy dude this whole time i thought it was a real

Diglett it was a diglett toy we only got 10 gold coins you got to be kidding me i’m back in my cell right now and i just got a message if you can steal and bring me five candies i will give you eight coins use vince in 14b how do we know

Dude i don’t even know wait there’s a baby brianna in here since when did she exist is this cell 14b i don’t know what cell is what because there’s no numbers on them this is the worst labeled prison i’ve ever seen in my entire life

Look i don’t want to assume but if i know anything about my wife brianna she loves candy and if there’s anything like a daughter it’s like a mother was it you baby brianna did you want the candy she was do you have the candies yes i’ve got the candies

It’s funny because my my my mother-in-law calls brianna baby b hey she took all my candy bro yo she asked for five she took all 15. you little grady baby dude i’m like going broke now it is time for us to finally buy cookies from james i would like 10 cookies please that’ll

Be 50 coins what do you mean it well i thought it was bruh so i’m not even kidding i thought that it was one coin per cookie not five coins that is so overpriced i literally feel like i just got robbed i got your ten cookies cool so the secret is to go

In the mine follow all the way back then busy through the wall with this pickaxe and you are golden wait what does busy does he mean mine is this a typo is is he just a baby and he doesn’t understand i have no clue

I do know one thing i know that we must go down back into this monstrous hole where the rabbit was found am i going to need this iron sword or this apple is this like a death flag that i’m about to be fighting somebody soon because i hope it’s not

At least we don’t have to bring a rabbit all the way back to the surface that goes like two miles per hour that is the blessing and not the curse this time around here inside of the sewer oh no no no wait why is my son here hey baby preston

Hey don’t call your dad a noob oh my gosh what are wrong with these spiders they’re like candy red oh oh son you have no idea how mad you have just made your dad these spiders are literally getting shreked yeah you got one more spider left look

At that it took like no damage from them baby preston hey where you going you’re trying to run away from your dad yo come back here you ain’t gonna escape my clutches i’ve got you wait what my sword disappeared how do you keep making it deeper because i’m literally your dad kid

You want to beat this room haha it’s craft room yes i can tell from all the grafting tables and the massive amount of chests i hid my supplies and i bet you can’t craft them i learned you really think i’m not gonna be able to get out of this you’ve got

Another thing coming i’ma hit you with that left hook then i met you with that right hook but i’m not cause you’re my son it was a figure of speech guys craft a bow leather set wooden tools furnace and all die wolves dude do you realize how

Easy that is for a master crafter such as myself leather acquired and we just got the string for the bow oh and we’ve got wood which i know we need that for the bow and there was something else we needed it for i’ll remember here in just a moment

Huh so i think we need cobblestone because we needed to make a furnace and there was a couple other things you needed as well and finally the wool with every single die no demand cut this is so easy dude literally wait can i just make the die like this

This is so dumb oh wait we made everything check this out we’ve got to be getting close there it is last defense baby maze get me out of here chief we’re crawling i gotta say though the prison was magnificent i don’t think i can build something that

Looks this good inside of minecraft so i am low-key impressed although i do not like the fact that we are currently going through a vent maze i’ve never been good at mazes i don’t know if my son is good at mazes but if he’s anything like his father

He is probably hot garbage we’re getting so close i could feel it in the chick-fil-a chicken nuggets there it is ladies and gentlemen we have done it so i’m in a really bad place today guys i have to go to minecraft prison for 24 hours

As you can see i’m in the uh i’m in the courtroom right now we have judge stevens over here the jury court reporter tiffany oh gosh the judge is already talking you are accused of mining diamonds with a wooden pickaxe yeah i actually did do that he just asked the jury

And they said they find the accused guilty very well tb and our frags i sentence you to life in maximum security prison oh boy i just want to say i think this is a very something is wrong here okay like yeah sure i did mine diamonds were the wooden pickaxe

But i didn’t know it was illegal to the point that i was gonna go to minecraft prison i’m sure everybody at some point in time tried to mine minecraft diamonds with a stone pickaxe or wooden pickaxe before they learned that you have to use an iron or diamond pickaxe this is just

Unfair and if you think this is unfair please leave a like down below so i can get out of this prison man this is crazy i wonder if there’s anybody else locked up in this prison for some other kinds of nonsense i gotta say this is oh my god okay we’ve

Got a prison guard right here oh you know this guy looks kind of friendly what’s up marcus hey you there come a little closer over okay okay oh what’s up marcus i’m telling you this guy looks innocent he’s like me an innocent man locked up for no reason what’s up marcus

What are you doing running around like this didn’t you here i’m literally just gonna spam question marks because i have no idea what marcus is talking about a prisoner named joe went missing recently you should be careful oh gosh now the guard’s getting mad at me oh what do you want

I don’t want to anger any guards so i’m going to just go try some cafeteria food i haven’t eaten anything since getting in this minecraft prison i don’t even know if i’m going the right way this uh man i can’t believe dude this maximum security prison is

So big where is the cafeteria i feel like i can get lost in here finally i found the cafeteria come on man look at this so i’ve now been locked up for two hours in prison ah it looks like they have some decent food here i’m seeing some salad we got some hamburgers

Is this cake or are these pancakes they’ve got pancakes oh and they’ve got bread bro i love bread what is this is this rice is this this is either rice or ronald mcdonald’s head i i don’t know which one it is oh hello linda i’d be careful around here if i were you

Why is everybody telling me that lots of strange things have been happening ever since joe went missing who is joe and why has he gone missing now i’m just sweating out of anxiety who was lucky enough to get mcdonald’s french fries in prison i want to know

Who’s got the hookups cause i could go for some mcdonald’s french fries right now this person’s eating a giant sushi roll oh wait somebody’s messaging me hey you were the lava head over here okay bud yo you want to tussle homie yes you if

You want to get out of here fast i know a little secret would you like me to tell you dude if this guy can help me bust out a prison that would be so hyped yes what is it he hit a pickaxe underneath my bed if the prison guards find out this

Guy hit a pickaxe underneath my bed i’m gonna be spending double lifetime sentences in prison before we check our cell to see if the pickaxe is actually there do me a solid take your phone do me a solid and take your phone turn it like this and make that grave

Dude i’m so mad at this do me a solid and take your phone turn it this way and make that subscribe button from red to gray i promise that will help me escape from prison quicker alright it really motivates me the pickaxe is actually here i’m just a little bit curious because

I need to hide this pickaxe first of all i don’t want the guards to see me carrying it uh wait the guard is actually not there he was just there earlier where did he go but a wooden pickaxe isn’t gonna get me very far plus if you look at the

Durability this pickaxe is pretty much good for nothing at this point what am i supposed to do man like what who is cory i’ve actually never seen this guy he’s not even in his cell it just says get out okay well that’s not very polite or not oh

What is this hidden oh three sticks hold on hold the phone three sticks and corey’s cell does he have any other good stuff hidden inside of here maybe he’s got like a bucket or like i don’t know what what do i need to escape from prison i think we need at least an

Iron pickaxe probably even some tnt to bust out wouldn’t be a bad idea something also that’s really strange is marcus is no longer in his cell there’s no prison guard cory’s not in his cell what is happening in this prison did jesus come back and the rapture happened

Without me because please don’t leave me here jesus i don’t want to be left alone i’m a good christian boy wait yes there’s a coal mine what if we can use the wooden pickaxe to get coal prisoners must be escorted by a guard at all times yeah i don’t know

About that one chief i managed to get here all by myself because the guard was missing and the thing is i don’t really want coal i want cobblestone this is how we’re gonna be able to make a better pickaxe three cobblestone three sticks now if i

Can find a crafting bench maybe we can get the heck out of here guys i don’t know oh why is there a mushroom here i don’t know but i’m going to steal the mushroom and cake and you know what i’m going to steal the pot and i’m going to even steal this

Just kidding it’s going to break i’m going to take this potted plant as well there’s also why is there a button here i don’t know but i’m going to take this too i don’t know how i didn’t realize this but there’s actually a crafting bench

In our cell don’t ask me why this is here because i don’t remember this being here but it is which means we could craft ourselves these stone pickaxes but we still have a stick left over i don’t know if we’re supposed to use that for something to help us escape but

At least we’ve got a spare stick for whatever we may need it for i’m going kind of crazy and the cafeteria is empty i haven’t seen a prison guard and i haven’t seen any of the prisoners that i saw earlier it’s getting so weird that even the

Lunch lady is not here serving lunch what the heck but i do remember the prisoner telling me of that escape route in the back of the tunnels now that we have a stone pickaxe we might be able to mine some blocks in the back of here

He said there was some kind of hidden tunnel system in the back do we trust him probably not is it worth checking out at least i would say so the only bad thing about having the stone pickaxe is we have a very limited amount of durability i

Don’t know how deep the tunnel system is i don’t even know if it’s north west south east if it’s you know if it’s down if it’s up like i mean we just hit bedrock man i don’t think there’s a hidden tunnel system i’ve now been mining for two and a half

Hours and i still haven’t found anything okay as soon as i open my big mouth we find this what okay the prisoner was not lying there actually was a secret back here holy guacamole this looks like i don’t even know if this is like a secret tunnel this looks like more of a

Sewer system i mean the water it looks pretty clean but this has got to be the septic systems below the prison which means it smells a really bad in here oh great i’m gonna have to get all gross and wet in the sewer water now let’s see

If we can find a way out of this giant sewer i’m a little bit suspicious the problem is is we don’t have any sore to defend ourselves with and i have no idea where we’re going right now um is this for oxygen this is for oxygen my pickaxe is really low on durability

Which has me wondering am i going to be able to escape this in time okay oh we need oxygen oxygen yes oh oh one bubble one bubble get up there oh my gosh dude i almost just took damage from the oxygen well the lack of oxygen but i

Think you guys know what i meant how big is the sewer system we’ve been swimming for so long and the problem is i’m made out of lava i don’t do well in any kind of liquid unless it is lava so apparently prisons in their sewer systems also have

Abandoned mine shafts i find this a little bit hard to believe where am i even going i don’t oh what is this why is there lava in the sewer lava does not belong in the sewer ladies and gentlemen to blow out stop no oh great now i’m going to be loving

Oh boy i’m a little bit rusty on my parkour too but i think we can make this first try oh yeah that was like a three and a half block jump easy peasy this lava below me is making me feel very nervous this is a very expert parkour jump unimos

Oh okay great a quad jump right after that one this is phenomenal and more lava yes exactly what the doctor ordered oh great more parkour dude what the heck is going on here man this is a little bit too insane for me tell me we’re finally at the end this

Has got to be the end i’m trying to avoid swimming in the sewer water but unfortunately i keep landing in it it’s so nasty honestly i think we got through the hard part why do i keep opening my mouth what there’s lasers why are there lasers in the sewer system

This is ridiculous they must really be trying to keep prisoners from escaping this the prisoner at the cafeteria did not tell me that there were going to be lasers and deadly parkour essentially everywhere this was not a part of what i was being told okay can i just swim up this

Ugh oh so gross man i hate getting into my mouth um okay we got more lasers i think we can jump dude how about okay this is insane how am i supposed to get down what do i do do we have to jump over this can we make this jump

There is no wait wait wait and oh oh dude look at how green the water is down here this is nasty we’ve got to jump over the laser onto the edge of the block oh my gosh literally mission impossible status oh button okay i don’t know what that

Button did but i pressed it um are you kidding me wait there’s another button oh thank god it disabled a laser okay disable this one oh okay so when you disable them they don’t even disable permanently it’s only temporary it’s a time thing man oh my gosh dude

This is scaring me can’t reach this button wait can i reach you from down here button why are you playing hard to get okay this is bad this can i i don’t know if i can jump over this we can try oh barely made that one okay let’s not ever try that again

Why are these buttons so bad at disabling lasers i feel like it’s their only job oh great more green water okay we’re swimming in the green water so gross so nasty oh i never want to swim in this water again this better be the last time i have to go to prison

Okay i’m telling you guys this is a bunch of nonsense i don’t even deserve to be here right now oh and i’m drowning i’m drowning no no i need someone actually okay back in back and go down go down come on yeah there we go there we go oh my gosh dude

This underwater sewer is insane have you guys ever seen a sewer this big if you have please leave a comment i’ve never seen something underwater this big in my entire life what is this portals in the sewer one two three four five six portals what the heck am i supposed to do what

Button oh you sensed that one of the portals has shifted oh wait there’s a okay there’s seven portals i didn’t even see this one from earlier other i think there’s a button near every portal another button that’s two i guess we gotta give it a shot

What wait a second when i go into these portals it just puts me into another portal in the area hello oh what just happened oh okay so i went into one of the portals and now i’m in this mysterious box dr thompson i was locked up for eight

Hours it’s now been 23 hours since i’ve been sent to maximum prison um i fell into your trap what do you mean what do you mean i i what is going on dude i’m literally getting oogaboo good right now and i do not appreciate it dr thompson wants to perform experiments on me

Uh no no no no that is not going to happen dr thompson i am not a lab rat my okay the gr i’m trying to break the glass and it’s just replenishing i still have my stone pickaxe can i oh dr thompson not so tough now huh dr thompson

Wha whoa what is why is prisoner joe herobrine what this is the prisoner they were talking about that escaped or went missing or something oh okay i gotta find a way out of here yo dude okay he does so much damage no no no no no no oh

Prisoner joe not so smart hey bud oh no okay he’s kind of smart he’s kind of glitchy as well i’m gonna take this moment in time to find an escape route there’s got to be a place that we can escape from oh we’re going to run run run run run

Run run oh my gosh joe’s right oh i found a place let’s get out of here go go go go go come on come on come on oh my gosh why is this tunnel so long joe’s gonna kill me dude come on let’s go let’s go let’s go

Oh no joe did it joe leave me alone oh joe stop joe stop joe oh my gosh he can fly over water what is this no dude this is ridiculous oh come on come on come on come on we can get away just keep swimming swim

Always right behind me come on we got where am i going i don’t even know where to go dude no oh dr thompson no joe how could you let him escape because joe can’t swim that’s why brianna and i are stuck in a giant pyramid prison everybody use your gps to help

Find us please we need help and i’m already seeing some things there’s something hidden down here in an item frame it looks like a cactus can you hit it no i don’t think i can i’ve ow you just hit me brianna what about this shovel okay there’s a shovel up here there’s

Gotta be some kind of secret so that we can bust out of this joint yeah this is what that no brienne that is called that’s called that is called a fence woman oh dagnabbit okay brianna maybe these two things are to distract us from the

Real way to get out which i see right now bree i need you to right click that lever you’re gonna right click here remember right click it you can do this i believe in you as my wife preston i actually am right clicking would you like me to assist you over here

There you go you know babe that was all you okay don’t whatever you do don’t it was like whatever you do don’t swim in the lava sad okay okay let’s see this again let’s see this again i want to see you do this real time come on

Okay you know what’s in it that’s we’re going to give you as many chances as you need this gives me a perfect opportunity to plug preston styles.com merchandise link down below in the description you know what hold on bri go ahead and do that jump real quick okay

Whoa whoa that was a savage jump bree how the hell oh oh bree what is this look oh oh bri bri i found a secret chest with uh with uh jump boost potions here take two of them take two of them come on you gotta drink them you gotta

Drink them okay so look we’re gonna drink the jump boost potions and then we’re gonna jump up here how do i’m dri i push right click you gotta you get a hold right click remember there you go okay it only lasts two minutes so babe so come on

You gotta jump up here with me vanna yeah you’re jumping straight up and down and you jump up here oh there you go there you go okay i believe in you i believe in you okay okay this one’s gonna be kind of hard don’t worry if you don’t make it

I’ve got a surprise for you okay this wait brie what is that a banana is it that’s called the totem of the undying if you hold it in your hand you actually won’t die but that’s a banana for sure that is not a banana bream going in cover me what i’m going in

There that was a really i know i didn’t die that was a really bad idea oh oh i tried to jump too and it just like oh i had to start at the beginning i actually made that first parkour jump wait you made the jump over the lava and i wasn’t paying attention

Yeah i am the worst husband ever okay so what we have to do is i think we have to go back up here to where we were and i think we completely ignored what we were doing and we jump this way i did it okay okay now you gotta get to the next

One it’s kind of a hard jump oh no guys brianna need some help here all right come on breathe there you go there you go okay all right all right come on one more one more okay now are you gonna jump here jump here on this bedrock you can do it [Applause]

I’m so proud of my wife right now oh my gosh if that doesn’t deserve a like i don’t know what else does okay breathe keep pausing we gotta keep going you gotta go you gotta go on the bedrock first see you’ve gotta get that half a block height

Brie i believe in you i believe in you i believe it us i believe in our marriage and then my potion ran out at the last second so do you know how that you make these potions by the way brianna help you’re not gonna like the answer

You sure you want me to tell you to kill a cow no but you have to kill a rabbit why okay this is the area that we could see through the cracked wall there’s a totem of the undying a shovel a cactus we’ve singing all of these

I mean i’ve seen a banana a shovel a cat it’s a square it’s not it’s a breeze brianna i love you but it’s not a shovel it’s not a shovel bad guy it’s a shovel i think we have to put the item frames when you right-click them do you see how it turns

The items yes i think we have to put them exactly how we saw them do you remember how we saw some item frames before with like the golden shovel and stuff like that uh we’re gonna have to remember have we seen all of these already yeah we’ve seen

All five of these and we have to place them in the yeah these are the keys so that way we can get to the next area guys oh no thank brian i need you to have a brain blast like jimmy neutral got a blast so brianna i think that the banana goes

Like this the shuffle goes like this do you remember where the cactus goes i think the cactus might go like that other way babe upside down was that wrong president i think the cactus might go this way oh you’re right you’re right okay and then you remember how this one goes this

Way it’s kind of complicated i think the square goes like that i’m gonna need your nancy drew skills more than ever right now this is a oh okay okay oh goodness oh goodness okay oh goodness oh goodness preston yeah yeah i’m good you just died immediately oh bray we both just died

Hey did i just hear a monster yeah i think i hear a zombie i hear someone i hear some dangerous things brianna be careful i found zombies bree and i found zombies oh brian i found zombies in the maze i’m punching him i got him i got him i got

Him in the dark i died in the dark well if it makes you feel any better i found a lot of zombies and they’re very deadly um are you getting through the maze though am i getting through the maze that’s probably not a really fair

Uh i don’t know i don’t i am trying to protect you if i can brianna i don’t know if you’re i think i think you’re the one who needs to protecting a little bit more than just i fell in a hole it’s dark and the night is full of terrors

Okay brie i think i might have got i think i might have gone the right way oh my gosh there’s so many zombies wait maybe i didn’t do it i don’t know i don’t know i don’t know i don’t know wait i did it bri i did it

Yeah i got you i got you hold on hold on come here we gotta do parkour come up here come up here all right just these are really easy just jump one block at a time you can do this yes i got you i got you follow me

Oh this is i just hopped the wrong way you know what i have got your back women i i can do this i got i got you i got you what is this wait why are we floating did you drink a potion no i didn’t even drink a potion

You killed a rabbit no bree stop being mean to me i didn’t i didn’t do okay i am so confused where to go right now to be honest with you look at these zombies over here i know i had to fight through those zombies to get to the right area and it wasn’t

Even in one corner too they see us they’re looking up at us i know it was really difficult they want to eat our flesh wait preston we have to go to the end of the maze wait brie i think you’re right okay so look i think the end of the maze is

Right over here follow me follow me i got your back baby girl we gotta we gotta go get me oh oh oh oh oh oh oh oh oh oh what is this careful breathe wait wait breathe there’s invisible blocks where do i give a brave gimbal you got a whole shift

If you don’t shift you’ll fall because remember you’ll fall off you can just walk off okay there’s a path yeah it’s an invisible maze pass there’s invisible blocks beneath our feet and we’ve got to find out how to get to this exit so i’m just like kind of walking

Oh brianna i got you i got you this is why you can hold shift because you never know if there’s not going to be an invisible block beneath your feet you know what i’m saying you need to find out how to get around into this area you see

What i’m saying like we need to get to that maybe we have to make a jump this is ridiculous maybe we have to make a jump okay don’t jump jumping was a very very bad idea oh bree i think i’m on to something look at how far i am oh

Don’t fall down there don’t fall you’re right i did i’m sorry i’m a bad husband i’m sorry okay bree we can do this how did you get there you gotta jump you gotta jump on the cacti babe you go or jump into the ladder jump you literally got from here to there

You gotta jump on the ladder right you jumped from here to there brianna brianna i don’t know what to say to you right now oh no no i got you i got you oh bri we have to choose a path now we have to choose a path here you take this

One i’ll take this one this path just take a bath just thinking i’m not going anywhere okay i think i chose a bad bath i what was yours good i oh there’s water oh yeah see you got the good path i knew you had good luck finally though oh wait breathe come back

Down come back down no no breathe breathe this one where i’m standing the one i’m standing above right now this one there you go okay keep coming down okay now now you gotta shift hold shift and then come to the pressure plate there you go see so now we gotta choose

The next path again i’m gonna choose this one i’m oh that was not a good one we wanna divide and conquer we gotta divide uh that one oh i got it i got it baby yeah you see me you see me oh no i died breathe look look at look right below you

You got to come to this one you’re not is it this one no brianna that’s that’s not the one below you here i’m gonna come in there i’ll teach you something about minecraft so i was falling and then you said push shift yes and then

I was trying to move it there you go okay hey bray you did it oh no you went almost yeah you got you got so close okay let’s see it again let’s see it again brianna’s getting really good at minecraft it’s kind of scary and she’s just started playing

Say that but you got this you got it i’m learning i’m learning okay while you’re doing that i’m gonna find the next one okay i’m gonna find the next one or i’m gonna die i’m gonna die trying basically uh that’s definitely not it chief how

About this one come on man how many of these ones so i’m i’m gonna get like literally every single one of these wrong before i get one yes oh my gosh oh preston president it gave you the checkpoint i got to the safe area i’m keeping to

You it gave you the checkpoint yeah i landed here on the slide oh i’m really worried for you there’s zombies down here okay it’s amazing it’s another maze we gotta get through the maze let’s go let’s go let’s go we gotta go into the amazing northern zombies i’m running from the zombies

Whoa there’s so many zombies what do we do uh i’m running i’m running i’m running i’m running i’m running i’ve got to save it i got you i got you follow me you’re you’re almost here you’re almost here look at the name tag you’re super close to me you’re super

Close to me just keep following my name oh you’re going to oh my gosh brianna there are so many zombies i might need to run i haven’t go there’s like a thousand i died i think i’m gonna i’ve got to leave you behind i’m gonna teleport you there’s too many

Zombies there’s too many zombies come here come here come here this way this way breathe this way come here come here go with the zombies let’s just keep going we’re gonna escape this pyramid thingamajigger popper head camera there’s a lot of difficulty oh my gosh bray you’re doing really good there

For a second i’m so proud of you you actually did one jump breathe this is your moment you could do this two more jumps brianna two more chance brianna one more jump brianna brie i’m still so proud of you though i feel like you’re getting really good at parkour

Brianna i’m gonna be honest with you this parkour is not meant for the faint-hearted it’s kind of difficult what does that mean it means you shall get to teleportation okay keep following me keep following me why are you on f i don’t know iron fire oh brie we’ve got skeleton archers this is

Not good i’m about to die uh i know i know i’m trying to kill the skeleton for you i’m trying to oh gosh oh gosh there’s a spider here too okay i can do this i can totally do this right like i could fight off a skeleton and a spider i did it

I didn’t breathe oh my gosh i think the spider webs bri i think uh you can but i don’t think you can just run through him run through him oh okay got it free why are you standing in the cob don’t stay in the goblet because you’re in the cobweb stop

Running it didn’t bring hannah oh my gosh no it’s skeletons trying to kill you bree it’s cuz you’re running into the cobwebs run away from them there you go cause you’re here to come wet woman look you’re literally running into the goblins now follow me

I think i found the exit we can do it already yeah you gotta jump you gotta jump oh you gotta sprint jump off that block onto this one ah okay oh banana creeper whoa the creeper just blew the exit up this is good this is good it’s got to do the jump

Oh my gosh i couldn’t do escape but i’m with her spawning i don’t know wait is that a moment i’m so scared brie i’m so scared breathe what do i do yeah i think he’s gonna kill him oh my god preston are you alive no i just died in

The wither and got teleported backwards brian i’m coming back are you okay president can i tp you uh no i’m coming back i’m making it back i’m at the cobwebs i’m almost there already preston it’s all dark in here i know i know the weather’s gonna get you he’s a dangerous man

He’s very very dangerous can i go to the exit rico go make it make it you gotta keep running breathe here i put so oh oh breathe breathe drink a potion do you solve a potion or no free i made it out i made it out brianna somebody help me

Please prep i need help i don’t know why but i can’t why are you stuck inside an emerald i can’t get the rest of the zipper out and i’m stuck i’m stuck okay nature gets stuck inside of this bree put me in here i don’t know why i didn’t do anything wrong

You don’t know why yeah you might have stolen all my diamonds so i stole all his emeralds frosting get me out of here breathe um i think i’ll just leave him here nick can you get me out of here next thing i would but you know i just learned yesterday that stealing

Is wrong i’m going to zip you up no no no no no no no no not to escape all by yourself I can’t believe they actually put me inside here what do they expect me to do escape emerald prison in minecraft wait that’s exactly what we should do i just want to say that it’s not fair that i’m being prisoned just because i stole my wife’s diamonds i mean come on isn’t

That a husband’s job to steal your wife anyways all right let’s move on let’s get out of this thing i have to be really bad but i can’t because i’m stuck in this emerald tent anyways what the heck is this i just grabbed a toothbrush oh no oh sneaky chest with a diamond

Helmet that can break mossy cobblestone i don’t know about you guys but i’ve never seen a diamond helmet that can break cobblestone have you and why are my hands not moving this is kind of freaking me out all right i’m not gonna ask questions the

Faster i get out of here the faster i can go to the bathroom is there something oh there are vines hidden behind the painting revealing a fork i have i’m holding a fork what the heck man anyways we gotta focus on the task wait there’s a whisper i heard the

Prisoner in cell 54b has a lever should we go check it out this guard is such a doodlebanger where is cell 54b if i can find that i can get that lever and maybe i can get out of here where is cell 54b okay that guy just gave me the creeps is

This cell 54b hello oh my goodness gracious it’s like they’re all sick or something i’m not liking any of this where the heck is cell 54b this is 53b wait am i 54b no okay i’m 55b all right that makes a lot more sense where the heck is 54 be then huh

This is 56 b so we’re going up where is 54b why is cell 54b over here if i would okay you know what i’m not even gonna ask questions like i said i really gotta use the bat nick is in here emerald steak he wants me to get him an emerald steak

For a dorky where am i going to find an emerald steak oh great it’s one of these isn’t it now i’ve gotta find an emerald steak in the prison if i was an emerald steak where would i be i’ll answer that for you right now i would not be in a prison

I would probably still be a cow oh what is this somebody dug their way out of prison how did the guards not know this these may be the worst prison guards i have ever seen in my whole entire life okay what is this oh boy oh these trees look sick and not

Like in the cool way like yo man those trees are sick bro more like in the sense of like hey these trees i think have caught a disease or something like that okay now where the heck am i it’s like an emerald village or something wait this guy wants a toothbrush for a

Plate ah i don’t know if i want to make that trade i don’t know about that one chief okay maybe we should make the trade just in case i’m gonna make the trade i don’t even know what i’m doing here wait a second maybe these villagers have an emerald stake

The shepherd my man a fork and a plate for an emerald steak why do i feel like there’s some kind of rhyme play there going on anyways doesn’t matter we’ve got the emerald steak ladies and gentlemen now we can get the lever and maybe we can get the heck out of here

When i bust out of this prison i’m gonna steal so many more of brandon’s diamonds she doesn’t know but she thinks she has a hidden vault of diamonds i know exactly where they are okay cell 54b mr nick here is your stake give me that door key i’m

Getting out of here i don’t know how much longer i can hold it before i gotta go to the bathroom you know what i’m saying oh there it is there it is tell me this leads me out of prison tell me this is it come on oh no what is this

Oh i don’t think this is the end oh great what is this supposed to be why are the doors upside down something about this place just isn’t right prisoner obedience training okay why is he following me oh wait do i have to oh i’ve got to lead this villager no no

Villager come back come back yeah yeah come here come here all right yeah keep following me bro keep following me i will lead you to the promised land i don’t know where the promised land is but it’s not where you are currently buddy yes yes

Keep going no no no no come back over here why is he following me in the first place i do not even know come on come on yes yes just like that boom maze completed and we received a lever okay now can i please get out of this emerald tent so

I can go to the bathroom sheesh this is an absolute mess ladies and gentlemen i just want to go to the bathroom so bad you can see it in my eyeballs okay can we please get out of here now oh no what is this oh great some other prisoner test

So this iron axe can break oak logs okay now oh great now what no no what is this do they want me to burn the logs what is that sound well that sounds really scary step out every preston you gotta get out of this prison wait a second

Hold the phone i think we need to make no am i doing this right i think we have to make a wooden pickaxe yes okay now we get the cobblestone put the cobblestone in here make a stone pickaxe oh wait and then iron how did i not see this coming sooner

How did i not see this how am i so blind to the truth ladies and gentlemen now i see what we have to do so we have to get the iron right here right put this bad boy in here we need to smelt this up take our iron out

Make an iron pickaxe now we have to mine is this emerald or is this diamond what is this okay it says diamonds but it looks like emeralds is anybody else finding this like really confusing right now look let me tell you guys something i’m not color blind this is definitely an emerald pickaxe

Not a diamond pickaxe so wait now that i have this there’s to be something we can use this on prismarine bricks i feel like i’ve seen prismarine bricks somewhere wait are these prismarine bricks okay these are not prismarine bricks where are the prismarine bricks seriously guys if i don’t find these

Prismarine bricks soon i’m going to have to use the bathroom and it’s going to be really embarrassing but wait we can use our wooden pickaxe then the stone pickaxe then the emerald pickaxe no no iron pickaxe diamond pickaxe oh my gosh are we out we’re still not out breathe i have to pee

So bad you need to let me out of this tent otherwise i might have to use the bathroom in this emerald lava okay fine you know what it’s fine we’re good i’m cool everybody knows i’m the king of parkour right ain’t no way we’re gonna be slipping in this lava today

Just gotta make this momentum jump oh my gosh i was so close all right this is actually a lot more difficult than i thought it was gonna be wait do i have to go backwards or this way hold on what’s in this chest wait and now back oh

It’s for the wool over there okay we can do this we can do this oh boy okay i’m just really scared i’m gonna hit my head and fall on this emerald lava i think that’s the last thing we want to do mo men tub i can’t believe we just did that let’s go

Brie you’re gonna regret putting me in here when i get out i’m gonna steal all your diamonds even the ones in the secret vault and you know what i’ll have diglett as my witness diglett together we are going to get out of this place oh we just gotta make sure we don’t miss

Any jump stiglit okay no jumps can be missed otherwise we are going to face um oh no oh no there’s no way to get up here this is bad thankfully diglett knows the move fly so he flew me back up here otherwise that could have been messy

All right come on down on the slime yes oh wait a second why are these okay why are these pieces of carpet here they’re starting to kind of freak me out yes please tell me this is the end prisons movie theater bro i’m about to have to use the

Bathroom in the movie theater i don’t care about a presents movie theater just get me the heck out of here why are we even in a movie theater in the first place what does this guy want huh he wants a backstage pass where am i gonna get a backstage pass huh you tell

Me i don’t have any backstage pass on me why are there a million buttons over here there’s gotta be like a hidden chest or something in here i need to get that backstage pass all done what do these buttons do these buttons blinked into the wall i didn’t even realize they were here

Oh my gosh it was right in front of my face the entire time oh oh i really hope i can get back oh always check under the stairs wait oh i’ll just switch today i just touched the dead prisoners boots i do not want that okay i got the backstage

Pass let’s get the heck out of here all right bud here’s your backstage pass give me that backstage door key thing finally please tell me this is it tell me i can get out of here oh now showing the village of oz okay i don’t care about the village of oz i

Care about the bathroom of oz where is the bathroom of oz please stand here when ringing my doorbell okay um oh what the heck what just happened what the heck just happened okay uh where where the heck are we what what why are there two giant chunguses um who dares

Who is this who are you okay did brianna hire some kind of prison bodyguard force or something just let me out of here whoa he just disappeared where’d he go where did he just go okay let me i don’t even know what’s happening just get me the heck out of here

Oh no do i have to fight these guys no who is this wait is that him what the heck oh oh um what is going on what is going on oh i’ve never seen a witch through that before all right i don’t know who these people

Are but i’m taking them out oh he just turned the villagers into witches no no no no no no no no not on my watch oh boy zombie pigman oh no oh what the heck what the heck what is what is going on what is this

Okay i’ve got a bow and arrow oh my gosh what the heck is happening oh i’ve gotta shoot the minecarts okay i can do this i can do this as long as i can use the bathroom afterwards oh my gosh that was a really big potion oh no okay i’m poisoned

Oh come on come on come on come on come on yes nailed it one more to go one more yes let’s go oh i see your heart come on come on oh oh my gosh no i ate an enchanted golden apple which gives me fire resistance you pleb

I can’t see anything with the fire though come on yes direct shot aim for the hat how the heck am i supposed to hit that from all the way down here don’t ask me how i got back up here okay diglett is a absolute wizard come on

Come on hats yes we got it what’s happening oh my gosh is it over oh no have you ever seen this before in minecraft never seen this before in minecraft and it’s really creeping me out ding dong the witch is gone exactly what i was going to say wait what is this

What is this what is happening i’m in a giant cauldron right now oh what is this press for scissors yes finally if i get scissors i can cut my way out of this tint and go to the bathroom give me those scissors get the key and you’ll be free wait what

Okay that told me was gonna give me scissors oh my gosh there’s more guys i can’t wait any longer wait this way to escape into prison get me the heck out of here get me the heck out of here wait what is going on what just happened

Yes i think this is it i have no idea what’s going on anymore dr strange get me the heck out of here super emerald cutter yes yes yes finally with a super emerald cutter i can cut my way out of this i finally escaped next time i’m stealing all of our rubies

This video, titled ‘5 Most Extreme Minecraft PRISON ESCAPES!’, was uploaded by PrestonPlayz on 2021-01-25 19:50:51. It has garnered 32798182 views and 407647 likes. The duration of the video is 01:15:03 or 4503 seconds.

5 Most Extreme Minecraft PRISON ESCAPES! with PrestonPlayz 👊

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SmallishBeans – Minecraft BUT The Version Updates Everyday… https://youtu.be/4_D_SsmPrTw

Jelly – I Trolled MY FRIEND With A TNT CANNON In MINECRAFT! (Funny) https://youtu.be/B97XrGAJb1A

MrBeast Gaming – The Hardest Lava Escape! https://youtu.be/w6byBDiL5gQ


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    SlyCraft: Downtown Saint Ender - The MovieVideo Information This video, titled ‘MINECRAFT DOWNTOWN SAINT ENDER: THE MOVIE’, was uploaded by YaBoiAction on 2024-06-16 22:20:06. It has garnered 31059 views and 789 likes. The duration of the video is 03:44:12 or 13452 seconds. MINECRAFT DOWNTOWN SAINT ENDER: THE MOVIE If you are new welcome to the channel and subscribe to be a part of the NxTLvLUnited! #NxTLvLUnited DISCORD: https://discord.gg/7r8AZCJPPN – CHECK OUT MY OTHER CHANNELS- @actionvlogz [Scary Reactions / Gaming] @YaBoiActionMusic [Music] @NotActionTbh [Vlogs / PG13] – Social Media Links – Twitter: @YaBoiAction Instagram: @YaBoiAction TikTok: @ActionOfficial Intro Music: https://youtu.be/SI72KM3VhJ8?si=VVCXxv-HLPIN139z Hope you all enjoy! subscribe for more… Read More

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  • Jamesy Trapped on ONE CHUNK with SCARY MOBS!

    Jamesy Trapped on ONE CHUNK with SCARY MOBS!Video Information This video, titled ‘Locked on ONE CHUNK But We’re SCARY MOBS!’, was uploaded by Jamesy on 2024-06-08 13:45:03. It has garnered 3991 views and 53 likes. The duration of the video is 00:54:35 or 3275 seconds. Locked on ONE CHUNK But We’re SCARY MOBS! Jamesy, Gracie, Louie and Sophie are playing Minecraft Join this channel to get access to perks: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UC3qPTTV-3FUsiezeJrQUl4Q/join Follow Gracie! – https://www.youtube.com/@GracieWinsMC?sub_confirmation=1 Jamesy name is spelled like Jamesy not James C or Jamesie or Jamey or JayZ. #Minecraft #MinecraftMod #Jamesy #JamesyandGracie Read More

  • SHOCKING! Found spooky music disc in Minecraft! 🐝🎮 #gamergirl

    SHOCKING! Found spooky music disc in Minecraft! 🐝🎮 #gamergirlVideo Information This video, titled ‘We found a scary music disc! 🎶 #minecraft #minecraftshorts #gaming #gamingshorts #gamergirl #stream’, was uploaded by Bee Batch Gaming on 2024-04-13 18:00:01. It has garnered 468 views and 10 likes. The duration of the video is 00:00:43 or 43 seconds. Read More

  • EPIC OMG! Hargrave101 BACK in Minecraft!

    EPIC OMG! Hargrave101 BACK in Minecraft!Video Information This video, titled ‘My OFFICIAL Return To Minecraft’, was uploaded by Hargrave101 on 2024-07-06 03:10:55. It has garnered 46 views and 0 likes. The duration of the video is 00:00:47 or 47 seconds. #Minecraft #prisons #HCF #Factions #funny My Discord: hargrave101 Aires: https://discord.gg/aires-network ▬▬▬▬ IGNORE EXTRA TAGS ▬▬▬▬ minecraft,minecraft prison,prison,minecraft prison escape,prison escape,minecraft roleplay,minecraft prison server,prison break,minecraft op prison,minecraft prison break,minecraft mods,minecraft jail,minecraft prison ali aminecraft,minecraft pe,minecraft prison ep 1,minecraft mod,minecraft prisons,minecraft noob vs pro,minecraft prison life,minecraft modded prison,dragones presos (minecraft prison escape),minecraft server, vexedmc,vexedmc minecraft,vexedmc reset,vexedmc ip,vexedmcprison,vexedmcprisons,vexedreset,minecraft,minecraftprison,vexedmc.com,play.vexedmc.com,hypixel,livestream,mc,,free,video games,livestream the pit,minecraft prisons,hypixel minecraft,the pit livestream,livestream hypixel,minecraft op prison,video… Read More

  • INSANE Minecraft 100 Days Challenge in 2024

    INSANE Minecraft 100 Days Challenge in 2024Video Information This video, titled ‘Minecraft / 100 Days / New Minecraft 100 Days 2024【MINECRAFT, 100 DAYS, 2024】minecraft 100 days new’, was uploaded by Minecraft 100 Days / I Survived 100 Days on 2024-01-11 15:00:41. It has garnered views and [vid_likes] likes. The duration of the video is or seconds. Minecraft / 100 Days / New Minecraft 100 Days 2024【MINECRAFT, 100 DAYS, 2024】minecraft 100 days new #minecraft … Read More

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5 Most Extreme Minecraft PRISON ESCAPES!