7 Ways To CHEAT In Minecraft Hide and Seek!

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This is seven ways to cheat in Minecraft hide and seek first one-way glass oh melon what the heck Sonny where are you hiding you’ll never know bro maybe I’m hiding inside your walls coach please tell me in the comments where Sonny is hiding this is so spooky and if you want

To see more crazy hide and seek just subscribe to our Channel right now we’re trying to get to 500 000. okay guys melon challenged me to hide and seek but I’ve gotta trick up my sleeve I’m heading to quando’s laboratory to steal myself a job secret device Sonny I

Challenge you to a hide and seek to see who gets to decorate our house I accept bro you’re going down there’s no way I’d lose to a watermelon well you’re about to I’m sure you’ve got a secret sciency device I can use to help win this hide

And seek of course I do sunny but that doesn’t mean I’m gonna give it to you but quando please I don’t want to lose sunny but that sounds like a you problem back to work for me ciao dang it Glendale he doesn’t want to give me the

Device that’s it I’ll take it by force uh you heard nothing I I said that I’m gonna respectfully and peacefully leave cuando’s laboratory never to return again okay thanks okay guys I’m going around to the back of quandale’s lab and it’s a good thing I brought this pickaxe

Just in case cause it’s time to snooze weekend I gotta be quiet though gotta be really quiet oh that was close they almost saw me I think I’m gonna go a little bit deeper yeah let’s play it safe there we go now they’ll have no idea yes what’s inside of quandale’s lab

Today there’s gotta be something that can help me cheat wait no I need A way to deactivate these barriers come on there’s gotta be something no no ah one seven one two well I’ll just take this code just in case there’s a security protocol later come on oh what’s this portal barriers on off yeah turn that off now I should be able to

Access this chest whoa what happened I tried to touch the chest and then all of a sudden it teleported me uh what is this place whoa it looks so cool there’s gotta be something here that can help me win the hide and seek yes a chess are

You kidding me it’s blocked by barriers again it’s Gotta Be A Way inside I’ve come this far I’m not gonna give up now just gotta find a way to deactivate these barriers oh wait what’s this oh some levers that look like they control the power supply flick that oh quandale

This is too easy you should have hired some better security and deactivate whoa did you hear that I think that should have disabled the power supply hopefully the barriers have dropped come on no more force field no more force field give me the loot it worked yes cheating

Device it’s all mine with this device I’ve unlocked admin mode it can do everything I want well this hiding seek should be a breeze later there you are Sonny what took you so long I had a couple of things to attend to um okay anyways you’re hiding first you got two

Minutes I hope you can hide faster than it took you to get here oh bro it won’t be a problem it won’t be a problem I can’t wait to decorate the house okay guys it’s time for me to take out my cheating device and get to work let’s go in here and I’m

Thinking I could use a portal gun one time clock how about an x-ray device and last but not least morphing wand this is awesome with these super powers I’ll be able to cheat and do anything I want nom nom nom nom nom nom nom now let’s see for this first round which

Cheat do I want to access me thinks probably the portal gun would be nice let’s fire one up there and another one right here he was so clueless reset those portals and there’s nothing to see okay melon I’m ready about darn time Sunny now for my first question hmm are

You hiding closer to this red tall building or closer to the Courts Building all the way at the other side I’m closer to the red building yeah red building okay okay I don’t know if that really helps me to be honest there’s still like a lot of buildings that are

Like kind of in between kind of in the middle of the road but I have a feeling you’re at the bar I’m not bro I’ll give you free information I’m not there I’m even gonna give you another clue I’m up really really tall not so confident I am

In my hiding spot bro you’re an idiot bro you gotta be in the construction building or you could be in the red building itself uh but let’s check out this construction building it is the tallest building in the game after all oh no melon might find me I’m so scared

It’s over for you sonny why would you give me an easy hint right off the bat no reason guys he didn’t even see me look at him he’s just climbing up each floor of the building where are your sunny sunny I know you’re up on this crane uh melon Don’t Look

Down why what’s what’s down I don’t see anything there’s literally nothing below me you’re right you’re right there’s nothing below you nothing at all guys I gotta make the Escape portal right there and another portal here anyway oh that was close he might have found me sunny

Wait a second wait sorry what what happened I just saw you run all the way down below you cheater baiting me with these fake questions that’s it I’m jumping on the slime blocks and it’s over for you okay guys he thinks I’m cheating because I’m not in the construction site let’s remedy that

Really fast portal there portal there and melon I don’t know what you’re talking about I’m in the construction building how did you get up there I was looking at all the floors that’s it that’s it sunny I’m climbing up there’s no Escape melon I’ve not been trying to

Escape you I’ve just been trying to hide from you it’s over for you sonny oh no guys I’m so scared said he’s going to find me where did you go oh Sonny wait no get back here and time freeze oh guys this is gonna be awesome I just

Gotta get up right behind the melon sneaking in behind him look at his goofball and then I put a portal right there and another one over here he’s gonna be so confused unfreeze wait what the heck what am I hey melon but this makes no sense I just was what is

Happening how did I get over on this building Sonny what did you do I didn’t do anything bro all I did was jump down on the slime blocks bounce all the way back up and now I’m Bing chilling you also only have 10 seconds left hold on I

Can make that jump too hey was just sad and five four three two one I win no what the heck happened that round oh I don’t know if I’m feeling okay like some brain thing just happened you know what you got a brain freeze what were you drinking the Grimace Shake

Again no I don’t know but you were right there and then all of a sudden I was on that roof I was there and then on the Roof oh anyways just give me my two minutes to hide all right good luck melon you have two minutes to find a

Hiding spot I’ll be right back here counting one watermelon two armed melons three watermelons with a jackhammer four watermelons and a blender oh that was so weird that Round Guys what the heck was that anyways I can’t get distracted gotta focus on securing this win and

What better way to do that than to hide outside the map in the jungle he’ll never know where I’m hiding this is actually perfect bro if I crouch down like this this is the last place you’ll expect me to be and he’ll probably ask stupid questions like oh he went high

Elevation oh in this building oh are you dishing that but little does he know I’m actually in the trees the whole time all right Sonny I’m ready 99 100 watermelons oh yeah perfect I’m ready as well okay guys for this round I think I’m gonna use my x-ray vision time

To activate now where is he oh there he is yo this x-ray vision is so powerful uh but I don’t want to make it look too obvious so yeah let me ask some questions hey melon first question yeah are you inside or outside I would say

I’m outside okay that gives me a feeling are you high or low I bet say I’m at low elevation low dang it okay okay third question what type of block are you touching uh grass bro that’s so unfair you could be anywhere you’ve already wasted all of your questions Sonny my plan’s going

Perfectly according to all my plan yes yeah that’s how that works it’s over for you sonny bro I can’t lose lose this guys now I’m gonna activate my morphing wand and turn myself into a creeper it’s working oh this this guy could use a little bit of TNT

Whoa what is that TNT and troll TNT oh I can’t wait to use this on melon and look when I’m holding items as a creeper you can’t even tell oh he’s done four I’ve just got to sneak over to him now but I don’t want to be too suspicious so I’ve

Got to keep asking him questions and complain ah melon this is so hard bro uh can you give me a free hint hmm Um you know what I’m feeling generous today Sonny my hint is that I’m also touching Leafs no way does that mean you’re in a forest uh I wouldn’t say so what’s that sound guys am I hearing leaves break what’s happening guys look there he is and now I’m gonna Place one little TNT

Right here wait what’s that sound what’s that sound what is that it actually obliterated him no way guys I don’t know what happened but I need to hide I gotta get in this red building it’s the only way and and get up here and hide in the

Darkness I am one with the dog uh guys after I killed melon it looks like the x-ray vision wore off I gotta reactivate it now where is he uh oh there he is he wouldn’t hid inside of this building now oh he’s done for time to sneak up right

Around here what’s that sound again why do I hear leaves breaking and then I just place the block like this and activate uh why do I hear TNT what the heck what the heck wait he actually survived the troll TNT wait a second nothing happened I’m alive Sonny you got

One minute left bro where are you uh something tells me you know where I’m at How can I I possibly know that uh guys I gotta move I gotta move where’s all this TNT coming from what the heck how how oh what the heck why is there a creeper

I gotta act natural guys just a creeper I was like creeper acting so weird and then guys while he can’t see deactivate it’s working it’s working wait Sonny oh no oh no melon I found you yes dang it bro what the heck that was so weird there was this troll creeper then he

Walked out under me and then you came out that’s so weird bro what are the chances of that yeah that’s really weird anyways melon can I get my two minute countdown um hold on let me think yep you got two minutes side see ya that’s lots of time

All right goats I’ve got one of the greatest hiding spots planned out I’m gonna use my morphing wand to turn myself really tiny and then I’m gonna hide right back here now let’s shrink I think it worked I’m so tiny yes and now I should be able to fit anywhere I want

Like perhaps right around here oh this is good melon will have no clue that I’m behind these stairs Sonny are you ready yet actually that’s perfect timing good luck trying to track me down perfect timing that means you just had your hiding spot when I said this and that gave you approximately

59 seconds to hide which means you must be in a 20 meter perimeter of where I first started counting and if I heard your back steps correctly you must be hiding in here melon you’re reading way too far into it bro in here okay good luck with that Sherlock Holmes Behind

These Walls oh that’s there’s nothing behind these walls in there in this place okay sonny I don’t know I give up you already want to quit on this round it’s been 10 seconds No I gave up on my super awesome detective skills now I’m just gonna play hide and seek normally

Yeah what you’re gonna ask for some Clues yeah first question high or low elevation I would say low elevation okay okay interesting interesting second question inside or outside outside oh guys there he is look at him Sonny are you perhaps in the jungle area no I’m not in the

Jungle area I am close to some lucious oh oh like the park here Maps sunny I know you’re here somewhere what are you hiding in a tree right now guys this is way too scary he almost looked right at me I know you’re in this park

Sunny guys I saw Sunny he somehow shrank himself and went into the corner it’s time to blow him up she just need a little bit of TNT and this should do the trick well Sonny if you’re not gonna reveal yourself I’ll have to blow up this entire park

Uh melon why do you have to be so destructive can’t you just relax and look for me I already found you Sonny it’s over for you no no you gotta chill bro you’ve gotta chill it’s time to light this baby up time freeze oh guys that could have been

Really bad but now it’s gonna be really bad for melon I’m gonna use my cheating device to swap our locations and Zippity zap Zoop swap it worked that’s perfect now all I gotta do is clear off some of these because it’s a bit too dangerous I

Don’t exactly want the whole park to go kabumi and there we go a little more tidying that’s perfect now when I unfreeze time he’s gonna explode just like you guys should explode the like And subscribe button right now three two one unfreeze wait what what the heck where am I

That worked perfectly Sunny it was scumbag I don’t know what you’re doing but you’re up to some Shenanigans Sonny I know you use time freeze uh dang it you’re on to me bro give me that clock right now fine you could have it you could have it it won’t help

Anyways what do you mean I can freeze time look at this big idiot he has no idea that time’s Frozen and now check this out guys just gotta shoot some arrows yep that’ll do the trick how much should I have yeah you know probably this many arrows should be good and

Unfreeze ow what’s your problem my problem is you’re cheating all the time I didn’t cheat okay I just used every Advantage at my disposal whatever Sonny I still won this round because I found you before the time ran up uh not true at all you exploded five minutes after

The timer was done no sonny that’s not how this works anyways I’ve got two minutes to hide see you sonny okay melon you’ve got two minutes guys Sunny wants to do all this cheating well check this out I found this not too long ago this

Is my trump card to guarantee that I win hide and seek I found a secret tree yes this is the most overpowered hiding spot of all time and now that he’s given up his time clock his method of cheating there’s no way he could find me all

Right Sonny I’m ready bro how are you in your hiding spot already it’s been 10 seconds because every time clock Sunny don’t tell me you broke the time continuum just for this hide and seek no I actually didn’t but I wanted to throw you off bro that

Means you’re close to spawn the heck you know what guys instead of looking for melon I’m just gonna use the morphing one to transform him let’s see it’d probably be pretty easy to spot an Ender Dragon wait what’s happened to me what’s happened to me Now

Where’s the dragon let’s see oh no guys it’s not good this is not good looks like there’s something freaking out in the forest oh I wonder what’s over here I’m completely stuck hey melon why are you in this tree all right that’s not who’s in that tree that’s an Ender

Dragon bro I don’t know what you’re talking about yeah but why would there be an Ender Dragon here this isn’t even the end I don’t know that must be a weird glitch in Minecraft what the heck what the heck how did he do this guys you’re right melon if the dragon’s here

I’ll defeat it come on TNT don’t let me down kill it no no chill chill chill oh no I think I freed the dragon yes I can move uh kind of what the heck what the heck what am I stuck on what am I stuck on that’s it the dragon it’s time

To cook it burn burn you foul creature no no no no no stop yes I’m literally cooking this Dragon up no no I don’t want to be roasted I don’t want to be roasted I mean that’s not me that that dragon has nothing to do with

Me please time FreeStyle I did it don’t worry melon I defeated the dragon kind of weird that the chat says big man melon went up in Flames yeah that is very weird guys you know what’s the opposite of the Ender Dragon a squid morph melon into a squid what’s

Happening to me no why am I a squid no no I’m drowning [Applause] yo what’s this mysterious squid at spawn I wonder what it’s doing here chill chill Sonny stop we can be chill we can be chill no no no no oh no that was so sad whatever Sonny you’re one hide and

Seek you get to design our house let’s get coded I’m the best admitted I’m the goat I’m the one I’m him yeah Sonny you’re him and you guys could be him by pressing that like And subscribe button right now oh yeah this is so comfortable

The heat of this water bro just makes me feel so good sunny as the sun you’re heating up this pool too much it’s making my melon Rhine way too hot oh yeah is your melon rind gonna melt yeah bro it’s not very good I prefer cooler climates anyway Sunny this was really

Boring you want to play some hide and seek I was hoping you’d ask that dibs hiding first go count bro give me my 100 seconds all right you got 120 seconds because that’s two minutes I’m gonna go cool off in the ocean wait melon melon melon before this round starts I want to

Ask you something what do you think we can get to 5 000 likes on this video uh no I think we can get 6 000 likes on this video no wait that’d be epic all right I’m gonna go hide see you nerd he admits he’s a nerd okay guys I gotta

Show you this I built a special secret base before this video started and and it should be right here climb down the ladder and check it out I have a Time freeze clock Sunny clothes and wait I forget what this one was don’t worry it’s pretty awesome just gotta grab all

Of these goggles of truvision more Sunny clones and some invisibility potions and last but not least the triple bow some arrows and some Sandy boy blocks also I have these secret levers for later so stick around until the end to see what happens now let’s climb up and get to

Our hiding spot and by that I mean let me Splash myself with invisibility and I’m gone and now I activate my Sunny clones let’s put one and look up Julius look at this bedroom isn’t it perfect well you know would be even better there he is ready for battle

Melon will open the these up and get jump scared now just in case melon wants to check inside of the yacht let’s go in and let’s put a secret Sunny clone right here perfect close that door and I think it’s time for me to actually go to my

Hiding spot here it is guys right inside of this bookshelf crawl on down and let’s chill in here my secret dungeon okay melon I’m ready all right about time and guys I’ve got an ax with Sony’s name on it when I find you sonny I’m gonna drive this ax right between your

Sunglasses and break them yeah as long as you don’t hurt me wait no you can’t break my sunglasses they’re invincible and really sentimental and important to me Sonny I literally found you in two seconds you’re such an idiot bro and you’re walking towards your doom ow stop

Hitting me you’re dead no no don’t hurt me don’t hurt me no I’m so scared wait what it gave me bombs and it didn’t say I killed you in chat did you spotted clothes what the heck Sonny yeah trap uh what the heck why this is so

Annoying Sonny how am I supposed to know which one is the real Sunny by killing all of my clones okay guess I have no choice Sunny hey Sunny yeah you’re never gonna find me bro my hiding spots to go to too cold actually too cold all right

Well I’ll ask my first question are you inside or are you outside I am inside yes it’s quite nice here actually okay you say inside which makes me believe you’re not inside the house but inside the yacht I’m coming to find you sonny oh I’m so rich and wealthy yes the

Stacks Sunny where are you if I were to answer that it would defeat the whole purpose of this game called hide and seek I know you’re close Sonny I can smell smell you bro there’s no way I stink I just bought new deodorant yeah this smell is really strong from behind

This door hey Sonny ow ow ow no it’s another clone that’s right you thought you were on to me but I had backups Sonny how many clones do you have maybe like four thousand dude there’s no way you have 4 000 clones quit the cap quit

The cap all right I have four clones maybe three is four clones including yourself so like three clones plus you is four or four clones plus two is five you’re not supposed to be that smart melon it’s four including me and that’s your last question you’re out of hints

Dang it okay where are you I’ve just gotta hunt down two other clones and potentially one real Sunny oh where are you hiding oh Sunny I’ve spotted another oh it’s not you it’s a clone again die die this clone was guarding something Sonny the book it’s your final plan I’m gonna spam this

Room with sunny clothes when melon gets down here he’ll be doomed oh they’re oh no melon please don’t come down here I forgot to cover up the secret ladder ah no yeah Sonny I heard a door open up I know you’re down here it’s over for

You son what what why there’s so many what the heck no it’s over for you Mr melon suddy you dirty cheat and in five four three two one zero that’s time I win this round of hide and seek darn you Sunny okay melon for round two I’m just

Gonna start counting while I’m down here you’ve got two minutes to find your hiding spot oh man I’m such more than enough time huh just you cheated I’m gonna play dirty too Sonny I wish you the best of luck with your cheats I can see everything I’m sure you can Sonny

I’m so scared where do I want to hide think of a goated hiding spot okay sunny and I did agree to know ghost blocks this game but since he decided to use clones I don’t think that matters I’ve got the perfect plan if I can get right up there and convert those two

Bookshelves into ghost blocks he’ll never find me creative mode uh yeah uh break break and now my secret Leia has been constructed all right Sonny I’m ready I’m really happy for you melon cause you almost ran out of time bro you had 10 sec it’s left and now I’m gonna

Seek you out and destroy you yeah sure okay guys all that I need to do track down melon is go back to my secret location check this out inside of my top secret bunker I have something special to show you never seen before I’ve got a screen right here and a watermelon block

That’s linked up to melon’s brain when I flick this lever I’ll be able to see whatever he and activate oh let’s see he’s upstairs maybe where is this place it looks familiar uh yeah I see the staircase leading up yeah I can see the books oh this is perfect

This is perfect let’s go man my spot is crazy no way Sonny’s ever gonna find me okay melon for my first question are you upstairs or downstairs I am uh staring upwards you’re staring upwards huh gotta be around here somewhere maybe he’s in here hello oh wait melon I found you look

No you didn’t you have no idea where I’m at oh I’m literally looking right at you very funny Sonny how’d you even get my head wait you could see this no I mean I can’t see anything what are you talking about you literally looked right at it

How are you flying yeah you can see me that means you’re around here somewhere well no creative you cheater oh my bad sorry about that now if I was a watermelon where would I hide guys look at him his arm is sticking out of the bookshelf he’s so stupid melon uh second

Question for you are you uh hiding inside of a ghost block or something even though that’s against the rules uh uh yeah I knew it I knew it you’re the one that made a bunch of clones how was that not cheating because we never specified in the fine print if clones

Were illegal oh God Sonny you’re such a dirty cheat wait a second what are you wearing on your head this looks kind of fun uh these are called googleez of Teru Vision uh um uh guys I gotta go I gotta go he knows where I’m at he knows where I’m at

I gotta get out of here uh Sunny yeah what do you want one from me get out of there you cheat I win dang it why do you always have to cheat and how are you always one step ahead of me that is for me to know and

You to find out when you watch this video later yes that was awesome the melon Vision was perfect whatever Sonny you got two minutes to hide okay guys for this third hide and seek round I’m gonna use the time clock to freeze time on melon and troll him so let’s not actually even

Hide let’s go somewhere out in the open to prank him I’m thinking yeah up here on the yacht seems pretty good melon I’m ready you’re already ready that was way fast wait Sonny I literally can see you right now I don’t think you can bro

That’s not true I just saw I I can see your feet poking out right now all I’ve gotta do is come over there and touch you and it’s game over no way no way activate time freeze and now he can’t move or see me or do anything now just run away and go

Somewhere else and troll him let’s see up here looks pretty good yeah up on top of the bushes and unfreeze wait what the heck where did you go did you ender pearl out of here yeah I ender pearl you’re right Sonny you scumbag I’m getting over there right now no more

Ender pearls it’s over for you and time freeze yeah over for who I’m gonna go on top of the second floor of the Mansion now and unfreeze and then I’m gonna get you into uh what what the heck how do you keep teleporting your ender pearls

Are so slick I don’t even see them I know I’m quick with it that’s it sunny I’m coming for you wait what are you holding in your hand an ender pearl it’s a new one it’s called a yellow Pearl that looks like the time freeze clock Sunny why are you holding a clock

You figured it out bro I’m freezing time so that I can dodge you sonny how am I supposed to catch you that’s not even fair you’re not supposed to catch me I’m supposed to win cause I’m the goat I’m the best I’m the best I’m the best

That’s it I’ll get you Sunny one way or another oh no Melanie you to try and kill me I’m so scared oh no don’t freeze yes and now I’ll activate my mimics I gotta show you guys this it’s really cool put a bunch of chests around him he’s gonna be really confused and

Freaked out yes some over here as well oh yes and then I will just go on to the next balcony and unfreeze why are there chests over here Sonny with your time freezing it’s so annoying I put a lot of loot in those chests for

You you should check it out oh to give me a fair chance you’re so nice wait what what the heck is that what is that that was awesome dude why are there evil monster chests that are trying to eat me you should have looted it faster there’s

Actually items in it that’s it guys if I want to catch sunny I need a weapon of equal power I’m heading to the ender pearl chest wait what the heck there’s a God Sword in here too this is perfect all I’ve got to do is sneak up on him

With some ender pearls and then destroy him I actually have a chance even if it’s just point one percent I feel like Doctor Strange when he’s calculating all the multiverses and in only one I succeed I’m living in that one Universe hey Sonny hey melon you want to see some

More mimics you scumbag Sunny yo Rue the day I promise you you will rule the day in the next two seconds wait what how ouch no scent how the heck did you get ender pearls let’s go I actually did it well Sunny you think you’re the only one

Cheating I actually made myself an ender pearl chess before this round started yeah and what about that sword bro there’s no way you just magically got the world’s most powerful sword in Minecraft I don’t know dude it was just in the chest when I opened it so

All right Sonny give me my two minutes your two minute timer starts now and get rid of that stupid time clock sunny it’s not fair all right I put it in the hot tub no one can use it here we go guys you know I’m a bit of a bookworm right

But I’m gonna hide in the bookshelves once again but I’m not gonna use a ghost block or anything that’s detectable by the goggles of true Vision that dirty cheat thinks he can get me no way I will show him who the old cheat is bada boom now I’m practically undetectable unless

He goes on the mountain for some reason but let me just uh let me just patch that up and now I can’t be found all right Sonny I’m ready and I’m ready too when I find you melon I’m gonna turn you into a porcupine shish kebab what does

That even mean it means I’m gonna put a lot of arrows into you and then I’m gonna stick you on a barbecue I cook you in a roasted watermelon uh I kind of like shish kebab but don’t roast watermelon that’s not cool even though I’ve heard it tastes like ham I’m pretty

Sure it tastes delicious now then if I was a melon where the heck would I be hiding guys it’s okay I don’t need him to answer my questions because I have another secret trap gotta go down here go down and then show you guys what the secret emerald block lever does once I

Flicked this smell it should be glowing let’s see it worked there he is oh this is good he’s gonna think he’s hidden and he’s got like some really cool spot but I’m just gonna sneak up on him shoot him in my idea better idea let’s go in creative

Mode and get some TNT whoa so many options guys I don’t even know what I should pick lightning let’s start with that because it won’t destroy everything but it’ll certainly scare him Sonny you’re not gonna find me I’m gonna win this hide and seek even though you

Cheated I don’t ever cheat bro I just use secret special techniques oh this one sounds fun the troll TNT well you don’t like special techniques I don’t like special techniques when they explicitly Break The Rules I don’t remember there being a rule against no clones yeah no time freezes Sonny you

Know what you’re doing you started a war there you cannot finish you think so what are you doing nothing definitely not grabbing these items I don’t like this evil laugh and now it’s time for me to track you down melon first question are you inside or outside I’m inside

Melon second question are you near uh maybe like kitchen tables or something like that no no but why did I just hear TNT go off Sonny what are you doing what is happening oh oh thunder thunder I hate Thunder I don’t know bro I don’t

Know what the heck is that uh what is what are you okay are you okay uh Sunny what why did you do those that was just to explode I think it was probably the lightning storm bro it got crazy out there I want to see what the spamming

TNT does it sounds really interesting yo what it’s gonna lag our whole game what is this why is there dirt getting thrown everywhere okay I had to get rid of that dirt guys who’s gonna like our game too much and now it’s time for the finale of

Finales let’s just see if melon’s in here oh he thinks he’s hidden does he he thinks he’s safe does he and then I’m gonna go like this and like this what is happening what the heck is that a what did I just see we got to evacuate the

House there’s a storm what is going on Sunny to know you found me yeah I was gonna say by the way I found you dang it we gotta get out of here what have you done what have you done I didn’t do anything bro Ah that’s do upstairs it’s

Doomsday Sonny I have one heart I have why I’m dead oh this was awesome and you know what else is awesome pressing that like And subscribe button do it quick before our vacation house gets destroyed yo Sonny bro how much netherrite did you get I only got two you only got two

Ancient debris bro I got 17 and a bunch of gold so I’ll be able to smelt this down into nether riding Goods bro you got 17 are you kidding me yeah bro let’s get home and cook it up Sony let’s get to schmelting and uh could I maybe have

Some of that ancient debris how much do you want melon um look I know you got a lot of it so I just want to make like my tools into netherrite maybe so how many tools do you have four bruh that’s almost all of my debris I’ll pay you back dude I

Promise I just really want to get this full kit okay okay I’m a good friend so you can have wait there’s none left for me if I give you this dude you just have to get one more ancient debris then you can make a pickaxe okay come on please please please melon

Fine bro I’ll let you have it this time I’d probably go find some more in the nether quickly anyways because I’m goated like that yes let’s go finally my netherride scraps are done hey Sunny do you think I could borrow some gold maybe you don’t have gold I let you borrow all my

I’m sorry bro all right you’re lucky I’m feeling so nice and generous and I know you’re gonna make it up for me my birthday’s coming up soon and I expect a big cake yes bro I’ll make it up to you can I have the rest of the gold though

Ah it’s all of it I’ve got none left yes time to make these ingots for netherite ingots let’s go and now come over to the smithing table and I can upgrade my gear melon I hope you appreciate that netherright it cost me hours of my time and one whole diamond

Pick this is all I have left now yo you should uh you should break this Cobblestone right there right here okay oh see you got plenty of use left in that diamond pick let me just patch that up and check out my tools they’re so beautiful no way you wasted netherrite

On a hoe check it out check it out whatever whatever bro you did that so you can Harvest melons yes I did and I don’t regret it Sonny I’m so tired of you melon which is why I’m gonna go take a nap upstairs wait why is our room all

Red how come there’s nothing here for sunny red carpets red bed I guess I have my yellow bed but red banners dude there’s nothing good here maybe in my Barrel I could Spruce this up a bit let me get this and this yeah yeah this is

Gonna look awesome what did I just find uh uh guys why is there a password protected chest here yo what would the code be one two three four five six no uh 69. how about 69 69 yo it worked and what is it melon it’s made me give him my

Right scraps and my gold but he had how much netherrite two stacks of ingots and how much gold one stack of gold and a stack of diamonds this dude look at him he’s working on his melon patches but he left me what he left me nothing and he

Asked me to be kind and generous and give him all the resources I harvested meanwhile he had this I can’t believe melon I can’t believe him I’m changing these carpets too yeah that looks better that looks way better and you know what I’m even swapping his bed that’s right

No more red bed and I’m putting yellow banners everywhere it’s sunny time actually this kind of looks like ketchup and mustard and then I put more yellow here to make myself feel better but I’m still upset I can’t believe him hey melon how are your melon patches going

They’re going great bro I’m gonna make this the biggest batch in the world world how many watermelons do you need bruh I need about 45 hundred that’s crazy and you needed to use my netherrite to do this uh yeah I did actually do you have any more netherride

I’m trying to make a shovel it’ll make this go a lot faster you know what here’s one more yo thanks I need to go oh I appreciate you for saying that melon that’s it guys I’m covering up his farm patch in yellow carpet and Banners that’s what he gets it’s what he gets

And now while he’s fixing his farm I’m gonna go talk to quandale Yo Sonny what did you do to my farm what’s wrong with you I made it prettier bro I’ll remember this I’m gonna get my Revenge Revenge for what bro I put banners down it’s

Fine you went too far this time Sony melon just compost them okay for those you who don’t know quandale is the best Merchant in all of Minecraft look at him one Dale Dingle he’s got that fancy monocle and he’s got the best trades in the world so quando melon’s controlling

Me again he’s had a secret chest full of netherite gold and diamonds but he didn’t tell me about it yeah you’ve got something I could use to get my revenge okay where is it you’ll tell me in exchange for one stack of netherrite deal here you go one stack

Of nether right oh sorry I punched you and all I know you’re freaking out yeah Juan Dale just tell me where you work in your barrels okay I’ll leave you alone you are freaking out the prank items have gotta be around here somewhere he said it’s in his storage

Facility yo I found it look at this floating island deity sand fireworks Hellfire bruh there’s so many epic super TNTs for me to prank melon I think I’ll start with the floating TNT Island oh it’s been a long day of planting melons the patch is growing beautifully I can’t

Wait to see what it looks like tomorrow sleep bro watch it all this place is disgusting oh my God it is gross up here I’m gonna have to fix this in the morning yeah what’s wrong it looks good you have some bread no it looks disgusting Sonny whatever bro just sleep it off

Guys I gotta get out of bed quick melon’s snoring he’s sound asleep what is wrong with him whatever I gotta grab my flint and steel and I’m going into the basement and then I activate the floating island TNT this is gonna be perfect when melon wakes up he’s gonna

Be so confused look at it right above us is a giant sleep for real oh he’s disgusting no he’s disgusting sorry what the heck bro good morning Sonny it’s a beautiful day isn’t it yes good morning melon the sun is rising the birds are chirping it is

Just fantastic weather why is there a waterfall outside of our house what is going on dude I was always there wasn’t it bro that was not hey there’s another one why is there a giant Island above our base what is happening wait for another patch it won’t get any sun like

This you don’t need any sun on your melon patch bro this is so ugly what happened Sonny did you do this I was sleeping bro you really think I could build this in one night bro what’s even up here dude why is her melon what happened I slipped and I fell

I don’t want to talk about it okay guys before I use my next Super troll melon fake water I’m gonna dump this off the top of this island down towards his melon patches he’s gonna think it’s just normal water healthy for the growth of his farm but then it’s

Gonna destroy him more maybe one over here yeah this looks good and now when he’s dealing with that I’m gonna take the sand Firework and put it inside of the house what is going on what is ow ow why is there poisonous water bro I gotta get rid of this melon it’s destroying

Your crops no no I gotta go all the way up I gotta go all the way up and plug this water get rid of it dude the melon farm you need to bring it back to life quickly okay guys while he’s busy doing that I put a sand firework another sand

Firework and let’s see what happens in that room wait what exploded melon you heard something bro I just heard an explosion I’m coming down in a second I gotta plug this water up though good idea good idea what is happening I think everything’s fine dude I don’t see

Anything wrong right now dude there’s definitely explosions going on right now is there really that’s weird I got rid of all the water I’m coming out what is happening dude everything looks fine I’ve just been watching your melons where is the normal water yo double water what happened there were some explosions

The house okay Sonny’s even checked what what wait what’s going on in our house bro dude that is so weird how does that happen Sonny did you bring the beach inside what have you done no you must have been pranking me what happened when you went on to the floating island bro

You not blame this on me this was definitely you get back here I’m gonna kill you for the sunny get back here wait what kill me I was watching over your melons yeah good job look at them they’re all destroyed not all of them see look this one’s alive this one’s

Alive get back in leave me alone you gotta tend to your feet oh yes all the sand is finally gone guys melon’s been cleaning up the house for ages now I’m gonna ruin his day check this out I’m gonna take Hellfire TNT and I’m gonna go like this and this

Just in case I need a little extra and it’s gonna be one two three four five and a secret pressure plate right about wait let me grab these blocks here and then I just leave the house and start threatening his crops melon I’m destroying your melon patch what the

Heck get back here get back here Sonny don’t you dare all right we’ll stop you wait yeah what was that sound wait what is going on what’s going on what have you done what have you done I’m on fire I’m dying melon our house what happened it’s completely destroyed what did you

Do I didn’t do anything I was just breaking your watermelons oh no please tell me please tell me my chest is okay please please tell me it’s okay should be in there somewhere it’s gone my chest is gone what’s wrong dude don’t want to talk about it bro I’m

Building my own house somewhere else okay good luck with that yeah melon nice house you rebuilt that pretty quick chill stay away this is my house we’re not sharing anymore why what happened bro you exploded the last house and put a Giant floating island above it I don’t

Know how you did it but you did it why do you always blame me bro it’s probably something you did to annoy quandale yup stay out I’m warning you stay out fine chill like seriously you need to chill out melon why why do I hear another TNT

What did you do what is that oh my days what have you done melon chill out bro that’s what I’ve done bro I’m going to war I’m going away more Sunny what do you mean just fix your house leave me out of this yeah we’ll get back here Sonny I’m full to the

Right cool down bro I’m Gonna Get You yo another TNT what the heck melon melon chill out come on dude it was just a prank you’re a dead man Sony you’re a dead man please please wait melon melon what’s in this chest this is so weird bro wool TNT what are

You doing what are you doing Sonny what am I doing I don’t know I’m just trying to escape you because you’re dangerous you got dual wielded netherite swords why are you running back to my house cause it’s the only safe place I could think of what are you doing Sonny what

Are you doing you better not detonate a TNT in there you better not detonate anything I’ll let you go if you don’t detonate any TNT what do you mean I said deal you probably just blew that up with your own wool TNT no you’re dead you’re dead

Sonny my house is gone you did that you just found wool TNT and then you’re framing me what the heck’s wrong with you you’re dead you’re dead my house is gone melon I’m sorry bro I thought it was funny it was just meant to be a harmless prank well it wasn’t harmless

Sonny I spent two hours rebuilding and you blew it all up can I make it up to you I’ll make you a new house if you build me a new house I’ll forgive you okay it’s gonna be an island resort you see right here you’re gonna have your

Very own tropical island check it out what is that I’m building it for you bro you just exploded a house into existence how are you doing this you’re welcome isn’t she pretty I mean she’s all right she’s like not even half the size of my other house and it’s also really tiny

Yeah but look in the chest dude yo I forgive you sonny everything’s okay let me take all that though yes my precious my precious and look melon I’ll even give you a place you can sleep at night nice and cozy oh thank you so much honey

And melon I was gonna try and fix your crops but it’s getting a little dangerous now it’s night time all right let’s just go to sleep Sonny and get up in the morning good idea good idea do you mind if I sleep outside of your home

Oh yeah you can dig a hole okay thank you wait a second how is he asleep so fast I only had time to break three or four blocks What is wrong with melon those are not normal sound effects I don’t understand how he sleeps that’s it what was that sound what’s going on what’s going on why are there so many mobs melon go back to sleep you’re just having a nightmare bro how am I supposed

To sleep in this environment do you see how many things are in here there’s two cows and iron bro I’m not gonna be able to sleep I’m not gonna be able to sleep I don’t know bro you were a louder snorer than any of these animals bro

What have you done melon you’ve got to protect your Diamonds though there’s diamonds in your chest I’m gonna steal them give me my diamonds give me my diamonds give me them yes yes okay what’s that sound what the heck is that yes what is going on get destroyed bro I

Don’t even know what’s happening oh let me out two hearts two hearts two hearts and you’re dead no okay guys it’s been a few days since anything weird’s happened I lost my armor in that last Shenanigans so it’s time for me to get myself some diamonds and I found the perfect cave

Look at this I see diamonds over there to spawn any more diamonds I don’t know well there’s gotta be tons in here just gotta fend off some of these mobs water bucket clutch I like to go zombie we got he ain’t gonna do nothing zombie yeah yo guys I’ve been tracking melon

Down in this game system I think he’s trying to get some diamonds what is he doing yo what is this yo Channel spider oh I don’t want him to see me I gotta stay secret out here I’m lurking in the shadows yo diamonds diamonds all right

Oh no there’s a witch no way he’s already got diamonds very sneak give me these diamonds I’ve got to get down here quick guys he’s already found diamonds gotta sneak up on him two diamonds let’s go come on oh I don’t want him to see me

I don’t want him to see me oh that was close okay I’m sneaking up slowly but surely I gotta get a little closer he’s collecting some gold whoa what is this thing Creeper Creeper no you’re gonna blow my cover gun powder Redstone give me that guys I’m actually

Gonna sneak up on him he missed this diamond too let me take that oh yeah so satisfying very nice and then I’m gonna drop down right behind melon he’s fighting creepers yeah there’s some diamonds here hold on let me get rid of this zombie no watch this what is that

What is that what’s up sonny what are you doing hey melon yo chill I just thought you wanted to go to the end yo relax honey relax I don’t want to relax I want to give you the Ender Dragon no there’s you’re gonna erase you’re gonna erase

The diamond stop yep probably give me this give me these quick Sonic you made me lose my diamonds why would you do that chill bro I did it because I wanted to I don’t know what you mean but a football diamonds let’s go yes yo guys Bella’s gonna try and get those diamonds

But he has no no clue what’s about to happen let me build up a little bit I tried to warn him I gave him a hint I said because and now I dropped the honey TNT and I light it up oh boy yeah only two diamonds that’s kind of lame what

The heck Sonny why would you do that you’re dead another right from me and you had a secret chest full of it get back here you scumbag yo where’d you go where’d you go hit me hit me you coward no oh God no no this is not good this is not

Good let me out let me out the Swarm please kill him my Beast I can make it out of here I can make it out of here no good luck with that melon good luck no they’re swarming let me out there’s only one way out and it’s in

A body bag or should I say a Beady bag okay sonny I’m really sorry I shouldn’t have done that I just I’m addicted to the netherite man I can’t help myself take it back yeah well what do you have to say about the gold and the Diamonds

Okay I’m sorry bro I just love it too much melon you have a problem and all you have to do to fix it is share it with me I want some of the loot too I’m so sorry can you please forgive me yes melon I forgive you and can you also

Accept my apology I’m sorry I trolled you so hard today and to make it up to you I’ve got x-ray TNT it’s gonna help you find all the diamonds yo actually let’s go you’re forgiving Sonny let’s do this if we work together we could become overpowered in no time and activate come

On come on come on dude yo there’s diamonds here diamonds right over here oh this is beautiful you know what else is beautiful that like And subscribe button press it now today in Minecraft I’m gonna be pranking melon for 100 days like the video right now to turn the

Floor into lava three two one oh subscribe right now to save me three two one thank you hey that’s not fair please yes finally we got diamonds melon we finally got diamonds yo let’s go you mean I found diamonds no melon melon melon stop melon stop [ __ ] it [ __ ] it

Please no all right sweet I got diamonds let’s go what is wrong with you bro don’t dude it’s just a game man chill out we just spent two hours looking for those diamonds bro relax we’ll find some more but for now I’m rich yeah sure bro whatever you say Sonny no hard

Feelings right it was just a joke uh uh sure bro okay I’m gonna go craft myself a diamond ax now that’s it guys I’m so finished with melon Shenanigans I’m gonna prank you for the next 100 days to get my revenge if I’m gonna pull this off I need to call the server

Admins yo quandale could you be a homie and give me creative mode I really gotta prank melon let’s go guys it worked I’ve got creative mode and I saw melon run out into the distance so for this first prank here on day one of my revenge I

Just need to come inside of the house and do a little bit of Renovations yeah that looks pretty good and then let’s go straight down oh yes he absolutely deserves this dig this pit a little bit deeper that should work and then we fill it up with lava [ __ ] it

Let the melon cook and I grab some ghost looks like this cover it all up cover it all up nothing suspicious to see here at all hey melon can you at least share one of those diamonds with me bruh Sonny I literally just made a diamond ax I’m

Sorry melon can I borrow that ax please I want to harvest our sheep yes honey what are you doing Sunny I’m harvesting them bruh you can borrow the ax in the face come back here Sonny what the heck dude come here what the heck no no get

Trolled burn melon Sonny what have you done we lost the diamond ax what is wrong with you there was no we in this that was your diamond ax and now it’s gone now cook stop okay so for day two of these pranks I’ve got a great idea I’m just gonna destroy the bookshelves

Implement a Sentry turret had a disguise module so melon won’t suspect a thing and then I’m gonna call him over for a nice fresh meal why don’t I bake him a cake yes and I’ll place it right there hey Melody you smell that bro I just

Baked you a cake that smells good dude I’ve been living off of raw beef since you murdered me yo chill just come inside dude there’s cake on the counter what the heck why is there a turret no let me out let me out no I can ask my

Brother here no come on let me ask my way out of here no sonny accent nowhere to hide bro there’s nowhere to hide I can I can hide I can hide yes three hearts what’s your turret gonna do now I don’t know you tell me you barely survived why are you trolling

So hard I can’t even go in my own house anymore it’s day three of these pranks and for this next one I’m gonna put melon’s head on and then I’m gonna taunt him over to the farm animals and leave him super confused you’ll see why melon

Where are you bro I was just about to head in the Ravine wait Sonny why are you wearing my head I thought it looked good don’t you agree no it looks really bizarre and also what the heck is going on with the farm animals they look so

Scuffed what is this cow doing he’s at the Disco bro he’s break dancing yo he broke out what the heck is happening why what the wait what what did you do to my fences what do you mean your fences are still there why can’t I walk straight

Through them this makes no sense no way are your fences glitched are your fences all glitched dude this is fine the carpet’s good all the animals they’re escaping what the heck suddy that’s our food what did you do what did you ghost blocks why Sunny why this is your food

Get back here Sonny I swear I’m gonna kill you I’m out I’m out of here half a heart let’s go it’s day four of my pranks and I’ve got Melanie out in the open now melon won’t be able to resist asking her out on a date the only thing is there’s

Some TNT located underneath and all that’s left to do is take a nice button and a little sign and write a convincing message press button for a date with Melanie and now I just wait in the show Shadows I just gotta hide right here and sooner or later melon will notice oh

Just came out of the caves got myself full iron armor I’m geared up looking fine and wait is that Melanie yo she looks so beautiful press button for a date with Melanie Oh What A Time To Be Alive let’s go on it wait what was that sound no no no

It worked it worked oh my gear it’s gone but even worse Melody she’s completely gone there’s nothing left how’d you like your hot date Sonny what’s wrong with you that better not have been the real Melanie I swear sunny it’s day five of pranks and I’ve got something explosive

Up my sleeve take a look at these if I type the word mine there’s these explosives for every ore in the game let me take some iron and some coal because melon just lost all of his armor he’s probably gonna need some fresh resources soon so let’s just spice these up a

Little bit just a little bit oh yeah that looks pretty good some more coal here a little more iron over here it’s too juicy he won’t be able to resist it and a couple extra pieces of coal like that all that’s left to do is grab a

Couple of ghost blocks so I can have a secret hiding spot right up here should do and now if I go in here I could see everything and no one will know I’m here guys I need to get my armor back I can turn this cave where’s the iron oh iron

Give me this iron right here come on stay away zombies can be this iron ski yes there was only one arm there’s more iron IC hole yo mine up the iron first give me this oh what the heck it actually worked guys why did that iron explode

Was this sunny again was this freaking Sunny melon there’s a really weird creature in this mine shaft I don’t understand it’s like a slime player what is this sunny why are you down here why do I see your name tag I’m just keeping an eye on things look these after you

Bro look at that guy wait what the heck why is he so quick too ow I didn’t even touch an ore that time that slime guys up to no good dude guys it’s day six of Franks I’m gonna do something crazy I need world edit for this check this out

I’m replacing water with fake water it’s gonna make it so deadly near here and then I am going to construct a diving board melon loves to swim so he won’t be able to resist this perfect and then away up that looks perfect and now to

Pull this prank off all I gotta do is hit undo and that’s all safe water for me to dive in and then I’ll add her back when it’s melon’s turn yo bro where are you I got something cool to show you dude I was taking a nap

What’s up I built something epic you know how you love to swim yeah I made the tallest diving board Sunny is this a prank if I touch this diving board am I gonna explode no I’m on it right now and I’m in survival mode so everything’s

Normal okay uh here you could even push me in ready go yes epic that was coded okay so this isn’t fake water you didn’t take any damage let’s go it’s all normal what the heck it’s fake water you lied oh yo guys I want to hike up this mountain

And grab these pumpkins dude I think they’d be great decorations for our house let me up guys I’m gonna egg melon Sonny what’s wrong with you stop trolling I’m trying to grab pumpkins and appreciate this view how do you even have that many eggs I have an army of

Chickens that poop them out every day bro you is weird just let me grab these pumpkins in peace guys I’m gonna make melon so tiny yo what the heck what what why can’t I jump up these blocks why am I so so small no what the heck Sonny

What are you doing to me is this you I don’t even know what that is I’m just throwing eggs bro I can’t even make it I can’t jump anymore I can’t go up these bro why this is so toxic time to make him even tinier what the heck bro I’m

Like one pixel now I’m literally the size of a pixel what the heck did you do melon where’d you go I can’t even see you sonny that’s it stay away from me stay away is that you I don’t know what you’re talking about I just hear a

Little squeaky voice I can’t even see you melon what happened dude you did something you’ve been trolling so hard recently it’s annoying bro at least you’re so small you could go in these little caves and make I chill yo I just sent you flying bro I’m still strong ow

Ow yeah very strong Sony that’s it I’m not leaving the house for the day you troll way too hard what the heck why is the front door blocked with Cobblestone still why it’s because you were getting shot up by a century turret I’m getting rid of this Cobble you’re so troll guys

While melon’s destroying that I am gonna set his scale to be enormous scale set let’s do like five big man melon what’s going on why can’t I move why can’t I walk right now yo I’m crawling I’m gigantic what is happening melon why are you taking up half the house bro why am

I crawling right now and why am I so huge guys I’m gonna make him even bigger what did you do Sunny why am I burning why do I see just wood no no what have you done the heck I’m dying oh my God Sonny I can’t see anything what have you done

You look so stupid hold on let me help let me oh okay melon here this should help I’m alive oh I’m dead are you kidding me melon we just found a Pillager Outpost let’s go I hope to have some crazy potion in there dude they better have loot yo check out what’s

Captured they have a laser in here bro we gotta set them free Yo kill this boy get out of here you are very mean sir oh no oh no they flanked us Sunny they flanked us what the heck how’d they get behind us Kill Em Kill Em We Must

Destroy all of them melon you move in I’ll go around the far side I’m gonna free the lace be free okay guys what Mel is trying to free those delays I’m gonna give him the craziest potion effect effect give big man melon bad Omen but look at this it’s gonna be four ever

He’s so done for yo I got a goat horn dark oak this is trash bro where’s the golden potion at least I can do this yo did you hear their horn or is that you I’ve sounded the horn we’ve conquered the Outpost let’s go you set the olays

Free right yeah nice dude that’s absolutely goated now let’s just go head home quickly Sunny we made it home let’s put the goat horn on display one last blow yo that thing is so cool we gotta show it off for all our friends put an item frame or something I got you Sunny

Okay guys well melon is setting up the goat horn display I’m heading downstairs swapping to creative mode and I’m gonna grab a villager spawn egg cause if you remember he’s currently got bad open forever but if I put some villagers here and give them a nice roll it looks like

A raid is starting up yo why is there raid happening what the heck melon it’s cause you blew that goat horn no way that’s it dude where are they coming from they’re everywhere this makes no sense we’d have to have a villager for a raid to start

And I didn’t even have bad Omen what the heck is going on are you sure bro you were blasting that goat horn like it was nothing true maybe I got at that villager Outpost I completely forgot there’s just one more Raider there’s just one more Raider where is this man

Guys well melon’s looking for the last Raider I’m gonna grab a sharpness 1000 stick and smack him in the back of the head with a Pillager attacks in bro I don’t know where this Pillager is at we’ve gotta keep an eye out otherwise this raid is never gonna end guys I

Should just flash myself with invisibility and perfect yo Sonny I found him oh there’s a lot of mobs down here he’s in the cave he’s in the cave he’s stupid clothes why are there so many of them what is happening yo why is there a little baby oh my God Sunny need

Help I need backup I need backup I don’t even know where you went bro this is not good this is not good help me I’m in the cave there’s a lot of caves melon I don’t know what that means gotta clear out these mobs bro Sonny I’m gonna kill

Him I’m gonna kill him dude get him get him what he just one shot me wait a second slain by Big Man sunny what the heck Sonny how did you kill me instantly I don’t know what you’re talking about it’s probably because I punched you on accident earlier what the heck have you

Done Sonny we finally defeated the raid it’s been a long day though I can’t wait to go to sleep it sure has dude I’m gonna put this Banner here so pillagers know not to mess with us anymore dang straight oh I deserve this rest how are

You feeling Gort yeah I feel sleepy too wait that’s why we got raided you had gourd upstairs bruh you know what gourds chill like that all right and now he’s taking your bed so you’re stealing my bed what I gotta go sleep here in the bathroom dang it okay guys this is

Actually perfect well melon thinks I’m trying to sleep I’m actually gonna pull off the ultimate prank I just gotta grab a little bit of world at it copy one location there fly up to like say here get the next position oh this is gonna be too funny copy it and then there

Should be a ruined nether portal over here there is I’m going to the Nether and I’m bringing the house with me check this out it’s beautiful oh wait what’s going on bro why is it so hot in here and why are there red particles everywhere what the heck I’m gonna check

Out the window what the heck why am I in the nether what is going on melon melon it’s so hot it’s so hot why hey why are we out here I’m so confused what is going on we’re stranded out here I think we can at least make the most of it get

In the lava no why Sunny no hey I’m back in the normal world and the house is okay wait that’s perfect let’s go maybe it was just all a bad dream okay goats we just got back from the nether melon thinks he was having a nightmare that it was all just a bad

Dream so let’s make it extra spicy oh yes I’m creating a wander melon Army that will destroy big man melon I need more more reinforcements more clones I’m even gonna put some inside of the house oh yes this is brilliant good morning melon good morning melon good good

Morning melon good morning why are there so many melons here what are you doing Sunny what is go what the heck is happening I thought what I thought another was a nightmare this is even worse wait maybe I’m still sleeping please wake up please wake up

Why are there so many melons no this is not good this is not good no let me out of the corner please no I’m gonna die wait a second big man melon was slain by Big Man melon dude are you okay there’s so many what the heck is this in a

Nightmare this is real life dude you’re not sleeping I’m right here bro get rid of these melons oh thank you they’re all gone no they’re more outside let me in let me in let me in blue Sonny what are you doing like nothing’s going on okay I’m just

Gonna go back to sleep so why are they inside bruh it’s now day 35 and I’m gonna pull off the most extravagant get this out I just need to paste something in it’s a little FedEx truck cause melons he’s on the way all I need to do is

Change my skin and perfect I’m now a FedEx delivery driver now as a FedEx driver all I’ve got to do is distract melon with a password protected chest 6969 he’d never guess that one and there’s nothing inside of it but what there is gonna be is me the FedEx driver with a

Say goodbye TNT blasting him now all I’ve got to do is alert melon by Hawking the whole born wait bro is the FedEx guy here finally yo he is where are my packages yo what’s up Mr dude is it okay if I go grab my package real quick

That’s Mr melon your FedEx delivery is in the back of the truck all right man thank you that guy sounds a little goofy but I don’t want to tell that to his face all right wait what the heck why is there a password protected chest what’s the password Mr melon you set the

Password yourself oh yes I forgot I am just the driver I don’t choose the password one two three four what is it I don’t understand what the no oh that X guy what the heck why I lost all my stuff why yes Mr melon I am the FedEx

Guy get destroyed that’s it sunny get back here you’re dead you’re dead no I’m the goaded parkour you’ll never catch me I’m out of here why are you so quick Sonny why would you do that you destroyed half of our house now I’ve got to repair the house because Sony’s a big

Idiot and used a giant TNT to troll me this guy Mel has been working on repairing this house for days guys now it’s time for me to do something really goofy check this out I go up really high and then it’s like Boop creeper bombs why there but yeah why are there

Creepers no not the house I was fixing no get out of here get out of here what is happening oh at least I’m safe in this open area nothing can hurt me here a hundred of them what the heck yo yo how did I survive I’m actually gonna go

Guys melon thinks he’s powerful what happens if a hundred ravagers entered his server what the heck that was really quick he died so fast bro there’s no way I’m gonna get my loot back how am I ever gonna defeat these ravengers at least they can’t get me up here melon thinks

He’s safe in here I’m thinking a hundred husks should do the trick what okay guys I’m in an infinite depth Loop this is not fun this is not fun uh uh uh I’m just gonna disconnect I rejoined and all of them are gone yes I’m a

Genius I am so smart guys it’s been 10 days since my last prank and I just saw this chest in our house melon’s chest do not touch Sunny he’s really angry with me as you could see and what’s in here three diamonds you’re right I won’t

Touch that chest I don’t need to instead I’m gonna carve out another secret area right around here should be pretty good and I’m gonna get myself some item Hoppers and my own super duper secret chest and now all I have to do is install these Hoppers to steal his Loot

And it’s gonna end all the way over here at my top secret password protected chest because I don’t want melon stealing my stuff and then I just gotta go like this and these all the way over just gotta go a little further and perfect that loot is all mine cover it

Up so he doesn’t notice and there’s nothing suspicious here at all and all that’s left to do is set up a secret entrance open this up and install some ladders now melon will never know I’m here one two three four and I stole his three diamonds all I’ve got to do now is

Wait for him to deposit more loot yo guys I just had a big trip in the mines and I got 16 diamonds let’s go now I just gotta deposit them into my chest here oh that’s not the door right don’t tell me there’s still ghost blocks here

Good he got rid of uh why is there a creeper are you kidding me well at least you give me a shortcut guys I really hope that didn’t blow up any of my secret blocks no I enter my very own private chest and deposit the wait why

Are they training what’s going on why are they draining I can’t take them out what’s happening no bro what just happened what just happened happened guys melon’s freaking out let’s see if it’s working come on Yo 19 diamonds and a chest dude what the heck why is there

A hopper below my chest there’s another Hopper why what is going on bro what the actual heck password protected chest bruh give me this what’s what’s the password six nine Sunny you Scott back yo I got in my diamonds aren’t even there guys I got the loot I got the loot

I’m bringing it back to my secret Barrel he’ll never find them are you kidding me Sonny what have you done look melon I just found this random chest Sonny you scumbag you took my diamonds didn’t you do you have any evidence of this melon oh there’s a secret chest and does it

Have my name anywhere or fingerprints or something sunny I know it was you I’ll remember this innocent until proven guilty all right guys time to Chef up give me this cook up this cold cook up this iron I also need to cook up some steak somewhere let me craft another

Furnace real quick uh melon just giving you a warning there’s some strange traveler about to attack you in your house what do you mean there’s slime dude no that’s my homie he’s real chill what’s up Mr yo jail what are you doing no he’s got an iron sword bro chill Joe

I don’t think he’s chill bro I thought he was cool he’s like there’s only room for one green character in This Server yeah that’s it he’s stuck in a hole though now you’re dead buddy yeah nice try okay guys while melon’s distracted I’m gonna run a crazy command rotate

Zero one eighty zero and now I flipped our house upside down and I can paste it in somewhere else maybe right about here and and paste oh what the heck just happened dude our house is flipped upside down what did you do Sonny what

Did you do what the heck bro how am I supposed to get down from here dude I am so scared I don’t understand what happened melon what have you done what have you done eat this what have you done bro nothing you just tried to Anvil

Me you scumbag oh dude the basement is now the upstairs this is so weird I kind of like it bro this might be an improvement I don’t know man the basement’s pretty goofy right now Sonny I’ve got to escape there’s only one way down melon be careful bro be careful

Wait I gotta get up top first this is so weird how do I get to the basement you have to climb backwards oh I found it I’m so confused and then I go up the stairs and look oh there’s the stairs then ah this is so annoying melon the

Stairs are right here dude it’s not this hard let me go to the edge rung it Sonny you score back no you got absolutely flattened and then I survived the fall like a goat ow that’s fake water Sonny I’ll be right back I gotta go to the bathroom really bad

Right now yo what you gotta poop or something no comment uh guys I actually think melon just went AFK which is kind of perfect I’ve got an idea I just gotta dig out all these blocks from around him and construct something devious I’m gonna need to be quick the only thing I

Need to do that’s kind of tricky is I gotta Swap this block to slime now I could finish working on the ultimate rocket ship machine and launch him into outer space then I just gotta make a little bit more room here check this out this is gonna be such a good prank and

Then a little bit more slime right here and then look at my design I just need two pistons and some Redstone this is super easy just need a sticky piston down like that and a normal piston up here like that make sure it’s not touching anything because then it would

Go horribly wrong and pretty much all I gotta do is take this redstone block and place it right here then the rocket ship will lift off yeah Mom no I’m playing Minecraft yo guys Mel is yelling at our mom and now liftoff yo it’s working it’s actually working it’s even carrying this

Extra block that I didn’t break all right I’m back what’s going on Sonny what have you done what have you done why and how I thought you’d appreciate the ride bro you’re going to outer space Sunny you skunk back I’ll make it out of this alive it’s okay I can do this why

Would you want to get off the rocket ship you’re literally go going into space you’re right Sonny but how long will this go on for dude it’s gonna keep going until you get to the moon yeah I’ll see you guys on the moon that’s it

I think I can make it to the water let’s go please wait how am I what how did I not make it to the water that was not even close bro I was so high up I thought for sure I’d make it why is there a random guy here ow chill guys

It’s almost been 100 Minecraft days of pranking my friend melon there’s just one or two things left that I want to do to him I’ve transformed into Spider-Man that’s right spooderman is back in action and ready to destroy Melon now I just need a bunch of cobwebs and spider

Eggs wait what’s that sound uh why are there cobwebs outside it’s your friendly neighborhood spooderman and what the heck where are you Spider-Man what are you doing to my house I’m just improving the design wait Sonny is that you you sound a whole lot like the FedEx guy I

Don’t know about any FedEx people but I am spoderman stop spotting spiders in the house you’re so annoying Sonny what do you mean Sonny how did you know it was me because you have one other voice and you sound exactly like the FedEx guy what do you mean the FedEx guy sounds

Like this um spooderman sounds like this makes no sense no I can’t even run from these spiders they can climb things I gotta go in the poisonous water please I can make it out no it does so much damage and the hero oh save the day

Sunny what did you do why is the whole house TNT if you remember melon 100 days ago you pushed me in lava and ruined my dreams of finding diamonds chill chill wait Sonny that’s what all this pranking for the past 100 days has been about three diamonds it wasn’t even that big

Of a deal yes it was to me and now I’m destroying everything we care about no let me out make sure you like And subscribe today in Minecraft I secretly cloned melon to prank him yo Sonny I just got back from the store Sunny uh

What the heck who is that and why does he look like me like the video right now to make melon’s clones attack him I’ll help quickly go subscribe right now to save me yo melon I’m really hungry for some birthday cake you think we have the ingredients in the

Fridge uh yeah probably misfires awesome wait what the heck we only have one milk bucket I’ll have to go get the rest all right yeah you do that you do that I’m just gonna sit back kick back and relax oh this feels good okay so I think for

Cake I need three milk buckets three pieces of wheat some egg and sugar I should have some more cows in here just gotta grab the milk buckets from up here and get the and that’s three milk buckets checked off the ingredients list now I need a

Little egg you chickens don’t mind if I steal your baby that’s checked off the list just needs some sugar now a fresh sugar cane this cake is gonna be delicious and then I just turned that into sugar and now I just head back home and bake this cake

Feels so good to be near the fire uh are you okay melon what are you doing uh nothing nothing I’m just looking at the fire chilling yo you are weird bro I’m Gonna Bake a Cake She’s gonna put the weed I’ll put that egg that sugar and then milk buckets yeah

Yeah Cake Man cake but if you need more than one cake you know Sunny uh first of all I baked myself a cake and if you want one maybe I could go buy one from quando okay I’ll be right back yeah get a bunch for like the

Rest of the week yeah yeah good idea good idea he’s probably got a lot of cakes on sale right now come on Dale hey quandale I’m looking to buy some cakes brother I know you run a great shop this Bakery better have fresh cakes for me Mr

Dingle uh actually sunny I don’t have any right now wait what do you mean you don’t have any cakes they’re all sold out but I can sell you this cloning device a clothing device that’s actually epic how much does it cost it’s usually two stacks but I’ll sell it to you for

Just one stack of diamonds bruh I can’t afford that I just wanted birthday cake whatever I guess I’ll have to share it with melon guys delicious cake give it to me oh that was delicious I am full to the brim Melon yo what’s up Sunny oh I’m full bro I got bad news quandale doesn’t have any cake for sale today he’s all out oh that is really bad news Sonny I was thinking you would just get the cake and then you’d have a cake for yourself it’s okay

Bro the good news is I’m feeling generous today we can share the cake um about that cake uh wait where’s my cake melon I thought you were gonna buy some more cakes and things are gonna be all right and uh anyways I’m pretty stuffed I’m gonna go take a nap

And a little bit of a food coma did you eat the whole thing yeah I did bro I thought you were getting your own cake calm down I hate you I worked so hard to make that cake and then you just ate the whole thing that’s it guys I’m going downstairs in

The mining area and I’m grabbing our diamonds melon thinks he could just take my cake like that there they are grab this these diamonds I’m gonna go buy this cloning device from quandel diggle and then we’ll see you against the last laugh I can’t believe this guy I work so

Hard I baked that cake I gather the crops I milk cows I bake the cake and then he eats it he eats it he didn’t even leave me one single slice yeah quando I’m back I’ll take that cloning device off your hands please thank you sonny the cloning device is in the

Password protected Barrel to your right and the passcode is just one two three let’s go one two three buckle my shoe oh there it is got the cloning device oh yeah the cloning device still isn’t finished so there’s no calibration or anything and it potentially might not

Even work just letting you know bruh you should have told me that before I paid for it oh that’s cool it’ll still be pretty fun to prank melon with this anyways just hop on by and I can update the firmware once I make a new one oh it

Takes qandale and now I take my cloning device and I head back home to get my revenge okay guys according to the cloning device I’m gonna need to gather three items before I can make a melon clone I need a melon slice melon’s DNA and melon juice it’s actually gonna be

Pretty fun to collect these items hey melon how’s your nap going mmm pretty good I think I’m gonna walk it off now oh that’s a lot of cake in my stomach I ain’t gonna lie I hate him he ate my cake and now he’s bragging about it

Whatever I’m gonna grab this Stone ax I gotta go downstairs in the kitchen there’s a few other supplies I need to gather yep one glass bottle to get the melon juice and I should have some sweet berries here somewhere yes I’m gonna use these to gather his DNA hey melon what’s

Up sonny I got something I want to show you check this out what what is that sunny it’s a Sweet Berry bush just give it a little time it’ll grow up big and strong and then you can enjoy some nice sweet berries okay the berries are ready bro give them a try

Um okay what the heck bro this bush is not nice I’ll gather these up and be on my way oh these will have a lot of melon DNA on them what is wrong with sunny that was the weirdest interaction with him ever I’m getting rid of this bush now I’ve

Just gotta remember where there’s a melon oh yeah cuando’s always got some watermelons in his stash I’ve just gotta go destroy one yes it’s time for you to be sacrificed and now I’ve obtained the DNA and the melon slice all that’s left is a little bit of watermelon juice melon

Where are you you inside yeah I’m just chilling okay I just gotta ask you something real quick what up sonny what’s your favorite type of Sandwich um a knuckle sandwich as much boom ow it worked I mean yeah high five bro that was awesome what the

Heck was that for ow I’m bleeding now a little [ __ ] roosters are dripping okay guys I’ve got the melon juice his DNA is on these sweet berries and I’ve got melon slices all that’s left to do is combine them yes it worked look at the cloning device it’s now locked on to

Melon now I have the power check this out clone yeah it worked but this clone kind of sucks it feels outdated like he’s not even moving around hello can you even hear me bruh this clone sucks I guess quandale did warn me that’s fine I’ll just go along with it hey melon

Come outside your twin brother’s visiting uh what do you want Sonny Bro you’ve just been punching me stabbing me and what the heck is that I told you your brothers visiting he’s from out of town wait I have a brother we shall call you melon too because I’m melon one no

Actually he’s just big head melon look his head is way juicier than yours no no that’s impossible bro how is his head bigger than mine I have the biggest melon of all time not anymore whatever bro I’m so excited I can’t wait to do all sorts of fun things with him like uh

Play hide and seek play hide and seek play hide and seek wait melon did you hear he wants to give you a gift I think you gotta get him something special too um yeah just give me a second I’ll I’ll go get him something real nice I’ll be

Right back just just wait for me big big head melon okay guys well melon’s trying to go find him a gift I’m gonna have his brother big man big head melon number two give him a glycering melon she’s gotta find it it’s around here somewhere

Yeah it’s gotta be one of these chests I thought for sure oh wait here it is grab this and now I’ll put it right in front of the Clone yo melon’s gonna freak when he sees it that’s his favorite item in Minecraft yo what’s up big dome melon I

Figured we’d keep it light and casual and I got you this poppy oh hey what you got me a kiss listening melon what the heck bro these go for like two quadrillion billion diamonds how the heck did you get me this and I just met

You why are you being so nice let’s not exaggerate things it’s not that valuable besides you’ve got hide and seek to play so why don’t you go find your hiding spot oh I got this I’m gonna hide in the most epic spot of all time I’m going in

The mines oh guys well melon’s going into his hiding spot I’ve gotta move the Clone quick otherwise he might catch on to this isn’t even a real person gotta just uh pick him up and I think right here’s the perfect spot for the Seeker just gotta clone them yo that’s perfect

Check out this secret cave area it’s awesome he’s never gonna find me here I’m ready whatever brother melon okay goats I just heard melon says in his hiding spot and the best part is I know exactly where he went he’s just underneath the melon clone just gotta

Break this block right here uh wait what how did you know it actually worked yo that’s awesome maybe brother melon does have the biggest melon he found me like it was nothing and he was drilled through the ceiling and found me you’re a genius do you have anything to say for yourself

Bro this was such a boring hide and seek why don’t we play a better game like um uh Stone paper shears you mean rock paper scissors yeah exactly but the Minecraft version okay how do we play that game Sonny let me go set it up and

Then you and your clone can one versus one I mean you and your brother your brother can one person this is my brother Sonny you’re making that weird dude we don’t even look anything alike we’re not even twins sorry my bad and the game’s ready which

Side do you want to be on I’m gonna pick this side I’ve got a good feeling about this side okay the rules are simple but by the way you get to pick an item out of your chest you place it in the dispenser and so will your brother big

Head melon all right this sounds awesome bro but where is he yeah he’s uh he’s right behind you look over there I don’t see him what are you talking about melon look he’s right here he’s ready to play what he’s not behind how in the heck did

You do that you’re my hero you’re incredibly awesome yeah I’m gonna just let you guys play this one out I’m gonna go inside for a little bit I’ll show you that I am the older melon here in school you in a game of rock paper scissors I

Like your red shirt melon guys that means she’s gonna go rock I know it he’s gonna go wrong guys I’ve gotta hurry I gotta grab it in this potion quick where is it where’s it where is it yes there it is he’s gotta grab this throw it on

My feet real quick and sneak outside I’m gonna cheat on behalf of the melon clone yes this is gonna be awesome all right melon brother remember over every single game is worth 32 diamonds okay guys I’m pretty sure melon picked stone or did he pick paper oh it doesn’t really matter I

Could just go check he put paper okay so now let me just play on behalf of the Clone and grab the shears that would have been awkward and put cheers in here and it’s go time on go ready three two one go wait what no I lost and how do

You have a sword I’m so confused I could have sword all right maybe I’m losing my mind there’s a sword in there you win this game brother but you won’t win the next it’s about to be even take back your stupid blade I shall win this game

Of rock paper scissors guys I know a psychology trick hey melon I’m playing raw and now guys I’m actually gonna play rock yeah let’s just check this one out from my clone he actually put the stone there what an idiot and then I’ll just grab the paper and we’ll just put paper

In there and it’s ready to go in three two one go no no way no this can’t be possible no I’ve lost twice in a row I won’t stop until I’ve won tomorrow what the heck I’ve lost 169 games in a row I’m so broke I don’t even have a

Dispenser anymore yo guys this was so perfect he lost to his clothes so many times and I have all of his diamonds now this is awesome I’m actually broke I’m gonna have to go hit the mines this is not good I think this is a pretty good

Time for me to go upgrade this device with quandale let’s grab the Clone and head to the shop hey quandale it’s time for you to Tinker with this device and upgrade it please alright next time you use this device it should spawn a life-like clone which will be aggressive

Wait a second that is awesome yo I’m gonna create clones that attack melon later guys this is perfect timing melon just got back from his mining trip and he’s sleeping time to use the cloning device to create an aggressive melon ended three two one clone yo it worked

There’s another big man melon yo what’s up brother melon yeah me and sunny play that knuckle okay you can chill you’re gonna kill me but this is just a knuckle sandwich joke game right you’re gonna kill me stop that’s enough why you guys look at the chat big man melon

Was slain by Big Man melon this is awesome dude stop stop it bro stop it this is not funny anymore brother you were so cool yesterday now you look different and weird stay away hey melon hey how are you bro you’re being really sus oh yeah hey Melinda how are you I’m

Good bro but my brother’s being really weird and he’s trying to kill me over and over again like the first time was kind of funny but now it’s just annoying yeah I hate when that happens dude hey it sounds like it’s your problem though I’ve got stuff to take care of well it’s

Our problem he’s in our room sorry melon it’s the middle of the night uh I’ve got a hot date coming up with Melanie no sonny that’s literally cap you know Melanie thinks you’re annoying okay so I know the cloning device is set for melon right now but maybe I could try using it

On myself yo it worked wait why is he aggressive no no no no no chill chill we are friends we are the same we are literally the same chill okay I don’t like this I don’t like this I’m bringing it back to quando for an update that’s

It but first i’m gonna spawn more melon clones inside of our house go go go go we have a big man melon said what the heck what is going on yo yo yo this is not good why are there so many why are there so many I don’t think

These are my brothers anymore they look more like clones stay away stay away no I could get oh well I need update on this device ASAP things are going pretty wrong with it let me take a look at that ah it’s permanently stuck on aggressive mode and it won’t let you spawn any

Regular passive clones I’ll work on it and tell you when to come back again okay okay I’ll give you a couple of days so you can fix it up I’ll be back in 72 hours quandale melon Bella where are you there’s so many of you out here Sonny

What are you talking about bro I’m stuck in my room I need help there’s wild melons on the loose and they’re trying to kill me I was trying to tell you about that earlier but you didn’t listen to me this is not good this is very bad

Bro well the room’s safe so if you can make it up into the room maybe we can think of a plan to defeat whatever these things are yeah good idea I’m on what’s up Mom what’s up ah close the door okay sonny what are we gonna do here do you

Know anything about these things how do we get out I have no clue I don’t even know why they’re here it’s also really strange that they’re even here like who would do something like that like it just doesn’t even make sense you know oh thank I have you to trust Sunny my only

Compadre in this world I think we just give the house to them as a peace offering and go out the window uh yeah that’s not a bad idea because these are uh pretty dangerous clones you know no sorry you left the door open why’d you leave the door are open yeah that’s your

Problem I’m gonna eat these melon slices and watch you run off into the sunset I think all the clones have left the house now I think it’s finally safe there’s a clone head I’ll just put that there I’ve just gotta grab a little food out of the fridge and go visit quandale

I wonder if melon’s gonna ever return home meanwhile guys the mountains are my home now the only place where the Clones can’t get to me yo quondale it’s been three days oh yeah it’s now updated to the Clone Creator version 3.0 now you can create clones and control them from

A separate control room located in the basement of the store oh this is awesome you’re the best quandale I’ve made it to the secret base look at this place the melon clone Factory this is awesome this is perfect all I have to do now is create a melon clone it actually worked

Check it out the perfect clone and now I send this clone to melon it’s working it’s working he’s gone what a beautiful view hey melon oh God oh God climbed them out Come come you me I’m friendly everything’s been fixed the cloning device works great now see you’re right you’re actually talking to me and you’re not trying to kill me this is awesome high five you’re giving me flashbacks please don’t punch me anymore what do you want

To do first clone buddy what do you want to do first hey buddy you want to do first melon buddy what do you want to do first hmm I’m thinking Hmm I’m thinking that week that we you know guys my clone has been teasing melon this whole time

By copying his every move hit the most epic jump above right behind you you and that’s why I’m the better version of myself and that’s why I’m the better version of myself I’ve have a heart calm down okay you’re my clone remember you’re like the worst version

Of me but you’re still pretty awesome because you’re melon yeah calm down I have 10 hearts and remember you’re the worst version of me because I’m the new and improved melon and I want to give you a nice delicious knuckle yo it looks like the Clone wants to become the real

Melon he thinks he’s the new and improved 2.0 no uh so clone buddy you want to hand back that ax and then we can go explore the world together uh clone melon you wanna hand back that ax so we could explore together um thank you okay he’s actually gave me

Back the ax I was really worried he was gonna keep it and murder me with it all right melon let’s go plant the biggest and most awesome melon field of all time I bet you mine will be bigger than yours I bet you it’s gonna be more awesome

Yell melon clone I have a great idea let’s go plant the biggest most epic melon patch of all time that’s literally what I just said also I’m not a cologne you’re the Clone don’t forget that hey don’t forget you’re the Clone and I’m the real new melon and I’m gonna have a

Better melon patch no no I’m the original whoever plants the better melon Fields is the original melon well I’m the new melon I’ve already said that but whoever plants the better melon patch is the best melon and the only male and there’s only room for one of us

Okay uh calm down you’re being weird all right let’s do this all right guys here’s my melon field now no melons have grown yet but all good things take time within the next two weeks I’ll have a riped melons what the heck is this what is this

Hello melon do you notice that I have the better melon farm and you see there’s two skulls right how is this even possible it takes at least two Minecraft days to grow a melon what did you do not when you have the power of science on your side

What is this and you notice the two heads right what is that uh clone melon how did you do that it represents you and me and now there’s only room for one melon in this town uh all right I have the ax I’ll just kill you really quick yeah they’re about

To fight they’re about to fight okay I need to give him some gear sword just throw it into the transporter yeah he’s gonna need this armor too and full the right armor just gotta ship it off now I gotta get out of here die I am the real melon do and improve

Melon blind come down calm down and now it’s all mine dude what the heck is going on I gotta get to Cornell now this is not good a sentient melon clone let’s try to kill me God girl what is he doing what is happening what’s happening why is this clone attacking me

Oh melon this is one of the greatest pranks ever this is so funny what prank bro you literally murdered me actually it wasn’t me it was your own clone I might have created the cloning device with the help of quandale though who helped him create a clone of me to

Harass and murder me actually it was to get revenge cause you ate my cake without permission that’s all of this because I ate your cake are you kidding me Sonny what is wrong with you that’s it that’s it what huh You’re Gonna Do Something ah what is that what

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This video, titled ‘7 Ways To CHEAT In Minecraft Hide and Seek!’, was uploaded by Sunny on 2023-08-30 15:00:05. It has garnered 203331 views and 3379 likes. The duration of the video is 01:50:54 or 6654 seconds.

7 Ways To CHEAT In Minecraft Hide and Seek!

Inspired by Maizen Aphmau Cash Nico Wudo Mongo Omziscool Omz Kory and Jamesy

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    Crafting a Realistic Tub in Minecraft: Game On! In Minecraft, a bathtub so fine, Craft it with care, make it shine. Use quartz for the tub, smooth and white, Add water and soap, a relaxing sight. Place some towels, fluffy and soft, A rubber ducky, floating aloft. Make it realistic, make it fun, In Minecraft, the crafting’s never done. So dive right in, with creativity, In the world of blocks, there’s endless possibility. Create, explore, and build with glee, In Minecraft, the adventure is key. Read More

  • Crafting Chaos: Day 44 of Wood Challenge Madness

    Crafting Chaos: Day 44 of Wood Challenge Madness In the world of Minecraft, day 44 is here, Wood challenge 365, no need for fear. The seed is 5723307720831805568, Join the channel, become a creator’s mate. In the Irish lands, prophecies unfold, Enigmatic characters, stories untold. Greetings to TikTok, @kazzu_026, @tomas_deja_de_leerelmapa, let the rhymes mix. On Twitch and TikTok, the Irish gamer shines, Crafting Minecraft news with rhymes that align. Join the Discord, join the fun, In the world of gaming, we’ve only just begun. Read More

  • Mine Room’s Boom: 100 Days in Bloom

    Mine Room's Boom: 100 Days in Bloom In the world of Minecraft, where creativity thrives, We’re here to bring you the latest news and vibes. From updates to challenges, we’ve got it all, Just sit back, relax, and enjoy the call. Join us on this journey, filled with fun and delight, As we explore the realms, day and night. With MR_detox_Gaming leading the way, We’ll make sure you’re entertained every day. So hit that subscribe button, don’t be shy, Join the NXtreme Gaming family, reach for the sky. With tips, tricks, and gameplay galore, We’ll keep you coming back for more. From Let’s Plays to tech… Read More

  • Ultimate Guide: Create Mod Windmill

    Ultimate Guide: Create Mod Windmill Building a Windmill in Minecraft with Create Mod In this Minecraft video, Ubu demonstrates how to build a windmill using the Create mod as part of a 30-day build challenge. The windmill is designed to produce bread and is powered by a series of intricate mechanical components. Setting Up the Foundation To begin the construction, Ubu replaces Moss blocks with grass blocks and lays out the initial framework using gearboxes, mechanical bearings, water wheels, water, stone, oak planks, and plows. The plows are used to mark out a circular area for the windmill’s operation. Constructing the Windmill After setting… Read More

  • Crafty Kids: Minecraft Masters of Lore!

    Crafty Kids: Minecraft Masters of Lore! In the world of Minecraft, where creativity reigns, Fangkuaixuan brings joy, no room for pains. With animations funny and bright, He crafts a world of pure delight. Children’s eyes wide, watching in awe, As Fangkuaixuan’s tales they draw. From jumping off buildings to forgotten kids, His rhymes bring light to what he bids. In the eyes of elders, children see, A world of wonder, pure and free. But Fangkuaixuan knows the truth, In Minecraft, there’s no need for proof. So leap into the verse, with rhymes so fine, Crafting stories that truly shine. For in the world of Minecraft,… Read More

  • Nether Fortress Discovery in Minecraft 1.20

    Nether Fortress Discovery in Minecraft 1.20 Exploring the Nether Fortress in Minecraft 1.20 Recently, a group of gamers embarked on an exciting adventure in Minecraft 1.20, where they discovered a Nether Fortress. This fortress, shrouded in mystery and danger, offered them new challenges and rewards as they delved deeper into its depths. Unveiling the Secrets of the Nether Fortress As the gamers ventured into the Nether Fortress, they encountered a myriad of hostile mobs and treacherous terrain. However, they also discovered valuable resources and hidden treasures that made their journey worthwhile. Conquering the Nether Fortress Despite the challenges they faced, the gamers persevered and navigated… Read More

  • The Hindi Minecraft Conspiracy: A Blocky Tale

    The Hindi Minecraft Conspiracy: A Blocky Tale In the world of Minecraft, secrets abound, Conspiracy theories, mysteries profound. Herobrine lurking, in the shadows he hides, Players beware, as the truth collides. Dark secrets unravel, in blocks and in code, Unsolved mysteries, on a treacherous road. Conspiracy theories, part of the game, Intriguing and thrilling, never the same. So dive into the lore, with a curious mind, Explore the unknown, what will you find? Minecraft’s depths, endless and vast, Conspiracy theories, a spell they cast. Stay tuned for more, in the world of blocks, Minecraft’s mysteries, like ticking clocks. Conspiracy theory in Hindi, a tale to tell,… Read More

  • Shocking Sights at Sinj’s 2024 Minecraft Art Show! #OMG

    Shocking Sights at Sinj's 2024 Minecraft Art Show! #OMGVideo Information [Music] [ __ ] [ __ ] derivative that I love I absolutely This video, titled ‘2024 annual Minecraft Art Show #memes #minecraft #greenscreen’, was uploaded by Sinj on 2024-06-04 15:52:36. It has garnered 608 views and 16 likes. The duration of the video is 00:00:13 or 13 seconds. Read More

  • GingerShadow’s life-changing decision in Minecraft Sky Wars!

    GingerShadow's life-changing decision in Minecraft Sky Wars!Video Information hello everybody Ginger Shadow here and welcome back to some more Bach Sky Block with me and brother why is there a we H uh didn’t it exactly um um um um I don’t remember this being here when I logged off what have you been up to well me remember that really funny thing that happened where uh we recorded a video and I forgot to press record oh yeah you’ve been doing that a lot the last week yeah we don’t need to talk about that thanks very much um yes let talk about it so… Read More

  • INSANE! Building EPIC wooden house in Minecraft #shorts

    INSANE! Building EPIC wooden house in Minecraft #shortsVideo Information This video, titled ‘Construindo casa simples de madeira #shorts #minecraft #minecraftshorts #trending #viral #ytshorts’, was uploaded by Gamer on 2024-06-13 12:45:30. It has garnered views and [vid_likes] likes. The duration of the video is or seconds. minecraft minecraft shorts shorts herobrine minecraft memes #shorts minecraft meme memes minecraft challenge meme funny … Read More

  • Tico Anarchy Server

    Tico Anarchy ServerThis Server Is Created By Tico Group Full Anarchy Server Whit No Rules discord.gg/JyZhYBfFt2 Free For All No Pay2win ticoanarchy.falixsrv.me:22237 Read More

  • Silvermons modded Pixelmon server: Progression system, Endgame PvE, Weekly Tournaments, Fun Events

    Silvermons Pixelmon Reforged Server Silvermons is a non pay-to-win friendly community Pixelmon Reforged server with content for both casual and competitive players. Join our custom level cap and rank progression system featuring exclusive Gyms, Elite 4, Battle Tower, and the Champion’s Gauntlet. Enjoy Weekly Tournaments, Player Gyms, Fun Events, and more! Server IP: play.silvermons.com Current Version: Pixelmon Reforged on Minecraft 1.16.5 Modpack: The Pixelmon Modpack – Download Here Read More


    1 BLOCK ANARCHY MINECRAFT SERVER (REBRAND)Welcome newbie!😎Normal survival but we can hack and soloIts an anarchy server but it a variation of anarchy(1 block map in the server lol)*I installed a few things to make the server interesting*You can join the server from 1.12 to 1.21Make your history in the serverGoodluckDiscord:discord.com/invite/SHvzfr9Z5G Read More

  • Minecraft Memes – “From trash to treasure: ugly blocks in skilled hands”

    Minecraft Memes - "From trash to treasure: ugly blocks in skilled hands"Looks like the builder in Minecraft has some serious fashion sense – even when it comes to choosing blocks! Read More

  • Limber Labrash Mines Mischief: Sin of Suspicion EP.4

    Limber Labrash Mines Mischief: Sin of Suspicion EP.4 Labloush, the Minecraft news reporter, with a twist, Bringing updates in rhymes, never to miss. In Sin of Suspicion EP.4, Labrasi takes the lead, Shutting down the Mafia’s money printing greed. Labloush, with eyes sharp and keen, Describing each move, in a rhyming scene. Labrasi’s mission, to end the Mafia’s reign, With interrogation and twists, in the game’s domain. Labloush, the narrator, with a playful tone, Engaging the crowd, never alone. Crafting Minecraft news, with a grin and a spin, In every update, let the rhymes begin. Labloush, the favorite news reporter, in the gaming land, Spinning rhymes that… Read More

  • Trap Escapes Through Minecraft History #hotAF

    Trap Escapes Through Minecraft History #hotAF “Me trying to escape a trap in Minecraft at age 10: panicking and running in circles. Me trying to escape a trap in Minecraft at age 20: calmly strategizing and building a staircase to freedom. Me trying to escape a trap in Minecraft at age 50: calling my grandkids for help because I can’t figure out how to jump.” Read More

  • EPIC Funny Moments in English Class!

    EPIC Funny Moments in English Class! Minecraft: Hilarious Moments in English Class!【方块轩】 Introduction In the world of Minecraft, where creativity knows no bounds, one creator stands out for his humor and joy-sparking animations. 方块轩, the mastermind behind a series of entertaining Minecraft animations, brings laughter and fun to his audience. Let’s delve into some of the hilarious moments captured in English class! English Class Shenanigans In a typical English class scenario, 方块轩 finds himself in a predicament when asked to translate a word on the blackboard. The banter between classmates adds a touch of comedy as they navigate through words like “banana” and engage in… Read More

  • Herobrine SMP 2.0: Food Farm Shenanigans

    Herobrine SMP 2.0: Food Farm Shenanigans Welcome to Herobrine SMP 2.0 Season 1 Episode 1: Making a Food Farm! Shadow Striker, also known as Chirag, is back with another exciting episode of Herobrine SMP 2.0. In this episode, he dives into the world of Minecraft to create a food farm that will sustain him on his adventures. Let’s join him on this thrilling journey! Setting Up the Farm As the sun rises in the Minecraft world, Shadow Striker wastes no time in getting to work. He starts by clearing a patch of land near his base to make room for his food farm. Using his… Read More

  • EPIC Minecraft PvP Godz – Rate my skills now! ⚔️

    EPIC Minecraft PvP Godz - Rate my skills now! ⚔️Video Information This video, titled ‘🔥rate my skills Minecraft pvp! ⚔️’, was uploaded by Godz on 2024-06-19 16:16:02. It has garnered 31 views and 6 likes. The duration of the video is 00:20:44 or 1244 seconds. 🔥 **Welcome to [Godz]** 🔥 🎮 **About Me:** Hey there, fellow Minecraft enthusiasts! I’m [Your Name]and I’m passionate about all things blocky and pixelated. On this channel, you’ll find epic adventures, creative builds, survival challenges, and more. Whether you’re a seasoned miner or a newbie to the Overworld, there’s something here for everyone. 🌟 **What to Expect:** – **Let’s Play Series: * Join me… Read More

  • Beware: Do NOT Let it Catch You!

    Beware: Do NOT Let it Catch You!Video Information man that’s another successful store trip my brother I’m saying now is the party at show crib or mind you know what I’m saying we about to turn up ain’t that right M don’t we hosting mush done made mushroom soups for the whole gang let’s go they starting to grow on me I’m really enjoying the mushroom soups nowadays man y’all getting into it y’all get into it come on guys walking is healthy let’s walk the rest of the way home and then we’ll be solid oh so we going to your crib to party that’s… Read More

  • EPIC Minecraft WATER vs LAVA Challenge 🔥

    EPIC Minecraft WATER vs LAVA Challenge 🔥Video Information and done our new house is completed oh this house is ugly well it’s much better than the old one Grazy it’s not my fault that you burned it down well I’m sorry I just wanted to put all my cakes in the outfit at once now they’re all burned wait what’s going on you put the house down again Gracie no it’s not me it’s a fire girl what are you doing stop buing our house down we just built this terrible news the ele mental Army is going to come here to destroy everything I need… Read More

  • Epic Minecraft Parkour & Pixel Art Satisfying

    Epic Minecraft Parkour & Pixel Art SatisfyingVideo Information [Music] watch my let me This video, titled ‘Satisfying Minecraft Profile Pixel Art ( PPL Request YT ) Part 3,594’, was uploaded by Relaxing Minecraft Parkour on 2024-01-12 01:17:12. It has garnered 1932 views and 106 likes. The duration of the video is 00:00:13 or 13 seconds. Satisfying Minecraft Profile Pixel Art ( PPL Request YT ) Part 3,594 #minecraftpe #algorithm #artist you can get your short request video and post on your youtube channel mentioned me. if you also want to make your profile, just comment and then like the video. Please be patient if it takes… Read More

  • INSANE Modded Minecraft Server Gameplay by Jon DeWalt

    INSANE Modded Minecraft Server Gameplay by Jon DeWaltVideo Information This video, titled ‘minecraft server mode:vee craft server (Modded)’, was uploaded by jon dewalt on 2024-04-05 00:50:13. It has garnered views and [vid_likes] likes. The duration of the video is or seconds. Broadcasted live on Twitch — Watch live at https://www.twitch.tv/evildragonx1. Read More

  • OMG!! Is My Inner Demon Noi Finally Revealed?!? #aphmau

    OMG!! Is My Inner Demon Noi Finally Revealed?!? #aphmauVideo Information This video, titled ‘#short Is this My Inner Demon Noi coming out??? #aphmau #minecraft #roleplay’, was uploaded by Ori_Moon on 2024-03-31 14:36:00. It has garnered 44 views and 5 likes. The duration of the video is 00:00:35 or 35 seconds. Read More

  • Mind-Blowing Fruit Circus in Minecraft!

    Mind-Blowing Fruit Circus in Minecraft!Video Information This video, titled ‘New Digital Circus ADDON in Minecraft!’, was uploaded by Fruit Clips on 2024-05-28 12:00:12. It has garnered views and [vid_likes] likes. The duration of the video is or seconds. In this video, I will show mod in my Minecraft world. If you’re interested in minecraft, then you’ll love this video! This mod lets you … Read More

  • EPIC April Fools Minecraft pranks by DonPianta55

    EPIC April Fools Minecraft pranks by DonPianta55Video Information This video, titled ‘April Fools Day Minecraft #minecraft #youtubegaming #shorts’, was uploaded by DonPianta55 on 2024-04-02 23:48:38. It has garnered 1621 views and 7 likes. The duration of the video is 02:46:43 or 10003 seconds. Become a part of Don’s Crew⬇️ https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCaB0-gpDobPMhK8FFGc19iQ/join Join the Discord discord.gg/mhfHSspBk8 Read More

  • Loser Baby Gets Groomed by Duke Rancid?!

    Loser Baby Gets Groomed by Duke Rancid?!Video Information This video, titled ‘Groomer Baby — Hazbin Hotel Loser Baby Parody’, was uploaded by Duke Rancid on 2024-06-17 13:28:45. It has garnered 27 views and 1 likes. The duration of the video is 00:02:52 or 172 seconds. My friend and I spent way longer on this than we honestly should have. We were originally gonna do a Minecraft parody and then I was like, wait I have an idea. Read More

  • DreamZone

    DreamZonegreuihfbdvnjerdfhogbvnerdo8iuvfjywhbedvnywuibfvgreuihfbdvnjerdfhogbvnerdo8iuvfjywhbedvnywuibfvgreuihfbdvnjerdfhogbvnerdo8iuvfjywhbedvnywuibfvgreuihfbdvnjerdfhogbvnerdo8iuvfjywhbedvnywuibfvgreuihfbdvnjerdfhogbvnerdo8iuvfjywhbedvnywuibfvgreuihfbdvnjerdfhogbvnerdo8iuvfjywhbedvnywuibfvgreuihfbdvnjerdfhogbvnerdo8iuvfjywhbedvnywuibfv Read More

  • Project Nebula SMP – Java 1.20.4 – Age 18+ – Whitelist – Hermitcraft-like – LGBTQ+ Friendly – Community-focused – 5+ Years Running!

    Project Nebula ✨ Project Nebula ✨ Hey! Thanks for checking out Project Nebula! ▶ Nebula Photo Album! ▶ Dynmap ▶ Discord ▶ About Us & Values Project Nebula is a community-driven Minecraft server focused on creating a welcoming and inclusive environment for all players. We value diversity, transparency, respect, and commitment to the Vanilla Minecraft experience. ▶ What’s new on Project Nebula? 1.21 update coming soon! Successful Emu Freedom Fest event Opening of the Cobblestonewall Inn ▶ Applications If you’re interested in joining our server, apply through our Discord channel. We have a thorough whitelist process to ensure a friendly… Read More

  • Island PVP

    Island PVPCreate your island and upgrade to become the island top!You can use a boat to stalk your enemies with stealth!Or take them head-on when they least expect it!If you leave your chests unlocked, they can be raided! So make sure to strategically build your storage area! Read More

  • Minecraft Memes – Not a Noob: logged 1287 hrs in Minecraft

    “1287 hours in Minecraft? That’s just the warm-up! Ain’t nobody got time for a score of 9, we’re aiming for a perfect 10, baby!” Read More

  • Crafty Critters: 5 Pawsome Pet Pads in Minecraft!

    Crafty Critters: 5 Pawsome Pet Pads in Minecraft! In this Minecraft world, where creativity thrives, We’re crafting pet houses, where each pet thrives. From dog houses to cat houses, we’ve got it all, Creating cozy homes, big or small. Dug Bunk Bed, a cozy spot for your pup, Parrot House, where they can chirp and sup. An Aquarium for fish to swim and play, Cat House for your feline friend to stay. Rabbit House, a snug spot for your bunny, Each design unique, nothing runny. So grab your blocks and start to build, Let your creativity be fulfilled. With shaders and textures, the world comes alive, In… Read More

  • Minecraft Hack: Trollin’ & Rollin’ #lit #trollface

    Minecraft Hack: Trollin' & Rollin' #lit #trollface When you try to hack in Minecraft but all you end up doing is trolling yourself with that troll face meme. Maybe stick to playing the game legit next time! #minecraftfail #trolledbytrollface Read More

  • Ultimate Black PvP Texture Pack

    Ultimate Black PvP Texture Pack The World of Minecraft PE/Bedrock Edition Minecraft PE/Bedrock Edition offers players the opportunity to delve into infinite worlds and unleash their creativity. Whether you prefer building magnificent castles or surviving against dangerous mobs, this game has something for everyone. Game Modes In creative mode, players have unlimited resources to construct their dream structures. On the other hand, survival mode challenges players to mine resources, craft weapons, and fend off mobs to survive. The choice is yours! Marketplace and Customization Explore the marketplace to discover unique maps, skins, and texture packs created by talented individuals. Slash commands allow you to… Read More

  • Insane Minecraft Mods – Must Try Now! 🤯

    Insane Minecraft Mods - Must Try Now! 🤯Video Information This video, titled ‘TOP 34 NEW Minecraft Mods Of The Month ! (1.21, 1.20.1)’, was uploaded by LuluBelleMC on 2024-07-03 11:00:33. It has garnered 43176 views and 1883 likes. The duration of the video is 00:30:38 or 1838 seconds. TOP 34 NEW Minecraft Mods Of The Month ! (1.21, 1.20.1) 00:00 -Create: Protection Pixel 1.20.1 —— 1.19.2 (Forge) https://legacy.curseforge.com/minecraft/mc-mods/protection-pixel/files 01:42 -Blood Mages [More Magic Series] 1.20.1 (Fabric) https://legacy.curseforge.com/minecraft/mc-mods/blood-mages-more-magic-series 02:51 -Druids [More Magic Series] 1.20.1 (Fabric) https://legacy.curseforge.com/minecraft/mc-mods/druids-more-magic-series 03:58 -Integrated Villages 1.20.1 (Forge and Fabric) https://legacy.curseforge.com/minecraft/mc-mods/integrated-villages 05:07 -Remapped 1.21 (Fabric) https://modrinth.com/mod/remapped 06:05 -Just Enough Guns 1.20.1 —— 1.18.2 (Forge) https://legacy.curseforge.com/minecraft/mc-mods/just-enough-guns/files/5493575… Read More

  • Real GHOST Found in Minecraft!!

    Real GHOST Found in Minecraft!!Video Information This video, titled ‘i Found Real GHOST 😱 in Minecraft | ( Part-9 )’, was uploaded by CRK ki duniya on 2024-02-16 13:09:44. It has garnered 1283 views and likes. The duration of the video is 00:15:31 or 931 seconds. MINECRAFT MOST SCARY ( SEEDS ) 😱 | MINECRAFT HORROR | minecraft horror myths ny gamer minecraft horror myths in hindi minecraft scary myths minecraft scary myths that are actually real Tags – minecraft horror techno gamerz minecraft horror minecraft minecraft horror video techno gamer minecraft techno gamerz horror games minecraft bhoot techno gamer video minecraft game proboiz… Read More

  • EXTREME family gaming! Hardcore S23-Ep.2

    EXTREME family gaming! Hardcore S23-Ep.2Video Information This video, titled ‘This is a family friendly channel (Hardcore S23-Ep.2)’, was uploaded by Castmann Gaming on 2024-05-08 19:25:21. It has garnered 9 views and 1 likes. The duration of the video is 00:09:10 or 550 seconds. Look forward to Minecraft hardcore episodes on Wednesdays and Saturdays at 2pm EST!🎉 Minecraft Hardcore Series Rules: The Masons try their best to make the best Minecraft world possible without dying. They must delete the world and start a new season if either dies even ONCE. Every season is played on a randomly generated bedrock edition world on hard difficulty with… Read More

7 Ways To CHEAT In Minecraft Hide and Seek!