66 ILLEGAL Minecraft Features

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Some minecraft features are a little weird some are clearly unintentional and some cover that perfect overlap between the two circles and today we’re going to be going through these very not okay feeling features anyway hello i’m ivx toy cat and let’s jump into 66 minecraft features that really feel like they

Should be illegal and let’s start with one of my favorites and it’s got one of the funniest names i’ll admit because bouncing salmon is a real thing i’m sure you’re familiar with how slime blocks should work you jump on them and it takes some of your gravitational impact

And lifts you back upwards however something that shouldn’t be possible is jumping on a slime block higher than where you started however if you’re a salmon this is possible because salmon when they’re out of water they try to bounce on the ground however when you add this salmon bounce to the force of

The slime block for some reason they get added together rather than canceled out and so salmon can jump slightly higher on every single bounce meaning they can eventually jump so high they’re gonna hit the ceiling which is very very funny to say i mean it seems ridiculous but as

You can tell from all the dead salmon they do in fact jump that high and so if you want to see bouncy blocks and bouncy bones and bouncy everything else then bouncy salmon is one of my favorite illegal feeling features that isn’t that hard to actually pull off speaking of

Things that on that part pull off this feature is one that was a legal feeling when we put it into the uh video but in between then minecraft has patched it because you used to be able to place torches on top of candles however here’s the interesting thing uh you cannot do

It anymore so to replace the second one in this video because i i guarantee you’re still gonna get your 66 and so this is one i wasn’t so familiar with but it is very fun regardless if you place a sign down on a block and you type whatever you want you know

Subscribe it’s really great and helps out the channel a lot and then you try to place a item frame on there it will actually work this feels very strange it feels very illegal and uh the weirdest thing about it in my opinion is the fact

It doesn’t even have to be on a solid block so we can place our sign on the side of a lantern and then place an item frame on the side of that sign something feels very off about this floating sign here in the sky but yet this is

Entirely possible and now you know speaking of things that are entirely possible but now you know this third one is very interesting uh because pistons and portals as you can see uh portals for some reason are a block in minecraft they look more like a weird portal to

Another dimension i would say but if you activate a piston they they don’t work because apparently this is also one that doesn’t work on weird occasions however instead i’d like to replace it with the weird fact you might not know which is that portal blocks are only visible from

Above i mean actually you can see the sparkling effect but it looks like there’s no portal up there which means that if we were stupid enough to jump right now i i’m not going to we would end up in the end i’ll show you what happens when we do that however instead

Uh you know that that’s despite the fact that we can’t see anything and we clearly know it’s there because our pistons don’t work for some strange reason speaking of things that we clearly know the fourth illegal feature uh is the fact that uh the power of

Haste did you i guess this is the third one wow you know what again gotta give power to adorable hoe didn’t count this one towards the list so haste uh you know two which is a golem from a maxed out beacon uh is something that you can

Get that will increase your mining speed if you then have an efficiency five pickaxe or perhaps an efficiency five never right pickaxe then what you can do is you can break blocks literally instantly in a way that feels wrong one tiny tap and every block vanishes and it

Happens so fast that it looks very strange happens so fast that it feels like something is broken but let me assure you this is very much how it’s meant to go and i i think that’s odd but now you know you can also break some obsidian in very very short amount of

Times but that doesn’t feel illegal that just feels op speaking of the difference between opie and illegal let’s go on to the next one here did you know that cats don’t take full damage i oh my god oh i was that was horrifying i was so

Scared of all the cat death i was about to watch except did you know unlike me cats don’t take full damage unless your name is ivx toy cat you gotta give some humor points to that right there it’s true cats don’t take full damage they’ve got nine lives although in minecraft it’s infinite

Lives as long as it’s from full damage whereas ibx toy cat you’re gonna have to respawn it every single time so we’re gonna get out of here now i want to do that again you know what no i want to do this again sorry this is this is so fun

To me look at that they’re just all of the cake come on let me over look look at this look at this all the cats oh no they can survive an infinite fool which is hilarious to me also soaking chickens but they fly down slowly so they don’t count also i

Think the cats are now going to go out and ruin the map so let’s hope that they don’t so did you know the enchanted golden apple feels a little illegal have you ever have you ever tried eating these things you just eat and then you

Eat and then you eat and then you eat and no matter what comes at you like being teleported to the void you can survive it look at this seriously i can survive in the void as long as i’m eating enchanted golden apples the one untouchable place in minecraft is

Entirely touchable if you just have the right amount of food and admittedly you have to keep eating these things oh wow even then actually we can survive so long without doing it oh wow huh okay and now we die we survived so long in the void though that is amazing

Oh my god all the cats that have gotten loose they’re just pressing all the buttons and they’re breaking everything over and over again okay my plan to stop the cats from ruining the game as they are currently doing uh is of course to block them away and uh instead let me

Show you the sixth illegal feeling minecraft feature did you know in minecraft java you can open the game to lan this means you can play on a local area network my god these cats are annoying anyway you can play on a local area network and this is a great feature

For playing with people on your same network as you however this can also be used to jump into creative and as you can see looking at it it feels very wrong that you can just turn any survivor world even one locked into survival with cheats turned off into

Creative by using a bug that people literally don’t want fixed because of how much they abuse it i think it’s kind of crazy feels very legal i would argue uh by our definition of unintentional and weird it definitely is and so that is why we’re going to move into the

Seventh feature because here is a weird one hoppers are a lovely minecraft block that can pick things up when you throw it on top of that as you can see this hopper is picking up my cobblestone and it will transfer them into the chest however for some reason hoppers when

They’re in mine carts can pick up items that they pick up normally when they’re on the road just like this but also when they’re on top of carpets just like this but also when they’re on top of half slabs just like this as you can see the hopper is literally picking up the

Things that are just above it but even stranger than that is the fact that the hopper as you’re gonna see right here will pick it up from the block above and then even crazier than that is they’ll pick it up from the block above when there’s carpet why is the hopper picking

Up items that are well above it for a block that is physically disconnected from them i don’t really know but i guess people use it for redstone and so we might as well keep it there and speaking of things we might as well keep there oh we’ve got a lot of fun items

Here speaking of fun things we might as well keep i hope that the cat stops soon anyway on to the eighth illegal feature never travel this is so ridiculous to me look how far we would have to go if we were to do this uh by hand i can show you on

A map apparently how far this actually is oh wow love love the map art right here but i can show on a map just how far this would be and i can show you using my spy glass uh the fact that we probably can’t see the other side yeah

We we literally cannot however we can travel all of that distance by just hopping into a nether portal waiting for the loading screen and then going back into another nether portal now as you can see we traveled about 10 blocks in the nether so how far do you think we

Traveled in the real world well i mean it’s so far we physically cannot see the other end and we’re just on the other side of a subscriber toy cat map you know i want to see that subscribe to toy cat logo in real life let’s let’s break

Through here and let’s see it is it over here right can you can you see it yeah i can’t see it yet it’s over there oh there it is subscribe to toy cat see that’s how you make maps you just write things on the ground and

Then it looks like that from above and you know what got to give got to give adorable host some credit there speaking of some credit the ninth uh feature here is dinner bone this is a name tag have you heard of them they’re pretty cool uh

And obviously if you rename it to dinner bone like we can do by throwing in an anvil i always forget which way you’re meant to spell dinner bone or if there’s like an underscore at the end or something anyway dinner bone allows you as you can very easily see to turn

Things upside down you can do this to all sorts of weird animals including the shulker box which means that as you can see the shulker now opens in a weird very strange upside-down way that makes absolutely no sense as best i can tell uh you can do this to villagers if you

Want you can do this to horses and you know i’m gonna press the secret button and i can show you what happens if we do it to the wither why is it that minecraft’s most dangerous mob our biggest boss that you have to fight can be fought upside down if you just name

Him the right thing and the answer that is like i genuinely don’t know also you’re not i love the lore throwing into this ouch i didn’t get out there in time anyway yeah my point here is that dinnerbone is not just op but feels very broken and of course it’s in minecraft

As an easter egg and joke and oh i see why they they why we got invisibility now i see why that’s so important because now i’m gonna now i’m gonna die up here you know what let’s just go up to the sky let’s see let’s see what the

Map really looks like you know you always see these maps and videos and you go well that’s clearly what someone’s doing but you have a question what the map is like and the answer is exactly like this anyway so if we just name a few more things you can see a dinner

Bone horse and you can have the villager is standing on the ceiling i mean is this is this intended behavior i reckon not speaking of things i reckon the tenth illegal seeming feature is how eggs hatch in minecraft would you like me to show you so right

Now i’m just chilling in front of the world’s most beautiful house and uh let’s say i wanted to hatch some chickens unlike the way that regular spawn eggs work where you spawn something into the world you just throw enough eggs against the wall and then eventually chicks pop out there’s even a

One in uh you know 256 chance when you throw an egg of four chicks popping out of it which doesn’t even make any sense that’s not how chickens work in the real world it feels weird but it is actually the most efficient way also there’s some

There’s a cat in here i don’t think this is going to go well those dang with the snappers throwing eggs in my house you know what that is how i would feel people through exit my house repeatedly and anyway my point here is just to say

That uh yeah the way that every other spawn mechanic works is you breed two animals together and you can breed two chickens but also they drop eggs which is mate which makes it the most easily spawnable thing and this is actually if i’m not mistaken the only spawn egg you

Can access in survival i feel like you know having access to other spawn eggs by using silt touch or something in a mob would be cool but right now the only spawn egg you can use is a very weird inefficient one and 16 chance and i find

That strange speaking of things that is strange breeding chickens i i don’t know why this this feels illegal i guess because you give them seeds and then magically uh and are gonna just magically have little little chicken babies which is it do they have babies by laying the eggs or

Do they have babies by being fed to each other and going into love mode the answer is apparently both but that doesn’t make any sense to me and speaking of things that don’t make any sense just while we’re here anyway why is it that feeding enough seeds to a

Bird makes him magically grow up i’m just saying we need some consistency here minecraft speaking of consistency from minecraft this is a slime and if you have many slime chunks in your world like i do do you know what you can do you can put the slimes in a boat every

Boat in minecraft can fit two entities however and this means that if you were to say put two slimes in one boat they would overlap perfectly like this leading to the strangest situation i think i’ve ever seen of a long diagonal bug-seeming slime that is actually two

Distinct separate mobs as you can see if i punch one than the other and then one and then the other why is this possible how is this possible honestly it just comes down to using weird minecraft features together but i love it anyway speaking of things that i love the 13th

Uh feature also i think the chickens are now standing on the sides the the 13th feature automatic farms did you know the automatic farms if we turn up the tick speed are something that people on youtube act like is the normal part of minecraft is the natural part of the

Progression in the game however they are an incredible thing when you really think about it though we have all the ingredients in minecraft between pistons between observer blocks and between plants that grow in very predictable ways to infinitely farm any resource as long as you’re next to them you can

Scale them up to produce massive quantities of pretty much anything you like in the game and although it is a very niche thing that again only a small percentage of people actually end up doing it’s still so so so interesting uh to see that we have all of the things

Required and then even crazier is the minecart hoppers can be combined in there to again look look how much bamboo we got in just a few short minutes because of the insane tick speed and if we just had a bigger bomb it would work exactly the same you can get an infinite

Amount of certain resources just with some farms speaking of some great things here is the 14th illegal feeling minecraft feature the never roof thank you to the editor for showing that on the screen i uh totally do agree speaking of things that i agree with the 15th uh illegal swing minecraft feature

The fact that you can die in creative mode again only possible on java edition on bedrock you cannot die in creative but on java if you do this you’ll die why is that true i mean why is anything true i mean is anything true is true

Just a relative concept let me know in the comments down below speaking of things that i think are relative uh drowns are totally hackers have you ever seen a drowned and have you ever seen what happens if you try to defend yourself against one so here’s the

Drowned hi friend do you want to fight me okay i’ll just uh back away with my shield and you know what’s going to happen the drowned is going to throw tridents at me right as you can see he’s literally throwing a trident and therefore you might assume that wow he’s

Got so many tridents on it because look he throws one they end up in the water and then he just immediately has another one in fact you don’t even see him restock it he froze it while still having in his hand which feels a little

Bit like hacking the only way you can do that in natural minecraft is when you’re in creative therefore the drowned is always in creative and as you can see you can’t pick up the spare uh dra you know drown tridents which therefore indicates to me that drowns are literally just hacking minecraft thank

You very much mr trident boy anyway moving on to the next weird illegal feeling minecraft feature villagers being absolute suckers do you know they literally harvest they have farms in their own villages right and uh they store wheat in their own chests you can take that wheat from the chess or

Potatoes or beetroot or any vegetable and then you can go to them and you can say hey would you like to give me some money in exchange for those very same resources that i stole from your chest and they’ll go yeah these same villages that are so stingy that if you want to

Buy four pumpkin pies they’ll require a single emerald these villagers that are so stingy they sell 18 cookies which is just cocoa beans and wheat for uh which by the way makes even less sense right but anyway as you can see stingy villagers that will have trades like

This will also give you emeralds in exchange for the wheat that you literally stole from their own farms and i’m just saying it’s not a very good business model just like the next thing which isn’t a good business model duplicating flowers this feels like it shouldn’t be allowed but if you take a

Stack of bone meal and you apply it to say some flowers do you know what happens magically another one of those flowers just appears out the side this is another flower that appeared just because i picked up this flower or this rose bush is a rose bush a flower you

Know there’s an interesting categorization question anyway if you just spam bone mill on top of a flower you’ll end up with more rose bushes than you know what to do with place down more rose bushes and you’ll see they instantly grow and then you can burn mill these rose bushes and

You can get even more of them and then all of a sudden you’ve ended up with more rose bushes than actually makes any sense and that is why the 19th by the way you’d have more rose bushes if you had a an automatic farm for bones which

You can totally do anyway the next feature that feels legal is this one i think it’s very strange because water um if you just place it down it’ll create source blocks and then the rest will be flowing water at the top there are some source blocks of water but as you can

See from the rest of this it’s actually flowing water which is why the soul sand does not pull you down or the soul sand push you up i think it pushes you up anyway the reason that this uh is like this is pretty clear anyway so if

However what we do instead is we go down to the bottom here and we grab some kelp and if you then bomb mill these kelp do you know what happens magically the water uh that used to be um you know like uh you know just a regular block

Becomes a source block this means if you bow mill them up far enough or even if you don’t and you just place them down or if you don’t bowmile them you instead use this as you can see the water around it slowly becomes uh you know like actual source blocks because the water

Around a kelp is always a source block why is this true i mean confusing confusing things about how the update aquatic worked and about how minecraft has two types of water that really have very arbitrary different walls oh as you can see this room is redundant click to

Leave how very convenient anyway as you can see now if we remove the kelp and we activate this you can see that all of a sudden we can get pushed up to the top it’s very strange though because in this same bit of water that looks the same

Only the places that i previously had kelp in will push me to the top this means you can kind of selectively make underwater tunnels where over here oh what did i just do over here i will be able to fall down uh which is handy very convenient but over

Here i’ll be pushed up despite it all having soul sound at the bottom why is that true because minecraft is weird well welcome to the whole point of this video minecraft is a weird game would you like to know other ways that it’s weird number 20 water is a lifesaver

This is the most basic minecraft feature in the world i’ll admit but if you fall down because you’re trying to get something like a pickaxe all it requires is one tiny pixel of water and you can save your life i mean there’s no diamonds down here but there’s something

Better than diamonds which is obviously my never act pickaxe that floats right it does float you know the sign says there’s no diamonds here but i reckon that it might just be wrong oh i reckon wrong apparently anyway i’ve always felt like it’s the strangest thing that water can save you

From literally heights of this level when really that’s not how it works in real life i mean and this that’s not how the water i’ve been using works maybe i’ve just been doing it wrong speaking of things that i’ve been doing slightly wrong here is the 21st uh feature punch

Flying this is very hard to pull off but when you pull it off it is so so so satisfying did you know that you can punch yourself while flying with an elytra so if we activate our elixir we turn that on and then we punch ourselves

With flying bow we can get over this gap but otherwise we wouldn’t be able to just to show you what happens if we try we try we fly and we don’t make it gliding will not make you over a gap this big you’re gonna need some fireworks except if you don’t have

Fireworks all you need is a bow with this on as you can see if you just hit yourself at just the right angle like i’m gonna try to do right here poorly so there’s a few fun ways you can do this you can hit yourself while you’re

Flying or if you trust yourself you can do it while you’re just about to head off and as you can see one punch arrow from myself will knock me over that gap that’s right you can punch yourself with arrows which obviously is funny enough if you’re standing on the ground but

It’s extra fun when you activate it to get a super electro boost speaking of super electric boost um here is an entirely unrelated feature crazy connectivity if you know your minecraft java redstone you know why this is so controversial and uh if you don’t here is one of the weirdest things in

Minecraft redstone travels diagonal we just we just accept that that’s how it’s meant to be because it’s useful for farms and stuff i don’t know speaking of things that we don’t understand bridging with leafs leafs feel as though to me at least they should be a block that decays

Over time i mean that’s how it works on trees however you can bridge of leafs if you really want to and it makes a perfectly fine structure that will hang over the void of nothingness for some reason even when it’s unconnected to other leafs why is this true how is this

Possibly a sturdy structure which i can stand on top of i don’t know but you can do it anyway speaking of things we can do anyway medium salmon edition oh no please don’t tell me we have to talk about the version of minecraft where there’s only salmon of one size i i

Refuse to do it i refuse to do it speaking of things i refuse to do um the 25th uh one here is ender cheese i actually don’t know what this is referring to this will be fun here is a never right sword and here is an enderman i’m guessing i can cheese the

Enderman by using this little little platform uh that is too high so we punch him once he tries to attack us and then we go underneath her too high platform and he’s too tall to get under here so he just stands right there and lets me

Punch him to death it feels very very op it feels very very illegal that minecraft’s strongest mob can be brought down by a two block high ceiling but this is a reminder as to why the two block high ceiling while i use my chest room is actually superior because it’s

Actually enderman proof some people say oh you’ve got to go free height you could so you the ceiling is not too low no this is why you need two height ceilings i’ve officially proven it i speak of things i’ve officially proven the 26th illegal feature flying into the

Void this is really cool it’s a relatively um new new addition to the game because you can fly um into the void i’ll show you right now what this looks like it’s incredibly strange because the negative area below y zero in the end is meant to be the stage

Where nothing else can happen uh however because of weird bugs and or weird features and or weird illegal sounding things uh you can now do that on the bedrock edition speaking of things that you can do faults on blue ice this literally was confirmed to be an unintended feature the players just

Loved so much they decide to keep it um but riding a boat on ice is not meant to happen but riding in a boat on packed ice is even faster than that and so when blue ice was brought to the game with 1.13 do you know what that means a form

Of travel that is so fast oh my god okay well that’s that’s the reason you probably shouldn’t do it huh a full travel that is so fast and so dangerous and uh forgot to finish the road luckily our next feature can get us back up that actually is very cool minecart elevators

This is my favorite form of elevator i’ve never seen look as good as this props to adorable hoe put together this map for showing off uh how great a minecart ladder can be i love the use of chains here but as you can see by just right clicking or left trigging or

Whatever you want to call it you can get yourself up and down a very very tall ladder off these uh that is very very fun it also can save you from your falling to your death it’s very very strange in my opinion how this is and uh yeah it

Stutters it looks weird it’s a low frame rate thing it’s like a pigeon have you ever seen a pigeon walking around it looks like it moves at about five frames a second it just suddenly goes from one frame to another that is how minecart elevators feel and you know what pigeons

Are illegal and so are minecart elevators speaking of things they’re illegal while we’re on the subject of animals anyway did you know dolphin’s grace is an effect on the job edition but it’s not officially an effect on bedrock instead there is this weird thing that you get when you fly and or

When you swim sorry uh near dolphins uh there is a cool dolphin’s grace internally but that doesn’t show up on your list of effects instead we just have conduit power and you can see that yeah we do have dolphins grace we’re we’re swimming faster but how can we

Really be sure we have dolphins grace and the answer is we can’t why is it like that i i don’t know for sure probably shouldn’t be spawning in enemy here though right okay you know that feels illegal that feels incredibly illegal speaking of things um that feel a little strange

Let’s move on to the 30th feature riptide plus rain plus an elytra this one’s too difficult to set up in map format so here you can see what that looks like here’s one i made earlier wow doesn’t that look fun speaking of things that look fun we’ve got the marketplace

Microsoft have to be breaking some sort of law to allow such an atrocity to exist in minecraft obviously this is a a little bit of an overtop way of saying it but yeah the fact that minecraft managed to change a game which was sold under the premise of yeah you just you

Paid the game once and it’s great to oh you can actually pay for thousands of dollars of extra stuff and also we’re going to be regularly pushing that extra stuff on you it’s crazy that game companies can do this and it’s even crazier to me that the marketplace is

One of the most consumer-friendly versions of that you know the fact that other games have done it so much worse kind of a nutty thing uh but the real nutty thing is that yeah minecraft of one swell foot of a swell swoop fell swoop overnight is it fell swoop i’m pretty sure fell

Swoop is the phrase minecraft with one fell swoop managed to change the wording around maps and map making into being a fun quirky way of making things into a paid profession speaking of paid professions anti-gravity string as you can see this looks like it shouldn’t

Exist uh it looks like the witch has uh done some crazy uh little spell oh this is jimmy the villager from earlier he went bankrupt from buying all that week from you so long ago uh long story short he became a witch a wizard that makes sound flow and obviously it looks like

The witch has cast a spell here but actually string can just make sand float just like that this is what it should look like without the string it’s very very strange it’s very very odd and all you got to do is break a few more of

These and now all of a sudden what what have we done nothing very pretty actually we made a face again i like it speaking of things i like uh should we move on to the next feature here uh 33 partial blocks versus sand if you have

Partial blocks like a i mean a sign is the obvious one but if you have a partial block like say the flower pot the end portal frame the rail the torch the redstone torch the redstone dust the lantern the button the kendall the leather the half slab the bed the

Brewing stand the chest the if you have any partial block in minecraft and then sand happens to fall on it as we can do right here do you know what’s gonna happen all of the sand will break it feels like this isn’t how minecraft should handle a gravity affected block falling down but

This is how minecraft handles a gravity affected block falling down i think it’s very interesting maybe you agree with me maybe you don’t speaking of things that you don’t here is the next thing cactus being too hard so the explanation for this one in case you’re curious is that

In the real life mohs scale which is the way that we measure hardness gold is one of the more brittle and uh meldable things that we actually have this is why it breaks so easily in minecraft it’s a 2.5 on that mohs hardness scale then we have glass which scratches at level six

With deeper grooves at level seven and then we have diamonds which is a 10 on the mo scale the hardest mineral on earth the hardest natural thing that we have found however take one of these incredibly hard incredibly uh you know like beautiful gems and throw them

Against a cactus one of the less hard things and all of a sudden it’s gone in minecraft even the most literally indestructible block in the game bedrock will break when you throw it against the cactus because cactuses can destroy everything should they destroy everything i mean the answer from minecraft developers is

Yes speaking of minecraft developers i think perpetual water is one of the weirdest things and i love the way that we’re gonna show it off today because look at this lovely little uh tunnel would you call it and uh anyway let’s grab a bucket let’s grab the water and

Let’s show you what i mean by this if we just uh place some water right over here you’ll see that it flows downwards then that water will flow all the way around here because it’s still just trying to find the easiest way down and the single water bucket which i’ve since removed by

The way i can place it back again just to show you how this works uh the single water bucket which i’ve since removed will just keep on moving all the way round and down this is actually so mesmerizing to watch i want to build

This in my world this is this is so cool i if you’re wondering where i got the inspiration for doing what i what i did in my let’s play probably a few days ago this is that my god oh look at this oh yeah this is so delightful

It looks like it should just flow down but it doesn’t in fact it looks like it shouldn’t exist at all because i’ve got the water in my bucket right here that’s the same water there and there and over here and yet instead we have this beauty

Which oh that was was that not the most satisfying thing you’ve ever seen i i bet that it is indeed anyway so that’s so cool speaking of things that are so cool um illegal minecraft feature 36 free energy over unity over unity you know let’s let’s find out how electricity works in

Real life some energy source is used to turn a turbine that is factually correct did you know the power is generated processed and carried away by power lines that power is processed even further away by power stations and roadside transformers and then a tiny amount of electricity ends up at your

House in real life electricity won’t flow continuously unless there’s a circuit thank you for coming to my ted talk you know what i actually really love this little ted talk right here trying to explain that yeah there is continuous power generation that is then being transferred over to make this uh

Redstone lamp right here turn on forever however in minecraft all you need to do is turn a switch and then infinite power can come out enough to drive this around infinitely in a circle in fact you don’t even need a circuit you need a redstone torch which is an infinite amount of

Electricity which can just come from this and go into a bit of redstone into a redstone lamp i actually think that one of the ways you could encourage like farm like mechanics in minecraft and more interesting stuff is by making electricity have to come from natural sources i mean we have daylight

Detectors we probably could make wind turbines and encourage people to make renewable energy or whatever minecraft’s into these days as opposed to right now infinite energy goes as as it is so elegantly put here speaking of elegant ways to put things auto experience farms i would like to quickly show you something very

Interesting because if you want experience you’ve got to do one of these things in minecraft it’s it’s a very big list however if you want experience in minecraft all you need to do is uh let’s find some spawners stand near those spawners and then either you can commit

The last hit to each of these mobs like the skeletons we can punch them or because of the weird world of uh the trident killer you can have a trident which stays in mid-air forever and if you act your trident that kills something you’ll be able to always get

Experience from killing these mobs i think it actually broke right now but as you can see a trident that was placed a long time ago is now giving me experience which doesn’t make any sense speaking of things that don’t make any sense you could also use tamed dogs but

That would be animal cruelty also if your tamed dog kills a an animal then you’ll still get the experience in the same way experience should only be given when you do these tasks but as minecraft players we love to we love to simplify things down into grinders and speaking

Of grinders here is a way to grind uh things into experience if we have a massive smelter smelting up say iron or gold or something else and then we turn off those smelters so that the iron builds up on the inside every single one of these iron ingots that we take should

Give us what 2.5 experience however it gives us the total experience that has been collected in the furnace so far as you can see i’m now going to get myself a solid 31 experience from this another five levels from this one another five levels from this another four levels or

Three levels from this and my point here is every single time we grab experience it keeps on increasing our levels it’s being stored in a very very strange way that feels illegal okay they fixed the bug part of it you can still just now collect all that experience it’s very

Very strange that you can collect so much experience so fast but you can sort of store experience in a furnace even without the bug which i find to be so interesting and you can use that to repair maybe some tools oh i was meant to do that first okay so imagine that we

Did do that to repair some tools because now every time we grab some it slightly repairs our stuff although again kind of messed this one up huh probably should have read that sign before the other side speaking of signs that i have no ability to read um is it

Even magma here is magma underneath the water as you can see it hurts when i stand on it however i actually i don’t know what the i don’t know what the comment is meant to be here i’m guessing it’s the fact that the magma is damaging me however i

Crouch for some reason magma doesn’t damage me what is the logic meant to be here how does the way that i crouch my body slightly forwards affect the damage that i’m taking from literal magma red hot blocks that are slowly burning me to death i don’t understand the logic i

Just know that’s how minecraft works speaking of how minecraft works seed searching when you start a new world do you let the game pick a random seed or do you search for a good seed to you first i mean apparently you can go away on this one but it does feel like

Picking a particular seed that you know has very good loot like say free diamonds at spawn should be like that’s not how any other game works but it is how minecraft works and it’s not only totally okay but it’s not considered a cheap by most players which is very

Interesting i’ll admit i’ve got a bias on this one because i make seed sunday but it feels as though there’s a certain sheet to you know like having picked a priest’s specific seed but it’s one that people love to do anyway speaking of things that people love to do anyway

Let’s talk about the mending fishing rod you can actually um you know because unlike every other tool when you use it you’re usually breaking the experience and you have to later use it to repair it however the mending experience rod will always repair itself with the

Experience you get from using it to fish so if we have law on our fishing rod like we do now we’re gonna fish way faster and then every time we do pick up a fish the experience that our our rod loses from throwing it into the water is

Then immediately regained by the catch that we do in other words you can never lose durability on a mending fishing rod unless you’re using it for something entirely wrong i can’t imagine right now and speaking of doing things wrong deoxidizing copper this is again i i get

Why they had to add it to the game because people don’t want to ruin their stuff forever but if you just tap um if you just tap oxidized copper with an axe you remove the rust from it and you get this really weird set of blue

Sparkles which i just find to be so strange and so weird feeling this is a new minecraft feature i’ll admit so they clearly did intend it but like are we sure this is how it’s meant to work can you really scratch up the rust without changing the block shape in minecraft

The answer is yes and also in minecraft guardians uh can can breathe apparently i mean if you take away their water supply like i’ve done right here they will still fire lasers at you by the way unlike other projectiles the laser uh you know guardian uh like the the the

Guardian laser will actually not uh hit other guardians on the way to you meaning not only did these guys have the magic power to hit through armor not only did they have the magic power to hit through other mobs and enemies because they’ve got this weird laser

Beam but also the guardians have the extra power of being able to breathe despite being underwater clearly fish-based mobs and so you have to murder them because otherwise they bounce around and they still hurt you which is just it’s just a whole new level of something interesting by the

Way isn’t it weird minecraft has such few mobs which are like fantasy and fun like this you know they’re always focused on adding frogs to the game or whatever else i think mobs like this that are entirely made up are some of the most interesting ones like they’re

Clearly based on fish but they’re extra scary because you don’t know what’s going on and i like that as a concept we should do more of that speaking of things we should do more of drying sponges so i love uh you know sponges and if you

Use a sponge to drain up some water it becomes a wet sponge throw a wet sponge in a furnace on the other hand and you know what happens to it it becomes dry the only other option you have is to go to literal hell and i i do agree with

That and but the weird thing about this that you might not know is the fact that if we take away the coal we place the water down on the ground and we place the bucket in the furnace do you know what happens to the bucket the water that you just

That you just got out there can be collected for later use this is the weirdest weird minecraft mechanic that i don’t even understand and uh all right excite i’m not i don’t understand why they added it i don’t understand who it’s for i just know that it feels very strange

Just like the next feature because did you know free energy again perpetual food cooking why evolve with smokers if you want to use a smoker or a furnace to cook your food you’re doing something wrong because that always requires buckets of lava or coal or you know

Something like that i keep thinking this is coal but it’s an enemy spawn egg but uh if you just place them on top of a campfire you can cook whatever you want whatever you want it you can even cook different foods at the same time without

Having to wait for the furnace to reload meaning just a few campfires can provide all of your meat cooking ability it’s honestly one of the weirdest items ever added to the game and so just like every other weird item it clearly came from a you want to be a limited energy person i

Didn’t think so uh looks like every other weird feature added to the game it came from a community vote so if you voted for the campfire you voted for whatever we’re watching right now it’s strange it doesn’t make much sense but you better believe i’m gonna eat it

Actually no no i’m gonna eat the golden carrots this is the best food always eat plants speaking of golden carrots do you know i find interesting bamboo growth rates so this is a bamboo jungle forest i mean it’s not this is a youtube video where we clearly have a world that’s

Been pre-built specifically to show off minecraft features however this is bamboo that we’re gonna place down in our bamboo forest and as you can see the tick speed is uh slightly higher than normal so it’s gonna happen five times faster however bamboo still have this very strange thing where they will

Actually grow at a rate that doesn’t necessarily uh match up with what you expect so as you can see please stand a bunch of bamboo and then a full 30 seconds later at five times speed so this is two and a half minutes in the real world we have just a single two

High bamboo and then a second too high bamboo yeah this this feels incredibly slow i don’t know if it’s meant to or why when you place bamboo first it’s not a real block but then if you remove the top block that generates afterwards it is even though it’s one height again you

Can stand on this you know what bamboo feels illegal as a whole feature speaking of things that feel illegal next up here map art this is something that adobo hope a lot of effort into but you can place blocks down on a map to kind of make a beautiful little art and

Uh here is an example a rainbow you can really make this in your minecraft world using just a few colored concretes you can really make this using oh man this is really nice i like this one a lot or um here is one that i’m especially fond

Of it is as you can see youtube.comtoycat and then it’s ibx toycat with his 1.77 million subscribers wow you should join those and perhaps subscribe but yeah this is something i’ve actually attempted and succeeded in my survival world all you need to do is find a backdrop for it you can use an

Ocean to make it blue you can use the end to make it black and then you can place things on top of that to make a rainbow a sunset a youtube or whatever else you want to and it’s absolutely delightful also if you really want to my

Inventory is messed up even here if you really want to you can add a glass pane to your map to make it locked in just like this and so if you want to have your beautiful art forever preserved and you can do that uh pretty easily and

Uh oh wow this is so cool um this is this is incredible look at the little star room it’s kind of messed up in the corners but like this from this particular angle looks like abnormally fake i love it i want to do something like this too

Look at that they’re just a few blocks of courts that you can use to make this amazing pattern and i like it you rotate it a little bit and then it looks like it’s kind of randomly placed in there too speaking of things that look randomly placed next up

We’ve got a randomly placed dead bush but it’s actually about deserts spawning next to snow because minecraft biome generation is meant to prioritize temperature however you you can’t it doesn’t actually happen that way this isn’t a real example so you can see some real ones on screen right now it’s

Pretty nuts it’s pretty intense just like uh this tent that is above uh the uh the uh the little hut that we have right here as you can see one of the weird things about minecraft is you can’t sleep in the day this is unlike how the

Real world works because i mean you can set your spawn point in a bed but you can also take a nap in minecraft or you you can’t go to bed if it’s daytime you can’t skip to the night you can only skip the night to be day and it’s very

Strange how skipping night today actually works so beds as a whole i would just say come out of this thing of like yeah feels illegal feels like it doesn’t work feels like it really shouldn’t be there but um you know what it’s better bed bombs in in the

Overworld you just set your spawn point but in the never and the end this happens wow isn’t that intense speaking of intense here’s another one we’re gonna have to show some magical footage for because in real life you need illegal documents to cross borders but in minecraft that’s not true you’re

Not technically correct i i do have to say uh next up here we have um the moody brightness which as you can see very weird very strange almost as weird as a room full of dogs because there is no cap on taming animals if you want you

Can tame as many animals as exist in the game this actually didn’t used to be possible in the console version of minecraft and so if you came from minecraft xbox or minecraft playstation or even minecraft wii u you might not of minecraft playstation feature if you’re really strange um then you might not

Know that yeah you can tame as many dogs as you want and you can set them all on the same animal it’s pretty intense it’s pretty over the top i don’t think you should do it but yeah if you you can even breed the animals together and you

Can start to make more of them very very very very cool very very very very fun and you can have as many of these as you humanly want speaking of things you might want more of next up auto sorters this is really fun in my opinion uh you

Can have an unsorted uh chest full of items oh my god all of the dogs teleporting around is definitely gonna break things you can have an unsorted chest full of items and if you throw one of the things in there just using some hoppers and some crazy magic will

Automatically sort it into where it needs to be just like this i hope this is coal and not charcoal i think it’s called oopsie but anyway you get the point you can automatically sort things it’s very crazy speaking of very crazy being told what you can and cannot do minecraft is

A game where there are no rules except actually there’s many unwritten rules and you may experience the consequences if you don’t obey next up we’ve got this it’s nice and simple but you can bone meal plants and immediately make them grow have you ever really questioned the

Absurdity of that because i do all the time how is it we can just come in here and magically make a taller piece of sugarcane just by using bones is that how the real world works i’m not convinced it is speaking of innocent living creatures that i’ve got around me

This is gonna be a whole problem from her now cross platform you can play this map was actually built by adorable hoe on the playstation 4 but it was finished on the pc now i’m playing this on an xbox controller using my windows 10 device or 11 device and uh the fact that

We can do this on different platforms while still being the same minecraft feels illegal next up we have a game called sink and float apparently everything floats including dogs anyway the lots of items that feel like they shouldn’t float do float including iron blocks go block sticks

Paper also did you know we have the 50 at night feature riding pigs because mojang says no unethical treatment of animals that’s why we can’t ride dolphins that’s why we can’t feed cookies to parrots however also minecraft literally has not only a encouragement to do so i’m very sorry i

Didn’t mean to do that buddy um however minecraft also has a very fun thing where they directly encourage you as strongly as they can to ride a pig and not just ride a pig by the way to literally ride a pig up a kit but this is a ludicrous minecraft feature and

Honestly looking at all the dogs that surround me as i do this probably should be enough evidence that minecraft has lucrative speeches but yeah it’s nuts it doesn’t make much sense and uh it brings us nicely into the 60th feature changing villager traits if you don’t like what a

Villager has to trade let’s say he’s trying to trade i don’t know paper and a bookshelf with you all you have to do is break the block that he’s using to make the trades replace it down oh wait we have to wait for him to actually unassign himself as a villager uh away

From him to understand source of villager place it down and he’ll re-become a librarian i imagine and then he’ll sell something new like this frost walker two why is it that his trades change the moment that you break and read like a block we don’t understand for sure all we know is that

The 61st feature drinking milk is the cure to everything oh no please please please let me let me save myself i’m dying and now i’m not because the illness has been solved that was a very fun command speaking of fun commands you can’t even compost poisoned potatoes the

Well the most useless item in minecraft can’t even be composted even though every other type of food and vegetable can be why is that i don’t know let’s double let’s deliberately make an item completely useless now make minecraft such a better game speaking of things that make minecraft better fireworks and

The elytra uh are they icbms or fireworks i need to know and then we’re gonna go up do i summon electron i do so let’s fly upwards and let’s see what happens i fly up and as you can see an explosion happens and that doesn’t feel like it should be

Okay no doggies stop um the point was just meant to be that you can use fireworks both to launch yourself and to fly up i think i need to be up there actually am i trapped down here have i managed to soft lock myself here i guess i could use my punch bow

That i threw on the ground earlier well oops big oops in case you wasted your only shot lol yeah he know he knows what’s up anyway as you can see uh it doesn’t take a lot of work but i can fly up and here we are enjoying the best of things get pranked

Lol down you go okay so as you can see very fun but not as fun as the 64 feature emotes who put the fortnight six-year-olds in charlotte in charge of minecraft even though both dorba and i can’t use play fortnite android hostel occasionally does did you know in minecraft there is an emote

Button and you can do the hammer or you can do abduction what is this one actually look at this this is in minecraft this is a real vanilla game feature this isn’t a weird mod that i’m showing you right now this is just how minecraft works there’s a there’s a few very dodgy

Ones in here i’m gonna be honest with you however yeah you can just emote in minecraft all you like and i don’t i don’t understand why how or anything else i just know it’s strange speaking of strange farming totems you can farm totem’s been dying very easily just like

This isn’t that handy but it’s not as handy as the 66 feature drowning zombies this feels like the weirdest things because you can in in minecraft we have a type of zombie that happens when a zombie drowns i mean why does a zombie drown begin with a skeleton doesn’t

Drown every other undead mob doesn’t drown however zombies once they’ve been under water for long enough do eventually do it however for some strange reason when they become drowns which is just a zombie that can sometimes hold a trident they drop all of the things that they used to be

Holding whether that’s swords whether that’s armor whether that’s they’re called loot bearers i like that you know some high quality comedy there uh they will drop the things that they’ve been wearing just like this and sure there’s a technical answer to this and the technical answer is that

Yeah well i mean it’s because they become a new mob so they can’t hold all the things they used to be able to but i mean that that still doesn’t feel like the ideal solution really also i i i guess we’ll kill them with looting

On so we can get as many of these as possible okay no smite on uh let’s just let’s murder some drones real quick just run through here and you can see how all of the stuff they used to be holding is just right there at the surface very very strange stuff and also

And obviously the reason again it’s easy enough to explain but it’s nice you have to explain why they decided to do that but that brings us very nicely to the end of the video this project took many hours to finish it took hours and hours to put together a list of features that

Felt like this it put hours together to show them off in minecraft and test them to go for everything and it took a lot of work um from uh more than a few people here so thank you uh to adorable hope playing together this map thank you

To the editor always make sure to thank the editor and thank you to you for watching this i hope you found it to be informative uh videos like this take a lot more time than an average one and so if you did appreciate it make sure to

Like the video to subscribe with those notifications turned on or do something along those lines uh to show me that you want to see more in this sort of style because like i said takes a lot of time a lot of effort from a lot of people uh

But it’s something i love to see the outcome of and if you love to see the outcome of it then i know let me know and if you don’t then well this is the end of the video so i guess i’ll see you all in the next one and uh

I want to go look at those maps again i mean seriously isn’t this the coolest thing you’ve ever seen like wow crazy anyway speaking of crazy thank you for watching you’ve been crazy and uh i do use that transition of speaking of too much but does it not work maybe it doesn’t goodbye You

This video, titled ’66 ILLEGAL Minecraft Features’, was uploaded by ibxtoycat on 2022-03-04 19:16:21. It has garnered 197377 views and 6132 likes. The duration of the video is 00:49:43 or 2983 seconds.

This was a big undertaking, but Minecraft is filled with weird, unintentional looking features huh

Minecraft Bedrock is the same as Minecraft Xbox Series X, Xbox Series S, Xbox One, Minecraft PlayStation 5, PlayStation 4, Minecraft Switch, Minecraft PE and of course Minecraft Windows 10

– The Previous Video(22 Features That Started On Bedrock): https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=hEr6-PR_ESE

– Think you’ve missed something? You might have, and you can check my most recent uploads here: http://www.youtube.com/user/ibxtoycat/videos

Update Adventures (My Let’s Play): https://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PLe8AZ2rjfkpx5SUrbzQrqt_bwLkNxC9sD

– My Twitter: http://twitter.com/ibxtoycat – Follow for video updates and Early News!

This Video Was Edited By: Samuel H

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    Unbelievable Minecraft Tips and Tricks Revealed! #shortsVideo Information This video, titled ‘TRUCOS Y CONSEJOS DE MINECRAFT #1 #shorts #short #minecraft’, was uploaded by Shadic PLayer on 2024-03-31 02:35:03. It has garnered 3098 views and 177 likes. The duration of the video is 00:00:28 or 28 seconds. ยฟCOMO NO AHOGARSE EN EL AGUA? TRUCOS CON LA CAMA SHADICTRUCOS #shorts #short #minecraft #minecraftshorts #minecraftshort #shadictrucos #series #games #gaming #gameplay #minecraftcortos #videogames #videoshort #new #minecraftfunny #minecraftshaders #series #shortvideo #random #minecraftvideos #minecraftcreative #minecraftpero #bed #ad #tutorial #minecraftideas #obsidian #minecrafttrucos #trucos #consejos Read More

  • BigB – Unbelievable Minecraft SECRET LIFE!

    BigB - Unbelievable Minecraft SECRET LIFE!Video Information This video, titled ‘Minecraft SECRET LIFE: The Movie’, was uploaded by BigB – Minecraft on 2024-02-23 17:00:29. It has garnered 9360 views and 522 likes. The duration of the video is 08:23:24 or 30204 seconds. ๐Ÿ’šSubscribe – https://goo.gl/BYWLg9 ๐Ÿ’›Twitter – https://twitter.com/bigbst4tz2 โค๏ธInstagram – http://instagram.com/bigbst4tz ๐Ÿ‘•Bigg Merch – https://bigb.clothing/ Download My Free YouTube Action Content Plan – https://mynamesanthony.gumroad.com/l/YouTubeContentPlan Sun: https://www.youtube.com/@grian Smallishbeans: https://www.youtube.com/@SmallishBeans Smajor1995: https://www.youtube.com/@Dangthatsalongname Etho: https://www.youtube.com/@EthosLab BdoubleO100: https://www.youtube.com/@bdoubleo PearlescentMoon: https://youtube.com/@PearlescentMoon InTheLittleWood: https://www.youtube.com/@martyn GoodTimeWithScar: https://www.youtube.com/@GoodTimesWithScar impulseSV: https://www.youtube.com/@impulseSV Tango: https://www.youtube.com/@TangoTekLP ZombieCleo: https://www.youtube.com/@ZombieCleo SolidarityGaming: https://www.youtube.com/@SolidarityGaming Skizzleman: https://www.youtube.com/@MCSkizzleman Geminitay: https://www.youtube.com/@GeminiTayMC Mumbo Jumbo: https://www.youtube.com/thatmumbojumbo LDShadowLady: https://www.youtube.com/@ldshadowlady In today’s video we are back with a… Read More

  • Insane Diamond and Neth Pot PvP Combo in Minecraft!

    Insane Diamond and Neth Pot PvP Combo in Minecraft!Video Information This video, titled ‘Diamond Pot mixed with Neth Pot | Minecraft PvP Pot edition.’, was uploaded by iDominateGames on 2024-05-20 18:56:44. It has garnered 63 views and 13 likes. The duration of the video is 00:03:22 or 202 seconds. hope you enjoyed as this video took a long time so please leave a like! video inspired by @ClownPierce @moreclownpierce4508 @sharpnessyt @ParrotX2 @minutetechmc @Spokeishere @ShadowMech @MrBeast @MrBeastGaming @MrBeast2 A LOT OF TAGS DONT READ! #minecraft #pvp #montage #trending #cpvpmontage #minecraftgameplay #subscribe #like #likeandsubscribe #minecraftgaming #minecraftshorts #minecraftpvpmontage gedit / dns / op / regedit op / dns op / sharkye… Read More

  • Insane Gamer Goes Berserk in Minecraft! #viral

    Insane Gamer Goes Berserk in Minecraft! #viralVideo Information This video, titled ‘Minecraft #viral #shorts’, was uploaded by DeMon Gamer on 2024-01-07 01:23:03. It has garnered views and [vid_likes] likes. The duration of the video is or seconds. Read More

  • Insane Minecraft FTF Stream with Jxcob

    Insane Minecraft FTF Stream with JxcobVideo Information This video, titled ‘MINECRAFT FTF STREAM WELCOME YALL’, was uploaded by Jxcob on 2024-05-21 05:42:11. It has garnered 378 views and 25 likes. The duration of the video is 03:05:41 or 11141 seconds. Tipping is now available https://streamelements.com/jxcob7000/tip #wendigos #minecrafthorror #thegoatman #wendigos #horrorcraft #thegoatman #minecrafthorror #horrorgaming #minecraft100days #JxcobMC #minecrafthorror #minecraft100days Read More

  • Unbelievable Challenge: Slaying Droingo!

    Unbelievable Challenge: Slaying Droingo!Video Information This video, titled ‘They asked us to Slay this thing?!’, was uploaded by Droingo on 2024-06-06 14:00:12. It has garnered 168 views and 25 likes. The duration of the video is 00:19:42 or 1182 seconds. JOIN THE DISCORD https://discord.gg/R63dPUvGP7 The Alternative Minecraft Series is a regular (heavily-modded) playthrough of Minecraft recorded with a unique twist. Using narrations and a rough storyline I am aiming to re-create the original excitement and wonder that this game provoked in everyone when we were younger. To do this I am stepping back and I aim to experience things for the first time… Read More

  • Arhan boy 85 STUNS viewers with EPIC save! ๐Ÿ˜ฑ #shorts

    Arhan boy 85 STUNS viewers with EPIC save! ๐Ÿ˜ฑ #shortsVideo Information This video, titled ‘#14 – Steve save his FRIENDS !!!๐Ÿคž(Part -1/2) | #shorts #minecraft’, was uploaded by Arhan boy 85 on 2024-05-15 16:53:52. It has garnered 13172 views and 787 likes. The duration of the video is 00:00:16 or 16 seconds. ๐ŸŒŸ Keep Watching, Stay Smiley๐Ÿ˜Š โ€”โ€”โ€”โ€”โ€” Support us – Click on โ™ฅ๏ธSUBSCRIBE INSTAGRAM – /@INHASHcomedy @arhan712 โ€”โ€”โ€”โ€”โ€” Thanks For Watching… #minecraftshorts #minecraftanimation #mcpe #mcpc #minecraftpc #minecraftpe #cartoon #animation #memes #meme #steve #alex #funny #music #song #instagram #viotoons #raid #pillager #vindicator #pets Read More

  • VitalScrims

    VitalScrimsJoin our friendly community on our Vanilla Minecraft Factions Server! Our server offers a pure, survival multiplayer experience with the added excitement of factions gameplay. In our server, you can start your own faction or join an existing one, claim land, engage in diplomacy or warfare with other factions, and build your empire in a vanilla Minecraft environment. We’ve kept the gameplay as close as possible to classic Minecraft, meaning you won’t find any game-altering plugins or mods here. It’s all about survival and strategy! Our server is perfect for players who enjoy the simplicity and challenge of vanilla Minecraft,… Read More

  • ValhallaMC modded 1.7.10-1.20.1, Many Packs, All The Mods 9, Fantasy Skies

    ValhallaMC: Your Ultimate Minecraft Experience Join our vibrant community of dedicated gamers and explore a network of meticulously crafted servers designed for endless adventure. Discord: Join us here! Minecraft 1.7.10 GTNH | GT: New Horizons gtnh.valhallamc.io (v.2.6.1) Minecraft 1.12.2 Nomifactory (GTCEu Port) nfu.valhallamc.io (v.1.6.1b) Technological Journey tj.valhallamc.io (v.1.3) Enigmatica 2: Expert e2e.valhallamc.io (v.1.90h) Minecraft 1.18.2 StoneBlock 3 sb3.valhallamc.io (v.1.9.0) DawnCraft dwc.valhallamc.io (v.2.0.8) FTB Arcanum Institute ari.valhallamc.io (v.1.4.0) Minecraft 1.19.2 SteamPunk [LPS] stp.valhallamc.io (v.23.5) FTB Skies Expert ske.valhallamc.io (v.1.8.1) Minecraft 1.20.1 All the Mods 9 atm9.valhallamc.io (v.0.2.60) Craft to Exile 2 cte2.valhallamc.io (v.0.5.2b) Fantasy Skies fsk.valhallamc.io (v.1.5.0) ValhallaMC offers a world… Read More

  • Minecraft server mc.charlieroleplay.it

    How to connect and play on this server? You must have the game version 1.20.6 installed. How to check? At startup, the game version will be displayed on the right, at the bottom. If it is a different version, you should change the current profile (left, bottom) and select version 1.20.6 Click the PLAY button, wait for the Minecraft game to load. Choose: Multiplayer Click the button “Direct connect”, or if you want to keep the server in its list, press the button “Add server” In the field “Server address” write: mc.charlieroleplay.it (GL HF) Read More

  • [MODDED] Shots Fired SMP [FACTIONS]

    [MODDED] Shots Fired SMP [FACTIONS]Welcome to Shots Fired SMP!This is a modded pvp smp/factions server! However, there are like guns?! Guns are crafted at a specific station and are fully functional! The server is run on Forge 1.20.1, The server is whitelist only, and whitelist applications are in the discord linked below!More Information in the discord! Read More

  • Minecraft Memes – emerald thief strikes in minecraft

    Minecraft Memes - emerald thief strikes in minecraftLooks like you ended up with a diamond in the rough instead! Read More

  • Minecraft IQ: Are You a Blockhead?

    Minecraft IQ: Are You a Blockhead? “If you can successfully navigate a creeper explosion without losing all your diamonds, congratulations, you have achieved galaxy brain status in Minecraft IQ.” Read More

  • Mastering the Art of Base Building – Minecraft Server Prep

    Mastering the Art of Base Building - Minecraft Server Prep Minecraft Adventure: Building the Biggest Base! Rediscovering the Legendary Game Sensei, a dedicated Minecraft enthusiast since his elementary school days, has reignited his passion for this legendary game. Now, he embarks on a new adventure in the pixelated world of Minecraft. Live Series: Crafting the Ultimate Base Join Sensei and his clan members in an epic quest to build the Biggest Base! The excitement is palpable as they strategize and work together to create a masterpiece that will stand the test of time. Stay tuned for the thrilling episodes to come. Preparation is Key Before diving into the construction… Read More

  • Trading Villagers & Spider Spawner in Minecraft

    Trading Villagers & Spider Spawner in Minecraft Exploring Villager Trading and Cave Spider Spawner in Minecraft Introduction to Legion MC Server The Legion MC server is a vibrant community where Minecraft enthusiasts come together to explore, create, and engage in exciting gameplay. With a dedicated Discord server and active Instagram and YouTube channels, Legion MC offers a platform for players to connect and share their adventures. Discovering Villager Trading One of the fascinating aspects of Minecraft is the ability to interact with villagers and engage in trading. Villagers offer a variety of items in exchange for emeralds, providing players with valuable resources and unique items. By… Read More

  • 24-Hour Minecraft SERVER Challenge: INSANE Difficulty (MUST WATCH!)

    24-Hour Minecraft SERVER Challenge: INSANE Difficulty (MUST WATCH!)Video Information This video, titled ‘I Had 24 Hours To Stay In This HARDCORE Minecraft Server.. (MOVIE)’, was uploaded by Solidarity on 2024-06-05 17:46:15. It has garnered 29224 views and 1649 likes. The duration of the video is 03:34:15 or 12855 seconds. All of my Minecraft SOS SMP videos plopped together into a lovely movie. ๐Ÿ–ฅ JOIN MY DISCORD!! – https://discord.gg/NX9pGjX ๐ŸŽฅ Solidarity VODS – https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCUr59THLl2ZGE98J1QW6dag ๐ŸŽฅ Solidarity SHORTS – https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCClclQIBe05V6pV2pj0ckcQ ๐ŸŽฅ Solidarity ROBLOX – https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCCRN9HdYcwBFXlCAr0nnS3w ๐Ÿ“ฒ SOCIAL MEDIA ๐ŸฆTwitter – http://bit.ly/SolidarityCoUk ๐Ÿ“ธInstagram – http://bit.ly/InstaSolidarity ๐Ÿ“ฑTikTok – https://www.tiktok.com/@solidaritygaming ๐Ÿ’š MEMBER | You can also sponsor the channel by heading over… Read More

  • Sinister Siren Head in Minecraft

    Sinister Siren Head in MinecraftVideo Information This video, titled ‘HORROR MINECRAFT ME SIREN HEAD ๐Ÿ˜ฑ’, was uploaded by MINE KRISH on 2024-04-30 15:09:57. It has garnered 1117 views and 11 likes. The duration of the video is 00:06:11 or 371 seconds. minecraft horror minecraft horror maps minecraft horror mods minecraft horror modpack minecraft horror games minecraft horror seeds minecraft horror maps 2 player minecraft horror texture pack minecraft horror shaders minecraft horror skins minecraft horror maps multiplayer minecraft horror maps 1.19 minecraft horror adventure maps minecraft horror adventure maps multiplayer minecraft horror addons minecraft horror art minecraft horror ambience mod minecraft horror apk minecraft… Read More

  • Villager Scam Alert in Minecraft ๐Ÿšจ #shorts

    Villager Scam Alert in Minecraft ๐Ÿšจ #shortsVideo Information This video, titled ‘Minecraft VILLAGER Tried to scam me ๐Ÿ™„ #minecraft #shorts’, was uploaded by Livee Crafts on 2024-04-07 10:30:07. It has garnered 16504 views and 539 likes. The duration of the video is 00:00:44 or 44 seconds. Minecraft VILLAGER Tried to scam me ๐Ÿ™„ #minecraft #shorts minecraft, minecraft 100 days, minecraft house tutorial, minecraft music, minecraft house, minecraft civilization, minecraft song, minecraft videos, minecraft hardcore, minecraft live, minecraft jj and mikey, minecraft aphmau, minecraft addons, minecraft animation, minecraft avatar, minecraft asmr, minecraft arg, minecraft armadillo, minecraft armor trims, minecraft automatic farm, minecraft addons bedrock, a minecraft movie,… Read More

  • Unbelievable Build: Enormous Chicken in Minecraft 1.20 ep 2

    Unbelievable Build: Enormous Chicken in Minecraft 1.20 ep 2Video Information This video, titled ‘Let’s Play Minecraft 1.20 :: ep 2 – Buildin’ a Big Ol’ Chicken’, was uploaded by buildsbyoggie on 2024-05-30 19:30:00. It has garnered 278 views and 40 likes. The duration of the video is 00:31:33 or 1893 seconds. Howdy all! In today’s episode of Let’s Play Minecraft I designed and constructed a dual skeleton/zombie farm, enchanted some gear, and constructed a *slightly* unsettling house above the farm, complete with chicken legs and a voluminous feathered tail. I also included some timelapses, so hopefully y’all enjoy those ๐Ÿ™‚ intro 00:00 howdy! 00:56 spawner timelapse 05:12 first… Read More

  • I Found The Rarest Item on Day 1! | Minecraft Java Edition |

    I Found The Rarest Item on Day 1! | Minecraft Java Edition |Video Information This video, titled ‘I Got Extremely Lucky On The First Day | Minecraft Java Edition |’, was uploaded by Zer0nine Playz on 2024-03-15 12:59:28. It has garnered 26 views and 1 likes. The duration of the video is 00:27:36 or 1656 seconds. Today I Got Extremely Lucky BY Getting Diamonds and Finding An Ancient City.Like And Subscribe To This channel For More Videos Like This Tags Ignore minecraft, minecraft hunger games, minecraft survival island, minecraft mods, minecraft song, minecraft style, minecraft xbox 360, minecraft parody, minecraft herobrine, skydoesminecraft, minecraft songs, captainsparklez, minecraft yogscast, yogscast minecraft, yogscast, minecraft skydoesminecraft,… Read More

  • Minecraft Prince Hacks Revealed: 3 Epic Mini Builds!

    Minecraft Prince Hacks Revealed: 3 Epic Mini Builds!Video Information This video, titled ‘Epic Minecraft Prince Hack: 3 Mini Builds Unveiled’, was uploaded by ZS’SKAYR on 2024-05-10 15:26:28. It has garnered 2439 views and 76 likes. The duration of the video is 00:00:24 or 24 seconds. Epic Minecraft Prince Hack: 3 Mini Builds Unveiled link in description:-https://www.youtube.com/@ZSSKAYR67 search title:- #shorts #minecraft #viral #viralvideo #video #toilet #short #Java #ZS’KAYR #build #building #build hake #3 mini build #new dimension portal #new video minecraft build hacks, minecraft, minecraft build, build hacks minecraft 3 mini build hacks in minecraft, minecraft builds, build hacks minecraft in hindi, minecraft hacks, minecraft build tutorial, 3… Read More

  • BH Gamer’s EPIC Minecraft Sugar Cain Farm!

    BH Gamer's EPIC Minecraft Sugar Cain Farm!Video Information This video, titled ‘Minecraft fake sugar Cain farm.#minecraft’, was uploaded by B AND H GAMER on 2024-05-30 14:28:39. It has garnered 479 views and 7 likes. The duration of the video is 00:00:36 or 36 seconds. #minecraft #shorts #GameOn #GamerLife #VideoGames #GamingNews #GamersUnite #GameTime #GamingSetup #GameChanger #Esports #PlayHard #GamingPC #onlinegaming channle link:https://youtube.com/@bandhgamer123?si=XwiScVimgKx8sHJA1 Embark on an exhilarating journey into the heart of Free Fire, the pulse-pounding battleground that tests your skills and strategy. Join me as we delve deep into the immersive world of gaming, exploring the intricacies of Free Fire, from its dynamic gameplay to the community that… Read More

66 ILLEGAL Minecraft Features