A1MOSTADDICTED MINECRAFT – Minecraft: How To Build a MODERN Mansion / Modern Cliff/Mountain house! 2018

Video Information

Hey guys almost addicted here and there so you guys wanted it I showed you a video of this before a little tour of what it look like so if you haven’t seen that already make sure you look down in the description there will be a video to

Show you around what you’re getting from this video but if you’ve seen it already and yeah we’re gonna build this so wear it make sure you slap a big fat like on this video and leave a comment what you want to see next and yeah it helps you know inspiration gives me inspiration

Gives me motivation and to actually build these ones for you so without further ado let’s build this so we’re down in the description we’ll be a world file of this with all the ground done so far it will be for PC but you guys can obviously get the PC version converted

To Minecraft Pocket Edition ps3 ps4 whatever you need it for so yeah let’s build this hello guys almost addicted here and today we’re building an absolutely epic mansion and it’s on a cliff now M I’d grab some calm for this because it’s gonna be pretty long but I will say I’ve

Done something for you guys and I have actually put out the main foundation you can download this map and you can download all of this that’s already done ready but if you haven’t done this bit don’t worry I’m gonna be telling you anyway so basically what I’ve done is

Found a cliff if you’re using your own world just find a cliff and you need to have at ninety by 40 so ninety going all the way along there so it’s ninety stone bricks and forty going all the way up there now this wall just on the back

Side and this side here I have put it ten high so it’s gonna be ten high there and I’ve done it this infinity pool so to start off this infinity pool you’ll need to count 31 blocks going across here and that’s where you start on 32

Would be this block right here and so altogether the length of this will be 21 so 21 so it’s one two three four five six seven eight nine so it’s ten from that point there let’s just before that stone brick and then it’d be obviously the rest of 21 so be

21 over there it was 16 across here and basically what I’ve done it’s got the white concrete and just kind of made a box that goes in with it and it’s just like one higher than the stone brick there and as you can see it goes into it

And what I’ve done is just got some stairs and just kind of like put my stairs going down like that and then just filled it in with the white concrete and so that’s there’s a little pillar and then all I did was get some white not white add some ice even and

That says 16 altogether including this white bit so that would be 16 long wise and so that would be 14 so 14 in the glass and height wise this is 1 2 3 4 5 altogether and then what I did is got carpet and run it all the way around

This edge here and then this is what I did here I just got a little bit of the iron bars and then I put some string underneath with carpet going across and it just makes kind of like a nice little thing going across there so that’s why

I’ve done as my main start I’ve got this foundation here as well so obviously this grass would be if you figure it out from the coordinates we’ve got here 31 so 31 going all the way across there so that would be 30 so be 30 grass going

Across there I’m sure we’ll work into the grass and how many would that be so if that’s 40 take away 1 2 3 4 so P 36 36 long wise might be faced 7 doesn’t matter so much even if you wanted to blocks off it will still look cool so

You don’t have to worry about that and say yeah 10 Harriett that so hopefully we’ve got all that and I’m using the stone brick this is what I’m going to use in the house I’m going to be using stone brick I might use some dark oak or

Spruce I’m thinking more dark oak so like a white concrete a dark oak maybe with some dark oak fences and I’m going to be using maybe some stone slab for the roof on top of that and then obviously we’re gonna be having pools and stuff like that and a block of your

Choice maybe we could have for the top floor would maybe have some oak or something like that so I’m gonna start off in this area here with the stone brick so obviously you’ve got all this stone brick already laid out what I’m gonna do from this point it’s come

One two three four on the fifth one we’re gonna place one two three four stone brick and so that’s one height two three four five six seven eight nine ten so as we can see from over there so I’m just gonna fill all this in so what I’m

Planning on doing I’m having this wall here and it’s kind of like this is gonna be the first level so it kind of feels like it’s a bit of an underground base and now I’ve done five gaps in between here so one two three four five and then

I’m gonna bring this all the way up to ten and just bring it across like this but obviously we’re gonna bring it down a bit because I’m gonna have some maybe some archways there and then it leads into this bit so this would be kind of like outside the house and then that’d

Be I’ve got the ground floor so we’ll start off on this bit now if you think it’s too much of a big build or a big project maybe you can just watch it you get a little bit of inspiration from it so it yeah so we’ve gone to our next one

And over five gaps as well on the sixth one bring this one one up and I’ve got a few ideas in my head what I’m gonna do but yeah so number five gaps on the sixth one bring it up and across like this but yeah am i doing two parts because I’m tempted

To do with the interior so do two there as well and but yeah I’m kind of trying to do some more bigger builds you guys I did a poll on YouTube the commentary thing we’re doing number five gaps there and another five gaps there and bring

These up so we’ve got five gaps in between on the sixth one yeah but yeah I did a poll and you guys wanted some of you wanted some cliff houses and mountain houses but most of you wanted survival houses and one houses so afford combined it all together and make just

The hugest biggest modern house I could make it’s like a huge luxury great epic mansion hopefully it’s probably one of the biggest modern houses have done for a tutorial so I’m hopefully get some inspiration from it the very least and so what I’m gonna do here now I think I’m gonna have

That bit in the white here but I kind of want a gap that’s with him Finnick pull this and let’s see so I’m gonna count in fact I’ll fill these in first these these bottom bits because these bottom bits are going to be I’m sure you guys

Still there fill this in with a stone brick you can fill it in with whatever you like but we’ve got that so far now I’m gonna work on some archways first and then we can go from there really so obviously the stone brick stairs I think my archway is one two three four

Five on the sixth one place this here and here and I think let’s let’s just have a look if this goes over the top I think that’s a perfect arch so obviously one two on the third one we can bring this going all the way across the other

Side and then we can obviously put our archers in a little bit easier and but yeah hopefully enjoy these longer videos I enjoy doing them I get very tired doing them though and it does take out at via try talking for like two three hours man it’s it’s rough no I mean not

In the doggy kind of sense it’s just it’s rough mate you know I mean so at the top here I kind of like how it’s got that gap in so I’m tempted to do this maybe we should do this something like this we can try it out and see what it

Looks like maybe something like this but I kind of like don’t place any blocks yet because I’m gonna be like experimenting a little bit I’ll tell you when you can play some blocks and yeah we’ll do something like that just to kind of cut up that thing so we’re gonna

Get some half slab of the slab half slapper this lap we’re gonna get some stone slab right okay and then we’re gonna place it across the bottom and then across the top and it just leaves a little gap in there and but hopefully I’m gonna do free floors in this and

Can look pretty epic hopefully hopefully and but that’s so far I’m kind of liking it and yeah we can work on this white layer here I’m thinking I’ll bring this one so if you’re facing on the very end of this one we’re gonna go diagonal in and it’s gonna be using the white

Concrete but you can obviously use some white quartz as well so I’m gonna bring it up to the height of maybe this maybe this height because we could maybe have like the oak or a stone brick going over there so what I’m gonna do here is gonna

Count 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 and it should yeah connect up there so we’ve got that first and then this wall I’m gonna fill it in blank so it’s gonna be 1 2 3 4 5 just next to it and we can fill that to the

Top I’m gonna try not to use any worldedit for this and so I’m doing this legit with you guys you know I mean so hopefully you feel it deserves a bit of a like or maybe comment or something I mean that’s for much anyway I am out

The side here I’m gonna come 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 and then to the side here 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 so it’d be 9 altogether and yeah I’m gonna bring this wall up so I’m gonna do

It fairly plain for some of these walls but we can always cut it up and take out windows a little bit later and which shouldn’t be too much of a problem but I’ll try and I’ll try and fit in some windows so we’ve got that so far I’m

Gonna just change the time so we’ve got a little bit of light and yeah so this little bit here I’m wanting a doorway in here so we’re gonna count 1 2 3 4 gaps on the fifth one place this going all the way up to the top 2 9 and then

Across and then so that’s counted as 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 nine ten eleven and then we can bring this down and across just like that and yeah so I think I’m gonna use I think I’m gonna use the dark oak with it cuz

It kind of stands out and it gives you that sort of a cool look so yeah I’m gonna do that so at this side here I’m gonna go one two three maybe like this and we can just have this plane going up to the top we can always put some

Windows in later and we’re gonna grab the dark oak now and maybe gonna have this as like a big window so I’m gonna go around this on the inside of it like that hump decided what glass I’m gonna use yet but I think something like that

Would be okay and this bit here now so we’re gonna have a gap of we’re gonna use the stone bricks as well one two three four five six seven eight nine ten on the eleventh one place a block so that’s count there’s one two three four

Five six seven eight nine ten eleven and then we’re gonna bring this all the way across and we’re gonna bring it up to the same high as the wall that we’ve already put there now if you haven’t done that wall doesn’t matter so much you can kind of blend landscape in with

It later and but yeah I’m kind of wanting on the second layer and what it may be a staircase some kind of fancy staircase coming into this garden area and then we can figure out some tree designs and stuff like that I want in some like long tree designs and yeah we

Can kind of mix in get a proper garden go in maybe a second floor where we’ve got a pool maybe around this area mebers and then on top which should be near that mountain sighs I would say and we’re going to do some other cool stuff

But yeah Paul I think if in that area so that bit we’ve got that so far I’m going to from this point here bring it across to this and fill this bit in here but at the same time just bear with me a second because I’m freestyle unless I could

Maybe do it from this area here so just one below so it’s actually just on this framework and then we can fill it in from that point here so we can just go around just box it off and then we can obviously add some windows in now I’m

Thinking place one there one there and one there are two in the middle sorry so bring the two in the middle across like this and then this one across like this and thinking we should go for some black blocks black stained glass even and so we get the black stained glass blocks

And we can place those on the roof just so we let a little bit of light now I don’t know what this bits gonna be maybe a pantry or something like that and but yeah we need a little bit light in there so I’ll bring that across here

So for this bit I kind of wanted to be yeah involved with this so we’ll go around here and then down here like this and then maybe put two window at left hand side there and put another two window there and then across the top we

Just need it for the doors to get there we can maybe put it three height like that so we can do some fancy open doors and I’m gonna put some oak for the ground floor in this little area here so just get that ready I’ll just get a

Little bit okay just like that I’m just gonna trim round it for now and then I can always add it a little bit later might do worldedit for like tedious bits like this because obviously and nobody needs to see this a little bit I’ll just

Do it to there for now right okay so we’re gonna have oak in there so that’s cool and the floor plan in here kind of want to raise it up a little bit you see and so when it comes to going into this area that’s when we can get some oak

Stairs going in here so I’m thinking what we could do is bring that up another one and then we can have our stair set that goes up into that area so I will bring another layer up here and another layer up here and then we can

Get our oak stairs and we could probably use that as a joke as well so that would be an oak block instead of the things sorry so if you have to take away some but and I am freestyling this yeah we could do that and then we’re getting up

To another level that way then which I think would be quite cool and so we’ve got that and I’m thinking black paned glass or even some white this time just for this little bit because it’s em it’ll just stand out a lot better against the dark oak which yeah I think

That’d look quite cool it’d be good in there a different texture pack you’ll have to wear and send it over if you do a different texture pack and so we could do something like this and so they’re like sliding doors and if you wanted to

Extend it a little bit you go like this and then get something like an iamb bar depending on what thing you’re in sometimes they just close up like that and it looks like a little open door which is pretty cool and then I’m going to add an extra layer with the slabs

Just so it peeks over like this so it’s kind of like it’s got like that peak of a roof which yeah I’m happy with that little bit that’s fine and we can add some grass and greenery surround there which that’s cool yeah on the inside of here now I’m gonna go up and

Around at this point like this and open around here same with going round to this point as well so up and down so we’re working within it so from the outside I’ll show you what it looks like from the outside you see that’s all paneling which looks

Alright I can deal with that and then we can do some across the bottom and I’m thinking I put one there one there one there we’ll just see if it’s even yeah so we’ll have a two in the middle there sometimes the odds sometimes that even I

Haven’t planned it out exactly so it’s best to work from one side to the other and then you can tell if it’s evening because if you just went one one one one yeah when you get to the end you’d have to gap says I just find it more prospect

Eclis pleasing on the eye if it’s just got the big one in the middle and yeah you can do stuff like this you don’t have to do this I know I’m removing blocks but it’s just to give you different options of what you can do you

Can maybe get some stairs like this and then put the stairs in the middle so it it gives it more depth to the bills and it looks less plain so you got something like that but you can leave it plain either either way it’s gonna look cool

And then I’m gonna get some white stained glass and go down here obviously depending on what version you’re in it joins it looks like it’s kind of like it’s got those opening windows with the open and shut which is quite cool and just by having the stairs there so if

You ever won in like a window to look like the windows are open just go like that or something like it’s just got like a little shutter or something like that you know so you can kinda you can work with that and see what works for

You just put one in the middle it just looks like you’ve got like little kind of gaps in the window but if you don’t want that you day after day you know it’s just a little thing little kind of em glitch design and that you could maybe do and so for this little

Bit here I’m wanting that kind of open and so I think we should work on this bit here now this bit here is going to be partly joined on by this and this this is gonna go up for there right okay so yeah yeah we’ll go from here so and

From this infinity pool that we’ve done we’re gonna count one two three blocks on the third one we’re gonna bring this up and it’s gonna go ten high because it’s gonna go over here so if we start from here bring this all the way across

And it joins on to there and then just make sure it’s leveled up you’ll know if it’s level because it’ll join in with this one that we’ve already placed like that so we’ve got that and then we’re gonna have three gaps and then on the far form bring that up then we’re gonna

Have two gaps this time I think this is how it’s going to work so we’ve got three gaps let’s see if that was a three gap I’m just testing a second sir and that would be through got that be a freak out and then just leaving yeah

Yeah we could do like that so just three gaps all the way don’t need to do that so one two three on the farm bring that up one two three on the fourth one bring it up one two three on the fourth on bring it up and then it brings

Locks into that so bring this up bring this one up and this one up and change the time because it’s getting dark yeah I did try to wear him set it wear it and I think it’s like something false and then it keeps us somewhere it’s at but

Using shaders it doesn’t seem to work so I did try that bit yeah it don’t work and so I’m gonna bring this going up here I’m gonna have this it’s kind of like a doorway into the place but this is gonna have something going over the

Top of this and kind of out so we’re gonna have a balcony it’s gonna go over there and then May bends around and joints on to this point here and so we’re gonna put an extra one across here and this is gonna go all the way till we get to here

And then we can brick out that one and then we’re gonna go all the way until we get to the pool so just making sure you level with it’s obviously I need an extra one bring it over here and we following the pool design so we’ve got

There bring it over a bit just making sure it’s level with this do not I mean and then you can carry on following the pool until we get to this line so we’re gonna follow this line now so you can just bring up your placement blocks

Obviously just so we know where we’re at and we’re just gonna follow that line going up bringing it up there so obviously this wouldn’t be here these are just placement blocks if you’re in survival you that’s how you get up there and then we’re gonna trace this going

All the way back here to this points are all the way at the back to where we have done our little balcony or place got a little things and then I’m gonna be filling all that in but what I’m thinking is this kind of stuff here I’m

Gonna bring that wall up and maybe a little bit more we’ve got that one there I want to bring this across here and then chisel off just this little bit here just we’re gonna bring this wall up a bit maybe for now I’ll just keep it like that

Okay so we’ve got that overhang balcony and now maybe we could do the stair set like leading up to there so this is what I’m thinking we’ve got that one that’s in line with that so we could start one here and bring it up here and then we

Can start doing the stair set here so I’m gonna bring it out like this just to this point so it’s in line with that and then we can start bringing the stairs down from there and so let’s see so two gaps there are two gaps there and

We can put our stairs on so we can put this across here and then we can grab our quartz tears whatever stairs you’ve decided to go for a thing I think I might go for that maybe some stone steps or something like that just to cut it up

So it looks a little bit different I’m thinking I’ll go for the stone so we’re gonna put one lay down here put some stairs underneath it two stairs three stairs underneath and then four and then underneath here we’re just gonna place this block and we’re gonna have one so one two three four

Five so we’re gonna do five lots of five so that’s three four five like that and then we can have our five stair set coming down from this point so one one under just until it comes to the ground I think is best and then we can trim it

Up with some different stuff going around it’s it it’s not just like a hanging stair set it’s got some support pillars it makes it look a bit more realistic there’s bringing this down you don’t have to put the stairs underneath it’s extra resources but I feel them yeah

Just makes it feel a bit better to me so yeah you decide to do that you’d have to mmm okay now we’ve got to think of a stair set I’m thinking bring this white pole to here just for now and then another white pole here so that’s that together

And then another one maybe would it be okay there maybe because we’ve got that one day ignore that yeah I think that’s probably best and then this one will be just as you come out the top which would be funny so we’re not going to do that one and but

Those pillared supports should be enough but if you would like you can bring maybe an extra support coming down but I don’t think it’s necessary and because I’m gonna bring these graphs so this is gonna go across here and then this is gonna go across here as well and then we

Could maybe just put these going down like this so a block on each one and then we can fill that up with glass and my block these off going down as well and same with this one so a block on each one like that and then did we do it

Or do we not of it that is the question one either side of here and then we can just fill those in anyway and I’m thinking an extra one on here and then when we get our glass panes now I’m gonna use the white glass panes just at

The top here just curl that round like that and then we can either use glass panes now this is entirely up to you you can use glass panes like this or you could use this the dark oak fence so we’ll take a little look dark oak fence like that so the dark oak

Fence would be like this and then the glass panes you can see which works better for you I kind of like the glass panes at the same time I do like that over a little bit as well so as you can see maybe we’d go for the glass panes

And just yeah keep it nice and modern in this sort of area bring these up like that so hopefully that’s a good enough step set to get on to the next level that’s okay and I think we can bring this across here that joins onto that

One and we can have this going all the way around and blocking off everything else I think would look quite good and I’m gonna bring it up to this point here just for now and then we can work on a little bit of stuff later so and yeah

When I’ve done it these little bits where I’ve done the archway so keep it the same level as the archway height so we’re gonna go across here and boom so it should be in level do not I mean bring these across and bring it all the

Way to the end and then what we have done this is what I’m thinking we can bring this one here and just fill it in just like this just to fill them wall just to give it a little bit more structure I guess and yeah and we can do

Exactly the same as what we’ve done here but these archways I’m not sure if we should just keep them plain or not but yeah if you are doing this tutorial congratulations you’re epic and it’s not the easiest tutorial to follow along is quite tricky it’s quite tricky to

Explain it but hopefully I’m doing an okay job and yes so across here I’m gonna turn this into a window and then on the inside here I’m gonna go round it like this just round the inside of it we can go across the bottom as well just

Like that and then as you can see from this side I’m thinking maybe have a doorway here so maybe put one here and just have it a little too doll way there and then I’m gonna have some white back here so one two three four and we’re

Gonna bring this all the way up until we get to the same height as that so nine high altogether bringing it back for like this and then we can fill in this bit with the dark oak up – you can go it doesn’t matter so much I guess that’s

Gonna be going over the top so yeah so from the outside looks like that and I’m thinking maybe we could just do something like that it’s a little bit different but if you don’t like that you can experiment you know you can maybe just have it at the

Top and then for this little bit here you could grab some quartz if you wanted it to be a bit more sharp like that or even like that you know something like that you know I think that would do the job do the trick okay and on the inside I think we should

Work on bringing these foundations up now and so at the side where we have done this I might do this so one window there one window there we’ll get that white glass and then we can put these on like this so this would be obviously a

Double window and if you want it so it looks like it’s opening up you can have something like that so it’s like a bit of a slide window it slides up and we’ve got that and also what you can do is you can put this across here and then it

Means you can just put some Bush in so you can change it about you know and then same with this as well if you want in at the top of it you want a bit more Oh for window ledge you could do something like that to make it a bit

Better design same with these ones as well if you want in to add that extra detail this is not necessary it’s just kind of a you can if you want but you get the idea and let’s do this one as well while we’re here that and that get

The white windows that’s white block not the windows ring this right let’s see bring this round because this is gonna be all can it oak flooring we can have like ups and downs in the floor and stuff like that maybe some bits go up so

That bit goes to here see this bit can be going all the way across to this white point here just to there I’m gonna fill it all in later but you kind of get the idea it’s gonna be round there like that I said finish but that’s all gonna

Be filled in later we can leave it for later yes so what was gonna do is fill in this foundation here so from here this point that we’ve done where I’ve got that little door at the side of this we count one two three four five six

Fill that to lit up and also in if it’s going too fast you’ve got the slow-mo feature my my sons and brothers and sisters know you can slow it down a bit and then we’re gonna have a gap of one two three four five on the sixth one

Place one two three four five six seven and then one two three back and then we can fill all these up to the same height as what we’ve done there bring this up as well and across you see what I mean it’s quite a long video this

But if you do end up building it get hold of me on Twitter I’d love to see what it looked like maybe in different ditch packs and stuff like that or maybe how you’ve adapted it and made it your own and so next so we’ve got those now

Next we’re going to want two three four five on the six one we’re gonna place one two three four five six seven eight nine ten and then this is gonna go 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18

19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 and then back from here 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 and then from

Here so we’re facing this way now 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 and then turn around to the right and then 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 and then forwards 1 2 3 4 5 6 go back

Here and side 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 and then back 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 Wow my goodness me right so we’ve got those and we’ve got this other side of this we’re gonna count one to the side one

Two three four five six seven so make sure you got a one cup there and it’s not one two three four it’d be five altogether and then we’re just gonna bring up all the walls that we have placed in the place and all the way up

To the same level as what we’ve done here and I kind of underestimated there the length of what this is gonna be it’s gonna be I’m feeling I’m feeling it already I’m feeling it I’m feeling the drain and if you’re doing this in survival you’re probably thinking the

Same you thinking Jesus yeah I’ve come too far I’ve come too far now and so I’m gonna bring these up to the same height as well and what you can do when you bring them up these are all gonna be connected anyway so you can just bring

Them up in stages like that but if you’re in survival for your best just do it doing it like this and then going on to the next stage the next stage or just going around the whole thing just one going all the way around and yeah you

Get the idea so I’m gonna speed this up just bring in these white blocks to the top and yeah this is bright bits that I need to speed up a little bit because of ice yeah I’m run out of things to talk about even I’ve run out already so I mean

Ok so now we’ve done that you should have all these white walls up so from the inside what you can do is you might as well go over the top of them because they’re gonna be down anyway so these can all join together like a cross here

As well I can join together it’s probably all going to be filled in in the white anyway so yeah so I think let me have a little think about this I’m going to do this literally fill in everything from this level so begun run the stone anyway so bringing everything

Up another level but it’ll all be filled in even these little bits it’s gonna be all filled in with the white concrete so even up and around here just all filled in how’s it going to be filled in the white concrete all look across the top

And just where have you got these stone bricks you just go around it and so even across here all be filled in with the white concrete just all of this I’ll there in fact I’ve got welded it here so I can just kind of show you in

Stages and then you can kind of get it done and so yeah first edge I’ll probably go from here to here fill it olive do you not I mean like and then these bits here I’ll just change the time set a second and we’re going to

Leave that wall going through it but if you would like you can remove it if you really want to and what you can do is if you’re gonna remove any so just saves you removing just two blocks there and just bring all this up like this and

Just leave some gaps in it so you can actually get through onto this balcony area but the rest of it yeah so like all this it’d be all the way through there’s no point speed in this bill I might as well do while you’re here and

But you get the idea it might be a bit tricky but at the end of the day you’ve started a project that it probably didn’t look very easy in in the start so yeah I’m only joking I’m sorry I’m doing I’m doing my best that I can do you know

But doing a build this big do you know what I mean there is there’s a price to pay in all of that you know I’m gonna bring these all up doing a build like this it’s probably white not many people do them because they’re a bit too big

And obviously you do need to remove some blocks sometimes some people don’t like that and but just think of it this way yeah big deal you remove some blocks but you got a good build out of it you know well hopefully if you think it’s a good

Built and but yeah you’ve got a better building probably probably a build that you wouldn’t have necessarily got in the first place I said you know it’s all good and so we’ll go from there and then yeah I’m gonna fill it in this level here so this is how we would do it

Just so I can show you guys and it’s not good is that yeah that’s one higher like that so this is what I’d look like just you’d have a roof going over the top of everything so on the inside did have all the walls and stuff like that

And obviously fill in all this and then you just got a nice blank canvas to work on the next layer and so obviously here is well I need to put this in so this is all filled in as well let’s do it to that and then we just got a final a

Little bit but as you can see like that and then what we can do yeah we can still carry on with this going all the way around with the white stained glass you don’t have to use the white stained glass you can do that balcony design

That we’ve done there and but I’m just gonna do this a little bit different shouldn’t affect it too much and then it should just lock into there like that but this is what I mean on this next level where you’ve got this bit you can just leave some gaps out of it

And so like any where I live free there free here just so you can get onto that back balcony because that’s it’s just gonna be like a little tapered line anyway but underneath as you can see so far we’ve got quite a bit and but now

We’re gonna work on yeah this sort of design so as you can see we’ve got this what I’m thinking is from here that’s where we can get the stair set I’m gonna have to actually let’s get a stair set going in there and then this going over the top and it can

And can fix it into there you know like that this could be been around and then you can have like you can have the glass panes in there or something like that but it doesn’t matter much for this little bit it’s just kind of you just

Kind of go with the flow of things and same for here as well you can just have one of those opening doors here it’s like maybe that’s open like that that’s open like that and then on this one you can have that and that there you know so

It’s just kind of open plant I think it looks quite cool and it’s definitely yeah it’s got a cool design hopefully and yes so for the inside here it’s probably gonna get a bit dark now so I’m just gonna get some lights out I’m just gonna grab some see lanterns for now and

Obviously you’re not going to use see London’s but I just need to light the place up a bit because we are going to be working on a little bit of that and Tyrell just a little bit yes so everything I’m gonna be putting the floor foundation down I think down here we’ve got

Definitely a lot to work with and but yes so you’re coming through this bit which is this door and this is the first room and then the second room I want you to grab some gray concrete and then from this wall here we’re gonna count one two

Three four five six on the seventh one we count three and bring this up and now it just breaks up loads white walls so it’s not just all plain-jane white walls and it’s got some kind of something to it you know so go into this area now and then from this point here

This pillar here where we’re gonna divide it up so one two three on the fourth one will place one two three four five six seven eight nine and there should be three gaps there and then we can have another wall here which is in the gray concrete and divides it up now

What I’m thinking for this wall is and we could maybe put TV on this one and plus we can have like maybe some sugarcane or something like that dividing of the rooms and stuff it’s all entirely up to you guys I might even leave that little thing there to let a

Little light through but you kind of get the idea and this is so you can divide the rooms up now this is where we’re gonna be going and doing stuff like this where we are going to this is what I’m thinking maybe where we’ve got these

Doorways here we can have white and then just lead white stairs going down so white stairs going across here and then behind it just like that so it’s got one extra either side so here is well obviously have to take another one out and I’m thinking we could have the base

Instead and then have a stair set there coming down from that area so there’s different kind of ways that you can kind of mix it up but what’s gonna happen with all this is this is going to be the whole floor plan because the floors gonna be up one higher but you can

Always have some areas of the floor that’s a little bit different and let’s go from here to here I’ll show you what it looks like if I can remember it’s my [ __ ] I think it just did five and so here is well this will all be done in so

That florins all the way done as well we work on its floor in here as well so it’s all gonna be an oak but I’m just dividing it off a little bit different and so we’ll go from there to there best doing this bit manually so it just goes

Round everything and then I can go from here to about here or something like that there we go and then yeah just every little bit we’re just kind of filling in the oak flooring but you know what speed this up so you kind of see it in the

Progress but you don’t have to do this you can just keep the stone floor and have done you know and so that bits up to you fill that in and then this bit here well we’ve got the stairs what we can do is just bring that up to the top

Like that and for each of those bits it just yeah so we can actually put some dollars in there I mean you can put it across the top we’re gonna be filling it in anyway but you can do that if you like and then when we go into this area here and then

I’ll just carry on with this so let’s try and get a good square so go from here to this corner here and just fill it all in it’s all gonna be filled in with the oak anyway so be easy with the world edit but don’t you worry if you’re on console

Or anything like that I’ve I have built for three years on minecraft with no worldedit so obviously because I’m not building these I’m just teaching you guys how to do it I don’t see it really necessary that I shouldn’t not use it you know what I mean

So if it makes my job a little bit more simple to be able to give you guys a bit longer videos and maybe I could do in the first place I think it’s an alright trade-off unless you just want to see me absolutely slaving away and then you’re a cruel

Cruel person and yeah so around this silver one I’ve done here what I’m going to do is just so we’ve got something different for the roof we’re gonna be doing something different with the roof anyway and but and yeah you can grab your TV you can have two TVs here even

You’re just like a big plasma TV you can have a different TV designs if you’ve got like different stuff but yeah something like this get it shelved off you’ve got a nice plasma TV get all your mates around well there we go you can add some couches in there you

Can do it on the other side as well oh you could even turn it into like maybe this could be a fireplace I’m not gonna like this I wouldn’t advise lighting it either unless you’ve got fire spreads turned off and get that going up there and

Let’s see if we doubled it up a bit more I wonder if this would work and if we could get away with it mag let’s get some magma blocks in there I hope magma blocks don’t burn things down because I’ll be a bit depressed and I’m gonna go

Like that and then get some dark planks going across there yeah we’ve got a little bit of a fire going on so yeah that’s cool we can add that you can obviously add carpets hello mr. cow you stuck that and so hey why is for the doors I’m gonna have

These as like individual doors uh maybe we could do that as a bathroom as I mean so we could maybe put this up here fill in all this area and then do the same sort of windows that we did before with the others and you can have sliding

Doors you could even add some redstone in there and and do the sliding doors that way and but I’m gonna go with something like this just for all the doors just to keep it modern one two three you can have them for height you can I’m five high it’s entirely up to

You and let’s go something like this bring it out like that and then we can put this in fill that to there boom we’ve got a door there and then that one here though awesome and but yeah if you want into where cut it up as well you

Can grab like gray block say if you wanted that if you feel the walls just a bit too kind of white just get little blocks like that and then break up the wall like that’s random it’s just at the side of there may become one two three four

Five six seven on the seventh one bring this up and what you could do here instead is have a little shelving system so maybe you could get some great carpets and there this is a sort of modern look you could go far just something like this you know you can

Have that sort of thing going on you could have added a couple of more so you could have the number one do exactly the same you can have different colored shelves and stuff bring that across here and then even across here as well you could just have it like that you know do

The same at the other side maybe one two three four if you like symmetrical things one two three oh come on I’m gonna save you I’m gonna save you mister come on okay I don’t save you I’m sorry no cows or real cows were harmed in the making of this video

And then across the top as well you’d do something like that but you get the idea it’s very sleek you can make it very minimalistic and get some like little couches and chairs here so like I don’t know maybe you want some gray couches just whatever height you like maybe just

With this in it’s got a little couch there may be a number little couch by the fire just in level with that one just in level with the fireplace kind of thing and then live one here that’s to the side and change the couch sizes so they

Are matching together and you can put some carpets down there and stuff and you can have more of these little vents as well you could have a double one this time I don’t want to go too much into the interior even though it seem to be

Doing it I get a bit carried away when I do these things but yeah you can’t get the idea it’s very minimalistic but it’s quite good and then you could have like I don’t know just a maybe there’s a random table here maybe a random little

Table that lives here you know and dig down this is a good little table just use some pistons or something like that oh never designed for a table check what you think – this table design it’s pretty simple and it’s using what we’ve already used unless one there one there

And then fill this in one that one there and then we’re gonna need some string and then carpet so we can place a carpet on top of there on top of that you guys know what I’m doing there and there and then when you put string on you can put

Carpets underneath so set ring but hopefully you get a bit of inspiration I’m sure there’s lots of furniture ideas it can use what I might do if this gets enough traction and then I will definitely do an interior for this because it is quite a big one I think

It’d be quite enjoyable but yeah you got something like that a little cool table design and then you could just do your normal chairs put some banners behind it are just these simple chairs like this it’s simple but it looks kind of modern and then for the roofing and stuff like

That that’s when it gets like you can do all sorts but you don’t want a plane roof like that trust me and but I will be doing something by the carpet design I would probably stick to your main color switches that you’ve already kind of placed so like a made one two three

Three maybe in a gray there and then finish it off with a bit of white do you know what I mean something a little bit out there you can have it if you like it all symmetrical have it like that so that’s a cool little design put some

Paintings up there and stuff you can even take out little bits here maybe it’s where you’ve got some speakers it looks like a bit of a mouth and you can do some modern art on the wall see like a simple version of modern art and you just something like this and then this

Wannabe white like that something like that you know alright yeah I think that’s pretty awesome and then obviously you can put some plants on there so it’s plumb there blunt there and whatever plan you like boom boom boom modern art myself but yeah I think within that you should have enough inspiration surely

And toilet designs you’re welcome I mean you do so much you know something like that you can go like that place it back here and then you could have this on you know that’s pretty cool toilet and bathtub obviously the new water features with the 1.13 blocks in makes

It cool to do baths like this now so you can do like that and it would actually fill in the whole side get some taps by using stuff like levers and maybe you just want to block in the corner where you put your level where your tap would

Be fill that in with water up the side you could have like sink something like that and it’s just so much she can do even just to sink like that you know and oh you could have one of those based in sync things go like that and yeah I want

To take out the wall but you can kind of bring it round and it’s a very big sink boom put maybe some glass there ice or something you’ve got mirror it just so much you know and but you get the idea hopefully and little toilet papers rolls and stuff

And then for the roofing you can do like different designs if you wanted like do you know like something like this you know ikat that side you can have a shower in here as well I’m I’m gonna end up doing the whole interior here so a cool shower design you could do

Something like this boom boom boom like that and then obviously fill out of the bottom and then you could get your glass and goes up like this across the top boom boom boom like that you’ve got a cool little shower you know modern minimalistic pretty cool shower

You know and some banners as well get bummer your banner is now a little towel little towel rack something like that so something like that and then you can add lit this is a cool design I’m getting away with myself again check this out alright I’m gonna show you anyway

Whatever like this and then if I can oh yeah and then this one yeah so that that’s another little modern art piece like that or you could just have the one like that and then you could place flowers on top of it boom you have done you have done an amazing thing

Massaro you know but that that’s pretty simple but same again if you want it to cut things up make them a little less plain and boring go like that get some of these going up by the side it can even connect it onto the shower by one

Advisor I probably put them either side of this like that so it’s nice and symmetrical and that’s kind of fitted in there and then you can add stuff like lose my voice here some more of these going up to the tops you can hang your towels on or whatever you you would do

Look you get the idea put paint in there or some it but yeah this is some cool ideas you could pray play around with and yeah another living room so obviously you can add another couch in there and stuff like that and across these doorways you can have them really

Big open-plan but for now I’m gonna keep them kinda like this and just leaving it open plan there’s so much we can do same with these doorways as well we’ll work on something a little later I’m outside here along here this is where we can add

Maybe a little bit of get some cold rooms get the cauldrons we get some water because this adds a little bit to it and we can get some bushes bushes of your choice and so maybe out here we go one two I think three would look good

There even far would look good fill the cauldrons up and then in the normal texture pack obviously I’ve got shaders on you can see the water through there and you can bring them up as high as you like so you could have some in there some across here one

Two three four this one and then three four this one or four even put your water in just a cool little trick cauldron you can have this one that’s a smaller one while you can just do it the same height as everything else if you’re a little bit of you need everything in

Order I’m not gonna call it OCD I’m not sure I should we call it and but let’s see four more little designs out here just maybe something like this one two one two I don’t know why I keep putting on that one one two one two one two one two and

Then one two three I think four high with the two stock looks good fancy looks pretty awesome like that three four but as you can see wolf just really pulls it together and then yeah simple stuff like this and I just put in some here maybe get your wooden trap door

Lack of this and just build it round and then you could add flowers in then just to bring some more color in so you got a bit color in that corner now and obviously could put some lights going underneath there light it up a little bit same with these as well you can

Always dig underneath the ground and you could get them level with like each archway so something like this that’s archway there one two three but I’m probably just for prosthetic reasons one two and then it’d have to do I’ve gotten over arch right here one two three yeah for prosthetic reasons

Obviously I’m not gonna dig underneath the ground it’s gonna take absolutely ages to do this as as it is so you can put some black blocks there to give the illusion that you have got something going on underneath there so it kind of bare yeah so it works with the landscape

You’ve got that going across it just gives it solve yeah the illusion that you’ve got something going on there and same with this as well you could always do something like grab these like this and just go one wrap it round like this and just adds a little bit more to the

Build put some flowers on there or something like that just one on each one like this that goes to there one either side just by curling it around like that just gives it a little bit of something and across these bottom ones as well here and here and obviously we’re

Working with the landscape so we don’t need to for this one maybe we could do it for this one just scrape away this one like that and then plant pots get our little plant pots out and I think just to add a little bit of color cuz I

Think when people look on thumbnail you’ll see that I’d be like yes that’s quite a nice up so maybe one either side like that and there you can always work with the landscape add some more decorations around the landscape and to make it look cool but something like that you know I

Think that’s pretty awesome it stands out and we’ve done our first layer so congratulate yourself by yourself on the back because we’re going on to the next area and yeah so that’s part one done so far hopefully you enjoyed this video I think I might do it in individual parts

Nah I’m only joking actually kill him I’ll be back I think I need a cup of tea or something like that have a cuppa tea brick and I’ll get back onto it because I kind of want to wear I’ll put these in I want to make it a

Long video because I find you people put it in like loads of parts and stuff the blood part 1 part 2 and I just kind of like giving people it all in one place if you know I mean I just think it’s easy more accessible blah blah blah but

Yes so far we’ve doing quite well you should give yourself a pat on the back even a house like that and just looking like that it’s probably quite nice and very work with it but we’ve got so many layers to do so I’m back in a second

Well it’s the second video but it’s about I’ll fan out for me I mean need a lie-down right okay I’m back oh my god right so I’m gonna start off here and I’m gonna take out this glass and just wherever we’ve got a line here we’re gonna take out piece of glass just

Like that and then the line here so this should be free gaps in between each one and then this one here boom just like that and now here I’m going to do is I’m gonna place a block here and then we’re gonna bring this up and we’re gonna go

Across like this just across so we get to that point and then we’ve got that little railing in and then we’re gonna go with my warn in fact we’re gonna get some of the dark oak as well and and then I’m going to go up by one two three

Four five six might put one on the bottom bring it up and across like that so same with one here so one two three across one two three four five six less than 1 there no one here Hanan of one here so all up to 6 and put them

Across and then yeah these are gonna be our little windows into the place and then we can bring this lock up and we’re gonna go to high like this so this is gonna go all the way across here and down joining at these points and just to

Height across the top and then of course for these little bits here I’m going to fill these up just in the middle and then we are going to get our glass panes and which we can use the white which he’ll stand out a bit better against

This and put those in and which one of these this one and this one here ok and so across the top this is what I’m thinking I’ll just do my time step 0 I’m gonna grab some stairs of the dark oak just for this little bit here and just

Across the top of this window these windows here I’m gonna do that might actually do it here as well just like that so that’s looking nice and then we can work on in this little bit so this little bit here and one in just like a one-dog way here if we could actually

Break it through the brick just so we’ve got a two doorway through there and this going all the way up through here to the top there now what I’m gonna do for this little bit here and I’m kind of tempted to do this go over the top of this like

This and wherever we’ve put our windows we’re gonna do this like that and this is going to be just all in a plane but in fact I’m gonna have this going up to the top to going over the top I see this going up here as well

Hopefully you with me still on this I’m gonna put this across here I might yeah I’ll put the white stained glass in here as well it’s across there just like that and then when we go to this point here as well I’m going to have it across here

So bring this across and then where we put our three doorway place it up and across like that all the way until we get to the other side where we’re gonna place it on top of here like that and then basically I’m gonna go across here

Now so this is why it doesn’t matter where the three doorways are we’re just doing that so we can put our windows in like that for this a long window across here we could always put some flower beds out here and stuff like that and in

This one going all the way across here so that’s look no so far and I think what I’m gonna do for this little bit is I’m gonna where we’ve got these bits I’m gonna bring them up and across by two so we’ve still got that flat two going all

The way across the top so we might as well bring flat ones bringing all the way across here until we get to the end like this and then wherever we’ve got the doorways we’re just gonna go like this bring them up now up there as well

And then I’m going to fill this little bit in with the dark oak so I’m gonna have a window there I’m gonna have a one window here and then I’m gonna have a big window here going across like this like that and what I’ll do for this one

One two with that side one two at that side and then here we’re gonna have a one window and then here I’m gonna go like this like that and then fill this in and then what I’m gonna do for this bit is go round all the bits that we’ve

Already done just around these little bits here like this just like that surround that bit across here as well and up and then across this little bit as well just adding a little bit of depth into the build so it stands out so those recesses look a bit more

Dark we could probably put some plant pots area and stuff and some flowers to make it stand out a little bit better and then across to here and down and then finally Rasta here and then this one is gonna be going across the top this is where we’re gonna have the roof

To keep at a point so we’ve got that so far and where we’ve got these doorways here what you can do is you can extend them out a little bit more by just putting these here and like it’s supporting these little areas here so I think that’s nice that should look quite

Good and then we’re going to go on here now this is what I’m thinking for this bit just for this little area here and we can bring it all the way across and bring it down we’re gonna fill it all in but it just acts as a little

Balcony so bring it across here like this and then we can fill these in but we can fill them in like gaps like this so we’ve got spaces in between here and yeah just kind of fill them in doesn’t necessarily have to all match up it’s

Gonna look cool there we go it’s perfect now this glass here what we can do at these points if I can grab the glass I might actually put it at this area here just slots in there may be one here as well where we’ve got each door so

It’d be like a pillar coming up at each support level and here as well coming up here and here as well where we’ve got that door piece and then finally right at the end where we’ve got this piece here so it kind of all supports it looks

Quite nice I think what we could do is perhaps on the inside here is run some of this Bush just add a little bit of color and so obviously when you’re viewing it it looks pretty awesome from the outside just something like this you

Know and then we can bring it in to that corner like that so let’s have a look at that yeah that looks pretty sweet and then what we can do for these little areas here I think just for this one we could probably get away with it and is

By doing this we can add some more character to the build so we’ll get some wooden trapdoors we’ve got some dirt or grass blocks you might have to spread it if you’re in survival and then we want some flowers I’m gonna go with the red because the Reds like the biggest so get

This going across here and then not across the doorway there bring this and we can actually just take away the two there and then for this bit go like this fill all these in and you guessed it we can put the flowers in but you can obviously put whatever flowers you like

I’m just gonna do something like that and I think it should it look quite good let’s get that in there and then I will put these trapdoors on as well and yeah you can still squeeze past you’ve got a nice balcony but it just looks pretty awesome and I’m thinking

For this bit for these doorways through here I’m just gonna do something like this just really simple really super simple just get this going across here and yeah on the inside what you can do so you can extend it bring it up and round and up to the top you can have

Them peeking out the top here just so it adds a little bit of thickness on the inside and it looks a little less silly guess I think you need a bit of depth into you building so yeah can’t like that and let’s have a little look from the front that’s looking pretty awesome

If the do you see for myself which I just did and then but this bit I’m wanting a bit of a balcony here but the same time a kind of I want to use this to my advantage get this off and we can fill that in you

Can fill this into the top as well so just so we’ve got some different wall designs from the inside I think I’m only gonna bring it up to about that level I’m not gonna bring it up to the very top because we’re gonna have some quartz

Going over the top of that um so yeah you could fill all this wall in but what you can do as well and if you want to make it a little bit better you can just add something like this maybe two down or something like that

And then where the doorway is you just need it a big enough doorway to actually squeeze through so it’s entirely up to you at this point and where you want to fit your windows and stuff but this is just kind of a brick wall and then you

Can add like stuff like this it’s a little pantry area to get out into the over little area and maybe fill that in fill them across there so they’re all the same height and then in between here up to this point here like this so like

That and then that could be a 2/1 or something like that you get the idea and then get this bit up here and then we can fill the glass in here I kind of want this is an outside balcony area kind of thing but it’s got an overhang

Over here as well so we’ve got that little bit there and yeah I’m gonna have something going over the top of that and then I’m wanting to start another level from here so one two three four five and bring that across to here and then this

Is gonna go up there now you can plop out a space I don’t know maybe a four hole or something like that it just goes up like that because we’re gonna have a doorway into there anyway because obviously when we come up the stairs and then we can have another thing coming

Down from here like this bring this up to this level bring this across as well so we’ve got two little outside balconies and we’ll have another one here as well it’s just like a little small one it’s getting dark let’s change this time fill that up and this is gonna obviously

Go – we can actually go one past the stone brick wall like that and you can join it on to here because we’re gonna have something going over the top there and so once we’ve done that I think in this little area here I’m kind of

Wanting to just have it as a a wall so where we’ve got this wall or can extend it like this all the way to once we go up to that wall we’re gonna count 1 2 3 4 5 and then bring it back across here like this

And then this is obviously gonna go be the same height as this so we can bring across and bring it up so I’m gonna have my outside swimming pool there I think and but this kind of area is it’s just a bit of a courtyard sort of thing going

On so I’m bringing it up to the same height as what we’ve done over there this is just gonna be a plain wall but this wall this big one I think it’s two five one we can just fill it all in that’s not set to five one there we go

And so yeah we’ve got that – get in there and might do another little area see this is how you get in you get in through that one so this wall here at the same time a kind of we’re gonna have an overhang there and but I’m gonna

Put the whole roof on so it can kind of work around it right okay so what I’m gonna do here as I’m gonna go past here and it’s just gonna go one past everything so that’s one past here one past here and it’s gonna just go all the

Way around the building I think I might do this twice over like this so yeah when it gets to that it’ll be two over bring it all the way around so we get to this point so it stops there you can leave that little line in there I think

It adds to the design and then once we’ve got to that point there we can bring this one round and I just want it over hanging by one so where this wall is we just want it over hanging by one so we can bring it over at this point

And then so we’re on top of there now which is perfect and then I’m gonna bring this all the way back so as you can see it’s just one off from this line here and I’m gonna do exactly the same on this wall here so making sure it’s

Just one past it so that there one past it and then bring this all the way across to join with this area here so it should join on like that and then obviously and I’m gonna do this I’m gonna fill this little gap here and then

We can just fill in that roof because we’re gonna add some more stuff so I’m gonna go like this and obviously this big wide section is just gonna be all filled in with the white concrete mmm it’s a lot to do on this build it’s a

Big build but hopefully you feel it Sam it’s worth it you know in the end you’ve got a nice build to work with so I’ve got that set like that I’m gonna do the same for here so this little area here that’s going to be set

And this little area here as well that’s gonna be sad as well so let’s have a little look like yeah and this this bit here as well this one’s gonna be filled in so it’s not gonna be filled in this area because this is where I’m gonna put

Swimming pools so the swimming pool now is I’m wanting one of these crater cannet so let’s put one there bring this up in fact let’s bring it from at this point here so we’ve got two gaps in between there and then stops about there

Bring it all the way to the wall all the way across here all the way across here as well and that’s a swimming pool I’m only doing it one deep because obviously underneath we’ll get that in fact what you can do is you can maybe make it into

One of those swimming pools where you maybe climb up a ladder in it’s just kind of like this we can do a bit more like this see that point and at the back here as well we could maybe get diving board where you can have you can dive

Off here or something like that I think that might be quite cool and I’m gonna fill this water in here so there and there so just fill it all in with water water so we’ve got our nice little swim pool obviously we need to have like a stairway going up or

Something or a ladder I mean you could just get a box standard ladder going up like that and then some glass at the side of it or something like that just to make it look nice and then off the end here just get one in the center and

Because we could have this if we take this like this do it two times this is gonna be pretty awesome it’s gonna be a pretty awesome house do this two times here and then we can bring this up and it would can act as a support for this as well that overhang

Roof bring this here as well and yeah you can get into the pool room this way also I think it might be quite cool so I’m gonna bring this across by one two three four or five fill all this in fill it up to the top there and then this is

Where I’m gonna have this coming down and then this coming down from this area and then we could do it one more time here and then this is where we can get our stairs going up which will be the quartz they’re just put them over under until they hit the ground

So yeah that’s cool so far and then I think the door weight into it we’re gonna have something like just something like that just a quick doorway into the place and then across this back wall we can just have these going across and add some windows in that bit so we

Can have two at that point and then well let me grab some windows see what it’ll look like obviously we will have to put some more support beams maybe like holding this little area up so just put the one it’s a pop beam there I think

That’ll do and then on the inside you can do you want coming down from here as well and you can thicken up the stairs if you’d like just do something like that you’ve got all side recess like that and get your glass one two across

There that down fit those in so you can get up you’ve got a doorway onto this area and then you can get on the diving board so you could do this on to here and then for the diving board you can do whatever you like you could do something like

This you could have a stair like that and then you’d get your string one two three and then get some carpet place one on top and then three across there you’ve got a nice little diving board which looks pretty cool you can bring that down to there and have like you can

Double up a bit like that bring that to there boom that’s pretty awesome even something like this just taking something out like that I’d make it look pretty awesome as well I think I’m outside here as well what you can do is you could add some decoration so you

Could get some grass blocks bring them all the way across here then you can grab your wooden trapdoors fill them all the way across here and put flowers in of your choice I’m gonna go with red again because it just kind of bare it looks nice it works works well like that

And then if you would like he can this is your choice so and you take out windows here in there just something like that you know going across doesn’t have to be a certain way if you want to keep it all blank keep it all blank you

Know and but you can let a little bit light in here either either way still gonna look pretty awesome and so we’ve got that what I’m wanting to do is I’m wanting to bring this over because this is the side of the mountain and we can

Just bring them up and then we can maybe put some trim of the stone or something like that one like that and then grab some stone slab and see if this works just by putting this round across this bit I have a little overlap here maybe a something

Something like that and what you can do you can do the same for this little bit so you’ve got like a little overlap here it just goes into this point and what you can do is you can have this coming up here and just comes down to here see

Double thickness in this little area rope and yeah add in this bit on little balcony looks pretty awesome just change the time again there we go and yeah same for here as well if you want to take the windows out because you don’t like it rubbing up

Against there you can do that and should make much of a difference for you yeah yeah thing about these you just kind of like you’re going with the flow of it and sometimes it can be a bit tricky kind of not taking any blocks out something like this you know so they

Don’t have to be all even you can have different windows you don’t even have to put a window here if you don’t want if you want to add like just silly things like this just just to cut up that white so it’s just not all pure white and you

Can do that as well so that adds to the build em across here as well and you can add some of that in there just to cut that up so it’s not all pure white and across it I kind of like how it’s nice and open but you can always add like

Glass panes coming through here you’ve got this little area here that you could just bring them up so it separates the door something like that and so you got that to come out onto this balcony it’s all connecting looking at nice hopefully and yeah and this as well what you can

Do for these little bits here as well you can just put these in all the way across and you don’t have to obviously and but it’s just something actually you can add that just adds to the build makes it look a little bit more better

It just stands out a little bit more and then you can obviously put these windows in and then we’ve got the next level and to do let’s fill these in it’s a bit of a bigger window and this one and this square one here as well and then of

Course you can add like bushes and stuff like underneath this little area as well if you want in to go full out make it look a bit more pretty stands out a bit more but yeah see what I mean it’s just like a multi-million dollar mansion going on here it’s pretty epic what

Should we do now let me see so we’ve got our swimming pool that’s looking nice I’m wanting to divide this off a little bit so I’m thinking we could put that there for this across and we can have another big window like across here what you can do with it and

Just do that as well if you want in to separate it up and separate the white and you don’t want something like that you know and same with here as well you can put some like over bits like what did we use we used the light gray concrete yes so

Say if you wanted to could it up you felt like you know it was just too white just stuff like that just little simple things like that can bring out the architecture in your build and even if you doubled it up you know doubled it up

Whatever it’s up to you I’ll leave it up to you guys and then you can can do your own thing outside here we can add some more bushes on there and then you can have a little thing going round here you can even have it going round a little bit and but you

Can just have it like that and then you could just get your white glass fill that in keeping it nice and modern which ya think it looks good so far I think we’ve got like a good thing going on and for this bit as well if you just want it

To leave it as a wall and then of course put that across that leave this as a wall and if you want it to add all the stuff in there like put a bush along that edge like this bring it all the way to the other end here and just bring it

Around the garden so it separates it and you can have a light little gaps where you would walk through so you could have a gap there as well bring it round and it connects into there come across there have more gaps where you walk through

Just at the side of the building you can have it wrapping all the way around just think it makes it look quite nice you can obviously add some vines and stuff but you see what I mean you can do your own thing with this and it’s not necessarily gonna steer too far away

From the project and make it look about so I think so far that’s pretty damn epic and then what I’m gonna do is start working on the next level so I think in here we need to work on and let’s see because obviously we go through here

Through here and then we’ve got this big straight line through here and out the back here obviously because I’ve got cliffs in here and you can just keep it plain so what you could do is do something really really easy and just fill that in just pure white the same

With this area here just so it connects in with this just full white and then you’ve got a template to go from and then you can take out windows as you choose as you see fit and so if you go from the back of the building that’s

Probably the best way to gauge it and so from the back here looks nice and plain and stuff like that this is where you can add your own thing and yeah so you can make it stand out a bit more add in just like little dimensions in the build

Like maybe you wanted this going all the way around obviously everyone’s gonna be different and it’s not going to be like this but I’m just giving you little ideas you could maybe use and so you can have something like this that goes up and then you could have like you could

Take some out in different areas take some out here as well and you could even them take it out so you’ve got like a side window into your house do you not I mean so it’s yes stands out I might use some she’s a white block of glass I

Think the block is best suited for this do you see what I mean and like and if you wanted to add some more detail you just feel well that’s just too plain I just just add like little trims because she’s using the block it’s amazing how much just like a little trim

Like that would do and you could do the same here as well if you want in like an obscure side window let’s say one two three four five because you don’t get many houses with side windows like this so you could do something like this so

One two three four five just the same as what we’ve done at the other side and take this out this is just an idea so obviously you don’t have to do this and then you could wrap this round and then build it up on this area and then you could just have

It where it slots off into that little area there and then you could get your white stained glass and it lets a lot of light into that house and you can obviously add more windows but em it’s a good way to go about AI feel and if you

Do it blank first it depends on it’s hard to do these builds because not everybody is going to be able to get the seed so you need to need to understand that you know sometimes in these block four block tutorials I do need to remove blocks because it gives people

Inspiration because they’ve got different Terra forms to you and different landscapes so where I don’t know what I was doing there and so yes same with this bring this round get him do it across the top here just leaving that one gap trail and even if

You wanted to you could have it like this you know add that so it adds into it like that you know which I think really added something to it and then yeah you could just do stuff like this you could have them said that your landscape ends about here is something

Like that you could just leave it with just those there or you could even do more windows add some Bush there as well and so you come around this area you could maybe only get to there so just take out the two windows and build it in

With the landscape I’ll see you see fit so when you definitely make in your own build from this good idea as well as put a block there block there block there and a block there and then get the half slabs and this is not the half slabs the

Panes of glass and it just gives a different window design so you’ve got that window design as well and you could try out you could even try different blocks of glass and see if they work you could have like open windows as well so maybe like some parts like on this

House and we’re open it’s like a bit open plan like that and then there yeah you can just do whatever you like just you can even have that going across the top it’s just so much you can do you know hopefully you can get quite inventive with that and butch yeah same

With here if you wanted a water feature here and I’m going off on a bit of a tangent here but if you wanted a water feature it just so happened to wear be outside and you’ve got a little there landscape area here that you can use you

Could then get some water and dripping down you’ve got like a war fountain that comes out the side of your building fill all that up so many a bit different makes it stand out you can add some more bushes around the area but yeah it’s something cool isn’t it and then sit

Same with like decorating and landscaping adding bushes adding some more trees around the area you know like this sort of thing maybe you want it up and around here then then let’s get the time set and I’ll show you what I mean get some bonemeal as well I don’t know

What I’m doing there and kind of been doing this for hours now I’m losing my head a little yeah so yeah this is I mean just a bit of bone meal and stuff you can add it around your landscapes make your landscapes look a little bit better add

Some paths and stuff if they’re a bit plain general I mean just mix it all in so yeah that’s it what you can do at the back of the building and then we have just got one more level left but also side note what you can do say that we went down into

This area down here there is quite a lot going on and if you wanted to like somehow go a staircase here or something and so right in this corner where we put that TV thing maybe we could put a staircase here so we could maybe get some of these

Maybe count 1 2 3 on the 4th one 3 lots of stairs going up and yeah it’s another way to get down so you don’t have to walk all the way around to building cuz I probably get quite tiresome after a while so we can get through there this

Is why you shouldn’t be shy about you know removing blocks and stuff because you never know when you could use it you can bring this up to the same height as your building and it also just add some into the building divide some of your rooms up you can use the most room

Dividers and things like that put some paintings on there maybe this side corner here where you’ve got the stair set here this is where you could decide to then 1 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 you could have like individual rooms here so even you could follow this

Design as well you could go across here and then just have like this wall coming up here you could have it in white as well I bring in this white up to the top and it acts as a ceiling support as well so it looks like your house is a bit

More structured so you could just do up to this point here and you could end it there and that one could be white but this one’s a little bit different so a little doorway through there maybe you can add some more windows take windows away but hopefully you get the idea from it

It Sam you don’t necessarily have to do it the same but I’m giving you the dimensions just in case you know just in case you’ve just got no inspiration whatsoever no inspiration flowing through your blood with service so hopefully get a little bit right bring

This bit up here and turn I mean just like look at that so simple but to put a window there put some plant pots on there as well get up some shelving systems get some shelves on there something like that you could do it here

As well and then when it gets to that bit and just leave it so it doesn’t have to be it could be odd to even stuff and yet just divide any rooms up like that I mean you could even just go straight across like this and then one two three

Four five so you wanted five across there bring this wall up so you could just fill that wall in and then same with this one you could have a four high five high door and doesn’t matter so much it just kind of makes your build your very own but I will definitely put

Some furniture ideas and stuff in the description so you can check them out my phone’s fall in here and yeah same for like this you’d always you’d always can be the same that’s what you’ve done before so yeah didn’t like that or something and then you get your iron bars stick them in

There and you’ve got some nice opening doors you can obviously change the floss it doesn’t have to be all in white you can put carpets down as well and you can even just have like that it’s like just a little divider wall there and it just

That could be a top kitchen or something and just leave it open like that and so many different designs that you can do that will make it stand out from someone else’s like it could be a wall difference something like that you can see people on the other side I’m just

Putting a little C shape there so you’ve just divided a wall and put some glass in there and you’ve got different rooms different areas different things you can do taking out different different blocks in different areas which you think would make it look good make it stand out you

Could even just have shelter or you can fill it with glass you could even have just a big window here that comes up one goes over and like that you could just have it open plan like that maybe just just like that nobody’s judging so yeah

You’ve got that we’ve got a nice open plant there’s plenty of space I mean you can do so much and then with the reefs and stuff like that you can just even just stuff like this just by joining these roofs going all the way across in different areas see that has added

Something to the reef it’s not just plain anymore you’re just bringing these across where you’ve got these bits so you come in the room and you’re like ah rightness it’s very different I mean like that bring them across joins into that wall get this one you can use

These as main supports you know they’re like the structure of it you can use them in a different block or something like that look how much difference that’s made to that roof and then same here just putting some lighting systems or something like that and you could

Have them as do you know like vents or something so you could do I mean iron s I mean and yeah yeah pretty pretty damn awesome and so we’ll work on to the next layer and I’ll show you how we can get a stair set going up into it and then we

Can finally finish you off and but I think I’m gonna have another break after this and I’m gonna grab myself a cup of tea same here as well you could just do it across like that and just have the one little doorway there and get your

Iron bar well same you can even drag it along a bit more like that and then put it there so it’s open you’ve got the glass there it’s pretty wicked and yeah just little [ __ ] like I don’t know just stuff like this you know you could put a little

Table to little them things like that and then you’ve got like a table at the side maybe people are chilling out maybe work on there maybe you might get some Sun down here have a little deck chairs at the side some deck chairs out here you could have like different deck

Chairs you could have the deck chair that goes in with the deck or of this like this get some longer ones one two three few little deck chairs there as well and yeah just wherever you feel would work but I think so far it’s pretty awesome

And you can get some more stuff around the pool you can add some Bush even if you want it to like get some bush around the pool just around this little area where it’s kind of cut off something like that you know people come in and

Then like yeah have a dip in the pool I would live in this house definitely I don’t know why I’ve got icer probably because it’s snowing and but yes so we’ve got one more layer to do I think I’m gonna chill out for a little bit and

Then I’ll come back but yeah just simple stuff like this Adam Bush in different areas can make your bills stand out from the rest you’ve got that putting little shelves and stuff and see what we’ve got yeah I’m okay with all this I’m okay with all this this is all good there’s

So much room for EM doing your own thing as well so yeah it’s nice and open plan hopefully yeah enjoy and but yeah I’ll come back in a second once I’ve done this and but so far I’m quite happy with that and I’m gonna have to remove all that

Stuff maybe do the garden get some nice trees coming out in different areas get some long trees but yeah I will come back in eight minutes right so let’s get back on it I’ve just had my break and yeah I’m ready to go and so what we’re gonna do

Is we’re gonna place a placement block just across here just so we can get like a template don’t place these down it’s just so you kind of know where you’re up and then I’m gonna place a block just before this it’d be like one two and

Then be a block there all right so for now I’m gonna do that there and then just on it this corner piece here where it joins on there I’m gonna place a block there so I’m gonna go up one two three four five six seven I’m gonna go

All the way across like this and then I’m gonna bring it up to at this point here and so for this little area here this is what I’m thinking I’m thinking that’s one two three four five six seven bring it wait in fact yeah yeah three of

That so count in the one that we’ve already done so count that as one two three four five six seven and we do a number one here so just like that now what we’re gonna do is fill in this all with white it’s just gonna be a nice

Little plain building this one on the top and then we’re gonna do the same for this one as well just like that fill it all in with the white and they’re not from bit that’s where we’re gonna obviously have the door into the place and then I’m gonna do another one which

Is one two three four five six so it be seven count on that one I’m gonna put that put it across and joint then I’m gonna do one more so one two three four five six and then this one yeah bring it all the way across and so

It’s open like that it’s gonna be a bit more open planet this one and then I am going to join this era here to here just like this bring it all the way across and just square them off and then bring this down to the ground and hopefully

I’ll put it in the right place so like that and exactly where we’ve put those over there so one two three four five six seven so where that one side comes up comes up here as well and one two three four five six this should be one two three four

Five gaps in between each one every time one two three four five six and then the same here just like that and then we can fill these two in with the white just like this build that one and we feel this one as well and then we can start work on a pretty

Awesome route okay so I’ve got that one in and this is what I’m thinking here so one two three four five six on the simple one place this one coming up like this and then just to fill it in in fact girl like that what do you see for five

Should be across bring this all the way across as well perfect and yes so what I’m gonna do for this is I’m gonna try and bring this going all the way around on this side like this and bring it all the way around here so we’re using the dark oak stairs bring it

All the way around get around to this side and then I’m going to start using the stone slaps to kind of curl around so it’s kind of like it’s got curly Reed so it’s not picking up too much of it I think it’d look a bit too funny if it

Picks up like that so we’ve got that that’s looking nice and then I’ve got back bulky at the back there my she puts all the stuff on not here I’m going to trail this round and yeah this is what I’m gonna do I’m gonna grab some of the

Dark oak wood fence I’m gonna bring it over to here and this is gonna go over and round this here just like this and it’s gonna come around here it should join into that block little place there this is like the very top balcony there we go let’s have a little

Look from a distance very nice I’m liking it’s looking good and then yeah I’m gonna work on this roof so what I’m gonna do underneath here I’m gonna grab some of this fence I’m gonna run it all the way around like this and did I miss some point there there we are

Fortin missed one so this going across here think bill cut up quite nice with that white and then this going all the way around back here and then we can start work on this roof and hopefully it looks good hopefully you guys agree yeah so yeah

I’m gonna grab some of the stone slab now so yeah bring this microphone a bit closer this is Sir it’s probably a little bit quiet so yeah sorry if there’s a bit of microphone noise and so next area yeah just basically going round all this until it meets in the

Middle so I’m gonna speed this a little bit off so basically going round and I’ll show you the next area and I’ll show you what I mean so going round like this and then the next level up will be one in and we just pyramid it up so next

One be out like that you might have to remove one two there like that and then do it in so I’m gonna do that until it like pyramids up at the top and obviously when there’s two and you’ve gone too much and there’s just two slots

In the middle then just place either one or two slaps I’ll speed this bit up and just going round and you’ll see what I mean so as you can see once we’ve got to the top it’s to here so we’re gonna put two across like this hey you can always

Put stairs in there but ya don’t think it’s necessary but as you can see boom just a nice little reef like that I think it finishes off really really nicely now at the back here what I’m thinking is we could maybe get a balcony about this level so I’m thinking maybe

I kind of want to go onto that roof as well but have a balcony maybe kill him round from another area but yeah I’m gonna bring this up so it’s level with that one up there I can fill this in with the white like this and then at

This point here I’m gonna bring it across like this and then have another one here so its level should go all the way to the top and then confess it off there so it’s just like a main structural support going through and then it’s going up like this kind of

Like a bit of an outhouse at the top and then yeah just put the stuff in like that think of work you can always go like this go around the reef that way like that so it can it looks a bit more trimmed into it and of course what I’m

Planning on doing if I can get it off nighttime and I was wanting to grab some stairs just as you come out in this bit and then fill this whole bit in so you can kind of going up the stairs to it so we’re same here you can just put like

Three stairs here and you kind of get up that way and I think that’d work quite well and so let me see let’s just fill this in / I set 5-3 is it no three is it for oh come on it’s got to be one of them five

There we are okay and here as well and just so we don’t fall off the balcony leave that there bit open planned same with this so I’m just gonna leave it open plan but this side I’m gonna fence it up here as well you can put them too high as something

Like that but um it’s not really necessary and so we’ve got that and and what I’m thinking is I’m gonna put another building starting from here from this point – one two three four in fact let’s do it a little bit off ski starting from

Here so one gap in the corner so going up one two three four five six seven and bring it over let’s see how by how many that’s one two three four five six seven eight nine 10 11 12 13 like that and then I’ll bring this all the way

In fact I’ll do it one more I’m sorry about this it’s just so the roof will fit in do it all the way across until we get to this point here like that bring this across here and then bring this down give me a second okay so once we’ve

Done that we’re gonna go and bring it this down to here like that and then I think I’m gonna have like a bit of a back balcony there and I’m gonna raise this up a little bit more and but for now I think yeah

In fact I’m gonna raise it up a bit more so I’m gonna bring this round here like this going all the way around and bring it round across here like that and then I’m gonna go one two three and bring these over free like this

And then I can have a nervous apart beam coming down from here just in level with these ones just a one gap in between our two gaps in between even like that so we’ve got that one and then we go on to this back balcony I think I’m gonna have

A bit the bigger back balcony maybe one two three four one two three four like this and then this corner can bring it down joining there so there’ll be three gaps in this one so one two three gaps bring it up and then we can fill in the

Rest of it and then we can put a little building on top and get quite tired at this point and let’s see mmm right so in each of these corners so basically we’re bringing up with these poles here like this these poles each one and we’re bringing them up that’s one two three

Four five six bring them up to six a 1 2 3 4 5 6 1 2 3 4 5 6 and then yeah we’ll close it off here like this and this as well this is kind of em yeah suppose you can put some gardens up here or

Something light up and I’m gonna go round like this like we’ve done with the over one obviously this is a bit of a smaller reef and yeah yeah and someone was at the door so yeah went and got my air aniseed balls I got from Amazon even though the

Packet came broken what’s with that done I mean who does that I’m meeting them anyway I prayed so if you don’t see me you know why so yeah just a little pre warning yes I’m gonna do exactly the same as what I’ve done there before here so just keeping

Bringing it round like that until the meat as you can see this roof is done also now we can work on the little tiny details now for this at the front of this as you can see that’s where that bit is we’re going to the front and this

Bit it’s gonna be war two of these and then we can get on to that balcony that way and then here I’m gonna try and find the middle one two three four five one two three four five sleeves a count one two three four five need a cup there

Yeah so I’m gonna go like this little bit of a different design I’m gonna do exactly the same here as well so just what we’ve done there so one two three four five and then bring it up same here one two three four five bring it up

Like that and then one going through the center at the back we could do the same here with their three designs so it’d be three posts there and then we can get some white concrete and bring it round so I’m gonna fill the rest in with a

White concrete cell this bit this bit at the back I’m just gonna leave a two-door way where we can get at get out and something simple like that I think will do I’m just gonna change the time there we go and yet here as well so fill this in

Hopefully you guys think this is an all right house I am I can’t like it so far I think it looked quite cool and I don’t think many people are build it to be honest and I don’t think YouTube’s very busy at the moment fair and people watching because there there hasn’t been

Many updates and I think it’s making minecraft struggle a little bit I think but I’m gonna still do these if there’s still gonna be people watching them so yeah so no worries there you can probably tell I’m quite tired as I’ll be still here when I’m all done 50 years

Old I bring this here and then we can have a lot quite looks like right so this top part I’m liking it looking good and then need balcony I’m gonna bring a balcony round I’m gonna put one at this side wall at this side same here one

Here one here and then for the rest of it I’m going to add some Bush at the two sides these two sides here add a bit of Bush and then I’ll get this fence coming all the way around here and just joining onto those little bits same here as well

I think I think I’m gonna put two up here and then just curl this round like that just something simple I think it looks good done and then get some bushes across this bit exactly the same here I think would be the best bet bring this

All the way around your honour unto that part bring these two what this curl this round if I can actually do it super tightest points super tired right so this bit here as well I think what we should do find the center which will be in fact I

Just got one two three four five bring it up at this side one two three four five bring it up at this side and then do the same here as well so same here 1 2 3 4 5 1 2 3 4 5 bring them up and that

One up bring this one up and then fill the rest in with the white concrete I mean you can put some windows in here and stuff like that but I kind of like it plain to be honest we can put some stairs and then we can put some balconies going up around and

Then all that’s left to do is really put trees up and stuff so actually can see we’ve got this overhang of the balcony what we can do here one two three four one two three four bring those up like that and then we can fill the rest in

With this then we can see what it looks like obviously we need to put a floor in that as well because it’s too high so yeah I’ve got that and I might put these up here as well and then put this across the dock

And but as I say you can take out these windows do you know I mean if you if you feel you want some windows there I might put some windows for the the bottom half two windows at the side for these ones because it’s a bit thicker one two three

Four one two three four bring them up well this one up and then bring this across here and then if you wanted to put the windows in you don’t want to take any out you just put the Rinne window ready do the same here little bit of lighting and these ones are just

Gonna be straight up straight up for this one and then we’ve got our two window for this one I think I might just use some white glass I think that might do the trick for these ones and yeah the floor in em so you can decide to put

Your M I’ll probably just put stair set coming up wherever you’d like just maybe from one of the windows just coming up and it should shoot past the window there we go there we go and then you’re up to that level then and then you can

Just build round like that just so you can just get underneath the stairs like that so I’m gonna use a little bit well done it just to wear fill this little bit in there we go and same here just to fill this little top high get it done and

Ready so yeah and got a nice little area there and what you can do you want these is like beach houses or something maybe it’s like a holiday let for your guests and things and window wise yeah get our white stained glass in be interesting to

See what this looks like when it’s all done because I tend to focus like get hyper focused on one area to build and then I’m not always looking back to see what it actually looks like hopefully others good same here as well you can have just the one slide indoor window or

Whatever so we’ve got that back here we’ve got that balcony back here and yeah I think just something like this you could go from this post here one two three maybe four then one two three four five six seven something like that and then bring it all the way across here to

About this point it doesn’t have to be this far put it up maybe four five you could even put it up six put it across like this just like for a little bit of shade kind of thing put it across wait African if I can do it bit tricky and awkward sometimes

These posts I think this should make them so like the the place like real blocks so you just have to aim at the the box but oh well that’s me just being picky I guess there we go to that and then across the top I think I might just

Use some slab and so we’ll get the dark oak slab grab some of that and then place it over the top you can have it overhanging if you want overhanging by one maybe turn all the way round here and you can some little lamb slats in

The roof and stuff you can just go round like this like this just around that area and then so you let a little bit of light through here you could just get one one one one one one yeah they’re all even so put one every over one like this

You put some deck chairs out here and stuff underneath this little gazebo area one two three four five six multi-million dollar mansion oh that looks nice it does look nice So you could have it there so it like that this bit kind of tips into it like this goes over and round up back just fencing it off you could even do it like this so all of these are just kind of resting on it and then bring it all the

Way back and all the way around like this rates are there around the front here yeah I think that should work should work quite good i slots into that little bit you can have some more deck chairs out the front here so one two three four have some trees around this

Area just something to make it look nice you know you can add some bushes and just like have a stopgap each side like that yeah you can do whatever you want you can have some little gazebos and things like that but I think so far that’s pretty pretty awesome quite happy

With that and yeah the same here you could do the same here so like one two three four so it’s just one off the side do one off the side here one two three four and then there bring it back bring it back to maybe this point one two

Three four across here making sure it’s in level with that one two three four and just have the one just going over the top of this let’s change the time again and we can see what it looks like see if it looks alright hopefully it does but

Yeah you can have a little fire pit or something underneath here and you can even have these stripes coming down from here one one one one like this and you can do exactly the same as what you’ve done with the over bit where you got the

Trap doors and put them on there just to add a little bit more to it you could even get some iron trap doors now obviously through survival just use the wooden ones but being creative you couldn’t get away with doing this there’s some iron trap doors on it

Let’s delight through still and yeah I think it looks quite good I’ll see what I can do for like you know like a little barbecue some out chairs as well yeah so underneath here I mean you can do it however you like and you could do it

Well you just have one here and then you could have your you could even have dispensers at the side of it just like that a little fire pit doesn’t have to be wood but you put something behind it some stones something like that and you can probably do it in the cobblestone

And then you could use the cobblestone wall for a bit of a funnel something like that I think you could get some like outside couches and stuff it could get some proper clock comfy couches something like that you know I beside the barbecue to gap in between that something like that I think

Would do the trick and then you can them obviously place wherever you like you could do some get with a spruce instead get some little trees bushes around the area book you kind of get the idea and I think that is pretty pretty awesome multi-million dollar mansion same with this as well

You can kind of divide it up and have your doorway into it probably matching up with that one like that fill this in and you could have some windows maybe on this point so just fill the two in here and get your white stained glass and feel this in

Something like that and then across here do something like that a bit more open plan let’s get our I’m bars and stick those in boom you know I think it’s pretty awesome pretty wicked I’m pretty proud of that so but I think it’s them it’s not the best I could do but it’s

The best I could do for you know like a tutorial and stuff so hopefully people are happy but um yeah tree wise you could get big long trees like this just you can have something like this just sticking out make them quite big and just get some random bushes around it

And stuff like a little palm trees or something like that you know you don’t have to be perfect just kind of workout it until you’re happy with it so maybe down like that you know you’ve got little trees like that going around the place and yeah I think really make

It stand out but also you can just add other trees if you want in like I don’t know say you could have like a little area here where you just kind of do something like this you you get some grass like this and then just get some quartz

Put it round it like this and you have got a flower bed and then you can add your flowers in I’ll just stick with the red sort of theme we’ve got going on but you can do that around the place just to make it you know pop in areas where you

Want it to stand out and stuff and but I think that’s pretty awesome so yeah for here the garden as well if you want to just kind of do it like this so that you just want you just want an easy route you can obviously make palm trees and

Make the garden a bit more decorative and stuff but if you want it the kind of quick fix just do something like this you know just grow some oak trees around the area and then you’ve got a nice little tree farm something like this you know let’s see how this turns out

Hopefully there’s some big ones in there it just makes it stand out a bit better but yeah and then just fill the grass with some bone meal and stuff like that get some flowers of your choice get some pathways going through but I think something like this it stands out it

Looks good you could get a little pond in there as well something like that and of course I forgot em if we’re going here tonight / I set 5 boom there we go but hopefully I think we’re about done yeah show em I think that’s not too bad so all I need

To do now is maybe just add a few details here and there just add implant pots and stuff like I’ll give you an example like what you could do will stick to this red and white theme because it’s quite a big house you can have some big plant pots too like one

There every other third one or something or you could have them down here so one here two gaps one here two gaps one here two gaps one here two gaps and then put these round them the two gaps you need so you can actually place these down just like this

And we can see what it looks like we could put them behind as well but not many people are gonna see behind but just for my own yeah you know our main boom look at that look at that and same with there if you wanted to add like

Little flowers maybe you just want to add some different color flowers in it as well and you could grab some fit and all I don’t know happen there there we go put them on each windowsill get some blue flowers this time why not we’ll change it up a little bit I guess

Got some beautiful flowers there and then it’s just all about like looking around the place you can decorate with whatever you’d like and what you feel would work just run even random flowers there just at one on the side you know it can make all the difference and even

Up here as well you put some plant parts and stuff and but yeah on these balconies as well so stuff like this I tend to do this if it’s a long tutorial I’ll just kind of keep going and so something like this and then one two three one two three

It’s amazing what a couple of bushes here in there will do t build and I think it makes it stand out like here as well you can bring this across you can do what ever you like I’m sure you guys can come up with some cool inventive

Ideas I mean even just this little bit here if you want it to wear add some water down there it could might just bring a little bit of color in just get a bit water going all the way down here this stops there why not

Yeah why not I say why not but I think I’m not sure how I’m gonna take a picture of this to give it justice so you guys will want to build it but hopefully you enjoyed this video I’m almost addicted and I’m going to be signing out because I’ll need some sleep

After this and but hopefully you enjoyed it you can put like a Ramat rubber dingy in here as well I’ll just keep you aware something like this just adds to it you could put a little boat in there as well but and just something like this you know and let’s see just red

Red white red or something like this I mean there you go you got a little rubber dinghy thing going on but hopefully you guys enjoyed this video it’s a pretty epic mansion you gotta agree and if you did enjoy it make sure you slap a like on the video it just

Really helps me out but hopefully you’ve enjoyed this cliff house minecraft multi-million dollar mansion and there yeah let me know get a hold of me on Twitter if you manage to build this I would love to see what you guys come up with if you put any creative designs

Into this build it would look pretty awesome you can always add like different stuff to the top of this as well just it’s just not all plain wall you can take some stuff out of it and do not I mean you can do so much with it hopefully I’ll give you enough

Inspiration to em you know cut it up a little bit make it your own maybe put some down here I might actually just grab this white here and cap it even and just trim up at the top of here so now I’m gonna think of a thumbnail design to

Give it just this and but if not and you’ve managed to click on it and you’ve probably in for a surprise if it’s not as good as a thumbnail and so yeah just share it with your friends and that’s all I can that’s faster I like a comment

In a share yeah yeah peace out almost addicted signing out I’ve quite enjoyed that that’s a good one pigs

This video, titled ‘Minecraft: How To Build a MODERN Mansion / Modern Cliff/Mountain house! 2018’, was uploaded by A1MOSTADDICTED MINECRAFT on 2018-07-20 17:04:23. It has garnered 365892 views and 8393 likes. The duration of the video is 02:26:49 or 8809 seconds.

Minecraft: How To Build a MODERN Mansion / Modern Cliff/Mountain house! 2018 ►Tour of this house in full! https://youtu.be/NNp6k4aYATs ►DOWNLOAD THE SEED FOR THIS HOUSE AND THE FOUNDATIONS ALREADY MADE FOR YOU HERE (Hit that like, helps me loads, thanks) http://www.mediafire.com/file/dw27x7p5pmaa56v/Modern%20cliff%20house%20seed.zip

Minecraft: How To Build a huge modern house / Modern villa Tutorial [ How to make ] 2018 building. Large modern house. Large Modern cliff house! Mountain hom Tutorial This episode of Minecraft Build Tutorial is focused on a quick, simple and easy large, modern hill house with secret parts that doesn’t need many resources to build but is still beautiful and will look nice in any world. This how to build a big house tutorial will work on PC, Xbox, PS3, PS4, Wii U and Minecraft PE. This is part of a new series that will focus on how to build a epic Minecraft house for vanilla survival (1.8 or 1.9 friendly). This house could be used and is easily adaptable as a big a Italian villa. It’s a large modern house that should fit into any city project! Minecraft: EASY, SIMPLE, JUNGLE HOUSE TUTORIAL ( Biome House ) Secret Cave https://youtu.be/Mfkw8n7Dqg8 In this Minecraft series I will be showing you building tutorials in Minecraft that are quick and useful and show you how to build in various different styles and with many different uses.

Mystery Link: https://youtu.be/IflJqPb5l-M

► Subscribe and join the TEAM! :: http://bit.ly/2aFewK5 ► Follow Me on Twitter :: https://twitter.com/A1MOSTADDICTED ► Help Feed A1mostaddicted :: https://goo.gl/1Indhv ► Previous Video ::

I do Small, Big, Rustic, Medieval Survival houses. How to make a small starter house. minecraft.

► Follow My Social Media! ● Twitter: https://twitter.com/A1mostaddicted ● Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/a1mostaddicted

► Credits ♫ Song: Pay For The Fall (Goblin Mashup)

● Texturepack: Faithful – https://mods.curse.com/texture-packs/… ● Shaders: Kuda – http://minecraftsix.com/kuda-shaders-mod/

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    Join Minewind Minecraft Server for the Latest Updates and Exciting Gameplay! Welcome to NewsMinecraft.com, your go-to source for all things Minecraft! Today, we want to talk about the latest updates in the Minecraft modding community. While watching a recent YouTube video about Minecraft mods, you may have come across some exciting new additions to the game. But have you ever thought about taking your Minecraft experience to the next level by joining a unique and thrilling Minecraft server? Imagine a world where you can explore, build, and survive alongside other passionate Minecraft players. That’s where Minewind comes in. With its dynamic gameplay and dedicated community, Minewind offers an immersive Minecraft… Read More

  • 5 Oyunlu Hub Plugin Paketi Minecraft

    5 Oyunlu Hub Plugin Paketi Minecraft Minecraft Hub Plugin Paketi: Oyun Dolu Macera! Minecraft, milyonlarca oyuncunun dünyasına kapılarını açan eşsiz bir sanal platformdur. Bu platformda, hayal gücünüzü kullanarak kendi dünyanızı yaratabilir, maceraya atılabilir ve diğer oyuncularla etkileşime geçebilirsiniz. İşte bu eğlenceli dünyada, 5 oyunlu hub plugin paketi Minecraft oyuncularına benzersiz bir deneyim sunuyor. Oyun Dolu Paket Detayları Bu özel paket, play.coleria.com.tr adresindeki sunucuda kullanılmaktadır. Paketin içeriğindeki oyunlar, oyunculara farklı ve heyecan dolu deneyimler yaşatmak için özenle seçilmiştir. Ayrıca, paketin sunucu sitesi olan www.coleria.com.tr adresinden de daha fazla bilgi edinebilirsiniz. Discord Sunucu ve Paket Edinme Eğer bu heyecan verici paketi edinmek istiyorsanız, Discord sunucularına katılabilir ve… Read More

  • Insane New Secret in Minecraft 1.21 – Join the Madness!

    Insane New Secret in Minecraft 1.21 - Join the Madness!Video Information This video, titled ‘|Join!|Building+Chill [Minecraft] 1.21’, was uploaded by DuckGoRawr on 2024-08-30 13:37:30. It has garnered 26 views and 4 likes. The duration of the video is 02:07:49 or 7669 seconds. Like and Subscribe Plz it help lots lol Join My Discord!- https://discord.gg/crKw3X5TJw Comment What you think I should do next! . . . . . . Ignore the tags – #viral #live #stream #viral #youtube #duck #gaming #video #chill #edit #gamer #anime #shorts, #youtubeshorts, #viral, #trending, #subscribe, #foryou, #foryoupage, #fyp, #explorepage, #discover, #viralvideo, #tiktok, #instagram, #youtube, #reels #minecraft # chill Read More

  • Savage Survival Action: Minecraft SMP Live!

    Savage Survival Action: Minecraft SMP Live!Video Information This video, titled ‘🔴Minecraft SMP Live | 3 Hours Minecraft Survival SMP Playing With Viewers – Anyone Can Join :)’, was uploaded by Dark Corrupt A on 2024-04-09 20:21:34. It has garnered 156 views and 11 likes. The duration of the video is 04:42:08 or 16928 seconds. Paypal: paypal.me/DarkCorruptA (if u wana help me fully without the cring 30% cut Youtube does xd) Discord: https://discord.gg/m5PKeyykCg Thumbnail Artist: @darkcorrupta Minecraft SMP Rules: 1. No Hacks or Cheats (Permeant Ban) 2. No Slurs (Permeant Ban) 3. Not Following Common Sense (Permeant Ban) 4. If you kill someone without a valid… Read More

  • Arctic Sythe’s EPIC Survival Adventure || Hell Kingdom || Hindi || ArcticSythe

    Arctic Sythe's EPIC Survival Adventure || Hell Kingdom || Hindi || ArcticSytheVideo Information This video, titled ‘The New Beginning In Minecraft Survival || Hell Kingdom Ep 1 || Hindi || ArcticSythe’, was uploaded by Arctic Sythe on 2024-04-19 19:35:00. It has garnered 10 views and 2 likes. The duration of the video is 00:09:04 or 544 seconds. The New Beginning In Minecraft Survival || Hell Kingdom Ep 1 || ArcticSythe Hindi gameplay Its my new journey so hit the like button *Do Subscribe and *Hit the bell icon 🔔 Okay💛…That was It Hopefully You Enjoyed the video Hit That like button 😜 Subscribe 😁 and Share 😇… See Ya in the… Read More

  • Insane Ice Crushing with FlexMC

    Insane Ice Crushing with FlexMCVideo Information This video, titled ‘FlexMC / Buz Parçalama’, was uploaded by zSimpeZ on 2024-01-07 13:20:03. It has garnered views and [vid_likes] likes. The duration of the video is or seconds. minecraft sonoyuncu skyblock, minecraft sonoyuncu hile, minecraft sonoyuncu hack, minecraft sonoyuncu survival, minecraft … Read More

  • Minecraft + Dronio Teach English! 🔥 Try a lesson now!

    Minecraft + Dronio Teach English! 🔥 Try a lesson now!Video Information This video, titled ‘Изучаем Английский с Дронио и Майнкрафт Запишитесь на бесплатное пробное занятие по ссылке’, was uploaded by Дронио on 2024-01-17 21:45:03. It has garnered 62 views and 0 likes. The duration of the video is 00:08:16 or 496 seconds. “Learning English with Minecraft Sign up for a free trial lesson using the link” #shorts #minecraft #minecraft Sign up for a free trial English lesson in Minecraft with your parents, here is the link: ➜ https://clck.ru/37cpim Our social network social network https://dronio24.com ➜ https://dronio24.com SUBSCRIPTION MOTION GRAPHICS FOR VIDEO DESIGN ➜ https://clck.ru/37hFR8 Digital Art Monetization https://displate.com/acr/wine-empire?art=5b9d0b5248011 DOWNLOAD… Read More

  • HEROBRINE REVENGE: Devil Gamer’s Insane Minecraft Animation

    HEROBRINE REVENGE: Devil Gamer's Insane Minecraft AnimationVideo Information This video, titled ‘HEROBRINE REGENGE minecraft animation #minecraft#shots #viral’, was uploaded by Devil Gamer nep on 2024-04-28 08:50:53. It has garnered 42 views and 19 likes. The duration of the video is 00:00:36 or 36 seconds. Read More

  • Alien Rituals Revealed by Walter the Wildlife Explorer! 🌌

    Alien Rituals Revealed by Walter the Wildlife Explorer! 🌌Video Information This video, titled ‘Alien Ritual Ground Unveiled! 🌌 – Walter’s Minecraft Videos for Kids’, was uploaded by Walter the Wildlife Explorer on 2024-08-15 22:00:34. It has garnered 8434 views and 281 likes. The duration of the video is 00:00:39 or 39 seconds. Welcome to Walter the Wildlife Explorer’s Adventure: Minecraft Epic Jungle Safari Speed Run Exploration! 🌳🦊 Hey there, little explorers! It’s Walter the Wildlife Explorer, and today I’m here to remind you of the amazing adventures waiting for you just outside your door. But first, let me tell you about something super cool – I’ve been playing… Read More


    UNBELIEVABLE: GOLDYGAMER22 BUILDS LARGEST MINECRAFT CASTLE!Video Information This video, titled ‘Building the BIGGEST Castle in Minecraft! EPIC 2024’, was uploaded by GoldyGamer22 on 2024-08-12 02:14:00. It has garnered 165 views and likes. The duration of the video is 00:07:29 or 449 seconds. Welcome to my channel! In this epic Minecraft video, I take on the challenge of building the BIGGEST castle you’ve ever seen! Join me as I craft an ultimate fortress, showcasing incredible designs, intricate details, and massive structures that will leave you in awe. Watch as I gather resources, construct towering walls, and add stunning features like grand halls, secret rooms, and majestic… Read More

  • Minecraft Build Hacks – EPIC Pocket Edition Tricks!

    Minecraft Build Hacks - EPIC Pocket Edition Tricks!Video Information This video, titled ‘Build Hacks Minecraft Pocket Edition 1.20 [ Part 1 ] #minecraft #shorts #shortsvideo #mcpe #build’, was uploaded by Creyou Playz on 2024-03-23 11:30:11. It has garnered 10142 views and likes. The duration of the video is 00:00:33 or 33 seconds. #minecraft #short #trending #minecraftjava #mcpehindi #minecraftshorts #youtubeshortsr #youtubeshortsr #shorts #shortvideo #shortvideo #subscribe #shortsvideo #shortsvideo #status #shortsfeed #song #share #sad #music #meme #motivational #naruto #mobilelegends #m#youtubeshortsr #makeup #asmr #anime #art #attitude #army #animals #amazing #alightmotion #alightmotion #ajjubhai #minecraft top shaders 1.19 #minecraft #roblox #cake recipe #chainsaw man #chod video #cubecraft #evident #eystreem #famous water park #football… Read More

  • play.earthside.nl

    play.earthside.nlEarthside Network Survival Server Welkom bij Earthside Network, de ultieme survival server voor avonturiers en bouwers! Op onze server beleef je een unieke Minecraft-ervaring op een prachtige, uitgestrekte wereld. Of je nu een ervaren speler bent of net begint, bij Earthside vind je een gastvrije gemeenschap en eindeloze mogelijkheden om te verkennen, bouwen en overleven. Read More

  • Master Realm now live! PvE

    Welcome to Master Realm’s New Season – “The Corrupted Chunks”! Join us on our latest adventure as we explore a realm sealed by ancient gods. Unlock chunks with blocks or items to face tougher monsters, complex structures, and new mobs and items. Season Features: Explore a Corrupted World Experience Blood Moons and enemy swarms Engage in Economy & Trading with coins and exclusive items Discover new Slimefun Enhancements Conquer 100 new Dungeons & Bosses If you’re ready for a unique challenge and a diverse community, join us at Master Realm today! IP: mr.enviromc.net:25573 Discord: https://discord.gg/bwUwd9b6BS Read More

  • Minecraft server

    How to connect and play on this server? You must have the game version 1.21.1 installed. How to check? At startup, the game version will be displayed on the right, at the bottom. If it is a different version, you should change the current profile (left, bottom) and select version 1.21.1 Click the PLAY button, wait for the Minecraft game to load. Choose: Multiplayer Click the button “Direct connect”, or if you want to keep the server in its list, press the button “Add server” In the field “Server address” write: (GL HF) Read More

  • Minecraft Memes – German voice actor unites Jack and Wheatley

    Minecraft Memes - German voice actor unites Jack and WheatleyLooks like Jack Block and Wheatley are bridging the language barrier in Minecraft with their shared German voice actor – now that’s what I call a block-buster performance! Read More

  • Villagers vs Explosive Donut Showdown! #boom #minecraft #lol

    Villagers vs Explosive Donut Showdown! #boom #minecraft #lol Why did the villager bring a TNT donut to the test? Because he wanted to see if it would blow his taste buds away! #boom #minecraftlogic Read More

A1MOSTADDICTED MINECRAFT – Minecraft: How To Build a MODERN Mansion / Modern Cliff/Mountain house! 2018