A Whole New World | SKYLINE: REM (Ep 1) | Minecraft Roleplay

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Foreign Foreign Foreign [Applause] Foreign What just happened oh where this isn’t my bed am I still dreaming huh um I I guess I’m still dreaming okay uh as you reach for the handle to open the door you hear voices on the other side talking amongst amongst themselves I’m telling you a young girl’s voice

Says they fell from the sky I saw it an older woman’s size and a chuckle from an older man follows after she’s always had an active imagination the man says but it’s true the girl continues to argue what you continue to listen to the conversation now how would they have gotten up there

In the first place I don’t remember seeing any Wings the woman States um the younger girl pauses you remember Forest below you as you fell through a sea of clouds you can’t help but Wonder well you hesitate for a moment before quietly opening the door and looking out into the hallway

Outside you see three people first a young brunette girl with orange wings and a feathery tail you can’t see your face since she’s facing away from you next a tall man with white hair and matching colored ears and a tail similar to that of a wolf’s

His eyes are cold and piercing and light blue looking into them sends shivers down your spine last but not least a woman with black hair with white highlights a long black and white striped tail curls around her comfortably as she looks at the younger girl the woman’s eyes are warm and inviting

With a soft green color tearing the door crack open the people look towards you um hi hello the older woman is the first to speak oh you’re awake good are you feeling all right uh yeah I I think I’m fine the girl steps forward eyes wide and brows furled with frustration tell them

You fell from the sky Sunny the woman snaps at the girl the Girl Sonny pauses and looks back at her the womb takes a deep breath and recomposes herself Sunny dear they’re probably confused it’s best not to overwhelm them with questions and demands right away but it’s true sunny

Um actually I I think it is true I remember seeing the top of the trees from really high up I thought it was just a dream though the woman pauses and looks at you with a mix of disbelief and confusion Sunny perks up in response ha I told you she

Says with a large grin on her face unbelievable the woman simply States um can I ask y’all something of course apologies the woman says I hope you’re not overwhelmed oh no it’s it’s fine please ask whatever questions you have the woman says we’ll do our best to answer them

Um well first of all um I never got your names who are you oh dear we got so distracted we never even told you our names yeah uh yeah what are you she then puts her hand to her chest my name is Loretta Booker she says with a smile

Loretta continues gesturing to the men next to her this is my husband Andreas he pauses I don’t mind his intimidating looks he’s a big softy oh okay and as you must know already two gestures to the young girl this is her very imaginative imaginative daughter sunny okay um hi my name is marshy

It’s good to meet you marshy do you have any more questions um where am I ah yes you’re not from here you’re in medellia Sunny brought you to our home after she found you in a forest just outside the town she then adds on the side

I think she should have left the hunters let the hunters know and let them handle the situation but a bless her kind heart she went out she went out and carried all you all the way back here uh a hunter’s um she blinks in slight confusion yes the hunters the ones in

Charge of keeping the town safe oh so so like guards I guess you could say that they do a bit more than just simply guard but I’m no professional in that matter it would be better to ask one of them if you’re really curious oh okay uh one last question

Why do you guys have like animal parts they all go silent at the question and stare at you in confusion they say something wrong and Sonny speaks up you have them too you know you reach up and feel soft pointed things on your head you tighten your grip on them and you

Feel a pinch of pain when you do so upon feeling the pain you immediately let go the others stare at you with wide concerned eyes um dear do you know what you are Loretta asks uh I I I’m from last I checked uh human with apparently weird fluffy

Things that hurt when I squish them not quite wow you really hit your head when you fell from the sky didn’t you sonny chimes in if I’m not a human what am I you like us are inanimate murder explains is that like a human animal hybrid thing I suppose you could say that

Oh okay okay um let me guess let me guess am I a am I a cat uh no your ears are far too large to be that of a cat animal and your tail isn’t the correct shape I would say you’re most likely a fox if a two let’s move on

Do you have any other questions uh no I think I think that’s I think I’m good well then if you’re all good why don’t you and sunny go outside and join the festivities Loretta says she turns to Sunny Sunny could you give them a tour of the village

Sunny perks up yes let’s go she runs over and grabs her arm pulling you down the stairs oh my gosh Sunny hello let me hey guys Andreas and Loretta seem to have already gotten themselves into deep conversation uh uh I’ll uh I’ll just leave them be okay I’m coming oh there you are

Um well I guess we’re ready to go where are we going oh wow so nice it’s so pretty is there like a festival well I guess we start with you hi what’s going on here hello hello there can you guess what game I’m hosting the mouse and one says as she

Moves over to a different area in her stall uh um charades I could guess but no I’m doing a scavenger hunt oh that sounds like fun Marcy we should play Sunny beams um I mean sure how do we play great the rules are simple find one of each item on the list and

Bring them back before the end of the festival for a prize okay cool uh list okay so do you have the list sunny I see video hey I guess we’ll while we’re looking around we can do that actually wait who are you I never got to ask all right my name is

Adamson and I lived in medellia for a good while and to give a fun fact about myself I like to dance lunata says with the smile on her face okay well it was nice meeting you I hope to see one of your dances one day I’m sure they’re great um anyway

She’s super nice um how about you hello who are you hi welcome to my booth take a good look at my Wares if you want or if you want you could just sit around and relax for a while the raccoon anime says as he leans back and looks up at

You with eyes half open uh okay uh well let’s ask your name first who are you well the birds are loud okay named Bud if you want to stick around I’d be willing to tell you a story I understand if you rather go join the festivities festivities though so we can

Save the story for later so if your name is Bud can I call you buddy no hey um well uh what are you selling you said oh feather the gingerbread man a bone chocolate wrapped coin wait you just have random stuff oh wait I don’t have money I guess I’ll I’ll

Come back later once I figure out how to get money do you know how to get money um we’ll be back later bye um hello who are you hi there are you you looking to play Tic-Tac-Toe the ram admin says of the stutter as he organizes the stall um

Maybe but first who are you I’m Scott holder I’m just your regular anime that lives here in wedelia besides that there isn’t really that much remarkable stuff to say just says bluntly oh okay well what’s what’s your game oh we’d like to play cool cool

Now who’s going to be the red and who’s going to be the blue it may sense patiently oh we can choose um marshy how about you pick one Sonny says uh okay um how about I like blue okay so is it this stuff that’s red this one’s blue

Okay so it’s like tic-tac-toe right that’s what he said it was so we get some of these and who goes first does red go first or just blue Ghost first okay um Center okay I’m really bad at Tic-Tac-Toe um right here okay uh here I don’t I don’t think this is working um

What happens if we tie um I think we both lost leave it there oh well um moving on hello uh do you guys have anything going on here are you just hanging out oh hello there little ones hope you’ve all been taking care of yourselves the older cat animal says with a sweet

Smile um who are you my name is Shawnee this here is my daughter Nadia if you ever need help with something or just want to say hello you’re always welcome to stop by she smiles um are you are you selling anything oh I’m not selling anything she says

However little Nadia is selling flower crowns I’m just helping her with the more business side of things oh that’s so sweet so you must be Nadia right hello I’ll go look around uh while they sort out their terrorist flower crown stuff she’s she’s still working on it um this is really pretty

Am I allowed to like it’s just a dream I’m not gonna get in trouble for this like I broke it oh we’re gonna pretend that didn’t happen ah hello totally didn’t didn’t break it oh nothing nothing I was just looking around um great lots of things to explore in

This little town of yours uh how about you what are you doing yo want to show off your skills and shoot some hoops okay Adam and says while bouncing a ball against the ground he has a slightly bored look in his eyes uh you know what okay um wait who are you

Call me Nathan if you ever want to hang out I don’t mind maybe wait for after the festival though mom said I had to run a booth so I can’t leave my post but if you want to play a game of Hoops then I’m down to join ya yep sure let’s play

Great you get three shots grab a ball and give it a go um I mean if you want to join you seem kind of bored he pauses grabbing the ball and holding it the grand appears on his face sure I’m willing to play okay let’s play

Where’s the balls are they are they in here basketball you have three right we get three shots okay how do we do this I’m really bad at basketball are you good at basketball oh yeah I want to do over I want to do over okay let’s try the

Smaller one yeah now that was an overshot hold on I can I got this i got this let me just yeah oh did I get it um huh it’s a little stuck oh okay oh okay that was fun I’m really bad I’m sorry I made myself a fool I I’m sorry that you

Had to climb up the post to get that down does that happen often that’s a little awkward uh I’m gonna go bye hi what do you have what are you doing here hey there welcome to my shop I have a little sweet Delicacies baked goods you’ve ever met what can I get you

Uh who are you Grissom Janae Grissom and make the best Goods in all of Italia I’d even say I’d make the best Goods in all of Gaia why don’t you try some for yourself uh I don’t have money but I’ll take a peak season maybe I’ll get money later

You got what is that fairy bread shortbread normal bread banana bread Oh that’s oh zucchini bread what the hell I might I might hook you up on that banana bread once I can find how to get money uh maybe I can do some jobs around here

Do you guys are you guys selling or like off all right would you would you like some I would actually I’m kind of I kind of want the banana bread not gonna lie it sounds pretty tasty you can share okay all right banana bread banana bread banana bread banana bread

Let’s see a sweet treat that can’t be beat I’m not hungry well I’ll be nibbling on this I’m I hope it’s good I hope okay let’s go check the flower crowns again okay are you good the little girl looks up at you with a smile hello would you like to buy a

Flower crown um I would love to but first would tell me about yourself my name is Nadia it’s like to me it’s nice to meet you mama said it’s mama said the best way to greet someone is with a smile so here she gives you a big smile oh

I’ll give you a smile back but also let me see her flower crowns okay so you got Rose Crown dandelion crown tulip crown corn flower crown as your blue it um these are very cute very very cute I might consider I am very indecisive though um I also I think I like daisies

Can I have a custom crown can I get a custom Daisy Crown do you think she’ll do that for me we’ll see maybe we’ll see maybe she’s a little picky on the grounds you don’t have any daisies oh okay well that’s fine maybe I’ll get a a daffodil flower

I mean not daffodil it’s dandelion maybe he’ll get a dandelion crown Okay so it looks like this is the last Booth right hello welcome welcome you’re just in time for my game the young fox animal says the very excited tone is our tail switches behind her uh both will play but first who are you my name is eloisa eloisa Fairley if you

Want to be official about it I’m pretty well known around here so considering you so considering you had to wait considering you didn’t know who I was either you’re due in town or you’ve been living under a rock for the past couple of years either way it’s great to meet you

To give to a smile like a wink all right let’s see what’s your game here all right the goal is simple pop all the balloons you can either play as a team and try to beat the time or play against each other and the first one to pop all the balloons wins

How would you like to play versus sounds fun how do you feel about versus Sonny I think we’ll do verses you don’t get time to think about it all right some competition that’s what I like to see each of you grab a bow and some arrows

Each have a color only hit the balloons of the same color unless you want to give your opponent more points get ready when I say go start shooting okay just make sure you don’t shoot each other or anyone around you all right let’s play oh did you grab both of the bows

You said you were good with a bow I’m not I don’t know if I’m good with a bow I’ve never really tried it give it a shot no pun intended okay okay so okay so I was blue last time so I’m blue again okay I’m really bad at this uh let’s see I

Can maybe get this one this one’s low okay I got one I got one um that one no I’m hitting things I’m not supposed to be no okay I got it wait oh you got all of yours um I think I lost I did say I’m good with a bow yeah you

Are regarding with a bow oh um but it was a good try well I guess you win do you get a prize did she get a prize yes we have a winner come get your prize okay okay pick something good pick something good sunny looks over the various prizes

Before eventually settling on a wooden boomerang a boomerang yeah I’ve always wanted to try one I have no idea how they work though I guess you’re gonna have to practice with them I guess so come on let’s keep going okay what’s something we haven’t really done yet I think we

Stopped at all the stops was there any more that we missed um I think we got everything would you is there anything you wanted to stop it again oh wait are you testing out the boomerang I think I I heard it how’s it work oh my god oh

That same thing that thing seems a little dangerous um seems fun though okay well let’s see is there anything over here that we missed as you and sunny make your way through the village going through booths and playing some games a person walks up to you oh hello excuse me little ones

The Stranger says in a soft sweet voice I don’t wish to intrude on your fun but I could use some assistance if you would be so kind um yeah sure we could help you what’s up oh thank you so much they smile at you before continuing to explain

I’m working on something special for the festival and I needed some help getting getting materials and ingredients um yeah what kind of stuff do you need oh that should be quite simple enough to find I just need some decorations and ingredients to bake a cake they say

I’m sure some of the vendors will even be willing to share um yeah but why why don’t you just ask yourself oh I wouldn’t want to I wouldn’t want to ruin the fun little bit I wouldn’t want to ruin the surprise by asking everyone and besides everyone be more willing to help someone

They know rather than sister everyone be more willing to help someone they know rather than a stranger like me well like yeah I guess that’s fair uh yeah we can get this stuff for you thank you both so much again when you gather everything come find me

In the village yeah sure we’ll do all right um let’s let’s go after The Stranger leaves you turn to Sunny you’re about to ask where they should look where is this where you should look first when you notice the look on Sonny’s face um you okay what’s wrong

Huh oh nothing I’ve just never seen that person in the village before I thought maybe they were your friend of yours but neither of you seem to recognize each other so now I’m a little confused oh maybe they’re just visiting or you know maybe they also fell from the sky oh maybe

Maybe they also have fuzzy memories because of the Fall I well actually my memories seem fine so I’m not sure hmm sunny sunny shakes her head we’re getting distracted we should go find the things they need uh yeah right let’s let’s go find the stuff uh where should we start

Uh well they they needed cake ingredients right let’s see if the baker will share some oh yeah that works let’s go where was the baker oh wait wasn’t she was right here hey oh I didn’t return the stuff to the hold on let me go return this to the

Booth first um sorry I kind of stole your bow and your arrows might be anyway hi hey welcome to my shop I have all the sweet delicious baked goods you ever want what can I get you hi it’s us again uh can we ask you something

Oh it’s you again what do you need can we borrow some baking ingredients she stares at you her brow brows furrowed in a fence why would I give you my ingredients can’t you see I’m running a business here I need this stuff pretty please what part of no do not understand oh

Sonny Taps your shoulder let’s try somewhere else for the ingredients okay actually first first um Can can we can we can we get some decorations maybe at least ah fine I guess I don’t really need them she carefully takes a few decorations from a booth and handsome to you here is that enough

Oh yes yes thank you thank you very much you owe me ah okay uh we’ll buy a snack later again Sonny gives her a smile before turning to you let’s December house for the ingredients right right thank you for the the stuff um I I we won’t bother you anymore I’m sorry um

Um that didn’t go well you have an idea of who else we can ask hmm she thinks for a moment oh uh maybe Mrs Compton will be willing to share some stuff with us oh who is that did I did I meet them I don’t remember she’s the nice cat lady

She was helping her daughter sell flower counts remember all right yeah yeah yeah she’s super nice she’ll definitely help us out yeah let’s go okay um she was over here right hello we haven’t I have a question for you if you would be so kind hello again little ones do you need

Something the lady gives you both the warm Smile as you walk over to her hello again Mrs Compton Sunny Smiles at the lady can we ask you something of course what is it little ones um do you happen to have any baking ingredients you’re willing to share baking ingredients

Are You Gonna Bake a Cake are you two going to bake a cake or something for the festival um well not not us it’s actually for someone else oh how sweet of you the lady Smiles I can go grab some ingredients for you is there anything in specific that you need

Uh like you said stuff to make a cake all right I’ll be right back well you two watch of an audio for me while I’m alone oh yeah yeah sure of course thank you Terry so I’ll be I’ll be quick with that the lady walks away leaving you with Nadia

The child looks at you uh where is Mama going uh Mama went to go find some stuff for us she’ll be back soon okay the girl goes back to braiding flowers together into Crohn’s um maybe we can do something to pass the time Sony suggests uh yeah like what maybe a game

That is ears perk up and she looks at you can I play of course Sunny Smiles anything you want to play in particular hmm hide and seek I haven’t played hide and seek in a while Nadia points to you you’re it first me hold on I didn’t sign up for this um

Yes me and sunny will hide and you find us oh okay oh I’m bad at hiding I always get found first count to 20 and we’ll hide the audio says ready ready I’m not ready go okay okay one two three four five six seven eight nine ten eleven twelve thirteen fourteen fifteen sixteen

Seventeen eighteen nineteen twenty okay so let’s see let’s see who do we you know she she didn’t lie when she said she’s really bad at hiding oh oh honey oh honey hey Sonny you find Sunny rather quickly she was right she’s really bad at hiding so bad she was practically in plain sight

Hey Sonny how you doing I told you I was bad hey well I found you so you can help me find Nadia now okay would she have climbed a tree she wouldn’t be in the same spot okay wait we gotta go somewhere else why is the door broken

Um don’t worry about it it’s fine um I found it like that I totally didn’t accidentally break it trying to open it um okay okay yeah totally it’s fine Nadia I have no idea where this child is bro oh no oh I oh did we lose did we lose shawnee’s child oh no

Um um um Nadia do you have you seen a child no okay um oh dear oh dear oh dear oh my goodness she can’t have gone far yeah she can’t have gone far unless she ran into the forest that would have been that would have been disastrous if you did that oh

Dear okay um hello Nadia where did you go I don’t like hide and seek I’m bad at it I’m so bad at finding people are you on the roof hello are you in a tree are you are you underground in a hole somewhere you hear a giggle from upwards up

You are in a tree which tree are you in or are you on the roof where are you do I have to climb on the roof okay you’re also giggling what are you laughing at did you find her [Laughter] there how do I get up there come down

Okay there you are how did you get up there you had a more difficult time finding that Nadia the kids could pretty good at hiding eventually you found her tucked away in her little hidey hole on the roof and she could she giggles when she sees you you passed me so many times

And once again the hide and seek champion congrats let’s go find your mom she’s probably back by now and she’s probably freaking out because her daughter disappeared oh dear oh no oh me oh my oh goodness gracious hey um we totally didn’t we were just playing hide and seek don’t

Worry about it you’re good now there you go you make your way back just in time for Shawnee to return with the items you asked for I hope this is enough for your needs oh my God we beat her okay yes yes thank you thank you that’s perfect this is perfect

Of course little ones she says with a smile I care now okay thank you thank you Mrs Mrs Compton Shawnee what would you rather us call you um thank you very much okay I guess we got everything we need let’s go back let’s go find that that person oh

I just saw her she ran off where’d she go for they where’d they go there you are we got the stuff for you with the items in your hand you make your way back to the stranger to the stranger from earlier you find them alone watching the festivities from a distance we’re back

They turn to you with a smile I presume you got what I asked yup yup here’s the ingredients and here are the decorations we got some banners some some um smaller banners I don’t know what to call the difference but yes we got them perfect they take all the items from you

Thank you again for your assistance if it’s not an issue I have one more request um yeah sure what is it I was thinking of adding something unique and special as a Finishing Touch to the cake and decor to explain if you’re too fine could you two find me a black rose

Uh a black rose uh wouldn’t you want something more pretty Sonny asks like a a normal red rose or maybe a tulip yes those flowers are pretty but they’re very common flowers they say a black rose that’s not only not only is beautiful but it’s also quite rare

If you could find one it would be quite the thing to behold don’t you agree uh yeah honestly that black rose sounds kind of cool actually in my opinion hmm I mean yeah it sounds pretty cool I it you say they’re rare but we could totally find one don’t you think we yeah

We asked for sure but they said they’re rare Sunny size I have faith in you too I’m sure you’ll find one new smile yeah you know what Sonny have faith we’re totally gonna find some let’s go okay uh you lead the way this time okay yes we’re totally gonna find one we’re

Gonna find one have faith trust and pixie dust oh God allergies as you lead the way Sonny speaks up with concern or has she do you even know where to start looking for this black rose you pause and think for a moment you remember Nadia making flower crowns but

You don’t remember her having any black roses also if these roses are so rare it makes sense that she wouldn’t have any now that you think about it you realize I I have no idea where to find a black rose why she don’t promises we can’t keep

We need to go back and tell them we can’t find one no no no hold on hold on hold on we can you can’t just give up that easily there’s gotta be one somewhere around here you pause and look around the area you stop and look you stop and look

Towards the deep forest outside the village oh I know I know I know we can look in the forest are you sure that’s a good idea what if we get lost don’t worry about that we just won’t go that far out but what if we can’t find a rose without going far out

Um uh you know what we’ll cross that bridge when we get there let’s go wait a minute waitings for cowards let’s go uh I guess this way or anyway are you ready we’re going into the deep I’m starting to have second thoughts you know what’s not bad it’s just a

Forest what could possibly be in the forest what could possibly go wrong see it’s nice we have some normal roses right there wait those are poppies um yeah now that I think about it how are we going to find one of these bad boys do you see any roses uh wait

There’s normal roses okay if there’s normal roses maybe we’ll find a black variant very close so we could just look around this area do you not know the difference between a poppy and Roses I do this is a poppy I think and these are roses right right yes see I’m so smart

I know what I’m doing look poppies just look like roses okay purple purple’s oh foxes wait are those wolves wait they said I’m a fox so if they’re foxes then they should be safe right did you find anything yet the two of you make your way into the

Forest and look around the area close to the Village have you found anything yet I just asked you that question oh man I thought this would be easier the forest is huge one of these roses could be anywhere should we go go go deeper I’m not sure

There’s a moment of silence as people think um maybe I can scout ahead oh yeah you have wings you can fly up and get a bird’s eye view um she flatters her wings a bit getting a nervous look on her face uh don’t you think it would be better if

We stayed low on the ground we’re looking for a flower oh yeah you got a good point unless what if the flower grows on top of trees oh let’s hope they don’t grow on top of trees so any Motors to herself what was that nothing okay sorry I asked

I’m gonna go look over there now before you even get a chance to say anything Sunny is already running into the forest where did you go I was going back to the Village oh my God it’s sunny we can’t just run off like this Sunny oh no oh no sunny Ow I just tripped on that oh God what is that oh I need a stick I ah stick stick I need something there’s a dog chasing me Sonny stop dog no dog please I need a stick I need a stick um I have an extra Banner I’ll just whack it with this

Oh my God oh my God ow ow what the heck what are these things why are they all weird no stop biting stop stop stop ow ow oh okay okay oh I feel sick I feel sick I feel sick I feel sick I feel sick I feel

Sick oh no oh no oh no are these roses they’re not roses dogs dogs no oh yeah that’s honey where are you I watched uh why did we go out here why did we go out here I’m whacking dogs with a banner because they’re fighting me ow

They’re not even fighting me why am I still hurting ow oh do you want bread here I take the bread take the bread yeah ow oh my God they’re smart oh my God oh my God okay you know you guys can handle it I’m gonna vote bye are they gone

Are the dogs gone huh once the creatures are dealt with you turn towards your savior it’s still creepy the now broken Banner you were once using to fight with the two young two young men not not much older than you from the looks of it stand before you

Each giving you a look of concern you stare at them for a moment getting a good look at them as you try to process everything that’s happened in the past in the last five or so minutes looking at them both you know right away that they’re both adamant as well oh

The one to your right looks to be a rabbit animal given away by the long slightly floppy ears on top of his head yellow eyes are narrow and serious almost judgmentally even though you still notice a glint of concern for your well-being in them he’s about a head taller than you and

Has a decent build of a few scars here and there you know if it weren’t for the big floppy ears you’d probably be a bit more intimidated by him uh-huh his partner on the contrary is a lot brighter not only in color but also in Attitude Sprite golden knives don’t share the

Same judgmental look and instead give a softer more concerned look to you pointed wolf-like ears lay slightly back on his head and a fluffy tail switches behind him he also has some some muscle and scars on him but but he’s a little shorter than his rabbit companion

You can’t help but feel a bit funny that the wolf is you can’t help but find it a bit funny that the wolf is less intimidating than the rabbit uh the rabbit is the first to speak creatures of the forest have been acting up a lot recently he says his voice low income

You shouldn’t be out here alone especially with nothing to defend yourself with I had a banner mind you um that’s not going to do you much in a situation like this you’re lucky we were in the area you got a point Dimitri relax she probably just got lost the wolf says

I don’t recognize her from the village so she’s probably not from around here still you probably shouldn’t be traveling alone he continues looking at you again even I wouldn’t want to go alone in these Woods so that’s the one who’s always wandering off and sticking his nose into everything Dimitri mutters

Hey man I’m all I always stay Within earshot Dimitri shoots a glare at him before looking back at you don’t follow his example we’ll guide you back to the Village you’ll be safer there I need to find my friend first they both pause their eyes and their eyes widen you were with someone

Uh yeah and my my friend Sonny wait sunny as in you brought the village Leader’s daughter into the forest and lost her oh no phew we were looking for something and she ran off to look somewhere else she’s probably not too far we can just go wait

No you’re going back to the Village so you don’t get lost and we have two missing people on our hands he turns to his partner August take her back to the Village well hang on wait I I can’t help find her I I know which way she went at least

You don’t have anything to defend yourself with and that stick is definitely not gonna do you any good now he gestures through the broken stick in your hand I can get a new stick no he groans in frustration and your stubbornness August are you listening take her back to the Village

Dimitri she said she could help don’t argue with me August it’s bad enough that Sonny is missing I’d rather not have another thing to worry about if this one gets lost or hurt he looks back at you which way did Sonny go over there as much as you want to argue more you

Can’t you decide it’s probably not the best idea to push further you point towards the direction you saw Sunny go in Dimitri gives you a nod I’ll go look for her you two go back to the Village he looks at August August come find me after you after you get her back

August 9th and Dimitri makes his way deeper into the forest hmm obviously still until we set up your shot August Waits until you’re out of earshot of Dimitri before turning to you you want to go after him don’t you No it’s fine liar come on let’s get you a weapon so you is it let’s get you a weapon so when we do follow him he’ll be less likely to rip my head off after he turns back towards the village and waits for you to follow um are you sure

It’ll be fine she does get mad I’ll take the Heat he’d probably be more upset with me anyway and now come on time’s a wasting yep time’s away so listen okay I don’t know where the village is from here I’m lost I’m very directionally challenged do you know which way to go

Thank you Oh gosh

This video, titled ‘A Whole New World | SKYLINE: REM (Ep 1) | Minecraft Roleplay’, was uploaded by MarshieMonarch on 2023-05-27 21:00:06. It has garnered 8776 views and 411 likes. The duration of the video is 00:58:58 or 3538 seconds.

★Streamed live on Twitch★ https://www.twitch.tv/marshiemonarchlive

★About Skyline: Rem★ Several travelers find themselves in a new world where magic and monsters roam free. Through their journey, they aim to discover how and why they were brought into this new land with the uncanny ability to resist death.

★Follow Skyline: Rem★ https://www.skylinerem.co/ Twitter: https://twitter.com/SkylineRem Discord fan server: https://discord.gg/3HmKzFRM4p

★Join Our Team!★ https://www.skylinerem.co/apply

★Thumbnail★ ● Marshie – You’re here! ● Candy – https://twitter.com/queenkitkat181

★Music★ Elijah N – You’ll See Me Rise (Instrumental) Jakob Ahlbom – Relent Experia – The Sun Will Rise Again ONLAP – Losing My Mind

★Other Credits★ City map – Greenfield https://www.greenfieldmc.net/

★Socials★ https://marshielinks.carrd.co/

#minecraft #minecraftroleplay #minecraftcinematic #minecraftfantasy #mcrp #minecraftrp

  • Sand Layer Challenge in Minecraft

    Sand Layer Challenge in Minecraft Minecraft But The Layer Is Sand… – YXClassic Embark on a unique Minecraft adventure with YXClassic as they tackle the challenge of playing in a world where the layer is solely sand! By customizing the superflat world settings, YXClassic sets the stage for an exciting and sandy gameplay experience. Let’s dive into the details of this intriguing Minecraft challenge! Customizing the Layer YXClassic demonstrates their creativity by customizing the superflat world settings to create a layer consisting entirely of sand up to layer 8. This modification adds a new level of difficulty and excitement to the gameplay, offering a… Read More

  • Crafting a Portal to Dr. Reflex in Minecraft

    Crafting a Portal to Dr. Reflex in Minecraft Minecraft: Exploring the Dr. Reflex Portal in Baldi’s Basics Embark on a thrilling adventure in Minecraft as you delve into the mysterious world of the Dr. Reflex Portal from Baldi’s Basics. Join the excitement as you navigate through this unique crossover experience! Discovering the Dr. Reflex Portal Step into the world of Minecraft and uncover the secrets of the Dr. Reflex Portal from Baldi’s Basics. This intriguing portal offers a gateway to a realm filled with challenges and surprises. Are you ready to test your skills and wit in this exciting new environment? Exploring New Dimensions As you enter… Read More

  • Bacon Kingdom: Crafting the Casita

    Bacon Kingdom: Crafting the Casita In the Kingdom of Bacon, Day 6 is here, Crafting a Casita, spreading cheer. Starting in Minecraft, with a fiery spark, Taking you on a journey, from dawn to dark. Follow me on FB, Insta, and TT, For more Minecraft fun, just wait and see. The music is playing, the vibes are right, Join me on this adventure, day and night. So come along, let’s build and play, In the Kingdom of Bacon, we’ll make our way. With rhymes and laughs, we’ll conquer it all, Minecraft madness, standing tall. Read More

  • 14 Essential Textures for Minecraft PE 1.21.30! Upgrade Your Game Now!

    14 Essential Textures for Minecraft PE 1.21.30! Upgrade Your Game Now! In this video, you’ll find textures so fine, For Minecraft PE/BEDROCK, they’ll make you shine. From potion particles to humanoid villagers so cool, Each texture will make your gameplay rule. Realistic damage and cluckier chickens to see, Durability viewer and items reimagined, all for free. Health bar and render distance limiter, oh my, Chunk visualizer and all trades visible, don’t be shy. Download them all, let your creativity soar, With these textures, your Minecraft world will roar. So join the fun, be a member of the channel today, And support the creator in every way. With AlexBK, your Minecraft… Read More

  • The Ultimate Minecraft Nether Fortress Guide

    The Ultimate Minecraft Nether Fortress Guide The Ultimate Minecraft Nether Fortress Guide 1.21 Are you ready to delve into the mysterious world of Nether Fortresses in Minecraft 1.21? Look no further! This ultimate guide will walk you through everything you need to know about Nether Fortresses, including how to defeat the various mobs that inhabit them. Exploring Nether Fortresses Nether Fortresses are iconic structures in Minecraft’s Nether dimension. These dark and foreboding fortresses are home to dangerous mobs like Blazes, Wither Skeletons, Zombie Pigmen, and Skeletons. To navigate these treacherous halls, you’ll need to be well-prepared. Defeating Nether Fortress Mobs Blazes: These fiery mobs can… Read More

  • Ultimate Wooden Mansion Build Guide

    Ultimate Wooden Mansion Build Guide Minecraft Wooden Mansion: A Creative Build Tutorial Welcome back, Minecraft enthusiasts! Today, we’re diving into the world of creative building with a stunning wooden mansion tutorial. Let’s explore the intricate details and design elements that make this build truly exceptional. Exploring the Wooden Mansion The wooden mansion showcased in this tutorial is a masterpiece of creativity and skill. Built with inspiration from online images, the builder has added their unique touch to create a one-of-a-kind structure. The use of wood as the primary material gives the mansion a warm and inviting feel, perfect for any Minecraft world. Download the… Read More

  • Unspeakable’s 100-Day Minecraft Survival Spree

    Unspeakable's 100-Day Minecraft Survival Spree In the world of Minecraft, where blocks reign supreme, Unspeakable’s adventures are like a dream. From noob to pro, in 100 days he’ll rise, Building, exploring, surviving the highs. With surprises in store, and challenges to face, Each episode brings a new pace. From secrets to hacks, and myths to bust, Unspeakable’s journey is a must. So join the fun, and hit that subscribe, For more gaming content that will revive. Minecraft fans, rejoice and cheer, For Unspeakable’s adventures are always near. Read More

  • Prison Break: Rescuing YouTubers in Minecraft

    Prison Break: Rescuing YouTubers in Minecraft Saving All Youtubers from Prisons in Minecraft Imagine a world where every YouTuber is trapped in a prison in Minecraft, and it’s up to a brave player to save them all. This thrilling adventure was brought to life by @TheTriggeredBoy in a video that captured the hearts of many Minecraft fans. The Mission The mission was clear: rescue every YouTuber from their virtual prison. With determination and skill, the player embarked on a journey filled with challenges, puzzles, and epic battles. Each YouTuber’s unique prison presented a different set of obstacles, testing the player’s abilities to the fullest. Collaboration… Read More

  • Rich vs Poor Traffic Accident in Minecraft!

    Rich vs Poor Traffic Accident in Minecraft! Minecraft: Rich vs Poor Traffic Accident Movie! 😥 Introduction In the world of Minecraft, where creativity knows no bounds, players embark on adventures that can lead to unexpected twists and turns. One such adventure involves a rich vs poor traffic accident, creating a dramatic storyline that keeps viewers on the edge of their seats. The Story Unfolds The Minecraft world is a vibrant and dynamic place, where players can build, explore, and interact with one another. In this particular scenario, a rich character and a poor character find themselves on a collision course that results in a traffic accident…. Read More

  • Dwarven Gates: Minecraft Worldbuilding

    Dwarven Gates: Minecraft Worldbuilding Exploring the Dwarven Gates in Minecraft Survival Worldbuilding 1.21 Embark on a journey through the intricate world of Minecraft Survival Worldbuilding 1.21 as we delve into the creation of the dwarven gates. In this episode, the focus shifts to the interior of the dwarven gate, where the great hall and main street of the dwarven city come to life. The Great Hall: A Majestic Centerpiece The great hall stands as a majestic centerpiece within the dwarven gates, exuding grandeur and history. As players venture through its towering arches and intricate stone carvings, they are transported to a realm of… Read More

  • ClashCraft – Modded PVP with Whitelist

    Hello everyone! I have created a medieval/magic inspired modpack for Minecraft. The goal is to have two teams compete against each other on version 1.20.1. Each team will have a leader, four roles to fulfill, and an ace player. If you are interested, please message me or comment your discord. We are currently recruiting more players. The server is not set up yet, but we will launch it once we have enough participants. I am currently testing the modpack for any bugs before we start. Read More

  • Minecraft Memes – “Deadly Mob Rankings: Who’s the Toughest?”

    Well, I guess we’ll just have to keep an eye out for those pesky mobs with a high score of 14 – they must be the real troublemakers in the virtual world! Read More

  • Crafty Cube Xuan: Exam Brain Strain in Minecraft

    Crafty Cube Xuan: Exam Brain Strain in Minecraft In the world of Minecraft, where creativity reigns, Cube Xuan brings joy, with humor and games. Child-friendly content, safe and sound, With animations that never fail to astound. Cube Xuan, the mastermind behind the screen, Crafting videos that are always keen. Original content, each day anew, Bringing smiles to all, through and through. So join the fun, hit that subscribe, For Cube Xuan’s channel, where happiness thrives. Minecraft facts and humor combined, In rhymes and animations, a true find. Read More

  • Minecraft Meme: Hotter than a lava pit

    Minecraft Meme: Hotter than a lava pit “Why did the creeper break up with his girlfriend? Because she couldn’t handle his explosive personality!” Read More

  • Crafting a Game Machine in Minecraft

    Crafting a Game Machine in Minecraft The World of Minecraft: Building a Game Machine Minecraft, a popular sandbox game, offers players endless possibilities for creativity and exploration. One exciting feature that players can delve into is building a game machine within the game. Let’s explore how players can construct this unique gadget and enhance their gaming experience. Building the Game Machine To create a game machine in Minecraft, players need to harness their building skills and ingenuity. By utilizing various blocks, redstone components, and mechanisms, players can design a functional and interactive gaming device within the game world. This process requires careful planning, experimentation, and… Read More

  • Insane! Exploding TNTs Chatting in Minecraft SMP!

    Insane! Exploding TNTs Chatting in Minecraft SMP!Video Information This video, titled ‘Exploding TNTs While Chatting With Viewers In Minecraft Survival SMP [ Vertical Stream ]’, was uploaded by xVertrexDx on 2024-09-10 02:13:00. It has garnered 126 views and 12 likes. The duration of the video is 04:59:13 or 17953 seconds. 📗 Hello, everyone! Welcome to yet another of my minecraft survival challenge livestream. Sit back, relax, and enjoy as I perform some of the craziest, wildest, and intense challenges for the number of 100s of subscribers I’ve gained, oh and thank you by the way to everyone for subscribing to me! ✨ 🚀 Please become a… Read More

  • Alien Romulus Trailer, Beetlejuice 2 First Look & MORE!

    Alien Romulus Trailer, Beetlejuice 2 First Look & MORE!Video Information This video, titled ‘Alien Romulus Trailer, Beetlejuice 2 First Look, Confusing Minecraft Movie Update & MORE!!’, was uploaded by 3C Films on 2024-03-20 20:40:49. It has garnered 131595 views and 8340 likes. The duration of the video is 00:15:25 or 925 seconds. Today On SideFlick We Discuss 0:00 Intro 0:34 Harold & The Purple Crayon Trailer 2:13 In A Violent Nature Trailer 3:56 Alien Romulus Teaser Trailer 7:56 Live Action Popeye The Sailor Man Movie 8:17 Tourist Trap Sequel 9:21 Minecraft Movie Update 10:51 Thundercats Movie Update 12:49 Beetlejuice 2 First Look ————————SOCIAL MEDIA ———————— Tik Tok: https://www.tiktok.com/@3cfilms?lang=en… Read More

  • Koda’s Insane Minecraft SMP! 🌴 #minecraftGain followers on(instagram/facebook/twitter)

    Koda's Insane Minecraft SMP! 🌴 #minecraftGain followers on(instagram/facebook/twitter)Video Information This video, titled ‘Java/Bedrock Public Minecraft SMP 🌴 #minecraft #minecraftserver’, was uploaded by Koda on 2024-07-28 23:02:33. It has garnered 12684 views and 406 likes. The duration of the video is 00:00:24 or 24 seconds. Read More

  • 🔴 EPIC Hardcore Minecraft Livestream with Phil! 🤯🔥

    🔴 EPIC Hardcore Minecraft Livestream with Phil! 🤯🔥Video Information This video, titled ‘🔴Das Harte Core🤨xD | Minecraft LIVESTREAM |Phil flipt zockt’, was uploaded by Phil flipt zockt on 2024-08-28 13:32:44. It has garnered 590 views and 11 likes. The duration of the video is 06:01:19 or 21679 seconds. Hello and welcome to a new stream here on my gaming channel🙂 Hardcore, nh🙂 xD ——————————— —— 📍 Links: Donation link: paypal.me/Philfliptzockt ▶ Discord: https://discord.gg/w7UKhWha ▶ Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/phil_flipt/ ▶ Main channel: https://www.youtube.com/@Philflipt ————————————- Hashtags: #Minecraft #Survival #Philfliptzockt Read More

  • Join God Ishant’s 24/7 SMP Server FREE! 🔥 #Live #Minecraft

    Join God Ishant's 24/7 SMP Server FREE! 🔥 #Live #MinecraftVideo Information This video, titled ‘Minecraft Survival Smp Public Smp 24/7 Java + Bedrock + Pe 🥵 FREE TO JOIN #live #smp #minecraftlive’, was uploaded by God Ishant on 2024-03-17 23:34:14. It has garnered 21 views and 1 likes. The duration of the video is 01:21:27 or 4887 seconds. Minecraft Survival Smp Public Smp 24/7 Java + Bedrock + Pe 🥵 FREE TO JOIN #live #smp #minecraftlive @GOD_IV @adarsh_bahi @veepiplayz ╔═══━━━◥◣◆◢◤━━━═══╗ ꧁ ♧︎︎︎ GODISHANT ♧︎꧂ ╚═══━━━◥◣◆◢◤━━━═══╝ ╔═══════ ∘◦♧︎︎︎◦∘ ═══════╗ 『 』 POCKET – IP: ​​play.obsidianmc.in PORT – 8185 『 』 JAVA – IP: ​​play.obsidianmc.in 『 』 Dɪsᴄᴏʀᴅ Sᴇʀᴠᴇʀ:- discord -… Read More

  • Get FREE Robux NOW with Matthew Mayhew!

    Get FREE Robux NOW with Matthew Mayhew!Video Information This video, titled ‘Free Robux Stream’, was uploaded by Matthew Mayhew on 2024-07-13 03:36:54. It has garnered 1135 views and 82 likes. The duration of the video is 01:44:28 or 6268 seconds. asmr mrbeast sidemen lofi music skibidi toilet nba ufc andrew tate mr beast ukraine xqc markiplier minecraft wwe ksi dhar mann taylor swift pewdiepie shakira penguinz0 destiny ishowspeed study with me asmongold ign phonk starfield blackpink songs а4 valorant f1 one piece tanmay bhat cocomelon bts eminem arsenal hamza study music song msa world affairs cnn sssniperwolf ludwig bad bunny diablo 4 cupid movie reaction beta… Read More

  • INSANE Minecraft World Records BROKEN by Glockey

    INSANE Minecraft World Records BROKEN by GlockeyVideo Information This video, titled ‘Setting the DUMBEST Minecraft World Records’, was uploaded by Glockey on 2024-07-28 21:00:06. It has garnered 1284 views and 25 likes. The duration of the video is 00:06:05 or 365 seconds. In this video, I took on the challenge of finding the most unique and odd speedruns. The goal is simple, find records that are so odd that noone would have attempted them, therefore making me the #1 speedrunner for these challenges. This was definitely fun and overall a pretty funny experience. let me know if you want more of these! My community discord: https://discord.gg/glockey… Read More

  • “Dragon Gaming builds insane Minecraft creations – REAL or FAKE?!” #viral

    "Dragon Gaming builds insane Minecraft creations - REAL or FAKE?!" #viralVideo Information This video, titled ‘Minecraft build testing Real or fake? #music #minecraft #viral @Gwm_Santosh’, was uploaded by A Dragon Gaming on 2024-05-06 04:16:43. It has garnered 3503 views and 75 likes. The duration of the video is 00:01:00 or 60 seconds. Real or fake? #music #minecraft #viral ‎@Gwm_Santosh @Gwm_Santosh #minecraftshorts #MinecraftBuilds #MinecraftBuilding #MinecraftArchitecture #MinecraftCreation #MinecraftInspiration #MinecraftBuilders #MinecraftBuildIdeas #MinecraftBuildChallenge #MinecraftBuildTutorial #MinecraftBuildShowcase #MinecraftBuildCommunity #MinecraftBuildingTips #MinecraftBuildProject #MinecraftBuildGuide #MinecraftBuildingInspiration #MinecraftBuildContest #MinecraftBuildSeries #MinecraftBuildCreations #MinecraftBuildDesign #MinecraftBuildProgress #Minecraft #MinecraftBuilds #MinecraftCreative #MinecraftRedstone #MinecraftWorld #MinecraftCrafting #MinecraftArchitecture #MinecraftSecretBed #SecretBed #MinecraftMysteryBed #BedMystery #RealOrFake #MinecraftBed #BedDiscovery #MinecraftSecret #MinecraftRumors #MinecraftMyth #BedConspiracy #MinecraftSpeculation #BedTheory #MinecraftSecretDiscovery #MinecraftBedSecret #SecretBedDebate #MinecraftEnigma #BedMysterySolved #MinecraftSecretRevealed #MinecraftBedQuestion #shortsfeed #newminecrafttrends… Read More

  • Insane live Minecraft animation in Blender #shizo

    Insane live Minecraft animation in Blender #shizoVideo Information This video, titled ‘Live animating minecraft animation blender #minecraftanimation #live’, was uploaded by Ender extra on 2024-06-15 07:00:06. It has garnered 19 views and 5 likes. The duration of the video is 00:17:22 or 1042 seconds. DOSTON COMMENT KARNA NA BHULE! LIKE TOH KAR HE DIYA HOGA SUBSCRIBE TOH KAR HE DO Follow On Instagram :)) Join My Discord If You Want To Talk To Me :)) SMP MEMBER’s Special Thanks To Video Inspired By – Thumbnail Inspired By – Contact Me Here For Any Sponsership :- ╔═╦╗╔╦╗╔═╦═╦╦╦╦╗╔═╗ ║╚╣║║║╚╣╚╣╔╣╔╣║╚╣═╣ ╠╗║╚╝║║╠╗║╚╣║║║║║═╣ ╚═╩══╩═╩═╩═╩╝╚╩═╩═╝ ⚔️TAGS (IGNORE) :- #loyalsmp #loyalsmpapplication #lifestealsmp #vrminecraft… Read More

  • Minearchy SMP Minigames 1.21.1

    Welcome to Minearchy SMP! We launched Minearchy SMP last week, and it’s already off to an amazing start! Join us in Minecraft 1.21.1 with awesome features like Chest Shops, Auctions, Grief Protection, a live Dynmap, custom player warps, an economy system, mcMMO for RPG-style leveling, quests, and special events. Don’t miss our dedicated PvP and PvE zones for different combat experiences! Start your adventure today at play.minearchy.com and join our Discord community at discord.gg/sPrmwkReRw. See you in-game! Read More

  • Minecraft Memes – Comin’ in hot: The comeback plan

    Minecraft Memes - Comin' in hot: The comeback planI guess you could say this meme is really racking up the points! Read More

  • Bedrock Battles: 2067 Warfare Beta

    Bedrock Battles: 2067 Warfare Beta In the world of Minecraft, a new update arrives, 2067 Warfare, with surprises and dives. Beta version 0.8, ready to play, Check out the changes, don’t delay. Find the full list on Telegram, Discord, VK, Explore the new features, in a fun way. Download the zip, MCaddon, MCpedl too, All versions available, for me and you. Support the creator, with a donation or two, Keep the updates coming, that’s what we do. Join the VK group, or Discord server bright, Stay connected, in the Minecraft light. So leap into the verse, with rhymes that ignite, Crafting Minecraft news, with… Read More

  • Hotter than a lava pit: Minecraft Meme

    Hotter than a lava pit: Minecraft Meme “Why did the creeper break up with his girlfriend? Because she couldn’t handle his explosive personality!” Read More

  • Boy Love in Minecraft // Test Love ep.10

    Boy Love in Minecraft // Test Love ep.10 Minecraft Animation: Exploring Love and Relationships in the Virtual World Delve into the world of Minecraft Animation with the latest episode of “Test Love.” This unique series explores the theme of boy love within the popular game, offering a fresh perspective on relationships and emotions in the virtual realm. Unveiling New Dimensions of Storytelling In this episode, viewers are taken on a journey through the intricate dynamics of love and friendship among Minecraft characters. The animation brings these relationships to life, showcasing the depth of emotions and connections that can be forged in the digital landscape. Embracing Diversity and… Read More

  • KFC Coup Chaos! Minecraft Crash Landing ft. Deadpine

    KFC Coup Chaos! Minecraft Crash Landing ft. DeadpineVideo Information This video, titled ‘The Kentucky Fried Coup | Minecraft: Crash Landing ft. @Deadpine #16’, was uploaded by Largely Unemployed on 2024-08-06 13:45:29. It has garnered 948 views and 84 likes. The duration of the video is 00:39:01 or 2341 seconds. #minecraft #moddedminecraft @Deadpine and I team up once again to tackle the endless, dusty wastes of the infamous Crash Landing scenario! We’ll need to battle thirst, heatstroke, (a lot of) spiders, and our own insanity as we try to find a way off of this godforsaken planet! Minecraft version 1.6.4 Check out @Deadpine here: https://www.youtube.com/@Deadpine Here’s the playlist… Read More

  • Uncovering Minecraft’s Terrifying Seeds

    Uncovering Minecraft's Terrifying SeedsVideo Information This video, titled ‘Solving Minecraft’s Most Scary Seeds…’, was uploaded by Epicx Gaming on 2024-02-25 08:30:03. It has garnered 3447 views and 109 likes. The duration of the video is 00:08:45 or 525 seconds. Solving Minecraft’s Most Scary Seeds… ❤️SUBSCRIBE FOR MORE❤️ Instagram:- / epicxgaming24 @TechnoGamerzOfficial #technogamerz Techno Gamerz #minecraft #MinecraftChallenge #MinecraftBut #ad Join this channel to get access to perks: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UClrgPlu7InmqWp2Ycc8rgeQ/join Read More


    HEROBRINE IN MINECRAFT?! 🥶👀 #shortsVideo Information This video, titled ‘I call herobrine🥶🥶#minecraft #minecraftshorts #gaming #herobrime’, was uploaded by See me -minecraft on 2024-07-24 06:27:29. It has garnered 10419 views and 681 likes. The duration of the video is 00:00:59 or 59 seconds. I call herobrine🥶🥶#minecraft #minecraftshorts #gaming #herobrime Read More

  • Master Minecraft with 4 Insane Redstone Tricks!

    Master Minecraft with 4 Insane Redstone Tricks!Video Information This video, titled ‘Beyond Basics: Elevate Your Minecraft Gameplay with 4 Advanced Redstone Circuits!’, was uploaded by Jupiterian Gamerz on 2024-01-16 02:30:21. It has garnered 236 views and 5 likes. The duration of the video is 00:03:53 or 233 seconds. Welcome to Jupiterian Gamerz! Dive into the exciting world of Minecraft Redstone with our comprehensive guide! 🌐✨ “Beyond Basics: Elevate Your Minecraft Gameplay with 4 Advanced Redstone Circuits!” is your ticket to mastering intricate contraptions and taking your gaming experience to new heights. 🔧 In this video, we break down four advanced redstone circuits, unraveling the secrets behind… Read More

  • Insane Lake Explosion in Minecraft! 💥 #shorts

    Insane Lake Explosion in Minecraft! 💥 #shortsVideo Information This video, titled ‘Exploding Gegegadi TNT in Minecraft 😎 #shorts #minecraft’, was uploaded by Lake on 2024-05-12 09:41:18. It has garnered 32313 views and 792 likes. The duration of the video is 00:00:52 or 52 seconds. Exploding Gegegadi TNT in Minecraft 😎 #shorts #minecraft In this video I will show you Exploding Gegegadi TNT in Minecraft 😎 #shorts #minecraft! Inspired by: @LannShorts 🔔 SUSCRIBE TO MY YOUTUBE CHANNEL FOR MORE 👍LIKE THE VIDEO IF YOU ENJOYED! 🌐SOCIALS🌐 📸 INSTAGRAM ► https://www.instagram.com/spokenuser/ 🔥 TWITTER ► https://twitter.com/SPOKENUSER 📜 EMAIL ► [email protected] Read More

  • EPIC Minecraft SMP Day 3: CRAZY Adventures!

    EPIC Minecraft SMP Day 3: CRAZY Adventures!Video Information This video, titled ‘Minecraft Rec SMP: Day 3’, was uploaded by MrCeaser on 2024-08-04 04:06:24. It has garnered 144 views and 7 likes. The duration of the video is 04:48:52 or 17332 seconds. SUBSCRIBE, LIKE, AND USE CODE ‘MRCSR’ ON Rec Room Support Me On Rec Room: https://rec.net/?a=MRCSR Rec Room User: https://rec.net/user/MrCeaser Discord: https://discord.gg/6K2kweWVDV Applause to Chubbiersnail and Cole on making this project! Read More

  • 🔴 Live Minecraft BEDWARS! Fun, PVP Madness!

    🔴 Live Minecraft BEDWARS! Fun, PVP Madness!Video Information This video, titled ‘🔴 [LIVE] Minecraft BEDWARS!⭐- 🟪Fun! + 🟪PVP + 🟪Come Watch!’, was uploaded by Blitz Craze gaming on 2024-07-16 05:01:51. It has garnered 22 views and 4 likes. The duration of the video is 00:16:18 or 978 seconds. HI, I’M Arush AGE-19 instagram- nirwan_jatt820 GAME-VALORANT , THE FINALS ,mineceraft , GENSHIN IMPACT, Free fire, BGMI, Clash of Clans AND GTAV #live #valorantlive #valorantindia #live #valorantlive Welcome To My Livestream! Like & Subscribe To Show Your Support! 🙂 In today’s stream I’ll be playing valorant live all day. #avtunited #avtcc Ignore : fortnite, fortnite fashion show, fashion… Read More

  • Insane Villager Hospital Build – Minecraft Ep 6

    Insane Villager Hospital Build - Minecraft Ep 6Video Information This video, titled ‘I built an Incredible Villager Hospital – Minecraft Hardcore Ep 6’, was uploaded by EmmyTater on 2024-04-08 20:51:59. It has garnered 872 views and 52 likes. The duration of the video is 00:22:55 or 1375 seconds. In today’s #minecraft Hardcore episode, we build a villager hospital. Not only is it a very #minecraftaesthetic build but will also prove to be extremely functional. We also build a really easy and extremely handy little redtone contraption courtesy of @MrMattRanger@MC_Oda to help us break down some of our mining materials. The idea in this entire hardcore series is… Read More

  • EPIC GAMER REACTS: Minecraft Logic #shorts

    EPIC GAMER REACTS: Minecraft Logic #shortsVideo Information This video, titled ‘Minecraft Logic Be Like…. #shorts #minecraftshorts’, was uploaded by GREAT GAMER 2 on 2024-03-25 06:19:30. It has garnered 10076 views and 265 likes. The duration of the video is 00:00:19 or 19 seconds. Minecraft Logic Be Like… #shorts #minecraftshorts @TechnoGamerzOfficial @GamerFleet @YesSmartyPie @yashgamer2.o764 Hashtags #shorts #minecraft #gaming #minecraftshorts #gamingshorts #minecraftshorts #ytshort #alex #steve Copyright Disclaimer: Under Section 107 of the Copyright Act 1976, allowance is made for “fair use” for purposes such as criticism, comment, news reporting, teaching, scholarship and research. Fair use is a use permitted by copyright statute that might otherwise be infringing…. Read More

  • Original SMP factions modded whitelist

    Welcome to the ❛Orignals❜ SMP! [java] [limited openings] [15+] [application] please be aware this will contain many mods and be very overwhelming for a PC with lower Ram ORIGINALS SMP Welcome to the Originals SMP! A world filled with endless mods and endless possibilities. Become gods based and choose a custom Origin. Many building opportunities, adventures, and community. Starter Town A hermitcraft like area for everyone’s starter bases and shops. Build relationships, participate in events, adventures, and group boss fights. LORE The Originals are gods who have been sealed away for an unknown reason. They awaken in a new world,… Read More

  • Minecraft Memes – Craft or die

    Minecraft Memes - Craft or dieLooks like this meme is not just popular, but also has a high score in the meme Olympics! Read More

A Whole New World | SKYLINE: REM (Ep 1) | Minecraft Roleplay